HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 55429� �"��� ����� � � � � � V ��-�,'�������-������� ������ �,�,�p�t„ua� Pi�o,1��T 1l�Ai.l� l�A � . �� �C��t '�N� �(lf�S�it�C'Ti�N �� R{]L�,�N� �IILLS ��'rl�ER �'���"�f�1VT"}'� �N�'' FL(1�f����'ER REP���"!�`�1,�NT'� �t� P�a�a��� ]�io. � �2��G ��tsy Pric� M ayar I�avi�i �c�ok� �ity� ��tger C'hri� i�ar�er 1�la#�r b�r��tor Pr�p�r��l ��r T`�e ��t�r a� F�r� �Y�r�� ki'�ter D�pr�r���e��� Noue�r��er ���� Pt�pared �y: ��,a'��,��z�,����� T�x�s l�egi��er� Eng�ne��iog Fi�rn E-79��i ���. -., �,��,+ -�� �� . �_� �� � _�UI� �. �U�v�7 1l � �7���� � �� ����� ;��., ���� . � �l�s;{�-������ � � � �� . : ��I�lA� ��R� Ct�' �S��F��'�"��..' � � #'�, 1�C►���#., ��� ; ���� ����� � - PROJECT 1VIAliTUAL FOR THE CO1��TRUCTIOl�i OF ROLLIIVG HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT FLOW .1VIETER REPLACEMENTS City Project No. 10�0�6 Betsy Price David Cooke Mayor City Manager Chris Harder Water Directar Prepared fo�- The City of Fort Worth Wate� Depa�tment November 20�0 Prepared by: � ��. -� � . ,� , .. Texas Registered Engineering Firm F-7986 r '��'� v �� 'c� ��� � G''' q ,,�-g� ��� .0lJIS B. HUNO i! � 3.:......77643 ;`�,2�� ��SFCI5��R�� �e'�`,.!,� ���`����� ��+%�'��� � THIS PAGE LEFT INTENTIONALLY BLANK CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CON�TRUCTIOI� SPECIFICATION DOCUMEIVTS Revised July 1, 20] 1 ROLLING HIt,LS WATER TREATNiEAIT PLANT FLOW METER REPLACEMEIVTS CITY PROJECT I�lO. 102D56 RB��IfV� I-Il��S V�IA��R Y'R��l�I�Ii�F�,�� �'�.PaPJi �'LOIdV R�I�i�R ii�ODII�I��TIOP�S CITY PROJECT NO. 102056 TECHNICAL �PECIFICATIONS 5EALS JQ Infrastructure, LLC TBPE Firm 79$6 02 41 14 22 14 19 22 14 29 31 25 00 32 O1 29 32 13 13 32 13 73 32 16 13 32 31 13 32 91 19 32 92 13 33 04 10 33 04 40 33 OS 10 33 OS 16 33 OS 30 331105 33 11 14 33 12 21 33 12 25 33 39 20 33 41 10 ���P�E OF' T��9 ���� �k � . ir r L�Q S B. HUND II �: ......7i64 3.....��� ��` '���jSi�.���e'�r`.y,r� ���Q����.��``���' � � ��� .�Q Infrastructure, LLC TBPE Fir�n 7986 rn �,�''�,� � , p �. ,TF ��9g tt � � �. •• ;1 �•.�-,������ ��� � '��� � . ...............................� � �{1RALf. K:. KARlYARYFFpU,� ��=. 95735 ;�� J3 �.�,•'•. � 0.�� `L� 6/j��`�S•oe£N�F=��`� ,1 �� ���;i`ti�.1�a°As',d �'�� — � � .. ., -� _ 1 L/o4/2020 ENGTN�ERING SEALS 033000 os so oa OS 50 O1 OS 52 13 ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMEIVT PLANT FLOW METER MODIFICATIONS CTI'Y PROJECT NO. 102056 Gupta & Assnciates, Inc. TBFE Fir�n #F-2593 I� � � �,' , ,: , ��� , � . �. � � Y s �.ar.a.. ��,�c vr TF�`� �`yr`P � P„�'•' � •• �� �; ;� .. . ..... ................. ...... ��o�c� s. �u�� ............................... -��... sasoo �� ���.���Fcrs��R�°,�`� 04 November 2020 Gupta & Associates, Inc. TBPE Firm #F-2593 � � � ���s�= �o- , ..�r- �. � � .. �� �, * *. �,� • * '� + � �, �.. �,.' ..................:..bJi � � ��� ����� { ........................... � �i��'�., i09��3 � �� �����r,is��•' ��� ��'''`-�-. � � -0�1-���f� �ky��{�NAL� � � �6 ao oa 2� as is 2b Q5 26 2� as 29 2b OS 33 25 OS 43 2b 24 16 �V G! 26 ?6 29 87 2b 43 13 a�a a 1 ao 40 61 DO 40 70 50 40 71 00 40 72 OQ 40 78 00 40 $0 00 ENGINEERING SEALS ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT . FLpW METER MODIFICATIONS CITY PROJECT NO. 102056 1 �I � � � ��� �f F��°��lll��r�� � Standar°d Construction Spec�fication Documents Adapted September 20i 1 ooaaao-i 5TANDARD C�NSTRLJCTI�N SPECIFICATIQN DOCUMENTS Page 1 of 6 THIS PAGE LEFT INTENT�ONALLY BLANK CiTY OF FOR'[' WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCT[ON SPECIFiCATiDN dOCL7M�NT5 Revised Febxuary 2, 2016 I20LL1NG HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT FLQW METER MODIFICATIONS CITY PRd7ECT Np, ] 0205b 000000-z STAA]DARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIEICATION DOCUMENTS Page 2 of 6 S�CTION 00 00 Ofl TABLE OF CONTENTS Divisio� 40 - Gereeral Conditions 00 OS 10 Mayar and Council Communication UO OS 15 Addenda d0 11 13 Invitation to Bidders 00 21 13 Instructions to Bidders 00 35 �3 Conflict of Interest Affidavit 00 41 00 Bid Form 00 42 43 Propasal Form Unit Price 00 43 13 Bid Bond 00 43 37 Vendor Compliance to State Law Nanresident Bidder 00 45 11 Bidders Prequaliitcations 00 45 12 PrequaIification State�nent 00 45 13 Bidder Prequalification Application 00 45 26 Contractor Com�pliance with Workers' Compensation Law 00 45 40 Minority Business Enterprise Goat 00 52 �3 Agreement 00 61 13 Perfarmance Bond 00 6l 14 Payment Bond 00 61 19 Maintenance Bond 00 61 25 Certificate of Insurance a0 72 00 General Conditions d0 73 00 Supplementary Conditions Division U1- General Reqnirements 01 11 DO Summary of Work O1 25 Od Substitution Pracedures O1 29 73 Schedule of Vahies 01 31 19 O1 31 20 U1 32 16 O1 32 33 O1 33 00 01 35 13 O 1 45 23 01 50 00 Ol b0 Ofl O1 66 QO a1 �o 00 O 1 7A� 23 017719 01 78 23 O1 78 39 Preconstruction Meeting Project Meetings Construction Progress Schedule Preconstruction Video Submittals Special Project Procedures Testing and Inspection Services Temporary Facilities and Contrals Product Requirements Product Storage and Handling Requirements Mobilization and Re;nobilization Cleaning Closeout Req�irements Operation and Maintenance Data Project Recoxd Documents CITY pF FpRT WORTH ROLLING HILL5 WATER TREATMENT FLANT STANbARD CONSTRLTCTIO�1 SPECIFICATTON i]OCUMENTS FLdW METER I�rIOD[FICATIQNS Revised February 2, 2016 CiTY PRp7ECT IdO. 10205b oa0000-3 STANDARD CON3TRUCTIQN SPECIFICATION I?OCUMENTS Page 3 ofb Technicai S�ecifications: Divisian p2 — Existing Condit�ons 02 41 14 Utility Remaval/Abandonment Division 03 — Concrete 03 30 00 Cast-in-place Cancrete Division 05 — Metals OS 50 00 Miscellaneaus Metal Fabrications OS 50 O1 Anchorages OS 52 13 Aluminum Handrails and Railings Division 22 — P�unabing 22 14 19 Sump Pump Discharge Piping 22 14 29 Sump Pumps Division �6 - Electrical 26 00 00 Elect�rical-Generai Provisions 2� OS �9 Low-Voltage Wires and Cables 26 OS 26 Grounding and Bonding System 26 OS 29 Electrical Support Hardware 26 OS 33 Raceways, Boxes, Enclosures and Fittings 26 OS 43 Undergraund System 26 24 16 Panelboards 26 27 26 Light Switches and Receptacles 26 29 87 Electrical Contractor Provicled Control Panels (ECPs) 26 43 13 Low Voltage AC Surge Protective Devices (SPDs} Division 31— Earthwork 31 25 00 Erosion and Sediment Control Divisian 32 — Exterior ��provements 32 01 29 Concrete Paving Repair 32 13 13 Concrete Paving 32 13 73 Concrete Paving Joint Sealants 32 16 l3 Concrete Curb and Gutters and Valley Gutters 32 31 13 Chain Link Fence and Gates 32 91 19 Topsoil Placement and Finishing of Parkways 32 92 13 Hydro-Mulching, Seeding, and Sadding Div�ision 3� -� U�iliEies 33 04 la Joint Bonding and Electrical Isotation 33 04 40 Cleaning and Acceptance Testing of Water Mains 33 OS 10 Utility Trench Excava�ion, Embedment, and Backfill 33 05 16 Concrete Water Vaults 33 OS 34 Location oiExisting Utilities 33 11 d5 Bolts, Nuts, and Gaskets 33 11 14 Buried Sieel Pipe and Fittings 33 12 21 AWWA Rubber-Seated Butterfly Valves CITY OF FORT WORTT�I ROLL1NCr HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT 3TAIVDARD CONSTRUCTION SFECIFICATION �OCUMEAlTS F40W METERMODIFICATIONS Revised February 2, 201fi CITY PRpJECT IVO. E02056 00 00 00 - 4 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Page 4 of 6 33 12 25 Connection to Existing Water Mains 33 39 2Q Precast Concrete Manhole 33 41 10 Reinforced Concrete St�rm Drain Pipe/Culverts Division 40 — Process Contro� Integration 40 41 00 ElectricaI Heat Tracing 40 61 00 Process Control Sys�err�s General Provisions 40 70 50 Inst�-umentation Support Hardware 40 71 00 Flow Insiniments 40 72 00 Level Instrunnents 40 78 00 Panel Mounted Control Devices 40 $0 00 Process Control Systems Testing Appendix: GG6.06.D MinQri#y ancE VVomen Owned Business Enterprise Compliance GC-6.07 Wage Rates GC-6.24 Nond.iscrimination GR-al 60 UO Product Req�irements END OF SECTION CI'FY OF FORT WORTH RQLLING HILLS WAT�R TREATM�NT PLANT 9TANDARI] COIdSTRUCTiON SYECIFICATIpN DQCUMENTS FLOW METER MODIFICATiONS Revisad February 2, 20�6 C1TY FROdECT NO. 102056 oaoaoa-s STANDAI2D CONS'T'RUC7`IO�1 SP�CIE'CCATION DbCUM�NTS Page 5 of G THIS PAGE LEFT INTENTIONALLY BLANK CITY QF FORT WORTH STANDARD CQNSTRUCTIO�i SPECIFICATIQN DOCUMENTS Revised February 2, 2p16 ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT FLOW METER MODIFiCATiON5 CITY P1tOJECT NO. 102056 City of Fart Worth, Niayor and Texas Council �ommunication DAT�: 02/02/21 M&C FILE NLlMBER: M&C 21-0098 LOG NAME: 60RHWTPFL.QWIVIR-GRESCENT-�JQI SUBJECT (CD 8) Autharizs �xecution ofAmendment No. 2 in the Arnount of $1�49,509.00 to an �ngineering Agreement with JQ Infras#ructure, LLC for Rolling Hills Water Treatment Plant Flow Mefer Replac�ment, Authorize Execution of a Contract with Crescent Constructors, Inc., in the Amoun# of $6,317,000.00 for Rolling Hills Wat�r Treatment I'lant Flow Meter Replacement, and Adopt Appropriation Ordinance RECOMMENDATION: ft is recommended that the City Council: Aufhorize the execution of Amendment No. 2 fa City Secretary Contract No. 52581, an engineering agreement with .1Q Infrastructure, LLC, in the amounf af $149,509.Oq for construction support services forthe Rolling hlills Water Treatment Plant Flow Meter Replacement Impravements project for a re�ised contract amount of $519,184.00; Authorize the execution of a contract with Crescent Consfructors, Inc., in the amount of $6,317,0OO.OD for the Rolling Hills Water Treatment Plant Flow Meter Replacemenf proje�t; and Adopt fF�e aftached appropriation ordinance increasing receipts and appropriations in the amounk of $7,075,435.D0, from a�ailable funds in the Water and 5ewer Gas Lease Capital Project Fund, for fhe Rolling Hills Water Treatment Plant Flow Meter Replacement project (City Project No. 102056). DISCUSSIOI�: On June 18, 2q19, Mayor and Council Communication (M&C G29154), the City Cauncil authorized an engineering agreement witi� JQ Infrastructure, LLC (Cify Secretary No. 52581), in the amount of $175,976.00 for the design of Rolling Hilts Water Trea#ment Plant Flow Meter Replacement project. The agre�ement was subsequently revised by Amendment No. 9 in the amount of $133,699.QQ authorized August 11, 2020 (M&C 20-0544) that provided design for two additiona� meter replacemenis and one additional �alve. As pa�t of Amendment No. 2, the engineer wfll perform construcfion support services including site observation visits for structural, electrical, and instrumentafionlcanfrol progress reports. This project provides for the consfr�ction of six-meter �aults and one isolation valve vauli. The project was ad�ertised for bid on No�ember 5 and No�ember 12, 2020, in the Fort Worfh Star-Telegram. On December 1, 202�, the folfowing bids were received. gidder Amount Time of Completion Crescenf Constructors, Inc. $6,317,pa0.OQ 480 CaEendar Days Qak� Constructian, Co. $6,436,083.00 In addition to the contract cosf, $419,496.Q0 is required for projeck management, inspection and material testing and $189,510.00 is pro�ided for project contingency. Appropriations for the Ro[ling Hills Water Treafinent Plant Flow Meter Replacement project are as depicted be�ow. Fund �X�sting Additional Projecf Total* Appropriations Appropriations Wafer and Sewer Capital Projects Fund $235,976.00 $0.00 $235,976.D0 56002 Water Capital - Fund ��g3,699.00 $D.QO $193,699.00 59601 Watar and Sewer Gas Lease Cap Project - $O.OD $7,075,435.q0 $7,075,435.00 Fund 53004 Project Total $429,675.OD $7,075,435.00 $7,505,1 �0.00 *Numbars rounded for presentation. T�is project will ha�e no impact on ihe Water Department's operafing budget when completed. MIWB� OFFICE: Crescenf Constructors, Inc. is in compliance with the City's B�E Ordir�ance by committing to eight percent MBE participation on this project. The City's MBE goai on this project fs eight percent. MIWBE OFFICE: JQ Infrastructure, LLC is in compliance wi#h the City's BDE Ordinance by committing to 2$ percent SBE parficipa#ion on this amendment. The Ciiy's SBE goal on this amendment is nine percent. The project is located in COUNCIL QISTRlCT 8. FISCAL tNFORMATION 1 C�RTIFICATION: The Director of Finance certifies that funds are currently a�ailable in fhe Unspecified projecf wifhin the Water/Sewer Gas Lease Cap Proj �'und and upon appro�al of ihe above recommendations and adoption of the attached appropria#fon ordir�ance, funds will be available in the WaterlSewer Gas Lease Cap Proj Fund for the Meter Replacements at RFf1MP to support the ap�roval of the above recommendations and execufion of the amendrnent to fhe engineering agreement. Prior to an expenditure being incurred, the Water Departmen# has the responsibility of verifying the a�ailability of funds. Suhmitted for City Manager's OffEce b� Dana Burghdoff 8018 Origina�ing Bus�ness Unif Head: Chris Harder 5020 Additional Information Contact: Scoif Taylor 7240 ExpeditecE � � � � r� 0 � � � � � � z H ti � h7 � � m � � 00 os io - i MAYOR AND COU�TCiL COMIVEiJNICATIQN (M&C) Page 1 of 1 � 2 3 4 5 S 7 8 9 14 11 12 13 Z4 15 16 17 i8 19 aa 2t 22 23 24 sECT�oN oo a� io MAYOR AND COUNCIL COMMUNICATION (M&C) lssembler.• �or ContractDocument �recution, rerraave this page ancl repiace with the approved "1&Cfot' the award of the pt'oject. M&C insert shall be on blue paper.] END OF SECTION CiTY OF FORT WORTH STANDAR� CONSTRUCTIQN SPECIFICATION DOCUMEiVTs Revised July 1, 201 i ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS CIT'Y PROJ�CT NO. 102056 THIS PAGE LEFT INTENTIONALLY BLANK C1TY OF FOdZT WORTH STANDARD Cpi�TSTRUCTIpN SPECIFICAT[ON DOCUMFt�3FS Revised July 1, 2611 ROLLING H1LLS WA'['El� �E'REATMENT PLAI+FT FLOW MGTL.R REPLACEMENTS CTTY PRO7ECT Nd. 1 a2056 Addendum No. 1 Page 1 of 5 CITY OF FORT WQRTH ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMEliTT PLANT FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS City Project No. 1pZOS6 ADDENDUM No. 1 Decembcr 1, 2020 Bidders are hereby informed of the following cha�ges to ��.'�a� the contract documents for the ro ect. Bids for the "��p� T���`� P J ���,�p ..: ........ .. :F.y ��� praject v�+ill be received at 1:30 PM CST an Thursday, �.,� � � December 17, 2020. Bidders must acknowledge receipt .��.�.�+��.�. -'�•�� . of this Addendum below, and on OQ 41 00 BidForm. ���z5 �• ��ND �ti � � ��sa.�.....:�� -o'•. I. (iENFRAi, ���� F�157,���`�tiN``�`�� ����'`���� �I��� �� � �. BiD DATE: a. Bid Opening Date is moved from December 3, 2020 to December I7, 2020. �I,�J �ZI�II_x�ll Y)].7\'a'!_hI�`7.`J 1. SHEET C11: a. Delete from the Legend, under Shutdown 1, 2, 3, and 4, the date ranges shown. See Specification Section 01 IZ 1 b ass�aed and attached in this Addendum for aticlitional shutdown info�mation. 2. SHEET C21A: a. Insert aitached Sheet C21A. 3. SHEET C23: a. Add the following genera� notes to pavement details as applicable: 1) All existing pavement removed shall be neatly sawcut. 2} Parking Lot paverneni at Lab Builcfii�g shall be 6" thick. Reinforcement shall be #3 bars @ 18" o.c.b.w. 3) Subgrade shali be scarifred to a depth of 8" and recompacted to 95% standard proctor�density (ASTM D-698). Where A.I. is 15 or greater, subgrade shall be stabilized with a minimum of b% by weight of hydrated lime (27 pounds per S.Y.). Subgxade shall e�tend to 1' beyond edge af pavement or back of curb. 4. SHEETS C 12 throu hQ C21: a. Add the fallowing note: CiTY OP FORT WORTH ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS CITY PROJECT NO. 102656 Addendum No. 1 Page 2 of 5 1) All piping inside vault shall have a minimt�m pipe wall steel thickness of 0.375 inches or pipe D/144, whichever is greafer, where D is the nominal pipe diameter, 5. SHEET� C 16 and C 17: a. Add fhe following notes: 1} Provide isolation kits on both ends of butterfly valve per Sectian 33 04 10. 2} Provide electric jumper as required per Section 33 04 10 3} �rovide a 2" CC threaded outiet, corp stap, copper and 1/4 turn ba11 valve on both sides of valve. I�� -��JT9 [N11 Y [17►f�� 1. SECTION 00 11 13 Invitation to Bidders: a. Change December 3, 2020 to December 10, 2020. 2. SECTION 00 42 43 Pronosal Form: a. Remove entire Section and Replace with Section attached. 3. SECTION 01 12 � 6 Construction Sequence: a. Add entire Section attached. 4. SECTIQN 09 91 00 Paintin�: a. Add ent�re Section attached. 5. SECTION 40 71 04 Flow Instruments: a. Part 2.2 Venturi Flow Tube, Fage 4 of 7. 1} Under paragraph 2.2.E replace as fallows: "1. The Venturi flow rneter shaIl have an accuracy of +1-0.5% of actuai flow above a pipe Reynolds num6er of 75,000 with a discharge coefficient of 0.9900 which is independent of line size and beta ratio. 2. Inlet Diameter: 84-inches 3. Throat Diameter: 44.087-inches 4, Qverall Length Allowed: 214.77-i4nches 5. Flow Range: 20 MGD to 200 MGD: b. Differential: 1.50 inck�es of water @ 20 MGD to 150 inches of water @ 200 MGD 7. Headloss:0.130 inches oi water @ 20 MGD to 9.74 inches of water @ 200 MGD" 2) Replace paragraph 2.2.F.2 in entirety as fallovcrs: CI`CY DF FORT WORTH R�LLiNG HILLS WATER TRBATM�NT PLANT FLOW METER REPLACEMEIJTS CITY PROJECT NO. 102056 Addendum No. I Page 3 of5 "2. The Venturi meter shall have a cylindrical inlet section of the same inside diameter as the inlet piping and shall contain two high pressure taps and a single vent and drain tap. The cy�indrical throat section shall contain two low-pressure taps. The length of the cyiindrtcal throat section shall be equal to one-half its diameier. The converging section shall be comprised of a single angle of 30 degrees. Converging sect�ons using a radius or muitiple inlet angles will not be acceptable. The recovery sectian sha11 be carnprised of a single angie oF 10 c�egrees and shall be truncated at approximately 90% of the downstream pipe inside diameter. The Venturi shaIl be provided ANSI Class 150 AWWA Class D flanged ends." 3) Replace paragraph 2.2.F.3 in entirety as follows: "3. Fabricatian Qualifications: The Venturi meter supplier shall submit a compleCe manufacturing plan to include calculations for proper material thicknesses which will be used far this meter. A fiill Q/A procedure sha11 be prQvided to include wefders qualifications, material and welding testing procedures and proof of welders current certification for all procedures that will be used in the marnifacturing of the venturi rneter." 4} Insert paragraph 2.2.�'.5 as iallows: "5. Inspection Port: The Venturi meter sha11 be equipped with an inspection port io be located in the meter recovery section and shall have a conforming cover to minimize any flow disturbance. The co�er shall be machined of 316 stainless steel and all iastening hardware shalt be 316 stainless steel. The cover shali have either an O-ring or gasket seal according to the standard practice of the manufacturer." 5} Insert paragraph 2.2.F.6 as follows: "6. Materials: Iniet and outlet cones shall be made of carbon steel per applicable ASTM standards. End flanges shall be carbon steel, epoxy coated drilled for AWWA/ANSI 150# design. Throat section shalI have a Iength equal to at least ane-half its diameter, sha11 be at least 1 A" thick, and shall be 316 stainless steel. Mill certifications shall be provided far a11 materials. All welds shall be liquid penetrant inspected {LPI) and a certified report detailing all inspections shall be submitted to the engineer for approval prior to the Venturi meter being shipped to the jobsite. All interior carbon steel surfaces shall be coated with $ mils of 2-part NSF approvec! epoxy. Exterior shall be coated with a suitable shop primer." 6} Insert paragraph 2.2.F.7 as follows: "7. Manuaf Cleanout Rods: To allow for in-place tap cleaning, one tapset in the inlet section and one tap set in the throat section shall be ec�uipped with a manual cleano��t rod assembly. The rod shaft �hali be machined 316 stainless steel designed ta be permanenily installed in the 0.75" taps. The cieanout rod material shall be stainless steel and a stainless-steel isalation ball valve shall be included in the assembly." CITY OF FORT WORTH ROLLING HILLS WATER TREA'I'M�1VT Pi.ANT FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS C1TY PROJECT NO. 102�56 Addendum No. 1 Page 4 of 5 6. APPENDIX a. Add the follawing: 1} Cover sheet: "GC-4.02 Subsurface and Physical Cor�ditions" 2} I�se�t at�acheci Terracon Geotechnical Report No. 95195063 dated September 25, 2019 3) Insert attached Terracon Geotechnical Report No. 95205092 dated Qctober 14, 2020 IV. BiDDER OUESTiONS 1. When does the awner anticipate awarding the praject and issuing a notice to proceed? a. End of'Jarauary or early Febrr�ary 2021. 2. Is a geatechnical report available? a. Two (2) reports are attached to this Addendum. 3. Plan sheet C11. The Legend indicates details shutdown times frames �or Meter Vaults 18 — 21, each one lasting one month. Are these the only times these waterlines can be taken out of service and the maximum duration af each shutdown? As each meter vault wi11 take approximately 2— 3 months of construction fram start to finish, is it the owners and engineer's intent to have multigle meter vaults being constnlcted ai the same time?? a. See Specification Section Ol 12 1 fi Construction Sequence attached to this Addendum. 4. Plan sheet C11. The shutdown Legend does nat address Meter Vaults 22 & 23 nor the 84" Isolatian Valve Vault. Ara their restrictions on what iime of year and t'or how long these meter vaults can be shutdoum and taken offline? a. See Specification Section 01 12 I S Construction Sequence attachecl to this Addendum 5. Assuming it takes four months to award thc project and issue ntp {our recent experiences with the City in a non-pandemic situatian intiicates it takes an average af 20weeks from bid day ta ntp} we can expect a ntp in earIy April. There will nat be enough time to submit, receive approval and fabricate the pipe and material's required for Meter Vaults l8 -21 and to be able to meet the shutdown requirements for 2021. This will then push the construction af these vaults into 2022 ta comply with the shutdown windows. Given the schedule of 420 to substantial and +�0 to final the �roject wi11 have to be substantial completed by the end of May and finished by the end of July. As of now, the project cannot be constructed within the given schedule and shutdown restrictions. We ask that either award be expedited, the shutdowr�s windows lengthened, or the contract duration extended so the contractor has enough time to build this proj ect. a. See Specification Section 01 12 16 Construction Sequence attached to th.is Addendum CITY OF FORT W4RTH [iQLLING HILLS WATSR TREATMENT PLANT FLOW METEIt REPLACEIvIENT5 C1TY PRO.TECT NO. 162056 Addendunt No. 1 Page 5 oi5 6. Tla.e p�ans ca�l out far t�c e�teriar of the cancrete �au�ts to be recaive an epoxy ar approved coating. As �xteriar damprao�ng's can vary grea�ly i� maferial and pric�, ca�a a sXsecification be issued far the required caating? a. See Sectian 33 O51 d Concrete Water Tjaults, 2.2.C.13. 7. WiI1 Siemens i�e accepted as a manufactut�er for the mini power ce�ters and assac��.ted SPD's? a. Yes, Siemens x�ill be an approved equal under Spec:ification 26 24 I6 (Parael�oards), Parcrgraph 2.1 (�LlaraufactureY,$) P�ease ack�nc�wiedge g�ecei�# csf the Addea�d�E� in ih� following Iac:aYio�n�: 1) �n t�e space provided below. 2) I� �h� Proposal � LJni� Bid Ipriee. 3) Indicaie in upper ease letters on the pu�sid� of the �eaied bid envelope: "YttECE�VEIi c� A,CKC+�OWLE�?GED ADBENDUM iv0. 1" Faiiure to acknowi�dge the receipt on �idd�e�tdum 1Vo. 1 could ca�tse the s�bject bidder to be considerecl "NON�R�SPONSIVE", resulting in disqaaii�c�tion. A si�ned copy of this addee�dum shall bE placed inta #�� proposal at the tirn�e a� bid submittal. AII Ttems in co�f`licg evitl� thi� add�ndum are hemeby de�eted. THI� ADDENDUM IS Mr�UE P�eRT (iF THE �PECI�IC.A,TIONS ANli CONTRAC'I' DIiC�CTMENTS AND SHALL BE A�KNO'WLEI)GED ON T�iE P�QPUSAL AND �1V '�'HE BID ENVELOPE. i7VATER TllEPARTMEI�T DIRECTQ�R CHRIS H,�RD�R, P.E. Receipt Ackz�g�vled�a;d: � - , � J�` By; � � ' By: b /1 � � ,� t� __��___.� - - Tony Sholola,l'.E. � . Assistant Direc�or (Water Dept} Tifie: David Cald�vell, Vice Preside�t Company: Crescent Construetors, Inc. _ CITY OF POKT WOitTH itQLLINC`r HILLS WA7"E12 TR1iATMENT PLANT �LQW METER R&PLA.CEMENTS CITY FROJECT 1V0. 10205fi uN/Rmo xu w s+ucecVrw rvaTe �m �+. lm-�+S�w� +a _ oe+M �+�av .�a.m �4$� -��4 Nmc`�i a � a �� D .Zl � Z �� r m O m md X � D z � � Z � O � � �� O � � � � N f+l � D Z11 � m� v� r nrn n �� � Z Z � � � r Z �I � J_g; -. N ���._:�� o N p o� � � F� _ E°i D � ~ �"�` . N ,y s W4 �� o� . � � � � � ��� �q �o� ��� ��� �� • �9 A3 �� z� la 4�� �F$ ��� �gn � W ��� �g � �� �� �� �+�� Y$ n� 'a�o �� 4� o� i� z �� �� � � I 1 I � � b I 9� � � S� S! � �� $ � � 4 � � � � � � ����� � ��� r�� � � ��4 ��� ����S z � � m � � � z � �z v � �z� �_ z -� S � 00 42 43 Bll7 PROPOSAL Page 1 of 3 SECTEQN 00 42 43 PROPQSALFORM U�1T P�I�� �ID �i�lder'� A��alica�i�r� Project Item Information Bidder's Froposal Bidlist item Description Unit of Bid unit Price Bid Value No. Measure Quantity Meter Vault 98 (E-1), 48" Venturi, with top ,� Concrete �ault including exca�ation, shoring, and LS 1 backfill _� __ _ e._ _ _.� _.._. _ _. . _. ..__ _ __ __ _. _. .. .� � . __ .. _� . _ 2 Remove and c�ispose 48 LF 48" Ppe _ LS 1 . __ _ _ __ _ �.__. .._ _�._... �_._ ._ __. _ ...� .. _ � ._.e �_ �.. _e. .. _ _ _ __ _ _._ _ _ __..�_.___.. 3 Install existing 48" Venturi meter, 48" pipe, spoal LS 1 pieces, supports, couplings, and harnesses __ ___.. _.�._. �... __ . . _�._.. � . _-- _ ��..._ _ �.... .......�.�... _. �.�.�. .�.�� ___...� �.�.. . . � 4 Electricaf LS 1 5 Instrumentation & Contral LS 1 Meter Vault 19 �S-1}, 48" Venturi, open kop � Concrete �ault including exca�atian, shoring, and �S 1 backfill _.. �. ..._�.�___ _ _ ._.._� _ _ _.._ _ .. ._ � _...._. _...._ �. _ _ . __ �.__. _... _ .. .. ... . _ ... . _ _.._ . 7 Rernove and dispose 48 LF 48" Pip� LS 1 � __ . ._ _ ���__ .__ _ �_.. __ ___ _ _ — _ __.__..___ ___ __ _ _ ._. .___ ..�..�_ __ _ _ _ ____- _ ___ __ $ Instali existing 48" Venturi meter, 4$" pipe, spool LS 1 pieces, supparts, couplings, anci harnesses _ _.� . . .._--_ _ _ _. � _ _._....__... _....._.. _ ... _.�..__...�.�_.�_�_.... _� _.._.�.. ____�.._ ___. _ . _ __. ._...._ ._.�..�_�. . �.�.�.. .� ...... . .. .... _...... ....._.. ..... �_ _ _ _ __.. 9 Electrica[ LS 1 - 1a Ins�rumentation & Control LS 1 Meter Vault 20 (S-2), 48" Magmeter, open top � � Concrete �ault including exca�akion, shoring, and LS 9 backfill __.� _� ___ .._ _..__ _W _ w�. __ __._ ._� . __ ._.�_. _ _ .__. �w_ _____ _�_ _ . __.�_._. _._ . _ _.� - -._.__.. - _- --.� .. __ _ -__. � 2 Steel Encased Duct Bank L5 9 __ _ ....�_ . ..�.___� _� .. _ .. ... _ �___ - �_.�. _ ._...� . ... . �_ _ .�� ..___� _.�__ . _ __ _.. _ �.._� _ 93 Remove and dispose 48 LF 48" Pipe LS 1 __.. __.......�. ____.� .. _ .. _.._ ._� _._.__.. . _. ___.... .. . _._..._._..__ __�._� �._... �........ .._.� �4 lnstafl existing 48' Magmeter, 48" pipe, spaol pieces, �S � supports, couplings, and hamesses � _ �.__._ .�..�... __ __ _ ._..__ _ _�_.. .. ..__ �. �.. _. _ _. .._ _ _ ..._�_._ ..� � .. �...�. __.�.�_ ...�_._.. . _�.�.�.� .�_ _�. ._.. ... .. � 5 Electrical LS 9 1B Instrumentation & Cantrol LS 9 Meter Vault 21 (E-2), 54" Magmeter, open top Concrete �ault including exca�ation, shoring, and 3 7 backfi�l LS 1 __ �.__._..�._�.��. _ �.___�.. .._._._� __�._ .. ... _.�._�... . ._...�. _...._�.... _��..... ..�_.�. ...._.. �.� .._._� .... .__. __ .�. �... __ �...._. ..�.....�.�.�e.. 18 Steel Encased Duct Ban9c LS 1 �.__. ._�_. .� . _�..._..��...�..� �.. n. _ _ ... _ ..__a._. _ . _ .. ��..�_.. ..�.__..... .....�.�.�....� ..�._.... ... _�. � .. .... . � �. _.. . _. _ . .___ _ _.� .... .. _. 99 Remo�e and dispose 48 L� 54" Pipe LS 1 �_._.. _�.._ ._�_ _.. __.. _ �._ _ _ .. � .�. _ _ .�_. � �..�..�.�._ � ....�. _._ . __.. .. __�_ �a lnstall existing 54" Magmeter, 54" pipe, spaol pieces, LS 1 supports, couplings, and harnesses �_�. _.._ __� . _�... � . _ _ _ _ __ _� _ _� . . _._� _, ._.._ _,_ __ __ __ 21 �. Electrical � _ . , ___ __ _.�._ _ �� � 1 � .___ _.. � _..�.. . .._ � _ �. _ �. �...�.. .._._ ..._ .. . . � _. .._...�. 22 lnstrumentation & Controi LS 1 C1TY OF FORT WORTH STANI�ARD CONSTRUCTION SPCCIFICAT[ON DOCUM�NTS Fonn Reviseci 20120120 00 4l �0_a0 43 13_00 42 43_00 43 37_0� 45 12_QO 35 13_Bid Proposal Workhook_WFP.xIs 00 42 43 BED PROPOSAL Page 2 of 3 SECFIOIV 0(F 42 43 PROPOSALFORM ���� ��1�� ��� �idde�'s �applic��i�n Project Ttem TnformaEion $idder s Proposal $idlist IEem Description [7nit of Bid [Jnit Price Bid Value No. Measure Quantity Raw Water 84" Isolation Valve Vauit, Motoriaed, Closed Driveable Top 23 Conc�ete vault including exca�ation, shoring, and �$ ,� backfill .. _. ..._ _ _�� _.. .. _ _.._ .. . � _. _ .. . . .. � .. _ . .._.. _ _. - - _. _ � . _ . _ _.. .. 24 Remove and dispose 24 LF 84" Pipe LS 1 ..... _ _ _ . _._. � .. .�... _..... . . _.� . _ .. . . ___ .. . .__ ......._.. .... _ �_ . �. _ _ .. . . �.. _ _ .. ._ _ __ _. ._ .�.. _ _ 25 Install 84" Valve, 84" pi�e, spool pieces, supports, LS 1 couplings, and harnesses, manhole for operafor _ _ __ _ .. _. .._ _ _ �.... .... � � __ �.. . �_. _ _ _.. _ 26 84" Butterfly Valve wlelectric mokor operator LS 9 �. _ ... � _. _ _ __. .. _ _ � . .. _ ._ - _ �.� _ _._ _. _ _ _ _ _ � _ 27 Remove and Replace Concrete Pavement SY 190 �.. - - _ .. �_. _._... -- � _.. _ _ . . . ._ _ _ _ __ _ 2g Re-route exfsting 18" Storm Drain LF 60 ___..� _ _ __ .._ _ _- _ � .. ._ __ __ . _. _ �. . .. .. . � . _ _ _... - _ _ __ . 2g Electrical LS 1 � .. _ _ . .. _ _ . _ _ . _. _. _ _ . _..� .. __ ... . _ � .. - - -. �. . _ 30 Instrumer�tation & Control LS 1 Meter Vault 22 (R-1), 84" Venturi, open top Concrete vault incfuding excavation, shoring, and 31 backfil� LS 1 � __ � . _. . _ . _ _�� ._ _ _ � � _ _ _ __ _- _ --- - - - 3Z Remove and dispose 64 LF 84" Pi�e LS 1 - -. _ ___ _._ .. ._ _..�.. _ ._. �. _ .___ _ W_. _ _ __ _ ._ .�_ _ ._�._ � �_. . .. _ . . 33 Install 84" Venturi, 84" pipe, spaol pieces, couplings, LS 1 and harnesses _. . --_ _ . �.� .. _. _ _. _.. _ . _ .�. �� ..�___ _ _.... _ _.. .. __ _ _ 34 84" Venturi LS 1 _ _ _ - - -.._ . _ . _.._ _.._ ._ _ _... ...... - -- . _ _ 35 Electrical LS 1 - .. _. _ _.. . _. ._ ._ �_ . ._. _ __. .._.._�_ ..._..� _ _ �.�. __� _._ ... � _�__ . _ �._ _� _.. .. _ � 36 Instrumentation & Control LS 9 Meter Vault 23 (R-2), 84" Venturi, open top Concrete vault including excavation, shoring, and 3� backfilf LS 1 _ _�.... __ �_ _.�.. . ��... . _. ._ . ..... . _._... .. _� _.. __._ �. �. _. �... .��_. ..�. �._ . _ .. . .. � . _.� . . _ _. ._ � - - 38 Remove and d3spose 60 LF 84" Pipe LS 1 __.....__ . _ _._..__._... _.. � _.�_._.. _ __�._. ..._��_�.......__�.. ... �. �. .. � .. _ __ _ - - - -... _ _. 39 Install 84" Venturi, 84" pipe, spaoi pieces, couplings, �S 1 and harnesses - --_ _ __ � . . _�_ - - __ _ _ _. _. _� �. � ..� . .�. _.� . _ � _._. _ . 40 $4" Vanturi LS 'I _. _ w _ � _. .. _... . . ..._ _ � _ . _. _. _. _. ._. 41 Re-route existing 18" Storm Drain LF 74 ._ ._ . .. __ � . .. .. �..._ _ __ - -_ _ _ . _ _._ _� �}2 EfeCtrical LS 1 - ._ __ . _ . . . _ _ __ 4� lnstrumentation & Control �5 � CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDAR.6 CON$TRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOC[1MENT5 Form Reviscd 20120120 04 41 QO_U4 43 13_40 42 43_00 43 37_UO 45 12_QO 35 13_Rid Proposal Workhook_WFP.xIs 00 42 43 $ID PROPOSAL Page 3 aF3 SECTION 00 42 43 PROPOSALFORM ���� ����� �0� �I����'�� /O►��IIC��IO�i Project Item informafson Bidder's Proposal SidlisE Item Description Unit of $i� UfliE Price Bicl Value No. Measure Quantity 44 Erosion cantrol �� ,� __._ __- __ �_. ��.._ _ _ _ _.�_� _.. _. _.... _.._ ...�_.... ___._.._. �_-.- -........ _.__.. _. _.__.__ __ _...�.�...__ __ -___ . __�._._. 45 Disinfectian of installed equipment and disposal of LS 1 highly chlorinated water _�.. ..� _. �._. _. ..�._�.� ____. ... __._� _ �__ � .__ _�. _.. _ ___ �.. .. _.�.�._.... �._�...�. ._ ._ �... _ _ ... _ . __ _ ._._.._ ... .._._. .._.�.�__..... _..�.___ 4� Post installation testing and demonstration of equipment L5 1 _ .. _ __ . ._- _ .__ _.�._ _ ... _- � __.�.�.. _.�__._�. _ _..�... __ �m- --� __ .__.� __ _�._�_._.� _ __ _ . _ _�_.. _ _� __ _ _ _ _ --_ ___ __ - - -- � _ . _...._r _.__ �__�__. _�.. � 47 Remo�e existing (2) 48" Mag meters and replace with LS 1 spool pisce _ . .. _ _ _. � _ _ ____ .___ ____ .____ � __� ___. _. __ � . _ _. .__ _ ___ _ �_�. _�.�.�.�..�._� _.__ -_____�._. � ..�_. __... _.. Ramo�e and Replace existing Fence, install new dri�e- 48 through gate, install and remo�e temporary security LS 1 fencing . _ _ ___... __ .. . _...._.. � _._. � ..._�_._. ..�__._ .. �.. __.._._... _ _ .. � . � ... � .. .._._....�..� . .�......__ .. ....�......� �.... _�.... _ ... ...�.�.. __.�..... .. .._. _ _. 49 Restora#ian of disturbed areas all locations LS 1 _.._. _ _. _.�__... . _.._ __ � _ _._ __ -_ _ _ � _ � _ _ 50 Lab Building Parking Lot Expansion tree protection LS 1 _..._ w__ _.. � w �__ � _ _. W _� -- . _ � _ ..�. . W__ _ � .._� .__� .... _� 5� Lab Building �arking Lot Expansion reme�e concrete SY 21 pa�emeni �._. _.. ... ___�_ . _.._�. _ _.�.�. .._r.� �..�...__ __..e._ . __..�. �_ �... . � _ _ _ ._. .__.__.._. _.� �. ___ _..�__..�. .�. .._._ _ ._..__ � �2 Lab Building Parking Lot Expansion unclassified CY 42 exca�ation by plan . _ _. _...._ _ __ ____.�_. __._ _ ..___.. __.�. _.._.�...... �.�.�.�.. �. __ _ _ __. _ _ ._.._ . ._ � �. _ .�_�.... _ .._� � ��__ __. .._�. _ . 53 Lab Building Parking Lot Ex�ansion hydrated line TN 3.75 __�. . _ . _ _ _._ _ _.�_ _ __._ _ _ ___ �. __ __ ._. 54 Lab Building Par[cing Lot Ex�ansion 8" lime treatment SY 27$ �5 Lab Building Parking Lot Expansion 6" concrete � SY 250 pa�ement _._....� �.._ _ � . .. ._ _ . �. � . _ � � 56 Lab Building Parking Lot Expansion�oint sealant LF 350 _ . ._ .._____ � _ __ �._ .. _ _ __.. ..__ _�..._.�. .___ �___._�._. �.�..�.. �7 Lab Building Parking Lot Expansion pa�ement markings LF 180 white _ ._. _ __ . .___._. _ _ ___._..�_ _ __ _ . _ � _ . . _. ______.� __ _ _ _ .._ . _ ___�. ___ ___ _ _ ...._. __�__ _ _ _�. 58 Lab Building Parking Lot Expansion hydrornulch seeding �Y �$� with binding agent .. __ _ . _. . _ _ �.. _ _ _ �. �.._. .. _. _ �_ __ _ _ _�_. ... �.___-_ _ ,g Canstr�ction Allowance �S '�� $70,000.00 $70,000.00 �'etal Bid $70,OQOAO END OF SECTIpl�' CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDAR➢ CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICA7'lON DOCUMENTS Form Rcviscd 20 ] 20120 00 41 00_DO 43 l3_00 42 43_OU 43 37_flD 45 12_00 35 f 3_Bid Proposa] Workbook_WFP.xIs O1 12 16 - 1 CONSTRUCTIOIV SEQUEIVCE Page 1 of 4 � sECT�oN a� �z �6 2 CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE 3 PART�- GENERAL 4 1.1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 5 A. The intent of construction phasing as specif ed herein and as shown on the Drawings is 6 to maintain the maximum possible level of transmission and distribution aiflow 7 throughout the canstruction pracess, and to facilitate coordinatio�n of the Wark to ensure 8 sufficient treated water capacity is always available. All tasks of the phased 9 construction schedule necessary ta maintain the highest possible level o�'transmission 10 and distribution, whether described herein or not, are the responsibility af the 11 Cantractor. 12 I3 14 15 16 17 18 �9 20 21 22 23 24 25 2� 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 B. The work speciiied herein, and any other work required by the Engineer which rrzay interrupt the nornaal operations shalI be accomplished at times that wi11 be convenient ta t�e City. The Contractor shall plan to wark overtime if needed to complete construction of the praject and shall make no claims for extra compensation for overtime wark required to conform to these requirements. The Contractor shall notify the Engineer and City in writing at ieast 7 days prior to construction requiring shutdawn of the Plant and Plant �'acilities. Contractar is required to submit City furnished Shut Doum Form and get wrtiten approval of requested shutdown prior to commencing any work. G Shutdawns must be scheduled to create minimum inter�'erence with norrrial plant operatian. Before attempting construction of critical wark ar tie-ins, meet with Engineer to develop a satisfactory construction procedure which will resuit in minimum shutdown time far those units involved. During shutdown periods, employ a fiill crew on a 24-hour schedule if necessary and empioy additional work crews as necessary to complete the work within the required time. D. All scl�eduled sh�tdowns must be submitted in writing ta the City at least 7 calendar days prior, and no work may begin until approval has been granted by the City and �he Engineer. High demand conditions or equipment outages may require the rescheduling of an approved shutdowr�. Azay cost associated with rescheduIing will be borne by fhe Contractor, at no additional cost to the City. Have all tools, equipment, mater�als, lab�r, etc. inciuding bacln�p units, on hand prior to performing work requiring shutd.own. E. All operations of existing facilities shall i�e performed by Rolling Hills Water Treatment Plant {RH WTP} personnel, coordinated through the Engineer by the Contractar. 1.2 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES [NOT USED] 36 1.3 REFERENCES [NOT USED� 37 1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE REQllIREMENTS [NOT USED] 38 1.5 SUBMITTALS [NOT USED� 39 1.6 ACT�ON SUBM�TTALS/INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] CITY OF FORT WORT�I Novem6er 25, 2020 ROLLING HiLLS WATER TREATME3VT FLANT FLOW �v[ETER REPLACEMENTS CITY PROJECT Np. 102D56 011215-2 CONSTRUCTIONSEQUENCE Page 2 of A 1 1.�' CLQSEQUT SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 2 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALB [NOT USED] 3 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE [NOT USED] 4 L1U DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING [NOT USED] 5 l.11 SITE CONDITIONS 6 A. Variaus interconnections within the plant will depend on clasure of various ealves. Do 7 not operate valves. Coordinate with City so that plani staff will close or open the 8 necessary valves at the plant. 9 B. The Contractor shall main#ain continuous access to the sites and present aperations. 10 C. In the event that utiderground piping or utilities are encountered which are not shown 11 on the Drawings, such piping or utilities shall not be disturbed without prior approval of 12 the Engineer. 13 D. Maintain streets used for canstnxction operation in a reasonably clean condition. 14 Weekly street cleaning, scraping and sweeping is required. 15 E. Do nat utilize streets for storage of materia[s. Staging areas sha�l be so located as to 16 a11aw plant operations to be rnaintained. Gutters and drainage areas shall be kept clear 17 of construction materials at all times. 18 F. Street closings and lane clostiires shall be coordinated with the plant. Ot�er construction 19 contracts will require coordination of street clasings. The period of time that streets are 2� closed shal� be limited to the minimum time reasoaably possible. Vellicular access to ail 21 facilities shall be maintained. 22 G. Contractor shall be responsible for providing and maintaining a dry and clean work 23 area. Contractor shall purnp down the isolated area(s), remove and dispose of materials 24 when needed to pravide clean work area{s). Provide dewatering/pumping as required to 25 maintain work area in a clean and safe condihon. 26 1.12 SEQUENCING REQUIREMENTS, SHUT-DOWN C�NSTRAINTS, AND 27 PROJECT WQRK EFFORTS 28 A. The canstruction schedule shall be developed and implemented to minimize shutdowns 29 of the facilities. 30 B. The follo�ring construction sequencing issues, critical tie-ins, shut-downs and other 3 I considerations shall be taken into accaunt by Cantractar in development of the 32 construction schedule. These items are presented to assist flae Contractor and are not all 33 inciusi�e. 34 1. General Sequencing Requirements and 5hut-Down Constraints/Limitations 35 a. The four (4} meter vaults located at the front of the plant supply treated water ta 36 the City (MV-18 through MV-21) 37 b. The transmission lines for the meters will only be shut down one at a time. CITY OF' FORT WORTI�T ROLLINCr HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS IVo�ember 25, 2020 CI'I'Y PR07ECT NO. 102056 011216-3 CONSTRUCTION SEQUEI�€CE Fage 3 of 4 1 c. Projected sequence: t�e �rst selected pipeline will be shut down, drained, 2 existing pipe sections remaved, vault foundafiion constructed, meter and new 3 pipe installed, supported by foundation and other means if needed, and the line 4 put back in service. Estimated time frame a�proximately one mflnth. 5 d. The remainder of the vault will be canstructed around ihe pipeline while it is in 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 �• h. i. .l• k. l. m. n. O. P• service. e. Once the �rst line is back in service, prior to completion of the first vault, the second selected line shall be shut down and the sequence repeated. f. Each vault will be campleted on a staggered schedule, generally one month apart, and anticipated to be two to three months aftar the line has been put back m servrce. Existing meters shall remain in service untii the new meter they ar� replacing is operational. MV-14 meter sha11 be removed and replaced with a spoai piece after new MV- 18 is operationaI. MV-1 5 zneter sha�l be removed and replaced with a spool piece after new MV- 20 is operational. This requires shutdown of Southside 3. Raw Water lines may be shutdown concurrently with treated water supply Iines. Installation of the Raw Water Isolatian Valve will require a complete plant shutdown. Raw Water pipeline shutdowns require closing of TRWD valves for isolation. CITY will coardinate. Isolation valv� installaYion sequence is anticipated to be plant shut down by closing raw water 1 and 2 supply, drain pipeline�, remove the one section af pipe between tees, install vaive at�d pipe, provide support from above or other t�aeans as required, put Raw Water 1 back in service, construct vault faundation, waIls, and top around valve while in service. After Isolatian Valve is operational, begin Raw Water 2 meter vault installation and constructian. Sequence similar to that outlined above for the treaied water vaults. Qnce Raw Water 2 line is back in service, Raw Water 1 meter vault may begin. Existing Raw Water meters will remain in service. New Raw Water Meters shalZ be aperational when practicai. 34 2. The following Table }�rovides general guicfance given by the Plant for use in 35 determining a anticipated p�an of sequencing when certain work can be performed. 36 Dates are subjec� to change based on uiilcnown events. 37 CITY OF FpRT WpRT�I November 25, 202D ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT FLOW IvIETER REPLACEMENTS CITY PROJECT Nb. 102056 O1 ]216-4 CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE . Page 4 of 4 ENTIRE PLANT EAST SIDE 1 EAST SIDE 2 SOUTH SIDE 1 SOUTH SIDE 2 RA W WATER 1 RAW WATER 1 1 2 3 �LLi]WhBLE L1Rlf: Sf��U`CL�C}Wi�lS L1NE CAN NOT BE SHUT SHUT DOWN MAY BE ALLOWABLE MONTHS DQWN DUAING THESE ALLOWED DEPENDING FQR SHUT DQWN MONTHS ON CONDITIONS March-April-May-.Tune-July- NovemUer-December-January- MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE PLANT SHUTDOWN IS 10 DAYS May-June-July-August April and September OctoUer-November-December- .Tanua -FeUrua -March May-June-July-August April and September October-November-December- .Tane�a -�'ebrua -March May-June-July-August April and September October-No�ember-December- Janaa -Februa -March May-June-.Tuly-August April and September October-November-December- .Tanua -Februa -March April-May-June-luly- March and October Np�'ember-Decembcr-January- Au ust-Se tember Februa April-May-dune-duly- March and Qctaber November-Deeember-January- Au�ust-Sentember February 1.13 WARRANTY [NOT USED] 4 PART 2- PRODUCTS [NOT USED] 5 PART 3- EXECUTIQN �NOT USEDJ 6 7 8 END OF SECTION Revision Log DATE NAME SUMMARY OF CHANGE 9 CITY OF FORT WORTH AOLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT PLOW METER REPLACEMENTS November 25, 2p20 CITY PROJECT NO. ] 02p56 09 91 00 - 1 PAiNTING Page ] of 18 1 2 �� 7�:� li�ei �►1 �1 �7� � 4 1.1 SUMMARY 5 A 6 7 8 9 B. 10 SECTION 09 91 00 PAiNTING Section Includes: 1. Furnish labor, materials, eq�ipment, and incidentals necessary to apply protective coat�ngs t� material and equipment as specified herein, including the preparation of surfaces privr ta application of coatings. . Deviations fiom this City of Fort Worth �tandard Specification 1. Not Applicable 11 C. Related Specification Sections include but are not necessarily limited to 12 1. Division 0- Bidding Requirernents, Contract Forms, and Conditions of the Contract 13 2. Division i- General Requirements 14 1.2 PRICE AND PAYIVIENT PROCEDURES 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 1.3 23 1.4 A. Measurement and Payment l. Measurement a. Item is included in the contract price and nat measured. 2. Payment a. The work performed and materials fiirnished in accordance with this Item and measured as provided under "Measurernent" will be paid for at the unit price bid per. REFERENCES [NOT USEDJ ADM�NISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS [NOT USED] 24 1.5 ACTION SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 25 1.5 ACTiON SUBMITTALSIiNFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS 26 A. Provide Shop Drawings which include a Paint �ystem Data Sheets (PSDS), Technical 27 Data Sheets, and paint calors available for each p:roduct used in the paint system, except 28 for products applied by equipment manufacturers. 29 B. Where ANSI/NSF Standard 60 and 61 approval is required, submit ANSI/NSF 30 certification letter for each caating in the system indicating product application limits 31 on size of tank or piping, dry film thickness, n�amber of coats, specific product tested, 32 colors certified, and approved additives. 33 C. Provide colors charts of each coating system. 34 D. Applicator's Experience: List of references substantiattng the requirements as speci�ed. 35 E. Factory Applied Coatings: Manufacturer's certification stating factary app�ied coating 36 systems meets or exceeds requirements specified herein. RO�.LING PILLS WATER TREATMSNT PLANT FLOW METER REFLACEMENTS CITY FR07ECT NO. 1 D2056 a94i o0-2 PAINTIIIG Page 2 of 18 1 2 3 4 F. Caating system shall consist of products af from a single manufacturer. Product substitutions during the proj�ct will not be perrnitted. G. Documantation that QA/QC personnel are currently certified as NACE Internatianal Certified Coating Inspector Level 3{CIP LeveE 3). 5 1.7 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS (NOT USED] 6 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] UI 8 9 10 11 12 13 19 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. The coating manuiacturer shall provide a representative to visit the jobsite at intervals during surface preparation and coating as may be required for praduct application quality assurance, and to determine campliance with manufacturer's instructions, and as may ba necessary to resolve field problems attributable to, ar associated with, the manufacturer's praducts furnished under this Contract, as specified in Manufacturer's Services. 14 B. Applicator's Experience: Minimum of 5 years' practical experience in application of I S specified products. Submit a Iist af recent projects and names of references for those I6 projects with the Shop Drawing. f7 C. Continuiry of Contractor: Caating Contractor's �ield supervisor shall coordinate with �8 the CITY. Replacement of the field supervisor will require natification af CITY 72 19 hours in advance and will be subject to approval by the CITY. 20 2i 22 23 24 25 26 D. Inspection: 1. Inspect and provide substrate surfaces prepared in accordance with these specifications and the printed directions and r�commendations oi coating ma�ufactiirer whose product is to be applied. 2, Inspection by the CITY, or the waiver of inspection of any particular portion of the work, shall not be construed ta relieve the Contractor of responsibility to perform the work in accordance with these specifications. 27 110 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING 28 29 30 31 32 A. Deiiver paint to the project site in unopened containers that piainly show, at the time of use, the name of manufact�irer, product name and number, date of manufacturer, and color, 6. Store paints in a suitable protected area that is heated ar cooled as required to maintain temperatures within the range recommend�d by the coating rnanufacturer. 33 C. 5hipping: 34 1. Whcrc pre-coated items are to be shipped to the jobsite, protect coating from 35 damage. Batten caated items to prevent abrasion. 36 2. Use nonmetallic or padded slings and straps in handling. 37 3. Correct damag�d items. 38 1.11 FIELD [S�TE] CONDITIO1�iS �NOT USED� ROLLING HILL5 WATER TREATMENT PLANT FLOW iv1ETER REPLACEMENTS CiTY PR07ECT NO. 1 a2Q56 099100-3 PAINTING Fage 3 of 18 1 1.1� WAIt12ANTY 2 A. The Contractor and coating manufacturer shall jointly and severally warrant to the 3 CITY and guarantee the work under this section against defective workmanship and 4 materials for a period of two (2} years cornrnencing on the date of finaI acceptance of 5 the work, 6 B. A warranty inspectEon sha�l be conducted one month prior to expiration of the warranty 7 period. Any defective work discovered at this date shall be co:rirected by the Contractor 8 in accordance with the specifications at no additional cost ta the C�TY. Other 9 corrective measures may 6e required during the rivo (2) year warranty periad at no cost 10 to the CITY. 11 L13 ABSREVIATION� 12 A. MDFT Minimum Dry Film Thickaess 13 B. MDFTPC Minimum Dry Fiim Thickness Per Coat 14 C. mil Thausandths of an Inch 15 D. MIL-P Milifary Specification — Paint 16 E. PSDS Paint Systenn Data Sheet 17 F. SFPG S quare Feet Per Gallon 18 G. SFPGPC Square Feet Per Ga11on Per Coat 19 H. SP Surface Preparation 20 PART 2 - PRODUCTS 21 2.1 OWNER-FURNISHED �ox] OWNER-SUPPLIEDPRODUCTS [NOT USED] 22 2,2 COATING MANUFACTURER� 23 A. Acceptable coatings manufacturers: 24 1. PPG Protective & Marine Coatings, Pittsburgh, PA. 25 2. Carboline Coatings Company, St. Louis, MO 26 3. ICI Devoe Caatings Company, LouisviIle, KY. 27 4. International Coatings, Lonisville, KY 28 5. Sherwin Williams, Cleveland, 4H 29 6. Tnemec Coatings, Kansas City, MO 30 7. Wasser Coatings, Seattle, WA 31 B. Acceptabie sealants and adhesives manufacturers: 32 1. Sika Corporation, Lyndhurst, NJ 33 2. Raven Lining Systems, Broken Arrow, OK 34 2.3 MATERIALS 35 A. Products shall meet federal, state, and local requirements limiting the erriission of 36 volatile arganic compounds. Specific information may be secured through the local 37 of�ce of the Air PolIution Control OFiicer. ROLLING HILLS W AT�R TREATMENT PLANT FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS CITY PR03ECT NO. 102056 a9 si ao - a PAINTiNG Page 4 af 18 I B. Pzovide cnatearials including primer and i'inish coats that are from the same 2 manufacturer. 3 C. Thinners, Cleaners, Driers, and Ofher Additives: As recammenc�ed by coating 4 manufacturer of the particular coating. Where caatings are required to meet ANSIIN�F 5 5tandard 60 and 61, addition of thinners, driers, and ather paint additives not appraved 6 under the ANSI/NSF certificatian letter will not be permitted without written approval 7 from the CITY. 8 D. Approved manufacturers specified coatings: 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1� 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2b 1. Poiyamide Epaxy, Potable Grade a. Polyamide or polyam�ine cured epoxy, approved for poiable water contact in canformance to ANSI/NSF Standard 6U and 61, capable of 4 to $ MDFT per caat, percent of �olume solids 70°/a minimum, suitable for immersion or buried service and for the temperatures and. conditions at the time of application. 2. Polyamide Epoxy, High Solids a. Polyamide or polyamine cured epoxy, capable of 4 to 8 MDFT per coat, percent of volume solids 70°/n minitnum, suitable far immersion or buried service and for the temperatures and conditions at the time of applicatian. 3. Inorganic Zinc Prixner a. Solvent ar water based, 141bs. metallic zinc content per gallon minimum; follow manufacturer's recommendation for top coating. 4, Pol}��rethane Enamel a. Two-component, aliphatic or acrylic based polyurethane; high glass finish, high build. 5. Epaxy Nanskid Finish a. Polyamide or amine converted epoxies, chemical resistance suitable for specified application, aggregated; aggregate may be packaged separately. 27 E. Approved manufacturers specified sealants and adhesives: 28 1. 100% Solids Structural Epoxy Faste/Grout 29 a. Two-coxnponent system, solvent free, moisture-tol�rant, high-rnodulus, high- 30 strength, structural epoxy paste adhesive. It is suitable for use in patable water 31 canforming to ANSIIN�� Standard 61 far drinking water components 32 �..4 COLORS 33 A. Provide caatings formulated with colorants free of lead, lead compounds, or other 34 materials which might be affected by the presence of hydrogen sulfide or other gases 35 likely to be present at the project site. 36 B. Piping color cading in accordance with Title 30, Texas Administrative Code (30 TAC), 37 Chapter 290, Subchapter D: Rules and Regulatians for Public Water Systems 38 1. Potable Water Light Blue 39 2. Settled Water Green 44 3. Raw Water Tan 41 C. Pipe supports 42 1. Mild steel, painted No. 70 lig�it gray as specified in ANSI Z35.1, as manufactured 43 by: ROLLIIVG HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT FLpW METSR $EPLACEMENTS CITY PR07ECT NO. ]02p56 09 91 OD - 5 PAINTING Pa$e 5 of 18 1 a, Tnemec Co., No. 2050. 2 b. Or eyual. 3 2.� INSPECTION TEST EQUIPMENT 4 A. Provide rec�uired inspection test equipment capable of accurately measuring ambient 5 and surface tet�aperature, dry film thickness, and detecting holidays in accordance with 6 requirements of this standard. 7 2.b ACCESSURIES [NUT USED] 8 2.`/ SOURCE QUALITY CONTROL [NUT USED] 9 PART 3 - EXECUTION 10 3.1 GENERAL I 1 A. Surface preparation and coating application sha�l be in conformance with these 12 specifications and the coating manufacturer's writien pxoduct data sheets and written 13 recommendations of the manufacturer's technicat representative. Where conflicts occur 14 �etween the r�aanufacturer's recommendations and these specifications, the more 15 stringent of the two shall app�y. 16 B. For coatings subject to immersion, obtain fi�ll cure far completed system. Consult 17 coatings manufacturer's written insiructions for ihese requirements. Do not immerse 18 coating for any �urpose until completion of curing cycle. 19 3.2 REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS 20 A. Meet federaI, state, and local requirements limiting the emission of volatile organic 21 compounds and worker exposures. 22 B. Protect workers and compfy wiih applicable federal, state, and local air pollution and 23 envirorunentat regulations for surf'ace preparation, blast cleaning, disposition of spent 2A� aggregate and debris, coating appIication and dust preventian including, but not limited 25 to the following Acts, ReguIations, Standards, and Guidelines: 26 1. Clean Air Act 27 2. National Ambient Air Quality Standard 28 3. Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) 29 C. Comply w�th applicable federal, state, and locai regulations for con�ned space entry. 30 D. Provide and aperate equipment that meets explosion proof requirements. 31 3.3 ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS 32 A. Do not perform abrasive 61ast cleaning whenever th� relative humidity exceeds SS 33 percent, whenever surface temperahxre is less than 5 degrees F above the dew point o#� 3�4 the amhient air. 35 B. �urface preparation power taols and blast equipment shall contain dust colIection 36 equipment that will prevent discharge of dust partictes znto the atmosp�ere whez� 37 surface preparation work is located within enclosures or confined areas with electrical 38 equipment, rnotors, instrumenta�ion, or other equipment that may be damaged l�y 39 airborne dust and. particles. ROLLIIVG �IIC,LS WAT�R T12�ATMENT PF,ANT FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS CITY PROJECT NO. 102056 o��� 00-6 PAINTING Page 6 of 18 1 C. Do not apply coating when: 2 1. SurFace ar ambient temperatures exceeds the maximum or minimum temperatures 3 recommended by the coating manufacturer or these speci�'ications. 4 2. In dust, smoke-Iaden atmosphere, damp or humid weather, or under canditians 5 which could cause icing an the metal surface. 6 3. When it is expected that surface temperatures will drop below 5 degrees above dew 7 point within 8 haurs after application of coating. S 4. Whenever the relative humidity exceeds 85 percent or the maximum recommended 9 by the coating manufacturer. 10 3.4 DEHUMIDIFICATION 11 A. Where weather conditions or project r�quirements dictate, pravide ancE aperate 12 dehumidiftcation and appropriate ventiiation equipment to maintain environmental 13 conditions suitable for abrasive blasting and coating application as speciiied herein and 14 in accordance with the manufacturer's published instructions and product data sheets. 15 B. Pr�vide and operate desiccant dehlimidificatian equipment to maintain environmental lb conditions for 24 haurs a day during abrasive blasting and coating application and 17 coating cure. Liquid, granular, or loose lithi�im ck�Ioride drying systems will not be 18 acceptable. 19 C. Pravide dehumidification equipment sized to maintain dew point temperature 17 20 degrees ar more below surface iemperature of inetal surfaces to be cleaned and coated. 21 Provide equipment systems capable for air flows as required to maintain positive 22 pressure and ventilation within the enviro�nrnentally controlled areas. Environmenkally 23 controlied work areas shall meet al1 of the following requirements: 24 1. Two air exchanges per hour, minimum, 25 2. Personnel exposures limits (PEL} at 50 percent of OSHA PEL limits for all 26 chemicals used in the performance of the work, and 27 3. Lower explosive limits (LEL) to less than 50 percent of the most volatile solvent 28 used in the perfarrnance af the work. 29 D. Dehumidi�catian and ventilation equipment type, size, air flow, and power 30 requirements shall be designed by a qualifed company knowledgeable in 31 dehumidification equipment, and its operatian based on project requirements and 32 anticipated seasonal weather conditions for the project schedule. Design to include 33 evaluation af existing conditians, hu�nidity, and temperature, proper air exchange 34 requirements, ventilation requirements, ducting requirements for adequate air flow, and 35 any other issues necessary ta achieve the specified performance and environmental 36 conditions throughout the duratian of the project. 37 E. Submit written reconn�endations from dehumidification subcontractor for bulkhead 38 locations, bulkhead venting, duct work for each bulkhead sec�ion, any secondary 39 ventilation requirements for coating cure, dust collection eqLiipment CFM req�.urements, 40 and drying requirements far blast hose compressed air necessary to maintain 41 environmental control as speciiied herein. 42 F. At a minimum, provide bulkheads to separate su�rE'ace preparation work zanes, coating 43 application zones, and coating cure zones. ROLLING fIILLS WATER TREATM ENT PLANT FLaW MET�R REPLACBMFNTS CITY PltOJECT I�O. 102056 099106-7 PAINTING Page7ofl& 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 G. Dehlicnidification subcontractor shall either aperate the equipment or provida t�-aining ta Contractor on the proper operation and setup of dehumidification equipment. Dehumidification subconiractor shall provide a technical representative on site for a nninizxauzn of tr�vo 8-hour days to insure proper operation of the equipment, achievernent af desired environmental control, and to ensure Contractor can properly setup, operate, monitor, and maintain the equipment. H. Operate dehumidification and ventilation equipment in a manner that prevents ail condensation or icing throughout surface preparation and coating application and cure. 9 I. Reblasting of flash rusted metal surfaces ar removal of damaged coatings, as a result of 10 equipment malfunction, shutdown, or other evenCs that resuIt in the loss of 11 enviror��aental con�troI, will be at the sole expense o�the Contractor. Cleaned metal 12 surfaces subject to flash rczsting shall be cleaned to the same cleanIiness as prior to the 13 flash rust fonnation and shall be approved by the CITY. 14 J. Monitor ambient temperature, humidiry, dew point temperature, and pipe surface 15 temperature both outdoors and within the work area at the start, mic�.point, and end of 16 each work shift at a minimum, but not greater than 5 hours between measurements. 17 K. Document in writing daily environmental condition monitoring and maintenance of the 18 equipment. Post such docurnentation near the equipment for review by the CITY. 19 3.5 VENTILATION AND ILLUMINATION 20 A. Pravide adequate illumination while work is in progress. Whenever required by the 21 CITY, the Contractor shall provide additional ilIumination and necessary supports to 22 cover all areas to be inspected. The level of iliumination for inspectian purposes shaIl 23 be determined by the CITY. 24 B. Ventilation shaIl be used to contrai potential dust and hazardous conditions within 25 confined areas. Ventilation flovv rates shall be in accordance with OSHA regulations 26 and as required to reduce air cQntaminanon to nonhazardous conditions. 27 3.6 I�ISTALLERS [NOT U�EDj 28 3.'7' PREPARATION OF SURFACES 29 A. 5urface Preparation Inspection 30 1. Inspect and provide substrate surfaces prepared in accordance with these 31 Specifications and the printed directions and recoznmendations of coating 32 manufacturer whase product is to be appIied. 33 2. Provide CITY minimum 5 days' advance notice prior to start of surface preparation 34 wor�C or coating application work. 35 3. Perform such work only in the presence of CITY, unless CITY grants prior 36 approval to perform such work in CITY's absence. 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 B. Metal Surface Preparation: 1. Generaf: a. Workmar►ship for metat surface preparation as specified s1�al� meet current Steel Structuras Painting Cauncil (SSPC) Speci�cations as follows: 1) Solvent CIeaning: SP 1 2) Hand Tool Cleaning: SP 2 3} Power Toal Cleaning: SP 3 ROLLING HILLS WAT�R TR�ATMBNT PLANT FLOW METER REALACEMENTS CdTY PR07ECT NO. 102056 o99ioo-s PAINTING Page 8 of 18 1 4) White Metai Blast Cleaning: SP 5 2 5) Commercial Blast Cleaning: SP b 3 6) Brush-Ofi Blast Cl�aning: SP � 4 7) Pickling: SP 8 5 S} Near-White Blast Cleaning: SP 10 6 9) Bare Metal Power Tool Cleaning: SP 11 7 b. All surface preparation of new equipment and surfaces shall b� assumed to be 8 on a SSPC Grade A steei surface condition, unless specifically noted otherwise. 9 c. Wherever the words "solvent cleaning", "hand �ooI cieaning", "wire brushing", 10 or "blast cleatting", ar siznilar words of eq�ial intent are used in these 11 Specifications or in coating manufacturer's specificatians, they shall be 12 understood to refer to the applicable SSPC specifications listed above. 13 d. Where QSHA or EPA regulations preclude standard abrasive blast cleaning, or 14 vacu-blast methads may be required. Wet abrasive blasting shall be ailowed 15 only when approved by the CITY and per the coating manufacturers' 16 recommendations far wet blast additi�es and first coat application. 17 e. Hand tool clean areas that cannot be cleaned by power iool cleaning. 18 19 20 2i 22 23 24 2S 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 4Q 41 42 43 44 45 46 2. Welds and adjacent areas: a. Prepared such that fhere is: 1) Na unde�cutting or reverse ridges on the weld bead. 2) No weld spatter an or adjacent ta the weld or any afher area to be painted. 3) No sharp peaks or ridges along the weld bead. b. Grind embedded pieces of electrode or wire flush with the adjacent surface of the weld bead. 3. Preblast Cleaning Requirements: a. Remove oi1, grease, welding fluxes, and ather surfaee contaminants, such as QC markings ar stickers, prior to blast cleaning. In accordance with SSPC SP- 1, use the appro�riate solvent that will not harm the surtace. b. Clean surfaces using steam, apen flame, hot waier, or cold water with appropriate detergent additives followed with clean water rinsing. c. Clean small isolated areas as above or salvent clean with suitable solvents and clea� clotk�s. d. Ratuid ar chamfer al1 sharp edges and grind smooth all burrs, jagged edges, and surface defects. 4. B�ast Cleaning Requirements: a. General: 1) Type of Equipment and Speed of Tra�el: Designed to obtain specified degree af cleanliness. 2) Select type and size af abrasive to produce a surface profile that meets ihe coating manufacturer's recammendations for the particular coating to be applied or not less than 20 percent af the specified coating thickness, whichever is more stringent. 3} Meet applicable federal, state, and local air pollution control regulations for 61ast cleaning and disposition of spent aggregate and debris. 4) Do not reuse abrasive, unless abrasive is a recyclable ai�rasive. b. Shop Blasting RQLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT �'T,QW MET�ItREPLACEMF,%1T5 CITY PR07ECT NO. 102056 0991 DO-9 PAINTING Page 4 of 18 1 1) Notify CITY at least 5 days prior to start of shop blast cIeaning to allow for 2 inspection of'the work during suriace preparaiion and shop application of 3 coatings. Work sha11 be subject to the CITY's approval before shipment ta 4 the jobsite. 5 c. Field Blasting 6 1) Perform sandblasting for items and eyuipment where specified and as 7 requtred to restore damaged stzriaces previously shap ar field blasted and 8 primed. Materials, equipment, procedures, shall meet requirements of Steel 9 Structures Painting Council. 10 2} Fie�d blasting in areas with electrical or naechanical equipment, ar witnin 11 buildings shall6e performed with dust�ess abrasive systems such as i 2 "Sponge-Jet", dry ice abrasive blasting. 13 5. Post-Blast Cleaning and Other Cleaning Requirements: 14 a. Clean surfaces of dust and residual particles from cleaning operations 6y dry I5 (no ail or water vapor} air blast cleaning or o�her method prior to coating. 16 Vacuum clean enclosed areas and other areas where dust settIing is a problem 17 and wiped with a tack cloth. 18 b. Coat suxfaces the sarne day they are sandblasted. Reblast sLirfaces that have 19 started to rust before they are coated. 20 21 22 23 C. Concrete 5urface Preparation: 1. Do not begin until 30 days after the concrete has been pIaced. 2. Remove grease, oil, dirt, salts or other chemicals, laose materiats or other foreign matter by solvent, detergent, or other suitable cleaning methads. 24 3. Clean concrete using mechanical or chemical methods for the degree of cleaning 25 specified for the coating systern in accordance witkz SSPC SP-13, Surface 26 preparation of Concrete, for severe service. 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 4p 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 4. Unless otherwise required for proper adhesion, ensure surfaces are dry priar to coating. 5. �ill or patch ail �ug holes, air pockets, and other voids in the concrete in accordance with the coating system manufacturer's recommendations. 6. Concrete Surface Preparatian Inspection: a, Adhesion Testing: 1} Tensile testing af the s�arface preparation shall be performed by the CITY as necessary using Type 5 pneumatic adhesion testing ec�uiprnent in accordance with A5TM D4541 using 50 mm diameter dollies for concrete surface adhesion testing. 2) Applied coatings greater than 20 mils in thickness or with a tensile s#rength greater than 2,500 psi shall be scored for concrete adhesion testing. 3} �ubstrate ad�aesive failure greater than 50 perce�t of the c�olly surface area sha11 indicate inadequate surface preparation. 4) Cohesive failures which results in loss of sound conerete will be acceptable provided the loss is greater than 50 percent of the dolly surface area. 5) Low cohesive failures with a thin layer of concrete or laitance over 50 percent of the dolly surface will be rejected. b. Concrete 5oundness: 1} Concrete soundness shall be determin�d using the scratching or hammer impact methods as defined in SSPC SP-13. R04L�VG HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS CITY PRO.TECT NO. 102056 09 ai oo - io PA1N'TING Page 1D of 18 1 c. Moishire Cantent: 2 1} Moisture shail be tested as Speci�ed in S5PC SP-13 and shall not exceed 3 the moisture content recornmended by the coating manufacturer. 4 d. Plastic ��uface Preparatian 5 1) Hand sand plastic surfaces to be coated with a mediunrz grit sandpaper to 6 provide tooth far the coating system. 7 2} Large areas may be po�ver sanded or brush-off blasted, provided sufficient 8 controls are employed so the surface is raughened without excessive 9 removal of material. 10 e. Preparation of Existing Caated or �hop Primed Surfaces: 11 1} General: 12 a) Shop pri rned or existing coated surfaces shalt be reviewed with the 13 CITY and evaluatedta determine the extent of damage to the coating, 14 prior to additional coating application and to determine suitaUility of 15 finish coat� to adhere. 16 b} If a cured epoxy, polyurethane, or plurat-component material is ta be 17 top caated, brush-off blast to a degree with a zero-gloss, frosted visual 18 appearance as specified herein or as recommended by the exist�ng 19 coating manufacturer. 20 c) Surface preparation recommendations of coating manufacturer shall be 21 subject to approval of the CITY. 22 2} To be Recoated or Final Coated: 23 a) Detergent wash and freshwater rinse. 24 b} Perfarm touct�-up repairs of existing coating. 25 c) Asphaltic varnish coated ductile iron pipe will require an application of 26 a seal coat prior ta the application of a cosznetic finish coat. 27 3)� Touch-up Repairs: 28 a) Clean loose, abraded, ar daznaged coatings to substrate by power taol to 29 bare metal, SP-1 l. 30 b} Feather surrounding intact caating. 31 c} Apply one spot coat of the specified primer to bare areas overlapping 32 the prepaxed existing coating. 33 d} Apply ane full finish coat of the specified primer or finish coat{s) 34 averall. 35 4) Application of a Cosmetic Coat: 36 a} The exact nature of shop-applied coatings is not known in all cases. 37 b} Check compatibility by application to a small area prior to starting t�e 38 caafing. 39 c} If lifting or other problems occur, request dispositior� from the CITY. 40 f. Brush-off Blast Cleaning: 41 1) Equipment, pracedure, and degree of cleaning shall meet SSPC-SP 7, 42 Brush-off Bla.st Cl�aning. 43 2) Abrasive: Either conventional abrasive blasting with sand, grit, or nut shells 44 ar specialized abrasive blasting, such as dry ice or "Sponge-Jet" 45 technologies. Abrasives shall be 60 mesh grit, maximurn. 46 3) Select various surface preparation parameters such as size and hardness of 47 the abrasive, nozzle size, air pressure, and nozzle distance from the surface 48 such that the surface is cleaned without pitting, chipping, or expasure of 49 metal substrate. ROLLING H[LLS WATEIt TREATMENT PLANT FI,OW METER REPLACEMENTS CTI'Y PR07ECT NO. 1D2056 0991D0-11 PAINTING Page 1 t of 18 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 14 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 4) Verify parameter selection by blast cleaning a trial area that will not be exposed to view. 5) The CITY shall approve trial blast cleaned area and shall use area as a representative saanple of surface preparatio�n. 6} 5urface profile shall have #he appearance of 100 grit sandpaper with no exposed metal su�strate. 7) Repair or replace coated surfaces damaged. by blast cleaning, where damage is defined as v�sible metal substrate. If less than 5 percent of prepared surFace has the metal substrate visible, the coating shall be repaired by app�ication of a brush applied coat. If greater than 5 percent, the coating shall be fully removed to meet the specified surface cleanliness. g. Solvent Cleaning. 1) Consists of removal of foreign matter such as oil, grease, soil, drawing and cutting cornp�unds, and any ather surface contaminanis by the use af sQlvents, emulsions, cleaning compounds, steam cleaning, or similar materials and methods which involve a soIvent or cleaning action. 2} Method meets SSPC-SP 1. 1 S 3.8 PROTECTION �F SURFACES NOT TO BE PAINTED 19 A. Remove, mask, ar otherwise protect hardware, lighting fixtures, switchplates, aluminum 20 surfaces, machined surfaces, coupIings, shafts, bearings, nameplates on machinery, and 21 other surfaces not intended to be painted. 22 B. Provide drop cloths to prevent paint materials from falling on ar rnarring adjacent 23 surfaces. 24 C. Protect working parts of �nechanical and eiectrical equipment from damage during 25 surface preparation ar�d painting process. 26 D. Mask openings in motors to prevent paint and other materials frona entering the motors. 27 3.9 PAINT MIXING 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 A. Multiple-companent coatings: 1. Prepare using all of the contents of the container for each compvnent as packaged by the paint manufacturer. 2. No partial batches will be permitted. 3. Multiple-component coatings that have been mixed shall not be used beyond their pot life. 4. Provide small quantity kits %r touchup painting and for painting other small areas. 5. Mix only corn.ponents specified and furnished by the paint manufacturer using pre- mixed and pre-measured amounts. Mixing shall only be performed in presence af NACE rnternational Certified Caating Inspector Leve13 {CIP Levei 3}. 6. Da nat intermix additianal components for reasons of color ox otherwise, even within the same generic type of coating. 7. Fast set or pI�u-al component products shall be applied using an appx�opriate multipart pump that properly mixes both components at the recornmenc�ed ratio using equipment recommended by the coating manufachirer. Hot mixing of fast set or plural component products wi11 not be permitted. ROLLING HILLS WAT�R TREATM�NT PLAAIT FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS C1TY PROJ�CT NO. 102056 09 �i oo - iz PAiNTING Page 12 of 18 1 2 3 4 5 B. Keep caating materials sealed. when nvt in use and provide nitrogen blanket on fast set, plural, or maisture cured coatings on opened product cantainers when stored ar not in use more t%an 8 honrs. C. Where tnore than one coat of a material is applied within a given system, alternate color to provide a visual reference that the required nLunber of caats have been applied. 6 3.1U APPLICATION OF COATING 7 A. General: 8 1. I�spection; Schedule with the CITY in advance for inspection of cleaned surfaces 9 and all caats prior to application of subsequent caat. 10 2. Apply coatings in accordance with the coating manufacturer's recommendatians. 11 Allovv sufficient tirne between coats to assure fhorough drying of previously applied 12 coating. 13 14 15 16 i7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3. Fusion Bond�d Coatings Meihod Application: Electrostatic, fluidized bed, or flocking. 4 S C'� Paint units to be bolted together and to structures prior to assembly or installation. Shop Primed ar Factory Finished Surfaces: a. Inspection: Schedule with CITY in advance for shop primed or factory- finished items delivered to jobsite for campliance with these Specifications. b. Pawer sand areas af chipped, peeled, or abraded coat�ng, feathering the edges. Fo11ow with a spot primer using specified primer. c. For two-package or conve�ted coatings, consult the coatings manufacturer for specific pracedures as relates to top coating of products. d. Prior to applicatian af finish coats, clean shop primed surfaces of dirt, oil, and grease, and apply a mist coat of specified primer, 1.0 mii dry film thickness. e. After welding, prepare and prime holdback areas as required for the specified paint system. Apply prirner in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. Manufacturer Applied Paint Systems: a. Repair abraded areas on factory�-fi�ished items in accordance with the equiprnent manufacturer's directions. b. Carefully blend repaired areas into the original �nish. 31 B. Application Safety 32 1. Perform coating in accordance with recommendations of fhe f'ollowing: 33 a. Coating manufacturer's insiructions. 34 b. NACE contained in thc publication, Manuai for Painter Safety. 35 c. Federal, state, and local agencies having jurisdiction. 36 37 38 39 40 41 �2 43 44 2. Contractor will be solely and completely responsible for condition of ihe project site, including safety aiall perso�ns (including employees) and property during performance of the work. This requirement will appiy cont�nuously and nat be limited to normal working hours. Safety provisions will conform to U.S. Department Qf Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Act, any equivalent state law, and all other applicable federal, state, counry, and local lavas, ardinances, and codes. 3. Cota�ply with all safety-training requirernents promulgated or required for tYtis project. ROLLiNG HiLLS WATER TREATMCNT PLANT FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS C1TY PROJ�CT NO. 102056 09 91 00-13 PAINTING Page 13 of 18 1 2 3 4 C. Film Thickness: 1. Coverage is listed as either total mfnimum dry film thickness in mils (MDFT) or ihe spreading rate in square feet per gallon (SFPG). Per coat deierminations are listed as MDFTPC ar SFPGPC. 5 2. Applied coating system film thickness per coat shal� be applied at the specified 6 coating thickness or the manufactt�rer's recommended minimum thickness, 7 whichever is greater. Where the faaanufacturer �as not specified a minimum coating 8 thickness on the product data sheets, the speciiied coating application thickness 9 shall apply. 10 3. M�imum iilm build per caat shall not exceed the coating manufacturer's 11 reco[nmendations. 12 D. Stiripe Coats: 13 1. S�ufaces #hat are imrriersed or in belaw ground vaults or channels sk�a11 be stripe 14 coated on a11 angles, edges, corners, threads, welds, and similar type surfaces. i 5 2. Stripe coat shall be an extra coat of the intermediate or topcoat material. 16 17 18 19 Za 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 3. The stripe coat shall be a separate coat from coats specified under the coating system. 4. Stripe caais shall be alternated in coiar similar to a full coat. E. Number oi coats: 1. Apply specified number af coats, minimum, irrespective of coating thickness. 2. Additional coats may be required to obtain the minimum required coating thickness, depending on method of application, differences in manufacturers' products, and atmospheric conditions. F. Porous Surfaces, Such as Concrete, Masonry: 1. Prime Coat: a. May ba thinned to provide t�aximum penetration and adhesian on concrete. b. Thinning of the Prime Coat is non-acceptable if the coating rriaterial Fs 100% Solids. c. Type and Amount of Thinning: Determined by the paint manufacturer and is dependent on surface density and typ� of coating. d. . Suriaces Specif►ed to Receive Water Base Coating: Damp, tiut free of running water, just prior to application af the coating. G. Existing Coated Surfaces: 1. General: a. Shap pricined or coated surfaces sha11 be reviewed witn the CITY to determine the extent of existing coating damage and suitability of the �nish coats to adhere to ihe shop applied coats. b. If coating recoat windaw has been exceeded or has achieved full cure, epoxy, polyurethane, or plural�component coatings specified to be top coated sha11 be prepared in accordance with the coating manufacturer surface preparation recommendations. At a minimum, existing coated surfaces shall be sanded or abrasive sweep blasted to rernove all gloss and to roughen the existing surface for adk�esion of subseyuent coats. ROLLING HfLLS WATER TREATivIEN'�' PLAiV7' FLdW FVIETER REPLACEMENTS CI'f'Y PROIECT NO. ] 02056 o99iao-ia PA1NT11VG Page 14 of 18 1 2 3 � 5 5 7 8 9 l0 li 12 13 14 15 16 17 �8 19 20 2t 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 c. Surface preparakion reeornrnendations of the manufacturcr far coatings exceeding recoat window or fu11 cure shall be subject to approval of the CITY. d. All existing coated surfaces, where demolition o� equipment was specified or reyuired, s�iall be surface prepared, touch-up coating repairs completed, and a cosmetic overcoat applied using the specified coating system on all existing coated surfaces associated with the demolikion work, unless otherwise specit'ied. e. Existing coatings on immersed equipment shaIl be removed ta bare metal anc� recoated with the specified coating system where demolitian wark was specified. £ Apply sealerlprimer where recommended by coating manufacturer for coating campatibility. 2, To be Recoated ar Final Coated: a. Detergent wash and freshwater rinse. b. Perform touch-up repairs of existing coating. c. Protective asphaitic film coated ciuctile iron pipe will require an application of a seal coat prior to the application of a cosmetic finish coat. 3. Touch-Lip Repairs: a. Clean loose, abraded, or damaged coatings to substrate by Power Tool to Bare Meial (SP 11). b. Feather surraunding intact coating. c. Apply one spot coat of the specified primer to bare areas overlapping the prepared existing coating. d. Apply one fiill finish coat of the speci�ed primer ar finish coat(s) overall. 4. Applicatian of a Casmetic Coat: a. The exact nature of shop-applied coatings is not knovcrn in all cases. Check compatibility by application to a small area priar to starting the coating. b. If lifting or other problems occur, request disposition from the CITY. c. Cured epoxy, polyurethane, plural component mate�ials or any other coating system that has exceeded its maximunn recoat windaw shatl be prepared as specified this sectian. 32 H. Damagec� Coatings, PinhoIes, and Holidays: 33 1. Feather edges and repair in accordance with the recomme�dations af the paint 34 manufact�u-er. 35 3b 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 2. Repair fusion bonded coatings to be as recommended by the ariginal applicatar. Applicator shall pravide liquid r�pair kits for this purpose as recammended by the coating manufacturer. 3. Apply finish coats, including touchup and damage-repair coats in a manner that will present a iinifot7m texture and calor-matched appearance. I. Unsatisfactory Application: 1. If the item has an improper finish color, or insufficient film thickness, clean and topcoat surface with specified gaint material to obtain the specified calor and coverage. Obtain specific surface preparation i�nformation from the coating mar�ufacturer. ROLLING HILLS WATEIZ TREATMENT PLAI�FT FLQW MET�R R�PLACEMENTS CITY PRp7ECT NO. 102a56 09 91 00 - I S PAINTING Page IS of 18 1 2. Hand or power sand visible areas of chipped, peeled, or abrad�d paint and feather 2 the edges. Fallow with primer and fnish coat in accordance with the 3 Specifications. Depending an the extent of repair and its appearance, a finish 4 sanding and topcoai may be required. 5 3. Evidence airuns, bridges, shiners, laps, or other iimperfections shall be cause for 6 rejection. 7 4. Repair defects in coating system per written recommendations of caating 8 rnanufacturer. 9 5. Leave all staging up until the CITY has inspected the surface or coating. Replace 10 staging remaved prior to approval by CITY. 11 3.11 C�ATING INSPECTION 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 A. General 1. Film thiclrness measurements and electrical inspection of the coated surfaces. 2. All coat�ng tests will be perFormed with properly calibrated instruments. 3. 4. 5. Contractor to recoat ar repair coating as necessary for compliance with the �pecifications and to repair damage caused by desmxctive tesiing methads utilized t� inspect the caating applzcatian. All coats will be subject to inspectian by the CITY and the coating manufacturer's representative. CITY will visually inspect concrete, nonferrous metal, p�astic, and wood surfaces to ensiire proper and complete coverage has been attained, including the use of a Tooke Gauge or other DFT measurement instrument to verify coating thickness. CITY will give particu�ar attention to edges, angles, f�anges, and other areas where insufficient film thicknesses are likeiy to be present and ensure praper miI thickness in thes� areas. 26 B. Coating Thickness Testing: 27 1. CITY will conduct coating thickness tests as necessary and without limitation. 28 2. Testing conformance to the requirements of SSPC PA-2 is specifically excluded 29 fram this speciiicatian. 3a 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 44 41 42 3. Coating thickness will be measured with an electronic type dry film thickness gauge as specified. 4. Each coat will be cnecked for correct mil thickness. Measuretn�ents will be made no earlier than 8 haurs after application of the coating. 5. Tests for concrete coating thickness wi11 be with a Tooke Gauge, a destructive test, or non-destructive ultrasonic dry iilm thickness gauge suitable for concrete surfaces. C. Coating Continuity (Holiday) Testing: 1. Test ��nish coat, except zinc primers, using high voltage holiday tester in accordance with NACE SP0188. Test voltage shall be based on applied coating thickness. 2. Holiday detection on pipe coati�gs for buried application will be performed with a high voltage tester in accordance with NACE SP0274. ROLLING HILLS WAT�R T1Z�ATMENT PLANT FLOW MET�R R�PLACEMENTS CITY PROdECT NO. 102056 09 91 0� - 16 PA,INTING Page 16 of 18 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1p 11 12 13 � 4. Holiday testing on concrete su�aces shall be with a high voitage haliday tester witr� test valtage set based on base voltage between uncoated concrete and ground plus the voltage required for the coating thickness. Low voltage discontinuity testing of caatings less than 20 nnils DFT will be allowed, where approved by the CITY, and will be subject to the following additional requirements: a. Discontinuity (holiday} testing shall be performed in accordance with NACE �P0188. b. Coatings over 8 mils DFT sha11 be tested using the recammended low-sudsing wetting agent per NACE SP41$8. Wetting agent to be removed per SPO 1 SS. c. All discantinuities detected shall be surface prepared in accordance with "Existing Coating Surfaces, Touch-up Repairs", this section, to remove all water contamination from the subst�rate I4 is 3.I2 EXAMTNAT�ON [NOT USED] �.i� PUErA�TroN �NOT u�En� I6 3.14 INSTALLATION [NOT USED] 17 3.15 REPAIR/RESTQRATION] [NOT U5ED] 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2b 27 28 29 30 3.16 RE-INSTALLATION [NOT USEDJ 3.1'� FIELD QUALITY CONTRQL [NOT USEDj 3.18 SYSTEM STARTUP [NOT USED] 3.19 ADJUSTING �NOT USED] 3.�0 CLEANING A. Place cloths and waste that rnight constitute a fire hazard in closed metal cantainers or desiroyed at the end of each day. B. Upon campletion of the work remave staging and scaffolding. Remove cantainers from the site or destroyed in a legal rnanner. G Completely remove paint spots, oil, or stains upon adjacent surfaces anci tlaors and leave entire job clean. D. Damages due to over spray on buildings, vehicles, trees, or other surfaces not specified ta be painted is the responsibility of the Contractor. 31 3.21 MANUFACTURER' SERVrCES 32 A. Arrange for coating manufacturer's representative to visit jobsite at infervafs during 33 snrface preparation and caating as may be rea�uired for product application quality 34 assurance, and to determine compliance with manufacturer's instructions and these 35 speciiications, and as may be necessary to resolve field �roblems attributable to, or 3b associated with, manuiacturer's products furnished under this Contract. ROLLINCT HILLS WAT�R TREATMENT PLAI+IT FLOW METER REPLACENTEI�lTS C1TY PROJECT Nd. 162056 og�ioo-i� PAI[1TING Page i 7 of 18 3.�� CLOSEOUT ACTIVITIES [NOT USED] 2 3.�3 PROTECTION �N�T USED] 3 3.�4 MAINTENANCE [NOT USED� 4 3.�� ATTACHMENTS [NOT USED] 5 3.26 PROTECTIVE COATING SYSTEMS AND APPLICATION SCHEDULE: 6 7 8 9 10 A. Unless ot�ierwise sl�ovvn or specified in these Specificatians �aint or caat the work in accordance with the following application schec�ule. B. In the event of discrepancies or omissions in the follawing, request clarification from the CITY befare starting the vcrork in question C. System No. 2 Concrete Encased Metal: 11 1. Surface Preparation and Coating System 12 a. Surface Prep: Abrasive B1ast, or Centrifugal Wheel Biast (SP 10} 13 b. Paint Material: Polyamide Epoxy 14 c. Min. Coats, Cover: 2 or 3 coats, 16 MDFT 15 2. Applicatian: 16 a. M�tal surfaces encased in concrete, such as wall pipes, pipes, pipe sleeves, 17 access manholes, gate guides and thimbles, and structural steel, excluding 18 reinforcing steel. 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 D. System No. 4 Exposed Metal - Highly Caxxasive: 1. Surface Preparation and Coating System: a. Surface Prep: Abrasive Blast, or Centrifugal Wheel Blast {SP 10) b. Paint Material, 3 coats: 1) Moisture Cured Zinc Rich, 1 coat, 3 MDFT 2) Moishu-e Cured Urethane, 1 coat, 5 MDFT 3} Moist��re Cured C]rethane, 1 coat, 5 MDFT 2. Application: a. Al� new exposed metal surfaces, located inside of struciures, manholes, ar vaults and subject to high humidity or condensation. b. This system shatl not be used in vaults or stnzctures which witl be subject ta immersion, see System No. 1. c. All surfaces with shop applied fusion bonded epoxy or other two component coating system shail be prepared as speci�ed for Existing or Shop Applied coatings and top coated with the specified coating materiaL Final calor shal� be uniform in appearance. 3. Special Requirements: a. The surface preparation and primer shall be shop applied to all surfaces prior to installation. b. AIl existing expased metal suxfaces with an existing coating system, including new shop primed or coated equipment, shall be prepared as specified under "Coating Applicatian, Existing Coated Surfaces" and recoated with this system. 41 E. 5ystem No. 5 Exposed Metal - Mildly C�rrosive: 42 1. Surface Preparation and Coating System: 43 a. Surface Prep: Abrasive Blast, or Centrifugal Wheei Blast (SP 10) ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT FLOW METER REPLAGEMENTS CITY PROJECT NO. 102056 a��too-ia PAINTING Page 18 of 18 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 1I 12 13 14 15 b. Paint Material, 3 coats: 1) Inorgat�ic Zinc Ricl� Primer, 1 coat, 3 MDFT 2) High Bui1d Epoxy, 1 coat, 4 MDFT 3) Polyur�thane Enamel, 1 coais, 3 MDFT 2. Application: a. All new exposed metal surfaces, located outside af structures and exposed to weather. b. The specified coating systems at transitions between buried ar concrete encasement and exposed pipe s�all be overlapped a minimum of 6-inches. 3. Special Requirements: a. The surface preparation and primer shall be shop applied to all surfaces priar to i�staIlation. b. All existing exposed metal surfaces with an existing coating system, inc�uding new s�iop primed or coated equipment, shall be prepared as specified iuider "Coating Application, Existing Coated S�zrfaces" and recoated with this system. 16 F, �ystem No. 29 Fusion Bonded Coating: 17 1. Surface Prepa�ation and Coating System: 18 a. Surface Prep: Abrasi�e Blast, or Centrifugal Wi�eel Blasi (SP 5} 19 b. Paint Material: Fusion Bonded 100% solids Epoxy per AW WA C213 20 c. Min. Coats, Co�er: 1 or 2 coats, f2 MDFT 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3Q 31 2. Application: a. A�1 surfaces specified to be shop coated and intended for burial, immersion, high hurnidity, and condensation environments, pipe vault components, and where specifically speci�ed. b. Use on the following items or surfaces: 1} Pipe val�es anci cauplings 3. Special Requirements: a. May be used as alternative to Coating �ystem 2 at Cantractor's option. b. Coating ta be appIied in accordance with AWWA C213, except as modified herein. END OF SECTION ROLLING HILLS WATER TRE�ITMENT PLANT FLOW METER AEPLACEMENTS CITY PROJECT NO. 102056 '�ri .� �� - - - ;� ' R 4 i ' I �/ ' G��techni��l ��g�in��ri�g R�p�r� ��(linc� bills !�� �'t�v� ����� i�epi���r€�ents F8� �43@�i�, �`a��an� ��unt�, T�xas September 25, 2019 Terracor� Project No. 95995QE3 �'r�p�r��1 f�c: JQ Engiheering, LLP Fort Warth, Texas �'�re�ar�� b�+: Terracon Consuftants, �nc. Fort Worth, Texas Sept�mber 2�, 2Q19 JQ �ngin�ering, LLP 'i 3Q'i W Tt� Str�st Fort Workh, Tex�s 76 9�2 �#tn: Mr. Lo�is Ht�nd �: (817) 505 431 '! �: lhund�a jq��g.carn Re: ��otechr�ica! Enginee��ng F�eport f�olting Hi�ls WTP �'1ow �1�et�r R�pl�cements 250� SE �.oap 8�� k�vrt Workh, Tarrar�t +�c�ur�iy, %xas Terracan F'�oje�t No. 95'�96��3 Q�ar Mr. ��u�d �11"��r�c�n ���R���r�� Vlf� hav� �r�mple�et� ths G�o�e�h��i�ai �ngir���rir�g s�rv��e� fc�r ��� ab�v� r�fe���c�d praj�;�#, �"his study was ��rfvrrr�ed in �en�ra� acco��ance writ� Ter�acor� Pro�ar�sai NA. P9�39��� d��:d �prii 2�, 20'� �. �"his re�art �presen�s th� �i�di�gs of t}�� st�bsEa��� �xgloratic�r� �nd �r�vi�e� ��c�t�chni�l r�cc�mrr�ene��lQcan� �onc�rni�� earti�vunrk ar�d t�e c��sic�n ar�d const��ctiar� t�� fo��c���iv�s f�r #�e �,rc�pos�d pr4j�ct. VUE'> r'3�'?�t'��ld�� ��3� t]�3}�C}fl�it�i�l �p i}�' Of S�f�iCE? �t2 ]�fl�k Qi� t�31� �]!"t3j�C�. If yQ� �av� �r�y c���s��or�s cc�nc�rni�g ��is r�pa�t +�r i� �r� rt�ay �� nf furti�er servic�, �i�a�e contac# u�. Sincr;�•�ly, T�����a�� �+��a���fiant�, ir��. ,�.��"��,�w�,��� Q � �- a r����� �, ,.r- ���� �.�. r �' � ti .;: ��eryf C. Pedraza, P.�, � ���,,....._.. �,�.ti�,1 .� ,�'-��. .''..:Y�1 �` �'� � �-. ��1� f�.; . �� "� .:.....................,..........:.... � G�i����'l. G. P�pR��A ! �: -• --•�"44i5�,.,. .,��f ��°�� � �.t�c��s�°..-�����;� ��"����Q �� Ai.. �.��?4 �en��r Gev#���r�i�a� E�gineer f � � � �.� 9 ��. �ag��, �.�. �eo��cE�nicai ����rt��nt �la���er T�rracoti Gt�r��uil�t�ts, [€�c. 7.501 �'�st �oop S2(� €dUri� Fart l+�arth, '€ �x�s 76S ]8 ft�yistra�irn l��. F�3272 €' [8�7j �68 864� � [817� aS8 ii�€ifi (erracort.cu�lof;E�;cs�€��rt-wor#t� ������ ������ If�iRQI�l1Cil�h� ............................................................................................................. 'I Sl�� CANDITIONS ................................................................................�........................ 9 PROJ�Ci ���GRIPiI�N ......................... - ,-.� --- _-=:=___.-- --� -- -- ------ ------------ ��_ 2 G�O�'�Cbl�IC��, GFi���GTEF�IZ�►TIAIV--------------------•----------....._...--------------------•---..._.. � C�Oi€Gbl�l�r4�. �V��1/1G� ........................ .... .. ............... .__ 3 �,��iHV�oR� ..................................................,....................,..............,..� ..---...__.......,... � S�ISNIIC ��N�IDI�Rr4itORS ..............................................................�:_��...__....:�:..,.�..:. 7 ��LO�I'o�R�,�� S�`RUCTURI� a .._.� - - - - - -_= _ - .. �' Ca�N�RA�. COM��IV�"5 ................�...-----------------------------------------._._..._...-------------------....1'� Noie: This report was ariginally delivered in a web-based format. text in #he report indicates a referenced sectior� heading. The PDF version aiso includes hyperlinks which direct #he reader ko that section and clickir�g qn the GeoReport logo will bring you back to this page. For more interacti�e features, please view yqur project online at clipnt.terracon.cam. ����0� f"� � � � � � I�X€�LC}I�A i r -1 ���TiWC - _- �� 51�'� ���,� i �ca� ��! D I�X�LOF = � - -- , � -- - - - �� �XPi�URr4�IC�N f�G�U��S Note: Refer to each individual Attachment for a listing of contents. ���p�nsiv� �t�s����e�u� R�i���l� 1 Geo�echnical �ng�neering Repart Rolfing H[ils WTP Flow Meter Repfacements = Fort Worth, Tarrant County, T'exas Sepfember 25, 20� 9� Terracon Project No. 95195063 r�����i S�f �dl I�ARY �%r���ar�� �'+��R'��or� A geotechnical exploration has been performed for the praposed new flow meters to be located at fhe Rafling Hills water trea#menf p(ant in Fart Worth Texas. Three borings were originally p[anned for this project; however, boring (B-1} was eliminated due ta a possible utilify conflic#, Two barings (B-2 and B-3) were ad�anced to depths of approximately 30 fee� below the existing ground surface at the site. The follawing geotechnical considerations were identified: Existing fill materials consisting of day soifs with limesfone fragments were present �n the borings to depths of about 4 to 5'/� feet. O�erburden sails consEsting of lean clays with limestane seams and �ayers were present ir� tl�e f�arings #a depths of about 15 ta15'/z feet in the borings. These sails were underfain by gray IEmestone, which was present to the termination depths of about 3� feet in borings B-2 and E�-3. . Groundwater was nat encountered in the borings and they remained dry at cor�pfet9on. Expansi�e soils are present an this site. At the fime of our field operations September 6, 2a19, the overburden soils were at a dry state. Our laboratory absarption swell test result was 13.1 % for a sample tested. Based on the Plasticity I ndex (PI} of the sails, the potential �er�ical rise {PVR} af the site soiis is estimated ta �e on the order of 3 to 4 inches. The PVR is estimated utilizir�g laboratory testing and fihe TxD�T method TEX-124-E and based on dry soil conditians. We undersfand that the flow meters will be situated about 15 to 20 feet below grade. The f[aw meters can be supported on spread faoti�g foundation situated in the tan lean clays with limestane seams and layers or the underlying gray limestane. Movements less than 1 inch are expected for footing faundations founded in the lean clays. Mo�ements of about '/� inch are expected for footing foundations founded in the gray limestone. The 2415 Internatianal Building Code seismic site classification for this site is C. This summary should b� �,s�d �� , a�U Eon with the entire �-epart tor a� �� ���uFN�a�, I� should be recognized that details were nat ir�cluded or fully developed in this section, and the report must be read in its er�tirety for a camprehensi�e understanding af the items coniained herein. The section titled G�iV�R�#� COi�hA�N�� should }�� read far an understartding of the report lim�tatians. The sec�ian pro�ides an undersfar�ding of the repor� limitations. �:��rJ�`�,z!'�T�? rJ,:s�'.+$.��'��:'��i� a�"'•.�^�1.��°3�� ���������i�a�i �r��i���rin� ���ao�f ��Ili�� Hills'I�i�°� Flo� i�eter� F�e�al�c�rrn�n�s �500 S� Lo�p �20 For� �lVvr�h, i�rr�n� Co�n�y, i��as '�'erracon �'roject Wo. 95195Q63 Sepfember 3�, �019 I�l`�R�����IQ� This report presents the results af our subsurface exploration and geotechnical engineering services performed for the proposed new flow meters to be located at t�e Ralling Hilis water treatmen� pfant located at 2500 5E Loop 820 in Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas. The purpase of these seEvices is to provide information and geofechnical engineering recommer�c�atians relative to: Subsurface soi! (and rock) conditions . Graunclwater conditions � Site preparation and earthwork � Foundation design and construction . Seismic site classificatian per EBC Lateral earth pressures Three borings were originalfy pfanned for this project; however, boring (B-9 ) was eliminated due to a passible utility conflict. Two barings (B-2 and B-3} were advanced to depths of approximately 30 feet belaw the existing g�ound surFace at the site. Maps showi�g the site and boring locatians are shown in the anc� � `�� sections, respectively. The results of t�e laboratory testing pe�farmed on soil samples obtained from the site during the field exploratio� are inclUded on the boring logs in the sectian. ��T� ������'I�t�� The following descriptian of site conditians Es derived from our site visit in association with the #ield exploration and our review af pubiicly avai�able gealagic and topographic maps. Item ParceE lnformation �xisting Improvements Descrfpklan The project is locafed at 2500 SE Loop 820 in Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas. 32.6629°N, 97.2892�W (approximate) (5ee �xhibit D) Existing water treatment plant Curreni Ground Cover Grass, bare earth, scatter�d trees, and concrete and asphalt pavement ��s�an��v� �e��u�r��fu1 ���39�i��� '� Geotechnical Engineering Report ��'��r���� Ro�ling Hills WTP Ffaw Meter Replacemen#s Fort Worth, Tarrant Co�nty, Texas September 25, 2p'19 ��: Terracan Projeck No. 95195Q63 �������� Itern Doscflptior� C�xisEing Topography Site slopes downward northeast to southwest with an 8-foot efe�ation (from NCTCOG) change. �R��F�T ����R.IPTI�I� Our initial understanding af the projecfi was provided in our proposai and na comments have been made by the design group/client and aur finaf understanding of the project conditians is as follows: I��irr� Des��iption We understand th� proposed construction wifl include new flow r�eters ta be �raject Description � situated on the north side of the facility at a depth of about 15 to 20 feet below existing qrade. GradinglSlopes Cut and Fill slopes not skepper tY�an 4N:1 V(Horizontal: Verticaf) are expected. �elow Grade Structures Free�3tanding Retaining 1dValls Flow meter �aults None u��iT��:�-I�1r��,L ��fl�t��4C`���I�i�fJi� We have de�el�ped a general characterization of the subsurface canditions based upon our review af tl�e subsurFace exploratian, laboratory data, geafagic setiing and aur understanding of the project. This characterization, termed GeaModel, forms the basis of our geotechnical calculafions and evaluation of site preparation and foundation options. Conditions encountered at each exploration point are indicated on ihe indi�idua! logs. The indi�idual logs can be found in the ' secfiion and the GeoModel can be found ir� the ^- section of this re�ort. As part of our analyses, we identified the following model layers within the s�bsurface profile. For a more detailed �iew af �he madeE layer depths at each boring locati�n, refer to the GeaMadef. A�ac�el Layr�r 1 � 3 ��j��r Nam� �il� C��y Be�ir�Ck ����ral �7esc�i�klon Fat clay with limestone fr�gments Lean clay wikh limestone seams and fayers Gray limestane The following tabfe summarizes the rock profile in the building borings: �'_$-a;'��r3'::.t'f�^ i.'"':�w����;_„jiil - �����'��: � Geafechnicaf �ngineering Report Roliing Hills WTP Flow Meter Replacements Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas September 25, 2019 Terracon Projecf No. 95195063 � ������� �r�0�@�901`L�'. Ap�roximat� Dep#h t� To� o� 8oring N'��mbor � Cyray ��rti�starie {feetj B-2 15.5 B-3 15 Below ground surface The boreholes were observed whi�e driiling and after completion for the presence ar�d level af grour�dwater. The water levels observed in the bor�holes can be �ound on the boring logs in - — - and are summarized befow. Groundwater was nat obser�ed in the borings while drilling, Qr for f�e short dura#ion the borings could remain open. However, fhis does not necessarily mean the borir�gs terminated above groundwater, �r the water levels summarized above are stable groundwat�r levels. Due to #he low permeability of the soils encounter'e� in the borings, a rela�ively long period may be necessary for a graundwater level to develop and stabifize in a borehole. Long te�m observations in piezometers or abservatian wells sealed from the i�t�uence of surface water are aften required to define groundwater fe�els in materials of this type. Groundwater level flucfuations occur due to seasflna! �ariations in the amount of rainfall, runoff and other factors not evident at the time the borings were perfarmed. Therefore, groundwater le�els during construcfian or at oiher times in the fife of the structure may be higher or lower than the levels indicafed on the baring logs. The possibility of groundwater le�el fluctuatians should be cansicfered when developing the design and construction plans for the project. ��O`��G�f�t��L C���F7l�I��� Existing fili materials consisting af clay soils with limestone fragments were present ir� the borings ta depths of about 4 to 5'/2 feet. Overburden soils consisting of lean clays with limestone seams and layers were preser�t in the barings to depths of about 1S to 15'h feet in the borings. These s�ils were underlain by gray limestone, which was p�esent to the termination depths of about 30 feet in the building borings. Graundwater was not encountered in the borings and they remained cfry at completion. Expansive soils are present on this site. At the time of our field op�rations Se�tember 6, 2019, the o�erburden soils were at a c�ry state. Our laboratory absorption swell test resuft was 13.1 % for a sample t�sted. Based on ihe Plas#icity Index (PI) of the soils, the potential �ertical rise (PVR) of the site soifs is estimated to be an the order of 3 to 4 inches. The PVR is estimated utilizing labaratory testing and the TxDOT method TEX-124-E and based on dry sail canditions. l���p9�ssive �e�ourc�tr�f ��liabi� 3 Geatechnical €ngineering Report Rolling Hills WTP Fiow Meter Replacements � Fart Worth, 7arrant Caunty, Texas 5epkember 25, 2019 _, Terracon Project No. 951950�3 ��err���r� C�����p��% Vlle understand that the flow meters will be situated about 15 to 20 feet below grade. The flaw meters can be supported an spread footing foundation situated in the tan lean clays with limestan� seams and layers or th� underlying gray lirnestone. Mo�ements less ti�an 1 inch are expected for foating foundations founded in the lean clays. Movements of about'/z inch are expected for faoting foundations fvunded in the gray limestone. This su� �r� -_ � -� ,�=��u u� �vrg���Li�c�� :��C ��• ���: ��uurt fi�.�� dGs�yr u�;r��•��5. It should be recagnized thaf detai�s were not included or fully de�eloped in this section, and the repart must be read in its en�irety for a com�rehensive understanding of the items cantained herein. TE�e section titled ; should be read for an understanding of the repart limitations. ��►�i��f��K The following sections pro�ide recommendations far use in the preparation of sp�cifications for th� work. Recommendations include c�itical quality criteria as necessary to render the site in the state cansidered in our geotechnical engineering ��a[uation �or foundations. �xisfiing �'ill As noted in �, fill materials consisting of fat clays with limestone fragments were present in the barings to depfhs of about 4 to 5�/2 feet. The possibility of deeper fills at this site and under compacted zones of soil ar debris within the fill materials exists. We understand that the shalfaw foundations to suppork the flow meters will be situated at depths of 1� to 20 feet below grade; therefore, the exEsting fill will not impact the foundations. �ui�able Fill AAatierial Types The follawing soil materials are c�iscussed �n the coming sections of this report. The folfowing table summarizes their namenclature, detailed descr�ptions, and appropriate usage in the context of this project. �0�1 �y�� On-site soils �'e�hn�c�l D�scriptton Free af �egetation, organic material, debris, and rocks greater than 4 inches in maximum dimension. Clean clay sail (free of deleterious material and debris) wikh a liquid limit Imported fill ���� less than 60 percent and no rock greater than 4 inches in maximum dimension A�pfn�ria�e Use 1) General site grading 2) Utility trench backfiil 3) Vault backfilE �e�'s'd:Ca:`a.r.i _�c, - "? �•^ �:sF#; :i�t:� ��tl�,�s#+§ (+,, Geotechnical �ngineering Repori ������g�� Rolfing HiEls WTP Flow Meter Replacements Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas 5epternber 25, 20� 9 Terracon Project No. 95195063 ���������� � 50�� ��pe � T�chrrical �es�rtpt��n ��propri�te U�e Sandy cfay fo clayey sand with a Select fill liquid limit (LL) of less than 35 perceni and a plasticity index {PI) between 6 and 15 TxDOT Item 247, Type D, Grade 1 or I�lexible base I 2. Recyc�ed concre#e meeting this 1} Vault backfill gradation is acceptable. Crushed stone or gravel with less Granular walf qackfill � f��n 3% passing No. 200 sieve and less than 30% passing No. 40 sieve, nan-plastic *TxDOT — Texas Department of Transportation Compaciion Requirements Recommendations for compac#ion are presented in the following table. We recommer�d that engineered fiU be tested far moisture content and compaction during placement. Should the resufts of the in-place density tests indicate the specified moisture or compact�on limits ha�e not been mei, the area represented by the test must be rewarked and retes#ed as required until the specifi�d moistur� and com�ac#ion requireme�ts are aci�ie�ed. It�ri� I �tructural Fill I ��ner�l F��I On-site soils or A minirnum of 95°/a maximum standard � At a minimum of 2 percentage imported Proctor dry de�sity (ASTM D698) � paints above optimurri moisture Select fill 1 flexit�le A minimum of 95% maximum star�dard In the range of -2 to +2 base Proctor dry density (ASTM D 69$} Perce�fage points of optimum moisture . Fills should be placed in maximum loose Eifts of 9 inches or less. {�rading and Drain�c�e All grades must provid� effecti�e drainage away from the structures during and after construcfian and shauld be maintainecf thraughout the li#e of the structure. Water retained next ta the structure can result in soil movements greater thar� those discussec! in this report. Grades around the struct�re should also be periodically inspected and adjusted as necessary as par� of the structure's maintenance program. Where paving ar flatwark abuts the structure, a maintenance F�es�4�5�v2 � ���ou�c���� R�l�abl� 5 Geo�echnicaE Engineering Repart Rolling Hills WiP Flow Meter Rep�acements � Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas September 25, 2099 � Terracon Project fVo. 9�195063 �r�r����� �'ea�#�p�r� prograrr� should be established to effectively seaf and rr�ain�ain joints and pre�ent surface water infiltration. €arih�nrork Construc�ion Gonsidera�ions Excavations for the proposed flow meter �aults are anticipated to be accomplished with canventional construction equipment in the clay o�erburden soils; however, tan [imestone layers will be ertcauntered with depth. The limestone fayers and seams vary in hardness and may be difficult to excavate. Excavations extending into the limestane may require breaker haes, trenchers and milling machines equipped with rock teeth. Line drilling can be used to contral o�er break at the limits af the exca�atian. The limestone may be very difficult to process down far use as suitable backfill for the �ault and may ha�e ta be wasted. The site should be graded to prevent pondir�g of s�r#ace water on fihe prepared subgrades or in exca�atior�s. Water collecting o�er, or adjacent to, cor►struction areas should be rema�ed. Based upon the subsurFace conditio�s determined firom #he geotechnical exploration, subgrade sails exposed during construcfian are anticipafed to be relati�ely stable. Howe�er, the stabElity of the subgrade may be affected by precipitation, repetiti�e construction traffic, c�oseness to the graundwater see�age ar other factors. In addition, during excavatians the existing fill material may nat hald a cut as well as naiural �ndisfur�ed svil, sa proper shor'ing should be considered. If unstable canditions develop, workability may be impro�ed by scarifying and drying. Lightweight excavation equi�ment may be required to reduce subgrade pumping. The use of remotefy operated equipment, such as a backhoe, would be beneficial ta perForm cuts and reduce subgrade disturbance. Although graundwater was nat present in the borings, the graundwater table coufd affect exca�atian effarts, especially during wei seasons. A tem�orary dewatering system consistir�g of sumps with pumps couid be necessary to achie�e the rewuired depth of exca�atian. As a minimum, exca�ations should be perFormed in accordance with 05HA 29 CFR, Part 1926, Subpart P, "Exca�ations" and ifs appendices, and in aecordance with any applicable local, and/or state regulations. Construct�on site safety is the sole responsibiiity af the contractor who controls the means, methods, and sequencing of eonstruction operat�ons. U�d�r no circumstances shall the information pro�ided herein be interpreted to mean Terracon is assuming respansibility for c�nstruction site safety, ar the contractor's acti�ities; such responsibility shall neither be implied nor inferred. ��a���:.�°•s�: ;��=;d..ar�:�F�.�3 ��;i��t��� � Ceatechnical Engineering Re�ort Rolling Hills WTP Fiaw Mefer Replacemenfs Fort Worth, Tarrank County, Texas September 25, 20'f 9 Terracon Project No. 957 95063 �onsfiruciion Observaicivn and �esfing ������e�� c��o��pvr�, The earthworic effarts should be monitared under the direction of a representative of the Geotechnical Engineer. Each lift of campacted fill shoufd be tes#ed, evaluated, and rework�d as necessary uniil approved by the Geotec�nical Engineer's re}�resentafi�e prior to placement of additional lifts. Eac� lift ofi fill shauld be tested for density and water conten�. One density and water content tesf should be perfarmed for every 50 linear feet af compacfed utility trench backfifl. En areas of vault fioundation excavafiions, the bearing stratum sho�ld be veri#ied for the designed bearing capac�ty. In the event that unanticipafed conditions are encountered, the Geotechnical Engineer should prescribe mitigation options. In addition to the documentation of the essentiaE parameters necessary for construction, the continuation of the Geotechnical Engineer's representative into the construction phase of the project provides the continu�ty to maintain the Geotechnical Engineer's re�resentative e�aluation of subsurface canditio�s, induding assessing �ariations ar�d assaciated desig� changes. ��i��l� �o��r�i������� The seismic design requiremenis far structures are based on Seisrnic D�sign Category. Site Classification is required to determine the Seismic Design Category far a structure. The Site Classification is based on the upper 100 feet of the site prafile de#inad by a weighted average value of either shear wave velacity, standard penetration resistance, or undrained shear sfrength in accordanee with Section 20.� of ASCE 7 and the �nternationaf B�ailding Code (fBC}. Based on the soiVbedrack properties encountered at the site and as desc�ibed on the exploration logs and results, if is our professional apinion tY�at the Seismic Sife Classificafion is C. SubsurFace expforations at this site were exter�ded to a maximum depih of 30 feet. The site prapertias below the boring depth to 100 feet were es#imated based an our experienc� and knowledge of geologic canditions of the general area. Additional deeper borings or geophysical testing may be performed to confirm the conditions belaw the current boring de�th. ���,�YU���D�' �i�lJ��'1���� Flow meter vaults will be constructed below grade. We understand that the vaults will be situated about 15 ta 20 fieet befow �rade. The vaul#s may be supported on footings bearing in the tan lean clays or the gray limes#one. ��s�a�r��ive �e�o�€rcef�l �d�i«�iie "l Geatechnical �ngineering Report Rolling Hills WTP F�ow Meter Replacements � Fort Worth, Tarrant County, �exas September 25, 2019 Terracon Project No. 9519�063 �haliow �ounda�ions for �elow �rade �firucfiu�es 1�%rr���r� �r�Of��p�1`� Design parameters for spread foofing foundations bearing in the lean c�ays or gray fimestone are presente� i� the following table. Bear�ng Stratum E?�s�ription Minimum embedment into bearing stratu m Net allawable bearing pressure flAinimum dimensifln �stimated movements Allowable passive pressure Coefficient of sliding frictian i 7an lear� �la� +�ith I�rno�f�r�o s�arns a�nt! I�yera � 12 inches 2,50� psf 24 inches Less ihan 1 inch 11Q psflfi triangular distribution 0.33 Gra}� lim�s�o�e 6 inches 4,�00 psf 24 inches AE�out'/z inch 500 psfluniform distribution 0.42 The recammended net allawable bearing pressure is the pressure in excess of the minimum surraunding o�erburden pressure at the footing base elevation, and assumes any ur�suitable fill or soft soils, if encountered, will be undercut and replaced with engineered fil[. The net allowable bearing pressure includes a factor of safety of at least 3. 7he foundation mo�ement will depend upan fihe �ariations within the subsurtace soil profile, the s�ructural laading candit�ons, the embedment depth of the fooiings, the thickness af compactec! fill, post-canstruction moisfure fluctuafions in the clay soils, and the quality af the earthwork operations. The sides of the exca�ation for ihe spread footing foundation must be near�y vertical and the concrete should be placed neat against these �ertical faces for fhe passive earth pressure �alues to be �alid. ff the ]oaded side is sloped or benched, and then backfilled, the allowable pass[ve pressure will be significantly reduced. Passi�e resistance in the upper 2 feet of the sail prafile shauld be neglectecf. The allowabie passive pressure includes a factar af safety of 2. If passi�e resistance is used to resist lateral loads, the base frickion shoufd be neglected. Sh�llor�v Foundafiions -� Cons�ruc�ion Conside�-a�ions As r�oted in , the foating excavatians should be evaEuated uncier the direction of the Geatechnicaf Engineer. The base of all faundation exca�ations shauld be free of water and foose ����-��or? a�'�r�,: -- 1'. �,•:���af��#�,�� — ''?���a�ss�: '3 Geotechnical �ngineering �epori Rolfing Hills WiP Flow Meter Replacements Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas September 25, 2019 Terracon Project No. 95195063 �'���r���� ��������, soil, prior to placing concrete. Concrete should be pEaced soon after excavating to reduce bearing svil disturbar�ce. Care should be taken to prev�n# wetting or drying of iF�e bearing materials during construction. �xcessively wet or dry material or any loaseldisturbed material in the bottom of the foofing excavations should be removedlrecanditianed before foundation cancrete is placed. If unsuitable bearing soifs are encountered at the base af the planned foating exca�ation, the exca�ation shauld be extended deeper to suita�le soilslbedrock, and the footings could bear directly on these soilslbedrock at the lower fevel or on lean concrete baekfill placed in the excavations. This is ilfustrated on the ske#ch belaw. � ; ._}=:,=�. ; : j �._ ..,. -�. ��G� F������EUE� �-- � � ��5h � ull� I� � RCC�MMENREO�'- -"(y���� � EXCAVAT'AtFfE4El ,__, f, LFJ�N CONCRET�' BAClCF'1LL I NO?�: E�%GAVATIONSARE3MQtNNY�fiTlCAL.FtOyVFVE{t TFIE SIOE6NALi&�SHpULi7�9E SI,OPEg6i6-NEGESShRY YOR-SAFE7Y All footing instaflations shauid be inspecfed by qualified geotechnical personnel to help verify the design depth and perform refated duties. La�era! �a�th �ressures The lateral earth pressure recommendatians herein are applicable to the design of cast-in-place vault walls. Wafls with unbalanced backfill levels on opposite sides should be designed for earth pressures at least equal to those indicated in the following tabie. Earth }�ressures will be influ�nc�d by structural design of the walls, canditions of wafl restraint, metF�ods of consiruction andlor compactian and the strength of the rr�aterials bei�g restrained. The "at-rest" conditian assumes no wall movement. The recommended design �ateral earth pressures do not include a factor of safety. ��s��r�siv� ���esar�e�u� �t��+�ble 9 Ceatechnical Engineering Report l���r���� Rolling Wi11s WTP Flow Meter RepEacements �� Fort Worih, Tarrant Caunty, �exas 5eptember 25, 2019 .�� 7erracon Project No. 95195063 �������� l.�tor;►I �a�h Pressure D����r� Par�m�t�rs �ut�r�h��'�+� Effe�tave FluEd Pressufes �x ��rtF� E�re�sure �t+v#fici+�nt for Backfill �onditi�� Ty�� Pressur� �P��`} � �' �RS� �]r�in�d Undra�inacl Granular - 0.47 , {0.47)S (55)H 90{H) Select �ill -- 0.59 (0.59)S I (80)H 103(H) A#-Rest (Ka) Flexihle Base — 0.5 (0.50)S (70)H 1�2(H) On Site Soil (CH) - 0.75 (0.76)S ' (1Q0}H 114(H) On Site Soi[ (CL) - 0.66 (0.66)S {861H 107lH) � Granular - 3.25 � --- (390)H 250(H) Select Fill 2.37 --- (310}H 220(H) Passive (Kp) Flexible Base — 3.0 --- (42�)H 295(H) On Site Soil (CH)— 1,64 �-- (215}H 175(H) On Site Soil(CL) - 2.04 --- (265}H 2a0(H) For active earth pressure, wall must rotate about base, with top latera[ mo�emenks 0.002 H to 0.004 H, where H is wafl neight. For passi�e earth pressure, wall must ma�e horizontally to mobilize resistance. Uniform, horizantal backfill, compacted fo at least 95 percent of the ASTM D 698 maximum dry density, rendering a maximum unit weight of 12Q pcf for granular backfill, 940 pcf far flexible base, and 130 pcf for select fill and an site soils. Uniform surcharge, where S is surcharge pressure. No safety factor is included in these �alues. In order to achie�e "Undrained" conditians, fallow guidelines in ^� � -- below. "Submerged" canditians are recommended when drainage behind walls is not incorporaied into the design. Backfill placed against structures should consist of granular soils ar appro�ed on-site or imported fill soils. WaIE bacCcfilf rnaterials shoufd be placed and compacted as described in section � . Granular backfill sh�uEd not be water jetted ta achie�e compaction and should be placed at a moisture cantent to al[ow the desired density ta be achie�ed. For the gra�ular �aEues to be valid, the granular backfill must extend out and up from the base of the wall at an angls of at least 45 and 6� �egrees frflm vertical for the acii�e and passi�e cases, respecti�ely. The top of the backfill should be protected by flafwork/pa�ing or a minimum thickness af 2 feet of clay fil! (PI>20) to reduce sur�ace water infiltration. Subsur��ce Drainage �or �elo�+�Grade 16Valfs A perforated rigid plastic drain line installed behind the base of walls and extends below adjacent grade is recommended ta pre�ent hydrostatic loading on the walls for drained conditions. The invert af a drain line around a below-grade vault wall should be placed near faundation b�aring le�el. The drain iine should be sloped to pra�ide positive gra�ity drainage to daylight ar to a sump pit and pump. The drain line should �e surrounded by clean, free-draining granular material �'?�;�i]ia�i ��v �t?-:� �'.�fG�{'��t� ���igf7�� 'i � Geofiechnicaf �ngineering Cdeport Rolling HilEs WTP Flow Meter Replacements . Fort Worth, Tar�ant Caunty, Texas 5eptember 25, 2019 . Terracon Project No. 95'f95063 � ��r��e�� ����'���r�, having less than 3% passing the No. 20d sieve, such as Na. 57 aggregate. The free-draining aggregate shauld be encapsulated in a filter fabric. The granufar fill should extend to within 2 feet af final grad�, w�ere it should be capped with compacted cohesive fill to reduce infiltration of surface water into the drain system. Slopelo drain ! � away from building Layer of cohesive fill _ ,.-�.,�,_,_�, Foundalion wa91 , ' ����,' � �. , '%Z ..:�7;-'� ;r.t`e. . . ;'(: - .�?�',�..= � - ' _ - Badcfili (seereport '�. rr-,'��.1. _ feqUlrEfllBRtSj Free-draininggmded � -{_:=_ granWarfiller materla! or �c�� ��� , � � . x, norrgraded freedraining materlal encapsulated in -3SN��;j , � • . anappropriatefilter "' -'; � �� � ' �-,�� —Naiive,undls€url�ed fabric seere a1 � `�:"�.�.�- f. ( P ) e;"�+=". ' s011 of enginaered fill .��,.,�.:1��:. � jF---�` _ �r" r Y:'-�= � � I.. .� .,-.. � -,. y . .,. � F.i��;. _. � - �„��� -� Pertamted draio pipe (Rigid PUC � i unlPwc ctatwd.nfharwixe in rr.narti As an alternative to free-draining granular fill, a pre-fabricated drainage structure may be used. A pre-fabricated drainage structure is a plastic drainage core or mesh which is covered with fifter fabric ta prevent soii intrusion and is fastened to the wali prior to placing backfill. C�� f���� �`�f�l�i�� i � Our analysis anc! opinions are based upon our unclerstanding af the project, the geotechnical canditions in the area, and the data abtained from our site �xploration. Natural variations will occur between exploration point locations or due to the modifying effects of canstruction or weather. The nature and extent of such variations may not become evident until during or aft�r construciian. Terracon shauld be retained as the Geotechnical Engineer, where noted in this report, to provide observation and testing services during pertinent construction phases. If variations appear, we can provide further evaluation and suppfemental recammendations. If variatians are nated in the absence of our observation and t�sting services on-site, we shauid be immediately notified so that we can provide eval�ation and sup�lementa! recommenclatior�s. Our Scope of Services d�es nat include either specifically or by implication any environmental or bioEogical {e.g., mold, fungi, bacteria) assessment of the site or identificatior� or pre�entian of pollutants, hazardous materials or conditions. If tF�e owner is concerned af�aut the patential for such contamination ar pollution, ather studies should be undertaken. Our services and any correspandence or callabaratian through this system are irttended for #he sale benefit and exclusive use of our client for specific application to the praject discussed and are accompl�shed in acc�rda�ce with generally accepted geatechnical engineerir�g practices with �������iv� 4��so�rc�f�� ��Is��ale � � Geotechnical �ngineering Report Rolling Hills WTP Flow Meter RepEacements �. Fort Worth, Tarrant County, 7exas Sep�emb�r 25, 2019 -� Terracon Projeck No. 95195Q63 1 %rr���r� Ca����pvi�: no fhird��arty beneficiaries in�ended. Any third-parky access to se►vices or correspondence is salely for information purposes to support the services pro�ided by Terracon ta aur ciient. Reliance upan the services and any work �rot�uct is limited to our clien#, and is not intended for third parties. Any use or reliance of the provided inforrr�ation by third parkies is done solely at their awn risk. Na warranties, eifher express or implied, are intended or made. Site characteristics as provided are for design purposes and not to estimate exca�ation cost. Any use af our report in that regard is done at the sole risk of the exca�ating cost estimator as there may be variations on the site that are not apparent in fhe data that could significantly impact exca�ation cost. Any parties charged with estimaiing exca�ation casts should seek their own site characterizatian for specific purposes to obtain the specific le�el of detail necessary fvr casting. Site safety, and cost estimating including, exca�atian support, and dewatering requirernentsldesign are fhe responsibility of others. If changes in the nature, design, or {ocation of the project are planned, our condusions and recammendatians shall nof be cansidered �alid unless we review the changes and either verify or modify our cor�clusions in writing. �:���atsr,:,i�r�: F��=���,�rc�-�u1 s���i�ai� �� �i�u��� Con�en�s: GeoModel �v��c���9�e ��s��r�c���l ��f�'s��l� m � J N � z 0 � a � � � w Rolling Hills WTP Flow Meter Replacemenks � Fart Worth, Texas Terracon Project No. 95195063 M0461 �Pycf Lay�r h�ame �,eneral �escAptkon h �j�j Fat clay with limestone fragments � �I� Lean clay with limestone seams and layers 3 �dr�npk Gray limestone L�C�Pl� � Fat Glay ❑ Lean Clay � Limestone 1�'����r�� ���R���ia NOTES: Layering shown on this figure has been developed 6y the geotechnical engineer for purposes of mocfeling the subsurface conditions as required for the subsequent geotechnical engineering for ihis project. Numbers adjacent to soil column indicate depth belaw ground surface. This is not a cross secfian. This is intended to display the Geotechnical fNodel only. See indi�idual logs for more detailed conditions. ��' i��H��i�Y� ���?�or��i�#� E E��saurc����9 �e3��bie Geatechnical �ngineering Repart Rolling Hills WTP Flow Meter Replacemen�s Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas September 25, 2019 :: Terracon Project No. 95195063 ����������� ��� ������� ���������� Field �xplora�ion 11��r����� ������at�; TF�ree borings were ariginally planned for this praject, however, boring (B-9 ) was el�minated due #o a possible utility cvnflict. The f�llowing borings were dril[ed: Num�er af ��rings 64ri�g �ep�h (feet) �lanned I.a��tion 2{B-2 and B-3) 30 feet Planned flow meter locations Boring �ayou� and �levations: Unless otherwise noted, Terracon personnel pro�ided the boring layout. Caardinates were obtained with a handheld GPS unit {estimated harizontal accuracy of about ±10 feet) �ubsur�ace �xplorafion �rocedures: We ad�ance the barings with a truck-mounted, ratary drill rig using cvntEnuous flight augers (salid stem andlor hallaw stem as necessary depending an soil condifions}. Five samp�es are obtained in the upper �0 feet of each boring and at intervals af 5 feet thereaf�er. In the thi�-walled tube sampling procedure, a thin-walled tube is pusl�ed hydraulically inta the sail to obtain a rela#ively und�sturbed sample. In t�e split-barrel sampling procedure, a split-barrel sampling spaon is dri�en into the ground. The load-carrying capacity of bedrock is e�aluated in place by the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) cone penetration test. The samples were placed in appropriate cantainer, taken to our laboratory for testing, and classified under the direction of a geotechnicaE engineer. In addition, we observe and record groundwater le�els during drilling and sampling. For safety purposes, al[ borings are backfilled with �uger cuttings after iheir completian. Our explorativn team prepares field boring logs a5 part of the standard drilling aperations_ These field logs include visual classifications of fhe m�terials encountered during drilling and our interpretation of the subsurFace conditians between samples. Fina1 boring logs are prepared from the field logs, The fir�ai boring lags represent the geotechnical e�ngineer's interpretation of the fisld logs and Encfu�e modifications based on abservations and tests of the samples in aur laboratory. �aborafiory �esting The project engineer re�iewed the field data and assigned laboratary tesfis ta understand the engineering properties of the �arious sail and rocEc strata, as necessary, for this project. Pracedural s#andards noted belaw are f�r reference to methodolagy in general. In some cases, �ariations ta methods were applied because of local practice or professional judgment. Standards noted below include reference ta other, related standards. Such references are nat necessarily applicable to describe the specific test perFarm�d, i�yF-�;a��a�•��ra �"«d�:��,��•aa`�� �'�ii�?-.,�� (�eotecl�nical �ngineering Repart Rolling Hills W�P Flow Meter Replacements : Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas Sep#ember 25, 2019 . Terracon Praject No. 95195063 � Water {Moisture) Content of Saf .� Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit, and Plasticity Index of Soils - Standard Test Method for Particle Siz� Analysis af Sails Absorpiion 5wel! Tests ��"�������� ��������� An absarptian swell tests was performed on a selected sample. This test was used to quantitatively evaluate vaiume change potential at in-si#u moisture levels. The results of this test are presented in the table below, SW��� f�S� RCSlJL7'S ��rFng p�pt� No. � �feet} B-2 2-4 tlr�uEd Pl�sticity lflit�al Lf�nft � Index i�oisture (°r6� � (°!4} {°10) 74 49 �� 16.7 Flnal �ur�ha�ge 5well M ���ro ��sf} I �°!�) 6 27.1 360 13.1 �:�:�����it�e � �e����eef+�i l�e13a3�ie �I`�� L�C��l�N �4�IC� �XP���T'I�N� �'i��� Con�en�s: Site L.ocation P�an Explora#ion Plan Note: All attachments are ane page unless noted abo�e. °?p t�a��� a���� �>.�;;�r��r����l �:�,i�`.ie � Rofling Hilfs WTP Flow Meker Replacements -�ort Wartf�, Tarrant Caunty, Texas Septernber 25, 2019 • ierracon Project No. 95'f95063 � �� J'# '. �� =�i� : �' i MRP PRpVEUED BY MICRD50FT BING MAPS i7J1�r-��� ' i,�� r � - {I - `� ��� �+f.`- + fF,�#� �+, ��- .. � � � � , �. : �� �{ � �,� " � �'y'� �*.�� � ��t �i � � �t �� �i �� Ir' �. i f � �' �w.:.�. � � �� • ���r; � � r+ ,� ��� -`:'��: ��_r::��� -4 �; �� �* �i*- �'I.�� • . ���y* � � ����; -,� . �.�.:�� � � � w� � �,�. ,�' � ►. ...�� 4., . _� . .- . _�_ i n. � i . , ;�+^ � �� � � � �� � �� �� � � _ �� � r{*�+� .�� � ���� � � � � � '�r ��� � � �. ���r�°����r� �ea�°��o�: � i: _ • i � . 3 + - �rt ' � _ _ ,� � �" .� �� . � . � � � �, r . 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N � � N � O � cp � 0 _ � � � � O � 7 � � � o� �� Z� o� -� c.�ii ` � -rf �� �� w� � � � v � � � 0 _ � � � � � � � � O � � � � � � � �� � '�� l ���. � ���LO�� �T�t�N R��UL�`S �on�en�s: Baring L,ogs {B-2 and B-3) Note: A!I attachments are one page unless noted above. ���.IN� ��� R��. B�� �ROJ�C�: Rolling Hills W�� �low i�eter Replacements CLI�Pl�: JQ �ngineering, LL� �ort Worth, iexas s���: a�a0 s� Loop 82,0 �ort Worth, �exas 1 of 1 W J LOCATI4N See � w o wa F STRENGTH "CESi o LIMITS � N tn � v � a . g i Latilude: 32.6628° Longitude: -97.289° � a � � � a �� a w� �_ w p. � �� `� o� � � O K w r w � w� � a�� Z � z Q� LL-PL-PI � c7 � �m a LL w g� � � � t 2i 4.5+ (HP) 4.5+ (HP) 1 1 O � 4.5+ (HP) 4.5+ (HP) LEAN CLAY fCLI, wifh limestane seams and layers, g_g_g tan, stiff to hard 5 N=14 FILL - FAT ClAY �CH�, with limestone fragments, dark 6rown and fan, hard {�1�L�-�t•1.1._�L9 4.5+ (HP) 100Ifl.5" ���! 100f0.5" Advar�cement Dry Auger Abandonmenl Method: Backfilled with auger cuttings WATER L�V�L OBS�RVATIAN: No water encountered during drilling Dry upan completipn of drfllfng Boring Terminated af 30 Feet tion lines are approximate. In-siiu, tite 100/0.5" H Q (A N U 91 17 74-25-49 8 13 13 36-17-19 may oe graauai. hammer i ype: rwcoman See ' for a �flt�� de5Criplipn of field and laborafory procedures used and additionaS data {If any). See for explanation of symhols and abbre�iations. � ����� �� � Boring Started: 69-O6-2a19 ❑rill Rig: a5o4 E Loop azQ N Fort Worth, TX Projeat No.: 95195063 11 Boring Completed: 69-46-2019 oriller: StrataBore ���i�u� ��� ��. ��� �ROJ�CT: Rolling HilEs WTP Flow Meter Replacements CLI�N�: J@ �ngineering, LL� �ort Warth, %xas SI��: ��00 S� �.00p S�0 Fort 1lVorth, T'exas 1 of 1 � � LOCATION See � � j o a � STRENGTH T�ST e LIM3T5 � v�m w �- �� � U Latilude: 32.6632° LongiWde: -97.2897° � a � � � a r i� a w z � r J = � � � fJ `� � W 2 O a� w � w � w� � 4�� � � z Q� LI.-PI.-PI � U' ----- � a � p N � H p r�'il c~q U � rILL' �A1 \rLl"11 {�rfl � YYIEII IIIfIC.�lVI1G IIClS�.II1G11W� ; dark brown, brown and tan, stiff to hard � ' s � � m � 5.5 Q � LEAN CLAY CL , with limestone seams and layers, �? tan, hard w g a w Q ¢ 0 z 7 a � � W � � � � a � � J „_. �15.0 _ �IMESTONE, gray c� z J J � � M � O tl] � N � J J W � 0 Z � J � � f" � Q � � 0 w c� � � 0 a m a � z � � � 3Q.0 �' � Bpring Terminated at 30 Feet LL ❑ W �J 1 � 4.5+ {HP) 4.5+ (yp} 7-6-8 N=14 4.5+ (HP} 4.5+ (yp} 7-1 5-5012" � oaa.75° 10fl1Q.25" 10010.75" U 11 59 -9 7-34 9 13 14 38-17-21 93 � Straiification lines are approximate. In-siiu, the transifion may be gradual. Hammer Type: Aufamalic � a 4 W , N Advancemenf Method: See --' -� '- "--� �-�� for a Notes: '—` Dry Auger descripiion of �eld and laboraiory pracedures � used and additional daia {If any). � ¢ � See for expEanation of ZAbandonment Method: sym6ols and abbrevialions. N Back�lled with auger cuttings c� 0 -' WATER LEVEL pBS�RVATIONS r�' Soring Starled: 09-Ofi-2079 Boring Campleted: 69-06-2099 �No water encountered during drllling m �, � � � � � � Drifl Rig: oriUer: StrataBore � Dry upon completion of drilling e� � „ , � Project No.: 95195063 �������i�� t���������� Confienis: Uni#ied Soil Classification System General No#es to L.og T�rms Note: All attachments are one page unless noted abo�e. UFJ!l�I�U Sv�� c:� �esar�I�:AT�ION SY� � i� n� `�%r���;�r� ��o�'�p�r� 54i1 GlassiiRcat�arz Cr�#e��a for As�l�r�inc� �roup Symb��s and �raup �lames l��Jn� �abor�lor�+ 7�sts ' C�raup � �',roFa� �Va�Q � , s�r�,��i i Clean Gravels: Cu >_ 4 and 1< Cc s 3 �W Well-qraded pravef Mo�re than 50% of �-ess than 5% fnes Cu < 4 andlor [Cc<'f or Cc�3.0] � GP Poorly graded gravel � �, coarse fraction Fines classify as ML or 1VIH GM S�Itv qravel retained on No. 4 sieve Gravels with Fines: Coarse-Grained Soils: More khan 12% fines � Fines classify as CL or CH GC Clayey grave! More than 50% retained � — - on No. 200 siev� Glean Sands: Cu > 6 and 1 � Cc <_ 3 SW Well-�raded sand • _ Sands: Less than 5% fines ' Cu < 6 andlor [Cc�1 or Cc�3.0] SP Poorly graded sand 50% or rnore of coarse fractian passes No. 4 Sands with Fines: Fines classify as M� or MH SM Silfv sand sieve More ihan 12% fines Fines classify as CL or CN SC Clayey sand ' � PI > 7 and plofs on or above "A" CL Lean clav � Inorganic: , Silts and Clays: PI < 4 or plots 6elow "A" line �� Silt ' „` Liquid limit less than 50 Liquid limit - oven dried i Organic clay '�� M Fine-Grained Soils: Organic: Liquid limit - not dried � 0.75 . OL Organic silt J 50% ar more passes the -- No. 200 sieve PI plots on or above "A" line CM �at clav . Inorganic: PI lot Silts and Clays: p s befow "A" line MH Elastic 5ili . Liquid iimit 50 or more Liquid limit - oven dried � i Omanic cfav 7� � Organic: Liquid lirnit - not clried ` 0.75 �� Orpanic siit ' Highly organic soils: Primarily organic matter, dark in color, and organic odor P7 Peat � 8ased on the materia! passing the 3-inch (75-mm} sieve. �!f fines are organic, add "wifh organic fines" to group name. ' If field sample contained cobbles or boulders, or both, add "with cobbles I If soil contains >_ 95% gravel, add "with gravel" to group name. or boulders, or both" to group name. I' If Afterberg limits plot in shaded area, snil is a CL-ML, silty day. Gravels wifh 5 tp 12% fines require dual symbols: GW-GM welf-grad�d � ff soil contains 15 fo 29% plus No. 200, add "wi#h sand" or "with gravel with silt, GW-GC well-graded gra�el with clay, GP-GM poorly gravel," whichever is predaminant. graded gravel witho ilt, GP-GC paorly graded gravel with clay. � If soil contains >_ 30% plus No. 200 predominantly sand, add � Sands with 5 to 12 /o fines require dual symbols: 5W-5M weN-graded °sand}�' to group name. sand with silt, 5W-SC well-graded sand with clay, SP-SM poorly graded sand with silt, SP-SC poorly graded sand with clay. �If soiE contains >_ 30% plus No. 200, predomRnantly gravel, add "gravelly" ta group name. 2 (D30 ) PI >_ 4 and plots on or abo�e "A" line. Cu = bsol�m �� = PI < 4 or plots below "A° line. D�o x Dso �- pi plots on or above "A" line. - If sQil contains >_ 15°10 sand, add "with sand" to rou name. � J p PI ploks belvw "A" line, If fines classify as CL-ML, use dual symbol GC-GM, or SC-SM. _ _ _ _ __��_ �,_ _� 6 _ __ -. _ _ � -_-___ ___�- ___ _� �_ � _ .� � _ . _ � ._�. �ar cfassification of fine-grained I , � f' ' ' j soils and fine-grained frac#ion f � ,�•� � 50 . of coarse- rained soils _.....__....._. ........._ ......._ __._ . ��� ... e- �_ ___ �� � . E- � , ���� �__ _�- •��. . � � Equation of ��A„ - fina i �J ,i'' : ,sp: �- Hprizontal at PI=4 to Li.=2.5.5. ' ,` � E , . r � , X 40 i— then PI=0.73 (LL-2Q) ___ � _ ,--__. ___.� _ ,! -_ . _... ���_.... ____. _____._._____..__.___i ...______ p ; Equafion of "U" - li�e � .' �°� � z , Vertical at LL=�� to PI=7, �,�� �; i ' _ _ _ _ ___ _. _ . �._._...�._._,. _ ..._. .�; ......._ ....... ...... .. � . _'E ._._ .... >- 3p '�- then PI=0.9 (�L-8) _ . y�--------. _._._._. I=- � ' : ' i ,�' � �� i � U I � • i' �pi � : �20 . ___.__� � _ ______ �_� _ ._ �� ____ _ ; _.�. �: ___ _ � _�__ ' _ i � � � fU91�i or O�p °- _ ' ,'� I � � � io ; ��_'_______� __ ____ __._�.__i______' ____�_______�___ �.__. . , , ! �_�..____ _ , ���_.,.x�.—�� - ML � j F�11l� ar ii�, ' ' . , f W u of�._�..��__.�1._�.__�. �_�.� �!_.m________�.�� ��__�..__ �_.._�__.�_._ ________�_ __��.� ._.��.�..�.Po.____...�_�_� .__. � 0 1� 15 26 30 �!b 50 60 7q 80 9�l 1d0 ii[t I f[J111L� LIMIT f�! 1 � _ �a 1:. �-_ _„ _ r, , � �� .J t . . i F- _ - �� s�r���ir�� � �� �k �� .:,atltlli�+s ��Y� ai� �n�'� Ta.t� �'�� i'� We-Y� i, ra�i�'ran�c•� ��, �.+�,Ysd:�i2r r�: WATEl� L�V�L � 1d�a��ai�iall}+ ��C�t� � �`r1�er �cc�r�t �ter � S�ai�eo� �er'i�d+o�'Ct��e � l�i'� L�+�i �' �. �r�� �! 4f "� Water le�els indicatad on the soil boring ]ogs are the le�els measured in #he borehole at the times indicated. Groundwater le�el variations wili occur over time. In low permeabiiity soils, accurate determination for groundwater levels is not passible with short term water le�el observations. �I��rr��an �e�R��or'f ����n r�srs N Standard Penetration Test Resistance (BlowslFt) {HP) Hand Penetrometer (T} Torvane (DCP) Dynamic Cone Penetrometer UC lfnconfined Compressi�e Strengfh [PID) Photo-lonization �etector (OVA) Organic Vapor Analyzer ���C��PTIIIE S�lI. CL.�45Sf�I�A�ION Soil classification is based on the Unified 5oil Classification System. Coarse Grained 5oils ha�e more than 5Q°10 of their dry weight retained on a #200 sie�e; their principa! descriptors are: boulders, cobbles, gravel, or sand. Fine Grained Sails have less than 50% of their c!ry weight retained on a#24i1 sie�e; they are principally described as clays if they are plastic, and silts if they are sHghtly plastic or non-plastic. Nlajor constituents may be added as modifiers and minor constituents may be added according to the relati�e proportions based on grain size. In addition to gradation, coarse- grained soils are defined on the basis of their in-place relati�e density antf fine-grained soils on the basis af their consistency. LOCA�I�h1 Ai+l� ���VIA'fIDN NO7E5 Unless otherwise noted, Lafitude and Longitude are approximately determined using a hand-held GPS de�ice. The accuracy af such de�ices is variable. SurFace ele�ation data annotated with +/- indicates that no acfual topographical suruey was conducted to confirm the surtace elevation. Instead, the surface elevakion was approximately determined from topographic maps of the area. Ei�I.1kTIV� D�x+1SI�Y O� C�l4RS�-raRAIiV�D S�RLS ' fMora l�an 50'� re�a-n�d or� :U�, �2aQ sirrla,J ��ns�lyr d�Serma�ad by St�ndarJ F@nflir��ll�a�r f�csisl�nca � 5#andard Penetration or Descriptive 7erm N-�al ue (Density) BlowslFt. STFt�h1GTFi TERMS �ONS4ST�J+�CY OF FINE-GRlal�l�� SOaI.S (50�'n �r r��or� sia4slaig tM1e No. �DO sluwo,� Gansis#gnr,y �e[�rirlarrHCl bY I�bnrs�tory sPl��r �1r�,�,gl�i re�lirr�� iield Vi��las-m��n�a�: procedulr�� dr s�axrd�rd par.o�ra+l:�� r�,�ista�r ;q Descripfirre Term llnconfined Compressive Strength Sfandard Penetration or N-�alue (Cansistency) ��� i��} BlowslFt. Ver��oose Q- 3 � Very Soft _ I Laose 4- 9 I Soft Medium Dense 10 — 29 i Medium Stiff �ense 30 -- 50 � 5tiff Very Dense >5fl � Very 5tiff ` � Hard fi�LA'�lVE PFtO��Fi1'I��l� �� SAh�D A�I� GRAV�L �es�ript4v�'�errr��s} o# Pcrconk af othar�onslit�►cr�ts E}ry Waight 7race <'15 With 15 — 9q Madifier >34 GFiACN SI�E ��FZPAI?JO��GY h9ajor Campo�r�nl af �a�rt�lo �ar#itae Siz� F3auldPrs C}ver 12 in_ f300 mm] Ca661es 12 in. to 3 in. f340 mm to 75 mml , I {�raval � in tn #A ciPVP 17�mm tn A 7�imml t,� � Sanci #4 tn #�QQ siPpP f4_75mm tp ¢_Q75mm] : 5il# or Clay Passina #�20� sie�e (0.075mm) __ � Less than 0.25 0— 1 0.25 to 0.5 2— 4 0.5to 1.Q0 4-8 1.OQ to 2.00 8— 15 2A{� to 4.00 35 — 30 � >4.00 >30 #�EL,4�IVE PROPORTiONS OF FiN�S fJesu�f�rllwe ierm�aj af Porcunl u� alhar can�tituanRs �]ry 45�af�l�t Trace � �5 _ With rj — 'J 2 r Mnr9iEiPr >12 P�����#TY ��5CF�4�7i��v Term PE:�slJtlly Ir�dox Npn-nlaStir � Low � 1-90 ' —ry _ Mgriiiim i 1 — 30 __ - — Hioh . y >30 _ �r����� - ���������� G��ie���i�al ����ne��er�� Rep�r� �����n� �������������� ����������� ��r� 1�d��i�� � �a��� October 14, 2020 Terracan Project No. 95205092 �r�����d it��: JQ Engineering, LLP Fort Worth, Texas �'r�p�re�` ��i; Terracon Cansultants, Inc. Fort Worth, Texas October 14, 202D JQ Engineering, LLP 1301 W. 7t� Street Fort Worth, Texas 76102 Attn: Mr. Louis Hund P: (817) 505 4311 E: Ihund@jqeng.com Re: Geotechnical Engi�eering Repart Rolling Hills WTP Water Meter Vaul�s 2500 SE �oop 820 Fart Worth, Texas Terracon F'roject Na. 95205092 Dear Mr. Hund: �I��rr���n �i`�������", We ha�e completed the Geotechnical Engineering se►vices for the abo�e referenced projec�. This study was perFarmed in general accordance with Terracon Proposal No. P95205092 dated June 1, 2020. This repo�t presents the findings of the subsurFace expforat�on and pro�ides geatechnical recammendations concerning earthwark and the design and canstruction water meter �aults for the proposed project. We appreciate the opportunity to be of senrice to you on this project. If you ha�e any questio�s concerning this report or if we may be of further service, please contact �as. Sincerely, Te�racon �cns�ltan�s, In�, Christopher VII. Eddy, P.E. Senior Geotechnical Engineer Cheryl C. Pedraza, P.E, Geotechnical Department Manager EBCFa�011 ...�q •uhellta, I�ic• ^`�u'� �.ust Lonw $�u Nor'h �-urt�vD��h� �Cnitb T61'iS hCbl :�io�Eon iv.,, �„ci�'. j� �g• 'j , .�,� r [ �f i ` ! �BfC�� .�. ��ii,��. I. �` Ruftl� ������ ������ tfd�RO�IJCTIOf�....-.=-- -- __ - � StiEC�N�ITION� ....................................................................................•---..,......._...... 1 �RO��C`� D��C�.I��IAN .... . . ._ .. _ �. G���'�CHNICA� CH.���:T��I� i �[,1� ...................................................................... � C�pi�GbNIC�e� �V��tVI�l11d � ...............................................................---- ... --- ..�.<< 3 ��4ftibl�QRK ......................... . - -- -- - � S�ISI��� CON�ICi�I�T't�WS --•------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 �FiA�LAW �AUND,�ilOtd� ........... ........ ... .. ........-�----- ...._. ....... . ., i ��►i��t,A� ��►��'b ���S��1RLS ................................................................................... 9 GFN�RpeL: C�i1�I1N�N�'� ............................................................................................... 11 -,.. ,.. Note: 7his report was originaily d�livered in a web-based format. - �-� text in the report indicates a referenced secfion heading. The PDF version also includes hyperlinks wnich direct the reader to that section and cficking on the CenReport logo will bring you back to this page. For more inferactive features, please view your project online at clier�t.ierracon.c,orr�. ���������� �X�LOF�a�IOIV AN�i �1���'IiV� f�i����9�1l��. �li� LO�A I IpN �fV� E�C�C�R�TION �LAR�� �XPLO�TI�N RI�SULT� ,�--------r��_-. �-_--_--. ,-_�_ Note: Refer to each individual Attachment for a Ifsting of contents. �$s�sr�nsilf� Resos.ir����€� R�9ia�l� Geotechnical �ng'rneering Repor�t Rolling Hills WTP Water Meter Vaults � Fork Worth, Texas October 14, 2020 � Terracan Project No. 95205Q92 �����`� �!.�i�11�I�A�Y Ta�ic U����F�ilUr I Geotechnical CharactFriration � VFlii!_ : � 7.� �oundati, .�,, �verview $#aten7er�k 1 %�r���r� ��O��por� We understand that the project will consist of new flow meter vaufts ta be located across the cenfral and south sides of the facility. Tf�e �aults wil! extend to depths of about 15 to 2Q feet befow existing grades. O�erburden sails consist of fat clays and lean clays with varying amounts of calcareous deposits, calcareous nodul�s, and limeskone fragments. The clay soils extenc�ed to the tap of tan limestone that was encountered ak depths of about $ to 12 feet below grade. Gray limes#one was encountered at depths of about 12,5 to 22 feet belaw grade and extended to the baring ferminatian depth of about 3a feet. � Groundwater was not encountered in the test borings. �n-site soils free of vegetation, organic materiaf, debris, and rocks greater than 4 inches in maximum dimens9on can be used as site fill. The water meter �aults can be supported on spread footing foundations or mat faundatians situated in the clay soils or underiying limestone. Mo�ements of less than 1 inch are expected for footing or mat foundations faur�ded in the clays. Mo�ements of about'/2 inch are expected for footing or mat founclations founded in fhe tan or gray limestane. �='�yfl'1!4 Based on the 20'l212015 International Buifdir�g Code (IBC) and ASCE/SEI 7-10, ---SIC�����lO�i i thB 5B15i1"IIG 51tB CIaSSIfICa�l4f1 fQf thl5 SItB IS C. f !jThis section contains impartant information about the limitations of this - I geotechnical engineering report. This summary is for convenienca only. Ik should be used in conjunctian with the entire repart for design purposes. �"'i; .se�i�i�,.'�d i�', ,�'�iir,.i=`.i.�� ���i���.� ������h���at ��I�In��i��� ����r� �ollir�g Hilis IiV�'� li�at�r �IYeie� llaults 2��� �� L��p �2� �or� 1�l�r�h, Tex�s ierracon Prvjec# P�o. 95205092 8c#ober �4, �030 �� 1 ����� 1 ��� This report presents the results of our subsurFace exploration and geatechnical engineering services perFormed for the proposed Rolling Hi[Is WTP Water Meter Vaults to �e lacated at 2500 SE Loop 820 in Fort Wor�h, Texas. The purpose of these services is to provide infiormatian and geatechnical engineering recornmendafiEans relative ta -- Subsurface soil (and rock) conditions Groundwater conditions Site preparation and earthwork Faundation design and canstructio� 5eismic site classification per fBC Lateral eart� pressures The geotechnical engir�eering Scope of Services for this project included the advanc�ment of four test borings to depths of approximately 30 feef below exis#ing site grades. Maps showin� the site and boring locations are shown in the � and ' ' sectians, respectively. The results af the laboratary testing performed on sail samples obtained trom the s�te during the #ield exploration are incl�aded on the baring lags in the -- --- -- ---• • sec#ion. �►ti� �i�i�C�t���l�� The fol�owing description af si#e co�ditions is derived from our site visit in assaciation with ihe field explaratian and our review of publicly available geoiagic and topographic maps. lt�m Parcel Infarmatia� D�scriptf�n The praject is locaied at 2500 SE Loop 820 in Fart Worth, Texas. 32.BS18°N, 97.2908°W (approximate) See �xisting impro�ements �xisting water treakment plant Current Cround Cover Grass, bare earth, scattered trees, and concrete and asphalt pavement The site appears to slope downward from the northwest ta the southeast side €xisting Topography of #he property. Ground surFace elevations vary by abouf 10 feet. R�apc�r����r�-- ��sai�ree��a! ��lia�sl� � Ceotechnicaf �ngineering Report Rolling Hilis WTP Water Meter Vaults �� Fort Worth, Texas October 14, 2020 . 7erracon Project No. 95205092 ���,���T �����:s����� �f�rr���r� �a��R��a�i� Our initial understanding of the prajecf was pro�ided in our proposal and no comments have been made by the design grouplc�ient and our final understanding af the praject conditions is as fallaws: Itern �roj�ct Description Vault Construction f4�aximum Loads CradinglSlopes Below Grade Structures �'ree�Standing ftetaining Walls [}�scrl�tia�� We understand the �aroject will consisk of new flow meter �aufts to be located across the central and sauth sides flf the facility. Cast-in-place concrete Unknown Cut and fill slopes not stee�er than 4H:1 V(Horizontal: Vertical) are expected. Flow mefer vaults that will extend to depths of about 15 to 2d feet below exisfing grades. Retair�ing walls are not expected to be constructed as part of site development ta achie�e final grades. C��[)T���1-�l�11Cl�1� �HJ��►��;T'��l�I�I�N We ha�e de�eloped a general characterization af the subsurface conditians based upon our re�iew of the subsurface exploration, labora#ory data, g�o[ogic sefting an� our understanding of fihe project_ This characterizatian, termed GeoMfldel, forms the basis o� our geotechnical calculations and e�aluation �f site preparation and foundation options. Conditions enco�nfered at each exploratian point are indicated an the indi�idual lags. The indi�idual logs can be found in the ' section and the GeaModel can be faund in the seetion of this repart. As part af our analyses, we identi�ied the fol[awing mode! layers within the subsu�Face profile. For a more �etailed view of the model layer depths at each boring location, refer to the GeoMadel. NJo�3el L�y�r 1 � 3 d Layer hl�rr�e ��tr�rri�rl# Cl�y Weatl�ered ��drack �edr�ck — - — Ge�eral �esc�ip#ian � 8" Asphalt or 6° Cancrete Dark brown, brown, tan and orange lean {CL) clay and fat clay, (CH} with �arying amounts of calcareous deposits, calcareous nodules ar�d limestone fragments Tan limesto�e, with clay seams and layers Gray limestone, wifh shale seams � �r-:�:�i•t� p,P.>�'-.��'��fl3i �?�?ii��.���: r Geofechnical �ngineering ReporE Rolling Hilis W�FP Wafer Meter Vaulis Fo�t Worth, �'exas October 94, 2020 -, Terracon Project No. 95205092 The following table summarizes the rock profi�e in the vault barings: ��ring ;+tu�nb�r B-1 B-2 B-3 B-4 _ _ _ ______ -- Below ground surface ��������� ��a►��pOr�. Ap�roxinsate ��p�Fs to To$� uf ��1p�rraxirrFate p�p#�} E� �ap of T�€� LIm�Storr� {�eet} �rsy Limestoi�� (feek� '! 2 22 8 14 9 16 10 'I2.5 The boreha�es were observed while drilling and after eompletion far the presence and level o� groundwater. Groundwater was not observed in the borings while drilling, or for the short duration the borings cau�d remain open. Hawever, this does nat necessarily mean the �orings terminated above groundwater, or t�e water levels summarized above are sta�ie groundwater leveis. Due to t�e Iow permeability of the soils encountered in the borings, a rela#ively long period may be necessary fora groundwater level ta develop and stabilize in a borehole. Lang term observations in piezorr�eters ar observation wells sealed from #he influenc� o� surFace water are often required to defEne groundwater levels in rr�aterials of this type. Groundwater level f(uc�uations accur due to seasonal variations in the amount of rainfall, runaff and other factors not evident at the time the borings were performed. Tl�erefore, ground►+vater le�efs during canstruction or at otf�er times in the life of the structure may be higher or lower than the levels indicaied an the boring logs. The passibility of gro�ndwater levef fiuctuatians shou�d be considered when de�eloping the design and construction p�ans for t�e pro�ec#. ��� E C��-i:���s/�L ����1������ Qverburden soils consist of fat clays ar�d lean clays with �arying amounts of calcareous deposits, calcareaus nodules, and limestone fragrnen#s. The clay soils extended ta the top of tan fimestone that was encountered at depths of about 8 to 12 feet below grade. Gray lim�stone was encountered at depths of about 12.5 ta 22 feet below grade and extended to the boring terrnination depth of about 30 feet. Groundwater was not encountered ir� the test borings. Expansive soils are p�esent on fihfs site. At the tirr�e af our field operatians on September 23, 2020, the overburden soils were at an average to dry state. Our laboratory absorpiian swell test results were as high as 5.8% for samples fested. Based on the plasticity index (PI) af the soils and swell test results, the p4tential vertical rise (PVR) of the site soils is estimated to be on th� order of 2 to 8 inches. The PVR was estimated u#ilizing TxDOT method TEX-124-E (based on dry soil condi#ions) and adjusted based on the swell test results. Re��n�ss�e �ese�earc���,�� R��'sa���: 3 Geo#echnical �ngineering Repart Rolling Hills WTP Water Mefer Vaults �� Fart Worth, Texas October 14, 202Q Terracon Project No. 95205092 ��������� �����p��� We understand that the water meter �aults will be situated about 15 to 20 feet below grade. The water meter �aults can be supparted on spread faoting foundations or mat fou�dations situated in tl�e clay soils or underlying limestone. Movements of less t�an 1 inch are expected for faoting or mat #oundations founded in the clays. Movements af about'/x inch are expected for footing ar mat fvundati�ns founded in the tan ar gray limestone. �h�5 5urrundry �nc��11p r�z u5�.# �_�: c:_-�� �:� enur� repuR f�� des�y�- p�����ses. It should be recagnized that detai�s were not included or fully developed in this section, and the repart rnust be read in its entirety for a comprehensive understancking ofthe items cantained herein. The section titled � should be read for an understanding of the report IEmifations. �;��T�V'��t�K The following sections provide recommendatians for use in the preparatian of specificat�ons for #he wark. Recammendations include critical qua�ity criteria as necessary ta render the site in the state considered in aur geotechnical engineering e�aluation for foundations. Suiiable Fill 1�9a�erial Types The fallowing soil materials are discussed in tF�e coming sectians flf t�Es report. The foflowing table surnmarizes their namenclaiure, detailed descriptians, and appropriate usage in the context of this projecf. Soil Type On-site sails Imporfi�d fill Select fill Flexibfe base ie��r�ical Descr�ptkon Free of vegetation, organic maferial, de�ris, and � rocks greaterthan 4 inches in maximum dimension. ° General site grading Clean clay soi! (free of vegetation orga�tic material, Utility trench backfill debris and rocks greater than 4 inches in maximum Vaulk backfill dimension) with a liquld limit (LL) of fi0 ar less Sandy clay to clayey sand with a liquid limit (LL) of 35 or less and a plasticity index (PI) in the range of 6 and 15 TxDOT ltem 247, Type D, Grade 1-2. Recycled . Vault backfill concrete meeting this gradation is accaptable. Appropriate �Jss �ranular wall Crushed stone or gra�el with less than 3% bac�cfill passing Na. 200 sie�e and [ess than 34% passing No. 40 sieve, non-plastic *TxDOT — Texas Qepartrr�ent of Transpor�ation 3��:����s�,:v� �°�v�ur.�:��a� i��i+�s�� ,t �eotechnical �ngineering �eport Rolling Hills WTP Water Meter Vaults Fort Worth, Texas October 14, 2020 � Terracon Project No. 95205092 C�mpac�ion Requir�emen�s i�`����+��r� ��o���a� Recommendatians for compacfion are presented ir� tF�e following table. We recommend that engineered fil� be tested far mo�sture confent a�d compaction during placement. Shoufd the results ofi the in-pface densifiy tests indicate the specifed moisture ar compaction Eimits have not been met, the area represented by the test must be reworked anc� retested as required until the specified mafsture and compactian rec�uirements are achieved. I �em On-site sails ar imported flls Sefect fifl 1 flexible base �ranular wall backfill � �ornp�ctior� M�isture �anten� A minimum of 95% maximum standard At a minimum of +2 percentage Proctor dry density {ASTM D 98) paints of optimum moisture A minimum of 95% maximum standard Proctor dry density (ASTM D 698) � A minimum of 97% maxirr3um index density (ASTM D4253) In the range of -2 to *2 percentage points of optimum rnoisture content At a moisture con#ent that facilitates compaction Fills sF�ould be placed in maximum loose lii#s of 9 inches or less. �rading and Drainage All grades must provide effecti�e drainage away fram t�e structuTes during and after cor�struction and should be maintained thro�ghout fhe life of the str�cture. Water retafned next to the structure can result in soil movements greater than thase d�scussed in this repart. Grades around the structure shauld also be periodically ins�ected and adjusted as necessary as part of the structure's maintenance program. Where pavir�g ar flatworic abuts the structure, a maintenance program should be established to effectively seal and maintain joints and prevent surFace wafer infiltration. ��rYhwork Cons�ruc�ion Considerations Excavations for the proposed meter vaults, are anticipated to be accomp�ished with conventionai construction equipment in the overburden clay soils; however, tan limestone and gray limestone will be encounterecE with increasirtg depth. The limestone varies in hardness and may be difficult to excavate. Excavati�ns ex�ending into the limestone may require breaker h�es, trenchers and milling machines equipped with rock teeth. Line drilling can be used to control over break at the limits of the excavatior�. The lim�stone rr�ay be v�ry difficulf fo process down for use as suitable backfill for the vau�t and may have ta be wasted. The site shauld be graded ta prevent por�ding of surface water on the prepared subgrades or it� excavations. Water collecting over, or adjacent to, canstruction areas should be remaved. F����on ,iv� - [�esaur�e{y�� - r��t�a�i� � Geotechnical �ngineering Report Rolfing Hilfs WTP Water Meter Vaults - Fort Worth, Texas October 14, 2020 , Terracon Project No. 95205092 �ferr���� C�'�f���01'� Based upon the subsurface conditrons determined from the geotechnical exploration, �nstable subgrade sails may be sncountered during construction. The stabilify of the subgrade may also be af€ected by precipitation, repetiti�e construction traffic, closeness to the groundwater seepage, or ather factars. If unstable condjtions de�elop, workability may be improved by scarifying and drying. Lightweight exca�atEan equipment may be required io reduce.subgrade pumping. The use of remotely operated equi�ment, such as a backhoe, would be beneficial ta perfarm cuts and reduce subgrade disturbance. Althaugh groundwater was nat preseni in the borings, the groundwater fable could affect excavation efforts, es�ecially during we� season. A temparary dewaiering sysiem consisting of sum�as with pumps could be necessary to achie�e the required depth of excavation. As a minimum, exca�ations should be performed in accardance with QSHA 29 CFR, Part �926, 5ubpart P, "Exca�ations" and its appendices, and in accordance with any applicable local, andlor state regulatio�s. Construction site safety is the sole responsibility of the contractar wha controis the �neans, me#hods, and sequencing of construction aperations. Under no circumstances sha11 the infarmation pro�ided herein be interpreted to mean Terracan is assuming responsibility far construction site safety, or the cantractor's activities; such responsibility shall neither be implied nar inferred. Cons�ruc�ion Observa�ion and �esi�ing The earthwork effor�s should be monitored under the directivn of a representative of the Geofiechnical Engineer. Each lift of compactecE fil� s�ould be #ested, evaluated, and reworked as necessary until appro�ed by the Geotechnical Engineer's repres�ntative prior to placement af additional lifts. Each lift af fil� should be tested for density and water content. One density and water canter�t test shauld be completed #or e�ery 50 linear f��t of compacted utility trench backfifl. In areas of vault foundation exca�ations, the bearing stratum should be �erified for the designed bearing capacity. In the e�ent tha� unanticipated cflndi#ions are encountered, the Geatechnical Engineer shau�d �rescribe mifigation options. In addition to the dacumentation of fhe essential parameters necessary far constructian, the continuation of the Geotechnical �ngineer's represenfative into the construction phase of the project pro�ides the con#inuity to rr�aintain the Geatechnical Engineer's representati�e e�aluation of subsurFace canditians, including assessing variations and associated design changes. �-� _ _ � i ��a�eJr�'"3 :i.f�.' � : -j; '_=ri�d � �� `� �t°: Geotechnical �ngineering Report Raliing Hills WTP Water Meter Vaults Fort Wor�h, Texas October 'i4, 2020 Terracan Project No. 952fl5092 ������� �������������� 1�������� ta �a��'�7�C�. The seismic design requirements for buildings and other structures are i�ased on Seismic Design Category. Site Cfassificati�n is required to determine the Seismic Design Category for a structure. The 5ite Classificatian is based on t�e upper 900 feet of the site profile defined by a weighted average value of either shear wave veiocity, s#andarc� per�etration resistance, or undrained shear strength in accordance with 5ection 20.4 of ASCE 7 and the Infemational Building Code (IBC}. Based on the soillbecfrock praper�ies encauntered at the site and as described on the exploration logs and results, it is our prof�ssional opinian that the Seismic Sife �lassifica�ion is C. Subsurface explorations at this site were extended to a maximum depth of 30 feet. The site properties be�ow the b�ring depth ta 100 feet were estimated based on our experience and knowledge of geologic canditions of the genera] area. Additional deeper borings or geophysica] testing may be perfarmed to confirm the conditions belaw the current boring depth. �HA�LO'!� ���i���il0�� Water meter vaults will be constructed below grade. We understand that the va�lts will be situated aboUt 15 ta 20 feef below grade. The vaults may be supported on footing or mat foundations bearing in the ciay soils or deeper limestane. ��oiing �ounda�ions for �elow Grade �fiructures Design parameters for spread footing foundations bearing in native, undisturbed or properly campacted clay soils or limestone are presented in the following table. Q�scription Minimum embedment into hearing stratU m IVet aflowable bearing pressure �`rnimum dimension �stimated marrements Allowable passive pressu�e Coefficient of slidir�g frictiort ^ B�ar�ng �traturn �i�y 5all 12 inches 2,�00 psf 24 inches Less thar� 1 inch Tan or C,ray Lfrr��stan� 6 inches 5,000 psf 24 inches About'/ inch 400 psflft triangular distributian 500 psfluniform distribution 0.33 0.42 �es��r�siva , R�saurcef�i �e������ i' Geatechnical �.ngin�ering Report Rolling Hills WTP Water Meter Vaults — Fort Worth, Texas October 14, 2020 � Terracon Project Na. 95205092 1 ���rac�r� +��o��e�or� The recommended nef allowable bearing pressure is the pressure in excess of the minimum surrounding o�erburden pressure at the footing base efevafian, and assumes any unsuitabfe fill or soft soils, if encountered, wifl be undercut and replaced with engineered fill. The n�t allowable bearing pressure includes a factor of safeky of at least 3. The foundation movement will depend upon the �ariations wEtf�in the subsurface soil profile, the structural loading conditions, the embedment depth of the footings, the thickness of compacted �{I, past-constructian moisture fluctua�ions in the cEay soils, and the quality of the earthwork operations. The sides of the exca�ation for the spread footing foundation must be nearly vertical and the concrete should be placed neat againsfi these vertical faces for ihe passi�e ear#h pressure �alues to be �alid. If the loaded side is sloped or benched, and khen backfilled, khe aElowable passi�e pressure will be signifcantly reduced. Passi�e resistance in the up�er 2 feet of the soi! profile should be neglected. The allowable passive pressure includes a factar of safety of 2. If passive resistance is used to resist lateral loads, the base frict�on should be n�gfected. 14�a� Founda�ions for �elow Grade S�ruc�ures Mat foundatia�s bearing in clay soils or limestone can be considered to support the meter vaults. The follawing estimated modulus of subgrade reaction (k} �alues can be used for designing the mat foundations. Bearing S#ra#�a It�rn �lay s��ls Limrt��tpne 125 pounds per square 3a0 pounds per square Estimated Modulus af Subgrade Reaction inch per inch (psi/in) inch per inch (psilin) Mbdulus of subgrade reaction is an �stimated �alue based upan our experience with the subgrade condttion. The abo�e �alues are for a point load (1' x 1' area) and should ba adjus#ed for the actual size af the foundation. Footing and {l�ai roundafior�s � Cons�re�cfion Gonsidera�ions Footing and ma# foundation excavations should b� e�aluated under tF�e direction of the Geotechnical Engineer. The base of all foundatian excavations should be free of water and laose sail and rock priar to pfacing concrete. Cancre#e should be pfaced soon after excavafing #o reduce bearing soil disf�arf�ance. Care sho�ld be taken to pre�ent wet��ng or drying of the bearing rnaterials during consfruction. Excessively wet or dry materiaE or any laose/disturbed maferiaf in the battam o� the foundation excavations should be remo�edlrecondi#ioned #��fore foundation concrete is placed. ;:-. ;�,;�.-�-;� �'�:����.�-����; a "'a�i�'��� � Ceo#echnicaE �ngineering ReAort Rolling �lills WTP Water Meter Vaults Fort Worth, Texas October 14, 2020 � Terracon Project No. 95205092 � �������� ��������: If unsuitable bearing soils are encounterecf at th� base of fhe planned foundation excavation, the excavafion should be extended deeper to suitable soillbedroc�c, and the footingslmat could bear directly on these soilslbedrock at the lower level or on lean concrete backfill placed in the excavations. This is illustrated on the sketch below. �� - I �� � ,'. 7--W < . �� . ��-�_ .._ . .4 ��' . �I s�a��y �'.fl=iC�: � k, ESkPtiI� �.�. N91`I,';'?:r.:.1�'f::-w"�� li .�.�rt� - •.V-141'R �i�� : t��.� �. J .u' ��i� ..��i r. �.'� wi � � S.SU r ��i �.•�i r� � All foundatian installations should be insp�cted by qualified geotechr�ical personnel to help verify the des�gn depth and perform related duties. ��T��� ��e��'I� ��������� Th� faferal earth pressure recommendations herein are applicable to the design of cast-in-pface vault walls. Walls with unbalanced bacicfill levels on opposite sides should be designed for ear�h pressures at leasf equaf ta those indicated in fhe following fable. EartF� pressures wiff be influenced iay structural design of the walls, conditions of wall restraint, methads of construction andlor compaction of the strer�gth of the materiafs being r�strained. The "at-rest" condi#ion assumes na wall movement. The recomm�nded design laieral ear�h pressures do not include a factor of safety. L��eral Eart� �r�x�s��eo �[�sigr� ����metors Ear#h ��srch�r�o �ffrt�ctiv� l�lu�d Pres�uF�rs Presstire i Co�f#i�i�+n# }or ��ckflll Rressur� p� (�st} Cantl�#lor� TYP� P� �I���j Drained Un�lra�ne� �� Granular- 0.31 Active (Ka) Select Fill - 0.42 Fiexible Base - 0.33 On-site Soil - Q.49 (0.3'!)S (40)H 80(H) (0.4�2)S (55)H 91(H) (0.33)S (47)H 89{H) (0.49)S (64)H 96(H} �ir���ny3ve - R��cs�rcL��ai - R�aia�il� 9 Geotechnical �ngineering Report ",��r����� Ralling Hills WTP Waier Meter Vaults � Fort Worth, Texas Octflber 14, 2020 � Terracon Projeci No. 95205092 '�������� Latefal Ea�th Pre�s�ire De��gn p�r��ete�'s E��� Stircliarge Effectiwe Fluid Rr��sure� Presst�r� �oeifici�nt �#r ��ckfill Pres�ure s P� (P � �C�r�dGtion TYN� P� ����} C1r�#n�d ixr�dra�n#d Granular - 0.47 At-Rest (Ko) Se[ecf Fill - Q.59 Flexible Base - 0.50 On-site 5oi1 - 0.66 �0.47)S (55)H (90)H (0.59)S (80)H (103)H (0.50)S (70)H (102)M to.6s�s tas�H ��a7�H Granular - 3.25 - (390)H (250)H �assi�e Select Fill - 2.37 - (310)M (22Q)H (Kp} Flexib[e Base - 3.a0 - (420)H (295)H On-site Soil - 2.Q4 - (265)H (200)H For acti�e earth pressure, wall must rokate abouk base, with top lateral rnovements OA02 H to O.Q04 H, where H is wall height. For passi�e earth pressure, wall mus� mo�e horizantally to mabilize resistance. Uniform, horizontal backfill, compacted to ak least 95 percent of the ASTM D 698 maximum dry density, rendering a maximum unit weight of 12D pcf far granular backfilf, 140 pcf for flexible base, and 130 pcf for select fill and on-site soils. - Uniform surcharge, where S is surcharge pressure_ Loading #rom heavy compacEion equipment is not included. No safety factor is included in these �alues. Ir� order ta achie�e "Unsaturated" conditions, follow guidelines in —- —- � --- -- below. "Drained" conditions are recommended when drainage behind walls is not incprporated into the design_ Backfill placed against structures should consis# of granular soils or appro�ed on-si#e or imported fill soils. Wall backfill materials shauld be placed and campacted as described in sectian � , Granular backfil[ sY�ould not be water jetted to achie�e compaction and should be placed at a moisture content to allow the �esired density to be achie�ed. For the granu�ar �alues ta be valid, the granular backfill must e�ctend out and up from the base of �he wall at an angle af at least 45 and 60 degrees from �ertical for the acti�e and passi�e cases, respec#i�ely. The top of the bacEcfill should be protected by fla#woriclpa�ing or a minim�m thickness of 2 feet of clay �II (PI>20) tfl reduce surface water infiltration. �ubsurface �rainage finr �elow-��rade 1�lalls A perforated rigic! plastic drain line installed behind the base of walls and extends below adjacent grade is recommended ta prev�nt hydrasfatic loading on the walls. The inver� of a�rain line araund a belaw-grade building area or exterior retaining wall shou[d be placed near faundation bearing level. The drain line should be sloped to pro�ide positive gravity drainage to daylight or to � sump pit and pump. The drain line should be surrounded by clean, free-draining granular material having less than 3% passing the No. 20Q sie�e, such as No. 57' aggregate. The free- f�? :'v;ar3i1i1=I¢ i .',t; ;�r'�:'�'s�iu� �r�aii��a�E: °� � �eoteci�nical �ngineering Report Rolfing Hills WTP Water Meter Vaults -- Fort Wort�, Texas October 'I4, 2020 �� Terracon Project No. 95205092 1������s�r� C��v�`�poi� draining aggregate shauld �e encapsulated in a filter fabric. The granular fill should extend t� within 2 feet of finai grade, w�ere it shauld be capped with carr�pacted cohesi�e fill fo reduce infiftratian of surface water into th� drain system. Slope tn drain away from huilding Layer af �; -�.+ �. coheslvefill "-: - �- — _ �� - ":�`�' � �-__-- . � _ r� r Foundatian vuall - - - - _ _ __ � .,1._- -r � + 44 �' 1: . Ra�cn _ I -_ ' �ia2=i7f�ii Frerdreininggrsded i rl- + ' "�+; � ~ it.qw��rnwiluy granular filter material or ' +� nor'graded freedraining � � i material encapsuiated in i ,�i i an appropriatefilEer � . � - }faG.�r, .indistur6ed fadric (see report} � ��� r'i+�;' sd1 or an9mEarr�i 51h :;�, , +r . . -'m�i � � ' �5 . � ' � � �-� -� " '� j:'" -- peliorated d�aip pipe (Rigid PVC . . i � �nl@S5 51a[��1 RfhnfWfSP �^ FB�: As an alternative to free-draining granular fill, a pre-fabricated drainage structure may be usecf. A pre-�fabricated cfrainag� structure is a plastic drainage core or mesh which is covered with filter fabric ta prevent soil intrusion and is fastened to the wall prior tv placing backfill. ������.�� ���E1i�'.�� 1 � Our anafysis and opinians are based upon our undErstanding of t�e proj�ct, the geotechnicai conditions in #he area, and t�e data obtained from our site exploration. Natural variatians will occur between exploration point �oeatians or due to the modi�Fying effects of construction or weather. The nature and extent of such variations may not become evident until during or after constructian. Terracon should be retained as the Gefltechnical Engineer, where noted in this report, to pro�ide observation and testing services during pertinent construction phases. I# variatians appear, w� can provide fur�her evaluation and supplementaf recommendatians. If variations are noted in the absence of our observafion and testing ser�ices on-site, we should be immediately notified so that we can provide evaluation anc� supplemental recommendations. Our Scape of Services does not include either specifically or by implicatifln any environmental or biological (e.g., mold, �ungi, bacteria} assessment of the site or identification or prevention of pollutants, hazardous materials or conditiQns. If the owner is concerned ab�ut the potential for such cantaminaiion or pollution, other studi�s should be undertaken. Our serv�ces and any correspondence or collaboration through this system are intended for the sole benefit and exclusive use of our client for specific appl�catian to the project discussec! and are accamplEshed in accardance with generafly accepted geotechnical engineering practices with na third-party ben�ficiaries intended. Any third-party access to services or correspondence is R�saonsilre ���c��zr�ef�;� - �3e�Eabi� �°� Geatechnical Engineering Report Rofling Hills WTP Water Meter Vaults ��� Fort Worth, Texas �ctober 14, 202Q �. Terracon Project No. 95205092 1 �"�r����� ��A'id`��7@� solely for information purposes to support the services �ro�ided by Terracon to our client. Reliance upon tF�e services and any work praduct is limited to our client, and is nat intend�d �or third parties. Any use ar reliance af the pro�ided informaiion by third parties is done solely at their own risk. No warranties, either expr�ss or implied, are intended or made. Sifie c�aracteristics as provided are fflr design purpases and not to estimate excavation cos#. Any �se of aur report in fhat regard is dane at the sole risk af ihe excava#ing cast estimator as there may be �ariafions on the site thaf are not apparent ir� the data that cauld significantly irr�pact exca�ation cost. Any parkies charged with estimating excavation costs shoufd seek their flwn site characterization far specific purposes to obtain the specific le�el of detail necessary for casting. Site safety, and cost estimating ir�cluding, exca�ation support, and dewatering requirementsldesign are the responsibility af others. If changes in the nature, design, or location of the project are planned, our conclusions and recommendaiions shall nof be cansidered �alid unless we review the changes and either verify or madify our conclusior�s in writing. �`�` w?`a�.✓i"t :.'f�' �'� e �?1�`��'��.If 4d�,�j,a¢ �� � � �rl��l��� Confenfs: GeoModei Note: All attachments are one page unless noted above. ��:��es���v� ��wo��c��u! i��i�a�te � ��_------ Rolling H911s WTR Water Meter Vaults Fart Worth, Texas 'ferracon Project Na. 95205092 li"�rr�c�a� i �a�O���O'�� B-3 684 ...................................................................... ..........................................�--...... ............................... , � - os . B-1 � 675 �----� � . ......................................................... ................... . ; ....................................... , ...... �z . .. � fi 2 o.ss 9 r « 670...... � ................................ ....................................... '. ........................ ��... m ,�. � �: 3 � iz.5 tJn 665...... ....................................... T ..................... .. ...... .......................... . � � iz z � 660 ....... ........ .............................. � .................... ........... . ... ....................................... .. ...... � � 14 �} u � � - W655 ..................................... .. ............... --................... ... ................................... � ...... zz � , � 650 .. .. ....................................... � ...............---..................... 3Q.................-�----............ ' . 3�... � 645 ....... 30 ..................................... 30 640 This is not a cross section. This is intended to display the GeotechnicaE Model anly. See indi�idual logs far mpre detailed conditions. n9odel Layer Laye� Name Cap+1AFA� P4s��i�t[nq 1 Faverrw,nl 8" Asphalt ar 6" Concrete � �ark brown, brown, tan annd orange lean {CL) clay antl fat 2 Clayr clay, {CH) wit� varying amounis of calcareous deposifs, ral�.amni i� nn�lcilac anrl limacinna fra�mantc $ yVaaj}�ar4 d�e�FOC� Tan limestone, with day seams and layers +4 gedro ok Gray limestone, witi7 shale seams L�C�PlD � Fat Clay �Asphalt �HighlyWeatheted �LeanClay Limestone OLimestone .�Contrete I�pTES: Layering shown on this figure hias been developed by the geotechnical engineer for purposes of modeling fhe su6surface conditions as required for the subsequant geotechnica! engineering for this project. Nurnbers adjacent to soil coEumn indicaie depth below ground surface. ����������� R�spc��si*+�: �2Q���s c�:f�t �:�{iah�� �eotechnica[ �ngineering Repart Rolling Hi11s WTP Water Meter Vaults Fort Wo�th, Texas October 14, 2020 :� Terracon Project No. 95205Q92 ���������� ��� ������� ���������� Field �xplora�ion Nurnbor of �arir��s 4 �arin� I]opiiy 30 feet ����r���� �a��R�p�� ��arr�r��d Lacatlori Flow meter vault locations �oring �ayou� and Elevations: Unless a#�erwise noted, Terracan personnel pro�ided the baring layaut. Coordinates were obtained with a handheld GPS unit (estimated horizontal accuracy of about ±10 feef) and approximate ele�ations for GeoModef were obtained by inter�olation frorn topographical information available from �he North Central Texas Council of Governments' website (www.dfwmaps.com). Subsur�ace Explarafiion Procedures: We ad�ance the borings with a trucl�-mounted, rotary drill rig using cantinuous flight augers {solid stem andlor hollow stem as necessary depending on soil condifions). Fi�e samples are obtained in the upper 1 Q feet of each bo�ing and at intervals of 5 feet t�ereafter. In the fhin-walled tube sampling pracedure, a thin-walled tube is pushEd hydraulically into the soil to obtain a relati�ely undisturbed sample. In t�e split-barrel sampling prflcedure, a splif-barrel sampling spoan is dri�en into the ground. The laad-carrying capacity of bedrock is evaluated in place by the Texas Department of Transportation {TxDQT) cone penetration test. The sampies were placed in appropriate container, taken to our laboratory for testir�g, and classified under the direciion of a geotechnical engineer. In addition, we obser�e and recard groundwat�r le�els during drilling and sam�[ing. For safety purpases, all borings are backf�lled with auger cuttings affier their completion. Our exploration team prepares �ield baring logs as part o� the standard drilling operatians. These fiefd lags inc[ude �isual classifications of the materials encountered during drilling and our interpretation of #he subsurface conditians between samples. Fina� boring logs are prepared from the field logs. The fina[ baring logs represent the ge�technical engineer's interpretation of the field lags and include modifications based an obser�afians and tes#s of the sampEes in our labaratory. Labora�ory ies�ing The project engineer re�iewed #he field data and assigned laboratory tests ta understand the engineering properties of the various sail and rock strata, as necessary, for this project. Pracedural sfandards noted below are for reference to methodo[agy in general. In some cases, �ariatians to methods were app(ied because of local practice ar prafessional judgment. Standards noted below include reference to ofher, related standards. 5uch references are nvt necessarily applicable to describe the specific test performed. . Water (Maisture) Con#ent of 5�i1 �P 'i°�a���13'S �3°f� — f!-�_a.t7�t:`3?t�� — i._H S�aa�� Geotechnical �ngineering f�eport Rolling Hills WTP Water Meter Vaufts Fort WortF�, Texas October '!4, 2020 ; Terracon Project No. 95205092 � �i������� G�v��p�r�. , �iquid Limit, Plastic Limit, and Plastic�ty Index af Soiis . Unconfined Compressive Strength of Cohesive Soils Absorption Swell Tests Absorption swell tests are performed on selected samples. These tests are used ta quantitatively evaluate vofume change patential at in-situ moisture levels. The res�lts of these #ests are presented in #he table below. i ��rE��g ��ptl^� iVo. {�eet) B-1 4-6 B-1 8-'i a _ B-2 4-6 B-3 7-9 I �1f�U3C� �i n�it �#� � 61 64 � 47 � 38 S1N��� ���� ���U��� F�l�sticify Inittal � Final � In[l�x Maist�Fe Mois#ure Sur�h�rg� (°!a} {°1fl� (°l�� i ����� 41 16.6 22.2 625 4a 18.6 + 22.3 1.125 30 18.2 19.1 625 21 14.7 17.1 1.00a Sw�ll ��f0� �.8 3.7 0.5 a.o �esp����:v� i F:ew+�urc�f�i ��l�a�l� ----- -------� --�--�------- ------- ___ - -� ��r� ����r��� ��� �x�����ion� ���� �onfienfs: Site l.ocation Plan Exploration Plan Note: All attachments are one page unless noted abo�e. ���:a?'a['�i'4 s�. I a` ��-�ral3f����E� �������4s: Rolling Hiils WTP Water Meter Vau�ts -� �'ort Worth, 7exas Octaber 14, 202Q � Terracon Project No. 95205092 �y� 4 � - - � +-� � "�� � � 4i.y • F - ,�� �. ,�'�-� ,� �� ��� � s � � _ �� �F � . :;: }= � � ���}' � � �.• , ��������� ��vR�p�i� �t� �� � �k ��� -� ��� �� } � � � �� ;ti�.� �:,� ki-�•,i11' � , ��� . �" � �� .���� r''I��*�'; �� .. ,�3���-� � � � .A P'R , I �! _ - a .'� � 1� {" . ',. � � � �'�e; �� !���� � �� f �' : • *• . � Y , �� ��I �.�r �'�� �_ J �4' ��F'� ��1 � ' , t �`J- ;� � � . * : �'k `�' � �.r� � � ' j � �� ' �-��`-�-i _ ,. � t�:-.�.. i� " !: r 3,Y y ��`'� � - ,` �- ; � �I �'��-� : .��.� ;* �'"�'4 � � � - � r . ._ �, F;� _ .. ����. ,.F i' . -i-�.� LI 2- {'s� ,INII l— . ~f44���{j��� I,'� � * , �y'�,'� . �'r �-„1 _ ,. _�... _ � � � � � � , , � +�' ' } i y' ������j�., �'�t �r_�—__ . C=�� :�' L'�'- ��_ . i�7 ��.,, R �. t �'� �I F� e1 R � � � 1 " ;� � �� �;�� � ���i . s � ;.� �1ti'!." ��7Fti �ii':�.t -�+ti � �11'd `r'i 1� �1 . _��� � � � •-'� 2� +r .*r ,� � ' ���• 1 ��.�� s7 {� r �i _� i , - � -� _ -�+'.w�: t� .i�� .'� �. �. 11.�r � .� � _ � �F�� ,w .-� ry . . � Y� . f:i� � t •- - � � � _' '.,}�; �-:._._-1=.l1._:�,a; � ► f - S.4 , � � r � '-w ' ; Fi , * �� .. ' . � � � i� �! ^� � - �� ' � 4 . . 3�' ��. � � ;, j� ' f t +� C'. �� ' �'��'�U# �,{--� ° ` , . , F�.�"�i � - . � ;�. � �.,z �� � �.1 `� - �� � ' .� �i.�:'°7� ' ��.��. �� `•�' ;r, � 'w4 ��'�,=�}� t��=f ' � 5 � ;7+ - , — . , , � � ��r�: s�.a7 ±�� °x'+ � ! eL 1� '�-�. . i� # � y -� �-- +� �. �� � � . � �_ #;� � ' _�� f. �� ��- i ; � ' � 1 _ � � �#�i �'� . � � •• . .''� �. . r, I � ���r. � _�! , . 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I Q V + ! �-- �1 �� � a � � [ � � � ` } —' — _ — — . +� �-F 1 ���L���I�N I��SUL�� Contenfis: Boring Logs (B-1 through B-4) Note: All attachments are one page unless noted abo�e. ������ ��� ��. ��`� �ROJ�Ci: FtoEling Hills V41iP F,�later Meter Vaults CLIEWT: JQ �ngineering, LLP Fort IiVorth, Texas SIiE. 25fl0 S� �aop 82a Fort lldillorth, Texas e a C9 LOCATION See �� w STRENGTH TEST .. LIMfTS r � V �� � u~im w � �� � V Latitude: 32.6647" Longitude: -97.2935° _ �¢ � h� a m� o � z � F- W a F �> � o� � wzc z ¢w �-s q a w� a �W sw� 3Z �� l.l.-Pl.-P3 � � � �m �a "� w �� � � �� : �;s.o FAT CLAY fCH1, with calcareous nodules, brown, hard � � limestone fragmants from 8 to 90 feet . � LIM�STQNE, with clay seams, tan ��' LI�II�S70NE, with shale seams, gray ;af—r p cn � p �n u� U 4.5+ (HP) 15.8 4.5+ (HP) UC 16.3 5 4.5+ (HP) 16.6 61-20�1 4.5+ (HP) UC 10.25 7.3 �6.1 113 4.5+ (HP) 18.6 60-2D-40 i 'f00l1.0" 1 �00/�.2�° 2 100I1.0" �a.o �ooi�.�° I _ L _J _ _ _ _ 1 _ _J _ _ I Boring Terminated af 30 Feet 3 Stratification lines are appro�umate. In-situ, the transitipn may be gradual. Hammer Type: Autpmatic Advancement Method: See '��- -- - � for a Notes: Dry Auger description of field and laboratory procedures used and additional data (If any). See for explanation of Abandonment Method: symbols and abbreviations. Sackfilied with auger cuttings WATER LEVEL OBSER11ATlONS Borin� Started: �9-23-2020 Boring Completed: 09-23-2020 Na water encountered during dri!lrng ��� ��� ��� Dry upon completlon of drilling �lrill Rig: CME 45 Driller: 5lrataBore 2501 E Lqpp 820 Pt FaA Worfh. TX Prolect No.: 95205092 ���i�� �o� �o. ��2 � �ROJ�C�: Rolling Hills lii�� l�i//ater fU➢eter Vaults 5���: ��JflQ $� �b0� �ZD �rart L�1�orti�, �'exas � c7 LOCATION See � � o � U Latitude: 32.6608° Longifude: -97.2887° � a 0 � � C�7 FAT CfAY (CH1, with calcareous deposits, tan, very 2.o stiff FAT CLAY (CHI, wifh calcareaus deposits, fan, orange, and light gray, very stiff to hard , 4.0 � LEAN CLAY jCLI, with calcareous deposits, tan, orange, and light gray, hard ,�... 6.a `� LEAN CLAY (CL1, with calcareous nodules, tan, hard 8.0 LIMESTONE, with clay seams and layers, tan CLI�Mi: JQ �ngineering, ��� For� lAlorth, iexas -- w Z a F STRENGTH TEST o LIMlTS o � ti wt= � w� W �_ .-. �r Z R �¢ �� a v�� a �z �� �9 � = w� � ¢� }_ � QN � �� � a�� � 4 �� oW LI-PL-PI �°0 rQ LL � p r�n r~ii U � O U 3.75 (HP) 15.8 a.5+ (HP} UC 2.6a 7.5 1$.5 113 5 4.5+ (h[P) 18.2 47-17-3d 48-48-14 � 9 2 N=62 � 100/3.75" 1 r a rt �.a LIMESTONE, with shafe seams, gray 1 � �I '� 9 Ofl11.5" 4 f� T 10011.5" � 30.0 3 10011.25" ? Boring Terminated at 30 �eet i i i Slratification lines are approximate. In-situ, the transition may be gradual. Hammer Type: Automati i � Advancement IVlethod: See ' " , for a Notes: � Dry Auger description of fiefd and laboratory procedures � used and additional data (If any). ' See for explanalion of � Abandonment Mettwd: symbols and ab6reviations. � Backfiqed with auger cuflings and pavement patch � — -- — -- - � j WA�ER LEVEL OBSERVAT�ONS Boring Slarted: 09-23-2020 No wafer encountered during dril�ing ��������' � �rill Rig: CME 45 bry upon eampletion of drilling 2501 � Loop $2Q N Fart VVorth, TX Praject No.: 95205092 Boring CompleEed: 09-23-2620 �rilEer: StralaBore �O�li�� LOC� R�O. ��3 �ROJ�C�: Rolling Hills lflii4� IfVater �eter Vaults CLI�RlY: JQ �ngineering, LL�' �rbi't �ibl't�1, �'exas ����� 2500 S� Laop �20 �ra� !lVorth, �exas J � C7 LOCAT[ON See � � Z w STRENGTH TEST .. ���� LIhIITs r OJ . j O c1' � cn w ' F- �. n � U Latitude: 32.6622° LongitudB: -87.2917° � a F � a �� o w� � r F �> J p� � v� t� `" y" w z � a� w H w a u�i'-u � � uZi � Z 3 z �� LL-PL-P I g C�.7 � ¢m ¢ �-� w ��V � � �� _ �.._. . � O U7 F�- O �n rn U i L.�AN CI.AY CL , brown, hard I�EAN CIAY �CL1, with limestone fragments, tan, I2.o very stiff r LEAN CLAY {CL), with limestone fragments, tan, very stiff o� N c�S+ � o, o' c� 5 . r . 6.5 W LE,4T1 CLAY 1CL1, with limestone fragments, tan ancf � . light brown, hard a. w ¢ � 9.0 c; LIMESTQNE, wifh clay seams and layers, tan �� oi U' �� �', Wi ~ . � LIMESTONE, wifh shale seams, gray � i� 8oring Termlrrated at 30 Feef fion lines are aooroximate. Irrsitu. the Advancement Method: �ry Auger Abandanment Method: Backfilled with auger cuttings and pavement patch WATER LEVEL OBSERVATfONS No waisr encouniered during dri!ling bry upon compleiion of drillirtg 4.5+ (HP) 14-'f 3-9 N=22 5-10-1 '[ N=21 4.5+ (HP) 50/2" 1 10Q11.25" �5 1 aQ11.0" 2 �aors.o�� 2 9 D0/9.25" 1 of 1 14.8 14.7 { I 38-17-21 may oe graauai. rtammer i ype: Hutomatic See for a Notes: description of field and laboratory procedures used and additional data {ff any}. Sae #or explanation of Symb013 dnd 0bbreViations. ��������� BoringStarted:09-23-2020 BoringCpmpleted:09-2&2020 Drill Rig: CME 45 Driller: StraiaBore � t �JF � . Projeci No.: 95205092 U 12.3 13.5 A2-15-27 ���i�� �o� �o. ��. 9 of 1 ��OJ�C�': Rolling �iills L�� Water [�eier VauEts SIT�: 2500 S� Loop 82a �art V41of h, �exas f � o LOCATION See � J � V Lalifude: 32.6619" Longitude: -97.2927" �w a �� � FAT CLAY (CHI, dark brown, very stiff 2.D FAT CLAY {CFf�, with calcareous nodules, light 6rawn, very stiff � a.a ' LEAN CLAY CL , with calcareous deposits and � � fossifs, tan, hard S 3 ;� �� � Dry Auger � i LEAN CLAY fCLI, with limestone fragments, fan and orange, hard LIMESTON6, wifh clay seams, tan LIMESTOIV�, with shale seams, gray CLI�R�T, JQ �Cngineering, LLP �ort Wlorth, �exas ,J � W ,�-. ua � a F v WF- � WH a W� J �� � �m ¢ "'� O � LL 4.Q (HP} 4.0 {MP} 5 4.5+ (HP) 4.5+ (HP) 14-12-18 N=30 � 10d11.0„ 1 10012.25" 2 100H .5" STRENGTH TEST � LIMITS 0 Q a �� o �Z �� � �W ys � � Z � w LL-PL-PI W ��v � � � H � � N U 30.3 1.7Q 6.5 11.8 118 i 2.2 25-'! 2-13 5.09 6 15.1 120 16.4 30-12-18 10fl19 25" Boring Terminafed af 301�eet 3 tion fines are approximate. In-situ, the transition may be graduaf. Hammer Type: Automatic thod: See -- - -— , for a Nates: description of field and laboratory procedures used and additional data (If any). See ior e�cplanaUon of � Abandonment Method: sym6ols and abbreviations. � Backfilled with a�er cultings and pavement patch i � WAT�R LEVEL OBSERVATIONS Boring S�arted: 09-23-zoz0 No water encounfered during drilGng ��� r���� � � Dry upon campletion of drrlling �f ���� I Drill Rig: CME 45 � ' �eON , , .,'fX Project Na.: 95205092 ! � Boring Completed: 08-23-2020 �rilfer: Strala6ore ��P'��� i ��it� iii��l��ll����t� Con�en�s: Unified Soil Classification System General Notes to Log Terms Nate: AI[ attachments are one page �nless noted abo�e. UNI�t�� �u�t c�� ?�.�a�t��V� i tu�+ �Y:� i��r� ��iterfa for letsslgn�n� �roup ��mbala and �roup �J�mc�s Uslr�g �ahorat��-y �ests Graveis: f More than 5d% of �, coarse fraction retained on No. �4 sieve Clean Gravels: Less than 5% fines � Cu>_4and75Cc<_3 Coarse-Grained Soils: More than 50% retained on No. 20D sieve Sands: 50% or more �f coarse fraction passes No. 4 sieve Cu < 4 andlor [Cc�i or Cc>3.0] ��������� �ev��p�r�: Sqll �kas$1����llnn Group Graup N�nir Symbol G� Well-araded aravel` GP Poarly graded gravel �' Gravels wiEh Fines: �ines classify as ML or MH GM Siltv gravel _ Mare than 12% fines ' Fines classify as GL or CH GC Clayey gravel Cfean Sands: Cu >_ 6 and 1 5_Cc 5 3 _ SW Well-c�aded sand � Less lhan 5% fines � Cu < 6 andlor [Cc<1 or Cc�3.0] SP Poorly graded sand 5ands with Fines: �ines classify as ME. or MH SM Siltv sand More than 12% fines � Fines classify as CL or CH SC Clayey sand � � PI > 7 and plots on or above "A" CL Lean clav � lnorganic: Silts and Clays: PI < 4 or plots belaw "A" line ��- Silt . Liquid limit less lhan 5a Liquid limit - o�en dried Oyqanic cfav ^� Fine-Grained 5oils: Organic: - —- -- < 0.75 OL -- Liquid limit � not dried Or;�anic_sill - 5Q% or more passes the — � -- Nq. 200 sie�e PI plots on or abo�e "A" line CH Fat clav_ . Inorganic: 5ilts and Clays: PI plots below "A" line MH Elastic Silt Liquid limit 50 or more Liquid limit - oven dried Orqanic clav '+ P Organlc: � < d.75 � OH � • Liquid limi# - not dried Orqanic silt Highly organic soils: Primarily organic maEter, dark in color, and organic odor PT Peat � �Sased on the material passing the 3-inch (75-mm) sieve. `If fines are organic, add "with organic fnes" to group name. ' If feld sample contained cobbles ar boulders, or botn, add °with cobbles ( If soil contains >_ 95% gravel, add 'tivith gravel° to grou� name. or boulders, or both" to group name. I If Atterberg limits plot in shaded area, soil is a CL-ML, silty clay. � Gravels wifh 5 fo 12% fines require dual symbois: GW-GM well-graded �If soil conkains 15 fo 29% plus No. 2flQ, add "with sand" or'inrith gravel with silt, GW-GC well-graded gra�el wiih clay, GP-GM poorly gravel," whicf�ever is predominant. graded gravel with silt, GP-GC pooriy graded gravel with clay. If soil contains _> 3fl%v pfus No. 200 predominantly sand, add Sands with 5#0 12% fines require dual symbols: SW-SM wefl-graded �°Sandy" lo group name. sand with silt, 5W-SC well-graded sand with clay, SP-SM poor�y graded sand with silt, SP-SC poorly graded sand with clay. �If soil contains >_ 30% plus No. 200, predominantly gravel, add "gravelly" to group name. (D3Q )Z Pf >_ 4 and plots on or above "A" line. Cu = Dsa1D,o Cc = PI < 4 or olots below "A" line. D10 X D60 If soil contains >_ 15% sand, add "with sand" ta group name. If fines classify as CL-NfL, use dual symbol GC-GM, or SC-SM. $6 .__..._�_.._..�,._�.._._._..._----.�._ ..__�.. _.�_,._..._�.� __.._�. �...__. �...�_..-- � For classi#ication �rf fine-grained i sr�ils ar�d fine-qrainec� fractit�n 60 � _ °� �csar��-e�rai«ed �oils -- - .___ _ -� '• Equation of "A" - line ° �?- i ilnrfxonta! at �1= �3 to l� �.�2�.5. : � �o , _ �nen �i�o.7� (��.-ao) . _ � s _ _ __ .. p : Equation af "U" - line i / � VerficaE at LL.�-1S to P1=7, !,�f y� �p t .._ then PI=�.9 {LL.-8) • ._..._ . ._ ...-;�'--_ _ . i-� .� � � � � � �'��•� �p���+ � 2q ' — — - -; � __ �� ._ __� � � � �� f , . , a. 3 � ,.' j . __.-- � ' -- .._._... _ 3 � , '� ' _. . ._.. - � fa : �.._ , , 7 �---- �i._NML_ _ 4;" � � ; ��!!f� or C�L� n__ �__., �! __a_ . _ �_ __ � � __. .._.�r_ � _� __._ � 0 '!0 �6 2Q 30 40 50 I_ � i PI ploks on or abave "A° fine. PI plots below "A" line. ._.._._.._...�.E........_.....,_� ._........_�_......�. ________..��_...,_.__., _____�.._.._i � , � . , i ' �" j i � , f, E` ; �. ��{��,��__..',._ _.�.i. ,�@- .��__� � -- - --.a .. J � f `� �-` i . �.._ �'�� ' ' � • � I � _ t ��.�;� ,___ � ° __ o� � __� __ _ _ . � � _ ��� ' i ' ; i ; � I ---._ _ .._...� ...__.__.. �.._. ___._.---_ _ _ _ � �.__.__.__.�{_..__.� � � I � � i � � � ' ._ �_ ° � - .. __, _—_ - __ _ , _ - -- - _—_ _ - 1 � I E . � � {it�F� Or �H ; , 1 � i . � 3 : � � _ _�.____ _ ,-- -- _ _ _ __ _. _. __ _,__ - - - � ; � ' j � , , � __��...��. �_�..��.�.__.�._�. �_��.. �..�.�_��..� ___� .��. so �0 8a so �aa 1�� Lf[�Ul� 1_IMIT fLE 1 __�i_ --9!`_ iv�u i r j, 1��1 9 I F_� �:�'� SAMPLIhf� &•,epe:T ���� R,�:�rGare ��rat� �sr�by+ �unredplr� T'��rKs ��a�x�e�1�i %� Cors�+ �ert€�a;ic.�i �sisl�orr�4ar �E�i Vhfp�T��C l.�V�L I � w�€� ta�3tl�ll� � �r��uarte�ed � �"a�#�r L,�vel �#er a �p�e�r'�ed ��riod of'E�r� ', � V1later �vel �ter � �pec�fi�i Weri�d nf'I�rne Water leveis indicated on lhe soil boring logs are the IeveEs measured in the borehole at the times indicated. Groundwater level variations will occur o�ertime. In low permeability soils, accurate determination for groundwater levels is not passible with short term water le�el observatians. l��rr���� l������Oi�: � (HP} (T) (DCP) �I�L[� T��7� Standard Penetration Test Resistance {BlowslFtj Hand Penetrometer Torriane Dynamic Cone Penetrometer UC Unconfined Compressi�e Strength (PI�) Photo-lonization detector (OVA} Organic Vapor Analyzer DESCRIPTI1fE �OI� �LAS��F]CATIOI�! Soil classification is based on the Unifted Soil Glassification Sys�em. Caarse Grained Soils ha�e more than 50% af their dry weight retained on a #200 sieve; fheir principal descriptars are: boulders, cobbles, gravel, or sand. Fine Grained Soils ha�e less than 50% of their dry weight retained on a#2fl0 sie�e; they are principally described as clays if they are plastic, and silts if they are slightly plastic or non-pfastic. Major constituents may be added as modifers and minor cor�stituents may be added according to the relafive proportions based on grain size. In addilion to gradation, coarse- grained soils are defined on the basis af lheir in-place rekati�e densify and fine-grained soils on the basis of their consistency. LOCATI�Ft AND �LEVATION NOTES Lfnless otherwise noted, Latitude and Longitude are approximately determined using a hand-held GPS device. The accuracy of such de�ices is �ariable. Surtace ele�ation data annofated with +1- indicates that no actual #opographical survey was conducted to confirm the surface elevation. Instead, the surtace ele�ation was approximately determined from topagraphic maps of the area. R�i.A'iIVF ��hk�17Y �F CC>ARSE-G#�AIIV�.D S�ILS (1�1ore �har 57� rc�ta�r;nb an hlo 240 s�ovo�1 �or�s��y al�st�rrn�neel by sia��daicJ P�Tn�1i,�ucrn R�rasl�l'�co Standard Penetratian or Descripti�e Term N-�alue (�ensity) BlowslFt. �TF#��GTW T�RM� GQ1��15��N�Y O� FIhFE-C7FiAll��D 5�1LS �5t]4fi tsr rr:urc p:��=1rr� kfrr� �!; �. �I�I? r;le�aai.} Gt�rtiSlSl€�ncy ��tormlrti+rd try labora�ory Shr�ar S9�erq{h lesrin�, a�al,J ,r:sual�+narua� pauc�xd�res �f SCN:idOfL` �6��ieti a��url �HsIsE��i�.ct Descripti�e Term Unconfined Compressive Strength Standard Penetratian ar N-value (Consistency} Qu, (tsfJ BlowslFt. _ V� Loose 0- 3 _ L_ Very Soft _ Less than D.25 0— 1 _ _ Loose 4- 9 I 5oft 0.25 to 0.5 2— 4 Medium Dense 1Q— 29 I Medium Sfiff 0.5 to 1.OQ 4— 8 Dense 3a -- 50 � StifF 1 0[� to 2_(]0 A— 15 Very Dense �5Q � Very Stiff 2.00 to 4.00 V 15 — 30 � Nard >4.00 >30 R�LATIVE PRO#�QRTI�N� {]F �A{UD AND �RAIf�� . R�LATkVE RROR�RTjON� O� F�N�S ��s�ripllwe �arm{�} n! Prr�eri� of i3asc� Ipllve Tormis} af �erc�nt of nihar car�stitue�ls , dry 4�lolgf�t O�F4Qf COf19tJfU43S15 , fk+y Welght Trace �15 Trace <5 With 15 — 29 With 5— 12 Madifier >30 Modifier �12 �`a�J�IN SI�� T�RRAl�70���Y PLl1S'J`fCITY ��SCFlIP�I�T� Major Cam�nnent nf Sar�rpl� Par�lcre Slza Terrn P�ast�eEly Ir�dex _ Baulders � Over 12 in. (300 mm� __` Non-plastic 0 Cobbles 92 in, fo 3 in. f300 rrEm to 75 mm] � Low � 1— 1� Gravel 3 in. to #a sieve (75mm to 4.75mm1 Madium 11 — 30 5and #4 ia #200 sieve (4.75mm to Q.075mm) � H�qh >30 Silt or Clav Passin� #20a sie�e (0.075mm1 _ l__ Addendum No. 2 Page 1 of 4 CITY OF FORT WORTH ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMEI�;T PLAl�IT FLOW METER REPLACEli�IEI�iTS City Project No. 10�056 ADDENDUM No. � December 11, 2020 Bidders are hereby informed of the following changes to the contract documents for the project. Bids for the project will be received at 1:30 PM CST an Thursday, December 17, 2020. Bidders must acknowledge receipt of this Addendum below, and on 00 4l 00 Bid Form. ':� �:: ■ ► 1. SHEET S 1: � � s a. Note A under COORDINATTON: Delete the word "ARCHITECTURAL," from the note. b. Note C under COORDINATION: Delete the word "ARCHITECTURAL," from the note. Note F under CONTROLLED BACKFILL: Revise the word "[XX]" to read "2 FEET". 2. SHEET S 10: a. Add the follou+ing note to Section 1: "FOR BIDDING PURPOSES, THE ESTIMATED WEIGHT PER LINEAR FOOT FOR THE 5TEEL ENCASED DUCT BANK I5 800 TO 1,fl00 PLF. THE FINAL WEIGHT DURING C�NSTRUCTION WILL DEPEND ON THE SIZE OF THE STEEL ENCASEMENT AFTER THE DUCT BANK SIZE IS FIELD VERIFIED, AND ON THE UNIT WEIGHT OF THE GROUT FILL USED WITHIN THE STEEL ENCASEMENT." 3. SHEET S 12: a. Section 2: Move the call�ut "UNDISTURBED SUBGRADE" to be outside of the excavationlshoring. 4. Sheet No. $2/T-04 — Instrumentation Raw Water Vaults P&ID a. Notes by SyinbQl, Nate No. �. 1) Moclify as follows: CITY OF FORT WORTH RpLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT FLOW METERREPLACEMENTS CITY PRO]ECT NO. 102656 Addendum No. 2 Page Z af 4 "4. MODIFY EXISTING PLC RACK TO ADD I/O INDICATED HERElN. AT THE TIME OF DESIGN, THE PLC RACK CONTAINED ADEQUATE SPARE I/O PQINTS IN THE EXISTING INSTALLED CARDS TO ACCOMMODATE THE REQUIRED I/O UNDER THIS PROJECT." 5. �heet No. 75/E-18 --- Electrical Schematics a. Notes by Symbol, Note No. 2. 1) Repiace as follows: "2. LEVEL FLDAT SWTTCH (LSL) SHOWN IN THE SCHEMATIC IS SEPARATE FROM THE HIGH LEVEL SWITCH (LSH) THAT IS USED FOR REMOTE ALARM IN SCADA." �I. �PECIFiCATIONS 1. 40 61 40 Process Control Systems General Provisions a. Part 2.B Instrurnents Schedule Tube, Page 8 and 9 of 11. 1} Insert the follawing in the Instruments Schedule: INSTRUMENT NEW/ EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION/TAG TYPE EXISTING DRAW�NG MV-18 {E-1) Vault New Not Level Switch Sump Pump 5witch Float Type Applicable MV-19 {S-1) Vault New Not Level Switch Sump Pump Switch Fioat Type Applicable MV-20 {S-2) Vault New Not Level Switch Sump Pu�np Switch Float Type Applicable MV-21 (E-2) Vault New Nat Level Switch Sump Pump Switch Float Type Applicable EMH-19 Sump Pump New Nat Level Switch Switch �'laat Type Agplicable EMH-20A Sump Puinp New Not Level Switch Switch Float Type Applicable MV-22 Vautt Flood New Nat Level Switch Surnp Pump Switch �'loat Type Applicable MV-23 Vault Fiood New Not Level Switch Sump Pump Switch Float Type App�icable Isalatian Valve Vault Not Level Switch Sump Pump Switch Float Type New Applicable CITY pF FORT WpRTH R�GI.iNG HII,T,S WATER TREATMENT FLAiVT FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS CITY PR07ECT Nb. 102Q55 Addendum No. 2 Page 3 of4 2. 40 71 00 Flow Instruments a. Part 2.2 Venturi Flow Tube, Page 4 and 5 of 7. 1) Add to paragraph 2.2.A as follows: "2. BIF" 2} Replace paragraph 2.2.I in entirety as follows: "I. Calibration Test: To compiy with the 0.5% accuracy requirement, the manufacturer of the Venturi tubes shall provide prior independent flow laboratory calibration test data substantiating the flow meter's accuracy, Reynolds number performance, installation effects, discharge coeffcient, and head loss. Prior test data shall cover at least 3b flow lab calibrations in. sizes from 2.0 to 72.0". Since the validity of prior test data is based on the quality and toierance adherence of the flaw rn�ter iabricatar, if laboratary calibration data from prior meter calibrations is presented f4r consideration, the Venturi meters used for those calibrations must have been built by ihe same fabricator as will be used to fabricate the twa 84-inch meters on this project. The supplier of the Venturi meters shall pravide a certifed statement that all test data has been derived on meters made by the manufacturer of the two 84-inch flow ineters. The certified report confirming compliance with these requirements shall be submitted to tne specifying angineers for appraval priar to submittals to contractors. Failure to conaply with this requirement will be grounds for rejection." b. Part 2.3 SPARE TNSTRUMENTS AND RELATED COMPONENTS, Pages 5 and 6 of 7. 1} Under paragraph 2.3.A replace as follows: "A. Contractor shall furnish one spare differential pressure transmitter/pressure indicating transmitter." Please acknowledge receipt of the Addendum in the following locations: 1) In the space provided below. 2) In the Propasal - Unit Bid Price. 3) Indicate in npper case letters on the autside of the sealed bid envelape: "RECEIVED & ACKNOWLEDGED ADDENDUM NO. �" Failure to acknowledge the receipt on Addendum Na. 2 cauld cause the subject bidder ta be considered '"NON�RESPONSiVE", resultin� in disqualification. A signed copy af ihis addendum CITY OF FORT WORTH ROLLING I-iILL5 WATER TREATMENT PLANT FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS C1TY PROdECT NO. 1D2056 Addendum AIo. 2 Page 4 of 4 shall be placed into the praposal at the time of bid suhmittal. Al[ Items in conflict with this addendum are hereby deleted. THIS ADDENDUM IS MADE PART OF THE SPECIFICATIONS AND CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND SHALL BE ACKNOWLEDGED ON THE PRQPOSAL AND ON THE BID ENVELOPE. WATER DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR CHRIS HARDER, P.E. Receipt Ac�nowledged: By: Ti#le: Company: � �By: b � � � ca Tony Shaloia, P.E. Assistant Director (Water Dept) CI7'Sf "QF FORT WORTH ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT FLOW METER REPI,AC�.M�NTS CITY PR03ECT NO. 1Q2U56 AddendEtm No. 2 Pagc 4 of 4 sl�all be pl�cecl Qnto t�ae g�ropasa� at the tim�e of bid s�b�ittal. �1 Ytem� i� �o�flict wat% t�is �dt�endu�n ar� h�reby dele�ed. T�-I�� A��E�T�DUI� :�� �IiE PAEtT (��+' T�TE �PECIF�C�T�ON� �D �OI�TT�C'[' ]DOC�IIWI�+ N'Y`� �D �Ii�L �E AG�T�➢'i1Vg.EIiG�+ D O�T 'I'HE PROP��r�r, AI�D �1� T'HE �IU �NVELOPE. ��►T'ER 17�EPA1tT�EI�'I' DI�C7.'��2 �rA..l.i-E�.9 .0.�ta¢`rs�.i�q d.i'r. �teceipt Ack�nwledg�rd: _ , � �r , �y: By: Tiile• Dav�id CaldweIt, Vzee Pxesidezlt ,� �n� � � Tony ShoIoia, P.E. Assisiant D��•ector (`14�ater Dept) Compa�y: Crescent Construciors, Inc. � CITY OP FOItT W�RTH FtOT.LTNG HILLS WATER TRI,P.TM�'I' PLAN'I' FL�W M�I'Eit REPF,AC�1vIENTS CiT1' PR{J7EGT �TO. 102056 DO 11 13 1NVITATI03V TQ B@DERS Page ] of 3 SECTION 00 ll 13 INVITATIQN TO BIDDERS RECEIPT OF BIDS Buc �� : . - --- �,. .t t _cy dec:l.:.,, ��y of Fort Worf`� .�_- � �ncy declarat � ,:.inded, sealed bids for the construction of Rolling Hills Water Treatment Plant Flow Meter Replacements Project No. 102056 (Project"} will be received by the City oiFort Worth Purchasing Office untiI 1:30 P.M. CST, Thursday, December 3, 2020, as further described below: City of Fort Worth Purchasing Division 200 Texas Street Fort Worth, Texas 76102 Bids wili be accepred by: 1.. US Mail at the address above, 2 By courier, FedEx or hand cielivery from 8:30-1:30 on Thursdays only at the South End Lobby of City Hall located at 200 Texas Street, Fort Worth, Texas 76142, A P�u-chasing Department staffperson will be available to accept the bid and provide a time stamped receipt; or 3. If the bidder desires to subrnit th� bid on a day or tirne other than the designated Thursday, the bidder must contact the P�irchasing Department d�xring normal working hours at S 17-392-2462 to make an appointment to meet a Purchasing Deparlrnent employee at ihe South End Lobby of Ciry Hall located at 200 Texas Street, Fort Worth, Texa� 76 � 02 where the bid{s) will be :eceived ar�d time�date sta�nped as above. Bids will be opened publicly and read aloud at 2:00 PM CST ��. the City Council Chambers and broadcast through livP s�rearn and CFW public televisi�- -- ��an be accessed at http://tortworthtexas.xov/fwtv/. The general public will not ,.. __ ; 4d in the City Cauncil C1 �mbers. � • -- , . __- �hal� e-ir.� '-.. ..�-.�-�leted MT�. ��..... .. . _ � , __..�.. � ,Qtr,� t[�an �. on thz �r . b�cine�s r' � . -. - . :.. . .. . - -�f the� bid o�peninL GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK The rnajor work will consist of the (approximate} following: Removing sectiQns of existing concrete waterline pipe in seven {7) different Iocations, in six (6} locations, replacing each saction with a flow meter and associated piping to complete the pipeline, in one (1) location, replacing a section with an isolation vaIve and associated piping to complete the pipeline, construction of a concrete vault to house each meter and valve. Four {4) meters to be installed are already piu�chased and on-site. The valve and two {2} of the meters shall ba suppIied by the Contractor. Various additional work such as, but nat limited to, line de- watering, shoring, disposal, shutdown coordination, pavement removal and replacernent, electrical and instrumeniatian work as required for operation. CITY QF FORT WORTH ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT STANDARD CpNSTRUCTTON SPECIFICATION DOCi3M�NT FLOW ME'FER REFLACEMENTS Temporarily Revised March 25, 2020 due to COVID l9 Emergency CITY PRO7�CT NO. 102056 UO 11 13 INVITATION TO BIDDERS Page 2 oi3 PREQUALIFICATION The improvements included in this project must be perfot-tned by a cantractor who is pre- qualified by the City at the time of bid opening. The procedures for qualification and pre- quaIification are outlined in the Sactian 00 21 13 �-1NSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS. DOCUMENT EXAMINATION AND PROCUREMENTS The Bidding and Contract Documents may ba exarnined or obtained on-line by visiting the City af �'ort Warth's Purchasing Division website at http:,c'www.fortworthtexas.�vureha .it �; and clicking on the link ta the advertised project folders on the City's electronic document �nanagement and collaboration system site. The Contract Documents rnay be downloaded, viewed, and printed by interested contractars and/or suppliers. Bid Document htt�l/docs. b360.autodesic_comlprojects1884d04d 1-80ad-�24fi-8c54� fbd8{1a17af99/folderslurn:adsk.wipprod:fs.folder�co.�bfUTImTDc�cpUeGiy7F2A Copies of the Bidding and Contract Documents are available only through the Ciry's website. PREBID CONFERENCE A prebid conference may be held as discussed in Section 00 21 13 - INSTRUCTIDNS TO B�DDERS at the following date, and time :•ir --•.•eb �c�fe-=-�cz>>.� ap�r�-� �� -, DATE: Navember 19, 2U20 TIME: 10:00 AM If a pr.,i?��' �i 7' i�-�[ �vili be held ��ZI;A�� :�u u Yaeb c�r':_� '^in� app�i �,., vll xtiv��� wl.i bo distr�t�l�ted directly to those who have sub����tted Expre��io�,a of Interest in the prajec� to the City Project Manager and/or the Design Engineer. The preset�tation given at the prebid conference and any questians and answers provided at the prebid conference will be issued as an Addendjun to the call for bids. If a prebid conference is not being held, prospective bidders can e-mail questions or comments in accordance with Sectian � af the Instructions to Bidders referenced abave to the praject manager{s} at the e-mail addresses listed below. Emailed questions will suffice as "questions in writing" and the requirement to fonnally mail qiiestions is suspended. If necessary, '..'..ien�i:; ..;I�. Ul� 1�3�]41V� pu.�kw��, tio thc Cns�, ...t;,,ns w E.�r �., . CITY'S RIGHT TO ACCEPT OR REJECT BiDS City reserves the right to waive irregularities and to accept or reject bids. AWARD City will award a contract to the Bidder presenting the lowest price, quali�cations and competencies considered. FUNDING Any Contract awarded under this INVITATION TO BIDDERS is expected to be funded from revenues generated fram user fees and dedicated by Resoiution of the City of Fort Worth City Cauncil to the work under this INVITATION TO BIDDERS. INQUIRIES All inquiries ralative to this procurement should be addressed to #he follawing: CITY QF FORT WORTH ROLLING H1LL5 WATER TREATMENT PLANT 5TANDARD CaNSTRUCTIpN SP�,CiFICATION DOCUMENT FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS Temporarily Re�ised March 25, 2020 due to COVID 19 Emergency CITY PROJECT NO. 102056 00 11 13 II�VITATION TO BIDDERS Page 3 of 3 Attn: Scott Taylor, P.E., City ofFort Worth EmaiI: Scott.Taylor@fartworthtexas.gov Phane: 817-392-7240 AND/�R Attn: Louis Hund; JQ Infrastructure Email: LHund@jqieng.com Phone: 817-505-4311 Exr�s�loN a� �N���us���r To ensure bidders are kept up to date of any new infor�nation pertinent to this project or the COVIDI9 ernergency declaration, as amended, as it may reIate ta this project, bidders are req�ested to email Expressions of Interest in this pracuremet�t to the City Project Manager and the Design Engineer. The email should inchide the bidder's company name, contact person, that individuals email address and phone niunber. All Addenda will be distributed directly to those who have expressed an interest in tI�e procurement and will a�sa be posted in the Ciry of Fort Worth's purc�_acin� website at httpJ/fortworthtexas.gov/purchasingl PLAN HOLDERS To ens�re you are kept up ta date of any new information pertinent to this project such as when an addenda is issued, download the Plan Holder Registration form to your computer, complete and email it to �he Ciiy Project Manager or the Design Engineer. The City Project Manager and Design Engineer are responsible to uplaad the Plans Halder Registration form to the Plan Holders folder in BIM360. � Mail your complefed Plan Holder Registration form to those listed in INQUIRIES abave. ADVERTISEMENT DATES November 5, 2020 Novemi�er 12, 2020 END QF SECTIQN CITY QF FpRT WqRTH ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT STANDARi] CONSTRUCTION SPECI�'ICATiON UOCUMBNT FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS Temporarily Revised March 25, 2020 due to COVID19 Emergency CITY PROJECT NO. 102056 THIS PAGE LEFT INTENTI4NALLY BLANK CITY OF FpRT WQRTEI STANbARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DQCUMENTS Revised 7uly l, 2D11 ROLLING H1LL5 WATER TREATMENT PLANT FLOW METER I�PT,ACEMENTS C1TY PROJECT NO. 1D2055 00 21 13 INSTItUCTIONS TO BIDDER3 Page 1 of 10 SECTION 00 21 13 1NSTRUCTIONS TO BIDD�RS 1. Defined Terms 1.1. Terms used in these INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS, which are defined in Section 00 72 fl0 - GENERAL C�NDITIONS. 