HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 590 y�
R E S 0 L U T 0 N
That at 9t30 o'clock A.M., Tuesday, January 9 1979, the City Council of
the City of Fort Worth, which is the legislative body of said City, will
hold a public hearing in the Council Chamber at the Municipal Building for
the purpose of considering changes and amendments to Ordinance No. 3011,
the Comprehensive Zoning Plan Ordinance of said City. The purpose of said
'400hearing is to determine whether or not said Ordinance No. 3011 should be
amended so that the zoning classification of the fallowing areas shall be
changed as hereinafter apecified.
Z-78-162 Lots 7 and 8, Block 2, Akers and Alkman Addition
(2505 and 2509 Akers)
Recommended from "B" Two Family to "I" Light Industrial
Z-78-163 Lots 1-14, Block 2, Shady Park Addition (South of East Fourth
Street bordered by Cook Street on the East, Heathcote on the
South, Clover (Snyder] on the West)
Recommended from "C" Apartments to "J" Light Industrial
Z-78-164 BEING two tracts of land out of 1-A and 1-B, S. K. Smith Survey
(City Tax Records) more fully described as follows:
DESCRIPTION: -- Two portions of the S. K. Smith Survey, Abstract
No. 1417 siivated about 2j miles north 20 degrees east from the
courthouse in Tarrant County, Texas and being two portions of the
..,, tract conveyed to F. W. Teichmann by deed of record in Volume
1637, Page 565 of the Deed Records of said Tarrant County, and
described as follows: --
BEGINNING at one inch iron set at the northwest corner of a tract
conveyed to 'Parrant County Minter Control and Improvement District
Number One by a deed of record in Volume 2365, Page 468 of the
Deed Records of said Tarrant County and situated at the easterly
right-of-way line of the Texas and Pacific Railroad.
THENCE- along said easterly right-of-way line of said Texas and
Pacific Railroad as follows: -- North 25 degrees 05 minutes East
92-4/10 feet; and North 27 degrees 19 minutes East 94-1/10 feet; •
and North 29 degrees 34 minutes East 95 feet; and Idorth 31
degrees 13 minutes East 97 feet; and North 31 degrees 44 minutes
East 52-7/10 feet; and North 31 degrees 51 minutes East 990 feet
to a 3/4 inch iron set in the west right-of-way line of U. S.
Highway No. 81, and described as First Tract, State vs Irma Eason
et al No. 54068, 'Tarrant County Court Condemnation Proceedings.
THENCE; along said west line of said First Tract, being the west
right-of-way line of said U. S. Highway No. dl, as follows: --
South 06 degrees 38 minutes East 386-23/100 feet, a monument; and
Z-78-164 North 86 degrees 05 minutes E-ast 40-17/100 feet, a monument; and
(Cont. ) South 02 degrees 26 minutes East 136-7/10 feet, a one inch iron;
and South one degree 24 mInutes* Ea8L 1207-77/100 feet, a monument
with the top broken; and South 02 degrees 20 minutes West
205-95/100 feet, a monument with the top broken; and Sough CA
degrees 23j minutes East 2U6-61/100 feet to a 3/4 inch iron set
at the southwesi; corner of said Firs'. Tract, Sz.ate vs Irma Eason
et, al No. 54008, TarranL County Court Condemnation Proceedings
and at the northerly right-of-way line of 12Lh Strev. (now East
North Side Drive), and described as Tract 111.'o. One, City vs Eason
et al, dated June 14, 1952, and recorded in Vol . 42, P-agle Wli of
the Tarrant County Court Minutes.
Tdi.NCE North 57 degrees 43 minutes West, along said northerly
rlghL-of-way line of said 12th Street, 36-69/luu feet to a 5/6
Inch Iron set in the east i1ne of said Tarrant County Water
Control and Improvement Dis',;r!CL Number One tract and con'-Inuing
along north line of 12th S�,reet 1004 feet along its curve to
place of be!7;1Lnninv, and containing twenty-two and 75/10U (22-75)
acres, more or Less.
