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Contract 38227
- - - - - CITY SEC::kETAR -J D.O.E. FILE CITY SECRET'; "7(>,--y CONTRAc r No . 0<:xi<i.l SPECIFICATIONS AND CONTRACTOR'S BONDll'-c~ONTRACT DOCUMENTS CONSTRUCTION'S COPY FOR CLIENT DEPARTMENT FOSTER P AH.K INTIIE CITY OF FORT WORTfI, TEXAS Park Drives CZ00/541600/803370042780 DOE No. 6070 .... Park Draina·ge C200/541600/803360042780 · DOE No. 6070 Trail/Bridges C280/541600/803500042780 DOE No. 6070 MfCHAlU., J. MONCRIEF MAYOR DALE A. FISSELER, P.E. ClTY MANAGER IUCHARD ZAVALA, DIRECTOR PARKS AND COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT PARKS AND COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT PLANNING AND RESOURCE MANAGEMENT DIVISION FUNDING OF PROJECT BY CITY OF FORT WORTH 2004 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM AUGUST2008 DUNAWAY NO. 2006277 02-09-09 PCl:28 IN 0 ?-11-09 A08:3o IN I ,,• City of Fort Worth Eng ineering Bid Tabu lations Foster Park DOE#: 6070 BID DA TE : Septem ber 25 , 2008 ilidder I ___j 1 _-+------------------------<1 1 _K_lu_tz_C_o_ns_t_ru_c_tio_n-;,_L_L_C ______ -+_C_o _le_C_o_n_s_tr_uc_t_io_n'-r, l_n_c . _____ +N_o_rt_hstar Construction , Inc. Location ___ --------------------J--'=P---=O'---B=--o=--x-'---1.Q@LJ, ______ --+--1_0_31_5_A_lta_V_is_ta--, _______ 3_2 _1 O_Jo~y_c_e _D_ri_v_e ~-----~--, ·---+j-----Fort Worth, TX 76185 Keller, TX 76248 Fo rt Worth , TX 76116 ,-. ------------------+---'--c'-'--~~-c-'-----','------=-------;--~~-----;--------+----~-~--------t 1 1 817-921-0990 817-431-9636 817-244-8885 Guarantee : BB-Bid Bond CC -Cashiers Chk CTC-Cert Chk BB BB BB Addenda Acknowledged T YES YES Y ES DOE Proiect Manager: _L ___ _ __ PAY 1 1 _ L_ _ _ _ r-UNIT ~ -~U~N--=IT-=--+--~~~-+----=U-=N'---lccT~-+---~~~-=--I ITEM QTY UNIT I ____ I_T_E_M_D_E_S_C_R_IP_T_IO_N ________ 1-PRICE AMOUNT -l--P_R_IC_E __ f---_A_M_O-'--U_N_T _+-__ P_R_IC_E __ + __ A_M_O_U_N_T __ 1 ------Ut-l!T ONE · PARKING (BASE BID) E-_------+------+-------+--------+--------;------- 2 3 4 1 1 4012 I I -,--- EA Furnish and Install Project Sign ~ 300 .00 $ 300 .00 $ LS SW3P Erosion Control Plan Implementation ~ 6 ,700 .00 $ 6,700 .00 $ LS Traffice Control Plan lmp leme_n_ta~ti_o _n ____________ $ 1,200 .00 $ 1,200 .00 $ SF Remove and haul off asphalt paving $ 0 .60 $ 2,407 .20 $ 5 1 ' LS Remove and dispose of light pole and fix1u re and post and cable system $ 600 .00 $ 600 .00 $ 6 j 120 -ILF Removeand hauloffconcretecurb $ 6 .80 $ 816 .00 $ 7 1900 r SY Install asphalt parking lot with li me stabilization $ 31 .30 $ 59 ,470 .00 $ 400 .00 $ 3 ,600 .00 $ 1,000 .00 $ 1.40 $ 3,000 .00 $ 6.00 $ 44 .00 $ 400 .00 $ 3,600 .00 $ 1,000 .00 $ 5,616 .80 $ 3 ,000 .00 $ 720 .00 $ 83 ,600 .00 $ 600 .00 $ 6,000 .00 $ 8 ,000 .00 $ 2.00 $ 1,000 .00 $ 4 .00 $ 30.00 $ 6 00 .00 6 ,000 .00 8,000 .00 8,024 .00 1,000 .00 480 .00 57 ,000 .00 I Install concrete curb and gutter and ancillary excavation , and grading as I 8 372 ! LF necessary . Provide 2' strip of sod around parking lot. _.-!_ ____ 2_0_.0_0-+--$~--7~,4_4_0_.0_0-+--$~-____ 3_0_.0_0--+-$~ __ 1_1~,1_6_0_.0_0-t-$~ ___ 2_7_.0_0--t-$~ __ 1_0 ~,0_4_4 ._0_0 1 j Furnish and Install hydroseed common Bermuda grass in all disturbed 9 1 SY areas not otherwise re_c_e _iv_in-g_a_2_'_s_tr_ip_o_f _s_od_. ___________ $ _____ 6_._0_0-+-$ ____ 6_._0_0 -+-$ _____ o_.2_0-+-_$ ____ 0_.2_0-+--_$ ____ 0_.8_5-+--$ _____ 0_.8 __ 5 _1..9 _ I _J1_Q__j LF Install asphalt curb ___________________ '---$ ___ ~23~_-'--0-'-0 +---'$ __ '---2=,_76=--0=--.-'--oo.c.+---=$ ____ -'--16=--_-'--oo.c.+---=$ ___ 1'--''-'-'92=--0'-'-.0=--0c.+---=$-------'2=---0=--0c.+~$ ____ 2_4_0_.0_0_1 _!!__ 4 _ _!~-i.§_triping ~f parking lo.!: 4 __ --290 00 ,_! __ ~O:_QQ__ _L __ -'--2~,5~0~0~.0~0-t-$~· --=2~,5~0-'--0 .'---0~0-+-$~--'---6~0-'--0 .'---0-'--0-+~$~---__ 60_0_.0_0_ 12 1~ EA I Furnish and install handicap parking signage $ 250 .00 $ 250 .00 $ 220 .00 $ 220 .00 $ 300 .00 $ 300 .00 ~ 800 CY Grading of parking lot. $ 9 .50 ~ 7,600 .00 I $ 11 .00 $ 8 ,8 00 .00 $ 37.40 $ ---1---+----+--------UNI T ONE · BASE BID TOTAL $ 90 ,049.20 $ 122,537 .00 $ 2 3 4 5 6 5855 1650 1625 1210 430 3325 UN IT TWO · DRAINAGE /EROSION CON TROL BASE BID SF Grading and clearing of creek embankment in preparation for boulders $ SF Placement of limestone rip rap for embankment protection $ F.Ft Li mestone bo ulder creek bank protection wall $ SF Concrete footing for Boulde r Creek bank protection wall $ SF Furnish and instal l gabion mattress $ SF Furnish and install limestone rip rap creek bottom lining $ UNIT TWO· BASE BID TOTAL Page 1 0 .57 $ 3 ,337 .35 $ 1.00 $ 5 ,855 .00 $ 1.00 $ 4 .39 $ 7,243.50 $ 12.50 $ 20 ,625 .00 $ 6.00 $ 44 .74 $ 72,702 .50 $ 15 .00 $ 24,375 .00 $ 19 .00 $ 16.40 $ 19,844 .00 $ 10.00 $ 12 ,100 .00 $ 30.00 $ 9.10 $ 3 ,913 .00 $ 11 .00 $ 4,730 .00 $ 17.00 $ 4 .39 $ 14 ,596 .75 $ 7 .00 $ 23 ,275 .00 $ 5.50 $ $ 121 ,637 .10 $ 90 960 .00 $ 29,92 0 .00 122 ,208 .85 5,855 .00 9,900 .00 30,875 .00 36,300 .00 7,310 .00 18,287.50 108 527 .50 ,. Bidder I _ l ----+----- Location . ---1-_, -- -1 --t-- City of Fort Worth Engineering Bid Tabulatio ns Foster Park DOE#: 6070 BID DATE : September 25 , 2008 Fort Worth , TX 76185 I Klutz Construction, LLC ---------@'" ,,,,., ' ------------817-921 -0990 =-_j -- G uarantee : BB-Bid Bond CC-Cash iers Chk CTC-Cert Chk BB Addenda Acknowledged I _____________ -----Y-E0~S---+-- Cole Construction , Inc. Northstar Construction, Inc. 10315 Alta Vista 321 0 Joyce Drive Keller, TX 76248 Fort Worth , TX 76116 817-431 -9636 617-244-6665 BB BB ---+-------+-------~------YES YES DOE Project Manag er: 1 B -- PAY I ! UNIT ---1---U_N_I_T __ +-------+---U_N_IT ___ -+-------< ITEM I QTY I UNIT I ITEM DESCRIPTION RIC_E _____ A_M_O_U_N_T _ __,_ __ P_R_I_C_E _ __, ___ A_M_O_U_N_T_-+-__ P_R_IC_E __ +-_A_M_O_U_N_T _ __, UNIT THREE -TRAILS & BRIDGES BASE =-B=ID~~~--+,--------i ---1-Remove and haul off existing portions of concrete trail and existing low 1 I 4638 I SF water cross ing f--___ o_._5_8 -+-$ ___ 2~,_6_90_._04-+~$ _____ 2_._80-t-~$ ___ 12~,_98_6_.4_0-t-~$ ____ 2_.o_o_+-$-'----9~,2_7_6_.o_o, [ -i Install concrete trail includ ing 4 TxDOT Type 1 O handicap Ramps with -j --1___( 5543 ' SF ancillary excavation and grading as necessary $ 4 .70 $ 26,052.10 $ 5.40 $ 29 ,932 .20 $ 5.20 $ 28 ,823 .60 -1..,-1 1 LS Furnish and install pedestrain bridge -$--32 ,5_o_o ___ oo-+,l-$ ___ 3_2~.5-o:o:._o-_o-... +-_-$:::::5_4-~,-o:o:o_.-o:o::_$-_-_-_-_-_5-4:.~o-_o-_o-_.-o_o-..,:~$::::_~4:8:.o.=_o-o-.o-o-+--$--4-8~.~o-o-o .-o-o-• Hand ica p accessible picn ic table , including concrete pad with ancillary 4 I 1 . EA excavation and grad ing as necessary _!_ ___ 3 ,250 .00 I $ -j -~ Furn is h and install 2' strip of sod on each side of concrete trail as --2_ + 3500 f §F determined by owner in field -tJ--_ 0.40 $ 0 .50 $ 1,750 .00 $ 0.40 $ 1,400 .00 UNIT THREE -BASE BID TOTAL --'-'-'--+-'-s---'-'--'--'-'--'-'-+-'------"-""'-+--'$'---1 o-'1-'-',3..C6.C.8.;..c6.c..O +-'------'-'--'-=-!-'--$ --90-'".-'-29'-'9'-'-_6'-'0-I 3 ,250 .00 I $ 1,400 .00 $ 2,700 .00 $ 2 ,700 .00 $ 2 ,600 .00 $ 2 ,600 .00 ---~ ' UNIT ONE -PARKING BID AL TERNA TE I - _ 1 L fil4 CY fGrading for parking lot expansion ___ $ -:::_ ··-_-_-9_.-::_5-0_-++-~$-=--=--------~---_-_-_-..,-+-----8-.-0-0 -+-$---14-.-0-80 ___ 0_0 -+-$--34 .00 1 _$ __ 5_9~,8_4_0_.o_o_, 65 ,892 .14 16 ,720.00 $ __ 2_ r-1 ~ I SY I asphalt w ith lime stabiliation for parking lot expantion ~ _ 36 .90 $ -~---+-____ 3_6_._0_0 _,_$ ___ 4_2~,6_6_0_.0_0-+_$ ____ 31 .00 $ 36 ,735 .00 J 1 1 Concrete curb and gutter for parking lot expansion with ancillary excation I 43,726 .50 $ __ 3 _ ~-LF and grading as necessary, 2'strip of sod around parking lot expansion ~ __ 2_0_._0_0-+-$---~---+-----2_9_.0_0-+-$~ __ 1_3~,_77_5_._0_0-+-$ ____ 2_6_.0_0-+~$ ___ 1_2~,3_5_0_.o_o_, 4 1 1 LS Add itonal striping for parking lot expansion $ __ 5_0_0_.o_o-+-_$ _____ __, ____ 1~,o_o_o_.o_o-+_$ ___ 1~,o_o_o_.o_o-+-_$ ____ 4_00_._o_o-+-$----4_0_0_.o_o_, 9 ,500 .00 $ 500 .00 $ ~ 1 __ 21 EA Furnsih and install handicap signage i"'s 250 .00 $ -'-'---'~-+-'----"2=2'-'-0---.0'-'0-+-$-'-----4 ___ 4-'-0 .00 $ 200 .00 $ 400.00 Furnish and install limestone boulder reta ining wall with ancillary __ 6_ ~ .'=t exca vation and grad in g as necessary 2' strip of sod anround retaining wall $ _ _3_4_0_.o __ o-+-1 _$ __ ~~-~,----2_0_0_._oo-+_$ ___ 8~,8_0_0_.o_o-+-_$ ____ 1_2_0 ._o_o-+-$-__ 5~,2_8_0_._oo-< UNITONE -ALTERNATEBIDTOTAL $ $ 80 ,755.00 $ 115,005.00 500 .00 $ 14 ,960 .00 I $ 85,906.50 -L ---UNIT TWO _ DRAINAGE/EROSION CONTROL ALTERNATE __ -~-------!1-'--~~--'-'-'-'--l-------+~---'--'-'~'-'-'-'-+- ~~EA Tree removal (i f required), per caliper inch 1--L 500 .00 $ 70 .00 $ 29.:QQ_ ~---900 .00 $ I Black-coated wire gabion baskets with exposed faces filled with limestone I 500 .00 $ 900 .00 2 , 144 CY placed for embankment protect ion in lieu of limestone boulders . $ 190 .00 $ 270 .00 $ 38 ,880 .00 $ 37 0 .00 $ 53 ,280 .00 ---; Additonal limestone boulders and bank clearing for embankment I ~---+----• 27 ,360 .00 $ 3 l 1 CY protection I $ 550 .00 $ 55 0 .00 $ 440 .00 $ 440 .00 $ 200 .00 $ 20 0 .00 1 -- 2 3 4 UNIT TWO -ALTERNATE BID TOTAL r---$ 28,410.00 $ 39 ,390.00 $ 54,380 .00 ! 540 UNIT THREE -TRAILS & BRIDGES AL TERNA TE ~---+-S-F-+R_e_m_o-ve-a-nd_h_a-ul-off existing concrete trail $ 0 .58 $ 313 .20 $ 1.20 $ 1.20 $ 648 .oo ~$ ____ 1._75_,_~$ ___ 9_4_5_.o_o__, I I I I I ! i 4305 2 Extension of concrete trail w ith ancillary excavation and grading as SF necessary . Provide 2' strip of sod on each side of trai l. Handicap access ibl e picnic including concrete pad with ancillary excavation and grading as necessary. Provide 2' strip of sod around EA concrete pad . Handicap accessible picnic bench stati ns including concrete pad with ancillary excavation and grading as necessary . Provide 2' strip of sode - $ 4.50 $ 3,300 .00 $ 19,372 .50 $ 5, 166.oo ~$ ____ 5_._20_,__$ __ 2_2~,3_8_6_.o_o__, $ 6 .600 .00 $ 2,700 .00 $ 5,400 .00 $ 2 ,6 00 .00 $ 5 ,2 00 .00 2 -~-+-~E'-A-+a_r_o---un ___ d'-co'-'-'-n'-'-c---re'-'-te'-Lp,a"-d','. __________________ -1....:$:_ ___ 2~,_7_00_._oo-+_$ ___ 5~,_40_0_._oo-+~$ ___ 2~,_70_0_.o_o_,__$ ___ 5~,4_0_0_._oo_,_~$ ___ 1~,_50_0_.o_o_,__$ ___ 3~,o_o_o_.o_o_. UNIT THREE -AL TERNA TE BID TOTAL $ 31,685.70 $ 16 ,6 14.00 $ 3 1,531.00 ---+----t---------c==-TccO...,T=-Ac=Lc-Bc-cA-cS==E=Bc-clD=c=-c-------+-------t~$_~27 ___ 7~,5 ___ 7.c8---.44------ 11 _____ --i $ 314,865.60 ,------~$ __ 3=2 ___ 1-'-',0---3--'-5-'-'.9--'-5-t TOTAL BID ALTERNATES $ 146 002.20 $ 136 ·759.00 $ 200 916.00 Page 2 Bidder I Location ------ ·-------- ------ City of Fort Worth Engineering Bid Tabulations Foster Park DOE#: 6070 BID DATE : September 25 . 2008 Jordan Paving Corp . ----- PO Box 820339 ---·-Fort Worth, TX 76182 --- 682-334-0123 ----------Guarantee : BB-Bid Bond CC-Cashiers Chk CTC-Cert Chk BB -----Addenda Acknowledged YES ----------DOE Project Manager: PAY 1 -----------------UNIT - ITEM / QTY UNIT -----------PRICE AMOUNT ITEM DESCRIPTION - ----- I UNIT ONE -PARKING (BASE ~ 1 1 EA Furn ish and Install Project Sign $ 800 .00 $ 800 .00 --2 1 LS SW3P Erosion Control Plan Implementation $ 20 ,00 0 .00 $ 20 ,000 .00 -3 1 LS Traffice Control Plan Implementation $ 8,000 .00 $ 8 ,000 .00 -----4 4012 SF Remove and haul off asphalt paving $ 14.00 $ 56 ,168 .00 -- 5 1 LS Remove and dispose of light pole and fixture and post and cab le system $ 1,200 .00 $ 1,200 .00 --6 120 LF Remove and haul off concrete curb $ 10.00 $ 1,200 .00 7 1900 SY Install asphalt parking lot with lime stabilizatio_n_ ---·- $ 33 .00 $ 62,700 .00 I Install concrete curb and gutter and ancillary excavation , and grading as _s_J 372 LF necessary . Provide 2' strip of sod around parking lot. $ 30 .00 $ 11 ,160.00 Furnish and Install hydroseed common Bermuda grass in all disturbed 9 1 --SY areas not otherwise receiving a 2' strip of sod . $ 3 .00 $ 3 .00 10 120 LF Install asphalt curb $ 10 .00 $ 1,200 .00 ------- -%-J· 1 LS Striping of parking lot. $ 1,000 .00 $ 1,000 00 2 1 EA Furnish and install handicap parking signage---$ 400 .00 $ 400 .00 - _13_i 800 CY Grading of parking lot. $ 20 .00 $ 16 ,000 .00 UNIT ONE· BASE BID TOTAL $ 179,831 .00 UNIT TWO -DRAINAGE/EROS ION CONTROL BASE BID 1 5855 SF Grading and clearing of creek embankment in preparation for bou lders $ 1.00 $ 5 ,855 .00 2 1650 SF Placement of limestone rip rap for embankme nt protection $ 8 .00 $ 13 ,200 .00 3 1625 F.Ft Limestone boulder creek bank protection wall $ 15 .00 $ 24 ,375 .00 4 1210 SF Concrete footing for Boulder Creek bank protection wall $ 12 .00 $ 14,520.00 5 430 SF Furnish and install gabion mattress $ 15 .00 $ 6 ,450 .00 6 3325 SF Furnish and install limestone rip rap creek bottom lining $ 8.00 $ 26 ,600 .00 UNIT TWO -BASE BID TOTAL $ 91 000 .00 Page 3 Linder Construction Co ., Inc. Ed A. Wilson , Inc. - PO Box 1507 2526 W. Pafford St. Springtown , TX 76082 Fort Worth , TX 76110 817-677-5700 817-923-6400 BB BB .. YES YES ---·-- --UNIT UNIT I PRICE AMOUNT PRICE AMOUNT $ 1,000 .00 $ 1,000 .00 $ 400 .00 $ 400 .00 $ 7 ,000 .00 $ 7 ,000 .00 $ 5,000 .00 $ 5 ,000 .00 $ 7 ,000 .00 $ 7 ,000 .00 $ 4,50 0 .00 $ 4 ,500 .00 $ 1.50 $ 6,018 .00 $ 1.00 $ 4 ,012 .00 $ 2 ,000 .00 $ 2 ,000 .00 $ 4,000 .00 $ 4 ,000 .00 $ 10.00 $ 1,200 .00 $ 5.00 $ 600 .00 $ 55 .00 $ 104 ,500 .00 $ 46 .00 $ 87 ,400 .00 $ 30 .00 $ 11 ,160 .00 $ 30 .50 $ 11 ,346.00 $ 2 .00 $ 2.00 $ 1.25 $ 1.25 + 7 .00 $ 840 .00 $ 7 .50 $ 900 .00 3 ,000 .00 $ 3 ,000 .00 $ 1,300 .00 $ 1,300 .00 - $ 1,000 .00 $ 1,000 .00 $ 400 .00 $ 400 .00 $ 21 .00 $ 16 ,800 .00 $ 15 .00 $ 12 ,000 .00 $ 161 ,520 .00 $ 131 ,859 .25 $ 1.00 $ 5,855 .00 $ 3 .50 $ 20 ,492 .50 $ 6 .00 $ 9 ,900 .00 $ 17 .00 $ 28 ,050 .00 $ 53 .50 $ 86 ,937.50 $ 55 .00 $ 89 ,3 75 .00 $ 20 .00 $ 24 ,200 .00 $ 28 .00 $ 33 ,880 .00 $ 10.00 $ 4,300 .00 $ 32 .00 $ 13 ,760 .00 $ 6 .00 $ 19 ,950 .00 $ 8 .00 $ 26 ,600 .00 $ 151 142 .50 $ 212 157 .50 City of Fort Worth Eng ineerin g Bid Tabulations Foster Park DOE#: 6070 BID DATE : September 25 , 2008 B idder I -----+ 1 _____ -----------------------+Jccoccr_c,da'-'n-'-P-'-a--vi __ n~g-C __ o"'rl--P. __ _ Location --+ _ i ____ -------------------------+P~O ____ B_o_x_8..,.2_0""3'"3c-9=~cc----- Linder Construction Co ., Inc. Ed A . W ilson , Inc. --E--c'--c----~c-'-=~-'-r-'~~-------,-=c,~.,...,.c.-=---'~-=-'-------- PO Box 1507 2526 W. Pafford St. t _-r 1 -------------------------·Fort Worth , TX 76182 682-334-0123 _ J Springtown , TX 76082 Fort Worth , TX 76110 ___ _ 817-677-5700 817-923-6400 --·-B-B----t-------+----B-B----+- -----·- YES YES ----1-~---- Guarantee : BB-Bid Bond CC-Cashiers Chk CTC-Cert Chk BB Addenda Acknowledged f __ __ _ __ ------~------_-__ ·_-:_:::_------1-----Y=E=s----+-- DOE Project Manager 1 -__ _ PAY t __ _ ___ UN_IT __ -+------+---U_N_I_T __ -+-------~-------t------- lTE ~. QT~ UNIT IT EM DESCRIPTION _ _ PR ICE AMOUNT _ __,_ __ P_R_IC_E __ _,_ _____ -+-------+-- ~ _. ' UNIT THREE -TRAILS & BRIDGES BASE BID j . . ____ I , 1 Remove and haul off ex isting portions of concrete tra il and existing lo~ :ni aj __ 1 _i_ 463 8-J SF l watercrossing _$ ____ 3._QQ_J__ 13 ,914 .00 , $ ___ 1_._0_0+-$~--~--+--'-------+ I Install concrete trail including 4 TxDOT Type 10 handicap Ramps with 1· 2 _55 ~ SF ancillary excavation and grading as necessary $ 7 .15 . $ 39,632.45 1 $ . 10 .00 $ 1 LS · Furnish and install pedestrain bridge $ 48 ,000 .00 $ '!!l ,OOQ .00 r-1--58 ,000 .00 $ -1 --• 1 Handicap accessible picnic table , including concrete pad w ith ancillary I I ~-----------+-------~~-+-'---~--r-'-- _ __i_ _ 1 _j EA _excavation and grad ing as necessary _ $ 3 ,900 .00 $ _ _:l_,_9_2 0 .00 '~-4~,_o_oo_._0_0-+-$---~--+-------+---·- 1 Furnish and install 2' strip of sod on each side of concrete trail as I ~5 ~ SF !determ ined by owner in field $ 1.00 1 $ 3,500 .00 $ 8 .00 $ ____j_ . UNIT THREE · BASE BID TOTAL $ 108 ,946 .45 $ ---l UNIT ONE • PARKING B ID ALTERNATE . ,-. -----+-I ~--~--+-------+~---+----f-------+-'-·--~- l--1--+--17_6_0_) CY Grading fo r parking lot expansion $ 15 .00 _$ __ 26 ,40QJJ(J__ $c._ ___ -=2cco.cc.oc.co-t--'-$ __ ===-,-"--------~'--+~- _2 __ 1~ SY I asphalt with lime stabiliation for parking lot expantion +~--_ 39 .00 _$_ ~15_._QQ_J 60 .00 $ I Concrete curb and gutter for parking lot expansion with ancillary excation I 3 475 LF and grad ing as necessary, 2'strip of sod around parking lot expansion $ 25 .00 $ 11~,8_7_5_._oo-+_$ ______ ,_ __ ~-------t--------,.~--~- 4 1 1 LS Additonal strip ing for parking lot expans ion _$~----6,....0,....0"'. __ oo'--+--$ ___ --6,.-0~0 __ . o __ o-+---$--~-'-=-'--1'-'------'----~'--+------~...,....c-----t------------= 5 ' 2 1 EA Furns,h and insta ll handicap s1gnage $ --:5:0 o~o $$ 70QJJ(J___$_ I Furnish and install limestone bou lder retaining wall w ith ancillary 44 I_ L'::_f 1 exca vation and grading as necessary 2' strip of sod an round reta ining wall !' L_ . 6 ,600 .00 $ -------~'-+-----~-,-'c~~-+--------------t--'--.,.,,-c'-c-= ---, UNIT ONE· ALTERNAT E BID TOTAL . $ 92 ,39.Q;QQ_ -----UNITTWO-DRAINAGE/EROSIONCONTROLALTERNATE I ------+-'---~---+--------+-~---·~ ,-,_-1--,. .... -_·-1-=i EA ! Tree removal (if requ ired), per caliper inch j $ _ 30 .00 $ -~ $ I I Black-coated wire gabion baskets with exposed faces filled with limestone I 1 2 144 CY placed for embankment protection in lieu of limestone boulders . 1 _$ ____ 2_0_0_.0_0-+_$ ___ ~-----<>--'--------+------~---+----------+-- Additonal limestone boulders and bank clearing fo r embankment 3 1 CY protection · $ 180.00 $ --'-'~-'--+--$'-----------'-'--,-.c__ UNIT AMOUNT PRICE AMOUNT i 4 ,638 .00 $ 4 .00 .! 18 ,552 :2Q_ ' 55,430 .00 $ 6.50 / $ 36 ,029 .50 58 ,000 .00 $ 63 ,000 .00 $ 63 ,000 OQ_ 4 ,000 .00 $ 2,600 .00 $ 2,600 .00 28 ,000 .00 $ 1.00 $ 3 ,500 .00 150,068.00 $ 123,681 .50 35 ,200 .00 $ 15.00 I $ 26,400 .00 71 ,100.00 $ 53 .50 $ 63 ,397 .50 UNIT TWO· ALTERNATE BID TOTAL 28 ,80 0 .00 $ 180 .00 $ 29 ,010 .00 33 .00 $ 15,675 .00 $ 30 .50 $ 14,487 .50 7 ,000.00 $ 7 ,000 .00 $ 1,300 .00 $ 1,300 .00 900 .00 $ 1,800 .00 $ 400 .00 $ __ El_(l_OOO I 300 .00 $ 13 ,200 .00 $ 420 .00 I $ 18,480.00 $ 143,975.00 $ 124,865 .0_Q_ 1,200 .00 $ 1,200 .00 $ 690 .0Q_ 3-. 690 .00 ---- 300 .00 $ 43,200 .00 $ 210 .00 $ 30 ,240 .00 600 .00 $ 600 .00 $ 780 .00 $ 780 .00 $ 45,000 .00 $ 31 ,710.00 UNIT THREE · TRAILS & BRIDGES AL TERNA TE ,-~~-SF Remove and haul off existing concrete trail $ 1.50 $ 810 .00 $ 1.00 $ 540 .00 $ 1.00 $ 540 .00 Extension of concrete trail w ith ancillary excavation and grading as 2 4305 SF necessary . Provide 2' strip of sod on each side of tra il. $ 6 .80 $ 29 ,274 .00 $ 8 .00 $ 34 ,440 .00 $ 6 .00 $ 25 ,830 .00 Handicap accessible picn ic includ ing concrete pad w ith ancillary excavation and grad ing as necessary. Provide 2' strip of sod around 3 2 EA concrete pad . $ 3 ,900 .00 $ 7 ,800 .00 $ 4 ,000.00 $ 8 ,000 .00 $ 2 ,700 .00 $ 5,400 .00 Handicap accessible picn ic bench statins including concrete pad with ancillary excavation and grading as necessary. Provide 2' strip of sode 4 2 EA around concrete pad . $ 3,000 .00 $ 6 ,000 .00 $ 2,000.00 $ 4 ,000 .00 $ 2,700 .00 $ 5,400 .00 UNIT THREE · ALTERNATE BID TOTAL $ 43 ,884.00 $ 46 ,980 .00 $ 37,170 .00 TOTAL BASE BID $ 379,777 .45 $ 462 ,730 .50 $ 467 ,698.25 · TOTAL BID ALTERNATES $ 165,284 .00 $ 2 35 955.00 $ 193 745.00 Page4 Page 1 of 3 City of Fort Worth, Texas Mayor and Council Communication COUNCIL ACTION: Approved on 12/2/2008 -Ord. No. 18379-12-2008 DATE: Tuesday, December 02, 2008 LOG NAME: 80F0STER REFERENCE NO.: **C-23202 SUBJECT: Authorize Contract in the Amount of $395 ,170.64 with Klutz Construction , L.L.C., for Parking Lot, Drainage/Erosion Control and Trail/Bridge Improvements at Foster Park; Adopt Appropriation Ordinance RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council: 1. Authorize the City Manager to execute a contract with Klutz Construction, L.L.C., in the amount of $395,170.64 for Parking Lot, Drainage/Erosion Control and Trail/Bridge Improvements at Foster Park; and 2. Adopt the attached appropriation ordinance increasing estimated receipts and appropriation by $186,050 .64 in the Park Gas Lease Project Fund from Gas Well Royalty Revenues. DISCUSSION: The 2004 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) allocated $76,500.00 for parking improvements, $100,000.00 for drainage and erosion control improvements and $112 ,000.00 for trail and bridge improvements, totaling $288,500.00 for Foster Park. On April 17, 2007, (M&C C-22071) the City Council authorized the C ity Manager to execute a contract with Dunaway Associates in the amount of $48 ,500.00 for the development of construction documents for parking, drainage and erosion control a n d trail and b ri dge improvements at Foster Park. After receiving public input during the conceptual design phase and further assessment of current parking conditions, it was determined by staff that the orig inal scope given to Dunaway Associates would need to be expanded to include a larger parking lot on the north side of South Drive. This expanded scope would allow for more parking and for ingress and egress to the pr oposed .parking lot, thus i ncreasing safety for park patrons. In February 2008, Dunaway Associates contract was amended (City Secretary No . 36715) by $7,000.00 to include additional design for this parking lot expansio n , i ncreasing totai contract amount to $55,500.00. This project was advertised for b i d o n Au gu st 28, 2008, and September 4 , 2008, in the Fort Worth Star- Telegram. On September 25, 2008, the following bids were received: Recommended Bidders Base Bid Bid Alternates Total Klutz Construction, L.L.C . $277 ,578.44 $117,592.20 $395 , 170.64 Cole Construction, Inc. $314,865.60 $97,369.00 $412,234.60 Northstar Construction , Inc. $321 ,035.95 $146 ,536.00 $467,571 .95 Jordan Paving Corporation $379 ,777.45 $136 ,274.00 $516,051 .45 Ed A. Wilson , Inc. $467,698 .25 $162 ,035 .00 $629,733.25 Linder Construction Company, Inc. $462,730.50 $190 ,955.00 $653,685.50 Base Bid consists of Unit 1 -demolition of existing parking, site grading , installation of new parking area ://apps .cfwnet.org/council _packet/Reports/me _print.asp 12/3/2008 Page 2 of 3 (22 stalls); Unit 2 -grading , placement of limestone rip rap and boulders for erosion control and embankment stabilization ; and Unit 3 -demolition of low water crossing , installation of low water crossing, sidewalk/trail , grassing and site amenities . Unit 1 -Bid Alternate -includes the installation of an additional 29 parking stalls to base bid plan and installation of necessary retaining wall , in the amount of $85,906 .50. Unit 3 -Bid Alternate -includes the demolition and replacement of additional concrete trails and site amenities in the amount of $31 ,685 .70 . All Bid Alternates recommended for acceptance total $117 ,592 .20. It is recommended that the base bid in the amount of $277,578.44 and all bid alternates mentioned above , in the amount of $117 ,592 .20, totaling $395,170.64, as submitted by Klutz Construction , L.L.C., be approved for award of contract. The contract time is 60 working days. Project funding is comprised of $209 ,120.00 of 2004 CIP funds allocated for Foster Park . Staff is recommending the remaining $186 ,050 .64 be appropriated from Gas Well Royalty Revenues earmarked for the Parks Capital Improvement Program to fully fund thi s project. Funding for shortfalls in the 2004 CIP for Parks and Community Services (PACS) projects was not included in the 2007 Critical Capital Needs Program. This appropriation from PACS Gas Well Royalty Revenues complies with the City Council's current policy for distribution of Gas Well Revenues . M/WBE -Klutz Construction, L.L.C ., is in compliance with the City 's M/WBE Ordinance by committing to 17 percent M/WBE participation . The City's goal on this project is 11 percent. There will be no impact on the annual operating budget with this project. Construction is anticipated to commence in January 2009 , and be completed in May 2009. Foster Park is located in COUNCIL DISTRICT 3. FISCAL INFORMATION/CERTIFICATION: The Financial Management Services Director certifies that funds are available in the current capital budget, as appropriated, of the Street Improvements Fund , Park Improvements Fund and the Park Gas Lease Projects Fund . TO Fund/Account/Centers 0 C282 541600 803360042780 0 C282 541600 803370042780 0 C282 541600 803500042780 0 C282 446200 801929990100 $100,955.70 $60 ,517.1 0 $24 ,577 .84 $186 ,050 .64 FROM Fund/Account/Centers ill C200 541600 803360042780 tu C200 541600 803370042780 ill C280 541600 803500042780 ill C282 541600 803500042780 ill C282 541600 803360042780 ill C282 541600 803370042780 Submitted for City Manager's Office by: Chartes W . Daniels (6183) $75,000.00 $61 .120.00 $73,000 .00 $24,577.84 $100 ,955.70 $60,517.10 p://apps .cfwnet. org/council _packet/Reports/me _p ri nt.asp 12/3/2008 Page 3 of 3 Originating Department Head: Richard Zavala (5704) Additional Information Contact: Scott E Penn (5750) 1 p://apps .cfwnet. org/council _packet/Reports/me _print.asp 12/3/2008 U~/lU /Uij 13:52 FAX 871 5724 CITY OF FT WORTH _. --·· ------------·------------- ADDENDUM #1 Foster Park Improvements September 16, 2008 TO ALL BIDDERS: Please attach to your specifications. This addendum is hereby made a part of the Contract Documents and is issued to modify explain or correct the original drawings and/or project manual. DRAWINGS REFER TO: 1. See Revisions to Sheets 4 and 15. PROJECT MANUAL REFER TO: 1. Table of Contents -Item No 5. -'Green ' Cement Policy Compliance Statement 2. Notice To Bidders -Item No. 2 -'Green' Cement ~001 /011 3 Special Instructions to Bidders -Table of Contents Item No. 14 -Green Cement Policy 4 Special Instructions To Bidders -Item No. 14-Green Cement Policy 5 Bid Proposal -Note A. 6 Green Cement Policy Compliance Statement 7 Section 03300 -Cast In Place Concrete -2 .03-Cement Material -A.1 and A.2 All references to Green Cement are not applicable to this project. 8. Proposal -Replace proposal document in project manual with the attached proposal document. END OF ADDENDUM #1 Bid Opening Date: September 25, 2008 ::knowled e the receii this Addendum on your Proposal . ott Penn enior Project Manager Release Date : September 9, 2008 r ;• c.a,aaa.,._...,.. ~ .. , •• u....o . u IUat ... tr ~If\. l#>'"\11&....-=ii.a"r 1. "*Cfflla,JWDIIG,1,1111,s AU111 "L l:Glncrta CD1D L ,,.O(T .. 'll'IIICl 1 """';er w 1111.&1. --1. m"l'NJG' lC'QJI' cuam. "CXINC MIIMOQ P.'ol Ta 51•• .... 'lC 19'C11 """'-• "'-A:1111 .. :IIIGDfl&.I.• .. IUOl.,21,L co, 1Y (S' oCr¥M. .._, IDMC'bt' JH MIMf .. 9l a.rat ,.-MD,.-.,.,~ f...:CIOCT..._ 1'11 lilll JNl!1'.W,l,lJQN Nl[I]!QD Ktlra~ UWi:SfflC i1!D •. Ul!"5---------, rre100 srrnaw cucoN' SLaPB eeauc:non fl .. f•Suta ~,......, . ._.. ..... 1"iWCilS ~n:.cGtn.~~ l.All.'11 (.lia !liP(GlCDt DID g. .Aa9CtT l).Asf c:o,p,ut'lllon IS .XGO PT aNC:IIEn) l\fltJIHM.V.IND'All4~ ll!«D AS CO't~ f1"C. 11( 'N nt 11\,NX ~ tOr'Qif olll',cJ una:s«'c-a~ TO CDr<cR£1J: ,n,cmam DIUNI lldro..,t SECTION·GAJIION IAAJJRESS C Cl: ' . ,- Cl ' C: °' § ... !! <.a I ! CJ1 i <.a I • 2 . ~ a A °" .... -~ .... i (JI .... .2 "' ... r ., 1. ij ('") r, -,-j I < • 0 I 'Tl ~ I a ::II 0 s:~! ::ii:, >-i .. ,. = 14-.. .s s f (§1 Iii ., II 0 .... 0 '-0 ..... .... ___ u_u_1_1ts 1_ U 8 1.~:_ 5 J FAX 8 71 /LU 4 . . I ', ""t ' I ' \ \ ' I I ' ' ', \ 1 -- , I I I --. ' I' V \\\ \1\ .. ' ' ,\.: .F \ \ \ ~ .... \ \ \ I I \ \ ' "' I ,' I t \ \ ) CITY OF FI' WORTH '' , .. ~" ........ ·111 ....., IIOl.l ••• - 1'1•4 .-a•O!I ""'l~. ) .. 0 iii uJ ! , , , / ! ~011 /011 / FoRrWoRTH -~ .- SPECIFICATIONS AND CONTRACT DOCUMENTS FOR FOSTER P AR.K IN THE CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS Park Drives CZ00/541600/803370042780 DOE No. 6070 . . . . . ... -. . .. . .. . . . . .. . . ···--. . . . . . ~. Park Drainage C200/541600/803360042780 DOE No. 6070 Trail/Bridges C280/541600/803500042780 DOE No. 6070 MICHAEL J. MONCRIEF DALE A. FISSELER, P.E. MAYOR CITY MANAGER RICHARD ZAVALA, DIRECTOR PARKS AND COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT PARKS AND COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT PLANNING AND RESOURCE MANAGEMENT DIVISION FUNDING OF PROJECT BY CITY OF FORT WORTH 2004 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM AUGUST2008 DUNAWAY NO. 2006277 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. NOTICE TO BIDDERS 2. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 3. PROPOSAL 4. 'GREEN' CEMENT POLICY COMPLIANCE STATEMENT 5. CITY OF FORT WORTH M/WBE ENTERPRISE SPECIFICATIONS 6. CITY OF FORT WORTH PREVAILING WAGE RA TES 7. WEATHER TABLE 8. VENDOR COMPLIANCE TO STATE LAW 9. CONTRACTOR COMPLIANCE WITH WORKER'S COMPENSATION 10. PROJECT DESIGNATION SIGN 11 . TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION l -GENERAL REQUIREMENTS Section 01100 -Summary of Work Section 01135 -Contract Time Section 01140 -Alternatives Section 01150 -Payment To Contractor, Project Acceptance & Warranty Section 01300 -Submittals Section 01400 -Quality Control Section 01410 -Testing Section 01500 -Temporary Facilities and Controls Section 01640 -:J:>roduct Options Section 01700 -Project Closeout Section 01800 -Contractor's Responsibility for Damage Claims DMSION 2 -SITE WORK Section 02050 -Demolition Section 02200 -Site Preparation Section 02300 -Earthwork Section 02323 -Excavation, Backfill and Compaction for Pavement Section 02347 -Lime Stabilized Subgrade Section 02370 -Slope Protection and Erosion Control Section 02511 -Asphaltic Concrete Paving Section 02605 -Asphalt Surface Treatment Section 02622 -Pavement Marking on Asphalt Section 02840 -Turf Sodding Section 02846 -Signage Section 02870 -Site Furnishings DIVISION 3 -CONCRETE Section 03300 -Cast-in-Place Concrete DIVISION 7 -THERMAL & MOISTURE PROTECTION Section 07920 -Caulking and Sealants DIVISION 8 -MISCELLANEOUS CONSTRUCTION & MATERIALS Section 08032 -Gabion Structures 12. GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING STUDY 13. CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE 14 . BIDDER'S STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS 15. PERFORMANCE BOND 16. PAYMENT BOND 17. MAINTENANCE BOND 18. CONTRACT NOTICE TO BIDDERS Sealed Proposals for the following: PROJECT NAME: Foster Park PROJECT NO's. C200/541600/803370042780 C200/541600/803360042780 C280/541600/803500042780 DOE NO's. 6070 Addressed to Mr. Dale A. Fisseler, P.E., City Manager of the City of Fort Worth, Texas , will be received at the Purchasing Division Office until 1 :30 p.m ., Thurs ., September 25 , 2008, and then publicly opened and read aloud at 2 :00 p.m . in Council Chambers 2nd floor -N .E. corner of City Hall. Plans, Specifications and Contract Documents for this project may be obtained at the Park Planning section, Parks and Community Services Department, 4200 South Freeway, Suite 2200, Fort Worth, Texas 76115-1499 . Documents will be provided to prospective bidders for a deposit of $50 per set; deposits shall be made in the form of a check or money order. Each prospective bidder shall receive a deposit refund on the first two plan sets if the documents are returned in good condition within 10 days after bids are opened. Any additional plan sets shall requ i re a non-refundable deposit. These documents contain additional information for prospective bidders . All Bidders will be required to comply with Provision 5159a of "Vernon's Annotated Civil Statutes" of the State of Texas with respect to the payment of the prevailing wage rates, and City Ordinance No . 7278 , as amended by City Ordinance No. 7 400 (Fort Worth City Code, Section 13-A-21 through 13-A-29) prohibiting discrimination in employment practices. 1. 'Green Cement' As per Fort Worth City Council Resolution No. 3536 , the City Manager is authorized to specify the purchase of dry kiln cement with emissions not exceeding 1.7 pounds of NOx per ton of clinker produced . Should dry kiln cement be available at the time of Proposal submittal, Bidder(s) shall submit the 'Green Cement Policy Compliance Statement' along with the Bid Proposal. If dry kiln cement is not available at the time of Proposal submittal , Bidder(s) shall furnish Good Faith Effort Documentation in the form of letters from two (2) North Texas cement suppliers of green cement stating that no stock of green cement is available at time of Bid proposal submittal. Bidders shall submit either the 'Green Cement Policy Compliance Statement' or Good Faith Effort letters , as described above , with the Bid Proposal prior to b id opening. Failure to subm it either documents at the time of Proposal submittal shall be grounds for rejecting the bid as non-responsive . 2 . Minority / Women's Business Enterprise Participation Goals In accordance with the City of Fort Worth Ordinance No . 15530, the City of Fort Worth has goals for the participation of minority bus iness enterprises and women business enterprises in City contracts. A copy of the Ordinance can be obtained from the M/WBE Office or from the Office of the City Secretary. The bidder shall submit the MBE /WBE UTILIZATION FORM , SUBCONTRACTOR/ SUPPLIER UTILIZATION FORM, PRIME CONTRACTOR WAIVER FORM , GOOD FAITH EFFORT FORM and / or the JOINT VENTURE FORM ("Documentation) as appropriate and must be received no later than 5:00 P.M., five (5) City business days after the bid opening date, exclusive of the bid opening date. The bidder (a) shall subniit documentation at the reception area of the managing department, Department of Engineering, 2nd floor, City Hall, and shall obtain a receipt in person. Such receipt shall be evidence that the documentation was received by the City. (b) Electronic submittal of MWBE documentation will not be accepted. Failure to comply with (a) and (b) shall render the bid non-responsive. The following list is provided to assist bidders in obtaining the services of M/WBE vendors qualified to provide such services/materials for this project. A listing of qualified M/WBE vendors may be obtained at the City of Fort Worth M/WBE office, 3rd floor City Hall . Services/materials for this project are as follows: demolition/site prep sodding steel rebar asphalt retaining wall grading/earthwork concrete site furnishings stream bank stabilization pedestrian bridge earthwork seed i ng The City's minimum M/WBE goal on this project is 11 % of the total dollar value of this contract. 3. Prime Bidder Qualification Requirements The City will evaluate all submitted bids based on criteria and qualifications to determine award of contract as noted in Item 14. -Bidder's Statement Of Qualifications -Special Instructions To Bidders and upon receipt of Bidder's Statement Of Qualifications form included in this construction document. In general: • The Prime Bidder, as general contractor or sub-contractor, must demonstrate similar project scope experience on three (3) projects within the last three (3) years. All subcontractors intended for use on this project shall also demonstrate similar project scope experience necessary to successfully perform on their respective portion of work on this project. • The Prime Bidder must provide a list the surety company(s) which issued bonds for projects listed above. Additionally, the Prime bidder shall list the surety company intended for use on this project. • The Prime Bidder must submit a current certified financial statement prepared by an independent Certified Public Accountant. • The Prime Bidder shall perform work its own organization and with the assistance of work crews under its superintendence work of a value not less than fifty percent (50%) of the project scope of work as per Section 8.1 of the standard specifications for Street and Storm Drain Construction for the City of Fort worth. Bid der Qualifications submitted to th e Pa rks and Co mmunity Service Depa rtm e nt Project Manager must be received no later than 5:00 P.M ., five (5) City bus iness days after the bid opening date, exclusive of the bid opening date. 4 . Bid Addendum Bidders are responsible for obtaining all addenda to the contract documents and acknowledging receipt of the addenda by initialing the appropriate spaces on the Proposal form . Bids that do not acknowledge receipt of all addenda may be rejected as being non-responsive. Information regarding the status of addenda may be obtained by contacting the Project Manager. 5. Pre -Bid Conference A pre-bid conference will be held with prospective bidders at the Parks and Community Services Offices Conference Room 2 on September 9, 2008 at 9:00 a.m. 6. AWARD OF CONTRACT The City reserves the right to reject any or all bids and waive any or all formalities . The City will award one contract with a combination of base bids and/or alternates which is most advantageous to the City . No bid may be withdrawn until the expiration of 70 calendar days from the day bids are opened. The award of contract , if made , will be within 70 calendar days after the opening of bids , but in no case will the award be made until all necessary investigations are made as to the respons ibility of the bidder to whom the contract will be awarded. RICHARD ZAVALA, DIRECTOR DALE A . FISSELER, P.E. PARKS AND COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT By: Scott E. Penn, Sen ior Project Manager (817) 871-5750 First Advertisement Date : Thursday, August 28, 2008 Second Advertisement Date : Thursday, September 4, 2008 CITY MANAG ER MARTY HENDRIX CITY SECRETARY SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 1. BID SECURITY: Cashier's check or an acceptable bidder's bond payable to the City of Fort Worth, in an amount of not less than 5 percent of the largest possible total of the bid submitted must accompany the bid, and is subject to forfeit in the event the successful bidder fails to execute the contract documents within ten days after the contract has been awarded. To be an acceptable surety on the bid bond, the surety must be authorized to do business in the state of Texas. In addition, the surety must (1) hold a certificate of authority from the Untied States secretary of the treasury to qualify as a surety on obligations permitted or required under federal law; or (2) have obtained reinsurance for any liability in excess of $100,000 from a reinsurer that is authorized and admitted as a reinsurer in the state of Texas and is the holder of a certificate of authority from the Untied States secretary of the treasury to qualify as a surety on obligations permitted or required under federal law. Satisfactory proof of any such reinsurance shall be provided to the City upon request. The City, in its sole discretion, will determine the adequacy of the proof required herein. 