HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 55597Date Recei�ed: 04/21/2021 Time Received: 8�55 am Ciiy Secretary Narnber: 55597 RETAINING WALL MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this 15th �}ay of April 2021 by and between MCA Litsev Creel� Own_er� LP, actii�g by and through D�u^ dle� �immons, hereinafter referred to as "Landawner", and the City of Fort Wor�h, hereinafter referred ta as "City". WITNESSETH WHEREAS, the Landowner is ihe owner of certain real property described as an approximately 15,056 square foot tract located in A. Robinsan Survev, Abs�racf No. 1119, rort Worth, Dentan County, Texas according to the Specia�ty Warranty Deed recorded in Instrument Nurnber 2021-57366, Deed Records, Denton County, Texas and being more particularly described by metes and boun�s in �xhibit "A", hereinafter called the "Property". WH�REAS, the Landowner is proceeding to build on and develap ihe Properky accordiilg to the Site P1an/Subdivision Plan known as Litsey Creelc Cottages, hereinafter called the "Plan", which is expressly made a part k�ereof, as appraved or to be appraved by �e City and the Landowner provides for the construction and maintenance of a Retaining Wa�l Taoility on a portion of the Proper�y; and; WHEREAS, the City and the Landowner, and their successors and a,ssign,s, agree that the health, safety and welfare of the resfdents af the City af �'art VVorth, Texas require that a Retaining Wall Facility be consiructed and maintained on a poz�tion of the Prope�ky; and; RETAENING WALL MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT Rev. 11I19I2�20 Jl.� �FFICIAL RECORD CITY SECRETARY FT. W�RTH, TX WHEREAS, the City requires that a Retaining Wa11 Facility ("Facility") as shawn on the Plan be construcied and adequately maintained by the Landawner, its successors and assigns, the location and dimensions af which is shown an the attached Exhibit "A" ("Facility Property"); and; NOW, THEREF4RE, in consideratio�� of the foregoing premises, the mutual covenants contained herein, and the following terms and conditions, the parties hereto agree as foliows: 1. The Landawner, its successors and assigns, shall adequately construct and rnaintain tihe on-site Retaining Wall Facility ("Facilify") at no expense to t11e City of Fort Worth in accordance with the design specifications for the Facility, attached as Exhibit "B", and the current standards then in force and effect in the City oi For� Worth. Adequate rnaintenance is herein defined as goad working cQndition so that these facilities are perfarrning their design functions. 2, The Landowner, its successors and assigns, shall inspect the Facility and submit an inspectian report to the Ciiy annually. The purpo�e of the inspection is to assure safe and proper functionin� of ihe Facility. The inspection shall co�er the entire Facility, which needs �x►aintenance or replacement ta perfarrr� their design function, shall be noted in the inspection report aIong with the correcEive actioais ta be taken. 3. The Landown�r, its suooessors and assigns, hereb� grant �.permission to the City, its authorized agents and employees, to en�er upon the Property and to inspect the Facility Property whenever the City deems necessary. The purpose of inspeciion is to follow-up on reported de�ciencies and/or ia respond to citizen complaints. The City shall provide the Landowner, its sUccessors and assigns, copies af the iraspection �ndiaigs and a directive to comnzence with the repairs if necessary. 