HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 55249-A1CSC No. 55249-A1
This First Amendment to the SERVICE AGREEMENT, Fort Worth City Secretary
Contract No. 55249 ("First Amendment"), is made between the CITY OF FORT WORTH
("City"), a municipal corporation and MITEC CONTROLS OF DALLAS, INC. DBA MITEC
("Contractor"), a Texas Corporation, acting by and through its duly authorized representative.
WHEREAS in conjunction with the City's purchase of property commonly known as "100
Energy Way Plaza" located at 100 Energy Way, Fort Worth, TX 76102 the City assumed an
agreement with Contractor for the provision of fire life safety services (Fort Worth City Secretary
Contract No. 55249) (the "Agreement"); and
WHEREAS, City and Contractor now wish to amend the Agreement to include
additional services.
NOW THEREFORE, known by all these present, City and Contractor, acting herein by
the through their duly authorized representatives, agree to the following terms, which amend the
Agreement as follows:
1. The services included in the Exhibit "A" of this First Amendment, attached hereto
and incorporated herein, are incorporated in Agreement's Scope & Schedule of Work as if they
had been originally set forth in the Agreement.
2. All other terms, provisions, conditions, covenants and recitals of the Agreement not
eXpressly amended herein shall remain in full force and effect.
[Signature Page Follows]
First Amendment to Fort Worth City Secretary Contract No. 55249
Executed this the 26
City of Fort Worth
day of April , 2021.
�G�ZC� �GG2��i�'�lr.l
B�7; DanaBurghdoff(Apr26,20 14:09CDT
Name: Dana Burghdoff
Title: Assistant City Manager
Approval Recommended:
ste�e caoke
B�1; Stevc Cookc (Apr22, 202113:51 CDT)
Name: Steve Cooke
Title: Property Management Director
By: `��U �� 0
Name: Mary Kayser
Title: City Secretary
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Nsme: �ebe�ca 5ius
Title. p�
Date; 04 f 14{2021
Contract Compliance Manager:
By signing I acknowledge that I am the person
responsible for the monitoring and administration
of this contract, including ensuring all performance
and reporting requirements.
�l.C� fl. S'Gu��
B�; Alan H. Shuror (Apr 15, 202110:02 CDT)
Name: Alan Shuror
Title: Sr. Administrative Services Manager
Approved as to Form and Legality:
������� �����
Name: Matthew A. Murray
Title: Assistant City Attorney
Contract Authorization:
M&C: Not required
Ordinance No. 24161-04-2020
First Amendment to Fort Worth City Secretary Contract No. 55249
Exhibit A
First Amendment to Fort Worth City Secretary Contract No. 55249 Page 3 of 3
Extinguisher Services Agreement
Building Name: 100 Energy Way Proposal Number:
Ft. Worth, TX 76102
Phone: (g17) 886-3109 Contact: Greg Wingate Email: Gregory.wingate@fortworthtexas.gov
Please provide billing address if different from above.
Billing Name:
City Of Fort Worth In Care of:
Attn: FMS Central Accounts Payable
Fort Worth, Texas, 76102
Customer agrees to purchase, and Mitec agrees to provide the selected options listed in the attached Terms and Conditions for
the Fire Protection systems described herein. Final acceptance is subject to Mitec approval.
Fire Protection Services Agreement Payment Options: Indicate your choice with a check (✓1
If no choice is indicated an Annual Payment option will be used.
❑ Annual Payment of: 650.00 Contract Start Date:
$-�� . T#� $-66�9
❑ I would like to pay by credit card. Note: To pay by Credit Card please email pavments(c�mitecnet.com. y� �=:r��
Note: When an invoice number is assigned you can pay online at any time at www.mitec.com
All Mitec invoices will be sent via email in PDF format. Please provide an email address for submitting invoices:
Signature below acknowledges acceptance of Mitec terms and conditions for credit and verification purposes.
