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Execr�tion Copy
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by and between
City of Fort Worth
Atlas Air, Inc.
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Execution Copy
'I'able of Contents
ARTICLE l DEFINITIONS AND EXHIBiTS .............................................................................1
1.1 Basic Data ..............................................................................................................1
1.2 Additional Definiiions . .......................................................................................... 2
ART�.CLE 2 USE OF THE AIRP4RT AND RELATED FACXLITIES ....................................... �
2.1 Airline Rights and Privileges ................................................................................. 4
2.2 E�clusians and Reservations .................................................................................. 5
ARTICLE 3 OPERATZON AND MAINTENANCE OF THE AIRPORT ................................... 6
3.1 City Obligations ..................................................................................................... b
ARTiCLE4 FEES AND CHARGE� ............................................................................................ 6
4.1 Signatory Airline Landing Fees ......:...................................................................... 6
4.2 Special Charges ...................................................................................................... 8
4.3 Use Contingent Upon Payz�nent ......................
4.4 Payment ..................................................................................................................8
4.5 Schedules and Audit .............................................................................................. 9
�.6 Secuxiry Deposit ..................................................................................................... 9
ARTICLE5 AFF�I.IATE� ..........................................................................................................10
5.1 Airline's Designation of Affiliates .......................................................................10
5.2 Applicabzlity of Agreeznent fio Af��iates ............................................................. � I
5.3 Termination of Status ofAffiliate ........................................................................ I I
ARTICLE 6 INDEMNIFICATION AND INSURA.NCE ........................................................... � I
61 Zndernnificatzon ....................................................................................................I1
�.2 Insurance . ............................................................................................................. I2
6.3 �orms of Insurance Covezage . ............................................................................. I 4
ARTZCLE 7 COMPLIANCE WZTH LAW� ...............................................................................14
7.1 GeneraI Laws . ...................................................................................................... 14
7.2 Airport Rules and R�gulations ............................................................................. IS
7.3 Licenses, Certi�"icates and Authorizations ............................................................ 15
7.4 Vdage HQur Laws . ................................................................................................ � 5
ARTICLE S CIVIL RXGHTS AND A%FIRMATIVE ACTION ................................................. 15
8.1 General Civil Rights Provisions ........................................................................... 15
$.2 Co�.apliance vviih Nondiscrimination Requirements ............................................ 15
$.3 Title VI Clauses £ar Transfer of Real Property Acquired or Itx�proved
Under t�e Airpo�t Improvement Program ............................................................ 17
S.�- Clauses for Consizuctiar�/LJselAccess to Real Pzoperty Acquired Und�r the
Aciivity, Facility or Pragram . .............................................................................. 17
8.5 Title VI List of Pertinent Nondiscrimination Acts and Authorities .....................17
8.6 Subordination ta Agreements vvith th.e Unit�d States . ......................................... 19
$.7 No �xclusive Rights . ...........................................................................................19
8.8 Right to Develop Airpart . ....................................................................................19
8.9 Right of Flight ......................................................................................................19
8.10 14 C.F.R Part 77, Obstructions in Navigable Airspace . ......................................19
8. � 1 Waar ar National Emergency . ...............................................................................19
8.12 No Inter�erence with Airport Operations ............................................................. 20
8.13 SEC Rule 15c2�12 ................................................................................................ 2Q
8. J A� Americans with Disabilities Act ("ADA") . ......................................................... 20
ART�CLE 9 AIRLINE DEFAULT AND TERMINAT�ON BY CITY ...................................... 20
9.1 Airlin.e Default . .................................................................................................... 20
9.2 City's Rernedies ................................................................................................... 22
9.3 Ter�alination ..........................................................................................................22
9.4 Tl�e City's Right to Perfor�n . ............................................................................... 23
' ...... 23
9.5 Azrline's Rights Related to Terminai�on ........................................................
9.6 Bankruptcy ...........................................................................................................23
10. X Events o� Deiault . ................................................................................................ 23
10.2 Airline's Re�nedy . ................................................................................................ 24
ARTICLE11 ENVIRONMENTAL ............................................................................................ �4
I1.1 Airline Representatians, Warranties, And Covenants . ........................................25
J.1.2 Infarmation to be Pravided to ihe City . ............................................................... 28
I I3 Response a�nd Compliance Actions ......................................................................28
11.4 Correction of EnvironmentaI Non-compliance .................................................... 30
11.5 Correcti�+e Action Process .................................................................................... 31
11.6 Ezavironrnental Indemnification and Reinabursement . ......................................... � 1
II.7 Limiiations ...........................................................................................................32
11.8 Waiver ..................................................................................................................32
1 I.9 Survival o£ Environmental Pravisions . ................................................................ 33
11.10 Resource Conservation and Recycling . ............................................................... 33
ARTICLEl2 A�SIGNMENT ..................................................................................................... 33
ARTICLE 13 MISCELL�NEOUS PROVISIDNS .................................................................... 33
13.1 Nature of Agreement ............................................................................................ 33
i3.2 Governing La�v and Venue .................................................................................. 33
13.3 Entire Un.derstanding . .......................................................................................... 34
13.4 Amendmenis ........................................................................................................3�
13.5 Cumulative Rights . .............................................................................................. 34
13.6 Construction to Save Agreement . ........................................................................ 34
13.7 No Waivex ............................................................................................................ 34
13.8 Relationship of Parties . ........................................................................................ 35
13.9 No Third-Party Be�e£'iciaries ............................................................................... 35
13.I0 Successors and Assigns ........................................................................................ 35
13.11 Labor Disputes ..................................................................................................... 35
1�.12 Force Majeure ...................................................•----.,,,.......................................... 35
13.13 No Personal Liability ........................................................................................... 35
13.I4 Acceptance of Payments . ..................................................................................... 36
13.15 Attorney�' Fees ....................................................................................................36
13.16 Taxes ....................................................................................................................36
13.17 Mernorandunn� of Lease . ....................................................................................... 37
13. T 8 Approval or Consent . ........................................................................................... 37
13. J 9 Time of the Essence . ............................................................................................ 37
13.20 Notices. .................................37 '
13.21 Counterparts .........................................................................................................37
13.22 Capacity to E�ecu.te . ............................................................................................ 37
13,23 Incorporation of E�hibiis . .................................................................................... 38
13.24 Titles ....................................................................................................................3&
13.25 Other Agreements . ............................................................................................... 38
13.2b Agreement Not ta Grazti More Favorable Terms ................................................. 3 8
13.27 Agent for �er�ice ................................................................................................. 38
Execution Copy
Exhibit Title
� Map of the Airport
B RuIes and Regulations
C Forzm of Montl�ly Landing Repo�i
D Affiliate Operating Agreement
�xecution Copy
THIS CARGO CARRIER 4PERATING AGREEM�NT (ihis "Agreement"} is made by
and beiween the C�'I'Y OF FORT W�RTH, TE�A�, a home-rUle city and poli�ical subdivision
of the State af Texas (the "City") and ATLAS AIR INC., a corporation organized and existing
undet t11e la�cnrs o� the State of Delaware and authorized to do business in tk�e State of Texas
WHEREAS, the City, is ihe owner of the Fort Worth Aliiance Azzport, Iocated in Tarrant
and Denfion County, Texas (the "Airporri");
�VHEREAS, the Czty has the right to license th� use o£property and facilities on the Airport
and has fihe full pawer and authority to enter into thzs Agreement in respect thereof;
WHEREAS, �e City ha� entered into an operating agreement, dated as of January l, 1994
and subsequen.tly amended wiih Ailiance Air Services, a Hillwood Company (the "Airport
Operator"), for the management, operation and maintenance oiihe Airport;
WHEREAS, Airline is engaged in t�i� business of transpartation by air of property, mail ar
cargo; and
WHEREAS, Airline desires to obtain certain rights, services anc� privileges in connection
wiih the use of the Airport and its faciliiies, and the Cziy is �rilling ia grani the same to AirIine
upon the ternas and canditions in fhis Agreement.
N4W THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the mutual covenants and agre�ments
�erein cantainec�, �he Czty and Airline do hereby inutually undertake, protxiise and agree, each %r
i�self and its successors and assigns, as follows:
I . � Basic Da�a
Each referen:ce in this Agreemeni to any of ihe following subjects incorpoxates the
information specified below:
City of Fort �North, Texas ar its desFgnee.
City's Overnight Delivery and Street Address:
City's Post Of�'ice and Payment Address
Airpo�rt Operator:
4241 N. Main Street, Suite 200, Fort Worth,
Texas 7bI06-2736; �ith a copy to Ci�y
Attorney's Offce, 200 Texas Stzeet, Fort
Wor�h, TX 76102.
42Q1 N. Main Street, Suite 200, Fort Worth,
Te�as 76106-2736.
A�liance Air Services
Execution Copy
Aixport Operator's Overnight Delive�ry/Street Address: 2221 Alliance Blvd., Suite 100; Forti
Worth, Texas 7b 177.
Airport Qperator's Post Office and Paym�ni Address: 2221 Alliance Blvd., Suite 100; Fort Wo�h,
Te�as 76177.
AiIas Air, Xnc.
Airlin.e's Overnighi Delivery and Sireet A.ddress: 2000 Westchester Avenue, Purehase, NY
Agreennent: This Cargo Carrier Operating Agreement as the same rriay be azxaended or
supplemented from tirne to time pursuant to tI�e terms hereof.
Effective Date: 12:00 AM Central Daylight-Savizag Time, April J., 202I.
'�'er�n; The periad o� time begiz�ning on the Effective Date and ending on. the
Expiratian Date, u�less earlier terminated as pz'avided in this Agreement.
Notwithstanding anyth.ing set forth hexein to t1�e contr.ary, bo�h Airline and
Ciiy sk�all be eniitled to terminate this Agreement wiihout cause at any time
during the Term upoza tweIve (12} z�nanths written notice to fhe other party
hereto, such tertnination to be effeciive at the end of the twelve (12} month
notice period. Not�vithsfianding ihe abovc, Airline may cease operatians ai
the Airpor� without praviding such notice.
E�pzration Date:
�ermitted Uses:
11:59 PM Central Daylight-Saving Time, March 31, 2041.
As provided in Article 2.
Security Deposit: As pravided in Section 4.6.
1.2 Additional De%nitions.
The following words, terms and phrase� wherever used in this Agreeznent have �he
�ollowing meanings:
Affliate means a Cargo Carrier that is (i} a parent or subsidiary of A'vrline ar under the
same parental control as Airline, (ii} oi:herwise operates under esseniially the same trade natne as
Airline at the Airport a7nd uses essentially the same Iivery as Az�Iine; or (iii) ope�rates cargo feeder
flzghts at the Airpori under the directio� and con�ol of Airline. Airline shall provide the Airpor�
Operator wiih advance written natice priar ta designating a new Affiliate. Airline sha11 pro�ide
the City with advance written notice prior to the cancellatian o� any designaiion of an Aifiliate
before t11e canceila�ion af such designation.
Air Trans ortation Business means that business operatec� by Airline at fi11e Airpor� for t�.e
commercial transportation by air of properiy, mail or cargo.
Air�eld means tl�e runvvays, taxiways and public parking aprons at the Ai�rport.
Execution Co}ny
Airline Entitv tneans Airline's employees, contractors, subconiractoxs, agenis, 1'zcensees,
sublessees, Affiiiates, vendors, inviiees anci other p�rties under Airline's direciion or control fhat
carr�e onto the Airpori in connection with Airline's use or occupancy of the Aiiport.
�.i� means the �ealiy and improveinents gez�erally know�n and designaied as the Fort
Worth Alliance Airport, including all real property and easements, impravements and
appurienances thereto, structures, buildings, fi�tures, machinery, equipment, vehicles, supplies
and ofiller tangible-personal property, or interest in any of the £aregoing, now or hereafter leased or
acquized by the City, less any tl�ereof which may be consumed, sold or otherwise disposed of A
depiction af the physicaI layout of the Airport as of the Effective Daie is set forth in Exhibit A.
Ai ori Rules and Re Iations means, collectively, alI applicable ruIes, procedures,
requiremenis, standards and regulations cu�ently effeciive and hereafter amended, adopted or
established by ihe City �hat are applzcabl� to the AirporL, including vvithou� iimitation any
nriinimum use standards and operating standards as aveli as any requirernents listed in any access
pernnit issued to Amazon.coz�n Services, Inc., all of which are incorporated inio and �nade a part of
this Agreennent, as wel� as �he rules and procedures in E�ehibit B; p�ovided that such Airport Rules
and Regulatians do not con£lict with applicable pro�isions of siate or federal law or the provisions
oithis Agreement and are �nforced in a nondiscriminaiory manner. The City shall provide at least
thirty {30) days' advance writien notice of any new or amended Airport Rules and Regulations
af�ecting AirIine.
A licable Laws aneans, collectiveIy, ali applicable preseni and future laws, rui�s,
regu�ations, ordinances, orders, directives, natices, federal grant assu�'ances, Iimitations,
xestrictions, or prohibitions of any federal, staie or lacal govertar�ental auihority �awfully
exercising authority over the Airport or the activities and business operations o� Airline, as t�aey
may be amended from time to time, whether foreseen or unforeseen, ordinary as w�Il as
exiraordinary, including without implied Iirnitation thnse relating to {i) health, sanitation and
safety; (ii} the enviz'onment, izxcluding withoui lirnitatian all Enviroz�z�nental Laws; (iii) access for
persons�with disabilities, including wiihout Iimitation f1�e Americans �vith Disabi�ities Aci af 1990,
42 U.S.C. §§ 12101 et seq.; and (iv} airport security, incIuding wzthout �imitation fihe �egulaiions
of the TSA, 49 C�R �'arts 154Q, 1542, 154� et seg.
Car_��r means a carrier certificated by t1�e Secxetary of the U.S. Deparlment of
Transportation as a Carga Carrier under �49 U.S.C. § 41103.
Claims means any and all �iabiliiy, damages, lasses, expenses, claims, judgmenfs,
demazads, penalties or i'uies, irncluding withoui limitation reasonable aitorn�ys' fees and coLut costs.
Consumer Price Znd�x or CPI means ihe Consutner Pz'ice Index far All Urban Consumers
(CPI-U}, U.S. Ciiy A�rerage, All items (adjusted 19$2-84 = 100} pU}�lished b� ihe Bureau of LabQ�
�tatistics of the United �tates Depar�ment of Labor, or a conc�parable inde� should fhe Departmeni
of Labor cease to publisIa ihat index.
DHS means the Department of Ha�neland Securziy, and its autharized successor(s).
FAA �eans the FederaI Aviation Administration, and its authorized successor(s}.
�xecution �`apy
Fiscal Year rneans the az�tival accounting period used �'or general accounting purposes
which, at �he tim� of eniering into tI�is Agreemeni, is the period oi fwelve consecutive months
beginning wiih the frst c�ay of October of any year.
Landing Fees means �e�s paid by Airl'm� in accordance with Section �.1.
Landin� Fee Rate means the rate used to calculate Landing Fee in accordance with Section
Ma�imum Gross Landed Weight means ihe maxirnum gross Ianding weight in one
thousand-pound unifis, at which each aircraft op�rafied at the Airport by Airline zs certif�cated by
t�e FAA.
Non-Si ng ator,y Airline means any Cargo Carrier that is not a Signatazy AirIine.
Si�natory Airline means a Cargo Canrier that has executed an operating agreement with ihe
City substantially similar to this Agreement and provides regularly scheduled service at the
TSA means the Transporta�ion Securiiy Administration, and its authoxized successor(s).
Additional words anc� phrases used in ihis Agreement but noi defined herein have filleir
usual and custoinary meaning.
2.1 Airline Righfs and Privileges.
Zn additzon t� alI z'ights grantec� eIsewhere in this Agreez�ent, Airizne shall have tlle right to
use, in cornmon with ot�ters so auf.horized by the Airport Operator, areas, facilities, equipment and
izxapravements at the Airport for the operation of Airline's Air Transportation Bt�siness and aIl
activities reasonably necessary to such operaiions, including but not �irnitec� to:
2.1.1 The landing, taking of% flying over, fiaxiing, and towing of Airline's
aircraft in areas designated by Aizpo�-t Operatoz; provided, however, Airli�e shall not permit �e
use ot' the Airfield by any aireraft operated or controlled by Airiine which exceeds the design
strength or capability of ihe Airfield as described in the then-current FAA-approved Airport
Layout Plan (ALP) or other engineering evaluations performed subsequent to the tnen-current
ALP, including the then-current �LirporE Certification Manual, provided that sucl� evaluations are
provided �a Airline upon Airline's request.
2.1.2 The irai�ing of personnel in the employ of or to he empioyed by Airline
and the testing of aiarcraft and other equipmeni being utilized at t�ie Airpart in Y1�e operafiion of
Air�ine's Air Transpartation Busine�s; provided, havvever, said training and testing sha�l be
incidental to the use of the Airport in the operation by Airline o£ its Air Transportation Business
and. shall not unreasanably hamper or interfere with tl�e use of the Arrport and its faciiiiies by
oihers entifiled. to the use of sa��. The Airport Operator reserves the right to restrict ar prohibit
Executio�t Copy
such training and iesting operations if it reasonably d�erns �hat such �rraining and testing operations
unreasonabIy inierferes wiik� the use of the Airport.
Z.1..3 Tl�e servicing by Airline or its suppliers, of aircraft and other equipr�ent
bein.g utilized ai the Airport by Airline authorized by t1�e Airport Operator in w�riting and at
Iocations designated by the Airport Operator.
2.1.4 Access fio the Airport firo�n an off airport �roperiy, subject to an access
permit issued by t�ie City to Amazon.com Services, Inc., if appIieable.
2.2 Exclusions and Rese�vations.
2.2.1 Noihing in ihis Article 2 sha11 be constzued as authorizing Airli�e ta
conduct any business separaie and apart from the canduct of its Air Transportation Busiz�ess.
2.2.2 T'he Ciiy shall at all tim�s have exclusive contral and managexnent of the
2.2.3 Airline shall not �owingly interfere or knowingly permit interference
with tkze use, operation or �xaainfienance of the Airport, including but not limited to, the e�fect�veness
or accessibility of �i� drainage, sewerage, wa�er, cornrcxzuz�ications, fir� prateciion, utility,
electrical, or other systezx�s installad or loca#ed from time to time at the Airport.
2.2.4 As soon as reasonably possible after release from pro�per authoi7ties,
Airline shalI {i) remove or cause to be rezxaoved any of its disabled aircraf� froxn the Airfield, and
(ii} place any such disabled aircraft in Airline's off Airport leasehold or in such storage areas as
xnay b� designated by the Airpori Opexator. In the event Airline fraiIs to remove any of its disabled
aircraft as expeditiously as reasanably possible, Airpori Operaior may, but shall �at be obligated
to, cause the rezxaoval af such disabled aircraft; pro�ided, however, the Airport Operator sha11 give
Aixline prior �trritten. notice of its intent io da so and provided further t1�at Airport Operator shali
use reasonable efforts to rernove such aircraft. Airiz�e shall pay to th� Airport Operatar, upon
receipt of invoice, the reasonable and documented aut of pocket costs ac#ually incurred by the
Airport Operator for such rernoval phis Yc�velve percent (12%).
2.2.5 Airline shall not do or permit �o be dane a�ything, eifiher by act or failure
to act, that caUses tl�e cancellation ar vialation o� the provisions, or any part thereof, of any policy
of insurance for the Airport, or that causes a hazardous co�dition so as to increase the risks
normally attendani upon op�rations pernnitted by this Agreement, provided that the Airport
Operatox has previously provided the Airline with the insurance poiici�s. �f such Airline act, ar
failure io act, causes cancellatian of any policy, ihen Airline shalI izxtmediately, upon notification
by Airpoxt �p�rator, do whatever is necessary to cause reinstateinent of said insurance.
Further7nore, if AirIine shal� do or permit to be done any act not perin�tted und�r this Agreement,
or fa.il to do any act required under this Agreement, regardIess of rvhether such act constitutes a
breach of this Agre��nent, which causes an increase in City's insurance premiums, Airline shall
innznediateiy remedy such actions or pay the increase in premiums, upon natice from the Airport
Operaior to do so.
�'xecuiion Copy
2.2.6 The rights and privileges granted Airline puxsuant to this ArticIe 2 shall
be subject to any and aIl Airpart Rules and Regulations and tlie other provisions ofihis Agreement.
2.2.7 Any and all right� and privileges not speci£'ica�ly granied to Airline for
its Use of and operations ai tkze Airport pursuant to this Agreernent are hereby reserved for and to
i�.e Cziy.
3.1 Cify Obligations.
3.1.1 The City shall, with reasonable di�igence and using adequate qualifred
personnel, prudently develop, improve, and ai alI tirzxes maintain and operate the Airport, and keep
the Airport in good rrepairr.
3.1.2 The Ciiy shall use reasonable efforts keep the Airport and its aerial
approaches free from ground obstxuction for the safe and proper Use thereoiby AirIine to the extent
that the City has awnership of the Iand containing ihe ground obstxuciioz�.
3.I .3 The City shall maintain and operate the Airport in accordance vvith FAA
certif'ication requirements, including 14 C�'R Part 139, and main#ain adeyUate rescue �r�d
firefighting equipz�nent and personnel tn meet sueh FAA certi�caiion requirements vvhich meet or
exceed the activity leveI of Azrizn�e's aircraft using the Airport.
3.1:4� Tne Airpart shall be fi�lly operationa124 hours per day, 365 days per year
{366 days per year during leap years), unless Airline agrees in writing to a reduced operating
3.1.5 Subject to 3.1.6, the City shaIl not r�strict Airline's night operations,
subject to AppIicable Laws.
3.1,6 At ihe reasonable request of ihe City or Airport Opera�or, Airline shalI
worlc with City and, tio the extent necessary, tY�e FAA to address local noise ca�cerns.
3.1.7 The City shall nat be liable to Airline far temparary failure to farnish all
or any of such sezvices to be pravided in accordance wiih il�is Agre�ment when due to rnechanical
breakdown ar any other cause beyond the reasonable control of tlze City.
Article 4 FE]�S AND CfIARGE�
�4.1 �ignatory Airline Landing Fees.
A.1.� Signato� Airline Landing �ee Rate for Aircraft Over 40,000
Paunds. For aircraft weighit�g over 4p,fl00 pounc�s, Airline shall pay Signatory Air�ine Landing
Fees far its use of ihe Airfield based on ihe Maximum Grass Landed WeighL of AirIine's aircraft
landing ai the Aiiport n�ultiplied by the Signatory AirIine Landing Fee Rate.
Executio�a �'opy
- (a)The Signafiory Airline Landing Fee Rate for Apri1 1, 2D21 through
,September 34, 2022, is $1.65.
{b) For each sttbsequeni Fiscal Year, the Signa�ary Airline
Landing F�e Ra�e for that Fiscal Year shaiI be adjusted by multiplying the Signatory Airline Land-
ing Fee Rate for �:he prior Fiscai Year by the p�rcer�tage change in the CPT between the previous
12 month period from .�uly 1 thraugh 7une 30. �ar example, the Signatory AirIine Landing Fee
Rate far th�e second Fiscal Year (4cta6er 1, 2�22 f.hrough Septe�ber 30, 2023) is calculated by
nnultiplying the prior Fiscal Year Landing Fee Rate of $1.65 by the percentage change i� the CP�
from July 1, 2021 througl� June 3U, 2022.
4.1.2 Minimum �ignatory Airline Landing Fee for Aircraft Weighing
�0,000 Paunds or Less. For aixcraft weight 40,000 poun ds or Iess, Airline shall pay the Minimum
Signatory AirZine Land�ng Fee for eac� landing at the Airporr.
(a)The Minimum Signatory AzrIir�e Landing Fee frorn April 1, 2021
through September 30, 2022 is $70.00.
(b) For each subsequent �iscal Year, the Minimum Signatory
Airline Landing Fee for that Fiscal Year shalI be adjusted by multiplying the Minimum Signatory
Airline Landing Fee for ihe prior Fiscai Year by i�Ze percen#age chang� in the CPI for �ihe previous
l2 mon� period from Ju1y 1 through June 30. For example, the Minimum Signatory Airline
Landing Fee for the second Fiscal Year {Ociober I, 2022 �hrough September 30, 2023) is calcu-
lated by �nulfiiplying the prior Fiscal Year Mini�n�m Signatory Airline Landing Fee of $70.00 by
the percentage change in the CPI from July 1, 2021 t�rough June 30, 2022.
4.13 Non-Signatoty Airline Landi�g Fees and Alternative Signafiory Air�
line Landing Fees.
{a) Any Airline conducti�g cargo operations ai the Airpart without en-
tering into a separate Cargo Carrier Agreement such as this Agreement wiih the City shall pay
"Non-Signatory Airline Landing Fees," including a Non-Signatory AirIine Landing Fee Rate and
Nan-Signatory Airline Minimum Landing Fee. Non-�ignatory Airline Landing Fees sha11 be set
and published each �'iscal Year by the City.
(b} In any given Fiscal Year, if either the Non�Signatory Airline
Landing Fee Rate aF Non-Signatory Azrline Minimum Landing Fee multip�ied by 0.85 (ihe "Al-
ternative Signatnry Airline Landing Fee") is less than �he corresponding �ignatory Landing Fee
caIculated under Sectians 4.1.1 or Q�.1.2, ihe Ciiy sha11 charge Axrline tl�;e Alternative Signatory
Airline Landing Fee in �ieu af fihe Landing Fee for that riscaI Year.
4.1.4 A�tnua.l Notice of Revised Landi�g Fees. No later than Septernber 1 oi
each year, the Airport Operator shall provide writ�en notice to each Signatory Airline of the next
Fiscal Year Signaio�y Airline Landing Fee Rate and Signatary Airline Minimum Landing Fee, ta
be effactive October 1 of �hat year. �
�xecuiion Copy
4.2 Special Charges.
The Cziy may also charge Airline for and Airizxze agrees to pay within thizty (30) days after
receipi of an invoice fro� the City or Airpart 4perafior:
�.2.I Parkzng on the public ramp. The parking fee on the E££ective Date will
be zncIuded in tihe City's Schedule of Rates and Cl�arges which may be revised annually by tl�e
4.2.2 ,�pecial lrcenses and special �ermits for activities and uses a�the Airport
that are not covered by this Agreement that are requested by Airline;
4.2.3 Special services requested by Airline;
4.2.4 Cosis for removing disa6led aircraft as specified in Seciion 2.2.4;
4.2.5 Reasonable, dacumented, outi of pocket cosfis and e�penses actually
incurred by or on behalf of the Czty ar Airport Operator plus twel�ve �ercent { 12%) (after the giving
of natice and the expzration of any applicable cure periods as provided in Sectian 9.1 of ihis
Agreement) to remove litter, debris, refuse, petroleum products (including oiI a�d grease) ihat
result frorn the aciivities of Airline or its Aff'iliaies, employees, agents or suppliers at the Airport;
4.2.G Any other �easonable, documented, out of pocket casts and expenses,
plus twelve percent (12%), incurred by or on behalf of the City or Aixpart Operator as a result of
any failure by Ai�'line or its Affiliates to perform their duties and obligations under t�.is Agreement
or the Affiliate Operating Agre�rnent (after the givFng of notice and the expiraiion of any applica�
bla cure pez'iods as provided in �ection 9.1 of this Agreernent).
4.3 Use Co�tingen� Upon Payment.
The grant of the right, licenses, faciliii.es, services and priviieges to Airline under this
Agreement �ha11, in each case, be subject to the payment o£tiie Landing Fees.
4.4 Payment.
A.4.1 On or before the 10�' day af each month, Airline shall submit fio the
Airport Operator a"Monfi111y Landing Report" in the form of Exhibif C reporting its landing
acti�vity far the prinr monih. The Airport Operaior shall have Y.he right to rely on fi1�e Monthly
Landing Report in determining Landing Fees due from Aizline under fhis Agreerrient; provided,
h�wever, Airline shall ha�e f�ll responsibiliiy for the acc►.rracy of the rreport.
�.�.2 Airline sha11 pay, without invoice irom the Airport Operator, on or before
the l 0��' day of each znonth fih� Landing Fees for the prior moz�t� in an amo�t eq�al to the Landing
�'ee Rate muliiplied by the AirIine's Maxirnum Gross Landin� VLTeight for aIl azrcraft landing at
ihe Airpori during the prior month, as reported in ihe Monthly Landing Repori.
Execution Capy
4.4.3 All payments due and paya6le hereuz�der sl�all be paid in Iawful money
of ihe United States of America, without set off, by electronic t�ansfer as folTows:
Account Na�x�e:
Account Nurnber:
ABA Routing (WIItE)
ABA Routing (ACH}:
Bank Name:
Branch Address:
Rezx�:ittance Einail:
Alliance Aviaiion Management, Ltd.
