HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 53013-FP1FORTWORTHo TRANSPORTATION AND PUBLIC WORKS NOTICE OF PROJECT COMPLETION Ciry Secretaty No:_53013 -FP1 Date Received: May 21, 2021 City Project Ns: 102102 Regaiding contiact 53013 for 2020 EVERMAN PKWY CONCRETE REHAB as required by the TRANSPORTATION AND PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT as appro�Ted by City Council on 10/15/2019 through M&C 19-0245 the diiectar of the TRANSPORTATION AND PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT upon tlle xecommendation of the Assistant D'v ectoi of the Transportation & Public Woiks Depaitment has accepted the pxoject as complete. Original Contract P►•ices: Amount of Approved Change Orders: Revised Contract Amount: Total Cost Work Completed: Less Deductions: Liquidated Damages: P�vement De�ciencies: Total Deduction Amount: Total Cost Wor•Ic Completed: Less Pl•evious Payments: Final Payment Due �duren Prieur Lauren Prleur(May19;20210£�2SCDTl Recommended for Acceptance Asst. Director, TPW - Capital Delivery V'd lol�oi��4�,/t!J115:1J_CDT�i Accepted Director, TRANSPORTATION AND PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Client Department Dana Burghdoff Ii�lay20,20�X1528 C Asst. City Manager Comments: $930,790.00 Ns 1 $930,790.00 $860,837.77 0 Days @ $650.00/ Day $0.00 $860,837.77 $817,795.88 $43,041.89 May 19, 2021 Date May 19, 2021 Date May 20, 2021 �— ... _ . __._ —._ _-_.-__ - ->— Date OFFICIAL RECORD CITY SECRETARY FT. WORTH, TX C-620 SignaWre Page Contractor's App '�0�""`� City of Fort Worth P ° FW020-0000002973 Numbcr: Project: 102102 City Secretaq� Con[rac[ 53013 Number: Application For Payment for Payment �.ing Period (From - To): 4/1/2021� (Contmctor): MAK( actor's CFN Vendor No.: Invoice Na � 17-FINAL roice Da[e: 5/I4/2021 mit to ( If Not Au[oma[ic Deposi[ ): c°""�" 2020 EVERMAN PARKWAY CONCRETE REHABILITATION PROJECT Namc: Contractor's Certification The Con[rnc[or certifies with [he submittal of Ihis document and associa[ed Pa�ment Reques[ Submittal on [he Cit}� of Fort North Buzua�e ses[zm tlia[ [o the best of thcir kno�cledge: Q) alI prt:vious progass pa}mienLt receivzd from Onner on accoun[ of Norl: done under the Corttrect have been applied on account [o discharge Con[ractors Iegi[imata obligations incurted im m�nec[ion ���[h NorA covert:d by prior Applica[ions for Pa}'man[; (2) title of all 1Vod:, ma[zrials and equipment inmrporn[cd in said Nork or o[hen5ise listzd in or covtred bv Ihis Application for Pa}men[ ��ill pass [o O��ner at time of pa}Tnen[ frte and cleat of all Liens, szcurih� in[errests and encumbmnces (e�cept such az art: covered by a Bond acceptable to O«ner indemnifi�ng O��ner against an}� such Liens, security in[erest or encumbfances); and (3) all Nor}: covered bp Ihis Application for Payment is in accordance �s�th [he Con[nc[ Documents and is not defec[ive. M�l C,�S0015 K'f�1,41�1 , MAQSOOD KHAN (May P, 202110:13 CDT) ' � � � 1. ORICINAL CONTRACT PRICE ......................................................... S 5930,790.00 2. Net chnnqe by ClianQe Orders ................................................................ S 3. Curren[ Controct Price (Line 1 f 2) ....................................................... S 5930,790.00 4. TOTAL COhIPLETED AND STORED TO DATE (Prop,ress Es�imnte, Construction Allowance and Chanqe Orders)....... S 5860,837.77 5. RETAINAGE: a. X $860,837.77 �Vark Compleled......... S b. X Not Used S c. Total RetnineRe (Line Sa +Line Sb) ............................... S 6. AMOUNT ELIGIBLE TO DATE (Line 4- Line 5c) ............................ S 5860,837.77 7. LESS PREVIOUS PAYnIENTS (Line 6 Gom priar Application)........ 5 5817,795.88 8. A�IOUNT DUE THIS APPLICAT[ON ................................................ S SJ3,0�1.89 9. BALAVCE TO FINISH, PLUS RETAINAGE (Column G on Progress Estimate+CA +COs+Line 5 n6ove) .............. S 569,952.23 I0. CONTRACT TIRIE: �, Days Awarded 2I0 b, Days Added by CO 176 c. Tatnl Dnys 386 d, Days Chnrged 386 e, Dnys Remaining This document has been modified from its onginal form as an EJCDC document and the user did not highlight the modifications. You are encouraged to read the document carefuiiy and consult Legal Counsel prior to its ezecution. ProE�'ess Estimale 53u�3 Contraclor's Application �•`-"g� lOSOBVERMACIPARIC�YAYCONCRETEREHABILliAT10YPRQIECT `F�-�""�-°" I'!