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Contract 53035-R3
csc No. 53035-R3 CITY OF FORT WORTH CONTRACT RENEWAL N4TICE Apri120, 2021 Teledyne Leeman Labs Attn: Scott Weekly 100 Lowell Road Hudson, NG 03051 R�: Contract Renewai Naticc Contract No. CSC No. 53a35 (�he "Contt�act") Rer�ewai Term No. 03: August 30, 2021 to August 31., 2022 The above referenced Contract with the City o� Fori Worth expires on August 30, 2021 (t�e "Expiration Date"). Pursua�t to the Contract, contract renewals are at the sole optian af the City. This letter is to infori�� you that tl�e City is exercising its right to renew the Con#ract for an additional one (1) year period, which will begin imrr�ediately after the Expiration Date. All ather tern�s and canditions of the Contract remain unchariged. Please return this signed ackr�owledgem.�nt letter, along with a co�y of your current �nsurance certi�cate, ta th� address set forti� bela�v, acknowledging receipt of the Contract Renewa� Notice. Faifure to provide a signed acknow�eclgment does not affect the renewal. Please log onto PeopleSoft Purchasing at htt ://fortworthtexas. ovl urchasin to insure that yo��r company information is correct and up-to-date. lf you l�a�e any c�uestions concernin� this Contract Renewal Notice, please cantact me at the telepl�one nur�ber listed below. OFFIGIAL RECORD CITY SECRETARY FT. VIIQRTH, TX Contract f�encwal Page 1 of 2 �t5! �� �y.�-�yvv C5C No. 11.CCL�'T�D AND AGREED: C�TY OF FORT W(JR'�'H �GI�GI �l�GI�G�Dni� �'(1� Dana Rurghdoff (M� 14, 2071 17:37 CDT) J Name: Dana T3t�rglioff '1'i�lc: Assisiz�f City Mana�er APPROVAL RECOMM�NI]ED; CONTRACT COMPLIANCT; MANAG�R: T3y sig�iing I acicnowl�dge that I an� tl�e pe��soz� respoalsii�Ie :fo�� the rno�iiior�ir��; and ad�n:inistxatian oi't��is contract, ancludir�g ensuring a1� �erfo�•ma�lcc ancl repai�ting requ't�'emenfs. .� � ]��; Patricia Stanley (May 11, 20 111:13 CDT) Narne; 1'atricia �. Stanley Title: Managezn.ent Analyst ��, ��,�2�-��� . ,���� ��: cnr�sropnorHard �Mayi�,zozii�:ozcor� Naine: Clu•is Hardez, PE . Title: Watez D'lreetox �.�4U�p��� ,�A' FORt �� � �F00000000a�L d A'I"T�;S"�': � �.a ° o��� � a pvg o2 o � 0 000 *p ��� �� �EXA`'-�,o,a�'o $Y; ���� ��� no� _ _. Name: Ma�y ICayse:r Titic; City Secz•etary APPROVE� A� TO ��(}RM AND LEG,A.L�'1'Y: ���� By; Nan��: Tay�c�r �'aris or Jessilca Wi�l'zan�s Tztle; .Elssistant City Aflozney CONTRACT AUTI�:ORIZATION: M&C: NA Date Appro�ed: For�i� 1295 Cert�Cication No.: Teledys�e Leeman Lab.t ,' Nytne:'�Scott Weelc� � r �' - `: � Y 'I`ilEe; Vice-President and Genexa� Mana�er OFFIGIAL RECORD CITY SECRETARY FT. VIIQRTH, TX C:antr�ct Renewal �'�ge 2 oE 2 � ���T�L�pYI�� If�S�'�UM�NTS, fNC, �varywhereya�lQo4�' �edarel�� N�:e&—q8982�3 5�1e� G�uo����o� �Ill Ta Glly af Fart Warih italling iillis Waiar Treatmant Planl, i.ab S�rvlces 29db Soulheasl Loop 020 Fort Worih, '�X 7B1q� . �XH1�IT G i�a�a �1 of 2 �o(d To; � C�ty of Fo� Wn�ih Rollin, Hll1s Wa1er TrealtnAnt Alant, l.ab services 2&UU �au�heQat �app E120 FoTt Warth, TK 7679fl . � 70: . of Fart