HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 55423�, Carga Carrier Review Dra�'t 11.30.20 �. � � . ;'1� �IAR 1 1�i21 t;1TY OF FORT WORiN �.f7YSFCP�'rq�Y �l� Y S�C��7°�RY . �������� ��. �� � � CARGO CAKRIER (3PERATI�G AGREElVIEI'�T FOR FORT `WORTH ALLTANCE .A�RPORT by and be�vee�a City of Forth Wort�x a�d ABX Air, Inc. �������� ���:��� ��"� ���'��`���"� �`� ���� ' "; CaYgo Ca�rieY Revaew �ra,f# ��.30.20 Table nf Contents ARTICLE 1 DEFII�IITIONS AND EXHIBITS ............................................................................. 1 1.1 Basic Data .................................................................................•----....................._..1 1.2 Additional Definiiions . .......................................................................................... 2 ARTICLE 2 USE OF TI� AIRPORT AND RELATED FACILITIES ....................................... 4 2.1 Airline Rights and Frivileges ................................................................................. 4 2.2 Exclusions and Reservataons . ................................................................................ 5 ARTICLE 3 OPERA.TION AND MAINTENANCE 4�' THE AIRPORT ................................... 6 3.1 City abligations ..................................................................................................... 6 ARTICLE 4 FEES AND CHARGES ............................................................................................ 6 4.1 Landing Fees .......................................................................................................... 6 4.2 Special Charges . .................................................................................................... 7 4.3 Use Contingent Upon Payment . ............................................................................ 8 4.4 Payment .................................................................................................................8 �.S Schec��les and Audit .............................................................................................. 8 4.6 Secueity Depnsit.... .........................................,....................................................... 9 ARTICLE5 AFFILTATES ............................................................................................................ 9 S.l Airline's Desi�,mation of Affiliates . ....................................................................... 9 S.2 Applicability ofAgreerrient to Affiliates ............................................................. lU 5.3 Termination of Status of Af�iliate .............................................. ...................... 10 ARTICLE 6 INDEMNIFICATION AND 1NSURANCE ........................................................... 10 6.1 Tnde�a.ificatidn ........................................................•--•---.....................................10 G.2 Insurance . ........................................... .................................................................. 12 6.3 Farms of Ir�su�rance Coverage . ............................................................................. 13 ARTICLE 7 CQMPLIANCE [�I'I'H LA1h�S ............................................................................... 14 7,1 �eneral Laws . ...................................................................................................... � 4 7.2 Airport Ru1es and Regulafi�ans ............................................................................. 14 i.3 L,icenses, Cs�tifcates and Authorizations . .......................................................e.. 14 7.4 Wage Hour Laws . ................................................................................................ 14 ARTICLE $ CIVIL RiGHTS AND AFFIRMATIVE AGTI�N ................................................. 14 8.1 General Civii Rights Pravisions. ........� ................................................................. 14 8.2 Coxnpliance with Nox�di�crimination Requirements ............................................ 15 _i_ TAELE OF CO1�iTEl�T�'� (continued) Pa�e 8.3 Ti�le V� Clauses far Trans�er o� Real Property Acquired or Impr�ved Under the Airport Irnprovernent Progrartr . .......................................................... 16 $.4 C�auses for Canstruction/Use/�ecess to Real Properly Acquired Under the Aciivity, Facility ar Progra�n ............................................................................... 16 8,S Title VI List ofPertinent Non�iscrimination Acts and Authorities . ................... 17 8.6 Subordinatian to Eigreernents with the United States.,.... .................................... 18 8.7 No Exclusive Rights. ......-•--• ................................................................................ 18 8.8 Rigla.t ta Develc�p Auport . .................................................................................... 18 8.9 Righf of Flight ...................................................................................................... 1$ 8.10 l.4 C.F.R Part 77, Qbstructians in Navigable Airspace . ...................................... l.9 8.l 1 No abst�ctioz�s ...............................•---..._._....,...........................,......................... 19 $,12 War ar Natianal Emer�ency....--•• ........................................................................ 19 �.13 No Interference with Airport Dperations ............................................................. 19 8.I4� SEC Rule 15c2-12 . .............................................................................................. 19 8.15 fltnericax�s rx�ith Disabiliiies Act ("ADA") . ......................................................... 20 ARTICLE 9 AIRLINE DEFAULT AND TERMINATI�N BY CIT'Y ...................................... 20 9,1 Air�ine Dcfa�lt.....,....,......, ................................................................................... 20 9.2 City's Remedies . ...................................... . .................................................. ......... 21 9.3 Tez-�n.iar�ation .....................................................................................................,,...22 9.4 The City's Ri�hi to Per#'orzx� . ............................................................................... 22 9.5 Airline's Rights Related fo Terrnination .............................................................. 22 9.S Bankil�ptcy ...........................................................................................................22 ARTICLE I� AIRPORT DEFAULT AND TERMINATION BY AIRI,INE ............................ 23 10.1 Events ofDefault ................................................................................................. 23 � 0.2 Airline's Rerriedy ................................................................................................. 23 ARTICLE 11 ENVIRONMENTAL ............................................................................................24 11.2 Airiine Re�resentations, Warranfies, And Cavenant� . ........................................ 25 113 Informatio� to be P�rovxded to the City . ............................................................... 27 1�.4 R�spnnse a.rid Cnrnpliance Actions . .................................................................... 28 11.5 Correction of Environn��nta1 Non-cnmplia.tzce . .................................................. 29 11.5 Correcfive Actzan process . .................................................................................. 30 -ii- TABLE OF C�IiTTENT� (cantinued) Page 11,7 En�rirnnrx�e�tal Iz�demnific�.tion a.nd Rcimbur�e�m�ni .......................................... 3 t 11 _8 Limita#ions ........................................................................................................... 32 1i.9 Waaver ..................................................................................................................32 11.10 Survival of Enviranmental Provisions ................................................................. 33 1 l.l 1 Resource Conservatian and RecycFing . ............................................................... 33 ARTICLE12 ASSIGNMENT ..................................................................................................... 33 ARTICLE 13 MISCELLANEOUS PR�VISIONS .................................................................... 33 13.1 Nature ofAgreement . .......................................................................................... 33 1�.2 Governing La�r and Venue .............•--•-�-----..._._......................,......................,...... �� 13.3 Entire Understanding . ..........................................................�------•--------................ 33 I3.4 Am�nc�ments ........................................................................................................34 i3.S Cu�nulative Rights . .............................................................................................. 34 13.6 Con.stztitction to Sa�e Aggeement ........................................................................ 34 13.'1 Na Waiver ............................................................................................................ 34 13.8 Relationship of Parties ........................................................................................, 34 13.R No Third-Par#y Beneficiaries ............................................................................... 35 13.10 Successors and Assigns . ...................................................................................... 35 I3.11 Labor Disputes ..................................................................................................... 35 13.12 Force Maj euxe . ..................................................................................................... 3 5 13.13 Na Personal Liability .........................,.,.............................................................., 35 13.14 Acceptance of Payrnents ...................................................................................... 3S 13.15 Attnrneys' Fees .................................................................................................... 36 �3.16 Taxes ....................................................................................................................36 13.17 Memorandum of Lease ........................................................................................ 36 13.18 Approval ar Consent ............................................................................................ 37 13.19 TiLne of the Essenc� ............................................................................................. 37 13.20 Notzces .................................................................................................................37 13.21 Counterparts ...............<.....,,.......................,.,......................................_......,..........37 13.22 Capacity �a Execute ............................................................................................. 37 13.23 Incozporatio� o�Exk�bits ..................................................................................... 37 -iii.- � � TABLE 4F CONTEI�TS (contin�ed) pS�C 13.24 Titles . ................................................................................................................... 37 i3.25 Oth�r A�eements ................................................................................................ 38 13.2f Agreement Not to Grant More ra�rarable Tertxis . ............................................... 38 13.27 A�ent %r Se�rvzae. " .................•--•'••-•'••'•'...,,........................................................... J � f -1Y- Cargo Carrier �eview Draft I.1.30.20 LIST OF EXHISITS Exhibit Titk�� A Map oFthe Airport B Rules and Regulations C Form of Monthly Landing Report D �liate Operatin�, Agreernent _�,.. City Review �3rr�. fi 1' 0.2 ?.20 THIS CAR.GD C.A�t_RIER OPERATING AGREEMENT (this "Agree�n�nt") is made by and betwee�i the CIT�' O� FORT V4,�QRTH, TE�AS, a ho�e-rule city and political subdivision of t�ae State of Texas (the "City") and A�X Air, Inc. a corpQratzan axgar�ized and existing under the laws oi the State of I�elaware and authorized to do business in the State of Texas ("Airline"). VVITNES�F'TH: WHEREAS, the Ci1y, ts the awner of the Fort Worth Alliance �.irport, lacated in Tarrant �17.C� D�1��Q� CD1r21f�, T�xas {the "Airpart"); W�IEREAS, th� City has the right to lieense the use of property and f�cili�i�s c►n the Airport and has the fuil pawer and auihority to enter into thi� Agreement in respect ihereo£; '4't�HER�AS, the City has entered into an operating agreetnent, dated �s oi7anuary 1, 199� and subsequantly azn.ended with Alliance Air 5er�vices, a HilIwood Com.pany (the "Aixport �perator"), for the ma,riageanent, op�ration az�d maintenance of the Airport, WHEREAS, Airline is engaged in t�e business of transportation by air of property, mail or CH.t'�Oy �Tlt� WHEREAS, Airlina desires to obtain certain �-ights, services and privileges in caz�z�ectian with the use of the Airport and it,s facilities, and the City is willing to grant the same tc� Airline upon the terms and conditions in this Agreernent. NOW THEREFORE, for arid in consideratia� of the m�tuat covenants and agreernents her�in �ontained, the City and Airline do hereby mutually �ndertake, proznis� and agree, each for itsel:F a�d its successnrs ar�d assigns, as follows: Arti�le 1 DEFITiTITYONS AliTD E�I3IBITS 1.1 Sa,sic D�ta Each reference in this Agraeznent to any o�' the following subjects incorporates the informatiarz specified belaw: Cxty: City's Civez•ziight Delivery ar�d Street Address: City of Fort W'orth, Texas o� its d�signee. 4201 N. Main Straet, Suite 2Q0, Fart Worth, Texas 7� X 06-2736; with a�opy to Ciiy Attorney's OfFca, 2(}4 Texas Street, Fort Wvrth, TX 751 �}2. City's Posi Offiice and. l'ayment Ad�ss: 4�01 N. Main Street, Suit� 20Q, Fort Woxth, Texas 7b106-2736. Airpart Operator: Alliance Air Services C'arg� Carrier Reviesv ,�Drafi .�1.311..2D Airport Operatar's Overnight Delivery/Stre�t Ac�dress: 2221 Alliance Bivd., Suite IOQ; Fort Worth, Texas 7fi177. Airport Operator's Post Office and Payment Address: 2221 Alliance Blvd., Suate l�Q; �art Warth, Texas 76177. Airline: A8X Aix, ��c. Airline's Overnight Delivery azzd Sfreet Address: 14� Hunter Drive, Wilmington, OH 4�1'7i Agree�ent: Ef�ectzve Da�e: T1�is Cargo Qperating Agreemerlt as the same may be amended ax supplemented from time to tzme pursuant to #he terms hereof. I2:00 AM Cu��ral Dayligl�.t-Saving Time, March 1, 2021. Term: The period of tirr�e beginning on t�e Effective Date and �nding on the Expiration Date, unless earlier terminated as provided ir� this Agreement. Notwithstancling anything �et forth herein to the contrary, hoth Airline and City shall be entitled ta ternninate this Agreement at any time during the Terrn u�on thirty (30) days vvritten notic� to the ather party hereto, such �er�nination to be effectzve at the en.d of the tl�irty (30) day nntice p�riod. Expu•atinn Date: Pezx�aittad Uses: 11:59 PM Central Daylight--Saving Tizne, March 31, �{}2X. As provi�ed in Article 2. Security Deposit: As provided in �ection. �.6. 1.2 Additional Definitions. The foliowin$ words, tenns and phrases wherever used in this Ageezx�ent have the fol�owin� �neanings: Affiliate rneans a Caxgo Carrier �hai is (i) a parent or subsidiazy a£ Air�i�e or under the 5a�me parental control as Airline, (ii) other�rise o�crates under essentially the same �rade na�n.e as Airline a� the Aarport and u�es essenhally the saar�ae livexy a,s Airline; or (izi} operatr:s cargo feeder fligl�ts at the Airport u�der the direction and control of Airline. Airline shall pzovide fi1�e A,irpart Opexator with advance writte.n natice prior to designating a ne�c�v Affiliate. Airline shall provi.de the City �uvith advance written notice priaz to the cancella�on af ariy deszgnatian of an Affiliate befoare the ca�.cellatxon o�f such designation. Azz Transv�rtatzon Busiz�ess means that business a��rated by Airline at the A�izport for the cornmercial transportation by air of �roperty, x�a.ail or caxga. Airfield rneans the runways, taxiways and public parki�g apra�s at the Airport. _2_ Cargv Car�iier �evietv D�°aft .II.3D.211 Airline E�tit� rr�eans Airline's empioyees, contractors, subcontractors, agen.ts, licensees, suhlessees, Affiliates, r+endc�rs, invitees and otkze� parties under Airline's darection or control that cazne onto the Airport in connection with Airlin.e's use or occupancy of th� Airport. Air�pnrt means the realty a�d �mpravements gen�ra�l� ktiown and designatet� as #h� F�rt Waxkk� A�liance Air�aort, including a.11 real property and easezne�ts, irr�provements and appurtenances t�€ereto, stzuctures, buildings, fixtures, macl�inery, equiprnent, �vehicles, sup�lies and other tangible personal property, or intexest in any af the foregoing, naw or her�after Ieased or acquired by the City, Iess any thereaf whi�h rnay be ennsumed, sold or ot�erwise disposed of A depiction ofthe physical layout of the Airport as of t�e E�'�ecti�re Date is set forth ix� E�I�ibit A. Airport Rules and Re�,ulatinns rneans, eailectively, all applicable r�xles, procedures, requirements, star�dards and reg�la�ions currently effectiv� and h�reafter arnended, adopted ar established by the City tl�at are applieable to the Airpart, incl�ding without Iitnitation any nainimEuzm use standards and aperating standards as well a� any requireme�ts l�sted in any access permit issued �o ABX Air, Inc., al] af w�ich a.re incarparated into and made a part af thi� Agreement, as well as the rules and proc�de�res in Exhihit B; pravided tha.t such Airport Rul�s and Regulations do not conflict tivith applicable provision� of state or federal law or the px�avisions of this Agreernent and ar� enforced in a nondzscrinaiz�atory rnanner. The City shall provide at least thirty (30) days' advance v�ritten noiice af any new or amended Ai�port Ru�es arad R�gulat�ons affecting Airline. Applicable _ Laws xn��ans, collectivel.y, all applicable present a.nd futur� laws, rules, regnlations, ordinances, arders, directives, notices, federal grant assura.t�ces, limitafians, restrictions, or prohibiiions of any federa�, state or local gavernmental autharity lawfully exercising authc�rity aver the Airport or the aciivities aa�d business aperations of Airline, as they rnay be arnended �rom #ime to time, whether foreseen or u�fo�reseen, ordinary as well as ex�raordinary, including without irnpfied limita�ion those relating to {i} health, sanitation and safety; (zi) the environmcnt, including witha�t limitation. all Environmental Laws; {iii) access for persons with disabilities, inc�uding vvithout Iimitatian th� Arnc;ricans with Disabilities Act af 1990, 42 U.�.C. §§ 12101 et seq.; ar�d (iv) airport security, including vvithnut la`mitation the xegulatians af the T�A, 49 �FR Part� 1540, 1542, 1544 et seq. Car�o Carricr rrieat�.s a carrier certificated by the S�;cretary nf' the U.