HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 55576CSC No. 55576
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TH�S MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT {hereinafter referred to as "Agreement"} is made and entere�
into by ana among the City of Fo�t Wo�th (hereinafter refe�-red to as the "City") and the Fort Worth
Independen� School District, a political subdivisian of the state oi Texas and a iegally constituted
independent school district, (hereinafter referred to as "FWiSD"} and sets foz-th the roles of the Parties in
regard to the implementation ofthe Pathways to Technology Early College High School ("P-TECH") modeI
at TCC SouthIFWISD Collegiate High School (the "Program}_ FWISD and the City �nay be collecti�ely
refer�ed to as the "Parties" or individually as a"Party."
This MOU supersedes any and all previous documents, agreements, or MOUs de�ning the role or scope of
znvolveznent the City has in support of this program.
The Parties agree to coIlaborate in developing, supporting, and operating TCC South/FWI�D Coilegiate
Energy TechnoIogy Eariy College High School at TCC South Campus ("SchooI"}. The School's mission is
to provide aI1 students with an education that begins in grade 9, continues through high school completion
with a high school diploma, and culminates in attainment of an associate degree, thus pre�aring students to
succeed in college and/or a career. The program also includes appropriate work-based educational
experiences, at a�l grade le�els, designed to prepare students for positions in identified fields.
The School is open to students of all backgrounds and abilities, including students who are at risk of
dropping out of school as de�ned by the Public Education lnformation Management System (PEIMS) and
wha might not otherwise go to college. This includes students for wl�om a smoot� transition into
postsecondary education is prablematic, stude�:ts whose farnily obligations keep the�-n at home, students for
whom the cost of coll�ge is prohibitive, students whose enrolIment is not based on merit, discipline,
attendance, or teacher recorrirr�endation, students who are English language learners, and students with
disabilities. The primary point of entry is the ninth grade. The School will admit approxi�nately l OQ students
in its initial 9`h grade class and will grow by appraximately I00 students each year, until the school reaches
full capacity of 400 students.
The School's curricula prograrn is designed to support the academic r�eeds of all stucients in earning a high
school diploma, an associate degree, and the work experience needed to be a highly qua�ified candidate For
career-track e�nployment in the Energy and/or Business field. All colIege courses offered to stude�ts while
enroiled in the School will be provided to students free of charge. AIl TCCD college fees for courses offered
to students under this MOU will be defrayed by TCCD scholarships for students.
The Parties will work together to develop, evaluate, and revise the School's Scope & Sequence plan, which
will identify specific high school and college courses and work experiences that students will participate in
each year as part of their regular school program. T�e Scope & Sequence plan will serve as a bl�eprint for
curriculum development and pragramming for students and staff to ensure alignment with workforce needs.
A. City of Fort Worth Water Department Responsibilities
]. The City will within reason support the implementation of the Overall School Modei as
outlined herein.
2. As is practicable and allowable with City policy, the City will provide mentoring to
participating students. The nurnber of students mentored, and the professions of the �nentors
will be decided collaboratively between the City and the other Program industry participants
as the Program progresses. Prior to performing services under this MOU, all rnentors must
register and clear the required criminal background cl�eck as outlined by Voly (FWISD's
volunteer database system).
3. The City wi�l work wit� FWISD and other Progra�n industry participants to outline the key
skills students will need to succeed in those positions.
4. The City will assign a resource to manage the Ci�y's responsibilities. This resource will,
among other duties, coordinate site visits to the City's iacilities, recruit and match tx�entars
to students, identify appropriate internship opportunities, and support teachers and faculiy in
develaping appropriate curricula. The City will also provide a resource or resources to
participate in the Loca� Partnership Cammittee. Under this MOU, the Local Partnership
Committee is comprised of representati�es from TCC SoutI�/FWISD Collegiate High
School, the City, and other Progra�n industry participants, as reasonably determined by those
The C2ty will help define and will seek ta provide opportunities for appropriate workplace
experiences (e.g., design �rojects, visits, speakers, internships, and appren�iceships} ta
prepare students %r the world oFwork based on the curriculu�n Scope & Sequence plan. The
City wiIl, in good faith and to the extent practicable, provide internship opportunities during
the terrn of this MOU. The City wiIl assist the School's staff in identifying additional
organizations in the Energy and/ar Business field tl�at may provide quali�ed students at the
school with the oppoz-tunzty to participate in a �ariety of internship experiences during the
course of the Program.
6. The City will work with the Scnool's staff, FW�SD, and the ather Program industry
particigants to assist the School to develop a coherent Scope & Sequence plan of courses
ar�d workplace experiences that enables students to successfully meet the goals outlined in
the program model. The City will help identiiy high-quality occugation-related projects and
curriculum that may be incorporated into tk�e acadernic program.
i'age 2�7
7. The City wilI allow the School's staff and students reasanable access to the City facilities to
support program activities, including, but not limited to, flexible scheduling, interrlships, job
shadowing, nnentoring, andlor other "real life" work experiences for students.
