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Contract 40890 (2)
CITY SECRETARY 5 O CONTRACT NO. Tiburon, Inc. 6200 Stoneridge Mall Road Suite 400 Pleasanton, CA 94588 USA T: 925.621.2700 F: 925.621,2799 www.tiburoninc.com February 25, 2010 Mrs. Melony Ebel Fort Worth Police Department 350 Belknap Street Fort Worth, TX 76102 Subject: Enhancement Proposal (EP)-13992A: Level II DBA Support Reference: Contract executed between Tiburon, Inc. and the City of Fort Worth Master Support Agreement dated March 2, 2007 — City Contract Number 35480 Dear Melony: Tiburon, Inc. is pleased to present the Fort Worth Police Department with this Enhancement Proposal for Level II DBA Services. This Enhancement Proposal will begin coverage on the date of Enhancement Proposal acceptance for a period of one (1) year. Scope Description Provide Level II DBA service for one (1) production database in accordance with Attachment A. Price Description 1) Firm Fixed Price: $19,800. 2) The firm fixed price covers one (1) year of support. Once the year is over, if the Department elects to continue with Level 2 DBA support, a firm fixed price quote for the upcoming year will be provided. The Client is a tax exempt entity and shall not be subject to any taxes pursuant to this Enhancement. 3) This quote does not include taxes levied by any government agency for technical services. Taxes for technical services, if applicable, are the responsibility of the Client. Tiburon Responsibilities 1) Please refer to Attachment A. Client Responsibilities 1) Please refer to Attachment A. Terms and Conditions 1) The one (1) year of DBA Leve12 Support will commence upon Enhancement Proposal acceptance. 2) Payment Schedule: UPFICIALRECpRD GRYSECRETpRY . _FTv WORTH, 7X Mrs. Melony Ebel Fort Worth Police Department Enhancement Proposal (EP)43992A: Level II DBA Support Page 2 of 3 • I00% Upon Tiburon receipt of the signed acceptance of the Enhancement Proposal. 3) Travel or on -site time is not included in this Enhancement Proposal. 4) Training is not included in this Enhancement Proposal. 5) Except as described herein, all terms and conditions of the referenced agreement remain unchanged and in full force and effect. 6) This fixed price Enhancement Proposal is valid unless modified by Tiburon in writing prior to Client acceptance of this Enhancement Proposals otherwise, this Enhancement Proposal will expire on October 15, 2010. 7) By the Client's acceptance of this Enhancement Proposal in the signature blocks provided below, the Client is authorizing Tiburon to proceed with the work described herein and confirms funding will be obligated. Any requisite contractual documents required by the Client's purchasing procedures are the responsibility of the Client. 8) Upon execution by the Client, this Enhancement shall be incorporated into and governed by the terms and conditions of the Agreement referred to herein. The terms and conditions of the Reference Agreement, Contract executed between Tiburon, Inc., and the City of Fort Worth, Master Support Agreement dated March 2, 2007 and identified as City Secretary Contract No. 35480, and this EP prevail regardless of conflicting or additional terms and conditions on any Purchase Order or other correspondence. Any contingencies or additional terms obtained on any Purchase Order are not binding upon Tiburon. All Purchase Orders are subject to approval and acceptance by Tiburon. 9) Upon final acceptance of the Enhancement, Exhibit 2 of the referenced Agreement shall be amended to include the Enhancement as a Covered Application subject to the Client's payment of any necessary additional support fees relating to the Enhancement and the Software License Agreement as set forth in City Secretary Contract 29948, shall be amended as necessary or appropriate to grant to the Client the appropriate rights to use the Enhancement subject to payment. Upon review and acceptance of this Enhancement Proposal, please sign below and return the signed on of the Enhancement Proposal to Tiburon's Pleasanton office. Or, you can email a copy of this letter to sean.o'grady@tiburonmc.com. If you have any questions or require further information, please contact your Account Manager, Sean O'Grady, at 925-6994462 at your convenience Sincerely, Scott Carroll Contracts Manager Attachment A: Database Administration (DBA) Services version 4.1 Mrs. Melony Ebel Fort Worth Police Department Enhancement Proposal (EP)-13992A: Level 11 DBA Support Page 3 of 3 By this signature, the OR Worth Police Department accepts EP-13992A: CITY OF FORTH WORTH Jeffrey W. Halstead Chief of Police Signature: W Date. l0' g• ( U Tom Higgins Assistant City Manager Signature: Date: APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: Monica Wofford Wood Assistant City Attorney Authori M&C; Not Required Contract Number: ttiIT . 