HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 51959-A4�..y,
�t : ��itgr Ri��� Au�h�r�it� �i Tex��
�lAn�ing, Design and Construction Administration
DATE: April 2S, �Q21
FILE: 3828.6�4213'I 9 0.635.�03
TO: Matt Murray
Assistant City Attorney I
City Atiorney's Office
200 Texas Sfreet
Fo�t Worth, Texas 76102
City Secretary Coniract na. ��19�� ��,
RL�; �enton Creek Regional Wastewater System
Henrietta Creek Ir�terceptor, 25HC-�
Fourth Am�ndment to the �nterloca! Agreement with City of Fart Worth
(City Secr�tary Contract No. 51559} �
Dear Matt:
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The Authority exec�tecf an InteTloca[ Agreement (Agreement) {p�t�aeh�n���.A�) with the Ciiy nf
Fort Worth (City) on October 24, 201 S, for the above refer�:nced praj�cR. �`fii Agreement
pro�ides the Authority with permanent and temporary easem�nt rights to consiruct #fi�e 25HC-'f
Interceptor and to conduct tree mitigation within Chadwick Farms Park. Terms o# the
Agreement included a date nf commencement no fater than April 15, 2019, �s summarized
a. License Period. The term of fhe aceess to and use of the area descrif�eaf in Exhibit D shall
corrsist nf one (7} license period of iwo hundred fr�ty (250J consecu�ive caler�dar days,
commencing no later than April 15, 2019. 7RA musf notify the Director of the City's Parks and
Communiiy Se�vices Departme�nt or fhat person's designee (' Diractar') at least fiv� (5j
business days prior to the date or► vvhich the Lrcens� Period will commence. The license
period shaJl end at 91:59 p.m. an �he 250th calendar day fallow�ng the day of commencemen�
("License Period'}. If TRA's use of fhe Licensed Premises does nof corrrmence on or before
Apri195, 2Q79, TRA shall immediately begin to restore ihe surface of the ar+ea previousJy
licensed by fhe City ro TRA thrtough City Secreiary Contract No. 46707 which was executed on
May 28, 2095. Such restoration shall be in full compliance wifh the terms of City Secretary
Contcact No. 46707' arrd shall include all Park properfy inciuded in both Cify Secretary Confracf
No. 46707 and ihis Agreernent
The First Amendment #o the Agreement ���ct�►�1 � 1 B} was executed on August 29, 2019, for
a revised commencement dat� af no lat�r kl�an Ae�gust �i3, 2019. A Second Arr�endment
'��r, nt �� re�ised the date of commencement fa na later than April 8, 2020. A Tf�ird
�mendm�nt {�.t#.ac���nt Dj �xtended the License Periad #o three hundred eighty-se�en (38i)
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April 29, 2Q21
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consecutive calendar days, expiring on Aprif 30, 2021. The Authority requests a FourEh
Amendmenk ta prolong the License Period to five hundrad seventy-one {571) cansecutive
cafendar days, exp�ring on October 31, 2027, to account for the necessary time tv estaE�lish
repl�cement �egetation by hydro-mulch seeding. This Fourth Amendment shali resuit in no
inerease ta fhe value of the Agreement. Alf other pro�isions of the Agreement not specifrcal�y
amended hereby remain in full force and effect. If this Fourth Amendment is acceptable,
please indicate your acceptance and acknawledgmenf by signing below and returning an
original executed copy �o this office.
Resp�a�fl�lly submit#ed, �
. �
K���Y A.. ` Vl� ,E,
Assis#ar�t Manager, Engineering 5er�ices, Pipelir�e
Planning, design and Construction Administration
��t���ment A— Int��lncar � r�em�nt wltt� t �ri oE ra +rvor�n
R�'t�i�ton� �— �rs# Fkmen�tm�nt }� �r�t� foGal A r�em�r�# uv�ti� t�� �i of F€�rC 1Na�tF�
!1lt���ment �-- �8 �nd Artaentlrr��n� o Interi al A r�e�rx�r�t vwEth lh� �' o� ForR 1�10 h
Aita��lme�nt �— 7hird Am�ndrr�ent o Into�ocal r��r+�ent wr h lhe �fl f Forl WarC#�
�ity of �o�t Worth
� � S� �� �/P
Valerie Washingtan Date �
Assistant City Manager
Approved as ta Form and �.egality:
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Assistant City Attorr�ey`I ` . _
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City Secr�tary
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T'�inity F�iver� Authority of �exas
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,�. I��vi� Ward � D�t
�eneral Manag�r
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�. Sloiaodin Date
I Counsel
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�i w�rd S. Slobodin Date
General Caunsel
r4tt�Ch���� A �t�rv��ca�=r���v
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This Interlocat Agreerraent for Chadwick Park ("A�reement"} is made and entered into by
and beiween the City of Fort Worth {hereinafter referred to as "City"}, a t�ome-rule municipal
corporation organized unde�• the laws of the State of Texas, acting by and through its duly
authorized Assistar�t City Manager, a�d Trinity River Authority of Texas (hereinafter referred to
as "TRA"}, a conservation and reclarnatioii district and po3itical subdivision afthe State ofTexas,
created by and functioning under TEx. R�v. CIv. STAT. ANN. A�, 82$0-I 88, and acting pursuant
to the powers granted by that article and geReral la�r, by and ti�rough its duly authorized Genera]
The following statements are true and correct and constftute the basis �ipon which the City
has executed tl�e A�reement:
A. This f1.�ree�n�nt is made under t1�e authority gran.ted by and pursuant to Chapter
79I of the Texas Local Governm�ni� Code;
B. The City owns a certa�n piece of property known as Chadwick Farms Park, iocated
at 15700 CIcveland-Gibbs Road, Fort Worth, Denton County, Texas 76.262, and
mare accurately depicted in Exhibit'A, v��hich is atYached hereto and incor�orated
herein for al1 purposes ("Park").
C. TRA owns a Substitution Easeinent and Right-of-Way ("Easement"} through the
Park which authorizes it to construct sanitary sewer Iines within the confines of the
Easement, and ti�hich permits TRA the right of reasana6le ingress and egress across
the adjacent Park pm�erty for purposes of constructing and maintaining said Iines.
A copy of the Easement is attached hereto as Exhibit B.
D. TRA requires additional permanent and perpetual rights throu�i an undeveioped
porkion of the Park far the purpose of constructing, operaYing and maintaining an
additional sanitary sewer line praviding service to the City of For� Worth said
permanent rights bezng described in the instrument attached hereta as Exhibit C,
and additionally certain temporary rights io faciIitate eonstruction, descri6ed at�
Exhibit D.
E. 7l�is A�reernent wil] provide TRA with bath permanent ri�hts and iemporaf•y
access and workspace to a pot•tion of the Fark for purpases of reconstructin� a
sanitary sewer tine beneath the Park and within the Easement owned by TRA ar�d
within the area described in Exhibif C which is in the eommon interest of both
parties a�d w•ill benefit the genera! public.
F. �ach governin� body, in performing gavernment franctions or in paying for the
perfot'mance of governmental fi�nctions hereunder, shall make that performance o�•
thase payments f'roin current revenues legaily availabte to that pariy.
� G. The City and TRA fnd that the subject of this Agreement is necessary for the
��C ��—� � beneft oFthe public and that each has the legal authority to perf'arm and to pravide
�� ;_
^�ry�� �~'� locai A��t��neni forChad�vick Farms Park 1 of51
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the government function or service that is the subject matter ofthis Agreernent.
H. The C'ity and TRA are parties to City Secretary Cantract No. 46707 which was
executed on M�y 28, 2015. The City and TRA agree that nothing in this Agreernent
shall he construed as to alter t�e ab�igations aF either party under City Secretary
Contract No. 4b707.
I. Granf of Pe�rnaanent Ri hts
�or the ednsideration in hand paid �y TRA to the City of Twelve thousand fve-hundred
seventy-nine dollars and twei7ty cents ($12,579.20), the City shall �rant TRA tl�e
permanent ri .ghts described in Exhibit C by the executinn nFthat instru�nent.
II. Term of Temporary Rights
a. License P�xiad. The tertn of the access to and use of the area described in Exhibit
D shall consist of one {l ) license period of two hundred fifly (250} consecutir+e calendar
days, co�r�mencing i�o later than April ] 5, 2019. 7'FtA must notify the Director afthe City's
Parks ��d Community Services Department dr that person's designee ("Director") at I�ast
five (S) business days prior ta th� daie on which the License i'eriod will commence. The
Iicense period sha�l end at 11:59 pan. on the 250`h calendar day fallowing the day of
commencement ("License Period"). If TRA's use of the Licensed Premises do�s n�t
co�nnnenee an ar before April 15, 2019, TRA �hall irnmediateiy begi�n to restore fihe sua�aae
of the Lic�nscd Prcir�iscs in accordancc with tl�is Agreenraent. Nathing hereir� shall reduce
or alter TRA.'s obligations to restor� the property described in City Secr�tary Cantract No.
b. Extensior� of License Perit�d. Tf TRA fails to complete aI3 obligations hereunder in
accardance with this Agreement an or beFore the expiration af t�e Lic�nse Period,
including, but nat limiteti to, restoration as speci�ed herein, then TRA agrees to extend the
License Period on a mantYt-to-moaith basis until TRA has co�npl.eted ail o�ligations
pursuant tn this Ag. reement. lf an extension occurs, then TRA shall pay or cause the City
to be paid rent in the amo�nt of one d.ollar and fifty cents per square foot �er month for the
entirety ofthe Licensec� Pre�nises (as hereinafter definedj underthis Agreernent, which wi;l
be due and payable on or before the first (] 5� day of each exte�ded License Period. Such
rent shail be paid to the City witi�out demand and without of�'set.
The extension of the License Period shatl occur and renew autai�atically each month until
TRA receir�e� notice fram the City that alI of its obligations under the Agreement have
been completed. Norivithstanding anything to tIle cnntrary, the City �nay terminate the
extended License Period at any time and for any reason.
c. Access. No use of or aecess to the Park or t�e Licensed Premises shall b�
allowed outside oithe designated License Period or applicabl� extension period, exc�pt as
is authorized by aray easements or permanent rights held by TRA. TRA's rights i�1 and to
the Licensed Pre�nises l�ereunder shaN be steictly lia�n�ted and shall fully and absoIutely
]nterlocal Agreement Tor Chadwick Parms Park 2°f Si
terminate and be af no furtl�er force and effect ai tIze conc3usiof� of the License Period or
applicable extension period, except as is authox•ized by any easements held by TRA. After
the Lic�r�se I'eriod or applicable extension peri�d �nds, all rights of TRA in and to the
Licensed Preinises shall, avioma�icaily and without the need for any further documentation,
fully and unconditionally terminate, whereupon TRA shall have no right of entry or use oF
the Licansed Premises whatsoever except as is authorized by any easements h�ld by TRA.
IIL Licensed Preenises
a. Subject to the terms and conditions set farth ii� this Agreement an.d ti�e City CllarCer
and or�iinances, for and in eonsideration of t�e manetary payments to be made hereurader
and the other covenants anei promises expressed herein, the City daes hereby agi•ee to
license to TRA during the L,icense Period the use of t�e following portions of the Par1c for
tl�e purpases stated herein:
1. A potfiion oithe Park, the desaription,location, and houndaries ofwhich are
depicted i» Exhibit D, which is attached hereto and incorporated herein for alI purposes as
though it were set forth at length ("Licensed Premis.es"), far use as tempnrary aGcess a�1d
warkspace For purpases of constructing a sanitary sewer line beneath the Park and witi�in
the area c�escribed in Exhit�it C and for no other purrpose.
2. 'T�e parties understand and acknowledge that TRA has an Easement that
grants it tl�e right of reasonable ingress and e.gress across the Park, where necessary, for
the purposes of laying, co��structing, inspectin�, operating, maintaining, repairing,
replacing, addin�, changix�g, or remo�ing its sanit�ary sewer pipelir�es (see �xhibit B). In
the interest ofef�ciency and protection of the Park a»d its patrons, the parlies hereby agr�:e
to the following with respecC to ingress and egr�ss canee�ning the Project:
i. The Access and Workspace Area is referred to hereii� as the
"Licens�d Premises."
ii. TRA and its contraetors and subcontra�tors shall enter tl�e P�r'�� and
access and exit the Lieensed Premises and the area described in Exhibit C
via the access road on the neighboriiig "Lot 1, Block 1 Fairway Ranch
Addition" tract, which is depicted i� Exhibit C. If TRA desires ingrEss and
egress access tn any other portion o�the Park not specified herein but which
may be allowed pursuant to �te tertns of its Easemcnt, then the parties agree
to work together to com� to a mutuai a�reement concerning the loeation af
such aacessa recognizing the interest of TRA in exercising its rights under
the �asement and the City in protecting its interest in the Park. if TRA
utilizes ingress and egress access to any otl�er portion of the Park wl�ieh is
noi pursuant to this Agreemer�t or to the terms of its Easemenfi, then TRA
shali pay or cause the City to be paid reasonable fees as determiiled by the
Fair Market Value and square footage of the properry utilized.
iii. '1'RA agrees to contact the Director at �east twenty (20) calendar days
prior to accessing the Park fpr its construction activities w�thin the
I��terlocal Ay,�•eemeni for Claadwick Parms Park 3 of 51
3. TRA's use the Park is strictly limited to the Lic�nsed Prenrrises, its existing
perma�nent easeinent and the area as depicted in Ex�ibit C and TRA shall nat have access
to any other ai•ea oi the Parlc. In the event any portion of the 1'ark is occupied or used,
either acYively or passively, outside of lhe Licensed Pre�nises, then TRA shall pay o� cause
tl�e City to be �aid monthly rent in ihe amount ofone dotlar and fiTty cents pet• squa�re foot
£or the entirety of the Licensed �'renaises. Such payinent shall be made in full to tl�e City
for a i�inimum af one, full tl�irty day period. If TRA reraoves or dam�ges trees through
any sach unautharized use, TRA shall also pay to the City a tree mitigation fee, in
accordance with Exhib'it E. Upon notificatian by the City, TRA shall immediately cease
such use or occupancy and itnmediately restore any such Park property in accordance with
the applicabie provisions set forth in th.is �lgreernent.
IV. Conside�-ation
a. Contemporaneously with executing this Agreement, TRA shall delivea• to the
offices af the City's Parks and Community �Se�vices Departmenf (the
"Depart�nent"}, 4200 South Freeway, Suite 220a, �ort WnrYh, Texas 76l 1 S,
paymen� oia. Fee of twelve thousand five hundred seventy-nine dallars and twenty
cents {$�2,579.20} as consideration for tk�e appro�imately 0.31448 acres of
easement arca granted under this Ag��eement.
b. Cantexnporaneously with executing this Agreement, TRA shall deliver to the
offices o.i the City's Parks and Comm�niiy Services Departmen� (the
"Deparlment"), 4200 South Freeway, Suite 220{3, �`ort Wnrth4 Te�cas 761 � 5,
payment ofa License Fee offfty-eight thoasand two hundred an� seventeen doliars
($58,2I7.00) f�r the use of appcoximately 5$,2�'� syuare Peet of parlclat�d granted
as a temporary warkspace under this Agre�ment.
c. Consideratian for any additional use of tl�e Licensed Premises beyond the initial
250 day license period wiIl be in accordance with Section II..
d. The pro.p�s�d alig�me��t tvill impact appr�Ximatsly 5$ trees totaling 523 �li��r
inehes within the park.. Mifiigation fees in the amoun� of $83,200_00, has been
assessed for the propasei tree removal impacts. TRA wilI pay to the City a
mitigation fee of eighty-three th.ousand two huridred dollars {$83,2Q0.00). All
remaining t�ees will be prntected with tree protection fencing. Any additional
impacts shall be assessed ui3derthe GRZ notes as de�ned in Exhibit E.
