HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 55504Executior� Copy
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by a��d beivveen
City of Fort Warth
Air Tra�tsport Internatinnal, Inc.
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Executin�i Copy
Table af Cor�tenis
ARTICLE 1 DEFIN�TI�NS AND EXHIBITS........---• ................................................................. 1
1.1 Basic Data .............................................................................................................. I
1.2 Additional Defiz�itions . .....................................................................................�---.2
ARTICLE 2 USE OF THE ATRP�RT AND RELt�TED FACILI'i'�ES ....................................... 4
2.l Airline Rights and 1'rivileges ................................................................................. 4
2.2 ExcIusions and Reser��atians .................................................................................. 5
�RTICLE 3 OP�RA��ON AND MAINTENANCF, OF THE AIRPORT.. .......................,......... 6
3.1 City Obli�aiions . .................................................................................................... 5
ARTICLE4 FEES ANi� CHAKGES ............................................................................................ 5
4.1 Signaiory Airline Landing �ees . ..........................,................................................. 6
4.2 Special Cha�-ges ...................................................................................................... 8
4.3 Use Corxtingent Upon Paynr�eni :.................................,......,----...................._......._.... 8
4.4 Payment .................................................................................................................. $
4.S Sc��ed�ale� and Audi� .............................................................................................. 9
4.6 5ecurity Deposit ............................,-----._..............................---................................ 9
ARTiCLES AFFTLTATES ......................................................�---..............------............................ 10
5.1 Airline's Desigr�ation oFAf�'iliates ....................................................................... 10
5.2 Applicability of Agree�nent to Af�liates . ............................................................ I i
5.3 `I'ermination o#' Sta.tus ofAffiIiate ........................................................................ 11
ARTICLE 6 INDEMNI�ICATTON AND IN�URANCE ........................................................... 11
6.1 Indemnificatio� . ................................................................................................... � 1
6.2 Insurance .............................................................................................................. �.2
63 Fo�.s o£Insurance Coverage . ............................................................................. 14
ARTICLE 7 COMPLIANCE W�TH LA'L�VS ............................................................................... ��-
7.7. Gene�•al Laws . ...................................................................................................... 14
7.2 Airpoz� Rules and Regulations .............................................................................15
7.3 Licenses, Certifcates and Autharizations...................- ........................................ YS
'7.4 Wage Hour Laws . ................................................................................................15
ARTICLE 8 CI'�IL RiGI�TS AND AF�'IRMATIVE ACTION .................................................15
8.X Gex�e�'�1 Ci�vil Rights �'�o�risic��s ...........................................................................15
8.2 Compliance with Nondiscriminaiia:� Req�airements ............................................ l5
83 Title V� Cla.us�s foz- Transfer ofi Real Property Acquired or impraved
Under tI�e Airport Improvemez�t Program ............................................................17
$.4 Clauses for Construction/T.Jse/Access to Real Property Acquired Undet• tk�e
Activity, �'acility or Program ...............................................................................17
8.5 Title V.I List of �'ertinant Nondiscx�iminatio�� Acts and Authorities ..................... l 7
$.6 Subordinatian to Agreernents with the United States . .........................................19
8.� Nn Exclusive Rights . ........................................................................................... l 9
8.8 Right to Devei�p Airport . ....................................................................................19
8.9 Right of FIight ......................................................................................................19
8.10 14 C.F.R Part 77, Ohs�ctions in Navigable Airspace . ...................................... 19
8. ] I War or National Eamtergency . ............................•----..........................................,... 19
8.12 No [nter�erence with Airpoz't Operatians ......................................................•...... 20
8.13 SEC Rule 15c2-i2 ................................................................................................ 20
8.14 Americans with Disabilities Act ("ADA") . ......................................................... 20
ARTTCLE 9 AIRLINE DEIiAULT AND TERMINATTON BY CITY ......................................20
9.1 Airline De�ault . .................................................................................................... 20
9.2 City's Remedies ............................................................-----.................................. 22
4.3 Terminaiion ..........................................................................................................22
g.� Tl�e City's Right ta Ferform . ..................................................�----........................ 23
9.5 Airline's Rights Related to Terminati�n .............................................................. 23
9.b Bai�l�rtzptcy ...........................................................................................................23
ARTICLE 10 AIRPORT DEFAULT ANL7 `i�RMZNATZON BY A1RL�NE ............................ 23
10.] Events of Default . ...............--...............................................................................23
] 0,2 Airline's Rerr;edy ................................................................................................. 24
ARTICLF l 1 ETrN7RONM�NTAL ............................................................................................ 24
11.1 Airline Representations, Wai�ranties, A�d Covenants . ........................................ 25
X 1.2 Informatzon to be Proyided ta t,�e Gity . ...............................................................28
11.3 Res�nnse and Compliance Actiox�s ...................................................................... 2S
1 I.4 Correction of En�ironumental Non-cc�mpliance .................................................... 30
11.5 Corrective Action Yrocess ....................... ........ �
.................................................. ...
1 J..6 Em�irorunental Inc�ernniiication a��d Reimbursement. ..---•-.• ................................ 31
1 �.7 Limitations . .......................................................................................................... 32
�.1.8 Waiver ..................................................................................................................32
11.9 Survival ofEnviron�nental Provzsions ................................................................. 33
1 I.10 Resource Conservation and Recycling . ............................................................... 33
ARTICLE12 AS�IGNNTF,NT .....................................................................................................33
ARTICLE 13 MISCELLAN��U� �'ROVrSIONS ....................................................................33
13.I Nature ofAgreemeni ............................................................................................33
i32Governing Law and Venue.... .........................---............................._.................... 33
13.3 Entire Understanding . .......................................................................................... 34
13.4 Arne;�dments... ............................................................,.......,,................_..............34
l3.5 Guinulative Rights . .............................................................................................. 34
13.6 Constructian to Save Agreen�ent . ........................................................................ 34
13.7 No Waiver ..........................
7.3.8 Relafionship of Parties . ........................................................................................ 3S
13.9 No Th�ird-�'arty Beneficiaries....--� ........................................................................ 35
] 3.10 Successors and Assigns ........................................................................................ 35
13.11 LaborDisputes .....................................................................................................35
l3.12 Force Majeure ............................................................................�,...._................... 35
13.13 No Personal Liability . ................................................................................,....,.... 35
13. ].4 Acceptance of Pay�nenis . ..................................................................................... 36
13.15 Attarneys' Fees ....................................................................................................36
13.16 T�€.xes .................•--....................,..................-�------......................................_....._....36
13.17 Men�orandu�n of Lease. .------� ............................................................................... 37
13.18 Appro�val or Cot�ent .......................................................................�--.................. 37
I3.19 Time of the Essence . ............................................................................................ 37
13.2Q Notices........... .................•--�---........................................----..................................37
13.21 Countezparts ................................................................................�----....................37
13.22 Capacity to Execute . ............................................................................................ 37
13.23 Incorporatioi� of Exhibits . .................................................................................... 3$
I3.24 Titles .....................................................�..................................-------.....................38
13_25 Other Agreements. .....................................................................................,......... �&
13.26 Agreei�lent Not Yo Grant More �`avorab�e Terms .................................................38
13.27 11�ent �or Servxce . ................................................................................................ 38
L''xecutian Copy
Exhibit Ti�Ie
A Map o� the Ai�rport
B Rules and Regulaiion.s
C �orm ox� Mo�rthiy Landing keport
D Affiliate Operaiing Agreement
�'xecution Cnpy
THIS �ARGO CARRIER OPERATING AG�;EMENT (this "Agreement") is xnade by
and between tlie CITY OF F�RT WQRT�, TEXA�, a ho�ne-rule city and political subdivision
of t�e State of Texas (tl�e "Ciry"} and AZR T..RAN�PORT INTERNATIQNAL, YNC. a
corparatzan organized and existing un.de�' the laurs oi the State of Delavvare ai�d authorized to do
buszness in the State of Texas ("Airline"),
'VVHEREAS, the City, is fihe n�c�Tz�e,r af the Fort Warth Alliance Airport, lacated in Tan�ant
an.d Denton County, Te�as (tlie "Air�art");
WHEREAS, the City has the ;right to license tt�e use of property an.d facilities on the Aiiport
and has the iull pa�rer and authorrty to enter anto this Agreerzaenl in respect thereof;
WHEREAS, tI�e City ha.s entered inta an operating agreement, dated as of 7an�ary 1, 1994
and su6sequently' ame�ded with Alliance Air Services, a Hillwood Company {the °`Airpart
Operatar"), for the m.anagerr�ent, operation and mainte�ance of the Aizpo�rt;
WHEREAS, Airline is engaged in the business �f transporlafiioii by air of prnperty, mail or
cax�o; and
WHEREAS, Airline desires to abtain certain rights, serviees and priv�leges in connection
vtrith the use of the Airpo�rt atad its facilities, and the City is willing ta grani the same io Airline
upot� the terms and canditions in this Agr�ernent.
NOW THERE�'ORE, for az�d in considex'atinn of the tr�utual covenants and agr�ements
��erein coniained, the City and Airline �o hereby mutually und�rtake, prarnise and agree, each for
itsel�and its successors and assigrzs, as follows:
1.1 Basic Data
Eacb reference in fhis Agreement to auy of the �ollowing subjects incorporates tik�e
information speci�ed below:
City's Ouernight Delivery and Street Address
C�ity �f Fort Wort3�, Texas or its desi�nee.
42Q1 N. Main Street, Suite 20Q, Foz� Warth,
Texas 76106-273b; with a copy to City
Attoz-ney's afiice, 200 Texas Street, �'ort
Warth, TX 761 Q2.
City's Post Oi�ce and Payment Address:
1lirport Operatar:
�2D1 N. l��ain Street, Suite 2Q0, Fort WQrth,
Texas 76106-273G.
Alliance Air Services
Execution Capy
Ai�part Operatar's Overnighfi Delivexy/Street Address: 2221 AlIiance Blvd., Suite 104; Fnrt
'V�arth, Texas 76177.
Aitport Oparator's Post Off�ce and Payzx�ent Address: 222 � Alliance F31vd., Suite 100; For# �7Vax�h,
Texas 76177.
AirIine: Air Transport Intet-national, Inc.
Airline's Overnight Delivery anci St,reei Address: 145 He�nter Drive MS2061 T, V�lilmingtnn,
OH 45177, AT��i: Manager of Ga�vernnaent Contrac�s
Effective Date:
This Carga Carriez' Operatir�g Agreement as th.e same rnay be an�ended or
supple�nented from tiine ta time pursuant to �e ter.ms hereof.
12:00 AM Cent�ral Daylight-Sa��ing Time, Aprzl 1, 2021.
Term: The period o� tinae beginning on the Effective Date and ending on the
Expiration Date, unless earIier terrninated as �rovided in this Agraement.
Natwithstanding anything set forth �aerein to the coirtrary, baih Airline and
City shall be entitled to terminate this Agreemeni without cause at any ti�ne
duri�g Yhe Terrn upon tweIve (12} months written notFce to the other party
hereto, such termination to be effective at the end of fhe twe(ve (12} �nonth
notice period. Notwi�hstanding the above, Airline �a�ay cease operations at
the Airport �vitk�out providing such notice.
Expiratian Date:
Permitted Uses:
11:59 i'IVI Centz'al Daylight-Sauzng Tirne, March 31., 2041.
As provid�d �n Article 2.
Security Depasit: !ls pravided in Section 4.6.
1.2 Additional De#initions.
Tk�e following words, tezxns and phrases wherever used in this Agreernent l�ave the
follovving rr�ear�ings:
Affiliate means a Cargo Carrier that is (i} a paz•e�t or subsidiary of Airline or under the
sarne parental control as Airline, (ii} otherwi�e operates under �ssentially the same trade natrie as
�lirline at the Airport and uses essentially the saine livcry as Aizline; or (iii) operates cargo :%eder
flzghts at the Aitport under ihe direc�ion and control nf Airline. Airline shall pzovide �e Airport
Operator with advance written notice priar to c3esignating a new Affiliate. Airline shall provide
the City with advance written noiice prior to the cancellaiion of any designatiax� oi an A�'�Iiaie
l�efore the cancellatian of such designaiion.
Air Trans�aortatiaza B�siness nieans that business operated by A.iriine at the Airpori for the
cornm�rcial tra��sportation by air ofproperty, mail or cargo.
Air�"ield rneans the runways, taaiways and public parking aparans at the Airpart.
Execution CoPY
Airline Entifv tt�eazxs Airlirle's empinyees, cont�ractors, subcontractors, agents, licensees,
sublessees, Af�lzates, vendors, i.nvitees and othe� paxties under Aiz-li�e's direction ar control ihat
eonie onio the Airport in conneciion with Airline's tEse or occupancy o£the Airpa�-�.
Aiz�o� �meazzs the rea�ty and i�nprovements generally known and designated as the Fort
Wor�h Alliance Air�aort, including all xeal property and easemer�ts, impravements and
appvrtenances thereto, structuxes, buiidings, fi�t�res, nnachinery, ec�uipmeni, vehicles, su�plies
and other tangible personal property, or interest in any of the foregoing, now or �ereafter leased or
aequired by fhe City, less any thereof which may be consumed, sold ar otherwise disposed of. A
depiciion af the physical layout of the Ai�part as of the E�fective Date is set forih in E�hibif A.
Ai�aoxt R�ales and Re��latians means, coll�ctiveTy, aIl applicable rules, prc�cedures,
requirements, standards and regulations currently effective and herea�er arnended, adopted or
esta�lished by the City that are applicable ta the Airpor�, including vc�iYhout limitation atiy
rr�inimurn iise standards and operatizag standards as well as any requirezzzents listed in any access
�errx�it issued to Amazon.eam �ervices, I�c., atl oFwhieh are fncorporated into and rt�ade a paz�t of
this Agreement, as well as the rules and procedures in Exhibi� S; provided that �uch Airport Rules
and Regulations do not conflict witH applicable pzotirisions oistate ar federai law or the pravisians
of this Agree:tz�ent and are enforced in a nondiscriminatory rnanner. The C;ity shall provide at least
thirty (3fl) days' ad�rance written notice o� any nerx� ar a�nended Aiipart Rules and �Zegulations
affec#ing Airline.
,A���licable Laws means, colleciively, a!1 appiicable present atad future taws, rules,
regulaiions, ordinances, orders, directives, notices, fede;ral grant assurances, 12YY11�c�iI011�?
res%'ictions, or �rohibitians af any federal, state or lacai governm�nta� avthoriiy lawfulty
exeraising authority aver the Airport or the activitzes �tnd business aperatians o�' Airline, as they
rnay be azr�e�nded from time to time, w�ether iareseen oz' unforeseet�, ordinary as well as
extraard�ary, including with�ut implied limitation t�ase relating to (i) healtl�, sanitation and
safety; (ii) ihe en�wiranment, including without Iimitation all EnvironmentaI Laws, (iii} access far
persons with disabilities, inclUding witho�it limitation the Atza�zicans with Disabilities lict of 1.990,
42 U.S.C. §§ 12101 �t s�q.; and {i�) airport secut'ity, inciuding withaut lirnitatian fhe regulations
of the TSA, 49 CFR �arts I54Q, 1542, 1 S� et seg.
Car�o C�rrier means a carrier ce�ificated Uy ihe Secretary of t�}e U.5. Departmenf o�F
Transpartation as a Ca�go Catxier unde�.' 49 LJ.S.C. § 4X l b3.
Claims means any a�d all liability, damages, lasses, expenses, elairns, judgn7ents,
demands, penalties or fines, inc�uding u7ifhoui liznital:zan reasonable aitorneys' fces and court costs.
Consutrier Price Index �r CPI means the Consumer price Index �or All Ur�an Consuiners
(CFI-U), U.S. Cii.y Average, All itenns (adjusted I982-84 = X QQ} published by the BureaU af Labax
Statistics of the Uniled States Department of Labor, or a comparable index shauld the Depar�nent
ofLabor cease to publish that i��dex.
DHS means the Department of HonieIand Security, and its authori�ed successor(s).
.FAA meaz�,s rhe Fec�era.I Aviation Adn€�inisiratian, and its authorized successax(s}.
Execution Copy
Fiscal Year means tiie annual accounting period used %r genexa� accaunting p�trposes
vvhich, at the ti�ne flf entering i��to this Agreement, is t�ie period o� i:wc;lve consecutive montlis
beginning with the fzrst day of Dctober of any year.
Landin� Fees means fees paid �y Airline in accordanee vvith Section �.1.
Landin� �iee Rate r�eans fhe rate used to calculate Landing Fee in accordance wifih Section
Maxi�num Gross Landeri Wei.��t means ihe maximum gross landing weight in one
thousand pound units, at w}�ich each aircr�ft operated ai ihe �F1.i�po.t� by Airline is certificated b}�
the �AA.
Nan-Si��atary Airline rneans any Carga Ca1�'ier ihat is r�ot a Signatory AirIine.
Si�nator4� Airiz:ne ameans a Cargo Carrier that has executed an o�erating agreer�ent with the
City subsiantially sznrtilar to this �greeinent and pxovides regularly scheduIed ,service at the
TSA zxaeans the Transportation Secuzity Administration, and its authorized successor{s).
Additianal vaords and phrases used in this Agreement but not de£aned herein have their
�suai and customary meaning.
2.1 Air�in� Righ#s and Privileges.
In addition io alI righis granted elsewhere in tliis Agreerr�eni, Airline shall have the right to
use, in comrnon with o�hers so authorized by the Airport C}pexator, area�, facilities, equipnrzent azzd
improrrernenCs at the Airport far the aperatiian a:f Airline's Air Transportation Business and all
activities reasonabIy necessary t� such operations, incIuding but not limited to:
2. I. t Tlie landing, talcing off, flying over, iaxiing, and towing af Airline's
aarcraft in areas desAgnated by Ai�port Operatar; provided, hotive�er, Air�.ine shall nat per��it the
use of the Airlield by any aircraft aperated or eontroXled by Airliz�e whicl� exceeds the design
st�re��gth or ca�ahility of the Air�`ield as described in ihe �aezx-current FAA-appro�ved Airport
Layout �'lan (ALP) or other engineering eval�iatiozas performed subsequent ia t�ae theaY-��€r'r'ent
ALP, including the then-current A.irpart Certifcation Manual, pravided that such evaluations are
provided to Airline upon Airlit�e's request.
2. i.2 The training of persann�l in the er��lay of or to be �mpiayed b� Airlina
and the testing of aircra�t and other equipmez�t being utilized at the Airpar� in the opexatian of
Ai�•fine's Aix Transportatian Business; provided, however, said �'aining and testing shall be
incidental tfl the use of the Airport in the operation by Aixline of its Air Transportation Business
and shall not unreasanably hamper or interfere with the use of the Airport axld its facilifiies by
others ent�tled to the usE af saine. The Airpart Qperatar reserves the rig�at to restrict or prohibit
�xecuiion Copy
such trair�ing and testing operations if it reasoraably deems t�at such #raining ax�d tiesfi�g operations
uureasona�ly interferes wiit� the use of tIae Airport.
2.1.3 The servicing by Airline ox its stappliers, of aircz-af.t a��d other ec�uipn7ent
being utilized at the .4irpart by Airli�e auilaarized by the Airport dperator in writing and ai
loca�ia��s designated by t�e Airpn:rY Opez�ator.
2.1.4 Access to the Airport from an off-airpori praperty, subjec# to an access
per�nit issued by thc City to Amazon.com �ervices, Inc., if applicable.
2.2 Exclusians and Reservations.
2.2.1 Nothizag in this At�ticle 2 shall he canstrued as authorizing Airline to
cor�duct any business separate az�d apart from the conduct of its Air Transportation Busit��ss.
22.2 The City shaIl at all tirnes have exc]usive controi and tnana�etnent nf the
2.23 Airline shalI not knowingly interfere or knowingly permit interPerence
with the use, operation or znaintenance of the Airpori, including bufi noi limited to, t�e eifeetiveness
or accessibility af the drainage, se�c�werage, water, camrnunications, %e pratectaon, utility,
electriaa3., ar other systeins instailed Qx located �rom tirr�e tn ti�me at the Airport.
2.2.4 As soon as reasonab�y possible after release .froni proper authorities,
Airline shall (i) rennove or cause to be removed a��y o� its disabled aircra�t from the Airfield, and
(ii) place any such disabled aircraft in Airline's off-Airport lea,sel�old or in such storage areas as
may be designated by the Aupor� 4peratar. In tlle event Arrline fails to remove any of its disabled
aiz'craft as �xpeditiously as reasonably possible, Airpnrt �perator may, but s��all nat be abligated
ta, cause the reix�ovaI a�� such disabled airczaft, provided, how�ver, fh� Airport Operator s�tall gi�ve
Airline prior w�-itten noEice of its intent to da so and provided fiarther that Airport Oparato;r shall
use reasonable effarts ta xemove such airara�t. Airiine shall pay to the Air�ort Qperator, up�n
receipt of invaice, the reasonabl� and dacumented out of pdcket cnsts ac#ually i�icurred by the
Airp��rt Opexatar far such reniaval plus tweIve percent (12%},
22.5 Azrlane shali not do or p�rmit tn be done anyihing, either by act or fai]ure
to �ct, thaf causes the car�eeliatian or violation af llae provisions, or any parl thereof, of any policy
of insurance fax the Airport, or thaf causes a hazardaus condition so as to increase the risks
nonnally attendant upon npez-ations permitted by t��is Agreement, provided that the Aiiport
Operator has previausly provided the Airline vvith fhe insurat�ce poIioies. IC such Atrline act, or
failure ta act, causes cancellation of az7y pfllicy, �hen Auiine shall immediately, upan noti�cation
k�y Airport Operatar, dn t�hatever is necessary ko cause reinstatemeni o� said insurarice.
Further�nor�, if�Airl.ine shall do or pern�it fa be done any act not pexmztted under t��is A�eemeni,
or fail io do any act required under �his Agreement, regardless o� whether such act canstitutes a
breach of ihis Agreexnent, whzch causes an increase in City's insurance prenniu�s, Airline shall
immediately reanedy sueh actions or pay tlae i�lcrease in premiums, upon; �otice from the Aiz`port
Operator ta do so.
Execution Co�y
2.2.G Th� rights and pri�ileges granted Airline pursuanf to this Article 2 shall
be subject ta any and all AirporE Rules and Regulatians and itae otherr prrovisions of tIais Agreer�ent.
2,2,7 Any and all rzghts a�1d privileges noi specifically granted to Ai�line for
its use o£ and operations at the Airport �ursuant to this Agreernent are hereby reserved far and to
lhe City.
3.1 City Obligatia�s.
3.1.1 The City shall, watll ;reasonable diligence and usuig adequate qualified
personnel, p�udentIy devclop, improve, and at all �imes rriairztain and operate the Airpnrt, a�d keep
t.he Airport i� gaod repair.
3.1.2 The City shai� use reasonable efforts keep the Airport and its aerial
appraaches free from ground obstruction for the sa�'e and proper use theret�f by Ai�li�ae to the extent
that fihe City �as ownership of the la�nd ca�ataining the ground obs�iuction.
3. I.3 The City shalI �naintiain anti operate the Aitport in accordance with FAA
certi�cation requirements, inciuding i4 CFR Part 139, anc� maintain adequate rescue and
firefigh#�ng equipment and personnel to meet such FAA. certification requirements which meet or
exceed the activity level of Airline's azrcraft t�sing the Airport.
3.1.4 The Airport shall be fully operationa124 hours per day, 365 days per year
(36G days per year ciuring Leap yeats), unless Airline agrees in writing to a reduced operating
3,1.5 Subjeci to 3.1.6, th� City shall not restrict Airline's night a�erations,
subject to ��Splicable Laws.
3.1.6 At the reasonable rac�Uest of the City ar Airport Operator, Airline shall
work with City and, to the extent necessazy, the FAA to address ��cal noise concerns.
3, l.7 The City shall not be �iable ta .Airline �ar' ternparary failure to fiirnish all
or any o� such serviees io be provided in accarrdat�ce vvith this Agreemeni wk�er� due ta rnecl�anical
breakdown or any akhex cause beyond f.�e reas�nable con�ral of the City.
�.l Si�nata�ry Airline Landi��g Fees.
4.1.1 Signatory Airline La�ding Fee Rate far Aircraft Ove�• 40,OOQ
Po�nds. Far aircraft weighing o�er �0,000 pounds, Airline shall pay Signatory AirIine Landing
Fees for its use of'the .�ir�'ield based on fihe Ma�in�um Gross Landed We'rght of Air�inc's aircraft
landing at the Aizport multiplied by t1�e Sig�aatory Airiine Landing Fee Rate.
Exeeu�inr� �'v.,�Y
(a}Tha Stgnatory Airlix�e �,ai�ding i�ee Aate far Ap�•il �, 202i #hrau�h
Septem�er 30, 2022, is �1.65.
(b} �'ar eact� subsequent Fiscal � ear, the �i�natory Airli��e
La�din� Fee Rate for t��at Fiscal Year shall be adjusted by multiplyir�� t�le �ignatory Airline Land-
in� �ee Rate for t�e priar I`iscal Year by the pe�centage claange in the CPI bei��veen the previc�us
12 nzonth periad fram July � tl�rou�;h J�ane 30. For exarnp�e, the Signatnry AizJine LancEing �'ee
Rate �'c�r �he secand Fiscal Year (Octob�r l, 2022 t.hr�ugh Sept�mber 30, 2Q23) is calculated by
�nultiplyi�ag ti�e prior Fiscal Year Landing �ee Rate of$I .b5 by tfie percentage change in the CPI
�roz� July l, 202I througk� J�rne 30, 2022.
4.1.2 IVlirnimum �ignatory Airline I�anding Fee for Aircraft Weighir��
��,400 Pounds ar Less. �ar ai�craft weight 40,OOU pc�G�nds or less, Airline s�all �ay t�e 1Vlinimu�n
5ignatory Airline Laz�din� Fee %r each ]andin� at the Airpo��t.
(a)The Mini�nut�n Si�atnry Airline Landing Fee frc�m A�ril 1, 2021
th��ough Sepiember 3f�, 2D�2 is $7(?AQ.
(b) Fnr eaclz subsequer�t riscal Yea�•, the Minimum Signatary
Airline Landing �'ee for that Fiseal �ear shall %e adjusted by znultiplyin.g the R�inirraux� Si�natory
,t�irline Landing Fce far ihe priar �'iscal Yea�- by t�ae p�rcentage changc in Lhe CPI �ox the previous
12 month �eriad from r�tly 1 through lune 3�. �'�r example, the ]i�Iinim�n Signaiory Air�ine
Landing �ee �o� the s�cor_d I'isca! Year (October 1, 2(i22 through Septemb�r 3t?, Z023) is caleu-
Iafed by multiplyizag ihe pxiar Fiscal Year IVlin�mt�tia Signa.#ory Airline Landin� �ee of $7fl.OD by
tl�e perceniage change in tl�e CPI Fram July 1, 2021 tht•o�igl� June 30, 2022_
4.1.3 �ton��i�na�ory Airline �.anding Fees and Alternative �ig��a#ory Ai�•�
i��e La�ndiiig �'c�s.
(a) Any Airline conducting carga operations at the Airpoxt witt�aut ena
tering into a sep�rate Carga Ga�'ier Agreement such as this A.greement witla #he City shal� pay
"Ncsn-Signatnry Airline Landing Fees," �nc�udi��g a Nan-Si�natory Airline Landing Fee Iiate an.d
Non-Signatoty �irline Minin�utrz Lanc�ing Fee. Nc�r�-��;t�atory Airline La��din� �ees sl�all be set
and published each Fiscal Year by the City.
{b} In any givsn Fiscal Year, if either the Nc�n-�ignafiory Airline
Lat-�di�g Fee Ra�e of Non-Signaiory Airli�e Mit�imum Landi��g F'se mu�tipIied by 0.85 (#he "1�1-
ternative Signatory 1lirline Landing Fee") is l�ss than the correspondi�ig �igi�a�a�y Landing Fee
calct�lated un�er Sections �.1.1 or 4.1.2, tlte Gity shall charg�; AirIine the AIt�rnaEitiFe �ignatory
Airlir�e Landi�g Fee in lieu of t�e Landiz�g �'ee for that �iscal "Ycar.
4.1.4 Ai�na�l Notic:e oiRevisea Laxadittg T�es. No later than �ep���ber 1 of
each y�ear, ti�e Air�ort U��ratr�r shall provide wzitten notice t� e�cl� �ignatory Airline of the nex�t
Fiscal Yea3• Sig�atory Airline L�iding Fee Rate and Signaiory A�rli�e ��z�imu�n Landin� Fee, to
be eife;ctive Octaber 1 of th�t yeat'.
Execu#ion Cop.Y
4,2 Special Charges.
The City �nay also charge Airline for and Airline agrees to pay within fhixty (30) days after
receipt of an invoice fro�a the Czty or Airport Operaior:
4.2.1 Pa;rking on the pul�lic ramp. The parking fee on tl�e E�£ective Date will
be included in the City's Schedule of Rates and Charges which �nay b� revisec� annual�y by tlae
4.2.2 Special licenses and special pertnits for ac�ivities and uses oi the Aicport
that are not covexed by this Agreelnent that are requested by Airline;
4.2.3 Special senrices requested by Airline;
4.2.4 Costs for r�moving disab�ed aircrait as specified in Sec#ion 2.2.4;
4.2.5 Reasonable, docu�nented, out of pocket costs and expenses actually
i��curred by or on be�aalf of the City or Airpaz�t Operator plus trvel�e pezcent (12%) (after the giving
af nofizce and the expiration of any applicable cure perinds as provided in Section 9.1 of this
Agresm.ent) to remove litter, debris, refuse, petz-alet� products (including oi� and grease) that
result from the activities of AirIine or it5 Af�liates, employees, age�fs ar suppliers at the Airport;
4.2_b Any other reasonable, documented, aut af pocket costis and expenses,
plus ts7veIve percent (12%), incu;rred by or on behalf of the City or �iirport Opexator as a result of
any �ailure by AirIine ar its A�filiates to perfarm their dutics and obIigatians undcr �his Agreernent
or tl�e Affiliate Operating Agreement (after the giving of notice and the expiration af a�ay applica-
ble c�txe periads as provided in Section 9.I of this Agreement).
