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�TA'I'� Ol� 'I']C�AS
THIS !-�GI'��NIENT is made and entered into by and betv✓een the City of Fort Worth, a
hame-rule muiucipal cor�oration situated in Tarrant, Denton, Parl:er, �uid Wise Counties, Texas,
acting by and tlu•ou;h iis duly authorized Assistant City Manager (hereinafter refeil•ed to as
"City"), and the Town of Pantego, a Type A General Law municipal coiporation located in
Tarrant County, Texas, acting by and tIu•ough its duly authorized Town Manager
(hereinafter refer��ed to as "Pautego").
W�IEI2�AS, Chapter 791 of the Te�as Goveizunent Code autl�orizes the foniiulation of
interlocal cooperation agreements between and among nlunicipalities and counties for the
performance of �ovenunental fi,uictions; and
�I-I�Lf2��4S, Cbapter 826 of the Texas Health and Safety Code, also luiown as ti7e
Rabies Control Act of 1981 (hereuiafter refened to as the "Act"), requires �overning bodies of
each mzinicipality to designate a local rabies control authoriry to enforce the Act and niiniinum
st�+ndards ior rabies coi�trol a�opted �iy the Texas Department of State Hea1t1� �e�vices; ar�d
`�J"����, Section 826.016 af said Aci authorizes a municipality to enfe: into
a�reements with public entities to carry out activities requu�ed or authorized under tl�e Act; and
WIIEREAS, Pantego wishes to participate in an ulterlocal agreement with City for the
purpose of lunited raUies control in the Ciry of Pantebo; a�id
j7(���.��'..zu, n�1�Gb0 `.:I;.G� C;.�' J722;:�t;u71`y' deS1.P fO I�e Sii1J�L�r,t t� i�i� rr�vicipp� pf (�li��f�_t•
7y1 ot the lexas �iovernment Code, also i�iown as tne interlocal Cooperaiion i�ct.
NOW, TI�i���OR�, it is ab �eed as follows:
The puz•�ose of tiLs Iuierlocwl Agr�ernent is to enter �tn �1 aa r���n,e��+ between. th_.e City
and Pantego whereby, subject to the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth and for the
consideration speciiied below, City agrees to provide Taniebo with Iimiied rabies conirol
services ul the City oiPar�tego, ai7d City a�nees to provide u��poundment aud quarai�tine 1'acilities
for animals pursuant to this A�reetnent for the benelit of Pantego.
Interlocal Asreement �riih Panlebo ior 7L•ibies Conlrol lor 2012-20I3
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For the purposes of tlus Agreement, the following defiiutions shall apply:
AC'T shall mean tl�e Rabies Control Act of 1981, codified as Chapter 826 of the Texas
IIealth and Safety �ode.
ANI1�A�., shall mean any living, vertebrate creature, damestic or wild, other than homo
ANIlV1AI� CAItE AND CONTROL CENTER shall mean the facility
Martin Sireet, Tort Worth, Texas, wluch is operated by tlie City for
impounding and caring for animals as preseriUed by law.
located at 4900
the puipose of
I3�'I'E shall mean a bite or scratch capable of hansmitting rabies, which is inflicted by �ul
animal on a human.
CAT shall mean a commonly domesticated member of the Felidae (feline) family, other
than a lion, tiger, bobcat, jaguar, panther, leopard, cougar, or other pi•olubited animal.
I)ANGEIZQIJS DO� shall mean a dog that makes an unprovolced attack ou a person or
otlier aniz».al_ tl�at causes b�dily injury a��d oceurs in a�lace atb.er thazz an enclosz�re i�a whzch
the do�; is l�eing I:�pt and fhaf w� reasonably cei�iai�i to prevent tt�e dog from lea��i�g tl�e
enclasure on its own; or a da� that commits tulprovaked ac�s in a plac� otller fihau an
enclosure in wluch the do� was being kept and that was reasonably certaul to prevent the
�og uor�i leaving t��e encl�su�•e or its ov�n and thase acts cause a person ta reasonably
believe that the dog will attacic aud cause bodily injury to that person.
IDA� sha1l mean a calendar day or any part thereof.
�DU� shaii a��easi canis familiaris.