V. Acceptance of Lic�nsed Premises
TRA talces all portians of the Lieensed Peerr�ises and alI appurte��ancss in "AS �S"
condition without any express or implied warranty on the part of the City. TRA accepts
the Licensed Premises in their presenC condition, finds �hem suitable for the purposes
intend�d, and fur�tller acknow�edges that it is thoroughl� familiar with such condition by
reason of personal inspectic�tt and does not rely on any re�resentations by the City as to the
conditian of the Licensed Fremises or their suitability for the purposes in�ended. TRA
accepts the Lieensed Premis�s subject to any ar�d ail pre�iously recorded easements that
may have been �ranted on, alot�g, over, under, or across said propei-ty, and releases ihe City
lnierlocal Agreement far Chadwick Farms Park q of 5 i
fratn any and a�l damages, clainr�s far dama�es, loss, ar liabilities that may be caused ta
invitees, iicens�es, or tsespassers by r�ason of the exercise of such rights or privileges
granted in said easements. TRA's taking possession of the Lic�nsed Premises sha�t be
conciusive et�iden,ce that: (a) the Licensed Pre�nises are s�aitable for the purpases and uses
for which same are licensed; and (b} TRA waives �ny and af1 defects in and tQ the Licensed
Premises and all the appur�e�iances thereto. The Ci shali not be liable ta TRA,_ its
a ents. e�aplovees, contractors, subcontractors. i�nvitees, �icensees, ar �uesYs for any
dama�e to anv person or property due to �he acts or on[►issions of TRA., its agen�s.
emal�yees, contractors, or subevniractors, �tnless s�ch dama�e is eaused bv the �ross
negli ence or willful nn�isConduc� of Citv or its a�ents, emnlovees, seuarate
contr8ctdr ,_ar s�bcor�trac#nrs.
Vi, Use Not Exclusive
Witi� �-espect to the Licensed Pren�ises, this A�reement and all rights granted to TRA hereii�
are strictly non-exclusive. The City reserves the right to enter into and grant oth.er and
future licenses, leases, and other authoriza�ions for use of the Park and the Licensed
Premises to otl�er persons a�zd entities as the City deems appropriate in accordance with
applicable law; provided, howe�ver, that in granti�g subseyuent authorization far us�, the
City wi1.l no.f allow a use that will u»�•easonably interfere with TRA's use of the Licens�d
Premises as provided herein. This Agreement daes not establish any pric�rity for the use of
the Park or the Licensed Premises by TRA or by any present �r �uture licensees or other
p�rmit holders. In tlie event af any dispute as to tb� priority af use of th� Parlc ar tI�e
Li.cetased Premises, the first priority shall be to the public generally, the second priority to
the City in tne per�oi�na�tce of its various iunctions, and thereafter, as between licensees
and other permii holders, as determined by the City in the exercise o#'its powers, including
the palice p�wer and other ppwers reserveci to and conferred on it by the State of Texas.
Vii. Limi�ations an Use
a. Construc#ion on the Licensed Premises is allowed anly between 7:00 �.�. and 7:00
Q.M. MQr�day thro?�gl� Friday. Fox pu��s�s afthis provision, the ier�n "construction:' shall
inc�ude (i} clearing;, �1�•edgin�, excavating, compacting, or grading of land; (ii) delivery or
assembly of pipe, fiitings, or similar txtaterials; and �iii) opera�ion of heavy equipmet�t,
inclu�ing, but not limited to, a backhoe, baekhoe loacler, boom truek, bulldo�er, compaetor,
crane, dwmp truck, excavator, grader, grapple trucic, loac�er, pile driver, power shavel,
roller, scraper, tractor, trencher, and tunnel boring machine.
b. All TIZA �q�ipment and materials shall be placed and maii�t�ined solely within the
conFines afthe Licensed Premises. Unless otherv►+ise approved l�y th� Director, TRA shall
enter and leave the Paric and access the Licensed Premises via the �-►eighboring "Lot 1,
Block l Fairway Ranch Additian" tract, which is de�icted ir� Ex�ibit C. Cleveland-Gibbs
Raad shall not be used for ingress and egress purposes, 'I'1�'s use of the Licen.sed
I'rennises hereunder shail be soieiy restricted to TRA's activities on fihe Licens�d Premises
and shall not include tlYe use of the Park or tlie Licensed Premises tn serve any acti�ities,
including, but not Iin�ated to, consCruc.kion activities, accurring outside nf the �icensed
inter]oc�l Agrccment for Cliadrviak Fasms Pack 5 of 51
c. Tn accessing and using the Licensed Premises, TRA shall comply with all of its
abligations and responsiUilities under this Agreemenf and u.nder any as�d ali applica6le,
federal, state, or local law, rule, or ord.inance.
VIYY. Public Saf�ty
a. TRA shall be solely respansi�le for i��itiaii�g, rnai��taining, and super�ising all
safety pr�caiations and �ragrams in connectiorz with TRA's use of the Licens�d !'r�mzses
and the Park.
b. At a tninimum, TRA shail: (i) install and maintain cons�ructi.on fencin$ in
accordance with any preconsiruction p3ans a�;reed to by the Director; an� (ii) ensure that
�a equiptneni: or materials are stor�d in the Park in a manner that is anat sacure. Fotlow�ng
iristdllation o�`the fea�cin�, TRA shall contacfi the Ujrector t� inspect %r proper installa#ion.
TRA shal] ensure that all equipment and rnat�rials are sCored ot� the Licensed Fremises in
an enclose.d area thal- shalI be kept lac�ed when not it� use, and TRA shall provide the
Directar with keys for all fence and entry locks. At no time shall any fe�ced area be ]ef�
open unless staffed by security persflnnel.
c. �n adc�it"ion, TRA shall. pra�ide constructian and maintenance signs. and sufficient
bar�•icades at work sites tn protect tIae public. The use of t�:affc cantrol devices shali be
eonsistent with the sfandards and provisions of Part VI of the Texas Manual on Unifo�n
Traffic C�ntral De�ices. TRA shall aIso take all ne.cessary pe�cautions and shall }arovide
all necessary protection to prevent da�nage, injury, ar loss to (a) all persons accessing.
portions of the Licensed Pre�nises on which any construction is being performed by ar on
bet�alf of TRA,; (b) all work �erformed on or t'rom the Licensed 1'reinises and a!I materia�s
a�1d equipment ta be incorporated therein �at are under the care, custody, c�r co�trol of
TRA, or TRA's employees, agents, contractors, or sui�contractors, regardless of whether
5uch material and equiprnenl is stored on or off the �,ic.ensed Premis.es; attd (c) other
property on or adjacent to tha Licensed Preinises.
�X. �'rotecfi��a� of tl�e Env�rva��aa�nt
a. TRA shali not handle ar stare any Ha�aa�dous 1Vlateriais on the License� Preia�ises
or tl�e Paric, excepl that TRA may, in cazr�pliance with applicabie environaaaental laws, use
and store Hazardous Mater.ials in such amounts and ty�es tltat are eommonly used in
co�nection with pipelii�e bursling operations, provided, however, that TRA speeif caliy
agrees to remove any �nd all such Hazardous Materials or� or before the ftnal day of the
Licens� Period. TR1� shall nat introduce, use, gei�erate, store, accept, or dispose of on,
under, or aboat, transport aerass, or pecmit to exist on the Licensed Premises or the Park
any "treatment, storage or disposal facility" nr "underground storage tank," as those terms
are d��rtea under applieable enviranmental l�ws. Foe purposes of this Agreement,
"Hazard�us Materials" shall tnean po�entially dangerous hazard�us wastes, taxie
substances, or related �nat�rials, including, but nnt lirr�ited to, poll�tants; asbestos;
polychlarinated b.iphenyl (ACB); petroleum or other fuels {inciuding crude oi3 or any
fraction or derivative thereofi); undcrground storage �anks, and substances considered
hazardous, toxic, or the equivalent pur5uant Eo applicable laws. Any Hazardous Materials
used by TRA on the Licens�ci �remises shall be posted on site a��d a list shall be given to
L3lerioeal Agreement for Chadwick Farms Park 6 of 5]
b. TRA shall not create or aggravaEe any conditian at the Park or the Licensed
Premises that could present a threat to human healtl� or to the enviranjnenfi.
X. Docurr►entin Condition of Licensed Premises
TRA. t�nust provide tlae Department wi�h videographic documentation of the condition of
the Licensed Premises as they e�ist boEii befare and after the uses pennitted herein. All
such video m�st include a visible date and time stam}� indieating when tl�e videography
accuri•ed. TRA inust submit documentation of the pre-installation conditian priar ko
commencing any wo�-k n�� the �,icensed Premises. Pos�-installation docurnentaiio� must
b� submitied no later tha�� fve (5} business days after tl�e last day of the License Period.
Department staf�' wiil distriUute copies of tlae documentation ta all ap�ropa•iate City
personnel to det�nni�-�e whether any damage has been done to the Licensed Prerriises.
XL Min�mizin� Impact o� Ve�eta#ion
a. TRA is authorized to reinove �rees from the Parlc as represenfied and set forth in
Exhib.it E and shall pay to tl�e City a tree mitigation fe.e of Eighty-three t�ousand �wa
hundred dollars US. ($$3,200.001 due and payable to the Depart�nent prior to commencing
any use of` the �.icensed Premises under this Agreement. TRA shall not c�tt, remove or
dainage any other trees bn the Licensed Premises except as agre.ed to otherwise by the
b. Prior to beginniu� any construction, TRA shall install perimeter construction
fencing in accordance with ar�y preconstruction pians agreed to by the Director. In
addition, i;o minimize damage during construGtion, TRA shall instail chain link fencing on
the autside drip line of trees and other vegetatian speciitcally identiFied by the DireGtor at
a pre-construction meeting and as outlined in accnrdance with Exhibit E, which 'is attacl�ed
hereto �nd incorparated herein for all purposes. TRA shall a�o.tify the Dire.ctoa• once the
perimeter fencinb and iree pratection measures i�ave been installec� and allow th� �areck�r
ata opportt�nity to inspeet the work before construction begins. � The Ci�y sha11 ha�e at least
fou�• (4) busi��ess days following the date on which notice is rec�i�ed to conduct its
inspection. TR.A may begin con5tructian on ar after the third (3`d) bus�ness day faIlowing
the dat� on which it pro�id�d notice to the City ur�less the City cantacts TRA and id�ntifies
specifc issues that render the perimeter fencing ar �ee protection tneasures unacceptable.
c. TRA shall ensure that tree protection fencing remains in place througIiout the
Li�ense Pez•iod or a�iy extended Li'c.ense Period. At na tirr►e shali any tree be damaged ar
removeci except as alloweci herein. if ar►y other tree within the Paek is damaged in
connection with TRA's operations, TRA agrees io undertake remediatian efforts, inc��ding
paying of rernediation costs, in accorda�ce with Exhibit R, whi�h is attached heretn and
incarporated herein for ail purposes. Any fencing shaki re�nain in place untit such tirne as
the Licensed PremisEs are restored pursuant tv the �erms af this Agreement.
interiocai Agreement for Chadrtrick Farms Park 7 of 51
XII. MinirrtSzin� �mpact on Utilities
a. TRA acicnowledges the existenee of CiCy-owned uti(ities in the Park and Licensed
Premises (including, but noY limited to, water�ines, sewer ]ines, and starm drains} and
cavenants and agrees to install pratecti�e matting over such utilities in aecorda�ce witl�
any �reconstruction plans agreed to by the Director, which a�reement shall not
unreasonably be witiiheld, and in compliance with specifications approved by the City's
Water DeparCment. Following installatian of t�te �natting, TRA shall canta.ct the Water
Departi�ne��t (John Lopez or other designated representative} for inspectiQn and approva�.
b. TRA sh.a�l provide the Depa�-tment with a copy pi the matting specificafiions and
the Water Department's inspectian report withii� twe�ty-four (24) haurs of receiving the
report from tlte Water Department and prior ta mobilization of pipeline construction
equiprxaent in the Pai-lc. TRA may i�egin construction ai'ter th� date oi� which it pravided
the inspection repot�i and specifica�ions to the Departznent unless the Departinent contacts
TRA and ide�ti�es specific issues that render the measures unacceptable.
XIII. Restoration of Improvemenfs
To the extent any road, curb, gutter, irrigatic�n system, utili#y line, ban�icade, fence, or other
improvezne�rt is destroyed, removed, or altered in connection with TRA's aeli�ities under
this Ag�•eemeni, as deterrr�ined in the sole reasonable discretion ofthe Dia•ector, TRA snall
recnnstrc�ct a�ad restore such improve�nent in a good and worlemanlike manner to a
condition that is equal to or better than the one in w�ich such impravement existed as ni
#he date this Agreerxaent is fwlly �xecuted, as evidenced by the pre-insta�lation video
required under Section X of this Agreement. Any restoratian requi�•ed under tl�is sec�ian
must be co�npleted by TRA anci inspected air�d approved by the Direclor prior to th�
expiration ofthe License Period orthe Li�ense Period will be extended per Section II.
XIV. Restoration o1' Sa�rface of Licensed P�r_e_�ises
'I'o t�ae eYtent an�� portion of ihe surface oifihe Park, i�cluding bn�a tk�e Lieensed Pr�rnises
and �asem�nt, is damaged or disturbed in cannection with 1'R�'s activities under this
Agreement, as determir�ed by the Director it� his sole reasonable discretion, TRA shall
restore the surface of the Licensed 1'remises by: (i) aer-ating the soil using a heave-action
aeraior with six-to-eight inch tines to address compaction caused during the use of the
laicensed Pre�nises; (ii) replanting and reseeding with Common Bermuda grass in
accordance with the seedin� speci�cations oui�ined in the attached Exhibit F; and (iii)
watering the replanted and reseeded areas as needed unt'tI th� reptacement vegetation is
reasonably established and has been approved and accepted by the Director. Prior to
planting, TRA shaIl provide the Director wifh. dacumentation certiiying the type anrl
quality of �li� materials to be planted. Tl�e Director may, in exercise af reasonab�e
discre�ior�, reject any plax�t rnaterial that do�s not �neet the requirernents of this section or
�xhibil F or is otherwise unacceptable for o��e ar more specific, clea�•ly iden�i�ed reasons.
Any restnration reyuirec� under this section must be completed by TRA. in compliance with
the specificatians set forth in this section a�ad the attached exliibits ar�d inspected and
app��oved by the Dia•ector, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld, priar to tlx�
expiration of the License Period or the License Period will be extended per S�ction II.
Interlocal Agreement for Chadwick Farnis PaE-k 8 of 5.1
XV. Discretionary Limited Access to Care for anc� �stablish Ve�etatiaan
a. T�A naay request limited access to the Licensed Premises to t?vater, care for, a��d
establish replacement �egetation requir.ed under Seclion XIV ("L�mited Access"}. A
reguest for Limited Access must be made in writing ai�d delivered to tlle Departme��t aC.
least oue month prior to the expiration of the License Period or extended Lic�nse Pariod.
