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Contract 53452-CO2
CSC No.53452-CO2 FORTWORTH. City of Fort Worth Change Order Request Project Name N.Riverside Drive From Old Denton Road to N.Tarrant Parkway City See# 1 53452 Client Project#(s)l CO2272 Project Description Construct 4-lane,divided arterial street with roundabouts at Thompson Rd.and Summerfields Blvd. The project will include new travel lanes,intersection improv.,drainage improv.,shared-use paths,sidewalks,street I[ghts,and extending 70OLF of the WB lanes of Summerfields Blvd. Contractorl McMahon Contracting,I-P. Change Order#1 2 Date 1 2/3/2021 City Project Mgr. Derek A.White,PhD,PE City Insibectorl Shawn Fargo Dept. 34014 30108 59651 Contract Time Totals CD Originai Contract Amount $5,607,455.12 $2,720,821.43 $579,664.02 $8,907,940.57 540 Fxtras to Date $755,949.67 5755,549.67 Credits to Date Pending Change Orders(in M&C Process) O Contract Cost to Date $6,373,403.79 $2,720,821,43 $579,664.02 $9,673,889.24 540 Go to ADD&DEL Tabs to Enter CO Backup__ $37,566.60 $0.00 $0.00 $37,566.60 0 Revised Contract Amount $6,410,970.39 $2.720.821.43 $579,664.02 9,711,455.84 540 Originat Funds Available for Change Orders $0.00 Remaining Funds Available for this CO $0.00 $D CO $0.00 Additional Funding(if necessary) $37,566.60 $37,566.60 CHANGE ORDERS to DATE(INCLUDING THIS ONE)AS%OF ORIGINAL CONTRACT 11211, MAXALLOWABLE CONTRACT AMOUNT(ORIGINAL CONTRACTCOST+25%) S11,134,925,71 JUSTIFICATION(REASONS)FOR CHANGE ORDER N ACCORDANCE WITH THIS CONSTRUCTION CHANGE CRDER,THE CONTRACTOR SHALL:Furnish all labor and material as per ailached proposed Change Order (with attachments)to the Change Order Request: Construction plans of the west leg of Thompson Rd Roudabout showed no RRFB's but the other legs included 5 RRFB's per leg(SEE ATTACHFD). Consequently,5 RRFB's have been added to improve pedistrian safety. It is understood and agreed that the acceptance of this Change Order by the contractor constitutes an accord and satisfaction and represents payment in full (both time and money)for all costs arising out of,or incidental to,the above Change Order. The Project/Program Manager signing below acknowledges that he/she is the person responsible for the monitoring and administration of this contract,including ensuring all performance an rting requirements. Contractors Corn an Name Contractor Name', Contract SE Dat y�f�V1G r n — x la Inspe6606 e4joi uperviser " Project am C ern liance Mana er Date J6,-,r,/ Feb 9,2021 trek'( /'r Feb 9,2021 Program Manager Date Senior Ca dal Project Officer Date a-AA Feb 9,2021 1.1ss0to Aa&ve4o,RE. Feb 10,2021 Assistant Director Ce t Date Director,Contracting Re arMent(Dept) Date P*saru. Feb 11,2021R11 Feb 11,2021 Assistant Cily Attorney Date lAssistarl C4 Manager Date KIM Feb 22,2021 Asw&# owaff Feb 22,2021 Council Action(if red wired M&C Number M&C Date Approved ATTEST:WIII!