Bank of A�nezzca
DaIlas, TX 75202
Sherrz.Si�nn.pson@Hillwood.com; and
Monica. W irdzek@HiIlwo od. conn
4.4.4 After notice of delinquency to Airizne and �aiIure of Airline to cure the
delxnquency through payment withzn 30 days from the date of the notice of delinquency, City �nay
impose a delinquency charge on all overdue paynaex�t� at a rafe that is the greater of eiiher a 10%
iz�iexest rate or the current Wall Sireet Journal Prime Rate plus one percent (1 %).
4.5 �chedules and Audit
Upon execuiion. o� this Agrecment, Airline shal� provide ihe Airparl: Operator with its
schedule of aircraft operations for Airline ar�d rts Affiliates ("Scheduie"). Airline shall provide ��e
Airpori Operator wiih an updated �ched�xle any time thexe is a change to the sche�uled operations
of Airline or its Affiliates that wouId a��ect the assessrnent af Landing Fees. Airline �hall maintain
separate and accuz'ate daily records of Airline's opez'ations at the Airport for a period of three (3)
years after ihe cIose af each Agreement Year throughnut the Term. This record-keeping obligaiion
sha11 survive ih�e e�piration or earlier terrnination of this Agreement. All such books and records
skzalI be kept in accordance witk� generally accepted accounting principles, cozzsiste�.tIy applied,
showing in defiail alI business done or �ansacted in, on, about, frorn or pertaining ta f.he Airpart,
and sha11 be sufficient ta permit the City to calculaie an.d verify ik�e Landing �'ees and ofher fees
and charges due under this Agreetnent. Upon the City's or Airport Operator's written request,
Airline shalI znake available at f.he Airporri io the City or Airport Op�raior or their auditors any and
all books, records and accounts pertaining io the calculation of the Landing Fees and other fee�
and charges due und�r this Agreeinent. In the even� City, Airport Operator ar their auditar(s}
demonstrates an underpayx�nent af cumulative fees and charges o:f two percent (2%) or zx�.ore �ox
the previous three (3} years, Airline shal� pay to City or Airpart Opera�or the cost of any revie•c�v or
4.6 �ecut•ity� I➢eposit.
4.b.1 Postang of Secur�ity Deposit. On or before fihe Ei%ctive Date, Ai�Iine
shall provide to t11e Cziy a Security D�posit in an amaunt equal to ih.e estinaaie o�tiaree (3) �aonths'
Landing �'ees and in the fortn required under Section 4.6.3. As of ihe Effecii�re Date, the Securiiy
($I00;0�49,40}. The Securi�ty Depasii shall be held by the City and used Lo remedy Airline's
d�faults in the pay�nent of Landit�g Fees and oiher fees and charges due under this Agreeinent or
which a�herwis� arise as a resuli o�Airline's operations at the Airport.
Execu�ion Copy
4.6.2 Increases to the Secu�ity Deposit. The City rr�ay increase the axxiount of
the Security Depos�i required uzzder �ectian �4.5. � during the Term if and when Airline changes its
operating sehedula in a manner ihat increases the estimaie af three {3} months' Landing �'ees that
forzx�ed �e basis �ox the Security Deposit then in effect by more than ten percent (I O%}. Any such
increase in the Security Dcposit shall be Iimited to the then current estimate o�three (3} r�aonihs'
Lazzding �ees. Tn the eve�t of an increase, Airline shall coix�:ply wiih ihe nevv Security Deposit
r�quirement �+iihin thirty {30) days of receipt ofwritten notice by the City.
�4.&.3 Standhy Lette� of CYedit Requirements. The Securiiy Depasit sha�l be in
the form of an irrevocable s�andby ietter of credit dravvn on a bank having either a branch in Tarrant
County or a bank tilat allows fihe Letter of Credit fio �e presenied by �acsiznzle. The bank is requir�d
to have a long-tertn, Ietter of credit rating and bank deposit rating from two {2) of the three (3}
rating agencies oi at least A2/AIA by Moody's Investor Services, Siandard & Poor's and Fiich
Ra�ings, respectively. Tl�e letter of credit shall be in a form approved by the City.
4.6.4 Duty to Maintain Security Deposit � Default. Airline sha11 maintain the
required Sec�rity Deposit conii�uous�y throughout ihe Term. FaiIura io do so �hall be deetned a
de�ault and snalI be grounds, ai City's discretion, upon ten (1Q) days' wrziten notice unless the
default is cured, for imnnec�iate terxz�inaiian of ihis Agreement.
4.6.5 Duty to Rebate. The Security Deposit or the remaining po�etion tnereof
following az�y draws on the letier of credit by City shall be rebated, reIeased, assignec�, surrendered,
or endorsed to Airline, as applicable, no Iater than nineiy (90) days after the Iafier of: (1 } terminatian
o£ihis Agreemen�; {2} issuance of a close-out audif by the City or Airport Operator; or (3) �ayment
of all outstanding amounts owed the Ciiy u�der this Agreement.
Article a AI+'FXLZATES
5.1 Airline's De�ignation of Affiliates.
Subject to the provisians of ihis Articl� 5, Airline may designate one or mare Af�"iIiates to
opez�ate at fihe Aixport. �n tI�e event Airline designates an Affiliate, the follovving provisions apply
to Airiine and its Affiliates:
5.1.1 Airtine's designation of an Affiliate shaIl not be effective until Airline
has first (a) notified fhe Airport Operator in writing that Airline intends to designate the A£�Iiate;
{b) ensured t11at fihe Ai�iliate has entered into an Aifiliate Operating Agreement with. the City in
substantially the same form as that attached as Exhibit D; and (c} confirmed for the Airport
Operator in writing ihat Airline will pay to the City alI of the Aifliate's Landing Fees and other
fees and chaxges due to ihe City o� account of the Affi�iate'� use of any Airport facilities as an
Affiliate ofAirline, as provided in Sec�ion 5.12. Airline's designation oian Affziiaie is subjectto
the City's approval, which shall not be unreasonably withheld.
5.1.2 Airline shall pay to Ci�ty aIl Landing Fees and other fees and char�es due
under this Agreement due to City on account of the Aifiliate's use of any Airpori facilities, and
shall subnait io City aIl repo�rts detailing each Affiliaie's use oFa.ny Airport facilities or services as
an Aiiiliate of AirIine in accordance with Section �.4; provided, however, thai botl� Air�ine and
ihe Aff Iiate shaIl xe�az� jointly and severally liable to Cziy for the payment of alI Landing �ees
Execution Copy
and other fees and charges, and the sub�ission of all reports, that are due io Ciiy on acco�nt o£�e
Affiliaie's use of any Ai�port facili�ies or services as an A�filiate of Airline.
5.2 Applicability of Agr�emernt to .A.���iates.
For so long as Airline and its Aff'iliates l�ave coznplied with t�e payinent and reporting
obligations under Article 4, then each Af£i�iate shall have tne same rights as Airline with respect
to its us� of the Airpo�rt.
5.3 Termination oi Status of Aff lia�e.
A Cargo Carrier's status as �f�iliate of Air�it�e m.ay be terrninated by Ai�line upon not Iess
f.han thirty (3a) days' writ�en notice to City. Airline's liability ta City for the payment of all
Landing Fees and ot�er fees aa�d chaxges due t�nder this Agreement, and the submission of aiI
activity reports, fhat are d�e to City on accoun� of ihe use of Airpori facilities or services by
Airline's Aff'ilia�es shall s��ive any ternxination af Afflia�e sfiatus; p�ovided, however, f.hat
Airline shail only be responsible �or such payments and reports related to the tertxzznated Aff'�lia#e's
operations beforre its proper termination by Airline toak effect.
6.1 I�deznnifcation.
6.1.1 Except for Claims for environmental zxxatters (which are the subject of
the indemni�ca#ion obligation under A�rticle 1.1), Ai�line sha11, to ihe fullest e�en� permitted by
law, d�fend, indernnify and hold harmless the City a�d the Airport Operator and their boards,
off'icers, af�cials, directors, employees, volunteers and agents (each and "Indernnified Party")
from and againsi (i) Claims arising directly or ind'zrectly from any act or omission {including
vui�hout limifiaiion e�press negIigence} of AirIane or Airline Entity or out of th�e ob�igatio�s
undertaken in connection with or ihe perfo�ance of this Agreement, or (ii) for Claims based upon
Airline's alleged breach of any statutory duty or obligation or Airliz�e's duty under contt�acts vv��h
third parties, ar (iii) Claims arising from any use of the Aitport by AirIine ar Airline Entities
except, to the extent ihase Claims arise oui of ihe negligence or wi11�'ul misconduct of the City or
Airport Operator. Th.e obligations in this Article shall apply for ihe eniire iime �hai any t�aird party
can Iegally make a claim against or sue the City or Airpo�t Operator for liabiIities arising out of
Aixline's use, occupancy, or operation of th� Airport.
�.1.2 ��cepi for clai�ns far environm�ntal matters (r�vhich are the subj ect of �he
indemnification obligaiions under Article 11), Airline shaIl reIease, defend, indemnify, and hold
each Zzzde�nnifed Party completely harmless from and against any Claims arising from or based
upon the actual or alIeged violation by Airline or an Airli�e Entity, of any Applicable Laws,
Airpart R�les and Regulations or any license, certificate, permii or other auth�orzzation issued unc�er
any of the aforesaid, in connection �vith Airline's conduci of its air firansportation business on or
at the Airport or use or occupancy of the Airpo�.
6.1.3 If �e City is aIleged to be in non�compliance vtrith Applicab�e Laws
governing access to secure areas of the Airport and sazd non�compliance is the result of or due to
the negligence or wiliful act or omissian af AirIine or an Airline Entiity, and such breach of a seeure
,. � �..
�xecution Copy
area results in a civil penalty ar other action against the City, Airline agrees to reimburse the City
for all expenses, including reasonable at�orneys' fees, incurred by the City in defending against
the civil penalty action or other action, and foz any civil penalty or settlement amount paid by t11e
City as a result of being deemed in nan-compliance as aforesaid. The City shalI give Airline
reasonable n.oiice of any allegation, in.vestzgation, or proposed or aci:ual civzl penalty or other
act�on sought far such noz��compliance.
6.I .�G If any action or proceeding is brought against ihe City by rea,son o� any
Claim that may be subject to Airline's indemni�cation obligations contained in this Sec�io� 6.1,
Airline, upon reasonable notice frorn. tk�e City, shali resis� or defend such claim, suit, demand,
action, liability, loss, danaage, judgmen�, fine, or penalty wii� counsel reasonabty acceptable to t.he
City, and the City shaIl take reasonable actions to mitigate its damages.
6.1.5 The for�gaing express ob�igation of indernnification sl�all not be
constr�ed to negate or abridge any other ob�igation of indernnifcatian runtazng to th:e City or an
Indemnified Party- that wo�ld e�ist at common law or under other provisions af this Agreement,
and ihe extent of the obligation of indernnification shal� not be limited by a�y provision of
insurance underrtaken in accordance with ihis Agreemenfi. The City shall give Air�ine written
nQtice of any Claims threatened or made or any suit instituted against it tkxat could result in a ciairn
of indemnification hereunder.
6.1.6 Notwithstanding anyihing to the contrazy set farth in this Agreement,
�eiiher party nor any of its members, directors, of�'icers, agents, representatives or employees sha�l
be liable to the other party for ariy loss of business or any indirect, incidental, special or
consequential damages or lost profts arising out of or relating to this Agree�x�e�i or such party's
�erformance or non-performance hereunder; prrovzded, however, that ihis �ection b.I.6 sha11 not
apply io third-party claims for badily injury, wrangful death or property damage arisi��g out ofi or
relating to this Agreemeni.
6.1.7 Tk�e indemni�'icaiion and other obligations under this Seciion 6.1 shall
survive ihe expiration or earlier tennination of ihis Agreement.
6.2 Insurance.
Du�ing th� Term and any extension theraaf, Airline shall, at its sole cost and e�pense,
abiain and rnaintain in fitll fQrce and effect, and promptly pay all premiu�ns, when due, for the
foIlowing types of insurance in the amounts specified and in tlae forz�n herein provided:
6.2.1 General Liabilzty Insurance/Aviation Liability.
Airline sk�all maintain a�viation liabiliiy insurance, inclucling general liability
insurance, in amounts r�oi less than a Cornbined Single Lirnit of $SOO,OQa,ODO any one occurrence
and in the aggregate w�ere applicabfe fo� �odzly injury (including d�ath} to passengers and third
parties and Properiy Damage. Coverage shall include but not be Iimited to Airport operations;
blanket contractual liability, personal injuzy, wk�ich coverage shalI be $10,000,000; products and
completed operatio�s; aircraft non-owned liability; liability for vehicles on the restricted access
areas of the Aircraft Operations Area (AOA) including baggag� iugs, aireraft pusl�back tugs,
provisioning trucks, air stair trucl�s, belt loaders and ground k�angar keeper's liability. Explosion,
Execution �opy
collapse ane� undexground property darnage iiabiiity coverage's shall not be e�cluded from such
insurance coverage. The Gity and Airport Operator si�all be named as additi.onal insured.
6.2.2 Automobile Liability Znsurance.
Airline shall inaizztaan commerciaZ automobile liabiIity insurance, with a liznit of
not less than $10,000,000 each accident. ,Such insuz'ance s�all cover liab�lity arising out of any
auto (including owr�ed, hired, and non-own�d autos}. The Gity and Airport Operator shall be
named as addition.al insured.
b.2.3 Wor�ers Com�ensation.
Air�zne sha.11 mainiain statutory worke�rs compensation and empIoyers liability
insurance. The liability emp�oyer's �imits for such �olicy shall not be Iess than $I,ODQ,000 each
accident for bodily injnry by acc'rdent or $SOO,OOa eack� ez�iplayee for bodily injury by disease.
6.2.4 Coniraciors Insurance.
Any contractor, constiruction zxaanager ox other party engaged by Airline or
subconiractor or other party en.gaged by a contracior, const�uction manager or other party that is
engaged by Airline, in either case, ta per£onx� a�y construction, renovations or repairs ati t�e Airport
shall obtain and maintain in �u11 force and effect during any const�i�ctian periad:
(a) A cozn�aexcial general liability insurance policy in minimum Iimits,
unless oih�rt�vise specifed, af $1,oaa,000 per occurrence for bodily injury and $1,000,000 per
occurrence far prop�rty damage including a$2,000,000 generaI aggregate.
(b) An au�otnobile liabiIity insurance policy covering owned, non-
owx�ed and hired vehicles of leasi $SQ0,000 per a c�mbined single limit.
{c} A worker's cozxzpensation policy affording statutory coverage and
containing sta�utary Iimzts and � employer's liability insUrance at l�mits of $500,000 per
accidentl$504,a00 each employeel$500,000 policy limrt.
(d) I'rofessional liabiliiy insLirrance shali be maintained when any
architect, engineer or any other pro£essional service perforrns, directly or indirectly, work for or
on behalf ofAirline at Airpor� or invalving Airline's opera�orzs with a$1>aoa,000 policy Iimit.
(e) 1-1.ddiiional Coverage:
{i) Excess / UnabreIla Liability (as appIicable)
{ii} Within Aircraft Operations Area $10 M
{iii) Secure/Sterile Side Operations (ouiside ADA) $5 M
Execution Copy
Caverage must apply in e�cess af all required prrrnary Iiability insurance, and must be at
Ieasi as broad as th�e Underlying liability insurance. The City and Airport Operator sl�ail be named
as additional insured.
63 Forms of �nsurance �overage.
6.3.1 Insurance requirements and lirnits �f coverage under this A�eement
may be ainended by the City as a resuli of increased risk, nature of work p�rformed, losses
susiained, and/or City policy, indusiry and statu�ory changes.
6,3.2 AlI policies shall be wri�ten by insurance compani�s reasanably
acceptable to ihe City.
6.3.3 AII policies, except for workers compensation cov�rage and professional
lzability coverage, shall designate �he below m�ntioned parties as "Addiiional Insured," eithex by
a"blanket additional insured" endorsement, oz' by specific endorsement.
"The City of Fort Worth, Texas and Alliance Air Services, Inc. and their respective
elected officials, boards, offieers, employees, agents and representatives."
6.3.4 All policies shalI wai�ve the insurer's right of subragation against said
6.3.5 AIl policies tnust be primary with respeci ta coverage pravided far the
City and the other Additional Insureds.
6.3.6 All policies rriusi be n4n�car�iributory with other coverage or self-
insurance available to the City and the other Additional Insureds.
63.7 All of Arrline's insurance policies shall contain a provisian ihat written
noiice shall be given to the City and Airport Operator at least ihirty (30) days prior io cancellatzon,
e�cepi ten {10) days for non-payment af premium. In ihe eveni that AirIine is noti�ied that an
insurer intends to ter�xxinate or non�renevcr a policy or reduce coverage below the requiretxaents in
this Agreement, Airline shall a�ange alternate coverage acceptable �o the City to comply with City
requirements and cause replacement coverage data to be ob�ained.
6.3.8 Appxoval, disappro�ral or failure to act by th� City regarding any
insurance obtained by Airline sha11 not reiieve the Airline of �uIl responsrbility or iiability �ar
damages and accidents as set forth her�in. Neiiher shall the bankr�aptcy, in.solvency or dez�ial of
liabiIity by the insurance company e�onera�e Airline from liability.
7.1 General Laws.
Airline �k�all comply with a11 Applicable Laws.
- l.4-
Lxecution Copy
7.2 Airport Rule� a�td Regulations
The use by Airline o�the areas and facilities describ�d herein and ihe righis and privileges
granted Airline pursuant to t�is Agreement shall at all i:innes be subject to ihe Airport Rules and
Regulations. Airline cov�na.nts and agrees thai it will not violate or permit any Airline Entity to
�iolate any such Airport Rules and Regulations. The City nxay prescribe civil penaliies and
injunctive rezx�edies %r violations thereo�, and the same rnay ba applied to Airline for violations
by Airline or any Airline Entity. Airline rnay contest in gaod faith any Applicable Laws, federal,
State or locaI code, law, regulation, ord�z�ance ar rule, Airport Ru1es and Regulations or any other
r�Ie ox regulation of �he Cziy without being considered in breach of this Agree�nent so long as such
cor�test is diligently corrimenced a��d prasecuted by Airiin�. The City shall provide at least thirty
(30) days' ad�ance yvritien notice of any nevv or amendecl Aixpart Rules and Regulations affecting
7.3 I.icenses, Certi�cates and Author�izations.
Airline shaIl obtain, at AirIine's sole expense, all licenses, certificaies, permi�s and other
authorizations f.hai are now or hereafter required hy Applzcab�e Laws or ihe Airport Rules and
Regulaizons for Airline's operations at the Airpori and Airline's exercise of any rights under this
7.4 'VVage Haur Laws.
Airline shall compIy with all applicable Federal, state and local wage and hour laws.
S.1 Gez�eral Civil Rights Provisions.
Airline agrees to comply wi#h pertiineni statuies, E�ecutive Orders and s�cl� ruies as are
pro�ulgated to ensure that no person shall, on the grounds of race, creed, color, �ational origin,
se�, age, or disability be excluded frorn participating in any acti�ity conducted with or benefiting
from Federai assistance. �f Aizlizae transfers its obligation, tl�e iransferee is abligated in the same
axzanner as Ai_rline.
Tk�is provision obligates Airline for tl2e period during wh.ick� fhe property is owned, used or
possessed by Airline and the Airport remains obligated to the �'ederal Aviation Administration.
This provision is in addition to t�at required �y Title VI o��he Civil Rights Ac� of 1964.
$.2 CompZiance vvith Nondiscri�nination Reqrxireiments.
Du�ring the pexformane� of this Agree�xae�t, Airline, for itself, its assignees, and successors
in znterest (herei�after referred ta as "Airline"} agrees as follows.
8.2.1 Corn�liance wiih Re�u�atians: Airline (hereinafter includes consultants)
wilI camply wif,h the Title V� List of Pertine�rt Nondiscrit�inatian Acfis and Aufih�rities, as they
may be amended from time to tirne, wk�ich are herein incorporated by reference and made a part
of this Agreement.
Execution Copy
8.2.2 NandiscriminatiQn: Airlir�e, with regard to th.e wark performed by it
during the Agreeir�ent, wi11 not discxirr�inate on f.he grounds of race, color, or national origizt in the
selection and re�ention. of subcortiractors, including procutements af rz�aterials and Ieases of
equipment. Airline will i�ot participate directly or indirectly in the discrimination prohibiied by
the Nondiscrimination Acts and Authoriizes, including employmeni praciices when the Agreetnent
covers a�y activiiy, project, or program set forth in Appendix B of 49 CFR part 21.
8.2.3 Solicitations for Subcontracts, Includin� Procurennents af Materials and
EquiUlx�ent: In alI solicitatio�s, either by competiiive �idding, or negotiation made by Azrizne for
work to be perfornned under a subcontract, including procurements o� materials, or leases of
equip�ent, each potential subconfractor or suppliex wil� be �oii�ed by Airline of Airline's
obligaiions under ik�is Agreement and the Nondiscri�n'tnation Acts and Authorities on the grounds
of raee, color, or national origin.
8.2.4 In�ormation and Reports: Airline will prov�de aIl fnformation and
reports required by ihe Acts, tl�e Regulatians, and directives issued pursuant thereto and will permit
access to its hooks, records, accounts, other sources of information, and its faciliiies as rnay be
determined by the City or the Federal Aviation Administration to be pertiz�ent to ascertain
compliance with such Nondiscrimination Acts and Authorities and instruciions. Where a�y
informaiion required of Airline is in the exclusive possession of another who fails or refuses to
furnish ihe information, Airli�e �vill so certify to ihe City or the Federal Aviation Administration,
as appropriate, an.d will sei forth what e�forts it has made to obtain ih.e znforznation.
8.2.5 Sanctions for Noncornpliance: Zn tl�e event of Airlir�e's nflncompliance
with the nondiscrirnination provisions of tl�is contract, the City will izx�.pose such contract sanetions
as ii or the Federal Aeiation Administ.ration may determine to be �ppropriate, including, bui nat
limited to:
{a) Withholding payments fio Airline under the Agreeax�ent ur�til Ai�line
complies; and/or
(b) Cancelling, terminating, or susper�ding the Agreement, in whole or
in part.
8.2.6 Incor�oration o�' Provisions: Airlin:e will include the provisions of
paragraphs 8.2.1 throug� 5.2.6 in e�rery subcontract, includfng procure�ents of materials and
leases of equipment, unIess e�empt by #he Actis, t�e Regulations and directives issued pursuant
thereto. Airline wilI ta�Ce aciion with respect to any subcontract ar procurenrzent as the sponsor or
the Federal Aviation Adnninistratior� may direct as a means of en%rcing such pravisions including
sanctinns for nozacompliance. Provided, thafi iFAirline �ecornes invo�ved in, or is thY'eatened with
litigation by a subcant�actor, or supplier because of such direction, Airline may zequesi ihe City to
enter inio any litiga�ion io proiec# fhe inter�s�s of Y11e City. Zn addition, Airline may request ihe
Unit�d �tates to enter into the litigatzoza io protect fihe interests of the United �tates,
�xecution Capy
8.3 Title �I �lauses for Tran�fer of ReaI ProperEy Acquired or Y�nprovad Under
the Airport Iax►provenaent ]Pxogxam.
8.3. T Airiine, for himseif/herself, his/her heirs, personal representatives,
s�accessors in intexesi, az�d assigns, as a part of the consideratioz� hereof, daes hereby covena�lt and
agree as a covenant running with the �and that:
{a} Yn the event facilities are constructed, �nain.tained, or othervvise
op�rated an the pro�erty described in this Agreement for a purpos� for which a Federal Aviatian
Administration activity, facility, or pragrarn is extended or far anathez' purpose involving the
provision of similar ser�ices or bene�ts, Airline will maintain and operate sucl� facilities and
,�ervices in compliance with alI requirernents imposed by the Nondiscr��nination Acts and
Regulations listed in the Pertinent List of Nondiscriminafion Authorities (as may be amended)
such that no person on the grounds of race, color, or national origin, will be excIuded from
par-�icipation in, denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination in the use of
said facilities.
8.3.2 V�Iith respect to ihis Agree�nent, in the e�vent of breach of any of the abave
Nondiscrimination covenanis, the City r�vill have the righi to terminate this Agreezxaent and to enter,
re-enter, and repossess said Iazads and facilities thereon, and �old the same as if ihis Agreement
had nev�r been made or issued.
8.4 C�auses for Construction/Use/Access to Real Pro�erty Acq�ired Under the
t�ctiviiy, FaciIity or Program.
8.4.1 Airline, for himselflherself, his/her �eirs, personal representatives,
successors in interest, and assigns, as a part of the consideration herenf, does hereby covenant and
agree, as a covenant running with the land, thai {1) no person ox� the grour�c� of race, color, or
national orzgin, will be excl�ded from pat�icipafion in, denied ihe benefits of, dr be otherwise
subjected to discrimination in �he use of' said facilities, (2} that in the ca�struction of any
improvements on, over, or u�der such land, and the furnishing o� sez�vzces t�ereon, no person on
the ground of race, coIor, or naiional origin, wiIl be excluded from participatian in, denied the
benefits of, or otherwise be subjected to discrim�nation, (3) that Airline will use the premises in
cornpliance with all ot�er xequirements imposed by or pursuant to the List of Nondiscrimination
Acts and Auihoriiies.
8.�:2 With respect to this Agreement, in the event of breach af any of #�e above
nondiscrimination covenanis, the City will have the right ta t�rminate �he lease and io enter ar re-
eniex ancl repassess said land and the faciliiies fihereon, ar�d hold the same as if �his Agreem�nt had
never been made or issued.
8.5 Title VT List of Pertinent Nondiscrimination Acts and Anthorities.
8.5.1 Dz�rzng t1�e performance of thi� Agreement, Airline, for itself, its
assignees, and successors in interes� {hereinafter referred to as fihe "Airline"} agrees to cflrnpIy
with the �ollowing nondiscrimination sfiatutes and authorxties; incIuding �ut noi �im�ied to:
Execution Copy
(a) Title VX of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 {42 U�C § 20QOd et seq.,
78 stat. 252) (prohibits discriminatior� on the basis of race, color, national origin);
(b} 49 CFR part 21 (Non�discrimination in Federally-assisted pragrams
of the Department of Transportation Effectua�ion of Title VI oithe Civil Rights Acti of 1964);
(c) The Unzform Re�ocafiion Assist�nce and Real Propezty Acquisition
�olicies Act of 19-70, {42 USC § 4601) (prahibits unfaix treatment of persons displaced or whose
property has been acquired because of �'ederal or Federal-aid programs and projects);
(d) Sectian 504 of ihe Rehabilitation Act oi 1973 (29 USC § 794 et
seq.}, as anaended (prohibit:s discriminal:ion on tl�e basis o�disability); and 49 CFR parf 27;
(e) Tile Age Discrimination Act oi 1975, as amended (42 USC § 6101
et sec�.) (prohzbits discrimination on tl�e hasis of age),
(#} Airport and Airway Izx�pxove�raent Act of 1982 (49 USC § 471,
Section 471.23), as arnended {prohibits discrimination based on race, creed, color, national origin,
or sex);
(g) Tfae Civil Rights Restoraiion Act of 1487 (PL 100�209} (broadened
the scope, coverage and applica�ility of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Age
Discrimination Act af 1975 az�d Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, by expanding the
definition of the terms "prograrns or activities" to include all of the prograrns or activ�ties o£ the
Federal-aid recipients, sub-recipients and contractoz's, whether such programs or activities are
Federally funded or not);
(h) Tiiles II and Z�Z o� the America.ns with Disabilities Act of 1990,
�xrhicY� prohibifi discrirnination on the basis of disability in the operation of public entities, public
and private transportation systems, places of public accommodaiion, and certain testing entities
{42 U�C §§ 12131 — I2189) as zmplemented by U.S. Departmen.t of Tra�sportation regulations at
49 CFR parts 37 and 3$;
(i) The Federal A.viatian Administrafiion's Nondiscrimination statufe
{49 USC § 47123} (prohibits discrinainatior� on th� basis of race, color, naiional orig�z�, arzd sex);
(�} E�ecutive Order ].2898, Federal Actions to Address Environmental
Justice in Minority Populations and Low-Income Populations, which. ensures nondiscrimination
against minority populations by discouraging programs, policies, and activities wiih
disproportionately kigh and adverse human health or environmental effects on minority and Iow�
incorne populations;
{k} Exect�ti�ve �rder 13I66, Improving Access to Servic�s for Persons
tn�ith Li�ited English Proficiency, and resulting agency guidance, national origin discrirnina�ion
includes discr.imznation because of lirnited English proficiency (LEP). To ensure compliance �vith
Title V�, you mrYst iake reasonable sieps ia ensut'e thai LEP pexsorts k�ave rneaningfuI access fio
your programs (70 �'ed. Reg. ai 74087 io 74 X QQ};
� 1 S-
Executi�n Copy
(1} Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, as amended, which
prohibits you from discriminating becaus� of sex in educafiion program� or activities {20 USC l 68 l
ei seq).