1.2. Certain additional terms used in these INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS have the meanings indicated be�ow which are applicable to bQth the singular and plural thereof. 1.2.1. Bidder: Any person, firm, partnership, company, association, or corporatian aci�ng directly through a duly authorized representative, submitting a bid for performing the work conteinplated under the Corrtract Documents. 1.2.2. Nonresident Bidder: Any person, firm, partnership, company, association, or corporation acting directly through a duly authorized representative, submitting a bid for performing the work contemptated under the Contract Documents whose principal place of business is not in the State of Texas. 1.2.3. Successful Bidder: The lowest responsible and responsive Bidder to whotn City (on the basis of City's evaIuation as hereinafter provided} makes an award. 2. Copies of Bidding Dacuments Z.1. Neither Ciiy nor Engineer shaIl assume any responsibiliry for errors or misinterpretations resulting from the Bidders use of incomplete sets of Bidding Documents. 2.2. City and Engineer in making copies of Bidding Documents available do so only for the purpose of obtaining Bids for the Work and do not authorize or confer a license or grant for any other use. 3. Prequali�cation af Bidders (Px-ime Contractors and Subcontractors} 3.1. All Bidders and their subcontractors are required to be prequalified for the work types requiring preyualification at the time af bidding. Bids received from contractors who are not prequalified shail not be opened and, even if inadvertently opened, shall not be considered. Prequalification requirement work types and documentation are available by accessing all required files through the City's website at: hf s://�qpS.fortworthtexas.gov/ProiectResources/ 3.1.1. Watar and Sanitary Sewer — Requirernents docurnent located at; htt s:,/a s.furtworthtexas. ov/Fro'ectResources/ResourcesP/02%20- %20Construction%20Doc�.unents/Co�traccar°/a20P�-equalification/Water%20and%2 OSanitarv%20�ewer%20Contractor%20Prec�ualification%20Pro�ra�n/WSS%20nre c�ual%20re4uirements.�df CI`FY OF FORT WORTH ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PGANT STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIQN DpCCTMENT FLQW METER REPLACEMEN'I'S Temporarily Revised Apri124, 202D due to COVIDI9 Emergency CITY PROIECT NO. 1Q2056 0� 21 13 INSTRCTCTiONS TO BIDDERS Page 2 of 10 3.2. Each Bidder, unless currently prequalified, must submit to City at least seven (7} calendar days prior to Bid opening, the documentation identi�ed in Section 00 45 11, BIDDERS PREQUALIFICATIONS. 3.21.Submission of and/or questions related to prequalification should be addressed to the City contact as pravided in Paragraph 6,1. 3.2.2.�"F�il'C]RARY Yl�c��'�l7�s�t1��.S I.�U��'� ��C}�LU-��; 1� �1CIt{�i W�ll75f prcc�u:ilil�s:atior� h�s ex�E�e� du�ii�� [ftie ti��7� pt�ri�s�� �vlf�re �++��li�i c�firgenc,y �r�er a� i�r ��:�ce f#'ei�cr;�l, �I�GIe. loc��11 au� !`or 3U days �r�sl fh� ex�iraticx�f �#'tf��° �re�eeg�ttcy or�ier wi[It tk�c: fxari hesl expiralion date �,y cfsy ui�d m�iit��, will ���rt b� .iLILUTTt��tlCiilij/ d15�11�1�It�B€� �!'{}TT3 �tr7Y!!3� TIl� F�3(�ti�l''S b[[G 0�)�lii:tl, !1 �il�(i�r in ti�i�� Sl�ll��tC11'I L41tI IS��� i�* �ri�? �spcnec! anci Ec�cl a1ou�J urtd �vill be allc+�ved S F�usa�s�s.� dti�5 �C145� L]� �}llC]]i�tiS �3i7 ��7� ��I� a�;�)r� l�� s�Gl>�r�it �G ��mplc:C� g�'ey��aC�ficaiion �`er����rs€ p�Gwk ���. F3ilur� io �ime�y suLmi[, car su�n�itt�� t�f atr inc„������cic p�ck���, will e�iyde3� �1�� aid�icr'� hEti �csh-respo»sit+e. If 117e pr�q�aliti�atinn fert��a4 CIl}ClIf13CFCtS S�k4W 111� �i��2I SS ti1�14' 11t3t�k18tlf �{�, ti�e bid �+ri I I Cae rcniCc��d n�n� r�.��o��siv�. �1 [3idtler rr��y noi ��se t�i}6 exce�Ci�n #o see€c a�SF�qu�iiFi�:ati��n gE�lu� grcu�cr tlt�i� �at wl�ic�� u�as tn �rlace {s�- rltie c�;�lc �sT�xpirx�tics��, A l�idd�.F wh� see�C:: ti� iit�;reasc it� pr�qK�t�liftc�liuh s���tEis re�us� totlaW th� teb�i[i�i�al SLll�t1111t.�lircviev�' pr�c es s. 33. The City reserves t�e right to require any pre-quaIified contractor who is the apparent iow bidder{s) for a project to submit such additianal information as tYte City, in its sole discretion may require, incIuding but nat li�nited to manpower and equipment records, in%rmation about key personnel ta be assigned to the project, and construction schedule, to assist the City in evaluating and assessing the ability of the apparent low bidder(s) to deliver a quality product and successfixlly complete prajects for the amount bid within the stipulated tir�ne irarne. Based upon the City's assessment af the submitted information, a recommendation regarding the award of a contract will be made to the City Council. Failure to submit the additianaI information, if requested, may be grounds for rejecting the apparent low bidder as non-responsive. Affected contractors wi11 be notified in writing af a recammendation to the City Council, 3.4. In additian ta prequalification, additional requirements for qualification rnay be required within various sections of the Contract Docurnents. 3.5, Specia� qualifications required far this project include the fallowing: TSD 4. Examinafian af Bidding and Contract Docurnents, Other Related Data, and Site 4,1. Before submitting a Bid, each Bidder shall: 4.1.1. Examine and carefutly study the Cantract Documents and other reiated data identified in the Bidding Documents {including "technical data" referred to in Paragraph 4.2. below). No xnfortnation givan by City or any representative of the Ciry other than that contained in the Contract Docurnents and officially promulgat�d addenda thereto, shaIl be binding upon the City, C1TY OF FORT WORTH ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIQN DOCUMENT FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS Temporarily Re�ised Apri124, 2026 due to COVIDI9 Emergency CITY PROJECT NO. 102056 00 21 13 INSTRUCTiONS TO BIDDERS Page 3 of 14 4.1.2. Visit the site ta become familiar with and satisfy Bidder as to the general, Iocal and site conditions that may affect cost, progress, performance ar furnishing of the WOrk. 4.1.3. Consider federal, state and local Laws and Regulations that may affect cost, progress, per�ormance or furnishing afthe Worlc. 4.1.4. Study all: (i) reports of explorations and tests af subsurface conditions at or contiguous to ihe Site and all drawings of physical conditions relating to existing surface or subsurface structures at the 5ite (except Underground Facilities) that have been identified in the Contract Dacuments as cantaining reliable "tachnical data" and (ii) reports and drawings of Hazardous Environmental Conditions, if any, at the Site that have been identified in the Contract Documents as containing reliable "technical data." 4.1.5. Be advised that the Contract Documents on file with the City shall constitute all of the in%r�nation which the City will furinzsh. All additional information and data which the City will supply after promulgation of the for�nal Contract Documents shall be issued in the form of written addenda and shall become part of the Contract Documents just as thaugh such addenaa were actua�ly written into the ariginal Contract Documents. Na information given by the City other than that contained in the Contz-act Documents and officially promulgated addanda thereto, shall be binding upon the City. 4.1.6. Perfarm independent research, investigations, tests, borings, and such ather means as may be necessary to gain a complete knowledge of the condinons which wili be encountered during the construction of the project. On request, City may provide each Bidder access to the site ta conduct such examinations, investigations, explorations, tests and studies as each Bidder deems necessary for submission of a Bid. Bidder must fill all holes and clean up and restore the sita to its iarmar conditions upon completion of such explorations, investigatians, tests and studies. 4.t.7. Deterrnine the difficulties of the Work and all attending circumstances affecting the cast af doing the Work, time required for its completion, and obtain all informatian required to make a propasaI. Bidders shalt rely exclusively and solely upon their own est�mates, investigation, research, tests, exploratians, and other data which are necessary for fuIl and complete infarmation upon which the proposal is to be based. It is understood that the submission of a proposal is prima-facie evidenca that the Bidder has made the investigation, examina�ions and tests herein reyuired. Claims for additional cornpansation due to variations between conditions actually encountered in construction and as indicated in the Contract Documents will not be allowed. 4. ].8. Promptly notify City of a11 conflicts, errors, ambiguities or discrepancies in or between the Contract Documents and such other related doc�.unents. The Contractor shall not take advantage of any gross error or omission in the Contract Documents, and the City shall be permilted to make such correcrians or interpretations as may be deemed necessary for fulfillment of the intent of the Coniract Docurnents. 4.2. Reference is made to Section 00 73 00 — Supplernentary Canditions far identification of: CITY OF FORT WORTH ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PI.ANT STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENT FLQW METER REPLACEMENTS Temporarily Revised Apri124, 2020 due to COV[Dl9 Emergency C1TY PROJECT NO. 102656 oa2i i3 INSTRUCTIOI�S TO BIDbER5 Page 4 of l0 4.2.1. those reports of explorations and tests oi subsurface conditians at ar contiguous to the site which have been utilized by Ciry in preparation of the Coniract Docurn�nts. The iogs of Soil Barings, if any, on the plans are far general information only. Neither ihe City nor the Engineer guarantee that the data shoum is representative of conditions which actually exist. 4,2.2, those drawings of physical conditions in or relating to existing surface and subsurface structures {except Underground Facilities) which are at ar contiguous ta the site that have been utilized by City in preparation of the Contract Documents. 4.2.3. copies of such reports and drawings will be rnade available by City io any Bidder on request. Those reports and drawings may not be part of the Con�ract Documents, but the "technical data" contained therein upan which Bidder is entitled to rely as provided in Paragraph 4.02. of the General Conditians has been iden�ified and established in Paragraph SC 4.02 �ithe Supplementary Conditions. Bidder is responsible for any interpretation or conclusian drawn from any "technical data" ar any other data, interpretations, opinions or information. 4.3. The submissian of a Bid will constitute an incontrovertible representation by Bidder {i) that Bidder has camplied with every requirernent of this Paragraph 4, {ii) that without axcaption the Bid is premised upon performing and furnishing the Work required by the Contract Documents and applying the �pecific means, methods, techniques, sequences ar procedures of construction (if any) that may be showrt or indicated ar expressly required by the Cantract Documents, (iii) that Bidder has given City �vritten notice of all conflicts, errors, ainbiguities and discrepancies in the Contrac� Documents and the written resolutions thereof by City are acceptable to Bidder, and when said conflicts, etc., have not been resolved thraugh the interpretations by City as described in Paragraph 6., and (iv) that the Contract Documents are generally sufficient to indicate and convey understanding of all terms and condi�ions for perfarming and furziishing the Work. 4.4. The pravisians of this Paragraph 4, inclusi�e, do not apply to Asbestos, Polychlarinated biphenyls (PCBs}, Petraleum, Hazardous Waste or Radioactive Material covered by Paragraph 4.06. oithe Gen�ral Conditions, unless specificaily identified in the Contract Documen#s. S. Availability of Lands for Work, E�c. 5.1. The lands upon which the Work is to be perfarined, rights-of-way and easements for access thereta and other lands designated for use by Con�ractor in performing the Work are identified in the Contract Docurnents. All additional lands and access thereto required far temporary construction facilities, construction equipment or storage af materials and equipment to be incorporated in the Work are to be obtained and paid for by Contractor. Easem�nts for permanent structures or perrnanent changes in existing facilities are to be obtained and paid for by City unless otherwise provided in the Contract Documents. CTTY OF FORT WORTH ROLLING HILL3 WATER TREATMENT PI.AIVT STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIOIr! DOCUMENT FLOW METER REPLACEM�NTS Temporarily Revised Apri124, 2D20 due to COVIDI4 Emergency CITY PROJECT NO. 102056 0021 13 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Fage 5 of LO 5.2. Outstanding rignt-of-way, easements, and/or permits to be acqUired by the City are �isted in Paragraph SC 4.01 of the Supple�nentary Conditions. In the event the necessary right- of-way, easements, and/or permits are not obtained, the Ciry reserves the right to cancel the award of contract at any time before the Bidder begins any construction work on the project. 5.3. The Bidder shall be prepared to commenca construction without all executed right-of- way, easements, and/or per�nits, and shalI submit a scheduie to the City of how construction will proceed in the other areas of the praject that do noi require pannits and/or easements. 6. �nterpretat�ons and Addenda 6.1. AIl questions about the meaning or intent of the Bidding Documents are to be directed to City in writing on or before 2 p.m., the Monday prior to the Bid opening. Questions received after this day may noi be responded to. Interpretations or clariiications considered n�cessary by City in response to such questions will be issued by Addenda delivered ta all parties recorded by City as having received the Bidding Documents. Only questions answered by forrnal written Addenda will be binding. Oral and other interpretations or clarifications will be without legal effect. Address questions to: City of Fort Worth 200 Texas Street Fort Worth, TX 75102 A#tn: Scott Taylor, P.E. Ernail: Scott.Taylor@fortworthiexas.gov Phone: 817-392-7240 6.2. Addenc�a may also be issued to modify the Bidding Documents as dee�ned advisable by City. 6.3. Adder�da or clarifications rnay be posted via the Ciry's electronic dacument management and collaboration system at �Insert Link to Dacuments> . 6.4. A prebid conference may be he(d at the titne and place indicated in the Advertisement or INVITATION TO BIDDERS. Representatives of City will be present to discuss the Praject. Bidders are encouraged ta attend and participate in the canference. Ciry will transmit to all prospective Bidders of record such Addenda as City considers necessary in response to questions arising at the conference. Oral statements may not be relied upon and will not be binding or legally eFfective. �. Bid Security 7.1. Each Bid must be accompanied by Bid Bond rnade payable to Ciry in an atnount of five (5) percent of Bidder's maxiinum Bid price on form attached, issued by a surety meeting the requigements of Paragraphs 5.01 of the General Conditions. CiTY OF FO1tT WORTH ROLLING H1LL5 WATER TREATMENT PLANT STANDARD CONSTRUCTIOI�i SPECIFfCATION DOCUMENT FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS Temporarily Revised Apri124, 2020 due to C�VID19 Emergancy CITY PRO7ECT NO. 1D2056 �0 21 13 INSTRUCTIONS TO SIDpERS Page 6 of 10 7.2. The Bid Bond af all Bidders will be retained until the conditions of the Notice of Award have been satis�ed. If ihe Successfiil Bidder fails to execute and deliver the complete Agreement within 10 days after the Notice of Award, City inay consider Bidder to be in default, rescind the Notice of Award, and the Bid Bond of that Bidder will be forfeited. Such forfeiture shall be Ciry's excIusive remedy if Bidder defaults. The Bid Bond of aIl other Bidders whom City believes to have a reasonabte chance aireceiving the award will be retained by City until final contract execution. 8. Contract Times The number of days within which, or the dates by which, Milestones are to be achieved in accordance with the General Requirernents and the Work is ta be completed and ready for Final Acceptance is set farth in the Agreement or incorporated therein by reference to the attached Bid Form. 9. Liquidated Damages Provisions for liqu€clated dainages are set forth in the Agreement. 10. Substitute and "Or-Equal" Itern� The Cantract, if awarded, will be on the basis of materials and equipment described in the Bidding Documents without consideration of passible substitute or "or-equal" ite�ns. Whenever it is indicated or specified in the Bidding Documents that a"substitute" or "or- equal" item of material or equipment may be furnished or used by Cantractor if acceptable to City, application far such acceptance will not be considexed by City uniil after the Effective Date af the Agreement. The procedure for submission of any such application by Cantractar and consideratian by City is set forth in Paragraphs 6ASA., b.OSB. and 6.05C. of the Genex�al Canditions and is supplemented in Sectian 01 25 00 of the General Requirements. 11. Subcontractors, Suppliers and Others 11.1. In accordance with the City's Business Diversity Enterprise Ordinance No. 20020- 12-2011 (as atnended), the City has gaals for tha participation af minority business and/or sinall business enterprises in City contracts. A copy of the Ordinance can be obtained from the Office af the City Secretary. The Bidder shall submit the MBE and SBE Utilizatian Farm, 5ubcontractar/5upplier Utilization Form, Prinne Contractor Waiver Form and/or Good Faith Effort Form with documentation and/or Joint Venture Fonn as appropriate. The Farms inciuding documentatian must be received by the City no later than 2:00 P.M. CST, on the secand business day a�er the bid opening date. The Bidder shall obtain a receipt from tl�e City as evidence the documentation was received. Failure to comply shall render the bid as non- respansive. 11.2. No Contractor shall be required to employ any �ubcontractor, Supplier, other person or organization against w�om Contractor has reasonable objectian. 12. Bid Form 12.1. The Bid Fonn is included with the Bidding Documents; additional copies rnay be obtained from the City. C1TY OF FORT WORTH ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION bQCUM�NT FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS Tempoiarily Revised April 24, 2020 due to COVID i 9 Emergency CTTY PROJECT NO. 102056 oozi i� INSTRUCTIONS Tp BIDDERS Page 7 of lb 12.2. All blanks on the Bid Form inlist be completed by printing in ink and ihe Bid Form signed in ink. Erasures or alterations shall be initialeci in ink by the person signing the Bid Form. A Bid price shall be indicated for each Bid item, alternative, and unit price item listed therein. In the case of optional alternatives, the r�vords "No Bid," "No Change," or "Not Applicable" may be entered. Bidder shalI state the prices, written in inlc in both words and numerals, far which the Bidder proposes to do the work contemplated or furnish materials required. All prices shall be written Iegibly. In cas� of discrepancy between price in vvritten wards and the price in written numerals, the price in written words shall gavern. 12.3. Bids by corporations sha11 be executed in the corporate name by the president or a vice-president or other corporate officer accoinpanied by evidence of authority to sign. The corporate seal shalt be affixed. The corporate address and state of incorporation shall be sh.own below the signature. 12.4. Bids by partiierships shall ba execuied in the partriership name and signed by a partner, whose title must appear under the signattire accompanied by evidence of authority to sign. The official address of the parinership shall be shown below the signature. 12.5. Bids by limited liability coznpanies shall be executed in the name of the firm by a member and accampanied by evidence of authority to sign. The state of formation of the fir�n and the oificial address of the �rm sha11 be shown. 12.6. 1 z.�. 12.8. I2.9. Bids by individuals shall show the Bidder's naine and ofizcial address. Bids hy joint ventures shall be executed by each joint venture in the manner indicated on the Bid Fox�n. The official address of the joint venture shall be shown. Ail narnes shail be typed ar printed in ink below the signature. The Bid shall contain an aclrnowledgemeni af receipt oi a(1 Addenda, th� numbers af which shalI be filled in on the Bid Form. 12.10. Pastal and e-mail addresses and telephone number for communications regarding the Bid shall be shown. 12.11. Evidence of authority to conduct business as a Nonresident Bidder in the state of Texas shall be provided in accordance with Section OQ 43 37 — Vendor CompIiance to Staie Law Non Resident Bidder. 13. Submission af Bids Bids shall be submitted on the prescribed Bid Form, pravided with the Bidding Documents, at the time and place indicated in the Advertisement or INVITATION TO BIDDERS, addressed to Purchasing Manager of the City, and shall be enclosed in an opaque seated enveIope, marked witf� tl�e City Project Number, Project title, the name and address of Bidder, and accampanied by the Bid security and other required documents. If the Bid is sent through the mail or other delivery sysiem, t�e seated enveIope shall be enclosed in a separate envelope with the notation "BID ENCLOSED" on the face of it. CITY OF FORT WORTH ROLLING H1LL5 WATER TREATMENT PLANT STANDARD CONSTRUCTIpN SPECIFICATION DOCUFvIENT FT.OW METEIt REPLACEMENTS Temporarily Revised April2a, 2U20 due to COVIl719 �mergency CITY PROJECT NO. 102056 ao ai i3 INSTRUCTIpNS TQ BIDIi�.RS Page 8 of 1p 14. Modificatian and Withdrawai of Bids 14.1. Bids addressed to the Purchasing Manager and �led with the Purchasing Office cannot be withdrawn prior to the time set for bid opening. A request for withdrawal must be made in writing by at� appropriate document duly execu#ed in the manner that a Bid must be executed and delivered to the place where Bids are ta be submitted at any time prior to the opening of Bids. After al! Bids not requested far withdrawal are opened and publicly read alaud, the Bids for which a wi�hdrawal request has been properly filed may, at the option of the City, be rehuned unopened. 14.2. Bidders may madify their Bid by electronic communication at any time prior to the time set iar the closing of Bid receipt. 15. Opening of Bids Bids will be opened and read aloud publicly at the place where Bids are to be submitted. An abstract of the amounts of the base Bids and majar alternates (if any) will be made available ta Bidders after the opening of Bids. 16. Bids ta Rernain Subject to Acceptance Al1 Bids will remain subject to acceptance for the time period specified for Natice of Award and execution and delivery af a complete Agreement by Successful Bidder. City may, at City's sole discretion, release any Bid and nullify the Bid security priar to that date. li. Evaluation of Bids and Award of Contract 17.1. City reserves the right to reject any or all Bids, including veTithout limitatian the rights to reject any ar all noncanforming, nonresponsive, unbalanced or canditional Bids and to reject the Bid af any Bidder if City believes that it wauld not be in the best interest of the Project to inake an award to that Bidder, whether because the Bid is not responsive or the Bidder is unqualified or Qf doubiful financial ability or fails to meet any ather pertinent standard or criteria established by City. City also reserves the right to waive informalities not involving price, contract time or changes in the Work wit�i the Successful Bidder. Discrepancies between the rnultiplication oiunits of Work and unit prices will be xesolved in favor of the unit prices. Discrepancies betwe�n the indicated suxn of any column of figures and the correct surn fhereof will be resolved in favor of the correct sum. Discrepancies between words and figures will be resalved in favor of the words. 17.1.1. Any or all bids will be rejected if City has reason to beiieva that collusion exists amor�g the Bidders, Bidder is an interested party to any litigation against City, City or Bidder may have a claim against the oth�r ar be engaged in litigation, Bidder is in arrears on any existing contract or has defaulted on a previous contract, Bidder has perfonned a prior contract in an unsatisfactory manner, ar Bidder has uncampleted work which in the j�dgrnent of the City will prevent or hinder the prompt completion of additional work if awarded. C1TY OF FORT WORTH ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIEICATION DOCi1MENT FI.OW METER REPLACEMENTS Temporarily Re�ised April 24, 2020 due to COVIDI9 Emergency CITY PROJECT NO. 102055 00 21 13 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Page 9 of 10 17.2. City may consider the quali�cations and experience of Subcontractors, Suppliers, and other persons and organizations proposed for those portions of the Work as to which the identity of Subcontractors, Suppliers, and other persons and organizations must ba submitted as provided in the Contract Dociunents or upon the request of the Ciry. City also may consider the operating costs, maintenance requirements, performanca data and guarantees of major items of materials ana equipment praposed foz- incorporation in the Work when such data is required to be subir�itted priQr to the Natice of Award. 17.3. City may conduct suct� investigations as City deems necessary to assist in the evaluation of any Bid and to establish the responsibility, qualifications, and financial abiliiy of Bidders, praposed Subcontractors, Suppliers and other persons and organizations to perforrn and fiirnish the Work in accordance with the Contract Dacuments to City's satisfaction within the prescribed tiine. 17.4. Contractor shall perform with his own organization, work of a value not less than 35% of the value embraced on the Contract, unless otherwise approvsd by the City. l 7.5. If the Contract is to be awarded, it will be awarded to lowesi responsible and responsive Bidder whose evahiation by City indicates that the award will be in the best interests of �he City. 17.6. Pursuant to Texas Gavernment Code Chapter 2252.001, the City will not award contraci ta a Nonresideni Bidder unles� the Nonresident Bidder's bid is lower than the lowest bid submitted by a responsible Texas Bidder by the same amount that a Texas resident bic�der wanld be required to underbid a Nonresident Bidder to obtain a comparable contract in the state in which the nonresident's principal place of business is located. 17.7. A cQntract is not awarded until formal City Council authorization. If the Contract is to be awarded, City will award the Contract within 90 days a�er the day of the Bid opening unless extended in writing. No other act of City or others will constitute acceptance of a Bid. Up�n the contractor avvard a Notice of Award will be issued by the Ciry. 17.7.1. The con#ractor is required ta fiIl out and sign the Certificate af Interesfed Parties Farm 1295 and the form musi be submitted to the Project Mana�er befare ihe contract will be presented to the City Council. The form can be obtained athttps:l/v�..w.ethies.state.tx.us/datalforms/129�;_1_�95.ndf 17.8. Fai�ure or refusal to cornply with the requirements may result in rej ection of Bid. 18. Signing of Agreement 18.1. When City issues a Notice of Award to the Successful Bidder, i� will be accorripanied by the required number of unsigned counterparts of the Agreement. Within 14 days thereafter Contractor shalI sign and deliver the required number of counterparts of t�e Agreement to City with the required Bonds, Certificates of Insurance, and all other required docu�nentation. 18.2. Failure to execute a duly awarded contact may suhject the Contractor to penalties. CITY bF FORT WORTH ROLLING HILLS WA'FER TREATME]VT PLANT STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENT FLOW MET�R REPLAC�M�NTS Temporarily Revised Apri124, 2020 due to COVIQI9 Emergency GITY PROJECT NO. 102056 OD 21 13 INSTRUCTipivS TD BipDERS Page ]0 of ]p 18.3 City shall thereafter deliver ane fully signed caunterpart to Contractor. END OF SECT�ON CITY OF FORT WORTH S'�ANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIRICATION DOCUMENT Temporarily Revised Apeil 24, 2020 due to COVID 19 Emergency ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS CITY PR03ECT ND. ] 02U56 40 35 7 3 CON�LICT OF INTEREST RFF1QAVfi Page 1 of 1 ���7'I��R OD 3a '13 CONFL[CT OF 1NT�R�ST AFFiDAV1T Each biddee, offeror, ar respar�dent (here�inaf�er also referr�cE tn as "yaU") ta a City �� Fort Wort�t (also referred to as "City"} pracurem�nt are rec�uired ta compl�t� Cc�nftict of Int�re�fi Qu�stionnaire (fihe attach�d CiQ �orm� anc# Local G�vernm�r�t Officer Cor�fEicts C)isclosure Statement (tha attach�d CI� Form} belaw �aursu�rtt to sfate law. This �f�idavit will cerfify tha� the Bidd�r has on fii�� wifh t�e City Secretary fih� r�q�aired documenfatior� ar�d is aligible fia bid on Ci#y Work, The referenced farm� may al�+� be dovvnload�d from the vdebsite finks prvvidec{ below. rit[ .11Wwri.t3tflEi:b.s�dz �.�.�.str`or���s�c:, . a_ h#o:/iwww.ethics.skate.�us/�rmsIClS�pc€f � ❑ � ❑ �l���f�: CfQ Fvrm is on fle with Ci�y Secretary CIQ F'c�rm is being prouided ta the Cifiy S�cr�fiary CIS Form is on File with City Secretary G�5 �'orm is being provid�d to #F�e Ciiy Secrefary Cr�scent Cons�ruct�rs, Inc. 2560 T�chnofogy Driv� S�ite 400 Pfano, Tx 7vQ74 �ND C)�' ��CilO[V �y: David a�dweil F � � `� , Signature: � ' � � 1 � _�r-�_� '—� iitle: Vic� Pr�sideht CITY QF FORT WQRTH STANDAR� CONSTfiIlCT10N SPECIFICAI"IOiV L70C�JIVf�N7S ForrrE Revised 20120327 00 49 00 00 �#313 00 42 43_OQ 4•3 37�00 45 72_OQ 3513�Bid ProposaE Workbank_WFP.xls 00 k1 00 BID FOF2AA Page 1 of 3 ���:���� �}� �'� oQ �ID FORM TO: The Purchasing Ma�ager clo: The �urchasing Division 200 Texas Stree# City of Fart �hlorth, Texas 76'f �2 �OR: Rol�ing Hills Vifater 7rea#m�:nt Pfant �'low Meter Madificafions Ci4y Project fVo.: 'lC�2056 'I. �nfer Into Agreerr�e�f The �ndersigned Bidder prapases and agrees, if this Bid is accepfied, fio enter into an Agreerr3ent with Ciiy in the �orm incEuded in fhe 8idding 1]ocuments to perFarm arid furnish ali Work as specified or i�rdicated in th� Contract Dacuments for i�e Bid Price and v�rifhin the Contract Time irtdicated in this Bid and in riccardance wi#h the �#her terms and conditions of fhe Cantrac� Dacuments. 2. �I�Cl�� Acf�r�owledgerr�ents and Certi�cati�n 2.'1, fn subrr�itting this Bid, Bidder accepis aii of the terms and conditions of the INVITATfC)N �'O BIDDERS and lhISTRUCTIQiVS T4 SfDDERS, inclucGng wit�aut limitation those dealing with the dispo�ition of Bid Bond. 2,2. Bidder is aw��re of afi costs io provide the r�quired insuraneE;, will cEo so pending contracf a+rrard, and will provide a �alid insurance certifcate meeting afl requirements within 14 clays of notificatitan of award. 2.3. Bidder certifles that this Eiic! is genuine and noi made in th� interes# of or Qn behaif of any untfisclosed individual or entity and is not submi�ked in conformfty with ar�y collusive agr�ement c�r rules of any group, association, crrganizafion, nr corporation. 2.4. Bidder has noi directly tir indirectly it�duced or salicited any ofher Bidder to subrt�it a f�ls� or sham Bid, 2.5. Bidcler has nn# sof9ci#ed or induced any inrlividua� or entity #o refrain fram bidding. 2.6. Bidder has nai engaged in corrupt, fraudulent, cnl{usive, pr cpe�ci�e practices in competing far the Contract. Far fh� purpases of this Paragrap�: a, "c�rrupt p�actice" means the o�Fering, giving, receiving, or soliciting ofi any thing of value likely to intiuence the action of a p�ablic afficiaf in the bidding process. b. "fraudu�ent practiee" mean� �n inienfional misrepresen#ation of facts made (a} #o influence the bi�lding process to the cletrirrtent of Cify (b) to establish Bid prices at artificia] non-competitive le+►els, or (c} fo d�ptive Gity of the benefits of free and apen competition. c. "collusiVe practice" rr�ear�s a scheme ar arrangement befween two or more Bidders, with ar wit�aui ihe [cnowledge of City, a purpose of which is to esta�fish BicE prices at artificial, nan-competitive leuels. cf. "c�ercive practiee" rrteans f�arming or thre�fening to harm, directly or indirectfy, persons ar their prnperty to inf�ttence their par#icipation in the bfddRnq process or affect the ex�c�tion of the Cc�ntract. CI'fl' OF FORT WORTH STR(VIJAR� CpNSTRi1Cil0�! SP�CEFEGATIOM1I QOCUMENTS Form Rev�sed 2U150821 00 49 00_00 �}3 -E3 OD q2 k3�,0� q3 37 00 45 12 00 35 73_Bid PrapOsgl Workbaak Nl�p.xls 00 4i no ��r� �aR� Page 2 of 3 3. �P4t�U7�ifIC�tIQ11 The Bidder acknowledc�es that fhe following v�ark ty�es mus# be pe�'ormed only by prequali�ed contractars ancf subcon#ractars; a. Water'�reatment Piant � c. d. �€. Time o� Completi�n �.�. The Work will be subsiantiafly oomplete wiihin 420 cfays after the date when #he fhe Contrae# iime comrr�ences to run as prv�ided in Paragraph 2.03 af the General Conditions. 4.2. The Work wilf be complete for Final Acceptance witftin �480 days aft�r the date wher� the the Cot�tract'i'irrte eammer�ces to run �s providetf in Paragra�h 2.Q3 of the General Ganditions. 4.3. Bidder aceepfs the provisions of the AgreerrEent as to liquidated damages i� the event of failure to complete the Work {an�lar achievement of Miieafanes} within the #imes specified in the Agreem�nt. ,. Aftached to this �id The following dacurrtent:s ar� attached to and made a par# of this Bid: a. Triis 8id Fprm, Section 40 �1 [}0 b. RE=quired Sici Bond, Sec#ion 00 �3 13 issued by a surety meeting t�e requir•ements af Paragraph 5.t?7 of the Generai Conditions. c. Propasal Forrn, Section 00 42 43 d. V�;ndor Compliance fo State L.aw Nor� Resicfent Bitfcler, 5ection 00 43 37 e. MWBE Forms (apiional at time of bid) f. Prequali�cation Statemenf, Secfion 00 45 '�2 g. Conflict of Interast Affidavit, 5eetion Op 3513 Wlf necessary, CI� or CIS forrns are to be �ro+rided tlirectly qo City Secretary }�, Ar�y adciitionaf documents fhat may be required by Section '[2 of the I�struciions ia Bicfclers 6. `�atal �'rd Amount 6.1. 8idder will compfete t�e Work in accordance wifh the Contract Docurnents for the following bid amo�nt. In the space provid�d belo�nr, p�ease �nier the tofai bitf amount fc�r fhis projecf. Q�ly ihis figure will b� read publicly by ihe City at the bid apen9ng. CITY OF FQRT WORTH STAIV�ARi7 COI�STRUCTidN SF'ECIFICATIOIV pOCUMEIVTS Foren Revised 20150821 DD A1 00 00 43 i3_00 42 43 OD 43 37_00 45 12_00 35 �E3 83d proposal Workbook WFP.xis vo a� ao s�n �aRM Page 3 of 3 6.2. It is understood ancE agreed by the Bidder in signing th�s proposal that the tofal bid arno�ni entered below is subject to verif[cation andlar modification by muftipfying the uni4 bid prices for each pay item by the respective estimated quantities shown in this prp�asal and then totalir�g afi of the exiended amount$. � � v--� ���� t� � 6.3. Total Bid $ n ; �� . 7. �id �ubmittal 1'his Bid is submitted on D�cemp�:r 17, 202Q by fhe �nfity named balovu. Respee�fuffy�bmitted, ' � / �� '' ' ; i g�: _ , . - - . (Signature) Daw�� CaldvrG�l Tifle: I�,,.,,,.�� i��,�,; Company: � r{�scest�C�nstnr�tes:�,. !��. Address: --�;.���at�o�yC�r�t�;: _i �i€� �Ch� � F4� rI�C1 � i 74 f 7��'� State of Incarporation: F���i� Email: �." � . ..- - -- ...__�� _;.,_ _ ,_ . i Phane; �ii ��.� �x,���_ L�N� QF S��i[ON Corpora#e Seal: eirr oF �o�r waRr�t SFANDARD COf�SI'F2UCTION SPEG�F'1CATIDIV DOCUM�NTS Form Retised 2095Q821 00 q4 00_Q6 43 i3^OQ 42 43 40 43 37_OD 45 12_pU 35 13_Bid praposaE Workbaole�,WFP.xIs � 00 42 43 BID AROPOSAL Page 1 of 3 �ECTION QO 42 43 F'ROPOSA� FORM ���� ����� ��� �i�1d��°� ��pl����i�n Projeet Item Inforniation Bidder's Prapasal Sidlist Item 1]escription � U'��� °� $�� Flnit Pric:e Bid Value 1Vo. Meas�ue Quant+ty llAeier Vauft 1 S(�-1�, �bB" Venturi, with top ,� Concrete vat�lt including excavaiio�, s[�oring, and �� ,� ��C'�(�,������ ��e��aY���'�' backfill Z Remove and dispose 48 L.F 48° Pip� LS 1 ��� �� �"°' ��i���' Instali existfng 48" Venturi meter, 48" pipe, spool &�� �L� 3 pieces, supports, coupfings, and ham�sses �"S � ���� �� ���j���� 4 �lectricai �S � � �"e����.'' �� ��yr�,��� �2�� Vb� l �-tl" 5 Instrutnenfation & ConfroE LS 1 '���� '��j�'�r�`'�� Met�r Vault 99 (S-1)� 4S" Venturi, apett tpp -- -- _ . 6 Concrete va�Elt including excavation, sl�oring, and �� ,� � ��� ������,�'� backftll 7 Fiemove and dispose 48 LF 48" Pipe . LS 9 ���j�j �' ��`���r:'c� instalE exis4in� 48" Vent�ri mefer, 48" �ipe, spnof � � 8 LS 1 CS ��� � �� �C�� pieCes, supports, couplings, and hamesses ��I � ��a 8 ElectricaE l,S 'E �;7��1�� � . ��G� 10 lnstrumentation & Control LS 9 •���(�) G� `�������j� Meter Vaulf a0 (5•��, 48" �lagmeter, open tap �,� Concrete va��lt includit�g excavaiian, siioring, and �S � -�.��j��` ����� " back�iE 92 Steef Encas�� �uct Bank LS � `��}� c���:�`�" �,€�"' 13 Remove and dispose 48 L� 48" Pipe LS 1 ��'r��=�` c ��,���``l Rnstali existing 48" Magme#er, 48" pipe, spool pieces, � { ��� 1� LS 1 ���_ �`i'�{`�� � t�a��L� suppor#s, couplings, and harnesses i �,�, 'i5 Eiecfrical . .. . �� � �,�s��� �4��� _.r� �%i� 16 Instrumentation & Control L5 1 �����c� ��i�C`%� Meter Vau�t �� (�a�), �•4" Magmeter, open top , � � Concre#e vauEt inciuding exca�ation, slioring, anci �� � .��¢�;�f� -?��,, [���, � backf II ` 48 Sfee! �i�CaSEd 17UCt B��1k LS 1 ��a��[I"`' �j f��'a{J �" 19 Rernov� and dispose q8 L� 54" Pip� LS 1 i�j��`�', a��,�� �`� Zd lnstall exisfing b4" Magmeter, 54" pipe, spopl pieces, �s � ���1�`�� ���1 ���^' supports, couplEngs, and har�esses � � � �� 21 Electrical L5 1 �����C� ����`� 22 Instr�menta#ivn & Control LS 1 f ����'�� ������ C1TY O�' FO1tT' WOR'I'H STAI+iDARD CONS"1'RUCTfOM SPEC1FiCA'1'ION DOCilM&NTS Form Revised 20120120 00 43 00 QO 43 13 00 42 A3_00 43 37_00 45 12 00 35 13 Bid Pzoposal Workbook WFP,xts 00 42 43 BID AROAOSAL page 2 of 3 ��c�r�oi� oo �2 �� ��o�o:�a� �oa�n ►' i � '; : l �� ���i�� ������a� ����������� Project Item 3nformation Bidder's Proposat Sidlist Ieem Description Unit of Bi� Unit Price B'td Vatue Na. MeasGtre Quantiry Raw lfilater 84" Isolatinn Valve Vauft, �1lotoriz�d, Closed �riveable iop� 2� baCk��efe vault ineluding exca�ration, shoring, and �� ,� ������:� ������ �� �� ` 24 F2emo�e anc! dispos� 20 LF 84" Pip� LS 4 `� �� " � � �� t.�i� �" .� � C�a �;at�t'a ;", 2� Insiall 84" V�lve, 84" pipe, spooi pieces, sup{�orts, �� � n�, �,� �� coupiings, ar�d harnesses, rnani�ole faroperator ������'�fL ������ ��y 26 84" Butterfiy ValUewJelectric rr�otor op�rafor LS 1 �,�� �'(,�� ��j,�1j�;�' 27 Remnve and Replace Concrete Pavement SY 190 ����� ��'�"j o'� 2,g Re-route exi�ting �8" Storm Drain �,F gp ����'� =�4° 29 Efactrical � �� `'`� LS 1 ��C��) T� � �� 3p Insirumentation & Controi �S 1 ��'�� `'� '� �� Meter Vauli 2� {R�9j, �4" Venturi, open fop 3� Concrete vai�l# incfuding excavation, si�nring, and �� ,� ��f f������' ������?°�=' backfif{ 32 Remove and dispose 64 LF 84" Pipe LS 1 '��;���`?�w"` �t3E (��� 33 Instafl 84" Ve�ntt�ri, 84" pipe, spool piec�s, couplings, �S 1 ��',� �) _`�� '�� Z�� and harnesses � � } 34 84" Venturi . LS 9 ���'�"�``� �.i`'�' ���� _ 35 Electrical LS 1 �t����� ���E'� 36 Instrumentafion � Control �� � `(��.��j'�� t�(����`��� Meier 1lau�t a3 (ft�aj, 84" Vent+�ri, open tap �7 Conc�t�ua�lltinctudingexeavation,shoring,and �S 1 ������� ������'� backfill 38 Remave and dispose 60 LF 84" Pipe LS � ��?sar,�`�- ��,�j(.�,rt�� 39 E�stall 84" Var�turi, 8�4" pipe, spool pieres, couplings, �S 7 and harness�:s "��J���f"Jt.�� ��� t�s�':t� � 40 8�4" Venturi LS 1 �,1��(j��'' �j��7�':� �.1 Re-route ex�fiting 98" Storm Drain LF 74 ���`_ ����:?�`�' 42 El�ctrical � LS 1 -��'��� �; ;�`�e�� q3 �nstrurnentation & ControE LS 1 �ji��� �;��-�:� CITY OF FORT WO1tT}I SYANUARi) CONSTRUC'i90N SPECiFICATIOIV DOCUM6NT5 Norm Revised 2[1I20120 00 A1 00 DO 0.3 I3_00 42 43 00 43 37 00 45 12_00 35 [3 SuE Proposa! Work6aok_Wk'P.�s 09 42 43 B1D NitOPOSAL Page 3 af 3 ��C'�IOhI DO 4a 4�3 PRQPO�AL�DRM UI��� ����� �BD �i������ At���i������ Project I#em infarmation Bidder's Proposa� �idlist Item Description ���� o� B!� Unit Price Bid VaEue No. 11�Ieasure Quantity �4 �CpSI0E1 Cdlltl'0� �5 9 �t31 ��7C� �� �')� C�"j�j `� �_. 4� �isinfectian of instalfed equipment ancf dispasai of LS 1 ���[� C� ���,� ��� highly chlorinated +r�ater f 46 �'°St insta!latior� testing and demonstr7tion of equipment �s ,� ,� �P���t�d � G���c���� �� Rer�ove existing (2) 48" Mag meters and repface with �� ,� �������� �J��e�� spool piece Re�nave and Replace existing fence, instalf r�ew drive�- ,� ��, 48 thraugh gate, insfall and remo�e ter��orary securiiy LS 9 ��J���t��� ;� �c��j fencing � 48 Restoration of cfisturbed areas all loca[ions �,S R ��.r 6�� � ���'f�?��j �0 l.ab Building Parking �af Expansion trE:e protection LS 1 ��t7�c�`� ��C�'("` 5,� Lab 8uflding Parking Lot �xpansion re�rro�e concrete �Y 2� ���'�' ��� cat� pavemer�t �� Lab Building �'arking Lot Expansion unclassi�ed �Y �� �� � �� �� �xcavatian by plan � � ` 53 LaE� Building Parki�g Lot �xpansion hydrated fir�e TN 3.75 ���7°� '�����'�'� 54 Lab Building Parking Lot Expansion S" (irne treatment SY 278 L�3� 'L ;'�� �`� Lab Building Paricing l..ot Expansion 6" epncrete �� o''' ��',��w�-' 55 paUem�nt SY' 2�0 � 56 Rab 8uildirt Parkin �.ot �x ansion �9nf sealant LF 360 �� � `�� 9 5 P 1 t �} �' . �7 Lab Buil�ing F'arking Lot �xpar�sion pa�ement markings �F �SQ �� � �(�l�� wi'�ite � � �)� , Lab Buifding }'arking Lot Expansion hydrom�lch seeding �" �� �f,,�� �c' �� with binding �gent SY �8d � , �t�L�� 59 Constructian Allawance �S 1 $70,400A0 $7�,0OO.OQ � 'Fotal Bii f, , � � � !- EIVll f�F SEC'I'IOIY Cii'Y OF PO1tT l�VORTH SFAZVDARD C4NSTRUCiION SPECIFICATiON DOCFJMEN"T'S Foxm Revised 26120120 � �0 41 00_00 �3 13 t�0 42 43 0a 43 37_OU 45 12_DO 35 13 Sid Proposal Workbook WFk.xls 00 q8 t3 Bip 80ND Page 1 of 1 $����� � � �� $#D C�t1IN«, Ki�O�! A�L ��r''�Ei�S� �'�$���fi�'�5: That we, (Bidd�r Name) Crescent �or�stru���rs, lr�c. �ereina�er cailed the P�incipal, and (Surety fVar�e} Ti'�1C�?IEI'S C�5t1��$y St SUi'��ji COit1p��1y d� Am�l'IC� a eorpnration or firrn duiy aut�orized Co transacf surefy business in the Stafe s�f 7exas, hereina�fer called the Sureiy, are held and firmly bound unta the �ity, h�reinafter called the Obfigee, in the st�� o� Fitf� Percen$ qf Gr�afie5t Amoun� �Cd and No/1Qa Dollars (� S% GA� .00j, tt�e payment of which sum vu�l! be wel� and fruiy �nad� and fihe said Principal attd the said 5urety, bir�d ours�lv�s, our #�eirs, executa�, administrators, successors and assigns, jQintiy and severally, �rm by #h.ese presents_ WH�F2EAS, ti�e Princ�paE has subrr�itted a praposa� to perforrn work for the following prQject of the Obligee, identi�ied as Rolling Hil#s Water TreatmeR# P�ant FEow flri�#er Modifications N4W, �'HEREFQR�, i� fhe Obfigee shalf awarcf the Contrac# for the foregoi�g project to the Prineipal, ancf the Prirlcipal shall saYisfy �[I reqtairemer�ts and �anditions required far t#te execution of the Contract and shalt enter inta tf�e Contract in wri#ing v�ri#h the Obfigee in aecordance wifh the t�rms of such �roposal, then thi5 bond shall be r�ul! �r�d void. 1€ the Principal fails ta exec�te such Contract in acet�rd�ne� with the terms �f such propqsai or fails to satis�t aii requirements and candEtions required for the execuiia�t c�f tl�� C�r�tract in accv�ciance vui#h fhe prop�saf or faiEs tq satisfy a!i requirements ar�d cor�ditians required for #he executian of fhe Contraet in accord2��ce with the proposaf, this bond shaif beGome the prop��r of #he �bligee, withaut recours� of the F�rincipal andlor 5ureiy, nc�t to exeeed �he penalfi.}r hereaf, and sf�alf be used to compensa#e Ohlige� for the di�Ference befweer� Princ�pal's To#ai Biti Amount and the next s�lected Bidder's Total Bid Arr�ount. sI�NE4 this 3rd day of dee�mber ,�p��} _ �Y= *By: Peter M. Russel� "`' �� . e� �!.' , , � . _ ��' ' � � _ (Sigr�ature af Aitarney-of ! ImpresserJ ; � f `; ; � , ; ` *Attacf� Power of Attorriey (5ureiy) far AtYorney-in-Facf Surety Seal � � Onty �f�� �� ��G'�i�i� CI�'Y 0� FC�RT WORTH � STAN�ARC? CONSTRiJCTION SPECIFICA'ilql�i DOClJi41ElVT� Form Revised 2�i10627 d0 A'E pOWOD 4313_00 42 43_�Q 43 37 DO 4� 12 Op 35 93 Bid Pro}ansal Warkbook WFP.xfs i�����,�R��. Travelea�s Cas�ea�ty arat9 5���:i� �omp��y o� �►rroes�ica iravelers Cas�alty ancl Surety Corn���y �t. F+aul Fir� and P�9arirte I�rsuraerce �nmg�a�y POWER OF ATTORPtEY KEVOW ALL MEP� BY TFlE3� PRESE�VTS: That Travelers Gasual#y and Surety CarrEpany af America, Travelers Casualty and Surefy Company, and St. Paul Fire and Marine Ensurance Company are corporafions duly organized under the laws of #�e State of Connecticut (herein coElecti�ely cailed the "Compan9es°), a�td thaf ihe Companies da herehy �nake, cons#ifute and appoint Peter M. Russeil, of Richardson, Texas, their true and lavufuf Attorney-in-Fact to sign, execute, seal and acknawledge any and ali bonds, recognizances, conclitional undertakings and other writings ohligatory irt the nat�re Thereof on 6ehaff of the Companies in their business of guaranteeing the frdeliEy of persons, guaranteeing fhe periarmance o# contraets ar�d executing or guaranteeing bonds and ur�derEakings required or permitted in any actions or proceedings alfowed by law. IN WIiN�SS WHER�OF', ihe Companies have caused this insirumeni to be signed, and their corporefe seals fn 6e hereto a�xed, this 3rd day of �ebruary, 2017. ��ir ��rTrah•nW �' sP' °�_ �� ����� � �.K ��. � :w��� � � y'��� yyNf � F�y�' �,,� � . State of Connecticut Cify of Hartford ss. /�' � BY: - ,�,�=`�' r" =�``..-�-- Robert L. Raney, Se�r Vlce Presidenf On fhis the 3rd day of February, 2099, before me personaAy appeared Rabert L. Raney, w�o acknawfedged hirrEself to be ti�e Senior Vice President of Trav�lers CasuaEty and Surety Company of America, Travelers Casualty and Surety Company, and St. Pau] Fire and Marine Insurartce Company, ar�d thaf he, as such, being authorized so to do, executed the foregoin� instrument for the purposes therein conEained by signing on 6ehaff of the corporations by himself as a duly auEhorized officer. In Witness Whereof, I hereunto sef my hand and official seal. My Commission expires #he 30th day of June, 2627 �� �� �(Y o�v:�e. e �.�"n:�au� ���,�o �. Marie C. Tetreault, Nofary Public This Power of /attorney is granied under and by the autharity Qf the following resolutions adopted by Ehe Baarris of l�irectars o# Travelers Casualty and Surety Company of Ameriaa, �fravelers Casualty and 5urety Cornpany, and St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company, which resolufions are now in full force and effect, reading as folEows: RESQLVEf3, thaE the Cheirman, the �'resirlent, any Vice Chairman, any Executive Vice Presidenf, any 5enior Vice President, any Vice President, any Second Vice President, tf�e Treasurer, any Assistant Treasurer, the Carporate Secretary or any Assistant Secretary may appoinf At#orn�ys-in-Fact anr! Agents to act for and on 6ehalf of the Company and rnay give such appointee sueh authority as his or her certificate of autharity may ptescribe to sign wikh the Company`s name and sea! vuith the Company's seal bonds, recognizances, confracfs of indemnity, and oEher writings abligaiory in the nature oi a bond, recognixanae, or conditional underEaking, and any of said officers or the Board of �irectors aE any time may remove any such a�poin#ee and revoke the power given him or her; and i# is FURTHER RE&OLVE€3, that the Chairman, #he Presider�t, any Vice C#�airman, any �x�cutive Vice President, any Senior Vice President or any 1/ice President may delegate a�f or any part o� the fvregoing authorily to ane or rnore oiiicers or employees oP ihis ComPany, pravided #hat each such defegafi4n is in writing ancf a copy thErenf is filed in the oifice of the 5ecretary; and it is FURTH�R �t�SOLVEb, ihat any bond, recognizance, contract o# indemnity, ar writing obligatory in tfi�e nature of a bond, recognizanae, or conditional unde�taking shall be �alid and binding upon the Company when (a) signed �y the Presicfent, any Vice Chairman, any Executive Vice President, any Senior Vice President or any Vice President, any 5econd Vice Presicfent, the ireasurer, any Assistant 7reasurer, the Corporate Secr�iary or any Assistant 5ecretary and cfuly attested and sealed with the Company's seal by a Secretary or Assistant Secretaiy; vr {b) d�a[y execu#ed (under seal, if required) by ona or more Attomeys-in-�act and Agents pursuant to #he power prescri6ed in his or her certificate or fheir certificates of autharity or by one or more Company officers pursua�t fo a written delegation of authority, and it is FURTHER RESOLVEa, that #t�e signature of each of the fol]owing officers: �resident, any �xec�iive Vice president, any Senior Vice Presidenf, any Vice President, any Assistani Vice President, any Secretary, any Ass9stant 5ecre#ary, and the seal af the Company rriay be affixed by facsimile to any Pawer of At#orney or to any certificate relating ihereto appointing Resident Vice Presidents, Resident Assisfant 5ecrefaries orAttorneys-in-Fact for purposes only of executing and attes#ing honds and undertakings and otherwritings abligatory in #ha nature thereof, and any such Pawer of Attorney or certi�cate hearing s�ch facsimife signafure or facsimife seal shaEi be valid and binding upan the Company and any such pnwer so executed and certified by s�cf� facsimile signature anc! facsimil� seal shall6e valid and binding an the Company in the fufure wEth respect to any bond or understancEing to which it is aftached. i, Kevin �. Hug�es, #he undersigned, Assistant 5ecretary of Travefers Casua[ty and 5urely Company of Arnerica, Traveiers Casualty and Surety Company, and St. Pau] Fire artc! Niarine fnsurance Company, do here6y certify that Ehe above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of tha Pow�r of Attomey executed by said Companfes, which remains in full Force and effect. bafed ihis r . day af /�r� �--.. .-`, ��%� 'l c.* (; . �., r c- �y,��F �3}ZYAHp� . � � - F� 4P Gi� . . ,y . i . F �� � �i 1 '�ii�.i�r O �_ a � �6�1 ` ��� �� � _ W' � Kev�ughes, Assi tani Secretary To verify the aufheni�icity of this Porver ofAttorney, please caf/ us at I 800-421 3880. Please refer io the above named At3Corney-in Fatt�and the defai/s of fhe 6ond to cvhich the pozver is attached 00 43 37 VENDOR COMF'I.fANC�'i0 STA7E LA1N Page 1 of 3 ������� d� �� �% VENDOR COMPLIAN(;E TO STATE i..AW NON RESfDENT BIDD�R Texas Gavernrr�ent Cod� Cha�ter 2�52 was adopted for the award c�� contraets ta nonresid�nt bidders. ihis law pro�ides �hat, in ord�r to be awarded a coi�tract as low bidder, nonresidenf #�Edders (o�f-of-state contractors whos� corpara#e offices or principal plaee o� business are out�ide the Stafe af Texas) bid projects for consiructi4�, im�rovements, supplies ar senric�s in Texas at ar� amount lawer than the fowest Texas resident bidder by the same amount #hat a�`�xas resident bidder would be required io underbEd a nonresidenf biddpr in order to obtain a camparable canfract in th� State whicf� the nonresidenf's prineipal place of business is focated. The appropria�e blanks in Section A must be flled aut �y all nonresider�t bidders in arder for your bid to mee# specifications. The faifklre of nonresidenf �idd�rs to do so will automa#ieally disquali�fy thai bidder. Resident bidders must check the box in :�actia� B. A. Nonresidenf bicfders in t�te Sfate of ;�i.�;�� F��}i c c�,� r31.�•r���. , our principal place ofi business, are required to be , i�� c�:: p�rcent E�wer than residant �idders E�y State Law. A ca�y oi fihe statute is atfached, Nonresid�rit bi�ders in the Sfiate of ==�t=����-� f x.:��-. �_�� i=�i_ ����. , vur principal pfac� of bus�r�ess, are not requEred to underbid resident bidders. B. TF�e pTincipal place of busin�ss of ��ur company ar our pare;nt campany or majority owner is i� the a#ate o� iexas. � [, �a� Creseenf Constructors, fnc. 2560 Technelogy Driv� Suite 400 Pfano, Tx 75Q74 ]�ND 0�' SECTION By: David Caldwell �•' t h �i � � I � � �� � i Title: Vice President � D�te: ��/'I7120�0 �lTY OF FORT WORTH 5TANRA€2D CONSTRUCTIaN uPECIFICRTEON �OC€1M�NTS Form {ievised 2A�30627 p0 41 OD 00 43 13_00 42 43 0� 43 37 pp 4S 12�0035 f3_8id Proposal Workhook^WFF,xIs OD4511-1 BIDDEAS PREQUA.LIFIGA'FiOAIS Page 1 of 3 � ,���r�o�r oa a� i� 2 B�DDERS PREQUALIFTCATTONS 3 4 �.. Sun�e�n�r��. Ali co�tractars are reqt�ired to be prec�ualif ed by the City �rior ta submit�ng 5 bids. To be �ligible to bid the contractor r�ust subnait Sect�on OQ 45 12, PrequaliFcation 6 Stateinent for t�e �orlc type(s) IistecE with their Bid. Any contractor o�• subcontractor who is 7 noi prequalified iar the wor�C type(s) Lisied :must submit Section 04 45 13, Bidder S Prequali�cattan AppIication in accordance with the requirements below. 9 10 The prequalification pracess r�+i�I e;�tablish a bid lirnit based on a technical evaluation and 11 �nancial analysis of the contractor. The information must be submit�ed se�en (7) days prior 12 to the date of the apening af bids. .� or example, a cont�•actar wishing to submit bids on 13 projects to be ppened on �he 7Yh of April �nust �le the information by the 31st day of March 14 in arder to bid on these projects. I�z axdar to expedite and faciI�iate the appraval of a Bidder's �5 Prequalification Application, the fallowing nnust accoxnpany the subrnissian. 16 a. A complete sei of audited or � evie�ved �nancial statemenis. 17 (1) Classi�ed Bal�ance Shee� ] S {2} incame Statement 19 (3) Statement of Cash �lows 20 (4) Statement of Retained Earnings 21 (S} Naies to El3e Financial5taiert�ents, ifany 22 b. A c�rii�ed copy afthe firm's organizational docwments (Corporate Charf:er, Articles 23 � of Incorporation, Arkicles �f Organization, Certificate of Fo r.mation, LLC 24 Regulations, Certz�'�cate of Limited Partnersh�p A�;reement}. 25 c. A eompleted �3idder Prequalification Application. 26 (1} The firm's Te�as Taxpayer ldentiiica�ion Number as issu�d by t,�e Texas 27 Comptroller of �'u�ilic Acca�nts. To nbtain a Te�as Taxpayer ldenti�cation 28 number visit the T��xas Comptroller oiPublic Accounts online at the 29 foi�owing web address www.window.state.fx.us/ta�ermi�/ and fill out the 30 applicatian to apply fo�• yaur Texas taY ID. 31 (2} The fn�m's e-�nail address and f� nUrnber. 32 {3j The fzxn's I]�UNS number as issued 6y Dur� & Sractstreet, This number 33 is used by the City for requir�d rapart�ng on Federa.l Aid projects. The DiJNS 34 n�.�mber may be obtained at www.d�b.coz�z. 35 d. Resumes reflecting the constz�uctio�n experience of khe pr�nciples of ihe fii� for ��s 36 submitting their initial pret�ualif catian. These resum�s should include th� size and 37 scope of the work perForrn�d. 38 �. Other i�nformatian as requested by the Ciiy. 39 40 Z. Prequali�cation Reqt�irennen#s 41 a. Finrancial Statements. Financi�l stateme�t subrr�ission must be pz�ovided i:n 42 accardance with the fallawing: 43 {1) The Ciiy requires that t�e original �i�ancia� Statement or a c�rtif�ed capy 44 �e submit�ed ��r consideratio�.. CII'I' OF FORT W013TH 120LL1NG C�ILL5 WA'PER TREA'TMEIV'f PLAAIT S'TANT7AI2D COIVSTRCfCTION SPECiFICATION DOCTJi1a�N1'S FLOW METER REPT,ACE1ViEN'TS Itevised July 1, 2011 CITY PRflJECT NQ. 102456 00451i-2 BIDDERS PR.EQUALIFICATIONS Fage 2 of 3 1 (2) To be satisfactory, the financial statexnents tnust 6e auc�iied ar reviewed 2 by a�i indepencient, certified publie ac�ounting �"irm regisiered and in 3 good standing in any state. Current Te,xas statues aIso requir�; �hat 4 acco�ting �rrns performing audits or reviews on business eniities �vithin 5 the State of Texas be properly licensed or registered �vith t.�e Texas State 6 Board of Public Accountancy. 7 (3) The accouniin�; �rx�a shar.ild state in th.e audit zeport ax review whether 8 the contractor is an ind'zvidual, cc�rporation, or iz�ited Iiability co�npany. 9 (q�} Finar�cial �tat�ments must be present�d in U.S. dollars at the currez�t rate 1 D of exchange o� the Balance Sheet date. 11 (S) The City wili ncst recognize any eertifiec� pubiic accountant as 12 independent who is not, in fact, independent. i 3 (6} Th� accauntant's opinion on �e �nancial statements of the contracting 14 company should state that th� a�.idit or review has bee� conducted in l.5 aceordance vvifi3 aud`zting stan.da�rds generaily accepted in the United IG States ofAme��ca. This m�st be stated in tl�e acco�ting �rxn's opini�n. 17 It should: (1) express an unqualified apinian, or {2) exprass a. qua�ified 18 opiniar� on the statements taken as a whoIe. 19 (7) The City reserves the right to require a new statement at any time. 24 (8) The �nancial statement must be prepared as of the last day of any :manth, 21 not rnore than one year old and must be on �7e with the City 16 months 22 thereafter, in aceordance with Paragraph I, 23 (9) The City wili deter�ine a contractor's bidding capacity for t�e purposas 24 af awarding c�ntracts. Bidding capae�ty is determined by rnultiplying the 25 poSitive n�i Wc)i'king cfi.pital (wol'�ii�g Capital = cUrrent assets -- Currerit 2G liab�lities) by � factor of 10. �nly �iose siate�e�ts re£�ecting a positive 27 net working capital positian will be co�sidered satzsfacfory for 28 praqualifcation purposes. 29 ( i 0) In the case tha� a bidding da#e falls within the ti�ne a ne�r fin�,t�cial 3a statement is being prepared, the previaus statemant sl�all be updated with 31 proper veri�cation. 32 b. Bidder Prequalificatian A�plication. A Bidder PrF.qualification Application must be 33 submitted along with audttec� or reviewed �naxzcia,l statements by firms urishing to be 34 eligit�le to bid on all classes o:f construction and naaintenance projects. Inc;omplete 35 Applicatians will be rejeet��d. 36 {l } I� those schedules where there is nothing tn repart, t�Ze notation af 37 "None" or "NIA" skould be inserted, 38 (2) A minir�zum oi five (S) references of re�ated work must be provided. �9 (3) Submission of an equiprnent scI�edule whieh indicates eq�ipmeni under 4U the control of the Contractor and w�zich is related to the type af �orlc for 4I which the Conta.ct�x is s���ing preq�E�lif cation. The sched�zie must 42 include the manufactur�r, nnodel and �enera.I common description of �3 each piece of equipment. Abbreviatio:ns ar means of describing �4 equipr�ent oth�r than provided above vvzil not be accepted. 45 46 3. Eligibitity to Bid 4-7 a. The City shall i�e the so�e judge as to a contractor's prequali�ication. 48 b. The City may reject, suspend, or modify any prequali�cation for faiiure by �he 49 con�tractor to dernonstrate ncceptab�e financial ability ar performance. 50 c. The City will issue a letier as to the status of the prequalification appi oval. C1TY pF FqRT WO1tTT-� ROLLTNG HILLS WA'fER TItEATIvIENT PLANT STAI3DARD CONS�'RCJCTIQI� SPECIRICATIOI�3 F30CUMENTS FLE3W M�'i'ER REPLAC�MENTS Re�ised July ], 20i! CITY PLZOJ�CT NO. 102056 0045 ]1 -3 B3DDERS Al2EQiTALIFICATI0IV5 Page 3 of 3 1 d. If a coniractor has a valid preqtzali�cation letter, t,la� coniractar will be eli�ible to bid 2 the prequalified work types until the expiration date stated in the �etter. 3 4 7 S �I�➢ ��+` S�C'�'I�N 9 CTTI' 4� FORT WpRfH TLQLLiNG I-TILLS 4YATER 7'iZEA'F1ViENT PLANT STANDAi� GONSTRi3CTIO�+I SPECIFICATION T]C3Cifi+IF..1dT� FLOW Iv1ET`ER REP�,ACEivfENT,S Revised Joly 1, 2011 CITY PROJEC'I" NO. i02Q56 00 q512 AREQ[JALIFICA'FlON STATEMEN"f Page 1 oF 1 ����'I��I 00 �� '12 FRE{�UALIFfCATIQN STAT�MEN7 �ach Bidder for a City procurement is requireci �o complete the [nformation below by id�n#ifying the pregualified contractors andlar subcantractors whom ihey ir�tend to utilize for the major +rvork type{s) Eistec�. Majar Work Type Car�tracfor/Subcor�tractor C;or►-�pany f�ame Prequaiificatiort Expiration Date Water Treatment !'lant 1 �IC:SL-etii1l ��C'31,i,f U4,IUY� I� � ` � � -�`' �.i.i�i5j�flf4jF �`�=rfTifi {�.cic` ftiS a'���,-: . � . � RiE}!� #i�' ��c:�'.'" � � �i i' i ..-i; . � : � . . . � . . . . . . � . , .. � I . . -. , . . .I . � , . . � > Th� undersign�d hereF�y ce�tifes khat #he cv�tractvrs and/or subcontr'actars cEescribed En the table a6oVe are currently prequaiified for #he work ty�es iisted. �1D���: Cr�scent Constructors, Inc, 256ti Technology Driv� 5uite 400 Plano, Tx 75074 By; �id Caldw�ll i { I` � . . _ � - '['itle: Vice President �afe: 'f 2/17/2020 �ND flF S��iIOP! CITY OF FORT WdFtTFf STANDARD CONSTRI�CTiON SPECIFEGAtION bOCUMENTS �orm Revised 2012U92ti 0� 41 00_OQ 43 13_00 42 43_00 43 37_00 45 12�,00 35 13,�Sid Proposal Workbook,_,,,_WFf'.xls ���� ��� E � "�I� SECTION 0� 4� 13 ` BIDDER PREQUALIFICATION AFPLICATION Date of Balance Sheet Name under which you wish to yualify Post Office Box Mark only one: Individual Limited Partnership General Partnership Corporation Limited Liability Co�npany City State Zip Code Street Address {required) City �tate Zip Code (_� ( ) _ . Telephone Fax Email Texas Taxpayer ld�ntiiication No. Federal Employers Identification No. DUNS No. {if appiicable) MAIL THIS QUESTIONAIRE ALONG WITH FINANCIAL STATEMENTS TO: CITY OF F'ORT WORTH TEXAS 1000 THROCKMORTON STREET FORT WORTH, TEXA� 76102-63ll AND MARK THE ENVELOPE: `BIDDER PREQUALIFICATION APPLICATION" ao as i 3 - � BIDDER PREQUALIFICATION APPL[CATTON Page 2 oi $ BU,�INESS CLASSIFICATION The following shauld be completed in order that we may properly classify your firm: {Check the btack(s) which are applicabl� — Block 3 is to be left blank if Block 1 andlor Block 2 is checked} � Has fewer than 100 employees and/ar � Has less than $6,000,040.Q0 in annual gross receipts OR � Does not tneet ihe criteria for being designated a small business as provided in Sectian 2006.001 of the Texas Governn�ent Code. The classification of yot�r firm as a�rnall or large business is not a factar in detennining eligibility ta became prequalified. MAJOR WORK CATEGORIES Water Departrnen� Augur Boring - 24-inch diameter casing and less Augur Boring - Greater than 24-inch diameter casing and greater Tunneling — 36-Inches — 60 --inch�s, and 350 LF or less Tunneling - 36-Inches — GO —inches, and greater than 350 LF Tunneling — 6b" and greater, 350 LF and greater Tunneling — b6" and greater, 350 LF or Less Cathodic Pratection Water Distribution, Develapment, 8-inch diaineter and smaller Water Distribution, Urban and Renewal, S-inch diameter and smaller Waier Distribution, Develapment, 12-inch diameter and smaller Water Distribution, Urban and Renewal, 12-inch diameter and smaller Water Transmission, Development, 24-inches and srnaller Water Transmission, Urban/Renewal, 24-inches and smaller Water Transrnission, Development, 42-inches and sma��er Water Transrnission, Urban/Renewal, 42-inches and smaller Water Transrnission, D�velopment, All Sizes Water Transmission, UrbanlRenewal, All Sizes 5ewer Bypass Puznping, 18-inches and smaIler Sewer Bypass Pumping, 18-inches — 36-inches Sewer Bypass Pumping 42-inches and larger CCTV, 8-inches and smaller CCTV, 12-inches and smalIer CCTV, 1 S-inches and smaller CCTV, 24-inches and smaller CCTV, 42-inches and smaller CCTV, 48-inches and smaller CITY pF FORT WORTH ROLLING HIT.C,5 WATER TREATMENT PLANT S'PANDARD CONSTRUCTION SFECIFICATION DOCUMEN'I'S FLOW M�TER REPLACEMENTS Revised 1]ecem6er 2p, 2p12 CITY PROJECT NQ. 102a56 00 45 13 - 3 BIDD�R PREQUALIFICATION APFLICATION Page 3 of 8 MAJ�R WORK CATEGORIES, CONTINUED Sewer CTPP, 12-inches and smaller Sewer CTPP, 24-inches and smaller Sewer CIPP, 42-inches and srnaller Sewer CIPP, All5izes Sewer Collection Systein, Development, 8-inches and smaller �ewer Collection 5ystem, Urban/Renewal, S-inches and smalier Sewer CoIlection System, Development, 12-inches and srnaller Sewer Collection System, Urban/Renewal, i 2-inches and smaller Sewer Interceptors, Development, 24-inches and srnaller Sewer Tnterceptors, Urban/Renewal, 24-inches and smal�er Sewer Interceptors, Devetopment, 42-inches and smaller Sewer Interceptors, Urban/Renewal, 42-inches and smaller Sewer Interceptors, Development, 48-inches and smaller Sewer Interceptars, Urban/Renewal, 4$-inches and smaller Sewer Pipe Enlargement 12-inches and smaIler Sewer Pipe Enlargement 24-inches and smaller Sewer Pipe Enlargement, All Sizes Sewer Cleaning , 24-inches and smaller Sewer Cleaning , 42-inches and smaller Sewer Cleaning , All Sizes Sewer Cleaning, 8-inches and srnaller Sewer Cleaning, 12-inches and smaller Sewer 5iphons 12-inches or Iess 5ewer Siphons 24-inches or less Sewer Siphons 4�2-inches or less Sewer Siphons All Sizes Transportation Pu61ic Works Asphalt Paving Canstruction/Reconstruction (LESS THAN 15,000 square yards) Asphalt Paving Constructior�/Reconstruction (15,000 square yards and GREATER) Asphalt Paving Heavy Maintenance {UNDER $1,0OO,OUO) Asphalt Paving Heavy Maintenance {$1,000,000 and OVER) Conerete Paving Construction/Reconstruction (LESS THAN 15,000 square yards) Cancrete Paving Construction/Reconstruction (15,000 square yards and GREATER) Roadway and Pedestrian Lighting CITY OF FORT WORTH RpLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT STANDAR.D CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS Revised December 20, 2012 CITY FROdECT NO. L02056 00 45 13 - 4 BIDDER PREQUALIFICATION APPLiCATION Fage 4 of 8 List equipment you do not own but which is available by renting DESCRIPTIQN OF EQUIPMENT NAME AND DETAILED ADDRESS O�' OWNER 2. How inany years has your organization been in business as a general contractor under your preseni name? List previous business names: 3. How many years af experience in construction work has your organization had: {a} As a General Contractor: {b) As a Sub-Contractar: 4. *What projects has your organization completed in Texas and elsewhere? CLASS LOCATION NAME AND DETAILED CONTRACT OF DATE CITY-COUNTY- ADDRESS OF OFFICIAL TO AMOUNT WORK COMPLETED STATE WHOM YOU REFER *If requalifying only show work performed since tast statement. 5. Have you ever failed to camplete any work awarded ta you?_ Tf so, where and why? 6.Has any offcer or owner af yaur organiza�ian ever been an officer of anoiher organization that failed to camplete a contract? If so, state the name of the individual, other organization and reason. 7.Has any officer or ov�rner ofyour organization ever failed to complete a contract executed in his/her name? Ii so, state �he name af the indi�idual, name oi awner and reason. CITY pF FORT WORTH ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMEIlT PLAiVT STANbA.CtD CO�ISTRUCTION SPECIFICATIOI�I DOCUMENTS FLOW IvIETER REPLACEMEIrlTS Revised becember 20, 2012 CITY PRO7ECT NQ. 162056 00 45 13 - 5 B[DDER PREQUALIFICATION APPLiCATION Page 5 of 8 $. In what other lines of business are yau iinancially interested?, 9. Have you ever performed any work for the City?, If so, when and to whom do you refer? 10. State r�ames and detailed addresses of all producers from whom you have purchased principal materials during the last three years. NAME O� FIRM OR COMPANY DETAILED ADDRESS I 1. Give the names of any affiliates or relatives currently debarred by the City. Indicate your relationship to this persan or firm. 12. What is the constr��ction experience of the principal individuals in your organization? PRESENT MAGNITUDE POSITIQN OR YEAR5 OF AND TYPE OF IN WHAT NAME OFFICE EXPERIENCE WORK CAPACITY 13. If any owner, officer, director, or stockholder of your firtn is an employee of the City, or shares the same household with a Ciry ernployee, please list the name ofthe City employee and the relationship. In addition, list any City employee who is the spouse, child, or parent of an owner, officer, stockholder, ar director who does not live in the same hausehold but who receives care and assistance from that person as a direct result of a documented rnedical condition. This includes faster children or those related by adoption or marriage. CITY OF FORT WORTH ROLLiNG HILLS WATER TREA7`MENT PLANT 3TANDARD CdNSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS Revised Decemher 20, 2012 CITY FROJECT iVO. 102056 aa as i3 - � BIDDER PREQUALiFICATION APPLICATIOI�i Page 6 of 8 CURPORATION SLOCK PARTNERSHIP BLQCK If a corporation: If a partnership: Date of Incorparatian State of Organization Charter/File No. Date of arganization President Is gartnership general, limited, ar registered limited liability parmership? Vice Presidents File No. (if Lirnited Partnership) General Pariners/Officers Secretary Limited Partners {if agplicable} Treasurer LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY BLQCK If a carporatian: State of Incorporation Date of organization File No. Individuals authorized ta sign for Partnership Officers or Managers (with titles, if any) �xcepx for limited partner�, the individuals listed in the bloc[�s above are presumed to have full signature authority for your firm unless otherwise advi�ed. Shouid you wish ta grant signature authority for additional individuals, please attach a certified capy af the corporate resolution, corporate minutes, partnership agreement, power of attorney or other legal documen�ation which grants this authority. C1TY pF FORT WORTH ROLLING HILL5 WATER TREATMENT PLANT STANbARD GONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS FLOW M�TER REPLACEMENTS Revised becember 20, 2a12 CITI' PRO.TECT I�O. 1U2p56 004513-7 BIQDEiZ PREQUALIFICATION APPLICATION Page 7 of S 14. Equipment � TOTAL BALANCESHEET ITEM QUANTITY ITEM DESCRIPTION VALUE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ]0 11 12 13 1� 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Various- TOTAL 5imilar types oi equipment may be lumped together. lf your tirm has rnore than 3U types ot equtpment, yo�z inay show these 30 ty�oes and show the remainder as "various". The City, by allowing you io show only 30 types of equipment, reserves the right to request a complete, detailed list of all your equipment. The equipment lisi is a representation of equipment under the controI of the fir�n and which is related to the type of work for which the firm is seeking qualification. In the description include, the manufact«rer, inodei, and general common descriptian of each. CITY OF FORT WORTH ROLLING HILLS WATER'FREATMENT PLANT STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPEC[F[CATION DOCUMENTS FLbW MET�R REPLACEMENTS Revised December 20, 2012 CiTY PRO.TECT NO. 102056 OQ4513-8 BIDDER PREQUALIFICATION APPLiCATION Page 8 of 8 B�DDER PREQUALIFICATION AFFIDAVIT STATE OF COUNTY OF The undersigned hereby declares that the faregoing is a true statement of the financial eandition of the entity herein first nained, as of the date herein first given; that this statament is for the express purpose of inducing the party to whom it is submittad to award the submitter a contract; and that the accountant who prepared the balance sheet accoinpanying this report as well as any depository, vendor or any other agency herein narned is hereby autho�ized ta supply each party with any informatian, while this statement is in farce, necessary ta verify said staternent. , being duly sworn, depases and says that he/she is the of the entity described in and which executed the foregoing statement that he/she is familiar with the books af the said entity showing its financial condition; that ihe foregoing financial stateinent taken from the books of the said entity as of the date thereof and that the answers to the questions of the foregoing Bidder Prequatification Application are correct and true as of the date af this affidavit. Firm Naine: Signahire: Sworn to before me this day of Notary Public Natary Public �tnust not be an officer, director, ar stockhalder or relative thereof. C[TY QF FORT WORTH ROLLING HiLL5 WATER TREATMEiVT PLANT STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMBNTS FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS Revised December 2p, 2012 CITY PROIECT NO. 102056 00 45 26 - f COI�fTRAC7'OIt CDMPLIANCE kVli`H WQRK�R'S COMPENSA'i'IOiV LAIk� Page 1 of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 S 9 I4 ll 12 13 t4 15 16 17 18 i9 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3(} 3t 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 �� SECTION 00 4� ZG CONTRACTQR COMPLIANCE WITH WORKER'S COM�ENSATION LAW Pursuant ta Texas Labor Code Sec�ion �Q6,096(a), as arnended, Contractar certifies that it provides worker's compensation insurance coverage far all of its e�nployees employed on City Project No. 102056. Contractor fi.irkher c�rtiiies that, pursuant ta Texas Labar Cnde, Seatian 406.096(b}, as amez�d�d, it wil( provide to City its subcontra.ctar's certificaYes of compliance with worker's cnmpensati4n co�verage. CONTRACTOR: Crescer�t Cons#ructors, Inc Company 2560 Yec�nology Drive, Sui#e 400 Address Piano, TX 75474 City/State/Z�p THE �TAT� OF TEXAS COUNTY OF TARRANT § � B�; Qavid Caldwell r�BS� �All$� _ � ! . ,, ; Signat€�re� - ' � Title: Vice Presiden# (Please Print) BEFORE ME the undersigned atrthor�ty, on this day persQnaily appeared Da�id C�It�well , knovvn ta ma to be the person whose na�me is subseribed to the foregoing instrument, a�d acknawledged to �ne that heishe executed the same as the act and deed of Vice President, Crescent Constructors, Inc. far the purposes and consideraYion therein �xpressed and in the capacity th�rein statad. GIVEN LTNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OF�'ICE this ��� March , 20��. Qtary Pui� ic i and %r the State of Texas day of Errn oF sECT�oN CTfY OF FORT WORTH STAAIDARD CONSTRUCTTOIV 5PECIFICATiOTI E)OGUMENTS Revised July 1, 2U11 - - ����� ��� �� NOTARY PUBLIC ` * Sl'ATE OFTEXA& '�,�� MY COMM. SXP.1122/22 N(JT,ARY fO 13f40946-8 RdLI,INC} I�It,LB WATBR TREATMENT PLA3VT FLOW M�'1'ElY R�PLAGEMENTS CITY PROJECT NO. 102056 THIS FAGE I�EFT INTENT�4NALLY BLANK CITY �F �ORT WOR'FH STANi�ARD CO3�iSTRUC7'Id�f �PECIFICATIOI+[ I]DCUMENTS Revised duiy 1, 2�i 7 R{}LLl7�€G HiLLS �VATER'FREATMSItfT PGA3VT FLOW MET6I2 REF'LACEMEidTS C['iY P1tOJE�'I' 3V0, 102056 � _ ._ _ � � � riu �i� ��f - � ��snori��� Hunin��s �a»erp�lro S�roceiE;tq�l;+rih ��7i��4` E 25j � ;� � � �, 7 � 9 ] fl II �? f _� i.� 15 �� �� �� �i� 21 � �: �3 �� $� ac 27 �8 �{� 3�1 31 32 3:i i�4 �5 ��:� V�'�{}�i �f�} �$,r1 ��� I'� 'iti �i�'t ,. I' � '. . , � � .' . �' . � h�finrsn�y� Iiusi3le�s ����e�r��rise S�+ec�i�cati�r��. ��'�'����.����� �. E�����L[�1' 7!` t��4� I+�li�l ���rII}kl' Ylqll�t ���` la�u cua�s�'��c:� �r; �;ra�G�cG- Il����i ��1�1.�3f1�1, Ih��t f� M.�3� �sabc�i��ruc�i�� �;o��l i� r��}��3 icyl��e, !'�I�.IC`l' �7�:�'!'E�,��If�:iV7' �� i; iEti� ��s�l�c� c��" il7c c:'1��� ��i' �'t>��� WUrfh <<} ���sk�rc ihc fi�l�l s����l �q����abi� �)Ki�1EC1�J:]CIUi� b� IvJi�tari�y $i�si���r;ti i=33[�r}�eis�s {�Li�:w kii �J3e pr�3c:u��mei�i u�t- ��El �au�w �nij tie���i��s, Ali rer��iiret�y�a�i�s a��cl rc�i.i1�«i�,ns �t�t��E iri �Ir�: �'ity's �����r�:R�t �M�tii��css l�t�'t;�'�iry 4:n1����r�se �r{€i�rr����c� ;t�piy �c► tltiis�+i�i. ���tli��, !'�t[�.rLa'�"I" [�€�r�L� 'I-lie ['tty'4 1�7�3E�= �n�l ni� �.C�is �ar��fL�t ss °I �f' ti�e to�a� 13ic! �aE►�� t�i' �Ite c�nt�'pct.��rrs'e�° �ricJr��}����� �� �'(T���CS ��11f� ��frrl�l�frJ���ih' �tR��l��ttS�- �[It�: il �}ii[�� �'�BL'' �{�5�� !iLII1C�l[ltl'1iCCllS�, ��il�'i tlik'� t'�t:i�}��;i�le� fl}1' t�31ti �Si'il��`C[� r�Lt'll :Ili {����'1'ill` mus� 9ul>���ii I�ac�x r� ���F:1,�t�li�,�[to�� I{��rrr� �nKi r� �13E�� Lh�i�iruliu�� I�orn� to I�� ��emcc� i-t.��Fc>r�si�ve. CD�"II'LId��1�'E '1"� �Ill �Y�CII�I �A'�'IUI��S �?�M C'f�}• ��rs�tn�e�� k5�},t1{I�� �rr Ri�r� u�h�:re u iV1J�� �Ubcr�ritr;��l�n� ���nl is ���r]t�d, {}t��rt�a�,� are re��stir�il [u ��}TiiPly urili� I��c ir�t�ai� �f R�r� �'�I}�'`� BllS}llk��� i�iV�fslty �.n��r�+��isc�?r�iinantie l�y ��n� [�l�LEy�tt+i3E�r��n�; I. �7��e# �tr t'�i*�'[� xlil' tli�11Yk'�' ;�1��t�d ��� BT•. }�+tfll thrc�4��;1� ���1�R 5iitl�o�itrt�Ct�r1�; ��n1'I1i1�1G4ti���l, r�r �. 1�Icct or �xc�cd ��c �i������c�tflEcd MB[: �crr�l Il�rc���h 1�1}�L.inint 1�en#�e�c �arteci�t�ti��t, or �. ca�x�a ra�t�� �:i�i����•� ��,����,���,t����w��, �a; �. I'r�r�c 1��'ai���r cF��ti�enrt�nl;�tiu�t. ��IB1��E�-i-T'+1L {lf 1��(��.�iRf�,i] i)�.l['E �i�fia=N7-.�Ti[l�l I�hr i��S�1I14'ilF.}�{: i�f]GLI111L`i]i4 Illl:'�E i1C l"�.i;�TYi�d €��� slic ;«tii�il�:ci i'is}� s.��' F�c,rs Vti+,�i711 I'ro��c� ��l.an�G�.er �,r ]�c��a�•�i�r�n� T?�.�i�t��, xvi�lii.r� 11te ft]l�lltt�kli�; lit'E�ycri flIIt�C:��L��, iiy �t�cl�:�' iu�` �.itie c�a�ir� Lfi�1 �c� bc cu»s«i�1-cc� !'�t's�7Q131iV� �CJ �IiC ��}��il'1C.Jt�i�lif�i, � al� I.��FG'i'l}I' SFI��II L;119 A�L lh� h�'!B� 41�sc���eEyta�itMii t❑ t3�� as�i �ne�f {'ity ���-F{�1t W����i�k I}��{�,��:c:c �i.i112i�"tk 111'�*`1�s��7���cir� k�c�i�>>cc�, � I'axed �� ��� 3+�11! iMuf I��� arce ►i�d. I. ��lwcc►�str�ci�r�• U���zs�liu�� Te��'���, i� re�ci����l kM{� €�3ter llM�tk ?;00 ��w,��t„ �r�� ta7e s��.c�at�i€ {'ity l�taxi���;�r; �c�a�l ts �r3�:t {ar v�c•���lc�l: ��Jk�y t�Ft�r �i�e L3�€� [�F�Ei1i!]�T L{af4. �xc:li�si�Fe «�- liie� I�i�i ���aei�in� cl��re. ?, �o��d l����h �F`inr� ���i�i FL'i:L'Iv�{� �lU �Li��,C I'j�f111 �:�� �3.Tf1.. Ill� T.FI� S[:�l}3l{� �'ERy bk�si��tis� �tkU�Uri1r���#1' L�teljrall�l�l FO�'1�a, il' �f€�y ��1�r tEtie �+irl u������i���t rJate. exci�sivc u!' �Mrc C)IiC 11���]Ykl1� }�rSClI�E 1[�if]fi 15 ��'�S tE3Jtl1 ���SfCli +�Gfi�� i�ilLC� :�. �{�u�l f':sic#a I.fforr :rn� rcc�wi��ecl ���x E,���•�� Gl�rirr ?;l'M� t�,�r�,, c��� �l�r s�ec�n�! �'�ir}� L�t��i��r�� �iuhc�nt�•�ctor ��tilixr�t��n I{nrrr�, Ff r�n dsy aft�.r t��� I�id s���e�ti�rt� da�e, ex�[�Esi�Fe s�#' �I7� I��ci ��]?e��ii��, �ilil= ��,r[�c� ��{�c�n; [i��1:�:_ �4. �'rfm�� �.:�tastr:icf�sr VV:ii�•��' �+prnt, r�r.���r�c3 i3u I�teG' �Ja�3�ti ?�i]f] ��.i�t., t��a 11�� w��:�ua�j f'i�v 17�M�i���:�� if }�4�� t��iJ! �c�ri;�ni� �11 �itay ai'��.r lftc i���i u���u��ig cCt�.�c, ix�lu�i�-4 a�E' iE�,: L�ir� a����nin� �.;�m1nt�`I ill �+�'4a . �SE�� 1�'{ll"�{: iillEw:, C:I'1'Y �]F k'�1i��1' 1�•i11�T1�1 I;{71,1_1h�t'r G��T,i.S 1Lf:4Tl� Tl�fi'f'�9FM I'T ��i' S3`Ahlf)r"4RL] C{.i]��Tr_!�L"T`!f}U 5f�r�'if�ii:141 I(}�i ]-1C7Ci1���]ZtiT� f=kA?IV �il?'i'1;3� 1��=� f.A('1=Ali=t,��r� F�r�w�is�r��rlly Rc++ixs��l h��rN 8, �0?�M�lus�.!�i C�1YIf)14 T��Fi,a�g��r�ey C;ff3' PI��]Jf��.=F Nil. lil�{l ��4 fi4i �}5 �1U �� h+�liil![Iry F�LLSln�ss E�.hle:Tr.sY .��1L`L��14"Ik�LrFlih Pi4�;c 3 nF? i . � � _ , �, 7 � 9 G� G1 �_ Joi�tt �`��ntu�-e �'urm, � f �;i�al i� itrtci u�' e��e���ird. r��eii��e�'! �e�} �«�cf tl��ktk �;QO �.���,, i��� �li� sts:s�it�l �=i!y lti�w��ess ci:iy �f�er fi.he l+irl t,�eni�t� dat�.�ex�1��4J�� rrf ���u a}�a� �,�x:,��a�r�; r,i;�t�. H���:_inxF;-r�� ��c���n�.�� v���'r� ��'�ir. r��'r��� ������r,w;�� ���vi���t����-�• ��,r, �-��',i��F��[���' c����yn�r����� •�-��,�. ���?4�-1,.'f ��4'fk�l�;1��,�r ����,��r� c.�c���;���F��N��•,�, �r������.�r�����+��: �r�� ��������•t�.��r�c�;vs. l�,ti[.t»�1�. ��c� �i![�,�ri�� �I"Hl�. It�QI.�IEtF:1�� n��l� rxD�1ih11�;1�'4-,�`I'K��N wll,t, 1iU.sUL"I' t�l'�'l�iL it�E� r��?��rr: cc��nr�rl�xl�.��Fl� �c��v-1�F,����►��r�r�.. �� �F:c:'()n�l� ��'�II,Ui�I•. �r�l[_i,1���'��ulr'I� l�"�l'�-11Lc>ia�1��i;�t��,i� 13�:71ti[: DI�{�l;�tl.l��li�.l� FCilt A 1'��.I�lClll [il� E7'�f' �'F�1��.'I'ill�l�;l�; 4�'�111,111��:5 11��A 1�'t��L ��Lr�r� PLlxl[�lD ��'!L!. 1�i:4�1L7' IN .� p�S�l;.�i1fF'fC.A1T�.1l�] 1'F,ltl(ll} C1l�"I1C1t��zl= 4'C':�l��S. :�y ��e��t�iw��. �EC'�4l' �i11iRt��tT�[� 1�T1F'� C1f#ir�;tx (�#17};}��-,�b7d. EN�] C}�' S1;[�-1'i{]�! C'1'f'1� f?1" Tt}l�'E IV�ki41'31 �'E'ANISAI�] s rwth#��I1tR.rt'CI€1�J �k�[;t.'IF�ai.:A'�'1�}�i L1i)i"I 1�9f �N1:i 'l'cm�+��r,irily lioVfaL�l ,�.nril {�, 7L��] 4I114' In �`{}VIC7 �0 �117U[�{i'P:�u �4]l!_lNf,� k#II_i � 1ur���;!� Sld F*7`A�GIi� i i°i.A�l'� i������+ ��i��E�i:t� if_�_���_,�t��r,��:r�•�� r_�iry r rx c,� r•.�: r ta�>, a uz�sr� 005243- L Agreemcn[ Pa�,e I of5 �ECTION 00 �2 43 AGR�EMENT 'i'�.l[S A.GRiCICMM��TT, autliacized on Q2/02/2l is inade l�y and betweeii tl�e City of Foi�tl� Woi�tl�, a Texas l�.a�ne �-ule �nu��iczpality, acting by and througli its duly Authorized City Manager, ("Gity"), at�d Cz'escei�t Const�-uctoi•s, Iuc., autho��ized to do ��.isiness in Texas, acting by and tl�rattgh its duIy autliot•ized re�reseiltative, ("Co��tractor"}. Ciiy aitd Coittractor, in considei•atiatz of tIie �nufual cove��ants he�•einafter set fo�th, agree as follows: r�rticle 1. VSIOIti� Contractoj� sllall coin��lete aIl Wot•tc as specified ot• indicated i�� tl�e Contract Docume��ts fo�• tlie P;•ojeci ic�e�itified l�erein. Article 2.. I,'ROJ�CT Tlie projeci for which tlie �Tork under the Contract Dociunents may be the wl�ole o�• only a�3a��t is generaIly desc�•ibed as �Qllows: Rollin� ]Hil[s Wates• T��eatme�iti P��tYii �+'Iovv Metec• Replaceme�tt Cifv P�•oiect Nuznbe��: 1.02056 Ax'E�cle 3. CONTRACT PRCCIa` Czty ag�ees to pay Cax�fz�actoz• fo� pa��fa���naaace af the Wo�•Ic i�x accnz�dance witl� tl�e Co��teact Doctti�eaits an atnout�t, i�x c�iz•�•ent fiXnds, of Six Millio�x, Three H�tndred Sevent�e�z and No/I.OD DolIars {$6317,�Q0.00). ArEicle 4. CONTRACT TIll�E 4.1 Final Accepfance. Tl�e Wotic will be complete �'ar �Finat Acceptance within 480 days after the date when t�te Cont�act Ti�ne coxa7.z��e��€ces ta �'tt�a, as �z•avided ir� Paragraph 2.03 o�the Ge�aeral Conditioi�s, plus axry exte�isiozx tlte�•eof allowed in accordance r�vith Ai�ticIe 12 of fhe General Cazad itio��s, 4.2 Liquidated Damages Coiitracto�' a�ecogt�izes tl�at ti��ae is of the esserace �'oz' cq��plefiatt o�Milestnnes, if atay, ancE to achieve Fznal Accapta�.ce of ikze �o�•It and City vvill stz�'fe�• �i�►nncial loss ifflie Worlc is ttot co�npleted within tl�e tiin�(s) specifed in Pax•a�t'aph 4.1 above, Tl�e Cnntt•aetni• al�p recognizes tl�►e de�ays, expez�se azad di££'iculties involved ir1 pt•oving in a legal praceeding, tla.e actual loss si�ffexed by the City if the VVozlc is not com�lefied oii time. Acco�•dingly, ilastead of t'equirir►�; auy sucl� px•oof, Co��t�'actoa• agrees that as liquidated datnages for delay (but noi as a penalty), Cnntracfor s1�a11 pay City I{�'ve Huncired Dollars ($50€i.i}0} for eacI� day that expit•es aftez' ttxe ti�ne s�ecifiec� in Paragraph �.1 for �'inal Acceptance �u�til the City issues the Final Let�ez' of Acceptance, CiTY OF PdRT WOR'I'H Ralfing Hills Y7'aler Ti•ea�nre�rll'/mz1 F"lou� Nfeter Iteplacer�reirl STANDARE� CONS7'RUCTiOAI3PECIFICATIONDOCUIvIEi�fTS CiryProjecrNo, IO1056 Revisad 09/DG/2019 00 52 93 - 2 Agree�nei7t Page 2 oP 5 Az'ticle �. CON�'RA,C'.I' DOCUM�I�I'I'� 5.1 CQNT�NTS: A. Tlae Coz1t�'act Dacu�x�etxts vwhich cotil��•ise 1�1e entire agreement between City aud Co�itractor cot�c�z7tiz�g tl�e Woz'Ic consist a�tilae faIlawing: 1. Tl�€zs Agree�nent, Attacli�nents io ihis Ag�•eea��►ei-�t: a. Bid Form 1) �'z-o��asal �ori71 ' 2) Vei�do�• Cornpliai�ce ta State Law Na�1-Residen� l3icEder 3} P�'equalification Stateinei�t 4} State aud FederaI d.acriznex�.ts (���oject s�ecific) b. Cu�•z•et�.t �z�evailiiag Wage Rate Table c. Ii�s�l��azxce AC�RD Forin(s) d. Paytiient Bond e. Pe��foz-znanca Baz1c{ f. Main#e�iance Bond g. Powe�• oiAttorney fo�� tl�� �at�ds h. Warker's Cotnpans�tion A�d�vit i. MBE and/o�• SBE Utilization Form 3. Gei��rai Conditio�as. 4. Suppleine�itary Caa�dilioa�s. S. Specifications sl�eci�cally ���ada a pa�� nf �he Cantract Docu�nents hy attaci�ment o�•, if not attached, as incor}�o��ated by rsfei'ence and desc�•ibed in k�ie Tahle of Conteiits of �l�e Proj�ci's Co��t�'act Docwnet�is. 6. Drawiugs. 7. Addenda. 8. Documentatian snbrr�itted by Co��ttactor pria�� to Notice of Award. The followi�ig which may be delzvea-ed az issued after the �ffective Date of tlle A�reement and, if issued, becoine an i��co�•pn��ated part of tI�e Co�itract Docfimenfs: a. Notica ta P�•oceed. b. Field O�•ders. c. Cliange Orde�•s. d. Latter of Final Acce�tazice. Artiete G. INDEMNITICATION 6.1 Conii•acto�• cove�anfs and agrees to iudem��ify, hotd l�armless and c�efend, at its nwri expe��se, t�e city, its office�•s, se�tianis and employees, fj•om anc� agaix�st a�y and a11 claims arisiug out Qf, o�• allegec�i to aeise o€�t of, the wa�•1� and serv�ces to be perfo�•rn�r� by the contractor•, its of�cers, agents, employees, subcontx•actors, licenses a�• in�vitees unde�� i:�is co�if�•acf. This inc�emnifica[ion praviseon is speci�cal[y i�tendecl_to ope�-ate and be effective even if it is a�le�ed oi• n�`ave� [I�al aIl o�• sozne of #he claina�es beiyi� sought wex�e caused, in vv_hole or i�i nat•t, bv anv act, o�n�ssio�i o�• ne�ligence of ihe citY. This indemnity provision is inte�ided to inc[ude, withoi�t li�itatio�, rnr3em�iiiy for costs, expenses a�►d �egal fees inc�u•�•ed by the city in defendi��g agai�nst such claims and ca�ses of actions. CTPY QF FORT WORTH Ro!ling Hills I�I/�ler 7`reatrirer�t 1'Ian! Floi�� Meler Replaceme�r! STA3VDARD CONSTItUCTION SPECIFICf1TIf1N I]OCUMENTS CilyProjeci No. l0205G Revised 09/06/2019 OOS2�3-3 Agrcamcnt P�ge 3 nf 5 6.2 Ca��fi��acEa�• cove�i�eE►ts a�c� agrees to i�dem€ni�y a�►d hold har����ess, at its own expense, tl�e city, its officers, servauts and emifloyees, fi•om aud a�ainst atiy and aIl los�, clanxage oY• de�t��uc#ion of pro�eriy of the city, nrising out of, oe alleged La arise out of, tlte work a�►d see•vices to Ue performec! by tl�e c��itracfoi•, if� officers, age�its, employees, st�bcont��acto�•s, licensees or invitees undet• tEiis conti•act. This inc�em�ii_%[caieon u�•ovisio�� is speci�c�llp inteuded tp o�eK�aie aatc� be effecfiive eve�r if it is alle�ed_o�� praven that a1C a�• soyne o� tlie dama�es fnei�t� sare�lEt r�veye causac�,_iYi 'wliole or i�art, by an;v act, om�issiap ot� negli�e�ce of t�ie ci , A,riicle 7. M�SC��,�,�.N.EOUS 7.1 Te�•ans. Texms Ltsed 'u� tiiis Agreefi�el7t whicIi are defined i�� �f•ticle 1 of the General Conditions will laave tl�e ineanii�gs iiidicated i�i tl�e Ge�ieral Conditions. '1.2 Assig�azx�ent of Coa�i�ac�. This Ageee�ne��t, inclutli��g ail o� the Cant�•act Docuta�ezxts inay not be assigned by the Contractor witliotrt ihe advax�ced exp��ess w�'itte�� conse�at of the City. 7.3 Successo�s a��.d Assig�-�s. City and CQnt�•actor eacla biz�ds itself, its �az�t�.ers, successqrs, assigi�s and legal representatives to the othe�• paz-ty Iiez�eta, i�� t'espect ta all cat+eilai�is, agreeinents aud obligations contai�ted it1 ihe Coiitt�act Docuinents. 7.4 Seve��aUility. Any pro�isioi� or part af the i��iev�orceable by a eout•t of re�naining pravisio��.s s]iall CONTRACTOR. 7.5 Govertling Law and Venue. Coutraci DocuAnents laeld io be ut�.cottstitutini�al, -void oY• aoinpeteni jurisdiction sIia11 be deemed stticice�t, and aII �ontiixtze to be valid and bit�di�tg upon CITY and This Agreeine��t, iitcludiiig all of the Contract Documenis is pe��oz'i�able in fhe Staie of Te�as. Ve�iue sh�11 be Tarrant Couiity, Texas, or fil�e Un.it-ed States Dzs�'ic[ Courl for the Noi-�l�ei�� Dist�•ict of Texas, Fort Worth D�vision. 7.6 Aut�iority to Sign. Cantracfor shaIl aitach avidence of authority to sigr� Ag�-eexnent if sign�d by soineone other tllax� tl�e dt►ly autl�orized si�natory of �he Gont�actor. 7.7 Prol3ibitioi� On Cnntracts Wiih Coi�panies I3oycotting YsraeI. Co��teactot' sclalovvIedges that in accordance witii Chapter 2270 of the Texas Ga�+e�•n�nent Code, the City is �rohibiteci fioi�a e�aietin.g i��to a contract with a compauy for goods or sezvicas tt:nless fhe contract coi�tains a written ve��i�'lcatioa� frozn the co�npany fliat ii: (1) does not boycott IsraeI; and {2j will iiot boycott Isz•ael dr.irzng the tez�in o�tlie contract. CITY Ok' FORT WDRTT-I Rolli�ag FIil�s FYalef' Ti•ealnrerr! Plan! Floiv Meter Replacetr�etrd STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFTCATION DOCU1vEENTS City Project No. 10205G Reviseci 09/06/2U 19 005243-4 Agreameut Page 4 of S The terms "boycott Isra�i" ai�d "cot�p��xy" sl�all ha�ve the mea.ni►�gs ascribed to ihflse �er�ns in Sectio�� $OS.00I of tlie Texas Go�ernmei�t Code. By sig�airtg tliis corttr�acf, Co�ttrrccto�• cet��ifr.cs flaat Cafitj•acfor•'s sigrtatrrt•e pl�ovrr�es ivr�itte�a vef•ificrrtra�t to tlze Crty tltnt CosttYactat•: (l) rloes raot Go,�rcatt Xs�rtel; rrrrd {2) �vi11 �tat Goycait Ist•ael �lrcratag tlze te��ria of flie catztj•acl. 7.8 Im�nigratioi; Nation�lity Act. Coiitractor shalf verify tl-�e id�ntity a��t[ ett��iqyinent eligil�ility of its einployees wl�o pe��forin worlc nnder tliis 11.��ee�neiat, i��cl�tditlg comple#ing tlte Entployuie�it Eligibility Verification Forn� (I-9}. Upon �-ec�uest by City, Contractor sl�tal[ p�•ovide Gity witli copies of aiI I-9 fo�•ms and s�ipporting aligibility dacuinentation foi• eac1� employee wlio perfo�t��s worlc ui�der this Agreeznent. Ca��tractor sl�all adilere to all Fede3•al and State laws as c7ve11 as establish a�p�•opri�te p�ocedt�x•es ai�d coiifi•ols so tliai no se�vices will be �erfo�•.�x�ecl by any Contractor employee who is �tot Iegally eligit�le to ��erform sucli services. CONTRACT4R SHAP�L IND�IVINIFY CZTY AIVD HOLI) CITY �TARMT.�S� FROIVV� ANY PENALTI�S, LIASILITI�S, �R LO�SES DUE '�.'O VIOLATIONS �I' THZ� PA�.2AGRAPH BY CONTRACTOR, CONTRACT4R'� EMPL����, SUSCONTRACTOA�, AGENT�, OR L�C]CIVSL�S. City, upon wf•itten ��otice to Co��tt•actor, s1ia11 have the eiglit to imi���diateIy fet•ininate this Agreeineni for violatioi�s of tltis pa�ovision by Coiifi��actor. 79 No '1'��ird�ParEy Beneficia►•ies. This Agreeinent gives no riglits oz• bei�efis to a��yoz�e of.�ez• fhaF1 tlie City aztd t1�e Coiitxactoz- and tl�ez'e are zao tl�ird-�arty beneiicia�•ies. 7.1 d No Cause of Action Agaii�st- �i►ginee�•. Ga�atractor, its subconh•actoz•s and equip�ne�at and ynafe��ials supplie�s on the PROJECT oz• fl�eir sureties, shall �naintain no direct actio�� against the Engil�eer, its of�"icers, etnplayees, and subcatatracfors, for an� claim arisu�g aut af, ii� cot�nection vrith, or resultn�g %-otn the engi�aeeting services pet�for�ned. Only tlxe City will be the bene�ci�ty of any undet�alcing by the E��gi�tee�•. The presei�ce or duties of tl7e Engineej•'s perso�i�iel at a const�actiort site, whetlte�• as on-site rep�•esei�tatives or otl�etwise, do ��ot �uake the Engineer or its �e�'sonnel in a�ty tivay ►'esponsible for those duties that belong io tlie City and/or �ihe City's consYz'uct[on cos�t�'actoXs or otlier entities, and do nat t•elieve the caztstruction contractors oi� any a�hez• entity of their obl��at�otts, duties, and zespnnsibilities, inclt�ding, but iaot lzznited to, aI� construcii��� �nethods, means, �ecl��tic�ues, sequeiices, a��d p��oced�ues necessaiy fo�• cooi�dinatzi�g and coinplatii�g all portions of tlte consit�c�iotl woi•lc iii accfl�•cialice wit11 �11e Coi�t��act Documents and any liealCh or satety p�•ecautious rec�uired �y such coz�st�'uction worlc. The Ezxgineer and its person�iel have i�o autl�arity to exercise auy conh•al ovez' a��y construction contractor or oiher entity or thei� ezr�ployees in conneetion with their wa�'lc o�• any healtl� or safety precauCio�s. SIGNATURE PAG� TO FOLLOW CITY �F FORT WDRTI-T Ro1lil�g Hrlls 11�nle�• Ti•eal��ie�t! Pla�t� Clot�� A�eter 17eplcrceu+e.rt1 STANI7ARD CQNS'I'RUCTION SPECIFTCA'['!ON DOCUMGNTS Ciry� Pr•ojec! No. 102056 Revised 09/0G12019 0052�}3-5 Agreeme�it Paac 5 0£ 5 TN WITNCSS 17VIlCREO�, City ai�d Co�it►�actor l�ave each exec��ted tl�is Agreeinei�t to be effective as of tI1e date su�asc��ibed by tl�e City's designated Assistant City Mattager ("El�fective Date"). CoR�tractor: C�•escent �nnst�•uctors, I�►c.. By � . •" p S f. , I � � .�l r 1'G — � � � (Printed Nazne} ....__ .._,� _ � Title �.��� � � T � e_ . AC�f�I'eSS � , � • ,_ . City/State/Zip Dafe ._ F Cii.y of Fot-i Woz'th By: � Dai1a BllPg�lC�O� Assis�ant City M�i�age�• Mar 11, 2021 Date At�est: � � _. � *�� ' � � � I.d.' �] �� Cify Seeretary {Seal} M&C: 21-Q098 Dale: Febi•uary 2, 2021 �'or�it 1295 Na.: 2021-702935 Cantract Compliai�ce Manager: By signing, � acl�navt�ledge f�iat I am the person responsible ,fo�• tI�e tnonito�•iug and admi��isf�•ation of this coniract, �ncluditig et�sut•i�ag al1 �erformarlce aud �•eporti�ig req�iiremen#�.. - _� . . Sca� TayIor, �.E. ' ' T'roject Manager Appz•oved as ta �ot•m and Legality: � Dauglas W, BIack Sei�iot Assistai�t City Atto�ney APPROVAL RECOIVIMEIVDED: �hrisi�otzhar ft�r�ar . . . .. .� __.. � Ch�•zs Hat•der, P.E., Director - � ��� � Wate�• Departme��t _ _ qR 9 CITY OP PORT WORTH � Ra!litig FCllls [�a�er Ti•ealni�it P�3�,.�T'��� 'l� ��� ��In� i en STANDATtb CONSTRi�CTfONSPECIPICATION I]OCllMENTS c:�ay.�r����. rv��. �05� Revised 09/06/ZOI9 = _ _ Bpi�p 1�0: 147Z65577 1 2 � 4 THE STATE 4F TEXA� S 5 COUI+ITY O� TARRANT 7 oo6i i3-� PBitFORi�Ai�[Cg B ON"�i Paga 1 of 2 SECTXQIV' UO Gl i3 �ERFC}1tMANGE BON➢ § § KNOW ALL liY TH�S� PRES�+ iylT�: § g �}��ti y,��F Crescent Constructors, �nc. 9 lfl il �2 13 1�F 15 tG 17 %nawn as "�'rincipal" herein and Travele►s Casualty & Sureiy Co of America ������� surety[suretias, if more ihan one} duly authori�d to do business in the Stat� of �'exas, �awn as "Surety„ herein (whether ane or more), are held and firm�y bounc� unto the �ity of Faz� Worth, a municipa� carporation ar�ated pursuar�t to t�e lays�s of Texas, Irnown as "Ciiy" h�reiz�, in the penal sum of, �'rx MIEE[an T���� I�lur�dr�d �v�nt��n TF�ousand Uoilars �� 6,377AU0.00 ),lawfut inoney of #he United �tates, ta be pa�id in �art Worth, Tarrant County, Texas for the paynne�nt ��'�hich sum vc�ell at�d #ruly to Ue made, we i�ind ourselves, a�u heirs, executflrs, adn-iinisiratnxs, successors and assigns, jo�ntl}� and sevezally, frmly by these presea#s. 18 WI�EREAS, the Pz[ncipai has en�ered inta a certain writt�n contract with tlxe City i9 awarc�d the 2nd de.y of February , 2fl zl , which Contr$ct is .hereby referreci to and, 20 made a part hereof for all purpaseQ as if f�illy set forth �erein, #o ftunish a1f makeria�s, equipment 21 labor and other accessories de�ined by laysr, in the prosacution of the Wvrk, inc�udin� any Change 22 Ordcrs, as �rovided for i� said Contract desagnate€i. as Rolling Hitl Water xreatment Plani l�iory 23 Meter Replacements Project No. 102(156. 24 1VOW, THLREFORE, the cant�ition of this ab�igaEion is such thai if tlze said Principal 25 shall faithfuily perform it abligations t�nder the Cor�trac� anc� sha4i in al� res�ects duly and 26 faithfiilly per.fars►i #he �Iork, ineluding Chan,ge prders, under the Con�ract, accoxding to the pl�as, 27 specifications, anc� contract docum�nts therein re�exred #o, and as well d�xing any periad of 28 extension of t�e Contraci thati may be granted on the part o;f the City, the:n this obligation shall he 29 and become �uII and void, ot8er�vise to remain in fiilI foicce and efFect, - 30 31 PRO�iDED FURTH�I�, tha# if any feg�l ae�ivn be �ilea on this Bond, venue shalllie �n Tarrant County, Tex&s c�r the United States District Caurt for the Northern Disirict of Texas, �oitC 32 Worth Division. t � 1 CITX 4P FOR'P WO1tTH ROLLIN(1 �iILL3 WA7'Ei� TRSATMENT PLAN'F S'£ANDAttB C(7NSTItIIL"!'ID1V SPECIE'ICATIQN AOCUNlENTS FLOW ME7'£�t R&PLA.CRMEN'i'S itev3sed July 1, 2011 CiTY Plitk«GT NO. ]0205b ao�i �3 -z PERP4RMANG� B�AlA Page 2 of 2 ! This bond is made and exeouted in compliance with the provisions of Chapter 2233 af tha 2 Texas Gove��►ent Cade, aa amended, at►d alI tiabili�ies vn this bond shaII be determined in 3 accordance r�vith t}�e provisions of said statua. 4 Ii� V��T�tES� V+lHEREDF, the 1'rincipai and the �nrety laave SiGNED and SBALED 5 this instrument by duly authorize� agents and o�cers on this ti�e ���h day of � February� zp 21 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 Z5 t6 17 1$ 19 zo z� az z� 24 25 Z6 z� 28 29 3D 3i 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 4{f �1 �#2 43 Q4 45 ATTBST: � (Principal} Seeretary �-�5a Hill V watn�e as r;�cipal PR[NCIPAL: Crsscent Construetors, inc. -� - -.- — --�--�--�-�--- BY� � �y � � � re � C3avid CaldwelE, Vice President - -- - Nmtna and Titie � Address; ���a ��chnology Drive, Suite 4QD ana, X 75079� � suz��r�r: Tra�elers Casualiy & 5urety Co of Amarica �_ _�` . BY� ' - -�.,", • — -- � � signature Peter Russell, Atforney-fn-Fact Name �nd Title •j ,���,��. Qne Tower Square � aCtO ,(; • . _ � - �-. � .,..� �-- i�» . as fo ���t� � Telephone Number: 214 738-692'E �`Note: If signed by an affic�r of the St�rely Company, there must be v� file a certified extract frosn the by-laws shawing that this person has authority to sign such obligation. �f Surety's physicat addr�s is dif:Ferent fi'om its inailing address, both musi be provided. The dat� of the bond, shall not be priar ta the date the Contract is awarded. CiTY QF FORT WORTH RQLLINC:IiILLS YJAT6IL TRBATMBNT PLANT STA3Vi]ARR CQNSTR[JCTION SP�CI�'ICATiON DaCUM81+!'['S FLOW ME'1'8it RTsPLACEMk�IT3 Revised duly 1, 20I 1 CiI'Y PRQ]8Ci` i�TO, Id20Sb BOND NQ; �.07265577 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 i � A VI I� zz 13 14 IS I6 17 TH� STATE OR TEXAS CC}U.�dTY OF TARRAN'� �ECTrQ�*: 00 61 24 PAYMENT �3QND na�� aa-� PAY[�@NT eOND Pege ! nf2 § T I�d(3W ALL BY THES�+ PRESE�;TS; § That wa, Crescent Constructars, Inc. known as "PrincipaF" herein, and ��u�iers Casuafty & Surety Co of America a corporate sur�ty (sureties), dt�y autharized ta do h�tsinesa in #I�e State of Texas, Irnnvvn as "Siu-ety" hereit� (�rrhether one or more), are hsld and �iy bounci unto the Czty of Fc�rt Worth, a �nun[eipai corpvratiod crea#ecl pursuant to the laws afthe 5tate of Texas, la�own as "Gity„ herein, iri t17� peri�� S11i]I p� Six Mill€on Threa H�ndred 5eventeen Thousa�d and 00l��0 Dollal'8 ($ s,3�7,000,pp �, lawfiil man�y of the United States, ta bc paid in Port Worth, Tat�ant Couniy, T�xas, f�r t1;e paymen� of whic� sum well and truiy be made, we bind o�rselv�s, o��r heirs, executors, adminis�'atars, successo�•s and assigns, joinily a�d sev�raIIy, �rmiy by these presents: 18 �H�ItEA�, P�ncipal has entsred into a certain wr�itten C�nf�act evifh City, awarcled tl�e �g 2nd day of FQbruary , 2p Z1 , which Cantract is hereby referred tv and 2d macie a par� herec�f fnr atl �urposes as if �ui(y set forth herein, to furnish afl �aterials, aquipment, 21 la$or and o�l�er accessoxies as de�ined by law, in #he prosecu�ion of the Wori� as provided for in 22 said Contract at�d designated as RQ�Iing Hill Water Txeatment �'lant �lqt� 11r1e#er Replscemcnts 23 ProjectNo.Ip2056. 24 N�W, THEREFQRE, THE CONDITI�I+T pF THIS QB�,IGATIQN is such t�at if 25 Principal shalt pay all monies ays+ing to any (and all) paymant bpnd beneficiary (as de�ned in 2fi Chapter 2253 af tIie Texas �o�vernment Code, as amended) i�� th� prasecution of the Wor% ut�d�r 27 tha Contrac#, t�en this obliga�zon shal� ba anrF beco�ne null and voad; ntherwise to remain in fult 28 force and effac� ' 29 This bons� is made and ex�cnted ir� ct��npliance with the pravisi�ns of Chapter 2253 of the 3p Texas Govsrnme�t Code, es amended, ar�d all Iiabilities on this band sha�l be determined in 31 aacordnt�ce with the provisions of saiti stat�ite, 32 G1Ti' OF FORT WORTH ROLLi1VG FITi.L$ WAT$1L TRP.4TMEi+YI' PLANT $TAFIDARfl CpNS'�'iit3CTION SPECII?1CATION DDC[7NI�+3T5 PLQW ]VI�TERREPLAC$]vIENTS Revised luly I, 20I i CITY PRQ.iECT N�.18205G an6� ia-z PAYIu(ENT $Oi�iD Page 2 of 2 1 IT� '�`JITNESS Vi��IEREOI�', the �'rincipal and Surety have eaoh SIGNEU and SEALED 2 this insmunent by duly auth€�rized agents anct oificers an #h�s �e z6th day of 3 February � �p �� 4 AT'I'�ST: ' i � � � � . (Pi�iilCip�1}Secre#aty LfsaHill�.Y.�...� Witness s to P 'n�ipal ATTEST; PRIIYCII'AL: Crescen# Eonstructpr5, lnc_ .�., �....��`�._`'� � f �Y: tir. � �.� - aavid CalcAreif, Vics prssideni N�me and Title Address; z580 Techno�ogy i3rive, Suite �400 Planq. T�f 7�074 SURE7'Y: Travelers CasuaPty & Surety Co ofAmerica u BY: _ �..-'� ' A Z ` _ Si��,► Ia�re ` (Sur�ty} Secretary � � .�� � �Witq ss es to S�i�at� �� 5 6 7 8 9 1D �� !2 Peter Russe!!, Attomey-lr�-Fact Name and Titie AddreB�. O�e %wer Square Hartfnrd. CT OS183 .���r-- Telephone Number: �1A-7�s-�s2a. Nate: If sigxaed by an o�cer oi ihe Surery, there must be on �i1e a certi�ted extxact from the hy[aws showing khat this person has authority #o sign such oblig�tion, If S�raty's phys�cal &ddress is different from its mailing adtiress, both must be prorrided. The date oi t�e bond shali not be pr�or to the date the Cantract is awarded, EI�U OF S�CT�iU1� f CCFY O� FORT WORTH ltC7LLING H14L31kATBRTREl�TMEbiT PLA'NT STANAARD CONSTitUCTiON SPECIFICATI01�[ E7DG(JM�NTS FLOtV i�[$TER REPI.�CE1VtEN"fS Rev3sed duly 1, 2A11 CiT1t PftprECT N4. i 02055 BONQ N0.1�7265577 � 2 3 4 5 5 7 g 9 TH� STATE OF TEXE�S CflUNTY t)�' TARRAI�' sEc�o� oo sa. i9 MAINTENANC� BOIriD 00&i 19-1 MAINT.�NANC� BONb Page 1 of3 § § Kl�(OW ALG BY THESE 1�RES�NTS: � Tk�at We Crescsnf Gonst�uctors, Inc. "Principal" herein and ��rau��ers G�sua[ty � Surety Cp at �mar�r.� �ciloWli �5 a carporate sutety 10 (sure�ies, ifmora ti�an c��ej duly authori:zed ta do business in the Siate of Texas, �cxtnwn as 11 "Sure�y" Yzarein {�rhsther one or YnQre}, are held and firmly bvund unto the City nf Fart Worth, a S2 �nunicipaI cor�ora�ipn created pius�ani to the iaws ofthe State of Texas, known as "City" herezn, Y3 i11 t�te SUm 0�_S�x ��+1ion "fhree Hundrad Sehrenleen 7itausand and OU/104 Aolla� 14 �� 6,3�7,0�.00 _._ ��, lawfill �oney af the United Sta#es, to be paid in Fort Woxth, i5 Tarrant Caunty, Texas, far payment af rvhioh sum well and trtt�y be �ade unto the City and its 16 successors, we bind ourselves, o�r heus, exeeutors, adininisixatcsrs, successrsrs and assigns, join�ly 17 and severally, fumty by #hese pxesents. 18 I9 WHEREAS, #he Prinaipal has entered into a certain vt+rit�en contract wit� the City awarded 2{1 the �nd day o£,�,�,„,,,FebruarY , 20?i . wlzich Cc�ntract is he�reby 2i referred to and a made patt hereof f6r al[ purpases as if fully get forth herein, ta fumish ail 22 materials, equipment tabor and other aocessoriea as defined by laur, in tb.e proseaution of the 23 Wa�•k, inoIuding any Work resulting from � d�ly authorized Chan.ge Order (collecti�veiy herein, 24 the "Vi�c�rk"} as provided %r in said cabtract an�i des`sgnated as Rolling Hill Water Treatment 25 Plant Flor�v Meter Replacements Proje�t No. � 02056, and �5 27 i�VHEREAS, Pi�ncr`pa� binds itself to uss sucl� materiats and to sn consiruci tha Work in 28 aocordance with the p�ans, sp�ci�oasions anc# Contract Docum�ents t�at the V4ark is and will 29 xemain free from �Iefects in materials or workmanship for and during the period of twa (�) years 30 after ttte date of Final Aeceptance o#'the Work by ti�e Ciiy (`�Vlaantenance Period'�; and 31 32 WHEREAS, Principal bznds itself to repair or teconsttuct the Wark in whole or in part 33 upon r�ceiv�tng natiee frQan the Gity af the need there£or at a�ny time within the Maintena�oe 34 Period. � C�TY OF FOTtT WORTEI ROLI.INIi H1LL,5 WATSEt TRSATMENT YLAIV'!` 5TANDAR.D COAISTR[ICT�ON S�HGi�'ICA7'TOP! DOCIJ[v18t3T5 '�L�W 1VIB`i'BR 1tLPI.ACENtENTS � Reviacd July i, 201 i GIl'Y PRflISGT NO. I02056 � (lOfi1 t9-2 1vJAIN'i`F�ftTAAICS R4TID Page 2 af 3 � 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 14 f1 12 I3 14 15 16 17 18 19 2Q NQW THERE�ORE, the oc�nditivn ofthis obligatian is such thai if Pr�naipal shal� xem�dy any tiefective VVark, for which timely notice was provided t�y CiLy, to a campietion satisfactary ta ihe City, th�n this obliga�ion shall beeame nuil and void; oiherwise ta re�nain in fixll foree and ef#'eci, PRQVIDE�, H��V�VER, if Principal shail fail so to repair ar r�constt�etct any titt�ely notic�d de%ctive Woxk, it is agreed that the Czty r�ay cause any snd a[i s�oi� defective Wor�C trs be repaired andfar recc�nstn�cted with aIl assoaiated aosts th�reof b�ing borne hy the Principal and the S�rety under this Maintena�ice bond; and PRaVIDED FURTHER, that iiar�y lega.t action be filedi can this Bond, venue shali lie�i� Tan•ant County, Texas or tt�e United States I)istrict GourC %r the Nnrtlae� District o�Tcxas, �ort Worth Divisivn; and PRQVIDED �URTHER, #hat this obliga�ion shail �e conti�xttous it� natura and sttecessive recaveries may be had herean fc�r successive breaches. J � � CITY OF FORT WqR'i'H STANpARi] G4NSTItUCTiON SP�GIFICATi{TN DOCi1MSNTS Revised July 1, 241 I ROLtINCi H1i,I.S WA'1'ERTR�ATM�N7' PI.A]VT Pi.OW IviP.TBR RBPLACEMENTS CYCY PAOIECI` iVp.1tf2455 ao6� �q-� n�n�v�r�tvnrres �oNn Fage 3 oF3 1 iN VVITI�ESS �HEREQF, #he Prinoipal and the Surety havic each SIGNED at�d S�ALET� this 2 instrtnnent by duly authorixed agents and afficers on this th� ��th ��� o� Fe�ruary 3 _ ��� �� Z� • 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ATTE�T; i2 `• , _ . � � 13 1 � _ e �� ' ��� ].�4 (P pai) Secretary Lisa"H���' �S i6 17 18 �4 r 2ti Wiiness s#a P i cipaI ^� —- 21 22 z3 za Zs 26 27 28 29 ATTEST: 3U 31 3�..-�--��ii !y� Secreiary �3 34 � � ��i�...�.��ti. � �_������r� 35 iin � as to Surety {��' � 36 � PRII�iGIl'AL: Crescent Car�s#ructprs, Inc. �"�. ;., BY: . � ignatur ` �avid Caldwell, Vice Aresident Name a�d Title Address: 2580 i'echnoiogy Drive, Suite 4GQ F'fa---no',' I'�X— 7�U74 SURETY': Travelers Casualty 8� Surety Co af Amerlca ��; _ � .__._, �. - -_ � r Signaturc Pe�er Russell, Attorney-En-Fact Na�ne and Title �� �� Addr$ss: pne Tower 5guare Ha�fford, CT 0B483 �..._,..�___ Taisphone Number: 214-738-6925 37 *Not�: If si�,med hy an officer pf th� Suxety Company, there must be on file a certified sxtract 38 fram the by-laws shawing ti�at this pu�son hxs authority to sign such a%ligatian. If 39 Surety's physical address is diff�rent froax� its mailing address, both must be provi[�ed. 40 The date of the bnnd shati not {�a p:rior ta �te date the Contract is awarded, :�] CITY AF FO1tT WOR�'Ii IZOLi,lN[i fiILLS WATHRTREA'�IvIBiV'�' i'LANT S'FANDARi7 CO]VSTitiJCT'IAId SPRCIFICATI4bI DOC[7Taf61VTS FLOW M�'1'BR HBPLACEivI6iVT3 Revised 7u�y 1, 201I C1TY PRU.16C1` ND, 102056 T��V�L�l�.�� ir��+elerr� C�sual�+ ar�� S�rr�ety C�rr���r�y of Ar�neri�a Tr�velerr� C�sual#� arr�1 ��r°etg* Gomry�ny �f. aa�i �ire �rr�1 Marine %ns��ance �orr�pa��+ POWER OF ATTORF�EY KPIp4+IF k�,.L iAEW BY 7iiE$� PR�5EFE7S: That Travelers Casualty and Surety Cpmpany of America, 7ravefers Casualty and Surety Company, and St. Pau! Fire and AAarine tnsurance Gompany are corpbrations duly organized under the laws of ihe State of Cannecticut (herein collectively calfed the "Gompanies"), and that the Companies do hereby make, consiitute and appoint Peter ld9, Russell, of Richardsan, Texas, their true and lawiul Attomey-in-Fact to sign, execute, seal and acknowledge any and all hands, reangniz�nces, consfiiional undertakings and other wrifings oblig�tory in the nature #hereofi an behalf of ihe Companies in their business of guaranieeing the fidelity of persans, guaranieeing the performance of contracts and exeraiting or guaranteeing bonds and undeRakings required pr permitted in any actions or proceedings allowed by laysr. !f� iilll7N�tSS 1+4�HEREQF, the Companies have caused this insfrument to be signed, and theircorparate seals to be heretb affixed, this 3rd day oi February, 2077. �►:ad��a Trn.vo '<PA3}'� g�� ^� . � � �b �� fiA11Ft`»l�. � �,° �. ` � �' � COCi7u. u � � yf � � � , . • � bd � �,�. _ Staie of CannectiCu# City of Hartford ss. ;,,� �_,.,�,��.:r ��� . �,r.. By: _.; ;.:�`� �'�:.-�-,��r.;;��. �Robert L Raney, Se or Vicc President On this the 3rd day of February, 2D17, before rr�e personally appeared Robert L. Raney, who acknowledged himself to be the Senior Vice Pr�sident ot Traveters Casualty and Surety Cornpany of America, Trave[ers Casualty and Surety Gampany, and St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company, and that he, as such, being authorized sv to dd, executed the foregaing instrument for the pur}�oses therein contained by signing pn behalf of the cnrporations by himselfi as a duly authorized o#ficer. 1n 1Elfitness Whereof, I hereunto set my hand and officia! sea[. My Cnmmissipn expires ti�e 30th day of J�ne, 2027 �� '4Y1c�.�. C ;r.�a,a��l�' `� � Mane C. Tetreaati, Notary Public This Power pf A�fqmey is granted und�r and by ihe authority of the iollowing resolutions adopied by the Bvards of Directprs pf "fra�elers Casualty and Surety Company of Amerisa, Travelers Casualty and Surety Company, and Si. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Cornpany, whief� resolutions are now in full force and e�#ect, reading as fa1lows: RESOLH�b, that the Chairman, fhe President, any Vice Chai�rnan, any Executive Vice President, any Seniqr Vice President, any Vice President, any Second Vice Presid�nf, the Treasurer, any Assistant Treasurer, the Corporate Secret�ry or any Assistant Secretary may appoint Attomeys-i�-Fact and Agents to act #or and or� behalf of the Company and may give such appointee such autharity as his or her cerEificate of aerthori#y may prescri6e to sign with ihe Corr�pany's name and seal with the Corr�pan�s seal bonds, recpgnizances, c�ntracts af indemnity, and other writings obligatary in the nature af a bpnd, recognizance, or conditiona! undertaking, and any of said officers or the Board of �irecfors at any time may remone any such appa9nfee ar�d revoke ihe �rnnrer gir+en him or her; and il is FUR7HER 92�SOLV�q, that the Chairman, ihe President, any Vice Chairman, any Execufi�e Vice President, any Senipr Vice I'resident or any �ce Pres9dent may detegate all or any part of ihe foregoing authority to one or more of1'icers or emp[oyees of this Company, provided fhat each such delegation is in writing and a copy thereof is filed in the office af fhe 5ecr�fary; and it is FURTH�R R�S��NED, that any 6ond, recognizance, contract of indemnity, or writing obligatory in the nature of a bond, recognizance, or condifional undertaking shall he valid and bincting upan the Company when (a) signed by the President, any Vice Chairman, any Executive Vice Presidenf, any Seniar �ce President or any Vice President, any Second Vice President, the Treasurer, any Assistant Treasu�'er, the Co�'�oarate Secretary or any Assistant 5ecrefary and duly attesied and sealed uvith the Company's seal hy a Sscretary or Ass9stant 5ecreiary; or (b) duly executed (under seaf, Ei required) by ana or more Afitomeys-in-Fact and Agents pursuant fo the potver prescribed in his ar her certifica;e or their certificaies of auihority or by one or mare Company oificers pursuant to a written deiegation of authority; and it is FURTHER RESOL►lEQ, #hat ihe signature of each af ihe following affioers: President, any Executi�e Vice President, any 5enior Vice President, arry Vice Prasident, any Assisiant Vice Presideni, any 5ecretary, any Assistant Secretary, and the seal of the Cvmpany may i3e afEixed by facsimiEe ta any Power of /lttomey or to any certifcaie relating thereto appoir�ting Resident Vice Presidents, F2esidenf Assistant Secretaries or Attomeys-in-Fact for purposes oniy af executing artd al#esting bonds and undertakings and ofher writings ohligatory in the natur� thereof, and any such Ppwer of Aliomey or cerdificate l�$aring such fxrsimile signature or facsimile seal shall be valid and bincfing upon ihe Gampany and any such power so executed and certfied by such facsirr3ile signature and facsimile seaE shall 1�a valid and binding on the Campany in the future with respect to any bond or understanding to which it is afiached. E, Ffevin f. Hughes, the undersigned, Assistant Secretary of Tra�e[ers Cas�alty and Surety Gompany of Artierica, Travelars Casualfy and Surety Company, and St. Paul Fire and Marina Ensurance Company, do hereby ceriiiy ihat ths abov� and foregqing is a tr�e and correct copy of the Power of Attomey executed by said Companies, which remains in full force and efFect. Dated this zsm day of Feeruary , zazi �y�4'.� ,y,�SY.Lyp . ek-�' .� �� �' �`• � � w ��y� ��' . C He�4i�}� �y" �. �4� � � '$ C9iiH. . � .� � Y�, +a ,�S �'. [ � 6'1 � ^'}. ' �S� �__.�!'�A�. ^ Ke�ghes, Assi nt Secre#ary ia verifj+ i�ie auth�nurity af th�s Powe►-of.�ttv�neY. Plaa.� ca1/ us at 1-Sa+l-�21 31�0. Pl�as�e r�efe� to ti�e af�,vve-rramc�dAit�*�ey-in-Fas�F and #Ite details a�'i�ie ,�and !�v whidr tlre �vi. er i�s atf�che9d. ', .t, • . - •n � . 7 . ������� � � . . . . � � ' �1 T � a. V ���- -L�' \ JL 1 l � � �J � ' .. . � , 2D GNE h�4TZCE a�F A. CLAIM: . . Y�u ma.p car�f�ct '�ra.veJ.ers Casr�alty & 5�•et� Com.paII.g of Affieri.ca a�n.d i,ts a�'ilia�s a� Trave�le� Band � Finan.cial Producis � • ' � Att�: �3on.d Clai�m . . . - 1500 Market �tree� St�te Z9Q4 � ' Phii,a.deiphia, PA �.9IO2 � � (267) 675-3Q57 � � (Z67} 675-31QZ Fax ATTACH'�`HTS NOTICE TO YOUR BOND. T�us natice is for�info�ation on�.y a�a.d - daes r�.ot becam.e a part or a canditian af the bonr� . . ' - � � � a S�A�1lD�.� �El�IE]�Y� C�l�TI)�'I'IONS ��' �CI�� C��TST�i�J�'i'I�11lT ��l�T'�'�C'I' CITY OF FORT WORTH S'FANf3ARD CQNSTRUCTIQN SPECIFICATIQN DOCLIMENTS Revision; Manch 9, 2p20 STANDARD GENERAL CONDIT�ONS OF THE CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT TABLE OF C01�1TE1lTT� Page Article 1- Defini�ions anc� Terminology .......................................................................................................... l 1.01 Defiz�ed Terms ............................................................................................................................... l 1.02 Terminology ..................................................................................................................................6 Article2 — Prelirninary Matters .........................................................................................................................7 2.01 Copies af Documents .................................................................................................................... 7 2.02 Cornmencement af Contract Time; Natice to Proceed ................................................................7 2.43 Starting the Work .......................................................................................................................... $ 2.Q4 BefareStartingConstruc�ion ........................................................................................................8 2.45 Preconstructian Conference ..........................................................................................................8 2.06 Public Meeting .............................................................................................................................. S 2.07 Initial Acceptanc� o�Schedules ....................................................................................................8 Article 3— Contract Documents: Intent, Atnending, Reuse ............................................................................ $ 3 .01 Intent .. . . . . . . ...... ..... . . . .... ...... . . . . . . . ....... .... . . ...... ..... . ...... .... ........ . . .. . ....... . . . . .. . ..... . . . . . . . ... .. . ..... . . . . . . . . . . 8 3.02 Reference Standards ...................................................................................................................... 9 3.03 Reporting and Resolving Discrepancies .......................................................................................9 3.04 Amending and Supplementing Contract Dacurnents ................................................................. l Q 3.05 Reuse of Doc�menis ....................................................................................................................10 3.06 Eiectronic Data ............................................................................................................................ l l Article 4— Availability of Lands; Subsurface and Physical Condi�ions; Hazardous Environmental Conditions; Reference Points ...........................................................................................................11 �.01 Availability of Lands .................................................................................................................. � 1 4.02 Subsurface and Physicai Conditians .............................................................. ..12 .......................... 4.03 Dfffering Subsurface or Physical Conditions .............................................................................1 Z 4.04 Underground Facilities ...............................................................................................................13 4.05 Referenc e Points . . . . . ......... . . . . ............. . . .......... . . .................. . . . . ........ . . . . ........ . . . . . . ........... . . . . . . ........ . . .14 4.06 Hazardous En�ironmental Condition at Site ..............................................................................14 Article 5— Bonds and Insurance .................................•-..................................................................................16 5.01 Lice�sed Sureties and Insurers ...................................................................................................16 5.02 Perforrnance, Payrnent, and Maintenance Bonds .......................................................................16 5.03 Certificates of Insurance ..................................................................................... ............. . ........ . . 5.04 Contractor's Insurance ..................................... . . . . .......................................................................18 5.05 Acceptance ofBonds and Insurance; Qptionto Replace ........................................................... i9 Article 6 — Con.tractor's Responsibii�ties ......... 6.0] Super�ision and Superintendence ........................................... ...............................19 ...............................19 CITY OF FORT WORTH STAi��ARD CONSTItUCTION SPECIFICATION DdCUMENTS Revision: ]VFa�li 9, 2C12D �.02 6.03 6.04 6.as 6.06 6.07 6.OS 6.09 6.10 6.11 6.12 6.13 6.14 6.15 6.16 6.17 6.l 8 6.19 5.20 6.21 6.22 6.23 6.24 Labor; Working Hours ................................................................................................................ 20 Services, Materials, and Equiprnent ........................................................................................... 20 ProjectSchedufe ..........................................................................................................................21 Substitutes and "�r-Equals" .......................................................................................................21 Concerning Subcontractors, Suppliers, and Others .................................................................... 24 WageRates .................................................................................................................................. 25 PatentFees and Royalties ........................................................................................................... 26 Permitsand Utilities ....................................................................................................................27 Lawsand Regulations .................................................................................................................27 Taxes...........................................................................................................................................28 Useof Site and Other Areas .......................................................................................................28 RecordDocuments ......................................................................................................................29 Safetyand Protection .................................................................................................................. 29 SafetyRepresentative ..................................................................................................................3Q Hazard Cammunication Programs ............................................................................................. 30 Emergencies and/or Rectif cation ............................................................................................... 34 Submittals........ . . . ............ . ............. . ............ .............. .............. ............ ............. . ............................ 31 Cantinuingthe Work ................................................................................................................... 32 Contractor's General Warranty and Guarantee ..........................................................................32 Indemnification......................................................................................................................... 33 Delegation of Professional Design Services .............................................................................. 34 Rightto Audit .............................................................................................................................. 34 Nondiscrimina�ion ................. ...................................................................................................... 35 Article 7- Other Work at the Site ................................................................................................................... 35 7.01 Related Wark at Site ................................................................................................................... 35 7.02 Coordination ................................................................................................................................3b Article S - City's Responsibilities .............................. ............. . ....................................................................... 8.01 Camrnunicarions ta Gantractar ...................................................................................................36 8.02 Furnish Data ................................................................................................................................ 36 SA3Pay When Due ............................................................................................................................ 36 8.04 Lands and Easements; Reports and Tesis ...................................................................................3b S.OS Change Orders .............................................................................................................................36 8.06 �nspectio�s, Tests, and Approvals ..............................................................................................36 8.07 Limifa�ions on City's Responsibilities .......................................................................................37 8.08 Undisclosed Hazardous Environmental Condition ....................................................................37 $.09 Compliance with Safety Program ...............................................................................................37 Artic�e 9- City's Observation Sfatus During Construction ........................................................................... 37 9.O1 City's Project Manager ............................................................................................................37 9.02 Visits to Site ................................................................................................................................ 37 9.�3 Autharized Variations in Work ..................................................................................................38 9.a4� Rejecting Defective Work ..........................................................................................................38 9.a5 Determinations for Work PerFarmed ..........................................................................................3$ 9.06 Decisions on Requirements of Coniract Documents and Acceptability of Work .....................38 C1TY OF FORT WORTH STANDARI3 CQNSTRUCTIpN SPECIFICATION DOCLIMENTS Revision: l�rfa�li 9,2p2p Articie 14 - Changes in the Work; Claims; Extz-a Work ................................................................................ 3$ 10.01 Authorized Changes in the Work ............................................................................................... 38 10.42 Unauthorized Changes in. tl�e Work ...........................................................................................39 10.03 Execution of Change Orders ....................................................................................................... 39 10.44 Extra Work ................................................................................ .. 39 ................................................ 10.05 Nati�cation to Surety .................................................................................................................. 39 10.06 Con�ract Claims Process .............................................................................................................40 Article 11 - Cost of the Work; Allowances; Unit Price Wark; Plans Quantiry Measurernent ......................41 11.01 Cast of the Work ...................................................................................................... .41 .................. 11.02 Allowances ............................... . .................................................................................................. 43 11.03 Unit Price Work ..........................................................................................................................44 11.04 Flans Quantity Measuz-ement ............................... ..............45 ......................................................... Article 12 - Change of Contract Price; Change of Contract Tizne .................................................................46 12.01 Change of Contract Price ............................................................................................................46 12.02 Change of Contract Tirrae ............................................................................................................47 12.03 Delays ..........................................................................................................................................47 Article 13 - Tests and Inspections; Carrection, Removal or Acceptance of Defective Work ......................48 13.41 Natice of Defects ........................................................................................................................ 48 13.Q2 Access to Work ...........................................................................................................................4$ 13.03 Tests and Inspections ................................................................... .48 .............................................. 13.44 Uncovering Work ........................................................................................................................49 13.05 City May �top the Wark .............................................................................................................49 13.06 Carrecti�n or Remo�al of Defecti�e Work ................................................................................ 54 13.07 Correction Period ........................................................................................................................ 54 13.08 Acceptance of Defecti�ve Work ................................................................................................... 51 13.09 City May Correct Defecti�e Work ........:................................... ....... 51 Article 14 - Payments to Contractor and Cornpletion .................................................................................... S2 14.01 Schedu1e of Values ...................................................................................................................... 52 14.42 Progress Pay�ents ...................................................................................................................... 52 14.03 Cantractor's Warranty of Title .......................................... ............. 54 ........................... . ................ 14.44 Partial Utilization ........................................................................................................................ 55 14.45 FinalInspection ...........................................................................................................................55 14.06 FinaI Accepiance .........................................................................................................................55 1 �.07 Final Payment .............................................................................................................................. 56 14.48 Final Completion Delayed anc� Partial Retainage Release ........................................................ 56 14.09 Waiver of Claims ........................................................................................................................ 57 Article 15 - Suspension of Work and Termination ........................................................................................ 57 15.41 City May Suspend Work .............................................................................................:............... 57 15.02 City May Tertninate for Cause ................................................................................................... 58 15.43 City May Terminate Far Convenience ....................................................................................... G� Article16 - Dispute Resolution ...................................................................................................................... 61 1C.Oi MethodsandProcedures .............................................................................................................61 CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTTON Si'ECI�'ICATION DOCUMEIVTS Ke�ision: Ma�h 9, 2020 Article17 — Miscellaneous ..............................................................................................................................62 i7.01 Giving Notice .............................................................................................................................. 62 17.02 Computa�ion of Times ................................................................................................................ 62 17.03 Cumulative Remedies ................................................................................................................. 62 17.04 Survival of �bIigations ............................................................................................................... 63 17.05 Headings ......................................................................................................................................63 CiTY OF FOKT V�/OR'I'f-� STANDARD CQNSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION tiOCUMENTS Revision: Trfai�li 9, 2D24 oa �a ao - i GENERAL CONDITIDNS Page 1 of 63 ARTICLE 1— DEF�NITIONS AND TERMiN4LQGY 1.41 Defined Ternzs A. Wherever used in these General Conditians or in other Contract Dacuments, the terms listed belaw have the meanings indica�ed which az-e applicable to bo�h the sin�ular and plural thereof, and words denoting gender shall include the masculine, ferninina ar�d neuter. Said terms are generally capitalized or written in italics, but not always. When used in a context consistent with the definition of a listed-defined term, the term shall have a meaning as defined below whethex capita�ized ar italicized ar aiherwise. In addition to terrns specifically defined, �terms with initial capital letters in the Contract Documents include references to identified articles and paragraphs, and the titles of other documents or for�ns. 1. Addenda—Written ar graphic instrument� isse�ed priar ta the opening of Bids which clarify, correct, or change �he Bidding Requiremeants or the proposed Contract Dacuments. 2. Agreement The written insttument which is evidence of the agreement between Ciry and Contractor covering the Work. 3. Application for Paynzent—The f�rm acceptable to City which is to be used by Cantractar during the caurse of the Work in requesting progress or final paytnents ar�d which is to be accompanied by such supporting documentation as is required by the Contract Documents. 4. Asbestas—Any material that cantains more than one percent asbestos and is friable or is relea�ing asbestos fibers into the air above current ac�ion level� established by the United States Occupational Safety and Health Administration. 5. Award --- Authorizatian by the City Council for the City to enter into an Agreement. G. Bid—The offer or proposal of a Bidder submitted on the prescribed form setting �orth the prices for the Work to be pez-formed. 7. Bidder---The individuai ar entity who submits a Bid directly to Ciry. $. Bidding Documents—The Bidding Requirements and the proposed Contract Docuinents (inciuding all Addenda). 9. Bidding Requi�eynents—The advertisement �r Invitation to Bid, Instructions to Bidders, Bid security of acceptable form, if any, and the Bid Forrn with any supplements. 10. Business Day — A business day is defined as a day that the City conducts normal business, generally Manday through Friday, except f�r federai or state halidays observed by the City. 11. Calendar Day — A day consisting of 24 hours measured from midnight to the next midnight. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIO�1 DOCUIV(EI�TS Re�isian: N1��1i9,202U 00 �z oo - � GENERAL CONDITfOlVS Page 2 af b3 12. Change Order A document, which is prepared and approved by the Ciiy, which is signed by Contractor and City and authorizes an addition, deletion, or revision in the Work or an adjusitnent in the Contract Price or the Cantract Time, iss�ed on or after the Effective Date of the Agreeme�t. 13. City— The City of Fort Worth, Texas, a home-rule municipal corporation, authorized and chartered under the Texas State Statutes, aciing by its governing body through its Ciry Manager, his designee, or agents autharized under hi� behalf, each of which is required by Chart�r to perform specific duties with responsibility for final enforcement of the contracts involving the City af Fort Worth is by Charter vested in the City Manager and is the entity with whom Contractor has entered into the Agreernent and for wharn the Work is to be performed. 14. City Attorney — The officially appointed City Attorney of the City of Fort Worth, Texas, vr his duly autharized representa�ive. 15. City Council - The duly elected and c�ualified governing body of the City of Fort Wort�, Texas. 16. City Manager — The officially appointed and au.thorized City Manager of the Gity of Fort Warth, Texas, or his duly authorized representa�ive. X 7. Contract Clairn—A demand or assertion by City or Contractor seeking an adjustment of Coniract Price or Contract Time, or baili, or other reIief with respect to the terms af the Contract. A demand far money ar services by a third party is not a Contract Clairn. 18. Cantract—The entire and integrat�d written document between the City and Contractor concerning the Work. The Contract contains the Agrree�ent ar�d all Contract Documents and supersedes prior negotiations, representations, or agreements, whether written vr oral. 19. Cant�-act Documents—Those items so designated in the Agreement. All it�rns listed in the Agreement are Contract Documents. Approved Submittals, othez- Contractor submittals, and the reports and drawings of subsurFace and physical condiiians are not Contract Documents. 20. Contract Price—The moneys payable by City to Contractor for complefion of ihe `7Vork in accardance with the Contract Documents as stated in the Agreement (subject to the pravisions of Paragraph 11.03 in the case af Unit Price Work). 21. Contraet Time—The number ai days ar the dates stated ir� the Agreement ta: (i) achieve Mi�esfanes, if any and {ii} complete the Work so that it is ready for Final Accepfance. 22. Cont�acto�—The individual or entity u�th whom City has entered into the Agree�nent. 23. Cost af the Work—See Parag�'aph 11.Q 1 of these General Conditions for definition. C[TY OF FQRT WQRTH STANBARD CONSTRUCTION SPECTFICATION DOCCIMENTS Revision: Mazr]� 9, 2020 oa �z oo - i GENERAL CONDITIO�€S Page 3 of 63 24. Danaage Claims — A demand far money or services arising from the Pro�ect ar Site from a third party, City ar Cont�actor exclusive flf a Contract Clairn, 25. Day or day — A day, unless otherwise defined, shall mean a Calendar Day. 26. Directo� of Aviatio�a — The officially appointed Director af the Aviation Department of �he City af �ort Worth, Texas, or his duly appointed representative, assistant, or agents. 27. Di�-ector of Pa�ks and Community Services — The officially appointed Director af the Parks and Community Services Departrnent oi the City af F�rt Worth, Texas, or k�is duly appoirzted representative, assistant, or agents. 28. Di�-ector of Planning crnd Developme�rt -- The officialIy appointed Dir�c�or af the Planning and Develapment Depart�ent of the City of Fort Worth, Texas, or his duly appainted representative, assistant, or agents. 29. Directo� of Transportatian Public T�I�orks — The officially appointed Director a� the Transpartation Public Works Depart�ent of the City of Fort Worth, Texas, or his duly appointed representative, assistani, or agents. 30. Director of Water� Depar�tment — Th� officially appointed Director of the Water Department of the City of Fort Worth, Texas, or his duly appointed re}�resentative, assistant, ox agents. 31. Drawings—That part of the Contract Documents prepared ar approved by Engineer which graphically shows the scope, extent, and character of the Work to be perFormed by Contractor. Submittals are not Drawings as so defined. 32. Effective Dr�te of the Agreement—The date indicated in the Agreement on which it becomes effective, but if no such date is indicated, it means the date on which the Agreement is signed and delivered by the last of the two parties to sign and c�eliver. 33. E�agineer The licensed professional engineer or er�gineering f rm registered in the State oi Texas perforrning professional se�vices for the City. 34. Extra Work — Additional work rnade necessary by changes or aiteratians of ihe Cont�-act Documents or of quantities ar far ather reasons for which no prices are pro�ided in the Contract Documents. Extz-a work shall be part of the Work. 35. Field O�der — A written order issued by City which requires changes in the Work but which does not invol�ve a change in the Cont�act Price, Caniract Time, or the intent af the Engineer. Field Orders are paid from Field Order Aljflwances incorporated into the Contract hy funded work type at the time of award. 36. Final Acceptance — The vvritten notice given by the City to the Cantractor that the Work specif ed in the Contract Documents has been completed to the satisfaction of the City. CITY OF FOR'F WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCT[ON SPECIFICATION DQCUIvIENTS Re�ision: Ma�h 9, 2020 00 �z oo - i GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 4 0£63 37. Final Inspeetion — Inspection carried out by the CiYy to verify that the Contractor has completed fhe Work, and each and every pa.rt ar appurtenance thereof, fully, entirely, and in confornnance with the Cozatract Documents. 38. General Requi�-enaents—Sections of Division 1 of the Contract Documents. 39, Hazdrdous EnviNonmental Candition---The presence at the Site of Asbestos, PCSs, Petroleuz�, Hazardous Waste, Radioactive Materiai, or other materials in such quantities or circumstances that may present a substantial danger to persons or property expased thereto. 40. Hazardous Waste Hazardous waste is defined as any solid waste listed as hazardaus or possesses one or more hazardo�s characteristics as defined in ihe federal waste regulations, as amended from time to time. 41. Laws and Regulatians Any and all applicable laws, rules, regulations, ordinances, codes, and orders of any and all governmental bodies, agencies, authorities, and courts having jurisdictian, �2. Liens—Charges, security interests, ar encumbrances upon Praject funds, real property, ar personal property. 43. Nlajor Item -- An Item af work included in the Contract Documents that has a total cost equal to or greater than 5% of the original Co�tz-act Price or $25,000 whichever is less. 44. Milestone—A pxincipal eve�t specified in the Coniract Documents relaiing to an interz�n.ediate Contract Time priar to Final Acceptance of the Work. 45. ll�otice of Award The written notice by City ta the Successful Bidder stating that upon tirnely compliance by the Successfui Bidder with the conditions precedent listed therei�, City will sign and deliv�r the Agre�ment. �46. �Tatice to Proceed—A written notice given by City ta Cantractor fixing the dafe on which the Contract Time will commence to run and on which Contractor shall start io perform the Wark specified in Contract Documents. 47. PCBs—Folychlorinated �i�henyls. 48. PetYoleum Petroleum, including crude oi1 or any fraction thereof which is liquid at standard conditions of t�mperature and pr�ssure (60 degrees Fahrenheit and 14.7 pounds per square inch absalute), such as oil, petroleum, fu.el ail, oi1 sludge, oil reiuse, gasaline, kerosene, and oil rnixed with other non-Hazardous Waste and crude oils. 49. Plrrns -- See definition of Drawings. CITY OF FORT WORTH STAiVDARI? CONSTRCTCTION 5PECIFICATION bOCiJNf�[�fT5 Revision: Manch 9, 202p 0�720D-1 GE�fERAL CdNDITIOfdS Page 5 of 63 50. Project Schedule—A schedule, prepared and maintained by Contractor, in accordance with the General Requirements, describing the sequence and duration ot' tt�e acti�ities comprising the Contracior's plan ta accamplish the Wark within the Contract Time. 51. P�oject The Work to be performed under the Contract Documents. 52. Project Maradger The authorized representative of the City who wiii be assi�ned to the �ite. 53. Publtc Meeting — An announeed meeting conducted by the City to facilitate public participation and to assist the public in gaining an informed view of the Project. 54. Radioactive Mate�ial—Source, special nuclear, or byproduct material as defined by the Atozx�ic Energy Act of 1954 (42 USC Sectian 20ll et seq.) as amended fram tirne to time. 55. RegulaY Working Hours — Haurs beginning at 7:04 a.m. and ending at 6:04 p.m., Monday thru Friday (excluding legal holidays). SG.Sumples—Physical examples of materials, equipm�nf, or workmanship that are representative o� some portion o� the Work and which establish the standards by which such portion of the Work will be judged. 57. Schedule of Submittals—A schedule, prepared and maintained by Contractor, of required submittals and the tirne requirements to suppart scheduled perfarrnance of related construction activities. 58. Schedule of Yalues—A schedule, prepared and maintained by Contractar, aliocating portions of the Contract Price to various portions of the Work and used as the basis for re�iewing Contractor's Applications far Payrnent. 59. Site Lands or areas indicated in the Contract Documents as being furnished by City upon which the Work is to be performed, including rights-of-way, permits, and easements for access thereto, and such other lands furnished by City whicl� are designated far the use a�Contractor. 60. Specificatians—That part of the Contract Documents consisting of written requirements for rnaterials, equipment, systems, standards and workmanship as applied to the Work, and certain ad�ninistrative requirements and procedural matters appIicable thereto. Specifications may be specificaliy rnade a part of the Contract Documents by attachmen� or, if not attached, rnay be i�corporated by reference as indicated in the Table of Contents (Divisian Qp 0� 0�} of each Proj ect. 61, Subcontractor� An indi�idual or entity ha�ing a direct contract with Cantractor or with any other Subcontractor far the perfarmance of a part af the Wark at the Site. Cl'E'Y OF FORT WOItTFI STANDARDCONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION �OCUMENTS Revision: Nf�r,1s9,202U 0072OD-1 GENERAL CONDITIOIVS Page 6 of 63 52. Submittals—All drawings, diagrarns, illustrations, schedules, and other data or information vvhich are specifically prepared or assembled by or for Contractor and submitted by Contractor to illustxa#e some portion aithe Wark. 63. Successful BiddeY The Bidder submittzng the lowest and most responsive Bid ta whorn City makes an Award. 64. Superintendent — The representative af the Contractor wha is avai�able at all times and able to receive instructions from the City and to aci for the Contractor. 65. Supplementa�y Conditions That part of the Coniract Documents which amends or suppleznents these General Canditions. 66. Supplier A manufacturer, �abricator, supplier, disfiributar, materialman, or vendar having a direct contract with Contractor ar with any Subcontractor to fiirnish materials or equipment to be incorporated in the Work by Cantractar ar Subcontractar. 67. Underground Facilities—All underground pipelines, conduits, ducts, cables, wires, manho�es, vaults, tanks, tunnels, or ather such facilities or aitachments, and any encasemenis containing such facilities, including but not Iimited to, those that convey eiectricity, gases, steam, liquid petroleum products, telephone or other communications, cable television, water, wastewater, stoz-m water, other liquids or chemicals, or traffic ar other contrai systems. 68 Unit P�-ice Wo�-k—See Paragraph 11.03 of these General Conditions for definition. 69. Weekend Workirag Hou�s -- Hours beginning at 9:00 a.m. and ending at 5:00 p.m., Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday, as approved in advance by the Ciry. 70. Work—The entiz-e construction or the var�ous separately identifiable parts thereaf required to b� provided under the Contract Documents. Work includes and is the result of perForming or providing all labor, services, and dacumenfatian necessary to produce such construction including any Change Order or Field Order, and furnishin�, installing, and incorporating alI materials and equipment into such construction, all as required by th� Contract Documents. 71. Working Day — A working day is defined as a day, nat including Saturdays, �undays, or legal holidays authorized by the City for contract purposes, in which weaiher or other conditions not under the contral af the Contractor will permit the performance of iha principal unit of work underway for a continuous period of not less than 7 hours between 7 a.m. and 6 p.�n. 1.02 Terminology A. The words and terms discussed in Paragraph 1.Q2.B through E are not defined but, when used in the Bidding Requirernents or Co�ntract Docurnents, have the indicated rneaning. B. Intent of Certain Terms arAdjectives: C1TY OF FORT WORTH STANDARB CONSTRUCTiON SPECIFICATION I]OCUMENTS Revision: Mai�h 9, 2b20 00 �z ao - i GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 7 of 63 1. The Contract Documents include the terms "as ailowed," "as approved," "as ordered," "as directed" ar terrns o� like effect or import to authorize an exercise of judgznent by City. In addi�zan, the adjectives "reasonable," "suitable," "acceptable," "proper," "satisfactory," or adjecti�ves af like effect or import are used to describe an ac�ion or determination of City as ta the Work. It is intended that such exercise of professio�al judgzx�ent, action, or deternunation will be solely to evaluaie, in genaral, the Work �or compliance with the information in the Contract Documents and with the design concept �f the Praject as a functioning whole as s�own or indicated in the Contract Documents (unless there is a specific statement indicating otherwise). C. Defective: 1. The word "defecti�e," when madifying the ward "Work," refers ta Work that is unsatisfactory, faulty, or deficient in that it: a. daes not conform to the Contract Docurnen�s; or b. does not meet the requirements of any applicable insp�ction, reference standaxd, tesi, ar appraval referred to in the Cont�-act Docurnents; or c. has been damaged prior to CiEy's written acceptance. D. Fu�nish, Install, Perfo�nz, Pravide: 1. The word "Furnish" or the word "Install" or the word "Perfortn" or the r�vord "Provide" or the word "Supply," ar any cor�bination ar similar directive or usage thereof, shall mean furr�ishing and incorporating in the Work including all necessa�y labor, materials, equipment, and everything necessary to perform �he Work indicated, unles� specifically limited in the cantext used. E. Unless �tated otherwise in the Cont�act Documents, words or phrases that have a well-known technical or construction industry ar trade meaning are used in the Contract Documents in accordance with such recognized meaning. ARTICLE � — PRELIMINARY MATTERS 2.01 Copies of Documents City shall furnish to Contractor one (1} original executed copy and one {1} eiecironic copy of the Cont�act Docurnents, and four (4} additional copies of the Drawings. Additiona� copies will be fuxnished upon request at the cost of reproduction. 2.02 Conzmencement of Contract Time; Notice to Pt-oceed The Contract Time will commence to run on the day indicated in the Notice to Proceed. A Notice to Proceed may be gi�en no earliar than 14 days aft�r the Effecti�e Date of the Agreement, unless agreed to by both parties in writing. CITY OF �'ORT LVORTH STANDARI} CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revision: Macch 9, 2[)20 0072DO-1 G�N�RAL C�NDITIONS Page 8 of63 2.03 StaYting the Work Con�ractor shall start to perform the Wark an the date when the Contract Time commences ta run. No Wark shall be done at ihe Site prior to the date on which the Contraci Time commences to run. 2.04 Before �S'tarting Const�uction Baseline Schedules: Submit in accordance with the Cantract Documents, and prior to starting the Work. 2.05 P�econst�uction Confer�ence Befare any Work at the Site is started, the Contractor shall attend a Preconstruction Conference as specified in the Contract Dacuments. 2.06 Public Meeting Contractor may not mobilize any equipment, materials or resources to the Site prior to Contractor attending the Public Meeting as scheduled by the City. 2.07 Initial Acceptance of Schedules No progress payment shall be rnade to Cantractar until acceptable schedules are submitted to Ciry in accordance with the Schedule Specification as provided in the Contract Documents. ARTICLE 3— C�NTRACT DQCUIi�IENTS: IlliTENT, AIV�ENDING, REUSE 3.01 Intent A. The Contract Dacuments are camplementary; what is required by one is as binding as if required by all. B. It is the intent of the Contract Documents to describe a functionally complete project (or part ihereof} to be constructed in accordance with the Cantract Documents. Any labor, documentation, services, materials, or equipment that reasonably may be inferred frorn the Cantract Docurnents or from prevaiIing custom or t�ade usage as being required to produce the indicated result will be provided whether or not specificaily called for, at no additionai cost to City. C. C1arif cations and interpretat2ons of the Contract Documents shall be issued by C�ry. D. The Specifications may vary in form, format and style. �ome Specification sections may be written in varying degrees of streannlined ar declarative style and same sections may be relatively narrative by comparison. Omissian of such words and phrases as "the Contractar shall," "in conformity with," "as shown," or "as specifed" are intentional i� stream�ined sections. Omitted vcrords and phrases shall be su�plied by inference. Similar types of pravisions may appear in various parts of a sectian or ariicles within a part depending on the format of the CITY �F FORT WORTH STA�IDARD CaNSTR[tCTION SPECIFiCATiON DOCUMENTS Revision: Ma�li9,2020 oo�aoa-i ��rv��a�. co�voiTiaNs Page 9 af 63 section. The Contractor sha11 not take advantage vf any var�ation af farrn, fo�nat or style in making Contract Claims. E. The cross referencing of specification sections under the suhparagraph I�eading "Related Sections include but are not neces�arily limited to:" and elsewhere within each Specification section is provided as an aid and convenience to the Contractor. The Contractor shall not rely on the cross referencing pro�ided and shall be responsible to coordinate the entire Wark under the Contract Dacuments and provide a camplete Project whether or not the cross referencing is pro�ided in each section or whetker or not the crass referencing is complete. 3.02 Reference Standards A. Standards, Specifications, Cades, Laws, and Regulations 1. Reference to standards, specifications, rr�anuals, or codes of any technical society, arganizatian, or association, or to Laws or Regulations, whether such reference be specific or by irnplication, shall mean the standard, specification, manual, cade, ar Laws or Regulations in effect at the time of opening of Bids {or on the Effective Date of tihe Agreement if therc were no Bids), except as may be otherwise specifically sta�ed in the Cantract Docurnents. 2. No pravision of any such standard, specification, m�anual, ar code, ar any instruction of a S�pplier, shall be efFective to chan.ge the duties or responsibilities of Ciry, Contractor, or any of their subcontractors, consultants, agents, or employees, fram thase set forth in the Contract Documents. No such pro�ision or instruction shall be effective to assign to City, or any of its officers, directors, rnembers, partners, employees, agents, consultants, or subcontractors, any duty ar autharity to supervise or direct the per%rmance of the Work or any d�ty or authori�y to undertake respansibility inconsistent with the provisions of the Contract Documen�s. 3.03 Repor�ting and Resolving DiscYepancies A. Reporting DiscYepancies: Contractor's Review af Contract Docurnents BefoYe Sta�-ting Wo�k: Befare undertaking each part of the Wark, Cantractor shall carefully study and compare the Contract Documents and check and verify pertinent figures thexein against all applicable field measurements and conditions. Con�ractor shall promptly report in writing to Ci�y any canflict, err�r, ambiguity, or discrepancy which Contract�r discovers, or has actua� knowledge of, and shall obtain a written interpretation or clarification from City before proceeding with any Work affected thereby. 2. Cont�actor's Review of Contract Documents Du�ing Performance of Work: If, during tHe performance of the Work, Cont�actor discovers any canflict, error, ambiguity, or discrepancy within the Contract Documents, or between the Contract Docurr�ents and (a) any app�icabie Law or Regu�ation ,{b) any standard, specification, manual, or code, or (c) any inst7-uction of any Supplier, th�n Contractor shall promptly report it ta City in rvriting. Cont�actor shall noi proceec� with the Work afFected thereby (except in an emergency as required by Paragraph CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATI�N DOClIMENT5 Re�ision: MarcU 9, 2f120 00 72 00 - 1 GENERAL CONDITIOIVS Page 10 of 63 6.17.A) until an amendment ar supplernent to the Cantract Documents has been issued by one of the methods indicated in Paragraph 3.04. Contractor shall not be liable to Ciry for failure ta report any conflict, error, ambiguity, or discrepancy in the Canh-act Docurnents unless Coniractor had actual knowledge thereaf. B. Resolving Discrepancies: 1. Except as may be otherwise specifically stated in ihe Contract Documents, the provisions of the Contract Documents shall take precedence in resolving any conflict, errar, ambiguity, or discrepancy between the provisions of the Contract Documents and the provisions of any standard, specification, manual, or the instruction of any Supplier (whether or not specifically incorporated by referen:ce in the Cantract Docurnents). 2. In case of discrepancies, figured dimensions shall govern over scaled dimensions, Plans shall govern over �pecifications, Supplementary Conditions shall gavern aver General Conditians and Specifications, and quantities shown o� the Plans shall govern over those shown in ihe proposal. 3.04 Amending and Supplementing Contract Documents A. The Contract Dacwnents may be amended to pravide %r additions, deletions, and revisians in the Work or to modify the terms and conditions thereof by a Change Order. B. The requirernents of the Contract Documents may be supplemented, and minor variations and deviatians in the Work n�t involving a change in Cantract Price or Contract Tirne, may be authorized, by one or more of the following ways: 1. A Field Order; 2. Ciiy's review of a Submittal (subject to fh� provisions ofParagraph 6.18.C); or 3. City's written interpretation ar clarification. 3.05 Reuse ofDocuments A. Cantractor and any Subcontractor or Supplier shall not: have or acquire any title to or ownership rights in any of the Drawings, Specifications, or other documents {or copies of any thereo� prepared by or bearing the seal ai Engineer, including elect�onic media editions; ar 2. reuse any such Drawings, Specifications, other documents, or copies thereo�' on extensions of the Project or any other project withaut written consent of City and specific written verification or adaptation by Engineer. CITY OF k'QRT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTIOIZ SPECIFICATIO� DOCUMEAITS Revision: Mv�1t9,2020 oa 72 00 - i GENERAL CONDITIONS Page I 1 of 63 B. The prohibitions of ihis Paragraph 3.05 will slu-vive final payment, or termination of tk�e Contract. Nothing herein shall preclude Contractor from retaining copies of the Contract Dacuments for recard purposes. 3.46 Electronic Dc�ta A. Unless otherwise stated in the Supplernentary Conditions, the data furnished by City or Engineer to Contractar, or by Cantractor to City or Engineear, that may be relied upon are lirnited to fihe printed copies included in �he Contract Documants {also knowr� as hard copies} and other Specificatia�s z-eferen.ced a�d located on the City's on-line electr�nic document rnanagement and collaboration system site. Files in electronic media format of text, data, graphics, or other type� are furnished anly for the canvenience of the recei�ing paYty. Any conclusion or information obtained or derived from such electronic files wi11 be at the user's sole risk. If there is a discrepan.cy between the electronic files and the hard copies, the hard copies go�ern. B. When transferring docurnents in electronic rriedia format, the transferring party makes no reprasantations as to long term compatibility, usability, or readabiliry of documents resulting from the use oi soflware application packages, operating systems, or computer hardware differing from those u�ed by the data's creator. ARTICLE 4— AVAILABILITY OF LANDS; SUBSURFACE AND PHYSICAL CONDITIONS; HAZAR.DOUS ENVIRONMENTAL C4NDITI4NS; REFERENCE POINTS 4.01 „fiivailability of Lanr�s A. City shall furnisH the Site. City shall natify Contractor of any encumbrances or restrictions not of general application but specifically related to use of the Site with which Cantractor must co�nply in perfor�ning the Wark. City will obtain in a timely manner and pay for easements for perman�nt structures or permanent changes in existing facilities. 1. The City has obtained or anticipates acquisition of andlor access to right-of-way, and/or easements. Any outstanding right-of-way and/or easements are anticipated to be acquired in accordance with the schedule set forth in the Supplementary Condi�ians. The Project Schedule submitted by the Contractor in accordance with the Contract Documents �nust consider any outstanding right-af way, and/or easements. 2. The City has or anticipates re�novi�g and/ar relocating utilities, and abstru.ctions to the Site. Any outstanding removal or relocation of utilities or obstructions is anticipated in accordance with the schedule set farth in the Suppiementary Conditions. The Project 5chedule submitted by the Contractor in accordance with the Contract Docu�aents must cansider any outstanding utilities or obstr-uctions to be removed, adjusted, and/or relocaied by others. B. Upon reasonable written request, City shall furnish Contractor with a current statement af record legal title and legal descriptian of the lands upon which the Work is to be performed. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD C�NSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOC[J�v1ENT5 Re�ision: Ma�l� 9, 2020 UO 72 00 - 1 GEiVERAL CONDITIOIVS Page 12 of 63 C. Con.tractox shall provide �or a11 additional lands and access ihereto that may be requir�d for construction facilities or storage of materials and equipment. 4.42 Subsu�face and Physical Conditio�as A. Reports and D�awings: The Supplementary Canditians identify: 1, those reports known to City of explorations and tests of subsurFace conditions at or contiguous to ihe Site; and 2. those drawings known to City of physical conditions relating to existing surface or subsur�ace structures at the Site (except Underground Facilities). B. Limited Reliance by Contrcactor on Technical Data Autho�ized: Contractar may rely upon fhe accuracy of the "technical data" contained in such reports and drawings, but such reports and drawings are not Contz-act Documents. Such "technica] data" is identified in the Supplementary Conditions. Contractor may not make any Cantract Clairn against Ciry, ar any af their afficers, directars, members, par�riers, employees, agents, consuZtants, or subcontractors with respect to: 1. the completeness of such reports and drawings for Contractor's purposes, including, but not lirnited to, any aspects of the means, rnethads, techniques, sequences, and pracec�ures o£ constructzon ta be employed by Contractor, and safety precautions and programs incident thereto; or 2. other data, interpretations, apinions, and infarznation contained in such reparts or shawn or indicated in such drawings; or 3. any Contractar interpretation of or conclusion drawn from any "technical data" or any such other data, interpretations, opinions, or information. 4.a3 Differing Subsu�face or Physical Conditions A. Noiice: If Contracior believes that any subsurface or physicai condition that is uncovered ar revealed either: 1. is of such a nature as to establish that any "technical data" on which Contractor is entitled to rely as provided in Paragraph 4.02 is materially inaccurate; or 2. is of such a nature as to require a change in the Contract Documents; or 3. differs materially frorn that shown or indicated in the Contract Documents; or 4. is of an unusual nature, and differs materia�ly fram conditians ardinarily encauntered and generally recognzzed as inherent in work of the character provided for in the Contract Docum�nts; CITY OF FORT WORTH 5TAIVDARd CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revision: Ma�h9,2020 oo�2oa-3 GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 13 of 63 then Cont�actQr shait, promptly after becoming a�vare thereof and before further disturbing the subsuxface or physical conditions or performing any Work in connectian ther�r�vith (except in an emergency as required by Paragraph 6. l 7.A), notify City in writing about such conditian. B. Possible Price and Time Adjustnxents Contractor shall not be entitied to any adjustnnent in the Contract Pz-ice or Contract Time if: 1. Contractor knew of th.e existence of such conditions at the iirne Cantractor made a fi�al commitment �a City vcrith respect to Contract Price and Contract Time by the submission of a Bid or beco�ning bound under a negatiated contract; or 2. the existence of such conditian could reasonabiy have been discovered or re�eaied as a result oithe exa�nination of thc Contract Documents or the Site; or 3. Con�ractar failed t� give the written notice as required by Paragraph 4.03.A. 4,44 Undet-ground Facilities A. Shown or Indicated: The in%rmation and data shown or indicated in �he Cont�act Documents with respect to existing Underground Facilities at or contiguous ta the Site is based on infarmation and data furnished to City or Engineer by the owners of such Underground Facilities, including City, or by others. Unless it is otherwise expressly provided in the Supplementary Conditians: 1. City and Engineer shall not be responsible for the accuracy or completeness of any such information or data pro�ided by others; and 2, the cost of all of the follawing will be included in t�►e Contract Price, and Contractar sha11 ha�e full responsibility for: a. reviewing and checking all such infor�nation and data; b. locating all Underground Facilities shown or inc�ica�ed in the Contract Documents; c. coordination and adjustment af the Work with the owners of such Underground Facilities, including Crty, during construction; and d. the safety and protection of alI such Underground Facilities and repairing any damage thereto resulting from the Work. S. Not Shown or Indicated: 1. If an Underground Facility which conflic#s with the Work is uncavered or revealed at or contiguous io the Site which was nat shown or indicated, or not shown ox indicated with z-easonable accuracy in the Contract Documents, Contrac�or shall, promptly after becoming aware thereof and before fiirther disturbing conditions affected thereby or periarming any CITY pF FORT WORTH STANDARA C�NSTI2UCTION SQECIFICATION D�CUMENTS Revision: March4,2U20 00 �z oo - i GENERAL CONdITIONS Page 14 of G3 Work in connection therewith (except in an ernergency as required by Paragraph 6.17.A), identify the owner of such Underground Facility and give notice to that owner and to City. City wiIl review th� discovered Underground Facility and determine the extent, if any, to which a change may be requiz-ed in ik�e Contract Dacurnents to reflect and docu�nent the consequences of the existence or location of the Undergrounci Facility. Contracfor shall be responsib�e for the safety and protection of such discovered Underground Facility. Z. If City concludes that a change in the Contract Documents is required, a Change Order may be is�ued to reflect and document such cansequences. 3. Verification af existing utilities, struciures, and service lines shall include notification of all utility companies a minimum of 48 hours in advance of construction incluaing exploratory excavation if necessary. 4.05 Reference Points A. City shall provide engineering surveys ta esfiablish reference points for construction, which in City's judgment are necessary to enable Contractor to proceed with the Work. City wi11 provide canstructian sfiakes or ather custornary rnethod af marking to esiablish line and grades for roadway and uriliiy construction, center�ines and benchmarks for bridgework. Contractor shall protect and preserve the esiablished reference points and property rnonuments, and shall make �ao changes ar relocations. Contractor shall report to City whenever any reference point or property monument is lost or destroyed or requires relocation because of necessary changes in grades or locarions. The City shall be responsible for the replacem.ent ar relocation of reference points or property monuments not carelessly ar willfully destroyed by the Cantractar. The Contractor shall notify City in advance and with suffic�ent time to avoid delays. B. Whenever, in the opinion of the City, any referer�ce point or monumeni has been careiessly or willfitlly dest�oyed, disturbed, or rernoved by the Contractor or any of his employees, the full cast for reptacing such points plus 25% will be charged against the Contractor, and the full amount will be deducted frorn payment due the Contractor. 4.Ob Hazardous Envir�onmental Condition at Site A. Repo�ts and D�awings: The Supplementary Conditians identify thase reports and drawings known to City relating to Hazardous Environmental Condiiions that have been identified at the Site. B. Limited Reliance by Contr�actor� on Technical Data Author�ized: Cantractor may rely upon the accuracy oi the "technical data" contained in such reparts and drawings, but sucl� reports and drawings are not Contract Documents. Such "technical data" is identified in the Supplementary Conditions. Contractar may nat make any Can�ract Clairn against City, or any of their of�cers, directors, members, partners, employees, agents, consultants, ar subcontractors with respect to: 1. the completeness of such reports and drawings for Contractor's purposes, including, but not limited to, any aspects of the means, methods, techniques, sequences and procedures of C17'Y pF FpRT WQRTH STANQARD CONSTRUCTION 3PECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revision: Ma�h 9, 2D20 00 �2 ao - r GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 15 of 63 construction to he ernployec� by Contractor and safety precautions and pragrams incident ihereio; or 2. other data, interpretations, opinions and information contained in such reports or shown ar indicated in such drawings; or 3. any C�ntractor interpretation of or conclusion drawn fram any "technical data" or any such other data, inierpretations, opinions or information. C. Contractor shall not be responsihle far any Hazardous Environmentai Condition uncovered or revealed at the Site whic�i was not shown ar indicated in Drawings or Specifications or identified in the Contract Documents to be within the scope of the Work. Contractor shall be responsible for a Hazardous En�ironmental Condition created with any materials brought to the Site by Contractor, Subcontractars, Suppliers, or anyane else for whoxn Contractar is responsibie. D. If Contracior encounters a Hazardous Enviranmental Condition ar if Contractor or anyone for wham Contractar is responsible creaies a Hazarda�s Environrnental Condition, Cont�actor shall immediately: (i) sec�zre or otherwise isolate such condition; (ii} stop all Wark in connection with such condition and in any area affected thereby (e�cept in an emergency as required by Paragraph 6.17.A}; and (iiz} natify C�ty (an.d promptly thereafter confirm such notice in writing). City rnay consider ihe necessity to retain a qualified expert to evaluate such condition or take corrective action, if any. E. Contractor sha11 nat be required to resume Work in connection with such condition or in any affected area until after City has obtained any required permits related ihereto and delivered written notice to Contractor: (i) sp�cifying that such eondition and any affected area is or has been rendered suitable for the resumption of Wor�C; flr (ii) specifying any special conditions under which such Work may be resumed. F. If after receipt of such written notice Contractor does not agree to resume such Work based on a reasonable beiief it is unsafe, or daes not agree to resume su.ch Work under such special canditi�ns, ihen City may order the portion of the Work that is in the area affected by such condition to be deleted from the Work, City may have such deleted portion of the Work performed by City's own forces or others. G. To the fullest extent permitted by Laws and Regulations, Contractor shall indenan� and hold harmless City, frofn and against all claims, costs, lasses, and damages (including but not limited to ald fees and charges of engineers, architects, attoNneys, and othe� professionals and all court or arbit�ution o� other dispute resoiution costs) arising out of a� relating to a Hazardous Environmentcal Condition created by Contractor or by cznyone far whom Contractor ts responsible. Nothing in this Paragraph 4.Od.G shall obligate Cant�-actat- to indemnify any individual or entity f�am and against the consequences of that individual's or� entity's own negligence. H. The provisions of Paragraphs 4.02, 4.03, and 4.44 do not apply to a Hazardous En�ironmental Conditian unco��ered or revealed at the Site. ClTY OF FORT WORTH STANDARI7 CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION i�OCUMEt�1TS Re�ision: N1aroh9,202� 00 72 00 - I GENERAL CON�1T10NS Page lb of63 ARTYCLE 5— BONDS AND INSURANCE 5.01 Licensed Sureties and 1'nsurers All bonds and insurance required by the Contract Documents ta be purchased and maintai�ed by Cantractar shall be obtained frarn s�rety or insurance companies that are duly licensed or authorized in the State of Texas to issue bonds or insurance policies for the limits and coverages so required. Such surety and insurance companies shall also zneet such additional requirem.ents azad qualifications as may be provided in the Supplementary Conditions. 5.02 Perfo�mance, Payment, and Maintenance Bonds A. Contractor shall furnish performance and payment bonds, in accardance with Texas Government Code Chapter 2253 or successor staiute, each in an amount equal to the Contract Price as security far the faithful performance and payment of all of Contractor's abligations under the Contract Documents. B. Contractor sha11 furziish maintenance bonds in an amount equal to the Cont�act Price as security fo protect the City against any defects in any portion oi the Work described in the Contract Documents. Maintenance bonds sha11 remain in effect for two (2} years after the date of Final Acceptance by the City. C. A�1 bonds shall be in the �orm prescribed by the Cantract Docurnents except as provided atherwise by Laws or Regulations, and shal] be executed by such sureiies as are named in the list of "Companies Holding Certificates of Authority as Acceptable Sureties on Federal Bonds and as Acceptable Reinsuring Cornpanies" as published in Circular 570 (amended} by the Financial Management Service, Surety Bond Branch, U.�. Depar�ment offhe Treasury. All bonds signed by an agent or attorney-in-fact must be accompanied by a sealed and dated power of attorz�ey which shall show that it is efFective on the date the agent ar aitarney-in-fact signed each bond. D. If the surety an any bond furnished by Contracfor is declared bankrupt or becomes insolvent or its right to do business is terrninated in the State of Texas or it ceases to meet the requiremenis of Paragraph 5.02.C, Contractar shail promptly notify City and shall, within 30 days aft�r the event giving rise ta such notificatian, pravide another bond a�nd surety, boih of which shall connply with the requirements af Paragraphs 5.01 and 5.02.C. 5.03 Certificates of Insurance Contractor shall deliver ta City, with copies to each additianal insw'ed and 1pss payee identified in the Supplenn.entary Conditions, certificates of insurance (other evidence of insurance z-equested by City or any other additional insured) in at least the rninimum amounf as specified in the ��pplementary Conditions which Cantractor is required to purck�ase and maintain. 1. The certificate of insurance shall dacument the City, and ali identified entities named in the Supplementary Conditions as "Additional Insured" on all liability policies. CTI'Y OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTKCJCTION SPECIFICATION DOCLTMENTS Revision: Munh9,2020 00 72 00 - 1 GEN�I�AI. CDNDITIQNS Page 17 of G3 2. The Contractor's general Iiability insurance sk�all include a, "per project" or "per location", endorsement, which shali be identified in the certif cate of insurance pro�ided ta �he City. 3. The certificate shall be signed by an agent authorized to bind coverage on behalf of the insured, be complete in its entirety, and sho�v complete insurance carrier names as listed in the current A.M. Best Property & Casualty Guide 4. The insurers for all policies must be licensed and/or approved to do business in the Stat� af Texas. Except for workers' campensation, all insurers must have a minimuzn rating of A-: VII in the c�rrent A. M, Best Key Rating Guide �r ha�e reasanably equivalent financial strength and sol�ency to the satisfaction of Risk Management. If the xaiing is below that zequired, written approval of City is r�quired. 5. AlI applicable policies shall include a Waiver of Subrogation (Rights of Recovery) in fa�or of the City. In addiiion, ihe Contractor agrees to waive all rights of subrogatian against tlie Engineer {if applicable), and each additianal insured identified in the Supplementary Conditions 6. Failure of the City to demand such certificaies or other evidence of fi.zll campliance with the insurance xequirements or failure of the Ci�y to ic�entify a defici�ncy from evidence that is pro�ided shali not be construed as a waiver af Contractor's abliganon to maintain such lines of insurance coverage. 7. I� insurance poiicies are not written far specified coverage limits, an Umbrella or Excess Liability ins�rance for any dif%rences is required. Excess Liability shall follavv form of the primary coverage. 8. Unless otherwise stated, all required insurance shall be written on the "occurrence basis". If coverage is unden�ritten an a claims-made basis, the retroacti�e date shall be coincident with or prior to the date of iiie effec�ive date of the agreement and th.e certificate of insurance shall state that the coverage is claim�-made ancE the retroactiv� date. The insurance co�erage shall be maintained for the duration of the Contract and far ti�ree (3) years following Final Acceptance provided und�r the Contract Documents or for the warranty period, whiche�er is longer. An annual certificate of insurance subrnitted ta the City sha11 evidence such insurance coverage. 9. Policies shall ha�e na excIusions by endorsements, which, neither nullify or amend, the required lines of coverage, nor decrease the limits of said coverage unless such endorsements are approved in writing by the CiEy. In the event a Con�ract has been bid ar executed and the excIusions are determined �o be unacceptable or the City desir�s additional insurance coverage, and the City desires the contractor/engineer to obtain such co�erage, the co�tract price shall be adjusted by the cost ofth� premium for such additional coverage pl�s 10%. 14. Any seif insured retention (SIR}, in excess of $25,000.00, affeciing required insurance co�erage shall be approveci by the City in regards to asset value and st�ckhalders' equity. In CITY gF FORT WORTH STANDAAD COIJ5TR[1CTIQN SPECIFICATION DOCUMEI�TS Revision: Ma�h 9, 2020 00 �z oo - i GENERAL C�IVDITIO�lS Page 18 ofG3 lieu o� traditional insurance, alt�rnative coverage maintained through insurance poois or risk retention groups, must also be approved by City, 11. Any deducfible i� excess of $S,OQO.Oa, %r any policy that does not provide coverage on a first-dollar basis, must be acceptable to and approved by the City. 12. City, at its sale discretion, reserves the right to review the insurance requirements and to make reasonable adjusirnents to insurance coverage's and their �imits when deemed necessary and prudent by the City based upon changes in statutory law, court decision or the claims history of the industry as well as af the contracting party to the City. The City shall be required to provide prior notice of 90 days, and the insurance adjustments shall be incorporated inta the Work by Change Order. 13. City shall be eniitled, upon written request and without expense, io receive copies of policies and endorsements thereto and may make any reasonable requests for deletion or revision ar modifications of particular policy terms, conditions, limitations, or exclusions necessary ta conform fhe policy and endorsements to the requirements of the Contract. Deleiions, revisions, ar modifica�ions shall not be required where policy provisions are established by law or ragulations binding upon either party or the under�vi-iter on any such policias. 14. City shall not be respansible for the direct paymant �of insurance premium costs for Contractor's insurance. 5.04 Contractor's Insurance A. Wa�-kers Compensation and Employers' Liability. Contractor shall purchase and maintain such insurance coverage with lirnits cansistent with stafutory benefits outlined in the Texas Workers' Compensation Act (Texas Labor Code, Ch. 406, as axnended), and minimum limits for Employers' Liability as is appropriate �or the Wor1c being performed and as will provide prot�ction from cIaims set forth below which may arise out of ar xesuit irom Contractor's pez-formance of the Woz-k an.d Contracfor's other obligations under the Contract Documents, whether it is to be performed by Contractor, any Subcontractor oz Supplier, or by anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them to perform any of the Work, or by anyone for whose acts any of ihem may be liable: 1. claims under w�rkers' compensation, disability benefits, and other similar employee benefit acts; 2. claims for damages because of bodily injury, accupaiional sickness or disease, or death of Contractor's employees. B. Commercial General Liability. Coverage shall include but not be limited to covering liability �bodily injury or property damage} arising from: premises/operations, independent contractors, prod�acts/campleted aperations, personal injury, and Iiability under an insured cantract. Insurance shall be provided on an occurrence basis, and as comprehensive as the current Insurance Services Office (ISO) policy. This insurance shall apply as primary insurance vcritl� respect to any other CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUC'I'iON SPECIFICATIQN DOCUMENTS Revision: Ma�h9,2p2U oo�zoo-i GENERAL CONDITIONS Paga 19 of 63 insurance or self-insurance pragrams afforded to the City. The Commercial General Liability policy, shall have no exclusions by endorsemen�s that wauld alter ainullify premisesloperations, products/completed operations, coniractual, personal injury, ar ac�vertising inj�uy, which are normally contained with the policy, unless the Ciry approves such exclusions in writing. Far construction projects that present a substantial completed aperation exposure, the City may require the contractor to maintain campleted operations coverage for a minimum of no less than three (3} years following the completion of ihe �roject (if identified in i�e 5upplementary Canditions). C. Auton-tobile Lial�ility. A cornmercial business auto policy shall pravide c��erage on "any auto", defined as autos owned, hired and non-owned and provic�e in.demnity for claims for damages because bodily injury or death af any person and or property damage arising out of the work, maintenance or use of any mo�or vehicle by the Contractar, any S�bcontractor or Supplier, or by anyone directIy or indirectly employ�d by any of them io perform any of the Work, or by anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable. D. Railroad Protective Liability. If any of the wox�C or any warranty work is within the limits of railroad right-of vcray, the Cantractor shall comp�y with the requiraments identified in the S�pplementary Canditions. E. Notifacation of Policy Ccancellation: Cont�actor shall immediately notify City upon caz�cel�ation or other loss of insurance coverage. Coniractor shall stap work until replacement insurance has been procured. There sha11 be no time credi�# for days not worked pursuant to this section. 5.05 Acceptance af Bonds and Insurance; 4ption to Replace If Ciry has any abjection �o the coverage afforded hy ar other provisians of the bonds or insurance required to be purchased and maintained by the Contractor in accordance with Article S on the basis of non-conforrnance with the Contract DocuYnents, the City shall so notify the Contractar in writing within 10 Business Days after receipt of the certi�cates (or other evidence requestec�.}. Contractor shall provide to the Ciiy such additional information in respect of insurance pro�ided as ihe City may reasonably request. If Contracfior does not p�rchase or main#ain all af the bands and insurance required by the Contrac� Documents, �he City shall notify the Contractar in writing of such failure prior to the start of the Wark, ar of such failure to maintain priar �o any change in the required coverage. ARTYCLE 6 — CONTRACTOR'S RE�PONSIBILITIES 6.41 Supervision and Supe�intendence A. Contractor shall supe�vise, inspect, and direct the Work c�mpetently and efficiently, devoting such attention thereto and applying such skills and expertise as may be necessary to perform the Work in accardance with the Contract Docurnents. Contractor shall be solely responsible for the means, methods, techniques, sequences, and procedures of construction. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CpNSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revision: Ma�h 9, 2020 ao�zuo-i GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 20 of 63 B. At all titnes during the progress of th� Work, Contractor shall assign a competent, English- spealcing, Superintendent who s1�all not be repIaced withaut written notice to City. The �uperintendent will be Contractor's representative at the Site and shall have authority to act on behalf af Contractor. Al1 communicatian given to or received from the Superintendent sha�l be binding on Contractor. C. Contractor shall norify the City 24 hours prior to moving areas during the sequence of construc�ion. 6.02 Labo�; Working Hours A. Contractor shall provid� competent, suitably qualified personnel to perform construction as required by the Coniract Documents. Contractor shall at all times maintain goad discipline and arder at the Site. B. Except as atherwise required for the safety or protection of persons or th� Work or proparty at the Site or adjacent thereto, and except as otherwise stated in the Cont�act Docum.ents, all Work at the Site shali be performed during Regular Working Hours. Contractor will not permit the performance of Work beyond Regular Working Hours or for Weekend Working Hours without City's vcrritten cons�nt (which will not be unreasonably �wvithheld). Written request (by letter or electronic cornmunicatian) to perform Work: for beyond Regular Working Hours request rnust be made by noon at Ieast two (2) Business Days prior 2. iar Weekend VVorking Haurs request mu.st be made by noon of the preceding Thursday 3. for lega� holidays request must be made by noan two Business Days prior to the legal holiday. 6.03 Sey-vices, Matericrls, and Equipment A. Unless atherwise specified in th� Cont�act Documenfs, Contractor shall provide and assume full responsibi�ity for all services, rnaterials, equipment, labor, transpartation, construcfiion equipzaaent and machinery, tools, appIiances, fi�el, pow�r, light, heat, telephone, water, sanitary facilities, temporazy facilities, and all other ��C1�it1�S and incidentais necessary for the performance, CantY'acfor required testing, start-up, and completion of the Work. B. A11 materials and equipment incorporated into the Work shall be as specified or, if not specif ed, shail be of good quality and new, except as otherwise provided in the Contract Documents. AIl special warranties and guarantees required by the Specifications shall expressly run to the benefit of City. If required by City, Contractar shall furnish satisfactary evidence {including reports of required tests) as to the source, kind, and quality of materials and ec�uipment. CTI'Y QF FQRT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPSCIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revision: Mareh 9, 2020 oa �z oo - i G�N�RAL CQNDITIONS Page 21 of 63 C. All ma�erials and equipment to be incorporated into t1�e Work shall be stored, applied, installed, connected, erected, protected, used, cleaned, and conditi�ned in accordance with instructions of the applicable Supplier, except as otherwxse �aay be provided in the Contract Documents. D. All items of standard equipment to be incorporated inio the Work shall be the Iaiest model at the tirn� of bid, unless otherwise specified. 6.04 P�oject Schedule A. Contractor shall adhere �o ihe Project �chedule established in accordance with Paragraph 2.07 and the General Requirements as it rnay be adjusted from tirz�.e to time as provided below. 1. Contractar shall submit ta City fo� accepta�ce {to the exten� indieated in Paragraph 2.07 and the General Requirements} proposed adjustments in the Praject Schedule that will not result in changing the Contract Time. Such adjustments will camply with any provzsions af the General Requirements applicable thereto. 2. Contractor shall submit to City a monthly Project Schedule with a rnonthly progress paymant for the duration of tk�e Contract in accoz-dance with the schedule specification 01 32 16. 3. Proposed adjustzx�ents in the Project Schedule that will change the Contract Time shall be submitted in accardance with the requirements of Article 12. Adjustments in Contract Time rnay anly be made by a Change Order. 6.05 Sul�stitutes and "�r-Equais " A. Whenever an item of ma�erial or equipment is specified or described in the Contract Documents by using the name of a proprietary item or �e name of a�articular �upptier, the specification or descriptian is in�ended to establish the type, function, appearance, and quaiity required. Unless the specif cation oz- description contains or is followed by words reading that no like, equi�alent, or "or�equal" item or no substitution is permitted, other item� af material or equipment of other Suppliers rnay be subrnitted ta City far review under the circumstances described below. 1. "Or-Equal" Items: If in City's sole discxetion an itena of material or equipment proposed by Contractor is functionally equal to that named and sufficiently sirnilar so that no change in related Work will be required, it may be considered by City as an "ox-equal" item, in which case review and approval of the proposed item may, in City's sole discretion, be accomplished without compliance vcrith some or al1 of the requirernents for appro�al of praposed substitute i�erns. For the purposes of this Paragraph 6.OS.A.1, a proposed item of rnaterial or equipment wi11 be considered functionally equal to an item so named if a, the City de�ertr�ines that: �) it is at least equal in materials of construction, quality, durability, appearance, strength, and design characteristics; CITY OF FORT WOILTI-T STANDARD CQNSTRUCTION SP�C�FICATION DOCf1M�N"i'S Revision: Ma�h9,2020 007200-1 GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 22 of 63 2) lt W11� reliably perfarm at least equally �rell the function and achi�ve the results imposed by the design concept of the campleted Project as a iunctianing whole; and 3) it has a proven recard of perforzx�ance and availability of z-espozasive service; and b. Contractor certifies that, if approved and ir�corporated into the Work: 1} there will be no i�cz-ease in cost to the City or increase in Contract Time; and 2) it will conform substanriaily to the detailed requirements of the itern naxned in the Con�ract Documents. 2. Substitute Iterns: a. If in City's sole discretio� an item of rnaterial or equiprnent proposed by Contractar daes not qualify as an "ar-equal" item under Paragraph 6.OS.A.1, it may be submitted as a proposed substitute ite�n. b. Contractor shall submit sufficient inforrnation as provided below to allow City ta determine if the item of materiai or equipment proposed is essen�ially equivalent to that named and an acceptable substitute therefor. Requests far review ai praposed substitute items of material or equipment wilI not be accepted by Ciry from anyone other than Contracior. c. Cantractor sha11 make written application to City for review of a proposed substitute item of material or equipnnent that Cantracior seeks io furnish or use. The applicatian shall campiy with Section O1 25 00 and: 1) sha11 certify that the proposed substitute iiem will: a) perfo�n adequately the functians and achieve the results called far by the general design; b} be similar in substance to that specified; c) be suited to the same use as that specified; and 2) wi11 state: a} the extent, i� any, ta whzc� the use of the proposed substitute itern wili prejudice Cantractor's achievement of final comp�etion on �ime; b) whether use o� fhe proposed substitute item in the Work wi11 require a change in any of the Contract Docu�xa.ents (or in the provisions of any other direct contract with City for other work on the Project) to adapt the design to the proposed substitute itean; cr� o� �aR�r wouTx STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION AOCUMENTS Revision: Ma�r,l� 9, 2020 oo�aoo-i GEN�RAL CONDITIONS Page 23 of &3 c) whether incorporation or use af the proposed substitute item in connection wiih the Work is subject to payment of a.ny license fee or royalty; and 3) will idenii�y: a) all variations of the proposed substitute iter� �rom that specified; b) available engineering, sales, maix�te�ance, repair, and replacement ser�ices; and 4} shall contain an itemized estimate of al1 costs or credits thai will result directly or indirectly frorn use of such substitute item, including costs of redesign and Damage Claims of other contractors affected by any resuiting change. B. Substitute ConstYuction Methods o�- PYocedures: If a specif c means, method, technique, sequence, or procedure of consttuction is expressly required by �he Contract Documents, Contractor may furnish or utilize a substitute means, method, technique, sequence, or procedure af constructian approved by City. Contractor shall �ubmit sufficient information ta allow Ciiy, in City's sole discretion, to deternni�e that the substitute proposed is equivalent ta that expressly called for by the Contract Documents. Contractor shall make written application to City for review in the sarne manner as those provided in Paragraph 6.OS.A.2. C. City s Evaluation: City will be allowed a reasonable �i�ne wi�hin which io evaluate each proposal or submittal made pursuant to Paragraphs 6.OS.A and 6.OS.B. City xz�ay require Ca�t�acto� ta furnish additional data about the propo�ed substitute. City witl be the sole judge of acceptability. No "orTequal" or substitute will be ardered, installed or utilizec� until Ciiy's review is complete, which will be evidenced by a Change Order in the case of a subs�itute and an accepted Submittal for an "or-equal." City will ad�ise Contractor in writing af its detertnina�ian. D. Special Gua�antee: City may require Contractor to furnish at Contrac�tor's expense a special performance guarantee, warranty, ar other surety with respect to any substitute. Contractor shall indernnify and hald harmless City and anyone diYectly oY indirectly employed by them fronz and against any and all claims, damages, dasses and expenses (including attor�neys, fees) arising out of the use of substituted fnuteriuls o� equipment. E. Ctty s Cost Reirrtbursement: City wil� record City's coats in evaluating a substitute proposed �r submitted by Contractor pursuant to Paragraphs 6.05.A.2 and 6.OS.B. Whe�her or not City approves a substitute so pr�pased or submitted by Contractar, Contractor may be required to reimburse City for evaivating each such propased substitute. Contractor �nay also be required to reimburse City for the charges for making changes in the Contract Documents (or in the provisions of any other direct contract with City) resulting from the acceptance o� each pr�posed substitute. F. Contractor's Expense: Contractor shall provide all data in support af any proposed substitute or "or-equal" at Contractor's expense. CITY OF FQRT WpRTH STANDAIZD CONS'I'RUCTION SPECIFiCATION DpCUNI EivTS Revision: Matnh9, 2a2� 00 72 00 - i GENERFIL CONDIiIONS Page 24 of 63 G. City Substitute Reim�iursenaent: Costs {savings or charges) attributable to acceptance of a substitute shall be incorporated to the Contract by Change Order. H. Time Extensions: Na addiiianal time will be granted for substitutions. 6.06 ConceYning S'ubcantYacto�s, Suppliers, and Othe�-s A. Contractor shall perform with his own organization, work of a value not less than 35% of the value embraced an the Cantract, unless othervsrise approved by the City. B. Contractor sha11 no� employ any Subcantractar, Supplier, or ather individual or entity, whether initially or as a replacement, against whom City may have reasonable objectio�. Cantz-actoz- shall not be required ta employ any Subcontractor, Supplier, ar ofher individual or entity to furnish or perform any of the Wflrk against whom Contractor has reasonable objection (excluding those acceptable ta City as indicated in Paragraph 6.06.C). C. The City rnay fram time to time require the use ai certain Subcontractors, Suppliers, or other individuals or enti�ies on the project, and will provide such requirements in the Suppie�aentary Conditions. D. Minority Business Enteyprise Compliance: It is City policy to ensure the full and equitable participation by Minority Business Enterprises {MBE) in the procurement of goods and services on a contractual basis. If the Cantract Docu�nents provide for a MBE goa�, Contractor is required to corr�pIy with the intent of the Ciry's MBE Qrdinance (as amended) by the following: 1. Contractor shall, upon request by City, provide complete and accurate information regarding actual work perfarmed by a MBE an the Contract and payment therefor. 2. Contractox wil� not make addiiions, deletion.s, or substitutians of accepted MBE without written consent of the City. Any unjustified change or delerion shall be a material breach of Contract and rnay result in debarment in accordance with the procedures outlined in the Ordinance. 3. Contractor shall, upon request by City, allovv an audit and/or examination of any books, records, or files in the possession of the Contractor that will substantiate the actual work performed by an MBE. Material misrepresentation of any nature will be grounds for termination of the Contract in accordance with Paragraph 15.02.A. Any such misrepresentation may be grounds for c�isqualification of Contractar to bid on future contracts with the City for a period af not less than three years. E. Contractor shall be fuily responsible to City for all acts and omissions of the Subcontractors, Suppliers, and other individuals or entities performing or furnishing any of the Work just as Contractor is responsible �ar Cantractor's awn acts and amissions. Nothing in the Contract Documents: C1TY pF FOitT WORTH STANQARD C�NSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMEN'�'S Revision: March9,2620 00 �2 oa - � GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 25 of 63 1. shail create for the benefit of any such Subcont�actor, Supplier, or other individuai oz- entity any contractual relaiionship between Ciry and any such 5ubcantractar, Supplier or other individual ar entiry; nor 2. shall create any obligation �n the part of City to pay or ta see to the payrnent af any moneys due any such Subcontractor, Suppliez, or othex individual or entity except as rnay o�herwise be required by Laws and Regulations. F. Contractor shall be solely responsible for scheduling and coordinating the Wark of Subcontractors, Suppliers, and other individuals or entities perfo�rni�g or :fuz-n�ishing any of t�e Work under a direct ar indirect cantract with Contractor. G. All �ubcontractors, Suppliers, and such ather individuals or entities performing or furnishing any af the Work shall communicate with City through Contractoz-. H. Ali Work perfarmed for Cantractor by a Subcon�ractor or Su�rpiier will be pursuant ta an appropriate agreernent between Cantractor and the Subcontractor ar Supplier which specificaily binds the Subcantractor ar Supplier to the applicable terms and conditians af the Contract Documents for the bene�'it of City. fi.07 Wage Rates A. Duty to pay Pr�evailing Wage Rates. The Contractor shall comply with a11 rec�uirements of Chapter 2258, Texas Government Code (as amended), including the payrnent of not less than the raies determined by the City Council of the City of Fort Worth to be �he prevailing wage rates in accordance with Chapter 2258. Such prevailing wage rates are included in these Contraci Documents. B. Penalty fop Violation. A Contractor or any Subcontractor who does not pay the pre�ailing wage shall, upon dernand made by the City, pay to the City $60 for each worker employed for each calendar day or part of the day that the warker is paid less than the pre�ailing wage rates stipulated in these contract documents. This penalty shall be retained by the Ciry to offset its administrative costs, pursuant to Texas Governrnent Code 225$.023. C. Complaints of Violations and City Determination af Good Cause. 4n receipt af infarmation, includ�ng a complaint by a worker, concerning an aileged �iolation of 2258.023, Texas Governrnent Cade, by a Contractor or �ubcontractor, the City shall malce an initial determina�ion, before the 31 st day after the date the City receives the inforrnation, as to whether gaad cause exists to believe that the violation occurred. The City shall notify in writing the Contractor or Subcontractor and any affected worker of its initial determination. Upon the City's determinatian that there is good cause to believe the Contractor or Subcantractor has �iolated Chapter 2258, ihe Ciry shall retain the fu11 amour�ts claimed by the claimant or claimants as the difference between wages paid and wages due under the pre�ailing wage rates, such amounts being subtracted fram successive progress payments pending a final determination of the violation. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revision: Ma�h9,2020 00 72 {}0 - 1 GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 2b of 63 D. Arbitration Required if Violation Not Resolved. An issue relating to an alleged violation of Section 2258A23, Texas Gavernment Code, including a penalty Qwed to the City ar an af�ected worker, shall be submitted io binding arbitration in accordance with the Texas General Arbitration Act {Article 224 et seq., Revised Stafutes) if the Contractor or Subconiractor and any affected worker daes not resolve the issue by agreement befoze the 15th day after the date the City �r►akes its initial determinatian pursuant to Paragraph C above. If the persons req�ired to arbitrate under this section do not agree on an arbitrator be�ore the I l th day after the date that arbitration is required, a district court shall appoint an arbitrator on the petition of any of the persons. The Ciiy is not a pariy in the arbitz-ation. The decision and award ai the arbitrafior is final and binding an ail parties and may be enforced in any court of competent jurisdiction. E. Reco�ds to be 1Vlaintained. The Contractor and each Subconfractor shall, for a period of three (3} years faliowing the date of acceptance of the work, maintain records that show (i} the name and occupatian of each worker employed by the Contracior in the construction of the Work provided for in this Contract; and (ii) the actua] per diem wages paid to each worker. The records shall be open at a11 reasonable hours for it�spaction by the City. The provisions of Paragraph 6.23, Right io Audit, shall pertain to this inspection. F. Progress Paynaents. With each progress payrnent or payroll period, whichever is less, the Contractor shall submit an affidavit stating that the Contractar has complied with the requirements of Chapter 2258, Texas Government Code. G. Posting of Wage Rates. The Contracior shall post prevailing wage rates in a conspicuous pIace at all times. H. SZlbCO1Z�f"LICtDI" Campliance. The Contractar shall include in its subcontracts and/or shall otherwise require all vf its Subcontractors to corr�ply wzth Paragz-aphs A through G above. 6.08 Patent Fees and Royalties A. Contractor shall pay all license fees and royalties and assume all costs incident to the use in the performance of tk�e Work or the incorporation in the Work af any invention, design, process, product, ar device which is the subject of patent rights or copyrights held by others. If a particular invention, design, pracess, produc�, or device is specified in the Cantract Documents far use in th� performance of the Work and if, to the actual knowledge of City, its use is subject to patent rights or capyrights calling for the payment of any Ticense fee or royalty to others, the existence of such rights shalI be disclosed by City in the Contract Documenis. Failurre of the City to disclose such information does not relieve the Contractor from its obligations to pay for the use of said fees or royalties to others. B. To the fullest extent pet-naitted by Lcaws �nd Regulations, Contractor shall tndemn� and hold harmless City, frana and against all claims, costs, losses, and damages (including hut not lirniteci' to alZ fees and charges af engineers, architects, attorneys, and other professionals and all court or arbitration or other dispute resolution costs) arising out of or relating ta any inf�-ingement of patent �ights or copyrights incident to the use in the pe�fornaance of the Work or resulting fram CITY OF FOIZT WdRTH S'I'ANDARD CONSTRUCTIpN SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revisian: Manch 9,2020 oo�zoo-� GENERAL CQNDITIONS Fage 27 of 63 the incorporation in the Work af any invention, design, process, p�oduct, ar devace not specifaed in the Contract Docusnents. 6.09 Pe�mits and Utilities A, Contructor obtained pernaats and 2icenses. Contractor sha11 abtain and pay fflr all constr�ction permits and licenses except �hose provided for in the Suppleznen�tary Conditians or Cont-ract Doc�unents. City sha11 assist Cantractor, when necessary, in obtaining such pertnits and licenses. Contractor shall pay all gove�-nmental charges and inspecti�n fees necessary %r the prosecution of the Work which are applicable at the �irne af openin� of Bids, or, if there are na Bids, on the Effective Date of the Agreernent, except f�r perniits pro�ided by the City as specifed in 6.09.B. City shall pay all charges of u�ility owners for cannectians for providing permanent service to the Work. B. City abtained pe�mits and Iicenses. City will obiain and pay for a11 perrnits and licenses as pro�fded for in the Suppiemen�ary Conditivns or Contract Documents. It will be the Contractor's responsibility to carry out the provisions of the pernut. If the Con�ractor initiates changes to the Contract and the City approves the changes, �he Cont�ractor is responsible £or obtaining clearances and coordinating with the appropriate regulatory agency. The City will nat reimburse th� Contractor %r any cost assaciated with these requirements �f any City acquired permit. The followin� are permits the City will abtain if required: 1. Texas Departmeni of Transportation Permiis 2. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Permits 3. Texas Comrnission on Environm�ntal Quality Permits 4. Railroad Company Pern�its C. 4utstanding permits and licenses. The City anticipates acquisition of and/or access �o permits and licenses. Any outstanding permits and licenses are anticipated to be acquired in accordance with the schedule set forth in the Supplementary Conditions. The Project Schedule submitfed by the Contractor in accordance with the Contract Dacuznents must consider any outstanding permits and licenses. 6.10 Laws and Regulations A. Contractor shall give all notices required by and shall comply with all Laws and Regulations applicable to the performance of the Work. Except where otherwise expressly required by applicable Laws and Regulations, the Ciry shal� not be responsible for �nonitoring Contractor's cornpliance with any Laws or Regulatians. B. If Contractor performs any Work knowing ar ha�ing reasan to know that it is contrary to Laws or Reguiations, Contractor shall bear all claims, costs, tosses, and damages (including but not limited to all fees and charges �f engineers, architects, attarneys, and other professionals and all C1TY OF EORT WORTI-I STANDARD CON5TRLFCTION SPECIFICATION DQCLTMENTS Revision: M�1�9,2�2U 00 72 00 - L GEiVERAL CONDITIQNS Page 28 of 63 court or arbitration or other dispute resolution casts) arising out of or r�lating to such Work. However, it shall not be Contractor's responsibility to make certain that the Specifications and Drawings are in accordance with Laws and Re�lations, but this shail noi relieve Contractor of Contractor's obligations under Paragraph 3.02. C. Changes in Laws or Regulations not known at the time of opening af Bids having an ef%ct an the cost or time af performance of the Work rnay be the subject of an adjustment in Cantract Price or Contract Time. 6.11 7'axes A. On a contract awarded by the City, an organization which qualifies for exemption pursuant to Texas Tax Code, Subchapter H, Sections 1 S 1.301-335 (as amended}, the Contractor may purchase, reni or lease all materials, supplies and equipment used or consumed i� the perforn�ance of this contract by issuing to his supplier an exempiion certificate in lieu af the tax, said exemption certificate to comply with State Comptroller's Ruling .007. Any such exemption certificate iss�ed to the Contractor in lieu afthe tax shall be subject ta and shall comply wiih the provision of State Comptroller's Ruling .011, and any other applicable rulings pertaining to the Texas T� Code, Subchapter H. B. Texas Tax permits and information may be obtained fram: 1. Comptroller of Pubiic Accaunts Sa1es Tax Division Capitol Statipn Ausiin, TX 7871 i; or 2, h�tp: -��.wind�w.�tate.tx.us/taxinfo�taxform�/�3-forma.html 6.12 Use of5ite and Othe�-Areas A. Lirrtitation on Use of Site and Other A�-eas: Contractor shall confine construction equipment, the starage of materials and equipment, and the operations of warkers to the Site and ather areas permitted by Laws and Regulations, and shall not unreasonably encurr�ber the Site and other areas with construction equipment or other rzaaterials or equipment. Contractar shall assume fu11 responsibility for any damage ta any such land or area, or �o the owzaer or occupani thereof, or of any adjacent land or areas resulting from the performance of the �7ork. 2. At any time when, in the judgment of the City, the Contractor has obstructed or closed or is carrying on operations in a portion of a street, right-of-way, or easernent greater t�an is necessary for proper exec�tion o� the Work, the Cify may require the Contractor to finish the sec�ion on which operations are in pz-ogress before work is comrnenced on any additional area o�the Site. CITY OF FORT WORTH STAI�IbARU CONSTRUC'I'ION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revision: Ma�h 9, 202fl 00 �2 00 - r GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 29 of 63 3. Should any Damage Claim be rnade by any such owner ar occupant because of the performance of the Work, Contractar sha11 promptly attempt to resolve the Damage Claim. 4. Pursuant to Pa�agraph 6.21, Contracto� shall indemraify and hold harmless City, from and against all claims, costs, lasses, and damages arising out of or relating to any claim o� action, degal or equitable, brought by any such owner or occupant against City. B. RemovaZ of Debris During Performance of the Work: During the pragress of �he Wor1c Contractor shall keep ihe Sifie and other areas free from accumulations of waste materials, rubbish, and other debris. Removal and disposal of such waste mat�rials, rubbish, and other debris shall confo� to applicable Laws and Reguiations. C. Site Maintenance Cleant�ag: 24 hours after written notice is given ta the Contractor that the clean-up on the job site is proceeding in a manner unsatisfactory to the City, if the Coniractor fails to coz-rect t�e unsatisfactory procedure, the City may take such direct action as the City deems appropriate to correct the clean-up deficiencies cited to the Contracior in the writ�en notice (l�y leiter or electronic c4mrnunication), and the costs �f such direct acii�n, plus 25 % of such costs, sha11 be deducted fram the monies due or to become due to the Contractor. D. Final Site Cleani�ag.• Prior to Final Acceptance of the Work Contractor shall clean the Si�e and the Work and make it ready for uiilization by City or adjacent properry owner. At the completion of the Work Contractor sk�all re�no�e £rozan the Site a11 tools, appliances, constx-uction equipment and machinery, and surplus materials and shall restore io original condition or better all property disturbed by the Work. E. Loading Structures: Contractor shall not laad nor permit any part of any sriucture ta be loaded in any rnanner that will endanger the structure, nor shall Contractor subject any part of tl�e Work or adjacent property ta stresses ar pressures that will endanger it. 6.13 Record Documents A. Contractor shalt maintain in a safe place at the ,Site ar in a place designated by the Contractor and approved by the City, one (1) record copy of all Drawings, Specifications, Addenda, Change Orders, Field Order�, and written interpretations and clarifications in good order and annotated to show changes made during const�ruction. These record documents together with aIl appxoved Samples and a counterpart o� ali accepted Submittals will be availabie to City for reference. Upon completion of the Woz-�C, these record documents, ax�y operation and �naintenance manuals, and Submittals will be delivered io City prior to Final Inspection. Contractor shaIl include accurate Iocations for buried and irnbedded items. 