Replacement r�egetation or s�ed rnust. be in place at the time the request is made.
b. Director may, in its reasonable diseretion, aut��orize Limited Access for a pei•iad
not to exceed twc� w�eks from the expiratian af the License 1'eriod or extended Lice��se
Period. During the Limited Access period, no TRA materials ar equipment may remain on
the Licensed Premises with the exception of irrigation dicecily involved in in•igation and
t�mporary fencing used to protect areas being restored. TRA's use of �he Licens�d
Premises undej• Limited Aceess in accordance vvilh this Section shal� not involce any
additional extended License Ferio�l beyond that which aIready exisCs a� the tizne that
Liynited Access is granted.
XVI. Liability; Indemni�cation.
a. TRA a�r�es fi� pay City far all damages suffered or incurred by City, either directly
or iz�directiy, as a result of any operatioaas on or from th� Licensed Pr-emises aonducted far
or by TRA, its agents, employees or repr�sentatives, includa��g all da�nage or in,jury lo
standing or fallen timbec, buildings, fenees, equipn�ei�t, and all ather pro��rty, wl�et�erreal
ar personal. TR.A warrants against any slumping or settling as it relates to the v�ork within
the Park related to TRA's installation of the sewer line or �e uses pern�itted herein and
agrees to pay City for all damages reiated to such sl�atrnping, settli�ag, or both.
D�ATH, TO ANY AND ALL PEItSON�, [):� i�'I�A`I'S��.VLi� KINt7 dR
Interloca9Agreement for Chadwick Farms Park 9 of 5]
c. TRA cnvenants and agrees thal City shall na way or under any circumstances be
responsible far any property belonging to TRA, its mernbers, empioyees, agents,
coniractors, subcontractors, invitees, licensees, or trespassers tiiat may be stolen, destroyed,
or in any way damaged, and TRA hereby indemnifies a��d holds harmless City from
any and all suck� elaims. City does not guarantee police protection and wili not b� �iahle
for any lass or damage sustained by TRA, its mernbers, e�nployees, agents, contractors,
st�bcontractors, in�itees, licensees, or trespassers on any of the Fremises.
d. TRA agrees that City shail not be liable for any loss, injury or dainage whatsoever
suffered or incurred by TRA or TR�'s agents, employees ar representatives while on the
Licensed Premises.
e. Ail of the obligations set fo�h above are subject to the limitations of state law and
suhject to any defenses or immunities TRA r�aay possess.
a. Dulv to Acquire and M�intai�
TRA shall cause its contractor to procure and maintain at all tianes, in full foree and
effect, a poiiey or palicies of insurance ta provide coverages of the types ai�d amounts
specified herein, naming the City as an additional insured and cavering al� publ�c risks
related to the use, occupancy, condi#ion, rnaintenance, exisfence, or location of the ParI�
and the constr.uction, installation, oper,ation, maint�nance, r�pair, reconstr�►ction, or
condiiion of the pipe�ine. Tlze i�ns.urance z�equired hereunder may be met by a
combination of self insu�-ance and primdry and excess polic.ies. TRA shall provide praof
of all requirements stated herein to the City prior to beginning any work pursuant to this
b. '[�pes and Amounts of Covera�e Required
� . Comrnercial General Liabiii�y:
i. $S,D�b,000.00 per accurrence, including coverage fnr the follawing:
(i) Premises Liability; (ii} indepeirdent contractors; (iii) pro�uets/cornp�etcd
operations; {ivj personal injury; (v) cat�tractual kiability; (vi) exp.losion,
collapse, and undergi-ound property da�nage
2, Property Damage Liabilitv:
$5,000,OOO.UO per occurrence
3. Umbrella Yolicv.
I. �s,000,00a.00
lnteriocal Agreement for Ghadwick Farms Pa��k ] 0 of 51
4. Environmental Imnairment I�i��ititv (EIL3 &/or Poilution L�abilitv
i. $5,000,000 per occuia•ence
ii. $ I 0,000,000 aggregate '
Automobite Liabilily;
i. $ l,aU0,040.00 per accident, inclUding, but not litnited to, a!I awned,
leased, hired, or non-ow�led rnotor vehicles used in conjunction with the
rights granted under this Agreement.
fi. Worker's Conanensation:
As rec�uired by law
7. Em lo er's Liabili :
$1,040,Oa0.Q0 per accident
c. R$visions to Re uired Covera e
At fihe reasonable recommendation of the Crty's Risk. Manager, the City may at any
time revise insuranee coverage requij�ements a�d limits rrequired by this Agreemer►t.
TRA agrees thai w�thin thirty (30) days of receipt of written notice fro►�t the City,
TR.A wi11 i�nple�nent all s�ch revisions reqnested by fihe City. Pa3icies shall nat
have exclusions thar nuliify or altel• tke re�uired lines of ct�varage, or decrease the
lirnits of said coverages req�ired by this Agreement, unless such endarsemenCs ar�
approved in writing �y the City. The policy or pnlicies of insurance shall be
endorsed to provide tlaat r�o tnaterial changes in coverage, including; but not limited
to, canceIlafion, termination, r�on-renewai, or amendment, shali be mad� withou�
thirty (30) days' prior written notice ta t�e City.
d. Underwriters and Certifieates
TRA shall procure and mai�atain its insurance with underwriters who are authorized
to do business in the State of Texas and who are a�ceptable to Ylne City in terms af
sc�lvency and financial strength. Within ten (1 �) business days following executian
of this Agreernent, TRA shal! �'urnish the City with eer�ificates of insurance signed
by the respecti�e companies as proof that it has obtained fhe types and a�n�unts af
insurance caverage required herein. In addition, TRA sha11, on ciemand, pro�ide
the City v►�ith evidence diat it has maintaineci such cove��age in fi�ll force and effect.
e. Deductibles
Deductible or self-insured retention li�nats on any line of caverage raquired herein
shalI not exceea $l,�}OO,00a.oa in the ann�a� aggregat� unless the limi# per
occurrence os per line af coverage, ar aggregate is ntherwise approved by �he Ciiy.
Interlocal Agreement for Chadwic�e Farms Park 1 I of51
Waaver of Sub�ro�ation
TRA shall require any of its contractors' worker's campensation policies to contain
a waiver nf subrogation endorsemei�t in favor of the C�ty.
No Lirnitation ot Liabili�y
Ti�e insurance requiz•ements set fnrth in tl�is section and ar►y recovery hy ihe City vf
any sum by reasan nf any insurance policy required under this Agreement shall in
iao way be construed or affected to liinit or in any way affecC TRA's liability to the
City ar other persons as provided by this Agreement or law.
XVI��. Prahibitian A�ainst Liens
TRA. shall not do any act or znake any coniract tl�at may b� purportec� to create or he the
fowndation oi any lien an or any ir�terest in the Licensed Premises ar �he Fark. Any such
act, contract, or lien attempted to be created sha31 be vaid. Should any purpo��ted lien on
the Licensed Prerr�ises be cr�ated ar fled, TRA sl�all, at its soie expense, liquidate and
discharge same within ten (l 0) business days after notice fro�n the City to do so.
XIX. Notices
All notices r.�quired or permitted under this �greement sha11 be canclusively determ.ined
to ha�e been d.elivered when (i) k�and-delivered to the other pariy, its agent, empinyee,
servat�t, or representative, or (ii) received by the ather party by reliabl� overnight aourier
03• United States Mait, postage prepaid, return receipt requestecl, a� the address stated below
nr to such otl�er address as one parky may frorr� tirne to time nntify the other in writing.
Par�cs and Commu�aity Sei'vices
City of Fnrt Worth
4200 South Fi•eeway, Ste 2200
Fart Worth, Texas 76115
Witka a copy to:
Departtnent of Law
City of �art Wnrth
Attn: City Attorney
1000 T�roekaaaai�tan
Dallas, Texas 75201
Fort Worth, Texas 76102
Construciion Management Se�•vices
Tr�nity River Authority of Texas
53fl0 S. Collins
Arlington, Texas i601$
lnteriocal Agre.ement for Chadwick Faams Park I 2 of 51
XX. IndependenY_Contractor
It is expressly understaod and agreed fhafi TRA shall operale as independent entity in each
and every respect �ereunder and not as a�� agent, representative, or e�nplayee af tlle City.
TRA shall have tlze exclusive cantrol and the excIusive right to control a]I details and day-
to-day aperations and acti�iti�s reIative to operatian of TRA ancE instalIation oithe pipeli�e
ai�d sha13 be solely responsible for the acts and omissions of i�s offcer�, agents, sei�vants,
employees, contractors, subcantractors, licensees, and i��vitees. TR.A acknowledges that
the doctrine of resp�ondeat superiar shall not apply as between the City and `I'RA, its
offeers, agents, servan#s, employees, contractors, subcon�ractors, li.censes, and invitees.
Nathing contained in this A.greement shall be eonstrued as fhe creatio.n of a partnersh'tp ox
joint enterprise betweer� the City and TRA.
XXI. Prahibition A�ainst Assi�n�ent
TRA may not se�l, assi�n, or otherwise transfer any of its ri�hts or obligations u�der this
AgreemQnt without tl�e prior, writien consent o�th.e City. Anq such altempted assignmer�t
without the Ci.ty's consent shatl be void.
XXII. Carrt liance wifh Laws and Re u�ations
a. In operating under this Agreement, TRA a�rees to coar�ply with ail applicabie
federal, state, and lac�l laws, reguiaYions, and ordinances, including all City ordinances,
cl�arter provisio�is, and rules, regulations, and require�nents of �he City's Police, Fi�•e, Code
Compliance, T:ranspottation and Puhfic Vl�nrl�s, and Health Depar�menis.
b. T`RA wiIl not knowingly do or suffer to be done anythi�ag on said Licensed Premises
during the Yerms of this Agreement in violation of the laws, statwtes, ordinances, ru[es,
regulations, charter pravisians, directives or requirerrients referenced in this Agreem�nt. If
the City calls ihe attentioi� o�' TRA to any such r�iolatioz� on the pari of said 7'RA or any
person �mployed by or adn�it�ed to said Licensed Premises by TRA, TRA wili immediately
(or otherwise as snnn as ;reasonably possibl.e) desist frozn anc� correct such via�atian and/or
vacate tne Licensed Prerr�ises.
XXiII, Taxes
TRA acknowledges and agrees that il sh�ll be sole.Iy responsible for paying all taxes
assessed aa- imposed by a��y goven�r�ental entity lil C017ilCCti011 WI(Il t�e eonstructioi�,
installation, opei�atinn, maintenance, repair, or re�construction oft�e pipeline and with the
use ofilie Licensed P.rexnises or other City praperty related to activiti.es withiza the scope nf
this Agreei�ient.
�XIV. Force Maieure; Hamela�nd 8ec_�ri
I� ei#her party is unable, either in whole or part, to fulfili its abligatians under this
Agreeme�t due to acts of G.od; strikes, lackouts, nr other industrial disturbanees; acts of
gublic enernies; wars; blockades; insur�'ections; riots; epidemics; p�blic health cr.ises;
earthquakes; �res; flo�d�; restraints or prohibitions by any court, board, departmne�nt,
Inierloct�] Agreement for Chadwick Farms Pat'k 13 of S 1
com�nission, or agency afthe U��ited States or of any state; declaration af a state of disaster
or ot' ea�nergency by the federal, state, coun#y, or City gavernment in accordance with
appiicable law; issuance of a�� Imminent Tn�:eat Alert or Elevated Threat Alert by the
United States Depar�ent ofHomeiand 5ecurity or any e�uivalent alert system that may
be instituted by any agency of' the United States; aily arrests and restraints; ciuil
disturbances; or �xplosio��s; or soine other reason beyond the party's �•easanable coi�troI
(collectively, "Force Majeure Event"), th� obligations so a�fected by such �oree Majeure
E�ent will be s�spended only during the continuance of s�ch e�ent. If a Farce Majeure
Event oecurs, tite City may, in its sole discretion, close ar postpone the op�ning of its
carr��nunity centers, parks, ar ot�er City-awned and operated properries and facilitiss in the
interest of pub�ic sa%ty and operate thezn as the City sees ft.
XXV. Headings
The section headings contained i�erein are soleIy far convenience in reference and are npt
intended ta define or limit the scope of any pro�ision of tYtis Agreement.
KXVI. Choice o� Law; Venue
This Agreeanent shall be governed by and canstrued in accordance with the laws of the
State of Texas. If any action, wi�ether real or asserted, at Iaw or in equity, arises on the
basis af any provision of this Agreement, venue for such action shali lie in state courts
located in Tarrant County, Texas or the United States Dislrict Caurt i�or [he Narthern
District af Texas - Fort Wor�2i Di�ision.
XXVII. Government�tl Powers
It is understnod and agreed that by exeeution ofthis Agresrnent, the City ar�d TR� da not
waive or s.uxrender any o�their respectiv� gQvernmenta] powers.
XXVI�I. Authorizat�on
By executing this Agreement, TRA's agent affirms that l�e or she is authorized by TRA to
execute this A�eement and that all represenkations made herein with regarei to T�A's
idei�tity, address and (egaI siatus {corporatian, partnership, individual, etc.) are true and
XKIX. EntiY�e� of A�ree�ent
This instrument (including ail attachrnents, schedules, and exhibits attached hereto)
constitutes the enti�•e understanding and agreemer�t af the City and TRA as to use af the
Lic�nsed Premises and the Park. Any priar or cantemporaneous oral or written agree�nent
is hereby deciared n�ll and va.id to the extent in co�flict wiYh the terms anc� conditions of
this Agreem�nt. This Agreement shall nat be am�nded unless agreed to in writing by both
By executing this .�,greennent, TRA agrees to and aecepts the terrns, conditions and provision
contained l�erein.
Intcrlvcal Agreement for Chadwick Farins Park 1�1 af S 1
IN W�TI�ESS �NHEREOF, tlie parties hereto have executed this Agreen3ent this ���.___day
of �r�r 2019 in �'ort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas.
Trinity River Authori� of T�xas The City of F�rt Worth
By: � �' _�l�--.� "� �=�.,. � r� By: ' �;,- � _ _
^ vin Ward Fernando Casta
.�neral Manager Assistant City Nlar�agex•
Appraved xts�to F ��n��,I�egality:
�� 1 ,
B�� `�•�� l �' �
y: -
o r S. Slobodin
General Counsei
� �� �E
By: � +�f � � � `' _ �! .�'`
H wie�d 5, S] bodin
Secretary, Board of Directars
Contraet Authorization - M&C:
M&C L-16i56, Ociaber 16, 2018
For�n I�95: I+T/A
Approved as to Farm and [..e�ality:
By: - _
Mat�hew A. Mu�ray
Assistant City Attorney
Mar��� ;y I�ays�r� �
City Sec�•etar�y'
Contract Co�npl�ance N�anager:
By signing I acknowledge that I am the person responsible
for the rnonitori�g and administration of this contract, including
ens�ring all perfarmaz�ce and reporiing requiremen�s.
Narne of Employee
� �- ; F•'�
Title �
�1 n
�: ��� �����.
, �.�: �':�'
S '�
, .r�yA
.�; � �°a� '
. �'��� �.