Customer By:
P.O. Number:
Mitec By:
Title: Life S
Rebecca Sills
Attach Purchase Order or Requisition if Required
March 12, 2021
Mitec 3136 Skyway Circle South Irving Texas 75038
Phone: (972) 570-1918 Fax: (972) 570-1951
Devices included In Extinguisher Agreement:
The Fire Protection Services Agreement and attached Terms and Conditions apply solely to the testing, inspection and
servicing of the devices affirmatively listed on this Schedule ("Covered Devices"). Mitec will have no obligation to provide for
the installation, testing, inspection or servicing of any devices other than Covered Devices.
ice ufactu ellPart #
. .
Service Plan:
No provision for replacement of tlefective control equipment or peripheral tlevices is inclutletl in this agreement.
MITEC will perform unschetluled repairs on the control equipment and peripheral devices listed within this agreement at the current labor rate in affect at the time of
the repair, plus mileage and all other applicable charges.
Training Plan:
This option has not been selected for this agreement.
Special Provisions:
One Annual Extinguisher inspection of up to (167) extinguishers.
An additional cost of $4.00 per extinguisher will apply for each additional extinguisher.
Excludes: service, maintenance or replacement of extinguishers
Below Breakdown for cost of services in the event maintenance is needed
Extinguishers require a 6 year maintenance: 5# ABC extinguishers is $40.83 per extinguisher plus tax
Extinguishers require a 6 year maintenance: 10# ABC extinguisher is $48.52 per extinguisher plus tax
Extinguishers require a 12 year hydrotest 5# ABC extinguisher is $74.85 per extinguisher plus tax
Extinguishers require a 12 year hydrotest 10# ABC extinguisher is $79.21 per extinguisher plus tax
New Replacement cost 5# ABC extinguisher $77.52 — total cost for replacement includes parts & labor
New Replacement cost 10# ABC extinguisher $109.52 — total cost for replacement includes parts & labor
Note: most of Mitec accounts prefer to replace the extinguishers with new extinguishers. We provide the option to have the extinguishers maintenance or replaced.
2021 projected maintenance cost (10) extinguishers due for maintenance, replacement cost $775.20 plus tax.
2022 projected maintenance cost (81) extinguishers due for maintenance, replacement cost $6279.12 plus tax
Page 6 of 8 Initial
� ' ' ' "' ExtinguisherScan� Reporting System
Our Inspectors use bar code based handheld technology to gather critical information surrounding the inventory of extinguisher items.
Device type, manufacturer, model number, location, status, and the time and date the device was last inspected are listed within your
report. Review and analysis of ExtinguisherScan° report by your Account Manager.
All Discrepancies, including items needing your immediate attention, are listed together with recommended solutions.
Option Included
� �••�. .
24 hour a tlay Internet Access to your own Web Desktop using popular browsers such as MicrosofYs Internet Explorer�. Check the status of
Service Requests, browse your latest inspection, and even create your own Fire Protection tlocumentation basetl on the tlata in your
ExtinguisherScan° Online Inspection Report.
Your latest ExtinguisherScan° Inspection Report can be downloatletl to your own mobile tlevice via lnternet connection at
www.BuiltlingReports.com; Very useful for building engineers, maintenance personnel, antl others responsible for onsite maintenance antl
� ' ' ' "' Maintenance and Guidelines I
� �
.� �
No Parts, No Labor (Please see Service Plan notes at the entl of this agreement.)
Upon receiving your request for service, MITEC will coordinate with appropriate sub-contractors to perform necessary repairs on the
control equipment and peripheral devices listetl within this agreement. All repairs will be performed at the current labor rate in effect at the
time of the repair, plus mileage, and all other applicable charges. Parts used to perform repairs are not included in inspection agreement.
� ' ' ' "' Test Frequency & Guidelines I
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1 Test per NFPA 10
Receive scheduling of your building inspection through Email, fax or iCalendar, the Internet email standard for PIM's (personal information
management software). Compatible with most scheduling software including Microsoft's Outlook. Just a click, updates your own calendar
program with the date and time of the next scheduled inspection. Included with your email is a Microsoft Word° document template suitable for
producing letter-sized inspection notices you can use to inform building occupants of the next scheduled inspection.