8. The City daes not nor shall be expected to expend any additionaI funds for participation in
this program oiher than what is incidental to the City's normal cost of business.
B. FWISDITCC SouthIFWYSD Collegiate High School Responsibalities:
FWISD/TCC South/FWISD Collegiate High Schaal wilI be corrimitted to the full
implementation of the O�verall School Model as outlined within this MOU.
2. FWISD/TCC South/FWISD Collegiate High School will work with the Schaol's staff and
the other Parties to develop a seamless and coherent Scope & Sequence plan of courses and
workplace experiences that enables s�udents to successfully meet the goals outlined in the
program rr�odel. FWISD/TCC South/FWISD Collegiate High SchooI will work to develop a
rigorous and engaging curriculum that prepares students for col�ege-level course work and
workplace experiences.
3. FWISDITCC South/FWISD Collegiate High Schaol will establish a college-like culture for
all students at the School, which requires engaging students in college coursework, tutoring
and advisir�g, and instruction on key "co�lege knowledge" academic and persanal beha�iors
such as:
a. time management;
b. collaboration;
c. problem-solving;
d. leadership;
e. study skills;
f. comrr�unication; and
g. tenacity.
4. FWISD/TCC Sout�/�WISD Collegiate High School will help define appropriate workplace
experiences (e.g., design projects, job shadowing, internships, and clinical practice) that will
support students gaining key skills needed in the Energy andlor Business field. For any
experience on the City's facilities that is closed to the general public, FWISD shall ensure
that ihe students or the students' legal representative, as agplicable, sign a waiver releasing
the City for any �iabiiity reiated to such experience.
FWISD/TCC South/FWISD Collegiate High Schaol will provide a facility to k�ouse the
School at FWISD Collegiate High School, located at 5301 Campus Dr. Fort Wortn, TX
76119. The facility will have sufficient space to support the activities and number of students
described in the Overall School Model.
6. FW�SD/TCC South/FWISD ColIegiate High Schaol will allow the City staff appropria�e
access to the School to support program activities. This access will also be made available
to other appropriate industry leaders and members of leading nonprofit organizations.
Page 3�7
7. FWISD/TCC South/FWISD Callegiate High: Sclnool will ensure that students of all
backgrounds and abiIities are provided an equal opportunity to attend the Schoo�.
FWISD/TCC SouthIFWISD Callegiate High School will ensure that prior acadernic
performance shall not serve to disquaIify students during the P-TECH admissions process.
$. FWISD wilI provide regular opera�ing funds to the School in tne same manner cansistent
with other FWISD schools. FWISD will identify additional funding streams that may be
available to the Scl�ool, including but not limited to federal Perkins program funding.
9. FWISD will support the School's principal in identifying qualified staff to teach in the
10. FWISD will provide appropriate and relevant ongoing professional development for tY�e
School`s principal and staff FWISDITCC South/FWISD Collegiate High School will share
best practices from other Fort Warth public schoals that effectiveiy se�ve a wide range of
high schooI students in achieving college and career readiness.
11. FW�SD will provide the criminal background checks far ail mentors under this MOU.
A. FWISD shall no� disclose to the City personally identifiable information from student education
records pursuant to FERPA and reguIations enacted thereunder to discIosures oi "directory
information" {as defined by FERPA and regulations �nacted thereunder} that are compliant with and
pro�ided pursuant ta 34 C.F.R. § 99.31{a)(I 1).
B. Texas Public Information Act {"TPIA"}. Bo�h the City and fhe FWISD are subject to the TPIA. As
such, upon receipt of a request under the TP1A, both Parties are required to coinpl� wit� the
requirements of the TP[A. For purpases of fihe TPIA, "pubIic information" is defined as information
that 2s written, produced, collected, assembled, or tnaintained under a law or orc�inance or in
connection with the transactio� of official business:
1. By either Party; or
2. for either Party and either Party
a. owns the information; or
b. has a right of access to the information; or
c. spends or contributes public money for the purpose of writing, prod�cing,
collecting, assembIing, or maintaining the inforrn:ation; or
3. by an individual officer or emplayee of either parCy in the officer's or employee's offcial
capacity and the information pertains to official business of either party.
A. Term:
This MOU shall begin when it is fully executed and shall continue for one (1} year. Thereafter,
this MOU may be renewed for up to two {2} one-year terms, provided tnat:
Page 4�7
�. Not ]ess than thirty (30) days prior to the expiration of the initial term or any renewai terrn,
the Parties sha�l have agreed in writing to renew this MOU;
2. Either party in not in default of this M4U; and
3. This MOU has not been terminated.
B. Termination:
This MOU may be terminated immediately at any time, and for any reason, by any of the signing
Parties with written notice to the other signatory Parties.
This M4U is rnade in Texas and shall be governed by and construed in accardance with the laws of the
State of Texas wi�hout reference to choice of law principles. In the rare event that any legal action should
arise out of or relating to this M4U or the relationship it creates, the Parties agree that such action shall bz
heard exclusively in Tarrant County, Texas.