/ �r FORr��a1 Maryr.Kayser,City Secretary o°0000000°o�Oa� 9J6 °°p Pia a=d OFFICIAL RECORD o c *,5 CITY SECRETARY 00000000 nEXAso°p FT. WORTH, TX FoRr WORTH City of Fort Worth 'If-- Change Order Additions Project Name N.Riverside Drive From Old Denton Road to N.Tarrant Parkway City Sec# 53452 Client Project# CO2272 Contractorl McMahon Contracting,L.P. PM Derek A.White,PhD,PE Inspector Shawn Farga Change Order Submittal# = Date 213@021 ADDITIONS ITEM DESCRIPTION UEF,I Qty Unit Unit Cost Total Unit ignage&PavementMarking Improvements 1d-21 3441.1841 RRFB Assembly Single Sided(Solar) 34014 5.00000000 EA 7,513.3 34014 $37,566.60 30108 $0.00 59651 $0.00 Sub Total Additions 7,566.60 Change Order Additions Page 2 of 4 F'nRr� wv City of Fort Worth T Change Order Deletions Project Name N.Riverside Drive From Old Denton Road to N.Tarrant Parkway City Sec# 53452 Client Project# CO2272 Contractor McMahon Contracting,L.P. PM Derek A.White,PhD,PE Inspector Shawn Fargo Change Order Submittal# 0 Date 213I2021 DELETIONS ITEM DESCRIPTION DEPT Qty Unit UnitCost Total 34014 0.00 30108 $0.00 59651 $0.00 Sub Total Deletions Change Order Deletions Page 3 of 4 MISBE for this Change Order M/SBE Sub Type of Service Amount for this CO Total $0.00 Previous Change Orders Co# DATE AMOUNT Total $0.00 IBEAN EL----,E---1-',,CTR1CAL--, MfCt 821 E. Enon Avenue P 817-561-7400 P, 11, Fort Worth,Texas 76140 F 817-561-7403 www.beaiielectrical.com • Request for Information RFI Number: 1 Date: 01/12/2021 Page 1 of 1 Regarding: Thompson Rd Round-a-bout To: Job Site: McMAHON CONTRACTING L.P. NORTH RIVERSIDE DRIVE 3019 ROY ORR BLVD. Fort Worth, TX GRAND PRAIRIE, TX 75050 Attn: James Proulx Requested By: Phone: E-mail: Jason Hess (817)561-7400 jhess@beanelectrical.com Questions : We are hereby submitting the following questions for your response. These issues have potential time and cost impacts. On the west side of Thompson Rd round-a-bout it does not show any RRFB's and on the other 3 sides there are 5 RRFB's per side. Do we need to send a change order in for 5 additional RRFB's? Remarks/Suggestions: Answer(s): (For your convenience,you can Reply"to the email with your response.) Please respond by: 01/13/2021 Jason Hess James Proulx Bean Electrical McMAHON CONTRACTING L.P. Bean Electrical, Inc. TECL17979 Regulated by The Texas Department of Licensingand Regulations,P.O.Box 12157,Austin,Texas 78711,1800 803 9202,512 463 6599,website www.license.state.tx.us/complaints PEAN C-TRICAL., LNfC. 821 E. Faion Avenue P 817-561-7400 B I Fort Worth,Texas 76140 F 817-561-7403 Nvww.beauelectrical.com • TO: McMAHON CONTRACTING L.P. DATE: 1/12/2021 JOB: NORTH RIVERSIDE DRIVE 3019 ROY ORR BLVD. ATTENTION: James Proulx TRANSMITTAL: 6 GRAND PRAIRIE, TX 75050 RE: McMAHON CONTRACTING L.P. WE ARE SENDING YOU: ❑ Attached VIA: ❑ U.S.Mail ❑ Under Separate Cover ❑ Fax,Total No.of Pages: ❑ Other THE