InterEocal Agreement for C13adwick Farms Park 15 of 51
Exhibit A
In�erlocal A��eement for Chadwick �'arms Park I 6 of S 1
Exhibit B
�xisting Easernent
, ��
� �
� , ' �''`'�s� : I
[hwnfi�n �reets i�o9t�s�� wr�cer�•r�¢tmr �y�tem
HanHe4� f:�sc�c Int�rc��.tor ��l�bt, PF�a� I
PSi�I � 6
su���r�Tu���� ���w���r �►�� �i��a�-v� �+��r
Y�a� �rmT� oR s�xAs �
i���r,�� § 14A10�ri1 ALL i�fEPD �Y THE3� PRES�R1Tg:
�{yU�y't"Y OF•�Lt1� 5
.'- "fFfAT �}4A�YIIICK +�OLg1HGS> tYD.� a Te�s El:nitBd Partne�ahip [G�AIV'".'QR} f� and in
� aans?d�atian a� � E� A�i� N01100 Dp�.LARS ($1Q,(!0) anc� othar good.�rni va�ua�le
'�� ._, cons,d�ratioa to GRANT��2 �n hand psid hy ihe Gt�l.M7EE. i'RWiTY RIV�R AtITHOR[TY OF
� �#S {pUTNdRII"Yj, e conservatinal anC recl��iat�r: disfic! C+'�C�1e� tiy artd fiinclia�+n� under
� � Chapter 51 B, ACl5 of ilt� 5�1h l8glsietufe t1f the �t�te C�f 7ox8s, �tegutar Sessk�n. 1955, a�
` amends� pucsuant ta Artici� XVI, Se�l�n 59 of t1� rexa� Gsnstitution, �vith tts prir�cip�l Miice aet
5300 Sou�ft �a]!in$, Rrl'ir�gtal�. T'parrsnt Gvuntp, 7e�s 7B�18. th� receip�iof wiuch by GFtAN'fOR
� !s Rareby ankna�kadged, has g€arrl�d and eon�eyAcl, end does by t['�s� preacr�ts grant ar�
� cnnvey. unia AU"7-iQRITY. �t succ�BS� and assi�s. ar� aes�rlant �r+d right-�( waY +� �$Y.
canst:�t, lhspec;. op�ete, rresintain. rapair. replgae, crtiar,ge, edd andlor re�ova ane or mare
i sanll�ry &ew�r pipvlinas with afl lne�de.7tat pquipment e�d ap�.ari�naancos. ineludin�. bul not
� limit6d. to. apov�ground : nanf��le �rents and pipeiine junc�ion 6ox23. �n� piaeGne
marketsln:nnumen�, �rtd the hereinafte� d,a�rl5e� erosiAn rs4n;ro! ir�proveme�ets
� (INEPRQw�W1�N�1�5j, (�II items r,�lkec�iv+21y herp�nafte�r callcd �A�Ii.:TIES), in, on. ouer, throu�h,
• undJex end acr�s V�ai r.artatn fand situat�d in 1�altas C.�uniy, iRzsa, m[ue ps�ticufaciy daseri[�d
in �ac�iibit'R', attachc�i harefo arul �nade a p�rt hpr$af; to�#hor with: !h� dghi ai ��eason�bl�
tng►esqs ee+d eg^ess acvosa Gf3AN`T'��'8 nemaininp kand, wh�re� n�esssry, ko ersd iram the
abvv�ci�scri3ed ktact, iDr ;he purposes oP laying, cansh'�cUr,�, ins�ecti7g, ap��ling,
' rrrsintairting, re�eklrs�. replacing, ��d'.ng, chan��t�y andlo� ramoving said �AC1LI?I�S.
ihar� la lncluded in thls grent t�e ri�ht at ar,y ti:ne 9�t t� 4uture to tuy, oQnstr�r�, inapact,
Gpe�te. malrrtnEn, re�au, teAJBCe �hang�. add efydlOr roR7ove one 4� more �ddlRionBJ I#nSs Gf
P�P� �RP�ox:r;�a#sly pera:let wlb� ti�c #!"st plpaGne or #�ipel4r�g i�id tr� AUTHORI7Y h�re�andar, so
(ang as �akf `uture I:ne or ltnes ar� ++fi�in the confinas pi thv rnetes arEd bG+cands des�ription
oorttained in �x�i�i� `H",
�tsr erosl�r cnntrol purposea. ti^.e easemar.i ri�hts grarreci and �nveyed herekn tC the
' AlJT'M�iR1T`! shall atsa �nclude the right at any time In th� t�tuve to conslruct, irr$p�ct, opnrata.
me.r�t�in, repg!r, repl�^e, cha-�ge, gdd andlor rernove cac�cr�ts, rack rip rap or ather farms af
� iNi�R01t�hRENTS to pmted Al1'�HOE�1'T1"S exisiir�g as�d fu�urc �ACtLfTl�a iacated wYtha� ar
i adjacent to creeks, gulla$s and athe! natura! or rr.an-rnSda wa�ter �raln8�c co}:raes iacated
w�in Itr� lan� aree dascri6ed in Ea�fbit "A . The n�ed for �nd deaig� bt aFly IMPRS�VEM�NTS
� are sol�ly wilhirr the AUiHC]RITY`5 cor�trol �n� ei the �1UTHOiifflf'S di�retinn, �T.e
� IMPRQV�HI�N�'S shall be canstnsd�d wi�i:� ths higtr!',pw bouc�d�rie9 oi 3ak3 water �ralnage
! CAur�$s. 3h� AU�iiO�i:�'Y, t�l ite disCretiOn, may pr�de and slope ih� banks ar wafis o! the
� water dr�cne�e murses to taei�itete the Ih1�F40VEM�NTS' deaigrt aredl�tteg►ii.y. TF�e pF�ysicai
� flmits Ci the #M'r'ROVEM�N7"S sh�tll be et�3irety cor}fi�t�d ta Ehe arsg deacrils�d 3n ��Ibit "A".
� k{� 4Nr� L.:�kE. i L:iVY �,;1
��~ 4iEIjr:7JRL�E1,17R:�iLF:�� �
+ eR�kh' C:x M1. TFxdS
.�' -S�.]tFtM Nt4t►: qR�h. F�G41fIrY CLEK�
..�._.� HL_:.E� PI it � vf _
Int�rlocal AgreeEnent for Chadwick T'arms Park 17 of 51
�. �
tn addEt'ion ia th� aor�v�►yanoe of naw eassmer�ta as describ�d hevatn, th�� Instrume�rt is s��r�
ex�c�aced ertti dellvered for ihe p�pnso a( ���ti;ut3r+p ihs #�rms a� can�i�ans and IegaE
�e�crt�lion� �i 1ha� Dor4ian v� !ha �2,�am4�t and Rlgrit-c34 W�y Pr�vivuely vanv�yed to
AJTM01�!'fY �s reCorded :r+ Vvtume 25d3, �'�ge 117 of th� [3e�d I�:bs 4f [�*►tofl County,
Texas, lh�ei is Enc�ied within ihe t�undariee M th� Prog�r4Y nt►w ov,rne�1 ay GR{,i`iTfIR
Ci2ANTqR ecicnov�ledg�s ihat the oons;der�tiar. pald by 11l;YHQFttPY iz� fu�l 8ns1 P��I p8yrt�en[
for eli �pi�l� C4nveyed hereln.
, Gf�A�fTOR. Gf�ANTdR'8 attccessors and t�ssi�rrs, may 1ulfy �:se er�d onjoy safd �err:isgs 3
� ancumbered by sa�l assemen:, exCe�t tfi�l suC�� u�9 and enjoyrn�nt shaif rtvl hirMlar, cw�'i:ci or �
j In:�d�re wlt`� th� exer�iso af AUTHQ�1'FY'S riqhts het�eun'der. a�� no bulidEng. strudure or
regenrolr �hatl be oonstrucRed :�pCn, under or acroae me n�ht-oi.vay an� eas�men' He►e:n �
� 9iar:ted, wlt€'�ut AIJTl�iOR17Y'S written cflnsent: p�v:d�ci fu�har, ��AT'lTbfi. �f�AhiiOR'S
-•�- -�ears s�d rrssig�s, rr�Y Car,atruct. dadlc� �nd+r�atr�ln acFtsss sai9 e�ase�h�nt �nd right• �
� af-wey sur.�t roads. a!lvys, p�rk3ng lol�, uUlky iin8� and fenoesas avid �roi inisrfure u+�th f� �rae '
; bY AUTH4Ri'�Y' ct �a:d eas�mB�t ar�d rtght-of-v�+�y ior th� Purposas &`ar�s�id. �
3 r
AUT HOftETY may Irins snd cut do�Jn traes and shrub��+ in coe�nectiae� wNh.the �t�struc�oR. �
pperati�nr,, repair. ir�spsctivn� ct�ar�g�� rdpiacemanL maintenance snd r�r�ova] �f sa3d �
� FAClLITE�S describet! har�:r►, If nec:es��,ry, �
i AUTH�RI7Y shali cl�an up end rer-wvc al( hash and uabris, rep�lr and repi�ce fericcs �d �
rgpair o�t6� d�.mag�S caused by �id const�t�Ctlon. ;
. 7he �esemer�t righfis 2nd prital�ges herein grn:►ta3 5hafl be perpaival, s�d eaid r:ghts shaq •,
. c�onsGicte cav+ananfs rcinn:ng with ttse I�tld end st�e6 ts� bfndir� upon ar.d °n�rre ta the b�nefit of
� GRAA�TOR and AJTNOFiIiY, re�aer.t�ve:y. ann lhair nespeClvc� succcssors arsd assigrr�.
� Al]�I10RITY'S rights Ner�undeFr rnay �e assi�sd in whde or :n g�rR ta ane ar rrwre aas+griees.
"��3 FIAI+� Ariit7 T� HOL�? !he �bove-�aserl4ed �sS�mant and ripht•a}-way a�d rigi�ts
a�l�u�#enantlherei� ur,�a Ai1T�#�R11"Y. Ita suCce�sars erxi as�gr�s> unttl �II at s�iQ �IOCEU�'f��
are �eclared perrRaner.tly atrandanoA �7,+AU� M6F�(TY, In +r�riot� averal said easer�ent er�d right»
of-way anQ righf� �DFu�lenar�t th�atQ �at! s��a ar�! tsrmin�te an� r�var� i� GRA1�T'�R, .
Gr�tANT�R�s sua�ssror� ana asaigns.
GRANTOf� hereby kinds GRAM'i)fi srtd GRAld7Qf�'S �ccessors e:s� as�gr�.a t4 WAii�1RkT
a+td FOREI�EC{ LIEFENG said �sernenl and right-of-uuay and righks apqturtenant thRreEo unt�
AU7hit3Rii"Y, i�s �saCCeBstars 8nd as6lg�s, aga�nat �vbry p:Ers�� whomsoever lavufully cl�imir�g�
or io ClaErfl, th4 same ar a�y �art lheraoi.
]C is axprsssly urxie; stood ;hBi alE r�hts, conveyanc�s ar co+�nants are Ftarein �tritf�n, an� na
v�sr:aal agreements at ahy ktnd shall be hlrnfirtp ar r�cognized or in any ,uay mocii�y th?a
ir�s+.nrPct€�nt tsf aon+,gyan�e.
,��.,} •<:F �vv ��=r.�cT c.;r�r,�, i
a �R�iikqf 9F,O:aU fltfL"A
T1�9ltApT CCIK)►1' iF%�5 �
� �� $LZfJlIiiNE:IRSlaSLW.I'+a1N1YGLEqFf
Interioaa! Agreemei�l tor Chadwicic �arms Park 1$ of 51
--- ---- --- — . _.
f'_— , � . , .
� • ' L
. i
� � � � .
, �x�cur�� t�is I 5 aey �s , zoos, ,
. �.
���'{�Nri��� i�f�j�fAP
`t�$n� r�i
TH� 57117E CJF i�XAS § ?
. �
cDUNT' (iF , .. - _ � ;
Ba�cu+se me, u�e une�rsigr;ed aushnri¢y, o� this day pe*,�o�liy BpP��d kAEaRG �
FQ�YiJiS, I�r��i�r�t af C�i�IC7l,.� PARTHFJt�. LL�. e'f'ea�tas Gmit�d liability Com�any, on
batr�lF ot saEd limited liabili[y campany, in its capacily as sole general pEnnor M CHAfi'sirlCiL '
�.�llf��iS, LTD., a T�xas limit�d partRetship, fcnown ta me 10 t� the person wi:u�s rr�me is �
subacrlbed la Ehe #orepoir� Ir�t►umerit, entE �ckrxkwfasagcd to m� ti�at 3�e execuked �e s�r�re for •
tit� purpv�es anti icvyn€sfd�r:itlan thecein exprssse�i, ir� tha os�p�clly st�te�d ih�r�in artd as the gC#
an� t�ed of �a:CI IITF�L'� piirt�B{���a.
� ,t�-
Given under my ?�and and seeF of oftiC� Cn this _�� day oi _���w+.s
z043. � .
� �.. ec� � - _ - - � ' , •^��..1�•�
r ���� w���� '� �' - .
..� Sll� s� 1'EiWB �{o ry Publko. State of T�xa�
� if��t+1 ���IIO-6�VIA
� �� k�vd. E� pc� et. sS�
�aea•~� _
' (5881} �
Ci�lAQlilriG�t iKf��lN4`s�� L'1!l„
a %s� limfc�d #��r�ner�i�
�y: Cl1l4t�lO�L.O BiOFt'if�i�Ft�, LL&, fl �'�x�
Ilm�ia�i Ile�llt�a c�m�ny, It,� ��+la �eon�raf
p�rte��r�_ .�t
:kuE +�w �ea.:Fci cr,Pr a�
�i8i6'MA. qFC7�D F4CE'] iK
°RNr1�1N�GpU�`� "��cAS. •
`? SL2AHttNEHCFRri3N.CJPlH1Yf1£kw
InterlocaE Agreement forChadwick Farms Aark 19 oFSi
� � ,
. ��
i'HE 5iAYE O�T�XAB � .
: COlJNTY(�F��.-.�-•!"' § '
8efare ine, tf� unde~s;gned e�fhorty, on �i� day p�rsgnaMly ep�$ered ��D��� V'. �
0`CpAtNQR, M1o���c �i Cli�O[.LU €�L91iTH�RS, LkC� s Texas tfr�ft�d �iabi�tly oompany, nn ;
b�oli at said ii;ndetl liability cain}�sny, in its rap�City �s sole qener�l p6a9rtrar o3 CFl�WiGFt
� I'riQL�#AI@�. L,TD.r 8 T@x&5 liytlllEd p�BiiP�t�T9hlp, kAq4;fR tG 1� �V bm �� �.'�TBDfl W�396� f1�fwB !9 '
ea�tr�cribed !o the tc►�egair�g instr�manE, end ac�snawie�ged to � ttrwt � executed i�e s�me for �
. �h� p[tposes ar�d considarRUon tr��rein expfqs�d. in th� cElpaci�Y st�t�� thara�l enp �,� t'ee act ,
ar.d deed of said 19mit9d p�rtner5t9ip. �
i �
� Giuen under my h&nd 8nd �ai vf office an :h:S �� day c�t � .
� 2�7C3. . _ j
; � �. ,�.r. .-1�� ';.'- � � ��((J�--' �
� ��` �8 4 N � Pubil�, S1ate ai fie �
i � � � � ,:� ifA?h�I.EE�d ��•SiLYiA '
e �V It+03. �p. k�r, 91, i� 1
, . �.u�a. a�c..�. :..��t.
_� �uota�ir �u�
SI�,� t7g TEJE�B
' �j � � . �,1l�EN �1�� ,y� •
r='; �s+,�1. 6q� �:ws 91. i�i
rn�:. .. ,�qa•
� . .
