HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020/08/04-Agenda-City Council CITY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA FOR THE MEETING AT 7:00 PM, TUESDAY, AUGUST 4, 2020 CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL 200 TEXAS STREET, FORT WORTH, TEXAS CALL TO ORDER INVOCATION - Pastor Micah Hobbs,Alta Mesa Church of Christ PLEDGES OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE UNITED STATES AND THE STATE OF TEXAS (State of Texas Pledge: "Honor the Texas flag; I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas, one state under God, one and indivisible.") CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES 1. 20-0554 Minutes - June 23, 2020 Work Session 2. 20-0555 Minutes - June 23, 2020 Regular Meeting 3. 20-0880 Minutes - June 23, 2020 Special Called Meeting to Discuss Amendments to the Trust Agreement for the Fort Worth Permanent Fund 4. 20-0878 Minutes - June 26, 2020 Regular Minutes 5. 20-0879 Minutes - July 24, 2020 Special Called Meeting ITEMS TO BE WITHDRAWN FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS TO BE CONTINUED OR WITHDRAWN BY STAFF CONSENT AGENDA Items on the Consent Agenda require little or no deliberation by the City Council. Approval of the Consent Agenda authorizes the City Manager, or his designee, to implement each item in accordance with staff recommendations. A. General- Consent Items 1. M&C Authorize Acceptance of Additional Grant Funds from the Texas 20-0472 Department of Housing and Community Affairs for Homeless Housing and Services Program in the Amount of $22,428.00 and Adopt Appropriation Ordinance (ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS) Speaker/Comment Card Page Iof16 CITY COUNCIL Meeting Agenda August 4,2020 2. M&C Verify Completion of Rehabilitation Project for the Historic and 20-0473 Cultural Landmark Property Located at 2109 6th Avenue and Declare said Property to be Entitled to a Historic Site Tax Exemption (COUNCIL DISTRICT 9) Speaker/Comment Card 3. M&C Verify Completion of the Rehabilitation Project for the Historic and 20-0474 Cultural Landmark Property Located at 2315 Mistletoe Avenue and Declare Said Property to be Entitled to a Historic Site Tax Exemption (COUNCIL DISTRICT 9) Speaker/Comment Card 4. M&C Adopt Resolution Authorizing the City Attorney to File Lawsuits 20-0478 against Stoneybrook Apartment Homes, Stoneybrook LP, and Madera Residential GP, LLC.; the Woods of Eastchase, BJR Investments, LLC and Billy Roberts, Individually; the Polo Club Apartments, Polo Partners and Alta Services Corp.; and James Brand, Individually for Fair Housing Complaints Alleging Discrimination (ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS) Speaker/Comment Card 5. M&C Authorization for the City Attorney to Intervene in the Pending 20-0479 Litigation Town of Northlake v. City of Justin 18-0651 to Sue the Town of Justin (ETJ near COUNCIL DISTRICT 7) Speaker/Comment Card 6. M&C Authorize Revenue Agreement with M&K Recovery Group for 20-0484 Gaming Machine Disposal Services, and Authorize Four Annual Renewal Options for the Police Department (ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS) Speaker/Comment Card 7. M&C Authorize the Execution of Amendment No. 4 with Enercon 20-0503 Services, Inc. in the Amount Not to Exceed $2,071,550.20, Extend the Existing Contract Agreement for Two (2) Additional Terms, and Adopt Appropriation Ordinances (COUNCIL DISTRICT 2) Speaker/Comment Card Page 2 of 16 CITY COUNCIL Meeting Agenda August 4,2020 8. M&C Authorize Application for, and Acceptance of, if Awarded, Pet 20-0504 Focused Organizations Funding in an Amount Not to Exceed $200,000.00 to Support Animal Welfare Programs, Authorize Execution of Related Grant Agreements, and Adopt Appropriation Ordinance (ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS) Speaker/Comment Card 9. M&C Ratify Application for, and Authorize Acceptance of, if Awarded, the 20-0508 U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, FY 2020 Comprehensive Anti-Gang Programs for Youth in an Amount Up to $479,386.00, Authorize Execution of Related Grant