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Contract 43300 (2)
APPROVED AS TO FORM & LEGALITY: By IAA K_ rbik fiCe)c Title: Assistant City Attorney ATTEST: By Printed Name: Mary Kayser Title City Secretary Date: U /,/?,!2J/),ezV M & C: C-25550 CITY SECRETARY CONTRACT NO. North Central Texas Council of Governments Grant Application for "Cowtown Recycles Downtown" do Ott% ,ty0000ao 4 c7 Fise ,tom' o to 000 o,..,, cing t y co 0 ° 0 0 OA sro o a 000000 4, 4444 rEXP".°.#- For NCTCOG Use Only - North Central] Texas Catuiri col a U!Ov,_ aaruni nts FY2012 and FY2013 Second C l l , r Projects Solid Waste Implementail n Project ApplUcatitnn FRM 1: LOCAL GOVERNMENT AN I GRANT PROJECT INFORMATION 1. Project Local Government Information Local Government' City of Fort Worth Current Solid VVaste Service Provider: Commercial Waste = Open Market, Residential = Waste Management/Knight Waste Services Current Recycling Service Provider: Commercial Recycling - Open Market, Residential = Waste Management/Knight Waste Services Complete Mailing Address with Zip Code: Code Compliance Dept/Solid Waste Services 4100 Columbus Trail Fort Worth, TX 76133 Fax Number: 817-392-5170 Project Contact Name: Debbie Branch Telephone Number: 817-392-5151 PLACE TEMPORARY NCTCOG LABEL TCEQ LABEL HERE Email Address: Debbie.Branch@fortworthtexas.gov 2. Project Title with a Sentence Description of What the Grant Funding Will Cover: "Cowtown Recycles Downtown". The City of Fort Worth will implement public space recycling by replacing trash receptacles with split body trash -recycling bins in high traffic areas in conjunction with an educational campaign. 3. Grant Project Information: a. Please check only one goal of the three Regional Solid Waste Management Plan Goals, and identify the one specific Objective and one Action Recommendation from the Regional Plan that best applies to your project. This information can be found in the Request for Applications (RFA). (Note: Some categories ineligible; see Developing Project Proposal on page 3 of the RFA.) X Time to Recycle Goal Stop Illegal Dumping Goal Assuring Capacity for Trash Goal Identify the ___ . Objective to be undertaken (quote verbatim directly from the Regional Plan): 1 D. Expand commercial recycling efforts in businesses and governments across the region. Action Recommendation (quote one Action Recommendation verbatim, directly from the Regional Plan): Target specific activity Groups, such as hotels. convention centers, airports, etc. to establish waste minimization and recvclina programs. b. Amount of Grant Funding Requested (minimum $15,000 and maximum $125,000): $93,470 4. Authorized Signature (signatory must have contract signing authority for the eligible local government entity listed above Signature Assistant City Manaaer Title Charles W. Daniels Print name Date 1 May 30, 2012 06-12-12 P1 2: 34 IN FORM 2: C TIIIHICATOON ASSUF -ANC I. Certifications In order to receive grant funds under this program, the proposed project must conform to the provisions of the Request for Applications. By signing his Application, the person acting on behalf of the local government agrees to the certifications listed below and to abide by the RFA provisions. 1. Authority to Sign Application The person signing this Application hereby certifies that he/she has authority from the local government to sign the Application and that such authority will bind the local government in subsequent agreements. 2. Application Contains No False Statements The local government certifies that this Application has no false statements and that the local government understands that signing this Application with a false statement is a material breach of contract and shall void the submitted Application and any resulting contracts. The local government understands that the North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) will not accept any amendment, revision, addition or alteration to this Application after the final date and time for submission. 3. Governmental Status The local government certifies that it is located in the State of Texas and fits within one of the governmental classifications listed below, as determined under state law: a City, b. County; c. Public school districts or independent school districts (not including universities or post secondary educational institutions); d. Other general and special law district with the authority and responsibility for water quality protection or municipal solid waste management, including river authorities; or, e. Council of governments. 4. Solid Waste Fee Payments The local government certifies that it is not delinquent in payment of solid waste disposal fees owed to the State. 6. Conformance to Standards The local government certifies to the best of its knowledge and ability that the proposed project, including all activities in the proposed Scope of Work and proposed expenditures, conforms to eligible category standards and allowable expense and funding standards as set forth in the RFA. 6. Consideration of Private Industry The following certification applies only if the project is under one of the following funding categories: ® Source Reduction and Recycling ® Citizens' Collection Stations and "Small" Registered Transfer Stations The local government certifies that it has notified private service providers in accordance with the requirements set forth in the Request for Applications and the instructions provided with this application form. The local government further certifies to the best of its knowledge and ability that the proposed project: ® will promote cooperation between public and private entities, ® provides a service that is not otherwise readily available, and ® will not create a competitive advantage over a private industry that provides recycling or solid waste services. 7. Consistency with the Regional Solid Waste Management Plan The local government certifies to the best of their knowledge and ability that the proposed project is consistent with applicable Goals, Objectives, and Action Recommendations of the Regional Solid Waste Management Plan. 8. Technical Feasibility The local government certifies that it has carefully reviewed its Scope of Work and that to the best of its knowledge and ability all activities are technically feasible and can be satisfactorily completed within the grant period as set forth in the Request for Applications. 