HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 44841 (2)� Department of Justice Office of Justice Programs � � €�� ` National Institute of Justice , �- . �� 1. RECIPIENT NAME AND ADDRESS (Including Zip Code) City of Fort �'Vorth 350 �V Bclknap Street Fort \Vorth, TX 76102-2004 IA. GRANTEE IRSNENDOR NO. 756000528 3. PROJECT TITLE FY2013 DNA Backlog Reduc[ion Program-City of Fort \Vorth Grant ; ,p'-_ . r � ^.. �� :T ; j :�' 1 PAGE ] OF 10 4. A�VARD NUMBER: 2013-DN-BX-0058 5. PROJECT PERIOD: FROM 10/01/2013 TO 03/31/2015 BUDGET PERIOD: FROM 10/01/2013 TO 03/3I/2015 6. A�VARD DATE OS/27/2013 7, ACTION 8. SUPPLEMENT NUMBER Initial 00 9. PREVIOUS A�VARD AMOUNT i l0. AMOUNT OF THIS ANARD �0 $ 169,979 $ 169,979 I2. SPECIAL CONDITIONS THE ABOVE GRANT PROJECT IS APPROVED SUBJECT TO SUCH CONDITIONS OR LIb11TAT[ONS AS ARE SET FORTHON THE ATI'ACHED PAGE(S). 13. STATUTORY AUTHORITY P'OR GRAN"I' This project is supportcd undcr FYl3(NIJ - S&LLEA DNA/Other Forensics) Pub. L. No. 113-6, 127 Stat 198, 254; 28 USC 530C I5. btETHOD OF PAYMENT GPRS AGENCY APPROVAL _ 16. TYPED NAME AND TITLE OF APP20VING OFFICIAL Karol Virginia blason Assistnnt Alromey Gcncral 17. SIGNA'IURE OF APPROVING OFFICIAL � � v.�� , GRANTEE ACCEPTANCE 1 1. TOTAL A\yARD I8. TYPED NAME AND TITLE OF AUTHORIZED GRANTEE OFFICIAL Charles 1V. Daniels Assistant City Manager 19. SIGNATURE OF AUTHORIZED RECIPIENT OFFICiAL �� . AGENCY USE ONLY 20. ACCOUNT[NG CLASSIFICAT[ON CODES 21. MDNSGTOl29 FISCALYFUNDC BUD.A OFC. DN.RE SUB. POMS AMOUNT EAR ODE CT. G. i % B DN 60 00 00 169979 I OJP FORbI 4000/2 (REV. 5-37) PREVIOOS EDITIONS ARE OBSOLETE. OJP FORM 4000/2 (REV. 4-38) 19A. DATE v9 /p.�3 �" C�'- J •�� T1' � � - 1 , ';' .i r I. �=�'�� t, : � �'►Ji i,�e Deparhnent of Justice Office of Justice Programs � National Institute of Justice , PROJECTNOMBER 2013-DN-BX-0058 AWARD CONTINUATIONSHEET Grant A\VARD DATE 08/27/2013 SPECIAL CONDITIONS PAGE 2 OF 10 Tlie recipient agrees to comply with the financial and administrative requirements set forH� iu the current edition of the Office of Justice Programs (OJP) Fivancial Guide. 2. The recipient acknowledges that failure to submit an acceptable Equal Employment Opportunity Plan (if recipient is required to submit one pursuant to 28 C.F.R. Section 42.302), ti�at is approved by the Office for Civil Rights, is a violation of its Certified Assurances and may result in suspension or tennination of funding, until such time as the recipient is in compliance. The recipient agrees to comply with the organizational audit requirements of OMB Circular A-133, Audits of States, Local Govenunents, and Non-Profit Organizations, and furtl�er understands and agrees that fimds may be withheld, or otl�er related requirements may Ue imposed, if outstanding audit issues (if any) from OMB Circular A-133 audits (and ai�y other audits of OJP grant fimds) are not satisfactorily and promptly addressed, as fiirther described in the cun�ent edition of the OJP Financial Guide. 4. Recipient undeistands and agrees that it catmot use any federal funds, either directly or indirectly, in support of the enactment, repeal, modification or adoption of any law, regulation or policy, at any level of government, �vitliout the express prior written approval of OJP. The recipient must promptly refer to the DOJ OIG any credible evidence that a principal, employee, agent, contractor, subgrantee, subcontractor, or otl�er person has either I) suUmitted a false claim for grant fimds under tlie False Claims Act or 2) committed a crimival or civil violation of laws pertaining to fraud, conflict of interest, bribery, grahiiry, or similar misconduct i��volviug graut funds. This condition also applies to any subrecipieuts. Potential fraud, waste, abuse, or miscouduct sliould be reported to the OIG by - mail: Office of the Inspector General U.S. Department of Justice Investigations Division 950 Peunsylvania Ave��ue, N.W. Raom 4706 Washiugton, DC 20530 e-tnail: oig.hotliue@usdoj.gov hotline: (contact information in English and Spanish): (800) 869-4499 or hotline fax: (202) 616-9881 Addirional infornlation is available from the DOJ OIG website at www.usdoj.gov/oig. 6. Recipieut uuderstands and agrees that it cannot use any Federal fimds, either directly or indirectly, iu support of auy contract or subaward to either the Association of Comnumiry Organizations for Reforni Now (ACORN) or its subsidiaries, without tl�e express prior written approval of OJP. 7. The recipient agrees to comply witl� any additional requiremeuts that may Ue imposed duriug the grant perforniauce period if the agency dete�niines that the recipient is a high-risk grantee. Cf. 28 C.F.R. parts 66, 70. OJP FORbt 4000/2 (REV. 4-SS) � � -- ?��",F+"�'` PROJECT NUMBER Departinent of Justice Office of Justice Programs AWARD National Institute of Justice CONTINUATIONSE Grant 2013-DN-BX-0058 A\VARD DATE 08/27/2013 SPECIAL COND/TIONS )F 10 8. The recipient agrees to comply with applicable requirements regarding regish-ation with the System for Award Mauagement (SAM) (or witl� a successor government-wide system officially designated by OMB and OJP). The recipient also agrees to comply with applicable restrictions on subawards to first-tier subrecipients that do not acquire and provide a Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) number. The details of recipient obligations are posted on the Office of Justice Programs web site at http://www.ojp.gov/funding/sam.htm (Award condition: Registration with the System for Award Managemeut and Universal Identifier Requirements), and are incorporated by reference here. This special coudition does not apply to an award to an individual who received the a�vard as a natural person (i.e., unrelated to auy business or non-profit arganization that he or she may o�vn or operate in his or her name). 