2. PROPOSAL: After proposals have been opened and read aloud, the proposals will be tabulated on the basis of the quoted prices, the quantities shown in the proposal, and the applfoation of such formulas or other methods of bringing items to a common basis as may be established in the Contract Documents. The total obtained by taldng the sum of the products of unit prices quoted and the estimated quantities plus any lump sum items and such other quoted .amounts as may enter into the cost of the completed project will be considered as the amount of the bid. Until the award of the contract is made by the Owner, the right will be reserved to reject any or all proposals and waive technicalities, to re-advertise for new proposals, or to proceed with the work in any manner as maybe considered for the best interest of the Owner. The quantities of work and materials to be furnished as may be listed in the proposal forms or other parts of the Contract Documents will be considered as approximate only and will be used for the purpose of comparing bids on a uniform basis. Payment will be made to the Contractor for only the actual quantities of work performed or materials furnished in strict accordance with the Contract Documents and Plans. The quantities of work to be performed and materials to be furnished may be increased or decreased as hereinafter provided, without in any way invalidating the unit prices bid or any other requirements of the Contract Documents. 3. ADDENDA: Bidders are responsible for obtaining all addenda to the Contract Documents prior to the bid receipt. Information regarding the status of addenda may be obtained by contacting Parks and Community Services Department telephone number indicated in the Notice to Bidders. Bids that do not acknowledge all applicable addenda will be rejected as non-responsive. (See Item Gin the Proposal.) 4. AW ARD OF CONTRACT: The Contractmay not necessarily be awarded to the lowest bidder of the Base Bid. The Parks and Community Services Department shall evaluate and recommend to the City Council the best bid based on the combined benefits of total SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS -I - bid price and number of contract days allotted, as specified in the Proposal, and which is considered to be in the best interest of the City. Regardless of the Alternative chosen, the Contractor agrees to complete the Contract within the allotted number of days. If the Contractor fails to complete the work within the number of days specified in the Construction Documents, liquidated damages shall be charged as outlined in General Provisions, Item 8.6 Failure to Complete Work on Time, found in the Standard Specifications for Street and Storm Drain Construction of the City of Fort Worth, Texas . 5. · PAYMENT, PERFORMANCE AND MAINTENANCE BONDS: The successful bidder entering into a contract for the work will be required to give the City surety in a sum equal to the amount of the contract awarded. The successful bidder shall be required to furnish bonding as applicable in a sum equal to the amount of the contract awarded. The form of the bond shall be as herein provided and the surety shall be acceptable to the City. All bonds furnished hereunder shall meet the requirements of Chapter 2253 of the Texas Government Code, as amended. A. If the total contract price is $25,000 or less , payment to the contractor shall be ·made in one lump sum . Payment shall not be made for a period of 45 calendar days from the date the work has been completed and accepted by the City. B . If the contract amount is in excess of $25,000, a Payment Bond shall be executed, in the amount of the contract, solely for the protection of all claimants supplying labor and material in the prosecution of the work. C. If the contract amount is in excess of $100,000, a Performance Bond shall be executed, in the amount of the contract conditioned on the faithful -performance of the work in accordance with the plans, specifications, and contract documents. Said bond shall solely be for the protection of the City of Fort Worth. D. A Maintenance Bond shall be required for all Parks and Community Services Department projects to insure the prompt, full and faithful performance of the general guarantee as set forth in Division 1, Section 01150-Item 1.14: Warranty In order for a surety to be acceptable to the City, the surety must meet the requirements of V. A. T. S Insurance Code, art. 7.19-l(c). Satisfactory proof of any such reinsurance shall be provided to the City as outlined in the Notice To Bidders. The City, in its sole discretion, will determine the adequacy of the proof required herein. No sureties will be accepted by the City that are at the time in default or delinquent on any bonds or which are interested in any litigation against the City, Should any surety on the contract be determined unsatisfactory at any time by the City, notice will be given to the contractor to that effect and the contractor shall immediately provide a new surety satisfactory to the City 6. LIQUIDATED DAMAGES: The Contractor's attention is called to Part 1 -General Provisions, Item 8, Paragraph ·8 .6, Standard Specifications for Street and Storm Drain Construction of the City of Port Worth, Texas, concerning liquidated damages for late completion of projects. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS - 2 - 7 EMPLOYMENT: All bidders will be required to comply with City Ordinance No. 7278 as amended by City Ordinance No. 7400 (Fort Worth City Code Section 13-A-21 through 13-A-29) prohibiting discrimination in employment practices. 8 WAGE RATES: All bidders will be required to comply with provision 5159a of "Vernons Annotated Civil Statutes" of the State of Texas with respect to the payment of prevailing wage rates as established by the City of Fort Worth, Texas, and set forth in Contract Documents for this project. Disregard if Federal Wage Rates are applicable to . this project. If Federal Wage Rates are applicable to a project, the Contractor shall comply with all items identified in the attached Contractor's Packet. For further information regarding this packet, contact the Intergovernmental Affairs / Grants Management Division, Finance Department at (817) 871-8365 or 871-8387 9. FINANCIAL STATEMENT: .A current certified financial statement shall be provided to the City as outlined in the Notice to Bidders for use by the CITY OF FORT WORTH in determining the successful bidder. This statement is to be prepared by an independent Public Accountant holding a valid permit issued by an appropriate State Licensing Agency. 10. INSURANCE: Within ten days of receipt of notice of award of contract, the Contractor must provide, along with executed contract documents and appropriate bonds, proof of insurance for Workers Compensation (statutory); Comprehensive General Liability ($1,000,000 per occurrence, $2,000,000 aggregate); and Automobile Insurance ($1,000,000 each accident on a combined single basis or $250,000 property damage/$500,000 bodily injury per person per occurrence. A commercial business policy shall provide coverage on "any auto", defined as autos owned, hired, .and non- owned). Additional lines of coverage may be requested. If such a request is made after bid opening, Contractor shall be entitled to additional compensation equal to 110% of the additional premium cost. For worker's compensation insurance requirements, see Special Instructions to Bidders -Item 16. ADDITIONAL INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS: A. The City, its officers, employees and servants shall be endorsed as an additional insured on Contractor's insurance policies excepting employer's liability insurance coverage under Contractor's workers' compensation insurance policy. B. Certificates of insurance shall be delivered to the City of Fort Worth, contract administrator in the respective department as specified in the bid documents, 1000 Throckmorton Street, Fort Worth, TX 76102, prior to commencement of work on the contracted project. C. Any failure on part of the City to request required insurance documentation shall not constitute a waiver of the insurance requirements specified herein. D. Each insurance policy shall be endorsed to provide the City a minimum thirty days notice of cancellation, non-renewal, and/or material change in policy terms or coverage. A ten days notice shall be acceptable in the event of non-payment of premium. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS -3 - E. Insurers must be authorized to do business in the State of Texas and have a current A.M. Best rating of A: VII or equivalent measure of financial strength and solvency. F. Deductible limits, or self-funded retention limits, on each policy must not exceed $10,000.00 per occurrence unless otherwise approved by the City. G. Other than worker's compensation insurance, in lieu of traditional insurance, City may consider alternative coverage or risk treatment measures through insurance pools or risk retention groups . The City must approve in writing any alternative coverage. H. Workers' compensation insurance policy(s) covering employees employed on the project shall be endorsed with a waiver of subrogation providing rights of recovery in favor of the City. I. City shall not be responsible for the direct payment of insurance premium costs for contractor's insurance. J. Contractor's insurance policies shall each be endorsed to provide that such insurance is primary protection and any self-funded or commercial coverage maintained by City shall not be called upon to contribute to loss recovery. K. In the course of the project, Contractor shall report, in a timely manner, to City's officially designated contract administrator any known loss occurrence which could give rise to a liability claim or lawsuit or which could result in a property loss. L. Contractor's liability shall not be limited to the specified amounts of insurance required herein. M. Upon the request of City, Contractor shall provide complete copies of all insurance policies required by these contract documents. 11. NON-RESIDENT BIDDERS: Pursuant to Texas Government Code, art. 2252.002, the City of Fort Worth will not award this contract to a non-resident bidder unless the non- resident's bid is lower than the lowest bid submitted by a responsible Texas res_ident bidder by the same amount that a Texas resident bidder would be required to underbid a non-resident bidder to obtain a comparable contract in the state in which the non- resident's principal place of business is located. · "Non-resident bidder" means a bidder whose principal place of business is not in this state, but excludes a contractor whose ultimate parent company of majority owner has its principal place of business in this state. "Texas resident bidder" means a bidder whose principal place of business is in this state, and includes a contractor whose ultimate parent company or majority owner has its principal place of business in this state. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS - 4 - This provision does not apply if the project is funded in whole or in part with federal funds. The appropriate blanks of the Proposal must be filled out by all non-resident bidders in order for its bid to meet specifications. The failure of a non-resident contractor to do so will automatically disqualify that bidder. 12. MINORITY/WOMEN BUSINESS ENTERPRISE: In accordance with City of Fort Worth Ordinance No. 15530, the City of Fort Worth has goals for the participation of minority business enterprises and women business enterprises in City contracts. You may obtain a copy of the Ordinance from the Office of the City Secretary. The MEB/WBE Utilization Form, Subcontractor I Supplier Utilization Form, Prime Contractor/Waiver Form and the Good Faith Effort Form and or the Joint Venture Form, as applicable, must be submitted no later than 5:00 p. m. five (5) City business days after the bid opening date, exclusive of the bid opening date. The bidder shall submit the documentation at the reception area of the Department of Engineering ("Managing Departme13:t 11 ), 2nd floor, City Hall, and shall obtain a receipt. Failure to comply shall render your bid non-responsive. Upon contract execution between the City of Fort Worth and the successful bidder, now known as Contractor, a pre-construction meeting will be scheduled at which time the Contractor is required to submit either Letters of Intent or executed agreements with the M/WBE·firm(s) to be utilized on this project. Such Letters oflntent or executed agreements shall include the following information: 1. Name of Contract 2. Name ofM/WBE firm utilized 3. Scope of Work to be performed by the M/WBE firm 4. Monetary amount of work to be performed by the M/WBE firm 5. Signatures of all parties A notice to proceed will not be issued until the signed letter(s) or executed agreement(s) have been received. Throughout the duration of this project, the Contractor comply with the M/WBE Ordinance by complying with the following procedures: • A M/WBE Participation Report Form must be submitted monthly until the contract is completed. The first report will be due 30 days after commencement of work. The monthly report MUST have an original signature to ensure accountability for audit purposes. • Reports are to be submitted monthly to the M/WBE Office, regardless of whether or not the M/WBE firm has been utilized. If there was no activity by an M/WBE in a particular month, place a "O" or "no participation" in the spaces provided, and provide a brief explanation. • The Contractor shall provide the M/WBE Office proof of payment to the M/WBE subcontractors and suppliers only. The M/WBE Office will accept the following as SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS -5 - 13. proof of payment: 1. Copies of submitted invoices with front and back copies of canceled check(s), OR 2. A notarized letter explaining, in detail : a Subcontractor/supplier Scope of Work b . Date when services were received from subcontractor/supplier c . Amounts paid to the subcontractor/supplier d . Original signatures from both parties must be included on this letter. • If the Contractor foresees a problem with submitting participation reports and/or proof of payment on a monthly basis, the M/WBE Office should be notified. If the Contractor wishes to change or delete an M/WBE subcontractor or supplier, adhere to the following: 1. Immediately submit a Request for Approval of Change Form to the M/WBE Office explaining the request for the change or deletion. · 2. If the change affects the committed M/WBE participation goal, state clearly how and why in documentation. a. All requests for changes must be reviewed and pre-approved by the M/WBE Office. b. If the Contractor makes change(s) prior to approval, the change will not be considered when performing a post compliance review on this project. • Upon the Contractor's successful completion of this project, and within ten days after receipt of final payment from the City of Fort Worth, The Contractor will provide the M/WBE Office with a Final Participation Report Form to reflect the total participation from ALL subcontractors/suppliers utilized on the project. • All forms are available at the M/WBE Office, 3rd floor -City Hall. For additional information regarding compliance to the M/WBE Ordinance, call (817) 871-6104. Upon request, Contractor agrees to provide to Owner Complete and accurate information regarding actual work performed by a Minority/Women Business Enterprise (M/WBE) on the contract and payment therefore. Contractor further agrees to permit an audit and/or examination of any books, records or files in its possession that will substantiate the actual work performed by an M/WBE. The misrepresentation of facts ( other than a negligent misrepresentation) and/or the commission of fraud by the Contractor will be grounds for terminat ion of the contract and/or initiating action under appropriate federal, state or local laws or ordinances relating to false statements; further, any such misrepresentation (other than a negligent misrepresentation) and/or commission of fraud will result on the Contractor being determined to be irresponsible and barred from participating in City work for a period of time of not less than three years . PROTECTION OF TREES, PLANTS AND SOIL: All property along and adjacent to the Contractor's operations including lawns, yards, shrubs, trees, etc ., shall be preserved SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS -6- or restored, after completion of the work, to a condition equal or better than existed prior to start of work. By Ordinance, the Contractor must obtain a permit from the City Forester before any _ work (trimming, removal, or root pruning) can be done on trees or shrubs growing on public property including street Rights-Of-Way and designated alleys. This permit can be obtained by calling the Forestry Office at 871-5705. All tree work shall be in compliance with pruning standards for Class II Pruning as described by the National Arborist Association. A copy of these standards can be provided by calling the above number. Any damage to public trees due to negligence by the Contractor shall be assessed using the current formula for Shade Tree Evaluation as defined by the International Society of Arboriculture. Payment for negligent damage to public trees shall be made to the City of Fort Worth and may be withheld from funds due the Contractor by the City. To prevent the spread of the Oak Wilt fungus, all wounds on Live Oak and Red Oak trees shall be immediately sealed using a commercial pruning paint. This is the only instance when pruning paint is recommended. 14. 'GREEN' CEMENT POLICY: As per Fort Worth City Council Resolution N. 3536, all cement utilized for this project shall be procured from a kiln utilizing a dry kiln process or from any kiln that dos not produce an excess of 1. 7 lb of NOx emissions per ton of clinker produced. All related costs for complying with the Green Cement Policy shall be considered subsidiary to the applicable project pay items. This policy shall also apply to all cement products including concrete and concrete products. 15. BIDDER'S STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS A. QUALIFICATION OF BIDDERS: Prime Bidder and all sub-contractors to be used by the bidder in the performance of this project shall be required to demonstrate experience necessary to successfully perfonn the proposed scope of work. The Prime Bidders' specific (1) experience, (2) stability and (3) history of performance on projects of a similar nature and scope will be considered. The BIDDERS STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS shall be provided to the City as outlined in the Notice To Bidders and as noted in the specifications for the purpose of evaluating the Prime bidder / subcontractors qualifications. B. PRIME BIDDER/ SUBCONTRACTOR QUALIFICATIONS 1. Demonstrate experience as either general or sub-contractor on a minimum of three (3) projects similar in scope within the last three (3) years. 2. Provide listing of surety company(s) which issued bonds for previous projects identified as demonstrated experience. 3. Provide name of surety company to be used for this project. 4 . Provide a current certified financial statement as prepared by an independent Certified Public Accountant. 5. Name and qualifications for the site superintendence of the work. 6. Identify at least 50% of work which is to performed by the Prime Bidder with its own organization and work crews under its superintendence. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS . 7. 16. 7. All sub-contractors intended for use on this project shall also demonstrate similar project scope experience (three similar projects in scope within last three years) necessary to successfully perform their respective portion of work on this project. 8. Submittal of Letters Of Intent for the use of specific subcontractors listed on the Bidders Statement Of Qualification form. The Prime Bidder shall submit such Letters oflntent to the City no later than five (5) working days upon being recognized as the overall qualified bidder by the City. Should the Prime Bidder subsequently desire to substitute a subcontractor, the Prime Bidder shall notify the Project Manager in writing along with Letter Of Intent and experience qualifications for approval prior to commencement of construction. The documentation required herein shall be received by the Project Manager of the Parks and Community Services Department no later than five (5) City business days after the bid opening date, exclusive of the bid opening date. Recommendation of award of contract shall be contingent upon the Bidder and/ or sub-contractors meeting such qualification requirements. Location and responsive ability of the firm will be considered. If your firm anticipates entering into a joint venture with any other firm to conduct all or part of the performance required under the proposed project, that firm should be specified in your response. For each firm included in the joint venture, please provide the information required above. Under the Contract executed for this work the City will require your firm to be completely 100 percent responsible for fulfilling all aspects of the contract bonds. Other firms and employees that may be involved in their joint venture will be treated by the City wider the contract as if they were employees or subcontractors of your firm. Other than those firms noted in the contract as a part of the joint venture, no other firms will be allowed to participate in the joint venture without written consent from the City. OZONE ALERT DAYS: The Contractor shall be required to observe the following guidelines relating to working on City construction sites on days designated as "OZONE ALERT DAYS 11 • Typically, the Ozone Alert season within the Metroplex area runs from May through September, with 6:00 a.m. -10:00 a.m. being critical ozone forming periods each day. The Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission (TNRCC) in coordination with the National Weather Service, will issue the Ozone Alert by 3:00 p.m. on the afternoon prior to the alert day. On designated Ozone Alert Days, the Contractor shall bear the responsibility of being aware that such days have been designated Ozone Alert Days and as such shall not begin work until 10:00 a.m. whenever construction phasing requires substantial use of motorized equipment. However, the Contractor may begin work earlier if such work minimizes the use of motorized equipment prior to 10:00 a.m. If the Contractor is unable to perform continuous work for a period of at least seven hours between the hours of 7:00 a.m. -6:00 p.m., on a designated Ozone Alert Day, that day will be considered as a weather day and added onto the allowable weather days of a given month. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS - 8 - 17. WORKERS COMPENSATION INSURANCE COVERAGE: Contractors compliance with Workers Compensation shall be as follows: A. Definitions: Certificate of coverage ("certificate") -A copy of a certificate of insurance, a certificate of authority to self-insure issued by the commission, or a coverage agreement (TWCC-81, TWCC-82, TWCC-83, or TWCC-84), showing statutory workers' compensation insurance coverage for the person's or entity employees providing services on a project, for the duration of the project. Duration of the project -includes the time from the beginning of the work on the project until the contractor's/person's work on the project has been completed and accepted by the governmental entity. Persons providing services on the project ("subcontractor" in. 406.096) -includes all persons or entities performing all or part of the services the contractor has undertaken to perform on the project, regardless of whether that person has employees. This includes, without limitation, independent contractors, subcontractors, leasing companies, motor carriers, owner-operators, employees of any such entity, or employees of any entity which furnishes persons to provide services on the project. "Services" include, without limitation, providing, hauling, or delivering equipment or materials, or providing labor, transportation, or other service related to a project. 11 Services" does not include activities unrelated to the project, such as food/beverage vendors, office supply deliveries, and delivery of portable toilets. B. The contractor shall provide coverage, based on proper reporting of classification codes and payroll amounts and filing of any coverage agreements, which meets the statutory requirements of Texas Labor Code, Section 401.011(44) for all employees of the contractor providing services on the project, for the duration of the project. C. The Contractor must provide a certificate of coverage to the governmental entity prior to being awarded the contract. D. If the coverage period shown on the contractor's current certificate of coverage ends during the duration of the project, the contractor must, prior to the end of the coverage period, file a new certificate of coverage with the governmental entity showing that coverage has been extended. · E. The contractor shall obtain from each person providing services on a project, and provide to the City: (1) a certificate of coverage, prior to that person beginning work on the project, so the City will have on file certificates of coverage showing coverage for all persons providing services on the project; and (2) no later than seven days after receipt by the contractor, a new ~ertificate of coverage showing extension of coverage, if the coverage period shown on the current certificate of coverage ends during the duration of the project. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS -9 - E . The contractor shall retain all required certificates of coverage for the duration of the project and for one year thereafter. G. The contractor shall notify the governmental entity in writing by certified mail or personal delivery, within ten days after the contractor knew or should have known, of any change that materially affects the provision of coverage of any person providing services on the project. H. The contractor shall post on each project site a notice, in the text, form and manner prescribed by the Texas Workers' Compensation Commission, informing all persons providing services on the project that they are required to be covered, and stating how a person may verify coverage and report lack of coverage. I. The contractor shall contractually require each person with whom it contracts to provide services on a project, to: (1) provide coverage, based on proper reporting on classification codes and payroll amounts and filing of any coverage agreements, which meets the statutory requirements of Texas Labor Code, Section 401.011(44) for all of its employees providing services on the project, for the duration of the project; (2) provide to th_e contractor, prior to that person beginning work on the project, a certificate of coverage showing that coverage is being provided for all employees of the person providing services on the project, for the duration of the project; (3) provide the contractor, prior to the end of the coverage period, a new certificate . of coverage showing extension of coverage, if the coverage period shown on the current certificate of coverage ends during the duration of the project; (4) obtain from each other person or entity with whom it contracts, and provide to the contractor: (a) a certificate of coverage, prior to the other person or entity beginning work on the project; and (b) a new certificate of coverage showing extension of coverage, prior to the end of the coverage period, if the coverage period shown on the current certificate of coverage ends during the duration of the project; (5) retain all required certificates of coverage on file for the duration of the project and for one year thereafter. (6) notify the governmental entity in writing by certified mail or personal delivery, within ten days after the person knew or should have known, of any change that materially affects the provision of coverage of any person providing services on the project; and (7) contractually require each person with whom it contracts, to perform as required by paragraphs (1) -(7), with the certificates of coverage to be provided to the person for whom they are providing services. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS -IO - J. By signing this contract or providing or causing to be provided a certificate of coverage, the contractor is representing to the governmental entity that all employees of the contractor who will provide services on the project will be covered by workers ' compensation coverage for the duration of the project, that the coverage will be based on proper reporting of classification codes and payroll amounts, and that all coverage agreements will be filed with the appropriate insurance carrier or, in the case of a self- insured, with the commission's Division of Self-Insurance Regulation. The providing of false or misleading information may subject the contractor to administrative penalties, criminal penalties, civil penalties or other civil actions. K. The contractor's failure to comply with any of these provisions is a breach of contract by the contractor which entitles the City to declare the contract terminated if the contractor does not remedy the breach within ten days after receipt of notice of breach from the City. "The contractor shall post a notice on each project site informing all persons providing services on the project that they are required to be covered, and stating how a person may verify current coverage and report failure to provide coverage. This notice does not satisfy other posting requirements imposed by the Texas Workers' Compensation Act or other Texas Workers' Compensation commission rules. This notice must be printed with a title in at least 30 point bold type and text in at least 19 point normal type, and shall be in both English and Spanish and any other language common to the worker population. The text for the notices shall be the following text, without' any additional words or changes: REQUIRED WORKERS' COMPENSATION COVERAGE "The law requires that each person working on this site or providing services related to this construction project must be covered by workers' compensation insurance. This includes persons providing, hauling, or delivering equipment or materials, or providing labor or transportation or other service related to the project, regardless of the identity of their employer or status as an employee." "Call the Texas Workers' Compensation Commission at (512) 440-3789 to receive information on the legal requirement for coverage, to verify whether your employer has provided the required coverage, or to report an employer's failure to provide coverage." END OF SECTION SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS -1l - 09 /16 /08 _ _1_3; 5? FAX 871 5724 TO : Dale A . Flsseler, P .E. C ity Manager Fort Worth, Texas FOR: PARK IMPROVEMENTS AT: Foster Park PROJECT NOS.: Park Drives Park Drainage Trails/Bridges CITY OF FT WORTH ... PROPOSAL C200/541600/803370042780 C200/541600/803360042780 C280f541600l8035000427BO ~002/011 DOE NO.: Pursuant to the foregoing "Notice to Bidders," the undersigned has thoroughly examined the plans, specifications, and the site. understands the amount of work to be done, and hereby proposes to do all the work and furnish all labor, equipment, and materials necessary to fully complete all the work as provided in the plans and specifications, and subject to the inspection and approval of the Parks and Community Services Department Director of the City of Fort Worth. The "approximate quantity" category is for information purposes only. The Contractor shall be pa id on the basis of actual installed quantities on non lump surn items. Additionally, the Contractor shall be aware that the Proposal contains both Lump Sum and Unit Price items. If the lowest bid received exceeds the funds budgeted for the project, the City reserves the right to decrease the quantities contained in any line item or to e liminate any specific line items before award of the contract in order to bring the work with i n budget. By submitting a bid, the bidder acknowledges the City's right to adjust or eliminate line items prior lD the award of contract. Further, by submitting a bid , the bidder agrees to honor each line item bid price without recourse to the City in the event line items are adjusted or eliminated . Upon acceptance of this proposal by the City Council, the bidder is bound to execute a contract and furni sh , if applicable , Performance , Payment, and Maintenance Bonds approved by the City of Fort Worth for performing and completing the sa id work with in the time stated and for the following sums, to wit: PROPOSAL 1 PAY APPROX. ITEM QUANTITY :; DESCRIPTION OF ITEMS WITH BID PRICE WRITIEN IN WORDS UNIT ONE -PARKING (BASE BID) 1. 1 EA Furnish and install Project Sign ~ ~~C> Dollars & ND Cen ts per 2 . 1 LS SW3P Erosion J/cnt rol Plan Implementation 41< .,.-,40</Sbl,:> ~,._, vtJc;;,,e.,e,:, Dollars & /II o Cents per (See Sheet 13 .) 3 . 1 LS Traffic Control P lan Implementation C)J..Je rl·fo.tSA1.1c::> ..,-k/o #v-w,;;ul!;:> Dollars & A/{) Cents per 4 . 4 ,012 SF Remove and haul off asphalt paving NO Dol lars & S / ,tr"'( Cents per (See Sheet 3.) 5 . 1 LS Remove and dispose of light pole and fixture and post and cable system ~ /(( HvN,~r:> Dolla rs & Al 'd Cents per (See Sheet 3 .) 6. 120 LF Remove and haul off concrete curt 7/~ Dollars & 1£/ c., '""'T'T' Cents per (See Sheet 3.) 7 . 1,900 SY Install asphalt parking lot with lime stabilization ..,-µ I ,1.. 'T' "'f C) /II,?:; Dollars & ',}.JI {Z.-r(' Cents pe r (See Sheets 4 , 5, 6 , 7, 8. 9 , and 10.) 8 . 372 LF Install concrete curb and gutter and ancill ary excavation, and gr ading as necessary. Provi de 2' strip of sod around parking lot. ..,.,L) (£' Al r,' Dol lars & 1\/0 Cents per (See Sheets 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , B, 9 , and 10.) PROPOSAL 2 \ EA LS LS SF L S LF SY LF Lg)UUJ /Ull UNIT PRICE TOTAL ' AMOUNT BID $ 7aJ.~ $ '360.~ (p 1 C(). ce. $ 0£ C7tJO. $ /U,O.~ $ 0.0 /2&0. - $ ~ #) Zfo7 -s $ Uo OD iw.-6tJO. - $ $ so cAJ fJ ; "· -t. $ $ 3.E $ 3 / 5~110. $ ()0 t.,,() - $ Z(!}, 71t/O. $ <,C - ___ 0_9 /_1_6 /08 13 : 52 FAX 8 71 """"5...,_7_,,_2 4.:..._ __ _ C ITY OF FT WORTH PAY APPROX. ITEM QUANTITY 9. 1 SY 10 . 120 LF 11. 1 LS DESCRIPTION OF ITEMS WITH BID PRICE WRITIEN IN WORDS Furnish and install hydroseed common Bermuda grass in all disturbed areas not otherwise rece iving a 2' strip of sod >/'I( Dolla rs & Alo Cents pe r (See Sheets 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8, 9, and 10.) Install asphalt curb tJ<.Jt:. AJrt 11'1 rz.ee Dollars & NO Cents per (See Sheets 4 , 5, 6, 7, 8. 9, and 10.) Str iping otp.ark ing lot F, v~ !±_11uo~O Dollars & },/ 0 Cents per (See Sheets 4 , 5 , 6 , 7, S, 9, and 10 .) 12. 1 EA Furnish and install hand icap parking signage IJ>/D J,,iv1,1o~r.:, ,:-,,:::-r,-Dollars & f..l o Ce nts per (See Sheets 4 , 5 , 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10.) 13 . 800 CY Grading of parking lot N , .a.c E" Dollars & ====E=:-:,:P:--=ri==>======== Cents per (See Sheets 6 and 8 .} SY LF LS EA CY UNIT PRICE $ tA() - TOTAL AMOUNT BIO l@UUII /UlJ. 0.0 - $ 2 -:z ~ $ -Z.760. ce $ ./. co L: ~ $ 500. -$ /a). 0 ~ '/) t:g. $ 'Z? · s 2'5v. q ~ $ ' UNIT ONE -BASE BID TOTAL: UNIT TWO -DRAINAGE/EROSION CONTROL BASE BID 1 . 5 ,855 SF 2 . 1,650 SF Grad ing and clearing of creek embankment in preparatio;}oa oulde rs Do ll ars & F, ,:;ry tt;eve.J Cents per (See Sheet 3.) Placeme nt of limestone rip rap for embankrnent protectio n pov<2.. .,,,...,,~y IJ i'-'£ (See Sheet 4.) Dollars & Cents per PROPOSA L 3 ... 3$ 51 3337. --SF s $ 50 4'3J 7243. SF' $ $ 09 /16 /08 13:52 FAX 871 5724 CITY OF FT WORTH PAY APPROX. ITEM QUANTITY DESCRIPTION OF ITEMS WITH BID PRICE WRITTEN IN WORDS UNIT PRICE TOTAL AMOUMTBID 141005 /011 3 . 1,625 F.FT. Limestone boulder creek bank protection wall F o 11:--r , .pc.,., 12. Dollars & ::$,!!'~..,..y ,=:o,112.. Cents per F .FT. $ #.7~ $ (See Sheet 4 & 15.) 4. 1210 SF Concrete footing for Boulder C reek bank protection wall (p 40 oD ~ / 1( T"e i!!!J..J Dollars & 1q, B44. -p:-011-ry Cents per SF s I . -$ (See Sheet 4 & 15.) 5. 430 SF Fumish and i~stall gabion mattress JO oD N 11.1d: Dollars & 0. 3913. ---rJ!::JJ Cents per SF $ $ (See Sheet 4 & 15 .) 6. 3.325 SF Furnish and install limestone rip rap creek bottom lining i'l E?? '-' fZ-Dollars & $ 4 ~ t7-l 1JZ.r( /.JJJI!' Cents per SF JS- $ /46C)fo _ - (See Sheet 4 .) UNIT TWO -BASe BID TOTAL: /0 $ /Z/1 ~37- UNIT THREE • TRAILS & BRIDGES BASE BID 1 . 4 ,638 SF Remove and haul off existing portions of concrete 4 trail and existing low water crossing ~o o-, N O Dollars & :;> 0 2 0 CJQ - Ft P7'"f e.14)1,r-Cents per SF $ S 2 . 5 ,543 SF (See Sheet 3 .) Install concrete trail including 4 TxDOT Type 10 Handicap Ramps with ancillary excavation and grading as necessary r=e,\/L Dollars & > e. ~~~ Cents per (See Sheets 4 & 14.) 3 . 1 LS Furnilih and install ped~\trian bridge ,H, 4.