HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 53296-R2CSC No. 53296-R2 CITY OF FORT WORTH REQUEST TO EXERCISE RENEWAL OPTION March 31, 2�21 Biotage, LLC 1043Q Harris Oak Blvd, Suite C Charlotte, NC 28269-7518 Attn: Eberhard Rau Re: Contract Renewal Notice Contract No. CSC No. 53296 & 53296-A1 (the "Contract") Renewal `l'erm No. 2: Apri 1 16, 2021 to April 15, 2022 The above referenced Contract with the City of Fort Worth expires on April l 5,2021 (the "Expiration Date"). Pursuant to the Contract, contract renewals are at the mutual agreeinent of the parties. This letter is to inform you that the Gity is requesting to renew the Contract for an additional one (1) year period, which will begin immediately after the Expiration Date. All other terms and conditions of the Contract remain unchanbed. To agree to renew the Contract for an additional one (1) year period, please sign and return this request to exercise renewal option, along with � copy of your current insurance certiticate, to the address set forth below. Please log onto PeopleSoft Purchasin�; at htlp:/lfortwo�-ihtexas.�o�lptu•cha5111� to insure that your company information is correct and up-to-date. If you have any questions concerning this Contract Renewal Notice, please contact me at the telephone number listed below. OFFICIAL RECORD CITY SECRETARY FT. WORTH, TX Conkract Renewal [817] 392-5906 � CSC No. ACCEPTED AND AGREED: CITY OF FORT WORTH DAn� Bu�qhdaff B,l� Dana Burghdoff pr8, 202117:05 CDT) � Name: Dana Burghdoff Title: Assistant City Manager APPROVAL RECOMMENDED: CONTRACT COMPLIANCE MANAGER: By signing I acknowledge that I am the person responsible for the monitoring and administration of this contract, including ensuring all performance and reportinb requirements. � By: P�t���dasta�iey( prs,zozim:nscor) Name: Patricia Stanley Title: Management Analyst II CGl�/f�O,I�GIG� tf�G�G� APPROVED AS TO FORM AND BY. �hr�5t�rder �APr �, �oz� �5:53 �oT� LEGALITY: Name: Chris Harder, PE Title: Water Director a�`4FORr �a� a`00000ppool.Od� ,,!�� �o �� (.JZY'GS�ti R. L.(/�E'L—REti1lZU-C(% 0 0 0 ATTEST: ati o o9�d �hr,5t, R. �onez-ReYno�dS �A�r 8, zo�� �:a4 �oT, A_o o•�d BY� ��v o o=� Name: Christa R. Lopez-Reynolds ° �� �o'� °�a00000000� p 1'itle: Senior Assistant City Attorney f'Y���-�� 0 a����nEXAs�.�'.G By: _�___. _ CONTRACT AUTHORIZATION: Name: Mary Kayser M&C; N/A Title: City Secretary Date Approved: Form 1295 Gertification No.: Biotage, LLC By: Name: Eberhard Rau Title: Chief Financial �fficer OFFICIAL RECORD CITY SECRETARY FT. WORTH, TX Contract Renewal � R��E�V�� ae�162�� C� � ��GEt�ARTM CITY SECRETARY CUNTRACT NO. 53296-A1 STATE OF TEXAS COUNTIES OF TARRANT, DENTON, PARKER AND W1SE g § g g FIRST AMENDMENT AND RESTATEMEIYT OF TERM TO FORT WORTH CITY S�CRETARY CONTRACT NO. 53296 TH1S CONTRACT FIRST AMENDMENT AND RESTATEMENT OF TERM is entered into by and between the City of Fort Workh ('`Gity �, a home-rule municip�lity in the State of Texas, acting throu�h Dana Burghdof% its duly authorized Assistant City Manager, and Biotage, LLC, a Limited Liability Company ("Vendor"). WHEREAS, the City and Vendor, entered into that certain agreement identified as City Secreiary Contract No. 53296 (Contract) for the purchase of certain Biotage consumables, supplies and parts as identified in Exhibit E of the Contract; and WHEREAS, Section 3"Term" only allows for a one time purchase of such Biotagc consu�nables, supplies and parts; and WHEREAS, the City and Vendor wish to amend the term of the Contract to allow for an annual term with renewable �ptians as detailed in Exhibit E. NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the mutual covenants cantained herein, and other good and valuabie considcration, the receipt and suf�iciency of which are hereby acknowle�iged and confessed, the parties hereto agree as follows: l. Section 3. Term: the tcrm of the Contract shall be amended as follows: The term of this Contract shall be for a one (1) year period beginning on the date this Amendment is executed. Upon written agreement by the parties, the City may exercise four (4) annual year options to renew the Contract with the same terms and conditions. I1. Not to Exceed Amount. The City shall pay Vendor as stated in Exhibit G, however the total payment made under this Contract shall not exceed ninety-five thousand dollars ($95,000). CFW /[AMGNDMENT NO. I BGRMF;X (NC. CSC 48U7UJ Pagc 1 of 2 ' �FF9CaAl RECORD �ITV SE�RETARY FT UU�RTH, TX All other provisions of the Cantract which are not expressly amended herein shall remain in full force and effect. Executed on this the � day of ri , 2020 CITY OF �ORT WORTH: Dana Bu�o, f� Dana Burghdoff pr16,2020) Dana Burghdoff Assistant City Manager APPROVAL RECOMMENDED: irtodl�ee tfa��'e� B V. ChrisMpher H rd (er�npr 16, 2020) J Christopher Harder, PE Fort Worth Water Director APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: C1u�� R. La�e�-Rer,r�Cr7� Christa R. Lopez-Reynold (Apr i6, 2020 Christa Lopez-Reynolds, Seniar Assistant City Attorney ATTEST: i���-��- Mary Kaiser ' City Secretary Date: Contract Authorization: M&C: N�C Date: Contract Compfianc I�,a'�,f�* in� I acknaYql � t ager: a�-�am the person cesponsiblc for the monitoring and administration of this �I�l �crformance and reporting requiremen[3. �lricia Stanlcy, (14�agcmcn�n 1 st lI CFW /[AMENDMEM N0. i BIOTA F Pagc 2 of 2 f�0� � '� � � �OFtT�p ..� .� :� ;' ,k ...... � � BIOTAGE, LLC ���,��,�,, � Ctarissa Hennegan Director of Business lntelligence and IT Date: � � �p �'�,�'� OFFICsAI itECORD CITY SECf�ETARY FT.INORTH, TX RECE�JVt�, ; DEC � 9 201� cirraFFaerwo�rr� GITYSECREr�? n�; � FORT�VORTH CITY Or rOR'P WOR'fEi SOLP 50URCG PURCHASC VCNDOR AGRC�IbICNT CSCO No.: � ��� � SS No.: ` This Snlc Snin•ce Ptn•cltase Agreemeul ("Agrecmeut") is entcred into by and bel���een E3iola et� L,LC•.("Seller") nnd the Cily oF �ort Worth, ("Buyet'"), a`fexas honte rule niunicipal corpor�lion, The Sole Source Purchase �lgreement includes the following documents which sh�ill be construed in the order of precedence in which ihey nre Iisled; I. Sole Source Pin'chase Abreement 2. Gxhibit A Tcrms ond Conditions 3. Cxhihit [i ConFlict of Interest Questioiu��irc 4. Gxhibit C VendorContact Information 5. Gxhibit D Verification of Signature Authority G, Exhibit E SpeciCications for Consutnablcs, Supplies and Parls 7. Exhibit F SS Gxentption rorm (i. Fxltibit C Seller's Quote, Scope of Services 9, f;xhibit 1-1 Sellcr's Sole Source Justification Leller Gxhibits A, E3, C, D, E, P and G, which are atlached hereto and incorporaled hereiit, are made a part oF this fl6recmenl for all purposes, The Amount oF this contrncl shall uot exceed $ 95,000 per year, 'I'he uudersigned represenls and wari ��n(s lhat he or she has the power and authority to execute this Abreement �nd bind the respeclivc Sellcr, Seller and Buyer have caused lhis Agreement to be executed by their duly �uthorized represenlalivc lo bc cffective as oF the date signed below. Veiidor N�une: I3iota�e LLC Eluthorized Sibnature: —C�;�+� � Printed NFune: Clarissa Henne�an Title: Da te: Nante; Authol'ized SignattU'e; Prin(ed Ntune; Title; Date: Director of Dusiness lulelligence and IT .