HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 42424 (2)0 c3 art i3/41 100 vo A 44 144-3 9' 1 • Program Signature Form MBA/MBSA number Agreement number .:�; :�at.• a•^w ro. Note: Enter the applicable active numbers associated with the documents below. Microsoft requires the associated active number be indicated here, or listed below as new. a -.c. f > c to t:r v^. rstitu.tior *=►I USto tt',sr grin art'SECRETAFW • ca�Racer r�o. � a �t a� M�c►psoft VoIuflwL1CeSifl9 M&g'nngIntl me fcens�rg fa ernrner ITTt�r.• 2 :le,- ,•• This signature form and all contract documents identified in the table below are entered into between the Customer and the Microsoft Affiliate signing, as of the effective date identified below. Contract Document <Choose Agreement> <Choose Agreement> <Choose Agreement> I <Choose Agreement> I <Choose Agreement>- f t t Select Enrollment « • (y <Choose Errhtn 4:;. ' Sit.; ;,r 11 i -ti. • .. da• ;, . t..;,s 'Iiate..Reglstratio I <Choose En limentlAffiliate Ret i trat on'Fott I <Choose Enrollment/Affiliate. a tegis#ration Fore :. u Number or Code 4- bir . I•..Y .-. Dop„urn.Qt• rient�i :. F 'bcuCnent- _c4rrit t , -�.o��curriYe�� 1 -1)00 e I Media - ..::1on} �` ..: I Document Description • Dort Num ��- _ Document Description Dacurrient� Number-: x t•t::-- • i ;nas,. • rsy Yrlikev x Z• tip y • -•:.;: `'r x t1.4: t :< *"..";;Code ode Document Descripti ` : • �� .•, • ... eR . .. I Docull a t::M umber.'df Code qvat aerJption .. - • • •• DeicUrytelittitiM- • A s. • • - e• 1. �C} • .• ..es. • _ •-'� • 1• • Sig •.3 4t s. •. £ • • I A �. Q _ t• o elour;�c ustortm sand_ t the•:Microsoft Affiliate agree ttia_ t both paw" V -rec �e vod d_ and `!. .-J•'C • . _ �. _ �� �` > ~y •f e: t7. .kr• Sw• _ -fit• ;.. t• •. .: 1;+ .. '.' y'i` ur erstan 4 te; abo ` coritrac# docdments; including- -any ` websltes �•or : do dthnts�-� kncorPoratec .r by reference and any amendments `and et2} agree to be bound by the terms of all such documents. _ r: • • Customer Microsoft Affiliate Name of Entity (must be legal entity name) * CITY OF FORT.ORTH Signature i Printed Name - Karen Printed Title * Assistant City Manager Signature Date * 10 i1 1(1 �.-Pcs...-_ 'MILE T FORM AND ITC AIATY. _--_ tart C Attar, OFFICIAL. REC • ' , =r-'- - - r'T rcr^ Program Igr 'orm{MSSignXNAXENG}{oct2010} CITY SECRETARY 17 WORTH, TX • Microsoft L,tcen, Signature Printed Name Printed Title ��g� P ted Signature Date (date Microsoft Affiliate countersigns) Atested bye Marty Hendrix, � lty Sou na. GP Eiger, ist p1- ?1111 IN age 1 of 2 will be sent. After this signature form is signed by the Customer, send::IW end` channel partner or Microsoft *bunt manager, who Ut st submit ttieri the signature form is fully exec atedk by Microsoft, Customer wiII7recetve Microsoft Mcensin`P GP - Dept. 551, Voti,rie Licensing 6100 Neil Road,Suite 210 =Y Reno, Nevada 89511-1137 USA Prepared By: Narne; of=reparer> - `Email of Prepare? I Tax ID * indicates required field Effective Date (may be different than Microsoft's signature date) Optional 2nd Customer signature or Outsourcer Signature (if applicable) Customer Outsourcer N ame of Entity (must be legal entity name) * Name of Entity (must be legal entity name) * S ignature * Printed Name * Printed Title * S ignature Date * Signature * Printed Name * Printed Title * Signature Date * If Customer requires physical media, additional contacts, or is reporting multiple previous Enrollments, include the appropriate form(s) with this signature form. If no media t rrrin is included, no physical media <`.s its to Customer's %cress. When ProgramSignForm(MSSign)(NA)(ENG)(0ct2010) Page 2 of 2 Select Enrollment Enrollment number (Microsoft Affiliate to complete) Previous Enrollment, agreement or auth number flf renewing Software Assurance)(Reseller to complete) Mrcraso/t Volume Licensing State and Local Proposal ID (Reseller to complete) Earliest expiring previous Enrollment end date (Reseller to complete) ' If consolidating from multiple previous Enrollments with Software Assurance. complete the multiple previous Enrollment form and attach it to this Enrollment. This Microsoft Select Enrollment is entered into between the entities, as of the effective date identified on the signature form. This Enrollment consists of (1) This Enrollment, (2) the terms of the Select Agreement identified on the signature form and all attachments identified therein Enrolled Affiliate agrees