9. Costs Reasonable and Necessary The local government certifies to the best of its knowledge and ability that the proposed project activities in the Scope of Work and the expenses outlined in the Budget are reasonable and necessary to accomplish the project objectives, and the proposed expenses are consistent with the costs of comparable goods and services. 10. Certification by Law Enforcement Programs As provided by the General Appropriations Act (80th Leg. R.S ), funds may not be expended to any law enforcement agency regulated by Chapter 1701, Texas Occupations Code, unless: (a) the law enforcement agency is in compliance with all rules on Law Enforcement Standards and Education; or (b) the Commission on Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Education certifies that the requesting agency is in the process of achieving compliance with such rules. 2 II. Assurances If the Application is approved for funding, the grant funds will be awarded through an Interlocal Agreement contract between the local government and NCTCOG This Agreement will contain a number of standards, requirements, and processes that must be complied with as a condition of receiving the funding. In order to ensure an understanding by the local government of some of the main conditions that will be included in the Interlocal Agreement, the local government is asked to review the following assurances. By signing this Application, the person acting on behalf of the local government indicates their understandina of these conditions and provides assurances that these and other conditions set forth in the Interlocal Aareement will be adhered to if fundina is awarded. 1. Compliance with Standard Pertaining to Real Property and Equipment Local government provides assurances that, if funded, it will comply with the contract provisions pertaining to title and to management of real property and equipment. The contract will contain obligations and conditions regarding the use of the equipment and/or facilities (the "property") acquired under the agreement. Included in the provisions are obligations to provide adequate maintenance and conduct physical property inventories; restrictions and conditions on the use, replacement, sale, or transfer of the property; as well as obligations to continue in the use or transfer of the property to adhere to the provisions that grant funds are not being used to create a competitive advantage over private industry. 2. Participation in NCTCOG/Texas Commission on Environmental Quality Recycling Surveys and Reporting Local government provides assurances that, if funded, it will respond to annual recycling program surveys and/or other requests from NCTCOG or the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) for information on municipal solid waste management activities. 3. Compliance with Progress and Results Reporting Requirements Local government provides assurances that, if funded, it will comply with requirements for: reporting on the progress of the project tasks and deliverables; documenting the results of the project and providing those results to NCTCOG on a schedule established by NCTCOG, and to continue to document the results of the project activities for the life of the project, and to provide NCTCOG with a follow-up results report approximately one year after the end of the grant term. 4. Financial Management Local government provides assurances that, if funded, the local government will comply with contract provisions and requirements necessary to ensure that expenses are reasonable and necessary, to adhere to financial administration and reimbursement procedures and provide financial reports on a schedule established by NCTCOG 5. Compliance with Americans with Disabilities Act Local government provides assurances that, if funded, it will comply with all the applicable requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, 42 U S C. §§12101-12213 (Pamph.1995). 6. Compliance with the Single Audit Act Local government provides assurances that, if funded, it will comply with the Single Audit Act as defined by the Uniform Grant Management Standards (UGMS), January 1998. 7. Compliance with Program and Fiscal Monitoring Local government provides assurances that, if funded, it will comply with program and fiscal monitoring provisions of the contract, including: providing additional reports or information as may be requested to adequately track the progress of the project, allowing site visits to evaluate the progress of the project and to view any grant -funded equipment or facility. Please sign the following if your local government agrees to comply with these Certifications and Assurances. NOTE: Signatory must have contract signing authority f Signature: �. Typed/Printedname: Charles W Daniels Title: Assistant City Manager Local Government: City of Fort Worth 3 the eligible local government entity. FORM 3: AUTHORIZE* REPRESENTATIVES The local government hereby designates the individual(s) named below as the person/persons authorized to receive direction from NC T CGG, to manage the work being performed, and to act on behalf of the local government for the purposes shown: 1. Authorized Project Representative. (All entries below required.) The following person is authorized to receive direction, manage work performed and sign required periodic status and statistical reports: S ignature: a P rinted Name: Deborah J. Branch Title: Commercial Recycling Coordinator Local Government: City of Fort Worth 7 \ r 2. Authorized Financial Representative. (All entries below required.) The following person is authorized to act on behalf of this local government in all financial and fiscal matters including authorizing and signing reimbursement requests: S ignature: P rinted Name: Jennifer Fung Title: Assistant Finance Director Local Government: City of Fort Worth J FORM 4: RESOLUTDONS OR COURT ORDERS i he governing body of the local government must approve a resolution or court order authorizing the Project Application submittal as well as receipt of funding if the project is approved. An original of this resolution or court order must be submitted to NCTCOG by Friday, June 22, 2012, no later_ than 5 p.m._ CENTRAL TIME to NCTCOG Offices at 616 Six Flaqs Drive, Arlinaton, Texas 76011, Attn: Liz