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Contract 42015-CO5
CITY SECRETARY FORTWORTH. City of Fort Worth CONTRACT Nt]. c?D Change Order Request Project Name Silver Creek Rd., IH82OW to WSISD HS City Sec# 42015 Client Project#(s) T/PW-C204-541200-207230129383 (DOE 6196) Project Description Pavement and Storm Water Drainage construction,and Water and Sanitary Sewer Force Main replacement,on Silver p Creek Rd.from Interserstate 820 W through Intersection of Brewer St.then ends at 9450 Silver Creek Rd. Contractorl JLB Contracting, LLC Change Order# 5 Date 9/412012 City Project Mgr. Leon Wilson,P.E. City inspector Joe Rogers Dept. TPW Water Sewer Contract Time Totals CD Original Contract Amount 1,271,792.41 120,413.90 $513688.25 13443,894.56 224 Extras to Date $253724.87 $5,632-72 $14120.00 $45,477.59 Credits to date $3,375.00 $829.25 $4,244.25 Pending Change Orders(in M&C Process) Contract Cost to Date $11294t142.28 $126,046.62 $64,979.00 $17485,167.90 298 Amount of Proposed Change Order 198. 198.58 50.NONE Revised Contract Amount 1,294,340-86 $126,046.62 $64,979.00 $10485;366-48 348 Original Funds Available for Change Orders $402570.00 $6,040.10 $3,311.75 $493881.85 Remaining Funds Available for this CO $18,220.13 $367.38 $0.00 $182587.51 Additional Funding(if necessary) CHANGE ORDERS to DATE(INCLUDING THIS ONE)AS%OF ORIGINAL CONTRACT 2.87% MAX CONTRACT AMOUNT(ORIGINAL CONTRACT COST+25%) $1,804,868.20 V 1,oww. FDundin'g construction the City determined that it would be beneficial to repair the section of HMAC roadway within the TOOT right of way because it was severely deteriorated. This location was outside of the original limits of the project. There was approximately 60ft of pipe rail that was removed during construction to relocate the entrance to the Silver Creek Stables. The owners have requested that this rail be relocated to the new driveway location. This i uded in the original bid proposal. Also,several bid items have been deleted because it was determined that they were 0 by* . f 0 0,430;moo�a 0 ----A o� 0 ary J. K"Adty Sege . &rEvJL � It is understood and agreed that the acceptance of this Change Order by the contractor constitutes an accord and satisfaction and represents payment in full{both time and money}for all costs arising out of,or incidental to,the above Change Order. v 11 Ww" JLB Contracting,LLC ,s _ 1-2h fe-7 I -P pm f"-';'" e [ IBM 2- m/7, LJ 'r �. ,,., a'EY;Y�q"•.' yt.r. pis. to I I4Z M&C Number CITY SECR t Approved FTe WORTH,TX � w w w a N CN N "O t— c C� Li V � C C c ca 0 0 N C E CL "7 N c �p CLr o 0 U- 0 �, N CD 0 CID C> �--� LO cu �+ bb c � U °i a>z a cc I- (D Q aU 0 D �.: uu 0 � � W - LL 3 0 o CD m cu V- t tko 2:6 CV) c W � p 8 U9 C CO CC a' o 0 n C CD a. cNV v � 0 _ C 00 J ° a> -1 uE LU a. cc w A ,' (a v a cu n, c L- L] C p C.] y E m p c+a o� c c OC E }' o rn c cv �. � c a- 0 z •Z = a� c C] •� C ° a ° ar VC0 CO CL w n s (D 0 N CL p �D ro 0 LA m ti 0D h c 0 CD A OD C) a V r.s v v , c� v 0 113 r Co C14 N � d Y N U 0 CO v� UL o O La go 4) 4a L Y 0 �7 0 U - N (D 4--v 3 �_ a ' C=) o CL im c] Rn ca en o C13 Z 'a L t � CO v !L. 3: a w. D CD C m o ,Z m co 2 Q C � © U u co 3 E2 C3 cn a? o co co C Co 0 0 v C:> �- N aa a Ic> v cq CN v � d J C W x Co Q> c� o C n x C73 m c L] 7 on o C m � L1 D m � Q cn C C113 CL C13 (D N co a a o U a fli cm m 0 CL m 1 CL Q F 0� CrQ IL ti3 —h N Q to ]=4) 4[� C]v c> NVWBE Breakdown for this Change order MWBE Sub Type of Service Amount for this-CO Total $0000 Previous Change Orders CO# DATE AMOUNT Total $0000 4D LID C) LO C) CD LC? Cat 0 C*4 0 C) ti A A f VO s... OD C\I CV � � r CO t- 03 C) C) M r qw C6 (13 LO v-- CD CD 69- GPo- to VI). Ul)- 01). tpk N � ti a co ~ (P [D cf) CY) Cy CD CD a N L,. e— M 'r qw o CD CII) N qqt [D 0 Q o C"3 (AD cc 0 to C L CD N tD t— � r o CD C) 1 i � v a v cv o 0 v •> ~ Cf3 tf } EIS • Lf3 r 1` C) 00 00 (D C) t) It OD CD C\l LO DD C7 qq* �. 0 M Cl Cti Ln cV o0 Q O T- : •� N CV 0) CN 1� It 0) V, � LO c w 0) [� ce) r -- M try try 0 W u3 •�- LO M d` IV CD 0) 5 CD U) a) ' - Q m 3 tv o� LO o co co to m � � �n car o� � � as co L m et r* pct rft ov w r- cc 0 c N � a U o L w w w w R w w co cl) ~ 0 %t Go co N a c N W as 401� 401� 401� Ao Oi� 01� 40 40 .� 0 U a Cu � av cc Q Q Q a U,)' C4 toUS � cy TOM tD r 72 0� r` r 0)C Lo Cc 0 1 �"` r.r a) 0 0 V. 0) maaQL3 c 7E E -aC 000 z 0 a o CU c� �-• v 4&- uy � ° a o v o 0 C = ca n 9) 4) w ca Qom] Q ❑ ❑ Q - 6 ca z z z 0 {... ow C.) Edo L � ❑ ❑ ❑ � m a) W /CDC a) �v � E cn � -&-p a o a c �°♦ CU Q m m U t] a d F-- c3 Q x W < 0 %(