to purchase Licenses equal to atieast 7btl _paIh s' f#ii't a initial term of this Enrollment. All terms used but not defined renlocated at http://A*Jdnicrosoft.Cujn/iiceris i Effective date. If Enroll it affiitate *renewing SOftvirare Assurance coverage Microsoft agreements eft3the effective datepf thisjEntolirrient itlill bathe: of such coverag e= Otheitvuise the effective t a% mill be tt ie date thie Ert u4 Term. This Enrollment witthex pir&tn the:date' n" lUiicrosoftSSeleot A form expires - Qualifying systems Licenses.The operating systej i tidenses3raht thunder this program are upgrade Licenses only. Full operating system Licenses are not= uailabte.under'this-program. If Customer selects the Windows Desktop Operating System Upgrade, all Qua_ lified `Qesktopd on -which the Customer runs the Windows Desktop Operating System Upgrade must be licensed to -run one of the qualifying operating s identified: in the Product List at' http://www.microsofIcorriiken-Sielpt intracts. Exclusions ar`e ect to4ctange when -new versions of Windows are released - erAto:use a thirdparty:to reimage.the Windows Operating System' Upgredt Enroi(ed'Affiliate:itust certify theta 'has acquired *ratifying operating_ system licenses. See the Product List for details. ;I. Contact information. Each party will notify the other in writing if any of the information in the following contact information page(s) changes. The asterisks (*) indicate required fields. By providing contact information, Enrolled Affiliate consents to its use for purposes of administering this Enrollment by Microsoft, its Affiliates, and other parties that help administer this Enrollment. The personal information provided in connection with this Enrollment will be used and protected in accordance with the privacy statement available at httos //licensina.microsoft.com. Primary contact information. Enrolled Affiliate must identify an individual from inside its organization to serve as the primary contact. This contact is also an Online Administrator for the Volume Licensing Service Center and may grant online access to others. Name of entity. (must be legal entity name)* CITY OF FORT WORTH Contact name*: First Betty Last Santos Select2010Enr(US)S LG(ENGX0ct2010) Page 1 of 3 Document X20-02347 Contact email address* Betty.Santos@fortworthgov.org Street address* 1000 THROCKMORTON ST City* FORT WORTH State* TX Postal code* 76102 Country* US Phone* 817-392-7877 Fax 817-992-0862 Tax ID b. Notices and online administrator. This individual receives contractual notices. They are also the Online Administrator for the Volume Licensing Service Center and may grant online access to others. Same as primary contact Name of entity (must be legal entity name)* Contact name*: First Last Contact email address* Street address* City* State* Postal code* Country* Phone* Fax c. Language preference. Select the language for notices. '>riglish d. Microsoft account manager. Provide the 11 licroso Enrolled Affiliate. Microsoft accol Microsoft:_ anager name: Mir ael Easley =` ILEnr®Ileci Mate °requues 'a pplementaiCentadOnforrivtibil. e r email address::. measley • Additional notices contact • Software Assurance manager • Subscription manager • Online Services manager • CustorlerSupport Manager (CSM) contact.. parate-t_,contact- or ti Otl1et'1Aii58 tip._ii+ 1s:aapurchase Under this Enrollment being t nanced throughl: Reseller. information: Reseiler company name* Dell Inc. Street address (PO boxes will not be accepted)* One Dell Way City* Round Rock State* TX Postal Code* 78682 Country* United States Contact name* Celeste Williams Phone* 800-883-1013 Fax 866-549-8212 Contact email address* us_ms vi_admin@dell.com r contact for this the o default. No. Select2010Enr(US)SLG(ENGX0ct2010) Page 2 of 3 Document X20-02347 The undersigned confirms that the information is Correct. Name of Reseller* Dell Inc. Signature Printed n • - Gina M Armer Printed title* Sales Support Sr. Analyst Date* 09-01 11 Changing a Reseller. If Microsoft or the Reseller chooses to discontinue doing business with each other, Enrolled Affiliate must choose a replacement Reseller. If Enrolled Affiliate or the Reseller intends to terminate their relationship the initiating party, it must notify Microsoft and the former Reseller using a form provided by Microsoft at least 90 days prior to the date on which the change is to take effect. 