-FIY.\L .`«'Po*•i AlIR031-J/l0/1031 '��9�ss ' a�[r��.. . e.ivi.r isri.. ef�t. -tr..zi �.i. ... „t ._ i� ��_.n.e�f 1 - - ie ie ri mM-:u1 - �]l�)050� ea - - " - ' 1 s.�[i b.�o�n S.�ILo '-v ITuy+ e�da�u uFl:-D_G._eie�t�vne.le:it-3'=d�Ge �..tsa.�.r�,a��.-�v ...tc.�.=��.t_i��S�Wc.- r+�.u....-___ csza c�� adFr Progress Estimate Construction Allowance Usage Contractor's Application ADDITIONS � 102102 �ozaevea.��.a�raa�.�v.axco�cwereae�un��rt.�no�rawecr c,�s�.ti-.y vr����.m�:���. �« >.i �lol� l7-FINAL .+��au.,�e.�„� .7/V1U2t-A/30/2021 .�'t'�"u"Qi<�. 5I11rzo21 4 E I�o Tculi.nF'e<J •..� vust�Fv.J� Fiun-NQ.'-wry ` Rev�.wty t'il�:iw Nunal>� I�ot:uter D:��{nim P�.ifatim �t�f G+�Yw.�d.1 n�Pn. Uluata�e �u11N '"'� GcuIINt'vh_ Fm.d vNin�m�l +.i�� �B) i0-FI .uiv�Hv.h�il-i�DJTf�II v�L S�ISI�ro lIStiF�rp�}1 - 133Jd151 539,a51�I S],Oi�SG ,.rn o.e�s.fY:��se�v+wulu�.'.n� �S 31i+a_�u�J]' St:��[u 5�'vJVJ Ii.:CU�:ni[J S35b'[ S1N(d fl �� T�a4 L9911_�l 90.911_] _ " - Ru�.4iicvM1vMmc�n:J'va��svp.iliam anEh3%:1��v�arJiM1:uw�J�nY:�ilvl+�h ¢�h6.-.wn 1..�✓eaw ,3 rc:JJe.avaluefi�ItyarW.�-+m«Le�IC..n {n ur�ue.e.w�i GblO CNrg� OrKr Progress EsHmate Construction Allowance Usage Contractor's Application CONSTRUCTION ALLO\VANCE ITE�IS TO BE REDUCED FO`""�i'� IOZIO2 �O30t:t'ER\LA\P:\IiK\VA1'CO\CRETENF.IL161LITATIO\PRQIE(T .*T�i1°"'����`r. 17-FINAL '+'e��u.,��^w !/1f2021J/30/2021 .��""1iO1e �/11/ioEl �"� � u e � ry �le� �aipu,n %'�•'"" ���IXle< ��R�:< r._.wnl'+Fx .�.tt'_.I \ul'ssJ l:.+t�.:! \':tt'::.1 \.xlr] ..a.< itr_�� t;nl�sN w.analos.�s E{ In.tri.n] NI�Y'..! SJtYH S!1 %�.[0 n c.il��i<J 4m it� rn3�1 �m.0 an Fhl%:5a�w vW �F_ uu 1J wn w�iL+l+Je v..LGauaaft'�usem� _ ru,f4:.ai-aauefillyuf.�u�•utLeplCa�+v.l�iamiue.nw.n ccm cna.q- ae� Pro�ress Estimate Chm�ge Order Number � Contractoi°s Application ADDITIONS F""`'�'i� ]O�IOZ 3U20E�'ER\LA\PARI��VlYCO\CRETk:REiLa01L1T.\i[OYPRQIF.CT �j^� �OIJ .�lia�.n�'�ter 17-FINAL �n.,�,�o.�� vi�noz� .'+r�u�s�^.� J/Il2021-!/30l2021 �, F. F � `?.ISu.k TctalCmC:<uJ •: �. -�e�.FwJ+ Ca]iT=wrym.Ld F�ti�aNVu.�n/ R�iwel>' .:ifi:s m.LPreeal)' �v<J4.P iF) 111-F) tr�Lrluo hss4y�.n k�•�rtoJ�i � 'miRi.e V1L.� Wullni 1i1-. UlNlal iknd S�aN(rctmGl �S�p � F 1-��.. m[:o - T�aa4 ifiu Smvi Rv Le<n ¢,�Wi:J vaa i�.n�.�vl I,m u m FJ��' SrnUs W J. wu 1,1 M1u 4�ci�1�� �ie o:.tYa�i�u 1'waeeb�v�NmeudJ.eY�v—aau<f�lY���R'u�L�l a�v:ly�iam��uc.nlfim ������� Pro�ress �stimate Change Order Number � Contractor's Application DELETIONS , >�� IO?IOZ 2010EVE2\I.�NP.aWC�VAI'CO\CRETEIlEILlUILITA'f10\PRPfE(T ��'��"::'�F`r 17-F1NAL �+re���.Ae�n.W A/1f2021J/30/2021 .'FT�"Js011e v1�2Uz1 E �.i6,zum ':iIX�v.t�n'v� � ...tl ..ul.� � ���c� � Le�«( r.tR�:e ':x! , d M1.tL'sA ..ttlte.l t.ttL'a�1 ..vllul t�i ..:¢USN mt:o \f:s-�c Gats R.:� daie�k hss Men e,iLi��.1'va �u e�i3w1 i.mo u an FJ�3%':a�c+zi.i ih_ uss� �„1 n� Iueiil�3'i �Fe ea4iiau�u 1'wsern� v� �c.JJeL..�^_nauehllY+w.T�wtLe�lCc.vaul�nmv.iue�e..ei�i Citv of Fort Worth Summ City Sccretarp Contract Num: I 53013 Application Ptriod: 4/1/2021-4/30/2021 of Charqes P Q: F\V020-0000002973 p�ojectNumber. 102102 �lication ll-FINAL APPlication Data: I 5/14l2021 Funding Identification (FID) Total Completed Amt Remaining Gross Retainage Net Original Contract 30'100-0200431-5740010-102102-E03380-9999 $860,837.77 $111,916.23 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 __ Chanqe Orderl 30100-0200431-5740010-102102-E03380-9999 0 0 0 Ci[y Secictary Convact Num: I 53013 Application Pzriad: of Fort Worth Summary of Charqes P � : F�V020-0000002973 4/1/2021-4/30/2021 i �-rirrn[, Projcct Numbcr. 102102 Application Dale: 5/14/2021 Funding Identification (FIO) Total Completed Amt Remaining Gross Retainage Net Change Order 3 30100-020043'I-5740010-102102-E03380-9999 � . 0 0 0 0 Change Order4 30100.020043'1-57400'10.102102-E03380-9999 0 0 0 0 0 Change Order 5 � 30100-0200431-5740010-'102102-E03380-9999 . . 