Zecckine • THE FOLLOWING IS ONLY AN EXAMPLE RESOLUTION or COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' COURT ORDER NO. RESOLUTION or COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' COURT ORDER OF (Name of local Government entity) AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A PROJECT APPLICATION WITH THE NORTH CENTRAL TEXAS COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS FOR A REGIONAL SOLID WASTE PROGRAM LOCAL IMPLEMENTATION PROJECT; AUTHORIZING (Person and Title) TO ACT ON BEHALF OF (Name of Local Government Entity) IN ALL MATTERS RELATED TO THE APPLICATION; AND PLEDGING THAT IF FUNDING FOR THIS PROJECT IS RECEIVED (Name of Local Government Entity) WILL COMPLY WITH ALL PROJECT REQUIREMENTS OF THE NORTH CENTRAL TEXAS COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS, TEXAS COMMISSION ON ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY AND THE STA T k OF TFXAS. WHEREAS, the North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) is directed by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to administer solid waste project funds for the implementation of NCTCOG's adopted Regional Solid Waste Management Plan; and WHEREAS, (Name of Local Government Entity) in the State of Texas is qualified to apply for project funds under the Request for Project Applications. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY (Name of Local Government Entity) IN (Location of Office) TEXAS THAT; 1. (Name/Title of Individual) is authorized to request grant project funding under NCTCOG's Request for Project Applications of the Regional Solid Waste Local Project Funding Program and act on behalf of Name of Local Government Entity) in all matters related to the grant project application and any subsequent project contract that may result. 2. If the grant project is funded, (Name of Local Govemment Entity) will comply with the requirements of NCTCOG, TCEQ and the State of Texas. 3. The local government will allocate and expend the necessary monies to support this grant project and then seek reimbursement from NCTCOG on a timely basis. 4. The grant project funds and any project -funded equipment or facilities will be used only for the purposes for which they are intended under the project. 5. The grant activities for this project will comply with and support the adopted regional (and local) solid waste management plans adopted for the geographical area in which the activities are performed. PASSED AND APPROVED by (Board or Chief Official as Applicable) in (City and County), Texas, on this the (number/day) day of (month), (year). (Signature of Authorized Official) (Typed or Printed Name) Notary or City Secretary: (Signature) (Type or Printed Name) (Title/Commission of Notary Expiration Date) Affix the Local Government's Seal or Notary Seal here. • b 5: PROJ HiCTI CRD NOON (FORM 5 and FORM 5a, up to 55 points combined) The City of Fort Worth Solid Waste Services Division housed within the Code Compliance Department is actively working with a committed Downtown Fort Worth, Inc. (DFWI) the administrative entity for the Fort Worth Public Improvement District #1, in seeking grant funds to implement public space recycling. DFWI provides public space maintenance services not provided by the City of Fort Worth and has a history of being supportive of recycling. DFWI has provided recycling at its' largest public event, Main Street Art's Festival, for five years and is also offering special event recycling in Burnett Park, a three acre park located in downtown Fort Worth. With approximately 51,250 employees working in downtown Fort Worth which when combined with visitors downtown total over 10 million visitors each year (Sundance Square), downtown Fort Worth sees a lot of foot traffic annually. There is currently 178 trash receptacles downtown but no significant pedestrian recycling. Trash collected from public space waste receptacles from normal downtown pedestrian traffic is estimated to be in excess of 100,000 Ibs annually. Based on two waste audits (Feb & May 2011) it was found that approximately 24% of the downtown public space garbage is recyclable — paper, plastic, metal or glass. The percentage of recyclables is skewed due to the fact that DFWI conducts six days a week pan and broom cleaning of the sidewalks and empties the sweepings into the garbage containers thereby increasing the weight of the garbage and lowering the percentage of recyclables. By implementing public space pedestrian recycling in downtown Fort Worth we hope to reduce the amount of garbage produced by 10% or 10,000 Ibs annually and open the door on expanded recycling opportunities for Fort Worth residents and visitors. This commitment to public space recycling will mark Fort Worth as a committed leader in sustainability. in support of the North Central Texas Council of Governments' See Less Trash Regional Solid Waste Management Plan and the Time to Recycle Goal, the City of Fort Worth desires to establish a public space recycling and waste reduction program in downtown Fort Worth's Sun Dance Square and surrounding high traffic areas of Public Improvement District 1. The proposed project meets the objective of expanding commercial recycling efforts in business and governments across the region, as well as targeting a specific activity group and to establish waste minimization and recycling programs. The EPA calls this, "Recycle on the Go", and states on their webpage that "Recycle on the Go"will assist in reaching the Resource Conservation Challenge's 40 percent recycling goal by: • Encouraging development of a recycling infrastructure for away -from -home collection • Increasing the amount of waste collected for recycling • Promoting a culture of recycling by making it convenient, available, and cost effective" We hope to accomplish this by purchasing 50 receptacles designed for dual purpose: trash disposal and recycling (aluminum and plastic beverage containers). The dual use container will have openings on two sides for both trash and recycling to encourage ease of disposal. The opening for recyclables will be circular to encourage bottle recycling and discourage contamination and the opening for trash will be larger. In addition to the 50 grant purchased recycling/trash receptacles, DFWI would purchase 12 duel use recycling/trash receptacles as