8.6 Subordination to Agreements witi� �he United S#ate�.
This Agreement is subject and subordinate to the provisions of any agreement heretafore
oz' hereafter made between the City and the United States, including withoui lim.itation the terms
of any "Sponsor's Grant Assurances" or li�e agreernen�., �he execution oi which is required ta
enable or perinii the transfer of rights or praperty to the City for airport puxposes, or the expendiitare
of federal grant funds far Airpori improverneni, maintenance or developm�nt. Airline shaIl
reasonably abide by the r�quirements of agreements entered into between the Czty and ihe United
Sta�es, and shall consent to amendments and modifications of this Agreement if required by such
agreemenfis or if required as a condiiion of the City's entry into such agreements.
8.7 No E�cle�sive Rights.
Nothing cantained i� this Agreerneni shall be deemed to grant to Airline at�y exc�usive
right or privi�ege within the xxzeaning o� 49 U.S.C. § 4a1Q3(e) wit� respect to aciivity on the
8.8 Right to Develop Airport.
The City res�rves the rignt to fur�her develop or improve the Airport as it sees fzt, regardless
of the desires oz' view of Airline and wifihout inter%rence or l�indrance.
8.9 Right of FIigh�.
There is hereby reserved to ihe Ciiy, iis successors and assigns, �or tlae use and bene�it af
the pubZic, a right of flight £or the passage o:f aircxaft in the airspace above the suriace of the
Premises. This public right of flighti shall include tne righi to cause ir� said airspace any noise
inhereni in the operation of any aircraft used for �avigation or flignt ihrough the said airspace or
landing ai, taking off from, or operation on ihe Airport.
5.10 14 C.F.R Part i'�, Obsgxuctions xn Navigable Airspace.
Airline agrees io comply with the applicable noti�cation and reviaw requirements covered
in 14 Code of Federat Regulations ("C.F.R."} Part 77 oi the Federal Aviation Regulations, in the
event future construction of a buildi�g is covered lay this Agreement, or in the event of any planned
modification or aiteration of asay present a� fuh�re building or structure situated on ihe Airpari.
$.11 �Yar or National Emerg�ncy.
This Agreement shall be subject to whatever right the United Staies Government now has
or in the fu�ure txzay have or acquire, aifecting ihe cantrol, opexation, regulatio� and taking ovei• of
the Airport or the e�clusive or non-exclusive u�e of the Airpor� b� the LTnited �tates during the
tinne o�war oz' national emergency.
�xecution C'opy
8.12 No �nterference with Airport �perations.
Airline by accepting i:his Agreemeni agrees for itself, its successors, and assigns fhat it will
noi do or pertxiif to be done by iis afficers, agents, employees, co�tractors or rnviiees, any aci or
omission vahich migk�t infierfere with ihe landzng and taking off of aircra�t from the Airport or
othervvise constitute a hazard, ox unreasonably interfere with the conduct of business by another
airline, tenant or contractor of the City, ox unrea�anably interfere wiih ihe perforinance af their
dutie� by the stai� of the City orr by the staff of the FAA, ihe TSA or any oih�r agency af the U. S.
Government, or of the contractors thereo£ In the event �his covenant is breached, fihe City r�serves
t�e rig�t, in additian �o any other rights or remedies under �his Agreernent or in 1aw ar equity, to
ent�� upon the Pre�mises and eause the abal:ement of such interference at tlae expense of Airline.
8.13 �EC Rule 15c�-12.
Airline, tipon the Ciiy's request, shall provide io �e City such infozmation as t:he Ciiy may
reasona�ly requ�st rn �vriting to comply rvith the Ciiy's cantinuing disclosure requirements under
SEC Rule I Se2-12, as ii may be amended from time io time, provided, k�owever, fihat Airline may,
in Iieu of pro�riding fihe req�ested infarmai:ion, dzrect the City fio an Airline or SEC websiie where
the requested information is ihen currently available.
8.14 Americans with DisabiIi�ies Act ("ADA"}.
Airline ackna�evledges that, pursuani to f.he Americans wrth Disabilities Act, 42 U.S.C.
Sectio�s 12�01 ei seq., as ames�ded and supplemented (ADA), to the extent applicable to Airline,
prograrns, services and other activiti�s provided t�y a pubizc entity to t�e public, whether directly
or through a cantractor, musi be accessible to the disabled public. To the extent the ADA is so
app�icable: {a} Airline shall provide the services specified in this Agreernent in a manner that
carnplies with the ADA, as applicable, and any and alI o�her applicable federal, State and local
disability rights legislation; (b) Airline agrees nat to discriminate against disabled persons in th.e
provision af services, benefits or activifiies provided under this Agreement; and (c} Airlin� further
agrees that any �iolation of this prohibition on the part of Airline, its e�aapIoyees, agents ar assigns
shall constitute a rnaterial breach of this Agreez�nent.
9.1 Airline Deiault.
The occurrenc� of any one or more of the following events shalI consiitute an Event of
Default under ihis Agreement:
9.1.1 Airl��s becomes insalvent (as such. term is defined under Section I01 of
the Federal Bankrup�cy Code}; or fails to pay its debfis generally as they mature; or takes tkze benefif
o£ any present or future �ederal or state insol�ency statute; or makes a general assignment for the
ber�e�t of cred'ztors.
9.1.2 Airlin� fles a voIuntary petitian in bankrUptcy or a peiition or answer
seeking an arrangemeni of its indebtedness �ntier the FederaI Bankruptcy Code or under any o�her
law or siatute of ihe United �tates or of any state thereof, or consent ta the appoiniment of a
Execution Copy
receiver, trustee, custodian, liquidator or other similar official, of aiI or subsiantiaTly all of its
property; or an order forr relief is entered by or against Airline under any chapter oi the FederaI
Ba��Czuptcy Code.
9.1.3 By ordex or decree of a cou�, Airline is adjudged ban�Crupt or an order
shaIl be made approving a p�tition filed by any of its creditors or by any of its stockholders, seeking
its reorganization or the resiructuring of its indebtedness under the Federal Bankruptcy Code or
under any other law or siatute o#' Yhe United �tates or any state ihereof and such order or decree
shall not be stayed or vacated within sixty (60) days of its issuance.
9.1.4 A petition under any chapter o�the Federal Bankruptcy Gode or an actian
under any fedez'al or state insolvency law or staiiate is filed agains� AirIin� and is not dismissed or
stayed within sixty {60) days after �he filing thereof.
9.I .S By or pursuani to, or under authority of an� legisIativ� act, resalution or
rule, or any order or decree of any court or govezn�nnental board, agency or officer, a receiver,
trustee, custodian, Iiquidator or oth�r similar of�icial iakes possessian or control oi all or
substantially all of Y.he property of Airizne az�d such passesszon or conizol coz�iinues in effeci for a
period o�sixty (fi0) days.
9.1.6 Airline beco�es a coxpo�ration in dissalution.
9.1.7 The letting, license or other interest of or rights of Air�ine hereunder is
transferred to, pass to or cl.evo�ve upon, by operation oi law ar otherwise, any other person, firm,
corporation or other en�ity, by, in cornn.ection with or as a result of any bankxuptcy, insolvency,
trusteeship, liquid�tion or otl�er proc�edings or occurrenc� d�scribed in Sections 9.1.1 t�rough
9.1.8 Airline iails duly and tirnely to �a� any Landing Fees and other fees anci
charges d�e under fhis Agreezxae�t when due to fihe City, and such faiIure shall contzz�ue for ihzrty
{30) days beyond Airline's receipt of a�written notice of such breach or default from the Airport
Operator. -
9.19 There occurs an assignzx�ent ar t�ransfer and such assigrunent or t�ansfer
is not reversed within thirty {30} days after vvritten notice b� the City.
9.1.10 Airline abandons the conduct of business at the Airport, and in
conneci�on wiih this abandonment, suspend operations for a period o� s'r�ty (60) days in the
absence of a labor dispute, �arce majeure event in accordance wi�h Sectian 23.12 or other
gavernrnental actian in which Airline is directiy involved.
9. l. l l Air�ine fails to obtain and maintain the insuranee required by Section 6.2
or provide copies of the policies or cer�ificates (including without Izrzaitation those related to
renewals of such coverages) to the City as required and, only with respect to providing copies o�
th� policies or certificates, the failuz'e to provide the copies shall continue �ox fve (5) days beyond
Airline's receipt of a writt�n notice from the City af suc� breach or default.
�21 �-
L�'xecution C`opy
9.1..12 To the extent applicable, Airline fails to me�t at�y of AirIine's Security
Deposzt requirements set forth in �ection 4.6 �nd such failure continues �ar thirty {3d) days beyon.d
Airline's receipt of a written notice from the Ciiy of such bz'each or d�fault.
9.1.13 A�rIine fails to keep, perfor�n and observe each and every oiher pro�nise,
representation, covenant and agreement sei forih in thi� Agireement, and such failure continues for
a period of more than thirty (30} days after the Airport Operator's delivery of writ�en notice of
such failu�'e or, if satisfactian of such obligation requires activity over a period of time, if Airline
fails to commence ihe aure of such failure wiihin thirty (30} days afie�' Airline's receipt of such
notice, or thereafter fails �o diligentiy prosecute such cure, or fails to ac�ually aause such cure
within sixty (60) days o£the Airpori Operator's delivery of such notzce,
9.2 City's Rernedies.
9.2.1 General Rem.edies.
{a) Whenever an� Event of Default occurs (other than a default pursuanfi
to Subsection 9.1.3 upon which termi�ation of this Agree�nent, ai the City's option, shall be
effective immediately without further noiice), this Agreement and a1I of Airline's rights hereunder
shall terminate if the writfien natice of default so provides.
(b} The City's action pursuant to this Seciion 9.2.1 shall noi ir� any way
limit the City in the pursuii of any other additional right or remedy available �a the City in Iaw or
in equity by reasan of Airline's default.
9.3 Termination.
This Agreement may be terminated in advance of its E�piraiion Date in the folIo�ring
9.3.1 If any federa�, state or lacal governr�e�i, or agency or ins�rumentality
thereof, takes, by condemnation ar deed or conveyance in lieu th�reof, title, posse�sion, or flae right
ia possessian o�the Airport or any substantial partion ihereof, the City may, ai its option, terminate
this Agreement as of tl�e daie of such taking; or
93.2 If any court having jurisdiction renders a decision that has became final
a�.d will permanently or for a subsiantial period of time preveni the City's performance of any of
its ma�erial obliga�ions under this Agreemeni, eiiher party hereio may �ermitiaie this Agreement
by writien notice. This right of ternnination shall be and rennaiz� effecfiive wheiher ar not the City,
by taking; af%rmative action or by inaction, could ha�e pr�vented fhe rendezing o�the decision, or
could have caused the decision to be vacated befare it beca�ne final.
- 93.3 Xf this Agreemez�t is te�ninated under this Section 9.3, all righfis and
obligatians of the parties skall terminate {vvith the e�.ception of (i) any undischarged rights and
obligations that accrued prior to the ef�ective daie of such te�ninatzan and (ii) any rights and
obligations that this Agreem�ent expressIy states shall survive such termination).
Execution Copy
9.4 'I'he Cxfy's Right to Perrform.
All agreemet�ts and obligations to be per�ormed by AirIine under this Agreemeni shal� be
at AirIine's sole cost and expense and without any abatement af Landing Fees and other fees and
charges duo under this Agreement.
9.5 AirIine's Itights l�elated to Terminatio�c.
�n the event of any terminaiion based an any breach by Airline of ihe covenants, terms and
conditions contained in tl�is Agreement, all of Airline's rights, powers and privileges undez' f11is
Agreeznent sha11 cease. Airline shall have no claim of any kind wl�atsoever against the City by
reason o� such termir�ation, or by reason oi any act by the City relafied fia such termination.
9.6 Bankr�ptcy.
In no event shalI this Agreeznent or any rights or pzivileges hereunder be an asset af Airline
under any bankruptcy, insolver�cy or reorganization proceedings. To ihe e�tent consistent with and
permitted uz�der the United Staies Bankruptcy Code or similar debtor relief Iaws, if Airline seeks
protection under the Uz�ited �taies Bankruptcy Code or �imilar debtor reIie� laws, or is currently
operating under the protection o�the Uniied States Bankruptcy Code or aY.her sitnilar debior relief
Iaws, Airline shalI comply wif,h every pxovision of t�iis Agreemet�t as and when required under this
Agreez�aent, including wit�oUt limitation perfoz-�x�.ing any required remediation relating ta any
environmental zxaatter pursuant to Airline's obligations under Article 11 which arose prior to oz'
arises during ihe course of Airline's bankn.iptcy case. No Cargo Carrier wzll be allowed to assume
this Agreernent without perfarzx�ing any required rezxzediation as part of the cure of any Event af
Default under this Agreement.
10.1 Events af �efault.
The evenis described helow are deemed Events oiDeiauli by the Ciiy hereunder:
J.0.1.1 The Ciiy �ails to kee�, perrorm oz observe any material term, covenant
ar candition herein contained to be kept, performed, or observed by the City and such failure
continues fox thirty (30} days after receipt of written notice frorr� Airline; ar, if by its naiure such
de�auli cannot be cured within s�tch thzzty (3Q) day periad, the City shall �ot commence to cure or
remove such defaul� wifhin �aid thirty {30} days anc� to cure or remove the same as prom.ptly as
reasonably practica�le;
T 0.1.2 The Airport is closed to flights in general or to the flights o� Airline, for
reasons other than fihose circuzx�stances within Airlin.e's controI, and Airport fails to be reopened
to such flights �wii:hin thirty (30) consecutive days from such closure.
10.1.3 The Airport is permanently closed as an air carrier airpart 6y act of any
�'ederal, state, or local government ageztcy having competent jurisdiction, or Airline is unable to
use Airpoxt for a period of at least thiriy {30) consecuiive days due to any Iaw or any order, r�.tle or
regulatian of any governmentaI aut�oriiy having jurisdiction o�er the operations o� the Airport; or
Execution Copy
any caurt of compet�ni jurisdiction issues an injuncfion preventing the City or Airline froin using
Airport for airport �urpases, for reasons oiher than those circuinstances wiihin Airiine's control,
and such injunction r�mains in force for a period of at least ihiYly {30) consecuti�e days.
- I O.I .4 The United States Government or any authorized agency of t��e same (by
execUiive order or otherwise) assutr3es fhe operation, controi or use of the Airport in sUch a manner
as to substantialIy restrict Ai�lin� fror� conductir�g its operations, iisuch restriction be continued
forr a periad of thirty {30) consecutive days or more.
10.2 Airline's Remedy.
So long as Airline is not in defauIt as se� forth in At�icle 9 of t�i� Agreennent, incIUding,
but r�ot lir�ited to, payments due ta f.he Ciiy hereunder, Airline may canceI this Agreem�nt upon
the occurrence of an Event of �efault set forth in Section 10.1. In such event, Airline sh�all sezve
thirty (30) day advance writt�n notice of canceIlation to the City. All Landing Fees and other fees
and charges due under this Agreement shall cease as of �e date of such canceIlation. Zn addition
io Y.he canceIIation of this Agreernent, AirIitae may exercise any remedy provided by la�r or in
For purpases of this Agreement, ihe follawing de�niiioz�s shall apply to environmental
"Discharge" zxieans an act or amission by which Hazardous Materials, �olid Waste, Process
Waier, ar any substances ar materials regulated under Er�viranrr�ental La�t�vs, now or in the future,
are leaked, spilled, poured, deposiied, or otherwise entered into wetlands, groundwaier, waters in
the State of Texas, or water� of the Unified States, or by vvhich those substance,s are depo,�zted
where, unIess controlled or removed, they may drain, seep, run, or oiherwis� enier said waters.
"En�rironrnental Irz�.pact Claim" means any claim, SUlt, �l�C�gCT10Ilt, penalty, �X10, IpS�, COSt
recovery action, administrative proceeding, request for inforrr�ation {when such request is by a
gavernmentaI agency), order or citation by any gavernmenfiaI agency, natice, cost, or expense
(including bui not limited to documented costs of investigation, siudy, cleanup, re�novaI, response,
remediation, transportation, disposal, restoration, monitoring, and reasonai�le fees oi consultants,
contractors, and attorneys} w�ich arises out of, is related to, alleges, or is based oz� the presence,
transpo�rtation, handling, treatment, stoxage, or Release, disp�rsal, disposal, ernission, escape,
Discharge, or migraiion af any Hazardous Material{s), Process V1Tater, or SoIid Wa�te, any other
chernical, material, irritant, regulated substance, or to�ic substance, vvheiher solid, lrquid, or
gaseous in nature, or which has any adverse effect on wiIdli�e. Env.ironmental Impact Claim shall
exclude personal injury, wrongful death, product liability, and environmenial justice clainas.
"Envzranmental Indemnitees" has the rneaning set forth in Section 10.8.
"Enviranmental Law(s)" rn�ar�s all e�isting and futuze federal, state, and Iocal Iaws and
pertnits, inchiding withou� liinitation the Airport Ru�es and Regulaiions and� ali oiher siatutes,
ordinances, rules, orders and regulations relating to protection of i:he environment, wildli%, public
health ar pubIic safety.
Executiarz Copy
"Greenhause Gas" ar "GHG" has fihe same defnition as in the Mandatory Greenhouse Gas
Reporting Rule (4d C.F.R. § 98.6 (2009)), as it may be arnended from iime to finrae.
"Hazardous Material{s)" means ar�:y substance regulated under ar subject to Environmental
Lavvs: (a)the presence of which requires invesiigation, abaternent, response, removal, or
remediation under any Environmental Law; or (b} that is or become� defned as a hazardous waste,
hazardo�.is substance, ioxic substance, regulated substance, poIluta�i, or contazr�inant under ar�y
Environr�ental Law, inctuding vvithout li�nitation the Comprehensive Environmenta� Response,
Connpensaiion and Liability Act, the ResoUrce Conservation and Recovery Act, the Texas Waier
Code, or the Texas Healih and Safeiy Code; or (c) the presence of which on ihe Airpori poses or
threatens to pose a hazard to the health or safety of persons on or about i�ie Airport; or {d) that
contains, sewage, gasoline, diesel. fue�, pe#raleum hydrocarbons, nattaraI gas liquids, ethylene
glycal, propylene glycol, potassium acetaie, polychlorinated biphenyls ("PCBs"}, asbestos, lead
paint, or urea �ormaldehyde foana insulaiion.
"NPDES" means the Naiional Poilutant Discharge Elimination System.
"Pzocess Water" means water, other than storm wafier or rainwater, that durring
zxzanufactuxing, treatzng, proc�ssing, or cIeaning, comes into direct contact with or results from the
productzon or use of any raw matarial, intermediate product, finished produc�, by product, or waste.
"Release" means any deposiizng, spilling, Ieaking, purxiping, poLiring, emiiCing, emptying,
discharging, injecting, escaping, Ieach'rng, du�nping, or disposing into the env�rronzaaent, or a threat
of release such ihat a release may or could enter the environrr�ent.
"Solid Wasie" has �he same meaning as in the Resaurce Conservation and Recovery Act
and the Texas Healt� and Safety Code.
"SVVPPP" means Storm Water PoIlutia� Prevention Plan.
"TPDE�" means the Te�as �'ollutant Discharge EIimination Syst�m.
"Waier in ihe Sfiate of Texas" has the same rneaning as in Texas Wafier Code Section
26.001, as amended from tim�e to ti�ne.
"Waiexs af the United Staies" has the same meaning as in 40 C.F.R. Section 122.2, as
a�ended from time io time
All other terms used herein have the meaning sei forth in Article I, "General Def nitions."
11.1 Airline Representat�ons, Warraniies, And Covenants.
Airline represenis, waz-�ants, and covenants ihe following:
1. l.l.l Airline has obtained and throughout ihe tez�m of this Agreement shali
ob�ain and maintain alI appizcable licenses, per�x�its, regisfirations and oiher au�horizations and ap-
provals required under Envirotuxaental Laws and shall provide any notices required �.tnder Envi-
ronmental Lawvs far conducting its operatzons at the Airport during lhe term of this Agreement.
Execufion Copy
Airline shall require Airline Entities to obtain and maintain a11 applicabie licenses, permits, regis-
trations and other autlaorizat�ons required 6y Environmenial Laws in order to conduct their opera�
tions and activities at tI�e Airport.
11.1.2 Airline shall coinply and sha11 requ�re Airline Entities to comply, with
all applicable Airport Rules and Regulations, so long as such Airpori Rules and Regulations do
not unrea�onably affect Airline's righfs under this Agreement. Such AirporC Rules and Regulations
shall be reasanable, nondiscrirninatazy and not in conflict with any EnvironrrzentaI Laws.
11.1.3 AirIine shalI not cau�e or contribute ta or allow or permit Airline Entities
to cause or coniribute to:
{a} a�y Release or Dxscharge oi any Hazardous Material, �olid Waste,
or �rocess Water ai Airport, unless authorized by an Environmental Law or Airport Rules and
(b) any violatio� of any applicable Envzronmental Law as a result, in
whole or in part, of the use by or aperaiioz�s of Airline at Airpor�, or those of Ai�Iine Eniities;
(c) any Releas� or Discharge which is a�x�aierially contributing cause
of ihe City exceeding the effluent limits of any individual storm �c�vater discharge pern�.it zssued io
the Cxty, Mu1ti-Secior Genez'al �'ermit, M�xnicipal Sepaz'aie Storrr� Sewer System permit, or any
applicable f.ederal effluent limitation guideline; or
(d) any contamination or pollution of the soil, surface waters, or ground-
ovater ai or underlying the Airport.
11.1.A� Airline sha11 handle, use, sfiore, dispose of, or othervvi�e �nanage, and
shall rrequire Airline Entities �o handle, use, store, dispose of, or othexwise rnanage any Hazardous
Material, Process Water, or Solid Waste at the Airpori in a lavwful and prudent rnannex atzd so as
ta prevenfi fihe Reiease or Discharge of any Hazardous Material, Process Water, or Solid Waste
that does or znay pollute or contan�inate the environrrient, ar that does ox may adversely a�fect the
health, welfare, or safety of persons vvhether located within the Airpori. Without limiting the fo�e-
going, Airline shali not conduct orr allow any Airline Entities to conduci any opexations or activities
involving the use or application of e�hylene glycoI, propylene glycol, ar any other substance in de-
icing ox anti-ici�g at any location at the Airport except in accozdance with all applicable Environ-
rn�nfal Laws and Airport Rule� and ReguIations.
11.1.5 Azrline shall be responsible £or the proper remaval and disposal of all
Hazardous Materiais generated by Airline, or resulting from Airizne's use, activities, and apera-
tions, at the Airport, including �ase activities anc� operations canducted or� Airline's behalf �y
Airline Enti�ies.
l l.l _6 Airline �inderstands and acknawledges f.hat certain of the Ciiy's future
capital projects rnay �equire xeview or approval by ihe FAA, the EnvironmentaI Proteciion Agency
("EPA"}, or the Texas Commission on Environmenta� QuaIity ("TCEQ") or iheir successor agen-
cies, pursuant to requireznents imposed upon the Aiz-port ar the City, including but not limiied to
�tate Irzaplementation Plans, Generral Conformity Deterrninations, other requirezx�ez�ts related ta f1�e
Executian Copy
sfat�s of the Da1las-Foz-t Worth region as non-ai.iainment �or ozone, and any reduciion in Green-
house Gas emissions. If requested hy the City, Airiine sha11 reasonably assist the Ci�y in preparing
such submiitals as are rrequired of the C��y 6y FAA., EPA, ar TCEQ, or iheir successor agencies,
in can�t�ection with Ciiy capital projects which beneiit Airline.
11.1.7 Airline s�all require Aixl�ne Entities to Underga such iraining as is re-
quired by applicable Environmenial Laws and Airport Rules and ReguIations. Ai�Iin� shall desig-
nate which of its employees should undergo such t�raining.
11.1.8 If Airline causes or conirrbutes io a Release, Discharge, or spili of Haz-
ardous Ma�erials, SoIid Waste, or Process Water at the Airport that is above any applical�le report-
able quantity set forth in any appiicable Environ�nental Law, Airli�e shall report �uch R�lease or
Discharge to fhe appropriate gavernmental authorities in compliance with applicable Environmen�
tal Law. Airline shall require A�rline Eniities to rapart any Release or Discharge to fihe appropriate
governmenta� authoxxties, in compliance witkz applicable Environmental Law, if said third party
causes or contributes to a Discharge or Release of Hazardous Materials, Solid Waste, or Process
Water above any repartabI� quantity set �orkh in any appIicable Environmental Law.
11.1.9 Airline ackno�,+ledges ihat the City and Airline at� subject to ceriain Na-
tional and Texas Polluiion Discharge Eliminafiion Systern permits ("NPDES" an:d "TPDES"), stafie
and federal storm water regulations, and federaI e£fluent lix�itation guidelines, including, with�oui
�imitation, E�'A Adminisiered Perzx�it programs, 40 C.F.R. § 122 (2009}, as arnended from �ime to
time, for operations at ihe Airpor�. Airline shall conduct operations and activities at the Airpo�rt,
incIuding but not Iimited to de�icing, anti-icing, and construciion, arzd shaIl require Airline Eniities
to conduct opexatians and activities at the Airport in cornpliance vviill applicable Environmental
Laws and Airpori Rules and Regulafiions. Airline acknowledges that its reasonable cooperatia� is
necessary to ensure Ai�ort's compIiance with any applica$le NPDES or TPDES stot'tzi water per-
mits and effluent li�nitaiion guidelines under Environznental Laws. Airline shall minimize the ex-
posure to sto�n wat�r of materials generated, stored, handled, or used by Airline or Airline Entities
at ihe Airport inc�uding wi�haut Iimitaiion soil and sediment e�posed by construction activities,
Solid Waste, and Hazardous Materia�s, by implementing and requi�ing implementation of cer�ain
"Best Management Praciices" as de£'ined by Environmental Laws. Airline £uz�l�er acl�nowledges
that any TPDES or NPDES storm water discharge petm xt issued to the City or any effluent lirnita-
iion guzd.elines applicable i:a the Airport or Airline are incorporated by re�erence into this Agree-
zx�ent to the e�tent affecting Airli�e's operations at or use of the Airpori or operations or aetivities
conducted an its bcl�alf at the Azz'part, or necessifating Airline's reasonable cooperation to assure
t1�e City's compliance therewiih. The City shall endeavor ta n�gotiate reasonable and cost effective
iez7ms and conditions of any permits issued to the Ciiy whzch may affect Airline's operations at ar
us� of the �irport or operations or activz�ies conducted on its behalf at the Azrporrt, or whick� may
necessitate Airline's reasonable cooperation to assure the City's compliance �ere�rifh.
11.1.10 Airline or Airline Enti�ies sha11 not c�reate any human-made structure,
land use practice, or human�made feaiure, ar maintain any conditian, that creates an unreasa�abl.e
vvildli�e attraction, including, but not lirnited to, architectural features, landscaping, waste disposal
sites, agriculturral or aquacultural aciivities, without appropriate coverings or other rnitigatior�
�xecuiion Copy
11.2 In�ormation to be Provided �o the City.
11.2.1 If Airline receaves any written notice, corzespondence, citation, order,
�rarning, complaint, inquiry, claitn or demand regarding the Airline's operations at the Airport that
is noi legally privileged, made confideniial by applicable lavu, or protec�ed as trade secrets:
(a) concerning an� alleged contarnination, or Discharge, or Release af
Hazardaus Material, Solid Waste, Process Water by Airiine or by Airline Entities; or
{�) alleging that Airline or an Airline Entity is the subject of an Envi-
ronmental Im.pact Claim or aileging that Airline or an Airline Entity, or may be, in violation of any
Envizorunental Law(s}; oz-
{c) asserting that Airline or any such ihird party as idenii�ied in clauses
{1) and (2) above is liable �or �he cost of invesiigation or remediation ofa Release or Discharge;
11..2.2 Airline shall immediately, but r�ot Iater t.�ian fzve (5) days after Airline's
receipt, inform the City a�d Airport Operator in; writing of same, including a copy of such notice
received �y Azz'line.
11.2.3 Airline sha11 simultaneously provide to the City a�d Airport 4pera�or
copies of its submittals of any non-privileged reports or nofices required under Environmental
Laws to any go�ernmental agency regarrding;
(a) Airline's alleged failure to camply with any En�vironrnenia� Laws at
the Airpart, or
(b) any Relcase or Discharge arising out of the past or present opera-
tions at or use af the Ai�pori by Airline or Airline Entitiies.
11.2.4 Airline shall make available, within ten (10) days of Airtine's receipt of
the City's written request, ihe nan-privileged documents ihai Airizne has submitted to an� govern-
mental agency pez�taining to �he environz�aer�tal compliance status of Airli�e's operations at or use
of tlae Airport, including wzihoul limitation any and all nan�privileged reeards, permits, test resulis,
sainple results, written ar elecironic documentatian, studies, or othex documentation tegarding en�
vzxonmental conditions or relating ta the presence, use, storage, drsposal, or treatment of an.y Haz-
ardous Material or Solid Wasie ai the Airport by Airline or Ai�'line Entities.