0 0 0 of Fort Worth Summ Cil}' Sccrelap� ConVact Num: I 53013 Applicatian Ptriod: d/1/2021-4/30/2021 of Charqes P � FR�020-0000002973 p�ajectNumbcr 102IO2 dication 17-FINAL I �1pp��<ation Date: I 5/14/2021 Funding Identification (FID) Total Completed Amt Remaining Gross Retainage Net Change Order6 30100-0200431-57400'10-102102-E03380-9999 � 0 Change OrderB 30100-0200431-5740010-102102-E03380-9999 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 City Secre[ary Contrncl Num: I 53013 Applicntion Period: Citv of Fort Worth Summary of Charges ' a. o. : rwozo- A/1/2021-4/30/2021 17-FINAL Projcct Numbcr: 102102 Applicatiou Data: S/14/2021 Funding IdentiFcation (FID) Total Completed Amt Remaining Gross Retainage Net Totals 30700.0200431-5740010-102102-E03380-9999 5860,837.77 S111,916.23 0 0 0 0 Grend Total SBfi0,837.77 5111,916.23 $0.00 . ($43,041.89) 543,041.89 F�ORT WORTH Routing and Transmittal Slip Transportation and Public Works Department DOCUMENT TITLE: Change Order 1, Everman Pkwy Concrete Street Rehabilitation M&C 19-0245 CPN: 102102 CSO # 53013 DOC#_ DOCUMENTS FOR CITY MANAGER'S SIGNTURE: All documents received from any and all City Departments requesting City Manager's signature for approval MUST BE ROUTED TO THE APPROPRIATE ACM for approval first. Once the ACM has signed the routing slip, David will review and take the next steps. NEEDS TO BE NOTARIZED: ❑ Yes X No RUSH: ❑ Yes X No SAME DAY: ❑ Yes X No NEXT DAY: ❑ Yes X No ROUTING TO CSO: ❑ Yes ❑ No Action Reauired: ❑ As Requested ❑ For Your Information ❑ Signature/Routing and or Recording ❑ Comment ❑ File ❑ Attach Signature, Initial and Notary Tabs Return to: Please call at ext. for pick up when completed. Thank you. CSC No. 53013-COl FOR` T�_H, City of Fort Worth T Change Order Request Projecl Name Everman Pkvry Concrete SUeet Rehabililafion City Sec I! 53013 Clienl Project �(s) 102102 Replace curb 8 gulter on Evertnan Pkvry tram Oak Grove Rd to easl City Iimil. Thls proJect also indude lo installlreplace sidewalk and curb ramps within Ihe limits of lhe project. Contractor Makou Inc. Change Order# 1 Date 4116Y1021 City Pro}ecl Mgr. Tariqul Islam City Inspeclor Ma(t Cain Dept, Original CoNracl Amount Exlras lo Dale Credils lo Date Pending Change Orders (in M8C Prceess) Contracl Cosl to Dale TPW Totals Contract Original Funds Available for Change Orders Remaining Funds Available for lhis CO Additional Funding (f necessary) CHANGE ORDERS to DA TE (INCLUDIN� iHIS ONE) AS % OF ORIGINAL CONTRACT MAX ALLOWABLE CONTRACT AMOUNT (ORIGINA L CONTRACT COST + 25%) 0.00°,6 �1,163,487.50 iis change order requesls the addilion of 176 days lo the conlracl. The conUact was delayed (or tollowing reasons: Addilional work (or pedeslrian safety handrail was required for ihe inslallalions on culveris at Christopher, Michael, Marlene, and Everman Parkway. The handrail design, anu(acturing, and Inslallation caused delays (106 days); Additional delays for Tarrant County to complete the Everman Parkway paving (40 days); AddiGonal delays (or Tartant Counry to complele concrete repairs (30 days). . It is understood and agreed that the acceptance of this Change Order by the contractor constitutes an accord and satisfaction and represents paymenc in full (both time and rnoney) for all costs arisfng out of, or incidentai to, the a6ove Change Order. The Project/Program Manager signing below acknowledges that he/she is the person responsible for the monitoring and administration of ihis contract, including ensuring all performance and reporting requirements. _ . . . _ .� ..__�...,.�,..��i.....,a Cnnfrar.ISinnalure Date I�C 1dAQS00D KHAN �?�-- IAp� 19, 2021 Mary 1, Kayser, City Secretary ATTEST. � L�ihf �'Y" Fl1RT WOR7'H Cliy of Fort Worth —�y-� Change Order Addit(ons Pro�ecl Name Everman Pln� Concrele SUeet Rehabllitatlon Ciry Sec 11 53013 Cllenl Pro�ecl9 102102 ConVactor Makou Inc. PM Tariqul Islam Inspector Malt Cain Change Order Submillal N �1 Dale 41161202I Cfllllil(1Nti Change Order Additlons Page 2 of 4 Pour Woirn� Gty of Fort Worth ��� Change Order Deletions Projecl Name Everman Pk�� Conaele Slreel Rehabililalion Ciry Secii 53013 ClientProjeG# 102f02 Contracto Alakou Inc. PM Tariqul Isiam Inspeciw Mall Cain Change Order Submitlal p� Dale 4 16Y1021 ItFI 4 I I(1Nti Change Order Deletfons Page 3 of 4 Previous Chanae Orders