2. Software Assurance Membership election. To become a Software Assurance Member, Enrolled Affiliate must"_agree to purchase and maintain Software Assurance for all copies of all Products licensed under this Enrollment from at least one Product pool. For a description of benefits resulting from choosingTorie .°ore Product pools below and additional details regarding the Software Assurance Meru ei'shipacplass consult with the Reseller or Microsoft account manager. For each Product pool, mark." :'" or "no" to indicate=whether Enroled_* and maintain Software v' Tfor all copies: of a"IW' Productslidens Enrollment. roduct-pools Applications Renewing Software Assurance. d, all ers for Licenses must have:. Software ;Assurance. ,- ra purchase er this If Enrolled Affiliate is renewing Software Assurance from multiple Select programs or consolidating other previous Enrollments or agreements (including Open authorizations) into this Enrollment please complete the multiple previous Enrollment form and attach it to this Enrollment. The earliest expiring previous Enrollment/agreement which contains Software Assurance is to be inserted on the signature form. If only one previous Enrollment/agreement is renewing, please insert that previous number on the signature form. Select2010Enr(US)SLG(ENG)(Oct2010) Page3of3 Document X20-02347 Microsoft 'Volume Licensing Select Media Election Form Entity name* CITY OF FORT WORTH (must be same as Enrollment primary contact) This form identifies entity's software comprehensive and subscription kit preferences. All software for this program is available for download at https //(icensina.microsoft.com under fulfillment guide. Entity may choose to receive physical media delivery in addition to this download facility, if required Terms used but not defined in this form have the meanings given to them in entity's Enrollment. The comprehensive kit delivery address information identifies the delivery location. A comprehensive kit is not shipped to renewing entities. Microsoft reserves the right to discontinye media shipments or charge for them in the future. All CD/DVD-ROM subscriptions and licenses that Microsoft provides: be delivered on a DDU (INCOTERMS 2000) port of entry in enttya responsible for compliance with all associated costs and__procedures F:.. requirements, and for paying all customs duties import:value add+~ and taxes, applicable to the { :dation of all such}tD/DVDR accompanying documenta)o=fit y$ entity's country; `as well as transportation and Mc) # +ltxatr± n costs gS'Mibrosoft. me,+ et itS sole behalf, in any g(yera% t ertt, to carriSt aitad-ieaa the costs retate event after a€ iich CD/DVD4ROM subscriptions nd Licenses r•eac (1) Microsoft ha$ completed its delivery obliga#i le*tti r spe delay, loss, apprehension or seizure "of ,or darr(%b 10 � th ditt including the carrier medium and related documehtatiiruvill;yiie MEDIA DELIVERY ADDRESS Same s_notices contact In the Enrollment Nadine of. enty*• Cc« iarne:_ First* Last':. _. Cottitagt:ernatiaddress: (required foronlineaccess)* :. Street address (no PO boxes accepted)* City* State/Province* Postal code* County * Country* Phone* Fax In City Limits ❑ Estimated Tax Rate If entity chooses below to receive media in addition to the software download option available at httosfilicensina.microsoft.com, entity's selected media preference will be noted in Microsoft's systems so entity may automatically receive that media preference. Please note that DVD kits will include DVDs if available If media is not available on DVDs, then CDs will be provided. Likewise, CD kits will include CDs if available; if CDs are not available, DVDs will be included. What is entity's media preference? DVD Does entity request a comprehensive kit? (This option does not apply to renewing entities) Yes Does entity request subscription updates? Yes l$U rom under this election form will 1try, basis. Entity is solely sustoms and import cie°gernmentai fees • ii i Oz. 1i ses and all w, ploading, s The and In any gs, country, (2) all risk of lions and licenses icrosoft to entity. - SelectMediaForm(NA)(ENGXOct2009) Page 1 of 2 Media shipping information form — Comprehensive kit (continued) Entity may choose a maximum of 3 languages to receive physical media delivery free of charge. For each language and group entity elects to receive. mark the corresponding box with an X Language English English/ Multi-Lanquage Arabic Brazilian