-T j'-r,vo 7'~0vJ011,·~ P, Y~ ~9Dollars & N O Cents per (See Sheets 4 , 5 , 6 , 11 , & 12.) PROPOSAL ' •• ..:.-------------- SF $ 1. 1..E LS 09 /16 /08 13 :52 FAX 871 5724 CITY OF FT WORTH PAY APPROX. ITEM QUANTITY DESCRIPTION OF ITEMS WITH BID PRICE WRITTEN IN WORDS 4 . 1 EA Handicap accessible picnic table, including concrete pad with ancillary excavation and grading as necessary ,=-1 ~Ti n~~ rl-4~,:> /J\JO }/v...a1,tt1o Dollars & wo Cents per (See Sheets 4, 5. 6, & 14 .) 5 . 3.500 SF Furnish and i nstall 2' strip of sod on each side of EA UNIT PRICE TOTAL AMOUNT BID 14ZJ 006 /011 txD - concrete trail a:s determined by owner in field A(!) o<> ,J O Dollars& ~ /10CJ - t:QtLJr-r Cents per SF ....:.$ __ • ____ $..:..._ _____ ·_ (See Sheets 4, 5. 6, & 14 .) L1 '~ BC/z. '-2 UNIT THREE -BASE BID TOTAL; $ UNIT ONE -PARKl~G BID AL TERNA TE 1. 2 . 3. 4 . 5. 1,760 CY Grading for parking lot expansion N111 E Dollars & p::', ;:T"'f Cents per 1,185 SY Asphalt with lime stabilization for parking lot expansion ru, tz.rY ~ ,-.1.. Dollars & /...) I "1 £.r-( Cents per (See Sheets 4A , 5A , GA, 7. 8, 9, & 10 .) 475 LF Concrete curb and gutter for parking lot expansion with ancillary excavation and grading as necessary . 2' strip of sod around parking lot expansion. ,1v e:.tJ-r,' Dollars & t..J O Cents per (See Sheets 4A , 5A , GA, 7 , 8. 9, & 10.) 1 LS Additional striping for parking lot expansion F• v e /.Jv ~,::,,Li!J::> Dollars & AJO Cents per (See Sheet:s 4A , 5A, 6A, 7 . 8, 9, & 10.) 2 EA Furnish and install handicap signage f\i.JO /4v t,1Q£eC> I~ ,::r-, Dollars & NO Cents per (See Sheets 4A , 5A, 6A, 7 , 8 , 9, & 10.) ~OPOSI\L. 5 CY s 1.~ $ I~ 1 ;z.o. cg_ SY $ 3re,. 9_E $ 43 7Z.~.?~ .I $ ?O.~ to c;~oo. - LF $ LS $ 700. (8 $ '300.~ <!I)_ °" $ ~'30. ~ ?ro. EA $ 09 /16 /08 13: 52 .... fl\X ~71 5724 CITY OF FT WORTH 1©007 /011 PAY APPROX. rTEM QUANTITY DESCRIPTION OF ITEMS WITH BID PRICE WRITTEN IN WORDS UNIT PRICE TOTAL AMOUNT BID 6. 44 LF Furni sh and install limestone bou lder retaining wall with ancillary excavation and grading as necessary . - 2' ~!P of sod around retain ing waif . T'-\~ Hv ta~ Fo it'!1' Dollars & t-1 0 Cents per LF (See Sheets 4A, 5A. 6A , & 15 .) UNIT ONE-ALT. BID TOTAL: $ UNIT TWO -DRAINAGE/EROSION CONTROL BID AL TERNA TE 1. 1 EA Tree removal (if required), per caliper inch ....JFL.....:.., '11..:...cE.;;;;.....:..tl-"-~_.;..:c...-.......... ---Dollars & --,-----,,-----'-N ..... c:, _____ Cents per (See Sheets 4 & 4A. ~ $ '5/X). $ 2 . 144 CY Black-coated Wire gabion baskets with exposed faces filled With limestone placed for embankment Of,~ • prAtection in lieu of limestone boulders . ~ ,o J4 .~w.- B~ 90(c,_ €;O C:::> Me. Hv ~owze O t.l \ tHSr( Dollars & l 9 0. $ 2-7, 3 ~o. No Cents per CY .;.$ _____ --'-'------ 3. 1 CY (See Sheet 4.) Additional limestone bo ulders and ba nk clearing fo r embankment protecti on I=',~ 11'.s-...01£.fX> F"cl=='r'"1 Dollars & _____ N __ o ______ Cents per (See Sheet 4A .) CY ao UNIT TWO -ALT. BID TOTAL : s 2 <o, ~l-0. - UNIT THREE -TRAILS & BRIDGES BID AL TERNA TE 1. 540 SF Remove and haul off existing concrete trail N, 0 Doll ars & F , ~Tj e.\uiJ.t1"' Cents per (See Sheet 3 .) P ROPOSAi. G SF $ $ ......... -----'-------- 1.,.0 '3 l 3 .- 09 /16 /08 13 :52 FAX 871 5724 CITY UF Ff WUKl'H PAY APPROX. ITEM QUANTITY DESCRIPTION OF ITEMS WITH BID PRICE WRITIEN IN WORDS 2. 4 ,305 SF Extension of concrete trail with ancillary excavatron and grading as necessary . Provide 2' strip of sod on each side of trail. 3. 2 EA ,Fovt2.. Dollars & =====e:=:,:p::A::::::=:=:=:=cents per (See Sheet 4A, SA , & 14 .) Handicap accessible picn ic tab les including concrete pad with ancillary excavation and grading as necessary . Provide 2' strip of sod around concrete pad. TH-ace Tfl<>.,N;IJ~r, r,.f~ /,{,IA'~lars & 4 . 2EA NO Cents per (See Sheet 4A, 5A, 6A, & 14 .) Handicap access ible picnic bench stations including concrete pad with ancillary excavation and grading as necessary. Provide 2' strip of sod around concrete pad. 7'<10 ,#~v~~....,r;;, e;evev J/v ,v~O Dollars & SF EA NO Cents per EA (See Sheets 4A, 5A, 6A, & 14 .) UNIT PRICE TOTAL AMOUNT BID Lg)UUO /Ull /30 \ t7), 312.. - $ $ UNIT THREE-ALT. BID TOTAL: 31 ~BG.~ $ I UNIT 1 BASE BIO : UNIT 2 BASE BID : UNIT 3 BASE BID ; TOTAL BASE BIDS : UNIT 1 BID ALTERNATE ; UNIT 2 BID ALTERNATE ; UNIT 3 BIO ALTERNATE : TOTAL BID ALTERNATES : BID RECAPITULATION PROPOSAL 7 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ ~O, o4CJ. ,z. () - LZ-t1. ri,37_ ~ {pg, 8C)Z. I~ 44 277. 518 . -• 6~ 9ofo. ~C> --ze, 410. ~ 3 /( b 85'"'. "7~ I /4 0 C>OZ .~ ~111 ur r~ WUKlH igJOOll /011 PAY APPROX. ITEM QUANTITY DESCRIPTION OF 1TEMS WITH BID PRICE WRITTEN IN WORDS UNIT PRICE TOTAL AMOUNT BIO The Contractor performing this contract assures that all cement used in the performance of work complies to documents submitted with the Proposal, either provid ing 'green' cement in accordance to the 'Green Cement Compliance Policy Statement. or non -green cement in compliance to the Good Faith Effort and that all Proposal line items regarding the use of concrete shall imply the use of such . This contract issued by an organization that qualifies for exemption pursuant to the prov isions of Article 20.04 (F) of the Texas Limited Sales , Excise and Use Tax Act. The Contractor performing this contract may purchase , rent or lease all materials, supplies. equ ipment used or consumed in the performance of the contract by issuing to his supplier an exemption certificate in lieu of the tax, said exemption certificate complying with State Comptroller's ruling tax, said exemption certificate complying With State Comptroller's ruling #95-0 .07 . Any such exemption certificate issued by the Contractor in lieu of the tax shall be subject to the provisions of the State Comptroller's ruling #95.09 as amended to be effective October 2, 1968 . The undersigned assures that its employees and applicants for employment and those of any labor organization, subcontractor or employment agency in either furnishing or referring employee applicants to the unders igned are not discriminated against as prohibited by the terms of City Ordinance 7278, as amended by City ordinance 7400 (Fort Worth City Code Sections 13-A-21 through 13-A-29). prohibiting discrimination in employment practices . The undersigned agrees to complete all work covered by these contract documents within SixtyJ§.9.l Working Days after the date for commencing work as set forth in the Notice to Proceed to be issued by the owner and to pay not less than the Federal Wage Rates. Within ten (10) days of receipt of notice of acceptance of this bid. the undersigned will execute the formal contract and will deliver applicable Surety Bonds fort e faithful ~dormance of this contract. The attached deposit check in the sum of O 811:;, 'f!!;t, .. o Dollars (S ______ __, is to become the property of the City of Fort Worth, Texas, or the attached Bidder's Bond is to be forfeited in the event the contract and applicable bonds are not executed within the time set forth, as liquidated damages for delay and additional work caused thereby . In case of ambiguity or lack of clearness in stating prices in the Proposal, the City reserves the right to adopt the most advantageous price for construction thereof to the City or to reject the proposal. Receipt is hereby acknowledged of the following addenda : No .4 No . 1 C-: nf !~ . No . 2 No . 3 ------~ ---- Respectfully submitted, /LL v-r z_ C-.e,. r;.r!Lvur"H ..., I-. L. {; . (Compan~1ll/1 m "~f'l. .. -z. By (Authorized Signature) Date: ___ ~_~_..-pn __ "E!"i_~_;__e __ e _,z... __ z_5._, _Z_l!!O __ g __ -Po . _-C,O_'>C.._ ,f t)t)_p.'1-q .t ,ri)rcr tLI~ IX'. / I,/ 8~ Telephone : ~11 i -qi ~tf{ii-:-'%. ( ) . . -;,,- Address : PROPOSAi. 8 J9 -. l -8 1-'/c::Q,, ATTACHMENT 1A ~ J I Page 1 of 4 City of Fort Worth Subcontractors/Suppliers Utilization Form PRIME COMPANY NAME : Check applicable block to describe prime /(:...L. UTZ.. C,ou$T'f2.vono..J t.:L.v. XI MIW/DBE I I PROJECT NAME: NON-MIW/DBE BID DATE FOSTER PARK 5t=,::::,re,-, 'l:>E:12-z.?, zeoe City's M/WBE Project Goal: Pri me's M/WBE Project Utilization: PROJECT NUMBER 11% fl % T)o~~ C:,070 Identify all subcontractors/suppliers you will use on this project t ,'::.·,c·-i·• ''"!. M/WBEs listed toward m_eeting the . project goal must be located in the nine (9) county marketplace or currently doing ·business .l.1'.1 the marketplace at the time of bid. Mark~tplace is the geographic area of Tarrant, Parker, Johnson, Collin , Dallas, Denton , Ellis, Kaufman and Rockwall counties. ALL M/WBEs MUST BE CERTIFIED BEFORE CONTRACT AWARD. Certification means those firms, located or do ing business at the time of bid opening within the Marketplace, that have been determined to be bonafide minority or women businesses by the North Central Texas Regional Certification Agency (NCTRCA), or the Texas Department of Transportation (TX DOT), highway division . Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) is synonymous with Minority/Women Business Enterprise (M/WBE). If hauling services are utilized, the prime will be given credit ~$ long as the MfyVBE list.¢d owns and operates at least one . fully UcensecLand opetational tru~k io be used .on the contrad. Tlle . .MJWBE .rriay lease trucks from another M/WBE firm, .including M/WBE oWner~operators, arid receive fuUfv1iWBJ;credit.. The MNVBE may leas~ tr.uc,ks from non-M/WBE:s, including owner":'operators; but will only receive credit for the fees and commissions earned bY the.M/WBE as .outlined in the leas·e·agreement. . . . . . Rev. 5/30/03 ~ ~ FORT WORTH ~· l':;-5J _ ATIACHME NT 1A . -u:3 ~l ~:a~ P~e2~4 I ,V Primes are required to identify ALL subcontractors/suppliers, regardless of status ; i.e., Minority, Women and non-M/WBEs . Please list MNJBE firms first, use additional sheets if necessary. Certification (check one) SUBCONTRACTOR/SUPPLIER 1---~~~- Company Name I N T Address e M w c X B B T D Telephone/Fax r R o E E E'-GiLe ~6,{:,,UGJ~ ~..,~p.,-U)H "-..'-fJ. 44o I JJ.-J:-3~ l ~ t.4-rl)t-l I f,J_ 7 {p 2fY7 ":)40 -'383-OO<f(p 'P."'- c::,4o -3S'?>-a,c,7 F0 '( C.ouTow~ 12.eo,·~; 11.. p.(!). 60'I.. '"' 7-;z.-r fb a.::r ,J o.cn-\ 1 .,-:.( 1 lP J tp I e,, i 150) '9 J q pMo ... e . 6117'30J l,lt., F~,c. ~~Oo~ G,..~1"".Co)~ p.c,. eo~ ~ t:t 'Br f eso ... , T~. 71Pef11 Br7 z.qs-_cx,eo6::> P 14 • ~' "T zq,~ -'7"11"' PP~ ~p:M, ~ .~,t"l2,.X)C'1-~ Li-D. . -?€01 'f>r'l.u.L\Jt?T,. C.1~ ~ ,T.J. . 7<PzA-B _ 9,1 74\ 4fo5€» p~e. ch, 741 41cA8 FLi>it /::,(2.(,0 ~';IT". $vP?-'f 2.~ t-,Jp,SI..J-.& ~-r: F(>~ \Jo~, T,;( 1t,lOS'° 8\1 ,$'3\ ;eoo e~ ~\, 6.31 2.':h~ F"b", C T A X X x Detail Subcontracting Work Detail Supplies Purchased HJ 1L.t4 l $ l,l \2 I pi2,.::,p ,:.uO c,y,,e,o~ $,TO~E'.: (-=i,1'2.N•'» ~ ~S'f'(l.A lc,..I So f-"0-'"'( s i. See'-x c~~) l:::1 -- Dollar Amount tJ!J (0{;00.- ~'-----------_i__J_-.L.---'---'-_L.___i_ _______ _._ ______ .L----R~e-v-=.s~/3~0/='03 I FORT WORTH J9 -'>J - ATTACHMENT 1A Page 4 of 4 ~ Total Dollar Amount of M/WBE Subcontractors/Suppliers $ 4cP &zo.'B I Total Dollar Amount of Non-M/WBE Subcontractors/Suppliers $ · ,(f:),zt:;<3.2 ~ TOTAL DOLLAR AMOUNT OF ALL SUBCONTRACTORS/SUPPLIERS $ I 4<P, ~73, Z._z By affixing a signature to this form , the Offeror further agrees to provide, directly to the City upon request , complete and accurate information regarding actual work performed by all subcontractors, including M/W/DBE(s) arrangements submitted with the bid . The Offerer also agrees to .allow an audit · and/or examination of any books, records and files held by their company. The bidder agrees to allow the transmission of interviews with owners, principals, officers, employees and applicable subcontractors/suppliers/contractors participating on the cc;mtract that will substantiate the actual work performed · by the M/VV/DBE(s) on this contract, by an authorized officer or employee of th.e City. Any intentional and/or knowing misrepresentation of facts will be grounds for terminating the contract or debarment from City work for a period of not less than three (3) years and for initiating action under Federal, State or Local laws concerning false statements . Any failure to comply with this . ordinance . anc:l create a material breach of contract may result in a determination of an irresponsible Offerer arid barred from participating in City work for a period of time not less than one (1) year. Printed Signature Contact NamefTitle (if different) =-: P.1"" L -~. 617 ~J OC/'10£31-,C,ZI tyfq"Q Telephone and/or Fax c~ ~ea @., fGL..\/1' z. C.C,o srlAton ~ J _Cc,~ E-mail Address Date · Rev . 5/30/03 Classification AC Mechanic AC Mechanic Helper Acoustical Ceilin~ Mechanic Bricklayer/Stone Mason Bricklayer/Stone Mason Helper 'carpenter Carpenter Helper Concrete Finisher Concrete Form Builder Drvwall Mechanic Drywall Helper Drywall Taper Drywall Taper Helper Electrician· (Journeyman) Electrician Helper Electronic Technician Electronic Technician Helper Floor Layer (Resilient) Floor Layer Heloer Glazier Glazier Helper ·Insulator Insulator Helper Laborer Common Laborer Skilled Lather . Painter Painter Helper Pipefitter 'Pipefitter Helper 'Plasterer Plasterer Helper. 2008 PREVAILING WAGE RATES CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY -HrlyRate Classification $21.69 Plumber $12.00 Plumber Helper $15.24 Reinforcing Steel Setter $19.12 Roofer $10.10 Roofer Helper $16.23 Sheet Metal Worker $11. 91 Sheet Metal Worker Helper $13.49 Sprinkler System Installer $13.12 Sprinkler System Installer Helper $14.62 Steel Worker Structural $10.91 Concrete Pump - Crane, Clamsheel, Backhoe, Derrick, D'Line $13.00 Shovel $9.00 Forklift $20.20 Front End Loader $14.43 Truck Driver $19.86 Welder $12.00 Welder Helper $20.00 $13.00 $18.00 $13.00 $14.78 $11.25 $10.27 $13.18 $16.10 $14.83 $8.00 $18.85 $12 .83 $17.25 $12.25 ' HrlyRate- $20.43 $14.90 $10.00 $14.00 $10.00 $16 .96 $12 .31 $18.00 $9.00 $17.43 $20.50 $17.76 $12.63 $10.50 $14.91 $16.06 $9.75 HEAVY & IDGHW AY CONSTRUCTION PREVAILING WAGE RATES 2008 Air Tool Operator Asphalt Distributor Operator Asphalt Paving Machine Operator Asphalt Raker Asphalt Shoveler Batching Plant Weigher Broom or Sweeper Operator Bulldozer Operator Carpenter Concrete Finisher, Paving Concrete Finisher, Structures Concrete Paving Curbing Machine Operator Concrete Paving Finishing Machine Operator Concrete Paving Joint Sealer Operator Concrete paving Saw Operator Concrete Paving Spreader Operator Concrete Rubber Crane, Clamshell, Backhoe, Derrick, Dragline, Shovel Operator Electrician Flae:e:er Form Builder/Setter, Structures Fonn Setter, Paving & Curb Foundation Drill Operator, Crawler Mounted Fowidation Drill Operator, Truck Mounted Front End Loader Operator Laborer. Common Laborer, Utility Mechanic Milling Machine Operator, Fine Grade Mixer Operator Motor Grader Operator, Fine Grade Motor Grader Operator, Rough Oiler Painter, Structures Pavement Marking Machine Operator .PiPelayer Reinforcing Steel Setter, Paving Reinforcing Steel Setter, Structure Roller Operator, Pneumatic, Self-Propelled Roller Operator, Steel Wheel, Flat Wheel/Tamping RoJler Operator, Steel Wheel, Plant Mix Pavement Scraper Operator Servicer Slip Form Machine Operator Spreader Box Operator Tractor Ooerator, Crawler Tvoe Tractor Operator, Pneumatic Traveling Mixer Operator Truck Driver, Lowbov-Float Truck Driver, Single Axle, Heavy Truck Driver, Single Axle, Light Truck Driver, Tandem Axle, Semi-Trailer Truck Driver, Transit-Mix Wa_gon Drill, Borin _g Machine, Post Hole Driller Operator Welder Work Zone Barricade Servicer $10.06 $13.99 $12.78 $11.01 $ 8.80 $14.15 $ 9 .88 $13.22 $12.80 $12.85 $13.27 $12.00 $13.63 $12.50 $13.56 $14.50 $10.61 $14.12 $18.12 $ 8.43 $11.63 $11.83 $13.67 $16.30 $12.62 $ 9.18 $10.65 $16.97 $11.83 $11.58 $15.20 $14.50 $14.98 $13.17 $10.04 $11.04 $14.86 $16.29 $11.07 $10.92 $1128 $11.42 $12.32 $12.33 $10.92 $12.60 $12.91 $12.03 $14.93 $11.47 $10.91 . $11.75 $12.08 $14.00 $13 .57 $10.09 Compliance with and Enforcement of Prevailing Wage Laws (a) Duty to pay Prevailing Wage Rates. The contractor shall comply with all requirements of Chapter 2258, Texas Government Code (Chapter 2258), including the payment of not less than the rates determined by the City _Council of the City of Fort Worth to be the prevailing wage rates in accordance with Chapter 2258. Such prevailing wage rates are included in these contract documents. (b) Penalty for Violation. A contractor or any subcontractor who does not pay the prevailing wage shall, upon demand made by the City, pay to the City $60 for each worker employed for each calendar day or part of the day that the worker is paid less than the prevailing wage rates stipulated in these contract documents. This penalty shall be retained by the City to offset its administrative costs, pursuant to Texas Government Code 2258.023. (c) Complaints of Violations and City Detennination of Good Cause. On receipt of information, including a complaint by a worker, concerning an alleged violation of2258.023, Texas Government Code, by a contractor or subcontractor, the City shall make an initial determination, before the 31st day after the date the City receives the information, as to whether good cause exists to believe that the violation occurred. The City shall notify in writing the contractor or subcontractor and any affected worker of its initial determination. Upon the City's determination that there is good cause to believe the contractor or subcontractor has violated Chapter 2258, the City shall retain the full amounts claimed by the claimant or claimants as the difference between wages paid and wages due under the prevailing wage rates, such amounts being subtracted from successive progress payments pending a final determination of the violation. (d) Arbitration Required if Violation Not Resolved. An issue relating to an alleged violation of Section 2258.023; Texas Government Code, including a penaity owed to the City or an affected worker, shall be submitted to binding arbitration in accordance with the Texas General Arbitration Act (Article 224 et seq., Revised Statutes) if the contractor or subcontractor and any affected worker do not resolve the issue by agreement before the 15th day after the date the City makes its initial determination pursuant to paragraph ( c) above. If the persons· required to arbitrate under this section do not agree on an arbitrator before the 11th day after the date that arbitration is required, a district court shall appoint an arbitrator on the petition of any of the persons. The City is not a party in th~ arbitration. The decision and award of the arbitrator is final and binding on.all parties and may be enforced in any court of competent jurisdiction. ( e) Records to be Maintained. The contractor and each subcontractor shall, for a period of three (3) years following the date of acceptance of the work, maintain records that show (i) the name and occupation of each worker employed by the contractor in the construction of the work provided for in this contract; and (ii) the actual per diem wages paid to each worker. The records shall be open at all reasonable hours for inspection by the City. The provisions of the Audit section of these contract documents shall pertain to this inspection. (f) Pay Estimates. With each partial payment estimate or payroll period, whichever is less, the contractor shall submit an affidavit stating that the contractor has complied ·with the requirements of Chapter 2258, Texas Government Code. (g) Posting of Wage Rates. The contractor shall post the prevailing wage rates in a conspicuous place at the site of the project at all times. (h) Subcontractor Compliance. The contractor shall include in its subcontracts and/or shall otherwise require all of its subcontractors to comply with paragraphs (a) through (g) above. MONTH JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY AUGUST . SEPTEMBER OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER ANNUALLY WEATHER TABLE AVERAGE DAYS RAINFALL (1) 7 7 7 9 8 6 5 5 7 6 6 ···?---··. .. .. -~ -·-·-·····--··-·---~-. 80 (1) (2) (3) Average nonnal number of days rainfall, 0.01" or more. Average nonnal precipitation. One inch (I") or more. * Less than one-half inch (1/2 "). INCHES RAINFALL (2) 1.80 2.36 2.54 4.30 4.47 3.05 1.84 2.26 3.15 2.68 2.03 · ·· · .. -·t:82--· · 32.30 SNOW/ICE PELLETS (3) 1 * * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ···---···*--··-· ....... 1 Unseasonable weather is defined for contract purposes as rain/snow days which exceed the average number of days or inches of rainfall in any given month. This table is based on infonnation recorded at the former Greater Southwest International Airport, Fort Worth, Texas, covering a period of 18 years. Latitude 32° 50' N, Longitude 97° 03 ' W, elevation (ground) 537 ft. VENDOR COMPLIANCE TO STATE LAW Section 2252.002, Texas Government Code, provides that, in order to be awarded a contract as low bidder, non-resident bidders (out-of-state contractors whose corporate offices or principal place of business are outsi~e of the State of Texas) bid projects for construction, improvements, supplies or services in Texas at an amount lower than the lowest Texas resident bidder by the same amount that a Texas resident bidder would be required to underbid a non-resident bidder in order to obtain a comparable contract in the State in which the non-resident's principal place of business is located. The appropriat e blanks in Section A must be filled out by all out-of-state or non-resident bidders in order for your bid to meet specifications. The failure of out-of-state or non-resident contractors to do so will automatically disqualify that bidder. Resident bidders must check the box in Section B. A. Non-resident vendors in ______ (give state), our principal place of business, are required to be percent lower than resident bid ders by state law. A copy of the statute is attached. Non-resident vendors in _____ (give state), our principal place of business, are not required to underbid resident bidders. B. Our principal place of business or corporate office is in the State of Texas. ~ Please Check or mark with an "X" BIDDER: C- (please p rint) ? JJ~~ "1-JLt-vr1,., (please p rint) (please print) By: / L.1-~r 2-C-a J.J s,-rz...,or, <:> ,...1 Company L . L . e, · Signarure: CQ{;!fll_ City / State P.O. /3DX. I (XJ"U3 Fori:rldOdT.J Zip 7 '-' / fJ S- -r/C"tl-A "5 THIS FORM MUST BE RETURNED WITH YOUR Q U OTATION VENDOR COMPLIANCE TO STATE LAW TO THE EMPLOYER/CONTRACTOR: Pursuant to Texas Worker's Compensation Commission Rule 110.110( d)(7), a contractor engaged in a building or construction project for ·a government entity is required to post a notice on each project site informing all persons providing services on the project that they are required to be covered by workers' compensation insurance. The notice required by this rule does not satisfy other posting requirements imposed by the Texas Workers' Compensation Act or other Commission rules. This notice must: (1) be posted in English, Spanish and any other language common to the employer's employee population; (2) be displayed on each project site; (3) state how a person may verify current coverage and report failure to provide coverage; ( 4) be printed with a title in at least 30-point bold type and text in at least 19-point normal type; and (5) contain the exact words as prescribed in Rule 110.110(d)(7) without additional words or changes. The notice on the reverse side meets the above requirements. Failure to post the notice as required by this rule is a violation of the Act and commission rules. The violator may be subject to administrative penalties. REQUIRED WORKERS' COMPENSATION COVERAGE The law requires that each person working on this site or providing services related to this construction project must be covered by workers' compensation insurance. This includes persons providing, hauling, or delivering equipment or materials, or providing labor or transportation or other service related to the project, regardless of the identity of their employer or status as an employee. Call the Texas Workers' Compensation Commission at 512-440-3789 to receive information on the legal requirement for coverage, to verify whether your employer has provided the required coverage, or to report an employer's failure to provide coverage. COBERTURA REQUERIDA DE COMPENSACION PARA TRABAJADORES La ley requiere que cada persona trabajando en este sitio o proporciona servicios relacionados con este proyecto de construccion tiene que estar cubierto por aseguranza de compensacion para trabajadores. Esto incluye personas que pro9porcionan, cargan, entregan equipo o materiales o proporcionan mano de obrra, transportan, o cualquier servicio relacionado con este proyecto, sin considerar la identidad del patron o estado del empleado. Llame a la Com ision Tejana de Compensacion para Trabajadores al 512- 440-3789 para recibir informacion de los requerimientos legales de cobertura, para verificar si su patron le ha proporcionado la cobertura requerida o para reportar falta del patron en proporcionarle cobertura. PROJECT DESIGNATION SIGN !------------4' -0H ----------! PMS -167 =13" Project Title 1 • 2ND LINE .. I 1 IF.NECESSARY_/ ~ 3 11 l~n======= Contractor: ---=t ln 2 ~"rContractor's Name 1 : 2 . ~21/J . 1" f . ~ 4 L . . FUN,DED BY . _ · l" la T 2004 _C_APITALIMPROVEMENTPROGRA_M ~~ln l~11 r= Scheduled Completion Date _1_ 111 1 4 1~·11 t . Year ~ 2 1" FONTS: FORT WORTH LOGO IN CHEL TINGHAM BOLD ALL OTHER LETTERING IN ARIAL BOLD COLORS: FORT WORTH -PMS 2BB LONGHORNLOGO -PMS167 LETTERING -PMS 288 BACKGROUND -WHITE BORDER -BLUE 511 ·- PROJECT DESIGNATION SIGN CITY OF FORT WORTH-CONSTRUCTION"" STANDA~D DRAWING NO. DATE: 9-20--02 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 1 -GENERAL REQUIREMENTS SECTION 01100 -SUMMARY OF WORK The Contractor shall supply all superintendence and shall perfonn all work and furnish all labor, equipment, m_aterials and incidentals necessary and complete all work as described in the plans and specifications. All construction and other work shall be done by the Contractor in accordance with the best engineering and construction practices for the skill or trade involved. The work to be accomplished under these plans and specifications for: Foster Park South Drive and Trail Lake Drive Mapsco 89M These plans and specifications were prepared by the Parks and Community Services Department. The Department of Engineering will administer the contract and furnish inspection. In addition to project performance stated above, the Contractor shall also be responsible for: 1. Setting all project layout dimensions and final finish grade elevations in accordance to plans. All such survey work shall be performed by a Registered Surveyor in the State of Texas and verification provided to the City that such survey work complies to plans and specifications. 2. Attend all project progress meetings as scheduled by the City and provide updated project schedules within 3 calendar days upon request by the City. The applicable items contained in the Standard Specifications for Street and Storm Drain Construction for the City of Fort Worth, Texas, shall apply to this contract just as though each were incorporated in these documents. Where the provisions or specifications contained in those documents are contrary to this publication, this publication shall govern. In case of conflict between plans and specifications, the plans shall govern. A copy of the Standard Specifications for Street and Storm Drain Construction can be purchased at the office of the Transportation and Public Works Department, 1000 Throckmorton Street, 2nd Floor, Municipal Building, Fort Worth, Texas. The Contractor shall be responsible for obtaining permits when either water or electrical service is required for the project and give all notices necessary and incidental to the due and lawful prosecution of the work. GENERAL REQUTREMENTS -I - SECTION 01135 -CONTRACT TIME 1.01 PROGRESS AND COMPLETION Upon receipt ofa notification letter and the executed construction contract, the Contractor shall be responsible for scheduling a preconstruction conference, which shall be held no later than ten working days from the date of the notification letter. At the time of the preconstruction conference , a construction start date shall be established and indicated in the Notice to Proceed (Work Order) issued by the Engineering Department. The Contractor shall begin the work to be performed under the contract on or before ten working days from the date the Work Order is issued. The Contractor shall carry the work forward expeditiously with adequate forces and shall complete it within the period of time stipulated in the contract. 1.02 LIQUIDATED DAMAGES This project shall be completed within the specified days allowed, to include contract time specified at award of contract plus any additional contract time added through executed Change Orders. If project construction exceeds the allotted contract time, liquidated damages will be assessed on the total amount of contract, to include contract amount increases due to Change Order work, as stipulated in the City of Fort Worth Standard Specification for Street and Storm Drain Construction -Item No. 8.6 -Failure to Complete Work On Time -Pg. 27. In the event of a dispute regarding either final quantities or liquidated damages, the parties shall .attempt to resolve the differences within 30 calendar days. SECTION 01140-ALTERNATIVES The City reserves the right to abandon, without obligation to the contractor, any part of the project (subject to conditions set forth in Section 01150 -Payment to Contractor) or the .entire project at any time before the Contractor begins any construction work authorized by the City. SECTION 01150 -PAYMENT TO CONTRACTOR, PROJECT ACCEPTANCE & WARRANTY 1.01 SCOPE OF PAYMENT: The Contractor shall accept the compensation as provided in the contract in full payment for furnishing and paying for all materials, supplies, subcontracts, labor, tools and equipment necessary to complete the work of the contract; for any loss or damage which may arise from the nature of the work from the action of the elements, or from any unforeseen difficulty which may be encountered in the prosecution of the work, until the final acceptance of the work by the City; for all risks of every description connected with the prosecution of the work; for all expenses and damages which might accrue to the Contractor by reason of delay in the initiation and prosecution of the work from any cause whatsoever; for any infringement of patent, trademark or copyright, and for completing the work according to the plans and/or GENERAL REQUIREMENTS • 2 - specifications. The payment of any current or partial estimate shall in no way affect the . obligations of the Contractor to repair or remove, at his own expense, the defective parts of the construction or to replace any defective materials used in the construction, and to be responsible for all damages due to such defects if such defects or damages are discovered on or before the final inspection and acceptance of the work. 1.02 Partial pay estimates shall be submitted by the Contractor or prepared by the City on the 1st day and 15th day of each month that the work is in progress. Estimates will be paid within 25 days following the end of the estimate period, less the appropriate retainage as set out below. Partial pay estimates may include acceptable nonperishable materials delivered to the work place which are to be incorporated into the work as a permanent part thereof, but which at the time of the pay estimate have not been so installed. If such materials are included within a pay estimate, payment shall be based upon 85% of the net invoice value thereof. The Contractor will furnish the Engineer such information as may be reasonably requested to aid in the verification or the preparation of the pay estimate. 1.03 It is understood that the partial pay estimate amounts will be approximate only, and all partial pay estimates and payment of same will be subject to correction in the estimate rendered following the discovery of the mistake in any previous estimate. Payment of any partial pay estimates shall not be an admission on the part of the Owner of the amount of work done or of its quality or sufficiency or as an acceptance of the work done; nor shall same release the Contractor of any of its responsibilities under the Contract Documents. 1.04 The City reserves the right to withhold the payment of any partial estimate if the Contractor fails to perform the work in strict accordance with the specifications or other provisions of this Contract. 1.05 Retainage -For contracts of less than $400,000 at the time of execution, retainage shall be 10 percent. For contracts of $400,000 or more at the time of execution, retainage shall be 5 percent. The Contractor will receive full payment for work, less retainage, from the City, on each partial payment period. Payment of the retainage will be included with the final payment after acceptance of the project being complete. 1. 06 Contractor shall pay subcontractors in accord with the subcontract agreement within five business days after receipt by Contractor of the payment by City. Contractor's failure to make the required payment to subcontractors will authorize the City to withhold future payments from the Contractor until compliance with this paragraph is accomplished. 1.07 Contractor hereby assigns to City any and all claims for overcharges associated with this contract which arise under the antitrust laws of the United States, 15 U.S .C.A. Sec . 1 et ~ (1973). GENERAL REQUIREMENTS -3 - 1.08 INCREASED OR DECREASED QUANTITIES: The Owner reserves the right to alter the quantities of the work to be performed or to extend or shorten the improvements at any time when and as found to be necessary, and the Contractor shall perform the work as altered, increased or decreased at the unit prices. Such increased or decreased quantity shall not ·be more than 25 percent of the contemplated quantity of such item or items. When such changes increase or decrease the original quantity of any item or items of work to be done or materials to be furnished by the 25 percent or more, then either party to the contract shall upon written request to the other party be entitled to a revised consideration upon that portion of the work above or below the 25 percent of the original quantity stated in the proposal; such revised consideration to be determined by special agreement or as hereinafter provided for "Extra Work ." No allowance will be made for any changes in anticipated profits nor shall such changes be considered as waiving or invalidating any conditions or provisions of the Contract Documents. 1.09 PAYMENT FOR EXTRA WORK: Extra work performed by the Contractor, that is authorized and approved by the City Engineer, will be paid for under "Change orders" made in the manner hereinafter described, and the compensation thus provided shall be accepted by the Contractor as payment in full for all labor, subcontracts, materials, tools, equipment and incidentals, and for all supervision, insurance, bonds and all other expense of whatever nature incurred in the prosecution of the extra work. Payment for extra work will be made under one of the following types of "Change orders" to be selected by the City: A. Method "A". By unit prices agreed upon in the contract or in writing by the Contractor and City Engineer and approved by the City Council before said extra work is commenced subject to all other conditions of the contract. B. Method "B". By a lump sum price agreed upon in writing by the Contractor and City Engineer and approved by the City Council before said extra work is commenced, subject to all other conditions of the contract. C . Method "C". By actual field cost of the work, plus 15 percent as described herein below, agreed upon in writing by the Contractor and City Engineer and approved by the City Council after said extra work is completed, subject to_ all other conditions of the contract. In the event extra work is to be performed and paid for under Method "C", the actual field costs of the work will include the cost of all workmen, foremen, timekeepers, mechanics and laborers working on said project; all used on such extra work only, plus all power, fuel, lubricants, water and similar operating expenses; and a ratable proportion of premiums on performance and payment bonds, public liability, workmen's compensation and all other insurance required by law or ordinance. The City Engineer will direct the form in which the accounts of actual field cost will be kept and will recommend in writing the method of doing the work and the type and kind of equipment to be used, but such extra work will be performed by the Contractor as an independent contractor and not as an agent or employee of the City. GENERAL REQUfREMENTS -4 - The 15 percent of the actual field cost to be paid the Contractor shall cover and compensate him for profit, overhead, general supervision and field office expense, and all other elements of cost and expense not embraced within the actual field cost as herein specified. The Contractor shall give the City Engineer access to all accounts, bills, invoices and vouchers relating thereto. 1.10 DELAYS: If delay is caused by specific orders given by the City to stop work, or by the performance of extra work, or by the failure of the City to provide material or necessary instructions for carrying on the work,.then such delay will entitle the Contractor to an equivalent extension of time, his application for which shall, however, be subject to the approval of the City Council; no such extension of time shall release the Contractor or the surety on his performance bond from all his obligations hereunder which shall remain in full force until the discharge of the contract. 