6.14 Safety and Pt-otectiora A. Contractor shall be solely responsible far initiating, maintaining and supervising all safety precautions and pragrams in connection with the Work. Such responsibility does not relieve Subcontractors af their responsibiliry far the safety of persans �r property in the performance of their work, nor for compliance with applicable safety Laws and Regulations. Contractor shall CTI'Y OF FORT WdRTH ST'AN17AltD CONSTAUCTIQN SPECEPICATION DOCUMENTS Revision: Mazeh9, 2020 007200-1 GENERAL CONDITIDNS Page 30 af 63 take aIl necessary precaufions far the safety of, anc� shall provide the necessary protection to prevent damage, injury ar lass to: i. all persons on the Site or who may be affected by the Work; 2. all the Work and materials and equipz�ent to be incorporated therein, whether in storage on or off the Site; and 3. other property ai the Site or adjacent thereto, including tr�es, shrubs, lawns, walks, pavements, roadways, structures, utilities, and Underground Facilities not designated fbr removal, relocation, or replacement in the cours� of construction. B. Contractor shall comply with all applicable Laws and Regulations relating to the safety of persons ar property, or fo the protection of persons or property frorn damage, injuzy, or Ioss; and shall erect and maintain all necessary safeguards for such safety and protection. Coniractor shall natify owners of adjacent property and of Underground Facilities and other utility awners when prosecutian of ihe Work may affect them, and shall cooperate with them in the protection, removal, relocation, and replacement of their property. C. Contractar shall comply �wvith the applicable requirements of City's safety programs, if any. D. Cantractor shall infarm Ci�y of the specific requirements of Contractor's safety prograzn, if any, with which City's employees and representatives must camply while at the �ite. E. All damage, injury, or loss to any pz-operty referred ta in Paragraph 6.14.A.2 ar 6.14.A.3 caused, directly or indirectiy, in whale or in part, by Contractor, any 5ubcontractor, Supplier, or any other individual or entity directly ar indirectly employed by any of them ta perform any of the Work, or anyone iar whose acts any of them may be liable, shall be remedied by Contractor. F. Contractor's duties and respansibiliti�s for safety and for protection of the Work shall continue until such time as all the Work is completed and Ciry has accepted the Work. 6.15 Safety Representative Cantractor shail inform City in writing of Contractor's designated safeiy representative at the Site. 6.16 Hazard Co�ramunication P�-og�arras Contractor shall be respansible for coordinating any exchange of material safety data sheets or other hazard communication information required to be made available ta ar exchanged between or among employers in accardance with Lavcrs or Regulations. 6.17 Enaergencies and/or Rectifacation A. In emergencies affecting the safety or protection of persons or the Work or �roperty at the Site oz- adjacenf thereto, Contractor is obligated to act to prevent threatened damage, injury, or loss. Contractor shaIl give City prampi written notice if Contractor believes that any signif cant CI'['Y OF FQRT WQRTH STAI�DARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIPICATION DQCUM�NTS Revision: Ma�h 9, 202Q 00�200-� GE�fERAL CONDITIQNS Page 31 of 63 changes in the Work or variati�ns from the Contract Documents have been caused thereby or are required as a result thereof. If City determines that a change in the Cantract Documents is required because of the action taken by Contractor in response to such an emergency, a Change Order may be issued. B. �houid the Cantract�r fail to respand to a request irom the City to rectify any discxepancies, ozx�issions, or correctivn necessary to conform with the requirements of the Contract Documants, the City shall give the Contractor written notice that such work or changes are ta be performed. The written notice �hail direct attention to the discrepant conditian and request the Contractor to take remedial action to correct the condition. In the event the Contractar does not take positive steps to fixlfill this written request, or does not shaw just cause f�r not taking the praper action, wi�hin 24 hours, the City may take such remediai action wiih City forces or by confract. The City sha11 deduct an amount equal to the entire costs far such rernedial action, plus 25%, from any funds due or become due the Contractor on the Project. 6.18 Submittals A. Contractor shall submit required Submittals to City for re�iew and acceptance in accordance vcrith the accepted Schedule af Subrnittals (as required by Paragraph 2.07). Each submittal wi11 be identified a� City may require. l. Subxanit number of copies specified in the General Requiremen�s. 2. Data shown on the Submittals wi�l be complete with respect to quantities, dimensions, specifi�d performance and design criteria, material�, and similar data to shaw City the services, materials, and equipment Contractor proposes to pro�ide and to enable City to review the informaiion for the limited purposes required by Paragraph 6.18.C. 3. Submittals submitted as herein provided by Contractor and reviewed by City %r caniarmance with ihe desig7n concept shali be executed in conformity with the Cvntract Documents u�less otherwise required by City. 4. When SubmittaIs are submitted for the purpose af showing the installatian in greater detail, their re�iew shall nat excuse Cantractor from requirements shown an the Drawings and Specifications. 5. For-Infarmation-On1y submittal� upon which the City is not expected to conduc� review or take responsive action may be so identified in the Contract Documents. G. Submit required number of Samp�es specafied in the Specifications. 7. Clearly identify each Sample as to rnateriai, Suppiier, pertinent data such as catalog numbers, the use for which intcnded and other data as City may require to enable Ciry to review the submiital for t�e limited purpases required by Paragraph 6.18.C. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONS'FRUCTIDI� SPECIFICATION DOCUMEN`I'S Revision; Mamli 9, 2020 00�2oo-i GENERAL CONDITIflNS Page 32 of 63 B. Where a Subrraittal is xequired by the Co�tract Documents or the Schedule of Submittals, any reiated �7Vork �erformed prior io City's review and acceptance of the pertinent submittal will be at the sale expense and responsibility of Contractor. C. City's Review: 1. City will pravide tinnely review of required Subnaittals in accordance with the Schedule of SubmittaIs acceptable to City. City's review and acceptance will be only to determine if the items covered by the submittals will, after installation or incarparatian in the Work, conform to the information given in the Contract Documents and be compatible with the design concept of the completed Project as a functianing whole as indicated by the Coniract Documents. 2. City's review and acceptax�ce will noi extend to rr�eans, methods, techniques, sequences, or procedures of construction {except where a particular means, method, technique, sequence, or procedure o� consiruction is specxfzcally and expressly called for by the Contract Documents) or to safery precau�ions or programs incident thereto. The review and acceptance of a separate item as such will not indicate appraval af the assembly in which the itern functions. 3. City's review and acceptance shall not relieve Contractor fram responsib'ility far any variaiion from the requirements of the Contract Documents unless Contractar has complied �vith ihe requirements of Section 01 33 00 and City has given w�-itten acceptance of each such variatzon by specific written naiation thereof incorporated in or accompanying the Submittal. City's review and acceptance shall not relieve Contractor from responsibility far connplying with the requirements ofthe Contract Documents. 6.19 Continuing the Work Exce�t as otherwise provided, Contractar shall carry an the Work and adhere to the Project Sched�le during all disputes or disagreements with City. No Work shall be delayed ar pastpaned pending resolution of any disputes ar disagreements, except as City and Contractor may otherwise agree in writing. 6.20 Contractor's General Warraraty and Guarantee A. Contractar warran#s and guarantees to City that al� Work will be in accordance with the Can.tract Documents and will not be defective. City and its officers, directors, members, partners, ernplayees, agents, consultants, and subcontractors shail be entitled ta rely on representation af Contractor's warranty and guarantee. B. Contractor's warranty and guaxantee hereunder excludes defects or damage caused by: 1. abuse, modification, or improper maintenance or operation by persans other than Coniractor, Subcontractars, Suppliers, or any other individual or entity for whom Contractor is responsible; or CIT'Y OF FORT WOR`I'H STANDARI] CONSTRUCTION SPBC[FICATION DOCUMEI�iTS Re�isipn: Marcli 9, 2020 ao �z aa - i C7ENERAL C�NDITIONS Paga 33 of 63 2. n�rrnal wear and tear under normal usage. C. Contractor's obligation to perfo�n and complete the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents shall be absolute. None of the following will constitute an acceptance af Work that is not in accordance �s,�ith the Contract Docurnents or a release of Contractor's obligation to perform the Work in accordance with the Contract Dacuments: 1. observations by Cifiy; 2. recommendation or payment by City of any progress or final payment; 3. the issuance of a certificate of �'inal Acceptance by City or any payment related thereto by City; 4. use or occupancy af the Work ar any part thereof by City; 5. any review and acceptance of a Submittal by City; 6. any inspection, te�t, or appraval by oihers; or 7. any correction of defective Work by City. D. The Contractor shall remedy any defects or damages in the Wark and pay for any damage to ather wark or property resulting therefrorn �vhich shall appear within a period of tvvo (2) years from the date of Final Acceptance of the Work unless a Ionger period is specified and shalt furnish a good and sufficient maintenance b�ond, complying with the requ�rements of Article 5.02.B. The Cxty will gi�e notice of observed defects with reasonable promptness. 6.21 �ndemnification A. Cantractar covenants and a�rees to indemnify, hold harmless and defend, at its own expense, the City, its afficers, servants and employees, from and against any and all ciairns arisin� out of, or alleged to arise out of, the wark and services to be performed by �he Co�tractor, its officers, agents, emplayees, subcantractars, licenses or invitees under this Contract. THIS INDEMNIFICATION PROVISION IS SPECIFICALLY INTENDED TO OPERATE A1�D BE EFFECTNE EVEN IF IT IS ALLE�ED OR PROVEN THAT ALL OR SOME OF THE DAMAGES BEING SOiTGHT WERE CAUSED. IN WHOLE OR IN PART� BY_Al�Y ACT. OMISSION OR NEGLIGEl��OF THE CITY. This indemnity provision is intended to include, without lirnitataon, indemni�y for costs, expenses and legal fees incurred by the City in defending against such ciaims and causes of actians. B. Cantractor covenants and agrees to indemnify and hold harmless, at its own expense, th� City, its officers, servants and empIoyees, from and against any and all loss, dama�e or destrucfion a#' property of the City, arising out of, or alleged to arise ou� of, the woxk and services to be performed by the Contractor, its officers, a�ents, employees, subcontractors, licensees or invitees under this Co�ttrar�. TH[S I�EMNIFICAT'ION PROVISiON_ �� CI7'Y OF FQRT WORTH 3TANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION I]OCLTMENTS Revision: Ma�h 4, 2020 oo�aoo-i GENERAL CONDiTIQNS Page 34 of 63 SPECIFICALLY INTEl�DED TO ��ERATE A�BE__ EFFECTIVE_ EVEN IF IT IS ALLEGED OR PROVEN THAT ALL OR SOME OF THE DAMAGES BEING SOUGHT WERE CAUSED. TN WHOLE OR IN PART. BY ANY ACT. OM�SST_O_N__ QR I�EGLIGENCE OF THE CITY. 6.22 Delegation ofProfessional Design Services A. Contxacioz- will not be required to provide professianal design services unless such services are specif calIy required by the Coniract Documents for a portion of the Work or unless such services are required ta carry out Cantractor's responsibiiities for const�uction means, methods, techniques, sequences and procedures. B. If professional design services or certifications by a design professional reZated to systems, rnaterials or equipment are specifically z-equired o� Conh-actor by the Contract Documents, City vc�ill specify all perFormance and design criteria that such services must satisfy. Contractor shall cause such services or certifications to be provided by a praperly licensed professional, whose signat�re and seal shall appear on alI drawings, caiculaiions, specificaiians, certifications, and Submittals prepared by such prafessional. Submittals related to the Wark designed or certified by such professional, if prepared by others, sha11 bear such professianal's written approval when subrnitted ta City. G City shall be entitled to xely upon the adequacy, accuracy and campleieness of fhe services, certificaiions ar approvals performed by such design professionals, provided Ciiy has specified to Contractar performance and design criteria that such services must satisfy. D. Pursuant to this Paragraph 6.22, City's review and acceptance a� design calculations and design drawings will be only for the limited purpose of checking for canformance with perfoz-rz�ance and design criteria given and the design concept expressed in the Contract Documents. City's review and acceptance of Subrnittals (except design calculations and design drawin.gs) will he only %r the purpose stated in Paragraph 6.1S.C. b.23 Right to Audit A. The Contracior agrees that the City shali, unril the expirarian af three (3) years after final payinent under ihis Contract, have access to and the right to examine and photocopy any directly pertinent books, documents, papers, and records of the Contractor involving #ransactions relating to this Contract. Contractor agrees that the City shall have access during Regular Working Hours to ail necessary Contractor facilities and shall be provided adequate and appropriate vvork space in order to conduct audits in compliance with the pz-ovisions of this Paragraph.. The City shail give Contractor reasonable advanc� notice of intended audits. B. Contractor further agrees to include in a11 its subcontracts hereunder a provision to the effect that th� subconiractor agrees that the City shall, until the expira#iox� of three (3) yeaz-s after final payment under this Con�-act, have access to and the right to examine and photocapy any directly pertinent books, documents, papers, and records of such Subcontractor, involvir�g transactians to the subcontract, and further, that City shall have access during Regular Working Hours to all CTI'Y OF FORT WORTH 5'I'ANDARI] CONSTRl7CTION SPECIFICATION DOCU3vIENTS Revision:lVlaich9, 2�20 ao �z oo - � GENERA� GONDIiIONS Page 35 of 63 Subcon�ractor facilities, and shall be �ro�ided adequate and appropriate work spaca in order to conduct audits in compliance with the provisions of this Paragraph. The City sha11 gi�v� Subcont�actor reasonable advance notice of intended audits. C. Contract�r and Subcontractor agree to photacopy such documents as rnay be requested by the City. The City agz-ees to reimburse Contractor for the cost of the copies as follows at the rate published in the Texas Administrative Coc�e in effect as of �he time copying is performed. 6.24 Nondiscrimination A. The City is responsible for operating Pu�1ic Transpartation Pragrams and implernenting transit- related projects, which are funded in part with Federal fnancia] assistance awarded by the U.S, Department of Transportation and the Federal Transit Administration (FTA}, without discriminating againsfi any person in the United States an the basis oirace, color, or national origin. B. Title VI, Civil Rights Act of 19d4 as amended.• Contractar shall comply with the requirements of the Act and the Regulations as further defned in fh� Supplemantary Conditions far any project receiving Federai assistance. ARTICLE 'i — OTHER WORK AT THE SITE 7.01 Related Work cat Site A. City xnay perfonn other work related to the Project at �he Site with Ciry's employees, or other City contractors, or through other direct contracts therefor, or have other work performed by utility owners. If such other wark is z�ot noted in the Contract Documents, then written notice thereof will be given to Contractor prior io starting any such other work; and B. Contractor shall afford each ather contractor who is a party to such a direct contract, each utility awner, and City, if City is perForming ather work with City's employees or other City contractors, proper and safe access to the Site, pro�ide a reasonable opportuniry far the introduction and starage af r�aterials and equipment and the execution of such ather work, and praperly coardinate the Work with theirs. Contractor shall do all cutting, fi�ting, and patchang of the Work that may be required to properly connect or atherwise make ifs s�veral parts come together and properly integrate with such other work. Contractor shall not endanger any wozk of others by cutting, excavating, or otherwise altering such work; provided, however, that Contrac�or may cut or alter athers' work with the written consent of City and the others whose w�rk wilI be affected. C. If the proper execution or results of any part of Contractar's Work depends upon wark performed by others under this Article 7, Contractor shall inspect such other work and prornptly report to City in writing any delays, defects, or de�iciencies in such other work that render it unavailable or unsuitable for the proper execution and resulis af Cont�actor's Work. Contractar's failure to so report will constitute an acceptance of such other r�vork as fit and pro�er for integration with Co�tractor's Work except for latent defects in the work pxovided by others. CITY OF FQR'F W ORTH STANDAItD CONSTRUCTIDN SPECIFICATION DOCiJMENTS Revision: M�li 9, 2{}20 no�2oo-i GENERAL CONDITiONS Page 36 of 63 7.02 Coo�-dination A. If City intends to contract wxth others for the performance of other wark on the Project at ihe Site, the following wiIl be set forth in 8upplementary Conditions: the indi�idual or entity who will have a�tharity and responsibility for coordination of the activities among the various contractors will be iden�ified; 2. the specific matters to be covered by such authority and responsibiliry will be itemized; and 3. the extent of such authority and responsibilities will be provided. B. Unless otherwise provided in the Supplementary Conditians, City shall have authority for such coordina�ion. ARTICLE 8 — CITY'S RESPONSIBILITIES $.O1 Conamunications to Contractor Except as atherwise provided in the Supplementary Canditians, City sha�l issue all communications to Contractor. 8.02 Furnish Data City shall timely furnish the data required under the Contract Documents. 8.03 Pccy When Due City sha11 make payments to Contractor in accordance with Article 14. 8.04 Lands and Easements; Reports and Tests City's duties with respect to providing lands and easements and providing engineering surveys to establish reference points are set forth in Paragraphs 4.01 and 4.05. Paragraph 4.02 refers io City's identifying and rx�aking available to Contractar copies of reparts of expZorations and tests of subsurface conditions and drawings of physical conditions relating to existing surface or subsuxface struciures at or contiguous to the Site that have been utilized by City in preparing the Contract Docurnents. 8.45 Charage Orders City shali execute Change Orders in accordance with Paragraph 10.03. 8.06 Inspections, Tests, and Approuals City's responsibility with respect to certain inspections, tests, and appravals is set forth in Paragraph 13.03. CITY OP FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTKUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMEI�TS Revisipn: Maich 9, 2020 00 �a oo - i G�NERA� CONDITiO�[S Page 37 of 63 8.07 Limitutions on City s Responsibilities A. The City shall noi supervise, direct, or haue control or authority over, nor be responsible for, Coz�tractar's means, methods, techniques, sequences, or procedures of constructian, or the safety precauiions and programs incident there�o, or for any failure of Contractor to cornply with Laws and Regula�ians applicable ta the performance af the Work. City wi11 not be responsible for Cont�actar's failure to pert�orm the Wark in accordance with the Contract Documents. B. City will notify the Contractor of applicable safety plans pursuant to Paragraph 6.14. 8.08 Undiselosed Hazardous Environmental Condition Ciry's responsibility with respect ta an undisclosed Hazardous Environrnen�al Condition is set forth in Paragraph 4.06. 8.09 Compliance with Sufety Progr�am Wh�le at the Szte, Cify's employees and representatives shall comply with the specific applicable requiremenis of Contractor's safety prograrns of which City has been inforrned pursuant to Paragraph 6.1�. ARTICLE 9— CITY'S OBSERVATION STATUS DURING CONSTRUCTION 9A1 City's Project Manage� City will pravide one ar rnare Praject Manager(s) during the construction period. The duties and responsihilities and the limitations of authority of City's Project Manager during construc�ian az-e set forth in the Coniract Documents. The City's Pro}ec� Manager far this Contract is identified in the Supplementary Conditions. 9A2 Visits to Site A. City's Project Manager will make visits to the �ite at intervals apprapxiate to the �axious stages of construction as City deems necessary in arder to observe the progress that has been made and the quality of the var�ous aspects af Cantractar's executed Work. Based on information obtained during such visits and abservations, City's Project Manager will determine, in general, if the Work is proceeding in accordance with the Contract Docurnents. City's Project Manager wi11 not be required to make exhaustive or continuous inspections an the Site to check the quality or quantity of the Work. City's Project Manager's efforts will be directed toward providing City a greater degree of confidence �hat the completed Wark will conform generally to the Contracfi Documents. B. City's Project Manager's visits ar;d observations are subject ta all the limitations on authority and responsibility in the Cantract Dacutnents including those se# forth in Paragraph 8.07. CiTY QF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTIDN SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revision; March9,2026 00 �z oo - � GENERAL CONDITIOiVS Page 38 ofb3 9.03 Authorized Ya�iaiions in Work City's Project Managez- �nay autharize rninor varianons in the Wor�C frarz� #he requirements ai the Con�ract Documents which do not involve an adjustment in the Contract Pric� or the Contract Tirne and are compatible with the design concept of the cornp�eted Froject as a functioning whoie as indicated by the Contract Documents. These may be accomplished by a Field Order and wilI be binding on City and also on Contractor, wha sha11 perfarm the Work involved promptly. 9.04 Rejecting Defeciive Wo�k City will have authoriiy to reject Wor� which. City's Project Manager believes to be defective, or will not produce a carnpleted Project that conforms to tha Contract Doct�ments or that will prejudice th� integrity of the design concept of the co�pleted Project as a fii�zctioning whole as indicated by the Contract Documents. City will have authority to conduct spacial inspection or testing of th� Work as provided in Article 13, whether or not tne Work is fabricated, installed, oz- cornpleted. 9.05 DeteYrrainations for Work Perfa�naed Contracior will aetermine the actual quantities and classifications of Work per�ormeci. City's Project Manager will review with Contractor the preliminary determina�iQns an such matters before rendering a written recornmendation. City's written decision will be final (except as modified to reflect changed factual conditians or rnore accurate data}. 9.06 Decisions on Requirements of Cont�-act Documents and Acceptability of Work A. City wili be the initial interpreter af the requirements of the Contract Documents and judge of the acceptability of the Work thereunder. B. City wi�l rendar a written decision on any issue referred. C. City's vvritten decision on the issue referred will be final and binding on the Contractor, subject to the provisions of Paragraph 10.Ob. ARTICLE 10 -- CHANGES IN THE WORK; CLAIIVI5; EXTRA WORK � 0.01 Authorized Changes in the Wor�k A. Wifhout invalidating the Contract and without notice to any surety, City rriay, at any time or from time to time, order Extra Work. Upon notice af such Extra Work, Contractar shall pz-omptly proceed with the Work involved which will be performed under the appIicable conditions of the Cor�tract Documents (except as atherwise specifically provided}. Extra Work sha11 be memorialized by a Change Order which may or may not precede an order of Extra work. B. Far minor changes of Work not requiring changes to Contract Time or Contract Pr�ce, a Field Oz-der zx�ay be issued by �he City. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONS'FRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revision: Maceh9,2020 oo�zoa-i GENERAL COiVDITIONS Page 39 of 63 10.02 Unauthorized Changes in the Work Contractor sha11 not be entitled ta an increase in the Contract Price or an extension of the Contract Time with xespect to any work performed that is not required by the Con�ract Dacume�ts as amended, modified, or sup�lemented as provided in Paragraph 3.04, except in the case of an emergency as pr�vided in Paragraph b.17. 10A3 Execution of Change 4rders A. City and Cantractnr shall execute appropriate Change Orders coveri�g: changes in the Work which are: (i} ardered by City pursuant to Paragraph 14.O1,A, {ii) required because of acceptance af defective Work under Paragraph 13.08 or City's correction of defective Wark under Paragraph 13.09, ar (iii} agreed to by the parties; 2. changes in the Cont�act Price or Cont�act Time which are agreed to by the parties, including any undisputed sum or amount of time for Wark actually performed. 10.44 Extra Wor�k A. Should a difference arise as to what does or do�s not constitute Extra Work, or as to the payment thereof, and the City insists upon its performance, the Contractor sha11 pr�ceed with the work after making written request for written orders and shall keep accurate account of the actual reasonable cost thereof. Contract Claims regarding Ext�a Work shall be made pursuant to Paragraph 10.06. B. The Contractor shall furnish �he City such installation records of all de�iations from the original Contract Documents as may be necessary to enable the City ta prepare �or permanent record a corrected set of plan� sho�ving the actual installation. C. The compensation agreed upon far Extra Work whether or not initiated by a Change Order �hall be a full, camplete and finai payment far ail costs Contractar incurs as a result or rela�ing to the change ar Extra Work, whether said costs are known, unlulown, foreseen or unforeseen at tha� time, including without limitation, any costs far delay, extended overhead, ripple ar impact cost, or any other effect on changed or unchanged work as a result of the change or Extra Work. 10.05 Natification to Surety If the pro�isions of any bond require notice to be given io a surety of any change affecting the general scope of the Work or the provisions of the Cantract Documents (inciuding, but not lirnited to, Contract Price or Contract Time), the giving of any such notice will be Contractor's responsibility. The amaunt of each applicable bond will be adjusted by th� Contractor to reflect the effec� of any such change. CITY OF FORT WaRTH STANDAR� CONSTRUCTION SP�CIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revision: Matnh 9, 2020 00 72 oa - i GENERAL CONDITIONS Fage 40 of 63 10.06 ContYact Clairns P�ocess A. City s Decision Required: All Contract Claims, except those waived pursuant to Paxag►-aph 14.09, shall be referred to the City for decision. A decision by Ciry shall be required as a condition precedent to any exercise by Contractor of any rights or remedies he may otherwise have under the Contract Documents or by Laysrs and Regulations in respect of such Contract CIaims. B. Natice: �. Written notice stating the general nature oi each Contract Claim shall be delivered by the Contractor ta Ciiy no laier than 15 days after the start of the event giving rise thereto. The respansibility to substaniiate a Cantract Claim shall rest with the party making the Contract Claim. 2. Notice of the a�nount or extent of the Contract C�aim, with supporting data shall be delivered ta the Ciry on ar before 45 ciays frorn the start oi the event giving rise #hereto (unless the City allows additional time for Contractor to submit additional or more accurate data in support of s�ch Contract Claim). 3. A Contract C1aim far an adjus�rnent in Contract Frice shall be prepared in accordance with the provisions of Paragraph 12.01. 4. A Contract C�a2m far an adjustment in Contract Time shail be prepared in accordance with the provisions of Paragraph l 2.02. Each Contract Claim shall be accompanied by Cantractor's written statement ihat the adjustment claimed is the entire adjustment to which the Contractor believes it is en�itIed as a result of said event. 5. The City shall subm.it any response to the Coniractor within 30 days after receipt of the claimant's last submittal (unless Con�ract allows additianal time}. C. City's Action: City will review each Cantract C1aim and, within 30 days after receipt of the last subrnittal of the Contractor, if any, take one of the following actions in writing: 1. deny the Contract Claim in whole ar in part; 2. apprave the Contract Claim; or natify the Contractar fhat the City is unable to resolve the Cantract Claim if, in the City's sole discretion, it wouid be ina�propriate far the Ciry to do so. For purposes of further resalurian of the Contract Claim, such notice sha11 be deemed a deniai. CITY OP F012T WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCT[ON SC'ECIFICATION DdCUMENTS Revision: Nfarc�� 9, 2D26 007200-I GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 41 of 63 D. Ciry's written action under Paragraph 10A6.0 will be final and binding, unless City or Contractor in�oke the dispute resolution procedure set forth in Artic�e 16 within 30 days of such action or denial, E. No Cantract Claim for an adjustment in Cont�act Price or Contract Time will be �alid if z�ot submitted in accardance with this Paragraph 10.06. ARTICLE 11— COST OF THE WORK; ALLOWANCES; UNIT PRICE WORK; PLANS QUANTZTY MEASUREMENT 11.01 Cost of the Work A. Costs Included: The term Cost of the Wark means the sum �f all costs, except those excluded in Paragraph 11.OI .B, nec�ssarily incurred and paid by Contractor in the praper perforn�ance of the Work. When the value of any Wor� covered by a Chan�e Order, the costs to be reimbursed to Contractor wi11 be only those additional or incrernental costs required because of the change in the Work. Such costs shall not include any of the casts itemized in Paragraph 11.01.B, and shall include but nat be limited to the foliowing items: 1. Payroli costs for employees in the direct employ of Contractar in the performance of the Work under schedules af job classifications agreed upon by City and Contractor. Such employees shall include, wi�hout Iimitation, superintendents, foremen, and other personnel employed full time on the Work. Payroll costs for employees nat emplayed full time on the Woxk shali be apportioned �n the basis of their time spent on the Work. Payroll costs shall include; a. salaries with a 55% markup, or b. salaries and wages plus the cost of fringe benefits, which shall include sacial security cantributions, unemployrnent, excise, and payrolt taxes, workers' compensation, health and retiremeni benefits, honuses, sick leave, vacation and holiday pay applicable thereio. The expenses of performing Work autside of Regulaz- Woricing Hours, Weekend Working Haurs, or legal holidays, shall be included in the above to the extent authorized by Ciry. 2. Cast of all �naterials and equipment furnished and incarporated in the Work, including casts of transportation and storage thereof, and Suppliers' field services required in conneciion therewith. 3. Rentals of a11 construction equipment and machinery, and the parts thereof whetrier rented from Contractor or others in accordance wi�h rental agreements approved by City, and the costs of transportation, loading, unloading, assembly, disrnantling, and removal thereof. All such casts shall be in accoxdance with the terms of said rentai agreements. The rental of any such equ�pment, machinery, or parts shall cease when the use thereo� is no longer necessary for the Work. Ci3'Y OF FORT WORTH STANDARC] CON5TRUCTION 5P�CIFICATION i]OCUIvI8NT5 Revision: Ma�h9,2026 OD7204-1 GENERAL CON�fTIDiVS Page 42 of G3 4. Payments made by Contractar to Subcontractors for Work performed by �ubcontractors. If required by City, Contractor shall obtain cornpetitive bids from subcantractars acceptable to City and Contractor and shall deIiver such bids to City, who will then determine, which bids, if any, wilt be acceptable. �f any subcantract provides that the Subcontractor is to be paid on the basis of Cost of the Work �plus a fee, the Subcontractor's Cost of the Work and fee shall be determined in the same manner as Contractor's Cast ai the �Vork and fee as provided in this Paragraph I 1.01. 5. Casts of special consultants (including but not limited to enginears, architects, testing laboratories, surveyors, aitozneys, and accauntants} employed for services specifically related to the Wark. 6. Supple�nental costs including the following: a. The proportion of necessary f�'ansportatian, travel, and subsistence expenses of Cantractor's employees incurret� in discharge of duties cvnnected wiih ihe Work. b. Cost, including transportation and maintenance, of all materials, su�piies, equiprnent, machinery, appliances, office, and temporary iacilities at the Site, and hand tools not owned by the workers, which are consurned in the perfortnance af the Work, and cost, less market value, of such iterns used but not consumed which remain the property of Contractor. c. Sa1es, consumer, use, and other similar taxes related ta the Work, and for which Contractor is liable not cavered under Paragraph b.11, as imposed by Laws and Regulations. d. Deposits �ast for causes other than negligence of Contractor, any Subcontractor, or anyone directly ox indirectly employed by any of them or for whose acts any of them may be liable, and royalty payments and fees for pertni�s and licenses. e. Losses and damages (and related expenses) caused by damage to the Work, not compensated by insu�ance oz- otherwise, sustained by Contractor in connectian with the performance of the Work, provided such losses and damages have resulted frorn causes other than the neglagence of Cantractor, any Subcantractar, or anyone directly or inc�irectly erriployed by any of them or for whose acts any of them may be liabie. Such losses shall include settlez�nents made with the written consenf and approval of City. No such losses, damages, and expenses shall be included in the Cost af the Work for the purpose of deterzx�zning Contractor's fee. f. The cost of utiiities, fuel, and sanifiary t'acilines at the Site. g. Minor expenses such as telegra�ns, long distance telephone calls, teiephone and comm�anication services at the �ita, express and courier services, and similar petty cash items in connection with the Work. C1TY OF FO[tT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCT[ON SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revision: Ma�ki9,2020 ao �a oo - � GENERAL CONDITiONS Page 43 of 63 1�. The costs of premiums for all bonds and insurance Contractor is required by the Cantract Documents to purchase and maintain. B. Costs Excluded: The term Cost of the W�rk shall not include any of the following items: 1. Payrolt costs and ather cornpensation oi Contractor's officers, executi�es, principals {of partnerships and sole proprietorshipsj, general managers, safety managers, engineers, architects, estimator�, at�orneys, auditors, accountants, purchasing and con�racting agents, expediters, timekeepers, clerks, and other persflnnel emplflyed by Contractor, whether at the Site or in Contractor's principal or branch off'ice For general administration of the Work and not specifically included in the agreed upon schedule of jab classzfzcatians referred to in Paragra�h 11.O1.A.1 or specifically covered by Paragraph 11.O1.A.4, ai1 of which are io be considered administrative costs covered by the Contractar's fee. 2. Expenses of Contractor's principal and branch offices othex than Contractor's office at the Site. 3. Any part of Contractor's capital expenses, including interest on Contractor's capital employed for the Wark and charges against Contractflr for delinquerit payments. 4. Costs due to the negligence of Contractor, any Su6contractor, or anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them or for whose acts any of them may be liable, including but not Iimited to, the correction of defective Work, disposal of materials or equipment wrongly supplied, and making good any damage to property. 5. �ther overhead or general expense costs of any kind. C. CantractoY's Fee: When all the Work is performed on ihe basis of cost-plus, Contractor's fee shall be determined as set forth in the Agreement. When the value �f any Work covered by a Change Order �or an adjustment in Contract Price is deterrnined an the basis of Cost of fh� Work, Contractor's fee shall be determin�d as sat �orth in Paragraph 12.�1.C. D. Documentation: Whenever ihe Cost of the Work for any purpose is to be determined pursuant to Paragrapks 11.41.A and 11.OI.B, Contractor will establish and maintain records thereof in accordance with generally accepted accounting practices and submit in a form acceptable to City an itemized cast breakdawn tagether with supporting data. 11.02 Allawances A. Specified Allowance: It is understaod that Contractor has included in the Contract Price all allowances so named in the Cantract Documents and shall cause the Work so covered to be performed for such surns and by such persons or entities as may be acceptable to City. B. P�e-bid Allowances: 1. Contractar agrees that: CiTY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECiFICATION ]70CUMENT5 Revision: Ma�h9,202d 007200-I GENERAL CONDITIQNS Page 44 of63 a. the pre-�id allawances include the cost to Contractor of xnaterials and equipment required by the allowances to be delivered at the �ite, and alI applicable taxes; and b. Contractor's costs for unloading and handling on the �ite, labor, installation, overhead, profit, and other expenses contemplated for the pre-bid allowances have been incIuded in the allowances, and no demand for additional payment on account of any of the foregoing will be valid. C. Cantingency Allowttnce: Contractor agrees that a contingency allowance, ii any, is for the sole use of City. D. Prior �o final payrnent, an appropriate Change Order will be issued to reflect actual amounts due Contractor on account of Work covered by allowances, and the Contract P�ce shall be carrespondingly adjusted. 11.03 Unit Price Work A. Where the Cantract Dacuments provide that all or part of the Wark is ta be Unit Price Wark, initially the Contract Price will be d�emed to include for all Unit Price Work an amount equal to the sum of the unit price for each separate�y identified item oiUnit Price Work times the estimated quan�ity of each item as indicated in ihe Agreement. B. The estimated quantities of items of Unit Price Work are not guaranteed and are solely for the puzpose of camparisfln of Bids and determining an ini#ial Cantract Price. Determinations of the actual quantities and classif cations of Unit Price Wark performed by Contractor will be made by City subject ta the provisions of Paragraph 9.Q5. C. Each unit price will be deemed to include an amount co�nsidered by Can�ractor to be adequate ta cover Contractor's overhead and profit far each separately identified item. Work described in the Contract Docurnents, or reasonably inferred as required for a functionally complete installation, but not identified in the listing of unit price items shalI be considered incidental to unit price work listed and the cost af incidental wark included as part of the unit pric�. D. City may make an adjustment in the Contract Price in accordance with Paragraph f 2,01 if: 1. the quantity of any item of Unit Price Work performed by Contractar differs materialIy and significantly from the estima�ted quanrity of such itern indicated in the Agreernen�; and 2. tl�ere is na correspanding adjustment with respect to any other item of Work. E. 1`ncreased or Decreased Quantities: The City reserves the right #a order Extra Wark in accordance with Paragraph 10.O1. 1. If the changes in quantities ar the alterations do not sig�ificantly change the character of work under the Conh-act Documents, the altered work will be paid for at the Contract unit price. C[TY OF FORT WORTH STAIVDAR.D CONSTRUC'I'ION SPECIFiCAT[OA1 DOCUMENTS Revision: Ma�h 9, 2020 oa�zoo-i GENERAL COf�DITIOiVS Page 45 of 63 2. I� the changes in quantities or alterations significantly change the character of wark, the Cantract will be arnended by a Change Ordex. 3. If no unit prices e�ist, this will be considered Extra Work and the Contract will be amended by a Change Order in accordance with Article 12. 4. A significant change in the character of work occurs when: a. ihe characier af wark for any Item as alter�d differs materially in kind ar nature from that in the Contract or b. a Major Itern of work varies by more than 25% fram the original Contract quantity. S, When the quantiry of work to be done under any Major Item of the Contract is more than 125% af the original quantity siated in the Cantract, ihen eiiher party to the Cont�aci may z-equest an adjustment to the unit price on the portion of the work that is above 125%. 6. When �e quantity of work to be done under any IVIajor Iiem of the Contract is less than 75% of the original quantity stated in the Contract, then either party to the Cantract may requesi a.n adjustment t� tI�e unit price. 11.Q4 Plans Quantity Measurenzent A. Fians quantities may or m�.y not represent the exact quan�ity of work perfarmed or rnaterial maved, handled, or placed during the execution of the Coniract. The estimated bid quantities are designated as final payment quantities, unless re�ised by the go�erning Section or this Article. B. If the quantity rneasured as outlined under "Price and Payrnent Procedures" varies by xxaore than 25% (or as stipulated under "Price and Payment Procedures" for specific Iterr�s) from the total estimated quantity for an individual Item originaily sh�wn in the Contract Docurnents, an adjustment may be made to the quantity of authorized work dane for payment purposes. The party to the Cantract requesting the adjustment wili provide field measurements and calculations showing the final quantity for which payment wi�1 be rnade. Payment for xevised quantity will be made at the unit price bid for tha� Item, except as provided for in Article 10. C. When quantities are re�ised by a change in design appro�ed by the City, by Change Order, or to correct an error, ar to correct an error an the plans, the plans quantity will be increased or decreased by the amount involved in the change, and the 25% variance will apply to the new plans quantity. D. If the total Contract quantity multiplied by the unit price bid for an individual Item is less than $250 and the Item is not ariginally a pians quantity Item, then the Item may be paid as a plans quantity Itern if the City and Contractor agree in writing to fix the finat quantity as a plans quantity. CIT'Y OF' PORT WORTH STANI}ARD CONS'FRUCTIQN SPECIFICATION DOCUMEAlTS Re�ision: Ma�i9,2Q20 oo�aoo-i GENERA� CONDITIONS Page 46 of 63 E. For calloufi work or non-site specific Contracts, the plans quantity measurement requirements are not applicabie. ARTICLE 1� — CHANGE OF CONTRACT PRICE; CHAIiTGE OF CONTRACT TIME 12.01 Change of Contract Price A. The Contract Price may only be changed by a Change Order. B. The value a� any Work covered by a Change Order will be determined as follows: where the Work involved is covered by unit prices contained in the Contract Documents, by applica�ion of such unit prices to the quantities of ihe items involved (subject to the provisians of Paragraph 11.03}; or 2. where the Work involved is not covered by unit prices cantained in the Contract Documents, by a mutually agreed lump sum ar unit price {which may include an allowance far averhead and prvfit not necessarily in accordance with Paragraph 12.01.C.2}, and shall inctude the cost of any secondary impacts that are foreseeable at the time of pricing the cost of Extra Wark; or 3. where the Work involved is nofi cavered by unit prices contained in the Coniract Documents and agreernent ta a lump sum or unit price is not reached under Paragraph 12.01.B.2, on the basis of the Cost of th.e Work (determined as provided in Paragraph 11.01 } plus a Coniractor's fee for overhead and profit (determined as provided in Paragraph 12.O1.C). C. Cont�acto�'s Fee.• The Contractor's additional fee for overhead and profii shall be deiez-mined as follows: 1. a mutually acceptable fixed fee; or 2. if a�ixed fee is not agreed upon, then a fee based on the following percentages of the various portions of the Cost of the Wark: a. for cosis incurred under Paragraphs 11.O1.A.1, ll.O1.A.2. and 11.O1.A.3, the Cantractor's additional fee shall be 15 percex�t except foz-: X) rental fees for Con�ractor's own equipment using standard rental rates; 2) bonds and insurance; b. for costs incurred u�der Paragraph 11,OI .A.4 and 11.01.A.5, the Contractar's fee shall be five percent (5%}; 1} where one or more tiers of subcontracts are on the basis of Cost of the Work plus a fee and no fixed fee is agreed upan, the inte�t of Paragraphs 12.O1.C.2.a and 12.a1.C.2.b is that the Subcontractor who actually performs the Work, at whatever CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMEiVTS Revision: iVfa�h9,2020 00 �2 ao - i GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 47 of 63 tier, will be paid a�ee of IS percen# oithe costs incurred by such Subcontractor under Paragraphs X I.O1.A.1 and 11.O1.A.2 and that any higher tier Subcontractar and Contractor will each be paid a fee of five percent {5%) of the amount paid to the n�xt lower tier Subcontracfior, however in na case shall the cwnulative total of fees paid be in excess af 25%•, c. no fee shall be payable on the basis of costs itemized under Paragraphs 11.O1.A.6, and 11.01.B; d. the amount of credit to be allawed by Contractor to City for any change which results in a net decrease in cost will be the amount of the actual net decrease in cost plus a deduction in Contractor's fee by an amount equal to five percent (S%) of such net decrease. l 2.02 Cha�rge of Contract Tirree A. The Contract Time may only be changed by a Change Order. S. No extension of the C�ntract Tirne will be allowed for Extra W�rk �r for claimed delay unless the Extra Work con�emplated or claimed delay is shown to be on the critical path of the Praject Schedule or Cantractor can show by Critical Path Method analysis how the Extra Work or claimed delay adversely affec�s the critical path. 12.03 Delays A. Where Contractor is reasonably delayed in the pe�oxxnance or completion of any part of the Work wi�hin the Cont�-act Time due to delay beyond the controi of Contractar, the Con�ract Time may be extended in an amount equal to the time lost due to such delay i� a Contract Claim is made therefor. Delays beyond the control af Contractor shall include, but not be limitad to, acts or neglect by City, acts or negiect of utility awr�ers or other contractors performing other wark as contemplated by Article 7, f res, floads, epidemics, abnormal weather conditions, ar acis of God. Such an adjustment shall be Contractor's sole and exclusi�re remec�y for the delays described in this Paragraph, B. If C�ntractor is delayed, City shall not be liable to Cantractor for any claims, costs, losses, or damages (including but not limited to al1 �ees and charges of engineers, architects, attorneys, and ather professi�nals and all court or arbiiration or at�ier dispute resolution costs) sustained by Contractar on or in connection with any other project or antici�ated project. C. Contractor shall not be entitled to an adjustment in Contract Price or Contract Time for delays within the cantral oi Confractor. Delay� attributable to and within the contz�ol af a Suhcontrac�or ar Supplier shall be deemed to be delays within the control of Contrac�or. D. The Contractor shall receive no compensation for delays or hindrances io the Work, except when direct and unavaic�able extra cost to t�ie Contract�r is caused by the failure of the City to provide information or materiai, if any, which is ta be fiirnished by the City. C1TY OF FORT WORTH STANDARI} CONSTRUCT[ON SPECIFICATIQN DOCiIMENTS Revisiqn: Mairh 9, 2020 00 72 00 - 1 GENERAL CONDITfONS Page 4$ of &3 ARTICLE 13 — TESTS AND INSPECTIONS; C�RRECTION, REMOVAL OR ACCEPTANCE OF DEFECTIVE WQRK l 3.01 Notice of Defects Norice o� atl defective Work of which City has actual knovvledge wi11 be given to Contractor. Defective Work may be rejected, corrected, or accepted as provided in this Article 13. 13.02 Access to Wo�k City, independent testing laboratories, and governmental agencies with jurisdictional interests wil� have access to the �ite and the Work at reasanable times far their observation, inspection, and testing. Contractor shall provide them praper and safe conditions for such access and advise them of Contractor's safety procedures and pragrams so that they rnay camply iherewith as appIicable. 13.03 Tests and Inspections A. Coniractor shall give City timely notice of readiness of the Wark for all required inspecfions, tests, or approvals and shall cooperate with inspection and testin� personnel ta facilitate required inspections or tests. B. If Coniract Doc�ments, Laws or Regnlations of any public body having jurisdiction require any of the Wark (or part therea� to be inspected, fested, or approved, Coniractor shall assume full responsibility for arrangizag and obtaining such independent inspections, tests, retests or approvals, pay all costs in connection therewith, and fEunish City the required certificates af inspection ar approval; excepting, however, those %es specifica�ly identified in the Supplementary Conditions or any Taxas Department of Licensure and Regulation (TDLR) inspections, which shall be paid as described in the Supplementary Conditians. C. Cont�actor shall be responsible for arranging and obtaining and shall pay a11 costs in connection with any inspectians, tests, re-tests, or approvals required for City's acceptance of materials or equipment to be incarparated in the Work; or acceptance of materials, mix designs, or equipment submitted far appro�al prior to Contractor's purchase thereof for incorporation in the Work. Such inspectzons, tests, re-tests, or approvals shall be performed by organizations acceptable to City. D. Ciry may arrange for the services of an independent tesiing laboratary ("Testing Lah") to perform any inspections or tests ("Testing") for any part of �h� Work, as determined solely by City. 1. City will coorainate such Testing to the extent possible, with Contractor; 2. Should any Testing under this Sectian 13.03 D result in a"fail", "did not pass" or other similar negative result, the Contractor shall be responsible far paying for any and all retests. Con.tractor's cancellation without cause of City initiated Testing shali be deemed a negative result anc� rec�uire a retest. CITY OF �'ORT WORTH STANDARD CQNSTItUCTION SPECIF[CA'FIOIV DOCUMENTS Revision: Ma�h 9, 2020 oa�zoo-i GENERAL COf�1dITIONS Page 49 of 63 3. Any amounts owed for any retest under this Section 13.03 D sha11 be paid direcily ta the Tesfiing Lab by Contractor. Ciry will forward alI invoices for retests to Contractor. 4. If Contract�r fails to pay the Testing Lab, City will not issue Final Payment until the Testing Lab is paid. E. �f any Work (or the work of others) that is to be inspected, tested, or appro�ed is covered by Contractor without written concurrence of City, Contractor shall, if requested by City, uncover such Work far observatian. F. Uncovering Wark as provided in Paragraph 13.03.E shali be at Contractor's expense. G. Contracior shall have the right to malce a Contract C1aim regarding any retest or invoice issued under Section 13.03 D, 13.04 Uncovering Work A. If any Wark is cavez-ed contrary to tl�e Contract Documents or specific instructions by the City, it must, if requesied by City, be uncovered for City's abservation and replaced at Contractor's expense. B. If City cansiders it necessary or advisahie that covered Work be observed by City oz- znspected or tested by others, Contractor, at City's request, shall unco�er, expose, or othenvise make available far abser�ation, insp�ction, ar t�sting as City may require, that partion o� the Work in question, furnishing all necessaTry labox, znatexial, and equipment. If it is found that the uncovered Work is defective, Contractor shall �ay all claims, casts, losses, and damages (including but not limited to all fees and charges of engineers, architect�, attorneys, and other pro%ssionals and all court ar other dispute resoiu�ion costs) arising out of or relaiing to such uncavering, exposure, obsetvation, �nspection, and testing, and of satisiactory replacement ar recanstruction {incl�ding but nat liznited to all costs of repair or replacement of work of others); or City shall be entitled to accept defective Work in accardance with Paragraph 13.08 in which case Contractor shaIl still be responsible for all costs associated with exposing, obser�ing, and testing the defective Work. 2. If the uncovered Work is not found to be defective, Cont�actor shall be allowed an increase in the Contract Price ar an extension of the Contract Time, or both, directly attribuiable t� such uncovering, exposure, observation, inspectio�, testing, replacement, and reconstruction. 13.05 City May Stop the Work If the Work is defective, or Contractor fails to supply suff'icient skilled workers or suitable materials ar equipment, or fails to perform the Wor1c in such a way that the completed Work will conform tv the Confract Docu�nents, City may arder Con#ractor ta stop the Woxk, or any portian thereof, until the cause for such order has been eliminated; however, this right of City to s�tap the Work shall not give rise to any duty on the part of City to exercise this �right for the benefit �f Contractar, any CITY O� F'ORT WORTH STANDARD CON5TRLTCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revision: Maich9,2020 007200-1 GENERAL CQNDITIONS Page 50 of 63 Subcontractor, any Supplier, any other individual or entity, or any surety for, or employee or agent of any of them. 13.06 Cor�ection o� Rerrtoval of Defective Work A. Promptly after receipt of written notice, Confractor shall correct alI defective Work pursuant to an acceptable schedule, whether or not fabricated, installed, or completed, or, if the Wozk has been rejected by City, remove it from the Proj�ci and replace it with Wark that is not defective. Con�ractor shall pay all cZaims, costs, aaditional testing, losses, and damages (including but not limited to alI fees anc� charges of engineers, architects, attorneys, and other professionals and all court or arbitration or other dispute z-esalution costs} arising out a� ar relating to such correction or removal (including but not limited to all costs of repair or replacemeni of work of others). Failure to require the removal of any de%ctive Work shall not constitute acceptance of such Work. B. When correcting defeciive Work under the terms of this Paragraph 13.06 or Paxagraph 13.07, Can#ractar shall take na action that �rould void or othenvise impair City's special warranty and guarantee, if any, on said Work. 13.07 Cor�ection Per�iod A. If within two (2) y�ars after ihe date of Final Acceptance (or such longer period of time as may be prescribed by the terms of any applicabte special guarantee required by th� Contract Documents), any Work is found to be defeciive, or if the repair of any damages to the land or areas made available far Cantractor's use by City or permitted by Laws and Regulatians as contemplated in Paragraph 6.10.A is found to be defective, Contractar shall prozx�ptly, without cost to City and in accordance with City's written instructions: 1. repair s�ach defective Iand or areas; or 2. correct such defective Work; or 3. if the defec�ive Work has been rejected by City, remove it from the Froject and replace it with Work that is not defective, and 4. satzsfactorily co�rrect or repair or remove and replace any damage to other Work, to the work of others or other land or areas resulting therefro�. B. If Contractor doas not prornptly comply with the terms of City's written insiructions, or in an emergency where delay would cause seriaus risk of loss or damage, City may have the defective Wor1c corrected or repaired or may have the rejected Work rexnoved azad replaced. All claims, cosis, Iosses, and damages (including but not limited to all �ees and charg�s of engineers, architects, attorneys, and other professionals and all court or ather dispute resalutian casts) arisi�g out of or relaiing to such carrection ar repair or such removal and replacement (incIuding but not limited to all costs of repair or replacem.ent of wark af athers) will be paid by Contractor. CITY O�' FORT WORTH STANBARDCON5TRUCTION SP�CIFICATTON bOCUMENTS Revision: Marc1� 9, 2020 QO7200-1 GENERAL CONDITIONS Page S 1 of 63 C. In special circumstances where a particular item of equiprnent is placed in cantinuous service befora Final Acceptance of a�l the Wark, the correctian per�ad for tha� item may start to run irorn an earlier date if so provided in the Contract Documents. D. Where defective Work (and damage �o ather Work resulting therefrom} has been corrected or removed and re�laced und�r this Paragraph 13.07, the correction period hereu�der with respect io such Work rnay be required to be extended for an additianal period of one year after the end of the initial correction period. City shall pravide 30 days wt�tten notice ta Coniractor shoulc� such additional r,varranty coverage be required. Coniractar may dispute t�iis requiremeni by filing a Contract Clairr�, pursuant to Paragraph 10.46. E. Contractoz-'s obligations under this Paragraph 13.47 are in addition to any other obligatian or warranty. The pro�isions of this Paragraph 13.07 shall not be co�strued as a substitu.te for, or a waiver of, the provisions of any applicable statute of limitation or repose. 13.08 Acceptcance of Defective Work If, instead of requiring correction or removal and replacernent of defective Work, City prefers to accept it, City may do so. Contract�r shall pay all clairns, casts, losses, and damages {including but not Iimited to all fees and charges of engineers, architects, attorn.eys, and other professionals and all court or other dispute resolution casts) attributable to City's �valuation of and determination tn accept such defective Work and for the dirninished value ai the Work to the extent not otherwise paid by Contractor. If any such acceptance occurs prior to Final Acceptance, a Change Order will be issued incorporating the necessary revisions in the Contract Documents with respect ta t�ie Work, and City shall be entitled to an appropriate decrease in the Cantract Price, reflectin� the diminished value of Wark so accepted. 13.09 City May Cor�rect Defective Work A. If Contractor fails within a rea�onable time after written notice from City ta correct defective Wark, ar to rem��e and replace rejected Work as required by City in accardance with Paragraph 13.06.A, or if Contractor fails to perform the Work in accordance with ihe Contract Documents, or i� Contractor fails �o comply with any ather provision of the Contract Docurnents, City may, after seven (7) days written noiice to Coniractor, correct, or remedy any such deficiency. B. In exercising the rights and remedies under this Paragraph 13.09, City shall proceed expeditiously. In connectian with such carrective or remedial action, City may exclude Contractor fronn a�l ox �art of the Site, take possession of all or part of the Wark and suspend Contractor's services reIated thereto, and incorporate in the Work a11 materials and equipment incorparated in the Work, stared at the Site or for which City �as paid Cantractor but which are stored elsewhere. Contractor shall allow City, City's represeniatives, agents, consultants, ernployees, and City's ather coniract�rs, access ta the Site to enable City to exercise the rights and remec�ies under this Paragraph. � C. All claims; casts, losses, and damages {including bu� not limited to a11 fees and charges flf engineers, architects, attarneys, and ather professianals and all c4urt or other dispute resolutian CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTAL7CTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMEIV`I'S Re�ision: IVIa�h9, 2020 007200-1 GE�v�Ra� con�oiT�a�vs Page 52 of63 costs) incurred or sustained by City in exercising the rights and remedies under this Paragraph 13.p9 will be charged against Contractor, and a Change Order will be issued incorporating the necessary revisians in the Cantract Docurnents with respect to the Work; and City shall be �ntitled to an appropriate decrease in the Contract Price. D. Contractor shall not be allowed an extension of the Contract Time because of any delay in the performance of the Work aitributable to ihe exercise of City's rights and remedies under this Paragraph 13.09. ARTICLE 14 — PAYNIENTS TO CONTRACTOR AND COlVIPLETION 14.01 Schedule of Yadues The Schedule of Values for Iump �um contracts established as provided in Paragraph 2.07 will serve as the basis for progress payments and will be incorporated into a form of Application for Payment acceptable to Czty. Pragress payrnents on account of Unit Frice VVork will be based on the nu�nbar of units completed. 1Q�.02 Progress Payfraents A. Applicattons for Payments: I. Contractor is respansible for providing all infarmation as required to become a vendar of the City. 2. At least 20 days before the date established in the General Require�nn.enfs for each progress payment, Contractar shall submit to City for review an AppIication for Payrnent filled out and signed by Contractor covering tl�e Work completed as of the date af the Application and accampanied by such supporting documenta�ion as is required by the Contract Docu�nents. If payrnent is requested an the basis of materials and equipment not incorporated in the Work but delivered and suitably stored at the Site or at anoiher locatzon agreed to in writing, the Application for Payment shalt also be accompanied by a bill of saie, invoice, or other documentation warranting that CiEy lias received the materials and equiprnent free and clear oi alI Liens and evidence that the materials and equipment are co�ered by appropriate insurance or other arrangem.enis to protect City's interest therein, all of which must be satisfactary to City. 4. Beginning with the second Application for Payment, each Applicarion shall include an affidavit of Contractor stating that previous progress payments received on account of the Wark have been applied on account to discharge Contractor's legitimate obligations associated with prior Applicatians for Payment. 5. The amount of retainage with respect to progress payments will be as stipuIated in tke Cantract Dacuments. CITY OF FbRT WORTH STANBARD CONSTRUCTION SP�CIFICATIDN DOCUMEI�iTS Revision: Marcl3 9, 2020 00720D- 1 G�N�RAL CQNDITIONS Page 53 of b3 B. Review ofApplications: 1. City will, after receipt of each Application for Payment, either indicate in writing a recommendation of payr�ent or return the Application to Contractor indicating reasons for refusing payment. In the latter case, Contractor may make the necessary carrections and resubrnit �he Application. 2. City's processing of any payment requested in an Application for Payrnent will be based on City's abser�atians of the exec�.ted Work, and on City's review of the Application far Fayment and the accompanying data and schedules, that to the best of City's knowZedge: a. the Work has progressed to the point indicated; b. the quality of the Work is generally in accordance with the Contract Documents {s�bject to an evaluation af the Work as a functioning whole prior to or upon Finai Acceptance, �he results of any subsequent tests cailed for in �he Contract Documents, a final deter�nination of quantities and classifications f�r Work perfo�ed under Paragraph 9.05, and any other qualifications stated in the recommendation}. 3. Processing any such pay�nent wiIl not thereby be dc�med to have represented that: a. inspec�ions made to check the quality or the quantity of the Work as it has b�en performed have been exhaustive, extended to every aspect of the Work in progress, or invol�ed detailed inspeciians of the Work beyond the responsibilities specifically assigned ta City in the Contract Document�; or b. there may not be other matters or issues between the parties that might entitle Contractor to be paid additionally by City or entitie City to withhold payment to Contractor, or c. Contractor has complied with Laws and Regulatians applicable to Coniracior's perfarmance of the Work. 4. City may refuse ta process �he whole or any part af any payment because �f subsequently discovered evidence or �he results of subsequent inspections ar tests, and revise ar revoke any such pay�nent previausly made, to such extent as may be necessary �o protect City from loss because: a. the Work is defective, or the completed VLlork has been damaged by the Contractor or his subcontractors, requiring correction or replacement; b. discrepancies in quantities cantained in pre�ious applica�i�ns far payrnent; c. the Contract Frice has been reduced by Change Orders; d. City has been required to correct defective Wor�C oz- complete Work in accordance with Paragraph 13.49; or C1TY OF FORT 1�ORTH STA�+IDARD CONSTRUCTIpN SPECIFICATION DOCUMENFS Revision: March 9, 2020 007200-1 GENERAL CONDITIOfVS Page 54 of 63 e. City has actual knowledge of the occurrence of any of ihe events enumerated in Paragraph 15.02.A. C. Retainage.• 1. For contracts less than $400,004 at the time of execution, retainage shall be ten percen� (10%). 2. For coant�-acts gz-eater than $�00,000 at the time of executian, retainage shall be -five percent {5%}. D, Liquidated Damages. For each caiendar day that any worlc shall remain uncompleted after the time specif ed in the Contract Documents, the surn per day specified in the Agreement, wi11 be deducted from the monies duc the Contractor, not as a penalty, but as liquidated damages suffered by the City. E. Payment: Contractor will be paid pursuant ta the requirements of this Arkicle 14 and payment will become due in accordance with the Contract Docnmenis. F. Reduction in Paynaent.• l. City �nay reiuse to rnake payment af the amount requested because: a. Liens have been filed in connection with the Wark, except where Contractor has delivered a specific bond satisfactory io City to secure the satisfaciion and discharge of such Liens; b. there are other items entitling City ta a set-off against the amount recammended; or c. City has actual knowledge of the occurrence of any of the eve�ts enumerated in Paragraphs 14A2.B.4.a through 14.02.B.4.e or Paragraph 15.02.A. 2. If City refuses to rz�ake payment of the amou�t requested, City will give Contractor �cc�ritt�n notice stating the reasons for such action and pay Contractor any amount remaining after deduction aithe amaunt so wifhheld. City shall pay Contractor the amaunt so withheld, or any adjust�ent thereto agreed to by City and Contractor, when Contractor rerneaies the reasons %r such actian. 14.03 Cont�-actor's Warranty of Tatle Contractor warrants and guarantees that title to alI Work, materials, and equ.ipment covered by any Application for Payrnent, whether incorporated in the Project or noi, will pass to City no later than the time o�payrnent free and clear of all Liens. C1TY OF FOitT WORTH STANDARD CQN5TRUCTION SP�CIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revisian: Tdai�h9, 2(120 00 �z oo - t GENERAL COMDITI�NS Page 55 aF63 14.04 Partial Utilization A. Prior to Final Acceptance of all the Wor�C, City may use ar occupy any substantially completed part of the Work which has specifically been identified in the C�ntract Dacurnents, or whic� City, detenrz�ines constitutes a separately functioning and usable pa�t of the Work that can be used by City for its intended purpose withaut significant interference with Contractor's performance af the remainder ai the Work. Ciiy at any time �nay natiiy Cantractor in writing to penmit City to use or occupy any such part of the Work which City determines to be ready for its intended use, subject to the follawing conditions: 1. Contractor at any time may notify City in writing that Contractar considers any such part of the Wark ready for its intended use. 2. Within a reasonable time after natification as enumerated in Paragraph 14.45.A.1, City and Cantractar shall make an inspection of thai part of the Wark to detezmine its status af compie�ion. If Ciiy does not consider that part of the Work ta be substantially complete, City will notify Contractor in writing giving the reasons therefar. 3. Partial Utilizaiion will noi constitute Final Acceptance by City. X 4.45 Final Inspection A. Upon written notice frarn Contractor that the entire Work is complete in accardance with the Coniract Docuzxients: 1. within 10 days, Ciry will schedule a Final Tnspection with Contractor. 2. City will notify Contractor in writing of all particulars in which this inspection reveals that the Wark is incarnplete �r det�ective. Cantrac�or shall irnmediately take such measures as are necessary to complete such Work or remedy such deficiencies. B. No ti�ne charge will be made against the Contractar between said date af notification of the City and the date of Final Inspection. Sho�ld the City determine that �he Work is nof ready for Final Inspection, City will notify the Contractor in writing of the reason� and Contract Time will resume. 14.06 Final Acceptance Upan completian by Contractor to City's satisfactian, of any additional Work identified in the Final Inspcction, City will issue to Can�tractor a letter of Final Acceptance. C1TY OF �'ORT WORTH STANDARD CbNSTRUCT[ON 3PECIFICATIQN DOCUMENTS Revision: Maickt 9, 2D20 00 72 00 - i GENERAL CONDI710NS Pagc 56 ot'63 14.07 Final Payment A. Application for Payment: 1. Upon Final Acceptance, and in the opinion of Ciry, Contracior may make an application for f nal payment fallowing the procedure for progress payrn�nts in accordance with the Contract Dncumen�s. 2. The final Application for Payment shall be accompanied (except as previously delivered) by: a. a11 documentation called fbr in the Contract Documents, including but not limited to the evidence of insurance required by Paragraph 5.03; b. consent of the surety, if any, to final payment; c. a list of all pending or released Damage Claims against City that Contractor believes are unsettled; and d. affidavits of paymenis and complete and legally ef%c�ive releases or waivers (satisfactory to City) of all Lien rights arising out of or Liens filed in connection with the Work. B. Payment Becomes Due: 1. After City's acceptance af the Application for Payment and accornpanying dacumentaiian, requested by Contractor, less previous paym�nts made and any sum City is entitled, including but not iimited to liquidated damages, will becorne due and paya6le. 2. After all Damage Claims have been resolved: a. directly by the Contractor or; b. Contractor provides evidence that the Damage Clairn has been reported to Contractar's insurance provider for resolution. 3. The making of ihe final paymeni by the City shall not relieve the Coniractor of any guarantees or afiher requirements of the Con�ract Documents which specifically continue thereafter. i4.08 Final Completion Delayed and Partfal Retainage Release A. Ii final completion of the Work is significantly delayed, and if City so confrrns, City �nay, upon receipt of Contractor's final Application for Payrnent, and witl�out terminating the Contract, make payment of th� balance due for that �ortion of the Work fully completed and accepted. If the remaining balance to be held by City for Work not fully compl�ted or corrected is less than the retainage siipuiated in Paragraph 14.02.C, and if bonds have been furnished as required in Parag�raph 5.02, the written consenf of th� surety to the paymeni of the balance due for that CITX OF FORT WOR`I'H STANDAIZD CONSTRUCTION 5PECIFICATION 170CUMENTS Revision: Mareh9,2020 D0 72 OD -1 GENERAL CONDITIa€V5 Page 57 offi3 portion of the Work fully compl�ted and accepted shall be submitted by Contractor to City with the Application for such payment. Such payrnent shail be zx�ade under the tezxns and conditions governing f nal payment, except that it shall not constitute a waiver of Contraci Clairns. B. PaYtial Retainage Release. �'or a Contract that provides for a separate vegeiaiive establishment and maintenance, and test and performance periods following the compleiion of a11 other canshuctian in the Contract Documents for all Work locations, the City may release a portion of the amount retained provided that all other work is completed as determined by the City. Befare the release, a11 sub�nittals and final quantities must be completed and accepted for all other work. An arrtount sufficient to ensure Cantract compliance will be retained. 14,09 Waiver of Claims The acceptance of final payment will constitute a re�ease of the City from aI1 claims or liabilities under the C�ntract for anything done ar fiarnished ox relating ta the work undex the Co�tract Docu�nents ar any act or neglect of City related to or connected with the Contract. ARTICLE 1�— SUSPENSION OF WORK AND TERMINATION 15.01 City May Suspend Work A. Ai any time and without cause, City rnay suspend th� Wark or any portian thereof by vvritten notice to Contractor and which may fix the date on which Work will be resumed. Contzacto�r shall resume the Work on the date sa fixed. During tempvrary suspension of the Work co�ered by these Contract Documents, for any reason, the Ci�ty will make no extra payment for stand-by tirne of canstruction equiprnent and/or construction crews. B. Should the Contractor not be able to complete a portion af the Project due to causes beyond the control of and without the fault or ne�ligence of the Contractar, and should it be dete�rnined by mutual consent of #he Contractor and City that a solut�on. to ailow constructian ta proceed is not a�ailable within a reasanable periad af time, Contractor may request an extension in Contract Time, directly attributable to any such suspensian. C. If it shouid becorne necessary to suspend the Work for an indefinite period, the Cont�actor shall store all materials in such a manner that they will not obstruct or impede the public unnecessarily nor become damaged in any way, and he shall take every precaution ta prevent damage or deterioration of the work pez-formed; he shall pro�ide sui�able drainage about the work, and erect temparary stn�ctures where necessary. D. Contractar may be reimbursed for the cost of �noving his equipment oii the job and returning the necessary equipment to the job when it is determined by the City that construction may be resumed. Such reimbursement shall be based on actual cost ta the C�ntractor af maving the equiprnent and no profit will be allowed. Reimbursement rx�ay not be allowed if the equipment is moved to another cons�uction project for the City. CI'I'Y OF FORT WORTH STANUARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUM�I�7TS Re�isian: M�h4,2020 00 72 00 -1 G�NERAL GONQITIQNS Page 58 0£63 15.02 City May Te�nainate for Cause A. The occurrence af any one ar more of the follawing events by way af example, but not of lirnita�ion, tnay justify terrnination for cause: 1. Contractor's persistent failure to perform the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents (including, but not limited to, failure to suppIy sufficient skilIed warkers or suitable materials or equipment, failure to adhere to the Project �chedule established under Paragraph 2.07 as adjusted from tirne to iime pursuant to Paragraph 6.0�, or failure ta adhere to the City's Business Di�ersity Enterprise Ordinance #20020-12-2011established under Paragraph 6.06.D); 2. Contractor's disregard of Laws oz Regulations of any public body having jurisdictian; 3. Contractor's repeated disregard of the authority of Ciry; or 4. Cantractor's violation in any substan�ial way of any provisions of the Contract Docuzx�ents; or 5. Coniractor's failure to prorz�ptly make good any defect in materials ar warkmanship, or defects af any nature, the cor�ection of which has been directed in writing by the City; or 6. Substantial indicatian that the Contractor has made an unauthorized assignment of the Contract or any funds due tk�erefrom for the benefit of any creditor ar %r any other purpose; or _ 7. Substant�al evidence that the Contractor has become insalvent ar bankrupt, or otherwise financially unable to carry on the Work satisfactorily; or 8. Con�ractor commences legal action in a court af cornpetent jurisdiction agaznst the City. B. If ane or mare af the events identified in Paragraph 15.02A. occur, Ciry will provide rvritten notice to Contractor and Surety to arrange a conference with Contractor and Surety to address Cantractor's failure to perFarm the `7Vork. Conference shalt be held not later ihan 15 days, after receipt of notice. 1. If the City, the Contractoz-, and the Surety do not agree to allow the Contractor to proceed to perform the construction Contract, the City may, to the extent �ermitted by Laws and Re�ulations, declare a Contractor default and farmaliy ter�ninate the Contractor's right to complete the Contract. Con�ractor default shall not be declared earlier than 20 days after the Contractor and Surety have received natice of conference to address Coniractor's failure to perform the Work. 2. If Cantractor's services are terminated, Surety shall be obligated to take over and perform the Work. If Surety does not comrnence perfo�nance thereaf within � 5 consecutive calendar days after date of an additional written notice demanding Surety's performance of its CTI'Y OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECiFICATION DOCUM�NTS Revision: 3v1azeh9, 2U20 ao �z oo - � GENERAL CONDITIOHS Page 59 oi63 obligations, then City, without proc�ss or action at law, may take flver any portian of the Work and complete it as described below, a. If City completes the Work, City zxzay exclude Cantractor and Surety from the site and take possession of the Wark, and all materials and equipment incorporated inta tha Work stored at i�e Site or far which City has paid Contractor or Surety but which are stored elsewhere, and finzsh the Work as City zxaay dee�z expedient. 3. Whether City or Surety com.pletes the Work, Contzactor shall not be enti�led to receive any further payment until the Work is finished. If the unpaid balance of the Contract Price exceeds all clairns, costs, losses and damages sustained by City arising out of or resulting frorn cornple�ing ihe Work, such excess will be paid to Contractar. If such claims, cos�s,lasses and damages exceed such unpaid balar�ce, Contractar shall pay the difference to City. Such claims, costs, losses and damages inc�ed by City will be incorporated in a Change Order, provided that when exercising any rights ar remedies under this Paragraph, City shall not be required io obtain the lawest price for �he Work performed. 4. Nei�her City, nor any af its respective consultants, agents, officers, directors or employees shall be in any way liable �r accountable to Contractor or Surety far the methad by which the completion of the �aid Work, or any portian thereof, may be accomplished or for ihe price paid therefor. 5. City, notwiihstanding the method used in completing the Contract, shall not forfeit the right ta rec�ver damages ftom Contractor or Surety for Contractor's iailure to timely comple�e the entire Contract. Contrac�tor shall not be entitled to any claim on account of ihe method used by Ci�ty in completing �he Coniract. 6. Main�enance af the Wark shall continue to be Coniract�r's and Surety's respansxbilities as pro�ided for in the bond requirements of the Contract Documents or any special guarantees provided for under the Contract Documents ar any other obligations atherwise prescribed by law. C. Notwithstanding Paragraphs 15.02,B, Contractor's services will not he terminated if Contractor begins within seven days of receipt o� notice of intent to terminate to correct its failure to perfarm and proceeds diiigently to cuz-e such failuz-e within no �ore than 30 day� of receipt of said notice. D. Where Cantractor's services have been so te�-rninated by City, the termination wiil not affect any rights or retnedies of City against Contractor then existing or which may thereafter accrue. Any retention or payrnent oimoneys due Contractor by City wiI� nat release Contractor from liability. E. If and to tke extent that Contractor has pravided a performance band under the provisions of Paragraph 5.02, the termination pracedures of that bond shaIl not supersede the provisians of this Article. CITY OF FORT WOiLTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTI�N SPECIFICATIOI�! DOCUMENTS Re�ision: Ma�U9,2020 007200-1 GENERAL CON�ITlONS Page GO of 63 15.03 City May Te�minate Fo� Convenience A. City may, without cause and without prejudice to any oiher right or remedy of City, terminate the Cantract. Any tenmination shall be effected by mailing a notice of the termination to the Cantractor specifying the extent to which perforrnance of Work under the contract is terminated, and ihe daie upan which such termination becomes effective. Receipt af the natice shall be deemed conclusively presurned and established when the letter is placed in the United States Postal Service Mail by the City. F�arther, it shall be deemed canclusively presurned and established fhat such tarmination is made with just cause as therein stated; and no proof in any claim, demand or suit shali be required af the City regarding such discretianary action. B. After receipt af a notice of te�znation, and except as otherwise direcfed by the City, the Contractor sha�l: 1. Stop work under the Cantract on the date and ta the extent specified in the notice of terminaiion; 2. place no further orders or subcontracts for materials, services or facilities except as may be necessary for completion of such portion of the Work under the Contract as is noi terminated; 3. terminate al1 orders and subcontracts to the extent that they relate to the performance of the Wark ferminated by natice af terminatipn; 4. transfer title to the City and c�eiiver in the mannez-, at the tirnes, and ta the extent, if any, dir�cted by the City: a. the fabricated or unfabricated parts, Work in progress, completed Work, supplies and other material produced as a part of, or acquired in cannection with the perfarmance of, the Work terminated by the notice of the t�rmination; and b. the completed, or partially completed plans, dravvings, information and other property which, if the Contract had been completed, would have been required ta be iurnished to the City. 5. carnplete performance of such Work as shall not have been terminated by the notice of iermination; and b. tak� such action as rnay be necessary, or as the Ciiy may direct, for the proiection and preservation of the property related to its contraci which is in the possession of the Contractar and in which the owner has or may acquire the rest. C. At a time not later than 30 days after th� termination date specif ed in ihe notice of terrnination, the Contractar nriay submit to the Ciry a list, certifed as ta quantity and c�uatity, of any or a11 ifems of terrnination inventory not previously disposed of, exclusive of items the disposition of which has been directed or authorized. by City. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIPICATIQN DOCUMENTS Revision: M�ch 9, 2020 ao�zoo-i GENERAt CONDITIONS Page 61 of 63 D. Not laier than 15 days thereafter, the City shall accept title to such iiems provided, that the list submitted shall be subject to verification by the City upon removal of the items or, if the items are stored, within 45 days from the date af submission of the iist, and any necessary adjustments to correct the lis� as submitted, shall be made prior to f nai settlement. E. Not later than 60 days after the notice af ternunation, the Contractor shall submit his termination claim �o the City in the fortn and with the certificatian prescribed by the Ciry. Unless an extension is made in writing within such 60 day period by the Contractor, and granted by the City, any and all such clairns shalI be conclusively deemed waived. F. In such casa, Contractor shall be paid for (without c�uplication of any items): 1. carnpleted and acceptab�e Work executed in accordance with the Contract Documents prior to the effective date of termination, including fair and reasonable sums for o�erhead and profit on such Work; 2. expenses sustained priar to the effective date ai tertnination in per%rming services and furnishing labar, materials, or equipnnent as required by the Contract Documents in connec�ion with uncampleted Wark, plus fair and reasonable sums far overhead and profit on such expenses; and 3. reasonable expenses directly attributable to termination. G. Zn the event of the failure of the Contractox and City ta agree upon the whole amount �o be paid to the Contractor by reasan of the termination of the Work, the City shall determine, on the basis of in%rmation a�ailable to it, �he amaunt, if any, due to the Contractor by reasan af the termination and shall pay to the Contractor the amounts determined. Contractor sha11 not ba paid on account of l�ss �f anticipated profits or revenne or ather economic loss arising out of or resultfng from such terfninatian. ARTICLE 16 — DISPUTE RESOLUTION 16.01 Methods and Pr�ocedures A. Either City or Con�ractor may rec�uest mediation of any Contract Claim subrnitted for a decision under Faragraph 10.06 before such decision becames final and binding. The request for mediation shall be subFnitted to the other party to the Contract. Timely submission of the request sha11 stay the effect of Paragraph 10.06.E. B. City and Cantractor shall participate in the rnediation process in good faiih, The pzocess shall be commenced within 60 days of filing of the request. G If the Contract Claim is not resolved by mediation, City's action under Paragraph 10.0�.0 or a denial pursuant �o Paragraphs 10.06.C.3 or 1Q.Ob.D shall became final and binding 30 days after termination of the mediation unless, wzthin that time period, City or Cont�actor: CITY OF FOIiT WORTH STANDARI7 CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revision: Ma�h9,2020 00�2oo-i GENERAL CONDITIONS Page G2 of 63 1, elects in writing to invoke any other dispute resolutian process provided for in the Supplementary Conditions; or 2. agrees with the other party to submit ihe Coniract Claim io another dispute resolutian pracess; ar 3. gives written notice to the ather parry of the intent fo submit the Contract Claim to a court of comp�fent jurisdiction. ARTICLE 17 — MISCELLANEOUS 17.01 Giving Notice A. Whenever any provisioz� of the Contract Docurnents requires the giving of written notice, it will be deemed to have been validly given if: 1, delivered in persan to the andividuai or to a member of the f rm or to an officer of the corporation for whom it is intended; or 2. deIivered at or sent by registered or certified znail, postage prepaid, to the last business address known ta the giver of the notice. B. B�asiness address changes must be pramptly made in rvriting to the other party. C. Whenever the Coniract Documents specifies giving notice by electronic means such electronic notice shall be deemed snfficient upon confirmation of receipt by the receiving party. 17.02 Computation of Times When any period pf ti�ne is referred to in the Contract Documents by ciays, it will be computed to exclude the first and include the lasi day oi such periad. If the last day of any such period falls on a �aturday or Sunday or on a day made a legal holiday the next �]Vorking Day shall become the Iast day af the period. 17A3 Cumulative Remedies The duti�s and obIigations imposed by these General Conditions and the rights and remedies available hereunder to the parties hereto are in addition to, and are not to be construed in any way as a limitation of, �ny rights and rernedies available to any or all a� them which are otherwise irnposed ar available by Laws or Reguiations, by special warranty or guarantee, or by other provisions of the Contract Documents. The provisions of i�is Faragraph will be as efFec�ive as if repeated specifically in th� Cantract Dacwnents in connection with each particular duty, obIigation, right, and remedy to which they apply. C1TY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTIii3CTION 3FECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revision: Ma�h9,2020 DO7200-1 GENERAL CO�DITIONS Page 63 of G3 17.04 Survival of Obligations AlI representatians, indemnifications, warranties, and guarantees made in, required by, or given in accordance with the Contract Documents, as well as all continuing abligations indicated in the Cantract Documents, will survi�e f naI payment, completion, and acce�tance of the Work or termination or cample�tion of the Cantract or terminatian of the services of C�ntractor. 17.05 Headings Articl� and paragraph headings are inserted far convenience only and do nat constitute parts of these General Conditions. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD �pNSTRiJCTION SPECIFICATION DQCUMENTS Revision: Mareli 9, 2p20 00 73 06 - 1 SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS Page i of 6 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 I2 13 14 15 16 17 1$ 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2G 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 4d 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 SECT�ON OU 73 00 SUAPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS TO GENERAL CONDITIONS Supplementary Conditions These Supplementary Conditians modify and supplement Section 00 72 00 - General Conditions, and other provisions of the Contract Documents as indicated below. All provisions of the General Conditions that are modified or supplemented remain in full force and effect as so modi�ed or supplemented. All provisions of the General Conditions which are nat sa modi�ed or supplemented remain in fuIl force and effect. De�ned Terms The terms used in these Supplementary Conditians �vhich are de�ned in the General Conditions have the meaning assigned to them in the General Canditions, unless specifcally noted herein. Modi�cations and Supplements The following are instructions that modify or supplement specific paragraphs in the General Conditions and other Contract Documents. SC-1.01, "Defined Terrns" Add Definition: SubstantiaC Co�npletion — The date at which the Work {or a speci�ec! part thereo� has progressed to thc point where, in the opinion of the City, the Work (or a speciiied part thereofj is suf�cient[y comp[etc, in accordance with the Agreement and all Coatract Documents, so that the Work (or a specr�ed part thereof} can be uti[ized far the �urposes for which it is intended. The terms "substantiaEly complete" and "substantially compleied" as applied to all or part of the Work refer io Substantial Completion thereo% SC-3.03B.2, "Resalving Discrepancies" P�ans govern over Specifications. SC-4.41A Easement limits shawn on the Drawing are approximate and were provided to establish a basis for bidding. Upon receiving the final easements descriptions, Contractor sha�l compare them to the lines shown on the Contract Drawings. SC-4.O1A.1., "Availability of Lands" The following is a list of �cnown outstanding right-of-way, andlor easements to be acquired, if any as of November 5, 2020: Outstanding Right-Qf Way, and/or Easements to Se Acquired PARCEL OWNER NUMBER CITY OF FdRT WORTH STANDARD CONSTiZUCTION SPECiFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised ]anuary 22, 2016 `I'ARGET DATE O�' POSSESSION ROLLING H1LL5 WATEIt TI�ATM�NT PLANT FLOW MBTER REPLACEMENTS CITY PROJECT NO. 102056 oa �3 oa - z SUPPLEMSNTARY CpNDT1'IONS Page 2 of 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 S 9 1b 11 12 13 14 15 PARCEL NUMBER NON� OWNER TARGET DATE OF POSSESSION The Contractar understands ant� agrees that the dates listed above are estimates only, are not guaranteed, and do not bind the City. If Contractor considers the final ease�nents provided to differ materially fram the representations on the Contract Drawings, Contractor shall r;vifhin ��e {5) Business Days and before proceeding with the Work, notify City in writrng associated witl� the differing easement line locations. SC-4.O1A.2, "A�ailability of Lands" Utiiities ar obstructions to be removed, adjustec�, and/or relocated The following is list oFutiIities and/or obstruciions that have not been removed, adjusted, and/or re�ocated as of November 5, 2020: EXPECTED UTILITY AND LOCATION O WN�R TARGET DATE OF ADIUSTM�NT i►r.�►ra 16 17 18 14 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3� 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 The Contractar understands and agrees that the dates Iisted above are estimates anly, are not guaranteed, and do not bind the City. SC-a.O�A., "Snbsurface and Physical Conditions" The foliowii�g are reports of explorations and tests of subsurface conditians at the site of the Work: �Terracon Report� The following are drawings ofphysical conditions in or relating to existing surface and subsurface structures {except Undcrground FaciIities) which are at or contiguous to the site of the Work: NONE SC-4A6A., ��Hazardous Environzr►ental Conditions at Site" The fol�owing are reports and drawings of existing hazardous environmental conditions knawn ta the City; NONE 5C-5.03A., "Certi�cates of Insurance" The entities listed below are "additional insureds as their interest may appear" including their respective officers, directors, agents and employees. { i ) City C1TY OF FORT WORTH ROLLING HILLS WATERTREATMEIdT PLANT STANDARD CONSTRUCTIpN SPECIFICATIOI� DOCUMENTS FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS Revised January 22, 2016 CITY PROJECT NO. i02056 0�7300-3 SUPPLEMENTARY CON�ITIONS Page 3 of 6 1 2 3 4 7 8 9 f0 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 54 (2) Consultant: dQ Infrastructure, LLC (3) Other: NONE SC-5.04A., "ConEractor's Insurancc" The limits of liability for #ne insurance required by Paragraph GG5.04 shall provide the following coverages for not less than the following amounts or greater where required by laws and regulations: 5.04A. Workers' Compensation, under Paragraph GC-5.44A. Statutory limits Employer's Iiability $104,000 each accident/occurrence $100,000 Disease - each employee $500,000 Disease - poIicy limit SC-5.44B., "Contractor's Insurance" 5.04B. Commercial General Liability, under Paragraph GC-5.04B. Contractor's Liability Insurance under Paragraph GC-5.04B., w�ich shall be on a per project basis covering the Contractor with minimum limits of: $1,DOQ,000 each occurrence $2,004,000 aggregate limit The policy must have an endorsement (Amendment — Aggregate Limits of Insurance) making the General Aggregate Limits apply separately to each job site. The Corrimercial General Liabiiiry Insurance policies shall provide "X", "C", and "U" coverage's. Verification of such caverage must be shown in the Remarks Article of the Certificate of Insurance. SC �.04C., "Coniractor's Insurance" 5.04C. Automobile Liability, under Paragraph GC-5.04C. Contractor's Liabiliry Insurance under Paragraph GC-5.04C., which shall be in an amount not less than the foIlowing amounts: (1) Aatomobile Liability - a commercial business policy shall provide coverage on "Any Auto", defined as autos owned, hirec� and non-owned. $1,000,000 each accident on a combined single limit basis. Split limits are acceptable if limits are at least: $250,000 Bodily Injury per person / $500,000 Bo�ily Injury per accident / $100,000 Property Damage SC-S.04D., "Contractor's Insurance" The Confractor's construction activities witl require its employees, agents, subcontractors, equipment, and material deliveries ta cross railroad properties and tracks: NONE. C[TY O�' �'ORT WOR`I"Ti 5TANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised 7anuaty 22, 2016 ROLLING HILLS WATER TREA'f'MENT PLANT FLQW METEit REPI,ACEMSNTS CITY PRO]ECT NO. 102056 00 73 O6 - 4 SUPPLEMENI"AR'Y CON�ITIOT�15 Page 4 of 6 1 2 3 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 25 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 3b 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 �8 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 The Contractor shall conduct its aperatians an railroad properties in such a manner as not to interfere with, hinder, or obstruct the raslroad company in any manner whatsoever in the use or operation of its/their trains or other property. Such operations on railroad properties may tequire tllat Contractor to execute a"Right oi Entry Agre�menY' with the particu�ar railroad company or companies invoived, and to this end the Contractor should satisfy itself as to the requirements of each railroad company and he prepared to execute the right-of-entry (iF any) required by a railroad cornpany. '�'he requiretnents specified herein likewise relate to the Contractor's use of private and/or constxuction access roads crossing said railroad company's properties. The Contractual Liability coverage required by Paragraph 5.04D of the General Conditions shall pro�ide coverage for not less than the foilowing amounts, issued by companies satisfactory to the City and to the Railroad Company for a term that continues for sa long as the Contractor's operatians and wark crass, occupy, or touch railroad property: { 1) General Aggregate: (2) �ac�► Occurrence: _ Required for this Cont�act X Not required for this Contract With respect to the abo�e outlined insurance requirements, the following shall govern: 1. Where a single railroad company is involved, the Contractor shall provide one insurance policy in the name of the railraad company. Howe�er, if more than one grade separation or at-grade crossing is affected by the Project a� entirely separate locations on the line or lines of the same railroad company, separate co�erage xnay be required, each in the amount stated abo�e. 2. Where more than one railroad company is operating on the saxne right-of-way or where se�eral railroad companies are involved and operated on their own separate rights-of-way, the Contractar may be required to provide separate insurance poIicies in the naFne of each railroad carnpany. 3. If, in addition to a grade separation or an at-grade crossing, other work or activity is prapased on a railroad company's right-of-way at a Iacation entirely separate from the grade separatian or at- grade crossing, insurance coverage for this work must be included in the policy cavering the grade separation. 4. If no grade separation is involved but other work is proposed on a railroad company's right-of- way, alI such other wotk may be covered in a single policy for that railroad, even though the work may be at two or more separate locations. No work or activities on a railroad company's property to be performed by the Contractor shall be commenced until the Contractor has furnished the City with an original policy or policies of the insurance for each railroad company named, as required above. All such insurance must be approved by the City and each affected Railroad Company prior ta the Contractor's Ueginning work. The insurance speci�ed above must be carried until ali Wark to be performed on the railroad right-of-way has been completed and the grade crossing, if any, is no longer used by the Contractor. In addition, insurance must be carried during all maintenance and/or repair work performed in the railroad right-of-way. Such insurance must name the railroad company as the insured, together with any tenant or Iessee of the railroad company operating over tracks involved in the Project. SC-6.04., "Pra�ect Schedule" Project schedule shali be tier 3 far the project. CITY OF FbRT WbRTH STANT7ARi] CONSTRUCTfOI�f SPECIFICATIOl` DOCUMENT5 Re�ised January 22, 2016 ROLLING H1LL5 WATER TREATMENT PLAiVT FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS CIT'Y PROJECT ATO. 102056 007300-5 SUPPLEMENTARY CONT7I'I'IONS Page 5 of 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 �7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 SC-6.4�., "Wage Rates" The follo�ving is the pr�vailing wage rate table(s) applicable to this project and is provided in the Appendixes: 2013 PREVAILING WAGE RAT�S (Heavy and Highway Constructzon Projects) SC-6.49., "Permits and Utilefies" SC-G.09A., "Conteactor obtained permiis and licenses" The followir►g are known permits and/or licenses required by the Contract to be acquired by the Contractor: NONE SC-6.09B. "City obtained permits anci licenses" The following are known permits and/or licenses required by the Contract to be acquired by the City: NONE SC-6.09C. "Outstanding permits a�d licenses" The foliowing is a list of known outstanding permits and/or licenses to be acquired, if any as of November 5, 2020: Outstanding PermiEs and/or Licenses to Be Acquired OWNER PERMIT OR LICENSE AND I.00ATI�N NONE SC-7.02., "Coordination" TARGET DATE OF POSSES�ION The individuals or entities listed below have contracts with the City for the performance of other work at the Siie: Vendor Sco e of Work Coordinatian Aufhorit NONE 34 35 36 37 3$ 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 SC-8.01, "Communications to Contractar" NONE SC-9.01., ��City's Project Manager" The City's Project Manager for this Contract is Scott Taylor, P.E., or his/her successor pursuant to written notification from the Water Director. SC-13.03C., "Tests and Inspections" 1►[�7►1�1 CITY OF FORT WORTfi STANbARD COi�iSTRUCTIO�T SPEC[F[CATION DOCUMENTS Revised danuary 22, 201 b RQLLING H1LLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS CITY PROJECT NO. 102U56 oo�3oa-6 SUPPLEMCI�lTARY CONDITION5 Page 6 of 6 1 2 3 4 5 SC-1410, "�ubstantial Campletion" Add the following Sectian as follows: I4.I0 Substantial Campletian 7 A. When Cantractor considers the entire Work sufiiciently complete, in accardance with the 8 Contract Docar3nents and this Agreexnent, such that the City may implement or use the 9 Work for its inte�ded purpase, Contractor sha13 notify the City in writing that the entire 10 Work is substantially complete and request that tk�e City issue a letter of Substantial 11 Completion. Contractor shall at the same time subrnit to the City an initaal draft punch 12 list to be co�npleted or corrected before fi�al acceptance. 13 B. Promptly after Contractor's notification, City and Contractor shall make an inspection of 14 the Work to determine the status of completion. If City does noi cansider the Wark 15 substantially camplete, City will notify Cantractor in writing gir�ing the reasons therefore. 16 G If City cansiders the Work substantially complete, City will deliver ta Contractor a letter 17 of Substantial Completion which shall �x the date of Substantial Completion. There shall 1 S be attached to the Letter of Substantial Completion a list of items to be completed or 19 corrected before Fina[ Acceptance. 20 D. At the time of receipt af the letter of Substantial Completion, Czty and Contractor will 21 confer regardi�g City's use nr occupancy of the Work fallowing Substantial Completian. 22 All surety and insurance shall remain in effect until Final Payment. 23 �. After Substantial Completion, the Contractor shall promptly begin worl� on the punch list 24 of items to be com�leted or corrected prior ta Final Acceptance. In appropriate cases, 25 - Contractor may submit monthly Applieations for Payme�t for completed �runch list items, 26 following the progress payment procedures set forth herein. 27 28 SC-16.Q1C1, °`Methods and ProCedures" 29 30 NONE 31 32 33 END OF SECTIQN Revision �og DATE NAME SUMMARY OF CHANGE 1/22l2096 F. Griffin SC-9.01., "City's Project Representative° wording changed to Cify's Project Manager. 8/15/2017 F'. Goderya Added SC-1.01., and 14.10., "Substantial Completian" CITY QF FO1tT WORTH ROLLING HILLS WATER TRBATMENT PLANT STANDARD CONSTRUCTION 5PECIFICATION DOCUMENTS FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS Revised.Tanuary22,201b CI'I'YPROJECTND. ]02056 O11100-1 SUMMARY OF WORK Pagc 1 of4 1 2 3 PARTi- GENERAL SECTION Ol 11 00 SUMMARY OF W�RK 4 1.1 SUMMARY 5 A. Section Includes: 6 1. 5ummary of Work to be performed in accordance with the Contract Documents 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1.2 19 20 21 22 23 24 1.3 B. Deviations from this City of Fort Worth Standard Specification 1. Modified 1.2.A.1 2. Added 1.2.A.2 3. Added 1.4.A.2 & 3 �l. Modified 1.4.B.1 5. Added 1.4.B.2 6. Added 1.4.0 7. Add.ed 1.4.D.3 C. Related Specification Sections include, but are not necessarily limited ta: 1. Division 4- Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms, and Conditions of the Contract 2. Division 1- General RequiremenCs PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES A. Measurement and Payment 1. Unit Price - Wark assaciated with this Item is considered subsidiary to the various items bid. No separate payment will be allowed for this Item. 2. Lurnp Surn Price - Work associatec� with this Item is included in the totai lump sum price. REFERENCES [NOT USED] 25 1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 A. Work Coveared by Contract Documents 1. Work is to include furnishing all labor, materials, and equipment, and perfarming a11 Wark necessaYy for this construction project as detailed in the Drawings and Specifications. 2. Work consists of removing sections af existing concrete waterlirze pipe in seven {7) different locations, in six (6) locations, replacing each section with a flow meter and associated piping to complete the pipaIine, in one (1) location, raplacing a sectian with an isolation valve and associated piping to comp�ete the pipeline, construction of a concrete vauit to house each meter and valve, and any and all work necessary to accomplish said modification, including but not Iimited to: line de-watering, shoring, disposal, shutdown coardination, pavennent xemoval and replacement, electrical anc� instrumentation work as required for operation. 3. Four (4) meters to be installed are already purchased and on-site. CITY bF FOKT WORTH ROLLING H[LLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS FLOW NiETER REPLACEMENTS Revised December 20, 2012 CITY PRO.IECT NO. 102056 ai i� oa-z 5UMMAR'Y O�' WORK Pagc 2 of 4 B. Subsidiary Work 2 1. Unit Price Bid - Any and all Work specifically governed by documentary 3 requirements for the project, such as conditians imposed by the Drawings or 4 Cantract Doc�unents in which no specific item far bid has been provided for in the 5 Proposal and the item is nat a typical unit bid item included on ihe standard bid 6 item list, then the item �hall be considered as a subsidiary item of Work, the cost of 7 which shall be included in the price bid in the Praposal for vaeious bid items. 8 2. Lump Sum Price — Any and all Work specifically gaverned by documentary 9 requirements for the project, such as canditians imposed by the Drawings ar 10 Cantract Documents are inc�uded in the total (urnp sum price bid. 11 C. Examination of Site 12 1. Bidder shall visit the site to campare drawings and specificat�ons with any work in 13 piace and observe all site conditions, including other work, if any, is being 14 performed. Failure to visit the site shaIl not relieve the Contractor from the 15 nacessity oi furnishing materials or performing work required to complete work in lb accordance with the Contract Documents. 17 18 14 20 D_ Use of Premises 1. Coordinate uses of premises under directi�n of the City. 2. Assutne full respon�ibility for protection and safekeeping of materials and equipmeni stared on the Site. 21 3. Partial Owner Occupancy 22 a. The City reserves the right to take possession of completed or partially 23 completed portions of the work regardless of the level of completion af the 24 Project, providing it does not interfere with the Contractor's work. Such 25 possession or use of the wark shalt not be constru�d as final acceptance of the 26 Project or any portion thereof. 27 b. Owner will occupy the premises during entire canstruction period, except for 28 areas under construction, Cooperate with Owner during construction 29 operations to minimize conflicts and facilitate Owner usage. Perform the Work 30 so as not to interfere with Owner's operations. 31 c. Contractor shall have limited use of premises for construction operations as 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 �5 46 47 indicated on Drawings. d. Limit use af premises to work areas indicated. Do not disturb portions of Project sit� beyond areas in which the Work is indicated 4. Use and occupy only portaans of the public streets and aileys, or other public places or other rights-of-way as provided for in the ordinances of the City, as shown in the ContracY Documents, or as may be specifically authorized in writing by the City. a. A reasonable amount of tools, materials, and equipment for construction purposes may be stored in such space, but no more than is necessary to avoid delay in the construction operations. b. Excavated and was�e materials shall be storec� in such a way as not to interfere with the use of spaces that may be designated to be left free and unabstructed and so as not to inconvenience occupants of adjacent property. c. If the street is occupied by railroad tracks, the Work shall be carried an in such rnanner as nat to inter%re with tha operatian af the railroad. 1) All Work shall be in accardance with railroad requirements set forth in Division 0 as well as the railroad permit. CITY OF FORT WQRTH STANDAIiD COAlS'£RUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCiJMEAITS Re�ised Decem�er 2U, 2012 ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS GITY PRD78CT Np. ] 02p56 Q1 11 00-3 SUMMARY OF WORK Page 3 of 4 1 E. Work within Easements 2 1. Do not enter upon private property far any purpose without having previously 3 obtained permission frorn the owner of such property. 4 2. Do not store equipment or materiai on private property unless and until the 5 specified approval of the property owner has be�n secured in writing by the 6 Contractor and a copy furnished to the City. 7 3. Unless specifically provided otherwise, clear alI rights-of-way or easements of 8 obstructions which rnust be removed to make possible proper prosecution of the 9 Wark as a part a�the project construction operati�ns. 14 4. Preserve and use every precaution to prrevent damage to, all trees, shrubbery, plants, 11 Iawns, fences, culverts, curbing, and alI other types of structures or improvements, 12 ta all water, sewer, and gas lines, to all c�nduits, overhead po�e lines, or 13 appurtenances thereof, inclucling the construction of temparary fences and to all 14 aiher public or private property adjacent to the Work. 15 5. Notify the proper represent�tives of the �wners ar occupants af the public or private 16 lands of interest in lands which might be affected by the Work. 17 a. Such notice shall b� made at ieast 48 hours in advance of the beginning of the 18 Work. 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3I 32 33 34 b. Notices shall be applicable to both public and private utility companies and any corporation, company, individuai, or other, either as owners or occupants, whose land or interest in land might be affected by the Work. c. $e responsible for ali darnage or injury to property of any character result�ng from any act, omission, neglect, or misconduct in the manner ar method or execution of the V�ork, ar at any tirne due to defective work, material, or equipment. 6. Fence a. Restore all fences encountered and removed during construction of the Project to the original or a better than original conditian. b. Erect temporary fencing in place of the fencing removed whenever the Work is not in progress and when the site is vacated over�;ight, andlor at all times to provide site security. c. The cost for all fence wark within easements, including removal, temporary closures and replacement, shali be subsidiary to the various items bid in the praject proposaI, unless a bid itein is specifically provided in the praposal. C1TY OF FORT WORTH ROLLI[�!G HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT STANDARD GONSTRCTCTIQN SPECIFIGATIpN DOCi7M�NTS FLOW METEdi REPLACEMENTS Revised December 20, 2012 CITY PROdECT NO. 102056 oi ii ao-a Si]NIMARY 4F WQRK Pagc 4 of 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1.5 SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 1.6 ACTION SUBMITTALSIINFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 1.'� CLQSEQUT SUBMITTALS [NOT U�ED] 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE [NUT USED] 1.10 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING [NOT USED] 1.11 FYELD [SITE] CONDITIONS [NOT USED] 1.1� WARRANTY [NOT USED] PART � - PRODUCTS (NOT USED] 10 PART 3- EXECIITION [NOT USED] 11 12 END OF SECTION Revision Log DATE NAM� Si7MMARY OF CHANGE 13 CITY OF FOIZT WORTH ROLLIIJG HILLS WAT�R TR�A1'MENT PLANT STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPBCIFICATTON 170CUMENTS FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS Revised December 20, 2012 CITY PAOJECT NO. 1�205fi O12500-i SUBSTITUTIQN PROCEDURES Page 1 of 5 1 2 3 PART 1- GENER.AL 4 1.1 SUMMARY 5 6 7 8 9 l0 tt 12 13 14 15 16 SECTION 0� 25 00 SUBSTITUTION PROCEDURES A. Section Includes: 1. The procedure for requesting the approval of substitutian oi a product that is not equivalent to a product vvhich is specified by descriptive or performance criteria or defined by reference to 1 or more of the following: a. Name of inanufacturer b. Name of vendor c. Trade name d. Catalog number 2. 5ubstitutions are not "or-equals". B. Deviations from this City af Fort Worth 5tandard Specification 1. Modified 1.2.A.1 2. Added 1.2,A,2 17 C. Related Specification Sections include, but are not necessarily limited to: 1 S 1. Division �— Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms and Conditions of the Cantract 19 2. Division 1— Gen�ral Require�nents 20 1.2 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES 2I A. Measurement and Payment 22 1. Unit Price - Work associated with this Item is considered subsidiary to the various 23 items bid. No separate payment will be ailowed for this Ytern. 24 2. Lump Sum Price - Work associated with this Item is included in the total �urnp sum 25 price. 26 1.3 REFERENCES [NOT USED] 27 1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENT,S 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 A. Request for Substitution - General 1. Within 30 days after award of Contract {unless noted otherwise), the City will consider formal requests from Contractor for substitution of products in place of those specified. 2. Certain types of equipment and kinds oi materiat are described in Specifications by rneans af references to names of manufacturers and vendars, trade names, or catalog numbers. a. When this rnethod of specifying is used, it is not intended to exclude frorn consideration other products bearing other manufacturer's or vendor's names, trade naines, or catalog ntunbers, provided said products are 'br-equals," as determined by City. CITY pF FQRT WORTH ROLLIlVG HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT S'I'ANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIOT] DOCUMENT3 FGOW MBTER REPLACEMENTS Revised 3uly 1, 2011 C[TY PRp7ECT NO. 102056 oi zs oo - z 5UB5TITC)TION PRpCEDURES Page 2 of 5 1 3. Other iypes af equipment and kinds of material may be acceptable substitutions 2 under t�e following conditions: 3 a. Or�equals are unavailable due to strike, discantinued prodtxction of products 4 meeting specified requirements, or other factors beyond cantrol of Contractor; 5 or, 6 b. Con�ractor proposes a cost and/or time reduction incenti�e to the City. 7 1.5 SUSMITTALS 8 9 ia A. Submittals shall be electronic and submitted through City Project Manageinent Systems (BIM36Q} B. See Request for Substitution �or�n (attached) 11 C. Procedure for Requesting 5ubstitution 12 l. Substitution shall be considered only: 13 a. After award of Contract 14 b. Under the conditions stated herein 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2b 27 28 29 34 31 32 33 34 35 3b 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 4b 47 2. Subinit 3 copies of each written reyuest for substitution, including: a. Documentation 1} Complete data substantiating co�npliance of proposed substitution with Contract Documents 2} Data relating to changes in construction schedule, when a reduction is proposed 3} Data relating to changes in cost b. For products 1} Product identification a) Manufacturer's name b} Telephone number and representati�e contact na�e c) Speci�cation Sectia�r ar Drawing reference of originally specified product, including discrete name ar tag num�ber assigned to original product in the Contract Dacuments 2} Manufacturer's literature clearly marked to show compliance of praposed product with Contract Documents 3} Itemized comparison of ariginal and propasad product addressing product characteristics inclnding, but not necessarily limited to: a} Size b} Composition or materials of construction c} Weight d} Electrical ar mechanical requirements 4) Product experience a} Locatior� of past projects utilizing product b} Name and telephone nuinber of persons associated with referenced projects knowledgeable concarning prapased product c} Available field data and reports associated with proposed product 5) Samples a} Provide at request af City. b} Samples become the property of the Ciry. c. For canstr-uction methods: 1) Detailed description of praposed methad 2) Illustration drawings CITY OF FORT WORTH ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLA�1T STANDARD CONSTRUCTIOI�' SPECIFICATipN DOCUMENTS FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS Revised 7uly l, 2011 CITY PROJECT NO. 1 p2056 012500-3 SUBSTITUTION PROCEbURES Page 3 of 5 D. ApprovaI or Rejection 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1. Written approval or rejection of substitution given by the City 2. City reserves the right to require proposed product to cornply with color and pattern of specified product if nacessary to secure design intent. 3. In the event the substitution is approved, the resulting cost and/or time reduction will be docuinanted by Change Order in accordance with the General Conditions. 4. No additional contract time will be givan iar substitutian. 5. Substitutiort will be rejected if: a. Submittal is not through the Contractor with his stamp of approval b. Request is not made in accordance with this SpeciiicaCion Section c. In the City's opinion, acceptance will require substantial revision of the ariginal design d. Trn the City's opinion, substitution will not perfor�xz adequately the function cansistent with the design intent 15 L5 ACTION SUBMITTALS/INFORMATIQNAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 16 1.'� CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 17 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] I8 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 A. In making request for substitution or in using an approved product, the Contractor represents that the Contractor: 1. Has investigated proposed product, and has determined that it is adequate or superior in a11 respects to that specified, and that it will perform function for which it is intended 2. Will provide same guarantee for substitute item as for product specified 3. Wzll coardinate installation of accepted substitution into Wark, to include building modiiications if necessary, making such changes as may be required for Work to be complete in all respects 4. Waives alI claims for additional costs ralated to substitution which subsequently arise 1.10 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING [NOT USED] 31 111 FIELD [SITE] CONDITIONS [NOT USED] 32 1.12 WARRANTY [NOT USED] 33 PART � - PRODUCTS [NOT USED] 34 PART 3� EXECUTION [NOT USED] 35 36 END OF SECTION Revision Log CITY OF FORT WORTH ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENT3 FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS Revised July 1, 2011 CITY PR07ECT NO. 102056 ai as oo - a Si]BSTITUTIOAI PROCEDURES Page 4 of 5 CITY QF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTiQN SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised 7uly 1, 2011 RQLLING HiLLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS CITY PROJECT NO. 102056 oi zs oa - s SUBSTiTUTIQN PRQCEDURES Page 5 of 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 z� 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 �45 46 47 48 49 EXHIBIT A REQUEST FOR SUBSTITUTION FORM: TO: PROJECT: DATE: We hereby subnnit for your consideration the following product instead of the specified item for the above project: SECTION PARAGRAPH SPECI�'tED ITEM Proposed Substitution: Reason for Substitution: Include complete information an changes to Drawings and/or Specifications which proposed substitution will require for its proper installation. Fill in Blanks Be1aw: A. Will the undersigned contractor pay for changes to the buzlding design, including engineering and detailing costs caused by the requested substitution? B. What effect does substitution have on other trades? C. Differences between proposed substitution and specified item? D. DifFerences in product cost ar product delivery time? E. Manufacturer's guarantees of the praposed and specified items are: Ec�ual Better (explain on attachment) The undersigned states that the function, appearance and quality are equivaIent or superior to the specified item. Submitted By: Far Use by City Signature as noted Recomtnended Recommended Firnn Address Date Telephone Not recommended Received late By Date Rernarks For Use by City: Approved City Date Rejected CiTY QF FORT WORTH STANDART] CONSTRLTCTION SPECIFICATION bOCUMENTS Revised Iuly 1, 2011 RQLLING H[LLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT �'LOW M�TBR R�PLACEMEI�lT5 CITY PROlECT NO. 102056 01 24 73 - I SCHEDULE OF VALUES Page 1 of 3 � 2 3 PART1- GENERAL 4 1.1 SUMMARY 5 6 7 8 9 16 11 I2 13 1.� 14 15 16 17 18 19 1.3 sECTioN ai 2� �r� SCHEDULE OF VALUES A. Section Includas: 1. General requirements for Yhe preparation and submittal of the Schedule of Values. B. Deviations fronn this City of Fort Worth Standard Specification 1. Nat Applicable. C. Related Specification Sections include, but are not necessarily limited to: 1. Division 0— Bidding Requieements, Contract Forms, and Conditions of the Contract 2. Division 1— General Reyuirements PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES A. Measurement and Payment 1. Unit Price - Work associated with this Item is considerad subsidiary to various Items b�d. No separate payment will be allowed for this Item 2. Lump Sum Price - Work associated with this Itern is included in the total lump sum price. REFERENCES [NOT USED] 20 1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS 21 A, Contractor sha11 develop and submit to the City far approval a schedule of values for 22 the project. 23 B. Each partial payment requ�st by tha Contractor shall include the appraved schedule oi 24 values, madified ta indicate the total quantity and price of the work completed ta the 25 date of the request. After acceptance of the Schedule of Values Submittal, no 26 modifications will be made to the schedule of value,s, except as required by approved 27 change orders. 28 24 30 31 32 33 34 35 C. In so far as possible, total quantities and unit prices shall be shown for all items of work, separating for each itetn the materials and labor and such other sub-items as the Contractor may desire. "Lump sum", "miscellaneous", and other such general entries in ih� schedule sha11 be avaided whenever possible. Such items as Bond premiums, insurance, temporary facilities and equipment storage may be listed separately in the schedule of �alues, provided the costs can be substantiated. Overhead and profit shall not be listed as separata items. Breakdawn cost to list major products or operations for each line item which has an installed �a1ue of more than $S,00�.aa. CopyrighE 2017 JQ infrastructurc RQLLINQ HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT �'LOW M�TERR�PLAC�M�NFS CITY PR07ECT NO. 1U205b 012973-2 SCHEDULE OF VALUES Page 2 of 3 1 D. The sum of the iterns listed on the schedule of values shall equal the contract lump sum 2 price. The value for mobilization costs list i� the Schedule of Va1ue shall not exceed 3% 3 of the total contrac� price. No additional payment will be alIowed if the quantiiies 4 shown on the schedule are less than those actually required to accomplish the work, 5 unless the quantities are altered by a change order. 6 1.5 SUBMITTALS 7 A. Submittals sha11 be in accordance with Section 01 33 00. 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Ib 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 29 25 26 2'� 2S 29 B. Within ten (10) calendar days after the execution of the Agreement, the Contractor shall subnnit to the City in triplicate a tentative schedule of values {a breakdown of each lump sum bid) which in turn shall be used to determine partial payment estimates and may be used to v�rify costs of credits, change orders, etc. 1. The tentative schedule of values will be reviewed by the City to deter�nine whether, in the City's judgment, the schedule of values is of sufficient detail and if the prices included are "unbalanced" ar "front-end loaded", in an eiFort fio inflate the prices oi those items of work to be completed in the early stages of the work. 2. The City will provide the Contractor with comments and/or may request additional information from the Contractor ta justify certai� item quantities and prices therefore. On tl�e basis of the City's comments, the Contractor shall revise a�d resubrnit tiie ientative schedule for further review and/or approval. 3. Once the tentative schedule is accepted by the City, it shall become the scheduie of values to be used in determining partial payment estimates. Ten { 10) copies of this schedule shalI be submit�ed to the Ciiy for distribution and use. 4. No partial payment request (includ.ing the first) sha11 be approved untiI the schedule oivalues has been approved by the City C. Within twenty (2a} calendar days after the executian of the Agreernent, prepare and submit to the City a chart farecasting the monthly partial payment amounts ttiat are anticipated far this project. During progeess of the job, mark this chart to show actual paym�ents to date and revise the forecasf ofpayments as necessary and submit the revised chart to the City monthty. 30 1.6 ACTION SUSMiTTALS/INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED� 31 1.'� CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 32 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 33 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE [NOT USED] 34 ].10 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING [NOT USED] 35 1.11 FIELD [SITE] CONDITIONS [NOT USED] 36 37 38 1.1� WARRANTY jNOT USED] Copyright 2017 ]Q Infrashucture RQLLIAIG HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT FLOW METERREPLACEMENTS CITY PROJECT NO. 102056 012973-3 SCHEDULE OF VALUES Pagc 3 af 3 1 PART � - PRODUCTS [NOT USED] 4 PART 3- EXECUTION [NOT USED] 5 END OF SECTION Revision Log DATE NAME SUMMARY OF CIIANGE 7 Copyright 2017 JQ Infrastrucherc ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATM�.N'I' PLANT FLOW METER REALACEMENTS CITY PR07ECT NO. i02056 Q1 31 19 - 1 PRECONSTRTlCTION MEETING Page 1 of 3 1 2 3 PART1� GENERAL Cflf�.Yllu lu /:�:�'/ SECTION 01 31 19 PRECONSTRUCTION MEETING 5 A. Section Includes: 6 1. Provisions for the preconstruction meeting to be held prior to the sfart of Worlc to 7 clarify constructian cantract administration procedures 8 B. Deviations from this City of Fort Worth Standard Specification 9 L Modified 1.2.A.1 10 2. Added 1.2.A.2 11 C. Related Speciiication Sections include, but are not necessarily Iimited to: 12 1. Division 0— Bidding Requirerr�ents, Contract Rarms and Conditions of the Contract 13 2. Division 1— General Reyuirements 14 1.2 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES 15 16 17 1$ 19 20 1.3 A. Measuremeni anc� Payment I. Unit Price - Work associated with this Itexn is considered subsidiary to the various items bid. No separate payment wilI be alIowed for this Item. 2. Lump Sum Price - Work associated with this Item is included in the total lump sum price. REFERENCES [NOT USED] 21 1.�1 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS 22 23 24 25 2b 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 3� 35 36 37 38 A. Coordination 1. Attend preconstrucfion meeting. 2. Representatives of Contractor, subcontractors anci suppliers attending meetings shall be qualified and authorized to act on behalf of the entity each represents. 3. Meeting administered by City may be tape xecorded. a. If recorded, tapes will be used to prepare minUtes and retained by City for future reference. B. Preconsiruction Meeiing 1. A preconstruction meeting will i�e held wit�,zn 14 days after the execution oi the Agreement and before Work is started. a. The meeting will be scheduled and administered by the City. 2. The Project Representative will preside at the meeting, prepare the notes of the meeting and distribute capies of same to all participants who so request by f�xliy campleting the attendance form to be circulated at the beginning of the meeting. 3. Attendance shall include: a. Proj�ci Representative b. Contractor's project manager CITY OF FORT WORTH RQLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT STANUARD CONSTRUGTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS Revised August 17, 2012 CITY PR07ECT NO. ] 02056 ai 3i i9-2 PRECONSTRUCT'ION MEETING Pagc 2 oi 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 4. E c. Contractar's superintcnd�nt d. Any subcontractor or supplier representatives wham the Contractar may desire to invite or the City may request e. Other City repr�sentatives f. Others as appropriate Constructivn Schedule a. Prepare haseline construction sched�le in accardance with Section 01 32 16 and provide at Preconstruction Meeting. b. City will notify Cantractor of any schedule changes upon Natice of Preconstruction Meeting. Preliminary Agenda may include: a. Introduction of Project Personnel b. General Descriptinn of Praject c. Status of right-of-way, utility clearances, easements or other pertinent permits d. Contractor's wark plan and schedule e. Contract Time f. Notice to Proceed g. Construction Staking h. Arogress Payments i. Extra Work and Change Order Procedures j. Field Orders k. Disposal Site Letter for Waste Material l. Insurance Renewals m. Payroll Certification n. Material Certifications and Qualiry Control Testing o. Public Safety and Coavenience p. Documentation of Pre-Const�-uction Conditions q. Weekend Wark Notification r. Legal Holidays s. Trench Safety Plans t. Con�ned Space Entry Standards u. Coordination with the City's representative for operations of existing water systems v. Storm Water Aollutian Preventian Flan w. Coordination with other Contractors x. Early Warning System y. Contractor E�aluation z. Special Conditions applicable to the praject aa. Damages Claims bb. Submi�al Procedures cc. Substitution Procedures dd. Corr�spondence Routing ee. Record Drawings ff. Temporary cons�ructian facilities gg. M/WBE or MBEISBE procedures hh, Final Acceptance ii. Final Payment jj. Questions or Camments CITY OF FORT WO�TH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIOM DOCUMENTS Rcviscd AugusE 17, 2012 ROLLING HILLS WATER TR�ATMEI�ST PLANT FLdW METER AEPLACEMENTS C1TY PROJECT Nd. 102Q56 Oi 31 19-3 PREG�NSTI2UCTIQN MEETING Page 3 of 3 1 1.5 SUBMITTALS jNOT USED] 2 l.b ACTIQN SUBMITTALS/INFORMAT�ONAL SUBMiTTALS [N�T USED] 3 1.7 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 4 1.� MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 5 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE [NOT USED] 6 1.10 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING �NOT USEDi 7 1.11 FIELD [SITE] CONDITIONS [NOT USED] 8 1.1� WARRANTY [NOT USED] 9 PART � - PRODUCTS [NOT USED] 10 PART 3- EXECLITION [NOT USED] ii i2 END OF SECTION Reviszon Log DATE NAME SUMMARY OF CHANGE 13 CITY OF FORT WORTH RpLLIiVG HILLS WATER TREA,TM�NT PI.ANT STANDA.RD CONSTRUCTION SP�CIFICATION DOCUMEN'C'S F'LOW MET�R R�PT.ACEMENTS Rcviscd August 17, 2012 CITY PRO]ECT AIO. ]02056 013l20-I PROIECT MEETINGS Page 1 of 3 1 2 3 4 PART 1- GENERAi. 5 1.1 SUMMARY SECTION 013120 PROJECT MEETINGS 6 A. Section Includes: 7 1. Pravisions for project rneetings throughouf the construction period to enable orderly 8 review of the progress of the Work and to �ravide for systematic discussian of 9 potential problems 10 B. Deviations this City of Fort Worth Standard Specification 11 1. Modified 1.2.A.1 12 2. Added 1.2.A.2 13 C. Related Specification Sectians include, but are not necessarily liinited to: 14 1. Division 0— Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms and Canditions of the Contract 15 2. Division 1— General Requirements 16 1.2 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES 17 i8 i9 20 21 22 1.3 A. Measurement and Payment 1. i.Tnit Price - Work associated with this Ttem is considered subsidiary to the various items bid. Na separate payment will be allowed for this Item. 2. Lump Sum Price - Work associated with this Item is included in the total lump sum price. REFERENCES [NOT USED] 23 1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS 24 A. Coordination 25 1. Schedule, attend and administer as specified, periodic progress meetings, and 26 specially called meetings throughout progress of the Work. 27 2. Regresentatives of Contractor, subcontractaxs and suppliers attending ineetings 28 shall be qualified and authorized to act on behalf af the entity each represents. 29 3. Meetings administered by City may be tape recorded. 30 a. If recorded, tapes will be used to prepare minutes a�ad retained by City for 31 future reference. 32 4. Meetings, in addition io those specified in this Section, may be held when requested 33 by the City, Engineer or Contractor. 34 B. Pre-Construction Neighborhood Meeting 35 1. After the execution of the Agreement, but before construction is allowed to begin, 36 attend 1 Public Meeting with affected residents to: 37 a. Present proj�cted schadule, including canstruction start date 38 b. Answer any construction related questions CITY OF FORT WORTH ROI,I,ING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT STANDARi� CpNSTRUGTIpN SPECIFICATIQN DOCUMENTS FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS Re�ised July 1, 2011 C1TY PRbJECT NO. 10205b Q13120-2 PR07ECT MEETINGS Page 2 of 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 2. Mee�ing Lacation a. Location of ineeting to be determined by the City. 3. Attendees a. Contracior b. Project Representative c. Other City representatives 7 4. Meeting Schedule 8 a. In general, the neighborhood meeting will occur within the 2 weeks %llowing 9 the pre-construction conference. 10 b. Tn no case will construction be allowed to begin until this meeting is held. 11 C. Frogress Meetings I2 1. Formal project coordination meetings will be he�d periodically. Meetings will be 13 scheduled and administered by Project Representative. 14 2. Additional progress meetings to discuss specifc topics will be conducted an an as- 15 n�eded basis. Such additional meetings shall include, but not be limited to: 16 a. Coordinating shutdowns l 7 b. Installation of piping and equipment 18 c. Coaxdination between other construction projects 19 d. Reso�ution of construction issues 20 e. Equipment approval 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3d 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 3. The Project Representative will preside at progress meetings, prepare the notes of the meeting and disiribute copies of the same to all participants who so request by fully completing the attendance form to be circulated at the beginning of each meeting. 4. Attendance sha11 include: a. Contractor's praject manager b. Contractor's superintendent c. Any subcontraetor or supplier representatives whoz�n the Contractor may desire to invite or the City may request d. Engineer's representatives e. City's representatives f. Others, as requesied by th� Project R�presentative 5. �reliminary Agenda may include: a. Review of Work progress since previous meeting b. Fie1d observaiions, problems, conflicts c. Items which impede construction schedule d. Review of oii site fabrication, delivery schedules e. Review of construction interfacing and sequencing xequirements with other construction contracts f. Corrective measures and procedures to regain projected schedule g. Revisions to construction schedule l�. Progress, schedule, during succeeding Work period i. Coordination of schedules j. Review submittal schedules k. Maintenance of quality standards 1. Pending changes and substitutions m. Review proposed changes for: 1) Effect on constrEaction schedule and on completion date C[TY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD C�NSTRUCTION SPBC[FiCATIpN DpCUMENTS Revised July 1, 2011 ROLLING H1LLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT FLpW M�T�R REPI,ACEMEi�TS CITY PRQJECT NO, f 02056 oi3i2a-3 PROJECT MEETII�TGS Page 3 oi3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 lb 17 18 2) Effect on other cantracts oFthe Project n. Re�riew Recard Documents o. Review monthly pay request p. Review status of Requests for Information 6. Meeting Schedule a. Progress meetings will be held periodically as determined by the Project Representative. 1} Additionai rneetings may be held at the reques� of the: a) City b) Engineer c) Contractor 7. Meeting Location a. The City will establish a meeting lacaiion. 1) To the extent prracticable, meetings wi11 be held at the Site. l,� SUBMITTALS [N�T USED] 1.6 ACTION SUBMITTALS/INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS [N�T USED] 1.7 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 19 1.9 QUALITY ASSUR.ANCE [NOT USED] 26 1.10 DELIVERY, STQRAGE, AND HANDLING [N�T USED] 21 l.l l F�ELD [SITE] CONDITIONS [NUT USED] 22 1.12 WARRANTY [NOT USED] 23 PART 2- PRODUCTS [NOT USED] 24 PART 3- EXECUTTON [NOT USED] 25 26 END OF SECTIQN Revision Log DATE NAME SUMMARY OF CHANGE 27 CITY OF FOItT WORTH ROLLING HII,LS WATER TREATMENT PLANT STANDARD CONSTRUCT[QN SPEGIFICATION DOCUMEI+ITS FLOW METER REPLAC�M�NTS Revised July 1, 2011 CTTY PROJ�CT NO. 102056 01321G-1 CONSTRUCTiON PROGRESS SCHEDULE Page 1 of 5 SECTION 01 32 16 2 3 PART1- GENERAL 4 1.1 SUMMARY 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS SCHEDULE A. Section Includes: 1. General requfrements for the preparation, submittal, updating, status reporting and managament of the Canstt-uction Progress Schedule 2. Specific requirements are presented in the City of Fort Worth Schedule Guidance Document B. Deviations from this City of Fort Worth Standard Specification 1. Modif ed 1.2.A.1 2. Added 1.2.A.2 13 C. Related Specification Sections include, but are not necessarily limitec� to: I4 1. Division �— Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms and Conditions of the Contract 15 2. Division 1-- General Requirements 16 1.� PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES 17 A. Measuremeni and Payment 18 1. Unit Price - Wark associated with this Item is considered subsidiary to ihe various 19 items bid. No separate payment will be allowed for this Item. 20 2. Lump Sum Price - Work associated with this Item is includec� in the total iump sum 21 price. 22 1.3 REFERENCES 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 A. Definitions 1. �chedule Tiers a. Tier 1-1Vo schedule submittal requirad by contract. Small, briei duration proj ects b. Tier �- No schedule submittal required by contract, but will require some milestone dates. �ma�l, brief duration projects c. Tier 3-�cheduIe submittal reqUired by contract as described in the Speciiication and herein. Majority of City projects, including all bond program proj ects d. Tier 4- Schedule submittai required by contract as described in the Specification and herein. Large andlor complex projects with long duratians 1) Examples: large water pump station project and associated pipeline with interconnection to another governmental entity e. Tier 5- Schec�ule submittal required by contract as described in the Specification and herein. Large and/or very complex projects with long durations, high public visibility 1} Examples might include a water or wastewater treaiment plant CITY OF FORT WORTH ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCLTMENTS FLOW NiETER REPLACEMENTS Revised July 1, 2011 C1TY PROJECT NO. 162056 013216-2 CONSTRUCTION PROGRE3S SCHEDULE Page 2 of 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 � 2. Baseline Schedule - Initial schedule submitted before work begins that will serve as the baseline far measuring progress and departures fram the schedule. 3. Progress Schedule - Monthly submittal of a progress schedule documenting progress on the praject and any changes anticipated. 4. Schedule Narrati�e - Concise narrative of the schedule including schedule changes, expected delays, key schedule issues, criticai path items, etc B. Reference Standards 1. City of For� Worth Schedule Guidance Document 9 1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 A. Baseline Scheduie l. General a. Prepare a cost-loaded baseline Schedule using approved software and the Critical Path Method (CP1Vn as required in the City of Fort Worth Schedule Guidance Document. b. Review the draft cost-loaded baseline �chedule with the City ta demonstrate unders�anding af the work to be perfarmed and known issues and constraints related to the sc�edule. c. Designate an authorized representative (Project Scheduler} responsible for developing and updating the schedule and preparing reports. 20 B. Progress Schedule 21 1. Updaie �he pragress Schedule monthly as required in �he City of Fort Worth 22 Schedule Guidance Dacument. 23 2. Prepare the Schedule Narrative to accampany the rnonthly pragress Schedule. 24 3. Change Orders 25 a. Incarporate approved change orders, resulting in a change af contract time, in 26 the baseline Schedule in accordance with City of Fort Worth Schedule 27 Guidance Document. 28 C. Responsibility far Schedule Campliance 29 1. Whenever it becomas apparcnt from the curr�nt prograss Schadule and CPM Status 30 Report that delays to the critical path have resulted and the Contract campletion 31 date will nat be met, or when so directed by the City, make some ar all oi the 32 following actions at no adclitional cast to the City 33 a. Submii a Recovery Plan to the City for approval revised baseline Schedule 34 outlining: 35 1) A written statement of the steps intended to take to remove or arrest the 36 delay to the critical path in ihe approved schedule 37 2) Increase canstruction manpower in such quantities and crafts as wi11 38 suUstantially elimi�ate the backlog af work and return current Schedule to 39 �neet projected baseline completion dates 40 3) Increase the number of working hours per shift, shifts per day, working 41 days per week, the amount of construciion equipment, ar any combination 42 of the foregoing, sufficzently to substantially eliminate the backlog af work 43 �) Reschedule activities to achieve maximum practical concurrency of 44 accomplishme�it af activities, and comply with the revised schedule CiTY OF FORT WOIiTH ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT STANDARD CONSTRUCTIQN 3PECIFICATI�N DOCUMEAITS FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS Rcviscd Ju]y 1, 2011 CITY PAOJECT NO. 102056 01321b-3 CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS SCHEDULE Pagc 3 af 5 1 2. Tf no written statement of the steps intended to take is submitted when so requested 2 by the Ciiy, the Ciry may direct the Contractor to increase the level of effort in 3 manpower (trades), equipment and work schedule (overtime, �reakend and holiday 4 work, etc.} to be employed by the Contractaar in orrder to remove or arrest the delay 5 to the cri�ical path in the approved schedule. 6 a. No additional cost for such wark will be considered. 7 D. The Contract cornpletion time will he adjusted onty for causes specified in this 8 Contract. 9 a. �a 11 12 13 l4 15 16 17 18 19 Requests for an extension of any CQntract completion date must be supplernented with the following: 1) �urnish justification and supporting evidence as the City may deem necessary to detennine whether the requested extei�sion of time is entitIed under the pravisions of this Contract. a) The City will, after receipt of such. justification and supparting evidence, make findings of fact and will advise the Contractor, in writing ihereof. 2) If the City finds that the requested extension of time is entitled, the City's deternunation as to the total number oi days allawed %r the extensions shall be based upon the approved total baseline schedule and on aIl data 20 relevani ta the extension. 21 a) Such data shall be included in the next updating of the Pr�gress 22 scheaule. 23 b) Actual delays in activities which, according to the Baseline schedule, 24 do not affect any Contract completion da#e shown by the critical path in 25 the network will not be the basis for a change therein. 26 2. Submit each request for change in Contract completion date to the City wi�tk�in 3a 27 days a�er the beginning of the delay for which a time extension is requested but 28 before the date af final payment under this Contract. 29 a. No time extension will be granted for requests which are not submitted within 30 31 32 33 34 35 3b 37 38 39 40 A�1 42 43 44 45 46 47 �F8 the foregoing time Iimit. b. From time to time, it may be necessary for the Contract schedule or completion time to be adjusted by tha City to reflect the effects of job conditions, weather, technical difficulties, strikes, unavoidable c�elays on the part of the City oar its representatives, and other un%reseeable conditions which may indicate schedule adjustments or coznpletion time extensions. 1) Under such conditions, the City will direct the Contractor to reschedule the work or Cor�tract completion time to reflect the changed conditions and ihe Contractor shall revise his schedule accordingly. a) No additinnal catnpensation will be made to the Contractor for such schedule changes except for unavoidable overall contract time extensions beyond the actual completion of unaffected work, in which case the Contractar shall take all possibl� action to rninirnize any time extension and any additional cast to tl�e City. b) Available float time in the Baseline schedule may be used by the City as well as by the Contractor. 3. Float or slack time is defined as the amount of time betwesn the earliest start date and the latest start date or between the earliest finish date and the latest finish date of a chain of activities on the Baseline Schedule. CITY OF FaRT W�RTH L20LLING HILLS WATER TItEATMENT PLANT S'FANDARD CONSTRUCTTON SP�CIF'ICATION bOCUMENT5 FLOW FviETER REPLAC�M�iVTS Rcviscd Iuly 1, 2011 CITY PROJECT NO. 102056 ai 32 i6 - a CONSTRUCTIOI�I PROGRESS SCHBDULE Pagc 4 of S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 l2 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 E. Coordinating Schedule with Other Contract Schedules a. �`loat or slack time is not for the exclusive use or benefit of either the Contractor or the City. b. Praceed with work according to eariy start dates, and the City shall have the right to reserve and apportion float timc according to the needs of the proj ect. c. Acknowledge and agree that ach�al delays, affecting paths of activities containing float time, will not have any effect upon cantract completion times, praviding that the actual delay does not exceed the float time associated with those activities. 1. Where wark is ta be perfarmed under this Contract concurrently with or contingent upon work performed on th� same facilities or area �ander ather contracts, the Baseline Schedule shall be coardinated with the schedules of the other contracts. ae Obtain the schedules of the other appropriate contracts fram the City for the preparatian and updating of Baseline schedule and make the required change,s in his schedule when indicated by changes in corresponding schedules. 2. In case of interference between the operatians of different contractors, the City will determine the work priority of each contracior and the sequence of wark necessary to expedite the completian of the entire Project. a. In such cases, the decision of the City shall be accepted as final. b. The temporary delay of any work due #o such circumstances shall not be considered as justification for claims for additionai compensation. 22 1.5 SUSMITTALS 23 A. Baseiine Schedule 24 25 26 27 28 29 1 2. Submit Schedule in native file format and pdf format as required in the City af Fort Worth Schedule Guidance Document. a. Native file format includes: 1) Prirnavera (P6 or Primavera Contractor) Submit draft baseline Schedule to City prior to the pre-construction tneeting and bring in hard copy to the meeting for review and discussion. 30 B. Progress Schedule 31 1. Submit progress Schedule in native file fozmat and pdf format as required in the 32 City of Fort Worth Schedule Guidance Document. 33 2. Submit progress Schedule montl�y no later than the last day of the rnonth. 34 35 36 37 38 C. Schedule Narrative 1. Submit the schedule narrative in pdf format as required in the City of Fort Worth 5chedule Guidance Document. 2. Submit schedule narra�iv� rnonthly na later than the last day af the month. D. Submittal Process 39 1. The City administers and manages schedules through BIM36�. 40 2. Contractor shall submit doc�unents as required in tl�e City of Fort Wor� Schedule 41 Guidance Document. 42 3. Once the project has been completed and Final Acceptance has been issued by the 43 City, no f�rther progress schedules are required. CLTY dF FORT WORTH ROLLIAIG HILLS WA'FER TREATMENT PI.ANT STANDARD CpNSTRUGTIQN SPECIFICATIOtr! DOCUMENTS FLOW METER REPLACEMEAITS Revised 7uly 1, 2011 C1TY PROJ�CT NO. 102056 O1 32 16 - 5 CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS SCHEbUL� Page S of 5 1 l.G ACTION SUBMITTALS/INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS jNOT USED] 2 1.7 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 3 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 4 5 6 7 S 9 10 11 12 13 14 1..9 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. The person preparing and revising the construction Progress Schedule shall be experienced in the preparation of schedules of similar complexity. B. Schedule and supporting documents addressed in this Specification shall be prepared, updated and revised to accurately reflect the performance of the construction. C. Contractor is responsible for the quality of all submittals in this section meeting tl�e standard of care for the construction industry for similar projects. 1.10 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING [NOT USED] 111 FIELD [SITE] CONDITT�NS [NOT USED] 11� WARRANTY [NOT USED] PART 2 - PRODUCTS (NOT USED] 15 PART 3- EXECUTION [NOT USED] I6 17 END OF SECTION Revision Log DATE NAME SUMMARY OF CHANGE 18 CITY OF FORT WORTH ROLLFNG HIT.LS WATER TREATMENT PLANT 3TANDARD CONSTRUCTION 3PECIFICATION DOCUMENTS FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS Rcvised July 1, 20I 1 CITY PROJECT NO. 1Q2056 ai3z33-i PRECON5TRUCTION VIbEO Pagc 1 of 2 1 2 3 PART 1 - GENERAL 4 1.1 SUMMARY 5 6 7 8 9 10 li 12 13 14 1.2 15 16 17 18 19 20 1,3 SECTION 0132 33 PREC�NSTRUCTI�N VIDEO A. Section Includes: 1. Administrative and procedural requirements for: a. Precanstruction Videos B. De�iations from this City of Fort Worth Standard Specification L Madified L2.A.1 2. Added 1.2.A.2 C. Related Specification Sections include, but are nat necessarily limited to: 1. Division Q— Bidding Requirements, Contract Fortns and Conditions of the Contract 2. Divisian 1— General Requirements PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDIIRES A. Measurement and Payment 1. Unit Price - Work associated with this Item is considered sulasidiary to the various items bid. No separate payment wil! 6e allowed for this Item. 2. Lump Sum Price - Work associated with this Ite�n is included in the tatal lump sum price. REFERENCES [NOT USED] 21 1.4 ADIVIINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1.� A. Preconstruction Videa I. Produce a preconstruction video of the site/alignment, inctuding all areas in the vicinity o� and ta be affected by constructian. a. Provide digital copy of video upon request by the City. 2. Retain a copy af the preconstruction video until the end of fhe rnaintenance surety perioda SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 29 l.b ACTIQN SUBMITTALS/INFORMATIONAL SUBNIITTALS [NQT IISED] 30 1.7 CL�SEOUT SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 31 1.8 MAiNTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 32 19 QUALITY ASSURANCE [NOT USED] 33 1.10 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING [NOT USED] 34 1.11 FIELD [SITE� CONDITIONS [NOT USED] CITY OF FORT WOATH RQLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT STANDARD CONSTRUGTIQN SPEGiFICATION DQC�TMENTS FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS Revised July 1, 2011 CITY PRbJBCT NO. 102056 013233-2 PRECONSTRUCTION VIDEO Pagc 2 of 2 I 1.1� WARRANTY [NOT USED] 2 PART 2� PRQDUCTS �NOT U,SED] 3 PART 3- EXECUTION [NOT USED] 4 END OF SECTION Revision Log DATE NAM� SUMMARY OF CHANGE CITY OF FORT WOIiTH ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT STA3VDARD GOM$TRLTCTI�N SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS Revised luly 1, 2Q11 CITY PROI�CT i�[O. 1Q2056 oi 33 oa - i suBM�TTaLs Page 1 of 8 1 2 3 PARTI- GENERAL � 1.1 SUMMARY SECTION 0133 00 SUBMITTALS 5 A. Section Includes: 6 1. General methods and requireinents of submissions applicable to the following 7 Wark-related sub�nittals: 8 a. Shop Drawings 9 b. Product Data (including Standard Product List submittals) 10 c. Samples 11 d. Mock Ups 12 B. Deviations from this City of Fort Warth Standard Specificatian 13 1. Modified 1.2.A.1 14 2. Added 1.2.A.2 15 3. Added 1.4.B 16 G Related Specification Sectians include, but are not necessarily limited to: 17 1. Division 0— Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms and Conditions of the Contract 18 2. Division 1— General Requireinents 19 1,2 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURE,S 20 21 22 23 24 25 1.3 A. Measurement and Payment 1. Unit Price - Wark assaciated with this Item is considered subsidiary to the various items bid. No separate payinent will be aIlowed for this Item, 2. Lump Sum Price - Work associated with this Ite�n is included in the total lump sum price. REFERENCES [NOT USED] 2b 1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 3b 37 38 39 A. Caordination 1. Notify the City in writing, at the time of submittal, of any deviations in the submittals from the requirements of the Contract Docuxnents. 2. Coardinatian ai Submiital Times a. Prepare, prioritize and transmit each submittal sufficiently in advance of performing the related Work or other applicable activities, or within the time specified in the individual Work Sections, of the Specifications. b. Contractar is responsible such that the installation will not be delayed by processing times including, but not Iimited io: a) Disapproval and resubmittal {if required) b} Caordination with other submittals c) Testing d} Purchasing CI'i'Y OF FORT WORTH ROLLING HILI,S WATER TREATM�NT PLANT STANDAi2D CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENT5 FLbW METER REPLACEMENT5 Revised December 20, 2012 CITY PROJEC'I' ?VO. ] 02656 013300-2 SUBMITTALS Page 2 of 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 I9 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 44 4i 42 43 44 45 46 c. d. e) Fabrication � Delivery g) Similar sequenced activities Na ex#ension of time will be authorized because af the Contractor's failure to iransmit submiitals sufficiently in advance of the Work. Make submittals promptly in accordance with approved scheduIe, and in such sequence as to cause no delay in the Wark or in the work of any other coniractor. B. Submittal Log/Schedule 1. Prior to submitting the �rst submittal for the project, provide a submittal 1og/schedule to include: a. Anticipated Submittals b. Proposed Submiital Nuinbering c. Anticipated Subinittal Dates. C. Submittal Nu�nbering 1. When submitting shop drawings or samples, utilize a 9-character subinittal cross- reference identi�cation nuinbering system in the following manner: a. Use the first 6 digits of the applicabte Specification Section Number. b. For the next 2 digits number use numbers 01-99 to sequentially nurn�er each initial separate item or drawing submitted under each specific Section number. c. Last use a letter, A-Z, ir�dicating the resubmission of the same drawing (i.e. A=2nd submission, B=3rd submission, C=4th submission, etc.}. A typicaI submittal number would be as follows: 03 30 0�-OS-B 1) a3 30 00 is the ,Specification Sectian for Concrete 2) 08 is the eighth initial submittal under this Speciiication Section 3) B is the third submission (second resubmission} af that particular shap drawing D. Contractor Certification l. Review shop drawings, product data and samples, including those by subcontractors, prior to submissian to detenn�ne and verify the fol�owing: a. Field rneasurements b. Field construction criteria c. Catalog numbers and similar data d. Confo�rnance with the Contract Documents 2. Provide each shop drawing, sample and product data submitted by the Contractor with a Certification Statement affixed including: a. The Contractor's Company name b. Signature of submittal reviewer c. Certification Statement 1) `By this subrnittal, I hereby represent that I have determined ana verified field measurements, field construction criteria, materials, dimensions, catalog numbers and similar data and I have checked and coordinated each iterr� with other applicable approved shop drawings." 47 E. Subinittal Format CiTY OF FQRT WORTH 5TANDARI] CONSTRIJCTION SPECIFICAT[ON bOCUMEAIT5 Revised December 20, 2012 ROI.I�ING HiLLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT FLbW METER REPLACEM�NTS C1TY PROJEC"I' N0. 102U56 01 33 00 - 3 Sl]BMITTALS Page 3 oi8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 l3 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 1. Fold shop drawings larger than 8'/2 inches x 11 inches to $% inches x 1 linches. 2. Bind shop drawings and product data sheets together, 3. Order a. Cover �heet 1) Description of Packet 2) Cantractar Certifrcation b. List of items / Table of Contents c. Product Data /Shop DrawingslSamples /Calculations F. Submittal Content 1. The date of submission and the dates of any previous submissions 2. The Project title and number 3. Contractor identi�'ication 4. The narnes of; a. Contractor b. Supplier c. Manufacturer 5. Identification of the product, with the Specification Section number, page and paragraph(s) 6. Fie1tE dimensions, clearly identified as such 7. Relation to adjacent or critical features of the Work or inaterials S. Applicable standards, such as ASTM or Federal Specification numbers 9. Identificatian by highlighting of deviations from Contract Documents 10. Id�nti�cation by highiighting oirevisions on rasubmitials 1 l. An 8-inch x 3-inch blank space for Contractor and City stamps G. Shop Drawings 1. As specified in individual Work �ections includes, but is not necessarily Iimited to: a. Custom-prepared data such as fabrication and erection/installation {working) drawings b. Scheduled inforination c. SetL-ing diagrams d. Actual shapwork lnanufacturing instructions e. Custam templates £ Special wiring diagralns g. Coordination drawing� h. Individual system or equipment inspection and test reparts including: 1) Performance curves and certifications i. As applicable to the Work 2. Details a. Relation of the various parts to the lnain inembers and lines of the structure b. Where correct fabrication of the Work depends upon field meastu-ements 1) Provide such measurements and note on the drawings prior to submitting for approval. H. Product Data 1. For submittals of product data for products included on the City's Standard Product List, clearly identify each item selected for use on the Praject. CTPY pF FORT WQRTH S`I'ANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION F]OCUMENTS Revised I]ecember 2Q, 2D12 ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENP PLANT FLOW MET�R 1�PiACEMENT5 CITY PR07ECT NO. 102056 013300-4 SU$MTTTALS Fage 4 of 8 1 2. Ror submittaIs of product data for products not included on the City's Standard 2 Product List, submittaI data may include, but is nat necessarily limited ta: 3 a. Standard prepared data for manufactured products (sametimes referred to as 4 cataIog data} 5 1} Such as the manufacturer's product specificatiQn and installation 6 insiructions 7 2) Availability oi colors and patterns S 3) Manufacturer's printed statements of compliances and applicabiliry 9 4) Roughing-in diagrams and templates 14 5) Catalog cuts 11 6) Product photographs 12 7} Standard wiring diagrams 13 8} Printed perFormance curves and operational-range diagrams 14 9) Production or qualiry control inspec�ion and test reports and certifications 15 10) Mi11 reports 16 11) Product operating and maintenance instructions and recomnnended 17 spare-parts listing and printed product warranties 18 12} As appIicable to the Work 19 I. Samples 20 1. As specified in individual Secfions, include, but are not necessarily limited to: 21 a. Physical exaynples of the Work such as: 22 1) Sections of manufactured or fabricated Work 23 2) SmaZl cuts or cantainers of materials 24 3} Complete units of repetitivety used products color/texture/pattern swatches 25 and range sets 26 4) Specinnens for coordination of visual effect 27 5) Graphic symbols and units of Work to be used by the City for independent 28 inspection and testing, as applicable t� the Work 29 30 31 32 33 3� 35 36 37 3$ 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 45 47 J. Do not start Work requiring a shop drawing, sample or product data nor any xnateriai to be fabricated or installed prior to the approval or qualified approval of such item. 1. Fabrication performed, materials purchased or on-site consiruction accomplished w�ich does not conform to approved shop drawings and data is at the Contractor's risk. 2. The City will not be liable for any expense or delay due to corrections or remedies required ta accoinplish conformity. 3. Complete project Work, materials, fabrication, and installations in confonnance with approved shop drawings, applicable samples, and product data. K. Submittal Distribution 2. The City may elect ta use electronic submission only with non-electronic submittal on a case by case basis 2. Electronic Distribu�ion a. Confirnn developmeni of Project directory fox electronic submittals to be uploaded to City's BIM360 site, or another external FTP site approved by the City. b. Shop Drawings 1} Uptoad submittal to designated project directory and notify appropriate City representatives via email of submittal posting. CITY OF FORT WORTH ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATiQN DOCUMENTS FLOW MET�R R�PGACEMENTS Revised Dacembar 20, 2012 CITY PRpJECT NO. 102056 oi33ao-s S[JBM1T"TAC,S Page 5 of 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 14 2� 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 3 4 2} Hard Copias a) 3 copies for a1I submittals b) If Contrac�or requires more than 1 hard copy af �hop Drawings returned, Con�ractor shall submit more than the number of copies listed above. c. Praduct Data 1} Upload submitfal to designated project directory and notify appropriate City representatives via email of submittat posting. 2) Hard Copies a) 3 copies far all submittals d. Samples 1) Distributed to the Project Represeniative Hard Copy Distribution (if required in Iieu of electronic distribution) a. Shop Drawings 1) Distributed ta the City 2} Copies a) 8 capies for mechanical subinittals b) 7 copies for all other subinittals c) Yf Cont�-actar requires rnare than 3 copies of Shop Drawings r�turned, Contractor shall submit more than the number af capies listed above. b. Product Data 1) Distributed to the City 2) Copies a} 4 copies c. Samples 1) Distributed to the Project Representative 2) Copies a) Subrnit the n�mber stated in the respective Specification Sections. Distribute reproductions of approved shop drawings and copies af approved product data and salnples, rvhere required, to the jab site fle and elsewhere as directed by the City. a. Provide number of capies as directed by the City but not exceeding the r�umber previously specified. L. Subinittal Review 1. The review of shop drawings, data and samplas will be for genaral conformance with the design concept and Contract Documents. This is not to be construed as: a. Permitting any departure from the Contract requirements b. Relieving the Can�ractor of responsibility for any errors, including details, dimensions, and materials c. Approving departures from details furnished by the City, except as otherwise provided herein 2. The review and approval of shop drawings, samples or product data by the City does not relie�e the Contractor from his/her responsibility with regard to the fulfillinent of the tex-ms of the Contract. a. All risks af error and amission are assumed by the Contractar, and the City will have no responsibiliry therefare. C1TY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTIOI�! SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised December 2Q, 2a12 ROLLING HILLS WAT�R TREATMENT FLANT PLOW METER AEPLACEMENTS CITY PROIECT NO. 102056 613300-6 SU$MITTALS Page 6 of 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 i4 15 16 17 18 19 za 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 �8 3 � The Contractor remains responsible for details and accuracy, for coordinating the Work with all other associated wark and trades, for selecting fabrication processes, for techni4ues of asseinbly and for perfanning Work in a safe manner. If the shop drawings, data or samples as submitted describe variations and show a departure from the Contract requireynents which City finds to be in the interest of the Ciiy and to �0 sa minor as not to involve a change in Contract Price or tilne for performance, the City may return the reviewed drawings without noting an exception. 5. Submittals will be returned to the Contractor under 1 oithe fallowing codes: a. Code l 1) "NQ EXCEPTIQNS TAI�EN" is assigned when there are no notations or comrnents on the subinittal. a} When returned und.er this code the Contractor may release the equipment and/or material for manufacture. b. Code 2 1} "EXCEPTIONS NQTED". This code is assigned when a con�rmation of the natations and cornments IS NOT required by the Contractor. a) The Contractor may release the equipinent or material for manufacture; however, all notations and carnm�nts must be incorporated into the final product. c. Code 3 1) "EXCEPTIONS NOTED/RESUBMIT". This combination of codes is assigned when notations and coinments are extensive enough to require a resubmittal of the package. a) The Contractor may release the equipment or material for manufacture; however, all notations and carnments must be incorporated into the final product. b) This resubmittal is to address all cornments, arnissions and non-conforming items that were noted.. c) Resubmittal is to be received by the City within 15 Calendar Days of the date of the City's transmittal requiring the resubmittal. d. Code 4 1) "NOT APPROVED" is assigned when the submittal does not meet the intent of the Contract Documents. a) The Contractar rnust resubmit the entire package revised to bring the subnnittal into conformance. b) It may be necessary to resubmii using a diffarant manufaciurer/vendor to maet the Contract Documents. 6. Resubmittals a. Handled in the same manner as first submittals 1} Corrections other than requested by the City 2) Marked with revisian triangte or other similar method a) At Contractor's risk if nat marked b. Submittals for each item will be reviewed no more than twice at the City's expense. 1) AlI subsequent reviews will be performed at tirnes convanient to the City and at t�e Contractor's expense, based on the City's ar Ciry Representative's then prevailing rates. CITY OF FORT WQRTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATiON DOCUMENTS Revised December 20, 2012 ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT FLOW METER REPLACEIVfENTS CITY PROJECT NO. 102056 013306-7 SUBMITTALS Page 7 of 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 14 20 21 22 23 c. +,� 2) Provide Contractor reimbursement to the City within 30 Calendar Days for all such fees invoiced by the City. The need for more than 1 resubmissian or any other delay in abtaining City's review of subinittals, will not entitle the Contractar to an extension of Contract Time. Resubmittals must be complete and include all infonnatian fram first submit#al that was not changed as weil as corrected ar revised information. 7. Parkial Submittals a. City reserves the right to not review subinittals deemed partial, at the City's discretion. b. Subinittals deemed by the City to be not complete will be returned to the Cantractor, and will be considered "Not Approved" until resubmitted. c. Th� City may at its option provide a list ar mark the �ubrtzittal directing the Contractor to the areas that are incomplete. 8_ If the Contractor cansiders any correction indicated on the shop drawings to constitute a change to the Contract Documents, then written natice inust be provided thereof to the City at least 7 Calendar Days prior to release for manufacture. 9. Whern t�e shop drawings have been completed to the satisfaction of the Ciry, the Contractor may carry out the construction in accordance therewith and no fiuther changes therein except upon wz�itten instructions from the City. 10. Each submittal, appropriately coded, wilI be returned within 30 Calendar Days following receipt of submittal by the City. 24 M. Mock ups 25 1. Mock Up units as specifed in individual Sections, include, but are not necessarily 26 limited to, cornplete units of the standard of acceptance for that type of Work ta be 27 used on the Projact. Remave at the completion of the Work ar when directed. 28 N. Qualificatians 29 1. If specifically required in ather Sections oithese Specifications, subinit a P.E. 30 Certification for each item reyuired. 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 O. Request for Information (RFI) 1. Cantractar Request for additional infarmation a. Clarification or interpretatian of the contract documents b. When the Contractor believes there is a conflict between Contract Documents c. When the Contractor believes there is a conflict between the Drawings and Specificatians 1} Identify the conflict and request clarification 2. Use the Request far Information {RFI} form provided by the Ciry. 3 � Numbering of RFI a. Prefix with "RFI" followed Uy series numbar, "-xxx", beginning with "O1" and increasing sequentially with each addirional transmittal. Sufficient informatian shall be attached to permit a written response wi#hout further information. 44 5. The City will log each request and will revi�w the request. CTl'Y OF FORT WORTH RQLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLAN'F STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIOtv DOCUMENTS FLpW METER REPLACEMENTS Rcvised December 20, 2012 CITY PR07ECT NO. I02056 013300-5 SUBM[TTALS Page 8 of 8 1 a. Iireview of the project in%rmatian request indicates that a change to the 2 Contract Documents is required, the City wi11 issue a Field Order or Change 3 Order, as appropriate. 4 1.5 SUBM�TTALS [NOT USED] 5 1.G ACTION SUBMITTALS/INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 6 1.'� CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 7 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUSMITTALS jNOT USED] 8 9 10 11 l .9 QUALITY ASSURANCE �NOT USED] 1.10 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING [NOT USED] 1.11 FIELD [SITE] CONDITIONS [NOT USED] 1.12 WARRANTY [NOT USED] 12 PART 2- PRODUCTS [NOT USED) 13 PART 3- EXECUTIQN jNOT D�ED) 14 15 END OF SECTION Revision Log DATE NAME SUMMARY OF CHANGE 12/20/2012 D. Johnson 1.4.iC.$. Working Days modified to Calendar Days 16 CITY pF FORT WORTH ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLAiVT STANI]ARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS Revised December 20, 2012 CITY PROdECT NO. 102056 013513-1 SPECIAi. PROJECT PROCEAUR�S Page 1 of b 1 2 3 SECTION 013� 13 SPECIAL PROJECT PROCEDURES C!�\:711f�li�l�I �E:7\ � 5 1.1 �UMMARY 6 7 8 9 ia 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 24 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 A. Section Includes: 1. The procedures for special project circumstances that includes, but is nat limited to: a. Coordination with the Texas Department of Transportation b. Wark near High Voltage Lines c. Confined Space Entry Program d. Air Pollution Watch Days e. Use oiExplosives, Drop Weight, Etc. f: Watex Deparhxzent Notification g. Public Natification Priar ta Beginning Construction h. Coordination with United States Army Corps of Engineers i. Coordination within Railroad perrrtits areas j. DUst Contro! k. Employee Parking B. Deviations from this City af Fort Worth Standard Specitication 1. Modified l.2.A. l.bo 1 2. Added 1.2.A. Lb.2 3. Madified 1.2.A.2.b.1 4. Added 1.2.A.2.b.2 S. Madified 1.2.A.3.a 6. Added 1.2.A3.6 7. Madified 1.4.H.1 C. Related �pecificaiion Sections include, but are not necessarily limited to: 1. Divisian Q— Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms and Conditions of the Contract 2. Divisian 1— General Requirements 3. Sectian 33 12 25 — Cannection to Exis�ing Wa�er Mains 31 1.2 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 34 A. Measurement and Payment 1. Coordination within Railroad perrnit areas a. Measurement 1) Measurement for this Item will be by lump sum. b. Payment 1) Unit Price - The work performed and materials furnished in accordance with this Item will be paid for at the hunp sum price bid for Railroad Coordination. CITY OF FORT WQRTH 3TANDARI? CONSTRUCTI0�1 SPECIFICATION DQCUMENT5 Rcviscd Dcccmhcr 2U, 2012 ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT FLOW METER REALACEMENTS CITY PROJECT NO. f 02056 013513-2 SPECIAL PR07ECT PROCEDUR�S Pago 2 of 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I1 12 i3 14 15 16 I7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 2} Lump Sum Price - The work perfaz�zned and m�aterials fiunished in accordance with this Item will be included in the total lump sum price. c. The price bid shall include: 1) Mobilization 2) Inspection 3) Safety training 4) AdditionalInsurance 5} Insurance Certificates 6) Other requirernents associated with general coordination with Railroad, including additional employees required to protect tha right-of-way and property of the RaiIroad irom damage arising out of and/or from the construction of the Froject. 2. Railroad Flagmen a. Measurennent 1} Measurement for this Item wiIl be per working day. b. Payrnent 1) Unit Price - The work performed and materials furnished in accordance with this Itam will be paid for each working day ihat Railroad Flagmen are present at the Site. 2) Lump Sum Price - The work performed and materials furnished in accordance with this Item will be included in the total lump sum price. c. The price bid shall include: 1) Coordination for scheduling flagmen 2) Flagmen 3) Other requirements associated �ith Railroad 3. All other iterns a. Unit Price - Work associated with these Items is considered subsidiary to the various Items bid. No separate payment will be allowed for this �tetn. b. Lump Sum Price - The work performed and materials furnished in accordance with this Iiem will be included in the total lump sum price. 31 1.3 REFERENCE� 32 A. Reference Standarc�s 33 1. Reference standards cited in this Specification refer to the current reference 34 standard published at the time of the latest revision date logged at the end of this 35 Specification, unless a date is specifically cited. 36 2. Health and Safety Code, Title 9. Safety, Subtitle A. Fublic Safety, Chapter 752. 37 High Voltage Overhead Lines. 38 3. Narth Central Texas Council af Governments (NCTC4G) — Clean Consfruction 39 Specification 40 1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS 41 A. Coordination with the Texas Departtnent of Transportation 42 1. When work in the right-of-way which is under the jurisdiction of the Texas 43 Department of Transporta�ion (TxDOT): 44 a. Natify the Texas Depariment of Transportation prior to comrnencing any work 45 therein in accordance with the provisions of the permit CITY OF FORT WOIZTI-I STANDARD CONSTRUCTIOiV SPECIFIGATIpN DOCUMETlTS Acvised Deceniher 2Q 2012 ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT FLpW METER REPLACEMENTS C1TY PRdJECT NO. 102056 013513-3 SPECIAL PRO.iECT PROCEDiJTtES Pagc 3 of 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2b 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 b. All work perfoiYned in the TxDOT right-oi way shall be per�'ormed in cor�a�pliance with and subject ta approval from the Texas Department of Transportation B. Work near High Voltage Lines �� 3 4. Regulatary Requirements a. All Work near High Voltage Lines (rnore than G00 volts measured between conductors ar between a conductor and the gro�nd) shall be in accardance with Healtl� and Safety Code, Title 9, Sub�itle A, Chapter 752. Warning sign a. Provide sign of sufficient size meeting a11 OSHA requirements. Equipment operating within 10 feet of high voltage lines will require the following safety features a. Insulating cage-type of guard about �e boom or arm b. Insulator links on the lif� hook connections for back hoes or dippers c. Equipment must meet the safety requirements as set forth by OSHA and the safety requiremen�s of the owner of the high voltage lines Work within b feet of high voltage electric lines a. Notif catian sha11 he given ta: 1) The power company {example: ONCOR) a) Maintain an accurate log of all such calls to pawer company and record action taken in each case. b. Coordination with power company 1) After natifica�ion coordinate witl� ihe pawer company to: a) Erect temporary �nechanical barriers, de-energize the lines, or raise ar lower the lines c. No personnel rnay work within b feet of a high voltage line before the above requirements have been met. C. Confined Space Entry Program 1. Provide and foIlow approved Confned Space Entry Program in accordance with OSHA requirements. 2. Confined Spaces include: a. Manholes b. All other confined spaces in accordance with OSHA's Permit Required for Confined �paces D. Air Pollution Watch Days 1 2. General a. Observe the followir�g guidelines relating to working on City construction sites on days designated as "AIR POLLUTION WATCH DAYS". b. Typical Ozone Season 1) May 1 through October 31. c. Critical Emission Time 1) 6:00 a.rn. ta 10:00 a.m. Watch Days a. The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ), in coordination with the National Weather �ervice, will issue the Air Pollution Watch by 3:00 p.m. an the a�ternoon priar to the WATCH day. b. Requirements CITY OF FORT WORTH STANI}ARD CONSTRUCTION SPECLFICATION DOCUM�IrlT5 Rcviscd bcccmbcr 20, 2012 ROLLING HiLLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT FL�W METER REPLACEMENTS CITY PR03ECT NO. 102656 013513-4 SPECiAL PROJECT PROCEDURES Page 4 of 6 1 1} Begin work after 10:00 a.m. whenever construction phasing requires the 2 use of maiorized equipment for periods in excess af 1 hour. 3 2} However, the Contractor may begin work prior to 1fl:00 a.m. if: 4 a) Use of motorized equipment is less than i hour, or 5 b) If equipment is new and certified by EPA as "Low Emitting", or G equ�pment burns Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel (ULSD), diesel emulsions, or '7 alternative fuels such as CNG. 8 E. TCEQ Air Permit 9 1. Obtain TCEQ Air Permit for construction activities per requirements of TCEQ. ] 0 F. Use of Explosives, Drop Weight, Etc. 11 1. When Contract Documents permit on the project ihe following will apply: 12 a. Public Noti�cation 13 1) Submit notice to City and proof of adequa#e insurance coverage, 24 hours 14 prior to commencing. 15 2} Minimum 24 hour public notification in accordance with Section 41 31 13 ?6 G. Water Department Coordina#ion 17 1. During the construction of this project, it will be necessary io deactivate, far a 18 per�ad of time, existing lines. The Contractar shall be xequired to coordinate with 19 the Water Department to determine ihe best times for deactivating and activating 20 those lines. 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 2. Coordinate any event that will reyuire cannecting to or the operation of an existing City water line system with the City's represeniative. a. Coordinatian shall be in accordance witil Section 33 12 2S. b. If needed, obiain a hydrani water meter from the Water Department for use during the Iife of named project. c. In the event that a water valve on an existing Iive system be turned off anc� on to accommodate the construction of the project is required, coordinate this activity through the appropriate City representa#ive. 1) Do not operate water Iine valv�s of existing water system. a) Failure to compIy will render the Contractor in violation of Texas Penal Code Title 7, Chapter 28.03 (Criminal Mischief} and the Contractor will be prosecnted to the full extent of the law. h} In addition, the Contractor wilI assume all liabilities and responsibilities as a result of these actions. H. Public Notificafion Prior to Beginning Consiruction 36 1. Prior ta beginning construction at the site or on any block in the project, on a block 37 by bIock basis, prepare and deliver a notice or flyer of the pending canstt-uction ta 38 the front door of each residence or business that will be impacted by construction. 39 The notice shall be prepared as follows: 40 a. Post notice or flyer 7 days prior to beginning any construction activity on each 41 b7ock in the project area. 42 1) Prepare flyer on the Contractor's letterhead and include the following 43 information: 44 a} Name of Project 45 b) City Project No (CPN) 46 c) Scope of Project (i.e. type of construction activity) 47 d) Actual construction duration within the biock C1TY O� �ORT WORTH ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPLCIFICATION DOCUMET]TS FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS Revised December 20, 2012 CITY PRO7ECT NO. 102055 O1 35 13 - 5 SPECIAL PRO]ECT PROCEDURES Page 5 of 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1�F 15 16 17 18 19 2a 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 �} 1 42 43 44 45 46 e) Name of the cantractor's foreman and phone number f) Name af the City's inspector and phone number g) City's after-hours phane number 2) A sample of the `pre-construction notification' flyer is attached as E�ibit A. 3) Submit schedule showing the construction start and finish tirne fnr each block af the project to the inspector. 4) Deliver flyer to the City Inspector for review prior to distribution. b. No construction will be allowed ta begin on any block until the flyer is delivered to all residents of the block. I. Public Notification of Temporary Water Service Interruption during Construction 1. In the event it becomes necessary to temporarily shut down water service to residents or businesses during constxuction, prepare and deIiver a notice or flyer of the pending interruption to the front daor of each affected resident. 2. Prepared notice as follows: a. The natification or flyer shall be posted 24 hours prior to the temporary interruption. b. Prepare flyer on the contractor's letterhead and include the following information: 1) Name of the project 2) City Froject Number 3) Date of the interruption of service 4) Period the interruptian wi11 take place 5) Nanne o�t�e cantractor's foxetnan and phone number 6) Name of the City's inspecior and phone number c. A sample of the temporary water service interruption notification is attached as Exhibit B. d. Deliver a copy of the temporary interruption natificatian to the City inspector for re�iew prior to being distributed. e. No intarruptian oi watar service can occur until the flyer has been delivered to all affected residents and businesses. £ Electronic versions of the sample flyers can be obtained from Che Project Constructian Inspector. 3. Coardination with United States Anny Corps of Engineers {USACE) 1. At locations in the Project where construction activities occur in areas where USACE permits are required, meet ali requirements set forth in each designated permit. K. Coardination within Railroad Permit Areas 1. At lacations in the praject where construction activities occur in areas where railroad permits are required, meet ail requirements set forth in each designated railroad permit. This includes, but is not limited to, provisions for: a. Flagmen b. Inspectors c. Safety training d. Additional insurance e. Insurance certificates CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDA[iD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCIJMENTS Revised December 2U, 2012 RQLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT FLOW METER REPLACEMEI�FTS CITY PR03ECT ND. 10205G or 3s i3 - � SPECiAL PROIECT PROCEDURES Page 6 of 6 1 f. Other employees required to pratect the right-of-way and property of the 2 Railroad Company from damage arising out of and/or from the conshuction of 3 the project. Proper utility clearance procedures shall be used in accordance 4 with the permit guidelines. 5 2. Obtain any supplemental informatian needed ta comply with the railroad's 6 requirements. 7 3. Railroad Flagmen 8 a. Submit receipts to City for verification of working days that railroad flagmen 9 were present on Site. 10 L. Dust Control 11 1. Use acceptable measures to conirol dusY at the Site. 12 a. If water is used to controZ dust, capture and properly dispose of waste water. 13 b. If wet saw cutting is performed, capture and properly dispose of slurry. 14 M. Employee Parking 15 1. Provide parking for employees at locations approved by the City. 16 1.� SUBMITTALS (NOT USED] 17 1.6 ACTION SUBMITTALS/INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 18 1.7 CLOSE4UT SUSMITTALS jNOT IISED] 19 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUSMITTALS jNOT USED] 20 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE [NOT USED] 21 110 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING [NOT USED] 22 1.l l FIELD [SITE� CONDIT�ONS [NOT USED] 23 24 112 WARRANTY [NOT USED] PART 2 � PRODUCT,� [NOT USED] 25 PART 3� EXECUTION [NOT USED] 26 27 END OF SECTYON Revision Log DATE NAME SUMMARY OF CHANGE 1.4.8 — Added requirement of compliance with Healtli and Safety Code, Title 9. 8/31/2012 D. Johnson Safety, Subtitle A. Public 5afety, Chapter 752. High Voltage O�erhead Lines. 1.4.E — Added ContracYor responsibility for obtaining a TCEQ Air Permit 28 CITY OF FDRT WORTH ROLLIAIG HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFIGATION AOCUMENTS FLOW METER REPLACEMBNTS Revised Aecember 20, 2012 CITY PROdECT NO. 102056 Ol 45 23 - L TESTING AND INSPECTION SERVICES Page 1 of 3 1 2 SECTION 014� 3�3 TESTTNG AND INSPECTION SERVICES 3 PARTI- GENERAL 4 1.1 �SUMMARY 5 A. Section Includes: 0 7 S 9 l. Testing and inspection services procedures and coordination B. Deviations from this City of Fort Worth Standard Specificatian l. Modiiied 1.2.A.1 2. Added 1.2.A.2 10 C. Related Specificatian Sections include, but are not necessarily limited to: 11 1. Division 0— Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms and Conditions of the Conta-act 12 2. Division 1— General Requirements 13 1.� PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDUItES 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 A. Measurement and Payment 1. Unit Price - Work associated �with ihis Item is considered subsidiary to the various Items bid. No separate payment will be allowed for this Item. a. In accordance with Article 13 of the General Conditions, Contractor is respansible far performing, coardinating, and payment of all inspections, tests, re-tests, or appravals. b. In accordance with Article 13 of the General Conditians, City is respansible far performing and payment far first set additianal independent testing chosen by the City to be performed. 1) If the iu-st independent test per%rm�d by the City fails, the Cantractar is responsible for payment af subsequent testing until a passing test occurs. a) Final acceptance will not be issued by City until all required payments for testing by Contractor have been paid in full, 2. Lump Sum Price - Work associated with this Item is included in the tatal lump sum price. aa In accordance with Article 13 of the General Conditions, Contractor is respansible iar perforniing, coordinating, and payrnent oi all inspections, tests, re-tests, or approvals. b. In accordance with Article 13 of the General Conditions, City is responsible for performing and payment for first set additional independent testing chosen by the City to be performed. 1) If the iirst independent test performed by the City fails, the Cantractor is responsible for paynnent of subsequent testing until a passing test occurs. a) Final acceptance will not be issued by City un#�1 all required payments far testing by Contractor have been paid in iull. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DDCUMENTS Rcviscd July 1, 2011 ROLLII�G HILLS WATER i'REATMENT PLANT FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS CITY PR07ECT NO. 10205fi 014523-2 TESTING AND INSFECT[ON SGRVIC�S Fage 2 of 3 f.3 REFERENCE$ [NOT [ISED� 2 1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS 3 4 5 b 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 I8 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 A. Testing 1. Complete testing in accordance with the Contract DocUments. 2. Caardination a. When testing is required to be performed by the City, natify City, sufficiently in advance, when testing is needed. b. When testing is required to be completed by the Contractor, notify City, sufficiently in advance, that testing will be perforrned. 3. Distribution of Testing Reports a. Electronic Distribution 1) Confrm development af Project directory f�r electronic subrnittals to be uploaded to City's BIM360 site, or anotller external FTP site appraved by the City. 2) Upload test reports to designated project directory and notify appropriate City representatives via email of submittal posting. 3} Hard Copies a) 1 copy for aIl submittals submitted to the Project Representative b. Hard Copy Distribution (if required in lieu of electranic distribution} 1) Tests performed by City a) Distribute 1 hard copy to the Cantractar 2} Tests performed by the Contractor a) Distribute 3 hard capies to City's Project Representative 4. Provide City's Project Representative with trip tickets far each delivered load of Concrete or Lime material including the following information: a. Name of pit b. Date of delivery c. Maierial deliv�red B. Inspection 1. Inspection or Iack af inspection does not relieve fhe Contractor from obligation to perform work in accordance with the Contract Documents. 32 1.� SUBMITTALS [NOT �7SED] 33 1.6 ACTYON SUBMITTALS/INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 34 1.i CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 35 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUSMITTALS [N�T USED] 36 1.9 QUALITY ASSUR.ANCE [NOT USED] 37 1.10 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING [NOT USED] 38 1.11 FIELD [SITE] CONDITIONS jNOT USED] 39 I.1� WARRANTY [NOT USED] C1TY OF FORT WORTH ROLLING H1LLS WATER TREATMEN7' FLAIVT STANDARD CQNSTRUGTIQN SPEGIFICATION DOCIIMENTS FI.OW METER REPLACEMENTS Revised luly 1, 2011 CITY PRpdECT A[O, 1p2U56 Q14523-3 T�STING AND INSPECTION S�RVICES Page 3 of 3 PART � - PRODUCTS [NOT USED] PART 3- EXECUTION INOT USED] END OF SECTION 4 Aevision Log DATE NAME SUMMAIZY OF CHANGE CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CdNSTRUCTION SPECIFiCATION DOCUMENTS Revised Ju�y 1, 20ll ROI.I,ING HILLS WATER TREATMEN'F PLANT FLOW NfETER REPLAGEMENTS CITY PR07ECT NO. 1fl2656 oisoao-� TEMPORARY FACILITI�5 ANb CONTROLS Page 1 of 4 1 2 SECTION 0150 00 TEMPQRARY FACILITIES AND CONTROLS 3 PARTI- GENERAL 4 1.1 SUMMARY 5 A. Saction Includes: 5 1. Provide temporary facilities and controls needed for the Work in,Gluding, but not 7 necessarily limited to: 8 a. Temporary utilities 9 b. Sanitary facilities 10 c. Storage Sheds and Buildings 11 d. Dust contral 12 e. Temporary %ncing of the construction site 13 B. Deviations from this City of Fort Worth Standard Specification 14 1. Madified 1.2.A.1 15 2. Added 1.2.A.2 1b 3. Added 1.4.C.'1 17 18 19 20 1.� 21 22 23 24 25 26 1.3 C. Related Specification Seciions include, but are not necessarily limited to: 1. Division 0— Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms and Conditions of the Contract 2. Division 1— General Req2zirements PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES A. Measurement and Payment 1. Unit Price - Work associated with this Item is considered subsidiary to the various Items bid. No separate payment will be alIowed fQr this Iiern. 2. Lump Sum Price - Work associated with this Item is inciuded in the totallump sum prica. REFERENCES [NOT USED] 27 1.4 ADMINI�TRATIVE REQUIREMENTS 2$ zg 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 A. Temporary Utilities 1. Obtaining Temporary Seroice a_ Make arrangements with utility service companies for teznpoxary services. b. Abide by rules and regulations of utili�y service companies or authorities having jurisdiction. c. Be responsible for utility service costs until Wark is approved for Final Acceptance. T) Included are fuel, power, light, heat and other utility services necessary far execution, completion, testing and initial operation of Work. 2. Water CITY QF FOfZT WORTH ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMEIVT PLANT STANDARD CONSTRi]CTION SFECIFICATION DOCITMEIdTS FLOW ivIETER REPLACEMENTS Reviscd July 1, 2011 CITY PROJECT NO. 102056 D15040-2 TEMPORARY FACILITIES AND CONTROI.S Pagc 2 of 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 �. 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 a. b. c. d. Cantractar ta provide water requi�ed for and in connection with Work to be perfarmed and for specified tests of piping, equipment, devices ar other use as required far the completion of the Wark. Provide and maintain adequate supply af patable water for domestic consumptian by Contractor personnel and Ciry's Project Representatives. Caordinatian 1) Contact City 1 week befare water far construction is desired Contractar 1'ayment Far Constructian Water 1) Obtain construction water meter from City for payment as billed by City's established rates. 3. Electricity and Lighting a. Provide and pay far electric pawered service as required for Work, including testing of Work. 1) Provide power for iighting, operatian of equipment, or ather use. b. Electric power ser�ice includes temporary power service or generatar ta maintain operations during scheduled shutdown. 4. Telephone a. Provide emergency telephone service at Site for use by Contractar personnel and others perforn�ing work or furnishing services at Site. 5. Temporary Heat and Ventilation a. Provide temporary heat as necessary for protection or campletion of Work. b. Provide temporary heat and ventilation to assure safe working conditions. B. Sanitary Facilities 1. Provide and xnaintain sanitary facilities for persons on Site. a. Comply with regulations of State and local departments vf health. 2. Enforce use of sanitary facilities by construction personnel at job site. a. Enclose and anchor sanitary facilities. b. No discharge will be allowed from these facilities. a Collect and stor� sewage and wasta so a� not to cause nuisance or health problem. d. Haul sewage and wa�te off-site at no less than weekly intervals and properly dispose in accordance with applicable regulation. 3. Locate facilities near Work Site and keep clean and maintained throughout Project. 4. Rernave facilities ai completian of Project C. Storage Sheds and Buildings 1. Provide adequately ventilated, watertight, weat�erproof storage facilities with floar above ground level for materials and equipment susceptible to weather damage. 2. Storage of rnaterials nat susceptible to weather damage may be on blocks off ground. 3. S#ore materials in a neat and orderly manner. a. Place materials and equiprnent to permit easy access far identification, inspection and inventory. 4. Equip building with lockable doars and lighting, and provide electrical service for equipment space heaters and heating or ventilation as necessary ta provide storage environmen�s acceptable to specified manufacturers. CITY OF FOAT WORTH STANI?ARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DQCUME3dTS Rcviscd July 1, 2011 ROLLIIIG HILLS WATEIt TREATMENT PLANT FLQW METER REPLACEMENTS CITY PROJECT I�lO. ED2056 Ol 50 00 - 3 TEMPORARY FAC[LITIES AND CONTROLS Page 3 of 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 l9 5. Fill and grade site for temporary structures to provide drainage away from temporary and existing buildings. 6. Remove buil�ing from si�e prior to Final Acceptance. 7. A field office is required for this project. D. Temporary �'encing 1. Provide and maintain for the duration or construction when reyuired in cantract documents E. Dust Control 1. Contractor is responsible for maintaining dust contr�l through the duration of the project. a. Contractor remains on-call at all times b. Must respond in a timely manner F. Temporary Pratection of Construction 1. Contractor or subcontractors are responsible far protecttng Work from damage due to weather. 1.5 SUBMITTALS [NOT USEDj 1.6 ACTION SUBMITTALS/INFORMATIONAL SUSMYTTALS [NOT USED] l.7 CL4SEOUT SUBNIITTALS (NOT LTSED] l.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 20 l.9 QUAL�TY ASSURANCE [NOT USED] 21 1.10 DELIVERY, �TORAGE, AND HANDLING [NOT USED] 22 111 FIELD [SITE] CONDITIONS [NOT USED] 23 112 WARRANTY [NOT U�ED] 24 PART 2� PRODUCTS [NOT USED] 25 PART 3- EXECUTION [NOT USED] 26 3.1 INSTALLERS [NOT USED] 27 3.� EXAMINATION [NOT USED] 2S 3.3 PREPARATION [NOT USED] 29 3.4 INSTALLATION 30 A. Temporary Faciiities 31 1. Maintazn a11 temporary facilifies for duration of construction activities as needed. CITY OF FORT WORTH ROLLING H[LLS WATER TIZEATMENT PLANT STANDARD CpN$TRUCTIQN SPECIFICATIQN DpCUMENTS FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS Revised July 1, 2011 CITY PROJEC'I' NO. 1Q2056 015000-4 TEMPORARY FACILITIES AND CONTROLS Page 4 of 4 1 3.5 [REPAIR� 1 [RESTORATION] 2 3.b RE-INSTALLATION 3 3.'� FIELD �oR] SITE QUALITY CONTROL [NOT USED] 4 3.8 SY�TEM STARTUP [NOT USED] 5 3.9 ADdUSTING [NOT USED] 6 3.10 CLEANING [NOT USED] 7 311 CLOSEOUT ACTIVITIES 8 A. Temporary Facilities 4 1. Remave all temporary facilities and restare area after campletion of the Work, to a 10 condition equal to or better than priar to start of Work. 11 3.12 PROTECTION [NOT USED] i2 3.13 MAINTENANCE [NOT U�ED] 13 3.14 ATTACHMENTS �NQT USEDj 14 15 I �1�#.1=�] �� x�7E Y. [+]►1 Reaision Log DATE NAME SUMMARY OF CHANGE 16 GITY QF FQRT WQRTH KOLLING HILLS WATER TREATMEMT PLANT STAN17ARb CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS FLOW MBT�R 12�PT,AC�MBNi'S Revised July 1, 2011 Ci'iY PROJECT NO. 10205b O1G000-1 PRpDUCT R�QUIREMEI�TS Page 1 of 2 1 2 3 PART1- GENERAL SECTION Ol 60 00 PRODUCT REQUIREMENTS 4 11 SUMMARY 5 A, Section Tncludes: 6 1. References for Product Requirements and City Standard Products List 7 B. Deviatians from this City af Fort Worth Standard Specification 8 1. None. 9 10 11 12 1.2 C. Related Speciiication Sections include, but are not necessarily limited to: 1. Division 0-- Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms and Conditions of the Cantract 2. Division 1— General Requirements PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES [NOT USED] 13 l.3 REFERENCES [N�T USED] 14 l.4 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS 15 A. A list of City appraved products far use is located on BIM360 as follows: 16 1. Resources102 - Construction DocumentslStandard Products List 17 B. Only products specifically included on Ciry's Standard Product List in these Contract 18 Docwnants shall be allowed for use on the Project. 19 1. Any subsequently approved products will only be allowed for use upon speciiic 20 approval by the City. 21 C. Any specific product requirements in the Confract Documents supersede similar 22 products included on the City's Standard Product List. 23 1. The City reserves the right to not allow products to be used for certain projects even 24 though the product is listed on the City's Standard FrodUct List. 25 D. Although a specific praduct is incIuded on City's Standard Product List, not aIl 26 products from that manu�acturer are approved for use, including but not limited i�, that 27 manufacturer's standard product. 28 E. See Section D1 33 OU for sUbmittal reyuirements ofProduct Data included on City's 29 Standard Product List. 3d 1.� SUBMITTALS [NOT USED) 31 1.6 ACTION SUSMITTALS/INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 32 l.i CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 33 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUSM�TTALS [NOT USED] 34 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE [NOT USED] C1TY OF FORT WORTH ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT STANDARD CONSTRUCTIDN SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS FLOW METER REPLACBMEI�STS Revised December 20, 2012 CTTY PROJ�CT NO. f 02056 oi�aoa-2 PRODUCT REQUIREMENTS Page 2 of 2 1 1.10 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING [NOT USEDj 2 �..A1 FIELD [SITE] CONDITIONS [NOT USED] 3 1.1� WAR1tANTY [NOT USED] 4 PART 2- PRODUCTS [NOT USED] 5 PART 3- EXECUTYON [NOT USED] 6 END OF SECTI�N 7 Revision Log DATE NAME ,SUMMARY OF CIIANGE 10/12/12 D. 7ohnson Modi�ed Location of City's Standard Product List CITY OF FORT WORTH RdLLING HILL5 WATER TREATMENT PLANT STANDARD COIVSTRUCTION SPECIFICATiON DOCUMENTS FLQW METER REPLACEMENTS Acviscd Dcccmbcr 20, 2� 12 CITY PR07ECT NO. 1U2056 01 6b 00 - 1 PRODUCT STORAGE A%ID I-IANDLING REQi1IRE3vIEIVTS Pagc I of 4 1 2 SECTION Ol 66 OU PRODUCT STORAGE AND HANDLING REQUIREMENTS 3 PART1- GENERAL 4 1.1 SUlV1MARY 5 6 7 8 9 ]0 I1 12 13 14 �5 16 17 1.� 18 19 2a 21 22 23 1.3 A. Section Includes: 1. Scheduling of product delivery 2. Packaging of products far delivery 3. Protection of products against dannage from: a. Handling b. Exposure to elernents or harsh environments B. Deviations from this City of Fort Warth Siandard Speci�cation 1. Modified 1.2.A.1 2. Added 1.2.A.2 C. Related Specification Sections include, but are not necessarily limited to: 1. Division 0— Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms and Conditions of the Contract 2. Division 1— General Requirements PRICE AND PAYMENT PRQCEDURES A. Measurement and Payment 1. Unit Price - Work associated witl� this Item is considered subsidiary to the various Items bid. No separate payment will be allowed for this Item. 2. Lump 5um Price - Work associated with this Item is included in tt�e total lump sum price. REFERENCES [NOT iTSED] 24 1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS [NOT USED] 25 1.� SUSMITTALS [NOT USED] 26 1.6 ACTION SUBMITTALSCINFO1tMATIONAL SUBMYTTALS [NOT USED] 27 1.� CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS [NOT_USED] 28 1.8 MAIliTTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 29 1.9 QUALITY ASSIIRANCE [NOT USED] 30 1.10 DELIVERY AND HANDLING 31 A. Delivery Requirements 32 1. Schedule delivery of products or equipment as required to alIow timely installation 33 and ta avoid prolonged storage. 34 2. Provide appropriate personnel and equipment to receive detiveries. CITY OF POIZT WORTH I�OLLING HILLS WATER TREATM�NT PLANT STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SFECIFICATION DOCLTMEAITS FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS Revised 3uly l, 2611 CITY PRQJECT NO. 102056 oi66oa-z PRODUCT STORAGE AND HANDLING REQUIREMENTS Pagc 2 of 4 1 2 3 4 5 b 7 8 C. Storage Requirements 1. Stare materials in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations and requirements of these Specifzcations. 2. Make necessary provisians for safe storage of materials and equipment. a. Place loose soil materials a.�d materials to be incorporated into Work to prevent damage to any part of Work or existing facilities and to maintain free access at all times to all parts of Work and to utility service carnpany installations in vicinity of Wark. 9 B. Handling Requirements 10 1. Handle products or equipment in accordance with these Contract Documents and 11 manufacturer's recommendations and instructions. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 14 20 3. Keep materials and equipment neatIy anc� compacily stored in Iocations that will 21 cause rninimutn inconvenience to other contractors, public travel, adjoining owners, 22 tenants and occupants. 23 a. Arrange storage to pro�ide easy access for inspection. 24 4. Restrict storage to areas available on construction site for starage of material and 25 equipm�nt as shawn an Drawings, or approved by Ciry's Project Representative. 26 5. Provide off-site storage and protection when on-site storage is not adequate. 27 a. Provide addresses of and access ta off-site storage locations for inspectian by 28 City's Project Representative. 29 6. Do not use lawns, grass piots or other private property for storage purposes without 30 written permission oi owner or other persan in possession or control af premises. 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 4Q : 9. 10 3. Delivery trucks will noi be permitted to wait extended periods of time on tl�e Site for personnel ar equiptnent to recerve the delivery. 4. Deliver products or equipment in manufacturer's ariginal unbrolcen cartans or other containers designed and constructed to pratect the contents from ghysical or environinental damage. 5. Clearly az�d fully mark and identify as to manufacturer, item and installation location. 6. Provide manufacturer's instructions for storage and handling. Store in manufacturers' unopened containers. Neatly, safely and compactly stack materials deli�ered and stored along line of Work to avaid inconvenience and damage to proper�y owners and general public and maintain at least 3 feet fram fire hydrant. Keep public and private driveways and street crossings open. Repair or replace damaged lawns, sidewalks, streets or other improvements to satisfaction of City's Praject Representative. a. Tatal length which materials may be distributed along route of construction at one time is 1,OUO linear feet, unless otherwise appraved in writing by City's Pr�ject Representative. GTTY OF FpRT WpRTH STANbAR17 CdNST'CZUCTION SPBCIFICATION DOCUMEIVTS Revised ]uly 1, 20] i ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMSNT PLANT FL0�7 MET�R REL'LAC�M�NTS CITY PRD7ECT I�iO. 102056 016600-3 PRODUCT STORAGE AND HANDL[NG REQUIREMENTS Page 3 af 4 1 111 FIELD [SITE] CONDITIONS [NOT USED] 2 1.12 WARRANTY [NOT USED] 3 PART 2- PRQDUCTS [NOT USED) 4 PART 3 - EXECUTION 5 b 7 8 9 �a 11 3.1 INSTALLERS [NOT IISEDj 3.2 EXAMINATION [NOT USED] 3.3 PREPARATION [NOT USED] 3.4 ERECTION [NOT USED] 3.5 REPAIR / RESTORATION [NOT USED] 3.6 RE-INSTALLATION [NOT USED] 3.7 FIELD �oe] SITE QUALITY CONTROL 12 A. Tests and Inspections 13 1. Inspecf all products or equipment delivered to the site prior to unloading. 14 B. Non-Canforming Work 15 1. Reject all products or equipment that are damaged, used or in any other way 16 unsatisfaciary far use on the project. I7 3.8 SYSTEM STARTUP [NOT USED] 18 3.9 ADJUSTING [NOT USED] 19 3.10 CLEANING [NOT USED] 20 311 CLOSEOUT ACTIVITIES [NOT USED] 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 � 30 3.1� PROTECTION A. Protect aZl products or equiprr�en� in accordance with rnanufacturer's written directions. B. Stare products or equipment in location to avoid physical damage to items while in storage. C. Protect equipment from expos�re to elennents and keep thoroughly dry if required by the manufacturer. 3.13 MAINTENANCE [NOT USED] 3.14 ATTACHMENTS [NOT USED] END OF SECTI�N CITY OF FORT WORTH ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PI.ANT STANDARD CONSTRUCTiON SPECiFiCATiON DOCiJMENTS FLOW METER REPi,ACEMENT5 Revised July 1, 201 i CITY PR07ECT AiO. 10205b oiU6oa-a PRODUCT STORAGE AND HAPIDLING REQUIREM�NTS Page 4 of 4 Revision Log DATE NAME SUMMARY OF CHANGE GITY OF FpRT WORTII STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUN[ENTS Revised July ], 2U11 ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATM�NT P1.ANT FLOW METERREPLACEMENTS CITY PROJECT NO. 102056 o i �a oa - i MQBILiZATI03+i A�dI? REMOBILIZATION Page 1 of 4 I 2 3 SECTION 01 70 00 MOBILIZATION AND REMOBILIZATION 4 PART 1- GENEFZAi. 5 1.1 �UMMARY 6 A. Section Includes: 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 I6 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 1, Mobilizatian and Demabilizatian a. Mobilization 1) Transportation of Contractor's personnel, equipment, and operaiing supplies to the 5ite 2) Esiablishment of necessary general facilities for the Contractor's operation at the Site 3} Premiums paid for performance and payment bonds 4) Transportation of Contractor's personnel, equipment, and operating supplies to another location within the designated Site 5) Relocation of necessary general facilities for ihe Cantractor's operation from 1 loca#ion to another location on the Site. b. Demobilization 1) Transportation of Contractor's personnel, equipment, and operating supplies away from the Siie incluc�ing disassembly 2) Site Clean-up 3) Removal of all buildings and/or other facilities assembled at the Site for this Contract c. Mobilization and Demobilization do not include activities for specific items of work that are for which payment is provided elsevvhere in the contract. 