���� .
rH� sTAr� o� r�+s §
CC?UNTY Ofi „�,�,,,^. ,.�-�" "�—� _ .. �
�afora me. the undersi�rrsd a�lE�mrily, nn I#s9s day p�rson�I:Y aPpeared Fl�R�Y UTiI�,
4V�ar►r�qi�►' flf CHAili�GLO PAN�tiIN[�lS, 6l.�. a Texas ifmtted li�bility coanpsny. nn hehpif Rl said
limid�d I�bitity comPanY, in ila capa�ity e� �nt� q�� �ri��r of CFdA€iV�Ft F#ai.�]iH��,
L7�.. a�'ex�� I�r�6led #�arinership, iviown to me t�s 6� the persc�n wi� ner,�e :s suhs�i�ed to
th� forsg�in� It►strursiant� and �dc�a3vtedged to rro� tlt�; h+s execut�d th� aems fa� tA� pudp�ses
e�nd car�sid+�ratio� th�refi expressed, in tt►fl cepacify s',�iad th�)n end aett�o act ane de�d of
said limit�ad parkners#�.ip, c�,.��,,� �
Giu�n Em,der my hand and seal of aHla�s on this �„� d�y ai _
.,�"�,_ � � .'r"�.-'`� �C-�V. -"/.��
I:,.� oA�� -IMXE�i CCfrti�'•x
� "¢;�P�N. A'.iJRD F�l�"- j�` :
:J�p� 14RNAll' W4X1Y.:EY.aS �K
:i 7A[ l:' S�IAWIVE �iEN�EaSM. COFf�1� C�
.�... � _ . i .
Interloeal A�reement for Chadwick Farms Park Zb Qf g I
i . -
� ,- -
��' , .
� r�t'7F�' �ftu�+ �xN�Brr �q•
9EI� a 8.9iS iCFs Gti:t af 1t'U !n tT�.B L�a1s F'ishllr. ��r, �Gah^ascE [,3� B39 �tl tM F. f�dtsef �
5urw�r. na4rrrEsk nu. �33. e:t.U�te� fn t1� ptY �► =orE lf�rt, &nt� �e�ty. ic� �C a
� P�aae �96 W i� R� R� b��1�t Currt!'. 7�eG U1�1t�3 R�Id EiC3�`q Rvaepr�"3Gj� j
�:a�`S1�ad sa h7:1PrG '
9EGI��KG � A GG�'A� 4� FJ�L1af8 I�ptL�f� f0.9d, Bdu1 Ret� 'Jl3� ti� ��Lk�(!bt tLCllri' Df ,
a lr�c at k� aa[��d ��f^�`. �!@h.t� �P.�a3 Trsa: dy tf�t� rara�d.a u� OamtY C'�§ Fiie !
�97fC"d' �FAbI 9S-:iQCft�iB �Cr. l4�d SAfi�b'�t e:�J #�1rr� CFI tfM7 � 1�FE Cf a t!'a�t Qf E :
�E"tl �SlvarMC !n U!O lAY]�GA 9Y5cTe� Ot �I�o�SCB 1h' ��+dBd tF�eT IY�lllf6 ifl. 675 0} tn! LS t
DL�rL�f Oau�: raTtd �e �t�t`�Y 1L� of sak! Rrnrakm :.�tl 1�S't:er� LtC. de�t. �
�71�N��v1� tiie C�G6er'ty ]irr� nf �eitl R�a,�te L�o7 P�'t�t�`6. i:tII. bact R'id �iif+i sQitl t'�.Y
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� S@�3�i�' 1l a d�;.e� a! 10iB28 �lei to a W'.� I
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�-�'i�klx'8 l,ti[. C�'iF� '
S�'248y" id� aian� tAa seutA lir�a ot �id F��xabe Lr�d Parine�a. :.td. ;rect a '
¢s�,tsr�x W 3dA2 t�et � a �C � . .
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i rh.' [Olwair.� i
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N 3234�fi� E 8 Rh�'.8�C1s pf 7�i�$ �1t SR � P�ifk
I H 27'2+5�(7' E a uis� aa fi&4.3A Blet ta e Coi�C
I � 89'33'29' E. a q'�tat.� 0= 9�.4t ta3 6o a pplt5t in t!n �SY lsee d ee� s�r,ncke �
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T��C1� S Oi3A3,1' � e1u� tt� ur3�r I:�e M eals Fmr�+x+d t;a�tt i4Ntriu�. !.t@. t,rae: ar: Me
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1�3kerloca) Agreement for C'hadw�ick Farms Park 2[ of'S1
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fnterlocat Agreement for Chadwiak Farms Park
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Interincal Agree�neni ror Ch�dwic[c f'arn�s Pari: 34 of'S1
Interlacal kgrccn�ent for ChadH ick Farms Paek 31 of 51
Exhibit C
Inlerlocal Agreement for C�adwick Farms Park 32 of 51
Denton Creek Region�l Wastewa#er 5ystem
25HC-1 Relief Interceptor Project
Parcef Na 1
T'Rli�l`iY RIlJ�R AUib�f�l'TY O�r i�XA�
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§ Ft�E�1N �� �f9�N �Y T'k��� �F����R1T�:
�Ol1NiY 6F ��RiT'�[V §
That #he GlYY �� �bRT V1fC�RTb, GRANTOR f�erein, for and in consideratian of TEN
DOLLARS and other good and valuabfe consideration in hand paid by the �RINIiY RIV�R
.�UiH��IiY O�° '��XAS, a canserva#�on and reelamation ciistrict ereated by and funciioning under
Chapter �1�, Acts of #he 54th �egislature of tF�e State af Texas, Reg�alar Session, 19�5, as
amended pursu�nt to Article XVI, Section �9 of the Texas Constitut+on, with i#s principal offic� at
�340 South Callins S#reet, Ariington, Tarrant County, Tex�s 75018, GRANTEE herein, the receipt
and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged and confessed, do�s hereby assign and con��y
to GRANTEE a perman�nt, pecpetual, and non-exclusive sanitary sewer easement for the purpos�
of installing, constructing, repairing, maintainir�g, altering, replacing, r�lacating, rebuilding,
remo�ing, and operating sanitary sewer f�cilities, and all necessary appurtenanees at GRANTEE'S
sole cost and expense {colfectively, "�aciiities") irtclt�ding erosion control thereto, in, inta, upon,
aver, across �nd under ihose lands in Denton County, Texas, described on Exhibit A f"Prope�tv"i,
attached hereto and made a{�art hereof, together wikh the right of ingress and egress as may be
reasonably necessary far such purposes, but such rights of ingress ar�d egress shall b� limited as
o�+tlined in the paragraphs below. GRAR�TEE may nat 1) repiace th� Faciiities with uses other than
a sanitary sewer line, 2) aliow its Faoiiities to emit excessive odors or gases that wouid cause the
Properfy to no Eong�r be used far p�rk purpos�s ar restrict or hinder the use of th� praperty for
park purposes except as necess�ry to carry out #he rights granted #o GRANTEE hereur�tfer ta
install, cnnstrwct, r�pafr, maintain, alter, replace, refaca#e, rebuiid, r�r�►nve, and aperai� sanitary
sewer facilities, or 3j 2�Iter th� Facilities in s�cf� a way that changes ihe use of the sur�ace from the
original placement of surface �acilities without priar writ#en approvai frorn GRAN�'4R.
GRANTEE'S surFace use of the �'raperty and the right of fngress and egress shall be
coordinated with GRANTOR at all times. �he Facilfties' plans shall be present�d to GRANTQR far
review and appro�al before any cor�struction or activ�ies commertce on the Property. Such re�iew
shall be done pursuant to GRANT�R`S responsihilities to protect public parklands under to Texas
Wildlife Cod� Chapter �6 �"the Code"}. If the Code ever ceases to exi�t, the requirement tor park
protection outlined in this �aragrapM shall rernain until such time as the Prop�r�y is no longer a
park. GFiANTOR'S revieav of plans shall inc(ude, but is no# iimited to, appro►ral o€ 4) erosion control
methodology, and �) changes #o the Pro�erty that may affect the reter�tion pond. GRANTEE shall
be cequired at ali times to restore the surfac� of ihe Properry arnd the ro�ie used for ingress and
egress in such a manne� thaf is the same or b�tt�r than existed at the time GRANTEE performs
wor4� on the Property. No trees shatf ever be trimmsd or remov�t! by GRAfVT�E v+rithout first
natifyir�� GRANTOR in writing and receiving GRAIVTOR'S p$rmission to tr€m or remove such tregs.
GRANTOR reserves the right to 9nspect construction ar aativities on the Praperty at any time.
GRANTQR'S re�iew and approvaf required under this paragraph will b� provided in a fimely
manner and will not unreasonably delay �RANTEE'S work v�ikhin the Pcop�rty.
Subject to the �oregoing paragrapM, GRANTOR covenanis and agrees that GRANTEE shall
have at its sole cost ar+d expense 1) t4�e �igh# ta exca�at� and fill and to control the excavation and
fill upon said Property and to remove from said Praperty any fenc�s, buildir�gs or oti�Er obstructions
as may now be �ound upon said Property togEther with the right of ingress and egress o�er
GRANTOR'S adjacent lands to or from public r�gh#-of-way for the purpose of constructir�g,
improving, reconstructing, repairing, inspecting, maintaining and remarring said Facilities; 2) the
right to �revent possible interference wifih the ap�ration of said �aci4ities and tv r�move possible
hazards thereto, and 3) the rigt�i ta prevent #he construction within the Property af any buiiding,
utilities, structure or ather vbstruction, including the pEanting of trees, which may endanger or
inierfere with #he efficiency, safety and con�e�tienf operation of said �'acilities. Any acti�ities
perFarmed on the Prope�y by GRAf�TEE c�r its contractors or subcvntractors shal! at �o time cause
impaunding of wate� on GRANTOR'S adjacent piaperty. GRANTEE agre�s that it will comply with
a!I laws applicabie to the Property and require its cantractars and subcontractors ta carry insurance
at state requirsd minirnums.
GRANTQR, for itself and on behalf of the publia or any af GRANTOR'S successors anci
assigns, reserves the right ta continue to use and enjoy the surface a�d subsurFace of the property
for a!I purposes that do not unreasonably interfere with or interrupt the use or enjoyment of the
Property by GRANTEE far its Facilities. GRAN70R, as owner of #he Property, and far the bene�t
af any subsequent grantees of Grantor, ceserves the rig�t ta place, conskruct, operate, a�d repair
sidewal�ts; iraiis; utilities, such as electrical, sewer, wafer, etc.; Iight pales, and related s�rface
appurtenanr.e� on the Property and agrsss that GRANTOR'S use t�f t�e Property for these
purposes shall r�ot unreasvnably interter� with GRANTE�'S Facilities or the GRANT�E'S cights
granted hereunder ta install, construct, repair, maintain, a#t�r, replace, relocate, rebuifd, rem�ve,
and operate sa�itary sewer facilities. Utility crassings of the type described in the preceding
sentence shall cross any pipeiine constructed by GRANTEE betvveen a 45-degree and 90-degre�
angl�, and maintai� a minimum of 24inches separatior� from any pipeline coristructed b}i
GRANT��. Far the a�oidancs of daubt, GRANTEE �hall be responsible at iis sole cost and
expense to restare any of GRAN70R`S improverr�ents made on the PRDPER7Y in accordance
with this section should GRANTEE'S use of the Property require damage to GRANTOR'S
GRANTOR t�ereby reserves to GRAt�ITOR, G€�ANTOR'S successors and assigns, all
mineral interests, wheth�r metallic or �tanmetallic, whether similar or dissimilar, whether knawn or
unknc�wn, currentiy owned hy GRANTOR in, on and under and that may be produced and saved
from the Prt�perty or acre�ge poc�fsd or unitized it�erewith, and the fuli and exclusive executive
�ights io execute leases in connectian therewi#h. GRAN70R expressly waives a41 sights ta us� the
surfac� of the Pro�rty €ar purpases of drilfing or exkracting mineral interes#s; pro�ided, however,
tha# r�othing herein shall prahibit or i� any manner c�strict the rfght o# GRANTQR ta extract oil, gas
or other minera[s from and under the Property by direetional driiling or other means that do not
unreasonably interfiere with or disturb the surface of th� Property ar GR�NT�E'S use of the
This eonveyance is mac�e by GRANT4R and accepted by GRANTEE su�iject to any and all
existing easem�nts, covenants, rigt�ts-of-way, conditions, restrictions, outstanding mir��ral int�rests
ar�d roy�fty interesis, if any, relating to the Property, to the extent, and only to ti�e e�eni, that t�e
same may stili be in #arce and effect, and either shawn of record in the office of the Co�n#y Clerk of
the Co�nty in which ar�y part nf the Property is lacate�l, or that may be apparent on th� F'roperty.
7"he Aermanent, perpetual, and nan-exclusive easemenf herein granted shall r�n with the
land and forever b� a right in and to the land be�ongpng to said GRANTQR, ft5 SIJGC@SSOfS �f�C�
assigns. ihe permanent, �rpetuaf, and non-excl�sive easemen# granted herein is personal #o
GRANTEE and is for GRANTEE`S sole use �nd is not appurtenant to any other traet of land.
Except for �se by GRANTEE'S contractors or subcor�tractors, GRAIVTEE will not hav� #he cight to
iease or othennrise permit the use of the PraR�rty by any other perso� ar entity, nar assign any of
fih� rights, privileges, duties or obligations of GRANT�E hereunder, withaut in all cases the priqr
written consent nf GRANTDR.
7O HAVE AND TO HQL� #he above-described perrnanent, perpetual, and non-exct�sive
easement, with the right of ir�gress and egcess as outlined, iog�ther with al� and sing�lar #he r�ights
and appurt�nar�ces thereto, anywise beEonging unto the said GRANTEE, its successors and
assigns forever, subject to existing matters of record; and GRANTOR does hereby bpnd itselfi, its
suceessors and assigns, #o warrant and to forever def�nd aU and singufar the premises unto the
GRANTE�, iis successors and assigns, against �very person whomsoever tawfully claiming or to
claim same ar any part thereof, except as to tf�e reseneations fram and �xceptions to conveyance
as described herein, by, through, or under GRANT�R, but not othervvise.
4MITAt�S� 19�Y kAfV� tF�is fhe� day of � �, 20' �� �
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�I�Y �F �t)!ii' Y�BRTH
By: l��� ,
Name Printed: Fernando Costa
Tftle: Rssisfant Ci#y lVlanager
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BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority on this day personaNy appeared Fernando Costa,
Assistant City Manag�r, of #�e GITY OF �OR7 WORTH, a Texas mt�nicipal corporation, lcnawn #o
me to be the person whose narrie is subscribed to the foregoi�g instrument and ac�tnowledg�d ko
me tha# the same was exscuted for the purposes and consideration ther�ir� expressed, and in the
capacity fl�erein stated.