part of the grant match. As confirmed in a 2009 American Public Works Association webinar at the NCTCOG the researcher stated there is a direct correlation between the amount of time and money spent on education and recycling diversion rates. Therefore the recycling program in downtown Fort Worth will be highlighted by: • Having a grand opening kickoff with Mayor and other Fort Worth VIP's • Face to face presentations to major Downtown organizations during the kick-off campaign, such as: Rotary, Building Owners and Managers Association, and Downtown Neighborhood Alliance 6 • Ads placed in the Star Telegram newspaper, The District Quarterly Newsletter and promotion on City of Fort Worth and DFWI web pages, Social Media Sites (DFWI has more than 38,500 likes on their FaceBook page) and email blasts • A "Recycle in Downtown" banner campaign on half (high traffic areas) of the 191 banners in the District. This public information campaign promoting the use of the new public recycling receptacles would last two weeks After which there would always be a portion of the 191 banners dedicated to the Recycle in the Downtown" campaign on a year round basis. The banner campaign would be ongoing over multiple years. • Promotion in the City of Fort Worth Water Bill to almost 200,000 households, City News email blast, billboard advertising, and bus bench advertising After the kick-off the campaign will continue to receive promotion over the next two years though at least 25 banners being displayed dedicated to recycling, continued promotion on City of Fort Worth and DFWI webpage's and social media sites, promotion on City cable channel, coupons for Downtown merchant and restaurants promoting "Recycle in the Downtown". The recycling project in downtown Fort Worth is a start-up project. We hope to build upon the recycling success in downtown and expand recycling to other public spaces throughout the City of Fort Worth. The City of Fort Worth does have success with recycling in public spaces as it just finished its fourth year of recycling at the annual Concerts in the Garden, a series of 19 concerts in the month of June with an total attendance of 40,000 and was able to obtain a 20% diversion rate through the help of a group of "Green Team' volunteers. In addition through the help of a 2010 COG Grant we have started public space recycling in Fort Worth's Gateway Park Athletic Complex and Dog Park The Gateway Park recycling program was implemented in February 2011, and in the first 12 months the program recovered 5 tons of recyclables. 7 FORM 5a: PROJECT WORK PROGRAM AND TIMELINE (FORM 5a and FORM 5, up to 55 points combined) Major tasks: 1. Execution of the Interlocal Agreement with the NCTCOG a. The City of Fort Worth executes the Interlocal Agreement. (September 2012) 2. The City of Fort Worth submits all quarterly and final reports on grant progress to the NCTCOG by due dates outlined in Interlocal Agreement. a. Quarterly reports begin October 1, 2012 — First Report due December 2012 b Complete all activities and expenditures by June 28, 2013 c Complete final report, reimbursement request and Release of All Claims by August 2, 2013 3. The City of Fort Worth to obtain bids, purchase and install dual use trash & recycling containers for downtown Fort Worth: a. The City of Fort Worth will work with DFWI to obtain bids for the trash recycling units (October 2012) b. The City of Fort Worth obtains a purchase order for the recycling units (November 2012) c. DFWI to install trash recycling units (January 2013) 4. Work with waste/recycling contractor on recycling collection and delivery to recycling facility a. The City of Fort Worth along with DFWI will work with waste contractor on recycling collection and reporting (November 2012) 5. Public Outreach Campaign: a. The City of Fort Worth in conjunction with DFWI will produce and implement a public outreach campaign highlighting the public space recycling program in downtown Fort Worth as outlined in the project description (January - June 2013 and ongoing) 8 FORM 6: LEVEL OF COMMITMENT AFTER GRANT (Up to 25 points) Current annual trash disposal expenses for Downtown Fort Worth public space is approximately $50,000 and is comprised of six day a week collection. By adding public space recycling it is hoped to reduce the garbage collection frequency and offset recycling collection costs. The implementation and continuation of the recycling program downtown is supported by the City of Fort Worth and Downtown Fort Worth Inc. The recycling units will be incorporated into the care of DFWI which has a 20 year service contract with 18 years left before renewal S ince the majority of the proposed program expenses are comprised of one-time startup costs for the recycling containers continuing this recycling program should not significantly affect the operation budget of DFWI or the City of Fort Worth. It is hoped that over time, the diversion of recyclable materials from our landfill will help offset hauling cost for the new recycling containers but with the volatility of the recyclable commodities we realize a long term recycling commitment is necessary, and Fort Worth and DFWI are committed to recycling - despite fluctuating markets. The Fort Worth City Council has appointed a citizen S ustainability Planning Committee to create a list of sustainable recommendations for Council to implement and pedestrian recycling is a priority on that list. Expanding public space recycling helps support the S ustainability Task Force's mission in working to forward green and sustainable initiatives in Fort Worth. If the NCTGOG grant funds are not received then the project cannot be implemented this year but the City of Fort Worth will continue to seek grant funds for downtown pedestrian recycling bins. This project has not received prior funding Fort Worth has a proven track record of continuing COG grant funded projects. In 1997, the city received a $160,000 grant to retrofit the Environmental Collection Center (ECC). The ECC continues today and now in addition to receiving waste from Fort Worth it also receives the hazardous waste from more than 40 surrounding communities. In 2005 the city received a NCTCOG Solid Waste grant to create a Trash Troubles course for residents who receive an environmental citation This program continues today and has reached more than 700 residents. Fort Worth is committed to build and expand upon projects and programs that grant funds allow us to initiate. 9 FORM 7: EXX! LAMA T I©N R ;ff,GARDING PRIVATE INDUSTRY NOTIFICATION According to state law (Section 361.014 (b) TX Health & Safety Code), a project or service funded under this program must promote cooperation between public and private entities, and the grant -funded project or service may not be otherwise readily available or create a competitive advantage over a private industry that provides recycling or solid waste services. REMINDER: The Regional Solid Waste Management Plan goals compared to TCEQ funding categories are: 1. Regional Solid Waste Management Plan Time to Recycle goal o TCEQ e Source Reduction and Recycling © TCEQ o Household Hazardous Waste 2. Regional Solid Waste Management Plan Stop Illegal Dumping goal o TCEQ e Local Enforcement o TCEQ = Litter & Illegal Dumping Cleanups and Community Cleanup Events 3. Regional Solid Waste Management Plan Assuring Capacity for Trash goal • TCEQ e Citizens' Collection Stations and "Small" Registered Transfer Stations o TCEQ e Local Solid Waste Management Plans Note: The following TCEQ categories can apply to any of the above Regional Solid Waste Management Plan goals: Technical Studies Educational and Training Projects Categories Requiring Private Sector Notification: Again, if you are applying for a grant for a project that falls under the categories listed below, you must notify the private sector and adhere to the requirements listed below. Failure to notify private industry service providers will result in immediate disqualification from this grant process. • Source Reduction and Recycling • Citizens' Collection Stations and Small Registered Transfer Stations In accordance with grant requirements established by TCEQ, a local government seeking funding for a project that is related to one of the above listed categories must adhere to the requirements listed below prior to submitting the application: • Contact in person or in writing all known private service providers which, at the time of the application development, are providing services similar to this grant proposal within the geographic service area that the project intends to serve. A list of private service providers within the region is available from NCTCOG • Inform the private service providers of the basic details of the proposed project and consider any input and concerns from the private service providers about the project when completing the project proposal. • Consider, where appropriate, meeting directly with private service providers that may have a concern about the proposed project to attempt to resolve any concerns. • Complete applicable information on Forms 7a and 7b to provide documentation that private service providers were notified of the project. 10 Statement of Private Sector Notification: certify, as an authorized representative of the local government with regard to the public/private sector cooperation requirements as outlined in the Request for Applications, that this application: comes under one of the categories listed above requiring private sector notification; however, I am unaware of any public or private entity which provides similar or related services within the proposed proiect area. (The local government must attach a description of efforts to research and ascertain other existing services and demonstrate the reason why this option is selected. For example, a description of inquiries that were unsuccessful could be attached.) X comes under one of the categories listed above requiring private sector notification; however no competitive advantage exists, therefore no private sector notification was necessary. (The local government must explain.) Explain here... DFWI is in charge of removing waste from pedestrian traffic and public space events/areas in downtown Fort Worth. Removing waste as garbage or recyclables will not change the fact the DFWI is still removing the waste. The City of Fort Worth will ensure that all necessary purchases to implement public space/pedestrian recycling follow governmental purchasing guidelines. comes under one of the categories listed above requiring private sector notification; and I have notified the private sector industry. (The local government must complete Forms la and 7b on the following page.) 11 FORM 7a: LIST OF PRIVATE SERVICE PROVIDERS NOTIFIED Private Service Providers Contacted Name & Position Response When Notified Phone Number Date Notified FORM 7b: SUMMARIES OF DISCUSSIONS WITH PRIVATE INDUSTRY Provide a brief summary below of any responses to your inquiries that expressed concerns regarding your project. Furnish information on any concerns voiced by the private service providers, including: (1) Brief summaries of any meetings or discussions held between the local government and the private service providers; (2) An explanation of any changes made to the proposed project to address private service provider concerns; and, (3) An explanation of any remaining concerns that were not addressed, and why the local government determined that the concerns are not valid under the statutory requirements. Private Service Providers Contacted Name and Position Please Explain Any Concerns 12 1 Complete the following PROJECT BUDGET SUMMARY FORM. FORMS 8 thru 8g: PROJECT BUDGET SUMMARY (Up to 20 points inclusive) Provide a detailed explanation of the costs associated with the proposed project. Offer a breakdown of the total amount of funding being requested for the proposed project. The expenses must be consistent with the category expense standards provided in the Request for Applications. Complete any of the detailed budget forms which are applicable to your proposed budget. Budget Category 1. Personnel/Salaries 2 Fringe Benefits 3. Travel (Does not include registration) 4. Supplies (consumable general office supplies) 5. Equipment (unit cost of $5,000 or more) 6. Construction 7. Contractual (other than construction costs) 8. Other (anything not itemized above) 9. Total Direct Charges (sum of 1-8) See first page of application as this dollar amount should match box 31 Grant Project Information! section b. Amount of Grant Funding Requested $ 10. Indirect Charges* 11. Total (sum of 9-10) If Indirect Charges* are included, see first page