CITY COUNCIL AGENDA DATE: 10/15/2019 REFERENCE ""M&C 19- LOG NAME: 202020 EVERMAN PARKWAY NO.: 0245 CONCRETE REHABILITATION CODE: C TYPE: CONSENTPUBLIC NO HEARING: SUBJECT: Authorize Execution of a Contract with Makou, Inc., in the Amount of $930,790.00 for Everman Parkway Concrete Street Rehabilitation (COUNCIL DISTRICT 8) Official site of the City of FnK lVoith, l'e;!as FORT�O�TII � RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council authorize the execution of a contract with Makou, Inc., in the amount of $930,790.00 for 2020 Everman Parkway Concrete Street Rehabilitation. DISCUSSION: In the Fiscal Year 2020 Pay-Go Contract Street Maintenance Program, various types of street maintenance are grouped into specific contract packages. Everman Parkway from Oak Grove Road to Everman City limit is in poor condition. The 2020 Everman Parkway Concrete Street Rehabilitation contract provides for the repair and reconstruction of damaged curb and gutter, driveways, sidewalk and ADA barrier free ramps from Oak Grove Road to Everman City limit (Ciiy Project No. 102102). Construction for this project is expected to start approximately November 2019 and to be completed by approximately May 2020. Upon completion of the project there will be no anticipated impact on the general fund operating budget. This project was advertised for bid on July 18, 2019 and July 25, 2019 in the Fort Worth Star- Telegram. On August 15, 2019, the following bids were received: Bidders Makou Inc. Urban Infraconstruction, LLC Arreguin Group Inc. Jackson Construction Ltd Pavecon Public Works LP Stabile & Winn, Inc. Amount $930,790.00 $1,254,864.00 $1,315,422.00 $1,436,770.00 $1,546,662.09 $1,477,350.00 M/WBE OFFICE — Makou, Inc., is in compliance with the City's BDE Ordinance by committing to 17\°/o MBE participation on this project. The City's MBE goal on this project is 17\%. Additionally, Makou, Inc. is a certified M/WBE firm. The City reserves the right to increase or decrease quantities of individual pay items within the contract provided that the total confract amount remains within plus or minus 25 percent of the contract award. This project is located in COUNCIL DISTRICT 8. FISCAL INFORMATIONICERTIFICATION: The Director of Finance certifies that upon approval of the above recommendation and award of the contract, funds are available in the current capital budget, as appropriated, in the General Capital Projects Fund Everman Parkway Concrete Rehabilitation Project. Prior to any expenditure being incurred, the Transportation & Public Works Department has the responsibility to validate the availability of funds. Fund Department Account Project ID �� rogram Activity Budget Reference # Amount Year (Chartfield 2) _ FROM Department Account Project ID ID Originati g Department Head: Additional Information Contact: ram Activity I Budge Year William Johnson (7801) Jeffrey Perrigo (8117) Reference Chartfield ATTACHMENTS Map 2020 Everman Pkwy Concrete Rehabilitation.pdf FORTWORTH� Routing and Transmittal Slip Transportation & Public Works Department DOCUMENT TITLE: Everman Pkwy Concrete Rehabilitation Project Construction Allowance M&C: CPN: 102102 CSO: 53(113 DOC#: Date: To: Name Department Initials Date Out 1 Mary Kayser CSO - signature �- Oct 6, 2020 2 TPW Contracts TPW documents received from any and all City llepartments requesting C:ity Manager's signature tor approval MUST BE ROUTED TO THE APPROPRIATE ACM for approval first. Once the ACM has signed the routing slip, David will review and take the next steps. NEEDS TO BE NOTARIZED: ❑YES �No RUSH: ❑YES �No SAME DAY: ❑YES ❑No NEXT DAY: ❑YES ❑No ROUTING TO CSO: �YES ❑No Action Required: ❑ As Requested ❑ For Your Information � Signature/Routing and or Recording ❑ Comment ❑ File ❑ Attach Signature, Initial and Notary Tabs Return To: TPWContracts @FortWorthTexas.gov at ext. 7233 for pick up when completed. Thank you! CSC No. 53013-AR1 FORT WORTH,� City of Fort Worth ~''�'�� Construction Aliowance Request Project Name Everman Pkwy Concrete Rehabilitalion Project City Sec 11 53013 ClientPrajeclS(s) 102102 Pkwy Concrete Rehabiliiation Project. GonUactor Makou, Inc. Funding Allocation Account