�_�� q — oF l�ort Worth Sale Source Agreement: 1 01,23.19 pes � -- - — ' �'��:,�f���(�G��l� (�',�(�;��� . c�o� ���c����� �� �����g �� CSCO No.: SS No.: Cxhibit A CITY OF FORT WORTH, T�XAS STANDARD PURCHASING TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1, D�TINITION O�+ BUYCR The City of Fort Worth, its offcers, agenls, servants, autha�ized employees, vendors and sub vendors who act ou behalf of various City departments, bodies or agencies, 2. ll�FINiTION OF BUY�R Tl�e consultant, Vendoc(s), supplier, Vendor(s)oc other provider of goods and/or services, its officers, �gents, servants, employees, vendors and sub veiidors who act on beh�lf of the entity under a contract with tlie City of Fort Worth, 3. T�RM 3.1 This is for a one-time purchase for the items listed in Cxhibit B. PUI3LIC INTORMATION Any informatio�t sub�nitted to the City of �ort Wo��th (the "City") mt�y be requested by a member of the public under the Texus Public Jnformation Act, See TEX. GOV'T COD� ANN, §§ 552.002, 552.128(c) (West Supp. 2006). If the City receives a request for aSeller's proprietary inforination, the Seller listed in the request will be notified �ud given an opportw�ity to make argutnents to the Texas Attorney General's Office (tl�e "AG") regarding reasons tl�e Seller believes that its information may not lawfully be released. If Seller does not inake arguments or the AG cejects the arguments Seller malces, Seller's information will be releused without penalty to the City. PROIiIBITION AGAINST P�RSONAL INT�R�ST IlV CONTRACTS No officer or employee o('Buyer sliall l�ave a finaucial interest, direct or indirect, in any cotitcact witl� Buyer or be financially iiitei•ested, directly or i�idirectly, in the sale to Buyar of any land, materials, supplies or secvices, except on bel�alf of Buyec as an officer or employee. Any willful violation of this section shall constituta ivalfeasance in office, and any office�� or employee found guilty thereof shall there by fo►�feit his ofiice or position. Any violatioii of this section with the lcnowledge, expressed or implied, of the person or corporation contracting with the City Couiicil shall render tha cantract invalid by tl�e City Mana�er or the City Council, (Chapter XXVI1, Section l6, City of Fort Worth Charter). 6. ORD�RS G.1 No employees of the Buyar or its officers, agents, seevants, vendors oc sub vendocs wl�o act on behalf of various City depai�tments, bodies or agencies are authorizedto place orders for goods andlor se�vices without providing approved contract numbers, purchase order numbers, or release numbers issued by tlie Buyer. The only exceptions are Purchasu�g Card orders and emergencies pursua�it to TexasLocal Goveri�ment Code Section 252A22(a)(1), (2), or (3). In the case of emergeucies, the Buyer's Purchasing Division will place such orders. 6.2 Acceptaiice of an order and delivery on the pai�t of tlie Seller without an appi•oved contract number, purchase order nutnber, oc release number issued by the Buyer may result in rejection of deliveiy, returu of goods at the 5ellei's cost and/or non- paymeut. Sole Source Agreement: _ 2 01,23,19 pes CSCO No.; SS No,: 7. S�LL�R TO PACKAGE GOODS Seller will pacicage goods in accordance with good commercial practice. Each shipping containec, shall be clearly and permanently marked as follows; (a) Seller's name and address: (b) Consignee's name, address and purchase ordar or purcl�ase change ordernumbei; (c) Container number and total number of containers, e.g., box 1 of 4 boxes; and (d) Number of the containec bearing the pacicing sli�. Seller shall bear the cost of p�cicaging ui�less otherwise provided. Goods stiall be suitably paciced to secuce lowest transportation costs and to conform to requicements of common carriers and anyapplicable specifications. Buyec's count or weight shall be final and conclusive on shipments not accompanied by pacicing lists, 8, SHIPM�NT UND�R 1t�S�RVATION PROHIBTT�D Seller is not authorized to ship the goods under resecvation, and no tender of a bill of lading will operate as a tender ofgoods. 9. TITL� AND RIS�{ Or LOSS The title and i•islc af loss of tlte goods shall not pass to Buyer uittil Buyer actually receives and takes possession of the goods at the point or points of deliveiy after inspection andacceptancc of the goods. 10. D�LIV�12Y T�RMS ANll TRANSPORTATION CHARG�S Freight terms shall be F.O.B. Destination, Freight Prepaid and Allowed, unless delivery terms are specified otl�erwise in Sellec's proposals. Buyar agrees to reimburse Seller for transportation costs in the amount specified in Seller's proposals ar actual costs, whichever is lower, if the quoted delivery terms do not include transportation costs; �rovided, Buye�� shall have tfte cight to designate what metl�od of transportatiou shall be used to sl�ip tlie goods, 11. I'LAC� OT D�LIV�RY The p(ace of delive�y shall be set forth in the "Ship to" block of the pucchase order, purchasa cl�ange ordec, or release order, 12. RIGHT OT INSP�CTION Buyer shall have t(ie rigE�t to inspect tl►e goods upon delive�y before accepting them. Seller shall be eesponsible for all cha�ges For tlie retucn to Seller of any goods rejected as being noticotiforming under tlie speci�cations. 13. INVOIC�S 13, I Seller sl�all submit saparate invoioes in duplicate, on each purahase order or purehase changa order after each deliveiy, Invoices shall indicate the purchase ocder or purchase change arder number. Invoices shall be itemized and transpoctation cl�acges, if any, shall be listed sepacately. A copy of the bill of lading aiid the freiglit waybilt, when applicable, sliould be attached to tl�e invoice, Seller shall mail or delivec invoices to Buyec's Depai�tment and addcess as set fo��th in the blocic af tha purchase order, pw�chase cl�ange order or release orderentitled "Ship to." Payment shall not be made uutil the above instruments have been submitted after delive�y and acceptance of the goods and/or seivices. �3.2 Seller shall not include Federal Excise, State or City Sales Tax in its invoices. The Buyec shal( furnish a tax exeinption certificate upon Seller's request. 13,3 Pay�nent. All payment terms shall be "Net 30 Days" unless otherwise agreed to in writing. Before the Sole Source Agreement: _ 3 01,23.19 pes CSCO No.: SS No.: 1 st paymei�t is due to Seller, Seller shall ��egister for direct deposit payments prior to providing goods and/or services using the fo►•ins posted on the City's website," 14. PRICr WARRANTY �4.I The price to be paid by Buyec shall be that contained in Seller's pcoposals whicli Seller warcants to be no liigher than Seller's current pcices on orders by others for products and services of the kiud and specification covered by this agceement for similar quantities under lilce conditions aud methods of purchase, Iu the eventSeller breaches this warranty, the prices of the items shall be reduced to the prices contained iu Seller's proposals, or in the alternative upon Buyer's option, Buyer shall I�ave tl�e rigl�t to cancel this contract without any liability to Seller foc breach or for Sellar's actual expense. Suclt re�nedies ace in addition to and not in lieu of any otlier retnedies which Buyer may have in law oc eq«ity. 14.2 Seller warra�rts that no person or selling agency hes been employed or retained to solicit or secure this contr�et upou an agceement or und0rstanding for commission, percentage, brokerage or contingent fee, excepting employees af an established commeccial or selliug agency thut is maintained by Seller for tlie purpose of securing business. ror breach or violation of tlais warcanty, Buyer shall have tl�e right, in addition to any other right or rigl�ts arising pursuant to saidpurcl�ase(s), to cancel this contract witl�out liability and to deduct fi�om the conh�act price such commission percentage, brokerage or contingent fee, oc otherwise to recover the fiill amouut thereof. 1 S. PRODUCT WARItANTY Seller shall not limit or e:cclude any expcess or implied warcanties and any attempt to do so shall rendef• this contract voidable at the option of Buyer. Seller warrants that tl�e goods furnisl�ed will confor►n to Buyer's specifications, drawings and descciptions listed iu the proposal invitation, and the sample(s) furnished Uy Seller, if any, In the event of a conflict between Buyer's specifications, drawings, and descriptions, Buyer's specifications sl��ll govern. 