�' ' ' • •' ' ExtinguisherTraining Plan �I
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None (Please see Training Plan at the end of this agreement.)
On-Site Training on the proper operation of your Extinguishers
Extinguisher Training
Fire Extinguisher Training Class with Video Presentation and Live Fire Demonstration for hands-on training. Class size is limitetl to
thirty-five intlividuals per session. Adtlitional sessions will be available as neetletl.
Page 5 of 8 Initial
Fire Protection Services Agreement
Building Name: 100 Energy Way Proposal Number: 9172014224192
Ft. Worth, TX 76102
Phone: (g17) 886-3109 Contact: Greg Wingate Email: Gregory.wingate@fortworthtexas.gov
Please provide billing address if different from above.
Billing Name: City of Fort Worth In Care of:
n: en ra ccoun s aya e
Address: 200 Texas Street
Fort Worth, Texas, 76102
Customer agrees to purchase, and Mitec agrees to provide the selected options listed in the attached Terms and Conditions for
the Fire Protection systems described herein. Final acceptance is subject to Mitec approval.
Fire Protection Services Agreement Payment Options: Indicate your choice with a check (�
If no choice is indicated an Annual Payment option will be used.
❑ Annual Payment of: 3 525.00 Contract Start Date:
''H'd'A� '99'8'9� &9�
❑ I would like to pay by credit card. Note: To pay by Credit Card please email pavments(cD.mitecnet.com. ����
Note: When an invoice number is assigned you can pay online at any time at www.mitec.com
All Mitec invoices will be sent via email in PDF format. Please provide an email address for submitting invoices:
Signature below acknowledges acceptance of Mitec terms and conditions for credit and verification purposes.
Customer By:
P.O. Number:
Mitec By: Rebecca Sills
Title: Life Safety Consultant
Date: March 12, 2021
Attach Purchase Order or Requisition if Required
Mitec 3136 Skyway Circle South Irving Texas 75038
Phone: (972) 570-1918 Fax: (972) 570-1951
� � • � - � FireScan� Reporting System I
*M1S ,-� ti;.
Our Inspectors use bar code based handheld technology to gather critical information surrounding the inventory of fire alarm items that
make up your Fire and Life Safety system. Device type, manufacturer, model number, location, status, and the time and date the device
was last inspected are listed within your report. Review and analysis of FireScan° report by your Account Manager.
All Discrepancies, including items needing your immediate attention, are listed together with recommended solutions, and referenced to
the National Fire Alarm Code, NFPA 72.
� � • � - � BuildingReports.com I I
24 hour a day Internet Access to your own Web Desktop using popular browsers such as Microsoft's Internet Explorer°. Check the status of
Service Requests, browse your latest inspection, and even create your own Fire Protection documentation based on the data in your
FireScan° Online Inspection Report.
Your latest FireScan° Inspection Report can be downloaded to your own mobile device via lnternet connection at www.BuildingReports.com.
Useful for building engineers, maintenance personnel and others responsible for onsite maintenance and service.
�� • �•� 24 I 7 Technical Support I Help Desk I
� �i�
No Parts, No Labor (Please see Service Plan notes at the end of this agreement.)
20% OFF
Our automated technical support Help Desk utilizes MicrosofYs Exchange Server° technology to schedule and track your emergency
service requests resulting in savings to you of more than 20% off our standard labor rate. No 3-hour minimum charges for service during
normal hours. Receive automatic Email or Fax confirmations upon receipt of your service request, and subscribe to automatic email/fax
updates as your request is tracked and completed.
Guaranteed 4-Hour Response
Option Included • � • � -
1 Annual Test
Receive scheduling of your building inspection through Email, fax or iCalendar, the Internet email standartl for PIM's (personal information
management software). Compatible with most scheduling software including Microsoft's Outlook. Just a click updates your own calendar
program with the tlate antl time of the next scheduled inspection. Included with your email is a Microsoft Word° document template suitable for
.•. producing letter-sized inspection notices you can use to inform builtling occupants of the next scheduled inspection.