Wnith ng Nf1Is WafarTreafinent!'Iant, l.a� Serv[ces f 8a�tha�'st Lanp 820 WOrU�, TX 781A0 four � year optl nal cflnlraats, Ple�ee eend ihe aonlraat p!o Eo avold any fl�rtl�er IaokynF aave �� on 8fb1 ���� ��� � f�uota [s far � 1 ear Full 5ervloe Agreement frnm 51$!18 tn 5I61Z 9, Currant warran� wilE ex fre T B, Afsn quoted, ara � 6� � M��CS��VAOReE ea �,00 �,�75.a0 4,5r�,00 Mern Ana.lyzer San,ice A�reement �1 yr, Full �lervlae Agreemenl on a F�yclra If AA, sln; US9710B�0'1; �/6T18�6(5119. , La.ad ilmg: days ARO • 2 ppi3analltem: -1�7 ea �,00 �,�DS.Qfl 4,8�5A0 M�RCSERVA4R�� . . Mera An�lyxar S�rvf�e A reemont Opk�onsl ye�r 9: Hydr� i��; &18149�61GI20. i.asd ilme; . �sys Afit? 3 i3ptlon�lltem: --107 . e� 1.00 5,05p,4n b.Q60,Q0 M�I�CS�RIIAOR�� Mera Analyzer Se�vlce Agreament Opiiansl yaar 2: Fiydra II AA; G18120-5l5121. �.Qa� tlme: naya ARo . � O�tton�i Item: �° e� �.oa s,aa�,00 �,ao�,oa M�RGSLRVAGREE � . M�rc An�{yzer Servloe Agreem�nt � opiional Y�ar 3. i�lydra Ef AA, G18l2�—�I61�2, Lead tlme: qays ARa —�107 � ' fORSf0II6fIL1}'UIOU,G, a6V811lffIPllIBil�dUIIIPfIi�L�r�f�XJ70ltUIiIyI0II1QCA17ilI1}�OSUII!I oledaallndllonforu�obylho ' ea or and�u�w(►)�haraln Ido�lllle�h Thny may un1 ha ro►old, �rnneini�ed, ar ollioiwhe d��pvee�t o6 la any elltOr pelauhalharlhp�Ndtfullinii�ti0�uplimnSudunelpneoofand�uaer{a),elWerfilllelradU��alfarmareRa[.WeIhO , olhv� ifemu, 4YlAibtll ilnk ohlaina�p np�tavnl ffninlha �,5, p'uv'atni3iontor a� a47tdiwLo aui2lQrEzod by U,�.law snd Cohllnued""" w loh un be fnuro ;nEco qro �aglatnrn ; � I 1ElEAYNE � , �'IEEP�1ANlh93 i�,iyrrv,�r�i�r,xd' 44'NiY$III�'�Vli ky�h}Rcpa f1�IW6R�i711 :�+� . ..' TNi.�bY�I��j�ISif�UM�NTSr �lv{�,� ° :�� �varyWheX�yQUSat�k' FedaFa{ 1D No: �J6—Qeab2B3 5�i��� Qu��x����n �III 70: CEly ot Fart Worth � Ralllng Hllls Wale� 7realment Pfant, Lab Setvlaea 280U Soulheasl Loo� 820 For! War1h, TX 7���4Q 5old 70:' � ' Clly af For# Wa�il� Ralifn Hllls Waler Treafinent.P'Isnt, �eb Ssroices 2800 �oulhaeat Loop 820 �ort UVorih, TX 7A14U 5hlp Tn; Cfly o� �ori Wo€it� �toll�ng Hf€!e W�tet'f�Qalment PI$nl, Lab 5ervlces 2800 $DulheAel I.00p B20 Fort Worlh, 7X 701AU pag� 2 of 2 �� '�'�!! -- i il .._ , `I 1 �' sr a : fT� �t`l i �t :;, + rs:l k� 1� �<C"' a,N ' I � li:fii�`. ;l �. ,.t. . , � , �1�..� �� : ;,� ij]'� ' � ' .. � � `1 ��� i�t�', � j � .'a�,'�.�-, �3 �F ! : { . t: _ nl _�t �'?; -� �T'� ' � -•� ' � 6 �ptEonal Rem: ea �.n0 � 5,5i5.Q0 G,G76,00 r M�RCS�ftVAGFiE� � ' Merc Anaiyzer s�rvlce A raement 4ptlonal year q, NYdra 11�, 6161�2-�15/28. i.ead tfma; pays ARlS ' -�07 i uao pyllhe uil�lma o aupi pnoe loi end�uiaf�ej �aroln (dvn1111ed��7huyoy� of,[aanypthoraounf�yo�ronny pbnu�inlh�r han'Ihoaulhoriza�liIlur {o�mofallafbqJng In9nfQA7at�dlnlo_plho�Il�m�,w4Yhoullinloblolnln9 uulho�rza� hy u.8� �RW 611d rdguf allons, 8011■�'ooflor,amianyordartuued yflsiyrrto eyar or�l:apoada gi --tltoa pllanl�lo�'nlodynecem wny.�nlano4woLdlull�tad.below�7nlod� �opliYamtl hualnoee nsm'� o�Tn}udpnu Iifxliumaid�, Ino:, a eubefdlAry ;�_, T#llaYN� . �i���a�uiens . , or aa � �,�7a.ao usn � � � �l