HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 55470CSC No. 55470
Tltis Te��i�oi•at•y License Agrec�neiit ("Ag��ee�tlent") is ecitered ii�to by and betweeii tf�e City of
Fort Worth, Te�:as, a home-rule mu��ici��al coa'�o��ation of the State of Te�as ("City"), aud McMahon
Co�7tracting, �,P, a'fexas corporation ("Company"}.
WH�REAS, the City o�v��s a ce��ta�n piece of property known as Rock��oad Park, located at 107
North Univcrsaty Drive, Fqrt Worth, TX 761 l4 (the "Pai•k"); and
WHEIt�AS, the Com�any desires ta gain access o�er a►�d tlirougi� the Yaric ta remove and repair
drainage pipe, install pluizie adjacent ta A'oad, remove and install asphalt road; and
WH�REAS, the City has re�iewed the Com�any's plans and agrees to geant the Coi��pany access
ove�• and th��ough tkie Aark in accordance with tlie te����ls and conditions of this Agreement.
N�W, TH�REFORE, i�t co��side�•ation of ti�e covenants and agreement contained ]�erein, City
and Co►tipa3�y agree as folEo�vs:
1. License Granted. In accordaz�ce with the terms and conditions of fliis Agree�nent, City hereby
grauts to tiie Company a iio�y-ezcii�sive licciise to use a poi�tion of tl�e Park as more accurately
depicted �n in Exl�ibii A(the "Licensed 1're��iises"), which is attaclied hereto a«d incorparated
Ilerei�i for all pucposes.
2. Term.
a. The tej•m of this Agreeme��t shall consisi of one (1 } Iicense pe��iod of 120 consecutive da�+s
commeiicing u��on executia� of this Ageeement by City ("Com»}encement Date") and ex�iring at
11:59 P.M. on the 120th day follo�ving t11e Camn�encement Date {"License Period"). If Co3npany
fails to coinplete all oUligatio�is hereui�der in accorda��ce with tliis Ag��cert�ent o�� or hefai•e the
eYpiration of thc Lice��se Pe�'iod, incluciing, i�ut not limited to, resto�•ation of the Licensed Premises
or other City property, khen Company agrees to extend the License Period o�i a mot�th-to-montl�
basis until Company Ifas compieted all obligations pursuaelt to ihis Permit. Thc extens�an of the
License Pe��iod sk�all a�enew automatically each �no��th until Co�zi��a�ry receives notice from the City
Temporap- License Agrzement— �tock�vood Park CITY SECRETARY
A4arch 2021
that ali of its obligations undee tlle Pei•mit have been compEeted, wl�icl� notice k3�e Cif�� shall not
unreasoeiably withhefd. Noh�fitl�sta�iding anytl�ing to the contrary, tlae City �nay termi�fate the
extended License Period at any t�me ancf for any reaso�f.
b. Access. Na use of or access to the Park or the T.icensed Pre�uises shaii be al{owed
outside of #l�e designated Licensc Periad or a�plicable cxteE�sion periad. Campany's rights in and
to tlie Licensed Premises hcreundez� shalf be strictly li���ited a�Id sliall fully and absol�itely ternlinate
and be af no furtl�ea� force a»d effect at tl�e conclusioif of tl�e License Pe��iod or appficable extensia►�
�eriad. Aftei• tl�e LEcense Period ar applicaUle extension period ends, all rights of Com}�any in anc(
to the I iceaased Preniises shall, automatically a��d �vithoui tlte need for any furtl7er docu�ne�itaiion,
fully and unconditionally kez����inate, c�vl�ereupon CompaE�y sha�] have no rigl3t of entry or use of ttie
I,icensed Preinises wl�atsoe�er.
3. L�cense Fee. City and Company exj�a�essly ageee and stipulate t�lat this Agreen�e�at is based on
vali►a61e consideration and an exchange of promises that wil[ be ii�dependent�y beneficial ta both
pa��ties. Both parties agece as a ca�3dition precedeE�t to executing ti�is Agreement ti�at the
consideratia3i is �aluable and sufficient and that neither party shall ve able to asse��t athe��wise in
the e�ent of litigation. SpecificaEly, City accepts the beneiit of tE�e drainage improvements to City's
�roperty as a resuit af Cocnpany's access and construction activ�ty in eYcliar�ge foi• any fee fot•
Company's use of thc Licensed Premises. Ca�t�paa�y accepts tk�e waiver of City's liceEise fee as
va[uable consideration in excha��ge for the cocistruction benefit ��ro�ided to City and �ts p►•operty.
Notf�ing het•ein shall constitute an obligatio�i af City funds. City si�al] not owe any an�ount of iiloney
for any reaso�z ��t�atsoer�er to tl�e Co��i}�aity foi• ser�ices rendea'ed in connection with this Agreen�►ent.
City sha11 not be liable nor o�ve a�i}+ payment, fee, cost, penaliy, ar money foE� aiiy other ��eason
whatsoever to Coinpany. If, dw�i��g Flfe Lice��se Pea�iod of this 1lgreement, the Company per�o��n�s
any activities in the Park that a►•e outside of tlie Licei�sed Pre3n�ses, tl�en the Company shali }�ay to
tl�e City a daily fee of$1.00 per squa��e fooi of additional Park tised for such activity. Tl�is p��ovision
is not intended to expand t17e boundary of the Licez�sed Premises or the ►'ight of Co3�ipany to operate
outside of the Licensed Yremises but merely to assess a fee in the event that the Co����any opei•ates
o�ti Park }�roperty o�tside af the Licensed Preanises. If sucEs fee is incw�red by the Compaf�y, iheil
Compa��y slfall pay ar cause the City to he paid such fee �vitk�in thirty (30} calendar days after
i•eceiviclg a��ritten invoice fi•om thc Di��ecto►•.
4. Use ofthe Licensed Pa'emises.
Temporary Liceuse Agreemenl— Rock�vood Fark 2 of26
ti3arch 2d21
a. Coiupany may use the Licensed Prcnaises for access and ec�uipmeEit space necessaay for the
��c►iloval a�fd ii�stalla#ion of conceete pi�e, i��stallation of conerete flucne, asplialt road
�•emoval and installation, as skio�vn on tlie attached EYhiUit B, �vhiclf is attaclied i�e��eto a�id
incorporated l�crein far ali purpases. The �.icerased Premises sltall be used for no other
b. The Company sEla[f not washout ec�tup�iient and or cancrete, fill up equipment with gas oi'
othe►� oils acid itydraulics as to create potentia! spill hazards ��ithin the Pa3•k. A violation of
tkiis provisio�� «�ill a�lo�� the City to in�suediately termiEiate tl�e Agrcemcaat.
5. Termi��atioi�. The City may ter»�inate this Agreement, S�itliout cause, u�on �ve (5} days written
notice to ti3e Campa��y or immediately u�o�i a«�� breacl� of this Ag�•eeitient by tt�e Coi�lpany.
G. Acceptance of Licensed Pa�en�ises. CompaEfy takes a!I portio�is of tlie L.icei�sed �remises and all
a�pw•te�lances in "'AS iS" condition wikhout a�ay ex�ress or implied warranty on lhe part of the
City. Co»ip�ny accepts tlle Licensed Prcmises in theie present co�idition, finds the��i suitable for the
purposes intenc�ed, and furtlie�� ack�owledges tlfat Com�airy is tlioroughly fan�iliar witli such
condition by reaso�f of perso�ial iuspection and cloes i�ot rely o�t a�iy ��epresentations hy t��e City as
to the condition of tl�e Lice�lsed Premises oi• thei�• suitai�ility fo�� tlie �urposes intec}ded. Con}pany
accepts t1�e Liceissed Premises subject to airy and afl previously recorded easemei�ts that may i�ave
lieen granted o�i, along, over, under, or across said prope�-ry, and releases the City from any and all
damages, claims for damages, loss, or lia�ilities tl�at �ziay k�e caused to i►zvitees, licensees,
conteactors, or trespassers �iy reason af the e�ercise af such ►�igi�ts ar p►•ivileges granted in said
easements. Coa7tpany's kaki�lg possession of the Licensed Premises shall be co�ielusive evide�ice
that: {a) ttze Licensed Premises are suitable fo�• tEie p�n�poses and uses foi� whicl� san�e are licensed;
and (b) the Company waives any and all ciefecks in and to tlie Licensed Premises a�id all the
appurtena��ces tliereto. T��e Ci shall na� be IiaUle fo COIIl an iks a enfs ens lo ees
co�►ti�attars, subcontracto�s, invitees, licensees, o�• �uesfs for any dama�e to anv persoz� oz•
i•o ert due to t��e acts a�' oy�i'rssio�is of Com a�i its � eiits ern lo ees coY►tractai•s or
subcontractoj�s, unless suc�� dazna�e is caused by the ���oss ne�li�ence oa• `villful misconiluct
of Cit ay its a ents em �!o ees se arnte co�zh•actors or subcontractars.