Original Conlract Amount ExUas to Date Credits fo Date Current Contracf Amount Allowance Funds Previously Allocaled Remaining Funds Available for lhis Allocation City Inspector Mafl Cain —� TPW Totais Select Day JUSTIFICATION (REASONS) FOR CHANGE ORDER IN ACCORDANCE WITH THIS CONSTRUCTION ALLOWANCE REQUEST, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL: Furnish all labor and material as per attached proposed Construction Allowance Request (wilh atiachments) io the Construction Allowance Request: This construction allowance is for the installation of TxDOT PR11 pedestrian handrall on Everman Parkway, Marlene Drive, Michael Drive and Chrislopher Drive. The handrails are required to protect people from a potential tall hazard while using the newly installed sidewalk adjacent to a culvert over a creek at these four locations within the Ifmits of this project. Sta(f considers this unit price reasonable after comparing it to anolher recently bid item of similar work and it is approximately 35% lower. It is understood and agreed that the acceptance of this Change Order by the contractor constitutes an accord and satisfaction and represents payment in full (both time and money) for all costs arising out of, or incidental to, the above Change Order. The ProJect/Program Manager signing below acknowledges that he/she is the person responsible for the monitoring and administration of this contract, including ensuring all performance and reporting requirements. Cantractors Comaanv Name Contractor Name C lract S nature Date �•f�-kpt] ;Z�NC� I �1'1��-�SY.,vt,� l��{-r�n; I �A.—o�.�...�' I C(�23 �?0 I T City of Fort Worth Construction Allowance Additions ProJect Name Everman Pkvry Concrele Rehabllilatlon ProJecl City Sec # 53013 Cilent Pro�ect # 102102 Contraclor Makou,lnc. Inspector MaftCaln ��� � ��� � �� ��7qJ�������� �1� '•�: �. •. � : �• •n �c(�'Q�'�,�HD'Jl`��� ' • �� .. . rr � �TI'YI ��'� �� � � � � � � fl - • � : . � � � � • � ----- - ----- - --_-- - ----- - ---- - � --�-- _ ----- - ---- - - ----- - ----- - --�-- ----- - ---_ - = ----- ----- - ----- - ----- - ----- - ----- --_-- = ----- ----- ---- - = ---- - ----- = ----- ----- - ----- - ----- - ----- - ----- ----- = ---_- ----- - ----- ----- - ----- - ---- - - ---- - ----- - ----- - -�--- ----- - ----- - ----- - ----- ----- - ----- - ----- - ----- - ----- - ----- - ----- � ----- - --_-- ----- - ----- - ----- - ----- = ----- ----- ----- - ----- - ---_- - ----- ----- - �---- - ----- - - - ��'�� � •,v. �i Change Order Additlons Page 1 of 1 Poe�•�Yotrri� City of Fort Worth 1'*'� Constructlon Allowance Deletions Project Neme Everman PM�ry Concrele Rehabillatlon Projecl Ciry Sec �l 53013 ClienlProjecl# 102102 Contraclor Makau,lnc. Inspeclor MallCain • : • � � � � • � � � •� • • • �IL�u� � • • � S'7���5'1���'l�I� � '' ��� � ����� � ����� ����� = ����� ����� � ����� = ����� ����� � ����� � ����� � ����� ����� = ����� ����� ����� = ����� ����� � ����� � ����� � ����� � ����� � ����� ����� = ����� ����� � ����� � ����� � ����� ����� = ����� ����� � ����� � ����� � ����� � ����� � ����� ����� = ����� ����� ����� = ����� ����� � ����� � ����� ����� = ����� ����� � ����� ����� � ����� � ����� � ����� = ����� ����� � ����� � ����� � ����� � ����� ����� = ����� ����� � ����� � ����� � ����� ����� = ����� ����� = ����� ����� � ����� � ����� ��� � � � , ,.�::, ��� Change Order Deletions Page 1 of 1 Previous Construction Allowance `: co# DATE � AMOUNT Total = � � $OAO��' MISBE Breakdown for this Construction Allowance 10/5/2020 � AUTODESK' BIM 360�� fortworthgov > 102102 - Everman _:: Document Management Reviews > Review detail CLOSED #14 Export Report � This review is dosed. Name � 01 Construction Allowance_Everman Pk�vy_Rev.pdf I� Quote_Handrail_Everman Pkwy.pdf BIM 360 Document Management rey Concrete Rehabilitation Project - FOLDERS REVIEWS TRANSMITTALS ISSUES A TI Construction Allowance Approval Workflow Oescription Version Markup Comments PROGRESS -- Vl 0 No comme Initiator Initial Review � -- VS 0 No comme TI Tafiqul Islam Sep 25, 4:03 PM <tariq ul.isla m @ fortworthtexas.gov> Submitted to Reviewer 1 Reviewer 1 Initial Review 1 n JP ]effrey Perrigo Sep 28, 8:10 AM <jeffrey.perrigo@ fortworthtexas.g ov> Submitted to Reviewer 2 Reviewer2 InitialReview2 /� LZ Lane Zarete Sep 2a, 9:05 AM <la ne.zarate @fortworthtexas.gov> Submitted to Reviewer 3 Approved Reviewer 3 Initial Review 3 � LP LaurenPrieur 5ep2a,10:51AM <Iauren.prieur@fortworthtexas.gov> Submitted to Reviewer 4 Reviewer 4 Initial Review 4 n W7 William7ohnson Sep28,11:31AM <wi Ilia m.joh nson @ fortworthtexas.gov> Submitted to Reviewer 5 Reviewer 5 Initial Review 5 � DB DouglasBlack octz,5:07PM <doug.bfack@fortworthtexas.gov> Submitted to Approver Appraved Approver Final Review � DB DanaBurghdoff octz,5:52PM <da na.bu rg hdoff@ fortworthtexas.gov> Review ended Review dosed https://docs.b360.autodesk.com/projects/52d7e5c7-ca93-4d32-a035-d7d832e6a0c0/reviews/e6e12967-a3a4-42d6-9872-7fe0cc467d8f 1 /1 MAKCJ U I n c. Construction Com ny 7100 S. Cooper St Suite # 15. Arlington, TX 76001 Tele. 817-798-5426 Fax 817-494-0404 www.makouinc.com DUNS # 03 679 1092 MBE/HUB/SB EVERMAN PARKWAY HAND RAILING CT&S proposal PRl RAILING MAKOU INC OH/P 10% TOTAL $ 111 /lf $ 11.10/lf -------------------- $ 122.10/lf Removal of Disposal of Hand Rail on Marlene Dr $450.00 Let us know if you have any question SINCERELY �� MAQSOOD KHAN PRINCIPAL MAKOU Inc. 6204 Parkside Dr. Arlington, TX 76001 makouinc(a�gmail.com � 817-798-5426 Construction - Metal �v Technology �t $teel Qua(ity Metal Work D/MlWBE www.ctands.com Brad Berland - Sales/Est 0:972-554-9629 F:972-438-9828 Cel1:972-890-6928 PROP05AL # 1779 Date: 8/18/2020 Proposal For: City of Fort Worth . Everman Parkway C.T. and S. Metalwork's. Proposes to furnish all Material, Shop Drawings and Labor for the following: 1.Modified PRl railing All railing will be galvanized Fabrication and installation $111/foot. If this is shipped and installed all at once. Additional trips will have a charge of $800 Any and ail qroundinq requirements are excluded Payment Terms: Net 30 Days on all invoices Retainaqe to be 10% of fabrication onlv & paid in full thirtv (30) days after completion of punch list. Materials for project will be billed upon receipt and payment shall be due within 30 days 1� � "t"` ♦ 1513 Maryland Drive ♦ Irving, Texas 75061 t� �t cr:r���rc r �j / S w».. ♦ (972) 554-9629 ♦ Fax (972) 438-9828 �'`�Y°'"' ` Fabrication proqress billinqs will be billed no later than the 25th dav of the month for the previous month and shall be due within 30 days This is a steel bid only, anv foundation or concrete work is excluded Atl anchor bolts requirinq to be poured in place will be supplied bv CT&S but placed in concrefie by others STANDARD EXCLUSIONS & QUALIFICATIONS: Engineering and Calculations unless otherwise specified Cost of material testing or inspection, costs of shop and field labor testing by others. All flagging and lane closures by others General Contractor to provide all traffic and pedestrian control, including fences, barricades and flagmen Bid does not include performance bond or LOC General Contractor to provide all permits Drawings must be approved by the customer prior to fabrication. Schedule must be approved by General Contractor prior to fabrication Bid based on forty (40) hour work week. C.T.& S. Metalworks is not responsible for fall protection of personnel other than its own workers. Fabrication of steel to be per AISC Code of Standard Practice. If the General Contractor fails to make payments when due, or its financial ability to make payments becomes impaired, C. T. & S. Metalworks., may suspend all work during the continuance of either situation. This proposal is valid for a period of thirty (30) days from this date only. General Contractor accepts in writing the above proposal, all exclusions, terms conditions and qualifications. In turn C. T. & S., Metalworks. agrees to perform the described. WRITTEN ACCEPTANCE OF THIS PROPOSAL SHALL BE NECESSARY FOR THIS TO BECOME A BINDING CONTRACT FOR BOTH PARTIES. i� p�nvv�y n ��� - S , �I P �� '' ♦ 1513 Maryland Drrve ♦ Irving, Texas 75061 W-�• ♦(972) 554-9629 ♦ Fax (972) 438-9828 �'��"' �� Contract Compliance Manager: By signing I acknowledge that I am the person i•esponsible for the monitoring and administration of this contract, including ensuring all pei•formance and reporting requirements. Tariqul Islam � 7�t,�^i�Gt.