1itCOV, Ito ;AKA ATrActfm&j To �QA t.,c.O&L. M J,�vPPo2i A CONiPUDYN[ COfViPANY Database Administration (DBA) Services Version 4.1 January 5, 2009 Tiburon, Inc. 6200 Stoneridge Mall Road Suite 400 Pleasanton, CA 94588 [9251621-2100 Version 4.1 Database Administration Services Tiburon, Inc Notices: New publications incorporate all updates issued since the previous publication. Update packages, issued between publications, contain additional and/or replacement pages which should be merged into the most recent publication of the guide. Tiburon, Inc. reserves the right to alter or improve the equipment, software and/or specifications detailed in this document at any time and without any notice. The information detailed in this documentation could contain technical or typographical errors. Tiburon, Inc. waives any responsibilities incurred by anyone outside the company for labor or material cost as a result of using this document. Tiburon, Inc. shall not be held liable for any damages including, but not limited to, consequential, incidental special damages or loss of profits as a result or in connection with this document or its use. While every effort has been made to prepare an accurate, thorough and error -free document, your comments and suggestions regarding improvements to this user's manual are appreciated. Copyright: All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced in any form, including photocopying or translation to another language, without the prior written consent of Tiburon, Inc. Copyright ©2006 Tiburon, Inc. Tiburon is a registered trademark of CompuDyne Corporation. Printed in the United States of America. Trademarks: The following are trademarks or service marks of Tiburon, Inc. and are registered or pending in the United States of America. CAD - Computer Aided Dispatch®, Computer Aided Dispatch/2000®, CAD/20000, Records Management System/20000, RMS/2000@, Message Switching System/20000, MSS/20000, Judicial Management System/20000, JMS/20000, Corrections Management System/20008, CMS/20000, PIMS/20000, JDLO, GPA@, GMSO, RTMO, APS/20000, CAD Activity Reporting System/CARS@, Computer Assisted Public Safety System/CAPS@ All other brand and product names referenced in this guide are trademarks of their respective companies. Publication History: Publication Version Date Database Administration Services 1.0 Database Administration Services 2.0 July 15, 2005 Database Administration Services 3.0 March 20, 2006 Database Administration Services 4.0 August 4, 2006 Database Administration Services 4.1 January 5, 2009 This document was printed on March 5, 2009 Tiburon, Inc. February 9, 2009 Page a Version 4.1 Database Administration Services Tiburon, Inc Table of Contents 1. INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................................ 2 2. LEVEL 1— CLIENT' S DBA SUPPORT............................................................................................. 3 2.1 TIBURON RESPONSIBILITIES..........................................................................................................................3 2.2 CLIENT RESPONSIBILITIES............................................................................................................................ 3 3. LEVEL 2 —BASIC DBA SERVICES.................................................................................................. 4 3.1 TIBURON RESPONSIBILITIES..........................................................................................................................4 3.2 CLIENT RESPONSIBILITIES............................................................................................................................ 5 4. LEVEL 3 —FULL DBA SERVICES.................................................................................................... 6 4.1 TIBURON RESPONSIBILITIES..........................................................................................................................6 4.2 CLIENT RESPONSIBILITIES............................................................................................................................7 5. INCREMENTAL DBA SERVICES..................................................................................................... 8 Tiburon, Inc. February 9, 2009 Page i Version 4.1 Database Administration Services Tiburon, Inc 1. IN I NUU TI®N Periodic database administration is necessary to ensure data reliability and safety in case of a disaster. Tiburon, Inc. (Tiburon) offers three levels of database administration (DBA) service to help our clients administer the databases used by our products. The service plans range from assisting clients who have their own Database Administrator to performing all required DBA functions for the client. In each plan, our goals are the same: to ensure the safety of your data, and to provide stable, reliable operation of the database. Routine administration addresses common problems that can threaten database integrity, for example: • As the database grows, it may exceed the capacity of one of the various database files. If this occurs, data entry is interrupted until the condition is fixed. • The development of new reports or changes in usage of existing reports and modules can adversely affect database performance. Proper monitoring and planning minimizes the impact of such changes. • Unattended backup procedures can encounter problems that go unnoticed, jeopardizing your ability to recover the database in an emergency. A routine review of the backup logs and periodic verification of the backup tape contents ensures that these problems are discovered and remedied. • As the database grows, the organization of storage structures may become less efficient. To maintain optimum performance levels, tables and indexes may need periodic