9. Pursuant to Executive Order 13513, "Federal Leadership on Reduciug Text Messaging While Driving," 74 Fed. Reg. 51225 (October 1, 2009), the Department encourages recipients and suU recipients to adopt and enforce policies banning employees Crom text inessaging wl�ile driving any vehicle during the course of perfomiing work funded by tliis grant, and to establish workplace safety policies and conduct education, a�vareness, and other outreach to decrease crashes caused by distracted drivers. 10. The recipient agrees to comply �vith all applicable laws, regilations, policies, �nd guidance (including speci6c cost limits, prior approval and reporting requirements, �vhere applicable) governing the use of federal funds for expenses related to conferences, meetings, hainings, and otl�er events, i�cluding the provision of food and/or beverages at such events, and costs of attendance at such events. Iuformation on pertinent laws, regulations, policies, and guidance is availaUle at �v�v�v.ojp.gov/fimding/confcost.l�tm. l 1. The recipient understands and agrees that any training or training materials developed or delivered witli fimding provided under tl�is award nmst adhere to the OJP Training Guiding Principles for Grautees aud Subgrantees, available at http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/ftmding/ojptrainingguidingprinciples.l�tm. 12. The recipient agrees that if it currei�tly has an open award of federal funds or if it receives an award of federal funds other than this OJP award, and those award fimds l�ave been, are being, or are to Ue used, iu whole or in part, for one or more of tlie identical cost items for whicU fi�nds are being provided under tl�is OJP award, tlie recipient will promptly notify, in writing, the grant manager for this OJP award, and, if so requested by OJP, seek a Uudget-modification or change-of-projeet-scope grant adjustment notice (GAN) to eliminate any ii�appropriate duplication of fimding. 13. The recipient understands and agrees that award fimds may not be used to discriminate against or denigrate the religious or moral beliefs of sh�dents �vho participate in programs for �vliich financial assistance is provided from those fimds, or of tlie parents or legal guardians of sucli shidents. 14. The recipient understands and agrees that -(a) No award fiiuds may be used to maintain or establish a computer nenvork imless sucli nehvork blocks the viewing, do�vnloading, and exchanging of pornography, and (b) Nothing in suUsection (a) limits tl�e use of fui�ds necessary for any Federal, State, tribal, or local la�v enforcement agency or any other entiry carrying out crimival investigations, prosecution, or adjudication activities. OJP FORM 4000/2 (REV. 4-88) � Departmeut of Justice , Office of Justice Programs �'{,_��` National Institute of Justice II I PROJECT NUMBER 2013-DN-BX-0058 AWARD CONTINUATIONSHEET Grant PAGE 4 OF l0 A�TdARD DATE 08/27/2013 SPECIAL CONDITIONS 15 16. Privacy; quality assurance; CODIS/NDIS The recipient shall ensure that each DNA analysis conducted and DNA profile generated under this award is maintained pursuant to all applicable Federal privacy requirements, including those described in 42 U.S.C. section 14132(b)(3). The recipient shall ensure that all forensic DNA analyses conducted �vith funding under this award are performed either (1) by accredited government-owned laboratories, or (2) through accredited fee-for-service ve��dors. Accreditation must be by a nonprofit professional association of persons actively involved in forensic science that is uationally recognized �vitliin the forensic science community. The recipient sliall ensure tliat any laUoratory that conducts forensic DNA analyses under this a�vard undergoes external audits, not less than ouce every hvo years, that demonstrate compliance �vith the Quality Assurance Standards for Forensic DNA Testing Laboratories establisl�ed by the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. The recipient shall ensure that all eligible forensic DNA profiles obtained with fiinding under this award will be eutered into the Coinbined DNA Index System (CODIS), and, wl�ere applicable, uploaded to d�e National DNA Index System (NDIS). No profiles generated with fiinding from tl�is award may be entered into any uou-governmental database withont prior express written approval from NIJ. If any government-owned forensic laboratory that will receive fundivg under this award to conduct forensic DNA analyses is not a member of NDIS, the laboratory must have a written agreement in place witli an NDIS-participating laboratory for the resulting eligible forensic DNA profiles to be entered into CODIS, and, where applicable, uploaded into NDIS. If the recipient operates a state-designated DNA database laboratory, the recipient shall ensure that analyses of DNA database satnples and reviews of associated DNA profiles couducted with ftmding under tl�is award are perFormed by a laboratoiy th�t (1) is accredited by a nonprofit professional association of persons actively involved in forensic science that is nationally recognized within the foreusic science commnnity; and (2) undergoes extemal a�idits, not less tltan ouce every two years, that demovstrate compliauce �vith tl�e requireulents oF the Quality Assurance Standards for DNA Databasing Laboratories established by the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. The recipievt shall ensure that any DNA database samples analyzed