�. Department of Transporl:ation as a Cargo Carrier under 49 U.S.C. § 4I 103. Claiz�as naeans any and al� Iiability, darnages, losses, exp�nses, claxms, judgrnents, demands, �enalties or fines, including without limita.tioi� reasonable attorneys' fees and court costs. Consumer Price Index or CPI m�ans the Cons�e� P�ace �ndex �or All Urban Consum�rs (CPI-U), U. �. City Average, All items (adjusted 1982-84 =100) pubtished by the Hureau of Labor Statistics of the United States Dep�ent af Labo� I�aseci n� most recent year (�an�zary to .�aan.uaty), ar a cozrtparable index should tl�e Department of Labor c��se to publish that index. DHS means the Deparir�ienf aTHnrneIat�d Security, and its a�thoxxzed successor(s). FAA rneans the Federal Avia�ion Administratinn, and its auth�r��ed �uccessor(s). -3- Ca�go Cart�ier �Review Draft 11.30.�0 Fiscal Year means the annual acaounting period used fc�r ge�eral accflunting purpc�ses w�ich, at the time of entering inta this Agrecaxaent, is the pea�ad af twelv� cnns�cutive rrzonths beginning with �he first day of January oi any year. Lattdin�Fees means fees paid hy Aarline izz accoxdance wi�r �ectian 4.1. Landing Fee Rate means the rate used to caiculate Landing Fee in accordance with Section 4.1, Maxi�num Gross Landed Wei�ht rr�eans ihe �xaaxinn� �ross landing w�;ight in one #housand-pound rx�aits, at which each azrcrai� operated at the Airpori by AirIine zs certificated by the FAA. Nan-�i >�n, ato_ry Air�ine means any Cargo Carrier #hat is noi a Sig�atory Airline. �i�natory Airline mean.s ax� Cargo Carrier that �as executed an opera�ing agreemenfi witl� the City substantialty sfmiiar to this Agreerr�ent axa.d pxovides zegularly schedul�d service at the Airpnrt. TSA mear�s the Transporiatian Security Adm�st�ation, and its authorized successox(s). Additional word� and phrases used in ihis Agreement but not defined herein have th�ir usual an.d customary meax�zng. Ar�icle � U�E OF THE AIRFORT Al�TD RELATLD FACILITIE� 2.1 A�ar�ine Rigrits and Frivileges. In addition tc� all rigYzt� granted elsewhese in this Agreeme�t, Airline shall have the right to use, in caz�aman with others so auihorized by the Airpart Operatar, area.s, facilitie�, equiprnent and improvements at the Aixport �or the opera�ion of Airline's Air Transportation B�siness and a11 aativities reasanably necessary to suc�Z opearations, includ.in� b�.t not limited to: 2.1.I The lar�di�g, taking off, flying over, taxiing, and favrring of AixIine°s aircraft in areas designated by AirlaQrt Operatnr; provided, however, AirXine shall nat pern�� the use of the Airfield by any aircraft ape�ated or co�tt�olled by Airline r�vhich exceed� the design strength or capabiliiy a� the Airfield as d�scrib�d "zn �.lae tb.en-current FAA-appraved Airport Layout Plan (ALP) ar ot�er engineering evalua�c�ns perfnrmed sub�equent to the then-current ALP, including the then-current Airport Certi�`icataan N�anual, provided that such evaluatians are pro�ded to Airline upan Airiine's request. 2.1.2 T`he trainin�; af persannel ir� th� emplay af or to be ezxiployed by Airline a�a.d the testing oi aircraft ax�d ather eq�pment being utilized at the Air�ort in the aperation o� Airline's Air Transportat�on B�siness, provi�ed, howevear, saad training and testing shall be i�cidental to the use of the 1lirport in the operatinn by Airlin� ofits Air Transportation Business an�l shall noi unreasonably ham.per or interfere with tk�e use of the Airport and its facilities by others entitled to the use af same. The Airpart Operator rese�rves the right ta restrict or prohibit -4- Cargo Carrie�° Review l�raft II.3f1..�(! such training and testing operations if ifi reasonably deerns tha� such traa�aing and testuig operatians unreasonably inter�er�s with the use of the Airpart. 2.1.3 Th� servicing by Airline or its supp�zers, of aircraf� and ather equipz�nent being utilized at the Airport by Airline au�horized by fhe Airport Operatc�r in writing and at locatiflns designated by tk�e Airport Op�rator. 2.1.4 Aceess to ik�e Airpnrt from an off-airpart property, SLlU��Ct t� �Tl c�.CC�55 pez�nni� issued by the City ta ABX Air, I�c., i� applicable. 2.2 Exc�usia�s and Reservatio�s. 2.2,1 Notlaing in this Articie 2 shall be construed as autkzoxizing Airline to conduc� any business separat� and apart from the conduct aI� its Air Transpnrta�ion Business. 2.2.2 The City shall at a1I tim�s have e�cl�sive eontral �d management ofthe Airport. 2.2.3 Airline shal� nat knowingly inter�eze or knawingly permit interference wi�tl� tlie use, opera�ion or maintenance ofthe Airport, includir�g but nai limited to, the effectiveness or accessibility of the drainage, se��vera�e, water, communications, f re prt�tectian, utality, electrical, or a�her systems installed or ioca�ed from time fo time a# t�e Airport. 2.2.4 As soon as xeasflnably possible after release froxz� proper auth�riiies, Airline shall {z) �err�ove or cause to be removed any of its disabled aircraft �rorn ihe Airfieid, and (ii) piace any such disabled aircraft in Airline's nff Airport �easehald or iz� such storage areas as nnay be c�esignated by the Airport Qperator. In the event Airline fails to remove any o�its disabled aircraft as expeditxously as reasonably possibl�, A.�.rport apexator may, but shail nat be obligated to, cause the removal of such disabled aircraft; provided, howevez�, the Airport Op�rator sha11 give Airline prior �vritten notice of its inten� to do so and provided further that Aizpart Op�rator sha11 use reasanable effarts to rernc�ve such aircraft. Air�ine s�all pay ta the Ai�pori Operator, upan receipt of invoice, �h� reasonable and dacu�r�ant�d out of pocket costs act�aally incurred by the Airport C)peratar for such rerrio�ual plus turelve percent (12%}. 2.2.5 Aiuriina sk�a11 n4t dn ar perrnit to be done anytl�ing, eiEher by act ox failure to act, thaf causes the car�cellaiion ar violatian ofthe provisions, or an.y pari. thereof, of any policy O� 1t15iIi'�11C� �DT �� A1T�}Ol�, or t�at causes a haz.�dous candition so as ta incxease the risks normally attendant upoza operations permitted by tlais Agre�mea�t, provided ihat the �l.irport Operatox has previousl� provided the Aixlin.e wi1:h the insuranee po�icies. �f such Airlin� act, or failure to act, causes cancellation of any poticy, then Aixiine shall immediately, upon notificatian �y Airpo�t Operator, do whate�+er is necessary to cause reinstaiement of s�id ins�rance. Furthermore, if Airline sha11 do or per�it to be do�e any act no� perrr�itted under ihis Agreement, or fail to do any act required under fhis Agreeznent, regard�ess oi whether suc� act cons�itutes a breach ofi this Agreeanent, w�ich causes an incr�ase i� City's insurance premiums, Airline shall irnrnediately �remedy such �ctions az pay the increase in prern'rurns, upon notice fror�a the Airpart Operator tn do sn. -�- Crargo �arYieY Review .�rr�,�t 11.30.20 2.2.6 The rights and privileges granted Airline pursuant to this Article 2 shall be su�j ect to any anc� all Aarpart Rules and Regulati.ons and the other prov�isinns n��is A�reenraez�t. 2.2.7 Any and alI rights and privileges not specifi�ally granted to Airline fnr its use of and operations ai the Ai�port pursuani to tlais Agreement are hereby reserved far az�.d to the City. ,�rticic 3 OPER.�.7CI�JN A1�1D MAiI�]'T`EIiTA�TCE OF THE AIRPC?RT 3.1 Ciiy Ublig�tions. 3.1.1 The City shall, with reasanable dilig�nce and usin� adequate qualified persorin�l, prudentXy develop, improve, and a# a�l times maintaan and operat� the Airport, and �Ceep the Airpar� in good repair. 3.1.2 The City sha1l use reasonable e�forts keep the A.irport and its ae�i�1 appro�ches free from grcawnd obstxuction for the safe and proper use thereaf by Airline to the ex�nt that the City has awnership of the land contai.�i�g the ground abstxuction. 3.1.3 The Ci�,y shall maantaan. the Airport in accnrdanca wi#h FAA cearkificatian requireme�fs and main#ain adequate rescue and fir�fi�hting equipxnent a.�d perso�nel to mset such FAA certification requirements which naeet or exceed �the activity level of Airline's aircr�ft using the Airport. 3.1.4 The Aixport shall be iully operationa124 hours per day, 365 days per year (366 days per year during leap years), unless Air�ine agrees in writing ta a reduced operating schedule. 3.1.5 S�bjec# fo 3.1.6, �he City shall nat rest�rict Airline's night operations, s�t�ject to Applicable Laws. 3.1.6 At �e reasonabie request of the C�iy or Ai�port Operator, Airlizie shall wazk with City to alter the #light path c�f an approach or depari:ure of its aircraft �a address loca.l noise concezns. 3.1.� The Ci#y shall not be liable to Airlizxe �or temporary fai�ure to fiirnisn all or any a�,such services to be provided i�n acaordance with this Agreeznent when due to mechanical breakdawn or any other ca�zse beyond the reasonable control aithe Ci�y. Arficle 4 lFl��� AND CHARGES 4.1 Y.anding Fees. 4.1.1 �1irline shall pay Landing Fees for its use of the Airfield based on the Ma�cim� C�'oss Lazaded Weight of Airline's aircraft ]a.�.ding at fihe Airpart multiplied by th� Land- ing �ee Rate. -6- Carga Carrief° Review .Uraft 1Y.30 2� 4,1.2 The Landing Fee Rate £ax the first Agreernent Year, April 1, 2021 through March 31, 2022, is $�.65. 4.1.3 For each subsequent Agreement Year, the Landing �'ee Rate fnr that Agreemant Year sha11 Ue adjusted hy multiplying the Larxding Fee Raie for the prior Agreea�x�.ent Year by th� percenta�e change zn the CP� for previous calendar year. Far example, th� Landin� Fee itate for the second Agreement Year (Apzil 1, 2022 tt�raugh March 31, ZOZ3) is calculated by multiplying the priox Agreement Year Landing F�e Rate of $I.65 by the percentage cl�ange in the C�'� batween January �, 2021 arid January 1, 2022. 4.1.4 No later than March 1 of each year, the Airport Operator shall provide written notice to each Signatary A�rl�ne of the neari Agreement Yeax Lazading �ee Rate, to be ef- fective April 1 af that year. 4.1.5 Any Airline canducting cargo operatio�s at the Airport wiihout entering inta a separate Carga Carrier Agreexnez�i sueh as this Agree�nent with the City ,sha11 pa.y a"Non- Signatory Landing Fee Rate" which �will b� at Ieast o�xe hund.red and twenty percent (120%) of the La�ding Fe� Rate calculated u�der this Section 4.1 of�his Agraez�aent. 4.2 Special Ch�rges. The City may also charge Airline for and Airline agrees to pay within thirty (30) days af�er �reeeipt of an invoice frorxa the City or Airport Operator: 4.2.1 Parking on #he public ra�a.p. The parking fee an the Effective Date will be included in f�he Ciiy'S ,Sehedule of Rates and Charges whic�Z rr�ay be revised annually by #he Czty, 4.2.2 Special Iicenses and special permits for ac�ivities and �xses of the Airport that a�re z�ot covered by this Agreement that are requesfied by Airline; 4.2.3 �pecial servic�s rcquested by Aixline; 4.�.4 Costs for raz�oving disabl�d aircraft as specif ed in Section 2.2.4; 9�.2.5 Reasonable, documented, aut of pocket cosis and e�enses achaallq incurred by ar on beha.If of �e City or Airport Operator plus iwelve percent (12%) (after the giving of xzotice and the expiration of any applicable cure periads as �rovided in Section 9.1 nf this Agreement) ta remove litter, debris, refuse, petroleum products (incl�ding oil and grease} that xesult from the aciivities of Airiine or rts Affiliat�s, employ�ss, agents or �uppliers at the Airpori; and 4.2.G Any ofiher reasanable, docurnented, out af p�cket casts and expenses, plus twelve percenf (22%), incuzxed by or on b�half of the City or Airpart Op�rator as a result oi' any failure by Airline or its A�f'iliates to perfor�a. their duties and obligations under #�is �lgreernent or tlie A�liate Operating Agreement (after the giving of notice �nd th� expiration af any applicable cure periods as provided in Sec�ion 9.1 af t�is Agreement). -7- Cargo Carrier Review Drafi 11.3D.a0 4,3 Use Contingen� Upon Faym�e�t. The �rant o:� ihe right, Iicenses, faciiities, services and privileges ta Airiine under this Agreeznent shall, in each case, be subject to the payment o�the Landing Fees. 4.4 Payment. 4.4.1 On c�r before the 5�' day oi each moni:h, Airiine shail submit tn the Airpart Operatar a"Monthly Lan�ing Report" in the form of Exhibit C repnrting its Ianding activity for the prior rnonth. The Ai�ort Operator shall have th� right ta reiy on t�e Manthly Lar�ding Report in deterrnining Landing Fees due from Airline under this Agreement; provided, however,llirline sha11 hav� full responsibility far the accuracy af the report. �.4.2 A�rline sha11 pay, without invoice fram the Airport Operator, nn or before the 5�' day of each manth the Landing �ees fox the przox rz�onth ir� an amount equal ko the Landing Fee Rate rnultiplied by the Airline's Maximum Gross Laz�ding Weight �nr ail aircraft lanc€ing at the Airport duxing �tie prior rr�nnth, as rsporked. in the Monthly Landing Report. 4.4.3 All payments d�e and payable �Zereunder shall �ae �aid in lawful money af the United �tat�s a��lxnerica, without set aff, by electrortic tr�an:sfer as follaws: Account Name: Account Number: ABA Rauting (WIRE): A.BA Rauting �ACH): Bank N�ne: Branch A.ddress: Remitfiar�ee Emai�: Alliance Aviation Mana�ement, Ltd. 488020289876 Q26Q09593 � � �000a�s Bank af Anneriaa Dallas, TX 75202 .,_ ..,�.1. ; and ' .11 r �ci ` 4.4.4 The City rnay impa�e a delinquen�y charge an. al1 �verd�e payrner�ts at a rate that is �.e greater of either a 10% interest rate or the current Wall 5treet Jourraal Prime Rate p�,�� ��� ���C��t t1�ro>. 4.5 �ched�les and Audif Upc�n execution of this Agreement, Airr�izae sha�l provid� the Airport �peraior with its schedule oiaircraft operations forAirline and its Af'filiates {"Sch�du.te")_ Airline shal� p�ovic�e the Airport Opera�ar with an updated Schedule any time tl�ere is a change to the scheduled Qpera�ions oiAixline ar its Af�'zliates �:at would affect the assesszn�nt of Landing Fees. Airline shall mai�tain separate aaad accurate daily re�ords o� Aiz'line's operatians at tl�e Airpvrt far a period of three (3} years a�tex the close oieach Agreement Year thro�ghout the Tern�. This record-keeping abl�gation shall survive the expiratian or earlicr termination af this Agre�ment. AIl such books and records �hali be kept in accorda.nce witk� generally accepted accounting principles, consistently applied, showing in detazl �li business done or transacted in, on, about, frorn nr pertaining to the Airpart, �d shall be sufficient to permit the City to calculate and verify the Landir�g Fees and other fees and charges due under this Agreement. Upon the City's or Airport Operator's written requ�st, AirIine s�all malce ava��dble at tYie Airpozi: i:o the Ciiy c�r Airport Op�ratar or �ieir auditc�rs a.ny and -8- Cargo Cat��ie� l�evie�v Draft 11.30.�0 alI books, records and accounts pertaining to the calculation nf the Lar�ding �ees and other fees and charges due under this Agreement. In the event City, Airport Operatar or their auditor{s) demonstrates an underpayment of c�mulative fees and charges of two percent {2°/a} ar rriare far i�te p�'evious three (3) years, Airline shall pay io Ci.fy or Airpo�-t Operatar the cost of any review or audit. 4.6 �ecurity De�osit. 4.6.1 Posting af Secur�ity Depo�rit. On or b�foxe the Effecn�� Daie, Airline s�all provi.de to tka.e Czty a Security D�posit in an ainount ec�txal to the estimate af three (3) manths' Landing Fees and in the farrr� required under Section 4.6,3. As of the Effeetive Date, the Securify Deposit is 220,000 Dollars ($}. The Security Deposi� sha11 be held by the City and used to re�nedy Airlirze's defaults in tk�e payrnent af Landing Fees a�d other fe�s and chaxges due und�r ihis Agreement �r r�r�ich otherwise arise as a result of Airline's operations at the Airpart. 4.6.2 Increases to the Securaty Deposit. The City m.ay increa�e the arnount of the Security Deposit required under Section 4.6.1 during the Terrn if a�d when Airline changes its operating schedule in a manner that increases ih� estimat� of thzee (3) znanfihs' Lat�ding Fees that forrn�d the baszs for the Seeurity Deposit then in effect by rrfore tl�an ten percent (10°/a). Any suc� increase in the �ecurity Deposit shall be limited to the then current estimate of t�ree (3) xz�onths' LandSn� �'ees. In the event of an increase, Airline sirall comply wi�th the new Security Deposit requirement within thirty (30) days of receipt of w�tten notice by the City. 4.6.3 Standby Letter af Credit Reguirernents. The SecuriTy Deposit shall be in the fanrr� af an irrevacable s#andby letter of credit drawn on a bank havzng either a branch in Tarrazrt CouuYty or a bank that alIows the Letter of Credit to be presented by facsirnile. The bank is required to have a long-term, letter af cxedit z�ating and bank deposit rating from two (2j af the three (3) rating agencies of at least A2/A/A by Maody's Inve�tor Se�zces, Standard & Poor's and Fitch Ratings, respec�ively. The le�ter of crec�it shall be in a farm ap�roved by t�e City. 4.6.4 �uty to Maintaan Seexerity �eposit - Defc��lt. Airline shall maintain the required Secwrity Deposif co�tinuously thz�oughaut the Terrn. Failure to do so shall }�e deemed a default and shall be grounds, at City's discretion, upon ten (1Q) days' vvritten notice �,u�l�ss the default is cured, for irnmedia�e tez�z�r�ination oithis Agreement. �.6.5 Duty to Rebate. The �ecurzty Depasit or the remai�aing portion thercaf fol- �owing any dxaws on the let�ex of credit by City shall be rebated, released, assign�d, surrendered, or endarsed to Airline, as applieab�e, no later than nin�ty (9�) days after lhe later af (1) tertnination aifihis Agreement; (2) issuance af a close-out audit by the City or Ai�port �perator; or {3) payment o�' a11 outs�tgnding amouiats owed the City utider #his Agree�xzent. A�-t�cle � AFI�'ILIAT]ES 5.1 Aarline's Desi�nafiou af Af�liates. Subject tn the provisions ot'this Article 5, Aix�ine may designat� one ox more Af�'iliates ta operate at the Airpori. �n the event Airtine designa�es an Aff'zliate, the �all.awing �ro�isions apply to 1lirline and its �liates: � Car�o Carrier I�eview Draft 11.30.20 5.1.1 Airline's c�esignatian af an Aff�liate s�all nof be effi'ectiv� until Ai�line has ftrst (a} notifed the Aizport Opexa�or in wnting that t�irl�ne infends to �eszgx�ate the Affilaate; (b) ensi�r�d tl�at the Aff iiate has entered into an Affiliate {�p�ra�in� Agreert�ent with ihe Ciiy in substa.r�.tially t�e same farm as that attach�d as Exhibit D; and (c) cc�nfirmed for the Airport Operatar i� writing that .Airli�e wzll pay ta the City all o�' t�e Affiliafe's Landing Fees an�i ather fees and charges d�e to �he City on account o� the Affiliate's use of any Airport facilities as an Affili�.te �fAirline, as gravided in Sectip�. 5.1.2. Airline's d�signation of an A�liate zs sub,ject ta the Ciry's approval, which shal� not be unreasonably wrt�held. 5.1.2 Airline si�a�l pay to City all Landing �ees and ather �ees and charges due �.rrid�r �is Agreement due to City on account of the A�liate's use nf any Airpari facilities, and shall subrnit to City all reparts detailing each Affiliate's �se of any Airport faoYlities or services as an Affiliate of .�lirline in accordance with Seetion 4.4; provid�ei, however, t�aat both Airline and t�e Aifiii�.te shall rernain jointly and severally liable to City �ar the paymenf a� al� Laanding Fees and other fees azad charges, and the submission of all reports, that are due �o City on account of the �liate's use of any Airport facilzties or services as an Affiliate ofAirline. 