4. In the event the Landawner, its successors and assigns, fails to maintain the Facility in gaod worlcing conditio� acceptable ta the City, the City, its autharized agents and emplayees, �nay enter upon the Facility Properry and RETAINiNG WALL MAINT�NANCE AGREEMENT 2 Rev. 11I19/2D20 JLE tal�e whatever__steps_ necessary to correct deficiencies identiiied in the inspection repo�t and to charge the costs of such repairs io the Landowner, its successors and assigns. It is expressly understaod and agreed �hat the City is under no obligatian �a routinely maintain or repair said Facility, and in no event shall this Agreement be canstrued to impose any such obligation on the City, such obli�ation �s La�downer's. 5. The Landowner, its successors and assigns, will perform the work necessary to keep the Facility in good worlcing order as appropriate. In the event the City pursuant ta this Agreein�nt, performs wor1� of any nature, or expends any funds in performance of said worlc for labor, use of equipment, supplies, materials, and the like, the Landowner, its successors and assigns, sha11 r�imburse the City upon demand, within thirty (30) days af recaipt thereof %r all actual costs incurred by the City hereunder. In the event that Landowner or its successors ar assigns fail to pay the City %r the costs incurred under this section, the City shalI impress a lien for the costs of such work upon other lots owneci by the Landowner. Such lien shall be perfected by filing in the of�ce of the Caunty Clerk of Denton County, Texas an affidavit identifying the property to be charged with such Iie�1, stating the amount thereof, and mal�ing reference to this Agreement. 6. This Agreement imposes no liability of any kind whaisoever on the City. THE LANDOWNER AGREES T4 HOLD THE CXTY HARMLESS FROM ANY LIABILITY IN THE EVENT THE FACILITY FAILS TO OPERATE PROP�RLY. LANDOWNER COVENANT AND AGREE AND DQES HEREBY INDEMNIFY, HOLD HARMLESS ANID DEFEND TH� CTTY OF FOR'I` WORTH, ITS AGENTS, SERVANTS AND EMPLOYEES FROM AND AGAINST ALL COSTS, �XP�NSES, LOSSES, DAMAGES, CLAIMS OR CAUSES OF ACTION WHATSOEVER ARISING, OR WHICH MIGHT ARIS�, FROM THE FAILURE OF OW10iER OR ANY FUTURE OWNERS OF THE ABOVE FACILITITY PRQP�RTY TO MAINTAIN THE R�TAiNING WALL IN ACCORDANCE H�REWITH, OR AS A RESULT OF AI�Y RE7AINING WALL MAINTEHANCE AGREEMENT 3 Rev. 11I1912026 JLE DAMAGES CAUSED TO PERS�N OR PROPERTY DUE TO (1} ER05ION OF THE SOIL BELOW THE RETAINING WALL AND IT5 FU4T�NG, , AND (2) AND FAILURE OF THE RETAINING WALL AND ITS FOO�'ING TO OPERAT� IN A MANNER CONSISTENT WITH CITY OF FORT WORTH CRITERYA TO PERF�RM ANY OF IT� DUTIE� OR OBLIGATIONS HEREUNDER. 7. This Agreement shall be recorded among the land records of Denton County, Texas, and shall consiitute a covenani running witl� the land, and shall be binding on the Landowner, its administrators, executors, assigns, heirs and any aiher successors in iniecests, including any property owners association. [REMAINDER OF THIS PAGE TO REMAIN BLAT]K] RETAINING WALL MAINTENANCE AGREEMEN7 � Rev. 11l19/2020 JLE Executed this 15th day of April 2� 21 CITY: �blGl [�l�GIGlG�O� Dana Bur�15, 20211 :02 CDT) Dana Bur�lldaff, Asst. City Ma��ager City of Fort Wortk� Date: 4�15�2021 Appraved as to Farm and Legality: �'��udt� � .L��� ��� ChristaRLopzz-Reynolds�Apr14,2 116' DT) Cllrista Reynolds, Sr. Asst. City Attorney Gity AttorE�ey's Oftice Date: ATTEST: f Yl�'`�"T/ �' 0 Mary Kaysei, Cii�� Secretazy Ciry Secretary's Office Date: 4/19/2021 RETAINING WALL MAfNTENANCE AGREEMENT Rev 1 i11912�20 JL E LAND�WNER: ��� �,��� s ��� � .