2. Remabilization a. Remobilization for Suspension of Work specificaIly required in the Contract Documents or as required by City incl�des: 1) Demobilization a) Transportation of Contractor's parsonnel, equipmeni, and operating supplies from the Site including disassembly or temporarily securing equipment, supplies, and oiher facilities as designated by the Contract Docum�ents necessary to suspend. th.e Wark. b} Siie Ciean-up as designated in the Contract Docu�nents 2) Remobilization a) Transportation of Contractor's personnel, equipment, and operating supplies to the Site necessary to resume the Work. b) Estabtishment of necessary general facilities for Yhe Contractor's operation at the Site necessary to resume the Work. 3) No Payrnents will be made for: a) Mobilization and Demobilization from one location to another on the Sita in the normal progress of performing the Work. b) Stand-by or idle time c) Last profits CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SP�CI�'TCATTON bOCUMENT5 Revised Novcmbcr 22, 2016 ROLLING HiI.LS WATER TREATMENT PLANT FLOW METER REPLACEMENT$ C1TY PRO]ECT NO. 102056 017000-2 MOBILIZATION AND REMOBILIZATION Page 2 of 4 1 2 3 � 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 I2 13 I4 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 3. Mobilizations and Demabilization for Misceilaneous Projects a. Mobilization and Demabilization 1) Mobilization shall consist of the activities and cost on a Wark Qrder basis necessary for: a) Transportation of Contractor's personnel, equipment, and aperating supplies to the Site �or the issued Work Qrder. b} Establishment of necessary general facilities far the Contractor's operation at the Site for the issued Work Order 2) Demabilization shall consist of the activities and cost necessary for: a) Transportation of Cont�-actor's personnel, equipment, and operating supplies from the Site including disassembly �or each issued Work Order b) 5ite Clean-up far �ach issued Work Order c) Removal of a11 buildings or other facilities assembled at the Site for each Work Oder b. Mobilizatian and Demobslization do not include activities forr specific items of work for which payment is provided elsewhere in the contract. 4. Emergency Mobilizations and Demobilization %r Miscellaneous Projects a. A Mabilizatian for Miscellaneous Projects when directed by the City and the mobilization occurs within 24 hours of the issuance of fh� Wark Order. B. Deviations from this City of Fori Worth Standard Specification 1. None. 23 C. Related Speciiication Sections include, but are not necessarily limited to: 24 1. Di�ision 0— Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms and Conditions of the Contract 25 2. Division 1— General Requirements � 26 1.2 PRICE AND PAYMENT PRQCEDURES 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 A, Measurement and Payment L Mobilization and Demobilization a. Measurement 1} This Item is considered subsidiary to the various Items bid. b. Payment 1} The work performed and materials furnished in accordance with this Item are subsidiary to the various It�ms bid and no other compensation will be allawed, 2. Rema6ilization far suspension of Work as specifically required in the Contract Documents a. Measurement 1} This Ttem is considered subsidiary to the various Items bid. b. Payment 1) The work performed and materials furnished in accardance with this Item are subsidiary to the various Items bid and no ather compensation will be allowed. 3. Remobilization for suspension of Wark as required by City a. Measurement 1} This Item is considered subsidiary to the �arious Items bid. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTIQN SPECIFIGATI03V DOCi7MENTS Revised November 22, 2016 ROLLING HjLLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT FLpW METER REPLAGEMENTS CITY PA07ECT NO. 102fl56 017000-3 MOSILIZATION AND REMOBiI,IZATiON Page 3 of 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 lI 12 13 14 15 16 �7 18 19 1.3 b. Payment 1) The work performed and materials furnished in accordance with this Item are subsidiary to the variaus Items bid and no other corr�pensation witl be allowed. 4. Mobilizations and Demobilizations for MiscelIaneous Projects a. Measurement 1) This Item is cansidered subsidiary to the various Items bid. b. Payment 1) The work performed and materials furnished in accordance with this Item are subsidiary to the various Items bid and no other compensa�ion will be allowed. 5. Emergency Mobilizations and Demabilizatians for Miscellaneaus Prajects a. Measurement 1) This Item is considered subsidiary to the variaus Items bid. b. Payment 1} The work perfarmed and materials furnished in accardance with this Item are subsidiary to the various Items bid and no other compensation will be allowed.. REFERENCES [NOT USED] 20 1.�# ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS [NOT USED] 21 1.5 SUSMITTALS [NOT USED] 22 1.6 INFORMATIONAL Si1SMITTALS [NOT USED] 23 1.'� CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 24 1.$ MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 25 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE [NOT USED] 26 1.10 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING [NOT USED] 27 111 FIELD [�ITE] CONDITIONS [NOT USED] 28 29 1,12 WARRANTY [NOT USED] PART � -� FRODUCTS [NOT USED] 30 PART 3- EXECUTION jNOT USED] 31 32 33 34 CITY OF FORT WORTH ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT STANDARI] COIVSTRUCTION SPEGTFTCATION DOGUMENTS FI,�W METER REPLACEMENTS Revised November 22, 2DI6 CITY PAOJECT Nb, 1Q2056 oi �a oo - 4 MOBILIZATiON AND REiviOBILIZATION Page 4 of 4 END OF SECTION Revision Log DATE NAME SUMMAAY OF CHANGE 11/22/1 b Michael Owen 1.2 Frice and Paytnent Procedures - Revised specification, including blue text, to make specification flexible for either snbsidiary or paid bid ikean far Mobilization. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANI}ARD C�N5TRUCTIQN SP�CIFICATION bOCUMENTS Rc�iscd Novcmbcr 22, 2Q16 ROLLING I3ILL$ WATER TREATMENT PLANT FLOW M�TEIt I�PLACEMENTS CITY PROdECT NO. 1 U2D56 017423-I CLEAHING Fage 1 of 4 1 2 3 PART1- GENERAL 4 1.1 SUMMARY SECT�ON Ql 7'4 23 CLEANING 5 A. Section Includes: 6 1. Intermediate and final cleaning for Work not including special cleaning of closed 7 systems specified elsewh�re 8 B. Deviatians from this City of Fort Worth Standard Specification 9 1. Modified 1.2.A.1 ib 2. Added 1.2.A.2 11 3. Modifed 3.10.D.2 12 I3 14 15 16 1.� 17 18 19 20 21 22 1.3 C. Related Specification Sections include, but are not necessarily limiCed to: 1. Division 0— Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms and Conditians of the Contract 2. Division 1— General Requirements 3. Section 32 92 13 — Hydro-Mulching, �eeding and Sodding PRTCE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES A. Measurement and Payment I. Unit Price � Work assaciated with this Item is considered subsidiary to the variaus Items bid_ No separate payment will be allowed for this item. 2. Lump Sum Price - Work associated with this Item is included in the total hunp sum price. REFERENCES [NOT USED] 23 1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS 24 25 26 27 28 29 1.� A. Scheduling 1. Schedule cleaning operations so that dust and other contaminants disturbed by cleaning process will noi fall on newly painted suriaces. 2. Schedule final cleaning upon completion of Work and immediately prior to final inspection. SUSMITTALS [NQT USED] 30 1.6 ACT��N SUSM[TTALSIINFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 31 1.7 CLO�EOUT SUBMITTALS �NOT USED] 32 L$ MAINTENANCE MATERYAL SUSMITTALS [NOT USED] 33 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE [NOT USED] CITY OF FORT WORTH ROLLING H[LL5 WATER TREATMENT PLANT STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIF'ICATION DOCUMENTS FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS Rcviscd July 1, 2011 CITY PR07ECT NO. 102056 017423-2 CLEANING Page 2 of 4 1 110 STORAGE, AND HANDLING 2 A. Storage and Handling Requirements 3 1. Store cleaning praducts and cleaning wastes in containers specifically designed for 4 those tnaterials. 5 l.11 FIELD [SITE] CONDITIQNS [NOT USED] 6 1.1Z WARRANTY [NOT USED] 7 PART 2 � PRODUCTS 8 �.1 OWNER-FURNYSHED [oR] OWNER-SIIPPLYEDPRODUCTS [NOT USED] 9 �..2 MATERIALS 10 A. Cleaning Agents 11 1. Compatible with surface being cleaned 12 2, New and uncontaininated I3 3. For manufactured surfaces 14 a. Material recommended by manufacturer 15 2.3 ACCES�ORIES [NOT USED] 16 2.4 SOiTRCE QUALITY CONTR�L [NOT USED] 17 PART 3 - EXECUTION 18 14 20 2I 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 3.1 INSTALLERS �NOT IISED� 3.2 EXAMINATION [NOT USED] 3.3 PREPARATION [NOT USEDI 3.4 APPLICATION [NOT USED] 3.S REPAIR / RESTORATIQN �N�T U�SEDj 3.6 RE-INSTALLATIQN [NUT USED] 3.7 FIELD [oR] SITE QUALITY C�NTROL �NOT USED] 3.8 SY�STEM STARTUP [NOT USED] 3.4 ADJLTSTING [N�T USED� 3.10 CLEANING A. General 1. Prevent accumulatian of wastes that create hazardous conditions. 2. Canduct cleaning and disposal operations ta comply with laws and safety orders of governing authorities. GITY QF FORT WORTH STAN�ARb COIVSTRl1C'TION SPBCIF'ICATiON bOCUMBNT5 Revised July 1, 2011 RpLLING HILLS WATER TR$ATMENT PLANT �'LOW METER REPLACENIENTS CITY PROJECT NO. ] 02056 017423-3 CLEANING Page 3 of 4 1 3. Do nof dispose of volatile wastes snch as mineral spirits, oil or paint thinner in 2 storm or sanitary drains or sewers. 3 4. Dispose of degradable debris at an approved solid waste disposal site. 4 5. Dispase of nondegradable debris at an approved solid waste disposal site or in an 5 alternate manner approved by City and regulatary agencies. 5 6. Handle materials in a controlled manner with as few handlings as possible. 7 7. Thoroughly clean, sweep, wash and polish all Work and equipment associated with 8 this pxoject. 9 8. Remove all signs of temporary construction and activities incidental to construction 10 of required permanent Work. 1 I 9. If project is not cleaned ta the satisfaction oi the City, the City reserves the right to �2 have the cIeaning cornpletecl. at the expense of the Cantractar. 13 1 D. Do not burn on-site. 1� 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2$ 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 B. Intermediate CIeaning during Construction 1. Keep Wark areas clean so as not to hinder health, safety or convenience of personnel in existing facility operations. 2. At maximum weekly interva�s, dispose of waste materials, debris and rubbish. 3. Con%e consiruction debris daily in strategically lacated container{s}: a. Cover to prevent %lowing by wznd b. Store debris away from construction or operational activities c. Haul from site at a minimum of once per week �4. Vacuum clean interior areas when ready to receive finish painting. a. Coniinue vacuum cleaning on an as-needed basis, until Final Accep�ance. 5. Prior ta storna events, thoroughly clean site of all loose or unsecured items, which may become airborne or transported by flowing water during the storm. C. Interior FinaI Cleaning 1. Remove grease, masiic, adhesives, dust, dirt, stains, fingerprinis, labels and other foreign materials fram sight-exposed surfaces. 2. Wipe ali iighting fixture reflectors, lenses, lamps and trims clean. 3. Wash and shine glazing and mirrors. 4. Polish glossy surfaces to a c�ear shine. 5. Ventilating systems a. Clean permanent iilters and replace disposable iiltars if uni�s were operated during canstruction. b. Clean ducts, blowers and coils if units were operated without filters during construction. 6. Replace all burned out lamps. 7. Broam clean process area floors. 8. Mop office and control room floors. D. Exterior (Site or Right of Way} Final Cleaning 1. Remove trash and debris containers from site. a. Re-seed areas disturbed by Iocation of trash and debris cantainers in accordance with Section 32 92 13. CITY OF �OR'T WORTH ROLLING HILLS WATEIZ TRBATMENT PLANT STANDARD CONSTRUCTI�N SFECIFICATION DOCUMENTS FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS Revised 3uly 1, 2011 CITY PROJECT NO. L02056 az �4 z3 - 4 CLEANING Page 4 of 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 l2 13 14 2. Sweep flatwork, paving, and roadway to remove all rocks, pieces af asphalt, concrete or any other object that may hinder or disrupt the flow oi traffic along the roadway. 3. Clean any interior areas including, but not limited ta, vaults, manholes, structures, junction boxes and inlets. 4, If no lon�er required far maintenance of erosion facilities, and upon approval by City, remove erosio� control fram site. 5. Clean signs, lights, signals, etc. 3.11 CLOSEOUT ACTIVITIES �NOT USED] 3.12 PROTECTION [N�T USED] 3.13 MAINTENANCE [NUT LTSED] 3.14 ATTACHMENTS [NOT USED] END OF SECTYON Itevision Log DATE NAME SUMMARY OF CHANGL 1S CITY OF PORT WORTH STANDARD CQNSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised July 1, 2011 ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT FLpW METER REPLACEMENTS CITY PROJECT NO. 102056 a� �� is - i CLOSEOUT REQUIREMENTS Page L of 3 � 2 3 PART1- GENERAL 4 1.1 SUMMARY sECT�oN ai �� i� CLOSEOUT REQUIREMENTS 5 A. Sectian Includes: 6 1. The procedure for closing out a contract 7 B. Deviations from this City of Fort Worth �tandard Specification 8 1. Modified 1.2.A.1 9 2. Added 1.2.A.2 10 11 12 13 1.� 14 15 16 17 18 19 1.3 C. ReIated Specification Sections include, but are not necessarily limited to: 1. Division 0— Bidding Requirements, Cantract Forms and Conditions of the Contract 2. Di�ision 1— General Requirements PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES A. Measurement and Payment 1. Unit Price - Work associated with this Item is considered subsidiary to the variaus Items bid. No separate payment will be allowed for this Item. 2. Lump Sum Price - Work associated with this Item is included in the CoCal lump sum price. REFERENCES [NOT USED] 20 1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS 21 A. Guarantees, Bonds and Affidavits 22 1. No application far �nal payment will be accepted until all guarantees, bonds, 23 certificates, licenses and aifidavits required far Wark or equipment as specified are 24 satisfactorily fi�ed wi�h the Cily. 25 B. Release of Liens or Claims 26 1. Na appiication for final payment will be accepted until satisfactory evidence of 27 release of liens has been subrnitted to the City. 28 1.� SUBMiTTALS 29 A. Submit a11 required documentation to City's Pr�ject Representative. CITY OF' FORT WORTH ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMEAIT PLANT STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS Revised 7uly 1, 2011 CITY PROJECT N�. 102056 oi �7 i9-a CLOSEOUT REQUIREMENTS Fage 2 of 3 1.6 INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 2 1.7 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 3 PART � - PRODUCTS [NOT USED] 4 PART 3 - EXECLTTION 5 3.1 1NSTALLERS [NOT USED] 6 3.2 EXAMINAT�ON [NOT USED� 7 3.3 PREPARATION �NOT USED] 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 3.4 CLOSEOUT PROCEDURE A. Prior to requesting Final Inspection, submit: 1. Project Record Documenks in accordance with Section O1 78 39 2. Operatian and Maintenance Data, if req�xired, in accordance with Section O1 78 23 B. Prior to requesting Final Inspection, perform iinal cleaning in accordance with Section ai �4 a3. C. FinalInspection 3 4. 1. After iinal cleaning, provide notice to the City Project Representative that the Work is completed. a. The City will make an initial Final Inspection with the Contractor present. b. Upon completion of Yhis inspection, t�ie City will notify the Contractor, in writing within 10 business days, of any particulars in which this inspection reveals that the Work is defective or incomplete. 2. Upon receiving written not�ce from the City, immediately undertake the Work required to rexnedy deficiencies and complete the Work to the satisfaction of the City, Upon completion of Work associated with the items listed in the City's written notice, infornxi the City, that the required Work has been completed. Upon receipt of this natice, the City, in the presence of #he Contrac�ar, will make a subsequent Final Inspection af ihe praject. Provide all special accessories required to place each item of equipment in fu11 operation. These special accessory items include, bu� are not limited to: a. Specified spare parts b. Adequate oil and grease as required for the first lubrication of the equipment c. Initial �11 up af all chemical tanks and fiiel tanks d. Light bulbs e. Fuses f. Vault keys g. Handwheels h. Other expendable items as required for initial start-up and operation of all eyuipment 39 D. Notice of Project Compl�tion CITY OF FORT WbRTH STAIVDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised July 1, 2011 ROLLING �IIT,LS WATER TREATM�NT PLAIV'T FLOW METERREPLACEMENTS CITY PR07ECT NO. 1U205b 017719-3 CLOSEOUT REQUIRBMENTS Page 3 of 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1p 11 I2 13 14 15 16 l7 3.� 1. Once the City Project Representative �nds kk�e Work subsequent tQ Final Inspection to be satisfactory, the City will issue a Notice of Project Completion (Green Sheet}. E. Supporting Documentation i. Coordinate with the City Project Representative to complete the following additional forms: a. Final Payrnent Request b. Statement of Contract Time c. Affidavit of Payment and Release of Liens d. Consent of Surety to �inal Payment e. Pipe RepQrt (if required) f. Contractor's Evaluation of City g. Perforrnance Evaluation of Contractor F. Letier of Final Acceptance 1. Upon review and acceptance of Notice of Proj�ct Completion and Supporting Documentation, in accordance with General Conditions, City will issue Let�er of Final Acceptance and release the Final Payment Request for payment. REPAIR / RESTORATIQN [N�T USED] 18 3.6 RE-INSTALLATION [N�T USED] 19 3.7 FIELD [ox] �ITE QUALITY C�NTROL [NOT USED] 20 3.8 SYSTEM STARTUP [NOT USED] 21 3.9 ADJUSTING [NOT USED] 22 23 24 25 26 z� 28 ENn oF sECTioN Revision Log DATE NAME SUMMARY OF CHANGE 29 3.10 CLEAN�NG [NOT USED] 3.11 CLOSEOUT ACTIVITIES JNOT USED] 3.1� PROTECTION [NOT USED] 3.13 MAINTENANCE [NOT USED] 3.14 ATTACHMENTS [NOT USED] CITY OF FORT WORTH ROLLING HILLS WATER TIZEATMENT PLANT STANDARB CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION AOCUMENTS FLOW MBTER REPLACEMENT5 Revised July 1, 2011 CITY PRO.T�CT iVO. 102fl56 Qi7823-1 OFERATION AND MAINTENANCE DATA Page 1 of 5 1 2 3 PART1� GENERAL 4 11 SiTMMA.RY sECTioN ai �s 2� OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE DATA 5 A. Section Includes: 6 1. Product data and related information appropriate �or City's �aintenance and 7 operatian af products furnished under Contract 8 2. Such praducts may include, but are not limited ta: 9 a. Traffic Contrallers 10 b. Irrigatian Controllers (to be operated by the City) 11 c. Butterfly Valves 12 B. Deviatipns from tI�is City af Fort Worth Standard Specification 13 L Madified 1.2.A.1 14 2. Added 1.�.A.2 15 16 17 1$ 1.2 �9 20 21 22 23 24 1.3 C. Related Specification Seciions include, but are not necessarily limited ta: 1. Divisian 0— Bidding Requirements, Cantract Forms and Conditions of tlae Contxact 2. Division 1— General Requirements PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES A. Mea�urement and Payment 1. Unit Price - Work associated with this Item is considered subsidiary to the �various Items bid. No separate payment will be allowed for this Item. 2. L�mp Sum Price - Work assaciated with this Item is included in the total lump sum price. REFERENCES [NOT USED] 25 1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS 26 A. Schedule 27 1. Submit manuals in final farm ta the City within 30 calendar days of product 28 shipnaent to the project site. 29 1.� SiTSMITTALS 30 A. Submittals shall be in accordance with Sectio� 01 33 00. All submittals shall be 31 approved by the City prior to delivery. 32 1.6 INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS 33 A. Submittal Form 34 1. Prepare da#a in fonn of an instructional manual for use by Ciry personnel. 35 2. Format 36 a. Size: 8%2 inches x 11 inches CITY OF FORT WOIZTH ROLI.ING F�ILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT STANDARD CONSTRUCTIOI�f SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS FLOW METER REPLACENI�NTS Rcviscd Deccmbcr 2Q 2UI2 CITY PROJECT NO. 102056 01 78 23 - 2 OPERATION ANb MAINTBNANCE bATA Page 2 of 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1$ 19 b. Paper 1) 40 pound minimum, white, for typed pages 2) Holes reinforced with pIastic, c�oth or metal c. Text: Manufacturer's printed data, or neatly typewritten d. Drawings 1) Provide reinfarced punched binder tab, bind in with text 2} Reduce Iarger drawings and fold to size of text pages. e. Provide fly-leaf for each separate product, or each piece af operating equipment. 1) Provide typed desceiption of product, and inajor component parts of equip�nent. 2} Provide indexed tabs. f. Cover 1) Identify each volume with typed or printed tiile "OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE 1NSTRUCTIONS". 2) Lzst: a) Title ofFroject b) Identity of separate structure as applicable c) Identity of general subject matter covered in the manual 24 3. Binders 21 a. Commercial quaiity 3-ring binders with durable and cleanable plastic covers 22 b. When multiple binders are used, correlate the data into re�ated consistent 23 groupings. 24 4. If available, provide an electronic form of the O&M Manual. 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 3Z 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 B. Manual Conter�t 1. Neatly typewritten table of contents for each volume, arranged in systematic order a. Contractor, name of rresponsible principal, address and telephone number b. A list of each product required to be included, indexed to content of the volume c. Lzst, with each product: 1) The name, address and telephone nutnber of the subcontractor or installer 2) A list of each prvduct required to be incIuded, indexed to content of the volume 3} Identify area of responsibility of each 4} LacaI source af supply for parts and replac�ment d. Tdentify each product by product name and other identifying symbols as set forth in Contract Documents. 2. Praduct Data a. Include only those sheets which are pertinent to the specific prod�ct. b. Annotate each sheet to: 1) Clearly identify specific product or part installed 2) Clearly identify data applicable to installation 3) Delete references to inapplicable information 3. Drawings a. Supplement product data with drawings as necessary to clearly i(lustrate: 1) Relations af cornponent parts of equipment and systems 2) Can�ral and flow diagrams b. Coordinate drawings with information in Project Recard Documents to assure correct illustration of completed installation. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCT[ON SP�GIFIGATION AOGUMENTS Revised December 20, 2012 ROLLII�iG I�ILLS WAT�R TREATMENT PLANT FLOW METER REYLACEMENTS CITY PROJECT NO. 102U56 017823-3 OPEItATION AND MAINTEATANCE DATA Page 3 oi5 1 c. Do not use Project Record Drawings as maintenance drawings. 2 4. Written text, as required to supplement product data for the particula�r installatian: 3 a. Organize in consistent format under separate headings for different procedures. 4 b. Arovide logical sequence of instructians of each procedure. 5 5. Copy of each warranty, bond and service contract issu�d 6 a. Provide informatian sheet for City personnel giving: 7 1) Proper pracedures in event of failure 8 2) Instances which might affect validity af warranties or bonds 9 C. Manuai for Materials and Finishes 10 1. Submit 5 copies of complete manual in final form. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2. Content, for architectura� products, applied materials and finishes: a. Manufacturer's data, giving fuli information on products 1) Catalog number, size, composition 2) Color and texture designatians 3) Information required iar reordering special manufaciured products b. Instructions for care and maintenance 1) Manufacturer's recommendation far types of cleaning agents and methods 2) Ca�ttions against cleaning agents and methods which are detrimental to product 3) Recommended schedule for cleaning and maintenance 21 3. Content, for moisture protection and weaiher exposure products: 22 a. Manufacturer's data, giving full inforination on products 23 I) Applicable standards 24 2) Chemical composition 25 3) Details of installation 26 b. Instructions for inspection, maintenance and repair 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 3A 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 4G 47 D. Manual for Equipment and Systems l. Submit 5 copies of camplete manual in fnal form. 2. Content, for each unit of equipment and system, as appropriate: a. Description of unit and component parts 1) Function, narmal operating characteristics and limiting conditions Z) Performance cuxves, engineering data and tests 3) Complete nomenclature and comrnercial number of repIaceable parts b. Operating pracedures 1) �tart-up, break-in, routine and normal operating instr�ctions 2) Regulation, control, stopping, shut-dawn and emergency instructions 3) Surnmer and winter operating instructians 4) Special operating instructions c. Maintenance procedures 1) Rautine operations 2) Guide to "trouble shaating" 3) Disassembly, repair and reassembly 4) Alignment, adjusting and checking d. Servicing and lubrication schedule 1} List of lubricants required e. Manufacturer's printed aperating and maintenance instructions f. Descriptian of sequence af operaiion by contral manufacturer CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CpNSTRidGTIQN SPECIFIGATION DOCUM�NTS Revised December 20, 2012 ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT FLOW M�TfiR ItEPLACBMENTS CITY PRD7ECT NO. I02056 Ql 78 23 - 4 OFERATION AND MAINTENANCE DATA Page 4 af 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 I7 18 19 aa 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 1} Predicted life o�parts subject to wear 2) Items recommended to be stocked as spare parts g. As installed cantrol diagrams by cont�-oIs manufacturer h. Each contractor's coardination drawings 1) As installed catar coded piping diagrams i. Charts of valve tag numbers, with location and function of each valve j. List of original rnanufacturer's spare parts, manufacturer's current prices, and reco�nmended quankities to be maintained in storage k. Other data as required under pertinent Sections of Specifications 3. Content, for each electric and electronic system, as appropriate: a. Description of system and component parts 1) Function, normal operating characteristics, and liir�iting conditians 2) Performance curves, engineering data and tests 3) Complete nomenclature and commercial number of replaceable parts b. Circuit directories of panelboards 1} Electrical service 2} Controls 3) Cornmunicatians c. As installed color coded wiring diagrams d. Operating procedures 1) Routine and normal operaiing instruciians 2} Sequencesrequired 3} Special operafing instructions e. Maintenance procedures 1) Routine operaiions 2) Guide to "trouble shaoting" 3) Disassembly, repair and reassembiy 4) Adjustment and chec�ing f. Manufacturer's printed opera�ing and maintenance instructions g. List of original manufach�rer's spare parts, manufacturer's current prices, and recommended quantities to be maintained in storage h. Other data as required under pertinent Sectians of Specrfications 4. Prepare and include adciitional data when the need far such data becorr�es apparent during instruction of City's personnel. 35 1.7 CLOSEOUT SUSMITTALS [NDT USED] 36 1.$ MA7NTENANCE MATERTAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 37 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE 38 A. Provide operation and maintenance data by personnel with the following criteria: 39 1. Trained and experienced in maintenance and opera#ion of described products �FO 2. Skilled as technical writer to the extent required to communicate essential data 41 3. �killed as draftsman cornpetent tv pr�pare required drawings CITY OF FORT WORTH ROLLING HILLS WATEA TREATMENT PLANT STANQARII CONSTRUCTION SPECIFIGATION UOCUMENTS FLOW METER REFLACEMENTS Revised Decen�ber 20, 2012 CITY PROJECT NO. 102056 017823-5 OPERATION AP1D MAI�ITENANCE DATA Page 5 of 5 1.10 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING �N�T USED] 2 1.11 FYELD �SITE] CONDITIONS [NOT USED] 3 1.12 WARRANTY [NOT USED] 4 PART � - PRODUCTS [NOT USED] 5 PART 3- EXECUTION [NOT USED] 6 END OF SECTION 7 Revision Log DATE NAM� SUMMARY OF CIIANGE 8/31/2612 D. Jahnson 1.S.A.1 -- title of section removed CITY QF FORT WORTH ROLLING HfLL5 WATER TAEATMENT PLAT�IT STANDARb CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATiON DOCUMENTS FLOW METER REPLACEIVfENTS Revised December 20, 2012 CITY PR07ECT NO. 102056 017839-1 PROJEC'i RECQRD pOGUMEiV7'S Page 1 of 5 1 2 3 PART1- GENERAL � 5 6 7 8 9 10 Il 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 11 SUMMARY SECTION OI '�8 39 PROJECT RECORD DOCUMENTS A. Seciion Includes: 1. Work associated with the documenting the praject and recording changes to project documents, including: a. Record Drawings b. Water Meter Service Reports c. Sanitary Sewer Service Reports d. Large WaYer Meter Reports B. Deviatians fram this City of Fort Worth Standard Specification 1. Modified 1.2.A.1 2. Added 1.2.A.2 C. Related Specitication Sections include, but are not necessaeily limited to: 1. Division 0— Bidding Requirements, C�ntract Forms and Conditians oi the Contract 2. Division 1— General Requirements 1.� PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES A. Measurement and Payment 1. Unii Price - Work associated with this Item is considered subsidiary to the various Items bid. No separate payment will be aZlawed for this Item. 2. Lump Sum Price - Work associatec�. with this Item is included in the total lump sum price. l.3 REFERENCES [NOT USED] l.4 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENT� [NOT USED] i�:3.Y11�3��lMw11�1F.y 27 A. Prior to submitting a reqUest for Final Inspection, deliver Project Recard Documents to 28 City's Project Representative. 29 1.6 ACTION SUBMITTALS/INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED) 30 31 32 33 1.7 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS [N�T USED] i.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMrTTALS [NOT USED] 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Accuracy af Records CITY OF FORT WOATH ROI,LI[�[G HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT STANUARI] CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS Revised 7uly 1, 2411 CITY PROJECT N0. 102056 o� �a 39 - a PRO7ECT R�CORD DOCUIvIENTS Pagc 2 of 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 11 1 2. Thoroughly coordinate changes within the Record Documents, making adeyuate and proper entries on each page of Specifications and each sheet of Drawings and other pocuments where such entry is required to show the change properly. Accuracy of recards shall be such that future search far items shown in the Contract Documents may rely reasanably an informatian obtained from the approved Project Record Documents. 12 3. To facilitate accuracy of records, make entries within 24 haur� after receipt of information that the change has occurred. 4. Provid� factual in%rmatian regarding all aspects af the Work, bot� concealed and visible, to enable future modification of the Work to proceed without lengthy and expensive site measureme�t, investigaEion and examination. 1.14 STORAGE AND HANDLING 13 A. Storage and Handling Requirements 14 1. Maintain the job set of Record Documents completely protected from deterioration 15 and from loss and darnage until completian of the Work and trat�sfer of al1 recorded 16 data to the final Froject Record Doc�unents. 17 18 19 20 21 22 2. In the event of lass af recorded data, use means necessary to again secure the data to the City's approval. a. In such case, provide replacements to the standards originally required by the Contract Dacuments. Z.11 FIELD [SITE] CONDITIONS [NOT USED] �.12 WARRANTY [NOT USED] 23 PART � - PRODUCTS 24 �.1 OWNER-FURNTSHED [oe] OWNER�SUPPLIED PRODUCTS [NOT USED] 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 2.� RECORD DOCUMENTS A. Jab set 1. Promptly following receipt of ihe Notice ta Proceed, secure from the City, at no charge to #he Contractor, 1 complete set of a11 Documents co�npris�ng the Contract. B. Final Record Dacuments 1. At a time nearing the carnpletion of the Work and prior to Final inspection, provide the City 1 complete set of all Final Record Drawings in the Cantract. CITY OF FORT WQRTH ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS PLOW METER REPLACEMENTS Revised 7uly 1, 2011 C1TY PROJECT NO. 102056 01 78 39 - 3 PRO]ECT RECORD DOCUMENTS Pagc 3 af 5 1 2 2.3 ACCESSORIES [NOT USED] �.4 SOURCE QUALITY CONTROL [NOT USED) 3 PART 3 � EXECUTION 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 4i 42 43 3.1 INSTALLERS [NOT USED] 3.� EXAMINATION [NOT USED] 3.3 PREPARATI�N [NOT USED� 3.4 MAINTENANCE DOCUMENTS A. Maintenance of Job Set 1. Immediately upon receipt af the j ob set, identify each of the Docu�ents with the title, "RECORD DOCITMENTS - J�B SET". 2. Preservaiion a. Considering the Contract connpletion time, the probable number oioccasions upon which the job set must be taken out for new entries and for examination, and the conditions under which these activities will be per%rmed, devise a snitable method for protecting the job set. b. Do not use ihe job set for any purpose except entry of new data and for review by the City, until start of transfer of data to final Project Recorc� Documents. c. Maintain the job set at the site of work. 3, Coord.inatiQn with Constiruction Survey a. At a minimum, in accordance with the intervaIs sat forth in Section Ol 71 23, clearly mark any deviations from Contract Docezments associated with installation of the infrastructure. 4. Making entries an Drawings a. Record any deviations from Cantract Documents. b. CJse an erasable colored pencil (not ink or indelible pencil}, clearly describe the change by graphic line and note as required. c. Date all entries. d. Call attention to the eniry by a"cloud" drawn around the area or areas affected. e. In the event of overlapping changes, use different colors for the averlapping changes. 5. Conversion of schematic layouts a. In some cases on the Drawings, arrangements of conduits, circuits, piping, ducts, and similar items, are shown schematically and are not intended to par�ray precise physical layout. 1) Final physical arrangement is deterinined by the Contractor, subject to the City's approval. 2) However, design of fu�ure modifications of the facility rnay require accurate information as to the fnal physical layout of items which are shown only schematically on the Drawings. b. Show on the job set of Record Drawings, by dimension accurate to within 1 inch, the centerline of each run of items. 1) Final physical arrangement is determined by the Contractor, subject to the City's approval. CITY O� E'ORT WORTH ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFiCATION DOCU3VIENTS FLQW METER REPI,ACEMENTS Revised 3uly 1, 2011 CITY PRpJEC7' NO. 10205b 017839-4 PROIEC�' RECORD DOCUMENTS Page 4 of 5 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 lQ 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 ZS 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 2} Show, by symbol or note, the vertical lacation of the Item ("under slab", "in ceiling plen�m", "exposed", and the like). 3} Make a11 identification sufficiently descriptive t�at it may be related reliably to the Sgecifications. c. The City may waive the requireinents for conversion of schematic layouts where, in the City's judgment, conversion serves no useful purpose. However, do not rely upon waivers being issued except as specifically issued in writing by the City. B. Final Project Record Dacuments 1 2 Transfer of data to Drawings a. Carefully transfer change data shawn on the job set oFRecord Drawings to the corresponding final documents, coordinating the changes as required. b. Clearly indicate at each affected detail and other Drawing a full description of changes made during construction, and the actual lacation of items. c. CaIl attention to each entry by drawing a"cloud" around the area ar areas affected. d. Make changes neatly, consistently and with the proper media to assure Iongevity and clear repraduction. Transfer of data to other pocuments a. If the Documents, other than Drawings, have been kept clean during progress of the Work, and if enfries thereon have been orderly ta the approval of the City, the job set of those Documents, ather than Drawings, wili be accepted as final Record Docurnents. b. If any such Document is not so approved by the City, secure a new copy of that Document from the City at the City's usual charge for reproduct�on and handling, and carefully transfer the change data ta the new copy to the approval of the Ciiy. 3.� REPAIR / RESTORATION [NOT USED] 3.6 RE-INSTALLATION [NOT USEDj 3.i FIELD [ox] SITE QUALITY CONTROL �NOT USED] 3.8 SYSTEM STARTIIP [NOT USED] 3.9 ADJiTSTING [NOT USED] 3.I0 CLEANING [NOT USED] 3.11 CLOSEOUT ACTIVTTIES [NOT USED] 312 PROTECTION [NOT USED] 3.13 MAINTENANCE [NOT USED] 3.14 ATTACHMENT� [NOT USED] END OF SECTION CITY OF FORT WQRTfI STAIVDARD CONSTRUCTIQN SPEGIFIGATION DOGUMENTS Re�ised July 1, 2011 ROLL[NG HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS CITY PRO]ECT NO. 102056 01 78 39 - S PROJECT RECORD �OCUMENTS Pagc 5 of 5 Revisian Log DATE NAME SUMMARY OF CHANGE CITY OF FORT WOATH ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT STANDARb CONSTRIJC'T'TON SPECTFICATION DOCUMENTS FLqW METER REPLACEivIENTS Rcviscd July 1, 2011 CITY PRbJECT NQ. 102056 02 41 l4 - 1 UTILITY REMQVALIABANf]ONMENT Page l of 16 1 2 3 PART1- GENERAL 4 1.1 �UMMARY 5 � 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1$ 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 OSECTIQN 02 41 14 UTILITY REMOVAL/ABANDONMENT A. Section Includes: 1. Direction for the removal, abandoninent or salvaging of the following utilities: a. Cathodic Protection Test Stations b. Water Lines c. Gate Valves d. Water Valves e. Fire Hydrants £ Water Meters and Meter Box g. Water Sampling Station h. Concrete Water Vaults i. Sanitary Sewer Lines j. Sanitary Sewer Manholes k. Sanitary Sewer Junction Boxes I. Storm Sewer Lines m. Storm Sewer Manhole Risers n. Storm Sewer Junction Boxes o. Storm Sewer Inlets p. Box Culverts q, Headwalis and Safety End Treatments r. Trench Drains B. Deviatians fi-om this Ciry of Fort Worth Standard Specification 1. None. 27 C. Related Specification Sections include, but are not necessarily liinited to: 28 1. Division 0— Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms and Conditions of the Contr-act 29 2. Division 1— General Requireinants 30 3. Section 03 34 13 — Controlled Low Strength Material {CLSM) 3I 4. Section 33 OS 10 — Utility Trench Excavatian, Embedment and Backfill 32 5. �ection 33 OS 24 -- Installation of Carrier Pipe in Casing or Tunnel Liner Plate 33 6. Section 33 11 1]— Ductile Iron Fittings 34 7. Section 33 11 13 — Concrete Pressure Pipe, Bar-wrapped, Steel Cylinder Type 35 $. Section 33 11 14 — Buried Steel Pipe and Fittings 36 9. Section 33 12 25 — Connection to Existing Water Mains 37 1.2 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES 3& A. Utility Lines 39 1. Abandonment of Utility Line by Grouting 44 a. Measurement CITY OF FQRT WORTH ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT STANdARD CONSTRUCTION SPECTFiCATION DOCUMENTS FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS Revised December 20, 2012 CITY PRO]ECT NO. 102056 ozai ia-z UTILITY REMOVAL/ABANDONMEI�T Page 2 of 16 1 2 3 4 5 5 7 8 9 IO 11 12 13 14 15 16 ]7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 1} Measurement far this Item shall be per cubic yard of existing utility line to be grouted. Measure by tickets showing cubic yards of grout applied. b. Payment 1) The work performed and materials fnrnisl�ed in accordance with this Item and measured as pravided under "Measurement" shalI be paid for at the ttnit price per cubic yaxd of "Line Grouting" for: a) Various types of utility line c. The price bid shall include: 1) Low density cellular grout or CLSM 2) Water 3) Pavement removal 4) Excavation 5} Hauling 6} Disposal of excess materials 7) Furnishing, placement and compaction of backfilI $) Clean-up 2. Utility Line Removal, Separate Trench a. Measurement 1) Measiu-ement for this Ite�n shall be per linear foat of existing unlity line to be removed. b. Payment 1) The wark perfonned and materia�s furnished in accordance with this Item and measured as provided under "Measurement" shaIl be paid for at t�e unit price bid per linear foot of "Remove Line" for: a) Various types of exisnng utility line b} Various sizes c. The price bid shali include: 1) Removal and disposal of existing utiIity pipe 2) Pavement removal 3} Exca�ation 4) Hauling 5) Disposat of excess materials 6) Furnishing, placement and coynpaciion of backfill 7) Clean-up 3. Urility Line Removai, Same Trench a. Measurement 1) This Item is considered subsidiary the proposed utility line being installed. b. Payment 1) The work perfonned and materials furnished in accardance with this Itam are subsidiary to the ins�allation of proposed utility pipe and shall be subsidiary to the �nzt price bid per linear foat oipipe camptete in place, and no other compensation will be allowed. 4. Manhale Abandantnent a. Measurement 1} Measurement for this Item will be per each manhole to be abandoned. b. Payment 1) The work performed and materials furnished in accordance with this Item and measured as provided under "Measurement" shall be paid for at the unit price bid per each "Abandon Manhole" for: C1TY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD C�NSTRiICTION SPECIFICATIOiV QOCUMENTS Revised I}ecember 20, 2012 ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT FLOW METER FZEPLACEMENTS CI7'Y PROJECT NO. 102656 Q241 14-3 UTILiTY REMOVALIASANDONMENT Page 3 of 16 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 4 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 T9 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 3S 36 37 38 39 40 �1 42 43 44 4S 46 47 48 �9 5 a} Various diameters b} Various types c. The price bid shall include: 1) Removal and disposal af rnanhole cone 2) Removal, salvage and delivery of frame and cover to City, if appIicable 3) Cutting and plugging of e�isting sewer lines 4) Concrete 5) Acceptable material for back�lling manhole void b) Pavement reznoval 7) Excavation 8) Hauling 9) Disposal of excess materials l 0) Furnishing, placement and coanpaction of Uackiill 11) S urface restoration 12) Clean-up Cathodic Test Station Abandonment a. Measurement 1) Measurement for this Item will be per each cathodic test station to be abandoned. b. Payment 1} The work performed and materials fiirnished in accardance with this Item and measured as provided under "Measurement" shalt be paid for at the unit price bid per each "Abandon Cathodic Test Station". c. The price bid shall include: 1} Abandon cathodic test statian 2} CLSM 3} Pavement removal 4) Excavation 5} Hauling 6} Disposal of excess materials 7) Furnishing, placement and compaction of backfill S) Clean-up B. Water Lines and Appurtenances 1. Installatian of a Water Line Pressure Plug a. Measurement 1) Measurem�nt for this Item shall be per each pressure plug to be installed. b. Paymen# 1} The work performed and materials furnished in accQrdance with this Item and measured as provided under "Measureinent" shall be paid for at the unit price bid for each "Pressure Plug" installed far: a) Various sizes a The price bid shall include: 1} F'urnishing and installing pressure plug 2) Pavement removal 3) Excavatian 4} Hauling 5} Disposal of excess material 6} Gaskets 7} Bolts and Nuts CITY O�' FQRT WpRTH STANDARb CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION bOCUMENT5 Re�ised December 20, 2012 ROLLING HiLLS WATER TR�,ATMENT PLANT FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS CITY FR07ECT NO. 102�56 024114-4 UTILITY REMOVALIABANDONMENT Page 4 of 16 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 S 9 10 11 12 13 14 t5 16 17 18 19 20 2� 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 �2 43 44 �45 46 47 �S 49 $} Furnishing, placemeni and compaction of embedment 9) Furnishing, placement and compactian oi backfill 10} Disinfectian . 11) Testing 12} Clean-up 2. Abanaonment of Water Line by Cut and instailation oiAbandonment Plug a. Measurement 1) Measurement for this Itein shall be per each cut and abandanment plug installed. b. Payment 1) The work performed and inaterials furnished in accordance with this Itein and rneasured as provided under "Measureynent" shall be paid for at ihe unit price btd for each "Watar Abandonment Plug" instatled for: a) Various sizes c. The price bid sha11 include: 1) Furnishing and installing abandonment plug 2) Pavement removal 3) Excavation 4} Hauling 5} CLSM 6) Disposal of excess matarial 7) Furnishing, placement and compaction of backfill 8) Clean-up 3. Water Valve Removal a. Meas�aremenC 1} Measuremer�t for this Itarn will be per eac�i water valve to be removed. b. Payment l) The work perFormed and materials furnished in acc�rdance with this Item and measured as provided under "Measurement" shall be paid for at the unit price bid per each "Remove VVater Valve" for: a) Various sizes c. The price bid shall include: 1) Removal and disposal ofvalve 2) CLSM 3) Pavernent reynoval 4) Excavation 5} Haulin.g 6) Disposal of excess materiais 7) Furnishing, placement and compaciion of backfill 8) Clean-up �4. Water Valve Reinoval and Salvage a. Measurement 1) Measurement for this Item will be per each water valve to be removed and salvaged. b. Payment �) The work performed and tnaterials fUrnished in accordance with this Item and measured as provided under "Measurement" shall be paid for at the unit price bi[� per each "Salvage Water Valve" for: a} Various sizes CTI'Y OF FpRT WQRTH STANI]ARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised I)ecember 20, 2012 RQLLING HTT,I,S WATER TREATMENT PLANT FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS Cl'I'Y PR07ECT IVO, I02056 0241 14-5 UTILTPY REMpVAL/ABANDONMENT Page 5 of 16 1 c. The price bid shall include: 2 1} Removal and Salvage of valve 3 2) CLSM 4 3) Delivery to City 5 4) Pavemet�t removal 6 5} Excavation 7 6) Hauling 8 7) Dispasal of excess materials 9 8) Furnishing, placement and compaction af backiill 10 9) Clean-up 11 5. Water Valve Abandonment 12 a. Measurement 13 1) Measurement for this Itern will be per each water valve to be abandaned. 14 b. Payment 15 1) The work perfor�ned and materials furnished in accordance vcrith this Item 16 and ineasured as provided under "Measurement" shall be paid for at the 17 unit price bid per each "Abandon Water Valve" for: 18 a} Various Sizes 19 c. The price bid shall include: 20 1) Abandonrnent of valve 21 2) CLSM 22 3) Pavement removal 23 4) Excava�ion 24 5) Hauling 25 6) Disposal of excess materials 26 7) Furnishing, placement and compaction of backfill 27 $) Clean-up 28 6. Fire Hydrant Removal and Saivage 29 a. Measurement 30 1) Measurem�nt for this Item will be per each fire hydrant to be removed. 31 b. Payment 32 1) The work perfonned and materials furnished in accordance with this Item 33 and ineasured as pravided under "Measurement" shall be paid for at the 34 unit price bid per each "Salvage Fire Hydrant". 35 c. The price bid shall include: 36 1) Removal and salvage af fire hydrant 37 2) Delivery to City 38 3) Pavement removal 39 4} Excavation 40 5) Hauling �1 6) Disposal of excess inaterials 42 7) Furnishing, placement and compaction af backfill 43 8) Clean-up 44 7. Water Meier Removal and Salvage 45 a. Measurement 46 1) Measurement far this Item will be per each water meter to be removed and 47 salvaged. 48 b. Payment CITY OF FORT WORTH ROLLINCs HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECiFICATipN DQCUMENTS FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS Revisad December 20, 2U12 CITY PROJECT Nb. 102056 02 41 14 - 6 UTILITY REMQVAL/ABANDQNMENT Page 6 af 16 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 l) The work performed and inaterials fiunished in accordance with this Item and measured as provided under "Measurement" shall be paid for at the unit price bid per each "Salvage Water Meter" for: a) Various sizes 2) If a"Water Meter Service Relocate" is performed in accordance with Section 33 12 l�, removal and salvage or disposal of the existing {2-inch or smaller) water meter shall be subsidiary to the cast of the "Water Meter Service Relocate", no other compensatian will be allowed. c. The price bid shall include: 1) Removal and saIvage of water meter 2} Delivery to City 3) Pavement removal 4) Excavation 5) Hauling 6) Disposal of excess materials 7) Furnishing, placement anci compaction of backfili 8} Clean-up 8. Water Sampling Statian Removal and Salvage a. Measureinent 1) Measurement for this Item will be per each water sa�nplit�g station to be removed. b. Payrnent 1} The work perfonned and materials furnished in accordance with this Itein and measured as provided unc�er "Measurement" shall be paid for at tha unit price bid per each "Salvage Water Sampling Station". c. The price bid shall include: 1) Removal and salvage of water sampling station 2} DeIivery to City 3} Pavernent removal A) Excavation 5) Hauling 6) Disposal of excess materials 7) Furnishing, pIacement and compaction af backfili 8} Clean-up 9. Cancrete Water Vault Removal a. Measurement 1) Measurement for this Iterri will be per each concrete water vault to be removed. b. Payment 1} The work perFonned and materials furnished in accordance with t�is Item and rneasured as provided under "Measurement" shalI be paid for at the unit price bid per each "Remove Concrete Water Vault". c. The price bid shall include: 1} Removal and disposal of concrete water vault 2} Remaval, salvage and delivery of frame and cover to City, if appticable 3) Removal, salvage and delivery of any valves to City, if applicable 4) Removal, salvage and aelivery oi any water meters ta City, if applicable 5) Pavement removal 6) Excavation CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIOA' DOCUMENTS Revised Decem6er 20, 2012 ROLLING HILL5 WATSR TREATMENT PLANT FLOW METERREPLACEivIENT5 CITY PRO]ECT NO. 102056 024114-7 IJTILITY REMOVAL/ABANDONMENT Page 7 of 16 1 z 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2$ 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 �}5 46 47 7} Hauling 8) Disposal af excess materials 9) Furnishing, placem�nt and compaction of backfill 14} Clean-up C. Sanitary Sewer Lines and Appurtenances 1. Abandonment of Sanitary �ewer Line by Cut and installation of Abandonment Plug a. Measurement 1) Measureinent far this Item s�all be per each cut and abandanrrient pltig installed. b. Pay�nent 1) The work performed and materials furnished in accordance with this Item and measured as pravided under "Measurement" shall be paid far at the unit price bid far each "Sewer Abandanment Plug" for: a) Various sizes c. The price bid shall include: 1) Furnishing and installing abandonment plug 2) Pavement removal 3) Excavation 4} Hauling 5} CLSM 6} Dispasal of excess material 7} Furnishing, placement and compaction of backfiIl 8} Clean-up 2. Sanitary Sewer Manhole Removal a. Measureinent 1} Measurement for this Item will be per each sanitary sewer manhole to be remaved. b. Payrnent 1} The work performed and rnaterials fumished in accordance with this Iiem and measured as provided under "Measurement" shall be paid for at the unit price bid per each "Remove Sewer Manhole" for: a} Variaus diameters c. The price bid shall include: 1) Reinoval and disposal of manhole 2) Removal, salvage and delivery of frame and caver to Ciry, if applicable 3) Cutting and plugging of existing sewer lines 4) Pavement removal 5) Excavation G) Haufing 7) Disposal af excess materials 8) Furnishing, placement and co�npaction of backfill 9) Ciean-up 3. Sanitary Sewer Junction Structure Remaval a. Measurement 1) Measurement for this Item will be per each sanitary sewer junction structure being removed. b. 1'ayrn�nt CITY OF FORT WORTH STANAARD CpNSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION �OCUMENTS Revised December 20, 2012 ROLLiNG HILLS WATSR TREATIVIENT PLANT FLQW METEiZ REPLACEMENTS C1TY PRQJE,CT NO. 102p56 ozai ia-s UTILTTY REMQVAL/ABANDONMENT Page 8 of 16 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 I4 Za 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 �46 47 48 �9 1) The work perfonned and ma�erials furnished in accordance with this Ite�n and measured as provided under "Measureinent" shall be paid for at the luinp sum bid par each "Remove Sewer Junction Box" lacation. c. The price bid shall incIude: 1) Removal and disposal af junction box 2} Removal, salvage and delivery of frarne and cover to City. 3} Pavement remQvaI 4) Excavation 5) Hauling 6) Disposal of excess inaterials 7) �UYY11SI1111�, placement and compaction of backfill 8) Clean��p D. Starm Sewer Lines and Appurtenances 1. Abandonment of Storm Sewer Line by Cut and instailation of Abandomnent Plug a. Measurement 1) Measurement for this Itein shall be per each cut and abandonmen# plug to be installed. b. Payment 1} The work performed and materials furnished in accordance with this Itein and measured as provided under "Measureinent" shall be paid for at the unit price bid for each "Storm Abandonment P1ug" installed for: a} Various sizes c. The price bid shall include: 1) Furnishing and installing abandonment plug 2) Favefnent removal 3} Excavation 4) Hauling 5) CLSM 6) Disposal of excess material 7) Furnishing, placement and compaction of backfill 8} Clean-up 2. Storm Sewer Manhale Reinaval a. Measuremeni 1) Measurement for this Item will be per each storm sewer manhde ta be removed. b. Payment 1) The work performed and materials furnished in accordance with this Item and measured as provided under "Measuretneni" shall be paid for at the unit price bid per each "Remove Manhole Riser" for: a} Various sizes c. The pr�ce bid shall include: 1} Removal and disposal ofmanhole 2} Removal, salvage and deIivery of frame and cover to City, if applicable 3} Pavement removal 4) Excavation 5) Hauli�g 6) Disposal of excess materials 7) Furnishing, placement and compaction of backfill 8} Clean-up CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CON5TRUCTION SPECIFICATfON bOCUMENT5 Revised becember 20, 2012 ROLLING HILL$ WATER TREATMENT PLAI+IT FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS CITY PROIECT NQ. 102056 02 41 l4 - 9 UTILITY REMOVAL/ABANDdNMENT Page 9 of 16 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 �a 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 34 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 44 0 � 3. Starm Sewer Junction Box Removal a. Measurement 1} Measuremen� for this Item will be per each storrn sewer junction structure to be remaved. b. Payment 1) The work performed and materials iurnished in accordance with this Ite�n and measured as provided under "Measurement" shall be paid for at the unit price bid per each "Remove Stor�n Junction Box" for: a) Various sizes c. The price bid shall include: 1) Remaval and disposal af junction box 2) Retnaval, salvage and delivery of frame and caver to Ciry, if applicable 3) Pavement reinoval 4) Excavation 5) Hauling 6) Disposal of excess maierials 7) Fux-nishing, placement and co�npacrion af backfill 8) Clean-up Stonn Sewer Junction Structure Reinaval a. Measureinent 1) Mcasurament for this Item will be per each storm sewer junction structure being remo�ed. b. Payinent 1) The work performed and materials furnished in accordance with this Item and measured as pravided under "Measurement" shall be paid far at the lump sum bid per each "Remove Stonn Junction Structure" location. c. The price bid shall include: 1) Removal and disposal of junctian stnicture 2) Aemoval, salvage and delivery of fraine and cover ta City, if applicable 3) Pavement removal 4} Excavation 5) Hauling 6} Disposal of excess maierials 7) Furnishing, placement and campactian of backfill S} Clean-up 5tarm Sewer Iniet Removal a. Measurement 1} Measurement for this Item wi�ll be per each storm �ewer inlet to be removed. b. Payment 1} The work performed and materials furnished in accardance with t�iis Itein and measured as provided under "Measiu-ement" shall be paid far at the unit price �id per each "Remove Storm In1et" for: a) Various types b) Various sizes c. The price bid shali include: 1} Remaval and disposal of inlet 2} Pavement removal 3} Excavation CITY OF FORT WQRTH STANDARD CONSTRUCT[pN SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised December 20, 2012 ROLLING HILL5 WATER TREA`I'MENT PLAN'I' FLOW IvSETER REPLACEIVIENTS CITY PR07ECT NO. 102D5b 02 41 14 - ] 0 UTILITY REMOVALlABANDQNMENT Page 1p of 16 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 S 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 I7 18 19 za 21 22 23 2�4 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 ai 42 43 4�4 45 46 47 48 49 4) Hauling 5) Disposal of excess materials 6} Furnishing, placement and connpaction of backfill 7) Clean-up 6. Starm Sewer Junction Box Removal a. Measurement 1) Measurernent iar this Itam shall be per linear foot of existing stonn sewer box to be removed. b. Payment 1) The work performed and materials furnished in accordance with this Item and measured as provided under "Measurement" shall be paid for at the unit price bid per linear foot of "Remove Storm Junction Box" for all sizes. c. The price bid shall include: 1) Removal and disposal of Storm 5ewer Box 2) Pavement removal 3) Excavation 4) Hauling 5) Disposal of excess materials 6} Furnishing, placement and cornpaction of backfill 7} Clean-up 7. Headwa11/SET Removal a. Measurement 1) Measurement for this Item will be per each headwall or safety end treatrnent (SET) to be rem�ved. b. Payment 1} The work performed and materials furnished in accardance with ihis Item and measured as provided under "Measurement" shall be paid for at the unit price bid per each "Remove Headwa11/SET". c. The price bid shal� include: 1) Removal and disposal of HeadwaIl/SET 2) Pavement rexnoval 3} Excavatian 4} Hauling 5) DispQsal of excess materials b) Furnishing, placement and compaction ai backfill 7) Clean-up S. Trench Drain Removal a. Measuremeni 1) Measurement for this Item shalt be per linear foot of stonn sewer trench drain to be removed. b. Payment 1) The work perfonned and materials furnished in accordance with this Item and ineasured as provided under "Measurement" shall be paid for at the unit price bid per linear foot of "Remove Trench Drain" for: a} Various sizes c. The price bid shall include: 1) Removal and disposat ofstorm sewer line 2) Pavement removal 3) Excavation CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATiQN DOCUMENTS Revised Decembar 20, 2012 ROI.I.Ii+IG HILLS WAT�R TREATM�NT PLANT FLOW MET�R R�PLAC�M�NTS C1TY PROIECT NO. 102056 02 41 14 - 11 UTILITY REMOVALIABANDOA]IVIENT Page 11 of 16 1 4} Hauling 2 5} Disposal of excess znaterials 3 6} Furnishing, placement and compaction of backfill 4 7} Clean-up 5 1.3 REFERENCES [NOT USEDj 6 1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS 7 A. Caordination 8 1. Contact Inspector and the Water Departinent Field Operation Storage Yard for 9 coordination of salvage material return. 10 1.5 SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 11 1.6 ACTION SUBMITTALS/INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 12 13 1.7 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS �NOT U�ED] 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 14 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE [NOT USED] 15 110 DELIVEAY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING 1� A. Storage and Handling Requirements 17 1, Pratect and salvage all materials such that no damage occ�rs during delivery to the 18 Ciry. 19 ].11 FIELD [SITE] CONDITIONS �NOT USED] 20 11� WAItRANTY [NOT USEDj 21 PART 2 - PRODUCTS 22 2.1 OWNER-FURNISHED [oR] �WNER-SU�PLIED PRODUCTS [NOT USEDJ 23 2.2 MATERIALS 24 2.3 ACCESSORIES [NOT USED] 25 2.4 SOURCE QUALITY CONTROL [NOT USED] 26 PART 3 - EXECUTION 27 3.1 INSTALLERS [NOT USED] 28 3.� EXAMINATION [NOT USED] 29 3.3 PREPARATION [NOT USED] 30 3.4 REMQVAL, SALVAGE, AND ABANDONMENT 31 A. General CITY OF FORT WORTH ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT STANDARD CQNSTRUCTIpN SPECIPICATION DpCUMENTS FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS Re�ised December 20, 2012 C1TY PROJECT NO. E 02056 D2 41 14 - 12 UTILITY R�MOVAL/ABAi1dOI�iMEi�iT Page 12 oF 16 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 I3 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2& 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 4S 46 47 4$ 1. Manhole Abandonment a. All manholes that are to be taken out of service are to be removed unlass specifica�ly requested and/or approved by City. b. Excavate and backfill in accordance with Section 33 05 10. c. Reinove and salvage inanhoie frame and cover as coordinated with City. d. Deliver salvageci rnaterial to the Ciry. e. Cut and plug sewer lines to be abandoned. f. Backfill rnanhole void in accordanca with City Standard Details. B. Water Lines and Appurtenances 1 2. � 4 Water Line Pressure Plugs a. Ductile Iron Water Lines l) Excavate, embed, ana backfill in accordance with Section 33 OS 10. 2) Plug with an MJ Plug with rz�echanical restraint and blocking in accordance with Section 33 ll 11. 3) Perform G�it and Plug in accardance with Section 33 12 25. b. PVC C900 and C905 Water Lines 1) Excavate, einbed, and backfilI in accordance with Seciian 33 OS 10. 2j Plug rnrith an MJ Plug with ynechanical restraint and blocking in accordance with Section 33 I 1 11. 3) Perform Cut and Plug in accordance with Section 33 12 25. a Concrete Pressure Pipe, Bar Wrapped, 5tee1 Cylinder Type Water Lines 1} Excavaie, e�nbed, and backfill in accordance with Section 33 OS 10 2) Plug using: a} A fabricated phig restrainec� by welding or by a Snap Ring in accordance with Section 33 11 13; or b) A blind flange in accordance with Section 33 11 13 3) Perforrm Cut and Plug in accordance with Section 33 12 25. d. Buried Steel Water Lines 1} Excavaie, etnbed, and backfill in accordance with Section 33 OS 10. 2} Piug using: a} A fabricated plug restrained by welding in accordance witIa Section 33 11 14; or b) A blind flange in accordance with Sectian 33 11 14 3) Perform Cut and Plug in accordance with Section 33 12 25. Water Line Abandomnent Plug a. Excavate and backfill in accordance with Section 33 OS 10. b. Phig with CL�M in accordance with Sectian a3 34 13. Water Line Abandonment by Grouting a. Excavate and backfiili in accordance vvith Section 33 OS 10. b. Dewater from existing line to be grouted. c. Fill line with Low Density CeIlular Grout in accordance with Secti�n 33 OS 24 or CLSM in accordance with 03 34 13. d. Dispose of any excess �naterial. Water Line Removal a. Excavate and backfill in accordance with Section 33 45 10. b. Cut existing line frotn the utility system prior to removat. c. Cut any services prior to remaval. d. Remove existing pipe line and properly dispose as approved by City. CITY OF FQRT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised becember 20, 2012 ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS C1TY PROJECT NO. 102056 02 41 14 - 13 UTILITY REMpVAL1AaANDONM�NT Page 13 of 1 fi 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 4 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2I 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 5. Water Valve Removal a. Excavate and backfll in accordance with Section 33 OS 10. b. Remove and dispose of vatve bonnet, wedge and stem. c. Fill valve body with CLSM in accordance with Section 03 34 13. 6. Water Valve Reznoval and Salvage a. Excavate and backfill in accordance with Section 33 OS 10. b. Remove valve bonnet, wedge and stem. c. Deliver sal�aged material to the Water Department Field Operation Storage Yard. d. Protect salvaged materials frorn damage. e. �i11 val�e body with CLSM in accordance with Section 03 34 13. 7. Water Valve Abandonment a. Excavate and backfill in accordance with Section 33 OS 10. b. Remove the top 2 feet of the valve stack and any valve extensions. c. �ill the remaining valve stack with CLSM in accordance with Section 03 34 13. S. Fire Hydrant Removal and Salvage a. Excavate and backfill in accordance with Section 33 US 10. b. Remove Fire Hydrant. c. Place abandonrnent plug an fire hydrant lead line. d. Deliver salvag�d fire hydrant to the Water Department Field Operation Storage Yard. e. Protect salvaged materials from damage. 9. Water Meter Removal and Salvage a. Remove and salvage water meter. b. Return salvaged meter to Project Representative. c. City will provide replacement tneter for installatian. � d. Meter Box and Lid 1} Remove and salvage cast iron meter bax lid. 2} Remo�re and dispose of any non-cast irot� meiar bax lid. 3} Return salvaged material �a the Water Deparhnent Field Qperation Starage Yard. 4} Remove and dispose af ineter box. 33 10. Water Sarnple Station Removal and Salvage 34 a. Remave and salvage existing water sample station. 35 b. Deliver salvaged material to the Water Departinent Field Operation S#orage 36 Yard. 37 1 L Concrete Water Vault Reinoval 38 a. Excavate and back�'ill in accordance with Section 33 OS 10. 39 b. Remove and saivage vault lid. 40 c. Remave and saIvage valves. 41 d. Remove and saIvage meters. 42 e. Deliver salvaged material to the Water Department Fie1d Operation Storage 43 Yard. 44 f. Remove and dispase of any piping or other appurtenances. 45 g. Demolish and remove entire concrete vault. 46 h. Dispose oiall excess materials. 47 12. Cathadic Test Statian Abandonment 48 a. Excavate and backfill in accordance with Section 33 OS 10 CITY pF FORT WORTH ROLLIAIG HiLLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT STANT]ARb CONSTRUCTTON SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS FLpW M�TER R�.PI,ACEIVIENTS Re�ised Deceinber 20, 2012 CITY PRp7ECT NO. � 02U56 02 41 14 - 14 UTILiTY REMOVALIABANDONMENT Page 14 of 16 1 2 3 � 5 6 7 S 9 10 11 12 13 1� 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3a 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 b. Remove the top 2 feet aithe cathodic test station stack and contents. c. Fill any remaining voids with CLSM in accardance with Section 03 34 13. C. Sanitary Server Lines and Appurtenances � 3 � 5 1. Sanitary Sewer Line Abandonrnent Plug a. Excavate and backfill in accordance with Section 33 05 10. b. Reinove and dispose of any sewage. c. Plug with CLSM in accordance with Section 03 34 13. 2. Sanitary Sewer Line Abandonment by Grouting a. Excavate and backfill in accordance with Section 33 05 10. b. Dewater and dispose of any s�wage from the existing line to be grouted. c. Fill lit�e �vifh Low Density Cellular Grout in accordance with 5ection 33 OS 24 or CLSM in accordance with 03 34 l 3. d. Dispose oi any excess material. Sanitary Sewer Line Removal a. Excavate and hackfill in accordance with Sectian 33 OS 10. b. G�it existing line from the utility systern prior to removal. c. Cnt any services prior to removal. d. Remove existing pipe line and properly dispose as approved by City. �anitary Sewer Manholes Removal a. All sanitary sewer manholes that are to be iaken out of serrvice are to be rexnoved unless specifically requested and/or approved by City. b. Excavate and backfill in accordance with Section 33 OS 10. c. Rernove and salvage ynanhole frame and cover. d. Deliver salvaged material to the Water De�artment Field Operation Storage. e. Demolish and remove entire concrete raanhole. f. Cut and plug sewer lines to be abandoned. �anitary Sewer Junction Structure Removal a. Excavate and backfill rn accordance with Section 33 OS 10. b. Remove and salvage manhole fra�ne and cover. c. Deliver salvaged �naterial to the Water Department Field Operation 5torage. d. Demolish and remove entire concrete manhole. e. Cut and plug sewer lines to be abandoned. D. Storm Sewer Lines and Appurtenances 1. Star�n Sewer Abandonnnent Plug a. Excavate and backfill in accordance with Section 33 OS 10. b. Dewater line. c. Plug with CLSM in accordance with Section 03 34 13. 2. Storm Sewer Line Abandonment hy Grouting a. Excavate and backfill in accordance with Section 33 OS 10. b. Dewater the existing lina to be grouted. c. Fill line with Low Density Cellular Grout in accordance with Section 33 OS 24 or CLSM in accardance with 03 34 13. d. Dispose of any excess material. 3. Storm Sewer Line Removal a. Excavate and back�ill in accardance with Section 33 OS 10. b. Remave exisiing pi}�e line and properly dispose as approved by City. 4. Storin Sewer Manhole Removal CITY OF FORT WORTH STA3VDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECTFiCATION DOCUMENTS Revised December 2D, 2012 ROLLI[ZG HILLS WATER TREATMENT PI.ANT FLpW METER REPLACEMENTS CITY PRdJ�CT NO. 102056 oa ai ia - is UTILITY R�MOVAL/ABANDONMENT Paga 15 of 16 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 S 9 10 1� 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 3.5 a. All storm sewer manholes that are to be taken out of ser�rice are to be removed unless specifically requested and/ar approved by City. b. Excavate and backfili in accordance with Sectian 33 05 10. c. Demolish and remove entire concrete manhale. d. Cut and plug stonn sewer lines to be abandoned. 5. Storm Ser�er Junction Box andlor Junction Structure Removal a. Excavate and backfill in accordance with Section 33 OS 10. b. Demolish and remove entire concrete structure. c. Cut and plug storm sewer lines to be abandoned. 6. Storm Sewer Inlet Removal a. Excavate and backfill in accordance with Section 33 OS 10, b. Dernolish and remove entire concrete inlet. c. Cut and plug storm sewer lines to be abandoned. 7. Storm Sewer Box Removai a. Excavate and backfrll in accardance with Section 33 OS 10. b. Cut existing line from the utility system prior to reinoval. c. Cut any services prior ta removal. cE. Remave existing pipe line and praperly dispose as appraved by City. 8. Headwalt/SET Removal a. Excavate and backfill in accordance with Section 33 05 10. b. Demolish and remove entire concrete inlet. c. Cut and plug storm sewer lines ta be abandoned. 9. Storm Sewer Trench Drain Removal a. Excavate and back�'ill in accordance with Section 33 45 10. b. Remove existing pipe line and dispose as approved by City. REPAIR / RESTORATION [NQT USED] 27 3.6 RE-INSTALLATION [NOT USED] 28 3.'� FIELD �ou] SITE QUALITY C�NTROL 29 3.8 �YSTEM STARTUP [NOT USED] 30 3.9 ADJUSTING [NOT USED] 31 32 33 34 35 36 3.10 CLEANING [NOT USEDj 3.11 CLOSEOUT ACTIVITIES [NOT USED] 3.12 PROTECTIQN �NOT USED] 3.13 MAINTENANCE �NOT USED] 3.14 ATTACHMENTS [N�T USED] CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTI4N SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised December 20, 2012 ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT FLQW METER REPLACEMENTS C1TY PRpJECT ND. ] 02�56 02411�}-16 UTILITY REMOVAL/ABANDONMENT Page lb of 16 END OF SECTIUN Revision Log DATE NAME SUMMARY QF CHANGE 1.2.C3.c. — Include Frame and Cover in Payment description 1212a/12 D. 3ohnson Throughout — added abandonment of storm and sewer ma►ilzoles when requested andlor approved by City CTI'Y OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CON3TRUCTTON SPECIFICATTON DOCUMENTS Revised December 2fl, 2012 ROLLING HII,I,S WATER TREATMENT PLAN'F FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS CITY YROJECT NO. 102055 03 30 00 - 1 CAST-IN-PLACE CO3VCRETE Page 1 of 26 1 2 3 PART1- GENERAL 4 L1 �UMMARY 5 6 7 S 9 ta 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 SECTION 03 34 00 CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETB A. Section Includes: 1. Cast-in place concrete, including fonnwork, reinforcement, cancrete materials, rnixriire design, placement procedures and finishes, for the following: a. Piers b. Footings c. Slabs-on-grade d. Foundation walls a. Retaining walls (nan TxDOT} f. Suspended slabs g. Blocking h. Cast-in-place nnanholes i. Cancrete vaults far meters and valves j. Concrete encasement of utiiiry lines B. Deviations from this City of Fart Warth Standard Specification 1. Added 2.2 K 2: Added PVC material to Waterstops section. 2. Added 2.2 K 3:Added Hydrophilic material to Waterstops section. 3. Madified 2.2 P 2 a: Modified minimum compressive strength. 4. Added 2.2 P 3: Added concrete mixt�re for concrete fill within structures. 5. Added 22 P 4: Added concrete mixture for �nud/seal slabs. C. Related Speciftcatian Sections include, but are not necessarily liinited ta: 1. Division 0— Bidding Requirements, Contr-act Forms and Conditions of the Contract 2. Division 1-- General Requirements 27 1.2 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 A. Cast-in-Place Cancrete 1. Measurement a. This Item is considered subsidiary to the structure or Items being placed. 2. Payrnent a. The work performed and the materials furnished in accordance with this Item are subsidiary to the structure or Items being placed and no other compensation will be allowed. 35 1.3 REFERENCES 36 A. Definitions 37 1. Cetneniitious Materiais 38 a. Portland cement alone or in combination with 1 ar more of the following: CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CO�ISTRUCTION SPECIFICATiON DOCUM�NT5 Revised December 20, 2012 033000-2 CAST-Iis-PLACE CONCRETE Page 2 of 26 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 } Blended hydrauIic cement 2} Fiy ash 3) Other pozzolans �4) Crraund granulated blast-furnace slag 5) Silica fume b. Subject to compliance with the requireinents of this specifica�ion 7 B. Ra%rence Standards S 1. Reference standards cited in this Specification xefer to the current reference 9 standard publishad at the time of the Iatest ravision date logged at the ar�d of this 10 Specification, nnless a date is specifically cited. 11 2. American Association of State Highway and Transportation {AASHTO): 12 a. MI$2, Burtap Cloth Made from Jute or Kanaf. 13 l4 15 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 3 � E American Concrete Institute (ACI): a. ACI l 17 Specification for Tolerances for Concrete Construction and Materials b. ACI 301 Specifications for Structural Concrete c. ACI 305.1 Speci�cation for Hot Weather Concreting d. ACI 30G.1 Standard Specification for Cold Weather Concreting e. ACI 308.1 Standard Speci�'ication iar Curing Concrete f. ACI 31$ Builcling Cade Requiraments for Structural Concrete g. ACI 347 Guide to Farmwork %r Concrate American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC}: a. 303, Code of Standard Practice for Steel Buildings and Bridges. ASTM International {ASTM}: a. A36, Standard Specification for Carbon Structural Steel. b. A153, Standard Specification for Zinc Coating (Hot-Dip) on Iron and Steel Hardware. c. A193, Standard Specification for Alloy-Steel and StainIess Steel Bolting Materials for High-Ternperature Service and �ther Special Purpose Applications. d. A615, Standard Specification for Deforined and Plain Carbon-Steel Bars far Concrete Reinforcement. e. A706, Standard Specification for Low-Alloy Steei Deformed and Plain Bars for Concrete Reinforcement. f. C31, Standard Practice for Making and Curing Concrete Test Specimens in the Field. g. C33, Standard Speci�cation for Concrete Aggregates. h. C39, Standard Test Method for Cornpressive Strength of Cylindrical Concrete Specimens. i. C42, Standard Test Method for Obiaining anc� Testing Drilled Cores and Sawed Bearns of Concrete. j. C94, Standarc� �pecificatian for Ready-Mixed Concrete. k. C109, Standard Tesi Method for Compressive Strength of Hydraulic Cernent Mortars (Using 2-inch or {50-milimeter] Cube Specimens) 1. C143, Standard Test Method for Slump of Hydraulic-Cement Concrete. m. C171, Standard Specificatian for Sheet Materials for Curing Concrete. n. C150, Standard Specification for Portland Cement. o. C172, Standard Practice for Sampling Freshly Mixed Concrete. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTTON SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised December 20, 2012 033000-3 CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE Page 3 of 26 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 S 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3I p. C219, Standard Terminology Relating to Hydraulic Cement. q. C231, Standard Test Method for Air Content of Freshly Mixed Concrete by the Pressure Method. r. C260, Standard Specification for Air-Entraining Adinixtures for Concrete. s. C309, Standard Speci�cation for Liquid Membrane-Fonning Cornpounds for Curing Concrete. t. C494, Standard Speci�cation for Chemical Admixtures for Concrete. u. C61$, Standard Specification for Coa3 Fly Ash and Raw or Calcined Natural Pozzolan for Use in Concrete. v. C$81, Standard Specification for Epoxy-Resin-Base Bonding Systems for Concrete. w. C989, Standard Specification for Ground Granulated Blast-Furnace 51ag for Use in Concrete and Mortars. x. C 1017, Standard Specification for Chemical Admixtures for Use in Producing Flowing Concrete. y. C 1459, 5tandard Specification for Latex Agents for Bonding Fresh to Hardened Concrete. z. C� 064, Standard Test Method for Temperature of Freshly Mixed Hydraulic- Cement Concrete. aa. C 1240, Standard Specification for Silica Fume Used in Cementitious Mixtures. bb. El I 55, Standard Test Meihod for Determining FF �'laor Flatness and F� Floar Levelness Numbers. cc. F436, Standard Specificatian for Hardened Steel Washers. 6. American Welding Society (AWS). a. D1.1, Structural Welding Code - Steel. b. D1.4, Structural Welrling Code � Reinforcing Steel. 7. Cancrete Reinforcing Steel Institute (CRSI} a. Manual of Sfandard Practice 8. Texas Department of Transportation a. Standard Specification for Construction and Maintenance of Highways, Streets and Bridges 32 l.4 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 4b A. Work Included 1. Design, fabrication, erection and stripping of farmwark for cast-in-place concrete including shoring, reshoring, faIsework, bracing, proprietaxy fonning systerns, prefabricated forms, void forms, per�nanent metal fonns, bulkheads, keys, blockouts, sleeves, pockets and accessories. a. Erectian shall include installation in formwark of items furnzshed by other trades. 2. Furnish all labar and materials required to fabricate, deliver and install reinforcement and embedded metal assemblies for cast-in-place cancrete, i�cluding steel bars, welded steeI wire fabric, ties, supports and sleeves. 3. Furriish all labor and materials required to perform the folIowing: a. Cast-in-place concrete b. Cancrete mix designs c. Crrouting CITY OF FORT WQRTH STAi�DARD CONSTRIJCTTON SP�CIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised December 20, 2Q12 oa�000-� CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE Page 4 of 26 1 1.5 SUBMITTALS 2 A. Subinrttals sha116e in accordance with Section O1 33 00. 3 B. All subinrttals shall be approved by the City prior to delivery andlor fabrication for 4 specials. 5 I.b ACTION SUBMITTALSIINFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS 6 A. Prodnct Data 7 1. Required for each type of product indicatec� 8 B. Dasign Mixtures 9 1. For each concrete mixture submit proposed mix designs in accordance with ACI 10 31 S, chapter 5. 11 2. Submit each proposed rnix design with a racord of past performance. 12 3. Subrr�it al�ernate design mixtures �vhen characteristics of materials, Project condi- 13 tions, weather, test results or other circumstances warrant adjUstments. 14 4. Indicate amounts of mixing water to be withheld for later addition at Project site. 1 S a. Include this quantity on deIivery ticket. 16 C. Stee1 Reinforcement Submittals for Infannation 17 1. Milt test certifcates of supplied concrete reinforcing, indicating physical and chem- 18 ical analysis. 19 1.� CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 20 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 21 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE 22 A. Man�iact�arer Qualifications 23 1. A firm experienced in manufacturing ready-mixed concrete products and that com- 24 plies with ASTM C94 requirements for production facilities and equipm�nt 25 2. Manuiacturer certified according to NRMCA's "Certification of Ready Mixed 26 Concrete Production Facilities" 27 B. Source Limitations 28 1. Obtain each type or class af cementitious inaterial of the satne brand froin the same 29 manufacturer's plant, obtain aggregate from 1 sonrce and obtain admixtures through 30 1 source from a single manufaciurer. 31 C. ACI Publications 32 1. Comply with the following unless modiiied by requirements in the Contract Docu- 33 ments: 34 a. ACI 301 Sections 1 through 5 35 b. ACI117 36 D. Concrete Testing Service 37 i. Engage a quali�ed independent testing agency to perf'orm material evaluation tests. CITY OF FOAT WORTIi STANpARD C�NSTRCTCTIpN SPECIF1CATfON bOCUM�NT5 Revised December 20, 2012 033000-5 CAST-IN-PT.ACE CQNCR�TE Page 5 of 26 1 1.10 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLiNG 2 A. Steal R�in%rcement 3 1. Deliver, stoxe, and handle steel reinfarcement to prevent bending and damage. 4 2. Avoid damaging coatings on steel reinfarcement. 5 B. Waterstops � 6 1. Store waterstops under cover to pratect from moisture, sunlight, dirt, oiI and other 7 contasninants. 8 E 1.11 FIELD CONDITIONS jNOT USED] 1.12 WARRANTY �NOT USED] 10 PART � - PRODUCTS 11 �.1 OWNER-FURNi�HED OR OWNER-SUPPLIED PRODUCTS [NOT USED] 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 34 31 32 33 34 35 3b 37 3$ 39 40 2.2 PRODUCT TYPES AND MATERIALS A. Manufacturers 1. In other Part 2 articies where titles below introduce lists, the follawing requireinents apply to praduct seiectian: a. Available Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, products that may be incarporated inta the Wark include, but are not limited to, products specified. b. Available Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, manufacturers offering products that may i�e incorporated inta the Wark include, but are not limited to, manufacturers speci�ed. B. Form-Facing Materials 1. Rough-Fonned �'inished Concrete a. Plywood, lumber, metal or another approved material b. Pro�ide lumber dressed an at least 2 edges and 1 side for tight fit. 2. Chamfer Strips a. Wood, metal, PVC ar rubber strips b. 3/a-inch x 3/a-inch, minimum 3. Rustication Str'ips a. Wood, metal, PVC or rubber strips b. Kerfed far �ase of form removal 4. Form-Release Agent a. Cammercially formulated form-release agent that will not bond with, stain or adversely affect concrete surfaces b. Shal1 not impair subsequent treaiments of cancrete surfaces c. For steel form-facing materials, formulate with rust inhibitar. 5. Form Ties a. Factory-fabricated, reraovable or snap-off inetal or glass-fiber-reinforced plastic form ties designed to resist lateral pressure of fresh concrete on forms and to prevent spalling of concrete on removal. C1TY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPEC[FICATION DOCUMEN`FS Revised December 20, 2012 03 3D 00 - 6 CAST-IIV-PLACE COiVCRETE Page & of 26 l 2 3 4 5 6 7 S 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 b. Furziish units that will leave no corrodible metal closer than 1 inch to the plane of exposed concrete surface. c. Furnish ties that, when removed, will leave holes no larger than 1 inch in diameter in concrete surface. d. Furnish ties with integral water-barrier plates to walls indicated to receive dampproofing or waterproofing. C. SteeI Reinforcernent l . Reinforcing Bars a. ASTM A615, Crrade 60, deforined D. Reinforcement Accessories 1. Smooth Dowel Bars a. A5TM A615, Grade 60, steel bars (smooth} b. Cut bars true to length with ends square and free of burrs. 2. Bar Supports a. BolsCers, chairs, spacers and other devices for spacing, supporiing and fastening reinforcing bars and welded wire rei�nforcement in place b. Manufacture bar supports from steel wire, plastic or precast concrete according to CRSI's "Manual of Standard Practice," of greater compressive strength than concrete and as follows: 1) Far cancrete surfaces exposed to view where legs of wire bar supports contact forms, use CRSI C1ass 1 plastic-protected steel wire or CRSI Class 2 stainless-steel bar supports. 2) For slabs-on-grade, provide sand plates, horizantal runners or precast concrete blocks on bottom where base material will noi support chair legs or where vapor barrier has been specified. E. Etnbedded Metal Assemblies 1. 5tee1 Shapes and Plates: ASTM A36 2. Headed Studs: Heads welded by fulI-fiision process, as furnished by TRW Nelson Stud Welding Division or approved equal F. Expansion Anchars 1. Available Products a. Wej-it Bolt, Wej-it Corporation, Tulsa, Oklahoma b. Kwik Bolt II, Hi1�i Fastening Systeins, Tulsa, Qklahoma c. Trubott, Ramset Fastening Systems, Paris, Kentucky G. Adhesive Anchors and Dowels 1. Adhesive anchors sl�all consist of threaded rods anchored with an adhesive system into hardened cancrete or grout-filled masonry. a. The aahesive system sha11 use a 2-component adhesive mix and shall be injected with a static mixing nozzle foltowing manufacturer's instructions. b. The embedinent depth of the rad shall provide a minimum allowable bond strength that is equal to the allowable yield capacity of the rod, unless otherwise specified. 2. Avaitable Products a. Hilti HIT HY 200 b. Simpson Acryiio-Tie CITY OF FORT WORTH STANQARD CONSTRUCTION 3PECIFICATION DdCUMEIVTS Revisacf Decembar 20, 2D12 03 3000-7 CAST-Ti�I-pLACE CONCitETE Page 7 of 26 c. Powers Fasteners AC 100-� Gald 2 3 �4 5 6 7 8 4 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 3. Threaded Rods: ASTM A193 a. Nuts: ASTM A563 hex carbon steel b. Washers: ASTM F43b �iardened carbon steei c. Finish: Hot-dip zinc caating, ASTM A153, Class C H. Inserts Provide metal inserts required for anchorage of materials or equipinent to cancrete construction where not supplied by other trades: a. In vertical concrete surfaces for transfer of direct shear loads only, provide adjustable wedge inserts of malleable cast iron compiete with bolts, nuts and washers. 1) Provide 3/a-inch bolt size, unless otherwise indicated. b. In harizantal concrete surfaces and whenever inserts are subject to tension iarces, provide threaded inserts of malIeable cast iron furnished with full depth bolts. 1) Provide 3/4-inch bolt size, unless otherwise indicated. I. Concrete Materials Cementitious Material a. Use the following cernentitious materia�s, of the same iype, brand, and source, throughout Project: 1) Portland Cement a} ASTM C150, Type I/JI, gxay b) Supplement with the following: (1) Fly Ash (a) ASTM C618, Class C or F (2} Ground Granulat�d Blast-Furnace Slag (a) ASTM C9$9, Grade lOfl or 12U. 2) Silica Fume a) ASTM C1240, amorphous silica 3) Normal-Weight Aggregates a) ASTM C33, Class 3S coarse aggregate or better, graded b) Pravide aggregates from a single source. 4) Maximum Coarse-Aggregate Size a) 3/4-inch nominal 5) Fine Aggregate a) Free of materials with deleteriaus reactivity to alkali in cement 6} Water a) ASTM C9� and potable J. Admixtures 1. Air-Entraining Admixture a. ASTM C260 2. Chemicai Admixtures a. Provide admixtures certified by manufacturer to be compatible with other ad- �nixhu'es and that will not con�-ibute water-soluble chloride ions exceeding those perznitted in hardened concrete. b. Do not use calcium chlaride ar admixtures containing calcium chloride. CTPY OF FpRT WORTH STAi+IbARb CONSTRUCTIOIV 5PBCIFICATION I}QCUMENTS Revised Decerr�ber 20, 20 ] 2 033000-5 CA5T-I[V-PLACE CONCRETE Page 8 of 26 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 S 4 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 c. Water-Reducing Admixture 1) ASTM C494, Type A d. Retarding Admixhare 1) ASTM C494, Type B e. Waier-Reducing and Retarding Admixture 1) ASTM C494, Type D f. High-Range, Water�Reducing Admixture 1} ASTM C494, Type F g. High-Range, Water-Reducing and Retarding Admixture 1) ASTM C494, Type G h. Plasticizing and Retarding Admixture 1) ASTM C1017, Type II K. Waterstops 1. Self Expanding Butyl Strip Waterstops a. Manufactured rectangular or trapezoidal strip, butyl rubber with sodium bentonite or otk�er hydrophilic polymers, for adhesive bonding to concrete, 3/a- inch x l -inch. b. Available Products 1) Colloid Environmental Technologies Coinpany; Volclay Waterstop-RX 2) Concrete Sealants Inc.; Conseal CS-231 3} Greenstreak; Swellstop 4) Henry Company, Sealants Division; Hydro-Flex 5) JP Specialties, Inc.; Earthshield Type 20 6) Progress Unlimited, Inc.; Superstop 7) TCMiraDRI; Mirastop 2. Polyvinyl Chloride: a. Material Requireynents: 1) Waterstops shall be extruded from an e�astomeric polyvinyl chloride com- pound containing the plasticizers, resins, stabiIizers, and other materials necessary to meet the requirements of these Specifications and the require- ments of CRD-0572. No reclaimed or scrap material shall be used. 2} Tensile strength of finished waterstop: 1,400 psi, min,imutm. 3) Ultimate elongation of �nished waterstop: 28p percent, ininimum. 4) Minirnum thickness shall be 3/8-inch. 5) Waterstops shall be provided with a minimum of seven ribs aqually spaced at each end on eacl� side. The first rib shall be at the edge. Ribs shall be a minimum of 1/8-inch in height. b. Construction Joints: Waterstops shall be centerbulb ribbed type and 6-inches minimum in width, unless shown otherwise. c. Expansion Joints: Watarstops shall be centerbulb ribbed type and 9-inchas �ninimum in width, unless shown otherwise. The centerbulb shall have a mini- mum outside diameter of 7/$-inch. d. Available manufact�irers: 1) VinyIex. 2) Greenstreak Plastic Products Company 3. Hydraphilic �7aterstop Materials a. General Material Properties: CITY pF FORT WORTH STATIbARb CONSTRUCTION SPECTFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised December 20, 2012 o3soao-9 CAST-IN-PLACE CdNCRETE Page 9 of 26 1 1) Hydrophilic waterstop inaterials shall be bentanite-free and shall expand by 2 a minimum of 80 percent of dry volume in the presence af water to form a 3 watertight joint seal without dainaging the concrete in which it is cast. 4 Provide only where indicated in the Contract Dacuments. 5 2) The material shall be composed of resins and polymers which absorb water 6 and cause an increase in volume in a completely reversible and repeatable 7 process. The waterstop rnaterial shall be dimensionally stable after repeat- 8 ed wet-dry cycles with no deterioration of swelIing potential. 9 3) Select materials which are recominended by the manufacturer for the type 10 of liquid to be cantained. 11 b. Hydrophilic Waterstop: 12 l) The miniinuin crass-sectional dirr�ensions shall be 3-1C-inch by 3/4-inch. 13 2) Product and Manufacturer: Provide on of the fallowing: 14 15 1� 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3U 31 32 33 c. � a} Duroseal Gasket, by BBZ USA, Inc. b} Adeka Ultraseal MC-2014M, by Asahi Denka Kogyo K.K. c} Hydrotite, by Greenstrea.k Piastic Products Company, Hydrophilic Sealant: 1) The hydrophilic sealant shall adhere firmly to concrete, metal and PVC in dry or damp condition. When cured it shall be elastic indefinitely. 2) Product and Manufachirer; Provide one of the following: a} Duroseal Paste, by BBZ USA, Inc. b} Adeka Ultraseal P-201, by Asahi Denka Kogyo K.K. c} Hydrotite, by Crreenstreak Plastic Products Company. d} SikaSwell S, by Sika Corporation. Hydrophilic Injectian Resin: 1) Hydrophilic injectian resin shall be acrylate-ester based. The viscasity shall �e less than 50 cps. The resin shall be water soluble in its uncured state, solvent free and non-wa��r reactive. In the curad state it shall form a salid hydrophilic flexible material which is resistant ta permanent water pressure and shall not attach bitumen, jaint sealants or conerete. 2) Product and Manufacturer: Provide one of the fallowing: a} Duroseal Inj�ct 1K/2K, by BBZ USA, Inc. b} Sika Injection 29, by Sika Corporation, 34 L. Curing Materials 35 1. Absorptive Cover 36 a. AASHTQ M182, Class 2, burlap cloth made from jute or kenaf, weighing 37 approximately 9 ounces/square yard when dry 38 39 44 41 42 43 44 45 46 �}7 2. Moisture-Retaining Cover a. ASTM C171, polyethylene film or white burlap-polyethytene sheet 3. Water a. Potable 4. Clear, Waterborne, Metnbrane-Fonning Curing Coinpound a. ASTM C309, Type l, Class B, dissipating b. Available Products 1) Anti-Hydro International, Inc., AH Curing Coinpound #2 DR WB 2) Burke by Edoco; Ayua Resin Cure 3) ChemMasters; Safe-Cure Clear CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION Si'ECIFICATION I}OCUMENTS Revised T]ecember 20, 2a12 03 30 D0 - l0 CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE Page 10 of26 1 2 3 4 5 G 7 8 9 10 ll 12 13 i4 15 16 17 18 19 Za 21 22 23 24 25 4) Conspec Marketing & Manufacturing Co., Inc., a Dayton Superior Company; W.B. Resin Cure 5} Dayton Superior Corporation; Day Chem Rez Cure (J-ll-W) 6) Euclid Chemical Coinpany (The), Kurez DR VOX 7) Kaufman Products, Inc.; Thinfilm 420 $) Lambert Corporation; Aqua Kure-Clear 9} L&M Construction Chemicals, Inc.; L&M Cure R 10} Meadaws, W. R., Inc.; 1100 Clear i 1) Nox-Crete Products Group, Kinsman Corporation; Resin Cure E 12) Symons Corporation, a Dayton Superior Company; Resi-Chem Clear Cure 13) Tamms Indusk-ies, Inc.; Horncure WB 30 l4) Unitex; Hydro Cure 309 l5) US Mix Praducts Company; US Spec Maxcure Resin Clear 16} Vexcon Chemicals, Inc.; Certi-Vex Enviocure 100 M. Retated Materiais 1. Bonding Agent a. ASTM C1059, Type II, non-redispersible, acrylic emulsion or styrene butadiene 2. Epoxy Bonding Adhesive a. ASTM C881, 2-component epoxy resin, capable of humzd curing and bondi�g to damp surfaces, of class suitable for application temperature and of grade to suit requirements, and as follows: 1} Types I and II, non-load bearing 2) IV and V, load bearing, for bonding 3) Hardened or freshly mixed concrete to hardened concrete 2b 3. Reglets 27 a. Fabricate reglets oi n�t less than 0.0217-inch thick, galvanized steel sheet 28 b. Temporar�ly fill ar cover face opening of reglet to prevent intrusion of concrete 29 or debris. 30 4. Sleeves and Blockouts 31 a. Formed with galvanized metal, galvanized pipe, pQIy�+inyl chloride pipe, fiber 32 tubas or waod 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 4Q 41 42 43 44 45 5. Nails, Spikes, Lag Bolts, Through Bolts, Anchorages a. Sized as required b. Shall be of strength and character to maintain formwork in place while placing concrete N. Repair Materials 1. Repair Underlayment a. Cement-based, poiymer-modif�ed, seIf-leveling product that can be applied in thicknesses of 1/8 inch or greater 1) Do not feather. b. Ceinent Binder l) ASTM C 150, portland cement or hydraulic ar blended hydraulic ceinent as defined in ASTM C219 c. Primer CITY OF FORT WORTH STANbARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised December 20, 2012 oss000-ii CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE Page 1 ] of 26 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 14 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 1} Product of underlayment rnanufacturer recommended for substrate, candi- tions, and applzcation d. Aggregate i} Well-graded, washed gravel, 1/8 to 114 inch or coarse sand as recommended by underlaytnent �nanufacturer e. Compressive 5trength 1} Not less ihan 4100 psi at 28 days when tested accarding to ASTM C 1 Q9/C 109M 2. Repair Overlayment a. Cement-based, polyrner-modified, self-leveling product that can be applied in thicknesses of 1/8 inch or g�-eater 1} Do not feather. b. Cement Binder 1} ASTM C 15a, portland cement or hydraulic or blended hydrau[ic cement as defined in ASTM C219 c. d. e. Primer 1} Product of topping manufacturer reca�n�nended for substrate, conditions, and application Aggregate 1} Well-graded, washed gravel, 11$ to 1/4 i�ch or coarse sand as recornrnend- ed by topping manufacturer Compressive Strength 1) Not Iess than 5000 psi at 28 days when tested according to ASTM C109 O. Concrete Mixtures, General 1 2. Prepare design mixture� for each type and strength of concrete, proportianed an the basis of laboratory trial mixture or field test data, or both, according to ACI 301, a. Required average strength abo�re specified strength 1) Based on a record ofpast perfonnance a} Determination of required avarage strength above specified strength shalI be based on the standard deviation record of the results of at least 3Q consecutive strength tests in accordance with ACI 31$, Chapter 5.3 by the larger amount defined by farmulas 5-I and 5-2. 2) Based on laboratory trial mixtures a} Praportions shall be se�ected on the basis of labaratory trial batches pr�pared in accordance with ACI 318, Chapter 53.3.2 to produce an average strength greater than the speci�ed s�rength fc by the amount defined in table 3) Proportions af ingredients for cancrete inixes shall be determined by an in- dependent testing laboratary or qualified cancrete supplier. 4) For each propased rnixture, at least 3 compressive test cylinders shall be made and tested for strength at the specified age. a) Additional cylinders may be made for testing for information at earlier ages. Cementitious Materials a. Limit percentage, by weight, of cementitious materials other than partland ce- ment in concrete as fallows, unless specified otherwise: 1) Fly Ash; 25 percent 2) Cambined Fly Ash and Pozzalan: 25 percent CITY OF FORT WflRTH STANDARD CO%TSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION bOCUMENTS Revised I?ecember 2U, 2012 03 30 00-12 CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE Page 12 oF26 i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ]0 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 ao 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 �} 1 42 43 44 �15 46 47 3 �F. 3) Ground Crranulated Blast-Furnace Siag: 50 percent 4} Combined Fly Ash or Pozzolan and Ground Granulaied Blast-Furnace Slag: 50 percent 5) Portland cement �ninimum, with fly ash ar pozzalan not exceeding 25 per- cent 6) Silica Fume: 10 percent 7) Cotnbined Fly Ash, Pozzolans, and Silica Fume: 35 percent with fly ash or pozzolans not exceeding 25 percent and silica fume not exceeding 10 per- cent 8} Combined Fly Ash or Pozzo�ans, Ground Granulated Blast-Furnace Slag, and Silica Fume: 50 percent with fly ash or pozzolans not exceeding 25 percent and silica fum� not exceeding 10 percent Limit water-soluble, chloride-ion content in hardened concrete to: a. 0.30 percent by weight of cement ff concrete will have no exposure to chlorides (typical) b. 0.15 percent by weight if concrete will be exposed ta chlorides c. 1.0 percent by weight if concrete will have na exposure to chlorides and will be continually dry and protected. Ac�nixtures a. Use adynixtures according to manufactuxer's written instructions. b. Do not usa admixtures which have not been incorporated and tested in accepted inixes. c. Use water-reducing high-range water-reducing or plasticizing admixture in concrete, as required, for placement and workability. d. Use water-reducing and retarding ad�nixture when required by high temperatures, Iow humidity or ather adverse placexnent conditions. e. Use water-reducing admixture in pumped concrete, concrete for heavy-use industrial slabs and parking structure slabs, concrete required to be watertight, and concrete with a vwater-cementitious rnaterials ratio below 0.50. f. Use corrosion-inhibiting admixt�u�e in concrete mixtures where indicated. P. Concrete Mixtures 1. Refer to TxDOT "Standard Specifications %r Co�struction and Maintenance of Highways, Streets, and Bridges" for: a. Cuiverts b. Headwalis c. Wingwalls 2. Proportion normal-weight concrete mixture as follaws: a. Minimum Compressive Strength: 4,000 psi at 28 days b. Maximum Water-Cementitious Materials Ratio: 0.50 c. Slurnp Limit: 5 inches or 8 inches for concrete with verified slump of 2 to 4 inches before adding high-range water-reducing admixture or piasticizing admixtnre, plus or minus 1 inch d. Air Content: 6 percent, plus or minns 1.5 percent at point of delivery %r 3/4- inch nominal maximum aggregate size 3. Proportion concrete rnixture for concrete filt within structures as follows: a. Minimum Compressive 5trength: 3,500 psi at 28 days. b. Maximum Water-Ceinentitious Materials Ratio: 0.50. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTR[JCT[ON SPECIFiCATION DOCLTMENTS Revised December 26, 2012 03 30 00-13 CAST-IN-PLACE CQNCRETE Page 13 of 26 I c. Slump Limit: 4 inches or 8 inches for concrete wit�i verified slump of 2 to 4 2 inches befare adding high-range water-reducing adminture or plasticizing ad- 3 mixture, plus or minus 1 inch. 4 d. Air Content: G percent plus or minus 1.S percent at point of delivery far 3/4- 5 inck► norninal maxim�un aggregata size. 6 4, Proportion concrete mixture for mud and seal slabs as follows: 7 a. Minimum Campressive Strength: 2,OD0 psi at 2$ days. 8 b. Maxz�muzn Water-Cemeniitious Materials Ratio: none. 9 c. Slump Limit: none. lU d. Air Content: none. 11 e. Coarse Aggregate: Any size that meets ASTM C33. 12 13 14 15 16 17 Q, Fabricating Reinfarcement 1. Fabricate steel reinforcement accarding to CRSI's "Manual of Standard Practice." R. Fabricatian of Embedded Metal Asse�nblies 1. �'abricate metal assemblies in the shop. Hales s�all be made by drilling ar punching. Holes shall �ot be made by or enlarged by burning. Welding shall be in accardance with AW� D1.1. 18 2. Metal assemblies exposed to earth, weather or moisture shall be hot dip galvanized. 19 All ather metal assemblies shall be either hot dip galva�ized or painted with an 20 epoxy paint. Repair galvanizing after welding with a Cold Galvanizing coinpound 21 installed in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. Repairr painted 22 assemblies after welding with same type of paint. 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 S. Concrete Mixing 1. Ready-Mixed Concrete: Measure, batc�, mix, and deliver concrete according to ASTM C94, and furnish baich ticket information. a. When air temperature is between 85 and 90 degrees Fahrenheit, reduce mixing and delivery time fram 1-112 hours to 75 minutes; when air te�nperature is above 90 degrees Fahrenheit, xeduce rnixing and delivery time to 60 minutes. 2. Project-Site Mixing: Measure, batch, and mix concrete inaterials and concrete according to ASTM C94/C94M. Mix concrete inaterials in appropriate drum-type batch machine mixer. a. For anixer capacity of 1 c�zbic yard or smaller, continue mixing at least 1-1/2 minutes, but not more than 5 minutes after ingredients are in inixer, before any part ai batch is released. b. Far mixer capacity larger than 1 cubic yard, increase rnixing time by 15 seconds for each additional 1 cubic yard. c. Provide batch ticket for each batch discharged and us�d in the Work, indicating Project identificatian naine and number, date, mixttue type, mixture tiine, quantity, and amount of water added. Record appraximate location of final deposit in structure. CTPY QF FORT WQRTH STANbAR[] CON5TRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised I)ecember 2�, 2012 03 30 00-14 CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE Page 14 of 26 2.3 ACCESSORIES �NOT USED] 2 2.�4 SOURCE QUALITY CONTROL [NOT USED] 3 PART 3 - EXECUTION 4 3.1 INSTALLERS [NOT USED] 5 3.� EXAMINATION �NOT USED] 6 3.3 PREPARATION [NOT USED] 7 3.4 INSTALLATION 8 9 ia 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 z4 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 A. Formwork 1 2. Design, erect, sh�re, brace, and maintain formvvork, according to ACI 301, to support vertical, lateral, static, and dynamic loads, and construction loads that might be appiied, untiI structure can support such loads. Canstruct fornnworrk so concrete members and structures are of size, shape, alignment, elevation, and position indicated, within toIerance limits of ACY 117. a. Vertical aligmneni 1) Lines, surfaces and arises less than 100 feet in height - 1 inch. 2) Outside corner of exposed corner columns and control joints in concrete exposed to view less than 100 feet in height - 1/2 inch. 3} Lines, surfaces and arises greater than 100 feet in height - 1/1000 times tha height but not rnore than 6 inches. 4) Outside comer of exposed corner columns and contral joints in concrete exposed to view greater than 100 feet in height - 1/2000 times the height but not �nore than 3 inches. b. Lateral alignment 1) Members - 1 inch. 2} Centerline of openings 12 inches or smaller and edge location of larger openings in slabs - 1/2 inch. 3) Sawcuts, joints, and weakened plane ernbedments in slabs - 3/4 inch. c. Level alignment 1) Elevation of slabs-on-grade - 3/4 incI�. 2) Elevation of top suriaces of forrned slabs before removal of shores - 3/4 inch. 3} Eievation of formed siufaces beFore removal oi shares - 3/4 inch. d. Cross-sectional dimensions: OveralI di�nensions of beams, joists, and columns and thickness of walIs and slabs. 1) 12 inch dirnension or less - plus 1/2 inch to minus ]/4 inch. 2) Greater tIaarn l 2 inch to 3 foot dimension - plus 1/2 inch to minus 3/$ inch. 3} Greater than 3 faot dimension - plus 1 inch to minus 3/4 inch. e. Relative alignment 1) Stairs a} Difference in height between adjacent risers - 1/8 inch. b} Difference in width beriveen adjacent treads - 1/4 inch. C1TY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTIQN SPECIFICATION bOCUMENT5 Revised Aecember 20, 2012 03 so oa - � s CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE Page 15 of 26 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 lb 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2�} 25 26 27 28 3 4 5 0 7. c) Maxiinum difference in height between risers in a flight of stairs - 3/8 inch. d) Maximum difference in wit�th between treads in a flight of stairs - 3/8 inch. 2) Grooves a) Specified width 2 inches or less - 1/8 inch. b) Specified width beriveen 2 inches and 12 inches - 1/4 inch. 3) Vertical alignment of outside corner of exposed corner coluxnns and control jaint grooves in concrete exposed to �iew - 114 inch in 1Q feet. 4) All ather conditians - 3/8 inch in 10 feet. Limit cancrete surface irregularities, designated by ACI 347R as abrupi ar gradual, as fallows: a. Class B, 1/4 inch for srr;oath-formed iinished surfaces. b. Class C, 1/2 inch for rough-formed finished surfaces. Construct forms tight enough to prevent loss of concrete mortar. Fabricate forms for easy remo�al without hammering or prying against cancrete surfaces. Pravide crush or wrecking plates where stripping may damage cast concrete surfaces. Provide top forms for inclined surfaces steeper than 1.5 horizontal to 1 vertical, a. Tnstall keyways, reglets, recesses, and the �ike, for easy removal. b. Do not use nist-stained steel form-facing inaterial, Set edge forms, bulkheads, and intermediate screed strips for slabs to achieve required elevations and slapes in finished cancrete surfaces. Provide and secure units to suppart screed strips; use strike-off templates or compacting-type screeds. Construct formwork to cainbars shown ar speci�ed on the Drawings to allow for structural deflection of the hardened concrete. Provide additional elevation ar cainber in formwork as required for anticipated formwork deflections due to weight anc� pressures of concrete and construction loads. 29 8. Foundation Elements: Form the sides of all below grade portions of beams, pier 30 caps, walls, and columns st�aight and ta the lines and grades specified. Da no earth 31 fonn faundation elements unless specifically indicated on the Drawings. 32 9. Provide temparary openings for cleanouts and inspection ports where interior area 33 af formwork is inaccessible. Close openings with panels tightly fitted ta farms and 34 securely braced to prevent toss of concrete mortar. Locate temparary openings in 35 forms at inconspicuous locations. 36 10. Chamfer exteriar corners and edges af permanently exposed concreke. 37 1 i. Form openings, chases, offsets, sinkages, keyways, reglets, blocking, screeds, and 38 bulkheads required in the Work. Determina sizes and locations from trades 39 providing such iteins. 40 12. Clean forms and adjaceni surfaces to receive concrete. Remove chips, waoc�, 41 sawdust, dirt, and ather debris just befare placing concrete. 42 13. Retighten forms and bracing before placing concrete, as required, to prevent mortar 43 leaks and inaintain proper alignment. �4 14. Coat contact surfaces of fortns with fonn-release agent, according ta manufacturer's 45 writien instructions, befare placing reinfarcement, anchoring devices, and 46 ernbedded items. CITY pF FpRT WpRTH S'I'ANbART] CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised December 20, 2012 03 30 00 - l6 CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE Page l6 af 26 1 a. Do not apply form release ager�t where concrete surfaces are scheduled to 2 receive subsequent �nishes which may be affected by agent. Soalc contact 3 surfaces of untreated forms with clean water. Keep surfaces wet prior to 4 placing concrete. ' 5 B. Embedded Items 6 1. Place and secure anchorage devices and oiher embedded iterns required for 7 adjoining work that is attached to or supported by cast-in-place concrete. Use 8 setting drawings, templates, diagrams, instructions, and directions furnished with 9 items to be embedded. 10 a. InstaIl anchor rods, accurately located, to elevatians required and complying 11 with tolerances in AISC 303, Section 7.5. 12 1) Spacing within a boli group: 1/8 inch 13 2) Location of bolt group (center): %z inch 14 3) Rotation of bol� group: 5 degrees 15 4) Angle off verticaI: 5 degrees 16 5) Bolt projection: � 3/8 inch 17 b. Install reglets to receive waterproofing and to receive thxough-wall flashings in 18 outer face of concrate frame at exterior walls, where flashing is shown at lintels, 19 shelf angles, and oth�r conditi�ns. 2a 21 az 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 C. Removing and Reusing Forms Do not backfrll prior to concrete attaining 70 percent of its 2$-day design compressive strength. 2. General: Formwark %r sides oibeains, walls, calumns, and similar parts of the Work that does nat support weight of concrete may be removed after cumulatively curing at nai less than 50 degrees Fahrenheit far 24 hours after placing concxete, if concrete is hard enough to not be damaged by fonn-reinoval operations and curing and protection operatians are maintained. a. Leave fot7mwork for beam soffits, joists, slabs, and other structural eiements that supports weight of concrete in place until concrete has achieved at least 70 percent of its 28-day design compressive strength. b. Do not remove formwork supporting conventionally reinforced concrete until concret� has attained 70 percent of its specified 28 day compressive strength as estab�ished by tests of field cured cylinders. In the absence of cylinder tests, supporting formwork shall rernain in place until the concr�te has cured at a teitnperature of at least 50 degrees Fahrenheit for the minunuin cumulative tiine periads given in ACI 347, Section 3.7.23. Add the period of time when the surrounding air temperature is below 50 degrees Fahrenheit, to the minimum listed time period.. Formwork for 2-way conventianally reinforced slabs sha11 remain in place for at least the minimurn cuinutative tirne periads specified %r 1-way slabs of the same maximum span. c. Immecliately reshare 2-way canventionally reinforced slabs ai�er formwork removal. Reshores shall remain until the concrete has attained the speci�ed 28 day coinpressive strength. CITY OF FOR�' WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised December 20, 2012 a3 30 00 - i� CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE Page 17 of 26 1 d. Minimum cumulati�e curing times may be reduced by the use of high-early 2 strength cement ar forming systems which allow fonn remo�al without 3 disturbing shares, but only after the Cantractor has demanstrated to the 4 satisfaction af the Engineer that the early rernoval of forms will not cause 5 excessive sag, distortion or damage to the concrete eleinents. 6 e. Colnpletely remove wood fanns. Provide temporary openings if required. 7 £ Provide adequate methods of curing and thermal protection of exposed cancrate 8 if forms are reino�ed prior to completion of specified curing time. 9 g. Reshore areas required to support eonstr�ictian loads in excess of 20 pounds per 10 square foot ta properly distribute construction laading. Constniction loads up 11 to the rated live load capaciry may be placed on unshored construction pravided 12 the concrete has attained the specified 28 day campressive strength. 13 h. Obtaining concrete compressive strength tests for the purposes of form removal 14 is the responsibility of the Contractor. 15 i. Re�nave fonns anly if shares have been arranged to permit removal of forms 16 without loasening or disturbing shores. 17 3. Clean and repair surfaces of fonns to be reused in the Wark. Split, frayed, 18 delaminated, or otherwise damaged form-facing material will not be acceptable for 19 exposed surfaces. Apply new farm-release agent. 20 4. When fonns are reused, clean surfaces, remave fins and Iaitance, and tighten to 21 close joints. Align anc� secure joints ta avoid offsets. Da not use patched forms far 22 exposed concrete surfaces unless approved by Engineer. 23 24 D. Shores and Reshores 1. Tk�e Con.tractor is solely responsible for proper shoring and reshoring. 25 2. Coinply with ACI 31$ and ACI 301 for design, installation, and removal of shoring 2b and reshoring. 27 a. Do not remove shoring ar reshoring until measurement of slab tolerances is 28 complete. 29 30 31 32 33 3. Plan sequence af removal of shores and reshore to avoid damage to concrete. Locate and provide adequate reshoring to support construction withouf excessive stress or detlection. E. Steel Reinforcement General: Comply with CRSI's "Manual af Standard Praciice" far placing 34 reinforcement. 35 a. Do not cut ar puncture vapor retarder 36 before placing concrete. Repair darnage and reseal vapor retar�er 37 2. Clean reinforcernent of loase rust and mill scale, earth, ice, and other foreigr� 38 materials that would reduce bond to concrete. 39 3. Accurateiy positian, support, and secure reinforcement against displacement. 40 Locate and support reinforcement with bar supports to maintain minimum concrete 41 cover. Do not tack weld crossing reinforcing bars. 42 a. Weld reinforcing bars accarding #o AWS D1.4, where indicated. Only sieel 43 confonning to ASTM A706 inay be welded. 44 4. Installation tolerances 45 a. Top and bottom bars in siabs, girders, beams and jaists: 46 1} Members 8 inches deep or less: �3/8 inch C1TY OF FORT WORTH STANDARA CONSTRUCTIOAI SPECIFICATIQN DQCUMENTS Revised December 20, 2012 033000-I8 CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE Page 1 S of 26 1 2} Me�nbers more than S inches deep: tU2 inch 2 b. Concrete Cover to Farmed or Finished Surfaces: �3/8 inches for members 8 3 inches deep or less; �1/2 inches for members over 8 inches deep, except that 4 tolerance far cover shall not exceed 1/3 af the specified cnver. 5 5. Concrate Cover 6 a. Reinfarcing in structural eiements deposited against the ground: 3 inches 7 b. Rain%rcing in fanned beams, columns and girders: 1-1/2 inches 8 a Grade beams and exterior face of formed walls and columns exposed to 9 weather or in contact with the graund: 2 inches 10 d. Interior faces of walls: 1 inches 11 e. Slabs: 3/4 inches 12 6. Splices: Provide s#andard reinforcement splices by lapping and tying ends. Comply 13 with ACI 318 for minimum lap of spliced bars where not specified on the 14 documents. Do nat 1ap splice no. 14 and 18 bars. 15 7. Field Welding af Einbedded Metal Assemblies Z6 a. Remove all paint and galvanizing in areas to receive fieid welds. 17 b. Field Prepare all areas where paint or gaIvanizing has been removed with the 18 specified paint or cald galvanizing compound, respectively. 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3a 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 aa F. Joints 1. General: Construct joints tr�te to line with faces perpendicular to surface plane of concrete. 2. Construction Joints: Install so strength and appearance of concrete are not impaired, at locations indicated or as approved by Engineer. a. P1ace joints perpendicular to inain reinforce�nent. Continue reinforcernent across construction joints, unless otherwise indicated. Do not continue reinforcement through sides of strip placeinents aF floors and slabs. b. Form keyed joints as indicated. Embed keys at least 1-1/2 inches into cancrete. c. Locate joints for beams, slabs, joists, and girders in the middle third af spans. Offset joints in girders a rninimum distance of twice the beam width frQin a beam-girder intersection. d. Locate horizontal joints in walls and columns at underside of floors, slabs, beams, and girders and at the top of footings or floor slabs. e. Space vertical joinis in walls as indicaied. Locate joints beside piers integral with walIs, near corners, and in concealed locations where possible. f. Use a bonding agent ai locations where fr�sh concrete is placed againsf hardened or partially �ardened concrete surfaces. 3. DoweIed Joints: Instatl dowel bars and support assemblies at joints where indicated. Lubricate or asphalt coat 1-1/2 of dowel length ta prevent cancrete bonding to 1 side of joint. G. Waterstops 41 1. Flexible Waterstops: Instali in construction joints and at other�aints indicated to 42 form a con�inuous diaphragm. Install in longest lengths practicable. Support and 43 protect exposed waterstops during progress of the Wark. Field fabricate joints in 44 wat�rstops according to manufacturer's written instructions. CITY OF FORT WORTH STAI�IDARD CONSTRUCTION SP�CIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised December 20, 2012 03 30 00 - 19 CAST-IN-PLACE COIdCRETE Page 19 of 2fi 1 2. Self-Expanding Strip Waterstops: Install in construction joints and at other 2 locations indicated, according to manufacturer's written instructions, adhesive 3 bonding, mechanically fastening, and firmly pressing into place. Install in langest 4 lengths practicable, 5 H. Ac�hesive Anchors 6 1. Comgly with the manufacturer's installation instructions on the hole diameter and 7 depth required to fully develop the tensile strength of the adhesive anchar or S reinforcing bar. 9 2. Properly clean otrt the hole utilizang a wire brush and compressed air to remove all l0 loose material frorn the hole, prior to installing adhesive material. 11 I. Concrete Placement 12 1. Before placing cancrete, verify that installation of formwork, reinforcement, and l 3 ernbedded items is complete and that required inspections have been perfarmed. 14 2. Do not add water to cancrete during delivery, at Project site, or during placement 15 unIess appraved by Engineer. l6 3. Before test sampling and placing concrete, water may be added at Project site, 17 subject to limitations af ACI 301. 18 a. Do not add water to concrete after adding high-range water-reducing 19 admixtures ta mixture. 20 b. Do not exceed the maacimu;n specified water/cement ratio for the mix. 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 24 30 31 32 33 34 35 35 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 4. Deposit concrete continuously in 1 layer ar in horizontal layers of such thickness that no new concrete will be placed on concrete t�iat has hardened enough to cause seazns or planes of weakness. If a section cannot be placed continuousiy, provide construction joints as indicated. Deposit concrete ta avaid segregation. a. Deposit concrete in harizontal layers oidepth to not exceed fonnwork design pressures, IS feet maximum and in a manner to avoid inclined construction joints. b. Cansolidate placed concrete with mechanical vibrating equipment according to ACT 301. c. Do not use vibrators to transport concrete inside forrns. Insert and withd�-aw vibrators vertica�ly at unifarmly spaced locations to ra�idly �enetrate placed layer and at least 6 inches into preceding layer. Do not insert vibrators into iower layers of concrete that have begun to lose plasticity. At each insertion, limit duration of vibration to time necessary to cansolidate concrete and complete embedment of reinforceinent and other embedded items without causing mixture constituents to segregate. d. Da not permit cancrete to drop freely any distance greater than 10 feet far concrete containing a high range water reducing admixture (superplasticizer) or 5 feet for other concrete. Provide chute or �remie to place concrete where longer drops are necessary. Do nat place concrete into excavatians with standing water. If place of degosit cannot be pumped dry, pour cancrete thraugh a tremie with its outlet near the bottom of the place oi deposit. e. Discard pump priining grout and do not use in the structure. 44 5. Deposit and consolidate concrete for floors and slabs in a cantinuous operation, 45 within limits of constructian joints, until placement of a panel or section is 46 complete. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCT[dN SPECIFICATION DOCUMSNTS Revised becember 20, 2012 03 30 OD - 20 CA3T-IN-PLACE CONCRET� Paga 20 of 26 1 a. Consolidate concreie during placement operations so concrete is thoroughly 2 worked around reinfarcement and other embadded items and into corners. 3 b. Maintain reinforce�nent in position on chairs during concrete placement. 4 c. Screed sIab surfaces with a straighiedge and strike offto correct elevations. 5 d. Slope surfaces unifo�ly to drains where required. 5 e. Begin initial floating using bu11 floats or darbies to form a uniform and open- 7 textured surface plane, before excess bleedwater appears on the suriace. Do not 8 further disturb slab surfaces before starting �nishing operations. 9 6. Cold-Weather Placement: Coinply with ACI 306.1 and as follows. Protect 10 concrete work frQm physical dainage or reduced strength that could be caused by 11 frost, freezing actions, or low temperatures. 12 a. Wtaen average high and tow temperature is expected to fall below 40 13 degrees Fahrenheit for 3 successive days, maintain delivered cancrete mixiure 14 temperature within the temperature range required by ACI 301. 15 b. Do not use frozen materials or materials containing ice or snow. Do not place 16 concrete on frozen subgrade or an subgrade containing frozen materials. 17 c. Da not use calcium chloride, salt, ar other materials containing antifreeze 18 agents or chemical accelerators unless otnerwise speciiied and approvad in 19 rnixture designs. 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2$ 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 7. HQt-Weather PIacement: Comply with ACI 305.1 and as folIows: a. Maintain cancrete temperature below 95 degrees Fahrenheit at tizne of piacement. Chilled mixing water or chopped ice may be used to control terriperature, provided water equivalent af ice is calculated to total ainount of mixing water. Using liquid nitrogen to cool concrete is Contractor's option. b. Fog-spray forms, steel reinforcement, and subgrade just before placing concrete. Keep subgrade unifonnly moist without standing water, soft spots, or dry areas. J. Finishing Formed Surfaces 1, lZough-Formed Finish: As-cast concrete texture imparted by form-facing material with tie holes and defects repaired and patched. Remove fins and other proj ections that exceed specified limits an %rmed-surface irregularities. a. Apply to concrete surfaces not exposed to public view. 2. Related Unformed Surfaces: At tops of waIls, horizontal offsets, and similar unformed surfaces adjacent to formed surfaces, strike off smooth and finish with a texture matching adjacent fonned surfaces. Continue iinal surFace treatment of fonned surfaces uniformly across adjacent unfarmed surfaces, unless otherwise indicated. K. Miscellaneous Concrete Items 39 l. Filling In: Fi11 in hales and openings left in concrete structzu-es, unless otherwise 40 indicated, after work of other traaes is in place. Mix, place, and cure concrete, as 41 specified, to blend with in place construction. Provide other miscellaneous 42 concrete filling indicated or required to complete the Work. 43 2. Curbs: Provide monolithic finish to interior curbs by stripping forms while 44 concrete is still green and by steel-troweling surfaces to a hard, dense iinish with 45 corners, intersections, and terminations slightly rounded. CITY O�' F'ORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIF1CATfON D�CUM�NTS Revised December 20, 2012 03 30 00 - 2l CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE Fage 21 af 25 1 3. Equipment Bases and Foundations: Provide machine and equipnnent bases and 2 foundatians as shown on Drawings. Set anchor bolts for machines and equipment 3 at correct ele�vations, complying with diagrams ar templates frorn manufacturer 4 furnishing machines and equipment. 5 a. Housekeeping pads: Normal weight concre�e {3000 psi), reinfarced with 6 #3@16 inches an center set at iniddepth ot'pad. Trowel concrete to a dense, 7 smooth finish. Set anchor balts for securing mechanical or electrical equipment 8 during pauring of concrete fill. 9 4. Proiactiv� slabs {"Mud slabs"): Nonnal weight concret� {2540 psi minimum} with a 14 minimum thickness of 3-1/2 inches. Finish slab to a wood float finish. 11 L. Concrete Protecting and Curing 12 J3 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2� 25 26 27 28 29 34 31 32 33 34 35 3b 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 1. General: Protect freshly placed concrete from premature drying and excessive cald or hot temperatures. Comply with ACI 306.1 �or cald-weather protection and ACI 305.1 for hot-weather protection during curing. 2. Formed Surfaces: G�re fonned concrete surfaces, including underside of beams, supported slabs, and other similar surfaces. If farrns remain during curing period, anoist cure after loosening fonns. If remaving forms before end of curing period, coniinue curing for the reinainder af the curing period. 3. Unformed Surfaces: Begin curing irnmediately after finishing concrete. Cure un%rrned suriaces, including flQars and slabs, concrete floor toppings, and other surfaces. 4. Cure concrete according to ACI 308.1, by 1 or a combination of the folIowing methods: a. Moisture Curing: Keep surfaces continuously mosst far not Iess than 7 days with the fallowing materials: 1) Water 2) Continuous water-fog spray 3) Absarptive cover, water saturated, and kept continuously wet. Cover concrete surfaces and edges with 12-inch lap over adjacent absorptive cavers b. Moisture-Retaining-Cover Curing: Cover concrete surfaces with maisture- retaining cover for curing concrete, placed in widest practicable width, with sides and ends lapped at least 12 inches, and sealed by waterproof tape or adt�esive. Cure far not less than 7 days. Immediately repair any holes or tears during curing geriod using cover material and waterproaf tape. 1) MQisture cure or use moisture-retaining covers to cure concrate surt'aces ta receive floor coverings. 2) Moisture cure or use rnoistur�-retaining cavers to cure concrete surfaces to receive penetrating liquid floor treatYrients. 3) Cure concrete siu-faces to receive floor coverings with either a moisture- retaining cover or a curing compound that the manufacturer certi�es will nat interfere with bonding of floor cavering used on Froject. c. Curing Compound: Apply uniformly in continuaus operation by pawer spray or roller according to r�aanufacturer's written instructians. Recoat areas subjected ta heavy rainfall within 3 hours after initial application. Maintain continuity of coating and repair damage during curing periad. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTIOIV SPEC1FiCATION DOCUMENTS Re�ised December 20, 2012 03 3a oo - 22 CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE Page 22 of 26 1 3.� REPAIR 2 A. Concrete Surface Repairs 3 l. Defective Concrete: Repair and patch defective areas when approved by Engineer. 4 Remove and replace concrete that cannot be repaired and patched to Engineer's 5 approval. 6 2. Patching Mortar: Mix dry-pack patching mortar, consisting of ] part portland 7 cement to 2-1/2 parts fine aggregate passing a No. i 6 sieve, using only enough 8 water for handling and placing. 4 3. Repairing Formed Surfaces: Surfaca defects include color and texture 10 irregularities, cracks, spalls, air bubbles, haneyco�nbs, rock pockets, fins and other 11 projections on the surface, and stains and other discolorations that cannot be 12 removed by cleaning. 13 a. Immediately after form removal, cut-out honeyco�nbs, rock pockets, and voids 14 more than 1/2 inc�i in any dimansion in solid concrete, but not less than 1 inch 15 in depth. Make edges of cuts perpendicular to cancrete surface. Clean, dampen 16 with water, and brush-coat holes and voids with bonding agent. Fill and 17 compact with patching mortar before bonding agent has dried.. Fill form-tie 18 voids with patching mortar or cone plugs secured ir� place wiih bonding agent. 19 b. Repair defects on surfaces exposed to view by blending white portiand cement 20 and standard portland cement so that, when dry, patching mortar will match 21 surrounding color. Patch a test area ai inconspicuous locations to verify 22 inixture and color match before proceeding with patching. Compact mortar in 23 pZace and strike ot'f slightly higher than surraunding surface. 24 c. Repair defects an cancealed formad surfaces that affect concrete's durability 25 and structural per%rmance as detarmined by Engineer. 26 27 28 29 3a 31 32 33 34 35 3b 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 4. Repairing Urnformed Surfaces: Test unfornaed surfaces, such as floors and slabs, for finish and verify surface tolerances specified for each surFace. Correct low and high areas. Test surfaces sloped to drain for trueness of slope and smoothness; use a sloped template. a. Repair finished surfaces containing defects. Surface defects inctude spalis, pop outs, honeycombs, rock pockets, crazing and cracks in excess of O.fl 1 inch wide or that penetrate to reinforcement or campletely thraugh unreinforced seciions regardless of width, and attaer objectionable conditions. b. After concrete has cured at least 14 days, correct high areas by grinding. c. Correct localized low areas during or irnanediately after completing surface finishing operations by c�tting aut low areas and replacing with patching mortar. Finrsh r�paired areas to blend into adjacent concrete. d. Repair defective areas, except random cracks and single holes 1 inch or less in diameter, by cut�ing out and replacing with fresh concrete. Remove defective areas with clean, square cuts and expose steel reinforcement with at least a 3/4- inch clearance all around. Dampen concrete surfaces in contact with patching concrete and apply bonding agent. Mix patching concrete of same materiats and mixture as original concrete except without coarse aggregate. Place, compact, and finish to blend with adjacent finished cancrete. Cure in same manner as adjacent concrete. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCI'IOI�i SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised December 20, 2Di2 03 3a oo - 23 CAST-IN-PLACB CONCRET� Page 23 of 26 1 2 3 4 5 6 e. Repair random cracks and single holes 1 inch or less in diameter wiih patching martar. Groove top of cracks and cut out holes to sound concrete and clean off dust, dirt, and loose particles. Dampen cleaned concrete surfaces and apply banding agent. Place patching inartar befare bonding agent has dried. Compact patching mortar and �nish to match adjacent concrete. Keep patched area continuously maist for at least 72 hours. 7 5. Perforin structural repairs of concreia, subject to Engineer's approval, using epoxy 8 adhesive and patching inortar. 9 6. Repair inaterials and installation not specified abo�e inay be used, subject to 10 Engineer's approval. 11 3.6 RE-INSTALLATION [NOT USED] 12 3.1 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 1. Steel reinforcement placement 2. Headed bolts and studs 3. Verification of use of required design mixture 4. Concrete placement, including conveying and depositing 5. Curing procedures and mainfenance of curing temperature 6. Verification of concrete strength before removaI of shares and fortns �ram beams and slabs 23 C. Concrete Tests: Perform testing of composite samples of fresh concrete obtained 24 accarding ta ASTM C172 according to the following requirements: 25 1. Testing Frequency: Obtain � composi�e sampte for each day's pour of each 26 concrete mixture exceeding 5 cubic yard, but less than 25 cubic yard, plus 1 set for 27 each additiona150 cubic yard or fraction thereof. 2S 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 A. Testing and Inspecting: City will engage a special inspector and qualified testing and inspecting agency to perform field tests and i�aspections and prepare test reports. B. Inspections 0 � 2. Slump: ASTM C143; 1 test at point of placement for each composite sample, but not less than 1 test far each day's paur of each concrete mixt�re. Perform additional tests wh�n cancreta consistency appears to change. 3. Air Content: ASTM C231, pressure ynethod, for normal-weight concrete; � test far each camposite sample, but nat less than 1 test for each day's paur of each cancrete mixture. Concrete Temperahire: ASTM C 1064; 1 test hourly when air teinperature is 40 degrees Fahrenheit and below and when $0 degrees Fahrenheit and above, and 1 test for each camposite sample. Cornpression Test Specimens: ASTM C3l . a. Cast and labaratary cure 4 cylinders for each composite sample. 1} Do not transport field cast cylinders uniil they have cured for a minimum of 24 hours. 6. Compressive�Strength Tests: ASTM C39; a. Test 1 cylinder at 7 days. b. Test 2 cylinders at 28 days. CI`I'Ir OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTiON SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Re�ised December 20, 2012 03 30 00-24 CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE Fage 24 of 26 1 c. Hold 1 cyIinder for testing at 56 days as needed. 2 7. When strength of field-cured cylinders is less than 85 percent of companion 3 Iaboratory-cured cylinders, evaluate operations and provide corrective procedures 4 for protecting and curing in-place concrete. 5 $. Strength of each concrete mixture will be satisfactory if every average of any 3 6 consecutive compressive-strength tests equals or exca�ds specified compressive 7 strength and no compressive-strength test value falls below specified compressive S strength by more than 500 psi. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 E 10 Report test results in writing to Engineer, concrete manufacturer, and Contractor within 48 hours of testing. Reports of compressive-strength tests shall contain Project ident�fication name and nurriber, date of concrete p�acement, naine of concrete testing and inspecting agency, location af concrete batch in Wark, design cotnpressive strength at 28 days, concrete mixture proportions and materials, compressive breaking strength, and type of break for both 7- and 28-day tests. Additional Tests: Testing and inspecting agancy shall make addi�ional tests of concrete when test results indicate that slump, air entrainment, compressive strengths, or other requirements have not been met, as directed by Engineer. Testing and inspecting agency may conduct tests to determine adequacy of concrete by c4red cylinders coinplying with A5TM C42 or by other methods as directed by Engineer. a. When the strength level of the concrete for any portion of the structure, as indicated by cylinder t�sts, falls below tHe specif�ed requirements, provide improved curing conditions andlar adjustments to the mix design as required to obtain the required strength. If the average strength oi the laboratory control cylinders falls so low as to be deemed unacceptable, follow the core test procedure set forth in ACI 301, Chapter 17. Locations of core tests shall be approved by the Engi�neer. Core sampling and testing shall be at Contractors expense. b. If the results of the care tests indicate that the strength of the structure is inadequate, any replacement, load testing, or strengthening as may be ordered by the Engineer shall be provided by the Contractor vu�ithout cost to the City. 36 37 38 39 �40 41 42 43 44 45 11. Additional testing and inspecting, at Contractor's expense, will be performed to determine coinpliance of replaced or additional work with specified requirements. 12. Correct deiiciencies in the Work that test reports and inspections indicate does not cot�ply with the Contract Documents. D. Measure floor and slab flatness and levelness according to ASTM E1155 within �8 hours of finishing. E. Concrete Finish Measurement and Tolerances i. All floors are subject to measurement far flatness and leveIness and comply with the folIowing: a. Slabs shall be flat within a tolerance of 5/16 inches in 10 feet when tested with a 10 foat long straighiedge. Apply straightedge to the slab at 3 foot intervals in boih directions, lapping straightedge 3 feet on areas previously checked. Low spots shall not exceed the above dimension anywhere along the straigh�edge. Flatness shall be checked the next work day a#ier finishing. CiTY pF FORT WORTH STANbARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised December 20, 2012 03 so 00 - 2s CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE Page 25 of 26 l 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 4 1Q 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 �41 42 b. Slabs shall be level within a iolerance of t 1/4 inch in 10 feet, not to exceed 3/4 inches total variarion, anywhere on the floor, from elevations indicated an the Drawings. Levelness shalI be checked on a 10 foat grid using a level after removal of forms. c. Measureinent Standard: AlI floors are subject to measuremeni far ilatness and ievelness, according to ASTM E1155. 2. 2 Tiered Measurament Standard a. Each flaor test section and the overall floar area shall canforin to the 2-tier�d measurement standard as specified herein. l) Miniinuin Local Value: Tha minimum lacal FF/FL values represent the ab- solute minimum surface profile that wili be accepfable for any 1 test sample (line of ineasurements) anywhere within the test area. 2) Specified Overall Value: Tk�e specified averall FF/FL values represent the minimum values acceptable for individual floor section� as well as the floor as a whole. 3. Floar Test Sections a. A floor test section is de�ned as the smaller of the following areas: 1) The area bounded by col�unn and/or wall lines 2) The area bounded by construction and/ar control joint lines 3) Any combination of calumn lines andlor control jaint lines b. Test sample measurement lines within each test section shall be multidirectional along 2 orthogonal lines, as defined by ASTM E1155, at a spacing ta be determined by t�e City's testing agency. c. The precise Iayout af each tesi sectian shall be determined by the City's testing agency. 4. Cancreie Floor Finish Talerance a. The follawing values apply before removal of shores. Levelness values (FL) do not apply to intentional�y sloped ar cambered areas, nar ta slabs poured on metal deck or precast cancrete. 1} Slabs Overall Value FF45/FL3a Minimum Local Value FF30/FL20 5. Floor Elevation Tolerance Envelope a. The acceptable talerance envelope for absolute elevation of any point on the slab surface, with respect to the elevation shown on the Drawings, is as fallows: 1} Slab-on-Crrade Construction: f 3/a inch 2} Top surfaces of formad slabs measured priar to removal af supparting shores: � 3/a inch 3) Top surfaces of all other slabs: t 3/4 inch 4) Slabs specified to slope shali have a toierance from the specified stope of 3/8 inch in 10 feet at any point, up to 3/a inch from theareticat etevation at any point. CITY OF �'ORT WORTH STANDARD CQNSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised December 20, 2012 03 30 00-26 CAST-ItV-PLACE CONGRETE Page 26 of 26 1 3.8 SYSTEM STARTUP [NOT USED] 2 3.4 ADJUSTING [NOT USED] 3 3.10 CLEANING 4 A. Defective Work 5 1. Imperfect or damaged work or any inaterial damaged or deter�nined to be defectEve 6 before final campletion and acceptance of the entire job shaIl be satisfactorily re- 7 placed at the Contractor's expense, and in confonnity wit�a all of the requirements of 8 the Drawings and Specifications. 9 2. Perform removal and repIacement of concrete work in such manner as not to impair 10 the appearance ar strength of the stnicture in any way. 11 B. Cleanir�g 12 1_ Upon completion of the work reinove from the site all forms, equipinant, pratective 13 coverings and any rubbish resulting therefrain. 14 2. After sweeping floors, wash floors with clean water. 15 3. Leave finished concrete surfaces in a clean condition, satisfactory ta the City. 16 3.11 CLOSEOUT ACTIVITIES �NOT USED] 17 3.12 PRUTECTION jNOT USED� 1$ 3.13 MAINTENANCE jNOT USED] 19 3.i4 ATTACHMENTS [NUT USED] 20 END OF SECTYON 21 Revision Log DATE NAME SUMMARY OF CHANGE — Removed Blue TexUAdded Descriptions far water-soluble, I2/20/2012 D. dohnson chloride-ion content 3.4.C.1 — Changed 75% to 70% 22 CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTIOId SPECIF'ICATION L]OCUMEN'I'S Revised becember 20, 2012 OS SQ 00 - 1 MISCELLANEOUS METAL �ABRICATIONS Page 1 of 8 1 2 3 PART 1 - GENERAL 4 1.1 DE,SCRIPTION 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 lb 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 1.� 38 39 40 SECTION 0� �0 00 MISCELLANEOUS METAL FABRICATIONS A. Scope 1. Contractar shali provide all labor, ma�erials, equipinent and incidentals as shown on the Drawings, specified and required to fur�zsh ix�iscellaneous metai fabrications, including surface preparatian and shop priining. 2. The Work also includes: a. Provicling openings in the miscelianeous metal fabrications ta accammodate the Work under this and other Sections and attaching to the misceilaneous rnetal fabrications all iteins such as sleeves, bands, studs, fasteners and all items required for which provision is not specifically included in other Sec.tions. B. The extent af miscellaneous metal fabrications Work is shown on the Drawings and includes items fabricated from iron, steel and altuninuin shapes, plates, bars, castings and extrusions, which are not a part of the structural steel or other metal systeins covered by other Sections of these Specifications. C. The types aimiscellancous metat items include, but are not limited to the following: l. Aluminum ladders. 2. Aluminum ladder safety cages. 3. Extruded alutninum stair nosings. 4. Fall prevetttion system. 5. B ollards. 6. Metal �rating. 7. Miscellaneous framing and snpports. S. Miscellaneous accessories and fasteners. 9. Seat Angles, supports and brackets. i D. Ahuninum Stairs ll. Channel-Frame Access Hatches D. Related Sections 1. Drawings and general provisions of the Cantract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division O1 Specificatian Sections, apply to this Section. It is the Contractor's responsibility for scheduling and coardinating the Work of subcontractors, sugpliers, and other indivic�uals ar entities performing or furnishing any of Contractor's Work. QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Reference Standards: Camply with the applicable provisions and recommendations of the following, except as otherwise shown and specified: 1. ASTM A 36, Specification far Carbon Structural Steel. ROT,LINC� HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLAN"�' FLOW METER REPLACEMENT3 CITY PROIECT NO. 102056 05500�-2 MISCELLANBOUS METAL FABRICATIQNS Page 2 af & I 2. ASTM A48, Standard Specification for Gray Iron Casting. 2 3. A�TM A 53, Specif cation for Pipe Steel, Black and Hoi-Dipped, Zinc-Coated, 3 Welded and Seamless. 4 4. ASTM A 123, Spacification for Zinc {Hat Dip Galvanized) Coatings on Iron and 5 Steel Products. 6 5. ASTM A 153, Specification for Zinc Coating {Hot-Dip) on Iron and Steel 7 Hardware. 8 6. ASTM A 240, Specification for Heat-Resisting Chromium and Chromiuin-Nickel 9 Stainless Steel Plate, Sheet and Strip for Pressure Vessels. 10 7. ASTM A 276, Stainless and. Heat-Resisting Steel Bars and 5hapes. 11 8. ASTM A 320, Specification for Alloy Stael Bolting Material for Low Temperariire 12 Service. 13 9. ASTM A 500, Specifrcation for Cold-Formed Welded and Seamless Carbon Steel 14 Structural Tubing fn Rounds and Shapes. 15 10. ASTM A 572, Specification for High-Sirength Low-Alloy Coiiunbium-Vanadiutn 16 Structural Steel. 17 11. ASTM A 992, Specification for �tructural Steel Shapes. 18 12. ASTM B 209, 5pecification for Aluminum and AIuminum-Alloy Sheet and Plate. 19 13. ASTM B 211, Specification for AluminLun and Alu�ninum-Alloy Bars, Rads and 20 Wire. 21 14. ASTM B 221, Specifcation for Aluminum-Alloy Extruded Bars, Rods, Wire, 22 Shapes and Tubes. 23 15. ASTM B 308, Specification for Aluminum-Alloy 6061-T6 5tandard Structural 24 Profiles. 25 16. ANSI A 14.3, Safety Requirements for Fixed Ladders. 26 17. AWS D1.1, Structural Welding Code. 27 18. NAAMM, Metal Finishes Manual. 28 19. OSHA. 29 B. Field Measurements 30 1. Take field measurements where req�ired prior to preparation af Shop Drawings 31 and fabrication to ensure proper �tting of the Work. 32 C. Shop Assembly 33 1. Preassernble items in the shop to the greatest extent possible, so as to rninimize 34 field splicing and assembly of units at the project site. Disassemble units only to 35 the extent necessary for sl�ipping and handling limitations. Clearly mark units far 36 reassembly and coordinated installation. 37 1.3 SUSMITTALS 38 A. Shop Drawings: Submit %r approval Y.he following: 39 1. Fabrication and erection details of all assembIies of misceilaneous metal Work. 40 Include plans, eleeations, and details of sectians and connec#ions. Show anchorage 41 and accessory items. Include setting drawings and ternplates for loca�ion and 42 instaltation of miscel�aneous metal items and anchorage devices. ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMBNT PLANT FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS C1TY PROIECT NO. 102056 R55oo0-3 MISCELLANEOUS ME'T'AL FABRICATIdN5 Page 3 of S 1 2 3 2. Copies of manufacturer's specifications, laad tables, climension diagra�s, anchor details, and installation instructions iar products to be used in miscellaneous inetal Work. 4 PART � - PRODUCTS 5 �1 MATERIALS 6 A. Steel Plates, Shapes and Bars: ASTM A 36. 7 8 9 l0 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 l9 20 21 22 23 2�4 B. Aluminum 1. Alloy and Temper: Provide alIoy and temper as shown on the Drawings or specified, or as otherwise recominended by the aluminum producer or finisher. 2. Extruded Shapes and Tubes: ASTM B 221. 3. Plate and Sheet: ASTM B 209. 4. Bars, Rods and Wire: ASTM B 211. C. Staintess Steel 1. Plaies, Sheets and Bars: ASTM A 24d or A 276, Type 304L or Type 316 stainless steel. 2. Submerged or intermittently submerged: Type 316 stainless steel. 3. Non-subrnerged: Type 304L stainless steel unless noted otherwise in the Drawings or specs. D. Stainless Steel Fasteners and Fit�ings: ASTM A 320, Type 304L or Type 316 Stainless Steel. E. Zinc Coated Hardware: ASTM A 153. F. �urface Preparatian and Shap Priming: All steel shalt be primed in the shop. Surface preparation and shop priming requirements are included herein, but are specified in Section 09 90 00. 25 �.� MISCELLANEOUS METAL ITEMS 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 A. Aluininum Ladders 1. Fabricate ladders for the loca�ions shawn on the Drawings, with dimension�, spacings, details and anchorages as shown on the Drawings, and specified. Comply with the requirements of ANSI A14.3, except as otherwise shown on the Drawings or specified. a. Unless otherwise sharvn on the Drawings, provide 1-112 inch diameter schedule 4Q side rails spaced 18-inches apart, minimum. b. Provide extruded square rungs, spaced 12-inches on centers, maximum with non-slip surface on the top af each r�zng. Adhesive strips for non-slip surfaces will not be allowed. 2. Fit rungs in centerline of side raiis, plug weld and grind smooth on outer rail faces. 3. Suppart each ladder at top and bottom and at infermediate points spaced not more than �ve feet on centers. Use welded or bolted brackets, designed for adequate support and anchorage, and to hold the ladder clear of the wal! surface with a minimuin vf 7�inches clearance frorn wall to centerline af rungs. Unless otherwise shown on the Drawings, ar approved by the Engineer, extend rails 42-inches abave ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS CITY PROJECT NO. 1D2056 OS 50 00 - 4 MISCELLANEOUS METAL FAERICATIONS Page 4 of 8 1 top rung, and return rails to waIl or stxuct�ire, unless other secure handholes are 2 provided. If the adjacent structure daes not extend above the top rung, goose neck 3 the extended rails back to the structure ta provide secure ladder access. �4 4. Use extnided aluminuxn conforming to alloy and temper 6061 T6. 5 6 7 8 9 10 I1 12 13 14 15 5. Aluininuyn Ladder SaFety Cages 6. Fabricate ladder sa%ty cages fram extruded flat bars, assembled by welding ar riveting. Unless othenvise shown on the Drawings, pravide 1/2-inch by 3-inch top, bot�om and intermediate haops spaced not more than five feet on centers; and 3/8- inch by 2-inch vertical bars, secured to each hoop. Space vertical bars approxfmately 9-inches on centers. Fasten assembled safety cage to �adder rails and adjacent construction as shown on the Drawir�gs. Grind aIl welds, sharp edges and prajeciions smooth. 7. Camply with the requirerments of ANSI A14.3. 8. Use extruded aluminum confonning to alloy and temper 6061 T�. B. Extruded Aluminum Stair Nosings t 6 1. Fabricate of sizes and configurations as shown on �he Drawings. 17 a. Unless otherwise shown on the Drawings, provide ribbed abrasive filled type, 18 using black a6rasive filler. 19 2. Pravide anch�rs %r ernbedding in concrete, either integral ar applied to treads, as 20 standard with the inanufacturer. 21 3. Froduct and Manufacturer: Provide stair nosings by one of the followir�g: 22 a. American Abrasive Metals Cornpany. 23 b. Wooster Products Incorporated. 24 C. Fall Prevention System: All ladders longer than 12-feet shalI be provided with a fall 25 prevention system, The system shaIl meet �SHA standards. 26 1. The system shall consist of a rail permanentZy attached to the ladder to which a 27 harness belt is attached. The rail shall be notched and constructed of aluminum. 28 Ladder attachments shall b provided as required by the manufacturer. A removable 29 extension section shall be provided at the top of the ladder. 30 2. Producf and Manufacturer: Provide one of the following: 31 a. Saf-T-Climb by Norton Company. 32 b. Or approved equal. 33 D. Bollards: Provide 8-inch diameter, Schedule 40 black stesl pipe, 4-feet-0-inches above 34 grade, 4-feet-0-inches below grade. FiII with cancrete and maund top. Ballards shall 35 be primed in �he shop. Surface preparation anc� painting shall conform to the 36 requiremer�ts of Section 09 90 00. 37 E. Miscellaneous k`raming and Supports: 3 S 1. Provide rniscellaneous metal framing and supports, which are not a part of the 39 structural steel framework and are required to complete the Work. 40 2, Fabricate misceIlaneous units to the sizes, shapes and profiles shown on the 41 Drawings or, if not shown on the Drawings, of the reqnired dimensians to receive 42 adjacent grating, plates, tanks, doors, or other work ta be retained by the framing. 43 Except as otherwise shown on the Drawings, fabricate from struciural shapes, �4 plates, and bars, of a11 welded construction using mitered corners, welded brackets ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS CITY PROJECT NO. 102D56 OSSQOQ-5 MISCELLANEOUS METAL E'ABRiCATIQIV5 Page 5 of 8 1 and splice plates and a minimum number af joints for field connection. Cut, drill 2 and tap units to receive hardware and similar items to be anchored to the Work. 3 3. Furnish un.its with integrally welded anchors far cas�ing into concrete or building 4 into masonry. Furnish inserts if units must be installed after concrete is placed. S a. Except as otherwise shown an the Drawings, space anchors, 24-inches on 6 centers, and pravide units the equivalent af 1-1/4 by 1/4 by S-inch strips. 7 b. Galvanize exterior miscellaneous frames and supports. 8 c. Galvanize miscellaneous fraines and supports where indicated. 4 F. Fasteners and �'ittings: Provide Type 316 stainless stee�, for all aluminum fabrications, l0 and zinc coated hardware for all galvanized fabrications, unless otherwise shown on the 11 Drawings or speciiied. 12 G. Surface Preparation and Shop Priming: Ail miscellaneous metal fabrications shall be 13 primed in the shop, unless noted atherwise. Surface preparation and shop priming 14 rec�uirements are included herein, but are specified in Section 09 90 00. 15 H. Galvanizing: All galvanizing of fabricated steel items to comply with the requirements 16 of ASTM A 123. 17 I. Aluminum Finish: Provide an Architectural Class 1 anodized finish, AA M32C22 18 A41, clear, as specified in NAAMM Manual. I4 J. Metal Gratings 20 1. General: 21 a. Fabricate grating to cover areas indicated on the Drawings. 22 b. Unless otherwise indicated on the Drawings, grating over an opening shall 23 cover entire opening. 24 c. Make cutouts in grating where required for equipment access or protrusion, 25 including valve operators or steins, and gate frames. 26 d. Band ends of grating and edges of cutauts in grating: 27 1} End banding: 1/4 inch less than height of grating, with top of grating anc� 28 top edge of banding flush. 29 2) Cutout banding: Full-height af grating. 30 3) Use banding of sa�ne material as grating. 31 4) Panel layout: Enable installation and subsequent rernoval of grating around 32 protrusions or giping. 33 5) �penings 6 inches and larger: Lay aut grating panels with edges of 34 2 adjacent panels located on centerline of apening. 35 6) Openings smaller than b inches: Locate opening at edge of single panel. 36 7) Where an area requires more than 1 grating section to cover area, clainp 37 adjacent grating sactions together at 1/4-paints with fasteners acceptable to 3 8 Engineer, 39 a) Fabricate steeI grating sections in units weighing not more than 80 40 pounds each. 41 2. Heavy-ciuty steel grating: �2 a. Heavy-duty type, fabricated from struch�ral steel and designed in accordance 43 with AASHTO Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges, using H-20 44 loading. 45 b. Hot-dip galvanized after fabrication in accordance with ASTM A] 23. 46 c. Manufactur�rs: One of the follawing or equal: 47 1) Reliance Stee1 Products Company, Heavy-Duty Steel Grating. ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PGANT FLQW M�'1'ER REPLACEMENTS CITY PROI�CT NO. 1�2056 055000-6 M[SCELLANEOUS METAL FABRICATIONS Page 6 of 8 2} Seidelhuber Metal Products, Inc., equivalen# product. 2 3 4 5 G 7 8 9 l0 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3I 32 33 34 35 3G 37 K. Aluininum Stairs: 1, Stringers: 6a61-T6 alu�ninum alloy. 2. Stair Treads: a. Aluminum of same type specified under Aluminum Grating. b. Of sizes indicated on the Drawings and 1-3/4 inch minim�un depth with cast abrasive type safety nosings. 3. Handrails and Guardrails: Aluminum pipe specified under Aluminum HandraiIs and Guardrails (Nonwelded Pipe}. 4. Fasteners: Type 316 stainless steel. L. Alutninum Accass Hatch Cavers — Channal-Fraine Type 1. Design Live Load 300 pounds per square foot. 2. Products and Manufacturers: Provide one of the following: a. Single-Leaf Daor Aluminiun Access Hatch Cover 1} Mode1 TPS, by U.S.F Fabrications, Inc. 2j Type J-AL, by The Bilco Company 3) Series W1R, by Halliday Products 4) Or equal b. Double-Leaf Daor Aluininum Access Hatch Cover: 1} Model TFD, by U.�.F Fabrications, Inc. 2} Typ� JD-AL, by The Bilca Company 3) Series W2R, by Halliday PrQducts 4) Or equal. 3. Covear: Not less than l/4-inch thick, aluminum dia�nond-pattern plate cover. Provide flush drop handle for lift the cover. 4. Frame: Extruded aluminum channel frame with manufacturer's standard anchor tabs or connnuous anchar flange around perimeter for anchorage to concrete. 5. Hinges: Type 316 stainless steeI, heavy-duty butt hinges with Type 316 stainless steel pin fastened to door with Type 316 siainless steel tainper-resistant bolis. 6. Latch: Type 316 stainless steel, watertight, slam-type Iatch with inside lever handle and outside removable exterior turn/li#� handle fastened to lead {door) with tamper- resistant Type 31 b stainless steel bolts. Latch release shall be protected by a�ush, gasketed, removable screw plug. 7. Lift Assistance: Open-style stainless steel compression springs with Type 316 stainless steel guide tubes. Automatic Type 316 stainless steel hoId-open arm with grip handle release. S. Finish: Mill �nish. 38 M. Aluminum Access Hatch Covers (H-20 Loading) — ChanneI-Frame Type 39 1. Design Live Load: H-20 truck Ioading in accordance with AASHTO Standard 40 Specifications for Highway Bridges, intended for use in off-road street locatians 41 that may occasionally be subject to H-20 wheel loads. 42 2. Froducts and Manufacturers: Provide one of the following: �43 a. Single-Leaf Door Aluminum Access Hatch Cover 44 1) Model THS, by U.S.F Fabricatians, Inc. 45 2) Type J-AL H-20, by The Bi1co Company ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS CITY PRO7ECT NO. 102056 ass000-� MISCELLANEOUS METAL FABRICATIONS Fage 7 of 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 S 9 10 11 12 13 14 1S 16 i7 18 19 20 3) Series H1W, by Halliday Products 4) Or equal b. Double-Leaf Door Aluminum Access Hatch Cover: 1) Model THD, by U.S.F Fabrications, Inc. 2) Type JD-AL H-20, by The Bilco Company 3) Series H2W, by Halliday Products 4) Or equal. 3. Co�er: Not less than 1/4-inch thick, aluminum diainond-pattern plate cover. Provide flush. drop handle for lift the cover. 4. 5. 6. 7. Fraine: Extruded alulninum channel frame with manufachirer's standard anchor tabs or continuous anchor flange around perimeter for anchorage to concrete. Hinges: Type 316 stairil�ss steel, heavy-duty butt hinges with Type 316 stainless steel pin fastened to door with Type 316 stainless steel tamper-resistant balks. Latch: Type 316 stainless steel, watertight, slam-type latch with inside lever hanclle and outside remavable exteriar turn/lift handle fastened to lead (door} with tarnper- resistant Type 316 stainless steel bolts. Latch release shall be pro�ected by a flush, gasketed, removabie screw plug. Lift Assistance: Open-style stainless steel compression springs with Type 316 stainless steel guide tubes. Automatic Type 316 s�ainless steel hold-open arm with grip handle release. 21 8. Finish: Mill �nish. 22 PART 3 - EXECUTION 23 3.l INSPECTION 24 A. Contractor shall examine the conditions under which the Work is to be performed and 25 notify the Engineer, in writing, af conditions detrimental ta the proper and timely 26 completian of the Wark. Do not proceed with the Work unti� unsatisfactary conditions 27 have been corrected. 28 3.2 INSTALLATION 29 A. Set iniscellaneous metal fabrications accurately in location, aligninent and elevation, 30 plumb, level, true and free oirack, measured from establish�d lines and levels. Brace 31 tempararily ar anchor tempararily in formwark where fahrications are to be built into 32 concrete, masonry or similar constrEzction. 33 B. Anchor securely as shown on the Drawings ar as required for the intended use, using 34 concealed anchors wherever possible. 35 C. Fit exposed cannections accurately together to form tight hairline joints. Weld steel 36 connections, which are not ta be left as exposed jaints, but cannat be shop welded 37 because of shipping size limitations. Grind steel joints smooth and tauch up shop paint 38 coat. Do not weld, cut ar abrade the surfaces of exterior units, which have been hot-dip 39 galvanized after fabrication, and are intended for bolted ar screwed iield connections. 40 D. Protectian Of Aluminum From Dissimilar Materials 41 1. Coat alI sur�'aces of aluminum in contact with dissimilar materials, such as 42 concrete, masonry and steel. 43 a. Surface Preparation: Solvent clean. RQT.LTNG HILLS WATER TREATMEIVT PLANT FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS CITY PROJECT NO. 102056 oss000-a MTSCELLANEOUS METAL FABRICATIONS Fage 8 ef 8 1 2 3 4 5 5 7 S 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 I7 18 19 Za 21 22 23 24 2S b. Shop Prime: 1) Generic Description. Polyainide Epoxy. 2) Product and ManuFacturer: Tnam�c 66 Hi-Build Epoxoline, 2A-3A dry rnils. E. Coordinate all embedded metal assemblies to be embedded in concrete with tl�e fabr�cator/manufacturer prior to constzuction. F. Metal Grat�ngs l. GeneraI: a. Allow 1/8-inch maximum clearance between ends of grating and inside face of vertical leg oi shelf angles. b. Horizontal bearing leg of shelf angles shall be 2 inches minimuin. c. Instali alu�ninum plate or angles where necessary ta fill openings at char�ges in elevatian and at openings betc�veen equipinent and grating. d. Install angle staps at ends of grating. e. Installed grating shall not slide oui of rebate or off support. f. Weld stops in place, ut�less otherwise specified or incl�cated on the Drawings. g. Top surfaces of grating sections adjacent to each other shall lie in same plane. 2. Heavy-duty steel graiing: a. Support on hot-dip galvanized structural steel rebates embedded and anchored in concreie. b. Use for roadways, traffic areas, and where indicated on the Drawings. G. Aluminum Access Hatch Covers 1. Install access hatch covers in accordance with approved Shop Drawings and other approved subrnittais, the Contract Documents, and manufacturer's instructions. 2. Set access hatch covers level and true to line or grade, without warp or rack. 26 3. Drain Piping for ChanneI Frames: Provide drain piping fram the access hatch cover 27 channel frame and route to the nearest fioor drain or sump pit in a inanner that does 28 not obstruct access for facility operations and maintenance. 29 4. Adjust leafs of access hatch covers as necessary to provide proper operations. 30 5. Remove stains, concrete splatter, oils, grease, and other foreign �na#erials necessary 31 and provide clean, finished surfaces. 32 END OF SECTION ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLAiVT FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS CITY PROJ�CT NO. 1 D2D56 ossoao-� ANCI3QRAGES Page 1 of 5 i 2 3 PART 1 - GENERAL 4 1.1 DESCRIPTIQN 5 6 7 S 9 10 I1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 �z 23 24 25 SECTION QS 54 O1 ANCHORAGES A. Scope 1. Contractar sha11 provide a111abor, materials, equiprnent and incidentals as shown on the Drawings, specified, and required to furnish and ins#atl anchorages, including anchor bolts, taggle balts and concrete inserts. B. This Section includes all anchor bolts, toggles and inserts required for the Work, but not specified under other Sectians. C. The types of Work using the anchar bolts, toggles and inserts include, but are not limited to the following; l. Rails. 2. Hangers and brackets. 3. Equipment. 4. Pi�ing. 5. Grating and flaor plate. 6. Electrical, Plumbing and HVAC Work. 7. Metal, wood and plastic fabr�cations. D. Related Sections 1. Drawings and general grovisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division O1 Specification Sections, appiy to this Section. It is the Contractor's responsibility for scheduling and caordinating the Work of subcontractars, suppliers, and other individuals or entities performing or furnishing any of Contractor's Work. 2b 1.2 QUALITY ASSURANCE 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 A. Re%rence Standards: Comply with the applicable provisions and recommendations of the following, except as otherwise shown and specified. l. ASTM A 36, Specification far Carbon Structural Steel. 2. ASTM A 123, Specification for Zinc (Hot-Dip Galvanized} Coatings on Iron and Steel Products. 3. ASTM A 153, Specification for Zinc Coating (Hot-Dip) on Iron and Steel Hardware. 4. ASTM A 307, Specification for Carbon Steel Bolts and Studs, fi0,00U psi Tensile Strength. 5. ASTM A�84, Specification for General Requirernents for Stair�less and Heat- Resisting �teel Bars, Billets and Forgings. 6. ASTM A 525, Speci�cation for General Requirements far Steel Sheet, Zinc- Coated (Galvanized) by the Hot-Dip Process. ROLLING FIILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS CITY PRpJECT iVO. 102056 OS 50 00 - 2 ANCHQRACrE5 Page 2 of 5 1 7. ASTM A 536, Specification fQr Ductile Iron Castings. 2 8. A5TM A 57fl, Specification for Steel, Sheet and Strip, Carbon, Hot-Ralled, 3 Structural Quality. 4 9. ASTM B 633, Specificatian far Electrodaposited Coatings of Zinc on Iron and 5 Steel. 6 10. ASTM F 593, Stainless Steel Bolts; Hex Cap Screws, and Studs. 7 l 1. Federal Specification FF-S-325 for Concrete Expansion Anchors. 8 12. Federal Specifications WW-H-171E for Malleable Iron. 9 13. ICBO, International Canference of Building Officials. 10 14. International Building Code. 11 12 B. Inserts shall be ICBO, UL or FM approved. C. Toggle Bolts: Federal Speciiication F�'-B-588C, Type I, Class A, Style 1. 13 1.3 SUBMITTALS 14 A. Shop Drawings: Submit for approval the following: 15 1. Setting drawings and templates for locaiion and instaIlation of anchorage devices. 16 17 18 19 2. Copies of manufacturer's specif cations, Ioad tables, climension diagrams and installation instructions for the devices. 3. Capies of ICBO, UL or FM Reports certifying load carrying capacities and installation requirements for the anchorage devices. 24 PART 2 - PRODUCTS 21 2.1 DESIGN CRITERIA 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 A. When the size, lengih or load carrying capacity of an anchor bolt, toggle bolt, or concrete insert is nat shown on the Drawings, provide the following: 1. Far anchor bolts {cast-in-place), provide the size,length and capacity required to carry the design load based an the values and requirements given in the International Building Code. 2. For concrete anchors (adhesive types) and concrete inserts, provide the size, length, type, and capacity required ta carry the design load based. on the vahies and requirements given in the ICBO Evaluation Report, or similar certifications by UL ar FM, for the anchor to be used. Alternaiely tha capacity may be based on independent testing lab capacities for tensian and shear strength using a minimum safety factor of four. Consideration of reduced capaciry due to spacing and edge distance shall be made. B. Determine design loads as follows: 1. For aquipinent anchors, use the design load recommended by the equipment manufacturer and approved by Engineer. 2. For pipe hangers and supports, use one half of the total weight of: pipe, fit�ings, and water contained in pipa, plus the full weight of valves and accessories located between the hanger or support in question. 3. Concrete anchors sf�all develap ultimata shear and pull-out loads of not less than the following values in 4,000 psi cancrete: ROGLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT PLOW MET�CZ I2EPLACEMEIdTS CITY PROJECT NO. 102056 055000-3 ANCHORAGES Page 3 of 5 I �.� MATERIALS 2 A. Anchor Bolts 3 4 5 6 Bolt Diameter Inches 1/2 5/8 3/4 7/8 1 Min. Shear Pounds 5,000 $,OOQ 11,504 15,700 Zo,saa Min. Pull-Out Laad Pounds 7,600 � Z,00a 17,000 Za,�oa 28,400 For equiprnent, provide stainless steel bolts and hardware complying with ASTM F 593, AISI Type 316 headed or non-headed type with nitronic 60 stainless steal nuts and locknuts, unless otherwise indicated. Provide A307 galvanized anchor bolts at structural columns unless indicated otherrvise in tha Drawings. 7 2. For equipment, pravide anchor bolts, which meet the equiprnent manuiacturer's 8 racammendations for size, material, and strength. Anchars shall be Type 316 9 stainless steel. 10 3. Pro�ide anchor bolts as shown on the Drawings or as required to secure strucYural 11 steel to concrete or rnasonry. 12 4. Locate and accurately set the anchor balts using templates or other devices as 13 required. 14 15 16 17 5 C Protect threads and shanlc from damage during installation of equipment and structural steel. Comply with rnanufacturer's req�ired einbedment l�ngth and necessary anchor bolt proj ection. 18 19 za 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2$ 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 B. Adhesi�e Anchors 1. Provide siainless steel adhasive anchors camplying with ASTM F 593, AISI Type 316 with nitronic 60 stainless steel nuts and locknuts unless indicated otherwise. 2. Anchors shall be of the size required for the concrete strength specified. 3. Adhesive anchors shall consist of threaded rods or bolts anchored with an adhesive system into hardened concrete or grout-filled masonry. The adhesive systern shall use a two-companent adhesive mix and shall be injected with a static mixing nozzle following manufacturer's instructions. The embedinent depth oithe rod/balt shall provide a mini�num allowable bond strength that is equal to the allowable tensile capacity of the rod/bolt, unless noted otherwise on the Drawings. 4. Product and Manufacturer: a. HIT RE 500 V3 with Safe Sat T�chnology, Injection Adhesive Anchar System, as manufactured by Hilti. b. SET-XP Epoxy-Tie Adhesive, as manufactured by Simpsan Strang-Tie Company. c. Na substitutes wiil be considered. C. Sleeved Expansion Anchars For Installation In Concrete Masanry 1. Pravide Type 316 stainless steel anchars complete with nuts and washers. 2. Praduct and Manufacturer: Pravide anchors by one of the following; a. Sleeve Anchors, as rnanufactured by Hilti Fastaning Systems, Incorparated. ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENP PLANT FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS CITY PR07ECT NO. 102056 055000-4 ANCHORAGES Fage 4 of 5 1 2 b. No substitutes will be considered. D. Concrete Ins�rts 3 1. For piping, grating, floor plate and rnasonry lintels, pravide malIeable iron inserts. 4 Comply with Federal Specifrcation WW-H-171E (Type 18). Provide those 5 recommendad by the manufacturer for the required ioading. 6 2. Finish shall be black. 7 3. Product and Manufacturer: Provide inserts by one of the following: 8 a. Figure 282, as manufactured by Anvil International. 9 b. No. 3$0, as manufactured by Hohmann and Barnard, Incorporated. 10 c. Blue Banger Hanger by Si�npson. 11 12 13 14 15 �s 17 18 19 20 E. Toggle Bolts 1. Provide spring-wing toggle bolts, with two-piece wings. 2. Provide Type 316 stainless steel boIts. 3. Praduct and Man�fact�'er: Provide toggle bolts by one of the following: a. The Rawlplug Company, Incorporated. b. Haydon Bolts, Incorporated. F. Pawder activated fasteners and ather types of bolts and fasteners not specifed herein shall not be used, unless approved by Engineer. G. Expansion anchors will not be ailowed except where approved by the Engineer in writing. 21 PART 3 - EXECUTION 22 3.1 INSPECTION 23 A. Cantractor shalI examine areas and conditions under which anchor bolts, toggle bolts 24 and concrete insert Work is to be installed, and notify Engineer, in writing, of 25 conditions detrimental to proper and tiinely com�letion of Work. Da not proceed with 26 Work until unsatisfactory conditians have been corrected in a manner acceptable to 27 Engineer. 28 3.2 INSTALLATION 29 A. Assure that embedded items are protected froin damage and are not filled in with 30 concrete. 31 B. Use concrete inserts for pipe hangers and supports far the pipe size and loading 32 recoinmended by the insert manufacturer. Do not use adhesive anchors for pure tension 33 applications such as pipe hangers. 34 C. Use toggle bolts for fastening brackets and other elements onto masonry units. 3S D. Far the adhesive anchors and adhesive material, Contractor shall camply with the 36 manufacturer's insiallatian instructians an the hola diameter and depth required to fully 37 develop the tensile strength of the adhesive anchor or reinforcing bar. Contractor shali 38 properly clean out the hale utilizing a wire brush and compressed air to remove atl 39 loose material from the ho1e, priar ta installing adhesive capsules or material. Refer to 40 the Drawings for details. ROLLiNG HiLLS WATER TREATMEN`F PLANT FLOW METER REFLACEMENTS CITY PROJECT I�iO. ] 02056 ossaoa-s ANCHORAGES Page 5 of 5 1 Ee Use torque wrench for all anchor installations and torque ta manufacturer 2 recommendations. 3 3.3 CLEANING � A. After embedding concrete is p�aced, reinove protectian and clean bolts and inserts. 5 3.4 FIELD QiTALITY CONTRQL 6 A. Contractor shall einploy a testing laboratory to perform field quality testing of installed 7 anchors. F'ield engineer or City inspector is to determine the level of testing which is 8 required for the various types af adhesive anchars and anchar bolts. A minimum of ten 9 percent of the adhesive anchors are to be tested to 50 percent of the ultimate tensile lU capaciry of ihe adhesive anchor as published in the manufacturer's catalogue. 11 B. If failura oi any of the adhesive anchors occurs, Contractor will be required to pay for 12 the casts involved in testing the remaining 90 percent. 13 C° Contractor shall correct improper workmanship, remove and replace, or correct as 14 directed by the Engineer, all adhesive anchors found unacceptable or deficient, at no 15 additional cost to the City. 16 D. Contractor shall pay for aIl correctians and subsequent tests required to confrnn the 17 integrity of the adhesive anchor. 18 E. The independent testing and inspectian agency shall complete a report on each area. 19 The report shauId summarize the observations made by the inspector and be submitted 2U to Engineer. 21 F. Provide access for the testing agency to places w�ere Work is being produced sa that 22 raquired inspectian and testing can be accomplished. 23 END OF SECTION ROLLING I-IILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT FLOW METER REPLACENEENTS C1TY PRQJECT NO. 1 D2056 D55213-I ALUMINUM HANDRAiL AND RAILINGS Fage 1 of l3 a 3 4 s 6 � 8 9 io �i 12 13 14 15 16 �� 18 19 20 21 22 23 aa 25 26 27 zs 29 34 31 32 33 SECTION OS �2 13 ALUMINUM HANDRAIL AND RAILINGS PART 1 - GENERAL l.l DESCRIPTION A. Scope: 1. Contractor shall provide all labor, materials, tools, equipment and incidentals as shown on the Drawings, specified and required to furnish and install aluminum hanc�-ail and railing systems. The Work atsa includes: a. Providing openings in, and attachments to, alumintun handrail and railing systeins to accommodate the Work under this and other Sections and providing for the aluininum handrail and railing systems all items such as anchor bolts, fasteners, skuds and a11 items required for which provision is not specifcalIy included under other Sec�ions. 2. Extent of aluminum handraiI and railing systems is shown on the Drawings and speci�'ied. 3. Types oiproducts required include the follovsring: a. Top and two intermediate horizontal railing systems. b. Handrail system. c. Toeboards. d. Anchors and fasteners. e. Sleeves, castings, reinforcing inserts, wall brackets, gatas, gate latches, stops and hinges, chains, and ather miscellaneous accessories. f. Custotn fnished architectuxal Class I anociized fintsh for all system components. B. Coordination: 1. Review installatian procedures under other Sections and coordinate the Work that must be installed with ar aitached to the handraii and railing. 2. Coordinate all handrail and railing locations as required for Work meeting ali governing authorities. C. Related Sections: 1. Drawings and general provisians oi the Contraci, inc2uding General and Supplementary Conditions and Division O1 Specifica#ion Sections, appiy to ihis Section. 2. It is the Contractor's responsibility for scheduling and coordinating the Work of subcontractors, supplier�, and other individuals or entities performing or furnishing any of the Contractor's Work. 1.� SYSTEM DESCRIPTION 34 A. Aluminurn handraii and railing system shall consist of three equally spaced horizontaI rails with 35 totally concealed mechanical fasteners, internally threaded tubular rivets and adhesively bonded 36 components fastened to posts spaced not more than 5 feet - 0 inches on center and a system of s� handrails supported from adjacent construction by mounting brackets spaced at not more than 5 38 feet - 0 inches on center. 39 B. Aluminum handrail and railing system shaIl include all components and features shown on the ao Drawings and specified and all system components and features available from speci�'ied ai rnanufacturers necessary to provide a complete aluminum handrail and railing system a2 cotnplying with these Speci�cations. ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT FLOW METER REFLACEMENTS CITY PR07ECT MO. 102056 055213-2 ALUMINiJM HAMDRAIi, AND RAILINGS Page 2 of 13 i i.3 z 3 4 5 6 � S 9 io ii iz 13 14 15 i� i� 18 19 zo zt zz QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Fabricaiar Quaiifications: 1. Engage a single finn, with undi�ided responsibility for perFormance of handrail and railing systems Work. 2. Engage a fir�n, which can show five years previous successful experience in the fabrication of handrail and railing systems of scope and type similar to the required Work. 3. Materials and fabrication procedures shall be �ubject to inspectian and tests in the mill, shop, and field, conducted by a qualified inspectian agency. �uch inspections and tests shall nat relieve Contractor of responsibility for providing materials and fabrication proced�res in compliance with speci�ed requirements. B. Installer Qualifications: 1. Engage a single installer skilled, trained and with a recard of successfitl experience in the installation of aluminum handrail and railing systems and who has a successful recard of performing Work in accardance with the appraved recornmendations and requireinents of the fabricator or who can subinit evidence in writing of being acceptable to the fabricatar; and who agrees to employ anly tradesrnen with specific skill and successful experience in this type of Work. Submit names and qualiiication to Engineer along with the follawing information on a minimum of three successful projects: a. Names and telephone nuin6ers of City personnel, architects or engineers responsible for projects. b. Approximate contract cosi of the handrails and railingse c. Amaunt of area installed. 23 G Codes: 24 2s 26 z� 1. Comply with the applicable requirements of OSHA and the International Building Code. 2. If there is a conflict beiween the OSHA requirements and the International Building Code, comply with whichever requirement is more stringent. D. Allowable Talerances: 2a I. Limit variation of cast-in-piace inserts, sleeves and iieId-drilled anchar and fastener holes 2� to the following: 3o a. Spacing: t3/8-inch. 31 b. Alignment: �1/4-inch. 3a c. Plumbness: �1/$-inch. 33 34 35 36 37 38 2. Minimum Handrails and Railings Systems Plumb Criteria: a. Limit variation af campleted handrail and railing systern aligntnent to 1/4-inch in 12 feet - 0 inches with posts set plumb to within 1/16-inch in 3 foot - Q inches. b. Align rails so variations frorn level for horizontal rnembers and froxn parallel with rake of stairs and ramps for sloping members do not exceed 1/4-inch in 12 feet - 0 inches. 3. Provide `�encil-Iine" thin butt joints. 39 E. Source Quality Control: ao 1. Obtain all handrails and railings systems components and accessories fram the same a1 manufacturer. a2 F. Reference Standard�: Com�ply with applicable provisians and recomrnendations of the a3 following, except as athen�ise shown or specified. 44 1. ASTM B 26, Specification for Aluminum and Alwninum-Alloy Sand Castings. as 2. ASTM B 117, Practice for Operating Salt Spray (Fog) Apparatus. ROLLIIVG HILLS WATER TREATIVdENT PLAIVT FLOW METER REPLACEMENT3 C1TY PR07ECT Nb. 102d5fi 055213-3 ALUMINUM HANDRAIL AND RAiLi3VGS Page 3 of 13 t 3. ASTM B 13G, Method for Measurement of Stain Resistance of Anodic Coatings on 2 Alurninum. 3 4. ASTM B 137, Test Method for Meas�are�nent of Coating Mass Per Unit Area of Anodically a Coated Alunninum. s 5. ASTM B 210, Specification for Aluminu�n and Aluminum-Alloy Drawn Seamless Tubes. 6 6. ASTN B 221, Specification for Aluminurn and Aluminum-Alloy Extruded Bars, Rods, � Wire, Profiles and Tubes. s 7. ASTM B 241, Specification for Aluminum and Aluminum-Alloy Seamless Pipe and 9 Seamless Extruded Tube. to S. ASTM B 244, Test Method for Measurement of Thickness of Anodic Coatings on i i Aluminum and of Other Nonconductive Coatings on Nonmagnetic Basis Metals with Eddy- i2 Current Instnunents. 13 9. ASTM B 247, Specification for Aluminum and Aluminum-Alloy Die Fargings, Hand i4 Forgings, and Rolied Ring Forgings. is 10. ASTM B 429, Specification for Aluminum-Alloy Extruded Sttuctural Pipe and Tube. t6 i 1. ANSI A1264.1, Safety Requirements for Workplace Floar and Wall Qpenings, Stairs and i� Railing Systems. is 12. The Alumimim Associatian, AA ASD-1, Aluininurn Standards and Data. i9 13. The Aluminum Association, AA SAA-46, Standards for Anodized Architectural 2o Aluminum. zi 14. The Aluminum Assaciation, AA D,SA-45, Designatian System far Al�uninum Finishes. 2z 15. Architectural Metal Products Division of The National Association of Architectural Meta1 23 Manufacturers, AMF/NAAMM, Pipe Railing Manual. z� 16. Architectural Metal Products Divisian ot' The National Association of Architectural Metal 2s Manufacturers, AMP SO1, Finishes far Aluminum. 26 17. OSHA, Title 29 Code of Federal Regulations Part 1910.23 - Guarding Floor and Wall z� Openings and Holes. 2s i8. The Americans with Disabi�ines Act of 1990 (Public Law 101-336}, Appendix A to Title 29 28 Code of Federal Regulations Part 36 (Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility 3o Guidelines for Buildings and Facilities - ADAAG. si 19. American National Standard Institute, A117.1, Accessibie and Usable Buildings and 32 Facilities. 33 20. Uni%rm Building Code. 34 G. Field Measurennet�ts: Take field measurements, where required, prior to preparation of Shop 3s Drawings and fabrication to ensure proper fitting of the Work. 36 H. Shop Assembly: Freassemble items in the shop to the greatest extent possible, so as to 3� minirnize field splicing and assembly of units at tha site. Disassemble units only to the extent 3a necessary for shipping and handling limitations. Clearly �nark units for reassembly and 39 coardinate installation. �0 1.4 SUSMITTALS ai A. Samples: Submit for approval the following: aa 1. Full siza sample, 2 foot - 0 inches long, of assembled railing system at post and rail aa intersections with all associated co�nponents including typical mechanicaI and adhesively ROLLING IaILLS WATER TItEATMENT PLANT FLOW METER REPLACEMEAITS CITY PR07ECT NO. 1D2056 055213-4 ALUMIN[JM HAI�lDRAIi. ANB RAILINGS Page 4 of f 3 i fastened connections, tnounted toebaard at�d sleeve, and handrail at wall return complete 2 with mounting brackets, all with specified controlied uniform metal fnish. 3 2. Color Samples: Maximum range of clear anadized aluminurn that shal� appear in finished a Work. Prepare range samples, to show the highest level of calor contral feasible for actual s handrail and railing connponent�, as deter�nined by the licensor of the finishing process � specified, on actuai extrusians and castings of the Wor�. � 3. Samples will be reviewed far finish, color, joinery toIerances, warkmanship and general s component assez�bly only. Campliance with all other requirements is the respansibility af 9 Contractor. ia B. Shap Drawings: Submit for approval the following: i i 1. Drawings for the fabrication and erection af handrail and railing systems with sizes of i2 �nembers, components and anchorage devices, all based on spaciiied requirements. Include i3 copies af manufacturer's specificatians, standard detail drawings and installation ia instructions far handrail and railing systems. Include all plans and elevations identifying � s the location of all handrail and railing systeins, and defails of sections and connections. � � Show all anchorage items. 17 2. Prafiles of handrail and railing systems camponents, and the details of forrning, jointing, is sections, connection, internal supports, trim, and accessories. Provide details drawn at 1- 19 112-inch scale. zo 3. AlI calculations for complete stnictural analysis of the handraii and railing systems z� including calculatians showing coxnpliance with system perfonnance criteria specified. zz The calculations shall be prepared, signed and sealed by a Registered Professional Engineer za licensed in the State of Texas. 2a 4e Manufacturer's catalogs showing complete selection of standard and custom components 2s and miscellaneous accessories for selection by Engineer. 26 5. Maintenance Manuals: Upon campletian of the Work, furnish capies of detailed 2� maintenance manual including the following information: za a. Praduci name and number. z9 b. Name, address and telephone number of fabricator and manufacturer's local distributor. so c. Detailed procedures far routine mainter�ance and cleaning, including cleaning 3 t materials, application methods and �recautions as to use of materials that may be s2 detrimental to finish when iinproperly applied. 33 d. Supply six copies of handraiIs and railings systems inanufact�u-er's current catalog to 34 Clty. ss G Certification: Submit for agproeai the following: 36 1. Copies of z�naterial purchxse receipts indica�ing actual materials purchased for this job, 3� signed by a certified and licensed Notary Public, verifying that rnaterial purchased far the sa Work camplies with material designations specified as coniirmed by approved Shop s9 Drawings. ao 2. Manufacturer's certificate on results of load testing the comp�eted handrail and railing ai systeins, demonstrating compliance with all applicable 4SHA, ANSI and Uniform a2 Building Code, Buiiding Consfiruction Code requirements and the system performance a3 criteria specified for superimposed laadings and deflection limitations. 44 3. Finish: Furnish a written certificate confirming specified anodized coating film thickness, as caating weight, sealing treatrnent and stain test performance. ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMEAIT PLAAIT E'T.OW METER REPLACEMENTS CITY PROJECT NO. 102056 oss213-s ALLTMINUM HANDRAIL AND RAILIMGS Page 5 of 13 1.5 PRODUCT DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING z A. DeIivery of Materials: s 1. Deliver handrails and railings and all accessaries dry and undamaged, with manufacturer's a protective caating in#act, bearing original intact factory labels identifying component's s location and use within the completed systems. s 2. Handrail and railing systems cornponenis, 7 being unloaded, shall not be stored on site. s new, undamaged material. g io ii 12 13 ta �s I6 which are damaged during delivery or while Remove such units from site and replace with B. Storage ofMaterials: 1. Stora handrail and railing systems components and accessory materials in a dry Iocation and in a manner thai will protect strippable coating from exposure to sun and condensation; with good air circulation around eacl� piece and with protection from wind blown rain. 2. Store handrail and railing systems components and accessory materials under tarpaulin covers and in an area protected from dirt, datnage, weather and fram the constructian activities of aIl contractars. Do nat store outside or allow items to become wet or soiled in any way while on site. i� 3. Do not stare in contact with concrete, earth or other materials that might cause corrosion, is staining, scratching ar damage to finish. Do not instali system components, which becaine i9 dented, scratched or damaged in any way. Remove such components from site and replace za with new, undamaged material. 21 2z 23 C. Handling of Materials: 1. Do not subject handrail and railing systems comp�nents and accessory materials to bending or stress. 2a 2. Do not damage edges or handle material in a manner that will cause scratches, warps or zs dents. z6 3. Keep on-site handiing to a ininimuin. z� 4. Maintain protective covering on railings and handrails. Atl surface pro�eciive coverings zs such as non-adhesive papers, adhesive papers and strippable plastic films shall be removed zg after receipt at the site as soon as there is no longer a need for the protection. 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 1.6 JOB CONDITIONS A. Protection: Protect cast-in-place sleeves from debris and water intn�sion by use of temporary covers or removable foam inserts. PART � - PRODUCTS 2.1 SYSTEM PERFORMANCE A. Performance Criteria: 1. Maintain the visual design cancept shown on the Drawings, and the technical requirements specified, including modules, profiles, alignment of components and requirements for finish. a9 2. PrQvide handrail and railing systems that conform to the International Building Coda, ao Building Construction Code and OSHA, Part 1910.23, including the 200 pound loading ai requirem�ent. In addition, the system shall conform to the fallowing requirements: ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMBNT PLANT FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS CITY PROdECT NO. L02056 055213-b ALUMINL]M HANI}RAIL AiVD RAILINGS Page b of 13 i a. Completed railing and handrail systems shali withstand a unifarm iateral force of 40 2 pounds per linear foot and a vertical uniform force ot' S0 pounds per linear foat, both 3 applied simultaneously at the top of the handrail and railing. a b. Intermediate and battom rails shall withstand siinultaneously applied lateral uniform s forces of 40 pounds per linear faot and a vertical load of 50 pounds per linear faot, 6 however, lateral and vertical loads on intermediate and bottom railings need not be � considered in the detailing and fabrication ofposts and ancharages. a c. For railings having panels, the panels shall be detailed and fabricated to withstand a 9 unifann lateral load af twenty pounds �er sqt�are foot. io d. Concentrated 200 pound load and uniform force conditions shall not be a�plied i i simultaneously. i2 e. Other pertinent requirements ceded ta ANSI A1264.1 by the Unifarm Building Code. i3 f. Bending stresses sha11 not exceed 60 percent of the yield stress af the material. Applied ia loads shall not produce permanent deflection in the completed Wark when loads are i s removed. i6 g. Select schedule of pipe using alloys, mis�imum diameter, loadings and maximum post i� spacing specified in order to limit deflection in each single-span of railing and handrail is to 1.5-inches maximutrz and an railing posts to 1.4-inches maximu�n and with a safery i9 factor of 1.65:1 for all Work. za h. Load test completed handrail and railing systerns and submit results to Engineer. zi Provide written report idet�tifyir�g and doc�.unenting the testing methods used, the loads z2 superirnposed and how and whera they were applied, and the results of such tests on z3 actua! complete handrail and railing systeins including all anchars and fasteners to be 2a used in the Work, The written repoxt shall be signed and sealed by a Regis�ered 2s Professional Engineer licensed in the State af Texas. Testing setup shall siinulate zb achial conditions of installation ta be nsed in the Work. 2� 3. Thermal Control: Provide adequate expansion within fabricated systems that allaws iar a 2s thermal expansion and contraction caused by a material temperature change of 1�0°F to - 2� 20°F without warp or bow of system components. Distance between expansion joints shall 3o be based an providing a 1/4-inch wide joint at 70°F, which accommadates a mavement of 3i 150 percent of the calculated arnount of movement far the specified temperature range. 3z 4. Provide expansion joints in handrail and railing systems where systeins cross expansion �3 joints in struciure. 34 5. Provide handrail and railing systems as shown on the Drawings. Where I�andrail or railing 3s systems are required by either the governing authority or the Occupational Safety and 36 Health Act of 1970, or the Americans with Di,sabilities Act af 1990, aluminum handrail and 3� railing systerns of the type specified herein shall be provided. ss 6. Con�guration �f a11 handrail and railing systems components shall be as shown on the 39 Drawings. Verify dimensians at the site without causing delay in the Wark. �0 7. Except where detailed dimensions are shown on the Drawings, indicate required locations at for posts, space posis maxirnum 5 foot-0 inches on centers. aa S. Where details show post location requirements at or near end of runs, unifonnly space 43 intermediate posts as required to rneet loading and deflection criteria specified, but not 44 greater than maximum spacing specified. Where posts are s�iown at straight walkways and as other lacations where railing is provided on �ach side, locate railing system posts opposite 46 each other; do not stagger. a� 9. Coinply with handrail and railing systems details shown on the Drawings. Provic�e 48 fabricatar's standard details for canditions not shown on the Drawings and for general ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT FLA3�T FLpW MF,TER REPLACEMENTS CITY PR07ECT NO. 1 R2p56 U55213-7 ALUMINUM HANBRAIL AND RAILI3VGS Page 7 of 13 2 3 4 s 6 � a G� 20 ii 12 13 14 ts �6 17 is i9 20 21 22 23 24 2s 26 27 2s 29 30 31 32 3a 34 35 3s 37 38 39 40 « 42 system assembly, unless otherwise specified. All details shown are typical; similar details appIy to similar conditions, unless specFfica�ly otherwise shown on the Drawings. 10. Fabricator is responsible for stnzctural analysis and detailing of handrails and railings systerns. Provide coinpleta structural calculations and verification of other system performance criteria and Shop Drawings for all handrail and railing rneanbers, anchors and all other support system coinponents prepared, signed and stamped with the seal of a Licensed Professional Engineer Iicensed to practice in the State af Texas and recognized as an expert in the specialty involved. B. Fasteners and Supports: 1. Provide the size, length and load carrying capacity required to carry the specified loadings required by performance criteria tiines a ininimum safety factor of four. 2. Where sizes are shown on the Drawings, the sizes shown shall be considered minimum. Increase size to comply with required systetn perforixzarnce criteria loadings and minimum safety factor specified. 3. All railing system posts shali be pro�ided with a circular profile solid reinforcing bar with outside diarneter ec�ual to inside diameter of post. Each post shall receive one reinfarcing bar. 2.2 MATERIALS A. Extruded Aluminum Architectnral and Ornamental Shapes: ASTM B 221, Alloy 6063-T52. B. Aluininum Forgings: ASTM B 247. C. Extruded or Drawn Aluminum Pipe and Tube: 1. ASTM B 429 or ASTM B 241, Alloy 6053-T5, 6063-T52 or 6063-T832 as rrequired by loadings, deflections and post spacings specified. 2. Provide Schedule 40 pipe rninimum, unless conditions oi detail and iabrication require ex�-a I�eavy pipe to comply with performance criteria specified. 3. Provide aIl rails and posts with minimiun outside diameter of 1.900-inches. D. Reinforcing Bars: SoIid, circular profile, 24-inch long, 6061-T6 aiuminum reinforcing bars with same outside diameter as inside diameter of post. E. Toeboards: 1. Provide extruded ASTM 6fl63-TS or T52 alloy ahuninum toebaards, unless railing is mounted on curbs or other const�ciion of sufficient height and type to meet the requirements of OSHA 1910.23. Bars or plates are not acceptable. 2. Unless otherwisa specified, toeboards shall meet requirements of OSHA Fart I910.23, �ection (e). F. Anchors and Fastenings: 1. Type 31b stainless steel; minimum 1/2-inch diameter. 2. Provide minimum of four bolt fasteners for each post where surface mounted posts are shown on the Drawings. Companents shall be in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations and as acceptable to ENGINEER as shown on approved Shop Drawings. 3. Concrete and Masor�y Anchars: As specified in Section OS 50 O1, Ancharages. 4. BaZting Materials: As specified in Section OS SO O1, Anchorages. G. Castings: RQI,LING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS CITY PROJECT NO. I02056 ass2is-a ALUMINUM HANDRAIL AND RAILINGS Page 8 of 13 i 1. Provide high strength alumimun alloy brackets, flanges and fittings suitabie for anodizing z as specified. 3 2. Aluminum-Alloy Sand Castings: ASTM B 26. a H. Connectar Sleeves: Schedule 40, 5-inches lang by 1.6f0-inches diarneters. s I. Brackets and Flanges: Provid� inanufacturer's complete selection of standard and custom 6 brackets and flanges for railing system posts and far handraiI supports. � J. Sockets: Provide 6-inch deep by 2-1/2-inch outside cliameter aluminum sockets with 3-1/2-inch s wide socket cover on boitom of all socke�s and on top and bottom of removable post sockets. 9 K. Hinges: Provide two self-closing aluminum hinges for each railing system gate shown on the 1 o Drawings. i i L. Latches and Stops: Prov�de one latch and stop with rubber bumper and 1-inch diameter plastic j2 knob for each railing system gate shown on the Drawings. i3 M. Chain, Snaps and Eye Bolts: Provide oblong d.250-inch welded link, Type 316 stainless sieel ta chain weighing 57 pounds per cubic foat, each link 1-1/8-inch by 7/16-inch. Provide stainless �s steel eyebolts, 1/4-inch stainless steel threaded quick links and heavy-duty swivel snaps with i6 spring-loaded latch. �� N. Custom Cover Flanges: 1/4-inch high by 4-inch diameter; aluininum, �s O. System Components and Miscellaneaus Accessaries: Provide a coinplete selec�ian of �� inanufacturer's standard and custorn aluminum handraii and railing systems components and Zo miscellaneous accessories as may be required based on conditions and req�.iirements shown an zi the Drawings, including, but n�t lirnited to, fascia flanges, post brackets, complete selection of 22 one and twa-piece handrail brackets for selection by Engineer including proiective inserts, 2s threaded bushing brackets, interlocking panel ciips, clamps, channel adapters, end caps, post 2a caps, adapters, ADA-campliant accessories and similar items. Show the type and location of 2s all such items an Shop Drawings. zd P. Adhesive: Two part waterpraoi apaxy-iype as recommended by handrail and railing systems 27 manufacturer. za Q. Nan-Sl�rink, Non-MetaIlic Grout: a� 1. Pre-inixed nan-staining cementitious grout requiring oniy ihe addation of water. 3a 2. Product and Man�facturer: Provide one af the %ilawing: 3 i a. Euco N-S by The Euclid Che�nical Campany. 3z b. Masterflow 713 by Master Builders Campany. 33 c. Or equal. 34 2.3 FASRICATIQN 3s A. General: Unless otherwise shown on the Drawings or speci�ed in the Contract Documents 36 provide typical non-welded constructian details and fabricatian techniques as recommended by s� AMP/NAAMM publications specified. sa B. Form exposed Work true to line a�d level wi�h accurate angles, surfaces and straight edges. 39 Fabricate a11 corners without the use of fittings. aa C. Form bent-metal corners to the radius shown on the Drawings v�rithout causrng grain separation at or atherwise impairing the Work. Use radius bends to form all changes in direction of handrail a2 and railing systerns. Form elbow bends and wall returns to unifarm radius, free fram buckles IiOLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT FLFINT FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS CITY PRQ7ECT IVO. 102056 055213-9 ALUMI[�iUM HANDRA.II, ANb RAILINGS Page 9 of 13 t and twists, with smooth finished surfaces, or use prefabricated bends. Provide not less than 4- 2 inch outside radius. 3 D. Provide chains across openings in railings where shown on the Drawings. Attach one end of 4 each chain to a 1/4-inch eye bolt in the post and the other end attached by means of an s approved heavy stainless steel swivel eye snap hoak to a similar eye b�lt in the opposite post. 6 E. Remove burrs from all exposed edges. � F. Locate intermediate rails equally spaced between tap rail and finished floor. s G. Close aluminum pipe ends by using prefabricated �ttings. 9 H. Weep Hales: io 1. Fabricaie joints, which will be exposed to the weather so as to exclude water. i i 2. Provide 15/64-inch diarneter weep holes at the lowest possible point on all handrail and t2 railing systems posts. i3 3. Provide pressure relief holes at closed enc�s af handrail and railing systerns. ia l. Toeboards: is 1. Provide manufacturer's toeboard detail, which accommodates movement, caused by �6 thermal change specified without warping or bowing toeboards. » 2. Provide rnanufacturer's toeboard detail, whzc� accorzaz�aodates starage for removable socket i s covers. i� 3. Coordinate and cope toeboard as required to accommodate cover flanges at posts. 20 4. Toebaards shall f�llow curvature oi railing. Where railing is shown on the Drawings to 2i have curved contours at corners, or other locations, the toeboard shall likewise be curved to 22 follow line of railing system. 23 J. Reinforcing Bars: Provide reinforcing bar friction-fitted at all railing system posts. Extend 2a reinforcing bars or tubes 6-inches into cast-in-place sleeves or other types of supporting zs brackets. z6 K. Mechanically Fitted Camponent Pipe Handrail and Railing: 2� l. Use a nonweIded pipe handrail and railing system with posts, top and intermediate rail(s) 2s and flush joints. zg 2. Pravide a top and two intermediate horizontal rail{s), eqnally spaced. 30 3. Blind rivets, pop rivets or other exposed fastening devices shall not be used in the Work. 3 i Fasteners usea for side mouniing fascia flanges where snown on the Drawings or specified 3z rnay be exposed in the Work. Provide internal threaded tubular aluminum rivets, stainIess a3 steel through boZts with lock nuts, stainless steel sheet metal screws with lockwashers and 34 epoxy adhesive for fastenin� all camponents of the `]Vork. 3s 4. Product and Manufacturer: Provide one oithe folIowing: 36 a. Connectorail Systam by Julius B1um & Company, Incarporated. 3� b. Custom Fabricated Series 500 Non-Welded Aiuminum Pipe Aluminum handrails and 38 railings system by Superior Alurninum Products, Incorporated. 39 c. �r equal. ao 2.4 ALUMINUM COATINGS ai A. General: a2 1. Prepare surfaces for finishing in accardance with recommendations oi the aluminum 43 producer and the finisher or processor. ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATM�NT PT.ANT FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS CITY PROJECT NO. 102056 OS 52 13 - 10 ALUMINUM HANDRAIL AND RAII,INGS Page 10 of 13 2 3 a 5 6 � 3. A�. 2. Adjust and control the direction of miec�anical finishes specified ta achieve the best averall visual effect in the Work. a � io ii 12 13 14 is 16 i� �a Color and Texture Tolerance: Frovide uniform color and continuous inechanical texture for all alutninum camponents. Engineer reserves the right to reject aluminum materials because of color ar texture �ariations, which are visually objectionabie, but only where the variation exceeds the range af variations established by the manufacturer prior to fabrication, by means Qf range sa��ples wI�ich have been accepted by Engineer. Anodize all aluminum components of the Work. B. Mechanically finish aluminum by wheel or belt polishing with aluminurn oxide grit of 180 to 220 size, using peripheral wheel speed of 6,000 feet �er ininute; Aluminum Association Designatioz� - M32 Meditun Satin Directional Texture. 1. Hand Rubbed Finish: Where required to complete the Work and pravide uniforin, continuous texture, provide hand rubbed finish to match inedium satin directianal texture specified in order to even out and blend in satin finishes produced by other means. C. Provide non-etching cheinical cIeaning by immersing the aluminum in an inhibited chexnical solutian, as recammended by the coating applicator, to remove all lard ail, fats, mineral grease and other contamination detrirnental to provading specified finishes. 1. Clean and rinse with water between steps as recommended by the aluininum manufacturer. i9 D. Exposed AIuminum Anodic Coating: Pravide anadic coatings as specified, which do not zo depend on dyes, organic or inorganic pigrnents, ar impregnation processes to obtain coIor. 2i Apply coatings using only the alloy, temperature, c�urent density and acid electrolytes to obtain zz specified colors in compliance with the designation system and requirements of the AIuminum z3 Association and AMP SO1 of AMP/NAAMM. Comply with the fallawing: Za 1. Pravide Architectural Class I high density anodic treatment by immersing the companents 2s in a tank containing a solution of 1 S percent sulfuric acid at 70°F with 12 amperes per 26 square foot of direct current for minimum of sixty ininutes; Aluminuin Association 2� Designation A41. za z� 2. Physical Properties: a. Anodic Coating Thickness, ASTM B 244: Miniinuin ai 0.'7 �nils thick. b. Anodic Coating Weight, ASTM B 137: Minimum of 32 mg/sq. in. c. Resistance to Staining, ASTM B 136: No stain after five minutes dye soiution exposure. d. Salt Spray, ASTM B 117: 30,000 hours exposure with no corrasion or shade change. 3. Seal finished anodized coatings using deianized boiling water to seal �the pores and prevent further absorption. 4, Product and Manufacturer: Provide one of the foliovving: a. Alumilite 215 Clear by Aluminum Company af America, Incorpara�ed. b. �r equal. 30 31 32 33 34 35 s6 37 38 39 ao PART 3 - EXECUTIQN 41 42 a3 44 45 3.1 INSPECTION A. Contractor shall examine the substra�e and conditians under which the aluminum handrails and railings systems Work is to be performed and notify ENGINEER, in writing, of unsatisfactory tolerances which exceed specified limits and ather conditions dei.iirnental ta proper and tixnely comgletion of the Work. Da not praceed with ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS CTTY PROJECT NO. I02056 055213-I1 ALUMINUM HANI7RAIL ANA RAiLINGS Page I 1 of I3 � installation until unsatisfactory conditians have been corrected in a inanner acceptable 2 to Engineer. 3 B. Verify to Engineer gage of alurninum pipe railing posts and rails brought ta the site by a actual measurement of on-site znaterial in ttae presence of Engineer. s 3.2 INSTALLATIQN 6 A. General: � 1. Do not erect components, whicn have become scarred, dented, chipped, discalored a or otherwise damaged or defaced. Railing and handrail systein components, which � have holes, cuts, gouges, deep scratches ar dents of any kind, shall be removed io frain the site before installation. Repairs to carrect such Work will not be approved i i by Engine�r. Remove and replace wiih new inaterial. iz 2. Comply with installation and anchorage recom�nendations of AMP/NAAMM i3 publications specified in addition to the requirements speci�ed and approved Shop ia Drawings. is B. Fastening to In-Place Construction: i6 1. Remove protective plastic iinmediately before installation. i� 2. Adjust handrails and raiIings prior to securing in place, to ensure proper matching is at butting joints and correct alignment throughout their length. Plumb posts in each i9 direction. Secure posts and rail ends to building construction as follows: 2o a. Anchar posts in concrete by means af sockets set and anchored into the z� concrete floor slab_ Provide closure secured to the bottom of sleeve. Before 22 installing posts remove all debris and water from sleeves. Verify that as reinforcing bars have been inserted into posts before installation. Do not 2a install posts without reinforcing bar. For all non-removable handrail and 2s railin.g syste�s sections, after the posts have been inserted into the sockets, fill 2g the annular space between posts and socke�s solid with grout as speciiied in z� Saction 03 60 00, Grout. Crawn grout and slope it to drain away from posts. zs b. Anchor posts to stair stringers with stringer or support flanges, angle type or z� �loar type as required by conditions, shop-connected to posts and bolted to the so steel supporting meinbers. Flanges shall be as recammended by 3 i mariufacturer. Verify that reinforcing bars have been inserted into posts 32 before installation. Do not install posts without reinforcing bar. 33 c. Side monnt posts by fastening them securely in brackets attached to steel or 34 concrete fascia as shown on the Drawings and in accordance with apprvved 35 Shop Drawings. 36 d. Pravide removable railing sections where shown on tiae Drawings. Removable 3� railing system posts shalt be provided with frictian �itted reinforcing bar in 3a each post. Provide sockets with socket covers stored in extruded toeboard. 3� Provide aluminurn pipe collars for all removable posts. Accurately locate ao sleeves to match pQst spacings. ai e. All posts sei in concrete shall be pravided with an aluminuun floor cover aa flanga. a3 3. Use devices and fasteners recommended by the handrail and railing systems 44 manufacturer and as shown on the approved Shop Drawings. as G Cutting, Fitting and Placement: ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT FI.OW MET��t REPLACEMENTS C[TY PRpJECT NO. 1p2056 OS 52 13 - 12 AL[JMINUM HANbRAiL AN171tAILING5 Page 12 of 13 i 2 3 4 5 6 � a 9 io ii 12 13 14 is 16 i� is �9 za 21 zz 2� 24 �s 26 27 2s 24 so 31 32 33 1. Perform cutting, drilling and fitting required for installation. Set the Work accurately in location, alignment and elevation, pliunb, level, tnie and free of rack, measured frorn established lines and leveis. 2. Fit exposed connections accurately together to form tight hairline joints. Do not cut ar abrade the surfaces af units, which ha�e been finished after fabrication, and are intended for field conneciions. 3. Pennanent field splice connections shall be made �sing rnanufact�irer's recommended epoxy adhesive and 5-inch minirnum length connector sleeves. Tight press-fit all field splice connectors and install in accordance with manufacturer's written instructions. FolIow epoxy manufacturer's recommen- da�ions far requirements of installatian and conditions of use. 4. Make all splices as near as possible ta posts but not exceeding 12-inches fi-om nearest post. 5. Field welding will nat be permitted. Make all splices using a pipe splice lock einploying a single Allen screw ta lock joint. 6. Provide hinged railings sections as shown on the Drawings. Provide hinges and Iatch for connectian to adjacent railing. 7. Pravide chain sections as shown on the Drawings. Provide one chain length with fastening accessaries far tap and each intermediate rail. S. Secure handrails to walls with wall brackets and end fittings as shawn on the Drawings. Locate brackets as shown on the Drawings or, if noi shawn an the Drawings, at not more than 5 feet — 0 inches on centers. 9. Provide flush-type wall reiurn fittings wiih the same prajection as that shQwn for wall brackets. DriIl wall plate portion af the bracket to recei�e one balt, unless otherwise shown an the Drawings. 10. Secure wa1� brackets to building construction as follows: a. For concrete and solid masonry anchorage, use anchor bolt expansion shields and lag bolts. b. �'or hallaw masonry anchorage, use toggle bolts having square heads. 11. �ecurely fasten toebaards in plac� with nat mare than 1/4-inch clearance above floor level. 12. Drill one 15/64-inch diameter weep hole not more than 1/4-inch abo�e #he top of lacation of solid reinforcing bar in each post. 34 D. Expansion Jaints: 3s 1. Provide sIip joint with internal sIeeve extending 2-inches minimum beyand joint vn 3� each side. 3� 2. Construct expansion joints as for field splices, except fasten internal sleeve 3s securely to one side of rail anly. 39 3. Locate joints within 6-inches of posts. aa 4. Submit locations and detaxls of all expansion joints to Engineer. a� E. Protection from Dissirnilar Materials: az 1. Coat all surfaces of aluminum in contact with dissimiIar rnaterials such as concrete, a3 masonry and steel as specified in Section 09 90 00, Painting and Protective 44 Coatings. as 2. Da not extend coating beyand contact surfaces. Remove coating where exposed- 46 to-view in the finished Work. �tpLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLAI�IT FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS CTTY PR07ECT NO. 102056 05 52 13 - 13 ALUMINUM HANDRAIL AND RAILII�IGS Page 13 of 13 i 3.3 CLEANING AND REPAIRING z A. Cleaning: Installer shall clean exposed surfaces of handraiI and railing systems of every 3 substance after cornnpletion of installation. Comply with recommendations nf bath the a handrail and railing, and finish manufacturer. Do not use abrasives or non-approved s solvent cleaners. Test cIeaning techniques on an un-used section of railing before 6 employing cleaning technique. � 1. Reznove all stains, dirt, grease or other substances by washing handrails and s railings systems thoroughly using clean water and soap; rinse with clean water. 9 2. Da not use acid solution, steel wool or other harsh abrasives. io 3. If stain remains a$er washing remove defective sections and replace with new i� material conforming to the requirements of the Specification. �z B. Leave hancirails and railings, free from dents, burrs, scratches, holes and other i3 blemishes. Replace damaged or otherwise defective Work with new material that ia confonns to the Speci�cation requirements at na additional cost to City. is C. At the coinpletion af Work, replace adjacent work marred by the Work of this Section. 