HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 52527-A1 CSC No.52527-A1 AMENDMET NO. 1 TO CITY OF FORT WORTH CONTRACT 52527 This Amendment is entered into by and between the City of Fort Worth (hereafter "City'), a home rule municipality, with its principal place of business at 200 Texas Street, Fort Worth, Texas, and Housing Channel (hereafter 'Developer") a Texas Community Housing Development Corporation ("CHDO"). City and Developer shall be referred to individually as a Party and collectively as the Parties. WHEREAS, on July 16, 2019, the Parties entered into City Secretary Contract 52527 for Developer to use Home Investment Partnerships Program grant ("HOME") funds to construct a single-family, affordable home at 2612 LaSalle Street to sell to eligible buyers ("Contract"); and WHEREAS,the Contract did not include provisions necessary to address policy changes related to its CHDO policy and use of CHDO proceeds from the sale homes constructed using HOME funds; WHEREAS,it was agreed by the parties that the new policy would apply to this Contract to carry out the City's goals and DeveIoper's mission; WHEREAS, budget line items and the reimbursement schedule require a final revision to reconcile the remaining HOME Funds to more accurately reflect actual spending; and WHEREAS, the Parties wish to amend the Contract to include the necessary provisions to address the use of CHDO proceeds by Developer in accordance with the City's CHDO policy. NOW, THEREFORE, the Parties, acting herein by the through their duly authorized representatives, enter into the following agreement: 1. AMENDMENTS A. Section 4.4 shall be amended and replaced to read as follows: 4.4 Provide HOME Funds City shall provide up to $90,896.31 of HOME Funds in the form of the HOME Loan for the eligible expenses for the development of the house under the terms and conditions described herein. B. Section 7.9.1 shall be amended and replaced to read as follows: 7.9.1 Use of CHDO Proceeds by Developer. Developer shall retain the CHDO Proceeds to be used for hard and soft costs associated with the construction of at least 1 additional affordable single family house within the City to be sold to a HOME Eligible Buyer. The CHDO Proceeds resulting from the sale of the house described in this Contract shall be combined with the CHDO Proceeds resulting from the sale of the other 4 houses constructed as part of the Riverside Single Family Infrll Development, and with a OFFICIAL RECORD CITY SECRETARY FT. WORTH, TX Commercial Loan in a sufficient amount to complete the construction of the additional house. Developer shall submit its proposed plans, location, and construction budget for the additional house to City for its approval prior to lot acquisition or commencing construction. City shall monitor Developer's use of the CHDO Proceeds to ensure that they are used for HOME-eligible affordable housing activities. Developer shall beep CHDO proceeds separately from its other funds and shall give City quarterly reports on the status and location of these funds. Developer may retain the net sales proceeds resulting from the sale of this additional house free of any further City or HOME requirements. C. Changes to Exhibit B and Exhibit C: The Budget shown on EXHIBIT "B" —BUDGET and the Reimbursement Schedule shown on EXHIBIT "C" — PROJECT AND REIMBURSENICNT SCHEDULE of the Contract are hereby replaced by EXHIBIT "B" — BUDGET Revised 02/2021 and EXHIBIT "C" PROJECT AND REIMBURSEMENT SCUMULE Revised 0212021 attached hereto,and deemed effective as of July 16, 2019. 2. ALL OTHER TERMS SHALL REMAIN THE SAME All other provisions of the Contract which are not expressly amended herein shall remain in full force and effect. 3. ELECTRONIC SIGNATURE This Amendment and Extension may be executed in multiple counterparts, each of which shall be an original and all of which shall constitute one and the same instrument. A facsimile copy or computer image, such as a PDF or tiff image, or a signature, shall be treated as and shall have the same effect as anoriginal. (Signature page follows) ACCEPTED AND AGREED: CITY OF FORT WORTH: CONTRACT COMPLIANCE MANAGER: By signing I acknowledge that I am the person 1 C'r— responsible for the monitoring and administration 13y.