HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020/08/11-Agenda-City Council CITY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA FOR THE MEETING AT 7:00 PM, TUESDAY, AUGUST 11, 2020 CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL 200 TEXAS STREET, FORT WORTH, TEXAS CALL TO ORDER INVOCATION - Bishop Donald Hayes, GIFT Ministries PLEDGES OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE UNITED STATES AND THE STATE OF TEXAS (State of Texas Pledge: "Honor the Texas flag; I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas, one state under God, one and indivisible.") CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES 1. 20-0893 Minutes - June 26, 2020 Special Called Meeting 2. 20-0556 Minutes - August 4, 2020 Work Session 3. 20-0557 Minutes - August 4, 2020 Regular Meeting ITEMS TO BE WITHDRAWN FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS TO BE CONTINUED OR WITHDRAWN BY STAFF CONSENT AGENDA Items on the Consent Agenda require little or no deliberation by the City Council. Approval of the Consent Agenda authorizes the City Manager, or his designee, to implement each item in accordance with staff recommendations. A. General- Consent Items 1. M&C Authorize Execution of a Unit Price Contract with TRP Construction 20-0527 Group, LLC in an Amount Not to Exceed $1,500,000.00 for Task Order Construction Services for Projects Relating to Pavement Marking (ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS) Speaker/Comment Card Page IofII CITY COUNCIL Meeting Agenda August 11,2020 2. M&C Authorize Execution of a Unit Price Contract with Bean Electrical, 20-0528 Inc. in an Amount Not to Exceed $500,000.00 for Task Order Construction Services for the Installation of Projects Relating to Sign Installations, Modifications, and Removals (ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS) Speaker/Comment Card 3. M&C Authorize Execution of a Unit Price Contract with EAR 20-0529 Telecommunications, Inc. dba EARTC in an Amount Not to Exceed $4,500,000.00 for Task Order Construction Services for the Installation of Projects Relating to Traffic Management, Street Light Improvements, Sidewalks and Sidewalk Ramps Along with School Zone Flashing Beacons, with Two Renewal Options (ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS) Speaker/Comment Card 4. M&C Adopt Appropriation Ordinance in the Amount of $41,500.00 for 20-0532 Additional Design and Construction of W. Vickery Blvd. at Riverbend Blvd. Pedestrian and Traffic Signal Improvements Proj ect and Update the FY2020-2024 Capital Improvement Plan (2018 Bond Program) (COUNCIL DISTRICT 9) Speaker/Comment Card 5. M&C Ratify Application for, and Authorize Acceptance of, if Awarded, the 20-0535 United States Department of Transportation Commercial Motor Vehicle Grant for the Fiscal Year 2021 in an Amount Up to $68,658.77; Authorize Transfer of $13,743.77 from the Justice Asset Forfeiture Fund for the City's Match Requirement; Authorize Execution of Related Grant Agreement; and Adopt Appropriation Ordinances (ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS) Speaker/Comment Card 6. M&C Adopt Supplemental Appropriation Ordinances in the Justice and 20-0536 State Asset Forfeiture Funds for a Combined Amount of $1,160,693.00 and in the Justice and State Asset Forfeiture Capital Funds for a Combined Amount of $412,000.00 for Fiscal Year 2020 and Update the FY2020-2024 Capital Improvement Plan (ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS) Speaker/Comment Card Page 2 of 11 CITY COUNCIL Meeting Agenda August 11,2020 7. M&C Adopt Appropriation Ordinances for the Purpose of Transferring 20-0538 $5,810,794.00 from the Municipal Airports Operating Fund to the Municipal Airports Capital Projects Fund for the Fort Worth Meacham Airport Frontage Improvements Proj ect (COUNCIL DISTRICT 2) Speaker/Comment Card 