4.3 Use Cuntingeni Upo� Paytneu#.
The grant oi the righi, lieenses, facilities, services and privile�es tn Airline under this
Agree�nent sliall, in each ease, be su6ject ta the payment of the Landing �ees.
4..�t Payment.
4.4.1 On o�- before the l Q�' day of each manth, Airline shall submit to the
Airport Opearatt�x a"ManthIy Landing Report" in the fnrm of Exhihii C reportizag its Ianding
activity £oz the priar month. The Airport Opera�oz' shail have fihe rigl�t to rely on the Mont�aly
Laz��in�; Report in deier�nining Landing l�ees due from Airline under fik�is Agreement; provided,
however, Aixline shall have full respansibility %r tIie accuracy nf the report.
4.4.2 �Lirline shall pay, wit]�out iaiaoice from the Airport Operator, on or before
the 10�' day of each month the Landing � ees for the prior month is� an aitnount equal to the Landing
Fee Rate multiplied by the Airlrne's Maximum Gross Landi��g Weight tar alY aircraft landing at
ihe Airport during the priar tnonth, as report�d in ihe Mont�ly T.anding Report.
Execuiiar: CopY
4,4.3 Al.l paytnct�is due anci payable here�nder shall be paid in la���fi�l mQney
of the United States of 1�merica, without set nff, hy elec�ronie trarzsfer as follows:
Aecount Nar�ae:
Acco�ant Nun�ber:
AI�A Rot�tiiig (V4r�RE}:
�B� Routin� (AC�-]:}:
Ba�lk Nan�e:
Branch Adclress:
Re��ittance Email:
Alliance Aviation Mana�c�ment, Ltd.
Banl� of At�Yerica
Dallas, '�'X 75202
�herri.Sin�psan@HiIlwood.corn; and
Monica.Wirdzek a)Hilikvoc�d.cor�
4.4.4 �Ii'ter notice of delint�uency to Airline and failure of Air�ine to cUre the
delinq�iency through pay�nenl ivithin 3fl days frnm the date of#he notice of detinquency, City nna�r
impose a delinquency eharge on a11 overdue payments at a rate �t is t�xe greater af either a l0%
inCexest ra�e or fhe c�rrent Wall Sfreet Journa� Prime Rate pIus o�e percent (1%j.
4_5 S�:hedules and Audit
Upon ex�cuii.a� of fhis A�reement, Airline sl2all provid.e tk�e Airpart Operator ��vi� iis
schedule of aircraft operatians for Airli�e �nd its A�%liaCes ("Schedule"). Airline sJiall prflvide fhe
Airport Opez�ator with an updaied Schedt�le a�ry tir�ae thexe is a change tc� the scheduled operations
of �itline or iis Affiliates t�at vvnuld af%ct the assessment of Landii�g Fees. Airline shall mainlain
separate and accurate ciaity ��ecords of Ai�li�e's operatians at the Airpoi-t for a period of thre� (3)
S�ears after t�e clase of each Agr�ement Year. thra�gl�o�ii the Term. This record-keeping obligation
shall suz�vive t�c expiration ar earl'ser tertnination o�#his Agreet�aa�t. �ll such boaks and records
shal� be lcept in accordance u�it� gent�ral�y accept.ed accounting �rinciples; consisient�y applied,
sl�awing in detail all ���siness done ar transacted ir�, on, abaut, frorn or pertai�i�ig to the Airpoxi,
and shall be sufticient to pe�`mit the City ia calcul�Ee an.d verif.y fhs Landing Fees and ather fees
ar�d charges d�re u�c�er this l�greetx�ent. Upo�3 th� Cit}T's or Airport Opeta�ar's written request,
Airlitie shall r�nake a�ailable ai the Air�sort to the �ity or A�port �perator or their audilors a�y a.t�d
ail booics, records and acc�unts pertainin�, to the ca�culatioa� o� the Landin� Fee� and ot�er fees
and charges due under tliis Agreeznent. �n the event Ciiy, Airp�rt Operatar ar their aut3itor{s)
den�ans�rates an L�ncier�ayment Qf c���nuiati�ve fees and charges of two percent (2°l0) aa� m.ort; for
tha pre�ious ihree {3) years, Ai��line sl�all pay to City or Airpa�rt Operaic�r the cosi af any revieyv c3�•
4.6 Securi4y Depc�si4.
4.b.1. Pasting of Secur�ily Deposit. On ot beTore the Effective Date, Aizline
shall ��'a�ide to the Cit}r a Security Iaeposit i� an an�aunC cqual tc� the es�inlate of three (3) naanths'
Landiz�g Fees ar�d .ir► lhe �'orm re�uired under 5ection 4.6.3. �.s of the Effective Uate, the Security
C.LN'I"S ($I50,0�4.10). T�a Seciarity ��posit shaI3 be held by t�e City and used to remed3F A�r-
line's defau Its in the payrr►ec�t of Landing Fees and aihea- �ees ancl charges c�ue uridar tl�is Agrecment
or which at�ervi+ise arise as a rest,�li a�Airline's o�erations at t}�e Airpc�rt.
�'xecutiu�c Co,�y
4_6.2 Increases to the Security Deposrt. 1he City xnay increase tlie arr�ount oF
the Security Deposi.t required under Section �.6.1 duzix�g tl�e Tezt�r� �f and when Airline c�aanges its
operating schedule in a manner tl�at increases the esti�x�ate a�'three (3} mont]is' Landing Fees ihat
fornicd the basis �n�- tk�e Sec�ity Deposit then zn effect by more than ten percent (10%}. An3� such
increase in the Sectarity Deposit shall be lirr�ited to �he then current estirnate of three (3) mont�s'
Laz�ding �ees. Tn �h� e�ent of an increase, Airiine shall cornply �vith the new S�curity Depasit
�requirement within thir4y (3Q) days oireceipt of written natice by the City.
4.63 StandhyLetter of CreditRequirements. The Security Deposit shall be in
the fartn of an irrevacabJ.e standby letter of credit drawn on a bank having eit�er a branch in Tarrant
County oz- a bank that allows the Letter of Czedit to b� presented by facsitnile. The bank is required
ta have a lon�-term, letter oi credit ratin.g azid banic deposit rati�xg fron� two (2) of tr�e three {3)
rating agencies of �t Ieast A2/A/A by Moody`s Invesioz' Services, Standard & Pooar's and �itch
Ratings, respective�y_ Tl�e letter oicredii shall be in a form approved by the City.
4.6,4 Duty to 1�Iaintain Security Deposit - Defuult. Atrline shall n�aintain tll�
requir�d Secu�rity Deposit continuously thrnug�xot�t the Term. Failizre to do so s�iall be deemed a
defaulC az�d shall be grounds, at City's dzscre�ion, upoz� teaa (1Q) days' writien notice unless the
de�ault is cured, for uru�aediate termination of this Agreement.
4.6.5 Duty to Rel�ate. Th� Securiiy Deposit or the remaining p�rtic�n thereof
following any tlraws on the letter of eredit by City shall be rebated, f•eleased, assigned, surrendered,
or endorsed to Airline, as applicable, no Iater than nin�ty {9Q) days after the later oI': (1) termination
of this Agreem�nt; (2} issuanee of a close-out audit by the City ar Airport Operator; ar (3) payment
of all Qutstanding atnounts owed the City u�zzder this Agreement.
Article 5 AFFZL�ATES
5.3 Airlirie's Designatian ofAffiIiates.
Subject ta Che provisions of tE}is Article S, Airline may designate azae or more Affiliaies to
operate at the Aiiport. In the eve�t Air�ine designates an Affiliaie, the fatlawing prn�+isions apply
to Airline and its Af�liates:
S.1.I Airline's designation of an .lLffiliate shaIl nat be effecti�e until Airline
has frst (a) n�tif ed the Airport dperator in writing tizat Airline intends ta designate the Affiliafe;
(b) ensured that the Af�liate has entered into an A,ffiliate Operating Agreerr�ent wi� the City in
s�bstantially the sa�ne fox�n. as th�t attached as Exhibit D; and (c) ca�z�xmed fa;r t�e Aitpox�t
Opera�or in w�-iting that Airline will pay ta the City all of tihe Affilzate's Landing Fees and other
%es and char�es due to the City on account of the Affil_iate's use of a��y Airpo�t facilities as a�a
A#�iliate of Airline, as provided ii� 5ection 5.1.2. AirIine's designaiian nf an Af�iIiate is subject to
the City's approval, which shall not be unreasonabiy wiihheld.
5.1.2 Airline sha�l pay to City all Landing Fees and other £ees and charges due
under this Agreement due to City an account of the Affiliate's use of any flirport facilities, and
shali submit to City all reports detaili►i� each Af�liate's use of any Airport faailities or ser�ices as
an A.ffiliate af Azrline in accordance r�vit�a Section 4.4; pravided, l�owever, #hat both Airlitie az�d
the A��Iiate slia�l remain joinf�y and severally lfabie to City for fhe payment of all Lazading �ees
Execution Cony
and other fee� and charges, aI]C� �1� SLlI3ri?1S514ri Qf a�� Y��]OJ"ES, t�at are due to City on account of the
Affi7iaie's use of any Ai�port facilities or services as an Aifiliate of Airline.
5.2 Applicability of Agreem�nt tc� Affiliates.
�or so long as Airline and its A�'�iiates have com.p�zed w�tk� the payment and zepo�ting
obligations under Article 4, then each �ffiliate shall have the same rights as Airline wi�ka respect
io its use of tl�e Arrpori.
53 Terminatinn of Sta#us af Af#iliate,
A Carga Carrier'� ,status as Afii�iate of Airlit�e may l�e terfninated by Airline upon no# �ess
than thirty (30} days' written notice ta City. Airline's liabiliiy to Gity for the payrnent of all
Landzng �ees and otlter %es and charges due under this Agreemanf, and the submi�sion of all
activity reports, that are c�ue to City on account of t�e use of Airport facilities ar services by
AlI'Ilil�'S Affitiates shall s►�rvive ar�y termination. of Affiliate status, provided, however, that
Airline shall only be responsible for s�clz payments and reports related Yo the ter�ninated Affiliate's
op�ratioz�s before its proper te;t-nainaiion by AirIine taak effect.
6.1 Inrlemnifecatio�.
6.1.1 Except for Claz�ns for environrnez�ta� �att�z's (which are ihe subject of
the inc�emnification oUIigatioia undar Article 11), Airline shall, to the fuliest extent pertni�ed by
law, defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City and t��e Airpoit �perainr and their Uoards,
oiiicers, af�ci�ls, directors, empioyees, voiunteers and agenis {�act� and "Inde.mni�ed I'arty")
frazn� and against (i} Clainns arising directly ar iz�direct�y from any act or omission (i�cluding
without Iimitatian express negligence) of Airline or Airline Entity or ou� of the obligations
�andertaken in connecl:ion with or the per%r�nance of this Agreeznant, �r (�i} far Claims based upox�
Airline's ailegeci breach of any statutory duty or ob3igation or Aixlit�e's duiy under cor►tracts with
third parties, or (iii) Claims arisit�g irom any use of the Aiiport by Airline ar Airline Entities
excent, to the extent ihase Clairr�s arise out of the negligence or wiilfUl rnisconduct aithe City nr
Airport Operator. The obligatioils in t}�is Art�icle shaIl appiy for fihe entire time tI�at any t�ird pazty
can legally make a claim against or sue the City or Airport Operator for liabilities arising out of
Airii�e's use, occu�ancy, or operation of the Airport.
6.1.2 Except fnr ciaims for envirox�nental r�atters (which are the subject ofthe
indemnificatian obligations ttr►der Article 11), Airline shall release, defend, indernnify, and hold
each indemni�ed Party coanpletel� harmless ft�om a�ld against any �launs arising from or based
upon the actuaI ar alleged violation by Airline or an Airline Eniity, of any Ap�licable La��vs,
Auport Rules and Regulations or any license, certifieate, permit or other a�thorization issued under
any of the afaresaid, in cannection with �irline's conduct of ifs air t�'ansportation business on ar
at �he Airpori or �use or occupancy af the Airport.
C.1.3 If the City is alleged to be iza non-ca�npliance with Applicable Laws
gavexning access to secure areas of the Aizpart and said non�complianoe is t}�e result of or due tc�
the negligence or willful act or amission of Airiine nr an Airlir�e �ntity, and suc�� breach of a secure
_] 1..
Exectcti�n Cr�PY
area results ir� a ai�cTil �ez�aity or other action against the Ci�y, Airline agrees io reirr�burse the City
for all expenses, i�c�uding reasonable attorneys' fees, izicurxed b�T the City in defending against
the civi� penalty action or other acti�n, and for any civ�l penaIty or setflennent amount paid by ihe
City as a result of l�eing deemed in non-campliance �s af'aresaid. The Git.y shall give Airlir�e
reasona%le nolice of any aiiegatian, investi�ation, or propo,sed or ach�al civil penalty or ot�.e�-
aci:ion so�ght for such nan-camplza�ce.
6.1.4 Iiany acLa.c�n or pz'oceed.ing is brought against ihe Ci�y b�f reasan of any
Claim that �ay be st►bject ic� Airline's i��detnniiica�io� obligations cox�tained in this Sectia�� 6.1,
Airlix�e, r.�pon reasortable nofice frorn ihe �ity, shall resis� or defend such cIaim, suiC, demand,
action, liability, ]oss, daznage, jud�ment, fine, or penalty vt�ith caunseI reasonably acceptahle lo tl�e
City, a,nd the City shaIl take ��easoi�abie actions to znii:i�ate its c�amages.
6.1.5 The fore�aing express abligation of inde�i�'icaxion shail noi be
conslrued to ne�ate o�• abridge any other obli�atian of indennnificatio�� z-unning to the Gity or a�
Inc�eczznifed Pai-�v �hat wa�ild exist at co,rx�r�on lav�� or �.mder othe�' �rov�sior�s flf this A�reem�nt,
and t�e extent c�f tt�e obligation af indea��i�ifica�ion shaIl nat be limited by a�y provision of
insurance undert�ken in accordance with this A� eerneni:. The City shall give Afrline wrif�e:n
�iaii�e of any Claims tl�reatened or made or any si�it instituted against it that cou.ld res�.�lt in a claim
af itadet�lr�iiication l�er�under.
6,1.6 N�twithsf:andir�g a��+tl�ing to th� cantrary set forth in th'rs Agreement,
neitk�cr paz��+ nnx any n# i�s me�Zbers, diz•ector�, ofi'ie�rs, a�;ent�, represeniatives or ernployees sI�a�l
be liable ta the othe.r party far any loss a�' b�siness ar any indi.rect, incide�tal, special or
ci���sec�uential damage� or Iost profiis a�ising out of or re�ati»g ta t��is Agreemetat nr such party's
performance or nan-performance hereut�der; provided, however, tha� this S�ction 6.1.b slaall not
app:ly to t��rd-paz-iy claims for bodily i�jury, wron;ful dea�l� or property damage arising out of or
reiatin� to this Agreement.
b.i.7 The indemni�cation anc� ath�r obligations finder this Sectian 5.1. sha17
s�cvive t�ie e�pzratian or ear�ier tennination of this Agree�nent.
6.2 I�sa�•a�ce.
Du�ing the Term and an}r e�tension therea% Airline sh.al(, at its sale cost �nd expense,
obtain anc� t��aintain in full force and e�fect, a�ad pramptly pay all prei�iiur�s, wl��n due, %r the
fbllowing tYPes of insurance in the amau�ais speci�ed at�d in tf�e fc�rnl lierein provided:
6.2.1 General Liabzlit f Ins�rancefl�viatian Liabil'atv•
1�irline shall maintain aviatio� liabili�y insurance, includin�; �eneral liability
i�suranc�, ii� an,ounts not less tlaan a Coml�incc3 Sitagle Limit nf �SQO,OOQ,000 any one occu�xence
and in the aggregate �vhere appltcable for bodily injury (includino de�th} to gassenge�s and third
�arties a�id Pro�e�-ty Dattlage. Caverage sl�all include but noE �e limited ia Aiiport operations;
blanket con��•actual liat�iliTy, persona[ injtzry, wl�ich coverage s�Zall be �1Q,00�,000; producfs and
completed operaiions; aiz�crafti non�avv��e� liabilif.y; liabilit�r %r vehieles on the resirict�d aceess
areas of t�e Aircraft Opera�ions �rea (ACIA) includin� �Saggage tugs, azrc�•a�t �aushUack tugs,
provisior�ir�g tr•ucks, air stair ��'ucks, b�lt ioaders and �round hangar keeper's liabi.lity. Explc�sion,
Execr�tiort Ca�vy
callapse �nd iznderground properiy damage lial�ility cov�rage's sha11 not be exeiuded fram s��ch
insurrance coverage. The City a�nd Airport Qperatoz- s��aIl be narned as additional ins�ared.
6.2.2 Autoz�aobile Liabilit.�rance.
Airline shall maintain commercial automobile iiability ins�rance, witl� a Iimit of
r�ot less thar� $10,�00,000 each accident. Such insuran.ce shall cover lia�ility arising o�t oi any
auto (including owzaed, hired, and non-awned autos). The Ciiy and Airport Operator shall he
named as adc�itiona] znsured.
&.2.3 Workers Cnm ensatia�i.
Airline shall maintain statutary vvorkers con�pensaiion and enaployers lia�iliiy
insut•ance. The liabiJity employer's limits for such poliey s1�alI nat be Iess than $1,Oa0,0d0 each
accidenf: foz' bfldily injury by accident or $500,040 each employee for bodily injury by disease.
6.2.A� ConCractars Insurance.
Any contractor, construction manager or o�her party engaged by Airline or
subcontractox or other party angaged by a contractor, cnnstruction rnanager or ather party thal is
engaged by Airline, in either case, to �erforn� az�y canstr�ictior�, renovations ar repairs at the Airpo�rt
shall obtain and rr�aintain in full force and ef�ect during any construction period:
(a) A comrx►erazal generalliabi�ity ins�'ance palicy in niinirnuzn limits,
unl�ss otherwise specified, af $1,OOO,a00 per occurrenGe fo:r bodily injury and $I,QQQ,000 per
occurrence for property danc�age inc�uding a$2,000,�00 general aggregate.
(b) An aUtomabile liability insurance policy covering owned, nan-
owned and hiret� vehzcles oileast $500,000 per a combined sing�e limit.
{c) A worker's cazxapensatian palicy affording stafiUtory cov�rage arid
cantair�iing statutory Iimits and en�ployer's liabilil.y insurance at limits of $500,000 per
accident!$SQ0,000 each employeel$50�,OU0 poi:tcy liz�it.
(d} Professional liabiliiy insurance shall be mait�tained wh�n atzy
architect, engineer or any fltller professznnal serviee �erforms, directly or indireetly, �vark for or
on bshalf o�Airline at Airport ar znvolving Airline's operations witl� a$1,000,000 po�icy limit.
{e) Addilional Coverage:
{i) Excess / Un�brella Liabi�ity (as a�plicable)
(ii) Wzihin Aircraft Operations Area $14 M
(iii) �ecurelS�erile Szde Operations (autside A�A} $5 M
Execution C'apy
Coverage n1us� app�y in excess o#'all required pr�mary liabili#y insurance, and mUst�be at
leasi as broad as the under�ying liability insurance. The City and Airport aperatnx shall be named
as additianal insured.
6.3 Forms af ��surance �overage.
6.3.I Insurance reyuirem�nts and limits of cove�•age under this Agreement
znay be amended t�y Y.t�e City as a re�ult of increased risk, nature of wor]c perfarmed, Iosses
s�astained, and/or Czfiy policy, indus�y and statutory change,s.
6.3.2 All policies shall be wt'iti:en by insurance companies reasonably
accepEahle to t�e City_
6.�,3 A�1 policies, except far workers caxz�.per�satian coverage and professional
iiabilit�+ coverage, shalI designate the bclow mentioned parties as "Additional Ins�red," either by
a"blar�ket additiona] insured" endorsement, or by speci�c endorse3nent.
"The City of Fort Wortl�, Texas and Alliance Air Services, 7nc. and the�r respective
elected officials, boards; of�cers, ezz�ployees, agents and representatives."
6.3.4 All policies shall waive the insurer's right of subrogation against said
6.3.5 AIi poiicies rnust be pri�ary wi�h respecl io coverage provided for the
City and the other AddiiionaI Insureds.
63.6 AI� policies must be non-caz�tributory wiEh oi:her covez�age or self-
insurance avai(ahle to �e Gity and the othea• Additional Znsur�ds.
5.3.7 �Il of Airline's insurance paiicies shaIl contain a prnr�isio�z that written
nnfice shaIl be given to the City and Airport Operator at least ihirty (30) days prior to canct;itation,
except ten {10) days for non-pay�raent oi premiUin. In the event that Airline is noCi�ed that ar�
insurer intends to terminate or �.o�-reneu a policy oz reduce caverage belo��v the requirements in
tk�is Agreernent, Airii�e sha11 arrange alte�atie c�verage acceptabte to fihe City ta comply vvith Ci�:y
requirements az�d cause replacernent coverage data to be obtained.
6.3.8 Appro�+al, disappravaI ar failurc to act by the C�ty regarding any
ins��rat�ce abtained by Aiz'line shall not relie�e tl�.e Airline af full respansibiiity nr liability for
datnages and accidents as set �orth herein. Neither shall the bankruptcy, insolvency or denzal of
liability by the insurance co�npany exanerate Airline fram liabrIity.
7.1 General Laws.
Airtine sliall comply wiih all Applicable Laws.
E.x.�cution CvPY
7.2 A�r�art �tules and Regialatio�s
The use by .rlirizne of the areas and facilities described herein and the rights and privileges
granted Air�ir�e pursuar�t to this Agreetncnt shall a.t all times be subject to the Airpo�� Rules and
Regulations. Airline covenants and agrees tiiat ii wzll not vialate ar �exmit any Airline Entity ta
�violate any sucli Airpart Rules and Regulatioias. 'The City may prescril�e civil penalties and
ir�ju��ciive remedies for violations thereof, and the same may be applzed to Airline for violafioy�s
by Airline or any Airline Entity. flirline may contest in g�od faith any Applicable Layvs, fedexal,
�tate or local cadc,law, re�;ulai:ion, ordinance or ��e, Airpart Rules and Reg�rlatians or any other
rule or regulation o�'the City wrthout being co�siderred in hreach of this Agreernent so long as suc�
contest is diligent�y cornmenced and proseeuted by Airline. Tl�e City shall provid� at least thzrty
(30j days' advance written notice o;f any new ar amended Airport Ri�les and Regulations affecting
73 Licenses, Certi�cates and Authoriza�ions.
Airiine sha31 obtain, at .Airline's sole expense, all licenses, certiiieates, permits azxd other
autl�orizations that are nor�+ or hereai�er required by Appiicab�e Laws or the Airport Rules and
Regulations for Airline's aperations at t�e Airport and Airline's e�ercise of any righis under this
7.4 Wage Hour Laws.
Airline shall coinply with alI applicable �'ederal, staie and local wage and hour laws.
S.1 General Civi! Ri�ljts Provisions.
f4irline agrees to comply with pertinent statutes, E�ecutive Orders and s�ch rules as are
promulgated to ens�tre; that na person shall, on the grounds of race, cr�ed, coIor, national arigin,
sex, a�;e, or disability be exciuded from participating in any acti�riry conducte� vs�ith or benef�ting
from Federal assista��ee. If Air�ine transfers its obligation, tihe tz'ansferee is abligated in ihe same
manner as Airline.
f'his �rovision obligates Airline for the period during which lhe prapez�f.y is owned, used or
possessed by Airline and th� Air}�ort re�nains obligafed to the rederal Avia#ion Administxation.
This provision is in add�iion ta that required by i`itle '�I af the CiviI Rights Aet nf 19b4.
$.2 Cr��n�[iance witli Nnndiscrimination Requirements.
Duri�g the perfotrnance of 1:bis Agreement, Airline, for itself, its assignees, and successors
ira interest (hercina�er z'efez-red to as "Airline") agrees as follows.
8.2.1 Com�liance ��7ith �e�ul�tions: A�rline {herai�.after includes cons�ltants)
will eamply with the 'Tit�e VI List of �'ertinent Nondiscriminatioz� Acts and Authorities, as they
may he amended from time ta time, u�hich are herein incarporated by reference and inade a part
of this Agreemeni.
Ex����o,� eapy
$.2.2 Nondiscritaaination: Airl.ine, vs+�th rega�'d to ths work perFormec� by it
during I:he Agree�a�.ent, r�vill not discriminate on tha graunds afrace, coIor, or national arigi� in the
selectia�a a��d retentian o� su�contractoz-s, i�cluding procurements of rrtaterials and leases o�
equipax�.e�ti. AirIine will not participate directly or indirectly in the disez'i�ination prohibited by
tiae Nondiscrimination Aets and Authori#ias, incIuding ernployment practices when ihe Agreeir�ent
c�vers any aciivity, pr�ject, or program set forth in Appendix B af 49 C�R part 21.
8.2.3 SnlicitaYions for Su�contracts, Includin�; Procurernents of Materials and
Enuipment: Iai all soiiaiiatio�s, either by comgeliiive bidding, or negotiation made by Airline for
work to be pe�.f�rmsd under a subcontract, incl�ding pxacurements of materials, ar leases of
equipme�it, each potential subcontractor ar su�plier will be noti�ed by Airline of Arrline's
obizgations und.er �his Agreement and the Nc�ndiscrimination Acts and Authorities on tl�e graunds
of race, colar, or natior�al origin.
8.2.4 Information and Re�arts: Aieline will provid� alI irtf'orrnafion and
raports required by the Ac#s, tl�e Regula#ions, at�d directives issued pursuant thereto and will perfnit
accsss ta its books, records, accounts, other so�rces of information, and i� facilities as �nay Ue
deternlined by the City or the Federal Avia�ion Administra�ion to be pertinent to ascet�ain
compliance vt+ith such Nondiscrimination Acts ar�d Authorities and instructions. V[7here any
information required oF Airline is in the exclusive possession of another who �'ails or refuses io
�urnish the inforrnaiion, Airline will so certify ta the City or the � ederaI Aviation Adminis�ratian,
as appropriate, and wiIl set forth what efforts it ha.s rnade to obtain the informatiozi.
$.2,5 Sarictions for Nonconr� liance: Tn tl�e event ai Airline's noncampliance
with iI�e nondiscrimination provisinns of this con�ract, the City will im�pose such contract sanctions
as it or the Federal Aviatian Adaa�inistration t�ay determzz�e to be appropriate, including, uut not
limited to:
{a) Withholding pay�taents to Aix�xne under the Agreement unti� Airline
camplies; and/or
(h} Cat�cslling, texminating, or suspending the Agreemeni, in whole �r
�n part.
$.2.G Iaacor��oxatian af Pravisians: Airline will include the pro��isions of
paragraphs 8.2.1 through 8.2.6 in every subcontract, includi�ig procurements o� materials and
leases nf equipmenE, unless exempt by the Acts, th� Regulations and directives issued pursuamt
theareta, Airline wi�l ia�Ce action with respect to any st�bcantract or procurem�nt as th� sponsor or
the Federal Aviation Adminisi�ation may direct as a means of enforcing srucl� provisions including
sanetinns for nor�compliance. Provided, #l�at if Airline becames invalved in, ar is �hreatened �it�
li#i�ation by a subconfractor, or supplier because n� suct� direciion, Airline may reques# the City to
enter into any litigatian to profiect fl�e int;erests o� the City. ln additian, Airline may request the
Unzted States to enter into the liti�ation to proteof the interests ofthe United Stafes.
Execution Copy
8.3 Title VI Clauses for Transfer of Real Yro�erty Acquired nr xrrapraved Under
the Airport �mprovement Progratrt�,
$.3.1. Airiine, for himselflherseli, his/her heirs, pexsonal representatives,
successnrs in interest, and a�signs, as a pa.rt of the consideratioza hexeo.f, daes hereby ca�enant and
agree as a covenant runnin�; with the land that:
(a) In the even� facilities are constructed, znaintained, o�� athexwise
o�e�rafed o� the property descz'ibed in th.is Agreement f��- a puzpase for which a Fedez'al Avzatian
Administration aciivity, �acility, �r pragram is extended or for another purpose in�olving the
provisi�n of similar services or benefits, Airline will maintain and operate such faci�ities and
services in compIiance with ali requirements icnposed �y the Nondfscrimination Acis and
R�guiations lisfi�d in Lhe Pertinent Lisi of Nondiscriminatzon Author.ities (as rnay be amended)
suc11 that no persan on the grounds of rrace, colar, ar national origin, wiil �e exeluc�ed from
participatinn in, denied tlie henefits of, or be otherWis� subjected to discrimination in the use o�
said facilities.
8.3.2 With �es}�ect ta this Agr�emen#, in t��e e�vez�t of�reach oiany of tl�e abave
Nondiscrimination cavenaaa#s, the City will have ihe raght ta terminate this Agreennent and to enter,
re-enter, and repossess said Iands and facilities therean, and hoId the same as if this Agreement
had naver been made or issued.
8.4 Clattses for Construciion/Use/Access to Rea[ Proper�y Acguired Under the
Activity, Facility or Prograin.
$.4.1 Airline, for himselflherself, his/her heirs, pers�nal rep�'esentatives,
successors in inierest, and assigns, as a part ofthe consideration hereaf, does hereby co�renant and
a�ree, as a covenant running with thc land, that (1) no pe�sa�x pn r:b.e ground of race, colax', or
national origin, will be e�cluded from pariicipal;ion. in, denied the benefits of, ox be otherwise
subjected to discrzrnination in the t�se of �aid facilities, (2) that in the constru.eiion of any
impraveznents on, ov�r, or under such land, and the fiu-nis��ing of services th�reon, no person on
tl�e ground of race, color, or �national origin, will be excluded from participatian tn, denied the
benefits of, or othexwise be subjected to discx�nination, (3} that Airline will �ase the premises in
co�plia�►ce with all other req�irements imposed by ar pursuant to fha List of Nandiscrimil�ation
Acts and Authorities.