1.11 CLAIMS AND DAMAGES: Any claims for extra work or for any other related matter or cause must be made in writing to the City Engineer within seven calendar days from and after the cause or claim arises. Unless such claim is so presented, it shall be held that the Contractor has waived the claim, and he shall not be entitled to receive pay thereof. 1.12 TRANSPORTATION: No allowance or deduction will be made for any charge of freight rates. No allowance for transportation of men, materials or equipment will be allowed. 1.13 ACCEPTANCE AND FINAL PAYMENT: The City, upon receipt of the Director1s 11 Certificate of Completion" and 11 Final Estimate" and upon receipt of satisfactory evidence from the Contractor that all subcontractors and persons furnishing labor or materials have been paid in full and all claims of damages to property or persons because of the carrying on of this work have been resolved, or the claims dismissed or the issues joined, shall certify the estimate for final payment after previous payments have been deducted and shall notify the Contractor and his surety of the acceptance of the project. Bills Paid Affidavit and Consent Of Surety shall be required prior to final payment becoming due and payable. In the event that the Bills Paid Affidavit and Consent Of Surety have been delivered to the City and there is a dispute regarding (1) final quantities, or (2) liquidated damages, the City shall make a progress payment in the amount that the City deems due and payable. On projects divided into two or more units, the Contractor may request a final payment on one.or more units which have been completed and accepted. On delivery of the final payment, the Contractor shall sign a written acceptance of the final estimate as payment in full for the work done. All prior partial estimates shall be subject to correction in the final estimate and payment. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS -5 - 1.14 WARRANTY: The Contractor shall be responsible for defects in this project due to faulty workmanship or materials, or both, for a period of two (2) years beginning as of the date that the final punch list has been completed and the project accepted by the City as of the date the final punch list has been completed, as evidenced by a written statement signed by the Contractor and the City. The contractor will be required to replace, at own expense, any part, or all. of this project which becomes defective due to these causes. SECTION 01300 -SUBMITT ALS Prior to construction, the Contractor shall furnish the Parks and Community Services Department a schedule outlining the anticipated time each phase of construction will begin and be completed, including sufficient time for turf establishment (if applicable) and project clean-up. The Contractor shall submit to the Project Manager shop drawings, product data and samples required in specification sections. Refer to Section 01640 -1.02. SECTION 01400 -QUALITY CONTROL The. Contractor will receive all instructions and approvals from the Director of Engineering and/or his assigned inspectors. The inspector will be introduced to the contractor prior to beginning work. Any work done at the direction of any other authority .will not be accepted or paid for. Final approval for the finished project shall be given by the Director of Engineering, City of Fort Worth. The Contractor or a competent and reliable superintendent shall oversee the work at all times. The superintendent shall represent the Contractor in his absence and all directions given to him . shall be binding as if given to the Contractor. SECTION 01410 -TESTING All tests made by the testing laboratory selected by the City will be paid for by the City. In the event manufacturing certificates are requested, they shall be paid for by the Contractor. SECTION 01500 -TEMPORARY FACILITIES AND CONTROLS The Contractor shall take all precautions necessary to protect all existing trees, shrubbery, sidewalks, buildings, vehicles, utilities, etc., in the area where the work is being done. The Contractor shall rebuild, restore, and make good at his own expense all injury and damage to same which may result from work being carried out under this contract. The utility lines and conduits shown on the plans are for information only and are not guaranteed by the Owner to be accurate as to location and depth; they are shown on the plans as the best information available from the owners of the utilities involved and from evidences found on the ground. The Contractor shall determine the exact location of all existing utilities and conduct his work to prevent interruption of service or damages. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS -6- SAFETY RESTRICTIONS -WORK NEAR IDGH VOLTAGE LINES A warning sjgn not less than five inches by seven inches, painted yellow with black letters that are legible at twelve feet, shall be placed inside and outside vehicles such as cranes, derricks, power shovel, drilling rigs, pile drivers, hoisting equipment or similar machinery. The warning sign shall read as follows: "WARNING -UNLAWFUL TO OPERATE THIS EQUIPMENT WITHIN SIX FEET OF HIGH VOLTAGE LINES." Equipment that may be operated within six feet of high voltage lines shall have an insulating cage-type guard about the boom or arm, except backhoes or dippers, and insulator links on the lift hood connections. When necessary to work within six feet of high voltage electric lines, the Contractor shall notify power company (TU Electric or the appropriate power supplier) to erect temporary mechanical barriers, de-energize the line, or raise or lower the line. The contractor shall maintain a log of all such correspondence. The Contractor is responsible for all costs incurred. SECTION 01640 -PRODUCT OPTIONS 1.01 GENERAL For review and approval of products to be used on this project, send submittals to: Scott Penn, Senior Project Manager {817) 871-5750 Parks and Community Services Department 4200 S. Freeway Suite 2200 Fort Worth, Texas 76115-1499 1.02 PRODUCTS LIST A. Within five (5) Working Days after commencement of work, the Contractor shall submit to the Project Manager two (2) copies of complete list of all specified products and submittals for review and approval. B. All specified manufacturer's products listed in the Equipment Schedule in the construction plans have been previously reviewed and approved in conformance to playground prototype designs approved for use in the City of Fort Worth. C. All equipment specified (composite play structures, arch swings, buck-a-bouts, spring animals, whirls) which comprise the various playground prototype options has been designed to conform to both the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) guidelines and Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements and as such, no other product equipment shall be considered. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS -7 - C. For products specified under reference standards, include with listing of each product: 1. Name and address of manufacturer 2. Trade name 3. Model or catalog designation 4. Manufacturer's data a. Performance and test data b. Reference standards D. Specified material shall not be ordered by the Contractor until such time product material submittals have been received, reviewed and approved by the project consultant and/ or City. SECTION 01700 -PROJECT CLOSEOUT 1.01 CLEAN -UP The Contractor shall make final clean-up of the construction area, to the satisfaction of the Parks and Community Services Department, as soon as construction in that area is completed. Clean-up shall include removal of all construction materials, pieces of concrete, equipment and/or other rubbish. No more than five (5) days shall elapse after the completion of construction before the area is cleaned. Surplus materials shall be disposed of by the Contractor, at this O"Yll expense, and as directed by the Parks and Community Services Department. Cleaning of equipment by Contractor or Subcontractor, such equipment as cement mixers, ready-mix trucks, tools, etc., shall take place in an area designated by the Parks and Community Services Department. SECTION 01800 -CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY FOR DAMAGE CLAIMS Contractor covenants and agrees to indemnify City's engineer and architect, and their personnel at the project site for contractor's sole negligence. In addition, Contractor covenants and agrees to indemnify, hold harmless and defend, at its own expense, the Owner, its officers, servants and employees, from and against any and all claims or suits for property loss, property damage, personal injury, including death, arising out of, or alleged to arise out of, the work and services to be performed hereunder by Contractor, its officers, agents, employees, subcontractors, · licensees or invitees, whether or not any such injury, damage or death is caused, in whole or in part, by the negligence or alleged negligence of Owner, its officers, servants or employees. Contractor likewise covenants and agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Owner from and against any and all injuries to Owner's officers, servants and employees and any damage, loss or destruction to property of the Owner arising from the performance of any of the terms and conditions of this Contract, whether or not any such iniury or damage is caused in whole or in part by the negligence or alleged negligence of Owner, its officers, servants or employees. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS -8 - J In the event Owner receives a written claim for damages against the Contractor or its subcontractors prior to final payment, final payment shall not be made until Contractor either (a) submits to Owner satisfactory evidence that the claim has been settled and/or a release from the claimant involved, or (b) provides Owner with a letter from Contractor's liability insurance carrier that the claim has been referred to the insurance carrier. The Director may, ifhe deems appropriate, refuse to accept bids on any other City of Fort Worth public work from a Contractor against whom a claim for damages is outstanding as a result of work performed under a City Contract. END OF DIVISION GENERAL REQUIREMENTS - 9 - SECTION 02050 -DEMOLITION PART 1 -GENERAL 1.01 WORK INCLUDED A. Furnish labor, materials, equipment and incidentals necessary for every type of required demolition. B. Furnish equipment of every type required to demolish and transport construction debris away from the site. 1.02 QUALITY ASSURANCE [Not Used] 1.03 SUBMITT ALS Submittals shall be in accordance with Section 01330 & 01340 SUBMITTALS. 1.04 STANDARDS Work shall be performed in accordance with the codes and ordinances of the agency having jurisdiction over the Place of Record. 1.05 DELIVERY AND STORAGE Stockpile construction debris at the site only as long as necessary to arrange hauling to a disposal site . Stack materials neatly and handle in an orderly manner until removed from site. Construction debris shall be placed in trash containers. Do not allow trash to blow around the construction site. 1.06 JOB CONDITIONS A. Contractor shall visit the site and determine the extent of demolition required and the site conditions that might affect his proposal. Include costs of covering all aspects of the demolition as part of the proposal. B. The drawings shall be carefully reviewed to determine the extent of necessary demolition. Property lines and limits of demolition shall be accurately located prior to beginning site demolition. Demolition outside the limits indicated on the plans, or outside the property lines shall not be performed. C. Material removed from the construction site during demolition, and any equipment not otherwise designated to remain the property of the Owner shall become the property of the Contractor and shall be promptly removed from the construction site. PART 2 -PRODUCTS [Not Used] PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.01 PREPARATION A. Mark areas to be cleared and grubbed prior to commencing clearing additional requirements. Program Manager shall approve clearing and grubbing limits prior to commencement of cl earing operations. DEMOLITION 02050 -I - B. The clearing limits shall not extend beyond the project limits, plus adequate distance _ as approved by the Program Manager to allow for construction procedures. 3.02 BACKFILLING A. Backfill cavities resulting from demolition. Fill cavities occurring within the limits of building, structures, or pavements in accordance with the requirements of other sections of the specifications. Backfill and compact cavities outside the construction limits to the same density as the surrounding earth. No testing is required for this type of fill. B. Except where further excavation extends beyond the cavities resulting from work performed under this section, fill holes with appropriate backfill material and compact to the density of the surrounding undisturbed soil. Finish the site by blading or other methods to smooth the area, remove ditches, mounds, or other natural or manmade irregular features. Blend grades together in a smooth uniform manner. 3.03 EXISTING LANDSCAPING A. Remove trees and brush of all sizes and description within the limits of construction. Cut trees approximately 12" above ground line and grub out and remove the remaining stumps and roots. Remove root systems larger than one (1) inch to 12" below the lowest foundation line. B. Protect trees and landscaping not designated to be removed from damage. Contractor and Program Manager shall visit the site and mark trees that are to remain. In the event that these trees are in close proximity to the construction, wrap trunks with 2" x 4" timber and take precautions to prevent damage to limbs and root systems. C. Scrape the entire site within the limits of construction, including structures, building, streets, parking lots or other pavements clear of brush, under-growth, or other vegetation. D. Felled trees, brush, lumber, concrete, and other debris shall become the property of the Contractor, and shall be promptly removed from the site. E. Areas that have gravel parking or areas that are HMAC surfaces shown to be removed will be excavated down to natural soil. All gravel will be stockpiled on site as per Engineer. Gravel may be used in other areas requiring gravel if approved by · Engineer. All HMAC surfaces shall be disposed of off site. 3.04 EXISTING STRUCTURES Remove any concrete or masonry structures within the limits of the construction, or as otherwise indicated, including concrete slabs, foundations, brick or other masonry work, concrete steps, septic tanks, sidewalks, pavements, curbs and gutters or other components. 3.05 BURIED STRUCTURES Remove underground structures such as abandoned manholes, vaults, septic tanks and distribution field piping, inlets, buried trash, or debris. DEMOLITION 02050 -2- 3.06 UNDERGROUND UTILITIES Take precautions during excavation procedures to guard against damage to active underground piping. In the event that inactive or abandoned pipelines are uncovered, determine that the lines are inactive, then remove buried piping within the limits of construction, or 4'-0" beyond the limits of buildings or other structures, or as needed to clear excavations. Plug both ends of such abandoned piping with concrete plugs. 3 .07 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL No burning will be permitted on the site. 3.08 CLEAN AND ADJUST At conclusion of demolition, remove all remaining trash and d ebris from the construction site. Clean site to remove wind-blown paper, trash or other debris . END OF SECTION DEMOLITION 02050 - 3 - SECTION 02200 -SITE PREPARATION PART 1 -GENERAL 1.01 SCOPE: Work in this section includes furnishing all labor, materials, equipment and services required for clearing and grubbing, demolition, and removal and disposal of items as specified herein and on the plans. ·. 1.02 RELATED WORK SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE: A. Section 02300 -Earthwork B. Existing Conditions, Removal and Demolition Items. PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2.01 No products are required to execute this work, except as the Contractor may deem necessary. PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.01 CLEARING AND GRUBBING: A. Clearing and grubbing shall consist of removing all natural and artificial objectionable materials from the I?roject site or from limited areas of construction specified within the site. B. In general, clearing and grubbing shall be performed in advance of grading and earthwork operations and shall be performed over the entire area of earthwork operations. C. Unless otherwise specified on the plans, all trees and shrubs of three inch (3") caliper or less ( caliper is the diameter as measured twelve inches (I 2") above the ground) and all scrub growth, such as cactus, yucca, vines, and shrub thickets, shall be cleared. All dead trees, logs, stumps, rubbish of a:ny nature, and other surface debris shall also be cleared. D. Buried material such as logs, stumps, roots of downed trees that are greater than one and one half inches (1-1/2") in diameter, matted roots, rubbish, and foreign debris shall be grubbed and removed to a minimum depth of twenty four inches (24") below proposed finished grades. E. Ground cover consisting of weeds, grass, and other herbaceous vegetation shall be removed prior to stripping and stockpiling topsoil from areas of earthwork operations. Such removal shall be accomplished by "blading" off the uppermost layers of sod or root-matted soil for removal. SITE PREP ARA TfON 02200 -I - 3.02 PAVEMENTREMOVAL: A. Bituminous and concrete pavements shall be removed to neatly sawed edges. Saw cuts shall be full depth. If a saw cut in concrete pavement falls within three feet (3 ') of an en existing score joint, construction joint, saw joint, cold joint, expansion joint, or edge, the concrete shall be removed to that joint or edge. All saw cuts shall be parallel and/or perpendicular to the line of existing pavement. If an edge of a cut is damaged subsequent to saw cutting, the concrete shall again be sawed to a neat, straight line for the purpose of removing the damaged area. B. Concrete curb and gutter shall be removed as specified above. No section to be replaced shall be smaller than thirty inches (30") in length or width. 3.03 UTILITIES REMOVAL: In general, those utilities on the site that are to be removed and that belong to the Owner shall be removed by the Contractor. The Owner is responsible for arranging the relocation or removal of other utilities owned by utility companies or other parties. 3.04 MINOR DEMOLITION: There may be certain items on the site such as old building foundations, fences, and other undetermined structures and improvements that must be removed before construction can commence. Unless otherwise specified, such items become the-property of the Contractor for subsequent disposal. 3.05 USE OF EXPLOSIVES: The use of explosives will not be permitted in site preparation operations. 3.06 BACKFILLING: All holes, cavities, and depressions in the ground caused by site preparation operations will be backfilled and tamped to normal compaction and will be graded to prevent ponding of water and to promote drainage. Should any excavated hole or cavity be required to be left open over night, the Contractor shall be responsible to provide barriers and / or coverings to enhance .on site accident prevention measures. 3.07 DISPOSAL OF WASTE MATERIALS: A. Unless otherwise stated, materials generated by clearing, grubbing, removal, and demolition shall be known as "waste" or "spoils" and shall be removed from the site and disposed of by the Contractor. Similar materials may be unearthed or generated by earthwork operations or by subgrade preparation. Unless otherwise specified any merchantable items become the property of the Contractor. END OF SECTION SITE PREPARATION 02200 -2 - SECTION 02300 -EARTHWORK PART 1 -GENERAL 1.01 SCOPE: Work in t~is section includes furnishing aU labor, materials, equipment, and services required to construct, shape, and finish earthwork to the required lines, grades, and cross sections as specified herein and on the plans. 1.02 RELATED WORK SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE A. Section 02200 -Site Preparation. B. Grading Plan: Refer to plan sheets . 1.03 METHOD OF PAYMENT: Earthwork is a necessary and incidental part of the work. The total cost will be included in the Bid Proposal. Payment will be made on a Lump Sum basis only. PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2.01 PREPARATION A. B. C. D. E. F. Identify required lines, levels, contours, and datum. Locate and identify ex~sting utilities that are to remain and protect from damage. Notify utility companies to remove or relocate utilities that are in conflict with proposed improvements. Protect plant life, lawns, fences, existing structures, sidewalks, paving, and curbs from excavatmg equipment and vehicular traffic .' Protect benchmarks, property corners, and other survey monuments from damage or displacement. If market needs to be removed it shall be referenced by licensed land surveyor and replaced, as necessary, by same Remove from site, material encountered in grading operations that, in opinion of Owner, is unsuitable or undesirable for backfilling, subgrade, or foundation purposes. Dispose of in manner satisfactory to Owner. Backfill areas with layers of suitable material and compact as specified herein. PART 3 -PRODUCTS 3.01 UNCLASSIFIED EXCAVATION: Unclassified excavation shall consist of all excavation, unless separately designated, within the limits of the work. Unclassified excavation includes all material encountered regardless of its nature or the manner in which it is to be excavated. 3.02 UNCLASSIFIED FILL A. Unclassified fill shall consist of all fill within the limits of the work. All suitable native materials removed in unclassified excavation, or similar imported materials, shall be EARTHWORK 02300 - I - used insofar as practicable as m1classified fill. Properly deposited, conditioned, and compacted fill is hereinafter referred to as "earth embankment." B. Rock: Minor quantities of rock not greater than four inches in greatest dimension are permissible in fill materials used to construct earth embankment. Minor quantities of rock of greater dimensions may be placed in the deeper fills in accordance with the State Department of Highways and Public Transportation requirements for construction of rock embankments, provided such placement of rock is not immediately adjacent to structures or piers. Also, rock may be placed in the portions of embankments outside the limits of the completed graded width where the size of the rock prohibits their incorporation in the normal embankment layers. 3 .03 TOPSOIL On-Site Topsoil: Topsoil shall consist of an average depth of six inches (6") of native surface soil left in place after the ground cover of herbaceous vegetation and other objectionable matter has been cleared by "blading," as specified in Section 02200, "Site Preparation." Topsoil may be greater or less, than the upper six inches ( 6") in depth. 3.04 IMPORTED FILL A. Imported fill materials shall be used for the construction of earth embankment in the event that (I) the volume of unclassified excavation is less than the volume of fill required for earth embankment and/or (2) the condition of materials removed in m1classified excavation makes them m1suitable for use in the construction of earth embankment. B. The Contractor shall haul and place imported fill obtained from off-site sources as necessary to construct the embankment and various other details of the construction plans. All costs related to such imported fill will be included in the contract price, and no additional or separate payment for imported fill will be due the Contractor. C . A sample of the proposed imported fill must be provided by the Contractor and be approved by the Owner. In general, imported material must be equal to or better than native material in quality and engineering characteristics. The Architect/ Engineer may also require the Contractor to provided a material analysis test of the proposed fill. 3.05 SELECT MATERIALS A. Select materials shall be imported from offsite sources, unless they are available from specifically designated areas o~ the site as marked on the plans. 3.06 UNSUITABLE MATERIALS A. Topsoil, select material, imported fill, or unclassified fill will be declared as '"unsuitable" by the Owner if, in his opinion, any of the following conditions or matter and particles are present to a degree that is judged detrimental to the proposed use of the material. EARTIIWORK 02300 -2. 1. Moisture 2. Decayed or undecayed vegetation 3. Hardpan clay, heavy clay, or clay balls 4. Rubbish 5. . Construction rubble 6. Sand or gravel 7. Rocks, cobbles, or boulders 8. Cementious matter 9. Foreign matter ofany kind B. Unsuitable materials will be disposed of as "waste" as specified in Section 02200. C. Wet Material: If fill material is unsatisfactory for use as embankment solely because of high moisture content, the Architect/Engineer may grant the Contractor permission to process the material to reduce the moisture content to a usable optimum condition. PART 4 -EXECUTION 4.01 SITE PREPARATION: In general, "site prepatation," as specified in Section 02200, shall be performed in advance of grading and earthwork operations and shall be completed over the entire area of earthwork operations. 4.02 TOPSOIL A. The removal and storage of topsoil shall occur after site preparation is complete and before excavation and embankment construction begin. Likewise, topsoil will be replaced after excavation and embankment construction are complete. B. Removal: Topsoil shall be stripped to an average depth of six inches (6") from areas where excavation and embankment construction are planned. Topsoil may be obtained from greater depths if it is uncontaminated by the substratum and it is of good quality, in the opinion of the Architect/Engineer. C. Storage: Topsoil shall be stored in stockpiles conveniently located to areas that will later receive the topsoil. Stockpiles shall be out of the way of earthwork operations in locations approved by the Owner or Architect/Engineer. Stored topsoil shall be kept separate from other excavated materials and shall be protected from contamination by objectioriable materials that would render it unsuitable. D. Timing: Topsoil will not be replaced (deposited) until construction activities are complete that would create undesirable conditions in the topsoil, such as overcompaction or contamination. Trenching for items such as electrical conduit and irrigation pressure lines must be complete before topsoil replacement may begin. D. Replacement: Topsoil will be deposited in a single layer or lift. It will be placed, processed, compacted, and graded to leave a finished layer of topsoil not less than five EARTHWORK 02300 - 3 - inches in depth. Unless otherwise indicated, topsoil will be replaced over all areas of earthwork (including slopes), except where pavement is planned. F. Grading: Topsoil will be final graded to the elevations shown on the plans. Fine grading will be accomplished with a weighted spike harrow, weighted drag, tractor box blade, light maintainer, or other acceptable machinery. All particles of the finish grade shall be reduced to less than one inch in diameter or they shall be removed. All rocks of one inch or greater shall also be removed. Grading operations and equipment will be such that topsoil does not become overcompacted. Bulldozer blades and front-end loader buckets are not acceptable devices for topsoil grading operations. Final grading within five feet of constructed or installed elements shall be hand raked. G . Acceptability: Finished areas of topsoil are satisfactory if they are true to grade, true in plane, even in gradient (slope), uniform in surface texture,"arid of normal compaction. Areas of loose granular pockets or of overcompacted soils are not acceptable and will be reworked. Finished areas will promote surface drainage and will be ready for turfgrass planting. 4.03 UNCLASSIFIED EXCAVATION A. All excavated areas shall be maintained in a condition to assure proper drainage at all times, and ditches and sumps shall be constructed and maintained to avoid damage to the areas under construction. B. Surplus Material: I. Surplus excavation is that quantity of material that may be left over after the grading plan is executed, and all earthwork operations, including excavation, embankment construction, topsoil replacement, and final grading, are completed. Any other surplus material shall be disposed of as "waste" as specified in Section 02200. All such cost for removal shall be considered as incorporated into Earthwork costs C. Excavation in Rock: The use of explosives will not be permitted. Unless otherwise indicated on the plans, excavation in solid rock shall extend six inches (6") below required sub grade elevation for the entire width of the area under construction and shall be backfilled with suitable materials as indicated on the plans. 4.04 EARTH EMBANKMENT A. Earth embankment is defined as embankment composed of suitable materials removed in unclassified excavation and/or imported fill. The construction of embankment includes preparing the area on which fill is to be placed and the depositing, conditioning, and compaction of fill material. B. General: Except as otherwise required by the plans, all embankment shall be constructed in layers approximately parallel to the finished grade of the graded area, and each layer shall be so constructed as to provide a uniform slope as shown on the grading plan. Embankments shall be constructed to correspond to the general shape of the EARTHWORK 02300 -4- typical sections shown on the plans, and each section of the embankment shall correspond to the detailed section or slopes established by the drawings. After completion of the graded area, embankment shall be continuously maintained to its finished section and grade until the project is accepted. C. Preparation: Prior to placing any embankment, all preparatory operations will have . been completed on the excavation sources and areas over which the embankment is to be placed. The subgrade shall be proofrolled to detect soft spots, which if exist, should be reworked. Proof rolling shall be performed using a heavy pneumatc tired roller, loaded dump truck, or similar piece of equipment weighing approximately twenty five (25) tons except as otherwise specified for tree protection and areas inaccessible to vehicular compactors. Stump holes or other small excavations in the limits of the embankments shall be backfilled with suitable material and thoroughly tamped by approved methods before commencing embankment construction. The surface of the ground, including plowed, loosened ground, or surfaces roughened by small washes or otherwise, shall be restored to approximately its original slope by blading or other methods, and, where indicated on the plans or required by the Owner, the ground surface, thus prepared, shall be compacted by sprinkling and rolling. D. Scarification: The surface of all areas and slopes over which fill is to be placed, other than rock, shall be scarified to a depth of approximately six ( 6") inches to provide a bond between the existing surface and the proposed embankment. Scarification shall be accomplished by plowing, discing, or other approved means. Prior to fill placement, the loosened material shall be adjusted to the proper moisture content and recompacted to the density specified herein for fill. E. Benching: Scarification is normally adequate for sloping surfaces. However, in certain cases where fill is to be placed against hillsides or existing embankment with slopes greater than 4: 1, the Owner may direct the Contritctor to key the fill material to the existing slopes by benching. A minimum of two feet (2 ') normal to the slope shall be removed and recompacted to insure that the new work is constructed on a firm foundation free of loose or disturbed material. F. Depositing: Fill material shall be placed in horizontal layers or lifts, evenly spread, not to exceed eight (8") inches in loose depth before conditioning and compaction. Unless otherwise permitted, each layer of fill material shall cover the length and width of the area to be filled and shall be conditioned and compacted before the next higher layer of fill is placed. Adequate drainage shall be maintained at all times. G. Watering: At the time of compaction, the moisture content of fill material shall be such that the specified compaction will be obtained, and the fill will be firm, hard, and unyielding. Fill material which contains excessive moisture shall not be compacted until it is dry enough to obtain the specified compaction. H. Compacting: Each layer of earth fill shall be compacted by approved tamping or sheepsfoot rollers, pneumatic tire rollers, or other mechanical means acceptable to the Owner. Hand-directed compaction equipment shall be used in areas inaccessible to vehicular compactors. EARTHWORK 02300 -5 - I. Grading: Embankments shall be constructed in proper sequence and at proper densities for their respective functions. All embankment serves in one capacity or another as subgrade (e.g., under topsoil , under concrete and asphalt pavement, under structures, etc .). Accordingly, the upper layer of embankment shall be graded to within plus or minus 0.10 foot of proper subgrade elevation prior to depositing topsoil, and prior to the construction of pavements, slabs, etc . 4.05 DENSITY CONTROL A. Earth Embankment in General: Earth embankment shall be compacted in lifts at a minimum of ninety percent (90%) of Standard Density ASTM D698 with plus four percent (4%) or minus two percent (2%) percentage points of optimum moisture content. B. Earth Embankment Under Structures and Pavement: The top six (6") inches of natural earth comprising the subgrade for structural slabs or for areas of pavement shall be ninety five percent (95%) to ninety eight percent (98%) of Standard Density ASTM D698 with the moisture content at minus two percent (2%) to plus four percent (4%) of optimum moisture content. 4.06 MOISTURE MAINTENANCE: The specified moisture content shall be maintained in all embankments that are to function as subgrade for structures, areas of pavement, or for select embankment. After completion of the embankment, the Contractor shall prevent excessive loss of moisture in the embankment by sprinkling as required. Loss of moisture in excess of two percent (2%) below optimum in the top twelve inches (12") of the fill will require that the top twelve inches (12") of the embankment be scarified, wetted, and recompacted prior to placement of the structure, select fill or pavement. If desired, the Contractor may place an asphalt membrane of emulsified or cutback asphalt over the completed embankment and thus eliminate the sprinkling requirement. 4.08 TOPSOIL REPLACEMENT: Topsoil shall be carefully placed to avoid any displacement or damage to the subgrade. If any of the subgrade is rutted, damaged or displaced it shall be restored prior to placing topsoil. Topsoil shall be replaced as specified herein per Item 3.02. END OF SECTION EARTHWORK 02300 -6 - SECTION 02323 -EXCAVATION, BACKFILL, AND COMPACTION FOR PAVEMENT PART 1 -GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Excavation to line, grade, and configuration as shown on Construction Drawings for proposed and future pavement areas. · B. Fill to line, grade, and configuration as shown on Construction Drawings for proposed and future pavement areas. C. Compacting fill materials in acceptable manner as specified herein. 1.02 RELATED SECTIONS A . Section 02300 -Earthwork B. Section 02511 -Asphaltic Concrete Paving C. Construction Drawings 1.03 REFERENCE ST AND ARDS A. See Section 02300 1.04 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Independent Testing Laboratory, selected atJ.d paid by owner, will be retained to perform construction testing on filling operations and subgrade analysis as specified in Section 02200 and as specified herein. 1.05 SUBMITT ALS A. Shop drawings or details pertaining to excavating and filling for pavement are not required unless otherwise shown on Construction Drawings or if contrary procedures to Construction Documents are proposed. B. Submit 100-pound sample of each type of off-site fill material that is to be used in backfilling in air-tight container to independent testing laboratory or submit gradation and certification of aggregate material that is to be used to independent testing laboratory for review . PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Fill material from on-site as specified in Section 02300 and approved by Owner. B. Fill material from off-site as specified in Section 02300 and approved by Owner. 2.02 EQUIPMENT A. Transport off-site materials to project using well maintained and operating vehicles. Once on site, transporting vehicles shall stay on designated haul roads and shall at no time endanger improvements by rutting, overloading, or pumping. EXCAVATION, BACKFILL, AND COMPACTION FOR PAVEMENT 02323 - I - PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.01 PREPARATION A. B. c. D. E. Identify lines, elevations, and grades necessary to construct pavements, curb, curb and gutter, bases, sidewalk, and roadways as shown on Construction Drawings. Protect project benclunarks, property corners, and other survey monuments from damage or displacement. If marker needs to be removed it shall be referenced by licensed land surveyor and replaced, as necessary, by same. Locate and identify site utilities that have previously been installed and protect from damage. Locate and identify existing utilities that are to remain and protect from damage. Overexcavate and properly prepare areas of subgrade that are not capable of supporting proposed systems. Stabilize these areas by using acceptable geotextile fabrics or additional bedding material placed and compacted as specified in Section 02245. 