5.2 Applicability of Agreement �o Af�aliates. For so lang as Airline and its Affiliates have complied with the pay�aent a�:d reparting obligations undcr Article 4, then each �ffil�ate shall have the samc rights as Airline with respect to its use of the .4irport. 5.3 Term.i�aatipn af �tatus of Affiliate. A Carga Carrier's status as Affiliate of Airline may b� terminatad by Airlina upon not lass than thirry (.3Q) days' written nntic� to City. Aizline's ixabi�ity ta City �'ar the payrnent of a11 Landing Fees and Qther fees and cha.irges due under this A�reement, a�d ihe subnn.issioii of all activiiy reports, that are due to City an account of the use of Airport faciliiies ar services by Airline's A�f liates shall survive any iertninaiion of Affiliate status; provided, howevcr, that Air�ine shall anl� be responsible for such pay�nents and repn�ts reiated to the terz�anated Affiiiate's operations before ifs proper termination by Airlin.e taok effect. Ar�icle 6 INDEMNIFICATIQl�I' AND IN�IJRANCE 6.1 Indemni�cation. 6_1.1 Except for Glaims for envixon.�menta� znatters (which are the subject of the inciemnificatio� obligation under Artic�e 11), Airline sha11, t� the fullest extent permit��d �y lava, defend, indemnify and hald harznless ths Crty ara.d the Airport Qperator and their boards, o�'fcexs, off'�cials, directors, employees, valunteers and agents (each and "Indemnified Party") �om and against (i) Cl�im.s arasing directiy or indirectly froan any act ox oanission (including without limi�tatio� express negligence} of Airli�e or Airline Entity or nu� af the obligations underta�Cen in ca�vnect�oz� with ar the perforrnance of' this Agreezz�ent, or (ii) �'or Claims based upon Aixline's atleged breach of any statutory duty ar obla"gation or Airtine's duty under cantracts with third parties, or (iii) Claims arising from aiay use of the Airport by Airline or �-lirline Entities excent, ta �he e�tant ihase Claims arise out of the negligence or wilIful misconduct af the City or A�rport Operator. The o�hligation� �n th�s Article shall �.pply for 1he entire time that any tl�ixd party can ..� 0_ Carga Carrier dteview Dr�a�t II.30.?0 legally rnake a ciaim against or sue the City or Airpart Operator for liabilities arising out of Air]ine's �ase, occupa.�cy, or operatinn of the Airport. b.1.2 Except for claims for environmental matters (which are the subject of the indemnifica�ian obligations i�nder Article 11 }, Airline shall release, defen�., ir�demnify, and hold each Indernnified Pariy caz�pletely harmless fram and �ainst a�ny �laims arising fior� or based upon the actual or alleged violation by .E1.irline or aa�t Ai�•li�e Entify, of a.r�y Applicable Laws, A.irport Ru.les and Regulations or any license, certi�ca�e, permit or oiher antha�ization issued under any af �he af'aresaid, in con�ection w�ith Axz�line's canduct nf its air tr�.nspc�r�atinn business on or at the Ai�port or us� or occupancy of the Airpart. 6.1.3 [f the City is alleg�d to be in non-cornpliance with Applicab�e Laws governing access ta seeure areas of the Airport and sai.d nan-compliance is the r�sul� o� ar due ta the negligence or willful act ar amission ofAirline or an Airline Entity, an.d such breach of a secure area results in a civzl penaIty ar at�ex action against the City, Ai�line agrecs to r�imburse the City far al� e�enses, including reasanable attorx�eys' fees, inc�zz7red hy the Gity in de�ending aga%nst the civil penalty action or other action, and %r any ni�il penalty or settlement arriount paid by the City as a result of being deerned in non-cvz�p�iance as aforesaid. The City shall give Airiine reasonable notice of any allegation, investiga�ion, ar propased or actual ci.vil penalty rar other action sought for such non-compliance. 6.1.4 If any action ar proceeding is brought against the City by r�asan of any Claim that rnay be subjeGt t�a Airline's inde�nnification obligation� conta�aned 7in this Sectian 6.1, AirIine, upon reasonable notzce frazn the City, s�all resist or defend such claim, suit, demand, a.cfiion, liability, Ioss, damage, jud�nent, fine, ar penalty vvit� counsel reasonably acceptable to the City, a.nd t�ze City shall t�e reasonable actions to mitigate its damages. 6.1.5 The foregoi�g express obligation o� indernnification shall not be construed ta �egate or abridge any o�her obligation of indez��nification aru�u�ing to the Ci1y or an Indemnif ed Parry that wouJ.d e�ist at camman Iaw nr under nther provisions of tlYis Agree�zent, and the e�tent a� the nbligation of indemnification shall not be limited by any provision of insurance undertaken in accardance with this Agraement. The City shall give Airiir�e written natice of any Claims threatened oz- zaaade or any suit insiituted agair�st it that could result in a claitn af indemnifieation hereunder. 6.1.6 Notwithstanding any�ing to the co��trary set �arth in this Agre�ment, neith�r party nor any of its zx�ennbers, directors, officers, agenfs, represen�tives or employees shall be liable to the o#h�r party for any lo�s af business ox axa.y �ndirect, incidental, special ar consequen.tzal damages or lost profifis arising out of or relating to this Agreex�.ent ax auch party's �er%rmance or r�an-perCormar�ce �exeunder; provided, however, that this Seciion 6.1.6 shall nat apply to third-part3' claizns fbr bodily injury, wxongful death or pxop�rty damage arising aut o� or relating to this Agreement. 6.1.7 The i�demni�ication and orlYer obliga�ions under this Section 6.1 shall si�rvive the expiration ar earlier termination of tlxis Ag�reement. -11- Ca�ga Car�ier Review Draft II.30.�0 6.2 Insurance. During �.a Terrn and any extension th�reof, Airline shail, at its sole cnst and expense, obtain and ma.intain in full £orce and ef�'ect, and prompt�y pay a1l premiums, when due, for tkae Follawing types of insurance in the amounts specified axzd in the form herein provided: 6.2.1 General Liability Insurance/Aviatian Liability. Airline sha11 rnainta.in aviation l�ability insurance, including general Iiability insurance, in amounts not less t1�an a Combined Single Lirrfit of $500,004,OOU any one occurrence and in the aggregaie where appli�able far bodily injwry (including death) to passengers and third parties and Property Damage. Coverage sha.[1 include but not be limited to Airport operat�ons; blanket contractual �iabili#y; persanal injury, vvhich coverage sha11 be $10,000,000; products and c�mpleted operations; aircraft nar�-own�d �iability; liability for vehicles on the Yestricted aecess areas of the Airc�eaft Operations Ar$a {AOA) including baggage tugs, a'rrcraft pushback tugs, provisio�.ing trucks, air stair trucka, belt loaders and gro�d ha�gar keeper's liability. Expiosion, callapse �.d underground properly da3nage liabilxty cov�rage's shall not be e�cluded frnrn such insurar�ce caverage. The City and Airport Operator shall be naz�aed as additional insured. 6.2.2 Autornobile Liabi�itv Insurance. Airl�ne shall maintain corn�ercial automobile liabi�ity insurance, vt+ith a lir�it of not less than $10,000,000 each accident. Such insurance shall cover liabiiity arising out �f any auto (including owned, hired, and non-ownecl autos). The City and Airport Qperator sha11 be named as additional ins�.r�d. 6.2.3 Workers Compensation. Airline sha�l r�aintaan statutory wnrkers compensation and er�ploy�rs liabiliiy insurance. The liability employer's limits for such poIicy shall not be less than $1,000,00� each aceident for bodily injuzy by accident nr $SOO,ODO each employee for bodily inju�y by disease. 6.2.4� Contractars Insurance. Any contractor, canshuction maria.ger nr ather party engaged by Aixline or subcantra�ctor or ather party er�gaged by a cantractor, canstruetion nnanager ar of,her party that is engaged by Airline, in either case, ta per£az� any consfructian, renovatinns or repa.zxs at ihe Airport shall obtain. and znaintain in fiill force and effect durir�g a�y construction p�riod: (a) A commercial general liabiliiy i.n.surance policy in minimum Iirn.its, unless at�ier�vise specified, of $1,000,00� per occurrence for badily injury and $1,000,000 per occurrer�ce iar praperty damage including a$2,OQ0,00� gen�ral aggregate. (b) An automobile liability insurance paiicy cove�ing owzied, non- nw�.ed and lvred vehicles of least $504,000 per a cambined single linnit. -12- Ca�ga Crxrrier.l�evBew Dra.f't 11.3D.2� (c) A warker's coxnpensation policy affoxcling statutor3r cnv�rage �.nd containin� statutory li�its and employer's liability insurance at limi�s of $SOO,OQO per accidezxt/$SOO,d00 each employee/$SUO,OQO polricy l�xr�ii. (d) Professional liability ins�'ance shaIl be maintaaned when arFy arahitect, engine�r or any ather professional service }�erfonns, directly ar indirectly, vvorl� for or on behalf of Airline at Airport or invniving Airline's aperations with a�1,Op0,�00 policy li�nit. (e) Additinnal Coverage: (i} Excess ! Umbxella Liabiliiy (as applicable) (ii) Witl�in Aircraf� Operations Area $10 M (iii) Secure/Sterile Side Op�ratians (autside AOA) $5 M Coverage rnusi apply in excess af aIl required prirnary liability insurance, and zt�tust be at least as broad as ihe underlying liability insurance. The City a.�.d Airpart Operator shall be named as additional insured. 6.3 Forms of Inst�r��nce Coverage. b.3.1 Znsura�ce xequirements and limit� of coverage under this Agreernent may be amended bq the �ify as a result of increasad risk, nature of work perfox�.ed, Iosses s�stained, and/or City policy, ind�stry and stai�xtory chariges. fi.3.2 All policies sh�ll be written �y insurance caznpanies reasonably acceptable to the City. 6.3.3 All pnlicies, except for warl�ers compensation coverage and pra£essional liahility coverage, shall desigzzate the below rnention�d parties as "Additional Insured," either by a"blanket additional insured" endorsement, ar by specific endorsemen�. "The City of Fort �North, Te�as and Alliance Air Sen�ces, Inc. and their respective elected officials, boards, officers, employe�s, agents and repxesentatives." 6.3.4 All policies shall waive the insurer's ri.ght of subroga#ion against said parties. 6.3.5 All policies muat be primary with respect ta coverage provided far the City and the ather Additianal Insureds, 6.3.6 A11 palicies rnust be non-cox�tributory with other covera�;e ar self insurance available ta the City and ihe ot�er Additional Insurecls. 6.3.7 All af Airline"s insurance policies shall contain a provision that written notice sha11 be given to the City and Airport Operator at least thirty (3 D) days prior to cancellatian, -13- Cargo CarYrer Revaew Draft 11.30 20 except ten �10) days fox• z�on-payrnent of premium_ In the event that Airline is nntified thai an insnrer intends to ter�ninate or non-renew a palicy or reduce cove�-age below the requ�rements in this Agreement, flirline shall arrarage alternate co�erage acceptable to �Yie City to camply with City req�irernents and cause replacemeni coverage data to be abiained. b.3.8 Approval, disapprot�al or fa.ilurc; to act by the City regarding any insuranc� obtained by Airline shall not relieve the Airline o:f fi�JJ �responsibility or liabiliiy fnr damages and acciden�s as set forth hercin. Neither shail the bankruptcy, insolvency ar c�enial oi Iiability by fihe insi,�rance company exonerate Airliaae frazzz liability. Article �' Ca►MPLIANCE W�TH LAWS 7.1 Genc�aI Laws. Airline s�all conaply with all Applicable Laws. 7.2 Airpart Rules and Re�xrlations I'he use by 1�irline of the areas az�d facilitxes �escri3�ed her�in and the rights and pz-ivzleges grax�ted Airline pursuant to ti�is Agreement shall a# a.11 tiza�es be subject fio the Airport Rules and Reguiations. Aixiiane cove�ants and agrees that it rnrill not vioiate or pez7mit any Airline Entity to violafe any such Airport Rules azxd Regulatians. T�e City may pr�scribe civil penalties aun.d i�junctive rernedies for violatians thereof, and the sarr�e may be applied to Airline �ar violatians by Airline or an.y Airline Entity_ Airline rnay cnntest in gaod faith any Applicab�e Laws, federal, State dr Inc�,i code, iaw, regulatian, oxdinance or rule, Airport Ru1es and Regulations or any other rule ar regulation af the Ciiy without being cansidered in bzeach a�this Agreement so lang as such contest is diligently co�enceei and prosecuted by Airline. The City shall provide at Ieast thirty (30) days' advance written natice of a�y new ar amended Airport Rules and Regula�ion� affec�ing Airline. 7.3 Licen.ses, Certifieates and Authorizations. AirIine shall obtain, at Airline's sole expense, all licenses, cer�if cat�s, pertnits and ather auihorization� that are now or her�af�er required �ay 1�pplicab�e Laws or �he Airport Rules and Regulations ;�or Aixline's operations at tl�e Airport a�d Air�ine's exercise oi any rights under this Agreement. 7.4 Wsg�e Hour Laws. Airline shall comply wiih all applicable Federal, state and lacal wage a�d hour iaws. Article S C�VIL RiGHTS AND AFFIRMAT�VE ACTION S.l General Civil Ri�hts Provisions. Airline agrees to coxnply with pertinent staiutes, E7C�CiX�I'V� OYC��I'S �3.TiL� SUCYI T1.1��5 �5 �x� pramuIgated ta ensur� that no per�on shall, or� the grotu�ds af race, creed, coIor, national nrigm, se�, age, or disability bs excluded from pariicipat�n� in any activity conducted with ar benefiting -14- Cargo C'arrier Review D�aft .�.1,311.2(I from Federal assistanee. If Airline transfers its abligatian, the t�ansferce is abligated in the same manner as Aiarizne. This provision ohligatcs Airline for the peripd durin� which the properiy is owned, used nr possessed by Airline ar�d the Airpnrt r��ains obligated to the Federal Aviatian Adrr�inistration. This pro�vision is iz� additio� to that required by Tit1e VI of the Civil Rights Act ai 1964. 8.2 Campiiance wvi�h l�ondiscrizuinatiou Requirements. During the performance oftl�is Agreement, Airline, fox ziself, it� assignees, and successors in inierest (hereinaf�er referred to as "Air�iz�e") agrees as fc�ilows. $.2,1 Compli�xce �rith Re�;ulations: Airline (l�ereinafter i�cludes consultants} wiIl comp�y vvitli the Tit�e VI I,ist of Pertinent Nonc�iscriminaiion Acts and Authorities, as they may be arnended frorr� time ta time, w�ch a�re �erein incorporated by reference and made a part of this Agreen:�:e�f. 8.2.2 Nandiscrinaination: Airiine, with regard ta the wark perforn�ed by it during the Ag�eement, will not discrimiriate on the grounds af race, colc�r, or national origin in the se�.�ction and retention of subcontractors, including proeurements of materia�s and leases o� equipment. Airline wi11 not participate dixectly ar indirectl� in the discrirrzination prol�ibrted by tl�e Nondiscrimination Acts and Aufhorities, incl�ading err�ployment prractices wh�n the Agreement cov�rs any activity, pxaj ect, or pxogra� set �'orth in Appendix I3 of 49 CFR part 2 i. 8.2.3 Solicitations for Subcontxacts. I�cludin�; Proc�rements of Material.s a.n.d Equipznen.t: In all solicitafions, eith�r by competitive bidding, or negatiation made by Airline for work to be perfnrmed urFder a subca�fra�t, including pr4curaments of xnaterials, or leases of equiprr�ent, each potential s�bcontractor or suppliex wzll be npti�i�d by Airline of Airline's abligations undez this Agreement �d the Nnnciiscriminatian Acts and Authorities on the graunds �f race, color, or national a�gin. 8.2.4 Infnrmatian and Reports: Airline wi11 provide all information and repo�ts required by Lhe Acts, the Regulations, and directives issued pursua�n.t tl�exetc� and will p�rmit access to its boaks, recc�rds, accounts, other sou�rces o�information, and its facilities as �ay be determine�l by the C��Ey ax the Federal Aviation Adrr�inistraiion io be pertinent tn ascertain compliance w�ith. such Nondiscriminatian Acts and Aut�orities at�d instructions. VVhere axay inforrnation req�tieed of Aa_rline is in the exclusive p�ssessi.on of another who fails ar refi.ises to furnish the info�ation, Airline wil� so certiiy to the City or �lie Fcd�ral A�ia�ion Ad.�znxstration, as appropriate, and will set forth what effbrts it has znade tn obia�n the information. 8.2.5 Sanctians for Nancana. liance: In �� event af Airli�e's z�o�complianee with the a�ondiscriminatio� provisions oi'this coa�t�act, th� Ci�[y will impose such cnntract �anctions as it or th� Feder�l Aviation Adtx�inistration may deterrriine �o be appropriate, ir�cluding, but �oi li�ited to: {a) Wit�holding payments io Airline urzder the Agreernent uz��:zl Airline complies; antUor _��_ Cargn Carrie� Review �Dr�eft 11.30.�f! {b) CancelIing, terminati�g, or suspending the Agree�ent, in whole or in part. 8.2.6 In�orporation of �rov_isio�s: Airtine will �nclude tlie provisions of paragraphs 8.2.1 through 8.2.0 in every suheoniract, inclndi�g pxacuremenis of z�a.aterials and �eases of equipment, �less exempt by the Acts, th� IZeguiations and directives issued pur�uan.t thereto. Airline will take action with respect ta any ,subcontract or praeure�nent as the sponsor or the Federal Aviatian Adrninistration may direct as a m�ans of en#'arcing such provisions includin� sanctions for noncompiiane�. Provided, that i� Airline becomes invol�red in, ox is threatcned �ith litigation by a subcontraciar, or supplier because of such directian, Airline �nay request the City to entex into any litigaiian tQ prolect the interests of the Gity. Tn ad.dition, Airline anay req►zest the United Siates ta enter into the litigation to protect the interests of the United State�. S.3 Title VI Claus�s �or Transfer of �keai Property .A.cquired nr Improved �Jnder the �Airport Im�rovcmen# Prograz�n. 8.3.1 A,irlx�e, �'or himselfiherself, hislher heirs, persnnal representatives, successors in interest, and assigns, as a part of the consideratian hereof, does hereby cavenarxt and agree as a cavenazat r�ning with the Iand that: (a) In fi�e event facilities are canstxucled, maintainec�, or othexwise opera#ed on th� property described i� t�his Agreement for a purpose for which a rederal Aviation Adzr�inistration activity, fa�ility, or pxogr��cn is extended or far ataother purpose az�valving the provision a� similar services or benefits, Airline wiil maintain and operate such. faci�ities and services in compliance wi�h all requirements impased by t�e Nonciiscrimination Acts and Regulations listed in the Pertinent List of Nandiscri�nination Authorities (as may be amended) such tl�at no pexsan on the grounds of raee, color, oz nationai ari�in, vv�ll �e e�cc�uded from parti�ipation in, denied the benefits of, ar i�e othezwise subjected ta discrimination in the use o� said facilrties. $3.2 �ith respect ta this Agrc�me�t, in the event af breach of any oI'the above Nondiscrimin.ation covenants, tl�e Ci� wilt have the right to terminate �.€�is Agreement and to enter, re-enter, and repossess saad lands and �acilities thereon, and hold �e same as if this Agreerr�ent had never been m�cie or issued. 