- Fernando Costa(Feb 26,202112:53 CST) of this contract, including ensuring all ��''JJ Name: Fernando Costa performance and reporting requirements. Title: Assistant City Manager Date: Feb 26,2021 By: Chad La oque(Feb 26,202109:52 CST) APPROVAL RECOMLVVEIENDED: Name: Chad LaRoque Title: Housing Development Manger By: APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: Name: Victor Turner Title: Director of Neighborhood Services 4p44Upn4 0 FORT . ATTEST- ��o°°° °o'- - d By: Jo Pate(Fe 2 , 02112:50 CST) ado optd Name: Jo Ann Pate ago o=o Title: Assistant City Attorney d o 000 dd `/y I i� �aa a�n0000000 Eap54pp BY; CONTRACT AUTHORIZATION: Name: Mary J. Kayser M&C: C-29138 Title: City Secretary Developer: Donna VanNess(Feb 23,2021 15:37 CST) Name: Donna VanNess Title: President Date: Feb 23,2021 OFFICIAL RECORD CITY SECRETARY FT. WORTH, TX EXIMff"B" BUDGET HOUSING CHANNEL 2612 La Salle Total Cost: $224,602.31 Project HOME Funds Awarded: $90,896.31 HOME Funds will be paid only as reimbursement for eligible expenses. Development Budget Use of Funds Source of Funds Predevelopment Cost HOME OTHER$ SOURCEOFOTHER TOTAL$ FUNDS FUNDS FUNDS FUNDS (1) (2) (Names) 0+2) 1.Market Study 500 2.Feasibility (i.e.:preliminary work write- up,cost estimates,design,bond, Environmental Studies) 3,560 3.Other Total Predevelopment Cost(1+2-3) 4,060 4,060 Development Cost 4.Land and/or building acquisition 18,176.54 18,176.54 5. Soft Costs Utilities,Security,etc.) 3,102.46 3,102.46 6.Construction Cost Commercial lender— 30,600 122,400 Happy State Bank 153,000 7.Fence 8.Landscape 9.Contingency 10.Appraisal 150 Sales proceeds 150 11.Architect&Engineering Fees 173 173 12.Construction Management Fee/ Developer Fee 13.Construction Loan Interest 5,661.36 5,661.36 14.Property Survey 15.Legal Fees 16.Real Estate Fees 10,800 Sales proceeds 10,800 17.Utility Hookup/Impact Fees 18.Title&Recording Fees 183 Sales proceeds 183 19.Program and Related Exp enses 20.Construction Management 21.Bond Fees Total Development Cost 61,600.36 133,706 195,306.36 22.Developer Fee(15%of Total Development Costs) 29,295.95 29,295.95 Total Cost 90,896.31 1 133,706 224,602.31 CHDO SINGLE FAMILY CONTRACT Riverside Infill Project Housing Channel—2612 La Salle Street Rev01/14/2021 EXIMIT"C' PROJECT AND REIMBURSEMENT SCHEDULE HOUSING CHANNEL 2612 La Salle Street Please Activity Beginning Week--subject to weather permitting PHASE I ACTIVITIES: Contract signed Land and/or Building Acquisition PHASE I DEADLINE: 11/5/19 lstpa ent* �18,176.54 PHASE II ACTIVATES: Site Preparation Architectural&Engineering Fees Appraisal,Bond,Market Study Construction costs PHASE If DEADLINE: 1st Payment* $34,160 11/5119 PHASE III A CTIVIITES: Construction costs Soft costs (utilities,security) PHASE III DEADLINE: 2,,d Payment* $5,621.86 9/18120 PHASENACTIVIITES: Construction loan interest Soft costs (utilities,security) PHASE IV DEADLINE: FINAI,PAYMENT** $3,641.96 02/28/21 CONSTRUCTION TOTAL $61,600.36 Paid after clos ing of s ale to HOME DEVELOPER FEE $29,295.95 Eligible Buyer per Section 7.8* *Developer will be reimbursed for eligible expenses only. All amounts are estimates and are subject to change. '*Exhibit"G"-HONM Project Compliance Report must be submitted prior to reimbursement fur Construction Final Payment, Construction Final Payment will not be made alter closing ofsale to the Eligible HOME Buyer. CHDO SINGLE, FAMILY CONTRACT Riverside Street Int"ill Project Housing Channel—2612 La Salle Street Rev 01/14/2021 M&C Review Official site of tile CTV of Fort Worth,Texas CITY COUNCIL AGENDA ! SORT WORTh COUNCIL ACTION: Approved on 6/4/2019 REFERENCE 19RIVERSIDE SINGLE FAMILY DATE: 6/4/2019 NO.: C-29138 LOG NAME: INFILL DEVELOPMENT CODE: C TYPE: CONSENT PUBLIC NO HEARING: SUBJECT: Authorize a Change in Use and Expenditure of Additional HOME Investment Partnerships Program Grant Funds in the Amount of$95,356.00 to Housing Channel for a Total Amount of$402,500.00 in the Form of a Subordinate Forgivable Loan for the Riverside Single Family Infill Development Located in the United Riverside Neighborhood, Authorize Execution of Contracts, Authorize Substantial Amendment to the City's 2016-2017 Action Plan, and Authorize the Substitution of Funding Years (COUNCIL DISTRICT 8) RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council: 1. Authorize a substantial amendment to the City's 2016-2017 Action Plan; 2. Authorize the City Manager, or his designee, to substitute current and prior funding years in order to meet commitment, disbursement and expenditure deadlines for grants from the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development; 3. Authorize the change in use and expenditure of additional HOME Investment Partnerships Program grant funds in the amount of$95,356.00 for a total contract amount of$402,500.00 in the form of a subordinate forgivable loan to Housing Channel, a certified Community Housing Developer Organization, for the development of up to five houses for the Riverside Single Family Infill Development located in the United Riverside Neighborhood; 4. Authorize the City Manager, or his designee, to execute a contract with Housing Channel in the amount of$402,500.00 in the form of a subordinate forgivable loan for the development for a three year term beginning on the date of execution of the contract, and to execute all other related contracts necessary for housing development and lending activities; 5. Authorize the City Manager, or his designee, to extend or renew the contracts for two additional one-year terms if such extensions are necessary for completion of the development; and 6. Authorize the City