7. Use not F..aclusive. This Agreement and all rigifts geanted to Company herein aa�e strEctly non-
eYclusive. The City reservcs tl�e rigkit to enter into and grant otkier and futu►•e licenses, leases, and
othe�• autiforizations for use of the Licensed Pren�ises to other persons a��d entities as ihe City deems
Temporary Liccnse Agreemeiri — Rockwood Park 3 of 2G
T4arch 2021
appropt•iake in accordaE�ce wiiff appl�cable law; p�•ovided, ho��vevei•, tkiat in g��aEiti�lg subseque��t
aut�iorization fpr use, #he City will not allow a i�se that wili unreasoe�ably interfere with the
Compaciy's use of the L�censed P►•e«lises as pi•o�ided herein. This Agree«ie�lt does not establish
a��y prioeity for tife use of the Licensed Premises by Compaity oi• by any peesent or fiiture lice��sees
or othei� pernut holde�•s. In #he event of any dispute as to tk�e priority of use of the Licensed
Premises, the first priorify shall be to the public gencraliy, the second priority to the City in the
perfoa�mance af its varEous functions, and tl�eE�eafter, as betweei� lice3isees and otlier pe��aa�it holde�•s,
as detei•mined by tl�e City in tkie eYet�cise of its powers.
$. Lial�iEi . Company covena�its and agrees to i�elease City, its officei•s, agents, representati�es,
se�•vants, and e��iployees, $�on� aaad against any and all ciaims ae suits for proper4}+ damage, pei�so��al
inju�y, or ai�y other type of loss o3• adverse consequence related in any way to the existci�ce af tifis
Agreei�lent or the use and occu�acicy of the Liceused Premises and the Paek. Ftn•thermore, City
sf�all not be liable to Com}�a�iy for any da���age or theft of Compaify's ec�t�ipment, facilities, or otkze►•
9. Public Safety.
a. Cam�any sl�all �e salely responsi6le for iniiiating, ��iai��taining, and supervisi�ig ail safety
�recautions and prograu�s in cor�necti�n ��iilf Company's use oftlfe Licensed Pre�z�ises aiid the Park.
b. At the request of City, Compai�y sha11: (i) install and maintain constructEon orange mesh
fencing around the entire bo��der of tlle Licensed Peemises; and (ii) erect a controlled-access entry
in the peri�zieter const��uction fenci�ig it�► the far�u of chain lir�lc, as approved by #l�e Directar to ensure
that unauthorized pe��sonnel caiinot ente3• the Licensed Premises. Following installatian oi the
fe►fcing and contrallecl-access entrance, Company shall co�itact the Directoi� to inspeck for �roper
instaiiation. The controlled-access entry fencing shall be kept secure when not in �►se. At no time
shall any fenced a��ea be ]cft opeEi u��less staffcd by sec�irity personne{.
c. In addition, Compac}y shall provide co«st�•�etion aiid maintenance sig3fs aE1d sufficient
ba�•��icades at work sites ta protect tk�e public. The use of traf�c controf devices shall be consistent
�x�itkf the standards and provisions af Pai•t VI of the Texas Manuai o►� Unifor�u 'I'��affic Controf
Devices. Conzpany slfall utilize appropriate ��ara�ing iigl�ts at al1 construction a«d maintenance sites
l�here one or more t��af�c lanes are closed or obsteuctecf d�ia�i�ag i}ighttime caj�ditions. Company
sliall also take all necessary p��ecautians and shall p�•ovide al1 necessaty p�'otection to prevent
dan�age, i��jury, or loss to (a) aIS pe��sons access�►1g portions of the L,icensed Pi•emises on w(�icli a�ry
constructian is 6eing pea�formec� 6y or on behalf of the Compa«y; (b) all work performed on or fi•on�
Temporar�� License Agreement— Rockwood Park 4 of 26
ATarch 2021
tl�e Licensed Premises and a!1 materials a►id ec�uipmc��t to be incorpo�•ated tf�eeein that arc unde�• the
care, custody, oi� contral af tl�e Company, aE• tlie Company's en�ployees, agents, contractors, or
subcont►'actors, regardless of �vhether suc�l «iaterial and equip��fent is stored on or off tl�e Licensed
1't•eitiises; and (c) other �ra�ei•ty o�f or adjacent to the Lice�ised Pre�nises.
10. Restoratior� of tl�e Park.
a. Com�any agrees that Compa«y will sha{I repai�• and restore: (1) the I.icensed Premises;
a�id (2) a�ry City propei•ty Company clamages, to tlie same co�lciition or hettei� condikion tlian
the Licensed Peemises or Cit}� }�roperty was in i���mediately p��ior to the execution af ti�is
Agreen�ent as determined l�y the Director. All such resto3•atian must be conducted i►�
accordance witif tk�e sta�idai•ds set fortki in E�hibit C, ��Itic4� is attaclied hercto and incorporatcd
1�es�ein fo�� af[ purposes. If Com�any fails to complete al1 repairs anci restoa-ation to the Licensed
Pi•emises a�ad a��y other City propei•ty priar to thc expiration of the Agreenient, City n�ay, in its
disc�•etion, perforn� all such re�aii's ai�d �•estoi•atioi� on behalf of the Company. In this even#,
Com�any will rei�7fburse the City fo�� ti�e costs of such repairs anc� restoration, and such
reimbursement will be due imn�cdiately u�oi� writkei� request of fhe City. To tl�e extent aray
road, cu�•b, guttei�, iri�i�atian system, utility line, barricade, fence, o�� othe�• impt�ovement is
dcstroyed, remo�ed, or altered ief connection �vith Company's activities unde►- tl�is Perniit, as
determined in the sole reasa�iable discretion af the Director, Company shall i•econstruct a�id
restore siicl� improveme��t in a good and work�nanlike manner to a conditioEl tliat fs equal to oe
bettei� thai� tl�e one in which such improvement existed as of tl�e date this Permit is fully
e:cecuted, as e�idenced by the pre-installation video rec�uired u��der Sectio�� IX of this Peemit.
Any �'estaration i�equired iinc�e�� this seckion must be completed Uy Co��ipany and inspected and
approved �y the Di��eciar �rior to the expiration of tlte Lice��se Period ot• the License Period
wil� be eatended per Section 1.
b. 'i'o tl�e e�teEit any portian of the surface of tl�e Licer�sed Pi•emises is da�nageci or diskurl�ed in
coamection r��itl� Compafly's activities under this flgreement, as determined by the Director in
his sole reasona�le discretion, ComE�any shall resto��e t��e surface of the Licensed Pren�ises by:
(i) aerating tl�e soil using a k�eave-action aeratoE� ��itE� siY-to-eight i��ch tines to address
con�paction; (ii) sod with Comn�o�a Bermuda geass jn accordance ��itl1 ti�e seedi�j�
specif�catioi�s outli��ed in the at#acl3ed �Yhibit E; a��d (iii} watering the sodded areas witli
tempo�•ary irrigatifl�i, as needed, until the replacement vegetatiojz is reasonal�iy establisl�ed and
Tcmparar}' License Agreement — Rocktvaod F'ark 5 of 2G
ASarch 2021
has been approved and accepled by tlae Di►�ecipr. `fhere sl�all be no substitut�on of plann�ng
cnaterials without the prior �vritte�� app3�ova1 of the Director.
c. Yrio�� to plantiifg, Company shall �rovide the Directoe �vitl� documei�tatioa� cei-tifying tlic
ty�e and quality of thc materials to be planted. The Director may, in exercise of reasonable I�is
discretipn, �•eject any plant materia! tkiat does «ot n�eet the rec�uiren�ents of this section oi•
Gxhibit E or is other�vise unacceptaUle for ot�e or ma►'e specific, clearly identified reasons. Any
��estoration rcquired under tiais section musi be cam�leted by Con�pany in compliance witk� tife
specifications set fortl� in this sectioi� and the attached e�hil�its and i��spccted and approved hy
the Director, which appror�al shall not be uni�easonably withheld, pria►• to the ex�ii�atio�� of the
License Yeriod or klie License Period will 6e cxteclded pe�• Sectiozl I.