of application as this dollar amount should match box 3 IGrant Project Information) section b. Amount of Grant Funding Requested $ 12. Fringe Benefit Rate: 13. Indirect Cost Rate: OA OA Grant Funding Amount Sought Please round costs to the nearest dollar. $ $ $ 93,470 $ 93,470 $ $ 93,470 Identify, in detail, each budget category to which your indirect cost rate applies and explain any special conditions under which the rate will be applied: *In accordance with the UGMS, indirect charges may be authorized if the local government has a negotiated indirect cost rate agreement signed within the past 24 months by a federal cognizant agency or state single audit coordinating agency. Alternatively, the local government may be authorized to recover up to 10 percent of direct salary and wage costs (excluding overtime, shift premiums, and fringe benefits) as indirect costs, subject to adequate documentation. If your local government has an approved cost allocation plan, please enclose documentation of your approved indirect rate. In -kind or Matching Funds Contributions: $ +45,179.52 Local government contribution(s) through in -kind or matching services is encouraged. 1 Please explain, in separate line items, the detail of any matching funds or contributions to be provided by the local government. In -kind services should relate only to staff or services directly involved with your proposed project. Describe the relative importance or effort the local contribution will have in relationship to the entire project. This information will be used in contracting with successful projects and will be tracked for proper payment. Recycling collection through subcontractor (Not done with WM done through DFWI's contractor) $23.28*52 * 12 = $14,526.72 City provided recycling roll -off = $50 * 12 = $600 12 matching dual recycling & waste containers purchased by DFWI = 12 * $1,550 = $18,600 Recycling roll -off servicing = Recycling roll -off — pulled $175/pull * 8 = $1400 Digital Marketing Expense $2 000 Video Development for Marketing Campaign = $3,400 (this is hired out by DFWI) City of Fort Worth Recycling Coordinator — 40 hours - $832.80 "Recycle in Downtown Banners" — 90 * $42.44 = $3820 Form 8a Detailed Personnel/Fringe/Indirect Charges Budget: Total $ This budget information should be completed if any expenses are entered for Personnel (Line 1), Fringe Benefits (Line 2) and/or Indirect Charges (Line 10) of your Project Budget Summary. In the space below list the names and titles of individuals whose salaries will be paid for in all or in part, from project funds. Also, indicate if funds are for a new or existing employee (attach additional sheets if necessary). Employee name Title Salary $ Employee name Title Salary $ Employee name Title Salary $ TOTAL PERSONNEL/FRINGE/INDIRECT CHARGES• $ If your budget lists Fringe Benefits (Line 2) and/or indirect costs (Line 10), please provide the following: • Fringe Benefit Rate • Indirect Charge Rate* ova OA *In accordance with the UGMS, indirect charges may be authorized if the local government has a negotiated indirect cost rate agreement signed within the past 24 months by a federal cognizant agency or state single audit coordinating agency. The local government may be authorized to recover up to 10 percent of direct salary and wage costs (excluding overtime shift premiums, and fringe benefits) as indirect costs, subject to adequate documentation. If you have an approved cost allocation plan, please enclose documentation of your approved indirect rate. FOrriii 8G Detailed Consumable, General Office Supply Budget: Total $ This budget section should be completed if any expenses are entered for general office supplies (Line 4) of your Project Budget Summary. Supplies are consumable office items that generally have a useful life of Tess than one year and have a unit cost of less than $1,000. Expenses for food and beverages are not allowable. Please describe below the general office supplies expenses you intend to purchase with project funding; attach additional sheets if necessary. General Office Supplies Costs $ TOTAL SUPPLIES: $ Form 8b Detailed Travel Budget: Total $ This budget section should be completed if any expenses are entered for Travel (Line 3) of your Project Budget Summary. In -state travel expenses directly related to the conduct of the funded project may be authorized. Please describe below the types of travel expenses (state rate mileage, meals, airfare, hotel, etc.) expected, conference/workshop names if known, and purpose for travel. For Registration Fees, see "Other" Detailed Budget page. Purpose of travel: Cost: $ Purpose of travel: Cost: $ TOTAL TRAVEL COSTS: $ Form 8d Detailed Equipment Budget: Total $ This budget section should be completed if any expenses are entered for Equipment (Line 5) of your Project Budget Summary. Equipment expenses include non -construction related, tangible, personal property having a unit acquisition cost of $5,000 or more (including freight and set-up costs), with an estimated useful life over one year. Please describe below the equipment expenses you intend to purchase with project funding, providing as many details as possible at this time. Equipment (description, type. model, etc.) # of Units Costs TOTAL EQUIPMENT: $ Form 8f Detailed Contractual Budget: Total (All contractual expenses must be pre -approved by NCTCOG.) Form 8e Detailed Construction Budget: Total $ (All construction expenses must be pre -approved by NCTCOG.) Budget Summary. Construction expenses include the cost of planning the project, materials and labor, cost of equipment attached to the permanent structure and any sub -contracts performed as part of the construction. All local government municipal laws and regulations including UGMS for bidding and contracting for services must be followed. Please itemize below the construction expenses associated with the proposed project, providing as many details as possible at this time. Construction (and related expenses) Costs TOTAL CONSTRUCTION: $ 16 I his budget section should be completed it any expenses are entered tor Contractual (Line 7) of your Project Budget Summary. Expenses include the cost of professional services or tasks provided by firm or individual who is not employed by the project funds recipient, other than those related to construction. All local government