with funding under tl�is a�vard are analyzed for all 13 CODIS core STR loci, using commercially available PCR kits accepted by NDIS. The recipient shall also ensure tl�at all pro6les obtained from DNA database samples �vith fimding fi-om tliis award are entered into CODIS within 90 days of completion of analysis, and uploaded into NDIS. The recipient agrees to notify NIJ promptly upon any change in the accreditation stahis of any of the forensic science laboratories that receive funding imder this award, or their participation in NDIS. No research; nonsupplanting of State or local government fimds The recipient shall ensure that none of the fimds provided under tl�is award are used for researcli or statistical projects or activities as defined by 28 CFR Part 22 or for research as defined by 28 CFR Part 46. Any questions concerning this provision should Ue directed to tl�e NIJ Program Manager for the award. The recipient shall ensure that Federal fimds made available througl� this award will not supplant State or local government fimds, but iostead will be used to increase the amount of funds that �vould, in tlie absence of Federal funds, be available from State or local governmei�t sources for activities funded througl� ti�is award. The recipieut a��ees to notify MJ promptly if the recipient receives ne�v State or local government fimding for any oF the purposes ii�chided in tiie approved application For this a�vard. OJP FORM 4000/2 (REV. 4-83) l�'�� � . z�� Depaitment of Justice Office of Justice Programs National Institute of Justice PROJECT NUMBER 2013-DN-BX-0058 AWL�� CONTINUATIONSHEET AWARD DATE SPECIAL CONDITIONS Grant OS/27/2013 PAGE 5 OF 10 17. The recipient agrees to notify NIJ promptly upov any significant reduction in the recipient's estimate of the number of backlogged forensic DNA cases that will be analyzed withiu eighteen months using the fimds provided uuder this fiscal year 2013 a�vard, above and beyond those that �vill be analyzed using funds from other sources. If applicable, tl�e recipient agrees to notify NIJ promptly upon auy significant reduction in tlie recipienPs estimate of the number of DNA database samples that will be analyzed, or associated DNA profiles reviewed, witl�in eighteen months using the funds provided uuder this fiscal year 2013 award, above and beyond those that can be analyzed or revie��ed using funds from other sources. 18. The recipieut understands and agrees H�at gross income (revenues) from fees charged for DNA testing services constitutes program ivcome (in whole or in part), and tUat program income must be determined, used, and documented in accordance with the provisions of 28 C.F.R. 66.25, including as applied to the NIJ DNA Backlog Reduction Program by ti�e Office of Justice Programs (OJP) Financial Guide, as it may be revised fi•om time to titne. Tlie recipient fiirtl�er undeistands and agrees tliat both program income eamed during tUe award period and expevditures of such program iucome must be reported on tl�e quarterly and final Federal Financial Reports (SF 425) and are subject to audit. The recipient imderstands and agrees that program income earned during the award period only may be expended only for permissible uses of funds specifically identified iu the solicitation for the NIJ FY 2013 DNA Backlog Reduction Program. Tl�e recipient fiirther understands and agrees tliat program income earned during the award period may not be used to supplant State or local government funds, but instead may be used only to increase the amount of funds tl�at �vould, in the absence of Federal ftmds or proga�n income, be available from State or local government sources for tl�e permissible uses of fimds listed in the FY 2013 program solicitation. The recipient �mderstauds avd agrees that program income tl�at is earned during the fival ninety (90) days of the award period may, if appropriate, be obligated (as well as expended) for permissible uses during the ninety-day (90-day) period following the eud of d�e a�vard period. The recipieut furtl�er uuderstands ai�d agrees that any program income earned during the award period tl�at is not obligated and expended �vithin ninety (90) days of tlie end of tl�e award period must be rehirned to OJP. l9. The recipient understands and agrees tbat, througliout the award period, it must promptly �otify NIJ if it either starts or stops charging fees for DNA testing services, or if it revises its method of allocatii�g fees received for DNA testing seivices to program income. Notice must be provided in writing to the NIJ program manager for the award witl�in ten ( l0) business days of implementation of tl�e change. 20. Absent prior express written approval fi-om NIJ, rates for any lodging charged to the award may not exceed the posted GSA rate for tlie location. (If the recipieut opts to obtaiu lodging at a higher rate, the cost differential, including associated taxes, may uot Ue charged to the award.) 21. The recipient agrees that it will submit quarterly financial status reports to OJP on-line (at https://grants.ojp.usdoj.gov) using the SF 425 Federal Financial Report fonn (available for viewing at �vww.�vhitehouse.gov/omb/grants/standard fornis/ff report.pd�, not later tl�an 30 days after tl�e end of each calendar quarter. The fival report sliall be suUmitted not later tlian 90 days following the end of tl�e award period. 22. Tl�e recipient shall submit senvanimal progress reports. Progress reports sl�all Ue suUmitted within 30 days after the end of the reporting periods, wl�icli are June 30 and December 3l, for the life of tlie award. Tliese reports will be submitted to the Office of Justice Programs, on-line tlirough tl�e Ivternet at https://grants.ojp.usdoj.gov/. o1r eoaN� aaooiz �xEv. a-ss� ;� Q ; /C. � � � ;���y�� . 