1 1. M�nimizui� Impact to Ve�etatioti,
a. Company shali not cut or i�emove any trees on the Licensed Yre�t�ises «niess otlferwise
specificalky pernritted by the City. Ta minimize da►nage dui•ing construction, Company sl�ail install
chain liczfc fencing on the outsidc d�'ip line o#� teees and other vegetation s�ecifically idecitified by
the Director at tEse ak�ove-refere3aced pre-cox�struction meeting and as outlined iz� acco�•dance witk�
�xl�ibit F, wk�ich is attaclied hereto and incorporated he��cin for all �uiposes, Company sl�all raotify
the Director oncc the tree and vegetatioiz }�rotectio�i measures have bee�� installed and allow tfie
Director a�i opportuniry to inspect the �voek bcfoa�e cotistruction begins. The City shall have at least
two {2) busi�fess days followit�g tl�e date on �vhich notice is receivecf to conduct its inspection. The
Company �ttay begin construction afte�� tf�e second (2nd} business day fallo��ing the date on which
it provided notice to t��e City unless the City contacts tiae Coilipany and ideeitites speci�c issues
t}iat rende�• fhe iree and vegetation protection n�casures uifacceptaUle.
b. Compaiay shall enstn•e that tree protection fenci�fg remains in place tli��oughoui the License
4'erioc� or any extended License Period. If any t�•ee within tl�c Park is c�a���aged in connectio�i wikla
Co�npany's operations, Co��lpany agrees ta unciei•lake i•einediation efforts, i�tcludi►�g paying of
remediatio» casts, in acco��dance ti�itli EsliiUit F, whicki as attached lie�•eto and incoiporatcd laerein
for all purposes. Any fencing shall rentain i�� ��lace tEnti[ sucl� time as tE�e Licensed Peemises arc
restoi�ed pursuant to the te�•izis of this Agreen�ent.
12. Mini�nizin� Impact to Utilities.
a. Prior to conducting any �vork on the Licensed �'i•et�iise, Compai�y shall use its best efforts
to locate a��d �hysically zaaark all utilities {includi��g, bEit not limited to, eicctric liifes, watea�lines,
Temporar}� Licensc Agreemeni-- Rock�vood Park G of 26
n9arch 2021
sewer lities, storm drai��s and li�les, a«d gas lines) witl�ici the Licenseci P��emises, wliich best effarts
shall include, but not be limited to, canduc#ing a dig test.
b. If Company encounte►•s any ukility infi•astructure (includ��}g, but nnt limited ta, electric
liiaes, wate�•fines, scwer !i►les, ston7� drai��s a��d lines, or gas lines) in the cou��se of or in conncction
��ith Compai�y's �ise of the Licensed Premises, the CoRn�any covenants a�id ag��ees to cease
construction operations and iz�stall prptecti�e measures o�er or arou��d such utilities iu compliance
with s}�ecificat�ons ap��roved by tl�e City's Wate�• Department or by the Director. rollo��ing
installation of the p��otective measuees, Company sEsall con#act the Director to a►�range for inspectioa�
and approval by appt•opriatc City persannei.
13. Protcction of tlie En�iroa��ne��t.
a. Co3npan}� Eiet•eb}� i•e�resents a��d warrants that it sk�all not kE�o�a�ingly, ��or permit any third
party to, use, kiandle, or store a�fy Hazardous Matei�ials a��, �Endei•, ovcr, oi• about Park or tlle
Lice�zsed Premises in vialatio�l of any ap�licable laws. Com�any shaE) i3ot ha�ldle or store any
Hazardous Materials oit tl�e Licensecl Yremises or ikle Park, eaccpt that the Cona��any may, i»
compliance �vith a�plicable e�fviroifmcntal laws and the te�����s of this pa��agra}�h, use and stoa�e
Hazardous Materials in such a�uou��ts and types fhaE are commonly used in con«ection with tiie
uses per�nitted herein, p�•ovided, I�owever, th�t Cozn��arty s�ecificaliy agrees to remo�e any and all
such Hazaedous Materials oi� oi• befoi•e the final day of the License Periad. Cacn��any shall �jot
izltroduce, use, gcnerate, sto�•e, accepf, oa� dis��ose of on, under, or about, transport acrass, or �ermit
to eYis# on klae Licensed Yremises or the Pa��k an}� "treatmeni, storage or disposai facility" or
"u�iderground storage tank," as those te�•�us are defined under ap}�licable ei�vironme3�tal 9aws. F'or
pu��poses of tfiis Perinit, "Hazardous Materials" shall meai� poteElkia�ly dangerous hazardaEis wastes,
toxic substacices, oa� related materials, ii�clud�►�g, b�it �iot limited to, pollutants; asbestos;
polycizlorinated biphenyl {PC�3}; pct��oleum ar other fiiels (including crude oil ai' any fi•action or
derivative thcreafl; u►�c�ej•g�•ound storage tanks, and substances considered hazardous, toaic, or the
equivalent purst�a�3t to applicaUle la�vs. Any Hazardous Matei�ials used by the Company on the
Licensed k'remises s1�a11 be �osted on site and a list shall be given to City.
b. Com�any shall take con�mercialiy reasonable steps to ar�oid creati��g or aggra�ating any
candition at the Park or t13e Licea�sed Pre��lises that could preseift a threat ta human healih or to the
14. Liability; Indecn��ificatio3�.
a. Company agrees to pay City fo�� all dar7jages suffered or incw�red by City, cither directly or
Tcmpwaq� Licensc Agrccment — fzockc��ood Park 7 of 2b
114arch 2021
indirectly, as a E•esult of any operatiot�s on ar f��o�t� khe Licensed Premises conductcd far or �y
Campany, its agenis, e�����layees o�� represer�tatives, including, but not lijnited to, all damage or
i�tju�y to sta�idicig o�• falle�� timher, buildings, fences, equiE�menl, �ipclines, utilities, and all
other pro�erty, whekl�er real or perso��al.