16. SAI'�TY WARRANTY Seller wacrants that the product sold to Buyer shall eonform to tfie standards promulgated by the U.S, Depai�tment of Labor under the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) of 1970, as atnended. In the event the praduct does not co�iform to OSHA standards,Buyer may retucn the produet for corcection oc replacement at Saller's expense. ]n the event Seller fails to make appropriate correction within a reasonable time, any correction made by Buyer will be at Seller's expense. Whece no corcection is or can be made, Seller shall refund all monias recaived for sucl� goods within thirty (30) days after request is made by Buyer in writing and received by Seller, Notice is considered to have been received upon hand delive�y, or otherwise in accordance with Sectio�i 29.0 of tliese terms and conditions. Fallure to make such refund shall constitute breach and cause this coutract to terminate itnmediately. 17. SOTTWAli� LICCNS� TO 5ELL�R If this purcl�ase is for the license of softwace products and/or secvices, and unlessotl�arwise agreed, Seller l�ereby grants to Buyer, a perpeival, irrevocable, non-exclusive, nonh•atisferable, royalty fi•ee license to use ttie softwace, Tl�is software is "proprieta►y" to Seller, and is licensed and provided to the Buyer for its sole use for pucposes under this Agreeine�it and any attachad work orders or invoices. The City may uot use or share this software without pecmission of the Seller; however Buyer may make copies ofthe software expressly for bacicup pucposes. Sole Source Agreement: 4 01.23,19 pes CSCO No.: SS No.: 18. WARRANTY AGAIN5T INFRINGM�NT OI+ INT�LL�CTUAL PROP�RTY is.1 The S�LL�R wn��rauts thAt nll Dellve��nbles, or any pnrt tl►e��eof, furuished Iaereuudei�, including but rtot lintited to: pt�ograms, documentation, sofhva�•e, analysey, applications, methods, ways, and processes (iu tliis Section each individually referred to as a"Delivei�able" and collectively as tl�e'°Deliverables,") do not infringe upon or violate any patent, copy��ights, trademarlcs, service marlcs, trade secrets, or auy iutellectual pro�erty rigl�ts or othe�� tliird party proprietary rigl�ts, in tl►e performance of se►�vices uncler this Agreement. 1a.2 S�LL�R shall be liable and responsible for any and all claims �nade agninst the City for infringeme»t vf Auy patent, copyright, h•ademAric, service marlc, trade secret, or other iutellectual pro�erty rights by the use of or supnlying of any Delive��able(s) iu the course o�' performance o�� completiou of, oi� iu Auy way connected tivith providing tl�e se�wices, or the Cily's contiisu�d uye of tlte Deliveenble(s) I�e�•eunde��. 18,3 S�LL�R agrees to indemnify, �leYend, settic, or �ay, stt its own cogt And expense, includiug t6e payment of atto►•ney's fees, any claim or action againat the City fo�� infl�ingement of Auy patent, copyrigl�t, trade marlc, seiwice marlc, trade aecret, oti� otl�er i►�tellectuai properly r�ght arisiug from City's use of'tlie Deliver�ble(9), or auy hart thereof, in accordauce with tl�is Agreement, it beiug u��clerstood tl►at tl�is ag��eement to indemuify, defend, settle oa� pay sLall uot apply if the City �nodiCes or �nisuses the Delivei•able(s). So long as S�LLER bears the cost and expense of payment for claims m• actions against the City p�rsuant to this secHon 8, SELL�R shall l�ave tlie rigl�t to cundnct tl►e defeuse of any sucli claim ot� action aud all negotiations for its settlemeut or compromise a�id to settle or comprmnise any such clai�n; however, City shall l►ave tlie rigl�t to fully pnrticipate in any Hnd flll such settlement, negotiations, or lawsuit as necessary to protect the City's iuterest, s�nd City ag►�ees to cooperate witl► S�LL�R in doing so. I►t tl�c event Cily, fo r wl�atever ��eason, asstunes tlte �•esponsibflity 1br paymeut of costs and expenses for any claim or action brought against the City foa• infriugement arising under tliis Agreement, tlie City shall have tlte sole rlght to conduct tl�e defense of any sucl► claim or action aa�d all negotiations fo�• its settlente�tt or compromise asid to settle or comp��o�eaise auy sucl� claim; however, SCLL�R ahall fully participxte and coope►•ate with tl�e City in clefeuse of sucl� claim or acfion. Ciiy agrees to give S�LL�R timely written uotice ofany suclt claim a• action, with copies of all p�pers City may ►•eceive relating thereto. Norivithstauding tl�e foj�egoing, tl�e City's assumption of payment of cosfs m� expenses sLall not eliminate 5�LL�R's duty to indemuify the City undcr this Agreement. If the Delivcrable(s), o►� any part thereof, is held to infringe aud the use tlte►•eof is enjoi��ed or restraiued or, if as a result of a settlemeut or compromise, such use is materially adversely resh�icted, S�LL�R shall, at its owit expense and as City's sole remedy, eithert (a) pj•acure for City tLe right to coutinue to use thc Doliverudle(s); or (b) modify tl�e Deliverable(s) to malce tl�em/it nou-infri�gi��g, pi�ovided tl�ut such modification does uot materially adve�•aely affect City's auN►orized use of the Delive��able(s); o�� (c) a�eplace ti►e Deliverable(s) with equally suita6le, compatible, and functionnlly equivalent non-infringing Deliverable(s) at no additional cl�arge to City; or (d) if uone of tUe foregoing alternatives is reasona6ly available to S�LL�R, termivate tl�is Agreement, aud refund all amouvts paid to S�LL�R by the City, subsequent to which termination City may seelc any and all remedies availaUle to City under la�v. 5ole Source Agreement: _ 5 01.23.19 pes CSCO No.: SS No.: ] 9, OWN�RSHIP OF WORIC PRODUCT Neither party to tliis Agreement intends to tcansfer or sell any of its intellectual property riglits uuder this Agreeme��t Eor tl�e supply of commercial products and sarvices, The pat�tiesexpressly agree that Biotage, LLC sl�all retain all rigl�t, titEe and interest in and to all intellectual property owned, coutrolled or developed by it prior to and ducing Biotage, LLC's performanceunder this Agreement, including without limitation, the intellectual property embodied in tl�eprodttcts, seivices, instrumentation, the software included in its products and insh�umentation, and all docuinentation of Biotage, LLC that is useful for the operation of the products, ii�strumei�tation or services provided hereunder (`Biotage, LLC"). The pat�ties acicnowledge and agree that except as expressly stated in this Agreetne�tt tlte customer shall have tlte limited license to usa tl�e products and/or services For its internai purposes only and no other (icenses or other rights in orrelating to the Biotage, LLC or their use, oc under any patents a� other intellectua! propectycights owned, conh�olled, or otherwise l�eld by either party or its affiliates aca gcanted to the otlierparty under this Agreement. L� the event, either party wisl�es to transfer intellectual property rights, such transfer shall be only becotne effective through a separate written license agreement between the pa��ties. 20. NCTWORIC ACC�SS The City owi�s and operates a computing environment and uetworlc (collectively the"Networic"). If Seller requires access, whether onsite or remote, to the City's networlc to provide services hereunder, and the Seller is required to utilize tl�e Inter�iet, Intranet, email, City database, or other network application, Seller shall separately execute theCity's Networlc Access Agreement prior to providing sucli services. A copy of the City's standard Networlc Access Agreement can be pi•ovided upon request. 21. CANC�LLATION Buyer shall have the riglit to cancel this contract immediately fo►• default on all or any pa��t of the undelivered portion of this order if Seller breaches auy of the terms hereof, including wacranties of Sellea�. Such right of cancellation is in addition to and not iu lieu of any other cemedies, which Buyer may have in law or equity. 