HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 55474Date Received: 03/30/2021 City Seci•etai•y Time Received; 12:51 PM Numbei•: 55474 EASEMENT ENCROACHMENT LICCNSE AGRCEM�NT Canmercial THIS AGR�CM�NT is made and entered into by and between THC CITY Or I'ORT WORTH, a liome rule municipal coi•poi•ation of Tan•ant Cowity, Texas ("City"), acting by and tlu•ough its duly authorized City Manager, Assistant City Manager, or Development Services Director, and TCRG Opportunity �V, LLC, a Texas limited liability company ("Lice�isee"), ownei• of tlle real pi•ope►�ty located at 1337 West Risinger Road, Fort Worth, Texas 76134 ("Property"), acting by and through its duly authorized Member. RECITALS WHEREAS, Licensee is the owner of certain real property situated in the City of Foit Wortli, Taz�rant County, Tcxas, moi•e pai•ticulai•ly desci•ibed in tlie attacl�cd Legal Desct•iption of tl�e Pcopei•ty, attaclied as "Cxhibit C" and incorporated lierein for all purposes; and WHCRCAS, tlie City lias a utility, watei• and sanita►•y sewer easeme�it (tlie "Casement") in the Pcopecty as shown on tlie map attaclied to tliis Agreement as "Exhibit A," which is incorporatcd herein for all purposes; and WH�R�AS, Licensee desires to const►uct, place, and/or maintain cei•tain improvements which will enccoach in, on, above, or below the City's Easement; and WHCRCAS, to accommodate the needs of the Licensee, the City will allow tlie encroachment tuidcr the terms and conditions as set forth in this Agreemcnt. NOW, THER�FORC, tlie City and Licensee ag►•ee as follows: AGRCEMCNT 1. The City, in considccation of the paymcnt by the Licensce of tlie fee sct out below and covenants and agceements hereinafter contained to be lcept and pecfot�cned by Licensee, liei•eby gca�its pei•mission to Licensee to eiicroacli in, on, above, or below aiid occupy a portion of the City's Easement as described in and at the location shown on Exhibit A, but only to the extent shown thereon, for the purpose of i��stalling private stoi•m di•ain (tlie "E�ic►•oachment"). Upon completion of the Encroacliment, Licensee OFFICIAL RECORD Easement �ncroacliment Agrccmcnl - Commercial CITY SECRETARY FT. WORTH, TX agrees lo be res��unsible I��• na��inl�iniug tlie Enct•oachmeiyt wit.hin tlic Easement. Licensee shall n�t exp�i�rl nr ntl�ertvise causc tite Encro�tclu��et�t to fi�t•tl�er i�ifi•inge in oi• o�z Cit��'s Easement Ueyond what is s}�ecifically desct�if�ed in [li� �xhibil(s) attacl�eti hereto, `� All constci�ctian, iunifiten�uee, or oper�tion in coniiection wit�� suclz Encz•aachnae��f, iese, and occt�pancy sl�all comply a�fd be pe�•fo�•ined in strict campliance �vith this Agt•eeinent and witl� the Charter, Ordinances, and Cades af tlte City, �nd in acco�•da��ce witl► tl�e di�•ectiozis of the Director of tkie T�<ni�spo�tatio�i and Ptibiic Warics Depart�necat oz• ilie Director of the Watca• Departinen.t, OI' t{1Cti� duly authorized i•epresentative, Prior ta tl�e construction of tl�e EE�crolct�ment, Licei�see shall subinit all plans ��id speciiicatioz�s to t[�e applicat�le Directoa• oY� du[y autliot•izeci re}�resei�tative. Lieerisee sii�tll n�i cc�mmence consl�ucli�n �f t�►e E�c��oachrnent until sue�a app�'oval sfiall be itidicated iia wt'itit�g by tl�e ap��licable Dii•ectnr nr aut�i�rizeci i•et�i•esentative. However, sucli a��roval sl�all «at �•elieve Licensee of respo��sibility auid liabiiily Fc�r wncepl, clesign, and cornputaiiot� i�� the pcepat•ation of suclt plans and specificatioi�s. 3, Lice�isee, at no ex�euse to tfic (;ity, sl�all nia�ce pi•a��er provisions for tlie relocntioy� aad i��stallation of �iiy existing or fi2h��•e utilities affccted i�y sucli Enc�•oacl�inent, use, and occupancy, includiiig securin� the ap�roval and consent of tl�e appropriate utiiiry companies ancf agencies of tl�e State ai�d its political subdivisians. In tlie event tliat atiy install�tion, reinstallation,l�elocatiort, oi' i'e��1it ot' any exist�ng oi• fi�h�rc utility or iinprovements awned Uy or constructed by or on beiialf of the pu�lic or at public expense is made �nore costly by �'ll'LUE Of t�le COf7St111C[IOIl� ma�ntenance, or existence of tile �ricr•oacE�itient a�1d tise, T,icensee shall �ay to Eiie City an a�ditional ainount equal to suc�z additiozial cost as ��easu�ia6ly de[ez•nained Uy tl�e Di�•ectaz• af Trausportation aud Pnblic Wo�•lcs or fhe Director of t�ie W�tcr De��artma�lt, c�r tl}eir d��ly autl�orized representative. 