16 END OF SECTION ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT FLOW ME'F�R I�PLACEMENTS CITY PR07ECT NO. 1 U2056 22 14 14- 1 SUMP PUMP DISCHARGE PIPiNG Page 1 of 4 1 2 3 PARTI- GENERAL 4 1.1 SUMMARY SECTION �� 14 19 SUMP PUMP DISCHARGE PIPING 5 A. Section Includes: 6 1. Contractar shall provide polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipe, complete and in place, as 7 shown on the contract documents. S B. Deviations from this City of Fort Worth Standard Speci�cation 9 1, Not Applicable 10 11 12 13 1.� C. Related Specification Sections include but are not necessarily limited to 1. Division 0- Bidding Reqnirements, Contract Forms, and Canditions of the Contract 2. Divisian 1- G�neral Requira�nents PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES 14 A. Measurement and Payment 15 L Meas�rement 16 a. Iteir� is included in the contract price and not measured. 17 2. Payment 18 a. The work perfarmed and materials furnished in accordance with this Item and 19 measured as provided under "Measureznent" will be paid far at the contract 20 price. 21 1.3 REFERENCES 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 A. American Water Works Association {AWWA) 1. ASTM D 1784 — Specification for Rigid Poly (Viny1 Chtoride) (PVC) Compounds and Chlorinated Poly {Vinyl Chloride) (CPVC) Compounds 2. ASTM D 1785 — Specification for Po1y (Vinyl CI�Iaride) (PVC} Plastic Pipe, Schedules 40, 80, and 120 3. ASTM D 2466 — Specification for Poly (Vinyl Chlorida) (PVC) Plastic Pipe Fittings, Schedule $0 4. A5TM D 2564 — Specification for So�vent Cements for Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Piastic Pipe and Fittings S. ASTM D 2855 — Specification for Making Solvent — Cemented 7oints with Poly (Vinyl Chloride} {PVC} Pige and Fittings 33 1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS �NOT USED] 34 1.� ACTION SUBMITTALS 35 A. Shop drawings and product data in accordance with Section 01300 for piping layouts 36 and schedules, including dimensioning, fittings, locatians of valves, appurtenances, and 37 locations of supports and hangars. 38 1.6 ACTION SUBMITTALS/INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS �NOT USED] Copyright 2414 7Q Infrastructure, LLC ROLLII�G HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT FLQW METER REPLACEMENTS CITY PROdECT NO. 1 U2056 22 14 19- 2 SUMP PUMP D15CHARGE PIPING Page 2 of 4 1 1.7 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS jNOT USEDJ 2 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUSMITTALS [NOT USED] 3 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE 4 A. PVC pipe and fittings shail ba froin a single inanufacturer. PVC pipe to be installed 5 under this Contract may be inspected at the plant for compliance with these 6 specifications by and independent testing laboratory selected by the Owner. The 7 Contractor shall require the rnanufacturer's cooperation in these inspections. The cost 8 for inspection and testing wiIl be borne by the Owner. 4 B. Inspection of the pipe will also be maae by the Owner and Engineer after delivery. The 10 pipe shall be subject to rejection on the account of failure to meet the speci�cation 11 requirements, even though pipe inaierial may have been accepted as satisfactory at the 12 place of manufacture. Pipe rejected after delivery shall be marked for identif cation and 13 shall be immediately removed from the site. 14 110 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING �NOT USED] 15 1G 1.11 FIELD [SITE] CONDITIONS (NOT USED] 1.1� WARRANTY [NOT USED] 17 PART 2 - PRODUCTS 1S 2.1 OWNER FURNISHED �o�] OWNER-SUPPLIEDPRODUCTS [NOT USED] 19 2.2 MATERiALS Za 21 22 23 24 zs 26 27 28 �.3 A. PVC Pipe 1. Pipe and fittings shall be rnanufactured from ASTM D 1785. 2. Wall thickness shall be Schedule 80 3. Fittings shall be socket-type conforming io ASTM D2467. 4. Pipe and fitting joints shall be oFthe socI�et type, deigned for coId soIvent weIding conforming to ASTM D2564 and ASTM D2855. 5. Flat faced flanges with trolling pattern conforming to ANSI B 16.5 CIass 150 rated at 150psi at 80°F ACCESSORIES [NOT USED] 29 �.4 SOURCE QUALITY CONTROL [NOT USED] 30 PART 3 - EXECUTION 31 3.1 INSTALLERS jNOT USED] 32 3.2 EXAMINATION [NOT USED� 33 3.3 PREPARATION 34 A. Prior to installation, each pipe length shall be carefully inspected, fiushed clean of any 35 debris and dust, and be straightened if not trua. Ail pipe �ttings shall be cleaned before 35 assembly. Copyright 2019 JQ Infrastructure, LLC ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT FGQW METER REPLACEMEIVT3 CITY PR07ECT NO, 102056 22 14 19- 3 SUMP PUMP pISCHARGE PiPING Page 3 of 4 1 3.�4 INSTALLATYON 2 A. General: All PVC pipes shall be insialled in a neat and workmanlike manner, properly 3 aligned, and cut from measuremenks taken at t�e site to avoid interferences with 4 structural ineinbers, architectural features, openings, access ways and equipmento 5 Expased pipes shall affard maximurn headroam and access to equipment, and where b necessary all piping shalI be installed with suff cient sIopes for venting and drainage of 7 liquids and condensate at low paints. All installations shali be acceptable to the 8 Engineer. Contractor shall strictly follow manufacturer's installation recomrnendations 9 and requirements of this specification for assembly, chamfering of plain ends, appIying lU solvents, and supporting pipe. 11 B. Supgorts and anchors: AlI piping shall be finnly supported with caminercial hangars or 12 supports as shown on the Contract Drawings. 13 C. Valves and Unions: Unless atherwise indicated, all connections to fixtures and 14 equipinent shall be provided with a shutoff valve and a union, unless the valve has 15 flanged ends. Unions shall be provided at threaded valves, equipinent, and other 16 devices requiring occasional removal and disconnection. 17 D. Pipe Joints: 18 1. Sol�rent-Welded Joints: Salvent-�relded joints sha11 be lnade with fresh, cleancr, 19 primer and PVC solvent cement on clean, dry pipe ends in accordance with the 20 manufacturer's recommendations. The primer and the cernent cans shall be kept 21 closed at all times and joints shall be made up at the recommended ambient 22 temperatures. All pipe ends shall be inserted to the full depth oith� socket. 23 2. Flange Joints: Flanged jaints shall be made with gaskets suitable for chlorine 24 saturated water and Type 316 stainless steeI balts and nuts. Care shall be ta�en nat 25 to over tarque bolts. 26 3.5 REPAIR/RESTORATION] [NOT USED] 27 3.6 RE-INSTALLATIQN [N�T USED] 28 3.'� FIELD QUALITY CONTROL 29 A. Inspection: All finished installations shall remain undist�irbed for 24 haurs to develop 30 comptete strength at all joints and be carefully inspected for proper fitting and suppart. 31 Damage shall be corrected to the satisfaction af the Owner. 32 B. Pipes shall be inspected for water tightness during start-up and testing of the facility. 33 All leaks, cracks and defects shall be repaired and the system shall be re-tested until na 34 leaks occur. Copyright 2039 7Q Infrastructure, LLC ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS CITY PR07ECT NO. 102056 22 14 19- 4 SUMP PLTMP BISCHARGE PIPING Page 4 oE4 1 3.8 SYSTEM STARTUP [NOT USED] 2 3.9 ADJUSTING [NOT USED] 3 3.1U CLEANING jNOT USED] 4 311 CLOSEOUT ACTIVYTYES [NOT USED] 5 3.12 PROTECTION [NOT USED] 6 3.13 MAINTENANCE �NOT USED] 7 3,14 ATTACHMENT� [NOT U�ED] 8 Copyright 2019 JQ Infrastruccure, LLC END OF SECTION ROLLIiVG H1LLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS CITY PROdECT NO. 102056 22 14 29- 1 SUMP PUMPS Page 1 of 3 I 2 3 4 PART1- GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY SECTION 2214 �9 SUMP PUMPS 5 A. Sectian Includes: 6 1. Furnish all labar and material required, and install and test, coinplete and ready for 7 operation, sump pumps as shown on the drawings and as specified. 8 2. General eyuipment stipulations sha11 apply to all equipment furnished under this 4 section. 10 B. System Description: 11 1. A Simplex sump plunp shall Ue provided at locations as shown on the Drawings. 12 C. Deviations from this City of Fort Worth Standard Speciiication 13 l . Not Applicable 14 15 16 17 1.2 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 1.3 26 1.4 27 1.� D. Related 5pecification Sections include but are not necessarily limited to 1. Division Q- Bidding Requir�m�nts, Contract Forms, and Conditions of �he Contract 2. Division 1- General Requirements PRiCE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES A. Measurement and Payment 1. Measurement a. Item is included in the contract price and not measured. 2. Payrnent a. The work performed and materials furnished in accordance with this Item and measured as provided under "Measurement" will be paid far at the contract price. REFERENCES [N�T USED] ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS [NOT USED] ACTION SUBMITTALS 2S A. Submit in accordance with Section 01300, shop drawings showing details of fabrication 29 and insta�lation of items furnished. 30 B. This information shall include, but not be li�a�ited to, mofor informatian, materiats of 31 construction, perfo�nance curves, and scheinatic wiring diagrams. 32 C. Submit manufacturer's certificate showing that the equipment meets all requirements of 33 this specification. 34 D. Operating and maintenance instructians shall be furnished in accordance with Section 35 01460. 3b 37 1.6 ACTION SUBMITTALS/INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS �NOT USED] 1.7 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] Copyright 2b19 7Q Infrastructure, LLC R�LLiNG HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS CITY PR0IECT NO. 16205fi 22 14 29- 2 SUMP PUMP5 Page 2 of 3 1 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALS 2 3 4 5 A. Special tools and manufacturer's standard set of spare parts reqnired far normal operation and proper servicing shall be provided far aach typa of sump pump furnished. B. All tools and spare parts shall be proper�y iabeled, packed, and protected for long-ter�n storage and placed in containers clearly identified in indelible markings as to contents. 6 �.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE [NOT USED] 7 L10 DELIVERY, STORAGE, �iND HANDLING [NOT U5ED] 8 1.11 FIELD [SITE] CONDITIONS [NOT USED) 9 1.12 WARRANTY [NOT USED] 10 PART � - PRODUCTS 11 �.1 OWNER-FURNISHED [oR] OWNER-SUPPLIEDPRODUCTS [NOT USED] 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 �.2 MATERIALS A. Simplex Sump Pu�nps 1. Suinp puinp shall he as manufactured by [TBD — FWWD]. 2. Automatic sirnplex sump pumps sha11 be automatic and shall start when the water level is 2 inches aver the top of the pump, and shall shut off when the water level drops to 5 inches above the pump base. An air-operated diaptiragm switch shall controI pump operation. 3. Manually controlled p�.unps shall be started using a local panel. 4. Motor shall be equipped with lifetime lubricated dauble-ball bearings and automatic reset thermal protection. 5. Pump materials shall include steel motor housing, cast iron end shields, non- clogging rein%rced styrene iinpeller, and rust-proof ABS plastic base. b. A submersible cable of sufficient length sha�l be provided with each plunp. Cable sha21 terminate to male 120 3 prong plug. 7. Each pump sha11 have a check valve and an isalation gate valve on the pu�np discharge. 28 B. Shop Painting: 29 1. Surface preparation ana shop painting, both prime and �nish, sha11 ba according to 30 the manufacturer's recornmendations for the specific sump pump applications. 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 C. Specific Design Requirements: 1. The pumps shall be as follows: a. Tag No. xxx-xx-xx b. Location: Meter Vault # c. Design Critaria: xx gpm @ xx ft d. Motor: 115V, 1N, 60 Hz, l.5 hp e. Piunp Operation: auto float switch f. Control Panel: yes/no Copyright 2019 JQ Infrastructure, LLC RpE,LING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT FLdW METEIt REYLACEMEiVTS CITY PROJECT NO. 102056 22 14 29- 3 SUMP PUMPS Page 3 of 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 14 �� 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Za 21 22 �.3 ACCESSORIES [NOT USED] �.4 SOURCE QUALITY CONTROL [NOT USED] PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLERS [NOT USED] 3.� EXAMINATION [NOT USED� 3.3 PREPARATION [NOT USED] 3.4 INSTALLATION A. instailation shall be in strict accordance with the manufacturer's instnictions and recoinmendations. 3.5 REPAIR/RESTORATIONJ [NOT USED] 3.s uE-iNST�LATioN �NOT usEn� 3.'� FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. After purnps have been completely installed, conduct tests to indicate that pumps operate as specified. B. A one-haur operating period far each pLunp will be required befare acceptance. 3.8 SYSTEM STARTUP [NOT U�ED] 3.9 ADJUSTING jNOT USED] 3.10 CLEANING [NOT USED] 3.1] CLOSEOUT ACTIVITIES [NOT U�ED] 3.12 PRQTECTION [NOT USEDj 3.13 MAINTENANCE [NOT USED] 3.14 ATTACHMENTS [NOT USED] 23 END QF SECTION Copyright 2019 JQ Infrastructure, LLC ROLLING HiLLS WAT�R'I'1t�A'I'MBNT PLANT FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS CI'�'Y FR07ECT NO. 1D2056 26000D-1 ELECTRICAT. - G�NERAL PROVISIONS Page 1 of 12 � sEcT�oN 26 oa o0 2 ELECTRICAL - GENERAL PROVISIONS 3 PARTIA GENERAL 4 1.1 SCOPE OF WORK 5 A. Furnish all labor, maeerials and equ'rpment required to �nstaIl, test and provide an 6 aperational, eIectrical system as specified and as shown on tl�e Drawings. 7 B. All equipment described herein shall be submztted and fumished as an integral part o� 8 equipment specified elsewhere in these Specificatians. 9 C. All electrical work provided under any Division of the Speci�ications shall fully comply 10 with the requirements of Divisian 26. 11 12 13 D. The work shall include furnishing, installing and testing the equipment and materials detailed in each Section of Division 26. E. The work sl�all include furnishing and installing the following: 14 1. Provide a cornplete raceway system, wire and fteld connections for all motors, 15 naotor controllers, control devices, control panels and electrical equipment 1G furnishec! under other Divisions. Coardinate construction sched�le and electricai 17 interface with the suppiier of electrical equipment specified under other Divisions i8 as required_by the Contract Docaments. 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 2. Provide a complete raceway system, wiring and terminations for all field-mounted instrumenes furnished and mounted under other Divisions, inclnding process instrumentation primary elements, transmitters, Iocal indicators and control panels. Lightning and surge protection equipment wiring at process instrumentation transmitters. Install vendor furnished cables specified under other Divisions as required by the Contract Docuxnents. 3. Provide a compl�te raceway system far the Data Cables and specialty cable systems, inciuding those furnished under other Divisions. Install the Data Cables and other specialty cabie systems, in accordance with the system ma�zu�acturers' installation instructzons. Review the :raceway layaut, prior to installation, with the Process Control System supplier and the cahle manuiacturer io ensure raceway co�npatibility with the systems and tnaterials being furnished. Where redundant cables are furnished, install the cables in separate raceways as required by the Contract Docurrzents. 33 4. Furnish and instalI precast electricaI and instrumentation z�nanholes, hand holes and 34 light pole foundations as required by the Contract Documents. Pole %undations 35 shall be designed and installed in accordance with the structuraI Divisions of these 36 Specifications. 37 5. Coordinate the sequence of demolition with the sequence of construction to 38 maintain plant operation in each area. Remove and demoiish equipttzent and 39 materials in such a sequence tlaat the existing and proposed plant will function 40 properly with no disruption of treatment. 41 6. Make modifications to existing motor controi centers, switchbaards, panelboards 42 and motor controllers including installation of circuit bxeakers, etc., or 43 disconnection of circuits as required to provide the power supplies to new and 44 existing equipment to maintain the plant in operation. Copyright 2019 Gupta & Associates, Inc. ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PT.ANT FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS C1TY PROJECT NO. 102056 abooao-z ELECTRICAL - GENERAL PROVISIONS Page 2 of 12 1 7. All bidders shall visit the site oi the project, prior to subrnitting a bid, and satisfy 2 themselves as to any question that they might ha�e, reiating to existing eqUipment, 3 condition or construction. 4 F. Provide all el�ctrical relocation work associated with khe relacation of eqaipment far 5 the existing and new facilities, including disconnecting all existing wiring and conduits 6 and providing new wiring and conduit to the relocated equipment as specified. 7 G. Provide all tools, equipment, supplies, and shall perform all labor required to instail the 8 equipment specified in the Contract Documents to install, test, and �Iace into 9 sat�sfactory operation in the time speciiied for compleiion in the Contract Documents. 10 Failure of any of the participants in executing tf�e requirements of this Contract to 11 perform the work as specified shall not constitute an acceptable reason %r the Owner to 12 grant any change in the Contract Price or additio�ns to the Contract Time. 13 1.2 ELECTRICAL WORK REQUIRED IN OTHER DIVISIONS 14 15 lb 17 18 19 2� 21 22 23 24 25 2G 27 28 29 A. No references are made to any other section which may contain work related to any other sectian. The Cantract Documents, which is defined to include both the Drawings and the Specifications, shall be taken with every section related to every other sectian as required to meet the requirements specified. The arganization of the Contract Documents into specification divisions and sections is for organization af the documents themselves and does not relate to the division of suppliers or labor which the Contractor may choose to employ in the exec�tion of the Contract. Where references axe made to other Sec�ions and other Di�isions af the Specifications, provide such information or additional work as may be req�ired in thase references, and incluc�e such information ar �vork as rnay be spccifi�d. Examine ali Sec�ons o� the Specifications and Drawings and determine the power and wiring requirements and provide external wiring and raceways, as required to provide a fully functioning power, cantrol and pracess cantral systems. If the ec�uipmen� requires more conductars andlor wiring, due to different equipment being supplied, provide the additional conductors, raceways and/or wiring, and include in the Contract Price and Schedule. B. Process Di�isions 30 1. Examine all Process Equipment Specifications and Drawings, determining power 31 and wiring requirements. Provide external wiring and raceways, as req�ired to 32 provide a fully functioning Process Control System. If the equipment requires more 33 conductors andlor wiring, due to different equipment being supplied, furnish the 34 additional conductors, raceways andlor wiring, wit�i no change in Contract Price or 35 Schedule. 36 C. Mechanical Di�isions 37 1. Examine all Mechanical Equipment Specifica�ions and Drawings, determining 38 power and wiring requirements. Provide external wiring and raceways, as required 39 to provide fully functioning Mechanical Equipment Control Systems. Tf the 40 equipment requires more conductors and/or wiring, due to different equipment 41 being supplied, furnish the additior�al conductors, raceways andlor wiring with no 42 change in Cantract Price or Schedule. 43 D. Electric Valve Operator Divisions Copyright 2D14 Gupta & Associates, Inc. ROLLll�IG I-IILLS WA'PER T12�ATMENT PLANT FLOW METER REPLACEMENl'S C1TY PR07ECT NO. 10205fi 260D00-3 ELECTRICAL - GENERAL, Pi20VISIDNS Page 3 of 12 1 l. Examine all Electric Valve Operator Equipment Speciiications and Drawings, 2 determining power and wiring requirements. Provide external wiring and raceways, 3 as required to provide a fully functianing Electric Val�e Operator Control System. 4 If the equipment requires more conductors and/or wiring due to di�ferent equipment 5 being supplied, furnish the additional conductors, raceways and/or wiring with no 6 change in Contract Price or Schedule. '� 1.3 SUBM�TTALS 8 A. Subrnit Shop Drawings, in accordance witl� Division 1 reqe�irements, for equipment, 9 materials and all other items furnish�d under each Sec�ion o� Division 2b, except where 10 specifically stated otherwise. An individually packaged submittal sha�l be made for 11 each Section and shatl contain all the information required by the Section. Partial 12 submittals wiIl not be accepted and will be returned without re�iew. 13 B. Submittals will nat be accepted for Section 26 00 00. 14 C. Each Section subrr�ttal shall be coznplete, cantain all the items listed in the 15 Specification Section, and shall be clearly marked to indicate which iterns are 16 applicable on each cut sheet page. The Submittal shalI Iist any exceptions to the 17 Specifications and Drawzngs, and the reason for such deviation. Shop drawings, not so 18 checked and noted, will be returned without review. l9 20 21 22 23 24 D. Check shop drawings for accuracy and contract requirements prior to submittal to the Owner/Engineer. Errors and omissions on approved shop drawings shall not provide relief fram the responsibility of providing materials and worIananship required by the Specifications and Drawings. Shop drawings shall be stamped with the date checked and a statement indicating that the shop drawings conform to Specifications and Drawings. On�y one Speciiicaiion Section may be rnade per trans�ittal. 25 E. Material shall not be ordered or shipped until the shap drawings have been approved. 26 No material shall be ordered, or shop work started if the reiated shop drawings are 27 marked "APPROVED AS NOTED CONFIRM", "APPROVED AS NOTED 2S RESUBMIT", "REVTSE AND RESUBMIT", "REJECTED", ar "NOT APPROVED". 29 F. All approved shop drawings sha11 be maintained on site for t�e Qwner's Inspector and 3Q far the Ovwner's Engineer to verify at the time of delivery of equipment to the job site. 31 G. Up-io-date Record Drawings shaIl be promptly furnished when the equipment 32 installation is complete. Payment will be withheld until Recard Dz'awings have been 33 furnished and approved. 34 35 36 37 38 39 H. All shop dravving submittals and all O&M submittals shall be submitted in hard capy format and in electronic for�nat using PDF files including a Table of Contents which is indexed on DVDs. Electronic submittals are rnandatary and those which are received nvt indexed as specified will be returned without review. Hard copy submittals may noi be required if so stipulated in the Contract Documents. No change in Cantract Amount or Contract Time will be allowed far deIays due to unacceptable suhmittals. 40 1.4 REFERENCE CODES AND STANDARDS 41 A. Electric e�{uipment, materials and instaliation shall comply with the Natianal ElectricaI 42 Code (NEC) and with the latest edition of the following coc�es and standards: 43 1. National Electrical Safety Code (NESC) 44 2. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) 45 3. National Fire Protection Associatian {NFPA) Copyright 2019 Gupta & Associates, Inc. ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT' PL.OW METBR REPLACEMENTS C�'PY PRp7ECT NO. 102d56 26 00 00 - 4 ELECTRiCAL - GENERAL PROVISI�NS Page 4 of 12 1 4. National Electrical Manufacturers Assoeiation (NEMA) 2 5. American National Standards Institute {ANSI) 3 6. Insulated Cable Engineers Associatian (ICEA} 4 7. International Society of Automation {ISA) 5 8. Underwriters Laboratories (UL} 6 7 8 9 10 �1 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 9. Factory Mutual {FM) B. Where reference is made to one of the above standards, the revision in effect at the time of bid opening shall apply. C. All material and equipment, for which a UL standard exists, shall bear a UL label. No such material ar equipment shall be brought onsite without the UL label a�fixed. D. Ii the issue af priority is due to a conflict or discrepancy between the provisions of the Contract Documents and any referenced standard, or cade of any technical society, organization or association, the provisions of the Contract Docurnents will take precedence if they are more stringent. If there is any conflict or discrepancy between standard speci#ications, ar codes of any technical society, organization or association, or between Laws and Regulations, the higher performance requirement shall be bindittg, unless atherwise directed by the Owner/Engineer. E. In accordance with the intent of the Contract Documents, compliance with the priarity order specified shall not justify an increase in Contract Priee or an extension in Contract Tizne nor limit in any way, full compliance with all Laws and Regulations at all times, 21 1.� HAZARDOU� AREAS 22 23 24 25 A. Equipment, materials and installation in areas designated as hazardous on the Drawings shall compTy with NEC Articles 500, 501, 502 and 503. B. Eqnipment and materials installed in hazardous ar�as shall be UL Iisted for the appropriate hazardous area classification. 2b L6 CODES, IN�PECTION AND FEES 27 A. Equipment, materials and installation shall comply with the reqairements of the lacal 28 authority ha�ing jurisdiction. 29 B. �btain all necessary permits and pay all fees required %r permits and inspectians. 30 1.7 SIZE OF EQUIPMENT 3 i A. Investigate each space in the structure through which equipment must pass to reach its 32 final location. Coordinate shipping splits with the manufacturer to perrnit safe handling 33 and passage through restricted areas in the struct�re. 34 B. The equiptnent shall be kept upright at all times during storage and I�andling. When 35 equipment must be tilted for passage through restricted areas, brace the equipment to 36 ensur� that the tilting does not impair the functional integrity of the equipment. 37 1.8 RECORD DRAWINGS 38 A. As the wark progresses, legibly record all field changes on a set of Project Contract 39 Drawings, hereinafter called the "Record Drawings". The Record Drawings and 40 Specifications shall l�e kept up to date throughout the project. 41 B. The Record D.rawings shall be reviewed in a meeting with the Owner/Engineer 42 monthly. Copyright 2p19 Gupta & Associates, Inc. ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT FLOW M$TER REPLACSMENTS CITY PROJECT 3V0. 102056 26000Q-5 ELECTRICAL- GEIV�RAL PRQViSIONS Page 5 of 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 i8 C. Record Drawings shall accurateiy sho�v the instai�ed condztion o� the following iterns: I. One-line Diagram(s). 2. Raceways and pull boxes. 3. Conductor sizes and conduit itlls. �. PanelSchedule(s). 5. Control Wiring Diagram(s). 6. Lzghting Fixture Sck�eduIe{s}. 7. Lighting fixture, receptacle and switch outlet locations. $. Underground raceway and duct bank routing. The drawings shaIl include the measured width and height of the d�ctbank and shall survey the elerration of the top af the duct bank or record its depth of burial below grade at intervals not to exceed 50 feet along the entire length. Changes in direction between terrninatian paints shall be surveyed and recorded on the record drawings. 9. Planview, measured dimensions and locations of switchgear, distribution transformers, substations, motor control centers and panelboards. 10. Modifications to controls systems or any �iece of electrical equipment zncluding field-verified existir�g controls and all changes clearly identified. 1 I. All protective device and electrical system monitoring device settings. 19 D. Submit a typical example of a schedule of control wiring raceways and wire numbers, 20 including the following informaiion: 21 l. Circuit origi:n, destination and wire numbers. 22 2. Field wiring terminal strip names and numbers. 23 E. As an alternate, submit a typical example of point-to-point cannection diagrams 24 showing the same information, may be submitted in piace of the schedule of control 25 wiring raceways and wire numbers. 26 F. Subrnit the recard drawings and the schedule of control wiring raceways and wire 27 numbers (or the point-to-point connection diagram) ta the Owner/Engineer. 28 G. Retainage will not be paid until the point-to-point connection diagrams have been 29 furnished to the Ovvner/Engineer. 30 1.4 EQUIPMENT INTERCONNECTIONS 31 A. Reviewv shop drawin:gs of equipment furnished under other relaEed Divisions and 32 prepare coorc3inated wiring intecconnection diagrams or wiring tables. Submit copies of 33 wiring diagrams or tables with Record Drawings. 34 B. Furnish and instal� all ec�uipment intercannections. 35 36 37 1.10 MATERIALS AIiTD EQUIPMENT A. Materials and equipment shalt be new, except where specifically identified on the Drawings to be re-used. 38 B. Material or eqnipment from a manufacturer, not submitted ana approved for tl�is project 39 shall not be brought on site. Use of any such material or equipment, will be rejected, 4fl and sha11 be rezxzoved and replaced, with the approved material and equipment, with no 41 change allowed in the Contract Price or Schedule. 42 C. Material and equipment shall be UL �isted, where such listing exists. Copyright 2019 GupCa & Associates, Inc. ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT FLQW METER REPLACEMLNTS CTI'Y PRa7SCT Nfl. 102056 26flOfl0-6 ELECTRICAL - GENERAL PROVISI0�15 Page fi of 12 1 2 3 4 D. All materiai, praducts, equip�nent and workmanship being f�rnished for the project shall be replaced if it does not meet the requirements of Contract Documents even if installed, with no change in Concract Price or Schedule. 1.11 JOBSITE DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING 5 A. Priar to jobsite delivery, snccessfully complete all submittal requirements, and present 6 to the OwnerlEngineer upon delivery of the equipment, an approved copy of all such 7 submittais. Delivery of incamplete constructed equipment, or equipment which failed 8 any factary tests, w�ll be rejected and sha(1 be removed and replaced with no change in 9 Contract Price or Schedule. 10 B. EqUipment and materials shall be �andled and stoxed in accordance with the 11 manuiacturer's instructians, and as specified in the individual Specification Sections. 12 1.12 WARRAli1TiES I3 14 1S 16 17 18 14 20 A. Manufacturer's warranties shall be provided as specified in each of the Specification Sections. 1.13 EQU�PMENT IDENTIFICATION A. Identify all equipment (disconnect switches, separately moanted motor starters, controI stations, etc.) furnished under Division 26 with the name of the equipment it serves. Motor controi centers, control panels, panelboards, switchboards, switchgear, junction or terminal boxes, transfer switches, etc., shall have nameplate designatians as shown on the Drawings. 21 PART � � PRODUCTS (N�T USED) 22 PART 3 � EXECUTION 23 3.1 INTERPRETATION OF DRAWINGS 24 25 26 27 A. The Drawings do not show exact locations of conduit runs. Coordinate the condvit installation with other trades and the actual supplied equipment. B. Install each three-phase circuit in a separate conduit unless otherwise shown on the Drawings. 28 C. Unless otherwise appro�ed b� the Owner/Engineer, conduit shown exposed sha11 be 29 installed exposed; conduit shown concealed shall be installed concealed. Subrnit a 30 Request for Information for any conduit r�ute which is not cIearly identified as 31 concealed or exposed in the Contract Documents prior to its instaliatian. 32 D. Circuits are shown as "home-runs" shall be field routed. The raceway system pro�ided 33 shall include all necessary fittings, supports and boxes %r a complete code-compliant 34 raceway installation. Field routed raceway shall aaoid hlacking access to equipment 35 either existing or spaces planned for future equipment and shail avoid blocking 36 personnel egress through doors or access hatches. 37 E. Verify the exact lacations and mounting heights of lighting fixtures, switches and 38 receptacles prior ta installation. ROLLING HILLS WAT�It TREATMENT PI.ANT FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS Copyright 2019 Gupta & Associates, Inc. C1TY PROJECT NO. 102056 26 00 00 - 7 ELECTRICAL - GENERAT. PROVISiONS Page 7 of 12 1 F. Except where dimensions are shown, t�e locations of equipment, fixtures, oatlets and 2 similar devices shown on the Drawings are approximate only. Detem3ine exact 3 locations and obtain approval from the Owner/Engineer during construction. Obtain 4 information relevant to the placing of electrical work and in case of any interference 5 with other work, proceed as directed by the Owner/Engineer and furnish all labor and 6 materials necessary ta complete the work in an appraved manner. 7 G. Circui� layouts are n.ot intended to show the number of fitEings, or other installation 8 details. Furnish all la.bor and materials necessary to ins�all and place in satisfactary 9 operation all power, lighting and other electrical systems shown. 1p H. Redesign of electrical or mechanical work, whieh is required due to the use of a pre- 11 approved alternate iterr� shall include the arrangement of equipment and/or layo�t other I2 than that which is specified ar shown herein. AIl additional work and materials required 13 shall be pro�ided with no change in the contract price or schedule. Redesign and 14 detailed plans shalI be submitted to the Owner/Engineer for approval. 15 1G 17 I8 19 20 21 z� 23 24 I. Raceways and conductors for lighting, switches, receptacles and other miscellaneous low voltage power and signal systems as specified are nat shown on the Drawings. Raceways and conductors shaIl be provided as required far a complete and operating system. Refer to riser diagrams for signal system wiring. Homeruns, as shown on the Drawings, id�ntify raceways to be run exposed and raceways to be run concealed. Raceways instalIed exposed shall be near the ceiling or aiong walls of the areas thro�zgh which they pass and shall he routed to avoid conflicts with HVAC ducts, crranes hoists, monoraiIs, equipment natches, doors, vvindows, etc. Raceways instatled concealed shall be run in the center of concrete floor slabs, above suspended ceil�ngs, or in partitions as reqaired. 25 J. Provide all conduit and canductors or data highway cables to RTU and/or PLC 26 termination cabinets, where designated on the Drawings or otherwise req�ired by the 27 Specifications, the manufacture of the equipment, or subrniited and approved systems. 28 The candait and conductors or data highway cables as shown on the interface drawings 29 may not necessarily be shown on tl�e floor plan. 3fl 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 3$ 39 40 �41 42 43 K. Install conductors carrying low voltage signals (typically twisted shielded pair cables) in raceways totally separate from all other raceways containing power or 120-Volt control conductars. Do not combine cond�actors carrying low voltage signals in wireways without barriers or NEC code-compliani separation for their entire length in the wire way, and/or pravide separate wireways to provide separation of the conduciors. Low voltage signal conducEors ro�ted througl� manholes or hand hoIes sl�ali be bundled and separated from other conductors. L. Raceways and conductors for thermostats controlling HVAC unit heaters, exhaust fans and similar equipment are not shown on the Drawings. Provide raceways and conductors between the t�ermostats, the HVAC equipment �nd the motar starters for a complete and operating system. All raceways and power conductors sha�l be in accordance with Division 26. Raceways shall be installed cancealed in all finished space and may be installed concealed ar exposed in process spaces. Refer to the HVAC drawings for the lacatians of the thermostats and controts. Copyright 2019 Gupta & Associates, Inc. ROLLING HILLS WA'T�lt TREATMENT PLANT FLOW METER REPLACEME[J`TS C1TY PROIECT NO. 1D2D56 zhaaoo-8 EC,�CTRICAL - GENERAL PROVIS[ONS Page R of 12 1 M. Race�,vays and conductors for the fir� alarm, sa�and and page party systems are not 2 shown on the Drawings. Provide raceways and conductors as required by ihe systenrz 3 manUfacturer for a complete and operating system. All raceways and power canductors 4 shall be in accardance with Division 26. Raceways shall be instal�ed concealed in all 5 finished spaces and may l�e installed exposed or concealed in pracess spaces. 6 3.2 EQUIPMENT PADS AND SUPPORTS 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 A. Electrical equipment pads and supports, of concrete ar steel including structural reinforcing and Iighting pole foundatians, are shown on the Strt�ctural Dravvings. B. Electrical equipment or raceways shall not be attached to or supported frorn, sheet metal walls. C. EIectrical equipment pads shall be provided far all free-standing equipment. Dimensions shall be 3-inches high. With 3-inch extensian from front of equipznent for equipment mounted against the wall and 3-inch extension on front and rear sections when equipment is rear accessible. 1S 3.3 SLEEVES AND FORMS FOR OPENINGS 16 A. Pro�ide and place all sleeves far conduits penetrating floors, walls, parti�ions, etc. 17 Locate all necessary slots for electrical work and form before concrete is poured. 18 B. Unless measurements are shown on the drawings, the locations for stubbing �p and 19 termina�ing concealed conduits which are shown on the drawings ar� appra�mate. 24 Exact lacations are required for stubbing-up and terminating conceaied conduit. Qbtain 21 shop drawings and templates frorn equiprnent vendors or other subcontractors and 22 locate the concealed conduit before the floor slab is poured. 23 C. Where setting drawings are not available in time_to avaid delay in scheduled floor slab 24 pours, the Owner/Engineer may allow the instalIations of such conduit to be expos�d. 25 Requests far this deviation must be submitted in writing. No change in Contract Price 26 or Schedule for such change wil� be allowed. 27 D. Seal all openings, slee�es, penetration and slots as specifiec� in Section 26 05 33. 28 3.4 CUTTING AND PATCHING 29 A. Coordinate vrith Divisions 2 and 3 far cutting and patching. 30 3I 32 33 34 35 36 3'1 38 39 40 41 A�2 43 B. Core drill holes in concrete floors and walls as required. Obtain written permission from tl�e Owner/�ngineer befare core drilling any holes larger than two inches. C. Schedule the installation of work to provide the minimum amount of cutting and patching. D. Cutting or drilling holes for the installation of raceway through joists, beatns, girders, columns or any other structural members is strictly prohibited. If a structural member is cut or drilled, restore the structural member to its previous conditian in complete accordance with the instructions of the Structural Engineer, with no change in contract price or schedule regardless of the extent of the repairs required ta restore the mem6er to its previous condition. E. Cut opening only large enough to allow easy installatian of the conduit. F. Patching shall be of the saxne kind and quality of material as was remaved. G. The completed patching work shall restore the surface to its original appearance or better. Copyright 2p l4 Gupta & Associaics, Inc. ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATNfENT PLANT FLOW METER REPI.ACEdVIENTS CITY PROJECT NO. 102056 260000-9 ELECTRICAL - GENERAi. PROVISIbNS Page 9 of 12 1 H. Patching of waterpr00%d surfaces shaIl render the area of t�e patcning completely 2 �aterpraofed. 3 I. Rernove rubble and excess patching materials from the premises. 4 7. Existing conduits are cut at the floor line of wall line, they shall be iilleci with $rout af S suitable patching materiai approved by the Structural Engineer. 3.� INSTALLATIQN 7 A. Any work not installed according ta th� Drawings and this Sectian shall be subject to S change as directed by the Owner/Engineer. No change in Contract Price or Schedule 9 will be allowed for making these changes. 10 B. All dirnensians shall be field verified at the job site and coardinated with the work of all 11 12 13 14 i5 16 17 18 19 20 other trades. C. Electrical equipment shall always be protected against mechanical or water damage. Electrical equipment shall not be stored outdoors. Electrical equipment shall be stored in dry permanent shelters as required by each Speci�cation Section. Do not install electrical equipment in its permanent Iocation until structures are weather-tight. If any apparatus has been subject to possibie injury by water, it shall be thora�aghly dried out and tested as directed by the Owner/Engineer or shall be replaced with no change in Contract Price or Schedule, at the �wner/Engineer's discretion. D. Equiptrtent that has been damaged shall be replaced or repaired by the equipment manufacturer, at the Owner/Engineer's discretion. 21 E. Repaint any damage to the factory applied paint finish �sing touch-up paint furnished 22 by the equipxnent manufacturex. �f the metallic portion of the panel or section is 23 damaged, the entire panel or section shall be replaced, at no additional cost to the 24 Owner. 25 2b 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 3G 37 38 39 F. NEMA 3R, 4 or 4X encl�sUres shail not have raceways entering from the top if the enclosure is instaIled in a damp or wet area. 5hould raceways be installed entering the �op, the enclosure shall be replaced and raceways re-routed to enter the side ar bottom. Conductors, if installed, sk�ali be removed and replaced. Correction of raceways entering the top and conductor replacement shall be provided with �o change in Contract Price or Schedule. G. Conduits exiting tray in airconditioned indoar electrical rooms will enter the top of electrical enclosuxes. The Iocation of these conduits shall be caordinated with the HVAC duct vents such that cold air will nat blaw on the conduits caUsing condensation which will enter the electrical enclosures. After installation, inspect the conduits while the HVAC system is running to insure no condensatian is farming and enterin� any electrical enclosure. Re-direct the air flow if possible or re-route tfie conduits to avoid condensation. Conductars in re-routed conduits shall he replaced, re-ternunated. retested and the operation of the equipment retested with na change in the Cantract Price or Schedule. 40 3.6 PHASE BALAliiCING 41 A. The Drawings do not attempt to balance the electrical loads across the phases. Circuits 42 on motor control centers and panelboards si�ali be field connected to result in eve:nly 43 balanced loads across alI �hases. 44 B. Field balancing of circuits shall not alter the conductor color coding requirements as 45 specified in Sectzan 26 OS 19. Copyright 2019 Gupta & Associates, Inc. 120LLING HILLS WATER TREATMEIV'I' PLANT FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS CTFY PR07SCT NO. 1Q2056 26 UO OD - 10 SLECTRICAL - GENERAC, PROVI3IONS Page 10 of 12 1 3.7 MANUFACTURER',S SERVICE 2 A. Provide manufacturer's services for testing and start-up of the equipment as listed in 3 each individual Specification Section. All settings, including those settings and arc tYash 4 labels req�aired by the Power System Study, shall be made to the eq�aipment and 5 appraved by the Owner/Engineer prior to energizing oi the equipment. 6 B. Testing and start�ap shall not be coznbined with t�aining. Testing and start-up time shall 7 not be used for manuiacturer's warranty repairs. 8 3.8 TESTS AND SETTINGS 9 A. Test systezns and equipment furnished under Dieision 26 and repair ar replace all 10 defective work. Make adjusttnents ta the systems as specified andlor r�quired. 11 B. Al[ tests required by the individual specification Sections shall be cotnpleted priar to 12 energizing electricai equipment. Submit a sample test form or procedure. and submi� the 13 required test reparts and data to the OwnerlEngineer for appraval at least two weeks 14 prior to the startup of the tested equipment. Include names of aIl test personnel and 15 initia� each test. 16 G Check motor namep�ates for correct phase and �oltage. Check bearings for proper 17 lubrication. 1$ D. Check wire and cable terminations for tightness. 19 E. Check ratation vf motars priar ta energizatian. Disconnect driven equipment if damage 20 could occur due to wrong roiation. Lf the motor ratat�s in the wrong direction, the 21 rotation shali be immediately corrected, or tagged and locked aut until rotation is 22 corrected. 23 F. Verify all terminations at tran�formers, equipment, capacitor conn�ctions, panels, and 24 enclosures by producing a 1 2 3 rotation on a phase sequenced motor when connected 25 to "A", "B" and "C" phases. 26 G. Provide mechanical inspection, testing and setting of circuit break�rs, disconnect 27 switches, motor starters, control equipment, etc. far proper operation. 28 H. Check interlocking, control and instrument wiring for each system andlor part of a 29 system to proee that the system will function properly as indicated by schematic and 30 wiring diagrams. 31 I. Check the ampere rating of thermal overloads for motors and submit a typed recozd to 32 ihe Owner/Engineer of same, including MCC cubicle location and load designation, 33 motor service factor, horsepower, full load current and starting code letter. If 34 incansistencies are found, new thermal etements shall be supplied and installed. 35 J. Vexify moior power factor capacitor ratings. 3b K. Testing shall be scheduled and coox�dinated with the OwnerlEngineer at least two weeks 37 in advance. Pro�ide qualified test personnel, instruments and test equipment. 38 L. Refer ta the individual equipment sections far additional specific testing requirements. 39 M. Make adjastments to the systems and instruct the Owner's personnel in the proper 40 operation of the systems. RpLLING HILLS WP,T�.R TREATMENT PLANT FLbW METER REPLACEMENTS Copyright 2019 Gupta & Associates, Inc. C1T'SC PR07ECT NO. 142056 26 UO 00 - 11 ELECTRICAL - GEiVERAI. PROVISIONS Page 11 of 12 1 3.9 TRAINING 2 A. Provide manufacturer's training as specified in each individual section of the 3 Specifications. 4 5 END OF SECTION RQLLING HII.LS WATER TREATMENT PLANT PLOW METER REPLACEIVfEIVTS Copyright 2019 Gupta & Associates, Inc. C1TY PROJECT NO. 102056 26 OD 00 - 12 ELECTRICAL- GENERAL PROVISIONS Pagc 12 of 12 Copyright 2019 Gupta & Associates, Inc. ROLLING HII.LS WATER T12�ATMENT PLANT FLOW METEA REPLACEMENTS CITY PROJECT NO. 102056 a6ast9-i LOW VOLTAGE WIAES AND CABLES Page 1 of 12 1 2 3 PART1� GENERAL SECTION �6 0519 LOW-VOLTAGE WIRES AND CABLES 4 1.1 SCOPE OF WORK 5 A. Furnish, install and test alt wire, cable and appurtenances as shawn on the Drawings 6 and as specifi�d nerein. 7 L� RELATED WORK 8 A. Re%r to Division 26 00 00 and the Contract Drawings, for zelated woxk and electrical 9 coordination requirecnents. 1a 1.3 SUBMITTALS T 1 A. Shop Drawings 12 1. S�bmit catalog data of alt wire and cahle, connectors and accessories, specified 13 under this Section with all selections, options and exceptions clearly indicated. AIl 14 cut sheets shali be clearly marked to indicate which products are being submitted 15 for use on this project. Unmarked cut sheets will be cause to reject the submittal 16 and return it for revision. 17 B. Certified Tests 18 1. S�tbmit a iest report of all installed wire insulation tests. 19 1.4 REFERENCE CODE� AND STANDARD� 20 21 22 23 24 25 A. The cquipment in tttzs specificatian shall be designed and manufactured according to latest revision of the following standards (unless atherwise noted): 1. NFPA 70 — National Electe-ical Code (NEC) 2. NEMA WC-5 — Thermoplastic-Insulated Wire and Cable for the Transmissian and DistribU�ion of Electrical Energy 3. ANSUTIA/EIA 606A — Standard far telecornrnunications Infrast�ucture 26 L� QUALITY ASSURANCE 27 A. The general construction of the wire, cahles and the insulation material used shall be 28 similar to that used for cablc of the same s�ze and rating in cantinuous production for at 29 least 15 years and successfully operating in the field in substantial quant�ties. 30 B. Wire and cable with a manufacture date of greater than 12 months previous will not be 3I acceptable. 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 C. Wire and cable shal� be in new condition, with the manufacturer's packaging intact, stared indoors since manufacture, and shall not have been subjected to the weather. Date of manufacture shall be cleaxIy visible on each ree�. D. The manufacturer of these materials shall have praduc�d similar electrical materials for a minimum period of five years. When requested by the Owner/Engineer, an acceptab�e list of installations with similar equipment shall be provided demonstrating campliance with this requirement. Copyright 2019 Gupta & Associates, Inc. ROLLING FIII.LS WATER TREATMENT PLANT FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS CITY PR07ECT NO. 10205b 2&0519-2 i.OW V4LTAGE WII2ES AND CABLES Page 2 of 12 1 1.6 J`OB5ITE DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING 2 A. Prior to jobsite delivery, complete aIl submittal rec�uirements, and present to the 3 Owner/Engineer prior to delivery of the equipment, an apprvved copy of all such 4 submittals. Delivery of xncomplete canstructed equipment, or eqUipment which failed S any factory tests, will not be perniitted., 6 B. Check for reels nat completely restrained, reels with interlocking flanges or broken 7 flanges, damaged reel co�ering or any other indicatian of damage. Do not drop reels 8 from any height. 9 C. Unlaad reels using a sling and spreader bar. Roll reels in the direction of the arrows 10 shown on the reel and on surfaces free of abstructions that could daxnage the wire and 11 cable. 12 D, Store cable on a solid, well drained location. Cover cable reels with plastic sheeting or 13 taipaulin. Do not Iay reels flat. 14 Li WARRANTY 15 A. Provide warranties, including the manufacturer's warrantee, for the equiprnent specified 16 and the proper installation thereof, to be free �rom de�ects in material and worlananship 17 for iwo years fram date af final acceptance of the equipment and its installation. Within 18 such period of warranty, all znaterial and labor necessary to return the equipment to new 19 operating contlition shall be provided. Any warranty work requiring shipping or 20 transporting of the equip[nent shall be provided at no expense to the Owner. 21 PART 2 � PRODUCmS 22 �.1 GENERAL 23 A. Wires and cables shall be annealed, 98% canductiviey, soft �lrawn copper. 24 25 2fi B. AlI conductors shall be Class B stranded. C. Except %r contral, signal and instrumentation circuits, wire smaller than #12 AWG shall nai be used. 27 2.2 PQWER & BUILDING WIRE 28 A. All building wix'e shall be stranded copper conductors, Type XHHW-2 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 B. ManufactUrers 1. Southwire 2. General Cable 3. Okonite 4. RSCC Wire & Cable 5. Encore Wire 6. Approved equal Copyright 2019 �upta & Associates, Inc. ROLLING HII.LS WATER TREATMENT PLANT F1,OW ME'TER REPLACEMENTS CFPY PROJECT 3�I0. lOZU56 26OS 19-3 LQW VOLTAGE WIRES Ai�ID CABT ES Page 3 of 12 1 �.3 VARIABLE FREQUENCY DRIVE CABLE 2 3 4 5 6 7 S 9 10 11 12 13 14 2.4 15 16 17 18 19 Za 21 22 23 24 �.5 25 26 27 2$ 29 30 31 32 33 34 2.b A. Cable for use with VFDs shall be syrnmetrical design, three stranded Class D, tinned copper, circuit conductors with XLPE insulation, three bare copper grounds, 100% shiefds with 50°l0 overlap, arid overall PVC jacket. Cable shail be 2000 volt, UL 1277 Type TC, XHHW-2 rated, 90°C., IEEE 1202/3$3. B. Manufacturers 1. Belden 2. General Cable 3. Southwire 4. Okonite 5. RSCC Wire & Cable 5. Encore Wire 7. Approved equal TRAY CABLE A. Cable far tray use shall be stranded copper conductors, Type XHHW-2 insulation, rated as UL Type TC cable. Cable shall be sunlight resistant and approved for direct burial. B. Manufactezrers 1. Southwire 2. General Cable 3. Okonite 4. RSCC Wire & Cable 5. Encore Wire 6. Approved equal GROIINDING ELECTRODE CONDUCTOR A. Grounding electrode conductor shaIl be stranded copper conductor, Type XHHW-2 with green insulation. B. Manufacturers 1. Southwire 2. General Cable 3. Okonite 4. RSCC Wire & Cable S. Encore Wire 6. Approved equal BONDING JUMPER 35 A. Bonct�ng Jumper shall he hare tinned stranded capper conductor. 36 B. Manufacturers 37 1. Southwire 38 2. General Cable 39 3. Okonite Copyrighi 2019 Gupta & Associates, Inc. ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS C�'I'Y PRaIECT NO. 102056 2605 f9-4 LOW VOLTAGE WI12ES ANI] CABL�S Page A of 12 1 4. 2 5. 3 6. RSCC Wire & Cable Encore Wire Appro�ed equal 4 2.7 CONTROL WIRE AND CABLE 5 A. Cantrol wire shall b� NEC Type XHHW-2. b B. MuIti-conductor control cable, shall be stranded, #14 AWG b00-volt, XHHW-2, 7 insulated, PVC outer jacket overalt, Type TC, UL rated for underground wet Iocation. 8 9 10 11 i2 13 14 C. Manufacturers 1. Southwire 2. Olconite 3. General Cable 4. RSCC Wire & Cable � 5. Encare Wire 6. Appro�+ec� equal 15 2.8 INSTRUMENTATION CABLE 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 A. Cables for 4-20 ma, RTD, potentiometer and similar signals shall be PLTC rated and shall be: I. Single pair cable: a. Conductors Two #lb AWG stranded, tinned attd twisted on two-inch lay b. Insulation: ��VC with 600-volt, 90°C rating c. Shield: 1Q0% MyIar tape with drain wire d. ]acket: PVC with manufacture�'s identification e. iJL1685 listed for underground w�t location use f. Manufacturers 1) Okonite 2) Belden 3) Approved equat 2. Three conductor (triad} cable: a. Conductors: Three #16 AWG stranded, tinned and twisted on two-inch lay b. Insulation: PVC with 600-volt, 90°C rating c. Si�ield: 100% Mylar tape with drain wire d. 7acket: PVC with manufacturer's identificatian e. ULi685 listed for underground wet location use f. Manufacturers: 1) Okonite 2) Belden 3) Appeoved equal 3. Muitiple pair cables (wnere shown an the Drawings): a. Condactor: Multiple pairs, #16 AWG stranded, tinned and twisted on a two- inch lay b. Insulation: PVC with 600-�olt, 90°C rating c. 5hield: Individual pairs shielded with 100% Mylar tape and dra.in wire d. Jacket: PVC with manufacturer's identification e. UL1b85 listed for underground wet locaiion e�se f. Manufacturers: Copyrig[�t 2d19 Gupta & Associates, Inc. ROLLING HILLS WA'I'ER TREATMENT PLANT FLOW METER REPLACEMEAITS CITY PRQJECT NO. 102p56 260519-5 LOW VOLTAGS WIRES AND CABLES Page S of I2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 l6 17 18 19 20 2i 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3� 31 32 33 3A� 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 1 } Okonite 2) Belden 3) Approved equal 2.9 C4MMUNICATION CABLES A. Cables for Ethernet and RS485 shall be rated and shall be: 1. Category 5e above Grade shietded Cable a. Conductors: Four bonded pair #24 AWG Bare Copper b. Insulation: Polyolefin c. Shield: 100% aluminum foil polyester tape with drain wire d. Jacket: PVC with 600-volt rated and manufacturer's identification e. UL21047 and UL16661isted for indaor and dry locations use f. Manufacturers 1) Belden 7957A 2) Approved equal 2. Categary Se above Grade un-shielded Cable a. Conductors: Four bonded pair #24 AWG Bare Copper b. Insulation: Polyolefin c. 7acket: PVC with 300-volt rated and manufacturer's identification d. NEC CMR e. UL16661isted for indoor and dry locations use f. Manufacturers 1) Belden 7923A 2} Appraved equal 3. Category 6 above Grade shielded Cable a. Conductors: Four bonded pair #23 AWG Bare Copper b. Insulation: Polypropylene c. Shield: 100% alu�ninum foil polyester tape with drain wire d. Jacket: PVC with 600-volt rated and manufacturer's identifica�ion e. Transmission Standards: Category 6- TIA S68.C.2 f. NEC CMR g. Flame Test Method: UL16b6 Vertical Riser listed for indoor and dry Iocat�ons use h. Manufacturers 1) Beiden 7953A 2) Approved equa� 4. Category 6 above Grade un-shielded Cable a. CondUctors: Four bonded pair #23 AWG Bare Copper b. Insulation: Polyole�n c. Jacket: PVC with 30Q-volt rated and manufacturer's ic�entification d. Transmission Standards: Category 6- TIA 568.C.2 e. Nominal Velocity of Propagation: 72% f. Fiazxae Test Method: iTL1666 Vertical Riser Iisted for i�door and dry locations use g. Manufacturers 1} Belden 7940A 2) Appraved equal 5. Category Se below Grade shieIded Cable a. Canductors: Four pair #24 AWG Bare Copper Copyright 2019 Gupta & Associates, Inc. ROLLING H�,CS WATEit TREATMENT PLANT FLOW METEii REPLACEMENTS CTI'Y PROJECT NQ. 102056 26Q519-6 LOW VOLTAGE WIRFS AND CASLES Page 6 of 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 S 9 i0 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 24 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2$ 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 3b 37 38 39 40 41 !ya 43 44 C' 7 S b. InsuIatio:n: Polyolefin c. Shield: 100% aluminum foil polyester tape with drain wire d. 7ackei: LLPE (Linear Low Density Polyethylene) with 300-volt rated and manufactnrer's identification e. Misc.: NEMA WC-63.1, listed for outdoor and wet locations use f. Water Blocking compound and lisEed for direct bury applications. g. Manufacturers 1) Belden 7937A 2) Black Box 3} Approved equal Categary Se below Grade uns�ielded Cable a. Conductors: Four pair #24 AWG Bare Copper b. Insulation: Polyalefin c. Jacket: LLPE {Linear Low-Density Polyethylene} with 300-volt rated and manufacturer's identification d. Misc.: NEMA WC-63.1, listed for outdoor and wet locations use. e. TIA-568-C.2 Category Se compliance f. Water Blocking compound and listed far direct bury applications. g. Manufacturers 1) Belden 7934A 2) CammScope Ultra II SNF4 3) Appro�ed equal Category b below Grade Cab�e a. Conductors: 4 pair 23AWG Bare Copper b. Insulation: Polyalefin c. Shield: l00 percent aluminum foil polyester tape with drain wire d. Jacket: Polyethylene with 300 �olts rated and manufacturez''s identification e. Misc.: Gel filled and NEMA WC-63.1, listed for outdoor attd wet locations use £ Manufacturers: 1) CommScope SYSTIlVIAX GigaSPEED X10D 1571 2) Approved equal 485 Comrnunications Cable a. Conductors: One pair #24 AWG Tinned Copper b. Insulativn: Polyethylene c. Shield: 100% aluminum foil polyester tape with tinned copper drain wire d. Jacket; PVC with 300-volt rated and manufacturer's identification e. Misc.: UL2919 Iisted far indaor and dry locations use f. Manufacturers 1) Belden 9841 2) Approved equal 2.10 TERMINATION MATERIALS A. �ower Canductors: Termination materials, of conductors at equipm�nt, shall be as specified in the relevant equipment Section. Copyright 2019 Gupta & Associates, Inc. ROLLING HII.LS WATER TREATMENT PLA3+IT FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS CPI'Y PRp7ECT NO. 102055 z6as i9-� LOW VOLTAGE WTK�S AND CABLES Page 7 of 12 1 B. Control and Instrumentation Conductors (including graphic panel, alarm, Iow- and 2 high-ievel signals}: Termination connectors sha�l be DIN-rail-mounted one-piece 3 molded plastic b�ocks with tubular-clarnp-screw type, with end barriers, dual side 4 termina� block numbers and terminal group identifiers. Terminals to be UL Listed %r 5 stranded conductor terminations. Ra�ed fox a rnaximum of 2#14 stranded conductors. 6 Color of tertr�nals to comply with NFPA 79. 7 C. Manufacturers 8 1. Phoenix Contact 9 2. Entrelec 10 3. Weidmuller 11 12 f3 14 1S 16 l7 18 19 20 2I 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3Q 31 4. Allen Bradley 5. Appraved equal D. Motor Conductors: Motor connections with conductors #12 AWG up to #b AWG shall be ring type coanpression terminations on the motor leads and sec�ared with bolt, nut and spring washer. Connections shall be -30°C rubber insulated, half lap, and Cwo layers zninimum of Scotcl� 33 or equal vinyl tape. Motor terminations far conductors #8 AWG and larger shall be in accordance with paragraph "Lugs and Connectors" below. Motors provided on this project per specification 26 05 50 shall have motar terminals enclosures with bus and NEMA one-hole or two-hoIe pads to accommodate the condactor terminals specified herein. E. Lugs and Cornnectors 1. All lugs and connectors shall be tin plated copper and shalI be crimped type, instal�ed with standard industry tooling. Lugs and connectors snal� match th� wire size where used, and shall be cleariy identified and color caded on the cannector. All connections shall be made for stranded wire and shall be made electrically and mechanically secured. The lugs and connectors shall have a current carrying capacity equal to the conductors for which they are rated and n:zeet UL 486 requirements for 75°G Lugs for #l2 AWG up to #6 AWG shall be ring temunals. Conductors #4 AWG and larger shall be two-hole long barrel lugs with NEMA spacing. All lugs shall be the closed end constructian to exclude moisture migration into the cable conductar. 32 2.1.1 SPLICE MATERIALS 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 4fl 4I A. Power Conductors: C�rcuits shall be pulled frarn terminal to terminal, without splicing, except where splicing is shown on the Drawings. No other splicing will be permitted. For wires sizes #$ AWG and smaller, provide color coded wire nuts, with metal inserts, 3M or ldeal, rubber insulated with half lap and two layers minimum of Scotch 33 tape. For wires greater than #8 AWG, provide a heat shrink insu�ated, color-caded, die- crimped spiice lug, T&B 54XXX, or equal, rubber insulated, with half lap and twa layers minimum of Scotch 33 tape. B. Control and Instrumentation Conductors (including graphic pane�, alartn, low and high level signals): No splicing af control and instrumentation condactors will be pernutted. 42 �.1� WALL AlliD FLOOR SLAB OPENING SEALS 43 A. WaII and floor slab openings shall be sealed with "FLAME-SAFE" as manufactured by 44 the Thomas & Betts Corp. or equal. Copyright 2019 Gupta & Associates, Inc. ROLC.TNG HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLAIVT FLOW METER REPLACEME[JTS CTI'Y PROJECT NO. 102D56 2b0519-8 LOW VDLTAGE WIRF,S AND CABLES Page $ of 12 �.13 WIRE AND CABLE TAGS 2 A. Use the tagging %rmats for wire and cable as shawn on the Drawings. Where 3 modifications or additions are made ta existing wire and cabl� runs, replace existing 4 tags with new modified tags. 5 B. Wire tags %r wire sizes, #2 AWG and stnaller, shall be heat shrink type Raychem 6 TMS-SCE, or approved equal with the tag numbers typed with an indelible xnaxking 7 process. Character size shall be a minimum of 1/8-inch in height. Han� written tags 8 shall not be acceptable. Where ends are not avaiIable, attach cable tags with nylon tie 9 cord. 1p I1 12 13 C. Tags %r wires larger than #2 AWG and all cables shail be thermally printed polyethylene type, Brady TLS 22Q0 or approved equal, nylon zip tied in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. D. Tags relying on adhesives or taped-on markers are nat acceptable. 14 E. Tagging shall be done in accordance vvith the execUtion portion of these Specificaiians. 15 214 WIRE COL4R C�DE lb A. All wire shaIl be color coded or coded using electrical tape in sizes #8 or greater, where 17 colored insulation is not available. Where tape is used as the identification system, it 18 shall be applied in all junction boxes, manholes and other accessible intermediate 19 locaiions as well as at each termination. 20 B. The �oliowing coding shalf be used: Svstem Wire 1-Phase, 3 Wire � Phase A Phase B Neatral 208Y/120, Volts 3�Phase, 4 Wire 480/277, Volts 3-Phase, 4 Wire Phase A Phase B Phase C Neutral Phase A Phase B Phase C Neutral Colar Black Blue White Black Red Blue White Brown Qrange Yellow Gray/Whit� with one or more colored stripes 21 2.1� CABLE TAG COLOR CODE 22 A, All cable tags sha1T be white in color with black printing. ROLC.ING HILLS WAT'SR TREATMSNT PLANT FI.aW METER REPLACEMENTS Copyright 20 i 9 Gupta & Associates, Inc. C1TY PROJECT NO. 102056 260519-9 LOW VOLTAGE WII2ES AND CA�LES Page 9 of 12 PART 3 � EXECUTION 2 3.1 GENERAL 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 i3 14 �: 17 18 19 Za 21 zz A. Do not install conductors until the raceway system is in place. No conductor shall be insta.Iled between outiet points, junction points or splicing points, until raceway sections have been completed, and raceway covers are instalTed for protection of conductors from damage or exposure to the elements. Any conductor installed in an incomplete raceway system shall be removed fram the raceway system and from project site. A complete inspection of such raceway sections shall be completed, before new conductors are installed. B. Installed unap�roved wire shall be rernovec� and repIaced at no additional cost to tl�e Owner. C. Completely swab raceway system before installing conduct�rs. Da not use cleaning agents and lubricants which have a deleterious eFfect on the canductars ar their insulation. D. Pull all conductors into a racevvay at one time, using wire palling lubricant as needed to protect the wire. E. Except for hand-puIled conductors into raceways, all wire and cable installation shalI be installed with tension-monitoring equipnaent. Canductors which are found to have been installed without tension—monitoring shali be immediately remo�ed from the raceways, permanently identified as rejected material, and ret�aoved fram the jabsite. New conductors and cables shall be reinstalled, tagged and raceways resealed, with no change in the Contract Price or Schedule allowed. 23 F. Do not exceed cable manufacturer's recommendations for znaximam pulling tensions 24 and xninimum bending radii. Where puIling compound is used, use oniy UL listed 25 compound compatible with the cable outer jacket and with the raceway involved. 26 G. Tighten all screws and terminal bolts using iorque rype wrenches andlor drivers to 27 tighten ta the inch-pound requirements af the NEC and UL. 28 29 3� 3I 32 33 34 3S 36 37 38 39 40 4,1 42 H. Single conductors and ca6les in manholes, hand holes, vau�ts, cable trays, and other indicated locations are not wrapped together by some other means such as arc and fireproofzng tapes, shall be bundled thraughaut their exposed length with nylon, self- tocking, releasable, cable ties pIaced at intervals not exceeding four inches on centers. I. All wire and cable installed in cable txays shali be UL Listed as Type TC, for cable tray use. 3.� CONDUCTOR51000 VOLTS AND BELOW A. Provide conductor sizes zndicated on Drawings, as a minimurri. B. Use crimp connectors on aIl stranded conductors. C. Soldered mechanical joints insulated with tape will n�t b� acceptable. D. Arrange wiring in cabinets and panels neatly cut to proper length Surplus wire shall be removed unless noted otherwise. Conductars shall be bridled or bundled and secured in an acceptable manner. Identify all circuits entering motor control centers and aIl othec control enclosures in accorciance with the conductor identification system specified herein. Copyright 2019 Gupta & Associates, Inc. ROLLING HILLS WATER TT�ATMENT PLAIVT FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS CTI'Y FROdECT NO. 1U2056 26 05 19 - 14 LOW VOLTAGE WIRES ANI? CABLES Page 10 of 12 1 E. Terminate control and instrtamentation wiring with mettaods consistent with terminals 2 provided, and in accardance wittt terminal manufacturer's insiructions. 3 F. Attach c�mpression lugs, larger than #6 AWG, with a tool specifically designed for that 4 purpose which provides a complete, controlled crimp where the taol will not release S until the crimp is complete. Use of glier type crimpers is not acceptable. G. Cap spare conductors and conductors not terminated with the UL listed end caps. 7 H. Remove all burrs, chamfer all edges, and install bushings and protective strips of 8 insulating material to protect the conduc�ors passing through holes or over edges in 9 sheet metal anclosures. 1fl L Pravide at least 6 feet spare conductors in freestanding panels and at least two feet spa�e 11 in other assemblies for all conductors which are to be terminated by others. Provide 12 additional conductor length in any assembly where it is obvious that more conductar 13 will be needed to reach the termination paint. 14 7. Do nat combine pow�r conductors in the same raceway unless shown on Drawings. Do 15 not rux� signal canductors carrying voltages less than 120 �olts AC in ihe same raceway 16 as conductors carrying higher voltages regardles� of the insulation rating of the 17 conductors. Do nat shar� neutrals on branch circuits. 18 3.3 GROUNDING 19 A. Conduits and othe�• raceways shall contain an equipment grounrling conductor whether 2fl the raceway is metallic or not. Canduits, tnotors, cabinets, outlets and other equipt�ent 21 shall be properly grounded in accordance with NEC requirernents and specification 26 22 OS 26. Ground wires exposed to mechanical damage shall be instalied in rigid 23 aluminum conduit.lVlake connections to equipment with solderless connections. 24 Connections to graund rods shall be of the fused type equal to the Cadweld pr4cess. 2S 3.4 TERMINATIONS AND SPLICES 26 A. No splices of wire and cable will be permitted, except where specifically permitted by 27 the Owner/Engineer in writing, or as shown on the Drawings. 28 24 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 3$ B. Power conductors: Terminations shall be made with connectors as specified. Splices, where specifically al�owed as stated above, shall be made in a Termination Cabinet (TC}. C. Cantrol Conductors: Splices of control conductors will not be permitted between terminal points. Terminations shall be made wi#h approved tercninals as specified. D. Instrumentation Signal Conductors (including graphic panel, alarm, low and high Ievel signals): Splices of Instrumentation conductors wiil not be permitted hetween terminaI points. Terminations shall be made with connectors as specified. The shield af pair shielded and triad shie�ded shall be terminated on terminai strips. Pravide dedicated terminal block to e�ery canductor including shields. Double Iugging terminations is not acceptable. ROLLING HILLS WATE12 TREATMENT P�.ANT FLOW METER REPLACSMSNTS Copyright 2019 GupEa & Associates, Inc. CIT'Y PRQ7ECT NO. 102056 26as�g-ii Low vaLTwGE w[x�s ,arrn cas�s Page 11 of 12 3.� INSTRUMENTATION CABLES 2 A. Instrumentation cables sha�l be installed in raceways as specified. Unless specificatly 3 shown �n the Drawings, all irnstrunnentation circuits shall be instatled as single shielded 4 twisted pair ca�les or single shielded twisted triads. In no case shall a circuit be made 5 up using conductors from different pairs �r triads. Triads shall be used wherever three 6 wire circ�zts are required. 7 B. TerminaI blocks shall be provided at all instrument cable junction boxes, and all circuits 8 shall be identified at such junctions. 9 C. Shielded instrumentation wire, coaxial cable, data highway cable, discrete I/0, muitiple l0 cond�ctor cable, and fiber optic cables shall be run withoUt splices between 11 instruments, terminal boxes, or panels. The shield shall be continuous for the entire run. 12 D. Shields shall be grounded at the PLC/RTU. Terminal blocks shall be provided for 13 inter-connecting shield drain wires at all junction boxes. Individual circuit shielding 14 shall be provided with its own block. 15 E. ShieIc� vvire shall be wrapped and taped at the transmitter end of the signal run. Befare 16 termination, peel back the outer sheath, leaving the shield intact. Wrap the drain wire 17 around the canductors, leaving approximately two inc�es exposed. Wrap the drain wire 18 with two layers of Scotch 33 tape. 19 3.G WIRE TAGGING 20 A. AIl wiring shall be tagged at all termination points and at all major access p�ints in the 21 electrical raceways. A terminaiion point is defined as any point or junction where a wire 22 or cable is physically connected. This includes terminal blocks and device terminals. A 23 major access �oint to a raceway is defined as any enclosure; box ar space designed for 24 wire or cable pu�ling or in:spectian and incIudes pull boxes, manholes, and junction 25 boxes. 26 B. Wire tags shall show both origination and destination information i� allow for a wire or 27 cable to be traced from point in the field. Informatian regarding its origination shall be 28 shawn in parenthesis. 29 C. For multiconductor cables, both the individual conductors and the overal� cabie shall be 30 tagged. Conductors that are part of a multiconductor cable shall reference the cable 31 identification number that they are a part of, as well as a unique conductor number 32 within the cable. 33 34 35 36 37 3S 39 3.7 CABLE TAGG�NG A. AIl cables shall be tagged at all termination points and at all major access points in the electrical raceways as defined in the wire tag section af this Specification. B. The cable tag shall be installed where the cable ent�rs and leaves each access point (e.g., junction box, manhole, etc.}. In cases of limited access space, a single tag may be used that shows both equipment tag originaEion and destination. In the case where the jacket is stripped far terminations, the tag shall be znstalled at the e�d of the jacket. �4 3.8 RACEWAY �EALING 41 A. Raceways entering junction boxes or control panels containing electrical or 42 insirumentation equipanent shall be sealed with 3M 1000NS Watertight Sealant or 43 approved e4ua1. Copyright 2019 Gupta & Associates, Inc. RDLLING HILLS WATER'I'REATIVIENT PLANT FLOW METER R�PLACEMENTS C1TY PROJECT ND. 102056 26 05 19 - 12 LOW VOLTAGE WIRES AI�iD CASLES Page 12 of 12 1 B. This requirement shall apply to for all raceways in tlze conduit system. 2 3.9 FIELD TESTS 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 lb 17 1$ A. Conductors under 600 �olts 1. Perfarm insulation resistance testing of a!t power circuiis below 1000 volts with a 100Q-volt megger, in accordance with tk�e recommendations of the wire manufacturer. 2. Prepare a written test report of the results and submit to the Qwner/Engineer prior to final inspection. 3. Minimum acceptable value for insulation resistance is 1D0 megohms. Lower values shall be acceptable only by the Owner/Engineer's specific written approval. 4. Disconnect equipment that might be damaged by this test. Perfarm tests with all other equipment connected io the circuit. B. Tests: After instrumentation cable instaIlation and conductor termination by the znstrumentation and control suppIier, perfort� tests to ensure that instrumentation cable shields are isalated frotn ground, except at the grounding point in tl�e instrumentation control panel. Remave all improper grounds. END OF SECTION ROLLING T�iILL5 WATER TREATMENT PLANT F'L.OW METER REPLACEMEIVTS Copyright 2019 Gupta & Assaciates, Inc. CITY PRO.T�CT 3�I0. i02056 26 05 26 - 1 Gl20UNDING AND BONUING SYSTEM Page 1 of 6 1 2 3 PART2- GENERAL 4 1.1 SCOPE OF WORK SECTION 26 Oa 26 GRDUNDING AND BONDING SYSTEM 5 A. Furnish all lahor, materials, equipment and incidentaIs required to install a compiete 6 Grounding and Bonding System, in strict accordance with Article 25� of the National 7 Electrical Code (NEC), and as shown an the Drawings and specified herein. 8 B. The system sha�l include ground wires, ground rods, exothermic connec�ions, 9 mechanical connectors, structural steel connectians, all as shown on the Drawings, and 10 as specified herein, to pro�ide a bonding to earth ground of all metallic materials li%ely 11 to become energized. 12 1.3� RELATED WORK 13 A. Refer to Division 26 00 00 and the Contract Drawings, far related work and electrical 14 coordination requireznents. 15 1.3 SUBMITTALS 16 A. Submit to the Engineer, in accordance with Division 1 and Section 26 00 00, shop 17 drawings and product data, for the following: 18 l. Ground rods. f 9 2. Grounding conduit hubs. 20 3. Waterpipe ground clamps. 21 4. Buried grounding connections. 22 S. Compression lugs. 23 6. Exothermic bonding system. 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3� 32 33 B. All shop drawing submittals and al� O&M subznittals shall be submitted in hard copy fortr�at and in electronic format using PDF files [on a CD and/or a flash drive� [on a flash drive] and shalt include an indexed Table of Contents. Electronic submittals are mandatory, and any subrnittal received not indexed as specified will be returned without review. Hard copy submittals may not be required if so stipulated in the Contract Documents. No change in Cantract Price or Schedate wiLI be allowed far delays d�e to unacceptable subrnittals. C. All cut sheets shall be clearly marked to indicate which products are being submitted far use on this project. Unmarked cut sheets will cause the submittal to be rejected and returned for revision. 34 1.4 REFERENCE CODES AND STANDARDS 3S A. Ali products and components shawn on the Drawings and listed in this specification 36 shall be designed and manufactured according to latest revision of tiie following 37 standards (unless otherwise noted): 38 1. NFPA 70 — National Electrical Code (NEC) 39 2. UL 467-20Q7 --Grounding and Bonding Equiprttent Copyright 2D 19 Gupta & Associates, Inc. ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT FLANT FC.OW METER 12EPLACEMEN'1'S CiPY PRQJSCT NO. 102056 26D526-2 GROUNDING AND SONDIIVG SYSTEM Page 2 of 6 3. NFPA 70E — Standard for Electrical Safety in the Workplace 2 B. All equipment components and completed assemblies specified in this Section of the 3 Specifications shall bear the appropriate label of Undegwriters Laboratories. 4 1..5 QUAL�TY ASSURANCE 5 A. The manufacturer of these materials shall have produced simala�r electrical materials and 6 equipment for a minimum period of five years. When requested by the Owner/Engineer, 7 an acceptable list of installations with sirnilar equipment shall be provided 8 demonstrating cornpliance with t�is requirement. 9 1.6 �OBSITE DELIVERY, STQRAGE AND HANDLING 10 A. Prior to jobsite delivery, camplete ali submittal requirements, and present to the 1 i Owner/Engineer prior to deli�ery of the equipment, an appro�ed copy of all such 12 submittals. Delivery af incomplete constructed equipment, onsite factory work, or l3 failed factory tests will not be permitted. 14 B. Protect eq�ipment during shipment, handling, and storage hy suitable complete 15 enclosures. Protect equipment fram expasure to the elements and keep thoroughly dry. 16 �..y WARRANTY 17 A. P:rovide �;varranties, including the manufacturer's warrantee, for the equipment specified 18 and the proper installation thereof, to be free from defects in material and workmanship t9 for two years from date of final acceptance of the equipment and its insrallation. Within 20 such period of warranty, all material and lahor necessary ta return the equipment to new 21 operating condition shall b� pravided. Any warranty work requiring shipping or 22 transporting of the equipment shall be provided at no expense to the Qwner 23 PART � - PRODUCT� 24 �.1 RACEWAYS 25 A. Conduit shatl be as specified under Section 26 OS 33. 26 B. Ali raceways, conduits and ducts shall contain equipment grounding conductars sized in 27 accordance with the NEC. Minimum sizes shall be #12 AWG unless otherwise 28 indicated on the drawings. 29 2.3� CONDUCTORS 30 A. Cond�ctors shall be as specified under Section 2b OS 19. 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 A�0 B. Equipment grounding conductors shall be tinned insulated XHHW-2 conductors. Conductors shall be green where a�ailable from the wire manufacturers or marked with green tape as specified under 26 OS 19. C. Grounding electrode condactors shall be bare tinned copper where direct buried, or encased in concrete. Bare grounding electrode canductors vr lightning protection conductors where exposed to damage shall be instalied in conduit. Grounding electrode conductors or fightning protection down Iead conductors shown, specified or required to be installed in conduit per the NEC with no oeher conductors shall be bare txnned copper. Bare conductors installed in metallic conduits shall be bonded to the metallic canduit at both ends. Copyright 2019 Gupta & A.ssociates, Inc. ROLLING HII,LS WATER TREATMENT PLANT FLOW 3vIETE12l�PLACEMENT5 CTfY PR03ECT NO. 102056 26052b-3 GROii3VDIi+TG AND BOAIDING SYSTEM Page 3 of 6 1 2 3 4 �.3 5 6 7 8 9 10 D. Grounding eIectrode conductors routed between concealed grounding electrodes or interconnecting grounding electrode counterpoise loop conductors to exposed (IE "Pigtails") shall be bare tinned capper. GROUNDING ELECTRODES A. Ground rods shalI be 3/4-inch by 10-%at copper dad steel and constructed in accoxdance with UL 467. B. Manufact�arers for ground rods 1. ERICO 2. Copperweld 3. Approved equal. 11 2.4 CONNECTORS AND CONNECTIONS 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 2Q 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3Q 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 A. Waterpipe ground clamps shall be 316 stainless steel 1. Manufacturers a. Thomas & Betts Co. Cat. JPT b. Burndy c. O.Z. Gedney Co. d. Cooper Power Systems e. Erico f. Harger g. Approved equal h. Provide the correct size for the pipe. Other grounding system claznps, where specified or shown shall be 316 stainless steel 1. Manufacturers a. Thomas & Betts C�. b. Burndy c. O.Z. Gedney Co. d. Cooper Power Systems e. Erico f. Harger g. Approved equa�. AlI concealed grounding system ar lightning protect�on system connections shaIl be by an exothernuc weld process 1. Manufacturers a. T&B Furseweld SCR1 b. Barndy Thermoweld c. Cadweld d. Approved equaI. 2. Exothermic welded connections shall be used in exposed iocations as specified herein. : C. Copyright 2019 Gupta & Associates, Inc. ROLLING HILLS WA'I`Elt TI.2EATMENT PLANT PLOW METER T�PLACBM�NTS CCfY P1207ECT NO. l D2D56 26 05 26 - 4 GROUNDING AND BONDING 5Y5TEM Page 4 of fi 1 D. Pro�ide a Burndy Hyground Irreversible Cor�pressian System or equal in areas where 2 the Owner's operations pre�+ent the use oi an exothermic welded connection. The use 3 of a compression system ground connection is otherwise prohibited without written 4 approval on a case-by-case hasis from the Owner or Engineer. Permiss:ion shall be 5 sabmitted through tf�e RF� process. Cornpression connectors instatled without b permission sl�all be removed and replaced with exothermic weld connections with no 7 change in the Contract Price or change in ihe Contract Schedule allowed. 8 E. All grounding connections which would x'equire exothermic welding in a Class 1 9 Division 1 Area as determined by NFPA 820, or the Engineer, or the NEC Authority 10 Having Jurisdiction shall use a Burndy Hyground Irreversible Compression System, ar 11 equ al. 12 PART 3 � EXECUTION 13 3.1 �NSTALLAT14N 14 A. Route exposed grounding eiectrode conductors zn rigid aluminum conduits to protect 15 the conductors from damage. The rigid conduits shali be alurninum or PVC-coated 16 aluminum conduits as specified in 26 OS 33. Bond the protecting conduits ta the 17 grounding e�ectrode conduciors at bath ends. Water pipe grounding connections shall 18 nat be painted. Painted connections shall be disassemhled, replaced and reconnected. 19 B. Install equipment grounding conductors in all xaceways for the power, control and 2Q instrumentation systems. Grounding condtzctors shall be independent conductors and 21 shall be separate from atl shield drain wires. 22 C. Conduits and other raceways shall contain an equipment grounding conductor whether 23 the raceway is metallic or nat. Conduits, motors, cabinets, outlets and other equipment 24 shall be properly bonded in accordance with NEC requirements. Where ground wire is 25 exposed to mechanical damage, install wire in rigid metallic conduit. 2f D. Tn NEC classified areas, connection of grounding electrode connections to structural 27 steel coluznns shall be ztzade with long barrel type one-hole heavy duty copper 28 compression lugs, bolted through 1/2-inch maxirnum dia�tneter holes drilled in the 29 column web, with stairnle�s steel hex head cap screws and nuts. 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 E. In new construction, bond each building column to the graunding electrode counterpoise system whether nor not specifically shown on the Drawings using grounding �lectrode canductors. Grounding electrode canductors rising from the counterpoise to bond to a column shall be made asing an insulated conductor the same size as the conductors used to form the counterpoise. Exposed graunding electrode conductors shall be routed in rigid conduit. Bond metallic conduits as specified. Grounding electrode conductor connectians to structural steel columns shall be rnade with as permitted by the Stractural Engineer with Exotherrrtic welds are acceptable in nan-classified areas if approved by the Structural Engineer. 39 F. Metal conduits stubbed into a motor control center shall be terminated with insulated 40 graunding bushings and connected to the motor controi center ground bus. Bond boxes 41 mounted belaw motor cantrol centers to the moior control center ground bus. Size the 42 grounding wire in accordance with NEC Table 250.122, except that a zninimum #12 43 AWG shall be used. ROLLING HILLS WAT�R TREATML�NT PLANT FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS Copyright 20 t9 Gupta & Associates, Inc. C£I'Y PRQJECT NO. 102056 26Q526-5 GROUNDING AND SONDING SYSTEM Page 5 of 6 1 G. Liquid tight flexible metal condait in sizes 1-1/2-inch and larger shall have bonding 2 jumpers. Bondir�g jumpers shall be external, run paralIe� {not spiraled) and fastened 3 with plastic tie wraps. 4 H. Ground transformer neutrals to the nearest available grounding electrode with a 5 conductor sized as shown with a minimum size in accordance with NEC Article 250.66. 6 I. Provide power system grounding electrodes {ground rods) no closer than twice the 7 length of the ground rod. Where a lightning protection is specified ta be provided, the S Contractor shall provide a dedicated lightning protection system grounding electrode 9 (ground rod) at the end of every down lead if no counterpoise is present or shaIl connect 10 directly to the power system counterpoise without driving a separate graund rod. �1 12 13 14 IS 1G 17 18 19 20 J. Provide a#1./0 AWG bare tinned grounding conductor the full Iength of each cable tray system, bond eac�t section and tray fitting to the tray grounding canductor. Route the tray grounding conductor along t�e outside af the cable tray. Instal� no �rounding clamps on the inside of the tray to avoid damage to tray conductors. Bond the tray grounding conductor to the power system counterpoise grounding electrode system at the end af ihe tray, or far tray systems installed in a loop canfiguration, bond in at least two locations at opposite sides of the tray loop. Bond every enclosure to which tray conductors are routed to the tray grounding conductor. Bond every conduie or raceway routing tray conductors away from or to the tray system to the cable tray and to the cable tray grounding conductor. 2l K. All equipment enclosures, motor and transformer frames, conduits systems, cable tray, 22 cable armor, exposed structural steel and al� other equiprnent and rnaterials required by 23 the NEC to be grounded, shall be grounded and bonded in accordance with the NEC. 24 L. SeaI exposed connections between clifferent metais with no-oxide paint, Grade A or 25 equal. 26 M. Lay all underground grounding conductors' slack and, where exposed to mechanical 27 injury, protect by pipes or other substantial guards. �f guards are iron pipe, or other 28 magnetic material, electrically connect conductors to both ends of the guard. Make 29 connections as specified herein. 30 N. Care shaIl be taken to ensure good ground continuity, between the conduit system and 31 equipment frames and enclosures. Wher� necessary, bonding jumper conductors shall 32 be provided. 33 O. Ground alI grounding type receptacles to the outlet boxes with a minimum, #12 AWG 34 XHHW-2 stranded green conductor, connected to the ground terminal oi the receptacle 35 and bonded to the outlet box by means of a grounding screw. 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 3.� TNSPECTION AND TESTING A. Inspect the grounding and bonding system conductars and c�nnectians for tightness and proper installation. B. Use Biddle Direct Reading Earth Resistance Tester or equivaient test instrument to measure resistance to ground of the system. Perform testing in accorc�ance with test instrument manufacturer`s reconnmendations using the fall-of-potential method. C. All test equipment shall be provided u�zder this Section and approved by the OwnerlEngineer. Copyright 2b19 Gupta & Associates, Ync. ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLAN"I' FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS CITY PR07ECT NO. 102056 260526-6 GRpLTNDING ANI] BdNDING SYSTEM Page 6 of 6 1 D. Resistance to ground testing shall be preceded by no precipitatian for a minimum of 2 five days. Submit test results in the form of a graph showing the nUmber of points 3 measured (12 rninimum) and the n�zmerical resistance to ground. 4 E. Testing shall be performed before energizing the electrical distribution system. 5 F. A separate test shall be conducted for each building or system. 6 G. Notify the Engineer imrrtediately if the resistance to ground for any building ar system 7 is greater than five ohms. 9 END OF SECTION ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT FLOW MET�12 REPLACEMEN'f'S Copyright 2019 Gupta & Associates, Inc. C1TY PRDJECT NO. 102056 260529-1 EL�CTRICAL SUPPDRT HARI]WARE Page 1 of 6 1 2 3 PART1� GENERAL 4 1.1 SCOPE OF WORK 5 6 7 8 9 SECTION 26 0� 29 ELECTRICAL SUPPORT HARDWARE A. Furnish and install electrical support hardware, as shown on the Drawings and as specified I�erein. B. Hardware shall include anchor systems, adhesive anchor systems, txzetal framing systems, and other electrical support systez�ns, as shown on the Drawings and specified herein. 10 1.2 RELATED VVQRK 11 A. Refer to Division 26 Op 00 and tne Contract Drawings, for related work and electrical 12 coordination requirements. 13 1.3 SUBMITTALS 14 A. Submit to the Owner/Engineer, in accordance with Division 1, the rnanufiacturers' 15 names and product designation or catalog nunnbers for tkze types of materials specified 15 ar shown on the Drawings. All cut sheets shatl be clearly marked to indicate which 17 products are being sUbmitted far use on this project. Unmarked cut sheets will cause 18 the subrnittal to be rejected and returned far revision. 19 B. The submittal informa�ion, for anchor systems, shall contain manufacturer's 20 specifications and technical data including; 21 1. Acceptable base mater�al conditians (i.e. cracked, un-cracked concrete) 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3a 31 32 33 34 35 36 2. Acc�ptable drilli�ag methods 3. Acceptable bore hole conditions {dry, water saturated, water fillec�, under water) 4. Manufacturer's instal�ation instructions incl�ding bore hole cleaning pracedures and adhesive injeciion. 5. Cure and gel time tables 6. Tezkaperature ranges {storage, instailation and in-service}. C. All shop drawing submittals and all O&M submittals shall be submitted in hard copy format and �n electronic format using PDF files and shall include an indexed Table of Contents. Electronic submittals are mandatory, and any submittal received not indexed as specified will be returned without review. Hard copy submittaIs may not �e required if so stipulated in the Contract Documents. No change in Contract Price or Schedute will be allowed for delays due to unacceptable submittals. D. Submittals sha11 also contain information on related equipment to be furnished under this Specification. Incomglete submittals nat cantaining the requi:red infarmation on the reZated equipment will also be returned without review. Copyright 2419 Gupta & Associates, Inc. ROLLING HII.LS WATER'PREATMEAIT PLANT FT.O W NiETER REPLACEMENTS CITY PROdECT NO. 162056 260529-2 ELECTRICAL SUPPORT I�ARDWARS Page 2 of 6 1 1.4 REFERENCE CODES AND STANDARDS 2 3 4 5 5 7 8 A. AIl pz'oducts and cornponents shown on the Drawings and listed in this specification shall be designed and manufactured accardi:ng ta latest revision af the following standards (unless otherwise noted): 1. NFPA 70 National Eleccrical Cade (NEC} 2. NFPA 70E Standard for Electrical Safety in the Workplace 3. ASTM E 488-96 (2003); Standard Test Method far Strength of Anchors in Concrete and Masonry Elennents, ASTM International. 9 4. ASTM E 1512-93, Standard Test Methods �or Testing Bond Performance of 10 Adhesive-Bonded Anchors, ASTM Interriational 11 S. AC308; Acceptance Criteria for Post-Tnstalied Anchars in Concrete Elements, 12 Latest revision. l3 6. SAE 316 StainTess Steel Grades 14 B. All equipment components and comp�eted assemblies having a UL standard specified in 15 this Section of tf�e Specificatians, shall bear the appropriate label of Underwriters 16 Laboratories. 17 1.5 QUALITY AS,SURANCE 18 A. The manufacturer of these materials shall ha�e produced similar electrical materials and 14 equipment for a minimum period of iiv� years. When requested by the Owner/Engineer, 20 a list of installations with similar equipment shall be pro�+ided demonstrating 21 cozxzpliance with this requirement. 22 �.6 JOBSITE DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING 23 A. Prior to jobsite delivery, a11 submittal requirements must be complete, and an appraved 24 copy of all such submittals shall be available to the Owner/Engineer prior to delivery of 25 tl�e equipment. Delivery of equipment not completely constructed, onsite �actory work, 26 or failed factory tests will not be permitted. 27 B. Materiais shall be handted and stored in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. 28 C. Adhesive Anchor Systems. 29 1. Deliver materials undamaged in Manufacturer`s clearly labeled, unopened 30 containers, identified with brand, type, and ICC-ES Evaluation Report number. 31 2. Coordinate delivery of materials with scheduled installation date, minimizing 32 storage time at job-site. 33 34 3S 36 37 38 34 40 4I 3. Store materials under cover and protect from weather and damage in compliance with Manufacturer's requirements, including temperature restrictions. 4. Comply with recommended procedures, precautions or rett�edies described in material safety data sheets as applicable. 5. Do not use damaged or expired materials. 6. Storage restrictions (temperature range) and expiration date must be supplied with product D. Metal Framing Systetns 1. Material shall be new and unused, with no signs af damage from handling. Copyright 2019 Gupta & Associates, Inc. ROLLING HIL,LS WATER TRBATMENT PLANT FLbW METER REPLACSMENTS C1TY PROJECT 1V0. 102056 260529-3 ELECTRCCAL SUPC'ORT HARDWARE Page 3 of 5 i 1.9 WARRANTY 2 A. Provide warranties, including the manufacturer's warrantee, for the equipment specified 3 and the proper installation thereof, to be free from defects in material and workmanship 4 far two years from date of final acceptance of the equzpz�aent and its installation. Wi�hin 5 such period of warranty, all material and labor necessary to return the equipment to new 6 operating condiEion shall be provided. Any warranty work requiring sl�ipping or 7 transporting of the equipment shall be provided at no expense to the �wner. 8 PART2� PRODUCTS 9 2.1 ANCHORING SYSTEMS 10 11 12 13 14 15 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 A. Acceptable Manufacturers 1. Subject to compliance with the Contract Documents, the following ManufacEurers are acceptable: a. HILTI Kwik Bolt 3 b. Approved equal 2. The listing of specific manufacturers above does not imply acceptance of their products ihat do not rn�et the specified ratings, features and functions. Manufactureirs Iisted above are not relieved from meeting these specifications in their entirety. B. Product Description I. Torque controlled expansion anchor consisting of anchor body, expansion eleznent {wedges), washer and nut. Anchor shail be used for anchor sizes less than 3/8 inch. 2. All parts shall be 316 stainless steel materials conforming to 5AE 316. 3. UL 203 Rated. 24 2.� ADHESIVE ANCHORING SYSTEMS 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 A. Acceptable Manufacturers 1. Subject to compliance with the Contract Documents, the foliowing ManUfacturers are acceptable: a. HILTI HIT-RTZ with HIT-HY 200 MAX. b. Approved eq�zal 2. TYze lzsting of specific mannfacturers above does not imply acceptance of their products that do not meet the specified ratings, features and functions. Manufacturers listed above are nat relieved from meeting these specifications in their entirety. 34 B. Product Description 35 1. Anchor body with helical cone shaped thread on tne embedded end and standard 36 threads ot� the exposed end, with washer and nut, inserted into Injection adhesive. 37 Anchor shall be used for anchor sizes 3/$ inch and larger. 38 2. All parts shall be 3ib stainless steel materiaIs conforming t� SAE 315 standards. 39 40 �.3 STRUT ,SUPPORT SY�TEMS A. Acceptable Manufacturers Copyright 2419 Gupta & Associates, Inc_ RpLLIlVG HILLS WATER'i'REATMENT PLAN'P FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS CI'i'Y PROJECT NO. 1Q2056 260529-4 ELECTRICAL SIJPFORT I-IARDWARE Page 4 of fi 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 � Subject to compIiance with the Contract Documents, the follawing Manufacturers are acceptahie: a. Tyco Unistrut b. B-Line c. Super-Strut d. Appraved equal The listing of speciiic manufacturers above does not impiy acceptance of their products that do not meet the specified ratings, features and functions. Manufacturers listed abo�e are nat relievec� from meeting these specifications in their entirety. 11 B. Product Description 12 1. Metal framing system for use in the mounting ar support of electrical systems, 13 pan�ls and enclosures, and including lighting fixture supports, trapeze hangers and 14 conduit supports. 15 2. Components shall consist of telescoping channels, slatted back-ta-back channels, 16 end clamps aIl threads and conduit clamps. 17 3. Minimum sizes shall be 13/1b-inch thro�agh 3-1/4 inch. 18 4. Components shall be assembled by means o� �7at plate fittings, 90�degree angle 19 fit�ings, braces, clevis fittings, U-fittings, Z-fittings, Wing-fittings, Post Bases, 2p channel nuts, washers, etc. 21 5. Field welding of components will not be permitted. 22 6. Unless otherwise specified or shown on the Drawings, all parts shall �e 316 23 stainless steel rnaterial conforming to SAE 3l 6. 24 7. Framing systems for chlorine and ammonia rooms shall be manufactured af 25 structural fibergiass. 26 PART 3 � EXECUTION 27 3.1 GF.NERAL 28 A. Install all equipz�rient s�rict�y in accordance with the manafacturer's instructions and the 29 Contract Drawings. 34 B. The locations of devices are shown as general an the Drawings and may be varied 31 within reasonable limits as to avaid any piping or other obstruction without change in 32 the Contract Price or Schedule, subject to the appro�al of the Owner and Ez�gineer. 33 Coordina�e the instaliation oi the devices for piping and equipment clearance. 34 C. No eiectrical eq�ipment or raceways shall be attached to or supparted from, sheet metal 35 walls. 36 D. Install required safety labels. ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATIViENT PLANT FLOW METEi2 REPLACEMENTS Copyright 2019 Gupta & Associates, v�c. CPPY PRpJEC'F NQ. ] 02056 260529-5 ELECTRTCAL SUPPORT SARDWARE Page 5 of 6 i E. Electricai suppart channeI shali be used to constract support assemblies as shown on the 2 drawings. Horizontal braces attached to concrete or CMU walls or structural building 3 steel are permitted 'af the space between the back of the support structures and the 4 attachment points are too smalI to permit a walk space. No attachments to sheet meta� 5 are permitted as specified above. I�corporate additional channel mat�rials andlor G provide assemblies of double channel with ena�agh vertical a�zd harizontal members to '1 from a rigid strUcture whether or not such additional materials or the use of double 8 channeI materials are shown or speci�ied. Support structures shal� be rigid without the 9 use af channels to from angle supports between the back or front of the assembly and 10 the graund. Angle supports are strictly prohibited because they provide tripping I1 hazards. Outdoor supparts structures shall be able to support the equipment with tl�e 12 siructural strength to withstand wind gusts up ta 90 mph witI�out damage. 13 3.� FIELD QUALITY CONTROL 14 A. Inspect instaIled equipment far anchoring, alignnnent, graunding and physical damage. 15 B. Check tightness of all accessible electricat connectzons. Minimum acceptable values are I6 specified in manufacturer's instructions. 17 3.3 POST INSTALLED ANCHOR SYSTEMS i8 A. Prior to installation of the anchor systems, the hole shall be clean and clry in accordance 19 with the manufacturer's in5tr[zctions. 20 3.4 CLEAIVING 2] A. Remove all rubbish and debris from inside and araund the installation. Remove dirt, 22 dusi, or concrete spatter fx'arn the ;interior and extez'ior of the equipment using brushes, 23 vacuum cleaner, or clean, Iint free rags. Do not use compressed air. 24 25 2G END OF SECTTON ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT FLO W METER REPLACEMENTS Copyright 2D14 Gapta & Associates, Inc. CTTY PR07ECT NO. I0205b 250529-6 ELECTRICAL SLIPPORT HARDWARE Page 6 of 6 Copyright 2D 19 GupEa & Associates, Inc. RpLLING HILLS WATER TREATMEIVT PLANT FLOW METER REPLAGEMENTS CTI'Y PROJECT NO. 102056 26D533-1 RACEWAYS, BOXES, ENCLO5j.]RES, AND FTTTTNGS Page 1 of E6 ►� SECTION 26 0� 33 RACEWAYS, BOXES, ENCLOSURES, AND FITTINGS 3 PART�a GENERAL 4 1.1 SCOPE OF WORK 5 A. Furnish and install c�mplete raceway systems as shawn on the Drawings and as 6 specified herein. A raceway system shall consist of materials designed expressly for 7 containing wires and cables, including but not ii�nzted to, conduit, device bodies, 8 canduit badies, raceway boxes, enclosures containing electrical devices, controls and 9 related materials. 1.0 ].2 RELATED W�RK 11 A. Refer to Divisian 2b 00 �0 and the Contract Drawings, %r related work and eZectrical �2 coordination requirements. �3 1.� susmrrTTALs 14 A. Submit to the Owner/Engineer, in accardance vvith Division 1, the manufacturers' 15 names and product designation ar catalog numbers of all materials specified. 16 1. Cut sheets for each individual item shall be submitted. 17 18 19 Za 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 2. Each cut sheet shall be clearly marked to indicate the item submitted and/or mark out items which are not being submitted for approval. Submittals not clearly marked will be returned with the indication REVISE AND RESUBMIT as a minimum or other indication per the specifications as warranted. B. Submit to the Owner/Engineer, certiFication that the electricians installing the PVC coated conduit have a five-year minimum experience, in the installation of the product. C. All shop drawing submittals and all O&M submittals shall be submitted in hard copy format and in electronic format using an ISO/IEC 26300:2006 formatted file and shaIl include an indexed Table of Contents. Electronic submittats are rnandatory, and a�y submittal received not indexed as speciiied wiIl be returned without review. Hard copy submittals may not he required if so stipulated in the Co�tract Docutnents. No change in Cantract Price or Schedule will be allowed for delays due to unacceptabte suhmittals. D. Submittals slaall also cantain information on re�ated equipment to be furnished under this Specification. Incomplete submittals nat containing the req�irec� information on the reIated equipment wi11 also be returned without review. 32 1.4 REFERENCE CODES AND STANDARDS 33 A. All products and components shown on the Drawings and tisted in this specification 34 shalt be designed and manufactured according to latest revision oi the folIowing 35 standards (unless otherwise nated): 36 1. NFPA 70 — National Electrical Code (NEC) 37 2. NFPA 70E — Standard For Electrical Safety in the Workplace 38 3. UL 6A — Electrical Rigid Metal Conduit 39 4. ANSI C80.5 — Electrical Rigid Aluminum Condait 40 5. UL 514B — Outlet Bodies Copyright 2Q19 �upta & Assaciates, Inc. ROLLING HfLLS WATER TREATMEIVT PLANT FLpW METER REPLACEMENTS C1TY PRO]ECT WO. 102055 26 4S 33 - 2 RACEWAYS, BOXES, EI�CLOSUR�S, AND FITTINGS Page 2 of t6 1 B. All equipment components and campleted assemblies specified in this Sect�on of the 2 Specifications shall bear the appropriate label of Underwritexs Laboratories. 3 1.5 QUALITY ASSURANCE 4 A. The manufactnrer of these materials shall haee produced similar elect�nical materials and 5 eqt�ipment for a minimum period of five years. When requested by the Owner/Engineer, 6 an acceptable list of installat�ons wi[h si�nilar equipment shall be pravided 7 demonstraiing compliance with this requirement. 8 B. The manu�acturer �f the assembly shall be the manufacturer of the major components 9 within the assembly. All assemblies shall be of the same man�facturer. 10 C. The installer of materials specified herein, shaIl have a mini�nuzn of five years' � 1 experience in the installatian of each type of material. Praof of experience shall be 12 submitted, upon request of the Owner/Engineer, prior to installation. 13 14 1S 16 17 18 19 D. Used materials are unacceptable, will be rejected and shail be removed from the joh site. Used materials, if installed, sl�all be remaved and replaced with new materials. If new ma[eria�s are installed with used materials, and the removal of the used materials renclers the new materiais in an unacceptable canditian, such as new conductors i nstalled in as�d raceway companents, (determined by the EngineerlOwner alone} then the new materials shall lae re�noved along with the used materials and replaced. Na increase in the Contract Frice nor in Contract Schedule will be allowed. 20 1.6 JOBSITE DELIVERY, STORAGE AI�D HANDLING 21 A. Prior ta jobsite delivery, complete all submittal requirements, and present to the 22 OwnerlEngineer prior to delivery of the equipm�ent, az� approved copy of all such 23 submittals. Deli�ery of incomplete constructecF equipment, or equipment which failed 24 any factory tests, will not be permitted. �� 26 27 28 29 B. Materials shall be handled and stored in accordance �,vith manufact�rer's instructions. C. Materials shall not be stored exposed to sunlight. Such materials shall be conr�pletely covered. D. Materials showing signs of previous use, jobsite storage at another location, or exposure ta the elements or other damage will be rejected. 30 1.'� WARRANTY 31 32 33 34 35 36 A. Pro�ide warranties, including the manufacturer's warrantee, for the equipment specificd and the proper instaliation thereof, ta be free from defects in material and workmanship for two years from date of final acceptance of the equipment and its installation. Within such period of warranty, all material and labor necessary to return the eguipment to new operating condition shall be pro�id��. Any warranty work requir�ng shipping or transporting of the eyuipment shalt be provided at no expense to the Owner. 37 PART � - PRODUCTS 38 �.1 GENERAL 39 A. Raceways and fittings sha11 be as shown on the Drawings, with a minimum 3/4-inch 4� trade size. ROLLING I�ILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT FLOW METER REPLACBNf�NTS Copyright 2019 Gupta & Associates, inc. C1TY PR07ECT IVO. ID2056 260533-3 l2ACEWAYS, Bd}:ES, EIVCLOSURES, AND FITTINGS Fage 3 of 15 I B. Device entries less than 3/4 inch shall be provided with an adaptor to connect 3/a-inch or 2 larger conduit. The following adaptors are acceptable: 3 1. REAI2SA, Cooper Crous� Hinds dr equal, for aiezminum � 2. ADAPT ADU302930, REDAPT ar equal, for 316 stainless. 5 3. Approved equal 6 �.2 CONDU�T RACEWAY 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 A. PVC Caated Rigid Aluminum Conduit (CRMC) 1. PVC coated rigid aluminum conduit shall have a minimum 0.040-inch thick, polyvinyl chlorid� coating permanently bonded to rigid aluminum conduit and an internal chemically cured nrethane oar enamel coating. 2. Rigid Aluminum conduit shalI be extruded from AA 6063 alloy in temper designation T-1 and shaIl conform to FED Spec WW-C-540C, ANSI C80.5 and UL 6A. 3 0 S. The ends of all couplings, fittings, etc. shall have a�ninimam of one pipe diameEer in length of PVC overlap. Manufact�arers far PVC coated conduit and fittings a. �erma-Cote b. Robroy Industries c. O' Kate, Inc. d. Calbond e. Ocal. f. Approved equal Elbows and couplings shall be PVC coated by the same manafacturer supplying the conduit PVC coating system. Elbows and couplings used with PVC coated conduit shall be furnished with a PVC coating bonded to the aluminum, the same thickness as used an the coated aluminum conduit. 27 B. Liquid tight Aluminum Fiexible Metal Conduit {LFMC) 28 1. Liquid tight aluYrainam flexible metal conduit shall have an interlocked aluminum 29 core, PVC jacket rated for 60 degrees C,. and meeting NEC Article 351. 30 31 32 33 34 35 3b 37 38 39 2. Manufacturers a. Anaconda Metal Hose Div. b. Southwire c. Anaconda American Brass Co. d. American Flexible Canduit Co., Inc. e. Universal Metal Hose Co. f. ALFLEX g. Approved equai 3. Fittings used with liquid tight flexible aluminum conduit shal� be copper-free aluminum and shaIl conform to FEDSPEC AA50552, and UL-514S. 40 C. Rigid Alumin�m Conduit (RMC} 41 1. Rigid Aluminum conduit shall be extruded from AA 6463 alloy in temper 42 designation T-1 and shall conform to FED Spec WW-C-540C, ANSI C80.5 and UL 43 6A. 44 2. Manufacturer for rigid aluminum conduit and fittings 45 a. Wheatland Tube Company 46 b. Allied ROLLIlVG HILLS WATER TREATMSNT PLAN'I' FLOW METER REPLACEME3V'I'S Copyright 2019 Gupta & Associates, Inc. C1TY PROJECT NO. 102056 26 05 33 - 4 RACEWAYS, BflXES, ENCLOS[JRES, AND FI'I'TINGS Page 4 of 15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 c. American Conduit d. Approved equal D. Rigid PVC Schedule 40 Conduit (RNC) 1 2. 14 2.3 WIREWAYS 15 16 17 18 19 2Q 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 1. Eaton Crouse-Hinds 31 � stainless steel a. Approved equal 28 2.4 RACEWAY BOXES AND EQUIPMENT ENCLOSURES 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 A. All wireways shall be NEMA 4X 316 stainless steel, with gasketed hinged co�ers and stainless steel quick-release type latches. Wireway shall have two Breather/Drains for each ten feet of wireway. Breather/Drain shall be in the botto�n, near the ends of the wireway. Wireways shall have integral welded mounting lugs. Bolted-on mounting lugs are unacceptable. Provide stain�ess steel internal barriers to isalate signal cabtes from power conductors and mul�conductor digital controI cables. B. Mannfacturers Schedule 40 PVC Rigid Nonmetallic Canduit {RNC} shall be designed far use underground as described in the NEC, resistant to sunlight. The conduits and fittings shall be manufactzired to NEMA TG2, Federal Specification WC1094A and UL 651 specifications. Fittings shall be manufactured ta N�MA TC-3, Federai Specification WC1094A and LTL 514B. Conduit shall have a UL Label. Manufacturers a. Rocky Mountain Colby b. Carlon c. Kraloy d. Appro�ed equal 1. Industrial Enclosure Corporation 2. Coaper B Line a. Approved equal C. Breather/Drains A. The terrr► box and enclosure are synonymous far this specification. Boxes and enclosures specified herein, include terminal boxes, junction boxes pull boxes, and boxes for switch, receptacles and lighting. Enclosures used for electricai and instrumentation equipment, other than terminal boxes, shall be provided as described 'zn this section with references to this specification in ather specification sections. All raceway baxes and equipment enclasures shall be provided with a comrnon ground point and shall be UL rated. Copyright 2019 Gupta & l�ssociates, Inc. ROLLI3�IG I�ILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT �'LOW ME'TER REPLACEMENTS CITY PROJECT Np. 102{}56 26 05 33 - 5 RACEWAYS, BO�S, EIJCLOSLTRES, AND FITTINGS Page 5 of i6 1 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 1a 11 12 13 14 15 16 B. NEMA Type 4X boxes shall be 316 stainIess steel or aluminum only as otherwise specified or shown with mounting iugs or brackets welded an the box, suitable for wall mounting, or have mounting %et where self-standing. Baxes for wai�-mounting shall have integral w�lded-on tnounting lugs. Enclosures with rr►ounting feet shall have th� mountin� feet brackets for the attachment oi mounting %et welded an. Boxes manufactured with hoIes intended for mountin� using bolted-on mounting lugs or feet are not acceptable. DriIling through the back of the box to mount is strictly prohibited. Drii�ed boxes shall be removed and replaced. All boxes shall have continuously welded seams ground smooth, and shall have cantinuous hinged, gasketed doors. Box bodies shall noi be less than 16 gauge. Boxes larger than 2� inches X 20 inches shall have a tt�ree-point type latch with handle. Boxes 24 inches X 20 inches ar smaller shall have 316 stainless steeI Iuggage type quick release Iatches, or three-point Iafich system with all components 3ib stainless steel. Latch systerns requiring tools to open or close are unacceptable. C. NEMA 4X 316 Stainless Steel enclosures 1. Use for all locations unless otherwise shown or s�ecified 17 2. Type 316 stainIess steel, body and door 18 3. Stainless steel continuous hinge 19 4. Foam in-place gasket 20 5. Single point quarter turn latches (20-inch X 24-inch and smaller). All others shall 21 ha�ve three-point 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 4l 42 43 44 45 46 47 6. Manufacturers a. Enclosures housing electrical equipment may be constructed by the manufacturer of that equiprnent but shall meet the ail the physrcal :requirements specified herein. b. Eaton Crouse Hinds c. Hoffman d. Appleton Electric e. EMF Company f. NEMA Enclosures Company g. Cooper B Line h. Rittal i. Approved equal D. NEMA 4X Aluminum Where shown on the Drawings boxes shall be constructed as f�llows: l. Type 5052 aiuminum, body and door 2. Stainless steel continuous hinge 3. Foam in-place gasket 4. Single point quarter turn latches {20-inch X 24-inch and below). All others three- point latch S. Manufacturers a. EncIosures housing electrical equipment may be constructed by the rnanufacturer of that equipment but shall meet the all the physical requirements speci�ed herein. b. Hoff�xzan c. EMF Company d. NEMA Enclosures Company Copyright 2Q19 Gupta & Associates, Inc. ROLLING �iILGS WATER TREATMENT PLAN'I' FLbW MET�12 REPLACEMENTS CITY PRO7ECT NO. 102456 264533-6 RA,C�WAYS, BOXES, ENCLOSURES, AN�] FITTIIVG5 Page 6 of 16 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 S 9 10 11 12 13 1� 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 4-4 45 46 e. Cooper B Line f. Ap�roved equal E. Chemical Rooms and areas specified or shown to be corrosi�e: NEMA 4X :nonmetallic boxes shall be constructed as follows: 1. PVC or Fiberglass reinforced polyester body and doar, 2. UV inhibitors 3. Stainless steel quick release latches. 4. Manufacturers a. Enclosures housing electrical eq�ipment may be constructed by the manuiacturer af that eqaipment but shaIl meet the a11 the physical requirements specified Yzerein. b. Allied Molded Froducts, Inc. c. Cantex d. Cooper e. Hofiman f. Hubbell-Wiegmann Non-Metallic g. Approved equal F. Classified Areas, NEMA 7/4X boxes (Class 1, Division 1, Gra�aps A, B, C, and D, or as defined in NFPA 70} shall be constructed as follows: 1. Copper free cast alutninum body and cover 2. Stainless steel hinges 3. Watertight neoprene gasket �. Stainless steel cover bolts with metallic handles. 5. Manufacturers a. Enclosures housing electrical eqaipment may be constructed by khe manufacturer af that eqaipment bui shall meet the all the physicai requirements speciiied herein. b. Eaton Crouse-Hinds c. Appleton Electric d. Approved equal G. NEMA 12 boxes Where shawn on the Drawings shall be constructed as follows: 1. Type 5052 ataminum, body and daor Z. Stainless steel continuous hinge 3. Foam in-place gasket 4. Single paint quarter turn latches {20-inch X 24-inch and below}. All others three- point latch 5. Manufacturers a. Enclosures housing electrical equipment may be constructed by the manufacturer of that equipment bu� shall meet the all the physical requirements specified herein. b. Hoffman c. EMF Company d. NEMA Enclosures Company e. Cooper f. Approved equal H. NEMA 1 or NEMA 1A boxes shall not be used. Gopyright 2019 Gupta & Associates, Inc. ROLLI3�IG HILL..S WATER TREATMENT PLANT FLOW METER REPLACEMENT5 C1TY PRd7ECT NO. ] 02056 25 OS 33 - 7 RACEWAYS, BOXES, ENCLOSURES, ATID FPl"PINGS Page 7 of 16 1 I. Malleable iron boxes shall not be used. 2 �.5 DEVICE BOXES 3 A. Device boxes installed in aluminum raceway systems for switches and receptacle, etc., 4 shall be copper free cast aluminum, and shaIl have tapered, �hreac�ed, hubs, with integral S bushings. Boxes shall have internal grounding screw, and a minimum of two mounting 6 feet. Boxes shali be type FD. 7 B. Manufacturers 8 1. Eaton Crouse-Hinds 9 2. Appleton 10 3. Approved equal 11 2.6 CONDUIT OUTLET BODIES 12 A. Conduit outlet bodies and cove�rs shall be Form 7, copper-free aluminum, with captive 13 screw-clamp cover, neoprene gasket and stainless-steel screws and clamps for cond�rits 14 up to and including 2-112 inches. 15 B. Manufacturers 16 1. Eaton Cro�se-Hinds Form 7 with Mark 7 wedge-nut cover 17 2. Appleton 18 3. Approved equal 19 C. Provide junction boxes for conduits targer than 2-1/2 inches. 20 21 22 23 24 �.7 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 D. AlI outlet boxes and covers for Class 1 Division 2 areas shall be rated NEMA 4X. 1. Manufacturers a. Eaton Crouse-Hirnds EA Series b. Approved equal CONDUIT HUBS A. Conduit hubs for use on raceway system pull and junction boxes sha116e watertight, threaded aluminum, insulated throat, stainless steel grou�nding screw B. Manufacturers 1. T&B Hi50GRA Series 2. Approved equal C. Conduit hubs for use on outlet boxes or boxes conta�ning electrical or instrumentaeion equipment shall be watertight, threaded steel, insulated throat, hub of the female-female type, with iocldng nipple of male construction. Hubs shall be T&B HT Series, or approved equal. Hubs witn female locking nipples, where the hub projects xnto the box, will not be acceptable. 35 �.8 GROUNDING BUSHINGS 36 A. Grounding bushings shall be insulat�d lay-in lug grounding bnshings with tin-plated 37 copper grounding path. Bushings shall have integrally moided noncombustible phenalic 3.8 insulated surfaces rated 150°C. Each bushing shail be furnished with a plastic insert 39 cap. The size of the lug shall be sufficient to accommodate the maximum gro�nd wiee 40 size required by the NEC for the application. 41 B. Manufacturrers Copyright 2019 Gupta & Asspciates, Inc. ROLLING HILLS WAi'ER TREATMENT PLANT FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS CITI' P�20JECT NQ. 1Q2055 260533-8 RACEWAYS, BOXES, ENCLOSURES, ANb PITTTNC,S Page S of 1 fi 1 1. O-ZJGedney Type ABLG 2 2. Approved equal 3 2.9 RACEWAY SEALANT 4 5 b 7 8 9 A. Raceway sealant for use in the sealing of raceway hubs, entering ar terminating in boxes or enclosures where such seaIin� is shown or specified, shall be 3M 1000NS Watertight SeaIant, or approvec! equat. B. For cable bundles up to seven cables, in a duct entering a building, use T�co RDSS Duct Seating Froduct. For cable bundles of more than seven cables, in a duct entering a building, use 3M 100QNS Watertight Sealant. 1p 2.10 CONDUIT PENETRATION SEALS 11 A. Conduit wall and floor seals 12 1. O.Z.IGedney Co. Series CSM 13 a. Type CSML-XXXP shall be used for all applications that do not require a 14 recessed sealing bushing. 15 b. Type CSMI-XXXP skzall be us�d for all applications that require a recessed 16 sealing bushing. 17 2. Approved equat 18 2.11 EXPANSION-DEFLECTION COUPLING 19 A. Combination expansion-deflection fittings with 3/4-inch axial expansion and 20 contraction mo�ement, 3/4-inch paralIel misalignment mavement, and up ta 3� degrees 21 of angular movement in any direction. It shall be copper-free al�uminum, with exterior 22 tinned copper braid bonding j�mper and 3I6 stainless grounding straps 23 B. Manufacturers 24 1. Eaton Crouse-Hinds Model XD 25 2. Appror�ed equal 26 2.12 EXPANSION FITTINGS 27 A. Expansion fittings shall provide ei.ght-inch movement, shall be tnade of copper-free 28 aluminum, with exterior tinned copper braid bonding jumper and 316 stainless 29 grounding straps. Provide internal grounding. Nylon tie wraps are not acceptable. 3o B. Manufacturers 31 1. Eaton Crouse-Hinds Co. Type XJGSA 32 2. Approved equal 33 �13 EXPLOS14N-PROOF SEALS, BREATHERS AND DRAINS 34 35 36 37 3S 34 40 A. Explosion proof fittings shall be designed for Class 1 Di�ision 1, Group D, hazardo�s locations. Fit�ings shall be copper-free aluminum, with seals, breathers and drains. Provide type ED, or as required for the application. B. Manufacturers 1. Eaton Crouse-Hinds Co. 2. Appleton Electric Co. 3. D.Z,/Gedney Co. Copyright 2Q19 Gupta & Associates, Inc. ROLLING FTTLL5 WATER TREATMENT PLANT FLOW METER RBPLACEMEiVTS CTl'Y PROJECT NO. 102056 26 OS 33 - 9 RACEWAYS, BOXES, EMCLOSURES, AND �'I'rTINGS Page 9 of 16 1 �4. Appraved equal 2 �.14 KELLEMS GRIPS 3 A. Kellems grips cables supports shall be 316 stainless steel. 4 2.1� COIiTDUIT MOUNTTNG EQUIPMENT 5 A. Pull and junction box supports, spacers, cvnduit suppart rods, clamps, hangers, channel, 6 nut, bolts, washers, etc. and shall be 316 stainless steel. Nylon tie wraps are not 7 acceptable. 8 2.16 CONDUIT IDENTIFICATiQN TAGGING 9 A. Tag aIl underground conduits at all locations exiting and entering from underground, 10 including manholes and handholes. 11 B_ Use the tagging formats for cond�aits as shown on the Drawings. 12 C. Conduit identification plates shall be embossed stainless steel with stainless steel band, 13 permanently secured to the conduit without screws. Nylon tie wraps are not acceptable. 14 D. Yaentification plates shall be as manufactured by the Panduit Corp. or equal. I5 PART 3 - EXECUTION 16 3.1 RACEWAY APPLICATION� 17 A. Unless exact locations are shown on the Drawings, coordinate the placement of 18 raceway systems and related components with other trades and existing installations. 19 B. Raceway Systems for the installation of Fiber Optic Cables shall not contain conduit 20 bodies, de�ice boxes, or raceway boxes containing less t�an twelve inches af bend 21 radius. 22 C. Unless shown an the Drawings or specified otherwise, the raceway type instailed with 23 respect to tne location shail be as fallows, including ail materials: 24 ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATNi�AIT PLANT FLpW METER REPLACEMENTS Copyright 2019 Gupta & Associates, fnc. CTTY PIZDJ�CT NO. 102056 26 05 33-10 RACEWAYS, BOXBS, E3VCL(}SURES, AND FITI'I3�TGS Page IO of id Raceway Syste�n Location 1. Rigid Galvanized (RSC} Type Not acceptable fox use on this Project 2. FVC Coated Aluminum (CRMC} Type All embedded raceway bends, underground duct bank bends af more than 20 degrees, and all raceway stub-ups to a minimum of six inches above finished floor or grade and in Chlorine and Caustic rooms. 3. Liquidtight Flexible Aluminum (LFMC) Type Raceway connection to vibrating equiprnent, and as shawn on t�e Drawings in all areas. 4. Rigid Non-metallic, Schedale 40 PVC {RNC) Underground er�cased in red dyed reinforced Type concrete. 7. Aluminum Rigid Metal {RMC} Type All above grade areas, except for concrete embedded and those areas described in Locations 2 through 6 abave. D. All conduit of a given type shall be the product of one manufacturer. 3.� BOX APPLICATIQNS 3 A. All raceway junction pull and terminal boxes and electrical equipment enclosures shall 4 have NEIVIA ratings for the locat�on in which they are installed, and as specified herein. 5 B. The distance between each raceway entry inside the box and the opposite watl of the 6 box shall not be less than eight times the metric designator (trade size) of the largest 7 raceway in a row. This distance shall be increased for additianal entries by the amaunt 8 of the sum of the diarneters of all ot�er raceway entries in the same row on the same 9 wail of the box. Each row shall be calculated individually, and the single row that 10 provides the znaximum distance shall be used. i 1 C. Pro�ide cast aluminurn conduit fittings £or exposed �witch, receptacle arzd lighting 12 outlet boxes. 13 D. All raceway boxes and watl — maunted electrical equipment enclasures shall be 14 provided with factory rnounting integral welded mounting lugs. Balt-on gasketed 15 mounting lugs attached through factory-drilled holes are not acceptable for any raceway 16 box or electrical equipment enciasure. Drilling thraugh tl�e back of any box or 17 enclosure is prohibited, and if so installed, shall be remaved and replaced, with no 18 increase in the Contract Frice or Canstruction Schedule. 19 E. No penetrations shall be made in the top of boxes or electrical equipment enclosures in 20 wet locations. 21 3.3 DEVICE BOX APPLICATIONS RpLLING HiLLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS Copyright 2019 Gupta & Associates, Inc. C1TY YROJECT Nb. 102056 26 05 33-11 RACEWAYS, BpXES, EMCLdSURES, ANb EITTINCsS Page 11 of 16 1 A. Device boxes shall be used for mounting wiring devices such as receptacles, switches, 2 thermostats, lighting and other permanently mounted devices. All device boxes shall be 3 installed with a minimum of 1/4-inch air space between the back of the box and the wali 4 or back paneI an which it is installed. The space tnay be created with enough 316 5 stainless steel washers to provide the required air space or may be mounted �sing 316 f stainless steel slotted channel. 7 3.4 COIiiDUIT OUTLET BODIES APPLICATIONS 8 A. Conduit outlet bodies may be used on conduits up to and including 2-1/2 inches, except 9 where junctzon boxes are shown or otherwise specified. Far conduits larger than 2-1/2 10 inches, junction boxes shaI1 be provided. 1 T 3.S CONDUIT HUB APPLICAT14NS 12 A. Unless specifically stated herein or described on the Drawings, all raceways shall 13 terminate at an ou�let with a conduit hub. Loclrn�t or double locknut ierminations wilf 14 not �e permitted. 15 B. When conduits contain equipment grounding conductors the wire shall be grounded to 16 the hub(s) associated with that grounding conductor. 17 3.6 INSULATED GROi7NDING BUSHING APPLICATIONS 18 A. InsuIated grounding bushings shalI be provided and used to terminate raceways where 19 the raceways �nter pad-mounted electrical equipment or switchgear from the bottom 24 where there is no wall or floor pan on which to anchor or terminate the raceway. 2I 22 23 B. All other raceways shall terminate on enclosares with a conduit hub, except for NEMA 7/4X areas. C. Grounding hushing caps shall remain on the bushing until the vvire is ready to be pulied. 24 3.'� CONDUYT FITTINGS APPLICATIONS 25 A. Combination expansion-deflection fittings shall he instalied where conduits cross 26 structure expanszon joints, and where installed in exposed conduit runs such that the 27 distance between expansion-deflection fittings does not exceed 150 %et of conc�uit run. 28 Expansion-deflection fittings are acceptable in indaar locations out of exposure to 29 direct sunlight or other ontdoor locations which are shaded. 3U 3I 32 33 34 35 36 37 B. Expansion-deflec�ion fitt�ngs are not acceptable far use outdoors unless approved in writing on a case-by-case basis from the Engineer/Owner. Where combination expansion-deflection fittings with exposed no�-metallic sections, are approved by the Engineer/0wner for Use where exposed to sunlight or other outdoor locations which are shaded, an aluminum wrap shall be installed loosely over the non-metallic portion, extending at least two inches beyond the ends. The wrap shall be loosely secured, to permit movement, with at least two 316 SS iasteners. Nylon tic-wraps are not acceptable. 3& C. Provide an expansion fitting with a rainimum of six inches available movement s�all be 39 installed on the exposed side of under to above grade concEuit transitians. Expansion- 40 deflection iittings shall n�t be provided unless appro�ed and protected as specified 41 above. 42 3.8 CONDUIT PENETRATION SEALS APPL�CATIONS Copyright 2019 Gupta & Associates, I»c. ROLLING fIQ.LS WATER TREATMENT PLANT FLpW METER REPLACEMENTS C1T i' PROIECT NO. ] 02056 z�as3s-iz RACEWAYS, BOXES, ENCLOSU12E5, AND FITTII�GS Page 12 of 16 1 2 3 4 A. Cond�ait wall seals shall be used where underground conduits penetrate walls or at other Iocations shown on the Drawings. B. Conduit sealing bushings shall be used to seal conduit ends exposed to the �veather aztd at other locations shown vn the Drawings. 5 3.9 EXPLQSiON-PROOF SEALS, RREATHERS AND DRAINS APPLICAT14N5 6 A. Fittings cansisting of sealing fittings, breathers, drains, with sealing compound and 7 fiber, as specified herein, shall be used as required ta rneet all the requirernents of the S Nationai Electrical Code. 9 3.10 C�NDUIT TAG APPLICATIQNS 10 11 12 13 A. All conduits sha11 be tagged within one foot �f the entry of equip�nent, and wall and floor penetrations. B. Tag all underground conduits and ducts at all locations, exiting and entering from underground, including manholes and handholes. 14 3.11 RACEWAY SEALING 1S A. All raceways entering junction boxes, terminal junction baxes, electrical equipment 16 enclosures or control panels containing electrical ar instrumentation equipment shall be 17 connected to the box, enclosure or panel using conduit hubs and shall be sealed wxth 18 Raceway Sealant, as specified herein. 19 31� PVC RACEWAY TO PVC COATED ALUMINUM RACEWAY TRANSITIONS IN 20 CONCRETE ENCASEMENT 21 22 23 24 25 2b 27 28 29 A. Transitions from PVC raceway to PVC coatect aluminum raceway in concrete encasements shali be �nade as foilows: 1. Terminate the PVC conduit in a threaded PVC female adapter. 2. Terminate the PVC coated aluminum conduit in a threaded male adaptor. 3. Thread the male PVGcoated aluminum canduit adaptor into the femaie threaded PVC adapter. B. Tighten the jaint securely, then double layer wrap the joint with tw�-inch vinyl electrical tape �or a distance of two inch�s each side of the threaded joint to prevent any contact between any exposed aluminum threads and concrete. 3a 3.13 RACEWAY INSTALLATION 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 A. Do not install pull wires and conductars until it�e :raceway system is in place. No wire shall be installed between outlet paints, junction points or splicing points, untiI all raceway sections are complete, and all raceway c�vers are installed for protection of conductars from damage or exposure to the elements. Conductors installed into incomplete raceway systems are considered improperly installed and are in �iolation af the NEC. The occurrence af wire installed in an incomplete installation, shall require ihe removal of such conductars from the project site, and replacement af the canductors at with no increase in Contract Price or Schedule. The raceway system shall be campleted and inspected by the Engineer/Owner, before new conductors are installed. Copyright 2019 Gupta & Associates, Inc. i20LLTNG HILLS WATE12 TREATMEAIT PI,ANT FLOW METER 12EPLACEMENT3 CTl'Y PR07ECT NO. 10205fi 26 05 33-13 RACEWAYS, BOXES, ENCLOSURES, AND FIT"TI[�IGS Page 13 of Ifi 1 B. No condurt smaller than 3/4-inch electrical trade size, shall be used, nor shail any have 2 more tl�an the equiva�ent of three 90-degree bends in any one run. Pull boxes shall be 3 provided as necessary. Conduit reducers which are the same type of the raceway shall 4 be instalIed where manufacturer-provided enclosures are not availab�e wi�h conduit 5 l�ubs larger than 1/2-inch at the enclosure to terminate 3/4-inch conduit. The raceway b fill shall be adjusted to accommodate the smaller opening in the manufacturer-provided 7 enclosure. Notify the Engineer/Owner prior eo the installation of the raceway into S enclosures with openings smaller than the specified minimum. Raceways installed 9 without notice are considered unacceptable and may be required to be removed at the l0 Engineer's/Owner's discretion with no increase in the Contract Price or Schedule 11 allawed. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 �9 20 21 C. All raceways, instalied underground, shall be installed in accordance with Section 26 QS 43 Underground System, and be a minimum size of twa-inch trade size. D. Raceways entering or leaving the raceway system, which c�uld be subjected to the entry of moisture, rain or liquid of any type, shall be tightly sealed, using 3M 1000NS Wate:rtigh�t Sealant, ar approved equal at any possible moisture entry point both before and after the installation of cables to prevent the entry of water or moistare to the Raceway System at any time. Any damage to new or existing equipment, due to the entrance of moisture from unsealed raceways, shall be corrected by c�mplete replacement of such equipmcnt. No increase in the Contract Price or Schedule will be al�owed. Cleaning or drying of such da�naged equipment will not be acceptable. 22 E. Conduit supports, other than for underground raceways, shall be spaced at intervaIs of 23 eight feet or less, as required by the NEC and as required to obtain rigid construc�ion. 2� Canduits shall be supported near the entry into any enclosure in accordance with the 25 NEC. Conduits shali not be used to suppart other conduits, nor shall c�nduits be 26 supported from cable tray. 27 F. Single conduits shall be supparted by means of one-hole pipe clamps in combination 28 with one-screw back plates, to raise conduits from the suriace. 29 G. Multiple runs of conduits shall be supparted on trapeze type hangers with horizontal 30 members and threaded hanger rods. The rods shall be not less than 3/8-inch diameter. 31 Multiple conduits naounted on walls shall be supported using strut and 316 stainless 32 steel conduit clamps, screws, nuts and washers. 33 H. Surface mounted panel boxes, junction boxes, conduit, etc. s�al� be suppo�ed as 34 specified herein. 35 I. Conduit hangers shall be attached to structural steel by means of beam or channe! 36 clamps. Where attached to concrete surfaces, anchors shall be as specified in Section 26 37 OS 29 Electrical Support Hardware. 38 39 40 41 42 A�3 44 45 J. No electrical equipment enclosures, boxes, terminaI junction boxes or raceways shall be attached to or supported frorn, sheet metal walls. I�. AIl canduits on exposed work shall be r�n at right angles to and parallel with the surro�nding wall and shall confarrn to the forrm of the ceiling. No diagonal runs will be allowed. Bends in para�lel conduit runs sha11 be concentric. Offsets in conduit runs shall all be done at t1-�e same point and shall all be the same angle, so the entire installatio� appears to be parallel or concentric at every paint. All conduits shall be run perfectly straight and trae. Copyright 2019 Gupta & Assaciates, [nc. ROLLIAIG HILIS WATER T'REATMENT PLANT FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS C1TY PROdECT NO. 102056 2b0533-14 RACEWAYS, BpXSS, E3�GLQSURFS, ANQ FITTINGS Page 14 of [ 6 � L. Conduits terminated intv enclosures shall be perpendicular to the walis where flexibie 2 �iquid tight or rigid conduits are required. The use af short seal tight elbow fittings for 3 such terminations wili not be pertnitted, except for connections ta instrumentation 4 transmitters, where muitiple penetrations are required. 5 M. Conduits containing equipment grounding conductors and terminating in boxes shall 6 have insulated throat grounding bus�ings. The grounding canductor shall be grounded 7 to the box. 8 N. Conduits shall be installed using threaded fittings. Running threads will not be 9 permitted. 1 Q O. Provide glued type conduit fittings on PVC conduit. 11 12 13 14 15 16 i7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2$ 29 30 P. Conduits installed which are not in compliance with these requirernents shall be retr�o�ed and reinstalled at the Engineer's/Owner's discretian. Ii conductors are installed when the improper inseal�atio� is discovered, the candactors shall be removed from the raceway, discarded and remo�ed thein from the jab site, replaced, re- terminated, z'etagged, and r�tested in accordance with the specifications. The function af the system shall be retested in its entirety. No increase in Contract Ti�ne or Schedule will b� allowed. Q. Liquid tight flexible metallic canduit shall be used %r the primary and secondary of transformers, generator terminations and other equipment where �ibration is present. Use in other locations is not permitted, except for cannections to instrumentation transmitters, where multiple penetrations are required. Liquid tight flexible metallic conduit shall have a maximum length not greater than that af a factory manufactured elbow of the conduit size being used. The maximum bending radius shall not be less than that shown in the NEC Chapter 9, Tabie 2, "Other Bends". BX or AC type prefabricated cab�es will not be permitted. R. Seal the remaining apenings or spaces of conduits passing through openings in walls or floor stabs to prevent the passage of flame or smoke where additional openings or space around the conduits are present. S. Conduit ends exposed to the weather or co�rosive gases shall be sealed with conduit sealing I�ushings. Copysight 2019 Gupta & Associates, Inc. RQLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT PLOW METER REPLACEMENTS C1TY PR07ECT Np. 102056 26OS33-15 RACLWAYS, BOXES, ENCLOS[IRES, AND FTl"PINGS Page 15 of 1& 1 T. Raceways terminating in Control Panels or enc�osures outdoors or any wet or datx�p 2 location ar any Iocation where plant pracess equipnnent is lacated, or any location not 3 otherwise specifically designated as a dry electricaZ room, control roorr� or office space, 4 which contain �lectrical equipment ar terminal blocks, shaIl not enter from the tap of 5 the enclosure. The raceways shall be sealed with a watertight sealant as specified 6 herein. Enclosures entered from the top where top entry is prohibited, will be rejected 7 and snall be rennoved and replaced regardIess of the Division which contains the 8 specification for the enclosare. The use of UL Listed conduit closures to restore the 9 NEMA rating of the enclosure will not be accepted. Conduit eniering the top of the la enciosures shall be retnoved and re-routed to enter the enclosure from the side or 11 bottom. Conductors installed in top entering conduits shall be pulled back ta the 12 nearest conduit body or junceian box and re-routed with the conduit, provided the 13 conductors are lang enough to be re-terminated. Conductors found to be insufficient in 14 length to be re-terminated shall be completely removed and replaced, re-tested, re- 15 tagged, re-tested and the control function af the pane� shali be xe-tested. If the 16 enclosure is provided by an OEM, the enclosure and its contents shall be returned to the 17 OEM for a new enclosure. No increase in Contract Frice nor increase in Contract Time 18 will be allowed the Contractor for making these correctians. 19 U. All conduits fram external sources entering or ieaving a mUltiple compartment 20 enclosure shail be stubbed up into the bottom horizontal wire way or other 2I tnanufactarer designated area, directly belaw the vertical section in which the 22 conductors are to be terminated. Conduits entering from cable tray shall be s�bbed into 23 the upper sectian. 24 25 26 27 2$ 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 V. Conduit s�aling and drain fittings shall be instalied in areas designated as NEMA 4X or 7. W. A conduit identification plate shall be installed on all power, instrumentation, alarm artd control conduits at each end oi the run and at intermediate juncti�n boxes, manholes, etc. Conduit plates shall be installed before conductors are pulled into conduits. Exact identification plate iocation shail be coordinated with the Owner/Engineer at the time of instalIation to provide uniformity of placement and ease of reading. Conduit numbers shaIl be exactly as shown on the Drawings. X. Mandrels shall be pulled through all existing conduits �hat wiIl be reused and through aIl new conduits two incnes in cliameter and larger priar to installing conductors. Y. 3/16-inch palypropylene pull lines shall be installed in all new conduits noted as spares ar designated fa:r future equipment. 36 Z. All conduit that may under any circumstance contain liquids such as water, 37 condensation, liquid chemicals, etc. shall be arranged to drain away from the equipment 38 served. Tf conduit drainage is not possible, conduit seals shall be used to piug the 39 conduits at the point of attachment to the equipment. 40 41 42 43 44 45 AA. Conduits shall not cross pipe shafts, access hatches or vent duct openings. They shall be routed ta a�aid such pres�nt or future openings in floor or ceiling construction. BB.The use of running threads is prohibited. Where such threads are necessary, a three-piece union shall be used. CC. Canduits passing from heated to unheated spaces, exteriar spaces, refrigerated spaces, cold air plenums, etc. sha.11 be sealed with Watertight Sealant as specified herein. Gopyright 2019 G�pta & Associates, L�c. AOLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT FLOW METER REPLACE1VfENTS CIT'X PROJECT NQ. 102056 26 OS 33 - 16 RACEWAYS, BOXES, ENCLflSURES, ANI] F1T'TTNGS Page I 6 of I fi 1 DD. Conduits shall be iocated a minimurn of three inches from steam or hat water piping. 2 Where crossings are unavozdable, tlae conduit shall be kept at least one inch from the 3 covering of the pipe crossed. 4 EE. Canduits terminating at a cal�le tray shall be supparted independently from the cable 5 tray. Pro�ide a canduit s�pport within one foot of the cable tray. The weight af the 6 conduit shall noi bear on the cable tray. 7 FF. Conduits entering the top oi eIectrical equipment enclosures from cable tray or 8 otherwise routed frotn above the equipznent in airconditioned dry indoor spaces shall 9 coordinate their placement with the HVAC duct vents such that cold air from the 14 HVAC system will not blow direc�ly on the vertical conduits causing condensation. 11 Conduits which cannot be located away from direct exposure to cold air from the 12 HVAC system shall be insulaked to pre�ent condensation from forming inside the 13 conduits or shall be re-routed. In all cases, condensation caused by cald air frotn the 14 HVAC system shall be prevented fram entering electricai enclosures. Equipment 15 damaged by water frorr� candensation shall be remo�ed, replaced, canductors re- 16 terminated, and its operation retested with no change in the contract price or schedule. 17 GG. All changes of direction on PVC coated steel cot�duit greater than 2Q degrees shall be 18 accomplished using long radius bends. Any iield bends shall be made using eqaipment 19 designed to prevent damage to the PVC coating. 20 21 22 END OF �ECTION RpLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT FLOW ME`TER REPLAC�MENTS Copyright 2019 Gupta & Associates, Inc. Cl'F'Y PRQTECT NO. 1�2056 26 OS 43 - I LTNDERGROUND SYSTEM Page 1 of 8 ►a 3 PART1� GENERAL 4 ].l. SCOPE OF WORK 5 6 7 8 SECTION 26 0� 43 UNDERGROUNDSYSTEM A. Furnish and install a complete underground system of raceways, manholes and handholes as shown on the Drawings and as specifiec� herein. B. Raceways for use in structural concrete is specified in Section 26 05 33 Raceways, Boxes and Fittings. 9 1.� RELATED WORK 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 A. No references are made to any other section which may contain work reiated to any other section. The Contract Documents shall be taken as a whole with every sec�ion related to e�ery other section as required to m�et the requirements specified. The organizati�n of the Cantract Documents xnto specification divisions and sections zs for organization of the documents themselves and does not relate to the division of suppliers or labor which the Contractor may ch�ose to emplay in the execution �f the Contract. Where references are made to other Sections and other Divisions of the Specifications, the Contractor shall provide such information or additional work as may be required in those references and include such info;rmatian or work as naay be specified. B. Other Divisions 1. The Contractor shall be responsible for examining all Sectians of the Specifications and Drawings and shali determine the power and wiring requirez�nents and shall provide external wiring and raceways, as required to provide a fully functioning power, controi and pracess cantrol systems. If the equipment requires more conductors and/or wiring, due to cZifferent equipment being supplied, the Contractor shall furnish the additional conductors, raceways and/or wiring, with no change in the Contract Price, and with no increase in Contract Tinne. 28 1.3 SUSMITTALS 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 A. Submit to the Engineer, in accordance with Division 1 and Section 26 OQ 00, shop drawings and product data, for the following: 1. Manholes, handholes and associated hardware. 2. Plastic duct spacers B. Submittals shall atso contain information on related equipment to be furnished under ihis Specificatian but described in the related Sections listed in the Related Work paragraph above. Incomplete submittals no� cantaining the required information on the related equipment will be returned unreviewed. 37 1.4 REFERENCE CODES AND STANDARDS 38 A. All products and components sh�wn on the Drawings and listed in this specification 39 sha�l be designed and �anufactured according to latest revision of the following 40 standards (un�ess otherwise noted): Copyright 2419 Gupta & Associates, fnc. ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMSNT PLATiT FLQW METER itEPLACEMENTS CTl'Y PROJECT NO. 142056 2b 05 43 - 2 UNI}ERGROUNia SYSTEM Page 2 of & 1 2 3 4 S 6 7 & 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 f�.I�] 1. NFPA 70 — National Electrical Cade (NEC} 2. NFPA 70E — Standard For Electrical Safety in the Workplace 3. ASTM A615/Ab1SM-�6a — Standard Specification for Deformed and Plain Carbon-Sieel Bars for concrete Reinforcement 4. ASTM A48 -- Sta:ndard Specification for Gray Iron Castings 5. ASTM A536 - Standard Specificatian for Ductile Iron Castings 6. AASHTO M306-04/ ASTM A4$ — Drainage Structure Castings, Section 7.0 Proaf Load Testing 7. ASTM C-$50- Specificarions for underground precast concrete utility str�ctures B. All excavation, trenching, and related sheeting, bracing, etc., as shown on the Drawings and listed in these Specifications, shall comply with the following standards (unless otherwise noted): l. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (O5HA} a. Excavation safety standards (29 CFR Part 1926.650 S�bpart �'} - Excavation. 2. American Society fo:r Testing and Materials {ASTM) a. A5TM D 59$a — Standard Test Methods for Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil Using Standard Effort (12,40a ft-lbf/ft3 (600kN-rn/m3)). C. All equipment components and cottzpleted asseznblies specified in this Section of the Specifications sha11 bear the apprapriate label of Underwriters Laboratories. 1.� QUALTTY AS�URANCE 21 A. The manuiacturer of these materials shall have produced similar electrical materials and 22 equipment for a txa�inimum period of �Five years. When requested by the Owner/Engineer, 23 an acceptahle list of installarions with similar equipment shall be pro�ided 24 demonstrating cotnpliance vvith this rrequirement. 25 B. The pxecast manholes shall be manufactured in a NPCA (National Precast Concrete 26 Associaiion) Certified Piant. 27 1.6 JOI3SITE DELIVERY, �TQRAGE AND HANDLING 28 A. Prior to jobsite delivery, the Cantractor shall ha�e successfully completed all submittal 24 requirements, and present to the Owner/�ngineer upon delivery of the equipznent, an 30 approved copy of all such submittals. Delivery of incomplete constructed equipment, 31 onsite factary work, or failed factory tests will not be pertnitted. 32 B. Mate�ials shall be handled and stored in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. 33 C. Materials shall not be stored exposed to sunIight. Such materzals shall be completely 34 covered. 35 D. Mate�ials showing signs of previous or jobsite exposure will be rejected. 35 1.i WARRANTY 37 A. The Manufacturer shatl warrant the equipment to be free from defects in material and 38 workmanship for one year from date of final acceptance of the eqaipment. Within such 39 period of warranty, the Manufacturer shall pramptly furnish a11 material and labor 40 necessaxy to return the equipment to new operating condition. Any warranty work 41 requiring shipping or [ransporting of the equipment, ar materials shall be performed by 42 the Contractar at no expense to the Owner. Copyright 2019 Gupta & Associatcs, Inc. ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT FLOW iVIETER REPLACEMENTS C[TY PR07ECT iVO. 142056 260543-3 UNDERGROUNDSYSTEM Page 3 of 8 1 PART 2 � PR�DUCTS 2 �.1 MATERIALS 3 A. Raceway System 4 1. Raceway system shall be Schedule 44 PVC Rigid Nonmetallic Conduit (RNC), 5 designed for use aboveground and underground as described in the NEC, resistant 6 to sunlight The cvndui�s and fittings shall be manufactured to NEMA TC-2, 7 �ederal Specification WC1094A and UL 651 specificatians. Minimum raceway 8 size shall be 2 inch. Fittings shall be manufactured to NEMA TC-3, Federal 9 Specification WC1094A and UL 514B. Conduit shall nave a UL Labe�. Conduit 10 shall be Carlan, KraIoy, or approved equal. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2l 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 2. PVC coated rigid aluminurn conduit shalI have a minimum O.OA-4-inch thick, polyvinyl chlor�de coating permanently bonded t� rigid aluminutn conduit and an internal chemically cured urethane ar enarnel coaEing. The ends of al� couplings, fittings, etc. shall have a minimum of one pipe diameter in Iength of PVC overIap. PVC coated conduit and fittings shall be as manufactured by Perrma-Cote, Robroy Industries, Calbond or Oca�. Any fie�d bends shall be made using equipment designed to prevent damage to the PVC coating. 3. All underground raceways of the underground system, terminating in manhales or handl�oles shali use terminators of the same size and �ype as the raceway 4. Blank Duct Plugs shall be sized for the duct installed on and shall be TYCO Type JM-BLA-XXDXXXCR, with rubber gasket, or approved equaI. 5. Duct spacers shall be as manufactured by Carlon or equai. 6. Where raceways terminate into existing and new manholes, I�andholes or structures, the duct bank steel shall be anchared into the rnanhale, handhole or structure with a Hilti HIT 150 MAX epaxy anchoring system. The termination of the duct bank steel shaTl utilize a minirnum 24-inch length of reinforcing bar anchored not less than faur inches into the manhole, handhole ar structure wall, and lapped into each reinforcing bar in the duct bank. 7. Concrete encasement for raceways and duct banks shall be normal weight concrete weighing not mare than 145 pounds per cubic foot wit� cornpressive strength, a minimum of 3000 pounds per square inch, or greater if required by other Divisions of the Specifications, at 2$ days, Cancrete shall have crushed aggregate with a maxiztaum size of 3/4-inch, a slump of faur to six inches and flow freely without the use of vibrators. Install red dye of 40 pounds per 10 cubic yards. of canerete, instaIled in the truck at the concrete plant. 8. Rein£orcing steel shatl comply with ASTM A615 Grade 60 and of a size and installation as shown on the Drawings. B. Manholes and Handhoies 39 1. General 40 a. ManhoIes and handholes shall be of the precast concrete type, designed for a 4l Ciass H2O1oad with sizes as shown on the Drawings, and as manufactured by 42 Oldcastle Precast, Mansfield, TX, or approved equal. 43 2. Cans�ruction Copyright 2019 Gupta & Associates, Inc. ROLLING HILLS WA'd'ER TREATMENT PLANT FLOW ME`I�12 l�l'LACEMENTS CITY PROIECT NO. 102056 26 DS A3 - 4 UNDERGROUNDSYST�M Page 4 of S 1 a. Concrete for manhales and handholes shall have a 28-day compressive streng�h 2 of 500Q PSI. Cement shall be Type 1 or III. Rein%rcing steel shall be Grade 60 3 with minimUm yield strength of b�,00Q PSI. Design loadings shall be H-2Q-44 4 w/impact 5 b. The top of all manhales shall be field remo�able and have stainless steel lifting 5 eyes. 7 c. Duct bank entries into the rnanhole or hand}�ole shall be centered on the 8 entering wal( and shall cantain the appropriate number and size of duct 9 terminators to match the corresponding duct bank. 14 d. Each manhole and handhole shall have a minimum size of 1 inches by 12 11 inches by 2 inches deep concrete sump in the middle oi the �loor of the 12 manhale ar handhole, or as shown on the Drawings. 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Za 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3i 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 3. Manhole Covers a. Unless otherwise shown o�z the Drawings, manhole and handhole co�ers shall be hea�y dUty 36-inch machined gray iran, and AASHTO M306-Q41 ASTM A4$ CL35B Minimum, 40,OQ0-pound proof load �alue (Class H2Q X 2.5) "True Traffic" load covers, conaplete with frame, and "Electric" or "Cammunication" raised lettering recessed flush, as required, on the caver. Covers shall be V-1b00-5, wirh drop handles as manufactared by East Jordan Iran Works, Ardmore, OK b. AlI castings shall be made in the USA, cast with the foundry's name, part number, "Made in USA", and production date (example: mm/ddlyy}. Castings without proper markings will be rejected. Manufacturer shall certify that all cast�ngs conform to t�ie ASTM and AASHTO Designations as specified herein. All casting shall be true to pattern in farm and dimension, free from pouring faults, sponginess, cracks, blow hales and other defects in positions affecting strength and value far the service intended. Angles shatl be filleted and arises sha11 be sharp and true. 4. Hardware a. Cable racks shall be o�'the heavy-duty non-metallic type with arm lengths of 8 inches, 14 inches, and 20 inches, each sapporting a load of not less than 250 pounds at the auter end. Racks shall i�e molded in one piece of U.L. listed glass reinforced nylon, Catalog CR36N with RA08N, RA14N and RA20N arms as manufactured by Underground Devices Inc. Northbrook, IL. Cable racks shall be sec�ared to the manhale and walls by drilled, Hilti HIT-HY 150 MAX epaxy anchoring system, with Hilti 316 stainless steel bolts. Arnns for racks shall be verticaliy spaced not greater than 24 inches on centers. b. Pulling irons shall be of copolymer polypropylene coated I/2-inch diameter cable, with a rated pulling strength of 7500 pounds and a polyethylene pulling iron packet, alI recessed in the manhole wall opposite each cEuct entry. Pulling irons for handholes shall have the pulling iron located in the flaor of the handhole near the center of the handhole opposite the duct entry. Pulling irons shal� be as manufactured by M.A. Industries, Inc. Peachtree, GA. or Bowco Industries, Portland OR. c. Manhole and handhole ladders shall be constructed of fiberglass reinforced plastic, safety yeliow, 1$-inch rung width with 12-inch rung spacing, Safrail as manufactured by Strongwell Corp., Bristol, VA. Furnish a total of two ladders, each of a length four feet greater than the deepest manhole in the underground system. C. Polyethylene Warning Tape Copyright 20J9 Gupta & Associates, L�c. RpLLING �iI�.LS WATE12 T�2EATMENT PLANT FLbW METER REPLACEMEI�lTS C1TY PROIECT NO. 102056 260543-5 UNDERGRO[lNI7 SYSTEM Fage 5 of S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 S 9 10 il 1. Su�ject to compliance wi�h the Contract Documents, the following Manufacturers are acceptable: a. Brady Detectable Identoline b. Approved Equa1 2. The listing of specific manufacturers above does not imply acceptance of their products that do nat meet the specified ratings, features and functions. Manu�acturers listed abo�e are not relieved from meeting these specifications in their entirety. 3. Warning tape shaIl b� tnetai detectable polyester with subsurface graphics, black letters on red tape. The tape shall meet the OSHA 1926.956(c}(1}, two-inch minimum widtl�, for location tracing. 12 PART 3 - EXECUTION 13 31 GENERAL 14 i5 16 17 18 I9 A. The Cantractor shatl field verify the routing oi a�l underground duct banks befare place�nent. He shall modify the routing as necessary to avoid underground utilities ar above ground objects. Modification or rerouting for the convenience of the Contractor, ar to reduce the length of duct rUn as designed, wili not be permitted. The Contractor shall provide any alternate routing of the duct banks to the Owner/Engineer and, after approval, shall proceed with the installation. 20 B. All changes of direction, less than 20 degrees, shall he made using a hotbox, strictly in 21 conformance with the conduit manufacturer's instructions. Changes af ctirection greater 22 than 20 degrees shall be accomplished using iong radius bends of PVC coated rigid 23 aluminum conduit. 24 C. The Contractor shall saw cut and repair existing pavements abo�e new and modified 25 existing duct banks. The Contractar shall provide the alternate routing of the duct banks 26 to the Qwner/Engineer and after approval shall proceed with the instaliation. 27 D. Install raceways to drain away from buildings. Raceways between manh�les or 28 handholes shall drain toward the manholes or handholes. Raceway slopes shall not be 29 less than 3 inches per 100 feet. 34 E. Reinforce raceway banks as shown on the Drawings. 31 F. A#4/0 stranded bare tinned copper ground conductor shall he installed along the iap of 32 tI�e rebar cage, as shown on the Drawings, for the full length of each duct run between 33 manh�l�s and handholes and bonded to a ground rod in the vicinity of each manhole 34 and handhole. 35 G. Lay raceway lines in trenches on compacted earth as specified herein. 36 37 38 39 H. Use plastic spacers located nat mare than four feet apart to hold racevvays i:n place. Spacers shall provide not less tlian two-inch clearance between raceways. L The minimum cover for raceway banks shall be 24 inches unless otherwise permitted by the Owner/Engineer. 40 J. Raceway terminations at all manholes, existing and new, shall be with ternninator for 41 PVC conduit. ROLLING HiLLS WATER TREATMENT PI.AIVT Fi.OW M�TER REPLACEMEN'FS Copyright 20I9 Gupta & Associates, Inc. CITY PRO]ECT NO. 102456 26 05 43 - 6 UN�ERGROUNDSYSTEM Page 6 af 8 1 K. Blank duct plugs shall be used to seal the ends of all ut�used ducts in the duct system. 2 Plugs shall be installed at al! lacations where the ducts enter and Iea�e the manho�es or 3 handholes, and all entrances and exits ta the underground system. 4 L. Where raceways enter or exit the Undergrournd System, and the raceways rise to a 5 higher elevation upon entering or leaving the System, such raceways shall be tightly 6 sealed at the higher eleva�on, both before and after the installation of cables, such that 7 there shall be no entry of water or maisture to the Undergroand System at any time. 8 Raceways shall be sealed with 3M 1000NS Watertight Sealant or approved equal. 9 M. No wire shall be pulled until the duct systezx� has been completed in every detail. 10 N. Swab all raceways clean before installing cable. 11 O. Train cables in manholes and handholes and support and restrain them on cable racks. 12 All cables passing manhole duct entrances in the manhole or handhole shall pass above 13 all duct entrances. No cable shall pass in front af or b�low duct bar►k entrances. 14 I5 16 17 18 P. Polyethylene Warning Tape shall be instalied in the trench above each raceway or duct bank and Tocated at the ele�ations shown on the Drawings. Q. The Contractor shall tag all underground conduits at all lacations, exiting and entering from underground, including manholes and handholes. R. The minimum raceway size shall be 2-inch unless otherwise shown on the plans 19 3.� TRENCH EXCAVATION 24 A. The excavation shall extend to the width and depth as shown on the Drawings, or as 21 specified, and shali pro�ide suitable room for installing manholes, hanclholes, ducts and 22 23 appurtenances. B. Furnish and place ail sheeting, bracing and supports. 24 C. Excavation shall include material of every description and of whatever substance 25 encountered, regarcEless oi the methods ar equipment required to remo�e the mater�al. 26 Pa�ement shall be cut with a saw, wheel or pne�matic chisel atong straight lines before 27 exca�ating. 28 D. The Contractor shall strip a.nd stockpile topsoil from grassed areas crossed by trenches. 29 At the Contractor's option, topsoil may be otherwise disposed of and replaced, when 30 required, with approved topsoil af equal quality. 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 E. While excavating and backfilling is in progress, traffic shall be maintained, and all �xtilities and other property proiected, as provided for in the Contract Documents. F. Materials shall be excavated to the depth indicated on the Drawings and in widths sufficient for installing manholes and laying the ducts. Coordinate the trench width the Details shown on the Drawings. The bottom of the excavations shali he firm and dry in atl respects acceptable to the Owner/Engineer. Trench width shall be a practical tninimum, bat not Iess than 6 inches greater on each side, than the total duct section arrangement, including reinforcing steel, Capyreght 2019 Gupta & Associates, Inc. ROLLIlVG HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT FLOW METER REPLACEMEIVTS CiTY PROJECT NO. 1�2056 26DS43-7 LTNDERGRpTJND SYSTEM Page 7 of 8 1 G. Excavation and dewatering shaIl be accomplished by methods which preserve the 2 undisturbed state of sub grade soils. The trench may be excavated by machinery to, or 3 just below, the designated sub grade, provided that material remaining in the bottom of 4 the trench is no more than slightty distnrbed. Sub grade soils which become soft, lose or 5 otherwise unsatisfactory as a result of inadequate excavation, dewatering or otl�er 6 construction methods, shall be remaved and replaced hy g�avel fill, of aggregate as 7 specified herein, as required by the Owner/Engineer at the Contractor's expense. 3.3 EXCAVATION BELOW GRADE AND REFILL 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 A. Regardless of the nature of unstable �aterial encountered, or t�e groundwater conditions, trench and excavation rlrainage shall be complete and effective. B. If deemed necessary by the Owner/Engineer, or as shown on the Drawings, the Contractor shall be required to c�eposit pea gravel for duct bedding or gravel refill for excavation below grade, directty on the bottom of the trench immecliately after excavation has reached the proper depth and before the botEom oi the trench has become softened or disturbed by any cause whatsoever. Ail excavation sha�l be made in apen trenches. GraveI used for this purpose, shall be aggregate, as specified that is no larger than one-half the minimum clear spacing between electrical ducts, and a maximum coarse aggregate size of 3/4-inch. 19 3.4 BACKFILLING 20 A. Remove from the excavation aIl materials vvh'rch the Owner/Engineer may deem 21 vnsuitable for backfilling. 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 B. Backfilling shall not commence until, not less than 48 hours after placing of any concrete embedment, have lapsed. C. Where the duct ban�Cs are laid in the yard, the remainder of the trench, after concrete encasement, shall be fi�led with common fiIl material, void of rock or other non-porous material, in layers not ta exceed eight inches in loose measure and compacted to 90% standard Practor densiry at optimum moisture content of +/- 4%. The bacl�iil shall be mounded six inches above the existing grade or as directed hy the Owner/Engineer. Where a grass, loam or gravel surface exasts prior to excavations in the yard, it shall be remaved, conserved and replaced to the feaIl original depth as part of the work under the duct items. In some areas, it may be necessaxy ta remove excess material durin� the cleanup process, so that the graund rmay be restored to its original leveI and condition. 33 D. Where the duct banks are Iaid in paved areas ar designated future pa�ed areas, existing 34 or designated future structures, or other existing or future utiIities, the remainder of thc 35 trench above th� encasement, shall be backfiIled with select cotnmon fill or select fill 36 material in iayers not to exceed eight incl�es loose measure and compacted at optimum 37 moisture content (+/- 3%} to 95% standard Proctor density. 38 E. Compaction shall be by use of hand or pneumatic tamping with tools weighing at least 39 20 pounds. The materia� being spread and compacted shall be placed in layers not over 40 eight inches ioose thick. If necessary, sprin�cling shall be employed in conjunction wath 41 rolling or rarr�rrung. 42 43 44 �F5 F. Bituminous paving shall not be placed in backfill. G. Water jetting vvill not be accepted as a means of consolidating or compacting backfill. H. AlI road surfaces shall have a broorn finish and hose-cleaned imimediately after backfilling. Dust control measures shall be empIoyed at aIl times. Copyright 2019 Gupta & Associates, Inc. ROLLING HILLS WA'FER TREATMENT PLANi' FI.OW METER REPLACEMENTS CTFY PROJECT NO. 162056 26 OS 43 - S UNDERGROUND5Y5TEM Pagc 8 of 8 I 3.� RESTORING TRENCH AND ADJACENT SURFACES 2 A. In paved areas, the edge of the existing pavement to be remo�ed shall be cut along 3 straight lines, and the pa�ement replaced with the same type and quality of the existing 4 paving. S B. Tn. sections �;vheare the duct bank passes through grassed areas, the Contractor shall, at b his own expense, remove and replace the sod, or shali loam and reseed the surface to 7 the satisfaction of the Owner/Engineer. 8 3.6 CLEANING 9 A. Retnove all rubbish and debris from inside and around the underground system. 10 Remove dirt, dust, or concrete spatter from the interior and exterior of manholes, 11 handhol�s and structures, using brush�s, �acuum cleaner, ar clean, lint free rags. Do not 12 use compressed air. 13 END OF SECTION RDLLING HILLS WAT�R TI�EATMENT PLANT F�.OW METER REPLACEMENTS Copyright 2019 Gupta & Associates, Inc. CTI'Y PROJECT NO. 102Q56 262416-1 PANELBOARDS Page 1 of 6 � 3 PART l. � GENERAL SECTION 26 24 � 6 PANELB OARDS 4 1.1 SCOPE OF WORK 5 A. Furnish and instaIl panelboard(s} as specified herein and as shown on the Drawings. 5 B. The provisions of this Section. shall apply to all panelboards, except as indicated 7 atherwise. 8 1.2 RELATED WORK 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Za 21 22 23 24 25 26 A. No refe:ret�ces are made to any other section which may contain work related to any other section. The Contract DocUrnents shall be taken as a whoie with every sectian re�ated to every other sect�on as required to meet the requirements specified. The organization of the Contract Documents into speciiication divisions and sections is for organization of the documents themseives and does not relate to the division of supplrers or laba:r which the Contractor may choose to employ in the execution of the Contract. Where references are made to other Sections and other Divisians of th� Speciiications, the Contractor shall provide such infarmatian ar additional work as may be rrequired in those references, and include such information or work as may be specified. B. Other Divisions 1. The Contract�r shall be respansible for examining a�l Sectians af ihe Specifications and Drawings, and shall determine the power and wiring requirements and shali provide external wiring and racevways, as required to provide a fully functioning power, control and process control systems. If the equipment requires more conductors and/or wiring, due to different equipment being sapplied, the Contractar shall furnish the additional conductors, raceways and/vr wiring, with no change in the Contract Price, and with no increase in Contract Tirne. 27 1.3 SUBMITTALS 28 29 3a 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 A. Subrr�ittals shall be made in accordance with the requirements of Division 1, Section 26 00 00 and as specified herein. B. Provide systems engineering to produce coordination curves, shovc�ing coordination between cxisting and breakers and/or fuses submitted, such that protective device coardination is accomplislted. Such curves and settings shall be included as a part �f these submittals. C. Submittals shall also cantain information on related e4uipment to be furnished under this Specification but described in the related Sections listed in the Related Wark paragraph above. Incomplete sUbmittals not containing the required infoarKna�ion on the related equipmeni will also be returned without review. All cut sheets shali be clearly marked to indicate which products are being submitted fvr use on this project. Unmarked cut sheets will be cause to reject the submittal and return it for revision without review. Copyright 2Q19 Gupta & Assvciates, L►c. ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMEiVT PLANT FLpW METER REPLACEMENTS CITY PR07ECT NO. 102056 262416-2 PANELBOARDS Page 2 of 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 I2 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2fi D. Shop Drawings and Product Data. The following information shall be submitted to the Engineer: 1. Master drawing index 2. Front view elevation 3. Top �iew 4. Nameplate schedule 5. UL Listing of the completed assembly 6. Conduit entry/exit locations 7. AssembIy ratings including: a. Short-circuit rating b. Voltage c. Continuous current 8. Major component ra�ings including: a. Voitage b. Continuaus current c. Tnterrupting ratings 9. Descriptive bulletins I0. Product data sheets. 11. Cable terminal sizes. E. Operation and Maintenance Manuals. 1. Operation and maintenance manuals shail include the %llowing information: a. Manufacturer's contact address and telephane number for parts and service. b. Instruction boaks and/or leaflets c. Recommended renewal parts list d. Record Doc�aments for the information required by the Submittals paragraph above. 27 1,4 REFERENCE CODES AND STANDARDS 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 l.� A. The low voItage panelboard assembly and all components in this specification shali be designed and manufactured accarding ta la�est revision of the following standards (unless otherwise noted): 1. UL 67 - Panelboards 2. UL 50 - Cabinets and Boxes 3. NEMA PB-1 2006 - Fanelboards 4. Fed. Spec. W-P-115C QUAL�TY ASSURANCE 36 A. The manufactuzer of this equipment shall have produced similar equipment for a 37 minimum period of ten years. When requested by the Engineer, an acceptable list of 38 installations with similar equipment shall be pravided demonstrating compliance with 39 this requirement. 40 B. The manufacturer of the assembly shall be the manu�acturer of the major components 41 within the assembly. All assemblies shall be of the same manufacturer. EqUipment that 42 is manufactured by a third party and "brand Iab�led" shall nat be acceptable. Copyright 2014 Gupta & Associates, fnc. ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT PLOW METER REPLACEMENTS CITY PR07ECT NO. 102055 262416-3 PAIVLLBOARDS Page 3 of 6 1 2 3 4 5 b C. All components and materia� shalI be new and of the �atest field proven design and in current praduction. Obsolete components or camponents scheduled for itnmed�ate discontin�ation shall not be used. D. Far the equipment specified herein, the manufacturer shall be ISO 9Q01 2000 certified. E. EqUipment submitted shall fit within the space shown on the Drawings. Equipment which does not fit within the space is not acceptable. 7 1.6 JOBSITE DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 za 21 22 23 A. Prior to jobsite delivery, the Contractor shall have successfully completed all submittaI requig�ments, and present to the Owner/Engineer upan delivery of the equipnnent, an approved capy of all such submittais. Delivery of incomplete constructed equipment, onsite factory work, or iailed factory tests will not be permitted. B. Eqaipment shall be handled and stored in accordance with manufacturer's instractians. Two copies of these instructions shall be included with the equipment at time af shipment, and shall be made available to the Contractor and Owner. The instructians shall include detailed assembly instructions including but not limited to wiring interconnection diagrams, rigging for �i€ting, skidding, jacking and moving using rolling equipment to place the equipment, bolt torqueing requirements for bus and all other components which require the installation of bolted cannections, and instruc�ians for storing the equipment prior to energizing. C.. Equipment sha�l be stored indoors and protected from moisture, dust and other contaminants. D. Equipment shall not be instaIled until the Iocation is �nished and pratectec� frotrz the elements. 24 1.7 WARRANTY 25 26 27 28 29 30 A. The Manu�acturer shall warrant the equipment to be free from defects in material and workmanship for one year from date of final acceptance of the equipment Within such period of warranty the Manufacturer shall promptly furnish all material and labar necessary to return the equipment to new operating condition. Any warranry work requiring shipping �r transporting �f the ec�uipment shaIl b� performed by the Contractor at no expense to the Qwner. 31 PART 2 � PRQDiTCTS 32 �.1 MANUFACTURERS 33 A. Subject t� compliance with the Contract Documents, the following Manufactnrers are 34 acceptable. 35 1. General Electric 36 37 38 39 40 4� 2. Eaton 3. Square D 4. Approved equal B. The listing of specific manufacturers above does not imply acceptance of their products that do not meet the specified ratings, features and functions. Manufacturers listed above are not rel'zeved from meeting these specifications in their entire�y. Copyright 2019 Gupta & Associates, Inc. 1tOLI,ING H1LLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT FL,OW NfETER REPLACEMEIYTS CITY PROJECT NO. 102056 262416-4 PANELBOARDS Page 4 of 6 2 3 4 5 5 7 8 9 ia 11 12 13 �.� RATINGS A. The ser�ice voltage, overall short circuit withstand and interrupting rating of the equipment and components shall be as shown on the Drawings, excepi that the minimum interru�ting rating shall he 22,000 amperes RMS symmetricat for 240/120 volt single- phase or 208Y/l2Q volt t�z'ee-phase. The minimum inEexrupting for 4$OY/277 volt three-phase shall he 65,000 amperes RMS symmetrical. Panelboards employing series connected ratings for rnain, feeder and branch devices are not acceptable and shall not be pro�ided. B. Panelboards shall be UL listed and laheled as suitable for use as service equipment. C. Where the panelboard is shown or specified to cantain a surge protecti�e device (SPD}, the complete panelbaard, including the SPD, shall b� C7L671isted. D. Panelboards shall be designed for continuaus operation, at rated current, i� a 40°C ambient. lA� E. For additional ratings and construction notes, refer ta the Drawings. 15 �.3 CONSTRUCTION 16 17 18 19 20 2i 22 23 24 25 26 27 2$ 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 4� 41 42 �3 44 A. General 1. Refer to the Drawings for actual layout and location of eqnipment and components, and other required details. 2. A nameplate shall be provided listing manufacturer's name, panel type and rating. Nameplates shalI be engraved, latninated impact acrylic, matte finish, not less than 111 �-inch thick by 3/4-inch l�y 2-1/2-inch, Rowmark 322402, or equal. Nameplates shall be 316 SS screw mounted to all enclosures except for NEMA � and 4X. Nameplates for NEMA 4 and 4X enclosures shall be attached with double �'aced adhesive strips, TESA TUFF TAPE 4970, .Q09 X 1/2 inch, or equai. Prior to installing the nameplates, the metal surface shall be thoroughly cleaned with 74% alcohol until all residues has been removed. Epoxy adhesi�e or foam tape is nat acceptable. B. Enclosures 1. General a. Each enclosure shall be provided with a legend packet on the inner door. b. Enclosures shall not have hoies or knockouts. 2. Not otherwise Defined a. Where an enclosure is not other�vrise defined or shawn on the Drawing 1) NEMA 4X Stainless Steel 2) Type 316 stainless steel, body and door 3) Stainless steel hinges 4) Foam in-place gasket C. S�rge Protecti�� Devices (SPDs} l.. Where panelboards are shawn or specztied ta include an SPD, the panelboard manafact�rer shall be the manufacturer of the Type 2 SPD, and the SPD shall be located within the panelboard, unless otherwise shown on the Drawings. Refer to Sect�on 26 43 13 for specifications of the S�Ds, and the require� submittals to be included under this Section. Submittals not containing the required information in Section 26 43 13 wi�l be returned un-reviewed. Copyright 2019 Gupta & Associates, L�c, ROLLING HII.LS WATER TREATMENT PLANT' FLdW ME'I'ER REPLACEMENTS C1TY PRdJECT NO. 10205fi 26241b-5 PANELBDAR�S Page 5 of 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 �a 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 I9 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 1. All busses, including neutral busses and ground bars, shall be of tin plated copper. Nentral busses shall be fulI size. Phase bussing shall be full height witYtout reduction. Cross connectors shall be tin plated capper. 2. Neutral bussi�g shall have a suitable lug for each outgoing feeder requiring a neutral connection. 3. Spaces for future circuit breakers shalI be bussed for the maximurn device that can be fitted inta them. 4. Equipment ground bars, of tin�plated copper, shall be�furnished. 5. Bra►lch circuits shall be arranged using dauble row constructian except when narr�w calumn panels are indicated. Branch circuits shall be numbered by the manufacturer. 35 2.4 CIRCUIT SREAKERS 36 37 38 2. The 5PD shail be installed immediateiy following the load side of the anain breaker. SPDs instalied in rnain Lug only paneiboards shalI be insta�led immediately following the incoming main lugs. The SPD shall be interfaced to the panelboard via a direct bus bar connection. The SPD shall not limit the use of through-feed lugs, sub-feed Zugs, an:d sub-feed breaker optians. See Section 26 43 � 3 far additional requirements. D. Exteriors 1. Unless otherwise noted, ali panels shall be designed for sUrface mounting. 2. Hinged doors covering ail circuit breaker handles shall be provided on all panels. 3. Doors shall have se�nz flush type cylinder lock and catch, except that doors over 48 inches in height shall have a vault handle and three-point latch, complete with lock, arranged to fasten door at top, bottom and center. Door hinges shall be concealed. Furnish two keys for each lock. All locks shall be keyed aIike; directory frame and card having a transpaxent co�er shall be furnished on each door. E. Interiors 1. 2. 3. At Ieast four studs for mounting the panelboard interior shall be furnished. Interiors shall be so designed that circuit breakers can be replaced without disturbing adjacent units and without removing the main bus connectors and shall be so desigr�ed that circuits znay be changed witf�out machining, drilling or tapping. AIl interiors sha11 be completely factory assembled with circuit breakers, wire connectors, etc. All wire connectors, except screw terminals, sha1T be of the anti turn solderless type and all shall be suitable �or copper wire of the sizes rndicated. F. Busses A. Paneiboards shall be eq�ipped with circuit breakers with frame size and trip settings as shown on the Drawings. B. Circuit breakers sha�l be inolded case, bolt-on type. 39 C. Each circuit breaker used in 208Y/120-volt, three phase, or 120/240 voit single phase, 40 panelboards shall have an interrupting capacity of not less than 22,000 amperes, RMS 41 symmetrical. 42 D. Each circuit breaker used in 480Y/277 volt and 4$0 volt panelboards shall have an 43 interrupting capacity af not less than 65,000 amperes, RMS symmetrical. Copyright 2019 Gupta & Associates, Inc. ROLL�fG HILLS WATER TREATIVI�NT PLANT PLOW METER REPLACEMENTS CTI'Y FR07ECT NO. 102056 zszai6-s PANELBOARDS Page # of fi 1 E. Circuit breakers shall be as manufactured by the panelboard znanufacturer. 2 �.5 MINY-POWER CENTERS 3 4 5 6 7 S 9 10 lI 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 14 2fl 21 22 A. Mini-power centers shall include a main primary breaker, a dry-type transforz�rzex' and circuit breaker-type load center in a common NEMA 3R 3I6 stainless steel enclosure, suitable for indoor/outdoar operation. B. kVA and �altage ratings shall he as shown on the Drawings. Main primary breaker shall have an interrupting rating of 65,Q00 amperes at 480Y/27'7 volts and a secondaxy laad center rated at 14,QQ0 amperes interrupting capacity (AIC) RMS symmetrical at 120/240 or 20$Y/12Q volts as shown on the drawings. Trans%rmer sound levels shall not exceed the following ANSI and NEMA levels for self-cooted ratings: �. Up to 9 KVA 40 db 2. 1Q to 30KVA 45 db C. Transformer shall be copper wound, 220°C insulation system with a maximum full load temperature rise af 115°C r�se. Transl'ormers shall be epoxy-resin encapsuiated. The core of the transfarmer shall be grounded to the enclosure with the neutral wired out to a neutral bus and bond�d to a ground bus inside the teansformer enclosure. Provide two 5% FCBN taps. AIl intercannecting wiring between the primary breaker and transformer, secondary main breaker and transfarmer and Load center shall be of copper and factory installed. D. Power center shall have phase, neutral and ground tinned copper buses, attd be complete with all circuit breakers as shown on the drawangs. Breakers shall ha�+e an interrupting rating of 10,040 amperes minirnum, and shall he of the bolt-on type. 23 PART 3 - EXECUTION 24 3.� YNSTALLATION 25 26 27 28 29 3D 31 32 A. Maunt boxes far surface mounted panelboards so there is at least 1/2-inch air space between the box and the wall. B. Connect panelboard branch circuit loads so that the load is distributed as equally as �ossible between the phase busses. C. Type circuit directories giving location and nature of load ser�ed. Install circuit directories in each panelboard. END OF SECTION Copyright 20i9 Gupta & Associates, Inc. ROLLIiVG HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLAAIT FL�W ME'f'ER REPLACEMEiNTS CTTY PR03ECT NO. 10205b 262726-1 LIGHT 5WITCHES AND RECEPTACLES Page 1 of 8 1 2 3 PART1- GENERAL SECTION 2G 2'� 26 LIGHT SWITCHES AND RECEPTACLES 4 1.1 SCOPE QF WORK 5 6 7 8 A. Furnish all labor, materials, equipment, and install wiring devices as shown on the Drawings and as specified herein. B. Provide all interconnecting conduit and branch circ�it wiring for receptacle circuits in accordance with the NEC. 9 1.� RELATED WORK l0 A. Refer to Division 26 DO 00 and the Contract Drawings, for related work and electrical 11 coordination requirements. 12 1.3 SUBMITTALS 13 14 15 16 17 18 A. Shop Drawings 1. Submit catalog data of all switches, receptacles and other speciiied items under this Section, with alI opti�ns, applicatian locations and exceptions ciearly indicated. All c�t s�eets shall be clearly marked to indicate which products are being submitted for use on this project. Unmarked cut sheets will be cause to reject the submittal and return it for zevision. 19 �.4 REFERENCE STANDARDS 20 A. Wiring devices shall comply wieh the requirements of the Natianal Electrical Code 21 {NEC) and shall be Underwriters Laboratories (UL) labeled. 22 1.� QUALITY ASSURANCE 23 A. The manufacturer of these materials shall have produced similar electrical materials and 24 equipment for a minimum period of five years. When requested by the Ownez/Engineer, 25 an acceptable Iist oF installations witk� sir�nilar equipment shalI be provided 26 demonstrating compliance with this requirement. 27 B. The manufactarer of the assembly shall be the manufacturer of the major components 28 within the asseanbly. All assemblies shall be of the same manufacturer. 29 1.6 JOBSITE DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING 30 A. Prior to jobsite delivery, the Cantractor shall have successfully campleted all submittal 31 requirements, and present to the �wner/Engineer upon delivery of the equipment, an 32 approved copy of all such submitta�s. Delivery of incomplete constructed equipment, or 33 equipment which failed any faceory tests, will not be permitted., 34 B. Equipment shall be handled and stored in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. 3S 36 37 38 C. Equipment shall be stored indoors and protected from zaaoisture, dust and other contaminants. D. Eqttipment shall not be instalied until the Iocation.is finished and protected fram the elements. Copyright 2019 Gupta & Associates, uic. ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMSNT PLANT FL.OW METER REPLACEMENTS CITY PROJECT NO. 102056 zsz�z�-z LIG1iT SWITCHES AND REC�.P'I'A,CLES Page 2 of 8 1 1.i WARRANTY 2 A. The Manufacturer shall warrant the equipment to be free fram defecis in material and 3 workmanship fior one year from date of fina� acceptance of the equiptnent. Within such 4 period af warranty, the Manufacturer shall promptly furnish all material and labor 5 necessary to return the equipment to new operating condition. 5 PART 2 � PRODUCTS 7 2.1 MANUFACTURERS S 4 10 II 12 A. Subject to compliance with the Contract Documents, the Manufacturers listed in each product category are acceptable. B. The listing of specific manufacturers does not imply acccptance of their products that do not meet the specified ratings, features and functions. Manufacturers listed are not relieved fram meeting these specifications in their entirety. 13 2.2 RATINGS 14 A. The service voltage, shall be as show� on the Drawings. The overall short circuit 15 withstand and interrupting rating of the equipment and devices shall be equal to or 16 greaier than the a�erall short circuit wiihstand and interrupting rating of the feeder 17 device immerliately upstream of the equipment. 18 3�.3 MATERIALS 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2b 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 3$ 39 40 41 A. Wall switches shall l�e heavy duty, industrial specification grade, toggle action, flush mounting quiet type. All switches shall conform to the latest revision of Federal Specification WS 896. 1. Manufacturer a. Cooper (catalog number as liseed} b. Hubbell, Inc. c. Pass & Seymour, Inc. d. Appro�ed equal 2. Single pole, 20 Amp, 120/277 Volt —{Cooper 2221V) 3. Double gole, 20 Amp, 12�/277 Volt —(Cooper. 2222V) 4. Three way, 20 Amp, 120/277 Volt —(Cooper 2223V) 5. Four way, 20 Amp, 120/277 Volt —(Coopez' 2224V) 6. Single pole, 20 Amp, 120/277 Volt - key operated -{Cooper AH1191N) 7. Single pole, 20 Amp, 120 Volt - red pilot-lighted handle —(Cooper 2221PL) S. Szngle pole, 20 Amp, 120 Volt, clear lighted handle —(Cooper 2221LTV) 9. Momentary cantact, three position, 2 circuit, center off —(Caoper 1995V) B. Fluorescent wall box dimmer switch for 1201277 Volt control of rapid �tart fluorescent lamps with a dimtrung range of 100% to 0.5% light for 120-volt and 100% to 1% light for 277-valt. 1. Manufacturers a. Lutron E�ectronics Co., Inc. b. Lithonia Control Systems c. Valmont Electric, Inc. Copyright 2D 19 Gupta & Associates, Inc. ROLLING HII,LS WA'1'ER TREATMENT PLANT FLOW METBR REPLACEMENTS CITY PRQJECT AIp. 102056 26272b-3 T.TCzF�T SWITCHES AND RECEPTACLES Page 3 of 8 �I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 f2 13 14 i5 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 4fl 41 42 A�3 44 45 d. Approved eyual. C. Explosian-prooi sing�e p�le factory sealed switches shall be for 20 Amps, 120/277 volts, mounted in copper free aIuminum boxes. 1. Manufacturers a. Crouse-Hinds EDS Series b. Appleton Electric Co. c. KilIark d. Approved equal. D. Receptacles shall be heavy duty, corrosion resistant, specificatian grade of the following types and raanufacturer or equal. ReceptacIes shall conform to Fed Spec WC596. 1. Manufacturers a. Cooper {catalog numbers as listed) b. Hubbell, Inc. c. Pass & Seyrnour, Inc. d. Appraved equal 2. Duplex, 20 Amp, 125 Volt, 2 Pole, 3 Wire Grounding, high impact, arc and moisture resistant yellaw nylon construction, heavy nickel plating on metal parts; (Cooper 5362CRY 3. Single, 2p Amp, 250 Volt, 2 PoIe, 3 Wire; {Cooper 5461GY) E. Weatherproof covers 1. Die cast aluminum. Plastic or other non-metallic in-use covers are not acceptable. 2. Weatherproof while-i�n-use rating 3. Manufact�rers a. Eaton Catalog No. WIUMH/V b. Thomas & Betts c. Approved equal F. Special purpose 1. Manufacturers a. Cooper (catalog number as listed} b. Hubbell c. Fass & Seymour d. Approved eq�al 2. Clock hanger single, 15 Amp, 125 Voit, 2 Pole, 3 Wire, with hanging hodk on device plate. (Cooper 452) 3. Single, carrosion resistant locking, 2� Amp, 125 Volt, 2 Pole, 3 Wire; Cooper, Catalag No. CRLS20R and plug (Cooper CRL520P) 4. Single twist-lock, 30 Amp, 125 Volt, i Phase, 3 Wire; Cooper, Catalog No. CRL530R; plug. (Cooper CRL530P) 5. Single twist-lock, 20 Amp, 250 Volt, 1 Phase, 3 Wire; Cooper, Catalog No. CRL620R; plug. {Cooper CRL620P) similar by Hubbell, Inc.; Pass & Seymour, Inc. ar equal. 6. Single twist-lock, 30 Amp, 250 Volt, 1 Pl�ase, 3 Wire; Cooper, Catalog No. CRLb30R; plug. (Cooper CRLb30P) G. Explosion-�roof receptacles and plugs Copyright 2019 Gupta & Associates, Inc. ROLLING HILLS WATER'i'REATMENT PLANT FLOW METER REPLACEMEAfTS Cl'I'X PR07ECT NO. 102056 z� z� z6 - a LIGH'F SWITCHES AND RECEPTACL�S Page 4 of 8 1 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 a 10 11 12 13 1 2. 3 Manufacturers a. Appleton Electric (Catalog number as listed) b. Crause-Hinds c. HubbellInc. d. Approved equal. Single, 20 Annp, 125 Volt, � 1'hase, 3 Wire. (Appleton EFSC175-2023 and plug ECP-2Q23) Duplex, 20 Amp, 125 Volt, 1 Fhase, 3 Wire. (Appleton EFSC275-2023 and plug, ECP-aa23� 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2S 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 4fl 4. Single, 2d Amp, 250 Volt, 1 Phase, 3 Wire. (Appleton EFSC 175-20232 and plug ECP-20232) 5. Duplex, 20 Amp, 250 Vo�t, 1�hase, 3 Wire. (Appleton EFSC275-20232 and plug ECP-Za232� H. De�ice Plates 1. Plates for indoor flush maunted devices shall be of the required number of gangs for the application invol�ed and shaIl be as follows: a. Administration type buildings: Smooth, high itnpact nyIon of the same manufacturer and color as the device. Final color to be as selected by the Architect. b. Where perrnitted in other areas oi the plant, flush mounted devices in cement block construction shall be Type 3a2 high nickel (l S-S} stainless steel of the same xnanufacturer as the devices. 2. Plates for indoor sur�ace mounted device boxes shall bc cast metal of the same material as the box, Crouse-Hinds No. DS23G and DS32G, or equal. 3. Oversized plates shall be installed where standard plates do not fully cover the wall opening. 4. Device plates for switches mounted outdoors or indicated as weatherproof shall be gasketed, cast aluminum with provisions for padlocking switches "On" and "Off", Crouse Hinds Na. DS1$S, or equal. 5. Multiple surface mounted de�ices shall be ganged in a single, comman box and provided with an adapter, if necessary, to a11ow mounting of single gang device plates on multi-gang cast boxes. 6. Engraved device plates shall he provided where required. 7. Weatherproof, gasketed cover for GFI receptacle mounted in a FS/FD box a. ManufactUrers 1) Cooper, Catalog No. 4501-FS 2) HUbbell, Inc. 3) Pass & Seymour, Inc. 4) Approved equal. I. Three Phase Power Receptacles 41 1. Three phase power receptacies and pl�gs shall be rated far the voltage and current 42 ratings of the connected load unless otherwise shawn on the Drawings. 43 2. Receptacles and plug housings shall be canstructed of copper free aluminum listed 44 to UL standard 498 for watert�ght construction. Hardware shali be stainless steel. 45 3. Perfarmance 46 a. M�imum warking voltage: 60� voIts RMS. ROLLTNG HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT FLOW METE12 REPLAC�M�NTS Cogyright 2019 Gupta & Associates, inc. C1TY PROJECT I�O. [ D2D56 262726-5 LIGHTSW�'I'CHES AND RECEPTACLES Page S of & 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 S 9 i0 11 12 13 1� 15 16 17 18 I9 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 3b 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 b. Dielectric withstand voltage: 3000 volts. c. Full load break capability at rated current. d. 5�00 connect/disconnect cycles at rated voltage and current. 4. Furnish and instalI one mating plug with each receptacle. 5. Provide the %lIowing %atures: a. Color coded by voltage. b. One-piece housing/angled back box c. Shrauded pins d. Self-closing gasketed cover. e. Watertight cable entrances/stress relief grips. f. Mating keys. g. All current carrying components shall be tin plated including contacts. h. Canduct�r clamping screws shall be stainless steel. b. Acceptable manufacturers: a. Hubbell (North American Rated Series II) b. General Electric c. Cooper d. Meltric J. Interlockec! Three Phase Fower Receptacles 1. InterIocked three phase pawer receptacles shall include a combination receptacie and a mechanicalIy interlocked disconnect swztch. The two units shall be interlocked to prevent removal or insertion of the plug unless the switch is in the OFF position. The receptacle shall meet the requirements of Power Receptacles specified herein. 2. Provide a matching piug for every unit furnished. 3. Switch, power receptacle and mating plug shall be constructed af copper free aluminum. 4. Assembly shall be listed to UL Standard 49$ for watertight- constr�ction. 5. Hardware shail be stainless steel. 6. Performance: a. Maximum working voltage: 600 volts RMS. b. Dielectric withstanc� voltage: 3000 volts. c. Full iaad break capability at rated current. d. 5000 connec�/disconnect cycles at rated voltage and current. 7. Provide the following features: a. Color coded hy voltage. b. Qne-piece housing/angled back box c. Shrauded pins d. Self-closing gasketed cover. e. Watertight cable entrances/stress relief grips. f. Matin� keys. g. All current carrying components shall be tin plated including contacts. h. Canductor clamping screws shall be stainless steel. 8. The disconnect switch shall be unfused or fused, as shown on the Drawings, or otherwise specified herein or if required by the NEC, with ratings as hereinbefore specified. Prdvide lockout provisions �n the ci�sconnect switch handle. 9. Manufacturers Copyright 20I9 Gupta & Associates, Inc. ROLLING HILLS WATBR TR�ATMENT PLANT FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS C1TY AROJECT NO. 102056 26 27 26 - 6 LIGHT SWTl'CHES AND RECEPTACLES Page 6 af 8 1 2 3 4 a. Crouse-Hinds b. Appleton c. Killark d. Hubbell 5 K. 30 Amp, 480 volt Receptacles 6 1. 30 Amp, 4$0 Volt receptacles shall l�e 3 Pale, 4 Wire, grounding pin and sleeve 7 type, with circuit breaking capability. The receptacle shall meet the requirements of 8 Power Receptacles speciiied herein. 9 10 11 12 13 14 1S 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 3S 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 2. Manufacturers a. Crouse Hinds Arktite style 2, Catalog No. ARE 3423 b. Appraved equal 3. The listing of specific manufacturers above does not imply acceptance of their products that do not meet the specified ratings, features and functions. Manufach�rers listed abo�e axe not relieved from meeting these specifications in their entirety. 4. All current carrying corriponents shall be tin plated including contacts. S. Conductor clamping screws shall be stainiess steel. 6. Furnish and install one matching plug for each receptacIe shown on the Drawings. L. Welding Receptacles and Disconnect Switches 1. Manufacturers: a. Crouse Hinds Arktite Receptacies with Enclosed Safety Switches", Catalog No. WSR103542. b. Appra�ed equal 2. The lisrir�g of specific manafacturers a6ove daes not imply acceptance of their products that do not meet the specified rat�ngs, features and fu�ctions. Manufacturers listed above are not relieved from meeting these specifications in their entirety. 3. Welding receptacles and disconnect switches shall be rated 600 Volts, 100 Amp, 3- pole, 4-wire, 60 Hz. Receptacle shall be mechanically interlocked with its disconnect switch to pre�ent breaking the circuit with the recep�acle and plug. Graund wire shall be bonded to the plug and receptacle housings. Enclosure type shall be NEMA 4. The receptacle shall meet the requirements of Power Receptacles specified herein. a. AlI current canrying cornponents shall be tin plated including cantacts. b. Conductor clamping screws shall be stainless steel. �. Furnish and install one matching plug for the weIder. M. Portable Generator Input Receptacle I. Partable generator input receptacle shall be weatherproof, rated for 600 Valts, 100 Amp, 3 Phase, 4 Wire grounding pin and sleeve type with a IS degree mounting adapter, spring daor cover. 2. Manufacturers a. Crouse Hinds Catalog No. 1042522 with plug, Crouse Hinds Catalog No. APJ 104$7522 Copyright 2019 Gupta & Associates, inc. ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT PLOW METER REPLACEMEI�FTS CTTY PROJECT NO. 1�205fi 26 27 26 - 7 LIGHT SWTI�CHES AND RECEPTACLSS Page 7 of $ 1 3. The listing of specific manUfacturers above does not imply acceptance o� their 2 products that do not meet the specified ratings, features and functions. 3 Manufacturers listed above are not relieved from meeting these specifications in 4 their entirety. 5 4. All current carrying components shall be tin plated including contacts. 6 5. Conductor clamping screws shall be stainless steel. 7 6. Both receptacle and plug shall have reversed contacts. 8 N. Poke-Through Service Fittings 9 1. Poke-through service fittings shall be installed in a twa-inch core dri�led hole, fit 10 floor thicknesses of 2-1I2 inches to 7 inches and be fire rated. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 3 � 2. Poke-through service �ttings shall he provided with barriers to handle both high and low tension services and be designed for both new construction and building retrofit. Ser�ice fitting heads shall each contain a 20 Amp, 125-volt, 2-pole, 3-wire duplex receptacle on one side and provisions for up ta two-25 pair telephone cables on the remaining side. Manufacturers a. Raceway Components �. Walker c. 5quare D d. Approved equal. 22 PART 3 - EXECUT�ON 23 3.1 INSTALLATION 2� A. Switches and receptacles shall be installed flush with the finished wall surfaces in areas 25 with stud frame and gypsum board construction, in dry areas with cement block 26 construction or when raceways are sho�uvn as concealed on the Dravvin�s. 27 B. Do not install flush mounted devices in areas designated DAMP, WET or 28 WET/CORROSIVE on the Drawings. Provide surface mounted devices in these areas. 29 30 31 32 33 3� 35 36 C. Provide weatherpraof devices covers in areas designated WET or WET/CORROSIVE on the Drawings. D. Unless otherwise shown on the Drawings, wali switches and other wall mounted cantrols shall be installed at 54 inches AFF. E. Convenience receptacles shall be 36 inches above the floor unless otherwise shown. F. Canvenience rreceptacles instailed outdoors and in rooms where equipment may be hosed down shal� be 3C inches above �laor or grade. Switches shall be ganged together under one cover plate. 37 G. The location of aiI devices is shovc�n, in �eneral, on the Drawzngs and may he varied 38 within reasonable limits so as to avoid any piping or other obstruction without extra 39 cost, subject to the approval of the Owner. Caordinate the installation of the devices for 40 piping and equipment ciearance. 41 H. Convenience receptacles and light switches shatl be connected using stranded pig tails 42 and spring fork insuiated lugs. Feed-through wiring of receptacles is prohibited. Copyright 2019 Gupta & Associates, inc. ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT FLQW METER REPLACEMENTS CTl'Y PROJECT I�b. 102056 26 27 26 - 8 LIGHT SWITCHSS AND RECEi'TACLES Page 8 of 8 1 3.� FIELD QUALITY CONTRQL 2 A. Test wiring de�ices to ensure electr�cal continuity of grounding. Energize the circuit to 3 demonstrate compliance with the requirements. 4 5 END OF SECTION ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PI,ANT FI,OW M�TER REPLACEMEIVTS Copyright 2019 Gupta & Associates, Inc. CTI`Y PROJECT NO. 1Q2056 262987-1 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR PROVIDED CON'i'ROL PAN�LS (ECPs) Page 1 of 18 1 SECTION 26 29 87 2 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR PROVIDED CONTROL PANELS (ECPs) 3 PART1- GENERAL 4 1.1 SCOPE OF WORK 5 A. Furnish and install functional controI panels to manually or automatically operate 6 control systems as specified in the detailed requirements of this Section, and logic and 7 schematics as shown on the Electrical Drawings. 8 B. Submittals for Electrical Control Paneis, not clearly specified as Contral Panels by the 9 Electrical Contractor, shali be submitted under the Section of t�ae Specificat�ons 1Q specified in the Process Equipment Division or Mechanical Ec�uipment Division, and 11 shall not be submitted under this Section. Control Panels far those Divisions shall meet 12 the requirements of. Control panels specified within the pracess control system Sections 13 of Division 40 shall be submitted as a part of �he Instr�rnentation submittals. 14 1.2 RELATED WORK i5 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 A. No references are made to any other section which may contain work related to any other section. The Contract Documents shall be taken as a whale with every section related to every other sec�ion as required to meet the requirements specified. The organization of the Contract Documents into specification divisions and sections is far organization of the dacuments themselves and does not relate to the division of suppliers or �abor which the Contractor may choose to employ in the execution of the Contract. Where references are made to other Sections and other Divisions of the Specifications, the Contractar shall pravide such information ar additional work as may be required in those references, ancE include such information or work as may be specified. B. Other Divisions 26 1. The Contractor shall be responsible for examining ali Sections of the Speci�cations 27 and Drawings, and shall deter�nine the power and wiring requirements ar�d shall 28 pro�ide external wiring and raceways, as required to pxovide a fulIy functioning 29 power, control and process control systems. If the equipment requires more 30 conductors and/or wiring, due to different eq�aipment being supplied, the Contractor 31 slaa�l furnish the additional conductors, raceways and/or wiring, with no change in 32 the Contract Price, and with no increase in Cor�tract Ti�ne. 33 34 35 1.3 SUBMITTALS A. Submittals shail be made in accordance with the requirements of Divisian 1, Section 26 00 QO and as specified herein. 36 B. Frovide systems engineerin� to produce coordination curves, showing coordir�ation 37 between existing faciIities and breakers and/or fuses submitted, such that protective 38 device coordinat�on is accomplished. Such curves and settings shall be included as a 39 part of these submittals. Copyright 2D19 Gupta & Associates, L�c. RbLLING T�ILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS CYI'Y PROJECT NO. 102056 2fi 29 87 - 2 ELECTRiCAI, CONTRACTOR PROVIDED CONTROL PANELS (ECPs} Page 2 of 18 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 S 9 10 11 i2 13 14 1S 16 17 18 19 20 2i 22 23 24 2S 26 27 2$ 29 30 31 32 C. Sabmittals shall also contai� i�n�orrnarion on related equipment to be furnished under this Specification but described in the related Sections listed in the Related Work paragraph above. Tncornplet� submittals not containing the reqt�ired information an the related equipment will also be returned unreviewed. D. The original equipment manufacturer shall create all equipment shop drawings, including all wiring diagratns, in the manufacturer's Engineering department. All equi�ment shap drawings shall bear the originai equipment manufacturers lago, drawing file numbers, and shall be maintained on file in the original equipment manufacturer's archive file system. Photocopies of the Engineer's ladder schematics are unacceptable as shop drawings. E. Submit to the Owner/Engineer, shap drawings and product data, for the following: 1 2. 3 33 7. As-built final drawings. 34 8. Documentatian that the panel assembly faciIity is a UL-508 certified panel shop. 35 9. Facsimile of the UL label that is to be applied to the completed panel. 36 10. Furnish complete Bill af Materials indicating manufacturer's name and part 37 numbers. 38 34 40 41 4�2 43 44 45 46 �7 11 12 Producr data sheets and catalag numbers for overcurrent protective devices, rr�otor starters, control relays, cantrol statians, meters, pilot lights, etc. The manufacturer's name shall be clearly �isible on each cut sheet submitted. List all oprions, trip adj�strnents and accessaries furnished specifically for this project. Clear�y mark each sheet to indicate which items apply and/or those items that do not apply. Provide contral systems engineering to praduce custom unit elementary drawings showing inter-wiring and interloclang between components and to remately mounted devaces. Include and identify all connecting equipment and remote devices on the schematics. The notation "Aemote Device" will not be acceptable. Show wire and terminal numbers. Zndicate special identifications for electrical de�ices per the Drawings. Equipment autline drawings showing elevation, plan and interior views, front panel arrangement, dimensions, weight, shipping spIits, conduit entrances and anchor bolt paitern. Indicate all options, special features, ratings and deviatians from this Sectian. 4. Schematic diagram, including man�afacturer's selections of cornponent ratings, and CT and PT ratios. 5. Power and control sc�ematics including external connections. Show wire and terminal numbers, and color-cading. 6. Instruction and replacement parts books. Manufacturer's cut sheets for every camponent used in the panel assembly adequately marked to shaw the itezns being included. The manufacturer's name shall be clearly �isible on each cut sheet submitted. Assembly ratings including: a. Short-circuit rating b. Voltage c. Continuous current 13. Major component ratings including: a. Voltage b. Continuous current Copyright 2019 Gupta & Associates, Inc. ROLLING HiLLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS CITY PRQJEGT NQ. 102056 2b2987-3 ��.EC'!'RICAL CpNT12ACTOR PRQVIDEI] CONTROL PANELS (ECPs) Page 3 oF 18 �i 4 5 6 7 8 9 i0 li 12 13 14 15 c. Interrupting ratings 14. Cable terminai sizes. 15. Instruction and renewal parts books. F. Factory Tests. Submittals shall be made for factory tests specified herein. G. Field Test Reports. Submittals shail be made for field tests specified herein. H. Operation and Maintenance Mannals. 1. Operation and maintenance manuals shalI include the following informa�ion: a. Manufacturer's contact address and telephone number far parts and service. b. Instruction baoks and/or leaflets c. Recommended renewal parts list d. Record D�cuments for the information required by thie Sub�nittals paragraph abave. I. The manufacturer shalI snbmit for approval, a training agenda for all training specified herein. Training agenda shall not be submieted until final approval of the Operation and Maintenance Manual. 16 1.4 REFERENCE CODES AND STANDARD� 17 A. All products and components shown on the Drawin.gs ar�d listed in this specification 18 shall be designed and manufactured according to latest revision of the following 19 standards (unless otherwise noted): 20 1. NEMA Standard iCS 2�-- 2000 Industrial Control and Systems 21 22 23 24 25 26 2. NFPA 70 — Na�ianal Electrical Code (NEC) 3. NFPA 70E — Standard for Electrical Safety in the Workplace 4. NFPA 79 — Electrical Standard for Industrial Machinery 5. UL 50$/508A — Industrial Control Enclosures B. All equipment specified in this Section of the Specifications shall bear the appropriate labeI of Underwriters Laboratories. 27 1.� QUALITY ASSURANCE 28 A. The manufacturer af this equipment shall have produced similar equipment for a 29 minimum period of five years. When requeseed by the Owner/Engineer, an acceptable 3fl list of installations with sitnzlar equipment shall be provided demonstrating compliance 3I with this requirement. 32 B. The control panels shall be assembled in a UL-50$ certi�ed facility. A submittal of 33 documentation certifying that the pan.el fabrication facility is a UL-508 certified facility, 34 is required. A UL labei shall be aff xed to the inside of the external door by the panel 35 fabrication assembly. 5ubmit a facsimile of the UL label in the submittal infarmation. 36 37 38 39 4D 41 C. AlI components and material shali be new and of the laiest ficld proven design and in current production. Obsolete components or companents scheduled for immediate discantinuation shall not be used. D. Control PaneIs submitted shall iit within the space shown on the Drawings. Equipment which does not fii within the space is not acceptable. E. For the equipment specified herein, the manufacturer shall be ISO 9001 2000 certified. Copyright 2019 Gupta & Associates, Inc. ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT FLOW iVIETER REPLACENl�NTS CI7'Y P12Q7ECT NO. 102056 262987-4 ET.ECTRICAL CONTRACTOR PROVTDED CdNTROL PANEIS (ECPs) Page 4 of 18 1 F. Equipment components and devices shall be UL labeled where�er UL standards exist 2 far such equipnnent. The completed control panel sha�l be UL Labeled in accordance 3 with UL 508 and 5�$A and other applicable UL standards. The panel shall alsa be UL 4 labeled for the en�+ironr�nent in which it is to be placed. A UL label shall be aiiixed to 5 the inside of the external doar by the panel fabrication assembly. Submit a facsirnile of 6 the UL label in the submittal information. 7 ].6 JOBS�TE DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING 8 A. Pz'ioz' to jobsite dalivcry, the Contractor shall ha�+e successfully completed all submittal 9 requirements, and present to the Qwner/Engineer upon delivery of the equipment, an IO approved copy of all such submittals. Delivery of incomplete constructed equipment, 1 I onsite factory work, or failed factory tests will not be permitted. 12 B. Equi�ment shall be hanrlled and stored in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. 13 Two copies of these instructions shall be included with the eyuipment at time of 14 shipment, and shaIl be made a�ailable to the Contractor and Owner/Engineer. 15 C. Shipping groups shall be designed to be shipped by truck, rail, or ship. Indoor groups 16 shall be bolted to skids. Breakers and accessories shall he packaged and shipped 17 separat�ly. 18 D. Equiptnent shall be installed in its permanent finished locaiion shown on the Drawings 19 within seven calendar days of arri�ing onsite. If the equipment cannot be installed 20 within seven calendar days, the equipment shall not be deli�ered to the site, but stored 21 offsite, at the Contractor's expense, until such �ime �hat the site is ready for permanent 22 installation of the equipment. 23 E. Where space heaters are provided in equipment, pro�ide temporary electrical power and 24 operate space heaters during storage, and after equipment is installed in pe�nanent 25 location, until equipment is placed in service. 26 1.7 WARRANTY 27 A. Th� Manufacturer shall warrant the equipment to i�e free irom defects in material and 28 work�nanship for one year from date of final acceptance of the equipment. Within such 29 period of warranty, the Manufacturer shall promptly furnish all material and labor 30 necessary to retuzn the equipment to nevv opera�ing condi�ion. Any warranty work 31 ' requiring shipping or transporting of the eyuipment sha11 be performed by the 32 Manufacturer, at no expense to the Owner. 