municipal laws and regulations including UGMS for bidding and contracting for services must be followed. Please itemize below the contractual expenses associated with the proposed project, providing as many details as possible at this time. Contractual Costs $ TOTAL CONTRACTUAL: $ 17 Form 8g Detailed Other Expenses Budget: Total $ Joint Recycling/Trash Receptacles (1550 ea) Kick-off event (3.150 ea) Printing educational items/coupons (4/sheet 1/sheet) "Recycle in Downtown" banners (90 banners * $42.44) Bus Bench Advertisement rentals (3) Billboard Rental (2) This budget sheet should be completed if any expenses are entered under the Other (Line 8) of your Project Budget. "Other" expenses are those for items or services that do not readily fit into any of the previous budget categories in this application. If any of the expenses listed below are included in the calculation of your rate for indirect charges, do not list them on this sheet. Other Expenses Costs Postage/delivery $ Telephone/Fax $ Utilities $ X Printing/reproduction $ 1 MOO X Advertising, public notices $ 8,000 X Signage $ 3,820 Training (registration fees, etc.) $ Office space, equipment rentals $ Basic office furnishings $ Books and reference materials $ Repair and maintenance $ Computer Hardware $ Computer Software $ Miscellaneous ALL Other Expenses (Separately itemize these expenses, For example: 96-gallon recycling roll #of Units 50 1 1,000 90 1,000 2,500 TOTAL OTHER 18 carts @ $50.73 ea, 700 units = $35,511.00) $ 77,500 $ 3,150 $ 1,000 $ $ $ 3,g9n 3,000 5,000 93,470 ATTACHMENTS TO THE GRANT APPLICATION 1. The governing body of the local government must approvo a resolution or court order authorizing the Grant Project Application as well as the acceptance of grant funds if the Application ranks high enough to be considered for funding. This resolution or court order must be formally signed by the appropriate official and be notarized and signed (or stamped with the local government's seal) in addition to those signatures required in the Grant Project Application. This resolution or court order along with complete application will be due to NCTCOG on Friday, June 22, 2012, no later than 5 p.m. CENTRAL TIME to NCTCOG Offices at 616 Six Flags Drive, Arlington, Texas 76011, Attn: Liz Zecckine 2. If indirect costs are included in the project budget, attach the local government's latest indirect cost allocation plan, including documentation of approval of the plan and the indirect cost rato by the local government's Federal Cognizant Agency or State Coordinating Agency. CHECKL IST FAR APPLICANT Did you provide the following? Y or N One sided Original Application Y or N - 34 copies Two-sided Y or N -Electronic copy (CD) or flash drive provided Form 1 LOCAL GOVERNMENT AND GRANT PROJECT INFORMATION Box 1: Project Local government information N v Did Project Local Government Information? Lybr youprovideJ Y/or N Box 2: Project Title Did you provide the Project Title with a single sentence description of what the grant will cover? Grant Project Information Box 3: Y or N Did you identify Only one goal? �or N Did you quote Only one objective directly from the Regional Plan? (35)or N Did you quote Only one Action Recommendation directly from the Regional Plan? Cr)\eN Did you requcst funds within the designated range (minimum $15,000 and maximum $125,000)? Authorized Signatory Box 4: Y or N — Has an authorized signatory signed the application? 19 Fore 2 CIH ZTIFICA T UoNS MO ASSURI NC;SS Y or N Has an authorized signatory has signed the agreement to comply with Certifications and Assurances? Form 3 d C=D J Iv0Z 6t=t L= r L vES AG11 OViF Y or N Has an Authorized Project Representative signed? Y or N v Has an Authorized Financial Representative signed? Form 4 Y,.or N —Will a resolution or court order, signed by an authorized signatory, authorizing the project application submittal be submitted to NCTCOG with completed application by deadline of 5:00 p.m. CENTRAL TIME on Friday, June 22, 2012. N — Has the Resolution or Court Order been notarized? (see FORM 4 of application) (Local government's SEAL or Notary SEAL must be affixed to Resolution or Court Order) Form 5 PROJECT DESCRIPTION `(-.-. -or NoHas a detailed project description been provided? Form 5a PROJECT WORK PROGRAM AND TIMELINE or N — Has a WORK PROGRAM AND TIMELINE been provided? Y for N — Has a detailed WORK PROGRAM AND TIMELINE that is consistent with implementing the Regional Solid Waste Management Plan goals, objectives and action recommendations been provided? Does your Project Work Program and Timeline include the following? (See details on page 7 of application.) Y or N - Execution of the Interlocal Agreement with NCTCOG: o FY2012.-2013 Socond Call for Projects- Octobor 2012 Y or N o Quarterly Status Reports on tho progress of the grant project — Every three months o Beginning December 2012 Y or N - All expenditures and activities completed — Friday, June 28, 2013 Y or N - Final reporting, reimbursement request, and Release of All Claims due to NCTCOG offices on Friday, August 2, 2013 Form 6 LEVEL OF COMMITMENT AFTER GRANT (Y)or N -Did you provide information detailing your level of commitment to continue the project with your own funding after the grant funding period has ended? (Continued on next page) 20 Form 7 EXPLANATION REGARDING PRIVATE INDUSTRY NOTIFICATION If your project falls under one of the following Time to Recycle or Assuring Capacity For Trash funding categories: • Source Reduction and Recycling • Citizens Collection Stations and `Small" Registered Transfer Stations r N - Categories Requiring Private Sector Notification have been reviewed N - Grant project falls within Categories Requiring Private Sector Notification Y or N - Statement of Private Sector Notification applies to grant project and has been completed Not Applicable This section is not applicable if project falls under the Stop illegal Dumping Goal Form 7a LIST OF PRIVATE SERVICE PROVIDERS NOTIFIED If your project falls under one of the following Time to Recycle Goal or Assuring_ Capacity For Trash funding categories: • Source Reduction and Recycling • Citizens' Collection Stations and Small Registered Transfer Stations Y or N — Completed Not Applicable This section is not applicable if your project falls under the Stop Illegal Dumping Goal Form 7b SUMMARIES OF DISCUSSIONS WITH PRIVATE INDUSTRY If your project falls under one of the followina Time to Recycle Goal or Assuring Capacity For Trash funding categories: • Source Reduction and Recycling • Citizens' Collection Stations and Small Registered Transfer Stations Y or N — Completed „EICNot Applicable This section is not applicable if your project falls under the Stop illegal Dumping Goal Forms 8a thru 8g PROJECT BUDGET SUMMARY r N — Did you provide a completed PROJECT BUDGET SUMMARY that is consistent with your proposed project? Y off-= Are Indirect Charges* included in this project? (See Lfne10 of PROJECT BUDGET SUMMARY FORM) Y or N - If indirect Charges* are included, is a plan attached? &or N - Did you provide complete corresponding budget form(s) that reflect the PROJECT BUDGET SUMMARY? 