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State of Texa$
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IN 'fHE CtTY OF FdRT W�R7H, L;ENTpN �411NTY, 7�XA$
�EIl4G a i1.3idS ap-e p�rmanenE sanitary sewer p�s2meni s�tudfed in the Fr�nklin Huston Sunrey, Rk�stract
Num6er 597, and En the C;ry uf Fart SNarth, D��ton Caur►sy,'Ce�s, and k�ing part ofthat 39.I90 atre tract
p( la�1d d�dicafed lo tlee Cityr n( Fort Vltort� as a pu6�iC pa�k and as lot 1X, iik3ek 2%, Chadvriek Farms
nddn�,4n, m said Ciiy of Fert Worth, as stsnwn on plat t►ierepf recordsd in pacu�ant Nusnber 204y-217 of
the Olflnat Retr�rds nt Der+ton [aunty, Texas (�.fi.D.C.T. j, and being past o! that tract of land drscribed I�
Genera� Warranty to The City o( Fart warlh, Texas, as r�cordec4 i� lnstrumens Numt�er DID93(f4�47 n� the
Q�cia� Retords o[ Tananl [aunty, 7exas (4?.R.T.C.T_}, and bei� marG particulady deueil�ed as folbws:
CQpAME�tdHG at the southeasterly e{I carner of said C�ty oF Farf Watth park tr�c# irom whicr� a 3-inch
brass disk monument stamped "U.S, ARMX CiiRPS OF �M6lNiEaS ivit7lVM FSi2-8" Erears SnutM 74 d�g€e�s
�e minutes 18 seconds East, a distan=e af 1,11 fe�t, safrf carner heing the nor�hwest eorr�r o( that fract
of land descri6ed a� Trass No, f-S12 A in jtttigment to United States of America, as fifed in Ufstriet Court
of the Unite+d 5iaYes tof t�e Fastern DiSt�IGt o1 iexas, Sfr�rman Divisian. Civil No 675,
TitENGE hturth g4 dep,rees 37 min�es Z9 secqF�tts V�iPst, aver and acrQsssaid City of fort Wonh parh iract,
a distante o4 42A.(:S} feet tn a i/2-inch iron rod sEt witn yellt�v,r cap s[dmped "GLU" for cprner and ehe
P'i7iNT E7� BEGID3AliF7G pf the h�r�ein descri6ed tra�t of land and having a gcid coordinate of
N-?,[754,591.7� fe�t, E--�,348,251.55 fe��, said irt�n #rEing:on a south line of � 3a foot tivide 5anitary 5�wer
E�SEfT1Cf1t 24 feCprdF�d �n If�sS�u�A�nt Numbe� S}2E}33»L]iU� O:R.T.C.i'.;
iHEAICE Soutlr 27 degrees 2d minutes 51 seconds Wes;, slep�l'tirtg said sauth easement line, a distance oi
a7d.4a feet to a SJ�-inch iron rod set wftt� yeHow cap stam�d "GiD" on tt� scrulh 4ine nt said [ity o# Fon
Wort� park tracY and the narth line qf Goi Zx, Bloek 27, of ChadvrFck Fari�s Addi�wn, in !hz City pf tort
Wnrth, as s#�ntivn on ptat thereof recvrded in Documertt Numeer 2U11�5p, �.Ft.U,C.T., s�i�f iron rod being
in Elixabeth �re�k,
iF4ENCE Notih 29 degrees 11 m4au[es �A se�onds West, with 5�td 501fth ting lnd 58id north line, 8 distance
ai 35.43 f��t tv a 1j2-inch 3ron rad set wlth yeil4rrr �p stamppd "GLU" iar the southw�st corner of tMe
herein descrEbed tract of 1and, 3,�id ctirn�r being nn an east Eine bf th� ��orgm�ntlpR�d 30 fp�� Sani��ry
Sewer Easerrient and fn Elizabeth Creek;
TiiENC# Ftarth 23 degr�s 24 m�nutes 51 seconds East, deparling said soufh line and said nartM, and with
thp east iine af said 30 foat Sanitary Sewer EasQrr�ent, a distance a[ 43�.82 ieetia a IJ3-inch E€an rod set
with yellnw cap stamped "GCd" fer tF�. noRhv,rest comer qf the hrrein descrtberl teact of E.and, sa�d iron
rnd being on an etl carner pfi said �0 foot Sanitary5�wer Easem�+nt;
S45fi•!�-try 1�pbse.iCu
Prat 1 vt 1
interlora�l Agreament for Chadwic[c 1=ar�ns Perk 33 oF5 E
�KHi$li ��A"
PRRCE[. rND. �-P55E
Ih� TME ttrl' CS� FK?RT WOATN. D�NTO�1 C[7liNiY. TEkA.ri
Tf�EH[E Notth 89 degrees 33 min�tes 33 �e€on�s iast, with ihe aforrmentioned snutt� I�ne af sa�130 too!
5anitary 5ewer Eas,ement, a distance of 33.93 feet to FpiPJ'C �F B�GIWtdING and �flM�37RlAEItdG 13,699
squar� teei ar U,3Xq5 acres ai [and, Cfi(3ip OF (�55.
N4TE: AA Uearings and co�rdinates are refern�ced ta the "FrHas Coordinate Systest�r, iuAD S3, North Centra[
zorcc {4�pz}, based on Half► Controi Point Np, +]4 (N=7Q53379,d155, E=1352092.4877) for City af Fart
Warth Citsey Rpad Inspraueme4t5 and TF4A HEnri2tta Cfeek fnie�ceptorSegrtent Z�HCl. T�e su�ta�e scale
facto� far this p�ojeci is 1_D0�158i73� {Proj�ct SiCa�e �aG1+Jr pQr Hatff A;�q�jatesj, distanees and area
�hpwn are surface values irt US. 5urvey Feer.
To ali pa►iies interesfed in iitle io the prami�ss suro$yecf, ! do h$r�py csrtify Ihal 1h� above iegal
descripfion uras pr�pared fram puF�ii� r�cord5 �r�d from �n aCtuai 8nq accurate SUrvey upon She
grountfs arid that sam� is true ar►d carc�ct
,iulY 15. 2€�15
�arCia l�nd baEa, Ir�c.
4V',,r�+S�L9 �":3V
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By. „�,.- .. "� �„�i
Rene M_ Salinas �=•'��, 5�6 4
R�sgistarad Prafegaiqnal Land Sur►r�yar f;�aa` y�4}'�° "'
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Exh�bit E
OTHERWISE IN THESE SPECIFICATIONS. Severe damage to trees wi1I result in replacement or
compensation of trees by the TRA. �ailure to repiace damaged trees shall b� cansidered a breaeh of
contract and TRA shall be assessed for damages. SiighT or moderate damage to trees will result in
assessmant of damages.
i.l. TRA wili checic trees in thc �.icensed Premises 1�efore cantract work begir�s, any damage
will be noted �nd re�orted to tt�e Director.
1.2. The Director may conduct random ct�ecks of the trees during the Licez�se Period.
1.3. A check of all trees may be macie at the end of the License Period. The City Forester,
Uirector, and TRA will attend the inspeetion.
1.4. Damages shall be documented by merno to the City Forester with copy to caritract file and
the Contractor.
1,5. TRA may have the v�tior� of replacement or payrnent for severely darnaged trees at a
location ta be designated by PACS. Replace�nent shall Iie made on caliper inch per caliper
inch basis with a minimum size of replacernent tree af 2" in caliper fnr trees damaged or
removed less than 3fl" diameter at breast height (DBH) and 2" per inch on trees 3Q" [�BH
ar greater. TRA shall be responsible far any p�antin�, watering, rnulching and maintenance
of replacement trees far a period of not less than 2 years. TRA shall cotnpensate the City at
a rate af $2flQ per caliper inch far any tree t1�at does no� s�arvive the 2 year establishment
1.G. S lig�t Da�nage shall be d�f neci as da�ma�e, ir► the npininn o�#he C�ty �'orester, tl�at may l�cal.
Fxamples include, but are not limited to, scaring of t�e trunk into the cambial layer %a" to 2"
in width but l�ss than 1/3 trunk circumference or breaking of limbs Iess than 2" in diameter
or limbs less thar� I/3 irunk caliper, whiehever is less. Slight damage shall aiso include
remvval or lying down af protective tree fencing prior to the end of construction, storin�
equipment or supplies within the critical root zane (CRZ), or disposing af paint or concrete
wiihin the CRZ but not closer to Yhe trunk than 50°/Q radius of the CRZ. Slight dama�e to
trees shat! be assessed at a rate of $1 OO.OQ For each instance. �or each day that tree fencing is
not �ro�erly �iaced, equipment ar su�plies are stored within CRZ, t�r fill is storeci within the
CR7., shall bc conside�red one instance.
7. Moc3erate damage sha�t be defined as damage, in the opinion of the City ForesiGer, that
cantributes to Che paar heaith and reduced lan��vity c�f the tree, and examples include, but
are not limited ta, scaring of the trunk into the cambiat layer gceater that� 2" but less than 1/3
of the trunk circumference or breaking of limbs mare than 2°' ir� diameter but less thas� l/3
trunk caliper. Moderate damage shall also include compaction of soil, grading or fllin� in
Intcrloca! Agrcetnent for Ciiaclu ick Farms Park 41 of 5}
20°/a of the CRZ o�n one of four sides but outside the 50% radius of the CRZ, or disposing of
paint or concrete within 50% radius of khe CRZ. Moderate damages shal] be calculated at a
rate af %z the assessed value of the tree per eaeh instance of damage.
1.8, Severe da�nage or removal aftrees is subject to a penalty of $200 per diameter inch af trees
ren�oved ar damaged for trees less than 30" DBH and $400 per diameter inch of trees 30"
DBH or greater. Severe dama�e or removal sha11 include, but is not limited to, scaring of che
trunk to the ca�nbial layer greater than 1/3 the trunk circumference, upraoting or eausing a
tree ta lean, or damage to a scaffolding branch or branc� greater than 1/3 of trunk caliper.
Se�+ere darnage shalI also include eompaction af soil, gradin� or filling more than 20% oi'tk�e
CRZ, or within S0°/a radius of the CRZ or on more �an on� of 4 sides. Cutting 1/.3 of the
buttress roots within 3 times the distance of the DBH of the trunk, or cuttin� 4 roats 4" or
greater in diameter within 4° of tlne trunk sha�i also be considered severe damage.
i.9. Branches shall be mea�ured at the point of a�tachme�t or at ihe laterat to which the branch
would be pruned back to according to ANSI standards. Trees caIiper shall �ie mcasured
according ta accepted industry standards. Trees greater than 6" in caliper shall be measured
using DBH. Trees tl�at must be rerr�oved due to damage c�used by TRA shall U� removed
by the Uepartment's Forestry Section Tree Removal Contractor at TRA's expense.
1.10 All damage� shall be paid to the City Tree Fund. Faiiur� to replace ar pay for damaged trees
shall result in a breach oFcontract and TRA will be autamatically assessed damages. Damages
as described herein sha11 be deducted from payinents otherwise due Co TR11.
11 Remediation cosls assessed hereunder cor�stitufe coi�ttactual damages ir�tended to
corr�pensate the City, as praperty owner, and have no bearir►g on wk�ether or to what extent
any S`ines may be due under t4�� Urban For�stry Orciinance nf the �ro�l Wc�rth Zuning
Interloeal Agreemei�t for C6advrrick Farms Park 42 oT 51
Exhibit F
A. W�rk Inciuded: Seeding of grass seed �r v��ildflower seed, as specified on the
p lans.
B. Related Work Specified Elsewhere: Section 023Q0, Earthwurk.
A. Standardized Piar�t Names
Z. Far exatic plarii mate�ials: Amer4can Jaint Corr�mittee of 1-�orticu�tural
Nomenclature, 5econd Editic�n, i942.
2. For native materials
a. Manual of the Vascular I'lants af Texas 6y Carrell and Jphnston
b. Check List of Vascular Plants of Texas by Hatch
c. Flora of North Central Texas by 5hinners and Mol ler
B. Texas Highway Department: Standard 5p�ci�ieations far Construction, Itern 164,
"Seeding for �rosion Cnntrol" and Item 180, "Wild�ower Seeding".
A. Seed
l. Vendoys' certifcation that seeds meet Texas State seed law includin�:
a. Testti�g and labeiing for pure live seed (PLS)
b. Narne ar�d type of seed
2. If using native grass or wildflower seed, seed z�tiust have been harveslec!
within one �Undred (10Q) miles of the constructian site.
3. All seed shaIl be tested in a laboratory with certified results presented to the
City, in writing, prior ta planung.
4. AI1 seed to be of the previous season's crop and the date on the container
shali be within twelve manChs of the seec�ing date.
5. Each species of secd sha[1 be su}�plied in a separate, labeied container �'o�
acceptance by t2�e City.
B. Fertilizer
Z. Unopened hags iabeled with the analysis
2. Conforin to Texas fertilizer Iaw
] .04 JQB C�ND[TiONS
]ntcrloca[ Agreement for C'hadwick rarms Park 43 of 51
A. Planting Seasor�: The season varies according ko species (see Fart 2- Products).
Do not seed when soil is exccssively weC or dry or when wind exceeds ten (10)
miles per houc.
B. 5chedule After Ali Other Construction and planting is cornple�te.
C. Protect and Maintain Seeded Areas
1. From erosi�n
2. From traffe and all other use
3. Until seeding is complete and accepte�
The cantractor wha ptants t�e seeds, whether the gen�rat contractar or a subcontractor, is
responsibie !'or daily supervision of his crew, and for the planting and rnaintaining af
seedlings vntii acceptable, �iabic growlh is aehieved and the project accepted by the City.
A. Seed
All seed shat! be planted at rat�s basecf on pure live seed (ALS � p�rity x
germination) per acre.
Substitution of iz�dividual seed types d�e to lack ofavailability shall be made only
by ilie City at the time of pianting. The Cantractor shal� nntify the City, prior to
bidding, oFdifficulties locating ce�tain species. Only those areas indicated nn the
plans and areas disturbed by construction shal� be seeded. Prior to seeding, each
area shall be marked in the field and approved by the City. Any adjustment ai'area
iocatior� by the City shall be consiclered incidental and shall not entitle the
Contractor to addit'tonal cornpensation.
Weed seed shall not exceed ten percent (� 0%) by weight of the total of pure iive
se�d (PLS) and other material in the mixture. Jahnsongrass and nutgrass seed shali
n�t be ailowed.
The seeci shall be ciean, dry and harvested within one year ofplar�ting.
1. Non��ative �rass seed shall consist of
If p[anted b.etween April 15 and September 10:
Lbs./Acre Gomrnon Nam� Scienti�c Name
25 Bernnuda {unhulled) Cynodon dactylon
75 Bermuda {hulled) Cynodon dactylon
&S% 90%
95°!0 90%
Interlocal Agreement t'or Chadwick Tarms Pazk 4A uf S I
Substi#�utethetollov��iiM�i�`;�I�M�s[rr� ���3����c��� ����t���i�l�t�r [0 �Mn�l .�1�u'il Iti:
22D Rye Grass i. � ��t�orum �?`�9! ��°j�
•�i� � n:. ���.(�in��ki�lc,i} �'7�:���r,:;;.,,,, ,;.z, ;,-��rr� ��'?��.
2 Native �rass seed - The seed shall be planted between February 1 and
�ctober l ar�d sha11 consist of:
I.bs. PLSlAci•e Common Name
1.6 Green Sprangletop
5.5 Sideaats Grama*
3.7 L,ittle Bluestem�`
17.0 Bufi'fal�grass
1.8 Indian Grass*
0.5 Sand Love�rass*
6.0 Big Bluestem
8.0 �astern Grama
1.2 Blue Grama
l.$ Svvitchgrass
10.0 PrairiE Wildrye*
Botanical Name
Leptochloa dubia
Boutelour� curtiperrdula
Schizacl�yrium scaparium
�uchloe dacryloides
Surghustrum nutans
Et'agrostis trichodes
Andropogorr gerardii
Tpipscacum dactyloides
Bouleloua gracilis
Pa�icum virgatum
Elyrnus canadetasrs
*These grasses Are not to be plant�.d within ten feet of A road or parkin� lot
or within three {3) feet ofa walkway.