8.4 Clauses for Construciinn/i7se/Acce�� to Real Property ricyuircd iJnder the Activiiy, Faci�ity or Progr�m. 8_4.1 Airlina, far hi�self/herself, his/her heirs, personai representa.tives, successors in inf.erest, aud assigns, as a part of the co�sidexation. hereof, does he�eby covenant and agree, as a co�enar�t rur�nzng wi�th the Iarid, that (1) na person on the ground �f race, color, or national origin, will be excluded fram parkiaipatifln in, denied the bcnefits of, or be otherwise sub�ected to C�15CSlS�lI7�t1Qt1 ill the use af said facilities, (2) that in th� constar�ictian of any improvements on, over, ar undex such land, and the furni�hing of services therenn, no person on the ground af race, c�lnr, or nationa.l axigin, wilt be excluded from participation ir�, denied the benef�ts o�, cir otherwise be subjected to c�iscri:cninatian, (3) that Airline t�vi11 use tk�e premises in -16- Ca�go Car�ier Review Drufi 11.3� 20 coznpZiaza.ce witn all other requirerr�ents imposed by or pursuant to the List of Nondisarimination Acts and Aufihorit�es. 8.4.2 With respcct to this Agreement, in the �veni of breach a� any of the above nondi�crimination cavenants, the City vrrill have the right to terzzainate the lease and ta entex ax re- enter and repossess sa�id land. and the fa�ilities thereon, and hold the same as i f this Agreement had never been znade or issued. 8.5 Tztle V[ List off Pertinent l�Tondiscri�nination Acts an�d Authori#ies. 8.5.1 D�ring the perfoxrz�a�.ce oi this Agreernent, Airline, �or itseIf, its assignaes, and �uccessors in inter�st (hereinafter referred to as the "Airline") agree� to comply with ihe %llawing nondiscriminatian sta�ztes and authorities; including but not limited to: (a) Titte VI of the Civil Rights Ac# of 1964 {42 USC § 2QQOd et seq., 7$ �tat. 252) {prohibits discximination an the basis of race, color, national origin}; (b) 49 C�'R part 21 (Nan-discrimination in Fe�.exally-assisted programs of the Depar�ment nf Transportai�on—Effectuation of Ti�Ie VI of tke Civil Rights Act of 1964); (c) The Unifaz� Reiocation Assistance and Rea.l Property' Acquisition Policies Act of 1470, (42 USC § 4601) {prohibits unfair treatmeni of persons rlisplaced or whose property k�as beez� acquired becarxse af Federal ar Federal-aid programs and prajacts); (d) Section 504 o�C the Rehahilitatian Act of 1973 (29 USC � 794 et seq,), as amended (prohi.bits discriminatic�n an the basis of disal�iIity); and 49 CFR part 27; (e) The Ag� Diserimination Act of 1975, as atxlended (42 USC § 6101 et seq.) (prahibits discrirninatinn on the basis of age); (� Airport and Airway Improvement Act of 1982 (49 USC § 471, Section 47123), as amended (prohibits discrimination �ased on race, ereed, calor, natior�a.l nrigin, or sex); (g) The Civil Rights Restoration Act o� 1987 (PL 100-209) {brc�adened the scope, coverage and applicability of Title V� of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Age Diserim�ix�atio� Act of �975 and �ection SO4 of t�e R.ehabilitation Act of 1973, by expazading the definition of ihe terms "progxa.ms vr activiti�s" to include all of the programs nr act�vities o� the Federai-aid recipie�t�, sub-recipiex�ts a�d contractar�, whe�her such prograrns or activities are Federally funded or not); (h) Titles iT and III nf the Arncricans with �isab�lities Act of 1990, whi.ch prahibit discrimi�ation on the �asis of d'zsabi�ity in the operatian af public entities, public and private #�ra�nspoz-tation systerris, places of public accorx�modatiQn, and certain testing eixtities (42 USC §§ 12131 — 12189� as innp�err�e��ed by U.S. Department of Transportation regulations at �4 C�'R parts 37 and 38; -17- Curgo Carrier Review Draft I1.3lI.20 (i) The rederal A�ri�tiqn Administration's Nondiscrimination siatut� (49 USC § 471Z3} (prohihits discrimination on the basis of race, calar, nat€onal arigin, and sex}, (j) Executiva Drder 12898, F�deral Actions to Address Enviranmental7ustice in Minarity Populations and Low Income Populations, which ensures nondiscz-izninatian against rninoriiy populations by discouxaging programs, pnlicias, ar�d activities vv�th d�sprapnrtianately �uig� a�d adverse h�.un�n healih ar envixonmental ��fects on minori�ty and �ow-incame pop�zlations; (k) E�cecutive O�der 1� 166, Iarxz�arovin� Access to �ervices for Persons with Lirnited �x�glish Proficiency, and resniting ag�;ncy guidance, nationai origin discriz�ainataon includes discrimination because oi limited English proficiency (LEP). To ensure compliance with Titls VI, you must ta1�e reaso�.able steps to ensure #hat LEl' persons k�ave rnearaing�ul access fia yo�r programs {70 �ed. R�g. at '14Q$7 to 74100); (1) Title ZX o� t�e Education Azxxe�dxzaents of 1472, as amended, which prohibits ynu fram discrimina�ng because of sex in educaiion programs or activi#ies (20 U5C 1581 et sec�). 8.b �ubordination to Agreements with #he United �ta#es. This Agreement is subject and subordinate to the prov�sions ofany agreement hereto�oxe or hereafter made between the �ity an.d �he United States, including without limitation the tertns of any "�pansor's Grant Assurances" or like agreement, the execution of whiah is required to enable or permit fihe kransfer of rights or property fo the City for aiYport purposes, or the expenditure of federal grant funds for Aizport ixriprovement, maintenance or deve�o�ment. Airline shall xeasonably �.bide hy the req�iremer�ts af agreements entexed into between the City and the United States, and shall consent ta amendments and madificatinns nf this Agreernent if required by such agreem�nts or if required as a condatzoz� Q�the City's entzy into such agreements. $.7 No Exclusive Rights. Nothing cvntained in tliis Agreement sha11 be deemed ta grant ta Airline any exclusive right or privilege withzn the meaiaing of 49 U.S.C. § 4a103(e) with respect to activity on ihe Aizport. 8.8 RSght to Develap Airport. The City reserves th� right to fiarther develop ar improve the Ai�ort as it sees iit, rc;gaxdless of the desires or view o� Airline and withnut interf�rcne� or hindrance. 8.9 Raght af Flight. There is hereby reserved to the Caty, its successors and assigns, for the use and Uenefit of the public, a right of flight for the passage of aircraf� in the airspace above the surface o� the Pr�mises. Tlais pu.bli� zight o£ flight s�aa�l izzclude the right to c�use in said airspace any noise -18� Cargo Carrier Review Draft II.30.�D ir�her�nt in the operation of any aircra.ft �sed for navigaiion or flighi t�urough tk�e said airspace or land'zng at, taking o�f from, or operation on the Airpart. 5.10 14 C.F.R Part 77, Obstruc�ions in Navigabl� Airspace. Airli�e agre�s to cor�pl� vvith the applica.ble notifica�ion and review xequixements covered in 14 �ode of Federal Regulations ("C.�'.R.") Part 77 of the Fedexal Aviation Re�ulations, in the ever�t firture constr�ctiQn of a building is covered by this Agreement, or in ihe event ai any planned rnodification ar altera�an ai any present or fiiture building ar structure situated on the Airport. 8.11 I�o Obstxuetions. Airline, by accepting ihis Agreement, expressly agrees fc►r its�If, its successors, and assigns ihai it will nat earect z�or per�nif the erec�ion of any sirue�ure or ob,ject nor permit the growth of any 't.ree on fihe latxd rented hereunder above the mean sea level elevation of zero (0} feet �For the Airiieid Areas, and fifly {50} feet for a�l of.her areas covered by this Agreement without ihe City's written ennsent. In the event the afore�aid covenants ar� breached, the City reserves the ri�ht to enter upon the land cov�red by this Agreement and to remove the offending struct�re or abjec� or cut the offending tree, all of which shall be at th� expense of Airline, 8.12 War or l�iational Emergency. This Agreemen� shal� be subject ta w�.atevex right ihe United Staies Gove�zament now has or in �he fu�ure may have or acquire, affecting the eonirol, opera�an, reguiation and tak�ing over of the Airport ar ihe �xclusive or non-exclusive use of the Airport by the Uni.ted �taf�s d�ring the tirne of war or natibnal emergency. 8.13 Na Inter%rence with Airport Operations. Airline by accepting this Agreement agrees for itself, its suocessors, and assigns that it vvi�l nnt da or perrnit to be dnne by its officers, agents, employees, contractors ar invxtees, any act or omissian which Ynight in#ez�'ere with tha Ianding and taki��.g af�' of aircrai from t.�ie Airport or otherwise constitute a hazard, or unreasanably inferfere with the conduct of business by another airlir�e, tanax�t or cantr'actor af fhe Ciiy, or unrcasonably interfere rvith tihe performance of their duties by �� staff of the Czty or by the staff of �he FAA, the TSA or any other agency of the U. S. Gove�nment, or of the cnntractors thereo£ In the event this covenant is breached, #he City reserves the right, in addition to any oth�r rights or remedies under this Agre�ment or in law ox ec�uity, to enter upon th� Frcrnises and ca�,se tk�e abatement of such interfcrence at the expense of Airline. 8.14 �EC Rnle i�c�-1�. Airline, upon tlae City's request, shall provide ta the Cif.y suah inforr�ation as the Cify may reasonably requ�st in writing ta cazxzply wiih t�e City's continuing disclosure requirements under �E� Rule 1 Sc2-12, as it rnay be amended £rom time to time, provic�ed, �owever, lhafi Airline may, in lieu of provid�ing the requested information, direct tk�e C�ty to an Airlin� or SEC website whexe the requested information is then currently available. ..�g_ Ca��o Carfier Reviery Draft 1I.30..20 8.15 �mcrican� �ith Disabilities Act ["ADA"), Air�ine acknawledg�s ii�at, pursuat�t to the Am�ricans with Disabilities Act, 42 U.S.C. Sectia�s 1�101 et seq. and Titls 24 af tk�e Califort�ia Cade of Reg�lations, as amendeci and supplemented (ADA) and the Air Carrier Access Act, 49 U.S.G. Section 417'O5, as amended and supplemented (ACA.A), ta the extent applicable to Airline, progratns, services and ather activiti�s provided by a public entity to the public, whetk�ez directly ar through a c�ntractox, must be accessibl� io t�e disabled public. To the exteut th� ADA or the AC�iA is so applicable: (a} Airline shall pravide the servzces specifed in this Agreement in a z�aanner that complies with the ADA or tl�e ACAA, as appIicahle, and any and all other applicable federal, �tate and lacal disability rights legislatian; (b) Airline a�r��s nat to discriminate agaiinst disabl.ed persons in the pro�ision of services, benefits or a�tivities provided �xnder this Agreement; and (c) Airline farther agrees that any violation of this pro�ibition on th� part of Airline, its employees, agents ar assigns shall con,stitute a material breach of this Agreement. Article 9 AIRLI�IE DEFAULT A1�TD TER�il1oTATI01� BY CITY 9.1 Air�line Def�ult. 'I'�e occurrence of any one or rnore of the fallowzng events shall consti#ute an Event of D�fault under this Agreement: 9,1.1 Afrline becomes insolvent (as such term is defined under Sectian 10� of tl�e Fed�ral Bankr�zptcy Code}; or £ails to pay its debts generally as they znatu�ee; or takes the benefit of any present or iu�re federal nr sta.te insoIvency stati.�te; or makes a�eneral assignn�:ezat far the benefit of creditoxs. 9.1.2 Airline f les a voluntary petition in bankruptcy o� a petitian nr answer seek%ng an arrangernent nf its indebtednes� under the Federal Bankniptcy Code or ur�der ax�y ather law or statute of the United ,States or oi' any state tkereof; or cnnsent to the appointment of a receiv�r, �stee, custodian, liquidatar or other similar nfficial, of all crr substantialiy a.11 of its property; ar an order for Yelief is entered by or against Airline under any chapter af ih� Federal Banlcruptcy Code. 9.1.3 By order or decree of a court, Airline is adjudged bantcrupt or ar� order sb.all be ran.ade appxoving a pe�ition filed by any oiits creditors or by any of its stockholders, seeking its rearganization or the restzuct�uring of its indebtedness under the Federal Bankruptcy Cade or undez� any ather law or statute of the United States or any state thereof anc� such order or decree shall not be stayed or vacated within szxty (6Q) days of its issuance. 9.1.4 A petition under any chapter of the �ederal Bankr�ptcy Cade or an action under any federal nr state insolvency la�w or sta.tute is filed against Airline and is not dismissed or stayed within sixty (GO) days after #he filing thereoi 9.�.5 By or pursuant to, ar under authority of any legislative act, resalution or �ule, or any order or decree of any cor.u-� or go�vernmental baard, agency or officer, a receiver, trt�stee, custodian, liquidator flr ofher similar a�ficial takes passession or cnntrdl oi all or -2�J- Cargv �`arrier Review Dra�l I1.30.�0 substantially all af the property of Airline and such possessian ar control con�inu�s in �ff'ect fox a period af six�y+ (60) c�.ays. 9.1.6 Airline became� a coarpoxation in dissolution. 9.1.7 The letting, license ar otl�er int�rest of nr zights of Airlin� hereutider is lransferred t�, p�ss fn ar devolve upon, by operation of law or atI�er�rise, a�y other person, firm, corparation or Qthex entity, by, in conneetion with ar as a result af any banla uptcy, insolvency, trus#eeship, liquidation or other pxoceedings or occurrence described in �ections 9.1.1 through 9.1.6. 9.1.8 Azrliz�e #'aails duly and timeiy to pay any Landz�g �'ees and other fees and charges due und�r #his Agreement when due to the City, and such failure shall cantinue for ten (1U) days beyond Airline's receipt of a�vritten notice of such bre�h or default frorn the Aitport Operator. 9.1 _9 There occurs an assignment or trazas�er and such assignm�nt or transfer is not r�versed with�n ten (10} days after written notice by the City. 9.1.10 Airline abandons the conduct o�business at ihe Airport, and in car,nec�ion vv�th ihis abaaadonmenf, suspend opera�on� for a period of sixty (fiQ) days in the a�s�nce of a labor dispute, %ree rnajenre event in accardanae wx�h Sac�ion 23.12 or other govern�nental action in which Airline is direetty involved. 9.111 A�rline fails to obtain �.t�d maintain t�e insurance required by Seetion 6.2 or provi�e copies of xhe policies or certificates (includin� without li�mitation those related �ta are�ewals of such coverages) to the City as requiz�ed and, anly with respect ta praviding copies of the palicies oz certificates, the iailure to provide ihe eopzes sha�� con�nue for f�e (5) days beyond Airline's receipi aF a rvriit�n notice frorz� the City of such breach or default. 9.1.12 Tn the extent applicable, Aix�ir�e fails to meet any of Airline's Sacurity Deposii requirements set �axt�i �n ��ction 4.6 and �uch fail�re continues %r fve (Sj days beyond Air�ine's receipt of a written no#ice fxaz�.a the City oi such breach or defaul.t. 9.1..1� Airline fails to kee�, pez�orm and observe each and every other �roxnise, represen�atian, covenant and agreemenfi set forth in this Agreement, aan.d such fa'rlure continrxes for a pe�od af more khan ten (10} c�ays after the Airpork Operator's delivery of wrztten natice af such failure or, if satisfaction af such nbligatian requires activity over a period of tirne, if Air�ine faiis to co�nmence the cure of suah failure vvithin ten (10) days after Airlin�'s xeeeipt of such notice, or thereafter fa.ils to diiigently prosecute s�xch cure, or fai�s to ac�ually cause �uch cure within sixty (50) days nf the Aiarport Operator's d�livery of s�ch natice. 9.2 Ciry's Remedies. 9.2.1 G�neral Remedies. (a) Whenever any Event of Default oceurs (other th�. a default pursuant ta SuYrsectio� 9.1.3 upon which termination of this A�reerr�ent, at the City's o�rtion, -21- Cur°ga Cr�r�ie� Revieev Draft II.3D.20 shall be efft;ctive irnrnediate�y without further natice), this Agreement and all of Air�ine's rights hereundex shalI fi�rminatc if the written notice of default so pxavides. {b) The Ci#y's action pursuant to this S�c�ion 9.2.1 shall not in any way limit the City in t12� pursuif of any ather additional xight or rem.edy available to �he City i.n law ox in. equity by xeason aiAirline's defauit. 9.3 Tcrmivatian, This Agreexnent rr�ay be terininated in advance of its Expira�on Date in �he fallowing �'vents: 9.3.1 If any federal, state ar local govern�e�t, or agency ar insfirumentality thereaf, �al�es, by cnndeznnatio� ar deed or cnnv�yance in lieu ther�of, title, posse�sion, or the right to possession of the Aitport or any substantial portian. ihereaf, the Ciiy may, a# iis option, terminate this Agreeaxient as of-the date of such taking; or 9.3.2 If any co�art having juris�ctian renders a decision that has become final and will �ermanently ar for a substantial period o£ tinae pxevent the Czty's perf�rmance nf any of it5 mat�rtal ob�igation5 under fihis Agreemen#, either party hereto may ter�xa.inate ihis Agreement by vvritfen notice. Tl�%s right of tezxa�inatioz� shall be a.r�d t'e�nain effective vvhether or nat the City, by talcing a#�irmative actian or by inaction, could ha�ve prevented the rendering of the decision, ar could have caused the decision t� be vacated before it became final. 9.3.3 If this Agreement is �errninated under this Sec#ion 93, all xights and obligations o� the p�.rties shall terrninat� (with fhe �xception af (i) any undischarged rights artd obligations that accrued prior to the effeetive ciate nf �uch termination and (ii) az�y x�zghts and obligations Chat this Agre�rnent express].y states s�a�I survive suc� teranination). 9.4 The City's Ri�hi tn Perfnrm. All agre��ents and obl'zgaiions t� bs performed by Airlin� under this Agreement shaIl be at Airline's sole cost �.nd expense and witho�t any abatemen# c�f Landing Fees and other fees a.nd charges due unc�.er t�.is Agreemenfi. 9.5 Airiine's Rights Rala�ed tv Termination. In t�e event of any terminatian based on any breach by Airline af the covenants, terms a.�d conc�itions contained in this Agreernent, all Qf Airlinc's rigi�fs, povvers and privileges under this Agreezx�.�nfi shall c�ase. Airlin� shall have no claim of any kind whatsoever against the City by reason of such terminatian, or by reason of any act by the Cily related to such te�nination. 9.6 Ban��.rup�cy. In r�� event shall this �greement or aan.y right� o� pxxvileges her�;�nder �e ari asset Qf A'rrIine under any �anlcruptcy, insolvency or reorganization proceedin�s. Ta ttie extent consistent with and perrnitted �der the Unitec� States Baxikt•uptcy Code or similar debtor r�iief laws, if Airline seeks �ratect�.on under �he United States Bar�l�ruptcy Cade ar sirnilar debtor relief lavvs, or is currently -22- Cargo Carrier .1�eviex� Drr�, f't I.1.30.20 a�erating under �e protection of the United States Bankruptcy Code or other ,sfmilar debtar relief lavirs, Airline shall comply w�ith every provision of thi� Agreement as and wh�n required under this Agreemenf, including withaut �imitation performing any requiared z�media�inn relating to any envirv�ental matt�r pursuant io Airizne's abligations u.nder ArticIe 11 which arose prior to ar arises during the course af Airline's ha��k�-�rptcy case. No Carga Carrier will be al�owed to assume this Agreern�nt vvithout perfor�ming ar�y required remediatzon as part of the cure oi any Event of Default under this Agreement. Arficle 10 AIRPORT DEFAiJLT AND TERMXNA.7C�O�i BY AIRLIliTE 10.1 Events o�F�3eiFault. The e�ents dascribed below are deerr�ed Event� of De£ault l�y the City hereun.de:r: 1 D.1. I The City �ails ta keep, perform nr observe arry material term, covenant or condition harezn contained to be kept, perfor�ned, oar Qbserved by the City a�d such failure cor�tinues for thirty (30) days after receipt ofvvritten noiice from Airlina; or, if by its nature such default ca.nnat b� cured within s�ch #hirry (3Q) day perind, the Ciiy shall not commence to cure �r rer�xn�ve such defaull within said ihiriy (30) days and to cure ar zemave ihe same as promptly as xeasanably praetica�ile; 10. L2 The Airport is closed to fligh#s in general rsr tv #he flights �f Airline, for reasons other than those circumstances vcrithin Airline's control, and Airpo� fails to be reopenad to such flights within thirty (�Q) ccrnsecutive days from such alosure. 