22. T�RMINATION Tl�e performance of wa•k or purchase of goods under this o�•der may be tarminated inwhola oc in pai�t by Buyer, with or without cause, with tliirty (30) days' written "Notice of Terminatiou"_specifying the extent to which perFormance of work or tlie goods to be purchased under the ordec is terminated and the date upon wl�icl� sucl� terminationbecomes effective. Such right of termination is in addition to and not in lieu of any other termination rights of Buyer as set foith l�erein. 23. ASSIGNM�NT/D�LCGATION No iuterest, obligatioit or riglit of Sellec, including the right to reeeive payment, under this conh•act shall be assigned or delegated to anotlier eutity without the express written consent of Buyer. Any attempted assign�nent or delegation of Seller shall be wholly void and totally ineffective for all pwposes unless made in conformity with tl�is paragraph, Prioc to Buyer giving its consent, Seller agrees t(lat Seller shall provida, at no additional cost to Suyer, all documents, as detertnined by Buyer, that ace reasonable and necessaty to verify Sellec's legal status and transfer of rights, interests, oc obligations to another entity. The documents that may be requested iuclude, but aca not limited to, Acticles of Iueorporation and related amendments, Certificate of Merger, IRS Form W-9 to verify tax identification number, etc. Buyer resei�ves the right to withhold ull paymei�ts to any entity other than Seller, if Sel(ec is not in compliance with this provision. If Seller fails to provide �iecessaiy information in accorda�ice with this section, Buyer shall not be liabl8 for any penalties, fees or interest resulting thecefi�om. Sole Source Agreement: _ 6 01.23.19 pes CSCO No,: SS No.: 24, WAIV�R No claim or right arising out of a bresclt of this coirtcact can ba discliarged in wl�ole or iu part by a waiver or renunciation of the claim oc right unless tl�e waiver or renunciation is suppoi�ted by consideration in writing attd is sig�ted by tl�e aggrieved party, 25, MODII'ICATI�NS Tliis contract can be modified or rescitided ottly by � written agreement sigiied by botl� parties. 26, TH� AGR�CM�NT I» tl�e absence of an otherwise negotiated contract, or unless stated otherwise, tl�e Agceement between Buyer and Seller sl�all co�isist of tltese Standard Tecros and Conditions together with any attachments and exhibits. Tl�is Agreemeut is inteuded by tlie pa��ties as a fina( expression of their agreeinent aiid is inte�ided also as a complete and esclusive statement of the terms of tliei�� agceement. No cow•se of prior dealings between the parties and no usage of trade shall be relevant to supplement or explain any term used in this Agreement. Acceptance of or acquiescence in a course of performance under tl�is Agreement shall not be relevant to determine fhe mea�iing of tl�is Agceement even though the accepting or acc�uiescing pacty has lcnowledge of tl�e }�erformauce and oppoi�tunity for objection. Wlienever a tertn defined by the Uniform Commercinl Code (UCC) is used intl�is Agceement, tha definition contained in the UCC shall contcol. In the event of aconflict between the contract documei�ts, the order of precedettce shall be these Standard Terms and Conditions, and tl�e Sellcr's Quote. 27. APPLICAI3L� LAWN�NU� Both parties agree that venue for auy litigation arising fi•om this contract shall be in Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas, This contract sl�all be governed, construed and enfocced undec the laws of the State of Texas, 28, IND�P�Nll�NT VCllTDORISI Seller shall operate hereunder as an independent Vendoi•(s) and not as an officer, agent, servant or employee of Buyer. Seller shall have exulusive conh•ol of, and the exclusive right to conh'ol, the details of its operations hereu�ider, and all persons performing same, and shall be solely responsible for the acts and oinissious of its officers, agents,employees, vendors and sub- vendors. The doctrine of respondent superior shall not apply as between Buyer and Seller, its officers, agents, employees, vendors and sub vendocs. Nothing herein sliall be construed as creating a pactnership or joint entarprise between Buyer and Seller, its officers, agents, employees, vendors and sub vendors. 29. LIABILITY AND IND�MNIFICATION 29.1 LIABILITY - S�LL�R SHALL B� LIABL� AND RESPONSIBL� FORANY AND ALL PROP�RTY LOSS, PROP�RTY DAMAG� AND/ORP�RSONAL INJURY, INCLUDING D�ATH, TO ANY AND ALLP�R50NS, OI' ANY I�iND OR CHARACTER, i�VHE'rH�R R�AL OR ASS�RT�D, TO TH� �XT�NT CAUS�D BY TH� N�GLIG�NT ACT(S)OR OMISSION(S), MALF�ASANC� OR INT�NTIONAL MISCONDUCT OF S�LL�R, ITS OrFIC�RS, AG�NTS, S�RVANTS OR �MPLOY��S. 29.2 INll�MNIFICATION — S�LL�R I3�R�BY COV�NANTS AND AGR��S TO IND�MNIFY, HOLD HARML�SS AND D�F�ND TH� CITY (ALSO R�TERR�D TO AS BUY�R), ITS OI+rICI�RS, AG�NTS, S�RVANTS AND �MPLOY��S, FROM AND AGAINST ANY AND ALL CLAIMS OR LAWSUITS OF ANY KIND OR CHARACT�R, WH�THER R�AL OR Sole Source Agreement; _ 7 01.23.19 pes CSCO No.: SS No,. ASS�RT�D, FOR EITH�R PROP�RTY DAMAG� OR LOSS (INCLUDING ll�ATH, TO ANY AND ALL P�RSONS, AND DAMAG�S TOR CLAIM5 OT INT�LL�CTUAL PROP�RTY INI+RiNGEM�NT, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONN�CTION WITH TAIS AGR��M�NT, TO TH� �XT�NT CAUS�D BY TH� ACTS OR OMISSIONS OF S�LL�R, ITS OFrICI�RS, AG�NTS, SUBV�NDOR[S], S�RVANTS OR �MPLOY��S. 30. S�V�RABILITY In case any one or moce of the provisions contained in this agreement shall for any reason, be held to be invalid, illegel or unenforceable in any respect, sucl� invalidity, illegality or unenforceability shAll not affect any other provision of this agreement, which agreement shall be construed as if sucl� invalid, illegal or wienforceable provision had never been contained herein. 31, rISCAL rUNDING LINIITATION L� the eveut no funds or insufficient funds are appropriated and budgeted in any fiscal period foc payments due under this contcact, then Buyer will iminadiately notify Sellar of such occurrence and this contract shall be terminated on the last day of the fiscal peciod for whicl� funds have been appropriated without penalty or expense to Buyer of any kiud whatsoever, except to the portions of annusl paymeirts herein agreed upon for wl�icl� funds shall have been appropriated and budgeted or are otherwise available, 32, NOTIC�S TO PARTI�S Notices addressed to Buyec pursuant Yo the pcovisions hereof shall be coucfusivelydetermined to have been delivered tl►ree (3) business days following the day sucl� notice is deposited in the United States mail, in n sealed envelope with sufficient postage attached, addcessed to Purchasing Manager, City of Forl Worth, Pucchasii�g Division, 200 Texas Street, Fort Worth, Texas 76102. Notices to Seller shall be conclusively determined to have been delivered three (3) business days following the day sucli notice is deposited in the United Slates mail, in a sealed anvelope witli sufficieiit postaga attaclied, addressed to the address given by Seller iu its respoitse to Buyec's invitation to proposals. Or if sent via express couriec or hand deliveiy, notice is considered received upou delivety. 33, NON-DISCRIMINATION This contcact is mada and entered into with refecettce speci�cally to Chapter 17, tai�ticle III, Division 3 ("Employment Practicas"), of the City Code of ttte City of Fort Worth (1986), as amended, and Seller hereby covenants and agrees tl�at Seller, its employees, officers, agents, vendors or sub vendors, have fully complied with all provisions of same and that no einployee, pai�ticipant, applicant, Vendor(s)or sub Vei�da�(s)lias been discriininated agaiust according to the ternts of sucfi Ordinance by Seller, its employees, officers, agents, Vendor(s)or sub vendocs herein. 