J-;�'GINNING at a 3/4 inch iron set at the sou,,.heast corner of said
tract. conveyed Lo Tarrant Counr.y Water Control and Improvement
District Number One by said deed of record In said Volume 23b5,
PA, e 468 of s%;-d Deed Records of said Tarran% County and It
sough line of s-iLd 5m.i .h Survey.
T!iENCE North 02 degrees 45 minu'.:es West, alon,7, the east line of
said Tarrant County viat;er Control and Improvement District Number
One tract , 477-92/100 feet to an iron in the southerly
right-of-way line of 12th Street (now East North Side Urive), and
discribed as Tract 14o. One, City vs Eason e,; a!, dated June 14,
1952, and recorded in Volume 42, Page 570 of the Tarrant County
Court Minutes.
THENCE South 57 degrees 4.3 minutes East, along said southerly
right-of-way line of said 12LI1 Street,, 63-16/100 feet to 11 5/6
Inch iron set at the northwest corner of the Second tract, State
vs Irma ),:ason at at No. 54068, Tarrant County Court Condemnation
Proceedings, for U.S. Highway No. 61 .
THENCE along the west line of said Second TracL, being the west
right-of-way line of said U. S. I'lighway No. 61 as follows: --
South 07 degrees 44 minutes East 194-79/100 feet, a monument; and
South 12 degrees 02*, minutes East 200-56/100 feet., a monument;
and South 0( der-'rees 44 mlnuLes East 54-96/100 feet to a one inch
iron set In said south line of said Smith Survey.
Tiii-'NCE West, along s%tLd soaLh .line of said Smith Survey, 105-96/-
100 feet Lo the place of and containing el-nn`be �' nj it-tenths
-, , , g,I
(0-8/10) acres more or less. (1201 through 15u1 North 1-35 W)
Recommended from 11311 Two Family and 110-211 Flood Plain to "I"
Light Industrial
Z-T6-165 Lor, 57, 3lock 22, Northbrook Addition Phase I (a portion of the
3EING a 16.59-acre tract of land, more or less, out of ,he J.
Sass Survey, Abs,,rac-, Nu:tber 1b95, Tarrant County, 1exis, said
Land conveyed to The Cambrld,,-�e Companies, Inc., by deed recorded
in Volume 4026, Da��e 340, and Volume 4630, page 429, Tarrant
County Deed Records, sa.td lb.59-acre tract of land being iiiore
particularly described by metes and bounas as follows:
54 ft�
`wz-78-165 COMMENCING at the southeast corner of Lot 57, Mock 22, North-
(Cont.) brook, Phase I, an addition to, the City of Fort Worth, Tarrant
County, Texas, as recorded in Volume 386-123, pages 63 and 64,
Tarrant County Plat Records, said corner being in the north
right-of-way line of Cantrell-Sansom Road;
THENCE N 89057'07" E, 642.69 feet to a point, said point being in
the west right-of-way line of proposed Mark IV Parkway;
THENCE N b9057107" G, 120.04 feet to a point, said ,point being in
the east right-of-way line of proposed Mark IV Parkway;
THENCE N 89057107" E, 140 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING of the
tract herein described;
THENCE NORTH, a distance of 200.0 feet to a point;
THENCE N 13015-05" W, 272.40 feet to a point;
THENCE NORTHt a distance of 50.0 feet to a point;
THENCE EAST, a distance of 1446.64 feet to a point, said point
being in the proposed west right-of-way line of the Old Denton
THENCE 3 000231" W, along the said west right-of-way line,
512.93 feet to a point, said point being in the north right-of-
way line of Cantrell-Sansom Road;
THENCE S 89057'07" W, along the said north right-of-way, a
distance of 1363,72 feet to the POINT OF 6EGINN ING and containing
16.59 acres of land, more or less.