�, (��ww Name of Employee/Signature Project Manager Title ❑ This form is N/A as No City Funds aee associated with this Contract Pi•inted Name Signature ATTEST: fr;t� Ruraa,(�7 P, �c�zA,Ces� �for Ronald P. Gunz�les iOct 6, 2020 10:47 CDi) Maiy J. Kayser, City Secretaiy F�ORTWORTH� TRANSPORTATION AND PUBLIC WORKS March 22, 2021 Makou, Inc. 7100 S. Cooper St. #15 Arlington, TX. 76001 RE: Acceptance Letter Project Name: 2020 Everman Pkwy Concrete Rehab Project Type: City City Project No.: 102102 To Whom It May Concern: On March 8, 2021 a final inspection was made on the subject project. There were punch list items identified at that time. The punch list items were completed on March 19, 2021. The final inspection and the corrected punch list items indicate that the work meets the City of Fort Worth specifications and is therefore accepted by the City. The warranty period will start on March 19, 2021, which is the date of the punch list completion and will extend of two (2) years in accordance with the Contract Documents. If you have any questions concerning this letter of acceptance, please feel free to contact me at (817)392-2486. Sincerely, 7"� ' ocG /�Ca,rry Tariqul Is am (May 18, 202115:04 CDT) Tariqul Islam, Project Manager Cc: Matt Cain, Inspector Ron Cordova, Inspection Supervisor Edward D'avila, Senior Inspector Riad Nusrallah, Program Manager Riad Nusrallah, Consultant Makou,lnc., Contractor CFW, Developer File E-Mail: TPW_Acceptance@fortworthtexas.gov Rev. 8/20/19 ���f�E�T Q� S[J�ETY �� �i��� ���nnE�r � �.� � lr.:•!� �'�: :'7� {'F •'•'}' i -�: <I�� �itync ��• r:�x cl5: ��Iti � TC� llti5���•ii •LSY. a..a..: Lrr.• � i �x �.: f �•::-1 1�'nrl7 CSC7�!] '— I?�_'U��U= u�ti���� �Rr. �i17 ��c�� � ���:�x.���-�•� �::r.r•:, l'I'llFli � C I� v � �.L�L'kJJ'I'I:['l":� �k�1�L' J' \[ }.: � •� � �'ria �CT ]�[lR: Ip�{}1C�T I'i }�'� 1?.r T I}_1 � L:3}. �{"0�}t= �=.'_'.�'_ti �;�•�n •L11 JlfM1 • � — '[I�fi L� crir�ir �'JI'.k'•5:1':' C-�ILCIC.0 F.L"�1�lai I.I�I itxi F'ro': [7_ �'i'Y• Prt�� ��: \:� J�I �: C� ry I n.7�•^� ••� I ii: t• ••, _I� 1i7= ��,r.{��y��c ::I :lit ��WILT�:tiI F}2[45'CCII 'll: []u �ti.� and Ih� fonrra•.:�x �) W:I�:v.L':I J�I'•�C` ri7 � � J��::. �:anr z�:l �tidr �;c • �_ �:r:l•• . . i}k I.:I•::�7� 5'.I.L•I L L 1�-i i�ari_ I • 1.y- �i5i: I�.l �0'J �i��i _ �i_i"_ - �... 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Ih� S�8L6 G' 017 0. dCE�3 herc�'r' f�}fr:naC9, �,:rr��vW anc aFpair.t ih� pa�or. �r pa�r.s,�rned yN�rr, edCrS i"iS�YI�LL3f f,i� rr�ve ih&n on4 I� rnr��, �!� r�$ �,c'.a•��i alra•���-Ir.-f�. � �r rr and in �� raTe, �,f�c a,i� 8'.ead hD e'a1���e oC �eh�lf �� tihe s�id ��'i7�lnp, aa a�r�l�, ��If �id ad b¢rds, ��r�at,aki�g� arFo c��L�s a� s�,re-y�ah,p. ar �therwr�en �,I�ata�ia ir tihe rs!4f��he��f. Breni �t�l. �doetilgan, �uf F. �a�nps, Ro� DroiPGn9� '�` cbbie P�Irrter �nd f4��a F�r�e, al� of RfiCH�F�❑�N, T]C '.4 �FJIT�JFS51't!-1= RE�F !he bKL4FE�M1i�1i SUF��Y C�M�I�JYY hd� Cau�� 'k�- p,�ser+� lo t+� elgned an� alLesfiaci �y� � a��,�� 4r'ri�ea n�d f����+"9t� xal F'�bf��nlo arYb,: 'his G3 aa}• �� �Liar�h ��� q yl'h, t� RFFy'r � �# �•Y 4� ,{`,� _ :;���} ~rt��� zsc=u�E�•� '�� ��' � �� -� � + � � � �I� LAH;.+MA �ll F��TI� �%J�ER+41,f�f . � oK�c .�` ii f T��i: ''+rrr� �'' f'��..�i�f•v•• �?�'I`f�.._�� �i � W '-r'1L �,BSISt�fl- S�Cr� I�,� T � ,q '�I{iE ?R�$��EFr' f ' �r.;his �aay �� :r�r�h ��2x Dt�orc me pereuna�i� ap�e� •ta TO�� � TA o�'l �•�yoT� [���8ee and 59•�n :r� �.T1B rea�ex ir 9r�k�c� R�D'�•. C�da+IrAii� Iher �' .�o ryB kf�rm, G�i�� de8�ri�ed IG BP.d r��' h, � ri h� az a'Y9�rz �teei=enk C� Okiahorria SuraEyr G�•�p,s�x, �-,Q �y��e�. � exenr.od rr7e a�oiro �r�';�nerc: tll�t zc+he kn05'� l!ie sc�' �f k9e s��d �Ornper}� :ra1 L•�r sea� af:'�ce� 'c ¢ti� B�FJ :r�ru�ee'd i9 si�c� �]vi e�e scx` Ih�l ir xaa �o aFfix�7 br aulh�r -y Cf F.er�.tif9 Cfficr �nde� thc Bp-I ��r� of sxcd ���iee�y� ind Ihe: �hc 8�„ned t�s �7ai�ye Lycrr_� p�y ':r•.e a�lx�rE� sT�rE cF c.��H�r.t{ �Gli�l~f�Cr: TJ�_�� ;r+��rr+fR�r�r , Ak1,�� � 4Q3 •�•" +• � 4`��. ,••��A�j ' ;�•�; . 35 ��:� �� ' � � �; ���7� x ; - : �:� �� ,�� } v���'��+Y' :•��yl� ���F{;�,Eq �,Oi7�� •frr.r��+�� CmTi�.