8. M&C Adopt Appropriation Ordinances for a Total Amount of 20-0539 $9,023,293.00 in the Aviation Gas Lease Capital Projects Fund for Stage II of the Meacham Airport Midfield Redevelopment Project, the Meacham Airport Frontage Improvements Project and Spinks Hangar Development(COUNCIL DISTRICTS 2 and 6) Speaker/Comment Card 9. M&C Authorize Sole Source Purchase of Two (2) Three Station Extractor 20-0543 Module Systems and Additional Equipment from Biotage, LLC, the Amount not to Exceed $105,000, for the Water Central Laboratory (ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS) Speaker/Comment Card 10. M&C Authorize Submission of the City of Fort Worth's Fiscal Year 2021 20-0550 Funding Application to the Crime Control and Prevention District Board of Directors in the Amount of $86,570,462.00 (ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS) Speaker/Comment Card B. Purchase of Equipment,Materials, and Services - Consent Items 1. M&C Authorize an Agreement with Audio Visual Innovations, Inc. for the 20-0519 Purchase of Audio Visual Equipment and Maintenance Services for the Emergency Operations Center Using a Cooperative Agreement for a One Time Cost of $1,254,171.96 for the Information Technology Solutions Department on Behalf of the Fire Department (ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS) Speaker/Comment Card 2. M&C Authorize the Purchase of a Closed Circuit Television Truck from 20-0521 Rush Truck Centers of Texas, LP in an Amount up to $302,612.27 for the Transportation and Public Works Department through the Property Management Department(ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS) Speaker/Comment Card Page 3 of 11 CITY COUNCIL Meeting Agenda August 11,2020 C. Land - Consent Items 1. M&C Authorize the Dedication of a Reservation of Right of Way Easement 20-0533 in Approximately 9.927 Acres and of a Drainage Easement in 6.141 Acres in City Fee-Owned Land Situated in the E. Hopkins Survey, Abstract No. 646 and J.A. Ashford Survey, Abstract No. 1776, Tarrant County, Texas, Necessary for the Construction of Haslet Parkway between F.M. 156 and IH-35, Tarrant County, Texas (COUNCIL DISTRICT 7) Speaker/Comment Card D. Planning &Zoning- Consent Items -NONE E. Award of Contract- Consent Items 1. M&C Authorize Execution of Agreement with the Fort Worth Independent 20-0523 School District in an Amount Up to $149,878.00 for Operation of the Fort Worth After-School Program at Como Elementary School for the 2020-2021 School Year and Adopt Appropriation Ordinance (COUNCIL DISTRICT 3) Speaker/Comment Card 2. M&C Authorize Execution of a Contract with McClendon Construction, 20-0526 Inc., in the Amount of $2,359,594.50 for Combined Street Paving Improvements and Sanitary Sewer Main Replacements for 2018 Bond Year 3 Contract 12 Project, Adopt Appropriation Ordinances and Update the FY2020-2024 CIP (COUNCIL DISTRICT 6) Speaker/Comment Card 3. M&C Authorize the First Renewal of a Professional Services Agreement 20-0530 with Shield Engineering Group, PLLC for Stormwater Capital Project Management Services and Authorize the First Amendment to the Agreement to Add Additional Funds in the Amount of $2,400,000.00 for a Revised Contract Amount of $3,500,000.00 (ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS) Speaker/Comment Card 4. M&C Execute a Cooperative Agreement with Otis Elevator Company for a 20-0531 Total Amount Not to Exceed $201,903.00 for Routine Monthly Inspection, Maintenance, Repair and Replacement as Needed, of the Vertical Transportation Units at the Houston Street Garage and Western Heritage Garage (COUNCIL DISTRICT 7 and 9) Speaker/Comment Card Page 4 of 11 CITY COUNCIL Meeting Agenda August 11,2020 5. M&C Execute a Cooperative Agreement with Otis Elevator Company for a 20-0534 Total Amount Not to Exceed $1,166,652.00 for the Routine Monthly