3��C 4y PROJECT NUMBER Department of Justice Office of Justice Programs AWAlW National Institute of Justice CONTINUATIONSHEET Grant 2013-DN-BX-0058 AWARD DATE 08/27/2013 SPECIAL CONDITIONS PAGE 6 OF 10 23. The recipient agrees to submit a final report at the end of this award documenting all relevant project activities during the entire period of support under this award. This report �vill include detailed infomiation about the project(s) fimded, including, but not limited to, information about how the funds were actually used for each purpose area, data to support statements of progress, and data conceming individual results and outcomes of fimded projects reflecting project successes and impacts. The final report is due no later tl�an 90 days follo�ving the close of this a�vard period or the expiration of any extension periods. This report �vill be submitted to the Office of Justice Programs, on-line through tUe Iutemet at l�ttps://grants.ojp.usdoj.gov/. 24. Semiamival perfonnauce measure data reporting - Forensic DNA case�vork and capacity enhancement The recipient agrees to submit applicable performance measure data regarding forensic DNA casework and capacity enhancement with its semiannual progress reports. Witli respect to sucl� data, the reports sliould contain: ( l) inforniation regarding baseline performance metrics (for capacity enhancement projects — ti�e average number of days behveen the subnvssion of a request for forensic biology/DNA analysis to the laboratory and tl�e delivery of the test results to the requesting agency at the beginning of the award period, and the average number of forensic DNA saniples analyzed per analysUmonth at tlie begitming of the award period; for forensic case�vork DNA backlog reduction projects — the number of Uacklogged forensic biology/DNA cases at the beginning of tl�e award period); (2) progress perForniance meh�ics (for capacity enhancemeut projects -- the average m�mber of days beriveen the submission of a request for forensic biology/DNA analysis to the laboratory and the delivery of tlie test results to the requesting agency at the end of the reporting period, and tlie average mm�ber of forensic DNA samples analyzed per analyst/montl� at the end of the reporting period; for forensic case�vork DNA backlog reduction projects -- the numUer of backlogged forensic biology/DNA cases at the end of the reporting period, the number of forensic biology/DNA cases analyzed during the reporting period usii�g fimds provided under tUis award, and the number of DNA profiles from forensic analyses entered into CODIS during the reporting period as a result of the ftinds provided under this award); and (3) impact perfonnance metrics (for forensic casework DNA Uacklog reduction projects — the mimber of CODIS hits during the reporting period attribiitable to the forensic analyses fimded under this award). For the puiposes of perfonnance measure data reporting, a backlogged forensic biology/DNA case is de6ned as a forensic biology/DNA case that has not been completed within 30 days oFreceipt in the laboratory. Tlie recipient sliall ensure that all required perFormance measure data are collected throughout tlie award period. OJP FORNf 4000/2 (REV. 4-88) � i �'��� .�` - PRO]ECT NUMBER Deparhnent of Justice Office of Justice Programs �� ' �71 National Institute of Justice CONTINUATIONSHEET Grant 2013-DN-BX-0058 ANARD DATE 08/27/2013 SPECIAL CONDITIONS PAGE 7 OF 10 25. Final performance measure data reporting The recipient agrees to submit applicable performance measure data with its final report. With respect to data conceining forensic DNA activities, the final report sl�ould contain: (1) for forensic DNA capacity enhancement projects -- the average number of days between the submission of a request for forensic biology/DNA analysis to the laboratory and the delivery of tl�e test results to the requestiug agency at the end of the project period, and tl�e average nwnber of forensic DNA samples analyzed per analyst/montl� at Hie end of tl�e project period; and (2) for forensic casework DNA backlog reduction projects -- the number of backlogged forensic biology/DNA cases at the eud of the project period, the cumulative number of forensic biology/DNA cases analyzed using fuuds provided under tl�is award, the cumulative number of DNA profiles from Forensic ai�alyses entered into CODIS as a result of die funds provided under tl�is a�vard, and tl�e cumulative number of CODIS hits attributable to forensic DNA analyses fimded under this award). For tlie purposes of perforniance measure data reporting, a backlogged forensic biology/DNA case is defined as a forensic biology/DNA case that has not been completed within 30 days of receipt iu tlie laboratory. If the recipient uses a�vard fimds for DNA datab�se sample analysis or capacity enhancement, the recipievt also agrees to submit applicable perfonnance measure data with its final report. Witl� respect to such data, the final report should contaiv: (1) for DNA database laboratory capacity enhancement projects -- the average number of DNA database samples analyzed per analyst/month at the end of the project period; tUe average number of days Uetween the submission of a DNA database sample to the laUoratory and the upload of tlie profile to CODIS at the eud of tUe project period, and (2) for DNA database backlog reduction projects — the number of Uacklogged DNA database saniples at the end of the project period, the cumulative immber of DNA database samples