HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 53892-A1CSC No. 53892-A1 AMENDMEN� No .1 '�`O C�'1'Y SECRETARY CONTRACT �'���1�, the City a� Fart Worth (CTTY) and Ra.mley-Horn and Assoaiates, Tnc., (ENGINEER) made and entered into City Seeretary Contraat Na. 53892, (the CONTRACT} which was adma.n3.straiively au�hora.zed on the 11,th day oi May, 202Q in the amount oi $99,50Q.00; az�.d '��+�]Ct�, the CONTRAC�' involves engineering services �or ihe fo1.].owing praject: San.xtary Sewer Rehabilitation, Contr�.�t 1�.9, or� 23rd Street; and �i'�+:RII��, it has become necessary �o execute AmencTment No. 1 to the CONTRACT to inal.ude an increasecl scope �f work and revised fee. J.11�m�`�`�+Ii,DI'�R17, CTTY and ENGINEER, acting here,in by and through their duly autharized repres�nfiatives, enter in�o the fo3.l.owing agreement, whieh amends �he CONTRACT: 1, Ar�icle I o£ the GONTRACm i.s amended to include the additional eng�.z�eeri.ng services spec�fied in �he proposal at�ached hereto and incorporated herein . The cos� to City for the add�.t�.o:rxa]. design services to be per�ormed by Engineer totals $10,000.00. 2. Article SI of the �OI�TTRACT is amendcad ta provide fo� an inarease in the fee �o be paid to Engi.neer tor all work and services per£oxz[�ed unde� the Can�ract, as amended, so �hat the tatal. £ee paid by the City fo� aX�. wark and services shal� be an amoun� of $109,500.00. 3. AZI other p�ovisians o£ the Contract, wha.ch are no� express3.y amended herein, sha11 remain i.n fuI.l £orce and e££eet. OFFICIAL RECORD CITY SECRETARY FT. WORTH, TX Page -1-- EX�CUTED and EFF'ECTIVG as of the date last written by a signatory, below. APPROVED: City of Fort Worth b� BaNAGcdv�F Dana Rurghdoff ;�r22, 20� Dana Burghdott' Assistant City Manager M a r 22, 2021 DATE: APPROVAL RECONID4ENDED : CG��/stO,�Gre� h`a�c�e� Christopher H� rder (Mar 22, 2021 07:02 CDT) Glenn Gary, P.E. Senior Vice-President �NGINEER ICimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. � / L r1/� DATE : � " � �^ �(/ pZl Chris Harder, P.E. Director, Water Department Contract Compliance Manager: By signing, I acicnowledge that T am the person responsible for the monitoring and administration of this contract, including ensuring all performance and reporting requirements. Name of Emp oyee 1 ti " P�1� ��. Lia.sn Conlon, Project Manager APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: � DBlack (Mar22.20211/'.09 CDTj Douglas W. Black Senior Assistant City Attorney ATTE5T: `����� 0 Mary J. Kayser City Secretary ,D,�p,4U�n�� 4 � � FoF°Rr�aa � dd l. ° ��a °�_� ��o a� P�� �� nEXA`'�d�a � M&C: 21-0187 Date: 02/16/21 Form 1295: 2021-710213 OFFICIAL RECORD CITY SECRETARY FT. WORTH, TX Page -2- d����ey>>� �I��� January 7, 202� Mr. Liam Conlon Project Manager Clly of Fort Worth Water Department 100o Throcl<morton Street Fort Wort(i, TX 76102 RE; Sanlfary Sewer Maln M-BR at 23'd Streef Contract 99J Arnendmenf No. � !(HA No. OG90�8364 Clty Secrefary No. 53d92 - Clty AroJect No. 902793 Dear Liam: Thls letter fs In reference to a contract baiween I<Imley-Horn and Assoclates, inc, (fClmley-Horn) and lhe Clty of Fort Worth (the Cily) dated 05-11-2020 referred to here(n as the "Contract". I<Imley-Horn Is pleased to submit our Amendment No. 1 for the Clly's Sanitary Sewer Maln M-BR at 23rd Street Contract 119 ProJect. The fees for this Amendment are not to exceed $10,000, increasing the total not to exceed fee to $109,600 When this project was originally scoped, ft was assumed to be constructed under an emergency contract, therefore would require no public bidding. During design, the City asked Klmley-Horn to publicly bid the proJect as well as include the M-439 48-(nch sanitary sewer slip Ilne proJect near Henderson Street and lhe Clear Forlc Trinity Rfver as one bid procurement, under iwo Units, This change order is to account for the bidding phese services as required by the Cily. Klmley-Horn will continue the services outlined as follows and as directed by the City: TASK 9. BID PHASE SERVICES. ENGINEER will support the bid phase oF lhe project as follows. 