HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 3720Ju, . 0 7� 0 J`­'D W 0 LYI P, �,'__�T ly� '.L ;1`= CITY I---, RD ACCO' 11H '17' 1 7T IO_iS OF E -CTIC III O IL' � "I-T C".'�c T' !TG :ji Tjl C-7 01' , _- D D' I­�: C01T, IL ' ' - J_ LZ OMITE -7 T 1 , C' Is 1 7 0 . L'L22IGZ i. ­- '- t,,,, ' e- I — I - 0 , J -t y' U - -i ru na2to--. Cesci-:17bcd tefr-­-ory lying ad'acent to ";1C "'.6y e corDorato 1L1,, iis is '=oby and _,ro­-,,hL withDi th ­al D� L -F ­j (- ritory --, rth, said ter ant CojIt, e-'a s d �ii� described by metes and juuni Ln- d2 at a joaf-•it in the pr,:.sont Ci'�y of T"a-0t k)rth city 1 -t-no, said point boin�; tlic north-w7es', Corner of Bloc", 5 of "Lo y Height s South AdditicTl in the J. .. Teary Survey; south to the 3outh7,r.�st corner of said bloc1�, and con- 'Go the northwest corner OL' Bloc'- 3 of Said addi tion; 7.enc.e southwosterly alonS the west line of said Bloch i,,j Li,_, so,_,_thwest cor--ner of Lo,; )I in said bloc:-.; .i _,rire northwcsrcrly to t_ e no.ti'i line o' LoL 11 in B-Lo'-, 2 of said adC_ition and 253 feet f:i.-ori t110 northwest corner thereof; 2153 fect to t-_`_ saic_` Lot 11; Trie.A.ce south slon,- the west line of said lot 293-5/10 feet; -hence nort'i 74 deSrecs west 323 feet to the west line of Lot 12 in Dicck 2 of said Ha,,-d1cy Hei,,Tit-s South; 11 �jicjce south along said li-ac -2-3/10 feel; 11.-mce, southeasterly to the east line of said Lot 12 and _LIF2j_2/1() feet from its southeast corner; 'dnencc soixtheasterly to ca point in the south line of Lot 11 said bloc'_. 394 feet from I_ L'S southwest corner; 'ji,.-naco south-.icstcr1y across !�lizaboth -:�oad to a poi it in the -ul, line of 'lot 9 of Bloc': 3 in saicl addition; Dace south 230 'Cet; north 77-1/2 doErr,s West 3")O ect to the ITC3t line of the �amine of aaid lot 209 feet; hence west 311 °eeL to the Ticst Iii­ie of Lot 10 of said Block Lot 10; �ic south 1 "1 :feet to thc oole�;h,.iest co-----ier of _Lije;jzc cast 11.1, -ecA to tiie southeast corner o7 said lot; 1%i 11Ce so,a _th 224 fc2z2t; -1 - - 7 �er cc oaotcr-­ '1-0 the -,m-Ft line ()f 7 cy[-, � in T_Ilocl_ 6 of Hardl�y fo,.t fro:- ­ 1,t.,,; sc-_.th-i,,,st cor-- .er; U - I jl:,ence soirtuli'lorly alo',­,L; ve3t life of said bloc1" 70C 2e.:'; Thence northwesterly to a poirt il-a the north line of 1,C)t 8 in C northwest corner 4 of said addition =1 236 -3%10 feet "rom the . orth Tcst o --nor o said lot; --1CnCC -,Test alonE the --lorllh of said blo 775 feet; _hence south 2 deC:,rees 21 :minutes -,­_,st 231-5/10 feet; rilellce to a point Ir tine ­.-,est line of sai d D C C'- 4 feet south 'ro . "lic norLhvTesL corner of Lol. 2; soda__ to cornier of lot 3 in said 3lo­'- A n r of said Lot 3; 00 ��,­t 775 T: c to s0l-,'�; ✓ :!o'- 0 sown. ',o the 0 crust tin. Of -0, , in 310..._ he s a 0 i once west 775 feet to Onc nOdle of t t !in f s-, Lc n 6; -21-ic-nce south to the soutznost corner of said Lot 6; Mance cast 565 feet; Wacc southerly to a point in the aorth line of the J. M. Da. icis 3urvey and being in the north line of the Comcr 51; — Tract 359-2/10 seat frai its imrthucst corner; Thence south 240 feet; Thence west 359010 feet to the west line of said Comer Tract; soutli ala.v-, said line to the southeast corner of --'-c J. Drown 20 Tra-c',; T_o on h K d along the south Unc �f naid tract 232 feat; south :"T-112 to the west line of tha La--au- in the cast line of Cravens Load; Chance south along said line to the southwest corner of the Thcccc north 70 dau Mice north 200114 0,00. east 320 feet; Mae north 35-3/4 degrees cnct 440 feet; Jocnce north 27-1/.> degrees cast 650 feet; la=cc 7 to a point iv tin north line of the laic]: ;5n AcY2 Mact and 930-3/10 feet T i, . its -.nortly;Test cornar; Qaqcc north 49-1/2 degrees cast 550 feet; Sience south 12-3/4 degrees east to the south line of Lot A 'A 3MV u N Hnndlay Heights Bouth Addition; 5hance cast along said line 210 feat; 7nc�ca north 40-1/4 dcGzecs cast 300 Tect; lhcncc soup h S9 degrees Oast 720 fact; 1�7 co Ve north-n or„ .fact corner of the Ca2ar A= Tract; �T=la south 55Q/4 dcg2ows went QQ 2ect; Thonce south 11 aogr2cc west C60 feet; Ken= south Q dogreco cast 790 feel; see south 21-3/4 degrees west 1,140 feet; Thence south 84-1/2 degrees west 450 feet; Manse north 24 doCr2cs west 730 feet; licnce couthucstorly to the northeast cor,.o?. of the T- C. J -r t in rre J. !I. Da is "Survoy; Thcncc south 44-3/4 -ti cgroes —so 760 Not; 'Ta"o soul,. 201 Ogress u2st 430 feat; 2-out'-. 37-1/0 dcgreQs west 1,350 feet; .once south 75-1/4 degrees 72st 1,20C fact; 15",va south 100 fcet; Pance north 35-3/4 QE=es cast §00 scot; 7-2ha-^e soul ",- 33-1/4 del —as uYst 540 feat; _-_once southerly to a point in vie rest line of the A. j. Reidcr- nin 13> Acre Tract in the J. A. Daniels Survey and 957 fact fr(U-Tli osuthuest corner; Whunce south 31-1/4 degrees cost 850 feet; Thence south 9-1/4 degrees east, efossinS the south line of hie j. V. Daidels jurvoy, 450 fact; t OL 1cc s h at c)'! cjr,�,-- -"es �', es 3, ,, Anwe smAh WA On— voot 270 WON -30--i A 0--f—W AD fact, Thence south 24-3/14 de'rees, west 200 feet; Thence south 80 degrees cast to the cast line of the C. T. Tilson 120 Acre Tract in tlfo David Irv'cy; Mcace south no dcSrecs ly minntos cast along said live 830 foct; Mencc north 03-7/2 QSreor vact PIC feet; Mcace north 53 dam— —t 930 net; 'hence sou thwaster!7 to the westerly south line of said W. K. :i1 son 120 We Tract and 543-S/10 feet from the reentrant ccrnc2 0" 2mid tract; Eou'-'n degre2s cast S65 fact; _'e__ce north 52-1 /2 de reel east 300 fact; rl.__._._ south 52-ii dca-ces e s t to a point :'north of the north- wont corner of let 2 .ia Black 5 of Sun Valley !Addition in the David , Sri .Mane Survey; '!Tina= south to and along the Crest line of said lot and can- ­n _i , to the nortT „es t corner of lot & in Block 4 of Oa'ld .:daition; zlcncy west to the corner of Lot `, in Brook 4; fine _cc south to toc se erne of said . ct 5; Thence vast to the northwest corner of Lot 13 in Bloc'_ 4; south to the. southwest cor':cr of said Lot 13 and Con - U K__ to the northeast corner of Lot 3 in Bloch 7 of said un Valley addition; -_e cc west to the aonLhavot corner of said Lot 3; non= south to the southwest corner of said Lot 3; r::'_i.ce west to the north. .Test corner of Lot 15 in said Man 7; Thance south to the southwest corner of said lot and con tinuin €; to the northeast corner of Lot 1 in Block 11 of Sun Valley.' Addition; r.e :nc_. ,rest to the rorthuest corner of said Lot l; !hence south to tha southwest corner of Lot 16 in said Block 11; Men= cast to the :riddle of the south line of said Lot 16; Thence south to the middle of the south line of Lot 1 in Bloc'_: of said addition; Thence east to the southeast corner of Lot 2 of said Bloc: 12; Thence north to the southwest corner of Loin, 14 in ?loci: 11; hence cast to the southeast comer of Lot 13 in safe_ :aloe__; Whence north to 'the northeast corner of said hot 13; Thence east to the northeast corner of Lot 11 in said Block 11; Ti,encc south to the sout'rcast corner of said Lot 11; _' =c_tce east to the southeast corner of Lot 9 in said Block 11 and continuing to the ;rest line of the Joan E. Estes 1613-5 /10 Acre _ act in the David Strickland Survey; Thence north 10-1/2 degrees east 450 feet; Mace :north 83 -3/4 degrees cast 140 feet; `hence south lQ04 degrees east 880 Peet; 'thence south 6 -1' A degrees west 300 feet; ''hen ^.e southwesterly to a point In the Nest line of said John E. n n ,.,'..,es 1.;D -010 Acre Tract and 206 feet from a corner of said tract in Village Creek; "i' ence south. 55 -1/4 degrees west 740 feet; Thence south 11 degrees Crest to a point in the south line of the 1. L. Onneciy 95 Acre Tract out of the David Strickland Survey; ":.c °_.ce westerly along the soul: line of the said 95 acre tract to the east right of way line of County Toad Project No. 1010 7 r �.rcy =Brest Farm Road), laic. point being in the present Fort Worth city limit line; .fence northerly, westerly and northerly with the meanders of the east ight of way line of County Road Project No. 1010 and along; like Present City of Fort Orth city limit line approximately 10, j00 foot to a point in the south right of .ray line of County Road !'reject :o. 2'J07 (Poly -liebb :.Cad); Thence easterly with the south right of tray lire of County Road Project Ito. 2005 and along the present City of sort Worth city limit line approximately 4,000 feet to a point where said right of way Aine in intersected by a southerly cxte:nKon of the easterly right of way Vv Road o igo. (Cravcns Road); Thence .northerly, easterly and northerly with the meanders of the cast -right of way line of County Road Project No. 2047 and along the -csont City of Fort north city limit line approximately 9,000 feet to its intersectian with the south Line of the Curl Wollner 142.33 2.33 Acre Tract out of the J. .,_ Cary Survey; , �._eitce easterly along the ��?r::sert City of fort Worth city 102 approximately 2,300 feat along the south line of the said 142. rc 1r act to the place of be gin ng, and containing appro i na tell- yon acres of land. OTMA 2. ThaL this ordinance shall be publishel one tMe in the Fort Wurth Prons, ctz g W&A A, thn City A Art Arth, in accordance uith woOsiunc of Section 40, Choksy TNTIT of We My Charkr. A ATIOV 3. ZvA Ws ord"nanco shall becom 2A'2c-Liv2 and be i,L -i)11 force and In-A n its final passaae, vhich in no cvcni shall bw luso ti- an thirt-c- lnjE 7rom W Eato of its publication as aforesaid, and it is 5c o-- ZronjAM and passad on TIvA reaMy OnVy, October 4, 1957. City fttorne,%, 1� V Nl- .FO R E S T HI IN, N =4 AREA TO SE AWP4F(X@D AREA - SOS ACRES p1