Any modifcation or amendment of this MOU must 3�e in writing, approved and signed by all Farties.
A. Parties to this MOU warrant that their abligations shall be performed with due diligence in a safe
and professional manner and in compliance with any and all appIicable statutes, rules and
regulations. To the extent required by law, all work shall be performed by individuals duly licensed
and authorized by law to perform said work.
B. At all times, the City shait have the right to suspend or terminate any mentorsnips or internships of
students in the Program. All students in tne Prograrn taking part in mentorships or infernships at the
City or who are otherwise present at their facilities are expected to comply with all policies and
procedures, including all safety policies and rules.
C. In the performance of their obligations under this MOU, Farties to this MQU shall act fairly and in
good faith. Where notice, approval, or similar action by any Party hereto is pennitted or required by
any provision of this MOU, such action shall be in writing and shall not be unreasanably delayed or
D. The term "partner" as used herein snall be construed as figurative only and shall not imply oz- in any
way suggest the existence or %rmation in this MOU of a partnership venture or reIationship between
the Parties that imposes on them the legal duties or obligations af partners.
E. The provisions of this MOU are solely for the benefit of the Parties to this MOU. By entering inta
this MOU, the Parties do not create any abligations, express or implied, other than those set forth
herein, and this MOU shall not create any rights in any persons or entities who are not parties to this
MOU. No student, parent, or other person or entity who is nat party to this M4U shall be regarded
for any purpose as a third party beneficiary of this MOU or shall have any rights to enforce any
provisions of t�is MOU.
Page 5�7
F. Parties to this MOU shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, national
origin, age, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, or any other basis
prohibited by law.
G. The Parties to this MOU agree t�at the City nor its representatives shall have any liability hereunder
for any special, indirect, incidental, consequential, punitive, or exemplary damages or for any
monetary damages oF any nature.
H. This MOU embodies the entire agreement and understanding of the Parties in respect of the subject
matter contained herein and supersedes all prior agreements and understandings arr�ong the Parties
with respect to such subject matter.
I. Neither party waives any of its governrnental immunities by entering into this MOU nor wa.ives any
right or remedy available by law to the other.
Notice: All notices, consents, approvals, dennands, requests, or other communications provided for
or permitted to be given under any of the pra�isions of this MOU shall be in writing and shall be
deemed to have been duly given or served when delivered by delivery or when deposited in the
U.S. mail by registered or certi�ed rrzaiI, return receipt reyuested, postage prepaid and addressed
as follaws:
(1 } City of Fort Wo�th:
Dana Burghdoff
Assistant City Manager
City of Fort Wor�h
200 Texas Street
Fort Worth, TX 76102
(2} Fort Worth Independent School District: With: copy to:
Dr. Ken� P. Scribner Of�ce af Legal Servic�s
Superintendent Fort Worth ISD
Fort Worth ISD 100 N. University Drive, SW 172
100 N. University Drive Fort Worth, TX 76107
Fort WorCh, TX 76107
The individuals executing this MOU on behalf of FWISD and the City acknowledge that they are duly
authorized to execute this MOU. All ParCies hereby acknowledge fihat they have read, understood and shall
corrtply with the tez-rns and conditions of this MOU. This MOU shall not beco�ne effective unti� executed
by each parCy. Therefore, the Parties to this MOU shall begin their respective duties only after the last party
has signed and dated th�is MOU.
Pabe b�7
EXECUTED in duplicate original counterparts ef%ctive upan the date indicated below.
DAYIA BG!!'GIG�G�of� Apr 15, 2�21
B�: DanaBurghdoff( pr15,202ll2:32CDT)
Dana Burghdoff, Assistant City Manager Date
A��Rov�� AS ro FO�M �,rrn L�GA�,ar�r
�� R' ��`'��`�'���v� Apr 15, 2021
B'Y� Christa R Lopez-Reynolds (Apr15, 2021 9:08 CDTI
Christa R. Lopez-Aeynolds, Sr. Assistant City Attorney
ATTEST BY:`v U U��� Apr 16, 2021
Mary Kayser, City 5ecretary Date
By signing I acknowledge that 1 am the persan responsible far the manitoring and administration of this
contract, ir►cludit�g ensuring aIl performance and reporEing requirements.
By: _i'`-- � � . %":��.
Name: skv w�ii�ams
7'It�e: Sr. Administrative Assistant
03I01121 �Y�
Department Approval:
CGz�ir�o.�G�e� h`��le�
Christophcr H� rdcr (Apr 15, 2021 08:42 CDT)
Chris Harder, Water Director
Apr 15, 2021
ATTEST BY: ,(Q� �6CLyL�,2 March 23, 2021
Anae] Luebanos, School Soard Secretary
Fort W
� �Pn�'
�� FT. W�RTH, TX
Pa�e 7�7
iSD Legal Counsel