9.1. Bfd Support a The ENGINEER shall upload all plans and contract documents onto Buzzsaw for access to potential b(dders. a Contraot documents shall be uploaded In a.xis flle. . Unit Price Proposal documents are to be created utlllzfng CFW eidtools only and combined in a speci�iad spreadsheetworl<boolt, Bfd Proposal Worl<sheetTemplate, and wlll be popufated and configured so that all pages are complete and the Summary Worl<sheet(s) In the worl<bool< detail and automatically summarize the totals from the inserted Unit Prfce Proposal document worksheets, e � feel, Unit 11, Suile 1300, FI. Worth, TX 76102 817 335 6511 I 9C�mNe�>>� ��rr� Page 2 �.. � Plan Sets are tc� be uploaded tc HIM 360 in iwo formatsR ,pdf and .dwf files. The .pdf ._ wfll consist of �ne file of 4hre et�tire pl�n set. The .dwF will consist of fndividual flles, .. . one for e�ch plan sheA}, and will he numbered and nameci in a manner similar to that of the plan 5et index, ' , � The ENGINE�R shall sell confracf documenfs and maintain a plan holders list on Buzzsaw from doce�ments sold and from Contractor's uploaded Plan Holder Registrations in Buzzsaw. o The ENGINE�R will dev�lop and implement procedures for receiving and answering bldders' questions and requests for addit(onal informalion. The procedures shall include a log of all significant bidders questions and requests and the response thereto, The log shall he housed and malntained in the proJect's BIM 360 folder titled Request for Informatlon. The ENGINEER will provide technical interpretation of the contract bid documents and will prepare proposed responses to all bldders questlons and requests, (n lhe form of addenda. The ENGINEER shall upload all approved addenda onto Buzzsaw and mail addenda to all plan holders, � Aitend the prebid conference in support of the CITY, o Assist the CITY In determining the qualiflcatlons and acceptabili(y of prospective contractors, subcontractors, and suppliers. a When substitution prior to award of coniracts is allowed in the contract doouments, the ENGINEER will advlse the CITY as to the acceptabilily oF alternate materials and equipment proposed by bldders. a Attend the bld opening in support of the CITY. o Tabulate and review all bids received for the construction proJect, asslst the CITY In evaluat(ng bids, and recommend award of the contract. A copy of the Bld Tabulaiion and lhe CFW Data Spreadsheet created uti�izing CFW Bidtools only are to be uploaded Into the project's Bid Results folder on BIM 360. e Incorporate all addenda Into lhe contract documents and Issue conformed sets. 9,2 Final Desfgn Drawings �) Final Design Drawings shall be submilted fn both Adobe AcrobaE PDF format (version 6.0 or higher) format and DWF foi�mat, There shall be one (1) PDF iile and one (1) DWF file for the TPW plan set and a separate PDF and DWF file for the Water plan set. Each PDF and DWF file shall be created from the orlginal CAD drawing files and shall contaln all assoclated sheets of the partfcular plan set. Slnaular PpF and DWF files for each sfieet of a plan set will not be accepted, PDF and DWF files shall conForm to naming convent(ons as follows: I. TPW flle name example —"W-1956 org47.pdP' where "W-1966" Is the assigned file number obtafned from the CITY, "_org" designating the fils (s of an original plan set, "47" shall be ihe total number of sheets in this file. i317 336 G511 I � fl�d����'>>���ff�l Page 3 . Example: W-0053_org3.pdf and I:-0320 org5.