HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020/10/20-Agenda-City Council CITY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA
INVOCATION - Josh Giere, Bethesda Community Church
(State of Texas Pledge: "Honor the Texas flag; I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas,
one state under God, one and indivisible.")
1. 20-1000 Minutes - September 15, 2020 Special Called Meeting to Discuss
Amendments to the Trust Agreement for the Fort Worth
Permanent Fund
2. 20-0568 Minutes - September 22, 2020 Work Session
3. 20-0569 Minutes - September 22, 2020 Regular Meeting
Items on the Consent Agenda require little or no deliberation by the City Council.
Approval of the Consent Agenda authorizes the City Manager, or his designee, to
implement each item in accordance with staff recommendations.
A. General- Consent Items
1. M&C (CD 4) Authorize the Use of Transportation Impact Fee Captial
20-0734 Funds in the Amount of $700,000.00 for the Beach Street and
Basswood Boulevard Intersection Improvements, Adopt
Appropriation Ordinances, and Update the FY2021-2025 Capital
Improvement Plan (2018 Bond Program)
Speaker/Comment Card
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2. M&C (CD 8) Authorize the Use of Funds within the Transportation Impact
20-0748 Fee Capital Legacy Fund and the Transportation Impact Fee Capital
Fund in the Amount of $917,000.00 for the Altamesa Blvd and
Crowley Rd Intersection Improvements, Adopt Appropriation
Ordinances and Update the FY2021-2025 Capital Improvement
Plan (2018 Bond Program)
Speaker/Comment Card
3. M&C (CD 5) Authorize Use of Funds in the Amount of $538,000.00 in the
20-0750 Transportation Impact Fee Capital Legacy and Transportation Impact
Fee Capital Funds for Cooks Lane and Ederville Road Intersection
Improvements, Adopt Appropriation Ordinance and Update the
FY2021-2025 Capital Improvement Plan (2018 Bond Program)
Speaker/Comment Card
4. M&C (CD 8) Authorize the Transfer of Funds in the Amount of
20-0751 $250,000.00 within the Transportation Impact Fee Capital Legacy
Fund and the Transportation Impact Fee Capital Fund for Crowley
Road and Sycamore School Road Intersection Improvements, Adopt
Appropriation Ordinances and Update the FY2021-2025 Capital
Improvement Plan
Speaker/Comment Card
5. M&C (CD 7) Authorize the Amount of $223,000.00 to be Used for the
20-0756 Sendera Ranch Boulevard and Diamondback Lane Traffic Signal
Improvement Project within the Transportation Impact Fee Capital
Fund, Adopt Appropriation Ordinance and Update the
FY2021-2025 Capital Improvement Plan (2018 Bond Program)
Speaker/Comment Card
6. M&C (CD 6) Authorize the Use in the Amount of $281,053.24 Each in the
20-0757 Transportation Impact Fee Capital Legacy Fund and the
Transportation Impact Fee Capital Fund Totaling $562,106.48 for
the McCart Avenue and Altamesa Boulevard Intersection
Improvements, Adopt Appropriation Ordinances and Update the
FY2020-2024 Capital Improvement Plan (2018 Bond Program)
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7. M&C (CD 9) Verify Completion of Rehabilitation Projects for the Historic
20-0736 and Cultural Landmark Properties Located at 1725 Fairmount
Avenue, 1826 College Avenue, and 2236 Alston Avenue and Declare
Said Properties to be Entitled to a Historic Site Tax Exemption
Speaker/Comment Card
8. M&C (CD 9) Verify Completion of Rehabilitation Project for the Highly
20-0737 Significant/Endangered Property Located at 2837 Hemphill Street
and Declare Said Property to be Entitled to a Historic Site Tax
Speaker/Comment Card
9. M&C (CD 7) Authorization for the City Attorney to Intervene in the
20-0740 Pending Litigation Town of Northlake v. City of Justin 18-0651
to Sue the Town of Justin
Speaker/Comment Card
10. M&C (ALL) Authorize Confirmation of the Reappointment of Ricky
20-0743 Torlincasi as a Member of the City of Fort Worth Firefighters' and
Police Officers' Civil Service Commission for a Three-Year Term
Expiring on October 1, 2023
Speaker/Comment Card