c. Em�iro�iuiei►taI Indemliification. COMPANY DOES T��R�RY RELEAS�,
Foi° pur�oses ofthe en�ironmental inde�3�i�ifica#ion, f!}e words and pl��•ases shall be
defined as follows:
I. E��viro�fi�fcntal Da�3iages shali mean all claims, judg�nents, daiy�ages,
losses, penatties, iines, fiabilities (including st�•ict liability), encumbra�aces,
liens costs, and expenses of investigation and defense of atry clai�ii,
wl�ether or not such claim is ultimate�y defeated, and of aEry good faith
settlenient of judguient, of �vhateve�• kind or nature, contingent or
otl�erwise, mafured or ua���jatured, foreseeaUle or unfof�eseeaUle, including
withotit lin�itatioaa reasonabfe attorney's fees and disbu�•sen�ei�ts and
consultant's fees, any of r�hich are inctu�red as a res�ilt of the eYistence of
a vio�ation of environmecltal rcc�uirements pertairaing to work perfor�ned
under t}�is cont►•act or by the o�erations of the Company and its
su�contractors, and i�lcludi��g wi#1�out lirnitation:
(a) Dai��ages for pe��sonal i»ju�y anci death, or injw•y to property o��
natural eesources;
Teittporary License Aoreentent — Ctock�vood Park g flf 26
March 2021
{b) Fees incurred for tlae services of attorneys, consulta[iks,
coEftracto��s, experts, laborato�•ies and investigatioi� o�� rcijiediatian
of tlae mnnitoruig wells or any violation of e�a�iron�uectial
requirc�nen#s incl�►ding, but not lii�}ited to, ihe preparation of any
feasibiiity sti�dies o�• ��epos•is of the performance of any cleanup,
reEnediation, r•e�noval, res�7o�ise, abatement, contai3�n�enE, ciosure,
restoration oi� monitoring Gyork rec�ui��ed by any federal, state or
focal governmental agency or �olicical su[�division, or otherwise
eYpeiided in co�u�ectia« witi� tl�e eaistence of such IiiQ[11t01'1[t�
wells or violations or environmental requirements, and includi�ig
without limitation any attorney's fees, costs and expcnses incurred
in enforcing this contract or collecting an}� sums due he�•eunder;
(c) Liabifity to any tl�ird person or governmei3tal agency to indemnify
such person or agecicy for costs expended in co�uiection �s�ith tlie
items refe3�enced i�i subparageaph (b) heeein.
IL Enviro�lmental Requiren�e��ts shali mean all a�plicable ���esent and future
statutes, regulatio��s, i��Eles, plans, autiforizatEo��s, co��cessions, fi•anchises,
and sijnilar items, of all governmental agei�cies, dcpartme�its,
co�nn�issions, boaE�ds, Uin•eaiis, o�• ij�st��ume3�talities of the United States,
states, and political suUdivisions t1aeE�eof and all applicable judicial,
aditiinistrative, and regulafoay decrees, judg»fe��ts, and ordees relati�ig to
the protection of h��man ��ealth o1• ti�e envirom3�e��t, iifcluding tivit��out
(a) All rec�uiren�ents, ineluding, �ut not limited to, those pertaining to
repo��ti«g, licensing, emissio►}s, discharges, i�eleases, o�� ti3reatened
��cleases of l�azardaus materials, pa3lutants, conta�ninanfs oi•
fiazaE�dous or toxic substa��ces, n�aterials, or w�stes whether solid,
liquid, oi� gaseous iei nature, into tkte ai�•, sueface water,
groundwater, stormwate►•, ar land, or ►�elating to the i�tanufackure,
processing, distri�iutio�f, i�se, treatmectt, storage, disposal,
t�•ansport, oi• ha�idli��g of pollutants, conta�liina�its, or hazat•dous ot�
toxic substa�fces, mate��ials, or wastes, whcfl7er so[id, liquid, or
gaseous in nature; and
(�) All requiremci�ts pertai»in� lo the pratection of the health and
safety of employecs or tfie public.
d. Company co�enants and agrees tl�at City si�ail in no way or under any ci��ct►�ttstances be
responsihle for any property belanging to Company, its members, e�z�ployees, agents,
conteactors, su�co��tractors, ii�vitees, lice�fsees, oi• trespassers t�fat may be stolen, destroyed, or
in any way damagcd, and COMPANY H�R�BY 1NllEMNIF�ES AND HOLDS
police pz�otection and ��ill not be iiab[e for a�iy loss or damage sustained by Co��ipa�iy, its
mefnbers, e�uployees, agents, cantractors, subcontracto��s, invitees, licensecs, or trespassers on
any c�f the Lice��sed Premises.
c. Com�any agrees that City shall not be liaE�le far any loss, injtiry oi• dan�age wl�atsoever suffered
TeFnporary License Agreement— Rock���ood Park 9 0€26
MarclE 2021
or incuered by Company or Company's ageflts, employees or representatives wffile on the
Licensec� Premises.
L5. Li�zlitation nn Use.
a. Access thi•ough the Lice��sed Premises is allowed only bet��een 7:00 A.n-t. a»d G:00 P.M.
Moz�day thi'ough i�rida}�. With Special permission on weekend between 9:00 t1.M. and 5:00
b. `I'he Com�3any sl�all scl�edule a p�'e-canstruction meeting with staff in t3�e Park and Rect�eaiion
Department at least tlu�ee (3) b�isiness days prior to accessing the Licensed Prea»ises. The �re-
consteuction meeting shall be for purposes of outlining Compa�iy's p1aE}s and schedules
regarding: (i) mobilizatioa� and access to the Licei�sed Premises, (ii) ��iininiizi��g impact on
vegetation and tifc Park, i« ge�leral, and (ii) resto�•atioi� of all affected parkland and amenities.
c. All Company equipmeilt and materials shall be �laced and n�aintained solely �vithin the
confines nf the Licensed Premises. Use of ai�y portian of the Park outside of titie Licensed
Premises shall not be �ermitted. Ti�e Campany shall obtaiaa ti�e written approval of the Dii•ector
of all laeavy equipme�it that will be t�sed i�3 the Lice��sed Premises and Company sl�all not use
any heavy equip3�ieE�t in tl�e Licensed Yremises t3�at has not been app��oved vy the Director.
d, Company shall be responsible for sweeping ai�d cleaning tkie adjacent roadway and keeping it
fE•ee of debris so tl�at Park users have free and unobstructed access to the Park. There shall be
no equipcl�ent o�� the Lice�3sed Premises witl�in seventy-two (72) haurs of a rain evet�t.
16. Con��lia«ce wit1� Larvs. Coi�ipany shall, at its o�vn cost and expense, comply with all applicable
laws, including, but zlot li�ttited ta, existii�g zoning oedinanccs, govern�ne��tal i�ules arid regulatio»s
e3�acted o�• pro�tiulgated by a�iy govei�nme��tal authority and shall promptly execuie and fulfill all
ordei�s and requiren�ents imposed by such governmc«kal entities for the correctio�i, prevention a��d
abatement of tiuisances in or upa�i oe connected with said premises because of Co��ipany's use
17. I��sura�ice. Company shall carry insura�►ce as set out in Fxiiibit D, which is attacl�ed l�e�•eto and
incorporated kze��ein foi• afl purposes.
18. Proi�iUition A ainst Liens. Company shall not do any act or make any cantract that niay be
pur�orted to creake or be tkfe foundation of any lien on or any �nterest i�l the Lice3�sed Premises or
the Pa�•k. Any such act, cont��act, or lien atten�pted to be created shafl �e void. Should any purported
]ien on tk�e Licensed Premises be createci or filed, tlze Gompany shall, at its sole eYpe��se, liquidate
aud disclfarge sau�e witl�in ten (10) business days after notice fi�om the City to do so.
l9. Notice. Ai{ notices eequired or permitted «nder this Agreement shall �e conclusively deter��fi��ed
'['ecuporary License Agreenzent — Kock���ood Park 10 ot 2b
A-farcl; 2021
to have bee3� delivered wkleal (i) haiid-delivei•ed to tkie otilee paety, its agent, enipioyee, scrva«t, or
re�resentative, or {�i} received by the othea� party by reliable overnight courier or United States
Mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested, at the add��ess stated befo�v or to sucli othei� address
as one party nlay from time to kiizie �lotify t��e otffer in writing.
