HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 50633-R1A1CSC No. 50633-R1A1
This amendment and renewal ("Agreemer��") is entered into hetween the City of
Fort Worth and Lawn Patro� Service, Inc. by and through their respective duly autho riied
WHEREAS, the City af Fort Worth (hcrcafter "City") and Lawn Patrol Servicc, Inc.
(hereafter "Agency") �nade and entered into City Secretary Contract No. 50633 (hereafter
WH�REAS, the Contract was foran i�aitial Three-YearTerm beginning Apri! 9, 2Q1 S
and ending April 8, 2021;
WH�REAS, the Contract authorized two automatic one-year renewa] options in the
a�nount ot'� 14G,OOU.00 for each renewa[ term;
WIiEREAS, the City Council authorized tl�e City Mana�eror his designee to i��crease
thecompensatianforthcrenewa) terin foradditional services nccdedwithin thc currcnt f�iscal
year (M&C 21-0075}; ai�d
WHEREAS, the Ciry providcd notice of non-rencwal to Age�fcy on Fcbruary I 1, 202 1,
but rescinded ti�at noticc on Marci} K, 202 i
NOW, THEREFORC, City and Agcncy, acting hc��cin by tl�c through thcir duly
author�zed represc»tatives, a�n•ee to amc»d a»d re»ew ihc Contract, as follows:
Pursua�3Y to the CoE�tract, contract rcnewals occur automatically, unless otherwisc
termii�atcd hy cithcr party providing noGcc of non-rcncwa� at icast 30-days bcForc thc cx�iration
of the current tenn. City provided Agency with a notice of non-renewal on February I�, 2021 ,
and then withdrewti�at notice on March 8, 202�. Agency accepted City's withdrawa! ofthe non-
renewal notice and, by this agn-�ement, a�,nees to renew the Contract witi� City under its o rigin a l
ter»�s, except as otherwise ame��ded herein. The parties agree to rea�ew ti�e Contract for an
addifional one yearperiod, which will begin immediately upon the expiratian o I'the original tee-�n
on npril 8, 202 ], tmless tenni��ated earlier in accordance with the terms of the Coni�act.
Section 3. COMPENSATION of tEle Contr�ct is hereby amer�ded to read as follows:
The C�ty shall pay Contractoean amount not to exeeed $235,000.00 in accordance with
thc provisions of this Agrccrricnt and the Price Schedule attached as Exl�iE�it "B," which is
inco�-poratec! for a!I puiposes herein. Cor�tractor sl�all not perform any additiona! services for tl�c
City not spccified by this Agrccmcnt �n�lcss tE�c City rcc�i�ests and ap�rovcs in wriEing thc
additional costs fo��such services. TheCity shal� not be liable forany addrtional expensesof
Contractar not specified bythis Agreement unlesstlle City first approves such expenses i��
A�ncndrnent No. 1 to City Sccrctary Contract No. 50633
Alle��way Maintenanec Progrum
PA�,E i
�N WITNESS WIIEREQF, theparties hereto have executed this Agreement in multiples this 8"'
day of March, 2021.
By signing I acknowlcdgc that 1 am dic pcnon
responsible for the monitoring and
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ad�»inistration ofthis contract, inc�uding
Name: Fcrnando Costa cnsuring ai] perforinance and reportii�g
Titic: AssistantCity Manager requirements.
��! TonEric EubanKs
J' y��F n,�4��n,n �ro1�1�n5co�'
Namc: JonEric �ubanks ~
Titic: Ncighborhood Program Coorcf.
8y= �°"�``� '�`� APPROVED AS TO FURM AND
Na3r�e: Victor Tur�ler L�GALITY:
Tit]e: Director, Neighborhood Services
ATTEST: p� FEORr�o��d
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Name: Taylo�� Paris
Title: Assistant City Attorney
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Natne: Maay J. Kaysei� NI&C: 21-OU75
Title: City Secreta�y � ZyS:
Lawn Patrof Service, Inc.