Wildf�ower seed - Ail wildflower seeds are to be hand braadcast, (see
3.02,A). The seed sha11 be planted betr�veen March 5 and May 31 or
between S.eptemt�er I and Dece�n�er 1 and shalE consist of:
Lbs. F'LSlAcre
1 S.0
Com�non Name
Bush Sunflower
Bt�tterfly Weed
Clasping Conef7ower*
Golden - Wave
lilinois Bundleflower
Parkridge Fea
Frairie Verbena
Texas Yellaw Star
W inecup
L�lack-eyed 5usan
Cutieaf Daisy
Ubedient Plant
Pitcher Sage
Plains Coreopsis
Scarlet Sage
Botanical Name
Slnsia calva
Asclepias tuberosa
Rudheckia amplexicaulis
Corea�sis basal is
Desmat�thus illirroe�asis
Cassia fasciculata
Verbena hrprnr�atiftda
Lrndheim�r� texana
Cullirhae irrv�dcrata
Rudbeckiu hirta
Er►gelrrrannia pi�natifrda
Physystegia i�rtermedia
Salvia azurea
Cvreapsis tinctoria
Salvia coccinea
*These wildflowers are not to be planted within ten feeC c�f a road or
parkin�; lot or within three feet o1'a walkway.
Inlerloca] Agreement far Chadwick Farrns Park 45 of 5!
4. Temparary erosion controI seed
When specified an the plans, tempora�ry coz�trol measures sha1I be
pert'ormed. These measures shall cansist af the sowing of cool season
plant seeds and the work and materials as required in tl�is sectian.
B. Mulch
1. Mulch should be designed for use with conventional mechanica] ar
hydraulic planting of seed, �ith�r alone or with fertilizer.
2. Mulch should l�e wood cellulas� fiber produced from virgin wood or
eecycled paper-by-products (waste products from paper �n ills or reeycled
3. Mulch sh.oulci contain no growth or germination inhibiting factors.
4. Mulch should cantain no more than ten percent (10%} maisture, air dry
weight basis.
5. Additives shall include a bir�der in powder Form.
5. Material shall forrr� a strong moisture retaining mat.
C. F'erYiiizer
1. Ali fer�ilizer shall be delivered in bags or car�tainers clearfy labeted
showing the analysis.
All fertilizer shall be in acceptable condition for distribution and shall be
apptied uniformly over the planie.d area.
Anaiysis of i 6-20-0, 16-$-8, or as designated on the plans. Ferti lizer rate:
a. Na fertilizer is required for wildflower seeding.
b. Wl�erc applying fertilizer on newly established seeding areas - 10�
pounds of Nitra�en per acre.
c, Where applying fcrtilizer on established see�ing areas - 150 pounds
of N.itrogen per acre.
U, Erosion Conirol Measures
1. Por seeding applicaiion in areas up ta 3:1 slope, use celIuIose, fber or
recycled pap�r z�ulch, (see 2.01, B. Mulch and 3.03).
2. For seeding application in areas 3: � slope or greater, use the fo�lowing soi�
retention blanke# (�ollow the manufacturer's directions):
"Curlex I" from American Excelsior, 90U Ave. H East, I'ost Office E3ox
Sb24, Arlir�gton, Texas 7fiQ07, 1-�00-777-SQ1L.
Seed, rnulch, fertiiizer and water may be mixed provided that:
t. Mixture is unifor�nly suspended to forrn a homogenous slurry.
2. Mixture farrns a blatter-like grnund cover impregnated uniformly with grass seed.
3. Mixture is applied within thirky (3p) minutes afler placed in the equipment.
lnterlacal Agreeinent for Chadwick Farn�s Park 46 of 51
A. Clear Surface of All Materials, Such As:
l. 5turnps, stones, and oth�r objects larg�r ihan one inich.
Z. Roots, b�•ush, wire, stakes, etc.
3. Any objects that may interfere with seeding or maintenanc�.
B. Tilling
1. In a11 compacte� areas till one inch (]") de�p.
2. If area is sloped greater than 3:1, run a tractor parallel ta slope to provide
fess seed/water ran-off.
3. In areas near tre�s: I7a nat till deepee than one half ( t/2") inch inside
"drip line" oftrees.
C. Water� Shall be furnished by the Contractor as an ancilIary cost to the Contract
by the Contractor by means of ternporary metering / irrigation, water truck or by
any other methad necessary to achieve viable, acceptable stand of turf as noted in
3.O�.B. of t�tis spccific�tion. Thc water source shaIl be clean and #`ree of' industrial
wast�s or other substances harmful to tne germination of the seed or io t�e growth
ofthe vegetation. The amc�unt of water will vary according to the weat�er
variables. Generally, an amount af water that is equal ta the avecage amount oi
rainfall plus ane half inch (1/2") per week shoald be applied until such time 100°/a
full growth coverage is achieved and one mQwing cyel� is perfarmed by the
Contractor and accepted by tI�e t}wner.
Watering: Soil should be watered to a minimum depth of four inches within forty
eigt�t (48) hours of seeding.
A. If Sawing Seed By Hand
i. Broadcast seed ir� two ciirections at right angies to each other.
2. Harrow or rake Iightly ta cover seed.
3. Never couer seed with more soil than twice its diameter.
4, For wildflower plant�ngs, scalp existing grasses to one (i"} inch, remo�e
grass cli�pings, so seed can make contact with the soit.
B. Mechanicalty Seeding (Drilling):
if inechanically seediitg (drilling} th� seed or seed mixture, the quantity specified
shall be unifarmly distributed over the areas shown on the plans Qr where
directed. E111 �arieties af seed, as weil as fertilizer, may be ciistributed at t�e same
tirne provided that each cornponent is uniformly applied at the specified r,��e.
Seed shal! be drilled at a d�pth offrom one quat�er inch to three ei�hth inch (i!4"-
3I8") utilizing a pasture or rangelar�d ty�e driIl. A(I drilling is to be on the
contaur. Afier pianting, the area shall be roiled with a roller integral to the seed
driil, or a caz�rugated roller of the "Cuitipacker" ty�e. All rolling of slope areas
shall be on the contour.
Iraterlocal Agrecment for Chactwick Parms P�rk 47 crf51
A. Apply uniformly after compietian of seeding in areas up to 3:1 slnpe. Mulch may
be applieci concurrently with fertilizer and seed, ifdesircd.
B. Apply at the fol�owing rates unless atherwise shown on pians:
1. Sandy soils, flat surfaees - minimum 1,500 Ibs./acre.
2. Sandy soi�s, sloping surfaces - minimum 1,800 lbs./aere.
3. Clay sniis, filat surfaces - minimum 2,500 Ihs./acre.
4. Ciay soils, sloping surfaces - minirnum 3,a00 Ibs./acre.
5. "T'lat" and "slopir�g" surfaces will be shown vn the pians if nat visuatty
C. Appiy witl�in Chir�y (30) rninutes after placement in equipment. Kecp mulch
maist, by daiiy water applicatinn, if necessary:
t. For approximately twenty-one (2 [) days, or
2. Until seeds have �erminated and have rooted in soil, (see and
project has been aecepted 6y the City.
A. Includes initial seed and / or sod applicatian and estab�ishtnent, protectian, replanting
as necessary , maintaining grades and imrnediate r�pair of erosion damage until the
projeci rec�ives final acceptance. �efer to Part 2— Z.01 -- .D. for watering
requirerner�ts to be executed by ttre contractar.
B. in�tial fuil coverage turf establishrnent shall be considered As 104°/a grow in ta a
height of
three (3") inches with one mow cycle performed by the Contractar on aIl newly
estab[ished areas priar to consideration oFaceeptance by the Owner..
C. Replanting
I. Replant areas where a stand nf grass or wildflowers are not present in a
reasonahle ler��th of tirrae, as determined by the City.
2. A"stand" shall be defined as:
a. Bermuda/Ry� grasses: 5ee 3.Q4 B
b. Native grass and wildflowers: eighty percent (80°10) cov�rage of
growing plants within seeded area within twenty-pne days of
seeding date on a smooth bed fre� of foreign material and rocks or
clods larger than one inch diameter.
lnterlocal Agreement far Chadw�ick Farms Park 48 of 51
ra�tr i - c�a���
A. Woak Ir�cluded: This wark inaludes all labor, rr�ate�als and eqtupCnent for soil �
preparatian, ferkilization, planting and other �requiremenEs regarding turfgrass sodding +
s�own on t�e plans, }
B. Related. Work Speci�ed .�isewhere: Section 4230Q, Earthwork.
A. �'or exntic plant 3naterials: Americar► .toint Commit�ee of I-Iorticult�ral Nomenclatu�e,
Second Eciition, 1942.
H. T�or native mater�als
a. Manual of thc Vascuiar Plants of i'exas hy Corre�l and Jnhnsion
b. Chesk Lisf of Vasculaz Plants of T'exas by Hatch
c. Flora ofNorth Centrat't�as hy Shiru�ers azxd Moiier
1,03 Si1BMLTT�S
Samples, certificutes and specificatians ai sad, fertilizer, compost, soil ameadruents nr other
materials rr�ay be requested by the City.
,411 delivery receipts ared cnpies oi invoeces for rnaterials used for this wark shai! l�e suhject to
verificstion by the City.
A. . 5od: HArvasting and pianting a�erations sha11 be wordinated with not more tEran Forty
eight hoir�s elapsing between the hanresting a�id planting.
H. Fcrtilizex
1. lJnopcned bags lat�el�d wiih tha �nalysis.
2. Confarm to Tcxxs FertiEizcr LaLv.
].OS QU�,1TY �;0�7ROL .
Thc 17e�elagvriCantr:cctar wha �lants the sad is responsible S�ar su�rervisic�n of iiis crew, hh'sle
pEaniing tJnc sud :u�d maintsining ti�e sod ur,til the project is acceptc�t 6y the City. •
;�;ar•y�,i�vsnc; : �
• <,^_s�n
interloca! Rgrcemeni for Chadwick 3�arn�s ['ark
49 nf51
2.41 SOD
A. 'I'h� sod shall be �ucfiloe dacrylaides ("Prairie" Buffaiogxass) and shait consist af swlo�s,
leaf bladas, rhizomes and roots vvith a h�lttky, vxrile system nf dense, thickly xnaitedroats
throag�iout fhe soil of the sod far a thickzicss not less than one inch. 5od shal! be alive,
healthy �d vigorous and shali 6e &�x of ix�ects, dis�s�, stanes and ur�desir�ble for�i�n ,
�aterials and gresses. 5ad shml� have besn produeed on �owing beds of clay or clay-Ioatn
topsvi�. '!'he sod shalI not be harvested or pIaut�d when �ts moisttue eondiiion is sa
e�teessSvely wet or dry thac its st�s�vival will bc af�ected. Tf sod is stacked, it shail be kopt
rr�oist gnd shali he stacked roats-to-roots and grass•to-grass.
B. TI1C SOd SFlH�I E� C'Ut �i19tP1pS f:s� FC4! 1'�1�� ry F� 3�iA narallPl urith thr r.nntntitg.
�,.,,,� - - -
z.az F�RTILi�R
A. AII ferEili.zer slr�ll be delivered in bags or containers eleaxly labeled sho�ing tlie analysis.
H. All %rtilizer sha[i bc in s�ec�p#$ble condition for diskribution gnd shall be applied
unifamily ov�r the planted area #wo wcek: �iter sodding.
C. All fertilizar sf�ull have an analysis of 3•1 2 or as drsign�ted on tlrie pIans. '�h� fertilizer
rate shall be 45 pa'�mds af nitrogca per aere.
2,03 WAT�R
The water shalI be �ur�is�►ed by the Deveiop�dConlractur and shail be cIean and free oi'industrisl
wastes or uv�i' S'�7I?SiH71CC4 �181'Iri.iUI ib I�1C �rrr[7i noE.ion Of tl1C SSCiE ni to tlre gxowth af the
vegetation. "i�]�c arnourEt af wator will wery accarditsg tn [h� w�aih.r ti•�.,�inl�feR, Gcntrnlly. �he utid
sl�ould ba soaked on� tEme �cr �ny for +hrce we�ks ar uiti�i! a�b�i s��cd. So�ilcing �s m�dat.�r}'
sifter s�reading tkt� �n� [�f �zc r.
2.a4 Ct?IviPOST
All compast cnaterial is to be totally ax�nic and decornpaseci for at.Iease nine mun�hs, 1� I k
r:omgost is to ise cier.�� �: � frce o�i�rgt��, diseas�, Iive �l�tts, seed, exCessixe caitanlinl cuid �ny
harmful cb�emicals. "Ncw [.ifa 5nil Cs�tidi<<oncY" ar "�errnn {'xo�n C'or :�w�4". r�� ��.�::��� helow
or an appzove� equo�, sk�oil �e urcc�. ltaw a���nias irc �ao1 ncr.cpia�l�e_
�. �FOi SOJ1 .•.h a., ;;I�;Al;ne n�T c�n�iition: Ll�e ";�fe,w Li�i A.cic3 {',res" (ar.i�i phl} �„�!
,' u_ ,,..
condit;ar�cr za pratluc �d by �u il �k��si]�inB S}��1c�r.s of L?�Ei�w� isr mr �}tproved G{3uat,
}�. For sajl. u;�l, ��� aK'LG��� i�REltifln_ �I�r "I'cet�ta Ci�x•e•; r^::;posY" tr}'-I�CTi�S l:u+�h
Resources, Inc, ,xf�Liailas� vr "�Tr.v Llfe A'ai�:re� Ura}vG�' ip3� R_U �a l,0} by S�iC 134�Nc�ing
c• ;r_�•,a� �uc:_. af r]ulia.s.
C. Srunple and Spccification 5ubinittal: Submit a produee�'s sp��ii i��tia� :uad u qu�,1
sampie of the campass praposed fpr �3�e City's �ppTovai.
•�a� sOnunvc
Interloes} J��rccr�:r.e�� Fbr {:ir���vick i�arms P�u1c 54 ot`Si
. �
3.01 Cs�NEFtA�.
RI1 tur#'ing operatians are tn ba �xcEu!c.f a`cross thc slu��. rW*a�tPL tt� fuui,�hed grx�� *�r�in�rrx.
3.D� S�li. PI�FPARA7�t0:y
A. Scarify suhgrade to a depth ui;hr�o Fnchoa boft�re �icpusiting �ie �cqs�ircd lo�as+rE�.
$. T;,,aSe shali be aeeompiisi��d to toosen the topsoil, destroy existing vegetzition and
�re�arc �:, �icc�tnbtc snd hc� r�ll a�eas xi.�all !�c i.i�'ew ;u:t;: Y;�eYv� ��sty ciiss nr sr eltis�rl-
tyj,e lai�:ik�aig p�aw, ohis�ls set r�rt �:nGc �:�,� icn in�Moa $pan, �n,ru:i Ikll��ys i�fi�i: be dgi�r
in a� ru;sing }� ul�rn f++: dsx�eblx coretag.e. �lsen fo�lowe� by � rii.5c 1 i�rrow_ Ele�� �f
tiIta�e s:�uil hc G;•a inchcx, !ti ]�cavy duty zatofi�lar r��y l� �s�:3 ffl� erca�� �o he }s9a :t�:
with sod.