4. Licei�see agrees that the City may ente�' flitd titilizc thc rcfc�•cqccd areas al auy time far the �u�•pose of installi«g, repair���g, replacing, or tilaintaining imprnvements to its public facilities or utilities necessary fo�• ihe Ifealtts, safety, aiid weliare of tfte public, or f�r any otlier pu[�lic pur�osa Thc Ciry sl�all bear iio respansibility or liability for any dainage oi• disruptioii oi• other adverse consequences i•esulting fi•om tl�e E�icroaclunent ii�stalled by Licensee, but tlie City will make �•easonable efforts to miniEnize st�ch damage. 5. Cnsamen! �ncE•oaclirnenl Agreeinenk - Conui�ercial Page 2 of 12 Revised 4/2D20 Upoi� tern�iiiation of tl�is Agree�i�eiit, Licensee sliali, �4L E(ie upEion of ai�d at no expense to the City, remot�e t��e Encroacfuncnt and re�trn•e the T'.�seir�ent to a conditio�i acceptable to fhe Director of Trans}�o�'fltion a��d PuUiic Wo�•lcs or the Di��ecta� af the Watez� Dep�rt�nent, OI' t�1e11' dlllj7 �ryllfl10172�(i i'e�I'�S�I�t7tlV�, lll aCCQl'i�c�I1C0 Wlt�l i�7.C11- cxisting City s�ccifications. It is undcrstood a�id agx•eed to by Licensee titat if this Agreeinent tei�minates acid Lice�isee tails to retnove tl�e Liicroachinent as dFrected and restore the Easenient, Lice�isee hereby gives the Ciiy pei•tnission to remove tlzc Encroachcnent anc� �ny suppoz•ting shlich�res and assess a licn an the 1't•operry tor the costs ex��ended by the City in talcing such actiais. 6. In oi•dei• to defi•ay all cosis of ins�cction a�id supervisia�� wliicli tl�e City t�as ificur�•ecl c�r will incur �s a re5�E1t oF t�ie const»actio�f, maintenance, inspectioti, oi• management nf the e��croaclunents and uses provided for by this Agreeu�ent, Licensee agrees to pay to City at tlie tiitae tiiis Agreeiiient is reques�ecl an applicatinti fee of in tl�e su�ii of Fivc Hundred Dallars ($500.00). 7. The term of tltis Agreeiiient slfall be far fl�ir[y (30) yea��s, co�ziniencing on the date fhis AgE�ccirscnt is cxccutccl by khc City. Ho�vever, this Agz�ccinent iiiay €�e terininated upon L�censee's noncompliance �viili any of the terins of this Agreement. City sl�all noEify Licensee i❑ writing of Any �ioncornpliAz�ce t�Eid if not cuccd �vitliiu thit�#�r (30) days, Ntiis �lgreeiuent shali be deemed terminated, unless such nonco�npliance is ��ot susceptible to cu�•e witliiu t�airty {30) days, iit wltiich case tltiis Agreen�etxt sltall be dee�ned tern�inated in the event tl�at Lice�lsee fails ta cammencc �iid take such reasanable steps as ai•e r�ecessaty to z•e�nedy the nonco�nplianee �vitl�in thicty (30) days after written notice specifyi�ig tiie saiue, or l�aving so conYinencetf, tl�et'eafter fails to proceed ciiligei�tly �nd with enntin��ity ta E•ernedy s�ine. R. Tt is fiii��ter undetstood and agreed between filtie parties heretn that the Fasement to be used aad ettc�•oaclted upon is l�eld by Cit}� as trustee foc tlie p�blic; tltat City exercises such �owers ovej' tltie Easej�ient as kiave been delegated ta it by the Co�fsfitution of tlie State of Tex�s oi• 6y t�ic Tcx�s Lcgislaturc; anci tltat Cily cai�i�ot coiit►•act away its duty and its legisl�tivc pawe�• to control the Ease�nent tbi• the use aud bene�t of tlie public. It is accordingly agreed that if ti�e go�eri�ing body of City mny nt nuy titne during t�zc tcrnt he�•eof deteriiiine iu its sole discretiou to use or cause oi• pe�•�nit tlie Ease�neiit to �e usecl for any oH�et• p��Ulic �uipase that does noE }�rcclude ti�e �ise of tkie Encroacl��nent on thc Property, inchidi;ig but not being limited ta u��derground, st�i•face, o�� o�e�•head eommunication, drainage, sat�itaiy sewerage, tra��sinission of nalural �as or electcieity, or any other public purpase, whether presenily contem�lated ar not, tlxat tlie parties ag��ee to Ense�neuE Encroac�unen# Ag��eea»ent - Co�mnercial Pakc 3 of i2 Revised 412020 negotiate ici good failli iu order �o accoii�rt�uci�ile the Encrn�clut�e3it aud tlie puUlic purpose. 