11.3 Response anc� Complian�e Aci�ans.
11.3.1 � Wzthout lirniting the inde�nniiy obligations of Section 1 I.7, if during the
term of this Agreezx�ent Airline or an Airl�ne Entity is the sole cause af a Release, Discharge, or
spiIl o� a Hazardous Material (including, but nat limited ta those which contaminate ar pollute any
surface vvater, ground water, infrastructure, or conveyance sysiezxi), as is reasonably determined
by ihe City pursuant to Environmental Laws, ai any por�ion of the Airport, in conne.ctiorn with their
aperatio�zs at the Airport, Airline shall:
_Z g..
Executian Copy
{a) oral�y notify the City and the Airport Operator of such Rel�ase, Dis-
charge, ar spiIl;
{b} report such Release, Discharge, or spill to appropriate governmental
agencies in accordance wifi11 applicable Environm�ntal Laws, including but not limited to 30 Tx.
Admin. Code § 32'7.3, as it may be amended from time to time;
(c} immec�iately abate and respond to the Release, Discharge, or spill of
a Hazarc�ous Material, as required by applicable Environrnental Laws, including but not timited to
30 T�. Admin. Cade § 3275, as it may be amended from tiine to time;
(d) ta�e alI further aciiorzs necessary ar required under Environmental
Laws to mitigate any imminent threat to h�man health ar the environment; and
(e) undertake any further repairs, remediation, ar co�rrective actions as
are required by EnvironmentaI La�xrs or a governmental agency with jurisd`rction, to remediate any
such Release, Discharge or spili af a Hazardous Material, and any resulting pollution or contami-
1 L3.2 Witk�o�t limiiing the indemnii.y obligations of Section 11.7, if, as is rea-
sonably determined by th� Ciiy, Airline or an Airline Entity is �he sole cause af a Relsase, D�s-
charge or spill of a Hazardous Maierial at the Airport, or ane of multiple contributors to a Release,
Discharge or spilI oi a Hazardous Material within ihe Airport, Airline shaIl be responsible for
ensurzng thai the noti�cation, re�orting, abafierrient, remediaiion, and other actions required by
11.4.1 are accornplished. Ai the time the City �akes a determination purstaant io subsection 11.4.2,
ihe City shall provide Airline vvith all non-privileged �ecords, permits, test results, satxr.ple resul#s,
written ar electronic docuznentation, stud"zes or other docr�mentation used to support i�s detertnina-
t�on. Nothing in tk�is Agreemeni sh.a11 prevent Airline frotn seeking io recover its costs from po�
fentialiy responsible pa�ies.
1].3.3 If �he City cannot determine with reasonable effort that Airline is a cause
of ox has coniributed to a Release, D'zscharge, or spi11 at or from the Airport, Airline shali not be
responsi�Ie for any obligatzon to report, investzgate or r�mediate it. If the City cannot identify vvith
reasonable effort az�y of the partie,s contributing to or responsible for a Release or Dzscharge, or
spill at or from the Aizpart, the City shall be responsible far any obligation to repori:, contain,
investigaie, or remediate such contarnination, Release, or Discharge, or spiIl.
i 1.3.4 Xf, as is reasonably deterrr�inad by the City, Airline:
(a) daes not diligently �ake immediate a�d aIl other ac#ions requir�d by
applicable En�rironm.en.tal Laws, including bui not Iimited to 30 Tx. Admin. Code § 327, in re-
sponse to a Release, Disc�arge or spill for which it is responsible under Section 11.4, wiihin the
iiYx�e(s} prescribed by such Environnnentai Law{s}; or
(b} does nat pez-£orm or comple�e all necessary repairs, � correctiive ac-
tions or remediatzon for v�rhich it is responsi�le under Section TT.4 wifl�in the tinne(s) pz'escribed
by applicable Environmental Laws, or within th� time reasanably necessary to enable the City to
meet its abligations �tnder En.�ironm�nial Laws (subject to the cnndition ihat ihe City must firs�
Executio� Copy
provide xeasonable advance written notice to Airline of such obIigations, e�cept in emergency
circumstances zn which such ad�ance notzce is nat possible), then th� Ciiy, in addition to iis rzgk�is
and refnedies described elsewheie in this Agreement, may, at its electior�, upon reasonable varitien
notice, enter tbe affected area, and take wIaatever actian �he City reasonably deems necessary ta
proiect the public health and safety and the environment, or to enable the City to meet its oblig�.-
tior�s under EnvironmentaI La�vs, withi� the time required unc�er such Environmental Laws, at
Air%ine's expe�se, although notl�ing herein sha11 prejudice the rzght of Airline to contest the Ciiy's
determinations made �inder this Section 11.�.�4.
1�.�- Correctior� of EnvironmentaI Non-com�liance.
11.A-.1 If the operations o� activities at or use of ihe Airport by Airline or Airline
E�tities are in alieged non-compliance with any appIicable En�irontxiental Law {as is reasonably
determined by tl�e City or as is deter�ined by any governrner�tal ageyscy wii:h enforcement author-
i#y regarding suc� alleged non-compliance} or A�port Rules and Regulations, or resulfi in contam-
inaiion or pollution at ar under ihe Airpori, and provided that the situation or conditioza in question
does nat, as determined by the City in its rea�anable discretzon, require immediate action pursuant
to applicable En�ironmental Laws and Section 11.4.4, fhe City agrees to notify Airline in wrifing
oithe alleged nonco�npliance or contamination or pollution and shall require Airline to take action
io address such non-campliance within thirty {30} days of Ai�line's receipt of. notice, unless cam-
ptiance is req�ired sooner by a governmentaI agency or applicable Environm.ental Lavv. Within
that thirty (30} day period, oz' such shorter period as is required by applicable Envi�onmentaI Law
�r govern�xaez�ial agency, Airline sha�l have ihe apportunity to take whatever actia� is necessary ar
required by Environrx�ental Laws, to correct such noncoxz�pliance, ensure that it is corrected, or
provide �he City a binding comnaitznent to do sa within a reasonable time. Airline shall aIso have
�� right during that thirty (30) day period io challenge any City determinaiion of non�compliance.
Airlit�e's obligations to the Ciiy under this Section may be deferred, upon tx�utual conseni o� the
par�ies, �ntil a�nal resolution of or rulzng on such challenge has b�en issued. Shauld Airli�e pre-
vail in such a challenge, Airline shaIl have no furtherr obligaiian under this Section with respect to
f.hat pa�rticular alleged non-compliance.
1]..4.2 If Airline does not take suah corrective action, chalIenge the City's de�
termination of non-compliance, Qr provide a binding cotnmit�nent to acEdress the non�coixapl'zance
within the ihiriy (�0) day period referenced in Section 11.5.1, the City or its auihorized cantractors
ar�d consuitants may, ai the City's opfiian, enier any part o� the Airpori and take such nn.easures as
the City may reasonably deem necessary ta correct the alleged non-compliance and to investigate
and re�nediate any related conta�nination, a11 at Airline's expense. All reasonable and documented
costs associated with any actiozx by the City or its coniractors ar consuliants in connection wit�
tl�is Section, includi�g but not Iimiied to reasanabie attorneys' fees and expenses, and Ai�port stafi
time and expenses, shall be s�bject to the eeimbursement and indezaani£'�cation reyuirezrients o�this
(a} Nothing in this Seciion is intended or shalI be construed so as #o
prevent the City or Airline from exercising, in t�eir reasanable discretion, any rights granted or
available elser�here zn tliis Articie, in this Agreexnent, or by law.
Executaan C`opY
I 1.5 Corrective Action Process.
1 l.5.1 Before cozz�mencing any in�vestigation, remediaiion, or corrective action
at the Aixport und�r this Agreement, and e�cept �or any immediate abaiement action required under
Section 11.4, Ai�'line shall provide the related proposed pla�s for such investigation, renaediation
or corrective action to the City for approvaI, whxc,h shall not be unreasonabIy withheld. The vvork
shalI be pexf.oxmed ai Airline's expense, and f.he City s�Zall have the right to review and inspect aIl
such work at an�+ titx�.e using cor�sultants and representaii�ves of the City's choice, at the Ciiy's
�xpense. �pecific cleanup levels for any enviro�nental remed�atian work shall c�naply with ap-
plicable Environmental Laws. Airline shai�, at Airline's own cost az�d expense, have all tests per-
formed, and reports and studies prepared, and shall provide such information to any gavernmentaI
agency as may be requi�ed by Environrnental Laws, vcrith a capy to the City. This obligation in-
cl�des but is not limited to any requirements for a site characte�ization, site assesszx�.e�t, Af%cted
Pz'operty As�essment Report, and remedial action pIan Y11ai may be necessary. In th� event deed
recordaizan by the City is necessary, Airline shaIl reimbur�e tl�e City for all deed recoxdation fees
and reasonable aikorneys' fees incurred in conneciion vviih suc�a recordation.
11.5.2 Any remedial or other aciivity undertaken by Ai7rizne under this Article
shalI not be construed to impair AizIine's rights, if an�, to see�C cantribuiion or indemnity from any
11.5.3 Airline m�y not seek a Municipal Setting D�signation for any ground-
water underlying the Airpori vtrithout obtaining the City's vvriiten appxoval in advance.
11.6 Environmental Indemnification and Rei�tabursement.
1 I.6.1 Natwifll�tanding any oth�r provision to tk�e con�ary, and vviihout limit-
ing any other indemnity in this Agreement, Airline agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harrz�less
filie City, its past, present ar firture directors, o��cers, members, agents and employees, the City's
counezl, coUnciI rne�bers, agents, and ezaaplayees and the Airport Operaior ("Enviroiunenfial In-
demnitees"}, from and against any and �Il claims, deznands, penalties, �ines, suits, action,s, admin-
istrative proceedings (incl�tding forrxzal and infortnal enforcenneni), government orders, judg�nents,
loss, daznages, liabilities, costs, and expense� (including but not Iimited to reasonable and docu-
mented attorneys' and consultants' fees and expenses, Iitigation costs, expert vcri�ness fees, and ex-
penses oi invesiigation, removal, remediaiion, ar ofiher required plan, report, or respanse action)
when incurred and whether incutz�ed in defense of actual litigatzon or in reasonable anticipation of
liiigaizon fio the extent zesulting frnm:
{a) the breach by Airline ofr any representaiion or �vaarranty made in thzs
Article; or
{b) th� failure of Airline to meet its obligations under this Article in a
iull and timely rr�anner, whethe� caused by AirIine or any third parly under Airline's direction or
control, or
{c) documented Ioss by any En.viron�nental Ind��nniiee(s) from any En-
virronmental I�-npact CIaim, to the e�tent caused by the operations, activziies, action or inaction of
Airline ox Airline Entities, at the Airpart during the term of this Agreement.
Execuiron Copy
11.6.2 In the event t�e Ciiy underta�es az�y actzon, inciud'zng but not limited to
respanse or corrective ac�ion, r�pairs, or retnediation, in ihe e�ercise of its rights with respect to
AirIine �tnder this Article, Airline shall reinaburse the City, upon reasonable writien notice by the
City, fQr aIl reasonable and documented cosis that ii�e City incurs in association wi� such action,
including buti not lirniied to consuIiants' fees, coz�tractors' fees, reasonable attorneys' fees and ex-
penses, and expenses oi investigation, repair, rasponse or corr�ctive action and remediation.
11.6.3 Nottivithstazzding any other provision to �he contrary, and to �11e exieni
permitted by law, fihe City agrees io indemnify and hold harmless Airline and its diraciors, oificers,
agents and emplayees frorzx and against any and all cla�ms, dernands, penali�es, fi�es, suits, actions,
administrativ� proceedings (including inforn�al proceedings), government orders, judgrnents, Ioss,
damages, liabilities, cosis, and e�.penses (incIuding but not limited to reasonable and docnmented
attorneys' anc� consuItanis' fees and expenses, litigation costs, expert vvif.ness fees, and e�pens�s of
invesiigation, removal, re�aediation, or other required plan or response actian) to ikae extent result-
ing from (i) failure of ihe Ciiy ta �eei its obligations under this Article, or {ii) the docum.enied
loss by Ai�Iine, its direciors, o£ficers, agents or employees to a third party or gover�ental eniiiy
from any Environrnental Impact C1aim, to the exient resuiiing fro�n the operaiions, ac�ivities, ac-
tions or inaciion o��e City or any ofiher pariy under the City's direction and cantral.
1 i.6.4 Regardless of th�e date of temnination of ihis Agreement, the i�demnify-
ing party's representations, obligaiions and liabilitie� und�r this Article shalI continue as long as
tlie indemnified party bears any li�.bility or responsibiIity nnder this Article or the Environmental
11.7 Limiiations.
Airline's obIigations �der this A�ticle shall not apply to:
l l.7.1. Contamination that �xisted at the Airport prior to Airline's initial occ�a--
pancy or operations at such area(s} of contamiz�ation ai ihe Airport, provided t1�at neither Airl�ne
nor any other party under Airline's direction or controI, or cond�xcting operations or activities on
i�s behalf, su6sequently contributed to such confiamir�ation; or
11.7.2 Releases that migrate onto, inio, or from the Airport and that were not
caused by Airline ar third parties under Airline`s direction or control or conducting operations or
acfiivities on its behalf; or
l%.7.3 Releases or Discharges on, at, or from the Airport nat caused by Airline
or AirIine Entities; or
1 L7.4 Releases, Discharges, or contamittation to the extent caused by gross
negligence or willful �xaisconduct by the City, its agents ar employees ar any ather party under the
City's direction or control.
11. S Waiver.
Any wai�er of any pravision a£this Artzcle, or any delay by the Ciiy in the enfarcement of
any right hereunder, shalf neither be consi�ued as a continuing waiver, nor create an expectatzon
Execution C'opy
of non-enforcemeni of that or any other provisian or rignt. In order to be effective, any waiver of
any rigkzt, benefii, or po�cx�er hezeu�der must be in writing and signed by an authorized
repres�ntative of the Cziy, it being int�nded that no waiver shall be implied by the City's conduct
or £aiIure to act. Any specific written waiver sl�all be applicabl� only to f11e particular facts and
circ�.unstances thereby addressed and shaIl not 6e of any effect with respect to �uture evenis, even
if azay o�said fufi�re �vents involve substantially similar circumstances. Any rernedies provided far
in ihis ArticIe shall be cumulative and in addition to, and not in lieu of, any other rernedies avai�able
to City at law, in equity, or otherwzse.
11.9 Sarvival oif Environmental Provisions.
Unless sp�ciftcally siated elsewhere herein, the provisions of ihis Article, incIuding f.he
r�presentations, warranties, covenants and indemnities of Airline, axe intended ta and shall survive .
teri-nination of ihis Agreement.
11.10 Ite�ourc� Conservation and Recycling.
The Ciiy reserves the rzght to institute such poiicies, progratns and measures as may be
necessary or desirable, i� the City's reasonable discreiion, foz' the conservation or preservat�on af
energy, energy related services, water, and ath�r naturaI resources or as may be required to comply
�c+'ith any applicable codes, rules and regtzlations, whether mandatory or volunta�y. Airline sha11
comply wiY.h all federal, staie, and local laws, rules, regulation�, and ordinances and rules aiad
regulaiions pertaining io recycling and enexgy canservafiion and management. Airlin� and the City
shalI use good faiik� efforts to abide by and fully cooperate witkz each other in aIl aspects of such
poIicies and programs, and nothing in this Section will adversely affect Airline's or the City's
rights nnder t�is Agreement.
Ar�icle 1i A��IGNMENT
Airline shall not, directly or indirrectly, assign, sell, hypothecate or ofiherwise transfer this
Agreement, wiihout �he prior written consent of the City, such consent not to be unreasonably
withhe�d. The foregoing shall not prevent the assignment of this Agr�ement or any portion thereof
to any corporation with wnich Airline may merge or consolic�ate; provided however, such
successor corporation v�+it�hin a rreasonable period oi tirne shall provide r�ritten acknor�rledgement
by a duly authorized corporafe officer to the City tI�at it has assumed all obligations Qf Airline and
will fulIy honor alI terms and canditions set forth in this Agreement.
13.1 Nature of Agreemen�.
This Agreement shall nat be construed fo be a lease of any Airport property nor create a
landlord-ienant relationship between the City and Airli�e.
13,2 Governing La�vv and �enue.
This Agz'eemeni: has been entered into and shall be governed by, construed and intez•preted
in accordance vviYlz t�e laws of the �tate of Texas. Venue of any actian brought under this
Execution Capy
Agreeznent shall be vested in the state courts of Tez�as in the Couniy of Tarrant or if fedez'al
jurisdiction is appropriate, in the Unrted States District Court zn the Northern Distz�ict of Texas.
13.3 Entire �7nderstandiz�g.
Tl�zs Agr�emeni contains the entire and only understanding and agreement of fihe Ciiy and
Airrline, which by accepiing this Agreement, acknowledge thaf f.here is no other written or oral
understanding or agreeznent between them with respect to the subject matter of this Agreement
an.d thafi this Agreement supersedes aI1 prior negot�ations, discussions, obligations and riglats of
f.he City and Airline. No waiver, modi�'ication, amendment or alteration of �is Agreement shall
be valid unless it is expressed in writing and signed by authorized reprresentatives of Airline and
ihe Ciiy. Airline and the Ci�y acknowledge that no other party, nor any agent or attorney of any
oiher party, has made any prozx�ise, representation, waiver or warranty whatsoever, expressed or
implied, wl�ich i� noi expresslp cantained in writing in this Agre�ment and fi��riher acla�owledge
ihat this Agreenaeni vaas not executed in reliance upon any coIlaieral promise, re�resentation,
vvaiver or warranty, or in reliance upon any belief as to any faci noi expressly recited in this
13.4 Arnendments.
Except as otherwise expressly provided herein, the pz'ov�sions of this Agreetrfeni may be
amended only by a written agreemen� signed by tk�e City and Airline.
13.5 Cumuiative Rights.
Each riglat of the City an.d AirIine is cumulative and is in addition io every other legal righi
fhat the party may have in the e�ent of any default by fihe other.
13.6 Constructfon to Save Agweement.
If any tez7m, covenant, condition, or provis�on o� this Agreemeni is held by a caurt of
competent ji�risdiction to be invalid, void, or unenforceable, ihe reanainder of the provisians hereoi
shall remain in full force and effect and in no �ray a�fected, impaired, or in�alidated thereby. It is
the inte�tion of the par�ies hereto that if any provision af this Agreerrieni is capable of two
consiructions, one af which would render the provision void and the oiher of which vc+ould render
the pro�ision valid, then t:he provision s�all have the meaning which renders it valid.
13.7 No Waiver.
No waiver of default of any of the terms, covenants and conditions of this Agreemeni to �e
performed, kept and observed by the other party shall be construed or operata as a waiver ofr any
subsequent default of any of ihe terms, covenants or conditions of this Agreement to be performed,
lcept and abserved by th.e other party. No failure on Y.he part of either party io require ��' exacfi iull
and complete compliance by the other party with any of the covenants, condiiions, or agreeir�ents
of this Agreement he construed in any manner as a change in or to the terms of ihzs Agreement or
prevent ihe en£arcement in full of any �rovzsions.
�'xecution C`opy
13.8 Relationsh�p af Parties.
Nothing in this Agreement shall be deerned or construed by the City or Airline, or by az�y
thu d party, as creating the z'eiationship of principal and agent, partners, j oiz�t ven�rers, or any ather
sizniIar such relaizonship between fihe City and Airline.
13.9 No Third-Parfy Bene%ciaries.
There aze no third-pariy beneficiaries to fihis Agree�raent oiher than as specificalIy and
expressly provided in ihis Agreement.
13. i 4 �uccessors and Assigns.
All of the terms, provisaons, covenants, siipulations, conditions and consideratians in this
Agreement shall e�tend to and bind the Iegal representaiives, successors, and assigns o£each parry
to this Agreement.
] 3.11 L�bor Disputes.
Airline agrees fo use comn�ercialiy reasonable efforis to avoid disruption ta t�e City, its
tenants or meznbers of �he public arising from labor dispuies involving Airline, and in the event of
a strike, picketing, demonsiration or other Iabor dzfficulty involving Airline, to u�e its good off�ces,
inchiding the utilization of available Iegal remedies, to minimize or elirninate any disrupiion to the
City, its tenant� or members o� the public, arising fram such sirike, picketing, detnonstrafiion or
other labor difficulty.
13.12 Force IViaje�rre.
If either party is delayed or laindered in or prevented frorn the performance of any act
xequired under this Agreeixient by reason o� sirikes, locko�rts, labor disputes, inability to procure
labor or �naterials, failure of power, riots, insurrection, terrorism, waz', fire or o�ier casualty, ar
other reason of a sirnilaz nature beyond the reasonable control of the party delayed in p�rforming
work or doing acts requi�ed under this Agreernent, performance of such aci sha11 be ez�cused for
the period oi ihe aetuaI delay attributable to such causes, and the period for the performance of
any such act shall be exte�ded for a period equivalent to �lae period oisuch delay (any such delay
is herein referred to as an "Unavoidable DeIay"). Tk�is Section shall not be applicable io Airline's
obligations to procure insurance or to pay Landing Fees and ather fees and charges due under �his
Agreeme�t. If any provisinn of this Agreement negates or Iimits the period of any force zxiajeure
or Unavoidable Delay extension, such provision sl�all overricie this Section 13.12. Airline shall
give the Ci�y notice oi any Un.avoidable Delay within a reasonable time (not to exceed one (1)
year) following the occurrence af the delaying event.
13.13 No Personal Liability.
No directoz', officer, agent, employee, or elected official of either pariy shall be ehaz'ged
personal�y ar contractually Iiable by oz' ia the other paz�.y under any terzn or provision af f.his
�.greeinent, ox because af any breach of this Agreement, or because of their e�ecution or attempt�d
execution of this Agreement.
�xecutron Copy
13.14 Acce�tance of Payments.
The subsequent acceptance of paymenis hereunder by ihe City {'ram Airline shall not be
deerned to be a waiver oi any preceding bxeach by Airline o� any t�rm, covenant, or conditian of
t�is Agreement, oiher than. tlie failure of Airline to pay the particular fees or rent so accepted,
regardless of tk�e City`s lrnowledge of such pzeceding breach at th� iime of acceptance of such
landing fees and/or rent.
I3.I5 Attor�eys' Fees.
13.15.1 �� the City shaIl, withaui any fa�li, ba rx►ade a party to any liiigation
commenced by or against Airline arising out of Airlin�'s use or enjoyment af Airpori or the
Pr�mises and as a re�uIt of which Airline is finally adjudicated ta be liable, then Airline shaIl pay
all costs and reasonable attorneys' fees incurred by or imposec� upon the City in cannectio� witn
such litigation.
T3.15.2 In any aetion by the City or Airline against the other for recovery of any
sUm due under ihis Agreement, or to e�force any of ih.e ier�as, covenan�s or conditions contained
hexein, the prevailing party shalI be entitled to reasonable attorneys' fees in addition io costs and
r�ecessary disbursements incurred in such action. Each party shall give }�rompt noiice io the other
o� any claim ar suit instituted against it that may affect tl�e other party.
i 3.16 Taxes.
13.16.1 This Agr�ement may resuli in or c�eaie a ta�able possessory interest and
be subject to the payrnant of property ta�ces. Noiwithstar�ding fhe foregoing, as of fihe date of
execution of this Agreerz�ent, no such ta�es, as pro�ided in this Section 13.16, are applicable.
I3.1b.2 If appiicable, Airline shall ba liable �or, and sha11 pay throughout the
Term, all property taxes payable for, or on account of: {a) �e activities conducted by Airline on
the Airport; and (b) all taxes, zf any, an the �ersonat property of Airline on or at the Airport.
13.16.3 If applicable, Airline shall reimburse the City for all such ta�es paid or
payable by the City, identified in section 13.16.1 and 13.16.2 abave. All iax amounts for which
the Czty is or will be e�tiiled to reinabursement, as provided for rn ihis Section 13.16, from Airline
shalI be payable by Airline to the City at �east �fteen (�5) days prior to the due dates of the
respective tax amounts involved; provided that Airline shall be entiiled to a minimLizxz of ten {3 Q)
days' written �otice of the amounts payab�e by Airline.
13.15.4 Airline may coniesti, in its o�ovn name or the nazx�e o�ik�e City, the validity
or am.ount of any tax ii sl�all be xequired to pay, under this Section 13.16, ta a taxing entity;
provided, ho�wever, that Air�ine shall defend, ind��nnify and hold the City harmless from all
liability and expense arising fro�n such contest, which obIigaiions shall �ur�ive expiration or earlier
termina�ion of this Agreemeni and shall provide security saiis�acEory to fi.he City for its
performance of such indemni£'ication obIigatior�.
Execution Copy
I3.17 Me�morandum of Lease.
Zn the event that the Ciiy so requests, Airline shall execute, attest, acknowledge, and deliver
for recording a short form Menr�orandu�n of Lease of thi� Agreement.
13.18 Ap�roval or Consent.
Whene�er conseni or approval is required hexein by either parry to tk�e ather, �uch consent
or approval shall not be unreasonably wzthl�eld, canditioned, or delayed.
13.19 TiYne of the Essence.
Tizne is of �he essence oi ihis Agreement and af each and all of its ter�ns, eondztions,
covenant� and pz'ovisions.
�3.20 Nofices.
All notices and �ayments under this Ag3reeznent may be delivered or mailed. If deli�vered
by messenger or courier {including oveznight air courier), they shall be deemed delivered wh�n
received at the Street Addresses lisfied in Section 1.1. If mailed or seni via overnight courier, they
shall be senfi to the Ovexnight Deli�very and Street Address provided in P,rticle 1 or to such other
xespective addresses as either party may frona time to time designate to the other party in writing.
AIl n.otices and paynaents mailed 6y regular mail (including �'irst cIass) shall be deemed to have
be�n given on the fifth business day fo�lowing the date of ma.iling, if properly mailed �d
addz'essed. Notices and payments sent by certii�ed or registered mail shall be deemed to have been
given on the i�ird business day following the da�e of maiIing, if properly mailed and addressed.
For a11 iypes of mail, ihe posinr�ark affi�ed by t�.e United States Postal Service shaIl be conclusive
evidence of the date flf mailing. Notices delivered via courier or overnight courier shall be deemed
ta have been given u�on arrival. Notices under this Agreement are su£ficient if rnade via exx�.ail
provic�ed such ezz�ail noiice has been sent to an empioyee of the recipient Pa�rty having knowledge
of i�e nnaiter contained in the notice a�zd is conspicuously identified as a notice under this
Agreement, and shall b� deeYn.ed ta ha�re been gzven on th� day the email is sent.
13.2� Counterparts.
This Agreernent may be executed simuItaneously in coranterparts, each of which shall be
deer�ed to be an origznal copy of thzs Agreement and, when taken togel:her, �hall be deemed to be
one and the same Agreemeni.
13.22 Capaciiy to Exeeuie.
Airiine shaIl subrnit a copy of any corpnraie resolution, i� requested by City, which
authQrizes any director or officer to act on behalf of Air�ine or which authorizes Airtine to enter
into this Agrcement.
�xecution Copy
13.23 Yncar�foration aiFExhibits.
A�l exhibits and attachment� xeferred to in this Agreement are intended to be and are hereby
specifically made a part of ihis Agreement.
I3.24 Title�.
Paragraph titles az'e inserted only as a znatter of convenience and far reference, and in no
way define, lizaait or describe the scope or extent af any provision of this Agreement.
13.25 Other Agree�aenta.
O�her ihan as set forth herein, nothing contained in tlnis Agreement shall be deemed ox
construed io nulliiy, restrict or modify in any manner the pro�visions of any other lease or contract
between City and Airrine aUthorizing ihe use of the Airport, its �acilities and appurtenances.
13.26 Agreement �Tot fo Grant Mare Favorable Terms.
During the Term, fhe Ciiy agrees not to enter xnto any lease, coniract flr o�ther agz'eement
vviil� any other air carirzer conducting operations at the Airport that contains rates, charges or terms
morE favorable to such air carrier than the rates, cha�rges or terms Airline has agreed to jander this
Agt'eement, rxnless the Authority also zx�akes those rnore favorable rates, charges or terms available
to Airline. The provisiQns of this Section 13.26 shall in no way lirnit, impair or interfere with ihe
Cziy's ability to chaxge or �stablish �uch rates and charges as �he City may deem applicable when
entering i�to any I�ase, conizact or other agreetnent with any parry �hat is n.ot a�a air carrier.
13.27 Agen� for Service.
�t is expressly understood and agreed tk�at if Airline is not a resident o�the Sta�e of Texas,
or is an association or parYnership wifihout a membez' or partner resident of said state, or is a foreign
cozporation not licensed fio do business in Texas, then in any such event, Airline shall appoint an
agent fox the putpose of sez`vice of process in amy court action between it and City arising out of
or based upon thzs Agreem��t. Airline shall immediateIy n.otify City, in wrtiing, of the name and
address o� said agent. Such ser�ice shail be made as pro�ided by the Iaws af 1:he State oi Te�as
ror service upon a non-resident engaging in business in the 5tate. It is further e�pressly agreed,
covenanted and stipulated that, if far any reason, such service of p�acess is not possible, as an
alterr�ative method of service of pracess; Airline may be personally ser�ved out of t�ie State af Texas
by the regisierec� mailing ai such ser�vice at the address set forth i�a Section 1.1.
