HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 793 REQUEST FOR SUBSTITUTION AND/OR WITHDRAWAL OF SECURITIES NK OF DALLAS IN JOINT SAFEKEEPIN 3 RESOLUTION FIL NO. The undersigned Depositor and Depository jointly request the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas to s stitute or p d th eca s w c it holds under Joint Safekeeping Receipt or Advice of Deposit issued by it to the undersigned,in accordan e with the t to deliver the securities substituted for or withdrawn to the party named in such resolution. ��rr .y` e i ry an Depositor T� �Vl tlt dd r pl � A r By ILL By , Ann N. bunmr, Assistant Vice tresideat grid A. IvM9 T RESOLUTION "Whereas, heretofore, under date of � 19_#J_ the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas issued to Cftwof , Depositor, and rMet worm its Joint Safekeeping Receipt or Advice of Deposit or receipts cov�entn'Fcertain eeouriflee�and---- Depository, "Whereas, both the Depositor and Depository now desire the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas to permit a substitution of certain securities, or a with- drawal of securities,which it now holds,as hereinafter more fully set forth;and "Whereas, the securities, if any, hereinafter mentioned, which the above named parties desire to substitute in lieu of those heretofore placed in safe- keeping with the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, meet with the requirements of law and have been and are hereby approved; and "Whereas, the securities, if any, hereinafter mentioned, which the above named parties wish to withdraw, are entitled under the law to be withdrawn; "Now, therefore,be it resolved-That the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas be and it is hereby requested and authorized to surrender the following securities heretofore plaeed with it for safekeeping by the above named parties,to-wit: RECEIPT NO. DESCRIPTION PAR VALUE U. S. Treaury bonds, 7 5/810 Due 2-15-07 $492000000.00 (Here describe securities to be substituted for or withdrawn. If above space is not sufficient, continue description on reverse side hereof.) and to receive in lieu thereof the following securities,which are hereby in all respects approved; DESCRIPTION PAR VALUE U. S. Treasury 80n#ds, a 3/4x9 Due 2-15*M s309000wow (Here describe securities to be taken in substitution or in the event this is a withdrawal without substitution write in the word "None." If above space is not sufficient, continue description on reverse side hereof.) "Be it further resolved:That the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas be and it is hereby authorized to deliver the securities described herein to the substi- -tyd for or withdrawn to r its order." This is to certify that the above and foregoing resolution was duly passed by 7, " ( `insert 'am of Body) Tye ��fl• (Here insert name of Governing Body) at a meeting properly held on the day of 19 ,a quorum being present,all of which fully appears in the minutes of said meeting QJ Secretary osoiat*. (SEAL) 4 SEC-19 Rev.2-72 1 CONTINUATION OF DESCRIPTION OF SECURITIES TO BE SUBSTITUTED FOR OR WITHDRAWN 1JJ4">' RECEIPT.'�IO.+ DEWRIPTIOR PAR VALUE Tb er r ( ,r:xa /+!1-i.K4d u C..rI)3 A N.`4it lIOJ- .i'i" ,a.a/ . ♦ .�... �,;r• ♦> _ � ... ,, 1 ! ,i•rE : ..A., f r , A 'rT. a ! Ill. �. (. lr .Va ,. �., <,(.U/ �• ,,. ...I. ..e< l l CONTINUATION OF DESCRIPTION OF SECURITIES TO BE TAKEN IN SUBSTITUTION f pp YETP t4l I;ESCRIPTION: ! t j'E 4 PAR VALUE T, t r rT .f I-k ' 1 r.(.w9S1l Elf •�" ., It x�,.--. _ .. is Ir`'r:Af,t; E .K.