HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 44368 (2);_. .;�: 1 � :� �� � ' - Tex�s A&M Ui�ivez�si#y Tr�ns�Texas Videocon%1•ence Neh��ork Iuternet D�ta Af�liation Agreement Texas A&M Univet•sity ("TAMU"), a member of the Texas A&M Univeisity System {"TAMUS"), an agency of the State of Texas, an behatf of zts Edt�cational Broadcast Services, agrees to p��ovide network services to City of Fort Wo��th, a Texas home-rule municipal coiporation ("Af�liate"), fi•om TAMUS' Tra�is-Texas Videoconference Network ("TTVN"), snbject to fhese conditions: 1} The term of this Internet Data Affiliation Agreement ("Agreement") will co�i�mence on 11/1/2012 , or when sez�vice coinmences, and will continue ttu•ough _11/i/2013 (tlie "Initial Term") at whicll time tl�is Ag�•eement may be renewed annually foz� subsequei�t one-year terrns, (each a"Re�iewal Terin"), ttpon written consent of the parties, not to exceed five years.. 2) The function of TTVN is to seive tlie members of TAMUS. Connections to other organizations a�•e provided within eYisting capabilities aftei• TAMUS rec�uii•emei�ts are safisfied. After the Initial Term, tl�zs Agreement nlay be #erminated by either pacty after giving a ninety (90) day written notice. 3) TTVN will provide a sin.gle network coiuiectior� on a TAMUS rouier at an appi�opriate access point on tlie TTVN netwax�k, �) Affiliafe iniast provide the teleconlmunications data circuit to coruiect to TTVN, the CSU/DSU(s), associated cabling, and a data routet• tl�at meet the miniu�um t�equii•ements as set fortli by the TTVN staff. TAIv�U makes no warranties for puz•ct�asecl equipment. S) A�liate witl be assessed a ane-tin�e installation fee to de�i•ay the actual cost of providing the connection. This fee is $�7 attd shall be invoiced by TAMU to Af�liate and Aff'zliate agrees to pay according to the terms of this Agc•eezneiit within ihirty (30) days o�' receipt of the invoice. 6) Affiliate will be assessec� an aimual sex•vice access fee of $_5,909,00� �a•oz•afed to 11/1/2013 foi� 10 1VYbps, The amo�lnt of this fee wilt be evaluated annually. Payment in ft�ll will be due witl�ii� 34 days that invoice is received. An account v��hich is un�aid fo�� z��a�•e than sixty {60) days niay restilt in termination of tl�is Agreement. 7) Tf a Frame R.elay cii�cuit is usecl, �lfiiliate will pay a proi•ated poi�tion of the cosi, whicli shall be invoiced 6y TAMU to Af�iliate, of the TAlV1US Frame Rela}�-A�cess �.ir�e fi•or�l the c�oud to TTVN. Fo1• example, if tl�e line costs Four Thousa�id Dollai•s ($�,000) pe►• yeaz• and eight {8) entities shace tlle line, the cost «iould be Five Hut�di�ecl Dollars ($500} per year per entity. If TAMU costs iucrease, Affiliate will be notiiied of corresponc�ing iticrease, OGC Approt�ed Stroidard Fonn I /4/06 RECEIV�p �p� � 6 2�i,S � ' � ' _ '•i� {+� .�. � y; � ; , 6-� '; :�� i 8) Af�liate ��vili not sell or otl�er�uxse provide Internet sez��ices to any ather oz•ganization ot• person as a pat�t of the TTVN conneciian without th,e express written cansent of TAMUS. 9) Operational support af Affiliate's dafa camcnuz}ications equipment will be perfoi•i�ied by tl�e TTVN support staff. FuII access wiil be grar�ted ta TTVN suppori staff at all times. Affiliate shall retain the riglit to full aecess and may i�aa�Ce modificaiions as requit•ed to support t�e needs of Afiiliate. However, should modiiications by Affiliate cause problems to tl�e TTVN nsfwork, T'I'VN support staff shall have the a�ight to re�nove such equipn�ent ft�om tl�e data networlc until the abnorm�lities I2ave been corrected. Repeated instances causii�g disturbances to the data ��eitivork m�y b� ca��se for ter�nination of iliis Agc�eeineiif. 