HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 55477CSC No. 55477
The purpose of the Camprehensi�e Energy Assistance Program {"CEAP") funded from t�e Low-incame
Home Energy Assistance Program ("LIHEAP"j grant is to ma[ntain an energy supp[y to heat and coo[ the
residenCes of eligible low-income clients.
The Energy Services provider ("Vendor"j, agrees to E�vnor the purpose af the CEAP grant and to accept
pledges of payment from CEAP agencies oniy for certified customers to wham Vendor eontinues to
pro�ide energy servites. Tf�e Energy Assistanee Provider ("Agency"), agrees to mafce payments only for
eligible low-income clients.
This vendor agreement is by and between:
City of Fort Warth
Energy Assistance Pra�ider (Agency)
Vendor and Agency agree to assist customers in the following caunties: �arrant Coun�y
This agreement shall be effective from Che 26 day of March for a period nat ta exc�ed twa years
fram the effective date. Eithe� party may #erminate this agreement by written notice. Such written notice
of termination shafi nat aff�et any obligation by either party incurred prior to the receipt af such notice.
Natice shall be sent via certified mail with return receipt requested.
(Vendar Name}
ii''s'�., � �
=Vendor Maiiing Address}
City of Fort Worth; Neighborhood 5er�ices Department
(Agency Namej
200 T�xas 5treet Fort Worth, TX 75102
(Agency Mailing Address}
The Agency named a6o�e represents and warrants ta Vendor that it is a subrecipient of the Texas
Departm�:nt of Housing and Community Affairs ("TDHCA") and as such is authorixed and has recei�ed
funding from the TDHCA to provide bill payment assistance service for eligible low-incorr�e households.
The Vendor named above represents and warrants that �t wil[ apply any payments received from Agency
to the accnunt of the customer that the Agency has determined ta be efigible under the CEAP guidelines
and such is a"Certified Custamer".
Vendor will, with reference to a Certified Customer:
Extend the CEAP applicant's energy service far up to five 6usiness days while the Agency
d�termines whether the CEAP appli[ant is eligible pursuant to the CEAPguic[elines.
• l3pon accepfiing �ledge from Agency for Certified Customer, tontinue or restare energy service
to Certified Custamer wifh no increases in charges, ser�ice charges or other cF�arges affecting the
total cas# of the bill, except as allowed by the stated tariff cost regist�red with the Public Utiliiy
Commissiort "PUC' and/arTexas RailroadCommission.
In the event the full past d�e ba[ance is not paid by the Agency, the Cer�ified Customer must pay
the remaining balance an or before the disconnect date stated in the customer's Disconnect
Natice required by PUC regulations in order to a�oid discannection or be eligible for
reconnection. Nothing in this agreement requires the Vendor to reconnect the customer upon
receipt of a pledge that cfoes not co�er the ful! past due baiance or if the customer has already
been disconnected by the tirrte #he pledge is received by the Vendor.
s In�oice the Certified Customer in accardance with Vendor's normal billing prac�ices.
� Upon verbaf or written r�quest from Agenty, pravide at no cost ta the Agency the Certified
Customer's billing and usage history for pre�ious twel�e months, or available history plus
monthly estimates if less than twelve manths of biiling history and usage is available. Vendar will
transmit such billing histary via electronic mail or facsimile as soan as possible, but no later than
forty-eight hQurs fallowing the request.
* Work with Agency and Certified Customer to explore the feasibility of offering ffexibfe payment
arrangements that may incfude, without limita�ion, waiving security deposits, reconnect fees,
appiitation fees, and all ather fees wheneverpossible.
• Not discriminate agains# Certifi�d Customer in price or services, including the availa6i[ity of
deferred payment p[ans, level or a�erage payment �lans, discount, budget, ad�ar�ce payment or
other credit plans.
• Not refuse to pro�ide energy service or otherwise discriminate in the market9ng and pro�ision of
energy service tn any Certified Custom�r beeause of race, creed, color, national origin, ancestry,
sex, marital status, lawful source of income, le�el of income, disability, financial status, location
2 Revised January 2021
of customer in an ecanomically distressed geogra�hic area, or qualifiication far low-income or
energy-efficienty services.
Allow Agency forty-five days from the date of the pledge ta forward payment to the Vendor.
Vendor agrees nat to consider the portion of the Certified Cus�amer's account to be paid by the
Agency delinquent if said payment is received within the abo�e mentioned forty-fi�e day period,
and Vendor is provided with a �erbal or signed pledge frorr� the Agency within foriy-fi�e days of
identifying a Certified Customer.