Rici�ard Zavala
Park and Recreation Dcpart�i�eut
City of Fort V>>orth
420� Soutli Free�vay, Suite 2200
Foet Worth, Te�as 761 I S
McMakion Cantractit�g, LP
Attn: Ei°ic W. 1'erry
3019 Roy Oer Boulevard
Grand Prairie, Texas 75050
With a co��y to:
Department of La�v
City Of FOl't'�510]'i�l
Attn: City Attorney
200 Texas Street
Forl Worth, Texas 76102
20. �torce Majeure, If eitkier pas•ty is unable, eithea� in «hole oi• �art, to fulfill its obligations u���er this
Ag�•eement clue to acis of God; slrikes, lackauts, or other industrial disturbances; acts af puk�lic
e��emies; wars; blockades; insurrections; riots; epidemics; pande�uics; public health crises;
earthquakes; fires; floods; rest��aints or prolfibitions 6y ai�y court, board, department, CO111iI115S1Oi7,
o�• age�fcy of the LJ��ited Staies oa� of any state; declaration of a state of disaster or of emergency by
the fede��al, state, counry, or City goverr►mei�t iaa accorc�ance r��itli applica�le law; issua�ace of aE}
Imrninent Tl�reat Alert o�� Elevated `I'heeat Alec-� by the United States Departii�ent of Homeland
Securit�� or a�ly equivalent alert system tl�at anay be instituted t�y any agency of tkze U��ited States;
any a��E�ests and ��cstrai�lts; civil disturbances; or ex�losions; or some othet• reason �eyond the party's
reaso»able conti•ol (collectivcly, "Foi•ce Majeure Event"), tkle obligations so affected t�y suciti Force
Majetu�e Eve�lt r�vill be suspended only duri3ag the co��tinuance of siicl� event. If a Farce Majeui•e
Eveni occurs, fhe City may, in its sole discretion, close or poskpo�ie tkie ope��ing of its cornmunity
centers, pa�•ks, or othe�• City-owned and a�erated p�•ope�•ties and facilities in tlae interest of puUfic
safety a��d a�erate thei3f as the Cii�� sees fit.
21. I«depencient Contractor. It is expa�essly wtderstood and agreed tE�at Company shall operate as
indepe��dent e�itity in each a�ld e�ery respect hercu��der a��d not as an agcnt, representativc, or
emplayee of tl}e City. Co��ipany shall have the exclusive conlrol and khe exclusive right to cos}troi
'Cemporaiy License Agrcement — Itock���ood Park �� �� 26
A�farcl� 2D21
all details and day-to-day operations a��d ackivities relative to operation of t1�e Compa�ry azld
instaliation of the sanitary selve�' service Ei�le a��d a�ry associated i��fi�astructure and s1�all bc solely
��esponsible fo�• the acts and omissions of its off�cers, agents, ser�ants, e�nployees, coi�tractors,
su�confractors, iice��sees, a�ld invitees. Compa��y ack��o�vledges tl�at t1�e doctrii�e of respo��denf
superior sliall not apply as �etween tl�e City and Company, its officers, agec�►ts, se�vants, employees,
contracto��s, subcontractors, licenses, and invitees. Notl�ing contained in this Permit shall be
consteued as the creatian of a pac•tnersizip or joink enteipi•ise between the City and Cacn��aely.
22. Choice of La��; Venue. Tl�is Agreemei�t shall be govei��ied by and construed in accoedauce with
the la�vs of tlie State of Tc�as. If an}� action, rvhether real o�• assertecl, at la�� or in ec�uily, ariscs on
ti�e bas�s of any �ravision of this Agreement, vcnue far such actio�f shai{ lie i« state courts located
in Ta�•rant County, Texas or tl�e Ui�ited States Dist�•ict Court for the Northern District of Texas -
Foet Wo�•tli Division.
23. 13indin Ef�f�ct. The teri��s and p��ovisions of tl�is Ag�•eeme��t s�fall inure to the benefit of a�id be
binding tipojf City and Cornpany a►�ct their respective successai•s a.��d assigiis a»ci shall be co�e�aants
ru��ning �vitl� khc land.
24. Ei�tire A�reement. This Agreen�ent contains all of tl�e ageeemer►ts bctweeEi the parties respecting
the suhject ntatter he��eof, and no �rior representations or state��lents, verbai or written, have been
made 3�iodifying, adding to, or cl�ai�gi�lg tEle terms of ihis i��st�•iunent.
25. No Waiver of I�»munitv. Nothing hereicl shall be deemed to limit or waive tl�e so��e�•eigci or
goveri�rl�etltaL in�munity of City or Campany.
2G. Assi n�nent. T3fis Agreement, in whole o�� in part, is not assignable k�y either party, without the
ex�ress wc�ittel� co��sent of tt�e other party. Any atte►npt io assign this Agreement without tise
required consent is void and �vitlao�Et force and effect.
27. Documentin� Condition of Licensed Prel�aises. Coiifpa�ry must provide the Dia�ectoz� with
videographic documentatior► of tlie condition of tl3e Licei�scd Prem�ses as they exist both before
acsd after fhe use peemitted }�ea�ein. All sucf� video must i��clude a visi[�lc date and time stam�
indicating �vfien the videography occurred. Coa��pany must su�mit documentation of the p►�e-
installation conditian prior fo commencing any t�vo��k on the Lice�lsed Premiscs. Post-installation
documentatioEi must 6e submitted no late�• thau five (5) �iusiness days after the last day of tlie
Tctnpprarar Lice�:se Agrecmcnt — Rockwood Park l2 of 26
nta«E� zoz �
License Period. Dia�ectar vtri[I distribute co}�ies of flze docume�ltatio�� to all ap�ropriate Ciky
person��el to deter�uine wltet�3er any dai��age I�as been done #o tl�e Licensed P��emiscs.
28. T��;es. Conipa�ry acknowledges and ageees that it shall be solely responsivie ft,i• payi�3g all taxcs
assessed or imposed by any governme�ftal entity in connection witki the cp��struction, installatios�,
o�eratian, maie�tenance, re�aie, or reco��struction of the pipeline and witli che use of the Licensed
Pre�nises or ather City p�•operty rclated to activities within the scope of this Agrec�nei�t.
29. Forei��i Materiai
a. For purposes of this section, kl�c term "Foreign Material" shall mean any �x�aterial,
substancc, cl�emical, waste, contamina[ik, emissioif, discharge, o�� polluta��t regulated by any federal,
statc, ar local law for fffe purpose of pratection of health, safety, or tlle environme�it, including, i�ut
not limited to, petraleum, pets•oleun� groducts, and waste �roducis associated with petrole�im
b. Coa�lpany shall not excavaic, drill, dig, oi• allo�� airy sig��iiicant erosion of tl�e Licensed
Premises, except as alloived by #13e Director, in ��rriting, in that pei�son's sole discretion.
c. F�cept as otl�er��vise pi•ovided in tkiis Section, Compa�ry sE�al1 not �iowingly caase or per3�fit
any �'oreign Mateeial to be released, brought, siared, or prodticed o3z oi� in tkie Licensed Pi•e�nises
or City ��ropeety i�i conriec#ion with Compai�y's ope��atio�ls uudei• this Permit; }�rovided, however,
that Con�pany shall be authorized, to sto►•e, handle, and use materials that are reasonably j�ecessary
for the uses sct forth herein sa long as (i) suc�� materiais are pro}�erly stoeeci, handled, o►� used in
accordai�ce with all applicable lalvs and die terms of this Pe��mit; a��d (ii) Company maintains
Material Safety Data Sheets on-site when such che��licals are present and pc�o�ides that infqrmation
to tlae City an i•equest. Company sf�all take all actions necessa�•y to stop the re�ease o�� presence of
Foreigu Material in connection �x�ith Company's operations. Ai�y waste p�'oduced fi•om Company
operations wiif be the full responsibility of the Com}�any to clea»up, ha��dfe, s#are, transport and
disposc. As part of the consideration for this Permit, Company waives any clai��i tkzat tl�is Pei•3nit
in acly way confers generatoa� status on the City fot• waste }�l•oduced fi�om ComE�any's o�eratio�7s.
d. If, during tl�e co�u�se of its operations o�f the l.icensed Premises, Company enca«�iters
material that Company k��o��s, sus�ects, or f�as reason ta believe constitutcs Foreign Material,
Compa��y shall im�iiediatel}� cease all acti�ity, sec�ire any material al�•cady at tEie sueface aud lin�it
dist�u�bance of any bu►�ied material in the vicinity of tlfe suspectec# Foreign Material.