34, IMMIGRATION NATIONALITY ACT City actively supports the Immigration & Nationality Act (INA) which includesprovisions addressing employment eligibility, employment verification, and nondiscrimination. Vendoc shall verify the identity and employtnent eligibility of alletnployees who perform wot9c under this Agcee�nent. Vendor shall complete the Employmeiit Eligibility Verification Focm (1-9), maintain photocopies of all supporting employme�it eligibility and ideutity docutnentation for all employees, and upon request, provide City with copies of alt I-9 focros and suppoi�ting eligibility documentation for each etnployee who performs worlc under this Agreeme►it, Vendor shsll establish appropriate procedures end controls so that no saivices will be perfonned by any employee who is not legally eligible to perfocro such se�vices. Vendor shall provide City witl� a certification lettei� ttiat it has complied with the verification i•equicements i•equired by this AgreemenY. Vendor sl�all Sole Source Agreement: _ 8 01.23.19 pes CSCO No.: SS No.; inderonify City fi•om a�iy penalties or liabilities due toviolations ofthis provision. City shall have the right to immediately terminate thisAgreement for violations of this provision by Vendoi�. 35, H�ALTH, SAF�TY AND �NVIRONM�NTAL It�OUIREM�NTS Services, products, materials, and supplies provided by the Seller must meet or exceed all applicable health, safety, and the environmental laws, requirements, and standards. In addition, Seller agrees to obtain and pay, at its own expense, for all Ifcenses, permits, certi�cates, and inspections necessary to provlde the products or to perform the services hereunder. Seller shall indemnify Buyer from any penalties or liabilities due to violations of this provision. Buyer shall have the right to immediately terminate this Agreement for violations of this provision by 5eller. 36, RIGHT TO AUDIT Seller ngrees thAt the Buyer, or Buyei•'s authorized rapresentative, shall, uiitil the expiration of three (3) years after final payment under this contract, and at no additional cost to Buyer, have access to and the righc to examine and coUy any directly pertinentbooks, computer dislcs, digita) files, docuinants, papers and records of the Seller i�rvolvii�g transactions ce(ating to this contract, including any and all records maintained pursuant to this A�reeinent, Seller agrees that the Buyer shall have access, during normal worlcing laours, to all necessaiy Seller facilities, and shall be provided adeyuate andappa�opriata wocicspace, in order to conduct audits iu compliance with thc provisions of this section,l3uyer shall pay Seller for reasonable costs of any copying in accordaiice with the stAiidards set fortl� in the Texas Adminish•ative Code. The Buyer shall give Seller reasonable advance written notice of intended audits, but no less than ten (10) business days. 37. DISABILTTY Iu accordance with the provisions of the Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), Seller wacrai�ts that it a�id ai�y and all of its sub vendors will not unlawfully discriminate on the basis of disability in the provision of services to genecal public, noi• in theavailability, tecros �nd/or conditions of employment foi• applicants for employment witl�, or amployees of Sellar or a►iy of its sub vendocs. Seller warrants it will fully co►nply with ADA's provisions and �ny other app(icable federal, state and local laws concerning disability and will defend, indemnify and hold Buyer harmless against any claims orallegations asserted by third pat�ties or sub vendors agai►�st Buyer arising out of Seller's and/or its sub vendor's alleged failure to comply with the above- referenced laws concerning disability discri�nination in the performance of this agreament. 38. DISPUT� 1t�SOLUTION If either Buyer or Seller has a claim, dispute, or other matter in question fo�� braach of duty, obligations, services rendered or any warcanty that arises under this Agceement, the pai�ties shall first attempt to resolve the matter through Niis dispute resolution pcocess, The disputing pa��ty shall notify the other party in writing as soon as practicable afterdiscovering the elai►n, dispute, or breach. The notice shall state the nature of the dispute aitd list tl�e party's specific reasotis for such dispute. Within tett (10) business days of receipt of the notice, both parties shall make a good faith efPort, either tlu•ough email, mail, phone conference, in person meetings, oc otl�er reasonable means to resolve any claim, dispute, bresch or othe�� matter in quastion that may acise out of, or in connection with this Agreement. If the pa��ties fail to resolve the dispute within sixty (60) days of tl�e date oF receipt of tlie notice of the dispute, tlian the parties may submit tlie matter to non� binditig mediation upon written consent of authocized represetrtatives of both parties in accordance with the Indushy Arbitcatiott Rules of the American Arbitration Association or other applicable rules goveruing mediation then in effect. Tf the parties cannot resolve the dispute thcough mediation, tlten either pai•ty shal( have the rigl�t to exercise any aild all remedies available under law regarding the dispute. Sole Source Agreement: _ 9 01.23.19 pes CSCO No.: SS No,; 39. PROHIBITION ON CONTRACTING WITH COMPANI�S THAT BOYCOTT ISRA�L Seller acknowledges tliat in accordance with Cl�apter 2270 of the Texas Government Code, the City is prohibited from entering into a contract with a compa��y for goods or services unless tlie contract contains a written verification fi•om tl�e company that it; (1) does not boycott Israel; and (2) will not boycott Isi•ael during ttte tenn of tlie contract, The terms "boycott Israel" and "company" shall have the meanings ascribed to those terms in Sectiou 808.U01 of the Texas Government Code. By signing this contcact, Seller certifies that Seller's signature provides writte�i verific;ation to the City tl�at Seller: (1) does not boycott Israel; and (2) will not boycott Iscael duriug the term of the contract. 40. INSURANC� It�OUIR�M�NTS 40.1 Seller shall assume all risk and liability for accidents and damages that may occur to persons or �ropecty dtn•iug the pcosecution of worlc under this Agreement, Se(ler sl�all file witli tl�e City of Fort Worth Purchasing Division, prior to thecomm�ncement of services, a carti�cate of insurance documenting the following renuiced insw•ance witl�in �ve (5) cale�idar days of notification. 40.2 Policies sliall have no exclusions t�y eudorsements wliich nullify tl�e requiced lines of coverage, nor decrea�e the limits of said coverage unless such endorsements are approved by the City, In the event a co��trEict has been bid or executed And tlia axclusions are determined to be unacceptable or the City desires additional insurance cove��age, And the City desices tl�e Vendor to obtain such coverage, the contract price shall be adjusted Uy the cost of tl�e pcemium for such additional coverage plus 10%. 40,2.1 Statuto�y Worlcers' Co�npansation Lisurance and Employer's Liability Insurance at the following limits; $100,000 Eacl� Accident $500,000 Disease — Policy limit $100,000 DiseAse — Ceclt Employee This coverage may be written as follows: Worlcers' Compensation and Bmployers' Liability coverage with limits consistent with statutoiy beneflts outliued in the Texas Workers' Compensation Act (Ai�t. 8308 —1.01 et seq. Tex. Rev. Civ. Stat.) and minimum policy limits for Employers' Liability of $100,000 eacli accidendoccurre»ce, $500,000 bodily inju�y disease policy litnit and $100,000 per disease per employee, 40.2.2 Commercial General Liability Insurance including Explosion, Collapse, and Undecground Coverage shall be pcovided as follows: $1,000,000 Each Occurrence $2,OOO,Q00 Annual Aggregate Coverage shall include but not be Iimited to tha following: premises/operations, independent vendocs, products/completed oparations, parsonal inju�y, and contractual liability, Insurai�ce shall be provided on an occurrence Uasis, and as compcehensive as tl�e cucrent Insurance Seiwices Office (ISO) policy, 40.2,3 Auto Liability Insuranae shall be provided as follows; Sole Source Agreement: 10 01.23.19 pes C5C0 No,: SS No.. $1,000,000 Combined Single Limit Eacl� Accident A commercial business policy shall provide coverage on "Any Auto", defined as autos owned, hired and non-owned. �0.2.4 The Contractor shall fiu�nish tl�e Purchasing Mauager, with a certificate of insurance documenting the required insurance pcioc to tl�e commencement of seivicas. 