QITARANTINE sl�all mean the strict coiif'inement of a biting animal, in accordance with
the Act aud the Rules.
I2ABILS shall mean an acute vual disease of man and aniinal affecting the cenlral
nervous system anct usually transmitted by an animal bite.
RULES sha11 mean the rules adopted by the Texas Department of Siate Healil.� Services
for rabies controi and eradication under 2� Tt�C � 1 b9.21 ei seq.
STItAY shall mean roaming with no physicai restraint beyond tlle premises of an
anunal's owner or keeper.
Interlocat Ar;reement wSth Pantc�o for Rabies Control i'or 2012-2013 Pagc 2 of 9
The term of t1�is Agreement is for a period of one (1) year commencing on October 1,
2012 and ending on September 30, 2013. Some services within tlus agreement will terminate on
March 31, 2013.
City agr�
:es to perfoi7n the seivices annotated in Subsectiou B below, for Pante�o
the hotus of 9:00 a.in. and 5:00 p.m. only, Tuesday �liru Saturday, eacluding
with no after hoius service provided. :
B. Rabies Response
In the manner and to the e}ctent that it deems appropriate and in accordance with the
Rules and the Act, City will:
(1) Fron� �ctober 1, 2012 tluough March 31, 2013, place animals delivered to
it in rabies quarantine;
(2) From Gctober l, 2012 ti�xou�h SepLern.ber 30, 2013, eutli:��ire, process
anu slup far ral�ies testinb uniinals which ��re presented by 1'��t�tr.��� to tl�e Ci�.y.
C. Imt�ounduient of Animals
�ity wiil board aui�llais delivered to tl�e City's �r�al Care a�u C��tral Cerxter �y
Pautego o�cials.
A. Pantego agrees that it will retain all responsibility far enforcement oi all aspects of tlle
Act not covered in Section 4 of tlus Agreement, includ'rng crimulal enforcement.
B. Pantego agrees that it wili pursue, at its discretion, the issu�tice a��d eYecution of u%arral�ts
or other coul-t orders necessary for ihe seizure of azunlals requiriiig quarantiue or testing
�nder Section 4 of this Abneem�;nt, whose ow�iers l�ave failed or refused to place them for
�uaraslt;ne cr te:iting. Par�tego further �b ees that Cziy is ��ot required fio nurst2� thc
issuanee and execution of such warrants.
A. A live, s�iay animal impounded Uy the City under tlus ��,neement shall 'oc held %r a
�eriod of noi: Iess tl�an �72 hours unless releaseci earlier io its awner. Until March 3I,
Inierlocal Agreemcnt tviih P�u�tego for Rabics Control for 2012-2013 Pnge 3 of 9
2013 a quarantined anunal shall be held or presented for testui; accordin� to the Act aud
the Rules. Pantego shall notify City in writing whether Pantego does or does not desire
that the bite aziimal be prepared and shipped for testing. 1'a��t�:�u shall provide u1
writing to the City the date of the bite incident and the animal's date of release from
quarantine. After April 1, 2013 the city will only provide the rabies response listed in
paragraph 4(B)(2).
B. Prior ta the eapiration of the impoluldment period, the City may dest�-oy an impounded
animal if the Superintendent of the Animal Care and Control Division or tlie Animal Care
and Control Center's veterinarian reconnuiends and approves such action.
C. Impomlded and/or quarantiued animals will be i�eleased to tlieir owners upon:
(1) Proof of identification;
(2) Receipt or other proof of payment to Pantego of kenneliug fees;
{3) Purchase of a City license tag if the alzuilal is a dog or cat and tlie owner resides
wifihin tlle City; aud
(4) Arrangin� for rabies vaccination for �1ie alumal if the animal is a dog or a cat and
its vaecination is not cui�rent and the animal's owner resides within the City.
D. The ownership of impounded animats that have not been releaseci to tlieir owners on the
expiratioti of the impow.idment period reverts to the City, a.nd the �uuinals may be placed
for adoption or euthanized, at the sole discretion of the City.
