HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 44862 (2)y �� .. � :'�:. '�- L ' : j ;� :. ./'. � TEXAS DEPARTI�NT OF TRANSPORTATION GRANT FOR ROUTINE AIRPORT 11ZAINTENANCE PROGRAM (State Assistecl Airport Routine DZaintenance) T�DOT Project 1Vo.: An'I 2014MECH TxDOT CSJ No.: M1402�TECH Part I- Identification of the Project TO: FROM: The City of Fort WorEh, Texas The State of Texas, actiug tluough tlie Texas Deparnuent of Ti�ansportation This Grant is luade bet«�een [lie Texas Deparhnent of Transportation, (hereinafter referred to as the "State"), on behalf of the State of TeYas, and the City of Fort Worth, Texas, (hereivafter referred to as the "Sponsor"). Tlus Grant Agreement is entered into bett��een the State and Sponsor sho«�n above, wider the authority granted and in compliance with the provisions of the Transportation Code Chapter 21. The project is for airport maintenance at the Fort Worth Meachai7i International Airport. �'art � - OffE-r oi �'ina�iciai Assistat�ce 1. For tlie ptuposes of this Grant, the aimual routine maintenance project cost, Amount A, is estimated as found on Attacluuent A, Scope of Services, attached hereto aud made a part of this grallt agreement. State fina�icial assistance granted will be used solely aud exclusi��ely for airport maintenance and other incidental items as approi�ed by the State. Actual work to be performed under tlus agreeinent is found on Attacluuent A, Scope of Services. State financial assistance, Amount B, ��=ill be for fifty percent (50%} of the eligiUle project costs for this project or �50,000.00, wluchever is less, per fiscal year and subjeck to availability of state appropriations. Scope of Services, Attachment A, of tliis Grant, iiiay be ainended, subject to availability of state fimds, to include additional approved aiiport maintenance �szork. Scope amendments reqiure submittal of an Amended Scope of Sei��ices, Attachment A. Seivices will not be accomplished by the State until receipt. of Sponsor's share of project costs. 09/01/2014 '� ; - �• - �: '� � � � , � , �. �.: ' � . ' . e � r ;, ..:��� ; ,r; 2 4 zo�� Only F�rork ite�us as described in Attachment A, Scope of 5ervices of this Grant are reimbursable under this grant. Work shall be accomplished by August 31, 2014, unless otheitivise approved by the State. 2. The State shall deterinine fair and eligible project costs for worlc scope. Sponsor's share of estiinated project costs, Amount C, shall be as found on Attacl�tnent A and any a�nendments. It is liiut�ially tuiderstood and agreed that if, during the term of tlus agre�inent, the State determilies that there is all o��eriun ill the estimated alulual routine maintenalice costs, the State n�ay increase the g�-ant to cover tlie amount of tlae ovemul vaithii� the abave stated percentages and subject to the maxirnulii ainotuit of state fiuiding. The State «�ill uot authorize expenditures i� excess of the dollar amounfs identified in this Agreeiuent and auy amendiuents, �vithout the consent of the Sponsor. 3. Sponsor, by acceptiug this Grant certifies and, upon request, shall fiunish proof to the State that it. has sufficieut fiiuds to ineet its share of the costs. The Sponsor grants to the State the right to audit any books and records of the Sponsor to verify expended funds. Upon execution of tliis Agreement and written demand by the State, the Sponsor's fivancial obligation (Amotuit C} sliall be due in cash and payable in fiill to the State. State may request the Sponsor's financial obligation iu parGial payments. Should the Sponsor fail to pay their obligation, eitlier in whole or in pai-t, within 30 days of v�nit.ten demand, tl�e 5iate �nay exercise its rights under Paragrap� V-3. Likewise, should the State be tmwilling or uuable to pay iis obligation in a tiinely m�ner, the failure to pay shall be considered a breach and the Sponsor may exercise any rights aiid. remedies it has at la�T or equity. 111e State shall reiinburse or credit the Sponsor, at the financial closure of the �roject, a�y excess funds provided by the Spolisor «�hich exceed Sponsor's share (Amount C). 4. The _Spousor specifically agrees that it shall pay 3ny project costs i�c�hich exceed �lie amount of financial participation agreed to Uy the State. It is further agreed that the Sponsor ��vill reiuiburse the State for any payiuent or payments made by the State whicl� are in excess of the percentage of financial assistance (Amotult B) as stated in Para�raph II-1. 