Tcntporary Lice�ase Agreen�cnt — Rocka�nod Park � 3 of 26
March 2021
e. Compajfy sl�all notify the City in acco��da��ce with tEie Notice section of this Peri�iit of a►ry
release fi�om Compa��y o�erafions and thc presence or release of suspccted Foreign Material or
f. As part of the consideration for tl�e lice��se under tlfis Permit, CoEnpa��y shall Ue res�ons�ble
for the cast a�ad cxpense necessary to pe�•form its operations under this Pe���uit in accordance �a�ith
a�ry federal, state or local la�vs regulat«lg the environenerit as ��e[� as oiher ag�plicable
z�egulations. Coinpany will be fully respoi�sible for testi«g, storing, i•eizlo�i�ig, loading,
transport[ng, and disposing of Poreig�i Materia] and s��spected Foreign Mate��iai encouE�tered duei�lg
License Period, iil accordaEtce witli any federal, state oe local laws.
g. Any en�ironmenial assessi»eni, cleantip, removal or disposal action skiall be i« accordance
standards set fortl� by the City's �nvironmental Maiaagement Division, in its sole discretion aifd
detei•mination and at Ca�npany's sole expense.
h. �'��ior to Compa�iy doing any eestoration work, thc Di��ector is tp be contacted to inspect the
surface of the Park to ensure that die surface of khe Park is fi•ee of any i�laterial or debris deemed
hazardaus. Airy suUsueface area deeii�ed to present a matter of public health and safety as
deter3�iia�ed i�y the City must be i•estoi•ed a�id pro»iptly fi!]ed �vith clean fill dirt up ta ti�e level of
the s��rrouriding ground. Gca�l dirt shail be defned a mate�•ial provicied that shall be certified b}� a
Conl�any as clean and free of Faeeign Material, ai�d in cpmpliance �vith federal, state, and local
laws, reglilations, and ordinances. Sucl� cei•tificatiocls sha[f be provided to the City �l'ior to delivcry
and del�vety tickets sE�all be provided to tl�e Caty certifying the delivery of such material to site.
i. Company shall be respons�ble fqr any restoration or re�nediatio» of the Licensed P�'emises
that is caused or conteibuted to l�y its negligence or by a�reacl� of this Agree�3fent.
I3y eYecuting t17is Agreen�ent, Conapany agrees ta and acce�ts tlze terms, conditions arad prov�sia��
cont�ined lterein.
Temporasy Liccnse Agreen�ent— Kockwood Park l4 of26
�4arck� 2021
[Eaecuted effective as of the date s�gned by tlle City Secretary below.] 1[ACCEP`1�F,D AND
RicH��d Zq✓�l�r
$y; Rt�n�rd za�aia �Marz9, zou iz:z� c�rl $y;
Name: Richard Zavala'�` 1�lame
Title: Di�•ector, Paa�lc & Recreation Departmcnt Title:
�af�: Mar 29, 2021 llate:
'�` Richa►�d Zavala has been dclegated the prope��
autho��ity to execute tl�is documcnt on behalf of
tl�e City p«rsuant to an Inferoffice Memorandum
�i�o�ti the City Ivlanagc3• dated No�ember 12, 201 S.
Conh•act Coatxpliance Manager:
By signing T acknowledge that I am the �erson
res�onsik�le for the iuonitoring and administration
Of tI115 C011�i'2Cf, including ensuring all
pe��formance and repo�•#ing rec�uire»3ents.
App►•oved as to Foz•�aa and Legality:
Nan�e: Taylor C. Paeis
Title: Assistant City Attor��ey
Te��ipornry Liccnsc A�reemeni—Roc�:titood Park
�farcl� 2021
. �� .
Eric W. TerE�y
Au hor'zed Agen
�� 2 I
��L�,�i���c� �e�i�
Chr'istina Moon (Mar 23, 202111:51 CDT;
Christina Moon
Park Planner
City Secretaxy:
�D�,�O`/GIGGi � GO`/LGIGGf
�for Ronald P. Govales (Mar7_9, 7_07_1 17_:51 CDT)
Name: Mat'y Kayser
Tikle: City Secretary
�xl�ibit A
Tlze Licei�scd Premises
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Teutporar}' I,iccnse Agrceuient — Itockcvood Fask 16 af 26
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Exliibit B
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"Cemporar}� License Agrcen3cnt - Rockn�ood Yark
n4arch 202E
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Restaration Stnnda�•ds
SECTIf31�T 32 92 13.2
PAR'I' l - [UI;NLI2AL.
1.1 SUMA�fARI'
A.Sectiai3 Includes:
1. Fumishing and insialluig grass sod.
B.Related Standard Cit_y Specification Sections include, l3ut are uot necessat�ily limiteci to:
1. Section 32 91 19 �� Topsoil
2. 5ectio�i 32 84 23 - Ii�igation
A. Cej•iificates and Satnples
1. Certificates anc� s�ecificatioiLs of sod, fertilizer, composfi, soil amend�t7ents oz•
otl�ca� materials Ts requested b}� the Cit}�.
1.1Q DEI.T���:R1', 5'�'ORAGT;, A11TD IIANDLING
A.I31ack Sod
1. Protect f�•om eYpasure ta «lind, sun and fi�eecing.
2. Kee�� stackecl sod moist consistenily tlu'oughout siack.
3, Socl u�3on delivery sh�11 Ue inspected b}� City provision of cer�ificate fi•am �Tender
fo Ue proY�ided to CitS° indicali�i�; soci fi�ee of all tveeds.
4. H�n+esting and plaiifing oper��ti�ns shall6e coordiilatec[ tvitl� nof Rioi�e ihan farty-
eigltt l�nuis elapsii�� UeltveeEi lia3vestiiig and placetncnt, roliicig a�id larnping, ancl
watering of socl
tl. Grading of site aitd installation of lopsoil tttusf he app��o��ed by Cit1' pt�ior to application
of soci
PAR`1' Z - PRQDiJC"['�
2.1 R�tl'1'ER�,LS Al\'D EQUIYI-iEI�TT
1. J31ock Sod
a. Sod ��aiieties
l} Cyxodaaz c�act3�lun `TIF419' or C'ynv�on clacty�lon `TiF1VAY'
2} QR an approved Zaysia grass
U. Sod must contain stolans, leaf Ulades, rluzo�nes anci roots.
e. Socl sltall be a[ive, l�ea1#Jty �ncE free of inseets, disease, stoites, unclesit•able
foreign �nate�ials aiicf iveecls and g��asses deleteiioiis ta its grnti��tl► a�• ��tucli
�nig��t affect its subsistencc or hardiness �vhen lransplanted.
cI, �fitumum sod t�uckness: 1" utch rninimutn.
e. \rlaximuni grass lieight: 2 inct�es
f. SvCI s�ta11 have been pro�iuced on gro«�ing �eds ofclay or clay loain fopsc�il.
Temporary License Agreentent — Rockwood Yark 18 of 26
}liarch 2021
Yage 2 of 3
g. Socl must �iat be l�acvested oj- planted �vlie�i its moistu�•e conditaon is so
e�cessi�Tely «et or cliy th�7t its xui�c�ival �v[ll Ue affected.
h. If sc�ci is stacked, it shall Ue kept moist and si1all Ua stackec[ roots to roots �nci
grass to grass.
i. Accepfahle gro�ving Ueds
1) BeiYttuda g��asscs api� zoysia grasses: sand or sand}� loan� soils
j. }3roken or torn snd ar socl �vitl� une�ren ends shall be rejected.
k. Tempo��ary Ecosian Controi Seed
I) Consist of the so�v�ng vf cool seasan plant sod.
2. Topsoil: See Seciio�t 32 9I 1.9.
3. 1[Jater: clean anct fi�ee vf induslrial �vastes or other si�Ustances hannful to the
gei77unation of Ilie seed or to the gro�vth of ilie �egetatian.
z.z acc�.sso���cs
a. sod �ins
1} 11�Ieta1
2) Zi�ood ��egs.
A.Soc9 shall be itispecteci b}� Gity u�3o�t cieli��ery.
B.Conh•actoE• must coordinate ins�cctioti 72 liot�Es �nYor to cutting of sod and cteii've��y
A.Sueface Pi•eparation: cicar surface of 111 rnaterial inclucling:
].. Sca�-ify subgrade to a deptii of 2-inehes Ueforc depasilin� the required topsoil. For
sitt��Ie ro�v re�71u� ont}l scai�f}� to 1-i�ic11.