Portuguese Bulgarian Chinese Simplified Chinese Traditional Chinese Traditional Hong Kong Croatian Czech Danish Dutch Estonian Finnish French . Germe€t =. Greek Hebrew Hungarian Indic (Indian Languages1 Italian Japanese._. ore, (ilan tJtlivanian( Norwegian Polish Portuguese Romanian Russian Serbian Latin Slovak Slovenian Spanish Swedish Thai Turkish Ukrainian 1 _I< 1 1 I 0 1 I 0 I ❑ I I ❑ I ❑ L_.! = Not Available Office Family /1 ii♦ 111 i♦ i♦ • • Developer Tools Windows Client: Business fi♦ ■ ii♦ Windows Server ►/ Server Applications ►1 SelectMediaForm(NA)(ENG)(Oct2008) Page 2 of 2 Review DATE: CODE: P TYPE: UNCIL ACTION: tipieV on 1126120i0 1/26/2010 REFERENCE NO.: **P-11085 LOG NAME: CONSENT PUBLIC HEARING: SUBJECT: Authorize a Purchase Agreement with Dell Marketing, L P , for Standard Software Packages Using a State of Texas Department of Information Resources Contract for the Information Technology Solutions Department for an Amount Up to $288,000.00 13P09-0262DELLSOFTWAREAG NO RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council authorize a Purchase Agreement with Dell Marketing, L P , for standard software packages using the State of Texas Department of Information Resources Contract No. DIR-SDD-1014 for the Information Technology Solutions Department for an amount up to $288,000 00 with payments due 30 days upon receipt of invoices. DISCUSSION: The Information Technology Solutions Department (ITS) will use this Purchase Agreement (Agreement) to purchase standard computer software packages from Dell Marketing, L P The computer packages that ITS will purchase include standard Microsoft software products (MS Office Visio, MS Project, Windows, Windows Server, SQL, etc.) for various City departments. Over the last year, approximately $288 000.00 was spent for these products. All purchases made through this authorization will be made in accordance with adopted budgets. The State of Texas Department of Information Resources (DIR) is authorized to offer the cooperative purchasing program to state agencies, public institutions of higher learning, public school districts and Local governments Pursuant to Government Code Section 791.025, a local government that purchases goods and services under the Interlocal Cooperation Act satisfies otherwise applicable competitive bidding requirements. M/WBE - A waiver of the goal for MIWBE subcontracting requirements was requested by the Purchasing Division and approved by the M/WBE Office because the purchase of goods or services is from sources where subcontracting or supplier opportunities are negligible. PRICE ANALYSIS - DIR Contract No. DIR-SDD-1014 offers percentage discounts ranging from 20.06 percent to 20 27 percent off of current published list prices. There are no additional quantity or volume discounts. ITS has reviewed pricing and determined it to be fair and reasonable. ADMINISTRATIVE INCREASE - An administrative increase or change order for this Agreement may be made by the City Manager, or his designee, for an amount up to $25,000.00 and does not require specific City Council approval so long as sufficient funds have been appropriated AGREEMENT TERMS - Upon City Council's approval this Agreement shall begin on January 12, 2010, and expire on June 01, 2010, to coincide with the date of the DIR Contract No DIR-SDD-1014. RENEWAL OPTIONS - This Agreement may be renewed for up to three additional one year terms in accordance with the terms of http://apps.cfwnet.org/council_packet/mc_ eview.asp?lD=12926&councildate=1/26/2010 (1 of 2) [1/27/2010 8:32:10 AM] Review D►R Contract. Should the State elect to exercise the renewal options the City may do the same. This action does not require specific City Council approval provided that the City Council has appropriated sufficient funds to satisfy the City's obligation during the renewal term. FISCAL INFORMATION/CERTIFICATION: The Financial Management Services Director certifies that funds are available in the current operating budget, as appropriated, of the participating departments. BQN109-02621AMG TO Fund/Account/Centers FROM Fund/Account/Centers Submitted for City Manager's Office by: Originating Department Head: Additional Information Contact: ATTACHMENTS Karen Montgomery (6222) Lena Ellis (8517) Jack Dale (8357) Angela Gonzales (7648) http://apps.cfwnet.org/counciipacket/mc review.asp?ID=12926&councildate=1/26/2010 (2 of 2) [1/27/2010 8:32:10 AM]