11. M&C (CD 8) Authorize Funding for the East Rosedale Street Lights
20-0746 Project the Amount of $436,339.86 for Construction, Project
Management, Inspection and Material Testing, Adopt Appropriation
Ordinance and Update the FY2020-2024 Capital Improvement Plan
(2014 and 2018 Bond Program)
Speaker/Comment Card
12. M&C (CD 7) Adopt Ordinance Amending Chapter 22 "Motor Vehicles and
20-0747 Traffic," Article III "Operation of Vehicles," Section 22-86
"Speeding," Subsection (i) of the Code of the City of Fort Worth,
Texas (2015), as Amended, to Add the Speed Limits of Certain
Speed Zones, Specifically a New Speed Limit of 35 Miles per Hour
Along Litsey Road from North Beach Street to the Fort Worth City
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13. M&C (CD 2 and CD 9) Authorize Continued Funding Temporary Railroad
20-0749 Crossing Maintenance for the North Henderson Street and North
Commerce Street Fort Worth and Western Railroad Crossings as
Authorized Under City Secretary Contract No. 49230-Al and Adopt
Appropriation Ordinance
Speaker/Comment Card
14. M&C (ALL) Adopt Ordinance Approving Negotiated Settlement and
20-0753 Establishing Maximum Permitted Rates and Charges that Atmos
Energy Corporation d/b/a Atmos Energy Corporation, Mid-Tex
Division, may Assess Customers in the City of Fort Worth Effective
December 1, 2020
Speaker/Comment Card
15. M&C (CD 4) Authorize the Temporary Closure of Thompson Road from
20-0754 the Intersection of North Riverside Drive to Approximately 700 Feet
East of the Intersection from October 21, 2020 to January 11, 2021
for Construction Activities
Speaker/Comment Card
16. M&C (CD 6) Authorize the Temporary Closure of an 80 Foot Section of
20-0755 Old Cleburne Crowley Junction Road Between Dublin Ridge Lane
and West Cleburne Crowley Road from October 28, 2020 to
November 11, 2020 for Construction Activities
Speaker/Comment Card
17. M&C (ALL) Authorize Acceptance of a Supplemental Award in the
20-0763 Amount of $35,828.67 in Fiscal Year 2019 Homeland Security Grant
Program Funds from the United States Department of Homeland
Security through the State of Texas, Office of the Governor,
Authorize Execution of Related Documents, and Adopt Appropriation
Speaker/Comment Card
18. M&C (CD 7 and ETJ) Adopt Ordinance to Establish the Sewer per Acre
20-0770 Charge in the Amount of $590.26 per Acre for the Sewer Extension
to Serve the McKelvey-Cole Tract Development and Identified
Surrounding Areas and to Establish the Basin Boundaries, Pursuant
to Chapter 35, Article III, Division 3, Sections 35-81 through 35-86
of the City Code
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19. M&C (CD 9) Verify Completion of Rehabilitation Project for the Historic
20-0738 and Cultural Landmark Property Located at 1908 S. Henderson
Street and Declare Said Property to be Entitled to a Historic Site Tax
Speaker/Comment Card
B. Purchase of Equipment,Materials, and Services - Consent Items
1. M&C (ALL) Authorize an Amendment to Mayor and Council
20-0741 Communication 20-0425 to Correct the Listed Cooperative Contract,
for a Recording System Replacement with ADK ITS, for the
Information Technology Solutions Department on Behalf of the
Police Department
Speaker/Comment Card
2. M&C (ALL) Authorize Execution of a Service Agreement with Pure
20-0742 Technologies US Inc. d/b/a Wachs Water Services for Acoustical
Leak and Correlation Survey Services in an Amount Up to
$144,364.00 for the Water Department
Speaker/Comment Card
3. M&C (ALL) Authorize Purchase Agreements with Multiple Vendors for
20-0777 Grounds Maintenance Equipment, Irrigation Parts, Supplies and
Installations Using a Cooperative Contract for City Departments in
the Combined Annual Amount Up to $725,000.00 and Authorize
Two Annual Renewal Options
Speaker/Comment Card
C. Land - Consent Items
1. M&C (ETJ adjacent to COUNCIL DISTRICT 3) Authorize the Acquisition
20-0778 of a Fee Simple Interest in Approximately 5.146 Acres of Land and a
Right-of-Way Easement Interest in 0.442 Acres of Land, Located at