�df II. Water and Sswei� flle name example —"X-35667_qrg36.pdf" whera "X-35667° fs lhe assigned file number obtafnod from the CITY, "_org" designaling 4he file is of an � origfnal plan set, "36" shall be the tota{ number of slieets In this file. Example: X-12765_orgl8,pdf ' Botft PDF and DWF flles shall be uploaded io the project's Fir�al Drawing folder in euzzsaw. 2) in additlon to the PDF and DWF Files, the ENGINEER shall submit each pian sheet as an individual DWG f(le with all reFerence flles integrated (nto the sheet. If the plans were prepared fn DGN tormat, they shall be converted to DWG prior to uploading. The naming conventlon to be used for the DWG files shall be as follows: I. TPW files shall use tlie W number es for PDF and DWF flles, but shall include lhe sheet number in lhe name --"W-1956 SHT01.dwg", "W 1956_SHT02.dwg", etc. II. Water and 5ewer file names shall use the X number as for PDF and DWF files, but shall Include the sheet number In the name —"X-�12166 SHT01.dwg", "X- 12755 SHT02,dwg", etc. For information on the proper manner to submit files and to obtaln a file number for ihe project, contact the Department of Transportatlon and Public Works Vault at te(ephone number (817) 392-8426. Ffle numbers wlll not be lssued to a proJect unless the appropriate project numbers and fund codes have been assigned and are fn ihe Deparimeni of Transportation and Public Worl<s dalabase. ASSUMPTIONS o The project will be bid only once and awarded to one conlraclor. o Five (5) sets of construclion documents will be soid fo and made available on BIM 360 for plan holders andlor given to plan vlewing rooms. n Six (6) sets of 22 x 34 size and six (6) sets of � 1 x 17 size drawings plans and six (6) speci(ications (conformed, if applicable) will be delivered to the CITY. ❑ PDF, DWF and DWG files wiil be uploaded to BIM 360. DELIVERABLES A, Addenda B. eid tabulat(ons C. CFW Data Spreadsheet D. Recommendation of award E, Construct(on documents (conFormed, iF applfcable) 0 B<am8ey>>> I�fl��� The following table summarizes the fee for this amendment by proJect phase: Descriptlon Original Amend Revised Fee No.1 Contract Design Management $13,000 - $13,000 Conceptual Design $8,000 - $8,000 Flnal Design $49,000 - $49,000 Construction Phase Services $16,000 - $16,000 ROW/Easement Services $10,000 - $10,000 SuNey $3,500 - $3,500 Bid Phase Services - $10,000 $10,000 Total Pi•oJect $99,600 $10,000 $109,500 Water Sewer Total Orfginal Contract $0 $99,500 $99,500 Amendment No, 1 $0 $10,000 $90,000 Total $0 $109,600 $'109,600 Pac�e 4 Thts wili revise our total conlract SBE participation from $3,100 (3.2%) to $3,100 (2.8%), �Co��ev>>��fIfI�U� COMPENSATION Page 5 The ENGINEER shall be compensated for personnel ifine, non-labor exp'enses, and subcontract expenses In perForming services enumerated (n Attachment A as follows: A, Personnel Tlme, Personnel time shall be compensated based upon hours woriced direclly in performing the PROJECT multiplied by the appropriate Labor Cateqory Rate for the ENGINEER's team member performing the worl<. . Labor CateQory Rate, as presen(ed In the rate schedule lable below is ihe rate for each labor category performing the worl< and includes all direct salaries, overhead, and prolit. i, Non-Labor Expenses, Non-labor expenses shall be relmbursed as Direc � Expenses at (nvolce or (nternal office