analyzed using fimds provided under this award, the cwmilative numUer of profiles from DNA database samples entered into CODIS as the result of ftmds provided under this award, and the cumulative number of CODIS hits resulting fi-om DNA database profiles developed using fimds provided under tl�is a�vard. For the purposes of perforn�ance measure data reporting, a bacldogged DNA database sample is defined as a DNA database sample tl�at l�as not been completed within 30 days of receipt in the laboratory. The recipient shall ensure that all required perfonnance measure data are collected througl�out the award period. o�� Foa,� a000ia �aEv. �-ss� 1 . � i s�� a.,, PROJECT NUMBER Deparhnent of Justice Office of Justice Programs National Institute of Justice 2013-DN-BX-0058 E�IWARD CONTINUATIONSHEET � A�VARD DATE SPECIAL CONDITIONS 26. Grant 08/27/2013 PAGE Semianmial Perforniauce Measure Data Reporting - DNA database sample analysis and capacity enhancemen, If the recipient uses award fiiuds for DNA database sample analysis or capacity enhancemevt, the recipient agrees to submit applicable performance measure data with its semiannual progress reports. Widi respect to such data, the reports should coutaiu: (1) inForn�ation regarding baseline perfonnance metrics (for DNA database laboratory capacity enliancement projects — the average number of DNA database samples analyzed per analyst/montl� at the beginning of the award period; the average number of days benyeen the submission of a DNA database sample to the laboratory and tl�e upload of the DNA profile to CODIS at fl�e beginning of the award period; for DNA database backlog reduction projects -- tlie uumber of backlogged DNA database samples at tl�e begim�ing of the award period); (2) progress performance metrics (for capacity enl�ancement projects — the average number of DNA dataUase samples analyzed per analyst/month at the end of tl�e reporting period, tl�e average mmiber of days bebveen the submission of a DNA database sample to the laboratory and tUe upload of the profile to CODIS at the end of the reporting period; for DNA database backlog reduction projects -- tl�e number of backlogged DNA database samples at the end of tl�e reporting period, the number of DNA database samples analyzed during the reporting period using funds from this award, and the number of DNA profiles from DNA database samples entered into CODIS during tUe reporting period as a result of the funds provided uuder tl�is a�vard); and (3) impact performance metrics (for DNA database backlog reduction projects - - the number of CODIS hits during the reporting period resulting from DNA database profiles developed using funds provided under tl�is award). For the purposes of performance measure data reporting, a backlogged DNA dataUase sample is defined as a DNA database sample tliat has not been completed �vithin 30 days of receipt in tUe laboratory. Tl�e recipient shall ensure tl�at all required performai�ce measure data are collected throughout the award period. 27. Tl�e recipient agrees to cooperate with airy assessments, national evaluation efforts, or information or data collection requests, including, Uut not limited to, the provision of atry iufonnation required for the assessment or evaluatiou of any activities within tl�is project. 28. To assist in inforruation shariug, the award recipient shall provide the NIJ program manager with a copy of all interim aud final reports and proposed puUlicatioi�s (induding those prepared for confereuces and other preseutations) resulting from this award. Submission of such materials prior to or simultaneous widi their public release aids NU in responding to any inquiries that may arise. Any publications (written, visual, or sound) - excluding press releases and uewsletters - whether published at tlie recipient's or govemment's expense, shall coutain the follo�ving statemeuL• This project �vas supported by A�vard No. , awarded by tlie National Institute of Justice, Office of Justice Prog�ams, U.S. Department of Justice. The opinions, findings, and condusions or recommendations expressed in tl�is publicatioi�/program/exhibitiov are tliose of H�e author(s) aud do not necessarily reflect tliose of the Deparhnent of Justice. NIJ defines publications as any planned, written, visual or sound material substautively based on die project, formally prepared by the award recipient for dissemination to the public. 29. The recipient sl�all transmit to the NIJ program manager copies of all official a�vard-related press releases at least ten (10) �vorking days prior to puUlic release. Advance notice pem�its time for coordination of release of infonnation by NIJ where appropriate and to respond to press or public inquiries. 30. Pursuant to 28 C.F.R. Part 18, OJP may suspend or tenninate fimding under this award before the completion of the project fiuided by tliis award, for the recipient's failure to comply with these special conditiovs or with tl�e project's goals, plans and methodology set forth in the approved applicatiov. In tl�e case of suspension, the recipient will be imable to draw down fiutds until OJP detem�ines that tl�e recipient is in compliance. O1P FORM 4000/2 (REV. 4-88) �i l� ;'�` PROJECT NUMBER Department of Justice Office of Justice Programs National Institute of Justice 2013-DN-BX-0058 AWARD I CONTINUATIONSHEET I rncE 9 oF io A\VARD DATE SPECIAL CONDITIONS Grant OS/27/2013 31. Tl�e recipient acknowledges that tl�e Office of Justice Programs (OJP) reserves a royalty-free, non-exclusive, and irrevocable license to reproduce, publish, or otl�erwise use, and authorize others to use (in whole or in