10} Responsibility foa• any LAN iustallations, ope�•ations, and suppa�•t shall �•est solely with Af#iliate, 11) Affiliate will pr•ovide Domain Nan�e Se��vice, TTVN will p�•ovide secondary Domain Name Se�•vice if requested. Requests far e�;ceptions to this intist be p��ovided in writing. l2) Affiliate sl�aL� be z•esponsible for maintenance cost for• the Affiliate data coinmunications equipment and any related fe�ecommunications equipmenf. A ffiliate may elect to sectire a i3laizite��ance eontract or time-and-znatex�zats suppart from the vezidor. l�) Affiliate sllall provide assistance to �'I'VN support staff ln isolating connectivity prablems within tlie aUility of tixe organization. 14) If the Af�liate is tinable to it�p�e���ezit the connections withit� ninety (90) days fi•om notificatian o�' appz•ov�l, ihis Agr�ement sl�atl be nutl and vaici. Af�liate may request extensions of ii�e ninety (90) day periad. TAMU z•ese�•ves the i•ight to modify or ziot e�tend this Ag��ee�nent at tlie time of eaoh extensian requesf. 15) �'ei�fo�•tnance by �'AMU tinder tlus Agreexn.e�lt �nay be depende�nt u�on the app�•opz��atiaiz aiid aliotme��t of funds by the Tex�s Stafe Legislature (the "Legislatt�re"). If the I,egislatu�•e fails ta appropriate ar allot tlie necessa�y funds, TAMU WII� ISSU� WF'iCteIl t�otice io Affiliate at3d TAMU rnay tert��inate this Agree��lerit without f,-u��ther duty or �bligation hez�el�nder. Affiliate acknowledges that appropriatioii of fiands is beyond the control of TAMU. Notwitlistand'zng the faregoing, in the event no funcis ot� ins�j�"�cient fi�nds are appropriated by Af�liate in ai�y fscal pe�iod far ai2y payments due hereunder, during the Initial Tez•m or during an3� Renewal Tern�, Affiliaie will t�otify TAMU of si�ch occurrence and ihis Agreement shall te��ininate on the last clay �f ihe %scal yeaz• pe�•iod for which approp�•iatioias were received wit�ot�t penaiiy or expense to Affi(iate of any kind whatsoever, except as io tl�e partions of the payznents herein ag�•eed upon for which. filnds i�ave beer� appi•opriated. 1 b} The paz•ties s11all coinply with al( fede��al, state, a��d locat laws and regulatians applicable to their performance as described in this Agreemex�t. OGC Appro��ed Stasidard Foun U�106 Page 2 17) It is understood t��at Afiiliate shall ixot be liable for any ctaims against TAMIJ, its employees, or thicd p�rsons, other fhan Affiliafe's employees, foz� daznage resutting froxn or arising ottt of the aetivities of TAMU personnel undei• tl�is Agreement and TAMU agrees, to the extent allov,�eti by the Coiistitutioii and laws of the State o£' Texas, to holci Affiliate harmless fi•om any and all such claims, It is also itnderstooc� that TAMU sliall not be iiable for any elaims against Afftliate, its employees or thi�•d persons other than TAMIJ employ�es for damages resultizig fi�oni or arising aut of the activities of Af�liate personziel under tlus �greenlet�t ax�d, io ihe extent allowed by the Canstitution a�� Iaws of tl�e State of Texas, A#�filiate agreas to hold TE1MU harnlless fi•om any anci all such clain�s. 18} The validity of this Agreement and all ��latters pertaining ta this Agreement, i11ClUt�ITlg btlt r�ot