66r N - Are In -kind or Matching Funds Contributions included in this project? STATE OF TEXAS FORT WORTH COUNTIES OF TARRANT, DENTON AND WISE I, Nicole Seidel, Assistant to the City Secretary of the City of Fort Worth, Texas do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of Ordinance No. 20165-04-2012, which ordinance was duly presented and adopted by the City Council of the City of Fort Worth, Texas, at a regular session held on the 10t11 day of April, 2012, as same appears of record in the Office of the City Secretary. WITNESS MY HAND and the Official Seal of the City of Fort Worth, Texas, this 17t1i day of May, 2012. Q Nicole Seidel, Assistant to the City Secretary City of Fort Worth, Texas os."Kilatventi Rr follotrA' 4kzio..� City Secretary's Office City of Fort Worth* 1000 Throckmorton Street*Fort Worth, Texas 76102 (817) 392-6150*FAX (817) 392-6196 Ordinance No. 20165-04-2012 AN ORDINANCE INCREASING THE ESTIMATED RECEIPTS AND APPROPRIATIONS IN THE GRANTS FUND IN THE AMOUNT OF $93,470 00, SUBJECT TO RECEIPT OF A GRANT FROM THE NORTH CENTRAL TEXAS COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS FOR THE PURPOSE OF FUNDING THE "COWTOWN RECYCLES DOWNTOWN' PROJECT; PROVIDING FOR A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; MAKING THIS ORDINANCE CUMULATIVE OF PRIOR ORDINANCES REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS: SECTION 1. That in addition to those amounts allocated to the various City departments for Fiscal Year 2011-2012 in the Budget of the City Manager, there shall also be increased estimated receipts and appropriations in the Grants Fund in the amount of $93,470.00, subject to receipt of a grant from the North Central Texas Council of Governments, for the purpose of funding the "Cowtown Recycles Downtown" project. SECTION 2. That should any portion, section or part of a section of this ordinance be declared invalid, inoperative or void for any reason by a court of competent jurisdiction, such decision, opinion or judgment shall in no way impair the remaining portions, sections, or parts of sections of this ordinance, which said remaining provisions shall be and remain in full force and effect. SECTION 3. That this ordinance shall be cumulative of Ordinance No.19911-09-2011 and all other ordinances and appropriations amending the same except in those instances where the provisions of this ordinance are in direct conflict with such other ordinances and appropriations, in which instance said conflicting provisions of said prior ordinances and appropriations are hereby expressly repealed. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall take effect upon adoption. APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: /1 Assistant C Attorney \AMA _ Lt. nlj--6.1r— ADOPTED ANI) EFFECTIVE: April 11, 2012 City of Fort Worth, Texas ayor and Council Communication COUNCIL ACTION: Approved on 4/10/2012 - Ordinance No. 20165-04-2012 DATE: Tuesday, April 10, 2012 REFERENCE NO.: **C-25550 LOG NAME 23NCTCOG GRANT FY12-13 - COWTOWN RECYCLES DOWNTOWN SUBJECT: Authorize Application for and Acceptance, if Awarded, of a Grant from the North Central Texas Council of Governments in the Amount of $93,470.00 for the Purpose of Funding the Cowtown Recycles Downtown Project and Authorize Use of Funds for In -Kind Match and Adopt Appropriation Ordinance (ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS) RECOMMENDATION. It is recommended that the City Council: 1. Authorize the attached application for and acceptance, if awarded, a grant from the North Central Texas Council of Governments in the amount of $93,470.00 for the purpose of funding the Cowtown Recycles Downtown project; 2. Authorize the use in the amount up to $833.00 from the Solid Waste Fund as in -kind matching funds for this grant; and 3. Adopt the attached appropriation ordinance increasing estimated receipts and appropriations in the Grants Fund in the amount of $93,470.00, subject to receipt of the grant. DISCUSSION: The Code Compliance Department is applying for a grant from the North Central Texas Council of Governments for the purpose of funding the Cowtown Recycles Downtown project. In an effort to implement recycling opportunities for the approximately 10 million annual visitors of downtown Fort Worth, the Code Compliance Department is working with Downtown Fort Worth, Inc., to obtain grant funds for pedestrian recycling containers and an educational program to promote and encourage recycling in downtown Fort Worth. The funding request is in the amount of $93,470.00 Staff time in the amount up to $833.00 will be used as the in -kind match from the Solid Waste Fund. FISCAL INFORMATION / CERTIFICATION: The Financial Management Services Director certifies that upon approval of the above recommendations, award of the grant, and adoption of the attached appropriation ordinance funds will be available in the current operating budget, as appropriated, of the Grants Fund. Funds will be reimbursed by the grantor after expenditures are made. FUND CENTERS: TO Fund/Account/Centers 3) GR76 451409 023203556000 $93.470.00 FROM Fund/Account/Centers Logname: 23NCTCOG GRANT FY 12-13 - COWTOWN RECYCLES DOWNTOWN Page 1 of 2 3) GR76 5XXXXX 023203556010 2) GR76 488339 023203556000 2) GR76 517040 023203556020 CERTIFICATIONS: Submitted for City Manager's Office bv: Originating Department Head: Additional Information Contact: $93.470.00 $833.00 $833.00 Charles Daniels (6199) Brandon Bennett (6345) Kim Mote (5153) Logname: 23NCTCOG_GRANT_FY12-13 - COWTOWN RECYCLES DOWNTOWN Page 2 of 2