FOLLOWING ITEMS: ❑ Submittal ❑ Request For Proposal ❑ Request For Change 0 Request For ❑ Information ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ WE ARE SENDING YOU: ❑ For Approval ❑ ForYour Use ❑ ApprovedAs Submitted ❑ ApprovedAs Noted ❑ As Requested ❑ For Review ❑ Revise And Resubmit ❑ Rejected ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ REMARKS COPY TO: SIGNED: DATE: Bean Electrical,Inc. TECL 17979 Regulatedby The Texas Departmentof Licensing and Regulations, P.O. Box 12157,Austin,Texas 78711,1 800 803 9202,512 463 6599,website www.license.state.tx.us/complaints MCMAHON CONTRACTING L.P. Additional RRFBs FROM: McMahon Contracting L.P. DATE: January 22,2021 3019 Roy Orr Blvd. Grand Prairie,TX 75050 Phone:972-263-6907 Fax:972-264-0008 TO: CITY OF FORT WORTH PROJECT: North Riverside Drive We hereby propose the following changes and/or additions to the original contract. ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT OF ORIGINAL ADD/DEDUCT REVISED UNIT NET COST MEASURE QUANTITY QUANTITY QUANTITY PRICE CHANGE 1 D-22 I RRFB Assembly Single Side(Solar) EA 1 30 1 5.00 1 35.00 1 $7,513.32 $37,566.60 TOTAL $37,566.60 Additional Cal Days requested: 0 Page 1 of 1 � �,� xsslEa-I MouPsox � N R vemS d e°; i x REFEEF yD PIAHS"er o'=a•)a•" a'xaa I � Feet flflFB I I-Vo'Iz1•XiVI // �\ mme xAP �'A IB I i�¢o t9 az i OpO m I �� flye xa•x'x' I� � CONSTRUCTION NOTES o U a Rive,a1Ee Dr 0 u'xlz• I 00 t snp m mlllEiHe'M'ia'm u� insrwm In o rc I 34k)sPL - __'xtx'• _ _ _ —__ omaeon Ra-I rc °ME EecE ,scx mssr RamW.X ISM,eE T 1.5•EROM—OF CU�. i0 X 1. 9V11 8E MFRZ ON�E C E�fAOLNO IBWxRD 9 DYY' a ® I V YIEW 9Cx k n s—,A=',Y eE=-, x--I Og xle 5. ME k DI-3a WfN OESNYIS EHNL BE COOItlSNA1ED NM —— I rorclaElE SUF—E Dil),Iw roDRsrs wi.IuvE A a a N—WERS D€ D R AISWD ROSS 10 HE ZpmlWll-x iexsa•X.Xe ® ` N Riverside°, ._m I�$� klx' g I xa us• RI aaP ie ue xce-® x� crx sro aruL oen o=o F¢I flf6E 1V•XIB• ('m .• 21X.,o• aA a SWo ROSS Thompson Rd s• 1 I is xIa HE Pn sTX DEru my - 1 Iw•-b�xa• I 1 WI-x xIe i lakl8' }N Riva M.Dr i -0fiompaon RE I xV xla Thompson RED K }Thxxnpaon Dr YYY�xaa ,� 'N Riveniee D pY}x.z N Rive i DI► z�< iekce- as o y � � R o xa xlx xa xlx d �a � I /Iyls a END Xy REVISIONS N4-I BEGIN .� IPnE55 xC x WII-x V'xIx' x IOxCI -) IB•X18' ]O xRV 1I 'I I� pea)R AFFEp SED ) DfEl�zla ECi Ypxx)z 1a xtL III ROSSWAL ]Bel - - I 5 za•uv III rn-a HE xa x I a a MM B 113 ea + '-IP CITY OF FORT WORTH,TEXAS xak�8 q III �S ii-z?P TRANSPORTATION AND PUBLIC WORKS o �II INFRASTRUCTURE DESIGN & �II CONSTRUCTION DIVISION o I, N NORTH RIVERSIDE DRIVE w I FROM N.TARRANT PKWY.TO OLD DENTON RD.