33 PART 2 � PRQDUCTS 34 2.l MATERIAL MANUFACTURERS 35 36 37 38 39 4a A. Subject to compliance with the Cantract Documents, the follawing mat�rial Manufacturers are acceptable for items not specifically specified else ware: 1. General Electric Co. 2. Eaton / Cut�er-Hammer 3. Square D Co. 4. Allen Bradley Copyright 2019 Gupta & Associates, Inc. ROL�,ING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT FLDW METER REPLACEMENTS CTtY PROJECT RTO. 102056 262987-5 ELECTRICAL CQNTRACTOR PROVIDED CqNTROL PANEIS (BCPs) Page 5 af tS 1 B. The listing of specific manuiacturers above does not imply acceptance o�' their products 2 that do noe meet the specified ratings, features and functions. Materials listed above are 3 not relieved from mee�ing tt�ese Specifications in their entirety. 4 �.� RATINGS 5 6 7 8 9 lfl 11 12 13 14 15 16 I7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 A. The service voltage shall �e as specified and as shvwn on the Drawings. The overall short circ�it witl�stand and interrupting rating of the equipmeni and devzces shall be equal to or greater than the overatl short circuit withstand and interrupting rating af the feeder device immediately upstream of the Control Panel, hut not less than 22,000 amperes RMS symmetrical at 4$0/277 voits, this includes all circuit breakers and combination motor starters. Systems of motar cantrallers employing series connected ratings for main and feeder devices shall not be used. Ma�or starter unies shall be tested and UL 508A labeled for the specified short circuit duty in combination with the motor branch circuit protective device. B. There shall be selective device coordination between tne Main Breaker, F�eder Breakers and control circuit protective devices. When using a circuit breaker ar fuses as a main protecti�e devxce, the instantaneaus trip levels of the main protective device shall be higher than the avatlable fault current to the control panel. If fuses are utilized in the control panel design, the protective devices for three-phase loads shall contain single phase pratection of such eq�ipmet�t. If a fault occurs in the circuit of ane load of a design with a backup ioad, the feeder protective device shall not remove both loads from the control systenn. C. Use ground fault sensing on grournded wye systems. D. The complete cont�ol panel assembly shall be UL certified or carry a UL listing for "Industrial Control Panels". E. The control panel shall meet all applicable eequireanents of the Naiional E�ectrical Code. F. Motor controllers, including associated devices, shall be designed for continuo�as operation a� rated current in a 40°C ambient temperature. G. Far additionat ratings and construction notes, refer to the Drawings. 30 H. The Manufacturer shall produce and install on each panel, an Arc Flash Warning Label 31 listing the various Flash Hazard Protection Boundarzes, calculated from NFPA 70E, 32 Annexes, as listed below: 33 1. Flash Hazard Protection Boundary. 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2. Limited Approach Boundary. 3. Restr�cted Boundary. 4. Tncident Energy Level. 5. Requi:red Personal Protective Equipment Class. 6. Type of Fire Rated Clothing. I. Provide an Arc Flash Warning Label, printed in colar and afFixed to the frant of each panel provided. 41 J. Shown below is a typicaI label. Size of each label shall be not less than 6 inches wide 42 and 4 inches tall. 43 ROLLING HII,LS WATER TREATNiENT PLANT FLOW M�'I'ER REPLACSMSNTS Copyright 2019 Gupta & Associates, inc. CITY PRdJECT ND. 102056 262987-6 ELECTI2TCAL CONTRACTOR PRDVIDE� COAITROL PANE,LS (ECPs) Page 6 of 18 � ������� �re �l��h �nd �hdek Iti�k �ppropriafi� �F � �equirec� �'IasE� Risk at 5hirt & �ants or aoverall, Nonr�elting (ASTM F�506) or Untreated Fibar Shock F2isI� wh�n co�er is r2moved Gfove Class Limited Approach RestriCEed Approach Minimum Arc R�ting LOC�fi4�: 2 a.� CONSTRUCTIQN A. General 4 1. Refer to Drawings for: actual layont and location of equipment and components; S current ratings of devices, bus bars, components; proiective relays, voltage ratings 6 of devices, cornponents and assemblies; and other required details. 7 2. ControI units shall be arranged as shown on the Drawings. 8 3. Except for VFD equipm�nt, where the equipment contains a pragraminable logic 9 controller {PLC} or a uninterruptible power sapply (UPS}, the equipment 10 manufacturer shall furnish factory installed, a dedicated Point of Uiilization Device 11 {SPD}, as specified in Section�26 43 13, Individual ControT Fanel and Related 12 Equipment Protection {Type 3). 13 14 15 16 i7 18 19 20 2i 22 23 24 25 26 27 2S 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 4. Where Kirk-Key arrangements are us�d, the Kirk keyed interlocks shall be Kirk HD Series (Hea�y Duty) 31$ Series, made of 31b stainless steel, or approved equal. 5. Nameplates a. External 1) Nameplates shall be engraved, iaminated �mpact acrylic, matte finish, not less than 1/16-inch thick by 3/4-inch by 2-112-inch, Rowmark 322402. Nameplates shall be 31$ SS screw mou�ted to al� enclosures except for NEMA 4 and 4X. Nameplates for NEMA 4 and 4X enclosures shall be attached with double faced adhesive strips, TESA TUFF TAPE 4970, .009 X 1/2 inches, or equal. Prior ta installing the ad�esive natn:eplates, the rnekal surface shall be tharaughly cleaned with 70%a alcohal until all residue has been remaved. Epaxy adhesive ar foam tape is not accegta6ie. 2) There shall be a master nameplate that indicates supply voltage equipment ratings, short circuit current rating, manufackurer`s name, shop order number and general information. Cubicie nameplates shalI be maunted vn the front face, on the rear panel and inside the assembly, �isible when the rear panel is removed. 3) Provide permanent warning signs as follaws: a) "Danger- High Voltage- Keep Out" on alI doors. . b} "Warning- Hazard of Electric Shock - Disconnect Power Before Opening or Working On This Unit" on main pawer disconnect or discannects. b. Internal Capyright 2019 Gupta & Associates, Inc. LtdLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT PLOW METER REPLACEMENTS C1TY PR07ECT NO. 142b56 262987-7 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTQR PROVID�D CONTROI.. PAIYELS (ECPs) Page 7 of 1S 1 1) Provide the panel with a UL SOSA label. 2 2) Control components mounted witl�in the assembIy, such as fuse bIocks, 3 relays, pushbuttons, switches, ctc., shall be suitably marked for 4 zdentification, corresponding to apprapriate deszg�atio�s on rman.ufacturer's 5 wiring diagrams. 6 c. Special 7 1) Identification nameplates shall be white with black letters, cautian 8 nameplates shall be yellow with black letters, and warning nameplates shali 9 be red with white letters. 10 5. Control Devices and Indicators 11 a. All operating control devices, indicators, and instruments shall be securely 12 mounted on th.e panel doar. All controls and indicators shall be 30-rnillimeter, 13 corrosion resistant, NEMA 4X/13, anodized aluminum or reinforced pIastic. 14 Booted cantrol devices are not acceptable. Auxiliary cantacts shall be provided 15 for remote run indzcatian and indication of each status and alarm condieion. 16 Additional controls shall he provided as specified herein and as reyuired by the 17 detailed mechanical and electricaI equipment requirements. 18 b. Indicator lamps shall be LED type. For all control applications, indicator lamps 19 shall incorporate a push-to-test feature. Lens colors shall be as follows: 20 1) Red far ON, Valve OPEN, and Breaker CLOSED. 21 2) Green for OFF, Valve CLOSED and Breaker OPEN. 22 3) Amber for FAIL. 23 4) Blue far READY 24 5} White for POWER ON. 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 c. Mode selector switches {HAND-OFF-AUT�, LOCAL-OFF�REMOTE, etc.) sha.il be as shown on the Drawings. Units s�all have the namber of positions and contact arrangements, as required. Each switch shall have an extra dry contact for remote monitoring. d. Pashbuttons, shalI be as fall�ws: 1} Red for STOP, Val�e OPEN, Breaker CL�SE and tnushroom Red for EMERGENCY STOP. 2) Green %r START, Valve CLOSE and Breaker OPEN. 3) Black for RESET. e. Furnish nameplates for each device. All nameplates shall be laminated plastic, black l�ttering on a white backgraund, attached with stainless steel scre�vs. Device mounted nameplates are not acceptable. 37 7. Control and Instrument Power Trans%rmers 38 a. Cantrol pawer transformers shall be provided where sho�vn on the Drawings. 39 Transformer shall be sized for the entire load, including space heaters, plus 40 25% spare capacity, and shall be not less than 100 VA. 41 b. Control power transformers shall be 120 �alt grounded secondary. Primary 42 side of the transformer shall be fused in both legs. One leg of the transformer 43 secondary shall be solidly grounded while the other leg shall be fused. �4 8. A failure atarm with horn and beacon light shall be provided when rrequired or 4S specified. Silence and reset buttons shail be furnished. A�arm horn and beacon shal� 46 be by Federal Signal; Crouse-Hznds, or equa�, NEMA 4X for alI areas excepe for 47 NEMA 7 areas, which shall be NEMA 7/4X cast aluminum. 48 B. Enc�osures 49 1. Generai Copyright 2619 Gupta & Associates, Inc. ROLLIFVG HII,LS WATER TREATMENT PLANT FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS CI'I'X PROJECT NO. 10205b 262987-5 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR PROVIDED CONTROL PANELS (ECPs} Page 8 of l8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 14 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3I 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 4Q 4I 42 43 44 45 46 �7 48 49 Sfl a. b. c. d. e. f. g• h. i. Each enclosure shall incaxporate a removabie back panel, and side panels, on which contral cornponents shall be mounted. Back panel shal� be secured to the enc�osure with cotlar studs for wall mounted enclos�res, and 316 SS hardware for free standing enc�osures. All free standing enclosures shall be provided with feet of the same construction as the enclosure. The enclosure door shall be interiocked wit� the main circuit breaker by a panel mounted cable dri�en operating mechanism. Back panel shall be tapped to accept all mavnting screws. Self-tapping screws shail not be used to mount any components. All enclosure daors shall have bonding stUds. The enclasure interiar s�all ha�e a bonding stud. Each enclosure sha11 be provided with a documentation packet on the inner door. Enclosures shall not have holes or knackouEs. Provide manufacturer's window kits where shown on the Drawings. All panels installed outdoors shall have a factary applied, suitable primer and fznal coat of weatherproof vvhite paint. j. All enclasures shall be pro�isianed with a padlock hasp. 2. NEMA 714X a. Class 1, Divisian 1, Groups A, B, C, and D, or as defined in NFPA 70). Boxes shaIl be canstructed as follows: 1) Copper �ree cast aluminum body and cover 2) Stainless stee� hinges 3) Watertight neoprene gasket 4) Stainless steel co�er bolts 5) All penetrations shall be factary drilled and tapped. b. Manufacturers 1) Cooper Crouse Hinds Type EJB, Style C 2) Appleton Etectric Type A,TBEW 3) Approved Equal 3. NON METALLIC a. Chemicai Rooms. NEMA 4X constructed as follaws: 1) PVC ar Fiberglass reinforced polyester body and door. 2) UV inhibitors 3) Luggage type quick release latches 4) Foam-in-place gasketed doors b. Manufacturers 1) Hoffman Palypro 2) Hubbe]1-Wiegmann Nan-Metallic 3) Approved Equal 4. ALUMINUM a. NEMA 4X Aluminum 1) Type 5052 aluminum, body and door 2) Stainless steel continuous hinge 3) Foam in-place gasket 4) Single point quarter tarn latches (2Q inc�es X 24 inches and belaw). All others three-point latch b. Manufacturers 1) Hoffman Comline Copyright 2019 Gupta & Associates, Inc. RDLLING HiLLS WATER TREATMEI�lT PLANT FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS CPPY PRQJECT 3�TD. 102p56 262987-9 ELEGTR[CAL CpN'i'RACTOR PROVIDEB CONTROL PANELS (ECPs) Page 9 of 18 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 i3 14 15 16 17 18 19 Za 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 3� 35 35 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 2} EMF Cotnpany 3) NEMA Enclosures Company 4) Hammond Company S) Approved Equal NEMA 12 a. NEMA 12 Aluminum 1) Type S�S2 aluminu�n, body and door 2) Stainless steel continuous hinge 3) Foam in-place gasket 4) Single point quarter turn latches (20 inches X 24 inches and below). All others three-point latch b. Manufact�rers 1) Hoffman Comline 2} EMF Company 3) NEMA Enclosures Company 4) Haxnmond Company 5) Approved Equa� NEMA 12 a. NEMA 12 MiIc� Steel 1} Miid Steel, body anc� door painted ANSI 61 Gray 2} Stainless steel continuous hinge pin 3) Foam in-place gasket 4) Single point quarter turn Iatches (20-inches x 2�-inches and below). Ail others three-point latch b. Manufacturers 1) Hoffman 2} EMF Company 3} NEMA Enclosures Campany - , 4) Hammond Company 5) Appraved Equal Otherwise Nat Defined NEMA 4X StainIess Steel a. Where an enclosare is not otherwise defined or shown on the Drawing 1) NEMA 4X 316 Stainless Seeel 2) Type 316 stainiess steel, body and door 3) Stainless steel continuaus hinge 4) Foam in-place gasket 5) Single point quarte� turn latches (2D-inches x 24-inches anci below). All others three-point latch b. Maneafacturers i} EMF Company 2} NEMA Enclosures Company 3) Ham.�nond Company 4) Rittal 5) Approved Equal NEMA I or NEMA lA boxes sha�l not be used. 9. Malleable iron boxes shali not be used. 47 C. EnvironmenEal Conditioning 48 1. Condensation Cantral 5. � 7 8 Copyright 2419 Gupta & Associatas, inc. ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS C17'Y PRb]ECT NO. 102Q56 262987-IO ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR PRQVIDEB CONTROL PANEFS (�CPs) Page l0 af 18 1 a. A self-contained enclosure condensation heater with thermostat and fan shall be 2 mounted inside the contral panei, if panel is mounted outdoors or in a non-air- 3 conditioned space. 4 1) Enclosure heaters shall be energized from 120-volt, single-phase power 5 suppIy and sized to p:revent condensation within the enclosure. 6 2) Locate enclosure heaters to a�oid overheating electranic hardware or 7 praducing large temperature fluctuations on the hardware. S 3) Enclosure heaters shall have an internal fan for heat distributian and shall 9 be controlled wit� adjustable thermostats. The thermostat shall have an 10 adjustment range of 4Q°F to 9a°F. Pravide a circuit breaker or fused 11 disconnect switch within the enclosure. 12 13 14 1S 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 4) Enclosure heaters shall be Hoffman type DAH ar equal. b. Strip heaters may be provided if they are 240-volt rated, powered at 12Q volts AC and do �ot have a surface tezx�perature higher than 60°C. Strip heaters and thermostats shall be as manufactnred by Chramalox or equal. 1) Strip heaters shall be Chromalox, Type OT, 1.5-inches wide, 240 vol�s, single phase, 1 SO watts, energized at 120 �olts, with rust resisting iran sheath, Catalog No. OT-715, Product Code No. 129314, or equal. Pro�ide sufficient wattage in heaters to prev�nt condensation shaald the interior temperature of the enclosure drop below the dew point. 2) A cantral thermostat mounted inside the control Panel shall be Chromalox, Type WR, single stage, Catalog No. WR-$Q, Product Code Na.263177, or equal. 3) The strip heater terminals shall be guarded by a protective terminal cover. A) High temperature cannecting lead wire shall be used between the thermastat and tt�e heater ter�ninats. Wire shall be #l2 AWG stranded, r�ickel-plated copper with Teflon glass insulation and shall be the praduct af Chromalax, Catalog No. 6-CFI-12, Product Code No. 263783, or equal. c. Each panel shall have a U2-inch stainless steel condensate drain, installed on a sfainless steel canduik hub, HGTZ Series, T&B or equal, in the bottom of the enclosure. Drain shall be O-Z GedneyDBB-SOSS, or equal. 2. Corrosion Control a. Provide carrosion protection in each contrai panel with a corrasion-inhibiting 34 vapor capsule 35 b. Manufacturers 36 1} Northern Instruments; ModeI Zerust VC 37 2) Haffman Engineering; Model A-HCI 38 3) Approved equal. 39 40 4i 42 A3 44 45 3. Panel Interior Ambient Cantrol a. The manufacturer shall provide ambient temperature controi within the panel to maintain internal temperatures below the maximurn operating ternperatures of the panel companents. an ambient temperature range of -20° C ta ��°C. b. The manufacturer shall provide panel internal heat rise calculations to show that ihe panel internal temperatures wili be maintained below the m�imum operating temperatures of the panel c�mponents. Copyright 2019 Gupta & Associates, Inc. ROLLING HILLS WATER TR�ATMENT PLANT FLOW METER REPLACEMEI�iTS C�f'Y PROIECT NO. 102056 262987-1I ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR PROVIDBb CONTl20L PAIVELS (ECPs) Page I 1 of 18 1 c. The calculation shall show all the internal and external heat gain loads, the 2 expected internal temperature rise in degrees C above the specified arnbient, if 3 the specified temperature rar�ge cannot be met, an air conditzoning system shall 4 be provided with suificient capacity to maintain the temperatUre within the 5 specified limits. Panels, for which ehe calculated heat rise exceeds 40°C., shall 6 have an air conditioning system, sized as required to reduce the heat rise to 7 40°C. vr Iess, without violating thc NEMA rating of the enclosure. 8 d. The air co:nditzoner shall have the following features: 9 1) Use CFC-free R134a refrigerant. l0 2) Have fully gasketed flanges an all four maunting edges for a watertight seal I I that maintaFns NEMA 4X rating of the panel. 12 3} Thermostatic low tempera�ure control to provide energy efficient operation i3 and prevents over-coolin�. 14 4) EMURFI suppressor to minimize transient spikes during compressor on/off 15 cycIing. 16 S) Separated blower-driven evaporator and condenser air systenns for closed 17 loo� cooling. 18 6) UL listed. 19 7} Stainless steel enclosure. 20 $) Internal corrosion resistant coating. 21 � 9) Low ambient kit. 22 10) Short cyc�e protector. 23 1 i} Manufact�arers 24 a) Hoffman 25 b) Thermo Electric 26 c) Approved equal. 27 28 29 3b 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Q�1 42 43 44 4. Enclosure Fans a. Fans shall be iurnished for soft start starters and VFDs, as required by the manufacturer, to provide air circulation and cooling. Fans shatl be control�ed by a temperature switch. The fan shall operate only when the drive is "ON" and for a caol-down period aiter the drive has stopped Otnerwise the fan shail not run when the drive is "QFF". Louvers, if provided, shall have externally removable filters. The �lter shall be metallic and washable. b. Fan motors shall be protected by an input circuit breaker. Metal squirrel cage ball bearing, three phase fan motors with 10-year design iife shall be used in the drive design. Ptastic muffin fans are not acceptable. Fan powcr shall be obtained from a tap on the ma.in control power transformer. c. A"loss of cooling" iauIt shall be furnished. In the event of clogged filters or fan failure, the dri�e shall prodace an alarm and then, in a predetermined tinae, be shut down safely without electronic component failure by the temperature switch. d. Redundant �ans shall be pravided in the drive design as backup in the event of fan failure. D. Internal Wiring 45 1. Power and control wi�ing shall be tinned stranded copper, minimum size #14 46 AWG, with 600 valt, 90°C, flame retardant, Type MTW thermoplastic insUlation. 47 Line side power wiring shall be sized far the fu11 ratir�g or frame size of the 48 cannected device, and as shown on the Drawings. 49 2. Analog signal wires shall be 600 Volt CZass, insuiated stranded tinned copper, 50 twisted shielded #16 AWG pair. Copyright 2019 Gapta & Associates, Ync. RQLLING HII,LS WATER �REATMEiV'[' PI.ANT FT.OW METERREPLACEMENTS CITY PROJECT NO. 102056 26 24 87 - 12 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR PRQVIDE� CpNTROL PANELS (ECPs) Page 12 of 18 1 3. 2 3 4 4. 5 & 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2� 21 22 23 24 25 2G 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 34 40 Al1 interconnecting wires between panel nnounted equip�ez�t and external equipment shall be terminated at nu�nbered terminal blocics. Field wiring shall not be ternunated directly on any panel-maunted device. Al� wiring shall be tagged and coded with an identification number as shown an the Drawings. Coding shall be typed on a heat shrinkable tube applied to each end showing origination and destination o� each wire. The marking shall be permanent, non-smearing, solvent-resistant type similar to Raychem TMS-SCE, or equal. All wiring shall be enc�osed in PVC wire trough with slotted side openings and removable cover. Plan wire routing such that na low twisted shielded pair cable conducting analog �-20 mA signals or low voltage analog signals �re roufed in the sarne wire trou�h as conductors carrying discrete signals or power. All contral panel wiring shall use the following coior code. a. Black: AC power at line voltage b. Red: switched AC power c. Orange: May be energized while the main discannect is in the aff positian d. White: AC n�utral e. Orangelwhite stripe or white/orange stripe: separate derived neutra.l f. Redlwhite stripe or whitelred stripe: switched neutral g. Green or green w/ yellow tracer: grounrI/earth ground h. Blue: Ungrounded DC power a. Blue/w�ite st�ripe or vvhite/blue stripe: DC grounded common j. Brown: 4$OV AC three phase - phase A k. Orange: 48�V AC three phase - phase B 1. Yellow: 48�V AC three Phase - phase C m. Purple: common for analag signai wiring n. Brown: positive leg of an analog signal 5. � E. Field Installed Internal Wiring i. Field installed interior wiring shatl be neatly �-rouped by circuit and bound by plastic tie wraps. Circuit graups shall be supported so that circuit terminations are not stressed. In addition, low signal wiring (millrvolt and milliamp) shall be bundle separately from the rest of the control wiring. 2. All field wiring shall be tagged and coded with an identification number. Corling shall be typed on a heat shrinkahle tube appiied to each end of the wire. The �narking shall be a permanent, non-smearing, solvent-resistant type similar to Raychem TMS-SCE, or equal 3. In general, a11 conduit entering or lea�ing equipment shall be s%ubbed up into the bottom o� the encIosure directly beIow the area in which the conductors are to be terminated, or from the top if shown on the Drawings. Conduits shall not enter the side unless approved in writing by �he Qwner/Engineer. F. Te�-minal Blocks 41 l. Terminal biocks shall be DIN-rail-mounted one-piece molded plastic blocks with 42 tubular-ctamp-screw type and end barriers. Texminal biocks shall be rated for 600 43 volts except for control and instrumentation circuits, or 4-20 mA analog signal 44 conductors. 45 2. Provide 60Q volt rated temzinal blocks for any conductor carrying any �oltage over 46 120 volts to ground. Copyright 2019 Gupta & Assaciates, Inc. ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS C1TY PROJEC'I' NO. 102056 26 29 87-13 BLECTRICAL CONTRACTOR P120VIDED CONTROL Pt\NELS (ECPs) Page 13 of 18 1 3. Provide 600 volt rated strap screw terminat blocks for any power cond�actors 2 carrying o�er 20 amperes, at any voltage. Tertninals shal� be double sided and 3 supplied wzth removable covers to prevent accidental contact with live circuits. 4 4. Pawer conductors carrying over 20 amperes, at any voltage shall be terminated to 5 strap-screw rype terminal blocks with crimp type, pre-insulated, ring-tongue iugs. 6 Lugs shall be of the appropriate size for the terminal block screws and for the 7 number and size of the wires terminatec�. Do not terminate more than one conductor in any lug, and do not land more than two conductors under any strap- screw ierminal point. lQ S. Terminals shall have permanent, Iegible identification, clearly visible with the 11 protective co�er removed. Each terminal hlock shall have 20% spare tertninals, but 12 not less than two spare terminals. � 3 6. Use the manufacturer's provided bridge connectors to interconnect terminal blocks 14 ternunating comrnon �r geound conductors. 15 7. Twisted shieided pair ar triad cables shall have each individual conductor and 16 shield drain wire Ianded on individual terminal blocks. Use the manufacturer's 17 provided bridge connectors to interconnect terminal blocks terminating thc shield 18 drain wire conductars. 19 S. Control circuits, 12Q volts and below, and 4-20 mA analog signal conductors shall 20 be terminated with manufacturer's recommended insulated connectors. 21 9. Provide an AC ground bar bonded to the panel enclosure (i� metal) with 24°�o spare 22 terminals. 23 10. Pro�ided ground ter;ninal blocks for each twisted-shieided pair drain wire. 24 2.4 SERVICE ENTRANCE DEVYCE 25 A. Where the Control Panel is rated and used as a service entrance panel, the manuiacturer 26 shall f�rnish factory installed in the Control Panel, a dedicated (SPD) (Type 2), 27 permanently connected, Surge Protective Device an the load side of the ser�ice 28 entrance panel, as speci�Zed in Section 26 43 13 Low Voltage AC Surge Protective 29 Devices (SPDs). 30 �.5 MAIN CIRCUIT PROTECTIVE DEVICE 31 A. Unless otherwise shorvn on the Drawings, the main circuit protecti�e device shall be a 32 molded case (MCCB), three Poie, 600-valt, fixed type, manually operated with stored 33 energy closing mechanism. Trip device shall be solid state with adjustable long time 34 pickup, and delay; adjustable shart time pzckup and delay; short time i2t switch; 35 adjustable ground fault pickup and delay, and ground fault delay and pickup trips far 36 selecrive tripping. 37 B. Provide a flange maunted main power disconnect �perating handle with rnechanical 38 interlock having a bypass that will ailow the panei door to open only when the switch is 39 in the OFF position. Where ganels are shawn or specified with inner and outer doors, 40 disconnecting handies and controls shall be located on the inner door. 41 42 43 44 45 �.6 MOTOR CONTROLLERS A. Manuiacturers 1. Subject to camp�iance with the Cantract Documents, the following Manufacturers are acceptable: a. Eaton Copyright 2a19 Gupta & Associates, Inc. ROLLING HILGS WA'FER TREATMENT PLANT FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS CTI'Y PROJECT NO. 102056 26 29 87 - l A ELFCTRCCAL CONTRACTOR PROVIDSD CONTROL PANEIS (6CPs) Page L4 of ]8 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. General Electric Company Allen Bradley Square D 4 2. The listing of specific manUfacturers above does not imply acceptance af their 5 products that do not tneet the specified ratings, %atures and functions. 6 Manufacturers listed abo�e are not relieved from meeting these specifications in 7 their entirety. 8 B. General 9 1. The Drawings indicate the approximate horsepower and intended control scheme of 10 the mator driven equipment. Provide the NEMA size starter, circuit breaker trip 1 I ratings, cantrol power transformers and thernnal o�verload heater eletnent ratings 12 matched to the motars and control equipment actually supplied, in compliance wath 13 the NEC and the znanufacturer's heater selection tables. AIl varia�ions necessary to 14 accarnmodate the motors and controls as actuaily furnished shall be made without 15 16 17 extra cost to the Owner. 2. Furnish Iugs for incoming wiring, six.es as shawn on the Drawings. Aliow adequate clearance for bending and terminating of cable size and type specified. 18 3. A NEMA rated magnetic motor starter shall be furnished for each motar. Each 19 z�otor starter shail be pro�ided with a�notor circuit pro�ector (MCP), or circuit 2fl breaker, and equipped ta provide undervoltage release and overload protection on 21 all three phases. The short circuit protective device shall have an adjustable 22 magneric trip range up to 140�% af rated continuous current and a trip test feature. 23 MCPs shall be labeled in accordance with UL489. NEMA starter sizes and breaker 24 trip ratings shall be as required for the horsepower indicated, but shall be in no case 25 Iess than NEMA Size 1. If the manafacturer of the equipment utilizing the motor, 2b supplies a motor horsepower iarger than that shown on the Drawings, the 27 Contractor shall supply a motor starter sufFicient in size to contral the motor 28 supplied. 29 4. A mechanical discannect mechanism, with bypass, shail be instailed on each motar 3Q circuit protector, capable of being lacked in the "OFF" position to provide a means 31 of disconnecting pawer ta each motor. Disconnects mechanisms shall be located 32 inside the enclasure such that the main circuit breaker handle is the anly devi�ce 33 interlocked with the panel doar. 34 5. Each motor starter shall have a 120-volt opera�ing coil unless otherwise noted. 35 6. O�erload relays sha11 be standard Class 20, ambient campensated, manually reset 36 by pushhutton located on front of the starter daor. A normally closed contact shall 37 he directly used in the start circuit and a normally open contact shall be wire to a 38 terminal board for overioad alarm. 39 44 41 42 7. All interfaces between control panel and remote devices shall be isolated via an interposing relay. Interposing relays shall have cantacts rated for 250 �ralts AC and 10 amperes continuous. Reiays shaIl be Control Relays as specified herein. C. Magnetic Mator Starte:rs 43 1. Motor starters shall be two or three pole, single or t.hree phase as required, 60 Hertz, 44 600 �olts, magnetically nperated, full voltage nan reversing. NEMA sizes shall be 45 as zequired far the horsepower shown on ihe Dz'awings. Copyright 2019 Gupta & Associates, Inc. ROLLII�G HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT FLOW METER REPLAC�MENTS CITYPROIECTNO. i02056 26 29 87-15 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR PROVIDEti CONTRDL PANELS (ECPs) Page 15 of 18 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 I2 13 14 15 16 17 I8 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 2. Each rmotor starter shall have a 120-volt operating coil, and control power transformer. Starters shaiI have motor overload protection in each phase. Aaxiliary contacts shall be provided as shown on the Drawings. A minimum of one norrnally apen and ane normaIly closed auxiliary contacts shall be provided in adc�iiion to the contacts required. 3. Overload relays shalI be adjustable, ambient compensated and manually reset. 4. Built in contro� stations and indicating lights shall be furnished where shown on the Drawings. 5. All wires shall be terminated on terminal blocks and shall be tagged. 6. Provide as built wiring cliagram and post it in a protective cover inside the cell. D. Contactors �. 2. 3. Con.tactors shall be a circuit breaker and contactor, 600 ��lt, three-pole, 60 Hertz, magnetically operated. NEMA size shall be as required %r the kilowatt ratings required for the equiprnent provided, but shalI be not less than NEMA size 1. Contaciars shall have a 120-volt aperating coil and controI power transformer. Furnish the control power trans%rmer with extra capacity for the unit heater fan. Combination Contactors used for lighting control shall be as specified herein, magnetically operated, with the number of channels and poles as shown on the Drawings. Each contactor shall be controIled by an Astronomic Time Clack Tyco Model TC-100 or approved equal, 300D VA pk�oto control Precision Cantrals Model T-368-AL or approved equal, or a combination of both clock and photo control, all as shown on the Drawings. The ph�tacell shalI b� separately located as shown �n the Drawings. The photocell enclosure shall be as required by the area classification. E. ControI ReIays 1. Control relays shall be 30Q-volt, industrial rated, plug-in sacket type, housed in a transparent polycarbonate dust cover, designed in accordance witi� UL Standard SO& for motor controller duty. Cantinuous c�ntact rating shall i�e 10 amperes resistive, 1/4 HP at 120-volt AC, operating ternperature minus 1Q to plus SS°C. P:rovide spare normally open and normally closed contacts. Relays shali be Potter & Brumfield KRF Series or equal with neon cail indicator light. Ti�nzng rrelays shall be 300 Volt, soiid state type, with rotary switch to select the timing range. 33 �.7 REMOTE MONITORING AND C�NTROL INTERFACE 34 A. General: All control and interconnection points from the equipment to the plant control 35 an�d t3nonitoring system shall be brought to a separate connection box. No field 36 connections shall be made directly to the equipment control devices. Functions to be 37 brought out sha�l be as described in the contract documents. 38 B. Discrete control or status functions shall be form C relays with contacts rated at 120 39 votts AC. Analog signals shall be isalated from each other. 40 2.8 SPARE PARTS 41 A. Provide the foIlowing spare parts for each control panel in the quantities sp�cified: 42 1. Qne box- replacement fuses, ail types and sizes used 43 2. One replacement Iacnp, af each colar, for pilat lights 44 3. One of each color replacernent lens caps for pilot lights RpLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLAN'I' FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS Copyright 2019 Gupta & Associates, L�c. CITY PRO7ECT NO. IO2D56 262987-1b ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR PROVIDED CONTROL PANELS (ECPs} Page 16 of 18 1 2 3 � 5 6 4. One starter coil for each NEMA size furnished 5. One, Three-poIe set of repiacement overload heaters of each size range used b. Qne, Three-pole set of starter contacts of each [NEMA] size used. 7. One can of aerosol touch-up paint. B. Sgare parts shall i�e boxed or packaged for long term storage. Identify each item with manUfacturer's name, descriptian and part number on the exteriar of the package. 7 PART 3 - EXECUTION 8 3.1 INSTALLER'S QUALIFICATIONS 9 10 11 12 3.2 13 A. Installer shall be specialized in installing this type of equipment with minirnt�m 5 years documented experience. Experience documentatian shall be sabmitted for appro�al prior to beginning work on this project. EXAMINATION � A. Examine installation area to assure there is enaugh clearance to install the eq�ipment. 14 B. Housekeeping pads shall be included for the £loor mounted �r►otor controllers as detailed 15 on the Drawings with the exception of motor controllers which are to be installed 16 adjacent to an existing unit. Housekeeping pads far these (if used} should match the 17 existing installation. 18 C. Check concrete pads and baseplates for uniformity and level surface. 19 24 21 3.3 D. Verify that the equipment is ready ta install. E. Verify field measurements are as instrEzcted by manufacturer. INSTALLATION 22 A. The Contractor shall install all equipment per the manufacturer's recommendations and 23 Contract Drawings. 24 B. Conduit hubs for use on raceway system pull and junction boxes sha�l be watertight, 25 threaded aluminum, insulated throat, stainless steel grounding screw, as manufactured 26 by T&B H150GRA Series, or equal. 27 C. Conduits entering a contral Panel ar box containing electrical equipment, shall not enter 28 the enclosure through the top. 29 D. Install required safety labels. 30 3.4 RACEWAY SEALING 31 A. Where raceways enter junction boxes or control panels cantaining electeical or 32 instrumentation equipment, all entrances shall be sealed with 3M 1000NS Watertight 33 Sealant, or approved equal. 34 B. This r�quirement shall be strictly adhered ta for all raceways in the conduit system. 35 3.� FIELD QUALITY CONTROL 36 A. Inspect inskalled equipment for anchoring, alignment, grounding and physical damage. Copyright 2p19 Gupta & Associates, Inc. 120LLING HILLS WA'I'�R T'IZEATMSNT PLANT FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS CITY PR07ECT NQ. 1�2056 26 29 87 � 17 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR PROVIDED CON'f'RaL PANELS (ECPs) Page 17 of 18 1 B. Check tightness of all accessible electrical connections. Minimum acceptable values are 2 specified in manufacturer's instructions. 3 C. Provide one set of as-built panel drawings lanainated, zn each panel packet. 4 3.6 FIELD ADJUSTING 5 A. Adjust all circuit breakers, switches, access doors, operating handles for free 6 mechanical and electrical operation as described in manufacturer's instructions. 7 3.'� FIELD TESTING 8 A. Perform aIl electrical field tests recommended by the rnanufacturer. Disconnect all 9 connections to solid-state equipment priar ta testing. 1p B. Test each key interlock system for proper functioning. 11 C. Test alt control logic be%re energizing the motor or equipment. 12 3.8 CLEANING 13 A. Remove all rubbish and debris from inside and around the motor controlIers. Remove 14 dirt, dust, or concreee spatter from the interior and exterior of the equipanent using 15 br�shes, vacuum cleaner, or clean, lint free rags. Do not nse compressed air. 16 39 EQUIPMENT PRQTECTiQN AND RESTORATION 17 A. Touch-up and restare damaged surfaces to factary finish, as approved by the 18 manufacturer. If the damaged surface cannot be returned to iactory specification, the 19 surface shall be rep�aced. 20 3.10 MANUFACTURER'S CERTIFICATION 21 A. A qualified factory-trained manufacturer's representative shall persanally inspect the 22 equipment at the jobsite and shall certify in writing that the equipment has been 23 installed, adjusted, and tested, in accordance with the manufacturer's recomz�r�endations, 24 including all settings designated in the Power System Study. 25 B. The Cont�actor shall provide three copies of the manufacturer's representative's 26 certification. 27 28 END OF SECTION ROLLIIVG HII,LS WATER TREA'FMEIVT PLANT FLOW METE12 REPLACEMENTS Copyright 2019 Gupta & Associates, Inc. CITX PRQ7ECT NO. 102056 26 29 87-18 �C,�CTRICAL CON'1'RACTOR PROVIDED CONTROL PANEIS (ECPs) Pagc 18 of i S Copyright 2019 Gupta & Associates, Inc. ROLLiRTG HILCS WATER TREATMENT PLANT FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS CITY PROJECTNO. 102056 264313-1 LOW VOLTAGE AC SURGE PROTECTIVE DEVICES (SPDs} Page 1 of 8 2 SECTION �6 4313 LOW VOLTAGE AC SURGE PROTECTNE DEVICES {SPD's) 3 PART 1 - GENERAL 4 L1 SC4PE OF WORK S A. This Section of tlie Specifications describes the requirements for low voltage AC surge 6 protective devices (SPDs IKv and Iess), to be fur�zshed undear other Sections of the 7 Specifications. 8 B. All equzpznent described herein shall be submitted, and factory installed, as an integral 9 part of equipment speciiied elsewhere in these Specifications. 10 1,2 ItELATED WORK 11 A. Refer to Division 26 QO 00 for related work and electrical coordinativn requirements. 12 1.3 SUBMITTALS I3 A. Submittals for eq�ipment specified herein shali 6e made as a part of equipment 14 iurnished under other Sections. Individual submittals for equiptnent specified herein 15 will nat be accepted and will be returned unre�iewed. Unmarked cut sheets will cause 16 rejection of the submittal and its return for revisidn. 17 B. Submittals shall also contain information on related equipment to be fiirnished under 1$ this Specificatian but described in the related sections to which reference is made in the 19 Related Work paragraph above. Incomp�ete subrnittals not cantaining the reguired 20 information on the related equipment will be returz�ed unreviewed. 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 C. Submit catalog data for ail itetxzs supplied from this specification Sectian as applicable. Subrnittal shall include catalog data, functions, ratings, inputs, outputs, displays, etc., enough to confirm that the SPD provides every specified rec�uirement. Any options or exceptions shaIl be clearly indicated, with the reason for such deviations. Acceptance of any deviatian wi�l be at the sole discre�ion of the Owner/Engineer. Shop drawings, not so checked and noted, will be retur�ned unreviewed. D. The su6roittals snall include: 1. Dirnensional drawing of each SPD type. 2. UL 1449 Third Edition Listing, Standard for Safety, S�arge Protective Devices, documentation. Provide verification that the SPD complies with the required ANSI/UL 1449 3ard Editian listing by Underwriters Laboratories (UL) or other Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory (NRTL). 3. UL 1283 Listing, EIectromagnetic InterFerence Filters, documentation. 4. ANSI/IEEE C5241 and C6245, Category C3 (20kV-1.2/50, IOkA-$/20µs waveform) clamping voltage test results. E. Operation and Mair�tenance Manuals. 1. Qperation and Maintenance manuals shall inclvde the folivwing infarmation: a. Manuiacturer's contact address and telephone number far parts and service. b. Instruction books and/or leaflets c. Recommended renewal parts list Copyright 2019 Gupta & Associates, Inc. ROLLING I-IILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT FLOW METER REPLACEIVIENTS CTPY PR07ECT NO. 102DSb 26 43 13 - 2 LOW VOLTAGE AC SURGE PROTECTIVE DEVICES (SPDs) Page 2 of 8 1 d. Record Docurnents for the information required by the Submittals above. 2 1.4 REFERENCE CODES AND STANDARDS 3 A. The equipment in this specification shall be designed and manufactured according to 4 latest re�ision of the following standards (unIess otherwise noted): 5 1. UL 1�99 Third Edition — Surge Protective Devices 6 7 8 9 10 L1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 2. UL 1283 Electromagnetic Inter%rence Filters 3. ANSUIEEE C62.41.2-2002 — IEEE Recommended Practice an Characterization of Surge Voltages in Low Voltage AC Power Circuits 4. ANSI/IEEE C62.45-2002 — IEEE Recommended Practice on Surge Testing %r Equipment Connected to Low-Voltage AC Power Circuits. 5. NEC Article 285 - Surge Protective Devices 5. NEMA/ISCI —109 Transient Overvoltage Withstand Test 7. IEEE Std. 472/ANSI C3790A Surge Withstand Capability Tests S. IEC 255.4- Surge Withstand Capability Tests B. All SPDs and their installation shall comply with the zequirements of the National Electric Code and Underwriters Laboratories {UL) where applicable. C. Each specified device shall also conform to the standards and codes listed in the individual device paragraphs. 19 1,� QUALITY ASSURANCE 20 A. The manufacturer of fihis equipment shall have prodnced similar elec�rical eqt�ipment 21 for a minimum periacE of iive years. When requested by the Owner/Engineer, an 22 acceptable Iist of installations with similar equipment shali be provided demonstrating 23 compliance with this requirement. 24 B. The manufactarer of the SPD shall l�e the same as the manufacturer of the service 25 entrance and distributio� equipment in which the devices are installed and shipped. The 26 protected electrical equipment, after installation of the SPD, shall be fully tested and 27 certified to the following UL standards: 28 29 30 31 32 33 1. UL 67 - Panelboards. 2. UL 845 - Motor Con�rol Centers. 3. UL 891 - Switchboards. 4. UL 1558 - Low Voltage Switchgear. C. For the equipment specified herein, the manufactarer shali be ISO 9�01 or 9002 certified. 34 1.6 WARRANTY 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 A. Provide warrantees, including the manufacturer's warrantee, for the equipment specified and the proper installation thereof, to be free from defects in material and workmanship for two years from date of final acceptance of the equipment and its installation. Within such periad of warranty, a11 material and labor necessary to return the equipment to new operating condition shall he provided. Any warranty wark requiring shipping or transporting of the equipment shall be provided at no expense ta the Owner. Copyright 2019 Gupta & Associates, Inc. ROLLIlVG HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLAN'I' FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS C1TY PR07ECT NQ. 102Q56 26 43 13 - 3 LOW VOLTAGE AC SURGE PROTECTNE DEVICES (SPDs) Page 3 of 8 1 PART 2 � PRODUCTS 2 �.1 MANUFACTURERS 3 A. Subject io compliance with the Contract Docuznents, the following Manufacturers are � acceptable {Type 1 and Type 2): 5 1. Cutler Hatniner. 6 2. General Electric Co. 7 3. Square D S 4. Allen Bradley 9 5. Approved equal. 10 B. Subject to compiiance with the Contract Documents, the follawing Manufacturers are 11 acceptabTe (Type 3): 12 1. Edco SLAC Series 13 2. Phoenix Con�act 14 3. Brick WaII Model PWOM20 15 4. Approved equal. 16 2.2 SERVICE ENTRANCE AND DISTRIBUTION EQUIPMENT 17 18 19 Za 2� 22 23 24 25 26 z� 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 3b 37 38 39 A. General 3 4. 1. All SPDs shall be internaI to the equipment being protected. Externally housed SPDs will not be acceptable. 2. All SPDs shall be marked with a short-circuit current rating and shall meet or exceed the avaiiable fault current at the connection point. UL 1449 Usage Classifications. a. Type 1— Permanently connected SPDs intended for installation between the secondary of the service transformer and the Iine side of the service equipment overcurarent device and intended to be installed without an external a�ercurrent protective device. b. Type 2— Perma�ently connected SPDs intended for installation on the load side of service eguipment overcurrent device; including SPDs located at the branch panel. c. Type 3— Point ot utiIization SPDs, installed at a minimum conductor iengih af 10 meters (30 feet) from the electrical service panel to the point of utilization, for example cord connected, direct plug-iz�, receptacle rype and SPDs installed at the utilization equipmeni being protected. The c�istance (10 meters) is exclusive of conductors provided with or used to attach SPDs. Construction of Typ� 1 and Type 2. a. Fully Integrated Component Design: Atl of the SPD's components and diagnostics shall be contained within one discreie asseznbly. SPDs or individual SPD moduies that must be ganged together in order to achieve higher sarge current ratings or other functionality will not be accepted. Copyright 2019 Gupta & :'�ssociates, Fnc. ROLLTNC`, HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLAI�iT FLOW M�'I'�R REPI,ACEMENTS CITY PRD7ECT Nb. 102056 2fi 43 13 - 4 LOW VOLTAGE AC SLTRGE PROTECTIVE DEVICES (SPDs) Page 4 of 8 I b 2 3 4 5 b 7 c 8 9 ia 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 �0 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 sa 51 d. e. f. g� h. i. k. Overcurrent Protection: The unit shall contain thermally protected MOVs. The thermally protected MOVs shall have a thermal protection element packaged together with the MOV in order ta achieve overcvrrent protection of the MOV. The thermal protectian element shall disco�nect the MOV(s) from the system in a fail-safe manner should a condition occur that would cause them to enter a thermal runaway condition. Maintenance Free Design: The SPD shali be maintenance free and shall nat require any user intervention throughout its life. SPDs containing items such as replaceable modules, replaceable fuses, or replaceable batteries are not acceptable. SPDs requiring any maintenance of any sart s�ch as periodic tightening of connections are not acceptable. Balanced Suppression Platform: The surge current shall be equally distributecE to all MQV carnpanents to ensure equal stressing and m�imum performanca. The surge suppression platfarm must provide equal impedance paths to each matched MOV. Designs incarporating replaceable 5PD modules are not acceptable. Eiectrical Noise Filter: Each unit shall incl�de a high-performance EMIIRFI noise rejection filter. Naise attenuation for el�ctric line noise shall be up to 50 dB froxn 10 kHz to 100 MHz using the MIL-STD-220A insertion loss test method. Internal Connections: Na plug-in component modules or printed circuit boards shall be used as surge current condUctors. All internal components shall be saldered, hardwired with connections utilizing low impedance conductars. Power and ground connections shall be prewired within the protected equipment. Local Monitoring: Visible indication of proper SPD connectian and operation shall be provided. The indicator lights shall indicate which phase as well as which module is iully operabte. The status of each SPD module shall be monitored an the front cover of the enclosure as well as on the module. A push-to-test b�tton shall be pro�ided to test each phase indicator. Push-to-test button shaIl activate a state change of dry contacts for testing purposes. Surge Counter: The SPD shall indicate user how many s�rges have accurred at the �ocation. The surge counter shall trigger each ti�ne a surge event with a�eak current magnitude of a minimum of 50 ± 2QA occurs. A res�t pushbatton shall alsa be standard, allowing ihe surge counter to be zeroed. The reset button shall contain a mechanism to preveni accidental reseiting of the counter via a single, short-duration button press. To prevent accidental resetting, the sarge counter r�s�t bu�ton shall be depressed for a minimum of two seconds in order to clear fhe surge count total. The ongoing surge count shall be stored in non-volatile memory or UPS backup. Remote Monitoring: For remote moniioring, the SPDs shall pro�ide the same discrete and analog signal and control functions as specified for Iocal monitoring and the surge caunter, to a terminal strip for outgoing connection to a PLC as shown on the Drawings. The functions s�all be converteci as specified for interface to the monitored equipment. The voltage surge suppressian system shall i ncorporate thermally protected rnetal-oxide varistors {MOVs} as the core surge suppression camponent far the service entrance and all othe� distribution le�els. The systern shalf not utilize silicon a�atanche diodes, selenium cells, air gaps, or other components that znay crowbar the system voltage leading to system Upset or create any en�ironmental hazards. Copyrighi 2039 Gupta & Associates, Inc. ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT FLOW METER REPL.ACEMENFS CTPY PR07ECT NO. 102056 26 43 13 - 5 LQW VpLTAGE AC SLTRGE PRQ'FECTNE DEVICES (SPbs) Page 5 of 8 1 1. SFD shalI be Listed in accordance with. UL 1449 Third Edition and UL i283, 2 Electromagnetic Interference Filters. 3 m. Integrated surge protective devices (SPD} shall be Component Recognrzed in � accordance wiih UL 1449 Third Editian, Sectian 37.3.2 and 37.4 at the 5 standard's highest short circuit current rating (5CCR) of 200 kA, including 6 intermediate level oi fault curreni testing. 7 n. SPD shafl be tested with the ANSUIEEE Category C High exposure waveform 8 (20kV-1.2/SOµs, IOkA-8/20µs). 9 0. SFD shalI provide suppression for all �nodes of protection: L-N, L-G, and N-G 10 in WYE systenns {7 Mode). il 12 13 14 I5 15 17 1$ 19 20 21 22 23 24 5. Canstructian of Type 3. a. Fully Integrated Component Design: All of the SPD's components and diagnostics shall be contained within one discrete assembly. SPDs or individual SPD modules that musi be ganged together in order to achieve higher surge current ratings ar other functionaIity will not be accepted. b. Maintenance Free Design: The SPD shall he maintenance free and shall not requi�e any user intervention thr�ughout its life. SPDs containing items such as replaceable moduIes, replaceable fuses, or repIaceable batteries are not acceptable. SPDs reqUiring any maintenance of any sort such as periodic tightening oi connections are not acceptable. c. Electrical Naise Filter: Each unit shall include a high-performance EMI/R�'I noise rejection filter. Noise attenuation for �lectric iine naise shall be up to SO dB from 10 kHz to 100 MHz using the MIL-STD-220A insertion loss test method. 25 d. Internal Connections: No plug-in component rnodules or printed circuit boards 26 shall be used as sarge current conductors. All internal components shall be 27 soldered, hardwired with connections utilizing low impedance conductors. 28 e. Power and ground connections shall be prewired within tne protected 29 equipment. 30 f. Local Monitoring: Visi6le indication of proper SPD connectian and operation 31 shall be provided. The indicator light shall indicate that the module is fully 32 operable. The status af each SPD modul� shall be monitored on the front cover 33 of the module. 34 35 36 37 38 g. SPD shall be Listed in accordance with UL 14�9 Third Edition and UL 1283, Electromagnetic Interference Filters. h. SPD snall be tested with the ANSUIEEE Category C High exposure waveform (2QkV-1.2/50µs, IOkA-8/20�cs). B. Applications. 39 1. Service Entrance Ratcd Equip�nnent (Type 1}. 40 a. This applies to switchgear, swi�chboards, panelboards, motor control centers, 41 and other devices installed as service entrance equipment where the SPD is to 42 be permanently connected between the secondary of the service transformer 43 and the Iine side of the ser�ice equipment overcurrent device. 44 b. Service entrance located SPDs shall be tested and demonstrate s�itability for 45 appIication within ANSUIEEE C62.41 Category C environments. 46 c. The SPD shall be of the same rnanufacturer as the equipment 47 d. The SPD shall be factory installed inside the equipment, at the assembly point, 48 by the original equipment manufactu�er 49 e. Locate the SPD on the laad side of the main disconnect device, as close as 50 p�ssible to the phase cond�ctors and the ground/neutral bars. Copyright 2019 Gupta & Associates, Fnc. ROLLING HILLS WATEIi TREATMENT PLANT FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS CTI'Y PRbJECT NO. 102056 26 43 13 - b LdW VDLTAGS AC SURGE PROTECTIVE DEVICES (SPDs) Page 6 of 8 1 f. The SPD shall be connected through a UL appro�ed disconnecting means. The 2 disconnect shall be located in imr�nediate proxirrlity to the SPD. Connection 3 shall be made via bus, conductors, or other connections originating in the SPD 4 and shall be kept as short as passible. 5 g. The SPD sha11 be integral to the equipment as a factoty standardized design. 6 h. All monitorin� and diagnos[ic features shall be visible from the front of the 7 equipment. 8 2. Distribation Equipment Applications {Typ� 2}. 9 a. This applies to switchgear, switchboards, panelboards, motar control centers, 10 and other non-service entrance equipment where the SPD is to be permanently 11 connected on the load side of the equipment avercurrent device. 12 b. The SFD shali be of the sa�ne manafacturer as the equipment. 13 c. The SPD shall be inciuded and mounted within the equipment by the 14 manufacturer. 15 lb 17 l8 19 24 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 4S 46 47 48 49 50 d. The manuiacturer shall size and provide the overcurrent and disconnecting means for the SPD. e. The SPD units shall be tested and demonstrate suitability far application within ANSUIEEE C62.41 Cat�gory B en�ironments. f. The SPD shall be located within the panelbaard, unless atherwise shown on the Drawings. SPDs shall be installed immediately following the load side of the main breaker. SPDs installed in main lug only panelboards shall be installed immediately fallowing the incoming main lugs. g. T�e SPD shall not limit the use of thraugh-feed lugs, sub-feed lugs, and suh- feed breaker options. h. All monitoring and diagnostic features shall be visible from the front of the equipment. 3. Individual Contral Panel and Related Equipment Protection (Type 3). a. Locate the SPD on the load side of the groUnd and neutral connections. b. The SPD shall be connected through a disconnect circuit breaker or iuse as shown on the drawings. The disconnecting means shall be located in irrt�mediate proximity to the SPD. Connection shall be made �ia bus, canductars, or other connections originating in the SPD and shall be kept as short as possible. c. Ail monitoring and diagnostic features shali be �isible from the front of the equipment. 4. Mechanical Equipment Manufacturer's Provided Control Panels {MEMs) and Electrical Manufacturer's Provided Control Panels (OEMs) Applications (Type 1, Type 2, and Type 3) a. Where any such panel is installed as service entrance equipment, a Type 1 SPD shall be installed. 1) The same requirements for other service entrance equipment listed above apply to this application except for the requirement that the Type 1 SPD shali not be required to be of the sarne znanu�acturex as the panel. b. Where any such panel is installed as non-ser�ice entrance equipment, but within 50' of wire lengt� oi the incoming power line when thai line is overhead. 1) The same requirements far other non-service entrance equipment listed above apply to this application except for the requirement that the Type 2 SPD shall not be required to be of Che same manufacturer as the panel. 2) Where a Type 1 SPD is installed, a Type 2 SPD is not required an the same panel unless otherwise specifically shown on the drawings. Copyright 2D 19 Gupta & Associates, Inc. R�LLING HILLS WATER 'f'REATMENf PLANT FI.OW METER REPLACEMENTS CTl'Y PRO]ECT N�. 1D2�56 26 43 13 - 7 LDW VOLTAGE AC SURGE PROTECTIVE DEVICE3 (SPDs) Page7 of 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 S 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 c. Where any such panel includes a PLC, a Type 3 SPD shail be installed. 1} The same requirements for other individual control panel and relatec� equipment listed above a�p�y to this application. 2) The SPD shall be integral to the MEM or OEM panel, as a factory standardized design. C. Ratings 1. Unit Operating Voltage: Refer to drawings for operating voltage and unit configuratian. 2. SPD shall be designed to withstand a znaxizx�urn continuous operating voitage {MCOV) of not Iess than 115% of nominal RMS voltage. 3. Minimum s�rge current rating shall 6e 240 kA per phase (120 kA per mode) for service entrance and 120 kA per �hase (60 kA per mode) for distribution applications. �4. UL 1449 clamping voltage must not exceed the %Ilowing: Voltage Protectian Rating (VPR} Volta�e 240/� 20 208Y/120 480Y.277 600Y/347 16 17 18 19 20 21 �.3 22 23 L�N 1200/800V 800V 1200V 1500V L=G 800V 800V 1200V 1500V N-G 800V 800V 1200V 1500V 5. PuIse life test: Capable of protecting against and surviving 5040 ANSI/IEEE Category C High transients without failure or degradation a� clarnping valtage by more than 10%. 6. Minimum UL 1449 3rd edition withstand Nominal Discharge Current (In) rating to be 20kA per mode ACCESSORIES A. Furnish nameplates for each device as indicated on drawings. Colo:r schernes shall be as indreated on Drawings. 24 PART 3 � EXECUTION 25 3.1 INSTALLATION 26 A. All equipment specifzed. herein sha�l be factory installed, field adjusted, tested and 27 cleaned as an integral part of equipment specified elsewhere in the individual 28 equipment Specification. 29 B. Types 1 and Z shall be grounded and bonded as a part of the individual equipment as 3b specified in the individual equipment Section. Type 3 shall be grounded and bonded in 3l accordance with the SPD manuiacturer's instruc�ions. 32 33 Copyright 2a19 Gupta & Associates, [nc. 120LLING H1LL3 WATER TREAT'MENT PLAiVT FLOW METER REPLACE�vIENTS GiTY PRQ7ECT NO. 102Q56 264313-8 LOW VOLTAGE AC SURGE PRbTECTIVE DEVCC�S (SPI3s) Page 8 of S Copyright 2019 Gupta & Associates, Inc. Elvn oF sECTioN RpLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLAN'P FLOW METER TtEPLACEMENTS CITY PROJECT I�iO. 10205fi 312500-1 ER05ION AND SEDIMENT COIVTROL Page 1 of 9 1 2 3 PART]- GENERAL 4 11 SUMMARY SECTION 31 �� DO EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL 5 A. Section Includes: 6 1. Impleme�tation of the project's Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) 7 and installation, maintenance and remflval of erosion and sediment coz�trol devices S B. Deviations from this City of Fart Worth Standard Specifica�ion 9 1. None. 10 C. Related Specification Sections include, but are not necessarily limited to: 11 1. Division 0— Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms and Conditions of the Cantract 12 2. Division 1— General Requirements 13 1.2 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES 14 A. Measurezaaent and Payrz�ent 15 l. Storm Water PolIution Prevention Plan <1 acre 16 a. Measurement 17 1) This Ttem is considered subsidiary to the various Items bid. 18 b. Payment 19 � 1} The work performed and the materials furnished in accordance with this 20 Item are subsidiary ta the structure or Iterns being bid and no other 21 campensation will be aliowed. 22 2. Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan > 1 acre 23 a. Measurement for this Item shall be by lump sum. 24 b. Payment 25 1} The work performed and the materials furnished in accorc�ance with this 26 Item shall be paid for aC the lump sum price bid for "SWPPF > 1 acre". 27 c. The price bid shall include: 28 1) Preparation af SWPPP 29 2) Implementation 30 3} Permitting fees 31 4} Installation 32 5) Maintenance � 33 6) Removal 34 1.3 REFERENCE,S 35 A. Reference Stand.ards 3b 1. Reference standards cited in this Specification refer to the current reference 37 standard published at ihe time of the latest revision date logged at the end ot'this 38 Specification, unless a date is specifically cited. 39 2. ASTM Standard: CIT'Y OF FORT WORTH ROC,LING HILLS WATER TREATMEI�}T PC,ATfT STANDARD C0�15TIZUCTION SPECiFICATION DOCUMENTS FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS Revised �ecember 20, 2412 CITY FR03ECT NO. 102D56 312500-2 EROSION ANi] S�DIMCNT CONTRQL Page 2 of 9 1 2 3 � 5 6 7 8 9 �o 11 12 i3 1.4 1.11 FIELD [SITE] CONDiTIONS [NOT IISED] 14 1.5 SUBMITTALS 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 1.G 1.1� WARI7ANTY [NOT USED] 23 1,7 CLQSEQUT SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 24 l.$ MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 25 1.9 QUAL�TY ASSURANCE [NOT U5ED] 2b 1.10 DELIVERY, �TORAGE AND HANDLING [N�T USED] 27 28 29 PART 2 - PRQDUCTS 30 �.1 OWNER-FURNISHED [ox] OWNER-SUPPLIED PR�DUCTS [NOT USED] 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 �.2 PRODUCT TYPES AND MATERYALS a. A�TM D378b, Standard Test Methad for Bursting Strength of Textile Fabrics Diaplaragm Bursting Strengtla Tester Method b. ASTM D4632, Standard Test Methad for Grab Breaking Load and Elongation of Geotextiles c. ASTM D4751, Standard Test Method for Determining Apparent Opening Size af a Geotextile d. ASTM D4833, Standard Test Method for Index Puncture Resistance of Geomembranes and Related Products 3. Texas Comrnission on Enviranmental Quality (TCEQ) TPDES General Permit No. Ta�isaooa 4. TxDOT Departmental Material Specifica�ions {DMS) a. DMS-6230 "Temporary Seditnent ControI Fence Fabric" ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS [NOT USED] A. Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP} B. TCEQ Notice of Intent (NOI) %r Storm Water Discharges Assaciated with Constructian Activity under the TPDES General Permit C. Constructian Site Notice D. TCEQ Notice of Terminatian (NOT) for Storm Water Discharges Associated wiih Construction Activity under the TPDES General Permit E. Notice of Change (if applicable} ACTIQN SUBMITTALS/INFQRMATIONAL �UBMITTALS [NOT USED] A. Rock F'ilter Darns 1. Aggregate a. Furnish aggregate with hardness, durability, cleanliness and r�sistance to crumbling, flaking and eroding acceptable to the Engineer. b. Pravide the following: 1} Types 1, 2 and 4 Rock Filter Dams CITY O�' FORT V�JORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTIOAI SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised DecemUer 20, 2012 ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT FLOW METER RSPLACEMENTS CITY PR07ECT NO. 1Q2d5& 31 25 00 - 3 EROSION AND S�bIMENT CONTROL Page 3 of 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 2'1 2$ 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 �0 41 42 43 a} Use 3 to 6 inch aggregate. 2) Type 3 Rock Filtar Dams a) Use 4 ta S inch aggregate. 2. Wire a. Provide minimuin 2p gauge galvanized wire for the steel wire mesh and tie wires for Types 2 and 3 rock filter dams b. Type 4 darms require: 1) Double-twisted, hexagonal weave with a nominal mesh opening of 21/� inches x 3 %a inches 2) Minimum 0.0866 inch steel wire for netting 3) Minimum 0.1�63 inch steel wire far selvages and corners 4} Minim�m 0.0866 inch iar binding or tie wire B. Geaiextile Fabric 1. Place the aggregate over geotextile fabric meeting the following criteria: a. Tensile Strength of 250 pounds, per ASTM D4632 b. Punciure Str�ngth of 135 pounds, per ASTM D4833 c. Mullen Burst Rate of �20 psi, per ASTM D3785 d. Apparent Opening 5ize of No. 20 (max}, per ASTM D4751 C. Sandbag Material 1. Furnish sandbags tneeting Section 2.5 excepi that at�y gradation of aggregate may be used. to �11 the sandbags. D. Stabilized Canstruction Entrances 1. Provide materials that meet the details shown on the Drawings and this Section. a. Provide crushed aggregate for long and short-term construction exits. b. Furnish aggregates that are clean, hard, durable and free from adherent coatings such as salt, alkali, dirt, cIay, loam, shale, soft ar tlaky materials and organic and injurious matter. c. Use 3 to 5 inch coarse aggregate with a minimum thickness af 12 inches. d. The aggregate shall be placed over a geotextile fabric meeting the following criteria: 1} Tensile Strength of 300 pounds, per ASTM D4632 2} Punchu-e Strength of 12fl pounds, per ASTM D4833 3) Mullen Burst Rate of 600 psi, per ASTM D37$6 4) Apparent Opening Size of No. 40 (max), per ASTM D4751 E. Embankment for Erosion Control 1. Provide rrock, toam, clay, topsoiI or other earth materials that will form a stable embankment to meet the intended use. F. Sandbags 1. Provide sandbag matarial of pnlypropylene, pdyethylene or polyamide woven fabric with a minimum unit weight of 4 ounces per square yard, a Mullen burst- strength exceeding 30a psi, and an ultraviolet stability exceeding 70 percent. 2. Use natural coarse sand or manuiactured sand m�eting the gradation given in Table 1 to fill sandbag�. 44 3. Filled sandbags must be 24 to 30 tnches lang, 16 to 18 inches wide, and 6 to 8 45 incI�es thick. 46 Table � CITY OF FORT WORTH ROLLii*IG HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIQN DpCUMENTS F'LOW METER REPLAC�MENTS Revised December 20, 2012 CiTY PROIECT NO. 102056 312500-4 EROSION AND SEbIM�NT COIVTFtOL Page 4 of 9 1 Sand Gradation Sxeve # Maximu� Retained % b Wei ht) 4 3 ercent 100 80 ercent 200 95 ercent 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 24 G. Temporary S�diment Can�rol Fence 1. Provide a net-reinforced fence iising woven gea-tex�ile fabric. 2. Lagos visible to the traveling public will nat be allowed. a. Fabric 1) Pro�ide fabric materials in accordance with DMS-6230, "Temporary Sediment Control Fence Fabric." b. Posts 1) Provide essentially straight wood or steel posts with a miniinum length of 48 inches, unless otherwise shown on �he Drawings. 2) Soft wood posts must be at least 3 inches in diameter or nominal 2 x� inch 3) Hardwood posts must have a minimum cross-section of 1-1/2 x 1-1/2 inch 4) T- or L-shaped steel posts must have a minimurn weighi of 1.3 pound,s per foot. c. Net Reinfarcernent 1) Pro�ide net reinforcement of at least 12-1/2 gauge galvanized welded wire mesh, with a maximum opening size of 2 x 4 inch, at least 24 inches wide, unless otherwise shown on the Drawings. d. Staples 1) Provide staples with a crown at least 3/4 inch wide and legs 1/2 inch long. 21 2.3 ACCESSORIES [N�T USED] 22 �.4 SOURCE QUALITY CONTROL [NOT USED] 23 PART 3 - EXECUTION 24 3.1 IN�TALLERS [NOT USEDj 25 3.�. EXAMINATION [NOT USED] 26 3.3 PREPARATION �NOT USED] 27 28 29 3a 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 3.4 IN�TALLATION A. Storm Water Pa�lutian Prevention Plan 1. Develop and implement the praject's Storm Water Pollution Prevention Pian (�WPPP) in accordance with the TPDES Construc�ion General Permit TXR150040 requirements. Prevent water pollution from stornl waier runoff by using and maintaining appropriate structural and nonstnich�ral BMPs to reduce pollutants discharges to the MS4 fram th� construction site. B. Control Measures 1. Implement coi�trol measures in the area to be disturbed before beginning construction, or as directed. Limit the disturbance to tI�e area shown on the Drawings ar as directed. CTI'Y OF FQRT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTiON SPECIFICATIOi+I DOCiIMENTS Revised December 20, 2012 ROLLII�fG HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT FLOW METER REPLACEMEI+FTS C1TY PRQlECT NO. 1U2�56 31250U-5 EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL Page 5 of 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ia 11 12 13 14 15 lb 17 2. Cantrol siie waste such as discarded building materials, concrete #ruck washout water, chemicats, �itter and sanitary waste at the canstruction site. 3. If, in the opinion of the Engineer, the Contractor cannot control soil erosion and sedimentatian resulting from construction operations, the Engineer will limit the disturbed area ta that which the Contractor is able to control. Minimize disturbance to vegetation. 4. Immediately correct ineffective contral measures. Implement additional controls as directed. Remove excavated material within the time requirements specified in the applicable storm water permii. 5. Upon accepta�ce of vegetative cover by the City, remove and clispose af all tezx�.poz�ary control measures, temporary embankmer�ts, bridges, maiting, falsework, piling, debris, or other obstructions pIaced during canstruction that are not a part of the finished work, ar as directed. C. Do nat lacate disposal areas, stockpiles, or haul roads in any wetland, water body, or streambed. D. Do not install temporary constnzction crossings in or across any water body without the prior approval of the appropriate resource agency and the Engineer. 18 E. Provide protected starage area for paints, chemicals, soIvents, and fertilizers at an 19 approved location. Keep paints, chemicals, solvents, and fertilizers off bare ground and 20 provide shelter for stored chemicals. 21 F. Installation and Maintenance 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 1. Perfarm wark in accordance with the TPDES Constructian General Permit TXR150000. 2. When approved, sediments rnay be disposed of within embat�kments, or in areas where the material will not contribute to further siltation. 3. Dispose of removed material in accordance with federal, state, and local regula#ions. 4. Remove devices upon approval or when directed. a. Upot� removal, finish-grade and dress the area. b. Stabilize disturbed areas in accordance wi�h the permzt, and as shown on the Drawings or directed. 5. The Con�ractor retains ownership of stockpiled material and must remove it from the project when new installations or replacements are no langer required. G. Rack Filter Dams for Erosion Control 1. Remove trees, brush, stUmps and other objectionable material that rnay interfere wiih the corzstruction of rock filter dams. 2. Place sandbags as a foundation when required or at the Contractor's option. 3. For Types 1, 2, 3, and 5, place the aggregate to the lines, height, and s�opes specified, without undue voids. 4. �or Types 2 and 3, place the aggregate on the mesh and then fold the mesh at the upstream side over the aggr�gate and secure it to itself on the downstream side with wire ties, or hog rings, or as directed. 5. Place rock �lter dams perpendicular to the flow of the stream or channel unless otherwise directed. CITY OF FORT WORTH ROLLIIVG HILL5 WATER TREATMENT PLANT STANDARD COI�€STit[JCTION SPECIFICATI03V I]OCUMENTS FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS Revised Qecamber 2D, 2012 CITY PR07ECT NO. 10205G 312500-6 EROSipN AND SEDIMENT CONTROL Pag;e 6 of 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1b 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 z� 28 29 30 31 6. Construct �ilter darns according to ihe followir�g criteria, unless atherwise shown on the Drawings: a. Type 1 (Non-reir�forced) 1) Height - At least i 8 inches measured vertically from existing ground to top of filter dam 2) Tap Width - At least 2 feet 3) Slopes - At most 2:1 b. Type 2 {Reinforced) 1) Height - A� least 18 inches measured verticalIy from existing ground to top of filter dara 2} Top Width - A# least 2 feet 3} Slopes - At mosi 2:I c. T�pe 3 {Reinfarced) 1} Height - At leas� 36 inches measured vertically from existing ground to top of filter dam 2} Top Width - At least 2 feet 3) Slopes - At most 2:1 d. Type 4 {Sack Gabions) 1} Unfold sack gabions and smooth out kinks and bends. 2) For �ertical filing, connect the sides by lacing in a single Ioop—double loop pattern on 4- to 5-inches spacing. At 1 end, pull the end lacing rad until tight, wrap axound ihe end, and twist 4 tinnes. At the �lli�g end, fil� with stone, pull the rod tight, cut the wire with approximately 6 inches ret�naining, and twist wires 4 times. 3} For horizontal filling, place sack flat in a filling trough, fi11 with stone, and connect sides and secure ends as described abave. 4} Lift and place withaut damaging the gabion. 5) Shape sack gabions to existing cantours. e. Type 5 1) Provide rock �lter dams as shown an the Drawings. H. Construction Entrances 32 �. When trackzng conditions exist, prevent traffic from crossing ar exiting the 33 construction site or moving �.irectly onta a public roadway, alley, sidewaIk, parking 34 area, or oth�r right of way areas other than at the location of constnzction entrances. 35 2. PIace the exit over a foundation course, if necessary. 36 a. Grade the foundation course or compacted subgrade to direct runoff from the 37 con.struction exits to a sediment irap as shawn on the Drawings or as directed. 38 3. At drive approaches, make suxe the constriiction entrance is the full width of the 39 drive and meets the length shown on the Drawings. 4� a. The width sha�l be at least 14 feet for 1-way and 24 feet for 2-vcray traffic far all 4I other points af ingress ar egress or as directed by fhe Engineer. 42 43 44 45 46 47 F. Earthwork for Erosion Control 1. Perform excavation and embankment operations to minimize erosion and to remove collected sediments from other erosion control devices. a. Excavation and Em6ankment for Erasian Control Measures ]) Place earth dikes, sr�ales or combinations of both along the low crown of daily lift placement, or as directed, to prevent runoff spillover. C1TY OF FORT WORTH ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT STANDARD CONSTRUCT'TON SPECIFICATION DOCUMGNTS FLOW METER REPLACEMENT3 Revised December 20, 2012 CITY PROJECT NO. 10205b 312500-7 EROSION AND SEDIMENT COAITROL Page 7 oF9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ia 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 I8 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3Q 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 2) Place swales and dikes at other loca�ions as shown on the Drawings or as directed to prevent runoff spillover or to divert runoff. 3} Construct cuts with the low end blocked with undisturbed earth ta prevent erosion of hillsides. 4) Constnict sedirnent traps at drainage strt�ctures in conjunction with other erosion control nneasures as shown on tIae Dxawings ar as directed. 5) Where required, create a sediment basin providing 3,600 cubic �eet of storage per acre drained, or equivalent control tneasures for drainage locations that serve an area with 10 or more disturbed acres at 1 time, not including offsite areas. b. Excavation of Sediment and Debris 1) Remove sediment an�. debris when accumulation affects the performance of the devices, aft�r a rain, and wh�n directed. J. Sandbags for Erosion Control 1. Construct a be� or dam of sandbags that will intercept sediment-laden starm water ninoff fram disturbed areas, create a retention pond, detain sediment and release water in sheet flow. 2. F'ill each bag with sand so t�at at least the top 6'rnches of'the bag is unfilled to allow for proper tying of the open end. 3. Place the sandbags with their tied ends in the same ciirection. 4. Offset subsequent rows of sandbags 1/2 the Iength oF the preceding row. 5. Pface a single layer of sa��dbags downstream as a secondary d.ebris trap. 6. Place additional sandbags as necessary or as directed for supplementary support to berms or dams of sandbags or earth. K. Tempo�ary Sediment-Cantral �'ence 1. Provide t�mporary sediment-control fence near the dawnstream perimeter of a disturbed area to intercept sediment from sheet flow. 2. Incorparate the fence into erosion-control measures used to control sediment in areas ot' highar flo�r. Install the fence as shor�n on the Drawings, as specified in this Section, or as directed. a. Post InstalIation 1} Embed posts at least 18 inches deep, ar adequately anchor, if in rock, with a spacing of 6 to 8 feet and install on a stight angle �oward the run-aff source. b. Fabric Anchoring 1) Dig trenches along the uphill side af the fence to anchor 6 to 8 inches of fahric. 2) Provide a minimum trench cross-section of 6 x 6 inches 3) P1ace the fabric against the side of the trench and align approximately 2 inches af fabric along the bottom in the upstream direction. 4} Backfill the trenc�i, then hand-tamp. c. Fabric and Net Reinforcement A�tachment 1) Unless othez-wise showr� under the Drawings, attach t�ie reinforcement to wooc�.en posts wifh staples, or to steel pasts with T-clips, in at least 4 pIaces equally spaced. 2} Sewn vertical pockets may be used to attach reinforcement to end posts. 3} Fasten �he fabric to the top strand of reinforcement by hog rings or card every 15 inches or less. CITY OF FORT WORTI-I STANDARI] CONSTRUCTIbN Si'�CIFICATION I]OCUMENTS Revised December 20, 2012 ROLLING HILLS WATE12 TREATMENT PLANT FLOW METER REPLACEMEA]T5 CITY PRQ7ECT NO. 102056 312500-5 EttOSION AND SEDIME�'T CONTROL Page 8 of 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 d. Fabric and Net 5plices �) Locate splices at a�'ence post with a rninimum Iap of 6 inches attac�ied in at least 6 places equally spaced, unless atherwise shown under the Drawings. a) Do not locate spiices in concentrated flow areas. 2) Requiremen#s for installatian of used temporary sediment-control fence include the following: a) Fabric with minimal or na visible signs of biodegradation (weak fibers) b) �'abric withaut excessive patching (more than 1 patch every 15 to 20 feet) c) Posts without bends d) Backing without holes 12 3.� REPAIR/RESTORATION [NOT USEDJ 13 3.6 RE-INSTALLATION [NOT USED] 14 3.� FIELD [ox] SITE QUALITY CONTROL �NOT USEDJ 15 3.8 SYSTEM �TARTUP �NOT USED] 16 3.9 ADJU,STING [NOT USED] 17 3.10 CLEANING 18 A. Waste Management 19 1. Remove sediment, debris and litter as needed. 20 311 CLOSEOUT ACTIVITIES 21 A. Erosion control measures remain in p�ace and are maintained until ali soil disturbing 22 activities at the project site ha�e been completec�. 23 B. Establish a uniform vegetative cover with a density of 70 percent on all unpaved areas, 24 on areas not covered by permanent stnictures, or in areas where permanent erasian 25 control measures (i.e. riprap, gabions, or geotextilas} have been emplayed. 2b 3.1� PROTECTION [NOT USED] 27 3.13 MAINTENANCE 28 A. Install and maintain �he iniegrity of temparary erosion and sedixnentation control 29 devices ta accumulate silt and debris until earthwark construction and permanent 30 erosion control features are in place or the disturbed area has been adequately stabilized 31 as determined by the Engineer. 32 B. If a device ceases to function as intended, repair or replace the device or portions 33 thereof as necessary. 34 35 36 37 C. Perform inspections af the construction site as prescribed in the Construction General Perrtzit TXR150000. D. Records of inspectians and modifications based on the results of inspections must be maintained and available in accardanc� with the permit. CIT'Y OF PQRT �ORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DQCUMENTS Revised December 2�, 2012 ROLLING HILLS WAT�R TREATMENT PLANT FLOW IvIETER REPLACE11�iENTS CITY PR03ECT NO. i 02056 312500-9 ERpSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL Page 9 of 9 3.i4 ATTACHMENTS [NOT USED] END OF SECT�ON Revision Log DATE NAME SUMMARY OF CHANG� GTCY pF FORT WORTH S"CANDARD CONSTRUCTION SFECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised December 20, 2012 ROLLING I�ILLS WATEIZ TREATMENT PLANT FLbW METER REPLACEMENTS CITY PROJECT NO. 102056 320129-i CONCRL.TE PAVIIVG REFAIR Page 1 of4 �a SECTION 32 O1 29 CONCRETE PAVING REPAIR 3 PART1- GENERAL 4 1.1 SUMMARY 5 A. Section includes: 6 7 S 9 10 11 12 1. Concrete pavement repair to include, but not limited to: a. Lltility cuts {water, san'rtary sewer, drainage, etc.) b. Warranty work c. Repairs of damage caused by Contxactor d. Any other concrete pavement repair needed during the course of constr�iction B. Deviatians from this City ofFort Worth 5tandard Specification 1. Non�. 13 C. Related Specification Sections incluc�e, but are nat necessarily, limited to: 14 1, Di�ision 0- Bidd'rng Requirements, Cant7ract �o�-r�ns, and Conditions of the Contract t5 2. Division 1- General Requirements 16 3. Sectian 32 O1 1$ - Temporary Asphalt Paving Repair 17 4, Section 32 12 16 - Asphalt Paving 18 5. Section 32 13 13 - Cancrete Paving 19 6. Section 33 OS 10 - Utility Trench Excavation, Embedment and Backfill 20 1.� PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES 2I 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 24 3b 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 A. Measurement and Payment 1. Concrete Pavecnent Repair a. Measurement 1) Measurement for this Item shall be by the square yard of Concrete Pavement Repair for various: a} Street types 2) Limits af repair will be based on the time af service of the existing pavement. The age of the pave�nen� will need to be determined by the Engineer thraugh coordination with the City. For pavement agcs: a} 10 years or less: repair entire panel b} Greater than 14 years: repair to limits per Dra�vings b. Payment 1) The work performed and materials furnished in accordance with this. Item and measured as provided under "Meastu'ement" s�iall be paid for at the unit price bid per square yard of Concrete Pavement Repair c. The price bid shall include: 1) Shaping a�d fine grading the placement area 2) Furnishing and applying all water required 3) Furnishing, loading and unloading, storing, hauling and handling all concrete C1TY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CQNSTRUCTIQN SPECiFiCATION 170CUMENTS Revised I?ecember 20, 2a12 ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT FLOW IViETER REPLACEMENTS CITY PRp7ECT NO. 1 p2056 32 Ol 29 - 2 CONCRETE PAVING REPAIIZ Page 2 of 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1.3 �4) Furnishing, loading and unloading, storing, hauIing and handling all base mat�rial 5) Mixing, placing, finishing and c�zring alI concrete 6} Furnishing and installing reinforcing steel 7} Furnishing al� znaterials and placing Iongitudinal, warping, expansion and cantraction joints, including all steel dowels, dowel caps and laad transmissian units required, wire and devices for placing, holding and supporting the steel bar, load transmission units, and joint filler in the proper position; for coat�ng steel bars where required by the Drawings 8} Sealing joints 9} Monalithically poured curb 10) Cleanup REFERENCES [NOT USED] 14 1.4 ADMIIVISTRATIVE REQUIREMENT� 15 16 l7 18 19 20 1.� A. Permitting 1. Obtain Street Use Permit to make utility cirts in tk�e street fi-om the Transportation and Pubiic Works Department in conformance with current ordinances. 2. Transportatian and Public Works Department will inspect paving repair after construction. SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 21 1.6 ACTION SUBMITTALS/INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS 22 A. Concrete Mix Design: submit for approval in accordance with Section 32 13 13. 23 Li CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 24 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALS �NOT [ISED� 25 1.9 QUALITY ASSURA.NCE [NOT USED] 2G l.10 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING [NOT USEDj 27 l.l l FIELD CONDITIONS 28 A. Weather Conditions: Place concrete as specified in Section 32 13 13. 29 1.12 WATt1tANTY [NOT USED] 30 PART 2 -. PRODUCTS 31 2.1 OWNER-FURNISHED PRODUCT� [NOT USED] 32 2.� MATERIALS 33 A. Embedment and Back��l: see Seciion 33 OS 10. 34 B. Base materiaI: Concrete base: se� Section 32 13 13. 35 C. Concrete: see Section 32 13 13. 36 1. Concrete paving: Clas� H ar Class HES. C1TY OF FORT WORTH ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT FLANT STANUARD COAiSTIZUCTION SPECIF[CATION DOCUMENTS FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS Revised December 20, 2012 CITY PROJECT Np. 1�2056 32 a� 29 - 3 CONCRETE PAVING REPAIR Page 3 oi4 1 2. Replace cancrete to the specified thickness. 2 2.3 ACCESSORIES [N�T USED] 3 2.4 SOURCE QUALITY CONTROL [NOT USED] 4 PART 3 - EXECUTION 5 3.1 INSTALLERS [NOT USED] 6 3.2 EXAMINATIQN [NOT U�ED] 7 3.3 PREPARATIQN 8 A. Replace a continuous section if muitiple repairs are claser than 10 feet apart from edge 9 of ane repair to the edge of a second repair. 10 B. If the cut is to be coverad, use steel plates of sufficient strength and thicknass to support 11 traffic. I2 1. Construct a transition of hot-mix or cold-mix asphalt from the top of the steei plate 13 ta the existing pavement to create a smoath riding surface. 14 a. Hot-mix or coid-mix asphalt: conform to �he requirements of Section 32 12 16. 15 C. Surface Preparation: mark pavement cut repairs for approval by the Ci#y. 16 3.4 INSTALLATIQN 17 18 19 20 2I 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 A. Sawing 1. General a. Saw cut perpendicular to the surface to full pavement depth. b. Saw cut the edges of pavement and appurtenances damaged subsequent to sawing ta remave damaged areas. c. Such saw cuts shall be parallel to the ariginal saw cut and to neat straight lines. 2. Sawing equipment a. Power-driven b. Manufact�ired for the purpose of sawing pavement c. In good operating condition d. Shall not spall or facture concrete adjacent to the repair area 3. Repairs: In tnie and straight lines to dimensians shown an the Drawings 4. Utility Cuts a. In a true and straight line an both sides of the trench b. Minimum of 12 inches outside the trench walls 5. Prevent dusi and residues from sawing frorn entering the atmosphere or drainage facilities. B. Removal 1. Use ca�-e in r�moving cancrete to be repaired to pravent spalling or fraeturing concrete adjacent to the repair area. C. Base: as specified in Drawings D. Concrete Paving 1. Concrete placement: in accordance with Section 32 13 13. CTI'Y OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION 3FECIFICATI�N DOCUM�NTS Revised December 20, 2U12 RO�.T,II�IG �TTC,LS WATER TAEATMENT PLANT FLOW METER AEPLACEN[ENTS CITX PRD7ECT NO. 10205b 32 01 29 - 4 CONCRETE PAVING REPAIR Page 4 of 4 � 2 3 4 5 b 7 8 4 la 11 �2 2. Reitaforce concrete replacement: as specified in Drawings 3.5 REPAIR/RESTORATION [NOT USED] 3.6 RE-iNSTALLAT�ON [NOT USED� 3.'� FIELD QUALITY CONTROL [NOT USED] 3.� SYSTEM STARTUP [NOT USED] 3.9 ADJUSTING [NOT USED] 3.10 CLEAN�NG [NOT U�ED] 3.11 CLOSEOUT ACTIVITIES [NOT USED] 3.1� PROTECTION [NOT USED] 3.13 MAINTENANCE [NOT USED] 3.14 ATTACHMENTS [NOT USED] END OF SECTION Revision Log DATE NAME SUMMARY OF CHANGE 1.2.A — Modified Items to be included in price bid; Added blue text for clarification 12/20/2012 D. 7ohnson of repair width on utility trench rapair 2.2.C.1 — Changed to Class P to Class H 13 CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTIpN SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised I7ecemUer 20, 2012 ROLLING i3iLL5 WATER TREATMENT PLANT FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS CITY PROJECT NO. 102056 32 13 13 - E CQNCItSTE PAVING Page 1 of 21 1 2 SECTION 32 13 l.3 CONCRETE PAVING fc� 7�:711f �e�_31►1 �!_:7l � 4 1.1 SUMMARY 5 A. Section includes: 6 7 S 9 1. Finished pavement canstructed of portland cement concrete including monolithical�y poured curb on the prepared subgrade or other base course. B. Deviations fram this City of Fort Worth Standard Specificatian 1. None. 10 C. Related Specification Sections include, but are not necessarily Ii�nited to: 11 1. Division 0- Bidding Requireznents, Contract For�ns, and Conditians of the Cont7ract 12 2. Division 1- General Requirements 13 3. Section 32 01 29 - Concrete Paving Repair 14 4. Sect�an 32 13 73 - Concrete Paving Joint Sealants 15 1.� PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES lb 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2b 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 A. Measurement 1. Measurement a. Measurement for this Item shail be by the square yard of completed and accepted Concrete Pavement in its final position as measured from back of curb for various: 1} Classes 2) Thiclrnesses 2. Paymeni a. The wark performed and materials furnished in accordance with this Item will be paid for at the unit price bid per square yard of Concrete Pavement. 3. The price bid shall include: a. Shaping and fine grading the placement area b. Furnishing and applying a11 water required c. Furnishing, loading and unloading, storing, hauling and handling all concrete ingr�dients including aIl freight and rayalty involved d. Mixing, placing, finishing and curing all concrete e. Furnishing and installing all reinforcing steel f. Furnishing all materials and placing langitucEinal, warping, expansion, and contractian joints, including all steet dowels, dowel caps and load transmissian units required, wire and devices for placing, holding and supporting the steel bar, Ioad transrnission units, and joint filler material in the praper position; for coating steel bars where required by the Drawings g. Sealing joints h. Monolithically poured curb i. Cleanup CITY OF FORT WORTI� STANDARD CONSTAUCTION SP�CIF'1CAT10N DOCUME�FTS Revised December 20, 2012 ROI,LING �IIT.I.S WAT�.[i T[tEATMENT PLANT FLOW M�TER REPLACEMENT$ Cl'�'Y PR07�CT NO. 102056 32 13 13 - 2 CONCRETE PAVING Page 2 of 21 1 1.3 REFERENCE,S 2 A. Reference Standards 3 4 5 b 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 3�} 35 36 1 2. 3 Reference standards cited in this specification refer to the current reference standard published at the time of the Iatest revision date logged at the end of this specification, unless a date is specifically cited. ASTM In#ernational (A�TM): a. A615/AG15M, Deformed and Plain Biliet-Steel Bars for Concrete Reinforcement b. C31, 5tandard Practice for Making and Curing Concrete Test Specimens in the Field c. C33, Concrete Aggregates d. C39, Standard Test Method for Compressive Strength of CylindricaI Concrete Specizxaens e. C42, Standard Test Method for Obtaining and Testing Drilled Cares anct Sawed Beams of Concrete f. C94/C94M, �tandard Specifications for Ready-Mixed Conerete g. C] Sd, Portland Cement h. C156, Water Retention by Concrete Curing Materials i. C172, �tandard Practice for Sampling Freshly Mixed Concrete j. C260, Air Entraining Admixtures for Concrete k, C309, Liquid Membrane-Forming Compounds for Curing Conerete, Type 2 1. C494, Chemical Admixtures for Concrete, Types "A", "D", "F" and "G" m. C618, Coal Fly Ask� and Raw or Calcined Natural Pozzolan for use as a Mineral Admixture in Concrete n. C8$ l, Standard Specification for Epoxy-Resin-Base Bonding 5ystems for Concrete o. C1064, Standard Test Methad %r Temperature of Freshly Mixed Hydraulic- Cement Concrete p. C1602, Standard 5pecification for Mixing Wat�r Used in the �raduction of Hydraulic Cement Concrete. q. D698, Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil Using Standard Etfort (12,400 ft-lbf/f�3) American Concrete Institute (ACI}: a. ACI 305.1-06 Specification for Hot Weather Concreting b. ACI 306.1-90, Standard Speciiication for Cold Weather Conereting c. ACI 318 37 1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS [NOT USED] 38 1.� SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 39 1.6 ACTION SUBMITTALS/INFORMATIONAL �UBMITTALS 40 A. Mix Design: submit for approval. See Item 2.4.A. C1TY OF FORT WORTH ROLLING HILLS WA'FER TREATMENT PLAI�fT STANDARD CONSTKUCTION SPECIFICATiON DOCUMENTS FLQW METER REPLACEMENTS Revised December 20, 2012 CITY PROJECT NO. 102056 32 13 13 - 3 CONCRETE PAVING Page 3 oi21 1 1.'� CLO�EOUT SUBMITTALS [NOT USED� 2 1.S MAINTENANCE MATERIAL �UBMITTALS [NQT USED] 3 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE [NOT USED] 4 1.10 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING [NOT USED] 5 1.I1 FIELD CONDITIONS G 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1� 15 1$ 17 18 19 20 21 2z 23 24 A. Weather Conditions 1. Place concrete when concrete temperature is between 40 and 100 degrees when measured in accordance with ASTM C 1064 at point of placement. 2. Hot Weather Concreting a. Take immediate carrective action or cease paving when the ambient temperature exceeds 95 degrees. b. Conerete paving operations shall be approved by the City when the concrete temperature exceeds 100 c�egree,s. See Standard Specifzcation for Hot Weather Concreting (ACI 3Q5.1-a6). 3. Cold Weather Concreting a. Do not place when ambient temp in shade is belaw 40 degrees and falling. Concrete may be placed when am6ient temp is above 35 degrees and rising or above 40 degrees. b. Concrete paving operations shall be approved by the City when ambient temperature is belovv 40 degrees. See Standard Speci�cation for Cold Weather Concreting {ACI 306.1-90). B. Time: Place concrete after sunrise and no later than shall permit the finishing af the pavement in natural light, or as directed by the City. 1.12 WARRANTY [N�T USED] 25 PART � - PRODUCTS 26 2.1 OWNER-FURNISHED PRODUCTS [NOT USED] 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 2.2 MATER3ALS A. Cementitiaus Material: ASTM C150. B. Aggregates: ASTM C33. C. Water: ASTM C1642. D. Admixtures: When admixttiu-es are used, conform to the appropriate specification: 1. Air-Entraining Admixtures for Concrete: ASTM C260. 2. Chemical Admixtures for Concrete: ASTM C494, Types "A", "D", "F" and "G." 3. Rly Ash a. Coal Fly Ash and Raw or Calcined Natural Pozzolan for Use in Concrete: ASTM C618. b. Fly ash rnay be substituted at one pound per pound of cement up to 25% of the specified cement content when such batch design is approved by the Engineer. CITY OF FORT WORTH ROLLR�fG HILLS VHATER TREATMENT Pf,ANT STANDARD CONSTRUCF��N SPECIFICATION DOCUMCIdTS FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS Revised December 2a, 2012 CITY PROJECT NO. 102056 3z a3 �3 -a CONCRETE PAVING Page 4 of2t 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 la 11 12 13 14 E. Steel Reinforcement: ASTM A615. F. Steel Wire Reinforcement: Not used for concrete pavement. G. Dowels and Tie Bars 1. Dowei and ti� bars: ASTM A615. 2. Dowel Caps a. Provide dowet caps with enough range of movement to alIow carr�plete closure of th� expansian joint. b. Caps far dowel bars shall be of the length shown an the Drawings and shall have an intemal diameter sufficient to permit the cap to freely slip over the bar. c. In no case shall the internal diameter exceed t�e bar diameter by more I/8 inch, and one end of the cap shali he rightly closed. 3. Epoxy for powel and Tie Bars: ASTM C$81. a. See following table for approved producers of epoxies and adhesives Pre-Qualified Producers of Epoxies and Adhesives Product Name Producer Concresive 1420 BASF HTE-Sa Hilti T 308 + Powers Fasteners P � 1000+ Fowers Fasteners G� Aamset-Redhead Epcon G-5 Ramset-Redhead Pro-Poxy-300 Fast Tube Unitex Shep-Paxy TxIII CMC Constructian Services Ultrabond 1300 Tubes Adhesives Teck�nology Ultrabone 2300 N,S. A-22-2300 Adhesives Technology SIow Set Dynapoxy EP-430 Pecora Corp. EDOT ,5impson Strong Tie ET22 Simpson Strong Tie SE'f' 22 Simpson Strong Tie �pecPoxy 3000FS SpecChem IS is 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 b. Epoxy Use, Starage and Handling 1) Package components in airtight containers and prot�ci from light and moisture. 2) Includ.e detailed instructions for the application of �he material and alI safery information and warnings regarding contact with the connpozzents. 3} Epoxy label requirements a) Resin or hardener components b) Brar�d name c) Name of manufacturer CITY OP FOR'C' VWORTH STANDARD CONSTRLICTION SPECIFICATIOIrI DOCUNI8NT5 Revtsed December 20, 2012 ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS CITY PR07ECT NO. 102056 32 13 13 - 5 CDNCRETE PAVING Page 5 of 21 1 2 3 4 5 b 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1$ 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 4p 41 �2 43 44 �45 4) 5) b) 7) 8) d} Lot or batch number e} Tetnperature range for storage � Date of manufacture g} E�piration date h} Quantity contained Store epaxy anc� adhesive components at temperatures recommended by the manufacturer. Do �aot use damaged or previously opened contaaners and any material that shows evidence af crystallization, Iumps skinning, extreme thickening, or s�ttling af pigments that cannot be readily dispersed with narmal agitation. Follow sound environmental practices when dispasin� of epoxy and adhesive wastes. Dispose of all empty containers separately. Dispose of epoxy by campletely emptying and mixing the epaxy before disposal H. Rein%rcement Bar Chairs 1. Reinforcement bar chairs ar supports sha11 be af adequate s�rength to support the reinforcement bars and shall not bend or brea�c under the weight of the reinforcement bars or Contractor's personnel walking on the reinforcing bars. 2. Bar chairs may be made of inetal (free of rust), precast mortar or concrete blocks ar plastic. 3. Foz approval of plastic chairs, representative samples of the plastic shall show no visible indications of deterioration after immersion in a 5-percent solution of sadium hydraxide for 120-hours. 4. Bar chairs may be rej ected for failure to meet any of the requirements af this specification. I. roint Filler 1. Jaint filler is tYte material placed in cancrete pavement and concrete structures to a11ow for the expansion and contraction of the concrete. 2. Wood Boards: Used as joint filler for concrete paving. a. Boards for expansian joint filler shall be of the required size, shape and type indicated on the Drawings or required in the speciiications. 1) Boards shall be of seIected stock of redwood or cypress. T�ae boards shall be sound heariwood and shaIl be free fram sapwood, knots, clustered birdseyes, checks and splits. 2) Joint filler, baards, sha11 be smoofh, flat and straight throughout, and shall be sufficiently rigid to permit ease of installation. 3) Boards shall be furnished in lengths equal to the width between iangitudinal joints, and may be furnished in strips or scored sheet of the required shape. 3. Dimensions. The thickness af the expansian joint filler shall be shown an the Drawings; the width shall be not less than that shown on the Drawings, providing for the top seal space. 4. Rejec.tion. Expansion joint filler may be rejected for faiIure to meet any afthe requirements of this specifieation. 46 J. Joint Sealants. Provide J'oint Sealants in accordance with Section 32 13 73. C1TY OF FORT WORTH STANI}ARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUM��FTS Revised December 20, 2012 ROLLiNG IIIL�.S WATER TR�ATMENT PLANT FLOW ML,TER REPLACEM�NTS CITY PRQIECT NO. 102056 321313-6 CONCRETE PAVING Page G of 21 1 K. Curing Materials 2 1. Membrane-Forming Compounds. 3 a. Conform to the requirements of ASTM C309, Type 2, white pigmented 4 compound and be of such nature that it shall not produce permanent 5 discoloration of concrete surfaces nor react deleteriously with the concr�te. 6 b. The compot�nd shaIl produce a�rm, continuous uniform moisture-inapermeable 7 film free from pinholes and shalI adhere satisfactorily to the surfaces of da�np �a 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 i8 19 20 21 22 23 d. e. f. �• h. concrete. It shall, when applied to the darnp concrete surface at the specified rate af co�erage, dry to touch in 1 hour and dry through in not more than 4 hours under nor�nal conditions suitable for concrete operations. it shali adhere in a tenacious filrn without rurnning off or appreciably sagging. It shall nat disintegrate, check, peel ar crack during the required curing period. The compound shall not p��l or pick up under trafiic and shall disappear from the surface of the concrete by gradual disintegration. The compound shall be delivered to the job site in the mamifacturer's original containers anly, which shall be clearly labeled wiih the manufacturer's name, the trade name of the material and a batch number or symbol with which test sainples may be correlated. When tested in accordance with ASTM C156 Water Retention by Concrete Curing Materials, the Iiquid membrane-forming compound shall restrict the loss of water present in the test specicneza at the �ime of application of the curing compound to not more than D.01-oz.-per-2 inches of surface. 24 �.3 ACCESSORIES [NOT USED] 25 �.4 SOURCE QUALITY CONTROL 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 3S 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 �45 4�6 47 A. Mix Design 1. Concrete Mix Design and Contro� a. At least 10 calendar days prior to ihe start of concrete paving operations, the Contractor shail submit a design of the concrete mix it proposes to use and a fu11 description of the source of supply of each material component. b. The design oi the concrete rnix shall produce a quality concrete comptying with these specifications and sha11 include the following information: 1) Design Requirements and Design Summary 2) Material source 3) Dry weight of cement/cubic yard and type 4} Dry weight oi fly asi�/cubic yard and type, if used 5} Saturated surface dry weight of fine and coarse aggregates/cubic yard 6) Design water/cubic yard 7) Quaniities, type, and na�ne of admixtures with manufacturar's data sheets 8) Current strength tests or strength tests in accordance with ACI 318 9) Current Sieve Analysis and -200 Decantation of fine and coarse aggregates and date of tests 10) Fineness rnodulus of fine aggregate 11) Speciiic Gravity and Absorption Values of fine and coarse aggregates 12) L.A. Abrasion of coarse aggregates c. Once mix design approved by Ciiy, maintain intent of mix design and maximum water to cement ratio. CITY OF FORT WORTH RQLLING HILLS WAT�R TREATMENT PLANT STANDARD CONSTRUCTION 3PECIFICATION DOCUMENT5 FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS Revised December 20, 20l2 C1TY PROJECT NO. 102056 3z ia i3 - � CONCRET� PAVI�IG Page 7 of 21 2 d. No concrete may be placed on the job site until the mix deszgn has been apgroved by the City. 3 2. Quality of Concrete 4 a. Consistency 5 1) In general, tha consistency of concrete mixtures shall be such that: 6 a} Mortar shall cling to the coarse aggregate 7 b} Aggregate shall not segregate in concrete when it is transported to the 8 place of deposit 9 c} Concrete, when dropped directly from the discharge chute of the mixer, 1p shall flatten out at the cenfer of the pile, but the edges af the pile skrall 11 stand and not flow 12 d) Concrete and �nartar shall show no free water when removed from the 13 mixer 14 15 I6 1'7 IS 14 20 2I 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 A�2 43 44 45 46 e) Concrete shalI slide and nat flow inta place when transported in metal chutes at an angle of 30 degrees with �he horizontal f} Surface of the finished concrete shall be free from a surface film or laitance 2) When field conditions are such that additional m�oisture is needed for the final concrete surface �nishing operation, the required water shall be applied to the surface by hand sprayer only and be held to a minimt�m amount. 3) The concrete shall be workable, cohesive, passess satisfactory iinishing qualities and be of the stiffest consistency that can be placed and vibrated into a harnogeneous mass. 4) Excessi�e bleeding sha11 be avoided. 5) If the sirength or consistency required for the class of concrete being produced is not secured with the minimum cement specifie�. or without exceeding the maximum waterlcement ratio, the Contractor may Use, or the City may require, an approved cement dispersing agent (water reducer); or the Contractor shail fi�rnish additional aggregates, or aggregates with different characteristics, or the Contractor may us� additional cement in order ta produce fhe required results. 6) The additianal cement may be permitted as a temporary measure, until aggregates are changed and designs checked with the different aggregates or cement dispersing agent. 7) The Contractar is solety responsible for the quality of the concrete produced. 8) The City reserves the right �o independently verify the quality of the concrete fhrough inspection af the batch plant, testing of the variaus materials used in t�e concrete and by casting and testing concrete cylinders or beams an the concrete actually incorparated in the pavement. b. Standard Class I) UnIess otherwise shown an the Drawings or detailed specificatians, the standard class for concrete pa�ing for streets and alleys is shawn in the fiollowing table: CITY OF FpRT WQRTH 5TANDARI] CONS'fRUCTiDN SPECIFICATION DOCUM�NTS Re�ised December 20, 2012 ROI.LING HILL3 WATER TRSATMENT PLANT FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS CITY PROIECT NO. 1 Q2056 32 13 13 - 8 CONCi2�TE PAV[NG Page 8 of21 1 Standard Classes of Pavemeni Concrete Class of Minimum 2$ Day Min. Maximum Course Concrete' Cementitious, Coz�pressive, Waterl Aggregate Lb./CY Strength2 Cementitious, Maximum psi Ratio Size inch P 517 3600 0.49 1-1/2 H 564 4500 0.45 1-1/2 2 3 4 5 6 7 S 9 10 11 12 13 I4 15 16 1. All exposed horizontal concrete shall have entrained-air. 2, Mi�iimum Co�npressive Strength Required. 2) Machine-Laid concrete: Class P 3) Hand-Laid concrete: Class H c. High Early 5trength Concrete {HES) 1} When shown on the Drawings ar allowed, provide Class HES concrete for very early opening of pavements area ar Ieaveouts to traffic. 2) Design class HES to meat ihe requirements of class specified for concrete pavennent and a minimum compressive strength of 2,600 psi in 24 hours, unless other early strength and time requirements are shown on the Drawings allowed. 3} No strength overdesign is required. Standard CIasses of Pavement Concrete Class of Minimum 28 Day Min. Maximnm Course Conczete' Cementitious Compressive Water/ Aggregate Lb./CY Strength2 Cementitious Maximum psi Ratio Size, inch HES 564 4500 0.45 1-1/2 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 d. Slazmp 1) Slump requirements for pavement and related concrete shall be as specified in the followi�ng tabie: Concrete Pavement Slum R� uirements Cancrete Use Recommended Maximzun Design Acceptable and Placement Placement �lump, Slump, inch inch Sli -Form/Form-Ridin Pavin 1-1/2 3 Hand Formed Pavin 4 5 Sidewalk, Curb and Gutter, Concrete 4 5 Valley Gutter and Other MiscelIaneous Concrete 2) No concrete shall be per�a�itted with slump in excess of the maYimums shown. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIF[CATION DOCUMENTS Revised December 20, 2012 ROLLft�TG H[LLS WATER TitEATMENT PLANT �'I,OW METER REPLACEMENTS CTTY PROJECT NO. 102056 321313-9 CONCRETE PAVING Page 9 of 21 1 2 3 4 3) Any concrete mix faili�g to meef the above consistency requirements, although meeting the slump requirements, shall be considered unsatisfactory, and the mi� shalt be changed to correct such unsatisfactory conditions. 5 PART 3 - EXECUT�ON 6 3.1 INSTALLERS [NOT USED] 7 3.� EXAMINATION [NOT USED] 8 3.3 PREPARATION [NOT USED] 9 3.4 INSTALLATION 14 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 A. Equiptnent 1. AIi equipment necessary for the construction of this item shall be on the project. 2. The eq�ipment shall include spreading devices (augers), internal vibration, tamping, and surface floating necessary to finish the freshly placed concrete in such a manner as to provide a dense and homogeneous pavement. 3. Machine-Laid Concrete Pavement a. Fixed-Form Paver. Fixed-form paving equipment shall be pravided with farms ihat are uni£orz�nly suppor�ed on a very iirm subbase ta preveni sagging under the weight of machine. b. Slip-Form Paver 1} Slip-form paving equipment shall be provided with traveling side forms of sufficieni dimensions, shape and strength so as to support the concrete laterally for a sufficient Iength of time during placement. 2} City may rej ect use of 51ip-Form Faver if paver requires over-digging and impacts trees, zxzailbaxes or other impravements. 4. Hand-Laid Cancrete Pavement a. Machines that do not incorporate these features, such as roller screeds or vibrating screeds, shall be considered toals to be used in hand-laid concrete construction, as slumps, spreading methods, vibration, and other procec�ures are rnore common to hand methads than to machine methods. 5. City may reject equipment and stop operation if equipment does not meet requirements. B. Concrete Mixing and Delivery 1. Transit Batching: shall not be used — onsite mixing not permitted 2. Ready Mixed Concrete a. The concrete shall be produced in an approved method conforming to the requirements of this specification and ASTM C94/C94M. City shall have access ready mix to get samples of materials. b. City shall have access to ready mix plant to obtain material samples. c. When ready-mix cancrete is used, sa�nple concrete per ASTM C9� Alternate Procedure 2: 1} As the mixer is being emptied, indivzdual samples shall be taken after the discharge of approxirnately I S percent and 85 percent of the load. CTPY OF FORT WORTH ROLLING H[LL5 WATER TREA'FMEI�lT PLANT STAI�IDARD CdNSTRiJCTION SPECIFICATION DdCiJMENT5 FLOW METER itEPLACEMENTS Revised December 20, 2�12 CITY PR07ECT I+10. ] 02056 32 13 13 - 10 CONCRETE PAVING Page 10 of 21 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1p 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 z2 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3� 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 2) The method of �amipling s�all provide that the samples are representative of widely separated portions, but nat from the very ends of the batch. d. The mixing of each batch, after all materia�s are in the drum, shall continue until it produces a thoroughly mixed concrete of uniform mass as determined by established mixer perforrriance ratings and inspection, or appropriate uniformity tesis as describ�d in ASTM C94. e. The entire contents af the drutn shall be discharged before any materials are placed therein for the succeeding batch. �. Retempering or remixi�ng shall not be permitted. 3. Delivery a. Deliver concrete at an interval not exceeding 30 minutes or as determined by City to prevent cold jaint. �. Delivery Tickets a. For al� operations, the manufacturer of the concrete shall, be%re unloading, furnish to the purchaser with each batch of concrete at the site a delivery ticket on which is printed., stamped, ar written, #he following information to determine that the concrete was praportianed in accordance with the approved mzx design: 1) Nam.e of co�crete supplier 2) Seriai number of ticket 3) Date 4) Truck number 5) Name of purchaser 6} Specific designation of job (name and location} 7) Speci�c class, design identi�cation and designation of the concrete in conformance with tlaat employed in job specifications S) Amount of concrete in cubic yards 9) Time Ioaded or of first mixing af cernent and aggregates i 0} Water addea by receiver of concrete 11} Type and amount of admixtures C. Subgrade 1. When manipulation or treatment of subgrade is required on. the Drawings, the wor� shall be performed in proper sequence with t�e preparation of the suhgrade for pave�nent. 2. The roadbed shall be excavatad and shaped in conf�z7mity with the typical sections and to the lines and grad.es shown on the Drawings or established by the City. 3. All holes, ruts and depressions shall be filled and compacted with suitable materia� and, if required, tl�e subgrade shall be t�iaroughly wetted and reshaped. 4. Irregularities oimore than 1/2 inch., as shown by straightedge or template, shall be corrected. 5. The subgrade shall be uniformly compacted to at least 95 percent of the maximt�m d�nsity as determined by ASTM D698. 6. Moist�u�e content sha11 be within minus 2 percent to plus 4 percent of aptimum. 7. The prepared subgrade sha11 be wetted down sUfficiently in advance of placing the pavement to ensure its being in a firm and tnoist condition. 8. �ufficient subgrade shall be prepared in advance to ensure satisfactory prosecu�ion of the wark. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CpNSTRUCT[pN SPECIFICATIdN DOCUMENTS Revised December 20, 2012 R�LLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS CITY FROJECT NO. � 02055 32 13 13-11 COAICR�T� PAVING Page E 1 oi21 1 9. The Cantractor sha11 notify the City at least 24 hours in advance of its intention to 2 place concrete pavement. 3 10. After the specified maisture and density are achieved, the Contractor sha11 maintain � the subgrade moisttare and density in accordance with this Section. 5 11. In the event that rain. or other canditians may have adversely affected the condition 6 of the subgrade or base, additional �ests may be required as directed by the City. 7 D. Placing and Removing Farms 8 1. Placing Forms 9 a. Forms for machine-laid. concrete 10 1) The side forms shall be metal, af appra�ed cross section and bracing, of a 11 height no less than the pxescribed edge thickness of the concrete secfion, 12 and a minimum of 10 feet in length for each individual farrn. 13 2) Fonms shall be of ample s�rength and staked with adequate number of pins 14 capable of resisting the pressure of concrete �laced against them and the 15 thrust and the vibration of the construction equipmen� operating upQn them 16 without appreciable springing, setkling or deflectian. 17 3) The forms shall be free from warps, bends or kinks and shall show na 18 variation from the true plane for face or top. 19 4) Forms sha�l be jointed neatly and tightly and set with exactness to the 20 established grade and alignment. 21 5) Forms shall be set to line and grade at least 200 feet, w�iere �racticable, in 22 advance of the paving opera�ions. 23 6) In no case shall the base width be less than $ inches far a form $ inches or 2Q� more in height. 25 7) Forms must be in fir�n contact with the subgrade throughout their length 26 and base width. 27 8) If the subgrade becotnes unstable, forms shall be reset, using heavy stakes 28 or other additional supports may be necessary to provide the required 29 stability. 30 b. Forms for hand-laid conerete 31 1) Forms shall extend the fu�l depth of concrete and b� a minimum of I-1/2 32 inches in thickness or equivalent when wooden forms are used, or be of a 33 gauge that sha11 provide equivaient rigidity and strength when metal forms 34 are used. 35 2) For curves with a radius of less than 250 feet, acceptable flexible metal or 36 wood forms shall be used. 37 3) All forms showing a de�iation of 1/8 inch in 10 feet from a straight line 38 shall be rejected. 39 40 �41 42 2. Settling. When forrns settle over 1/8 inch under finishing operations, paving operations sha11 be stopped the forms reset to line and grade and the pavement then brought to t�e required section and thickness. 3. Cleaning, Forzns shali be thoroughly cleaned a�er each use. 43 4. Removal. 44 a. Forms shall remain in place until the concrete has tak�n its final set. 45 b. Avoid damage to the edge of t�ae pavement when removing farms. 46 c. Repair damage resulting from form removal and honeycombed areas with a 47 mo�tar m.'rx r�ithin 24 hours af�er form remova� unless otherwise approved. CITY OF FORT WORTH ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATIVIENT FLANT STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION f]OCUMENTS FI,OW METEit REPLACEMENTS Revised Aecember 2Q, 2p12 CITY PRpJECT NO. 1 �2Q58 32 13 13 - 12 CONCIZETE PAVING Page 12 of21 1 d. Clean joint face and repair honeycombed or damaged areas within 24 hours 2 after a bulkhead for a transverse constr�ction joint has been removed unless 3 otherwise appraved. 4 e. When forrtzs are removed before 72 k�ours after concrete placement, promptly 5 apply membrane curing compound to the edge of the concrete pavemer�t. 6 E, Placing Reinforcing 5tee1, Tie, and Dowel Bars 7 1. General 8 a. When reinforcing steel tie bars, dowels, etc., are required they shall be placed 9 as shown an the Drawings. 10 b. All reinfarcing steel shall be clean, free from rust in the %rm of loose or 11 objectionable scale, and of the type, size and dimensions shown on tl�e 12 Drawings. 13 c. Reinforcing barrs shall be securely wired together at the alternate intersections 14 and all splices and. shall be securely wirad at each intersection dowe� and load- 15 transmission unit interseCted. 16 d. All bars shalI be installed in their requzred position as s�aown on the Drawings. 17 e. The storing of reinforcing or siructural steel on completed roadway slabs 1 S generally shall be avoided and, whcre permitted, such storage shall be li�ited 19 to quantities and distribution that sha11 not induce excessive stresses. 20 2. Splices 21 a. Provide standard reinforcement splices by lapping and tying ends. 22 b. Comply with ACI 318 far minimum 1ap of spliced bars where not specified on 23 the Drawings. 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 �3 44 45 46 47 48 3. Installation at' Reinforcing Steel a. All reinfarcing bars and bar mats shall be installed in the slab ai the required depth below the fnished surface and supported by and securely attached to bar chairs installed on prescribed longitudinaI and transverse centers as shown by sectianal and detai�ed drawings on the Drawings. b. Chairs Assembly. The chair assembly shall be sirnilar and equal to that shown on the Drawings and shall be approved by the City prior to extensive fabrication. c. A#'ter the reinforcing steel is securely installed above the subgrade as specified in Drawings and as herein prescribed, no loading shail be imposed upor� the bar mats or individual bars before or during the placing ar finishing of the concrete. 4. Installation of Dowel Bars a. Install through the predrilled joint �ller and rigidly support in true k�orizontal and vertical positions by an assembly of bar chairs and dowel baskets. b. Dowel Baskets 1} The dowels shail be held. in positian exactIy parallel to surface and centerline of the slab, by a dowel basket t1�at is left in the pavement. 2) The dowel basket shall hold each dowel in exacily the correct position so irrm.ly that the dowel's position cannot be altered by concreting aperations. c. Dowel Caps 1) Install cap to allavv the bar to move not less than 1-1/4 inch in either direction. S. Tie Bar and Dowel PIacement a. Place at mid-dapth of the pavement slab, parallel to the surface. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CON3TRUCTION SP�CI�'ICATION DQCU3vIEIVT5 Revised December 20, 20 i 2 ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS CITY PROIECT NO. 102056 32 13 13 - 33 CdNCRETE PAVIIVG Page 13 of 21 1 b. Place as shown on the Drawings. 2 6. Epaxy for Tie and Dowel Bar Ins#allatian 3 1) Epoxy bars as shown on the Drawings. 4 2} Use only driIling operations that da not damage the surrounding operations. 5 3} Biow out drilled ho�es with compressed air. b 4} Conr�pletely fiil the drilled hole with approved epoxy before inserting the tie 7 bar inta the hole. � S 5} Install epoxy grout and bar at least 6 inches embedded into concrete. 9 F. Joints 10 f. Joints shall be �laced where shawn on the Drawings or where directed by the City. 11 12 2. The plane of all join�s shall make a right angle with the surface of the pavement. 3. No jaints sha11 hava an error in align�x�ent of more tk�an 1/2 inch at any point. 13 4. Joint Dimensions 14 a. The width of the joint shall be shawn on the Drawings, creating the joint 1 S sealant reservoir. 16 b. The depth of the joint shall be shawn on the Drawings. 17 c. Dimensions of the sealant reservoir shall be in accordance with manufactur�r's 18 i9 20 recotnmendations. d. After curing, the joint sealant shall be 1/8 inch to 1/4 inch below the pavement surface at the center of the joint. 21 5. Transverse Expansion Joints 22 a. Expansion joints shall be installed pexpendicularly to the surface and to the 23 centerline of the pavement at the locations shawn on the Drawings, ar as 24 approved by the City. . 25 b. Joints shall be of the design width, and spacing shown on the Drawings, or as 26 approved by the City. 27 c. Dor�el bars, shall be af the size and type shown on the Drawings, or as 28 approved by the City, and sha11 be installed at the specified spacing. 29 d. �upport dowel bars with dowel baskets. 30 e. Dowels shall restrict the free opening and closing of the expansion join and 31 shall not make planes of weaknesses in the pavement. 32 f. Greased Dowels for Expansion Joints. 33 1) Coat dowels with a thin fi�m of grease or other approved de-bonding 34 material. 35 2) Provide dowel caps on the lubricated end of each dowel bar. 36 g. Proximiry to Existing Structures. When the pavement is adjacent to ar around 37 existing structures, expansions joints sha11 be constructed in accordance wifh 38 the details shown on the Drawings. 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 b. Transverse Contractian Joints a. Cantractian or dummy joints shall be installed at the locations and at the intervals shown on the Drawings. b. Joints shall be of the design vvidth, and spacing shown an the Drawings, or as approved by the City. c. Dowel bars, shall be of the size and type shoum on the Drawings, or as approved by the City, and shall be installed at the specified spacing. d. Joints shall be sawed into the completed paver�ent surface as saon after initial concrete set as possible sa that some raveling of t�ie concrete is observed in order for the sawing process to prev�nt tuicontralled shrinkage cracking. CITY pF FOR'�' WORTH ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT STANDARD CON5TRUCTIOAi SPECIFICATION bOCUMENTS FLOW METBR REPLACENFENTS Revi sed December 20, 2012 CITY PROJECT NO. 102055 32 13 l3 - 14 COiVCRETE PAVING Page lA of2i I e. Trte joints shall be constructed by sawing to a 1/4 inch width and to a depth of 2 1/3 inch {1/4 inch pe�itted if limestone aggregate used.) of the actual 3 pavement thickness, or deeper if so indicated on the Drawings. � f Camplete sawing as soon as passible in hot weather conditions and within a 5 maximum of 24 hours after saw cutting begins under cool weather conditions. 6 g. If sharp edge jaints are being obtained, the sawing process shall be sped up to 7 the point where some raveling is obselrved. 8 h. Damage by biade action ta the siab surface and to the concrete immediately 9 adjacent to the joint shall be minimized. � 0 i. Any portion of the curing membrane which has been disturbed by sawing 11 operations shall be restored by spraying the areas with additional curing 12 campaund. 13 14 15 1G 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 7. Transverse Construction 7oints a. Construction jQints formed at the close of each day's work or when the placing af concrete has t�een stopped for 30-minutes or Ionger shalI be constructed by use of inetal or waoden bulkheads cut true tv the section of the �nished pavement and cleaned. b. Wooden bulkheads shall have a thickness of x�ot less than 2-inch stock material. c. Longitudinal bars shall be held securely in pIace in a plane perpendicular ta the suriace and at right angles to the centerline of the pavement. d. Edges slaatl be rounded to 1/4 inch raciius. e. Any surplus concrete on the subgrade shall be removed upon the resumption of the work. S, Longitudinal Construction Joints a. Longiiudinal construction joints shall be of the type shawn on the Drawings. 2& 9. Joint F'iller 27 a. Joint fiiler shall be as specified in 2.2.I of the size and shape shown on the 28 Drawings. 29 b. Redwood Board jaints shall be used for ai� pavement joints except for 30 expansion join#s tha# are coincic�ent with a butt joint against existing 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 �5 pavements. c. Boards with �ess than 2S-percent of moistu�'e at the time of installation sha11 be thoroughly wetted on the job. d. Green lurnber af much higher moisture content is desirable and acceptabie. e. The joint filler sha11 be appropriately drilied to admit the c�owel bars when required. £ The bottom edge of the filler shall extend to or slightly below the botto�n of the slab. The top edge shall be held approximately 1/2 inch below the finished surface af the pavement in order to allow the finishing operations to be continuous. g. The jaint filler may be composed of more than one length of board in the length of joint, but no board of a length less than 6 foot may be used unless atherwise shown on the Drawings. h. After the removal of the side iarms, the ends of the joints at the edges of the slab sh.all be care�ully opened for the entire dapth af the slab. 46 lfl. Joint Sealing. Routine pavement joints shall be filled consistent with paving details 47 and as specitied in Section 32 13 73. Materiats s�all generally be I�andled and 48 appiied according to the manufacturer's recommendations as specified in Section 49 32 13 73. CITY OP FORT WORTH AOLLING HiLLS WATER TREATMENT FLANT STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS PLQW METEit REPLACEM�NTS Revised December 20, 2012 CTI'Y PR07ECT NO. 1p205b sa �3 �a - is CDNCRETE PAVING Page 15 of21 1 G. Placing Concrete 2 1, Uniess other�vise specifed in the Drawings, the finished pavement shall be 3 constructed monolithically and constructed by machined laid method unless 4 innpractical. 5 2. The concrete shall be ra�idly deposited on the subgrade in successive batches and 6 shall be distributed to the required depth and for the entire width of the pavement 7 by shoveling or other approved methods. 8 3. Any concrete not placed as herein prescribed within the time limits in the follawing 9 table will be rejected. Titne begins when the water is added to the nrzixer. �o 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2Q 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Tem erature — Time Re uirements Concrete Te�-nperature M� Time -- minutes Max Time — minutes at oint af lacement no retardin a ent with retardin a ent 1 Non-A itated Concrete All tem eratures 45 45 A itated Concrete Above 90°F Time may be reduced by 75 Cit Above 75°F thru 90°F 6a 90 7S°F and Below 60 120 1 Normal dosage of retarder. 4. Rakes shall not be used in handling concrete. 5. At the end of the day, or in case of unavoidable interruption or delay of more than 3a minutes or langer ta prevent cold joints, a transverse construction joint shall be plac�d in accordance with 3.4.F.7 of this Section. 6. Honeycombing a. Special care shall be taken in placing and spading the cancrete against the fo�-nas and at all joints and assemblies so as ta prevent laoneycombing. b. Excessive voids and honeycombing in the edge of the paverr�ent, revealed by the r��noval of tha side forms, may be cause for rejection of the section of slab in which the defect occurs. H. Finishing 1. Machine a. Tolerance Limits 1} While the concrete is still worka6te, it shall be tested for irregularitzes with a 10 foot straighiedge placad parallel to tihe centerline of the pavement so as to bridge depressions and to touch all high spots. 2) Ordinates measured from the face of the straightedge to the surface af the pavement shall at no place exceed 1/1b i�ch-per-foot from the nearest point of contact. 3) In no case shall the ma�imum ordinate to a 10 foot straightedge be greater than 1/8 inch. CITY OF FORT WORTH ROLLING HILI,S WATER TRSATMENT PLANT STANDARD CONSTRUCTIQN SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS FLOW NiETER REPLACEMENTS Revised December 20, 2012 CITY PROIECT NO. 102056 32 13 13 - 16 CONCRET� PAVING Page 16 of 21 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 �2 13 14 15 16 17 4) Any surface not within the tolerance iimits shall be reworked and refinished. b. Edging 1) The edges of slabs and all joints requiring edging shali be carefully tooled with an edger of the radius rec�uired by the Drawings at the time the concrete begins to take its "seY' and becomes non-workable. 2} All such work shall be left srnooth and true to lines. 2. Hand a. Hand fnishing per�nitted only in intersections and areas inaccessible to a �nishing machine. b. When the hand nnethod of striking off and consolidating is permitted, tha concrete, as soon as placed, shall be approximatety leveled and then stnick off with screed bar to such elevation above grade �hat, when consolidated and fmislaed, the surface of the pavement shall be at the grade elevation shown on the Drawings. c. A slight excess of material shall be kept in front of the cutting edge at a11 times. d. The straightedge and joint finishing shall be as prescribed herein. 18 I. Curing 19 i. The curing of concrete pavement shall be thorough and continuous throughout the 20 entire curing period. 2i 2. 22 23 3. 24 25 26 4. 27 28 5. 29 30 6. 31 32 7. 33 34 8. 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 � 10 11 45 Failure to prrovide proper curing as herein prescribed shall be co�sidered as suf#'icient cause for immediate suspension of the paving operations. The curing method as herein specifi�d does not preclude the use of any of the other cammonly used methods of curing, and the City �nay approve another method of curing if so requested by the Contractor. If any selected methad of curing does noi afford the desired results, the Ciry shall have the right to order that another methad of curing be instit�ted. After removal of the side forms, the sides of the stab shall receive a like coating before earth is banked against t�iem. The solution shall be applied, under pressure with a spray nozzte, in such a manner as to cover the entire s�u-faces thoroughly and completely with a uniform iilm. The rate of appiication shall be such as to ensure cornpletc covarage and shall not exceed 20-square-yards-per-gallon of curing compound. When tharoughly dry, it sha11 provide a continuous and flexi6le rnembrane, free fram cracks or pinholes, and shall not disintegrate, check, peel or crack during the curing period. If for any reason tha seal is broken during the curing period, it shall be immediately repaired with additional sealing solution. When tested in accardance with ASTM C156 Water Retentzon by Concrete Curing Materials, the curing compound shall provicEe a film which shall have retained within the test specimen a percentage of the moisture present in ihe specimen when the curing compound was applied according to the following. Contractor shall maintain and properly repair damage to curing materials on exposed surfaces of concrete pavement cont�nuously for a Ieast 72 hours. J. Monolithic Curbs CITY OF FORT WORTH ROLLR�IG HILLS WATER TREATM�NT FLANT BTANDA2D CQNSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIOAI DOC[IIVIENTS FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS Revised December 20, 20i2 C[TY PRQ7ECT NO. 102056 32 13 13-17 CONCRETE PAVING Page 17 of21 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I1 I2 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 I. Concrete for monoiithic curb shall be the same as for the pavement and, if carried back from the paving mixer, shall be placed within 20-minutes after being mixed. 2. After the concrete has been struck off and suff ciently set, the exposed surfaces shall be tharoughly worked with a wooden filat. 3. The exposed edges shall be rounded by the use of an edging tool to the radius indicated on the Drawings. 4. All exposed surfaces of curb shali be b�shed to a s�x�ooth and unit'orm surface. K. Alley Paving 1. Alley paving shall be constructed in accardance with the specifications for concrete paving hereinbefore described, in accordance with the details shown on the Drawings, and with the following additional provisions: a. Alley paving shall be constructed to the typical cross sections shown an the Drawings. b. Transverse expansion jaints afthe type shawn an the Drawings shall be constructed at the prop�rty lin� on each end of the aZley with a maximum spacing of 600 feet. c. Trans�erse contraction and dummy joints shall be placed at the spacing shown on the Drawings. d. Contraction and dummy joints sha11 be formed in such a manner that the required jaints shall be produced to the satisfaction oithe Ciry. e. All jaints shall be constructed in accordance with this specification and filled in accordanee with the requirement oi Sectian 32 13 73. L. Pave�nent Leaveouis 24 1. Pavement ieaveouts as necessary to maintain and pro�ide for local traf�c shall be 25 provided at location indicated on the Drawings or as directed by the City. 26 2. The extent and lacation af each leaveout required and a s�itable crossover 27 connectian to provide for traffic movements shall be determined in the field by the 28 City. 29 3.5 REPAIR 30 A. Repair af concrete pav�rnent concrete shall be cansistent with the Drawings anc� as 31 specified in Section 32 Ql 29. 32 3.6 RE-INSTALLATIQN [NOT USED] 33 3.7 ,STTE QUALITY CONTROL 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 �} 1 42 43 A. Concrete Placement Place concrete using a fully automated paving machine. Hand paving only permitted in areas such as intersections where use o�paving machine is nat practical a. All concrete pavement nat placed by hand shall be placed using a fully automated paving machine as approved by the City. b. Screeds will not be atlawed except if approved by the City. B. Testing of Materials Samples oi all materials for test shall be made at ihe exp�nse of the City, unless otherwise specified in the special provisians ar in the Drawings. CITY OF FORT WDRTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECiFiCATIpN DpCUMENT3 Revised December 20, 2612 ROLLING H1LL5 W1�TER TREATMEI�T PLANT FLQW METER REPLACEMENTS CITY PROJECT NO. 1 Q2056 32 13 13 - 18 CONCRETE PAVING Page 18 of 21 1 2. In t�e event the initial sampling and testing does not comply with the specifications, 2 alI subsequent testing of the material in order to determine if the material is 3 acceptable shall be at the Contractor's expense at the same rate charged by the 4 commercial labaratories. 5 3. All testing shall be in accordance with appIicable ASTM Standards and cancrete 6 testing technician must be ACI certi�ed or equivalent. 7 8 9 10 11 �2 13 14 15 lb 17 18 19 zo 21 C. Pavement Thickness Test 1. Upon completion. of the work and before final acceptance and final payment s�all be made, pavement thickness test shall he made by the City. 2. The number of tests and location shall be at the discretion of the City, unless othervvise specified in the special provisions or on the Drawings. 3. The cost for the initial pavement thickness test sha�l be the expense af the City. 4. In the event a deficiency in the thickness of pavement is revealed during narma� testing operations, subsequent tests necessary ta isolate the def ciency shall be at the Contractor's expense. 5. The cost for additional coring test shall be at the same rate charged by commercial laboratories. 6. Where the average thzckness of pavement in the area found to be deficien# in thickness by more than 0.20 inch, but not more than 0.50 inch, payrnent sha11 be made ati an adjusted price as speci�ed in the following table. Deficiency in Thicl�ness Propartional Part Determined b Cares Of Contract Price Inches Allowed 4.00 — 0.20 1 a0 percent 0,21 — 0.30 80 percent 0.31— 0.4a 70 percent 0.41 — 0.50 60 percent 22 23 2A 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 7. 8. 9. 10 11 Any area of pavement found deficieni in thicicness by more than 0.5� inch but not more than 0.75 znch or 1/10 of the thickness specified an the Drawings, whichever is greater, sha�l be evaluated by �he City. If, in the judgment of the City ihe area of such deficiency should not be removed and replaced, there sha11 be na payment for the area retained. If, in the judgment of the City, the area of such aeficiency warrants removal, the area shall be removed and replaced, at the Contractor's entire expense, with cancrete of the thicicness shown on the Drawings. Any area of pavement fo�nd de�'icient in thicIcness by more than 0.75 inch or more than 1/10 of the plan thickness, whichever is greater, shall be removed and replaced, at the Contractor's entire expense, with concrete of the thickness shown on the Drawings. No additional payment over the contract unit price shall b� rnada for any pavement of a thickness exceeding that required by the Drawings. 37 D. Pavement Strength Test CITY OF FORT WORTH AOLLING �TCLT,S WATER TREATMENT PLANT STAN]7ARD CQNSTRUCTIpN SPEC[F[CATION DOCUMENT5 FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS Revised Decem6er 2Q 2012 C1TY PRO]ECT NO. 142056 32 I3 13 - 19 CONCRETS PAVING Page 19 of 21 1 1. During the progress of the work the City shall provide trained technicians to cast 2 test cylinders for confarming to ASTM C31, to maintain a check on the 3 compressive strengths of the concrete being placed. 4 2. After the cylinders have been cast, they shall xemain on the jab site and then 5 transported, moist c�red, and tested by the City in accordance with ASTM C31 and b ASTM C39. 7 3. In each set, 1 of the cylinders shall be tested at 7 days, 2 cylinders shall be tested at 8 28 days, and 1 cylinder shall be held or tested at 56 days, if necessary. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 i9 20 21 4. If the 28 day test results indicate deficient stirengtla, the Contractor may, at its option and expense, core the pavement in question and have the cores tested by an approved laboratory, in accordance with ASTM C42 and ACI 318 protocol, except the average of all cores must meet 100 percent of the miiiimum specified strengt�, witta no individual core resulting in less than 90 percent of design strength, to o�erride the results of the cylinder tests. 5. Cyiinders and/or cores must meet minimum specified strength. If cylinders do not meet minimum speci�ed strength, additional cores shaIl be taken to identify the limits of deficient concrete pavement at the expense of the Contractor. b. Cylinders and/or cores must meet minimwn specified strength. Pavement not meeting the minimu�n speci�ied st�ength shall be subject fa the znoney penalties or rernoeal and placement at the Contractar's expense as show in the foliowi�g table. Percent Deficient Percent of Contract Price Allowed Greater Than 0 ercent - Not More Than 14 ercent 9Q- ercent Greater Than 10 arcent - Not Mare Than 15 ercent 80- ercent Greater Than 15 percent 0-percent or removed and replaced at the entire cost and ex ense of Cantractor as directed b Cit 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 7. The amount of penalty shall be deducted from payrnent due to Con�ractor; such as penalty deducted is to defray the cast of extra maintenance. 8. The strength req�irerrients for smzetures and other concrete work are not altered by the special provision. 9. No additional payment o�er the contract unit price shall be made for any gavement of strength exceeding that required by the Drawings and/or specifications. E. Cracked Concrete Acceptance Policy 1. If cracks exist in concrete pavement upon completion of #he project, the Froject �nspectar shail make a determination as to the need for action to address the cracking as to its cause and recommended remedial wark. Z. If the recommended remedial work is routing and sealing of the cracks to protect t�ae subgrade, the �nspector shall make the determination as io whether ta raut and seal the cracks at the time af finai inspection and acceptance or at any time prior to the e�nd of the project maintenance period. The Contractar shal� perforrn the routing and sealing work as directed by the Project Inspectar, at na cost to the City, regardless aithe cause ofthe cracking. CTTY OF FOR� WQRTH ROLLIIVG HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLAN'i 5TANDARI] CONS'fRUCTION SPECiFICATION bOCUMENT5 FLOW METER REPLAC�MEN'FS Re�ised December 2U, 2012 CITY PROJECT NO. 102056 32t313-20 CONCRETE PAVING Page 20 of 21 1 3. If remedial work beyond routing and sealing is determined to be necessary, the 2 Inspector and the Contractor will attempt to agree on the cause of the cracking. If 3 agreement is reached that the cracking is due to deficient materials or workmanship, 4 the Contractor shalt perform the remedial work at no cost to the City. Remedial 5 work in this case shall be limiied to removing and replacing the deiicient work wzth 6 new material and warkmanship that meets the requirements of the contract. 7 4. 10 11 ]2 13 14 15 16 17 18 14 20 21 22 23 24 25 2S 27 2$ 29 30 If remedia� work beyand routing and sealing is determined to be necessary, and the Inspector and the Contractor agree that the cause of the cracking is not deficient materials or workmanship, the City ma� request the Contractar to provide an estztxaate of the cost of the necessary remedial wark anci/or additional work to address the cause of the cracking, and the Contractor will perform that work ai the agreed-upon price if t�e Ciry elects to do so. If retaaedial work is necessary, and the Inspector and the Contractor cannot agree on the cause of the cracking, the City may hire an independent geotechnical engineer to per%rm testing and analysis to determine tlae cause o�the cracking. The cantractor will escrow 50 percent af the proposad costs af the geotechnica� contract with the City. The Contractor and the City shall use the services af a geotechnical firm acceptable to both parties. 6. If the geotechnical engineer determines that the primary cause of the cracking is the Contractor's deficient material or workrnanship, the remedial work will be performed at the Cor�tractor's entire expense and the Contractor wi1� also reimburse the City fQr the balance of the cost of the geotechnicaI investigation aver and above the amount that has previously been escrowed. Remedial work in this case shall be limited to removing and replacing the deficient w4rk with new material and workmanship that meets the requirements af the contract. 7. If the geotechnical engineer dete�ines that the primary cause of the cracicing is not the Contractor's deficient material ar workmanship, #he City wilI return the escrQwed funds to the Contractor. Tha Contractor, on reyuest, will provide the City an estimate of the costs of the necessary remediat work and/or additional work and will perforin the work at the agreed-upon price as directed by the City. 3 Y 3.8 SYSTEM STARTUP [NOT USED] 32 3.9 ADJUSTING [NOT USED] 33 3.10 CLEANING [NOT USED] 34 3.11 CLOSEOUT ACTIVITIES [NOT U,SED] 35 3.12 PROTECTION [NOT USED] 36 3.13 MAINTENANCE [NOT USED] 37 3.14 ATTACHMENTS [NOT USED] 38 5 C1TY dF FORT WORTH RQLLING H[LLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMEIVTS FLOW METER REPLACEIVIEI�iTS Revised Decemher 2D, 2012 CITY PROJECT NO. 102056 32 13 13 - 21 CONCRET� PAVING Page 21 qf 21 END OF �ECTION Re�ision i.og DATE NAME SUMMARY OF CHANGE 12/20/2012 1.2.A — Modified items to be included in price hid 05/21/2014 Doug Radernaker 2.2.D -� Modified to clarify acceptable fly ash substitution in concrete paving CIFY QF FORT WORTH STANDARI3 CONSTRUCTiON SPECIFICATI�N DOCUMENT5 Revised Decemher 2Q, 2012 ROLf.iIVG HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS CITY PROJECT Nfl. 10205G 321373-1 CONCRETE PAVIIVG dOI�TT SEALANTS Page 1 of 4 1 2 3 PART1- GENERAL SECTION 3� 13 93 CONCRETE PAVING JO1NT SEALANTS 4 1.1 �UMMARY 5 A. 5ectian Includes: g l. Specification for silicane joint sealing for concrete pave�nent and curbs. 7 B. Deviations from this City of �ort Worth Standard Speci�cation 8 1. None. 4 10 11 12 13 1.2 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 C. Related Specification Sections include, but are not necessarily limited to: 1. Division 0- Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms, and Conditions of the Contract 2. Division 1- General Requirernents 3. Section 32 13 13 - Concreie Paving PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES A. Measurement and Payment 1. Measurement a. Measure�nent for this Item shall be by the linear foot of Joint Sealant completed and accepted only when specit"ied in the Dravc+in.gs to be a pay item. 2. Paymen� a. The work perforrr�ed and materials fiu-nished in accordance wiih this Item are subsidiary to the variaus iterns bid and no other cornpensation will be a�lowed, unless specifically specif ed on Drawings. 22 1.3 REFERENCES 23 24 25 2b 27 28 29 30 A. Reference Standards 1. Reference standards cited in this Specif cation refer to the current re%r�nce standard published at the tirne of the latest revision date logged. at the end of this Specification, unless a date is specifically cited. 2. ASTM International {ASTM): a. DS$93, Standard Specification for Cold Applied, Single Component, Che�aically Curing Silicone Joint Sealant for Portland Cement Concrete Pavements 3� 1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENT� [NOT USED] 32 1.5 ACTION SUBMITTALS [N�T USED] 33 1.6 ACTION SUBMITTAL�/INFORMATIQNAL SUBMITTALS 34 A. Test and Evaluation Reports 35 1. Prior to installation, furnish certification by an independent testing laboratory that 36 the silicone joint sealant meets the req�irements of this Saction. C1TY OF FORT WORTH ROLLI3VG HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLAI�fT STANDAAD CONSTRUCTIdN SPECIFICATION DOCUMEN3'S FLQW METER REPLACEMENTS Revised December 20, 2012 CITY PR07ECT NO. 102456 321373-2 CONCILETE PAVING JOINT SEALANTS Page 2 of 4 1 2. Submit verifiable documentation that the �nanufacturer of the silicone joint sealant 2 has a minimum 2-year demonstrated, dacumented successful field performance 3 with concrete pavement silicone joint sealant systems. 4 1.� CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 5 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALS [NUT USED] 6 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE [NOT USED] 7 1.10 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING [N�T USED] 8 1.11 FIELD CONDITIONS 9 io 11 12 13 14 A. Do not apply joint sealant when the air and pa�ement temperature is Iess than 35 degrees F B. Concrete surface must b� clean, dry and frost free. C. Do not place sealant in an expansion-type joint if surface temperature is below 35 degrees F ar above 90 degrees F. 1.Z2 wAURANTy �NOT usEn� 15 PART 2 - PRODUCTS 16 2.� OWNER FURNISHED PRODUCTS [NOT USED] 17 2.2 MATERIALS & EQUIPMENT �8 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 A. Materials 1, roint Sealant: ASTM D5893. 2. Joint Filler, Backer Rod and Breaker Tape a. The jaint filler sop sha11 be of a closed cell expanded polyethylene faam backer rod and polyethylen� bond breaker tape of sufficient size to pro�ide a tight seal. b. The back rod and breaker tape sk�all be installed in the saw-cut joint to prevent the joint sealant from flowing �o the bottom of the joint. c. The backer rod ancl. breaker tape shall be compatibte with t�e silicone joint sealant and no bond or reactian shali occur between them. 2.3 ACCESSORIES [NOT USED] 2.4 SOURCE QUALITY CONTROL [NOT USED] 29 PART 3 - EXECIITION 30 3.1 INSTALLERS [NOT USED] 31 3.2 EXAMINATIQN [NOT USED] 32 3.3 PREPARATIQN [NOT USED� CITY OF FORT WORTH STAIVDARD COI�iSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUM�NT3 Revised December 20, 2fl12 ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMSNT PLANT FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS CITY PEiOJBCT NO. 102056 321373-3 CONCRETE PAVINC 30INT SEALANTS Page 3 of4 1 3.4 INSTALLATION 2 A. General 3 1. The silicone sealant sha11 be caid applied.. 4 2. Allow concrete to cure far a minimum of 7 days to ensure it has sufficient strength 5 priar to sealing joints. 6 3. Perfarm joint reservoir saw cutting, cleaning, bond breaker instaltation, and joint 7 seaiant placement in a continuous sequence of nperations. 8 4. See Drawings far the various joint deiails with their respective dimensions. 9 B. Equipment 10 1. Provide all n�cessary equipment and lceep �quipment in a satisfactory �wor�ing 11 condition. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 34 4a 41 42 43 44 45 2. Equipment shall be inspected by the City priQr to the beginning of the work. 3. The minimum requirements %r construction equipment shall be as follows: a. Concreie Savcr. The sawing equipment shall be adequate in size and power to complete the joint sawing to the required dimensions. h. Air Compressors. The delivered compressed air shall have a pressure in excess of 90 psi and shall be suitable for the removal of all free water and oil fram the compressed air. c. Extrusion Pump. The output sk�all be capable oi supplying a sufficient voIu�ne of sealant to the joint. d. Injection Tool. This rnechanical devFce shall apply the sealant uniformly into thejoint. e. Sandblaster. The design shall be for commercial use with air compressors as specified in this Section. f. Backer Rod Ro11er anc� Tooling Instrument. These devices shall be clean and free af contamination. They shall l�e compatible with the joint depth and vvidth requirements. C. Sawing 3oinis: see Section 32 13 13. D. Cleaning joints 1. Dry saw in 1 direction with reverse cutting b�ade then sand blast. 2. Use compressed air to remove the resuIting dust from the joint. 3. Sandblast joints after complete drying. a. Attach nozzle to a mechanical aiming device so that the sand btast will be directed at an angle of 45 degrees and at a distance of 1 to 2 inches from the face of the joint. b. Sandblast both joint faces sandblasted in separate, 1 directional passes. c. When sandblasting is complete, blow-out using compressed air. d. The blow tube shall �t into the joints. 4. Check the blown joint for residuai dust or other contamination. a. If any dust ar contamination is found, repaat sandblasting and blowing until the jaint is cleaned. b. Do not use solvents to remove stains and contamina�ion. 5. Place the bond breaker and sealant in the joint immediately upon cleaning. 6. Bond Breaker Rod and Tape: install in the cleaned joint prior to the application of the joint sealant. CITY OF FORT WORTH RQLLI3VG HILLS WATER TREATMENT P�,ANT STANIJARD CONSTRUCT[pN 3PECIFICA'i`ION DOCUMEiVT5 FLOW METER REFLACEMENTS Revised December 20, 2012 CTCY PROdECT NO. 102056 321373-4 CONCRETE PAViNG )OINT SEALANTS Pa$e a af4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 i0 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 3.5 3.10 CLEANING [NOT USED] 3.11 CLOSEOUT ACTIVITIES [NOT USED] 3.ia PxoTECTioN �NOT usEn� 3.13 MAINTENANCE [N�T USEDJ 3.14 ATTACHMENTS [NOT USED] 18 3.6 RE�INSTALLATION [NOT US�D] 19 3.'� FIELD QUALITY C�NTROL [NOT USED] 20 3.$ SYSTEM �TARTUP [NOT USED] 2 i 3.9 ADJUST�NG [NOT USED] 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 7. Do not Ieave apen, cleaned joints unsealed overnight. E. Joi�at Sealant 1. Apply the joint sealant upon placement of the bond breaker rod and tape, using the mechanical injection tool. 2. Do not seal joxnts unless they are clean and dry. 3. Remave and discard excess sealant teft on the �avement surface. a. Do not excess use to seal the joints. 4. The pavement s�rface shaIl present a clean final condition as determined by City, 5. Do not a11ow traffic an the fresh sealant until it becomes tack-free. �. Approval of Joints 1. The City may request a representative of the sealant manufacturer ta be present at the job site at the beginning of the final cleaning and sealing af joints. a. The representative shall demonstrate to the Contractor and the City the acceptable me�hod for sealant instailation. b. The representative shall approve the clean, dry joints before the sealing operation commences. REPAIRIRESTORATION [NOT USED] END OF SECTION Revision Log DA'T'� NAME SiTMMARY O�' CHANGE 29 CITY QF FORT WORTH ROLLING HILLS WAT�R TR�ATMENT PLANT 5TANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS FLOW METER REPLACEMENT5 Revised December 20, 2U12 CITY PR07ECT I�O. 10205G 321613-1 CONCItETE C[]RB A3VD GUTTERS AND VALLEY GiJTTER3 Page 1 oi6 1 2 3 SECTION 3� 1613 CONCRET� CURB AND GUTTERS AND VALLEY GUTTERS 4 PART1� GENERAL 5 l.l SUMMARY 6 A. Section Inchides: 7 1. Concrete Curbs and Gutters 8 2. Concrete VaIley Gutters 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1.� 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 B. Deviations from this City o€Fort Worth �tandard Speciiication 1. None. C. Related Specification Sectians include, but are not necessarily lazxaited to: 1, Division 0- Biddin.g Reqiiirements, Contract Forms, and Conditi4ns af the Contract 2. Division 1- General Rec�uirements 3. Section 02 41 13 - Selective Site Demolition 4. Section 32 13 13 - Concrete Paving 5. Sectian 32 l3 73 - Concrete Paving Joint Sealants PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES A. Measurement and Payment 1. Concrete Curb and. Gutter a. Measurement 1} Measurement for tk�is Itern shail be by the linear foot of Concrete Curb and Gutter. b. Payment 1) The wark performed and materials furnished in accordance with this Item and measured as provided under "Measurement" vvill be paid for at the unit price bid p.er linear foot of Concrete Curb and Gutter complete and in place by curb height. c. The price bid shall include: 1) Preparing the subgrade 2) Furnishing and placing ali materials, including t'oundation course, reinforcing steel, and expansion material 2. Concrete Valley Gutker a. Measuremen� 1} Measure�ent for this Item shall be by the square yard of Concrete Va11ey Gutter. b. Payment 1) The work perfarmed and mater�als furnished in accordance with this Item and measured as provided under "Measurement" will be paid for at ihe unit price bid per square yard of Concrete Va11ey Gutter complete and in place for: a) Various street types CITY OF' FORT' WORTH ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLAI�f'F STANDARD CONSTRUCTIOI�i SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS FLOW METER R�PLACEMENTS Revised October O5, 2016 C1TY PROJECT Nd. 102056 32 16 13 - 2 CQNCRETE CURB AND CrUTTERS AND VALLEY GUTTERS Page 2 of 6 I c. The price b.id shall include: 2 1) Preparing the subgrade 3 2) Furnishing and placing all materials, including foundation course, 4 reinforcing steel, and expansion materiat 5 1.3 REFERENCE�S [NOT USED] 6 1.4 ADMINI,STRATIVE REQUIREMENTS [N�T USED] 7 1.5 ACTION SUBM�TTALS [NOT USED] 8 1.6 ACTION SUBMITTALS/INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 9 14 1.� CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 11 1.9 QUAL�TY ASSURANCE [NOT USED] 12 1.10 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING �NOT USED] 13 111 FIELD COND�TIONS 14 A. Weather Conditians: See Section 32 13 13. 15 1.12 WARRANTY [NOT USED] 16 PART � - PRODUCTS 17 2.1 �WNER FURNISHED PRODUCTS jNOT USED] 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2.2 EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS A. Forms: �ee Section 32 I3 13. B. Concrete: 1. Unless otherwise shawn on the Drawings or detailed specifications, the standard class for concrete curb, gutter, and curb & gutter is shown in the following table: Standard CIasses of Pavement Concrete l zs 26 27 28 29 30 Class of Min'rmurn 28 Day Min. Maximum Course Concrete Cementitious, Compressi�e Water/ Aggregate Lb.ICY Strength C�mentitious Maximum psi Ratia 5ize, inch A 470 3000 0.5$ 1-1/2 C. Reinfarcernent: See Section 32 13 13. D. Jaint Fil�er 1. Woad Filler: sea Section 32 13 13. 2. Pre-Molded Asphalt Board Filler a. Use only in areas where not practicat far wood baaxds CIT'Y �F POAT WORTH STANDARD CQNSTR[ICTIDN SPECiFiCATTpN DOCUMENTS Rer+ised October p5, 20i6 ROLLING H7LLS WATER TE2EATMENT PLANT FLdW METER REPLACEMENTS CITY PROJECT NQ. 102056 32 16 13 - 3 CONCRETE CURR AND Gi7'I"f'8R5 AND VALLEY GU'f'T'�RS Page 3 of 6 i 2 3 4 b. Pre-moIded asphalt board filier: ASTM D545 c. Install the required szze and uniform thickness and as specified in the Drawings. d. Include two liners of 0.016 asphalt impregnated kraft paper filled with a mastic mixture of asphalt and vegetable fiber and/or rnineral filler. 5 E. Expansion Joint Sealant: See S�ction 32 13 73. 6 2.3 ACCESSORIES [NOT USED) 7 2.4 SOURCE QUALITY CONTROL (NOT USED] S PART 3 � EXECUTION 9 31 INSTALLERS [NOT USED] 10 3.2 EXAMINATION [NOT USED� 11 3.3 PREPARATION 12 A. Demolition / Remaval: See Section 02 4l 13. 13 3.4 INSTALLATION i4 A. Forms 15 1. Extend forzx�s the fuli depth of concrete. 16 2. Wood forms: miniinum of 1-1/2 inches in thickness 17 3. Metal Forms: a gauge that shall �rovide equivalent rigidiry and strength 18 4. Use acceptable wood or metal fortns for curves with a radius af less than 250 feet. 19 5. All forms showing a deviation of 118 inch in 10 feet from a straight line shall be 24 rej ected. 21 B, Reinforcing 5teel 22 1. Place all necessary reinforcement far City approval prior to depositing concrete. 23 2. All steel must be free iro�n paint and oil and all loose scale, rust, dirt and other 2�4 foreign substances. 25 3. Remove foreign substances frorr� steel before placing. 26 4. Wire all bars at their intersections and at alllaps or splices. 27 5. Lap all bar splices a minirnutn of 20 diarneters of the bar or 12 inches, whichever is 28 greater. 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 3b 37 38 C. Concrete Placement 1. Deposit c4ncrete to maintain a horizontal surface. 2. VVork concrete into aIl spaces and araund any reint'orcement ta form a dense mass free from voids. 3. Work coarse aggregate away from cantact with the forms 4. Hand-Laid Concrete — Curb and gutter a. Shape and compact subgrade to the lines, grades and cross section shown on the Drawings. b. Lightly sprinkle su�grade rnatar�al immediately before concrete p�acement. c. Deposit concrete into forms. C1TY OF FORT WQRTH ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT STANDARD CON5TTZUCTION SPECIFICATIOI3 I]OCUMENT3 FLQW METER REPLACEMENTS Revised October O5, 2016 C1TY PROJECT NO. 102456 32 16 13 - 4 CONCR�TE CUR.B A3�ID GiJTTERS AND VALLEY GUTTERS Page 4 of fi 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 i0 il 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 d. Strike aff with a template 1/4 to 3/8 inch less than tYte dimensions of the finished curb, unless oiherwise approved. 5. Machine-Laid Concre�e — Curb and Gutter a. Hand-tamp and sprinkle subgrade material before cancrete placement. b. Provide c�ean surfaces for concrete placeanent. c. Place the concrete with approved self-prapelled cquipment. 1} The forming tube af the extrusion machine or the farm af the slipform machine must easily be adjustable �vertically during the forward motion of the machine to provide variable heights necessary to conform to tlse established gradeline. d. Attach a pointer or gauge to the machine so that a continual comparisan can be made bettiveen the extruded or slipform work and the grade guideline. e. Brush finish surfaces imz�ediately after ext�-usian ar slipforming. 6. Hand-Laid Concrete — Concrete Valley Gutter: See Section 32 13 13. 7. Expansion joints a. Place expansion joints in the curb and gutter at 200-foot intervals and at intersection re�irns and other rigid structLu'es. b. P1ace toaled joints at I S-foot intervals or matching abutting sidewalk joints and pavement jaints ia a depfh of 1-1/2 inches. c. P1ace expansion joints at aIl intersections with concrete driveways, curbs, buildings and other curb and gutters. d. Make expansion joints na less than 1/2 inch in thickness, extending the full depth of the concrete. e. Make expansian joints perpendicular and at right angles to the face of the curb. £ Neatly trim any expansion material extending above the finished to the surface of the ��nished work. g. Make expansion joints in the curb and gut�er coincide with the concrete expansion joints. h. Longitud.inal dawels across the expansion joints in the curb and gutter are required. i, Install3 No. 4 round, smoath bars, 2�} inches in length, for dowels at eacl� expansion joint. j. Coat 1/2 of the dowel with a bond breaker and terminate with a dowel cap that provides a minimum of 1 inch free expansian. k. Suppart dovvels by an approved method. D, Curing: see Section 32 13 13. 37 3.5 REPAIRIRESTORATION [NOT USED] 38 3.6 RE-INSTALLATION [NOT USED] 34 3.7 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL 40 41 42 43 44 45 A. Inspections 1. Steel rein£orcenaent placernent 2. Headed bolts and studs 3. Verification of use of required design mixiure 4. Cancrete placement, including conveyi�ag and depositing 5. Curing procedures and maintenance of curing temperature CITI' OF FORT WORTH ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMEIVT PLANT STANDARD CONSTRUCTIQN SPECIFICATIOt� DOCUMENTS FI.OW MET�R REPLACEMEivTS Revised Qctaber O5, 2a16 CITY PRpJSCT NO. 102Q55 322613-5 COIVCR�TE CURB AND G[ITTERS AND VALLEY GU'T'7`E125 Page 5 of 6 l B. Concrete Tests: Perform testing of fresh concrete sample obtained according to 2 A�TM C172 with the iflllowing requireta�ents: 3 l. Testing Frequency: Obtain 1 fresh conerete sample for each day's pour of each 4 concrete mixture exceeding 5 cubic yard, but less than 150 cubic yard, plus 1 set far 5 each additianal 150 cubic yard or fraction thereof. 6 2. Slump: ASTM C 143; 1 Yest at point of placement far each concrete sample, but not 7 less than 1 test far each day's pour of each concrete mixture. Perfortn additional S tesis when cancret� consisiency appeaxs to change. 9 3. Air Content: ASTM C231, pressure method, for normal-weight concrete; 1 test for la each sample, but not less than 1 test for each day's paur of each cancrete mixture. 11 4. Cancrete Temperature: ASTM C1064; 1 test for each concrrete sample. 12 5. Compression Test Specimens: ASTM C31. 13 a. Cast and labaratory cure 3 cylinders for each fresh concrete sample. 14 1) Do not transport �eld cast cylinders until they have cuxed far a 15 minimum of 24 hours. 16 6. Compressive-Stre�gth Tests: ASTM C39; 17 a. Test 1 cylinder ai 7 days. 18 b. Test 2 cylinders at 28 days. 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3d 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 7. Upload test results into Buzzsaw within �$ hours of testing. Reports of compressive-strength tests shall contain Project identi�cation name and n�unber, date of cancrete placement, name of concrete tester and inspector, location of concrete batch in Work, design compressive strengih at 28 days, concrete mixiure proportians and materials, compressive breaking strength, and type of break for bath 7- and 28-day tests. S. Additional Tests: Additional tests of concrete shall be made vvhen test results indicate that slump, air entrainment, compressive strengths, or other City speczfication requirements have not been met. The Lab Services division may conduct or request tests to determine adequacy of concrete by cored cylinders complying with ASTM C42 or by other methods as directed by the Project Manager. a. When the strength �evel of the cancrete for any partion of the structure, as indicated by cylinder tests, falls below the specified requirements, provide improved curing conditions ancl/or adjustments to the mix design as required to obtain the required strength. If the average strength of the laboratory control cylinders falls sa low as to be deemed unacceptable, follow the core test procedure set forth in ACI 30i, Chapter 17. Locations of core tests shall be approved by the Project Engineer. Core sampling and testing shall be at Contractars expense. b. If the results of the core tests indicate that the strength of the structure is inadequate, ar�y replacement, load testing, or strength�ning as may be ordered by the PrQject Engineer shall be provided by the Contractor without cost to the Ciiy. 43 9. Additional testing and inspecting, at Contractor's expense, will be performed to 44 determine comptiance of replaced or additional work with specifie�. requirements. 45 10. Correct deficiencies in the Work that test reports and inspections indicate cl.oes not 46 compIy with the Contract Documents. 47 C1TY OF FpRT WORTH STANDARb CONSTRUCTIOIV SPECiFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised October O5, 2016 120LLING I-�JLI.S WATEIt TREATMENT PLANT FLdW METER RBPT,ACEMENTS CITY PROJECT 3�i0. 102056 321613-6 COIVCAETE CURB AND GUTTERS AND VALL�Y GUTT�CZS Page 6 of 6 1 3.� SYSTEM STARTUP [NOT USED] 2 39 ADJUSTING [NOT USED] 3 310 CLEANING [NOT USED] 4 3.11 CLQSEQUT ACTIVITIES [NOT USED] 5 3,12 PROTECTIQN [NUT USED] 6 3.13 MAINTENANCE [NOT U�EDj 7 3.14 ATTACHMENTS [NOT USED] 8 9 END OF SECTION Revision Log DATE NAME SUMMARY OF CHANGE 12/2012a12 D. Johnson 1.2.A.2. Modified payment item to �ary by s#reet type ]0/05/2416 Z. Arega Added Subsection 2.2.B.1 and �ubsection 3.7 10 CITY OF FORT WORTH ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT STANDARD C�NSTRUCTIDN SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS FLOW METER REPLAC�M�NTS Revised October O5, 201G CTTY PROJECT NO. 102D56 323113-1 CHAI3V i.INK FENCE AND GATES Page 1 af 7 SECTION 3� 31 13 2 3 PART1- GENERAL 4 1.1 SUMMARY 5 A. Section Includes: 6 7 8 9 1Q 11 12 13 14 15 1b 17 18 19 20 21 22 CHAIN L1NK FENCE AND GATES 1. Galvanized coated chain link (non-security} fencing and accessories in accordance with the City's Zoning Ordinance. 2. Wrought iron fencing and accessories 3. Steel tube fencing and accessories 9-. On utility projects: a. When existing fence is within the praject Site {i.e. para11e1 to the utility trench andlar within utility easemant) and is d.irectly disturbed by canstruction activities, fencing wilI �e paid for as listed in Article 1.2 below. b. When ex�sting fence is crassing the proposed utility trench, the wark performed and materiaIs f�mished in accardance with fence repiacement will be considered subsidiary to the trench and no ather compensation will be allowed. c. When existing fence is outside of the limits of the project Site or is identified as protected on the Drawings and is disturbed and/or by construction activities, replacement will be at t�e expe�ase of t�ie Contractor and no other compensatian witl be allowed. B. Deviations from this City of Fort Worth Standard Specification 1. None. 23 C. Related Specification Sections include, but are not necessarily limited to: 29� 1. Divisian 0- Bidding Requirenaents, Contraci Forms, and Conditions of the Contract 25 2. Division 1- General Requirements 26 1.� PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 AO 41 42 43 A. Measurement and Payment 1. Chain Link Fence a. Measurement 1) Measure�nent for this Item shall be by the linear foot of Chain Link �ence installed. b. Payment 1) The work performed an�. materials furnished in accordance with this Item and measured as provided undar "Measurement" will be paid for at the unit price bid per linear foot of Chain Link �ence installed for various: a} Heights b} Fabric materials c. The price b�d shall include: 1) �u�nisl�ing ar�t� installing all fence and gate materials 2} Mow strip, if shown in Drawings 3} Cleanup 4) Hauling 2. Wrought Iran Fence CITY OF FORT WOR'FH ROLLING HiLL5 WATER TREATMENT PLANT STANDAR� CQNSTRUCTIbN 5PECIFICATiON DOCUMENTS FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS Revised December 20, 2012 CITY PR07ECT NO. 102056 32 31 13 - 2 CHAIN LINK FENCE AND GAT�S Page 2 of 7 1 Z 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 3. a. Measurerrzent 1} Measurement for this Item shall be by �he linear foat af Wrought Iron Fence instalIed. b. Payment 1) The work performed and materials furnished in accordance with this Item and measured as provided under "Measurement" will be paid for at the unit grice bid per linear foot of Wraught Iran Fence installed for various heights. c. The price bid sha�l include: 1) Furnishing and installing all fence and gate materials 2) Mow strip, if shown in Drawings 3) Cteanup 4) Hauling Steel Tube Fence a. Measurement 1) Measurement far this Item shall be by the linear faat of Steel Tube Fence installed. b. Payment lj The work perfarmed and materiais fiirnished in accordance with this Item a�zd zneasured as provided under "Measurement" will be paid for at the unit price bid per linear foot of Steei Tube Fence installed for various heights. c. The price bid shall include: 1) Furnishing and installing all fence and gate materials 2) Maw strip, if shown in Drawings 3) Cleanup 4j Hauling 27 1.3 REFERENCES 28 A. R�ference Standards 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 �40 41 �42 43 44 1 2. Reference standards cited in this specificativn refer to the current reference standard published at the ti�ne of the latest revision date logged at the end of this speci�cation, unless a date is specifically cited. American Society for Testing and Materials {ASTM): a. A 36, Standard Speciiication for Carbon Structural Steel b. A 123, Standard Specification for Zinc {Hot-Dip Galvanized} Coatings on Iron and Steel Products c. A 392, Standard Specification for Zinc-Coated Steel Chain-Link Fence Fabric d. A 500, Standard Specification for Cold-Formed Welded and Seamless Carbon Steel Structu�-al Tubing in Rounds and Shapes e. F 626, Standard Specification for Fence Fittings £ F 1043, Standard Speci�catian for Stz-ength and Protective Coatings on Steel Industrial Chain Link Fence Framework g. F 10$3, Standard Specification for Pipe, Steel, Hot-Dipped Zinc-Coated (Galvanized} Welded, for Fence St�uctures h. F 1183, Specification for Aluminum A�loy Chain Link Fence Fabric 45 1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS [NOT USED] 46 1.� ACTION SUBMITTALS 47 A. Shop drawings CITY OF FORT WORTH 5TANDARD CONSTRUCTIQN SPECIFICATION DOCUMENT5 Revised Decemher 26, 2012 R�LLIi�]G HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS CITY PRO.TECT NO. 1D2056 32 31 13 - 3 CHAIN LIIrfK FENCE AND GATES Page 3 of 7 I 2 3 4 1. Layout of fences and gates with dirn�ensions, details, and finishes of components, accessories and post foundations if requested by the City. B. Product data 1. Manufacturer's catalog cuts indica�ing material compliance anc� specifiad options. 5 1.6 ACTION SUBMITTALS/INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 6 1.'� CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 7 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 8 1.9 QUALITY AS�URANCE [NOT USED] 9 110 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING [NOT USED] 10 �1 1.11 FIELD [SITE] CONDITIONS [NOT USED] 112 WARRANTY [NOT USED] 12 PART � - PRODUCTS 13 �.1 OWNER-FURNISHED jNOT USED] 14 l5 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 �.� MANUFACTURED UIVITS / MATERIALS A. Manufac�urer 1. Minimum of 5 years of experience manufaciuring galvanized coatec� chain Iink fencing. 2. Approved Manufacturer or equal: a. A11ied Fence, Inc. b. American Fenc� Corp. c. Anchor Fence, Inc. d. Master Halco, Inc. B. Materials 1. Chain Link Fence a. General l) Posts, gate frames, braces, raiIs, stretcher bars, truss rods and tension wire shall be o f steel. 2} Gate hinges, post caps, barbed wire supporting arms, stretcher bar bands and other parts shall be oi steel, malleabte iron, ductile iron ar equal 3} Post tops, rail end, ties and clips may be of aluminum. 4) Use only new material, or salvaged/existing material if approved by City or noted on Drawings. b. Steel Fabric I} Fabric a) No. 9 gauge b) 2-inch mesh (1) Commercial: both top and bottom seivages twisted and barged Residential: match existing or both top and bottom selvages knuckled (2) Furnish 1-piece fabric widths. 2) Fabric Finish: Galvanized, ASTM A 392, Class I, with not less than 1.2 oz. zinc per square foot of surface. c. Aluminum Fabric CITY OF FORT WORTH ROI.LING H[LLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT STA3VDARD COFVSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCi7MEN'I'S FLOW METER R�PLACEMENTS Revised December 20, 2a12 C1TY PROJ�CT NO. 1Q2056 32 31 13 -4 CHAIN LINK F�NCE AND GATES Page 4 of 7 1 2 3 4 5 b 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2i 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 � e. 1) Fabric a) ASTM F 1183 b} No. 9 gauge c) 2-inch rnesh, with bath top and bottam selvages twisted and barged. d} Furnish 1-piece fabric widths. Steel Frarning 1) Steel pipe - Type I a} ASTM F 1083 b} Standard weight schedule 40 c} Minirnum yield strength: 30,000 psi d) Sizes as indicated e} Hot-dipped galvanized with minimum average I.8 oz/ftz of coated surface area 2) �teel pipe - Type II a} ASTM �' 1443, Group IC b) Minimlim yield strength: 50,000 psi c} Sizes as indicated on Drawings d) Protective coating per ASTM F 1043 {1} External coating Type B (a) Zinc with arganic overcoat {b) 0.9 oz/fkz minimuzn zinc coating with chromate conversion coating and verifiable polymer film (2) Internal coating Type B (a) Minimum 09 ozJftz zinc or Type D, zinc pigmented, 81 percent nominal coating, rninimum 3 mils 3) Formed steel ("C") sections: a) Roll fornned steel shapes complying with ASTM F 1043, Group II b) Minimum yield strength: 45,000 psi (310 MPa) c) Sizes as indicated on Drawings d) External caating per ASTM F 1043, Type A (1 } Minimum average 2.0 ozlft2 of zinc per ASTM A 123 4) SteeI square sections a) ASTM A SOQ, Cnade B b) Minimam yield strength: 40,000 psi c) Sizes as indicated on Drawings d) Hot-dipged galvanized with minim�.un 1.8 ozlft2 of coated surface area Accessaries 1) Chain link fence accessories a) ASTM F 626 b) Provide items required ta complete fence system. c) Galvanize each ferrous metal item and finish to match framing. 2} Post caps a) Formed steel or cast malleable iron weather tight closure cap for tubular posts. b) Frovide 1 cap for each post. c) Cap to have provision for barbed wire when necessary. d) "C" shaped Iine post without top rail ar barbed wire supporting arms do not require post caps. e) Where top rail is used, provide tops to permit pa�sage af tap rail. 3} Top rail and rail ends CITY OF FQRT WORTH STA�IDARD CDNSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised QeceEnber 20, 2012 ROLLING �IILLS WATER TREATMENT PLA?�T FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS CITY PROJSCT NO. 1 U2056 32 31 13 - 5 CHA1N LINK FENCE AND GATES Page 5 of 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Za 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 a) 1 5/8 inch diameter galvanized round pipe for horizontal railing b) Pressed steel per A�TM F626 c) Far connection of rail and brace to terminal posis 4) Top rail sZeeves a} 7-inch expansion sleeve with a minimum 0. i 37 inch wire diatneter and 1.80 inch length spring, allowing for expansion and cont�action of top rail 5) Wire ties a) 9 gauge galvanized. steei wire for attach�nnent of fabric to line posts b) Double wrap 13 gauge for rails and braces. c} Hog ring ties of 12-1/2 gauge iar attachment 6) Brace and tension (stretcher bar) bands a) Pressed steel b) Minimum 300 degree profile curvature for secure fence post attachment c) At square post provide tension bar clips. '7} T�nsion {stretcher) bars: a) 1 piece lengths equal to 2 inches �ess than fuli height of fabric b} Minimum cross-section of 3/16 inct� x 3/4 inch c} Provide tension {stretcher} bars �vhere chain link iabric meets ternninal posts. $) Tension wire a) Galvanized caated steel wire, 6 gauge, [0. I 92 inch] diameter wire b} Tensile strength: 75,000 psi 9) Truss rods & tightener a} Steel rods with minimum diameter af 5/I6 inch b) Capable of withstanding a tension of minimum 2,000 pounds 10} Nuts and botts are galvanized. 2. VVrought Iron Fence: specified per Drawings. 3. �teei Tube Fence: specified per Drawings. 4. Setting Materials a. Concrete 1) Minimum 28 day ca�npressive strength of 3,000 psi 2} Bagged concrete allowed. b. Drive Anchors 1 } Galvanized angl�s 2) ASTM A 36 steel 3) l inch x 1 inch x 30 inch galvanized shoe clamps to secure angles to posts. 38 2.3 ACCESSORIES [NOT U�ED] 39 2.4 SOURCE QUALITY CONTROL [NOT USED] 44 PART 3 - EXECUTION 41 3.1 IN�TALLERS [NOT USED] 42 3.2 EXAMINATION 43 A. Veri�cation of Conditions 44 1. Verify areas to receive fencing are completed to final grades and elevations. 45 2. Ensure property lines and legal boundaries of work are clearly established CITY OF FORT WORTH ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT STANDAREI CONSTRUCTIOIY SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS FLpW METER REPLACEMENTS Revised December 20, 2012 C1TY PROJECT NO. 102056 323113-6 CHAIN LINK FENCE AND GATES Page 6 of 7 � s.� P�rA�T�oN �NOT usEn� 2 3.4 INSTALLATIQN 3 A. Chain F,ink Fence Framing 4 1. Locate t�rrninal post at each �ence termination and change in horizontai ar vertical 5 direc#ion of 30 degrees or more. r 7 8 9 ia 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 2. Space line posts uniformly ai 10 t'eet an center. 3. Set all posts in concrete a. Drill holes in firm, undisturbed or compacted soil. b. Drill hole diam�tar 4 times greater than oLitside dirnension of post. c. Set post bottam 2� inches below surface when in iirm, undisturbed soil. d. Excavate deeper as required far adequate support in soft and laose soils, and for posts with heavy lateral loads. e. Place concrete araund posts in a cantinuous pour. Trowel finish around post. Slope to direct water avcTay fronn posts. 4. Check each post for vertical and top alignment, and maintain in position during placement and finishing operations. 5. Bracing a. Install horizontai pipe brace at mid-height for fences b feet and taller, on each side af terminal posts. b. k'irmly attach with fittings. c. Instali diagonal truss rods at these points. d. Adjust truss rod, ensuring pasts remain plumb. 23 6. Tension wire 24 a. Provide tension wire at bottom of fabric and af top, if top rail is not specified. 25 b. Install tension wire befare stretching fabric and attach to each post with ties. 26 c. Secure tension wire to fabric with 12-1/2 gauge hog rings 24 inches on center. 27 7. Top rail 28 a. Install lengths, 21 feet 29 b. Connect joints with sleeves far rigid connections far expansia�/cantraction. 3� 8. Center Rails for fabric height 12 feet and taller. 31 a. Instalt mid rails between posts with fittings and accessaries. 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 �41 42 43 9. Bottom Rails: Install bottom rails beiween posts with fittings and accessories. B. Chain Link Fabric InsCallation 1 2. Fabric a. Install fabric on security side and attach so that fabric remains in tensian after pulling force is released. b. Leave approximately 2 inches between finish grade and bottom selvage. c. Attach fabric with wire ties to line posts at 15 inches an center anci to rails, braces, and tension wire at 24 inches on center. Tension (stretcher) bars a. Pull fabric taut. b. Thread tension bar thraugh fabric and attach to terminal �osts with bands or clips spaced maximum of 15 inches on center. 44 3. Accessaries 45 a, Tie wires: Bend ends af wire to minimize hazard to persans and clofhing. 46 b. Fasteners: Install nuts on side of fence oppasite fabric side far added security. CiTY OF FORT WORTH ROLLIAIG I-IILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT STANDARD CONSTRUCTIdN SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS Revised December 20, 2fl12 CITY PROJ�.CT NO. 1p2056 32 31 13 - 7 CHAFN LINK FENCE AND GATES Page 7 of 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 S 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS c. Slats: Install slats in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. C. Wrought Iron Installation: install per Drawings D. Steel T�be Fence: install per Drawings 3.5 REPAIR/RESTORATION [NOT [1SED] 3.G RE-INSTALLATION [NOT USED] 3.7 FIELD QUALITY CONTRQL [NOT USED] 3.$ SYSTEM STARTUP [NOT U�ED] 3.9 ADJUSTING [NOT USED] 3.10 CLEANING [NOT USED] 3.11 CLOSEOUT ACTIVITIES [NOT USED] 3.12 PROTECTIQN [NOT USED] 3.13 MAINTENANCE [NOT USEDj 3.14 ATTACHMENTS [N�T USED] END OF SECTIQN Revision Log DATE NAME SUMMARY QF CHANGE 12/2D/2012 D. Johrason ;• 1.A. modified to descrihe when City would pay far fence replacement on utility projects 16 CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CdNSTRUCTION SPECTFICATTON DOCl1MENT5 Revised December 2D, 20I2 ROLLING HTLLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT FLOW METER REPLACEMEiVTS CITY PROdECT NO. 102056 32 91 19 - 1 TOPS4IL PLACEMENT AND FINISHING OF PARKWAYS Page 1 oE3 1 ,SECT�ON 32 9� l9 2 TOP50IL PLACEMENT AND FINISHING OF PARKWAY5 3 PARTI- GENERAL 4 1.1 SUMMARY 5 A. Section Includes: 6 1. Furnish and place tapsoil to the depths and on the areas shown on the Drawings. 7 B. Davia�ions from ihis City of Fort Worth Standard Specification 8 1. No�e. 9 C. Related Specification Sections include but are not necessarily Iimited ta 10 1. Division 0- Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms, and Conditions of the Contract 11 2. Division 1- General Requirements 12 �.2 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2b 27 28 A. Measurement and Payment 1. Measureinent a. Measurement far this Item shall be by cubic yard of Topsail in place. Z. Payment a. The work performed and rnaterials furnzshed in accardance with this Item and rrteasured as provided under "Measuremen#" will be paid for at the unit price bid per cubic yard of Topsoil. b. All excavation gec�uired by this Item in cut sectians shall be measured in accardance with pravisions iar the various excavation items involvec€ with the provision that excavation will be measured and paid far once, regardless of the manipulations in�olved. 3. The price bid shall include: a. Furnishing Topsoil b. Loading c. Hauling d. Placing 29 1.3 REFERENCES �NOT USEDJ 30 I.4 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS [NOT USEDJ 31 1.� ACTION SUBMITTALS [NOT USEDJ 32 1.6 ACTION SUBMITTALS/INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 33 1.� CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 34 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 35 3b 37 38 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE [NOT USED] I.10 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING [NDT USED] 1.11 FIELD [�ITE] CONDITIQNS [NQT USEDJ 1.12 WARRANTY [NOT USED] c�TY oF Fo�� waRTx S'iANDARD CONSTRCJCT101V SPECIFICATTQN bOCUMENTS Revised 17ecember 20, 2012 RpLLING HILLS WATEI2 TREATMENT PLANi' FLOW METER REPLACEM�i�lTS CITY PR07ECT NQ. 1 U2056 32 91 19 - 2 TOPSOIL PLACL�MCNT AND FINISHING OF PARKWAYS Page 2 of 3 1 PART�- PRODUCTS 2 2.1 OWNER-FURNISHED [ox] OWNER-SUPPLIEDPRODUCTS [NOT USED] 3 2.2 MATERIALS 4 5 b 7 S 9 l0 11 12 13 14 15 I6 17 A. Topsoii 1. Use easily cultivated, fertile topsoil that: a. Is free from objectionable material includz�ag snbsoii, weeds, clay lumps, non- soil materials, roots, stumps or stanes larger than l.5 inches b. Has a high resistance to erosion c. Is able to suppart plant growth 2, Secure topsoil from approved sources. 3. Topsoil is subject to testing by the City. 4. pH: 5.5 to 8.5. 5. Liquid Limit: 50 or less 6. Plasticity Index: 20 or less 7. Gradation: maximum of 10 percent passing No. 200 sieve B. Water: Clean and free of industrial wastes and otner substances harmful to the grawih of vegetation 18 2.3 ACCESSORIES [N�T USED] 19 2.4 SOURCE QUALITY CONTROL [NOT USED] 20 PART 3 - EXECUTION 21 3.1 INSTALLERS [NOT USED] 22 3.� EXAMINAT�ON [NOT USED] 23 3.3 PREPARATION [NOT USED] 24 3.4 INSTALLAT�ON 25 A. Finishing of Parkways 2G 1. SmoQthly shape parkways, shoulders, slopas, and ditches. 27 2. Cut parkways to finish grade priar to the placing of any improvements in or 28 adjacent ta the roadway. 29 3. In the event that unsuitable material for parkways is encountered, extend the depth 30 of excavation in the parkways 6 inches and backfill with top so�l. 31 4. Make standard parkway grade perpendicular to and draining to the curb line. 32 a. Minimum: 1/4 inch per foot 33 b. Maximum:4:1 3� c. City rmay approve variations from these requirements in special cases. 35 5. Whenever the adjacent property is lower than the design curb grade ana runoff 36 drains away from the street, the parkway grade must be set level with the top of the 37 c�rb. 38 6. The design grade from the parkway extends to the back of the walk line. 39 7. From that point (behind the walk), the grade may slope up or down at maximum 40 s�ope of 4:1. CITY OF FORT WORTH ROE,L�iG HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT STANDAR�i CaNSTRUCTION 5PECIFICATIOIV DOCUMENTS FLOW METBR REPLACEMEN'CS Revised December 20, 2012 C17'Y PRQ7ECT Nb. 102056 32 91 19 - 3 TOP501L PT.ACBMEN'f' AND FINISHING OF PARKWAYS Page 3 of3 1 B. Placing of Topsoil 2 1. Spread the topsoil ta a unifarm loase cover at the thickness specified. 3 2. Place and shape the topsoil as directed. 4 3. Hand rake finish a rminimurn of 5 feet from all flatwork. 5 4. Tamp the topsoil with a light railer or ather suitable equipment. 6 3.5 REPAIRIRESTQRATION] [NOT USED] 7 3.6 RE-INSTALLATION [NOT USED] 8 3.7 FYELD QUALITY CONTROL [NOT USED] 9 3.8 SYSTEM STARTUP [NOT USED] 10 3.9 ADJUSTING [NOT USEDJ I1 310 CLEANING [NUT U�ED] I2 3.11 CLO�EOUT ACTIVIT�ES [NOT USED] 13 3.1� PROTECTION [NOT USED] 14 3.13 MAINTENANCE [NOT USED� 15 3.14 ATTACHMENTS [NOT USED] 16 17 END OF SECTION Re�ision Log DATE NAME SUMMARY OF CHANGE 18 C1TY OF FORT WORTH ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATNfENT PLANT STANDARD C0�ISTRUCTION SPECIEICATIdN DOCU1vEENTS �'LOW METER REPLACEMENTS Revised December 20, 2012 C1TY PRO7ECT NQ. l U2056 32 92 13 - 1 HYdROMULCHI3�iG, SEEI?ING AND 50DDINCr Page 1 of 8 1 SECTIQN 32 92 13 2 HYDROMULCHING, SEEDING AND SODDING 3 PART1- GENERAL �4 1.1 SUMMARY S A. Section �ncludes: 6 1. Furnishing and installing grass sod and permanent seeding as shown on Drawings, 7 or as directed. 8 B. Deviations from this City of Fort Worth Siandard Sp�cifcation 9 1. None. 10 C. Related Speciiication Sections include, but are not necessarily limited to: 11 1. Divzsion 0- Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms, and Conditions of the Contract 12 2. Division 1- General Requirements 13 3. 5ection 32 91 19 — Tapsoil Placernent and Finishing of Parkways 14 1.2 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES 15 A. Measurement and Payment 16 1. Block Sod Placement 17 a. Measurement 18 1) Measurement for this Item shall be by the square yard of Black Sod placed. 14 b. Paymeni 2� 1} The wark performed and materials furnished in accordance with this Item 21 and measured as provided under "Measurement" will be paid for at the unit 22 price bid per square yard of Block Sod placed. 23 c. The price bid shall inctuc�e: 24 1) Furnishing and placing all sod 25 2) Rolling and tamping 2b 3) Watering (until established) 27 4) Disposal of surplus materials 28 2. Seeding 29 a. Measurement 30 1) Measurement for this Item shall be by the square yard of Seed spread. 3 � b. Payment 32 1) The work performed and materials furnished in accordance with this Item 33 and measured as provided under "Measurement" wilI be paid for at the unit 34 price bid per sq�are yara of �eed placad for various installation methods. 35 c. The price bid shall include: 3�6 1} Furnishing and pIacing all Seed 37 2) �'urnishing and applying r�rater for seed �ertiIizer 38 3) Slurry and hydraulic mulching 39 4) Fertilizer 40 5) Watering and mowing (until establzshed} 41 6} Dispasal af sutplus materials 42 3. Mowing 43 a. Measurernent CITY OF FORT WORTH ROLLTiVG fiILL5 WAT�R TR�ATMENT PLANT STAi�IDARD CONSTRUCTION SP�CIFICATION DOC[JMENTS FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS Revised December 20, 2012 CITY PR07ECT NO. 102056 329213-2 I-3YDRDMULCHiNG, SEEDING AND 50DDING Page 2 of 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 1) Measurement for this Item shall per each. b. Payment 1) The work performed anc� materials furnzshed in accordance with this Item and measured as provided under "Measurement" will be paid far at the unit price bid per eac�i. 1.3 REFERENCES [NOT USEDJ 1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS [NOT EISEDJ 1.5 ACTION SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 1.6 INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS A. Seed 1. Vendors' certification that seeds meet Texas State seed law including: a. Testing and labeling for pure live seed (PLS) b. Name and typ� of seed 2, All seed shall be tested in a labaratory with certified results presented to the City in writing, prior to pIanting. 3. All seed to be of the previous season's crop and the date on the container shall be within 12 months of the seeding date. l .7 CLQSEQUT SUBMITTALS [NOT USED� 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAi. SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 19 QUALiTY ASSURANCE [NOT USEDj 110 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Black Sad 1. Protect from exposure to vvind, sun and freezing. 2. Keep stacked sod moist. B. Seed 1. If using native grass ar wildflower seed, seed must have been harvested within I00 miles of the construction site. 2. Each species af seed sha1l be supplied in a separate, labeled container for acceptanc� by th� City. C. Fertilizer l, Provide fertilizer labeled with the analysis. 2. Canform to Texas fertilizer law. 1.1I FIELD [SITEJ CONDITIQNS [NUT USED] 1.12 WARRANTY [NOT USED] 35 PART � - PRODUCT� �NOT U�ED] 36 �.1 OWNER-FURNISHED PRODUCTS [NOT USED] 37 �.� MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT 3& A. Materials CITY QP FORT WORTH STAIIDARD CONSTRC3CTION SPECIFICATION DOCUM�NTS Re�ised Deccmbar 2p, 2Q12 RflC,LING IIILLS WATER TREATMEAlT YLANT FLOW MCTER REPLACEMENTS CITY PRQJECT �IO. 102056 329213-3 1IY17120MULCIIING, SEEDING AND SdDDIIVG Page 3 of 8 1 1. Block Sod 2 a. Sod Varieties {match existing if applicable} 3 1} "Stenotaphrum secundatunn" (St. Augustine grass} 4 2} "Cynodon dactylon° (Common Bermudagrass} 5 3) "Buchioe dacryloides" (Buffalograss) 6 4) an appraved hybrid of Comfxaon Bermudagrass 7 5) or an approved Zoysiagrass S b. Sod must cantain stolans, leaf blades, rhizomas and roots. 9 c. Sod shall be alive, healthy and free of insects, disease, stones, undesirable 10 foreign materials and weeds and grasses deleterious to its growth ar which 1 i might af%ct its subsistence or hardiness when transplanted. 12 d. Minimum sod thickness: 3/�4 inch 13 e. Maximum grass height: 2 inches 14 f. Acceptable growing beds 15 1) 5t. Augustine grass sod: clay or clay loam topsoil 1G 2) Bermuda grasses and zoysia grasses: sand ar sandy loam soils 17 g. Dimensions 18 1) Machine cut to uniform soil thickness. 19 2) Sod shall be of equal width and o� a size that permits the sod to be lifted, 20 handled and rolled without breaking. 2� 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 h. Broken or torn sod or sod with uneven ends shall be rejected. 2. Seec� a. General 1} Plant all seed at rates based on pure live seed (PLS) a) Pure Live Seed (PLS) determined using the formula: (1) Fercent Pure Live Seed � Percent Purity x[(Percent Germination -}- Percent Firm or Hard Seed) +� 00] 2) Availability of Seed a) Substitution of inc�ividual seed types due to lack of availability may be permitted by t�e City at the time of planting. b) Notify the City prior to bidding af difficulties locating certain species. 3) Weed seed a) Not exceed ten percent by weight of the total of pure live seed {PLS) and other material in the mixture b) Seed not a�lowed: (i} Jahnsongrass {2) Nutgrass seed 4} Harvest seed within 1-year prior to pianting b. Non-native Grass Seed 1) Plant between April 15 and September 10 Lbs. Common Narr�e Botanical Narr�e Purity Germination PLS/Acre {percent) (percent} 25 Bermuda (unhulled) cynodon dactylon g5 90 75 Bermuda (hulled) cynodan daciylon 95 90 42 �k3 44 2) Plant between Septernber 10 and April 15 Lbs. Cammon Name Botanical Name Purity Germination PLS/Acre {percent} (percent) CITY OF FORT WORTH RQLLING HiLLS WATER TREATM�NT PLAIIT STANDARD CaNSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIdN DOCCIMENTS FLOW IvIETER REPLACEMENTS Revised Qecember 20, 2012 CITY FROJ�CT 3V0. 102056 329213-4 HYDROivf[JLCf-TING, SEEDING AI�ID SODDIAIG Page 4 of 8 220 Rye Grass loliu� multiflorum 75 Bermuda (unhulled) cynodora dactylon 1 2 c. Native Grass Seed 3 1} Plant between February 1 and October 1. 4 Lbs. PLS/Acre Common Name 1.6 Green Sprangletop 5.5 Sideoats Gxarna* 3.7 Little Bluestem* 17.0 Buf#'alogxass i .8 Indian Grass�` 0.5 Sand Lo�egrass* 6.0 Big Bluestem 8.0 Eastern Grama 1.2 Blue Grama 1.8 Switchgrass 10.0 Prai�ic Wildrye* S 6 d. Wildflower Seed 'I 1) Plant between the follawing: 8 a} March 5 and May 31 9 b} September 1 and December 1 10 11 12 13 SS 90 95 90 Botanical Name Leptochdoa dubia Bouteloua curtipenduda Schizachyrium scoparium Buchloe dactyloides Sorghastrum nutans Eragrnstfs trichodes gndropogon gerardil Tripscacum dcrctyloides Bouteloua gracilis Panicum virgatum Elymus canadensis Lbs. PLS/Acre Common Name Botanical Name 3A Bush Sunflawer Sinsia calva 5.0 Butterfly Weed Asclepfas tuberosa 2.0 Clasping Coneflower* Rudbeckia ampdexicaulis 3.Q Golden - Wave Careapsis basadis 13.4 Illinois Bundleflower Desmanthus illinoensis 13.6 Partridge Pea Cassia fasciculata 2.Q Prairie Verbena Yerbena 8ipinnatifida $,0 Texas Yellow Star Lindheirneri texana $,0 Winecup Calli�hoe involcrata 2.0 Black-eyed Susan Rudbeckia hirta 18.0 �tleaf Daisy Engelmannia pinnatifida 2.0 Obedient Plani Physostegia intermedia 3.0 Pitcher Sage Salvia azurea 2.0 Plains Coreopsis Coreopsis tinctoria 8.0 Scarlet Sage ,Salvia coccineu *not to be p�anted within ten feet of a road ar parking Iot or within three feet of a walkway 14 e. Temgorary Erosion Contral Se�d 15 1) Consist o£the sawing of cool season plant seeds. 1& 3. Mulch 17 a. �'or use with conventional mechanical or hydraulic planting of seed. 18 b. Wood celIutose fiber produced from virgin wood or recycled paper-by-products 19 (waste products from paper mills or recycled newspaper). 20 c. No growth ar germi�ation inhibiting factors. 21 d. No more than ten �ercent moisture, air dry weight basis. 22 e. Adc�itives: binder in powder form, CIT'Y O�' F'ORT WORTH ROLLING H1LL5 WATER TREATM�NT PLANT STANDARD COIVSTRiJCTION Si'ECIFICATION DOCUM�N'FS FLOW METElZ REPLACEMENTS Revised December 20, 2Q12 CITY PRO]ECT NO. i 02056 329213-5 HYDROIVIUGCI-IING, S��aING AiVD SQDDING Page 5 of 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 f. Form a strong moisture retaining mat. 4. Fertilizer a. Acceptable condition for distribution b. AppIied uniformiy over the planted area c. Ana�ysis 1) 16-20-0 2} 16-$-$ d. Fertilizer rate: 1} Not rec�uired for wildflower seeding 2} Newly established seeding areas - 100 pounds of nitrogen per acre 3} Established secding areas - 150 pounds of nitrogen per acre 5. Topsoil: See Section 32 91 19. 6. Water: clean and free of industrial wastes or other substances harmful to the germination of ihe seed or to the growth oithe vegetation. 7. Soil Reter�tion Blanket a. "Curlex I" from American ExcelsiQr, 9U0 Ave. H East, Post Of�ce Box 5624, Arlington, Texas 76001, 1-800-777-SOIL or approved equal. 19 2.3 ACCESSORIES [NOT USED] 2a �.4 SOURCE QUALITY C�NTROL [NOT USEDJ 21 PART 3- EXECUTIQN [NOT USED] 22 3.1 INSTALLERS [NOT USED] 23 3.2 EXAMINATIQN [NOT IISED] 24 3.3 PREPARATIQN 25 A. Surface Preparation: clear surface of all material including: 26 1. �tumps, stones, and other objecis larger than one inch. 27 2. Roots, bnish, wire, stakes, etc. 28 3. Any objects that may interfere with seeding or maintenance. 29 B. Tilling 3p 1. Compacted areas: till 1 inch deep 31 2. Areas sloped greater than 3: �: run a tractor paraliel to slope to provide less 32 seetUwater run-off 33 3. Areas near trees: Do not till deeper than 1/2 inch inside "drip line" af trees. 34 3.�4 INSTALLATION 35 36 37 38 39 44 41 A. Block Sodding 1. General a. Place sod between curb and walk and on terraces that is the same type grass as adjacent grass or existing lawn. b. Plant bettiveen the average last freeze date in the spring and 6 weaks priar ta the average �rst freeze in the falI. 2. Installation CITY OF FORT WORTH RQLLII�lG H1LLS WATER TREATMENT FLANT STANDARD CONSTRUCTIdN SPECIFiCATION I70CiiMENT5 FLOW MBTER REPLACEMEiVTS itevised Decem6er 20, 2012 CITY PROJECT NO. 102056 329213-6 F�YDAOIvIiJLCHiNG, SEEDING AI�TD SODDING Page 6 ef 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ]1 12 13 l4 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Zz 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 a. Plant sod specified after the area has been completed to the lines and graiies shown on the Dravcrings wiih 6 inches oi topsoil. b. Use care to retain native sail on the raats of the sod during the process of excavating, hauling and planting. c. Keep sod material moist fram the time it is dug until planted. d. Place sod sa that the entire area designated for sodding is covered. e. Fil1 voids left in the solid sodding with additional so�. and tamp. f. Roll and tamp sod so that sod is in camplete contaci with topsoil at a uniform slope. g. Peg sod with wooden pegs (or wire staple) driven through the sod block ta the fxrm earth in areas ihat rnay slide due to the height or slope oithe surface or nature of the soil. 3. Watering and Finishing a. Furnish water as an ancillary cost io Contractor by ineans of temparary metering / irrigation, water �-uck or by any other methad necessary to achieve an acceptabl� stand of turf as defined in 3.13.B. b. Thoroughly water sod immediately afker planted. c. Water until estabiished. d. Generally, an arnount of vvafer thai is equal to the average amaunt of rainfall plus 112 inch per week should be applied until accepted. If applicable, plant large areas by irrigation zones to ensure areas are watered as soon as they are planted. B. Seeding 1. General a. Seed only #hase areas indicated on the Drawings and areas disturbed by construction. b. Mark each area to be seeded in the fie�d prior to seeding for City approval, 2. Broadcast 5eecling a. Braadcast seed in 2 directions at right angles ta each other. b. Harraw or rake lightly to cover seed. c. Never cover seed with more soii than twice its diameter. d. For wildflower plantings; l) Scalp existing grasses to 1 inch 2) Remove grass clippings, sa seed can make contact with the soil. 3. Mechanically Seeding (Drilling}: a. Unifarmly distribute seed over the areas shawn on the Drawings or as directed. b. All �arieties of seed and fertilizer znay be distributed at the same time provided that each companent is unifarmly applied at the specified rate. c. Drill seed at a depth of 114 inch to 3/8 inch utilizing a pasture or rangeland type dri11. d. Drill on the contour of slopes e. After planting roll with a roller integral to the seed drill, or a corrugated roller of the "Cultipacker" type. f. Roll slope areas on the contour. 4. Hydrom�lching a. Mixing: Seed, mulch, fertilizer and water may be mixed provided that: 1) Mixture is uniformly suspended ta fozm a homogenous slurry. CITY DF FORT WQRTH STANDARD COIdSTRUCTIQN SPECiPICATION DOCUMENTS Ravised December 20, 2012 ROLLIt�IG HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT FLOW METER REFLAC�MENTS CITY PR07ECT NO. 102055 329213-7 I-IYDROMUI,CHING, SEEBING AND SObDING Page 7 of 8 1 2 3 4 5 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 2) Mixture forms a blotter-like ground cover impregnated unifortnly with grass seed. 3) Mixture is applied within 30 minutes after placed in the equipment. b. Placing 1} Uniformly distribute in the quantity specified over the areas shown on the Drawings or as directed. 5. Fertilizing: uniformly apply fertilizer over seeded area. 6. Watering a. Furnish water by means of temporary metering / irrigat�on, water truck or by any other method necessary to achieve an acceptable stand of tuxf as defined in 3.13.B. b. Water soil to a minimum depth of 4 inches within 48 hours of seeding. c. Water as direct by the Ciry at least twice daily for 14 days after seeding in such a manner as to prevent washing of the slopes or dislodgement of the seed. d. Water until final acceptance. e. Generally, an amount af vti+�ater that is equal to the average amount o�`rainfall pius 1/2 inch per week should be applied until accepted. 18 3.� REPAIRIRESTORAT�ON [NOT USED] 19 3.b RE-INSTALLAT�ON [NUT USED] 20 3.7 FIELD QUAL�TY CONTROL [NOT USED] 21 3.8 SYSTEM STARTUP [NOT USED] 22 3.4 ADJUSTING [NOT USED� 23 310 CLEANING [NOT USED] 24 3.i1 CLOSEOUT ACTIVITIES 25 3.12 PROTECTIQN jNOT USED� 26 3.13 MA�NTENANCE 27 A. Black Sodding 28 1. Water and mow sod unfil co�mpletion and final acceptance of the Project or as 29 directed by the City. 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 ►�►a 2. Sod shall not be considered finally accepted until th� sod has sfarted to peg down (roots growing into the sail} and is free frozn dead blocks of sod. B. �eeding 1. Water and mow sod until completion and �nal acceptance of the Froject or as directed by the City. 2. Maintain the seeded area until each of the t'ollowing is achieved: a. Vegetation is evenly distributed b. Vegetation is free from bare areas 3. Turf wili be accepted once fully established. a. Seeded area must have 100 percent growth to a height of 3 inches with 1 rntiw cycle performed by the Contractor prior to consideration of ace�ptance by the City. C. Rejection C1TY OF FORT WORT�I ROLLING H1LLS WATER TREATMENT PLA3V`[' STANDARD CONSTRUC'1'ION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS FLdW METER REPLAC�MENTS Revised December 20, 2012 CITY PROIECT NO. ] 02056 329213-8 HYDROMULCHING, SEEDING AND SOI}DING Page 8 oF 8 1 i. City may reject block sod or seeded area on the basis of weed populations. 2 3.14 ATTACHMENTS [NOT USED] 3 END OF SECTION � Revision Log DATE NAME SUMMARY OF CHANGE CITY OF FORT WQRTH ROLLING HIE,LS WATEl2 TREATMENT PLAIVT STANDARD CONSTRUCTipN SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS Revised December 20, 2012 CITY PROJECT NO. 1 p2Q56 330410-1 JOINT BOAIDI�G AIdD ELECTRICAL ISOLATION Page L of 8 1 2 SECTION 33 04 lU JO1NT B�NDING AND ELECTRICAL I50LATION 3 PART1- GENERAL 4 �.1 SUMMARY 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 A. Sectian Includes: 1. Joint bonding requirements for electrical continuity of: a. Concrete cylinder pipe b. Mortar coated steel pipe c. Dielectrically coated steel pipe d. D�ctile iron pipe, as required on Drawings 2. ElacEiical isolation devices for installation at: a. Connections to existing piping b. Laterals c. Cased crossings d. Tunnels e. Selected below grade to above ground piping transitions B. Deviations from this City of Fort Worth Standard Specifica#ion 1. None. 19 C. Related Specification Sections include, but are not necessarily limited to: 20 1. Division 0— Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms, and Conditions of t�e 21 Contract 22 2. Division 1— General Requirements 23 3. Section 33 OS 24 — Installation of Carrier Pipe in Casing ar Tunnel Liner Plate 2� 1.� PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 3S 36 37 38 39 aa A. Measurernent and Payment 1. When a pay item for Cathodic Protection exists: a. Measurement 1) This Item is subsidiary to Cathodic Protectian construction. b. Payment 1) The work per:fozmed and materials furnished in accordance with this Item are subsidiary to the t�amp sum price bid for "Cathodic Protection" for each material of utility pipe bid, and no other compensation will be allowed. 2. When a pay ifem for Cathodic Pratection does not exist: a. Measurement 1) Measureinent for this Item is by lump sum. b. Payment 1) The work performed and materials furnished in accardance with this Item and measured as provided under "Measurement" will be paid for at the lump sum price bid for "Joint Bonding and Electr�cal Isolation". 3. The price bic� shall inciude: CITY OF FORT I�WOILTI-I ROLLIIVG HILL3 WATER'I'REATM�N`I' PLANT STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DQCUMENTS FLOW METEIt REFLACEMENTS Revised December 20, 2fl12 CITY PR07ECT NO. 102056 33Q410-2 ]pitVT BpNDING AND ELECTRICAL ISOLATION Page 2 of $ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 �0 I1 a. b. c. d. e. f. g• h. i. J• Furnishing and instaliing Joint Bonding and Electrical Isolation as specified by the Drawings Mobilization Excavation Fuz-nishing, placement, and comgactian of backfill Field welding Cannections Adjustments Testing C1ean-up Start-up/Commissioning I2 1.3 REFERENCES 13 14 15 16 17 18 14 20 21 1.4 A. Reference Standards 1. Reference standards cited in this Specification refer to the current reference standard published at the time af the latest revision date logged at the end of this Specification, unless a date is specifically cited. 2. ASTM International (ASTM). 3. American Water Works Association (AWWA): a. C207, Steel Pipe Ftanges for Wa�erworks Service - Sizes 4 IN �hraugh 144 IN. 4. NACE �nternational (NACE}. ADMINISTRATIVE REQUiREMENTS �NOT USED] 22 1.5 SUBMITTALS 23 A. Submittals shall be in accordance with Section O1 33 00. 24 B. All submittals shall be approeed by the City prioz to delivery andJor fabrication far 25 specials. 26 1.6 ACTION SUBMITTALSIINFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 A. Product Data 1. Manufacturer's catalog cut sheets shall be submit�ed for each item. a. Include the manufacturer's name and provide sufficient information ta show that the materiats meet the requirements of the Contract Documents for: 1) Flange Isolation 2) Bonding Clips for Cancrete Cylinder Pipe 3) Petrolatum tape 2. Where mare than 1 item or catalog number appears on a catalog cut sheet, clearly identify the item praposed. B. Test and Evaluation Reports 1. Recard results for the Post-Instaliation Thermite Weld Inspection a�ad submit to the City for approval prior to backfilling. 2. Recard results for bonded joint testing and submit to Ciry for appraval prior to backfilling. 3. Recard results for the continuity test for casing ta carrier pipe anci submit to the City far approval prior to backfilling. CITY OF FpRT WORTH RDLLING HILLS WATER TREATM$NT PLANT STANT7ART7 COII5TRUCT[ON SPECIFICATION �]OCUMENT5 FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS Re�ised December 20, 2012 C[TY PRDJECT NO. 102056 330410-3 JQIiV`I' BQNDING AND ELECTRICAT. [SOLATiON Page 3 of 8 � l.7 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS 2 A. Test results for electrical continuity, flange isolation and casing ta carrier pipe isolation 3 shall be submitted to the City. 4 B. Resnits of aIl testing ara to be submitted to City for inclusion in the �&M manual. 5 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USEDJ 6 1.9 QUALITY A�SURANCE [NOT USED] 7 1,10 DELIVERY, ,STORAGE, AND HANDLING [NOT USED] 8 9 10 PART � - PRODUCTS 11 �.1 OWNER-FURNISHED PRODUCTS [NOT USED] 1.11 FIELD [SITE) CONDITIQNS �NOT USED] 1.1� WARRANTY [NOT �TSED) 12 2.2, MATERIALS 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 za 21 22 A : Joint Bonding and Electrical Isolatian Materials to be incoxparated into the project inciude, but are not limited to, the following: 1. Electrical cantinuity bonds 2. Flange isoiation assemblies 3. Casing spacers 4. Casing end seals Electrical Continuity Bonds 1. Applications fQr Electrical Continuity Bonding include the following: a. Bonding acrass bolted joint assezaablies b. Bor�ding across gasketed joint assemblies 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 C. Flange IsoIation 1. Required ap�lications of dielec�-ic flange isolation assemblies include, but are not limited to, selected locations vsrhere new piping is m�eck�anically connected to existing piping. 2. Gasket a. Isolating and seal gasket h. G-10 Epoxy Glass material c. Futl face d. 1/8-inch thickness e. Use with a minitnum of 1 EDPM sealing element placed in a tapered groove. £ N�F 61 certiiied g. A minimum of 800 volts/mil dielectric strength is required. h. Flange shali seal for the test pressure without leaking. 3. Sleeves a. Provide full length mylar sleeves. 4. Washers CITY OF FORT WQRTH ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPEC[FICA`FION QOCUMEAITS FLQW M�TER T�PLACEMENTS Aevised December 20, 2012 CI`i'Y PROIECT NO. 102056 33 Q4 1� - 4 JOINT BONDING AND ELECTRICAL ISOLATIQN Fage 4 of 8 1 a. Pro�ide double G-10 washer sets. 2 D. Casing Spacers 3 1. For piping installed in hinnels or cased crossings, �nstall casing spacers between the 4 piping and the casing or tunnel iiner to provide electrical isolation in accordance 5 with Section 33 OS 24. 6 E. Casing End Seals 7 1. See Section 33 OS 24 for casing end seals. 8 �.3 ACCESSORIES [NOT USED] 9 2.4 SOURCE QUALITY C�NTROL [NOT USED] 10 PART 3 - EXECUTION 11 3.1 INSTALLERS [NOT USED] 12 3.2 EXAM�NATION [NOT USED] 13 3.3 PREPARATION 14 A. Preparation of Concrete Pipe for Bonding 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 az 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 4a 41 42 1. General a. Fabrication 1) Use concrete pipe for this project that has been fabricated in such a rnanner as to establish electrical continuiry between metallic components of pipe and joints. b. Acceptable Methods 1) Establish electrical continuity as indicated in the Contract Documents. 2. Criteria for Electric Cont�nuity a. Tensile Wire 1} Pipe manufacturer is to obkain a resistance no greater than 0.03 ohms between any wire and steel joint ring at end af pipe farthest from that wire. 2} Manuiacturer is to report values abtained and methad of ineasurement. b. In#ernal Pipe Joint Camponents 1} Pipe manufacturer is to obtain resistance of less than 0.03 ohms between any component and steel pipe cylinder. 3. Tensile Wire Continuity a. Establish continuity between tensile wire coils and steel cylinder an embedded cylinder type pre-stressed pipe by tightty wrapping tensile wire oeer longitudinal mild steel straps during pipe manufacture. b. Use and insta112 continuous straps 180 ciegrees apart longitudinalfy along the c. d. gipe. 1} These straps must maintain electrical continuity betw�en metaltic carnponents. Use steel straps made of mild steel and free af grease, mill scale ar other high resistance deposits. Make longitudinal straps eiectrically continuous with gige cylinder by steel fasteners of suitable dirnensions placed between steel cylinder and longitudinal straps. CITY OF FORT WORTH ROLLING HILLS WAT�R TR�ATMENT PLANT STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCLIMENTS FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS Revised December 20, 2p12 CITY PROJECT NO. 102056 ssoaio-s JOINT BOI�fQING AND �,LECTRiCAL ISOLATION Page 5 of $ 1 2 3 4 5 b 7 1} Connect fasteners so as to remain intact during pipe fabrication process. 4. Stee1 Cylinder Continuity a. Establish continuiiy of all joint components and steel cylinder. ]) These cotnponents include anchor socket brackets, anchor socket, spigot ring and be11 ring. b. If inechanical contact do�s not provide a resistance of less than O.a3 ohms between components, tack weld component to provide electrical cantinuity. 8 B. Preparation of Steel Pipe for Banding 9 1. Bonding wires are not required for welded ste�l pipe. 10 2. Mechanical jointed steel pipe requires the installation of bond wires acrass the joint 11 as shown on the Drawi�gs. �2 13 14 �5 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 C. Preparation of Ductile Iron Pipe far Bonding 1. Install insulated bond wires as shown on the Drawings. D. Electrical Bond Wires 1. Electrical bond wires are to be a minimu�n No. 4 AWG, 7 stranded, copper cable with THHN insulation. 2. Rennove 1 inch of THHN insulation from each enc� of the bond wire. 3. Thermite weld the bond wires to the pipeline. �. Provide the minimum number of bond wires as shown on Drawings far steel ar ductiie iron pipe. E. Electrical Bond Clip 1. Weld 3 ASTM 366 steel bonding clips, each approximately 0.13 inches thick, 2.5 inches long, and 1.25 inches wide, with 1/8-inch �llet welds to the bell and spigot of adjacent pre-stressed concrete cylinder pipe or steel pipe with rubber gasketed j oints. 2. Manufacture clips ta maintain continuity regardless of small deflections of finished joints. 28 3.4 INSTALLATION 29 A. InstaIlation af Eiectrical Continuity Bonds by Thermite Welding 3a 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 1. Inspection a. Use continuous bond wires with no cuts or tears �n the insulation covering the conductor. 2. General a. Attach bond wires at required locations by the�xnite welding process. 3. Thermite Welding Methods a. Perform the�ite weIding of bond wires #o piping in the following manner: 1) C1ean and dry pipe to which the wires are to be attached. 2) Use grinding wheel ta remove all caating, mill scale, oxide, grease and dirt from an area a�praximately 3 inches square. a) Grind surface to bright metal. 3) Remove appro�imately 1 inch of insulatian from each end of wire to be thermite welded to pipe exposing ciean, oxide-free copper for welding. 4) 5elect proper size thermite vveld mold as recommended by manufacturer. Place wire or strap between graphite mold and the prepared metal surface. CZTY OF FORT WORTH ROLLING H1LLS WATER TREATM�NT PLANT STAI�i�ARD CONSTRUCTIpN SPECIFICATION DOCUM�NTS FGOW IvFETSR REPLACEIvfENTS Revised Decemher 20, 2012 CPCY PROJECT NO. 1 D2056 33�410-6 70I�VT BONDING AND ELECTRICAL ISOLATION Page 6 af 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 24 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 4 5. 