�:. C[eaning; 5ail shall be £urther prapared 6yt�e remova! df d�bris, huilding mater�als,
tubbish, waeds and stones larger than ona inc� in diameter.
� F'sn� Gradic�g: A.ftez tiliaga �+d elaunin�. w: �YP�C fv Z1P'�S �Y�►�i� �MAII �5P_ �Cl���d with
��e-h+klF inc�i oo.:.��s•'+"! �►tieri shN! lse ]cveicd, �n� ��, nnd d;u� v.'iCh a weTghte�
9nike l�urrm� Ct J�EQP! �fa�, T}i� YC�UItL'fS f8:L9�C YII��� �ti0 I�kG cjj{�IILii[}�4 0���,
�icptr.ssions, hs�m�s rnd c.l±+ex4ionn6l� e-0i! c1ua1�, This shall ht �he f4�a� so:l �Src�rxn�ion
L�Cp �U E{0 i;6f[:[Tlotad i�efor� �w}bntiiyg,
3.03 Pi.�'�11Th2G
Friaf to Cayeng thc ;u�d, �tie p€a�: „& �::V r�;#. !''=" rW1C�(i STI'IQOi}l LD �IiE ��YCIC hRG ��.��r;Y.^.e� +.0 4
cie}rtls uf �iM+r i rwh�4, h<<r rir,t tn lho exton� r�e�::,� Q�•��,�. If�e su� shnal bc laid s::�;.t��,�,
Sigi�,tly Uu�i�d «��� to caiyr, rutid r41ih siallgGa�d joi�}tv� �7st s�d s#�u1i bo p;es�ti li��y iolol�fi
sttd bcd �y roPl�n� �r Uy hu�id l:impu�� r�i�� an n�; :m�cti tnntper ao ��s ba elimin�to �!I air ���!:eu�.
pravidc n �rc�e ��;d uv�eF s�c��nrr. ncscf ir��;Mu� l;niriiWg wiihue:� �ts�ieccrteat o�t:ao �od as
deEormat�au ui�lr� ss�rC�ca u�socidexi:ueas. Falta�vi�� c�sm�ctfon, r,ompast s}�,tiY1�e �:srd �u Fsll
alI cracks �iwezn sads. Exccs� compa�t shall ho �vnrk�d i�ro the gr?�ss with �ui�ble c�uipmrr,t
and shall be tivcli �vt:tercJ, �1�l�e quar��ity nf r.oro�,o�� �h�ti bc 3�:el� Rhat �4 wi�l �ns»r e�« xm��l�r�-irg
ar burning isii lsc �a�s.
3A4 �'I:3:�r�s,r�nwrr
T3�c��ry-a�rie �r�ps nticr �iainting, tw��'d5S �ee:i� ��ix4� 1C�c�tic �n npf:ue�ti;;;, �if 3-1 •2 }�C71j��f�f p�
tlsc �s�e +,I�d� pawid: aFof+Ir,��cFti per ��e, Wnlcr weil ni[r'r 47�i�?�rGi�i^:s �a �revcnt b�unir�.
r�vn c�� s�crrnr�
7'Ulil� Sl1f3D1AfEi
lntertac:nl Agmemsnt for Chadwick �arm5 P::!'?: 51 of 51
�ettachm��� �
�rini�y Ri��r Aut�+�ritj,� �f Yex�.�
Wo�th�rr� ���ien �t�i6e
August 1Q, 2R19
iVir. Matt Murr�y
A��i�t�nt City Attnrney 1
�ity Attor�ey's Office
2�0 Texas Street
Fori Vllorth, Texas 7$9Q2
��,i�=a;r .
-� ��_;,.
. � .
,.,�,' � ���'��°� �
.� �, ��, ��
'�` ��'• �s�-tY
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,� �'� :�� ,
���1��A .�.i �i�. . � � " �.__ �----=---�- -
1��: ��nton Creek Regional Wastewater Syst�m
Henrietia Creel� lnierceptor, 25 HG1
First �m�ndment to Int�riacal Agre�rr�ent with Cify of Fo�fi Warkh
(Giky Secretary Contract Na. 519`i9)
��ar N4r. Murray:
The Authority executed an Interlocal Agreement (Agreernent) with the City of �ort 1lVorth (City)
�n C?ctober 24, 20��, for ihe above r�fere�ced prnjeet. The Agreem�nt pravid�s t1��Authority
with permanent and temporary easement rights to construct the �SHC-1 lr�tercaptor and to
condu�i#re�e mitigation within Chadwic{� Far.ms Park. ie�ms af th� Agre�ment inalud�d a d�te
af cammencem�nt r�o kater than Aprii 15, �019, as summarized below.
a. Licanse Per�od. The ferm of the access to ancl use of fhe area described in �xhibif � shal!
consisf of one (1) license period o� fw� hurrdred fr�ty (250) consecutive calendar days,
commencing no fa�er than Apri! 15, 2099. TRA r�ust noti€y the pirecfor of the City's Parks and
Communrty Services Department or that person's desigraee ("Birector') at least five (5) business
days prior fo the dafe orr which the License Period will cammence. The license periad shall end
at 9?:59 p.m. an the 25Dth celendardayfollawing �he day ofcommerrcement ("License Periad').
If TRA's use of th� Licensed Premises does naf cammer�ce or� arbefore April �5, 2099, TRA
shall immedratefy begirr to restore th� Surface of fhe area previor�sly licensed by the City to TRA
fhraugh City Secretary Contract Na. 46707 which was exeeuted on May 2,�, 20? 5. Such
resforation shaf! �be in ful! carnpliance with the �errns of City Secretary Contracf No. 4Fi7'07 �nd
shaN include all Park prope�ty irtcluded in both Ciiy Secretary Car+tract II[o. 46707 and fhis
The Authority requ�sts th� date of commencement b� amend�d to no Eat�r t#�an Augusf 13,
2D18, to coir�cide with th� Autharity's construction contract Notice to Proceed date. This �irst
Amendment is for a reviseci camm�ncem�nt d�te only, and sh�l! resuft in no in����se to the
P.O. Box 240
Arlington, Texas 76D(#4-a240
(817} 493-5iO4
�',� rTu�.���::-:,..W:
A�gust 99, 2019
Pag� 2
vaiue of the arigin�l Agr�em�nt. F�II other provisions of the Agr��ment not sp�cifically am�nd�d
hereby remain in full force �nd e�ec#. lf this �irst Arriendm�nt is acceptable, pfease i�dicate
your aceeptance and acknowledgment by signing belaw ar�d r�turning an o�iginal �xecuted capy
to this office.
����o#ft�lly submitt�d,
L.' 'Ji , �. E.
M� ��r, ..a����l Impravement �'rogram
Pla�ning 1]esign and Construction Adminis#ration
�ify �g Fc��t l�or�h i'r�ini�+ �ie+�r �►utf�ority ofi'Tex�s
A- �
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�err�and� Ct�sta �ate , i�evin V11ard Date
As�istant City ilAlartager G�r�er�l Manager
p,pprov�d as to Form and l.�ga[ity:
�`'� s �',��e��� � �-��.1!�1._--__
Matk N�u�ray"� Date
Assistant City Attornay I
�� :�rc� S. S10���
General Counsef
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�:ity Secretary V �.�" ���-�Fr�`�� �.;x���
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S. Slobodin
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Tr�ir�ify ,�i��� Aauthor��� a� i�xa�
Plannir�g, l�esign anrl Construction Administration
� i
�Ai�: April 8, 2024 City Secretary Contract No. � � 9��-'��
�11��: 3828.642
io: Matt Murray
Assistant City Attorney I
City Rttorney's Qffice
200 Tex�s Street
Fort Worth, Texas 76102
��: D�nton Cree� Regional Wastewater System
Henrietta Cree�t Interceptor, 25HC�'[
S�cond Amsndment to the interlacal Agreement with City of Fort Wor�h
(Cifiy Secretary Co�tract No. 51959) �
�ear Matt:
The Authority �xecuted an Interlocal Agr�ement (Agreemenf) with the City of Fort Worfih (City)
on October 24, 2018, for ihe above referenced project. The Agreem�nt pro�ides the Authority
with p�rmanent and temporary easement rights to construct the 25HC�1 Interceptor and to
conduct tree mitigation within Chadwick Farms ParEc. Terms flf the Agreement included a dat�
of commencement no [afier thart April 15, 2019, as summarized below.
a. License Period. The term of fhe access fo and use of fhe ar�a descrl,bed in Exhibif D shall
consist of one (9J license period of two hundred fifty (2�0J cansecufive calendar days,
commencrng no later fhan April 95, 2019. �'RA must nofiify the Director of fh� Clty's Parks and
Community 5ervices Department or that person's desrgnee ("Dfrector"J at least five (5)
business days prior to �he date on whieh fhe License Period wrll commence. The Ircense
period shall �nd at � 9:59 p•m. on the 25pth ealendar day following the day of commencement
("License Period ). If TRA's us� of fhe Licensed �remis�s does not commence on or befare
Apri� 75, 2079, �'RA shall fmmediafely begin fo restore the sur�'ace of the ar�a previously
lrcensed 6y the City to TRA fhraugh City Secrefary Confract IVa. 46i07 which was execufed on
May 28, 209�. Such resfar�ation sha116� in full compliance wifh fhe terms at City Secretary
Confract No. 46707 and shall include a!1 Park properiy ineluded rn both City 5ecretary Contracf
No. 46707 and this Agreement.
The First Amendment to the Agreem�nt (�4ttachrr��n.fi B) was ex�cut�d on August 29, �Q� 9, fior
a revise� commencemer�t date of no later than August 13, 2019. �he Authority r�quests a
Secand Amendment to further re�ise the date af commencemer�t to r�o later than April 8, 2020,
to account for de�ays incurred by unforeseen conditians at the downstream pipelir�e conneciior�
and the COVID-19 Pandemic. This Second Amendmer�t shall result in no increase to tY�e value
of the Agceement. AEi other pro�isions of the Agre�ment not specifically amended hereby
April �, 202�
page 2
remain in fuil force a�d effect. If this Second Amendment is acceptabfe, please indicat� your
acce�tance and acknowledgment by signing belaw and returning an ocigina� execufed copy ta
this affice.
Respect�uliy submitted`
KELLY A D �, .E.
Manager, Capital Empro�ement Prvgram
Planr�ing, Design ar�d Construction Administration
A#���t�mertf A— f�t�rlocal A�are�merrt vvith th� Citv-�'� �ort Vliorth
A#t�chmen� B— First am�ndment to Int�erlocal A�treem�ant wiih th� �:itv af �Qrt W�rrth
Ci�y of �orE Vi�o�h
�-�� _ _ Apr 21, 2020
F�rnanda Costa Da#e
Assistant City Manager
�rinity Rider �u4horify o� iexas
p. ����' W��� A�r 21, 2020
a - .., d;•,Y� _,._;,���i
J. Kevin Ward Dat�
General Manager
A�proved as ta Form and Legality:
MAff Murrr�v .. Apr 21, 2020
., „
Matt Murray Date
Assistant City r�ttorney I
�c��.��s sC��••?:� Apr21,202Q
• � . �
Hawar�l S. Slobodin Date
General Counsel
��� Apr 21, 2020
Mary Kayser Date
Ciiy 5ec�etary
������� Apr 21, �020
Ffoward S. Sfobodin Date
General Counsel
�o��achrr��r�� �
'�ri��t� F�`v�e� �1�th�rit� e�� T��c�s � �
�I�nning, �esign and Cnnstructian AdminisEr�tion
�A��: December 8, 2Q�0 City 5ecretary Contract no. 51959-A3 �
FI��: 3828.64�13114.635.QQ3
r0: Matt Murray
Assistant City Attorney I
City Attorney's Offce
200 Texas Street
�ort Worth, Texas 76102
R�: Denton Creek Re�ianal Wastewater System
Henrietta Cr��k Interceptor, 25HC-9
Third Amendment to the Int�rloca[ Agreement with City of For� Worth
�City Seare#ary Cantract No, 59959)
��ar Matt:
TFie Authority executed an Enterlocal Agreement (Agreement, A��t����'� with the Ciiy of
Fart Warth {Cityj on October 24, 2Q18,.for the above refer�r�c�d p�'oject. The Agreement
provides the Authority with permanent and temporary easement rig�tts to construct the �SHC-1
Interceptor and to conduct tree mitigation within Chadwick Farms Park. Terms of th�
Agreement included a date of commencement no later than April 15, 2Q� 9, as summarized
a. License Perrod. The ferm of ihe access to and use of the area descrrbed in Exhrbii [7 shall
consist of one (9} Gcense pe�ria�i of �vvo hurrdr�d fifty (2�Q) consecutive cafendar d�ys,
commencing no later than Apri! 15, 20?Q. TRA must notify the Director of the City's Parks and
Community Services Department ar fhat person's designee ("Direcfo�) at least �ve (5}
business days prror to the dafe on which the License Period will cornmence. 7he lieense period
shall enaf at 91:59 p. m. on fhe 2.�,Oth calendar day following ihe day of commencement
("L.icense Period'). If TRA 's use of the Licensed Premfses doss not commerrce or� or hefore
qpri115, 2099, TRA shall immedistely begin to restore the surface of the area pr�viously
liaensed by the Cify to TRA fhrocrgh City Secretary Confract !Vo_ 467Q7 which was executed on
May 2�, 209 5. 5uch restoretion s►rall be in full camAlianae with fhe famas of Gity Secrefary
Confract No. 4fi707 and sha!! include aII Park prop�rty included in bath Cify Secr+etary Confracf
No. 4670� and this Agreement.
The Firs# Amer�dment to the Agreement (Af��h�+�� �} ��vas executed on August 29, �039, for
a revised cvmr-nencement date of na later than A�gust 13, 2019. A Second Amendm�nt to th€
,�greement (;�'�C �„�I ea���} was executed or� April 21, 2a20 which revised the dat� o�
� Ftocycled Paper
December $, 2U20
Page 2
commencement to no later than April �, 2q20. The Authority r�uests a Third Amendment to
irecrease #he Licertse Period to three hundred and eighty-sev�n (3�7) consecuti�� calend�r
days, expiring on April 30, 7021, to account for d�lays incurrec� duQ to �d�erse weath�r �nd far
the nec�ssary time ta establish replacement �e�etation k�y hydro-rr�ulch seedir�g during the
cold weather season. This Third Amendrnent shall result in no increase to the v�lue of th�
Agreemer�t. All other pravisions of the Agr�ement not specificaliy amended hereby r�main in
full force and efFect. If this Third Amendment is acc�ptable, pl�ase i�dicate yo�r acceptance
and acknowledgment by signing below and retuming an original executed capy to this office.
R� �ee�fully sub�nitted,
� .
F�EL. : DAVIS, .�_
11Aanager, Capital improvement Program
Planning, Design and Construciion Administration
Ci�y of �art �ori�
�1Y°�'� --- • Dec 20, 202q
Valerie Washington � Dat� - ��
Assist�nt City Manager
Appro��d as to Farm and Legality:
���� ���
Matt Murray
Assistant Ci#y Attarn�y I
Dec 18, 2020
��''� bec 21, 2020
Mary Kayser Date
City 5ecrstary
YrEni� Rider A�tF��riiy �f iex��
• �; � , .��
J, � n ard �at�
Genera[ Manager
� � : ��.�
❑ rd S. Slobodin D�te
��neral Counsel
�. � � � ' � � '�
��r�:� S. Slobodin �ate
�neral Counsel