�Rer�aainder of Page Intentianally Left Blank]
Executro�a Capy
iN WITNESS �4lHEREOF, the Parties hereto ha�e caused these presents to i�� executed on
the day and year �rst above written.
�II'� OF F'��'� W�RTII;
By. : G.-...»� «— —
N�e: Ferna�ada Costa
Title:�,�i n C'�y Mana,ger--
BE�ORE IVIE, the undersigned authority, a Notary Public in and far tite �tate of Texas, on
this day peXsonally appeared �ernando Cosia , known to me to 6e th� person whose �a�€ae is
subscribed ka the fQregoing instr�xtnent, and ackn.awledged to me that ihe same was the act of the
City of Fort Worth anc� that �ae executed the same as t�te act o� #he City o� Fnrt Worth for the
purposes and consideration therein expressed and in the capacity therein stated.
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* �"� Notery PubIIQ-State ef TexaS
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��,�0_�„�1� __, on this c�ay personally appeared �.��;��. `d. i��0�,�. known to �ne to be
the persan whose nam� is subscribed to the foregoing ins#rurneni, and acknowledg�d to me that
the sa�ne was the act of Atlas Air, Inc. and that she/���;executed #he satne as the act ofAtias Air,
Inc. for the purposes and cansideration therein expressed and in t�e capacity therein stated.
GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND S�AI., OF' OT'F�CE this � day of e� ��,� ,
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Contract Corr�pl�ance Manager:
By signing I acknowledge that I am the person responsibfe for the monitaring and
administration af this contract, including er�suring all performance and reporting requErements.
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Bar a Goodwin -�
Rea! roperty Manager
By: � �'��
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Assistant City Atto�ey
M&G: -0180
Date: March 9, 2021
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�. Regulaf�o�s ..................................�---�--.......,.,.......,................................_._.............4
C. �ffective Dafe .......................................a.,...,...,....,....,.............................,.....,.......4
D. �elf Service ...........................................................................................................5
�". Applica,bili�y .......................................................................................................... �
F. Variance ....................e_-----,..........,.........,...,...,....,...----�-�-•--...,.........Y......................5
3. ��N�RAL ��QUf��fV���'TS ..................................a,.....,.............,.,.............,.................�'
,4. Infroduction .......................................................................................................... 7
B. Leased Premises ..............................................................�.............................------ �'
C. Facilffyl�aintenance ........................................................................�...............,...7
�, i�roducf�, ��rvices, and Faciiities ...........................�........,.............,............_...,.. S
E. C.icense�, Permi�s, Cerfi�icafions, and Ratings ..........................a...............,...,.. 8
F.Employe�s ........................................................:.,....,............................................ S
G. Egurpmenf and 1/ehicles ...................................................................................... $
HHours of Acfrvi#y ....................................................................•---..............,.,,......,.9
1. Security .................................................................................................................3
J. Instrrance .............................................................................................................. 9
K Indemnification and kold Harmless ................................................................. �1
L. Enforcernenf.. .....................................................................,.......,.,............,----,...19
M. Leased Premrses 1VPult►ple Activifies ................................................................1 �
4. �'iX�� �AS� ���RAi�R (�BO) ...............................................................................13
�4. Iniroductron ........................................................................................................ fi3
�, SCOp@ Of AC�'IVIf,�/ ................................................................................................ �3
C. Leased Premises ..............................................................................................�. �4
D. �uel Sfiorage and �quipmenf ............................................................................. 94
�'. Fueling Report� ...........................................�............................................,.........'f5
F Grourad Support and Service �'quipment .........................................................75
G. MDUPS O�ACi�IVIt`j/ ................................................................................................1fi
H. �mployees ........................................................................................:................. �S
L�ircra�'t �emoval ...._....,...........: .......................................................................... ?'6
�. AIF�CFiA�T M�INY�f�ANC� O�ERAT'OR (SASO} ......................................................77
A. Introduction .............................•-•-•----.,,...,.,...................................................,..... 7i
B, Leased Premis�s ................................................................................................ ��
C. Lmplayees ..........................................................................................................77
6. �►Vi�N[CS Q� 1N5T'R111�I�Ni II�IAINT'ENAR�C� O��F�A�OR (5A50) ........................18
A. lnt�aduction ........................................................................................................ 98
B. Leased Premises........Y ....................................................................................... �S
C. Licenses and Certrfications ............................................................................... 9S
D, Lmployees .......................................................................................................... �8
EEquipm�n� .......................................................................................................... 78
. .._, .. :. . :_. _, _ ,. ..._ .. . : ... :. . . ... . .:_ : ., .. _. . .. � _. . -,. . _. . ... .. .... . . .
Aviation Minimum Standards i
Cffy of Fort Worth Aviation bepartrnent (2097}
iA�L� OF CON�'�i��'S
,. _ __ _...a, . _ ,.: __...�. _ . �._ . ::._. . �_ _ . � ._ . _ . � .. � ._. . .._,_ . �. . ..._ <. - .-...: � _..�. : .•-_�
�. AlRCRA�i R�NiAL DR ��EGH f iRA►IN1NG Q��Rp►TQR (Spo�B) . ......... ...............'[9
Introductinn......................................................................................�..,..,........... �9
LeasedPremis�s ................................................................................................ �9
�mployees .......................................................................................................... �9
�quipmen� :.........................................................4....,.................,..............,..,....... 20
f�ours of,4ctivify ................................................................................................20
Insurance Disclosure Reqcrirement ..................................................................2A
8. a.IRCRAF� f CHl�RT�R AR �IRCRP-►�'T f�Yp,NA����'NT O��RAiDR {SASO)..........�'�
Intraductiorr................................................Y.........,.....................,.,.,.............,...,. 27
LeasedPremises ........................a.......e....,..........Y.....,..,,....................,.._..........,., 27
Licenses and Ce►�tifications ...............................................................................29
�mployees .......................................................................................................... a7
�quipment ........................................................................................................... ��
h0our� of Acfivi�y ................................................................................................ 29
�. AI�CRA�� SpoL�S AP�RAiOR (S�:S�) ..............�.........,...,...............,.......,.,............��
A. Introduction ...............................�....,.......................,..........................,.............,.. 22
B. �eased Premises ................................................................................................ �a
C. flealership .................................................................:.......,........................,........22
D. Licerrse� and �er�ificafions ............................................................................... ��
� Hoa�t-s o�'Activiiy ........................................................<.,....................,................22
10. �►IRCRA�T ST��Af�� OP��3AiOR {5AS0) ..............................................................23
.4. It�troduction ........................................................................................................ 23
B. Leased F'remises ................................................................................................23
�. Hours of Activiiy ..........................r......,......,..........r...,...,.,.....,....,........,........,..... �3
1'l. �VIA'fION S�RV[C� S�l.e� �ROP�1��4R .................................................................2�
A. lntroduction ........................................................................................................ 2�4
�. Leased Premises ................................................................................................24
C. �mployees ..........................................................................................................24
D. �quipment ..........................................................................................................24
E. Hours of Aciivity ................................................................................................ 25
F, In�urance D�scl'osut-e ..........................................................�................._.,...,...... �5
1 �. ��I-��R C4fRI��iA�RCIAL A�R�N�-,'.UY1C/�oL� ACiIVl�l�S {SA,S�} ................................2G
A. Introdcrction ........................................................................................................ 2fi
�. �eased Premises ................................................................................................ �B
C. Employees .......................................................................................................... 2fi
A. �quipment ........................................................................................................... �6
E. Hours o�Acf�vity ................................................................................................26
'[�. S��I� �U��INC ............................................................................................................�7
�4, Infroduction ........................................................................................................ 2�
B, Permif/�4pproval .................................................................................................27
C. Fueling Reporfs .................,.,..........,....,..,.,........,.........,-----,...................,......._,,.. ��
_ : ,: �.n_ , _.. . _,. ,: . _. _
Ar�iation Minimum Stanc�ards j- . ii
City of Fo�t War#h Aviation Departmenf {2Q97)
�r�e�� o� co�-���-rs
., _ . . �.. �uel �torage and Equrpment .............................................................................2�'
�. Compliance with Environmental Lavvs ............................Y.,.............,....,._.........29
� Remedfation and Insurance Requiwements ......................................................29
G. Personnel ...........................................................................Y.......,.---....................29
!�. F'ermit Revocation ..............................................................................................29
„ ;. . .>.. .. _ . � �... : .. -- . :w. . .. . : ,
,..:,.�:,.. :.. . . � - � - . .
A�iatian Minimurn 5tandards iii
City of Fort Worth Av�ation Department (2017)
�o�T �o�T�
.:. , ..
..._�_ .__s.��_._,.:..�._-�-:-._ ....,___.-_,.:_..... .._. ...._. �, ..... .. . . _.. .
���'1NIT[ONS Ahld p►CRAf�Y�S:
For purposes of fihe AViation Minimum Standarcis, �he following words, phrases and
acronyms s�all have the meanings respec�ively ascribed to them in this section:
AC — Adv�sary Circular
Aeronautical l�lct'tr�ity -- Any activity or se�vice fhat involv�s, makes possible,
facili�ates, is relafi�d to, assists in, or is required for the operation af Aircraft; any
acfivifiy that contributes ta, or is reqi�ired far the safety of such operafions, any ac�iVity
�hat has a direct relationship ta the operation of Ai�craft or fhe operaf[on of the airport.
A�lii� — For� Worth Alliance Airport
Agr�ement - A written cantract enforceable by law, executed by �oth parties,
between the City and an Entfty transferring rig�ts or �nterest in land ar�dlor
lmprovernents andlar ofherwis� a�thori�ing t�e canducf of certain acfiui#ies.
f�ircraft - Any weight-carrying sfiructure for �a�igation in the air and thafi obtains
support by fihe dynamic reaction of the air to any obstruc�ion connecfed with the
struc#ure. GI[ders or ultraligh�s, either powered or unpowerecl, helicopters, ho� air
balloons, a�d airships will be cnnsidered AErcraft.
Aircraft Charter Operator — A Commercial Operator engaged in on-demand
common carriage for p�rsons or property, as defined in 14 CFR Par� 135, or operafes
in private carriage, as defined in �4 CFR Part 125, on the Airport.
Aircraft I�aintenance Operatar � An O�erator engaged in pro�iding Aircraft
ma�ntenance, parts, accessories, and related components, as defined in �4 CFR Part
43, for Aircraft other than thase owned, leased, andlor operated E�y the Operator on
the airpar�.
Aircrafr I�lllanagement Operator - An Operator engaged in the business of pro�iding
Aircraft management includ�ng, but not limited to, #iight dispatch, pilot services, flight
attendar�i services, or Aircrafit rnaintenance caordination to the pubiic on the a�rport.
p►ircrait �enta[ �perafior — An Op�rator engaged in tY�e rer��al of A`[rcraft to the
public ai the airporf.
,�ircrafit Saies Operator — An Operator engaged in �he sale af Aircraft on the airport.
This excludes indiuicfuals selling p�rsonally owned Afrcraft, ur�less the indiVidual
purchases Aircraft for �he primary pur�nse of resa�e.
Aircraf� Storage Operator — An Operator that owns ar leases an Aircraft s�arage
facil�ty andlor associated affice or sho� spac� an the airport and sells or sub{eases
such space to en�i#ies engag�ng in commercia! ar non-commercial aerona�tical
Airpor� Roadway - Those part�flns of the airpor�s designatec! and made availabfe
#emporariCy or �ermanently by the Dir�efor for vehicular �ra#fic and not focated on
ground leased hy others.
Avionics or Instrument �iaintenance Operator �- A Commercial O�erator er�gaged
in the business of maintena�ee ar alteratian of one or more a� the items described in
14 C�'R Part 43, Appencfix A(i.e., A�rcraft radios, �lecfrical systems, or instrumenfs)
for Aircraft other fihan those owned, leased, andlor operat�d hy the Operator on the
.: .. . ...: :. . : . ... . .� . _:. _ . _. _ _ .. ... . _.. . ,._ ... _ _
: : .,.. ._ .... . . . . _
A�iation Minimum Standards �
City of Fort Worth A�iafian Depariment (2097)
;. ..�. -_ . :;. �,�. -�.._. ,. _. :: ..,-, � ,-,�..
, :. _ -.:.. :.�,_ ,__ , _w, _ .;,�.. __.. � _ �.. . _� .._. : ._....� - ,. _:
Cormmercial Operato� -- An Enti�y that offers any producf or ser�ice far wh�ch
compensatian is receiVed.
Coop�rative Organization (Co�op) — Multiple en�ifies coming together for t�e
purpose af jaint ownership in fiacilities, equi�ment, andlar fuel in or��r to conducfi
A�ronautical Acti�ities af �he Airport.
��recfio� - The Direcfor of the Aviation Departmenf is responsible fnr the
administra�ion, operat�ons, and maintenance for all cify-owned ar�d aperated airpo�ts.
�H5 - Department af Homeland Security
E;n�i�y - An individual, partnership, Iirnited liability company, corporafion or other
busin�ss organization dofng bus��ess or d�siring to c�o business on one ar mare city-
owned general aviatior� airports.
��A - FederaE AViation AdmEnistra�ion
�ligh4 Trai�ing �perator - Cammercial �perafor engag�d in �ro�idirtg fiight
ins�ruction to the public at the a�rport.
�ixed �ase Operator �FBO) - A Commercial Operaior �ngaged in fihe sale of
products, services and the renting or subleas�ng of fac�lities.
�l�IS -- For� War�h Spinks Airport
I�`��11— For� War�h Meacham fnferr�ationaf Air�ort
Im�ro�ements - All �uildings, strucfures, addit�ons,
fiencing, and lantlscaping cons#ructed, insfa�led, oi
land �n the air�ao�t.
EnfFa�fructure - Runways, Taxiways, taxi fanes,
and facil�fies including pa�emer��,
placed on, under, or above any
aprons, he[ipacfs, lar�ding pads,
parking pads, navaids, Airport Roadways, uti[�ties, etc.
Leased Premi�es - The land andlor Irnpro�ements �sed exclusiu�Eq under
Agreement by an Operator, lessee, or subfessee.
�imi"�ed p,ircraft Services and Support - Limited Aircraft, engine, or accessory
suppor� such as cleaning, washi�g, waxing, �ainting, uphoEst�ry, propeller repair, etc.
or a�her related Aircraft services and support acfi�ities.
Mi�cellaneous Comm�rcial Services and Suppor� - G�aund insfruction, simulator
training, scheduling and dispa#ching, ar any other related commercial services and
support actiWities.
Mir�imum �tandards � Those qt�a�ification5, standards, and criteria sef forth as the
minimum requirements to be met as a cor�dition far the right to engage in ac�ivities at
city owned general a�iation airparts.
iVon�Commercial ba�ngar Lessee � An E�tity that owns or ieas�s an Aircraft storage
facilifiy on the airpor# for fihe purpose of storing Aircraft owned, leased, andlor
operated by the Enfiity for non-comm�rcia[ purposes only.
�on-Commercial l.essee - An E�iifiy that owns or l�ases an Aircraft and operafes
fhe Aircraff for a�rivate purpose. In the case o� a busir�ess, the operation of Aircraft
must be an ancillary ac�iuity to suppart t�e business's purpose by pro�idEng pri�ate
transpor�ation #or �he exclusi�e use of its employees, agents, and/or customers. In a�l
cases, the Non=Commercial Lessee nei#her ofFers nor engages in commerciaf
aeronaufical act�vifiies.
: . , .. ,r . _. : ._ .. �. o . .: , , _.. , . .� . . - . , .,.: . . _�-
Aviation Minimum Sfandards
City of Fort Worth Aviation aepartrr�ent {2097)
-_ ...� �_...,_. ,_- ��_.n _,. _ ,:-.�:__ .: , _.:.._..... ..�. . ,:: . ._:.� .::_ , .. ...._. ,_ .. _ ., . ...,.�_.,. . _- __:,,.
hlon�Pro�it Organization � An organization tl�af is iegally fiormed as a not-for-prafEt
organization, as regist�rec� wi#h the I�fernaf Revenue 5ervice under 50� (c){3) or fihe
5tate of Texas Nan-Profit Organization prouisions. As a Not-For-profit Organ�zation,
s�ould an organization provide caenmercial aeronauticaf acfiivities, ihe arganizatian
shail b� Viewed as a Comrnercial �pera#or.
Ope�ator - An Enfity that has enferec� info an Ag�eement with the Cify of Far� Warth
Av�ation Depar�ment ta engage in cammercial aeronau�ical actir�ities at the air�aort.
Permitfiee - An Entity that has wrifter� permission from ff�e A�iafiion Department to
conduct an acfivify at fF�e air�art accordir�g to the paramefers estabiished by a permit.
Runway - An area of the airport deVe[oped and impro�ed far the purpase af
accommbdatirtg the fanding and takeoff of Aircraft.
5pecialized �+v�ation Service �perator {SASO) - A singfe ser�iee proVider offering
a s�ecialized aeronautical s�rvice such as Aircraft sales, ffight trairting, A�rcra�
maintenar�ce, or avionics services. SASOs sha[I not self fuel.
iaxiway - A defined path, usually paved, over which Aircra#� can taxi �From one part of
an airpart to anot�er excluding #akeoff and landing.
T'SA - Trartsportation Safety Administrafion
iSR � Transportatior� 5ecurity Regulations
.:� ...... . . ..... . . . , .._. _ _ ,, _. _..� - ; ... .3:...� , . ,._ .,._-_ .__,
Aviation Minimum Star�dards 3
City of Fart Worth Aviation a�parEmenf (2017}
��.�: � -. :�, . �,,; ,.,�_ � .��r,�..=�.�.. , . ... .= =. . _ _ _ _ . _. . _.. . .. �.. .. _ _ . _ .
A, Purpose -
The purpose of these A�iatian Minimum 5tandards (Minimum Standards) is to
�ncourage, promote, and ensure:
�. The consisten� proVision of high qual�ty aviation products, services, and
facifities af For� Worth AI[iance Airport, F'ort Worth Meacham fnternati�na[
Airport, and Far� Worth Spinks Airport ("Airparts" when referred to
coilectiu�ly ar "A�rpar�" when referr�d to individually};
2. Tf�e develapment o# high �uality auiation lmpravements and amenities at
the A�rparts;
3. A�iation safefy and security at the Airports;
4. The economic hea[th af aviatior� Carnmercia! Op�rators a# ��e Airpor#s; and
�. The orderly de�elopment of Airport �roper�y f�r aviation purposes.
Aeronautical acti�ities may be propased #I�at do nai fal� within fhe categories
designated herein. ]n such a case, appropriate Minimum Standards shall be
established by the Cify of Far� Worfh (City) A�iation Department {Department} fln a
case-by-case basis for such actiuities and incorporated info lessee's Agreemer�t or
operatar's Agreemenf witf� a su�[essee.
�. Regulafions
These Minimum 5tandards are subj�c� ta, but not limited to:
�. Federa� Aviation Ragulat�ans, Title '14 - Code of Federal Regulations,
2, Texas Transpor�ation Code, Chapter 22 - County and Mur�icipal A[rports;
3. For� Worth A�iatian Departmer�t Leasing Pal[cy; and
4. For� Worth Code of Ordinances, Chapter 3- Airports and Aircraft.
�. Fo� Worth Auiation Sc�edule of Rates antf Charges
If the FAA determines that any praVision of these Minimum 5�andards, any prv�ision
of any Agreem�nt, or any �ractice canstituies a grant of a prohibited �xclusive right,
such pravision shafl be deemed nu11 and Void and such practiee shall be discar�tinued
C. �ffecfr`ve L7ate
These M�nimum Standards shal[ be in effect upan adoption �y fihe Fort Worth City
Council, unless repea{ed by �he Gity. The Mmimum Standards, adopt�d June 16,
9992 (the "1992 Standards, "} and fhe Minimum S�andards ada�ted May 4, 2a94
(the 2014 Standards) will cor�fi�ue to app�y �o existing improvemenfis consfructed
prior to #he adaption of these Minimum Standards, unless fih� current Improvements
are in �iola#ion of #he '[ 992 Standards at the fime these MinimUm Standards are
adopted. Unless expressly stafed otherw�se, fhese MinimUm Standards shall app[y
to al! exis�ing businesses and acti�ities at the Airport as o� th� six�h monfh after the
adopt�on of fhese Minimum Standards.
_�_ ,_,._.....,_ ,. ._, -• --.. .. _ ..-: -. ..,. _--. ... _�, . ,_ . , _. .... ,.:4
,_..__ ,: „,: . _�. . - . ._.
AViation Minimum Standards
City of ForE Worth Aviation bepartment (2077)
: - . ..:,.:y__�-_ _� �,.;:. -•_ - ., . � ._r_., . .. ...... ._ . .. .... .. .... . . . � _ . . _ . _.. . ...... -- -. . � _ x_.. . . _. .
�. �@�� ��i"VIC� �
An Aircraft owr�er or the Aircraft awner's emp�oyees may perform serV�ces that may
ir�clude fueling, mair�tenance, or repair on t�e Airc�aft owner's Arrcraff u�iiizing t�te
Aircraf� awner's Vehicfes, equ�pmer�t, and resources (self-service}. An Aircraff
owner who engages in self-service activities rr�ay nat perForm services for
compensation or hire. The right to engage �n selfi-service activities is conditioned
upon compliance with ap�lica�[e regulatary m�asures. See Section 17, Self FueGng
fiar addit�onal req�irements.
An Aircrafit Maintenance Operafior may �efuel Aircraft, if necessary, fior Aircraft
mairtfenar�ce purpos�s only. Additianally, an Aircrafk Mainfenance Operafor may
refuel t�e defueled Aircraft followi�g pror��sinn af required Aircraft mainte�anc�.
Defueling and refueling shall not be constrt��d to permit an Aircraff Mainfer�ance
Operatar ta engage in the sale of a�iafio�t fuels as this acti�ity is sp�cificalfy
reserved for ar� �BO (Section 4).
An Aircraft Maintenance �perafor conducting defueling ar�d refueling of defueled
A�rcraft shafi have ade�uafe and proper fuef storage, p�o�ide fhe Departmenf with a
Spiil Pre�ention, Con�rol, and Countermeasures P[an for defiueling, refuelir�g, and
fuel sto�age, and co�farm with Sectian 4.�.
Ga-op fueling is prohibifet€ at ti�e Airports.
�: A�plica�bili�y
These Minimum Standards specify t�e standards andbr requirements that must be
met �y a�y Entity engaging i� a��ation aeronautical activities at the A�rpar�s.
Throughout t�tese Mfnimum Standards, the words "standards" ar "requirements"
shall be understood ta �e moclifiied �y fhe word "minimum" exc�pt where explicitly
s#ated ofiherwise. Any required determinafions, interpretatior�s, or judgments
regard�ng what constitut�s an acceptable minimum standard or requirement, or
regarding cam��iance with such minimum standard or requiremenfi, shall be mac��
hy the Departmenf. All ent��ies may exceed the applicabfe Minimum Standards or
requiremenfs. No Enfii�y shall �e allowed to engage in a�iafion aeronautical
�CifVIiEES at the Airports unc�er canditions fE�at da nof, i� the Depar�mer�i's sole
discre�ion, fufly comply with fhese Minimum Standards, un�ess an exemption or
variance f�as been a�pro�ed in writing by the Director.
Tf�ese Minimum Standards sha[i a�ply to any use of Airport land ar lmpravements
fo� the pur�ose of engaging in aViation aeronautica! acti�ities.
F, Variance
The Department may, but is not obligated to, approu� �ariances to these Minirr�um
5fandards when specia[ conditions or unusual circumsfa�ces exisfi.
Requesfs for a Variance mus#:
1. 5tate the specific pro�ision(s) for which the �ariance is �eir�g soughfi;
2. Describe the proposed variance;
3. Sta�e the r�ason for fhe proposed rrariance,
,�. . ,_ : . .. .:. .: .-. . _ .., : -.. , . .
��:_., . �.. �:;,._ . :- . .. __ . .
_ _.. . : . _. . .
Aviation Minimum Standards �
City of Fort Worth AWiafiion Department (2097)
... _.:.. .. __�- �- : .. =_.. ===_ _ - ..__ _ . _. _ . .. , _. _ -....
.__..... _� :, . .. , .._ _. _v..... _..,u , _._.__�_ . .
4. Identify th� artticipated impact an �he Airpor� (and ofher entifies including
4�erafors, lessees, sublessees, users of fhe Airport, and the public); and
5. Identify the duration of #he �roposed variartce.
Prior to the approva{ or denial of a uaria�ce, t�e Departmenf shall conduct a review
of al] refe�ant information incCuding t�e request for Variance as well as any other
info�mation t�at may be requested or required by the Department.
Ir� taking acfiion on a request for variance, the Depariment may grant the requesi
on[y when it is �efermined that:
1. Enforcement of specific provisions in these Minimum S�andards wiil create
an unnecessary hardship or pracfical difficulty in the intended use of the
affected property;
2. The uariance wilf not injure the existing ar permitted use af adjacent
conforming �raperty in accordance with th� Airpart Mast�r Plan, and
3. The granting of a variance is cot�sistent wEth fhe purpose and i�tenf of
these Minirnum Stan�ards.
Approval or dertial af a Variance shall be defermined by the Departrner�t of Aviation.
lf approVed, fhe variance shafi only apply to �the par�icular case for which fhe
�arfance is gra��ed.
An approvaf by fhe Deparfiment of a �ariance shall nof serve fo amend, mad�fy, or
alter ti�ese Minirnum Sfanc�ards or any existing Agreement.
_- :_... �.�..:.. , :...,. ,., �. �. .. . . ::. .. ..... .�-: .. - - ..
Aviation Minimum Standards 6
City of Fort Worth Aviation bepartment (2097)
Fo�T �a�TH
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A. Introductian
AII entities engaging in aeronautical acti�ities at fhe Airports shall fully comply wifh
or exceed the requir�ments of this section as well as t�e Minirnum Standards
applicable to Entity's activities, as set fo�th in subsequent secfions.
�. Leas�d Premrses
An Enfiity shal[ [ease or sublease sufficient land andlor lease, subfease, or construct
sufficient fmprou�menfs for the activity as requ�red in thes� Min�mum Star�dards.
Impro�ements sha[I ful[y comply wit� appEicable reguiatory measures including, but
na# I�rnited to, zoning, bu[�ding and fire codes, setbacks, access, ingresslegress,
dra�nage, and vehicle parking.
Consfruction of any Impro�ements musf be approVed in ad�ance by fhe
Depar�ment, in accordance with �he Department's requirements and any agency
having j�risdiction.
Leased p�emises re�uiring �ublic access shal! have direct lar�dside access. ShouEd
landside access not exist, pedestrians or Vehicles needing �GC@5S to the air#ield
shal! receive nan-movernent area �rai�ing or be escorted by an individual who has a
non-moVement area permit.
Aprons should be:
1. Contiguous and separated by no mare than a�axilan� that alfows Enfiity to
taxi or tow Aircraft without crossing a Taxiway or �ublic roadway;
2. Of adequate size and weigh� bearing ca�acity to accommadate the
mavement, sfaging, and parking of t�e largest type, size and weight af
Aircrafif the hangar was built fo accommodate withouf interfering wit� the
moVement of Aircraft:
a. !n a�d out af other facifi�ies; andlvr
b. Operatir�g fo, fram, or an taxilar�es or Taxiways.
C. Facilify Main�enanc�
Dperators, at th�ir sole cost and expense, shall:
1. Mainta�n the Leased Premises, incluc�ing all related and associated
appur�enances, landscaping, paved areas, instalfed equi�rrmer�t and utilEty
services, oillwa�er separatnrs, and security Improvements, in a clean, neat,
orderly, and fully operaiional conciition consister�t wi�h besi practices and
equal or better in appearance and character fo ather similar Improvements
at the Airpor�, rtormal wear and tear exceptec�;
2. Pra�ide all necessary cleaning services for the Leased Premises, inciuding
custodial services, trash remo�al ser�ices, r�mo�al of foreign
ab�ectsldebris, remo�al of sper�t oils or ather flu�ds, cleaning af oiflwater
separators, and any relatecl ser►rices necessary ta maintain the
�-._:.... ; ..:. .. ,.. . .. . . , . .. ._; .,.. . _ . _� __ :.� . .:,. . ,_..-._ . ,_ .
. ... .: .... .: ;_ ..�.. _
AVia�ion tVlinimum 5tandards 7
City of Fort Worth Aviation Department (2077)
C�IV�Rp►� R�(�UI��f��NTS
_,� _ -.._ _, � .�.: --=� --- . . ,.: - -_,,.. ..._-: , .r.. > ,:.-„ .. . .... - - - :—.u,:._: :, :,.a -... ._.....:,� . : : ._.� _. ...