2. Shnnps, stones, and athea� oi��ects larger fhan one inch.
3. ltoots, bt�usl�, wire, stakes, etc.
4. .�13►y� object5 tltat ittay �ntei�fere �vitlt p[�tiiit�g sotl or maintena�tce,
B. Cleasung
I. 5oi1 shall Ue fuz-ilter pr�epareci U3� tlie reinoval of cle�ris, buildin� m7te�i�ls, nibbish,
�veeds, and rock I-incli ancl �;re��ter.
C.Fine Gx�adin�:
1. After tillage and cleai�ing, a[f areas to be plantecl slial[ E�c levelecl, fine gradeCl, and a
�veight�cl spike and t�ai•ro�v or floaE c[rag. Tlie req��i�•ed shail �e tlte elinunation of
rufs, depressio�ts, humps, and abje�tionat�le soiE clods. This sl�all Ue the �inal sail
preparation step to be coinpleted prior to inspectiaii befoz•e planting.
2. tLreas near t3•ees: lla nol lill iztside diipline of irees ar over cxposed raots
tl. Block Sadding
H. �O IlOt� Iii)� sad �4rl�en grau�id is frozen.
b. Over-seeding �vitli annual iye is acceptable irom NoveinUer 1 uittil I'eUruaEy 1
Temporar}� License Aoree�cient — Rock�t�ood Park � 9 ot 26
n�[arch 2021
B. Installation
1. Plant sad specifieci afier Ihc ai•ea has Ueen ins��ected acid accepted U,y Cit�� for
2. Till 2" of subgracie and piace 3" of topsoil on areas to receive sod �sr as d'uecfed
Uv City.
3. Sod [a be laid a�arailel to fhe contours ia� a��eas as s�ecifiecl. Sod to be laic!
per��zndicul��r lo slopes greatei• than 3:1.
�. Use care to rztain natir�e soil on the roots of 41�e aod during ihe �7roeess af
eacavating, hauling a�id plantin�.
5. Keep sod material moist fi�nm tlie time it is dug unti] ��lanted.
b. Fill in sluntped ���e�s duc to �vateiyng to keep sod moist.
7. Place sacl so tltat the ejitu�e area designatecl fo�• soddirig is ooi�ered wilh no gaps
or averlapping material.
S. F�ll voids Ief( in tlie solicl sodding s5rith additional sod and tamp.
9. Roll and laml� sc�d so that socl is in complete cantact ���ith topsoil at a u�uform
slope. B}� pedesl�ian �ttectianical J7rocess {no tl�oioz�i-r.ed velucles / equip�neitt}
1Q.Peg sod �vith �vonden pegs (or �vire staple} diiven througly t11e sod Ulock to tlie
fitYn eaitlt vi areas that ma�r slicle clue to the Lteight or slo��c of tlie su�•face or
nalure c�f ilte sail.
C. 1��ate�in� tmcl �'inistung
1. '1'linrc�ughlp �t�ater sod immeciiatel}� aftez-pIaced and ta�n��ed and rolled,
2. Generall3�, as reeonune►ideci Uy tha vendoz•. �Vater souree sha11 be clzan anci fi•ee
of industrial Sv�ste or ather substances haiYiiful to the germinatio�t of tlie seeci or
growtli af the vegetation.
Te�nporary Licensc Agreement— Rock�vood Park 20 oE 26
A�farcif 2021
E�t�ibit D
1.01 Dut to Ac uire and Maintain. Compar►y shall ensu��e th�t a policy or policies of insurance are
pE�ocured a��d maintained at all tinies, in full force and effect, to pro�ide coverage of ti�e ty��es aud amounts
specifed herein, naming tl�e City as an additio��ai insu��ed as set forth herei►�, and coveeiifg all public risks
related Eo tk�e use, oce�ipancy, condifion, n�aintenance, existence, or location of the Licensed Pee�nises. Tlic
insin�ance requfred hereu�3der may !�e met by a coTnbination of self-insurance and primary and excess
1.02 '�pes and Amounks oFCo�ez�agc Req►Ei�•ed
a. Co�nmerciak Genei•al l.iability:
(1) $1,000,000.00 per occurrence, $2,000,000.00 aggregate, inciuciing coverage for
the foi�owing: (i) I'eemises Liability; (ii) independent co�atractors; (iii) prod�Ectslcompleted
operations; (iv) personal injur}; {�) contrachial liabiiit�; (vi) etplosion, collapse, and
unde���rounc� }�roperty damage
b. Propeety Da�tla�e Lial�ilitv:
(1} $1,000,000.00 per accu��A�enee
c. iJ�n�re[la Policv
F�avii�onmentaL Imuairmcsit Liahiliry (EILi and Po�lutian Liabiliry
(]) $2,000,000 j�eroccu����ence
(2) $5,0OO,OQO aggre�ate
e. Autoinobile Liai�ility:
{]} $1,000,000.00 Each accident on a co»fbi��ed single-limit basis
Wo�•[cer's Compensatioa3:
(1) As ��equired by law
E�iipioyc��'s LiaUility:
(1) $1,000,000.00}�eraccide��t
1.03 RevisioE�s to Re uired Coveea e. At the rcasonable recomme�idatio�f of the City's Risk Managcr,
thc City »iay at any time revise insurance cove��age rec�uiremei�ts and limits 3•equired by tl�is Licez�se.
Cotnpany agrees that �vithin ten (10) days of recei}�t of ��ritten notice from the City, all suc�� revisions
requested by the City will ve implemcnted, The �olicy or policies of insurance shall be e»doa•sed to provide
that �fa material ck�a�iges in covc��age, incluciing, �ut ciot limited to, cancellation, teri3iinatian, non�i•ene�val,
or amendn�ent, sk�all be n�ade witho�it thirty (34) days' p�•ior �vriften notice to the City.
Tcmporary Licevse Agreeuient — Rock�eood Park 2l 01 26
�tarch 2021 '
1.04 Underwriters a��d Ccrtificates. Tkie insw•ers for all policies enust be licensed and approved to do
busiciess in tlie State of Teaas. Eacept for �vorkers' compensation, all insurers must kla��e a minimuiil rating
of A: VII in fhe current A. M. 13est Key Ratitig Guide a• have �•easo��ably equivalent �nancial stre�fgth and
solvency to tk�.� satisfactipn nf Risk Manage►ne�st. �ftl�e ratii�g is below that rec�uired, prit�r �vritten appi•o�al
of the City's Risk Managemecit Divisioci is eeq�Eired. Withi3� ten (10) bus��iess days fpllo�ving eYecution of
tliis License, Cov�pauy s17all ensure that City is furnisl�ed »ith ccrti�cates af insurance signed by t�ie
��especti�e cam�anies as pj�oof tl�at the types and amounts of insui�ance cave��age requirect lie��ein have been
obtained. Cn addit�o��, Company shall, an demand, provide tl�e City ��ith evidence tl�at it has mai»taiued
such coverage i�i full force aitc� effect.
1.05 Deducti�les. Deciuctible or self insua�ed �-eter�tion limits ois any li�ie of coverage required lierein
s13all not e�:ceed $25,000.00 in the a�3nual agg��egate u�iless the li�i�it per occEEr�•ence oi• pet� line of cove��age,
oe aggregate is otlierwise approved by tfie City.
1.06 No Limitation of Liability. 'I'he insurance requirements set forth in this section ai�d any recovery
by tkze City of aia}� st�m Uy reaso�z of any insurance policy eequired undee ti�is Licezlse sl�all in no wa}� be
construed oE� affected to lijnit or i�i a��y way affect Compa«y's liability to tl�e City or oiher persons as
provided by tlais Agreement or law.
1.07 Um�i•ella or Excess Lia�ilit��. If i��sura��ce policies are i�ot w��itte�i fpr specifed coverage limits, an
L1m�irel9a or Eacess Liability insuE�ance for atry differences is req��ired. Excess Liability sl7all follo�v form
of tl�e primaiy coverage.