40.2.5 Policies shall be endocsed to provide the City of Foi�t Woctli a thi►�ty- (30) day notice of caucellation, material cliange in coverage, or nou-renewal of coverage, 40.2.6 Applicable policies shall also be endorsed to name the City of Fort Worth as nn additional insured, as its interests may appear (ATIMA). 40.3 ADDITIONAL INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS 40.3,1 Tlie City, its officers, employees and se��vants shall be endorsed as au additional insui�ed on Vendor's insueauce policies excepting employei•'s liability insurance coverage undei• Contractor's worlcers' compensation insucance po(icy. 40.3.2 Certificates of insurance satisfactory to the City and Wocker's Compens�tion Affiduvit must be received before Vendor can begin worlc. Failure to supply and maintain such insurance shall be a breacl� of coutract. Coiitractor sl�all provide complete copies of all insurance policies required by tl�is Agreement. Cei�ti�cates of insurance must be supplied to: rinaucial Management Seivices Depai•iment Attention; Purchasing Division 200 Texas Streat (Lower Level) Fort Wo��tt�, Texas 76102 40.3.3 Any failuce on part of the City to request cequired insurance documentation shall not constitute a waiver oPtl�e insurance requtremeuts specified herein. Eac}t insu�•ance policy shall be endorsed to pcovide the City a minimum 30 days' notice of cancellation, non- renewal, and/oc material change in policy terms or eoverage. A teu (10) day notice shall be acceptable in the event of non-payment of premiuut. 40.3.4 I�isurers must be autl�orized to do business in the State of Texas and have a curi•ent A.M. Best rating of A: VII or equivalent measure of financial strength and solvency. Deductible limits, or self- funded reteiition liinits, on each policy must not exceed $10,000.00 pec occucrenca unless otherwise approved by tlie City. 40.3.5 Other t(�an worlcer's compet�sation insucance, iu lieu of traditiottal insucance, City may considec alternative coverage or yislc treatmentmeasures through insurauce pools oc risk retention groups. The City must approve itt writing any alternative coverage. 40,3,6 Workers' compensation insurance policy(s) covering employees of the Vendor shall be endocsed witl� a waiver of subrogation providin� rights of recovery in favoc of the City. 40.3,7 City shall nat be responsible for the direot payment of insurance premium costs fa• Vendo�'s insurance. 40.3,8 Vendor's insw•ance policias shall oach be endorsed to provide that such insurance is prima�y proteciion and any salf-funded or commeccialcoverage maintained by City shall not be called upon to contribute to loss recove�y, Sole Source Agreement: 17. 01.23.19 pes CSCO No,: SS No,: 40.3.9 While tliis ngreement is in effect, Vendor shall report, in a timely manner, to the Purchasing Depactment any la�own loss occurrence that could give rise to a liability claim or lawsuit or which could result in a property loss, 40.3. ] 0 Vendor's liability shall not be li�nited to the specified amouiits of insurance required herein, Sole Source Agreement: 12 01,23.19 pes CSCO No.: SS No.: �xl�ibit B— CO1VrLIC'I' OI' INT�R�ST QU�STIONPIAIit� I'ursu��nt [o Ch��pter 17G oP lhe Local Govcrnmc»t Code, �ny person or �gent oi' n person tvho contracts or seel<s to coiilracl for (he stile or ptn'chaise oP ��roperly, goods, or services �vitli a local �;overnmeut�l entity (i.e. 'I'he Cily of f�orl Wor(h) nuisl disclose in the Ques(ionn�ire i'orm CIQ ("Questionnaice") the perso��'s affili��tion OP �)USIIlCS5 rel�lionship ll�at mibht causc e conflicl o{' inlerest rvith the loc��l government��l entity. By In�v, the Qucstionnairc iuust be rlecl will� the Fort Worth City Secret�ry uo later than seven d�ys aftcr thc date the peison begins conlract discussions or negotiations �vith the City, or submits aii application or response lo ti rcquest for propos�ils or bids, corresponclence, or anolher wriling rel�ted to a potenti�l agreemei�t �vith the City. Upd��ted Questionnaires must bc tiled iu conforin�nce with Cht�pter 17C>, /1 copy of lhe Questionnaire Form CIQ is enclosed 4vith tl�c stibmittal documcnts. The form is also �vail��ble at l�ttp•//wiv�v ethics �tate tx.us/1'ornts/CIO.usll. [f you have nny questions �boirt compli�ii�ce, ple��se consull yotu• own legal cotuisel. Compliance is the individu��l responsibility of e�ch person ar agent of �i person �vho issu�ject to lhe filing requircmenl, An of'Fcnse under Cht�pter 17G is � ClF�ss C miscleme,�nor. NOT�: If you .�re not s�w�re of a Conflict of Iuterest in �uy Uusiness rel�tiousl�ip t1�1t yoi� might I�ave �vitl� tlic Cil,y, sf�tc Ve�iclor u:imc in thc # 1, use N/A, ii� et�ch of the ares�s ou the form. Howeve��, :� sigu.�hu•e is required in tl�c #4 box in all cnses. Sole Source Agreement; 13 01.23.19 pes CSCd No.: S5 No.: CONFLICT OF INTEREST QUESTIONNAIRE For vendor doing bus(ness wlth local governmenta! entily � This questlonnalre rallecls r.h�nges waUe lo Ihe Itm 6y H.D. 2�, 1141h Leg., Regular 3asslon. Tliis questionnaire is being flled in accord�nce wilh Chopter 176, Local Government Code, by a vendorwho has a business relc�tlonship as delined by Section 176.001(1-a) wilh a local governniental entity and the vendor meets requlrentenis under Sectlon 176.006(a}. By law lhis queslionnaire must be flled with thn records adminlstrator of the local qovernmental Qntiry nol latei lh�n the 7th business day after 1he date Ihe vendor becornes aware aF facts lhal+'aquire the slatemenl to be fited. SeeSec[ion 176A06(a-1), Locol Government Code. A vendor commil9 an offensa if Ihe vendor knowinflly vlolates Secllon 176.006, Local Goveinment Code. An o(ianse under Ihis section Is a misdemaanor, - - - --_ _ __-- - - J Name ol vendorwho has � business relallohshlp wlth local yovarnmantal entlry. Biotage LLC �-cliecKinls dox 1� you �reiliin j �n upuale (b a pmvlw�sly Illed queslio�nalre. FORM CIQ OFFICE USE ONLY Oafe Re;.aNud (The IAw requirsa Ihat you file nn updeled complvtod queclionnaire with Ihe appropiiale flling authorlly not later than lha 7th buslnass dey after �ho data on which you became aware that ihe origlnally 111ed yuestfonnaire wes incomplele or inaccur�te.) Name ol loc�l govefnm�nt oHlcer apout whom the In(ormaUon In this secllon Is beU�� Ulsclosed. N/A Name of Otlicer This SNC;IIUfI (Ilem 3 inr.luding sub��aiL; A, B, C, & p) musl Ue aornplotnd (or eech olHr.ar wilh whom �he vendor has aii employmenl or olber business �oLdionuhip as dallned by Sacllon 1711.00111-a), Local Cuvmnmenl Code. Allacli addltioned pages to this Form CIC] as necessary_ A. Is Ihe locel govarnment afficer named In Ihis sacNan receiving or lil<ely lo receive tcixable fncome, other ihan invaatmenf income, from the vandor? I._, I Yas � No B. le lhe vendar recefving or Ilkely to recaive le�cable income, other lhen inveslmenl Income, from or at Ihe direolion o( the loca� governmant oflice� named in lhis secllon AND the laxable income is no[ �eceived hom Ihe Ipcal povernmenlal enlity'7 �IYes �1No C. Is Ihe fi�er o( this questionnefre employed by a corporadon or olhar husiness enlity vrith respect 10 whlch Ihe local governmenl ofticer serves as an oHioer or direclor, or holds en ownsrship intereet of ono peicont or more7 n Yes n No D. Describe eacn