rebuilding. • The database software may need periodic upgrades/patching to fix any issues with the database software version. While some database administrative tasks require a degree of familiarity with the RDBMS, others require formal training and/or experience or a qualified DBA. The Level 1 DBA Service described below is a standard feature of the Tiburon Master Support Agreement (MSA). Level 1 DBA Service involves the creation of production and training databases to be used by Tiburon applications for clients that do not have their own database administrator (DBA). Database services offered as part of the Level 1 DBA Service are limited: they do not include preventive monitoring of the client's databases. Level 1 DBA Service also requires that the client perform periodic database backups, backup functionality monitoring, periodic database maintenance and database recoveries in the event of disaster. During the project phase, before go -live, Tiburon is available to assist with configuration of the database backups. Thereafter, Tiburon is available primarily for consultation to diagnose/resolve database problems that are directly related to the Tiburon applications. For clients that do not have access to the services of qualified DBA personnel, Tiburon offers its optional added -cost DBA service plans: Leve12 Client DBA Support, Level 3 Client DBA Support, and Client DBA Support on a time -and materials basis. These options provide the essential DBA services via dial -in access Level 2 DBA Service is designed for small- to medium -size databases that grow at a slower rate and are unlikely to encounter performance problems. It provides for monthly monitoring of critical issues and limited performance maintenance. Level 3 DBA Service is designed for medium- to large -size databases, and provides more frequent monitoring, recovery testing, and advanced tuning services. Tiburon, Inc. February 9, 2009 Page 2 Version 4.1 Database Administration Services Tiburon, Inc Level 1 Service is a standard feature of the Tiburon Master Support Agreement (MSA). For clients with their own DBA, this plan provides the support needed to ensure that the database supports their Tiburon applications. Tiburon will provide support ranging from providing information only to making database changes to fix only the problems encountered by the Tiburon applications. 2.1 TIBURON RESPONSIBILITIES • If required, work with client's DBA on the written production database backup planning document. • If required, work with client's DBA to provide assistance in setting up Tiburon prepared automated database backup scripts • Problem diagnosis and resolution on an 8x5 basis (24x7 coverage is optional) for database issues related to Tiburon applications, in accordance with the Master Support Agreement (MSA) • Expand database disk space allocations as required to resolve Tiburon application problem reports • Consultation as needed on Tiburon application database requirements 2.2 CLIENT RESPONSIBILITIES • Provide Tiburon access to database for problem diagnosis and resolution • Perform routine database monitoring and extensions of storage allocations • Reorganize indexes and tables as required to maintain performance levels • Perform all database performance analysis and tuning • Provide required hardware for database growth • Performing actual database backups and recoveries in case of disaster Tiburon, Inc. February 9, 2009 Page 3 Version 4.1 Database Administration Services Tiburon, Inc This optional plan provides the minimum database administration services required to ensure the safety of your agency's data and uninterrupted operation of the database. It is best suited to small- to medium -size agencies that do not have their own DBA. In addition to the services provided in Level 13 the Basic DBA plan provides monthly dial -in monitoring of critical database issues. This proactive monitoring includes checking backup logs (if Tiburon database backups are used), database error logs, analyzing and addressing near -term storage needs, and identifying significant changes in database performance. A monthly report on backup status, database growth, and any problems identified is also provided. In addition, this plan provides for periodic rebuilding of indexes and tables. By providing the essential DBA services on a dial -in basis, for an average of one day per month, Tiburon can offer these services at a fraction of the cost of a dedicated, full-time DBA. This plan also provides the option for Tiburon to configure and maintain database backup scripts and perform recovery in case a disaster strikes, as long as Tiburon database backups are used. 3.1 TIBURON RESPONSIBILITIES • Prepare and maintain the written production database backup plan document outlining client's responsibilities, tape or other storage media scheduling and management, and tape or other storage drive service requirements • Set up and maintain automated backup scripts, if Tiburon database backups are used • If Tiburon database backups are used, perform database recovery procedures, or assist only the client's DBA as needed to restore the database if lost or damaged • Monitor backup logs monthly, if Tiburon database backups are used • Perform problem diagnosis and resolution on a 24x7 basis • Monitor database disk storage growth