Agreement, and Adopt Appropriation Ordinance (ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS) Speaker/Comment Card 10. M&C Ratify Application for, and Authorize Acceptance of, if Awarded, the 20-0509 Texas Department of Transportation Fiscal Year 2021 Selective Traffic Enforcement Program (STEP) Grant in an Amount Up to $253,898.85; Authorize Transfer of $50,901.39 from the Justice Asset Forfeiture Fund for the City's Match Requirement, Authorize Execution of Related Grant Agreement, and Adopt Appropriation Ordinances (ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS) Speaker/Comment Card 11. M&C Adopt Ordinance to Establish the Sewer Per Acre Charge in the 20-0513 Amount of $21.97 Per Acre for the Off-Site Sanitary Sewer for Southfork Estates and to Establish the Basin Boundaries, Pursuant to Chapter 35, Article III, Division 3, Sections 35-81 through 35-86 of the City Code (ETJ and COUNCIL DISTRICT 6) Speaker/Comment Card 12. M&C Ratify Application for and Authorize Acceptance of the American 20-0515 Library Association's Grow with Google Grant in an Amount Up to $5,000.00 and Adopt Appropriation Ordinance (ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS) Speaker/Comment Card Page 3 of 16 CITY COUNCIL Meeting Agenda August 4,2020 B. Purchase of Equipment,Materials, and Services - Consent Items 1. M&C Authorize Purchase Agreement with Staples Contract & Commercial, 20-0215 LLC in an Annual Amount Up to $1,275,000.00, Using Sourcewell's Cooperative Contract Number 121919 for Office Furniture for All City Departments (ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS) Speaker/Comment Card 2. M&C Authorize the Execution of a Revenue Agreement with Jeanie Ladell, 20-0480 Inc. d/b/a Cyclone Aluminum for Scrap Metal Collection and Sales for Various City Departments Through the Property Management Department(ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS) Speaker/Comment Card 3. M&C Authorize Execution of Non-Exclusive Agreements with Abacus 20-0481 Corporation, Adastaff Inc., Bridgework Partners, LLC, P.I.E. Management, LLC and Smith Temporaries, Inc. d/b/a CornerStone Staffing, for Temporary Staffing Services in the Combined Annual Amount Up to $2,800,000.00, for a Three-year Initial Term with Option to Renew for One Additional Two Year Term at the City's Sole Discretion for All City Departments (ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS) Speaker/Comment Card 4. M&C Authorize a Contract with American Facility Services for Janitorial 20-0482 Services for an Estimated Annual Amount Up to $5,000,000.00 for the City of Fort Worth with Four Annual Renewal Options (ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS) Speaker/Comment Card 5. M&C Authorize Rejection of All Responses to Request for Proposals 20-0485 20-0107 for Gate Replacement and Repairs for the Police Department(ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS) Speaker/Comment Card Page 4 of 16 CITY COUNCIL Meeting Agenda August 4,2020 6. M&C Authorize the Execution of Non-Exclusive Agreements with Able 20-0486 Communications, Inc., and Superior Fiber & Data Services, Inc. to Provide Structured Cabling and Services for All City Departments in an Annual Amount Up to $750,000.00 for the First Two Years, Authorize Two Annual Renewal Options in an Annual Amount Up to $350,000.00 and Authorize a Total of $1,200,000.00 for the Completion of the Tech Enhancements Venue Project at the Will Rogers Memorial Center(ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS) Speaker/Comment Card 7. M&C Authorize an Agreement with Carahsoft Technology Corporation for 20-0487 the Purchase of Open Counter Software using a National Cooperative Purchasing Alliance Cooperative Agreement for the Development Services Department for a First Year Cost of $189,050.54 and Authorize Six Annual Renews in an Amount Up to $75,582.00 (ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS) Speaker/Comment Card 8. M&C Authorize the Purchase of Five Heavy Duty Service Trucks from 20-0488 Texas Kenworth Co. dba MHC Kenworth, in an Amount Up to $770,781.74, for the Water Department