litnited to, matters af perfoi•snance, non-per�ornlance, 6�•�ach, i�emadies, procedures, rights, duties, and i��ter�pretation o�• constiuctio��, sl3all be gave��ned and deterniined b�7 the Constifution and tl�e laws o� the �tate of Texas, Pursuant to Section 85.18, Texas Eda�catiorz Code, vei�ue foz• any st�it filed against TAMU shall be in Brazos CQu�ity, Te,cas. 19) Neithei• part3T is required ta perfor�i� a�1y textn, condition, or co�renant of this Agi•eerne�it, if performance is prevetited o�• dela}�ed by a natural occurret�ce, a�re, an act of God, an act of terrorism, az othez• siznilar occurrence, the cause of which is not �•easonably witliin tne control of si�ch pazty and �vl�ieh by c�ue c{iligence it is ur�able to �revent or overco�ne, 20) The dispute resoh�tion process �rovided in Chapter 22b0, Texrrs Gover�r�r»ent Code, and tk�e �•elated rtiies adopted by the Texas Aitox•t�ey Gez�eral pursuant to Chapte�• 2260, s�all Y�e used by TAMU and Affiliate io atten�pt to resolve an�� claim fa�• bz�each oi co�ztract made h�� Affiliate that catlnot be z•esolved in the ordinaty course of busiuess. A�'tiliate sllall submit wz•ittei� xiatice of a claztn of bz�each of contract under tliis Chapter to the Univez•sity Cont�•acts Officer of TAMU wiio shall eYanliile Afiiliate's claiin and any counterclaim and negotiate with Affliate in an effoi�t to resolve the clairn. 21) Gencral Provisions: Tt1.MU agrees that Af�liate shall, unti� the expiration of three (3} yea��s after �nai paymenf undez• this Agreement, or tlie tinal conclusion of any audit comtnenced during the sazd thr•ee years, have access ta and the rig��t to examine, at z�easoxiable times, any directly �erti��ent 600ks, doc��ments, papers and t�eco�•ds of TAMU invoiving transactions zelating to fhis �lgreenien# at zio additional cast to Af�tiate. A.ffitiate shall give Tl-�MU reasonable aci�ance n�tica of iutended audits. It is t�nderstood and agreed tha# l�p executioil of ihis Agreetnent, Affi(iate does not waive or surrender any of its govertunen#al pawex�s o�� i�nmunsties. If any provision of this Agreement is held to be iz�vaiid, iitegal or unenforceable, the validit��, legality azld enforceability af tlle ren�aining provisions shall not in any �vay be affected o�• impai�•ed. No amendlnent of this A,greecnent shail t�e bindi�ig upan a party hereto unless such amendtnent is in writi��g, and exectited by an at�thorized z�ept�esentative of each party. Tlle failu�•e af either party to i�Zsist upQn the performance of any term o�� �x•ovision of tl�is Agreement or to exercise any �•iglxt grat�fed herein shatl not canstitute a waiver of the party's respective zi�t�t to insist upon appropi�iate �erfortnance or to asset�t any sizch right ozi an3� �utu�•e accasioil, This Agt�eement may be e�ecuted iii ane or n�oz•e counterparts OGC Approvcd Sta�idard Fornt 1l4(06 Page 3 ✓' and each counterpa��t shall, fo�• ali piirposes, be deemed an origin�l, but ail such couxite�•pa�•ts shall together consti#ute oxze and the same iiishunient. In �vitness thereof, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement: Affiliate The person signing bclowccrtifies that he/she has ihe authority to bind Atliliate �� i3 . . . � � . � , ' : .; � ! C � � �` � � OGC Approved Sl�aidard Norm 1/4/06 Te�as A&M U�iive��sity l-: . - • � • � � � �.__ � __ _ _ . � • � L f ., f 3 ! ;� r� � ' � GlSt�ii/ i`�LF�JL` � S Na�ne � , Assista%t City �lttorne�r ` �� � _ ...`a�wLL4�►..