5. Scope of Seivices may be accomplished by State contracts or through local contracts of the Sponsor as determined appropriate by the State. All locally contracted ��Tork i�iust be approved by the State for scope and reasonable cost. Reimbursement requests for locally contracted work shall be subinitted on forins provided by the State and shall include copies of tlie invoices for materials or services. Payment shall be made for no mare than 50% of allo��able cliarges. osiov2o14 Page 2 of 12 The State will not participate in furiding for . force account «Tork conducted by the Sponsor. G This Grant shall teriuinate upou completion of the scope of se1-��ices. Part III - Sponsor Responsibilities 1 In accept.ing this Gr�t, if applicable, the Sponsor guarantees that: a. it will, in the operation of the facility, comply with all applicable state and federal la���s, rules, regulations, procedtues, covenants and assurances required by the State in connection with this Grant; ai�d b. the Airport or navigational facility which is the subject of this Gra�t sha11 be controlled by the Spousor for a period of at least 20 years; and c. consistent with safety and security reqlurements, it shall make the airport or air na�Tigational facility ai�ailable to all types, kinds aild classes of aeronautical use without discriiuinatiou between such types, kinds and classes and shall provide adequate public access dt�ring the period of this Graut; and d. it shall not brant or pennit anyone to exercise a�l exclusive right for the conduct of aeronautical activity on or about an airport landing area. Aeroilautical aceivities inchide, but are not liinited t.o scheduled airline fli�hts, charter flights, flight instruction, aircraft sales, rental and repair, sale of aviation petroleuiil products and aerial applications. T?�e landing are� consists of i�unways or landing strips, taxiways, parking aprons, roads, aiiport. lighting and navigational aids; aiid e. it shall not enter into any agreeiilent nor pernut any aircra$ to gain direct ground access to the sponsor`s air�ort fiom private property adjacent to or in the il�nediate area of the airport. Further, Sponsor shall uot allo��c� aircraft direct grouud access to private property. 5ponsor shall Ue s�tbject to this prohibition, con�nouly kuo«jn as a"through-the-fence operation," unless all exceptiou is gra�ited 'u1 �vritiiig by the State dzte to extreme circumstances; and f. it shall not permit non-aeronautical use of airport facilities «�ithout prior approval of the State; and g. the Sponsor shall submit to the State anllual statemeuts of airport revem�es and expeuses wheu requested; and h. all fees collected for ihe use nondiscrimivatory. The proceeds developnieut, operatioil and maint and 09i01/2014 P1ge � of 12 of tlie airport shall be reasonable and from such fees shall be used solely for the :nance of the airport or navigational facility; .. _ _ i. an Airport Fund shall be estlUlished by resolution, order or orciinance in tl�e treasury of the Sponsor, or e��idence of the prior creation of an existillg airport func� or a properly executed copy of the resolution, order, or ordinance creating such a fund, shall be subnutted to the State. Tlie fund may be an accoiult as part of another fund, but must be accounted for iu such a manner that all re�Teuues, expenses, retained earnings, a�ld balances iu the account are discenlible from other types of moneys identified in the fimd as a���hole. All fees, charges, rents, and money froin any sow•ce derived from airport operations inust be deposited in tlie Airport Fund and shall not be diverted to the general revenue fund or any other revenue fund of the Sponsor. All expendit��res frolil the Airport Fund shall be solely for airport puiposes. Sponsor shall be ineligible for a subsec�uent grant or loan by the State unless, prior to such subseqt�ent. approval of a grant or loan, Sponsor has coinpiied with the requirements of this subparagraph; and .l the Sponsor shall operate run�v�y lighting at Ieast at low iutensity fiom sunset to sullrise; ancl k. insofar as it is reasonable and «Tithiu its poti��er, Sponsor shall adopt and enforce zoning regulations to restrict the height of structures and use of laud adjacent to or in the iminediate vicinity of the aiiport. to heights and activities com�atible witli narmal airport operations as provided in Te�. Loc. Govt. Code Auv. Sections 241.001 et seq. (Vernon anct Veruon Supp.). SponsoY� shall also acquire and retaiu aviation easements or other property iiiterests in or rights to use of land or airspace, unless sponsor can shouT tliat acquisition a�id retentiou of such interest t��ill be impractical or ��ill result in undue hardship to Sponsor. Sponsor shall be ineligible for a subsequent grant or loan by tlie State unless S�onsor has, prior to suLseqaent ap�rovat of a grant c,r loan, a�iopted and passed an airport hazard zoning ordinaiice or order approved by tlie State: 1. mo�villg services u�ill iiat Ue eligible for state financial assistance. Sponsor will be responsiUle for 100% of any mowing seivices. 