� � Date: ` � f Contract Compliance Manager: By signing 1 acknowledge that 1 a��l the persan responsible fo�- the �nanitoring ���d administration of this contract, ii�cluding �ns�u-ing all p�rfa�-manee and reporting re�uire��ie��ts. T�nie scqrlett Morqles Janie Scarlett Morales (Apr 14, 2021 15:14 CDT) Janie S, Morales, Alanning Mana�er Developmenk Services Dake: 4/14/2021 �FFICIAL RECORD CITY SECRETARY FT. W�RTH, TX ST A TE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DENTON § § This instrument was acknowledged before me on April 15 20_1J.by Dana Burghdoff, Assistant City Manager of the City of Fort Wotih, on behalf of the City of Fort Worth. JENNIFER L. EZERNACK Notary Public ST ATE OF TEXAS Notary I.D. 130561630 My Comm. Exp. Mar. 1, 2024 STATE OF TEXAS 1ro-vt.S COUNTY OF �ENTGN § § Digitally signed by Jennifer L Jennifer L Ezernack Ezernack Date: 2021.04.1611:18:23-0S'00' Notary Public, State of Texas Before me, the undersigned authority on this day personally appeared Q U. J, \e...-l,.,\ S l rn l'°"n.Ct'"\ .S , known -------------------------------· to me to be the person whose name ts subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that the same is the act of --"""L"-c.-�_d\�o�w�n..LV��----------·' and that he executed the same as its Ci�l..o..-, z�o( S1<\0or and as the act of such ______ and for the purposes and consideration ex'pressed in the foregoing instrument. RETAINING WALL MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT Rev. 11/19/2020 JLE L) ,.,\,,�•t•1�,,. JESSICA VILLARREAL ��¢\Notary Public, State of Texas �;} .. �Jii Comm. Expires 12-29-2022 �l,'f'ot�.§ Notary 10 125953654 .,,, .. ,,. 6 EXH�BZT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION AND SURVEY PLAT i��TAfNlNG WALL MAINT�NANC� AGR��M�NT Rev. 11I1912020 JLE IV[AINiENANCE AREA, A. ROBlNSON SURVEY, ABSTRAGT NO. 1119, CITY OF FORT 1NORTH, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS �EI�IG a tract of land sl�uated in the Archibald Robinson Survey, Abstract No. 11'[9, City of Far� Worth, pentan Caunfy, Texas and being a por�ion of a called 55.88� acr� tract of Eand d�scribed as Trac# 1 In #he Special Warranty Deed to Lftsey Cre�lc Investmenfs, I..LC, recorded in Instrument No. 202D-18963�, Offic9ai R�cords, Denton County, Texas, and being more particularly described as fo!(ows: C4i�fM��NCING at a 5/B-inoh iron rod with pEastic cap stamped at khe southeast corner of said 56.888 acre tract, and being in the west line of a cafled 44Q0 acre firacC of land described in the INarranty Deed to I AM �NE, INC., recorded in Instrumenfi No. 99-RD037320, Official Records, Dentan County, i�xas; TH��lG� 5oufh 89°� 1'40° West, with the south line of said 6�.888 acre tract, a distance of A�06.13 feet to a ppint from which � 518�inch iron rod with pfastic cap siamped "K�IA" found for the southwest corner of said 55.688 �cr� tract bears Sautf� 89°� 1'�40" West, a distance of 509.93 feet; THENCE ov�r and acrnss said 55.888 acre trac#, the fol{awing courses and distanc�s: North D°48'20" Westa disfance of 2.94 feet, to khe POiPVT OF BEGIIV�l1NG Nart� 12°16'31" West, a d9stanae of 337,92 feet to a paint far �arner; iVorth 9°4�`54" West, � dist�nce of 39Q,80 feet to a point for carner; North �°� 0'24" West, a�istance of � 11. � 8 feef to a point far corner; tVorth 37Q42'o2" �asfi, a distanc� of 279,65 feet Eo a point for cornee; Nnrth 60°52'45" �ast, a distance of 30.60 feet to a point for corner; Narth 61 °�4A'01" �asf, a distance of 64,63 feet ta a point for corn�r; Sauth 28°`I5'b9" �ast, a distance af 10,40 fe�t fa a point for corner; Sout� 61�44'0�" West, a distance af fi4,55 feet to a paint for corner; South 60�52'45" West, a distanc� of 28,48 Peet to a paint for corner; 5outh 37°42'02" West, a distance af 274.0'7 feet to a poin# for carnsr; South 9°10'24" �ast, a distance of 1 p7.6� Feet to a poinf for corr�er; South 9°46'SA" East, a�istance nf 389, 08 feet to a point far carner; South 12°9�'31" �ast, a dis#ance of 328.66 feet to a point for corner; Nor#i� 83°28'22" �ast, a dis#ance of 119.09 feet tn a pnint for corner; �larth 88��45'A7" �ast, a distance of 181.07 feet ta a paint for corn�r; South 1°14'� 3" �ast, a distance of � �.