10.13 The Airport is perr�aza.ently closed as an air carrier azrport by act of any Federal, state, or local government agency ha�ring competent jurisdic�on; or Airlinc: is uzaable to use Airport for a perind of at least thirty (�Q) consecu�ive days due to any Iaw or any c�rd�r, rule or regulation af any governmental au�horiiy having jurisdictian pver the aperations of th.e Airpart; or any court af campeter�t jurisdiction issue� an injunetion preventing the Gity or Airline f`rann using Airport for aiaport purpases, for reasvns other than thase circumstances wit�i� Airline's cantrol, and such injunction rerr�.ains in fnrce for a period o�at least thirty (3(�) cnnsecuti�e days. 10.1.4 The United Sta�es Goverrsrnent or any autho�zzed agency of �he same (by executive order or ofhervvise) assumes the operation, c�ntral or use afthe Airport in suc�i a manner as to substantially restrict Airlin� froin canducting iks opexatzans, if such restriction be cont�ued for a period of tlairty (30) consecutiv� days or rnoge. 10.2 Airline's Iiemedy. Sn long as Airli�e is not in default as set fc�rth in Article 9 a#'this Agree�nent, incl�din�, but �ot limited to, paymenis due to the City here�uxc�er, Airline �nay cancel this Agreement upon the occurrence p� an Event af Default set forth in Sectio� 10.1. In such eve�t, Airline shall serve thirty (3 �} day advance w�ritten notice c�f caneellaiion to the City. All La�ding Fees ar�d other �ees and charges d�e �xnder this Agrcernent shall cease as of the date of such car�cellation. In addition to the cancellation of �this Agreernent, Airline �ay exercise any remedy pxovided by �aw or in equiry. _�3_ Cargo Ca�°rier Revie�v Draft Y1.3D.?0 Article 11 ENVIRQI�TME�IT�L 1�.1 For purposes of this Agreez�-�ent, fihe follaw�ng d�fi�tions sh.all apply ta environ- mental m�tters: "Diseharge" tr��a.ns an act or oz�zaission by which Ha�ardous Materials, Solid Wast�, Process �Vater, or any substances ar ma�erials regulated under Environmental Laws, now or in the futu�re, are leaked, �pilled, poured, depasited, or athe�se �ntered into wetlands, groundwater, watears irz the State of Texas, ar wa�rs ai the United States, or by which thase substances are deposited where, unless controlled or removed, they rnay dra.in, seep, z�n, or otherwise enter said waters. "Environrr�ental Irnpact C�ai.z�a" zneans any ciaim, s�xit, j�.idg,xzaezzt, penalty, fne, loss, cosi recovery aciion., adr�i.nistrative praceeding, request faar info�na#ion (when suoh request is by a gavernmental agency), order o�r citation lay any gov�rnmental age�ey, notiee, cost, or expense (including b�t n.c�t lix�it�d to documented co,sts af investxgation, study, ciea.�up, remo�al, response, rernediati�n, transp�rtatiaz�, dispasal, restoration, mar�tor�n�, and rea.sonable fees of consutt�nts, contractors, and a.ttor�eys) which a�ises out a�', is related to, allege�, Qx i,s based on ihe presence, �ra�spnrtation, handling, treatm�nt, storage, or Release, dispersal, dispasal, smission, escape, Dischar�e, or migration of any HaLardous Mat�ria.l(s), Process Vi�ater, ax Salid Waste, any ather chernical, rx�atexial, irritant, regulated substance, vr toxic substance, whether solid, liq�id, or gaseaus in nature, ar which has any adversc e£�eel nn vvildlife. Environmental Impact Claim shall cxclude personal injury, vvrongful death, praduct laability, and ez�viror�ment�I justice clazzns. "Envi�z-oza�n�ntal 7ndemnit�es" has tlae zr�eaning set fnrth in Section 10.8. "Environmental Law(s)" m�ans all existing and furi�e federal, state, and lvcal laws and pern�its, incluc3ing without limitation �.he Airport R�les and Reg�laiians an� alI aY.her statutes, ordinances, rules, arders a.nd re;gulations relating to pratectiQn o�the environtnent, wildlife, public heal.th pr puhlic s�ety. "Greenhouse Uas" or "GHG" has the �ame definition as in. the Mandafiory G�'eenhouse Cias Reporting Rule (40 C.F.R. § 9$.6 (2009}), as it rz�ay be amet�ded fx'om tina.e to time. "Hazardaus Matexzal.(s)" means any subsl:ance regulatad under or s�xbject to Enviraz�rxaentaJ. Laws: (a}the presence of which reQuixes investig�tinn, abater�a.ent, response, removal, or remediatian under any Envixonmental La�r; ar (b) that is ar becomes defined as a hazardous wast�, haz�urdous s�.ibs#ance, toxic substa.�.ce, xegulated s�rbstance, pollutant, or contaminant u�der any Envirnnrnental Law, includ.ing withaut limitatifln tlae Camprehensive Enviror�mental Response, Cflzz�pensation azad Iriability Act, the R��o�rce Canservation and Recov�ry Act, ihe Te�s Water Cade, oar t1�� Texas H�alth and Sa:fety �ode, or (c) the presence of vvhich on th� Airport poses ar threatens to pose a hazarc� to the heali:h or sa�ety of persons nn or about the Airport; or (d} that contains, sewag�, gasoline, dies�l fiu�l, petraleurr� hydroaar�ons, natural gas liquids, etlaylene glyco�, pxopylene gl�col, potasszu.m acetate, polychlnrinated bi�henyls ("P�Bs"}, asbestc�s, lead painfi, ar urea forzxa.aldehyde faam insulation. "NPDES" mceans the National Pollutatlt Discharg;e Elirnination System. _Z�e Cargo Carrrer Review Dr�uft 11.3fI.24 "Process Watex" na.eans water, ath�r than starm vvater or raznwater, that during manu.i'acturing, treating, �7t'OC�55It1�, or cieaning, comes inta dixect cont�ct wi�h ar results from the produc�ion ar use o£ at�y raw material, intermediate product, finished produci, by prod�c#, or waste. "Release" rneans any depositing, sp�lling, leakin�, pumping, pouring, emitting, ernptying, c�ischarging, i.z�jec#ing, escaping, leaching, dumping, or disposi�g into the environn�ent, nr a threat ofrelease such that a release may ar could enter the envir�n�nent, "Solid Wastc" has the same meaning as in the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act and the Texas Health and Sa:Eaty Code. "S�VPPP" means Storrn Water Pollution: Prewentian Ptan. `STPDES" rrxearzs �he Texas Pollutant Discharge Elimixzatic�n System. "Water in the Stat� of Texas'° has the same meaning as in Texas Water Code �ec�on 2�.OU I, as amended from tirne tn time. "VVaters af the United Siates" has the satne meaning as in 40 C.F.R. �eetion 122.2, as amended froan time to �me All other 4erms useci herein have the rneaning set forth in Article X, "General D�f nitions.'° 11.2 Airline Representatio�s, Wsrrantics, A�rd Covena�ts. Airline represents, vaarrat�ts, a�id cavenants �he %ll�wing: 11.2,1 Airline has obtained ar�d ihroughout t�e term of this Agreement sha.lI ab- tain and m�inta�� all applicable licer�ses, permits, registrations and other authoxz�atio�s and ap- provais xequired under Environmental Laws anc� shall provide any not�ces require� under Envi- ronmental Laws for conducting its aperatior�s at ttie Airport during the term of this Agrecment. Airline shal� require Airline Entities to obtain and maintain aIi a�p�ica�le licenses, perznzts, re�i5� tratio�s and ather autharizations required by Envzra�ental Laws in arder #o ca�duct their opera- tions and aciivities at the Airport. 11.2.2 Airline shall comply and shall requirc Airline Entities ta co�aply, wi� all appli�able Aixport Rules and Regulations, so Iang as s�ck� Airport Rules and Reguiations do not unreasonably affect Airline's ri.ghts under this Agreement. Such Ai�art Rules and Regulatians shall �e xeaso�ab�e, nondiscrirninatory ax�d nat in caz�flicl with an� Envirnnmental Uaws. 11.2.3 Airline shall nnt cause or contribute to or allow or perrnit Airiine Entities to cause or contribute to: (a) any Relea.se ar DFscharge crf any Hazardo�s Material, Salid Waste, or i'rocess UVater at Airpo�t, �niess autharized by an Enviranrnent�l Law ar Airpart Rules ��d Regulation�; -25- Cu�ga Car�ier Review Dr°aft II.30.20 (�} any �iolation of any appli�able Enviro�enta.l Law a.s a result, in whole or in part, af the use by or operations of Airline at Airport, or those of Airline Enti- tie�; (c) any Release oz Discharge which is a materially contributing cause af the City exceeding �tae e�fluent limits nf any individual stozxxa, water discharge p��it issued to �e City, Multi-5ector �eneral Permit, Municipal Separate Storm �ewer System permif, or ariy applicab�e federal effluent limitation guideline; or (d) any conta�xiination or pallution of the soil, suz�face waters, or grou�dwater at ox underlying the Ai�port. 11.2.4 Airline shall handle, �xse, store, dispose of, or otherwise managc:, and shal� require Aixlz�e Entities to handl�, use, store, dispose of, ar otherwise manage any Hazardous Ma- terial, Pracess Water, or Solid Waste at the Airpart in a lawful and prudent manner and so as to prevent the Rel�as� ar Discharge nf any Hazardaus Material, Process Wat�r, or Solid Waste that does ar may pollute or contaminate the enviro�un.er�t, c�r that daes �r rnay adversely affect the health, welfare, ar safety of persons whether 1pc�ted withir� the A�rport. Withaut lirr�iting the fore- going, Aixline shali not conduct or allow any Aixline Entities to conduct any operations or activities inva�ving the use or applzcation of ethylene glycol, pzopylene g�ycol, or any ather substance in de- ic�zxg o� ar�ti-icing at any lacatian at the Airport exce�t in accordarice with all applicable Enviran- rnental Laws and Airpart Rules and Reg►alatians. 11.2.5 Ai�line shall be responsible for the proper removal and disposal of all Haz- ardous Materials generated �y Airline, ar xesu�ting from Airline's use, activities, and t�perations, at the Airport, including �hase activiti�s and aperations car�ducted on Airline's behaJf k�y Airlin� Entities. 11.2.6 Airline understands and acknawledges that c�rtain af the Ciiy's fufure capital projects zx�ay require review or approval by the k'AA, the Env'irnnrnental Protection Agency ("E�'A"), ar #1�e Texas Commisszon oz� Environmcntai Q�ality ("TCEQ") ar their successor agen- cies, pursuant to requirements imposed upon the Airport or the City, including but �ot limited to State Implementation Plans, General Conforn�ity De#errninatians, ather requirements related to the status of ihe Da11as-Fnrt Worth regzan as non attainm�nt for ozone, and any reductio� in Greex�- house Gas emissioxis. ��rsquested by the City, Air�ine shall reasonably assist the City in �reparing suah submittals as are required p£ fihe City hy FAA, EPA, or TCEQ, or their successor agencies, in connection with. City capital prajects which benefit Airline. 11.2.7 Airline shall rec��.ire Airline Entitaes to undergn sueh training as is required by applieable Environmcntal Laws azxd Ai�port Rules and RaguJatians. Airtine shall desigz�ate wl�ich of its employees should �ndergo suc�t �xaini.ng. 11,2.8 �f Airlir�� ca�xsea ar contributes to � Release, Diseharge, ox spill of Haz- ardaus Materia.ls, Soiid Waste, or �'racess [�Vater at the Airpart that is above a�y applicable report-- able quantity set forth in any applicable Env�xan�nental Law, Airline s�all report such Rel�ase or Discharge to tl�e appropriate gavemmental a.uthorities i.n aampliance with applicable Environmen- tal Law. Airline shall require Airlixa.e Ezztitie� io re�art any Releass ar Discharge to the apprapriate -26- Cargo Carrier Review A,raft 11.30.2l1 governmenial author�ties, in compliance with applicab�e Environtnental Law, if said thi:rd party causes c�r contributes to a Ilischarge ar Release of Hazardous MateriaIs, 5olid Waste, or Proeess Watear abave any reportabte quantity sei �orth in any applicable Enviranznental Law. 11.2.9 Airline acknowledges ihat the City and Airiine are subject to certaizz �Va- tianal az�d Texas Pollutian Discharge ElimitiaY�an Sy�texr� pennits ("NPDE�" and "TPDE�"), state and federal storm wa#er xegulations, and federal e�fluent Iirni�tation guidelixzes, znc�uding, without limitatian, EPA Administered Pertr�t Programs, 40 C.F.R. § f.22 {2009}, as ��nded I'rom time to time, far operations at t�e Airport. Airline shall conduct operations ax�d aciivities at the Airport, including but not limite� to dc�icing, an�i-icing, azxd construc�zon, and shall require Aiarline Entzties to conduct operatians and activities at the Airport in compliance with apglicable En�irant�ental Laws �d Airport R�les and l�egulations. Airline acknowledges that its reaso�.able cooperation is necessary to ensure Airport's compliance with axry a.pplicahle NPDE� or TPDE� stnran waier per- rx�zts and effluent limi�#atian guidelines under Environmental Laws. Axrizne s�Z�l minimizc th� ex- pasure to storm water of xnatexi.als gezaerated, stored, handled, or used hy Airline or Airline Entities at the Airport including without Iimitation soil arad sediment exposed by construction acti�rities, Solid Waste, and Hazaardaus Matexials, by fmplemes�ting and requiring irriplementa#ion oI' cerlain "Best Management Practices" as defned by Enviroz�ental Laws. Airiine furth�r acknc�wledges that any TPDES or NPDES storm water di�charge permit issuet� ta the City ax aa�y e£flueni limita- tion guid�lines applicahle to the Az�aort ox Airline ar� incorpora�ed by referenee into this Agree- rnent to the extent affecting Air�ine's operations at or use of the Aizpart ar operations or activities cnnducted on its behalf a# the Airport, or n�cessitating Airline's reasanable cooparatian fia assure t�ie City's cornpliance therewith. The City shaIl endeavar ta negatiate reasonable and cost e�'feciive terrns and canditions of any permits issued ia �iae City which may af%ct AirIine's operations at or use of fhe Airport or operataons or aclivities conducted on its behalf at tbe Airport, or whiah may necessitate Airline's reasonable cooperation ta assure the City's complianee therewith. 11.2.1(l Airline or Ai�line Entities shall not crrsate any human-made strucilu�e, Iand use practice, or hux.�an-made feature, or maintain any canditian, that creates an uzaxeasaz�able wz�d- li�e �tlraction, includin�, but not limited to, axchitectural features, Iandscaping, �vaste disposal sites, agri.cultural or aqua.cultural ac�ivities, vvithout apprapariate aaverings or other mitigation measures. l�.3 Iafarmation tn be Pra►v'rded to t�xe Cxty. ] 1.3.1 If Airline receives any written r�otice, cozxespondence, citatian, order, warning, cam�laint, inquiry, claarxi ox deznan.d regarding the Airline's operations at i�he Airport that is not legal�y privileged, made cnnfden�al by applicable law, ax protected as trade secrets: (aj �o�cezx�i�g any alleged contamina�ion, or Discharge, or Re- lease of Hazardous Material, Solid Vijaste, �'eacess �ater by Airline or by Airline Entities; or (b) allegin� that Air�ine or an Airline Entity is the subject of an Environmental Tnr�pact Claim or alleging that Air�ine or an Airl�n� Entity, or rnay be, in vio- la�ion of any Environmenta� Law(s); or 4�7m �'argo �arr°ier Revieiv Dra, f�� I X.30.,�0 (e) assertuig tl�ati Aixline or any such third pariy as identified in claus�s (1) and (2) above is lxab�e for the east nfinvesiigatian ox arennediation o�a Release ar Discharge; 11.3.2 Airline shall im�nediately, but not iater than five (5} days afier Airline's receipt, infaxrz� the City and Airport Operatar in writing of same , inaluc�i�� a copy o� such nntice received by Airline. 11.3.3 A.izlix�e slaa.11 simultaneously pra�vide to the City an.d Airport Operator cop- ies of its submiftals ai any non-pri�vileged reports or natices required �dar Environrziental Laws to arry governrnentai agency xegarding: (a} Airline's alleged failure to eornply with any Environmental Laws at the Airport, or (b) any Release or Discharge arising out of the past ar present op- erations ai or u.se of the Aiipart by Aizli�e or Airline Er�tities. 11.3.4 Ai.xline shall make availa�le, withiza ten (l0) days of Airline's receipt of t�ie City's writ�e� request, rhe non-pxivileged dacuments that Airline has suhxn.itted tc� a�-iy govern- rnental a�ency pertaining to the environmental compliaance status af Airline's operations at or use of the Airport, ineluding withaut lim.i.tatiot� any and all non-privileged recards, perrnits, t�5t I`�SUI�S, sampic results, writ�en or electronic documentatxar�, studies, or other documentation regarding en- vironrnental condi#ions or relating to �he presence, use, storage, dispasal, or treatment of a�xy Haz- ardous Material or Solid Waste at the Azrpart by Air�ine or Airline �ntities. 11.4� Response u�d Cnrnplia�ce Act�ons. 11.4.1 'VVithout lirruting the indesnnity obligations of Section 11.7, if during the term of this Agreemt;nt Airline oz an Airline Entity is t�ie sole cause of a Release, Discharg�, or spill of a Hazardous Material [including, but nat limited �o those whi�h contaminats or pollute any surfaae water, ground watex, infrastructure, or conv�yance system), as is reasonably dete�ni�ed by the Cziy pursuanfi to En�uironxnental Laws, at any �artian n�'the Airport, in cannectian with their operations at t�e Airport, Airline s�all: (a} orally notify the �ity and the Airpprt �perator c�f such Itelease, Discharge, or spill; (b) report such Relea.se, Discharge, or spill to appropz-iate govexr�- rnental agencies in accordanae with applicable Enviro�unenta] Laws, including but z�at �ixxnited to 3Q Tx. Ad�nin. Code § 327.3, as it may be �e�ded from time to tirn�e; {c) i�nmediately abate and respand to ihe Release, Discharge, or spill of a Hazardnus Material, as requi�ed b�r applicab�e Environm�ntal I,aws, including but not limzted ta 3Q Tx. Admin. Code § 327.5, a� iC may be arr�ended f�ona �i�e to ti�ne; (d) take all further actions nece�sary or �eq�ired un�er Environ- xnenta� Laws to rnitigate an.y iz�anaine�rt threat to human he�lth or t�ie en�ironment; axad _Zg.. Cu,rg� Car�ier Review Draft I1.30..�0 (e) undertake any further repaizs, xemediation, or correcti�re aciians as are requir�d by En�ironz�ntental Laws ar a go�ernrn�:ntal a�ency wit.h jurisdiction, to reme- diate any suck� Release, Discharge or spil� afa Ha.zardous Mat�rial, and any resultir�g paliutian or contatnina�ion. 1.I.4.2 Without lirniting the indemnity o6ligations of Seciion f 1.7, if, as is re�- sonably determined by tlae City, Airiine or axi Airline Entity xs the so�e cause of a Release, Dis- charge ox spill of a Hazardous Material at the Airp�rt, or one af mu�tiple can�ributors ta a Rel�asc, Discharge nr spill o� a Hazardous Material with�. the Airpart, Air�ine sha.11 ba responsxble for ensuring that the no�ificatian, reporting, abat�meni, remediation, and other actions rcqu#red by J 1.