2. The Spousor, to the extent of its legal aiithority to do so, shall save harinless the State, the State's agents, employees or contractors from all clairus and liability due to activities of the Sponsor, the Sponsor's agents or einployees perforiiied uuder this a�neeinent. The Sponsor, to the extellt of its legal autharity to do so, shall also save I�armless tl�e State, the State's agents, euiployees or contractors from any and all expenses, including attorney fees which inight be inct�rred by the State iu litigation or otherwise resisiing claiul or liabilities whicli inight be ilnposed on tlie State as ihe result of those activities by the Sponsor, the Sponsor's agents or eiiiployees. 3. T}ie Sponsor's acceptance of this Offer and rati�cation and adoption of this Grant shall be evidenced by execution of this Grant by the Sponsor. The Grant shall comprise a contract, constituting the oblibations and rights of the State of Texas and the Sponsor ��ith respect to the accoinplislunent of ihe project and the operation and �naintenance of the airport. 09101/2014 Page 4 of 12 _ If it becomes unreasonable or impractical to complete the proj ect, the State may void this a�eemelit aud release the Sponsor fiom any fiu•ther obligation of project costs. 4. Upon eritering into this Grant, Sponsor agrees to nalue an individual, as the Sponsor's AutIiorized Representati��e, «Tho shall be the State's contact with regard to this project. The Representative shall receive a11 correspondeiice and doctuilents associated with this grant and shall make or shall acquire approvals and disapprovals for this grant as required on behalf of the Sponsor, and coordinate schedule for work iteills as required. 5. By the accept�lce of gralit fimds far the maiutenance of eligiUle aiipoit buildings, the Sponsor cei�tifies that the buildings are o�vned by the Sponsor. The buildings may be leased but if the lease agreement specifies that the lessee is responsiUle for the �;plceep azid repaii-s of the building no state fimds sliall be used for that ptupose. 6. Sponsor shall request reimbursement of eligible project costs on forins provided by the State. All reimbursement requests are reqiiired to iliclude a copy of the invoices for the mate�-ials or services. The reimbursement request will be suGmitteci �io rnore than once a nionth. 7. 71ie Sponsor's acceptance of this Agreerneut shall comprise a Grant Agreeinent, as provided by the Tra�isportation Code, Chapter 2I, constituting the contractual obligatioizs and rights of the State of Texas and the Sponsor with respect to the accomplishulent of the airport maintenance alid coinpliance vc�th the assurances and conditions as provided. Such Grant Agreement shall become effective upon the State's written Notice to Proceed issued following execution of this agreement. PART N- vomivation of the Agent 1. T'he Sponsor designates the State as the party to receive and disbtuse all funds used, or to be used, in paymeut of the costs of the project, or iu reimbi�rsement to either of the parties for costs incurred. 2. The State shall, for all ptu-poses in co�ection witi� the project identified above, be the Agent of fhe Sponsor. The Sponsor grants the State a power of attorney to act as its a�ent to perform the follot��ing services: a. b. �� 09i01 i2014 accept, receive, and deposit witli the State any and all project funds granted, allov�Ted, and paid or made available by the Sponsor, the State of Texas, or any other entity; enter into contxacts as iaecessary for execution of scope of services; if State enters into a conn�act as Agent: exercise supei�Jision and direction of the P1ge 5 of 12 project �vork as the State reasouably finds appropriate. Where there is an irrecoucilabie conflict or difference of opinion, judgment, order or direction Uettiveen the Siate and the Sponsor or any seiwice provider, tlie State shall issue � «jritteu order ���luch shall prevail and be controlling; d. receitTe, revie«�, appro��e