8.4.2 With res�ect io this Agreernent, in the eveni of breach of any of the abov�
t�ondiscrim�nation covenants, the City will have the right ta tez-minate the lease and to enter or re-
enter and repossess said land and the facilities thereon, and hold the same as if this Agreement had
never been xr�ac�e or issued.
8.5 Title VI List of Pertinent Nandiserimination Acts and A�t��ar�ties.
8.5.1 During the perf�rmance of this Agreeme��t, Airlins, for itself, its
assigr�ees, ai�d successors in interest (hereinafter referred iv as t�e "Air�ine"} agrees to eornpl�t
�lith the follawing nondiscriznination s�atutes anc� authorities; incl�ding but nat li�rtited -kn:
Execution Ca�2y
(a) Title V� of the Civi� Rigk�ts Act of 1964 (42 USC § 20DOd et seg.,
78 stat. 252) �prohibits diserimination on the basis ofrace, calor, national origin};
{b) 49 Cr�R part 21 (Non-diseriznination in Federally-assisted programs
a�' f�1e Department of Transportation—Ef£ecivaiian af Title VI of the Civil Righis �1.ct of 19b4};
{c} The Unifozm Relocation Assistance and R�al Property Acquisition
Policies Act of 1970, (42 USC § 46fl1) {pro��ibits uniair treatment nf persons displaced or whose
property has been acquired because af Federai or l�ederal-aid progranas and projects);
(d) Seciian 509- o#` the RehabiIitation Aot of 1973 (29 USC § 794 et
�req.), as amended (pra�axbits d�scrimination on the basis of disability); and �9 CrR part 27;
(e} The Age Discrimination Ac# of 1975, as amended (42 USC § 6101
et seq.) (prahibits discrirninaiion on the basis of a�e},
(f� Azrport and Airway Improvexnent Act of I982 (�49 USC § 471,
Sec�ion 47'] 23), as amended (prohibits discri�inatinn based on race, creed, calnr, national origin,
or sex),
(g) The Civil Rights Resioration Act of 1987 (PL 1QQ-2Q9) (broadened
the scope, covera�e and r�pplicahitity o� Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 19�4, the Age
Discriiniz�atiaa�� .!-�.ct of 1975 and Sectian 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 19'�3, by expaz�ding the
definition of #J�e terms "pro�rams or activi#ies" to include all oi �he programs ar activifies Qf the
Federal-aid recipients, sub-recipients and cantractors, whet�er such prograrr�s or activitiss are
Fedcrally funded or not};
(h} Titles II and III af fhe Ainericar�s with Disabi�itics �1ct af �990,
vuhich prahibit discrimination on th.e basis o� ciisability in the Qperaiion of public entities, public
and private transportation �ystems, p�aces of public accornmodation, an� certain testing entities
(42 USC §§ 12131 —12189) as imp�emented 6y U.S. Department of Transportation regulations ai
49 C�R parts 37 and 3 S;
(i) The Federal Aviation Administratian's Nondiscrirnination statute
{49 USC § 47123) (prohibits c�iscrfminatio� on �e basis of :race, color, national arigin, and sea);
(�) Executive {)rder 12898, Federal Actions to Address Envixonmenl:al
.lustiee in Minarity Populations and Low-Incarr�e Populatians, which ensures nondiscriminati4n
against �ninority poputatians by discovraging programs, polzcies, and activities with
disproportiona�ely higk� and adverse human health ar envirannaental e�fecls on minority and law-
income pop�la�ions;
(k) Executive �rder � 3166, Improving Access ir� Set`vices for Persflns
with Limited Engiish Pro�ciency, and resulling agency guidance, national origin discrinnination
includes discr•imination beea�ase of limited English prof ciency (L�P). To �usure compliance with
Title VI, you m�st take reasanable steps to ensure that LEP perso,ns have ��eaningful access to
your programs {70 Fed. Reg. at 74087 ta 7A� 14t3);
L�xecutinn Ca�ry
(1) Title I� of the Education Amendxner�ts of 1972, as amended, wi�ich
prohibits yau fratx� discri�ziz�ating because a:f sex in education pro�;rams ar activities {20 U5C 1681
ei seq).
$.6 Sut�ordirtatian to Agreements with the United States.
This Agreennezrt is s�bject and subordinate ta ihe psavisians of any agreement lieretofore
nr h�reafter �r�a.ade between the City and the United �tates, incluciing without limiiatiozz the terms
of any "Spansar's Gran� Assurances" or like agreemen�, the execution of vahich is rrequired to
enable or permit ihe transfer af z'ights pi• pro�aeriy to the City for airporl purposes, or the expenditure
af federal grant fixnds for A�xport improvean�nt, �nai�zfenance or deveiopment. �irIine shalI
reasanably abide by t.�e requiremenfis of agreernents en#ereci into between ihe City and the United
Stiates, and shall consent to amendrnients and modifications of this Agree:ta�ent if required by such
agreements or if required as a condition ai the City's entry iz�io such agreements.
8.7 No ExcIusive Rights.
No�thing contained in this ,ll.greeme�t shaIl be deemed ta grant t� Airline any exelusive
right or privilege wiihin tlae meaning of 49 U.S.�. § 40I03(e) with respect to acti'vity on tl�e
8.8 Right to Develop Air�port.
1`he City reserves t�e right to further deveiop or zmprove t�e Airport as iC sees fit, regardIess
of the dcsires or view of Airline anc� without interference or hindrance.
89 Right af Flight.
Tk�ez•e is hereby resetved ta the City, its successors and assigns, for tlae use az�d beneft of
t�ae p�b�ic, a ri�ht of flig�� for tk�e passage of aircra£t in the airspace above the surface of the
Premises. This public right of fligl�t shall inclucle tk�e right to cause in said airspace any noise
inherent in tl�e operatEon of any aircraft used for navigation or flig�it tl�rough t17e said airspace or
landing ai, taking off from, ar operation an the Aitport.
8.�0 14 C.�'.R Part 77, Obstructions in Navigabie Airspace.
Airline agrees to c;omply w�Eh the applieable notification an.d review requirenients covered
in i4 Code of k'ederal Regulations ("C.F.l�.") Part 77 afthe �`ederal. Aviation Re�ulations, in the
cvent fut�rre construction of a buildiang is covered by this Agreement, oz• in the event of any planned
rzaoditicatian or alteration of any present or future building ar st�•ucture situated on the Airport.
S.l i War or National Ernergency.
Tliis Agreement shall be subject to whatever right the United States GQvernme�rt �aov,+ has
or in �he fi�ture rnay have or acquire, affecting tlxe control, operation, regulatiata ax�d takiz�g aver of
ihe .Airport or the excl�.isi�a o� �azz-exclusive use of the 1�iz:parC by the United States during the
time of war or natio�aal eznexgency,
Executiora Capy
$.12 Nn Intierference with Airport Upera#ions.
Airline by acceptx�g this Agreerr�ent agree� �or itself, its succ�ssors, ar�d assagns t�at it will
not do or permit to be done by its afficers, agents, e�nployees, contractors or invitees, airy act or
omission which might interfere v,+ith the landing and takin.g caff �f ai�•craft frorn the Airpoz-� or
othexwise constitut� a hazard, or unreasana�ly interfere with the conduct oi business by anather
airline, tenant or contractor of t�e City, or unreasonably intert'ere with the perfornaance of tlieir
duties by the staff nf tl�e City or by tlae staff af the FAA, the T�.4 or any nther agency of the U. S.
Gavernment, or oithe cantractars tlzereo�: In the event this cove�ant is bz�eached, the City reserves
the right, in additian to any other righfs or remedies under �is Agreement or in Iaw or equity, to
en�er upnza ihe P�remises and cause tl�e abatement ofsuch interference at tI�e expe�se o�Airline.
8.13 SEC Rule ].Sc2-l2.
Airline, upon the Caty's requesi, shall pravide to tl�e City su.ch information as the City may
reasonably request in writing to co�nply with t�e City's contii�uing disc�osure xeqvirements under
SEC Rule I 5c2-12, as it may be amended from time tQ ii�ne, provided, k�owever, ihat Airline tnay,
in Iieu o�providing the requested information, direct tl�e City to an Airlinc or SEC website wher�
the reqiiested inforxxfation is then current�y available.
S.1 � America�ts r�i�h Disabi[ities ACt ("A.DA").
Airline acknowledges that, purs�ant to tlae Arnericans with Disabilities Act, 42 U.S.C.
Sections 121(i1 et seq., as amended and supplemented {ADA), to the extent applicable #.o Airline,
programs, se�t'vices and other activities provided by a puU�i� er�tity to the public, whether directly
or thraugh a eantractor, �ust be accessible to the d�sabled public. To the extent the ADA is so
applzcable: (a} Airline sha1l pravide t#�e services s}?ecified in this Agreexaaent in a manner ihat
aomplies with the ADA, as applicabie, and any and a�i otlier appiicable federal, Siate and lncal
disabi]ity rights legislation; (b) Airline agrees not to discriminate against disablet� persons in th.e
provision of se�rvices, benefits ar activities provided under �his Agreement; and (c) Airline #'urther
ag7recs f�aat az�y violation af this prohibrtion on the part nf Airline, its employees, age�ats or assigns
shall constitute a material breach of this Ag,t'eexxae�i,
9.1 Airline Default.
The occa�rence of any one or more of the following events shall constitute an Event of
Default u�ader this Agreement:
9. �.l Airline b�cot��es insolvent (as such te�rza is de�ned under �ection 101 of
the Federal F3ankruptc�% Code); or fails fo pay its debts geneara�ly as they mature; or takes the benefit
of any pres�nt or future fede�al or siate insolvency statute; or makes a general assignment for the
benefit �f crediiors.
9.1.2 Azrline �]es a volunCary petitian in ban�Cruptcy or a peiitia�n or ar�swer
seekin�; a.ri arrangem�nt of iis indebtedness �nder ttae �ederal Bankrupicy Code oz u��der any other
law ar statute of. the Uni#eci States or a� any state thereof; or consenti to the appointment o£ a
Execution Copy
receiver, t�rustee, custodian, laquidator or other sitnilax nfificial, of al� or subsfantially aIl of its
property; or an order for relief is entered by Ur against Airline �nder any cl�apter of the Federal
�ankruptcy Code.
9.13 By order or decree o� a court, Airline is adjudged i�ankrupt or an order
shall be made approving a petition filed by a,tzy of its creditors or �y any of its stockhoiders, see�ing
its rearganizaEion or the restructuring a�' its indehtedn�ss under the Fedei-al Bankrt�ptcy Code or
under any other lativ or statute af the Unitcd States or any stat� tliereof and sueh oxder or decree
shall not be sEayed or vacated within sixty (60} days af its issuance.
9.1.4 A petition under any chapter of the Federal Bankrtrptcy Code or an action
under any federal or state insolvency law or statute is €'iled against Airl`zzze at�d is not dismissed o�
stayed wiihin sixYy (6�) days after the �Iing ihereo£
9. �.5 $y or pursuant to, or under auil�oriiy of any legislaiive act, resolutron or
rule, nr aa�y arder or decree o:f any court ar go�ernmental board, agency oi- officer, a receiver,
tzustee, custodian, liquidator or ot�er similar n��cial takes possession or cc�ntrol oi all or
substantialIy alI of the property of AirIine and such possession or contral continues in effect for a
�eriod nf sixty {60} days.
9.1.6 Airline becornes a corporation in dissolution.
9.1.7 The l�tiing, lrcense or other interest af or rig�rts of l,irline �ereunder is
transferred to, pass ta or de�olve upon, by operatian of law or ath�rwise, any other person, frm,
cozporation or oiher etatity, by, in aonneciion with or as a resuli af atry ba�nkruptcy, insoIvency,
trusteeship, liquidation or other procaedings or occi�rrence described in SecLions 9. i.1 t�ough
9.i.6. •
9.1.8 Aiz�lirne �ails dtily and tim.ely to pay any Landing Fees and other fees and
charges due under this l�.greement when due fo the Cii:y, and such failure shal] continue for t�iz�.y
(30) days beyond Ai�rline's r�ceipt af a written notice of such breach or default firoz�r� t�ae Airport
9.1.9 The�•e occ�rs an assignznent or transfer and such assignment or transfer
is not reversed witltin thirty (30} days aftex v�ritten notice by the Ci�y.
9,1.10 Airline abandbns the conduct of b�siness at the Airport, and in
connection with t1�is abandonment, suspend operations for a period of sixty (CO) days in the
absence a£ a�abor dispute, force majeure eve:nt in accordance with Section 23.12 or otiier
gavernmental aciion in which Airline is directly inv�lved.
9.1. T 1 A�rline fails to obtain and maintain the iz�surance required by Section 6.2
or provide copies of the polzcies or certificates (incl�ding �vifl�out limitation thase related to
rener7aals o#' such coverages) to the City as required and, only with respecC to providing copies o�
the policies or certi�'icates, �he failure to provide the copies shaIl continue for %ve (S) days beyond
Airlin�'s receipt of a v�Tritten notice from t1�e Ciry of such breach or defaUit.
�'xecution Copy
9. i.12 Ta the extent applicable, Airline faiIs to meet any' af Airlrt�e's Security
Deposit requirernents set fort� in �ectian 4.6 and such failure continues for Ekairty (30) days beyond
Airline's receipt Qf a written notice firozn the City of such breach or default.
9. i.13 Airline fa�ls to keep, perform and ahser�e edch and every other �rom�sa,
representafzon, covenani and agreemeszt set fvrth in fllis �Lgreement, and such failure caniinue,s �ox
a periad of �nore than t�lirty (30) days afier t�e Airpart Operator's delivery af vvritten zxatice of
such �aiI�re or, if saiisfaction a£ such obligation rec�uiz�es a.cizvzty over a period af ti�e, if Air�ine
fails to camnaence the cure oi' such failure within thirty (30) days afker Air�ine's receipt of sueh
notice, or thereafter taiIs to diligently prosecute such cure, or faiis to actually �ause such cure
vcri�tt�in sixty {60) da3�s of 11�e Airport Operator's delivery of such noiice.
y,2 City's Remec�ies.
9.2.1 General Remedies_
(a) 'UVhenever any Event of D�fault accurs (other than a default ptu-suant
to Sulasectian 9.13 upan wlazcla termination of t�is Agreement, at t�e City's aption, shall he
effective immediately wzthout further notice}, this Agreement and ail of AirIine's rights hereunder
shall terrni�aate i�the wriiten notice o�' default so �ravic�es.
(b} The City's action pursuant �o this �ection. 9.2_ 1 shall not in any way
liriaii ti��e Ciiy in th� pursuit af any other additional right or remedy auailahle to the City in law or
in equity by reason of Airline's default.
9.3 Termination.
This Agreenae�t may i�e terminated in advance of its Expiration Date in t�e foliowing
9.3.1 �f ar�y federal, state or lacal goverri�nent, o,r agency or instrumentality
thereof, ta�r:s, by cond.e�nnaiion or deed ar convcyance in lieu thereof, title, possession, or the right
to possession of the Airpori or any substantial portian thereof, fhe City may, at i�s opt�on, terminate
this Agree�nenY as a�t�e date of such taking; orr
9.3.2 If any coui� }�aving jurisdicfiion renders a decision that has becflme fi��.al
anc� vvill permanenfly ar for a subsiantial period of tin-�e prevent fhe City's perforrnance o� any of
its material abligations �nder tl�is Agrcement, eithe:r party hereto may term�nate this Agree�nent
by writien notice. This right of tcirtiinatian shall be and remain effeciive whether or not t��e Cziy,
by taking aff�rmative action or by inaetion, cauld have prevented the rendering of the deciszon, ar
could ha�e caused the decision to be vacated be£ore it became t�nal.
9.3.3 I� this Agreennent is terz�ninated under this Sectian 93, ali rights and
obligations of #he parties shall ier�inate (with the exception of (i) any undiscliarged rights and
oblz�atsons t�ia� accrued prior ta the cffective date af such ter�nination and (ii) any righis and
obligations �hat ihis A�reement expressly stat�s shall survive such terr►�ina�ian).
Execution Copy
9.4 The City's Right to Per�'orm.
All agreeinents and obIigatians to be performed by Airline under this Agreement sha1� he
at Airline's soIe cost and expense and without any abaiennent o�Lar�ding F'ses and other fees and
charges due urtder tlazs A�reement.
9.5 Airline's Rights Related to Terrninatian.
rn the event oi' any tet�aaination based on any breach by Airline of the cavenants, ter�ns and
conditions contained :�t� this Agx'eement, all of Airline's rights, powers and privileges under this
Agreeinent shaXl cease. Airline sliafl ha�e no claim of any kind whatsoever a�ainst the City iay
reasnn o.f. such termination, ar by reasan of any act by tk�e City reiated to �uch tetxzaznation_
9.6 Bankruptcy.
In r�o event shaIl this Agreernent or any rig�ts or pri�+ileges hereunder be an a,sset of Airline
under any bankruptcy, insolvene� or rcoxganization pr�ceedings. To the extent consistent with and
pertnitted Under the United States Banl�-uptcy Code ar sirnilar c�ebtar relief laws, if Airline seeks
protection under the United Siaies Bankruptcy Code or sinZilar debta� relief laws, or is currently
operatir�� uncier the pratection of the United States Bankz-upicy Code or other siinilar debtor relief
laws, Airline sha�l coinply wi�i every provision of ik�is Agreement as and when zequirad �nder �is
Agreement, inciuding withaut Iirraitation pe�rfnnning any reguired �remediation rclating to an}T
enviro�atz�etata.l znatter pursuant to Ai�'line's obligations under �rticle 11 which arose prior to or
arises ciiuring the course af Airline's bankruptcy case. No Cargo Carrier will be atlowed to assume
this Agreement vcfithout perfox�nin� any required re�nediation as pari of the cu�•e of any Event of
Default under this Agreement.
10.1 Events of Default.
'1 he events described belor�v are deemed Ev�nts af Default by tlie City hereunder:
16.1.1 The City fai.is to l�eep, pei•%rm or observe any n�aterial tez'na, covenant
or cond'rtio� h�rein co��tained to be kept, perfa�•zned, or observed by the City and st�ch failure
eontinues for thirty (34) days after rece'tpi af written notice frozn Airiine; ar, if by its nature sueh
default canr�at be cured within suck� thirty (30) day period, the City shall not commence to cure or
renxova such default within said thirty (30} days and to cure or remave the same as promptly as
reasona6ly practicable;
1Q.1.2 The Airpart is closed ta fligh�s in �;eneral or to the flights of A�rline, for
reasons otkzer than those cixcumstanees wit�tin Airline's conirol, and llirpori fails to be reopened
io stach flights t�vithin Ehirty (30) cansecutive days from such cIosure.
10.1.3 Tlae Airport is pez�znanenfly closed as ar� air cazrier arrport by aet af any
Fec�eral, state, or local gavernmeni agency having competent jurisdiction; or Airline is unable to
use Aixpart fnr a perind of at least thirty (3Q) consecutive days c�ue to any Iaw or any arder, rule ar
regulation of any �ove�nnmen#al autharit}r havitlg j�risdiction aver the aperations of the Airport; or
Executian Capy
any court of conrzpetent jurisdiction issues an injunctian preventir�g the City or Airline from using
Airpozl for airpoY-I; purposes, for reasons atl�er lhan thase circumstances within Airline's eantrol,
and sUch injunction remair�s in �orce for a period of at least thirty (30} consecutive days.
10.1.4 The United States Government or any autharized agency of the sa�ne (by
executzve order or otherwise} assurnes the operation, control or use of fhe Ai�ort in such a manner
as to substantially resirict Airline from uond��cting its operatinns, if sucl� restriction be continUed
for a perind of thirty (3Q} cansecutive days or rnore.
�D.2 Airline'sRemedy.
So loi�� as Airline is not in defiault as set forth in Article 9 of this Agreement, ineluding,
but not linnited to, payments due ta tl�e Ciiy here�nder, Airlii�e may cancel this Agreement upoz�
the occuz�'ence oi' an Event of Default set forth in Sectian 10. �. 7n such event, Airline shall serve
thiriy (30) day advance wr�tten nolice of cancellation ta the City. All Landing �'ees and atlaer fees
and charges due under ihis Agreement shall cease as of �he date af svch cancellatio��. �z� addition
to the cancellation af �his Agreeaxzeat, Airline rr�ay exercise any retnedy provided by taw or in
For purposes of ihis Agreement, the �'ollov�Ting definitions shall apply to environrnenLal
x�t atters:
"I?ischarge" meatxs an act or omission by which Hazardous Materials, Solid Waste, Process
Water, or any substances or inaterials regulated under Envirnnmental Laws, not�v o:r in the �uture,
are lealced, spilled, poured, depasited, ar od�ei�vise entered into wefilands, groundwater, waters in
the State of Texas, or vvaie�•s of tlie United States, or by which thase substances are deposited
where, iinless controlled or removed, they may c�rain, seep, z'un, or o#�erwise enter said waters.
"En�iror�mental Impact Clait�" r�eans any claim, suit, judgment, penalty, �ne, loss, east
reco�ery actzan, administratiive proceeding, request for inforniation (when such requ�st zs by a
go�vernmenta� agency}, order or citation 6y a�.y governm�ntaI agancy, notice, enst, ar e�pense
{inclLiding but not limited to docurnaxzted costs of iiz�estigation, study, cleanup, re�aval, response,
reinediation, transportation, disposal, resfaratiot�, monitoring, and reasonable fees of consultants,
coratractors, and �ftorneys} w�ich arises out of, is reIated ta, alleges, ar is based on �he presence,
transportation, haiidling, freatment, storage, or Relea�e, di.spersal, disposal, emission, escape,
Discliar�e, ar migration of a�ry Hazardous Materia�{s), process Wa.ier, ar Solid Waste, any otE�er
c�emical, material, inritant, regulated substance, ar ioxic substance, wl�ether so�id, liquid, or
gaseous in a�atu�e, or which has any adverse efFect on wildlz�e. �nvironmental impact Claim shall
exclude personal in�ury, wz-ongfu� death, prodt�ct liability, and environrnental justi�e c�aims.
"Environm�ntal Inde�anitees" has tl�e �taeaning set forth in Secfian ] 0.8:
"Environmental Law{s}" means all e�isting and future �ederal, state, and loca� laws and
psrmits, inoluding withat�t li�nitation the �irport Rules and Regralations and ali o�,l�e� statutes,
ordinances, nales, orders and regulations relating ta pcotection of the envixonn�ent, wildlife, public
health ar public safeLy.
Execr�tion CoPY
"Greenhouse Cias" or "GHG" has �e same definition as in tlte Ma�datory Greenhause Gas
Reporiing RuIe (40 C.F.R. § 98.6 {20Q9)}, as it rt�ay be amended fro�n time to time.
"Ha2ardous Material{s)" �eans any ��bst��ace regulated under ar subject to Environmental
La�rs: (a}the presence of vahic�i iequires investigatioi�, abate�aaent, respnnse, removal, or
retx�.ed'zation under any En�ironmental Law; or (b} that is o:r becornes defined as a k�azardous waste,
hazardous substanee, toxic subs#anee, r�gulated s�tbsiance, poIlutant, or contaminant under any
Envit�onmental Law, including without Lizxiitatian tl�e Campreh�nsive Environmenial Response,
Coxnpex�sation and L'za�ility Act, the Resottz'ce Conser�ation and Recovery Act, the Texas Water
Code, or the Texas Hea.lth and Safety Code; or (c) the presence af which on the Airport poses or
threatcns to pose a hazard ta ihe health or safety af persons on ar about t�e Airport; or (d) that
contains, se�vage, gasoline, diesei fuel, petroleuzn hydrocarlaox�s, natural gas Iiquids, ethylene
glyca�, propylene glycol, potassiuin acetate, polychlorinated biphenyls ("PCBs"}, asbestos, tead
paint, or �area formaldehyde foam insulation.
"N�'DE�" ttteans the Natinnai Pollutanf Disc�arge Eliminatian System..
"Process Water" �neans watcr, a#her than starnrx water or rainwater, that during
manu#'aciuring, ti�reating, processing, or cleaning, comes into direct conlaci with or results fram the
production or use of any raw tnaterial, intermediate product; �"inished pr4duct, by product, or waste.
"Release" I7]�1115 �51.� {���7051�31?�, spilling, Ieaki�ig, purnping, pouring, emitting, en�ptying,
discharging, injecting, escaping, l�aching, dumping, or disposing inta the enviranznent, or a�hreat
of release suc1� th.at a release may or co�ld enter tl-ie environment.
"Solid Wast�" has the same meaning as in the Resource Conservation and IZecovery Act
and ihe Texas Health ai�d Safety Code.
"SWPPP" means Stor�n Water Pollutio� Prevention Plan.
"TPDES" �neans the �`exas PoIlutant Discharge �liminatitin System.
"Watez in the Sfate of Texas" has the same n�eaning as in Texas Water Code Secti�n
2G.00l., as anlended from time ta tiine.
"Waters of the United States" has the sanae meanitag as in 40 C.F.It. Section I22.2, as
amended from tzrr►� to tirne
All ot�er te�nas used herein laave the meaning set fortl� in Artiole I, "Generai De�nitions."
11.� Aia•I���e Represantations, War��a�nties, And Covenants.
Airlir�e represents, u�ar�:ants, and cov�nants t�'ie �ollowing:
l. ].I,l Airline has obiained and thr�Ughout the term of ihis Agree�xfeni s�all
obtain and a�aintain all applica6Ie licenses, permits, registratiaxas and other authoz'izations and ap-
pzovals required under Environmental L,aws and shall pravic�e any notices required und�r Envi�
ranmental LauTs for conduciin� its operaiions ai the Airport c�uring the tenn oF this A�reemen#.
�xecr�tian CopY
AirIine shall require Azz'line �ntifi�s to obtain arid �naintain all appJicable ]icenses, pertnits, r�gis-
trations and other authorizations required by Etivirantne�lia� Laws in order to conduct their opera-
tions and aciivities al the Airport.
]].1.2 Airline shall comply and shall require Airline Entities io comply, with
all applicable Airport Rules an[� Regulations, so long as such Airport Rules an�i Regulations dc�
nat unreasonably affect Airli�e's rights under fhis Agreemcnt. Sucla Airport Rules and Regula#ions
s��all be reasonable, nondis.criminatary and not in conilic� wiih any Environmental Laws,
11.1.3 Airline shall nnt cause or contribute ta or a1law or perrnii Aiz'Iine Entities
to cause or contribute to:
(a) any Release or Discharge of aa�y Hazardous Matezial, Solid Waste,
or Pracess Wa�er at Airpor[, unIess authorized by an Envirojunental Law ar Airpor� Rules az�d
{b) any violation of any applicable Environrn.entai Law as a result, in
��hole ox in part, of the use by or aperatians o£Airline at Ai�port, or those af Airline Entities;
(c) any Releas� or Discharge x�hich is a materially contribuiing cause
of �l�e City cxceed�ing the effluent limits of any individual startn water discharge perrr�il issued to
the City, Multi-Sector General Perrnit, MUnicipal Separate Storm Sewer System permit, or any
applicable �ederal effluent lin�itation guideline; ar
(d) any contaminat�o � o,r poilutian of th� sazl, surface �+aiers, nr ground-
water at ox underlyin� tl�e Aiiport.
11.I.4 Airline shall ha�adle, use, stare, dispose of, or olJaerwise manage, and
shall require Airli�e Entities ta handl�, use, store, c�ispose o�, or otlierwise z��anage any Hazardaus
Material, Process Water, or Solzd Waste at tl�e Ai�port in a lawf�.Yl and prudent manner and so as
to prevent #he Release or Discharge of an.y Hazardous Maierial, Process Water, or �olid Waste
that does or rriay pallute or contarx�inate the environment, or that does or may adversely af�ect the
liealth., vvelfare, or safety a� persons whether located within the Aizport. Without limiting tk�e �arc-
going, AirIine shall not conduct or allor�v any Airline Entities to conduct any c�perations or activities
ir�volving the use or applicatio:n of ethyle��e glyeoi, propyiene g]ycoI, or any other substance in de-
icing o� anti-icing at any location at the Airport except in accordance with all appJica�Ie Environ-
inenial Laws and Azrport Ruies and Regulations.
11.1.5 Airline shall be respansib�e fa:r the proper re�naval and disposal af alI
Hazardaus Materials generated by Airline, or re�ulfing frorn Airline's ��se, activiii�s, and opera-
tions, ai the Airport, including #hase actir�i�:ie� and operatians conducted on Airline's behalf by
Airline En#ities.
l 1.1.6 Airline understands and acknovvledges that certain of the City's future
capitaI projacts may ree�uire review or approvaI tay ik�e �AA, i�-►e Envirro�tnenial Protectinn Agency
("LPA"), ar the Texas Corxzmission on Envirotvnental Quality ("TCEQ") or their successor agen-
cies, pursuant to arec�uirements imposed upon the Airp�rt or the City, incluc�ing b�t not linaited to
State I�nplernentation Plans, General Confarmity Determina�ions, ather rec�uirements related to the
Executian Cnpy
status af the Dallas-Fart �orth regian as r�on-attai�en� for azone, and any reduction in Green-
ho�ase Cias emissians, I.fz'equested L�y the Caty, Airline sha11 reasonably assist the City �in preparing
such submiftals as are rec�uired of the Ciiy by �AA, EPA, or TCEQ, or theix 5uccessor agencies,
in corznection with City capita� prnje�#s w��ich bene�t Airline.
] J,1.7 Airline shatl require Airlane Entities to underga such training as is re-
quired by app�icable Environznental T�aws ar�d Airport Rules and Regulations. Airline shaIl desig-
nate w�ich of iis exnplayees should und�rgo s�ch training.