� Impro�ements in good, clean, neat, orc�erly, and fulfy operational canditio�
consisfent wifh �esf practices, normal wear and tear excepted; and
3. � Rep[ace andlor reimburse fhe Depa�tmen� far, any �roperty damaged by
lessee, its actiuities, su�fess�es, customers, empinyees, visitors, vendors,
suppliers, or cnntractors.
D. Procicacfs, Se►vices, artd �'acrlities
Products, setvices, and facilifi�s should be proVided or� a reasona�le basis to a[l
Air�ort users.
Op�rator shall charge reasonable prices for each product, service, or facility.
�. Lrcenses, Permits, �ertifications, and Ratirrgs
Qperator shall abtain and r�q��re employ�es �o obtain, af Operator's or employee's
sole cast, aIC necessary licenses, p�rmits, ce�tifications, or rafings required for the
conducf of Operaior's acfiuities as req�ired by any agency hav�ng jurisdiction prior
to engaging in any acti��ty at the Air�ort. Upon request, Operator ar its em�loyees
shall provide copies of such licenses, permits, certificafions, or ratings to the
De�a�trnent within 10 business days of date af request.
Operators, lessees, or subfessees �ngaged in a�y ac�i�ity a� the Airparts, whetf�er
using or occupying Airpor� fand and/or Im}�ro�ements or ofiherwise, shaE1 adh��'e to
the �ractices recommentEed by the FAA and the directiues �ssued �y the
F. Fmploy�es
Operator shali employ a qualifie�, exp�rienced, and p�ofessional on-site mana�er
who shall be fufly responsible for the day-toTday managernent of Operafior's
Operaiar shall pro�ide a supervisor on the Leased Premis�s to manage �perator's
activities and such person shall �e au#horized fo represent and act on behalf of
Operator �uring all hours of aet��ifii�s with respeci to the method, manner, an�
conduc# of O�e�ator and Operator's activiti�s. When such person is noi on �he
Leased Premises, such person shalf be aVailable �y �elephone 24 hours a day, 7
days a week.
Ope�ator shafl ha�e on d[�ty, and immed`[ate[y available during hours of ac�i�ity,
properly trained, and qua[ified empioy��s in such n�mbers as are require� ta fuliy
comply with these Minimum Standards and to rneet the reasana�[e demands of
customers fior each acfi�ity �eing cortducted by Operator.
�. Equipment and 1/elaicles
AfI required equipment and �ehicles musf be fully operafional and auai[able a# all
times and capable of pro�iding all required praduc�s and services in a manner
consistenf with inte�ded use. Equipment ancf �ehicles may be unavailable, from
t�me to time, or� a tem�orary basis due to roUtine or emergency maintenance as
long as the equipment or �eh�cles are refiurned to service as saon as possib[e.
._.; .__ _._. ..:..... ....:.... ..: ....Er _. . ...:;.....,_.: _.._.._ __._
.. . ..� ,�. -. :__._...:. z_.,._. , . �
AViation Minirr�um Standards $
City of Fo� Wort� Aviakion Departm�nt (2R97)
Fo�r i�oRT�
G�N�RA,� R�QUlR�l9��i�TS
. .�- - ,,.,, ; . .�. ., _ -- - .. .
�1. Hours af �4ctivify
Unless ot�erwise stipulat�d in t�ese Minimum Standards, Operator's servfces sf�aIl
be offered and aVailable fo meet reasonabl� demand of cusfomers for fhe ac#ivi�y
eig�t hours p�r day �efween the hours af 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. Monday thraugh
�ri�ay excludir�g holidays.
If not a 24I7 aperafiion, Gommercia[ �perafor hours of actiVity and contact
informatian far afterhours s�rv�ce sFtal! b� clear[y posted in public vie►nr using
appropriate and professionai signage.
Operator ar Non-Commercial Lessee shall designate a responsible pers�n for fhe
coordinafior� of all procedures and communicafions and prQ�ide point-of-contact
informafion to the Deparfiment including the name and telephane number of the
primary and secondary contacts. One of fhe co�ttacts sha[f �e aVaifabfe by
telephone 24 haurs a day 7 days a we�K.
1. S�cur�ty
O�erator and Non-Commercial Lessee sf�afl fully comply with ti�e Department's
security requiremer�ts as applicable to the A�rporfs, L.eased Premises, and
ac#iVi�ies(e.g., For� Wo�th Code o�F Ordinances-Chapier 3, 14 CFR Part 139, as
amended, TransporkatEon Securi�y Reg�fatians.
Operatar or Non-Gommercial L�ssee must fully comply wifih applicable reporting
requiremen�s as established by the Depar�ment, FAA, DHS, TSA, and any other
J. Insurance
Operator or Non-Commercial Lessee shal[ procure, maintain, and pay all premiums
throughout the term Qf its Agreement for the applicabfe instarance coverage and
amounts reguired by regula�ory measures and set fo�th in Attachment A, Minimum
Insurance Requirements, as amendecf fram time ta fime, of tl�ese Minimum
S�andards for �ach actiwity conducted. The insurance company or compar�ies
underwriting the required po[icies shal{ be au�horized to writ� such insurance in fhe
S�a�e of Texas, with art A.M. Best's rat�ng of A- or abo�e.
When coverage andlor the amounts s�# forth in Exhibit D Minimum Insurance
Requirements, are rtot availabl� on a commercial[y reasonable basis, apprapriate
replacement coVerage andlor amounts must be approved by the Departmenf.
The Departmen# reserves the right to r�q�ire additianal or different types of
insurance coverage based on an Entity's indi��duaf risks and/ar expasures.
When an Entity engages [n more than one activity, it shall procure and maintain
insurance fiar the combinecl total af the minimum requirements af each acfi�ity. An
Enfi�y shall procure and mainta�n insurance for all exposures in amour�ts at least
equal �o fihe greatest of �he requirec� minimum ar as stipulated by the Deparfinenfi.
All insurance that Operatar or Non-Commercial l.essee is required to carry and
keep ir� fuli force and effect, shai[ name the City, and i#s representatives, officers,
O��ICl�IS, ernployees, agenfs, and �olunteers as additional insured. All insuranc�
> . . ... . . . . . : . . . . . _- ... ,. .,. , ., - .. , . ..
A�iation Minimum 5tandards . _ � . 9
City of For� Worth A�ia�ion Departmenf (2077)
G�i��Rp,� R�C�U1�iI����1TS
._.. ,_ .__-. ,. � .. Wy-= =.,__ . • ...,.._ :.� - .,, . . - :,._.-. _; p -.; :. _ .,� .-�.:
policies, including any Workers' Comp, shall include a Waiuer of 5ubrogation (Righi
af Re�overy) in fiavor of the City of Fort Wortl�.
Liabili�y policies shall contain, or be endorsed ta contair�, t�e fo[lowing pro�isions:
1. "The City indiVidually and collec#iu�ly, and its repres�nta�iVes, officers,
officials, employees, agents, artd �alunfieers are to i�e covered as
additional insured with respect to: Gability aris�ng out of actir�ities perfarmed
by or on behalf of Ent�ty; premises owned, leased, occupied, or used by
Entifiy; andlor vehicies, eq�ipm�nt, or Aircraft owned, leased, hired,
barrowecf, ar operafec{ by Entity. Such insurance shal[ pro�ide primary
ca�erage and sha11 nof seek any contributian from any insurance or self-
insurance carried by the City';
2. "Such insurar�ce, as to the int�rest o� the City only, shall not be invalidated
by any act or neglecfi ar breach of contrac� of Enti�y. Any failure to f�lly
comp[y wifih reporting or other provisions of fhe pol�cies shall not affect
caverage pro�ided to the City �rtdi�idually and coliecti��ly, and t}�eir
representatiVes, officers, �ffic�als, employses, agents, and �ofunteers.
Entity's insurance shaEl app[y separate[y to each insured against whom
claim is made nr suit is brought, except with respect to t�e aggrega�e limits
of the insurer's fiability"; and
3. "Co�erage sha11 not be suspended, Voideci, or cance�led by either party or
reduced in couerage ar in limits except after 30 cafandar days prior written
notic� or 10 days prior written notice for cancel[ation �ar non-payment of
premium, by certified mail, return receipfi r�quested, has been gir�en to
Cer#ificates of insurance shal! be c!e[ivered to the Department upon executian of any
Agreement, or when approVal is gi�en by �he Depar�ment to conduct any acti�ify at
the Airpor�. Thereafter, Operator or Nan-Commercial LB55�� sha[I provide
certificates of insurance to #he Depariment e�ery 1Z manths. In addition, Operator
or Non-Commercial Lessee shalf furnish a certificate of insuranc� �f any change, for
example, chartging underwriters, co�erage, or amour�fs accu�s.
The co�erage and amounts stipuEated herein for each acti�ity represent the
minimum ca�erage and amounts that shall be maintained by Operafiar ar non-
commercia[ Cessee, at afl times, to engage in acfiv�ties at the Airport. Operafor or
Nan-Commercial Lessee is er�cauraged fo secur� higher amounts.
Operafor ar Nan-Carr�mercial Lessee shall, at its sol� cost and expense, ca�ase all
Impro�ements on �he Leased Premises ta be kept insured to the full inst�rable
replacement cost with no depreciatior�, ar as required by ti�e lease for the
impro�ernents, against the perils of fire, lighfning, wind, hail, tornado, ex#er�cfed
co�erage, andlor vandalism. The proceeds af any such insuranc� paid on account
for any of the afo�ementEoned perils shall be used ta defray the cost af repairing,
restoring, ar reconstructing Im�rovemenfs to the conclition and lacatifln exisfir�g prior
ta the casuaity causing the damage o� destruction, unIess a c�ange in design or
[acation is ap�raved, ir� �+vr�ting, in advance, �y the Depar�ment.
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�; .. _ _ �_: , . .: �_.. . .. . .. .
Aviation Minimum Standards ��
City of Fork Worth A�iation f�epartment (2017)
GE�N�RQ� R�(�u�R�t1��i�T�
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��Operator or Nor��Commercial Lessee with kr�own environmentaf .contaminatiQn
exposures shall �e requ�red ta secure appropriafe enr�iror�mertfial liability insurance
with coverage amounfs appropriate for the type and le�el of environmental
cantaminatian exposure r�sk, as cfetermin�d by the Depar�ment.
6^� Irrderrrnificafion and Hold Harmless
Each Entity shall defi�nd, indemnEfy, save, pro�ect, and hol� harmfess the Ciiy and
its representati�es, officers, affic�als, employees, agents, and vofunteers frorn and
against any and al[ actual nr afleged claims, demands, damages, expenses, costs,
fees, ir�c[uding, but not limited �o, atfor�ey, accountant, para�egaf, ex�ert, and
escrow fiees, fines, en�ironmental costs, ar�dlor pena[ties that may �e im�ased
upon, claim�d against or incurred Qr suffered by t�e City in whole or in part, directly
ar indirectly, arise from or are in any way connected with any of the following,
excep# fo the extent resulfiing from the City's n�gligence or wiflful misconduct:
�. Any acfi, omission, or negfigence of Enfity ar Ent�ty's partners, officers,
Directors, agents, empioyees, inV�tees, or contractors;
2. Any us�, occupation, management or cortfral of fihe Leased Premises �y
�ntity, whefiher or not due ta Entity's own act or omissian;
3. Any condi��on created in or about th� Leased Premises after fihe effecfi�e
date; and
4, Any breach, Wiolation, or nanperFormance of the Enfiity ar the Enfity's
obligafiians under arty Ag�eemertt.
a. !n fih� e�ent a party �ndemnified hereunder is responsih�e, in �ar�, for
the lass, t�� indemnitor shall not be relieved of t�e o�figatian t�
indemnify; howeuer, �n such a case, liability shall be assessed in
accordance with 5tate of Texas principles of comparati�e fault.
b. fn fihe e�ent flf an enviro�mental coniaminating accident, to include
all Eeaks, spills, or other damage t�at may rest�[� through the
handling, storage, a�dlor dispensing of �uei, or an incider�t cau�ed
by Operator or non�commercial [essee, its �:mplayees, its vendors,
its suppli�rs, its can�ractars, or any other Entity associated wit� any
Operatar or Non-Comrnereial Lessee ar any En�ify r�iafates any
environmenfal law, Operatar, non-commercia[ fessee, or Entity sha[I
accept tatal responsibility and defend, indemnify, save, protect, and
hold harmless the C[ty and its representatEVes, off[cers, afficials,
empioyees, agents and �olur�teers.
Nothing herein shafl constitute a waiver of any protection available to the Gity and
their representatives, ofFicers, officials, employees, agents, and �o6unteers under
the State of Texas go�ernmenfia[ immunity act or similar s#atutory �ro�ision.
L. Enforcemeni'
In the e�enf an Entiiy fails ta comply with the Minimum Standards, fhe Departmer�t
shal[ send a wriit�n statement ofi �iolaf�on to such Entity at ifs iast known address.
The Entity shall ha�e 30 calendar days from date af r�otice with�n w�ich �o pro�ide a
response ta th� Departmer�t explaining why fhe �iolation occurred and to ad�ise the
De�artmen# thaf the uiofatio� has �een carrected. !f the Entity faiis to cur� fihe
_.:_ ,. �,- ,......,_ , • � -. . .,., ._.. �.-.. ._ �.
�. _�„-. ... _: , �-,. . _ . � �. ... _ .., _ .. . .
Aviation Minimum Standarc�s � �
City of �'art Wor#h Auiafiion Department (2077}
������ ���ur����n�-rs
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�iolation within such iime period, the Department shall have the right to suspend or
revoke the Enfity's privifeges ai th� Airport, as the Department deems necessary in
ord�r fo o�tain a correction af the violation. In the eVent suc� uiofation is nQ�
susceptib�e to cure within 30 calendar clays, Enfity shall ha�e such additiona! time to
effect a cure, as �determined by the Departme�f. In addition, fif�e Entity's record of
any such violation shall be considered any time the Enfity submits an applicatian,
seeks permission, or req��sts appro�a� from the Department.
1V1. Il�ulfiple Activifies
The Minimum Standards or requirements �or combined activities shall not be:
1. Less than �he highesf standard or requiremenf for each element wifhin the
combined acfivities; nr
2. Greater than fhe cumufatiVe s�andards or requirements for alf of the
cornb�ned acfi�ities.
.., _. . - �.. :.._:,:._ _ .- .:.. : . ,
Ar►iation Minimum Standards . : . . , _ _ '12
C�fy of Fort Worth Aviation D�partment (2077)
�IX�� €3AS� OP�R��'OR (F�O)
r4, Introduction
FIX�� �AS� OP�RAiU� {F�O)
T�ese Minimum Standards shal! not affect any existing Impro�ements consfructed
prior to da#e of promulgatior� of these Min'rmum Standards.
An �BO can meet �he requirements of Aircraft mairt�enanc� by arrangement with an
authorized Operator who meets the M'rnimum Standards for Aircraft Maintenanc�
Operator and operates af the Airpart.
B. Scope of Acfivify
An F'BO shall cie�elop and maintain Standar�f Operafi�ng Procedures (SOP's) fior
Aircraft fuelir�g and ground handling tn ensure compliance with standards set #orth in
AC 00-34A curren# �ersian, "Aircraft Ground Handling ar�d Servici�g". FBO's SQP's
shafl include a training plan, fuel quality assurance procedur�s and associated
record keeping, and em�rgency respanse procedures �o fuel spi[Is and fiires.
An FBO's SOP's shall �e ar�ailable to the []epartment upon request.
An FBO should incl�ade the fallowing acti�ities, products ar�d services:
� A�iafion fuels and lubricants
Grour�d services, support and
� A�rcraft maintenance
� Aircraft storage or parking
(a�aronitiedawns and/or
o Aircraft marshalling (direct to
o Aircraft towing
� Oxygen services
• N�trogen services
• Compressed air services
o Lavatary serrr�c�s
• Potable water service
o Aircraft gro�nd power (direct
• Baggage hand�ing & related
• Concierge services
� Caurtesy transportatian
• Ground transportation
• Accommodation arrangements
� Aircraft catering arrangements
� Aircraft c[ear�inglwashing
Any �ntity praposing to �sfa�lish an FBO shali be required to meet �he inifial
m[nimurr� inuestment, as idenfified �n the following #a�[e:
�s#a�blFs3� ar� ���
11F4�! � �7W � FVIfS
Nfinirrt�m In�estment � I $'i5,000,000 $'�5,0OO,OflO $3,000,000
o$'��M initial in�estment or $10M minimum in�tial investme�f wifh an additional $5M within 5 years
afEer the iroitial lrrtpro�ernents.
m The amount paid for existing Impro�emenis rrtay be considered as a part of the initial rr�inimum
in�estment requirement.
� Market vaEue appraisal may be considered to determine the initial minimum in�estment.
o Improvements #o existing Infrastructure may be considered as a part of fhe initial minimum
investment requirements.
, :, : -_ _ .,, =- , v,.. � .. . : . .. . . . . :: .. .:: .:: : _ .,. _.:. : _.� � . , .... . ., _ . .:. �. ..., .... _ - . :__.
Aaiation Minitnum Standarcis �3
City of Fart WorEh Aviation bepartmen# (2097)
�tX�� �As� ��'�RATOR (��D)
C, L�ased Premises
FBO shall have ad�quate land and [mpro�ements to accommfldate alf actiViti�s of
fii�e FBO and alf approved sublessees, including but not iimited fo:
E.c�se[t Fremiaes �s�u��v fvat}
FBO Main Termina] Apron
Wefght bearing capacity
7erminal builcEing (total)
Customedcommon area
Hangar (transient Aircraft parlting)
Door heigh�lwidth
D. Fuel Storage and �quipment
A �Vti+
Group 111
Group II
Group Ili
2, 000
28��� za�
An FBO shall d�velop, own, andlor lease a fuel storage facility and equipmen� a# the
Airport in a[ocation approved by fhe Deparfim�nt and consistent with the Master
Plan, Airpor� Layout Plan, andlor �and Use Plan. ln na ��ent shall the total storage
capacify be less than:
�t�cl SiArag4 and �qU]pmar�t
Jet fue[
Storage - minimurrE total capacity (gallons}
Equipment—minimu�n capacify of a refueling vehic[e
Avgas (Opfional)
n�w � �rw
2D,000 20,000
5,000 5,000
Starage - minimum total ca�acity (gaflons) 3000 3000 3000
Equipmenf-- minim�m capac�fy of a refueling �ehicEe 75� 75� 75q
. �Bp sha�l have adequate and proper siorage for waste fuel or test samples ar the capability
to recycle same.
o FueE siorage facilify must meet C9ty fir� code requirements.
o For each type fuel, a fixed self-senrice fueling system is optiot�al.
An �BO must retain ownersh�p and r�sponsiE��lEiy of a[I fuels delivered ta the FBO's
sfiorage faci[ity under lease by the �'BO and is responsib[e for th� payment of all fue!
�lowage fiees owed wi�h respect to the �€ue[ del��ered to its sforage facilities.
An �'B� shall ha�e satisfac�ory arrangemer�ts made with a reputa�le aviat[an
�e�roleum supplier for the delivery of aviation fuels.
An FBO sha[I pror�ide fihe Departm�rtt wifh a written S�ill Pre�ention, Contro[, and
Countermeasures �SPCC} Pian that meets regula�ory measur�s for FB�'s fuel
starage fac�[ities and acfivities. Any time �he SPCC is mo�if�ed, the update�
�acumentation ref[ecting the char�ges shalf be provided to the Department within
three bt�siness days af the chang�.
.. . .... : __.. ,. .
:... _. .. :,... . ...., .
. . _� �=-. , _.. ,. _. _ , , : . 14
Aviation Minimum 5iandards
City of For� Warth A�iation DeparEment (2077J
FaR� �oRTH
F'IX�� �AS� O��R,4TOR (f���)
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Fuel deli�ered, stared, o� dispensed by FBO shall ful[y compEy with the quality
specificatia�s oufGned in ASTM D 1655 (jet fuel) andlor ASTM D 1910 {avgas), as
applicah[e. Ensuring the quality of the fuel is the sal� responsibifity of FBO.
Each �€uef storage facility, each refueling Vehicle and all fu�ling eqt�ipmenf s�al[ be
equipped and maintained to #ully comply wifih applicab[e regufafory measures
including, but nat I�mi�ed to those prescribed by:
�. Nafiiana� F'ire Protection Assaciaiion (NFPA) codes;
2. U.S. Er�vironmen�al P�ofiection Act (EPA);
3. 5tate af Texas;
4. Counties af Tarran#, Denton, and Johnson as applicable;
5. City;
6. 14 CFR Parfi 139, Air�ort Cer�ification, Section 939.32� current �ersian,
"Ha�dlingl5fioring of Hazardaus Substances and Materials"; and
7. Applicabfe currenfi version AGs including AC Ofl-34 Aircraft Graund
Handling a�d ServEcing", AC 9 501�2'f ��5 "Painting, Marking and Ligh�ing of
Vehicfes Used an an A�r�ort", and AG ��015230-4A "Aircraft Fuel Storage,
Handling, artd D9spensing an Airporfs".
Refu�li�g vehicles shali be equipped with meterir�g de�ices that meet applicable
reguiatory measures. One refueling vehicle dispensing jet f�ae[ shall ha�e o�er-the�
wing at�d s�r�gle point Aircrafit servicing capabi�ity. All refueling vehicles sf�all be
bo�tom loaded.
For a fixed self�service fueiing sysfem, the locafian and capac�ty o# fhe system shal[
be appra�ed by the Department, In addifion, �he sysfiem shall:
1. Be aVailable and maintained by FBO for public commercial use;
2. Have adequate lighting and sigr�age; and
3. Ha�e detailed and readily accessi�le insfructions for fhe praper and safe
aperafi�an of t�e system, emergency shut-ofF, praperly rated fire
exfi�guisher, and fuel spill kit.
E. Fueling Reports
On or before the 15th calendar day of the subsequen# month, eact� FBO shall:
PraW�de a summary report fa the Departmen� id�ntifying the number of
ga[lons of aviation fu�l deiivered to the FBO's fuel sforage facility by fuef
Pravide bill of ladings, as received firom t�e fuel supplier far fue[ deliVered,
in suppor� of the summary report; and
Pay the apprapriate fees due to fhe Deparfinent as stipulated in fhe
Department's Schedu�e of Rates and Charges.
Upon requesi, records and me�ers shail �e made a�ailahie �or reView by the
Department ar its designated represe�tative.
�: Ground Suppar# and S�rvrce �guipmenf
The foflowing [ist of grour�d support and service equipmenfi shall be provided by an
FBO or au�horized Operator a� the Airpor�:
_. : .�- .. .:.W . . ......: : ....: :<< .. ., _ . ...: . _ __.. . , _.. . -:_..
Aviation Minimum Star�dards � - . - 15
City of Fort Worth A�iation bepartm�nt (2017}
FoR� �a�r�
�n����� .
��x�� ��s� o�����o� ���o�
_ _ . __ . . ...z. �- - ... .._ � � �.: � . . _ - . . . _ : : _. .::
_ _ ..: ,.,_ . . .. . .. ._ . ..
Oxygen cart Nitragen car�
Gompressed air unit La�atory service cart
Potable water unit Air stair uni�
Ramp marshalling �ehicle Ramp firanspor�ati�r� vehicie
Court�sy vehicie Aircraft towing vehic[es
Taw barslheads Aircraft ground power (DC)
Aircraft wash �ack Spill kit
E�uipmenf far securing A�rcraft on the apron
Spill kits sha[I it�cl�de t�e necessary eqUipment and materia�s �o contain a fuel spilf
and �estrict fuel or other hazardous materials from fEowing i�to drains and other
areas in campiiance with the Operator'� SPCC plan.
Ca. �lours of Activity
In addition io the ge�era! requirements (Sectian 3.i), th� FBO shall make a�ailable
Aircraft fueling, parki�g, ground services, s�appar�, and ar�enities to meet
reasor�able demands of customers during weelcends, h4lidays and after haurs.
H. Employees
An Operator shali employ the folfowing minimum number of employees who sFtafl be
aVai�able during required hours of actiui#y. A Line 5ervice Technician may fulf[I� the
respansibilit�es of the Customer 5ervice Representative unless the Line Service
Tachniciar� is perFarming dutEes aff the Leased Premises. An F�O shall �ave at
least ane supervisory Line Service T�chnician firained in an �'AA appro�ed fire
safety program, as defined in �4 CFR Part 139.32� c�rrent version.
���loyees � � ,4�L►� �T�_�Vti13
Line 5ervice Technician
❑uring hours of activiiy
After hours on-call response time
Customer Service Representative
During haurs of ac�ivity
1. Aircraf't Removal
1 1 '�
'I hour 1 hour 1 hour
1 'f 9
Recognizing that Aircraft remoVal �s th� responsibility of the Aircraff ownerlOperator,
an FB� should be }�repared fio lend assistance when a rec�uesf is mad� by t}�e
Department or the Aircraft ownerlOperator in flrder ta maintain the operational
readiness ofi �he Airport.
- .,_. ,...., ._. . ._k-_ _ ......... .:.... .: ... :. ... __-..:
, ._. < , �. _.: . - _ : . . : ._
Aviation Minimum Standards � - _ . 16
City af Fart Worth A�iation Department (2097)
_ ._ :, . a_, ;,._ :. _ �,.. _„- _. -�: . . _- _ _ , . . .
� , . �-_:. _ ��
�4lRCI�A�'T�IViAI��°�NAt�CE OP��+'TOR. {,���-
A. Introduction
These Minimum Standards shall no� affect any exisfing Imprnvem�n�s cansfiructed
prior fo date of prom�lgation of fhese Minimum Standards.
,�. L�ased Pre�mi�es
An Operator engaging in this actir�ity shall have adequate l.eased Premises, as
approu�d by the Depar�ment, to accammodafie all activities of Operatar. In additifln,
all lmpro�emenfs shafl meet all appl�cable building and fire codes �elated fo the
C. �mployees
An �pera�or shalf employ the follawing minimum num��r ofi em�Iayees who shall be
a�ailable during #he required hours of actiVity as follows:
� - , -���
A & P Mechanic
Customer 5ervice Represeniative
�a�w � �rw �ws
9 1 1
1 1 1
� A second A&� Mechanic may fulfll tE�e responsibilities of the customer service representative.
,... ... . :.... .... . ,_.,.,._ _, . :.� .. ........ ,. _
, . ,.: . - _ : ...:. ...
Aviation Minimum Standards 17
City of Fort Worth A�iation E7epar�ment (July 22 209�4)
p,vIO�IICS �R INS��viR��Ni
IVIAINY�P��►NC� �I��C�►�'OR (SA�O)
„— , _�_..-� - .W.e ,,;.- -_.:_..-.-,-
- r..� � _ _�:� _ .m .�. .: . _ � - ,. � .. .
AViOf�ICS OR If�SiRtJl9��R��' NIr41N��F�p►NC� O��R�T'OR {SASO�
�4. Introduction
These Minimum Sta�dards shall not affect any existing Improvements cor�sfructed
�rior to dat� of promufgation of these Minimum Standards.
B. [�eased P�emises
An Operator engaging in this activity shall haVe atlequate Leased Premises, as
appraVed by �h� De�artmenf, to accflmmodate all actiuities of OperafQr. In addition,
all Improvements shall meet afl applicable building and fire codes refated to the
C. Licenses ar�d Ce�tifications
An Operatar shaH he properly cer�ifica#ed by fhe FAA as a Repair Sta�ion, as
def�ned by 'l4 CFR Part 945 curr�nt versian.
D. �'mployees
Operafior sha[I emp[oy the fol[owing m�nimum number af empfayees who shall be
auailable during required hours of acti�i�y as follows:
Customer 5�rvice Represerttative
�aww �tw �ws
1 1 � 9
1 1 1
� A second Technician may fulfill the responsibilities af the Customer Service Representative.
E. �quipmen�
An Operator shall provide sufficient shap space, equi�ment, suppl[es, and
availability of parts as required for certificafion by fih� FAA as a Repair Station, as
stipulated i� Operator's 14 CFR Part 145 curreni version Repair 5fati�n ManuaE.
_.. __ .. ;., . . ::� ._ . .�. _ .. .., .. v .... .... . .. :.. .�.,. _ ; . . . _ _.. l . : .,. . - . ::. :
Aviation Minimum S#andards �$
City of Fort Worth A�iafion Department {July 22, 2074)
,���CR�.� r ��N�A� o�
�L��F�T TRA�I��N'C o��R�4ioR EsASD)
_., ,_ :._.-.�.� ,....s_-....::.....�,�. . -�,=rs_.u. _�- : .._.r...�... :_. �,: . _ ..,.,_�.�_ ___ ,_=. .:::� -
_ ,...
rAIRCRA�'Y R�CVTpo� OR �L.ICE�i iG�Al�li�C9 OP�RA f OR (SA�O) '-
,�4. lr�troductiar�
These Minimum Standards shall not affect any existing Impra�em�nts construcfied
prior to date of prom�t[gation of these Minimum Sfandards.