Recommended from "E" Commercial to "A" One Family
BEING a 5.495 acre tract of land out of the J. Bass Survey,
Abstract Number 1895, Tarrant County, Texas, said 5.495 acre
tract of land being all of that certain Lot 57, Block 22,
Northbrook Addition, Phase I, an addition to the City of Fort
Worth, Tarrant County, 'Texas as recorded in Volume 368-123, Panes
83 and 84, Tarrant County Plat Recoods and also being a portion
.. of that certain tract of land conveyed to The Cambridge!
Companies, Inc., by deeds recorded in Volume 4826, Page 340, and
Volume 4830, Page 429, Tarrant County Deed Records, said 5.495
acre tract of land being more particularly described by metes and
bounds as follows:
BEGINNIN", at the southwest corner of said Lot 57, said corner
being in the north right-of-way line of Cantrell-Sansom Road; ,
THENCE N 00001156" W, at 200.0 feet past the northwest corner of
said Lot 57, and continuing; in all a distance of 371.35 feet to a
THENCE N 89049127" t;, a distance of 13.4 feet to a point;
THENCE EAST, a distance of 337.77 feet to a point;
THENCE N 68049' E, a distance of 216.46 feet to the beginning of
a non-tangent curve to the right whose radius is 1340.0 feet and
whose long chord bears S 11020141" E, 456.02 feet;
TNENCr; along; said non-tangent curve to the right in ra south-
easterly directon at 259.06 feet past the northeast corner of
said Loot 57, and continuints in a southeasterly direction through
Z-78-165 a central angle of 19040'50", a distance of 460.26 feet to the
(Cont. ) end of said curve, said point being the southeast corner of said
Block 57;
THENCE S 89057'07" W, along the south line of said Lot 57 and the
north line of Cantrell-Sansom Road, a distance of b42.05) feet to
the POINT OF BEGINNING and eontaininr3 5.495 acres of land.
Recommended from "C" Ai>artment to 'IF" Commercial
BEING a 5.736 acre tract of land out of the J. bass Survey,
Abstract Number 1695, 'Tarrant County, Texas, said 5.736 acre
tract of land being a portion of that certain tract of land
conveyed to The Cambridge Companies, Inc. , by deed recorded in
Volume 4826, page 340 and Volume 4630, page 429, Tarrant County
Deed Records, said 5.736 acre tract of .land being more particu-
iarly described by metes and bounds as follows:
COMMENCING at the southeast corner of Lot 57, lock 22, iyorth-
brook, Phase I, an addition to the City of Fort Worth, Tarrant
County, Texas as recorded in Volume 366-123, pages 63 and b44,
,Tarrant Counr.y Plat Records, said corner being in the north
right-of-way line of Can,reli-Sansom Road;
THENCL N 000JI'56" W, 371.35 feet to a point;
THE,.NCE N 69104q'27" iv;, 13.4 feel. to the POII�T OF 13EGIN,"U,46 of ;:ne
tract herein described;
THENCE N 000U1156" W, a distance of 6b3.66 feet to the ueg3inning
of a non-tank,ent curve to tlge left whose radius is 225.0 feet and
whose long ciiord bears li 58 12147" E, 91.Ub fee,.;
THENCE along said non-tangent curve to the left it a north-
easterly direction ;.hrouh a central angle of 23 21121",, a
distance of 91.72 feet to the end of said curve;
THENCE S 43020' F., a distance of 269.67 feet to thS be {innin;; of
a curve to the right whose center point bears S 46 32' W, 1340.0
T: G,vCE aloniT said curve to the right in a southeasterly direction
through a central angle of 22016'53", a distance of 521.11 feet
to the end of said curve;
THENCE S 66049' W, 216.46 feet to a point;
'THENCE WEST, a distance of 337.77 feel to the POINT OF 6EUINN ING
and containing 5.73G acres of land.