5) PIace metal disk in battom of mo1d. 6) Pour thernnite weld charg� into the mald. Squeeze bottom of cartridge to spread ignitian powder over charge. 7} Close mold cover and igniCe starting powder with flint gun. 8} After exothermic reaction, remove thermite weld mold and gently strike wald with a hammer to remove weId slag. 9} Pull an wire or s�rap to assure a secure connection. 10) If weld is not secure or the bond breaks, repeat procedure with new wire. 11) If the weld is secure, coat all bare metal and weld metal with Stopaq CZ tape. Post-Insiallation Thermite WeId Inspection a. Contractar is responsible far all testing. b. All testing is ta be performed by ar under the supervision of certi�ed NACE personnel. c. Visualiy examine each thermite welci. cannection for strength and suitable coating prior to backfilling. d. Measure resistance through selected bonded joints with a digital low resistance ohmmeter (DLRO}. 1) Resistance of 0.001 ohms or less is acceptable. 2) If the above pracedure indicates a poor quality bond connection, reinstaIl the bond. 3) Recard results and submit to the City for approval priar ta backfilling. Backfilling of Bonded Joints a. Perform backfiiling of bonded piping in manner that prevents damage to the bonds and all connections to the metallic structures. b. Use appropriate bac�C�'ill material to completely cover the elect�ical bond. c. Provide protection so that future canstruction activities in the area wil� not destray the banded connections. d. If construction activity damages a bonded connection, install new bond wire. B. Installation of Pipeline �lange Isalation Devices 1. Placement a, Install isolation joints at the Iocations shown on the Drawings. 33 2. Assembly 34 a. Place gasket, sleeves and washers as recommended by the manufacturer. 35 b. Follow manufacturer's recommendations for even tightening to proper torque. 36 3. Testing 37 a. Imcnediately a�ter an electrical isolation t"itting has been installed, cantact the 38 City to perform testing for electrical isalation effectiveness. 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 4. Painting a. Do not use metal base paints on electrical isolation devices. 5. Encapsulation a. Encapsulate below-grade iso�ation joints with the Denso Densyl Tape system after the isolation joint has been testad far effectiveness. C. Installatian of Casing Spacers 1. Casing spacers shall be ins#alled in accardance with Sectian 33 a5 24. 46 D. Installatian of End Seals CIT'Y OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION 3PECIFICATION DOCUMEIVTS Revised Aecember 2fl, 2012 RdLLING HILLS WATER TREATMBNT PLANT FLOW IVf�TER REPLACEMENTS CITY PR07ECT NO. 1 U2056 33oa�o-� JOINT BONDING AND ELECTRICAL ISOLATION Page 7 of 8 1. End seals shall be instatled in accardance with Section 33 OS 2�. 2 3.� REPAIR / RE�TORA.T�ON [NOT USED] 3 3.6 RE-INSTALLATION �NOT USED] 4 3.7 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL 5 b 7 8 9 ]0 11 12 13 14 15 16 A. Testing of ]oint Continuity Bonds a�d Isolation Joints 1. After the completion of the cont�nuity bonding of individual jo�nts, but before the pipe is backfilled, each bonded joint shall be tested for electrical continuity. 2. A DC current shaIl be impressed on the pipe on 1 side of the joint under test using a portable 12-volt battery and a driven ground rod. The batte�ry shall be connected such that the positive terminal is connec#ed to the ground rod and the negative terminal is connected to the pipe section under test. The magnitude of test current is not important as long as it causes a change in pipe-to-soil potential on the section of pipe that is in the test current circuit. 3. The pipe-to-soil potential shalI be measured on each side of the isolation joint using a high impedance voltmeter and portable copper/copper sulfate reference electrode with the test current "on" and "off'. 17 4. A jvint is considered e�ectrically continuous if the "on" and "off potentials are the 18 same on either side of the joint under test. 19 5. This san�e proce�.ure sha11 be used to test individual isolation joints except that the 20 joint is considered effective if the pipe-to-soil potential is noi the same when 21 measured on each side o�the joint when the test current is "on". 22 6. Record results and submit in accordance with this Specification. 23 24 25 26 27 28 B. Casing to Ca�rrier Pipe Isolation Tests 1. Immediately after the pipe has been installed in tne casing, but prior ta connecting the line, make pipe avaitable far testing and contact the City to perform an electrical continuity test to determine that the casing is electrically isolated from the pipeline. 2. The continuity test shall be fully documented and approved by the City przor to backfilling. 29 3. Record results and submit in accorc�ance with this Speci�cation. 30 4. If the electrical isalation between carrier pipe and casing is not effective, the cause 31 shall be immediately investigated and the situation remedied. 32 5. Under no circurnstances shall a shorted casing be backflled. 33 3.8 SYSTEM STARTUP [NOT USED] 34 3.9 ADJUSTING [NOT USED� 35 3.10 CLEANING [NOT USED] 36 311 CLOSEOUT ACTIVITIES [NOT USED) 37 3.1� PROTECTION [NOT USEDJ 38 313 MAINTENANCE [NOT USED] CITY OF FORT WORTH ROLLiNG HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIF[CATiOM bOCUMENTS FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS Revised December 20, 2D12 CITY PR03�CT 1+i0. 142056 330410-8 JOINT BQNDFNG AND ELECTRICAL ISOLATION Page 8 of S 3.14 ATTACHMENTS �NOT USED] END OF SECTIQN R�vision Log DATE NAME SUMMARY OF CHANGE 12/20/20�2 D. Johnson 2.2.0 - Modified material specif�cations for gaskets, sleeves and washers CI'TY DF FORT WORTH STANDARD CQNSTRLTCTIpN SPECiFiCATTON DOCUMENTS Revised 17ecember 20, 2612 ROLLING HILLS WATER TI�ATM�CNT PLANT FLOW METER REPLACENLENTS CITY PRQJECT IVO. 10205fi 33 04 4Q - 1 CLEAiVING AND ACCEPTANCE TESTIIVG pF WATER MAINS Page 1 of 8 1 SECTION 33 04 40 2 CLEANING AND ACCEPTANCE TESTING OF WATER MAINS 3 PART1- GENERAL 4 l.l �SUMMARY 5 A. General 6 1. Before any newly constructed potable water mains will be permitted to ba placed 7 into service in the Fort Worth Water Department's Water Distribution System, it 8 shall be cleaned (purged) and tested, or cleaned, disinfected, and tested until the 9 bacteria count within the water main meets the standards established by the Fort 10 Worth �lilater Department and the requirements of Chapier 290 of the Texas 11 Administrative Code (TAC) established by the Texas Cammission on 12 Environmental Quality (TCEQ). 13 B. Deviations from this City af Fort Worth Standard Specification 14 1. None. 15 C. Relaied Specification Sections include, but are nat neccssarily lirnited to: 16 1. Division 0— Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms, and Conditions of the 17 Contract 18 2. Division 1-- General Requiremen�s 19 3. Section 33 O1 31 -- Closed Circuit Television {CCTV) Inspect�on 20 1.2 PRiCE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES 21 22 23 2�4 25 26 27 28 29 I.3 aa 3i 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 A. Measuremeni and Payrnent 1. Measurement a. This Item is consiciered subsidiary to the water main being Cleaned and Tested. 2. Payment a. The work performed and the materials fiu�ished in accordance with this Item are subsidiary to cleaning, disinfection, hyeirostatic testing, and bacteriological testing and shall be subsidiary to the unit price bid per linear foot of water pipe complete in place, and no other compensation wilI be alIowed. REFERENCES A. Reference Standards 1. Reference standards cited in this Speci�cation refer to the current reference standard published at the time of the latest revision date logged at the end of this Specification, unless a aate is speci�icalIy cited. 2. American Water Works Association/American {AWWA): a. C301, Prestressed Concrete Pressure Pipe, Steel-Cylinder Type. b. C303, Concrete Pressure Pipe, Bar-Wrapped, 5tee1-Cylinder Type. c. C651, Disinfecting Water Mains. d. C655, Field De-Chlarination. CITY OF FORT WORTH ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT STANDAIZA CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUME�+]TS PLpW METER REPLACEMENTS Rev9sed February 6, 2013 CTI'Y PROJECl' NO. 102056 33044D-2 CLEANINCr ANI] ACCEPTANCE T�.ST�1VG OF WATER MAINS Page 2 of S 1 1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS [NOT USED] 2 1.5 SUBMITTALS 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1.6 1.11 FIELD [SITE] CONDITIQNS [NOT USEDJ 20 1.7 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS [NOT USED� 21 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALS [N�T U�ED] 22 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE [NOT USED] 23 L10 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING [N�T USED] 24 25 L12 WARRANTY [NQT USED] 2b PART 2 - PRODUCTS 27 2.1 OWNER-FURNISHED [oa] OWNER-SUPPLIED PRODUCTS [NOT USED] 28 29 34 31 32 33 34 35 36 2.2 PRDDUCT TYPES A. Submittals For 24-inch and larger water mains, provide the folIowing: l. Cleaning Plan — Prior to the sfart of cons�rtiction, submit a water main cleaning plan detailing the methods and schedule, including: a. A detailed description of cleaning procedures b. Pigging entry and exit ports c. Flushing procedures d. Plans and hydraulic calculations to demonstrate adequate flushing velocities e. Control of water f, Disposal 2. Disinfection Plan — prior to the start of construction submit a disinfec�ion pIan including: a. The method mixing and introducing chlarine b. Flushing c. De-chlarination d. Samp�ing ACTION SUBMITTAL�/[NFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] A. Pigs 1. Open cell poly�.u-ethane faam body 2. Densities between 2 pounds per cubic foot up to 8 pounds per cubic foot 3. May be wrapped with polyurethane spiral bands 4. Abrasives are not permitted, unless expressly approved by the City in writing far the particular application. 5. Must pass through a reduction up to 65 percent of the cross sectional area of the nominal pipe diameter CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CQNSTRUCTiQt� 3PECIFICATIQiV DQCUMEN'I',� Revised February 6, 2613 ROLLING I-IILI.S WATER TREATMENT PLANT FLOW ME'FER REPLACEMENTS CITY PROJECT NO. 1 Q2056 330440-3 CLEANING AND ACCEPTAAICE TESTING OF WATER MAIi�S Page 3 of 8 1 6. Pigs shall be able to traverse standard piping arrangements such as 90 degree bends, 2 tees, crasses, wyes, and gate valv�s. 3 2.3 ACCESSOR�ES [NOT USED] 4 2.4 SOURCE QUALITY CONTROL [NOT USED] 5 PART 3 - EXECUTION 6 3.1 INSTALLERS [N�T USED] 7 3.� EXAMINATION [NOT USED] S 3.3 PREPARATION [NOT USED] 9 3.4 ERECTION/INSTALLATION/APPLYCATION [NOT USED] 10 11 12 13 3.5 REPAIR/R�STORATION [NOT USED] 3.6 RE-INSTALLATION [NOT USED] 3.7 FIELD [oa� SITE QUALITY CONTROL [NOT USED] 3.� SYSTEM STARTUP [NOT USED] 14 3.9 ADJUSTING [NOT USED] 15 3.10 CLEAN�NG 16 A. Generai 17 1. AlI water mains shall be cleaned prior to bacteriologicaI testing. 18 a. Pig ali 36-inch and smaller water mains. 19 b. Pig or manuaIly sweep 42-inch and larger mains. 20 c. Fiushing is Qn1y permitted when specially designated in the Drawings, or if 21 pigging is not practical and approved by the City. 22 B. Pigging Method 23 1. If the method of pigging is to be used, prepare the main for the installation and 24 removal of a pig, including: 25 a. Furnish all equipmeni, material and labor to satisfactorily expose cleaning wye, 26 remove cleaning wye cavers, etc. 27 b. Where expulsion of the pig is required through a dead-er�ded conduit: 28 1} Prevent bacicflow of purged water into the main after passage of the pig. 29 2} Install a mechanical joint to provide a riser out of the trench an 12-inch and 30 smaller mains ta prevent backwater re-entry into the main. 3 I 3) Additiona� excavation of the trench may be performed on mains over 12 32 inches, to prevent backwater re-entry inta the main. 33 4) �'lush any backflow water that inadvertently enters the main. 34 c. Finsh short dead-end pipe sections not swabbed by a pig. 35 d. Once pigging is complete: 36 1} Pigging wyes sha11 rema�n in place unless otherwise specified in the 37 Contract Doc�unents. 38 2) Install cleaning wye, blind flanges or rnechanicaI joint plugs. CITY OF FORT WOR`FH ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT STAi�iQARA CONSTRUCTION SPECTFTCATION DOCUMENTS FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS Revisad February 6, 2DI3 CITY PR07ECT AIQ. 102056 330440-4 CLEANING AND ACCEPTANCE'iESTING OF WATER MAINS Page 4 of 8 1 2 3 4 5 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3U 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 3} Plug and place biacking at other openings. 4} Backfrll 5) Complete all appurtenant work necessary to secure the system and proceed vvith disinfection. C. Flushing Method 1. Prepare the main by installing biow-offs at appropriate locations, of suff�cient sizes and x��mbers, and with adequate flushing ta achie�re a minimum velacity in the main of 2.5 feet per second. a. Minimum blow-of� siz�s for various main sizes are as follows: 1) 4-inch through $-inch main — 3/a-inch blaw-off 2) 10-inch through 12-inch main — 1-inch blow-off 3) 16-inch anc� greater rnain — 2-inch blow-off b. Flushing shall be subject to the following limitations: 1) Limit the volume af water far flushing to 3 times the volume of the water main. 2) Do not unlawfully discharge chlorinated water. 3) Do not damage private property. 4) Do not create a traffic hazard. c. Once �`lushing is camplete: 1) Carporations stops used far flushing shall be plugged. D. Daily main cleaning �. Wipe jaints and then inspect for proper installation. 2. Sweep each joint and keep cIeaz� during construction. 3. Install a temporary plug an all ex�osed mains at the end of each working day or an extend�d perioc� of work stoppage. �. Hydrostatic Testing 1. A�1 water rnain that is to be under pressure, shaIl be hydrastatically tested to meet the fallowing criteria: a. Furnish and install corporations for proper tesfing af the main. 1} Furnish adequa#e and satisfactary equipment and supplies necessary to make such hydrostatic tests. 2} The section of line to be tested sha11 be gradually filled with water, carefiilly expelling the air and the speci�ed pressure applied. b. The City will furnish water required for the testing at its nearest City line. c. Expel air from the pipe before applying the required test pressure. d. Test Pressure 1} Test pressures should meet the following criteria: a) Not less than 1.25 (187 psi minimum) times the stated working pressure of the pipeline measured at the highest elevation along the test section. b} Not less tI�an �.5 (225 psi minimurn) times the stated working pressure at the lowest elevation of the test section. e. Test Conditions lj Must be at least 2 hour d�zratian 2) Add water as necessary to sustain the required test pressure. 3) Test fire hydrants to the fire hydrant valve. CITY OF FQRT WORTH STANDARD CaNSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION AOCUMENTS Re�ised February 6, 2013 ROLLiNG HiLL5 WAT�TZ TREAi'MENT PLANT FLOW METER REFLACEMENTS CITY PROJECT NO. ] 02056 330440-5 CLEANI�iG AND ACCEPTANCE TESTING OF WATER MAI3+IS Page 5 of 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 24 21 22 23 24 25 2f 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 a) Leave the isolatian valve on the fire hydrant leac� line open during the hydrostatic testing. 4) Test service lines to curb stop a} Leave the corporation stop on the service line open during the hydrostatic testing. 5) Close isolation valves for air release valves. 6) Makeup water must come from a container ot' fixed 55 gallon container that does not have a water source. f. Measure alt water used in the pressure test through an approved meter, or measure the difference in volume within a 55 gallon container. 1) Do not test against existing water distribution valves unless expressly provided far in the Drawings, ar approved by the Ciiy. 2) lf the City denies appraval to test against existing water distribution system vaIve, then make arrangements to plug and test the pipe at no additional cost. 2. Alfowable Leakage a. No pipe instailation should be accepted if the amount of makeup water is greater than that determined using the following formula: In inch-pound units, L = SD �IF 14$,000 � c. d. e. Where: L= fiesting allawance {r�aake up water), gallons per hour S =length Qf pipe tested, $. D= nominal diameter of pipe, in. P= average test pressure during the hydrostatic test, psi For any pipeline that fails to pass hydros�aiic test: i } Identify the cause 2} Repazr the Ieak 3) Restore the trench and surface 4) Retest All costs associated with repairing the pipeline to pass the hydrostatic test is the sole responsibiiity of the Coniractor and included in the price per linear foot of pipe. If the City determines that an existing system valve is responsible %r the hydrostatic test to fail, the Contractor shall make provisians to test the pipeline without the use of the system valve. There shaIl be na additionaI payment ta tha Contractor if the existing valve is unable to sustain the hydrostatic test and shall be included in the price per linear foot of pipe. F. Disinfection 1. General a. Disinfectian of the main shaZl be accomptishad by the "continuous feed" method or the "slug" methad as determined by the Contractor. b. The free chlorine amounts shown are mininnums. The Contractor may require higher rates. 1) Calcium hypochlorite granules shali �e used as the source of chlorine. c. Continuous �'eed Method CiTY OF FORT WORTH STANDARI? COIVSTRUCTIQN SPECIFICATION DOCUMEN"1'S Revised February 8, 2013 ROLLING HiLLS WATER TREAT3vfENT PLANT FLOW METER REPLACEMEI�fTS CITY PROJECT NO. 102056 33Q440-G CLEANR�IG AND ACCEPTANCE TESTING OF WATER MAINS Page 6 of S 1 l) Apply water at a constant rate in the newly laid main. 2 a} Use the existing distribution system ar other approved source af 3 supply. 4 2) At a point not more than 10 feet downstream from the beginning af the new 5 main, water entering the new main shall receive a dase of chlorine. 6 a) Free chlorine concentration: 50 mg/L minimum, or as required by 7 TCEQ, whichever is greater. 8 b) Chlorine applications shall not cease until the entire conduit is filled 9 with heavily chlorinated water. 10 3) Retain chlorinated water in the main for at least 24 hours. 11 a) Operate valves and hydrants in the section treated in order ia disin%ct 12 the appurtenances. 13 b) Prevent the flow of chlorinated water into mains in active service. 14 c) Residual at the end of the 24-hour period: 10 r�g /L free chlorine, 15 minimum, for the treated water in all portions of the main. 15 4} Flush fhe heavily chlorinated water from the main and dispase of in a 17 manner and at a location accepted by the City. 18 5} Test the chlorine residual prior to flushing operations. 19 a) If the chlorine residual exceeds 4 mglL, the water shall re�nain in the 20 new main until the chlorine residual is less the 4 mg/L. 21 b) The Contractor may choase to evacuate the water inta water trucks, or 22 other approved storage facility, and treat the water with Sadium 23 Bisulfate, ar another de-chlorination chemical, or m�thod appropriate 24 for patable water and approved by the City until the chlorine residual is 25 reduced to 4 mglL ar less. Z6 c) After the specified chlorine residual is abtained, the water may then be 27 discharged into the drainage system ar utilized by the Contractor. 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 d, �lug Method 1) Water fram the existing distribution system or other approved source of supply shall be made to flovv at a constant rate in tk�e newly laid main, 2) At a poin� not more than 10 feet downstream from the beginning of the new znain, water entering the new main shall receive a dose of chlorine. a} Free chlorine concentration: 100 mg/L minimum, or as required by TCEQ, whichever is greater. b} The chlorine shaTl be applied continuously and far a sufficient time to develop a solid column or "slug" of chlorinated water that shalt expase all interior surfaces to the "slug" for at least 3 hours. 3) Operate the fittings and valves as the chlorinated water flows past to disinfect the appurtenances. 4) Prevent the flow of chlorinated water into mains in active service. 5) Flush the heavily chlorinated water from the xnain and dispose of in a manner and at a location accepted by the City. 6) Upon completion, test the chlorine residual remaining in the main. a} Chlorine levels of 4 mgll or less shauld be maintained. 2. Contractor Requirernents a. Furnish all equipment, material and labor to satisfactarily prepare the main for the disinfection method approved by the City with adequate provisions �or sampling. b. Make al1 necessary taps into the main to accamplish chlorination af a new line, unless otherwise specified in the Contract Documents. CITY OF FOFtT WdRTH ROT,I,TNG I-fILL5 WATER TR�ATMENT PLANT STANDARD CONSTRUCTIQN SPECIFICATION DDCUMENTS FLOW METER REFLACEMENTS Revised Pebruary 6, 2D13 CITY PRQJECT NO. 102055 330440-7 CLEANIIVG AND ACCBPTANC� TESTIIVG OF WATER 3vIAINS Page 7 oi8 I c. After satisfactory completion o f the disznfection operation, as detennined by 2 the City, remove surplus pipe at the chlorination and sampling points, plug the 3 remaining pipe, backfiIl and cornplete alI appurtenant work necessary to secure 4 the main. G. Dechlorination 6 1. General. A11 chiorinated water shall be de-chlarinated before discharge to the 7 environment. Chernical amounts, as listed in ANSI/AVSJWA C651: "Disinfecting 8 Watex Mains", sha11 be used to neutralize the residual chlorine concentrations using 9 de-chlorination procedures listed in AN5I/AWWA C655: "Field De-Chlarinaiian". 10 De-Chlarination shall continue until chiorine residual is noza-detectable. 11 2. Testing. Contractor shall continuously test for the chlorine resic�.ual level 12 im�nediately downstream of the de-chIorination process, during the entire discl�arge 13 of the chlorinated water. Cont�ractor shail periodicaIly conduct chlorine residual 14 testing and check for passible fish kills at loca�ions w�ere discharged water enters 15 the existing watershed. 16 3. Fish Kill. If a�sh kill occurs associated with the discharge of water from the 17 dzstribution system or any other const7-uction activities: 18 a. The Contract shall immediately alter activities to prevent fiu-ther fish kills. 19 b. The Contractor shalI imraedzately notify Water Deparhnent Fie1d Operations 2a Dispatch. 21 22 23 24 25 c. The Contractor shall coordinate with City to properly notify TCEQ. d. Arny fines assessed by the TCEQ {or local, state of federal agencies) for fisn kills shall be the responsibility of ihe Contractor. H. Bacterialogical Testing (Water Sampling) 1. General 26 a. Notify the City when the main is suitable far sampling. 27 b. The City shall then take water samples from a suitable tap for analysis by the 28 Ciiy's laboratory, unless otherwise speci�ed in the Contract Documents. 29 1) No hose or fire hydrant shall be used in the collection of samples. 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 4� 42 2. Water 5ampling a. Complete microbiological sarnpling prior to connecting the new main into the existing dis#ribution system in accordance with AWWA C651. b. Collect samples for bacteriological analysis in sierile bottles treateci. with sodium thiosulfate. c. Callect 2 consecutive sets of acceptable samples, taken at least 24 hours apart, from the new main. d. Collect at least 1 set of samples from every 1,000 linear feet of the new main (or at the next available sampling point beyond 1,OUO linear feet as designated by ihe City), phis 1 set from the end of the line and at least 1 set from each branch. e. If trench water has entered the nevsr main during co�zstn�ction or, if in the opinion of the City, excessive quantities of dirt or debris have entered the new 43 main, obtain bacteriological samples at intervals of approximately 2001inear 44 feet. 45 f. Obtain samples from water that has stood in the new main for at least lb i�aurs 46 after formal flushing. 47 3. Repetition of Sampling CIT'Y OF FORT WORTH 1tOLLI�TG HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT STANBARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICAT1dN BOCUM�NTS FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS Re�vised February 6, 2013 CITY PR07ECT NO. 102056 33 Q4 40 - 8 CL�ANING AIVD ACCSPTANCE TESTING OF WATER MAINS Page 8 oi$ 1 a. Unsatisfactory test results require a repeat of the disinfection pracess and re- 2, sampling as reqnired above until a satisfactory sample is obtained. 3 311 CLOSEOUT ACTIVITIES [NOT USED] 4 3.1� PROTECTION [NOT USED] 5 3.13 MAINTENANCE [NOT USED] 6 3.14 ATTACHMENTS [NOT USED] 7 END QF SECTION 8 Revision Log DATE NAME SUMMARY QF CHANGE 12/2Q12012 D. Johnson 3.10.E.1.e.- Added service lines to hydrostatic testing requirements 1.3.A.2.d Added AWWA C655 Field De-Chlorination as reference 2/6/20 i 3 D Townsei�d 3.1 Q. G— Added De-Chlorination Requirement C1TY OF FORT WORTH RQLLING �III.LS WATER TREATMENT PLANT STANDARD CONSTRl1CTION SPECIFICATION DOCUM�NTS FLbW METER REPLACEM�NTS Revised February 6, 2013 CITY PRQJEC�' NO. 102056 330510-1 LTTILITY TRENCH EXCAVATION, EMSEQMENT, ANI7 BACKFILL Page 1 of 19 1 2 SECTION 33 0� 10 UTILITY TRENCH EXCAVATION, EMBEDMENT AND BACKFILL 3 PART1- GENERAL 4 I.1 SUMMARY 5 6 7 8 9 10 li 12 73 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 A. Section Includas: 1. Excavation, Embedment and Backfill for: a. Pressure App�ications 1) Water Distri6ution ar Transmiss�on Main 2) �47astewater Force Main 3) Reclaimed Water Main b. Gravity Applications 1) Wastewater Gravity Mains 2} Starm Sewer Pipe and Culverts 3) Starm Sew�r Precast Box and Cuiverts 2. Including: a. Excavation of all material encountered, including rock and unsuitable materials b. Disposal of e�cess unsuitable material c. Site specific trench safety d. Pumping and dewatering e. Embedment f. Concrete encasement for utility lines g. Backfill h. Compaction B. Deviations from this City of Fort 'Worth Standard Specification 1. None. 26 C. Relat�d Specification Sections include, but are not necessarily limited to: 27 1. Division 0— Bidding Requirernents, Contract Forms, and Conditions of the 28 Contract 29 2. Division 1— General Requiretnents 30 3. Section 02 41 13 — SeIective Site Demolition 31 4. Section 02 41 15 — Paving Re�no�al 32 5. Section 02 41 1�4 — Utility Removal/Abandonment 33 6. Section 03 30 DO — Cast-in-place Concrete 34 7. Section 03 34 13 — Controlled Low Strength Material(CLSM} 35 8. Seciion 31 10 00 — Site Clearing 36 9. Section 31 25 00 — Erosion and 5ediment Control 37 10. �ec#ion 33 OS 26 — Utility Markers/Lacators 38 11. Section 34 71 13 -- Traffic Control 39 1.2 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES 40 A. Measurement and Payment C1TY OF FORT WORTH ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLAriT STANDARD CONSTRUCTIOI�i SPECIFICATION bOCUMENTS FLQW METER REPLACEMENTS Revised 7une 19, 2013 CITY PROJBCI' NO. 102Q56 33 OS 10 - 2 UTILTI'Y TRSNCH EXCAVATIOIV, EIvIBEBMENT, AND BACKFILL Page 2 of 19 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1$ i9 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 1 Z. 3 4. Trench Excavation, Embedment and Backfill associated with the installation of an underground utility or excavation a. Measurement 1) This Item is consiclered subsidiary to the instatlation af the utility pipe line as designated in the Drawings. b. Payment 1} The work performed and the materials furnished in accordance with this Item are considered subsidiary to the installatian of the utility pipe for the type af e�bedment and backfill as indicated on tha plans. Na other compensation will be allowed. Ixnported Embedment or Backfill a. Measurement 1} Measured by the cubic yard as delivered to the site and recorded by truck ticket pravided to the Ciry b. Payment 1} Imparted fill shall only be paid when using materials for embedmen� and backfill other than those identified in the Drawings. The wark per%rmed and materials furnished in accordance with pre-bid item and measured as provided under "Measurement" will be paid far at the unit price bid per cubic yard of "Imported Embed�nent/BackfrIi" delivered to the Site for; a) Various �mbedment/backfill materials c. The price bid shail inciude: 1) Furnishing �ackfill or embedment as specified by this Specification 2) Hauling to the site 3) Placement and compaction of backfill or embedment Concrete Encasezx�ent for Utility Lines a. Measurement 1) Measured by ihe cubic yard per plan quantity. b. Payment 1) The wark performed and materials furnished in accordance with this Item and measured as provided under "Measurement" �vili be paid for at the unit price bid per cubic yard of "Concrete Encasement for Utility Lines" per pian quantity. c. The price bid shall include: lj Furnishing, hauling, placing and finishing cancrete in accardance with Section 03 30 00 2) Clean-up Ground Water Control a. Measurement 1) Measurement shall be lump sum when a ground water control plan is specifically required by the Contract Dociiments. b. Payment 1) Payment shall be per tk�e lump sum price bid for "GroLind Water Control" including: a) Submittals 6) Additional Testing c) Ground water control system instalIation d) Ground water control systera operations and maintenance e) Disposal of water CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARLI CONSTRUCTTON SPECIFICA'tION DOCUMENTS Revised June ]9, 2013 ROLLiNG �IiLLS WAT�R TREATMEIVT PLANT FLOW M�TER REPLACE[vIENTS C17Y PROJECT NQ. 162Q56 33 OS 10 - 3 LiT[LITY TRENCH EXCAVATION, EMBEDMENT, AND BACKFILL Page 3 0#' 19 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 f� Re:�xzovaI af ground water contral system 5. Trench Safety a. Measurement 1) Measured per linear foot of excavation for all trenches that require irench safety in accordance with OSHA excavation safety standards (29 CFR Part 1926 Subpart P Safety and Health regulations for Construction) b. Payme�.t 1) The work perfarm�d and maierials furr�ished zz� accordance with this Item and measured as provided under "Measurement" will be paid for at the unit price bid per linear foot of excavation to comply with OSHA excavation safery standards (29 C�R Part 192$.650 Subpart P), including, but not litnited to, all submittals, labor and equipment. 13 1.3 REFERENCES 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 A. Definitions 1. General — Definitions used in this section are in accordance with Terminologies ASTM F412 and ASTM D8 and Terminology ASTM D653, untess otherwise noted. 2. Definitions for trench width, backfill, ernbedment, ininal backfill, pipe zone, haunching bedding, springIine, pipe zone and foundation are defined as sho�v�n in the foliowing schemaiic: J � � � Q � J � � � � � � �. 21 % � �, ,��; \ ` f' \� / � �/ INIT�AL �.='i BACI(FILL ,�� „ ; i� SPRINGLINf �;: ���= ; NAUNCHING `��' BE�DING ---'���;- F011�fQATIOfV � �'_ :�� ;f, . .� UiVPAVE� AREAS . � •�` ` �i\ � �, J Li U Q � m __ 7 � Z � w � 0 N w � � I k%'_f,, ' --------i - �-�� ; J— � . � . ---�I i. . � , Ob C�EARANCE E}(CAVATED TREN.CH WID�-I CITY OF FORT WORTH ROLLiNG HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS FGOW NFETER REPLACEMENTS Revised 7une i9, 2013 C1TY PROIECT NO. 102056 330510-4 UTIT,ITY TRENCH EXCAVATION, EMBEBMENT, AND BACKFILL Page 4 of 19 1 2 3 �4 5 6 7 8 9 14 11 12 13 14 15 lb 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 3. Deleterious materials — Harmful materials such as clay luznps, silts and arganic material 4. Excavated Trench Depth — Distance from the surface to the bat�om of the bedding or the trench foundation 5. Pinal BackfilI Depth a. Unpaved Areas — The depth af the final backfill measured from the top of the initial backfill to the surface b. Paved Areas — The depth of the final backfill �neasured from the top af the initial backfill to bottom of permanent or temporary pavement repair B. Reference Standards 1 2 42 1..4 ADMIlVISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS 43 44 45 46 A. Coordination Reference standards cited in this Specification refer to the current reference standard published at the time of the latest revision date logged at the end of this Specification, unless a date is speciiically cited. ASTM Standards: a. ASTM C33-OS Standard Specifieations for Concrete Aggregates b. ASTM C88-OS Soundness of Aggregate by Use of �odi�m Sulfate �r Magnesium Sulfate c. ASTM C136-41 Test Method far Sieve Analysis of �ine and Coarse Aggregate d. ASTM D4�8-08 Standard Classification far Sizes of Aggregate for Road and Bridge Construct�an. e. ASTM C535-09 Standard Test Method for Resistance to Degradation of Large- Size Coarse Aggregate by Abrasion and Ympact ir� the Los Angeles Machine f. ASTM D588 — Standard Test method for Moisture-De�sity Relations of Soii- Cement Mixttu-e g. ASTM D69$-07 Test Method far Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil Using Stand Efforts (12,400 ft-lblft3 600 Kn-m/M3}). h. ASTM 1556 Standard Test Methods for Density and Unit Weight of Soils in Place by 5and Cone Method. i. A�TM 2487 — 10 Standard Classificatian oi Soils for Engineering Purposes (Uni�ied Sail Classi�icatian System) j. ASTM 2321-09 Undergraund Installation of Thermoplastic Pipe far Sewers and �ther Gravity-Flow Applications k. ASTM D2922 — Standard Test Methods for Density of Soils and 5oil Aggregate in Place by Nuclear Methods {Shallow Depth) l. ASTM 3017 - 5tandard Test Met�od for Water Content of Sail and Rock in place by Nuclear Methads {Shallow Depth} m. ASTM D4254 - 5tandard Test Method far Minimum Index Density and Unit Weight of Soils and Calculations of Relative Density 3. OSHA a. Occupational Safety and Health Administration CFR 29, Part 1926-Safety Regulations for Construction, Subpart P- Excavations 1. Utility Company Notification a. Notify area utility companies at least 48 hours in advance, excluding weekends and holidays, before starting excaaation. C1TY OF FbRT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION I]OCUMENTS Revised dune ]9, 2013 RQLLING HII.LS WATER TRSATMENT PI.ANT FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS C1TY PROJ�C'i' NO. 102D56 330510-5 UTILITY TRENCH EXCAVATIOI�l, EMBEDMEN'I', AI�1D BACKFILL Page 5 of 19 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 b. Request tlae location of buried lines and cables in the vtcinity of the proposed work. B. Sequencing 1. Sequence work for each section of ihe pipe i�nstailed to complete the embedment and backfill placement on the day the pipe foundation is complete. 2. 5equence work such that proctors are complete in accardance r�ith ASTM D698 prior to commencement of constructian activities. 8 1.� SUBMITTALS 9 A. Submittals shall be in accordance with Section O1 33 00. 10 B. All submittais shall be approved by the City prior to construction. 1 I 1.6 ACTION SUBMITTALS/INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS 12 A. Shop Drawings 13 1. Pravide detailed drawings and exptazaation for gro�nd water and surface water 14 control, if required. 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 2. Trench 5afety PIan in accordance with Occupational Safety and HeaIth Administration CFR 29, Part 1926-Safety Regulations for Construction, 5ubpart P- Excavations 3. Stockpiled excavation and/or backfill material a. Provide a description of the storage of the excavated material only if the Contract Documents do not allow storage of materials in the right-of way af ihe easement. 22 1.'� CLOSEOUT 5UBMITTALS [NOT USED] 23 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 24 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE [NOT USED] 25 1..10 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING 26 z� z� 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 A. Storage l. Within Existing Rights-of-Way (ROW) a. Spail, imported ernbedmer�t and backfill materials may be stored within existing RQW, easements or temporary constructian easements, unless specificatly disallowed in the Contract Documents. b. Do not btock drainage ways, inlets or driveways. c. Provide erosian controi in accordance with Section 31 25 00. d. Store materials only in areas barricaded as �rovided in the traffic control plans. e. In non-paved areas, do not store materiat on the root zone of any trees or in landscaped areas. 2. Designated Storage Areas a. If the Contract Documents do not aIlow ihe storage of spoils, embedt�aent o,r backfi�l materials within tl�e ROW, easement or temporary construction easement, then secure and maintain an adequate storage location. b. Provide an affidavit that rights have been secured to store the materials on privaie property. c. Provide erosion con#rol in accordance with Section 31 25 00. CITY OF FORT WORTH ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT STANDARA C�N3TRUGTION SPECIFICATION bOCUMENTS FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS Revised June 19, 2013 CITX PROJECT NO. ] 02056 33 os ia - � UTILITY TREI�fCI-1 EJ�CAVATipN, EMBEDMENT, AND BACKFILL Page b of 19 1 2 3 4 B. Deliveries and haul-off - Caordinate ali deliveries and haul-off. 5 1.11 FIELD jSITE] COND�TIONS b A. Existing Canditians 7 1. Any data which has been or rnay be provided an subsurface conditians is nat 8 intended as a representation or warranty af accuracy or continuity beiween soils. It 9 is expressly understood that neither the City nar the Engineer will be respansible 10 for interpretations or conciusions drawn there from by the Contractor. 11 2. Data is made available for th� conv�nience of the Contractor. 12 1.1� WARRANTY [NOT USED] 13 PART 2 - PRODUCTS l� �.1 OWNER-�'URNISHED [oR] OWNER�SUPPLIED PRODUCTS d. Do not block drainage ways. e. On1y materials used for 1 warking day will be allowed to be stored in the work zone. 15 �.�. MATER�ALS 16 17 1$ 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 A. Materials 1 2 Utility Sand a. Granular and free flowing b. Generally meets or exceeds the limits on deleterious substances per Table 1 for fine aggregate according to ASTM C 33 c. Reasonably free of organic material d. Gradation: • Sieve Size Percent Retai�ed 1 inch 0 3/8 inch 0-10 #40 20-60 #100 95 Crushed Rack a. Durable crushed rack or recycled concrete b. Meets the gradation af ASTM D448 size numbers 56, 57 or 67 c. May �e unwashed d. Free from significant silt clay or unsuitable materials e. Percentage of wear not more than 40 percent per ASTM C131 or C535 f. Nat more than a 12 percent imaxinnum loss when subjective to 5 cycIes of sadium sulfate soundness per ASTM C88 31 32 33 34 35 36 3. �'ine Crushed Rock a. Durable crushed rock b. Meets the gradation of ASTM D448 size numbers S or 89 c. May be unwashed d. Free from significant silt cIay ar unsuitable materials. e. Have a percer�tage at'wear not more than 40 percent per ASTM C131 or C535 CITY OF FOAT WORTH ROLI,Ii�IG FIIE,LS WATER TREATMENT PLANT STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUIvIENTS FLOW METER REYLACEMENTS Revised June 19, 2013 CTT�C PRQJECT NO. 102056 330510-7 UTILITY TRENCH EXCAVATI03V, E3VIBEEIMENT, AND BACKFILL Page 7 of 19 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 i4 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2$ 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 3S 39 A0 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 5 � 7. f Not mare than a 12 percent maximum loss when subjective to 5 cycles af sodium sulfate soundness per ASTM C$8 4. Ballast Stone a. Stone ranging fro�n 3 inches to 6 inches in greatest dimension. b. May be unwashed c. Free fram significant silt clay or unsuitable materials d. Percentage of wear not more than 40 percent per ASTM C131 or C535 e. Not more than a 12 percent maximurn loss when subjected to 5 cycles of sodium sulfate soundness per ASTM C$8 Acceptable Backfill Material a. In-situ or imported soils classified as CL, CH, SC or GC in accordance with ASTM D2487 b. Free fram deleterious materials, boulders over 6 inches in size and organics c. Can be placed free from voids d. Must have 20 percent passing the nurnber 200 sieve Blended Back�ll Material a. In-situ soils ciassified as SP, SM, GP or GM in accordance with ASTM D24$7 b. Blended with in-situ ar imported acceptable backf�ll material to meet the requirements of an Acceptable Backfill Material c. Free fram deleterious materials, boulders over 6 inches in size and organics d. Must have 20 percent passing the number 200 sieve Unacceptable Backfill Material a. �n-situ soils classified as ML, MH, ,PT, OL or 4H in accordance with ASTM D2487 8. Select Fill a. Classified as SC or CL in accordance with ASTM D2487 b. Liquid limit less than 35 c. Plasticity index between $ and 20 9. Cement Stabilized Sand (CSS} a. Sand 1) ShaIl be clean, durable sand meeting grading requirements for �ne aggregates of ASTM C33 and the following requirements: a) Classified as SW, SP, or SM by the United Soil Classification System af ASTM D2487 b) Deleterious materials {1) Clay lumps, ASTM C142, less than 0.5 percent (2) Lightweight pieces, ASTM C123, less than 5.0 percent (3) Organic impurities, ASTM C40, colar no darker than standard color (4) Plasticity index of 4 or less when tested in accordance wit�a ASTM D4318. h. Minimum of 4 percent cement content of Type I/II portland cement c. Water 1) Potable water, free of soils, acids, alkalis, organic matter ar other deleterious substances, meeting reyuirements af A�TM C94 d. Mix in a stationary pug mill, weigh-batch or continuous tnixing plant. e. Strength CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUC'TION SPECIFICATTON DOCUMENTS Revised dune 19, 2013 ROLi,ING HILLS WATEit TREATMEIVT PLANT FLOW M�TER REPLACEMENTS C1TY PROJECT 3V0. 1Q2056 33 as io - s UTILITY TRENCH EXCAVATIpN, EMBEDMENT, AND SACKFILL Page S of 19 � 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 14 11 12 13 1 �4 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 1) 50 to 150 psi corn.pressive strength at 2 days in accordance with ASTM D1633, Method A 2) 200 to 25Q psi compxessi�re s�engtla at 28 days in accordance with ASTM D1633, Method A 3) The maximum compressive strength in 7 days shall be 400 psi. Backfill that exceeds the maximum compressive strength shall be xema�ed by the Contractor far no additianal compensatian. f. Random samples of delivered product will be taken in the field at point of delivery for each day af placement in the work area. Specimens will be prepared in accarciance with ASTM D 1632. 10. Contralled Low Strength Material(CLSM) a. Conform to Section 03 34 13 11. Trench Geotextile Fabric a. Soi1s other than ML ar OH in accordance with ASTM D2487 1) Needle gunch, nonwavan geot�xtile compased of polypropylene fibers 2) Fibers shall retain their relative position 3) Inert to biological degradation 4) Resist naturally occurring chemicals 5} W Resistant b) Mirafi 140N by Tencate, or appraved equal b. Soils C�assified as ML ar QH in accordance with ASTM D24$7 1) High-tenacity monofilament polypropylene woven yarn 2) Percent open area of 8 percent to 10 percent 3) Fibers shall retain their relative gosition 4) Inert to biological degradation 5} Resist naturally occurring chemicals 6} UV Resistant 7} Mirafi FW402 by Tencate, or ap�roved eyual 12. Concrete Encasement a. Conform to Section 03 30 00. 31 2.3 ACCESSORIES [NOT USED] 32 2.4 SOURCE QUAL�TY CONTRQL [NDT USED] 33 PART 3 - EXECUTIQN 34 31 INSTALLERS jNOT USED] 35 3.2 EXAMINATION 36 A. Verification af Conditions 37 1. Review all known, identified or marked utilities, whether public or private, prior to 38 excavation. 39 2. Locate and protect all known, identified and marked utilities or underground 40 facilities as excava#ion progresses. 41 3. Notify all utility owners within the project limits 48 hours prior to beginning 42 e�cavation. CITY OF FORT WpRTH ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT STANdARi) CQNSTRUCTIflN SPECIFICATION bOCEIM�NTS FLOW METER REPLACEMENT5 Revised 7une l9, 2013 CITY PROJEC� NO. 10205G 33051D-9 [ITILITY TR�NCH �XCAVATION, EMBEDMENT, AiVD BACKFILL Page 9 of 19 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 4. The information and data shown in the Drawings with respect to utilities is approximate and based on record information or an physica� appurtenances observed within the project limits. 5. Coordinate with the Owner{s} of underground :facilities. 6. Immediately notify any utility owner of damages to underground facilities resulting from constructiQn activities. 7. Repair any damages resuIting from the construction activities. B. Notify the City immediately of any changed condition that i�mpacts excavation and instaIlation of the proposed utility. �a 3.3 PREPAR.A,TION 11 A. Protection oF In-Place Conditions l2 I3 14 15 16 17 18 I9 20 21 22 23 24 25 2G 27 2$ 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 1. Pavement a. Conduct activities in such a way that does not damage existing pavement that is designated to remain. 1} Where desired to move equipment not licensed for operation on public roads or across pavement, provide means to protect the pavement fram all damage. b. Repair or replace any pavement damaged due to the negligence of the contractor outside the limits designated for pavennent re�oval at no additionai cost to the City. 2. Drainage a. Maintain positive drainage during construction and. re�establish drainage far all swales and culverts affected by construction. 3. Trees a. When operaiing outside of existing R�W, stake�permanent and temporary construction easements. b. Restrict all construction activities to the designated easeax�.ents and ROW. c. Flag and protect all trees designated to remain in accordance with Section 31 10 ao. d. Conduct excavation, embectmeni and backfiIl in a manner such that there is no damage to the tree canapy. e. Prune or trim tree limbs as specifically allowed �y the Drawings or as specifically allowed by ti�e City. 1) Pruning or trimming may only be accomplished with equipments specifically designed far tree pruning oz� trimming. f. Re:�xiove trees specificaliy designated to be re�noved in the Drawings in accordance with Section 31 10 00. 38 4. Above ground Structures 39 a. Protect all above ground shuctures adjacent to the construction. 4p b. Remove above ground structures designated %r removal in the Drawings in 41 accardance with Section 02 41 13 42 5. Traffic 43 a. Maintain existing traffic, except as modified by the traf�c control plan, and in 44 accordance with Section 34 71 13. 45 �. Do not block access to driveways or alteys for extended periods of time unless: 46 1) Alternati�e access has been provided C1TY OF FORT WORTH RQLLING HILLS WATER TREATMEiVT PLANT STANDARD CONSTRUCTIOIV SPECiFICAT[OI� QQCUMENTS �'LOW METBR REPLAC�M�NTS Revised 7une l9, 2013 CITY PROJECT NO. 102056 33 os ia - io UTILITY TRENCH �XCAVATION, EMSEDMENT, AI�ID BACKFILL Page ] 0 of 19 1 2) Proper notification has been. provided to the property ow�er or resident 2 3) It is specifically allowed in the traffic control plan 3 c. Use traffic rated plates to maintain, access until access is restored. 4 b. Traffic Signal — Poles, Mast Arms, Pull boxes, Detector iaops 5 a. Notify the City's Traffic Services Division a minimum af 48 hours prior to any 6 excavation tha# cauld impact the operations of an existing traffic signal. 7 b. Pratect all traffic signal poles, mast arms, pull boxes, traf�c cabinets, conduit 8 and detector loops. 9 c. Irnmediatety natify the City's Traffic Services Division if any damage accurs to 10 any component of the traffic �ignaI due to the contractors activities. 11 d. Repair any damage to the traffic signal poles, mast arms, pu11 boxes, traffic 12 cabinets, con.duit and detector loops as a result af the construction activities. 13 7. Fences 14 a. Protect all fences designated to remain. 15 b. Leave fence in tk�e equal or better condition as priar to construction. 16 3.4 INSTALLATION 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2G 27 A. Excavation l. Excavate to a depth indicated an the Drawir�gs. 2. Trench excavatians are defined as unclassi�ed. No additional payment sha11 be granted fox rock ar ather in-situ materials encountered in the trench. 3. Excavate to a width sufficient for laying the pipe in accordance with the Drawings and bracing in accordance with the Excavation Safety Plan. 4. The bottozn of the excavatian shall be firm and free from standing water. a. Notify the City immadiately if the water and/ar the in-situ soils do not provide for a firm trench battom. b. The City will determine if any changes are required in the pipe foundation or bedding. 28 5. Unless otherUvise permittad by the Drawings or by the City, the limits of tke 29 excavation shall not advance beyond the pipe placement so that the trench may be 30 backfilled in the sarr�e day. 31 6. Over Exca�ation 32 a. Fill aver excavated areas wit� the specified 6edding material as specified for 33 the specific pipe to be installed. 34 b. No additional payment will be made for over excavation ar additianal bedding 35 rnaterial. 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 7. U�nacceptable Backfrll Materiais a. In-situ soils classified as unacceptable backf"iIl material shall be separatec� from acceptabl� backfill materials. b. If the unacceptable backfill material is to be blended in accordance with this Speci�'icatian, then store material in a suitable locaCion until the material is blended. c. Remove all unacceptable materia� fram the project site that is not intended to be blended or modified. 8. Rock — No additional compensation will be paid for rock excavation ar other changed field conditions. B. Shoring, Sheeting and Bracing CTI'Y OF FORT WORTH RpLLING HIE,LS WATER TREATMSNT PLANT STANDARD COtQSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENT5 FLOW METBR R�PT,ACEMENT5 Revised 7une 19, 2�13 CITY PROJECT NO. 10205G 33 05 10-11 UTILITY TRENCFf EXCAVATfON, E[vIB�AMENT, AA1D BACTCPILL Page 11 of 19 1 ]. Engage a Licensed Professional Engineer in the State of Texas ta design a site 2 specific excavation safety s�rstem in accordance with �ederal an�. State 3 requirements. 4 2. Excavation protection systems shaIl be designed accarding to the space Iimitations 5 as indicated in the Drawings. 6 3. Furnish, put in piace and maintai�n a trench safety system in accardance with the 7 Excavation Safety Plan and required by FederaI, State or local safety requireme�ts. 8 4. If soil or water conditions are encountered that are not addressed hy the current 9 Excavation Safety Plan, engage a Licensed Professianal Engineer in the 5tate of 10 Texas to moclify the Excavation Safety Plan and provide a revised submittal to the � i City. 12 13 14 15 16 17 1$ 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 �46 47 5. Do not allow soil, or water containing soil, to znigrate through the Excavation Safety System in sufficient quantities to adverseIy affect the suitability of the Excavation Protection System. Movable bracing, sh�ring plates or trench boxes used io su�port the sides of the trench excavation shall not: a. Disturb the embedment located in the pipe zone or lower b. Alter the pipe's line and grade after the Excavation Protection System is removed c. Compramise the compaction of the embec�ment located belornr the spring line of th� pipe and in the haunching C. Water Contr�l 1. �urface Water a. Furnish all tnaterials and equipment and perform all incidental wo:rk required to c�irect surface water away from the excavation. 2. Ground Water a. Furnish all materials and equipment to dewater ground water by a method which preserves the undisturbed state of the subgrade soils. b. Do not a11ow the pipe to be submerged within 24 hours after placement. c. Do not al�ow water to flow over concrete until it has sufficiently cured. d. Engage a Licensed Engineer fn the State of Texas ta prepare a Ground Water Control Plan if any of the following conditians are encountered: I) A Ground Water Control PIan is specifically required by the Contract Documents 2} If in the sole judgrnent of the City, ground water is so severe that an Engineered Ground Wa#er Control Plan is required to protect the trench or the installation of the pipe which may include: a} Ground vc�ater levels in the trench are unable to be maintained below the top of the bedding b) A�rm trench bottom cannat be maintained due to ground water c) Grounc� water enter�ng the excavatian undermines the sta3�ility of the excavation. d) Graund vc+ater entering the excavation is transporting unacceptable quannties of soils thraugh the Excavation Safety 5ystem. e. In the event that there is no bid item for a Ground Water Control and the City requires an Engineered Ground Water Control Plan due to conditions c�iscovered at the site, the contractar will be eligible to submit a change ordez. f. Control of ground water shall be cons�dered subsidiary to the excavation when: CITY OF FORT WOILTH STANDARA CONSTRUCTIOAf 5P�CIFiCATION DOCUMENTS Revised 7une 19, 2013 ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PI,AiVT FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS CI'FY PROJBCT NO. 1D2056 ssos io-�z UTILITY TRENCH EXCAVATION, �MB�DMEIVT, AND BACKFILL Page 12 of 19 1 i} No Ground Water Contral P1an is specifically identified and required in tlae 2 Contract Documents 3 g. Ground Water Control Plan installation, operation and maintenance 4 1) Furnish alt materials and equipment necessary to implement, operate and 5 maintain the Ground Water Control Plan, 6 Z) Once �he excavation is complete, remove all ground water control 7 equipment not calIed to be incorparated into the wark. S h. Water Disposal 9 �) Dispase of ground �ater in accardance with City policy or Ordinance. 10 2) Do not discharge ground water onto or across private property without 11 written permission. 12 3) Pei-fnissian from the Gity is required prior to disposal into the 5anitary 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Sewer. 4) Disposal sI�all not violate any Fedearal, State ar local regulations. D. Embedment and Pipe �lacement 1. Water Lines less than, or equal to, 12 inches in diameter: a. The entire embedment zone shall be of uniform material. b. Utility sand shall be generally used �or embedment. c. If ground water is in sufficient quantity to cause sand to pump, then use crushed rock as embedznent. 1} If crushed rack is not specifically identified in the Contract Docutrzents, then crushed rock shall be paid by the pre-bid unit price. d. Place evenly spread bedding material on a firm trench bottom. e. Pravide firm, uniform bedding. £ Place pipe on the bedding in acc.ordance with the alignment of the Drawings. g. In no case shall the top of the pipe be less than 42 inches fram the surface of the proposed grade, unless specificaily called for in the Drawings. h. Place embedment, including initial backfill, to a minimum of 6 inches, but not more than 12 inches, above the pipe. i. Where gate valves are present, the initial backf't11 shall extend to 6 inches above the elevation of the valve nut. j. Form aIl blocking against undisturbed trench wall to the dix3nensions in the 33 Drawings. 34 k, Compact embedment and initial backfill, 35 l. Place marker tape on top af the initial trench backfill in accordance with 36 Section 33 OS 26. 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 2. Water Lines 16-inches thraugh 24-inches in diameter: a. The entire embedment zone shal� be of uniform material. b. Utility sand may be usecl fax embedment when the excavated trench depth is less than 15 feet deep. c. Crush�d rock or t"rn� crushed rack shall be used for embedment far excavated trench depths 15 feet, or grea�er. d. Crushed rock shall be used for embedment for steel pipe. e. Provide trench geotextile fabric at any location where crush�d rock �r iine cnxshed rock come into contact with utility sand f. Place evenly spread bedding material on a firm trench bottom. g. Provide firm, uniform bedding. 1) Additional bedding may be required if ground water is present in fhe trench. CITY OF FORT WORTH ROLLING HILLS WAT�It TRBATMENT PLANT STANDARD CONSTRLiCTIdN SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS FLOW MSTCR REPLACEMENTS Revised June 19, 2013 CITY PROJECT NO. 102056 33 05 10-13 UTIi,IT7i TRENCH EXCAVAT[ON, EMBGDMCNT, AND BACKFILL Page l3 of 19 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 l8 19 20 21 Zz 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 �1 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 h. i. J• k. 1. m. n. o. I�• 2) If additional crushed rock is required not specificalty identified in the Contract Documents, then crushed rock shall be paid by the pre-bid unit price. Place pipe on the bedc�ing accarding to the alagnment shown on the Drawings. The pipe line shall be within: 1) f3 inches of the el�vation on the Drawings far 16-inch and 2�4-inch water lines Flace and compact embedment material to adequately support haunches in accordance wiih the pipe nnanufacturer's reca�nmendations. Place remaining embedment including initial backfill to a minimum of 6 inches, but not more than 12 inches, above the pipe. Where gate valves are present, the initial backfill shall extend to up to the valve nut. Compact the embedment and initial backfill to 95 percent Standard Proctor ASTM D 69$. Density test may be performed by City to verify that the compachon of embedment meets requiretnents. Place trench geotextile fabric on top of the initial backfill. Place marker tape on top ot'the trer�ch geotextiie fabric in accordance with Section 33 OS 26. 3. Water Lines 30-inchas and greater in diamete� a. The entire embedment z�ne shall be of uniform material. b. Crushed rock shall be used for embedment. c. Provide trench geotextile fabric at any lacation where crushed rock or fine crushed rock conne into contact with utility sanc�. d. Place evenly spread bedding material on a firm tr�nch battom. e. Provide firm, unifarm bedding. 1) Additional bedding may be reqi�ired if ground water is present in the trench. 2} If additional crushed rock is required which is not specifically identified in the Contract Documents, then cnished rock shall be paid by the pre-bid unit % �• h. i. .1• k. 1. rn. n. o. pnce. Place pipe on tiae bedding according to the alignment shown on the Drawings. The pipe line shall be within: 1) �1 inch of the elevation on the Drawings for 30-inch and laxger water lines Place and cornpact ambedment material to adequately support haunches in accordance with the pipe manuiaciurer's recommendations. For steel pipe greater than 30 inches in diameter, the initia� embedment lift shall not exceed the spr�ng line prior to compaction. Place remaining embedment, including initial backfill, to a minimum of 6 inches, but not more than 12 inches, above the pipe. Where gate valves are present, th� initial backfill shall extend tQ up to the valve nut. Compact the embedment anc� initial backfill to 95 percent Standard Proctor A5TM D 69$. Density test may be performed by City to verify thai the compaction af embedment meets requirements. PIace trench gaotextile fabric on top of the init�al backfi�l. Place marlcer tape on top of the trench geotextile fabric in accordance with �ection 33 d5 26. CITY OF F012'I` WORTH STA1�tDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIOIV OOCUMENTS Revised .fune 19, 2Q13 ROLLING I-IILLS WATER TIZEATMENT PLANT FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS CITY PROJECT NO. 102056 33 05 10 - 14 UTILITY TR�NCFI EXCAVATION, EMSEDMENT, AI�D BACKFILL Page 14 of 19 1 4. Sanitary Sewer Lines and Starm Sewer Lines (HDPE) 2 a. The entire embedment zane shall be of unifarm material. 3 b. Crushed rack sha11 be used for embedment. 4 c. Place evenly spread bedding material on a firm trench bottom. 5 d. Spread bedding so that Iines and grades are maintained and that there are no 6 sags in the sanitary sewer pipe line. 7 e. Provide firm, uniform bedding. 8 1) Additional bedding may be required if ground water is present in the 4 trench, 10 2) If a�ditianal crushed rock is required which is not specifically identified in 11 the Contract Documents, then crushed rock shall ba paid by the pre-bid unit 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 f. �• h. k. 1. m. �. price. Place pipe an the bedding according to the aIignment shown in the Drawings. The pipe line shall be within f0.1 inches of the elevation, and be consistent wiih the grade shawn on the Drawings. Place and campact �mbedment material ta adequatety support haunches in accordance with the pipe manufacturer's recommendations. For sewer lines greater than 30 inches in diameter, the embedment lift shall not exceed the spring line prior to compaction. Place remaining embedment including initial backfill to a minimum of 6 inches, but not ztzore than 12 inches, abave the pipe. Compact the embedment and initial backfill to 95 percent Standard Proctor ASTM D 698. Density test may be perfarn�ed by City to �erify that the compaction of e:mbeciznent �neets requirements. Place trench geotextile fabric on top of the initial backfill. Place marker tage on �ap of the trench geotextile fabric in accordance with Section 33 OS 26. 29 5. Storm Sewer (RCP) 30 a. The bedding and the pipa zone up to the spring line shall be of uniform 31 material. 32 b. Crushed rock shall be used for err►bedment up ta the spring line. 33 c. The specified backfill material may be used above the spring li�e. 34 d. Place evenly spread bedding material on a firm trench bottom. 35 e. Spread bedding so that lines and grades are maintained and that there are no 36 sags in the storm sewer pipe line. 37 f. Provide firrn, unifarm bedding. 38 1} Additional bedding may be required if ground water is present in the 39 trench. 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 2) If additional crushed rock is required which is not specifically identified in the Contract Documents, then crushed rock sha11 be paid by the pre-bid unit prrice. g. Place pipe on the bedding according to the alignment of the Drawings. h. The pipe line shall be within �0.1 inches of the elevation, and be consistent with the grade, shown on the Drawings. i. PIace embedment material up to the spring 1ine. 1) Place embedment to ensure that adequate support is obtained in the hauncYt. j. Campact the embedment and initial baekfill to 95 percent Standard Proctor ASTM D 698. C1T'Y OF FOiLT'I�VOR'CI-I ROLLING HTi,LS WATER TREA'�MENT PLANT STANI?ARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCLJME�TTS FLOW METER REFLACENCENTS Revised dune 19, 2013 CITY PROJECT NO. 102056 33 05 10-15 UTIL�'['X TItENCI� EXCAVATIOIV, EMBSAivIENT, AI�D BACKFILL Page 15 of 19 1 k. Density test may be performed by City to verify that the compaciion oF 2 embedrnent meets requirements. 3 I. Place trench geotextile fabric on top of pipe and crushed rock. A 6. S�orm Sewer Reinforced Concrete Box 5 a. Crushed rock shall be used for bedding. 6 b. The pipe zone and the initial backfi�l shall be: 7 1) Criished rock, or 8 2) Acceptable backfill material compacted to 95 percent Standard Proctor 9 density 10 c. Place evenly spread compacted bedding maferial on a�rm trench bottom. 11 d. Spread bedding so that lines anc�. grades are maintained and that there are no 12 sags in the storm sewer pipe line. Z3 e. Provide firm, uniform bedding. 14 �) Additional bedding may be required if ground water is present in the 15 trench. 16 2} If additional crushed rock is required which is not specifically identified in 17 the Contract Documents, then crushed rocic shall be paid by the pre-bid unit 18 price. 19 f. Fill the annular space hetween multiple boxes with crushed rock, CLSM 20 according to 03 34 13. 21 g. Place pipe on the bedding according ta the alignnn�e�t of the Drawings. 22 h. The pipe shall be within t0.1 inches of the elevatian, and be consistent with the 23 grade, shawn on the Dravc+ings. 24 i. Compact the embedment initial backf'ill to 95 percent Standard Froctor ASTM 25 D698. 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 4'1 48 7. Water Services (Less t�an 2 Inches in Diameter) a. The entire embedment zone shall be of �xniform material. b. Utility sand shall be generally used for embedment. c. Place evenly spread bedding material on a firm trench bottom. d. Provide firm, unifarna bedding. e. Place pipe on the bedding according ta the alignment of the P�ans. f. Campact the initial backfll to 95 percent �tandard Proctor ASTM D698. $. Sanitary Sewer Services a. Tl�e entire ennbedment zone shall be of uniform material. b. Crushed rock shaIl be used for embedment. c. Place evenly spread bedding material on a firm trench bottom. d. Spread bedding so that lines and grades are maintained and that there are no sags in the sanitary sewer pipe line. e. Prnvide firm, uniform bedding. i} Additianal bedding may be required if ground water is present in the f. �- h, trench. 2) If additional crushed rock is required which is not specifically identified in the Contract Documents, then crushed rock shall be paid by the pre-bid unit price. Place pipe on the bedd2ng accarding to the aIignment of the Drawings. Place remaining embedment, including initial backfll, to a minimum of 6 inches, but not mare than 12 inches, above the pipe. Compact the initial backfill #0 95 percent Standard Proctor A5TM D69$. CITY OF FORT WORTH ROLLiNG HILLS WATER TREATM�A]T FLANT STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENT3 PI,OW METER REPLACEMEI�TS Revised 7une 19, 2013 CITY PRflJECT NO. 102056 33 05 10 - 15 UTILITY TRENCH EXCAVATION, EMBEDMENT, AIVD BACKFILL Page 16 of 19 1 i. Density test may be required to verify that the compaction meets the density 2 requirements. 3 E. Trench Backfill 4 1. At a minimum, place backfill in such a manner that t�e required in-place density 5 and moisture content is obtained, and so that there will be na damag� to the surface, 6 pavement or structures due to any trench settlement or trench movement. 7 a. Meeting the requirement herein does not relievc the respansibility to darnagas 8 associated with the Wark. 9 2. Backfill Material 10 a. Final backfili depth less than 15 feet 11 1} Backfill with: 12 a) Acceptable backfill material 13 b) Blended backFill material, or 14 c) Select backfill material, CSS, or CLSM when speci�cally required 15 b. Final backfill depth 15 feet or greater: {�nder pavemeni or future pavement} 1G 1} Back�ll depth from 0 to15 feet deep 17 a) Backiill with: 18 (1} Acceptable backfrll nnaterial 19 (2} Blended backfill material, or 20 {3} Select backfill material, CSS, or CLSM w�aen specifically required 21 2) Backfill depth fram 15 feet and greater 22 a) Backfill with: 23 (1} Select Fill 24 (2} C�S, or 25 (3} CLSM when specifically required 25 c. Finai backfill depth 15 feet or greater: not under pavement or fuhire pavement) 27 1} Back�ill with: 28 a) Acceptable backfill material, or 29 b) Blended backfill material 30 d. Backfill for service lines: 31 1} Backfill for water or sewer service lines shall b� the same as the 32 requirement of the main that the service is connected to. 33 3. Required Compaction and Density 34 a. Final backfill (depths less than 15 feet) 35 1} Co�npact acceptable backfill material, blended backfill material or select 35 backfill to a minimum of 95 percent Standard Proctor per ASTM D698 at 37 �oisture content within -2 to +S percent of the optimum moisture. 38 2) CSS or CLSM requires no compaction. 39 b. Final backfili (depths 15 feet and greater/under existing or future pavement) 40 1} Campact select backfill ta a minimum of 98 pegcent Standard Proctor per 41 ASTM D 698 at maistur� content within -2 ta +5 percent of the opiimum 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 rnoisture. 2) CSS or CLSM requires no compaction. c. Final backiili (depths l5 feet and greater/not under existing ar futnre pavement} 1} Compact acceptable backfill material blended backfill material, or select backfill to a minimum of 95 percent Sta�dard Proctor per ASTM D 698 at moisture content wifhin -2 to -�5 percent of the optimum moisture. �4. Saturateii Soils CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD COid�FRUCTiON SPECIFICATION DOCUM�NTS Re�ised .iune 19, 2�13 RdLLING HiI,LS WATER TREATMEIVT PLANT FLOW M�TER REPLACEMENTS CITY PROJ�CT Na. 102p56 33OS10-�7 UTILITY TRENCH EXCAVAT[ON, EMBEDMENT, ANB BACKFILL Page 17 of 19 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1b 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 5 a. If in-situ soils consistently demonstrate that they are greater than 5 percent over optimum moist�.�re content, the soils are cansidered saturated. b. Flaading the trench or water jetting is strictly prohibited. c. If saturated soils are identified in the Drawings ar Geotecht�ical Report in tk�e Appendix, Contractor shall proceed with Work fallowing all backfill procedures outlined in the Drawings for areas of soil saturation greater than 5 percent. d. If saturated soi�s are encountered during Work but not �den�ified in Drawings or Geotechnical Report in the Appendix: 1) The Cantractar shall: a) Immediately notify the City. b) Submit a Contract Claim far Extra Work associated with directian frorri City. 2} The City shall: a) Investigate soils and determine if Work can proceed in the identified location. b} Direct the Contractor o:F changed backfilI procedures associated with the saturated soils that may include: { 1) Imported backfill {2) A site specific backfill design Placement of Backfill a. Use only compaction equipment speciitcally designed %r cornpaction of a particular soil type and within the space and depth limitation experienced in the trench. b. Flooding the trench or water setting is skrictly prohibited. c. Place in foose lifis not to excead 12 inches. d. Compact to specified densities. e. Compact only o�n top of initial backfill, undisiurbed trench ar previously compacted backfill. £ Remove any loose rtiaterials due to the movement of any trench box or shoring or due to sloughing of the trench wall. g. Install appropriate tracking bails for waier and sanitary sewer trenches in accordance with Sectio� 33 OS 26. 6. Backfill Means and Methods Demonstration a. Notify the City in writing with sufficient time for the City to obtain sarnples and perform standard proctor test in accordance with ASTM D698. h. The results of the standard proctor test must be received prior to beginning excavation. c. Upon commencing of backfill placament for the proj ect the Cantractor shall demonstrate means and methods to abtain the required densities. d. Demonstrate Means and Methods for compaction including: 1} Depth of lifts for backfll which shall not exceed 12 inches 2) Method of moisture control for excessively dry or wat backfill 3) Placement and moving trench box, if used 4) Compaction techniques in an oper� trench 5) Compactian techniques around structure e. Provide a test�ng trench box to provide access to the recently backfilled material. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANQAR� CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIOIV AOCUMENTS Revised 3une 19, 2013 ROLLiNG I�fLLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT FLQW METER REPLACEIv1ENTS CITY PROIECT NQ. 102056 33asio-is UTILITY TRENCH EXCAVATION, �MBEDMENT, ANb BACKFILL Page 18 of 19 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 f. The City will provide a qualified testing lab fiYll tiz�e during this period to randomly test density and moist�re cantinent. 1) The testing lab will provide results as available on the job site. 7. Varying Ground Conditions a. Notify the City of varying ground conditions and the need %r additional proctors. b. Request additiona� proctars when soil conditians change. c. The City may acquire additional proctors at its discretion. d. Significant changes in soil conditions will require an additional Means and Methads demonstration. 11 3.� REPAIR [NOT USED] 12 3.6 RE-INSTALLATIDN [NOT USED] 13 3.'� FIELD QUALITY CONTROL 14 15 16 17 18 19 2Q 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3� 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 4U 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 A. Field Tests and Inspections 1. Proctars a. T�e City will perform Proctors in accordance with ASTM D598. b. Test results will generally be available to within 4 calendar days and distributed io: 1) Cantractar 2) City Project Manager 3j City Inspector 4) Engineer c. Natify the City ifthe characteristic of the soil changes. d. City will per%rm new proctors for varying soils: 1) When indicated in the geotechnical investigation in the Appendix 2) If notified by the Contractor 3) At the conven�ence of the City e. Trenc�ies �here different sail types are present at different depths, the proctors shall be based on the rnixture of those soils. 2. Density Testing of Backfill a. Density Tests shall be in conformance with ASTM D2922. b. Provide a testing trench protectzon for �rench depths in excess of 5 feet. c. P1ace, move and remove testing trench pratection as necessary to facilitate all test conducted by the City. d. Far final backfill depths less than 15 feet and trenches of any depth not under existing or future pavement: 1) The Ciry will perform density testing twice per working day when 6ackfilling operations are being conducted. 2) The testing iab shall ta�Ce a z�inimum of 3 density tests af the current lift in the available trench. e. For �'inal backfill depths 1 S%et and greatar deep and under existing or future pavement: 1) The City will perform density testing ttivice per working day when backfilling operations are �eing conducted. 2) The testing tab shall take a minimum af 3 density tests of the current lift in the available trench. 3) The testing Iab wi11 remain onsite sufficient time to test 2 addi�ional lifts. C1TY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIO�F �OCUMENTS Revised Iune 19, 2013 ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT FLOW ]VfETE32 REPLACEivIENTS CITY PR07ECT NQ. 102056 33OS 10-19 UT[LITY TRENCH EXCAVATIQN, EMBEDMBNT, Arlb $ACKFILL Page 19 of 19 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ia 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 £ Make ihe excavation available for tesiing. g. The Ciry will determine the lacation of the test. h. The Ciry testing lab will provide results to Contractor and the City's Inspector upon completion of the testing. i. A formal report will be posted to the City's BIM36d site within 48 hours. j. Test reports shall include: 1) Location of test by station number 2) Time and date of test 3) Depth of testing 4} Field moisture 5} Dry density 6) Proctar identifier 7) Fercent Proctor Density 3. Density of Embedment a. Stortn sewer boxes that are embedded with acceptable backfill material, blended backfill materiai, cement mQdified backfill material or select material will follow the same tesiing procedure as backf�l�. b. The C�ty may test fine crushed rock ar crushed rock ernbedment in accordance with A�TM D2922 or ASTM 1556. 20 B. Non-Confor�ning Work 21 1. All non-conforming work sha11 be removed and replaced. 22 3.8 SYSTEM STARTUP [NOT USED] 23 3.9 ADJUSTING [NOT USED] 24 25 26 3.10 CLEANING [NOT USED] 3.11 CLOSEQUT ACTIVITIES �NOT USED] 3.1� PROTECTION [NOT USEDJ 27 3.13 MAINTENANCE [NOT USEDj 28 3.14 ATTACHMENTS [NOT USED] 29 END OF SECTIDN Revision Log DATE NAME SUMMARY OF CHANGE 1.2 — Added Item for Concrete Encasement For Utility Lines Various Sections -- Revised Depths to Include 15' and greater 12/20/2Q12 D. Johnson 33.A — Additional notes for pavement protection and positive drainage. 3.4.E.2 — Added requirements for backfill of seroice lines. 3.4.�.5 -- Added ]anguage prohibiting flooding of trench 1.2.A.3 — Clarified measurement and payment for concrete encasement as per plan b/18/2013 D. Johnson quantity 2.2.A — Added language for concrete encasement � CITY OF FORT WOR'fH AOLLING HILLS WATER TREATMEI�f'F PLAItfT STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIQN DOCUMENTS PLpW METER REYT,ACEMENTS Revise� 7une 19, 2Q13 CTTY PROJECT NO. 102056 33OS16-1 CONCRETE WAT�R VAULTS Page 1 of 5 1 2 3 PART1- GENERAL SECTION 33 OS 16 CONCRETE WATER VAULTS 4 11 SUMMARY 5 A. Sect�on Includes: 6 1. Concrete vaults to be used in water utility applicatians 7 B. Deviations from this City of Port Worih �tandard Specification 8 I. No�ae. 9 10 11 12 13 1� 15 C. Related Specificatian Sections include, but are not necessarily limited to: �. Division 0— Bidding Require�nents, Contract Forms, and Canditians of the Contract 2. Division 1�- General Requirements 3. Section a3 30 00 — Cast-In-Place Cancrete 4. Section 03 80 00 — Modifications to Existing Concrete Structures 5. Section 33 05 10 — Utility Trench Excavation, Embedment and Back�'ill 16 1.2 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 A. Measurement and Payment 1. Measurement a. This Item is cansidered subsidiary ta Water Meter and Vault. 2. Payment a. The work performed and materiats furnished in accordance with fhis Item are subsidiary to the unit price bid per each "Water Meter and Vault" camplete in place and no other compensatian wi11 be allawed. 24 1.3 REFERENCES 25 A. Reference Standards 26 1. Reference standards cited in this Specification refer to the current reference 27 standard published at the time of the latest revisian ciate logged at the end of this 28 Specification, unless a date is specifically cited. 29 2. American Associatian of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO). 3� 3. Armerican Concrete Institute {ACI): 31 a. 350, Code Requirements for Environmental Engineering Concrete Structures 32 and Cornrnantary. 33 4. ASTM International (ASTM): 34 a. A615, Standard Specification for Defonned and Plain Carbon-Steel Bars for 35 Concrete Reinforcement. 36 b. G857, Standard Practice for Minimum Structura� Design Loading for 37 Underground Precast Cancrete Utility Structures 38 c. C85$, Standard Specification for Undergrounc� Precast Cancrete Utility 39 Structures CITY OF FORT WORTH ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT FLAI+FT S�'ANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS FLOW METER REPLA,CEMENTS Revised December 20, 2012 CI7'Y FRO7ECT NQ. 102056 33 OS lb - 2 CONCRETE VVAT�R YAULTS Page 2 af 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 �1 d. C891, Standard Practice for Installation of Underground Precast Concarete Utility �tructures. e. C923, Standard Specit"ication far Resilient Connectors Between Reinforced Concrete Manholes Structures, Pipes, and Laterals. 5. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) a. 1910.23, Guarding Fioar and Wa11 Openings and Holes 1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS jNOT USEDJ 8 1.5 5UEMITTALS 9 A. Submittals shall be in accordance with 5ection O1 33 00. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 I7 18 19 B. All submittals shall be approved by the City prior to delivery. 1.6 ACTION SUBMITTALS/INFQRMATIONAL SUBMITTALS 20 1.7 A. Product Data 1. Precast Concrete VauIt 2. Connection materials 3. Pipe connections at vau�t walls 4. Stubs and shxb plugs 5. Grade ring 6. Ladder 7. External coating material CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 21 1.$ MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 22 19 QUALITY ASSURANCE 23 A. Qualifications 24 1. Meet the requirements of ACI 31$. 25 1.10 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING 26 A. Deliver vault or panels (units) to project site in such quantity to assure con�inuity of 27 installation. 28 B. Store units at the project site in a manner which prevents cracking, distortian, staining 29 or other physical damage. 30 C. Lift units by designed lifting points or supports. 31 1.11 FIELD [SITE] CONDITIONS [NOT USED� 32 33 34 i.12 WARRANTY A. Manufacturer Warranty 1. Manu#'acturer's Warranty shall be in accordance with Division 1. CiTY OF FORT WORTH 120LLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT STANDARA COIVSTRUCTIa�i SPECiFICATION DOCUMENTS FLaW METER REPLACEMENTS ltevised �ecember 20, 2U12 C1TY PROJECT NO. 102056 3305I6-3 CONCRETE WATER VAULTS Page 3 oE5 1 PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2 2.1 OWNER-FURNISHED [on] OWNER-�UPPLIED PRODUCT�S �NOT USED] 3 2.2 EQUIPMENT, PRODUCT TYPES, MATERIALS 4 5 6 7 8 9 ia 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2b 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 A. Manufacturers 1. Only the manufacturers as listed on the City's Stant�ard Praducts List wi11 be considered as shown in Section O1 60 00. a. The manufacturer must cornply with this Specificatzon and related Sections. 2. Any product that is not listed on the Standard Praducts List is considered a substitution and shali be submitted in accordance with Section O1 25 00. B. Periarmance / Dasign Criteria l. Vault a. Vau1t dimensions per #he Drawings b. Opening per the Drawings c. Incorporate a sump into the base or floor of the vault. 1) Avoid conflicts with piping. 2) Do not locate dir�ctly under the access location if applicable. d. Place floor on a minimum 2 percent slope towards the sump. 2. Water Pip� Penetrations a. Use adjustable-linked nibber seal devices or grout, as shown in Drawings, to provide seals around pipe penetrations. 3. Vault Access a. Cover / Door 1) For nan-traffic areas — non H-201oading 34-inch x 3b-inch sieel single leaf door, Bilco Type J model or approved equal 2) For traffic areas — 32-inch hinged ductile iron frame and cover or as shown in manhole lid assembly in Drawings 3) With steel door, provide an autamatic hold-open arm with reiease handle and locking device. 4) Provicle Bilca type fall protectian grating under ahuninum daar that meets OSHA 29 C�'R 1910.23 requirexnents or appraved equal. 5} Incorporate a drain gutter with an outlet routed to the exteriar of the vault lid. b. Ladder 1) Provide aluminum ladder by Heron Industries or appraved equal. 2} Provide ladder to dimensians shawn on Drawings. C. Materials 1. Cancrete for utility construction — Conform to Section 03 30 00. 2. Frame and Cover — Conform tQ Section 33 OS 13. 3. Grade Ring — Conform to Section 33 45 13 and ASTM C 47$. 40 4. Reinforcing Steel — Conform to Sectian 03 30 00. 41 5. Sewer Pipe Connections — Conform to ASTM C923 or ASTM C1G28. 42 6. Adjustable-linked rubber seal devices �l3 a. Manufactured by Link-Seal or appraved equal 44 7. Interior Coating or Liner — Confornn to Section 33 39 60. C1TY OF FORT WpRTH RpLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SP�CTFICATION DOC[TMENTS FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS Revised December 20, 2D12 CiTY PR07ECT NO. 102fl56 33D516-4 CONCRETE WATER VAULTS Page 4 of 5 1 8. Exterior Coating 2 a. Coal Tar Biiu�nastic for below grade damp proofng 3 b. Dry �ilm thickness (DFT} no less than 12 miis and n.o greater than 30 mils 4 c. Solids content is 6$ percent by volume � 2 percent. 5 �.3 ACCESSOR.IES [NOT USED] � 6 �.4 SOURCE QUALITY CONTROL [NOT USED) 7 PART 3 - EXECUTION S 31 IN�TALLERS [NOT USED] 9 3.2 EXAMINATION 10 A. EvaInation and Assessment 11 1. Verify lines and grades are in accordance to the Drawings. 12 3.3 PREPARATION [NOT USEDJ 13 3.4 INSTALLATION 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2& 29 30 A. General 1. Vault a. Perforna instailation in accordance to ASTM C891. b. Construct vault to dimensions shown on Drawings. c. Precast Sections 1} Clean bell spigot and gaskets a) Lubricate and join 2) Mini�nize number of segments. d. VauIt Base � 1) Place vault base on 6-inch minimum base of compacted crushed rock (per Section 33 05 10) over undisturbed soils and grade LeveI to elevation shown on the Drawings. 2. Water Pipe Penetrations a. Tnstall adjustable-linked rubber seal devices around pipe penetrations in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendation. 3. Modiiications and pipe penetrations into vaults shaIl confo�n to Sectian 03 80 fl0. 3,S REPAIR 1 RESTORATION [NOT USED] 31 3.6 RE-INSTALLATION [NOT USED] 32 3.7 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL [NOT USED] 33 3.8 SYSTEM STARTUP �NOT USED] 34 3.9 ADJUSTING [NOT USED] 35 3.10 CLEANING [NOT USED] 3fi 311 CLOSEOUT ACTIVITIES [NOT USED] CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD COAISTRUCTIOiV 3PECIFICATION T]OCUME[�ITS Revised December 20, 2012 RpLLING HILLS WATER TTZEATMENT PLANT FLOW METER REFLACEMENTS CITY PROJECT NO. 102056 3305i6-5 CaNCRETE WA'�'�R VAULTS Page 5 of 5 1 3.12 PROTECTION [NOT USED] 2 3.13 MAINTENANCE [NOT USED] 3 3.14 ATTACHMENTS [NOT USED] 4 END OF SECTION Revision Log DATE NAME SUMMARY OF CHANGE 2.2.B.3 — Modified vault hatch door and ]adder requirements 12/20/2412 D. ]ohnsan 2.2.C.6 — Modified rubber seal requireinents CITY OF FbRT WORTH ROI.I.ING H1LL5 WATE12 TREATMENT PLANT STAI�DARD CdN5TR[JCTION SPECIF1CATiON F]OCUMENTS FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS Revised December 20, 2012 C1TY PROJECT NO. 102056 330530-1 LdCATIOIV OF EXTS'�'I1VG l�'I'iT,ITT�5 Page 1 oF4 1 2 SECTION 33 OS 30 LOCAT�ON OF EXISTING UTILITIES 3 PART1- GENERAL �4 1.1 SYIMMARY 5 A. Section Includes: 6 I. Locating and verifying the location and elevation of the existing underground 7 utilities that may conflict with a facility propased for constniction by use of: 8 a. Explaratory Excavation 9 b. Vacuum Excavation 10 B. Deviations from this City of Fort Worth Standard Specification 11 1. None. 12 C. Related Specification Sections include, but are not necessarily limiied to: 13 1. Division 0— Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms, and Conditions of the 14 Contract i5 2. Division 1— General Requirements 16 3. Section 33 05 10 -- Utility Trench Excavation, Embedzxaent and Back�ilI 17 1.2 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURE5 18 i9 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 A. Meas�rement and Payment 1. Exploratory Excavation of Existing Utilities a. Measurement - 1} Measurement for this �tem shall be per each excavation per�oz-med as identified in the Drawings, or as directed. b. Payment 1) Th� work parformed and materials furn�shed in accordance with this Item and measured as provided under "Measurement" wili be paid for at the unit price bid per each "Explorato�-y Excavation far Existing Utilities" specified. c. The price bid shall include: 1} Gradesurvey 2) Pavement removal 3) Excavation 4) Utility Location 5) Hauling 6) Disposal of excess material 7} Furnishing, placing and compaction of embedment 8) Furnishing, placing and compaction of backfill 9) Clean-up l 0) Surface restoration 2. Vacuum Excavation of Existing Utilities a. Measurernent 1) Measurement for this Item shall be per each excavatian performed as identified in the Drawings, or as directed. b. Payrnent CTI'Y OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised December 20, 2012 ROLLING I-IILLS WATER TREATMEI�f`F PLANT FLOW METERREPLACEMENTS CITY PRO.FECT hIO. 102056 33�53U-2 LpCATIdN QF EXISTIIVG UTILITIES Page 2 0£4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 i4 1} The work per%rmed and materials furnished in accordance wztl� this Itexa� and measured as pravided under "Measurement" wi11 be paid for at the unit price bid per each "Vacuum Excavation" specified. c. The price bid shall include: 1) Grade survey 2) Pavement remaval 3) Vacuum Excavation 4) Lltility Location 5) Hauling 6) Disposal of excess material 7) Furnishing, placing and compaction of embedment 8) Furnishing, placing and compaction of backfill 9) Clean-up 10) Surface restoration 15 1.3 REFERENCES i6 17 18 19 20 Z1 zz 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 A. De�nitions 1. Exploratory Excavation: Previously called "D�Hole" within the City, a method used ta lacate existing underground utility as shawn on the plans through the use of standard excavation equipment. 2. Vacuum Excavation: Method used to locate existing underground utitity as shown on the plans through the use af geophysical praspecting equipment such as �acuum excavation. B. Reference Standards 1. Reference standards cited in Yhis 5pecification refer ta the current reference standard published at tk�e time of the latest revision date logged at the end of this Specification, unless a date is specificaIly cited. 2. American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE} a. ASCE Publicatian CIIASCE 38 (Standard Guideline for the Collection and Depiction of Existing Subsurface Utility Data} 30 1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS 31 32 33 34 35 3b 37 38 39 40 A. Coordination 1. Coordinate with City Ynspector at least 48 hours prior tQ cammenc�ng on site for Exploratory Excavation of Existing Utilities. 2. Coordinate location of all other existing utilities within vicinity of excavation prior ia commencing Exploratory Excavation. 3. Coordinate staking of Exploratory Excavations with City at least 1 week priar ta commencement. B. Sequencing Explorato ry Excavations shall be conducted prior to th.e construction of the entire project. 41 C. Scheduling 42 1. For critical utility lacations, the Ciry may choose ta b� present during excavatior�. 43 Z. Alter schedule for Explaratory Excavation af Existing Utilities to accommodate 44 City personnel. CITY OF FORT WORTH ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLATlT STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECiFICAT[ON I?OCUMENTS FLQW METER REPLACEMENTS Revised DeceEnber 20, 2012 CITY PROJECT NO. 102056 330530-3 LOCA'FION OF EXLSTING i7TILiTIES Page 3 of 4 1 1.� SUBMITTAL� [NOT USEDj 2 1.6 ACTION SUBMITTALS/INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 3 1.7 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS 4 A. Report of Utility Location 5 1. Horizontal location of utility as surveyed 6 2. Vertical elevatior� of utility as surveyed 7 a. Top of utiliry 8 b. Spring line of utility 9 c. Existing ground 10 3. Material type, diameter and description of the condit�on of existing utiliry 11 1.� MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 12 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE [NOT USED] t 3 1.10 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING [NOT USED] 14 1.11 FIELD [SITE] CONDITIONS [NOT USED] 15 1.12 WARRANTY [NOT USED] I6 PART 2 - PRODUCTS [NOT �JSED] 17 PART 3 - EXECUTION 18 3.l INSTALLERS [NOT USED] 19 3.2 EXAMiNATIQN 20 A. Verification of Conditions 21 1. Verify Iocation of exisiing utiiities in accordance with the General Reqnirernents, 22 the Gen�ral Notes and the Drawings. 23 3.3 PREPARATION 24 A. Coordinate with City Survey, if applica�le. 25 3.4 INSTALLATION 26 27 28 29 �a 31 32 33 34 A. Exploratory Excavation l. Verify locatian of existing utilzty at location denoted on the Drawings, or as directed by the City. a. Expose utility to spring line, as necessary. b. Excavate and Backfill Trench for the Exploratory Excavatian in accordance with �ectian 33 OS 10. B. Vacuum Excavation 1. Verify location of existing utility at location denoted on the Drawings, or as directed by the City. CITY OF FORT WORTFI ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMEIYT PLANT STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIQN DpCU3vIENTS FLOW MSTEK R�PLACEMENTS Revised December 20, 2012 Ci7'Y PROJECT NO. 102056 s3ossa-a LOCATIQIY OF SXISTING UTILITIES Page 4 of 4 1 2 3 4 5 fi 7 S 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 3.� 3.1Q CLEANING [NUT USED] 3.11 CLQSEDUT ACTIVITIES [NOT USED] 3.12 PROTECT�ON [NOT USED] 3.13 MAiNTENANCE (NOT USED] 3.14 ATTACHMENTS [NOT USED] 16 3.6 RE-INSTALLATIQN �NOT USED] 17 3.1 FIELD [oR] SITE QUALITY CONTROL �NOT USED] 18 3.8 SYSTEM STARTUP [NOT USED] 19 39 ADJU�STING [NOT USED] 20 21 22 23 24 25 2b 2. Dasignat� the horizontal pasi�ion of'the existing undergraund utilities that are to be located using geophysical praspecting equipment. a. Acquire r�cord documentation frozn and caordinate with utility companies, as necessary to lacate utility. 3. Perform excavation in general accordance with the recommended practices and procedures described i� ASCE Publication Cl/ASCE 38. C. Upon completion of the utility locating, submit a report of the findings. D. If location ofutility is in conflict with the Drawings, notify fhe City Project Mat�ager far appropriate design modiiicatians. E. Place ernbedment and backfill in accordance with Section 33 OS 10. F. Once necessary data is obtained, immediately restare surface ta exasting conditians to: 1. Qbtain a safe a�d proper driving surface, if applicable 2. Ensure the safety af the general public 3. The satisfaction of the City REPAIR 1 RESTQRATION [NOT USED] END OF SECTION Revisian Log DATE NAME SUMMARY OF CHANGE Title- �xploratory Excavation of Utilities changed to C,ocation of Existing C7tilities 1,2 — Added Measurement of Payment for Vacuum Exca�ation 12/2Q/2012 D. Johnson 1.3 — Add�d Definitions 3.4 — Added requirennents for Vacuum Excavation 27 CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUM�NTS Re�ised December 20, 20I2 ROLT.ING I-ifLLS WATER TREATMEI�T PLANT FLdW METER REPLACEMENTS CITY PROJECT' NO. ] 02056 331105-1 BOLTS, N[1T5, AND GA31C�T5 Page 1 of 7 1 2 3 PART1- GENERAL 4 1.1 SUMMARY 5 G 7 8 9 IO 11 12 13 14 1S I6 17 1$ 19 20 21 22 SECTION 33 11 OS BQLTS, NUTS, AND GASKETS A. Section Includes: 1. All nuts, bolts and gaskets associated with pressurized water utility Iines including: a. T-Bolts and Nuts b. Flange Balts and Nuts c. Threaded Rods d. Push-on Gaskets e. Mechanical Joint Gaskets f. Flange Gaskets g. Flange Isotation Kits h. Petrolatum Tape Systems B. Deviations from t�is City afFort Worth �#andard Speciiication l. None. C. Related Specification Sections include, but are not n�cassarily limited to: i. Divisian 0— Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms, and Conditians of the Contract 2. Divfsion 1— General Requirements 3. Section 33 04 10 —.�oint B�nding and Etec�rical �solation 4. Section 33 11 10 — Ductile Iron Pipe 23 1.� PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES 24 A. Measurernent and Payment 25 1. Hydrocarbon Resistant Gaskets 26 a. Measurement 27 1) Measurement for this Item shali be by lump sum. 28 b. Payment 29 1} The work performed and the materials fiyrnisiaed in accordance with ti�is 30 Item� shall be paid for at the lump sum price bid for all "Hydracar6on 31 Resistant Gaskets". 32 2. All Other Items 33 a. M�asurement 34 1) The Items in this Section are considered subsidiary to the Item being 35 installed. 36 b. Payznent 37 1} The work performed and materials furnished in accordance with ti�is Itezn 38 are subsidiary to the unit price bid for the Item being installed and no other 39 compensation will be allowed. CITY bF FORT WORTH ROLLIIYG HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT STANDARD CONSTRUCTIOI� SPECIFICATION DOCUIVIEI�fT3 FLOW METER REPLACEIvfENT5 Revised December 20, 2012 C1TY PRO.fECT NO. 102056 33 11 OS - 2 BOLTS, I�lUTS, AND GASKETS Paga 2 of 7 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 i9 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 1.3 REFERENCES A. Reference 5tandards 2. 3. 4. 5 27 6. 28 29 7. 30 31 8. 32 33 Reference standards cited in this speci�cation refer to the current reference standard published at the time of the latest revision date logged at the end of this specification, unless a date is specifically cited. American Iron and Steel Institute {AISI}. American Society of Mechanical Engineers {ASME): a. PCC-1-2012 Guidelines for Pressure Boundary Bolted Flange Joint Assembiy. Arnericarn Society of Testing and Materials {ASTM): a. A143, Standard Specification for Alloy-Steel and Stainless Steel Bolting far High Ternperat�ire or High Pressure Service and Other Special Purpose Applications. b. A194, Standard Specification for Carbon and Alloy Steel Nuts for Bolts for High Pressure or High Temperature Service, or Both. c. A242, Standard Specification for High-Strength Low-Alloy Carbon Structural Steel d. B 117, Salt Spray Testing e. F436, Standard �pecification for Hardened Steel Washers Arnerican Water Works Association (AWWA): a. C111/A21.11, Rubber-Gasket Jaints far Ductile-Iron Pressure Pipe and Fittings. b. C207, Steel Pipe Flanges for Waterworks 5ervice —�izes 4 In. Through 144 In. {100 mm Through 3,600 mm). c. C600, Installation of Ductile-Iron Mains and Their Appurtenances. d. M11, Steel Pipe. e. M41, Ductile-Iron Pipe and Fittings. Fastener Quality Act (FQA} a. Public Law 106-34 (P.L. 106-34) NSF International (NSF}: a. 61, Drinking Water System Components - Health Effects. Sociery for Protective Coating (SSPC) Surface Preparation Standards (SP}: a. SP2, Hand Taol Cleaning b. SP3, Pawer Tool Cl�aning 34 1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS [NOT USED] 35 1.� SUSMITTALS 36 A. Submittals shall be in accordance with Section O1 33 00. 37 B. AIl submittals shall be approved by ihe City priar to delivery and/or fabrication for 38 specials. 39 1.6 ACTION SUBMITTALS / INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS 40 41 42 l. Bolts and nuts for mechanicaI and or flange joints 2. Gaskets 43 B. Certificates A. Product Data C1TY OF FORT WORTH ROLLi�TG HLI,LS W1�TER TIZEATMENT FLANT STANDARD CONSTIZUCTION SFECIFICATION DOCUMENTS FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS Revised December 20, 2012 CITY PROJECT NO. 102056 331105-3 BOLTS, NUTS, AND GASKETS Page 3 of 7 1 1. Furnish an affidavit certifying that all fasteners, exeluding T-Bolts, shalt conform ta 2 the Fastener Quality Act (FQA) (P.L. i06-34}. 3 2. Furnish an affidavit certifying that the Xylan Coating is manufactur�d by Whitford 4 Corparation, or a Whitford Corpora�ion certified Applicator. 5 1.i CLOSEOUT S[1BMYTTALS [NOT USED] 6 1.8 MAINTEIVANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALS [NOT U�ED] 7 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 l7 18 14 20 21 22 23 24 25 A. QualFfications 1. Manufacturers a. Fastener nnanufacturing operations (bolts, nuts, gaskets and coatings) shall be performed under the control of the manufacturer. b. All gaskets shaIl meet or exceed the latest revisions NSF 61 and shalI meet or exceed the requirements of tfiis Specification. B. Preconstruction Testing 1. The City may, at its own cost, subject random iittings for destructiva testing by an independent laboratory for cornpliance with this Specification. a. The compliance test shall be performed in the United States. b. Any visible defects or failure to meet the qualiry standards herein vc+ilI be grounds for rejecting the entire ord.er. 1.10 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Storage and Handling Requirements 1. Secure and maintain a location to store the materiai in accordance with Section 01 66 00. 1.11 FIELD [SITE] CONDITIONS [NOT U5ED] 1.12 WARRANTY [NOT USED] 26 PART 2 - PRODUCTS 27 �.1 OWNER-FURNISHED [oxj QWNER-SUPPLIED PRQDUCTS [NOT USED] 28 �.2 EQUIPMENT, PRODUCT TYPE� AND MATERIALS 29 A. Man�aiacturers 30 1. 4nly the manufacturers as listed on the City's Standard Products List will be 31 considered as shown in Section O1 b0 00. 32 a. The rnanufacturer must comply with this Specification and related �ections. 33 2. Any product that is not listed on the Standard Products List is consiciered a 34 substitution and shall be s�bmitted in accordance with S�ction O1 25 00. 35 B. Regutatory Requirements 36 1. All Fasteners, excluding T-Bolts, shall conform to the Fastener Quality Act (FQA) 37 (P.L. 10b-34). All fasteners shall meet the marking requirements set forth by this 3 8 Act. CITY OF FORT WORTH ItOLLING FIILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT STANDI�RD CONSTRUCTION SPECiFiCATIQI�! DOCUMENTS FLOW METER REPLACEMEI3T5 Revised December 20, 2012 CITY PROJECT Nd. 1 U2056 33 il OS-� BOLTS, NUTS, AND CrASKCT5 Page 4 of 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1p 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 G T-Bolts and Nuts 1, Standard XyIan Coated T�bolt and Nut a. High strength, carrosion-resistant, low-carbon weathering steel in accordance with AWWA/ANSI Cl 11/A21.11 anc3. ASTM A242 b. Xylan Coating in accordance with this Section 2. Stainless Steel T-bolt with Xylan Coated Stainless Steel Nut a, Stainless Steel T-bolt and Nut in accardance with AISI 304. b. Coat nut with Xylan in accordance with t�is Section. D. Flange Bo1is and Nuts l. Staiz�less Steel Bo�t and Xylan Coated Nut a. Meet requirements of AWWA C207 b. Balts: ASTM A193, Grade B8, Class 1(AI�I 304 Stainless Steel, carbide solution treated) c. Nuts and Washers: ASTM A194, Crrade 8 Nuts with AISI 304 Stainless Steel Washers 1) Coat nut with Xylan in accordance with ihis Section. E. Threaded Rads 1. Meet requirements of AWWA C207 2. Rods: ASTM A193, Grade B8, Class 1(AISI 304 Stainless Steel, carbicfe solution treated} 3. N�ts and Washers: ASTM A194, Grade $ Nuts with A1SI 304 Stainless Steel Washers a. Caat nut with Xylan in accordance with this Section. F. Push-on Gaskets 1. Conforming to the physicai and marking requirements specified in ANSI/AWWA C1111A21.11. 2, Ail gaskets shall meet ar exceed the latest ravisians NSF 61. 3. Rubber gaskets shall be made of vulcanized styrene butadiene rubber SBR, unless otherwise specified in Drawings. 4. Gaskets shall be free from porous areas, fqreign material and ather defects tfiat make them un�t far intende� use. 5. Gaskets shali be the size and shape required to provide an adequate campressive force against the plain end and sacket after assembly ta affect a positive seal under all cambinations of joint and gasket ialerances. G. Mechanical Joint Gaskets 1. Conforming to the physicai and marking requirernents specified in ANSI/AWWA C111/A21.11. 2. All gaskets shali meet or exeeed the latest revisians NSF 61. 3. Ru6ber gaskets shall be zmade of vulcanized styrene butadiene rubber SBR, unless otherwise specified in Drawings. 4. Gaskets shall be free from porous areas, foreign material and other defects that make thern unfit for intended use. H. Flange Gaskets 1. C1ass E Flanges CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD C�NSTRUCTipN SPECIFICATION DOCUMENT5 Revised December 20, 2012 ROI.I,AVG HTLLS WATEIt `I'REATMENT PLANT FLOW METSR REPLACBMENTS CTTY PROJECTI�O. 102056 331105-5 BOLTS, NUTS, AN�] GASKETS Page 5 of 7 l 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 a. Fu11 face b. Mannfactured true to shape from minim.ur�x� 80 durometer SBR rubber stock of a thickness not less than 1/8 inch c. Virgin stock d. Confartning to the pi�ysicai and test requirements specified in AW WA/ANSI C111/A21.11 e. All gaskets shall meet or exceed the latesi revisions NSF 61. f. Finished gaskets shall k�ave holes punched by the manufacturer and shall match the flange pattern in every respect. g. Frayed cut edges are nai acceptable. h. Field cut sheet gaskets are not acceptable. I. Hydrocarbon Resistant Gaskets Furnish Viton� (Fluorocarhon) Rubber, hydrocarbon resistant gaskets, when required. 15 J. Flange Isolation Kits 16 1. Flanges which are required by the Drawings to be Isolation Flanges shall conform 17 to Section 33 04 10. 18 19 Za 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 2. For boIts used with isolation sleeves per Section 33 04 10, threading rnust extend to bolt head with no grip to ensure sleeves fit properly. K. Petrolatum Tape System 1. Petrolatum Tape Primer: Densa Paste, or approved equaI 2. Malding and Filler mastic: Densyl Mastic, or approved equal 3. AlI Purpose Petrolatum Tape: Densyl Tape, or approved equai L. Xylan Coating a. Coat nuts and bolts with a ceramic-filled, baked on fluorocarban resin, when rec�uired. b. Coated nuts and boits shall be pxepared "near white" or "wl�ite" when coated ta the coating manufacturer's recommended ihickness by a certified applicator. c. Coating shatl be of Xylan as manufactured by Whitfoxd Corporation and applied by Whit£ord Corparation or Whitford Corporatian Recommended Coater. d. Coating shall be free from holidays and defects. e. Coating thickness shall between OA007-inches and 0.0012-inches and shall be such that the nut turns freely on the bolt. f Coating shall confo�nn to the perforrnance requirements of ASTM B117, "Satt Spray Test" and shall include, if required, a certificate of conformance. 37 �.3 ACCESSORiES [NOT USED] 38 �.� SOURCE QUALITY CONTROL [NOT USED] 34 PART 3 - EXECUTION 40 3.1 INSTALLERS [NOT USED] 41 3.2 EXAMINATION [NOT USED] CITY OF FORT WORTH ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS Revised December 20, 2012 CITY PRO7ECT NQ. 1 D2056 331105-6 BOI.TS, NUTS, ANi� GASKETS Page 6 of 7 3.3 PREPARATION [NOT U�ED] 2 3.4 INSTALLATION 3 A. Mechanical Joints 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 li 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 l, Assernble mechanical joints in accordance with ANSI/AWWA C111/A21,11 Appendix A, AWWA C60U and AWWA Manual M41. 2. Use Standard Xylan Coated T-bolts and Nuts. a. Stainless Steel T-bolts with Xylan Coated Stainless Steel Nuts shall only be used when sp�cifically required in the Drawings. B. �'langed 7aints 1. Install in accardance with ASME PCC-1-2012. 2. Use 5tainless �tee� Balts and Xy1an Coated Nuts. 3 4 Wrap all buried steel flanges far AWWA C200, C301 or C303 pipe with Petrolatum Tape System. a. If only 1 flange in a joint is steel (AW WA C200, C301, or C3Q3), petrolatum tape wrapping will be required. b. If a joint is made between two ductile iron flanges, the joint should be polyethylene encased in accordance wifh �ectian 33 ll 10. Flange bolts are normally spaced evenly around the flange. 5. During assembiy, tighten nuts gradually and equally usix�g a three-pass method in accordance with ASME PCC-1-2412. a, For the first pass, tighten the nuts to 50 percent at diametrically opposite sides ta prevent misalignment and to ensure that a11 bolts carry equal loads. b. For the second pass, iighten the nuts to 100 percent again in a diamet�rically oppasite pattern. c. Allow a minimutn of 1 hoiu- to pass to provide time for settlement betweer� bolts and nuts and gasket re�axation. d. Complete the third pass by checking each balt in a clockwise pattern. Each nut should be tightened until it will no longer turn. T�is step compensates for elastic interaction and brings all bolts into parity. 6. The threads af the bolts should protrude a minimum of %z-inch from the nuts. C. Flanged Joints with Isolation Kit 1. Plange Isolation Kits shali be installed in accorda�ce with Section 33 04 10. 2. City will verify Isolafian in accordance with Sectian 33 04 10. D. Threaded Rod 1. Install as part of joint harness assembly in accordance with AWWA Manual M11. 2. Space rods evenly araund the pipe. 3. During assembly, tighten nuts gradualIy and equaIly using a three-pass method in accordance with ASME �CC-1-2012. a. For the first pass, tighten the �nuts to 50 percent at diametrically opposite sides to prevent �nisalignment and to ensure that all bolts carry equal loads. b. Far the secand pass, tighten the nuts to 100 percent again in a diameirically oppasite pattern. 4. The threads of the bolts should protrude a minimurr► af %-inch frorn the nuts. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTipN SPECIFICATIOi� �QCUMENTS Revised I}ecember 2a, 2012 ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT FLOW NfETER REPLACEMENTS CTI'Y PROIECT N�. 102056 331105-7 BOLTS, NUTS, AND GASKETS Page 7 of 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 S 9 14 11 12 13 14 IS 16 3.5 5. Wrap joint harness assembly with Petrolatum Tape System. E_ Fetroiatum Tape System 1. Suriaces should be free from dirt, loose rust, scale or flaking coatings. a. Clean surfaces in accordance with 5SPC SP2 or SSPC SP3. 1} High pressure wash of 3,000 to 7,000 psi is also suitable. b. Surfaces rnay be damp b�t sha11 not have droplets or continuous iilrn of water. 2. Apply a uniform, fhin coat of Petrolatum Tape Primer to the entire su�r£ace by stiff brush, gloved hand or rag at normal ambient teznperatures. 3. By hand application, apply Molding and Filler Mastic to a raunded configuration to �ll zrregular shapes and reduce sharp-edged surfaces. 4. Spirally wrap All Purpose Petrolahirn Tape with a minimum overlap of 1 inch. a. For severely corrosive environme�ts, an overiap of 55 percent is recommended. b. Press air pockets out and smooth all lap seams. 5. For additional mechanical protection, overwrap may be applied to increase impact strength and electrical resistance. REPAIR / RESTORATION [NOT USED) 17 3.G RE-INSTALLATION [NOT USED] 18 3.7 FIELD [oR] SITE QUALITY CONTROL [NOT USED] 19 3.S SYSTEM STARTUP [NOT USED] 20 3.9 AD.�USTING [NOT USED] 21 22 3.10 CLEANING [NOT USED] 3.11 CLOSEOUT ACTIVITIES [NOT USED) 23 3.12 PROTECTION [NOT USED] 24 3.13 MAINTENANCE [NOT USED] 25 26 END OF SECTION Revision Log DATE NAME SUMMARY OF CHANGE 27 3.14 ATTACHMENTS (NOT USEDj CITY OF FORT WQRTH R�LLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMEI�+TS FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS Revised December 20, 2012 C1TY PR07ECT NO. 102056 33 11 14 - 1 BURIED STEBL PIP� AND PITTiNGS Page 1 of 27 1 2 3 PART1- GENERAL 4 �.1 SUMMARY 5 b 7 8 9 l0 11 12 13 14 15 lb 17 SECTION 33 11 14 • BURIED STEEL PIPE AND FITTINGS A. �ectian Inclucies: 1. Buried Steel Pipe 24-inches and larger for potable water applicatians B. Deviations from this City of Fort Worth Standard Specification 1. None. C. Related Specification Sections include, but are naf necessarily limited to: 1. Division 0— Bidding Requirements, Cantract Forms, and Conditions of the Contract 2. Divisian 1— General Rcquirements 3. �ection 33 01 31 — Closed Circuit Television {CCTV} �nspection 4. �ection 33 OA 10 — Joint Bonding and Electrical Isolation 5. Section 33 04 40 — Cleaning and Acceptance Testing of Water Mains 6. Section 33 QS 14 — Utility Trench Excavation, Embedment, and Backfill 7. Sectian 33 11 OS — Bolts, Nuts, and Gaskets 18 1.2 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURE� 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 4T A. Measurement and Payment 1. Buried Steel Pipe a. Measurernent 1) Measured horizontally alang the surface from center line to center line of the fitting ar appurtenance b. Payment 1) The worfc perfarmed and materials furrnished in accordance with this Lt�m and measured as provided under "Measurement" will be paid �or at the unit price bid per linear faot of "Steel AW WA C200 Pipe" installed for: a} Various sizes b) Various type of backfiil c. The price bid shall incI�de: 1) Furnishing and installing Buried SteeI Pipe with joints as speci�ied by the Drawings 2) Mobilization 3) Coating 4) Lining 5) Pa�ement removal 6) Excavation 7) Hauling 8) Disposal of excess rnat�rial 9) Furnishing, placement and compaction of embedment 10) T`hrust restraint CITY OF FORT WDRTI-I ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLAIVT STANDARD CO�FSTRUCTION SPSCIFICATION I]OCUMENTS FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS Revised Decembar 26, 201 Z CITY PR07ECT NO. 102056 33 11 14 - 2 BURIED STEEL P1PE AND FITTINGS Page 2 of 27 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 J2 13 14 15 I6 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 2 11) Bolts and nuts 12) Welding l3) Gaskets 14} Furnishing, placement and compaction of backfill 15} Trench water stops ]6) Clean-up 17) Cleaning 18) Disinfection 19) Testing Buried 5teel Pipe Fittings a. Measurement 1) Measurement for this Item shall be by lump sum. b. Payment 1} The work performed and materials furnished in accordance with this Item and measured as �rovided under "Measurement" wi11 be paid for at the lump sum pricc bid for "Steel Fittings". c. The price bid shaIl include: 1) Furnishing and installing Buried Steel Pipe vvith joints as specified by the Drawings 2} Mobilization 3} Coating 4) Lining 5) Favement removal 6) Excavation 7) Hauling 8) Disposal of excess material 9) Furnishing, placement and compaction of embedment 10) Thrust restraint 11) Bolts and nuts 12) Welding 13} Gaskets 14} Furnishirng, placement and compaction of backfill 15} Trench water stops 16) Clean-up 17) Cleaning 18) Disinfection 19) Testing 38 1.3 REFERENCES 39 A. Reference Standards �t0 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 4$ 2 3 Q Reference standards cited in this Specification refer to the current reference standard published at the time of the latest revision date logged at the end of this Specification, unless a date is speci�cally cited. American ArchitecturaI Manufactzuars Association (AASHTO). American Society af Mechanical Engineers (ASME): a. B16.1, Gray Iron Pipe �'langes and Flanged Fittings Classes 25, 125 and 250). ANSI International (ASTM): a. A307, Standard 5peciiication for Carbon Steel Bolts and Studs, 60,000 PDI Tensile S�rength. CITY OF FORT WORTH ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT STANDARD CQNSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS FLOW METER REFLACEMENTS Revised December 20, 2012 CITY PROiECT NO. 102056 331114-3 SURIED STEEL P1PE AND FITTINGS Page 3 of 27 1 2 3 4 5 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 3b 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 �46 47 48 b. c. d. e. f. g• h. i. J• k. l. na. B117, Standard Practice for Operating Salt Spray {Fog) Apparatus. B633, Standard Specification for Elect7rodeposited Coatings of Zinc on Iron and Steel. C33, Standard Specifications for Caner�te Aggregates. C144, 5tandarc� Specification for Aggregate for Masonry Martar. C150, Standard Specification far Partland Cement. C216, �tandarcE Specification for Facing Brick (So1id Masatuy Units Made frozn Clay or Shale). D16, 5tandard Terminalogy for Paint, Related Coatings, Materials, and Applications. D2�2, Standard Specification far Mineral Filler for Bituminous Paving Mixtures. DD522, Standard Test Methods for Ma�drel Bend Test of Attached Organic Coatings. D2240, Standard Test M�thod for Rubber Praperty-Durometer Hardness. D4541, Standard Test Method for Pull-Off Strength of Coatings Using Portable Adhesion Testers. E�65, Standard Practica for Liquid Penetrant Examination for General Industry. 5. American Welding Society (AWS) 6. D 1.1, Structure Welding Code - SteeF. 7. Amerzcan Water Works Association {AWWA): a. C2Q0, �teel Water Pipe - 6 Inches and Larger. b. C205, Cement Mortar Protective Lining and Coating for Steel Water Pipe 4 Ins and Larger Shop-Applied. c. C206, Ficld Welding of Steel Water Pipe. d. C207, Steel Pipe Flanges far Waterworks Service - Sizes 4 IN through 144 IN �. C208, Dimensions far Fabricated Steel Water Pipe Fittings. f. C210, Liquid-Epoxy Coating Sysiems for the Interior and Exterior of Steel Water Pipelines. g. C216, Heat Shrinkable Cross-Linl�ed Palyolefin Coatings for the Exterior of Special Sections, Cannections, and Fittings for Steei Water Pipelines h. C222, Polyurethane Caatings for the Interior and Exterior of Steel Water Pipe and Fittings i. M11, �teel Pipe - A Guide for Design and Installation. 8. American Water Works Association/American National Standards Institute (AW WA/ANSI): a. C111/A21.11, Rubber-Gasket Joints for Ductile-Iran Pressure Pipa and Fittings. 9. Internatianal Organization for Standardizatian (ISO). 10. NACE Internatianal (NACE): a. �PO1$8, Discantinuify (Holiday) Testing of New Protective Coatings on Conductive Substrates. 11. NSF Internatianal {1VSF): a. 61, Drinking Water System Camponents - Health Effects. 12. Spray Polyurethane Foam Alliance (SPFA}. 13. Society far Protective Coatings (SSPC)INational Associate of Carrosian Engin�ers (NACE} a. FA 2, Measurement of Dry Coating Thickness with Magnetic Gages. C1TY OF FOT�T WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCU1VfENTS Revised Aecember 20, 2Q12 ROLLiNG HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT FLOW METEA REPLACEMENTS CiTY PR03ECT NO. 102656 3311 i4-4 BURIED ST��L PIPE AtVD FITTINGS Page 4 of 27 1 2 3 4 5 fi b. SP 1, Solvent Cleaning. c. SP 2, Hand Tool Cleaning. d. SF 3, Power Tooi Cleaning. 14. �ociety for Protective Coatings/National Associate of Corrosion Engineers {SSPC/NACE) a. 5P 10/NACE No. 2, Near-White Blast Cleaning. 7 l.4 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS [NOT USED] 8 1.5 SUBM�TTALS 4 A. SubmittaIs shall be in accordance with Section O1 33 00. 10 B. All submittals shall be approved by the City prior to delivery and/or fabricatitin for 11 specials. 12 l.b ACTION SUBMITTALS/INFORMATiONAL SUBM�TTALS 13 A. Product Data 14 1. Exterior Coating 15 a. Material data 16 b. Application recammendations 17 c. Field touch-up procedures 18 2. Heat Shrink Sleeves, if applicab�e 19 a. Material data 20 b. Installation recommendations 2T 3. Joint Wrappers, if applicable 22 a. Material data 23 b. Installation recommendations 24 4. Mixes 25 a. Mortar for interior joints and patches 26 b. Bonding agents for patches 27 5. Gaskets 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 3$ 39 40 �} 1 42 B. Shop Drawings 1. Wall thickness design calculatitins scaled by a Licensed Professional Engineer in Texas including: a. Internal pressure 1) Maximum design pressiire 2) Surge pressure b. External pressure 1) Deflection 2) Buckling 3) Extrerne loading conditions c. Special physical loading such as supports or joint design d. Thermal expansian and/or contraction 2. Thrust restraint calcnlations for all fittings and valves inclucling the restraint length sealed by a Licensed Professional Engineer in Texas to verify the restraint lengths shown in the Drawings. CITY OF FORT WORTH ROLLING HILL$ WATER TREATMENT PLANT STAIVDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DpCUMENTS FLOW METER REPLACEIViENTS Revised December 20, 2012 CTI'Y FRdJECT NO. 102D56 331114-5 �URIE17 STEEL PIPE AND FITTINGS Page 5 of 27 1 3. Fabrication and lay drawings sho�ing a schematic location with prafile and a 2 tabulated layout scnedule that is sealecE by a Licensed Professional Engineer in 3 Texas and includes: � a_ Pipe class 5 b. ]oint types 6 c. Fittings 7 d. Outlets 8 e. Thrust Restraint 9 %�tationing (in accordance wi�h ihe Drawings) 10 g, Transitions 11 h. Joint deflectian �2 i. Interior liz�ing 13 j. Outlet tocations far welding, ventilation, and access 14 k. Welding requirements and provisions for thermal stress control 15 C. Certificates and Test Reports 16 1. Prior to shiprne�t of the pipe, tl�e pipe manufacturer shall submit the following: 17 a. A Certificate of Adequacy of Design stating that the pipe to be fiunished 18 connplies �rifh AWWA C200, AWWA C205, AWWA C210, AWWA C222 19 and these Specifications. 20 b. Capies of r�sults of factory hydrasta�ic t�sts shall be pravided to the Engir�eer. 21 c. Mii1 certificates, including chemical and physical test resuIts far each heat of 22 s�eel. 23 d. A Certified Test Report from the polyurethane caating manufacturer indicating 24 that the coatings w�re applied in accordance with manufacturer's requirements 25 and in accordance with this Specification. 26 e. Certiiied test reports for welder certificatian for factory and field welds in 27 accardance with AWWA C200, Section 4.11. 28 f. Certified test reports for cement mortar tests. 24 g. Certified test reparts far steel cylinder tests. 30 3I 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 1.7 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBM�TTALS [NOT USED] 1..9 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Quaiifications 1. Manufacturers a. Shall be certified under S.P.F.A. or I.5.0. quality certification program for steel pipe and accessory manufacturing b. Finished pipe shall be the product of 1 manufacturer. c. Pipe manut'acturing operaiians (pipe, lining and coatings) shall be performed under the cantral of the manufacturer. d. The pipe manufacturer shall not have less than 5 years successful experience manufact�ring pipe of the particular type and size indicated or demonstrate an experience record that is satisfactory to the Engineer and City. 1} This experience recorrd will be thoroughly investigated by the Engineer, and acceptance will be at the sole discretion of the Engineer and Ciry. 2} Pipe xr�anufacturing operations {pipe, fittings, lining, coating) shall be performed at 1 location, unless vtherwise approved by the Engineer. ci�r o� �ax�e woR�x STANI7ARI] CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICA'f'IQN DOCUMENTS Revised December 20, 2D12 ROLLING HiLLS WATER TREATMENT FLANT FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS CITY PR07ECT NO. 102056 33 11 14 - 6 BURiED STEEL PIPE AIVD FITTfNGS Page 6 of 27 1 2 c3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 �1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 �FO 41 42 43 44 45 e. Manufacnire pipe in accordance with the latest revisions af AW WA C200, AW WA C245, AW WA C210 and AW WA C222. 1.10 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Facking 1. Prepare pipe for shipment to: a. Afford maximurn protechon from normal l�azard of transportation h. Allow pipe to reach project site in an undamaged condition 2. Pipe damaged in shipment shall nat be delivered to the project site unless such damaged pipe is praperly repaired. 3. After the completed pipe and fittings have been remaved from the final cure at the manufacturing plant: a. Protect pipe lining from drying by means of plastic end covers banded to the �ipe ends. b. Maintain covers over the pipe ends at all timas until ready to be installed. c. Moisture shall be maintained inside the pipe by periadic addition of water, as necessary. 4. Pipes shall be carefiilly supported during shiptnent and storage. a. Pipe, fittings and specials shalI be separated sa that they da not bear against each vt�ier and the whole load shall be securely fastened to prevent �novement in transit. b. Ship pipe an padc�ed bunks with tie-dawn straps approximately over stulling. c. Store pipe on padded skids, sand or dirt berrns, tires or other suitable means to protect the pipe from damage. d. Each end of each length of pipe, f tting or special and the middle of each pipe jaint sha11 he internally supported and braced with stuIls to maintain a true circu�ar shape. -- 1} Internal stulls shall consist of timber or steel firmly wedged and secured so tiaat stulls remain in place during storage, shipment and. installation. 2) Pipe shall be rotated so that 1 stull remains vertical during storage, shipment and installation. 3) At a minimum, stulls shail be placed at each end and center. a) Additional stulls may be required depending upon ihe length of the joints and pipe design. 4} Stu11s shall not be remaved until backfll operations are complete (excluding iinal clean up), unless it can be dennonst�ated to the City's satisfaction that re�rzoval of stulls will not adversely affect pipe installation. B. Delivery, Handting, and Starage 1. Once the first shipment oipipe has been delivered to the site, the Engineer and the Contractor shall inspect the pipe's interior coaiing for excessive cracking. 2. If excessive cracking is found, the Contractar shall modify shipping procedures ta reduce or etiminate cracking. 3. Deliver, handte and store pipe in accordance with the rnanuiaciurer's recommendations to protect coating systems. 4. Secure and mainta�n a location to store the ma�erial in accordance with Section Ol 66 0�. CITY OF FORT WORTH STAI�fDA[tD CQNSTRUCTIQN SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised December 20, 2012 ROLLING HILLS WATER TREA'FMENT PLANT FLOW METER REPLAC�MENTS CITY PROIEC'I` NO. 102056 331114-7 BURLED STEEL PIPE A3VD FfTT1NGS Page 7 of 27 1 1.11 FIELD CONDITIONS [NOT U�ED] 2 1.1� WARRANTY [NOT USED] 3 PART � - PRODUCTS 4 �.1 OWNER-FURNISHED [NOT USED] 5 �.� EQUIPMENT, PRODUCT TYPE�, AND MATERIALS 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 A. Manufac�urers 1. Only the rnanufacturers as listed by the City's Standard Praducts List will be considered as shown in Section O1 60 00. a. The manufacturer must comply with this Specification and related Sections. 2. Any praduct that is not listed on the Standard Products List is considered a su6stitution and shall be submitted in accordance with Sectian O1 25 40. B. Materials 13 1. Genegal 14 a. Pipe shall be manufactured in accardance with the latest revisians of AWWA 15 C200, AWWA C205, AWWA C210 and AWWA C222. 16 b. All pipe lining material in contact with potable water shall meet the 17 requirements af NSF 61. 18 Z. Exterior Pblyurethane Coating 19 a. For Pipe: 20 1) Polyurethane Coa�ing shall be factary applied and rr►eet the requirements of 21 AWWA C222. Use a Cflating Star�dard ASTM D16, Type V system which 22 is a 140 percent solids, 2-co�npanent polyurethane {or 2-package 23 polyisocyanate, polyol-cured urethan�) coating. 24 a) Camponents shall have balanced viscosities in their liquid state and 25 shall not require agitation during use. 26 b) Canversion to Solids by Volume: 97 percent � 3 percent 27 c) Temperature Resistance: Minus 4d degrees F and plus 150 degrees F 28 d) Minirnum Adhesion: 1500 psi, when applied to steel pipe which has 29 been blasted to camply with S�PC SP 10/NACE No. 2 30 {1} Cure Time: Far handling in 2-3 minutes at 120 degrees F and full 31 cure within 7 days at 70 degrees F 32 e) Maximum Specific Gravities 33 (1} Polyisocyanate resin, 1.20 34 (2} Folyol resin, 1.15 35 f� Minimum Impact Resistance: 80 inch-paunds using 1-znch diart�eter 36 steel ba11 37 gj Minimurn Tensile Strength: 2000 psi 38 _ hj Hardness: Minimum Durometer hardness of 65 on the 5hore D scale in 39 accordance with ASTM D2240 40 i} �Iexibztity Resistance 41 (1) ASTM D522 using 1-inch mandrel �2 (2) Allow coating to cure for 7 days. 43 (3) Perform testing on test coupons held far i 5 minutes at temperature 44 extremes specified above. CT`T'Y OF FORT WORTH ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUNLCNTS FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS Revised Decamber 20, 20] 2 CITY PROJECF NO. 102056 33 11 14 - 8 BUItIED STEEL PIPE AND FTTTINGS Page 8 af 27 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1Q 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 j) Dry Film Thicicness: 35 mils k) Caating shall be a self priming, plural companent, 100 percent soiids, non-extended polyurethane, suitable for bezr�al or immersion and shall be: {1) Corropipe II Omni as manufactured by Madison Chemical Industries Inc. (2) Durashield 210 as manufactured by LifeLast, Tnc., or (3) Protec II, as manufactured by �TW —�utura Coatings, Inc. 2) The coating manufacturer shall have a minimum of 5 years experience in the production of this typa coating. b. For Speciais, Fittings, Repair and Connections 1) Provide shop-applied and field-app�ied coating as follows: a) Corropipe Ii Ozx�ni, and GP II (E} Touch-Up, respectively, as manufactured by Madison Chemical Industries, or b} Durashield 210, Durashield 310, or D�zrashield 310 JARS as manufactured by LifeLast, Inc., or c} Protec II, or as recommen�ed by the coating manufacturer. d) Properties speciiied abave. e) Mix and apply polyurethane caatings in accordance with the coating manufacturer's recomrnendations. 21 3. Cement Mortar Linings 22 a. Cement mortar lining5 shall be shop-applied. 23 b. Shop-applied cement mortar linings shail conforrr� to the requirements of 24 AWWA C205 with the following modifications: 25 1) �and used for cement mortar shall be silica sand A�TM C33. 26 2} Curing of the linings shall conform to the requirements of AWWA C205. 27 4. Gaskets 2& 1) Flange in accordance with AVVWA C207. 29 2) Provide Gaskeis in accordance with Section 33 11 O5. 30 5. Bolts and Nuts 3 i a. Flanged Ends 32 1) Flange in accordance with AWWA C207. 33 2} Provide bolts and nuts in accardance with Section 33 11 O5. 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 6. Flange Coatings a. FIange Caatings in accordance with Section 33 � 1 O5. 7. Steel shall: a. Meet the reyuiremen#s of AWVVA C200 b. Be of continuous casting c. Be homogeneous d. Be suitable for iieId welciing e. Be fully kilned f. Be fine austenitic grain size 43 8. Bend Fittings 44 a. Fabricate all fitiings from hydrostatically tested pipe. 45 b. All bend fittings shall be long radius to permit easy passage of pipeline pigs. 46 9. Threaded Outlets 47 a. VVhere autlets or taps are threaded, Threaded with CC Threads and furnish and 48 install brass bushings for the outlet size indicatec�.. CITY OF FORT WORTH ROLLINC HIE.LS WATER TREATMENT PLANT STANDAR� CONSTRUCTIOAI SP�CiPICATIO�i DOCUMENTS FLOW METER REPLACEMEN'i'S Revised December 20, 20I2 C1TY PRO.IECT NO. 102056 33 11 14 - 9 BURiE� S'I'E�.L PIPE A�ID RITTINGS Page 9 of 27 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 I4 TS 16 17 18 I9 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 34 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 11 12 10. Weld Lead Outlets a. Use of threaded autlets for access far weld leads is permitted. b. Additianal outlet conFigurations shall be approved by the Engineer. c. Outlets shall be welded after use. Mixes a. Mortar for Joints �) Mortar shall be 1 part cement to 2�parts sand. 2) Cement shall be ASTM C150, Type I or �I. 3) Sand sha11 be of sharp silica base. a) Sand shall cont'orm to ASTM C144. 4) Interior joint rnortar shall be mixed with as little water as possible so that the mortar is very stiff, but workable. 5) Water for cement mortar �hall be from a potable water source. 6) Mortar for patching shall be as per interiar joints. b. Bonding Agent 1) Bondi�.g Agent for Cement Mortar Lining must meet NSF 61, if cement lining is in contact with potable water. 2) Bonding agent t'or cement martar lining patching shall be: a) Proband Epoxy Bonding Agent ET-150, parts A and B b) Sikadur 32 Hi-Mod, or c) Approved equal Heat Shrink Sleeves for Polyurethane Coated 5tee1 Pipe a. Primer: Provide as recommended by the sleeve manufacturer. b. Filler Mastic: Provide mastic filler as recommended by the heat shrink slee�e mxnufacturer. 1) Size and type shall be as recommended by the sleeve manufacturer for type of pipe and joint. c. Joznt Coating: Cross-Iinked polyolefin wrap or sleeve with a mastic sealant, 85 miis total thickness, suitable for pipeline operating temperature, sleeve material recovery as recommended by the manufacturer. 1) High recavery sleeves shail be provided for bell and spigat and coupling style joints with a mix►innum of 50 percent recovery. 2} Sleeve length shall pravide a minimum af 3 inches o�erlap onto intact pipe coating on each sid� oithe joint. 3) Width to take inta cansidera#ian shrinkage af the sleeve due to installatian and jaint profile d. Heat shrink sieeves shall rneet AWWA C216, as manufactLired by: 1 } Canusa 2} Raychem, or 3} Approved equal e. Pravide heat shrink sleeve suitaUle to interior joint welding without damage to heat shrink sleeve. C. Performance / Design Criteria 1. Pi�e Design a. Steel pipe shall be designed, manufactured and tested in conformance with AWWA C200, AWWA Ml 1 and these Specifications. b. Sizes and pressure classes (working pressure} shall be as shown below. c. For the purpose of pipe design, the transient pressure plus warki ng pressure shall be as indicated below. CITY OF �ORT WORTH STAIVDARD C�NSTRUCTiON SPECIFICATIpN DQCUMENTS Re�ised December 20, 2012 ROLLING HILLS WATE12 TREATMEI�T PLANT FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS CITY PR07�CT NO. 10205G 33 11 14 - 10 BURIED 3TEEL PIPE AND FITTINGS Page 10 of 27 1 d. Fittings, specials and connections shall be designed for the same pressures as 2 the adjacent pipe. 3 �. Pipe design shall be based an trench condztions and the design pressure in 4 accardance with AVVWA M11; using the fallowing parameters: 5 1) Unit Weight af Fill (W} -- 130 pounds per cubic foot 6 2} Live Load 7 a) = AASHTO HS 20, at all lacations except at railroads 8 b} = Cooper E80, at Railroads 9 3) Trench Depth = As indicated in the Drawings 10 4) Deflection Lag Factor (Di) � 1.0 � 1 5) Coefficient (K) = 0.10 12 6) Maximurn Caiculated Deflection: 13 a) Dx = 3 percent (for polyurethane coated pipe) i4 b) Dx = 2 percent (for cement mortar coated pipe) 15 7} Sail Reaction Modulus (E'} < 1,d00 16 8) Work�ng Pressure = 150 psi 17 a} Test Pressure = 18 (i) No less than 125 minimum times the stated working pressure (187 19 psi minimum} of the pipeline rmeasured at the highest elevation 20 along the test section. 21 (2) No less than 1.5 times the stated warking pressure (225 psi 22 minimum} at the lowest eleva�ion of the test section. 23 9) Surge Allowance = 1Q0 psi, minim�m 24 a} Where Total Pressur� {including surge} = 150 psi + 100 psi = 250 psi 25 f. Fittings and speciafs sha11 be: 2� 1) Designed in accordance with AWWA C208 and AWWA M11 except that 27 crotch plates shaIl be used far outlet reinforcement for a11 Pressure 28 Diameter Values, PDV, greater than 6,000. _ 29 g. Where the pipe requires additianal extenaal support to achieve the specified 30 maximum deflection, the Cantractor and pipe suppIier will he required to 31 furnish alternate methods for pipe embecirn�nt. 32 1) No additional coanpensation will be made to the Contractor by the Owner 33 where this method is required. 34 h. Trench depths indicated shall be verified after existing utilities are located. 35 1} Vertica� aiignment changes required because of existing utility or other 36 conflicts shail be accommodated by an appropriate change in pipe design 37 depth. 38 2) In no case shal? pipe be installed deeper than its design allows. 39 i. Field fabrication or cutting is not allawed, unless otherwise approved by the 40 City. 41 42 43 44 45 �6 47 48 49 2. Pzovisions for Thrust a. Thrust at bends, tees or ather fittings shall be resisted by restrained joints. 1} Tl�rust at bends adjacent to casing shall be restrained by welding joints through the casing and a sufficient distance each side of th� casing. 2) The distance for thrust restraint shown on the Drawings is the minimum zestraint and does not relieve the manufacturer from calculating the res�raint needs as specife� herein. a) In no case shali the restrained distance be less than indicated an the Drawings. CITY OF FORT WORTH ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DpCUMENTS FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS Revised Decembcr 20, 2012 CITY FR07ECT NO. I02056 331114-I1 BURIED STEEL P1PE AND FITTINGS Page 11 of 27 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 l8 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3a 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 �8 � c. d. Restrained joints shall be used a sufficient distance from each side af ihe bend, tee, plug or ather fitting to resist thrust which develops at the design pressure of the pipa. Restrained joints shall consist oiwelded jainis. The length of pipe designed wifh restrained joints to resist thrust shall be verifed by the pipe manufacturer in accordanc� with AWWA M11 and the following: 1} The weight of tlae earth (We) shall be calculated as the weight of tlne prajected soil �rism above the pipe, for unsaturated soil conditions 2) Soil Density = 110 paunds per cubic foot (maximum value to be used), far unsaturated soil conditio�as 3) Coefficient of Friction — U.25 (maximum value to be used for polyurethane coated steel pipe}. 4) If indicated on the Drawings and the Geotechnical Barings that ground vvater is expected, account for reduced soil density. 5) For horizontal bends, the length of pipe to be restrained shall be calculated as failows: Where: L= P_A(1—cos�) f {2W�+ Wp + WW) 4 = Deflection angle L= Length of pipe to be restrained on each side P = internal pressure A— Cross sectianal area af pipe steel cylinder I.D. We = Weight of prism af soil over the pipe Wp = Weight of pipe WW = Weight of water f= Coefficient af friction between pipe and sail 3. Inside Diameter a. The inside diameter, including tha cement-mortar lining, shali be a minimum of the nominal diameter of the pipe specified, unless atherwise indicated an the Drawings. 4. Wall Thickness a. The minimum pipe wa11 steel thickness shall be as designed, but not less than 0.25 inches or pipe D/240, whichever is greater for pipe and fittings, with no minus tolerance, where D is the norninal inside pipe diameter. b. Where indicat�d on the Drawings, pipe and fittings shall have thicker steel pipe wali. c. The minimum steel wall thickness shall also be such that the fiber stress shall notexceed: 1) 50 percent af the minimum yield strength of the steel for working pressure and 2} 75 percent of the minimum yield stre�gth of the steei at the maximum pressure (including transient pressure}, nor the following, at the specified working pressure: CITY OF FORT WORTH STANAARD C�NSTRUCTION SPSCIFICATION DpCUME3VT5 Revised December 20, 2012 ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS CITY PRQ]ECT IVO, 102656 33 I1 IA - 12 BURLED ST$EL PiPE AND FI"I"I'1NG5 Page 12 of 27 Maximum Stress at Pi e T c Warkin Pres��re Pol ethane Coated Steel 23,000 si Mortar Coated Stee� NOT USED 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 14 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3l 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 44 41 42 43 44 45 d. Fipe which is placed in casing or iunnel shall have a minimum pipe walI steel thickness of 0.375 inches or pipe D/144, whichever is greater, where D is the nominal pipe diameter. e. Pipe, fittings and specials shail be designed such that the maximum stresses in the pipe due to thrust loading wiil not exceed 18,000 psi. S. Seams a. Except for mill-type pipe, the piping shall be made from steel plates rolled into cylinders ar sections tt�ereof with the longitudinal and girth seams butt welded or shali be spirally formed and butt welded. 1) There shall be not more than 2longitudinal seams. 2} Girth seams shall be butt welded and shall not be spaced closer than 6 feet except in specials and �ttings. 6. 3oint Length a. Maximum jaint length shall not exceed 50 feet. b. Maximum joint length of steel pipe installed in casing shall meet the projeci requirements. c. Manufactured random segments of pipe will not be permitted for straight runs of pipe. 1) Closing piece segments, however, shall be acceptable. 7. Joint Bonds, Insuiated Connections and Flange Gaskets a. Joint Bonds, Insulated Connection, and Flange Gaskets shall be in accordance with Section 33 04 10. 8. Bend Fi#tings a. All bend fittings shall be long radius to pe�it passage of pipeline pigs. 9. Pipe Ends a. Pipe ends shall be: � ) Lap welded slip joints 2) Butt strap joint 3} Flangedjoint 4} Fl�xible coupled jaint 5} Ro11 groove gasket joint b. Pipe ends s�all be welded or harnessed where indicated and as necessary to resist thrust farces. 1) Thrust at bends adjacent to casing shall be restrained by welding joints thraugh the casing and a sufficient distance each side of the casing. c. Rubber Gasket 7oint 1} Rubber gasketed jaints {O-ring or Camegie Jaints) wili only be al�owed far pipe sizes 54-inch diameter and smaller. 2) Joints shall conform to AWWA C20d standarc�. 3) The joints shall consist of a) Belt {1) Flared bell end formed and sized by forcing the pipe or a pIug die o:r by expanding an segmental dies. CITY OF FORT WORTH STAIYDARD CONSTi2UCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised becember 2a, 2012 ROLLING HiLLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS CITY PR07EC'd' NQ I02056 33 ] 1 14 - 13 BURIGD STEEL FIPE AND FITTINGS Page 13 of27 1 �J� S�lgO� 2 (1) Rolled spigot or carnegie shaped steel joint ring in accordance with 3 AWWA C200 and as shown as Item F or H in Figure 8-1 of the 4 AW WA M 11. 5 4} The welded area of bell and spigot pipe ends sha11 be checked after forming 6 by the dye penetrant or �nagnetic particle method. 7 5) The difference in diameter 6etween the interior diameter (LD.) of the bell 8 and the outer diazneter (O.D.) of the spigot shoulcier at point ot' �iill 9 engagement with an allowable deflection shall be no more than 0.04 inches 1Q as rneasured on the circumference with a diameter tape. 11 6) The gasket shall have sufficient volume to approxitnately fill the area of the 12 groove and shall confarm to AWWA C200. 13 7) The joint shaIl be suitable for the specifed test and/or surge pressure and 14 deflection. I S 8) ]oints shall be of clearances such thai water tightness shall be provided 16 under all operating and test conditions with a pzpe diarnefer deflection 17 based upon the supplied pipe coating. 18 9) Jainis shatl be elecirically cantinuous. 19 d. Lap Welded Slip Joint 20 1) Lap welded slip jaint shall be provided in all locations for pipe larger than 2i 24-inches and where joints are welded for thrust restraint. 22 2) Lap welded slip joints may be welded from the inside or outside. 23 3) Ends of pipe, fittings and specials for field welded joint� shall be prepared 24 with 1 end expanded in order to receive a plain end making a bell and plain 25 end type of joint. 26 a) Clearance between the sur�'aces of lap joints sha11 no� exceedl/8 inch at 27 any poi�t around the periphery. 28 �4) In addition ta the pravisions for a rriinimum lap of 11/z inches as specified in 29 AWWA C200, the depth of bell shall be such as to provide for a minimum 30 distance af 1 inch between the weld and the nearest tangent of the bell 31 radius when welds are ta be located on the inside of the pipe. 32 e. Fittings with Flanges 33 1) Flanged joints shall be provided at connections to valves and w�iere 34 indicated on the Drawings. 35 2) Ends to be fitted with slip-on flanges shall have the langitudinal or spiral 36 welds �round flush ta accomrnodate the type of flanges gravided. 37 3) Pipe flanges and welding of flanges to steel pipe shall conform to the 38 requirements of AWWA C207 and AWWA C20&. 39 �) Pipe flanges shall be of rated pressure equal to or g�-eater than the adjacent 40 pipe class. 41 5) Flanges shall match ihe fittings or appurtenances which are to be attached. 42 6} Rlanges shall be C1ass E with 275 psi working �ressure in accordance with 43 AWWA C207 and drilled in accordance with ASME B16.1 Class 125 for 44 areas designated with a 225 test pressure. 45 7} When Isolation Flanges are required by the Drawings, Drillings sha11 4b accammodaie the required spacing for znylar slee�res according to Section �7 33 04 10. 48 f. Flexible Couplings 49 1) Flexible couplings shall be provided where specified on the Drawings. 50 2} Ends to be joined by flexible couplings shall be: CITY OF FORT WORTH ROLLING HIL,LS WATEA TREATMENT PLANT STAIVDARD CQNSTRUCTION SPECIFICATiDN AOCi3MENT5 FLOW METEA REPLACEMENTS Re�ised Dece�nber 20, 2072 CITY PRQJECT NO. 1 Q2056 sa � i ia - ia Bi7RI�I3 S'I'�EL PIPE AND FITTINGS Page 14 of 27 1 a) �lain end type, prepared as stipulated in AWWA C200. 2 b) Welds on er�ds to be joined by couplings shall be ground flush to 3 permit slipping the coupling in at least 1 direction to cIear the pipe 4 j oint. 5 c) Harness bolts and lugs shaIl compIy with AWVVA Ml 1. 6 g. Butt Strap Closure Joints 7 1) Where necessary to make ciosure io pipe pre�viously laid, closure �oints 8 shall be installed using butt strap joints in accordance with AWWA C206 4 and appIicable provisions of this Specification. 10 10. 11 12 13 1 �l 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 Polyurethane Coating a. Applicator Qualificatians 1} Equipment shall be certified by the coating manufactUrer ta meet the requirements for: a) Matarial mi�ing b} Temperature control c} Application rate d) Ratio control for multi-part coatings 2) Equipment nat meeting the written requ�rements of the coating manufacturer shall be rejected far coating application un#il repairs or replacement of the equipment is made to the satist'action of ihe City. 3} Personnel responsible for the application o�the coating system shall: a) Provide ce�rtification of attendance at the coaiing manufacturer's training class within the last 3 years b) Be present during all coating application work and shall have responsibility far controlling all aspects of the caating application b. Surface Freparation 1} Remo�e visible oil, grease, dirt and contamination in accordance with SSPC SP 1. 2) Remove s�zrface imperfections such as rr�etal slivers, burrs, weld splatter, gouges ar delaminations in the metal by filing or grinding prior to abrasive suriace preparation. 3) In cold weather or when moisture collects on the pipe and the temperature of the pipe is less than 45 degrees F, preheat pipe to a ternperat�re between 45 and 90 degrees F and 5 degrees F above dew point. 4} Clean pipe by abrasive btasting with a mixt�u-e o�' steel grit and shot to produce the surface preparation cleanliness as z-equired by coating manufacturer and as specif ed. a} Recycled abrasive shall he cleaned of debris and s�ent abrasive in an air wash separatar. 5) Blast media mixture and gradation shalI be adequate to achieve a sharp angu�ar surface prafiIe as required by coating tnanufacturer and to the minirnurn c�epth specz�ed. 6} Protect prepared pipe fram humidity, moisture and rain. 7) Keep pipe clean, dry and free of flash nist. a} Remove all flash rust, imperfections or contamination on cleaned pipe surface by reblasting prior to primer application. S) Complete priming and coating of pipe in a cantinuous operation the same day as surface preparation. CITY OF FORT WORTH ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATM�NT PLANT STANDARD CONSTRUCTIQN SPECIFICATIdN 170CUMENTS FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS Revised December 20, 2012 CITY PR07ECT MO. 102056 33 ll 14 - 15 BURIED STEEL PIPE ANI} FITTINGS Page 15 of 27 1 z 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I1 I2 I3 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 34 31 32 33 34 35 3b c. d. B. f. g h. I. 9) Abrasive blast exterior surfaces in accordance with SSPC S� 10/NACE No. 2; to a near-white blast cleaning with a minimum 3.0 mil angular profiie in bare steel. Equipment 1} 2-component, heated airless spray unit in accordance with coating manufacturer's recommendation Temperature 1} Minimum 5 degrees F abave dew point temperature a) The temperature af the surface shall nat be less than 64 degrees F during application. Humidity i} Heating of pipe surfaces may 6e required ta meet requirements of ihis Section if relative humidity exceeds 80 percent. Resin 1) Da not thin ar mix resins; use as received. 2) Stare resins at a temperature recammended by the coating manufacturer. Applicatian 1) Applicator shall be certified by the coating manufacturer and conform to coating manufacturer's recommendations. a} Thinning is not permitted. 2) Apply directly to pipe to achieve a total dry film thickness (DFT) of 35 mi1s. 3) Multiple-pass, 1 coat application process is permitted provided maximum allowable recoat time specified by caating manufacturer is not exceeded. 4) Provide cutbacks in accordance with coating manufacturer's recommendations as apprapriate for the type oijoint and heat shrink sleeve to be used. Recoating 1) Recoat only when coating has cL�red less than maximum time specified by coating manufacturer. 2) When coating has cured for naore than recoat tirne, brush-bIast or thoroughly sand the surface. 3) Blow-off cleaning using clean, c�y, high press�u-e compressed air. Curing 1) Do not handle pipe until coating has been allowed to cure, per manufacturer's recommendations. 37 2.3 ACCESSORIES [NOT USEDJ 38 2.4 SOURCE QUALITY CONTR�L 39 40 41 42 43 44 A. Marking far ldentification 1. For each joint of pipe and each fitting, plainly mark on 1 end: a. Class fox which it is d�signated b. Date of manufacturer c. Identi�cation mimber d. Top centerlines �hall be rnarked an all specials 45 B. Fac#ory Testing 46 1. Cement Mortar Lining - 5hop-applied cement mortar linings shall be tested in 47 accordance with AWWA C205. CITY OF FORT WORTH ROLLING HIL�.S WATER TREATMEI,iT PLANT STANDARD CONSTRUCTIOIV SPECIFICATION DOCUMENT5 FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS Revised December 20, 2�12 CITY PRQlECT NO. 102056 33 11 14 - 1G $URIEL} STEEL PIPE AND FITTINGS Page 16 of 27 1 2. Polyureihane Caating � The polyuretha�e coating shall be tested in accordance with 2 AWWA C222. 3 a. Tl�icicness: Test tIa�ckness of coating in accordance with SSPC PA 2. 4 1) Test coating system applied to the pipe for holidays according to the 5 procedures autlined in NACE SP0188 using a high voltage spar� tester 6 {operating at l00 volts per mil), for the dry film thickness (DFT) speciiied 7 of 35 mil. S b. Adhesion Testing 9 1} �oiyurethane coatings or linings shall have an adhesion to steel of 1,500 10 paunds per square inch, minimum. 11 2} Test polyurethane coating adhesian to steel substrates using pneumatic pull l2 off equipment, such as HATE Model 108 ar Delfesko Fositest, in 13 accordance with ASTM D4541 and AW WA C22Z, except as imodified in 14 this Section. 1S 3) Adhesion testing records shall inciude: 16 a) Pipe identiiication , 17 b) Surface tested {interior or exterior} 1 S c) Surface iemperature 19 d} Coating thickness 24 e} Tensile force applied 21 f) Mode of failure 22 g) Percentage of substrate faiIure relative of dolly surface 23 �} Glue aolties for adhesion testing to the coating surface and allowed to cure 24 for a rninimum of 12 hours. 25 a) Because of high cohesive strength, score poIyurethane coatings around 26 the dally prior to conducting the adhesion test. 27 5) Failure shall be by adhesive and cohesive failure only. 28 a) Adhesive failure is defined as separation of the coating frorn the steel 29 substratie. 30 b) Cohesive failure is defined as failure within the coating, resulting in 31 coating remaining both on the steel substrate and doll�+. 32 b) Retest partial adhesion and glue failure if the substrate failure is less than 33 50 percent relative af the dolly surFace area and the applied tension was less 34 than the specified adhesion. 35 7) Glue failures in excess of the minimum required tensile adhesion are 36 accepted as meeting the specified adhesion requirements. 37 8} Conduct, accept and reject adhesion tests on polyurethane pipe coating and 38 lining independently {where applicable). 39 9) Frequency af adhesion testing in accordance with AWWA C222. 40 l 0) Randamly select repair patches on the polyurethane coating for adhesion 41 testing in a manner as described herein and at the discretion af the coating 42 inspecto:r conducting the adhesion tests. 43 a) Adhesion of repairs shall be as specified by the coating manufacturer 44 for the typ� oirepair. 45 G Man�zfacturer's Technician for Pipe Installation 46 1. Pipe Manufaciurer's Representative CITY OF FORT WORTH ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT STANDARD CONSTRUCT[ON 3PECIFICATION DOCYIMENTS FLOW ivIETER REFLACEMENTS Revised Aecember 24, 2012 CITY PROJECT NO. 102056 33 11 14 - 17 BURIFD STEEL PIPE AN]] FITTINGS Page 17 of 27 1 a. Tf required by the Engineer or requestcd by the Coniractor during canstruction, 2 the pipe manufachirer shall furnish the services of a factory trained, qualified, 3 job exgerienced technician to adeise and instr�ct as necessary in pipe laying 4 and pipe jointing. 5 1} The technician shall assist and advise the Contractor in his pipe laying 6 operations a�nd shall inst�ct construction persannel in proper joint 7 assembly and joint inspection procedures. 8 2} The technician is not required to be on-site fiill tirne; howevex, the 9 technician shail be regularly on-site during the first 2 weeks ofpipe laying 10 and thereafter as requested by the Engineer, Ciry or Contractor. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2. Poiyuretk�ane Coating Manufacturer's Representative a. The pipe manufacturer shall provide services of polyurethane coating manufacturer's representative and a representative from the heat shrink joint manufacturer for a period of not less than 3 days at beginning of ach�al pipe laying operations to advise Contractor and City regarding installation, including but nat limited to: 1} Handling and storage 2} Cleaning and inspecting 3} Coating repairs 4} Field apgiied c�ating 5) Heat shrink installation procedures 6} General construction metl�ods and how they may affect pipe coating b. Represe�tative shall be required to return if, in the opinion o�tk�e E�gineer, the polyurethane coating or the Contrac�or's constructian methads do not comply wit� Contract Specifications. 1} Cost for the manufacturer's representatives to return to the site sha116e at no additional cost to the City. D. Hydrostatic Pressure Testing 1, Perform hydrostatic pressure testing in accardance with AWWA C200. 30 2. Hydrostatically test each join� of pipe prior to application of Iining or caating. 31 a. The internal test pressure shall be that which results in a fiber st�ess equal to 75 32 percent of the minimum yield strength of the steel used. 33 b. Each joint of pige tested shail �e eompletely wat�rtight under maximum test 34 pressure. 35 c. Test pressure shall be held for sufiicient time ta observe the weld seams. 36 d. Maintaxn a recording presslire gauge, reference number of pipe iested, etc. 37 1} The pipe shall he numbered in order that this information can be recorded. 38 3. Test fittings by: 39 a. Hydrostatic test �0 b. Magnetic particle test 4l c. Ultrasonic 42 d. Radiography 43 e. Dye penetrant test 44 E. City Testing and Inspection 45 1. Pipe may be subject to inspection at the manufacturer's facility by an independent 46 testing laboratory, which laboratory shall be selected and retained by the City. 47 a. Representatives of the City, City's laboratory, or the Engineer shall have access 48 to the work whenever it is in preparation ar progress. CITY OF FORT WORTH ROLLING HIE.LS WATER TREATMENT PLANT STANDARD CONSTRUCTiON SPECIFICATIpN DOCiJMENTS FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS Revised December 20, 20t2 CITY PR07ECT NO. 10205G 33 11 14-18 SURIED 3TEEL PIPE A3VD FITTINGS Page 18 of27 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 b. Pipe manufacturer shall provide proper facilities for access and for inspection. c. Pipe manufacturer shall notify the City in writing, a mrnimum of 2 weeks prior io ihe pipe iabrication sa that the City may advise the manufacturer as to the Giry's decision regarding tests to be performed by an independent testing Iaboratory. d. Material, iabricat�d parts and pipe, which are discovere�. to be defective, or which do not conform to the require�nents of this Speci�cation shall be subject io rejection at any time priar to City's final acceptance of the product. 2. The inspectian and testing by the independent testing laboratory anticipates that production of pipe shall be done aver a narmal period of time and without "slow downs" or other abnormal delays. a. The pipe manufacturer shall coordinate their manufacturing schedule with the Contractor and advise the Contractor of any changes in the sch�dule. 14 PART 3 - EXECUTION 15 3.1 INSTALLERS [NOT USED] 16 3.� EXAMINATION (NOT USED] 17 3.3 PREPARATION [NOT USED] 1 S 3.4 TNSTALLATION 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 A. General 1. Install steel pipe, �ttings, specials and appurtenances as specified hereir►, as specified in AWWA Ml l, in accordance with the pipe manufacturer's recommendations and as required for the proper functioning of the cvmpleted pipe line. 2. Lay pipe to the lines and grades as indicated in the Drawings. 3. Excavate, err►bed and backfll trenches in accordance with Section 33 OS 10. 4. For installation of carrier pipe within casing, see Section 33 a5 24. 5. Inspeci and test eacta joznt for holidays just prior to pipe heing lowered into the ditch. a. All damaged areas and halidays are to be repaired befare tha pipe is lowered into the trench. 6. Place and consolidate embedment and backfill prior to removing pipe stulls. 7. Maximum allowable pipe deflection is limited to: a. 2 percent for mortar coated steel pipe b. 3 percent for polyurethane coated steel pipe 8. Install bonds at all pipe joints, except for welded joints ar insulated. joints. B. Pipe Handling 1. Haul and distribute pipe and �'ittings at the project site. 2. Handle pipe with care to avoid damage. a. Pipe s�all be hancilec� at all times with suffieient non-abrasive slings, belts or other ec�uipmeni designed to prevent damage to the caati�g or lining. b. The spacing of pipe supports req�xired to handle the pipe shatl be adequate to prevent cracking or damage to the lining or coating. CITY OF FORT WORTH RbLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIQN DpCLTMEIVTS FLOW METER REPLACEMEiVTS Revised December 20, 2012 CIT'Y PROIECT NO. 102056 33 11 14 - 19 SUR1�D STEEL PiPS AND FIT'FINGS Page 19 of 27 1 c. lnspect each joir�t of pipe and rejec� or repair any damaged pipe prior to 2 lowering into t�e trench. 3 d. The equipment shall be kept in such repair that its continued use is not injurious 4 to the coating. 5 e. Do not lay pipe in wet canditions. 6 3. At the close ot' each operating day: 7 a. Keep the pipe clean and free of debris, dirt, animals and trash — during and after 8 the laying operation. 9 b. Effective�y seal the open end of the pipe using a gasketed night cap. 10 C. Line Up at Bends 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1. Line up pipe for joining so as to pre�ent damage thereto. a. Thoroughly clean the bell and spigot ends of each j oint of pipe of foreign matter, rust and scale before placing spigot inta bell. 2. Where abrupt changes in grade and direc#ion accur, employ speciai shop fabricated �ttings for the purpose. a. Field cutting the ends of the steel pipe to accornplisl� angular changes in grade or direction of ihe line shall nat be permitted. D. Pipe Laying 19 l. Rubber Gasket Joints 20 a. Join rubber gasket jaints in accordance with the manufachuer's 21 recomznendations. 22 b. Clean bell and spigot of fareign material. 23 c. Lubricate gaskets and bell and relieve gasket tension around the perimeter of 24 the pipe. 25 c�. Engage spigot as far as possible in bell. 26 e. 3oint def�ection or pull shall not exceed the manufacturer's recommendation. 27 £ Check gasket with feeIer gauge all around the pipe. 28 g. I� areas af petroleum hydracarbon soil contanrzination, install special Neaprene 29 gaskets ar approved equal. 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 2. Welded Joints a. Weld joints in accardance with AWWA C206. 1) Contractor shall provide adequate ven�ilation for welders and for City's represen.tative to observe welds. 2) Wetds shall be fu11 circle fillet welds, unless otherwise speciiied. 3) Welding shall be campleted after application o� field applied joint coating. b. Adequate pravisions for reducing temperahire stresses sha11 be the responsibility of the Contractor. c, Afker the pipe has been j oined and properiy aligned and priar to the start of the welding pracedure: 1j The spigot and bell shall be rnade essentially concentric by shimming or tacking to abtain clearance tolerance around the periphery of the joint. 2) In no case shall the clearance tolerance b� permitted to accumuiate. d. Before welding; 1) Thoroughly clean pipe ends. 2.) Weld �ipe by machine or by ihe manual slazelded electric arc process. 3) Welding shall be performed sa as not to damage lining or caating. 4) Cover the polyurethane coaiing as necessary to protect from weld splattex. CITY OF FORT WOItTH ROLLING HILf,S WATER TREATMEIdT FLANT STANIIARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATiON DOCUMENTS FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS Revised December 26, 2012 CITY PRO.TECT �IO. I02056 33 11 14 - 20 BURIED STEEL PIPE AND FI"1`I'INGS Paga 20 of 27 1 e. Furtaish labor, equiprnent, taols and supplies, including shielded type welding 2 rod. 3 1) Protect welding rod from any deterioration priar to its use. 4 2) If any partion of a box or cartan is damaged, reject the entire box ar carton. 5 f. Hand Welding 6 1} The metal shall be deposited in successive layers. 7 2) Not more than 1/$ inch of inetal shall be aeposited in each pass. S 3) Each pass except the final 1, whether in butt or fillet welds, shall be 9 thoroughly bobbed or peened to relieve shrinkage stresses and to remave 10 dirt, slag or flux before the succeeding bead is applied. 11 4) Each pass shall be thoroughly fused into the plates at each side of the 12 welding groove ar fillet and shall not be permitted to pile up in the center of i3 the we1d. 14 15 16 T7 18 19 2a 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 5) Undercutting along the side shall not be permitted. g. We1ds shall be free from pin holes, non-metallic inclusions, air pockets, �ndercutting and/or any other defecis. h. If the ends of the pipe are laminated, split or damaged to the extent that satisfactory welding contact cannot be obtainec�, remove the pipe fi�onn the line. i. Furnish each welder employed with a steel stencil for marking the welds, so that the work of each welder may be identified. j. Have each welder stencii the pip� adjacent to the weld with the stencil assigned to him. 1) In the event any welder leaves the job, his stenciI shall b� voided and not duplicated if another welder is e�nployed. k. Welders 1} Use only competent, skilled and qualiiied workmen. a) Each we�der emptoyed by the Contractor sha11 be required to satisfactor�ly pass a welding test in accordance with AWWA C206 before being allowed to weld on the line. b) Af�er each welder has qualified in the preIiminary tests referred to above, inspactions shall be mad� of joints in the line. c) Any welder making defectiva welds shall not be allowed to continue to weld. E. Interivr Joint Grouting 35 1. Upon completion of back�illing of the pipe trench, clean out dirt or trash which has 36 collected in the jaint and moisten the concrete surfaces of the joint space by 37 spraying or bn�shing wiih a wet brush. 38 39 40 4l 42 43 44 45 2. Fill the inside of the joint recess u+ith a stiff cern8nt mortar. 3. VVhere the rnortar joint opening is 1 inch or wider, such as where trimmed spigots axe required, apply a bonding agent to mortar and steel surface prior to placing joint mortar. 4. Ram or pack the stiff mortar into the joint space and take extreme care to ensure that no voids remain in the joint space. S. After the joint has been filled, level the surfaces of the joint mortar vvith th.e interior surfaces of the pipe with a sieel trowel so that the surface is smooth. 46 6. Interior joints of pipe 24-inch and smaller shall have the bell buttered with mortar, 47 prior to inserting the spigot, such that when the spigot is pushed into position it will 48 extrude surptus mortar from the joint. CTTY OF FORT WORTH ROLLING HILLS VVATER TREATMENT PL�1NT 3TANDARD CONSTRUCTip�V SPECIFICATIdN T]OCUMENTS FLOW METEIt REPLACEMENTS Revised flecember 2Q, 2012 CITY PR07ECT NO. 102056 33 11 14 - 21 gUItiEII STE�I, PIPE AND FITTINGS Page 21 Qf 27 1 a. The surplus mortar shal� be siruck off flush with the inside of the pipe by 2 pulling a fi11ed burlap bag or inflated ba11 through the pipe with a rope. 3 F. Exterior ]aint Protection 4 1. Heat Shrink Sleeves 5 a. Ge�eral 6 1) Buried pipe joints shall be field coated after pipe assembly in accardance 7 witl� AWWA C216, using Heat Shrfnk Sleeves. 8 2) Width of heat shrink sleeve shall be sufficient ta overlap the polyurethane 9 coaiing by a tninimuzn of 3 inches. 10 3) Overlapping of 2 or more heat shrink sleeves ta achieve the necessary 11 width will nat ba permitted. 12 b. Installation 13 1) Clean pipe surface and adjacent coating af all mud, oil, grease, rust and 14 ather foreign contanninates with a wire brus� in accordance with 15 SSPC 5P 2, or SSFC SP 3. Remove oil or grease contaminatian by solvent 16 wiping the pipe and adjacent coaiing in accordance with SSPC SP 1. 17 a} Clean the full circumference of the pipe and a minirnum of 6 inches 18 onto the existing coating. 19 2) Remove all loose or damaged pipe coating at joint and either repair the 20 coating as specified herein or increase the length of the joint coating, where 21 reasonabl� and practical. 22 3) Complete joint bonding of non-welded pipe joints befare application of 23 joint coating. 24 4) Joint bonds shall be low profile bonds and all gaps and crevices around the 25 bonds shall be filled with rnastic sealant. � 26 5) Store sleeves in shipping box until use is required. 2'i a} Keep dry and sheitered from exposure to direct sunlight. 28 b) Store off tk�e ground ar concrete floors and maintain at a iemperature 29 between b4 degrees F and 100 degrees F as recommended by the sleeve 30 manufacturer. 31 b) Metai surface shall be free af a11 dirt, dust and flash rusting priar to sleeve 32 application. 33 7) Preheat pipe uniformly to 140 degrees F to 160 degrees F ox as 34 recommended by the sleeve manufacturer. 35 a) Monitar pipe temperature using a surface temperature gauge, infrared 36 thermometer or colar changing crayons. 37 b) Pratect preheated pipe frarn rain, snow, frost or rnoistiu-� with tenting 38 or shields and do not permit the joint to cool. 39 8) Prime joint with specified primer and fill all cracks, crevices and gaps with 40 mastic f ller in accordance with Lhe manufactlarer's recommendations for 41 the full circumference of the pipe. 42 9) Apply heat shrink sleeve when it is at a minimunn ternperatu�re ar 60 43 degrees F and while maintaining the pipe temperature above the preheat 44 temperaiure specifred. 45 10} Apply sleeve in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and center 46 the sleeve aver tYte joint to provide a minimum af 3-inch averlay onto the 47 existing pipe coating, 48 ll} Apply heat ta the sleeve using either propane fire infrared heaters ar wrap 49 around heaters. CITY OF FORT WORTH ROLLING HIE.LS WATER TREATMENT PLANT STANDARI} CONSTRUCTIQN SPECIFICATIOIV DOClJMENTS FLpW METER REPLACEMENTS Revised I}ecember 20, 2012 CITY PROIECT MO. 102056 3311 1A-22 BURIED STEEL PIPE AND FITTINGS Page 22 of27 1 a) 2 b) 3 c} 4 5 d) Hold fiame a rnini�num of 6 inches from the sleeve suriac�. Periodicaliy roll thc coating an the pipe surface. Heat fram t�e center of the sleeve to the outer edge until properly seated, then begin in the opposiie directian. Monitor slee�ve for color change, where appropriate, or with appropriate 6 temperature gauges. 7 e) Take care not to excessiv�ly heat the parent coating. 8 12) Completed joint sleeve sha11 be fully bonded to the pipe and existing 9 cnating surface, without voids, mastic beac�ing sha11 be visible along the fuIl 10 circurnference oi the sleeve, and there shall be no wrinkling or excessive 1 T burns on the sleeves. 12 a} Sleeves which do not meet these requirernents shal� be removed and tt�e 13 joint recoated as directed by the Engineer. 14 b) Minor repairs may be repaired using heat shrink sleeve repair kits. 15 13) Aliow the sleeve to cool bcfore moving, handling ar backfilling. In hot 16 climates, provide shading from direct sunlight. 17 a) Water quenching will be allowed only wh�n permitted by the sleeve 1 S manufacturer. 19 G. Protective Welded Joints Coating System — Weld A�er Backfill 20 1. General 21 a. Appiication of protective coating at the pipe joints will be as follaws: 22 1} Apply a 3layer joint coating system consisting of a factory applied 35 mil 23 polyurethane coating 24 2) A field applied 60 miI by 6 inch wide s�rip of CANUSA HCO Wrapid Tape 25 heat resistant tape at the lacation af the welding 26 3) A field applied 110 mil {full recovered tl�ickness) by 18 inch wide 27 CANUSA AquaWrap high shrink heat shrinkable joint sleeve 28 4) After the heat shrinkable joint sleeve is instaIled, backfilI the trench and 29 then weld the joint. 30 b. The Contractor is responsible for his operations sa that they do not damage the 31 factory applied coa#ing system. 32 c. When applying the 3 layer joint coating system for post welding the joints, tiie 33 Contractor must show that his operation wili not damage the joint coating 34 system to the Engineer's satisfaction. 35 d. The Contractor will be required to fully uncover a m�imum of 10 joints, 36 selected at rand.om by the Engineer or City to visually insp�ct and test the joint 37 - after weIding. Any damage must be repaired. 38 lj If the Contractor's welcl.ing pracedure damages the 3 layer joint coating 39 system, the Contractor, at the direction of the Engineer, will be required to 40 modify his weiding procedure. 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 �49 2. Joint Coating {3 Layer} a. Appiy 3 Layer Joint Coating System before Weiding the Joint b. Pipe Manufact�-ing and Heat Tape 1) A 35 mil thiclrness polyurethane coating shall be applied over entire length of pipe. 2) The Contractor shall �eld apply 6� mil thick by 6 inch wide strip of CANUSA HCO Wrapid Tape heat resistant tape to the exterior bell end of the pipe, centered an the locat�on o� the welding, over a 35 mil factary applied potyurethane coating. C1TY OF FORT WORTH ROLLING HILLS WA`FER TREATME3VT FLANT STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SY�CI�'ICATION DOCUMENTS FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS Revised December 20, 2012 CITY PROJECT NO. 102p56 33 11 14 - 23 BUR[ED STEEL PIPE AND F1TTINGS Page 23 of 27 1 c. Surface Preparation and Installatian for Hea� Shrinkable Joint Sleeve 2 1} Clean pipe surface and adjacent coating o� all mud, oil, grease, rust and 3 other fareign can�aminates with a wire brush in accordance with 4 SSPC SP 2, or SSPC SP 3. Remove oil or grease contaminatian by solvent 5 wiping the pipe and adjacent caating in accordance with S5PC SP 1. b a) Clean the �ull circumference of the pipe and a minimum af 6 inches 7 onto the existing caanng. 8 2) Remove all loase ar damaged pipe coating at joint and either repair tlae 9 caating as specified here�n ar increase the length of the jaint coating, where 10 reasonable and practical. 11 3) Complete joint �onding of pipe joints befo�e application of joint coating. 12 a) Joint bonds shall be low profile bonds and all gaps and crevices around 13 14 15 �6 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 the bonds shall be �illed with mastic sealant. 4) Store sleeves in shipping box until use is required. a} Keep dry and sheltered from exposure to direct sunlight. b} Store off fhe ground or concrete floors a�d maintain at a temperature between 60 degrees F and 100 degrees F as recommended by the sleeve manufacturer. 5) Metal surface shall be free of all dirt, dust and flash rusting priar ta sleeve application. 6) Preheat pipe unifornaly to 140 degrees F to 1 b0 degrees F or as recam�nended by the sleeve manufacturer. a} Monitor pipe temparature using a surface ternperature gauge, infrared thermometer ar coior changing crayons. b} Protect preheated pipe fram rain, snow, frost or moisture with tenting or shields and do not permit the joint to cool. 7) Prime joint with speci�'ied primer and fill all cracks, crevices, and gaps wifh mastic filler in accordance with the manufacturer's recammendations far the full circumference of the pipe. 8) Apply heat shrink sleeve when it �s at a minimum temperature or 60 degrees F and while maintaining the pipe temperahu-e above the preheat temperature specified. a} Apply sleeve in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions anc� canter thc sleeve over the joint ta provide a minimum of 3-inch averlay anto the exist�ng pipe coating. 9) Agply heat to the sleeve using either propane fire ir�frared heaters or wrap around heaters. a} Hold flame a minimum of 6 inches from the sleeve surface. b} Periadically roll the coating on the pipe surf'ace. c} Heat fram the center of tha sleeve to the outer edge until properly seated, then begin in the opposite direction. d) Take care not to excessively heat the parent coating. e} Monitor sleeve for coIor change, where appropriate, ar with appropriate 44 temperature gauges. 45 10} Completed joint sleeve shall be fu11y bonded #o the pipe and existing 46 coating surt'ace, withaut vaids, mastic beading shall be visible along the full 47 circurnference of the slee�e, and there shall be na wrinlcling or excessive 48 burns on the sleeves. 49 a} Sleeves which do not meet these requirements shall be removed and the 50 joint recaated as directed by the Engineer. CTTY OF FORT WORTH ROLLIt�iG HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT STANDARD CONSTAUCTIQN SPECIFiCATION DOCUMENTS FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS Revised Decambar 2p, 2U12 CITY PRpJECT ND. 1 p2056 331] 14-24 BUItIED STEEL PIP� ANI] FiTTINGS Page 24 af 27 1 b} Minor repairs may be repaired using heat shrink sleeve repair kits. 2 11) Allow the sleeve to cool before moving, handling or backfilling. 3 a} In hot climates, provide shading from direct suniigl�t. 4 b) Waier quenching rnrill be allowed anly when permitted by the sleeve 5 manufacturer. 6 12} Holiday testing shall be performed using a high voltage holiday tester 7 (operating at 100 vo�ts per rizil) at each joint a�ter field application of heat 8 shrinkable joint sleeve per SFd188. 9 a} If any halidays or cuts are detected, the sl�eve shall be repaired using 10 the heat shrink sleeve manufacturer's recammendaf�an. 11 b) The damaged area shall be covered with a minimum of 50-rnrr� overlap � 2 around the da�nn aged area. 13 H. Proiection of Buried Metal 14 i. Coat buried ferrous metal such as bolts and �Ianges, which cannot be protected with 15 factQry or field-applied potyurethane coatings or heat shrink sleeves, wiih 2 wraps 16 of wax tape and encase in flowable fill. � 7 3.� REPAIR 18 A. Repair and Field Touchup of Polyurethane Coating 19 1. For repair and field touch-up of polyurethane coating, appiy: 20 a. Madisan GP II {E) Touchup Folyurethane Caating 21 b. Lifelast Durasheild 210, 310 or 310 .iARS 22 c. ITW — Futura Caatings Protec lI, or 23 d. Coati�g manufacturer's recommendation 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 3b 37 38 39 40 4� 42 43 44 45 46 47 2. Holidays a. Remove all traces of ail, grease, dust, dirt and ather debris. b. Roughen area to be patched by sanding with rough grade sandpaper (40 grit). c. Apply a 35 mil coat of repair material described above. d. Wark repair material into scratched surface by brushing or rolling in accordance with manufacturer's recornmendations. e. Retest for Holiday. 3. Field Cuts or Large Damage a. If in the opinian oithe Crty the palyurethane coating is excess�vely damaged, the pipe segment wiIl be rejected until the coating system is removed and replaced so that the system is in a like-new condition. b. Remove burrs from field cut ends or handling damage and smooth out edge of poIyurethane coating. c. Remove all traces of oil, grease, dust, dirt and other debris. d. Roughen area to be patched with rough grade sandpaper {40 grit}. e. Feather edges and include overlap of 2 inches of roughened polyurethane in area to be pa�ched. f. Apply a 35 mil coat of repair material described above, in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. g. Work repair material into scratched surface by brushing. h. Feather edges of repair rnaterial into prepared surface. i. Cover at Ieast 1 inch of roughed area surrounding damage or adjacen� to field cut. j. Test repairs for holidays. CiTY OF FORT WQRTH ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT STANDARD CONSTRUC'I`ION SFECIFICATION DOCUMENTS FLOW METER 12EC'LACEMENTS Revised December 20, 2012 CITY YR07ECT �i0. 102056 33 11 14 - 25 BURIEA ST�.EL PTPE AND FITTINGS Page 25 of 27 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 4 10 11 12 13 B. Patch of Cement Mortar Lining 1. Repair cracics larger than 1/16 inch, 2. Pipes with disbanded linings wili be rejected. 3. Excessive patching of Iining shall not be permitted. 4. Repair in accardance vviih AWWA C205 and as follows: a. Apply bonding agent to patch area. b. Patching of lining shall be allowed where a�-ea to be repaired does nat e�ceed I00 square inches and has no dimension greater than 12 inches. c. In general, there shall be not mare than 1 patch in the lining af any jaint af pipe. 5. Where�er necessary to patch the pipe, make the patch with the martar indicated. 6. Do not install patched pipe until the patch has been progerly and adequately cured, unless approved by the City, 14 3.6 RE-INSTALLATION [NOT USED] 15 3.'� FIELD QUALITY CONTROL 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 A. Field Tests and Inspections 1. Qualiiy Control of Field Applied Polyurethane Coating a. Surface Preparation 1) Visually inspect surface preparation to ensure cleanliness and dryness requirements have been met. 2) Use T�stex tape on at least 1 joint per day to en.sure that adequate profile is being achie�ed. b. Visual l) Visually inspect curad coating to ensure that the caating is completely cured with no blisters, cracks, pinholes, rnissad areas, excessive roughness, "sticky" or "gooey° areas. 2) Check to ensure tha� the coating completely covers the steel and existing coating. c. T'hickness 1) Use a magnetic dry film thickness (DFT) gauge on cured coating to ensure adequate thickness has been achieved accarding to �SPC PA 2. a) If the thickness af ihe coating is below the rninimum specified millage anywhere along the Iength of the pipe, then adjustrnents must be made to the spray system to correct the problem. 2j At a minimum, the thickness shall be measured for every 50 square feet of sprayed area. d. Adhesion 1) Perfoxzn the following procedure an a minimum of 1 joint per day: a) Seiect area to test that has cured for at least 1 hour for fast setting coatings. b) Test and repair in accordance with AWWA C222 Dolly Pull-off Test. e. Holiday Testing l) Holiday testing shall be performed using a high voltage holiday tester at each joint no sooner than 1 hour after field application of polyurethane caating. £ Inspection at Welding Joints CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICA'I'IQN DpC�JMENTS Revised December 20, 2012 ROLLING HILLS WATER TAEATMENT PLANT FLOW METER REPLAC�MENTS CITY PROJECT' NO. 102056 33 11 14 - 26 BiiRIED STEEL PIPE AND FITTINGS Page 26 oi27 1 1} When app�ying the 3 layer joint coating system for post welding the joints, 2 the Contractor must show that his operation will not damage the joint 3 coating system to the Engineer's satisfaction. 4 2} The Contractor wilI be required to fu1Iy uncover a maximum of 10 joints, 5 selected at random by the Engineer or City to visually inspect and test the 6 joint after welding. 7 3) Any da�age must be repaired. 8 �4) If fhe Contractor's welding procedure damages the 3layer joint coating 9 system, the Contractor, at the direction of the Engineer, wi11 be required to 10 modify his welding procedure. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 l9 20 21 22 23 2. Weld Testing a. Dye penetrant tests in accordance with ASTM E165, or magnetic particle test in accordance with AWWA C206 and set forth in AWS D.1.1. shall be performed by the Contrac#or under the supervision and inspection o� the City's Representative or an independent testing laboratory, on all full welded joints. 1) Welds that are cl.efective will be replaced or repaired, whichev�r is deemed necessary by the Engine�r, at the Contraetor's expense. 2} Ii the Contractorr disagrees with the Engineer's interpretation of welding tests, test sections may be cut froFn the jaint for physical testing. The Contractar shall bear t�e expense of repairing the jaint, regardless of the results of physical testing. 3} The procedure for repairing the joint sIaail be approved by the Engineer befor� proceeding. 24 3. Deflection Test�ng 25 a. Priar to hydrostatic testing, the City's inspector shali perform daflection testing 26 at a rninimum rate of 1 measurement for every 2,500 linear feet of water line. 27 b. City may reject any areas not meeiing the deflection requirements of this 28 Specif�cation. 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 4. Cleaning a�d Testi�g a. Cleaning, disinfection, hydrostatic testing, and bacteriologicai testing of water mains: 1} Clean, flush, pig, disinfect, hydrostatic test, and bacterialogical iest the water main as specified in Section 33 04 40. 5. Closed Circuit Television (CCT� inspection a. Provide a Post-CCTV Inspection for water Iines 24-inch and larger in accQrdance with Section 33 01 31. CITY QF FORT WORTH RpLLI[�fG H[LLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT 5TANDARD CONSTRiTCTION 5PECIFICATION AOCUMENTS FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS Revised December 20, 2012 CTTY PROdECT NO. 102D56 33 11 14-27 BiJRIED STEEL PIPE AND FITTINGS Page 27 of 27 1 3.8 �SY,�TEM STARTUP [NOT USED] 2 3.9 ADJUSTING [NOT USED] 3 3.10 CLEANING �NOT USED] 4 3.11 CLOSEOUT ACTIVITIES [NOT USED] 5 3.12 PROTECTION [NOT USED] b 3.13 MAINTENANCE [NOT USED] 7 3.14 ATTACHMENTS �NOT USEDJ S � END OF SECTION Revision Log DATE NAME SUMMARY OF CHANGE I2/20/2012 D. Johnson Z•2.B.4, 5, and 6— Adcied reference to Section 33 11 OS and removed materiaE specification for bolts, nuts, gaskets and flange coating 10 CITY OF FORT WORTH RpLLING HiLLS WATER TREATMENT PLAIVT STANDARD CONSTRUCTIaN SPECiFiCATION I70CUMENTS FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS Revised December 2U, 2012 C1T1' PROJECT Nb. 102056 331221-1 AWWA Rubber-5eated Butterfly Valves Page 1 of 11 1 2 SECTION 33 12 21 AWWA RUBBER-SEATED BUTTERFLY VALVES 3 PARTI- GENERAL 4 1.1 SUMMARY 5 A. Section Includes: 6 1, AW WA Rubber-Seated Butterfly Valves 30-inch t�rough $4-inch f�r transmission, 7 distribntion system and plant applications {buried or above ground installation) as S specified �erein and shawn on the Drawings 9 B. Deviations from this City of Fort Warth Standard 5pecification 10 1. None. 11 C. Related Specification Sections include, but are not necessariiy limited to: 12 1. Division 0— Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms and Conditions of the Contract 13 2. Division 1-- General Requirements 14 3. S�ction 03 30 00 — Cast-In�Place Concrete 15 4. Section 33 04 10 — Joint Banding and Electrical Isolation 16 5. Section 33 OS 16 — Concrete Water Vaults 17 6. 5ection 33 11 OS — Bo�ts, Nuts, and Gaslcets I8 1,2 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES 19 A. Meas�zrement and Payment 20 1. Measurement 21 a. Measurement for this Item sha1� be per each. 22 2. Payment 23 a. The work perFot-�a�ed and materials furnished in accordance with this Item and 24 measured as pravided under "Measurement" will be paid for at th� unit price 25 bid per each "AWWA Butterfly Valve" instailed for: 26 1) Various sizes 27 3. The price bid shall include: 28 a. Furnishing and installing AWWA Butterfly Valves as specified in the Drawings 29 b. AWWA Butterfly Valve vauit and a�rpurtenances 30 c. Pavament removal 31 d. Excavatian 32 e. Hauling 33 £ Disposal of excess material 34 g. Furnishing, placing and compaction af embeclment 35 l�. Furnishing, �lacing and compaction of backfill 36 i. Clean-up 37 j. CIeaning 38 k. Disinfection 39 1. Testing CITY OF FORT WORTFi RpLLI[VG HILLS WATER TREATdvlENT PLAiVT STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPBCIF[CAT[ON DOCUMENT5 FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS Revised December 20, 2012 CITY PROJECT NO. ] 02D56 33 12 21 - 2 AW WA Rubber-Seated Butterfly Val�es Paga 2 of 11 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 i6 17 i8 19 20 21 1.3 REFERENCE� A. Reference Standards 1. z. 22 7. NSF Ir�ternational (NSF}: 23 a. 61, Drinking Water System Components - Health Effects. 24 $. Society far Pratective Coatings/NACE Internatior�al {SSPC/NACE): 25 a. SP lO/NACE No. 2, Near-White Blast Cleaning. 26 1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS �NOT USED] 27 1.5 SUBMITTALS 28 A. Submittals shall be in accordance with Section O1 33 00. 29 B. All submittals shall be appraved by the City prior to delivery. 30 �.6 ACTION SUSMITTALS/INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 A. Product Data Reference standards cited in this Specification refer to the cnrrent reference standard published at t�e time of the latest revision date logged at the end ofthis Specification, unless a date is specifically cited. American National Standards Institute (ANSI): a. B1.1, Unified Inch Screw Thread Series 3. American Society of Mechanical Engineers {ASME): a. B16.1, Gray Iron Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings (Classes 25, 125 and 250). 4. ASTM International (ASTM}: a. A36, Standard Speciiication far Carbon St�-uuctZu�al Steet. b. A242, Standard Specification iar High-Strength Low-Alloy Structural Steel. c. A536, Standard Specification for Ductile Iron Ca�tings. d. B117, Standard Practice far Opera�ing Salt Spray (Fag) Apparatus. 5. Amcrican Water Works Assaciation/American National Standards Institute (AW WA/ANSI): a. C111/A21.11, Rubber-Gasket .Toints for Ductile-Iron Pressure Fipe and Fittings. 6. American Water Works Association (AWWA}: a. C504, Rubber-Seated Butterfly Valves. b. CSSO, Protective Interior Coatings for Valves and Hydrants. l. Rubber-Seated Butterfly Val�es stating: a. Material b. Valve and Actuator Coating System c. Working pressure rating d. Test pressure rating e. Valve classification f. Valve Seat Type and banding method to disc or body g. Valve-port diameter h. Valve Torque required i. Acivator Type and raaximum torque j. Total net assembled weight k. Valve aperatar and extension stems 1. Opening direction CITY pF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTIOI�T SPECIFICATIOIV DOCUMENTS Revised December 20, 2612 ROLLINCr HILLS WA�'ER TREATMENT PLANT FLpW METER REPL.ACEME�TS C1TY PROJECT NQ. 1d205& 33 12 21 - 3 A'UVWA Kubber-5eated Butterfly Valves Page 3 oi 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 la 11 12 13 14 15 1� 17 18 19 2. Can�'irm valve seat type %r specific project application wzth the City prior to ordering Rubber�Seated Butterfly Valve. B. Shop Drawings 1. For below grade applications: a. Cast-in-place concrete vault in accordance with shop dxawing requirements set forth in Section 03 30 00. b. Vault appurtenances in accordance with shop drawing requirements set forth in Section 33 OS 16. C. Certifications l. Furnish an affidavit certifying that all AWWA Rubber-Seated Butterfly Valves meet the provisions of this Speci�cation and have been hydrostatically tested at the factory and meet the requirements of AW WA C50�4. 2. Furnish an affidavit certifying that tl�e coating for alI AWWA Rubber-Seated Butterfly Valves meets the provisions of this Specification and meets the requirements of AWWA C504. 3. Furnish affidavit that AWWA Rubber-Seated Butterfly Valve manufacturer owns or controls any fareign factory/foundry that supplies valve casings and can certify that the Resilient Seated (Wedge) Gate Valve manufacturer is in control of yuality control at the foreign factory/foundry. 20 1.7 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 21 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALS 22 A. Operation and Maintenance Manual 23 1. Furnish Operation and Maintenance Manual in accordance with Division 1. 24 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 A. Qualifications 1. Manufacturers a. Rubber-Seated Butterfly Valves and manual actuators of the same size sha11 be the product of 1 manufacturer for each project. 1} Change arders, specials and �eld changes may be provided by a different rnanufacturer up4n City approval. b. Rubber-Seated Butter�ly Valves shall be in confarmance with AWWA C504. c. Casings for Rubber-Seated Butterfly Valves; that are not manufactured within the United 5tates of America, shall be manufactured by factories/foundties that are owr�ed or controlled (partial ownership) such that the Rubber-Seated Butterfly Valve Manufacturer can controI and guarantee quality at the foreign factory/foundry. d. �47orm-gear type actuator meeting the requirements of this specification shall be 1) 2). 3} 4} Rotork Gears IW Series AWWA CSO4 & CSPV-3 Quarter-t�zrn Worm Gear �perator, AUWA GS Part-Turn Gearbox, Linnitorque HBC Worm Gearbox serias EIM WO series for non-burier applications or WB series for direct-buried applications CTTY OP FORT WORTH ROLLIIrIG HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION pOCUMENT3 FLQW METER REPLACEME�IT5 Revised December 20, 2012 CITY PROJEC'I' NO. 102056 33122E-4 AWWA Rubber-SeaYed Butterfly Valves Page 4 of 1 ] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 S 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2 3. 5} Or Engineer approved equal The AWWA Rubber-Seated Butterfly Valve shall be the product of a rnanufacturer regularly engaged in the manufacturing of AWWA Rubber-Seated Butterfly Valves haeing similar ser�ice and size. Unit Respo�sibility a. All equipment specifed under this Sectian is to be furnished by the valve manufacturer who shall be responsible for the adequacy and campatibility of all unit companents including, but not limited ta, the valve, actuator and extension stems. b. Any camponent of each complete unit not provided by the valve manufacturer shall be designed, fabricated, tested and installed by factory-authorized representatives experienced in the de,�ign and manufacture of the equipment. 1) This includes, but is not iimited to, coordination of the torque required to properly operate the valve. 2) This daes not relie�e the Contractor of the overall responsibility for this portion ai the work. 1.10 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Storage and Handling Requirements 1. Protect all parts sLich that no damage or deterrioration will occur dliring a prolonged delay from the time of shipment until installation is completed and the units and equipment are ready for aperatian. 2. Protect all equipment and parts against any damage during a pralanged period at the site. 24 3. Protect the finished suxface� of all exposed flanges by wooden blank flanges, 25 strangly built and securely baited thereta. 26 4. Protect �nished iron or steel surfaces not painted to prevent rust and corrosion. 27 5. Prevent plastic and similar brittle items from being directly expased to sunlight or 28 extremes in temperature. 29 6. Sec�are and maintain a lacation to store the material in accordance with Section 01 30 66 00. 31 1.11 F�ELD [SITE] CONDITIQNS (NOT USED] 32 i1� WARRANTY 33 A. Manufacturer Warranty 34 l. Manufacturer's Warranty shall be in accardance wit� Division l. 35 PART Z - PRODUCT5 36 21 QWNER-FURNI�HED [oxJ OWNER-SUPPLIED PRODUCT$ [NOT USED] 37 2.2 EQUIPMENT, PRODUCT TYPES, AND MATERIALS 38 39 �a 41 A. Manufacturers 1. Only the manufacturers as listed on the City's Standard Fraducts List will be cotasidered as shown in Section �1 60 00. a. The manufacturer must comply with this Specification and related sections. CITY OF FORT WQRTET STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIOI�I DOCUMENTS Revised Decemher 20, 2012 ROLLINC� HILLS WAT�R T12�ATMENT PLANT FLOW METER RE.PLACENfENT5 C1TY PROJECT NO. 1 �205G 33 12 21 - 5 AW�VA Rubher-Seated ButEertly Valves Page 5 of I 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS 1b 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 2. Any praduct that is not listed on the Standard Product List or Iisted in this specification is considered a substitution and shall be submitted in accorc�ance with 5ection 01 25 00. B. Description 1. Regulatory Requirements a. AWWA Rubber-Seated Butterfly Valves shall be new and meet ar axceed the latest revisions of AVSJWA C504 and shall meet or exceed the requirernents of this Specification. b. A11 AW WA Rubber-Seated Butterfly Valve components in contact with potable water shall conform to the requiremenis of NSF 61. C. Materials 1. Valv� Body a. Valve badies shall be of ductile iron per ASTM A536 Grade 65-45-12 or fabricated stesl ASTM A36. b. Valve bodies shall be short body type. 2. Joints a. Flange end valves shall be: 1) Class 125 Standard flanged ends faced 2} Drilled per A5ME B 16.1 standard for cast iron flanges 3) Flanges shall be designed for the test pressure of the �alve. b. Mechanical joint end valves sha11 meet the requirements of AWWA/ANSI C111/A21.11. c. Flanged ends shalI be used with Steel or Concrete Cylinder pipe unless otherwise noted in the Contract Docu�nents. 1} Flange isolation kits shall be provided in accordance with Section 33 p� 1Q. d. Flanged encls shall be provided unless otherwise noted in the Contract Documents. 3. Bolts and Nuts a. Flanged Ends �) Meet requiremants of AW WA C 115 or AW WA C207 depending on pipe material 2} Provide bolts and nuts in accordance with Section 33 11 O5. b. Tapped Bolts 1) Butterfly Valve manufacturer to provide tapped bolts with ANSI B 1.1 UNC thread. 4. Gaskets 1) Provide gaskets in accordance with Saction 33 11 05. 5. D�scs a. Discs shall be ductile iron ASTM A536 Grade or fabricated steel ASTM A36. 1) Dise and shaft connection shall be made with tapered pins of either mone2 or stainless steel 6. Valve Shaft a. Valve shaft shall be: 1) Type 304 stainless steel or equal 2} 1-piece unit or stub-shaft type a) Stub shaft sha�l be inserted into the valve disc hubs far distance of 1%Z times shaf� diamet�r CITY OF FORT WORTH 5TANbARI] CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DQCUMENTS Revised Dececnher 20, 2012 ROLLIIVG HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT FLQW METER REPLACEMENTS CITY PRO.TECT NO. 102056 33 12 21 - 6 AWWA Rubber-Seated Butterfly Valves Page 6 af 11 1 2 3} Minimum diameter per AW WA C504 4} Horizontal arientation 3 7. Shaft Seals 4 a. Valve shaft seaIs shalI be self-compensating V-Lype packing with a minimum 5 of 4 sealing rings. b b. Design shall allow adjustment or replacemeni without removing the val�e shaft. 7 8. Valve Bearings 8 a. Valve shaft bearings shall be non-metal�ic and permanently lubricated. 9 10 �1 12 13 14 i5 �6 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 9. Valve Seat a. Seats on Body (for transmission projects only} 1) The seat shall be a Buna-N or EPDM for water and shall be molded in and bonded ta the valve body. 2) Provide a 36a degree continuous, uninterrupted seating surface. 3) Field adjustable around the fu113b4 degrees circumference and replaceable without dismantling the actuator, disc ar shaf� and wit�aut rennoviag the valve from the line. 4) The seat sha11 be retained in the valve body by mechanical means without retaining rings, segments, screws or hardware of any kind in the flow stream. 5) The seat sha�l contain an integral shaft seal protecting the valve bearings and packing from any line debris. 6) Rubber seats shall be field adjustable and replaceable. b. Seats on Disc (for transmission or water facility) �) The seat shaIl be a Buna-N or EPDM far water and shall be molded in and bonded to the disc. 2) Res�lient seats shall be located on the valve disc and shall pravide a 360 degree continuous, uninterrupted seating surface. 3) Seats shall be mechanically retained with a stainless steel retaining ring and stainless steel cap screws which shall pass tf�rough both the resilient seat and the retaining ring. 4) The resilient seat's mating surface shall be to a 360 degree continuoLis uninterrupted stainless steel body seat ring. 5) Rubber seats shall be field adjustable arnd replaceable. 10. Performance / Design Criteria a. Valve Classification shall be Class 254B D. Finishes 1. Unless otherwise specified in the Contract Dacuments, exterior and interior m�tallic surfaces of each valve shall be sha� fusion bonded epoxy coated meeting per the latest revision of AW WA C550. 2. Painting and Coatings a. All surfaces of the vaive shall be clean, dry and free from grease befare applying paint or coating. b. The valve interior and exterior surfaces, except for the seating surfaces, shall be provided with the mamifacturer's standard coating or as sgecified in the Contract Docuznents. c. All internal exposed surfaces that are suscegtible ta corrosion shall be coated with a Palymide cuxed, nzst inhibiting epaxy. CITY OF FORT WORTH ROLLING Fill,L5 WATER TREATMENT PLANT STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUM�NTS FLOW METER REALACEMENTS Revised December 2Q 2612 CITY PROJECT NO. 10205b 33 12 21 - 7 AWWA Rubber-Seated Buttertly Valves Page 7 of 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 d. Surfaces to be coated shall be prepared and sand-blasted per SSPC SP lO/NACE No. 2. e. Final coating thickness sha�l be 16 mils minitnum. £ All surfaces shall be inspected for proper dry film thickness using a rnagnetic dry film thickness gauge. g. Tests for invisibte ho�id.ays shatl be conducted using a low voltage, wet spange holiday or leak c�etector. E. Marking for ldentification 15 �.3 ACCESSORIES 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 35 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 A. Rubber-Seated Butterfly Valves shali have the following accessaries provided as part of the valve instaliation: 1 2. 1. For each Rubber-Seated Butterfly Valve, clearly mark with the follawing information: a. Valve size b. Class �ar which it is designated c. Name of manufacturer d. Date af manufacturer Below grade Rubber-Seated Butterfly Valves sha11 be placed within a concreie vault in accordance with Seciion 03 30 00, or as s}�own on the Drawings. All vault appurtenances shall be in accordance with Section 33 OS 16. Manual Actuators a. Valves shal� be provided with manual actuators, unless otherwise specif ed in the Drawings. b. Valves shall be opened by turning the actuator clockwise and close counter clockWise. c. Manual actuatars shall be fully greased, pack�d and have adjustable stops in the open and closed posirion. 1) The actuator shall �iave a adjustable mechanical stop which will withstand an input torque of 450 font-pounds against the stop. 2) The actuator shalI have a built in packing leak bypass to eliminate possible packing leakage inta the actua�or housang. d. Butterfly valves in a vault shall be furnished with a 2-inch operating nut. 1} Tlae actuator shall be placed in a vault as indicated on the Drawings and have extension to the top of the vault. e. Butterfly valves in plant, pump station or tank service applications located above ground shall be provided with a 16 inch rninimum diameter handwheel operator. 1} Handwheels shall be painted red. f. Valve Position Indicator 1} Provide pnsition indicator wii� mechanical dial indicator as folZows: a) Highly visible b} Containing "Open" and "Ctosed" legend at the ezzd of a 90 degree arc c} Poinfer to show the disc positian (Closed-0 degree and Open-90 degree) d) Arc graduated in degrees g. Actuator shall be worm-gear type, as follows: 1) Worm gear manual operator shall comply fuily with AWWA C504, latest editian. CITY OF FORT WORTI-I STAIVDARD CONSTRUCTION SP�CIFICAT'ION I]OCUMENTS Revised December 20, 2012 ROLLiNG HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS CITY PROJ�CT NO. 102056 33i221-8 AW WA Rubber-Seated Butterfly Val�es Page 8 of 11 1 2) Worm gear drive sleeve and worm shaft shall be of solid, 1-piece design; 2 bolted segments or pizaned warrns will not be acceptable. Drive sleeve shall 3 include an integral spline to accept a removable bottom-entry spline 4 bushing for valve shaft conn�ctian. 5 3) If required for torque purposes, spur gear reducers may be provided for 6 increased torque outputs and to reduce handwheel diameter. Worm gear 7 operator sha11 include handwheel with rnaximum 80 pound rim pull or a 2- 8 in.ch AWWA Nut with a maximurn 150 ft. Ibs required input torque 9 �} Materials af Con�truction 10 a) Housing: Ductile Iron 11 b} Drive sleeve: Bronze 12 c) Worm: Alloy steel with splined input drive connection 13 d) Bearings: Heavy duty tapered roller bearings 14 e) Finish: Thermostatically Applied Polyester Powdercoat 15 fl Fasteners: Stainless steel 16 5} Manuai gears sk�all be capable of �eing f eld retrofit with an electric motor 17 operator in the future without major modifications. 18 a) With spur gear removed, sglined worm gaar input shaft and mator 19 adapter flange shall be easily added to accept a multi-turn "torc�ue- 20 only" electric valve actuator. 21 (1} Supplier shall include the Number of Turns required to complete on 22 Open-to-Close stroke in the Equipment Subxnittal. 23 3. Extensian Stem 24 a. Keyed solid extension stem af sufficient length to bring the operating nut up to 25 vvithin 1 faot of the surface of the ground, when the operating nut on the valve 26 is 3 feet or more beneath the surface of the graund 27 1} Not required for City stock orders. 28 2} Extension stems shall not be bolted or attached to the valve-operating nut. 29 3} Extension stems shai! be of cold rolled steel with a crass-sectional area of 1 30 square inch, fitting loasely enough to allow deflection. 31 4. 2-inch Taps 32 a. Provide two 2-inch taps on each side of the �alve, 12 inches from the valve 33 body. 34 1} Taps shall be C.C. thread with fiare, with insulated adaptor kit. 35 2} Provide copper riser between corpaxation stop and curb stop. 36 3} Install curb stop � 2 inc�ies from the vault top 37 a) Reachable by hand from the �ault lid 38 S. Joint companents such as gaskeks, glands, lubricant, bolts and nuts, sha11 be 39 furnished in sufficient quantity for assembly of each jaint. 40 2.4 SOURCE QUALITY CONTROL 41 A. Tests and Inspections 42 1. Each valve shall be shop tested for leaks in the closed position with tha valve 43 horizontal. 44 a. The upper surface of the valve disc shall be visible and covered with a pool of 45 water at 0 psi pressure. 46 b. Air pressure equivalent ta the design rating af the valve shall be agplied to the 47 lawer face of the disc %r at least 5 minutes with no indication of leakage {i.e. 48 bubbles in the water pool} during the test period. CITY OF FQRT WORTH ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT STANDAAD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICAT[QN DOCUMENTS FLQW ME`I'E12 REPLACEMEIrlTS Re�ised December 2p, 2012 CITY PRp7ECT NO. ] 02Q56 3a iz 2i - 9 AWWA Rubber-Seated Butterfly Valves Page 9 of I 1 1 2 3 4 2. The valve body shall be hydrostatically tested at twice the rated pressure for 10 minutes with the valve in tIae slightly open position. a. During this test, there shall be no leakage or seeping through the valve body, weld or valve tninnions. 5 PART 3 - EXECUTION 6 3.1 INSTALLERS [NOT USED] 7 3.� EXAMINATION [NUT USED] 8 3.3 PREPARATION [NUT USED] 9 3.4 INSTALLATION 10 A. General 11 1. All Rubber-Seated Butterfly Valves shall be installed in accordance with the 12 instructions of the manufacturer and as shown on the Drawings. 13 2. For buried applications, Rubber-Saated Buttcrfly Valves shall be placed in a 14 concrete vauIt and instalZed in accordance with Section 03 30 00. Ail vault 15 appurtenances shall be installed in accordance with Section 33 OS 16. 16 3. All excavations shall be backflled in accorc�ance with Section 33 OS 10. 17 3.5 REPAIR / RESTORATION [NOT USED] 18 3.6 RE-INSTALLATION [NOT USED] 19 3.7 F�ELD [oR] SITE QUALITY CONTROL 20 A. Field Inspections 21 1. Before acceptance af the installed Rubber-Seated Butterfl� Valve, the City Field 22 Oparations and/or Production Staff shall have the opportunity to aperate the valve. 23 a. The operator will be assessing the ease of access to the operating nut within the 24 valve box and ease of operating ihe valve &om a fully closed to fuIly vpened 25 position. 26 b. If access and operation of the Rubber-Seated Butterfly Valve meet the City's 27 crit�ria, then the valve will be accepted as instalted. 28 B. Non-Conforming Vslark 29 1. If access and aperation of the valve or its appurtenances does not meet the City's 30 cr�teria, the Con�-actor will remedy the situation until it rneets the City's criteria, at 31 the Contractor's expense. C1TY OF FORT WORTI-� ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT STANDARi] CONSTRUCT[ON SPECIFICATIOAi DOCUMENTS FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS Revised December 20, 2012 CITY PROJECT NO. 102056 33 12 21 -10 AWWA Rubber-Seateci Butterfly VaEves Page 10 of 11 1 3.8 SYSTEM ,STARTUP [NOT USEDj 2 3.9 ADJUSTING [NOT U�ED] 3 3.1a CLEANING [NOT USED] 4 3.11 CLOSEQUT ACTIVITIES [NOT USED] 5 3,12 PRQTECTIQN [NUT USED] 6 3.13 MAINTENANCE [NOT USED] 7 3.14 ATTACHMENTS [NOT USED] S 9 END OF SECTION CTTY OF FORT WORTH ROLLING HILLS Wt1TER TFZEATMENT PLANT STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS Re�ised December 20, 2U12 CITY PROJECT NO. 102056 33 12 21 - 11 AW WA Rubber-Seated Butterfly Valves Page 11 of 1 i Revisian Log DATE NAME SUMMARY OF CHANGE 1.1.A -- Acceptable size range was modified to include buttertly vales from 36-inches to 72-inches; Blue text included for exceptions 12/20/2012 D. Johnson 2.2.C3 and 4— Added 5ection 33 1 I OS reference and removed material specificatipn for bolts, nuts and gasleets. Added material specification for tapped bolts. Modif ed Vault and Appurtenance Specifications ihroughout 1.1.A Accepiable size range was modified to incIude hutterfly vales from 30-inches to 72-inches; Blue text included for exceptions 1.6.C.3 Added Seciion. Affidavit required that manufacturer owns/control foreign factory/foundry that suppIies valve castings 1.9.A.l.c A,dded Section. Requirement that manufacturer ownslcontrol foreign factory/foundry that supplies r+alve casiings 6/2Q/2014 D. Townsend 1.9,A.1,d Added Section. Acceptable worm gear type actnators. 2.2.A.2. Added Clarification. Accepted product can be Listed in this specification 2.3.A.2.g. 3&4, Format Cliange. Added Item 4 to Item 3. 2.3.AQ.2.g.3. Addition: `br 2-inch AWWA Nut with a maximum.l5a ft�bs required inputtorque 2.3.2.g Changed Item 4.a to Item 4 2.3.A.2.0 & 23.A.2.c.1 Modi�caiion. Manual actuator to ha�e adjustable stops CITY OF FORT WORTH STANTIARD CON3TRiJGTION SPECIF[CATIdN DOCLTMEIV`FS Revised December 20, 2012 ROLLING �TCLLS VVAT�R T1�ATMENT PLANT FLOW METER REFLACEMENTS CITY FROdECT NO. 102056 33 12 25 - 1 CONNECTIQN TO EXISTING WATER MAINS Page 1 of 8 I SECTION 33 1� 2� 2 CONNECTION TO EXISTING WATER MAINS 3 PART1- GENERAL 4 11 SUMMARY 5 b 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 lb 17 18 19 20 2� i.z 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 A. Section Includes: I. Cannection to existing water nrzains ta include, but not limited to: a. Cutting in a tee for a branch connection b. Extending from an existing water main c. Installing a tapping sleeve and aalve B. Deviations from this City of Fart Worth �tandard Specification I. None. C. Related Specification Sections include, but are not necessarily limited to: 1. Di�ision 0— Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms, and Conditions of the Cantract 2. Division 1— General Requirements 3. Section 33 U4 40 — Cleaning and Acceptance Testing of Water Mains 4. 5ection 33 OS �4 — Utility Trench Excavation, Embedment and Backf'ill 5. Section 33 45 34 — Location of Exis�ing Utilities 6. Section 33 11 OS — Bolts, Nuts, and Gaskets 7. Section 33 11 10 — Ductile Iron Pipe PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES A. Measurement and Payment 1. Connection to an existing unpressurized Fort Worth Water Disfribution System Main that does not require the City to take part of the water system out of service a. Measurement 1} This Item is cansidered subsidiary to the water pipe being installed. b. Pa.yment 1} The work perfarmed and the materials furnished in accordance with this Itez�n are subsidiary to the unit price bid per linear fooi of water pipe complete in place, and no other compensation will be allowed. 2. Connection to an existing pressurized Fort Worth Water Distributian Syste�n Main that requires a shlitdown af'some part of the water system a. Measurement 1) Measurement for this Item shall be per each connection compieted. b. Payment 1) The work per%rmed and the materials furnished in accordance with this Item shall be paid for at the unit price bid per each "Connection to Existing Water Main" installed for: a) Various sizas of existing water distribution main CITY OF FdRT WORTH ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMEN7 PLANT STAYVDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECiFICATION dOCUMENT5 FL04V M�TER REPLACEMENTS Re�ised February 6, 2D13 CITY PROJECT ND. 102056 33 12 25 - 2 CONtVECTION TO EXISTING WATER MAIiVS Page 2 of S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IQ 11 i2 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 �40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 c. The price bid shall include all aspects of making the connection including, but not lirnited to: 1) Preparing submittals 2) Dewatering 3) Exploratary exca�vation (as needed} 4) Coordination and notification 5) Remobilizatian 6} Temporary lighting 7} Polyethylene encasement $) Make-up pieces 9) Lfnings l 0) Pavement removal 1 i} Excavation 12} Hauling 13) Disposal of excess material 14) Ctean-up 15) Cleaning 16) Disinfection l7) Testing 3. Connection to an existing pressurized Fart Worth Water Distribution System Main by Tapping Sleeve and Valve: a. Measurement 1} Measurement for this Ttem shalZ be per each connectian cornpleted. b. Payment 1) The work performed and the materials furnished in accordance with this rtem sl�all be paid for at the unit price bid per each "Tapping Sleeve and Valve" installed for: a) Various sizes of connecting main b) Various sizes of existing water distribution main c. The price bid shali inciude aIl aspects of makix�g the conneciion including, but not limited to: 1) Preparing submittals 2) Dewatering 3) Exptoratory excavation (as needed} 4) Coordination and notification 5} Tapping Sleeve and Tapping Valve 6} Remobilization 7) Temporary lighting $) Polyethylene encasement 9) Make-up piaces 10) Linings 11} Pav�ment rem�oval 12) Excavation 13) Hauling 14) Disposal of excess material 1S) Clean-up 16) Cleaning 17} Disinfection 1$} Testing CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD COIVSTRUCTIOI� SPECIFICATION T]OCiIMENT5 Revised February 6, 2013 RpLLING HILLS I�VATER TREATMEN`F PLAIVT FLQW METER REPLACEMENTS CITY PR07ECT NO. 102D56 3sizzs-a CONNECTION TO EXISTING WATER MAINS Page 3 of 8 2 3 4 5 6 7 S 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 _ 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 1.3 REFERENCES A. Referenca Standards 1. Reference standards cited in this Specifcation refer to the curren# reference . standard published at the time of the latest revision date logged at t�e end of this Specificatian, unless a date is specifcally cited. Z. American Socicty af Mechanical Engineers {ASME): a. B16.1, Gray Iran Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings Classes 25, 125 and 250) 3. ASTM International {ASTM}: a. A36, Standard Specif�cation for Carbon Structurai Steel. b. A193, 5tandard Specification for Allay-Steel and Stainless Stee1 Bolting for High Temperature or High Pressurc Service and Other Special Purpose Applicarions c. A194, Specification for Carbon and Alloy Steel Nuts for Bolts for High Pressure ar High Tenaperatuxe Se�rvice, or Both d. A242, Standard Specification for High-Strength Low-Allay Structural Stee1. e. A283, Standard �peciiication for Low and Inter�nediate Tensile Strength Carban Steel Plates. f. A285, Standard Specification far Pressure Vessel Plates, Carbon Steel, Low- and Intermediate-Tensile Strength, g. B117, Standard Practice for Operating Salt Spray (Fog) Apparatus. h. D2000, Standard Classification System for Rubber Products in Automotive Applications. 4. Am�rican Water Works Association (AWWA}: a. C200, Steel Water Pipe - 6 IN and Larger. b. C207, Steel Pipe Flanges for Waterworks Sereice — Sizes 4 IN through 144 IN. c. C213, Fusion-Bonded Epoxy Coating for the Interior and Exterior of Steel Water Pipelines. d. C223, Fabricated SteeI and Stainless Steel Tapping Sleeves. 5. American Water Works Association/American National Standards Institute (AW WA/ANSI): a. C105/A21.5, Polyethylene Encasement for Ductile-Iron Pipe Systems. b. C111IA21.11, Rubber-Gasket Joints far Ductile-Iron Pressure Pipe and Fittings. c. C115A21/15, Flanged Ductile-Iron Pipe with Ductile Iron or Ciray-Iran Threaded Flanges. b. NSF International {NSR}: a. bl, Drinking Water Systern Components — Health Effects. 7. Manuiacturers Standardization Society of the Valve anc! Fitting Industry Inc. (MSS}: a. SP-60, Connecting flange Joint Between Tapping Sleeves and Tapping Valves. 41 1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS 42 43 44 45 A. Pre-installation Meetings 1. Required far any connections to an existing, pressurized 16-inch or larger City water distribution system main that requires a shutdown of some part of the water system CITY pF FORT WpRTH ROLLING �IILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT STANDA.RD CON5TRUCTION SPECIFICATION bOC[1MENT5 FLOW METER REPLACEMENT5 Revised February 6, 2U 13 CITY PROlECT NO. 102056 33 12 25 - 4 CONNECTION TO EXISTING WATER MAINS Page 4 of 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I� 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2. May also be required for connections that involve shutting water service off to certain criCical businesses 3. Schedule a pre-installati�n meeting a minizx�u�n of 3 weeks prior to proposed time for the work to occur. 