9. LiCENSEF COVE�iANTS AND AGREES TO INDEMNI�'V, AND DCI�S HGREBY IND�MNII`Y, HOLD HARi11L�S8, AND D�F�ND CITY, �TS Ul�'�'1C�:RS, ACULN'1'S, SL�tVAN`C�, L+'MPLO�'E�S, AND �L�CT�D OI'FICIALS I+ROM AND AGAINST ANY AND ALL CLAIMS OR SUIT,S TQR PROPERTi' DAMAG� OR LOSS A1r1D/0R P�RSOIYAL �1VJUHY, 1NC:LUllIIVC� ll�ATH, TU ANY AND ALL �'�RSONS, OF WHATSaEVEI2. I{iND OR CHARACT�R, 1'4'HETH�R R�AL OR AS��RT�D, ARISYL�TG OUT OT OR IN CONN�CTIUN 'V4'ITH, DITtECTLY OR �ND�R�CTL'Y, TH� CONSTRUCTION, MAINT�NANC�, OCCUPANCY, USE, EXiST�NC�, OR LQCATIQN Or TH� �NCROACHMCNT AND US�S GRANT�D HEREUND�R, WH�TH�R QR NOT CAUS�D, IN WHOL� OR IN PART, BY THE N�GLIG�NC� OF OFTIC�RS, AG�NTS, SERVANTS, �MPLOV��S, C(INTRACTORS, SLiRC�NTRACTORS, LIC�NS��S, CL�CTED OFFICIALS, OR INVITE�S OT TH� CYTY; AND LICENSE� H�RCBY ASSUM�S ALL LIABILI'I'Y AND R�SPONSIBYLYTY CC1R Si]CI-I CLAIMS OR SUITS. LYC�1�S�� SIIALL LII�CWIS� ASSZIMC ALL LIABILITY AND R�CSPONSXBILITY AND SHALL �NDEMNIFY CITY FOR ANY AND ALL INJURY OR DAMAGE TO CITY PROPERTY ARIS[NG OUT OF` �R IN CUNNL+'C'1'IUN Wl'1'H '1'HL+' L+'NCR(}ACHMENTS AND ANY AND ,�LL ACTS OR OMISSIOVS Or LIC�NSEE, ITS OTI'IC�RS, ACENTS, S�RVANTS, EMPLOY�ES, CONTRACTORS, SU13CC?N'1'itAC'1'UItS, LIC�NS��S, OR INVIT��S. 10, While this Agreemezit is in effeck, Licei�see agrees to filrnisl� City witl� a Certificate nf insw�lnce naming C:ity as certi�cate ��older as proof th�t it has secut•ed and paid for a��olicy of public liabilily it�su�•ance covering xIl public �•isks �•elat�d to tl�e 4�raposed usc and occt�pancy af public properiy as lncated and descrihed in rxl,il�it A. The ainou»ts of stich insurance si�all be y�ot less tk�a�� $1,p00,OQU witli tl�e u��de��st��iding nud �grea�nent by Licensee tlti�t s��cl� i�fs�.uancc a�nouc�ts inay tie revised t��ward at City's option ai�d tl�at Lice�isee slfall so revis� sucli a�notknts ianmediately followii�g notice to Lice�asee of sucl� rec�uiceiiieiit. �uch it�sli�-auce �olicy sl�all not be canceled or amended without at Icast thirty (30) days prior written notice to the Building Ofticial of the City, A ca�y of such Certificate of Tnsurance is attached as "�xhibit B" actd incoz�porated he�•ein fo�• �11 purj�oses. Liceiisee agrees to submi� a siu�ilar Certificate of Insurar�ce axu�ually to t�ie City nn tlie anniversary date af tl�c execution of this A�t�eemet�t. �aseme�tt Encroaclu�icnt Agreeiueni - Connnercial Pa�,e 4 of 12 Revised q/2620 Lfcensee agrees, bii�cls, and oUligt�les itself and its successors az�d assigus to maintain �nd kee�� in f�ree sucii I�uhlic liahility insucance �t all tiines durinb t��c term of this Agceement aiid utftil tlte re�iiaval of th� Encroacli�tienl �tncl th� cl�aning and restaratiau of die Easement, All ii�s�irauce cove�•age required li�rei�� shall incl�ide coverage oiall Licensee's con#ractors and suUeoiitraeto�•s. 1X. Lice�tsee agrees ta deposit witli the City ��vhen t�iis Agree�nent is exect�ted a sufficient sun� of rnoney to be t�sed io pay necessary fees to i•ecord t1�is �lgree�nent �n tlie real property Y•ecorcis of Taeraut Connry, Texas. A�ter heing recordec�, tlfe ori�iiial shall be r•ekurncd to the City Secretary of tl�e City af Foi•t Woz'tli. I2. Lice�fsee agrees to c���i��ly fully with ail a��plic�ble fedet•aj, st�te, and local 1a�vs, stalutes, ordinaiices, cfldes, aiid regulatiaiis iii C{lI1FIC;CElUtI with tl�e co�isti•�iction, operation, and mainte��ance of the Encroac�imeut and uses. 13. Licensce agi•ees to �ay proin�tly wl�en due all fees, taxes, or rentals provided fox� by this A�•eeinent o�• by any federul, state, or locAI stahrte, law, ar rcgnlation. 14. Licensee coveuants �nd agrees th�t it shall opet�ate liereuncler as an independent contractor as ta all i•ights and pri�ileges granted laereuuder aitd not as an ofiicer, i�ger►t, servant, or employcc of City, and Licevsee shall ��ave exclusive contt•o1 af acid ti�e exclusive i-igl�t tn cont�•ol the details of its o�eratians, and all pe�•sons pez•foi•ming san�e, at�d shall he snlely r•es�nnsihle fnr tlte acts a�td ainissions of its off"tcers, agertts, seivants, ei��playees, contractors, suUconti�actors, licci�sees, ancl invilcc�. Th� doctrine of respondeat su�eeiaa� shali not apply as betwee�l City and i.icetasee, its officers, ageiits, se3vants, eniployccs, cant�•actors, and subcoA�t�•actors, and uofhiE�g liea•eiii s�all i�e const�•ued as creatin� a��ai•tnei•ship ot• joi��i etiterp�•ise between City and Licensee. 15. Licei�see agrees and t►ckiiowle�ges that tl�is Agreeinent is solely for tlie pi�rpose flf �ermittitig Liccnsee Eo construcl, maintaiu, and loc�te tlie Encronchtne��t over or witl�in the Ease�uent and is not a conveya��ce of any riglit, title, or i��terest in or to tfie Easement, nar is it meant to convey auy cight to use or occupy propez•ty iu which a third-}�arty ma}f have an iuterest. Lice�3see ag��ees that it wili obtain all necessary perjnissions Uefo��e occu�yi��g sucl� pzo}�erty, Easement �ncroachuicut Agree3nenl - CoEmnercial Pagc 5 of I Z tz��;sea ��zoza �6. Iu any �ction hi•ought I�y tha City fnr the eilforcement of the obligations of tlie Licensee, tl�e Cily shall be ei�titicd to iccov�r interes� arzcl rc�sUnable attUrneys' fees. ]7. Tl�e parties agree tliat tlie duties aaad oUligatians contaiiied iu Sectinn 5 siiall sutvi�c tlie terminntion of tl�is Ag��eement. 