monthly (tablespace, extents, filesystems, archives, redo, temp, rbs) • Expand disk space allocations as required (tablespace, filesystems, archives, redo, temp, rbs) • Monthly monitoring and purging of database alert log and trace files for potential problems • Monthly monitoring of inter -database processes for potential problems (replication, two-phase commits) if applicable. • Monthly monitoring of database performance for significant changes and identify problem applications and SQL statements • Maintain database system accounts and passwords Tiburon, Inc. February 9, 2009 Page 4 Version 4.1 Database Administration Services Tiburon, Inc • Annually rebuild indexes. This task could require database downtime • Annually reorganize/ denagment heavily updated tables, if fragmented. This task could require database downtime. • Perform database software version upgrades, if needed 3.2 CLIENT RESPONSIBILITIES • Provide Tiburon access to database for problem diagnosis and resolution • Load and manage backup tapes per backup plan and during recovery • Perform periodic performance tuning, if needed • Provide hardware required for database growth Tiburon, Inc. February 9, 2009 Page 5 Version 4.1 Database Administration Services Tiburon,Inc 4. LEVEL 3 - FULL DBA SERVICES This optional plan provides more frequent and extensive administrative services to better address the needs of medium to large agencies that do not have their own DBA. The Full DBA Services plan provides all the services of Level 2 on a bi-weekly basis, plus extensive recovery testing and database tuning. Like Level 2, this plan proactively monitors backup logs, database error logs, storage needs, and database performance. Indexes and tables are rebuilt more frequently, and the plan covers more of them. In addition, a report on backup status, database growth, and any problems identified is provided bi- weekly. These DBA services are performed via dial -in access for an average of three days per month. 4.1 TIBURON RESPONSIBILITIES • Prepare and maintain production database backup plan • Set up and maintain automated backup scripts • If Tiburon database backups are used, perform database recovery procedures, or assist only client's DBA as needed to restore the database if lost or damaged • Bi-weekly monitoring of backup logs • Examine of backup tapes monthly • Periodic database recovery testing for verification of backups validity • Problem diagnosis and resolution on a 24x7 basis • Weekly monitoring of database disk storage growth (tablespace, extents, filesystems, archives, redo, temp, rbs) • Expand disk space allocations as required (tables parse , files ystems , archives, redo, temp, rbs) • Bi-weekly monitoring and purging of database alert log and trace files for potential problems • Bi-weekly monitoring of inter -database processes for potential problems (replication, two-phase commits) • Bi-weekly monitoring of database performance for significant changes; identification of problem applications and SQL statements • Maintain database system accounts and passwords • Rebuild indexes every 6 months. This task could require downtime. • Perform database software version upgrades, if needed • Quarterly reorganization/ defragmenting of heavily updated tables, if fragmented. This task could require database downtime. Tiburon, Inc. February 9, 20)9 Page 6 Version 4.1 Database Administration Services Tiburon, Inc • Annual performance analysis, report, and adjustments to database performance parameters as required 4.2 CLIENT RESPONSIBILITIES • Provide database access to Tiburon for problem diagnoses and resolution • Loading and managing backup tapes to the backup plan and during recovery • Hardware required for database growth • Provide hardware resources required for database recovery test Tiburon, Inc. February 9, 2009 Page 7 Version 4.1 Database Administration Services Tiburon,Inc 5. INCREMENTAL DBA SERVICES In addition to the packaged service plans, Tiburon offers a full range of DBA services on a time -and - materials basis. These can be used at any time to augment any of the packaged plans, should the need arise. For example, this option is ideal for Level 1 or Level 2 clients that need a database tune-up after an extended period of operation. Incremental DBA services may include, but are not limited to: • Any service offered in Leve12 and Leve13 • Growth planning, anticipating future storage, memory and CPU requirements • Security monitoring and auditing, controlling access, reviewing published security alerts, applying security patches • Database user account and access rights administration (beyond the Tiburon standard accounts) • Database software version upgrade services • Database license compliance monitoring • Reconfiguring the database and backup scripts to accommodate or re -optimize performance following hardware upgrades or changes, provided that this does not violate existing agreements with the non - Tiburon vendor • Assistance analyzing and redesigning problem non -Tiburon SQL statements • Adding indexes and changing database structure to improve performance of non -Tiburon SQL statements or overall system throughput • Record -level data restores from user error, such as mistakenly deleted records, if Tiburon database backups are used Tiburon, Inc. February 9, 2009 Page 8