cost. 4.6% will be added to each invoice to il cover certaln other fnternal office cost expenses as to these taslcs, such as in-house duplicating, local mfleage, telephone calls, facsimiles, postage, and word processing. I' �, Direct Expenses (non-labor) include, but are noi limited to, mileage, travel and lodging ;I expenses, mall, supplies, printing and reproduction services, other direct expenses �j associafed with delivery of the work; plus applicable sales, use, value added, business � transfer, gross receipts, or other s(mllar taxes. Direct reimbursable expenses such as I� express delivery services, fees, travel, and other direct expenses will be Uilled at 1.10 tfines lhe cost. , If. Subcontract Expenses. Subcontract expenses and outslde seNlces shall be reimbursed at cost to ENGINEER plus a markup of ten percent (10%), ili. Budgeis. ENGINEER will make reasonable efForts to complete ihe worlc withln the budget and will keep the Clly fnformed of progress toward that end so that the budget or worlc effort can be adjusied if found necess�ry, ENGINEER 1s not obligated to incur costs beyond lhe indicated budgets, as may be adjusled, nor is ihe Cfty obllgated to pay ENGINEER beyond these ilmits. r Itlmley-hornicom 801 Cherry Sfreet, Unit 11, Sufle 1300, f=t. Wor1h, TX 7G102 a17 336 G511 I��n�lev>>;- �� -►1����.,�.� Pa�a fi If ENOINEER projects, In the course of providing ihe necessary servlces, that the PROJECT cast presented In Article 2 of thls P�qreement will be exceeded, whelher by change In soope of the project, fncreased costs or other conditions, the ENOINEER shall fmmedletely report such fact to the City and, if so Instructed by ihe City, shall suspend all wori< hereunder. When any budget has been increased, ENGINEER's excess eosls expended prlor to suolt Inerease wili be allowable to Ihe same extent as if such costs had baen incurred after the approved increase. 8. The ENGINEER shall be paid monthly payments as described In Melhod of Payment, Method of Payment � A. The EN�INEER shall ba paid by the City based upon an invo(ce created on lhe basls of ,j statements prepared from ihe books and records of account of the ENOINEER, based ' on ihe aatual hours and costs expended by ihe ENGINEER In performing 1he work. '� i; B, Eaoh Involce shall be verlfied as to its accuracy and compllance wfih the terms o(lhls ! Agreement by an officer of the ENGINEER. , C. ENGINEER shall prepare and submit Invoices In lhe format and Including content as prevlausly presented In Exhib(t B-1. D, payment of fnvoloes will be subject to certification by the CIty that such work has been performed. We apprealate the opportunity to be of contlnued service to the Clty, Please contect us IFwe need to provide any furlher informapon. Very truly yours, I<IMLEY,HORNANDASSOCIATES, INC. Texas Regislration No. F-92f3 /��� � �' �� Glenn A. Gary, P.E. Sr, Vfce President dAO:cpi KiFIW UI61fa10610f?78/CFWSSAI�BRP3rdSMPPW09T_MPUmd0lU�tdstAmdlSLmmaryLU.docn � kfnlloy-homiaom -0� ii:s:netry.Slreet, Unit i'C� 8ulte T3U�r�l"�Vodh,?X 7(31D2 �� • • • ., ' '. . • ,; • ,• •` • . • DATE: Tuesday, March 9, 2021 REFERENCE NO.: **M&C 21-0187 LOG NAME: 60SSRC119A1-KHA SUBJECT: (CD 2) Authorize Execution of Amendment No. 1 with Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. in the Amount of $10,000.00 for Additional Design Services Associated with Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation, Contract 119, on 23rd Street Project for a Revised Contract Amount of $109,500.00 and Adopt Appropriation Ordinance RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council: 1. Authorize execution of an