�.1 are accomplished. At th� time the City rnatces a determination pursuarat ta subsectian 11.4.2, ihe City sh�11 pror�de Airline with all non-privileged records, permits, test results, sarr�ple results, wriiten ar elecfronic da�unc�entation, studies or other documentation nsed to support ifis determina- tion. Nothing iz� #his Agreement shall prevent Airliz�e from seeking tn recover its costs fram po� tentially responsible �az-�ies. 11.4.3 If the City eannot dete�naine with reasonabie effort that Aixline is a cause af nr has eoniributed to a Release, Discharge, or spill at ar fram the Auport, Airline shall not be responsible for any obligation ta repoart, iar�vestigat� or remec�iate it. If the City caruiot identify vvi.th reasonable effort any of the paxhies contributing to ar responsible fnr a Release ar Discharge, ox spill at or from the Airport, the City sha�l b� responsi�le faar any abligation to report, contain, investigate, or re�ediate such contamination, Release, or Discharge, or spill. 11.�.�- If, as is r�asanabl� dete�nined by the City, Air�ine: (aj does not diligently talce iz�n�xaediate and alI aiher actions re- quired by applicable Environment�.l Laws, including I�ut not limited to 30 Tx, Admin. Code § 327, in respQnse ta a Rele�.se, Discharge or spiil fax wl�ch it is responsible under Section 11.A�, vcrithin the time{s) prescribed by such Environmental Law(s); ar (h) does not perform or compl�te a11 necessaxy repaixs, carrective actians or rernediatipn %r which it is responsible undex Section 11.4 within the time(s} pre- seribed by agplicable F,�viron�nentai Laws, nr wlthin the time reasa�ably necessary to enable the Ciiy to meet its flbligatians under Enviranmental Laws (subject to the condition that the Ciiy rnust first provide reasanable advar�c� wxitten notice to Airlin� of such obligations, e�- cept in emergency circuanstan.ces zn which such advance notice is not passible), then the City, in addition to its xights and rernedies descrzbed elsewlaere in t�is Agreernent, may, at its elec- tion, up�n r�asonable �vritten natice, enter �he affected area, and take whatev�r action the City reasonably deems n�cessaty tc� protect the pub�ic health and safety and the envu'onment, or to enab�e the City io xx�eet its abliga�ions under Envixox�znental Laws, �within the time required u�der such Environmental Laws, at A1x�ine's expense, altho�gh. nothing herein shall prejudice the right oiAirline to contesf t�e City's determination� made u�tder tk�is Section l 1.4.4. 11.5 Correction of Env��iranmental I�on-ca�npliance. 1 I.5.1 If'the op�xations or activrties at or use of the Aizpart by Airline or Airline �nti�ies are in alleged norncompliance witl� any applicable Enviror�nental Law (as is reasonably _29_ Carga Car�ier I�eview Draft 11'.30.20 determined by the City or as is deter�nined by any governznental agency with en#'orcement authox- ity rregarding suc� alIeged non-cnmplianee) or Airport Rules anc� Regulations, or result in contarn- in�tion or pollution at or under t.�.e Airport, and provided that the �ituation ar conditiar� in question daes �xoi, as determined by the City in its reasonable dzscretion, require imrnediate action pursuant fp applicable Enviroz�nenial Laws and Sec�ion 11.4.4, the City agrees to nofi�fy AirIine in �uriting ofthe alleged nancompliance or contaminatzon ox pollutian and s�all require Airline ta take action to address such nan-conxpIiance within �hiriy (30} days of Airline's xeceipt of notice, unIess ca�n- pliar�ce is requi��d sooner by a govezxamental agenc� ar applicable Environmental Law. Witizin that thzrty (3a) day period, or such shnrier period as is req�ired by applicable En�viranmental Law or gowernrn�ntal agency, Air�i�e shall have t�e oppnrhanity to take whaiever act�on is necessary ar requiared by Environmental Laws, io correct such noncoznpliance, ensure that it is co�rrected, or �rovide the City a binciing cammitfnent �o da sa within a reasonaia�e tirne. Airline shall �Isa have the right during fhat thirty (30) day period to challenge any City det�rrnina.tion of non-cazz�pliance. Airline's obligations to the City und�r this Sectian may be deferred, upan rr�utual cansent of t�e parties, untii a final reso�ution of or rulzng on such ch�ll��� has been issued. Shauld Air�ine pre- v�il it� suck� a c�a.I�enge, Air�in� sha11 haue no fiurther obli�atian under �lYis Sect�on wiih respect to that particular al�eged nan-corn.plia�.c�. I�.5.2 If A.irline does not take such corrective acfrnn, challenge the Caty's defier- mination af non-compliance, ar provid� a binding commitment to address th� non-compliance within the �hirty (30) day period xeferenaed in �ection 11.5. 3., th�e City ox its aut�iorized contractors and consultants rnay, at the City's option, enfer ariy part af �he Airpori and take such rneasures as the City may reasanak��y deern necessary to co�ct the alleged n:on-cornpliance and to investigate and rernediate any related contarmiz�ation, all at Airline's expense. Al1 reasoz�able and dacumen�ed costs assaciated with any aetion by the City ar its cantractars ar cansultanis in connection vt�th this Sectinn, including but not lixnited io reasnnable attornsys' fees az�d ex�enses, and Airport staff time and e�penses, shall be subject to the xeimbursement and indemnification requirezane�ts of this Article. (a) No��ing in this Section is intended or sha.11 be construcd so as to prevent the City ar Airlin.e from exercising, in �heir reasonable discrction, any xights gran�ed or available elsewhere in tl�is Article, in t�a� Ag�reement, or by law. 11.6 Carmeci�ve Aetian Process. 11.6.1 � Before cv�nmencing any investi�ation, r�rn�diatian, or ca�xective action at fhe Airport under this Agreernent, and ��eept #'or any iamzx�ediate abatem�nt action required undex Section 11.4, Airline shall pro�vide the re�ated proposed plans for such.investigation, remediation or corrective action to the City for appraval, whieh shall not be unreasonably withheld. T%e wark shall be perfar�ed at AirIine`s expense, and �he City shall have #he righi tc� review and inspect aIl st�ch w�rk at any tirne using co�sultants and representa#ives of the Czty's chaice, at the City's expense. Specific cleanup levels for any environrnentaI reme�iiatinn work shall comply with ap- pli�abl� �nvirar�cz�:entai Laws. Airline shall, at Airli�e's awn cast and expens�, have all �ests per- forrxzed, and re�orts and studies prepared, ar�d shalt provide such infarmat�on ta any gavernmental agency as zx3.ay be �eq�ired by Envirnnmental Laws, with a aopy to t�c Ciiy. This obligation izx- cludes Ysut is nat iimited ta any requirement� for a site c�araeterizafiion, sit� assessment, Affect�d Property Assessinent Report, and reznedial ac�ion plan that may be necassary. In the event deed _3p.. Ca�gn Car�ier Rer�ie�v Draft �'1.30.�0 xecordation by the City is nec�ssary, Airli�e shall reirnburse the City for all deed recordation fees at�c� reasonable attorneys' fees incurred in cannectiar� wiih such recordatian. 11.6.2 Any rexza.edial or other activity iindertak�n by Aixline under this Articla sha�l not be con:strued to irnpair Airline`s rights, if any, ta seek contributian or indemnity from any p�rson. 11.63 Airline may not seek a M�nicip�l Setting Designatian for any �ro�nd�ra�er under�ying the Airport without obtaining ihe Czty's vvritten approval in advance. 11.7 Envirnnmental I�ndemnifica�ion and Reimbursement. 11.7.1 Nntwithstanding any other provision to the cnntrary, and witho�t iimiting any att�er indemnity z� this Agreemen�, Airline agrees to indemni£y, defend, and hoid haimless tkie C�ty, its past, present or fuEure direGtors, �fficers, rricrnbers, agents a�d ezx�ployees, �ie City'� cn�cil, couzacil members, agents, and employess an.d the Aixport Operator ("Environmental Izz- demnitees"), from and againsi any and all claims, dernands, penalties, ��BSy 5111�5� actions, adrnin- istrative prnceedings (including fnrmal and infannal enforcement), gnvernment oxcl.ears, judgments, loss, d�ages, liabilities, casts, and expens�s (incluci�ng bui nat limited to reasonahle and docu� mented attorneys' and consu�tants' fees anc� expei�ses, Iitl��.�lOif C()StS, expert witness %�s, at�d ex- penses of investigati4n, removal, remediation, or a�ae� required p1an, repnrt, ar respanse action) when incurred and whe�ier incurred in defense of actual litigation or in reasvnable antieipation of litigation to the extent resulting from: �a) the breach by Airline of any representatian or warranty rnade in this Article; ar ��) in a full and t�rnely �zanner, direction or control; or the failu.re of Airline ta rneet its obligations under this Article vvhe#her caused by Airline ar any third pariy under Airline's (e) docunaented l�ss by any Erivironrnental Inde�itee{s) from any Envirnnmental Impact Claim, to thc e�tent caused by the operatinns, activities, action or in- aciion o�Airline or Airline �x�titaes, at #he Airport during the terzx� of this Agreement. 11.7.2 In th� event the City ia�adertakes any action, �ncludit�g but not limited to �esponse or corrective actzon, repairs, or remediation, in the exercise a�' its r�ghts �vith respec# to Airizne under this Art-�cle, Airline shatl reimhurse th� City, upon reasonable written not�ce by ihe City, for a11 reasonable an,d docurnented costs that the Ciiy incurs in assc�ciation with stxch action, ixa.cludixig 6ut not limited t� con.sultants' fees, contractors' fees, xeasanab�e at�ortieys' fee� and ex- penses, and expens�s of investigaiion, repair, response or corrective action and re�nediatinn. 11.73 Notwi�hsta.nding any a#laer provisinn to the cnnt�ary, and io the extent per- rnatted by �aw, the City agrees ta indemnify a.tYd hold ha.rt�eas Ai�r�ine and its directors, officer�, agents azad ez�ployees frc�m at�d a�ainst any a�d ali claims, demands, penaities, f I1�5, SUI�S, �CY10115, acirninistra�ive proceedi�.gs (iz�c�uding inforrnal proceedings), governrr�ent orders, judgments, Io�s, dam�ages, liabili�ies, costs, and expenses (including but not li�x�i#ed ta reasanable �nd documenied attorneys' aiad cansultants' fe�s and expenses, lifigation costs, expert witness fees, and expen�es nf ..3�s Carga C'arr°ier Review D�aft .I1.311.�0 investigatian, rernoval, remediation, ar other rec�uired plan ox response action} to the e�tent resultt ing from (i) failure nf the City �o meet its obligations under t�i� Artic�e, ox (ii� the dacu�nented loss by �lirline, its daarectoars, o�cers, agents or enaployees tQ a third party or govern�x�ental entity from any Enviranrn�ntal Impact Claim, to the exient resulting franr� the op�xatians, activities, ac- tions ar inaction of the City or ar�y other party under the City's c�.ir�ction and control. 11.7.4 Regard.le�s oithe date of tc�ination of fihis Agxeemen�, the inde�fying parky's representations, obiigations ar�d liabilities under this Articie shall contir�ua as lnng as the indemnafied party bears any Iiability or responsibility undex this Articl� or the Enviroz�me�tal Laws. 11.8 Limitation�. Azrline's obli�ations �zad�r this Ar�icle shalI not apply to: l 1.8.1 Contarninatian that existed at �he Airpflrt prior to Airline's ini�ial occu- pancy or operations at such area(s) af con�aminatian at the Airport, pravided fhat neithex Airlane nar any �ther party �der Airline's direc#�an or control, nr conducting opexatzons or activities on its behalf, subseque�tly contributed to such contaminatian; or 11.8.2 Relea�es that rnigrate nnto, into, or fironr� �e Airport and that were not eaused by Airline or third parties under A.irIine's directian or control or eonducting operatians ar a�tivities on its behal�; or 11.8.3 Releases aar Discharges on, at, ar from the Ai�port not caused 6y Aixline ar Airline E�tities; or 1 I.8.4 Releases, Di.scharges, or cotxtamination to the exter�t caused by gross neg- ligence or willFul miscnnduet by the C�ty, ifis �ger�ts or em:playees �r any c�ther �arCy �xnder the City's direction or control. 11.9 �Vaiver. Any waiver c�f any provision af#his Arkicle, or any delay by the City in the er�force�ent Qf any right here�ander, sha�l neither �c construec�. as a continuing waiver, nar create an expec�atian o�non-enforcemenf o�ihat or any ather provision or right. Xn order to be cffeetive, a.�.y waiver of any rigk�t, benefit, or po�rar hereundex m�st be �n yvriting and si,gx�ad by an authorized represenia�ive �f the City, it bezng int.�nded ihat n.o rvai�er shall be irnplied by the �iiy's conduct or failure to act. Any specific written waiver shail be applicabie only to the pariic�rlar facts and circurnst�ces thereby address�d and shall zzot be of any effec� �crith respect ta fu�ure events, even z�'any ofsaid fu�r.rre events invalve substantially similar circumstances. Any re�nedies pravided itar i� t�is Artzcle shatl be cumulalive and in addition to, and nat in lieu of, any other rernedies availa�le to City at law, in equity, ar otherwise. _�2_ Cur,�o Carrier Revre�v Dra. f't II.30..�0 11.10 Survival af Environmental Provisions. Un�ess speciiically stated elsew�exe herein, the provisions of �his Elrticle, including the r�pr�sentations, waz�aaaties, cAvenants and indemxaxiies of Airiine, are intended to and shall su�i�e tez�ination o�this Agrcement. l. l.l l Resource Conserv�tian aad Recy��ing. The City reserves the rzgia� to instifutc such pnlicies, parog�rrams and measures as may be necessary ar desirable, i�► the Ci�.y' � reasonable discxetion, fnr the consetvation or preservatian of e�ier�y, energy r�lated. service,s, water, and other natt�ral re,sources or as may be req�irec� to caz�ply wi�h any applicable cades, rules and regulations, wheth�r rnandatory or voluntary. Airline shall cornply �ith al� federal, state, and local laws, �ules, aregulalians, and ordinances and �les and regulatians pertaining to recycling and energy cnnservation and m�agement. Airline and the City sha.11 use good fai.tY� effarts to abide by ar�d fitlly cooperate with �ach c�ther in all aspects of suci� policies and progcarris, a�d �athing in this Section will adversely �.ffect AirIine's or the City's rights under �his Agreerner�t. ArticIe 12 AS��GIliMEI�TT Airline shall not, directly or indirec�ly, assign, sel1, hypothecate or ntherwise transfer this Agreernent, wztY�out the prior �cn+ritten consent of the City, such consent nat to be unr��.snnably withheld. The foregoing shall not prevent the assig�ent of thi� Agreernent ox any portion thereo�' to ax�� aarporation �vi� which Airline may merg� or cons�Iidate; provide� however, such successor carpaxatioz� within a reasor�able per�od of tirne shali provide varitten acknowledgement by a duly autharized corparate officer to the City ihat it has assumed all obIigations ofAixline and will fuily honor all terms and canditia�s set f�rth in this Agree�nent. Article 13 MI�CELL�NEO�JS PRO�dSION� 13.1 N�iurc af Agreemextt. This Agr�eanent sha.11 not be canstrued to be a Lease of any Airpart praperty nor cr�ate a landlord-tenant relatsonship between the City and AiarIi�e. 13.2 Governin� Law �x�d V�n�e. This Agreernent has been entered into and sha.1.1 be gov�rned by, constnied and interpreted in accordance vvith ihe laws o�' thc State of Texas. Venue nf a.ny action bro�ght under this Agree�xaent shalt be vested in �� stat� co�.u-ts nf Texa� in the County of Tanant or if fsde��al jurisdiction is appropriate, in the United States District Cau��t in the Northez� Uistrict of Texas. 133 Entirc �7�der�tandin�. This Agreernent contai� the entire and an�y understanding and agreem�nt of the City and Airline, which by acce�ting this Agraernent, acknawledge that tl�exe zs no n�her writt�n ar oral understar�ding or agreernent betw�en them with respeat to the subject matter of this Agreement anc� that �his Agre�ment �upersedes a11 �rior negc�tiatic�ns, di�cuss�ans, obligatiinns and rights of ..33e Cargv Ca�rier .8eview Draft l'1.3U.20 the Ciky and Airline. No waiver, modificatzon, amendrnent or atteratian of this Agreezaa.�nt sh,a�I be valid u��ess it is expressed in vvriting and signec� by authorized representatives of Airline and the City. Airline and ths City acl�awiedge th�t no other party, nar any agent ox attomey af any othez� party, has made any promise, representatioz�, waiver or warra�ty vahatsoever, expressed ar fmplied, �cn+hich is not expzessly cor�fiained in writing ir� this Agreemeaat a.�d further a.�knnwledge tI�at this Agreer��ent was not executed zn reliance upon any collatera.l promise, represe�tatian, waiver ax warranty, or in relianee upon any belief as ta any fact z�ot expressly recited in this Agreement. 13.4 Ainendments. Except as specifically provided herein, neither this Agreexnent, nor any of its terms or provisi�ns, may be changed, waived, dischar�;ed, ox ternninat�d, �xcept lay a wri.iten inst�ument signed by the party against which th� en%reement of the chan.ge, waivar, discharg�, or term.i�aatzon is s�ught. 13.5 Cumulative Ri��ts. Each right of ihe Ci�ty and Airline is cuRmulative and is in additzon to every ather Iegal right that the party rnay 1�ve in the event of az�y default by the nther. 13.6 Construction to �ave Agreement. If any term, covenant, condifion, or provision of this Agreement is held by a court of cornpetent jurisdiction to be invalid, void, or unenforeeable, th� rernainder of the provisians hereoi shall remain in �'ull %rce and effect and in no way a£�ected, impaired., or invalidated thereby. It is the infention of the parties hereto that if any gravision oF tbis Agzeement is capable of t~�vo constructians, ane of whic� wauid rendar the pxavision void and the oiher of which would xendez the provision valid, then the provisinn sha11 have the rneaniz�g which renders it valid. 13.7 No Waivcr. No wa.iver of default of any of the ter�s, c4venar�ts and conditions of this Agreement to be performed, l�ept and observed by the othar parf.y shali be construed or o�erate as a waiv�r of any subsequent default o�any aft�e t�rms, covenants or conditions of this Agreern�e�t to be performed, kepi and observed by the ather party. No I'ailure on the part of either parky to require ox exact ful� at�d cornplete cam.pliax�ce by the otl�er party �s+ith any of the cavenants, conditions, or agreements ofthis Agreement be canstrued in any rnanner as a change in or to the terrns of #his Agreenr�ent or prevent the enforceznent in fu�l of any provisions. 13.8 Relafionship of Parties. No�ng in this Agreemeni �hall be deerned or construed by the City or Airline, ar by any third parf�, a� creating tlie relationship ofprincipal and agent, part�ers, joint venturr�rs, or any ot�a.er si�nilar such relationship between the City and Airline. -34- Car�a Carrier .Review Dr°afi� .11.3(J.2Q 13.9 i*d� Third�Party Benefciaries. `There are no third-parly benaficia�riies ta this Agreement ofher tl�ari as specifieally and expressly pravided in this Agrcernent. 