4. The meeting shaIl include the Contractor, Ciry Inspector and City Valve Crew. 5. Review work procedUres as submitted and any adjustments made for current field conditions. G. Verify that all valves and plugs to be used have adequate thrust restraint or blacking. 7. Schedule a test shutdown with the City. S. Schedule the date for the connection to the existing system. B. Scheduling 1. Schedule work to make all connections to existing 16-inch and larger mains: a. During the period from Navember through Apxil, unless otherwise appraved by the City b. During normal husiness haurs from Monday through Friday, unless otherwise approved by the City 2. Schedule City Valve Crew by �:00 P.M. a minimum of 1 business day prior to planned disruption to the existing water system. a. Tn tlie event that ather water systenn activities do not allow the existing main to be dewatered at the requasted time, schedule work io allow the connectian at an alternate time acceptable ta the CFiy. 1} IF water naain cannot be taken out of service at the originaily requested time, coordination will be required with the City to discuss reschedulzng and campensation for mobiIization. 2) No additional payment wili be provided if the schedule was altered at the Contractor's request. 28 1.5 SUBMITTALS 29 A. Snbmittals shali be in accordance with Section Ol 33 00. 3a B. All submittals shall be approved by th� City prior to delivery ancl/ar fabrication for 31 speciais. 32 1.6 ACTION SUBMITTAL,SI�NFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS 33 A. Product Data, if applicable 34 1. Tapping Sleeve noting #he pressure rating and coating system supplied including: 35 a. Dimensions, weights, material list, and detailed drawings 36 b. Maximum torque recommended by the manufacturer for the valve by size 37 38 39 40 41 42 B. Submittals 1. Provide a detailed sequence of wark for 1 G-inch, or larger, connections if required by City that includes: a. Results of exploratory excavation b. Dewataring c. Procedure for connecting to the existing water rnain CITY OF FORT WORTH ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICAT[ptd DOCUMENT5 FLOW 3vIETER REFLACEMENTS Revised February 6, 2D13 C1TY PROdECT NO. 102056 331225-5 CONNECTION TO E�{ISTING WATER MAINS Fage 5 of 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 d. Time period for completing wark froin when the water is shut down ta w�en the rnain is back in service e_ Testing and repressurization procedures 2. Welders that are assigned to work on cannection �o concrete cylinder ar steel pipe must be certified and pravide Welding Certificates, upon request, in accardance with AWWA C204. 7 l.i CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 8 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALS [NOT U�ED] 9 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE [NOT USED] 10 1.1a DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 A. 5torage and Handling Requirements 1. Protect parts so that no damage or deterioration occurs during a prolonged delay frorn the time of shipment until installation is completed. 2. Protect a1I equipment and parts against any damage during a prolonged period at the site. 3. Protect the finished surfaces of all exposed flanges using wooden flanges, strongly built and securely bolted thereto. 4. Prot�ct finished iron or steel surfaces nat painted to prevent rust and corrosion. S. Prevent pIastic and siznilar brittle items fram being exposed ta direct sunlight and extremes in temperature. 6. Secure and maintain a location to store the material in accordance with Section O 1 �s ao. 23 1.I1 FIELD [SITE] CONDITIQNS [NOT USED] 24 11� WARRANTY 25 A, Manufacturer Warranty 26 I. Manufacturer's warranty shall be in accordance with Division 1. 27 PART 2 - PRODUCTS 28 2.I OWNER-FURNISHED [oa] OWNER�SUPPLIED PRODUCTS [NOT USED] 29 2.2 EQUIPMENT, PRODUCT TYPES AND MATERIALS 30 A. Manufacturers 31 1. Only the manufacturers as listed by the City's �tandard Products List will be 32 considered as shown in Sectian O1 60 00. 33 a. The manufacturer must comply with fhis Specification and reIated Sections. 34 2. Any praduct that is nat listed on the Standard Praducts List is considered a 35 substitutian and shall be submitted in accordance with Section U1 25 00. 36 B. Description 37 1. Regulatory Requirements C�TY pF FORT WORTH ROLLING H1LLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT 5TAN17AR17 CONSTRUCTiON SPECiFiCATION DOCIIM�NTS FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS Revi sed February 6, 2013 CITY PROJECT NO. 102056 33 l2 25 - 6 CONNECTION TO EXI5TING WATER MAINS Page 6 of 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 i2 13 a. Tapping Sleeves sha11 meet or exceed AW WA C223 and the requirements of this Specification. b. All valve components in contacf with poiable water shall confo� to the requirements of NSF 61. C. Tapping Sleeve Materials 1. Body a. Body: Carbon Steel pex ASTM A283 Crrade C, ASTM A285 Grade C, ASTM A36 Steel ar equal b. Finish: fiision bonded epoxy coating to an average 12 mzl thickness. Fusion applied per AWWA C2�3. c. All buried tapping sleeves shall be provided with polyetl�ylene encasement in accordance wiih AWWA/ANSI C105/A21.5. l) Polyethyiene encasement shall be in accardance with Section 33 11 10. 14 2. Flange 15 a. Carbon Steel perASTM A36 in accordance with AWWA C207' and ASME 16 B 16.1 Class 125. 17 b. Recessed for #apping valve per M55 5P-60 18 3. Bolts and NuCs 19 a. F�anged Ends 20 1) Meet rec�uirements of AWWA C115 or AWWA C207 depending on pipe 21 material. 22 2) Provide bolts and nuts in accard.ance with Section 33 ll O5. 23 �4. Gaskets 24 a. Provide gaskets zn accordance with Section 33 11 O5. 25 5. Test Plug 26 a. 3/a-inch NPT carbor� steel with square head and fusion bonded epoxy caating 27 2.3 ACCESSORIE� [NOT USED] 28 2.4 SOURCE QUALITY CONTROL [NOT USED] 29 PART 3 - EXECUTION 30 3.1 INSTALLERS �NOT USED] 31 3.� EXAMYNATION 32 A. Verification af Canditions 33 1. Verify by expIoratory excavation, if needed, that existing water main is as depicted 34 in the Drawings an� that the location is suitable for a connection t� ihe existing 35 water main. 36 a. Excavate and backiill trench for #he exploratory excavation in accordance with 37 33 QS l0. 38 2. Verify that all equiprraent and materials are available on--site prior to the shutdown 39 of the existing main. 40 3. Pipe lines shall be co�npieted, tested and authorized for connection to the existing 4I system in accordance with Section 33 04 40. CI'l"Y O�' FO1tT WORTH ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMEIVT PLANT STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECiFiCATIQN DQCUMENTS FLQW METER REPLACEMENTS Revised February 6, 2013 CTTY PROJECT NO. 102056 33 l2 25 - 7 CONNECTION TO EXISTING WATER MAINS Page 7 of 8 1 3.3 PREPARATION [NOT U�ED] 2 3.4 INSTALLATION 3 A. Genera! 4 1. Upon disruption af the existing water main, continue work until the cannection is 5 complete and the existing water main is back in service. 6 B. Procedure 7 1. Expose the proposed connecfian poi�t in accordance vvith Seciion 33 OS 10. 8 2. Dewater the existing water line so the chlarinated water is not unlaw�ully 9 discharged. 10 3. Maintain the water that may bleed by existing valves or pi�gs during installation i l within the vvork area to a reasonable level. 12 a. Confral the water in such a way that it does not interfere with the proper 13 instaliation of the cannection or create a discharge of chlarinated water. 14 4. If any discharge of chlorinated water occurs, discharged water shall be de- 15 chlorinated in accordance with 5ection 33 04 40 16 S. Cut and remove existing water main in arder to make the connection. 17 6. Verify that the existing pipe line is suitable far the propased cannection. 18 7. Place trench foundation and bedding ir� accardance with 33 OS 1Q. 19 8. In the event that a tapping sl�eve and valve is used, the coupon from ihe existing 20 water main shalI be submitted to the City. 21 9. Pre�ent e�nbedment, backfill, soil, water or ather debris form entering the pipeline. 22 10. Establish thrust restraint as provided for in the Drawings. 23 1 I. Clean and disin%ct the pipeline associated witt� the conneciion in accordance with 24 Sectian 33 04 40. 25 12. Place embedment �o the top of the pipe zone. 2b 13. Request that the City Valve Crew re-pressurize t�e pipeline. 27 14. Directionally flush the connection in accardance with �ection 33 04 40. 28 . 15. Request that City Valve Crew open all remaining valves. 29 3.5 REPAIR/RESTQRATION [NOT USED] 30 3.6 RE-INSTALLAT�ON [NOT USEDJ 31 3.7 FIELD [ox] SITE QUALITY CONTROL [N�T USEDJ 32 3.8 SYSTEIVI STARTUP [NOT USED] 33 3.9 ADJUSTING [NOT USED] 34 35 36 37 3.10 CLEANING [NOT USED] 3.11 CLOSEOUT ACTIVITIES (NOT USED] 3.1� PROTECTION [NOT USEDJ 3.13 MAINTENANCE [NOT U�ED] C1TY OF FORT WdRTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECiFICATION DQCUMEAITS Revised February 5,2013 � ROLLING I-i1LT,S WATBTZ TREATMENT PLANT FLQW METER REPLACENfEIVTS CITY PIL07ECT NO. 102QSb 33 12 25 - 8 CONNECTIOI�F TO EXISTING WATER MAIN3 Page 8 of & 3.14 ATTACHMENTS [NOT USED] END OF SECTION Aevision Log DATE NAME SUMMARY �F CHANGE 12/20/20I2 D. Johnson 22•C3 and 4— Added re%rence to Section 33 11 05 and removed bolt, nut and gasket material specification 2/6/2Qi3 D. Townsend 3.4.B.4 Modified to refer to Section 33 040�40 CITY OF FORT WdRTH STANDARb CONSTRUCTiON SPECIFICATION DOCUMEIr+'FS Revised February 6, 2013 ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS CITY FROIECT NO. 102056 33 39 20 - 1 PRECAST CQNCRETE MANHOLE Page 1 of 6 1 2 3 PART1- GENERAL SECTION 33 39 �0 PRECAST CONCRETE MANHOLE 4 i.l SUMMARY 5 A. Section Includes: 6 1. Sanitary Sewer, Water Appurtenance, or Reclaimed Water Appurtenance Precast 7 Concrete Manholes 8 9 l0 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1.� B, De�iations from this City of Fort Worth Standard Specification 1. None. C. Related Specification Sections include, but are not necessariIy limited ta: 1. Division 0— Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms, and Conditions of �he Contract 2. Division 1— General Requirements 3. Section 03 30 00 — Cast-in-Place Concrete 4. Section 03 80 00 — Madi�catians to Existing Concrete Structu�-es 5. 5ectian 33 Ol 30 — Sewer and Manhale Testing 6. Sectian 33 OS 13 — Frame, Caver, and Grade Rings 7. Section 33 39 60 — Epaxy Liners for Sanitary Sewer Struct�ares PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDUAES 20 A. Measurement and Payrnent 21 1. Manhole 22 a. Measurement 23 1} Measurement for this Item shall b� p�r each cancrete manhole install�d. 24 b. Payment 25 1} The work perfonned and the materials fuanished in accardance with this 26 Item shall be paid for at the unit price bid per each "Manhole" installed for; 27 a) Variaus sizes 28 b} Various types 29 c. The price bid will include: 30 1} Manhole structure coz�nplete in place 31 2} Excavation 32 3} Forms 33 4) Reinforcing steel (if required) 34 5) Concrete 35 6) Backfill 36 7) Foundation 37 S) Drop pipe 38 9) Stubs 39 10) �rame 40 11 } Caver 41 12} Grade rings CITY OF FORT WORTH ROLLING HIC,L5 WATER TREATMENT PLANT STAIIDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIOAI DOC[3MENTS PLOW METER REPLACEMENTS Revised December 20, 2p12 CITY PRQdL•.CT NO. ] D2D55 333920-2 P12ECAST CONCRETE MAI�'HOLE Page 2 of 6 1 2 3 � 5 6 7 8 9 la 11 12 13 �4 15 16 17 18 19 20 2� 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 2 35 1.3 REFERENCES 36 37 38 34 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 A. Definitions 13} Pipe connections 14} Pavement removal 15) Hauling 16) Disposal of excess material 17) Placement and compaction of backfili 18) Clean-up Extra Depth Manhole a. Measurement i) Measurernent for add�d depth beyond 6 feet will be per vextical foot, measured to tha nearest 1/10 foot. b. Payment 1) The work perfo�ed and rnaterials furnished in accordance witf� this Item and measured as provided under "Measurement" will be paid for at the unii price bicl per veriical foot for "Extra Depth Manhol�" specified foz�: a) Various sizes c. The price bid will include: 1} Manhole structure complete in place 2} Excavation 3) Forms 4) Reinforcing steel (if required} 5) Concrete 6) Backfill 7} Foundation 8} Drop pipe 9} Stubs 10) Frame 11) Cover a 2) Grade rings 13) Pipe connections 14} Pavement rernoval i 5) Hauling 1 b) Disposal af excess material 17) Placement and compaction of backfill 18) Clean-up L Manhole Type a. Standard Manhole {See City Standard Detaiis) 1) Greater than 4 feei deep up to 6 feet deep b. Standard Drop Manhole (See City Standard Details) 1) Same as �tandard Manhole with externat drop connection(s} c. Type "A" Manhole {See City Standarc� Details) 1} ManhoIe set on a reinfarced concrete block placed around 39-inch and �arger sewer pipe. d. Shallow Manhole (See City Standard Details} 1) Less t�ian four 4 deep with formed invert far sewer pipe diameters smaller than 39-inch 2. Manhole Size CITY pF FQRT WORTH i20LLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT S`I'ANbARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIOi+i DpCUMENTS FLOW METER REPLACEFvlEMTS Revised December 20, 2012 CiTY PROIECT NO. 1U2056 33 39 2� - 3 PIiECAST CONCRETE IvIANHOLE Page 3 of 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 S 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 a. 4 foot diameter 1) Used with pipe ranging from $-inch to 15-inch b. 5 foo� diameter 1) Used v�rith pipe ranging from 18-inch to 36-inch 2) See specific manho�e design on Drawings for pipes larger than 36-inch. B. Reference Standards 1. Reference standards cited in this Specification refer to the cuz-rent refere�nce standard published at the time af the latest revisian date lagged at the end of this Speci�cation, unless a date is specificalIy cited. 2. ASTM International (ASTM): a. C443, Standard Specification for doint for Cancrete Pipe and Manholes, Using Rubber Gaskets b. C478, Standard Specification for Precas� Reinforced Concrete Manhole Sections. c. C923, Standard Specification for Resilient Cannectars Between Reinfarced Concrete Manholes Structures, Pipes, and Laterals. d. D 1187, Standard Specification for Asphalt-Base Emulsion for Use as Protecti�e Coatings for Metal e. D 1227, Standard Specification for Emulsified Asphalt Used as a Prrotective Coating for Roofing � 21 1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS [NOT USED] 22 1.� SUBMITTALS 23 A. 5ubmittals sha11 be in accordance with Section O1 33 00. 24 B. AIi submit�als shall be approved by the City prior ta delivery. 25 1.6 ACTION SUBMITTAL�/INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 1.7 A. Product Data 1. Pracast Concrete Manhole 2. Drop connection materials 3. Pipe connections at manhoie walls 4. Stubs and stub piugs 5. Admixtures b. Concrete Mix Design CLQ,SEQUT SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 34 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 35 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE [NOT USED] 36 110 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING [NOT USED] 37 111 FIELD [SITE] CONDITIONS [NOT USED] 38 1.1� WARItANTY 39 A. Manufacturer Warranty CITY OF FORT WORTH ROLLII�IG HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT STANDARL7 CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS FLOW METER ItEPLACEMEIVTS Re�ised Ilecember 20, 2012 CITY PRQJECT NO. 102056 333920-4 FRECAST COI�CRETE MANHO�.E Page A of6 1 1. Manufacturer's Warranty s�all be in accordance with Division 1. 2 PART Z - PRODUCT,S 3 �.1 OWNER-FURNISHED [oRJ OWNER-SUPPLIED PRODUCTS [NOT USEDj 4 2.2 EQUIPMENT, PRODUCT TYPES, AND MATERIALS 5 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 �5 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 �.3 A. Manufacturers 1. Only the manufacturers as listed on the City's Standard Praducts List will be considered as shown in Section O1 �0 00. a. The manufacturer must comply with this Specification and related �ections. 2. Any product that is nat listed an the Standard Products List is considered a substit�ztion and shall be submitted in accordance with �ection O1 25 00. B. Materials 1. Precast Reinforced Concrete Sections — Conform to ASTM C478. 2. Precast Joints a. Provide gasketed joints in accardance with ASTM C443. b. Minimize number of segments. c. Use long joints at the bottam and shorter joints toward the top. d. Include manufacturer's stamp on each section. 3. Lifting Devices a. Manhole sections and cones may be furnished with lift lugs ar lift holes. 1} If lift lugs are provided, place l SO degrees apart. 2} If Iift holes are provided, piace 180 degrees apart and gro�t during manho�e installation. 4. Frame and Cover — Conform to Section 33 OS 13. 5. Grade Ring — Conform to Section 33 OS 13 and ASTM C47$. 6. Pipe Connections a. Utiliza either an integra�ly cast embedded pipe cannector ar a boot-type connector installed in a circular block aut opening confornning to ASTM C923. 7. Steps a. Na steps are allowed. 8. Tnterior Coating or Linar — Conform to Sectian 33 39 60. 9. Exteriar Coating a. Coat with non-iibered asphaltic emulsion in accordance with ASTM DI 187 Type I and ASTM D1227 Type III Class I. ACCESSORIES [NOT USED] 35 2.4 SOURCE QUALITY CONTROL jNOT USED] CITY OF FORT WORTH RaLL1NG 1�IT,LS 4VA'I`ER TIZEATMENT PLANT STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS FLOW METER REFLACEMENTS Revised December 2Q 2012 C1TY PROdECT NO. 102056 333920-5 PR�CAST CONCR�TE MANHQLE Page 5 oFfi 1 PART 3 - EXECUTION 2 31 INSTALLERS [NOT USED] 3 3.2 EXAMINATION 4 A. Evaluation and Assessment 5 1. Verify lines and grades are in accardance to the Drawings. 6 3.3 PREPARATION 7 8 9 10 11 12 A. Faundation Preparation 1. Excavate 8 inches below manhole faundation. 2. Replace excavated soil with course aggregate; creating a stable base for manhole construction. a. If soil conditians or ground water prevent use oicourse aggregate base a 2-inch mud slab may be substituted. 13 3.4 INSTALLAT�ON 14 A. Manhole 15 1. Construct manhole to dimensians shown on Drawings. 16 2. Precast Sections 17 a. Provide bell-and-spigot design incorporating a premolded jaint sealing 18 compound for wasiewater use. i9 b. Clean bell spigot and gaskets, lubricate and join, 20 c. Minimize number of segments. 21 d. Use lang joints used at the bottom and sharter joints toward the top. 22 23 24 25 2b 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 B. Invert 1. Construct invert channels to provide a smoath waterway with no disruption of flow at pipe-manhole cannections. 2. For direction changes of mains, construct channels tangent to mains with maximum passible radius of curvature. a. Provide curves for side inlets. 3. For all standard manholes provide full depth invert, 4. For example, if 8-inch pipe in connected to manhole construct the invert to full $ inches in depth. C. Drop Manhole Connection 1. Install drop connection when sewer line enters manhole higher than 24 inches above the invert. D. Final Rim Elevation 1, Install concrete grade rings far height adjustmen.t. a. Construct grade ring on load bearing shoulder af manhole. b. Use sealant between rings as shown an Drawings. 2. �et frame on top of manhole or grade rings using continuous water sealant. 3. Remove debris, stones and dirt to ensure a watertight sea1. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANpARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATI03V DOCUM�.NTS Revised December 2U, 2012 ROLLING F�ILLS WATER TREATMENT PLAN'1' FLOW METEA REPLACENiENTS CiTY PROJECT IVO. 1020% 1 2 3 4 5 � 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 za 21 22 23 24 25 33 39 20 - 6 PRECAST CONCRETE MANHOLE Fage 6 of 6 4. Do not use steel shims, wood, stones or other unspecified nnaterial to obtain the fmal surface elevation af the manhole frame. E. Internal coating 1, Internal coating application will conform to Section 33 39 60, if required by Drawings. F. External coating 1. Remave dirt, dust, oil and other contaminants that could interfere with aclhesion of the coating. 2. Cure manhole for 3 days before backfilling around the structure. 3. Appiication will follow manufacturer's recommendation. G. Modificatians and Pipe Penetrations i. Conform to Section 03 SO 00. 3.� REPAIR 1 RESTORATION [NOT USED] 3.6 RE-INSTALLATION [NOT USED] 3.7 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Field Tests ana Inspections 1. Perform �acuum test in accardance with Section 33 Ol 30. 3.8 SYSTEM STARTUP [NOT USED] 3.9 ADJUSTING [NOT USEDJ 3.10 CLEANING [NOT USED] 3.11 CLOSEOUT ACTIVITIES [NOT USED] 3.12 PROTECTION [NOT USED] 3.13 MAINTENANCE [NOT USED] 3.14 ATTACHMENTS [NOT USED] END OF �ECTION Revision Log DATE NAME SUMMARY O�' CHANGE 1.1.A.I — Modified to iaclude precast manholes for water and reclaimed water applications 12/20/2Q12 D. Johnson 13.B.2 — Modified to include ASTM C443, D11 S7 and D1227 as references 2.2.B.1-3 — Modified in accordance with new ASTM raferences 2.2.B.10 — Modified in accordance with new ASTM references 26 C1TY OF FQItT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTIOI3 SF�CIFICATION DQCUMENTS Revised I}ecemher 20, 2012 ROLLING I-IILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT FF.OW METER REPLACEN[EN'I'S CITY PR07ECT NO. 102056 33 41 10 - 1 REINFORCED C�NCRETE STORM bRA1N PIPEICULV�RTS Page ] of 12 1 SECTION 33 41 10 2 REINk'ORCED CONCRET� STORM DRA1N PIPE/CULVERTS 3 PART1- GENERAL 4 1.1 SUMMARY 5 A. Section Includes: 6 1. Furnishing and installing reinforced concrete storm drain pipe and culverts, 7 including: 8 a. Pipe or box fittings 9 b. Cannection of drain lines to curh inlats 10 c. All joints 11 d. All connections to new or existing pipe ar headwalls, manholes, etc., ta the 12 lines and grades shown on the Drawings 13 B. De�iations from this City of Fort Worth Standard Specification 14 l. None. 15 C. Related Speci�cation Sections include, but are not necessarily limited to: 16 1. Divisian 0— Bidding Requirements, Cantract Forms and Conditions of the Contract 17 2, Division 1— General Requirements 18 3. Section 33 U1 31 — Clased Circuit Television {CCTV} Inspection 19 4. Sectian 03 30 00 — Cast-in-Place Concr�te 20 5. Section 33 OS 10 — Utility Trench Excavatian, Embedment and Back�11 21 b. 5ection 33 OS 23 — Hand Tunneling 22 7. Section 03 34 13 - Controlled Low Strength Material {CLSM} 23 1.2 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 A. Measurement and Payment 1. Reinforced Concrete Starcn Drain Pipe a. Measurement lj Measured alang the tangitudinal centerline of the pipe from the initiai beg�nning point as shown on Drawings to the end af construction as shown on Drawings, excluding inside diameters of any manholes encountered b. Payrnent 1) The work perfarmed and materials furnished in accardance with this Item and measured as pravided under "Measurement" will be paid for at the unit price bid per linear foot af "RCP" installed for: a) Various sizes b) Various classes c. The price bid shall incl��e: 1} Furnishing and installing the specified diarneter pipe and appurtenant fittings 2) Mobilizatian 3) Pavement removal 4) Excavation CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised Ju[y I, 2011 RbLLIl�lG HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT FLOW IV(BT�R REPLACEMENTS CITY PROJECT NO. 102U56 33 41 10 - 2 REINFQRCED CONCRETE STORM DRAIN PIPE/CULVERTS Page 2 of 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 I8 19 aa 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 5) Hauling 6) Disposal of excess material 7} k'ur�iskaing, placement and compaction of embedment $} Furnishing, placement and compaction of backfill 9) Gaskets 10) Clean-up 11) Cleaning 12} 3ainting 13} Cannections to a11 drainage structures 2. Reinforced Concrete Storm Drain Culverts a. Measurement 1) Measured along the longitudinal centerline of the pipe from the initial beginning �oint as sho�vn on Drawings to the end of conskruction as shown on Drrawings, excluding inside diameters of any manholes encountered b. Payment 1) The work perfor�ned and materials furnished in accordance with this Item and measured as pravided under "Measurement" will be paid for at the unit price bid per linear foot ai `Box Culvert" instal�ed for: a} Various sizes c. The price bid shall include: 1) Furnishing and instalIing the specified dtameter pipe and appurtenant fittings 2) Mobilization 3} Pavement removal 4} Excavation - 5) Hauling 6) Dispasal of excess material 7) Furnishing, placement and coanpaction of embedment S) Furnishing, piacement and compaction of backfill 9) Gaskets 10) Clean-up ll) Cleaning 12) Jointing 13) Connections to all drainage structures 35 1.3 REFERENCES 36 A. Reference Standards 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 �47 48 1. Reference standards cited in this Specification refer to the current reference standard published at the time of the latest revision date loggec� at the e�nd of this Specification, unless a date is specifically cited. 2. Arnerican Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO): a. T1 l 1, Inorganic Matter ar Ash in Bituminous Materials. 3. ASTM Iniernationa� (ASTM}: a. A185, Standard Specification for Steel Welded Wire Reinforcement, Plain, for Concrete. b. A497, Standard Specification �'or Stee1 Welded Wire Reinforcement, Deformed, for Concrete. c. C76, Standard Specifcation for Reinforced Concrete Culvert, 5torm Drain, and Sewer Pipe. C1TY OF FORT WORTH ROLLING H1LL5 WATER TLZ�ATMENT PLA3VT STANDARD CpNSTRUCTION SPECIFICA'FIdN DOCCJMENTS FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS Revised 7uiy 1, 20f 1 CITY PROJECT NO. 10205G 33 41 10 - 3 REINFORCED CONCRETE STORM DRAIN PIPE/CULVERTS Page 3 of 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 d. C361, Standard Specification for Reinforced Cancrete Low-Head Pressure Pipe. e. C443, Standard Speci�cation for Joints for Concrete Pipe and Manholes, Using Rubber Gaskets. £ C497, Standard Test Methods for Concrete Pipe, Manhole Sections, or Tile. g. C506, Standard Specificatian for Reinforced Concrete Arch Culvert, Storm Drain, and Sewer Pipe. h. C507, Standard Speci�'icatian for Reinforced Concreie E1liptical Culvert, Starm Drain, and Sewer Pi�e. i. C990, Standard Specification for Joints far Concrete Pipe, Manholes, and Precast Box Sections Using Preformed Flexible �oint Sealants. j. C1433, Standard Specification far Precast Reinforced Concrete Manolithic Box Sections far Culverts, Storm Drains, and Sewers. k. D4, Standard Test Method for Bitumen Content. 1. D�, Standard Test Method far Loss on Heating ot' Oil and Asphaltic Compaunds. m. D36, Standard Test Method for Softening Point of Bitumen (Ring-and-Bail Apparatus). n. D71, Standard Test Method for Relative Density af Solid Pitch and Asphalt {Displacement Method). o. D92, Standard Test Method for Flash and Fire Points by Cle�eland Open Cup Tester. � p. Dll 3, �tandard Test Method far Ductility of Bituminaus Materials. q. D2� 7, Standard Test Methods far Cone Penetratian oiLubricating Grease. �4. TxDOT Test Pracedures {Tex): a. Tex-704-I, Making, Curing, and Testing Campression Test Specimens for Precast Concrete 28 1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE REQU�REMENTS [NOT USED] 29 1.5 SUBMITTALS 30 A. Submittals shall be in accordance r�ith Section O1 33 00. 31 B. All submittals shall be approved by the City prior to delivery. 32 l.b ACTIQN SUBMITTALS/INFORMATION SUBMITTALS 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 A. Certificates 1. Furnish manufacturer's certificate of compliance thai their product meets the physical testing r�quirements of this Specification for the materials referenced including, but not limited to: a. Reinforced concrete pipe b. Concrete box culvert c. Jointing rnaterials CITY QF FORT WORTH ROLLiNG HILLS WATER TREATM�NT PLANT STAI�fQARI] CONSTRUCTI�N SPECIFICATION D4CUMEIVTS FLQW METER REPLACEMENTS Revised July 1, 20I 1 CITY PRQJECT NO. 1�2056 33 41 10 - 4 REINFORCED CONCRETE STORM DRAIN PIYEICULVERTS Page 4 of 12 l 1.7 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 2 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 3 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE [NOT USED] 4 1.1Q DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING 5 A. Storage and Handling Requirements 6 1. Secure and maintain a iocation to store the material in accordance with Section O1 7 66 00. 8 2. Keep pipe clean and fully drained during storage. 9 3. Transport, handle and store pipe and fittings as recommended by manufacturer. 10 4.� Repair or replace any damaged pipe before installation per the manufacturer's I 1 recommendation. 12 1.11 FIELD jSITE] CONDITIONS [NOT USED] l3 112 WARRANTY [NOT IISED] l4 PART 2 - PRODUCTS 15 �.1 OWNER-FURN�SHED [aR] UWNER SUPPLIEDPRODUCTS [NOT USED] 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 �.� EQUIPMENT, PRODUCT TYPE,S AND MATERIALS A. Fabrication 1. Precast Reinforced Concrete Pipe a. Provide precast storm sewer pipe that can%rms to ASTM C76, ASTM C506 or ASTM C507 for circular, arch or elliptical pipe respectively. b. Utilize a machine made process or cast by a process that will provide uni�orm placement af a mixture of cement, aggregate and water proportional to provide a�omogeneous concrete meeting the specified strength requirements. c. Mix concrete in a centra� batch plant ar other approved batching faciliry where the quaIity and unifor�nity of the concrete is assured. d. Do not �use transit mixed concrete to manufacture precast coner�ie pipe. 2. Concrete Box Culvert a. Cast-in-Place l) Confarm to 5ection 03 30 Od. b. Precast 1) Furnish machine made precast boxes in accordance with ASTM C1433. 2} Utilize a machine made process or cast by a process that will provide uniform placement af a mixture of cetnent, aggregate, and water proportianal to provide a homogeneous concrete meeting the specif ed strength requirements. 3) Concrete water to cement ratio not to exceed 0.53 by weight 4) Utilize minimum 470 pounds of cement per cubic yard of concrete unless rnix designs with lower cement content demonstrate that the quaIity and performance of the sections meet the requirements of this Specification. CITY OF PORT WORTH ROLLI�iG HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT 3'fANDARD CONSTRUCTIOIV SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS FL�W METER REPLACEIVIENT5 Revised July I, 2011 CITY PROIECT NO. 102056 334116-5 REINFORCED CONCRETE STORM DRAIN PiPE/CULVERTS Page 5 of 12 1 5} Mix concrete in a central batch plant or ather approved batching facili#y 2 where the qualiry and uniformity of the concrete is assured. 3 6} Do not use transit mixed concrete to manufacture precast concrete box 4 culvert. 5 7} Utilize welded wire fabric steel reinforcement conforming to ASTM A185 6 or ASTM A497. 7 3 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 i5 i6 17 i8 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2b 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 ]ainiing Materials a. Use any of the materials described in this Section for the making of joints. 1} Furnish a rnanut'acturer's certificate of complianca for all jointing materials. 2) Cold Applied Prefarmed Plastic GasketslFlexible Joirit Sealants a) Provide flexible joint sealants that meet the requirements of ASTM C990. b} Utilize 1 continuaus gasket conforming to the joint shape for each joint. c) Plastic gasket shall be produced from blends oireiined hydrocarbon resins and plasticizing compounds reinforced with inert mineraf filler and shall contain no solvents, irritating fiimes or abnoxious odors. d) Use flexible joint sealants that do not depend on oxidizing, evaporating or chernical action for its adhesive or cohesive strength. e) Supply in extruded rope fortn of suitable cross sectian and size as to fill the joint space when the pipes are joined. fl Provide a size of the pre-formed flexibTe joint sealant in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations and large enough to properly sea� the joint and obtain the squeeze aut as described under constructian methods. g) The gasket joint sealer shall be grotected by a suitable remo�able 2- piece wrapper, and the 2-piece wrapper shall be so designed that %2 may be removed longitudinally without disturbing the other %2 to facilitate apglication as noted below. h) The chemical compasitian of the gas�et joint sealing compound as shipped shall meet the requirements ai Table 1 when tested in accordance with the test methods shown. Table 1. Sealin� Compound Chemical Com osition Test Methad Percent b W� Bitumen A�TM D4 Bitumen Content 50-70 Ash-Inert Mineral Matter AASHTO T111 30-50 Volatile Matter at 325 degrees F ASTM D6 Loss on Heating of 2.0 Max OiI and Ast�halfic Carn�onnds 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 i) Gasket joint sealing compound when immersed for 30 days at ambient room tennperature separately in 5 percent solution of caustic potask�, a �nixture of 5 percent hydrochloric acid, a 5 percent soluiion of sulfuric acid and a saturated hydrogen sulfide (HzS} solution shall show no visible deterioration. j) The physical properiies of ihe gasket joint sealing compound as �hipped shail meet the requirements in Table 2 when tested zn accardance with the test methods shown. CITY OF FpRT WORTH ROLLING H1LLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT STANDARD CONSTRUCTION 5PECiFiCATiON DOCUMENTS FLOW MSTER REPLACEMENTS Revised July I, 2011 CITY PRQdECT NO. ] 02056 334110-6 RGINFORCED CONCRETE STORM DRAirf PIPE/CULVERTS Page 6 of 12 Tabie 2. Sealing Campaur�d Physical Properties Pro ert Test Method T ical Anal sis S ecific Gravit at 77 de ees F ASTM D71 1.20 to 1.35 Ductili at 77 de rees F ASTM D113 5.0 centimeters minimum Softenin Point at 77 de ees F ASTM D36 320 de ees F minimum Pe�etration 32 de ees F 300- s 60-seconds 75 miniznunn 77 de ees F 150- ms 5-seconds A�TM D217 50 to 120 115 de ees F 150- rns 5-seconds 150 max Flash Point C.O.C. ASTM D92 �00 de rees � Fire Point C.O.0 G25 de ees F 2 3} Rubber Gaskets 3 a) Provide gaskets that conform to ASTM C36 � or ASTM C443. 4 b} Meet t�ae requirements of ASTM C��43 far design of the j oints ar�d 5 permissible variations in dimensions. � B. Design Criteria 7 1. Reinforced Concrete Pipe 8 a. Unless otherwise indicated on the Drawings, furnish Class III concrete pipe 9 with shell thickness, circumferential reinforcement and sirength conForrning to 10 the requirements of ASTM C76, ASTM C506 or ASTM C507 for circular, arch 11 ar e�liptical pipe respectively, except as modified below: 12 1) Manufacture pipes larg�r than 60-inch diameter by using 2lines of circular 13 reinforcement. 14 2) For Class III pipes larger than 60-inch diameter, manufaciurer may, at its 15 option, furnish pipe nnanufactured with either Wall 'B" Qr Wall "C" 16 minimum thicknesses and the applicable minimum steel area as listed for I7 circular cages in Tab1e II of ASTM C76, provided test strength 18 requirements for Class III pipe are satisfactorily met. 19 b. Jacking, Boring, or TunneIing 20 1) Design pipe for jacking, boring or h�nneling conforming ta the 21 requirements of Section 33 a5 23. 22 2} When requested, provide design notes and drawings signed and sealed by a 23 Texas licensed professional engineer. 24 �.3 ACCESSORCES [NOT USED] 25 �.4 SOURCE QUALITY CONTROL 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34� 35 �.. Tests and Inspections 1. Rciniarced Concrete Pipe a. Acceptance of pipe will be determined by the results of the following tests: 1) Material tests required in ASTM C76, ASTM C506 ar ASTM C507. 2) Absarption tests in accordance with ASTM C497. 3) 3-edge bearing tests in accordance with ASTM C�97. a) Tasting Rate {1} If tested for D.01-inch crack onty: (a) Test 0.8 percent aipipe sections for each size included in order (2) If tested for 0.01-inch crack and ult�mate load: CITY OF FORT WORTI-I STANDARD CQNSTRUCT[ON SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised July 1, 2011 ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS CITY PR07ECT NO. 102056 3341 ]0-7 REINFORCED CONCRETE STORM i]RAIN PIPE/CULV�RTS Page 7 oF 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IO 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Zo 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3U 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 {a} Test 0.2 percent of pipe sectians for each size included in order b} Pipes that have been tested only to the formation of a 0.01 inch crack and that meet the 0.01 inch test load requirements shall be accepted for use. c) Failed Pipe {1) Test 2 consecutive joints in the sam� mix series iia specimen fails to meet test requirements. {2) Erntire pipe seri�s will �e rejected if I of the consecutive joints fails ta meet test requirements. d} Pipes larger than 1 inch in diameter may be accepted on the basis of materiai tests and inspection of completed product as an alter�ate to 3- edge bearing test, at the aption of the manufacturer. (1) Acceptance of pipe wrll be determined by the results of the rnaterial tests as required in ASTM C76, ASTM CSU6 or ASTM C507. {a) Perform crushing tests on cores taken from barrel of completed and cured pipe. (b) Perform absorption tests on samples from pipe wall. {c) Inspect finished pipe including axnaunt and placement of reinfarcement. {2) Manufacturer wili furnish facilities and personnel for talcing core samples froka�. pipe baz-�et and for determining compressive strengih of samples. (3) Manufacturer will plug and seal coxe holes if sarnples meet strength requirements. {a) Pllig and seal section.s in a manner that the pipe section wiil - meet all test requirements of ASTM C7fi, ASTM C506 or ASTM C507. {b) Pipe sections plugged and sealed as described abave will be accepted for use. 4) Inspect the finished pipe to determine its conformance with ti�e required design. 2. Cast-in-Place Concreta Box Culvert a. Provide test specimens that meet the requirements of Di�ision 03. 3. Precast Box Culvert a. Make test specimens in test cylinders at the sarx�e tirae and in the sacne manner as the box sections they represent. b. Make a minimum of 4 test cylinders for each day's production run and each mix design. c. Cure test cylinders in the same manner and for the same times as the boxes they represent, d. Test the specimens in accardance with Tex-704-I. B. Sizes and Permissible Variations 1. Reinforc�d Concrete Pipe a, Ensure that variations in diameter, size, shape, wall thickness, reinforcement, placement of reinforcement, laying lengfh and the permissible under run af length are in accordance r�vith ihe applicable ASTM Specificatio�n for each type of pipe as referred to previausly. CITY OF FQRT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTIQN 3PECIFiCATION DOCUMENTS Revisad July 1, 201 I ROLLING H[LLS WATER TREATMENT PT,ANT FLQW METER REPLACEMENTS CiTY PROJECT N�. 162056 334110-8 REINFORCED CONCRCTE STdRM 17RAIN PIPE/CULVERTS Page 8 of 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 4 1� 11 12 13 14 15 16 1'7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 b. Wnere rubber gasket pipe joints are ta be used, the design o£joints and permissibie variations in dimensions shall be in accordance with ASTM C443, Sections 7 and 8. 2. Cast-in-Place or Precast Box Culvert a. Ensure t1�at precast sections of either type meet the following requirements: 1} The inside vertical and �orizontal dimensions do not vary from Dra�ving requirements by more than 1/2 inch or 1 percent, whichever is greater. 2) The horizontaI or vertical plane at each end of the box section does not vary fror� perpendicular by more than 1/2 inch ar 1 percent, whichever is greater, measured on the inside faces of the section. 3) The sides of a section at each end do not vary from being perpendicular to the top and bottom by rt�ore than i/2 inch or 1 percent, whichever is greater, when measured diagonally between opposite interior corners. b. Ensure that wall ar�d slab thicla�esses are not less than shown on the Drawings except for occasional deficiencies not greater than 1/4 inch or 5 percent, whichever is greater. 1) It'proper jointing is nat affected, thicknesses in excess of Drawing require�nents are acceptable. c. Deviations from the above toIerances wi�l be acceptable if the sectitins can be �tted at the plant or job site and the joint opening at any point does not exceed 1 inch. 1) Use match marks for proper installation on sectians that have been accepted in this manner. C. Warkmanship and Finish 25 1. Reinforced Concrete Pipe 26 a. Ensure that pipe is s�bstantially free from fractures, large or deep cracks and 27 surface roughness. 28 b. Ensure that ends of pipe are nonnal to the walls and centerline af the pipe 29 within the iimits of variations allowed as stated previously. 30 2. Cast-in-Place or Precast Box Culvert 31 a. Fine cracks on the suriace of the member tha� do not extend to the plane of the 32 nearest reinforcement are acceptable unless the cracks are numerous and 33 extensive. 34 b. Repair cracks that extend into the plane of the reinforcing steel in an approved 35 manner. 36 c. Excessive damage, honeycomb or crack�ng will be subject to structural review. 37 d. The City rnay accept boxes with repairs that axe sound, properly finished an�. 38 cured in confarmance wifh pertinent Specifications. 39 e. When fine cracks on the surface indicate poor curing practices, discontinue 40 further productian of precast sections until corrections are made and proper 41 curing is provided. 42 D. Curing 43 1. Cure pipe/box in accordance with ihe applicable ASTM Specification for eac�a type 44 of pipe as referred to above. �45 E. Marking 4G 1. Reinfarced Concrete Pipe 47 a. Clearly mark ihe foilovc+ing informatian on each section of pipe: CITY OF FORT WORTH ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIQN DOCUMENTS FLOW METER 1�PLAC�MEI�T5 Revisecf July 1, 2011 CITY PROJECT NO. 102056 334110-9 R�INE'ORC�b CONCRETE STORM DRAIN PIPE/CIJLVERTS Page 9 of 12 i 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 l0 11 12 13 14 ]5 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 1) Class ofpipe 2) ASTM designation 3) Da�e of z�anufact�-e 4) Identification of plant 5) Name ar tradenaar�C of the manufacturer 6) Pipe to be used for jacking and boring b. For pipe with �lliptical reinforcerx�e�t, in addition to abo�e, clearly mar� 1 end of each section during the process of manufacture or immediately after with the follawing: 1) The location of the tap or bottom of the pipe as it should be installed, unless the external shape of the pipe is such that the correct position of the tap and bottonn is ab�ious 2) Mark the pipe section by indenting ar painting with waterproof paint. 2. Cast-in-Place or Frecast Box Culvert a. Mark precast boxes with the following; 1) Name or trademark ofthe producer Z) Date of manufacture 3) Box size 4) Minimurr► and maximum fill heights b. For boxes without lifting holes, mark 1 end of each box section on the inside and outside walls to indicate the top ar bottom as it will be installed. c. rndent rnarkings inta the box section or pa�nt them o� eack� bo� with waterproof paint, F. Pipe/Box Rejectian 1 2. 3. Indi�idual sectians of pipe/box may be rejected if any of tihe Specification requirements are not met or if any of the following exist: a. Fractures or cracks passing through the shell, with the exception of a single end crack thai does not exceed the depth of the joint b. Defects that indicate imperfect proportioning, mixing and molding c. Surface defects indicating honeycombed or open texture d. Damaged ends which wauld prevent making a satisfactory joint e. Any continuous erack having a surface width of 0.01 inch or mare and extending for a length of 12 inch or more Mark rej ected pipelbox with painted "REJECTED". Remo�e rejected pipe/bax immediately from jab site and replace with pipelbox meeting the requirements of t�is Specification. 37 PART 3 - EXECUTION 38 3.1 INSTALLERS (NOT USED] 39 3.2 EXAMINATION [NOT USED] 40 3.3 PREPARATION [NOT USED] 41 3.4 INSTALLATION 42 A. General CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRi]CTION SPECIFICATION I]OCUMENTS Revised July 1, 2011 ROLLING HI[,L5 WATER TREATMENT PLANT FLOW MET�R REPLACEMENTS CITY PROJECT NO. 1�205G 3341 ]0-10 REIIVFQRCED CONCRETE S'FORM DRAIN PIPEICULVERTS Page 10 of 12 1 1. Conform to the require;nents ofSection 33 d5 10 for excavation and embedment for 2 open-cut type installation. 3 2. Conform io tha requirements of Section 33 OS 23 when jacking, boring or tunneling 4 methods are specified on Drawings. 5 3. Establish and maintain lines and grades. 6 B. Pipe/Bax Laying — Trench Ins#allation 7 1. Ensure that pipelbox and fittings are laid and jointed iz� firm trench bottom 8 canditions. 9 2. ia 11 iz 13 3. 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 Start laying pipe/box on the bedding at the outlet or downstream end with fihe spig�t ar tongue end of �he pipe j oint pointing dawnstream, and proceed toward the inlet ar upstream end with ihe abuiting sections properly matched, true ta the established lines and grades. Provide appropriate facilities for hoisting and Iovvering the sections of pipe/box according to manufacturer's recommendation. Li#� and lower sections of pipe/box into trench without damaging pipe or distUrbing the prepared bedding or sides of trench. Carefully clean pipe/box ends before pipe is placed in trench. Protect pipe/l�ox open end to prevent ez�trance of earth or bedding material as each length of pipe/box is laid. Fit, match and lay pipe/box to form a smooth, t�nifortn cozaduit. When elliptical pipe with circular reinforcittg or circular pipe with eiIiprical reinforcing is usect, lay the pipe in trench sa that the markings for top or bottom are not mare than 5 degrees from the vertical plan� through ihe longitudinal axis af the pipe Remove and re-lay, without extra compensation, pipe/box that is not in alignment or that shaws excessive sett�ement after laying. � 5 6 7. S. 0 C. Multiple Barrel Box Culvert PIacement 1. Fill the annular space between multiple bo�es with crushed rock or CLSM according to 03 34 13. a. Water jetting will not be al�owed between paraileI boxes. 2. Start the laying of boxes an thc bedding at the outlet end and proceed toward the inlet end with the abutting secrions properly ma�ched. 3. Fit, match and 1ay boxas to form a smooth, uniform canduit true to ihe established lines and grades. D. Jointing 1. Cold Applied Preformed Plastic Gaskets/Flexible Joint Sealants a. Brush-apply a suitable primer, recommended by the manufacturer of the gasket joint sealer, to tongue and groove joint surfaces and end surfaces. 1} �zzsure that surface to �e primed is clean and dry when primer is appiied. 2) Ensure that primer is not applied over nnud, sand, dirt ar sharp cement pratrusions. 3) A11ow pr�mer ta dry and harden. b. Attach plastic gasket sealer around tapered tongue ar tapered groove near the pipe joint h.ub or shoulder, before laying pipe in trench. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CQNSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Ravised July 1, 2011 ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT FLANT FLOW METER REPLACEMENT3 CITY Pit03ECT A+Q, I p2456 33 41 10-11 REINFORCED CONCRETE STORN[ DRAIN i'IPEICULVERTS Fage I 1 of 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 C•] d. e. f. �• Remove paper wrapper from 1 side only af the 2-piece wrapper on gasket and press it firmly to the clean, dry pipe joint surface. 1) Do not remove the outside wrapper until immediately befare pushing pipe into its �nal pasitian. Align the tongue carrectly with the flare of the groove. Ret�ove outside wrapper on the gasket and pull or p�sh pipe home with sufficient force {back hae shoveI, chain hoist, ratchet hoist or winch} to cause evidence o£ gasket tnaterial squeeze-out on inside or autside around complete pipe jaint circumference. 1} Ramave any joint material that pushed out into the interior of pipe. 2} Ensure that pipe is pullec� home in a straight line with all parts of pipe on Iine and grade at a11 times. Proceed with backfilling of pipe iaid with plastic gasket joints as soon as joint has been inspected and approved by the Engineer ar Inspector. 1} Take specia� precautions in placing and compacting backfill to avaid damage to joints. When the atmospheric temperat�zre is below 60 degrees F, store pre-farmed flexible joint sealants in an area warmed to above 70° degrees F or artificially warmed to this temperature in a manner satisfactory to the Engineer. 1} Apply gaskets to pipe joints imrr�ediately priar to pIacing pipe in trench, foltowed by connection ta previausly laid pipe. 22 2. Rubber Gaskets 23 a. Make the jaint assembly according to t11e recommendations of the gasket 24 manufacturer. 25 b. When using rubber gaskets, make joints watertight. 2b c. Backfill after the joint has been inspected and approved. 27 E. Backfll 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 3b 37 3$ 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 f. Conform to the requirements of Section 33 a5 1Q for back#'illing pipe/box trenches. F. Pipe fittings 1. Poured Concrete Pipe Collars a. Provide collars for lacations s�own on Drawings. b. Collar cost is considered subsidiary to bid price for furnishing and instaIling reinfarced concrete pipe. No extra paynnent will be made for installation af concret� pipe collars shown an the Drawings. 2. Shop anc� Field-Fabricated Wyes, Tees, Crasses and Bends a. Furnish and install shap ar field-fabricated. wyes, tees, crosses or bends as indicated on Drawings ar required by the Engineer. b. Shop-fabricate fittings for maxirnum pipe size less than 24-inci�es in diameter for the larger pipe. c. Field-fabricate f ttings with 24-inch or greater diameter for ihe larger pipe. d. �ield-fabricate fittings for box culverts. e. Take carre in fabrication that conerete walls of pipe are broken back only enough ta provide the required finished opening. � f. Join reinforcing mesh or bars by bending, twisting or spot welding to provide a rigid connection. CITY OF FORT WORTf3 ROT.I.TNG HTLLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT STAN17Al2D CONSFRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS FLOW METER REPLACEMEN'1'S Revised July 1, 2011 CITY PROJECT NO. 102056 334i 10-32 REINFORCED CQNCRETE STORM DRAIN PIPEICULVERTS Page 12 of �2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 3.� g. Concrete or mortar (as specified in this segment} sha11 be waped over the reinforcing wires connecting the 2 pipe joints, compacted by lighi btows, shaped to the contour of the pipe barrels, lightly brushed for finish and cured under wet burlap. 3. Poured Concrete Pipe Plugs a, Pl�zg pipe ends with a fabricated unit as slaown on Drawings, when conduit lines terminate at locations with no connection to drainage structures. b. Concrete pipe plug cost is considered subsidiary to bid price for furnishing and installing reinforced cancrete pipe. No ex�ra payment wi11 be made far installation oi concrete pipe plugs shown on the Drawings. REPAIR / RESTORATION [NOT USED] 12 3.b RE�INSTALLATION [NOT USED] 13 3.7 FIELD [ox] SITE QUALITY CONTROL 14 15 16 17 i8 19 20 21 3.8 A. Field Tests and Inspections 1. Video Inspection a. Perform pasi-canstruction TV inspection of all instaIled reinforced cancrete pipes/boxes cQnfor�ning to the requirements of Section 33 O1 31. 2. Ensure that pipes/boxes are installed carrect�y and are free of significant debris. a. At ih� City's discretion, replace any pipe/box that is determined to have jointing problems, cracking or significant debris. SYSTEM STARTUP [NOT USED] 22 3.9 ADJUST�NG {NOT USED] 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 END OF SECTION Revision Lag DATE NAME SUMMARY OF CHANGE 30 3.1D CLEANING [NOT USED] 3.11 CLO�EOUT ACTIVITIES [NOT USEDJ 3.12 PROTECTION [NOT USEDJ 3.13 MAINTENANCE [NOT USED] 3.14 ATTACHMENTS [NOT USED] CITY OF FORT WQRTH ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT STANDARD CON5TRUCTION SPECIFICATIOIV DOCUMENTS FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS Revised 7uly 1, 20l 1 CITY PR07ECT NO. 102056 THIS PAGE LEFT INTENTIONALLY BLANK CITY OF' FORT VJORTH STANDARD CONSTR[ICTION SFECIFICATIO.N DOCUMENTS Ra�ised 3uly 1, 2011 ROLLING H1LL5 WATER TREATMENT PLANT FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS Ci'i'Y PRQIECT NO. 102a56 40 41 OD - 1 ELEC'[RICAL �IEAT TRACWG Page 1 of 6 2 3 PART ]. � GENERAL 4 1.� SCOPE OF WORK 5 6 7 S 9 la ll 12 13 14 15 l6 17 18 19 SECTION 40 4� 00 ELECTRICAL HEAT TRACING A. Furnish all labor, materials, equipment and incidenta�s required to design, furnish and install electricai heat trace systems on the piping as snown on the Drawings and as speci�ed herein. B. Provide a system which the manufacturer has designed in its entirety and who shall supply t�e entire heating system. Include the schematic arrangements, heat�ng cable, junction boxes, thermostats and other equiprt�ent necessary to complete tl�e system, as shown on the Drawings, and as specified herein. C. The Contract piping drawings, piping line Iist, equipm�nt list, instrument list and insulation scheduie constitute, in conjunction with this Section, comprise the design parameters of the heat tracing system. The Drawings are intended oniy to give a generai layoat of the heat tracing system. Circuit layouts are not intended to show the number of fittings, or other installation details. Furnish all labor and materials necessary to install and place in satisfactory operation, a complete electric heat tracing systezn, based on the actual piping installation, the manufactures installation drawings, and recommendations for operating temperature settings. 20 1.2 RELATED WORK 21 A. Refer to Division 26 0� 00 for related work and electrical coordination requirements. 22 1.3 SUBMITTAL� 23 A. Submit to the Engineer, in accordance with Division 1, Section 2C 00 00 and as 24 specified herein, the following calculations and inforrnation: 25 1. Heat loss and op�rating power calculations. 26 2. Heat tracing circuit design and loading schedule (if different from that which is 27 shown on the Drawings). 28 29 3a 31 32 33 3. Bill of materials. 4. Catalag data sheets far all components. 5. Typical installation details. B. Submit the heat tracing system's power requirements for the design condition (extreme minimum ambient at required �naintain temperature) and for t�e normal operating temperature (narmally expected minimum ambiene). 34 1.4 REFERENCE CODE� AND STAI�'DARDS 35 36 37 38 39 A. All products and components shown on t�e Drawings and listed in t�is specification shall be designed and rt�anufactured accarding to latest revision of the following standards {unless otherwise no�ed): 1. NFPA 70 — National Electrical Code {NEC) 2. NFPA 70E -- Standard For Electrical Safety in the Warkplace Copyright 201R Gupta & Associates, Inc. ROLLING HII.LS WAT�R TREATMENT PLANT FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS CTTY PROJECT NO. 102456 404100-2 ELEGTRICAL HEAT TRACING Page 2 of 6 1 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 3. American National Standards Insritut� (ANSI) 4. Institate of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE} 5. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM} 6. National Fir� Pr�tectian Association (NFPA} 7. National Electric Code {NEC) 8. Factary Mutual (FM) 9. Underwriters Laboratories {UL) 10. National Electrical Manufacturers Association {NEMA) 11. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (QSHA) B. Furnish capies of the necessary approvals for the heat tracing system and shall verify that the approvals are current. C. All equipment components and completed assemblies specified in this section of the Speci�ications shall bear the appropriate Iabel of Underwriters Labaratories. 14 1.5 QUALITY ASSURANCE 15 A. The manufaceurer of this equiptnent shall have produced similar equipment for a 16 minimum period of fi�e years. When requested by the Engineer, an acceptable list of 17 installations with similar equigment shall be provided d�monstrating compliance with 18 this requirement. 19 B. All heat tracing equipment furnished under this Section, shall be supplied by a single 20 manufacturer, 21 C. All companents and material shall be new and of the latest field praven design and in 22 current production. Obsolete companents ar components scheduled for immediate 23 discontinuation shall not be used. 2� 1.6 JOBSITE DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING 25 A. Prior to jobsite delivery, complete all submittal requirements, and present to ihe 26 OwnerlEngineer upon delivery of the equipment, an approved copy of all such 27 submittals. Deli�ery of incomplete constructed equipment, onsite factory wark, or 28 failed factory tests will not be permitted. 29 B. Protect eqnipment during shipment, hanciling, and storage by suitable complete 30 enclosures. Protect equipment from exposure to the elements and keep thoroughly dry. 31 32 33 34 35 C. Protect painted surfaces against impact, abrasian, discoioration, and other dart�age. Repaint damaged painted surfaces to the satisfaction of the Qwner/Engineer. D. Where space heaters are provided in equipment, provide temparary electricai power and operate space heaters during storage, and after equiprnent is installed in permanent location, until equipment is placed in service. Copya-ight 2019 Gupta & Associates, Inc. RDLLING �IILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT �'LQW METER REPLACEMENTS C1TY PROJECT NO. 10205b 4D410D-3 ELECTRICAL HEAT TRACIAIG Page 3 of b 1 1.7 WARRANTY 2 A. Provide warrantees, including the rnanufacturer's warrantee, for the equipment 3 specified and th� proper installation thereof, to be free from defects in material and 4 workmanship for two years fro�n date of final acceptance of the equipment and its 5 installation. Within such period oi warranty, all materiai and labor necessary to retuxn 6 the equipment to new operating condition shall be provided. Any warranty work 7 requiring ship�ing or transporting of the equipment shall be provided at no expense to 8 the Owner. 9 1.8 AREA CLASSIFICATION 10 A. SuppEy a heating system that is suitable for the specified industrial and eIecrrical 11 classification and shall be designed and instaIled in accordance with the latest local I2 and/or NEC regulations. 13 1.9 DESIGN REQUIREMENTS 14 A. Provide a heating system capable of maintaining �he specified temperature auring the 15 lowest extreme of ambient temperature. l6 B. Design Parameters 17 1. Maintain a minimum temperature as recommended and/or specified within other 1 S Divfsions. 19 2. Refer to the piping Drawings and equipment Zists for insulation types and 20 thicknesses in the Mechanical Division and on the Drawings. 21 C. Heat lasses shall be calculated using the manufact�rer's standard procedure in 22 conjunction with the insulation requirerr�ents and equipment schedu�es. The design heat 23 output Qf the tracing shall includ� a 10% factoar of safety. Submit recommended changes 24 in insulation thickness to optimize total system economy. ZS D. Heating cables shall be the parallel design type. 26 E. Instrumentation sample and sensing lines located in outdoor or non-conditioned spaces 27 shall be heat traced. 28 PART � � PRODUCTS 29 2.1 MATERIALS 30 A. Paral�el Resistance Self Regulating Cahle 31 1. The heater cable shall be able to vary its output in response to temperature 32 variat�ans along a pipe due to heat sinks such as fittings or pipe supports, or 33 changes in ambient conditions such as those occurring on pipes passing into or out 34 of buildings or process areas. This variable output feature shall apply to each 35 increment of the heater independent of each other increment. 36 2. Provide heat�ng cable which can be field cut to length wiihout any cold spots and 37 can be overlapped at all power outputs without burning aut. 38 3. Provic�e heating cable which is capable of continuous reliable operation when 39 hanging loose in free air during equipxnent removal or replacement. 40 4. The heating cahle shaIl not require the use of heat transfer cement or compounds. ROLLING HIL.LS WATER TREATNIBNT PLAI�fT FLOW METER REPLACEIVIENTS Copyright 2019 Gupta & Associates, Inc. Cl'I'X PR07ECT NQ. 1p2056 4041�0-4 ELECTRICAL HEAT TRACING Page 4 of 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 i0 11 12 13 14 15 16 l7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 zs 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 � � The heatin;g cable shall operate on standard voltages with�out the use oZ special transformers. Line valtage fluctuatians shall not appreciably affect the cabfe wattage output. Provide heating cable which can be field designed to accommadate changes in field piping without compromising its FM or LTL approvals. B. C�ntrol Thermostats 1. Control tl�ermastats sl�al� be UL listed, heavy duty, industrial ambient type housed in a NEMA AX enclosure. The thermostat shall be pro�ided with independently adjustable dual switches for contral and law temperat�re alarm. Contact rating shail be 22 Amperes, minimum, rated at 480 Valts, resistive. C. Indi�idual Circuit Heat Tracing 1. Where single circuit heat tapes are shown on the Drawings, the following equipment shalt be as specified herein. 2. Subject to compliance with the Contract Documents, the following Manufacturers are acceptable: a. Chemelex, Catalog No. SBTV 1 wiih tinned copper over braid and fluora�olymer outer jacket with thermostat adjustable from 15 to 15Q°F, maunt�d in NEMA 4X enclosure, Catalog No. AMC 1A, b. Approved Equal 3. The listing af specific manufacturers above does not imp�y acceptance of their products that do not meet the specified ratings, features and functions. Manufacturers �isted ahove are not relieved from meeting these specifications in their entirety. 4. The heating cable shall be temperature self limiting type. D. Pawer connection kits and junction boxes shall be watertight cast aluminum. E. Signal Light Kit 1. 2. 3. Each cable shall have attached at the outer end oi the cable, a signal light kit, LED type, rated far the cable voltage, and installed such that light shall indicate "valtage present" at the end of the cable. Enclasures far the thermostat and signal light shall be in accordance with thc Area Classificatian and Enclosure Types as specified in Section 26 OS 33 Electrical Raceways, Boxes and Fittings. The enclosure supports for the thermostat and signal light enclosures shall be in accordance with the Strut Support Systems of Section 26 �5 29 Electrical Support Hardware. 36 F. Instrurnen�ation sample and sensing lines 37 1. Provide pre-insulated and heat traced 316 stainless steel tubing systems as 38 manufactured by Raychem, Thermon; or O'brien TRACEPAK, include 39 manufactares heat trace controlter in a NEMA 4X Stainless Sieel enclosure. 40 Controller shall sense temperature outside of fi1�e enclosure. 41 2. Approved equal Copyright 2D 19 GupEa & Associates, Inc. ROLLING HII,LS WATER TREATMENT PLANT FL.aW IvIET�.R REPLAC�.IVIENTS CTl'Y PR03EGT Nd. 102056 4D4100-5 ELECTRICAL HEAT'i'RACING Page 5 of 5 1 PART 3 - EXECUTION 2 3.1 INSTALLATION 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 lI i2 13 14 I5 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 A. Heat tracing system shall be installed where shown on the Drawings and in accordance with manufacturer's appro�ed shop drawings and recommendations. B. Heating cables shall be run parallel to the pipe only. 5piral wrapping of the heat cables around the pipes wil� not be per�rutted. C. Power cables for heat tracing circuits running from the supply panel ta circuit junction boxes located on each pipe shall be run in conduit. The heat tracing cabie shall connect to the power cable in a junction box and be routed onta the pige through a cable feeder connector with gland nut. The connector shalt be two-piece canstructian with a tapered neoprene bushing and recessed flame-resistant interior gland. The connector shall be attached to the pipe with aiuminum J.B. suppart and pipe strap. D. At each p�int where the junction box is attached to the piping for heating cable entry to the pipe or device being protected and after the heating cable has been installed, the junction box stand-off shall be filled with clear pow Corning TRV 732 compound ar equal rated 500 degrees F, to provide a waterproof connection. The sealant compound shalI also be forced into the voids in the insulation which were created during installation of the conduit hub. The sealant compound shaIl be placed to positzan. all cables away from standoff sides and to separate cabies away from one another. The sealant compound shall be applied in a clean, neat man�er and in strict accordance with the manufacturer's instiructions for the sealant. When the installatian is complete, check that none of the corr�pound has been left on other than the prescribed areas. 23 E. InstaIl "electricalIy traced line" warning signs every 2S feet along the outer pipe 24 insulation jacket, 25 1. Chemelex cata�og number 'BTL". � 25 2. Appraved equal 27 3.2 TESTING 28 A. Measure the resistance of heating cable system before and after pipe insulation. 29 30 31 32 33 34 B. Adjust ancl seal control thermostats to Qwner's and Engfneer's sarisfaction after instalfation is complete. G Confirm that the End of Cahle light functions Upon application of voitage to the tracing. Eli1D OF SECTYON Capyright 2019 Gupta & Associates, Inc. RQLLRVG HQ.LS WA'I'ER TREATMENT PLANT Fi.OW METER REPLACEMENTS C1TY PR07ECT NO. 102056 404100-6 EL�.C'I'RICAI. HEAT'I'RACIIVG Page 5 of 6 Copyright 2019 Gupta & Associates, Inc. 120I.LING HII,LS WATER TREATMENT PLANT FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS CTTY PROJECT NO. 102055 �t0 61 00 - 1 PROCESS CON'I'ROL SYSTEMS GENERAI. P120VI5IOIV5 Page 1 of 11 1 2 SECTI�N 40 6100 PROCESS CONTROL SYSTEMS GENERAL PROVISIONS 3 PART1� GENERAL 4 1.1 SUMMARY 5 6 7 S 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 i6 17 18 Section 40 61 00 40 70 50 40 71 00 40 72 00 40 78 00 40 80 00 Title 1'rocess Contirol Systems General Pravisions Instrumentation Suppart Hardware Flow Instruments Level Instruments Panel Mounted Controi Devices Process Control Systems Testing I9 D. Thraughout the Process Control System 5ections of Division 40, the term Contractor 20 shall refer to the General Contractor. 21 E. 22 23 24 25 26 F. 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 A. Furnish all labor, materials and equipment required to provide, install, test and make operational, a Process Instrumentation a�d Control System as specified herein and related specifications, and as shvwn on the Dravvings. B. The work shall include furnishing, installing and testing the equipment and materials detailed in each Sect�on of Division 40 Process Control System Sections. C. The work shall incIude fur�ishing, installing, and testing the equip�nent and materials detailed in the fallowing Sections: Equipment furnished as a part of other Divisions and shown on the Instrumentatzon and/or Electrical Drawings shall be integrated into the overall Instrumentation System Under the Process Controt System Sections of this Division. Instrurnentation specified in other Divisions shall meet the Specification requirements o� the Process Control System Sections of this Division. The Contractor shall provide the services of specialized personnel that meet all of the qualifications of a Process Control Systems Integrator (PCSI) who shall perfoxm all work necessary t� select, furnish, configure, custornize, debug, install, connect, calibrate, and place into aperation aIl process control system instrumentation hardware specified within this Division. The PCSI is not required to perform application engineering under this project. The applicatian engineering services, specifically existing PLC programming madiiications and existing HMI programming modifications will be perFormed by the Owner. The PCSI shall coordinate wi�h the Owner/ Engineer, far all scheduIing, instatlation, and startup services. G. H. L The Contractor shalI co�rdinate, and schedule all required testing with the General Contractor, Owner, Engineer and PCSI. J. The work shall include the following: Copyright 2019 Gupta & Associates, Inc. ROLLING HILLS WATER TREA'FMENT PLANT FLOW METER REPLACEMSNTS C1TY PRp7ECT 3Vb. 102056 ao�ioo-z PROCESS CONTROL SYSTEMS GENERAL PRdVISION5 Page 2 of 11 1 1. Make connections, including iield connections and interfacing be�ween 2 instrumentation, controIlers, contral devices, control panels and instrumentation 3 furnisl�ed under ather Divisions. Cantractar shall coordinate the construction 4 schedute and instru�nnentatzon and control inte�ace with the supplier of 5 instrumentation and conirol equipment specified under other Divisians. 6 2. Make wiring terminations for all fieid-mounted instruments furnished and mounted 7 under other Divisions, including process instrumentation primary elemenis, 8 transmitters, local indicators and control panels. Install vendor furnished cables 9 specified under other Divisions. 10 3. The Owner will provide pigtail cabling with connectors for the instrumen.ts. PCS� zs 11 required to complete tertninations on all Owner supplied cabling and cannectars. 12 4. Auxiliary and accessory devices necessary for system operation or performance to 13 interface with existing equipment or eqUipment pro�ided by other suppliers, shall 14 be included whether th�y are shown an th� Drawings. These devices include, but 15 are not Iimited to, transducers, current isolators, and signal conditioners, interposing 16 relays or protocol converters. 17 S. System design shall allow removing individual devices from service without 18 disrupting other unreIated de�ices in service. 19 6. Equipment shall be fabricated, assembled, installed, and placed in proper operating 2E} canditian in full confarmity with detail drawings, specifications, engineering data, 21 instructions, and recommendations by the equipment manufacturer as approved by 22 the Engineer. 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 '�. The field tagging for the new equipmen�/devices, includin� the contral panel wiring tags shall follow the existing tagging scheme. 8. Actual instaliation of the syst�m n��d n�t be perfarrried by the Contractor's PCSI employees; however, the PCSI shall provide the on-site technical supervision of ttxe installafiion. 9. The PCSI shall furnish equipment which is the product of one manufacturer to the maximum practical extent. Where this is not practical, all equipment of a given type shall be the praduct of one manufacturer. 31 10. All materials, equipment, labor, and services necessary to achieve tha monitoring 32 and control functions described herein shall be provided in a timely manner so that 33 the monitoring and control functians are available when the equipment is ready to 34 be placed into service. 35 36 37 38 �.2 RELATED WORK A. Where�er reference� are made to Related Wor�C in other Specification Sections of the Specifications, the Contractor is to provide such information ar work as rnay be required in those references and include such information or work as may be specified. 39 B. All Instrumentation �;vark related to Process and Mechanical Divisions equipment that is 40 shown on the Instrumentation Drawings shall be provided under Diviszon 4Q Process 41 Control System Sections unless otherwise explicitly shown. 42 43 44 45 4b C. All instrumentation Equipment and work pro�ided under any Divisian af the Specifications shall fully compiy with the requirements of Division 40 Instrumentations Sectians. D. No references are made to any other section which may contain work related to any other sectian. The Contract Documents shall be taken as a whole with e�ery section Copyright 2019 Gupta & Associates, Lic. ROLLING HII,LS WATER TREATMENT PLANT FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS CiTY PROJ�C'I' NO. 102056 40 61 0� - 3 PROCES3 CONTROL SYSTEMS GEN�RAL PRQVISIONS Page 3 of 11 1 related to every other section as required to meet the requirernents specified. The 2 organization of the Contract Documents inta specification divisions and sections is for 3 organization of the documents themselves and does not relate to the division of 4 suppliers or labor which the Contractar may choose to employ in the execution af the 5 Contract. Where referen.ces are made to other Sectians and other Divisio�s of the 5 Specifications, the Contractor shall provide such information or additional work as may 7 be required in those references and inclucle such in formation or work as may be 8 specified. 9 E. Other D�visians 10 1. The Contractor shail be responsible for examining all Sections of the Specifications 11 and Drawings and shall determine the power and wiring requirennents and shall 12 provide appurtenances, as required to provide a fuIly functioning process control 13 system. If the equipment requires added options, due to dif%rent equipment bezng 14 supplied, the Contractor shall furnish the additional appurtenances and/or wiring, 15 with no change in the Contract Price, and witn no increase in Contract Time. lb 1.3 SUBMITTALS l7 A. Submittal Frocess 18 19 2fl 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 1. Submit Shop Drawings, in accordance with Divisian 1 requirements, for equipment, materials and all other equipment specified under each Instrumentation Section of Division 40, except where specifzcally stated otherwise. An individuatly packaged snbtnittal shall be made for each Section and shall contaFn aIl of the infonnaiion required by that Section, unless specifically directed otherwise by the submittal requirements of that section. Partial submittais will nat be aecepted and will be returned un-reviewed. B. No submittais will be accepted %r Section 40 61 00, except for the qualificatians of the Contractor's PCSI as specified herein, and the Project Plan, Schedule and De�iation List Submittal. 28 C. Each Section submittal shall be complete, contain alI of the items listed in ihe 29 Specificatian Section, and shall be cleaxly marked to indicate which items are 30 applicable on each cut sheet page. The Submittal shall Iist any exceptions to the 31 Specifications and Drawings, and the reason for such deviation. Shop drawings, not so 32 checked and noted, wi�l be returned un-areviewed. 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 D. The Contractor shall check sk�op drawings for accuracy and Contract Requirements prior to submittal to the Engineer. Errors and omissions on approved shop drawings shatl not relieve the Contractor from the responsibiliry of providing materials and warkrnanship required by the Specifications and Drawings. Shop drawings shall be stamped with the date checked and a Statement indicating that the shop drawings conform to Specifications and Dzawzngs. Ornly one Speci�cation Section submittals will be allowed per trans�nittal unless sections are indicated for grouping in the individual sections. 41 E. Material shall not be ordered or shipped until the shop drawings have been approved. 42 No rt�aterial shall be ordered, ar shop work started if shop drawings are marked 43 "APPRQVED AS NOTED CONFIRM", "AFPROVED AS NOTED RESUBMIT" or 44 "NOT APPROVED". 4S F. Shop Drawings, O&M Manuals, and othear documenta�ion shall be submitted as listed in 46 each of the in�d�vidual Instrumentation Specification Sections. Copyright 2019 Gtiptx & Associates, fnc. ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT FLOW METER REFLACEME3VTS C£I'Y PR01EC'F' NO. 102056 4461Q0-4 PROCESS CONTROL SYSTEMS GENERAL PROVISIONS Page 4 of 11 1 2 3 4 5 b 7 S 9 14 11 12 13 14 15 16 i7 18 19 20 1. Sabmit operations and ma'rntenance data for equipment furnished under this Divisian, in accordance with Division 1. The manaals shalI be prepared specifically for this instaliation and shall i�clude catalog data sheets, drawings, equipment lists, descriptions, parts lists and operating and maintenaztce instructions. 2. Manuals shall include the following as a minimum: a. A cor�nprehernsive index. b. A camplete "As-Built" set of appraved shop drawings. c. A complete list of the equipmeni suppiied, including serial numbers, ranges and pertinent data. d. A table listing of the "as left" settings for all timing relays and alarm and trip setpoints. e. System schematic drawings "As-Built", illustrating all components, piping and electric connections of the systems supglied under this Division. f. Detailed service, maintenance and operation instructians far each item supplied. g. Special maintenance requirements particular to this system shall be clearly defined, along with special calibration and test procedures. h. The aperating instructions shali also incorporate a functianal description of the entire sy�tem, with references to the systems schematic drawings and instructions. i. Complete parts Iist with stock numbers, incl�ding spare parts. 21 G. Recard Drawings shall be promptly furnished when the equipment installation is 22 complete. Payment will be withheld until Record Drawings have been �uz'nis�ed and 23 approved. The PCSI shall provide markugs on all Frocess and Instrumentation Contract 24 Drawings. 25 H. At the time of delivery of the equipment, the Contractor shall Y�ave an approved shop 26 drawing far the Owner's Inspector and Owner's Engineer's verifications. 27 1.4 REFERENCE CODES AND STANDARDS 28 A. Instrumentation equipment, materials and installation shall comply with the Natianal 29 Electrical Code (NEC and with the latest edition of the following codes and standards: Copyright 2019 Gupta & Associatcs, Inc. ROLLING HiLLS WATER TREATMEMT PI.ANT Ff.OW METER REPLACEMENTS CTI'Y PR07ECT NO. i02056 40610D-S PROCESS CQNTROL SYSTEMS GSNERAT. PROV[SIONS Page 5 of I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1. National E�ectrical Safety Code (NESC) 2. Occupatzonal Safety and Health Adrninistration {pSHA) 3. Nationai Fire Protection Associatzon (NFPA) 4. National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) 5. American National Standards Institute (AN5I) 6. Insulated Cable Engineers Association (iCEA) 7. The International Society of Automation (ISA) 8 S. Underwriters Labarataries {UL) 9 9. UL 50$, the Standard of Safety for Industrial Control Equipment 10 10. UL 508A, the Standard of Safety for Industrial Control Panels 11 11. UL 50, the Standard of Safety for Enclosures far ElectricaI Equipment. 12 12. NFPA 79, Elect�ical Standard for Industrial Machinery 13 13. Factory Mutual (FM} �4 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2� 25 26 27 14. Ali eq�aipment and installations shall satisfy applicable Federal, State, and local codes. B. Where reference is made to one ai the above standards, the revzsion in effect at the time of bid opening shall apply. C. All znaterial and equipment, for which a UL standard exists, sl�al! bear a UL label. No such material or equipment shall be hrought onsite without the UL label af#ixed. D. If the issue of priority is due to a conflict or discrepancy between the provisions of the Contrace Documents and any referenced standard, ar code of any technical society, organization or association, the provisions of the Contract Documents shall take precedence if they are more stringent ar presumptiveiy cause a higher levei of performance. If there is any conflict or discrepancy between standard specifications, or codes of ar�y technical society, organization or association, or betvveen Laws and Reguiations, the higher performance requi rement shall be binding on the Contractor, unless otherwise directed by the Owner/Engineer. 28 E. In accordance with the intent of the Contract Documents, the Cantractor accepts the fact 29 that compliance with the priority order specified shal� not justify an increase in Contract 30 Price or an extension in Contract Time nor limit in any way, the Contractor's 31 responsibilicy to comply witl� all Laws and Regu�ations at all titnes 32 F. All control panels shall be constructed and the iabeling shaIl be affixed in a UL SUS 33 facility. 34 L� PROCESS CONTROL SYSTEMS INTEGRATOR (PCSI) 35 A. The Contractor shall provide �he ser�ices of a Frocess Cantrai Systems Integratar 36 {PCSI) for all work utzder the instrumentation sections of this and related Divisions, as 37 described in this section and related sections. 38 B. Qualifications 39 1. The PCSI shall be a"systems house," regularly engaged in the design and 4a installation of control and instrumentar'ron systerns and their associated subsystems 41 as they apply to the municipal water or wastewater industry. For th� purpases of Copyright 2019 Gupta & Associates, Inc. ROLLING HILLS WA'FER TREATMENT PLANT FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS CTPY PRQ3ECT NO_ 162656 40610D-6 PROCESS COI�ITR4L. SYSTHMS CrENERAL PROVISIONS Page 6 of 11 1 this and other applicable Divisians, a"systcros house" shall be interpreted to mean 2 an organization that complies with alI of the fallowing criteria: 3 2. Employs a registered professional Control Systems Engineer or Electrical Engineer 4 in the state of Texas to supervise or per#'orrn the wo�k «equrred by this Specification 5 Section. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 24 21 22 23 24 25 2b 27 28 2. Richardson Log'rc Contral 8115 Hicks Hollow McKinney, Texas 75071 Attn: Michel Cunningham Phone: 972.542.7375 3. �re-Approved Equal 29 D. The listing of specific PCSZ oxganizations above does not imply acceptance of their 30 products and capabilities that do not meet the specified ratings, features and funcfiions. 31 PCSI's listed above are not relieved fram rneeting these specifications in their entirety. 32 1.6 HAZARDOUS AREAS 33 34 35 36 3 G� 5 6 Employs personnel on this project who have successfully cornpleted a manufacturer's training course on the hardware configuration and impiementa�ion of the specific pr�granui�able controllers, computers, and software proposed for this project. Has been in the water/wastewater industry performing the type of work specified in this specification section for a rninimUm of five (5} continuous years. The PCSI shall maintain a fully equipped office/production facility with full-time employees capable of fabricating, configuring, installing, calibrating, troubleshootzng, and testing the system specified herein. Qualified repair persannel shall be available and capable of reaching the facility within 24 hours. PCSI shall have an Electrical Contractor's license in the State of Texas. C. The PCSI shall be one of the following: 1. Prime Cantrals S 15 Office Park Circle Lewisville, Texas 75057 Attn: Brian Paarch Phone: 972.221.4849 A. Equipment, materials and installation in areas designated as hazardous on the Drawings shall comply with NEC Articles 500, 501, 502 and 5�3. B. Equiprnent and materials installed in hazardous areas shall be UL listed for the apprapriate hazardous area classification. 37 1.'� CODES, INSPECTION AND FEE,S 38 A. Equipment, materials and installa�ion shall comply with the requirements of the local 39 authority having jarisdiction. 40 B. 4btain all necessary permits and pay all fees required for permits and inspections. 41 1.8 SIZE 4F EQUIPMENT Capyright 2019 Gupta & Associates, Inc. ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLAN'P FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS C1TY PROdECT NO. 102056 406104-7 PROCESS CONTR�L SYSTEMS GENBRAL PROVISIONS Page 7 of 11 1 A. Investigate each space in the struct�are through which equipment must pass to reach its 2 final location. Coordinate shipping splits with the manufactttrer to permit safe handling 3 and passage thraugh restricted areas in the structure. 4 B. The equigmene shall be kept upright at all tiznes during starage and handling. Wnen 5 equipment must be tilted for passage through restricted areas, braee the equipment ta 6 ensure that the tilting does not impair the functional integrity of the equipment. 7 1.9 RECORD DRAWINGS S A. As the work progresses, legibly recard all fieId changes on a set of Project Contract 9 Drawings, hereinafter calied the "Recard Drawings". The Record Drawings and 10 Speciiications shall be kept up to date throughout the project. 11 B. Record Drawings shall accurately shaw the installed candition of the following items: 12 1. Raceways and pull boxes. 13 2. Panel Schedule(s). 14 3. Control Wiring Diagram{s) including all wire tags. 15 4. Process Instrumentation Diagram{s) 16 5. Mounting Details 17 C. Submit with a schedule of control vviring raceways and wire numbers, including the 18 following information: 19 1. Circuit origin, destination and wire numbers. 20 2. Field wiring terminal strip narnes and numbers wzth field connection wire co�or. 2i D. As an alternate, submit a typical example of point-to-point connection diagrams 22 showin� the same infarmation, may be subrnitted in place of the schedule of cantro� 23 wiring raceways and wire numbers. � 24 E. Submit the record c�rawings and the schedule of control wiring raceways and wire 25 numb�rs (or the point-tapoint cannectian diagram) to the Owner/Engineer. 26 F. The Contractor's retainage shall not be paid until the point-to-point conn�ciion 27 diagrams have been furnished to the Owner/Engineer. 28 110 EQUIPMENT INTERCONNECTIONS 29 A. Review shop drawings of equipment furnished under other related Divisians and 30 prepare caordinated wiring interconnection diagrams or wiring tables. Subrnit copies of 31 wiring diagrams or tables with Record Drawings. 32 B. Furnish and install all equipment interconnections. 33 1.�1 MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT 34 A. Materials and equipment shall be new, except where specifically identified an the 35 Drawings to be re-used. 36 B. The Contractor shall not bring onsite, material or equipment from a manufacturer, not 37 sUbmitted and approved for this project. Use of any such material or equipm�nt, wili be 38 rejected, removed and replaced by tY�e Contractor, with the a�proved material and 39 equipment, at own expense. 40 C. Material and equipment shall be UL ]isted, where such listing exists. ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS Copyright 2019 Gupta & Associates, Inc. C1TY PR07ECT NO. 102056 4U 61 0(} - S PROCESS CDNTROL SYSTEMS GENERAL PROVISIONS Page 8 of l I 1 2 3 4 D. The Cot�tractor shall be responsible for all material, product, equipment and workmanship being furnished by him for the duration of the project. He shall replace the equipment ii it does not meet the requirements of the Contract Dacuments. 1.1� DELIVERY, �TORAGE AND HANDLING 5 A. Equipment shall i�e handled and stored in accordance witl� manufacturer's instructions. G Two {2} copies o� these instructions shall be included with the equipment at time of 7 shipment and shall be made avaiiable to the Contractor and Owner. 8 B. Shipping groups shali be designed to be shipped by truck, rail, or ship. Indoor groups 9 shall be bolted to slcids. Accessories shall be packaged and shipped separately. �0 C. Equipment shall be equipped to be handled 6y crane. Where cranes are not available, i 1 equipment shall be suitable for skidding in place on rollers using jacks to raise and i2 lower the groups. 13 D. Eqaipment shall be installed in its permanent, finished location shown on the Drawings i4 within seven (7) catendar days of arriving onsite. If the eq�ipment cannot be installed 15 within seven (7) calendar days, the equipment shall not be delivered to the site, but 16 stored offsite, at the Contractor's expense, until such time that tI�e site is ready for 17 permanent installation of tY�e equipment. 18 E. Where space heaters are provided in equipment or control panels, provide temporary 19 electrical power and operate space Iaeaters during jobsite storage and after equipment is 20 installed in permanent Iocation, until equipment is placed in ser�ice. 21 113 WARRANTIES 22 A. Manufacturer's warranties shall be as specified in each of the Specification Sections. 23 1.14 EQUIPMENT IDENTIFICATION 24 25 26 27 2$ 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 A. Identify equipment (control panels, control stations, instruments, etc) furnished under instrumentation sections of Division 40 with the name of the eyuipment it serves. Control panels, Instruments, meters 3unction or terminal boxes, etc, shall nave nameplate designations as shown on the Drawings. B. Nameplates shall be engraved, laminated impact acrylic, black lettering on a white background, matte finish, not less than 1/16-in thick by 3/4-in by 2-1/2-in, Rowmark 3224Q2. Nameplates shall be 315 SS screw maunted to all enclosures except for NEMA 4 and 4X. Nameplates for NEMA � and 4X enclosures shall be attached with double faced adhesive strips, TESA TUFF TAPE 4974, .009 X�/i", no equai. Prior to instal�ing the nameplates, the metal surface shall be thoroughly cleaned, with a 7Q% alcohal solution, uneil the metal surface r�sidue has been removed. Epaxy adhesive or foam tape is not acceptable. 36 PART 2 W PRODUCTS 37 A. Refer to other Division 40 sections. 38 B. Instruments Schedule Copyright 2019 Gupta & Associates, inc. 120LLIAIG I-III,C,S WATBR TREATMENT PI.ANT FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS CLTY PR07ECT IVO. i02056 406100-9 PROCESS CONTROL SYSTEMS GEWERAL PROVE5ION5 Page 9 of 11 INSTRUMENT NEW/ EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION/TAG TYPE EXISTING DRAWING Venturi/Differential Existing/ MV-1$ (E-1)/East l Pressure Indicating Relocat�on FIow Meter Flow Teansmitter Y-03/IZ-f Pressure MV-18 (E-1)/East 1 Pressure Indicating Existing/ Transmitter Pressure Transmitter Relocation I-03/IZ-� Intrusion MV-1$ {E-1) Vault New Switch Tnteusian Lirnit Switch I-03/IZ-1 MV-18 {E-1) Vault New Level Switch Flood Alarm Float T e I-03/IZ-1 Ventut7/Differential Existing/ MV-19 (S-1)/South 1 Pressure Indicating Relocation Flow Meter Flow Transmitter I-03/IZ-] Pressure MV-19 (S-1)/South 1 Pressure Indicating Existing/ Transmitter Pressure Transmitter Relvcation I-03/IZ-1 MV-19 (S-1) Vault New Level Svvitch Flood Alart�n Float T e I-03/IZ-1 MV-20 (S-2)/South 2 Magnetic Flow Existing/ Flow Meter Flow Meter Relacation I-03/IZ-1 Pressure MV-20 (S-2)/South 2 Pressure Indicating Existing/ Transmitter Pressure Transmitter Relacatian �-03/IZ-1 MV-20 {S-2) Vaalt New Level Switch Flood A�arm Float T e I-03/IZ-1 MV-21 (E-2)/East 2 Magnetic Flow Existing/ Flow Meter Flow Meter Relocation I-03/IZ-1 Pressure MV-21 (E-2)/East 2 Pressure Inci�cating Existing/ Transmitter Pressure Transmitter Relocatian I-Q3/IZ-1 MV-2l (E-2) Vault New Level Switch Flood Alarm Float T e I-03/IZ-1 Venturi/Differential New PressUre Indicating Flow Meter MV-22 LRaw 1 Flow Transtt�itter I-04/IZ-1 MV-22 Vault Fload New Level Switch Alarm Float T e Y-04/TZ-1 Pressure MV-22 /Raw 1 Pressure Indicating Existing/ Transmitter Pressure Transmitter Relocation I-�4lIZ-1 Venturi/Differential New Pressure Indicating Flow Meter MV-23 /Raw 2 Flow Transmitter I-04/IZ-1 MV-23 Vault Flood Nevv Level Switch Alarm Float T e I-04/IZ-1 Pressure MV-23 /Raw 2 Pressure Indicating New Transmitter Pressure Transmitter I-04/IZ-1 Isolation Valve Vault Level Switch Flood Alarm Float T e New I-04/IZ-1 PART 3 - EXECUTION Copyright 2019 Gupta & Associates, L►c. ADLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLAIVT FLQW METER REPLACEMENTS CTTY PRbJECT NO. 102Q56 4061�0-10 PItOCESS COIVTROT, SYSTEMS GE�iEEtAI. PRbVISION5 Page 10 of i l 1 3.1 INTERPRETATIQN OF DRAWINGS 2 A. Raceways and conductors for instr�i�nentation, communications and other 3 rniscellaneous low voltage power and signal systems as speciiied not shown on the 4 Drawings shall be provided as required for a complete and operating system. 5 B. The PCSI shall termir�ate a�l cond�actors of instrumentation systems to RTU and/or PLC 6 Termination Cabinets, where designated on the Drawings. The conduit and wire, as 7 shown on the electrical interface drawings, may not necessarily be shawn on the floor $ plan. 9 C. Install conductors carrying low voltage signals (typically twisted shielded pair cables} l0 in raceways totally separate from all ather raceways containing power or 12Q volt 11 control conductors, Refer to NEC article 725. DC and AC control wiring sha11 be 12 installed in separate raceways. 13 D. Redesign o� electrical or mechanical wo:rk, which is required due to the Contractor's use f4 of a pre-ap�aroved alternate instrumentation or control item, or arrangement of TS �quipment andlor layaut other than specified herein, shall be done by the Contractor at I6 own expense. Redesign and detailed plans shall be submitted ta the OwnerlEngineer for 17 approval. No additional compensation will be provided for changes in the work, either 18 own or others, caused by such redeszgn. 19 3.2 INSTRUMENTATION EQUIPMENT PADS AND SUPPORTS 20 A. Equipment pads and supparts, of concrete or steel including structural reinforcing and 21 foundations, are shown on the Structural Drawings. 22 3.3 INSTALLATION 23 A. Any work not installed according to the Dxawings and this Section shall be subject to 24 change as directed by the Owner/Engineer. No extra compensatian will be allowed for 25 26 27 2$ 29 3� 31 32 33 34 35 36 maldng these changes. B. All dimensions shall be field verified at the job site and coordinated with the work of ali ather trades. C. Equipment shall be protected at all rimes against mechanical injury or damage by water. Equipment shall not b� stored outdoors. Equipmen� shal� be stored in dry permanent shelters as required by each Specification Section. Do not install equiprnent in its permanent location until structures are weather-tight. Tf any apparatus has been subject to possible injury by water, Equipment shall be thoroughly dried out and tested as directed by tl�e Owner/Engineer ar sha11 be replaced at no additional cast at the Owner/Engineer's discretion. D. Eqaipment that has been damaged shall be replaced or rrepaired by the equipment manufacturer, at the Owner/Engineer's discretion. 37 E. Repaint any damage to the factory applied paint finisl� using tauch-up paint furnished 38 by the equipment manufacturer. If the metalIic portion of the panel or sect�on is 39 damaged, the entire panel or sectian shall be replaced, at no additional cost to the �Q Owner. 41 3.4 TESTING Copyright 2019 Gupta & Associates, Inc. ROLLING HIC.LS WATER TREATMENT PLANT FI.OW METER REPLACEMENTS CITY PROJECT MO. 10205G no6�oo-ii PROCESS CONTRO�. SYSTEMS GSNERAL PROVISiONS Page 11 of 11 1 A. Test systems and equipment furnished under Division 40 Process Control System 2 Sections and repair or replace all defective work. Make adjustments to the systems and 3 instruct the Owner's personnel in the proper operation of the systems. 4 B. Make the tests and checks prior to energizing instrumentation equipment in accordance S with 5ection Q�0 80 00, and the individual Specification seceions. 6 C. Testing sha�l be scheduled and coordinated wiih the Ovvner/Engineer at least two weeks 7 in advance. Provide qualified test persvnnel, instruments and test equipment, including 8 manufact�arer's services, as specified in the individual Specification sections. 9 D. Where test re�orts show unsatisfactory results, the Owner/Engineer will require the 10 removal oi al� defective or suspected materials, eqaiptxzent and/or apparatus, and their 11 replacement with new items, alI at no cost to the Owner. The Contractar shaIl bear all 12 cost for any retesting. 13 END OF SECTIQN ROLLING HTLLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS Copyright 2019 Gupta & Associates, Ir�a CITX PRQ7ECT NO. 102056 ao �o so - i IIVSTRUMENTATION SUPPORT HARDWARE Page 1 of S 1 2 SECTION 4d i0 �0 1NSTRUMENTATION SUPPORT HARDWARE 3 PART1- GENERAL � 11 SCOPE OF WORK 5 6 7 8 9 10 A. Furnish and insta�l instrumentation mounting and suppart hardware, as shown on the Drawings and as specified herein. B. Hardware shall include anchor systems, adhesive anchor systems, mekal framing systems, and ather instrumentation installation mounting and suppori systems as specified herein with additional requirements as shown on the Drawings or specified w�thin related sections. 11 1.� RELATED WQRK 12 13 1A 1S 16 17 1& 19 20 A. No references are made to any othez' section which may cantain work related to any other section. The Cantract Documents shall be iaken as a whole with every section related to every other section as required to meet the requirements specified. The arganization of the Contract Documents into specification divisions and secCions is for arganizatian of the documents themselves and does not relate to the division of suppliers or labor which the Contractor imay claoose to emplvy in the execution of the Contract. Where references are made to other Sections and other Di�isions of the Specificatians, khe Contractor shall provide such informatian or additionai work as may be required in those references and include such infarmation or work as may be specified. 21 1.3 SUBMITTALS 22 A. Sub�nnit ta the Owner/Engineer, irt accordance with Division 1, the manufacturers' names 23 and product designation or catalog numbers £or each of the types of materials specified 24 and where shown on the Drawings. 2� B. The submittal infarmation, for anchor systems, shall contain manufacturer's 26 specifications and technical data including; 27 1. Acceptable base material conditions (i.e. cracked, un-cracked cancrete) 28 29 30 31 32 33 2. Acceptable drilling methods 3. Acceptable bore hole canditions (dry, vaater saturated, water filled, under water} 4. Manufacturer's installation instructions including bore hal� cleaning procedures and ad�esive injection. 5. Cure and gel timetables 6. Temperature ranges (starage, installation and in-service). 34 1.4 REFERENCE CODES AND STANDARDS 35 A. AIl prodacts and campon��ts shown on the Drawings and listed in this specification 36 sha11 be designed and manufactuz'ed according to latest revision of the followir�g 37 sCandards (unless at�erwise nored): 38 1. NFPA 70 National Electrical Code {NEC} 39 2. NFPA 70E Standard for Electrical Safeiy in the WorkpIace ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT FLOW METER REPLACEMENT5 Copyright 2414 Gupka & Associates, Inc. CITY PR07ECT ND. iD2056 407050-2 INS'�'RUMENTAT[ON SUPPORT SARDWARE Page 2 of S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 3. ASTM E 4$8-96 (2003); Standard Test Method for Strength of Anchors in Concrete and Masonry Elements, ASTM Interr►ational. 4. ASTM E 1512-93, Stattdard Test Methods for Testing Bond Performance of Adhesive-Bonded A�achars, ASTM International 5. AC308; Acceptance Cr�teria for Post-Installed Anchors in Concrete Elements, Latest revision. 6. SAE 316 Stainless Steel Grades B. All equipment components and completed assemblies specified in this Section of the Specifications, having a UL stanctaxd, s�all bear the appropriate Iabel of Underwriters Laboratories. 11 1.� QUALITY ASSURANCE 12 A. The manufacturer af these materials shall have prod�ced siinilar electrical materials and 13 equipment for a�ninimum period of five {5) years. When requested by the 14 OwnerlEngineer, an acceptable list of installations with sinnilar equipment shall be 15 provided demonstrating compliance with this requirement. 16 1.6 JOBSITE DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING 17 A. Prior to jobsite deIivery, the Contractor shal� have successfully completed aIl su6mittal 18 requirements, and present to the Qwner/Engineer upan delivery oi the equipment, an 19 approved copy o� al� such submittals. Delivery of incamplete constructed equipziaent, 2d onsite �acYary work, or failed factory tests will not be permitted. 21 B. Materials shalI be laandled and stored in accordance with manuiacturer's instructions. 22 C. Adhesive Anchor Systems. 23 1. Deliver materials undamaged in Manufacturer's cIearly Iabeled, unopened 24 containers, identified with brand, type, and ICC-ES Evaluation Report number. 25 2. Coordinate delivery of materials with scheduled installation date, minimizing storage 26 time at jobsite. 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 3. Store materials undez' cover and protect from weather and damage in compliance with Manufacturer's requirements, including temperature restrictions. 4. Comply wiih recommended procedures, precautions or remedies described in material safety data sheets as applicable. 5. Do not ase damaged or expired materials. 6. Storage restrictians (temperature range) and expiralion date must be supplied with product D. Metal Framing Systems 1. Material shall be new and unused, with no signs of damage from handling. 36 1.7 WARRANTY 37 A. The Manufacturer shall warrant the equipment to be free from defects in material and 38 workrtzanship for 1 year frorn date of final acceptance of the equipnnent. Within such 39 period of warranty, the Manufacturer shall promptly fuz'nish all material and labor 40 necessary to return the equipment to new operating condition. Copyright 2019 Gupta & Associates, Inc. ROLLING HiLLS WA`d'ER TREATMEN'I' PLAIVT FLOW METER REPLACEMBIVTS CTI'Y PROJECT NO. 102D56 ao�oso-s INSTRUMENTATIbN SUPPORT HARDWARS Page 3 of 8 PART 2 � PRODUCTS 2 �.1 ANCHQRING SYSTEMS 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 A. Acceptable Manufacturers 1. Subject to comp�iance with the Contract Documents, khe following Manufacturers are acceptable: a. HILTI Kwik Bolt 3 b. Approved equal 2. The Iisting oi specific manufacturers above does not imply acceptance of their products ihat do not meet the specified ratings, features and functions. Manu�acturers listed above are not re3ieved from meeting these specifications in their entirety. B. Product Descript�on 13 1. Toz'que controlled expansion anchor consisEing of anchar body, expansion element 14 {wedges}, washer and nut Anchor shall he used for anchor sizes less than 3/8 inch. IS 2. All paris and materials shall be manufactured of 316 stainless sEeel and conform to I6 SAE 316 standards. 17 3. LTL 203 Rated. 18 2.2 ADHESIVE ANCHORING SY5TEMS 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2$ 29 30 31 32 33 A. Acceptable Manufacturers 1. Subject to compliance with the Contract Documents, the faliowi�g Manufacturers are acceptable: a. HILTI HIT-RTZ with H1T-HY 200 MAX. b. Approved equal 2. 2. The listing of speci�ic manufacturers above does not imply acceptance af their products that do not meel t�e speci£ied ratings, features and fuz►ctions. Manufacturers listed above are not relieved from meeting these specifications in their entirety. B. Product Descr�ption 1. Anchor bady with helical cone shaped thread on the embedded end and standard threads on the exposed end, with washer and nut, inserted into Injectian adtzesive. Anchor shall be used %r anchor sizes 3/8 inch and larger. 2. Ali parts and material shall be manufactured of 316 Stainless Steel and shall cor�forz� to SAE 316 standards. 34 �.3 U�CHANNEL SUPPORT SYSTEMS 3� 36 37 38 39 4Q 41 A. Acceptable Manufacturers 1. Subject to compliance with the Contract Documents, the followi�g Manufacturers are acceptable: a. Tyco LTnistrut b. B-Line c. Super-Strut d. Approved equa� Copyright 2019 Gupta & Associates, Inc. ROLLING F#ILLS WATER TREAi`MEN'I" PLANT FLC?W METER REPLAC�MENTS CTFY PRDJECT 1Vd. 102056 407050-�1 INS'I'R[]MEN'FATION SUFPORT I{Al2DWARE Pagc 4 of 8 1 2. The listing of specific manufacturers above does not imply acceptance of their 2 products that do not meet the specified ratings, features a�d functions. 3 Manufacturers listed above are not relie�ed irom meeting these specifications in 4 their entirety. 5 B. Product Descr�ption 6 1. Metal fraining system for use in the mounting or support of electrical systems, 7 panels and enclosures, and including Iighting fixture supports, trapeze hangers and 8 conduit supports. 9 io 11 2. Components sha11 consist of telescoping channeZs, slotted back-to-back channels, end clamps allthreads and conduit clamps. 3. Minimum sizes shall be 13/16" through 3-1/4" 12 4. Components shall be assembled by means of flat plate fittings, 90-degree angle 13 fittings, braces, clevis fittings, U-fittings, Z-fittings, Wing-fittings, Post Bases, 14 channel nuts, washers, etc. 15 5. Field welding of components will not be pern7itted. i6 6. Unless otherwise speciiiec� or shown on the Drawings, aIl parts shall be 17 manufaclured of 316 stainless steel and conform to SAE 3 f 6 standards. 18 7. Framing systems %r chlorine and ammonia rooms shall be manu£actured of 14 structural fiberglass. 20 2.4 INSTRUMENT PIPE STANDS 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3fl 31 32 33 34 35 3b 37 38 39 40 A. Acceptable Manufactnrers 1. Snbject to compliance with the Contract Documents, the following Manuiacturers are acceptable: a. Q'BRiEN Saddlepak b. Channel Track c. Techline Manuiacturing d. Approved equal 2. The listing of specific manufacturers above does not irnply acceplance of their products that do not meet the specified ratings, features and functions. Manufacturers listed above are :not relieved from meeting these specifications in their eniirety. B. Product Description 1 2 3. 4. Floor mount pipe stand for use in the mounting or support af Instrumentation Transmitters. Stand shalI consist of a 10 by 10-inch base plate of 1/4 inch steel with a minimum 40-inch-Iong 2-inch steel tube cente�' weIded with a minimum of two 8 inch long gussets fully welded for maximum strength. The base plate shall have slotted moun�ing holes near all four corners. The stand sh.all be fully zinc rnetallized or hot dip galvanize coated. Field welding o£ camponents will not be permitted. �1 2.� INSTRUMENT 5UNSHIELD 42 A. Acceptable Manufacturers Copyright 2019 Gupta & Assoceates, Inc. ROLLING HD,[_S WATER TREATMEA3T PI,ANT FLQW METER REPLACEMEI�fTS C1TY PIt07ECT NO. I02056 407050-5 SNSTRUMENTATIOAI SUPPORT HAR�WAAE Page 5 of 8 1 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1� 15 16 17 18 I9 20 � 2. Subject to compliance with the Contract Documents, the following Manufacturers are acceptable: a. Internatianal Metal Engineering Pte. Ltd b. O'BRIEN VIPAK c. Approved equal The listing af specific �nanuiaccurers abave does not imply acceptance of their products that do not meet the specified ratings, features and functions. Manufacturers listed above are not relie�ed from rneeting these specificatians in their entirety. B. Product Description 2I 2.6 INSTRUMENT TUB�NG AND FITTINGS 22 23 24 �5 26 27 28 24 30 31 32 33 3A� 35 36 37 38 39 44 41 42 43 44 45 46 A. Acceptable Manu£acturers 1. Subject to compliance with the Can�ract Docu�nents, the foilowing Manufacturers are acceptable: a. T�abing 1} Swagelok 2} Parker 3} Approved equal b. Fiitings 1} Swagelok 2} Parker 3} Appraved equal c. Valves 1 } Whitney 2} Parker 3} Appro�ed Equal 2. The listing o� specific manuFacturers above daes nat irr�ply acceptance of tlaeir products that do not meet the specified ratings, features and Functions. Manufaciurers listed above are not relieved from meeting these specifications in their entirety. B. Product Description 1. Pipe stand or structure mountecE sunshield far use in the protection of instrumentation irom direct sunlight. 2. Sunshield shall cansist of a minimum 10-inch overhang with a clear view of the inslrument display a�d working space for service of the instrumentation without removal. The sunshield shall be made of 316 Stainless Steel unless otherwise s�iown on the drawings. All mounti�ng haz'dware shall be furnished from 316 Stainless steel :materials. Alternate materials if shovc�n shall be Alutninutn or fiberglass reinfaxced plastic with UV inhib�tors. 3. All aluminum or stainless-steel Sunshields shall have all edges graund smooth without burs or sharp edges. 1. All instrument air header and branch connections shall be 316 stainless steel materials. 2. All instrument shut-off valves and associated fittings shail be supplied in accordance with the piping specifications and all instrument installation details. Fitrings shaTl l�e 316 stainless steel. Valves shall be 316 stasnless steel. Copyright 2fl14 Gupta Sc Associates, Inc. ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT FLQW METER REPLACEMENTS CTI'Y PR07ECT NO. 102056 407050-6 IN3TRUMENTATTOIV S[]PPORT I-iARDWARE Page 6 of 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 3. All instrument tubing shalI be fully annealed ASTM A269 Seamless 316 grade free of O.D. scraeches and having the following dimensional characteristics as reyuired to fit ihe specifie installation: a. 1/4-in to 1/2-in O.D. x a.035 wall thickness b. 5/$-in to 1-in O.D. x 0.049 wall thickness c. 1-in O.D. x 0.065 wall thickness d. 1-1/�4-in O.D. x Q.065 wall thickness e. 1-1/2-in O.D. x 0.083 wall thickness f. 2-in O.D. x 0.095 wall thickness IO 4. All process connections to instrunaents shail be annealed 1/2-in O.D. stainless steel 11 tubing, Tyge 316. 12 5. All mounting hardware shall be provided of 316 S�ainless steel. 13 6. All tubing shall be supparted by stainless steel and installed as per manufacturer's 14 installation instructions. 15 2�.7 STAINLESS TIES 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 � A. Acceptable Manufacwrers 1. Subject to compliance with the Contract Documenls, the following Manufacturers are acceptable: a. PANDUIT b. PHONIX CONTACT c. Gardner Bender d. Approved Equal 2. The listing of specific manufacturez's above does not imply acceptance of their products that do not meet the specified ratings, features and functions. Manufacturers listed above are not relieved from meeting these specifications in their entirety. B. Product Descriptian 1. Cable Ties for securing and supporting of flexible raceway and conductors. 2. Self-locking mechanism. 3. Material shall be 304 Stainless Steel unless otherwise directed as shown on the drawings. C. Locat�ons for Use 33 L Cable Ties of stainless steel to b� used in wet environtnents, where expased to 34 process, or when exposed to sunlight 35 2. Self-locking mechanism. 36 �.$ INTRUSION LIMIT SWITCH 37 38 39 40 A� 1 42 A. Acceptable Manufact�rers 1. Subjeet to compl�ance with the Cantract Documents, the following Manufacturers are acceptable: a. Allen-Bractley. b. Square D. c. Approved Equal. Copyright 2019 Gupta & Associates, Inc. RDLLING HQ.LS WATER TR�ATMENT PI.ANT FLOW METER R�PLACEMENTS CTl'Y PROJECT NO. 10205Fi 40705D-7 IlVSTRUMENTAT[OAI SUPPORT HARpWARE Pagc 7 of 8 1 B. The listing of specific manufacturers above does not imply acceptance of their products 2 that do not meeE the specified ratings, features and functions. Manufacturers listed aho�e 3 are not reli�ved from meeting these specifications in iheir entirety. � C. Type: 5 1. Direct opening 2-position snap action. b D. Function/Performance: 7 1. Minimum two doubie-pole, single-throw (DPST) NO cantacts, or two double-pole 8 dauble-throw {DPDT) contacts. 9 E. Physical: 14 1. Lever or button style spring return actuatar. 11 F. Contact rating for 120 VAC/30 VDC, 1QQVA m'rnimum. 12 G. Accessaries/Options Required: 13 1. Non-corrosive, NEMA 4X housing. 14 PART 3 � EXECUTION 15 3.1 GENERAL 16 17 18 i9 20 21 22 23 24 25 3.2 26 27 28 29 3.3 30 31 A. The Contractar shail install a11 equipment strictly in accordance with khe manufacturer's instructions and the Contract Drawings. B. The location of all devices is shown, in general, on the Drawings and rnay be �aried within reasonahle limits so as to avoid any piping or other abstruction without extra cost, subject to the approval af the Owner. Coordinate the installation af the devices for pipit�g and equipment clearance. C. No electrical equipment, Instrumentation ar raceways shall be attached ta or supported from, sheet metal walls. D. Install required safety lahels. FIELD QUALITY CONTRQL A. Inspect installed equipment �or anchoring, alignment, graunding and physical damage. B.. Check tightness of a11 accessible electrical connections. Minimum acceptable values are specified in manufacturer's instructions. POST INSTALLED ANCHOR SY5TEM5 A. Prior to installation of the anchor systems, the hole shall be clean and dry in accordance with th� manufacturer's instructions. 32 3.4 CLEANING 33 34 35 36 37 38 A. Remove ali nabbish and debris from inside and araund the installation. Remove dirt, dust, or concrete spatter from the interior and exterior of the equipment using brushes, vacuum cleaner, ar clean, lint free rags. Da not use compressed air. Copyright 2019 Gupta & Associates, Inc. END OF SECTTON ROLLING HILLS WATElZ TREATMENT PLANT FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS CITY PRO]ECT NO. 102056 407050-5 INSTRUMENTATION 3UPPORT HARDWARE Page $ of 8 Copyright 2019 Gupta & Associates, Inc. ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLA3VT FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS CITY PROdECT NO. l02D56 40i100-1 FLOW IlVSTRUME3VTS Page 1 of 7 2 3 4 SECTION 40 '�100 FLOW INSTRUMENTS PART1� GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY 5 A. Furnish, install and test all flow rneasurement, flow control devices and appurtenances, 6 as shown an the Drawings, specified in the Related Work Sections and Di�+isions, and 7 as specified herein. 8 B. Flow equipment, specified in other Divisians, shall be manufactured in acc�rdance wiih 9 this Section and submitted as a part of the equipment specified in other Di�isions. 1Q 1T 12 13 1� 1S 16 �� 1s 19 20 21 1.� RELATED WORK A. Na re#erences are made to any other section which may contain work related to any other sectian. The Contract Documents shall be taken as a whole with every sec�ion related to every other sectian as required ta meet the requirements specified. The organization of t�e Contract Docaments into specification divisions and sections is for organization of the documents themselves and daes not relate to the division of suppliers or labor which the Contractor may choose to emplay in the executiorn of the Contract. Where references are made to other Sections and other Divisians of the Specifications, the Contractor shall pro�ide such information or additional work as may be required in those references and include such information or work as may be specified. 1,3 SUBMITTALS 22 A. Submit catalog data far aIl items supplied from this specification Section as applicable. 23 Submittai shall include catalog data, functions, ratings, inputs, outputs, displays, etc., 24 sufficient to confirm that the meter or reiay provides every specified requirement. Any 25 options or exceptions shali be clearly indicated. 26 B. Suhmittals %r equipment sgecified herein, for other Sec�ions or Divisions, shall be 27 rnade as a part of equipment submittals furnished under other Sec�ions or Divisions. 28 29 3Q 3I 32 33 34 35 36 C. Installation experience documentation shall be submitted for approval with the Section Equipment Submittal D. Operation and Maintenance Manuals. 1. Operation and Maintenance mannals shall be constructed in accordance with Division 1 and shail include the following information: a. Manufacturer's contact address and telephone number for parts and service. b. Instruction books and/or leaflets c. Recommended renewal garts iist d. Record Documents for the infarmation required by the Submittals abo�e. 3� 1.4 REFERENCE CODES AND STANDARDS 38 A. The equipment in this specification shail be designed and manufactured accarding to 39 latest revision of the following standards (unless otherwise noted}: Copyright 2019 Gupta & Associ ates, jnc. ROLLING HII,LS WATER TREATMEAIT PLANT FLOW MEi'ER REPLACEMENTS CITY PR07ECT NO. 102056 4D71 OR-2 FLbW iNSTRU1ViEiVTS Page 2 of 7 1 1. ISO 2975/VII liquids and BS 5857-2.4 for gases. Transit Time Meters 2 2. ISO 9555-1 and ISO 9SS5-2. Liquid f�ow fn open channels. Radiotracer diiution 3 method of calibration for open channel flow measurements. 4 3. American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). 1971. Fluid meters: Their 5 theory and appiication. G 4. International Oxganizatian of Standards {ISO Slf7-1). 1991. Measurerrfent of fluid 7 #1ow by means of pressure differential devices Venturi Tube w/ liquid 8 5. ASME PTC 19.2 Fressure Measurement 9 6. ANSI B$8.1 Pressure Transducers Caiibration 1p 7. ISA 537.6 Strain Gage Transducers Potentiometric il $. CaIibra�ion AVS 6.2, 6.4, f.S Hazardous Areas 12 9. IEC 79-10 Intrinsicalty Safe Circuits 13 10. ANSI 913 Electrical Instruments in Hazard�us Atmospheres 14 �5 16 17 B. All meters, relays and associated equi�ment shall camply with the requirements �f the National Electric Code and Underrwriters Labora�ories (UL) wk�ere applicable. C. Each specified device shalI also conform to the standards and codes listed in the indi�idual de�ice paragraphs. ts 1.5 QUALITY AS�URANCE Z9 A. The nnanufacturer of this equipment shall ha�e produced similar instrumenta�ion zo equipment for a minimam period of five (5) years. When requested by the 21 Owner/Engineer, an acceptable lis� of installations wzth similar equipment shall be 22 provided demonstrating compliance with this requirement. 23 B. Equipment submitted shall fit within the space or location shown on the Drawings. 24 Equipment which does not fit within the space or location is not acceptable. 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 C. For the equipment specified herein, the manufacturer shall be ISO 9001 2000 certified. 1.6 WARRANTY A. The Manufacturer shall warrant the eqe�ipment to be free from defects in material and workmanship for two (2) years fram date of acccptance of the eyuipment containing the items specif'red in this Section. Within sucn period of warranty, the Manufacturer shall promptly furnish ali material and iabor necessary to return the eyuipment to new operating conditian. Any warranty work requiring shipping or transporting of the equiprnent shall be performed by the Contractor at no expense to the Owner. PART � - PRODUCTS 2.i DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE TRANSMITTERS/PRESSURE INDICATING TRA.NSMITTERS A. Subject to compliance witl� the Contract Documents, the following Manufacturers are acceptable: Copyright 2019 Gupta & Associates, Inc. ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT FLOW 1VIETER REPLACEMEAiTS CiTX PROJECT NO. 102056 40 71 00 - 3 FLOW INSTRUMENTS Page 3 of 7 1 1. Foxboro 2 2. Approved Equal 3 B. The listing oi specific manufacturers abo�e does not itnply acceptance of their products 4 that do not meet the specified ratings, features and functians. Manufacturers listed 5 abave are not relieved from meeting these specifications in their entirety. 6 C. General 7 1. Provide sufficient lengths of Manufacturer's specialty cables far installation of 8 power and signal conductors as provided with each instrument. 9 D. Type 10 1. Microprocessor based intelligent type. 1 � 2. Diaphragm actuated. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 �g 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 zs 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 3& 39 44 41 42 E. Function/Performance: 1. Output: 4-20 mA DC. Output shall be proportionai to the square raot of the differential pressure Input (Dii%rential Pressure Transmitters}. 2. Accuracy: 0.1 percent of span {linear output). 3. Stability: Cvmbined temperature effects shall be less than 0.2 percent of maximum span per 50 degrees F temperature change. Effect an accuracy due to stakic pressure changes shall be negligible. 4. RFI Protection: 0.1 percent error between 27 and 500 MHZ at 30 vlm field intensity. S. Drift: 0.10 percent per six months far 4-20 mA output. 6. Sensor Technology: Digital. 7. Over Range Frotection: Provide positive over range protection. F. Physical 1. Electrical Classi�cation: Intrinsically safe for Class I and Class II, Division 1 Iocations (if indicated on plans) 2. Enclosure: NEMA 4X. 3. Sensor Diaphragm Material: Cobalt-Nickel-Chrotne alloy or Hastelloy C. 4. Gaskets: Teflon. 5. Sensor Fill Fiuid: Shall be suitable for process fluid being measured. When used for chemical metering ser�ice, sensor fil� fluid shall be rated specifzcally for the chemical being measured. G. Power Requirements: 1. Loop powered, two wire type. H. Options/Acces sories 1. Provide span and zero adjustme�t at each transmitter. 2. Provide local inrlication at each transmitter, either analog gauge or LCD readout. Scale shall be i� engineering units. 3. Far each �ransrnitter pravide a manifold as specified herein, with the following Modes: a. Normal Made b. Zeroing Mode Copyiight 2019 Gupta & AssociaCes, Inc. ROLL�G HILLS WATER T12EATM�NT PLANT FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS CITY PROJECT NO. 102056 40 71 00 - 4 FLOW INSTRiIM�NTS Page 4 of 7 � 2 3 4 5 b c. Isolation Mode d. Calibration Mode e. Blow down Mode 4. Provide a hand-held programmer for each transmitter, where full setup is not available for the ins�rument dir�ctly. 2.2 VENTURI FLQW TUBE 7 A. Subject to compliance with the Contract Documents, the following Manufacturers are 8 acceptahle: 9 1. PFS 10 1] 12 13 14 15 Z6 �� ]8 l9 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3D 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 4Q 41 �2 43 B. The listing of speciiic manufacturers above does not imply acceptance of their products that do not meet the specified ratings, features and functions. Manufacturers listed ahove are not relieved from meeting these specifications in their entirety. C. General 1. Match the space reqUirement as shown on the Drawings D. Type 1. The zxzete:r shall be of the pressure differential-p:roducing type utilizing pure static pressures sensed at the inlet and at the throat tap cross sections, without the use of devices which amplify clifferential by sensing chang� in direction af flow at the crass-sections where iniet and/or thraat static pressure is normally sensed. Where indicated, meters shall l�e of the short pattern Venturi tube, with necessary pressure connections and transmitting equipment as indicated below. Stainless steel cleanout rods to clean process sense lines internal to Venturi shall be provided. E. Functional Performance 1. Accuracy: �'low meter shall have an accuracy of plus or minus �/z percent. F. Physical 1. The inlet section shall incorporate a high pressure tap that shall be a cylindrical section of the same nominal diameter as the pipe. 2. The throat section shall be cylindrical for a minimum length of 1/2 of the throat diameter. The low-pressure tap shall be installed in this sec�ian. The metering element shall be free of debris-collecEing cavities or annular ct�ambers and shall have single pressure connections at the inIet and at the throat. The outlet cone shall be txuncated and have a maximum included angle af 10 degrees Interior and exterior surfaces. The throat shall be coated with a two-part epoxy finish, NSF appraved far use with potable water, dry film thicicness (DFT) shall be at ieast 6.0 tniIs for both internal and external surfaces. The m�i�num o�er range pressure limit shall be a minimum of 150 percent of the maximu�n range. Atl vvetted pares shall be constructed from 316 Stainless Steel. 3. Body: The Venturi body shall be cast iron per ASTM A 126, Grade B, with 30� Stainless Steel throat and Pressure Tap per ASTM B 61. Static pressare rating shall be a minimum of 25D psig. Bolts fram process covers an.d process cannectors shall be the same material as indicated for the pracess covers. 4. Valving: Al� block and bleed valves shall be constructed of 3�6 stainless steei. G. Test Data: Copyright 2619 Gupta & Associates, Inc. ROLLIIYG HILLS WATEIt TREATMENT PLANT FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS CTI'Y PR07ECT NO. 1a2056 407100-5 FLpW INSTRLTMENTS Page 5 of 7 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ia 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 �8 1. Test procedures and test apparatus calibratian certification. 2. Certified test data. 3. Calcuiation for test resu�ts. 4. Curve of ineter Discharge Coefficient versus #low rate and Reynolds Number from U to 1a0 percent of design flow. 5. Cur�e of Venturi accuracy versus flow rate from 0 to lOQ percent of design flow. 6. Curve of differential pressure at the Venturi throat versus flow rate from D to 100 percent af design flow. 7. Curve of Venturi head loss versus flow rate from 0 to 100 percent of design flow. H. Venturi shall be the product of a single manufacturer who has produced Venturi flow elements of simiiar design and size far the last five years. . I. Calibration Test: 1, The Venturi meter manufacturer shall submit a certified flow calibration plan for the specified 84-inch Venturi for approvaL The calibration plan shall include at a minimum the following specific details canceming the calibration process. 2. The upstream piping the flow lah utilizes far the calsbration o� the specified 84-inch Venturi shall be of the same inside diameter as the field piping and must match the inside diameter of the Venturi inlet section. 19 3. The Venturi shall be tested at a minimum of IQ points over the specified minimum 20 ta maximum flow range to detexmine that the Venturi meter's discharge coefi�icient 21 will remain constant to within 0.25 %a accuracy. The Venturi meter head loss and 22 Reynolds numbers shall also be recorded at each of the 10 test points. 23 4. Once the first series of 10 paints has been recorded, a second set of 10 points shall 24 be taken at the same flaw rates as the first in order to prove the repeatability of the 25 Venturi meter. 26 5. The laboratory wili provide a preliminary test report which shall be submitted fo:r 27 approval within 48 hours oi the canclusion of the testing and the equipment will not 28 be released for shipment to the jobsite until the written authorization is provided 29 that the test results are acceptable. 30 6. Based on the straight pipe test results, if the Venturi meter fails to meet the 3� specifzed requirements, the manufacturer shall have one oppartunity to re-work the 32 Venturi meter and re-test it according the sarrte calibration plan as noted aho�e at 33 no cost to the owner. 34 7. If [he reworked meter fails to calibrate accarding to the specified req�irernents, the 35 Venturi meter will he rejected and the manufacturer shall build a replacement meter 36 and follow the above calibration plan, continuing to do sa until an acc�ptable 3� calibration result is obtained. All costs related to re-testing or replacing any 38 unacceptable meters will be the responsibility oi the Venturi manuiacturer. 39 J. Power Requirements �0 1. None 41 K. QptionslAccessories 42 �3 1. None 2.3 SPARE INSTRUMENTS AND RELATED COMPONENTS Copyright 2019 Gupta & Assnciates, Inc. ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS CiTY PROJECT AIO. 102p5fi 4471 DO-6 FLOW INSTRUMEiVTS Page 6 of 7 1 A. Contractor shall furnish a minimum of one or 14 percent of each instalied instrument, 2 whzchever is greater. 3 B. All spare equipment shall be packed in a manner suitable for Iang-term storage and 4 shall be adequately protected against corrosion, heamidity and temperature. �n.dividually 5 maek anc� vacuum seal ali spare parts. Provide other spare parts as indicated on the 6 ind'zvzdual device specifications. � PART 3 - EXECUTION 8 3.1 INSTALLER'S QUALIFICATIONS 9 A. Installer shall be specialized in installing this rype of equipment with minimum 5 years 10 documented experience 11 3.2 EXAMINATION 12 A. Examine installation area to assure there is enough clearance to instatl the equipment. 13 B. Veriiy that the equipment is ready to install. 14 C. Verify field measurements are as instructed by th� manufacturer. 15 3.3 INSTALLATIQN 16 A. The Contractor shalI install all equipment per the manufacturer's recammendations and 17 Cantract Drawings. 18 B. A�1 process connections shall be 316 stainless steel tubing, 3/8" minimum, unless i9 otherwise shown on the Drawings. Fittings shall be of the compression type, 316 2� stainless steel. 2l C. All conduit entries into the instruments shall use hubs vf watertight, threaded 22 aluixiinum, insulated throat, stainiess steel grounding screw, as manufactured by T&B 23 HISOGRA Series, or equal. 24 D. Install stainless steel instrument labels with instrument ID, secured with safety wire. 25 E. All non-loop powered inshument transmitters shall have an approved disconnecting 26 means for power mounted within reach of the transmitter. 2� 3.4 AACEWAY SEALING 28 A. Where raceways enter terminal boxes, junction boxes, or instrumentation equipment, all 29 entrances shall be sealed with 3M 1000NS Watertight Sealant, or approved equal. 3a 3.� FIELD QUALITY CONTRQL 3� A. Inspect installed equipment for anchoring, alignment, grounding and physical dannage. 32 B. Check tightness of a�l accessible eIectrical connections. Minimum acceptable values 33 shall be specified in the manufacturer's instructions. 34 3.6 FIELD AD�USTING IZOLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT FLOW ME7'�R 12�PLACEMENT5 Copyright 2019 Gupta & Associates, Inc. CITY PROJECT NO. 102056 4Q7100-7 FLdW INSTRUMENTS Page? of7 1 A. Adjust all equipment for proper range and field conditions, as described in the 2 manufacturer`s instructions. 3 B. Any field adjustments, required for proper system operation, shall be included in the 4 Final O&M. 5 3.9 FIELD TESTING 6 A. Perform all electrical field tests recomrnended by the manufacturer. 7 B. Test each interlock systern for proper ft�nctioning. 8 G Test all control logac for proper operation. 9 3.8 CLEANING 10 A. Remo�ve all rubbish and debris from inside and around the equipment. Remo�e dirt, 11 dust, or concrete spatter from the interior and exterior of the equipment using brushes, 12 vacuum cieaner, or clean, lint free rags. Do not use compressed air. � 3 3.9 EQUIPMENT PRQTECT�ON AND REST�RATION 14 A. Touch-up and restare damaged surfaces to factory finish, as appro�ed by the 15 manufacturer. If the damaged surface cannot he returned to iactory specification, the � 6 surface shail be replaced. 1� 3.10 MANUFACTURER'S CERTIFICATION 1s A. A qualified factory-trained and certified representative shall certify in writing that the 19 eqaipment has been installed, adjusted, including all settings as defined in the Contract 20 Documents. 21 B. The Contractor shall pro�ide three (3} copies of the representati�e's certificati�n. 22 3.11 TRAINING 23 A. Provide the representatives, services for training of Owner's personnel in operation and 2�t �naintenance of the equipment furnished ander this Section. 25 B. The trairning for each type of equipment shall be for a period of not less than one (1) 26 eight-haur day. 2� C. The cost of training program to be conducted with Owner`s personnel shall be included 2s in the Contract Price. The training and instruction, insofar as practicable, shall be 29 directly related to the system being supplied. 30 D. Pro�ide detailed O&M manuals to supplement tl�e training course. The manuals shall 31 include specific details of equipment supplied and operations specific to the praject. 3z E. The training session shall be conducted by a manufacturer's qualified representative. 33 Training program shall include instructions on the assembly, motor starters, protective 34 devic�s, m�t�ring, and other majar components. 35 F. The Owner reser�es the right to videotape the training sessions for the Owner's use. 36 END OF SECTION RbLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLAI�FT FLOW METER REPLACEMEN'I'S Copyright 2419 Gupta & Associates, Inc. C1TY PROJECT NO. 102056 ao�zoa-� LEVEL II�STRiTMEIVTS Page 1 of 4 � 3 PART 1 � GEI�TERAL 4 1.1 SCOPE OF WORK SECTION 40 7� 00 LEVEL INSTRUMENTS 5 A. Furnish, instalf and test all level measurement, level contral devices and appurtenances, 5 as shown on the Drawings, specified in tk�e Related Work Sections and Divisions, and 7 as specified herein. 8 B. Level equipment, specified in other Divisions, shall be manufactured in accordance 9 with this Section, and submitted as a part of the equipment speci�ed in other Divisions. 10 1.ti RELATED WORK 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 24 A. No references are made to any other section which may cantain work related to any other section. The Cantract Dacuments shall be taken as a whole with e�ery section related to every otl�er section as required to meet the requirements specified. The organization of the Contract Documents inta specificatian divisions and sections is for organization of the documents themselves and does not relate to the division oi suppliers or labor which the Contractor may choose to empl�y in the execution of tiie Contract. Where references are made to other Sectio:ns and other Divisions of the Specifications, the Contractor shall provide sucl� information or additional work as may be required in those references and include sucn information ar work as may be specified. 21 1.3 SUBMITTALS 22 A. Submit cata�og data far all items supplied from this specification Section as applicable. 23 Submittal shall include catalog data, functions, ratings, inputs, autputs, displays, etc., 24 sufficient to confirna that ihe zneter or relay provides every specified reqairement. Any 25 options or exceptions sha�l be cIearly indicated. 26 B. Submittals for equipment specified herein, for other Sections or Divisions, shall be 27 made as a part of equipment submittaIs f�rnished under ather Sections or Divisions. 2$ 29 3a 31 32 33 34 35 36 C. Installation experience documer�tation shall be submitted for appraval with the Section Equipment Submittal D. Operation and Maintenance Manuals. 1. Operation and Maintenance manuals shall be constructed in accordanc� with Division 1 and shall include the following informaiion: a. Manufacturer's contact address and telephone number for parts and service. b. Instruction books and/or leaflets c. Recomrnended renewal parts list d. Recard Documents for the information required by the Submittals abova. 37 1.4 REFERE�ICE CODES AND STANDARDS 38 A. The equipnnent in this specification shall be designed and manufactured according to 39 Iatest revision of the %llowing standards (unless atherwise noted): 40 l. National Electrical Safety Code (NESC) Copyright 2019 Gupta & Associates, Inc. RpLLIIVG HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT PLOW METER REPLACEMENTS CTI'Y PROJECT NO. 102D56 ao�zoo-z LEVEL INSTRCJMENTS Page 2 of 4 1 2. Occapational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA} 2 3. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 3 4. National Electrical Manufact�rers Association (NEMA} 4 5. American National Standards Institute {ANSI} 5 6. Insulated Cable Engineers Association (ICEA) 6 7. Tnstrumentatian Society of Automation (TSA} 7 $. Underwriters Laboratories {UL} 8 9. UL 508, the 5tandard of Safety for Industrial Control Equipment 9 10. UL 508A, the Standard of Safety for Industrial Cantral Panels l0 11. UL 50, the Standard of Safety for Enclosures for Electrical Equipment. 11 12. NFPA 79, Electrical Standard for Indust�al Machi:nery 12 13. Factory Mutual (FM) 13 14. All equipment and installations shall satisfy applicable Federal, State, and local 14 codes. 15 1.� QUALITY ASSURANCE 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 1.6 24 25 26 27 2$ 29 A. The manufacturer of this equipment sha11 have produced similar instrumentarion equipment for a minimum period of five (5} years. When requested by the 4wner/Engineer, an acceptabl� list of installations with simi[ar equipment shall be provided demonstrating compliance with this requirement. B. Equipment submitted shall fit within the space or location shown on the Drawings. Equipment which does not fit �;vithin the space or location is not acceptable. C. �'or the equipment specified herein, the manufacturer shall be TSO 9001 2000 certified. WARRANTY A. The Manufacturer shall waz-rant the equzpment to be free from defects in material and workmanship for twa {2) years from date of acceptance of the equipment containing the items specified in this Section. Within such period of warranty, the Manuiacturer shali pxomptly furnish all material and labar necessary to return ihe equipment to new operating condiiion. Any warranty work requiring shipping or transporting of the equzpment shall be performed by the Cantractar at no expense to the Own.er. 30 PART 2 � PRQDUCTS 3� 2.1 FLOAT TYPE LEVEL �WITCHES 32 A. Subject to coznpliance with the Contract Docu�nne�ts, the follor�ving Manufacturers are 33 acceptable: 34 1. Contegra FS-9a 35 2. Appraved Equal 36 B. Ttze listing of specific manufacturers above does not irnply acceptance of their products 37 that do not meet the specified ratings, features and functions. Manufacturers listed 38 abo�e are not relieved frortz meeting these specification� in their entir�ty. 39 C. General Copyright 2019 Gupta & Associates, Inc. 1tOLLING I�ILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT FLOW MSTER REPLACENiE�i'I'S CTTY PROJECT IVO. 1020Sfi 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 aa �z oo - 3 LEVEL INSTRUMENTS Page 3 of 4 1. Provide sufficient Lengths oi Manufactur�r's specialty cables for installation of pawer and signal conductors as pravided with each instrument. D. Type: 1. The svvitch assembly sha1� be weighted and suspended on its own cable. E. Funct�an/Performance: 1. Temperature Rating: 0-50 degrees C. 2. Contact Rating: Up to 150V ACIDC and 1 amps AC, 1 arnps DC. 3. Contact Arrangement: Form C contact which is field seiectable normally open or closed. F. Physical: ]. Contact: Sealed mercury free switch housed in a chemical-resistant p�lypropylene or Stainless-Steel casing. 2. Switch shaIl have a rating for thre area in which it is installed. 3. Flexible Support Cable: Synthetic four wire cable, minimum 19 AWG wire. 4. Specific G:ravity: Match to fluid being measured. G. Power Requirements 1. None H. Required Qptions/Accessories 1. Provide flexible support cable af sufficient iength to ensure no splice or connection is required in the wet well. 2. Provide junction box rated for the axea in which it is installed. 3. Provide stainless steel supports/mounting accessories as required. I. Installation 1. Frovide A�1 Hardware from the manufacture for the installation as described and shown on the plans. 2. Provide stainless steel wire ties for all cables vvithin the wet well area or exposed to outdoor en�ironments. 28 PART 3 � EXECUTION 29 3.1 INSTALLER'S QUALIFICATIONS 30 A. Installer shall be speciaiized in installing this type of equipment with minimum S years 31 documented experience 32 3.� EXAMINATiON 33 A. Examine installation area to assure there is enough clearance to install the equipment. 34 B. Verify that the equipix�ent is ready to install. 35 C. Verify field rneasurements are as instructed by the manufacturer. 36 3.3 INSTALLATION 37 A. The Contractor shall install all equipment per the manufacturer's recommendations and 38 Contract Drawings. Copyright 2019 Gupta & Assaciates, Inc. 120LLING HII.LS WATER TREATMENT PLANT FLOW METER REPLACEMEIVTS CITY PRO�ECT NO. I02056 407200-4 LEVEL INSTRCTMENTS Page 4 of 4 1 B. All conduit entries into the instruments shall use hUbs of watertight, threaded 2 aluminum, insulated throat, stainless steel grounding screw, as manufaciured by T&B 3 H150GRA Series, ar equal. 4 C. Install stainless steel instrument labels with inst�-ument ID, secured with safety wire. 5 3.4 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL 6 A. Inspect instalied equipment for anchoring, alignment, grounding and physical damage. 7 B. Check tightness oi all accessible electrical connections. Minimum acceptable values 8 shall be specified in the manufacturer's instructions. 9 3.� FIELD ADJUST�NG 10 A. Adjust all equipment for praper range and field conditions, as described in the 11 manufacturer's instruct�ons. 12 B. Any field adjustments, required for proper system operation, shall be included in the 13 Final O&M. 14 3.6 FIELD TESTING 15 A. Pcrform all electrical field tests recommended by the manufacturer. 16 3.7 CLEAIVING 17 A. Remove all rubbish and debris from inside and around the equipment. Remove dirt, 18 dust, or concrete spatter from the interiar and exterior of the equipment using brushes, 19 vacaum cleaner, or clean, lint free rags. Do not �se compressed air. 20 3.8 EQUIPMENT PROTECTION AND RESTORATION 21 A. Touch-up and restore damaged suriaces to factory finish, as approved by the 22 manufacturer. If the damaged surface cannot be returned to factary specification, the 23 snrface shall be replaced. 24 25 END OF SECTION ROLLING HILI.S WATER TREATMENT PLANF FLOW METER REPLACEMEI�lTS Copyright 20 [9 Gupta & Associates, inc. CTTY PRbJECT NQ, 10205b 40 78 DO - 1 PANEL MOUNTED CdNTROL DEVICES Page I of 12 SECTION 40 78 00 2 3 PART1� GENERAL PANEL MOL]NTED CONTRQL DEVICES 4 1.1 SCOPE �F WORK 5 A. This Section of tkie Specificatians describes tlae requirements for paneI mounted 6 equipment to be furnished under oxher Sections of the Specifications as listed in the 7 Related Work paragraph of this Section. 8 B. All equipment described herein shalI be submitted and furnished as an integral part of 9 equipment specified elsewhere in rhese Specifications. 1Q 1.2 RELATED WORK 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 A. No references are made to any other section which may contain work related to any other section. The Contract Documenis shall be taken as a whole with ev�ry section related to every other section as required to meet the requireme�ts specified. The organization of the Contract Documents into sp�cification divisions and sectians is for organization of the docnments themselves and does noi re�ate to the division of suppliers or labor which the Contractor rnay choase to employ in the execution of the Contract. Where references az'e t�nade to other Sectians and other Divisions of the Specifications, the Contractor shall provide such information or additional work as may be required in those references and include such information or work as may be specified. 20 1.3 SUBMITTALS 21 A. SnbmittaIs for equipment specified herein shall be made as a park of equiprnent 22 furr�ished �nder other Sections. Individual submiitals for equipment specified herein will 23 not be accepted and will be returned un-reviewed. 24 B. Submit catalog data for all items supplied from this specification sectian as applicable 25 with the control panel subnnittal as referenced in the relaYed wark paragrapY�. Submitta� 26 shall include catalog data, functions, ratings, inputs, outputs, displays, etc., sufficient to 27 confirtz� that the devices provide every specified requirement. Any oprions or exceptions 28 shaIl he clearly inc�icated. 29 1.4 REFERENCE CODES AND STANDARDS 30 31 32 A. The equipment in this speciiication shall be designed and manufactured according to latest revision oi the iallowing standards (unless otherwise nated): 1. NEMA/ISCI 109 Transient Over Voltage Withstand Test 33 2. IEEE Std. 472/ANSI C37.90.2 Withstand Capability of Relay Systems to Radiated 34 Electromagnetic Interference from Transc�ivers. 35 3. IEC 255.4 Surge Withstand Capabiiity Tests 36 4. NEMA/ICS 1 GeneraI Standard for Industriai Control Systems. 37 S. NEMA/ICS 4 Terminal BIocks for Industrial Use. 38 6. NEMA/iCS 6 Enclosures for Industrial Control Systems. 39 7. NEMA LS 1 Low Voltage Surge Protective Devices. Copyright 2419 Gupta & Associates, lnc. ROLLWG HILCS WATER TREATMENT PLAI�fT FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS CITY PROJECT ND. 102D56 407800-2 PANEL MOUNTED CONT120L DEVICES �'age 2 of 12 i 2 3 4 5 8. UL 1��9 Third Edition — Surge Protective Devices B. All equipment shall comply with the requirements of the National Electric Cade and Underwriters Laboratories (UL) where applicable. C. Each specified device shatl also conform to the standards and codes listed in the individual device paragraphs. 6 1.5 QUALITY ASSURANCE 7 A. The manufacturer of this equipment shall have produced similar electrical equipment for 8 a minimum period of five years. When requested by the Owner/Engineer, an acceptable 9 list of instailations with similar equipment shall be provided demanstrating compIiance 10 with this requirement. 11 B. Equipment snbmitted shall fit within the space or lacation shown on the Drawings. 12 Equipment which does not fit within the space or location is nat acceptahle. 13 C. For the equipment specified herein, the manufacturer shall be ISO 9001 2�Q0 certified. 14 1.6 WARRANTY 15 16 17 18 19 20 2I A. The Manufacturer shall warrant the specified equipment to be fr�e from defects in material and workmanship for one year frona date of acceptance af the assenr�bly cantaining the items specified in this Section. Within such period o� warranty, the Manufacturer shall promptly furnish all material and labor necessary to return the equipment to new operating conditian. Any warranty work requiring shipping ar transporting of Yhe equipment shall b� performed by the Contractor at no expense to the Owner. 22 PART � � PAODUCTS 23 2.1 MODE SELECTOR SWITCHES, PiTSHBUTTON,� AND INDICATING LAMPS 24 A. Subject io compliance with the Cantract Documents, the following Manufacturers are 25 accepEable: 26 1. Allen Bradley 27 2. Cutler Hatmner 28 3. GE 29 4. Square D 30 S. No Equal 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 B. The listing of specific manufacturers above does not irnply acceptance of their products that do nat meet the specified ratings, features and functions. Manufacturers listed above are not relieved from meeting these specifications in their entirety. C. Constructian X. 3Qimm Diameter 2. Corrosion resistant 3. NEMA 414X/13 without booted covers 4. "Finger safe" contact blocks, 10A rating 5. Functiott indicating colars per NFPA 79 unless otherwise shown an the Drawings. Copyright 2019 Gupta & Associates, Inc. ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT �'I.ANT FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS C1TY PR47ECT NO. 102056 4078QD-3 PANEL MOUNTED CdNTROL DEVICES Page 3 of 12 1 6. Engraved corrosian resistant namepIates 2 7. LED lamps 3 8. Mode selector switches shall have 1 spare set auxiliary coniacts. 4 9. Indicator lights to be Push-to-Test 5 1Q. Poten�iometer ratings to match 110 devices connected 6 �.� TERMINAL BLOCf�S 7 A. Suhject to compliance with the Contract Documents, the following Manufacturers are 8 acceptable: 9 1. Phoenix Contact 10 11 12 13 2. Entrelec 3. Weidmuller 4. Allen Bradley S. Approved equal 14 B. The listing of specific n�anufacturers above does not imply acceptance af their producCs 15 Ihat do not meet fhe specified ratings, features and funciions. Manufacturers Iisted above 16 are not reIieved from meeting tl�ese specifications in their eniiz'ety. 17 C. Termir�al Blocks 18 1. Terminal blocks shall be DIN-rai�-mounted one-piece molded plastic blocks with 19 tubular-clamp-screw type, with end barriers, dual side tern�inal block nutnbers and 20 terminal group identifiers. Terminal blocks shail be rated foar 600 volts except for 21 control and instrumentation circuits, or 4-20 mA analog signal conductors. 22 2. Provide 60Q volt rated terniinal blocks for any conductor carrying any voitage over 23 120 vo�ts to ground. . 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 4a 41 42 43 44 3. Provide 600 volt rated strap screw terminal bIocks for any power conductors carrying over 20 amps, at any valtage. Tertninals sha11 be double sided and supplied with removable covers ta prevent accide�tal contact with live circuits. A-. Power conductors carrying over 24 �.mps, at any voltage sha1� be terminated to slrap- screw type t�rminal blocks with crimp type, pre-insulated, ring-tongue fugs. Lugs sha�l be of the appropriate size for the terminal block screws and %r the number and size of the wires ternvnated. Do not terminate more than one condnctor in any lug, and do nat land more than two conductors under any strap-screw terminal point. 5. Terminals shall have permanent, legible fden�ification, clearly visible with the protective cover reinoved. Each terminal block shall have 20 percent spare ierminals, but not less than two spare terminals. 6. Do not land more than two conc�uctors per tertninal poittt. Use ihe manufacturer's provided bridge connectors to interconnect terminal blocks terminating common or ground conductors. 7. Twisted shielded pair or triad cables shalt have each individual conductor and shield drain wire landed on individual terrt�inal biocks. Use the manufacturer's provided bridge connectors to interconnect terminal blocks ternvnating the shield drain wire conduetors. S. Control circuits, 120 volts and beiow, and 4-20 mA analog signal conduclors shail be texminated with tnanufacturer's recommended ferrules. Ferrules shall be provided with plastic sleeves. Copyright 2Q19 Gupta & Associates, Ltc. 1ZOLLCNG HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLAIVT �L4W METEI2 REPLACEMENTS CITY PR07ECT NO. 102056 407800-4 PAI�lEL MOUNTED CONTROL DEVICES Page 4 of 12 1 2 3 � ti.3 5 6 7 8 9 14 11 12 13 14 15 16 9. Pravide an AC ground bar bonded ta the panel enclosure, if inetal, with 2Q percent spare terminals. 10. Provided ground terminal blocks for each twisted-shielded pair drain wire. WIRE TROUGHS A. Subject to compliance with the Cantraci Dacuments, the following ManufacCurers are acceptable: 1. Fanduit 2. Taylor 3. Appro�ed equal B. The listing of specifie rnanufacturers above does not imply acceptance of their praducts that do not meet the specified ratings, features and functions. Manufact�rers listed above are not reTieved from meeting these specifications in their entirety. C. All wir�ng shall be enclosed in PVC vcrire trough with slotted side openings and removable cover. PIan wire routing such that no Iow voltage twisted shielded pair cable conducling analog A-20 mA signals or communications low voltage analog signals are rout�d in the sa�ne wire trough as conductars carrying discrete signals or power 17 2.4 DIN RAILS 18 A. Subject to compliance wikh the Contract Dacuments, the following Manufacturers are 19 acceptable: 24 1. Phoenix Contact 21 2. Entrelec 22 3. Weidmuller 23 4. Allen Bradley 24 5. Approved equal 25 B. The Iisting af specific mane�facturers aboee does nat imply acceptance of their products 26 that da not meet the s�ecified ratings, features and functians. Manufacturers listed above 27 are not relieved fram meeting these specifications in their entirery. 28 C. Standard 35 mm rails shall be made of steel zinc-plated and chromated. Rails shall be 29 7.5 mm tall minimum and meet standard EN b0715: 2001. 30 2.5 SIGNAL ISOLATQRS, BOOSTERS, CONVERTER� 31 A. Subject ta compliance with the Contract Documents, the following Manufacturers are 32 acceptable: 33 L Phoenix CantacC 34 2. Acromag Inc. 35 3. Moore Industries 36 4. Approved equa� 37 B. The listing of specific manufacturers above does not imply acceptance of their products 38 that do nat meet the specified ratings, features and functions. Manufacturers listed above 39 are not relieved from meeting �hese specificatians in Eheir entirety. 40 1. Type: Copyright 2014 Gupta & Associates, Inc. AOLLING HILLS WATER TREATME3�IT PLANT FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS CITY PR03ECT NO. 10205b 46 78 00 - 5 PANELMDUNTED COPFTROL I3EVICES Page 5 of f 2 1 2 3 � 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 �6 2.6 a. Externatly powered solid-state electronic type. Loop powered devices are not acce�table. 2. Functionat/Perfarmance: a. Accuracy - �.15 percent. b. Inputs - Current, voltage, frequency, temperature, or resistance as required. c. Outputs - Current or vol�age as required. d. Isolatian - There shall be complete isolation between input circuitry, output circuitry, and the power supply. e. Adjustments - Zero and span adjustment shall be pravided. f. Protection � Provide RFI protection. g. 24 Volt DC pawer input. 3. Physical: a. Mountin.g - Suitable for DIN Rail mounting 'rn an enclosure or instrument rack. 4. Options/Accessories Rec�uired: a. Maunting rack ar general-purpose en.closure as required. POTENTIOMETER / RTD TRAI�SMITTERS 17 A. Subject to compliar�ce with tI�e Contract Documents, the following Manufacturers are 18 acceptable: 19 1. Phoenix Contact 20 2. Moore industries 21 3. Approved Equal 22 B. The listing of specific manufactiurers above does not imply acceptance of their products 23 that do not meet the specified ratings, features and functions. Manufacturers Iisted above 24 are not relieved from meeting these specifications in their entirety. 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 C. Design and fabricatian: 1. Sa�id state electronics. 2. Transmit anaIog signal directly proporiianal to measured impedance input. 3. Power source: 24 Vdc. 4. Input: 0-1000 ohms. 5. Output signal: 4-20 mA DC. 6. Accuracy (maYimum error): �-0.25 percent. 7. Amhienl temperatuge range: 0-140 Deg F. 33 �.i ALTERNATING RELAY 34 A. Subject to connpliance with the Cantract Dacuments, the folIowing Manufacturers are 35 acceptable: 36 1. MACROMATIC 37 2. Schneider Electric {Square D) 38 3. Rockwell Autonnaiion (Allen-Bradley) 39 4. Approved Equal 40 B. The listing of specific manufacturers above does not imply acceptance af their products 41 that do not meet the specified ratings, features and functions. Manufacturers listed above 42 are not relievcd from meeting these specifications in their entirety. Copydght 2019 Gupta & Assaciates, [nc. ROLL.ING HILI.S WATER'FREATMEIYT PLANT FLDW METER REPLACEMF�ITS CITY PROJECT NO. f 02056 407800-6 PANEL MQUNTED CbNTROL DEVICES Page 6 oP l2 1 2 3 � 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1$ 2.8 C. Design and iabrication: 1. Solid state electronics. 2. Power source: as shown and or speci�'ied elsewhere in the contract documents. 3. Output Contacts rated at a minimuxn of S Amps inductive loads. 4. Ambient temperature range: 0-140 Degrees F. minimum 5. DIN Rail mountable socket type. D. Functionality: 1. For duplex type, on energizing of the input signal the unit sha11 close and maintain the first output until the input is deenergized. Upon the next energizing of the input ihe second outgut shall close and maintain uniil deenergizing of the input The next energizing of the input shall begin a repeat af this cycle. 2. For Triplex type the xelay shall have two inputs, one the lead and one a lag input. When energized and maintained the lead input shall close the first output. If th.e lag input is energized than the second output shall be closed and maintain until ihe input is deenergized. The next energization af the lead input shall cause the secand output ta close. If the lag input is energized than the third output shall close. This alternating pattern shal� continue in the same order and then repeat. PANEL DISPLAYS 19 A. Subject to compliance with the Contract Documents, the following Manu£acturers are 20 acceptabie: 21 1. Precision Digital 22 2. Red Lion 23 3. Moore Industries 24 4. Appraved equal 2S B. The Iisting of specific manufacturers above does not imply acceptance of their products 26 that do not meet the specifiet� ratings, features and functions. Manufacturers listed above 27 are not relieved from meeting these specifications in their entirety. 28 C. Displays shall be as shown on the Drawings or where otherwise specified. 29 D. Design and fabrication: 30 1. 4-20 mA, ± 10 V, TC & RTD Inputs 31 2. Rating: NEMA 4X, IPbS without the use of a separate cover. 32 3. Shallow Depth Case 3.5° Behind Panel 33 4. Power Supply: 85-265 VAC 34 S. Optianal features to be supplied: two relays providing form A contacts, software 3S settable at independent values. 36 5. Output: analog 4-20 mA 37 7. Display: minimum digit height af 2.S inches; sunlighC readable 38 �.9 RELAYS AND TIMERS 39 A. Subject to compTiance with the Contract Documents, the iallowing Manufacturers are 40 acceptable: 41 1. Square D Copyright 2�19 Gupta & Associates, Inc. ROI.LAVCr HILLS WATER TREATNI�EIVT PI.ANT FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS CTl'Y FROJECT NO. ]0205b � 407800-i PANEL MOUNTED CONTROL DEVICES Page 7 of 12 � 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 T3 1 A� 15 16 17 18 19 Za 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 3S 36 37 38 39 40 41 z. mEc 3. Potter-BroomfieId. 4. Allen-Bradley S. Approved equal B. The listing of specific manufacturers above does not imply acceptance of their products that do not meet the specified ralings, features anc3 functions. Manufacture�'s listed above are not relieved from meeting these specifications in their eniirety. C. Type: 1. Relays shall be double pole, double throw (form C} except PLGRTU YIO buffer relays which shall be single pole, (form C), spade plug in type with a transparent dust cover. 2. Units shall be of the general-putpose plug-in type. D. Functional/PerForznance: 1. Cail voltage shall znatch supply voltage. 2. Contact arrangementlfunctian sha11 be as required to meet the specified control function. 3. Mechanical life expectancy shall be more than 1 Q,000,000 cycles. 4. Duty cycie shaIl be rated for continuous operation. 5. Solid state time delays when specified and/or required for intended functionality to be provided wit�t polarity protection (DC units) and transient protection. 6. Tirn� delay units shall be adjustable and available in ranges from .1 second l0 4.5 hours. 7. Plug-in general-purpose relay. 8. Blade connector type. 9. Relay sackets are DIN rail mounted. 10. Tnterr�al neon or LED indicatar is Iit when coil is energized. I 1. Clear polycarbonate dust cover with clip fastener. 12. Operating temperature: -20 to +150 Deg F. 13. UL listed or recognized. E. Ratings: 1. For 120VAC service provide contacts rated 10 arnps at 120VAC, foz' 24VDC service provide contacts rated 5 amps at 28VDC, for electronic {milliamp/ millivolt} switching appiicator provide gold plated contacts rated for electronic service. 2. For PLCIRTU input buffer relays, provided a minimum of 5-amp contact rating. For all PLC/RTU output buffer relays, provided minimum $ amps inductive load rated contacts. 3. Where FLC/RTU input/output buffer relays are a space constraint Crydom Series One DR optically isoIated so�id-state relays can be praposed. F. Physical 1. DIN Rail mounting base 2. Screw Terminals 42 G. Options/Accessories Required: Copyright 2019 Gupta & Associates, Ltc. ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMEFVT PLANT FlAW METER REPLACEMENTS CITY PROIECT NO. 102056 40 78 00 - S PANEL MOUNTED CdNTROL DEVICES Page 8 of 12 1 1. Provid� mount�ng sockets with pressure type tern�inal blocks rated 300 volts and 10 2 arnps :nninimum. 3 2. Pravide rtaounting rails/Yioldcrs as required. 4 �.14 ANALOG SIGNAL 5IIRGE PROTECTORS (5PD5} 5 A. Subject to compliance with the Contract Documents, khe following Manufac[urers are 6 acceptable: 7 1. AGM El�ctronics 8 2. Acromag Inc. 9 3. Moare Industries 10 4. Phoenix Cantact 11 5. Emerson EDCO 12 B. The listing af specific manufacturers above does not imply acceptance of their �roducts 13 tilat do nat meet the specified ratings, features and functians. Manufacturers listed above 14 are not relieved irom meeting these specifications in their entirety. 15 C. Type: 16 i. DIN Rail mounting for control and termination panels. 17 2. For loop powered transmitters provided pipe nipple styte maunting at the 18 transmitter. 19 D. Minimum Ratings: 20 1. Peak Surge Current 10 kA 21 2. Response Time <5 Nanoseconds 22 3. Voltage Clamp >2b Volts 23 211 PQWER SUPPLIES 24 A. Subject to compliance wi�h t1�e Contract Documents, the following Manufacturers are 25 acceptable: 26 1. PULS Silverline 27 Z. Phoenix Contact 2$ 3. Sola 29 4. Cosel KH Series 30 5. Approved equal 31 B. The list�ng a£ specific manufacturers above does not impIy acceptance of ti�eir products 32 that do not meet the specified rairngs, features and functions. Manufacturers listed above 33 are not relieved from meeting these specifications in their entirety. 34 C. Design and fabricatian 35 1. Converts 120 VAC input to DC power at required valtage. 36 2. Sized as required by the load. Minimu:nn 2.4 Amp autput 37 3. AC input: ]20 VAC +10 percent -13 percent; 47 ta 63 HZ. 38 4. Pravision for output failure alarm contact. 39 5. DIN rail trtouniing. 40 b. All �ower Supplies shall be redundant pairs. Copyright 2019 Gupta & Associates, Inc. ltdLLING HIId_S WATER TREATMENT PI,ANT FLOW METER REPLACEMENT� CTi'Y PRp3ECT I�FD. 102D56 407800-9 PANEL MOUNTED CONTROL DEVICES Page 9 of 12 1 2.1� CONTROL POWER TRANSFORMERS 2 A. Subject to compliance with the Contract Documents, the following Manufacturers are 3 acceptable: 4 1. Allen Bradley 5 2. General Electric 6 3. Cutler Hammer 7 4. Square D 8 5. Approved equal 9 i0 11 12 I3 14 15 16 17 18 �9 20 21 22 B. The listing of specifiic tnanufacturers abave daes not irnply acceptance of their products that do not tneet the specified ratings, features and functions. Manufacturers listed above are nat relieved frorn meeting these specifications in their entirety. C. Control Power Transfornnecs 1. Control power transformers shall be provided where shown on the Drawings. Transformex' shall be sized foz' alI ihe Ioad, including space heaters, plus 25% spar� capacity, and shall be nat less than 1QOVA. 2. Transf�rmer mechanical ratings shall equal the short circuit rating of the circuit breaker or MCP. 3. Contral power transfar�ners shall be 12Q voIts grounded secondary. Primary side of t�e transformer shall be fused in botI� legs. One leg of the transfarmer secor►dary shall be solidly grounded while the other leg shall be fused. 4. All control power transformers sha11 have vacuum cast primary and secondary coils using epoxy resin. 23 2.13 SINGLE PHASE UPS 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 �2 A. 5ubject to compliance with the Contraci Documents, the following Manufacturers are acceptable: 1. APC 2. Powerware 3. Tripp Lite 4. CyberPower S_ Falcon Eleclric Inc. 6. IntelIipower 7. Approved Equal B. The listing of specific manufacturers above does not imply acceptance of their products tk�at da not meet the specified ratings, features and functions. Manufacturers listed above are not relieved from meeting these specifications in their enrirety. C. Design and fabrication 1. Rating: 12QVAC, 60 hertz, 100Q VA minimum shall provide uninterrupted conditioned power fu�ly loaded conditions for 30 minutes. 2. Descriptian: Online dual track power conditioner and tru� (zero secan.d trans£er time} uninterruptible power supply providing isolation, line regulation and condi�ioning, using sealed maintenance free batt�ries and switch mode power supply for uninterrupled power. Copyright 20�9 Gupta & Associates, Inc. RDLLI3VG HILLS WATER TREAT3vIEIVT PI.AIYT FLOW METER REPL,ACEMENTS CTl'Y PR07ECT NO. 102056 40 78 00- 10 PA3�IEL MOUNTEQ CONTAOL DEVICES Page 10 of 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 14 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 3. Lightning and St�rge Protection: IEEE/ANSI C62.4.1. 4. ReguIation: 1-3 percent load regulation with less than 2pF effective couplzng capacitance for Iine to load. Output V�aveform: Computer grade sinewave with 3% maximum single harmonic and 5% maximum total harmonic distortion. Output Frequency: 60 hertz +/- 0.5 hertz. Operating Temperature: located in indoor conditioned spaces 0 degrees to -��Q degre�s Centigrade. All ather locations -20 to 55 degrees Cer�tigrade Relativ� Humidity: 5% — 90% without condensation. Input Protectior�: Tndependent battery charger fuse and DC fuses. 11 10. Output Protection: Current Iimited. 12 11. AC Input: 120V, 60Hz, single phase, +15%, -20%. 13 12. Provide Simple Network Monitoring Protocol {SNMP) Ethernet interface far a11 14 �nits. Where shown on the drawings provide a dry contact interface of UPS status in 15 place of SNMP interface. 16 13. Provide an �xternal maintenance bypass switeh with an auxiliary contact for each 17 UPS supplied. The switck� shall transfer power withont interrupting the Ioad utilizing 18 make before brake contacts. The switch shall provide auxiliary contact ta monitor 19 switch position. ZO a. Maintenance switch as manufactured by Control Switches International N series, 21 Electroswitch, or agproved equal. 22 b. Cantacts rated for ] 2Q volts AC and 1Q amperes minimum. 23 2.14 NAMEPLATES 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 A. Furnish nameplates for each device as indicated in Drawings. Nameplates shall be engraved, laminated impact acrylic, matte finish, black lettering on a white background, nat less khan 1/16-in thick by 1/2-in by 1-1/2-in, Rowmark NoMark Ptus ar equal, Nameplates sha11 be attached to the backplate with double faced adhesive strips, TESA TUFF TAPE 4970, .009 X 1/z", no equal. Prior to installing ihe nameplates, the metal surface shall be thoroughly cleaned with 70°/o aicohol until all t'esidues has been removed. Epaxy adhesive or faam tape is not acceptable. 2.1� PANEL INTERFACE CONNECTOR (PIC} 32 A. Sub,�ect to compliance with the contract documents, the following manufacturers are 33 accegtabie: 34 1. Automation Direct 3S a. Model: Zip Port Series 36 3'1 38 39 40 4� 42 2. Grace Engineered Products, Inc. a. Model: GracePort Series 3. Saginaw Control Engineering. a. Programming Ports B. The lisling of specific manufacturers above daes not imply acceptance of theiz' products that do nat meet the specified ratings, features and functions. Manufacturers Iisted above are nat relieved from meeting these specifications in their entirety. Copyrighi 2014 Gupta & Associaces, Inc. ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT FLOW METER REPI.P.CEMENTS C1TY PRdJECT NO. 102D56 aa �s oo - i t PANEL MQUN"i'ED CQNTROL DEVICES Pa$e 1 l of 12 1 C. For all PLC control panels, provide a Panel Intez�ace Connector (PIC} pass-through unit 2 that will mount to the outside of the control panel to give the capability to interface with 3 the FLC without the need to open ihe enclosure door. 4 D. Design and fabrication: 5 1. Interface shall include the following: � 6 a. UL Recognized and RoHS compIiant 7 b. Hausing rating shatl match or be of higher NEMA raUng than control panel 8 c. Gasket: thermo-p�astic (TPE) 9 d. One GFCI power outlet with rating of 120 VAC 10 e. One Ethernet RJ-45 type 10/100 port connected to control panel switch. 11 f. Cover shall be attached with a continuous hinge and lockable. Provide locks for 12 all interfaces keyed alike 13 �.16 SPARE PARTS 14 A. Provide the following spare parts for each control panel z;n the quantiiies specified: 1S 1. One box replacement fuse's, all types and sizes lb 2. One replacement lamp, of each color, �or pilot lights 17 3. One af each color replacement lens caps %r pilot lights I8 4. One can af aerosol touch-up paint. 19 B. Spare parts sha11 be bQxed or packaged for long term storage. Identify each item with 2Q nnanufactuz'er's name, description and part numher on the exterior of the package. 21 PART 3 - EXECUTION 22 3.1 INSTALLATIQN 23 A. All equipment specified herein shall he instaIled, field ad�usted, tested and cleaned as an 24 integral pact of equipment speciiied elsewher� in these Specifications. 25 26 Copyright 2Q19 Gupta & Associates, Inc. END OF SECTION ROLLING HILLS WATEIZ TREATMENT PLANT FLOW MET�R REPLACEMENTS CTI'Y PRO]ECT NO. 10205b 407$00-12 PANEL MdUNTED CdNTROL DEVICES Page 12 of 12 Copyright 2419 Gupta & Associates, Inc. RpLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT Pi,ANT FLOW METER REPLACEMENTS CTi`Y PR07ECT NO. 102056 ao so oa - i PRQCE55 CONTRbT. SYS'I'EMS TESTING Page 1 of 6 SECTION 40 80 00 2 3 PART1� GENERAL PROCESS CONTROL SYSTEMS TESTING 4 1.1 SCOPE DF WORK 5 6 7 8 9 ia 11 12 13 14 A. Provide all testing and comrnissioning equipment, materials, zncidentals and labor, necessary to perform and coordinate the system check-out and startup, commissioning, field testing and overall training for the Instrumentation and Controls System. B. The Contractar's Process Control Systems Integrator (PCSI) shall sapervise and/or perform the rrequirements af this Section. As part of these services, the PCSI shall include, for those equipment items not manufactured by him, the services of an authorized manufacturer's represeniative to check the equiprnent installation and place that portion af the equipment in operation. The manufact�arer's representative shall be thoroughly knawledgeabie ab�ut the installa�ion, operation, and maintenance af the manafacturer's equipment. 15 1.� SYSTEM CHECKOUT AND START-UP 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 A. The Contractor, PCSI, and Instrume�t Suppliers, as applicable, shall perform the fallowing: 1. Check and confirm the proper installation o� alI instrumentation and control components and all cable and wiring connections between the �arious system components prior to placing the various processes and equipment inta operation. 2. Conduct a complete system checkout and adjustment, including calibration af all existing instruments, tuning of controi loaps, check�ng operation functions, and testing of final control actions. All problems encountered shall be promptly corrected to prevent any delays in startup of the various unit processes. B. Contractor shall provide all test equipznent necessary to perform the test during System checkout and startup. 27 C. Contractor and/or system supplier shalI be responsible for initial operatidn of the 28 instrumentation and control system and shall make any required changes, adjustment or 29 replacemenis �or operatian, monitoring, and control of the various processes and 30 equipment necessary to per%rm the functions intended. 31 D. Contractor shall furnish to the Engineer certified calibration/recalibration {far existing 32 Instruments} reports far field instruments and devices specified herein as soon as 33 calibration is completed. 34 3S 36 37 38 3J 40 1. Receipt of any calibration/recalibration certificates shall in no way imply acceptance of any work or instrument. 2. Each calibration/recalibration certificates shall be signed and dated by an authorized representative of Contractor. Three copies of each completed certificate shall be submitted to Engineer. 3. A typical form shatl be as foilows: Copyright 2019 Gapta & Associates, Inc. ROLLING HILLS WATEi2 TREA'FMENT PLAIVT FLQW METER REPLACEMENTS CTI'Y P1tOJECT NO. 102056 44 80 00 - 2 PROCE53 CONTROL SYSTEMS TESTING Page 2 of 6 CALIBRATION CERTIFICATE Ta Number/Loo Nurnber: Lao Descri rion Insirument Location Manufacturer ModeT Number Ad'ustable Ran e Calibrated Ran e Remarks Installation Per Manufacturer's Requirements? Y�s No Installation Per Contract Documents? Yes No If "No", ex lain Catibration Test: Tn ut (Units) Ou Ut (Units Accurac o% Zs% sa% �s% i00% Switch Test Switch Switc}� Set�ing Point Point Deadband U scale Downscale Set oint 1 Set oint 2 Set oint 3 I hereby certify that the above informatian is correct and accurate, to the best of my knowledge, and that the instrument indicated abave has been sapplied, installed, calibrated, and tested in accardance with the manufacturer`s recommendations and the Contract Documents, unless otherwise noted. Receipt of this Calibration Certification shall in no way imply acceptance of any work or instrument supplied as a art of this Contract. Cantractar's Si nature: Date: ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT FLOW MET�,R REPLACEMENTS Copyright 20E9 Gupta & Associates, Inc. CITY PROIECT NO. 102056 4oaoao-s PROCESS CONTROL SYSTEMS TESTING Page 3 of b 1 2 3 4 5 E. Contractor shall furnish to Engineer two copies �f an installation inspection repart cerEifying that all equipments has been insta�led conrectly and are operating properly. The report shall be signed by authorized representatives of both Contractor and the system supplier. 6 L3 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 7 A. The PCSI shall test atl equipment at the priar to shipment Un�ess otherwis� specified 8 in the inclividual specification sections, all equipment provided by the PCSI shall be 9 tested at the as a singIe fully integrated system. 10 B. As a z�ninimuzn, the testing sI�ali include the following: 11 1. Operational Readiness Tests (ORT) 12 C. Each test shall be in the cause and effect %rmat. The person conducting the test sha11 13 initiate an input (cause} and, upon the system's ar subsystem's producing the correct 14 result (effect), the specific test requirement shall be satisfied. 15 D. ALl tests shall be conducted in accordance with prior Engineer-a�proved procedures, 16 forms, and check lists. Each specific test shall he described and followed by a sectian 17 for sign off by the appropriate party after its satus completion. 18 E. Copies of these sign off test procedures, forms, and check Iists will constitute the 19 required test documentation. 20 F. Provide all special testing materials and equipment. Wherever possible, perform tests 21 Using actual process variables, equipment, and data. Where it is not practical to test with 22 real process variables, eq�ipment, and data, provides suitable means of simuiation. 23 Define these simulation techniques in the test prvicedures. 24 G. The General Contractor shall require the Integration Subcantractor to coordinate aIl 25 testing with the Engineer, aZl affected Subcontractors, and the Owner. 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 H. The Engineer reserves the right to test ar retest all specified functions whether or not explicitly stated in the prior approved Test Procedures. I. The Engineer's decision shall be final regarding the acceptability and completeness of all testing. J. No �quipment shall be snippec� to the Project 5ite until the Engineer has received all test results and approved the system as ready for shipment. K. The PCSI shall furnish ihe services of serviceraen, alI special caiibratian and test equipment and iabar to perform the field tests. L. Correction of Deficiencies 1. Ali deficiencies in workmanship and/or items not meeting specified testing requirements shaIl be corrected to meet specification requirements at no additional cost ta th� Owner. 2. Testing, as specified herein, shall he repeated after carrection of deficiencies is made until the specified requirements are met. This wark shall be performed at no additional cost to the �wner. Copyright 2019 Gupta & Associates, Lic. ROLLING HILLS WATER Ti2EATM�NT PI,AiV'C PLOW METER REPLACEMENTS CTPY PROJEC'I' NO. 1D2056 4a ao 00 - a PROCS5S CONTRQL SY$TEMS TESTING Page 4 of 6 PART 2 � PRQDUCT� {NOT USED) 2 PART 3 � EXECUTION 3 3.1 OPERATIQNAL READINESS TESTS (ORT) 4 A. Prior to startup and the Functional Derr�onstratiorn Test, the entire system shall be 5 certified (inspected, tested, and documented) that it is ready for operation. The ORT 6 may be witnessed by the Owner/Engineer, fully or partially, at their discreti�n. 7 B. Loop/Component �nspec�ions and T�sts: The entire system shall be checked %r proper 8 installatian, calibrated, and adjusted on a loop-by-Ioop and component-by-component 9 basis to ensure that it is in conformance with related submittal's and these 10 Specifications. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 �a 31 32 33 34 3S 36 37 38 39 44 41 42 43 44 45 46 1. The Laop/Component Inspections and Input / Output Tests sha�l be implemented using Engineer�approved farms and check lists. a. Each loop shall have a Loop Status Report to organize and track its inspection, adjustment, and calibration. These reports shall include the foltowing inforination and check off items with space far sign aff by the �CSI. 1) Project Name 2) Loop Nunnber 3) Tag Numb.er for each companent 4) Check offs/sign offs for each component b. Tag/identification c. Installation d. Termination — wiring e. Termination — tubing f. Calibration/adjustment — Check offs/sign offs for the loop g. Panel interface terminations h. UO interface terminations i. UO signal operation j. Inputs/outputs operatio�nal: received/sent, processed, and adjusted. k. Total loop operation — Provide space for comments 1. Each active Analog Subsysterr► el�ment and each UO module shall have a Component Calibration Sheet. These sheets shall have the following informatian, spaces far data entry, and a space %r sign oii by the PCSL• 1) Project Name 2) Loap Number 3) Component Tag Number of UO Module Number 4) Camponent Code Number Analag Systerr� S) Manufacturer {for Analog system element} b) Model Number/Serial Number {for Analog system) 7) Summary of Func�ional Requirements: a) Indicators and Recorders: Scale and chart ranges b) Transmitters/Con�erters: Scale and chart ranges c) Cornputing Elements: Function d) Cantrollers: Action {direct/reverse) control Mades {PID) e) Switching Elements: LTnit range, differential f} (FIXED/ADJUSTABLE), Preset (AUTO/MANUALj g} UO Modules: Tnput or output Copyright 2014 Gupta & Associates, Cnc. ROLLING HILLS WATER TREATMENT PLANT FLQW METER REPLACEMENTS C1I'Y PRpJECT NO. 102056 408000-5 PRQCESS CONTROL SYSTEMS TESTING Page 5 of 5 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ia 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2. Ca7ihrations: a. Analog Devices: Required and act�aal inputs and outputs at 0, 25, 50, 75, and 100 percent of span, rising and falling b. Discrete Devices: Requi�ea and actual trip points and reset points c. Controllers: Mode settings (PID} d. UO Modules: Required an actual inputs or outputs for 0, 25, 50, 75, and 100 percent af span, rising and falling. 1) Provide space for comments 2) Space for sign off by the PCSI. 3. The General Contraceor shall require the PCSI to maintain the Loop Status Reports and Component Calibration Sheets at the job-site and make them available to the Engineer/Owner at any time. 4. These tests do not require wirnessing �y the Owner/Engineer; however, the Owner/Engineer reserve the right to request the Loop Status Sheets and Component Calibration Sheets and spot-check their entries periodical�y when on site and upon completion of the OperationaI Readiness Test, alI documentation shall be submitted as required herein. END OF SECTION Copyright 2019 Gupta & Associates, Inc. ROLLING HILLS WATER'FREATMENT PLANT FLQW METER REPLACEMENTS C£I'Y PROJECT I�fO. 102456 408000-fi PROCSSS CpN'1'ROL SYSTEMS TESTING Page 6 of 6 Copyright 20i9 Gupta & Associates, inc. ROLLING IIILLS WATER TIiEATMENT PLANT FLpW METER REPLACEIVIENTS C1TY PR03ECT NO. 1 Q2056 APPENDIX GC-6.06.D Minority and Women Owned Business Enterprise Compliance GC-6.p7 Wage Rates GC-6.24 Nonc�.iscrimination NONE GR-O 1 60 00 Product Requirenaents CiTY pF FQRT WORTH VILLAGE CREEK WATER RECLAMATION FACILITY STANbARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUivI�NTS HEADWORKS E'ACILI'FY SLUICE GATE MODTFICATIONS Revised July 1, 2011 CITY PROdECT NO. 100766 THI5 PAGE LEFT INTENTIONALLY BLANK c�r�r o� �oxm wox�rx STANDARD CONSTRLiCTIOi�I SAECIFICA7'ION I)OCUMENTS Re�ised 7uly 1, 2p11 VILLAGE CREEK WATER RECLANUITION FACILITY H�AC7WORKS FACILITY SLUICE GATE MQDIFICATiONS CiTY PROJECT AiO. 10a76G �C�6o0��Y� �����r�ty �.�¢� W���n Ov�vv�e� ���sIl�ness ��ter��°Ils� Co��lIla��� T�II� �AG� ][1E�T Il�T]El\T����T�L]L`� ��LAl�T� CITY OF FORT WORTH 3TAIVDARD CONSTRUCTION SPEGIFICATION DOCUM�NTS Revised Jufy I, 2611 VILLACzE CR�EK WATER RECLAMATION FACILITY HEAbWORKS FACILITY SLUICE GATE MODIFICAT�ONS GITY PROJECT NO. 100766 THI5 PAGE LEFT INTENTIONALLY BLANK CI'T'1' O�' PORT �JORTIi STANDARD CONSTRUCTiON SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Re�ised 7uly l, 201 i VILLAGE CREEK WATER RECLAMAT�pN PACILITY FTEADWORKS FACILITY 5LUICE GATE MODIFICAT10N5 CITY PRO]ECT NO. 1 U0766 �.� �,a, �� �,g, � TT�I�AORAR'Y REVI�I�19d 4161�0�0 (C4VIDa19) . `�`� Ci�j/ �°� �of°t Iniorth IV�in�ri�� �usin�s� �nterpr�ise Specifications S��CI�,� IhlSiR��il�l�� �'�� ��F�R��� A�f��l�o�o�'I�f� �� ��l�IGY If the total doflar value ��f �'hP �nr,±r��# fs �;U,Oa0,01 or mare, then a iw�E subcontracting goal is applicable. �Ol.ICY S7'AYL�II�YEAlT It is the policy of the City of Fart Worth to ensure t�� full and equitable partici�aaiiQn by Minority Business Enterprises (MBE) in kh� procurem�nt of all goods and services. All requirements and regufations stated in the City's current Business Diversity Enterprise Ordinance applies to this bitE. RN�E P��JEGT t3��.L,� The Ci:�': "u�$E gaal on this project is $•� % of the base bid value ot tne contr�ci_ Note: If both MBE and SBE subcan#racting goals are establisE�ed far #his project, then an Offeror must submit both a MBE Utilization Farm and a SBE lltilization �'orrta tc. be deemed respo�si�e. �BMF �l�eN�� �8 �I� ���CI�ICAiIONS On City contracts $50,000.0'f or more where a MBE subcontracfing goai is applied, Offerors are required ta camply with the intent of the Cify's Business Diversity Enterprise Ordinance by one of the following: 1. �fleet or exceed the ahove stated NiB� goal t�rough M�� subcantracting participation, or a. Meet_or exceed the above stated M�� goal thraugh M�E Joint Venture participation, or; 3. Goaci �aith �ffort documentation, or; 4. Prime Wai�er documentation. SU��ITTAL ��' R�QUIR�D DOCUfV�EP�TAiIOiV _ _ __ _ ---- The applicable documents must be received by the by the assigned City of Fort Worth �rolect Manaqer or Department Designee, within the following fimes allocated, in ord�r �DY t�j� E�liI�E �I� E� �� fiOf]9rC�t.'f2Ci f95�Ot15iYG' �O th�a �p9cl�r.a#fOns_ 'Tr7� f�f��ta� shtsii �DhJ�Nt thf= Ml3f r�c:�;c,rrr�_�k�t�r:r� k{� RfFr; a�ss:�����-1 �:ily �.i �=��rl V�+s�rll� F��r�iec,l h'ar�37r�r aF� ��p��lf�fflRrl� C�4�J�fF4{i A f�xfld co�y wilG rti�t br� �cc:eptecf. 1. Subcontractor Utilization Form, if goal is recei�ed no later f�an 2:OD p.rr�., on ti�e second City business day met or exceeded: afte�'the �id o enin date, exclusive of the bid opening date. 2. Good Faith �ffort and Subcontractor received no later than 2:00 p.m., an the second City business day Utilization Form, if participatian is less than after th� bid opening date, exclusive of the bid opening date. siated oal: 3. Good Fa�th �ffort and SubcontracEor received no later than 2:00 p.m., on khe second City busin�ss day Utiiization Form, if no MBE artici ation: after ti�e bid o enin date, exclusive of the bid openin date. 4. Prime Cantractor Waiver Form, if you will received no later than 2:00 p.m., an the second City business day perForm all subcontractinglsupplier woriC: after the bid o enin date, exclusive of khe bid o enin date. 5. .foinE Venture Form, if goal is met or received na later than 2:00 p.m., on the second City business day exceeded: after khe bid opening date, exclusive of the bid open�n date. �,��LC�.R� TO �Oii�IPLY W��FF TFIE �iITYFS �UtiSIA��$� OIVE��ITY �PITGk�pRiC� G1:��������, WILL R��rULT IN �'Fi� �Il� ��iPlG CO��kS�D�fi��J �l��f�R��PQ�1S!W� T{� ���ri�irAF���S. FI�4L�URE �� SIIBMII� TH� R�QCJII��D l�la� �L�UMF���A71Gs�k �'1PILL ft��41L7 IC� T�IE �I� �i�ING ��!ti!c!���!?�p iW6W�F����ANlSIl,�. Q SFCONa FA��iJRE UVIILL F��atILT IW TFRE OF�ER�!� L�!R!� DISG�U�4LI�F��Q FG� J0. ���I�R Gt� O!s�� 1��A�. TFiR�� �AlLLki4E$ klt! A FIIl� Y��!!$ F�RlO� 1fVE�� F�F�SUL.T I�J JA I���QU,ALIFICAT�OhE PEKiQi3 OF T'FikE� YEAR�. Any questions, please contact the Offic� of �usiness Diversity at (�1�) 392-2614. Office of Business Diversity Email: mwbeofFice@fortworthtexas.ga� Temporarily Revised April 6, 2020 due to COVIDI9 Emergency Pi��ne: (817) 392-267� ATTACHMENTIA Page 1 of 4 FORT �ORTH C�ti� �� ��i V�dor�ih ���i�� af �u�ine�� �Ev�r�i�y Il��� Sub�ontr�cto�'s1Sup�lier�s_�fili�a�ion �o�'m OFFEROR COMPANY NAME: Check applicabfe box to describe Offeror's Certification PRO.]ECT NAME: �� �Q�� NON-MNlr:iuisi BID DATE City's NlBE Project Gaal: Offeror's MBE Project Commitment: PROJ�G�' NlJMB�R �IO �IO Identif� aNl suC�contrac�orslsuppli�rs you will use on t�i� pr�ject �r�,jl�irw �F�J CA^:w^.��±� ti�is Forrrr, ie� its entir�t�r with reques��d docu!��r;t��i�n, �r�d fe��ived by the Purc��sing �ivisi�� rt� I�#er �;:�r� �:{?Q p_m. �r� 4he a�Cpr�d �i�y bu�ir��ss c.��y aft�r bid �pen`s�g. ��c�3usf�+� c�f �rid �p�nir�y tf�t�, wiH �esult in lE��a bi� be��rg cor��{��r�d non4r�s�or�siv� t� bi� specific�f����. �'he �andersi�!��d Offe�ro� agr��s ip �r�l�� in#o � fotm�l �C��'�`g!??Gfit W{'�Y1 ��;� 1:�BE firm(s} 3ist�ci in ��ris u#�li�t€on scr���.���a, ce:;�.±�^:�Ad upon ���c�i#ian af a�o�trac# w�tn the C:�ty of F::r� 1�!iorkh. i`ne intenttona! and��r knawRn� lri�SCB�racgntal;�n af �dc�s is c�round� fc�r r:c�r�sit��r��i�n c�f cii����fific�tian and �+ill r�s�rlt irr ll�e bic� t��ing consoderes� nc��Yre���nsir.�e to �ed �pe�ific�ti�ns. 14fl�Es lisfed 4oward meeting the project goal must be located in 4he six (6} county markefplace ap 4he �ime of bid ar the business has a SignificanE Business Presence in the iVlarketplace. Marketplace is the geographic area oi T'arrant, Dallas, Denfon, Johnson, �arker, and 1�dise_c_ounties. � �riTrre con��act�rs m�s� identiFy by ki�t ��v�el o� all s�bc��tractc��sls�p�li��s. Ter: r�r�ans the I�v�l �f s4ib�onlraclin� k��kov,� lh� �rime contr�ctorlc�nsultant i.e_ a r��r�t ��y+r��r�# frarn kh�� �rlm� ���tr�c:#ar tc� � subcontractor is cansidetod �59 ttar, a�a�frrv�t �y a s�f�contr�ct�r �� its s�p�!i�r is car�sid�re� �"� #i�r. Th� primo c�ntf���or i� res�;;�r��ibi� l� �ro�id� p��afi t�f p��rrn�nt of �Il t�er�d su�c�nt���l�rs i��n��€�ed �s � C�+18� ���I c�u�tin� khose d�v�lars taward� m��linc� khe �ontrar.l c��rnllt�d c��al. �a�� M��s fWll�� �� ��R�I�'I�� ���DR� CO[V�RRCi,4?�1dAR�. Certifica�ion means those firms, locaied within the Marketplace, that have been determined to be a bonafide minority business enterprise by the North CentraE Texas Regional Cer�ificatian Ager�cy (NCTRCA) and the Dallas/Fort Worth Minarity Su�plier De�elopmer�t Council (D/FW MS�C}. jf haul�ng ��rvl�ss �re utflized. t�� Of�eror +r�rl[I �e giverr cr�dii a� l�ng ap�ra��s �i I�ask v�� fu�l� �ic�rr��d anci oper�lional tru��c t� b� tr�c�Cs from another N1BE fiern, inclu�in� �9B� owner�oporated, lease trucks #rom non-�+.f16��, includ�ng owr�e�-��erated. �uf cr�mmi�s3oi�s earn�d b� tha �B� �s_��Elin[��f ir� t�� I�ase ��r�or �� l�� �i�� fi�t�d �v�rrrs �r�d us�d c�n l��e ��n�r���, �'he �1�� ma� I�ase and rec�ive full 11+1�E cre�il. T�r� iNB� rnay wlGl o�l�+ r�c�iv� cred�t �or t�e �ees and �er�t_ Rev. 2193119 FURT WORTH ATTACHMENT 'iA "�� Page 2 of 4 OfFerors are requirec! to identify ALL subcontractorslsuppliers, regardless of status; i.e., IVllr�or�lv �nd nc�n•A�4����. MB� firms are to be listed first, use adclitional sheets if necessary. Please note that only certified MBEs will be counted ta meet an MBE goal. N SUSCONTRACTORISUP�LIER ° Campany Name T M w � Detail Detail Address i g g Suhcontracting Supplies ppllar Amount TelephonelFax e E � �" Work Purchased �mail � � Cnntack Person E � � � � � � � � � � � � � Rev. 5115199 FQR� ATTACHMEN71A Page 3 of 4 Offerors are required ta id�ntify ALL subcontractors/suppliers, regardless of status; i.e., ��1�o�a�llW aiitJ n�rt-MSEtt. MBE firms are to be listed first, use additional sheets if necessary. Please note that only certified MBEs will be counted to meet an MBE goal. N SUBCONTRACTORISUPPLIER ° Company Narne T � yy� " Detail Detail Address i g g Subcontracting Supplies Dollar Amount TelephonelFax e E E M Work Purchased Email r � Contact person � � � � � � � � � � � � " � Rev. 5I15/19 FoR� A7TACHMENT1A Page 4 of �[ Total Doliar Amount of lVn�� SubcontractorslSuppliers � Tofal Dallar Amount of Non�N��� SubcontractarslSuppliers � TOiAL DOLLAR AR�flOUf�T O� ALL. SU�COPlTR.�CTO�SISUf���I�R� $ The Offeror wifl not make ���l±!^n�� �Alptinnc nr crihctit�,rtinnc tn thic ���jfj��l lict urithniit thw rrinr a�nrnval nf th��l Office of St�$[r►ec� �it�r�rcit� t�r�ucxh the �u�i�r�itta� of L��:�ues# �4f ��r!'�V�f �� �har�are%4ddition� �'o►'m_ Any �r��irstifie�9 �han�e ar �ei�#ian sE�L!I l?� a material bTpact� �f c�n#r�ct ���I e��i� ���uf# i:� C�€sharmpflt inl accord witl� ti�� prc�e��res outFar�4 � in #I�w r�rc�inan�e, YP�� Q€�erc�r sF�ail „��:.^.it a d�±a���d e�cp{anation �#� how the requested ch��g?1����rEn� or ��Ic���€� w:[� r�?rt #�e ��r::::�it#�� M$E �oal. If th� d�#��l �xplan�tlqC1 i�j not submitted, it wiil at�e�E th� Final �or��plf�►?c� ��r�rmin�tion. _ � By affixing a signature to this form, the Offeror further agrees to provide, direc#ly ta the C�ty upan requ�st, corrzplete and accurate informatian regarding actual work performed by all subcontractors, incfuding MBE(s) and any special arrangements with MBEs. The Offeror also agrees to allow an audit andlor examination af any books, records and files held by fheir company. The OfFerar agrees ta allow the transmission of interviews with owners, principals, officers, employees and applicable subcontractorslsup�liers participating on the contracf that will substantiate the actual wark performed by the MBE(s} on this cantract, �y an authorized afficer or employee of the City. Any inientional andlor knowirtg misrepresentatian of facts will be grounds fflr terminating the contract ar debarment from City work far a periac� of not less than three (3} years anc! far �nitiating action under Federal, State or Local laws concerning false stafemenis. Any failure to comply with this ordinance creates a mafer�ial breach of the con#ract anc� may result in a determination of an irresponsible Offeror and debarment from participating in Ciiy worEt for a p�riod of fime not less than ane (1 } year. Authorized Signafure Title Company Name Address CitylStatelZip Office of Business Dfversity �mail: mwbeoffice@fortworthtexas.gov Phone: (847) 392-2674 Printed Signature Contact NamelTitle (if different) Telephone andlor Fax E-mail Address pate Rev. 517 5!9 9 �C3RT �ORT�-I �I$]I 8�' �OY$ l��r�h R�inorit� �u�sir�e�� �nter�ri�� �p��i�ica�ion� �rirn� C�n�rac��r 1�lai��r �orn� ATTACHMEI�T 18 Page � of 1 OFFEROR COMPANY lVAME: Check applicable box to describe Offeror's Certificat�on PROJECT NAME: � M' �8�� NQN-MNVIDRE BID DATE City's MBE Project Goa[: Offeror's MBE Projecf Commitment: PROJECT NUMBER % % If both answers ko this form are YI�S, do not c�mplete ATTACHMENT 1C (Gaod Faith Effort Forrr�}. All questions on this #orm must be completed and a detailed explanation pro�ided, if applicable. If fhe answer to eitE�er quesfion is NO, then you must complete ATTACHMENT 1 C. This form is only applicable if �th answers are yes. �a�iura tn comgla#e tF�ls f�rrn �n �#s �nt�r�ty and �e ro�eiv�d I�y t�� I�urchaslnu �ivlston no �ater tha� �=�o �.m,. on the s�con� City �us�r���s dav aF#er b�tl o�an�n�, exc�usiv� a1F the blr# opaning date. wl�l f��€��t �� t�te �I�# b�ing ��ns�doroo� nvn-�'espor+sive t� b3d �p�cifGc�tl�rrs, !!4lill you pe�orm fhis en�ire confrac� wifhouf subcon�ractors? Y�5 If yes, please pro�ide a detailed explanation that pro�es based on the size and scope of this �� project, this is your normal business practice and pro�ide an operational profiie of your business. �fllill you perform this entiire contracf without sup�liers? YES If yes, please pro�ide a detailed explanafion that pro�es based on the size and scope of this project, this is your normal business pracfice and provide an inventory pro�ile of your business. �40 The Offeror fur�her agrees to pro�ide, directly to the City upon request, complete and accurate information regarding aetual work performed by all subcontractors, including MBE(s) on �his coniract, the payment thereof and any proposed changes ta the original MBE{s) arrangements submitted w�th th9s bid. The Offeror alsa agrees to a11ow an audit andlar examination of any books, records and files held by tE�eir company that will substantiate the actual work perfarmecf by the MBEs on this cantract, by an authorized officer or employee of the City. Any ir�tentional and/or knowing misrepresenta#ian of facts wifl be grounds for terminating the contract or debarment from City work for a period of nof less than three (3) years and for initiating action under Federal, State or Local laws concerning false statements. Any faifure to comply with this ordinance creates a material breach of contract and may result in a determinakion of an irresponsible Offeror and barred from participating i� City work for a period af time not less than one (1 } year. Autfi�orized Signature Title Company Name Address C�ty/StatelZip Printed 5ignaWre Contack Name (if different] Phane Number Fax Number Email Address �ate p�ce of 8usiness Di�ersify Rev. 5I15119 Email: mwbeoffice@fortworthtexas.go� Phone: (817J 392-2674 Arrac�r��Nr �c Page 1 of 4 iF� �'I' ��� '� a� �ifiy of �ort F�!►o�h Minorit� �u�in��� �nt�r�prise 1��� �o�d �a��h ���r� �err� OFFEROR COMPANY NAME: Check appiicable box to describe Offeror's Certification pROJECY NAM�: M�JV/DBt NON-MIWIDBE BID qA7E City's MBE Project Goal: Offeror's MBE Project Commitment: PROJ�C7 NUMB�R a�o % If the Oi`fer�or did not me�# or exceed the M�� subcentrac#�ng gp�l for Ihis praject, the Offeror must compfete this form. If fhe �fi�eror's me�hod ofi campliance with �he ��� goai is based upon demonsfrafion of a "good �aifh effo�", the OfFeror wiEl have fihe burden of carrec�ly and accura�ely preparing and sub�nitfiir�g fhe documenga�ion requir�ed by 4he �:i4y. �ompli�nce witih each item, 1 thru 17 below, shall safisfiy the �ood �'aifih �fforfi requiremenfi ahseni proof of fraud, infenfianal ar�dlor knowing misrepresentat�on of the facfis or in4enfiional discrimination hy �he 8ffier�or. �ailure fio camplefie this form, in �ts �nt�re.� 41':±h su�po�!��n� r]c�!!mnnpatfn��, �^� r��e�•.��� i�y t�r� �;.�F:Yhwg�!?g �v�ulsian �� iater tr�n �:tDQ �a,�n. �n tk:ti se::a�*�d �E�r� GausGn�ss �+�� �f#�a* 15,i� O�aninq. exc!;rYi,ys of b�:� ap�er�ina� �ai�, w!!I r��+�lt in t�� b��� �4:;:� c;.S�si�ePa� i�ti:�..��spnnsi�e �o t�i� ��+yr_ifir�a�inn�. 1.) f�lease list each and every subcontracfiing andlor supplier appor�uni4y for 4he com�letion of this praject, regardless of whether it is to be provided by a M�� or non�M��. (DO N07 LIS7 WAfi�i�5 QF F'IRRfiS) On all projects, fihe Offeror must lisfi each subconfracting and or supplier apportuni�y regardfess of tier. {Use additional sheets, if necessary) �isi of Subcontracfiing Apportunities Lis� of Supplier Oppar�unities Rev. 5175119 ATiACHi1fl�NT 1C Page a of 4 2.) Obtain a current (not mare than two (2} months ald from the bid open date) list af {41fB� subcon�ractors andlor suppliers from the City's Office of Susiness Dir►ersity. ❑ Yes Date of �isting ❑ R!o 3.) f��d you soticit bids from fVIB� firms, within the subcontracting andlor supplier areas previausly iisted, ai least ten calendar days priar to bid apening by mail, exclusi�e of ti�e day the bids are o�ened? ❑ Yes {If yes, attach MBE mail listing to include name of firm and address and a dated capy af letter mailed.) ❑ No 4.) Did yau solicit bids from F111�� firms, within the subcantracEing andlor supplier areas previously Eisted, at least ten calendar days priar ta bid apening by telephone, exclusi�e of fihe day fhe bids are opened? ❑ Y�s (if yes, attach list to include name of MB� firm, ep rson contacted, phone number and dafe and time of contact.) � iV0 �.} Did you solicit bids from IVIY�� firms, within the subcontracting a�dlor supplier areas previously listed, at feast ten calendar days prior to bid apening by facsimile (fax), exclusi�e of the day the hids are opened? ❑ Yes ❑ NO (If yes, attacF� list ta include name of MB� firm, fax number and date and time af contact. In atEditipn, if the fax is returned as undeli�erable, then that "undeliverable confirmation" received musf be printed directly from the facsimile for proper documentetion. Failure ta submft confirmatiun andlar "undeliverabEe confirmation" documentation may render the GFE non-responsi�e.] 6.) Did yau solicit bids from hflB� firms, within the subcontract�ng andlor supplier areas pre�iously listed, at least ten calendar days prior #o bid opening by email, exclusive of the day the bids are opened? ❑ Yes ❑ Na (If yes, attach email canfirmatian to include name of M8E firm, date and time. In addition, if an ernail is returned as undeli�erable, then ihat "undeli�erable message" recaipt musi be printed directly from the email system for praper documentation. Failure to suhmit confrmation andlor "undeliverable message" dacumentation rr�ay render the GFE non-responsive.J h1�TE: T�� faur rr}�#ho�ls ic±�.►;�E�;Rd ab^t�s �re �cc�pt�k�le for sol�cikfr�g bi�#s, �nd e�ch s�!��!ad �n�t�od rros�st be a�pllsd to #t�e app�'rcai�;e cc:�trac!. Th� Offer�r must �ocurnent tdnat eikher a# lea�t iwo atierr��ts wer� fnade using lv�+o of ti�e four m�ih�da or t�at �t 12ast or�� s����ssful contact vua� ma�c�e usin� o�� of #F�e f�ur met�o�s #� �rder #� dee^:tid r�spa:�siv� to #h� �oo� F�atth Ef#prt re�uire�ent. ' NOT�: 7h� �fferqr rnu�t ���taci #he entire MBE ��st �,^�.�cific tv ��ch Sif�]G4^�r�Cfifl� and suonlie ���port�nity to �e #n c�m�}l�r�ce v�rith �uYsti�r�� 3 thru 6, i.) �id yau provide plans and specificafiions to potential 14���s? ❑ Yes ❑ P�o 8.) Did you pra�ide the information regarding the location of pians and specifications in order to assist the I���s? � Yes � P!o Re�. 5115l79 ��racH�w��r �c Page 3 of 4 9.) 9id you prepare a quotation for the M��s �io hid on goodslservices specific t� their skill set? ❑ Y�S i�f yes, attach all copies of quotations.} ❑ No 1�.} Was the contact information on any of the listings not valid? (If yes, attach the in€ormation that was not valid in order €or the Office of Business Diversity to address � YBS the corrections needed.) � Il�O 71.)Submit documentation if M�� quotes were rejected. The documentation submitted should be in the forms of an affidavit, include a detailed explanation of why the i��E was rejected and any supporting documentation the Offeror wishes to be considered by the City. In the event of a bona fide dispute concerning quotes, the Offeror wili provide for confidentia! in-camera access to an inspection of any relevant dacumentation by City personnel. Please use addifional sheets, if necessa , and aftach. __ Cam an Name Tele hone Confiacf �erson Sco e of Wor€c Reason for Re'ecfion AD�IiIAN�l�. IhIF0�19�ATlOf�: Please provide addifional informafion you feel wilf further expfain your good and honesfi e#forts fa obfain M�� parficipa�ion on fhis project. The Qf�er�r� fur�her agrees �o pre�ide, direcfly to fh� City upon reques4, compl�te and accura�e in�orma�ion r�e�arding actual wark perf'ormed on ihis con�ract, �he paymen� �hereof and an� proposed chan�es �o ihe o�iginal arrangemenis submi�ried wi�h �his bid. T'he �fferer als� agrees io ailow an a�udi� andlor examination of any books, records and fiiles held b� their company thai: will subsf�n�iate �he ac4ual ►�eorFz perrform�d on fihis �on�r�c�, by an authoriaed offic�� or employee o� �he �i�y, Aeny inten�rional andlor kn�►aoring misrepresenfia�ion of facfis w�ill be grounds �or ��rminating ihe contracfi or debarm�n� �rom City ra�ror�Fz for a periad of not fess �han fihree (3) year�s and f�r initiafiirog actien under Federal, S�a�e oY Locai lavvs concer�ning false s4�4emen�s. Any �aiEure to �omplJ� w�fih �his ord�nance shall cre�fe a m���rial brreach of cenicr�c�r and may resul� in a deter�mination of an irresponsible �fi'erer and deb�rment from participating in Cif� work fior a pe�iod of time nofi less than one ('9� �ear. Re�. 5115179 AiiACHl4l�Ehli 1C Page 4 af 4 �he undersigned certifies ihai ihe information provided and fihe Ni���s) listed rn�aslwere contacfied in good faith. I� is unders�ood �ha4 any 14�Y��(s} listed �n A�$achmenf 1C ►Evill be contacfi�d and �he reasons #or nof using �hem �+ill be veri�'ied b� �he Ci�y's Office afi Business �ivers��y. Autharized Signature Title Campany Name Address CiiylSqa�elZip Office of Business Di�ersity Email: mwbeoffice@fartworthtexas.go� Phone: (817) 392-2674 Printed Signature Contact Rlame and Yitle (if different) F'hone P�umber Fax Number Email Address Date Re�. 5I9 5l19 Joint Venture Page 1 of 3 �d] lE�'Y' �O �T �-I � CITY OF FORT WORTH 1V�BE Joint ijenture Eligibility Form ,4d1 questinrrs must be atrswered; rrse "N/A" ff not applicubl� Name of City project: 1. �oint venture information: A joint venture form must be completed on each project RFP/BidlProject Number: _ 7oint Venture Name: Jo�nt Venture Address: (If applicable) Telephone: Pacsimile: E-mail Cellular: Identify the fii-ms that comprise the joint venture: Please affach exfra sheefs if additional space is requi�'ed fo provide defailed explanations of �vork to be performed by each firrrr comprising fhe 'oint venture MBE Frm Non-MBE firm name• name• Bustness Address: Business Address: City, State, Zip: City, State, Zip: Telephone E-mai l Telephone E-mail CelEulaz Facsimile Cellular Facsimile Certification Status: Name of Certifying Agency: Z. Sco e of worl� erformed b the Jaint Venture: Describe fhe sco e of wprk of the MBE: Describe the sco e of work of fhe non-MBE: Rev. b115119 Joint Venture Page 2 of 3 3. What is the percentage of MBE parricipation an this joint venture that you wish to be coun�ted taward meeting the project goal? 4. Attach a capy of the,jaint venture agreement. 5. List components of ownership af joint venture: (Do nnt camplete if this information is described in joint venture agreement) Profit and loss sharing: Gapital contributians, including equtpment: Other applicable ownerslup interests: 6. Identify by name, race, sex and firm those individuals {with titles) wha are respansible for the day-to-day management and decision making af the joint venture: �'inancial decisions (to include Account Payable and Recei�able): Management decisians: ���~� a. Estimating --------- ------------------- - - - - - ---------------------------- b. Marketing and SaIes -------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - ---------------------- c. Hiring and Firing oF rnanagement personnel --------- - ------------------ - - - - - - --------------------------- d. Purchasing of xnajor equipment and/or supplies Supervision of field operations � � The City's Office of Business Diversity will review your jaint �enture submission and will ha�e final appro�al of the MBE percentage applied toward the goal for the project liste� an this form. NOTE: From and after the date of praject award, if any of the participanfs, the indi�idually defined scopes of work or the dollar amauntslpercentages change from the originally appro�ed information, then the part�cipants rnust inform the Ctty's Office of Business Di�ersity immediately for appro�al. Any unjustified change or deletian shall be a material breach of contract and may result in debarment in accord with the procedures outfined in the City's BDE Ordinance. Rev. 5/15/99 Jaint VenEure Pa e3of3 AFFIDAVIT The undersigned affirms that the foregoing statements ara true and correct and include all material information necessary to identify and explain the terms and operation of the joint veniure. �urihermore, the undersigned shail agree to �rovide to the joint venture the stated scope of work, decision-making responsibilities and payrnents herein. The City also reserves the righi to request any additional information deemed necessary to determine if the j oint venture is eligible. Failure to cooperate and/or provide requested information within tha time specified is grounds for termination of the eligibility process. The undersigned agree to permit audits, interviews with ovsmers and exarnination of the books, recards and itles of the joint venture by any authorized representatives of the City of Fort Worth. Faihire to camply with this provision shatl result in the te�-mination of any cantract, which may be awarded under the provisions of this joint venture's eligibility and may initiate action under Federal, State and/or Local laws/ordinances concerrning faIse statements or willful misrepresentafion of facts. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------_-___---- Name of MBE firm Name ofnon-MBE firn► Printed Name of dwner Printed Name of Owner Signature of Owner Signature of Owner Printed Name of Owner Frinted Name ef Owner Signature of Owner Signature of Owner TitEe Title Date Date Notarization State of On this County of day of , 20 , before me appeared and to xne personally knowti and r�rho, being duIy sworn, did execute tha foregoing affidavit and c�id state that thay were properly authorized to execute this affidavit and did so as their free act and deed. Notary Public Print Name Notary Public Signatttre Commission Expires Office of Busincss Diversity Email: mwbeoffice@fortworthtexas.gov Phone: (817) 392-2674 (seadJ Rev. 5115119 TH�S PAGE LEFT INTENTIONALLY BLANK CITY OP FOR'[' WOR'I'H STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Re�ised ]uly 1, 20l 1 V(LLAGE CRE�K V�lATER RECLAMATI�N PACILITY HEAI?WORKS FACILITY SLUiCE GATE MOI]IFiCATIONS C1TY PItOdECT NO. 10U766 ���60�7 �a�� lZ�.�e� T��S PAG]E L��'7C �l�T�'�N�'�Ol'��l�l�� T3I�AllTK CITY O�' PORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUC'f'ION SPECIFICATION DRCUMENTS Revised 7uly l, 20ll VILLAGE CRE�K WATER RECLAMAT[ON FACILITY HEADWORKS FACILITY SLUICE GA'I'E ivIdUIFICATIONS CITY PR07ECT NO. ] 00766 THIS PAGE LEFT INTENTIONALLY BLANK CITY OF` FO1tT W4RTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATI�N DOCUMENTS Revised Ju�y 1, 201 i VILLAGE CRESK WATER RECLAIvI?.TION FACILITY HEADWORKS FACILITY SLUTCE GATE MOI7IFiCATi�NS C1TY PROJECT NO. 10U766 2013 PitEVAiLfNG WAGE RAiES (Heavy and Nighway Construction Projects) CLASSI�ICA�"IDN U�SCRIP f ION Aspha�t Distributor Operator Asphalt Paving Machine Operator Asphalt Raker Broom ar Sweeper Operator C�ncrete Finisher, Paving and Structures Concrete Pavement Finishing Machine Operator Concrete Saw Operator Crane Operator, Hydraulic SO tons or less Crane Operator, Lattice Boom 80 Tons ar Less Crane Dperator, Lattice Boom �ver 80 Tons Crawler Tractor Operator Electrician Excavator Operator, 50,0�0 pounds or less Excavator Operator, Over 5D,000 pounds Flagger Form Builder/Setter, Structures Form Setter, Paving & Curb Founda�ion Dril! Operatar, Crawler Mounted Foundation Drill Operator, Truck Mounted Front End Loader Operator, 3 CY or Less Front End i.oader Operatar, Over 3 CY Laborer, Corr►man Laborer, Utility Loader/Backhoe Operator Mechanic Milling Machine Operator Motor Grader Operator, Fine Grade Motor Grader Operator, Rough Off Road Hauler Pavement Marking Machine �peratar Pipelayer Reclaimer/Pul�erizer Operatar Reinforcing Steel Warker Roller Operator, Asphalt Roller Operator, �ther Scraper Operatar Servicer Small Slipform Machine Operator Spreader 8ox Operatar Truck Driver Lowboy-Float Truck Driver Transit-Mix Truck Driver, Single Axle Truck Dri�er, Single or Tandem Axle Dump Truck Truck Driver, Tandem Axle Tractor wit� Semi Trailer Welder Work Zone Barricade Servicer Wage Rate $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ � $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 15.32 13.99 12.69 11.74 14.12 16.05 14.48 18.12 27.Z7 2d.52 14.07 19.80 17.19 16.99 10.06 13.84 13.16 17.99 21.07 13.69 14.72 10.72 12.32 15.18 17.68 14.32 7.7.19 16.02 12.25 13.63 13.24 13..01 16.18 13.08 �.1.51 12.96 14.58 15.96 14J3 16.24 �.4.14 1231 12.62 12.86 14.84 11.68 The Davis-Bacon Act pre�ailing wage rates shown for Heavy and Highway construcfion projects were determined by the Unitec! 5tates Department of La6or and current as of September 2013. The titfes and descriptions far the classifications listed are detaifed in the AGC of Texas' Standard Job Classifications and Descriptions for Highway, Hea�y, Utilities, and Indusirial Construction in Texas. Page 1 af 1 THIS PAGE LEFT INTENTIONALLY BLANK CITY flF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCi'ION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised duly 1, 2D11 VILLAGE CRE�K WATER RECLAMATION FACILITY HEADWORI{S FACILITY SLUICE GATE MpDIFICATIONS CITY PROJECT NO. 1U0766 +GC���2� ����Ils�����r►���n���m� 1lT�l�T� CITY OF FORT WORTH STANAARD CQN5TRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCU3vIENTS Revised July 1, 2011 VILLAGE CREGK WATER RECLAMATION FACILITY HEADWORKS FAC1LiTY SLUICE GATE MODIFICATIflNS CITY PRO.TECT NO. 100766 THIS PAGE LEFT 1NTENTI�NALLY BLANK CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DpCUM�,NTS Re�ised 7uly 1, 2011 VILLAGE CREEK WATEA RECLAMATION FACiLITY H�AI]WORKS FACILITY SLUICE GATE MODIFICATIONS CITY PRpJECT NO. 1Q0786 ��-�� �� �� ��°�d�nc� lZe����°e�en$s T�IIS ��G� ]L�FT �l�T'�'�llTTI��TA�I�� �ILA�Y� CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CQNSTRUCTIpN SPECIFICATIOI�i 170CUMENT5 Revised ]uiy 1, 2011 VIT,LAGE CREEK WATER RECLAMATIdN FACIT,ITY HEADWORKS FACILiTY SLUiCE GATE MODIFiCA`FIONS C1TY PROJECT NO. 100766 THIS PAGE LEFT 1NTENTIONALLY BLANK CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTR[3CTiON SPECIFICATIOAT TJOCl7MENTS Revised 7uly l, 2011 VILLAGE CRE�K WATER RECLAMATipN FACILITY FIEA�WORKS FACILITY SLUICE GAT� MODIF'TCATIOI�S CITY PR�7ECT �IO. 10U765 - � _ ���� ����t'� � �I� 1 �JC' JC' ��� �W �1��� WA7['�lZ ��]PA�T�[]EI�T'][�' S�Al�T�l�l� P1�OI��JC� L�ST �Tpdated: Sepiember 06, 2019 The Fort Worth Water Departmeni's Standard Products List ha� been developed to minimize the submittal review of products which meet the For� Worth Water Department's Standard Specifications during utility construction projects. When Technical Specifications for specific products, are included as part of the Construction Contract Documents, the requirements o�the Technical Spec�fication will override tihe Forti Wor�h Watez Department's Standard Specif cafiions and the For� Worth Water Depa�tment's Standard Products List and approval of the specific products will be based on the requirements of ihe Technical Specification whether or not the �pecific product meets the Fort Worth Water Department's Standard Speci�cations or is on the Fort Worth Water Department's Standard Products List. 7Cable of ��nte�t (Click on items ta go directiy �o the page} Items Page A. Water & Sewer 1. Manholes & Bases/Components ........................................................... 1 2. Manholes & Bases/Fiberglass ............................................................... 2 3. Manholes & Bases/Frames & Covers/IZectangular ............................... 3 4. Manholes & Bases/Frames & Covers/Raund ....................................... 4 5. Manholes & Bases/Frames & Covers/Water Tight & Pressure Tight .. 5 6. Mariholes & Bases/Precast Cancrete .................................................... 6 7. Manholes & Bases/Rehab Systeins/Cernentitious ................................ 7 $. Manholes & Bases/Rehab Systems/NanCementitious ......................... S 9. Manhole Insert (Field Operaiions Use Only} ........................................ 9 10. Pipe Casing Spacer ............................................................................... 10 i 1. Pipes/Ductile.Iron ................................................................................. 11 12. Utility Line Markez ............................................................................... 12 B. Sewer 13. Caatings/Epaxy ..................................................................................... 13 14. Coaiings/Polyurethane .......................................................................... 14 15. Cambinafion Air Valves ....................................................................... 15 1 b. Pipes/Concrete ...................................................................................... 16 17. Pipe Enlargeznent System (Method) ..................................................... 17 18. Pipes/Fiberglass Reinforced Pipe ......................................................... 18 19. Pipes/HDPE .......................................................................................... 19 20. Pipes/PVC {Pressure Sewer) ................................................................. 20 21. Pipes/PVC* ........................................................................................... 21 22. Pipes/Rehab/CIPP ................................................................................. 22 23. Pipes/Rehab/Fold & Form .................................................................... 23 24. Pipes/Open Profile Large Diameter ...................................................... 24 C. Water 25. Appurtenances ....................................................................................... 2S 26. Sa1ts, Nuts, and Gaskets ....................................................................... 26 27. Combination Air Release Val�e ........................................................... 27 28. Dry Barr�l Fire Hydrants .... .................................................................. 28 29. Meters ......... ........................................................................................ . .. 29 30. Pipes/PVC (Pressure Water} ................................................................. 30 31. Pipes/Valves & Fittings/Ductile Iron Fittings ....................................... 31 32. Pipes/Valves & Fittings/Resilient Seated Gate Valve .......................... 32 33. Pipes/Valves & Fittings/Rubber Seated Butterfly Valve ...................... 33 34. Polyethylene Encasement ..............................................................,...... 34 35. 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