part, including in connection with derivative works), for Federal purposes: (I) any work subject to copyright developed under an a�vard or subaward; and (2) any riglits of copyright to which a recipient or subrecipient purchases ownership �vith Federal support. Tl�e recipient acknowledges tl�at OJP has the rigi�t to (1) obtain, reproduce, publisl�, or othenvise use tlie data first produced imder an award or subaward; and (2) authorize otl�ers to receive, reproduce, publisl�, or otheitivise use such data for Federal purposes. "Data" includes data as defined in Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) provision 52.227- 14 (Riglits in Data - General). It is the responsibility of the recipient (and of each subrecipient, if applicaMe) to ensure tl�at tliis condition is induded in any subaward under this a�vard. Tl�e recipient has the responsibility to obtain from subrecipients, contractors, and subcontractors (if any) all riglits and data necessary to fiilfill the recipient's obligations to the Govermnent wider this award. If a proposed subrecipient, contractor, or subcontractor refiises to accept terms affording the Government such rights, tlie recipient sliall promptly Uriug sucli refiisal to the attention of the OJP program manager for the award and not proceed with the agreement in question without fiirther autl�orizatiou from tl�e OJP program office. 32. The Project Director and key program personnel designated in the application shall be replaced only for compelling reasons. Successors to key personuel must be approved, ai�d such approval is contingent upon suUmission of appropriate iuformation, including, Uut not limited to, a resume. OJP will not unreasonably �vithhold approval. Cl�anges ii� otlier prograu� personnel require only notification to OJP and submissioi� of resumes, uuless othenvise designated in the award document. 33. The recipient agrees to comply with all Federal, State, and local environmental laws and regulations applicable to tlie development and implemei�tation of the activities to be fimded iuider this award. Categorical Exdusion: Based upon the inforniatioi� provided Uy the recipieut in its application for these fimds, NIJ has detennined and tl�e recipient understands that the proposed activities meet tl�e definition of a categorical exclusion, as defined in tl�e Departmevt of Justice Procedures for Implementing the National Enviromnental Policy Act foui�d at 28 CFR Part 61 (including Appendix D). A categorical exdusiou is au action tl�at because of tl�e proposed activities' very limited and predictable potential environmental impacts, botl� ov an individual aud a cumulative basis, does not l�ave a signiFicant impact on the quality of the human environment. Consequently, no fiirther environmental impact analysis is necessary under the requirements of tUe Natioual Environmental Policy Act, 42 U.S.C. 4321, for tl�ese categorically exduded activities. Modifications: Throughout tl�e term of tliis award, the recipient agrees that for any activities that are tl�e subject of tliis categorical exdusion, it will inform NIJ of-- (1) any change(s) that it is considering making to the previously assessed activities tl�at may be releva�st to the environmental impacts of the activities; or (2) any proposed ne�v activities or changed circumstances that may require assessment as to environmental impact, such as uew activities that involve the use of chemicals or involve construction or major renovation. The recipient will uot implement a proposed cl�ange or ne�v activity until NIJ, witli the assistauce of the recipient, lias completed auy applicaUle environmental impact revie�v requirements necessitated by the proposed change or new activity (or clianged circumstances) aud NIJ has concurred in tl�e proposed cl�avge or new activity. This approval �vill not be unreasonably withUeld as long as airy requested modification(s) is consistent witl� eligible program purposes and foimd acceptaUle uuder an NIJ-conducted environmental impact review process. om FoaM �t000iz �aev. a-ss> 4�� k, ` PROJECT NUMBER Deparhne��t of 7ustice Office of Justice Programs AWARD National Institute of Justice CONTINUATIONSHEET Grant 2013-DN-BX-0058 A\VARD DATE 08/27/2013 SPECIAL CONDITIONS PAGE l0 OF 10 34. The recipient agrees to comply with applicable requirements to report fiist-tier subawards of $25,000 or more aud, in certain circumstances, to report the names and total compensation of tl�e five most highly compensated executives of the recipient and first-tier subrecipients of award funds. Such data will be submitted to the FFATA Suba�vard Reporting System (FSRS). Tlie details of recipient obligations, �vhich derive from the Federal Fimding Accountability and Transparency Act of 2006 (FFATA), are posted on the Office of Justice Programs web site at l�ttp://ww�v.ojp.gov/funding/ffata.l�tm (Award condition: Reporting Suba�vards and Executive Compensation), and are incorporated by reference here. This condition, and its reporting requirement, does not apply to grant awards made to au individual �vho received the a�vard as a natural person (i.e., unrelated to any business or non-profit organization that he or sl�e may own or operate in his or her name). OJP FORNI 4000/2 (REV. 4-38) v�� �%"' APPROVAL RECOMMENDED: By. — ��� w� 7 Jeffrey W. Halstead Chief of Police Date: q'�6 "�3 APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: n c By: Jessica S� Assistant ATTEST: By: � Mary J. City Se� ty Attorney Contract Authorization: M&C: L- -�Z (� �_���- Date Approved: �7 � ���� l-� FY 2013 DNA Backlog Reduction Grant Award .,�a�'��r'�l.� — ��'`�'� tii �—�, r a � i � . �, -�- � • -,,r ,.