18. Licensee covena��ts and agrees tl�at it wijl �iot assign all ot• any af !ts rigltts, privileges; oi• duties iinder tliis Agreexne��t �vitliout tlae written approval nf tl�e City, and any atte�npted assig�vnent without suc�� w�•itten app�•ova[ shall l�e vaid. in the event Licensee con�eys llie Property, Licensee �uay assign all of its i•iglits ai�d oUligatia��s ttnder tl�is Abree�r�cnt ta t[ie new owner o£ tl�a P��a�sez-ry, and Licensee s��a[f be deemed rele�sed f��om its duties and obligations Il8['CLlIiCI�t' 11�70I1 Ci[y's a}�proval in wz'itin� of sucli assigiuueiit, which appi•av�i shal! not he unreason�bly caudilioi�ec� nz• �viklil�eld. I�oreclosure by a secured ieiider of Licensec or assigiuueut ta a secu�•ecl lcnelc:i� by L.icensee ii� tl�e cvent of defatilt ox• otl�ez•wise s1��ll �iot requu•e City approval pro�ided tEiat said Ieuder noti�es City i�� w�•iti�lg within sixty (60} days of s�ich fareclos�ire or assignment and asstnnes all afLicensee's rig�its and obligations (�crcunder. Howcvcr, no ch�nge af 4wnership due to foreclosure oi• �ssigni�ient to any sccuced Icttde�• of Licensec sliall be effective as ta City unless and uutil tivritten notice of sucli foreclasure or �ssignment is provided to City. 19. Ae�y cause of action for b��each of this Agr�emeiit sliall be hrougltt in Tarra�it County, Texas. This Ag��ccrnent sliail ve governed by fhc I�ws of tiie Statc of Texas. 20. Tl�is Agreement shall Ue �i�idi�ig upou tfie parties lzerc.lo �ncl tf�eir st�ccessors and ii551gI1S. 21. 'l'ffis A�reeuleut ma� be executecf in multiple counter�ai•ts, each of �vli�cii sha11 be coiisideced �« original, but nll of �vhicli shnll constitute one inst►1m�c��t. �ascn�enl �neroac�imenl Agreeayeut - Coiumercial Page C of 12 Rr.visc�i 4I7.02U Clfy; CITY OF FORT WORTH � -114:44CDTI B�: �_ DJ Ha�-z•ell, Directoz• Developinent Services Department Date: 3-29-2021 ATTEST �a���� a �� a OR �� � �F F 0000r� �d o � a � �o � Q��id Ovo °_� ����o o*�� � �o o � T �D00000� �/ ���� nEXA?a�'p ,l�2 �/L�'i i" �d/1��G� rHonaldl'.Gonzales(Mar29,202116: �DI) Macy Kayser, Ciry Secretaiy City Secretary's Offce Licensee: TCRG O�'pO�TUNI ,LLC B�: r�a�r � y � Name: R4bert L. Patton Title: Me�z��e�• Date: O�% / 1 ��DZ� A��roved As To Fori�� aud Legali�y Ma�fhew Murrqy FWBC Sec. 3210 Matthew A. Mut-�•ay, Assistant Ciry Attorney City Secreta�y's Of#`iee Con�yact Complia�fce Specialist: By signing I ac�Cnowledge tk�at I ana tkae pe�•sozi Respansible for t�ie moni�oring and administration Of this contract, uiclud'u�g ensuruig all per%rmance �ar2ie-sr�CettM�� A��d t'eporting requu-ements. Janie Mara�es Development Manager Casen�ent Encroackunent Ag�•eement - Commercial OFFICIAL RECORD CITY SECRETARY FT. WORTH, TX k·k·A·nns PAGE FOR CITY OF FORT WORTH OFFICE USE ONLYH;� ST A TE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OFT ARRANT § BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, a Notary Public in and for the State of Texas, on this day personally appeared D.J. Harrell, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed lo lhe foregoing inslrumenl, and adrnuwledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed, as the act and deed of the City of Fort Worth, and in the capacity therein stated. GWEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this 29th day of March ------ Jennifer L Ezernack , 20__11_. Digitally signed by Jennifer L Ezernack Date: 2021.03.2916:30:39 -05'00' Notary Public in and for the State of Texas After recording return to: Development Services Department Development Coordination Office 200 Texas Street Fort Worth, Texas 76102 Enscmcnl Encroachment Agreement -Commercial JENNIFER L. EZERNACK Notary Public STATE OF TEXAS Notary I.D. 130561630 My Comm. Exp. Mar. 1, 2024 Page 8 of 12 Revised 4/2020 ST A TE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF TARRANT § § I BEFORE ME, the tmdersigned authority, a Nota1y Public in and for the State of � on this day personally appeared Robert L. Patton, Member, known to me tobe the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he or she executed the same for the pw-poses and consideration therein expressed, as the act and deed of TCRG OPPORTUNITY XV, LLC, a Texas limited liability company, and in the capacity therein stated. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE thIB / tt½ay oiJD.hltJfl.A i . -, Easement Encroachment Agreement -Commercial Page 2 of2 Revised 4/2020 �XHIBIT A M;�p of Enseene�tit aqd �tecrn�cl�iue�tt Lnsemenl 1:nc��uacLmer�t Agreement - Caiiwiei-cial P<ige IU of 12 fie�ised A/2020 �- � � ACA I 1 ! � � r -- � �- F i: rw rw�, - - — �, �: — — �� I �,�� � � �i P�_ --�-_ ! , �-�„� I fr� x-c' Lwui � -��.-�- E ,rn,�c-D � _� I �q ��� C� G -- - - ��7� � ��LnSI1�J V �� L'!L'l 0 15a �oo soo GRAPFIIC SCALE IN FEE7 . I II � I � �i �� i � � �_. _i �,, �, RISIM��R R�AB f� �` � :I — - - — - - [,--== - -- - - _-r_� ,— _. � - --• --- ---�=---�� ---- . - _ -- — \ _ (_ .--- _� . �..�. .—. — _ I �. �' �— � 1 ,A I � CX �' II ' � — —�— �---=i- I � � � --� �--�--.--�1� ru�n � � � � ��1 I�1 L �. _ �X-�J i 1-r• r� r�� � + ��+I� �4•i�� ��L%/IIIA 4Viila'.��%Y�1�� � � �1I��4%R�II�t� //�ri� ii i � � '� , I � �. � � 3 �� I � w� ,� � o r,. Z �� � ____��_ �_�__ _ . .-. ._»-- I � � � � � C � � Q 0 ,., � ENCROACHMENT AREA � � RISINGER ROAD 50U7}i I�DUSiRIAL PAftK ENCROACMMENT AGREEMENi' l.4TS 1-8 & 9�C, �LOC!( 1 W RISIiJGefi SdUTH z L4CATED IN iHE CfTY Of FORT WDR1H, 7DG1.S x DRAIYN BY CHECKED 9Y 8C/ILE OATE JOD /lUA+B,ER gE�ND 01lT Of 'fNE CEORCE kVALTON Sl1RVEY, A9STRAC7 N0, 7S1 � JWS RR 1"=30a' Q9/29/2426 3949-19,348 T�w�rtr caurmr, �xu `� � � p pL�QC� MQC� �� �x t r"w — -- ^ � -- - � PRf1P. pRIVATf --- -- -- -- —� STORIA CR45Si�IC--- (ENCROACFRAEMT 62}� (LI5 s!-1 --861.�.�� �� � PROP. PRiVAifi STORId CRQSS�NG {EPlCROpCH61EPlT Di) (221 Sf) pROP. PRIYATE S70RVA DRAI�1 � 177' RECONSTRUCIED pUBEIC 16" GIF WATER — LINE (41-26p1) i35��d3� PRO?, PRIVATE ST4ftM CR6SSRJC {ENCROACH3�1EN7 65) (323 SF) l EK�STING PU6LIC 16" SYATER IINE ^ PRaPOSEO PRIVATf _ ❑RAIhACE EASEIAEN7 R►S1�VGER ROAD 1 -----�:� - :.,— — _ �_. .:�,� — --'�- �/ `r 'tl i � e i�) Q 30 60 iZ� GR/1PHIC SG11LE IN FEET � - � ---- — " -- --— �/ _— --- ..__. ___ �I � `� �---- � PROP. PRIVATC ! � � �r STUR�d QRA14 t � � ^ � � P►20P. P7t1VAiE � I STORM CROSSItiG � I (ENCROACHIIENT 83) 1 I (525 SF� j � �I PROP4SE0 SE11ER hRClLIIY tASt1AE#J7 � I PROP, PRIVAiE pRVVE de SiQQI,I �RAIN CNCROACIIMCNT I (fi�1,T7fi Sf) I� ` PnOPOSC� U" PUBLfC � I I SRNITARY SEYIER I,INE II � p(iOPOSE� pUBLIC ACCESS ` EbseuE�r l (EASflAEN7 ALOHG E7SIST1hSG Y7ATFR MMN CA5iMtNi) I� �� �%ISTIFlC PUBLIC � r 10"` YIhTER LINE I �� � �� , � "C `�_. .-. .-. NOTES: }, CONTRACTaR TO INSTALL WAFtNIl+EG TAPE ON TDP bF Al.l. PRiVAT� STQRM DRAI�J INSIDE OF PUBLiC W117ER QR SEYVEft EASEMENTS, 2. OWtJER MU5T DC AN ACT]VE f'ART1CiPANT I�J THE TEXAS EXCAVATiON SAF�TY SYS�E�i (TESS) OR ITS �QUIVALENT FOR THE �URATI01� OF i�lE ENCROAC�iMENT. 3. CQNTRACTOft TO PROViD� p�l�lSlTY TESTiNG RECORDS TO CI7Y, 4. REPAIRS TO PRIVATE STbRM DRAIN IVITHIN PUBLIC WA1ER OR SEWER EASEMENTS NUSr BE DONE BY A COt�TRAC70R �'HAT MEETS THE CITY'S LICENS�, 80��l�WG, AND ENStJRAiJC� ftEQUIR�MIENTS. 5. FUTUR� PAVING REPAIRS WILL 8� 7�IE RESPON5181LITY OF THE PROPERTY dWiJ�R. � � � E �I a PROPDSED P(iNATE DRhINAGf EhSEldE#J7 �,1��%� ENCROACHiNENT AREA RISINGER ROAb SOUT�-I INDUS7RIAL PARK ENCROACH�1�iJT AGREEEAENT LOTS 1--8 & �JX, 6LOCK 1 RISINGER Stll1iH DRAN7V 9Y CHECKFD BV SCALF D�1 Tf JOB NUdI&ER �-����� IH TIEE CfTY OF FORT WORhl, TE7lA5 �ii�$ RR ��� =CJO� 09 'l9 i��0 39�F9—i9.��8 ���HO OUr OF 7NE OEOR6E W�UIL78N SIIFiVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 751 / I 7n�rr�rar COUNrr, ,�xas URAINACE EASEldElJT PROPd5f0 D" PUf3LIC _ SfliJITAftY SEYfER LlNE PROP. PRIVATE SiCR61 CROSSIRG ENCROALHhSEt�T C3) 262 5F) �33fl,9�� �� PROP. PflIV1�1F STDR�I E�RAIM Yfi0P65EU PRiYA7E PRA9JACE EASEFdEiJT E1l13TIH0 PUBLIC Ib' YIATEft L�HE ^ 848.14� �� 3 0 u 0 u z ro i� v 0 ' ��C�°� � pL�laM d�G� 0 3a 6o i2o GRAPNIC 5CAL� fN F�ET �m� w� ` � • u�n ! � �;, � l L--==-= � I I Ik � . � F �n Gi :�:� i Pr�oaoseo s�vr[rt _ ! F�CILlTY EpSEMENT ��`) r � ��I � PRQP�SED t{" YUBLIC ! SANITARY SEYlER LiVE 1 � I PftOA, PRIVAT£ DR1VE k ST�ftld �RAlN fFICROACif1AEN7 � I (sa,��s sF) FftOf'OSEO PU[iIJC ACCC55 EASEMENT (EASEk1E�Ji Al.OI{G EX511N[3 4YATER �ANH Eh561AENT) I Ek{511NG PU9L1C j� 1�" 1'lATER I.f`!E PIiOP. PRiVAIE i � � � ' STORIA ORhIN I [-�I NHOP. PRIVATE r� � I 30' L04IERING PER C1TY _ STORM CR6551NG �� pF FORT WORi11 4YATER {ENCROACHI��W7 C2) - - w LINE LDVf£RING UETAfI.. ��.�.