Not interrupt ser�ice if Certified Customer is eligible under PUC regulations, or nther state
agency regulations (as applicablej, and enters inta an agreemen# with the Vendor co�cerning
how the Certified Customer wif I pay the balance owed Vendor and tF�e Certified Customer is
meeting the obligation under such agreement.
� If the Agency has paid for an initial depasit or similar refundabie instrument, upan the
termination of ser�ice to the Certi�ied Customer, the Vendar shall return funds including
interest (after any 6afance owed) to the Agency in accordance with PUC regulations or 10 Texas
Administrative Code §6.312(f) (as ap�licable).
The Agency will:
• �btain written permission for Agency to request and ha�e access to customer information,
including confidential or persortal account information, credit and payment histary, from
customers seeking Agency's assistance. Social 5ecurity numbers are nat required for the CEAP
program and may not be disclosed toAgency.
• Provide tp Vendor, a# Vendor's request, cus#omer's writt�n permission for Agency's access to
customer information as stated above.
• Not provide pfedges on behalf of a Certified Customer to Vendar without having adequate funds
to pay such pledge.
e Pay pledges within forty-five days of making pledge toV�ndor.
• Determine if a tustomer is a Certified Customer within fi�e daysof contacting Vendor.
� Pro�ide Vendor a list of names, telephone numbers and e-mail addresses o� Agenry staff
designated #o maEce pledges on behalf of the Agency and Certified Clients, if requested from
The terms af any confidential transaction under this agreement or any other information �xchanged by
the Agency and Vendor re[ating to any �ransaction Shall not be disclosec[ io any person not employed or
retained by the Agency or Vendor, their affiliates, or i�rok�rs, except to the extent disclosure is �) required
by Iaw; 2) necessary to discfose to the ather party in cnnnection with a dispute between th� parties; 3)
otherwise permitted �y written consent of the other party; 4) required by guarantors to E�e disclosed; 5)
3 Re�isec[ January 2Q21
infarmation wE�ich must be disclas�d �o a third party ta transmit energy; 6) to meet reliability council,
regulatory, adrrtinistrati�e, judicial, governmental, or regulated commodity �xchange requirements where
necessary; or 7j inforrrtation which was or is hereafter in the public domain (except by breach of this
If vendor has fewer than 1p ertaployees or #he Agreement iS far less than $100,0€}0, this 5ection does not
apply. Vendar acknowledges that in actordance with Chapter 227Q of the Texas Government Code, City
is prohibited from entering inta a contract with a company for goods and services unless the contract
contains a written verification from the company that it: (1) does not boycott Israel; and [2J will not
boycott Israel during the term of tf�e conCract. The terms "baycott Israel" and "campany" shall �ave the
meanings aseri6ed #o thos� terms in 5ection $Q8.001 of the Texas Governmen# Code. By signing �his
Vendor Agreement, Vendvr Certifies that Vendar's signature proVides written �erification to Ci#y that
Vendor: [Ij does not boycott Israel; and (2] will not boycott Israe! during the term of the Agreement.
Vendor agrees that City shall, until the expiratian of three (3) years after finai payment under the
Agreement, have access ta and the right to examine any directly pertinent books, cEocuments, papers and
records of Vendor in�ol�ing transactians relating to the Agreement. Vendor agrees that City shall ha�e
access during normal warking hours to all necessary V�ndor facilities and shall be provided adequate and
appropriate workspace in order to conduct audits in compliance with the provisions of this section. City
shall give Vendor r�asonable advance notice of intended audits.
[Signature page follows]
� Revised January 2D21
Typed Name ofAu
C��� � 32�
��N�l + � t
horized Signature
_ �,
Telephone Number
Sh rhand� .�m��� b r i$. Co�
Vendor Email Address
������_ Mar 30, 2021
Authorized Agency Signature Date
Victor Turner Director, Neighborhood Services Department
Typed Name of Authorized Signature iitle
Agency (Area Code) Te[ephone Nurnber
� <<--
Fcrnando Costa (Mar30, 20210934CDT)
Fernando Costa
A55istant City Manager
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B�� SoniaSinglet (Mar3Q20210922CDT)
Sonia 5ingleton
Assistant Neighborhood Servi�es Directar
By: ��.•.--_—
iayior Paris
Assistant City Attorney I
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Mar30, 2021
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Mary J. Kayser
City Secretary
Contract Authoriaation:
M&C: N/A
Date Approved: N/A
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No M&C required. Ordinance No. 24161-04-2020
By signing below, l acknowledge thai 1 am the person responsibfe for the monitoring and administration flf
this contract, including ensuring ail performanCe and reporting requirements.
so���s���let (m��so,zozio9:zzcor)
Sonia 5ingleton
Assistant Neighborhood 5�r�ices Director