employment or 6usiness and famlly relaUonship with lhe loc�l government officer nemed In fhi� seclion. N/A `� h'� v� - - _��- ---- SfpnaNie ol ventlor doing buslnr. . �Ilh lhe govemmen[al entlty Sole Source Agreement: _ 14 12/9/2019 Date Adapletl F3/i120I5 01.23,19 pes CSCO No.: SS No.: �XI�IBIT C — V�NDOR CONTACT INP'ORMATION Vendor's Name: Bfotage, LLC i � Vendor's Address: 10430 Harrfs Oaks Bivd. Suite C, Charlotte, NC 28269 ' Phone, 704-654-4900 �'a�'� 434-298-8217 i � Email: ordermailbox@biotage.com Name of person (s) to conlact wlier► �lacii�g ao order or invoice questions: Name/Title: Customer 5ervice Phone: 704-654-4900 Fax: E�na��' ordermailbox@6iotage.com Naine/Title: Phonc: Email: Natne/Tille; Phone; E�nail: FaY: FaY; Clarlssa Hennegan Signature Printed Name Accounts Recelvable 7a4-654-4900 usaccounts.receivable@biotage.com 5ole Source Agreement: _ 15 434-296-8217 �� ul� Date 01.23.19 pes CSCO No,; SS No,; I3iotage LI,C 10�i30 Hs�rris Oalcs Blvd, Suitc C Cluirlotte, NC 28zG9 rXHIB1T D V�RII'ICATION OI' SIGNATUIt� AUTHORITY Vencloc hereby agrees to provide City with independent audit basic financial statements, but also the fair presenlation ot'tlie financial stutements of individua( funds. Execution of this Siguattu�e VeriiicAtiou I'orm ("Form") hereby cei�tifies that tlie following individuals and/or positions ltave the authority to legally Uind Veitdor and ko execute any agreemeut, amendment or cliange ocder on behalf of Vendor. City is Fiilty entitled to cely oti the warranty and repcesentation set foi�th in this Form in enterit�g into any agreement or amendmeiit with Veiidor, Vendor will submit an updated I'orm within teii (10) business days if tl�ere are any changes to the signato!•y authority. City is entitled to ►•ely on any curre�it executed Form unti I it receives a revised Form thflt has been pcopei•ly executed by Vendoi•, I. Natne: Position; signat�u�e: 2. Nnme: Position: Signature: L�.L.� � 1 �.I �/. r___�•� y y� �. = .� .� / . � :a . �� � �A-� ;'.'s Li� �/� Signature at' PresidendCEO/Managing Partner �r�� 1�Cw� Title Sole Source Agreement: 16 �laslavl`I D ea 01.23.19 pes EXHIBIT E SPECIFICATIONS FOR BIOTAGE CONSUMABLES, SUPPI.IES AND PARTS 1.0 OVERVIEW/SCOPE 1.1 The term of the Agreement shall be for a one-year (1) period, with four (4) options to renew for additional one-year periods. However, if funds are not appropriated, the City may cancel the agreement 30 calendar days after providing written notification to the "Vendor," 1.2 The unit price shall include all associated costs, surcharges, delivery, shipping, handling, demurrage, and fuel charges no other charges will be accepted by the City, unless otherwise, notated in fhe agreement or approved. It is understood items containing hazardous chemicals will have a hazmat shipping fee. No additional charges will be accepted or paid by the City. The City of Fort Worth also reserves the right to order and be charged in the method that is most advantageous for the City. 1.3 Additional items of the same general category that cou�d have been encompassed in this Agreement, and that are not already on the Agreement, may be added. 2.0 APPLICABL,E REQUIREMEN7S 2.1 Due to the City's Service Agreement with Biotage/Horizon Technology for our existing Automated Extractor Modules, DryVap Concentrator System, Speed-Vap Evaporator System and Solvent Trap Recovery System all items listed must be BiotagelHorizon Technology certified parts and consumables. No substitution or equivalent Items will be acceptable. The use of non-Biotage/Horizon Technology items, media, supplies and other products will invalidate current equipment warranties. 2.2 Vendor must commit to a 72-hour delivery process due to the critical need for these items. 2.3 All materials supplied under the Agreement shall be of recent production, unused, and suitable for their intended purpose. 2.3.1 Shelf Life 2.3.1.�1 6-month minimum requirement All items will be rejected if the shelf life is less than 6- months or has expired. Supplier will be responsible for the return of rejected items. 2.4 Items listed in these speciflcations are not intended to indicate the only items to be ordered. 2.5 The Central Laboratory will have a need to order items not Iisted and the Vendor shall extend the same discounts given within that category. 2.6 Discounts are to be firm throughout the Agreement period, 2.7 List of consumables, supplies and parts are as follows: NOTE: thls does not encompass the complele Ilst as it will vary depending on tha regulatory test method Part Number 47-2346-13 40-705-HT FFP-47-HT FFP-90-HT Description Atlantic C18 Disk, 47mm DryDisk, 65mm Pre-filter, 47mm Pacific Pre-filter, 90mm 1664-100-PHT 50-002-a2-HT 03-1588-04 50-0914 47-2346-11 FFAP-100-HS1 FFAP-100-HS5 49-2620-01 Replacement and repair parts for: Pacific Premium Disk Aluminum Pans, O&G Concentrator Vessel DryDisk Assembly Atlantic 8270 One Pass Disk, 47mm Atlantic Pre-fiiter, 90mm, Fine 1,Oum Atlantic Pre-filter, 90mm, Coarse S.Oum One-Pass Carbon Cartridge Max Detect SPE-DEX� 1000XL Automated Extractor System SPE-DEX� 3000XL Automated Extractor System SPE-DEX� 3100 Automated Extractor System SPE-DEX� 4790 Automated Extractor System SPE-DEXB 5000 Automated Extractor System EnvisionT"' Platform Controller XcelVapO ConcentrationlEvaporation System SmartPrep�7 Extractor DryVap� Concentrator System ReclaimerT"' SRS Recovery Speed-VapT"' III �vaporator System Speed-Vap� IV Evaporator System Solvent TrapTM Recovery System PacificTM O&G Disks Pacific'"' Fast Flow Pre-Filters Pacific PremiumT"' O&G Disks Pacific PremiumT"' Fast Flow Pre-Filters AtlanticTM SPE Disk AtlanticTM Fast Flow Pre-Filters Carbon Max-DTMCartridges � EXHIBIT F FORT V�ORTH �� CITY QF FORT WORThI CHAPT�R 252 �XEMPTION FORM This form must be providecl wlien requestinc� to mal<e a I�urchase over :650,OOU without followin.cipublic biddinc� i�cquiremcnts. Instructions: Fill out the entire form with detailecl information. Onc� you have comploted this form, provide it to the Purchasing attorney for review. The attorn�y will review thc information you have provided and determine whether usin� an exemption to Chapter 252's biding requirements would be defensible. If you are printing this form to provide to �.egal, please do not provide the Primer portion. (=ailure to provide sufficient information may r�sult in follow up qu�stions and caus� a delay in the attorney's det�rmination. Section 1: General Information Requestin� Deparhi�ent: Name of Contract Manager: DepartmenYs Attorney: Item or Sei�vice sought: Vendoi': Cui�rent Agreement for item/service CSC�t: I�ecamm�nded by [print name]: Departm�nt Director Signature; Telephone Number: Date: Strategic Operations: Centi'al Wat�r Lab Patricia St� Matt Murra Biotage Consumables Biotaae LLC ❑ Yes � No Chris Hai�der• Water Diroctor � e� �-� 17] 392-5020 o�— / � � /2019 How will this item or service be used: Biotage s�ecific consumables are required in order to support various projects for EPA 608 [Pesticides], Storm Water, Wastewater and Industry Water as part of the Pi�eti�eatment Service Divisions "al<a PSD" and 7PW Storm W�ter related to tiie TCEG� Village Creel< Perinit. Testing Methods; 608, 625, 1657, 16G4, Caffeine Screen and Atrazine. [3iotage consumables must be utifized in order to prevent voidance of th� manufactur�r's warranty, Page 1 of 3 Section 2: Cxemption .lustification Ple�sc iiidicate which exemption you believe applies to the purchas� and provide information to support its applicability. Pleas� refer to the Cxemption Prim�r for detail�d information about common exemptions, � � proc�u�ement made because of � public calamity that requir�s the immecliate �ppropriation of money to reli�ve tl�e necessity of thc municipality's residents or to pi'escive the pi'operty of th� municipality; Q � proc�u��ment necess�i�y to preserve or protecl the ��ublic he�lth or safety of the municipality's r�siclents; L7 a proc�u�ement necessary because of unforeseen dainage to public machinery, equipment, or other pro��eity, ❑ a procui�ement foi� personal, pt�ofessional, or planning services; ❑� proc�u'ement for woi�l< that is performed and naid for by the day as the worlc progresses; 0 � p�n�chase of land or a right-of-way; CI a procurement of items that ar� av�ilable fi�om only one sourc�, including: 9 � purcliase of r�re bool<s, papei�s, and other library materials foi� a public library; Cl p�vin� clraina�e, str�et widenin�, and othei' puhlic improvements, or rclated matters, if at least one- thircl of the cost is to be paid by oi� through special assessments levied on property that will benefit from the improvements; ❑ a public improvement project, already in progress, authorizec) by ti�e voters of the m�u�icipality, for which there is a deficiency of funds for completin� the project in accordance with th� plans and p�n�poses authorized by the voters; ❑ a payment �mder a contract by wl�ich a developer particinatos in th� construction of a public improvei�n�nt as provided by Subchapter C, Chaptei• 21?_; ❑ Personal property solcl: n. �t an auction by a state licensed auctioneer; f3. at a going out of business sale lield in compliance with Subchapter F, Chapter 17, Rusiness & Coinm�rce Code; C, by a political subdivision of this state, a state agency of this st�te, or an entity of th� federal governinent; or D. uncler an interlocal contract for coopei�ativ� purchasiny administerecl by a region�l planning cominission established �mder Chapter 391; ❑ services peiformed by blind or severely disabled p�rsons; ❑ goods purchased by a munici�ality for subsequent retail sale by the m�micipality; 0 el�ctricity; or ❑ aclveitising, othei� than legal notices Please provide details and facts to explain why you believe the exemption applies to the purchase. You may also attacli documentation to this form, Supporting documentation is attached. f3iotage/I-lorizon Technology is tlie original equipment manufacturer and sole source provider of the Cxtractor Modules System that is compliant with EPA inethod protocols and r�quirements. The intellectual properties of Biotage/Horizon Technology includes various copyright, trademarlc and patents for the referenc�d equipment. Product is available through two disti•ibutors at an astronomical cost to the City of Fort Worth. Page 2 of 3 Section 3; Attori�oy Detorrnination With tf7e facts providocl by the department, is the use of tho claimod axemptio�� dofensible If tho City wero to bc ch�llenged on this purchaso? I�os CINo Was thcre �nything not included on this form or attachod heroto that was relied on in malcinc� this dotormination? ❑Yos �d"No If yes, please explain: Approveci By: Assistant City Attornoy I %�✓��L¢.�rr ���-�-�t Matt t urray D�te: II-I8-2019 Page 3 of 3 EXHIBIT G Biotage Cuslcmier Informalion n��o���,i ri��»e Cily ol Forl Woilh - Villa{ie Qnelt WW'I'P Ship To 2G0O S[ Loop tl'LO Poil Woiih, Tc:xas 7G140 Unilecl Slales G�uole Informalion Canlacl Name Johnny 51<ellon Phone (iS'17) 3�12-5�J1(i [mail johnny.sl�ellon r�forlworlhlexas.qov (�uole Name City o( Furl Woiih - Consumable , 2U I J-2020 - Prepared By Jusline aelmonl �Z`��� Email jusline.l�elmonl a biola�e.com Quole Number 12�10� Paymenl Terms Mel 30 days Crealed Dale I IPIG/20IJ 5hippin� Prepaid t� Add �xpiralion Dale 12/31/2020 FOB Terms Ori�in Quote Line Items A U-705-1-IT 16G4-�100-PFIT 4�-2U2O•01 A 7-734 f -1 �i A7-23�IG-13 �I=P-47-HT 1=f=P-�JO-HT FFAP-100-IiSi FFAP-100-IiSS 03-'15(3[i-0�I 50-OJ94 50-002-02-HT 1.00 I .00 9 ,00 1,00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 , I.UO I.00 DryDisl<<� G5 mm (50/pl<) Pacilfc� Premlum Oil � Grease Dislc, �JO mm One-Pass Carbon Carlridge Max Delecl , AUenlicn 0270 One Pess Disks, 47 mm Allanlic�� Hi,yh Capacily C10 Dislcs, d7 mm Pacilic0 O&G 1=asl Flow Pre-Filler, 47 mm Pacilic0 O&G Fasl f-low Pre-Filler, �JO mm AllanlicB Fasl Flow Pre-Filler, �JO mm, Ffne 1,0 Nm AUanUc �O Fasl Flow Pre-Fliler, �JO mm, Coarse G.0 �nn 200 mL EvaporaUon Tube O.�J mL 7ip, DryVap� DryDisl<CN Assembly G5 mm Complele OII � Grease Aluminium Wei�hing Pans, �05 mm, �2G mL Sublolal Tolal Discounl Tolal USD 223.00 USD 525.00 USD '173.00 USD 30G.00 USD 255.00 USD �6,00 USD 134.00 USD �J1.00 USD 122.00 USD �J1.00 USD 100.00 USD 30.00 USD 20U.00 USD 300.00 USD 164,35 USD 3GG.70 USD 237.50 USD 30.00 USD f0.00 USD OG.45 USD 115.4D USD OG.A5 USD 163.00 USD 35, IG I USD 200,00 USD 300.00 USD 1G4.35 USD 3G�,70 USD 237.50 USD 30.OU USD G0.00 USD (SG.45 USD 11G.40 USD 06 �IG USD 1G3.U0 USD 35.'Ifi USD 1,053.01 USD 0.0O USD 1,053A1 Terms and Condilions Unloss Dlol<iq� has onlorod inlo a e�paratc� wrillen e�rec�m�nl wllh you for Ihe supply of goods and services, acceplance of Ihis quolo implles yotn acceplancc� of Ih� Diola�c�'s Terms �nd Condillons of Sales (see L111u1I1�LLt�]«4ulUl4isilureldownloadlbiotagc tcrm� and condllions 1 iuly 2017 aul�lts:;is.�s11)• Biola�e 10430 Hanis Oal<s Bivd., Sullo C Charlofle, NC 2U269 USA Tc�l: 000-44G-d752 Pax: �134-29G-0217 Submil Orders To: arderm�llbox n blolac�e.com Piease refer lo quotalion numbor on all orders, inquiries ancJ corrospondence. EXHIBIT H Biotage November 15, 2D19 Patricia Stanley Cily oF Fort Worth Water and Wastewater Central Laboratory 2G00 SE Loop B20 Port Worth, TX 76140 Dear Patty, This letter is to ��rovide nofification that Biota�e - Horizon Technology Inc, is the original equipmont Manufacl�n�er and lhe sole providei� of product listod below, Horizon Technolo�y Inc. is the sole provider of various consumables, accessories, and service componenls, and repair for Ihis producl. SPE-DEX� 1000XL. /�utomated �xh•actor System SPE-DCX4 3000XL Automafed Extractor System SPE-DEXD 3100 Automated Extractoi• System SPE-DEX��1790 Automated ExtractorSyste►n SPE-DEX05000 Automated Cxtractoi• Systern EnvisionT^' Piatform Controller Xc�IVapU ConcentrationlEvaporation System SmartPrep� Extractor DiyVap� Concenhator System Reclaimer"" SRS Recovery Speed-VapT��' III Evaporator System Speed-VapO IV [vaporator System Solvent Trap'"' Recovery 5ystem PacificT"' O&G Dislcs PacificT^' Fast Flow Pre-Filteis Pacific PremiurnT��' O&G Dislcs Pacific PremiumT"' Fast Flow Pre-Filters Atlantic'��' SPE Dislc AtlaiiticT"' �ast �low Pre•Filters Carbon Max-DT'^Cartriciges The intellectual properlies of Horizon Technology Inc, include various copyright, Trademarl� and patents for these products. Sincerely, J � ��4t�r.;�(-_ _�>,r - - -i. !;-rHl�• i���-� Justine Belmont Sales Administrator 10A30 Harris Oalcs dlvd., Suite C,, Charlotte, NC 2II269 USA r " � Cl'�'l' OT I'ORT WOR'I'H: By Date: , ��-� � � 1, , �� � Name; Dana Bu►•gl�do�f;��' '1'itle: Assisha+it City M<inager I ` �- r �-: 1r, � ( APP1tOVAL R�CaMMI;NDrD: 13y: � � Nnnte; Chris Harder Title: W�tor Director ATTrS`I': � � �� ��� By; � � � ame: M�ry I �y r Title: City Secretaiy S�LL�R: CONTRACT COMPLiANCP MANAG�R: By signing I�icicnowled�c that I�ui the pecso�i responsible for the monitoring and administrntion of this contract, including ensurin 7 all pei'fO1'lllilll •�t d reporking re i' �i eut , - � � By, i Name; YaU•icia E Stauley Title; Managemeut Analyst II �i" AI'�'ROV�D AS 'I'O I� ORM AND L�GALITY; � Nk+i�e�'Christa R, Title; Senior A� CONTRACT AUTHORIZATION: M&C: N/A �?s�rm.1295: ;z`���T� _ ��T ._,__-� i �^LT��, ., �,t����`, �Y' , �� ' . �'�`!t �Y • j �� s i � � �� k. i 5 � � v' / ?*a,• ��r....ry�.. .� :,•: d�,j��� ? -`' lliurnge LLC. ATT�ST: BY � 1�Q,c1�Vt�� rn.�2{�. Name: Clarissa Hennegau �/ Title: Dicector of I3usiness Intelligence and 1T D��t�; 1i./�Z; � a -- Solc Sourcc Pin•ch�sc Vendor nsrecroont Biotagc LLC. By: Name: Title: Atlorn�y �_��r���:�C.� E��i��(;��.G�i i �,��'� ���������� � i i��'o ���'��, ��