-� 16" U1P WA7Eft LINE I {YI-2691) � _ E - • ��p�, NOTCS: 1. CONTRACT�R TO INSTALL WARNING iAP� ON TOP OF ALI. PRIVAT£ STOftM DRAIN INSIbE OF PUBLiC WATER OR S�WER EASEMENTS. 2. 04YNER MUST BE A�I ACTIVE PAR7IGIPANT IN TH� T�XAS EXCRVA7lON SAFETY 5YS7EM (TESS) OR ITS EQUIVALENT FOR 3HE �EJf�ATION OF TH� ENCROACHMENT. 3, CONTRACTOR TO PftQVID� DElVSITY TESTfNG RECOft�S TO CITY. h, R�PAff23 TO AR]VATE STORA� DRAlN WITHII� PUeLIC WATER OR SEWEF2 EASEA�ENTS MUST BE DON� BY A CQNTRACT�R ThIAT MEETS TNE CITY'S �ICENSE, 6�NpING, ANa lN5URANCE REQUlREMENTS. 5. FU7lJR£ PAVING REPAIRS WIL� eE 1HE RES�ON51Bil.ITY UF THE PROPERTY UWNER. �—. E� E N d � E�ICR�AC�iMENT AREA � RISfNGER ROAD SOUTH WDUS7RIAl PARI< ENCROACHMENT AGREEl�EN7 LOTS 1-8 & 9X, BLOCI< i � RISIiJCEft SOUTN z ORRK7Y 6Y CNECKEO 6Y SCAL� f7i1Tf JOH NU6l9ER LOChTEb IN THE CfiY oF FORT WOR7}I, 7Ex�4S � BFJHl3 6UT OF 7HE aE0R0E W4AtlLT�N SURVEY, AOSi17ACT ND, 751 JNr5 RR 1"�64' d9/29/2626 3949-19,3q8 TAftwrNi' c0utriY, 1�cAs �/ 1 � ' '°D°° o p��[� �I�C�� � PROP. PRIYRiE 1� STO�tM DRA'h7 PROP, PRIVATE STORM l ORAIN ENCROACFtM�i�i � (255 SF) 818.8�� L � IV L�� -, w El(15TING pUBLaC 1S" VIATER IJHE �T � � --- ;-: L�I E�I Q 30 EO 120 GRAPHfC SCAL� IN FEE7 -_ '�� _ �P80P. pFilUA7E STOR61 UAAIN FNCRDACHMENT (t'S2 SFj I �f \ `�i' � 1� � ��� I al >: WI �I PROPOSED S" PU9LIC SAIlI7ARY SEVlER L�tJE PROPOSEO SEVrfl FACIIIIY EASEh1ENT PR4P, PRVVAIE DftIY� k STORiA ORA1N f NLROAG}t!A EM7 (64,77G SF} PROPOSED PU9L3C ACCESS EASE�dEiJT (EASfA1�NT ALQNG EK{STINC PlAiER hIAIH EhSEMER7) exisnNc pvaiac 10" VIAiEf! LMlE �� �� A1,,,,, � MI'+1 � .. r � e��u v w I ��T�S: � i. CON7RACi��R 7� INSTAf i WARNING 7APF' QN 7f1P CfF AI_I_ PRIVATE a STORiv1 DRAIN INSIDE �F PUBLIC WATER OR S�WER �AS�M�NTS. d 2. OVINER �fU51' B� AN ACTiVE PARTICIPANT IiJ T#-IE TEXAS EXCAVATION 0. SAF'�TY SYST�I� (TESS) OR ITS CQUIVALCN7 f OR 71I� pURA710N 0� THE � ENCROACFiMENT. � 3. CONTRACTOR TO PROVlDE DEhlSITY ��571NG RECORDS TO Cl7Y, 4. REPAIRS 7p PRIVAT� STORM DRAI�i WITHIN PUBLIC WATER OR SEWER EASEM�NTs MusT BE DaN� BY A COiJTRAC7oR THAT FA�ETs THE CITY`S LICCNSE, BONDING, AN� INSURA�ICE REQUIftE�iEN7S. � 5. FUTURE PAVING REPAiRS Ylli��. B� THE RESPO�iSIBILITY OF THE ^ PROPERTY OWN�R. � � � � N a � ENCF20ACH�IENi AREA RISI�GEi2 ROAD SpUTH INDlfSTRIAL PARK E'NCROACH�AEN'C AGR�EF�EM L07S 1-8 & 9X, BLOCi( 1 RISING�R SOUTN PR�WN BY CHECKkD BY SCALE DATE J09 NUNBEH ����� !N 7}iE C�TY OF FORT WOR1N, TEYNS JWS RR I"=60� �g 79 2020 3949-19.348 BEfNO Oilr DF 7HE QEOROE 1lAlSILTOH SURVEY, AB5fA�1CT Fio. 75! I I 7AfiRANT C4UNPl. 7EXAS _ °PC �° � pL�G�lf� �IaC� �M�snHc Puouc 16" 4'IAlER LINE a �n �o , �o GRA�HIC SC/�LE IN �EET p�= ROP, pplVAlE URIYE � STOkh�l QfthIN NCftOACFi11ENi dM1,778 SF) PR6FOSE� PUp�1C hCCESS �A5@A1EHT (£ASEMENT AI,ONG E}(ISTINC 1YATE{i ?.IAIN EASEhAFNi) xisnrrc Pueuc D` 1'lATER LINE �� �/ � � �, i ..� � NOTES; 1. CONTftACTOR TO INSTALL tiYRRiVING TAPE ON i0�' OF ALL P�2IVATE STORM �RAW I�fSiDF OF Pl1F3l_IC WATER aR SEWCR EASE�IEN�S. 2. OWNER h1LEST BE AN ACiIV� PAR7ICIPANT IN THE TEXAS �XCAVATION SAFETY SYSTEM (T�55) OR ITS CQUIVALEN7 FOR THE DURA1i0N Of" TI fE �NCROACNk1ENT. 3. CONTRACTOR TO PROVID� D�NSITY T�Si"ING RECOR�S TO CITY, 4. REPAIRS 7'p PRIVATE STOR�k DRAIiJ WITHIN PUBLIC WA7�R OR SEWER tAS�:MEN IS ML1S f�� �0�lE BY A COiV7RACTOR THAT MEETS THE CITY'S LICENSE, B4i�D1�3G, AND INSURANCE REQUIREM�NTS. 5. FU7UR� PAVING R�PAIRS WI�L B� TNE R�SPQNSIBILI7Y OF TH� PROPEt�TY OWfVER. � E�� N p �� ENCROACHM��1T AREA RISING�R ROA� SOUTH INDiJS7R�A� PARK ENCROACHMENi' AGREEhfEN'f LOTS 1—B & 9K, BLOCK i RISIHCER S�UTH ARArYN OY CNECKEO BY SCALE DATE JOH NUMBfH �ocA�o iN me ciry oF FORr woxni, rpus , BE1NLi OUT OF 7HE GEORG� IIW11L70N Sl1RVEY, A9S7pApT Dl4. 751 JWs RR 1"=60 as/2s/2o2a 3948-19.54s r,+aw�xr couirn, mu�s _ ,' °'��P d pdCz1l� MQC�� 0 3a so 120 GRAPHiC SCALE IN FEET `� MATC ; "�" PROP, PRIVAiE SinRM CHUSSING (E7lCROACHIAENT F1j (397 SF} 699,�3_r YftDP. PRIVATE STORIA CRo551NC {ENCRQACHAIfNr F2) � i�1 �' :'I ACCESS EASEI.IENF � ` �PfiOP. PRiVhT£ �RtVE�` I 5T0ltM ORA1N ENCROACHL1kNT (6a,778 SF� F PROAOSE� 60' PU[31.IC ti �� J I � i n H ' o f lrn I� '�'� . exisnno nuouc 172 RECOHSTf�UCTED , ¢ ! 10' YiAiER LINE �UBLiC tU" h1P 1�e,ti7ER (' I!!