F. All quaranfiz3ed animals �-am Paaiego not reclaimed b;� tliei.r ou��er ��11 I��� eutl���i �ed,
and Pantego will be billed ior the cast of quarantine, eutharuzation and cispo ;ai «s
A. I�Tathi�s� sr< thzs A�eer�zezZt sh�?? be de�med as deszb.i�tu�g the �';?y ox ?r� offic.r:r or
empioyee of tlie City as the "Iocai heaith autnori'ry" or "iocal rabies coniroi autnoriiy" oi
tlie City of Pantego as those terms are defined or used 'ui Title 10 of the Texas Health and
Safety Code.
I3. IvTothing in this Abneenlent s17a11 be deemed as rec�uiring ihe City to investig�te reports of
dangerous dogs, to register dangerous dogs, or ofihenuise regulate d�uigerous dogs i�i the
City of Pante�o under the azithority of Chapter 822 Subchapter D. of th� T�,�as Health
�.nd c� �P�y Code.
C. Nothing in this Agreement sliali be deemed as requiring t1�e Ci'ry to quarantine or ��reseiit
fo� testing domestic animals that have been bitten by or dir•ectly exposed by ph��sical
contact to a rabid animal or its fresh tissues.
Interloeal Agreement with Yr�ntcgo 1'or Rsibies Control for 2072-2013 �'���� � af 9
D. City s�all �oe impaund stY-nv �nim�ls if Pantc�o fails to en�c� a�d maint.�in a iii�:s or•
ordinances pursuant to Sections 826.015 and 826.033 of the Texas I-Iealth and S:�fcty
Code that require animals to be restrained at all times.
City employees who provide services under this Agreement are deemed to be City
employees when providing such seivices. City will exercise conlplete control over the hiring,
training, supervision, and conducfi of sucli employees. City will be responsible for all wages and
applicable payroll deductions, unemployulent t�es, worlcers' compensation, insurance,
vacations, holidays, and fringe benefits for such employees and for all tuuforms, vehicles, and
equipment used by such employees for providing services under tlus ��reement. Pantego shall
have no direct supeivisoiy authoriiy over such employees e�:cept 'rn emergency situations where
the exercise of supervision by Pantego becomes necessary for the resolution of the emergeney.
A. l�s fair con�pensation for the services rendered by City to Pante�o from October I, 2U12
tllrough September 30, 2013, Pantego agrees to pay City for its services based on the
schedule attached hereto as Attachment A, as pertinent, whicli is hez�eby iucorporated as a
pari of this 1�� eem�ez�t as ii zt we;re set fortlz �.t lel�s,tb.. Cify may adjust any %e list�d. in
Attacl�nen�: A during the term of this ^�greemeni by �iving 1'<<t�te��� 120 days �zrri�ten
B. Th� I1L2T:1��� ef bo�,rdi;�g days, for billiiag p�.zrposes, vvill bc;gin on the day that tl�e animal is
iulpoi�nded aud continue as long as the anirnal is held. In addition to boarduig fees, a
quarantine fee will be charged on ail at�i.mals placed ulto quarantiue, and an administrative
iee will be charged on all ani.nlal impoundi�lents. �uihanasia and disposal fees and head and
slizpment prep��atien fees shal� be �G.s describc•d in Atfiarl?ment A.
C. I'�u�iego will not pay City more than $ $4000.00 ui toial, ior services rendered dur.ing
the terni of flus A�reement. This amount shall herein constitute a not to e�cecd limitation
��lacec� upan tiv.s fi�eement, and �vhen such amaunt is reached, City will cease providin�
such sei-vices. CitS� a;rees to provide the City of P�u�tego with an itemized qu�u�terly bill.
Pantego agrees to promptly pay such bills upon presentation by tl�e City, such payments to
be made from current revenues available to Pantego, within thirty (30) days of receipt. In tiie
event of' tlze tennination oi this Agreement, City shall bi11 Pantego fo� any outsianding
balance, regardless of the amount, aud Pantego a�ees to proinptly pay such bill, witlun t}urty
��Q� c"��j7S Gf Tc�clj3t.
D. Pursuant to the requireme�ts oi Section 791.011(d)(3) of the Teaas
amount d.ue City under subparagrapli A. above sllali be paid froin
P�ltego zn fiscal year October 2012 i1�ou;Ii Se�tember 2013.