11,1.$ If Ai�rline causes or contributes to a Release, Discharge, or spil� ofHaz-
ardous Materials, Solid Waste, ar �'rocess Vi�ater al the Airpart that is above a��y applicable report-
ab�e q�aaniiiy set farth in any applicable Environtr�ental Law, Airline shall report such ReIease or
Discharge to the appropriate governmental autharities in c��npIiance wit�� appl�cable Enviror�men-
tal Law. Airline shall require Airline Entiti�s to report any Release or Dischaz-ge io the appropriate
governmental authoxities, in compliance with applicabie Envir�nmentai Law, if said third party
causes or cantribUtes to a Disck�a�-ge or Release of Hazardous Matexials, Solid Waste, or Process
Water abave any reporEable qua�ntity set farl� in any applicable Environrnental La�w.
� 1.1.9 Airline acknowledges that the City azzd Airiine are subject to cerEain Na-
tional and Texas Pol.lutian Discharge Elimination �ystem perrr�its ("NPDES" and "TPUES"), state
and federal starm water regulatians, and �'edezal e�fluent limitation guidelines, irzcluding, without
limitation, EPA Administered Pern�it .Pxograms, 40 C.F.R. § 122 (2009), as amenc�ed from time to
ti�rtie, for operations at the Airport. AirIine shall co:�duct a�exa#ions and activities at the Airp�rt,
incIuding but not lianited to de-icin�, anti-icir�g, ar�d eonstruction, and shall require Airline Entities
to conc�uct operations and activiiiss at �e Airport in coxnpliance with applicable Er�viran�xaental
La�Ts and Airport Rules and Ae�uIatians. Airline acknowIedges that its reasanahle coopera�ion is
necessa.r'y ta ensure Airport's complia.t�ce with a��y applicahle NPDES or T�'DES stonn water per-
rr�its and effluent limitatian guidelines Undex Environmenial Laws. Airline shall minirx�ize tl�e ex-
pasi�re ta storm water of materials generated, stared, �andled, or used by Airline nr Airline �ntities
at the Airport including witho�t lirniiation soil and sediment e�posed by construction actir�ities,
So�id Waste, ar�d IIazardous Materials, by impl�rrienting and requirutg implementation pf certain
"Best Managexnent Practices" as de�ined by E�Zviro�ental Laws. Airline further acknowledges
that any TPDES or NPDES storm vvatez' discharge permit issued to t�e City or any e.ffl�ent limita-
tion guidelines applicable ta t��e Airport or Airline a�re ir�cn�aratec� by reference into tliis Agree-
znent to ��e extent af£ectir�� Airline's operations at or use o£the Airport oa- operations or activities
cflnducted on its bel3alf at the Airport, or necessitating Airline's reasonable coo�eration to assure
tht City's comp2iance t�erevvith. The City shal� endeavor ta negotiate reasonab�e and cost effective
tern�s and conc�itions of any permits issued la tlae City wk�ich may affect Airline's operations at or
use oi the l�.irport or operations or acliviiies concfucted on its behalf at the Airport, ar which may
nece�sitate Airli�e's reasoz�able coaperation to assure the Ci#y's compliance xherevcrzt�..
1�.1.10 Airline or Airline Entities shall not create any ht��an-znade structure,
land use �ractice, or human-made fe�ture, or rr�aintain any condition, tihat creates an unreasonable
wildIife atlraction, including, but nat liinitec� ta, architeciural feat�ares, landscaping, waste disposa]
sites, agricul��aral or aquacultural activities, witho�t appxop�'iate coveri�gs or other mi#xgation
.�`xeeu#ior� Ca�y
I I.2 �n�ormation to I�e Provided tu the C'ity.
11.2.1 If Aiiline receives ar�y written noiice, eorresponde�ice, c�tation, order,
r�rarning, complaint, in��iry, c;lainn or r�e�and r�gardi�ig ���� Airli�e's operatiot�s at the �lirpnrrt that
is not legal2y privileged, made co�fidential l�y applicable Iaw, or protected as trade secrats:
(a} cancerning any alleged car�tamin�tion, ar Discharge, or �eIeass of
Ha7ardous Material, SoIid Waste, Process Water �y Aix�ine or by Airline Entities; �x
{b} allegin� that Airline or an Airline Entity is t,�e subject af an E�ivi�
ronmental Inl�act Clain� o�• alleging that AirIine or az� Airline Eii�ity, or may be, in �via�ation af any
En�vira��nental Lavv(s); or
(c) assertiiig tha# �,irline or any such thir� par�y as ident�fisd in clauses
(1) and (2) above is Iiable for the cost of investigation or remec�iatian o:f a�telease or Discl�ar�;e;
13..2.2 Airline shall irnmediately, but not la�ez• than fi�re (S) days after Airliiae's
x�eceipt, infa�r�i the City and Ai�aorf aperator in wriling of satne, including a copy af srcch notice
reeeitired by AirIine.
11.2.3 Airlina shall simultatleousiy provide to tl�e City and Airport Operator
copies af it� subrm�ittals of any non-privileged reparts or notices required under En�ironnaental
Laws to a�y govern�nental agency regardinA:
,�a) AirIine's alleged fail�are to co��ly with any Envirc,r�n�ental Laws at
the Airpart, or
(b) any Release or Discharge arisii�g out of th� pasti ar p�-esent opera-
tic�ns at or use af �ae Aixport by Airline o�- A�xlina Entiiies.
�].2.� Airline sha�i make a��aita�le, within ten (14) days of fi�irl�ne's reeeipt of
the City's vv�•itten requ�st, the nor�-privi�eged docum�nis tl.�at Airli.ne l�as sub�nitted to �ay govern-
rnental agency per�ainin� to ihe e�virc�nmental compli�nce status of Airiine's operatians at or use
of the �irpok�, i.ncludi�-�p witl�out limita�ion any and all non privileged records, permits, tesi results,
sample res�lts, written or c�ec�ranic dacu�nentation, studies, ar other documentatinn regarding en-
vi�ontnental conditions or x•�lating to th.e presence, ��se, siorage, disposal, ar trea�7e�xt t��' any Haz-
ardous 1Vlaterial or Solid Waste at the �irpart by Ai�•line or hirline E�tities,
11.3 l�es�onse and Ca���liance �ctinns.
1 l.3.1 Wi�aut limiti.ng ti�e inde�nnity obli�ations af Section l].7, if c�uring the
term of this A�ree�nent Airline oz- at� .�irli�e Entity is �13e so�e ca«se nf a Release, Disck�arge, �r
spill a�'a Hazatdous Materia� (inc�uding, bul not limited tt� thase �vhieh ca��ta�ainate orpollute any
sur£ace water, ground waCer, infrastructt�re, or convayance sy�t�r�}, as is raasonably deter�nined
by thc City pursuai�t tn E��virr�n�e��tal La�s�vs, at azry �orCinn af#li� Ai�ort, in aor�nectian ���ith their
aperatians at �he Airport, Airline s��all:
Execution Copy
(a) orally notify the City and th.e Air�ort Operatar of such Rslease, Dis�
charge, o�• s�ill;
(b) z'eporf such Release, Uischa;rge, or spill to appropriate governmental
agencies in accordance with ap�licable Environ�nentaJ Laws, incfudi�g but nat limited io 30 Tx.
Admin. Cocie § 327,3, as it may be annended £rom #ime to ti�ne,
{c) immedia#el� abate and respond to the Release, Discharge, or spill af
a Hazardous Materia�, as required by applzcable Environmental Lavvs, i�cIuding but not lirnited to
30 Tx. Admin. Code § 327.5, as it may be amended from time to time;
{d} take all fur�aer actions necessary or requi�'ed under Environmental
Laws to mitigaie any zmmilient threat to hutna.n hea�tla or the en�ironmeni, and
(e) undertake any further re�airs, rernediatian, ar conrecti�e actions as
are requir�d by Fnviro�lrnentaI Laws or a governmental agency with jurisd'zctzon, to remec�iate axay
sueh Release, Dascharge or spill oi a Hazardous Material, and ar�y �resulti�ig pailuti�n or contatni-
11,3.2 VVithout Iizx�ziing the indemnity obligatians of Section 11.'7, if, as is rea-
sonabiy determined hy �e City, Airline or an Airiine Entity is ihe sole cause of a Release, Dis-
charge or spill of a Hazardous Mal:erial at the Airp�rt, or one oi multiple contributors to a Release,
Disc�arge ar spill of a Hazaz-dous Material within the Airpo�rt, Airline shall be responsible for
ensuring that the noiif cation, reporting, abatement, retaaediation, and otl�er action� requiz-ed hy
I 1.�.1 are accax�aplished. At the ti�ne the City makes a determinatian pursuant to subsectian 1].4.2,
�he Ciiy shail pxavide Airline with all nan-privileged record,s, permits, test results, san�ple xesults,
vvritten oi• el�ctronic dacuzxaeniafion, siudies ar other dncumenfiation used io support its deterrr�ina-
tian. Not}�ing in ihis Agreemenf shalt prevent Airline from seeking ta recover its costs fi-om po-
tentially responsible parties.
11.3.3 If the Cii.y cannot determine with zeasor�able effort �hat Airline is a cause
o�' or �tas contribtyted to a Release, Diseharge, or spi�l at or from the Aizport, Ai�rline sha�l not be
responsible far a�y obligation to report, investigate or remed'zate it. I£tlae City cannot idsniiiy with
reasonable e�fort any of tl�e parties coniribu.tin� Co or responsibie for a Release or I]ischarge, or
spill at or from the Airpart, the City s�all be rresponsible far any abliga.iian to report, contain,
investi�ate, az rer�ediate such contamination, ReIease, or Discharge, or spiil.
1],3.4 Tf, as is reasonably deterrnined by the Cityr, Airiine:
(a) does not diligently talce immediate and all other actions required b}�
applicable Environmental Lavtrs, incIuding but not lin�ited to 30 Tx. Admin. Code § 327, in re-
sponse to a Release, Discharge or s�aill fQr whzcla it is respansible unc�er Section 11 _4, within the
time{s) prescribed by such Fnviranmental Law{s}; or
(�) does �oi perfor�n or complete all neeessary repairs, con•ective ac-
tions ar remedi�tion for w�iich it is �responsible under Section I 1.4 within the iitne(sj prescribed
hy appli�able Entirironmental Laws, ar withi�a the time reasonabiy i�ecessary to e7tabre the City to
meet its abliga�ions under Environmental Laujs (subject io ihe condifion that the City must iirst
�xecutinn Copy
pza�vide reasonable advance written notice to Airline of such obligations, except in ez�ergency
circuznstances in which such advance �otice is no� possible), then the City, in addition to its rights
and remedies desc�•ibed elsevvhere in this Agreement, may, at ifs election, upon r�asonable r�rritten
notice, eniez- fk�e a�'iCected aeea, and take whate�er action the City reasonably deen�s necessaty to
protect the pub�ic health and saf�ty and the e�zvit•onme�rt, or to enabl� the City to meet its obliga-
tions under Environmentai Laws, within the time reyuired und�r siich Environ�nental Laws, at
Airline's expe�ise, attl�ough nothing herein shall prejudice xhe rig�t af AirIine to contest the City's
determinations made under this Secfion 11.4.4.
11.4 Correction af Ez�viroumentai Non-camgl'zaxace.
11.4.1 If ihe operations or activitaes at or use a� the Airport by Air�ine or Airline
Entities are in allegecl non-compliance with ax�y app�icable Envir�nr�entaI Law {as is reasonably
determined by the City or as is determined by any govern�nental agency wiih e.�farcement aufihor-
iry regarding such alleged non-compliance) ar Airport RUIe� and Reguiations, or result in coli�azn-
ination or polluti�n al or under thc Airport, and pravidsd that the situaiion or condition in quest�an
does not, as dete ,�nnined by the Cz�y in its reasonable discretion, require immediaie action pu�rsuant
to appIicable Environmental Laws and Section 11.4.4, ihe Ciiy agrees to �otify AirIine in writing
ofthe alleged noncox�rxpliat�ce or contaminatian or pollutian and shall require Airline ta take action
ta address such �on-compliance wit��in tl�ir�y (30) days ofAirline's recei�t of notice, unless com-
plianee is reqUired sooner i�y a governtnental agency or applicable Envirronmental Law. Within
that tlairty (30) day period, or such shorter period as is required by applicable Environrrxental Law
or govert�ental agency, Airline shaIl }�ave ihe opportiznity to take whate�rer action is z�ecessary or
required by Envixonmental Laws, to correet such noncarnplianee, ensure that it is corrected, or
provide the City a bindzng connmitment to da so within a reasonable time. Airline shall alsa have
the right cfurzng; that ihirty (3 4} da3= periad �o challenge any City dctermination of nan-campliance.
Airline's obli�ations to the City under tb.is Section may be de%nred; �pan mufual consent of the
parties, unfit a final resoluiion af or ruling oi� such challenge has been issued. Should Airline pz'e-
vaii in such a chailenge, Airline shal� have no fuz�tl�er obligation under this Sectinn with respect to
that paz�icular alleged non-compliance.
11.4.2 If Airline does not talce such correetive action, chal�enge the City's de-
ternlination af non-cornplianc�, or provic�e a hinding commii�nent to address t�e non-coz�plzanc:e
within the �hirty {30) day period referenced in Section 11.5.1, th� City or iis a�thor�zed contractars
ax�d consultants may, at tl�e City's optzon, enter any part of �he Airport and take such measur�s as
t11e City may reason�bty deem necessary �o enrr�Ct ik�e alleg�d non-compliance and to investigate
and remediate an.y related contaminatia�a, atl at Airline's expense. Alt reasanable and documenfied
cnsts a�sociated with any aciion by the City or its contractors oz' consultants in connection with
this Section, inciuding but not lirnited io reasonable aitnnr►eys' fees and expenses, and Airport staff
tim� and expenses, sYz�.11 be subject to the reimbursement and indemnification require�nents of this
(a} Nothing in ihis S�ction is intended or shall be construed so as to
prevent the City or Airline from exercising, in tiheiz' reasanable discretion, any rights granted or
avaiIable alsewhere in tl�is Article, i�a this Agreement, ar bq law.
Exscution Copy
11.5 CarrecEivc Acti�� Process.
11.5.1 Before commencing any izavestigation, remediation, a�' corrective action
at t�ie Ai:r�orrt under this Agreem�n#, and e�cept fo�• any immediate abaterrzent actian required under
Section I1.4, Airline sha�l pravide the relaied proposed plar�s for such invesiigatian, remediation
ar corrective act�on ta ths City for approval, which shall not be unreasonably witi�heid. The wark
s}�ail be perfornaed at Airline's expense, and the City shall have the right io review az�d inspect a�l
such work at a�y time using const�ltants and repr�sentatives of the City's chozce, at the City's
expense. Speci£'ic cleanup levels for any environmental remediaCio:n wark shall comply uTith ap-
plicable Environmental Laws, Airline shall, at Airline's ov�rn cast an� expense, have ali tests per-
formed, and reparts and studies �repared, aaad shail pravide s�zch infiormatian �a any govert�menta�
age��cy as ���ay be required by Envizanmental Laws, with a copy to the City. This obligation in-
cludes but is not limited to any require�nents for a site charactera�at�on, site assessment, Affected
Praperty Assessraaent Report, a�id reniedial action p1.an th�t may be necessary. In the event deed
recordatian hy tlie City is necessary, Airline shali reimburse the City for ali deed recordation fees
and �reasonab�e attorneys' fees ix�curred in connection with such reeordation.
11.5.2 Any rernedial ar other activity unc�ertaken by Air�ine under this Article
shall not be cor�strued ta i�pair AirIine's rights, if any, to see� contribut�on or indemnity from any
17 .�.3 Airline may not seek a Municipal Setting Designation for any ground-
water underlying the Airport without abtaining the City's written approval in advanee.
11.6 Envirnnmenta� ��tdemnificatian and Reimbursement.
7 l.6.1 Notwi�hstanding any other provision ta the enntrary, and without limit-
ir�g any other indemnity in this Agreetne�t, Airfine a�•ees to indemnify, d��end, and hold hartx�less
the City, �ts past, pt'ese�at or future directors, af�cer,s, members, agent,s and em�pIoyees, the City's
eouncil, council members, agcnts, and ez�r�ployees and the Airpnrt Dperator ("Environmental In-
deanniiees"), from and against any and all claims, demands, penalties, �'ines, sUits, actions, admin-
isirative proceedings {including forrnal and informal e�forcementj, governmetlt azders, judgments,
loss, danczages, liabilities, costs, and expenses (includii�g but not Iitnited to reasonable and docu-
�,ented attorrieys' and cansultants' fees and expenses, litigation costs, expert �ritness fees, ar�d ex-
penses of investigatzon, removal, reinediati�n, ar ather xequired plan, repoz-t, ox response action)
when incurred and whether incUrred in defense of actual litigation c�r in xeasonable anticipation af
litigation to the extent resulting frorn:
(a} the breach by Airline of any representa�ion or warra;taty �ade in this
Articic; or
(b) the failure of Airizne to meet its obIigaiions under this Article in a
fulI and ti�nely �nanner, r�vhetI�er caused by Airline or any third party under Airline's directian or
con#rol; ar
(c) docvmented loss by any Environmental Inc�emnitee(s} from any En-
vironmental I�apact Claim, to t�e �xt�nf car.ksed by ihe operations, activities, action ar inaction of
Airline or Airline Entities, at the Aixport during tl�e tetr�r� of t�is A�reernertt.
Execution Copy
11.6.2 I�� the event the City undertakes any action, including but ��nt limited to
response or eorreciive action, repairs, or rernediation, in the exercise o� its rights with respect to
Airline under t�is Article, Airline sha�l reimbuxse the City, upon reasonable writien nof:ice by t�e
Czty, for all reasonabl� and documented costs tha.t the City incurs in associatian with such aciion,
including I�ut not �imited to c�nsultants` �`ees, contractors' %e�, reasonable attorneys' �ees an� ex-
penses, and e�penses of investigation, repair, response or carrective action and remediaiion.
1�..b.3 Notwithstanding any other provision to the contrary, and. to the extent
pennitted b� law, the City agrees to indemnify and hald haz�x�less Airline �d its direcfors, afficers,
agents and emplayees irom and against any and all claitx�.s, dexxaands, penaIties, fiiies, suits, actian.s,
administrative praceedings (including infor�mal proceedings), government orders,�udgments, loss,
damages, liabilities, costs, and expenses (including bui not limiied tc� reasnnataie atad dacurnented
aitorneys' and consultants' fees and expenses, �itigatian costs, expert witness fees, and expenses of
investigatiart, removal, remediation, or other .reyuired plan ar response action) to the extent result-
ing from {i} failure oF the City #o tr�eet its obligations und.er this Articls, ar {ii) ihe documented
loss by Airline, its directars, officers, agents or employees to a Chird pariy or governrnentat entity
fram any Environmental Impact Claiin, ta tlie ext.ent resulting from the operations, aciiviti�s, ac-
kians or inaction of the City or any other pariy under the Cit.y's direetton and control.
11.6.4 Regardless of tihe date of termination of this Agreement, the i��demnify-
ing party's representations, obligations and liabilities under #his ArticIe shall continue as long as
the indetx��zfied party bears any liability or responsibilaty undex this Article or the Enviromne��ial
1 ]..7 Limitatinns.
Airli�e's obligafiions und�r this Article shall not apply #o:
1�.7.1 �ontam�natian that existed at the Aii�ori prior to Ai:rline's inztial occu-
pancy or operations at such area{s) of contamination at the Airport, prror�aded khat neither Airline
nor any other party under Airline's direction or contral, ar conduating operations ar aciivities an
its behalf, subsequei�tly cont�r�ibuted to such eontainination; or
11.7.2 Rcleases that migrate onto, i�fo, or irom the Air}aart anci that �were n�t
caused by Airline' or thard parLies under AixIine's direction or cantral or conducting opera�ions or
activities on its behal�; o�
11.7.3 Releases or Discharges on, at, ax frazza the Airport not caused by Airlin�
ox Airline En�i�ies; or
11.7.4 Rcleases, Discha�•ges, ox contamination io the extent caused by gross
negligence or willfi�l miscanduct by the City, its agents or ernpioyees ax• any other party uncier the
Ciry's direction or control.
11.8 Waivet•.
Any wa.iver oi any provision of ihis Article, or any delay by the City in the enforceme:nt of
an}� �-ig�t hereunder, shali neither be constarued as a eontinuing waiveX, nor creafe an expectation
Execution Cnpy
of non-enforcaznent of that or any otl�er proviszon or right. In order to be effective, any waiver oE
any righi, benef�t, ar power i�ereunder znust be in writing anc� sigzaed by at� authnriz�d
representative af the City, it heing intended that no waiver siiall be iznpIied by the City's conduet
or failure to act. Ar�y speci�c writte� v��aiver shall �e a�plicable only ta �he particular facts and
circumstances thereb� addressed and shall nat be of at�y ef�ect wit�. respect to future events, even
if at�� of sazd �uture eve��ts invoIve subsiantially si�ilar cit•cumstances. Any renaedies provided %r
in f��is Article sha11 be cumulative and in adc�ition to, and not in �ieu of, any other remedies avaiIable
to City at law, in ec�uziy, ar othe�vvise.
1 X.9 ��rvival a€Enviwon�ental Pravisions.
Unless specificaily stated elsewhere herein, the pravisions of this Article, including tl�e
representations, vs�arranties, covenants a��d indemnities ofAirline, are intended to and shall survive
terminatian of this A�reernent.
11.10 Resource Conservation and Recycling.
The City resez'ves tk�e right to instilUie sUch policies, programs and measures as atnay be
neeessary ar desira�le, in the City's reasanable discretion, for �he conservatian or preservation of
energy, etae�'gy related servie�s, water, and other natural resource� c�z' �s rnay be requfred to comply
with any applicable codes, rules at�d regulations, wheiI�er m.andatory or voluntary. Airlane sha�l
com�Iy with aIl federal, state, and local laws, rules, regulations, and ordinances and rules and
regulations pertaining io recycling a�d energy conservaiion and �nanagement. Airlir�e and ��e City
,shall use good faith efforks to abide by and fully coaperate witll each other in all aspects o� such
policies and pxograms, and nothing in this Sectzan wzll ad�ersely affect Airline's or the City's
rights uaader this Agreement.
A�•ticle 1� ASSIGNMENT
Airline shall not, directly or indirectly, assign, sell, hypothecate or otherwise iransfer this
Agreer�ent, without the priar written consent r�f the City, such consent not to be �nreasonably
withheId. The foregoing slialI not preveni the assignment of tl�is Agreement oz' any portion thereof
to any corporaiion with whic� Airline may merge or cansolidate; provided however, such
successor corporatian �x+ithin a reasonable pariod af titx�e shal� provide written acknowledgement
by a duly autt�orized cotporate officer fo t1�e City that ii I�as assumed all obligations of Airline and
v��iI] £i.�lly honor all terms and co�diiinns set farth in this Agreement.
�lrticle 13 M��CELLAN�OU� PROVI�IDNS
13.1. Nature of Agreemen�t.
This Agreameni shall not be construed ta be a lease of any Ai�port �roperty nor create a
landlord-fienant relaiionship between the City and Airtine.
13.2 Gover�xng Lays� and Venue.
This Agreement has been e7itered into and sha�l be gaverned by, cons(rued and interprefied
in accordance �vith tne laws oi t�e St�te nf Texas. Venue of any action brought u�ider �his
Executian Capy
A�reezx�ent shall be vested in t�ae state courts of Texas in the Caunty af 7"at7rant or if f�deral
jurisdiction is appropriate, in the United �fates District Court in 1:he Narthern District of Texas.
13.3 En#ire Unc�erstax�d�n�g.
Tliis Agreement contains the entixe and only understanding and agreement of �e City and
,Elixline, which by acceptzng this Agreenierit, acicriow7edge tl�at ihere is no otlzer written or ox-al
understandit�g or agreement between ihem with respect to the subject n�atter of this Agreetnent
and that this Agreement si�persedes all priar negotiations, diseussions, obl�gations and rights of
the City and Air�ine. No waiver, xr�c�di�cation, arnendment or aiterataoz� af this Agreemer►t shall
be valid unless it is expressed in wt'iti�zg and signed by authorized representatives of Airline and
the City. Airlin.e ar�d the City acknowiedge that na ather pa.rty, nor any agent or at�arzaey n� any
other party, has made any prom�se, representatian, waiver or warranty whatsoever, expressed or
impIied, which. is noi expressJ.y contained in wriiing in this Agz'eement and further acknowledge
that this Agreement was nat executed in reliance upon any collateral promise, representatio�,
waiver ar wananty, or in reIiarace upan any beIie� as to any fact not expressly recited i� this
i 3.� Amendments.
Except as otherwise expressly pravided hez'ein, the provisians n� this Agraetx�ent may b�
amended anly by a vwritten agreement signed by the City and AirIine.
13,5 Cumuiative Rights.
Each right of t.�e City and Aixline is cutnulative and is in addition to every other legal rig�t
that ihe party may have zn the even� Qf any default by the ather.
I3.6 Co�t�,structKa�r ta Save Agreement.
Ii any term, covenant, condition, or pravision of tb.is Agreement is held b� a court of
competent jurisdictfon ia be invalid, �oid, or unenforceable, the remaii�der of the provisions hereof
s�ali remain in full farce and effect and in no ti�ay aiFected, iznpaired, or invatidated thereby. It is
the iniention of t�xe parties hereto that if any pravisic�n of this A�reement is capable o� iwo
consn-�ctians, one of which would render the provision void ar�d the atk�er of whieh would rend�r
#he pravision vaIid, ihen the provision shall ha�e t�e meaning which renders it valid.
13.? No Waiver.
No waiver of default of any of the terms, cavenaza(s and conditions of this �igreement to be
performed, kepf and observed hy the other party shall be construed ar operate as a waiver of any
sUbsequent default of any afthe ie�s, covenants or conditions o£xt�is Agreement to be performed,
kept a��d observed by i:he otk�ex party. No failure on the part of either party to r�quire ar exact fitll
and eomplete carnpliance hy the ather partiy with any af the covenants, conditions, ar agreements
of ilais A�;reem.ent be const�rued iz� any manner as a change in or to thc terms of this Agr�ement ar
prevent the enf�rcem.ent in fiall of any provisions.
Executivn Copy
13.8 Re�ationshig of Paw-ties.
Nothiz�g in this Agreernent shall be deemed or construed by the City or Air�ine, or by any
third �arty, as cxeating �he relationship of principal a��d agent, partners, joint venturers, or any nther
sitnilar such relationship between the City and Airline.
1�.9 No Third-Pa�y Benei'�ciaries.
There are no third-party �enefciaries to tlais Agreament other than as speci�cally a�d
ex�ressly pxavided in ti�is Agreeme�rt.
13.1 D �uccessors and Assigns.
All o£ the terms, pravisions, cavenants, stipulatio�s, canditions and considerations in this
Agree�rnent sha�l extend to and bind the Iegal representatives, successors, and assigns of each party
to thzs Agreeme�t.
13.11 Labor Ilisp�tes.
Airiine agrees to use eom�nercially rcasonable efforCs to avoid disruption ta the Czly, its
tenants or mernbers af the publ�c arising from labor dispuies invalving Airline, and zn the event of
a strike, pzcketing, d��nonstratian or other labor dif��uliy involving Airl�z�e, ta use its good of£'ices,
includ�ng the utilization of available Iegal remedies, tv minimize ar eliminate any disruption ta the
City, its Lenants o:r inembers oF the �ublic, arising from such stri�e, picketing, demonstration or
other labor dif�culty.
13.12 Force Majeure.
Tf ei�aex party is d�layed ox hindered in or pt•evented frorn ihe performance of any act
reyuired under this A$reement by reason of strikes, lockouts, labar d'zsputes, inabilziy to pz'ocuze
lahor or materials, failure of power, riats, insurrection, terxorisrr�, war, fire ar othex casualty, or
o#her reasan of a similar naiure beyond the reasonable confrol afi the paz-ty delayc:d in perForrning
work ar doing acts required under this A�ree�aent, performazace of sueh aci shali be excused for
#he �eriod of the actUal de�ay att�-ibutable ta such causes, and the period for the performance oi
any such act shall be e�tended for a period equivalent lo the period o£such delay {any such delay
is her�in referred to as a�. "UnaVoidable Delay"}. This Sectron shall not be applicable ta Airline's
obligations to pracure insurance or to pay Landing Fees and other fees and chaxges due under this
Agreement. If any provisian af this Agreeinent negates or Iimits ihe periQd af any %rce z7:iaje�re
or Unavoidable Delay extension, such provzsian shall c�venide this Sect�an 13.12. Airline shall
g�ve the City t�otice af any Unavoidable DeIay within a reasonabla tixne (nat to exceed one (1)
year) fol.lawing the occurrer�ce afthe delaying event.
13.13 No Persanal Liabilily.
No directo��, of�cer, ager�t, ernplay�e, or elected official a� either party shaIl be charged
personal�y or contractua�ly liable by or to t�ie ofiher party under any term ar pro�vision of this
Agreement, ar because ot�any breach ofil�is Agreemetit, c�� because of their execution or attempted
executian of this Agreerne�af.
Execution Copy
] 3.�4 Accepta�ce of Payments.
The s�bsEquent acceptance of payz�nents hereunder F�y the City fiotn Aixline shall nat be
deemed #o be a waiver of any precediza� breach by Airline af azky term, cnvenant, or condition of
tl�is Agreelnent, other than the failure of Airline to pay the particula�' fees or rent sa accepted,
regardless of the City's knowledge of such pz-eceding breach at the tilne of acceptance o� such
lanc�ing fees andlor rent.
13. � S A�forneys' Fees.
13.15.1 Tf tI�e Cit}� shal�, wzthout any fault, be n�ade a party to a37y iitigation
co�neneed hy or again.sE Airline arising o�t of AirIine's use �r enjc�yment of Airport ar the
Preznises ar�d as a result oiwhich Az�li�e is £'inally adjudiaated to be liable, then Airline shall pay
all eosfs and reasor�able attorneys' fees incurted by or imposed upon ihe City in connectiot� with
such litzgation.