(Property located at NW and NE corner of Cantrell-Sansom/prop-
ert,y, Mark 1V Parkway intersection)
hecomrnended .from "A" One Family to "L" Commercial
Z-76-i6b Lot 1, C-Koe Additlon
(1275U S. P.;peline iid.) (503 S. Pipeline Rd., Euless)
Recommended from "I" Light Industrial to "J" Light Industrial
Z-78-167 Field notes for a portion of Lot 1, Block 1, Village Creek
Subdivision to the City of Fort Worth according to the Plat
NOW recorded in Volume 366-52, page 96, Deed Records, 'Tarrant County,
Texas, being described by metes and bounds as follows:
�Z-78-167 BEGINNING at a point in the new North right-of-way line of Randol
(Cont.) Mill Road, said point being the most Southerly Southeast corner
of said Lot 1, Block 1;
THENCE Southwesterly along the North line of Randol Mill Road and
along a curve to the right having a radius of 513.0 feet, and
distance of 173.7 feet to the end of said curve;
,THENCE N 890 - 30' W 18.3 feet;
THENCE N 000 - 30' E 200.0 feet;
THENCE N 890 301 W 200.0 feet to a point in the East right-of-
way line of Interstate Highway I-820;
THENCE N 000 - 30' E along said East right-of-way line 299.2
THENCE S 890 - 22' E 332.9 feet;
rr THENCE N 000 - 38' E 49.96 feet;
THENCE S b9° - 22' E 49.5 feet;
THENCE 3 OOo - 18' E 519.7 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and
containing 3.53 acres, more or less.
(Property located in the Northeastern quadrant at the intersec-
tion of Loop 020 East & Randol Mill Road)
Recommended from "E" Commercial to "I" Light Industrial
Z-78-16a Lots 33 through 35, Block 6, North Meadowbrook Estates, 7th
Filing (6800 - 6d08 Brentwood Stair Road)
Recommended from "CR" Restricted Apartment to "ER" Restricted
Z-78-171 Tract 14-A (City Tax Records) J. M. Daniels Survey, being 6.8
acres more or less.
Field notes for a tract of land in the J. M. Daniel Survey,
Abstract No. 395, situated in Tarrant County, Texas and being,a
portion of a 10 acre tract described in a Deed of Record in
Volume 1705, page 306, Deed Records, Tarrant County, Texas, said
portion being more particularly described by metes and bounds as
BEGINNING at the Northwest corner of the above referenced tract,
said point being by deed call, 690.8 varas East of the Northwest
corner of said Daniel Survey, said point also being in Eastland
THENCE S 890 - 59' E, 333 feet along said survey line and said
Eastland Street to a point for the Northeast corner of the above
referenced tract and of the herein described tract;
THENCE S 00 - O1' W, 573.1 feet along the East line of said tract•
to a point in the Northwesterly line of the tract described in a
deed to the State of Texas of record in Volume3269, page 20, Deed
Records, Tarrant County, Texas;
THLNCE S 240 - 52' W, 792.4 feet along the Northwesterly line of
r.r the last referenced- tract to a point in the West line of the
tract descrbibed in Volume 1705, page 306, above referenced;
THENCE N 0 - O1' L, along the West line of the last referenced
tract 1292.1 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 7.13
acres. (Southwest Loop I-620 and Eastland Street)
Recommended "B" Two Family to "I" Light Industrial
Z-78-174 Lots 1 and 2, BlocK 1, 820 Industrial and Commercial Addition
(Southwest corner of Wichita and S.E. Loop 620)
Recommended from "?" Commercial .o "I" Light Industrial
Z-78-176 Lots 21-28, Bloc& 61, Arlington Heights 1st Piling
(5124-36 El Campo Avenue)
Recommended from "C" Apartment and "E-R" Restricted Commercial to
'IF-R" Restricted Commercial
Z-78-178 BEING a 54. 30-acre tract of land, more or less, situated in
Tarrant County, Texas, and being a part of C. K. Gleason Survey,
Abstract No. 559, the G. M. Petitt Survey, Abstract No. 1235, the
N. Casteel Survey, Abstract No. 349, and the J. P. Huffaker
Survey, Abstract No. 619, and being more particularly described
as follows:
M,UviENCIING at a 1 Inch iron pin in County Roid No. 1041 at the
southeast corner of said Gleason Survey, said pin bein;,, zhe
y northeast corner of said Petitit Survey, the northwest corner of
said Casteel Survey and the southwest corner of the J. Y.
