HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 52518-A1 CSC No.52518-A1 AMENDMENT No.1 TO CITY SECRETARY CONTRACT No. 52518 WHEREAS, the City of Fort Worth (CITY) and TranSystems Corporation dba TranSystems Corporation Consultants, (ENGINEER) made and entered into City Secretary Contract No. 52518, (the CONTRACT) which was administratively authorized on the 8 day of July, 2019 in the amount of $66, 508 . 00; and WHEREAS, the CONTRACT involves engineering services for the following project: Jennings, Henderson and Main St Bridge Railing Rehabilitation; and WHEREAS, it has become necessary to execute Amendment No. 1 to the CONTRACT to include an increased scope of work and revised fee. NOW THEREFORE, CITY and ENGINEER, acting herein by and through their duly authorized representatives, enter into the following agreement, which amends the CONTRACT: 1 . Article I of the CONTRACT is amended to include the additional engineering services specified in proposal attached hereto and incorporated herein. The cost to City for the additional design services to be performed by Engineer totals $12, 688. 00. (See Attached Funding Breakdown Sheet, Page -4-) 2 . Article II of the CONTRACT is amended to provide for an increase in the fee to be paid to Engineer for all work and services performed under the Contract, as amended, so that the total fee paid by the City for all work and services shall be an amount of $ 79,196. 00. 3 . All other provisions of the Contract, which are not expressly amended herein, shall remain in full force and effect . EXECUTED and EFFECTIVE as of the date last written by a signatory, below. City of Fort Worth Professional Services Agreement Amendment Template OFFICIAL RECORD Revised:March 9,2020 CITY SECRETARY Page 1 of 4 FT.WORTH, TX APPROVED: City of Fort Worth ENGINEER TranSystems Corporation dba TranSystems o p-oration Consultants Dana&WL42ff Dana Burghdoff(l5ec 11,20201526 CST) Dana Burghdoff Raul Pena III, P.E. Assistant City Manager Principal DATE: Dec 11,2020 DATE: 12-03-2020 APPROVAL RECOMMENDED: 1,.)LjC7_L- WilliamJohnso (Dec T,20201054 CST) William Johnson, Director Transportation & Public Works Department Contract Compliance Manager: By signing, I acknowledge that I am the person responsible for the monitoring and administration of this contract, including ensuring all performance and reporting requirements . TariqulI (Dec 4,20201350 CST) Tariqul Islam Project Manager City of Fort Worth Professional Services Agreement Amendment Template OFFICIAL RECORD Revised:March 9,2020 CITY SECRETARY Page 2 of 4 FT.WORTH, TX APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: M&C: _N/A seewl� Date: Nack(Dec 11,202010:04 CST) Douglas W. Black Assistant City Attorney ATTEST: �.00�nan�� ICY � °� rVIVT� °° ° d GIft g g �1d Mary J. Kayser pvo o City Secretary ��°°°°°°°°°°°°° *p City of Fort Worth Professional Services Agreement Amendment Template OFFICIAL RECORD Revised:March 9,2020 CITY SECRETARY Page 3 of 4 FT.WORTH, TX FUNDING BREAEMOWN SHEET City Secretary No. 52518 Amendment No. 1 Department Fund-Account-Center Amount $12, 688 . 00 Total : $12, 688 . 00 City of Fort Worth Professional Services Agreement Amendment Template Revised:March 9,2020 Page 4 of 4 TranSystems Systems 500 West 7<"Street Suite 1100 Fort Worth,TX 76102 Tel 817 339 8950 Fax 817 336 2247 www.transystems.com December 3, 2020 Mr. Tariqul Islam City of Fort Worth TPW/Street Services 5001 James Avenue Fort Worth, TX 76115 RE: 2019 Bridge Railing Repairs—Contract Supplement Dear Mr. Islam: This letter supplements the original agreement between the City of Fort Worth and TranSystems Corporation dbs TranSystems Corporation Consultants executed 07/08/2019 for the PROJECT generally described as: Jennings, Henderson and Main St Bridge Railing Rehabilitation: The following describes the additional scope of work and our assumptions: 1. Additional site visit for two Engineers of each location to document the railing repair areas. 2. Revise design plans, quantities, and cost estimates to indicate concrete repairs to all the existing concrete railings included in the current scope of work with limited sections of in-kind railing replacement for portions that are missing or beyond repair. 3. Develop details for sections of in-kind railing replacement. a. The repaired railings will not meet any Test Level for crash-worthiness. They will also not conform to standard geometry for pedestrian railings according to AASHTO. b. We will prepare additional notes/specifications requiring the Contractor to prepare a mock-up of the new railing section and section of repair concrete for approval by the City prior to performing the work. 4. Provide additional 60% submittal to the City. 5. Provide additional coordination with the City of Fort Worth Historic Commission for railing repair approval. The additional work in accordance with the attached level of effort spreadsheet increases the Project fee by $12,688.00 to a revised total lump sum fee of 'L9 We will maintain the DBE percentage of 12%of the revised total per the original executed agreement. If you have any questions or require additional information please give me a call. Sincerely, TranSystems Corporation Consultants Michael Hobbs, PE Assistant Vice President/Senior Professional - \/ � § - £ ;/ } 2 2 2 7 \ ) ! / ) )Zzi 2 | ! ) 7 J $ 7 7 5 5 \ \ / \ \ t - § \ \\) k Im 76 ) \ - - - \ 9 ± - am - : \ - - - t - ƒa! ! - - ) _ - ) -]* f ) f/ (- - % ! / ■ \ !)■ ■ r ■ r r ■ r r r r r r r ■ r ■ ■ r ■ r {\ e■ m J m I & ■ ■ . m m . m m m m $ _« 7fF ■IF ■cF ■(F m IN - {\ ~ . � /\ ! ► _ ■ . e P = § }/ - £ ;K \ k ) ) ) ) ) ) ) , , to $ ) k | ) ~ 10 - § E _ ! - - - - ; k \ \ \ / / / \ \ \) \ \ ) \ ) / !)� ■ ■ ■ r ■ r r ■ ■ r ■ ■ ■ ■ r ■ r {\ e■� ■� . m m 7 m $ ■(F ■dp ■cp {} Soto, Vania Elizabeth From: Black, Doug Sent: Friday, December 18, 2020 9:17 AM To: Monedero, Matthew James Cc: Lewis, Matthew; Soto,Vania Elizabeth Subject: RE: CS52518_Amendment 1 Matt—this appears to be correcting a math error in Section 2.You indicate it has been routed and signed. It is appropriate to replace the incorrect Amendment with the accurate one. Thanks, Doug Douglas W Black Senior Assistant City Attorney 200 Texas Street Fort Worth, Texas 76102 817-392-7615 Direct Doug.Blackkfortworthtexas.gov Due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic,the Fort Worth City Attorney's Office has implemented a department-wide telework and all staff, except the City Attorney, are working remotely. You may communicate with me by using my customary email address and telephone extension number. City of Fort Worth— Working together to build a strong community. FORT ORTH. RECIPIENTS- PLEASE CONTACT ME PRIOR TO FORWARDING MESSAGES DESIGNATED AS ATTORNEY-CLIENT COMMUNICATIONS. This e-mail and any files transmitted with it are confidential and are intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to which they are addressed. This communication may contain material protected by the attorney-client privilege. If you are not the intended recipient or the person responsible for delivering the e-mail to the intended recipient,be advised that you have received this e-mail in error and that any use,dissemination, forwarding,printing, or copying of this e-mail is strictly prohibited. If you have received this e-mail in error,please immediately notify Doug Black at the City of Fort Worth City Attorney's Office (817) 392-7615. From: Monedero, Matthew James Sent:Tuesday, December 15, 2020 15:59 To: Black, Doug<Douglas.Black@fortworthtexas.gov> Cc: Lewis, Matthew<Matthew.Lewis@fortworthtexas.gov> Subject: FW: CS52518—Amendment 1 Good afternoon Doug, 1 When TPW initially routed Amendment 1 for CS52518, it contained incorrect financial information. Ashley Kadva in Purchasing caught the mistake, we re-routed the amendment, and it got signed off on. Do you approve of this updated document that contains the correct financial information so that the City Secretary's Office may replace the incorrect document with the attached document on the city secretary webpage? Thank you. Matt From: Soto,Vania Elizabeth Sent:Tuesday, December 15, 2020 3:43 PM To: Monedero, Matthew James<Matthew.Monedero@fortworthtexas.gov> Cc: Lewis, Matthew<Matthew.Lewis@fortworthtexas.gov> Subject: RE: CS52518_Amendment 1 Yeah all we need is a written response from him saying he is aware of the changes and approves them. That's literally all we need. Once I get that email I can fill out that amendment that is routing and replace the old amendment with the new one. Vania E. Soto Administrative Assistant City Secretary's Office 817-392-6090 Vania.Sotogfortworthtexas.gov From: Monedero, Matthew James Sent:Tuesday, December 15, 2020 3:40 PM To: Soto, Vania Elizabeth <Vania.Soto @fortworthtexas.gov> Cc: Lewis, Matthew<Matthew.Lewis@fortworthtexas.gov> Subject: RE: CS52518_Amendment 1 Vania, I'm glad to hear you're doing well. If I reach out to Doug and provide the background documentation for him to review, and he approves, will that suffice to get the updated documentation on the webpage? From: Soto,Vania Elizabeth Sent:Tuesday, December 15, 2020 3:27 PM To: Monedero, Matthew James<Matthew.Monedero@fortworthtexas.gov> Cc: Lewis, Matthew<Matthew.Lewis@fortworthtexas.gov> Subject: RE: CS52518_Amendment 1 Sorry for the late response. I am doing well and staying safe, I hope you are as well. Unfortunately I need Doug's written approval which is why I was asking for an email cause it has already been posted for the public to see we need Legal's written approval to switch out a document. 2 Vania E. Soto Administrative Assistant City Secretary's Office 817-392-6090 Vania.Sotokfortworthtexas.gov From: Monedero, Matthew James Sent:Tuesday, December 15, 2020 11:33 AM To: Soto, Vania Elizabeth <Vania.Soto @fortworthtexas.gov> Cc: Lewis, Matthew<Matthew.Lewis@fortworthtexas.gov> Subject: RE: CS52518_Amendment 1 Good morning Vania, I hope you're doing well and staying safe. Unfortunately, we do not have any emails from Doug. We do, however, have an email exchange (attached) between myself and Ashley Kadva in Purchasing, who caught the mistake. From: Soto,Vania Elizabeth Sent:Tuesday, December 15, 2020 9:46 AM To: Lewis, Matthew<Matthew.Lewis @fortworthtexas.gov> Cc: Monedero, Matthew James<Matthew.Monedero@fortworthtexas.gov> Subject: RE: CS52518_Amendment 1 Okay. Now I know that Doug signed it but do y'all have an email exchange from him where he approves the change? We have to have that on file. Vania E. Soto Administrative Assistant City Secretary's Office 817-392-6090 Vania.Sotokfortworthtexas.gov From: Lewis, Matthew Sent: Monday, December 14, 2020 3:56 PM To: Soto, Vania Elizabeth <Vania.Soto @fortworthtexas.gov> Cc: Monedero, Matthew James<Matthew.Monedero@fortworthtexas.gov> Subject: RE: CS52518_Amendment 1 There was an issue with the numbers on the first agreement.This is a revised/updated document. From: Soto,Vania Elizabeth Sent: Monday, December 14, 2020 2:55 PM To: Lewis, Matthew<Matthew.Lewis @fortworthtexas.gov> Subject: CS52518_Amendment 1 We already have an amendment no. 1 on file. 3 Vania E. Soto Administrative Assistant City Secretary's Office 817-392-6090 Vania.Sotogfortworthtexas.gov 4