1324 Ranchers Legacy Trail, Tarrant County, Texas, from Markum
Land Properties, LLC, in the Amount of $575,000.00, Pay
Estimated Closing Costs of Up to $15,000.00, Authorize Execution
of Letter Agreement Outlining Road Construction in the Amount of
$382,000.00 for a Total Project Cost of $972,000.00, and Adopt
Appropriation Ordinances for the Westside III Water Tank Site and
Trans Main Project
Speaker/Comment Card
D. Planning &Zoning- Consent Items -NONE
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E. Award of Contract- Consent Items
1. M&C (ALL) Authorize Execution of an Amendment to a Communications
20-0735 Services Agreement with Johnson County for Expanded Services in
the Amount of $1,000.00 for the Use of the City of Fort Worth's
Public Safety Radio System
Speaker/Comment Card
2. M&C (ALL) Authorize Execution of the Fifth Addendum to City Secretary
20-0758 Contract Number 44949, a Professional Services Agreement with the
Fort Worth Convention and Visitors Bureau, in the Amount of
$300,000 to Develop a Tourism Response and Recovery Plan.
Speaker/Comment Card
3. M&C (ALL) Authorize Execution of Agreement with the United States
20-0759 Department of Justice, Drug Enforcement Administration for
Reimbursement of Overtime Costs in an Amount Up to $129,467.00
for Participation in the Task Force Group Fort Worth for Fiscal Year
2021, Authorize Execution of Asset Forfeiture Sharing Agreement
and Adopt Appropriation Ordinance
Speaker/Comment Card
4. M&C (ALL) Authorize Execution of Agreement with the United States
20-0760 Department of Justice, Drug Enforcement Administration, for
Reimbursement of Overtime Costs in an Amount Up to $57,540.00
for Participation in the Texoma High Intensity Drug Trafficking
Areas DFW Airport Task Force for Fiscal Year 2021. Authorize
Execution of Asset Forfeiture Sharing Agreement and Adopt
Appropriation Ordinance
Speaker/Comment Card
5. M&C (ALL) Authorize Execution of Agreement with the United States
20-0761 Department of Justice, Drug Enforcement Administration, for
Reimbursement of Overtime Costs in an Amount Up to $19,180.00
for Participation in the Texoma High Intensity Drug Trafficking
Areas Task Force Group 2 SURGE for Fiscal Year 2021, and Adopt
Appropriation Ordinance
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6. M&C (ALL) Authorize Execution of Agreement with the United States
20-0762 Department of Justice, Drug Enforcement Administration for
Reimbursement of Overtime Costs in an Amount Up to $134,261.00
for Participation in the Texoma High Intensity Drug Trafficking
Areas Task Force Group 2 for Fiscal Year 2021, Authorize
Execution of Asset Forfeiture Sharing Agreement and Adopt
Appropriation Ordinance
Speaker/Comment Card
7. M&C (ALL) Authorize Execution of a Professional Service Agreement with
20-0764 Nash West, LLC, in an Amount Up to $123,525.00 for Database
Analysis and Configuration Services for the Municipal Court in
Support of Its Case Management System
Speaker/Comment Card
8. M&C (CD 7) Authorize the Execution of a Construction Contract with
20-0765 Mario Sinacola and Sons Excavating, Inc., in an Amount Up to
$7,713,696.13 for the Construction of Phase I of the Taxiway Papa
Extension Project at Fort Worth Alliance Airport
Speaker/Comment Card
9. M&C (CD 2) Authorize the Acceptance of Additional Grant Funds in the
20-0766 Amount of $43,290.00 from the Federal Aviation Administration,
Passed Through the Texas Department of Transportation for the
Update of the Master Plan at Fort Worth Meacham International
Airport, Authorize the Transfer of an Additional $4,810.00 for the
City's Match Requirement, and Adopt Appropriation Ordinance
Speaker/Comment Card
10. M&C (CD 2 and CD 7) Authorize Execution of Amendment No. 1 in the
20-0767 Amount of $90,000.00 to an Engineering Agreement with
Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. for Farm to Market Road 156
from United States Route 81/287 to Watauga Road Water
Improvements, Authorize Execution of a Contract with William J.
Schultz, Inc. dba Circle C Construction Company, in the Amount of
$2,746,775.00 for the Farm to Market Road 156 from United States
Route 81/287 to Watauga Road Water Improvements, Provide for
Project Costs for a Project Total in the Amount of $3,266,525.00,
Adopt Resolution Expressing Official Intent to Reimburse
Expenditures with Proceeds of Future Debt and Adopt Appropriation
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11. M&C (ETJ W-CD 3 and CD 7) Authorize Execution of Amendment No. 3
20-0768 to City Secretary Contract No. 48728 with Plummer Associates, Inc.,
for Mary's Creek Water Reclamation Facility Permit Application for
Ongoing Technical Support in the Amount Not to Exceed
$200,000.00 for a Revised Contract Amount of $690,839.00 and
Adopt Appropriation Ordinance
Speaker/Comment Card
12. M&C (CD2) Authorize Execution of a New Ground Lease
20-0769 Agreement Including Mandatory Improvements with Texas Jet Inc.
for Lease Site 3C at Fort Worth Meacham International Airport and a
Consent to Leasehold Deed of Trust with Texas Jet Inc. and
JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. for Lease Site 3C, to Facilitate the
Construction of a New Hangar Facility
Speaker/Comment Card
13. M&C (CD 3 and ETJ) Authorize City Participation in the Amount of
20-0771 $734,000.00 for Construction and Upsizing the Water Approach
Main to the Cities of Hudson Oaks and Willow Park to Serve
Anticipated Future Development in the west side of Fort Worth,
Authorize Acceptance of Payment from Willow Park in the Amount
of $50,000.00 for Project Costs, and Adopt Appropriation
Speaker/Comment Card
14. M&C (CD 3) Authorize Execution of an Engineering Agreement in the
20-0772 Amount of $485,286.00 with Teague Nall and Perkins, Inc., for
Design of the Westside III 24-Inch Water Transmission Main
Project, Provide for Project Costs for a Total Project Amount of
$1,892,373.00, Adopt Resolution Expressing Official Intent to
Reimburse Expenditures and Proceeds of Future Debt and Adopt
Appropriation Ordinance
Speaker/Comment Card
15. M&C (CD 3) Authorize Execution of an Engineering Agreement in the
20-0773 Amount of $1,129,280.00 with Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc.,
for Design of the Westside III 36-Inch Water Transmission Main
Project, Provide for Project Costs for a Total Project Amount of
$2,845,105.00, Adopt Resolution Expressing Official Intent to
Reimburse Expenditures and Proceeds of Future Debt and Adopt
Appropriation Ordinance
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16. M&C (CD 3 and CD 8) Authorize Execution of Amendment No. 1 to City
20-0774 Secretary Contract No. 52866, an Engineering Agreement with Baird,
Hampton & Brown, Inc., in an Amount Up to $199,480.00 to
Provide Additional Engineering Services for Dam Improvements at
Lake Como and Oakland (Fosdick) Lake Dams for a Revised
Contract Amount of$309,110.00 (2018 Bond Fund)
Speaker/Comment Card
17. M&C (CD 2) Authorize Execution of Amendment No. 1 to the Contract
20-0775 with Gary Paul Kutilek d/b/a The Landscape Alliance, in the Amount
of $250,664.00 for Additional Design Services Related to the Marine
Creek Ranch Park Improvements Project Increasing the Contract
Amount to $332,491.00 (2018 Bond Program)
Speaker/Comment Card
1. 20-0440 Notice of Claims for Alleged Damages and/or Injuries
1. Presentation of Proclamation for Arts and Humanities Month
2. Presentation of Proclamation for Tarrant Area Food Bank Feeds Fort Worth's Hungry
3. Presentation of Certificates for Beck School of Construction Graduates
4. M&C (CD 8) Authorize Acceptance of a Monetary Donation in the Amount of
20-0776 $5,080.00 from the West Meadowbrook Neighborhood Association for
Park Improvements at Reby Cary Park, Amend the Fiscal Year 2020
Capital Improvements Plan, and Adopt Appropriation Ordinance
Speaker/Comment Card
1. Upcoming and Recent Events; Recognition of Citizens; Approval of Ceremonial Travel
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CITY COUNCIL Meeting Agenda October 20,2020
1. Council Proposal
20-CP318 Authorizing the Honorary Designation of a Portion of East Allen
Avenue/East Maddox Avenue from IH-35W to US 287 for Atatiana
Jefferson - Council Members Kelly Allen Gray and Ann Zadeh
Speaker/Comment Card
2. Changes in Membership on Boards and Commissions
20-0977 Board Appointments -District 4
20-1002 Board Appointments -District 5
20-0999 Board Appointments -District 9
1. 20-0989 A Resolution Authorizing Application for Defense Economic Adjustment
Assistance Grant and Committing $1.2 Million in City Matching Funds
Speaker/Comment Card
2. 20-0990 A Resolution Approving an Amendment to the "Preserve the Fort"
Business Stabilization Program and Execution of an Amendment to an
Agreement with United Way of Tarrant County to Assist in Management
of the Program
Speaker/Comment Card
3. 20-0991 A Resolution to Conduct a Public Hearing and Designate the Assistant
City Manager over the Park & Recreation Department to Act on Behalf
of the City of Fort Worth in Communications with the Texas Parks &
Wildlife Department for the Purpose of Participating in the Local Park
Grant Program for Proposed Improvements at Rolling Hills Park;
Certifying that the City of Fort Worth is Eligible to Receive Program
Assistance and that the City of Fort Worth's Matching Share will be
Readily Available; and Specifying that Rolling Hills Park is Dedicated for
Permanent Public Park and Recreational Uses
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CITY COUNCIL Meeting Agenda October 20,2020
1. 20-0992 A Resolution Providing for a Public Hearing and Council Action for
Zoning Case, ZC-20-101, Located at 829 E. Arlington Avenue in District
Speaker/Comment Card
2. ZC-20-007 (CD8) Artel Inc., D&KW Properties, 5600 - 6200 blocks South
Freeway & 800 - 1000 blocks Loop 820; From: "A-5" One-Family, "E"
Neighborhood Commercial, "I" Light Industrial To: "J" Medium
Industrial (Applicant request); PD/I Planned Development for all uses in
"I" Light Industrial with a 40 ft. landscaping buffer, 50 ft. building
setback, 8 ft. screening fence, no truck traffic on the eastern most
driveway; site plan included (Zoning Commission recommendation)
99.50 acres (Recommended for Approval as Amended by the Zoning
Commission to PD/I with development standards for 40 ft. landscaping
buffer, 50 ft. building setback, 8 ft. screening fence and no truck traffic
on eastern driveway; site plan included) (Continued from a Previous
Speaker/Comment Card
3. ZC-20-075 (CD7) Fossilwood Investments, LP, 15400 - 15500 blocks of Double
Eagle Boulevard; From: "K" Heavy Industrial and PD 403 To: "D" High
Density Multifamily 22.97 acres (Recommended for Denial by the
Zoning Commission) (Continued from a Previous Meeting)
Speaker/Comment Card
4. ZC-20-093 (CD4) MQ Northside Retail LLC, 4900 - 5100 blocks N. Tarrant
Parkway; From: "CF" Community Facilities, "E" Neighborhood
Commercial and "FR" General Commercial Restricted To: "CF"
Community Facilities, "F" General Commercial and "FR" General
Commercial Restricted 14.84 acres (Recommended for Approval by the
Zoning Commission)
Speaker/Comment Card
5. ZC-20-109 (CD5) Jose Reyes, 6836 Brentwood Stair Road; From: "B" Two-Family
To: "CR" Low Density Multifamily 0.36 acres (Recommended for
Approval by the Zoning Commission) (Continued from a Previous
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CITY COUNCIL Meeting Agenda October 20,2020
A. Benefit Hearing-NONE
B. General
1. M&C (ALL) Adopt Supplemental Appropriation Ordinance Increasing
20-0744 Estimated Receipts and Appropriations in the Various Tax Increment
Funds in the Total Amount of$90,148,935.00 for Fiscal Year 2021
Speaker/Comment Card
2. M&C (ALL) Authorize the Amount Up to $2,500,000.00 in the Red Light
20-0745 Enforcement Program Fund to be Transferred to the General Capital
Projects Fund to Provide Funding for Traffic Safety Functions,
Adopt Appropriation Ordinances and Update the FY2021-2025
Capital Improvement Plan
Speaker/Comment Card
C. Purchase of Equipment,Materials, and Services -NONE
D. Land
1. M&C (ETJ, Future CD 3) Authorize Execution of a Pre-Annexation
20-0739 Development Agreement with Boswell Crestview Ranch, 469.6
Acres North of Interstate 20 (US Highway 80) and West of FM
3325, for Property Located in Fort Worth's Extraterritorial
Speaker/Comment Card
2. M&C (In Kennedale Near CD 5) Adopt Resolution Authorizing
20-0752 Condemnation by Eminent Domain to Acquire 0.266 Acres
in Permanent Sewer Easements and a Total of 0.990 Acres for
Temporary Construction Easements from Improved Property Owned
by Jerry Coyel, Located South East of the Intersection of South
Loop 820 and West Kennedale Parkway in the Oak Crest Addition
Block 10, Lots 4 - 6, David Strickland Survey and the Shelby
County School Land Survey in the City of Kennedale, Tarrant
County, Texas for the Lake Arlington Lift Station and Force Main
Proj ect
Speaker/Comment Card
E. Planning &Zoning-NONE
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F. Award of Contract
1. M&C (CD 8) Authorize Execution of a Five-Year Tax Abatement
20-0586 Agreement with Conrado Hernandez Gonzalez and Maria Ines
Abrego-Zuniga Gonzalez for the Rehabilitation of a Single-Family
Dwelling of Approximately 1644 Square Feet and Having a
Rehabilitation Cost of at Least $162,100.00 on Property Located
at 3319 Montague Street Near the Mitchell Boulevard Neighborhood
and Within Neighborhood Empowerment Zone and Reinvestment
Zone Area Six (Continued from a Previous Meeting)
Speaker/Comment Card
2. M&C (CD 8) Authorize Execution of a Five-Year Tax Abatement
20-0619 Agreement with Jackson-Shaw/46 Ranch, LLC, for the Construction
of Three Industrial Warehouse Buildings with a Total of
Approximately 562,000 Square Feet for the Distribution of Retail
Goods and Light Manufacturing, Having a Cost of at Least
$25,969,859.00 on Property Located at 6501 Oak Grove Road in the
46 Ranch Logistics Industrial Park and Within Neighborhood
Empowerment Zone and Reinvestment Zone Six (Continued from a
Previous Meeting)
Speaker/Comment Card
3. M&C (ALL) Approve First Amendments to City Secretary Contract No.
20-0779 53146 with Del Carmen Consulting, LLC and City Secretary
Contract No. 53150 with Washington Lawyers' Committee for Civil
Rights and Urban Affairs, Inc. for Consulting Work Associated with
Review of Policing Practices to Increase the Total Amount of the
Speaker/Comment Card
The City Council may not discuss or deliberate about a topic not specifically listed on the
Agenda, including those presented during the Public Comments section of the Agenda (Tex.
Gov't Code § 551.042)
1. 20-0607 Public Presentations
Speaker/Comment Card
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CITY COUNCIL Meeting Agenda October 20,2020
1. 20-0501 Executive Session B
Members of the City Council may be participating remotely in compliance with the Texas
Open Meetings Act, Council Rules of Procedure, or under the provisions provided by the
Governor of Texas in conjunction with the Declaration of Disaster enacted March 13,
According to the City Council Rules of Procedures, individual citizen presentations shall
be limited to three minutes, and group presentations shall be limited to six minutes. At the
Mayor's discretion,time limits may be reasonably extended.
Fort Worth Council Chamber, is wheelchair accessible. Persons with disabilities who
plan to attend this meeting and who may need accommodations, auxiliary aids, or services
such as interpreters, readers, or large print are requested to contact the City's ADA
Coordinator at (817) 392-8552 or e-mail ADA@FortWorthTexas.gov at least 48 hours
prior to the meeting so that appropriate arrangements can be made. If the City does not
receive notification at least 48 hours prior to the meeting, the City will make a reasonable
attempt to provide the necessary accommodations.
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