Through the Property Management Department(ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS) Speaker/Comment Card 9. M&C Authorize the Purchase of an Excavator and Backhoes from RDO 20-0489 Equipment Company in an Amount Up to $373,076.81 for the Water Department Through the Property Management Department (ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS) Speaker/Comment Card 10. M&C Authorize Amendments to Existing Purchase Agreements with 20-0490 Ferguson Enterprises, LLC, Core & Main LP, and Fortiline, Inc. for PVC Sewer Fittings Increasing the Amount by $25,000.00 for a New Combined Annual Amount Up to $125,000.00 for the Water Department(ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS) Speaker/Comment Card Page 5 of 16 CITY COUNCIL Meeting Agenda August 4,2020 11. M&C Authorize an Increase to the Cooperative Agreement with Amazon 20-0491 Services, LLC dba Amazon Business, using OMNIA Partners Purchasing Agreement R-TC-17006 for the Purchase of Goods in the Amount of $300,000.00, for a Total Annual Amount Up to $1,000,000.00 for all City Departments (ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS) Speaker/Comment Card 12. M&C Authorize the Purchase of Water Meter and Pump Gaskets from 20-0492 Han-Boone International, Inc. dba Fort Worth Gasket & Supply in an Annual Amount Up to $200,000.00 and Authorize Four Annual Renewal Options for the Water Department (ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS) Speaker/Comment Card 13. M&C Authorize the Purchase of Two Drum Rollers from Kirby-Smith 20-0493 Machinery, Inc. in the Total Amount of $270,324.00, Using BuyBoard Cooperative Contract 597-19, for the Transportation and Public Works Department Through the Property Management Department(ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS) Speaker/Comment Card C. Land - Consent Items -NONE D. Planning &Zoning- Consent Items 1. M&C Adopt Ordinance Vacating a Portion of an Alley in Block 2, 20-0477 Burch-Hill Addition, Between Binkley Street and Thrall Street to be Replatted with the Adjoining Property for a New Drive-Thru Restaurant(COUNCIL DISTRICT 8) Speaker/Comment Card E. Award of Contract- Consent Items 1. M&C Authorize Execution of Change Order No. 1 to City Secretary 20-0498 Contract No. 51527 with McClendon Construction Company, Inc., in the Amount of $340,935.00 for Construction of Blue Mound Road and Willow Springs Road for a Revised Contract Amount of $7,556,355.75 and the Addition of 30 Calendar Days to the Project Schedule (2018 Bond Program) (COUNCIL DISTRICT 7) Speaker/Comment Card Page 6 of 16 CITY COUNCIL Meeting Agenda August 4,2020 2. M&C Adopt a Resolution Authorizing Execution of a Local On-System 20-0499 Improvement Agreement with the Texas Department of Transportation in the Total Amount of $1,363,524, of which City Participation is $1,245,000, for the Bonds Ranch Road at FM 156 Intersection Improvement Proj ect (City Proj ect No. 101009) (COUNCIL DISTRICT 7) Speaker/Comment Card 3. M&C Adopt a Resolution Authorizing Execution of a Local On-System 20-0501 Improvement Project with the Texas Department of Transportation in the Total Amount of $2,435,490.00, with City Participation in the Amount of $2,190,000.00, for the NW Loop 820 & Marine Creek Parkway Project Phase I(COUNCIL DISTRICT 2) Speaker/Comment Card 4. M&C Authorize Execution of Amendment No. 3 to the Engineering 20-0502 Services Agreement with Bridgefarmer and Associates, Inc. in an Amount Not to Exceed $180,870.00, for Additional Engineering Services for the McCart Avenue and McPherson Boulevard Project, Increasing the Project Design Costs to $2,087,265.00 (2014 Bond Program) (COUNCIL DISTRICT 6) Speaker/Comment Card 5. M&C Ratify Application for, and Authorize Acceptance of, if Awarded, the 20-0506 Strategies for Policing Innovation Grant Fiscal Year 2020 Program from the United States Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs and Bureau of Justice Assistance in an Amount Not to Exceed $700,000.00, Authorize Execution of a Grant Agreement, Adopt Appropriation Ordinance, and Authorize the Addition of Two Overage Positions (ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS) Speaker/Comment Card 6. M&C Authorize Application for, and Acceptance of, if Awarded, the DNA 20-0507 Capacity Enhancement for Backlog Reduction Program Grant Fiscal Year 2020 from the United States Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Bureau of Justice Assistance in the Amount of $333,376.26, Authorize Execution of a Grant Agreement with the United States Department of Justice, and Adopt Appropriation Ordinance (ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS) Speaker/Comment Card Page 7 of 16 CITY COUNCIL Meeting Agenda August 4,2020 7. M&C Authorize the Execution of Change Order No. 3 in the Amount of 20-0510 $93,396.00 and the Addition of 60 Calendar Days to a Contract with Texas Materials Group, Inc. dba Texas Bit, for Combined Street Paving Improvements and Water and Sanitary Sewer Main Replacements for 2014 CIP Year 3, Contract No. 1 and Area Water System Improvements, for a Total Revised Contract Amount of $9,513,893.64, and Adopt Appropriation Ordinance (COUNCIL DISTRICT 9) Speaker/Comment Card 8. M&C Authorize Execution of a Contract with Pall Corporation in an 20-0514 Amount Not to Exceed $300,000.00 to Procure 136 Water Filtration Membranes for the Westside Water Treatment Plant Capacity Expansion from 15 Million Gallons Per Day to 18 Million Gallons Per Day and Authorize Four One-Year Renewals in the Amount of $50,000.00 Per Year to Procure Water Filtration Membrane Parts and Adopt Appropriation Ordinances (ETJ adjacent to COUNCIL DISTRICT 3) Speaker/Comment Card 9. M&C Authorize Agreement with University of Texas Southwestern and 20-0516 Texas Health Resources to Assist with Funding a COVID-19 Prevalence Study in Tarrant County, in an Amount Not to Exceed $1,000,000.00, to be Funded from Existing Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act, Title V Funding (ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS) Speaker/Comment Card 10. M&C Approve Inter-Local Agreement with Tarrant County to Provide 20-0517 Funding for Saliva-Based COVID-19 Tests Provided by Vault Health in Collaboration with RUCDR Infinite Biologics, a Unit of Rutgers University in New Jersey, in an Amount Up to $2,000,000.00, with Two $500,000.00 Extensions (ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS) Speaker/Comment Card PRESENTATIONS BY THE CITY SECRETARY - CONSENT ITEMS 1. 20-0433 Notice of Claims for Alleged Damages and/or Injuries SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS, INTRODUCTIONS, ETC. 1. Presentation of Proclamation on The University of North Texas Health Science Center at Fort Worth Appreciation Day Page 8 of 16 CITY COUNCIL Meeting Agenda August 4,2020 ANNOUNCEMENTS BY CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS AND STAFF 1. Upcoming and Recent Events; Recognition of Citizens; Approval of Ceremonial Travel PRESENTATIONS BY THE CITY COUNCIL PRESENTATIONS AND/OR COMMUNICATIONS FROM BOARDS, COMMISSIONS AND/OR CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEES - NONE RESOLUTIONS 1. 20-0876 A Resolution to Continue the Mayor's Executive Order Regarding Face Coverings Speaker/Comment Card 2. 20-0877 A Resolution Appointing a Redistricting Task Force Speaker/Comment Card PUBLIC HEARING 1. 20-0881 Public Hearing on Proposed Amendments to the Trust Agreement for the Fort Worth Permanent Fund, which is Used in Managing a Portion of the City's Gas-Well Revenues and Other Gas-Related Funds, to Authorize a One-Time Distribution of Corpus in an Amount Not to Exceed $16,000,000.00 with the Intent of Funding Open Space Acquisition. (PUBLIC HEARING - a. Report of City Staff: Reginald Zeno; b. Public Presentations; c. Council Action: Close Public Hearing) Speaker/Comment Card Page 9 of 16 CITY COUNCIL Meeting Agenda August 4,2020 2. M&C Conduct Public Hearing and Approve the City's 2020-2021 Annual 20-0497 Action Plan for the Use of Federal Grant Funds in the Amount of $12,793,159.00 to be Awarded by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development from the Community Development Block Grant, HOME Investment Partnerships