�0 #�et ta a point for corner; Soufh 8a°45'�7" West, a dls#anae of � 80.61 feet to a paint for corner; South 83°28'22" West, a distance of 127.59 feet tn the POlN7 OF BEG�iVNI�lG and containing � 5,Ob6 square feet ar 0.34�a6 acres of lar�d. Bearfng sys�em based on the �'exas Coordlnate System nf 1983, North Central �one (4202}, Narth American Datum of 1983. R�GIDT�.R�b PROF'�SSIONAL �, �F SS�n��'�c LAN� SURVEYOR M1l�, 5066 � g��j�� ��� david.dewefrdt@kimley-hnrn,cam Q, �� d o � z � n U � � e�i � �..----�---- .-�' —' --�'� / � � �/ LlJ r ' .i �"" � .. `"�. s''� � � "�� Q � � I, � f,., '�' o C� p c� Q p .r '� � ��" A �� � �� ,..�"� �s � � -�' '' w � � (� �'"~r`-�� � �- � �- r' � �.- —' � � °i [� r�-, 'r' �- o 0 �.- ,,.. �� jn U t� �- r.� ao •�-� � � � U ,,,� o ' ''` � �,,,. � � � � � .J a�D a�o p�p � � � f' ���`�,U n�o.r..��Q, F-. 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IVO. 2015-3D2� 1 � o.�.a.c.-�, z�az��w � � BU' EAS�M�N� & R.O.W. � I � 274.Q7` T�XAS UTILITI�S ( I � ELECi'R1C CC�MPANY I DO. NO. 97-R00779�47 � O.R.D.C,T, I � �� � �� � fV1°10'24"W S1°1Q'24"� E '111 �'f $' 107.65' � �� I � �� I � �� � �� I � �� I � � N9��.fi'S4"W � �sn.sn� I � �� I � �� � E ++ � �[S�aB_M��s�� �� NtJTES � 1 1 � A CALI.�t� 5a.888 ACR� "TRACT '[" l.IT'SEY CRE�K INVE57MENTS, LLC ��vsr. n�o. �o�n-�sss�6 O,R,p.C.T. Q.3456 AGRES '� 5,056 SQ. FT. 59°47'S4"E 389.OB' ` 1 �� 1 APQROXiMA'FE LOCATlON OF SOU'CHWES7LRN T�L�PHONE EASENfENT VOI.. 443, PG• 529 D.R.D.C,T. �� � �1 � � � 1� ,� ..��..�..���.�.�1,� 1� 1 = SHEET 2 Bearing system based an the Texas Coordinate 5ystem nf �983, hforth Central Zone (4202), North Amer�can �etum of 1983. MAa�T�NANC� A�REA A. R4BINSON SURVEY, ABSTRACT N�. 1119, CITY OF FORT 1NORTH, DENTON Ct7UNTY, TE�P►S NQRTH 4 sa 7ao L�G�Np � GRAPHIC SOALE IN FEET GAB. � CABIIVET VOL. = VOLUM� PG, � PA�E lN57. �f0. = INSTRUMENT NUMBER P.R,b.C.T. � PLAT R�CORDS OF a�NTpN CpUNTY, 7EXAS �.R.D.C.T. = �EED R�CQRDS OF dENTON CQUNTY, TEXAS O.R,D,C,T. = OFFICIAL RECORi7S, D�NiQN GOUNTY, 7E)tA5 3/6l2021 ll l _..- - _ - -�-.��... � I � � E � MAINTENANCE AREA A. RQBfNSON SURVEY, ABSTRACT �IU, 11 � 9, CITY 4F FORT WORTM, DENTaN COUNTY, TEXAS -,�-. w� (OLD) LITSEY' ROAD I I f'`.,�- LOCATION MAP CI.�V�I.AND y � � � � G1BBS ROA� ,}_R�i +� Noazw IL,f7S�Y ROA� -- ������i������ �������I�II�� � ��:� � �� � �' �� I �� , � �� � 1 � 1 � go ��I�� � ` f � � � � � n� , 1 , kY � � � � I � ! � �I I14 J,! I �I �I GL� 1 G Rggg ROAA , �awn�n.ow. _,. ��S" '� �y � � � � m 4 � I � 1, � � � ���J ��N � �qqa �� , ��e ,�, ��� � �..._____3�q -'-'-'-s�.�--'-- � �.�r����-'-'--'�'7 ` y :-. 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RECORO STREET, STE. 1204 7'.�«�'��m � PalkalskcPnglncedng.l��c� '• � SlnMtnalB�� xsigCw ulla��ls � TXRcg,Pi�yinccimgl�im�P-003B ��,+„��;�W� 771Nonh]ilAuexoaA �w� ' ""''�` FALK01=5KE hrlhigtnnl'eans 7fi012 .. (SL71261-&';W nensioa GVG�L ,ph�l 'P�IVU WC6'19Z[LI97 351&�ONIVd � �dZ� '�J.S �J.��b�5 ObO��a �$ ��� y � P1 zio�c9�=��vo,�i,v ��°ti:� „' •a1� df102iJ l.lkl3dOad �Ilefld3?J � v, � pxnH�io�aklqV��NYZI „��mi��V.'tl..mN, y � Sl06ti w,ry� 3nf�axnAi d'9aT1 %,1. �. ' o sF�nlrssuaJawamii3i��canWnqS � ^'9,°,�,'W�Gs:°�.:'" SNJI31'3NONY0}l � � z ;yi['Rin�:mq8n��qs3�A[ee] °'d�'��e'�w"�.�R°.'re` S3'JtlllO� 1t33N� A351k1 0 S1N13a TrifM H'�IIONHI 3dld — S1NM 9NINM1323 ANNOSYIY �� J' N � [