Huffaker Survey;
TiiENCE; S 004113911 E, 35.0 feet, to the POINT OF BEGIN VING of :he
tract herein described;
TliisiicE S b')o57'52" w, 25.0 feet to a point;
THENCE S 75°21'15" W, 1109.43 feet to a point;
THENCE N bo51' W, 30.0 feet to a 1 1/2 inch Iron pin;
THENCE N 0013101" W, b90.26 feet to an Iron pin .in the south-
easterly right-of-way of Interstate Highway 20 as recorded in
Volume 3799, page 416, of the Deed Records of Tarrant. County,
THENCE N 60052'54" E, a distance of 11o9.02 feet alon,,, the
southeasterly right-of-way line of said Interstate Highway 20 to
a monument for a corner;
THENCE S 59026153" E, a distance of 50.16 feet to an iron pin in
the west rir;ht-of-way line of County Road No. 1041;
THENCE S 89044126" E, a distance of 25.0 feet to a point in the
east line of the said Gleason Survey and the west line of the
said Huffaker Survey;
THENCE S 0015'34" w, 90.d0 feet along, the said survey line to a
THENCE S 69°44120" w, 27.94 feet to an iron pin in the east
right-of-way line of County Road ,No. 1041;
THENCE; N G101v'06" E, 2b2.63 feet to an iron pin for a corner;
THENCE N 29007114" W, 150.0 feet to an -iron pin in the sout.h-
easterly right-of-way line of said Interstate highway 20;
T14ENCE N 60051149" E, along the southeasterly right-of-way line
of Interstate Highway 20, a distance of 420.59 feet to a hir;hway
monument for a corner;
nw-76-178 THENCE S 2024118" W, 745.4U feet to an Iron pin;
(font. )
THENCE southeasterly along a noniangent curve to the right whose
radius point bears S 34052' W with a distance of '(10.0 feet, and
central angle equals 55 0U3'52", in ill a distance of 662.35 feet
to an iron pin the the soul.h line of said Huffaiter Survey and ;.tie
north line of said CasLeel Survey;
THENCE S 000214')" E, 37.0 feet to a point for i corner;
THEME S 6905j52" w, a distance of 1317.84 feet to the POI;i'T Or'
i3i'.':INNING and contal.nin�; 54.)U acres of Land, snore or less.
Reconnended from "i5119 "F" and "la" Lo "G" CozaaterCLal
B-IdG a 46.12-Acre �.ract of land, more or less, altus.2d it,,
Tarrant, Couaiy, L`ex33, and bein,->; -i part of i,. G,�3tee1 Survey,
i1usi ract. ho. 349, and uhe G. r,. i' Ll_ G :survey, AbsLrict .ao.
and being, u,or•j ,>:1rt,cuilr1y lcscr3bes as follows;
C(tr,MENCING at, i 1 Ach iron pin we Me County hoad no. 1J41 ,i%
;he northWaSL corn:=r of Said Cv.Stee.l Survey and pz.in; lla
nort OISL currier of said 1'a i ,survey;
TK.Lid(;,'', S U041'3)" 1, .3D.0 feat „o .,he POINT QV ut,Liia: I"i of %nc,
heret;i J scr, u'ed;
i Prvl :: :. t51)oty,)'`)G" ., 131(.64 fea., to `L 'Join..;
MACE CE S U002't )" L, ouk")7 feeL Lo 3 pui.n'. i-n ',lie north
r l 4W-Of-w%iy Line of U. S. ,i Inw i,J do. A as r cordea in Vo L-iaf'
140, page 2ku, of We Deed ""cords of T:irr:in . Warmy, Axis;
S u-60'>4149", u.Onq We said norLn ri. 'h'.-of-Way L„le, _i
d:..v ance of uu).O feet :,o 'i point for a corner;
P11FNCE N 21014' w, 390-77 fee, to a point;
TJ*[E iCL S ta�5°)0'i<)�' ,a, 332.42 fee', to a po.nc;
MUM, 5 03° 41)2" a, 4U2.52 iot'_n to a point, said poin, Win, A
Wie centerLLne of a proposers muroughfar, Mh a ri hL-of-wa,d
,.. width of 12J.J fee ,;
T iE6'Ci NOKM, a distance of 445.0 feet to 't ;ioin,,;
T;irNCr' viEST, luu.J feeL ',,0 :1
l�:tGii(;t'. $ 75 eV'44" ", 254 .1C) faai, i,U a UC)i.f1L ;
i' lc;idCi; S do)l' ,•., 74).0 i'H•v., to 1 i)oin';;
'iASCE S 143w jo" E, 275.v feet, to <1 ;forth
rL;h .--of-way tine Of Said is.