Governuient Code,
revenues available
Intcrloc<il A�;reement with Punie�;o i'or Rabiss Controi for 2012-2013 Page 5 of )
A. To the extent pei7ilitted by law, Pantego shall be responsible for all work-rel�ited deaths,
injuries or diseases of Pautego employees, and, for property daiilage, personal injuiy or
death caused by Pantego employees or volunteers relating to worlc provided pursuant to
this Ag7•eement.
B. To the extent permitted by law, City shall be responsible for all work-related deaths,
injuries or diseases of City einployees, �uid, for property d��mage, personal injuly or death
caused by City employees or volunteers relating to worlc provided pursuai�t to this
C. Pantego shall be responsible for all property damages, personal injuries and death arisin�
f�om the use of City and Pante�o equipment and vehicles caused by Pantego employees
or volunteers pursuant to this A�eement. Furthermore, Pantebo shall be responsible for
the repair or replacement of all such equipment and vehieles dama�ed, destroyed, lost ar
stolen caused by Pante�o employees or volunteers during ihe provision of services
ll. City shall be responsible f.or all �roperty d�una�es, personal injuries and death arising
fi•oin the use of City equipinent and vehicles caused by City employees or volunteers
pursuanf to this A� eement. Ci'ry sh�11 also be responsible %r tl�e repa7r or repl�cement
�f all sucli equipmeiit ar�d v�Ilicle� dasr�aged, destrayed, Iost ar stolen caused by Cit}�
employees or volunteers during ihe provision of seivices hercunder.
A. It is exprEssly understood aud a� reed that, in the e�ecut'roi� af this Agreelneiit, neiiller
�i�% i1vT ��liliebt7 `vV�aiVcS, isOT Sii�l� i3e G�GGili�t� �2eif;b� t� �J£llVc;, c'iT'i� II?2i31LiI11�:yr OT :�CfE;i1Se
that would othen�vise be available to it a�ainst claims arising in tize e�eraise af
governmental powers and funcfiions.
13. Not�ing in tlus Agreement siiall be construeci to benefit any third party otizer than a�i
employee or officer oF1'antego or City while in the per�fornlance olthis Agreeinent. Tlus
A�reement may nat be eonstrued to expand the liabilify of City or Pantego beyond the
scope of Cl�pter 101 ai tl�e Tex_as Civil Practice �.n.d Reme;di_es Code, unless specifical]y
state� l�erei�.
It is fiu-lher a�,�eed by and between City r�nd Paniego, ihat City and Pantego shall each
have the i7ght to termuiate this Agreement upon thiriy (30) days' written notice to the other
InYerlocal Agrecment with Yantego for Rabies Coniroi for 2012-2013 Pnt;e 6 of 9
This Agreement contains all conuiutments and agreements of the parties hereto, and no
other oral or �uritten commitments shall have any force or effect if not contaiued herein.
1 his A�•eement may be modified by the mutual agreement of the p��•ties, if the
modification is ui vv�-iting and si�ned by City and Pantego.
I�i case auy one or more oi the provisions contained in this Agreernent shall for a�iy
reason be held to be invalid, illegal, or uneiiforceable in any respect, such invalidity, illegality, or
iulenforceability shall not afiect a.ny other provision thereof and tlus A�reement shall be
construed �s if such inval�d, i.11egal, or t:nenforceable provisions had never been contained
L his Agreement is made for City and Pantego pursuant to Chapter 791 of the i'exas
Govermnent Code.
�ilt LIi1Q�TSi�ii�Ci Oi1ICeT dlit�t%OT �i�i;�liS di t11� j7aiilZS Ii8T2i0 �E� �TOj3�T�j� �iLI�IlOi7'L�u
oiiicials and have the necessary authority to ezecute. t�his Ab eenient on behaif of t�ie parties
hereto, and each party hereby certifies to the other that any necessary resolutions e�iending such
authority have been duly passed and are now in full foree tind effect.