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Title: � �
Amendtncnt No. 1 to City Secrctary Contract No. 50633
Alleyway Maintcnancc Prograit�
l�-� ,
Pa�;e 2
City of Fort Worth,
Mayor and
Council Communication
DATE: 01/26/21 M&C FILE NUMBER: M&C 21-0075
(ALL) Ratify Expenditures of $78,131.19 and Authorize Amendments to the Services Agreements with Multiple Vendors for Alleyway
Maintenance to Increase the Total Contract Authority by $95,000.00 for the Neighborhood Services Department
It is recommended that the City Council:
1. Ratify expenditures of $78,131.19 incurred by the Neighborhood Services Department for its Alleyway Maintenance Program; and
2. Authorize an amendment to the associated services agreements to increase the total contract authority by $95,000.00 for multiple vendors
affiliated with the Neighborhood Services Department's Alleyway Maintenance Program.
In the summer of 2017, the Neighborhood Services Department (NSD) requested that Purchasing issue a Request for Proposals (RFP) for
agreements to procure alleyway maintenance services. NSD recommended contracts be awarded to three vendors based on their responses to
the RFP. On March 27, 2018, the City Council approved Mayor and Council Communication (M&C) M&C P-12179 and authorized contracts with
Lawn Patrol Service, Inc. for $140,000.00 annually, MG Lawn & Landscape, LLC for $130,000.00 annually, and H. Mike Lauderback d/b/a New
Era Contract Services for $110,000.00 annually for NSD's Alleyway Maintenance Program for a total annual amount of $380,000.00. The
agreements were authorized for an initial three-year term for a total combined amount of $1,140,000.00 and two one-year renewal options at the
same annual rate, respectively. Currently, the contracts are in the third year of the potential five-year contract term.
Due to misunderstanding of internal processes staff failed to complete the required steps to complete the amendments to the contracts and RFP.
The contract and RFP amendments were necessary for program contractors to have authority to spend the incremental funds. Due to these
reasons and in light of the mitigation strategy detailed below, staff requests that Council ratify expenditures in the amount of $78,131.19 for
payments made to the vendors listed above. Additionally, staff requests that Council authorize amendments to the existing contracts to increase
the total authorized amount by $95,000.00 for additional services needed within the current fiscal year. All previous payments authorized without
proper authority will be counted against the additional funds requested by this M&C. Sufficient funding is available in the departmenYs FY2021
General Fund budget to cover this additional allocation.
To ensure this oversight does not happen again moving forward, a NSD Neighborhood Program Coordinator will be assigned to the role of
Contract Administrator for the Alleyway Maintenance Program to offer a direct point of contact and responsibility. The Contract Administrator will
monitor the monthly progress of each contract through new Smartsheet dashboarding software now available to NSD staff, and will work with the
Finance & Administration Division of the department to produce monthly reports for the NSD Assistant Directors & Director to review.
A new RFP process will be completed in the first quarter of 2021 for all program services affiliated with alleyway maintenance services. To ensure
expenditure authority aligns closely with budget forecasting, all past program performance data will be reviewed in depth, prior to the award of new
contracts as a part of the RFP process. After a successful RFP, expenditure authority will more closely match budgeted amounts that were
increased in 2019, which facilitated additional alleyways (units) to be completed through the program.
A Form 1295 is not required because: This M&C does not request approval of a contract with a business entity.
The Director of Finance certifies that funds are available in the current operating budget, as previously appropriated, in the General Fund to
support the approval of the above recommendation and amendment to the services agreement. Prior to any expenditure being incurred, the
Neighborhood Services Department has the responsibility to validate the availability of funds.
Submitted for City Manager's Office b� Fernando Costa 6122
Originating Business Unit Head:
Additional Information Contact:
Victor Turner 8187
Michelle Pantaleo-Clough 5777
JonEric Ewbanks 5185