fJvOj4'4)", alon-.; Lhe s:aLd north Ti=-of-Way line, a
uWance of �;63. IJ ees:. ;.o ;in ..ron )Ln;
i':iG14C!" id 0051' .>, 13j3.k,2 :ear. ;o a ;ioin�
'iUNCE N 75021 '15" A 1109,43 feet to a point;
. 'liACA N 005552" 1, 1j.0 QC. to Lhe POIAT =JY MM-10 and
V'W conui 31nmv 4v.12 acr":3 of :atl�1, :aore or less.
Aecommended fro- "u" Cofnrn�2rcct; to "A"
Conn 1 nued
a 5.0'(-,tc re 1.r a c,,. of k ind, more or less, si t t ju',e d in
(Con L. ,i r r, -j L an,, Coun;'Y' �ex is, trid u,�,!zi,� a �.ar'� of 7 . 1. - :3,.I%
urvey,�S , Absl:rric No. 123'�, be-ina lnF' more �),trt, Lcul.arlv described
at a I inch, rwi )t.ri 1n Coi.inuy iio,td ;,c,. lu41 at
norFheas', corner of ll,�— A Sirvey;
0 0,1111WI -, -:tie Of s!t,-d I'tirvey, a
ins of TJ ie o. ou is recora< i -Iti 4oiAilv! 140j, P:1,
2elj, of "he i',-,cor-�'- ol' L' trr-triu l;olun , i, Lt�Kts;
aio;i Ais-
"Ince of G 'l ;)OL;l
t'o 11
L !V] -jG; no n�-o a .
TiiL:XE LAa , a of �o :I 00,rl ,;
jro po s e(I A,o rn t i h r' L re w -J)
n r L n c e n r ri�, n L'
r,L-tIL-or-way c;-dlh of
Q. h, Or' JL6d' anu
T I I.:',I C ),j j e, , 1,
conz-,,Liritn,T j.J( iCr2 of nore or less.
Proi-)er!.y Loc i-. i 'i Lons7 'oun _I 'Wld lu41 4iid 1-3,) and U.
liecommended f rwi 11611 -1 L .o 11311 1'v7o-1 vnLiat
Z-70-179 iol, 12, 31r-)cK
4JUI isisG hos;o,jale 6r.re-ji.
'-i,�!comrriended from ",�Il 'L'wo -tnf! "Ll," Go,iv,.ierclal uo "Ill LIL,7h, !.
That the proposed amendments and chano;es -and this hearing wliL be held in
accordance with the provisions of Article 1011A--1011K of the RevLsed Civil
Statutes of Texas.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED IhILL this resolution when si ;ned by the �Ma.yor and
published in the officiai newspaper of --he City of Fort viorth, which Is a
paper of general circulation, one (1) ,line, shall constltute a notice of
hearing, which publication shall be made at, least fifteen (15) days prior
to such hearing, and all interested par; !Ies are urgently requested to be in
the Council Chamber Fit the flviunlclpal Building at the time hereltiauove set
forth to make any protesz, or sus;,gestlon that may occur to thP.n, Ind this
hearing may continue from day to day until every interested Party �Md
citizen has had a full opportunity to i)-,! heard.
WITNESS my hand a-. Fort, i4orLh, Texas this d�.,)r of
A.D 19