13.15.2 It� any action by the Ciiy or Airline against the other for recnvery o�' any
su:m dne under this A�eement, or to eiiforce any of the terms, covenants or conditz�ns caniained
l�erein, the prevailing party shall be e�tit�ed to reasonable attorneys' fees in addition tc� costs and
necessary disbursements incuz-red in such actioi�. Each party shall gi�e prornp� notice ta the other
of any claim or suit anstrt�ated against it that may affect the atherr party.
13,16 Taxes.
13.16.1 This Agreer�ent may result in ar create a taxable possessaxy interest and
b� subject to the payzx�eni of property tz�es. Natwit(�sta�ding the %regoi.ng, as of the date of
execution ai�his Agreement, no sUch taxes, as provided in this �ectian 13.16, are applicable.
13.76.2 If applica.ble, Airline shall be liable for, and shall pay throughout t��e
Term, all p�•aperty �aa�es pa�raUle ior, or on account of: (a) tl�e activities conducted by Airline on
the Airport; and (b} all faxes, if any, on the personal property of Airiine on ar at the Airport.
I3.163 Tf ap�licable, Airline shall reirtibuzse the Ciry far all such taxes paid or
payable by tlze City, identi�ed in section 13.16.1 and I3.16.2 ahove. All tax arnounis for v�hieh
the City is or wiIi be e�iitled to reimburse�x-�ent, as provided for in t(�is Seciion 13.X 6, from Airline
shall be pa�able by Airl�ne ta the City at lea�t fifteen (15) days pxi�r. ta the dtae dates of ihe
respective tax a�nounts involved; prowided that A�1ine shall be en�iiled to a minimuiaa af ten (l0)
days' written notice af il�e amounts payable by Airline.
13.1 G.4 .�lirli�le rnay cnnfest, in its own naine or the name of the Ci#y, the va�idity
or amount of any tax it shall be requxred to pay, under this Section 13.I�, to a taxing entity;
provided, howev�r, Chat Airline shall defend, inder3nnify and hnld the City haxnn:less �rom a11
Iiability and expense arising from such contest, which oblz�ations s�all survive e�piration or earlieX�
termination oF thzs Agreement and sha�l provide seeurity satisfacto�ry to the Ci�y far its
perforinazace of such inde�zanification obli�atian.
Execution Copy
13.17 Mernoranc�nm of Lease.
In the eventtkzat the City so requests, Airline shall execute, aitest, acknawledge, aa�d delivex
�or recordzn�; a shart forrn Memorandu�n of Lease of tIai� Agreement.
13.18 Approva� or Consez�t.
Whene�er cansent or approval is r�quirad herein by either party ta the othez, such consent
or apprat�al shall not be unreasonahly wiihheld, car�difiozaed, or delayed.
i�.19 Ti�e af fhe Essenee.
Time is of tha essence af this Agreement and af each az�d all of its ternas, conditians,
covenants and provisions.
13.20 Notices.
All no�ices ar�d payments under �his Agreement znay be delivered or zziailed. Tf delivered
by messenger ai courier {incIudin� overnigl�t ai�- caurzerj, they shall b� deemed deIiversd when
received at the �treet Addresses Iisted in Section 1. 3. if mailed or sent via overnight courier, they
shall be sent to the Overnight Delivery a�d Street Address provided in Artiale T or to such athez'
xespec�ive addresses as either party z�ay from time tp time designate to the otlier party in writing.
All notices and payments mailed by regular mail (including first class) sk�all be deenned to have
been given on ihe �ftIa business day fnllnrrving the date of mailing, if properly mailed aixd
addressed. Noiices and payments sent by certiiicd or registered mail shaIl be deemed ta have been
given on tl�e third b�siness day follor��ing the date of rnailing, i�properIy �nailed and addressed.
For all types of maal, tl�e postmark aff�ed by the Unitcd �iates Postal Service shall be conclusive
evidence af the date of r�ai�ing. Noiices delivered via courier or overnight courier shall be deemed
to have �een given upon arrivaL Notices under thzs Agreement are sufiicient if rrzade via email
provided such email uotice has b�en sent to an emplayee a�the recipieni Parfy ha�ing knowiedge
o� the matter contained in the �otice and is conspicuoUsly identi�ed as a notice under this
Agreen7ent, and s�ail be deerraecf to have been given on the day tk�e email is sent.
13.21 Caunter�arts.
This Agre�ment rnay be executed sitr�ulta�►eo�as�y in cc�unterparts, each of which s�all be
deemed to be an ori�inal copy aithis Agreement and, when ta�Cen togeihex, sha�l be de�med t� be
ane and t�e sazne Agree�nant.
13.22 Capacity fo Execute.
Airline shall subrr�it a copy of any corporate resolution, if req�aesCed by City, wl�ic��
aiathorizes any directaz� or offieer to act an �ehalf oi Airline or which autharizes Airline to entet`
inta this Agreennent.
L�xecution Copy
13.23 Incorporatian ot Exl�ibiis.
All exhibits ar�d aiiachm.ents referred to in this Agree�nent are intended ta be and are hereby
specif'ically made a part of this Agreement.
13.24 Titles.
Paragxap� titles are inserted only as a matier of con�enience and for reference, and in no
way define, limit or descrlbe the scope ar exteaat af ay�y provision of this Agxeement.
I3.2S O�her Agreenae�fis.
Other tl�an as set forth herein, nothing cantained in lhis Agreement shall b� dee��ed or
construed to nullify, r�strict ar illadify in any manne,r tkze pravisians of any otlaer lease or contract
between City a�zd Airline authorizing the use of the Airport, its facilities and apptirtenances.
13,26 Agreement l�Tot ta Grant More Tavorable Terms.
During the Term, the City agrees not fo enter �nto any �ease, contract or other agreemeni
with any oth�r air carrier conducting operations at the Airport that contazns xates, charbes ar iez-ms
morc favorable ta such air can-ier than the rates, charges ar terms Airline has agreed to uzader this
Agr�e��ent, unless ihe Authariry also makes tlzase more favorable raies, chazges or tertns available
to Airli�e. The pravisians of this Sect�on 13.2b shall in no way lilnit, impair or interfere with the
City's abilaty io charge or establis�-► such rates ai�d charges as t1�e City may deem appIicable when
entaring iz�to any lease, canlract �r other agreexnent witil any pariy that is not an air carrier.
I3.2'7 Agen# for Service.
It is expressly under,stood and agreed that if Airline is not a resident af the State of Texas,
oz' zs an associatiar� c�r �artnership without a member or partner resideni o�said state, ar is a forezgn
corpora�ion nat licensed to do busiza.ess in Texas, then in any such ev�nt, Air�ine shall �.ppoint an
agent for the purpose of service of process in any court action betw�en it and City arising out o��
or based upon this Agreen�ent. Airline shall immediateIy notify City, in wz'iting, of the nam� a�id
address of said a�ent. �uch sex-vice shall be nlade as provided by the Iaws of the State of Texas
for s�rvice upon a non-residant engagin�; in business in the Sta��. It is furtixer ex�ressly agreed,
covenanted and stipulate�. that, if for any reasa�i, such service af proaess is not possible, as an
alternative t1le�od of service of proeess; Airline rriay be personally served out af the State of Texas
by �e registered maiIing af such service at the address set for�h in Section i,I_
jRemaindeY of Page Intentionally f e. f't Blank]
Execu�on Capy
IN WTTNESS WHEREOF, #he Parties hereto have caused the�e presents to be executed on
the day and year first abo�e wriiten.
BY:��__�Gs�� _ �
Nanae: Fernando Costa
Title:�Sj Sta�a�Cit�_Mana,�er
BEFORE ME, the undersi�ned authnrity, a Notary Public in and fc�r the �tate of Texas, on
this day personally appeared �ernando Costa , known to me to be the person uvhose name is
suhscribed to the forego�t�g instrutnent, and ackrtowledged ka �nne that the same r�vas the act of the
City of Fort Worth and that he executed the same as the act of the Ci#y of Fori Worth for the
purposes anc3 consideration �herein expressed and in the capacity tlaerein stated.
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By. �� e !
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Title:, 't � � . _�V.�
5TATE OF ��!� §
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Cathy Williams, Hotary ��6lis
in and !or t�e Staia cf 4hfu
�fy C��nmissian �xpires F�aY B,g0�8
��R� ME, the undersigned autharity, a N�� � Fublic� and far the State of
^, an this day personally appeared C.. d�.� :i .,,� nawn #o me ta be
the person whose natne i5 subsctibed to #�e faregoing F. struirtent, and �C w(edged to me that
the satne vvas the act ofAir Transport �nternational, Inc. and �hat shelhe exec�ied the same as the
act of AEr Transport International, Inc, for the pur�pases and consideration t�erein expressed and it�
the ca�acity therein stated_
G�VEN UNDER MY HAND AND �EAL OF OFFICE this ��__ day of �i{� �
zo� --
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Cantract Corr�pliance Manager:
By signing I acknowlec[ge that 1 arn the person responsi6le for the monitoring and
acEministraiion of this contract, including ensuring all performar�ce and reporting requirements.
- . �
Bar ar Good '
Real Property Manager
By: �- - -
B � � ��� �
?U�,4� r�±�z-ati
Assistant City Attorney
M&C: -0180
Date: March 9, 2021
���:��,�11/�ary J. Kayser
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Exhibit S
���� �#����
City of Fort Worth Avia�ior� D�partment
2D� American Concourse, Ste 330
Fort Worth TX,7fi106
� �'' �. � "' - �1 . �
�i� �f ���t ��r�h �i�i�tion C��p����r�t
iA��� �� ��IVT��IiS
1, aE�rlNl�l"It�F�S AN� AG�ORlYIVi� ...................................................................................'i
2. INiRO�iJ�i'IOiV .............................................................................................................4
r�urpose ....................................... ..................................................................y....... 4
Regulatiorrs........................................................................................................... �4
�ffecfi�re Dai�e ....................................................................................................... 4
Self-Senrice ........................................................................................................... �5
�ipj?IfG�biJl%/ ..........................................................................................................�
Variance................................................................................................................ a
3. G�N��L ft�QU1R�tV�Ef�TS .........................................................................................i
Introduction...................................•---...............,............................................,...... �'
�eased' Premises .................................................................................................. �'
�aciltfy �iaintenance ..........................................................._......................,......... 7
Products, Servfces, and Faciliiies ...................................................................... 8
Licenses, Permiis, Gertifications, and 14afi�gs .................................................8
�m ployees .......................................... ........ .......................................................... 8
�quipment and Vehicl�s ......................................................................................8
Hoursof.4c�ivity .................................................................................,.....,.......,..9
Securiiy................................................................................................................. 9
Insurance....... .......................................,...................................,........................... 9
Indemni�ication and Ffold Harml�ss ................................................................. � 9
�nforcemenf ....................................................................................................... 7�
Leas�d Premises 1t�ultiple Ac#ivities ................................................................ 9�
�.. �ix�� �A�� o������� t��o� ...............................................................................��
lntroduction........................................................................................................ 93
Scopevf Acfivify ..............................................................................._.......,,......, 73
�eased �remises ................................................................................................ 74
�u�l Storage anaf Equipment ............................................................................. 94
FuelingRepnrts .................................................................................................. ��
C,round �uppart and Serv�ce �quipment ......................................................... ?�
l�lours offi6ctivify ................................................................................................ 76
Emplayees..--• ..................................................................................................... 9G
�ircraft Removal .................�.,.............,........._.........,,.....................,,.................. 76
AIRCRA�'i flf1AIfV�Eid,�NC� ���RAT9R (�AS�) ...................................................... �7
a. /n�roduc�ior� .....................................................................................................�.,17
�. �easedPremises ..........................................................................,.....................1T
�. �'mployees ..........................................................................................................9�`
AVI�i�lICS �I� [�1[S7 -h'U��NY ffAAEPl1",EfifA�C� O��RAoTOR �S�aSO} ........................18
A. lntroducfr"on ........................................................................................................ 98
B, ��ased Premis�s ................................................................................................ �'8
G. L�icenses and Cer#r"ficaxrans .............................................................•---....,.,....... 9�
t7. �mptoyees ..........................................................................................................98
� Equipment ........................................................................................................... �'8
Aviafian Minirr�um Standards
City af Fort Wnrfh Aviation Departr�ent (2017}
oRT �o�TH
nr�u'�io�v iA�LE D� C�NT'I�Mi�
-_.. ..
�. �►IRCR,AFT RE�7'AL �R ��I�F�i TRAIhlih�� ���E�Ri�R (SAS�) ...............:........... � �
�!. lnir�afu�c#ion ........................................................................................................ 99
�. Leased Premises ................................,........................,........_.........._.................. 79
C. �mployees ...................................................................,.......................,.......,�.....19
A. �'quipm�n� ..........................................................................................................20
� Hours ofActivity ................................................................................................2D
F. lnsurance .��sclosure Requirement........� ......................................................... �0
8. AIRCRAFT CH�►RT�R OR AIRC���� �Af�AGEii��h� f O�'�RAi`012 (SASC]) .....,....21
A. ltrtroducfion ........................................................................................................ 29
�. Leased P'remises ................................................................................................ 29
C. i�rcenses and Certi�ca�ions...---_ .............._.....,.......................................,........... �9
Q. �mplayees .......................................................................................................... �9
�. �quipmenf ........................................................................�.........,........................29
F�ours Qf.�cttvi�y ..............................................................................,................. �7
9, �1�RCRAF'�' S�L�S OP�RATOR (SASO) ...................................................................22
,4. fntr€�duction ........................................................................................................22
B. Leased t�remises .................................................................................,....,..,......22
G. 9ealership ...................................................... ..................................................... 22
D. Licer�s�s and �e.�fi�cafions ............................................................................... ��
� NQLJI"S f)� AC�Il�Itj/ ................................................................................................ %�
'�0. AIRCRAFT S�QRA�I� OF'�R�►i�R {SASO) ..............................................................x3
A. lntraductiort ........................................................................................................23
B. L�eased �remises ..........................,...........................,............................,..,......... 23
C. Hours of�lc#iviiy ................................................................................................�3
1'l. AVIAiIOfR! S�RVIC� �ULE f��tDT�RI�TOR .................................................................�4
A. lrttr'aduction ..............................,...---.-.-.._..._._................o..................,..,_...,..,...,.._24
�. Leas�d �remises ................................................................................................24
C. �'rnp/ayees ..................... ..................................................................................... �4
fl. Equipmenf ...........................................................................................................24
.� Maurs of,4ctivi�y ................................................................................................25
FInsu�rance C?isclosure .........................................................................................25
12. OTHE�t COIV�fUI�RCIAL REROPIAUiI�AL ACT1VtTf�S {SAS�j ................................�6
.4. introducfic�n ........................................................................................................25
�, �eas�d Premises ........................................,.................,.....................................26
C. �mployees......-• .................................................................................................. ZG
�. �"quipment ........................................................................................................... �'6
�. Ffours of Activity ................................................................................................ 2fi
°I3. 5��.� FUELIf�� ............................................................................................................27
,�. frrfroduCFiort ...........................................<.......,......._......,.....................................27
�. �'ermit/�pproval .................................................................................................2i
C. �u�Iing �eparts .................................................................................................. ,�7
� —
Aviation Mit��mum 5tandards
Gify af Fnrt Worth Aviatio�t I]epartmen# (20�7j
Avu�r�or� TA�L� �F CONT'Et�T'S
D. �uel Storage and �qu�pment .......................�,.........,.............................,....,.,.....27
�. Gompl�ance wii�h Lnvironmerrfal �aws..__....... .............._..,.,..........,._.................�9
� Remediation and lnsurance Requirements ...................................................... 29
!G. Personn�l ..................................................................................:.........................29
1�. Permit Revocafion ..............................................................................,............... �9
A�iation Niinimum Standarc#s iii
City of Far# Wnrth Aviation Repartment (2017)
�����ir�on�s ��� �c�a�v�s:
For purposes of the Aviatior� Minimurn Standards, the following words, phrases anc!
acranyms shali have the meanings respecti�ely ascribed ta them in this seciion:
AG — Advisory Circular
Aeronauiical �cti�ity — Any act�viiy or service t�at invol�es, makes �ossible,
facilit�tes, is related to, assists in, or is required for the oPeration ofi Aircraft; any
activity that cantributes fo, or is required for fhe safety of such aperations; any activity
that has a direct relaki�r�ship to #he operation of Aircraft or tha operation of the aErpc�rt.
AFW — �ort Worth Alliance Airpor�
Agr�em�n# - A written contract enforaeable by �aw, executed by bQth parties,
be�ween the City anci an Enfity t�-ansferring righfs or interest in fand andlor
Impraver�ents ancf/or atherwise auihorizing the cvnduct af ceriain activifi�s.
�►ircraft - Arty weight-carrying structt�re for navigation in the air and that obtains
support by �he dynamic reactio� of the air fo a�y obstructian connected with th�
structure. Gliders ar �Itralights, either powered or unpawered, helicopters, hat air
balloor�s, and airships will be co�sidered Aircraft,
Aircraft Char�e�- 8p�rafor — A Commercial Operator engagecf ir� nn-demand
cammar� carriag� for persans or prape�#y, as defined in 14 CFR Part 135, or �perates
in pri�ate carriag�, as defined in 14 CFR Part `[2�, on ti�e Airporf.
A,ircraft iVYaintenance Operator - An Operator engaged in providing Aircraft
maintenance, parts, accessories, and reiaied corr3poner�ts, as d�fEned in 14 CFR Part
43, for Aircraf� nther than those awned, feased, ar�d/or aperated by the Operator on
the airpnrt.
Aircra�t �Nanagement pperator � An 4p�rator ertgaged in the business of praviciing
Aircraft management ir�cluding, but nat �imffed ta, flight dispatch, pilot services, fiight
attendant services, or Aircraft maintenance coardination to the pubfic on the airport.
Aircraft Rentat Operator — An Operatar engaged in the renta! of Aircraft tn the
public at the airport.
Aircrafc �a1es Operator — An Operatar �ngagecf in the sale of Aircraft on the ai�port.
This excEud�s individuals selling p�rsonally owned Aircraft, �nless th� individual
purchases Aircraft for the primary purpase af resale.
Aircra� Storage OperafQr — An Operatar that owns ot leases an Aircraft sfarag�
facility and/or associafed afFice or shap space on th� a�rpor� and �ells ar s�t�leases
such space to entities er�gaging in commerciaf or r�on-comm�rcial aeronautical
Airport Roadway - Those portions Qf the air�or�s designate� and macfe availab[e
ter��orarily or permanenfly hy the Director fior vehicular traffic ar�d no� located on
grourtd leas�d by others.
�vionics or Ir�sirumer�# �ainten�nce �perator — A Commercial Operator engaged
in the busin�ss of maintenance or alteratian ofi one ar more of t�te items described in
'E4 CFR Part 43, Appendix A(i.e., Aircraft radios, efectrical systems, or ir�strt�ments)
for Aircraft ather than those own�d, leased, an�flflr operated by fhe C�peratar an the
Aviation Minimu� Stanc�ards T
City of �ort Worth Aviation peparkment (2097}
Camm�rcial Uperafior — An Er�tity #�at affers ar�y product ar sarvice fcrr wl�ich
cornpensatian is received.
�aoperatir�� �rganixa�ion (Coaap� -- M��tiple entities coming together for the
purpose of joint ownership in facili#ies, equi�am�nt, andlor fuel in arde� to conduct
Aeronauticaf Activities at the Airport.
Direc�nr - The Directnr nf fhe Aviatior� Depar�menf is responsible for the
administration, operatinns, anci mainfenance for ali city-ovuned and operated airports.
f]HS - DeparEment of Harneland Sec�rity
Enti�y - An indi�iduaf, p�rt�ership, limited liability company, carporation or ot�er
business orgar�izatian doing busi�ess or desiring to da busin�ss on one or more city-
owned generai aviation airports.
FA� - Federal A�iafion Adminisfration
�light Yraining Qperafar - Commercia) aperator engaged in providing flight
EnstructEon ta the public at the airport.
�ixed �ase OperaYnr �F'�Oj - A Commercial Operator engaged in the sale af
products, services ancf the r�r�ting or subleasing of �acilities.
F!l�lS — Fo�t Worth S�inks Airpar�
Fi�1� — Fort Wor#h Meacharr� fn#erna#�nnal Airport
Improverr�ents - Alf buildings, structures, addi#ians, and facili�ies irtcluding pavernent,
fencing, and �andscaping cor��tructed, instailed, ar placed ar�, under, or above ar�y
land ort fhe airpart.
Infrastruct�re - Runways, Taxiways, taxi lanes, aprons, helipads, landing pads,
parki�g pads, navaids, Airport Raadways, utilities, etc.
�eased Premises - The land and/or Im�ravements used exclusi�ely under
Agre�me�tt by an Operator, lessee, or sublessee.
Limited Aircraft Services and Support - I..imited Aircraft, engine, or accessory
supp€�rt such as cleaning, w�s}�ing, waxing, �ainting, upholst�ry, propeller repair, etc.
or nt�er re�ated Aircraft services and support activities.
11�iscellaneous Gommercial 5err►ices and Sup�or� - Grour�d instructiQn, simulatar
training, scheduling and dispatchirt�, ar any other related camm�rcial services ancE
support acti�ities.
�inimum 5tandards - Thc�se c�uaEificatians, �tandards, and criferia set farth as fhe
rninimum requirements to be met as a condition for the right ta engage in acf��+ties at
city owr�ed g�n�ral aviation �irports,
lVon�Camm�r�ial Wangar Ressse - An Entity that owns ar leases an Aircra#� storage
facility on the airpor� far the purpase ot st�rin� �ircraft owned, leas�d, and/ar
operated by the �ntity far rtnn-commercial purposes �nly,
R1on�Commercial Lessee - An Entity that owns ar leases an Aircraft and operates
the Aircraft for a private pu�pose. !n the case of a#�usiness, the ope�'ation of Aircraft
must t�e an ancillary activify to suppori th� busine�s`� purpose �y pro�iding private
transportation for the excfusive use of its ernployees, agents, and/or customers. In a�l
cases, fhe Non-Gammercial Lessee neith�r offers nor engages in commercial
aeronautical activiti�s.
Aviation Mir�ir�um Standards
Ciiy of Fort Warth Aviation C7epartrr�ent (2097J
F,� ��RTH
i�on�F'rofi� Organi�aiion - An arganization that is fegally �ormed as a not-far-profit
or�a€�ization, as register�d with fihe Ir�ternal Rev�n�e S�r�ice under 5D1(c)�3) or the
S#ate o# Texas Non-Profi� Organization provisions. As a Not-For-profit Organization,
should an organi�ation provide commercial aeronautical �ctivities, the organization
shal! be view�d as a Commercia! Op�rator.
Operafror - An Entity that has entered inta an Agreernent with th� City of For� Worth
A�ia#ion De�artment to engage in cnmmercial aeronaufical activities at the airport.
Permittee - An Entity t#�at has wriften pe�-m�ssion fram the Avfatior� Department to
cond�ct an acfi�ity at the airport according #o fhe parameiers estabEist��d by a permit.
Runway - An area of the airport dev�loped and impr�ved far the purpase r�f
accornmadati�g the ianding and takeoff af Aircraft.
Speciali�ed Rviation �ervice Operator (SASOj - A sir�gle servic� provider affering
a specialized aeronautical senrice such as Aircraft sa�es, flight training, Ai�cra�t
maintenance, or avior�ics s�ruic�s. SASOs shall not seil fuel.
Taxiway - A de�ned path, ust�aily paved, a��r which Aircraft can taxi frorr: Qne part ofi
an airpnrt ta another excluding takeoff and landing.
TS�, - Transp�rtatiart SafEty Administration
i'SR — Transportation Security Regulations
Aviation Minimum S�andards �
City of For# Worth Aviatipn Department (2Q17)
�O�T �4R`�H
A. Purpose
The purpase a� th�s� A�iatian Minimum Standards (Minirnum Standards) is to
encaurage, pramote, and ensure:
1. The cansistent proWision o� Ftigh q�ality aviation products, serviees, and
facilities at Fort Vtlor#h Alliance Airport, Fort WQrth Meacham Inter�ational
Airport, and Fort Wor�h Spinks Airport ("Airparts" when ref�rred fo
coliectively or "Airporfi" when referred to indi�idually);
2. The development of high quality aviation Imprv�err�er�ts and amenities at
the A�rports;
3_ Aviation sa�Fe�y and security at the Airpo�ts;
4. The economic health of aviation Commercial Operatars at the Airports; and
5. The ord�rly development of Airport prnp�rty fnr aviation purposes.
Aeronauticai actiWities may be proposed that do nai fall within the categories
designated herein. In suc�i a ease, appro�riate M�nimum Standards shalf be
established by the Gity of Fort V1lorth (City) Aviatior� Departrnent (Department} on a
case-by-case basis for such acti�ities and incorporatet! into lessee's Agr�ement or
operator's Agreement wi#h a sublessee.
�. R'egulatrons
These Minimum Standards are subjeci tn, b�f nat iimitecf to:
�. Federaf A�iatior� Regulatians, Tit�e 14 - Code af Federal Regufations
2. Texas Transportation Code, Chapter 22 - County and Municipal Airpor�s,
3. Fort WorEh Aviation Depariment Leasing Policy, and
4. Fort Warth Cade af Ordinances, Cha�Ote�- 3- Airports and Aircraft.
5. Fort Worth Aviation Schedul� of Rates and Charges
If the FAA determines that any provisiort af these Minirrtum 5tandards, a�y pt'avisian
Qf any Agre�ment, or any practice canstitut�s a grant of a prahibitec� excl�sive righf,
such provision shall be deerned nul! and void and �uch practice shall be discflntinued
C. E'ffec�`ive 9ate
These Minirr�um 5tar�dards shall be i� effect upon adoption by the Fort Wvrth City
Gn�ncii, unless repealed by #hE City. The Minimum Standards, adapied J�ne 16,
9 992 (the "1992 S#andards, "} and the Mi�imum Standarcls adopted May 4, 2fl1 �4
(the 2014 Sfiandards) rrvill cantirtue to apply ta exist�n� Improvements constructec!
prior to the adoption of thes� Minimum Sfandards, unEess the current Impro�ements
are in �ialatinn of the `! 992 Stanciards a# th� tirne these Minimum St�nd�rds are
adapted. Unles� �xpressEy stated otherwi�e, these Minimum 5tar�darcls shalf apply
to afl exis#ing businesses and aetivities at the Airport as of the sixt� monfih after the
adap#iQn of th�s� Minimum Standards.
Avfatian Minimum S�andarcls
City of Fort Worth Aviation Departmenf �2017)
Fo�T ����rr�
�. �elf Serviee
An Aircraf� owner or the Aireraft awner's employees may pe�form services fhat may
include fiueiing, maintenance, or repair or� the Aircraft owner's Aircraft utilizing the
Aircraft awner's vehi�les, equipment, and r�sources (self seruice}, An Aircrafi
owner v�rho engag�s in self-service acti��ties may not �erForm ssnrices for
campensatinn ar hire. The right tn �ngage in self-servic� aefi�i#ies is conditioned
upan compliance with app�icat�Ee r�gulatory measur�s. See Sectior� 17, Sel� �uelir�g
for add�tional �eq�irements.
An Aircraft Maintenance Operator rnay defue! Aircraft, if necessary, fc�r Ai�-craft
mainfena�ce purposes anly. Additionally, an Aircraft Maintenance Operafor rr�ay
re'��e( the defiu�led Aircraft foflowing provision of required Aircraft mainter�ance.
Defueling artd refueling shali noi be construed to permit an Aircraft Maintenance
Operator to engage in the safe of aviati�n ft�els as fhis activity �s specifcally
reseruec# fior an FBO (Sectinn 4).
An Aircra�t Mainter�anca Operator conducting defueling and refueii�tg of de€ueled
Aircraft shall ha�e adeq�at� and proper fuel starag�, pra�ide the Departm�nt with a
Spill Pre�entiort, �onirol, and Countermeasures Plan for defueling, re�ueling, ar�d
fue! stora�e, and conform with Section �4.D.
Co-op fueiing is prahibited at the Airpo�ts.
�: J�pplicabili�y
These Mirtimurn Standards specify the standards and/or r�quiremer�ts that mtast b�
rr�et by any Entity �ngaging in aviation aerortat�tical ac#ivities at the A�rports.
Througho�t #hese Mir�frr�um Standards, the words "standards" or "requir�ments"
shall be undersiood fo be modifed by the uvard "mir�im�m" except where expfici#Iy
stated otherwise. Any required deterrriir�atians, in�er�retations, or judgments
regarding what constitutes an acceptabie mir�irnum standard or requiremen�, ar
regarding compiiance vuit� such rninimum st�r�dard or requirement, shal� be made
by tl�e Depart�ent, All entities rnay excesd the applicable Minimurr� Standards or
requirements. No Entity shal! be aliowed �o engage in aviatian aeronautical
aciivities at the Airpor�s under conditions that da not, in the Qepartrner�t's sofe
discr�tEon, fully comply wiih these Minim�rn Standards, unless an exarnption ar
variance has b�en appro�ed in writing by the Director.
These Minimum Standards shall apply to any use of Airport fand ar Improvements
�Far the purpose of �ngaging in aviatian aeranautical a����ities.
� Variance
The Departmer�t may, but is not obligated to, approve variances to these Minimum
Standards wh�n special conditior�s or unusual circumstances exist.
Requ�;sts for a �ariance rnust:
1, S�ate the speci�ic provision(s} for which the variance is being saught;
2. Describe the prvposed �ariance;
3. Stat� the reason for the proposed variance;
Aviafion P49inimum 5tandards �� � � �
City of �ort Wor�� Aviatian Department (2017}
Fo�T t�%���[
4. Identify fhe ar�ticipated irr�pact on the Airp�ri (and other entities includ�ng
Operators, lessees, sublessees, t�s�rs of the Airport, and the pubfic); ar�d
5. (dentify the duration of the proposecf variance,
Priar to the appro�al ar denial of a variartce, the Deparfinent shall conduct a review
of all relevant �nfarmation including the rec�uest for variance as well as any other
infiarmation that may be req�aested or required by il�e aepartment.