Manager, or his designee, to amend the contracts if necessary to achieve project goals, provided that the amendment is within the scope of the project and in compliance with City policies and applicable laws and regulations governing the use of federal grant funds; DISCUSSION: On August 1, 2017, the City Council approved the City's 2017-2018 Action Plan for submission to the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), which included an allocation of$307,144.00 in HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME) grant funds to Housing Channel for the Riverside Single Family Infill Development on scattered sites in the United Riverside neighborhood (M&C G-19056). HUD requires the City to set aside 15 percent of its allocation of HOME funds for Community Development Housing Organization (CHDO) http://apps.cfwnet.org/council_packet/mc_review.asp?ID=27047&councildate=6/4/2019[7/15/2019 7:12:18 AM] M&C Review activities. Housing Channel is an experienced single family affordable housing developer and a certified CHDO. Housing Channel plans to develop up to five approximately 1,500 square foot, three-bedroom, two- bath, two-car garage single family houses on LaSalle Street, Paradise Street, and Baurline Street. The average construction cost per house is $153,400.00 and $97.00 per square foot. The houses will be sold to households that earn 80 percent or less of the Area Median Income as set by HUD. Eligible buyers must meet all HOME requirements, including applying for and receiving at least$1,000 in down payment and/or closing cost assistance from the City's Homebuyer Assistance Program (HAP) and occupying the houses as their primary residences for the required affordability period. Due to rising construction costs, additional funding was needed to close the financing gap for the development. Staff identified an additional $95,356.00 of HOME funds from prior years' completed or cancelled programs and projects for a total contract amount of $402,500.00 for this project. Staff recommends the followinci HOME contract and HOME oan terms: 1. First lien commercial construction loan terms must be acceptable to City. 2. HOME loan will be subordinate only to first lien construction loan. Borrower's performance of the terms of the HOME contract and HOME loan will be secured by a deed of trust. Payment of HOME loan will only be required if Borrower fails to fulfill the HOME requirements in the contract and the terms of the HOME loan. 3. Three year term for HOME contract and HOME loan. Construction must begin within six months of date of contract execution. 4. Houses must be sold to HOME-eligible buyers who obtain a HAP loan of at least $1,000.00. 5. Housing Channel will be paid a 15 percent developer fee and will retain the net sales proceeds from the houses to be used to construct additional affordable houses. The expenditure of HOME funds is conditioned upon.the following; 1. Satisfactory completion of an environmental review, pursuant to 24 CFR Part 58. 2. Authorization to use grant funds from HUD. City staff recommends the change in use and expenditure of an additional $95,356.00 of HOME funds for a total contract amount of$402,500.00 to Housing Channel for the Riverside Single Family Infill Development. The purpose of this project is to benefit low and very low-income citizens by providing there with affordable housing. This project will assist the City in meeting its CHDO commitment and expenditure goals with HUD. A public comment period on the change in use of these HOME funds was held from November 28, 2018 to December 28, 2018. Any comments are maintained by the Neighborhood Services Department in accordance with federal regulations. The Action Plan funding year may vary and be substituted in order to expend the oldest grant funds first. This project is located in COUNCIL DISTRICT 8. FISCAL INFORMATIONICERTiFICATION: The Director of Finance certifies that upon approval of the above recommendations, funds will be available in the current operating budget, as appropriated, of the Grants Operating Federal Fund. The Neighborhood Services Department is responsible for verifying sufficiency of funding before disbursement. This is a reimbursement grant. TO Fund Department Account Project Program Activity Budget Reference# Amount iD I I ID Year I (Chartfield 2) http://apps.cfwnet.org/council_pac,ket/me review.asp?ID=27047&councildate-6/4/2019[7/15/2019 7:12:18 AM] M&C Review FROM Fund Department Account Project Program I Activity I Budget Reference# Amount ID I I ID ' Year I (Chartfield 2) Submitted for City Manager's Office by: Fernando Costa (6122) Originating Department Head: Sonia Singleton (5774) Additional Information Contact; Chad LaRoaue (2661) Diana Carranza (7369) ATTACHMENTS Combined Riverside Ma s. df Form 1295 Certificate Housing Channel Riverside_Redacted.pdf http://apps.cfwnet.org/council_packct/mc_roview.asp?ID 27047&councildate=6/4/2019[7/15/2019 7:12:18 AM]