1 E.
If i� e���c;ssly unders��od and ab eed b;� tlie p�t-tics to this Agr�e���:,��t that i_f tl�e
performance of any obligations hereunder is delayed by reason of war; civil commotion; acts of
God; inclement weather; govenlmental restrictions, regulations, or interierences; iires; strikes;
lockouts, nation��l disasters; riots; mai;erial or labor restricfiions; trausportaiioFi problems; or ai�.y
other cucumstaiices wluch are reasonably beS�ond the control of the party abligated or ��ennitted
under ihe t�rms of this Agreement to do or perforLn the same, regardiess of wl�ether any such
circumstance is sunilar to any of those enumerated or not, the pai-ty so obligated or permitted
siz�l be excused from doin ; or peribrming the same during sueh perioc3 oi delay, so ihat t11e time
Interlocal Agreement with Pantc�,�o for Rabies Control for 2012-2013 Page 7 0£ 9
period applicable to such design or construction requirement shall be extended for a period of
time equal to the period such party was delayed.
If for any reason, at any tune during any teim of tlus Agreement, tiie Tort Worth City
Council Pails to appropriate fiuids sufficient for the City to iulfill its obligations under this
Agreement, the City may terinu�ate tlus Agreement to be effective on the later of (i) tlurty (30)
days following delivery to Pantego of written notice of the City's intention to teizninate or (ii) the
last date for wluch fiulding has been appropriated by the City Council for t1�e purposes set forth in
tlus Agreement.
If the United States Department of Hoineland Security issues a�.evcl Oran�c or I�evc:l
I�ed Alea•t, City, in its sole discretion, may tenninate the Agreement urvnediately.
EXLCUTED in triplicate tl�is
Tarrant County, Texas.
�'��f� � � G
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Assistant City Attorney
I�&C � r �' . .�' ,""-�
25 day of
; - � ;�
•. _ ,.
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Assistant City Mana�;er
Keruieling (per dog, cat or oiher small animal)
Quarantine (per animal)
Quarantine fee (per aiumal)
Per Alumal Head
Per aiumal
�-1DMINISTRATIVE FEE (per impoundment)
Interlocat Agr�umeot with Pantego for P.abies Cotitrol for 2012-2013
$15.00 per day
$20.00 per day
P����: 9 or 9
05J15/2013 11:19 8175613741 FO�T WCIR'fFl ACC P�GE 04/13
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DATE: Tuesday, �rpr�il 23, 201� REF�Ft�WG� �1Q�: *"�t,-�62��
LOG NAME: 23RA�I�S CaNT��� 4r�RIdU� 11tUNECff�AL.IT'I�:� F/'1° 2013
Au�hariz� Execution af Interlocaf Agre�m�nts �ritM %�r�nfi Co�jnty and Various Mur�icipalitii�s forth��
Purpos� of Providing Anim�l and R��ies Cor�trbf Se�iees �nd Ftabies Specimen Shipm�nt puring� �i���l
Year 2�1� (ALL Col1NCIL DISTRiGiS)
It is recommended that thE Ciry Caur�cil �ufihoriz� �he ex2cuticm of interiocal A�r�ema�tv v�ith Tasr:an�:
Counxy and various municipaliti�s within fl�e cour�ty for th� pu��pa�e of providing limited �nimal ar�d raGi��
c�nt�ol and rabie� specim�n shipm�:�4 fram t�ctober '� , 2012 ��rough September 30, 2013.
The Code Complia�nce Q�partr���t, Anim�l C�re and �ontrol ��vision, has historically a.�s€sfied T�rrs��nk
Co�anty and v��ious municipalitie� wi4hin �he �our�ty by p�•ovidiE�t� fimited animal ct�ritrul s€�n�ic�.�s an��
proCessing �nd shipping of sp�cim��s to f�1e (�ur��u of Labor�taries in Austin for testing refated �o r�bies
controt. Services ��sociat�d with proc�ssinc� �pecin��ns in�fud�: the kennelir�g of i�pdunded ani�nal�,
euthanizatPon, dispqsal servic�s and specim�et shipping. Sec�i�n 791.011 ef the T�xas ��verrtntient Cad�
provides tha# a local gov�rnm�nt m�y contract with ano��er lo�ii govemment ta p�rfdrm ��gov�rnrnent�l
func�ions and service5," wF�ich inclu�es fu��etic�ns �nd �e�vic�� r�iated to public i�e�ltf� ar�d w�lfare, lJnd�r
this provision, the City of For� Worth may �nt�r in¢�r ;ar� int�r{oC�l �gr��ment so fiha�t ttt� h�n�mail Care d(�d
Control Division may prov��� anim�I con�rol, �nim�l ir�tpuundn�e�rrt, boarding, qu�r�ntin�, euthani-�sitirr�
and disposal services to � manicip�liiy.