1.08 Additional [nsured. T1�e City, its affice�•s, e»�ployees aud �olunteers s1�a�l be ��amed as ai�
Additio�ial I►�sured on tlae Auton�ohile aud Co�nmercial Genct•a] Liability policies.
1.09 Waiver of SuU��a�ation. The insura�ice sliall include a waive�• of i•ights of �-ccoveay (subE•ogatios�)
in favor af the City af Fort Worth.
1.10 Copies of Po[icies and Enciarsements. Cit�� shall Ue entitled, upon request and without expense, to
reccive copies of �olicies and cndorseme��ts thereta a�id may n�akc aily reasanable �•equests for deletioj� or
revision or modi�catiocis of particular policy terms, cand�tions, limitations, or e�clusio��s i�f oi•der to co3�iply
with tl�e requiee»fents of tlfis Agreement e�cept whef�e policy provisions are es#ablisiied �y Eaw oi•
regulatio��s bindi�ig upon eitl�ee of par[y o�� tk�e uciderwrite�� on any such policies.
[.1 1 Certificate af InsuraElce. Company sl�all subniit to the City a certificate of insurance evidencmg a[I
required insw�ance coverage a►ici any applicable endo��sen�ents.
Tcn�porar}= Licevse Agreement — Rocktt�ood Park 22 of 26
A4arch 2(}2]
�xhit�it E
Tree Protection
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'3'eu�porap� License Agmcmcnl — Rockwood Yark 23 of 2b
March 2021
Temporary License Agrccn�cnt — Rock�i�ood Park 24 of 26
%farc3t 2021
E�I�ibit F
Tree Protectioii
0'1'I IERWISE IN THESF.. SPECIFiCATIONS. Severe damage to t�•ees �vi{� result in replace�j�e��t or
compensation of trees by the COMPANY. Fa�lure ta re�lace daEnaged trees sl�all be considcrcd a
�reach of coritract a��d COMPANY sliall be assessed fo�� c�amages. Slight or• �iiodci•atc da��lage ta tr•ees
wiil z•esult if� assessment of damages.
1.1, Company will checic ti•ees i�i the Lice��sed Pccmiscs before contract �tlork begiifs, a�iy
damage wiil be noted and re�orted to the Director o�• kais designee.
1.2. The D�rector, or his designee, may conduci �•andot�� checks of the t�•ees during the License
1.3. A checic of all trces may be made at the e��d of the License Period. Tlle C3ty Fo�•ester,
Di�•ectoc oi• liis desig�aee, ar�d Co�x�pany will attend the ins�ection.
1.4. Damages sllall �e docu���ented by meino to the City �{ot�ester witl-► co��y to cont�-act fle and
the Com}�a�ry.
1.5. Com�any i11ay have the o�tioii of ceplacement or pay�ne��i fo�• severely daniaged Erees at a
locltio�i to be designated by tkie Pac•lcs and Recreation De��artme��t. Replacement sliall be
made on caliper itzch ��er calipe�• incll basis with a il�inimum size of replacen�enl tree of 2"
i�l caliper for trees cia�i�aged or relnovcd less tl�ar3 30" dia�-►�eter at breast height (D13I I) and
2" per incl� an t�•ees 30" DBH o�• gk•eate�•. ComE�an}r sha[1 be res�onsible for any pla�rting,
watering, in«lching a�id mai��tenance of re�lacement trees for a pe�•iod of not less than 2
yeats. Com�any sfaall cottapensate tlle City at a rate of $200 pec caliper inch for any tree
tiiat does not suc�ive tl�e 2 year esta�lishment peri�d.
1.6. Siight Damage shal� be de�ned as damage, in the opiniot� of the Cily Porester that may i�eal.
Examples include, but ar•e ilot limited to, scaeing of the tru�llc into tlle cambial laye��'/2" to
2" in width but Icss than I/3 trunlc circun�ference or l�reaking of li�nbs less tha�� 2" i�a
diamctcz• o�• li���bs less tl�an 113 tciink caliper, whichevei• is less. Slight damage sha�l alsa
include rejnoval or lying do«�n of protective tree fencing prioi• to tkie end of const�•uction,
stoz•ing eqtiipn�ent or sup�lies within tiie critical root zone {CRZj, or disposi�lg of paint or
cor►crete within tk�e CRZ but tiot cioser to the tt��itik tlian 50% �•adius of il�e CRZ. Sligl�t
damage to trees shall be assessed at a rate of $100.00 for eacli instance. For eacff day tliat
tree fencing is not properl3r �laced, equiptne��t or st�pplies are stored within CRZ, oc fill is
stot�ed within the CRZ, shall be cansidered a��e instance.
1.7. Moderate danlage shall be defined as dainage, in tl�e opinion of the City Fox•ester, Ehat
contt•ibutes to tl�e �oor E�ea[ti� a«d reducec� loi�ge�ity of tl�e teee, and examples i��clude, �ut
"Cemporar}� License Agreeinenl — Rock�vood Park 25 of 26
MarcU 2d2E
are noi limited to, scaring af tl�e trunk inta the c�inbial layer �reater than 2" buk less than
I13 of tk�e tc�m�C circumfere�ice or brealcing of limbs niore than 2" in diameter but lcss than
1/3 t�•unk calipei•. Moderate damage shall also include coj�lpaction of soil, grading or filling
in 20% of the CRL otf one of four sides but outside tlle 50% t�adius of the CR7., or d�sposing
of paint or concrete r�lit�iici 50% radius of the CRZ. Moderate damages shall be calculatcd
at a rate of %2 �he assessed valu� of the tree per cacll i��stance of da�nagc.
1.8. Scvei-e damage or removal of trees is s�i6ject to a}�enalty of $200 per dia�neter inc11 of trees
cenio�ed or da�naged fo�• trees lcss tlaat� 30" DBH aa�d $400 pe�• dia���ete�• ir�cll of trees 30"
DBH or greatec. Severe da�nage or removal shafl i��clude, but is not ]imited to, scarin� oF
tl�e tz•E�nk to the ca�x�bia[ lay��� greatex• than 1/3 t}�e t�•unk circtu��fere�lce, iip�•ooting ai• ca�sing
a t��ee io lean, or damage ta � scaffolding brancll or branch greater tk-�an lI3 of trutilc caliper.
Seve�•e daralage sl�alf alsa incli►de co�7l�action of soil, grading ar filling more tha�i 20% of
tl�e CRZ, or within 50% radius of the CRZ or on more than oi�e of 4 sides. Cutting 1/3 of
tl�e buttress roats witl-�in 3 times the di�t�nce of the DBH af tlie tcun[c, or cutting 4 roots 4"
or g►•eater ii1 diameter within 4' of the ti•«nk sllall also i�e consideced se�vere da�iiage.
19. Bra►iches shall be nieasured at the point of attach���ent or a� ik�e lateral to which the branc�i
wauld be priined l�ack to accocdi�lg ta ANSI stanciaeds. Trees ca�iper shall be �1�eas�iced
according Co accepted industry standards. Trees gceatei• tha�16" in caliper shall be n�eastued
usii�g DBH. Trees tliat mtis�. be removed due to damage caused by Co1r►pany shall be
removed by the Pa�•ks az�d Rec��eaiioal Departialealt's Forest�y Section T��ee Re��iava!
Co��tractor at Company's expense.
1. ] 0 All daii�ages shall be paid to the City Ti•ee Fw1d. Failure to i•eplace or pa�� for datnaged
trees shall result in a bt�each of conti�ac#. a�id Compa�iy will be automatically assessed
datnages. Dama�es as desct•ibec� heeein shail l�e declucted fi�om payiiients otherwise dtte to
1.11 Reinediation costs assesseci hereunder constitute contractuai damages intended to
co�n�ensate the City, as prope�•ty ow�ler, and have no bearing on whether o►• to w11at extent
any fines may be due ur�der tlle Ut•ban Foresti��� Ordinailce of tl�e Fort Wortl� Zor�it�g
7'emporaq� License Agreement — Etock���ood Paric 26 of 2G
nt�«f� zoz �