A person �olding a current FAA cer�ified f�ight instr�ctor certificate, `rvho pra�ides
occasiana6 f�ighf training and does not make flight trainir�g avai[able to the p�blic,
shafl not be deerned a comm�rcial activi�y.
An AircrafiE owner seek�ng init�a! or rec�rrent training in their ow� Aircraft may
campensafe a fl�ght instructor for instruction to �he nwner in their own Aircraff.
�. L.eased Premises
A� Opera�or engaging in this activEty shall have adequate Leased Premises, as
approved by fhe Department, to accammodate al[ acti��i�es of Operator. In addition,
afl Improvements shal� meet all applicable bui�ding and fire codes related to the
�, EIY7/JIOl/B@S
Ar� �perafor sha�l empiny the #allowEng mirtimum number o�f emplayees who shal[ be
available during require� h�urs ofi acti�ity:
����oy��� ._ — � _____ ���w .�... � 1 �ws
Flight Training Operator
Ffight [nsfructor 1
Certificated Ground Schoo] Insfiructar �
Customer Service Representati�e 1
Aircraft Rental O�erator
1 9
1 1
'f 9
Flight lnstructor(s) � 1
Certificated Ground School instructor � 1
1 1
1 �
e A F[ight Instruc#or or Certifrcated GrouncE School fnstructar may fulfilf the responsibilities of ff�e
c'� �ctnn-ter Sarvice Renresentative unfess the emplovee is nat available. _
- -...... .�,.. . ...._... :.. .: ..:. ., ,. . . ....... ._.. . _ .
,_. .. . _�._, _ . . .. :. . .
A�iation Minimum Standards �g
City of Fot� Worth Av�ation Departmer�t (July 22, 20��)
A��CI��►�� R��[�A� o�
�L���i �r��►i�l�� o���Aio� tsASo)
� _ p. �quipmenf . .. �
An Operator shail haue the fallowing number of praperiy certified and airwor�hy
Aircraft a�aila�le fo� r�ntal or use in f[ight training, as applicable. Afl Aircraf� sha�l be
owned, leased, andlor operated by the Operator.
�quEprrEen# �� A�W J �7W FIN� _—
Aircraft Rental OperatorAircraft
F'ixed wing: single-engine 2 2 2
Flight Training Operator Aircraft
�ixed wing: single-engine 2 2 '[
Heiicopter � � �
o One AircrafE must be I�R capable unfess �light Training Operafvr is only proviciing spor� pilot
o If ro�idin helico ter fli ht train�n , it is re uirad to own, lease andlor o erate a helico ter.
Flight Training Opera�ors shall prouide, at a minimurn, adequate tra�ning aids
necessary to pro�ide proper and effeciiue ground school insfruct[on, in accardance
w�th the Code of Federal Regulatiorts Part 61 and or Part 141.
E. Hours ofActivfty
Operator shall be apen and services sF�all be a�ailable to meet the reasona�le
der�ands ofi cusfc�mers far this acti�ity as follows:
Houra crf A��lvGty
Days per week
After hours
8 hours per
8 hours per
8 hours per
F_ Insurance Disclosure Requirement
Any Opera#or conducting Aircraft renta� or flight training shal� pos� a nofiice ar�d
incorparafie within its rentai and instruction Agreem�n�s, as well as proViding a copy
of such notiee to #he Deparfiment, thafi:
�. Identifies the insurance co�erages praVided ta �Fte �'enfer or s�udent by
2. Disc�asses when and how �he insurance coverages apply;
3. [ndicates wl�ere addifional i�forma�ion can be obfained; and
�. Ad�is�s the rent�r or sfudent tha� additional insurance caverage is
: _;_ . ._:.. _ _ ::�,_._, _...,.__ :.: ._. _..: . - .. ... _._. ,. ,._. .. ;... ..,._- .:. _ . ,_.�.
Aviation Minimum Standards 20
City of Fort Worth Aviation pepartment (July 22, 209�)
A��c�.��� cb�,��r�� o�
AIRC�p►FT 14lIIAiVAC�f��f�� O��RATO� (S��O)
.� _ ti _.�.; .� _ _.: :- ---- . - ,_,...: ;.._- � . : .. . _ :. ; .. .,... ,.. .,,:.� ,;:_, �.�: .: . �... : :...., _:
�,i�c��►�� cH�►��i�R o� A��c��F� �ia��G���r�r o����►Yo� �sasg}
A. Introduction
These Minimum Sfiandards sha[! not affeci any existing lfnproVements constructed
prior ta date af promulgation of �hese Minimum 5tandards.
�. Leased Premrses
An Operatar engaging in this acti�ity shall have adequate L�eased Premises, as
approve� by the Depar�ment, to aceommodate all activifies of Opera�or. In additian,
all Imprauements sha[I m�et all applicable buifding ancf fire cades rela�ed �o the
C. Licenses arrd Cerfificafion�
An Operafor s�alf haVe a[I apprapriate certifications, licenses, permits, insurance
and appro�a[s.
D. �mplayees
An Operafor shall employ the following minimum number of emplflyees who shall be
aVailable during required hours of activity:
Comrnercial Pilot
.��uv �fiw �vvs
� 9 1 '[
C�stomer Service Representaiive I 1 �_ � � �
� A Pilot may fuffilE the responsibilities of the Customer 5ervice Representative un[ess the Pifot is
not a�ailable.
/��1 O�BI"a�01" SIIaII e11'1�EOj/ OI�B GU5�01'1'1BC SBlVIG2 R��i'e5@I1'�a�N2 aS �Il Bt"1'1jJI0�2e
who shall be auailable during haurs of acfir�ity. ]fi an Aircraft Management Operator
�s providing pilot services, the Aircraft Management �perator shall employ a� least
one Cammercial Pilot as ar� employee who shalf �e aVailable as needed.
E. ,Equip►�a�nf
An Operafior shall provide at least one certified and cont�nuously airworthy Aircraf�,
either owned, leased, or operated by t�e Operator, for the iy�e o# Aircraff char�er
service b�ing provided fha� shall be equippec! for and fully capab[e of flight under
insfrument candit�ons.
� Ho�at-s of Activifjr
An Operator shall be open ancf services shall be availabfe to me�t the reasonable
demancis of customers for th�s acfiVity.
An Operator's ir�itial response to a�rospect�ve customer's inquiry shafl noi exceed
pn� hour.
, ,_; _...� . __ _ . . .. .; . ,.., .. .. .. . .. .: ... _ . ,,.. _� ., .. ,.,.., . _
A►�iatian Mi�imum S#andards °-.�. • .� _ . . ' 21
City of Fo�t Worth Aviation i]epartment (July 22, 2094)
.�«c�a�� s���s o�����ro�. t��,so�
°= = , , _� .._,�. � _ _ Y. . : .,. u �,..�,�� .. . : ::- - - - _ --., _ ., . , - --
A. lntroducffon
These Minimum Standards shall not affect any existing lmpro�ements construct�d
prior to date of promulgation of these M[nimum Standards.
�_ L�ased Premises
An Operator engaging in this actiVity shalE have adequafie Leased Premises, as
approued by t�e Depar�menf, ta accammoda�e a!1 ac�iVities of the Operator. [n
adc�i�ion, all lmpraVements sha[I meet all appEica�le bui[ding a�d fire cades re[ated
to the acti�ities
Ca Dealershi�
An Operator, who is an authorized factory sales franch�se, dealer, o� distributor
either on a retail or wha[esale basis, shall ha�e a�ailabfe or shal! make avai[able
wifif� reasonahle advance notice at {east one currenfi madei demonstraior of Aircraft
�t� each af its currently a�tharized product lines.
D. �icenses and Certifica�ions
Empfoyees shal! be properEy certificated by the FAA, currer�t, and hald the
appropriate rafings and medical certificat�on for pro�iding flight demonstrafion in all
Aircraft offered for sale.
�. Hours of Acfrvity
An Operator shal[ be oper� and services shalk �e a�a�lable to meet reasanable
demands of cusfiamers for this activity. The Op�rator sf�all have a Custamer Service
Represer�tati�e (GSR) a�ailabl� or utilize ar�other on�sifie Entity's CSR.
... . .. :. . : . - _ .
_.. _.. _. : :. _ . ... . .
Aviation Minimum Standards � 22
City of Fort Warth Aviation Department (July 22, 2074)
Fo�T �oR�r�
,a��c��►�-r s�o���� o�����o� �s�,so�
��fZ�:fZ/bi�� ��o��►�� o���AYo� {$�,$o�
A. Infroduction
These fVlinimum Sfandards shafl nat affect any existing fmprovements co�s�ructed
prior �� date of promulgation of fhese Minimum Standards.
B. Leased Premises
An Opera�or engag�ng in this activity shalf have at�equafe Leased Premises, as
approved �y fih� D�partment, to accommodate al� acti�ities of the Operatar, i�
adc�ition, a!I Imprfl�remenfs shall meet afl a�plicable building and fire codes related
to the activities.
G, Ffours a�'�lcfivrty
An �peraior shafl ensure the facilities are readily accessihla far use 24 hat�rs a day,
7 days a week inc�uding holidays.
,...._. ..,.:: � - . __: : _,_ . - �-= ,. , ...... ,__ _ ::_. . .... .. _ ,. �. �
. � : . _... ..� ... _.
,�.viation Minirnurrz Standards 23
City of �ort Worth A�iation DeparEment (July 22, 2074}
Fo�T �oxTx
,..- �,::._.;— —�-. � _ _. .-:.�__�..,--� ..r - ,:: �N_�. �,,, W�: , _. :: . . . . .... . . . .. . .. _. .: . : , . �, _- . _ � _.. . :,. :,- : . -. -.-,.
AV��4 f COi� S��V1C� SOL� �R��RI��'OF�
A: Introductiorr
These Minimum Standards shall not afFec� any exist[ng Irnprovem�nts constructed
prior to dafe of promulgatEon of these Minimum Sta�dards.
In recagr�ition af the nature in wi�ich certain senrices are curren�ly being pro�ided ta
generaE aviation customers at the Airports, tf�e City has established a spec�al
Operator cafiegory through which cer�ain services can be proVided fo tFte
owners/Operators of piston powered Aircraft.
An A�iation Service Soie Propr�etor is a Camrnercial Operator engaging in one of
fihe following s�ruEces:
Aircraft MaintenancelAVianics Mainfienance — providing Aircraft
maintenance, �arts, accessories, and relafe� companents, as defined in 14
_C�R Part 43; pravidiRg mainter�ance or alteratior� af Aircraft radias,
electrical systems ar instruments as defined in 94 C�R Part 43, Appendix
A for pisfon powered Aircraft ofher than tI105B owned, leased andlar
opera�ed by #he Operator on the Airport;
F[ight TraininglAircraft Renta! — providing flight irtstruction andlor Aircraft
rental to the public at the Airport; or
A person hofding a c�rrent FAA certified fiight insfiruc�or certifica#e, who
provicles occasional flight training and does not make fGghf training
a�ailabl� fa fhe public, shall not be deemed a commercial acti�ify.
An Aircraft owner seeking initial or recurrent training in their own Aircraf# may
compensate a flight instructQr for instruction fio the owner in fheir own Aircraft.
B. Leased Premises
An Operator engaging ir� this acti�ity shall ha�e adequate Leased Premises, as
a�proved �y the Depar�ment, to accommodate all acti�ifies afi the Operator. In
addition, a[I Im�rovements s}�all meet all applicab[e building and fire cocies rela�ec! fio
fhe activities.
�. �mployees
A�t O�era�or may naf employ any flther persons other than i�irr�self/herse[f on a f�ll-
time basis. The Operatar shall be properly frained, GBI�E�fEC�, a�d curreni for �Fte work
bei�g performed ir� accordance with requirements af fhe FAA and/or ofl�er regulatory
�odies. Temporary parf-time help ar Temporary Specialized AV�ation Service
Operatars shaf! not �e consicfered as fufl�time empfayees.
]f, af any time, fhe Operator em�loys ar pro�ides compensation on a fiu]! time basis f�
any ofiher person, other fihan fihe sole proprietor, the O�erator will �e required fo meef
the Minimum Standartls for the services being prouicled.
�. �quipment
Aircraft MaintenancelAVionics Maintenance -- the Operator sf�a[� ha�e afl reasonably
necessary equi�arnent for �the proper p�rFot'mance of services being {�ravided in
accordance wit� the man�afactUrer`s specifications and applica�Ee FAA regulafions.
.. . .. _... . _ ._:: .. ... _,... ,_ .. . . .
. .. .... .. _ ,.,;, : .. -. . . .....
A�iation Minimum Standards 24
City of Fort Worth Aviatior� Department (July 22, 2094)
'o�� ��Rrx
...y --_ . .. �_ : „- . .� . ...� ... :.,t.: �- -A-. , : _.. . . _ .�: _ . - _. , __ __ ___ __. __ ,.. ._.-_ .. - -,
Flighf TraininglAircraft RentaE — tf�e �perafor shall ha�e at least one properly
cer��fed and airworthy Aircraft a�ai[able for the servic�s affered. Ail Aircraft shall be
awned, leased, andlor aperated by the Operator.
Flighf Training — Operators shall provide, afi a minimum, adequate training a�ds
necessary to prauide proper and effectiVe ground schoof instructian.
E. Hours of�lcfivity
A� Operator shall he open and services shall be availab[e fio m�et the reasor�a�le
demands of customers for this actiVify.
F Insu�ance Disclasur-�
An Operatar conducting AErcraft flight training ar Aircraft renta� 5ha1[ post a notice
and incorporate within its rental and instructi�n Agreemer�ts, ar�d provide a copy of
such no#ice to the Depar�ment, thaf:
1. Identifies the insurance coverages provided fio fhe renter or student by the
2. Discusses when a�d how the insurance ca�erages apPly;
3. Indicates where additional infarmation can be obtained; and
4. Advises the renter or studenf fihat additional insurance coverage is
available. •
,�.:. . .. -, ._ _. .-- -,_, ; . - ..:....... . .: .. . : _ _ ..._. ..- ._... _ : . . . . - - - , .
Aviation Minimum Standards .� . 2�
City at Fort Worth Avia#ion Departrnent {July 22, 2014)
, �__._,_ ,,_�_,..� �..� -=.,.,� . ..4.,,_;.. _.._<�.� <.. .._:_. --_ ._ . . ...... :. . ..
A. Introducfivn
This section pertains ta other commercial SASOs engaging in Limited Aircraft
Services and Suppart activities, Miscellaneous Commerciaf 5ervices and Suppor�
acti�ifies, or air transportation services for hire actiuities, as faflows:
1. Limifed A�rcraft Services an� Support;
2. Misceflaneous Commercial Services anc� Suppor�;
3. Ofher Air Transportatian 5ervices for Hire; and
4. Non-Pro#it Organizations.
These M�nimum 5tandards shall not affect any existing [m�rovements constructed
�rior to dafe afi pramulgafion of ihese Minimum Standards.
�. Leased Prerr�ises
An Operator er�gaging in fhis activity shall �tar�e adequate Leased Premises, as
ap�roved by tne Depar�m�nt, to accommot�ate ali acfivities afi tt�� Operat�r. In
addition, all impraVe�ertts shalf rneet alf appGcable building ar�d �ire codes related to
the actiViiies
C. �'mployees
An Operator shall pro�ide a sufficient number of ernployees to carry out activity in a
safe, s�cure, effic�ent, prompt, courteaus, and professional manner while also
mee�ing ihe reasonable demands of customers for �he acfi�ity.
D. Equipmenf
An Operafiar shall have, based afi #E�e A�r�or�, s�ffic�en� Vehicles, equipment, and, if
appropriate, one cer#ified and continuously airwor�hy Aircraft either own�d, leased, or
op�rated by the 4perator.
A� Operafor shall ha�e s�tfficient mat�rials andlor supplies avai�able to sup�o�t fhe
E. Hours of Activity
An Operatar shall be apen and s�rvices shall be aVailable during the hours
mainfained �y qual�fied and experienced e�tEt�es pra�id�ng comparable services
and/or e�gaging in similar activities afi camparah[e airpar�s in Eike markets.
An Operator's servic�s sha[I be available #o meet the reasanable demar�ds of
cusfomers for the aci[vity.
.r. ._. ,.. . _.:. _ : _: .. , , . .__ ... _.. . . . . . � - . , :. � , -, . .- -. � ....
. , . ..._.. _. . . � _ _._.,_ . ,.: _,
Aviation Minimum 5tandards 26
City af �ort WorEh Aviation Departrr�ent (July 22, 2094}
S��,� �IJ�I.eIF�G
A. Ir�troducfiar�
Non-commercial entities engagFng in self fueiing shall alsa be required fio f�lfy comply with
applicable reg�latory measures and submit an application far a Self-Fueling Permit.
�, Permif/Approval
No Enfiifiy s�all engage in self-fueling unfess a valid A�iatian Self-��eling Perrnit authorizi�g such
actiVity has been obtained fram the Department Such Enti�ies shall �erein be ref�rred #o as self-
fueling Permittees.
The A�iafiian 5elf�Fueling Permit si�al[ nat reduce or limit self-fuefing Permittee's obfigatiar�s wifh
resp�ci to these self�fueling standards.
Prior to issuance, a self-fuelirtg Permitt�e shall pro�ide evidence of owr�ership any Aircraft being
fueled by self fuefing Permi�tee.
G. F�reling Reports
On or before the �5t" cafendar day af the subsequ�nt mor�th, a se[f-fuelfng Permittee shall:
1. ProVide a summary repor� ta the Department id�ntifying fhe numF�er of gallons of arriafion
fuel cfeliVered to fuel storage facifity by fuel type;
2. Prouide bill of ladings, as received from the fue( supplie� for fuel delivered, ir� supporf of t�e
summary rep�rt; and
3. Pay the appropriafe fiees due to the Departmenf a5 s#ipulat�d in the Departrnent's Sch�dule
of Rates and Charges.
Upon request, records and meters shal[ b� made a�aila�le for re�iew by the Department, or its
designated representati�e. In the case of a discrepancy �etween the amourtt af fuel reparted to be
d�livered to the self-f�eling Permifitee and th� amount of fuei reported by the self-iue��ng Permittee,
�he gr�ater amaunt sF�ail preVail and the self-fueling Permittee shall promptly pay afl additior�al fees
due the Depar�ment. The Departmenfi has the right to terminate fihe self-�ueli�g permit if any
violations in repor�ing are found.
D. F`uel Storage and �quipnaent
A seif fuelir�g Permittee sf�all demonstrate that satisfactory arrangements have been made for �f�e
sfarage af fuel thraugh self-fueling Permittee's fuel sfiarage facility andlar equi�ment located in a
designated fuef storage area specified and appro�ved by the Depar�mert� and agencies haVing
jurisdiction. Fuel storage fanks shafi be for the exclusiVe use of �he self-fuelirtg Perrnittee only.
�ntities aufhorized by the
Depar�menf shall lease land and construct or instalf an abo�e ground fuei s�orage fank in the
designated fue[ storag� area. In no evenfi shall the total starage capacity be less thart the #ollowing,
for the fuel type utilized, as specified an tFte selfi-fual9ng permif:
Frrel 5f�rage �n�f �q�4pr�ent
Jet fuef
Storag� - minimum total capacity (gallons)
�quipment -- minimum capacity of a refueiing �ehicie
Storage or �.quipment - minimum capacity (gaElons)
���v__� �ws
'f0,0�0 90,OOD 10,000
2,000 2,Q00 2,000
750 � 750 � 75fl
Refueling vehic{es shall be far the excEusive �se offhe self-fuefing Permiitee only.
Refueling veh3cfes are nat permitted to leave the Airport for the purpose of obtaining fuel.
For each fype fu�� uti[ized, a fix�d self-service fuefinq system is optional.
Documentatior� shalf be a�ailable a� �he fuel storage facilities tha� ider�tify ihe FAA N-number(s) of
the Aircraft permiifed �o be seif-fueled under the A�iafion Seff Fueling Permit.
A self�fuelir�g Permit�ee s}�ali be liab[e and shal[ defend, indemnify, sa�e, prot�c�t, and holc[ harmless
the Deparfinent for all feaks, sp�lls, or ather damage that may result through the handlie�g, sforage,
and dispensing o�'fuel.
Fue1 de(iveredldispensed by a self-fueling Permittee shali fully camply wit� quality specifications
outlined in ASTM D16�5 (Jet f�ef) andlor ASTM D 1910 (A�gas}, as appficable. Ensuring �he qualify
ofi fihe fuel is fihe soEe responsi�il[ty of the self fueling Permitfee.
Lettering, no less th�n six inch�s in height, shalf be on the side af �he refue[ing uehicle thai identifies
fihe F'AA f�-number{s) of fhe Aircraft perrnitted to be self-fueled u�der fihe Avia#�on Self Fueling
Refueling vehicles and a�� fueling equipmen� shall be equipped ar�d ma�ntained fo #ufly ca�nply with
ap�licable regu[atory measures but not fimited to those prescribed ir� Section 4.F. af fhese Minimum
A self-fuefing Permittee shall har�e satisfacfiory arrangemenfs made with a re��fab�e a�ia�ion
petral�um supplier for the defivery of aviafion fuefs.
Prior fo engaging in self-fueling, t�at includes �ransporting fuei onfo the A�rport, a self-fueling
�'ermittee shall proVide the Departm�nt ►rvith a wri�ten SPCC p[an that meets applicable regulafiory
measures fior fuel starage faciiities and tf�e self-ft�e�ing Permittee`s actiVities. An updated copy o� fhe
SPCC plan shall be filed uvi�h the Department at feast 30 calendar days pr�or fia any planned change
�n operations.
A self fueling Permittee shalf dev�lop and maintain SOP's fior fueling anc{ shali ensure complEance
with standards set forfh in AC d0-34A, "Aircraft Ground Handling and Serv�c�ng". A seff-fueling
Perm[ttee's 50P's shali include a fraining pfan, fuel qua![ty assurance procedures and assaciated
record �eeping, and emergency res�onse procedures �a fuel spills and fires.
E. Corrrplr"ance wifh Environmental Laws
Fuel starage andlar the fixecl fueling sta�tion and al[ fueling equ�pmertt sY�all compfy with all appEicaE�fe
federal, sfiate and local environrnenta[ laws, rules and regulations. A self-fueling Permi�tee shall
notify the De�aar�ment immediately u�on ihe occurrence of any �iofation of the en�ironmental laws or
any e�en# tha� may affect the en�ironm�ntal condition of fihe fiu�l storage facility andlor the iueling
station and all fueiing ec�uipment.
F. Remedia�ion and In.surance Requirements
A self�fueling Permittee sha(1 be fu�ly responsi�le for ihe �iolafion of any enuiranme��al laws caused,
in whole or in part, by self-fu�[ing Permiftee, its officers, agents, s�rvants, emp[oyees, contractars,
subcantractors, or inuif�es, w�e�her such violation occurs during the currenf permit period, or during
a preVious perEod in which the self f�efing Permiftee aperafed tha fuel storage facilify and/or the
fiueling station and ai! fueling e�uipment.
As assurance to the Departmer�t tha't �he se[f-fue{ing PermEfitee is reasonably able to comply wifh the
r�quiremertts af �his Section 17, the self-fueEin� Permittee shall procure and ma�ntain an
E�Vironmental Impairmenf L�a�ilify Insurance Poficy that provides caVerage, per occurrence, for any
incidents in�olving fhe fuel sfiarage fac�lity a�dlor the fueling station an� afl fueling equipment, in
accordance with the Department's Minimum insurance Requirements.
%. Per�or�rtei
Wifh regard to safety pracedures, s�lf-fueling Permittee's fuel dispensing employees shall be
properly trained in an FAA approVed fire safety program, as defin�d in 1�4 GFR Part 139.321 current
I�. Permit 14evocaiion
A s�lf-fueling Perm�ttee shall not sal( a�dlor disp�nse fuels fa based Aircraft or transient Aircra'�t thafi
are not owned or leased, and o�erated by the se[f-fueling Permit�ee. Any such selling or dispensing
shall be grounds for irr�mediafe re�ocafion of the self-fueling perm[fi by �he Departmenf.
�X�51�at �
�e�ll� Airp�rt I�uie� and ����I��i�n�
�ebruary 24, 2D2�.
For ihis addendum, t�e ierm "£)perator" means a"Commercial
Opera�or", as. described in the City of Fort Wor�h Aviaiion Minimum
A.1 Hi�h Po�u�r �n�s�� �uns
The varied range of aircraf� operating at �ort ll�or�h Alliance Airpor�
�AFW� incfude many powered by high-airflow �urbojet and ttarbofan
engines. Maintenance necessary for �he propulsion systems on these
aircraf� require �ha� �he engines be run at power-lever-ang�e �PLA}
se�tings simufatfng t'he installed operational flight profile. ihis high-
power run up stresses the eng�ne and i� mus� pass this test to be c�eared
�or fi�ight.
T'he high--power engine runs take a considerable length of time, and �he
high-velocity, high �emperature (^`1500 °�), expansi�e noise contours
�dBA>100) characteristic of these run ups prohibit conduciing them on
the operator's ramp, or elsewhere on the airfield wi�houi special
pro�isions. Alliar�ce Air Se��ices (AASj can accommodate this testing by
utilizing - ., yY �";-.� „�:�►�:_ . �.�. the blas�
` 4 *���' ;:i* � �.
walls 4 , _'.t��' ' ,,� � �'� �� � �, ;� located
on ihe r � _ - �-',���;� � 1 _ .��� } ` north
to �he GDC
shown �n
hangar as
�igure 1.
To utifize �his facili�y the aircraft mus� be taxied or towed into posit�on
and secured by the opera�or. Opera�or personn�l or the�r qualified
subcontrac�ors wifi be required to initiate and monitor ihe eng�ne runs.
Also, �o mi�igate �he oVerall ris�C of this �es� all persons authorized to
supervise or di�ectly par�icipate in engine ground running from the filight
deck who are no� p�lots or fligh� engirteers must haue received bo�h
in�tial and recurren� qualifica�ion for' engine ground running duties.
Ao� A�rpor�; ��undary �e�ur8�y
US Code �4 CFR 7.39.335, "Pub��c Pro�eciion", and �he City of Fort INorth
Ord. �.6931, § �., adop�ed May 9, 2006, as amended "Fort Wor�h A�fianc�
Airpor� Access" bo�h requ�re that the airport be secur� from entry by
non�au�horized personnel, w�ldlife, or vehicles, As documented in �khe
Airport Cert�fica�ion Manuaf (ACM), the principle means of achie�ing this
requirement is join� part�cipa�ion by all operators on the airpor� �o
deueiop or re�ise �he securi�y sec�ion o�F the ACM plan. K�y elemen�ks o�
the plan are (1} personnel access confirol, and �2� perimeter control -- a
physical barrier �fence} around �he airpor� boundary and associated
�kec� no�ogy.
��.� Personn�l Securi�y
,4uthorizat�on for access to an opera�or's facilities is the responsibility of
�hat operator. Identification af personnel assigned to work on the
operator's ramp is necessary to maintain control of the mo�emen� and
r�on-movement areas. Self badging of all personnel is strongly
encouraged. Training in �he requ�remen�s of Part 139.329/303 for all
personnel working on any public r-amp is a�so required, A!� subcontractor
personnel or othe� non-cleared p�rsonnel will be escor�ed by approved
operator or AAS personne! at a[I t�mes. The operator must also inform
and �rain hfs pe�sonnel �o remai� on �heir ramp and to s�ay clear of
iaxiways leading to adjacer�t ope�ator ramps unless specif�cally cleared
for �his access by �he P,FW Airport Qperations Manager.
��.� �erime�er Ir�tegrify
Perime�ier securi�y �poses a signifieant challenge for �he AFW. Layers o�F
security �hat include fences, cameras and pa�rols are necessary to mee�
the challenge o� securing this large and complex airpor�.
Th� right oi access to the airport grounds to conduct �light operations is
granted to each operator by § 3-2�4 "Access Permit" of the City Code.
However, §�-283 "Df�-Airport Parcei Uses; Acc�ss Area; Access
Taxiways; Prahibited Uses." proWides tha� "�he �operator's] access area
shall be separated from �he remainder of the off-airport parcel by a wall,
�ence or other physical barr�er. The ci�ky or �Che authority responsible for
opera�ion and safety o�Fthe airport �AAS� shall ha�e the right to enter the
access area to inspec� or perform other regulatory requirements. All
safiety and opera�ional rules and regula�ions applicab�e to the a�rport
shall be applicable to �operator's] access areas. No rules or regula�ions
of the ci�y shall affect the access right, other �han ihis ar�icle and the
Accordingly, the perimeter fence and entry ga�es surrounding the airport
are inspected daily by AAS to ensure �hey remain intaci. Howe�er,
fencing and/or gates sec�ring the opera�or �acili�ies connect io the AAS
�Fence �o form the complete airport barrier. A breach of this part of the
fier�cing 'thus constitutes a breach of ihe overa�� airpor�t and requires
immediate notification o�F AAS and correcti�e action by the operator.