3.02 EXCAVATION A. Excavate roadway and pavement areas to line and grade as shown on Construction Drawings. B . Place suitable material into project fill areas as specified in Section 02300. C. Unsuitable excavated material is to be disposed of in manner and location that is acceptable to Owner and local governing agencies. D . Perform excavation using capable, well maintained equipment and methods acceptable to Owner and local governing agencies. 3.03 FILLING AND SUBGRADE PREPARATION A. B. C. Areas exposed by excavation or stripping and on which subgrade preparations for paving are to be performed, including future pavement areas, shall be scarified to a minimum depth of 8- inches and compacted to minimum of95 percent of maximum dry density, in accordance with · ASTM D 698 ( or 92 percent of optimum density, in accordance with ASTM D 1557) as determined by Standard Proctor at moisture content at or +4 percent above o:ptimum moisture content for cohesive soils. Proofroll these areas to detect areas of insufficient compaction. Accomplish proofrolling by making minimum of2 complete passes with full-loaded tandem- axle dump truck, or approved equal, in each of 2 perpendicular directions under supervision and direction of the independent testing laboratory. Excavate and recompact areas of failure as specified herein. Continual failure areas shall be stabilized in accordance with Section 02245 at no additional cost to Owner. Place fill materials used in preparation of the subgrade shall be placed in lifts or layers not to exceed 8-inches loose measure and compacted to minimum density of 95 percent of optimum density, in accordance with ASTM D 698, ( or 92 percent of optimum density, in accordance with ASTM D 15 57) at moisture content of not less than I percent below and not more than 4 percent above optimum moisture content. Fill material imported from off-site or fill material removed from onsite cut areas shall have CBR or LBR value equal to or greater than pavement design subgrade CBR or LBR value indicated on Construction Drawings. EXCAVATION, BACKFILL, AND COMPACTION FOR PAVEMENT 02323 -2- 3.04 COMP ACTION A. B. C. Maintain optimum moisture content of fill materials as specified herein to attain required compaction density. Tests materials in accordance with Section 02300. Corrective measures for non-complying compaction: Remove and recompact deficient areas until proper compaction is obtained at no additional expense to Owner. 3.05 MAINTENANCE OF SUBGRADE A. Verify finished subgrades to ensure proper elevation and conditions for construction above subgrade. B. Protect subgrade from excessive wheel loading during construction including concrete trucks, dump trucks, and other construction equipment. C. Remove areas of finished subgrade found to have insufficient compaction density to depth necessary and replace in manner that will comply with compaction requirements by use of material equal to or better than best subgrade material on site. Surface of subgrade after compaction shall be hard, uniform, smooth, stable, and true to grade and cross-section. 3.06 FINSIH GRADING A. Finish grading shall be in accordance with Section 02300 and as specified herein. B. Check grading of paving areas by string line from grade stakes (blue tops) set at not more than 50-foot centers. Tolerances of 0.10-foot, more or less, will be permitted. Contractor is to provide engineering and field staking necessary for verification of lines, grades, and elevations. END OF SECTION EXCAVATION, BACKFILL, AND COMPACTION FOR PAVEMENT 02323 - 3 - SECTION 02347 -LIME STABILIZED SUB GRADE PART 1 -GENERAL 1.01 WORK INCLUDED Furnish labor, materials, equipment and incidental necessary to treat subgrade by pulverization, add lime, mix, and compact the mixed material to the density required, in conformity with the lines, grades, and typical section as indicated 1.02 QUALITY ASSURANCE; AMOUNT OF LIME The percent of lime to be used shall be as indicated on the plans for the depth of subgrade treatment specified. Tests performed shall be in accordance with Texas Highway Dept. test method No 121-E but in no case less than five (5%) percent by weight applied. 1.03 SUBMITTALS [Not Used] 1 04 STANDARDS The applicable provisions of the following standards shall apply as if written here in their entirety ASTM C-25 "Test Methods for Chemical Analysis of Limestone, Quicklime and Hydrated Lime" ASTM C-110 "Methods for Physical Testing of Quicklime, Hydrated Lime, and Limestone" Texas Highway Department Test Method No 121-E 1.05 DELIVERY AND STORAGE [Not Used] 1.06 JOB CONDITIONS [Not UsedJ 1.07 OPTIONS [Not Used] 1.08 GUARANTEES [Not Used] PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS; HYDRATED LIME A. TYPE A, HYDRA TED LIME Hydrated Lime shall consist of a dry powder obtained by treating, quicklime with enough water to satisfy its chemical affinity for water under the conditions of its hydration. This material is to consist essentially'of calcium hydroxide or a mixture of calcium hydroxide and a small allowable ·percentage of calcium oxide, magnesium oxide and magnesium hydroxide (1, 2, and 3 are determined by procedures given in LIME STABILIZED SUBGRADE 02347 -I - ASTMC-25) 1. 2. 3. Calcium and magnesium oxides Carbon dioxide : If sampled at place of manufacture If sampled at any other place Non-hydrated lime content, per cent by weight: CaO Min. 90% Max. 5% Max. 7% Max. 5% The percent by weight of residue retained shall conform to the following requirements, as determined by procedures given in ASTM C-110: Residue retained on a No. 6 (3360-micron) sieve: Residue retained on a No . 10 (2000-micron) sieve: Residue retained on a No. 30 (590-micron) sieve: None Max 1.0% Max2.5% Specifications for Type A applies specifically to the normal hydrate of lime made from "high-calcium" type limestone. Hydrated lime for stabilization purposes shall be applied, as provided in the governing specifications, as a dry powder or mixed with water to form a slurry. B. TYPE B, COMMERCIAL LIME SLURRY Type B, Commercial Lime Slurry, shall be a pumpable suspension of solids in water. The water or liquid portion of the slurry shall not contain dissolved material in sufficient quantity and/or nature injurious or objectionable for the purpose intended. The solids portion of the mixture, when considered on the basis of"solids content", shall consist principally of hydrated lime of a quality and fineness sufficient to meet the following requirements as to chemical composition and residue. l. Chemical Composition: The "solids content" of the lime slurry shall consist of a minimum of ninety (90) per cent by weight of calcium and magnesium oxides. 2. Residue: The per cent by weight of residue retained in the "solids content" of lime slurry shall conform to the following requirements: Residue retained on No. 6 (3360-micron) sieve: Max. 0.0% Residue retained on No . 10 (2000-micron) sieve: Max. 1.0% Residue retained on No. 30 (590-micron) sieve : Max. 2.5% Type B, Commercial Lime Slurry, shall conform to one (1) of the following two (2) grades: Grade 1: Grade 2: The "Dry Solids Content" shall be at least thirty-one (31) percent by weight of the slurry The "Dry Solids Content" shall be at least thirty-five (35) per cent by LIME STABILIZED SUBGRADE 02347 - 2 - weight of the slurry. When Type B, Commercial Lime Slurry, is specified, the Contractor shall select, prior to construction, the grade to be used and shall notify the Engineer in writing before .changing from one grade to another. 2.02 MIXES; LIME SLURRY The approximate mix for lime slurry is one (1) ton of lime to 533 gallons of water which gives a 31 percent lime solution, and (1) ton oflime to 445 gallons of water which gives a 35 percent solution. 2.03 FABRICATIONS (Not Used) 2.04 MANUFACTURED PRODUCTS (Not Used) 2.05 EQUIPMENT A. Machinery, tools, and equipment necessary for proper prosecution of the work shall be on the project prior to the beginning of construction operations. B. Maintain the machinery, tools, and equipment used in a satisfactory and workmanlike manner. PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.01 PREPARATION A. It is a primary requirement of this specification to secure a completed course of treated material containing a uniform lirrie mixture, free from loose or segregated areas, of uniform density and moisture content, well bound for its full depth, and with a smooth surface suitable for placing subsequent courses. Regulate the sequence of work, use the proper amount of lime, maintain the work, and rework the courses as necessary to meet the above requirements. B. Prior to beginning any lime treatment, construct and shape the road bed to conform to the typical sections, lines, and grades as indicated on the plans or as established by the Engineer. 3.02 TREATMENT OF SUBGRADE A. TREATMENT Excavate material to be treated to the secondary grade (proposed bottom of lime treatment) and remove or windrow to expose the secondary grade. Correct any wet or unstable materials below the secondary grade by scarifying, adding lime, and compacting until it is of uniform stability. Spread the excavated material to the LIME STABILIZED SUBGRADE 02347 • 3 - des_ired cross-section. If the Contractor elects to use a cutting or pulverizing machine that will remove the subgrade material accurately to the secondary grade, and pulverize the material at the same time, he will not be required to expose the secondary grade or windrow the material. However, the Contractor shall be required to roll the subgrade before using the pulverizing machine and correct any soft areas that this rolling may reveal. This method will be permitted only where a machine is provided which will insure that the material is cut uniformly to the proper depth and which has cutters that will place the secondary grade to a smooth surface over the entire width of the cut. The machine shall be of such design that a visible indication is given at all times that the machine is cutting to the proper depth. B. APPLICATION 1. Spread lime slurry only on that area on which the mixing operation can be . completed the same working day. 2. Accomplish the application and mixing of lime with the materials by the method hereinafter described as "Slurry Placing'\ unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. C. SLURRY PLACING 1. METHOD a) Mix lime with water in trucks for approved distributors and apply as a thin water suspension or slurry. Apply Type B, Commercial Lime Slurry, with a lime percentage not less than that applicable for the grade used. The distribution of lime at the rate shown on the plans shall be attained by successive passes over a measured surface of roadway until the proper moisture and lime content have been secured. The distributor truck shall be equipped with an agitator, which keeps the lime and water in a uniform mixture. b) It is anticipated that the rate of application of lime shall not be less than four and one-half ( 4.5) pounds of lime per square yard per inch of depth of compacted subgrade. This is approximately a six (6%) percent mixture oflime by dry weight of the subgrade material, which may vary according to the laboratory tests, but in no case shall be less than five (5%) percent by weight be applied. 2. MIXING a) Thoroughly mix material and lime by approved road mixers or other approved equipment, and continue mixing until a homogeneous, friable mixture of material and lime is obtained, free from clods or lumps. Materials containing plastic clay or other materials which will not readily mix with lime shall be mixed as thoroughly as possible at LIME STABILIZED SUBGRADE 02347 - 4 - the time of the lime application, brought to the proper moisture content, and left to cure one (1) to four ( 4) days as directed by the Owner's Geotechnical Engineer. Keep the material moist during the curing period. b) After the required curing time, uniformly mix the material by approved methods. If the soil binder-lime mixture contains clods, reduce the clods in size by raking, blading, discing, harrowing, scarifying, or the use of other approved pulverization methods so that when all non-slaking aggregates obtained on the No.4 sieve are removed, the remainder of the material meets the following requirements when tested dry by laboratory sieves: Minimum passing l" sieve: 100% Minimum passing No. 4 sieve: 60% c) During the interval of time between application and mixing, hydrated lime that has been exposed to the open air for a period of six ( 6) hours or more, or to excessive loss due to washing or blowing, will not be accepted for payment. 3. COMPACTION The lime stabilized clay should be placed in maximum nine inch loose lifts and compacted at a moisture content not less than optimum, nor more than four percent above the optimum as defined by ASTM D698 (Standard Proctor). Begin compaction of the mixture immediately after final mixing and in no case later than three (3) calendar days after final mixing. Aerate or sprinkle the material as necessary to provide optimum moisture. Begin compaction at the bottom and continue until the entire depth of the mixture is uniformly compacted as indicated or specified by the Engineer. The compacted mixture shall have a uniform density of not less than ninety-eight (98) percent of Standard Proctor Density. After each lift is completed, such tests as are necessary shall be made by the laboratory as required by the Engineer. If any portion fails to meet the density or depth specified, rework the portion as necessary to obtain the specified density and depth of lime treatment required. D. FINISHING, CURING AND PREPARATION FOR SURFACING After the mixture has been compacted, shape the surface to the required line, grades, and cross-sections, and then thoroughly roll as directed with a pneumatic or other suitable roller sufficiently light to prevent hair-cracking. The completed section shall then be moist-cured for a minimum of two (2) to seven (7) days before further courses are added or any traffic permitted, as directed by the Engineer. In cases where sub grade treatment or subbase sets up sufficiently to prevent objectionable damage from traffic, such layers may be opened to light traffic two (2) days after LIME STABILIZED SUBGRADE 02347 -5 - compaction. I the completed section has not been covered by other courses of material or pavement in seven (7) days, seal the completed section by an application . of AC -20 asphalt at the rate of one-tenth (0 .10) gallon per square yard. 3.03 MAINTENANCE Maintain the completed soil-lime base within the limits of the contract, in good condition, satisfactory to the Engineer as to grade, crown, and cross-section until such time as the surface course is constructed. Immediately repair irregularities or other defects that may occur at the Contractor's own expense. Repairs are to be made in a manner to insure restoration of a uniform surface and durability of the portion repaired. 3.04 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL (Not Used) 3.05 CLEAN AND ADJUST (Not Used) 3.06 SCHEDULES (Not Used) END OF SECTION LIME STABILIZED SUBGRADE 02347 -6 - SECTION 02370 -SLOPE PROTECTION AND EROSION CONTROL PART 1 -GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Installation of temporary and permanent erosion control systems. B. Installation of temporary and permanent slope protection systems. 1.02 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 02200 -Site Preparation B. Section 02300 -Earthwork C. Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan D. Construction Drawings E. Federal Register, Part II, Environmental Protection Agency Re-issuance ofNPDES General Permits for Storm Water Discharges from Construction Activities. 1.03 ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS A. Protect adjacent properties artd water resources from erosion and sediment damage throughout life of contract. PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Quick growing grasses such as wheat, rye, or oats. B. Hay or straw bales as specified on Construction Drawings. C. Fencing for siltation control as specified on Construction Drawings. D. Curlex blankets by American Excelsior Company or approved equal. E. Bale stakes for each bale shall be minimum of 4-feet in length and shall be either two #2 rebars, two steel pickets, or two 2-inch x 2-inch hardwood stakes driven 1 '-6" into ground. F. Temporary mulches such as loose hay, straw, netting, wood cellulose, or agricultural silage. G. Fence stakes shall be minimum of 5-ft in length and be either metal stakes or 2-inch x 2-inch hardwood stakes driven 1 '-6" into ground. SLOPE PROTECTION AND EROSION CONTROL 02370 -I - H . Rip-Rap in accordance with Section 02300. PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.01 PREPARATION A. Review Construction Drawings and Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan. The Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan provided by Owner is a template for use by and completion by the Contractor. Provide construction sequencing information and all other information required to make the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan comply with Paragraph 1.02.E above. B . Deficiencies or changes on Construction Drawings or Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan as it is applied to current conditions shall be brought to the attention of Owner for remedial action. 3.02 EROSION CONTROL AND SLOPE PROTECTION IMPLEMENTATION A. Place erosion control systems in accordance with Construction Drawings and Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan or as may be dictated by site conditions in order to maintain the intent of the specific'atfons and permits at no additional cost to Owner . Petloriri all required inspections and maintain project documentation for 3 years as described in Paragraph l.02E above. B. Owner has authority to limit surface area of erodible earth material exposed by clearing and grubbing, excavation, borrow, and embankment operations and to direct Contractor to provide immediate permanent or temporary pollution control measures. Contractor will be required to incorporate permanent erosion control features into project at earliest practical time to minimize need for temporary controls. Permanently seed and mulch cut slopes as excavation proceeds to extent considered desirable and practical. C. Maintain temporary erosion control systems as directed by Owner or governing authorities to control siltation during life of contract. Contractor shall respond to maintenance or additional work ordered by Owner or governing authorities within 48 hours or sooner if required. END OF SECTION SLOPE PROTECTION AND EROSION CONTROL 02370 - 2 - SECTION 02511 -ASPHALTIC CONCRETE PAVING PART 1 -GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Preparation and placement of asphaltic concrete binder course. B. Preparation and placement of asphaltic concrete surface course. 1.02 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 02323 -Excavation, Backfill, and Compaction for Pavement B. Section 02622 -Pavement Markings on Asphalt C. State Highway Department Standard Specifications D. Construction Drawings 1.03 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. Texas Department of Transportation I. Standard Specifications for Construction and Maintenance of Highways, Streets, and Bridges, 1995 Edition. B. The Asphalt Institute (AI) latest edition 1. MS 2 Mix Design Methods for Asphaltic Concrete and Other Bot Mix Types 2. MS 3 Asphalt Plant Manual 3. MS 19 Basic Asphalt Emulsion Manual C. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 1. UN-13 Hot Mix Asphalt Paving Handbook, (CE MP-ET) D. American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM) latest edition 1. D 946 Penetration -Graded Asphalt Cement for use in Pavement Construction 2. D l l 88Bulk Specific Gravity and Density of Compacted Bituminous Mixtures Using Paraffin-Coated Specimens 3. D 1559Resistance to Plastic Flow of Bituminous Mixtures Using Marshall Apparatus 4. D 2726 ASPHAL TIC CONCRETE PAVING 0251 I - l - E. American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) latest edition 1. M 117 Mineral Filler "Bitumen-Saturated Cotton Fabrics Used in Roofing and Waterproofing" 2. M 140 Tack Coat "Emulsified Asphalt" 3. M 208 Tack Coat "Cationic Emulsified Asphalt" 4. M 226 Viscosity Graded Asphalt Cement 5. T 245 Marshall Mix Design F . APWA 1. Section 2204 1.04 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. An independent testing laboratory, selected and paid by Owner, will be retained to perfonn construction testing of in-place asphaltic concrete courses for compliance with requirements for thickness, compaction, and surface smoothness. B. Establish and maintain required lines and elevations. C. Jri.:.place compacted thickness shall not be less than thfokness specified on Construction Drawings. Areas of deficient paving thickness shall receive tack coat and minimum I-in. overlay; or shall be removed and replaced to proper thickness, at discretion of Owner; until specified thickness of course is met or exceeded at no additi.onal expense to Owner. D. Check surface areas at intervals necessary to eliminate ponding areas . Remove and replace unacceptable paving as directed by Owner. 1.05 SUBMITIALS A. Before asphaltic concrete paving is constructed, submit actual design mix to Owner for review artd approval. Design mix submittal shall follow a format as indicated in Asphalt Institute Manual MS-2, Marshall Stability Method; and shall include type/name of mix, gradation analysis, grade of asphalt cement used, Marshall Stability in pounds (lb.) flow, effective asphalt content in percent (% ), and direct references to state highway department specifications sections for each material. Design shall be for mixture listed in current edition of state highway department specifications. Mix designs over 3 years old will not be accepted by Owner. B. Submit materials certificate to the independent testing laboratory which is signed by materials producer and Contractor, certifying that materials comply with, or exceed, requirements specified herein. 1.06 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Weather Limitations: ASPHALTIC CONCRETE PAVING 02511 -2- 1. Apply prime and tack coats when ambient temperature is above 40 degrees Fahrenheit, and when temperature has been above 3 5 degrees Fahrenheit for 12 hours immediately prior to application. Do not apply when base is wet, contains excess moisture, or during rain. 2. Construct asphaltic concrete paving when atmospheric temperature is above 40 degrees Fahrenheit. B. Maintain access for vehicular and pedestrian traffic as required for other construction activities. Utilize temporary striping, flagmen, barricades, warning signs, and warning lights as required. PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Provide asphalt-aggregate mixture according to TxDOT Item 340, Type D, surface course. Use locally available materials and gradations which meet state highway department specifications and exhibit satisfactory records of previous installations. B. Asphalt Cement: Comply with AASHTO M 226; Table 2 AC-I 0, AC-20, or AC-30, viscosity grade, depending on local mean annual air temperature. See chart below: Temperature Condition Cold, mean annual air temperature at 45 degrees Fahrenheit or lower Warm, mean ammal air temperature between 45 degrees Fahrenheit and 75 degrees Fahrenheit Hot, mean annual air temperature at 75 degrees Fahrenheit or higher Asphalt Grades AC-10 85/100 pen. AC-20 60/70 pen. AC-30 C. Prime Coat: Medium curing cut-back asphalt or asphalt penetrating prime coat consisting of either MC-30 or SS-lh. D. Tack Coat: Emulsified asphalt; AASHTO M 140 or AASHTO M 208, SS-1 h, CSS -1, or CSS- lh, diluted with 1 part water to 1 part emulsified asphalt. E. Mineral Filler: Rock or slag dust, hydraulic cement, or other inert material complying with AASHTO M 117, if recommended by state highway department specifications. ASPHAL TIC CONCRETE PA YING 02511 - 3 - F . Asphalt-Aggregate Mixture: Unless otherwise noted on Construction Drawings, Design Mix shall have minimum stability based on 50-blow Marshall complying with ASTM D 1559 of I 000 pounds with flow between 8 and 16. The Design Mix shall be within sieve analysis and bitumen ranges specified below unless approved otherwise by Owner prior to placement. 1. Per Table 2, Item 340.3 (Page 387), TxDOT Standard Specifications, 1995 Edition. 2.02 EQUIPMENT A . Maintain. equipment in satisfactory operating condition and correct breakdowns in manner that will not delay or be detrimental to progress of paving operations. PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.01 PREPARATION A. Proofroll prepared base material surface to check for unstable areas. Paving work shall begin only after unsuitable areas have been corrected and are ready to receive paving. B. Remove loose material from compacted base material surface immediately before applying prime coat. 3.02 APPLICATIONS A. Prime Coat: I. Apply bituminous prime coat to base material surfaces where asphaltic concrete paving will be constructed. 2. Apply bituminous prime coat in accordance with APW A Section 2204 and state highway department specifications. 3. Apply at minimum rate of 0.25 gal per sq. yd over compacted base material. Apply to penetrate and seal, but not flood surface. 4. Take necessary precautions to protect adjacent areas from overspray. 5. Cure and dry as long as necessary to attain penetration of compacted base and evaporation of volatile substances. B . Tack Coat: I. Apply to contact surfaces of previously constructed asphaltic concrete base courses or portland cement concrete and surfaces abutting or projecting into asphaltic concrete or into asphaltic concrete pavement. ASPHALTIC CONCRETE PA YING 02511 -4- 2. Apply tack coat to asphaltic concrete base course or sand asphalt base course. Apply emulsified asphalt tack coat between each lift or layer of full depth asphaltic concrete and sand asphalt bases and on surface of bases where asphaltic concrete paving will be constructed. 3. Apply emulsified asphalt tack coat in accordance with APW A Section 2204 and state highway department specifications. 4. Apply at minimum rate of 0.05 gal per sq. yd of surface. 5. Allow to dry until at proper condition to receive paving. 3.03 ASPHALTIC CONCRETE PLACEMENT A. Place asphaltic concrete mixture on completed compacted subgrade surface, spread, and strike off. Spread mixture at following minimum temperatures: 1. Ambient temperature between 40 degrees Fahrenheit and 50 degrees Fahrenheit, mixture temp.= 285 degrees Fahrenheit 2. Ambient temperature between 50 degrees Fahrenheit and 60 degrees Fahrenheit, mixture temp. = 280 degrees Fahrenheit 3. Ambient temperature higher than 60 degrees Fahrenheit, mixture temp.== 275 degrees Fahrenheit B. Whenever possible, spread pavement by finishing machine; however, inaccessible or irregular areas may be placed by hand methods. Spread hot mixture uniformly to required depth with hot shovels and rakes. After spreading, carefully smooth hot mixture to remove segregated course aggregate and rake marks. Rakes and lutes used for hand spreading shall be type designed for use on asphalt mixtures. Do not dump loads faster that they can be properly spread. Workers shall not stand on loose mixture while spreading. C. Paving Machine Placement: Apply successive lifts of asphaltic concrete in transverse directions with surface course placed parallel to flow of traffic. Place in typical strips not less than 10'-0" wide. D. Joints: Make joints between old and new pavements, or between successive days and work in manner that will provide continuous bond between adjoining work. Construction joints shall have same texture, density, and smoothness as other sections of asphaltic concrete course. Clean contact surfaces of joints and apply tack coat. 3.04 ROLLING AND COMP ACTION A. Mixture, after being spread, shall be thoroughly compacted by rolling as soon as it will bear the weight of rollers without undue displacement. Number, weight, types of rollers, and ASPHALTIC CONCRETE PAVING 02511 -5 - sequences of rolling operations shall be such that the required density and surface are consistently attained while the mixture is in workable condition. B. Compact mixture with hot hand tampers or vibrating plate compactors in areas inaccessible to rollers. C. Breakdown Rolling: Accomplish breakdown or initial rolling immediately following rolling of joints and outside edge. Check surface after breakdown rolling and repair displaced areas by loosening and filling with hot material. D. Second Rolling : Follow breakdown rolling as soon as possible, while mixture is hot. Continue second rolling until mixture has been thoroughly compacted. E. Finish Rolling: Perform finish rolling while mixture is still warm enough for removal of roller marks. Continue rolling until roller marks are eliminated and course has attained maximum density. F. Patching: Remove and replace paving areas mixed with foreign materials and defective areas. Cut out such areas and fill with fresh, hot asphaltic concrete. Compact by rolling to maximum surface density and smoothness. G. Protection: After final rolling, do not permit vehicular traffic on pavement until it has cooled and hardened. Erect barricades to protect paving from traffic until mixture has cooled enough not to become marked. Any masked or marred finish surfaces shall be repaired or smoothed. 3.05 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Asphaltic surface and base courses will be randomly cored at minimum rate of 1 core per 20,000 sq. ft of paving. However, a minimum of 3 cores in light duty areas and 3 cores in heavy duty areas shall be obtained. Coring holes shall be immediately filled with full-depth asphaltic concrete. Asphaltic concrete pavement samples will be tested for conformance with mix design. B. Testing will be performed on finished surface of each asphalt concrete course for smoothness, using 10'-0" straightedge applied parallel with, and at right angles to centerline of paved area. Results of tests will be made available to Owner upon request. Surfaces will not be accepted if the following 10-foot straightedge tolerances for smoothness are exceeded: Base Course Surface: Wearing Course Surface: 1/4-inch 3/16-inch ASPHALTIC CONCRETE PA VINO 02511 -6- C . Field density test for in-place materials shall be performed by examination of field cores in accordance with one of following standards: 1. · AASHTO Test Method T 245 (Percent of Laboratory Density) a. Temperature equal to temperature at paving machine with reheating. b. Compactive blows (35.50 or 75) equal to mix design blows. c. Minimum density= 96% of laboratory density. 2. AASHTO Test Method T 209 (Percent of Theoretical Maximum Density) a.· · Minimum density= 92% of Theoretical Maximum Density. D. Rate of density testing shall be 1 core per 20,000 sq. ft of pavement, with minimum of3 cores from heavy duty areas and 3 cores from light duty areas . Cores shall be cut from areas representative of project. E. Areas of insufficient compaction shall be delinea,ted , removed, and replaced in compliance with Specifications at no additional expense to Owner. END OF SECTION ASPHALTIC CONCRETE PA V ING 025 11 -7- SECTION 02605 -ASPHALT SURF ACE TREATMENT PART 1 -GENERAL 1.01 WORK INCLUDED Furnish labor, materials, equipment and incidentals necessary to perform operations in connection with a wearing surface composed of one (1) application of asphaltic material, each covered with aggregate, constructed on the prepared base course or surface in accordance with these specifications. 1.02 QUALITY ASSURANCE (Not Used) 1.03 SUBMITTALS (Not Used) 1.04 STANDARDS The applicable provisions of the following standards shall apply as if written in their entirety: Texas State Department of Highways and Public Transportation (TSDH&PT), Test Method Tex215-F. Texas State Department of Highways and Public Transportation (TSDH&PT), Test Method Tex217-F, Part I. Texas State Department of Highways and Public Transportation (TSDH&PT), Test Method Tex224-F. Texas State Department of Highways and Public Transportation (TSDH&PT), Test Method Tex410-A. Texas State Department of Highways and Public Transportation (TSDH&PT), Test Method Tex413-A. 1.05 DELIVERY AND STORAGE [Not Used) 1.06 JOB CONDITIONS; TEMPERATURE Do not apply Asphalt Surface Treatment when the air temperature is below 60 degrees Fahrenheit and falling, but may be applied when the air temperature is above 50 degrees Fahrenheit and rising, the temperature being taken in the shade and away from artificial heat. Do not place asphalt when general weather conditions, in the opinion of the Engineer, are not suitable. 1.07 OPTIONS (Not Used) 1.08 GUARANTEES (Not Used) ASPHALT SURFACE TREATMENT 02605 - I - PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Asphaltic materials are very flammable, thus the Contractor shall be responsible for any fires or accidents which may result from heating the asphaltic materials. The asphalt used shall be of the grade and type indicated or required by the Engineer. Materials shall be homogeneous, free of water, shall not foam when heated to 347 degrees Fahrenheit, and shall meet the following requirements: Grade AC-b AC-S Limits Penetration at 77°F, 1 00 gms, 5 sec. Ductility at 77°F ems Flash Point, °F Viscosity, 140°F, Strokes Viscosity of Residue at 140°F Solubility in CCJ4, % Trichlorethylene Spot Test: Negative B. AGGREGATE 1. GENERAL (Hot Weather) Mm. Max. 85 70 450 1000 3000 99.0 ±200 (Cooler Weather) Mm. Max. 135 100 425 500 1500 99.0 ±100 a) Aggregate shall be composed of clean, tough, and durable particles of crushed gravel, crushed stone, crushed slag, or natural limestone rock asphalt. These materials shall not contain more than 5% by weight of soft particles and other deleterious material as determined by Test Method Tex-217-F, Part I, TSDH&PT. b) The natural limestone rock asphalt aggregate, when furnished, shall have an average bitumen content from 4 to 8 percent by weight of naturally impregnated asphalt, as determined by Test Method Tex-215-F, TSDH&PT, and shall not contain more than 2% by weight of any one of or combination of iron pyrites, or other objectionable matter, as determined by Test Method Tex-217-F, Part I, TSDH&PT. ASPHALT SURFACE TREATMENT 02605 - 2 - c) No aggregate shall contain as a total of more than 5% by weight of impurities or objectionable matter listed above. d) The percent of wear, as determined by Test Method TexA 10 -A, TSDH&PT, for the materials shall not exceed 35%. e) The percent of wear on natural limestone rock asphalt aggregate as determined by Test Method TexAlO-A, TSDH&PT, shall be made on that portion of the material retained on the No.4 sieve, having a naturally impregnated asphalt content of less than 1 %. f) Crushed gravel shall have a minimum of 85% of the particles retained on the No. 4 sieve with more than one crushed face, as determined by Test Method Tex-113-A, TSDH&PT, (Partial Count). 2 . PRE-COATED AGGREGATES a) Pre-coated aggregates shall be aggregates of the type indicated, treated (coated or fluxed) with 0.5% to 2% by weight ofpre,-oat material or fluxing material meeting the requirements of this specification. The grade of aggregate indicated shall meet the requirements of gradation prior to the application of the pre"'Coat material or fluxing material. b) Water in an amount not to exceed 3% by weight of the mixture may be used in preparing the mixture. In the event water is used in the mixing operation, use adequate measuring devices and administer the water to the mix through an approved spray bar. c) The materials may be mixed on the job or at a central mixing plant and shipped ready for use. Mixes that do not remain workable for a sufficient period of time or maintain flow qualities such that the pre-coated aggregate may be satisfactorily spread by normal approved mechanical spreading devices shall not be acceptable. d) Materials that are not uniformly and/or properly coated or fluxed, in the opinion of the Engineer, shall not be accepted for use. 3. GRADATION Aggregate shall be uncoated. First Application (TSDH&PT-Gr.2) Percent bv Weight Retained on 7/8" Sieve Retained on 3/4" Sieve Retained on 5/8" Sieve Retained on 1/2" Sieve 0 0-2 20-35 85 -100 ASPHALT SURFACE TREATMENT 02605 - 3 - Retained on No.4 Sieve Retained on No. IO Sieve PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.01 PREPARATION 95 -100 99 -100 A. Clear the surface of the base of any dirt, dust, or other deleterious matter by sweeping or other approved methods . If necessary, scarify, sprinkle, reshape, blade , and roll the surface of the base with a self-propelJed IO ton roller, to attain a uniform, compact surface in conformity with the typical sections and to the lines and grades indicated. B. Keep the storage tanks, piping, retorts, booster tanks, and distributors used in storing or handling asphalt clean and in good operating condition at all times, and operate the equipment in such a manner as not to allow contamination of the asphalt with foreign materials . C. Do not heat asphalt above 400 degrees Fahrenheit. The application temperature range shall be between 27 5-3 50 degrees Fahrenheit. The Engineer shall select the temperature of application. 