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AT LAw No. 2
This Settlement Agreement and Release {"Agreement") is made and delivered by and
among Allstate rire and CasualCy Insttrance Company ("AIlstate") and the City of Fort Worth, alf
of whom are someti�nes collectively referred to herein as the "Par�ies."
WHERFAS, AlIstate sued the City of Fort Worth as subrogee as its insured Mark
WHEREAS, Allstate sued the City of Fort Wo�th arising out of an automobile accident
beiween its insured, Mark McClendon, and a�re engine ownec{ and opei•ated by C�e City; and
WI�CREAS, the Parties desire to settfe all mal-ters in controversy,
NOW, THERFFORE, for and in consideration of tl�e promises, represe��tations, cele�ses,
warranties, and covenanfis contair�ed in this Agceement, the Pariies hereby ag�'ee as fol[ows:
i.1 Tl�e Parties sl�all cooperate in exectiting and filing a Notice oP Nonsuiti with
prejudice and shall submit same to the Court for entry.
1.2 The City of rorr wo��h, shall pay to Plaintiffs, Allstate the total sum of
$15,OOa.aO within 3Q days af its receipt of � fully-executed copy of this Agree�nent.
l.3 No party shall pay costs or attorney's fees to any other party.
1.4 The consideration for this Agreement includes (a) the consideration recited in
Allstate a/s/o Mark McClendon v. Caty nf Fort Wnrt�. — Settlement Agreement & Re� ?'-�-�-�-�� �
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Article 1 af this Agreement; (b) the releases granted in Article 2 oithis Agreement; (c) dismissal
with prejudice of the Lawsuit; attd (d) the other representations, warranties, promises, and
a�reements set %rth in this Agreement. The Parties acknowledge the receipt and suf�ciency of
the consideration for this Agreement.
2a. Except for the obligations imposed on the Parties by this Agreement, Allstate on its
avvn behalf and on behalf of its insured, agents, attorneys, successors, and assigns, and any
person or entity cIaimin� by, thralt�h o�� under hiin, cioes hereby release, acquit and forever
c�ischarge the City and each o� its current or previntYs agents, ernplayees, serva��ts,
representatives, attorneys, insi�rers, reinsurers, subsidiaries, successo�•s and assigns
(collectively,the"ReleasedParti�s"),from and against �ny and ail claims, deinailds, caL�ses
ofaction, liabilities and da�nages (including but nat limited ta actual damages, exemplary and
punitive damages, stat�.itory da�nages, penalties, attorney's fees, prejudgir�ent and post-
judgment interesi and expenses), ofany and eveiy character, kii�d and ��ature r�vhatsaever, at ! aw
or in eqiiity, whet�ler known or u��Icnowii, past, present or f�tL�re, accrued or un�accrued,
contingent or �xed, whether based on the 1aw of co.niract, torC, or otherwis�, whethet• undee
constitutional Iaw, statutory law, or comrno�� law, whe�lier state or federal, including, but not
Iimited to, clai�ns for false or unlawful arrest, detention, or iinprisom�ent, �xcessive force,
assault, battery, negligence, or wrongful or malicioiis prosecution, arising out of, resutti��
from, based upon, ar related in any vvay tv any transacfion nr interaction betvveen the
Parties prior to the executian of this A�reement, the Occi�rrence, the s��bject matter of
the lawsuit, or thc actions of the Parties in ilte negotiation and execution of this
�b: ---�xe�;j�i�-at t�ie-obl���g��i���- it�o�ed-�t�---�lie-l�a�lies--b�--��� �gt°e�e�°ne�tt, 11�1�
�1�T�ler��ar�; an-l�i�s-e�+rrbel�ai•�-��-o�--be���H'a-i=1���-ager�ts� at�o�r�ey�;-s�eeess��d-�ss�grT�;
a�d-a��p per�c��rer��it��laj��it�� by�-t•�rougl�-o�-�:rr��ier l��tn; does-here#��-rele�tse,�acc���iit anc�
��-rer�er-d°ischa-rge-�}j�e-C��t��l-ea�:i�-Q�i�s-eti�•re�t�ar�-p�e�-i�ge�s; emp�o�ee�,-�c��t�
represer�tat-i�es; �t�rr��e�s; -i�s��u�rers; --re��re�°s; ----�t-r��'rd�t �es,--s�ueces�vrs--�nei-�igns
{ec�llee��l�;�H 'c�ei�ase�-P��ie�"};f-rs-m-an�-�g�i���n�-and-��I-claims; c��r���dss ea�:tsse�
a���etian, li��ril-ir�i�s-��d-da•in��es�i�e-i�-�r�t �►�t I�i�it-ed tc�ae�t�l�d�rr��es; -e�e�rr�r�a�rd
�u�ri�i=�e---c��rr�ages; s�atr2t�i�-c��r�e�>��e�a�fiies; a��orne�'s--fees;-prej-uef�rt�e�rt�-a��-post
ft�c��erri 'rr�fiere�t ��rrd e�pe�ses}; af-�rt�a��-e�er�-elr�r�.e�r; ��d-a�d-r�at��re v��iat�oever; at l�r�
�-i�-�q�.�i�t3 ; w�iethet�-l�rr��---c�r--urrlc�c��v�; p�:st; pre�e�t-or-�irt�ure; �eE��ed-er-�tn�accr�taeda
��rn�r��-o�-fi�ed,--r��ie�1�e� b��ed- a�-��e-la�-af--��n�raet, ���; er �i7cr�isF,; -�v�i�t}ier-��d�r
const�t-�t�ien�l 1��+; st�t«�er�-i���; e�m�i�nart 1��; v�l�e�h�t�e-ar-�e�}er�l; i�e�l�:���ir��-i��tt r,��t
-�i�-i�ed-te;-e-la'rms--€er�false-or-��avt��.�i- �rres�g-det�t�ie�, ��-i��ri��;t�t;-�ees�i�s-fb�ee;
�s�aLr}t; ba�e�; r�e�ligenee; a�v-�rc���f-tt�l-at��l-ruiat��--prr�see�itiar�;-��ris�ng-s�i�-f;---res�rl�ng
froam; b���-u�am;-trr r�latec� -in-a�n�--wa�-t� �r�� �ra�ts�cti�atr--o�r-i��e�racti�rr�retvvee�rm�h�
Pa-rtwes-p�ri�r�o--t�te-c��eutien--of flris�greern�nt; t-he-9eeu�rence,-�Eremsubjec�-��ter-af
�h�-�la�s�it;�--�H�-attio�ts-o-f-�he- Pa�ties-irr---��e n�go�iati�n----a�rd�xeetr�iar�--of this
Allstaie a/.r/o Mark McClendon v. City af Fort Worth. —�'ettlement Agreement & Release P a g e f 2
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Express Unc�erstandin�s and Acknowledgrnents
3.1 The Pa��ties uncierstand and acicnowledge that this Agreement consti.tutes a
FULL, LJNCOND�TIONAI, AND COMPLETG RELGAS� �nd incli�cies aIi clai�ns agaii�st t11e
Keleased Parties, including, but ��ot limited to claims for actual damages, compensatory dama�es,
exemplary damages, punitive darnages, violations of any �ederal or state common iaw dl�ty, statute,
or regulatio��, attorney`s fees, int�r�st, or any otl�er cause of action that rvas or co��ld have been
brought in thc Laws��it or otherwise relatin� to or arising frain the Occurrence.
3.2 The Parties understand and �cl�nowledge th�t upon execution of this Agreement
there are na f'urther obl�gations o�� duties of any lcind, express or impliecl, le�al or ec�uitable, owed
6y any of the Parfiies to ane another with �•egard to the subject matter nf the Lawsuit, except as i�tay
be expressiy provideci in Lhrs Agreemeni.
3.3 The Parties understand and ackn.owledge that by executi��g this A.greeme��t, no
pa�'ty admits any liability, sti�ch liabiiity being specifically denieci. The Paifiies understai�d and
acl<nowledge that this A�reement is made as a cornpromise ar�cE shall never be ased as evidence of
l�abitity or wrongdoing of any of the �'arties in any claim, cause of action or suifi, except in a s�iit
wherein a breach of this Agreement is alleged.
Express Representations and Warranties
Allstatc �rePresenfs and warrants as follows:
4.1 AllsEate is legally competent and have capaci�:y to execute t11is Agre��nent.
4.2 All expenses of any and every nature and cl�aracter whatsoever incurred by
Allstate arising from the Occurrei�ce or in connection witll the Lawslut have been or will.
he1•eafter be paid i� fu11 by Allstate, includit�g, but not liiniied to, any and all clauns of
providers of inedical and i•elated services, Medicare and/or Medic�id, inst�a•ers, attorneys,
�overnm�ntal agencies ar o'thers wlio may ciaim a lien, subrogaiion, or atlier rigltts witll
respect to or related to the �cc�u�ren.ce described above aild any in.juries or damages incurred
or sustained as a result al' it.