a�id pay invoices aud payment requests for services and materials supplied iu accordance «�ith the State approved contracts; e. obtain an audit as may be required by state regulations; the State Auditor may conduct an audit or investigation of any entity recei�rin; funds fi-om TxDOT directly under this contract or indirectly through a subcontraci uiider this contract. Acceptance of funds directly twd.er this contract or indirectly through a subco�t�•act u�der this contract acts as acceptance of tlle authority of the 5tate Auditar, tmder the direction of tlie legislative audit coininittee, to coiiduct an audit or investigation in counectiou with those funds. An entity that is the subject of an audit or investigation iiii�st provide the state auditor ���ith lccess to any infor7nation the state auditor consiciers relevaut fo the investigation or audit. f. reimburse spolisor for appro�red contract maintenance costs uo inore tl�an once a month. PART V - Recitals 1. This Grant is execuied for the sole benefit of the contracting parties and is not intended or exec�ate� for tli� direct or incidental ben�fit of any third part.y. 2. It is the iutent of this brant. to i�ot supplant local fiinds norinally utilized for aiiport inailitenance, and that any state financial assistance offered under tliis grant be ii� addition to those local fiuids normaIly dedicated for airport iizaiutena�ce. 3. This Grant is subject to the a�plicable provisions of the Transportatiou Code, Chapters 21 and 22, and the Airport Zonilig Act, Tex. Loc. Govt. Code Ann. Sectious 241.001 et seq. (Vernou and Vernon Supp.). Failure to coiilply with the terms of this Grant or with the rules and statutes shall be considered a breach of this contract aud will alloti�� tl�e State to ptusue the remedies for breach as stated below. a. Of primary iiiiportance to the State is compliance ��ith tlie tei-�ns and conditions of tl�is Grant. If, however, after all reasonable atteinpts to require cornpliance have failed, the Staie finds that the Sponsor is unwilling and/or unable to comply with any of the tenns of this Grant, the State, may pursue atiy of the followiilg remedies: (1) require a refund of any financial assistance money expended pursuant to this Grant, (2} den�� Sponsor's fiiture requests for aid, (3) request the Attorney General to bring suit seeking reiinbt�rsement of any financial assistance money expended on the project pt�rsuant to this Grant, pro�7ided however, these 09/01/2014 Page 6 of 12 _ __ . _.__ _ _ _ _ _ ._ __ _ reinedies shall not liinit the State's authority to eiiforce its rules, regulations or orders as otherwise provided by law, (4) declare this Grwt null and ��oid, or (5) any other remedy a��ailable at la«� or iu equity. b. Venue for resohition by a court of coinpetent jurisdiction of any dispute arising imder tl�e ter7ils of this Graut, or for enforcement of any of the provisious of tlus Grant, is specifically set by Grant of ihe parties in Travis Gomity, Texas. 4. The State reserves the right to amend or ��ithdraw this Grant ai any tiine prior to acceptance by the Sponsor. The acceptance period cannot be greater than 30 days after issuance unless extended by the State. 5. This Graiit. const.itutes tlie fiill an� total understanding of tl�e �art�es conceruing their rights and responsibilities in regard to this project and sl�all not be modified, ainended, rescinded or revoked unless such modification, ameudineut, rescission or re��ocation is agreed to by both parties in writing and executed Uy both parties. G. AlI comiuitmeli�s by the Sponsor and tlie State are subject to constitutional and statutory liulitations and restrictions binding upon the Spousor and the State (iricluding Sectioils 5 auc� 7 of Article 11 of the Texas Constihition, if applicable) and to the availability of funcis whicli lawfully inay be applied. 