ihis M�yor and Council Cc�mmunic��ie�n uttill auth�ri�� inter(ocal Agreements for �iSc�E Ye�r 2Q93 �Nirh tih�
fo!lowing entities: the Ci% of �enbrooic is �nt;ractf�� f�r spec�rr�en shipment 5ervi�e�; the Gities �r' For��t
HiN, Kennedale, �dgeGi� Villar�e, Pa�tega artd D�Iworlhingtnrt t,�rder�s at�e con�racting ior ba�rdi�`ig,
quarantine, speaimen shipping, euthanizaxion and dis�os�al seavic�s; the City of B[ue Mofar�d aind'iartant
Coun#y are contracting far it�e ser�i��� listed �bov� p�us periadic rqu�ine animal cont�rol �e�vi�s �,i
request. MuniCipalities desiiing tv cc�ratract f�r any of thase services are required to execufe ��ew
Agr��ment annually_
Due to the increasing cos#s a�f �rovid6ng Anim�t Care �ncl Contr�l servic�s to other juri�d�ctions, the�re �r�
fee increases and new f�es assoc�at�d with ��ch con�ra�,� reri��wa1,
' The revised fee schedule ft►r �'isc�l ���t 2093 is �� �allo4vs:
Atlminisiraiive Fee P�r,��omai tm�vur�div�ent
�aity Baarding Fee
Euthar�asia/Disposa! Fee
F/lf 2012 F�e
$ 'i5.b0
Logz�.�nu�: 23RVA,B�ES COS�17`R.OL �ARi�3�7� N�i.JNfLi��,LITIES �'/Y 2013
Fn� �� `I3 �p�
� 5�.dp
� 9a.0v
+`� SQ.OU
�� �P � ..� °�
� �a.oa
� 87.00
$ �ob.oa
$ '! 00.0t}
$ 7�.00/hour
Ni�T�_ Due to limifed sp�a� �t t1�e t;ity ��im�l sl��lt�r, qu�ra�ntirte set'vfces wii! no longer be ��ff�t��d ��t�r
April 1, 2013. All contracting agen�i�s w�re inform�d of this �rt�visian pr►or to Octdbe� 2��2_
It is an�c�pated thai th� r�vis�d f�e schedule will re�ulti in an ��dditional $65,65U.00 in associated r�v�nu�s
in Fiscal Year 2013 compared with F'iscal Ye�r 2n12.
FISCAL (NFORNiAfifbP� / ��R'T����e�,TICINa
ihe �inancial �1lanagement Serv►ces Dlr+��or certifi�� th�t tl��� Ccde ��mplianc� bep�r���t, Ar��ien��
��re and Con#�of Divisi�n, is re�pc�r►sible �far t�e c�loectiun an�� ��eposit of funds �u� tm th,e City.
r, '
95/15/2013 11:19 8175613741
Quarantine Boarding Fee�
Administrative ��e F'�r ��im�ai �u�r�n�i�e'
Field S�rvice Fieque�t
Specimen i�reparation and Shipm�rl�
Adm�nistr�tive Fee P�r �p�cim�� �hiprn�nt
EmePg�ncy �ield Service Request
�ducationai Presenta�ions
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Additlonai Imf+nrma on Gonfiact
hla atkachmerris found.
�.�oNf �ar�d/Aecb dGenter�
CF�arles� C�aniels (6199}
�randoi7 �ennett (63.45)
Michael Camp (7020)
Sc.oft H�ni�n t7204)
PF�GE �51J.3
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$ E�i',��
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$ 70.d011�a�r
Lognann�: 23RABxES CO�1''�ROL V�4RI�3U5 MUNICIpA,LITTES �IX 2013
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