`, ,.•` ° �� ' � .' . ..�. � ' :�� �; `, 'S•''" �'- � i �+ "�i i �'. - � �: Department of Justice . ��,�� . Office of Justice Programs Natiaaal I»stitt�te of Jtrstice l�i�shingta�, D.C. 1053! Memorandum To: Official Grant File From: Mark Nelson, Program Manager Subject: Categorical Exclusion for City of Fort Worth The recipient agrees to co�nply with all Federal, State, and local environmental laws and regulations applicable to the development and iinplementation of the activities to be funded under this award. Categorical Exclusion: Based upon the inforination provided by the recipient in its application for these funds, NIJ has determined and the recipient undeistands that the proposed activities meet the definition of a categorical exclusion, as defined in the Department of Justice Procedures for Impleinenting the National Environmental Policy Act found at 28 CFR Part 61 (including Appendix D). A categorical exclusion is an action that because of the proposed activities' very limited and predictable potential environmental impacts, both on an individual and a cumulative basis, does not have a significant iinpact on the quality of the human environinent. Consequently, no further enviromnental impact analysis is necessary under the requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act, 42 U.S.C. 4321, for these categorically excluded activities. Modifications: Throughout the term of this award, the recipient agrees that for any activities that are the suUject of this categorical exclusion, it will infoim NIJ of-- (1) any change(s) that it is considering making ro the previously assessed activities that may be relevant to the environmental iinpacts of the activities; or (2) any proposed new activities or changed circumstances that tnay require assessinent as to enviromnental impact, such as new activities fliat involve the use of cheinicals or involve consriliction or major renovation. The recipient will not implement a proposed change or new activiry unril NIJ, with the assistance of the recipient, has completed any applicable environmental iinpact review requirements necessitated by the proposed change or ne�v activity (or changed circumstances) and NIJ has concurred in the proposed change or new activity. This approval will not be um•easonably withl�eld as long as any rec�uested modification(s) is consistent with eligible program purposes and found acceptable under an NIJ-conducted environmental impact review process. CERTIFICATION FORM Compliance with the Equal Employment Opportunity Plan (EEOP) Requirements Please read cn�•efrdly the Instructions (see below) nncl then complete Section A m� Section B or Section C, not nll three. RecipienYsName: city of Fort wortn DUNSNumber: 78-Zo-o3�z� 1�ddTeSS: 350 W. Belknap, Fort Worth, Texas 76102 CTl"dllt Z'1tIP.: FY 13 Pau1 coverdel� eorensic science GParii NUrilU01': 2013-CD-BX-0070 Award Amount: $ 113 � 243 Im zovement Grant Name and T1tle of Contact Pel'Son: Aya Ealy, Contract Services Administrator TelephoneNumber: $1�-392-4z39 E-Ma11AddIeSS: aya.ealy@fortworthtexas.gov Section A—Declaration Claiming Complete EYemption from the EEOP Requirement Plense cltecic nll tlte fo(lotiving bo.res that appl��: ❑ Recipient l�as less than fi$y employees. ❑ Recipient is an Indian tribe. ❑ Recipient is a medical institution. ❑ Recipient is a nonprofit organization. ❑ Recipient is an educational institution. ❑ Recipient is receiving an award less tlian $25,000. j [respo»sible officaal], cei�tify that [recipier�t] is not required to prepare an EEOP for the reason(s) checked above, pursuant to 28 C.F.R § 42302. I further certify that [r�ecipient] will comply with applicable federal civil rights laws that prohibit discrimination in employment and in the delivery of services. Prnit or Type Name rn7�l Title Signntin•e Date Section B—Declaration Claiming Exemption from the EEOP Submission Requirement and Certifyiug That an EEOP Is on File for Review If n recipient age�rcy has fifty or nrore e»rployees nird is receii�i�ig a si�rgle cn>>ard or sirbativard of $25, 000 or more, bt�t less tlia�r $500, 000, tlren t/re recrpient agency does not hai�e to strbntit un EEOP ta dre OCR for revieri� ns lo�rg as rz certifies the folloivi�rg (42 C.F.R. ,¢' 42.305): I [r-esponsible offrcial], certify that [recipient], which has fifty or more einployees and is receiving a single awaid or suba�vard for $25,000 or �nore, but less than $500,000, has formulated an EEOP in accordance with 28 CFR pt. 42, subpt. E. I fiuther certify that within the last twenty-four months, the proper authority has foi7nulated and signed into effect the EEOP and, as requu�ed by applicable federal law, it is available for review by the public, employees, the appropriate state planning agency, and the OfFice for Civil Rights, Of�ce of Justice Prograins, U.S. Department of Justice. The EEOP is on file at the following of�ce: [organization], [address] . Print or Ty�e Name and Title Sig�rattn•e Date Section C—Declaratiou Stating that an EEOP Utilizatiou I2eport �Ias Been Submitted to the Office for Civil 12ights for Revie�v If a i�ecr�ienz agency has f fty or ntore entployees nnrl is receiring n sing(e rnvnrd a� snbai��ard of $500,000 or nra•e, then t{re recipierrt ngency nrust se�id m� EEOP Utrlrzatia�t Report to tlre OCR for revreiv. I Charles w. Daniels [7'eS�7o71SZb%e o�clQ�, � • certify that city of Fort worth [r-ecipient], which has fifty or more employees and is receiving a single award of $500,000 or �nore, has foi7nulated an EEOP in accordance with 28 CFR pt. 42, subpt. E, and sent it for review on August la, zoi3 [�late] to the Office for Civil Rights, Office of Justice Programs, U. S. Dep nent of Justice. r-' .r ' Charles W. Daniels, Assistant City Manager �'� 09 ��� Prrnt or Type Nanre and Tit(e Sr attn•e Dnte (�Mli Approval No. I l21-U34U Expu'anon Ua[e: u�/sii�4 ��,y,,�L.