09/O 1 /2014 Page 7 of 12 _ _ _. Part VI - Acceptances Sponsor T`lie City of Fort Worth, Texas, does ratify and adopt all statements, representatious, warranties, covenants, agreeinents, and all terms and conditions of this Grant. Executed this Vr day of September 2013. , � itness Si�iature �� Wihiess Title The Citv of Fort Warth, Texas S onsor � �� Sponsor Sib ah�re Assistant City Manager Sponsor Title Certificate of Attorney I Charlene Sanders , acting as attor7iey for the Cit�� of Foi�t Worth, TeYas, do certifj� that I have fiilly exainined the Grant and the proceedings tlken by the Sponsor relating to the acceptance of the Grant, and find that the manner of acceptance and execution of the Grant b_y the Sponsor, is in accordance ���ith the laws of die State of Texas. FOrt WOrth �= D1ted at , Texas, this � day of September , 20 � 3. , /� W s Sigi�ature i_�'��__, ;, � � ~ �"•� CI'Px SECRETARY 09i01/2014 Page 4 uf 12 I��', VypRg�19 �� Acceptance of the State Executed by and 3pproved far the Texas Trausportation Couunission for the purpose aud effeck of activating and/or carrying out the orders, established policies or work prograius and grants heretofore approz%ed anci authorized by the Texas Tralisportation Conuilission. STATE OF TEXAS TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION : David �. Fulton, Directo� Aviation �ivision �ex�s �e�a�r'�m�n� r�f Transportatior� Date: /fl �P� /..3 09%O1/2014 Page 9 of 12 Attachment A Scope of Services T�OT CSJ \Ta.: M1402NIECH Eligible Scope Iteins: Estimated Costs State Share Sponsor Share Amount A �mouut B Amount C GENER�I, �iAINTENAi�10E $100,000.00 $50;000.00 $50,000.00 MISCELLAi�1E0US $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 SPECIAL PROJECT $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 SPECIAI. PROJECT $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 SPECIAI, PROJECT $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Total $100,000.00 $50,000.00 �50,000.00 Accepted by�: The Citv of Foirt Worth, Te�as � Signat�zre Tit1e: Assistant City Manager Date: ��.5//3 Notes: (explanatious of any specifications or variances as needed for above scope iteins) GENERAL MAINTENANCE: As needed. Sponsor mav contract for services/�urchase materials for routine mainteuance/imUro�rement of airport p�vemeuts, si�nage, draina�e, approach aids, li�htin� systems. utilitv infrastructure, fencin�. herbicide/a�plication. sponsor o���ned and operated fiiel systems, lian�ars, buildin�s, terminal buildin�s and securit�vstems; professional seivices for en��ironmental compliance, appraved project desi�n. Special proiects to be determined and added bv amendinent. Only F��ork items as described in Attachment A, Scope of Sei-vices of this Graut are reimbursable under this grant. 09i01/2014 PaQe 10 of 12 CERTIFICATION OF AIRPORT FUND TaDOT CSJ No M1402MECH The City of Fort Worth does certify that an Airport Fund l�as been established for the Sponsor, and that all fees, char�es, rents, and money fi�om any source derived from airport operations «-i11 be deposited for the benefit of the Airport Fuud and will not be diverted for other general revenue fund expendittires ar any other special fiuid of the Sponsor and that all expendihires from the Fund ti��ill be solely for aiiport pt�rposes. The fund ina}� be an account �ts part of wother fund, but iuust be accounted for in such a maiuier that all revenues, e�penses, retained earnings, and balances in the account are discernible from other types of moneys identified in the fimd as a ��hole. The Cin� of Fort V4'orth, Texas (Sponsor) By: / r/lyl a«-.�o C...�-. Assistant City Manager S/�3 State of TeYas Single Audit Requirements I Fernando Costa do cei�tify that the Ciry of Fort Worth will comply with all (Designaied Represeutative) requirements of the State of Texas Single Audit Act if the City of Fort Worth spends or receives more than $500,000 in any funding sotuces during this fiscal year. And in following those requireinents, the City of Fort Worth will submit the report to the audit division of the Teaas Departlnent of Transportatiou. If yot�r entity did not meet the threshold of $500,000.00 in graut expendihues, please subinit a letter indicating that your entity is uot required to have a State Single Audit perfonned for the inost recent audited fiscai year. Signature Assistant City Manager Title i3 Date 09%0112014 PaQe ll of 12 DESIGNATION OF SPONSOR'S AUTHORIZED REPRESE`TATIVE TxDOT CSJ Number: M1402MECH The City of Fart Worth designates, W����am Welstead, Aviation Director (Name, Title) as the Sponsor's authorized representative, «�ho shall receive ail correspondence aud documents lssociated «Tith this grant wd who shall make or shall acquire approvals u�d disapprovals for tlus b ant as required on behalf of the Sponsor. : Title: Assistant City Manager Date: DESIGl�.�TED REPRESENTATIVE Mailing Address: 4201 North Main Street, Suite 200 Fort Worth, Texas 76� 06 Overnight Mailiug Address: Same as above Telephone/Fax Number: P: 817-392-5400 / F: 817-392-5413 Email address: billwelstead@fortworthtexas.gov 09i01/2014 Page 12 of 12 T1ie Cit�� of Fort R'orth, TeYas