HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 54720-AD7CSC No. 54720-AD7
Addendum No. 7
Stat�ment of Wo�•k
Tl�is Addend�zz� No. 7- Statement of Woz•lc {SDW) is z�nade as ofthis Sth day of May, 2021, under the
tet7ns and conditions established in the MASTER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT
between the City Of FOt'� W01'��1 �"City") and �mith Temporaz�ies, Inc. dba Coz•nez•Stone Staffing
("Vendo�•"), the satne being Fort Worth City Seci•etary Contract {CSC) No. 54720 (t1�e "Master
Agreeir�ent" or "MSA").
Tf1is �tatement of WorIc is made for the following purposes, consistent with the services defined in the
Master Ag�•eement: �'�oviding te��poraxy staffii�g services to the Ciiy of Fort Wortl� faz t�e positions
Iisted belnw. In particular, Vendor sl�all perfoi�n thnse functions identified below in the Scope af
S�ivices, as such se�vices are mare fUlly detailed in the MSA.
Sectran A. Scope of Se��vices & Schedule
Scope of Service: The Neighborhood Services Department (NSD) is requesting two (2) temporary
staff to se�ve as Of�ce Assistant.
NSD �'cceives num�rous �tate and Fede�'al grants uscd to provide di�-ect financial assistance and rental
assistance to pe�•soz�s t�at a�•e low-inco�e, experiencing crisis, had a loss af income due to COVID
and/o�• seeking job t�•aining/certification to earn a livable vcrage. With tiie increase in funding and
programs, we l�ave nioved ta electz�onic applicatians that can be co�npleted with s�nart phanes and
home computers. Howeve�•, there ax•e sti11 issues with applicants and landlords beginning but noi
coin�leting on-line applications and a need to provide over-the-phane, email, texting, and in-persan
assistance to applicants in coinpleting their applications. NSD is creating a ca11-cente�• type suppori
program t�iat will be staffed the by office assistants to provide the direct, 1: I suppoa-t for appiicants ta
dz•amatically inc�•case t�� nurzabc�� of coz�npleted applzcatio�.
Additional staff r�vill also reviet�v online applications within the Neighbnrly sof�ware, may review
applications to ensure co�x�p�etio� and co�apliance with ��egulatio�s and anay also be taslced with
follow-rxp wi�11 applicants by phnne, email, and in-person to ensure that applications are cnm�l�tcd.
Office assistants must be able to answer phones and work a complex phone system. Must be able to
use Outloolc email, and various software, including Neighborly software and Excel spreadshee�s.
Must be organized and able to Eracic applicants, review case, files, and follow-lhrough lo completion.
Depax•tment Requesting Position{s): Neighborhood Ser�ices
Assign�nent #1
Position Requested (MiisE l�e in E�ibit B af the MSA): Office Assistant
# af above Positions Requested: 2
LocationofAssi�za.ment: City Hall A�nnex, 3�'d �looar, NSll
�fojected Star! and End Dates %r Assignment: May 1�', 2U21 - September 30, 2021
Anticipated Total # of Hou��s: 40 �ou�•slweelrJposition�; 20 weeks tfltal; $00 I�ou��s fo�r eac��
�as'rtioY�; 1,600 hours total for two of�ce assistants OFFICIAL RECORD
Hourly Billing Rate (Must be in Exhibit B of the MSA): $19.60 per hour;
Total anticipated cost: $ 3I,360.00 CITY SECRETARY
SectiQ�n B. Corr�pensaiian, Reimbut�sable Ex�enses, and Biil�ng Tet�ms: Processing and payznen
of fees, u�clucling the st�-ucture of payin�nts and i�ivoicing the� eof, sl�all be in accardanc� with the Maste��
P�'ot'essional Seivices Ag��eement.
The total fee that shall be paid by City to Vendor for ihese se�vices shall be in accordance with tha
Mas�e�• Seivice Agreeinent and, specifically, Exhibit `B"- Pi•ice Schedule. In submitting invoices,
Vendor shall reference the appz•opriate Statement of Worlc. Further, the Vendoz� sl�all separately Iist the
total amout�c for fees in which invoices we�•e previously subinitted d�ui�lg the then-curcent ann�ral
contt•act period {either initial term oz• renewal pe�•iod) and the total atnotult of fees for the entiz�c period,
inchiding those amounts being requested under the then-current invoice.
Vendor will subm�t invaices foz' �ees to Vella Edwards within the Neighborhood Services Department
(velfa.edwards �,fortworth.texas.�_v) and also submi� a copy to the Talent Acquisition Manager in the
Human Resources 17eparttnent, 200 Texas Stt•eet, Foi� Worth, TX 7G 1 d2.
Executed in muItiple oz•iginals on this the
day of 20_
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BV� FernandoCosta(May7,202119:04CDT)
Na�ne: Fernando Costa
Tit�c: Assistant City Manager
May 7, 2021
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Date: May 7, 2021
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ATT�ST: ��► �
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fo� Rovrql�l P. Gonzc�les � v g °_�
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B�7;for Ronald P. 6onzales (May 1Q 2021 0825 CDT) �� o o� �
Na�ne: Maiy I�ayser ad �°°00000��°� �
Title: City Secretacy �n� nEXpS��b
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Naine: Jessilca Williams
Trtle: Assistant City Atto��ney
Contr•act Compliance Manager:
By signing I acicnowledge thal I anr� the person responsible
fo�• the monitoz•ing and adtninist��ation of this cont�•act, znc�uding
ensuring all performance and repoz•ti�lg requireinents.
Neen� Kowru (May7, 202118:01 CDT)
Neet�a Kovuru
Assistant Human Resources Diz�ector