Inspection, Maintenance, Repair and Replacement As Needed, of the Vertical Transportation Units at the Fort Worth Convention Center and Will Rogers Memorial Center(COUNCIL DISTRICT 7 and 9) Speaker/Comment Card 6. M&C Authorize the Execution of an Engineering Services Agreement with 20-0537 CP&Y, Inc., in the Amount of $649,503.00 for Construction Management Services for Phase I of the Taxiway Papa Extension Project at Fort Worth Alliance Airport (COUNCIL DISTRICT 7) Speaker/Comment Card 7. M&C Authorize Execution of a Tank Farm Lease and Public Fueling 20-0540 Agreement with FW American Aero Operating Company, LLC., for Fuel Site Known as South Fuel Farm at Fort Worth Meacham International Airport (COUNCIL DISTRICT 2) Speaker/Comment Card 8. M&C Authorize Execution of a Contract with Woody Contractors, Inc., in 20-0541 the Amount of $6,594,285.30 for Combined Street Paving Improvements, Storm Drain and Water and Sanitary Sewer Main Replacements for 2018 CIP Year 2 Contract 4 Project, Adopt Appropriation Ordinances and Update the FY2020-2024 CIP (COUNCIL DISTRICT 2) Speaker/Comment Card 9. M&C Authorize Execution of a Contract with Jackson Construction, Ltd., 20-0542 in the Amount of $4,510,656.00, for the 2019 Water Line and Sanitary Sewer Replacement WSM-C Project, and Adopt Appropriation Ordinances (COUNCIL DISTRICTS 2 and 7) Speaker/Comment Card 10. M&C Authorize Execution of Amendment No. 1 in the Amount of 20-0544 $193,699.00 to an Engineering Agreement with J.Q Infrastructure, LLC., for the Rolling Hills Water Treatment Plant Flow Meter Replacement and Adopt Appropriation Ordinance (COUNCIL DISTRICT 8) Speaker/Comment Card Page 5 of 11 CITY COUNCIL Meeting Agenda August 11,2020 11. M&C Authorize Execution of an Engineering Agreement with 20-0545 MAS Consultants, LLC in the Amount of $213,875.00, for the Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation, Contract 100 Project, and Adopt Appropriation Ordinance (COUNCIL DISTRICTS 8 and 9) Speaker/Comment Card 12. M&C Authorize Execution of a Professional Services Agreement with 20-0546 Studio Outside Landscape Architecture in the Amount of $171,700.00 for Design Services for the Botanic Garden Old Garden Road Renovation Project(COUNCIL DISTRICT 7) Speaker/Comment Card 13. M&C Authorize Execution of a Professional Services Agreement with The 20-0547 Broussard Group, Inc., dba TBG, in the Amount of $129,500.00 for Master Planning Services for the Botanic Garden Southwest Quadrant Renovation Project(COUNCIL DISTRICT 7) Speaker/Comment Card PRESENTATIONS BY THE CITY SECRETARY - CONSENT ITEMS 1. 20-0434 Notice of Claims for Alleged Damages and/or Injuries SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS, INTRODUCTIONS, ETC. ANNOUNCEMENTS BY CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS AND STAFF 1. Upcoming and Recent Events; Recognition of Citizens; Approval of Ceremonial Travel PRESENTATIONS BY THE CITY COUNCIL Changes in Membership on Boards and Commissions 1. 20-0889 Board Appointment-Legislative and Intergovernmental Affairs Committee PRESENTATIONS AND/OR COMMUNICATIONS FROM BOARDS, COMMISSIONS AND/OR CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEES - NONE Page 6 of 11 CITY COUNCIL Meeting Agenda August 11,2020 RESOLUTIONS 1. 20-0794 A Resolution Adopting the City of Fort Worth's Policy for the Donation of Used Bicycles, Tri-Cycles and Bicycle Parts from the City's Drop-Off Stations to Non-Profit Entities (Continued from a Previous Meeting) Speaker/Comment Card 2. 20-0886 A Resolution Nominating the TTI, Inc. at 3737 Meacham Boulevard as an Enterprise Project Pursuant to the Texas Enterprise Zone ACT, Chapter 2303, Texas Government Code Speaker/Comment Card PUBLIC HEARING 1. 20-0885 Second Public Hearing on Proposed Amendments to the Trust Agreement for the Fort Worth Permanent Fund, which is Used in Managing a Portion of the City's Gas-Well Revenues and Other Gas-Related Funds, to Authorize a One-Time Distribution of Corpus in an Amount Not to Exceed $16,000,000.00 with the Intent of Funding Open Space Acquisition. (PUBLIC HEARING - a. Report of City Staff: Reginald Zeno; b. Public Comment; c. Council Action: Close Public Hearing) Speaker/Comment Card ZONING HEARING 1. ZC-20-007 (CD8) Artel Inc., D&KW Properties, 5600 - 6200 blocks South Freeway & 800 - 1000 blocks Loop 820; From: "A-5" One-Family, "E" Neighborhood Commercial, "I" Light Industrial To: "J" Medium Industrial (Applicant request); PD/I Planned Development for all uses in "I" Light Industrial with a 40 ft. landscaping buffer, 50 ft. building setback, 8 ft. screening fence, no truck traffic on the eastern most driveway; site plan included (Zoning Commission recommendation) 99.50 acres (Recommended for Approval as Amended by the Zoning Commission to PD/I with development standards for 40 ft. landscaping buffer, 50 ft. building setback, 8 ft. screening fence and no truck traffic on eastern driveway; site plan included) (Continued from a Previous Meeting) Speaker/Comment Card Page 7 of 11 CITY COUNCIL Meeting Agenda August 11,2020 2. SP-20-010 (CD6) Pate Ranch Commercial LP, 6200 - 6300 blocks (Dirks Road/Altamesa Boulevard); Provide required site plan for PD 1063 for convenience store with gas station 1.01 acres (Recommended for Approval by the Zoning Commission) (Continued from a Previous Meeting) Speaker/Comment Card REPORT OF THE CITY MANAGER A. Benefit Hearing-NONE B. General 1. M&C Authorize Submission of a Letter of No Objection to the Foreign 20-0522 Trade Zones Board to Expand Foreign Trade Zone No. 196 in the Alliance Airport Corridor to Include 2660 Petty Place, Building 1 (COUNCIL DISTRICT 7) Speaker/Comment Card C. Purchase of Equipment,Materials, and Services 1. M&C Authorize a Contract with American Facility Services for Janitorial 20-0482 Services for an Estimated Annual Amount Up to $5,000,000.00 for the City of Fort Worth with Four Annual Renewal Options (ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS) (Continued from a Previous Meeting) Speaker/Comment Card 2. M&C Authorize the Execution of Non-Exclusive Agreements with Able 20-0486 Communications, Inc., and Superior Fiber & Data Services, Inc. to Provide Structured Cabling and Services for All City Departments in an Annual Amount Up to $750,000.00 for the First Two Years, Authorize Two Annual Renewal Options in an Annual Amount Up to $350,000.00 and Authorize a Total of $1,200,000.00 for the Completion of the Tech Enhancements Venue Project at the Will Rogers Memorial Center (ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS) (Continued from a Previous Meeting) Speaker/Comment Card Page 8 of 11 CITY COUNCIL Meeting Agenda August 11,2020 D. Land 1. M&C Authorize Acquisition of Fee Simple Interest in Approximately 20-0548 61 Acres of Land, Known as 3900 Angle Avenue, Tarrant County, Texas, from the Estate of Thomas B. Blanton or Assigns, in the Amount of $6,600,000.00, for a Future Police Substation, Automobile Impoundment Center and Other City Facilities in Northwest Fort Worth, Pay Estimated Closing Costs Up to $40,000.00, and Update the FY2020-2024 Capital Improvement Plan (COUNCIL DISTRICT 2) Speaker/Comment Card E. Planning &Zoning 1. M&C Adopt Ordinance Vacating a Portion of Windowmere Street to be 20-0520 Replatted with the Adjoining Property for Additional Security for the Huong Dao Vipassana Bhavana Center(COUNCIL DISTRICT 5) Speaker/Comment Card F. Award of Contract 1. M&C Authorize Agreements with Housing Authority of the City of Fort 20-0518 Worth, dba Fort Worth Housing Solutions; The Presbyterian Night Shelter of Tarrant County, Inc.; and D. Bivens Consulting, LLC, dba dlb Consultants, LLC, in a Combined Amount Not to Exceed $18,600,000.00 from Funds Previously Received from the U.S. Department of the Treasury Pursuant to Title V of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act for the Acquisition and Development of Protective Housing for COVID-19 Vulnerable Individuals in Need of Ongoing Supportive Services, and Adopt Appropriation Ordinance (ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS) Speaker/Comment Card 2. M&C Authorize Execution of a Five-Year Tax Abatement Agreement 20-0524 with Idania Montufar and Jose A. Gutierrez Anguiano for the Construction of a Single-Family Dwelling of Approximately 1,798 Square Feet and Having a Cost of at Least $185,000.00 on Property Located at 5529 Old Handley Road Near the Handley Neighborhood and Within Neighborhood Empowerment Zone and Reinvestment Zone Area Six (COUNCIL DISTRICT 5) Speaker/Comment Card Page 9 of 11 CITY COUNCIL Meeting Agenda August 11,2020 3. M&C Authorize Execution of a Five-Year Tax Abatement Agreement 20-0525 with Christopher J. Heim and Jacquelyn Heim, David J. Heim, Jr. and Kate P. Heim, for the Construction of a Single-Family Dwelling of Approximately 2,007 Square Feet and Having a Cost of at Least $215,000.00 on Property Located at 6008 Lantana Lane in the Woodhaven Neighborhood and Within Neighborhood Empowerment Zone and Reinvestment Zone Area Five (COUNCIL DISTRICT 4) Speaker/Comment Card 4. M&C Authorize Execution of Amendment 1 to the Professional Services 20-0549 Agreement with Callahan and Freeman Architects for Design, in the Not-To-Exceed Amount of $262,600.00, and Authorize Execution of a Construction Manager at Risk Contract with Core Construction Services of Texas, Inc., in the Not-To-Exceed Amount of $10,750,000.00Including a 7.5% Owner's Construction Contingency Allowance, for the Fort Worth Police Department's New South Patrol Division Facility, Combined with Administrative Costs for a Total Project Cost of $17,720,000.00 (2018 Bond Program) (COUNCIL DISTRICT 6) Speaker/Comment Card PUBLIC PRESENTATIONS The City Council may not discuss or deliberate about a topic not specifically listed on the Agenda, including those presented during the Public Comments section of the Agenda (Tex. Gov't Code § 551.042) 5. 20-0601 Public Presentations Speaker/Comment Card EXECUTIVE SESSION (CITY COUNCIL CONFERENCE ROOM, CITY HALL, ROOM 290) - SEE ATTACHMENT B 1. 20-0488 Executive Session B ADJOURNMENT Page 10 of 11 CITY COUNCIL Meeting Agenda August 11,2020 Members of the City Council may be participating remotely in compliance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, Council Rules of Procedure, or under the provisions provided by the Governor of Texas in conjunction with the Declaration of Disaster enacted March 13, 2020. According to the City Council Rules of Procedures, individual citizen presentations shall be limited to three minutes, and group presentations shall be limited to six minutes. At the Mayor's discretion, time limits may be reasonably extended. Fort Worth Council Chamber, is wheelchair accessible. Persons with disabilities who plan to attend this meeting and who may need accommodations, auxiliary aids, or services such as interpreters, readers, or large print are requested to contact the City's ADA Coordinator at (817) 392-8552 or e-mail ADA@FortWorthTexas.gov at least 48 hours prior to the meeting so that appropriate arrangements can be made. If the City does not receive notification at least 48 hours prior to the meeting, the City will make a reasonable attempt to provide the necessary accommodations. I,the undersigned authority do hereby certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on the City of Fort Worth official website and said Notice was posted on the following date and time Friday,August 07,2020 at 4:40 pm.and remained so posted continuously for at least 72 hours preceding the scheduled time of said meeting. Page 11 of 11