1�.1U �uccessors and .Assi��ns. All of the �erms, provisions, covenants, stipulations, conditions and cansiderations in this Agreennent shall extend to and bind #he legal r�pr�sentatives, successors, a�d assigns of each party to this Agreernent. I3.1 l Labor Disputes. Airline agrees to use co�zercial�y �easonable efforts #a avnid disruption to the Gity, its tenants or members of the public arising from labor disputes involving Airlin�, and in the evcnt of a strike, picketing, dernanstr�ation or� other tabar diff culty involving Azrline, fio use ifs goQd o�fces, inciuding the utilization of available �egal remedies, to minirnize nr elirriinate any disruption to the City, its tenants o�� members of the public, arising from s�ch strike, picketing, demonslra�ion or other labor diificulty. l3. � 2 Faxca Ii�ajeure. If either party is delayed ar hindered in or prevented fram the performance df an� act required under this Agreernent by reason of sirikes, loc�outs, labo� disputes, irzability to grocure labar ar materials, failure of powex, rio�,s, ittsu�rection, terrorism, war, f re or other casualty, or nther reason of a similar nature b�yond the reasonable cont�ol of the par�.y delayed in performing work or doing acts required. under this Agreement, perfornmance of such ac� shall be excuseii �or the period of the actual delay attributable to such causes, a�d the p�riod far the perfQrmance of any such act shall be e�tended �or a g�riad equ'rvalent #o ths period o� such delay (any sunh delay is herein refez�red to as an "LTnavoida.ble Delay"}. This Sectian shall not bs applicabls to Airline's abligations to procure insurance or to pay Landing Fees and other fees and charges due under this Agreement, If any provision of this Agreement negates or liamuts the p�riod af any foree majeure or Unavoidable Delay e�tensian, such prorvision s�all nverrid.e this Section 14.12. Airline shall give the City notice of any Unavnidable Delay within a. reasonable tirne (not to exceed on� (I) yearj �allowing the nccurrence of the delaying event. 13.13 1�Ta Personal Liability. Na director, officer, agent, employes, ax eleated offiai� nf either party shall be charged personally or coz�ixactua�ly lzable by or to the other party �xnder any term ar provision of this Agreemeni, or because of any breach o�tl�is Agreement, or becanse of their exeeutian or attempted executian of�Chis A�reement. 13.14 .A�.cceptance of Pa�men�s. The subsequent acceptance of payments hereund�r by the City frvrn Airline shall nc�t be deemed to �e a waiver af any preceding breach by Airline af any term, COV�Il�.11t� or condition of this Agreernent, o�her than the feilurc of Airiine t4 pay the particular fees or rent sv accept�d, regardless af the City's knowledge af snch preceding breach at the �in�e of acceptance of such landing fees and/or r�nt. _3�_ Carga Carrier �ieview Draft II.30,20 13.15 Attorneys' Fec,s. 13.15.1 if the City shall, wit�Zout any fault, be made a party to ar�y litigatian commenced 3�y oz against Airline arising out of Airlin.e's use ar enjaymeni of Airport or the �'z�erz�ises and as a resuit af which Airtine is finally adjudicated tv be liable, then Airline shaIl pay all costs and xeasonak�le attorneys' fees incurred by ax xmpQsed upon �he City in conneatioz� with such litigation. 13.15.2 In an�r actinn by the Crty or Airline against the other for recovery of a.z�y sutn due under this Agree�nent, ar to enforce any of the terms, cavex�ants or conditinns contained herein, tkae prevailing pariy sha11 be entitled to reasonable at�arneys' fees in additioz� ta costs and necessary disbursements zncurred in such action. Eac�� party s�all give prompt nntice to the other oi any cl�im or suit instituted against it that may affect the other party. 13.16 Taxes. 13.16.1 This A.greernent may result in or create a taxable possessary interest and be subject to the pa�yrnent ofproperty ta�es. 13.1 b.2 Airline shall be liable for, a.n.d s�aall pay thraughout the Tertn, all taxes payable for, nr nn account of (a) t�e activities conducied by Airline on the Airpnr�; (b} a11 taxes, if any, an �he pexsvpal property o�`Airline on or at the Auport; an�i (c} any sales, use, ar ather taxes levied on, or measuz�ed by, the Landin� Fees and other fees and charges due under this Agreezaxent, whethe� zmposed on Airline ar on the City. 13.1$.3 Airlinc shall rez�burse the City for all such t�es p�d or payab�e by the City. V47ith respect to any such taa�es paya�l� l�y the Czty that are leviec� on, or measured by, the Landing Fees and oth�r fees azad charges c�ue und�r this Agreemeni, Airline sha.tl pay t� the L'iiy vviih each payznent an amoun� equa.l to the tax levied on, or measured by, that paz ticular pay�nent. All ofiher tax air�ounts for which ihe Ciiy is ar will be en�tled to rei�nbursemer�t frorr� Airline shall be payable by Airline to fhe City at least fz£teen (IS) days prior to ihe due dates of the respentive tax am�unts involved; provided that Airline slaal� be entitled to a minimum of`t�n (10} days' wxitten notice af th� amo�ts payable by Airl�n�. 13.1 b.4 Airline may contest, in its own name or the name of the Cily, the validity or arn.otant of any tax it shall be required to pay to a taxing en�ty; provided, havvever, that Airline shall defend, indemnify arid hold the C�iy harmless from all liability and expense arising from such cantest, w1�ah ab�iganons shall survive expiration or earlier #ertnination of this Agreement and shall prnvide security satisfactory ta the City for its perfarmance of such ind�ix�ni.ficatian obligatzon. 13.17 1Vle�arandum of Lease. In th� eveni ihat the City sa requests, Airlane shail execute, attest, ackna�vledge, and deliver for recoxding a shart forrn Mernaran.d�.un of Lease af this Agree�nent. �3 �a C'argo Car�r`er I�eview Draft IL30.20 �3.18 Apprnval or Consent. Whenever cansent or approval is required k�erein by either party fio �he oiher, such consent or approval shall nof be unreasonably witl�held, canditioned, or delayed. 13.19 Time af the Essence. Tim�; is of the essence af this Agre�ment and of each and all o� ifs �:erms, canditions, covenants and provisions. 13.20 Natices. All nQ�ices and paymenis under this Agxeement tnay be delivered or axaailed_ If deliv�rcd by messenger ar courier (including overnight air courier), �#hey sha.11 be d�emed delivered when received at the Si�eet Adc�resses listed in Section 1.1. If mailed or sent via overriight courier, they shall be sent to �the Overnight Delivery and �t7reet Adc�ress pravided in Article l or ta such nther respec�iv� addresses as ezther party may from iime to tixne designate ta the other par�y in writing. All notices and �ayments ma.iled by regular mail (including f�rst class) shall be dee�ned to have been given on tk�e fzfth business day following ihe date of mailing, if propezly rinailed and addz�essed. No�ices and payments se�t by certified or registered mai� shall be deemed �a have been given on the t�ird busines� day follawing tkze date of rnailing, if properly xzaailed anc� addressed. Fnr all types of rriail, the postrz��.rk aifixed by the United �ta#es Postal Serv'ice shall be cozzcl�sive e`ridence oi�he date af mailing. Natices delivered �via cozu�er or Qve�i ght courier shall be deemed to ha�ve been given upon arrival. Nniices undex this Agreement are suffcient if �n.ade via ernail pravided such email r�otice has been sent fo ar� em�loyee of the recipient Party having knowledge of ihe matter con�ained in the notice a.nd is conspicuously identified as a�otice under �this Agreeinent, and shall be deemed. to have bee�a given on the day tl�e em�.i1 is sent. 13.2� Counterpa�s. This .�gre�ment may be executed sixza.ultanenusly in countcrpaz�ts, each of which shall be deemed to be an oxiginal capy of this Agreement and, vvhen taken together, sl�all be deemed to be one and the sam� Agreement. 13.22 Ca�acity to Execute. The individuals executin� this Agre�ment personally warrant that they have full authoz'ity io �xeaute this AgreemEnt on h�half of the ent:ity fnr wham Ll�ey a�re acting herein. 13.23 T�corparatian af E�ehi�its. A11 exhibits azad attaclvnents referred �o in this Agreennen� are intended to be and. are hereby specifically rr�ade a p�rt of this Agreez�r�ent. 13.24 Tit�es. Paragraph t�tles are inserted or�ly as a rnatter o£ convenience and for refere�.ce, and in no way de�'xne, limit ar descri�e t�e scape or extent of an�r pravision of ihis Agre�menf. -37- Cargo Carrisr Review Draft �1.30.20 13.25 Otber Agreements. Other than as set forth her�an., �o#kaang cantained in Ehis Agreement shall be deemed or construed to nullify, restrict ar �nodify in any manner the pravisions of a�y other lease or cont�act between City and Airline authorizing the use c�f the Aixport, ifs facilities a.nd appurtenances. 13.26 Agreement Nat ta Granf More Favorablc Tcrms. Dt�'ing the Tezxa�, the City agrees not to �nter into any lease, cantract or oiher agre�rr�ent with arxy ather Air Carrier conducting apexations at the Airpart that cnntai�ts rates, charges or terms rnore favorable to such Air Carrier than the r�tes, charges or terms Airline has agreed to under this Agreement, unless the Authoriiy also makes those more favaraY�l� rates, chairges or terxns available to Airline. The provisions of this Section 13.26 sha.il in na way lirnit, impair or in#erfere r�vith the City's ability to cl�a.rge or establish such rates and charges as the City may deena applicabie when �ntering into any Iease, contract or other agreerneni �vith any party that is nat an Air Carrier. 13.27 A�ent %r Service. It is expressly understoad and a�x'eed thai if Airline is not a resident nf the State of Texas, or is an association or part�ership without a member or p�ner resideni of sa�id state, �r is a foreign carporation not licensed ta do business in Texas, tl�en in any such event, Airline shall appoint an agent for the pu�pose of service of process in any court action between it and City arising out of or based upan this Agree�nent. Airline shall imrnediatcly notify City, in writing, o� the name and addaress of said agent. S�uch service shall be made as provided by �1ie laws of the State af Texas for service upon a non-resident engagi�g in business in the �tate. It is fi�rther expressI�r agreed, covenanted and stipulaied that, if for any reason, sueh service of process is not passible, as an alternaiive me�od of service of pracess; A�rline xnay be personally servec� oufi of the State of Texas by the registered mailing af such service at the address set for�h in Sectian 1.1. �Rernctander Qf Page 1`ntentionally Left �lcank] -38- Cargo Carrie� Review D�aft i1.3(1.20 IN WITNESS WHEREQF, the Parties hereto have causad these pre�ents to be executed on #he day and year �arst above written�. CITY OF F(]RT WaRTgI: By: .�'t�...� �, Name: �e�'i�.�i'Jda Co�a Ti�le: %��: ��, /�.�n�+nef. STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY QF���'��j-;- . �.PPRO��D � TO I�QR�i A�ID LEGALITi': . f.ssistant iEy A#torney BEFQRE ME, the undersigned authorzty, a Notary Puhlic in and %r the 5tate of Texas, on �is day personaIly appeared ��,g��y �, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed ta the %regaing instre�ment, and ackn.owledged to rne that the same was the act of the City of Fort Worth a�ad that he executed the same as t11e act of the Ciiy nf Fort Worth for �he purposes and considezatian thercin �xpressed and in the capacity iherein. stated. ����� � �� ,r•� �, � � � . �5�� . � c 'p � F: � : S, i� s � '� � - I' -:�� ����..,� �wy_.w�,'e�.k.. — . �t�x�� � _ -�_,_� = - �a�""►��, �VONIA DAIV4ELb r �r?v r m'�. � u` �Notary Public, Stata of 7exas �� � F Comm. Expires 07-13-2U21 „� Notary [fi� 12fi85063fl _ �J"'p-� �C d�" ,�- /G ��% j" , r. r ° -� ' �f� �. s��, C�ty s��t�y _3 g_ � �������� ������ ! ��`� �����Y��� �`�o ���`��fe �a,p _ , � :h Cargo Car�°ier Revae�v D��rft i1.30.20 ABX Aic, Inc By:�.__ Name: . e� � Tit1e: � , g ¢„�. r-- � STATE OF ' § u....__ § CQUNTY OF � _ � A § BEFORE ME, the undersigned aufharity, a Natary Publin in and for the State af , on tlus day persanatly �pp�ared ' , I�own to me to be the persoz� whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instnunent, and ack�aow�edged to me tl�at the same was the aet of A.�3X Air, Inc. and that she/he executed the sarrie as the act of ASX Air, Inc. for #hc purpases and consideratic�n therein expressed and in #he capaeity ther�in stated. GNEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this _ day of � ��, �a :.. — ,�� _ =� � '��'�1 �lt�.�.�(1.�0 � �r� , �Yl��,f � , � n-� � . —, BE��f MI�LLEi�E}( LAW�Q�! Notary Pub1i�, S#ate o� ohio My Commissian Ex�ires May 3, 2021 i . d ,�d��� 6����a�.�:;� -4�- �.. � �����'���� � _ -1[7����1l� �l"ii � � Contract Compliance Manager: By signi�tg I acknowledge that I am the person responsible for the monitoring and acEministration of this contract, including ensuring all performance and reporting requirements. � , _ � _ ---_--� ---- �_ --� _._.._- � a �� Ba.� a Gnodwin Title: Real Propertv Mana�er ���Q���� ���,��� ���'� ���������P .�'� Wf��`�'��, ��� Exhibit A S-=_, . v ._ j � a � � �,,a %j i. b„ _ _ ^ ., � l n F1 � ` j 'f � � � a: � , � r . � :. � 4' e� � � ar x• F I � � � �� �� �k � �, � � ��i � ` � 5 �4 �{ ;.��� I � �ll��.ta � . 1� � a 3` ��%u 3 �- � -" � � " � �� � � "'� ��' '"�.•i' �3" ' ��.s j � � �� �� �. f �,.� �I t � � e � � � .�1? � � � �� I � �` ! f ,� � � g- � �� � , �� �� � � � � F ��. � � . �. � _ _,�.. ����� � 3 � � , � � i � ��:; riai � 1 � r 1 ��y � y4' ' I [' � � � ♦ � � ' i"6 I ' �q ' i : � �p64 $ I � � � � y�.�Ai� ' e„W`�1� ,..� �t. r8�'�+ ,� � �.f� �a�� �. r" � � �� . •i! �� ,I �_ � � � '� . 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For �hi� addendum, the �erm "�perator" means a"Commerciaf {�perator", as described �n �he City of Fort Wcarith �Wia�ion iVlinimum Sta nda rds. A.� bi�H f��e�►er En�i�� i�u�s The ��ried r�nge af aircraf� opera�ing a� �or� Wor�h Ailiance Airpor� 4AFW} include many powered by high-air�fow turboje� and turbofan engines. Nlain�enance neces5ary for the propu�sion systerns on fih�se aircraft r�quir� that the engEnes be run at pow�r-lever-angl� (P�.A} settings simulating the installed operational fligh� pro�ile. This high- power run up st�esses the engine and i�t must pass this test to be cleared far fligh�. The high-power en�ine runs ta�e a considerable length of time, and �he high-velocit�, high temperature ('��soo °Fy, expansive na�se �antours �dBA�1Q0� characteristic of these run ups prohibit conducting them on the operator's ramp, or elsert�rhere on the airfield wi�hout special pro�isions. Alliance Air Services �AAS) c�n accommoda�e this testing by util izing � � � - .� _ � � , .�ti �� the bfast �� ����� �� �� 4�� ` �'���` located wa�ls . �' ��..._ ,� � on the ` �'' ,�� � .-,f l ;°:�ri�, ' narth y • _ � � , . - � - . ;�r►� r m � � t -;*., -•r �- � _ . � �' �� a p to the GDC shown i� �' � I-I'I � i 4 + ; i �_ I7� . �� �. Y� � �'i* ��' I ��: � �+�' � 4f� � �.E . �� �� i � � ISC t � ` ' N �.ti �� �''. � � �i' •:��;Js�'„ -1_CE��ti. 114 , . ..: .,, . �+� ` . _ ; I ��.����� �� r 4 `l���i:{�if��.���1,..•��:��;�1�:��1 - . , �;, ��� � . � � � ad�acen� nangar as Figure 1. � V4 operator or AAS personnel a� all �imes, The operator must also inform and train his personn�f �o remain on their ramp and to si�y clear of tax�ways leading ta adjacent operator r�mps unl�ss sp�cifically cf�ar�d for this acGess by the AFW Airport C}perations Nlanager. /=1Y.� ��r�ir����� I�n'�e��ity Perime�er secur��ty poses a signi,�ic�nt challenge for the RFlA/. l.a�ers of security �hat includ� �ences, camer�s and pa�rols are nec�ssary to mee� the chal�enge o�' securing t�his �arge and complex a�rport. Yhe right of �ccess �o th� airport grounds to c�nduc� �light operations is gran�ed �a each operator by § 3-��4� "Access Permit" of �he Ci�y Cade. bow�ver, § 3-��3 "�f� �tirport Parcel Uses; Access Area; Access Taxiw�ys; Prohibi�ed Uses." provides tha� "the �operator's) access area shall be separated firom the remainder of �he aff airpart parcel by a►nrall, f�ence or other physica� barrier. ihe city or the authority �-esponsibl� for vpe�a�ion and safety of the airpart [AA�] shall harre the right to en�er the access area to �nspect or per�'orrn other reguia�ory requirements. All saf�e�y and opera�ion�l rufes and regulatians app�ica�[e ta the airpor� shall be applicable to [operator's] access are�s. �o rules or regulations of the city shall af�ect �he access right, other �han �his ar�icle and �he regulaiions." AccQrdingly, �he perimeter fence and entry gates surrounding �he airpart are inspec�ed daily , b�r A�S ta ensure they remain intac�. Ho�rve�er, fencing and�or gates securing the operator facili�ies connect �o the AAS fence �o form the complete airport barrier. A bre�ch ofi �his par� of the fencing thus constitu�es a bre�ch of the o�erall airpor� and r�quires immediate notification of AAS and correcti�� activn by �h� �perator. Failure to re�pand r�vith the necessary ac��vns in a�imely manner m�y result in revocation of �he operator's access permit as st�pu���ed in § 3- Z84 and/or shall constitute a misdemeanc�r and be punishable as provided in § 1-6 of the City �ode. !t �s �:h�s r�quired �hat �he operator �erify �he in�eg�ity o�F his portion or the airport perim�ter �ence daily. � � t u � � .% � � �t � '� � � � � tA � � � � @o � C�T� � V � � C� �Q. � iii = ui O � � � � � � � � � � 7, � � � � � � � � � B �° E° � , , , , , � � � , � �I 0 � +�s a�r tn en +09 a�r v� aw +rt vr tn W W d1 1[1 S!1 {A iJl tf1 Vl Vl tA EJ'1 t19 L � � �9 �A t8 lE7 � � � p fO �P � � � � .� �. � i*T Vi- i�4 dd� 6A Vf ER 4F} #+4 tir �d i� �V iv +id W i-� -1� i+ �� �1 41 81 Cl O1 �� t11 #7, : LP � � � � r��' � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � F' I � C � � � � w� d LL � #�S n a J �"' 0 � � � H � � � � �ux � � � {� � � � r D � � � � � � � ro � n' °. � w w w ❑ C! m m v_ � v � � 'n O 'w O � � � � C � � n � w p c � � c 0 � � 0 m � � o � � � � � � � � � m � � � p � O. �. � � � a � u° r J � i �i . Q . 0 C � �O 1 �' i � : � i � � � s i � �p 1 �` ._ . � i0 � � .W F-�- 0 � � � � � � m � .P ` � �i c � � m •'�+ e � � a m �� t' O � W N � � � � Ly y C '� 3. � � L C a `0 � .I .� '� � � ;�� 2 .