�.� •
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Option Included � • � � ' .
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Complete Training Package (Please see Training Plan, at the end of this agreement.)
Annual Fire Drill Assistance Program and training on the operation of your Fire Alarm System.
➢ Fire Drill Assistance Program
■ NFPA training film on evacuation tlrills for your specific type of facility.
• Brochures and other training material from the National Fire Protection Association.
■ Fire Warden Hats and Floor Warden Armbands are available for use in your fire drill program. Please contact your Account
Manager for group pricing.
➢ Fire Alarm System Training
■ Visit from your Service Manager describing the operation of your Fire Alarm System for your building personnel.
Page 5 of 8 Initial
•� • �-� SensorJet� Smoke Detector Cleaning I
NFPA 72 7-4.2 `Any accumulation of dust and dirf may adversely effect device and appliance performance."
Cleaning smoke detectors and duct detectors reduces nuisance false alarms due to dust and contamination.
Ultra filtered and non-residual, SensorJet is a portable source of clean inert gas for precision removal of contaminates which can lead to false
alarms in smoke detectors, yet leaves no residue. Delivers up to 96 psig @ 77° F to instantly remove dust, dirt and contaminates.
� � • � - � ation Signals Testing I
����� �
Weekday Mornings Before 8am
Test activation of your fire and life safety system in order to measure and record your building's evacuation signal levels under actual alarm
Test results are analyzed against the audibility, voice recognition, and visibility requirements of the local authority having jurisdiction and other
agencies for your occupancy. Any discrepancies due to construction changes or environmental changes are noted in your Inspection Report.
� � � � . � • Calibrated Sensitivity Testing I
UL approved sensitivity testing tlesigned to ensure that all automatic smoke tletectors and tluct smoke tletectors operate within the
manufacturer's guitlelines for listed sensitivity. If your system provitles this testing procetlure as an automatic feature, this will be notetl in your
FireScan° Inspection Report at no extra charge.
Detectors found to have sensitivity outside the listetl and marked sensitivity range shall be cleanetl antl recalibrated, or replacetl according to the
Service Plan listed herein. All discrepancies will be noted in your Inspection Report.
�� •� .�• t Detector Air Flow Pressure Testing I
� - .�
. �� i �
Testing of the duct smoke detectors located inside the Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) system of your facility.
Measurements are recorded to ensure that proper airflow pressure and detector operation is maintainetl as changes occur with the HVAC
system antl in actual building construction.
All tluct detectors not meeting the requirements for proper airflow will be noted within your Inspection Report.
Option Available
I l � ; i'�
Environmental testing of the exit stairwell pressurization system under alarm conditions tlesigned to ensure that the stairwell entry/exit
doors will remain accessible within ADA guidelines. Air pressure measurements are recorded and analyzed in order to maintain a smoke
free evacuation route in the exit stairwell for all occupants.
All tliscrepancies will be noted in your Inspection Report.
Page 6 of 8 Initial
Devices included In Service Agreement:
The Fire Protection Services Agreement and attached Terms and Conditions apply solely to the testing, inspection and
servicing of the devices affirmatively listed on this Schedule ("Covered Devices"). Mitec will have no obligation to provide for
the installation, testing, inspection or servicing of any devices other than Covered Devices.
Service Plan:
No provision for replacement of defective control equipment or peripheral tlevices is included in this agreement.
Mitec will perform unscheduled repairs on the control equipment and peripheral devices listed within this agreement at the current labor rate in affect at the time of
the repair, plus mileage and all other applicable charges.