� �_ �� �`� �� .�v�..-�� ,��, .'i.f j,��` Deparhnent of Justice Office of 7ustice Programs National Institutc of Justice I PROJECT NUMBER �, 2013-DN-BX-0058 This project is supported under FY13(NIJ - S&LLEA DNA/Other Forensics) Pub. L. No. 113-6, 127 Stat. 198, 254; 28 USC 530C I. STAFF CONTACT (Namc & telephone number) Mark Nelson (202)616-1960 3a. TITLE OF THE PROGI2AM NIJ FY l3 DNA Backlog Reduction Program 4. TITLE OF PROJECT FY2013 DNA Backlog Reduction Prograin-City of FoR Worth 5. NAME & ADDRESS OF GRANTEE City of Fort Worth 350 W Belknap Street Fort Worth, TX 76102-2004 7. PROGRAN( PERIOD FRONL 10/01/2013 9. AMOUNT OF AWARD S 169,979 I 1. SECOND YEAR'S BUDGET 13. THIRD YEAR'S BUDGET PERIOD TO: 03/31/2015 PAGE 1 OF 1 2. PROJECT DIRECTOR (Name, address & telephone numbcr) Aya Ealy Contract Services Administrator 3501Y Belknap Street Fort Worth, TX 76102-2004 (817)392-4239 Grant 3b. POMS CODE (SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE) JAME & ADRESS OF SUBGRANTEE SUDGET PERIOD FROM: 10/01/2013 TO: 03/31/2015 0. DATE OF A�VARD 08/27/2013 2. SECOND YEAR'S BUDGET AMOUNT A. THIRD YEAR'S BUDGET AMOUNT � I5. SUMMARY DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT (See instmction on reverse) The objectivc of this program is to assist eligible States and units of local govemment to reduce forensic DNA sample turnaround time, increase the throughput of public DNA laboratorics, and reduce DNA bncklogs. These improvements are critical to preventing fuhire DNA Uacklogs and to hclping tl�e criminal justice system use the full potential of DNA technology. Eligible States and units oFlocal govemmen[ may request fimds to increase Hie capacity of their existing crime laboratories tha[ conduct DNA analysis in order to analyze DNA samples more efficiently and cost effectively. Eligible applicants also may request fimds [o handle, scree�, and analyze backlogged forensic DNA casework samples. State-designated DNA Database laboratories may also use supplementa] funding available imder tUis solicitation to build d�e capncity of their ]aboratory to process more database samples or to reduce the number of backlogged databasc samples. ❑ca/ncf �RANT MANAGER'S MEMORANDUM, PT. I: PROJECT SUMMARY OJP FORM 4000/2 (REV. 4-88) City of Fort Worth, Texas Mayor and Council Communication COUNCIL ACTION: Approved on 7/23/2013 — Ordinance No. 20828-07-2013 DATE: Tuesday, July 23, 2013 REFERENCE NO.: **C-26356 LOG NAME: 35FY13 DNA BACKLOG REDUCTION GRANT SUBJECT: Ratify Application for the Fiscal Year 2013 DNA Backlog Reduction Grant Program from the United States Department of Justice, National Institute of Justice, in the Amount of $169,979.00, Authorize Acceptance of the Grant Funds, if Awarded, by Execution of a Contract and Adopt Appropriation Ordinance (ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS) RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City .Council: 1. Ratify the application far the Fiscal Year 2013 DNA Backlog Reduction Grant Program from the United States Department of Justice, National Institute of Justice, in the amount of $169,979.00; 2. Authorize the acceptance of the grant funds, if awarded, by execution of a contract with the United States Department of Justice, National Institute of Justice; and 3. Adopt the attached appropriation ordinance increasing estimated receipts and appropriations in the Grants Fund in the amount of $169,979.00, upon receipt of the grant. DISCUSSION: The United States Department of Justice, National Institute of Justice's Fiscal Year 2013 DNA Backlog Reduction Grant Program's goal is to assist local governments to process, record, screen and analyze forensic DNA and/or DNA database samples and to increase the capacity of public forensic DNA and DNA database laboratories to process more DNA samples, thereby, helping to reduce the number of forensic DNA and DNA database samples awaiting analysis. The City of Fart Worth is requesting funding under the Fiscal Year 2013 DNA Backlog Reduction Grant Program in the amount of $169,979.00 for educational courses, registration fees, associated travel expenses and to purchase equipment and software upgrades far the Fort Worth Police Department's Crime Lab. Registration and course fees, along with the associated travel fiinds far the Crime Lab staff to attend various conferences, workshops, and classes total the amount of $8,287.00. The remaining fiinds are requested to purchase a Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) DNA Module, an extraction robot including the maintenance and third party validation services, the hardware for a Combined DNA Index System (CODIs) database terminal and upgrades to DNA analysis software. No matching funds are required under this Grant. FISCAL INFORMATION: The Financial Management Services Director certifies that upon approval of the above recommendations, receipt of the grant and adoption of the attached appropriation ordinance, funds will be available in the current operating budget, as appropriated, of the Grants Fund. FUND CENTERS: TO FundlAccount/Centers GR76 451891 035423644000 GR76 5(VARIOUS) 035423644010 •• • • 11 $169.979.00 FROM FundlAccountlCenters CERTIFICATIONS: Submitted for City Manager's Office by: Originating Department Head: Additional Information Contact: Charles W. Daniels (6199) Jeffrey W. Halstead (4231) Aya Ealy (4239) ATTACHMENTS 1. 35FY13 DNA BACKLOG REDUCTION GRANT A013 doc