�' Ex�tibit D— Af�liate Operatirtg Agreeinent FORT WORTH ALLIANCE AIRPQRT FORNY OF AFFILIATE OPERATING AGREEIVIEl�TT ARTICLE 1- SCOFE UF AGREEMENT Thi� A9reeme�.t between the City vf F'ort Worth {the "City"} and �(the "A�'filiate"} grants to the Affilia#e ceitain rights ta use faciiities fo conduct its aar transportation busine5s as an Affiliate of [SIGNATORY liIRLIlVE] (the "Signatory Airline") at �'Qrt Woxth Alliance A.izport (the "Airport"}. The Cargo Carrier Operaring Agireem�at bet-�reen the City and the Signator� Airline, effective as of Apri.l 1 i�O� �(L1�Pi �iCargo Agreement"), gives the Signatory Air�ine the opporl�ity to designate an. Affiliate �f certain con�tians are met. The intent of tl�is A�reem�nt is to adopt by reference various s�ecified provi�ions of th.e Cargo Agreem.ent, and make thern applicable to the Affiliate. In consideraiion of these benefifs, the Affiliate agrees ta abide by a11 of the terms and condi�ions of t�is Agreez�aer�t. ARTICLE 2 - DEFINITI(]NS AIl capiia3ized terms used in �his Agreement, if not defined withixt this Agreemenf, shall have the rneazz�ngs specified in Article � af the Carga Agreement. .A.RTTCLE 3 - TERM OF AGREEMENT 3.01 Effective Date. This Agre,��nnent shall take effeci as of the date specified in Sectian 5.1.1 of the Cargo Agree�nent as the ef�'ec�ive date a�the �ignatoxy Airline's des�gnation of the Aff iiate, which designa�ion and cffec�ve date shall be provided to the City in the �orm attached as E�ibit 1 and made a part h�areo£ 3.02 Terrxaination Da#e. Tlais Agreernent shall terminate as o�the eariiest af (a) the expuaiion. or eaxlier terrr�i�ation date nf t�-ie Cargo Agree�ent; (h) the termination date of th�is �xhibit D — Affxlia% Qperat�ng Agreemeni Agreernent as pro�vi [�ed in Article � 1 belot�v; or {c) the effectiv� date of �e Signatory Azarline's term3nation of the Affiliate's status as an Affiliafe of the Si�atory Airline in accordance witl� Sectian S.3 of #he Cargo A�-eement r7vhich terminat�on and ef%ctive data shall be pra�ided to the City in the farm attached as Exhibit 2, and made a part hereo% ARTICLE 4- USE QF THE AIRPOR'Z' Far the aperatian of the Affiliate's Air Txa�.sparta�or� Business as an Affi�i�tc; ofthe Signatory Airline, the Affiliate sha11 have the sam� xi$hts as flie 5i�natory Airline under Articles 2 and 3 of ihe Cargo Agreement a�d shall be subj�ct to the sa�ne exclusions and ecand"ztion,� applicable to the �ignatory Airline th.er�xnder. ARTICLE 5- FEE� AND CHARGES The Landing Fees ar�d o#her fees cha�rges c�.ue to the City �ax fk�e A�F'iliat�'s use of the �.irport facilities as an Affiliate of the Sxgnato�y Airli�e shall �e calculatetl. and paid in accc�xdance vs+ith Article 4 of the Ca�rgo Agre�nent. Air�ine is subject to the sa�x�e te�ns as the Sign�tory Airline regarding Sec�ion 4.5 nf the Carga Agreeznent. Tha Security Deposit requirements of Section 4.6 shall not apply to the Affiliate_ ARTICLE 6— AFFILIATE REPORTING AND PAYMENT QBLIGATIONS The Affiliate sl�al� comply with and remain suhject to �ticle 5 Qf the Caxga Agreernent, and tc� remain, �vith the �ignatory Airline, jointly a�ad several�y liable to t�e City fnr payment of a11 Airline Rents, Fees and Cha7rges and fox subrnission o#' al1 activi�y reports that are due tQ the City fa�r tk�e A£filiate'� use of any Airpc�rt facilifiies as an Affiliate of the Signatory Airl�ne. If �►e Affiliat� exec���s and d�iiv�rs tn the City a c�r�;c� c�rier a�re�m�nt in substar�tia�ly the sa�ne form as the Cargo Agreezn.ent, and thus itsel�becomes a"Signatory Airline,,, ih� Affiliate shall imrz�ediately te�inate its status as an A�1iat� of the �ignatory Airline in wri�ng 2 Exhibit D —Af�diate Ope�aiingAgreetnent to the City; prc�vided, however, #hat unless atherwise agreed to in writing by the Si�natozy Airline and the City, ihe Affiliate sha11 remain responsible to the Signatory Airline and the C�ty for all payrnent and othear obliga�ions tha# s�.uvive �ermination of this Agreement. ARTICLE 7— INDEMNIF�CATION AND 1NSUR�NCE 7.� Inde�nnification Obli�ations. The Affiliate shal� he snbject ta and bound by the same obligation to indemnify each It�demnified Parly as pxflvided in �ecfiion b.l af the Cargo Agreement. '7.2 Insurance Obli�ations. The A�filiate shali be subject to and bound by the insnrance obligatlons sei forth iza Sec�ian b_2 of the Cargo Agreement. ARTICLE $ --- COMPLIANCE WITH LAW� The AffYliate sha�l be subject to an.d t�otund by ArEicle 7 of �he Cargo AgreeYnent. ARTICLE 9— CIVIL RIGHTS AND AFFIRMATIVE ACTION The AfFiliate sha11 be subjecf to and bou�xd by Article 8 af the Cargo Agre�tnent. ART�CLE I D-- NO LEASE This Agreement c3.oes nat canstitute a Iease beivv�en the Affiliate and ihe City with respect to any premises, �aci�ities, services, equipment, ox o�.aerwise at ihe Airport. ART�CLE 11— DEFAULT �1ND TERMINATION 21.01 Defaulr. The occ�re�ce of a�y event described in Seetion 9.1 of the Caxga Agr�arnent involving the Sigzxatary Airline or the AfFiliate sha11 be considexed an event of deiault by the A�filiate. 21,Q2 Rern�ies. If the Affiliate shal� be in defa�alt under h1�s Agr�em�nt, the City shall ha�e the right to termirn�aie this A�reement under Sectian 9.2.1(a) of the Cargo Agreement. ARTICLE 12 - ENVIR.ONMENTAL Exhibit D— A�liate Operating Ag�eeme�t 12.1 Enviranmental Compliance. Th� A�fiiliate shal� be su�ject to and bouz�d �y Sectians 11.1 tJaraugh 11.G air�d Sec�ions 11.8 through 1�.11 af the Cargo Agreement, 12.2 En�ironmental I�demni.tv. The Affiliate shall be subjact #a and bo�nd by the sarne obligation �o indemnify the City as prov�d�d in Sectio� 11.7 o�#he Cargo Agreement. ARTICLE 13 — ASSIGNMENT Airline sha11 not, clireetly ar indirect�y, assign, �ell, hypothecate ar otherwise �ransfer this Agreement. ARTTCLE 14 - MISCELLANEQUS PRQVISION5 The AfFiliate shall be sr�l�ject to and baund by �tl�e provisians of Article l.� of t�e Cargo Agreement. ART�CLE 15 � NOTiCES Except as specifically provided e�sewhere in this A�reement, any notice given under this Agreement shal� b�e in v�rr�ting and sha11 be delivered personally or sent by certi�xed ox registerec� mail, postage pre�aid: To City: To Aff liate: or to such other respec�ive addresses as the parkies may designa'te to each other in wril�ng fram: tirne io iirne. Notice by certified or registered mail shall be deemed given three (3) days after the date that such notice is d�osifed in a United States Pasi Office. [The arez�zai��c�er of this page is intentionally 1eft blank.] .,, � Exhihii D— Affiliate Dperratir�g Ag�^ee�ree�tt IN WITN�SS WHER.EQF, tl�e parties intending to be legally bound have c�xecuted this Agreernen� t�a�is !G fe� d�.y of I'?a �1� CxTY O�' FORT WORTH By: �"e� - �►- C� Narne: Fern�da Cos� T�tl�� �� a+�44 • •a3R�_art'� 20 a�'. [AF��L�ATE] By: _ Name: Tit1e: 5 Exl�ibit A to Af�Iiate Qperatin�A�raement DESIG�VVAT�OR7 QF AFFILIATE [AIRLINE] (tbe "Airline"), a 5ignatory Airline under th� Carga Agreemen� {the "Cargo Agreement"} with the City af Fort Warth (the "City"), effeciive as of , hereby designates �AFFILTATE� {the "Affiliate"} as i�s Affiliat� at Fort Worth Alliance Airpart {tl�e "Airport"} in accorc€anca with and subject ta Article S af�he Ca.rgo Ag�eement. This designation is �ff�ctive as of , 2a . 2. (a) Aixli�.e he�reby represents to the City that the Affiliate [check at least one]: � a parent or subsidiary a� Airline nr under tha same parental contzoi as A�rline, or ❑ at�ez�w�ise op�ates uz�der essent�ally the same trade name as Airline at the Airport and �uses essentially the sam� live�y as .Airlinea vr R aperates cargo feed.ex flights at the Airport under the directian and contrvl of Airline. 3. The Affiliat� has executed and deliv�-ed tn the City an Affiliate Operat�ing Agreeme�nt as required by Section 5.1.1 of#he Cargo Ageement. 4. The Airlins hereby confirms and agrees that the Airl�ne wi�l pay to the City all Airline Rents, Fees and Charges and ather charges due to f�e City fo:r tl�e Affliate's use o�the Airport facilities a� an Aff�liate of#he Airline, arad rvi�l submit fo the City tl�e activity repor#s required by Sec�ian 4.4 af th� Cargn Agre�rnent and due ta the Czty for the Affiliate's use of the Airport �acilities as an Affiliate of t�e A.irliz�e. 5. The Airline confirms and agrees that it shall remain, with the Affiliate, jointly and severally liable to f.he Ci�y for the paym�nt of aIl Landing Fees and other fees charges and the subnnis�ion of all aetivity xepoz�ts due to the City %r the Affiliate's use of any Airport facilities as an Affiiiate of �e Airline. [AIRLINE] By: � Name Title: Date: Airli�e's authorized representa�.ve i� Exhibit D-� A�'filiate Ope�at�rzg Agreement Exhibii B to Affiliate O�e;rating A�xeement NOTTCE OF TERIVI�AT��N OF AFFIL�ATE STATUS �AIRLINE] (the "Airline"}, a Signatory Airline u�ider the Cargo A�, re�z�aent (the "Carga Agree�m.en.t"} with the City of Fort Worth (t�e "City"), cff�ctive as o�' , hereby �otifies the City that tha Airl�ne is termina�ing its designatio� of [AF�'�LIATE] (the "Ai�iliate") as zts Affiliate at Fo�rt Wo�rk�'i Alliance Airport in accordance with and subject �o Secrion 5.3 of the Cargo Agree�.nent. This terminatior� of the Affiliate's stat�s as ar� A�filiate ofth� Aixlix�e is effec#ive as of jDATE, NOT LE�� THAN 30 DAY,� FROM THE DATE O� THIS NdTICE�. �AZRL CNE] By: Name Title. Date: Airline's authorized xepresentative 7 IRREVQCABZE STANABX LETTER 0� C�EbTT 7QOD5126 DATE: FEBRUARY 09, 2.fl2� APPLICANT: ASX AIR, INC. 145 HUNT�R DRIVE, TREASURY 2061F WILNI�NGTON, OFi 95177 BENEFICIARY: GITY OF FORT WORTH 2D0 TEXAS STREET EOi'tT WORTH, TX 7 6102 �012: C7SD 220, OaO. 00 (US DOLLARS TWO HUriiDRED TWEIVTY TI3DCTSAIVD) D��'E OF EXPIL�ATIb1V: 3/1/2022 PLACE dF EXPIRATION: �UR COU�T'I`ERS UIE HEFtESY ESTABLISF3 OiJR IRREVOCABT.�E S`�`A�TQBY L�TTER OF CIi�pS'S' C�TC). 70005�26 ZN YOUR FAt�QR �"Q.1Z 71CC0[7N`P OF Ti3E I�BOVE-F2EFERENCED APPLICANT AVAfLABLE BY YOUR DRAFTS DRAWN ON DS PAYABLE AT SIGHT �'OR 11NY SC7M OF NlONEY �iOT TO EKCE�1� .�# '�OTAI� OF THE P:1+iOC71�7T REFERENCED ABO`lE U�IHEN ACCONIPAATIED SY THIS LETT�R OF CREDIT' A1�D THE FQT,LpTi�Th1G I](lCC7�I�14"I': BEIVEFICIARY' S DATED CERT�FICATE PUE2POR'I'EDLY SIGNEP BX O�TE pF STS PUT,Y' A,UTFiQR�ZED OE'FZCIAI,S S'I'2i�'T1VG: "ABX AIR ING. TS x�T ���'AULT OF TT5 q13LTGATIONS 'WITH THE CIT]C OF FORT WOFtTfi, TE�A5 FOR INVOICES WHICH AE2E PAST DUE AND TH� DRAET PRESE�TTED HEREWITA REPREBENTS I'HE P,MQUN� NQW DUE x11+�D C?WING." IT IS A CONDT�ION OE' TH�S T�E'i"�ER QI' Ck��DIT TiiAT IT SHALL BE DEEMED AUTONlAT'ICALLY EXTENDED WITHOUT AN :A1�E�iA1+�ENT FpR 12 N�lq�'�I�S �'I�OM THE EXPTRA'�ION RAT� HER�q�", �71VL�SS AT LEAST 60 DAYS PRIOR TO THE EXPIRATIDN D�1TE WE SEND NOTICE TO YOU BY REGISTERED MA�S� Qk2 OVERNIGHT COURTER '1'�T' WE ELEC2 �TOT �'0 CQNSI�ER THIS T,ETTER b�' CREDIT EXTEN�ED FOR ANY SUCH ADDTTTONAL PERIOD. LETTER OF CREDIT NOAI EXTEDISION AIQ'J'�CE SHALZ BE S�1VT TO THE BEIVEFFCTARY AT THE AD�RESS AS STAT�p ABOVE, OT2 AS AI�ENDED. PARTIAL DRAUIINGS PERMITTE�. THE DRAFT(5j MU5T REF'ERENCE THIS �3UNIB�R AND ISSUE DATE 0�' THIS Cit�pIT. �HIS LETTER OF CR�pTT IS ISSU�i? SC7HJECT TO THE II�iTERt�lATIONAL STANDBY PRACTICES 199$ PUBLTCI�TIDN 590. W�', I�EREBY 7�GREE [n7T�H YpU THA'F THE DRAF�' DR11WDf I1�I COMPLIANCE 4�TI�'kl TIiE Page 1 of 2 70Q05126 ------___.------------------------------------------____.�..._� �..�.�.�.�___....___-- ----_— __��__._---------------------------------__----___.�_.�.._.��._.�.�_.�...._..___--- ���5 d� THIS LETTER OF CR�D�T WT�L BE DULY HONORED UPON PRESENTATION AND DELIVERY OF THE DOCUMENTS SPECIFIED �BOVE TD THE BELO� AD�R�SS bN pR BEFORE MP,ACH 1, 2022 0� ANY AUTOMATICALLY �XT�NDEn �XPIRATION DATE. P�EASE BE ADVTSEp TAAT SUN�RUST BANK R�C�NTLY M�RGED WITH AND INTO BRANCH BXINKII�IG AAT17 TRUST COMPANY ("BB&T" ), WHICH CHARiGED ITS NP,ME TQ TRUIS'I` BA1VdC; HQW��7E�{, UNTSL EURTH�R NOTICE, ALI, DOCUM�1�7'I'S 1�AiD COMMC7T�TICATIO�TS FtELATED TO THIS LETTER �F CREDIT Oft COLLECTION SIiOCII,� COD7'I'INUE TO BE SEAIT TO TREJIST BANK AT: L�T��12S OF CREDiT ANd T�tADE SERV�CES, 17TH FL (MAIL CODE 3707), 295 PEACHTREE CENTER AV�., ATT��TTA, GA 3Q303. PLE.ASE DIRECT A�I, Ii�QUIRIES TO �ELEFHDNE 80Q�9S1-7897. ALL DOCUMEN�'S 1:R� `TO BE REAiZTTED TO: TRUIST BA�iIi � 7'I`H FL00�2 (I�P IT� CODE 3707 ) 245 PEACHTREE CENTER AVE. AT�,,i�N�A. GA 30303 PLEASE DTIZECT AT,T, I1V�UIRIES TD: PHdNE B00--951-7847 6FTION 3, STNC�fi�LX, TR�7�5T BANK AUTHDR�ZED SIGNATC7RE �,r:t*��***;t******�**� t****�r*:r****�** x,r�rx�: **�r�**���*****�r**�****� PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS DRAFTED DOCUMENT IS NET�Ti��t A PRE-AbV�C;E 1�TpR AN �1�iDICATIfJN THAT A�ETTER OF CREDIT WILL BE I�SUED SY TRU�ST SAl+iK NOR A COG�JITMEPdT Q�' AN'i.' �'XPE BY TRiJ�S� BANTC. 'PHTS DRAI'TED DOCUMENT IS FOFi REVIEW OF POSSiBLE WO�tt�I�TG/STRUCTURE ON�,X. �SSUANCE OF ,�, �,�TTER OF CRED�'1' BY TAiliST BANK IS SUBJECT Ta FINAL APPROVAL BY THE APPRdPRI,ATE PARTI�S OF Tf3E S�ORll�NG/STRUCTURE ,P.I�Tq ALL REQUIREII '�RUTS'S` BAD7K TNTERNt'�Z A�P�iOVALS. **�:��*�*�*�*�*����*�**�*����*************�r��*f*�**��**��*�*��** Page 2 of 2 700Q5�26 ArlhurJ. GallagharRiskManagerr�nt5ervic�s, ]nc Rerospace US 300 5 RlvefsidE PI2�za, 5uite 150fl, Chicaga, IL 6dG06 Phone(312)235-82U5 beeky_arant�ajg.com zr�iznz� To: Fnrt 1North Alliance �Airpnrt City af �art warth City ,Qitorneyrs O�fice ���#if_�� ��xAEi�C_2D-737 �..� ��1��� Er�wrance i Risk Martagement � CansulFing Thlsisto cenify that the lnsurance hrola��ofARhurJ. Gallaghsr(UiC) Limited haveplaced the referenced insuraflcepoficies{Hul] 8� Liabilify GAl2Qn4S27, Hull ETeducGble GA2407629, MuEI lNar GA20E17B28 and Excess AVN52E GA2Q01&3�) for 104% with Llnderwriters at Lloyd's and �ther l.icen�c! Companies, each fortheirpartand nntaheforthsokher, an behalfofthe Named Ins�red covering th�iroperationsagainstfhe4nllowing ri�.c and upto the iim iLsstated whilsf opera ti ng WodcEwide or asdefined in the policy. Namedlnsured: Air7r�nsportServic.esGroup,Ina.anditssubsdiarycompaniesincludir�ghutnotllmlt�dfnABXAir,Inc.,Ad�ancedFlight5erviaes LLC, Air6ome Ciobal Solutians, Inc., Airbome Isrfai�#eRance & Engineering Servlces, Inc., Air6ome Training 5ervice� Inc., AIr Tran�ort Intemationaf, Inc., AirTran�o�t lntemationaE, L�C., AMES RAaterfal5sroices, Inc., ATS� We�t L.easing Limited, ATSG West Limiied, CargoAvia#ion, Inc., Carga Holdingslnternational, I�o., CargoAircrafthAar�agemeni lnc., LGSTX Distribution Servio�, lnc., LG5iX 5ervices, Ir�c.,LGSTX Fuel Management, lnc., LGS7X �is{rib�tion Services, Ino., PEMCO V4lorld AirServices Inc., TrifacFor5olutions, �LCand Omn€ Aviatian Leasng, LLC {�Vamed insured)at 145 HunterDrive, Wilmington qH a�177 Pol3cy Period Coverages 1 Novem6er, 2420 to 1 EJovember, 2021 taoth daysatQq:f11 I.ocal5tandard Timeattheaddressofthe Namsd Insured ALL R�SI�S (GRa11ND AND �LIGH'1'j AIRCRAF7 HULL VALU�: Asnn Fil� ]ncluding Alf Rlsks(rncluding tra�it)Airo�aftSpare parts Ensuraroe AVlA71QN WULL YYAR AN#] ALLI�b P�F'tiLS (LSW555nJVALU�: As on File lncludingAll Rfsks{ineludfng tra�lc)AircraftSpare parls Insurance AlI2CRAFT LIL1�iLITY Ah1D COMPFi�HEN5IVE GENERALI.IAHILlTY LlfNIT: lJSD 500,06D,000 eacFioccurr�sce, unless sublimited as nat�d; IncEuding, buf not limited ta: BadEfy Injury and Property Dar�ge tol'hird Parties. Passen�er, Personal Inj�ry (non- passengers sublEmlt USC� 25,00O,OODperoeeurence), Cont�aeival, Passengers' Baggage, Premises, Produds, Han�rfceepers, HwtLiquar(sudimtt US� 26,OOD,OOfl;, Limited Sudden and AcadenYal F'nflulinn (sub]init USD2,SOp,ODU3aer occurrence) and CargaLegal Llablllttes. On AirpoR Automobil0 Liabiliiy. Excass�ff Airpert Auiomabi�e and F�coess Emplv�ers Liabilities (each suhlimit USD 26,OQO,OQU per aecurcence). AV�i52E Fxtended Coverage �ndorsement (Aviafiar I.iabilities) (sublimit llSD 250,Q00,000 per oocurrencevv3th ExcessAVN52E: �1SD 750,ODqOflOper aacurrence). An annual aggregale ilmlt applles to some casrerag�. AircratkAndlAr E ui�,ompnt: AnyAircraftorEqupirnentowru�, operated, orieased bythe Named lnsured. C�n�racts: �n regards fo the Cargn CarrierOpereting Agreemenfdated i Octo6er, 2Q18, between Forf Worth AllianceAirportand A BXRir Inc. Snecial Prov iaions Subjact always to ihe soope of the referenced policies and a!I the poFraes' declaratiar�s, insuring agreements, terms, candtlions, limitatioris, exc�usinr� deductibles,warranUesandendars�mentsth�;repfremalningparamount: Solelyasraspects �i)TheCo�erage(s}notedabove; (ii)theContr�r,t{sj(and ihen only io fhe exte�! of the Named Insured's abl i gation to prarri de insurant� undt� ihe ierrras nf the Contract{s)); and (i iij the operations of the Named Insured; the policiesare endorsed ta includelhe fallowing pravison�s): The City aF Fort Worlh, Texas and Alllance AirServices, IRc. and ihef respettiveeteoter� afFicials, boards, ofGcers, empbyees, agents and repres�enfaiives are inoludsd as Add�tianal Insuresd {the Additlana] �nsu�eds") astheErrespectNe righis and interesismay appear, warrantecl no operatlonal inEeresi; however, na party shall 6e inciuded as an Additional I rsured as respecl5 9ts leg�l liahility as meruiactur�r, repairer pr servic ng agent aF ihe Rircrait anr!!or engines. it�surers recognize tha indamn�icationprovisians under the cantractbut an�r to t�e e�dert of covaage praided underthepniiaies. Insurers agreeto hold harmlessand vvaive theirrights of su4rogaban againsE lE� AdditiaEa! [nsureds, but only tathe extant the Named� ns�red has waived its rights of recneery undar the Conirac�sj. Such insuranee as Is sfforded iheAddldona! Irtsure�5 5ha11 not he lnvalidai�d and shall prn�ct ti�elrinteresls regardessnf ar�y acUan or inaction o( Fhe Narned InSured ar any ather personar party whetl�r ar not such action or ina�tionis a breach or v3ohfionuf gny w�tt8ntl�s, dBdaradans ar arnd�pns c€ #he policies, ptov ided that fi�e Adciitional �nsured so pralac[ed ha5 notCaused, cpntribubed to or knrnvingty concbned sakl ac#orom€ssion, bui in no evart shall fhls clause appty in the ev ent af exhaus8nn c# policy !im tts, narta 1o55es, dairr�s, expenses, etc„ exclutEed from cwerage undsr ihe polfcaes. As respects physical damage co,�er�e: AI!losseswill be ad)usted and paid asr�quircd in the Cmtea;�s} �n tha event cf aancellatlo�a or material ch�ges of the pnlEdesby insvers which would adversely �fectthe Intgesisof Ehe Certiicat� hblder(s}, Insurersagree to prov ide 30 days priorwritten noiice (seven(7) days in Ehe case of war risf� and alfied perifscwerage) ta the Cerfiicata �-]older(s). '[he aub9cribing insurers obligatians unda� aonVacts of instraaeetovvhich they su6saflre are seveeal�nd nat joinE and are limitedsolely Eo the exteot o# lheir indfv IduaE sv6scriptions. 'fhe su6scrbfng 3nsu�ers are notrespansibl�fortha subscripHQn of arry ca-subscribfng Insirerwhn far any reason daes not satisfyell or p�rt of ils nbligat�pns �SW 1U01 This is fn certifyt�aE policies ofinsuran�e listed above havebeen issuedfothe lnsured narnedabove and are in fiores at#his time. Natvr ithstand€ng any requirement t�rm or tanditinn nf any cnntraats or other documents w ith res pectia w#�ich 4he cartificate rnay �e issued ar may pertairt, the insuear+ce afforded by ihe palicies described Aer�in Is su6j �ctto aI[ terms, exclusions and cnnditlons of such policies. �� � � � .� � Arlhur.i. GailagherRiskNfanagementServir.�s, Inc Aer�space US 300 S Rl�erslde Plexa, Sulte 1500, Chicago, IL 606a6 Phdne{312}235-8205 backy 8rant(c�3jg.t�m Authorized Representative �..- ���i��� Insurartce � Risk Management I Consulting ArthurJ. GallagherRfskhAanagementServices, Int Aeros pace U5 360 S F'ilverside Pfara, SuIGg 1500, Chirago, IL BO606 Phone (312) 235-82U5 becky_aant�jg.wm SCW�bULE OFABafi�S5�E379D CEF2'f}�IGA"fE NU�UIBER: ABX-2Q-737 IN5UREl] SIJRJ�CT CUM PANY GDNTACT NAM E AaDRESS EMAIL Cdflfl PANY CpiVTACT MAM E A�DRESS EMAIL C{7{NF+ANV' CQ[+ITACT lhIAM E A�ARESS �NiAIL A�X Air, lnc. �. � �����% fnwranne � I�iskManager�teni � Cnnsufting In regards Yo the Gargo Carrfer Qperating Agree menEda6eci 1 Octaber, 2079, batween FoR Wort� AEllance Alrpartand ABX Air, fnc. Fork Worth Alliance Airpvrt 2221 Alliance �IYd.� Saite i D� Fort Worth, 'I'X 76777 City of �ort Worth 42fl4 N. M ain Sk, Sulfe 200 Fori 1No�fh, TX 7&10fi�736 City AtfoFne}�s �ffice 24U Texas St Port Worth, iX 7fii 02 �-�-� •� � �����.. Febr�aary 24, 202 � Christopher Ash, C.M. VP Business D�velopm�nt & Gustomer Rela�ians Fort Wflrth Alliance Airpart 222'i Alliance Blud. Suite 9 00 Fori V1larth, TX �6'1 �i Re; AFW Car�a �arrier Operating Agreemen# —�B� Aie Chris, Pleas� find enclased (1) set — ABX Air, lnc. executed AFW Carga CarrEer Operating Agreement. As requesfed, ABX Air President has ac�nowledged ar�d appro�riate Notary Public seal applied. ABX Air appreciates the appor#unity to begin our reiationship with �o�t Worth Allian�e Airpo� in support af our mutua! custom�r. Sincerely, Andrew McAv Manager, Air� ABX Air, lnc. andrew.rncaviney@abxair.com 145 Hu�ter Drive Wifmington, Ol�io �5177 -� (937) 382-559� ww+n�.abxair.com