> THONPSON RD.ROUNDABOUT SIGNAGE PLAN we wIe ID x z SIGN LEGEND �/ a RO 40 ® z0 O OO (5) W�j.E Feet THOMOSON RD .' �` 0"") jW;PIThom son Rd Rt ER °EDR 7Ca Il s cOsne1T R areULC,P nvo Nc4e�o NOTcs LEUT e #NYY P R'dy RI4o'RSI�E DR ures vLNIC"'cxcnvnnrvc nT cell OLL.Rl w as l "Mz•9 nT uaewe�0 YIELD TO ROUNDABOUT vT.nE�oaEaaTioNs. (e1i(es2-szss Y TRAFFIC 5 (a,V eTi-eioo FROM LEFT (e,T)zsi-4Tee reevfsl �� GWSMDETN I— �[eTkic. (517)S5 52,4 z-zesbcesl wzszvzlzwzzl wzalase0 IWWx20•l -eo-233-2P11.12 ,» a,J NaevpMv) v (aiT}so-eznTz 3311 pp..) Punsl 'HORIZONTAL&VERTICAL CONTROL PAVEMENT MARKINGS PRINT mNT c�oNTPONT CONTROL ® 4 no vvuT unarnnc r+As Avl 4 ® avT.asT KN vac(w)F/z'corv�z sPncrvc)C ELCLEGEND © ac(WJ i e+ro �- E TNadPSroNOR INSTALLED BV SEPAFATPSN I111 r Sot, REKISION� \ o ae— e o�RA�T a,�R,00TTr, ;o oc,T 12211 GITV OE TEEL WORTH,TEKAST DTI TRANSPORTATION AND PUBLIC WORKS 0 v I TRANSPORTATION PROGRAMMING & w CAPITAL PROJECTS DIVISION o W NORTH RIVERSIDE DRIVE FROM N.TARR NT PKWV.TO OLD DENTON RD.> SIGNS&PAVEMENT MARKINGS RE-NEP'AR "ALE [.o4i To,s O z From: White,Derek A To: James Proulx Cc: Manuel Rocha;Fargo,Shawn;Austin Baird.PE(TX.AR.LA.ND,NM.OIq Subject: RE: RFI-project#02772-North Riverside-RRFB clarification needed Date: Friday,January 15,2021 2:36:00 PM Hi,James. I agree with the RFI....add 5 more. I think we should mirror the west side with the east. Thanks, Derek Derek A. White, PhD, PE Senior Project Manager City of Fort Worth Transportation and Public Works 200 Texas Street Fort Worth,TX 76102 Office: (817) 392-2383 1 Cell: (817) 682-3181 Email: derek.white(@fortworthtexas.gov City of Fort Worth— Working together to build a strong community. rRT WORTH,: From:James Proulx [mailto:JamesPr@mcmahoncontracting.com) Sent:Tuesday,January 12, 2021 10:55 AM To:White, Derek A<Derek.White@fortworthtexas.gov> Cc: Manuel Rocha <ManuelR@mcmahoncontracting.com>; Fargo, Shawn <Shawn.Fargo@fortworthtexas.gov>;Austin Baird, PE (TX, AR, LA, ND, NM, OK) <abaird@bhbinc.com> Subject: RFI - project#02772- North Riverside- RRFB clarification needed CAUTION:This email originated from outside of the City of Fort Worth email system. Do not click any links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Derek, Please see the attached RFI from Bean Electrical. Thanks, James Proulx McMahon Contracting 972)263-6907 x 28 Office 817)458-6561 Cell From: ihess(@beanelectrical.com <ihess(@beanelectrical.com> Sent:Tuesday,January 12, 20218:45 AM To:James Proulx<JamesPr(@mcmahoncontracting.com> Cc: dnewton(@bei-tx.com;johne(ftei-tx.com Subject: RFI No: 1,Job No: 2193-20- Including Transmittal No: 6 James-See attached RFI Thank You, Jason Hess Bean Electrical, Inc 817 561 7400 Tel 817 561 7403 Fax www.beanelectrical.com TECL# 17979 "Regulated by The Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation, P.O. Box 12157,Austin, Texas 78711, 1-800-803-9202, 512-463-6599; website: www.tdlr.texas.gov vc 90c] vrs mc-x w vaz > m:+ ahO - :<m ys::«: nao \ : ° � \\ `� \ \ > § \ § ~, » CL �\ o R51 E DR x � � ar / ! L 0 §: - / - e R j5 k S %, \{ /} \ � � \ a&& \ §! e 2s! |!! \ g� |oa u §§;�� §2 §§§§K //1. |;r; //( |§§w D41 _ \ T \ R° 0 -§w, \ % .- \