3 .02 INSTALLATION A . ASPHAL TIC MATERIAL APPLICATION 1. If found necessary by the Engineer, the surface, upon which the asphalt is to be applied shall be lightly sprinkled just prior to the first application of asphalt. Apply asphalt on the clean surface by a type of self-propelled pressure distributor approved by the Engineer and operated to distribute the asphalt in the quantity indicated, evenly and smoothly under a pressure necessary for proper distribution. The necessary facilities for determining the temperature of the asphalt in the heating equipment and in the distributor, for determining the rate of application, and for insuring uniformity at the junction of the two (2) distributor runs shall be on a strip of paper or other approved suitable means to prevent overlapping of asphalt application, and resulting "fat" areas . 2. Asphaltic material may be applied for the full width of the surface treatment in one (1) application, unless the width exceeds 26'. Do not permit traffic or hauling over the freshly applied asphaltic material. Do not apply asphaltic material until immediate covering is assured. B . AGGREGATE APPLICATION Immediately cover in a uniform manner the asphaltic surface with the first application aggregate and applied by spreading machines or spreader boxes, broomed if necessary, and rolled with a three (3) to six (6) ton tandem roller ASPHALT SURFACE TREATMENT 02605 - 4 - After the work has been completed as specified above , there should be a slight excess of aggregate on the surface. 3.03 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL (Not Used) 3.04 CLEAN AND ADJUST Maintain the grounds of the project . Maintenance shall consist primarily of brooming the loose aggregate accumulated near the edges of the surfacing over the entire paved surface, until final acceptance by the Owner. 3.05 SCHEDULES; APPLICATION RATES Apply the asphalt and aggregate at the approximate rates indicated and within the limits of the following schedule. Gallons of Asphalt Application Per Square Yard Min. Max 0.20 0.30 Aggregates Cubic Yards to Square Yards 1:80 END OF SECTION ASPHALT SURF ACE TRE ATM ENT 0260 5 • 5 • SECTION 02622 -PAVEMENT MARKING ON ASPHALT PART I -GENERAL 1.01 SCOPE A. Provide pavement markings on new and/or existing paving. 1.02 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Material specified is product of Neyra Industries, Inc., Cincinnati, Ohio. PART 2-PRODUCTS 2.01 MARKING PAINT A. Dynastripe-Acrylic by Neyra Industries, Inc. or approved equal. PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.01 PREPARATION A. Locate markings as shown on Drawings. Provide qualified technician to supervise equipment and application of markings. Lay out markings using guide lines, templates and forms. B. Thoroughly clean surfaces free of dirt, sand, gravel, oil and other 'foreign matter. C. Verify that pavement seal coat is complete and has cured a mm. of 48 hours. 3.02 APPLICATION A. Apply marking paint at a rate of one gallon per 200 sq. ft. by power spray. (One gallon per 500 lin. ft. of 4 11 wide stripe) B. Apply markings straight and even in accordance with approved layout. C. Apply markings in widths and colors detailed. 3.03 CLEANING A. Remove overspray from surfaces other than those requiring marking paint. END OF SECTION PAVEMENT MARKING ON ASPHALT 02622 - I - PART !-GENERAL LOI DESCRIPTION SECTION 02840 -TURF SODDING A. Work Included: This work includes all labor, materials and equipment for soil preparation, fertilization, planting and other requirements regarding turf grass sodding shown on the plans. B. Related Work Specified Elsewhere: Section 02300, Earthwork. 1.02 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. For exotic plant materials: American Joint Committee of Horticultural Nomenclature, Second Edition, 1942. B. For native materials a. Manual of the Vascular Plants of Texas by Correll and Johnston b. Check List of Vascular Plants of Texas by Hatch c. Flora of North Central Texas by Shinners and Moller 1.03 SUBMIIT ALS Samples, certificates and specifications of sod, fertilizer, compost, soil amendments or other materials may be requested by the Project Manager. All delivery receipts and copies of invoices for materials used for this work shall be subject to verification by the Project Manager. 1.04 PRODUCT DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Sod: Harvesting and planting operations shall be coordinated with not more than forty eight hours elapsing between the harvesting and planting. B. Fertilizer 1. Unopened bags labeled with the analysis. 2. Conform to Texas Fertilizer Law. 1.05 QUALITY CONTROL The contractor who plants the sod is responsible for supervision of his crew, while planting the sod and maintaining the sod until the project is accepted by the City. TURF SODDING 02840 -I - PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2.01 SOD A. The sod shall be "Common Bermuda" and shall consist of stolons, leaf blades, rhizomes and roots with a healthy, virile system of dense, thickly matted roots throughout the soil of the sod for a thickness not less than one inch. Sod shall be alive, healthy and vigorous and shall be free of insects, disease , stones and undesirable foreign materials and grasses. Sod shall have been produced on growing beds of clay or clay-loam topsoil. The sod shall not be harvested or planted when its moisture condition is so excessively wet or dry that its survival will be affected. If sod is stacked, it shall be kept moist and shall be stacked roots-to-roots and grass-to-grass. B. The sod shall be cut in strips four feet wide, or as called for on plan, to be laid parallel with the contours. 2.02 FERTILIZER A. All fertilizer shall be delivered in bags or containers clearly labeled showing the analysis . B. All fertilizer shall be in acceptable condition for distribution and shall be applied uniformly over the planted area two weeks after sodding. C. All fertilizer shall have an analysis of 3-1-2 or as designated on the plans. The fertilizer rate shall be 45 pounds of nitrogen per acre. 2.03 WATER The water shall be furnished by the Contractor and shall be clean and free of industrial wastes or other substances harmful to the germination of the seed or to the growth of the vegetation. The · amount of water will vary according to the weather variables. Generally, the sod should be soaked one time per day for three weeks or until established. Soaking is mandatory after spreading the fertilizer. 2.04 COMPOST All compost material is to be totally organic and decomposed for at lease nine months . All compost is to be clean and free of fungus, disease, live plants, seed, excessive cotton lint and any . harmful chemicals. "New Life Soil Conditioner" or "Penna Green Compost", as specified below or an approved equal, shall be used. Raw organics are not acceptable. A. For soil with an alkaline pH condition: Use "New Life Acid Gro" (acid pH) soil conditioner as produced by Soil Building Systems of Dallas, or an approved equal. B. For soil with an acidic pH condition: Use "Penna Green Compost" by Texas Earth Resources, Inc. of Dallas, or "New Life Natural Grower" (ph 8.0 to 9.0) by Soil Building Systems, Inc., of Dallas. C. Sample and Specification Submittal: Submit a producer's specification and a quart sample of the compost proposed for the Project Manager's approval. TURF SODDING 02840 - 2 - PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.01 GENERAL All turfing operations are to be executed across the slope, parallel to finished grade contours. 3.02 SOIL PREPARATION A. Scarify sub grade to a depth of three inches (3") before depositing the required topsoil. B. Tillage shall be accomplished to loosen the topsoil, destroy existing vegetation and prepare an acceptable sod bed. All areas shall be tilled with a heavy duty disc or a chisel- type breaking plow, chisels set not more than ten inches apart. Initial tillage shall be done in a crossing pattern for double coverage, then followed by a disc harrow. Depth of tillage shall be five inches. A heavy duty rototiller may be used for areas to be planted with sod. C . Cleaning: Soil shall be further prepared by the removal of debris, building materials, rubbish, weeds and stones larger than one inch in diameter. D Fine Grading: After tillage and cleaning, all areas to be planted shall be topdressed with . one-half inch compost and then shall be leveled, fine graded, and drug with a weighted spike harrow or float drag. The required result shall be the elimination of ruts, depressions, humps and objectionable soil clods. This shall be the final soil preparation step to be completed before planting. 3.03 PLANTING Prior to laying the sod; the planting bed shall be raked smooth to true grade and moistened to a depth of four inches, but not to the extent causing puddling. The sod shall be laid smoothly, tightly butted edge to edge, and with staggered joints. The sod shall be pressed firmly into the sod bed by mechanical roller so as to eliminate all air pockets, provide a true and even surface, and insure knitting without displacement of the sod or deformation of the surfaces of sodded areas. Following compaction, compost shall be used to fill all cracks between sods. Excess compost shall be worked into the grass with suitable equipment and shall be well watered. The quantity of compost shall be such that it will cause no smothering or burning of the grass . 3.04 FERTILIZING Twenty-one days after planting, turfgrass areas shall receive an application of 3-1-2 fertilizer at the rate of 45 pounds of nitrogen per acre. Water well after application to prevent burning as per requirements indicated in Part 2-2.03 Water END OF SECTION TIJRF SODDING 028 40 -3 - SECTION 02846 -SIGNAGE PART 1 -GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Installation of traffic control signs. 1.02 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 03300 -Cast-In-Place Concrete (See Architectural/Building Specifications) B. US Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration's "Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices" (MUTCD), latest edition. C. Construction Drawings 1.03 SUBMITT ALS A. Product Data: Include catalog, cuts of each type of sign and manufacturer's installation instructions. 1.04 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Deliver, store, and handle signs in accordance with SECTION 01610 - TRANSPORTATION AND HANDLING and SECTION 01620 -STORAGE AND PROTECTION and in manufacturer's cartons. Store off ground on planking; Cover with non-staining plastic. 1.05 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Coordinate installation of signs with work of other trades. PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2.01 SIGNS -MUTCD classification is shown in parentheses A. "STOP" Signs: 30-inches x 30-inches, Octagon, white legend and border on red background (Rl-1). B. "ACCESSIBLE PARKING SYMBOL" Signs : 12 -inches x 18-inches, green legend and border, white symbol on blue box, and wh ite background (R7 -8). C. "No Parking" Signs: Provide 12" x 18" "No Parking" sign. SIGNAGE 02846 -I - 2.02 ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURER A. Site signs: As manufactured by Sa-So (Sargent-Sowell, Inc.) 1185 1081h Street, Grand Prairie, Texas 75050 (phone 647-1525), or approved equivalent. 2.03 MATERIALS A . Sign Materials : Aluminum Sheets: AS1M B 209, alloy 6061 T6, degreased and etched, 0 .080" thickness. Sign faces shall be fully reflectorized with material conforming to Mil. Spec. MIL-R- 13689A. B. Bolts , Nuts, Washers, and Clamps: Cadmium or galvanized steel. Bolts shall be a minimum of 5/6" in diameter. Clamps shall be two -piece assemblies of at least 14 gage steel or shall be an adjustable steel strap bracket. C. "U" channel galvanized steel posts. Posts shall have a minimum weight of2-pounds per lineal foot. D . Concrete: Provide concrete consisting of Portland cement (ASTM C 150), aggregates (ASTM C 33), and clean water. Mix materials to obtain concrete with a minimum 28- day compressive strength of 3,600 psi, using at least 4 sacks of cement per cubic yard, I inch maximum size aggregate, maximum 3' slump, and 2% to 4% entrained air. PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Execution: Drill holes of the size indicated for posts. Excavate holes to the depths indicated. Remove excess concrete and excavated soil from the site . B. Setting Posts: 1. Remove all loose and foreign materials from sides and bottoms of holes, and moisten soil prior to placing concrete. Center and align posts in holes. 2. Place concrete around posts in a continuous pour, and vibrate or tamp for consolidation. Check each post for vertical and top alignment, and hold in position during placement and finishing operations . Trowel finish tops of footings, and slope or dome to direct water away from posts. C. Mount signs in accordance with manufacturers instructions . 3.02 CLEANING A. Clean exposed sign faces and galvanized surfaces, and leave free of defects . Use no abrasives. Leave pavement and graded area clean and free of debris. END OF SECTION SIGNAGE 02846 - 2 - SECTION 02870 -SITE FURNISHINGS PART I -GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTION Furnish and supply all labor, equipment, materials and incidentals necessary to assemble, install and otherwise construct park equipment as listed under products. 1.02 RELATED WORK A. Section 03300 -Cast-in-Place Concrete. B. Section 07920 -Caulking and Sealants 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. All equipment shall be free of sharp edges and comers, or extremely rough surfaces. C. All materials shall be new and conform to all standards per specified product or aproved equal (see Division I-Section 01640 / Substitutions And Product Options D. The bidder shall be responsible for defects in equipment due to faulty materials or manufacturing, damage or loss. E. Metal shall be straight or at design radii or bends, without kinks, and shall be true to shape. E. Codes and Standards: All "accessible" site furnishings shall comply with the current Texas Accessibility Standards (TAS) of the Architectural Barriers Act, Article 9102, Texas Civil Statutes (512) 453-3211. 1.04 PRODUCT DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Protect from inclement weather: wet, damp, extreme heat or cold. B. Store in a manner to prevent warpage and/or bowing. 1.05 JOB CONDITIONS The contractor shall be responsible for protection o f unfinished work and shall be responsible for the safety of park users utilizing unfinished equipment. SITE FURNISH INGS 02870 -I - PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2.01 Equipment as specified on plans or approved eaqual. PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Fasteners: All nuts and bolts shall be upset and tack welded to prevent disassembly. B. Manufacturer's Installation Instructions: The Contractor shall follow the manufacturer's installation instructions and give the Landscape Architect the instructions for filing, unless otherwise stated. Set benches and picnic tables level. END OF SECTION SITE FURNISHINGS 02870 -2- SECTION 03300-CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE PART 1 -GENERAL 1.01 SCOPE OF WORK A. Concrete Sidewalk B . Concrete Handicap Ramps C. Picnic Table Slabs D. Playground Edging E . Concrete Walls and Footings 1.02 QUALITY ASSURANCE Reference Specifications : The work under this division of the Specifications shall conform generally to the requirements ofltem 314 -"Concrete Pavement", Item 406 - "Concrete for Structures 11, and Item 410-"Concrete Structures" of the City of Fort Worth's Standard Specifications for Street and Storm Drain Construction. PART 2 -MATERIALS 2.01 FORMS · Forms shall be of ample strength, adequately braced, joined neatly and tightly and set exactly to established line and grade. 2.02 REINFORCING MATERIALS Reinforcing Bars: Reinforcing bars shall be round deformed bars meeting the requirements of the current standard Specifications for Intermediate Grade Billet Steel Concrete Reinforcing Bars of the A.S.T.M. Designation A-615. Reinforcing bars at the time the concrete is placed shall be free from rust, scale or other coatings that will destroy or reduce the bond. General reinforcing bars shall be number three bars spaced 18 inches on center in walks and 12 inches in slabs as shown on Plans. 2.03 CONCRETE MATERIALS A. Cement: Portland cement shall meet the requirements of A .S.T.M. Specifications Designation C-150 and shall be Type 1. 1. 'Green' cement shall be procured from a kiln utilizing a dry kiln process or from any kiln that does not produce an excess of 1.7 lb ofNOx emissions per ton of clinker produced. 2. All related costs for complying with the 'Green Cement' Policy shall be considered ancillary to the applicable project pay items . B . Aggregates: Concrete aggregates shall consist of gravel or crushed stone and shall be free from any excess amount of salt, alkali, vegetative matter or other CAST-IN -PLACE CONCRETE 03300 -I . objectionable materials. The aggregate shall be well graded from fine to course and the maximum size shall be one inch. Fine aggregate shall consist of sand C. Water: Water used in mixing concrete shall be clean and free from deleterious amounts of acids, alkalies, vegetative matter or organic material. The concrete shall be mixed in an approved batch mixer. The mixing time shall not be less than one minute after all the batch materials are in the mixer. Cement content shall be not less than five sacks per cubic yard of concrete and shall have a minimum 28 day compressive strength of 3,000 psi. D. Mixing: Transit mixed concrete shall meet all the requirements for concrete as specified above. Sufficient transit mix equipment shall be assigned exclusively to the project as required for continuous pours at regular intervals without stopping or interrupting. Concrete shall not be placed on the job after a period of 1 1 /2 hours after the cement has been placed in the mixer. 2.04 RELATED MATERIAL A. Expansion Joint Filler: Expansion joint material shall be one inch clear heart redwood with cap and paved cross section as shown on the plans B. Dowels: Dowels for expansion joints shall be number four smooth round steel bars with expansion tubes as shown on Plans. Dowels shall be placed eighteen inches on center or as shown on Plans. C. Curing Compound: The membranous curing compound shall comply with the requirements of A.S.T.M., Designation C-309, Type 2, white pigmented. D. PVC Sleeves: The Contractor shall furnish and install four inch class 200 PVC pipe sleeves under concrete walk as shown on plans and details. E. Caulking and Sealants -See Section 07920 2.05 · CONCRETE MIX DESIGN AND CONTROL A. Mix Design: The concrete shall contain not less than five sacks of cement per cubic yard. Total water shall not exceed seven gallons per sack of cement. The mix shall be uniform and workable. The amount of course aggregate (dry-loose volume) shall not be more than 85 percent per cubic yard of concrete. The net amount of water will be the amount added at the mixer plus the free water in the aggregate or minus the amount of water needed to compensate for absorption by the aggregates. Free water or absorption determinations will be based on the condition of the aggregates at the time used. The absorption test will be based on a thirty minute absorption period. No water allowance will be made for evaporation after batching. CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE 03300 -2- B. Slump: When gauged by the standard slump test, the settlement of the concrete shall not be less than 3 inches nor more than 5 inches, unless otherwise indicated. C. Quality: The concrete shall be designed for a minimum compressive strength ·of 3,000 pounds per square inch at the age of twenty-eight days using a 5 sack mix. D. Control-Submittal: Within a period of not less than ten days prior to the start of concrete .operations, the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer a design of the concrete mix proposed to be used together with samples of all materials to be incorporated into the mix and a full description of the source of supply of each · material component. The design of the concrete mix shall conform with the provisions and limitation requirements of these specifications. All material samples submitted to the Engineer shall be sufficiently large to permit laboratory batching for the construction oftest beams to check the adequacy of the design. When the design mix has been approved by the Engineer, there shall be no change or deviation from the proportions thereof or sources of supply except as hereinafter provided. No concrete may be placed on the job site until the mix design has been approved by the Engineer in writing to the Contractor. PART 3-EXECUTION 3.01 REINFORCING Metal reinforcing shall be accurately placed in accordance with the Plans and shall be adequately secured in position by concrete, metal, or plastic chairs and spacers. Bar splices shall overlap at least twelve inches. The re-bars shall be bent cold. 3.02 JOINTS A. Expansion Joints: Expansion joint materials shall be installed perpendicular to the surface. The bottom edge of the material shall extend to or slightly below the bottom edge of the slab and the top edge shall be held approximately 1/2 inch below the surface of the slab. The edge of joints shall be tooled with an edging tool having a 1/2 inch radius. B. Contraction Joints: Contraction joints shall be 1/4 inch wide by 3/4 inch deep, tooled joints placed on six foot centers, unless otherwise indicated. Contraction joints will not be required to be sealed. Sawed joints may be allowed only if specifically approved by the Engineer. Joints will be sawed as soon as sawing can be performed without stripping aggregate from the concrete, generally within twelve to twenty-four hours after placement, and they shall be completed before uncontrolled cracking of the pavement takes place. C. Construction Joints: Construction joints shall be installed in all concrete work at the locations shown on the Plans. Construction joints formed at the close of each day's work shall be located at any of the control joints designated on the Plans. Joints may be constructed by use of wood or preformed metal bulkheads set true CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE 03300 - 3 - to the section of the finished concrete and cleaned and oiled. Surplus concrete on the subgrade shall be removed before resuming concreting operations. 3 .03 PLACING .CONCRETE Placement of Concrete: The concrete shall be rapidly deposited on the subgr.ade immediately after mixing is completed. Subgrade and forms shall be dampened prior to placement of the concrete. The concrete shall be transported, placed and spread in such a manner as to prevent segregation of the aggregate or an excess amount of water and fine materials to be brought to the surface. No concrete shall be placed when the air temperature is less than forty degrees Fahrenheit nor when the temperature of the concrete is eighty-five degrees Fahrenheit or higher, without approval of Construction Inspector. Placement shall be carried on at such a rate that the concrete is at all times plastic and flows readily into the space between the bars. No concrete that has partially hardened or that has been contaminated by foreign material shall be deposited in the work nor shall retempered concrete be used. Each section of pavement between expansion and construction joints shall be placed monolithically. All concrete shall be thoroughly compacted by suitable means during the operation of placing and shall be thoroughly worked around reinforcement and embedded fixtures and into the comers of the forms. Special care shall be taken to prevent voids and honeycombing. The concrete shall then be struck off and bull-floated to the grade shown on the Plans before bleed water has an opportunity to coll~ct on the surface. 3.04 FINISHING All concrete shall be finished by experienced, qualified concrete finishers. All concrete shall have a neat, rounded edge. Edging and jointing (radius described on Plans) shall be accomplished with care so as not to leave deep impressions in the concrete surface adjacent to edges and joints. After the concrete has been floated and has set sufficiently to support the weight of cement finishers, a smooth steel trowel will be used to produce hard surface. The entire surface will then be brushed with a stiff bristle broom to produce a uniform textured finish. All edges and sides of concrete exposed to view shall be free of warp and blemishes with a uniform texture and smoothness as described in Plans. 3,05 CURING Curing Compound: Immediately after the finishing operations, the concrete shall be completely covered with a curing compound. The concrete surface shall be kept moist between finishing operations and the application of the curing compound. The curing compound shall be applied under pressure by means of a spray nozzle at a rate not to exceed 200 square feet per gallon. A minimum of 72 hours curing time will be required . 3.06 CONCRETE WALLS A . Placing Concrete CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE 03300 -4- 1. . Where tremies are used , or where the free drop is 5'-0" or more, and through reinforcement, use a dumping box or board, moving the concrete therefrom by shovels or hoes. 2 . Deposit concrete so that the surface is kept level throughout, a minimum being permitted to flow from one position to another, and place as rapidly as practicable after mixing. 3. Do not use in this Work any concrete not placed within 30 minutes after leaving the mixer. 4. Thoroughly work concrete around reinforcement and embedded fixtures, and into comers of forms, during placing operations. 5. Completely compact with tamping poles and by tapping forms until the concrete is thoroughly compact and without voids. Determine the number of tampers needed by the amount and method of placing concrete. 6. Exercise care to tamp concrete vigorously and thoroughly to obtain maximum density. 7. Use manual tampers as well as mechanical vibrators. a. Exercise care to direct the quick handling of vibrators from one position to another. b. Do not over-vibrate concrete. c. Do not move concrete by use of vibrator. B. Finishing 1. All formed surfaces exposed to view shall have a smooth form finish. 2. After concrete has been properly placed and cured, sandblast finish if indicated on the plans and per specification Section 03350. 3.07 PROTECTION After concrete is placed, finished and cured as required, permit no traffic thereon for three days thereafter and further protect the surface from damage due to other causes. END OF SECTION CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE 0330 0 - 5 - SECTION 07920 -CAULKING AND SEALANTS PART I -GENERAL 1.01 DEFINITIONS: A. The term "sealant" or "sealing" shall refer to exterior joints exposed to weather or interior joints exposed to moisture. When "sealant" is used in an outside joint in aluminum or steel frames, "sealant" shall be required on the inside joint also . B. The term "caulk" or 'caulking' (calking) shall refer to interior joints not normally exposed to weather or moisture conditions. 1.02 SUBMITTAL: A. Submit to City's representative manufacturer's literature, specification data, and. color chart for all materials proposed for this project. B. Identify their use and location. 1.03 GUARANTEE: The Developer/Contractor shall provide the City a manufacturer's written guarantee on all joint sealing materials. The manufacturer shall agree to provide any replacement material free of charge to the City. Also, the Developer/Contractor shall provide the City a written warranty on all sealed joints. The Developer/Contractor shall agree to replace any failed joints at no cost to the City. Both warranties shall be for one year after final acceptance of the completed work by the City. · PART2-PRODUCTS 2.01 SEALANTS: As manufactured by Pecora or approved equal. A. Concrete-to-Concrete (Horizontal Joint): NR-201 with primer. B. Masonry-to-Masonry or Concrete-to-Concrete (Vertical): Dynatrol II 2.02 PRIMERS: Type as manufactured by manufacturer of sealing or caulking material and completely compatible with compound. 2.03 JOINT BACKING: Rods or tape in sizes and types as recommended by manufacturer of sealing or caulking material, and completely compatible with compound. CAULKING AND SEALANTS 07920 -I - PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.01 GENERAL: A. Work shall be performed by experienced mechanics skilled in execution of type of work required and in application of specified materials. B. Deliver materials to job site in original containers with manufacturer's name and brand clearly marked thereon. C. When perimeter joints around frames that are to be caulked do not have built-in stops or other means to prevent depth of compound from exceeding one half inch (1/2"), pack joint with back-up materials of correct type and to the depth as necessary to provide minimum three eighth inch (3/8") and maximum one half inch (1/2 11 ) depth of compound. D. Materials and methods shall be as specified herein, unless they are contrary to approved manufacturer's directions or to approved trade practice; or unless · Developer/Contractor believes they will not produce a watertight job which he will guarantee as required. Where any part of these conditions occur, Developer/Contractor shall notify the City in writing. Deviation from procedure specified will be permitted only upon City's approval and providing that work is guaranteed by Developer/Contractor as specified. E. If, prior to beginning work, Developer/Contractor does not notify City in writing of any proposed changes, it will be assumed that he agrees that materials and methods specified will produce results desired, and that he will furnish required guarantee. 3.02 PREPARATORY WORK: A. Where weather molds, staff beads, etc., do not form integral part of frames to be caulked, but are removable, remove same prior to caulking, execute caulking, replace molds, etc., and point. B. Clean all joints, etc., that are to be caulked or sealed, prior to executing work. 3.03 PRIMING: When conditions of joints so require, or when types of materials used adjacent to joints so require, or when compound manufacturer's recommendations so require, clean and prime joints before starting caulking. Execute priming operations in strict accordance with manufacturer's directions. 3.04 JOINT BACKING: Joint backing shall be installed in all joints to receive sealants. Backing shall be sized to require twenty to fifty percent (20%-50%) compression upon insertion, and shall be placed so that sealant depth is approximately one half inch (1/2") CAULKING AND SEALANTS 07920 -2 - joint width. In joints not of sufficient depth to allow backing, install bond breaking tape at back of joint. 3.05 APPLICATION: Apply sealant and caulking material under pressure to fill joint completely, allowing no air pockets or voids. Tool the joint surface to compress the compound into the joint. 3.06 THRESHOLDS: Place all exterior door thresholds in a fill bed of sealant during setting procedures. 3.07 CLEANING: Clean adjacent surfaces free of caulking and sealant and clean all work of other trades that has in any way been soiled by these operations. Finished work shall be left in a neat and clean condition. END OF SECTION CAULKING AND SEALANTS 07920 - 3 - SECTION 08032 -GABION STRUCTURES 1.01 DESCRIPTION Gabions consist of rectangular, compartmented wire baskets filled with stone used for slope or bank protection and erosion control on open channels. This item shall govern the materials, construction and assembly of gabion structures conforming to the lines, grades, locations and designs as indicated on the plans and specifications, or as established by the OWNER. 1.02 MATERIALS Geotextile, if required, shall be as indicated on the plans. Gabions may be rejected for failure to meet any of the requirements of this specification. A. BASKETS Gabion baskets shall consist of uniform hexagonal twisted wire mesh or welded wire mesh, coated as specified on the plans. Basket materials shall conform to requirements of ASTM A975 Double-Twisted Hexagonal Mesh Gabions and Revet Mattresses (Metallic-Coated Steel Wire or Metallic-Coated Steel Wire With Poly Vinyl Chloride (PVC) Coating), or ASTM A974 Welded Wire Fabric Gabions and Gabion Mattresses (Metallic Coated or Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Coated), except as modified by these specifications. Uniform hexagonal wire mesh shall be woven in double twist pattern with openings fabricated in such a manner as to be nonraveling, or uniform rectangular welded mesh and designed to provide the required flexibility and strength. The perimeter edges of the twisted wire mesh shall be woven around a reinforcing wire in a manner designed to prevent slippage, and the edges of the mesh shall be securely selvedged. All corners shall be reinforced by heavier wire. Welded wire mesh shall be composed of a series of longitudinal and transverse steel wires arranged substantially at right angles to each other and welded together at the points of intersection by the process of resistance welding to form fabricated sheets with a mesh opening of3-in. x 3-in. (7.5-cm x 7.5-cm). Gabions shall be so fabricated that the sides, ends, lid, base and diaphragms can be readily assembled at the construction site into rectangular baskets with a minimum thickness of one (1)-foot (30.5-cm). Where the length of the gabion exceeds one-and-one-half times its horizontal width, the gabion shall be divided by diaphragms, of the same mesh and gauge as the body of the gabion, into equal cells whose length does not exceed the horizontal width. Diaphragms shall be secured in the proper position on the base section. GABION STRUCTURES 08032 -I • All dimensions for twisted wire mesh gabions are subject to tolerance limit of five -percent. All dimensions for welded wire mesh gabions are subject to tolerance lim it of one-percent. B. STONE The stone shall be graded from 3-in. to 8-in. (7.6-cm to 20.3-cm) in diameter and shall meet the requirements of Item 504 .2.2.1. Crushed Stone Embedment. The stone shall have a specific gravity of at least 2.40 and shall have a percent of wear not more than 40 when tested in accordance with TxDOT Test Method TEX-410- A Abrasion of Coarse Aggregate Using the Los Angeles Machine. If required by the OWNER, results of selected tests in accordance with ASTM D5313 Standard Test Method for Evaluation of Durability of Rock for Erosion Control Under Wetting and Drying Conditions shall be provided to the OWNER. 1.03 GABION CONSTRUCTION A. GEOTEXTILE FILTER LA YER If specified on the plans, a geotextile fabric or aggregate filter shall be designed by a registered professional engineer specializing in geotechnical engineering. Geotextile fabric for use as a filter media shall be placed along the gabion structure as shown in the plans. The geotextile fabric shall be placed with a minimum overlap of 18-in. (46cm), Fabric shall be secured as necessary by pins or other suitable means before placing gabion baskets. Aggregate filter layer shall be constructed as designed . B. GABI ON BASKET ASSEMBLY Gabion baskets shall be assembled as instructed by the basket manufacturer. In the absence of manufacturer instructions, they shall be assembled as specified below unless directed otherwise by the OWNER. 1. Twisted Wire Baskets Twisted wire mesh gabion baskets are assembled by unfolding the baskets on a hard surface and stamping out all kinks. Fold up the front, back, and end panels and fasten together with the projecting heavy gauge wire by twisting it around the selvage wire two complete turns. Fold the diaphragms up and secure in the same manner. All edges and diaphragms to sides are now laced together in the following manner: Cut a length of lacing wire approximately 5-ft. (1.5m) long, secure the wire at one end by looping and twisting together, then proceed lacing with a double loop (made at GABION STRUCTIJRES 08032 -2- the same point) approximately every 4-to 5-in. (10-to 13-cm) apart, pulling the basket pieces tightly together. Secure the end of the wire by again looping and twisting. 2. Welded Wire Baskets Welded wire mesh gabion baskets are assembled by unfolding baskets on a hard surface and connecting front, back, side, and diaphragm panels together by threading the preformed spiral bind~r through the mesh openings along the edge and those of the adjoining panel. Spiral binders shall be secured at both ends . Welded wire mesh gabion baskets may also be assembled and interconnected to form a continuous structural unit using a length of lacing wire approximately 5-feet (I.Sm) long. Secure the wire at one end by looping and twisting together, then proceed lacing with a double loop (made at the same point) every 6-inches (15cm), pulling the panels tightly together to produce a joint that is as strong as the mesh. Secure the end of the wire by again looping and twisting. C. GABI ON BASKET PLACEMENT Gabion baskets shall be placed in position empty and shall be bound together, each to its neighbor, along all contacting edges in order to form a continuous connecting structural unit. Binding shall be in the same manner as that used to assemble baskets and shall produce a joint that is as strong as the body of the mesh. Twisted wire mesh gabions 3-feet (0.9m) high that are to be placed in a straight row are to be stretched in the following manner before being tied to the adjacent gabions. Tie together approximately 100-feet (30m) of gabion baskets end to end. · Secure one end of the row by tying to gabions already filled or fill the end gabion with stone and then stretch baskets sufficiently to remove kinks. While maintaining tension, tie the row of baskets to its neighbor and then fill with stone. D. GABION STONE PLACEMENT When the assembled empty gabion baskets have been installed, the gabion stone shall then be placed in the following manner. The gabion baskets may be filled by machine with sufficient additional handwork to accomplish a maximum density and a minimum amount of voids. Vertical 01utside surfaces shall be placed by hand with large select stone in order to achieve the best appearance. Baskets are to be filled in 12-in. (30cm) layers in order to install a looped inner tie wire in each cell connecting to front and back faces every 12-in. (30cm) of vertical height in any unsupported face. Individual cells may not be filled more than 1-ft. (30cm) above any adjacent cell unless looped inner tie wires run in both directions. GABION STRUCTURES 08032 - 3 - E. GABION BASKET CLOSURE 1. Twisted Wire Mesh Each twisted wire mesh gabion basket shall be filled to its maximum, which is approximately 1 Yz-in. ( 4cm) higher than the sides, and the surface leveled with a minimum amount of voids, the lids shall be pried down and over with a bar until the edge of the lid and edge of the basket are together. The heavy projecting wire on the lid shall be twisted around the heavy wire on the sides two complete turns, and the lid shall then be tied to the edges and tops of diaphragms in the same manner as the baskets are assembled so that the finished joint is as strong as the body of the mesh. The lids of the gabion baskets shall also be tied together, each to its neighbor along all connecting edges to insure the formation of a continuous connecting structural unit. Special attention shall be given that all projecting sharp ends of wire are turned in. 2. Welded Wire Mesh Each welded wire niesh gabion basket shall be filled to its m~imum height, even with the top and sides and leveled with a minimum amount of voids. The lids shall be closed such that the edges of the lid panel is within I-inch (25mm) of the.top edge of the side front and back panels. The lid shall be connected to these panels using the preformed spiral binder or lacing wire as specified in item 803.2.3.2. Gabion Basket Assembly. Where welded mesh gabions are placed side by side, the side panel of one may be used as a common side and shall be connected in the manner prescribed in Item 803.2.3.2. Gabion Basket Assembly. 1.04 GABI ON MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT Gabions shall be measured for payment either in square yards (rn 2) of the specified minimum thickness or in cubic yards (m3), based on the dimensions shown on the plans or on revised dimensions, where changes are ordered or approved by the OWNER or by ton of material in place. Gabions shall be paid for at the contract unit price complete in place, as provided in the proposal and contract. The contract unit price shall be the total compensation for preparing the subgrade, including excavation; for furnishing, placing and assembling all materials; for furnishing, placing, shaping and tamping backfill; for disposal of all surplus materials; and for all labor, tools, equipment and incidentals necessary to complete the work, all in accordance with the plans and these specifications. END OF SECTION GABION STRUCTURES 08032 -4 - GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING STUDY PARKING AND PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE ADDITIONS FOSTER PARK FORT WORTH, TEXAS Presented To: Dunaway Associates, L.P. November 2007 PROJECT NO. 128~07-27 CMJ ENGINEERING, INC. November 9, 2007 Report No. 128-07-27 Dunaway Associates, LP. 1501 Merrimac Circle, Suite 100 Fort Worth, Texas 76107 Attn: Mr. Steve Darnold GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING STUDY PARKING AND PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE ADDITIONS FOSTER PARK FORT WORTH, TEXAS Dear Mr. Darnold: 7636 Pebble Drive Fort Wo rth, Texas 761 18 www.cmjengr.com Submitted here are the results of a geotechnical engineering study for the referenced project. This study was performed in general accordance with CMJ Proposal 07-2083 (Revised) dated October 23, 2007. The geotechnical services were authorized on October 23, 2007 by Mr. Larry P. O'Flinn, ASLA of Dunaway Associates, LP. Engineering analyses and recommendations are contained in the text section of the report. Results of our field and laboratory services are included in the appendix of the report. We would appreciate the opportunity to be considered for providing the materials engineering and geotechnical observation services during the construction phase of this project. We appreciate the opportunity to be of service to Dunaway Associates, LP. Please contact us if you have any questions or if we may be of further service at this time. Respectfully submitted, CMJ ENGINEERING, INC. (T,:'l..-.~ I _,,,,,,, --....€. OF i.r:-,, ~ t!!······ .. ~~-1. \. ;'c,.,'.,·· ··.\SI • ,. .... .. ' , .• •*I *• • '.I :.: \*~ •••••••••••••••••••~··•: ••• I l JAMES P. SAPPINGTON, IV I "-, .................. ~ ........... ~ '-o· ' :ct;" · 't ,i,•. 97402 :/./;~ James . Sappington, IV, P.E. • a··· i1i ~~ .~ii;., Project ngineer 11~~.s:/?gM\\:~bY Texas No. 97402 ,,,~,lt\~ ........ ~:~-o"l ~t.idl:. parrett E. Williams, P.E. ( ~resident Texas No. 52525 copies submitted: (3) Mr. Steve Darnold; Dunaway Associates, LP. Phone (817) 284-9400 Fax (817) 589-9993 Metro {817) 589-9992 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1.0 I NTRODUCTION---------------------------------------------------------1 1.1 Project Description --------------------------------------------------------1 1 .2 Purpose and Scope--------------------------------------------1 1. 3 Report Format---------------------------------------1 2.0 FIELD EXPLORATION AND LABORATORY TESTING--------------------------2 2.1 Field Exploration-----------------------------------------2 2 .2 Laboratory Testing-----------------------------------3 3.0 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS-------------------------------------3 3.1 Soil Conditions--------------------------------------------3 3.2 Ground-Water ObseNations-------------------------------------------4 4.0 BRIDGE FOUNDATION RECOMMENDATIONS-------------------4 4.1 General Foundation Considerations ------------------------4 4 .2 Straight Shaft Pier Design Parameters -----------------5 5.0 PAVEMENTS -----7 5.1 Pavement Subgrade Preparation ---7 5.2 Pavement Sections-------------8 5.3 Pavement Material Requirements--------------------------------------9 5.4 General Pavement Considerations -------------------10 6.0 EARTHWORK -----------------------10 6.1 Site Preparation-----------...:.-·--- 6.2 Placement and Compaction ------ -----------------1 O ·---------------10 ·-------------11 6.3 Excavation------ €5.4 Erosion and Sediment Control ---·------11 7.0 CONSTRUCTION OBSERVATIONS ----------------------------12 8.0 REPORT CLOSURE 12 Plan of Borings -----· - Unified Soil Classification---- APPENDIX A Plate ·-----.A.1 -------------------A.2 Key to Classification and Symbols ------A.3 Logs of Boring ------------------------------. ----------A.4 -A.5 Lime Series Test Resu lts---------------------------------------...:.---------------A.6 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Project Description The project, as currently planned, will consist of a paved parking addition planned north of South Drive at Foster Park in Fort Worth, Texas. The new parking lot will be surfaced with hot-mix asphaltic concrete . This investigation does not conform to the City of Fort Worth 2005 Pavement Design Standards Manual. In addition, an existing pedestrian low water crossing may be replaced with a pedestrian bridge . Plate A.1, Plan of Borings, presents the approximate locations of the exploration borings. 1.2 Purpose and Scope The purpose of this geotechnical engineering study has been to determine the general paving and subsurface conditions, evaluate the engineering characteristics of the subsurface materials encountered, develop recommendations for the type or types of pavement subgrade preparation and stabilization, provide pavement thickness information, and develop recommendations for the type or types of bridge foundations. To accomplish its intended purposes, the study has been conducted in the following . phases: (1) drilling sample borings to determ_ine the general subsurface conditions and to obtain samples for testing; (2) performing laboratory tests on appropriate samples to determine pertinent engineering properties of the subsurface materials; and (3) performing engineering analyses, using the field and laboratory data to develop geotechnical recommendations for the proposed construction. The design is currently in progress and the locations and/or elevations of the structure could change. Once the final design is near completion (SO-percent to 90-percent stage), it is recommended that CMJ Engineering, Inc. be retained to review those portions of the construction documents pertaining to the geotechnical recommendations, as a means to determine that our recommendations have been interpreted as intended. 1.3 Report Format The text of the report is contained in Sections 1 through 8. All plates and la rge tables are contained in Appendix A. The alpha-numeric plat~ and table numbers identify the appendix in which they appear. Small tables of less than one page in length may appear in the body of the text and are numbered according to the section in which they occur. Report No. 128-07-27 CMJ ENGINcER!NG, INC Units used in the report are based on the English system and may include tons per square foot (tsf), kips (1 kip= 1,000 pounds), kips per square foot (ksf), pounds per square foot (psf), pounds per cubic foot (pcf), and pounds per square inch (psi). 2.0 FIELD EXPLORATION AND LABORATORY TESTING 2.1 Field Exploration Subsurface materials at the project site were explored by two vertical soil borings. Borings 8-1 and B-2 were drilled to 15 and 5 feet below existing grade, respectively. The borings were drilled using continuous flight augers at the approximate locations shown on the Plan of Borings, Plate A.1 . The boring logs are included on Plates A.4 and A.5 and keys to classifications and symbols used on the logs are provided on Plates A.2 and A.3 . Undisturbed samples of cohesive soils were obtained with nominal 3-inch diameter thin-walled (Shelby) tube samplers at the locations shown on the logs of borings. The Shelby tube sampler consists of a thin-walled steel tube with a sharp cutting edge connected to a head equipped with a ball valve threaded for rod connection . The tube is pushed into the soil by the hydraulic pulldown of the drilling rig. The soil specimens were extruded from the tube in the field, logged, tested for consistency with a hand penetrometer, sealed, and packaged to limit loss of moisture. The cons istency of cohesive soil samples was evaluated in the field using a calibrated hand penetrometer. In this test a 0.25-inch diameter piston is pushed into the relatively undisturbed sample at a constant rate to a depth of 0.25 inch . The results of these tests, in tsf, are tabulated at respective sample depths on the logs. When the capacity of the penetrometer is exceeded, the value is tabulated as 4.5+. To evaluate the relative density and consistency of the harder formations, a modified version of the Texas Cone Penetration test was performed at selected locations . Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) Test Method Tex-132-E specifies driving a 3-inch diameter cone with a 170-pound hammer freely falling 24 inches . This results in 340 foot-pounds of energy for each blow. This method was modified by utilizing a 140-pound hammer freely falling 30 inches. This results in 350 foot-pounds of energy for each hammer blow. In relatively soft materials, the penetrometer cone is driven 1 foot and the number of blows required for each 6-inch penetration is ReportNo.128-07-27 CMJ E NGINEERING, L°"C 2 tabulated at respective test depths, as blows per 6 inches on the log. In hard materials (rock or rock-like), the penetrometer cone is driven with the resulting penetrations, in inches, recorded for the first and second 50 blows, a total of 100 blows. The penetration for the total 100 blows is recorded at the respective testing depths on the boring logs. 2.2 Laboratory Testing Laboratory soil tests were performed on selected representative samples recovered from the borings. In addition to the classification tests (liquid limits and plastic limits), moisture content and unit weight tests were performed. Results of the laboratory classification tests, moisture content, and unit weight tests conducted for this project are Included on the boring logs. An Eades and Grim Lime Series test was performed on a selected sample to identify the appropriate concentration of lime to add to soils for stabilization purposes. The results of the lime series test are presented on Plate A.6. The above laboratory tests were performed in general accordance with applicable ASTM procedures, or generally accepted practice. 3.0 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS 3.1 Soil Conditions Specific types and depths of subsurface strata encountered at the boring locations are shown on the boring logs in Appendix A. The generalized subsurface stratigraph ies encountered in the borings are discussed below. Note that depths on the borings refer to the depth from the existing gradQ or ground surface present at the time of the investigation, and the boundaries between the various soil types are approximate. Surficial soils consist of dark brown and light brown silty clays with calcareous nodules. Limestone fragments and ironstone nodules also are present within these clays in Boring B-2 . The various clays encountered in the borings had tested Liquid Limits (LL) of 38 and 47 and Plasticity Indices (Pl) of 21 and 28 and are classified as CL by the uses. The various clayey soils were generally stiff to hard (soil basis) in consistency with pocket penetrometer readings of 2.5 to over 4.5 tsf. Tested unit weight values were 116 and 123 pct. Report No. 128-07·27 CMJ ENGINEERING, INC. 3 Below the surficial clays , tan limestone is present at depths of 3 to 4 feet. The tan limestone is moderately hard to very hard (rock bas is), wit h Texas Cone Penetration (THD) test values of 0 .25 to 4 inches per 100 blows . The tan limestone is fractured within the upper 2 feet in Boring B-1 . Boring B-2 was term inated at a depth of 5 feet within the tan limestone. Gray limestone is next present in Boring B-1 at a depth of 1 O feet below existing grade . The gray limestone is very hard (rock basis), with a Texas Cone Penetration (THD) test value of 0.25 inch per 100 blows. The Atterberg Limits tests indicate the clays (CH materials) encountered at this site are highly active with respect to moisture induced vo lume changes Active clays can experience volume changes (expansion or contraction) with fluctuations in their moisture content. 3.2 Ground-Water Observations The borings were drilled using continuous flight augers in order to observe ground-water seepage during drilling. All boreholes were dry at completion of drilling operations. Fluctuations of the ground-water level can occur due to seasonal variations in the amount of rainfall; site topography and runoff; hydraulic conductivity of soil strata; and other factors not evident at the time the borings were performed . The possibility of ground-water level fluctuations should be considered when developing the design and construction plans for the project. Perched water can occur atop rock, particularly after periods of extended rainfall. 4.0 BRIDGE FOUNDATION RECOMMENDATIONS 4.1 General Foundation Considerations Two independent design criteria must be satisfied in the selection of the type of foundation to support the proposed structure. First, the ultimate bearing capacity, reduced by a sufficient factor of safety, must not . be exceeded by the bearing pressure transferred to the foundation soils. Second, due to consolidation or expansion of the underlying soils during the operating life of the structure, total and differential vertical movements must be within tolerable limits. The recommended foundation alternative for the proposed structure is discussed below. Foundation construction cons iderations are presented in Sections 4.2.3 . R.eport No. 128-07-27 CMJ ENGJNEERJ'NG, l NC 4 4.2 Straight Shaft Pier Design Parameters 4.2. i Design Criteria Recommendations and parameters for the design of cast-in-place straight-shaft drilled piers are outlined below. Specific recommendations for the construction and installation of the drilled piers are included in the following section, and shall be followed during construction. Bearing Stratum Depth of Bearing Stratum: Required Penetration/Depth: Gray LIMESTONE Approximately 10 feet below existing grades All piers should penetrate into the bearing stratum a minimum of 1 foot Allowable End Bearing Capacity: 40,000 psf Allowable Skin Friction:· 6,500 psf for compressive loads and 4,500 psf for tensile loads. The maximum ratio of overall shaft length to shaft diameter is 20:i. The minimum recommended pier diameter is 18 inches. The above values contain a safety factor of three (3). Drilled shafts should extend through any weathered zones and bear only in competent gray limestone. For lateral shaft resistance, an allowable passive resistance of 3,000 psf may be considered in the gray limestone. An allowable passive resistance of 1,000 psf may be considered in the overlying tan limestone. In order to develop full load carrying capacity in skin friction, adjacent shafts should have a minimum center-to-center spacing of 3 times the diameter of the larger shaft. Closer spacing may require some reductions in skin friction and/or changes in installation sequences. Closely spaced shafts should be examined on a case-by-case basis. As a general guide, the design skin friction will vary linearly from the full value at a spacing of 3 diameters to 50 percent of the design value at 2 diameters. Settlements for properly installed and constructed straight shafts in the gray limestone will be primarily elastic and are estimated to be 1 inch. Differential settlement between adjacent piers is estimated at Y2 inch or less. Report No. 128-07-27 CMJ ENGINEERING, !NC. 5 4.2.2 Soil-Induced Uplift Loads The drilled shafts could experience tensile loads as a result of post construction heave in the site soils·. The magnitude of these loads varies with the shaft diameter, soil parameters, and particularly the in-situ moisture levels at the time of construction. For design purposes, an uplift load of 1,200 psf over a shaft length of 3 feet is estimated. This load must be resisted by the dead load on the shaft, continuous vertical reinforcing steel in the shaft, and a shaft adhesion developed within the bearing strata. In order to aid in the structural design of the reinforcement, minimum reinforcing should be equal to 0.5 percent of the shaft area. 4.2.3 Drilled Shaft Construction Considerations Extremely hard limestone layers can be present in this geologic formation . This limestone can complicate installation of the shafts and require special drilling techniques such as rock coring. Where such extremely hard limestones are encountered, shaft penetrations cannot be reduced : As a point of reference, unconfined compression strength tests in this material typically ranges from 100 to well over 500 tsf. Drilled pier construction should be monitored on a full-time basis by a representative of the geotechnical engineer to observe, among other things, the following items: • Identification of bearing material • Adequate penetration of the shaft excavation into the bearing layer • The base and sides of the shaft excavation are clean of loose cuttings • If seepage is encountered, whether it is of sufficient amount to require the use of temporary steel casing. If casing is needed it is important that the field representative observe that a high head of plastic concrete is maintained within the casing at all times during their extraction to prevent the inflow of water Precautions should be taken during the placement of reinforcing steel and concrete to prevent loose, excavated soil from falling into the excavation. Concrete should be placed as soon as practical after completion of the drilling, cleaning, and observation. Excavation for a drilled pier should be filled with concrete before the end of the workday, or sooner if required to prevent deterioration of the bearing material. Prolonged exposure or inundation of the bearing surface with water will result in changes in strength and compressibility characteristics. If delays occur, the drilled pier excavation should be deepened as necessary and cleaned, in order to provide a fresh bearing surface. Report No. 128-07 -27 CMJ ENGINEERING, INC 6 Excavations for the shafts should be maintained in the dry. The concrete should have a slump of 6 inches plus or minus 1 inch. The concrete should be placed in a manner to prevent the concrete from striking the reinforcing cage or the sides of the excavation. Concrete should be tremied to the bottom of the excavation to control the maximum free fall of the plastic concrete to less than 10 feet, or focus concrete in the middle of the reinforcing cage to prevent segregation. A drilling rig of sufficient size and weight will be necessary for drilling and/or coring through the hard layers to reach the desired bearing stratum and achieve the required penetration. It should be anticipated that hard to very hard zones can be present in the gray limestone. The hard to very hard layers can complicate pier drilling operations. In addition to the above guidelines, the specifications from the Association of Drilled Shaft Contractors Inc. "Standards and Specifications for the Foundation Drilling Industry" as Revised 1999 or other recognized specifications for proper installation of drilled shaft foundation systems should be followed. 5.0 PAVEMENTS 5.1 Pavement Subgrade Preparation The surficial clays in the area of the proposed parking area are moderately to highly plastic. These soils are subject to loss in support value with the moisture increases which occur beneath pavement sections. They react with hydrated lime, which serves to improve and maintain their support value. Treatment of these soils with hydrated lime will improve their subgrade characteristics to support area paving. Lime treatment is recommended for all subgrade areas to support area paving, and also to improve performance of asphaltic concrete paving. Prior to lime stabilization or compaction, the subgrade should be proofrolled with heavy pneumatic equipment. Any soft or pumping areas should be undercut to a firm subgrade and properly backfilled as described in Section 6. The subgrade should be scarified to a minimum depth of 6 inches and uniformly compacted to a minimum of 95 percent of Standard Proctor density (ASTM D 698), near minus 2 to plus 4 percentage points of the optimum moisture content determined by that test. It then should be protected and maintained in a moist condition until the pavement is placed. The presence of limestone fragments in the surficial soils can complicate mixing of the soil and lime. Report No. 128-07-27 CMJ ENGINEERING, L'IC. 7 Medium-Duty Parking Areas are those lots subjected to a variety of light-duty vehicles to medium-duty vehicles and an occasional heavy-duty truck (1 to 2 per week), includes fire lanes For asphaltic concrete pavement, we recommend a full depth asphaltic concrete section having a minimum total thickness of 6 inches for light-duty parking areas and 7 inches for medium-duty parking areas and drives. A minimum surface course thickness of 2 inches is recommended for asphaltic concrete pavements. A California Bearing Ratio or other strength tests were not performed because they were not within the scope of our services on this project. A subgrade modulus of 100 psi Was considered appropriate for the near-surface soils. If heavier vehicles are planned, the above cross sections can be confirmed by performing strength tests on the subgrade materials once the traffic characteristics are established. Periodic maintenance of pavement structures normally improves the durability of the overall pavement and enhances its expected life. The above sections should be considered minimum pavement thicknesses and higher traffic volumes and heavy trucks may require thicker pavement sections . Additional recommendations can be provided after traffic volumes and_ loads are known. Periodic maintenance should be anticipated for . minimum pavement thickness. This maintenance should consist of sealing cracks and timely repair of isolated distressed areas. 5.3 Pavement Material Requirements Hot Mix Asphaltic Concrete Surface Course: Item 340, Type D, Texas Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for Construction and Maintenance of Highways,. Streets, and Bridges, 2004 Edition. Hot Mix Asphaltic Concrete Base Course: Item 340, Type A or 8, Texas Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for Construction and Maintenance of Highways, Streets, and Bridges, 2004 Edition. Lime Stabilized Subgrade: Lime treatment for base course (road mix) -Item 260, Texas Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for Construction and Maintenance of Highways, Streets, and Bridges, 2004 Edition. Report No. 128-07-27 CMJ ENGlNE.ERJNG, INC. 9 5.4 General Pavement Considerations The design of the .pavement drainage and gr:ading should consider the potential for differential ground movement due to future soil swelling of up to 1.5 inches. In order to minimize rainwater infiltration through the pavement surface, and thereby minimizing future upward movement of the pavement slabs all cracks and joints in ttie pavement should be sealed on a routine basis after construction. 6.0 EARTHWORK 6.1 Site Preparation The subgrade should be firm and able to support the construction equipment without displacement. Soft or yielding subgrade should be corrected and made stable before construction proceeds . The subgrade should be proof rolled to detect soft spots, which if exist, should be reworked to proVide a firm and otherwise suitable subgrade. Proof rolling should be performed using a heavy pneumatic tired roller, loaded dump truck, or similar piece of equipment. The proof rolling operations should be observed by the project geotechnical engineer or his/her representative. Prior to fi,11 placement, the subgrade should be scarified to a minimum depth of 6 inches, its moisture content adjusted, and recompacted to the moisture and density recommended for fill. In areas of perched water or pumping subgrade,. it may be necessary to install sub-pavement drains or edge drains. This decision should be made during construction to verify the need for such drains. 6.2 Placement and Compaction Fill material should be placed in loose lifts not exceeding 8 inches in uncompacted thickness. The uncompacted lift thickness should be reduced to 4 inches for struct~re backfill zones requiring hand-operated power compactors or small self-propelled compactors. The fill material should be uniform with respect to material type and moisture content. Clods and chunks of material should be broken down and the fill material mixed by disking, blading , or plowing, as necessary, sD'that a l, .) material of uniform moisture and density is obtained for each lift. Water required for sprinkling to bring the fill material to the proper moisture content should be applied evenly through each layer. The fill material should be compacted to a minimum of 95 percent of the maximum dry density determined by the Standard Proctor test, ASTM D 698 . In conjunction with the compacting operation, the fill material should be brought to the proper moisture content. The moisture content for general earth fill should range from 2 percentage points below optimum to 5 percentage points above optimum (-2 to +5). These ranges of moisture contents are given as maximum Report No. 128-07-27 CMJ ENGINE'ERING,.!Nc. 10 recommended ranges. For some soils and under some conditions, the contractor may have to maintain a more narrow range of moisture content (within the recommended range) in order to consistently achieve the recommended density. ·Field density tests should be taken as each lift of fill material is placed. As a guide, one field density test per lift for each 5,000 square feet of compacted area is recommended. For small areas or crjtical areas the frequency of testing may need to be increased to one test per 2,500 square feet. A minimum of 2 tests per lift should be required . The earthwork operations should be observed and tested on a continuing basis by an experienced geotechnician working in conjunction with the project geotechnical engineer. Each lift should be compacted, tested, and approved before another lift is added. The purpose of the field density tests is to provide some indication that uniform and adequate compaction is being obtained. The actual quality of the fill, as compacted, should be the responsibility of the contract~r and satisfactory results from the tests should not be considered as a guarantee of the quality of the contractor's filling operations. 6.3 Excavation The side slopes of excavations through the overburden soils should be made in such a manner to provide for their stability during construction. Existing structures, pipelines or other facilities, which are constructed prior to or during the currently proposed construction and which require excavation, should be protected from loss of end bearing or lateral support. Temporary construction slopes and/or permanent embankment slopes should be protected from surface-runoff water. Site grading should be designed to allow drainage at planned areas where erosion protection is provided, instead of allowing surface water to flow down unprotected slopes. Trench safety recommendations are beyond the scope of this report. The contractor must comply with all applicable safety regulations concerning trench safety and excavations including, but not limited to, OSHA regulations. 6.4 Erosion and Sediment Control All disturbed areas should be protected from erosion and sedimentation during construction, and all permanent slopes and other areas subject to erosion or sedimentation should be provided with Report No. 128-07-27 CMJ ENGINEERING, INC. 11 permanent erosion and sediment control facilit ies . All applicable ordinances and codes regarding erosion and sediment control should be followed . 7.0 CONSTRUCTION OBSERVATIONS In any geotechnical investigation , the design recommendations are based on a limited amount of information about the subsurface condit ions. In the analysis, the geotechnical engineer must assume the subsurface conditions are similar to the conditions encountered in the borings. However, quite often during construction anomalies in the subsurface conditions are revealed. Therefore, it is recommended that CMJ Engineering, Inc. be retained to observe earthwork and foundation installation and perform materials evaluation during the construction phase of the project. This enables the geotechnical engineer to stay abreast of the project and to be readily available to evaluate unanticipated conditions, to conduct additional tests if required and , when necessary, to recommend alternative solutions to unanticipated conditions. Until these construction phase ·services are performed by the project geotechnical engineer, the recommendations contained in this report on such items as final foundation bearing elevations , proper soil moisture condition, and other such subsurface related recommendations should be considered as preliminary. It is proposed that construction phase observation and materials testing commence by the project geotechnical engineer at the outset of the project. Experience has shown that the most suitable method for procuring these services is for the owner or the owner's design engineers to contract directly with the project geotechnical engineer. This results in a clear, direct line of communication between the owner and the owner's design engineers and the geotechnical engineer. 8.0 REPORT CLOSURE The boring logs shown in this report contain information related to the types of soil encountered at specific locations and times and show lines delineating the interface between these materials. The logs also contain our field representative's interpretation of conditions that are believed to exist in those depth intervals between the actual samples taken . Therefore, these boring logs contain both factual and interpretive information. Laboratory soil classification tests were also performed on samples from selected depths in the borings . The results of these tests, along with visual-manual procedures were used to generally class ify each stratum . Therefore, it should be understood that the classification data on the logs of borings represent visual estimates of classifications for those Report No. 128-07 -27 CMJ ENGINEERING, INc. 12 portions of each stratum on which the full range of laboratory soil classification tests were not performed. It is not implied that these logs are representative of subsurface conditions at other locations and times. With regard to ground-water conditions, this report presents data on ground-water levels as they were observed during the course of the field work. In particular, water level readings have been made in the borings at the times and under conditions stated in the text of the report and on the boring logs. It should be noted that fluctuations in the level of the ground-water table can occur with passage of time due to variations in rainfall, temperature and other factors . Also , this report does not include quantitative information on rates of flow of ground water into excavations, on pumping capacities necessary to dewater the excavations, or on methods of dewatering excavations. Unanticipated soil conditions at a construction site are commonly encountered and cannot be fully predicted by mere soil samples, test borings or test pits. Such unexpected conditions frequently require that additional expenditures be made by the owner to attain a properly designed and constructed project. Therefore, provision for some contingency fund is recommended to accommodate such potential extra cost. The analyses, conclusions and recommendations contained in this report are based on site cond itions as they existed at the time of our field investigation and further on the assumption that the exploratory borings are representative of the subsurface conditions throughout the site; that is, the subsurface conditions everywhere are not significantly different from those disclosed by the borings at the time they were completed. If, during construction, different subsurface conditions from those encountered in our borings are observed, or appear to be present in excavations, we must be advised promptly so that we can review these conditions and reconsider our recommendations where necessary. If there is a substantial lapse of time between submission of this report and the start of the work at the site, if conditions have changed due either to natural causes or to construction operations at or adjacent to the site, or if structure locations , structural loads or finish grades are changed, we urge that we be promptly informed and retained to review our report to determine the applicability of the conclusions and recommendations, considering the changed conditions and/or time lapse. Further, it is urged that CMJ Engineering, Inc. be retained to review those portions of the plans and specifications for this particular project that pertain to earthwork and foundations as a means to determine whether the plans and specifications are consistent with the recommendations contained in this report . In addition, we are available to observe construction, particularly the Report No. 128-07-27 CMJ ENGINEERING, I NC 13 compaction of structural fill, or backfill and the construction of foundations as recommended in the report, and such other field observations as might be necessary. The scope of our services did not include any environmental assessment or investigation for the presence or absence of wetlands or hazardous or toxic materials in the soil, surface water, ground water or air, on or below or around the site. This report has been prepared for use in developing an overall design concept. Paragraphs, statements, test results, boring logs, diagrams, etc. should not be taken out of context, nor utilized without a knowledge and awareness of their intent within the oyerall concept of, tp.i~-"report. The reproduction of this report, or any part thereof, supplied to persons other tha·n the owner, should indicate that this study was made for design purposes only and that verification of the subsurface conditions for purposes of determining difficulty of excavation, trafficability, etc. are responsibilities of the contractor. This report has been prepared for the exclusive use of Dunaway Associates, LP. for specific application to design of this project. The only warranty made by us in connection with the services provided is that we have used that degree of care and skill ordinarily exercised under similar conditions by reputable members of our profession practicing in the same or similar locality. No other warranty, expressed or implied, is made or intended . Report No. 128-07-27 CMJ ENGINEERING, INC. 14 Proposed Parking SOUTH DRIVE LEGEND: ~ Boring Locotion CMJENGINEERING. INC. CMJ PROJECT No. 128-07-27 PLAN OF BORINGS PARKING AND PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE FOSTER PARK FORT WORTH, TEXAS \ \ \ \ \ \ \ I I 0 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ . '- 25 Approximo/e Scole PLATE A.I ~ N t 50 feet Major Divisions Grp . Sym. Typical Names Laboratory Classification Criteria 5..- '5 -~ ,......_N(l) ~ (I) -(l) ·u; (1)(1)> ,,-... tJl (I) Q) -C: ~ i;:::: e! 0 O> C: C: .... cu 0 (1) Q) 0~ GW GP Well -graded gravels, gravel - sand mixtures, little or no fines Poorly graded gravels , .gravel sand mixtures , little or no fines (1) a5 ~ -~ > > ca (1)1-----1---1--------------1 Q) ~Os;:t -·w rn 00 o· C: ~ 0~ m g ._ z :g o GM Silty gravels, gravel -sand-si lt .. N"'_ N ~E . Q) m @ .c ca "en' mixtures c: ~ 0 .c:.C:t::Q)Q) ::JO) Z C: -3; ::0 .§ 1---4-------------1 0 'ci'j /J)~ -E ..'1-~-~g '8 :E ~ i ~a. 0 GC Clayey gravels , gravel-sand-·w ~ U)m o _ I ·t co " ~-C> a. cay mix ures ·co z (l)e> -<( .... C (1J ....., 01 ·~ 'iii-;;; E :E ~= ~ o~ a.> -~ ~ /I) 'fil' SW Well-graded sands, gravelly :: ~ ~ -* E -g ,§ sands, little or no fines ~ ~ 8E -~ igg 0>§ Dso (D30)l C.,= -greater than 4 : Cc= ---between 1 and 3 D,o D10 X Dso n.0.5!.!i-----------------------1 CJ) CJ) .8 '?:.-·:i [ (J) CJ) tJl Not meeting all gradation requirements for GW -<.5 m n. (!) ::, (!) ~----------~--------~ ·-:::f 0 s: (!) .§ ~ : -s d~ : ,._ Liquid and Plastic limits below "A'' line or P.I. greater than 4 : tJl Q)l-------------1 (/) ~ Liquid and Plastic limits • Q) above "A" line with P .I. Liquid and plastic limits plotting in hatched zone between 4 and 7 are borderline cases requiring use of dual symbols i { greater tha n 7 ii----------'---------~ : c5 i~ D 50 (D:io)• C.,= -greater than 6: Cc= ---between 1 and 3 D,o D10 xD60 i_ C -§ 0 1----1------------l-g ti o (1) (1) (1) Poorly graded sands; ca i : ..... o 'fl.!:::! OE -o----..... ID -ro "' ·-SP gravelly sands, little or no c "' tii u._ ai ,1::(1) d. cu~ ew . Not meeting all gradation requirements for SW .c tJ'J (1) a:; fines /I) t;:: a, a. ..... @ . -g f.1 '11>u51----+----+-----------10 o c. C'\I :iii-----------.-----------! .c: ca~-st o t/'JOJ lO,.-o -Cl) u · -a> g> c c m Liquid and Plastic limits ~ -o ~ § Silty sands, sand-silt W 'E ro Jg o. o ...__0 := c o SM m·ixtures E OJ .,; :E -N below "A" line or P .I. less Liquid and plastic limits 5 ~~E a>~~lf)Q)-.-Jg _g £ ro "en' e ~ g :3 0 .9 than 4 plotting between 4 and 7 a>' ~ ·w 0 ~ 0 z C (IJ .s::: (/)- '8~ (/) ai -o E Q) (/) .5 (I) <U ·-._ _ 0) (U d, .::: c2 ·-(1J u.. E 0 :!:: (1J .c: C: (U :E ~ 0 2 - c -·3 _g? ~ 1---+------------1 ~ c -2 -1 ~ lO 1------------1 are borderline cases ro .a~ olh £ ~ ca i;:::: :g 0) <11 LI "d d Pl t· 1· ·t requiring use of dual (1)5 (J)5 -~o.;;; Clayey sands, sand-clay ·-!= ~ •. ~-= qu, an as ic 1m1 s symbols w -SC _ --above "A"line with P .I. ;;:_ c. mixtures ..,<1><1> R ill t th 7 _ <( grea er an -o~i ML CL Inorganic silts and very fine sands, rock flour, silty or clayey fine sands, or clayey silts with slight plasticity Inorganic clays of low to medium plasticity, gravelly clays, sandy clays, silty clays , and lean clays so~----.---t------.----r------t-~~-----t-/-------,r / s: CH V OL Organic silts and organic silty 401---i-~--J---+--~--.J----+-,,/"---+---+---{ clays of low plasticity x I / v 1---------4--1------------i !3nVJ--+---+---+---+--+---+-l/_--t.---+---t---i Tl _/ 6' tO C (1J U) .c >,-ro ,_ o* 'O <I) C ,_ (1J 0) ti) ;t! ~E en= ~ 3 CT ::J ...., >,,9 -C 1h .c: ro ::: .Ql 0) 1/)0 :I ,._ 0 MH CH OH Inorganic silts, micaceous or diatomaceous fine sandy or silty soils, elastic silts Inorganic clays of high plasticity , fat clays Organic clays of medium to high plasticity, organic slits Pt Peat and other highly organic soils I .~ OHrudMH •l;' 201----1---11----11----+v--r---+---+---t---;---t----t CL / V :kN<i~~±,."";;:i7i.,_,..:-'.iw=·;7I· ML a~d OL oL---'---L-v--1_--1 __ ..___..,__ _ _,__ _ _.._ _ _.__ _ _. O 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 liquid limit Plasticity Chart UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM PLATEA.2 SOIL OR ROCK TYPES --~ -.. GRAVEL LEAN CLAY I LIMESTONE ,-R i-----I -"" ~ I ..... • • -- •••• SAND • SANDY --SHALE • • L • ·-• -- SILT SILTY .. • SANDSTONE .--_. --~ ,___ -~ ~ CLAYEY HIGHLY CONGLOMERATE Shelby Split Rock Cone No Auger PLASTIC CLAY Tube Spoon Core Pen Recovery TERMS DESCRIBING CONSISTENCY, CONDITIONJ AND STRUCTURE OF SOIL Fine Grained Soils (More than 50% Passing No. 200 Sieve) Descriptive Item Penetrometer Reading, {tsf) Soft 0.0 to 1.0 Firm 1.0 to 1.5 Stiff 1.5 to 3.0 Very Stiff 3 .0 to 4 .5 Hard 4 .5+ Coarse Grained Soils (More than 50% Retained on No . 200 Sieve) Penetration Resistance Descriptive Item Relative Density (blows/foot) 0 to4 Very Loose 0 to 20% 4 to 10 Loose 20 to 40% 10 to 30 Medium Dense 40 to 70% 30 to 50 Dense 70 to 90% Over 50 Very Dense 90 to 100% Soil Structure Calcareous Contains appreciable deposits of calcium carbonate; generally nodular Slickensided Having inclined planes of weakness that are slick and · glossy in appearance Laminated Composed of thin layers of varying color or texture Fissured Containing cracks, sometimes filled with fine sand or silt lnterbedded Composed of alternate layers of different soil types, usually in approximately equal proportions TERMS DESCRIBING PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF ROCK Hardness and Degree of Cementation Very Soft or Plastic Can be remolded in hand; corresponds in consistency up to very stiff in soils Soft Can be scratched with fingernail Moderately Hard Can be scratched easily with knife; cannot be scratched with fingernail Hard Difficult to scratch with knife Very Hard Cannot be scratched with knife Poorly C emented or Friable Easily crumbled Cemented Bound together by chemically precipitated material; Quartz, calcite, dolomite, siderite, and iron oxide are common cementing materials. and iron oxide are common cementing materials. Degree of Weathering Unweathered Rock in its natural state before being exposed to atmospheric agents Slightly Weathered Noted predominantly by color change with no disintegrated zones Weathered Complete color change with zones of slightly decomposed rock Extremely Weathered Complete color change with consistency, texture, and general appearance approaching soil KEY TO CLASSIFICATION AND SYM B OLS PLATE A.3 (!) z a: 0 al ti.. 0 (!) g Project No. I Boring No. Project Parking and Pedestrian Bridge Additions 128-07-27 8-1 Foster Park -Fort Worth, Texas Location Water Observations See Plate A.1 Dry during drilling; dry at completion Completion I Completion Depth 15.0' Date 10-26-07 Surface Elevation Type NIA 8-34, w/ 6" CFA ii 0 "' 0 Q) 0 { .0 0. .... en N E E o.S 0 >, <II Stratum Description • "O z 0 Q) (/) 0 Cl) -m Ol;;,;: :,!! 'if!. u. Q) 0 cil a::: u: C: 0 ·-<l) <) ::: C: • ~ a, Ul 0 .Q Q) Cl.! «1-a:: a:: mo...1-0...(/,) I SIL TY CLAY, dark brown, w/ calcareous nodules, 2 .5 --stiff to hard 4 .5+ --4.5+ -LIMESTONE, tan, very hard --=;:r -fractured , moderately hard, 3' to 5' 100/4" -5 ~ - - ,-. -~ ~ -h-L 00/0.25' -1;; LIMESTONE, gray, very hard -- ~ - -- -~ 100/0" -15-~------------------------0:::.- ~ LOG OF BORING NO. B-1 CMJ ENGINEERING INC. - C: ii ~ ~it "O .Q r::r ~~~ .?;, *-CJ "cf. Q) -?,:>::j ·o :i 'E t.:= <1) (/) OQ C ._ "O ~~ ~d ;; X -Q) 0 a. C: en- "' Q) ·-C: ~ en o E::, o-E (U E "'"O oo C: ..0 C: 0 0 ::::;::::; a: :J O:.E 20 :::i....i ::> l) 0. 47 19 28 23 14 116 12 PLATE A.4 Project No. I Boring No . Project ENGINEERING INC. - Parking and Pedestrian Bridge Additions 128-07-27 8 -2 Foster Park -Fort Worth, Texas CMJ Location Water Observations See Plate A.1 Dry during drilling; dry at completion Completion I Completlon Depth 5.0' Date 10-26-07 Surface Elevation Type NIA B-34, w/ 6" CFA ii:'. 0 "' 0 .9'l 0 ..., { .Q 0. ~ g> N C: LL E E 0 ,-0 ~ ~u:: -o.Q O' >-«I Stratum Description • 'O z 0 0 :g ~ (/) Q) Cl) en -«I ~ Q) - 0 ~ ~ LL Q) Cl~ ~ 0~ 'i3 :i C c;:; 'E ~~ 0 0) 0::: u.: .5 ai 0 0~ 0 ~.-t:f ~d :;:; X -Q) 0 a. C: (.) 3: C: • gi a, "' Q) ,,,_ ..... o E ::::1 ·-C: UJ 0 .Q Q) CJ:! crE l!!E «I 'O oo ·-"' "'·-C: .Cl C: 0 0 0:: 0:: al a. f-a.(/) :::i ;::; a.;::; 0:.= ~(.) ;;)...J =i (.) a. -~~ SILTY CLAY. dark brown, w/ calcareous nodules, 4.5+ 9 123 -ironstone nodules, and limestone fragments, hard 4.5+ 38 17 21 8 --~~ SIL TY CLAY, light brown, w/ calcareous nodules 4.5+ 13 -and limestone fragments, hard 4.5+ 9 '-LIMESTONE , tan, moderately hard 100/2.5" '-5 -tiI" -i------------------------- ... . LOG OF BORING NO. 8-2 PLATE A.5 LIME SERIES TEST RESULTS Project: Parking and Pedestrian ·Bridge Additions Foster Park -Fort Worth , Texas Project No .: 128-07-27 Boring No .: B:-1 Depth: O' to 1' Material: Clay Percent Lime pH 0 7.34 2 12.26 4 12.47 6 12 .55 8 12.62 10 12.63 CMJ ENGINEERING, INC. PLATEA.6 :,· ... ~-..... CONTRACTOR COMPLIANCE WITH WORKERS ' COMPENSATION LAW Pursuant to V.T.C .A Labor Code Section 406 .096 (2000), as amended, Contractor certifies that it provides workers' compensation insurance coverage for all its employees employed on city of Fort Worth Department of Engineering No . 6070 and City of Port Worth Project Number C200-803370042780/C200-803360042780/C280- 803500042780 ST ATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OFT ARRANT § Klutz Construction, LLC , / /J (} B:cm,. 7>/. ~ /vf t::>,-J 06, IN e, 'Pto-~ Title ANG ELA r.J. ICLU TZ Not ary Pt:'.:!:c , c:~.::i of Tex as My Ccr.1~::::;:1 C::pires 11·2·20 10 I BEFORE ME , the undersigned authori ty, on this da y personally appeared Choc ~ S i] k:, lw - known to me be the person wh ose name is subscribed to the forego ing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same as the act and deed of Klutz Construction, LLC the purpose and consideration therein expressed and in the capaci ty therein stated. GIVE N UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE tlri ~~da y of~IAhN'.1 . 2008.1 BIDDER'S STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS Firm Name: Date Organized: -----------0 PAR1NERSHIP O CORPORATION Address: City: State: Zip: ------------------------ Telephone Number: Fax Nwnber: --------------------- Number of years in business under present name: Fonner name(s) of organization: --------------------- CLASSIFICATION: D General D Building D Electrical D Plumbing D Utilities D Earthwork D Paving D Other OHVAC LIST A MINIMUM OF THREE SIMILAR COMPLETED PROJECTS WITHIN LAST THREE YEARS PROJECT NAME AND LOCATION ------------------- NAME /TELEPHONE NUMBER OF OWNER ---------------- NAME /TELEPHONE NUMBER OF SURETY ---------------- AMOUNT OF CO NT RAC T ---------------------- CO MP LET ION DATE ------------------------ SCOPE OF WORK DESCRIPTION -------------------- PROJECT NAME AND LOCATION ------------------- NAME fTE LE PHONE NU MB ERO F OWNER ---------------- NAME /TELEPHONE NUMBER OF SURETY ---------------- AMOUNT OF CONT RAC T ____________________ _ COMPLETION DATE ------------------------ BIDDER'S STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS -I - SCOPE OF WORK DESCRIPTION ------------------- PROJECT NAME AND LOCATION ------------------ NAME /TELEPHONE NUMBER OF OWNER ---------------- NAME /TELEPHONE NUMBER OF SURETY --------------- AMOUNT OF CONTRACT ____________________ ~ COMPLETION DA TE ----------------------- SCOPE OF WORK DESCRIPTION ------------------- PROJECT NAME AND LOCATION _________________ _ NAME /TELEPHONE NUMBER OF OWNER ---------------- NA ME /TELEPHONE NUMBER OF SURETY --------------- AMOUNT OF CONTRACT --------------------- CO MP LET ION DATE ----------------------- SCOPE OF WORK DESCRIPTION ------------------- PROJECT NAME AND LOCATION ------------------ NAME /TELEPHONE NUMBER OF OWNER ---------------- NAME /TELEPHONE NUMBER OF SURETY --------------- AMOUNT OF CONT RAC T --------------------- CO MP LET ION DATE ----------------------- SCOPE OF WORK DESCRIPTION ------------------- BIDDER'S STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS -2- 2. LIST CONSTRUCTION SUPERINTENDENT'S NAME AND CONSTRUCTION EXPERIENCE: 3. LIST ALL LABOR SUBCONTRACTORS (attach addit ional pages as needed) SUBCONTRACTOR NAME --------------------- TRADE ---------------------------- PREVIOUS PROJECT EXPERIENCE I CONTACT NAME /TELEPHONE NUMBER A. _____________________________ _ B. --------------------------,------ c. ------------------------------ SUBCONTRACTOR NAME --------------------- TRADE ---------------------------- PREVIOUS PROJECT EXPERIENCE/ CONTACT NAME ffELEPHONE NUMBER A. _____________________________ _ B. ------------------------------ c. _____________________________ __ BIDDER'S STATEMENT OF QUAL IFICATION S . 3. SUBCONTRACTOR NAME ----------------------- TRADE ------------------------------ PREVIOUS PROJECT EXPERIENCE/ CONTACT NAME /TELEPHONE NUMBER A. _______________________________ _ B. -------------------------------- C. -------------------------------- SUBCONTRACTOR NAME ___________________ _ TRADE ___________________________ ~ PREVIOUS PROJECT EXPERIENCE/ CONTACT NAME /TELEPHONE NUMBER A. -------------------------------- B. _____________ ___.a_ _________________ _ C. -------------------------------- SUBCONTRACTOR NAME ____________________ _ TRADE ------------------------------ PREVIOUS PROJECT EXPERIENCE I CONTACT NAME /TELEPHONE NUMBER A. -------------------------------- B. --------------------------------- C. -------------------------------- Note 1. Section 8.1 of the Standard Specifications for Street and Storm Drain Construction for the City of Fort Worth will be enforced. 2. The Prime Bidder selected for this project shall submit Letters Of Intent executed between the Prime Bidder and any and all subcontractors to be utilized on this project within five working days of being recognized as the overall qualified low Prime Bidder by the City. Subsequent substitution of sub-contractors must be approved by the City. 3. Prime Bidder shall include financial statement in this submittal. BIDDER'S STATEMENT OF QUALIF ICATIONS -4- PERFORMANCE BOND Bond No. _5~4~6~0~8 __ _ THE STATE OF TEXAS KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: COUNTY OFT ARRANT That we (I ) Klutz Construction, LLC as Principal here in , and (2) Ohio Farmers Insurance Company, a co rp oration organi zed und er th e laws of the State of (3) Ohio , and who is a uth o ri zed to iss ue s ure ty bond s in th e State of Texas , Surety he re in , are he ld and firmly b ound unt o th e C it y of Fort W orth , a muni cipal corporation loca te d in Tarrant and Denton Counti es , Texas , Obligee he re in , in th e s um o f: Three Hundred Ninetv-Five Thousand One Hundred Seventy and 64/100 ............................................... . D ollars ($395,170.64) fo r th e pa ym ent of which sum we bind ourse lves , our he irs , executo rs, a dmini strator s , successors and ass igns , jointly and severa ll y , firml y by these present s. WHEREAS , Princip al ha s e ntered into a certain written contract with th e Obli gee dated the .t'..'.'.._ of December, 2008 a copy of which is he reto attached and made a p art hereof for a ll purposes , fo r the cons tructi on of: Parking Lot Drainage/E rosion Control and Trail/Bridge Improvements at Foster Park NOW THEREFORE, th e condition of thi s obligation is su ch , if the sa id Princip a l sh a ll faithfu ll y perform th e wo rk in accordance w ith th e p lans , specifi ca ti o ns and contra ct docume nts and shall fu ll y inde mnify a nd ho ld ham1l ess the Obligee from all cos ts and dama ges which Obligee may suffer b y rea so n of Princ ipal 's defa ult , and reimburse and repay Obligee for a ll outla y a nd ex pe nse that Obligee may incur in making good suc h defa ult , th e n thi s o bli ga tion shall be voi d; o th erw ise, to remain in full force an d effect. PROVIDED, HOWEVER , that thi s bo nd is exec uted purs uant to Chapter 2253 of th e Texas Government Co de , as amended , and all liabiliti es on thi s bond sha ll b e determine d in acco rd ance with th e provisions of suc h statu e , to the sa me ex tent as if it were co pi ed a t lengt h he rein . IN WITNESS WHEREOF , th e dul y a uth orized re presenta ti ves of the Principal and the Surety have exec uted thi s instrument. SIGNED a nd SEALED thi s 2nd day of December, 2008. (SEAL ) PO Box 100263 Fort Worth, TX 76185 Witness as to P rin cip al ATTEST: Sec retary N OTE: Ohio Suret Att orney-in-fac t Address : 555 Republic Drive, Suite 450 Plano Texas 75074 Telephone N umb er : 972-516-2600 "' ::: (I) Correct name of Princip al (Co ntrac tor). (2 ) Correc t name of Surety . (3) State o f in co rp orati o n of Surety ------.., ---"' ---... -----........... T elephone num ber of surety mu st be s tated . In additi on, an origina l co p y of P ower of Att orn ey s hall b e attac hed to Bond b y the Att orney-in-Fac t. T he d ate of bond shall not b e pri or to da te of Co ntrac t. P AYM E NT B O ND Bond No. -=-54"'"'6'""'0"""8 __ _ TH E ST A T E OF T E XAS § § KNOW ALL M EN BY THESE PRESEN TS : COUNTY OF T ARRANT T h a t we , (1) Klutz Construction, LLC as Princ ip a l he re in , and (2 ) Ohio Farmers Insurance Company a co rp o rati on orga ni zed and exi stin g unde r th e laws of th e Sta te of (3) Ohio , as sure ty, are held and firml y bound unto th e C it y of Fo rt W o rth , a muni c ip a l corp orati on located in T a rr a nt and D enton Co unti es , Texas, Obligee herein , m the am o unt of Three Hundred Ninety-Five Thousand One Hundred Seventy and 64/100 ............... D o ll a rs ($395,170.64) fo r th e pa ym ent whe reof, th e sa id Princ ip a l and Sure ty bind th em se lves and th e ir he irs, execut ors , admini s trato rs, su ccesso rs and ass ig ns , j o intl y and severall y , firml y b y th ese presents: WHE REA S, th e Princip a l has entered into a certain writte n contrac t with th e Obligee date d th e 2nd d ay o f December A.D., 2008 , whi c h contrac t is her e by refe rre d to a nd made a p art hereo f as if full y and to the sa m e ex te nt as if co pi e d at leng th , fo r th e fo ll owing proj ec t: Parking Lot Drainage/Erosion Control and Trail/Bridge Improvements at Foster Park NOW THEREFORE , THE C ONDITION O F THIS OBLIG ATION IS SUCH , that if th e sa id Princ ip a l sha ll faithfull y ma ke p aym ent to e ach and every claima nt (as de fin ed in Ch a pter 2 253 , Texas G ove rnm e nt Co de, as a mend ed) suppl ying labo r and ma teri a ls in th e prosec uti o n of th e wo rk und e r th e contra ct, th en thi s o bli ga ti o n sha ll be vo id ; o the r wise , to re ma in in full force and effect. PROVID ED , HOWE VER , th a t thi s bo nd is exec ute d pursuant to C hapter 22 53 of th e Texas Governm e nt Co de , as am e nd ed , a nd all li a biliti es on thi s b ond s ha ll be de termin ed in ac cord ance w ith th e pro vi sio ns of sa id sta tu e , to th e sa me ex te nt a s if it we re co pi ed a t le ngth he rein . IN WIT N E SS WHER E OF , th e dul y a uth ori ze d represe nt ati ves of th e Prin cip a l a nd Sure ty ha ve exec ut ed thi s in s trum e nt. SI GN E D AND SEALED thi s 2nd day of December, 2008. Name: C-l-l-4-~S Title: H Alf A&, 1./l7 (SEAL) PO Box 100263 Fort Worth, TX 76185 .. "(. /L.L,.J T z., . ,,..._ '; ~Ne>L:-~ {;-~ "\ : ·:: :: -..... ..... ~ Witness as to Principal ATTEST: Secretary (SEAL) NOTE: ( 1) Correct name of Principal (Contractor). (2) Correct name of Surety . (3) State of incorporation of Surety . Address: 555 Republic Drive, Suite 450 Plano Texas 75074 ---Telephone Number: 972-516-2600--:, "' \ -----,-... ..... Tel ephone number of surety must be stated. In addition , an original copy of Power of Attorney sha ll be attached to Bond by the Attorney-in -Fact. The date of the bond shall not be prior to date of Contract. MAINTENANCE BOND Bond No. _5~4~6~0~8 __ _ T HE ST A TE OF T EXAS § COUNTY OFT ARRANT KNOW ALL M EN BY T HESE PRESENTS: T hat Klutz Construction, LLC(Cont ractor), as prin c ip a l, and Ohio Farmers Insurance Company , a co rp ora ti on orga ni ze d und e r th e laws of the State of Ohio,(S urety), do h ere by ac kn owle dge themselves to be he ld a nd bo und to pay unt o the Ci ty of Fo rt Worth, a Munic ip a l Corporation charte red by v irtu e of Co ns tituti o n a nd laws of the State of Texas, ("City") in Tarrant Co unt y, Texas, th e s um of Three Hundred Ninetv-Five Thousand One Hundred Seventy and 64 /100 ....................................................... D o ll ar s ($395,170.64) lawful money of th e U nited Sta tes , fo r p aym e nt of whi c h sum we ll and truly be mad e un to sa id C it y a nd it s successor s, sa id Co ntra ctor a nd Surety do hereb y bind th emselves , their heirs , exec uto rs , administrators, assigns and s uccessors , jointly and severall y. This ob li gation is cond iti o ne d , howe ve r ; that , WHEREAS , said Co ntractor has enter ed into a written Co ntract with the City of Fort Worth , dated the 2"d d ay of December, 2008 copy of which is hereto attached and made a part hereof, the performance of th e fo ll owin g desc ribed public impro vements: Parking Lot Drainage/Erosion Control and Trail/Bridge Improvements at Foster Park th e sa me being referred to herein and in sa id co ntract as th e Work and being des ignated as proj ec t C200- 803370042780/C200-803360042780/C280-803500042780and sa id co ntra ct, including a ll of th e s pecificati ons , conditions , add enda , change ord ers and written in s trum e nt s refe rr ed to th ere in as Co ntra c t Docume nt s be ing in corporated here in and mad e a part hereof, and , WHEREAS, in sa id Contract, Contractor bind s itse lf to use such materi a ls and to so co nstruct th e work that it wi ll re main in good repair and co nditi o n for and during a peri od of after th e date o f Two (2) Years after th e date of th e final acceptance of the work by the C it y; and WHEREA S, sai d Contractor bind s it se lf to ma int ai n sai d work in good repair and co nditi on fo r sa id term of Two (2) Years ; and, WHEREAS , sa id Cont rac to r binds it se lf to repair or reco ns truct th e wo rk in whole or in p art at a ny tim e w ithin sa id p eriod , if in th e o pini on of th e Direc tor of th e Water D e partme nt of th e Cit y of Fort Worth , it b e necessa ry; and , WHEREAS , sa id Co nt ractor binds it se lf , up on rece 1v111 g no ti ce of the need th erefo re to repa ir or reco nstru ct sa id Work as here in pro v id e d . NOW THEREFORE , if sa id Co ntra cto r sha ll keep and pe rform it s sa id ag ree m ent to maintain , r epa ir or r eco nstruct said W o rk in accorda nce with all th e te rm s a nd co ndi tions of sa id Co nt ract , th ese prese nt s shall be null a nd vo id , a nd have no force or effect. Oth e rw ise, thi s Bo nd sha ll be and remain in full force and effect , and th e C it y s hall have and recover from Contractor and Surety d amages in th e pre mi ses as presc rib ed by sa id Cont rac t. This ob li gatio n shall be a co ntinuin g o ne and success ive recoveri es may be had he reo n for s uccess ive breaches until th e full amo unt hereof is ex h a usted. IN WITNESS WHER EOF , thi s instrument is exec ut e d 111 ~ counterparts , each o ne of whi ch shall b e dee med an original , thi s 2nd day of December, A.D. 2008. ATTEST: (SEAL) ATT EST: (SEA L ) Secretary T itl e: A ttorney-in-Fact 555 Republic Drive, Suite 450 Plano, Texas 75074 Address ·---. IMPORTANT NOTICE To obtain information or make a complaint: You may contact the Texas Department of Insurance to obtain information on companies, coverages, rights or complaints at: 1-800-252-3439 You may write the Texas Department of Insurance at: P.O. Box 149104 Austin, Texas 78714-9104 Fax# (512) 475-1771 PREMIUM OR CLAIM DISPUTES The address of the surety company making this bond to which any notice of claim should be sent may be obtained by calling the Texas Department of Insurance at the above number . Should you have a dispute concerning your premium or about a claim, you should contact the agent or the company first. If the dispute is not resolved, you may contact the Texas Department of Insurance. ATTACH THIS NOTICE TO YOUR BOND This notice is for information only and does not become a part or condition of the attached document. This notice is given to comply with Section 2253.048, Texas Government Code and Section 53.202, Texas Property Code effective September 1, 2001. THIS POWER OF ATTORNEY SUPERCEDES ANY PREVIOUS POWER BEARING THIS SAME POWER# AND ISSUED PRIOR TO 08/13/08, FOR ANY PERSON OR PERSONS NAMED BELOW. General Power of Attorney CERTIFIED COPY POWER NO . 4220052 06 Westfield Insurance Co. Westfield National Insurance Co. Ohio Farmers Insurance Co. We stfi e ld Center, Oh io Know All M en by These Presents , T hat WESTFIELD INSURANCE COMPANY, WEST FI ELD NAT IONA L I NSURANCE COMPANY and O HIO FA RM ERS INSURANCE COMPANY, corporations , hereinafter referred to individually as a "Company" and collectively as "Companies : d uly organized and existing under the laws of the State of Ohio, and having its principal office in Westfield Center, Medina County, Ohio, do by these presents make, constitute and appoint CHARLES D. SWEENEY , MICHAEL A . SWEENEY , KYLE W. SWEENEY , JOINTLY OR SEVERALLY of FORT WORTH and State of TX its true and lawful Attorney(s)-in-Fact , with full power and authority hereby conferred in it s name, place and stead, to execute, acknowledge and deliver any and all bonds , recogn izances , undertakings, or other instruments or contracts of suretyship-- ----- - --- - -- ------ - -- - - -- - - - - - - --- -- - - ---- ---- - -- -- ---- - ---- LIMITATION: THIS POWER OF ATTORNEY CANNOT BE USED TO EXECUTE NOTE GUARANTEE , MORTGAGE DEFICIENCY, MORTGAGE GUARANTEE , OR BANK DEPOSITORY BONDS . and to bind any of the Companies t hereb y as fully and to the same extent as if such bonds were signed by the President , sealed w ith t he co r porate seal of t he app licable Company and du ly attested by its Secretary, hereby rati fying and confirming a ll t hat the said Attorney(s)-i n-Fact may do in the prem ises. Said appointment is made under and by authority of the following resolut ion adopted by the Board of Directors of each of the W ESTFI ELD INSURAN C E COMP A NY, WESTF I ELD NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY and OHIO FARM ER S INSU RA NC E COMP A NY: "B e It Resolved, that the President , an y Senior Executive, any Secret ary or any Fidelity & Surety Operations Executi ve or other Executive sh a ll be a nd is hereby vested with full power and authority to appoint any one or more suitable persons as Attorney(s)-in-Fact to represent and act for and on beha lf of the Company subject to the fol lowing provisions: The Attorney-in-Fact. ma y be gi ve n fu l l power and authority for and in t he name of and on behalf of the Co mpany, to execute, acknow ledge an d delive r , an y a nd all bon ds, recog n izances, co ntracts , agreements of indemn ity and ot her conditional or obl ig atory u ndertaki ngs and any an d al l notices and doc ument s canceling or t erm i nating the Company's li a bi l it y t hereunder, and any such instrument s so execut ed by any s uch Attorney-in-Fact sha l l be as b indi ng upon the Co mpany as i f signed by t he President a nd sealed and attest ed by the Corporate Secretary." "B e it Further Resolved, that the sign ature of any such designated person and the seal of the Compa ny heretofore or hereafte r a ffixed to any power of attorney o r any certificat e rel at ing theret o by facsimile, and any power of attorney or certificate b earing facsimile sig natu res or facsi m ile seal s hall be va lid a nd binding upon the Company with respect t o any bond or undertaking to which it is attached." (E ach ad o pt ed at a meeting held on February 8, 2000). In Witness Whe r eof, WE STF I ELD IN SUR A NC E COM PANY, W ES TFIELD NA T ION A L I NSURANCE CO MPA NY and O HIO FARM ERS INS URANCE CO MPA NY h ave ca used t hese p resents to be s igned by thei r Senior Executive and th e ir corporate s ea ls t o be hereto affixed t hi s 13th day of AUGUST A .O., 2008 . .......... _. .. ,,,,, Corporat e ~.-.···~,-UR.(~'",.,, Seals I~ "i •••• --•••••• c~··-.. Affi xed J~/ -.... ~~ {[( SEAL.)}) '\~·· .. -.. -~/ ~'\, ........ ::./~.. ~ ,, State of Ohio '-, County of Medina ss.: . . ........ ,,,,,, .... ····· \ISU '•·,,,,,, .... Y. ...... ~,.·-::"':!II'·... -....• .,. \ [~:'~~dTERr~· .. c;:,i :&o;;:" "":;s! ~~~ ::.o~ \~·. 1848 .:f I \, ····-.. ~ ....... · ...... ; ,,,,, .......... .. ",,,,;,,,no•1••' WESTFIELD INSURANCE COMPANY WESTFIELD NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY OHIO FARMERS INSU~~ _Q . By: .,, ----~ c. Richard L. Kinnaird , Jr., Senior _Ex ecu.iiV.: On this 13th day of AUGUST A .O., 2008 , before me persona ll y came Richard L. Kinnaird, Jr. t o me kn own~:w tio, bejn!f oy me dul y sworn , did depose and say, that he resides in Medina, Ohio ; t hat he is Senior Executive of W EST FIE LD INSURANCE COMPAN Y, W ESTF I ELD NAT IONAL INSURANC E COMPANY and O H IO FA RMERS INSURANC E CO M PA NY, the companies described in and w h ich executed t he abo ve instrument; that he knows the sea ls of said Companies ; that the seals affixed to said instrument are such corporate seals ; that they were so affixed by order of t he Boards of Directors of said Companies ; and that he signed his na/Otme thereto b .. y like order . ~ Not arial ,,, ........ ,,,., Seal ,, .. ,,~,~\Al ,,,,,, .... Affi xed (o~\~\\iii/Jf;\ i~tp~) William J. Kahelin , A rney at La w , N o tary Public ~\JI 'J, .,o \ >-..q ' .. . ~' ,' •• ••••• .,..f: or o ....... . 'i •,,,.,1t1t l11 1111' State of Ohio My Commission Does Not Expire (S ec. 147.03 Ohio Rev is ed Code) County of Medina ss.: I, Frank A . Carrino , Secretary of W ESTFI ELD INSURANC E COMP A NY, W ESTFIELD NATIONAL INSU RANCE COMP A NY and OHIO FA RM ER S INSUR A NCE CO M PANY , do her eby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of a Power of Attorney, execut ed by s aid Compa nies , which is still i n full force and effect ; and furthermore, the resolutions of the Boards of Directors , set ou t in t he Power of Attorney are in full force and effect. z nd D~Be1flif61e¥ Where.!oosi ave hereunto set my hand and affixed the seals of said Companies at Westfield Center, Ohio, t his day of A .O., . . ........... ,tt,,.,,. '"'"'''''•, . • ........ ,,,,,,, ~.-.··· ,-UR.(~'",,,, •. ,··;,oNAt. /''•,, ..•. ····· \ISU.11~·,,,, I~ f ............ ~~-\ ,.·· ""',:-.-····"··.:')'.s, ••••• ~·· ~ ...... ~.~~· ..... J~l -•,.~-,. .:-o •' ,,c,i>.. ::~.· -•, ~-,. t~f SEAL\~\ ft/ \~\ f~:'t'/idTERtii·,c;!,i i ... : :,, f : >-: SEAL :m: :~: :K~ i ":>\. ,:,.., (fl :::.~ :3': \"''··. -•• ·~ ~ u>\ :"n f l~·. 1848 .:Jg i",'\ ........ .....,'·· ... ··::./· .. ~.. ~ \f ··· .................... _~/ \. ···· .. :: ..... ·· .. / ...... J \ ,,,,,,,, • • .............. .. ,,,,,,,,.,,~.,,,,,,,,,' 1,,,,., ... ,,, BPOAC2 (combined) (06·02) STATE OF TEXAS § § COUNTY OF TARRANT § KNOWN ALL BY IBESE PRESENTS: This Contract is made and entered into this the 2nd day of December,, by and between the City of Fort Worth, a home-rule municipal corporation situated in Tarrant, Denton, Parker, and Wise Counties, Texas, hereinafter referred to as "Owner", by and through Libby Watson, its duly authorized Assistant City Manager, and Klutz Construction, LLC, hereinafter referred to as "Contractor", by and through its duly authorized representative. WITNESS ETH: That said parties have agreed as follows : 1. That for and in consideration of the payments and agreements hereinafter mentioned to be made and performed by the Owner, and under the conditions ex pressed in the bond bearing even date herewith, the said Contractor hereby agrees with the said Owner to commence and complete the construction of certain improvements described as follows : Parking Lot Drainage/Erosion Control and Trail/Bridge Improvements at Foster Park 2 . That the Contract Documents shall consist of the written, printed, typed and drawn instruments which comprise and govern the performance of the work. Said Contract Documents include the notice to bidders, instructions to bidders, proposal, plans, specifications, notice of award, special provisions, general provisions, work order(s), this Contract, and the payment, performance, and maintenance bonds. The Contract Documents shall also include any and all supplemental agreements approved by t he Owner which may be necessary to complete the work in accordance with the intent of the plans and specificat ions in an acceptable manner, and shall also include the additional instruments bound herewith. 3 . That the work herein contemplat ed shall consist of furnishing as an independent contractor all labor, tools, appliances and materials necessary for the construction and completion of said project in accordance wit h the Contract Documents prepared through the Parks and Community Services Department of the City of Fort Worth, which the plans and specifications of the Contract Documents are hereto attached and made a part of this Contract the same as if written herein. 4 . The Contractor hereby agrees and binds itself t o commence the construction of said work within ten (10) days after being notified in writing to do so by the Department of Engineering of the City of Fort Worth . 5. The Contractor hereby agrees to prosecute said work with reasonable diligence after the commencement thereof and to fully complete and finish the same ready for the inspection and approval of the Department of Engineering of the City of Fort Worth and the City Council of the City of Fort Worth within a period of 60 Working Days from the time commencing said work. If the Contractor should fail to complete the work as set forth in the Plans, Specifications, and Contract Documents within the time so stipulated, plus any additional time allowed as provided in the General Conditions, there shall be deducted from any monies due or which may thereafter become due him, a per day charge per Working Day as stipulated in these contract documents, not as a penalty but as liquidated damages, the Contractor and his Surety shall be liable to the Owner for such deficiency . 6. Should the Contractor fail to begin the work herein provided for within the time herein fixed or to carry on and complete the same according to the true meaning of the intent and terms of said Plans, Specifications, and Contract Documents, then the Owner shall have the right to either demand the Surety to take over the work and complete same in accordance with the Plans, Specifications, and Contract Documents or to take charge of and complete the work in such a manner as it may deem proper, and if in the completion thereof; the cost to the said City shall exceed the Contract price or prices set forth in the said plans and specifications made a part hereof, the Contractor and/or its Surety shall pay said City on demand in writing, setting forth and specifying an itemized statement of the total cost thereof, said excess cost. 7. Contractor covenants and agrees to indemnify, hold harmless and defend, at its own expense, the Owner, its officers, servants and employees, from and against any and all claims or suits for property loss, property damage, personal injury, including death, arising out of, or alleged to arise out of; the work and services to be performed hereunder by Contractor, its officers, agents, employees, subcontractors, licensees or invitees, whether or not anv such iniurv, damage or death is caused. in whol.e or in part. bv the negligence or alleged negligence of Owner, its officers, servants, or employees. Contractor likewise covenants and agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Owner from and against any and all injuries to Owner's officers, servants and employees and any damage, loss or destruction to property of the Owner arising from the performance of any of the terms and conditions of this Contract, whether or not anv such iniurv or damage is caused in whole or in part bv the negligence or alleged negligence of Owner, its officers, servants or employees.. In the event Owner receives a written claim for damages against the Contractor or its subcontractors prior to final payment, final payment shall not be made until Contractor either (a) submits to Owner satisfactory evidence that the claim has been settled and/or a release from the claimant involved, or (b) provides Owner with a letter from Contractor's liability insurance carrier that the claim has been referred to the insurance carrier. The Director may, if deemed appropriate, may refuse to accept bids on other City of Fort Worth public work from a Contractor against whom a claim for damages is outstanding as a result of work performed under a City Contract. 8 . Owner agrees and binds itself to pay, and the said Contractor agrees to receive, for all of the aforesaid work, and for all additions thereto or deductions therefrom, the price shown on the Proposal submitted by the Contractor hereto attached and made a part hereof. Payment will be made in monthly installments upon actual work completed by contractor and accepted by the Owner and receipt of invoice from the Contractor. The agreed upon total Contract amount shall be Three Hundred Ninetv-five Thousand One Hundred Seventv and 64/100 ........................................................................................................ Dollru·s, ($395,170.64). 9 . It is further agreed that the performance of this Contract, either in whole or in part, shall not be sublet or assigned to anyone else by Contractor without the written consent of the Owner. 10 . The Contractor agrees to pay at least the minimum wage per hour for all labor as the same is classified, promulgated and set out by the City of Fort Worth, Texas, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof the same as if it were copied verbatim herein. 11. It is mutually agreed and understood that this Contract is made and entered into by the parties hereto with references to the existing Charter and Ordinances of the City of Fort Worth and the laws of the State of Texas governing all matters affecting this Contract, and the Contractor agrees to fully comply with all the provisions of the same. IN WITNESS THEREOF, the parties hereto have made and executed this Contract in multiple originals the day and year first above written, in Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas . CITYOFFORTW~ c~ Assistant City Manager ard Zavala, Director and Community Services APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: Assistant City Attorney (c;;tr·?'/ ~tity N4 / /) (} ~. 71i }U6,;f-t:.. Klutz Construction, LLC PO Box 100263 Fort Worth TX 76185 TITLE H Ct-11>6, ,.Jt., ~n:n..i~ ATTEST : City Secretary O\\\~\-uad\ Date ' AUTHORIZATION Approval Date: /~ l~ltoog