!n taking act�on on a request fior variance, the� Qepar�ment may grant the request
oniy wl�en it is de#�rmined that:
1. E�forcernent of specific provisions in these Minimum Standards wi�l creaie
an unnecessary hardship or practical diffic�lty in the int�r�ded use af #he
affected property;
2. Th� �ariance wiil not injure the existing or p�rrnitted use of adjacent
conforming praper�y in accordance with the Airport Master Plan; and
3. The grartting of a variance is consistent with #he purpose and intent of
these Minimurn Standa�'cfs.
APArp�al or denial of a varia�ce shall be determin�d by the Deparkment of A�iation.
if approved, t�e variance shali only apply ta the particular case far which the
varianc� is granted.
An appra�a[ by the Departms�t of a variance shall not ser�re ta amend, modify, ar
alter thes� Minimum Standards or any existing Agreement.
Avfatian Minimum Standards
City of Fort Wor#h Aviation Depar�rnent {2097)
�o�T V�o�T�
��P�ER�4L R�QUIR�#ill�iUTS
A. Intraduetion
All entities engaging in aerona�tical activities at the Airp�rts shall f�rl�y compiy with
or exceed th� requirerrrents af this sectio� as well as the Minimum Standards
app[icable to Entity's ac�ivities, as set forth in subs�q�e�t s�ctions.
�. �eased I�remisss
An Entity shalf lease ar sublease sufficient lar�d ancilor fe�s�, subfease, or con�truct
suffi�ienf Impro�ements ior the acfiivity as required in th�s� Minirnum Standards.
�mprovements shalf fu€ly comply wifh applicable regulatory measu�es incfuding, but
r�ot iimifed to, zoning, building and fire codes, setbacics, access, ingress/egress,
drainage, and vehicle parking.
Construct�on of any Impravements must be approved in ad�ance by th�
Department, in accordance witi� the Department's requirernents and any agency
har�ing jurisdiction.
L.eased premises requiring puf�lic access shall �a�e direct landside access. Shoufd
landsid� acce5s not exist, pedestrians or vehicles needing access to the ai�field
shall receive non-moveme�t area training or be escorted by an inclividua! whfl has a
non-mavement area permit.
Aprons shouid b�:
�. Contiguous and separated by rto more than a taxifane that allows Entity to
taxi or #ow Aircraft withaut crossing a Taxiway or p�bfic roadw�y;
2. �f adequafe size and w�ight beari�g capacity to accommadate the
tr�ovement, sfaging, and parking af the fargest type, size and weight of
Aircraft the hangar was built to accommodate without interfering with th�
moverr�ent of Aircraft:
a. En and out of other fa�ili#i�s, andlor
b. Opera�mg to, from, car on taxi[anes or Taxiways.
C. Facilify NFaintenance
�perators, at their sole cost and expense, shall:
1. Mainfair� the Leased Premises, includir�g al! r�lated ar�d associat�d
appur�enances, landscaping, paved areas, instalfed equi}�ment and utility
services, aillwater se�arators, a�d security fmpravemsnts, ir� a clean, neat,
orderly, and fully operatianal candition consistent with best practices and
ec{�al ar better in appearance and character to ather sirnilar Im�ravements
at the Airport, normal wear and tear excepfed;
2. Provide ali necessary cleaning services #or the Leased Premises, incfuding
custodial services, frash removal services, remaval o# fareign
abjects/debris, remaval af spent ails or other flu�c�s, cleaning of aillwater
separators, and any related services necessary to rnaintain the
Aviation Minimurn Standards �
Gity of Fort Worth Aviatior� Departrrteht (2017)
Improvements i� goad, clean, neat, orderly, and fulfy operational condifinn
consistent with best practices, normal wear and tear excepied; and
3. Replace andlor reimburs� the Depariment for, any property damaged by
lessee, its activities, sublessees, custcrmers, employees, visitors, vendors,
suppliers, or contraciors.
d. F�roducts, Service�s, and �acilit�es
Products, services, and facilifies should be provided an a reasonable basis fo a�l
Airport users.
Operator shali charge reasanable prices for each praduct, service, or facility.
� �icenses, l�ermifs, Certificaiions, a�d Rafings
Operatar shall abtain and require em�loye�s fo obfair�, at Qperator's ar employee's
sole cdsi, a!I necessaty ficenses, perr�its, certificati�ns, or ratings required for the
conduct of O�erator's acti�ities as required by any agency having jurisdiction prior
tn �ngaging in any activiiy at the Airpart. Upon requesi, Operator or its employees
shall �ro�ide� copies of such ficer�ses, perrnits, csrtifications, ar ratings �o the
Departmen# withEn 9 0 business days of date of request.
Operators, lessees, ar sublessees sngag�d in ar�y aciivity at the Airpo�ts, whether
�sing or occupying Airport land andlor Impro�emenfs or at}�erwise, sh�l! ad�ere fio
th� practices recomm�nded by the FAA and the directives issued by the
F: Emplayees
Operator shall
wha shalf be
err�ploy a c�ualified, exper�enced, and professiona) on-si#e manager
f�lly responsible for #he day-to-day management of Operator's
Operator shall p�ovide a supervisor on the Leased Premises ta manage �perator's
activifies and such person shall be auihorized to represent and act an behaff of
Opera�or during a[I hours o�F activiti�s v�ith respect tn the methad, manner, and
conduct of O�erator ar�d Operafor's acti�i#ies. When such person is not on the
L�ased Premis�s, such person shalf be avaiiable by telephone 24 hours a day, 7
days a wee�t.
�perator shali have on duty, and immediaiely available d�ring hours flf activity,
properly train�ct, and q�aalified employees in suc�t numbers as are reguired to #�Ily
camply with tf�ese Minimum S#andards and to mee� �he reasanable demands of
customers for each activity being canducted by Operator.
G. �'quipment and Vehicles
Ali rec�uired equipme�t artd v�hicles must be fully Qperational anc� availa�ale at all
times and capable af �roviding all requir�d producis and services in a manner
COil515t�f1t Wl�ii iniended use. �quiprr�ent anti �ehicl�:s may be unavaifable, from
time to time, on a temporary basis due to routine ar emergency maintenance as
long as #f�e equipmen# or vehicles are returned to service as soor� as poss�ble.
Aviation Minimum Standards
City of Fort Worth Aviatian Departrr►ent (2017J
H. f�out�s of �c�ivrty
��I►��kAL F+��C,�uIRE�fi�I�TS
Unfess otherwise stipulat�d in these Minimum Stantiards, Operator's services sha�l
be offered and auailable to meet reasanable de►rEartd of ct�starr�ers for the activity
eight hours per day between the hours of 6:00 a.m. ta 90:Of3 p.m. Mvnday thrat�gh
Friday �xcluding holidays.
Ef r�ot a 24l7' ap�ra#ion, Cammercia!
information far a{terhours servic� shall
appropriate and profsssiona! signage.
O�erator hours af activity and cantact
be clearly pnsted in pubiic view using
Operator ar Non�Commercial �.essee shalf designate a responsib�e person for the
coor�Eination of all procedu�-es and communications and provide p�in#-of contact
inforrr�ation io the Department including #he r�ame and telephone numb�r of fhe
primary and secandary contacts. One of the contacts shall b� available by
telephnne 24 hours a day 7 days a�ve�k.
1. Securify
Operator and N�n-Cammercial Lessee shall fufly comply with fhe Departm�nt's
security requiremertts as applicahle io fh� Airparts, �.eased Premises, and
acti�ities(e.g., Fort Worth �ade of Ordir�ances-Cha{�ter 3, 1� CFR ParE 939, as
amended, Transportatian Security Regulations.
Dperator or Nor�-Commercial L.esse� must #uliy carnply with appiicable reporting
requirements as established by #he Depar�ment, �AA, DHS, TS�1, and any ather
J, Irtsurance
O�erator or Non-Gommercial Lessee shaif pracure, maintain, and pay all premiums
tf�roughout the term of its Agreement for the applicaE�f� insurance coverage and
amour�ts required by regulatory measur�s and set forth in Att.achm�:n# A, Minimum
�nsurance Requirements, as amend�d from tirne to time, of these Minimum
Star�dards �or each activity conducfed, The insurance cvmpany ar cor�pani�s
underwriting fhe required paficies shall be authorized to wrife s�tch insurance in the
State of Texas, �rvith an A.M. Best's rating ofi A� or af�ov�.
Wl�en coverage and/or the ama�rnts set farth in Exhibit C] Minim�rn insurance
Requiremertts, are not a�ailable art a corr�mercially reasorrabl� basis, appropriate
replacement coverage andlor amnunts must he appro�ed �y the Depar�ment.
The Department reserves ihe right ta require additinnal �r different types af
insurance couerage based on an Entity's individual r�sks andfor expa�ures.
When an Eniity �ngages in more than on� activity, it shall pracure and rnainfain
ins�ran�� for #he combined total of the minimum r�q€�irements a# each acfivi#y. An
Enfity shall pracure and maintain insuranc� far all exposures in amaunts at iea�t
equaf to tl�e gre�#est of the required minimum or as stipuiated by the Depar�ment.
Alf insurance tha� t7perator or Non-Cornmercial Lessee is r�quired to carry and
kee� in full farce and effecf, shall name f�e Ciky, and its representati�es, officers,
affEcials, employees, agents, and volunteers as addi�ional insured. All insuranee
Aviation Minim�m Star�dards g
City af Fo�t Worth Aviation f7epa�t�nent (2017J
GEI���i4L ��C�UIR�MIEi�iS
policies, including any INorkers' Comp, shall inciude a Waiver of Subrog�tinn �Right
of Recavery} in �avor of the City of Fvrt Worth.
Liability policies shaEl contain, nr be endorsed to co�tain, th� faflowing pro�isions:
1. "The City incli�iduaity and coflectively, ar�d its representafives, vfficers,
officiats, employees, agents, and volunteers are to be coWerec! as
additional insured with respect fo: liability arising ou� of acfivities p�rFormed
by c�r on b�haEf ofi Entity; premises owned, leased, occupied, or used by
Enfiity; and/ar vehicl�s, eq�i�ment, ar Aircraft owned, leased, t�ired,
borrowed, or aperated by Entity. Such insurar�ce sh�ll prnvid� primary
caverage and shal� nvt seek any contribution frorn any insuranc� ar s�lf-
ins�rance carried by the City";
2. "5uch ins�rrance, as to th� interest of the City r�nly, shall not be i��afidafed
by any act or negfeet or breach of cantract af Entity. Any failure to f�lly
corr�p�y with reporting ar ot�er provisions of the poficies sf�all nat affect
coW�rage provided to the City �ndi�iduafly and collectively, and their
rapresentatives, officers, ofFicials, �mploy�:es, agents, and �olunteers.
Entity's i�s�rance shall apply se�arat�iy to each insured against whom
claim is made or suit is brought, except with respecf ta the aggregate limits
of the i�5urer's Gability"; and
3. "Covera�e sha�l nof lae suspendecf, voide�J, or cancelled by eit��r party p�
r�d�c�d ir� eoverage or in limits except after 30 caiendar days prior written
notiee or 10 days prior written notice far canc�Elation for r�on-payment of
prernium, by certifie� mail, retur� receipt requesfed, has been given to
Certifcates vf insuranae shall be delivere�f to the Department upon ex�cution of any
Agreement, or wh�n appraWal is gi�en by the Department to cortduct any activity at
the Airport. Thereafter, Operator or Non-Cc�mm�rcial Lessee shall pro�i��
certificates of insurance to the Departrnen# ev�ry 12 r�onths. In aclditior�, �p�rator
or Nnn-Comrr�erciaf Lessee shall furnish a certificate of insurance if any change, far
exarr�pl�, changing underwriters, coverage, or amounfs occurs.
The coverage and amounts stipulated herein for each activity represent the
minirr�um coverage and amotants t�at shaif be maintained �y Operator ar nc�n-
commercial lesse�, �i alE times, ta engag� in acti�ities at the Ai�port. C�perator or
Non�Carr�m�rcial Lessee is encnurag�d to sec��'e higher amounts.
Qperator or Nan-CommerciaE Lessee shall, at its sole cost and expertse, cause a�l
Impra�ements on the Leased Premises to be Ke�t in�ur�d to t�e full insurable
replacement cost with no depreciation, or as required by the leas� fvr tha
irr�provements, against fhe perils of fire, lightning, wind, hail, tornado, extended
cou�rage, andlor �andalism_ Th� proceeds o� any such insurance paid on accaunt
for any af #he aforemention�d peri€s shaii b� used to de�ray the cost nf repairing,
restori�g, or recc�nstructing ]mp�'ovements to the conditia� ar�d lac�tio� existir�g priar
ta ih� casualty causing th� darnage or destruction, ur�iess a change in design or
iacation is apprsav�d, in writing, in advance, hy the �epartment.
,4viafion Minimum 5tandards ��
City of Fort Worth Aviation Department (20i7)
l���T ��R.TH
CEN�}�A� R�(�U�R�MEf��S
Operator or Non-Commercial L.essee wiih k�own environmenfal cantarr�ination
exposures shall be required to secure appropriate environmer�ta! liability insurance
with coverage amaunts apprapriate far th� type and levei ofi e�tvir'artmental
contamination expnsure risk, as defermined by the �e�a�tment.
f� Indemni�catiort arrd �old Harmle�s
Each Entity shall defend, indemnif�, save, protect, and �olci harmless #he Ciiy and
its representatives, officers, a�Ficials, �mployees, agents, at�d volunteers from and
against any and all acfual or aEleged claims, demands, damages, expenses, casts,
fees, including, but r�nt limited to, attorn�y, accountant, par�legal, expert, and
escrouv fees, fines, enviranmer�tal costs, andlor penalties that may be im�osed
upon, claimed against ar incurred or suffered tay the City in whate or in part, t�irectly
or indirectly, arise from or are in any way cannectad with any of the following,
exc�pt to the extent r�sulting from the City'� negligence ar willfu! misconduct:
'i . Any act, flmission, or negligence of �ntity or Entity's partners, officers,
Directors, agents, employees, invitees, nr contractors;
2. Any use, occupation, mar�agement or cantrof of the Leased Premises by
Enti#y, whether or not due to Entity's own act or omission;
3. Arty condi#ion created in or about the Leased Rremises after the �ff�ctive
date; ar�d
4. Any br�ach, vialation, or nr�n�erformartce of �he Entity or the Entity's
obligatians under any Agreernent.
a. In t�te e�ent a parky indemnified hereunder is responsible, ir� pa�t, for
the i055, t�e indemnitor shall not be relieved of the obligation to
incEemr�ify; howe�er, in such a case, iiability shall be ass�ssed in
accordance with State of Texas principles of comparative fauft.
b. In the event of �n en�ironmental contaminating accident, io inclucfe
ali leaks, spElls, or o#her da�age that may result through the
hancEi�ng, storage, and/ar dispensing of fuel, or an incident caused
by Operatar ar nor�-commerciaE lessee, its �m�layees, its vendors,
its suppliers, its contractors, or any other Entity assaciated witn any
Qpar�ator or Non�Carrtmercial Lessee or any Erttity violates any
env�ronmental faw, C)peratnr, nnn-cammercial ]essee, �r Entity shal(
accept total respartsibi�ity and defencf, indemnify, save, prntect, and
�ald harrnless t�e City and its representatives, flfficers, officials,
emp�oyees, agents and valunteers.
Nothing herein shali cons�itute a waiver of any protection available to ihe City and
their re�resentati�es, officers, officiais, ern�loyees, agerrts, and vvlunteers under
the State of Texas governmental immunity act or similar statutory pravision.
[., �nforc�menf
�n the e�ent an Entity fails ta camply v�rith the Minimum Standards, the Depar�ment
shal! s�nd a writter� st�ternent of vialatian to such �ntity at its fast knawn ac�dress.
The �ntity shall have 30 calar�dar days fro�n da�e af notice vvithin which to pro�ide a
res�anse to the Department explaining why th� violation occurred and to advise the
�epartrn�nt that the vic�lation has been corrected. !f the Entity fails to cure the
Aviatian Minirnum Stanc#ards ��
City of Fort Worfh A�iation Depar�ment (20i7J
(��t��RA� R�QUIR�f91i�FdiS
vinlatifln within such time p�riod, the Department shafi ha�e the rig�t to suspend or
revoke the Eniity's priu�i�ges at the Airpa�t, as the Departmc:n# deems necessary in
arder to obtair� a correction of ti�e viofation. In th� �ver�i such violation is not
suscepfiible to cure within 30 calendar days, �ntity shall have such additiona! time to
effect a cure, as cfetermined �y the Department. In additior�, the Entity's record of
a�y such �iolation shall be cansidered any iime the Entity submits an applica#ion,
seeks permission, or requests appraval from the Depar�m�nt.
M. Mul#ipl� �ctivifies
The M€r�imurrz Standards or requirements for cor�bined activities shall t�ot be:
1. Less than the highest standard or requirement for �ach element withir� the
combined acfivities; or
2. Gr'eater than the cumulative standards or requirerr�ents for alf of the
combined activities.
Avi� ation Miroirnum Standards �2
City of For# WortF� Aviation De�aartrrient (2097j
F��T �'YQ��r�
�r��� ��s� oP��arv� =��a)
A. Introductiorr
�ix�n ���� ����a�ra� ���o)
These Niinimum Standards shaEl not affect any existing I�n�rov�m�nts cflr�structed
priar fo dat�: of prarr�ulgation nf th�s� Minirr�um StancCards.
An FBD ean meet #he r�quireme�ts of Aircraft maintenance by arrangement wifh an
autharized Operator who meets the Mini�urn Standards far Aircraft II/lair�tenance
Operatar ar�d aperates at the Airport.
�. Scope of.Activity
An �BO shall devefop and mair�tain Standard Operating Procedures (SOP's) �For
Aircraft fueling and ground handling ta e�tsur� aorr�plianee with standards set forth in
AC OD-34A current �ersion, "Aircraft Ground Handling and Servicing". FBO's SOP's
shal! include a trainir�g plan, fuel quality ass�rance procedures and associated
record Keepir�g, and emergency respvnse procedures to fuef spills and fires.
An FBO's SOP's shall be available #o the Depar�r�ent upon request.
An FBD sftould include the follawing �cti�itias, products artd servi�es:
• Aviatian fuels and �ubricants
Ground services, st�ppor� and
Q Aircraft maintenance
• Aircraft storage or �arking
(apron/ti�dnwns and/or
a Aircraft marshalling {direct to
� Aircraft towir�g
� OX��EIi 5�NIC�S
• Nitrogen services
e Gompressed air services
� Lavatory seruices
� Potable water service
Q �lircraft graund power (direct
� Baggage handNng & related
o Concierge se�viees
o Courtesy transportation
� Ground trar�spor�a#io�
� Accommoda#ian arrangemer�ts
� Aircraft catering arrar�ge�nents
� Aircraft clea�inglwashing
Any �ntity pro�osing ta �stablish an FBO shaif be rec{uired to meet the initial
minimum investment, as icEentified ir� the folfowing tabl�:
��4a1�lC�h �� F�b AfW �TW FWS
- - - -- -- � —
Minimum Investment $15,OOQ,�00 I $�5,Ofl0,0a0 $3,Oq0,004
o$15M inifiaf invsstmeni or $10Ni minimu�'rt initiaf investment with an additional $51Vf wilhin 5 years
after the initial ]mprovem�nks.
6 The amount paid for existing Improvements may he considered as a part of #he initial minim�m
invesfinenf requiremenf.
a Market value appraisal may be cansidered to defetmine the initial minimum invesir'nent.
•[mprovements to exisfing Infrastructure may be considered as a part of the inifial minirnum
investment rec�uirernents.
A�iation Minimum 5tandards 13
Cify af Fort Worth Aviation Departrnent (2017j
�'o�aT �a��H
�. �eased ,�remises
��X�d ��►S� aP��Ai�R (F��)
FBO shall have adequa#e land and Improuem�nts to accommodate all activitEes ofi
the FBO ancf all approv�d sublessees, inel�ding but not iimi#ed tc�:
�,��,ye�i Pf�mis�s {9quaro FeeE} AF1l4
FBO Main Terminal Apron 75,00�
Weight bearing capacity Graup Ilf
Terminai building (toEal} S,QOQ
Customerlcammon area 2,fl0i}
Hangar (transient Aircra�t parking} 20,Q00
Door heighi/�nridih 287120`
B. Fuel Storage and �qu[pment
Group II!
5, a00
2$'1'i 2t7'
Graup 11
5, 000
2, OOQ
20,Q00 --
An FBO shall develap, awn, andlvr iease a fu�l storage facility and equipment at the
Airpor� in a Iocatior� approved by the Departrr�ent and cansistent with tl�e M�ster
Plan, Airport Layouf Plan, and/or Land Use Plan. ln no event shalf the tataE starage
capacity be less ihan:
Fual Sl4fa�o ar�d �r{uipmeni
Jet fuel
Slorage - minirr�um #oial capacity (gallons)
Equipment— rninimum capacity of a refueling vehicle
�� � ��
za,�ao 2a,000
5,�00 5,000
� a,000
Avgas {Qptianal)
'^ Storage - minimum #otal capacity {gallons) 3000 � 30f)� 3040
Equipment — minimum oapaoity of a refueling �ehicle 754� 750 75�
o FBO shall have adequafe and proper storaga �or waste fusl or tes# samples or #he capabifity
to recyale sarne.
� Fue! storage tacility must meet City fire code requirernents.
� Fnr each type fuel, a fixed seif-service fueling system is opGanal.
An FBO mus� retain ovsrners�ip and responsibility of a!I fuels deliverEd to the F�Q's
storage facility under lease by the FB4 and is responsible for the payment of all fuel
flawage fiees awed with re�spect to the fuef delivered to its star�ge f��ilities.
An FBO shal] have satisfactnry arrangements rnade w�th � reputable aviation
pefiroleum suppEier fvr the delivary af aviation fuefs.
An FBO s}�all provide the Department with a writt�n Spill Prevenfinn, Cantral, and
Countermeasures �SPCC) Plan that m�ets regulatory measures fflr �BO's fuel
storage facifities and activities. Any time the S�'CG is rnodified, the updated
dacume�tatian refiec�ing tha char�ges shall be provided to the Departm�nt w�thEn
three business days of the change.
A�iatian Minimurn Standards 14
Cify of For� 1Narfh Aviation �epartment (2017}
�I)C�D I��aS� OPIkRAT�R (��O)
Fuef deliv�red, sfored, or dis�ensed t�y FBO shal� fully comply with the quality
specifcations outlined fn ASTM D�655 Q�t fu�l) andlor ASTM D'�910 (avgas), as
ap{�iicable. Er�suring the quaiity of the fuel is the soie responsibility of FBO.
Each fuei storage facility, each �efueling vef�icle and afl fueEing equipment shali be
equipped and ma�ntai�ed to fulfy comply wiih applic�bl� regulatory meas�res
including, but not limif�d to those prescribed E�y:
1. National Fire Protectior� Association (NFPA) codes;
2. U.S. �nvironmental Protection Act (EPA);
3. �ta#e of Texas;
4. Counfies af Tarrant, Denton, and Jt�hnsan as applicabie;
5. City;
5. 14 CFR Part 139, Airporfi Certification, Section 139.32'I current �ersion,
"HandlinglStorir�g af Hazardous Substances anc� Materfals°; and
7. Applicable current versfon AGs including AC 00--34 "Aircraft Ground
Har�dling and S�rvicing", AC 15015210-5 "Painting, Maricing and Light�ng of
Vehicles Used an �n Airpar�", and AC 15a15230-4A "Aircraft Fuel Storage,
Handling, and Qispsnsing on Airparts".
Refueling vehicles shal� be equipped with meterirtg d�vices that meet ap�licable
regulatory rrieasures. One refu�ling �ehicle dispensing jet ��el shal( have o�er-the-
wing and single paint Aircraft servicing capabifity. A!I refueling vehicles sMall �ae
bottam ioad�d.
Far a fixecE seff-service f�eling system, th� loca#ion and capacity of the system shafl
be a�pro�ed by the De�ar�ment. in addition, the syster� shafl:
T. Be avaElable ar�d mainfained by FBa for �ublic cammsrcial use;
2. Have adequafe lig�#ing and signage; and
3. Have detailed and r�adily ac�essible instructians far th� proper and safe
operatian af the system, ern�rgency shut-ofF, pro�erly rated fire
extinguisher, and fuel spill kit.
�. Fueling f?eports
On or before the 15�h calendar day of the �ubssquent month, �ac� FBO shall:
'!. Pro�ic�e a sumrr�ary report to the Depar�ment identifying the number of
gallons o# aviatior� fuel delivered to ##�e FBO's #uel s#orag� faciiity by fuel
2. Pravide bill of ladings, as r�ceived fram the fuel supplier far fuel de�ivared,
�n suppo�t of f�e summary report; and
3. Pay the appropriate fees due to the Departmer�� as stipulated ir� the
D�partment's Schedu[e of Rates and Gharges.
Upon requesf, recards ar�d rneters �hall be made availaf�le for revievv by the
Department or its designated representative.
�-= Graur�ci Suppor� and Sertric� �'c�uipmenf
The fnlfnwing list of ground support and service equipmertt shal( be pr�vided by an
�BO or authorized Operator at the Airporf:
Aviafivn Minimum Star�dards �5
City af Fort Wo�th Aviation Departrnent (2097}
Oxygen cart Ni#rogen cart
Compr�ssed air unit Lavafcary s�:r�ice cart
Patable water ur�it Air stair unit
Ramp marshalling �ehicle Ramp transportation vehicle
Courtesy vehic�e Aircraft towing vehicles
Tow barslheads Aircraft ground power (DC)
Aircraft v�rash rack Spifl �Cit
Eq�ipmer�i for securing Afrcraft on fhe apron
SpilE kits shal� include the n�cessary equipment and mat�rials to contain a f�asl �pitf
and restrict fiuel or ofher hazardaus materials frtam #fowing inta drains and other
ar�as i� compliance with the Qp�ratar's SPCC �lan.
C, fHvurs c�f.�ctivify
In additior� to th� general r�quirements (Sec#ion 3.1}, the FBC3 sha11 ma�Ce aWailabie
Aircraft fueling, �aricing, ground services, s�ppart, and arneni�ies to meet
reasonable demands afi custarr�ers during weekends, holidays and after hours.
1�, Employees
An �peratar shafl errEplvy t�e fal��w�ng minim�m nurnber of em�loyees who shall be
a�ailai�le during required hours of activity. A�ine Service T�chnician may fuffif! the
respor�sibilities of the Customer Service Representati�� unless th� Line ServFce
Technici�n i� per�orming duties off the Leased Prernises, An FBO shall ha�e at
Eeast ane super�isory �.ine Service Techn�cian trained in an �AA approved firs
safety program, as defined in 14 C�R Part 139.32� current version.
Line Service Technician
�uring hours af acti�ity
After hours nn-calf response tirne
Custnmer Service Represenfative
During hours of aeiivity
1. Aircraft �temoval
1 hour � 1 hour � 1 hour
Recognizing that Aircraft rernoval is the rss�ansibiiity a� #h� Aircraft own�rlOperator,
ar� FB4 s}�oufd be pre�pared to lend assisfance vsihen a r�qu�:�t is made by the
DeparEment or th� Aircraft nwnerlOperator in arder ta mair�tain th� operationaf
readiness of the AirparE.
A�iaiian Minimum Standards 16
City of Fart WorEh A�iation Department (209yj
AIRCR�+F7' �f1.�IN'TE�l�'+RlCE OP�RATOR �SA�C))
Ai�cR���r ��i����v��+cE v���aro� �s�s��
A. Introduction
These Minirnum Standards shall not affect any existing impro�ements construGted
�riar to date c�f promulgation of t�ese Minimum S#ar�dards.
�. ,�eased �remises
An C7perator engaging in fhis activi�y shall have adequate Leased Premises, as
approved �y fhe Department, ta accommoda#E all activi#ies of Operatar. in addi�ion,
afi lmpro�ernents shalf ineet aN appficable �ui�ding ar�d fire cades relatec� to the
C. �'mplayees
An Operator shall er�ploy the failowir�g minimum number of erriployees wha shail be
a�ailal��e �furing the required ha�rs of acti�ity as foilow�:
A & P Mechanic
Customer Service Representative
ntw ��►+ ��s
1 � 1 i 1
a A secvnd A& P Mechanic may fulfill the responsibiliti�s of the custorner service representative.
Aviation Minimut�r Standards
G9ty of Fort Worth A�iaiion �epartment (July 22 2Q�4J
'�RT �(lRTH
.AVIOfVIC� OR Ii�Si�Vl��td�
sv�o�ics a�-i�srRu���r �n�iN���+��+c� ������o� �s,�so�
A. Introducf�on
These Minimum Starrdards shali not affect any exis�irtg Irr�provements constructed
prinr to date of promulgation ot these Minimum Standards.
�. Leased Fremises
An Operator engaging in t�is acti�ity shalE ha�e adequate Leased Premises, as
approved by the Departm�nt, to accorr�modate afl activitiss of Operator. In addi#ior�,
all Improvements shall meet all a�piicaEale building and fire codes rslat�d to the
C. �icenses and Cer�i�cat�ions
An �perator shalf be properiy certificated by the �'AA as a Repair Sfation, as
defined by 14 CFR Part � 45 current versi�n.
�. �'mployees
Operator shal[ employ the follawing minimum �umber of employees who shall be
a�ailable during required hours of acti�ity as #olfows:
Customer Service Representative
��vu �Tw �ws
1 1 9
9 1 1
• A second l"echnician may fulfill the responsibilities of the Gustomsr Service Representatiue.
�'. Equipment
An Qperator s�all pro�ide sufficisnt shcap space, equipment, supplies, and
availability of �arts as required for cer�i�catian by the FAA as a Repair 5tation, as
s#ipulated in Operator's 94 CFR Part 145 current version Repair St�tinn Ma�uai.