}7E (W--26fllj F � ERIS1iNC 41A7Eii m P7i0P. PfdVATE �AA11F Eh5EA1EFIT ',j�' STORM URNiI PFtOP. I'pIVAlE `f ENCROqC1�AlEH7 STtlTHA CROSSING � (2(3�} SF) [NCR01EilIAEN7 Fd) �307 SF) � �- ",-'^- -- - — — -. —`I'�: „ � �1 ----� PROP, PRiVATE � � STORM OtiAEN PRO?. PRIVhTE 570RAI CROSSIN(i (ENCRUACFiIaENT F3) ������ �KISTINC PUBLIC � 16" YlATEft LINE o �T I � i NOTES: � 1, CONTRAGiOR TO I�JSTALL WARNING TAPE QN TOP OF AL� PRIVA7'E � STQRM DRAIN IN51D� OF PU[3�IC 4VATER OR 5EW£R EASE�hFNTs. ` 2, OW+VER f�UST BE AN ACTIV� PARTICIPA�fT IN TNF TEXAS EXGAVATI0�1 � SAFETY SYST�I� (TESS) OR ITS EQUIVALEUT FOR TNE DllRATION OF THE � �PlCROACHI�9ENT. � 3. CONTRACTOR T4 PRQVIDE DEN5ITY TESTfNG RECORpS TO CI�Y, 4. REPAIRS TO PRiVATE STORM ORA1N V�'ITHliJ PUBI.IG WAT�R OR SEWER EASEM�hl7S Mt15T �E DDiVE BY A CUN7RACT0� THAT M�E�fS TFiE CITY'S LIGENSE, BONDING, ANp IN5URA�lC� RE(�UIK�MENTS. s 5. F'UTtIRE PAViNG REPAIRS WIL.L 8� THE RESPOiVSIBILITY OF THE ^ Pf�UF'�F��IY OV�NER. � � � � �� � � ENC:ROACHM�1V7' AR�A RISINGEft ROAD SOUTN INpt1STRlAI PARK �NCROACHMENT ACREEMENT LOTS i—S 8c 9}(, BLpCK 1 RISINGER SbU7N DRAWN UY CllECKEO pY BCALG' 01TTE JOB IW�S(91`8 �6�T�� jN 1}!E CfIY OF FpRT WOATH, 7OlAS BEiNO DUT OF 7HE �EOfiOE 1WAfLT6N S1IRVEY, �esr�ncr Ho. ��� JWS RR 1"=60' 08f29f2D20 �3h9-19.348 TMTthNTCDUNF14TFw�S ' ` , � a9�� � �l�Wl1V V �� 17l'! 0 3a so �20 GR/�PNIC SCIILE IN FEE7 � d' _ P[i0PO5Ep PUQIIC ACCESS � � ensc��e�aT -- rr�oP. rr�iv��� � EKIS71tI0 WAiEEi S7QRl�1 CR6SSPJC 30' LOY!£RING P�R CEiY S MA!'J EASEMENT (�i+cr�onc�i���rar ci) OF FnRT 11lOftTH 1'lATER � PROY. i'RiVA'fE DRiVE �o'� IP}r4'�lA7ER D�TE Il. dc STORM ORNII E%1571NG YUFsLIC � EF#CROApiAi_N7 1D 1'�A7ER LFME - � I�'�-2&91) Z— ._.�. {6d,4�fl Sf} --- - � — — � � � �, � a»„1 �---� _� -_�� _`�;� �n"��t =_- - - -- -- --��:,� :�zr _ � � � � -- _ _„ ��'�� -- - + � ,:, s�, ,� � - ._� --- --. _�. � — - � -� -- � - - - .�._.�..T_.. _��� N .� � ^ ,—. _ ...� � _ __..__. � �, � o �I f�Rnp. PRIVAtE ,' r'7 � STURIA ORA�H � E%#S1lYC PUBLIC / r � i8' NIATER LINE � / � �^ _ ^ � � ( I � � �; a� r 1 i . r �i � � ^ . � �� N07ES: � 1. CONTRACTOR TO INS7ALL WARNI�IG �APE ON TOP OF ALL PRIVATE � STORM �ftAfN 1�1SIDE OF PUBI.EC WAT�R OR SEWER EASE�AENTS, a 2, O�VNER ?�iUST BE AN ACTIVE PARTlCIPANT IN THE T�XAS EXCAVATION i SAFETY SYSTEM (iESS) OR ITS �QUIVRLENT FOR THE DURATIDN OF TH� � CNCRQACHMEN7. � 3. C0�ITRACTOR 7Q PROVIDE D�NSlTY T�STING R�COROS TO CITY. 4. R�PAI�S TO PRIVATE STORM DRAIN WliH1N PUBLIC WAIER OR SEWER �ASEMEiVTS �IUST BE DONE BY A CONTRACTOR THAT �1EET5 T}-IE CITY'S LICENS�, B0�lRING, AND INSURANCE REQUIREM�i�TS. 4 5. FUTIJR� PAV�iVG REPAIRS WILL BE THE RESf'ONSi$ILITY OF THE � AROPERTY OWi��R. � � � � N d o EI�CROACH�I�NT AREA : � � N \ � RISINGER ROAD SOUTH INDUSTRlAI. PARI< �NCROACHMEN'F AGR�EMENT LOTS 1--8 dc �JX, BLOCK 1 � RISINGER �OUTFI z DRA4VN BY CHEGKEO BY SCA[E DAT� JOB NUI�18E'R ���T�p IN THE Cf1Y OF FORT 140RTH, 7E7tAS BEIfV(3 OUf OF 1ilE OEOROE FiAAiILTOH SVRYEY, ApSTRACT kD. 751 � JWS RR 1"=60' 09/29/2024 3949-19.348 �� �p�;,ny` � _ , .. .. �a`� � G°�L Q�1 MpG� a �a 60 �ao GRAPHIC SCALE W FEET I I I FI RISINGER ROAD � ��- .-=Ht-�` -� �� psop. Pueuc �o° � 5�11lITARY 5FN'FR � �PROp�5ED PUBLIC � ACGE55 dc UTILITY ense��+�r --- _.T_.. ._ �I ._._���.�.^J � � � YROPOSE� UETENi16N PONO _ / � � . _ _ . . . .. - '� � "---- - �- -- I PROA, pU9LIC 6" —I .PROp. ASH _ SAMY7ARY SE41ER — __ SEPARATIf�G I PLf6LIC AI�O PflWATE STORM PROP, PRIVA7E 5TOftM I �— ARAlIi CROSSING (FNCROhCH}AEiii Hl} 502.33' TQ Pt I � PROP. PRiVh7t 1�l114E � � ^ I ��� � _� � r � � 1 fi SiOR�A ORAIN � ENCROACNldEfaT I (1,960 SF� k PROP. PRIVAIE I STORAI DRNN � ,TCH LINE - ' "I" li Ij �� fi �� !� i� i� i NOTES: � 1, CONTRACTOR TO 1NSTALL 4VARNWG TAPE QN 7QP Q� ALI. PRIVAT� � STORM DRAIN �NSIDE QF PLiQLIC WATER OR SE'NER EASEFAENTS, 4 2. 04YAfER A4UST BE AN AC71V� PAR�f�CIPAIVT IN THE TEXAS EXCAVATEON � SAFETY SYST[M (7�SS) OR 1TS EQUIVAt�ENT FflR iNE DLIRATION OF THE ENCftOACH�AENT. � 3. GONTRACTQR TO PROVID� DENSITY TESTING l�ECOftDS TO CITY, 4, REPAIRS TO PRIVATE STQRM DRAIN WfTNI�i PUBLIC WA7ER OR SEWER EASEMENTS �AUST RE DONE BY A CONTRACTOR THAT �l��TS TH� CETY'S LICEIVSE, BONDING. ANq iNSURANC� REQUIREI�ENTS. a 5. Fl1TURF PAVIhlG ftEPAIR5 INIL.L B� TI-IE R�SPD�lSIBILITY OF TI-�E � PROPERTY OWNER. � � � � � a � ENCROACHMEiVT AR�A I I I I I I I � I � RiSINGER ROAD SOUTH IN6USTRIAL PARK ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT I.OTS 1-8 & �JX, BL�CK 1 RiSINGER 50UTfi DNAINN BY CN�'CKED BV SCALE OATE JOB NUAf@FR �.00ATEO IN 'INE CfIY OF FORT WOR7H, TD�AS �w$ R� �°=6Q� Q� 29 2d2Q 39�49-19,�`ia �d� DIIj tlF'iHE GEORCE WWILTQN Sl1RVEY, A95TMCT N0. 