4.3 Allstate has nat assigned, pledged or otl�erwise in any manner �x+l�tatsoever
sold or transferred, either by insirument in writing or otl�erwise, any righi, iitle, interest or
Allstate crls/o Mark McCleridon v. City of Fort Worth. — Settlement Agreement & Release P a,g e � 3
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claim that it has or may have by �•eason of tl�.e Occurrence or any maft�rs arising out of or
related ti.lereto.
4.4 Before executin� this Agree�neni, Allstat� has fully informed itself of its
terms, conients, conditions and effect, and no prorr�ise or �•epresentatiott o# any kind has be�n
made to him by the Rele�sed Parties or by anynne aciing for them, except as is expressly
stated in this Agree�nent.
4.5 Allstate has relied solely and caxx,pleiely �ipon their own jL�dgf�nent and the
advice ofthe�r counsel in malcin� this s�itlement, and both fully understand that this is � full,
cornpl�te and tinal re�ease, and that the a�orementioned $15,000.00 is all the �noney tl�at is to
be paid by the Released Parties to Alist�te �s a result of ilie �ecurrence whicll un�terlies tlle
released cl�.iins, and t11at A.11st�te wil l��ave na f��rt�er rigl�ts to appea7.
4.6 The Allstate acknowledges that each of the above warranties and
representations is a material and inducing condition precedent to the f�nding of the consideration
of this Agreement.
Dismissal of Su'rt
5. Upon the execuiion oFthis A�reeinent, the Parties shall mutuaily cause th�ir
respective counsel to frle a joint motion or �tipuiation af dismissal with pr•ejudice in the
Lawsuit. The �notion or stipulation sna11 provide thai ihe matter is dismissed with prejudice i:o
the right o�f'any party to re-f.i�e same, and that a�.l costs are assessed against t��e party incurring
6.1 This Agree�r�er�t shail be �overned and intei•pi•eted in accordance witl� the
laws of the State of Texas.
6.2 Thzs Agree�-nent and the rights and o6ligations included in this Agreement
shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upan each party to this Agreemant and their
respective successors and assi�;ns.
G.3If any provision or term of this �greement shall for any reason be held ta
l�e unenforceable or invalid, the remainder of the Agreetnent shaIl not be affected.
Aldstate a/s/a Mark McClendon v. Crty of Fort Worth. — Settlement Agreement & Release �' a� c� � 9
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6.4 This Agreement constitutes the entire agreeinent between the P�rties and
supersecles all prtor aral and written �inderstai�dings and agreeme��ts between the Parties or
any of them with respect to the subject n�atter of this Agreement. The provisions of this
Agreement shall not be waived, modi�ect or amended except 6y sL�bsequent writing signed by
all Parties.
EXECUTED in multiple counterparts on the dates attested by the signatories below.
J�� - - �.�a._w .`
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Allstate Fire and Casualty Insurance Company
This instrument was acknowledged before ma on the day of , 2021, by
Joshua Weems
as of AIlstate Fire and C�saalty �nsurance Com�any.
Natary Publi ' L"- -�F�-�°•°- te of Texas
K. Lauren Prescott
'y� P � � Commission # 1323fififi24 �, �,�^�'��`
' � No#a Aublic �"`°`""'"°°"'"`�`W
��QF� My Comm Exp. Feb 11, 2�24
r��.w� ��� as�as�zoz�
`",�°�„�'�„°"�,� ,m Date:
Joshua Weenas
Attorney %r Plaintiffs,
Allstate a/s/o Mark McClendon v. City of Fort Worth. —�ettlemeni Agreement & Release P a g e � 5
y Owww.docvelDv88��EE298-9939-A5i�-A275�380FA6A880BE j Pflga 31 of 32 ' 3t3BOFAEA8808E_ i ,I�� ����I II I I�
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Jesus "Jay" Chapa
Assistant City Manager
.L.y� ?yl. GcJ�;�.
Lynn M. Winter
Senior Assistani City Attorney
Mary J. KayseK; y �`ecretary
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Allstale a/s/o Mark McClendon v. City of Fort Worth. — Settlement Agreement & Release 1' u g e � 6
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