A�iatian Minimur� 5tar�dards �$
City af Fort Worth Aviation Deparfinent (July 22, 2014j
,�►[RC�A�i Rl�f�iAL OR
r�LIGFi�'" TR.�41�'ii�lG �P�RATUR (��o�U}
A. Intrnductian
These Minimum Standards shail not affect any existing Irnprovemen�s constructed
priar to date af prarnulgation c�f these Minirr�u� S#ar�dards.
A person halding a current FAA certifi�d filight instructor certificate, who pro�ides
occasional ffigh� training and does not make flight trai�ir�g availabl� ta the pubfic,
shall not be deemed a comrr�ercial acfivity.
An Aircraft owner seeking initial or recurrent traini�g �n their own Ai�-craft may
com�ensate a flight instructor for instruc�ion to the v�+vner in their own Aircraf�.
�, �eased Pr'emises
An Operator engaging in this activity shalC have adequate Leased Premis�s, as
appro�ed by the Departmenk, to accommo�ate all activities of Operator. In addi#ior�,
all Improvements shall meet all applicabl� building ar�d fire codes related to the
C, Employees
�n Operatar s�all �mpfoy th� folfowi�g minimum r�umber af employees who shall be
availa�le d�ring required haurs of actiuity:
rn,�i�y�e� _ "I— nFw �w
�light 7raining Operator
�� � Flight fnstructor 1 1
Ceriificated Ground Sahooi InStructor 9 1
Customer Sen+ice Representative �i 1
Aircraft Rental �perafar
F3ighf Instruotor(s) 1 � "1
Cerkificated Ground Sohool Instr�ctor 1 1 9
a A Flight instruciar ar Cer#ificated Ground School Instructor may fulfill the respansibiiiiies af the
Custorr�er Service Repr�sentafi�e un[ess fhe emplo�ee is not available. __
Aviation Minimum 5tanda�ds ��
City of Fnrt Worth Aviation Department (July 22, 2094J
FLIGHT �"Rpol(+�1��idC'a O��R�T'OR 4SASOj
0, �qur'pment
An Qperatar shafl have �he folfawing number of properly c�rtified and airworthy
Aircraft a�aiiable fvr rent�l car use in flight training, as applicable. All Aircr�ft shafl be
owned,leased, andlor operated by the Operator.
L°qu{prnant �FW
Aircraff RenEal Operator Aircraft
�ixed wing: single-engine 2
2 2
Flight Training Operator Aircraft _
Fixed wing: singfe-engine 2 2 7
Helicopfer 1 9 1
e One Aircraft rnust be IFR capable unless Flignt Training Operator is anly providing sp�rt pifnt
a If providina helicopfer flight training, it is reGuired to own, lease and/or apeeata a helicopier. __
Fiight Training aperators shall provide, at a minimum, adequate firaining aids
n�G�ssary ta pravide proper and effective ground school instruc#ion, in accordance
with the Code of F�deral ReguCatians Part 61 and or Pari 141.
�; f�ours of.�c�ivify
Operator shall be open and serrjices shall be available to rneet the reasonable
r�emands ofi customers for this activity as foilows:
Mours of AG#iuEiy
Days per wee[c
After hours
a�w �rn �ws
8 hours per 8 hours per 8 haurs per
day cEay day
5 5 5
No No No
Pripr I'rior Prior
arrangernent arrangement arrangement
� Insurancs Disclosure Requirem�nt
Any Op�ratar conduct�ng Aircraft r�ntal or fligh# training shall post a natice and
incorporate within its renta! and i�struction Agr�emenfs, as wefl as pro�iding a capy
of such notice to t�e Departrrrent, thaf:
1. Identifies the ins�ranoe coverages provided to the rer�ter or stuclent by
2. Di�cusses when and haw th� insur�nce covarages apply;
3. [ndicat�s where addifio�al inforrr�ation can f�e obtained; and
4, Advises the renter or stucfent that addi#iortal insur�nc� co��rage is
Aviation Minirnum Standards 20
City af Fort Worfh Aviatior► Department (.1uly 22, 20�4}
I�[�G�A�7 CHA�'T�R �R
AIRCR�4F'i CHARTE}4 O� �4.IRC�AFi �AN�4��[V��N�' DP�R�i�R (SASO)
,4, lr�troduction
These Minim�m Star�dards sha�l not affect ar€y existing Irr�pro�emenfs constructed
prior ta cfate of prom�lgation af these Minim�m Standards.
B. �eased Premises
An Operator engaging ir� this acti�ity shaE� have adequate L�ased Prerx�ises, as
approved #ay the Department, to accQmmadate all actiWities of O�erator. �r� additio�,
a!I improvements shall me�t al� applicable building and fire codes related to the
�. �,icenses and Cerfifrcations
At� Operator s�tal! �rav� al� appropriate certifications, licenses, perrnits, insurance
and approvafs.
D. �'mplayees
An Operatar shal� employ the fallowing minimum numbe� of �mployees wha shall be
available during requi�ed hours of activity:
��p����� --
Commercial Pilat
F-rw f �v�rs
Gusfamer Sen+ice Representative ��_ 'i I 1 � 1
• A Piloi may fu[ftl� fhe responsibilities of ihe Cusiomer Servioe Ftepresentafive unless the f�ilot is
Ar� Operator shafl er�ploy one Gustomer Service Representative as an employee
wha sf�all b� available during hours af acti�ity. If an Aircraft Managament Qperatar
is providing pilot services, the Aircraft Mar�agement Operator shall er�play at least
one C�rr�mercial Pilo# as �n emplayee whQ shail be availabl� as needed.
E. �quipmeng
An Operator shaEl provide at I�ast one certifed and continuc�usly airwr�rthy Airc�aft,
either awned, I�as�d, or operated by the Operator, for ti�e type af Aircraf� char�er
service being provided that st�all be equipped far and f�lly capable of flighf �nd�r
instrurr�ent conditions.
I�: f-,�ours ofActivity
A� Op�rator shall ba open ancE services shall be availablE ia rr�eet the reasonable
clemands o� cusfiome�s for �his acti�ity.
An Operat�r's ir�ifiial respanse to a prospective custom�r's inquiry shail r�at exceed
ane hour.
Aviaiion Minimum Standards ��
City of Fart 1lVa�th A�i�tinn �eparfinent (Ju1y 22, 2094)
�#V�� i'!'V��Ai
a4. Intraduc#ion
These EVlinimum Standards shali nat affect a�y existing lmprvvements cor�structed
prior to daie of promulgation ofi ihese Minirnum Standards.
�. Leased l�rernises
An Operatar engaging in this acti�ity sh�fl ha�e adequate Leased Premise�, as
ap�roved by the Department, to accammoda#e ai! activities of t#�e Operafior. In
adclition, al! Improv�rnents shall m��t all applicabl� building and fire codes related
to the activities
C. �eatership
An Operator, who is an authorized f�ctory sales franchise, dealer, or distributor
either an a retail or whalesafe basis, shall have available or shali make available
wifih reasanable advance na#ice at �east one cu�r�nt model demonstrator a� Aircraft
in each af its currently authorix�d prod�ci fines.
d. �icenses ar�d �ertifications
Employees shall be praperly ce�tificated by tha FAA, current, and hald the
apprapriate ratings and m�dicai cer�ifcation for providing flight demranstratian in all
Aircraft offered for sale.
�. Hocrrs ofl�c�ivi�y
An Operator shall be open and servfces shali be avaifabl� to meef reasonabl�
d�mands of customers for this ac#ivity_ Tt�e Operator �hall ha�e � Custorr�er Service
Representati�e (CSR) a��ilable or utilize anather on-si�te Entity's CSR.
A 'viatio� Min�mum Star�dards 22
City of Fort Worih Aviatian Deparfinent (Ju1y 22, 2094)
�ORT ��R'�H
r4. lnfroductian
�;�Rc����r s�r����� o��Ra�ra� �saso}
These Minimum Standards shali nat affect any exis�ing Im�rovemer�ts canstructed
prior #o date a� pr�muigation of the5e Minimum Standards.
�. Leased Premrses
An dperator engagir�g in tl�is activity shal! ha�e adeq�ate Leased Premises, as
approved �y the �epartment, to accomrnadate ail activities of the Operator, !n
addition, ali Improvements sh�ll meet al� appficable buildf�g �nd fire codes related
to the activities.
�;. }�OUI S Of AC�IYI f,)/
An Uperatnr shall ensUre the �acilities ar� readily accessibl� for use 24 hours a day,
7 days a weak incfuding hol�c�ays.
Avia#ior� Minimum Stan[€ards 23
City of Fort Worih Aviation €��partrr3ent (July 22, 201�1J
,��r��ia� s�R�ie� �a�� �i�oPr�ir��ra�
A. In�roduction
AVIA�'IOf� ��RVl�� ��LE P'R�F�RI��'OR
These Minimum Standards sha�l not affect any exisfing [mpro�ements constr�eted
priar to date of promulg�tfon of these Minimum St�ndards.
ln recognition of the nafure in which ce�tain s�rvices are currently being provided tp
gener�l aviation custom�rs at the Airparts, fhe C�ty has esiablished a sp�cial
Qperator category through which certai� services can be provided to the
owr�erslQperators af pisior� porrv�red Aircra�t.
Ar� Av�ation Service Sol� Pro�rietor is � Comrr�ercial Operator engaging i� one af
the following services:
:4ircraft Maintenance/Avianics Maintenance �- providing �lircrafi
maintenance, paris, accessories, and related camponents, as de�fir�ed in 94
CFR Part 4�; providing r�aintenanc� or aEteratio� of Aircraft radias,
electrica� systems ar ir�strumenfs as definec� in "f 4 C�R Part 43, Appendix
A for- pistan pawered Aircraft other than thase nwned, leased andlor
operated by the Operator or� fhe Air�or#;
FEight Trai�inglAircraft Rental — prnviding flight instruction and/or A�rcraft
ren�al fo the public at fhe Airpnrt; or
A�ersan halding a current FAA cerkified flight in5t�uctor certi�icate, who
providc�s occasional flight trairting and does not make flight trainir�g
aWailable to the public, shall nat be deemed a corrim�rcial activity.
An Aircraft o�vner seeking initiaf or recurrent traini�tg in their o�rvn Aireraft may
comp�nsate a fifight instructor far instructian to the ow�er in t�eir own Airc�'aft.
�. teased Premises
An Operatar engaging in this �G�IVI�y shalE have adequate Leased Premises, as
appro�ed by the Department, ta accommoda#e all acti�ities afi the OperatQr. In
acEditian, ail Impro�ement� shatl meet all applicable building and fire codes related to
th� ac#ivities.
C. �mplayees
An O�erator may not empl�y any ather persons other than himselflherself on a full�
iime basis. The Uperator shall be properly trained, certifi�d, and current for the wark
�eing performed in accordance with requirements of �h� FA� ar�dlor nther regulatory
bodies, Temporary par�-time hefp or Ter�porary Specializ�d Aviafion Service
Uperators shalf not be considered as fufl-time employees.
If, at any tir�n�, the Dperator employs or prauides compensa#ion on a fuli time basis to
any ather person, ather than the sole proprietar, ths Opera�or wil! be required to meet
the Minimum Standards for the services b�ing provid�d.
f�. �'quipment
Aircraft MaintenancelAvionics Maintenance — fhe aperator s�al! have a11 reasona�iy
ne��:ssary equipment for the prnper performanc� nf services being prov�ded in
accordance with the manufacturer's specifica#ians and applicable FAA regulations.
A�tion Minimum Standards 2`�
Ciky af Fort Wart#� Aviation aepartment �July 22, 209�4)
Av�ariv� s����c� ���.E �����i��o�
Ffight Traini�glAircraft Rental — fhe Operatoe shall have at least one praperly
certified and airwortY�y Aircra�i availabfe for the services ofFered. Afi Aircraft shall be
owned, leas�d, and/ar opera#�d by th� Operator.
FEight Traini�g — O�erators shall pravide, at a minimum, adequate training aids
n�cessary ta p�'avide praper and effective grounc! schaol instruction.
�. Nours af.4ctivity
�1n Operator shail be apen and ser�ic�s shafi be availabfe ta meet the reasor�able
dem�nds of cus#omers for this acti�ity.
F. 1»surarrce Drsclosure
An Qperator cor�cfucting Aircraft flight trair�ing ar Aircraft rental sF�all post a notice
and incorporate wifhin its rental an� instructior� Agreements, ancE provide a capy of
such notice to the Qepartrnent, that:
'I. ldeniifies the insurance cc�v�rages pravided to the renter or student by the
2. Discusses whert artcf hov�r the insura�c� caverag�s apply;
3_ Indicates wi�ere addifional informati�n can be ok�tafned; and
4. Advises t�e renter ar student that additional ins�ranc� co�erage is
Aviatinn Minimum Sfandarcis 2�
Cify �f Fart Warth A�i�tion L3epartment (.luly 22, 2014)
. -
i�7Fi�l� C:�C1f�ii���tCIAL ���OR�AUii��4L ACTIlIi�'i�5 (�AS�)
r4. Introduc�ion
This sectiar� pertains fo other commercial SAS�s �ngaging in L�mited Aircrait
Services and Support activities, Miscelfaneous Cammercial Services ancE S�pport
activities, or air transportatian services fior hire aetivifies, as follows:
9. �.imi#ed A�rcraft Services and Support;
2, Miscellar�eaus Commercial Services ancf Suppor�;
3. Other Air Transportation Services for Hir�; and
4. Non-Profit Organizations.
These Minimurn �fanc�ards shall not affect any exist�ng Improvem�nts Ga�structed
priar to date o� prnmUlgation of these Min�murn Standards.
�. Leased �remises
An Operator engaging in this �C�fVi�j( shall have adequate Le�sed PrerrEises, as
approvecf by the Deparkmen�, #o accornmodate al! activitie� of the Operafior. !n
adtli#inn, aEl Im�rovements shalf ineet all a�plicable building and fire cndes related to
the activit�es
�. �mployees
An Dperator shall provide a sufficier�t number of empioyees to carry aut acti�ity in a
sa'fe, secure, efficient, prvmpi, courteous, artd prnfessional rnanner while also
mEeting the reasnnable demar�ds af cusfom�rs for the activity.
p. �'guipmen�
An Operator shal� have, bas�d a� the Air�ort, sufficient vehicies, equipment, and, if
apprapriate, one certified and cantinuousiy afrworkhy Aircraft either owned, leased, or
a�erated by the Operator.
#�rt Op�rator sha�I ha�� sufficient rrtaterials and/or su�plies a�ailable ta s�ppar� the
�. �ours of Activi#y
An Qperafior shall be open and services st�all be available during �h� hours
maintained by quali�ied and experienc�d entiti�s providir�g �or�r�arable services
andfor engaging in similar activities at cflmparable airports in like mar�Cets.
An Operatar's services shall be a�ailable t� rr��et #�e reasonable demands af
customers �ar the activity.
Aviation Minimurrs Standards �6
City of F�rt Worth Aviafion �epartment (July 22, 2074)
.�. Introduction
Non-commercial entifies engaging in setf-fueling shal� also be requir�d to fully camply with
applicabla reguiatary measures and suE�mit an appliaativn f�r a Seif-Fueling Perrr�it.
B, Permit/ApproYal
No Entity s�ali e�gage in self-�u�ling uniess a v�lid A�iativ� Self-FueEing Permit aut#�arizing such
activi�y has been obtained fram the Dspar#ment, Sueh Entities shalf herein be r�ferr�d to as self-
fueling Permittees.
The Aviation Self-Fueling P�rrnit shall not red�ce or lirnit self-�u�iing Perrr�ittee's abiigafions with
res�ect ta these self-fueling standards.
Prior ta issuance, a s�lf-fueling Permittae shall p�'nvide evidence o€ ownership any Aircraft being
fueled by self-fueling Permitt�e.
G F�"ueling Reporfs
On or before the 15{�' calendar day of the �ubsequertt rnonth, a self fueling Permifte� shall:
'f , Provide a summary repor� to fhe Department identifying t�e number a# gallans of aviation
fuel delivered tn fuei starage facilify by fueE type�
2. Pro�ide bill of ladings, as recei�ec� from the fuel supplier for fuef d�livered, in support of the
summary report; and
3. Pay the app�'opriate fees due ta th� ❑�:partment as stipulatecf in the Department's �che�ule
of Rates and Charges.
Upor� requ�st, records and rneters shal! be rnade available for r�view by th� Department, or its
designated representati�e. In the case of a discre�ancy befin+een the ama�nt of fusl repart�d to t�e
deiivered ta the sElf-f�e�ing Permittee and fhe amounf of fuel reported by the self-fueling Perm+ttee,
the greater amount shalf }�r�vail ar�d ti�e self-fueling Perrnittee shafl promptly pay all additionaE �ees
due th� Departm�nt. The Depa�trnent �as the right to terminate the selfi-fiu��ing permi� if any
violations in reparting are #ound.
�, �uel5tvragE and �quipment
A self-fueling Permittee sha[l demonstrate that satisfactory arrangements f�ave �een made far the
storage ofi fiuel fhrn�gh self-fueling Permittee's fuel sforage facilify �ndlor �quipment located in a
designated �uel storage area specified and approved by fhe Departmenf and agencies having
juristfiction. FueE storage tar�ks shall �e far the exclusive use of the self-fueling Perrr�ittee on[y.
E�tities a�tf�orized by fhe
Depar#rnent shall l�ase land and construct or install an above grvuncE fue! storage tank in the
desi�nated fuel storage area. In no evenf shall the tafia[ storage capacify b� less thart ths following,
�ar the fuel typ� utilized, as specifiecf on the seff�fusling permif:
����I $4praga and �q�liprn9nt
Jel f�el
A�4w F�lh�� F4V�
Slorage - minimum totai capacily (gallons)
Ec�uipment — rriinimum capaciiy of a refueling vehicle
5torage or Equi�mer�t - minirnum capacity [gallons)
i0,t?QQ i0,0�0
2,OOD 2,Q00
75Q � 750
Ftefueling vehicles shal! be for lhe exclusive use of the self-fueling Perrnittee only.
Refueling vehiclas are nof permitted to lea�e the Airpori for the purpose of obtaining fuel.
For eacF� type fuel uiiliz�d, a fixed seif-se�'vice fuefinq system is optional. __ _
Documentatian sf�ail be a��ilabl� at the fuel sforage facilit�es tha# id�ntify the FAA N-number(s) of
the Aircraft permifted to be self-fueled under t�te Aviation Self-Fueling Permit.
A self-fueli�g Permittee sha�i b� liable and sha11 def�nd, indemnify, save, protec#, and hofd harmless
tf�e Departrnent €or afl leaks, spifls, or ath�r damage f�at may �esul� through the har�cliing, s�orage,
and dispensing of f�el.
Fuel d�liueredldispensed by a self-fiueling P�rmittee shall fully comply wi�h quality specificatiot�s
outlined in ASTM D1655 (Jet fuel) andlar ASTM D 1910 (Avgas), as applicable. Ensu�ing th� quality
of the fuel is the sole responsibility of the self-fue[ing Perr�ittee.
Letiering, no iess than six inches in height, sha[I be or� the side of t�e refueling vehicle th�at identifiies
the FAA N-nurriber(s) of the Aircraft permitted to b� 5elf-fu�i�d under the Aviatian Seff Fueiing
Refusling vehicles and alI fuelir�g equipment shall be equipped and rnaintained tv fully comply with
applicable regulatory rrteasures but not limited to those prescrib�d in Seciion A�.F, of these Minimurr�
A self-fueling Perrr�ittee 5half hav� satisfactory �rr�ngemer�ts made with a repu#able a�iation
petraleurn su�plier fnr the delivery af aviaiion fuels_
Prior fa �r�gaging in self fueling, that includes transporting f�el onto the Airport, a self fueling
Permittee shall provide the Departmenf with a written SPCC plan fihat meets applicabl� regufatory
measures far fuei storage facilities and the self-fuelir�g Permit�e�'s activifies. An updated copy of the
SPCC plan shal! be filed with the Depar�mer�t at {east 30 calendar days pri�r to any planned change
in aperations.
A self-fueling Perrnittee shalf devela� and mainiain SC?P's for fu�ling and shall ensure camplianc�
with standards set forth in AC O�W34A, "Aircraft Ground Handling ar�d Servicing". A seifi f�eling
Pe�rr�ittee's SOP's shal! include a training plan, fuel qua[ity assurance procedures and associated
recard keeping, ar�d �rnergency respons� procedures to fuel spills and fir�s.
�: �ompliarace wi#h �nr•iranmen#al L,aws
Fuel starage andlor th� fixed itaeling station and all fu�ling e:quipment sha�[ car�ply wit}� ail applicabfe
f��eraf, state and local en�ironm�ntal laws, rules and regu[atians. A self fueling P�rmitfee shall
notify the Departr�-�ent immediat�ly upon fhe c�ccurrence o� ar�y violaiion of the environmental laws or
any �venf fhat may affeci the environrnental condition af the fuel storage facilify andlor the fueling
statian ar�d all tuelir�g equipr�nent.
F. Remediafion and Irtsurance Requirements
A self-fu�lir�� Permittee shall be fully respansible for the �inlation of any en�+ranmenta! laws causecE,
in whol� or in pari, by s�lf fiuefing Permi#tee, its afficers, agents, servanis, employees, cantractors,
subcontractors, or invitees, whether such �iolafion occurs during the currer�t perm"rt periad, vr during
a previous period in which the self �ueling P�*rrriittee o�erated the fuel storage facility a�dlor th�
fuelir�g station and all fueling equipment.
As assurar�ce fn the Department thafi the self-fueling Permittee is r�aso�a�ly abie to compiy with th�
req�tirements of ti�Es S�ctinr� 17, the self-fue�in� Permitt�e shall pracure ancf mainta�n an
En�ronmental lmpairment Liabilffy Insurance Policy that provides coverage, per occurrence, for any
incider�is involving tF�e fuel starag� fac�lity andlar tMe fuelin� station ar�d afl fueiing �quipment, in
accordance with the Department's Minimum Insurance Requir�:mer�ts.
�. P"ersa�rrei
1�Uith regard tv saf�ty pro�edures, self-fueling Permittee's fuef disper�sing ernplayees shall b�
properly traEned in ar� FAA appro�ed fire safety program, as defined in 14 CFR Part 139.�21 current
F,� Permit Revocafion
A self-fue�ir�g Permittee shall not sell and/or disp�nse fuels to based Aircraft or transient Aircraft that
are not owned or leased, and operated by the sel� fueling P�rmittee. Any such selling or disper�sing
shall b� grour�ds for immediate revocation Qf the self-fueling permit E�y the Department.
��hibl� �
February 24, 2021
For this addendum, the �erm "Operator" means a"Commercial
Operator", as described in the City ofi Fort Worth A�iatian Minim�m
A.� bigh I�o�er E�gine R�ns
The varied range of aircra�t o�erating at Fort I�lorth AUiance Airport
�A�Wj include many pawered by high-�irffow turbojei and turbofan
engines. Maintenance necessary fiar the propulsion systerns on these
aircraf� require tha� the eng�nes be run at power--le�er-angle (PLA)
s�ttings simulating �he install�d operational fiight profile. This �igh�
power run up stresses the engine and it must �ass this �est �o be cleared
fQr flight.
The high-pawer eng�ne runs take a consideral�le leng�h of �ime, and �he
i�igh-velocity, higl� tempera#ure �^`1504 °��, expansive noise cor��ours
(dBA>�.OD) characteristic of these run ups prohibit conducting them on
�he operator's ramp, or elsewhere on the airfield without sp�cial
provisions. Alfiance Air Services (AAS} can accommodate rthis testing by
on the
to the GDC
shawn in
A�l� Ai��vr� f�ul�� an� ����f��i��t�
� t i
.ks�• s
���� , �� the blast
, w �,, - - ��
f ' �
� � <�, r'�
., �.
� i i. ' •i.. ���-r.i:� 1 �fi� �' ����II�r'.�'
� . -, , .- �.
hangar as
Figure �.
To uti�ize th�s facility �he aircraft must be taxied or tovved into position
and secured by the operator, C?peratar persannel or �heir quaiified
subcon�ractars w€II be required to �nitiate and mor�itor the engine runs.
Also, to mitigate �he overall risk of this test a#I persons au�horized to
supervis� or directly participate in �ngine ground ru�ning from the fligh�
deck wha are not pilots or flight engineers m�sfi have received both
ir�itial and recurrent quafi�ica#ian �or engine ground running dutie�.
�.2 Airpor� �oundary �e�urity
US Code 14 CFR 139.3�5, "Pubfic Protectiar�", and the City of Fort Worth
�rd. 16931, ��., adopted May 9, 20�fi, as amended "Fart Worth Alliance
AirpQrt Access" bath req�ire tha� th� airpor� be secure from e�try by
non-authdrized personnel, wildlife, or vehicles. AS documented in th�
Airport Certification M�nual (ACM�, �the principle means af achie�ing #his
requirement is joint participa�ion by afl aperators on the airpart to
develop or revi�e the seeurity seciion o� th� ACM plan. Key elemer�ts o�
the plan are (1j personnel access confirol, and (2) perimeter cantroi - a
physica� barrier {fence) �round the airport boundary and associa�ed
A�.� Personr��l Secur�ty
Author�zation for access to an operator's facilities is the responsibiiity of
tha� operator. Identi�ication af personnel as�ig�ed ta work on the
op�erator`s ramp is necessary to mainta�n eon�Crol of r�he movement and
non-movemen� areas. Self badging of all persor�nef is strongly
�ncouraged. Training in ��e req�ir�ments of Part 1.�9.329/303 for �!�
personnel wor�ir�g on any public ramp is �Iso required. All subcomfiractor
personnel or o�her non-cle�red persor��el will be escorted by approved
operatar or AA5 personnel at all times. The operator mus� also inform
and train his personnel �o remain on their ramp and t� s�ay clear of
taxivuays leadir�g to adjacent aperator ramps uniess speci�ically cleared
for this access by the AFW Airpart �perativr�s Manager.
A�.� �erim�t�r Int�gri�y
Perimeter security poses a significanfi cha�ienge for the AFW. Layers of
security that include fences, cameras and �a�rols are necessary to mee�
the challenge of securing t#�is large and complex airport.
The righ� of access to the airport grounds to conduct fiigt�t operations is
granted ta �ach operator by §�-284 "Access Permit" of �he City Cade.
However, § 3-2�3 "Off-Airport Parcel Uses; Access Area; Access
Taxiways; Prohibi�ed U�es." provides tha� "the [operator's] access area
shali be sep�rated from the rernainder of ��e off-�irport parcel by a wall,
fence or other physical barrier. The city or �he au�hority responsible for
operation and safety of the airpart [AAS] shali have the right to en�er the
ac�ess area to inspec� or perform o�h�r reguCatory requirements. All
saf�ty and operationa� rules and regulatiar�s appl�cable to the airport
shal� be applicable �o [oper��tor's] access areas. No rules or regulations
of �he city shall affeci the access right, oth�r than thi5 ar�icfe and the
Accordingly, the perimeter fence and entry gates surrounding the airport
are inspec�ed daily by AAS to ensure they remain intact. Hvwever,
�encing and/or g�tes securing �he operatar facilities connect to the AAS
fence to form the complete airport barrier. A br�ach of this part of the
�Feneing �hus constitutes a breach of the overall airpor�r and req�ir�s
immediate r�otification of AAS and correcti�e acfiion by the operator.
Failure �o respand with �h� necessary action� in a�imely manner may
resuit in revocatio� of the aperatar's access permit as stipuiated i� § 3-�
�S� andJor shal! ca�stiiute a misdemeanor and be punishable as
pro�ided in §�.-6 of the City Code. �t is thtas required tl�at th� operator
��rify the i�tegrity of his portion of the airport per�meter fence daily.
Physical inspection i5 'Cil� preferred means for doing this, however, a
combir�ation of ine�hods using GCTV camer-as, movement sensors,
andjor FAA-approved drone �Fly-c�vers are alsa acceptable.
f - � -
Adop�ed by the Fort Worth City Council
September'15, 2020
MB�C �0-0638
�s+o�C o11. �
, :+�f�•rnrar�r,rirll „�rra��,r
AVIATIQN QIREC70R AUTHORI7Y — q�F'ARTMENi OF AVIATIO�f (DOA) ........................................... 4
ANNUA� A�JiJSTMEt�T p� F2ATES AND CHRRGES ............................................................................... 4
LA�iQIiVG FEES FOft ALL.IANGE AfF2PORi ............................................................................................... �4
Cor�mercial Landing Fee .......................................................................................................�---�-�--•-•----... 4
Non-Commerdal Training or Maintenance Landing Fee .......................................................................... 4
Military Operatians Landing �ees .......................�--�----.............................,.........-------.._............................. 4
OFFICE�PACE ..................................................................................................................:........................ 5
Meacham Administration Building ...................................................................�----._.._................................ 5
Meacham Administration �uilding — 3'� Floor Conferenee Genter ............................................................ 5
ENiI�ANC� SIGN — I�leacham and Spinks airport .................................................................................. 5
HANGARS�ACE .......................�-----.._............,...........,..,.........,......,......................._._.................................. 6
T-t-langar Spaee - MEACHAM ........................................................................................�-� -�•--�-�--�-�----..... 6
T-Hangar Space - SPiNi(5 ....................................................................................................................... 6
BDXHangar Space - 51'ENKS .................................................................................................................. 6
CommunikyHangar Sp�ce - Spir�ks ..........................................................................................�---............ �
StarageR�ams - 5F'IN�CS ......................................................................................................................... 6
Aircraft Parking — Manthly {city managed ramp space only} .................................................................... 7
AircraftParking — i�aily ............................................�-�---....................................,........._..-�---�--......._.._........ 7
tANDLEAS� ................................................................................................................................................ 7
l.and Per Square Foot-�Annually ............................................................................................................. 7
AIRPOFZT ACCESS FEES (THROUGH TH� F�NC�) ................................................................................ 7
Alliance Airpor� -- Access Ordir�ance 'f 6931-05-20�}6 ............................................................................... 7
U.S. CUST�MS FE�S ........................•--�--..................,......,...........................---.....................................,...,. 7
MEACHAN! IEVT�RNATIDNAI. AIRPORT ................................................................................................. 7
Meacham Internalional and Spinks Airports ............................................................................................. 8
�t1R�'aRT FU�L ............ ............ ................................... ..... ........_............_..._...._....................,_.................. S
Fuelfar� USAGE fea ............................................................................................................................... 8
FuelFlowage Fees .....................................................................................................��-�-�---........_,.....,...... 8
M15C�LL.ANEaUS �'�ES ............................................................................................................................. 8
LateFees ............................................�----................................,...........-�--�--...................,.......,._................ $
�ees relakecf to Develo�ment on an Airpor� (fncEuding but no# lirr�ited #o Sur�ey, EaserrEents) ................ 8
LeaseAssignment Fee .-� ...................................................•.................,.........,.,..,..................................... 8
Month-to-Month G.eases ............................................................................................................................ S
C�NTRACT AMENDMENT FEE .............................................................................................................. 8
pe�elopmenUnew lease(s) fee ................................................................................................................. 8
KeyCopy Fees--�-�--- • ...................................................�--.................,...,......_............................................, 9
tEASEVIOLATI0�1 FE�S ........................................................�--........._................._................................. 9
I'AG E 2 OF 'i �
ADDfTiONALPROVISI�NS .......... . ......... ..... . . .. ... .............. .. ..� .,.., ... ..............,.......... ... ................. iG
DevelapmentApplica#inn ........................................................................................................................ 1Li
LeaseExpirafion Penalty .......................... - -�-�---......._..........................._............... 'f�
Discfaimer....-�--� ...................................................................................................................................... 14
PAG E 3 D�' 'f p
. - — -----
The pir�ctor is a�thoriz�d to assess or wai�e f�es t�tat are not sp�cifical�y addressecE in the Rates and Cnarges
such �s the use of office ��uipmenf, carports, and miscelfaneous �onstruction by Department resources, %�s
associa#ed with privafe development and ather aviation related fees and charges that may accur on an
infraquent basis.