Program, Emergency Solutions Grant, and Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS Programs; Authorize Collection and Use of Program Income; Authorize Execution of Related Contracts; Authorize the Use of Fee Waivers as HOME Match; and Adopt Appropriation Ordinance (ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS) (PUBLIC HEARING - a. Report of City Staff: Sharon Burkley; b. Public Presentations; c. Council Action: Close Public Hearing and Act on the M&C) Speaker/Comment Card 3. M&C Conduct Public Hearing and Adopt Ordinance Designating Tax 20-0496 Abatement Reinvestment Zone No. 100, City of Fort Worth, Texas, for Property Located at 15201 Blue Mound Road for the Development of a Regional Distribution Hub and Corporate Office for Ariat International, Inc. (COUNCIL DISTRICT 7) (PUBLIC HEARING - a. Report of City Staff. Robert Sturns; b. Public Presentations; c. Council Action: Close Public Hearing and Act on M&C) Speaker/Comment Card 4. M&C Authorize Execution of Tax Abatement and Economic Development 20-0495 Program Agreement with Ariat International, Inc. and NP-OV Fort Worth Project 1, LLC, or Affiliates, for a Corporate Office and Regional Distribution Hub to be Located at 15201 Blue Mound Road in Tax Abatement Reinvestment Zone No. 100, City of Fort Worth Texas (COUNCIL DISTRICT 7) Speaker/Comment Card Page 10 of 16 CITY COUNCIL Meeting Agenda August 4,2020 5. M&C Conduct Public Hearing to Consider Variance from Section 4-4 of the 20-0476 City Code to Allow Beer and Wine Sales for On-Premise Consumption at Taqueria Las Esmeraldas Located at 4163 E. Rosedale Street (COUNCIL DISTRICT 8) (PUBLIC HEARING - a. Report of City Staff: Arty Wheaton-Rodriguez; b. Public Presentations; c. Council Action: Close Public Hearing and Act on M&C) Speaker/Comment Card 6. M&C Conduct Public Hearing to Consider Variance from Section 4-4 of the 20-0475 City Code to Allow Beer and Wine Sales for On-Premise Consumption at Corky's Corner Located at 3601 Williams Road (COUNCIL DISTRICT 3) (PUBLIC HEARING - a. Report of City Staff: Arty Wheaton-Rodriguez; b. Public Presentations; c. Council Action: Close Public Hearing and Act on M&C) Speaker/Comment Card ZONING HEARING 1. ZC-20-058 (CD8) Ron Winsett & Cool Anchor Properties, 2400 & 2412 E. Belknap Street; From: "O-V Floodplain, "J" Medium Industrial To: "MU-2" High Intensity Mixed-Use 3.10 acres (Recommended for Denial due to a lack of 5 affirmative votes by the Zoning Commission) (Continued from a Previous Meeting) Speaker/Comment Card 2. ZC-20-066 (CD3) Andrea Fell, 3601 Williams Road; From: PD 684 Planned Development/Specific Use for all uses in "E" Neighborhood Commercial plus continued use of bar, restricted to beer and wine sales. Any new improvements or construction will require a site plan; site plan waived/NASJRB Overlay To: Amend PD 684 to increase the square footage of building; site plan included/NASJRB Overlay 0.63 acres (Recommended for Approval by the Zoning Commission) Speaker/Comment Card Page 11 of 16 CITY COUNCIL Meeting Agenda August 4,2020 3. ZC-20-067 (CD8) Frank Darden, 970 & 971 E. Humbolt; 968 Dashwood; 1000 New York; From: "A-5/HC" One-Family/Historic & Cultural and "CF/HC" Community Facilities/Historic & Cultural Overlay To: "NS-T4R/HC" Near Southside General Urban Restricted/Historic & Cultural Overlay 0.98 acres (Recommended for Approval by the Zoning Commission) Speaker/Comment Card 4. ZC-20-071 (CD8) Vertex Asset Partners, 2851 S. Riverside Drive; From: PD 760 and "MU-1" Low Intensity Mixed-Use To: "A-5" One-Family and amend the boundary of PD 760 22.27 acres (Recommended for Approval by the Zoning Commission) Speaker/Comment Card 5. ZC-20-072 (CD7) David & Barbara Nance, 11000 - 11600 blocks Willow Springs Road; From: "A-10" One-Family, "A-5" One-Family, "E" Neighborhood Commercial To: "A-5" One-Family and "R1" Zero Lot Line/Cluster 117.36 acres (Recommended for Approval by the Zoning Commission) Speaker/Comment Card 6. ZC-20-073 (CD3) Jared and Aubree Edwards, 3269 Lackland Road; From: "ER" Neighborhood Commercial Restricted/NASJRB Overlay To: "A-5" One-Family/NASJRB Overlay 0.21 acres (Recommended for Approval by the Zoning Commission) Speaker/Comment Card 7. ZC-20-074 (CD7) Landmark Loop 820, LTD, 5900 Quebec Street; To: Add Conditional Use Permit (CUP) to allow a carwash facility; site plan included 1.43 acres (Recommended for Approval by the Zoning Commission) Speaker/Comment Card 8. ZC-20-077 (CD4) HTP LP by Stephen Tobin, 8101 N. Riverside Drive; From: "E" Neighborhood Commercial To: "PD/D" Planned Development for all uses in "D" High Density Multifamily for independent living facility; site plan included 10.73 acres (Recommended for Approval by the Zoning Commission) Speaker/Comment Card Page 12 of 16 CITY COUNCIL Meeting Agenda August 4,2020 9. ZC-20-078 (CD9) Reibur 1 LP, 2513 & 2517 McCart Avenue; From: "CF/TCU" Community Facilities/TCU Residential Overlay To: "B/TCU" Two-Family/TCU Residential Overlay 0.26 acres (Recommended for Approval by the Zoning Commission) Speaker/Comment Card 10. ZC-20-079 (CD4) Fossil Creek II Owner LLC, 5401 Sandshell; From: "J" Medium Industrial/I-35 Overlay South Zone To: "PD/J" Planned Development for all uses in "J" Medium Industrial plus furnace/blast, forge/boiler and galvanizing; site plan included/I-35 Overlay South Zone 9.70 acres (Recommended for Approval by the Zoning Commission) Speaker/Comment Card 11. ZC-20-081 (CD6) Shell Coast, Inc., 5500 Altamesa Boulevard; To: Add Conditional Use Permit (CUP) to allow a carwash facility, with development regulations to allow a 65-foot tall flag pole; site plan included 2.22 acres (Recommended for Approval by the Zoning Commission) Speaker/Comment Card 12. SP-20-015 (CD5) Texas Tile Roofing, LLC, 801 E. Loop 820; To: Amend site plan for PD 1071 for a contractor yard 0.74 acres (Recommended for Approval by the Zoning Commission) Speaker/Comment Card 13. ZC-20-082 (CD9) FW 901 Vickery Investors LP, 901 W. Vickery Boulevard; From: "NS-T5" Near Southside To: Add "HC" Historic & Cultural Overlay 1.37 acres (Recommended for Approval by the Zoning Commission) Speaker/Comment Card 14. ZC-20-083 (CD3) Robert W. Tesch III, 2811 Simondale Drive; From: "A-5" One-Family/TCU Residential Overlay To: Add "HC" Historic & Cultural Overlay 0.48 acres (Recommended for Approval by the Zoning Commission) Speaker/Comment Card 15. ZC-20-085 (CD2) Enclave at Parkview, L. P., 7201 Old Decatur Road; From: "AG" Agricultural To: "C" Medium Density Multifamily 9.17 acres (Recommended for Approval by the Zoning Commission) Speaker/Comment Card Page 13 of 16 CITY COUNCIL Meeting Agenda August 4,2020 16. ZC-20-087 (CD7) Eagle Mountain Saginaw ISD, 10201 Warehouse Way; To: Amend PD 803 to allow for expansion to the Bus Maintenance Transportation & Warehouse Facility; site plan included 18.96 acres (Recommended for Approval by the Zoning Commission) Speaker/Comment Card REPORT OF THE CITY MANAGER A. Benefit Hearing-NONE B. General 1. M&C Adopt Ordinance to Establish the Sewer Per Acre Charge in the 20-0511 Amount of $423.42 Per Acre for the Crowley Relief Interceptor M-325 for Village Creek Basin Parts 1 & 2 and to Establish the Basin Boundaries, Pursuant to Chapter 35, Water and Sewer, Article III, Division 3, Sections 35-81 through 35-86 of the City Code (ETJ and COUNCIL DISTRICT 6) Speaker/Comment Card 2. M&C Adopt Ordinance to Establish the Sewer Per Acre Charge in the 20-0512 Amount of $4,076.89 Per Acre for the Crowley Relief Interceptor M-325 for Village Creek Basin Part 3 and to Establish the Basin Boundaries, Pursuant to Chapter 35, Water and Sewer, Article III, Division 3, Sections 35-81 through 35-86 of the City Code (ETJ and COUNCIL DISTRICT 6) Speaker/Comment Card C. Purchase of Equipment,Materials, and Services 1. M&C Authorize Execution of Agreements with Anthony Brown d/b/a 20-0483 Camelot Roofing, G. A. Miller Enterprises, Inc d/b/a Glenn's A/C & Heating, HVAC ServicePro, LLC, GTO1 Construction Corp., and Post L Group Development LLC for the Neighborhood Services Department's Home Repair Programs for an Initial One-Year Term Amount in an Amount Up to $6,023,333.33 (Annual Funding), with Four One-Year Renewal Options, for a Total Combined Amount Up to $30,116,666.65; and Authorize Rollover of Remaining Purchase Contracts (ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS) Speaker/Comment Card D. Land -NONE E. Planning &Zoning-NONE Page 14 of 16 CITY COUNCIL Meeting Agenda August 4,2020 F. Award of Contract 1. M&C Authorize the Execution of a Successor Meet and Confer Agreement 20-0356 Between City of Fort Worth, Texas and Fort Worth Police Officers Association to Expire September 30, 2024 (ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS) (Continued from a Previous Meeting) Speaker/Comment Card 2. M&C Authorize Execution of a Five-Year Tax Abatement Agreement 20-0357 with Mayra Estrada for the Construction of a Single-Family Dwelling of Approximately 1,045 Square Feet and Having a Cost of at Least $96,000.00 on Property Located at 4229 S. Henderson Street in the Rosemont Neighborhood and Neighborhood Empowerment Zone and Reinvestment Zone Area Six (COUNCIL DISTRICT 9) (Continued from a Previous Meeting) Speaker/Comment Card 3. M&C Authorize Execution of a Professional Services Agreement with the 20-0494 National Training Institute on Race and Equity in an Amount Not to Exceed $124,000.00 for Consultation and Facilitation Services Related to the Delivery of the Employee Values Summit and Implicit Bias and Cultural Competency 21 st Century Policing Workshops (ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS) Speaker/Comment Card 4. M&C Adopt Appropriation Ordinance in the Amount of $6,300,000.00 in 20-0500 the Transportation Impact Fee Capital Fund for the Harmon Road Project from US 81/287 to Golden Triangle Boulevard and Update the FY2020-2024 Capital Improvement Plan (2018 Bond Program) (COUNCIL DISTRICT 7) Speaker/Comment Card 5. M&C Ratify Application for, and Authorize Acceptance of, if Awarded, the 20-0505 U.S. Department of Justice, Community Oriented Policing Services Fiscal Year 2020 COPS Hiring Program in an Amount Up to $3,455,420.54; and Authorize Execution of Related Grant Agreement (ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS) Speaker/Comment Card Page 15 of 16 CITY COUNCIL Meeting Agenda August 4,2020 PUBLIC PRESENTATIONS The City Council may not discuss or deliberate about a topic not specifically listed on the Agenda,including those presented during the Public Comments section of the Agenda(Tex. Gov't Code § 551.042) 1. 20-0600 Public Presentations Speaker/Comment Card EXECUTIVE SESSION (CITY COUNCIL CONFERENCE ROOM, CITY HALL, ROOM 290) - SEE ATTACHMENT B 1. 20-0486 Executive Session B ADJOURNMENT Members of the City Council may be participating remotely in compliance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, Council Rules of Procedure, or under the provisions provided by the Governor of Texas in conjunction with the Declaration of Disaster enacted March 13, 2020. According to the City Council Rules of Procedures, individual citizen presentations shall be limited to three minutes, and group presentations shall be limited to six minutes. At the Mayor's discretion, time limits may be reasonably extended. Fort Worth Council Chamber, is wheelchair accessible. Persons with disabilities who plan to attend this meeting and who may need accommodations, auxiliary aids, or services such as interpreters, readers, or large print are requested to contact the City's ADA Coordinator at (817) 392-8552 or e-mail ADA@FortWorthTexas.gov at least 48 hours prior to the meeting so that appropriate arrangements can be made. If the City does not receive notification at least 48 hours prior to the meeting, the City will make a reasonable attempt to provide the necessary accommodations. I.the undersigned authority do hereby certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on the City of Fart Worth offcial website and officia€bulletin board,places convenient and readily accessible to the general public at all times and said Notice was posted on the following date and time Friday,July 31,2020 at 6:00 p.rn,and remained so posted continuously for at least 72 hours preceding the scheduled time of said meeting. tv 5erretary for the Citv of Fort Worth,Texas Page 16 of 16