Failure to respond with the necessary actions in a timely manner may
resul� �n reVoca�kion o�F the opera�or's access permi� as stipufated in § 3-
284 and/or shall constitute a misdemeanor and be punishable as
pro�ided in § 1-6 of the City Code. It is �hus r�quired �hat the op�rator
verify �he infiegrity of his portion of �he airport perimeter �Fenc� dai�y.
Physical inspectior� fs the preferred means for doing �khis, however, a
combination o�F methods us�ng CCTV cameras, moVemen� sensors,
and/or FAA-appro�ed drone fly-overs are also accepfablee
�� �� �� �T �
- �.��T���
� �.. _ .
--�- - .___�.
Adop#ed �y the Fort Worth City Cauncil
Septem6er 1►, 2020
M&C 20-0638
I "F'���' '�" . -i���.'I'�:�jtti_f�:��.��:���?����� ?�:. �If'- . .,
j��f�l�yr�.;. «r7��,_ ,�;;:��;� . , ..; ,s,�;-r. ..�..f.-;f~ -},;
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ao�Yrra� 78�fr�rrd�r�gr�r�€rrt �t�arr�k,k��f�����ai�
�rq t E'rrtf1L�0Y�Uf t� �Y+�[Pf [.
AVIA�'IDN bIRECTOR AEJl"FIORiTY — D�!'ARTMENT OF' AVfATION (DOA) ........................................... �4
ANI�UAL AD.]�1STMENT OF RATES AND CHARG�S ............................................................................... 4
L4NDf�[G �EES FOR ALLIANCE AIR�'OhT ............................................................................................... 4
Cornm�rcial Landing Fee .......................................................................................................................... 4
fVon-Cornrr�ercial Training or Maintenance Landing �ee .......................................................................... 4
Military Operations E.anding Fees ............................................................................................................. 4
OFFICESPAG� ........................................................................................................................................... 5
Meacharr� Administration Building ............................................................................................................. S
Meacham Administrat�on Building — 3'� �laor Conference Center ............................................................ 5
ENTRANCE SIGN — Meacham and Spinks a�rpor� .................................................................................. 5
HA�EGAR SI'ACE ......................................................................................................................................... 6
�'-Hangar Space - MEAC�IAM .................................................................................................................. 6
T-Hangar Spac� - SPWKS ....................................................................................................................... 6
BOXHangar Spac� - SPINKS .................................................................................................................. 6
CommunityHangar Space - Spinks .......................................................................................................... 6
5torageRaoms - SPfNKS ......................................................................................................................... 6
Aircraft Parking — Monihly {ci#y managecE ramp space only) .................................................................... 7
AircraftPark�ng — Daily .............................................................................................................................. 7
LANDI.EASE ................................................................................................................................................ 7
LandP�r Square Foot--Ann�ally ............................................................................................................. 7
AIRPORI' ACCESS F�ES (THROUG�I TFiE F�NCE) ................................................................................ 7
Alfiance Airpor� -� Access Ordinance 1693�-05-200fi ............................................................................... 7
U.S. CUSTOMS �'EES ................................................................................................................................. 7
MEACHAMINTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ................................................................................................. 7
M�acham Internatio�a! and S��nks Airpor�s ............................................................................................. 8
AfRI'ORT FU�L ............................................................................................................................................ 8
Fue[ farm USAG� fee ............................................................................................................................... 8
�uel Flowage Fees .................................................................................................................................... 8
MISCELLANEOUSFEES ............................................................................................................................. 8
LaieFees ........................:......................................................................................................................... 8
Fees re[ated ta De�eloprner�t on an Airport (Including but not lim�ted to Survey, �asements} ................ 8
LeaseAssignmen� Fee ............................................................................................................................. 8
Month-to-Mon�h I..eases .....:...................................................................................................................... 8
CONTFiACTAMENDM�N7 FEE .............................................................................................................. S
bevelopmentlnewlease{s) fee ................................................................................................................. 8
KeyCopy Fe�s .......................................................................................:.................................................. 9
LEAS� VIOLATION FEES ........................................................................................................................ 9
ADDITIONAL PROVISIONS ....................................................................................................................... 10
DevelopmentApplicatio� ........................................................................................................................ 10
l.ease Expiratior� Penalfy ........................................................................................................................ 1Q
Disclairner............................................................................................................................................... '!0
PAGE 3 OF 40
The Director is authorized to assess orwaive fees fhat are nof specificalfy addressed in the Ra#es and Charges
such as the use of office equipment, carpar�s, and miscellaneaus consiruction by Depar�rnent resources, fees
assaciated with private devel�pment and aiher a�iation r�Eated fees anc! charges that may occur on an
infrequent basis.
Lessee rt-�ay nat undertake or al�ow any party to underiake any kind of alferations, erection, irnpro�em�nt or
other construction work on or io the p�emises unless it first requests and recei�es approval from the birectar
or hislh�r authorized representative.
These rates and charges p�rEain to all Fort Warth Airports unless otherwise noted per section.
Exis#ing L.essee's which are subject to an annual Consumer Price Index (CPI} adjustment si�all be adjusted by
one point eight percent (1.8%) as of Octoher 1, 2020, per their currenf lease agreement. Monfh-to-monfh
leases wil] refl�ct current raies and charges as described below. The CPI atEjustment is basad on the
Consumer Price Index, Qallas-Fort Worth for all Urban Consutners for Afl iiems fior November 2Q19.
��N�IiVC ���� F�OR ALLI�iVC� AI��OR�
A Comrr�ercial Aircraft Operation (Non-
Signatory) is on� that does not ha�e a Llse
Agreement with the City of Fart WQrth; and
conducts a�eratians a# �ort Worth Alfiance
Airpork �nder �'AR Par�s 121, 125, 129, 135 witi�
a Maximum Certified Gross L.anding Weigh4
(MCGLW} over 40,000 pounds. No landing fee
is assessed at Meacham or Spinks Airports.
Landing Fee per'I,000 pounds $ 1.80
Minirnum Landing Fee $ 100.00
A Commercial Aircraft O�eration having a Cargo Operating AgreerrteRt far Fort Worth Alliance Air�ort approved
by Cify Council qualify as a signatory operator.
Landing Fee pe�' 1000 pouncls $ 1.49
Minimum Lanc�ing Fee $ 70A0
Milifary aperations are exempf fram landing fees if th� aircraft is acting on the 6ehalf of the military under the
jurisdictional control of the armed forces of the Uniteci States or the Nat�onaf Guard. Foreign mi[itary aircraft
are subject to rates listed above.
B��iC� SP�.CE
Lower Level $ 14.501sq.ft.
Firsfi �'loor $ 16.501sq.ft.
Second �'[oor $ 97.501sq.ft.
Third Floor $ �8.50Isq.ft.
FBO 5pac� $ 22.50/sq ft
�ntrance Sign $ 1QO.00/month
`-- — -�+�
.�, . -�
If the roorn is needed for longer ti�an 4 hours, a� additianal hourly rate wili be determined based on the event.
Gontaet the Aviaiion Adrninistrativ� OfFices at 817-392-5400 to obtain information on the renfaf of the
Car�fere�ce Center.
�ntrance Sign $ 10dA01manth
PAGE 5 OF 70
T-Hangar End Unit Space Impraved $ 80.00lmonth
T-�langar End Unit Space lJnimpravedlStorage $ 80.00Imonth
T-Hangar 5pace -- 907 sf $ 425.O�/manth
T-Hangar Spac� — 983 sf & 997 sf $ 430.00/month
858 square feef $ 325.00Imonth
1,008 square �eef $ 35Q.00lrnor�th
1,� 10 square feet $ 400.OD/r�onth
1,386 square feet $ �475.QO/manth
1,650 square feef $ SDO.00/month
1,698 square feet $ 525.00lmonth
3,000 square �eet $ 950.Oalmontl�
3,600 square feet $ 1,25�.00lmanth
6,600 square �Feet $ 2,100.00Imonth
Single-eng�ne piston
ine pisfian
$ 225.00lmo�th
$ 320.DOImonth
The dai[y �-ate will �e applied far any park�ng nn public aprons up ta 24 hours. All weight calculat�ons are
based an Maximum Certified Gross Landing Weight.
Li4N� ���5�
Ground Lease Alliance
Ground Lease Meacham
Ground Lease Spinks
$ 0.491sq.ft.
$ 0.471sq.ft.
$ 0.311sq.ft.
A1R���i A�C�S� ���5 (ib1��UGH Tb� k��ft�C�)
�i.s. C'I���o�fls ����
During Regular Business Hours
After Hot�rs, Weekenc�s and Hof
Disposai Bag Fee — Firsk Bag
Additjonal bags
$ 300.00laperation
$ SQO.00loperation
$ 2QO.00loperation
50.00/�er aperation
Fee is the land per sc�uare foof rat� far the airport multi�[ied by the square footag� of the �angar adjacent to
the airfi�lt[.
AlR��RT �'�i�L
�rU�L �A�tI�A llSAC9� ���
A rrtanthly f�:e is assessed to any te�ant thai self-f�els. This applies to �BO Leased faciiities or non-FB�
leased facilities.
Monthly Rafe
Ali Airports $ �OQ.�O
The following fue� flawage fees are established on afl fuel delivered to ihe airports. Rates are rounded to the
nearest penny.
Fixed Sased Operafars (Gallons) $ 0.'� 8/gallan
Self-�ueling (nan-F60I�.xcfusive Use Tenant} (Galions) $ 0.29/gallan
o Operators which pay a landing fee at Fort Worth Alliance Airport are ex�mpt from the #ue{ fEowage fee.
o GuEdelines for fuel flowage are autlir�ed in the Minimum 5tandards ado�ted as of Aug�st '[5, 2017.
Rent is d�e on the 1 g� of each mont� without demand. Monthly rentals and fees are subject fo a fate charg� at
the rate of 'EO% of fhe monthly rental rate for each montf�, or portion of the monfh, �f�at any monthly installrnent
is past due. A separaie carrtputation and payment of suc� [ate charge shall be rf-iade on the �utsfanding
balanee that is past due. 7herefore, if twa month[y ir�stallments are past due, the la�e charges shall accrue on
the total vutstanding �alance.
FEE5 R�I�A7ED TO D�V�LQPM�NT ON AN AIRPORT (Including but not limited to Survey, EasemeMs)
The City af ForE Worth Aviation Departmen# wil! obtain surveys on any prape�ty approved and r�egotiated to
mo�e farward witF� deWelopment. i�e survey fee to be coll�cted up froni is non-refundable and is based on
5urveyor's cosf estimate. Need fo change to include any fees related to de�elopmen#....surveys, inspeciions
or easements....but not limited to.
Meacham and Spir�Ks Airpart: �Jpon appro�al, if a tenant assigns their right, tifle, a�d interesfi o#'their property
fo another �r�di�idual, a$1,OQ�.bO leas� assignment fee w�ll apply.
Month-to-manth leases are subject to a'f 0% premium abo�e fhe sfandard ra#e.
COfViRi4C7 AM�AID��Nl' FE�
For tenant iniiEated caRtract amendments, a$ 400,00 fee will apply.
F�r new devalapment application or a new l�ase, a$ 100.00 fee wiil apply.
I'AGE 8 OF 'i0
Replacemenf of lost keys ar extra keys provided for ren#al spaces are $ 10.00 each.
Keying fee, per door, is $ 50.Oa
Each Card - $ 20.00
Access Ren�wal - $ 2�.00
Toll Tag - $2�.�0
Replacement Cards - $ 25.00
L�AS� VIOLA`�101� F�ES
En an effort ta reduce the frequency of comman lease �iolations, and maintain consistency, the �OA �as
established a lease violatior� palicy. Ta confinue as a top tier airport it is importanf that Meacham infernafionaf
Airport maintain campliance in all ar�as of airpart operations. Lease violations include, but nat Eimited to, the
folfowing �iolation types:
Exam les of eneral violations re uirin s ecified #ime for corre�tive action
• O�ergrown weedslvegeta#ion
m DebrislTrash
o Recreational �ehicles
o Failure ta abtain required DOA appra�als
o l.eftover construction materiafs andlor equi�ment
Examples of Lease Adherence Vio[ations:
o Failure to submit proof af insurance andlar insurance renewals
� Repefii#ive past due nofifications
o Failure to meet contractual cfeadlines
Examples of safefv and security �iolations req�irinq immediate correcti�e acfion
� Unauthorized parking af any kind
� Unauthorized gate access
o Other saf�ty vialations
o Ofher security violations
Lease v9olatian fees will be impos�d as fallows, fo� occurrenc�s of the same via�a#ion type
General, Safety, and 5ecuritV VioEation_ Fees:
15t oceurrence - verba! warning
2"d nccurrence - written warning
3�" oceurrence - $ 100.00
�4{�' occurrence - $ 500.00
5'�' occurrence - $ 5Q0.00, including, and up to Lease termination.
Lease A reement Adherence Violation Fees:
1 st L.etter - $ 35. d0
2nd L�tter - $ 70.00
3'� Letter - $ 1 Q�.00
At th� discretion of fhe DOA, Safety and Security vioiafions may �e subject to an immediate maximum fee
withou� verbaf or written warning.
After the fifth occurrence of the same uialation, Lessee shal�.maintain no vialations for twel�e (12) calendar
months to a�aid fur�her action, including Lease fermination.
PAGE 9 OF 10
For any de�eloper who wisnes ta er�t�r inta a ground lease with associated mandatory irt�pro�ements, a Fort
Worti� A�iation Department Application musf ba compl�ted and submit#ed, along with the new developrnenf
fee. The information su�r�itted rr�ust includ� al� additional materia3sldocumenfation requesfed on the
applicafion. Once staff is in receipt af the complete packefi, skaff will begin the re�iew process to determine if
the propasaf is in the best inter�st of the AirporE. �"ha initial review process will no� corrtmence u�fil afl requested
materials are submitted.
Any lease agreement that expires prior fo ihe execution of a renewal lease where the ienanfi had at leasf 3Q
days to execute a r�ew lease prior to the expirafiion of th� existing lease sha]! be subject to a L.ease �xpiratian
Such agreement shall automatically revert to a month-to-montY� occupancy staf�s and the t�nant may be
required to pay a premium equaE to 10% of the Aviation Department estab[ished fair market renfal rate in
adcEitEon to the sfandard bas� rental rate, until such time as either a permanertf lease is executed o� #he tenant
Wacates the premises.
Any additional Rates and C�arges wiff �e at iVlar[cet Value
PAGE 1fl O� 10
Exhibif C
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�x�ibit D
Exhibii D —Affiliate OperatingAg�eement
This Agreement between the City of Fort Worth {the "City") and (�e
"Aff'iliate") �'ants to the Aff�Iiate certain rights to use facilities to conduci its air transportation
business as an A�filiate of [SIGNATORY AIRLINE] (f.he "Signatory Airl'zne") at Fort Wortl�
Alliance Airport {the "Airport"). The Cargo Ca�ier Operating Agreement beiween the City and
�he �ignaiory Airline, ef%cti�ve as of A�ril I, 2021 (the "Cargo Agreerx�ent"), gives the Signatary
Airline ihe opportunity to designate an Af£iliate if certain conditions are m�t. The intent of f11is
Agree�neni is to adopt by reference �various specified provisions of the Carga Agz'eement, and
ma�e them applicable to the Af�'iliate. In consideration of ihese benefits, �he Afi£��liate agrees to
abide �y alI of the terms and conditions of thi� Agreement.
All capitalized terms used in this Agreement, if not deiined within this Agreezxient, sha11
have the mea�ings specified iz� Ariicle 1 of the Cargo Agreement.
3.01 Effective Date. This Agreementi shall take effect as of the date specified in
Section 5.1.1 of the Cargo Agr�ement as the effective date oithe Signatory Airline's designatio�n
o� the Af�"iliate, which designation and effecti�e date shall be provided io the City in f.lze forrz�
aLtached as Exhibit � and �nade a part hereo£
3.02 Termination Date. This Agreement shal� teirninate as of ihe earliest of (a) the
expiration or earlier terrnination date of fhe Cargo �.greement; (b} the termination date of this
Exhibit 17 —A_f'�li�te Ope�atingAg�eement
Agreement as provided in Ar�icle 11 belovv; or (c) the effective date of the Signatory Airline's
termination of the Aff�liate's status as an Affiliate of the Signatory Airline in accordance with
Section 5.3 of tke Cargo Agreement which tertnina�io� and effeciive date shalI be provided to the
City in the form attached as Exhibit � and �n�de a part hereof
-- Far the operation of the Af�`iliate's Air Transporta�ion B��siness as an Affiliate o�thc
Signatory Airline, ihe AFfliate sha11 have the same rights as the Signaiory Airline under Articles
2 and 3 ofthe Cargo Agreement and s�all be subj�ct to the sa�ne exclusions and conditians
applicable to the Signator}r Airline thexeunder.
The Landing Fees and other fees charges due to tk�e Ciiy for ihe Aff liate's use of the
Airport £aciliti�s as an A£fzliate of the Signatorcy Airiine shall be calculated and paid i�
accordance with Article 4 of the Cargo Agreem.ent. Airline is subject to ihe sarx�e ie�nns as the
Signaior�r Airline regarding Section 4.5 o�fhe Cargo Agreement. `I`k�e Security Deposit
xequirements of Section 4.6 shall not apply to ihe Affiliate.
The Ai�'iliaie shall cozx�ply with and rernain subject to Article 5 of the Cargo Agreezxxent,
and to remain, with the Signatory Airli�e, jointly and severally Iiable to the Czty for paynaent o�
all Airline Rents, Fee� and Charges and for submission of al1 activity reports that are d�e to #he
City for the Affiliate's use of any Airport f�cilities as an Af�iliate of tkze Signatary Airline.
If the A�filiate executes and delivers to the City a cargo carrier agreement in subsfantially
�he same fo�-zxi as t�e Cargo Agreeinent, and thus itself beconaes a"Signatory Airline," the
Affliaie shall immediately tezminate its staius as an Aff�liate of the Signatory Airline in wiritzng
Exh ihit D-- A, f�ftliate Operating Agreeme�i
to the City; pravid�d, however, that unless otherwise agreed to in w�riting by the Signatory
Airline and the City, the Af£�liate shall remain responszble to the Signatory Airline and the City
f.or all pay�nent and ot�er obligations thai survive terzzaination of this Agreement.
7.1 Indemni�cation Oblz ations. The Affiliate shal� be subject to and bound by Y.he
same obl'zgation to indemnify each Zndemnified Party as provided in Seciion 6.� o�t1�e Cargo
7.2 Insurax�ce Ob�i atiar�s. The Affzliate sha11 be subjeci to and bound by the
insurance obligaiions set forth in Section 6.2 o�the Cargo Agreem�nt.
The Affiliate shall be sub�ect to and bound by Article 7 of th� Cargo Agreement.
The AffiIiate shall be subject to �nd bound by Azticle S of the Cargo Agreement.
Tlais Agreement does not constitute a lease hetween t1�e Af�'iliate and the Ciry with
respect to any premises, facilities, services, equipment, or otherwise at f�ie Ai�part.
21.01 Default. The occurrence of any event described in Secizon 9.1 of the Cargo
Agreement invalving the Signatory AirIine or the Af�liafe shall l�e considered an event a�
defauli by the AffiIiate.
2]..02 Remed'zes. If the Affiliate shall be in default tu�der this Agreemeni, the City shall
have the right to �erminate this Agreemeni under �ection 9.2.1. (a} of the Cargo Agreeineni.
�xhibit I) — Affiliate Ope�c�ting Agreement
I2.1 Enviranmental Com liance. The Af�liaie shall be subject ta and bound by
Sections 11.1 t.hrough 1 I.6 and Sections 11.8 ihrough 11.11 of th� Cargo Agreement.
12.2 Environmental Indem�i . The Affiliate shall be sul�ject �to and bound by the
same obligation to indemnify the City as provided in Section I I.7 of t�e Cargo Agree�nent.
Airline shall noi, direciiy orr indirectly, assign, sell, hypothecaie or oiherwise transfer this
Tke Afi'iliate shall be subject to and bound by the provisio�s of Article 13 of%he Caargo
Except as specifically provided elsewhere in this Agreement, any notic� given und.er this
Agreexz�ent shaiI be in �+riting and shall be delivered personally or seni by certified oz registerecl
mail, postage prepaid:
To City:
Ta Af�iliaie:
or to s��h other respective addresses as the parties may designate to each o�her in writing from
tirne to time. Noiice by cerii�ed or registered mail shall be deerned given three {3) days afl:er the
date thai such notice is deposited in a United States Post Office.
[The re�ainder af this page is ini�ntion.ally lefi blank.]
Exhibit D— A. f'filiate Dperatir�g �4gYeerr�enf
IN WT1`NESS WHEREOF, the parties in�ending io be legally bound have exec�ied ihis
Agreement this day o� z��
Name: B�'� —
Tiile: Name:
E�ibit A ta Affiliate O eraiin A reement
[A�RLINE] (ihe "Airline"}, a Signatory Airline under ihe Cargo A�reement (the "Cargo
Agreem�nt") with the Cii,y of Fort VVo�h (the "City"), e:ffective as of , hereby
designates [AFFILIATE] (the "Aff'�lzate") as its Affiiiat� at Fort Worth Aliiar�ce Ai�rport (ihe
"AirpoY�t") in accordance with and subject ta ArticIe 5 o#�the Cargo Agreement.
This designation is effective as of �.0
2. (a} Airline hereby representis to the Ciiy that the Affiliate [check at Ieast one]:
❑ a paxent or subsid'zary of Airiine or under the sarzle parental contirol as Airline, or
❑ oiherwise operates under esseniially ihe same frade name as Airline ai the Airport
and uses essentially the same livery as Airline, or
❑ operates cargo feeder flights ai t1�e Airport under the direction and control af
3. The Affiliate has executed and delivered to the City an Affliate Operating Agreemenfi as
required by Section 5.1.1 of ihe Cargo Agreement.
4. The Airline hereby confirtns and agrees that the Airline will pay to the City all Airline
Rents, Fees and Charges and ather charges due to f.he City for the Affiliate's use of the Airpo�rt
facilities as an Affiliate of �e Airline, and will submit to the City the activity reports required by
�ection 4.4 of th� Cargo Agreement a�d due to the City iar the Afftliate°s use of tl�e Aizport
facilities as an Af�'xliate of the Airline.
5. The AirIine con�rms and agz'ees thai it shall remain, with the A�filiate, jointly and
severally liable to the City for the payment of alI Landing �'ees and other fees charges and the
submission of all actzvity re�orts due to ihe City far the AffiIiate's use of any Airport faciliiies as
an A�'filiate of f11e Airline.
Airline's auihorized representative
Exhibit D — Affiliate �pe�ating Ag�eeme�t
Exhibit B to Affiliaie O�eratin�Agreement
[AIRLINEJ (t�e "Airline"), a�ignatory Airline under the Cargo Agreet�ent (the "Cargo
Agreement") with the City oiFort VVorih (the "City"), e�fecfiive as of _� hereby
notif es the City that fhe Airline is terminating iis designation of [AF�'ZLIATE] {the "Afiiliate")
as its Affiliaie at �'o�et Worl-1z AIliance Airport iz� accordance with and sub�ect to Section 5.3 of
t�Ze Carga Agreerrieni.
This terinirzation of the Affiliate's siatus as an Affiiiate oi th� Airline is effective as af
AirIine's authorized representaiive
�C��v ��u���� �����►�►
O�cial site of the Cty of Fnrt Warth, 7�as
�/91202'f �������C� �"M&C 21- LOG ��AFW AMAZON AFFILEATES CARGO
(CD 7) Authorize Execution af a New Carga Carrier Qperating Agreement with
Arnazon.com Services Inc,'s Affilia#e Airlines as Idenfified in Each Agreement as A#las Air,
lnc. and Southern Air, Inc. {Each Whp(ly Owned Subsidiaries of A#las Air Wqrldwide
Noldings, lnc.), and Air Trar�spor# Enternatianal, Inc. (ATf), ABX Air, fnc. and Sun Co�antry,
Inc. (Each Wnolly Owned SUbsidia�ie� �f Air Transport Service Group, Enc,) at Fort Worth
Afliance Airport
lt is recammended that th� Ciiy Cauncil aufhorize the execution of a new cargo carrier operat�ng agr��m�n#
with Amazon_cam 5e�-vices Inc.'s Affiliate Air�li�es as �deniified in each agreement as Atlas Air, Inc. and
Southerr� Air, Inc. (each a wholly owned subs�diary of A#las Air Worldwide Hofdings, lnc.}, Air Transport
Internafianal, Inc. (ATI), ABX Air, ]nc. and S�n Country, Inc. (each a wholly owned subsidiary o'� Air Transport
Service Group, Inc.) at Fort Wor�h AllEance Afrport.
Or� or about Septem�er 24, 2019, an fnformal Report informed the City Gour�ei! thaf Amazon.com Services,
Inc. (Arnazon) was opening a regional air hub adjacent to �'ort Wort� Alliance Airport {AI[iance) and
consfrucfic�n was nearing complstion with operations expected to begin E�y October, 2019. At that time, the
Cify granfecf Amazor�'s affiiiaie airlines permission to use the airport �ia a cargo carrier operating agreernent,
which set the amounfs for landing fees and other special charges assessed at Al�iance.
The Cargo Carrier Operating Agreements with Amazon's affi[iate airfines are schedu[ed to expir� April 1,
202i, wf�ich aligns with Federal Expr�ss Corporation`s Cargo Carrier Operating Agreement �xpirafiion
date. Tf�e short-term agreerr�enfi al[owed Amazon to begin their operatior�s and fEights aut of AfGance while a
Eonger-term cargo carrier operating agreemeni was being negofiated. EJnder the terms of the new operating
agreemenf, landing fee rates for Amazon`s affiliafe cargo carrier airlines wi[I increase trom $1.49 per one
tf�ousand �o�r�ds to $1.fi5 per one thousand pounds. The landing weigf�t is based on aircraft Maximurn
Cerkified Gross Landing Weighf (MCGLW).
Amazon currentiy has ��e affiliate airlines that will be opera#ing out of Alliance: Atfas Air, Inc. and Southern
A�r, Inc. (each who[ly owned subsidiaries of Atlas Air Warldwide Hofcfings, fnc.}, and Air TransporE
fnternational, Inc. {ATf), ABX Air, Inc. and Sun Country, Enc., (each wholly owned subsidiaries of Air
Transpar� Services Gro�p, fnc.}. Each of the affiliate airlines wil! enter into separate cargo carri�r aperating
agreements with the Gify on the follouvir�g terms:
A term beginning April 2, 2Q21 and expiring April 1, 2.04�.
Landing F'ees are based nn MCGLW of aircraft landing at Alliance at a rate o� $1,65 per one-fhnusand
pounds with an $85.D0 minitnum, adj�s�ed annua[ly based on the upwarci percen�age change �n �he
Consumer Price Index (CPU), or 85�% of t�e City`s published Non�Signatory �anding Fee Ra�e, whichever
is the lesser.
Special Charges by �he City may be assessed for parking on a public ramp, special iicenses and permits,
s�ecial services requested by the Airfine and costs Par remo�ing disab[ed aircraft, The rate for t�e
Special Charg�s is based on reasonable, documented aut�of �oc[cet costs and expenses plus twe[ve
percent (12�%).
The carga carrier operating agreerrtents associated with Amazon affilia�e airHnes is projectec! to generat�
fi�st year re�enu� of appraximafely $1,557,200.Oa. Under the Managemenf Agresment beiwe�n the City of
For� Wor�h and Afliance Air 5ervices, which manages AIl�aRce, Aliiance Air Services recei�es sixty-frv�
percent (651%j of funds collected under the cargo carrier opera#ing agreeme�ts and the City recei�es thir�y-
five percer�t �351%j of thes� funds. Ti�e funds are disbursed monthfy to #he C�ty af Fort Wort� Aviation
3110I2D21 M&C Reuiew
Department. The cargo carrier op�rating agreements cornply with airport policy as well as City, state, and
federal guideEines.
. ADVfSORY BOARD APPROVAL: On February 4, 2021, the A�ia#ion Advisory Board �o�ec� to recommend
thaf the City Council approWe the Cargo Carrier Operating Agreerr�ents.
Fort Worth Alliance Airport is located in COUNCIL DISTRIC7' 7.
The Director of Fir�ance certifies tha# upon approval of the above recommendation and execution of the
lease, funds will be deposited into #he Municipal Airport Fund. The A�iation Department (and Financial
Management 5ervices) is responsible #o� the callection and deposit of funds due to th� City.
Fund Department Accaunt Project Pragram Activity Budget Reference �# Amount
iD fD Year {Chartfiefd 2)
Fund Department Account Proj�ct Program Activiiy Budget Reference
ID ID Year [Chartfield
Su�mitted for City iV�anage�r's Ofifice by_
Originafing Department �lead:
Additional [nformation Contact;
Fernando Cosfa (6�22)
Roger Venables (5402)
Ricardo Ba�celo (5403)
apps.cfwnet.orglcouncil_packefilmc_review.asp?]Q=28732&cauncildaie=3191202i 212