�1Ciw � 7 7 L�0�2S.'i �+YC ,. 7 e�R.� C�—�3 .�U LJ �V r,a�a�� Pu�iir� T�is P4+'rEl' �i� til',GT��4' 1Y 'y�a� j�'J J�' 71y�Iri}�ny r�fihe ��Ihwi�r� r�g8ol�lior� �r#4��y �� Lhe s���d C' C�� e�Gfs oi OkI�YB Suf21W ��rnP��Y a}� ��en`�o�g wr_ilF�r: �a�e�t �a-ed R�heT�er �. fooa ��5��': � 0: Thar 7he Ri esi�z�.:. Ihe tKar.rr�.,� '�{�a .'rp8�de,�l� 'ha 6E+�eral Scn�pr Vicc �'ra8�ircils arxl '�f[x Pres�d�fx� a a�p ptrye of 4�ern :�e z�rd ly'�Ly is a�.r•7p��=C. fnG�7 Gne ha rl'7e. La apv¢�! ��c �-rnCsr.�ltorr.g��yn Fa�t=O �ucrcu!e on �rFialta�;he Canpsn}•_ �d bar.�s� �1dei-akir.gx oi� uonlraC#� of sur9k?5'�ip, �r r#hec wiitiary Obli ians Ir!h.e r�l�ra �• �'��P� d7y enC aL' G'rui's ot �Iryfll: {IL'LIC,*5', ar.d 10 f�M�ke a�y' SL�� aop�q�t9ie�l �t �r� lime ��e•af -c �'rxrYro ShF� ra�ot'F.+e d��Qs �r,d tl�e resp�qh+C ��SJLb'�� ��R,-IER. T��t'h2 v�np.���r Y+eal �rd 117� A�n�i,s� ;; � arr�• o� k�e afowfialv aff.�crs �rd ��y S•�CI rlar+f cr �b6isla�l So[fel8:}� oC 0-ie =om�}�r� mi�; C� alYmCv �y i�=s4Tlle [� a�.� F7G5��� af �f6Df�7�f ar r.6��. =�Ic �� 911h°� �iMor. i0f L'7e c�t9G�..fllLn ot a:}}' bOr,d, �rQ6fl�kirx�. C4nh"�ti flf s�rW-Y59iR� b� =m6f mrCon vhi�alion IC :hr r•� �n3 iwrr{=t. S�.�h sign�I�rE �n� saal v,�hrn so u5E�1 beina r+�B�L+}� ada�9d b�• 7F.,a �Cr-i�a �y a5 h� origiaal s�-a �oi r of weti 0'fi�rr an0'I�e agir�� �er �_� 7h? C::nPa�p, !o ha vaG� and 5i��r.,� ��n n-ro COrnp��p wflh Ihe s,�m�2 f�rGe �nd effr=l a5 tl�]��h rn�n'Id�l� a'lixrr� i �ERTI F�CA7tiQhl � ��;�Fi�hc !iACKL r's�isi.�nt Se�a�'! al �MfdhH�rto 54�t1�r �arr�,ylY�, do t�'��� aeh� th�L fhc IU'E;Soir.g Fn�x�gr af ,ancrrtey �,r_ =r,e R=sr�tr�r� �f'hp @Gdr� ol t�lf�los �r $����9f 2S. �]$ h�'rr no� p691? i ev�N f�d zrc 0'Ir in lull � L�� � �`�' p � _ wgned aqd sea:eti FriF� ��X o� � + � � � �'4�LTr:f L :' � •�,p ^'�•y •`c� _ — � �_� fi. �_ M� :ti=`���� '�: ,c,; �' ;` = y � �•�'I �O �i: �yff,.,,• ,� � '•, ?�� ��t-�-�r�f � •'��� �� � ���� If�J� !F B��[ I� EA�PTY ���—'��?�I���,�'� �t�iS1�.�LTY �:�)��'t�l�� ��L.� H� ��.� .�L�� T�r' � i���'��� �T_�TF. f��� ��-�;�,�5 �'�:'�L�1 ��)�'lC'F Ff�f�Uf��}�=1fiF��� Tr. :�ccordan�v 4i'l:h �C�Sl�jl _v� �.i'� I �" F Dl ki�c �i �c�►�s �ta��e: nm�ix ��:�3� an� � cc �i��f �_�. ��7�'�{;� �fth� Tcx:�� P fnr+'",�t� �.�dr, �.*��� nk�� �� �; � Laim �n khC !]3ti12c1 �uTCt�' LLC C�r L•�ii� bor.;l�s ti S�loU1� ��� ��n l �[�_ - 1��L]in�, �ft.C�-�C)�Tl��.� l �.1��'_�L_��'�.(��'11'.1�� {�T��..�HU�1:� �L�s�L=C�" �:€��1]'.���- �.�k. Fi�}� t�t�� �� �[ � L.�:�_ �I� �� � i, � 1 k.I_�I'1 L��'T �T{]_ L-bil�;-?���9�•: F.�'� �[.l, 1-�18-SR�i-[��.i(r �-�f � IL � �� L_�l�� S cr ��C�� :-1 � � _�� 1�� YIt}�s�t�l= ;.T.3? S. �c_���LL��R � �'� l�� ~i][] TT.'�.�.�, [�f�]_.�T��[ ���.� -� [ '_ � :�TF�C:� r ��-HL� ���rr�-�; �fl �'��:R B�� i� CYY�� �3��;��T[Q� ��- -fi-�£ ��,��1 ' x���a,��r ,'�FFi �A�1T ��'�.'� �F 'TF��i,S �;�?��T'1''t' (� F �'t��1�T ��fc�� ixx�, �hc und��s,ig�c d aurthcrri r�r, � �utar}� �ul'*li� �n t�xc �rtat� �t� {� �c�un i�� �f�re�ai�, �� t�is da}T p�x�crt�all� aPPe�,x�c.� ��aq�r��c� �l�n, C� n�r �f ���f��T �I�T�. t I�n�� �o ��t� rtc� b� r,�re�i��� pers��x, ��'i� �ci n���ii'� �� ox� �p�t� hi � ��r� �l��x��cd �.xd s �i� �' h��,t �Fl pc r� c�n�, �irrns, ��c�ci �,[i�n�, corpora�y��is, or �rth�r �*�ani� arti�;r�� �'urrr�s�iing �a��r �� r rrk�l�na� 13a� � b� paici in f�la,. �'h�t ��x� ��a�� ����� es ��}��iKhc� 1�� �k�� Citr� ��,un�i.l i�i �l�c C:ix� �� �ort �c�r-t�i ��. b-e�n ��id �ir� �'��. '1'ixart �-tet� �t� no cl�iri35 p��`ic�in� ��r ���s��r�i ifl��r� s�atx� ��r �r��c�v d�fn a�e� �r� ��o�xir��� �e�c�d�ec� :,��: ?A�� H���R�4f �l'�f .�AR�r'A�x �[�i�i �. RE�A �. PR�JE( �T #1�1�� ; , B� �1�t ,� �� � �Gl-�_�� t ��Z [�! (.;.�P� � �4 �G� U II��. ��.TB��t� l F3.F,7� �iN� �1'����T �E�'fl R� ��E �N T �i5 �AT F � �'�� � �� � � ; ��'� � `:� �- � � f. � :",' ! ' ..� �� _'��:+r._.�� �.__..� .•� ���r���• ��r �Lr� ..� •� '1'F�� � M1Lyy '1 M1I: 1��lr _ �. .� . �JhiC: I� =r�_:i�ri=.- ,i { ��r= h�7c•t• '�L,hcLF.ia"r t,r P�k � cv. = a�� r•. Y;•.. .�� _:i.�- �^���ras 0&l79•:il�i l�' rriFiiy'} M1 ��IO�c fY �� ��'3'347 � ���� � � ���! IJl�_ �ri�4 fra.rk� ��r �}r_ Arlin�r�r�_ -r� 764� 1 mr�r7 _i i_ _: _� i n:�s I.�;�� ���� i f-7$$-S��.f