7fi! / / Tutwwr coUrmr, �Fxns rRc�asea DE7�NTIDN POHP _' °'Q� � p�Q� M�C�']n 0 3Q GO 120 GRAPHIC SCALE 1N F�ET � � MATCH l.111lE � I � - �„ PROP. PRNAIE DR]VE EHCROACi9dEI�T (1,650 `F) �_�-- I'fi0'OSED S�WfR FAC�IIY fJ�SEi.1ENT ^ � � �-I � : �- =�-�_ I i � I I I ,l ! � � i 1�O�iES: � 1. C�N7RACTOR TO I�lS�'ALL YIARNIiVG TAPE QN TOP OF ALL PRIVATE °° STORM ORAIN INSfDE OF f�UF11.IC WA7�R QR SE4VER EASEAIENTS, �?_. OWNER �AUST BE AN ACTlV� PAR7ICIPANT IN THE TEXAS �XCAVATION � SAFETY SYSTEh� (TESS) OR iTS EQUIVAL�N7 FOR THE DURATI03J OF TNE � ��fCROACMhEENT. � 3. CONTRACTOR TO PROVlDE D�N517Y 7�STfiVG RECQRDS TO CITY. 4. REPAIRS 70 pFiiVAi� STDR�r1 bRAlh! WITHIN P118LIC WATER 0� SEtiV�R EAS�:MEN f5 MU57 8� qON� HY A COiV7RACTQR THAT MEETS THE ClTY'5 L.ICENSG, BOiVDiNG, ANn INSIIIiAM1lCE REQUIREMENTS. � 5. FIJTURE PAVING REPAIRS WI�L BE THE R�SPONSI83LI7Y OF 7NE n PROPERTY OWNER. ���� N o 0 N �, ENCROACHMENT AR�A Rf51�lGER RQAb SOUTH INDUSTRUIL PAR3C ENCROACH}AENT AGREEiAENT LOTS 1--5 8c 9}(, BLOCK 1 W RISING�R SOUTH 7_ L4CATE0 P1 7FIE Cf1Y Df i0.9T WORT11, TEY(AS z DRA1471 BY CHFCNEO QY SCARf DATE J08 NUMBER gc�Nli �11T OF THE GEQROE HAf,!'1,T6}J SURVEY, AB5iRI.CT Nq, 7'�1 � JWS RR 1°-60' 09/29/2020 5949-19.348 TAARAHf CCHJHIY. TE7U�S �XHYBYT B Ce�•tificate c�f Insa���nce �ase»ienl Encroaclinient Agrccmcnl - Comnacrcinl I'age 11 of [2 Revised 4l2020 I DATE (MM/DDIYYYY) A�� � CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE 2/25/2021 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(ies) must have ADDITIONAL INSURED provisions or be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). PRODUCER CONTACT NAME: Amanda Villanueva Higginbotham Insurance Agency, IIIC. PHONE Fa,x 500 W. 13TH AIC No eXt :$1 �-347-6960 aic No : 817-882-9284 Fort Worth TX 76102 ADDR�ess: avillanueva@higginbotham.net INSURER(S) AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC # INSURERA: OIllO SeCUflt Insurance Compan 24082 INSURED TCRGR INSURERB: TIl6 OI110 C8SU8It Insurance Compan 24074 TCRG Opportunity XV, L.L.C. 5201 Camp Bowie Blvd INSURER C: SUIt@ ZOO INSURERD: Fort Worth TX 76107 INSURER E: INSURER F : COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER:2132222170 REVISION NUMBER: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. INSR TYPE OF INSURANCE ADDL SUBR POLICY EFF POLICY EXP LIMITS LTR I POLICYNUMBER MM/DDIWYY MM/DD/WYY A X COMMERCIALGENERALLIABILITY BLS2158079134 6/6/2020 6/6/2021 EACHOCCURRENCE $1,OOQ000 CLAIMS-MADE � OCCUR PREM SES� a oNcur ence $ 1,000,000 MED EXP (Any one person) $ 15,000 PERSONAL & ADV INJURY $ 1,000,000 GEN'LAGGREGATELIMITAPPLIESPER: GENERALAGGREGATE $2,000,000 POLICY � PR� � LOC PRODUCTS - COMP/OP AGG $ 2,000,000 JECT OTHER: $ A AUTOMOBILELIABILITY BAS2157659545 6/6/2020 6/6/2021 COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT $ 1,000,000 Ea accident X ANY AUTO BODILY INJURY (Per person) $ OWNED SCHEDULED BODILY INJURY (Per accident) $ AUTOS ONLY AUTOS X HIRED X NON-OWNED PROPERTY DAMAGE $ AUTOS ONLY AUTOS ONLY Per accident $ B X UMBRELLA LIAB X OCCUR ES02158079134 6/6/2020 6/6/2021 EACH OCCURRENCE $ 9,000,000 EXCESS LIAB CLAIMS-MADE AGGREGATE $ 9,000,000 DED X RETENTION $ $ WORKERS COMPENSATION PER OTH- AND EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY Y� N STATUTE ER ANYPROPRIETOR/PARTNER/EXECUTIVE E.L EACH ACCIDENT $ OFFICER/MEMBEREXCLUDED? � N�A (Mandatory in NH) E.L. DISEASE - EA EMPLOYEE $ If yes, describe under DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below E.L. DISEASE - POLICY LIMIT $ DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS / LOCATIONS / VEHICLES (ACORD 101, Additional Remarks Schedule, may be attached if more space is required) Re: 9350 South Freeway, Fort Worth, TX 76140 The General Liability policy includes a blanket automatic additional insured on a primary and non contributory basis and waiver of Subrogation as required by written contract. CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN City of Fort Worth ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. Planning & Development — CFA Office PN20-0006 AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE 200 Texas Street ����x, ^ Fort Worth TX 76102 � ,�L 1 „�__�J O 1988-2015 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. ACORD 25 (2016I03) The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD EXHYBIT C Metes and Bou�ids o�� Locatioi► Desci•iptio�x of t�te Pi•opei•iy Risin�e�� Rn�d South IndusU•ial parlt Lois 1-8 & 9X, Blocic 1 Risinger Soutlz Easement Eucroaclm�e«t Agrec��ieut - Couunei•cial Page I 2 of I 2 Nevised d1202f}