Lesse� may naf undertake or aflow any party to underfake any kind of alEerakions, er�ction, imprnvement ar
other construction +Nork on or to tha premis�s unless it first requests and receives approval frorn the Dir�ctor
or his/her auihorized representative.
These rates and charges pertain to all Fart Worth Airports �nless dther+r�is� noted per sectian.
ANh1UAE..��.lUST�II�NT c3F Rp►TE5 Ri*�D �bA�:G�B
Existing Lesse�'s which are subject to an at�nuai Consumer Price lndex {CPl} adjustmer�t shafE be adjusted fay
ane poinf �ignt percent (1.8%} as of October �i, 202Q, per their current lease agre�rnent. Month-to-month
leases v+ti�l reflect current r�tes and charges as described below. The C�'1 atEjustment is based on the
Cons�mar F'rice Index, C7allas-Fort Worth for all Urban Cansumers for All items for Noverr�ber 2019.
L�i��lNG ���E� �C�R,4��t�idCE Al�7P��i
A Cammerciai Airc�'aft Operation (Nnn-
Signatory) is one thai does not F�a�e a Use
Agreemenf with the City of �ork Warth; and
canducts aperations at Fvr� Warth AI[ianCe
Airport under FAR Parts 121, 125, 129, 135 with
a Maximum Certified Gross Landing Weight
(MCGLW) over 4D,Q00 pounds. No lanciing f�:e
is assessed at Meacham or Spinks Airports,
L.anding Fee per 1,OOD paunds �_ _ � �•��
Minirnum Landing Fae $ 1D0.00
A Comrnercial Aircraft Operation having a Cargo Operating Agreement far Fort Worth Alliance Airport approved
by City Gouncil quaGfiy as a signatory operator.
Landing F'ee per 1000 pounds � �'� •4�
----_ _-
Minirr►um Landina Fee $ i0.00
Mifitary operations are exerr�pt from landing fees if the aircraft is acting on the behalf flf tY�e military under tYte
jurisdiciional contro] vf the arrned farces of t�e Unit�d States or the National Guard. F'areign military aircraft
are subjeck #o rates listed above.
PAGE40F 9fl
Q��IC� ���CE
�w�acM��n �ow�it�is��ta�rian� s�i��iH�
Lower Level
�IfSf �Ibql"
Secand �iaor
Third Fioar
F@U Space _
Enfrance 5ign
$ 14.50/sq.ft.
$ � 5.5D/sq.�t, �
$ 17.501sq.ft,
$ 1$.50/sq.f�.
$ 22.501sq ft
$ 'I OO.OQ/monih
,• - -
� + � , }:
�. � � �I I�il !
; -.�' I
' '��1lh�E ��;���� � I
� '� � �� � . - - - - -- l � . -,I+b
I �y�y + � � ' . �'-- �
=�— --- �-�.�.� � -.:_ -
�enF3� �8t4a5 �4lRF'F]I
Tenant (8-� / M-F') $ 50.OD
Tenant {Af�erl�ours / Weekends 1 Holitfay) $ 75.00
City Depar#ment {S-5 I M-F) � 2�•�0
City Deparkrx�ent (Afterhours 1 Vlleekends 1 Holiday)
h�an-ienant For-Prafit/Gammercial (8-5 ] M-�)
fVon-Tenant For-Profi�/Commercial {Afterhours I Weekends 1�ialiday)
Nan-Tenant Non-Proii# (8-S / M-F) � � � 25.00
Nnrt-Tenant Non Profit fAfterhaurs! Weekends) $��.��
Adcl�#+o�ai Fee�
Refundable Depasit
Set-Up & iear-Dawn*
Glean-up �ee�y
*f�rr►ul�iple room
R�y F�ate
� �oo.00
$ B75_0(}
$ 25a_00
$ 300_00
$ 50DAQ
$ 750.Qp
$ 260.00
$ 300_QO
$ 200_GU
are rea�lred, acldi�ronal set up fEes
$ 75.f10
$ 75.fl0
he assessed, ~
]f fhe room is needed fnr Innger than 4 hours, an addit+onal hourly rate will be determined based on the event.
Contac# the Aviatfon Administrati�e Offices at 817-392-540D ta abtain informatio� on the r�ntaf of the
Conferer�ce Center.
_ - ---
Entrance 5ign $ 700.QOlmonth
HAN��� SP���
T-l�1,�NCCA#� SPAC� - MEr�Cl�IA�iI
T-Hangar End U►�it Space lmpro�ed
T-Hangar End Unit Space Unimpro�
T-Hangar Space — 907 sf
T-Ha�gar Space — 983 sf & 997 sf
± -MA�dGAR SPAC� - S�lt�14S
3,000 square feet
3,600 square feet
6,6p0 square feei
$ BD.00lmcsnth
$ 8Q.00fmonth
$ 425.00/mor�th
$ 430.00/mon#h
$ 950.00/month
� 1,250.OD/rr�anth
$ 2,100.Oblmonth
Single-engine piston $ 225.00/month
Twin�engine piskon � _ _ _ $ �����Olmant�
� '�
� � �' i —
. , � �' • ' , i
� � � �' �
����'k � , ' � i�� �
' � �! � � .� �:
� ` �. � �
� .
Small Qpen
Large �pen
$ 35.00/manth
$ 72.00Imottth
$ 52_OOlmo�th
PAG� 6 �F 'IQ
92,5QQ ]bs. ar�d under
12,503 lbs. to 6Q,pQ0 Ibs,
60,p�1 Ibs. to `�00,000 Ibs.
100,001 fbs. to 300,000 Ihs.
30Q,�01 Ibs. and abo�e
AI�t��tA�T PAE�tF�INC.v - D.41LY
� 55.00lmanth
--� $ 800.�(l
$ 9Q0_00
$ 1,80�.OD
� $ 2,250A0
7he daily rafe will b� applied for any parking on pubfic apror�s up to 24 hQurs. Alf weight calcula#ians are
�ased on Maximum Certified Gross Landing Weight.
1.,�,�dCi ��ASr�
LAt�� �ER SQUARr� �OOi - A�IdUAL.�.Y
Ground �ease Alliance
Graund Lease Meacham
Ground Lease S�in�cs
$ 0_491sq.fk.
$ 0.47/sq.ft.
$ 0.31/sq.ft.
AI�Po�,i �4����� �I��s (i��tt�iJ�}�1 �'F�� F�F�C�y
ALLIAN�� ���tF'�R� - ACC�SS 9RDliVAi�C� 16�31-05-2006
Air carrier or large aircraft user
Genera] aviatiar� or smali aircra�t user
ll.�. ��IS�'OiV�� ����
During ReguEar Business Flours
Afier Hnurs, Weekends and Holid
Disnosai Baq Fee - �irst Bag �
$ '! 650.OQ/month
$ 650.00lmonih
$ 3b0.OD/aperatio�
$ 5QO.QD/operation
$ 20D.DOloperatian
$ �O.00/per operation
PAGE 7 OF 'i0
M�ACi1ArtR t�! i'ERN�T�i)I�AL AN�} �PtNKS AiRPORTS __._� —---
Fee is fh� land per square fqot raie for the airpo�t multipliecE by fhe square fvotage of the hangar adjacent to
the airfield.
�I�PO!�tY �I���,
FUEL ��4RPV1 IJ�iAG� ��� — .
A manthly fee is ass�ssed to any tenant that self-fuefs. This ap}�lies ko FBO Leased tacilities or nan-FBO
ae�sed facififies,
Monthly Rate
Ali Airparts $ �L1(}.�0
The fallawin� fuel flowage #ees are established on ali fuel deliver�d to the airports. Rat�s are rounded to ihe
nearest penny.
Fixed Based Operatars (GalEons)
$ 0.18/gallon
Self-�uefng {non-FE301�xcfusive Use �'enant) (Gallonsj I $ 0.291gallon
m Operators whi�h pay a fandir►g fee at Far# Worth Alliance Airport are exempt frflm the fuel flowage fee.
a Gtaideiines forfuei flovuage are autlined in the Minimum Sta�dards adopted as ofAugusf 15, 2a17.
ii�i�G���e�f�I��U� ����
�r� ����
Rent is due on khe 15' of eacf� mnnth without demand. N[onthly rentals and fees are subject to a l�fe �ha�ge at
the rate of 10°/a of th� monthfy rental rat� fnr each month, ar �ortion of th� r�onth, tha# any mar�thly instafEment
is past due. A separate co�npufation and �aaym�nt af such late charge shal! be made on the outstanding
baEance thai is past due. Ther�fare, if two monthly inst�llments are past due, th� late char�es shail accrue on
the total outstand�ng balance.
�€�5 R�LAT�� TO DEV��O�111HENT ON Ald AIRPt]RT (�n�tua�ng t�ut not iimtce� to survey, I�asementsj
The Ci#y of Fo�t Wor#h Auiaiiar� Departmenf wifl obtain surveys on any property approved and negatiated ta
mo�e fonvard with develapment. The survey fee to be callected up front is non-refundable and is �ased on
Surveyor's cnst estimate. IVesd to change tn include any fees related io develpprnent....su�veys, inspections
or eas�ments.,..but nat lirnited to.
Meacham and Spinks Airpart: Upon approval, if a tenank assigns their right, title, and inter�sf of their pra�erty
to another indi�idual, a$1,ODO.OQ ie�ase assignment fee +uill apply.
flf101�iH TO I4SICiidTH ��AS�� _�
�illonth-to-month leases are subject to a 10% prernium abo�e fhe standard rate.
COt�'�RAC7 Anfi�NDM�IdT F�� _ .
For tenant initiated contract amendmenis, a$ 40fl.00 fee will a�ply
€�E1fI��EJPf��PV�'1ld�1lV �EAS�(S) FE� ______V__...
For new developm�nt applicakion Qr a new lease, a$100.00 fee will apply.
PAG� 8 �F 10
Ff�Y CBPY �E'�S - � - ---
Replacement of losi keys or e>ctra keys p�ouided for rental spa�es ar� $ 10.d0 �ach.
Keying fee, per door, is $�OAO
Each Card - $ 2Ci.4D
Access RenewaE - $ 20.00
Toll iag - $2p.00
F2ep]acement Cards - $ 25.Q0
In an effort tn reduce the frequency of cammon lease violations, and maintain consistency, the �1�A has
established a lease �iolation policy. Ta cantinue as a top tier airport it is important t�at Meacharn I�tfernafianal
Airport maintain compliance in all areas of airport operations. Lease �iolations include, but t�ot limited to, ih�
fnllnwing violation types:
Examples of Qenera! violatior�s repuirinq svecified iime for correcti�e actian
o Q�ergro�nrn weedsl�egetation
o p�brislTrash
o Recreatianal �ehicles
� Faiiur� to obta3n required �OA approvals
@ Leftover construcfion rnaterials andl�r eq�ipment
Exam fes of I�ease Adh�rence Violatior�s:
p Faolure to submit proof af insurance andlor insurance renewals
m Repetitive qast due notificatioris
p Failure ta meet ccantractual dead[ines
Exampies of s�fetv and securitV violatians repuirinq immediate correcfi►�e action
� Unauthorized par�cing of any kind
o Unauihorizet[ gate access
o O#her safety violation5
Q Other security violations
Lease violatian fees wii! be imposed as fallows, for occurrences of ihe same viofation type
General, Safetv, and Securitv Vialation �ees;
75f occurpet�ce - verbal warning
2na occurrence - written warning
3�' occurrence - $ 10fl.00
���' occurre�c� - $ SA�.Oa
5fn occUrre�ce - $ 500.00, including, and up to Lease t�rrnination.
Laase Ac�reerrient Ad_herenc� Violation �ees:
1 st Letler - $ 35.40
2°d Lefier - $ 70.0{I
3�' Leiter - $ 905.00
At the discretion of #he a�A, 5afety �nd Sec�rity violations may be sub�ect to an immediate rr►aximum fee
v�rithout �erbal or v�ritten warning.
A�ker the fiftt� occurrence af the same �iolation, Lessee shalf maintain no �iolations fnr twelve (1Z) calendar
months tn avaid further action, including Lease t�rmination.
PAGE 9 C7F 70
A���TIOPl�4l, ��eVI�ION�
G�ii�LQPtIt3�NT �P�LI�AiiON
For any de�eloper wha wishes to enter into a ground I��se �ith assaciafied mandatory impravem�nts, a�o�t
Worth Aviatian C]epar�ment Application rrtust E�e comple#ed and submitted, afong wifh the n�w development
fee. T�e information submitted must inc[ude all addition�l materiafs/documentation requesied on fhe
application. Once siaff is in r�csipt of t�e complete packei, stafF vvill begin the review process to determine if
the propasa! is in the best ir�terasf of the Airport. The initial review �racess wi[I not com�'rtence until all requested
maierials are submitted�
Any fease agreement that expire�s prior to the executianLof a renewal lease where the �enant had at least 30
days #o execute a new I�ase prior to the expiraiion of the existing lease shall be subjee# fo a Lease Expiration
Such agreernent s�ali auiomatically re�e�# ta a mnnth-to-rnonth occupancy status and the tenant may be
r�quired to pay a premium equal to 'f0°/a of the Aviatian De�artment eskablished fair m�ricet rental rate in
addition to the standard base rental rate, until such time as either a permanent lease is executed ar the tenant
vacates the premises_
�ISC�Al14�ER _
Any additianal Rates and Charges will be at M�rk�t Vakue
PAG� 'IQ QF i0
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Exhibit D
Exhibii D— Af�liate Operating AgYeement
This A�reenr�enf bett�een t�ae City of Fort W�rth (the "City") an.d {the
"Affiliate") gratats to t.�e Affiliate certain rig�ts to use faciiities to conduct its air transportation
business as an Affiliate o� [SIGNATQRY AIRLINE] (t�e "Sigt�atory Airlii�e") ai: �o��t Worth
Alliance A�rport {t�ie "Azzport"J. The Cargo Carrier Operating Agreemant between fhe City and
the �ignatary Airline, eifective as af April 1, 202� (the "Cargn Agreement"), gives the Signatory
A,irline t1�e opporfunity to designate an AffiIiate if certain conditions aze met. The intent of this
Agreement is to adopt by reference various speci�ed pravisions of the Cargo Agreement, and
make ihem appticable to the Affilzate. In car�sideration of these benefifs, the A�liate agrees to
abide by ail oi the ter:�xks and conditions of this Agreement.
All capitalized terms used in this Agreetnent, if not de�ned within this A�reement, shall
have ihe �neanings specified in A�rtzcle J of the Car�o Agreemeni. �
3 A1 Effecti _v.e_Date. This Agreement shall take effect as of �e date specified in
�ectian 5.1.1 of the Gargo A�reement as the �ffecti�e date of the Signatory Aiz �ine's designation
of the Affiliate, which desi�natian and ef�'ective date shal� be provided tn the City in the form
attached as Exhibi� 1 and nnade a part hereof
3.02 Term�nation Da�e. This Agreement sl�all f.enninate as of the earl'zest of (a} the
expiration or earlier termination date of the Car�o Agreernent; (b) tk�e terminatian dale af this
Exhibit D— A, ffiLiate Operatirag A�reemeni
Agt•eernent as pro�ided in Article l. l i�elow; or (c} tk�e effective date nf t�e Signatory Airline's
fie�nination of tlie Affiliaf�'s status as an Affiiiate oCtl�e Sig�atary Airlin� in accordance v+Tiih:
Sectian S.3 of the Cargo Agreernent which terminatian and effective date shalt b� provided tfl the
Ciiy in the fo�rn attached as �xhi�it 2 and naade a pa,rt hereof.
Far the operatic�n af the Af�liate's Air Transpox�tation Business as an A�£'iliaie of t�e
Signatory Az;rli�e, the Af�'iliate shall have the saiz�e z'ights as the Signatory Airline under Arl;icIes
2 and 3 of the Cargo .A.greement and shall be s�bject t.o the sa�ne exclusians and conditions
applicable to the Signatory Aixline t�zereunder.
The Landing Fees and other %es charges due to the City for the Affiliate's use ai the
1�irport facilities as an Affiliate of the Signata�ry AirIine shall be calculated and paid in
accardance with Article � oi the Cargo Agreement. � irline is subject to the same terms as the
Signatory Airline regarding Sectian 4.5 af the Car�a Agreement. The Security Deposit
requirements of �ection 4.6 shall not apply to th.s Affiliate.
The Affiliale shaIl comply with ar�d remain subject to Article 5 oi'the Cargo Agreenaent,
and ta remain, with the �ignafary Airline, jointly and s�verally liahle io ihe City far payment �f
all Airrline Rents, Fees and Char;es and far suhrxaission af all �ctivity reports fhat axe due to the
City %x the Affiiiate's use of any A.it'port faci�iiiss as an Af�liate of the Signa#ary AirIine.
If t�e AfC�iate executes and delivers ta the City' a cargo carrier a�reen�enf ir� subs�antially
ihe saYne for�rn as the Cargo Agreernent, and thlts itself becornes a. "Signatory Airline," t11e
f�,f�Jiate shal� irrxmediately terminate its status as az�. Af�Iiaie of ihe Signatory Airl�ne in w�'iting
ExhibiiD—Affiliaie Ope�atirtgAgreemer�t
to the City; provided, hawever, that unless oElierwise agreed to zn vvriting by the Signatory
Airline and the City, the Affiliate shall remain responsible to the Signatory l�irline and thz City
far a�l payment and other obiigatinns that survive tertninatian of thzs Agreemcnt.
7.1 Indetnnification 4bi�ations. '1'ne A��liate shall bs subject io and bound by the
same obligation to indeannify each l�ndemnaifzed Pariy as provided in Sectian 6.1 of the Cargo
7.2 Tnsuraiace obl�ations. The Affiliate shal� be subject to and bound by the
insuranee a}�Iigations set farth in Section 5.2 of th.e Cargo Agz'sennent.
The Affiliate shall be subject to and bound by Article 7 a�the Cargo Agreerr�ent.
The Af£�iliate s�zall be subject io and bou�d by Article S af the (:arga Agreement.
T17is Agreernezai does nat constitute a lease hetween the Affiliate anci the Ciiy with
respeci to any premises, fac�lities, services, �guipment, o� atherwise at ihe Airport.
21.Q 1 Default. The occurrence of any e'vent described in Seefion 9.1 of the Cargo
Agreement involvin� thc; Signatory Airline or the Affiliate shall b� considered an event of
default by tl�e Affiliate.
21 A2 Reznedies. If the Af�liate shall be in default under this Agteement, the City shall
have the ri�ht to terrninate this Agre�ment u�der Sectzon 9.2.1(a} af i�ie Cargo Agraem.er�t.
Ex%ibit .Z? --.AffiEiate Ope�uting Agreen�ent
12.1 �nvironmental Com liance. The Af�liate s1�a�1 be subject ta and bound by
Sectio�is 11.1 through 11.6 and Sections 1].S through 11.11 of tlae Cargo Agreement.
12.2 Enviro�unental Indeznnitv. The Af�liate sIaa11 be subjeci F�a and baund by tl�e
sarne abligation ta inde�nr�ify the City as provided ic� Section 11.7 o�'�he Cargo Agree�x�.ent,
Airlir►e sha[1 not, directly or irtdirectly, assign, seIl, hypotlaeaate or otherrvise transfer this
The Affiliate shall be subject to and bQund by the provisions of Arlicle 13 af the Catgo
Except as speaificaily prQvided elsewhere in this Agreement, any notice given under this
Agreement s�aall be in wri�ing and sball be delivered persar�ally or sen# by cartifed or registered
maiI, pasLage prepaid:
To City: �_
'I'o Affiliate:
ox- ia suck� otl�er �•�spective addresses as fibe parties may designate ia eaeh other in writing from
tirne ta t�rne. Notice by certi�ed ar registered rnail shall be de��.ned given tk►ree (3) days after the
dafe that such notizce is deposited in a LTnited States Post �ffice.
[The remainder of this page is inteniianally left blank.J
Exh�bit D— Af�liate fl�erating Agreement
IN WITN�SS WHEREOF, the parties in�ending to be legally baund have executed this
Agreeme�at tk�is dap o£�_ _ .. 2fl..^
By: �
Name: � �Y� ,_
Ti#le: � ���� �
� Title:
Exhibit �1. to Affiliate O�eratiri� A�reem.eni
[A.IRLINE] (ihe "Airline"), a Sig�aato�y Airline under the Carga Agreement (the "Cargo
Agreement") with tihe City af Fort Worih (the "City"}, effective a� o£ ,�ereby
designates [A�'FILIATE] (the "Affiliate"j as i�s Af�]iate at Fort �V�rth AIliance Airpari {the
"Air�ort") in accordance witla and subject io Az-�icle 5 of the Ca.rgo Agreemenl.
This desi�nalio�i is ePfecti�e as of� , 2i�_.
2. (a) Aixline hez'eby represents to t�xe City that tlae Affiliate [clieck at least one]:
❑ a parent or subsidiary of Airlina or und�r the sazne parental cont�ral as Airline, ar
� otherwise operates under essentially t�e s�me trade t�ame as Airline at the Airport
and Us�s essentially the sa�e livery as Airline, or
o aperates carga fseder �lights af t�e Airport under Eb.e c�ireciion and control of
3. The Af�liate has exec�zted at�d delivered to the City an. Affiliate C)peraling Agr�ement as
required by �eeiion 5.1.1 of fhe Cargo Ag7reement.
4. The Airline hcreby con�rms and a�rees that the Airline will pay ta the City all Airline
Rents, Fees a,nd Char�es and other charges due io the City for the Af�liaxe's use of the Airport
facilities as an AffiIiate of the Airline, and will subnnit to the Gity i:he activiiy reparts required by
Section 4.4 of #he Cargo Agreer►�ent and due to the City for the Ai'filiat�'s use of'fhe Airport
faciliiies as an Affiliate of the Airline.
5. 'The Airline con�irms and agrees that it sha11 remain, with t�ie Affzliate, jointl� atzd
severaily liable �o tlae City for ihe �aytnent of all Landing Fees and other fees charges and the
submission of all activity reparts due to the City �or the A_ffiliate's use of any Azzport faciIities as
an Aff liate af the Airline.
Airline's auihorized repr�sentiative
E'xhil�it D— Af�liate Operating Ag�cement
Exhibi� B ta Affiliate Operatin�. A��eement
[AIRLINE] (the ".Flirlin�"}, a,Signatory 1�irline under the Cargo A�ireement (t�ie "Cargo
Agreetnent"} with tk�e City of F'Qrt Worth {the "City"}, effective as nf , hereby
nptifies i:he City that the Ai�•line is t�rmina�ing iYs designation af [AF�ILIAT�] (the "Af�liate")
as its Aff Iiate at Fori Worth .f�lliance Airport in accordance with and subject ta Seetion 5.3 0£
the Cargo Agreement.
Th�s terniination nf tk�e Affi�iate's status as an Af�'iliate of the Airline is effective as of
By: __________
, Airline's authorized representative
CT�r ������� 1����r��
DA7'E: 3/9/2021 �E�ER�NCE'"�M&C 21- LOG
NO,: 0180 NA{ViE:
Official s7te nF the Ciry oP Fort Warth, Texas
rfl R�H
Sl1�J�CT: (CD 7) Authorize Execution of a New Cargo Carrier Operafing Agreement with
Amazon.com Services lr�c.'s Affiliate Air[ines as Icfentified in Each Agreement as Atlas Air,
Inc. and Southern Air, lnc. (Each Wholly Owned Subsidiaries of Atias Air Worldwide
Hofdings, Inc.), and A�r Transpor# International, Inc. (ATI), ABX Air, lnc. and Sun Country,
Inc. (�ach Wi�olly Owned Subsidiaries of Air Transport Service Group, Inc.) af Fort Worth
Alliance Airport
R�C014J�1911€1V DATIQW:
ft is reeommended that the City Councif authorize the execution of a new carga carrier o�erating agreement
with Amazon.com Services Inc.'s AffrGate Airlines as Identi�ed in �ach agre�ment as Atfas Air, fnc. ar�d
Southern Air, [nc_ {each a wholly owned s�bsidiary of Atlas Air Worldwid� Holdings, Inc.), Air Transport
International, Inc. {A71), ABX Air, Inc. and Sun Country, Inc. (each a whofly owned subsidiary of Air Transport
Service Group, fnc.) afi �ort Worth Al�iance Airport.
On or about September 24, 2d19, an inforrna! Report �nform�d the City Co�ancif that Amazon.com Services,
lnc. (Amazon} was opening a regional air hub adjac�n# to Fort Worth Alliance Airpor� (Alliance) ancf
construcfion was nearing compfetion with operations exp�cted to begin by October, 2019. At ti�at time, the
Cify granted Amazon's afFiliate airlines permission to us� the airport via a cargo carrier operating agreement,
which set the amo�nts for landing fees and other sp�cial charg�s assessed at Alliance.
The Cargo Carrier Operating Agreements with Amazon's affiliate airlines are schedufed ta expire April 1,
2021, which aligns with Federal �xpress Corporation's Cargo Carrier Operating Agreement expiratfon
date. The short-term agreement allowed Amazon to begin their operations and flighfs out of Alliance whiie a
longer-term cargo carrier operating agreement was being negotiated. UncEer tF�e terms of the new operating
agreerr�ent, [anding fee rates for Amazon's afFiliate cargo carrier airlines wil[ increase frorr� �9 .49 per one
thousand pounds to $�.65 per on� thousand pounds. The landing weighf is based on aircraf� Maximum
Certified Gross Landing Weight (MCGLW),
Amazon currently has fi�e affiliate airlines that will be operating out of Alliance: Atfas Air, fnc. and Southern
Air, Inc. (each wholly owned subsidiari�s of Atlas Air Worldwide �loldings, Inc.}, anc! Air Transport
In#erna�kiortal, Inc. (ATI}, ABX Air, Inc. and Sun Country, Inc., (each whofly owned subsidiaries of Air
Transpart Services Group, Inc,). �ach o� the affiliate airlines will enter into separate cargo carrier operating
agreemen#s wit� the City on the following terms:
A term beginning April 2, 202i and expiring April 1, 204T.
Landing Fees are based on MCGLW of aircraft landing at AlEiance at a rate o� $1.65 per one-thousand
pounds with an $85.D0 minimum, adjusted annually based on rhe upward percentage change in the
Consurrier Price Index (CPU), or 85�% of the City`s published Non-Signatory Landing Fee Rate, wh�chever
is the lesser.
Specia[ Charges by th� City may be assessed for parking on a public ram�, s�ecial licenses and permits,
special services req��sted by the Airline and cos�s For remov�ng disablec! aircraft. The rate for the
Special Charges is based on r�asonable, documented out-oF-pocket cost�s and expenses plus twelve
percent (12\%).
The cargo carrier operating agreemenis associated with Amazon affiliate airlines is projected to generate
first year reven�e of approximately $1,55i,200.00. Und�r the Management Agreerr�ent between the City of
Fort Wo�k� and Alliance Air Services, which manages Alliance, Alfiance Air Services receives sixty-fi�e
percent (fi51%) of funds colfected under the cargo carri�r operating agreements and the City recei�es thirty�
five percent (351%} of these f�nds. The funds ar� disbursed rr�onthly to t�e Ci#y af Fort War�h Aviation
Department. The cargo carrier operating agreemenfs comply with airport poficy as wefl as City, stafe, and
federal guide[ines.
ADVfSORY BOARD APPROVA�: On February 4, 2021, fhe A�iation Ad��sory Board voted to recommend
that the City Council approrre the Cargo Carrier Operating Agreements.
For� Worth Alliance Airpor� is focated it� COUNCIL DfSTRICT 7.
The Director of Finance certifes that upon a�proval of fhe above recommendat�on and execution o� the
fease, funds wifl be c�epositeci into the Municipaf Airport Fund. The Aviation Department (and Financiaf
Martagement Services) is responsible for the coflection and deposit of funds due to the City.
irtrnenE Account Project Program Activity Budget Reference #
ID ID Year (Cf�artfield 2
irtment Account Project Program Activi#y Budget Re#erence #
IO ID Year (Chartfiield 2j
Submiified for Cifiy Nfianager's Office by_
Qriginating �epartmenfi Head:
Additiional Information Confiact:
Fernando Costa (6122)
Roger Venabfes (5402)
Ricarda Barce[o {5403)