Training Plan:
Mitec agrees to provide fire drill assistance and personnel training according to the following terms and guidelines: [1] Fire-Drill - Mitec agrees to participate in and
provide assistance for one annual fire drill and/or system test conducted by the local Authority Having Jurisdiction. Mitec will assist in performing an on-site Fire
Warden training class not to exceed one hour and be present during the actual fire drill to assist in monitoring the evacuation procedures. Customer will be
responsible for notifying all personnel and building occupants of the scheduled fire drill prior to the beginning of the drill and upon the conclusion of all testing, [2] On-
Site Training - Mitec agrees to provide basic fire alarm training to building personnel upon request by Customer. This training is available up to a maximum of two
training sessions per year at no more than one hour per session, or one session per year for a maximum duration of two hours, [3] Off-Site Training - Mitec agrees to
provide an annual fire alarm training course to building personnel at Mitec's training center upon request by Customer. Customer furthermore agrees to provide five
business days notice to Mitec of any fire drill, system test, and/or training class that Mitec is requested to participate in or provide assistance for.
Special Provisions:
One Annual Fire Alarm Inspection
Excludes: quarterly, sprinklers, preaction systems, suppression systems, hood systems, backflows, fire alarm devices associated with preaction systems,
suppression systems, hood system, sensitivty testing.
Page 7 of 8 Initial
Controls included In Service Agreement:
Functions included In Service Agreement:
Suppression Services Agreement
Building Name: 100 Energy Way Proposal Number: 9172014224192
Ft. Worth, TX 76102
Phone: (g17) 886-3109 Contact: Greg Wingate Email: Gregory.wingate@fortworthtexas.gov
Please provide billing address if different from above.
Billing Name: City of Fort Worth In Care of:
n: en ra ccoun s aya e
Address: 200 Texas Street
Fort Worth, Texas, 76102
Customer agrees to purchase, and Mitec agrees to provide the selected options listed in the attached Terms and Conditions for
the Fire Protection systems described herein. Final acceptance is subject to Mitec approval.
Fire Protection Services Agreement Payment Options: Indicate your choice with a check (✓�
If no choice is indicated an Annual Payment option will be used.
❑ Annual Payment of: 1 150.00 Contract Start Date:
❑ 2 Semi-Annual Payments s
$ ss�.00 aee-e ee�
❑ I would like to pay by credit card. Note: To pay by Credit Card please email pa my ents@mitecnet.com. y� � A��
Note: When an invoice number is assigned you can pay online at any time at www.mitec.com
All Mitec invoices will be sent via email in PDF format. Please provide an email address for submitting invoices:
Customer By:
P.O. Number:
Signature below acknowledges acceptance of Mitec terms and conditions for credit and verification purposes.
Mitec By:
Title: Life
Rebecca Sills
March 12, 2021
Attach Purchase Order or Requisition if Required
Mitec 3136 Skyway Circle South Irving Texas 75038
Phone: (972) 570-1918 Fax: (972) 570-1951
' � • � � " FireScan� Reporting System I
¢ �
, � ��"� �
Our Inspectors use bar code based handheld technology to gather critical information surrounding the inventory of fire alarm items that
make up your Fire and Life Safety system. Device type, manufacturer, model number, location, status, and the time and date the device
was last inspected are listed within your report. Review and analysis of FireScan° report by your Account Manager.
All Discrepancies, including items needing your immediate attention, are listed together with recommended solutions, and referenced to
the National Fire Alarm Code, NFPA 72.
•' ' ' �' ' BuildingReports.com I
+��� � �
3`� R ■
24 hour a day Internet Access to your own Web Desktop using popular browsers such as MicrosofYs Internet Explorer0. Check the status of
Service Requests, browse your latest inspection, and even create your own Fire Protection documentation based on the data in your
FireScanO Online Inspection Report.
Your latest FireScanO Inspection Report can be downloaded to your own mobile device via lnternet connection at www.
BuiltlingReports.com. Very useful for builtling engineers, maintenance personnel, and others responsible for onsite maintenance and
�'' '"' 2417 Technical Support I Help Desk
'� f �.�
No Parts, No Labor (Please see Service Plan notes at the entl of this agreement.)