engineering agreement with Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. for Amendment No. 1 in the amount of $10,000.00 to City Secretary Contract No. 53892, Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Contract 119 on 23rd Street project for a revised contract amount of $109,500.00; and 2. Adopt the attached appropriation ordinance increasing receipts and appropriations in the Water and Sewer Capital Project Fund in the amount of $10,000.00 transferred from available funds within the Water and Sewer Fund for the Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Contract 119 on 23rd Street project (City Project No. 102713). DISCUSSION: On May 5, 2020, Mayor and Council Communication (M&C 20-0319) the City Council authorized the adoption of an appropriation ordinance that provided funding in the amount of $150,250.00 for project management and material testing for Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Contract 119 on 23rd Street. The appropriation included funding in the amount of $99,500.00 that was utilized for the administrative agreement with Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. that was executed on May 11, 2020, for the preparation of plans and specifications for a segment of Sanitary Sewer Main M-BR on 23rd Street south of the Fort Worth Stockyards. Amendment No. 1 will provide additional design services on the project. Funding for Sanitary Sewer Main Rehabilitation Contract 119 on 23rd Street depicted below: Fund Existing Additional Project Appropriations Appropriations Total� Water & Sewer Capital Projects $150,250.00 $10,000.00 $160,250.00 Fund 56002 Project Total � $150,250.00 $10,000.00 $160,250.00 *Numbers rounded for presentation purposes. This project is located in COUNCIL DISTRICT 2. FISCAL INFORMATION / CERTIFICATION: The Director of Finance certifies that funds are currently available in the Water & Sewer Fund and upon approval of the above recommendations and adoption of the attached appropriation ordinance, funds will be available in the current capital budget, as appropriated, in the W&S Capital Projects Fund for the Rehab Contract 119 project. Prior to any expenditure being incurred, the Water Department has the responsibility to validate the availability of funds. http://apps.cfwnet.org/ecouncil/printmc.asp?id=28739&print=true&DocType=Print 3/19/2021 FUND IDENTIFIERS (FIDs): TO Fund Department�(Accou� Project ID I ID gram ctivity Budget Reference # Year (Chartfield 2' (Fundl Department �Accoun� Project IProgram�Activityl Budget ( Reference # ID � ID � Year (Chartfield 2; CERTIFICATIONS: Submitted for Citv Manager's Office by_ Dana Burghdoff (8018) Oriqinatinq Department Head: Chris Harder (5020) Additional Information Contact: Liam Conlon (6824) ATTACHMENTS 1. 60SSRC119A1-KHA FID Table (WCF 01.26.21).xlsx (CFW Internal) 2. 60SSRC119A1-KHA Form 1295.pdf (CFW Internal) 3. 60SSRC119A1-KHA Funds Available.docx (CFW Internal) 4. 60SSRC119A1-KHA Map.pdf (Public) 5. 60SSRC119A1-KHA SAM.pdf (CFW Internal) 6. 60SSRC119A1-KHA 56002 A021.docx (Public) . ��� http://apps.cfwnet.org/ecouncil/printmc.asp?id=28739&print=true&DocType=Print 3/19/2021 � 1'11'�� � '1111�� � � �IIII�� � 11111�� a v m -a rt � v ro � � � v m � �, � D n t� O C 7 '+ 'O O � �. N �v n rr (A v a � � m < < � z �� � � d a �� � rt n (A �*+ m N � �Z -, o a°a 7� + T� � O � � r m D rt 3 '� o �p c y 3 rT � � C � � O N fD D � n O C 7 '+ � O (D n rt v D � '<' < �� �� � �- � � K � I�1 n � � N N � � 0 aa o, 3 D 3 0 c � rt '� C � 'a O H N C 7 '+ �O � O fD � rt v � W � _ � � � � rt n �n � N � i � fl. 0 ao �p � � d �I D 3 0 c 3 rr � C � � O � (D � I ,,,,,., � I ,,,,,,, �