20% OFF
Our automated technical support Help Desk utilizes MicrosofYs Exchange Server° technology to schetlule and track your emergency
service requests resulting in savings to you of more than 20% off our standard labor rate. No 3-hour minimum charges for service during
normal hours. Receive automatic Email or Fax confirmations upon receipt of your service request, antl subscribe to automatic email/fax
updates as your request is tracketl and completed.
Guaranteed 4-Hour Response
• ' ' ' "' Test Frequency & Guidelines I
2 Tests Per NFPA 12A/2001
Receive scheduling of your building inspection through Email, fax or iCalendar, the Internet email standard for PIM's (personal information
management software). Compatible with most schetluling software including MicrosofYs Outlook. Just a click updates your own calendar
program with the date and time of the next scheduled inspection. Included with your email is a Microsoft Word° document template suitable for
producing letter-sized inspection notices you can use to inform building occupants of the next scheduled inspection.
�' ''••' ' Fire Drill and System Training Plan
Annual Fire Drill Assistance Program and training on the operation of your Fire Alarm System.
➢ Fire Drill Assistance Program
■ NFPA training film on evacuation drills for your specific type of facility.
■ Fire Warden Hats and Floor Warden armbands are available for use in your fire drill program. Please
(Please see Training Plan at the entl of this agreement.)
contact your Account Manager for group pricing.
➢ Fire Alarm System Training
Visit from your Service Manager describing the operation of your Fire Alarm System far your building personnel.
Page 5 of 8 Initial
�' ' ' • •' ' SensorJet� Smoke Detector Cleaning I
NFPA 72 7-4.2 'Any accumulation of dust and dirf may adversely effect device and appliance performance."
Cleaning smoke tletectors and tluct tletectors reduces nuisance false alarms tlue to dust and contamination.
Ultra filteretl and non-residual, SensorJet is a portable source of clean inert gas for precision removal of contaminates which can leatl to false
alarms in smoke detectors, yet leaves no residue. Delivers up to 96 psig @ 77° F to instantly remove tlust, dirt antl contaminates.
�' ' ' "' Evacuation Signals Testing
During Inspection
Test activation of your fire and life safety system in ortler to measure and record your building's evacuation signal levels under actual alarm
Test results are analyzed against the autlibility, voice recognition, antl visibility requirements of the local authority having juristliction antl other
agencies for your occupancy. Any tliscrepancies tlue to construction changes or environmental changes are notetl in your Inspection Report.
�' ' ' • •' ' Calibrated Sensitivity Testing I
UL approved sensitivity testing tlesigned to ensure that all automatic smoke detectors and duct smoke tletectors operate within the
manufacturer's guitlelines for listed sensitivity. If your system provitles this testing procedure as an automatic feature, this will be notetl in your
FireScan° Inspection Report at no extra charge.
Detectors found to have sensitivity outside the listetl and marked sensitivity range shall be cleanetl antl recalibrated, or replacetl according to the
Service Plan listed herein. All tliscrepancies will be notetl in your Inspection Report.
Page 6 of 8 Initial
Devices included In Suppression Agreement:
The Fire Protection Services Agreement and attached Terms and Conditions apply solely to the testing, inspection and
servicing of the devices affirmatively listed on this Schedule ("Covered Devices"). Mitec will have no obligation to provide for
the installation, testing, inspection or servicing of any devices other than Covered Devices.
Service Plan:
No provision for replacement of defective control equipment or peripheral devices is included in this agreement.
Mitec will perform unschetluletl repairs on the control equipment and peripheral tlevices listetl within this agreement at the current labor rate in affect at the time of
the repair, plus mileage and all other applicable charges.
Training Plan:
This option has not been selected for this agreement.
Special Provisions:Semi-Annual (2) Hood System I Inspection
(11) Fuse Links replaced Semi-Annually
(10) Ansul Nozzle Caps Replaced Annually
One Fire Alarm Technician To Assist During Each inspection
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Controls included In Suppression Agreement:
Functions included In Suppression Agreement:
Tanks included In Suppression Agreement: