HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 55732�I�Y S�Ci��T'A��
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LED Neighbarhood Conversion Project
Area 4
City Project No. i01917
Befisy Price
David Coo�e
City Manager
Willia�xz 7ohnson
Director, Transportation and Public Works Department
Prepared for
The City of Fort Worth
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This CONTRACTOR SERVICE� AGREEMENT ("Agreement") is �nade and eniered into by
and beiween the C�TY OF FORT WORTH ("City"), a Texas home r�ie municipal corporation, acting
by a�.d t}�rough its duly authorized Assistant City Ma�nager, and Bean Electrical, rnc. ("Contractor"}, an
entity authorized to perform wax'� in Texas, acting hy and through its duly authorized President. This
Agreement shall be effective as of �the Effec�ive Date �stablis�aed herein.
The documents comprising this Contracior Services Agreement shail incIude ihe following:
1. Attachitttent A— The City's RFP;
2. Attachment B-- Contractor's Response to RFP;
3. Afitachment C-- Price Schedule;
4. Attach�nent D— Verification of Signature Authority Form; N/A
5. Attachment E— Standard General Conditions of the Construciion Caz�tract; and
6. Attachznent F— Standard Insurance Requirerrzents.
E�ibits A- F, which are attac�xed �aereto and incorporated herein, are z�ade a part of this Agreement for
a�l pur�oses. In the event of any conflict between the tez'ms and conditions of Exhibits A, B, D ox E and
the terms and conditions set forth in the body of #his Agreement, the tierms and conditions of this
Agreement shalI control.
Contractor hereby agrees to p�'ovide projec� management, assessments and construction services
for street light installation/repair and LED conversions (Area 4) for the City of Fort Worth Transpoirtation
and Publie Works Department as per Attaehments A-C which more specificall�+ describe the services to
be provided hereunder.
2. TERM.
This Agreement is effective as of the date subscribed below by the City's designated Assis�ant
City Manager {`Bffective Date") and shall expire 730 days froz�z the date Notice to Proceed is provided by
the City {"Expiration Date") or completion of the Work. The Agreement may be renevved under the same
terms and conditions for up to tl�ree (3) one-year renewal periods, at the City's sole discretion, each
renewal pex'iod being s�zbject to funding availability. City will provide Contractor with notice of zntent io
renew at leas# 60 days before the E�piration Date of the Agreement ar azzy renewal period. However, if
funds are noi appropriated, the City may cancel the Agreeme�t 3� calendar days after providing written
�aoti�cation to the Contractor.
City shall pay Contractor as per the %e schedule and in accordance with the provisions of this
Agreemen# and Attachment C. Total payzaaent made under this Agreement in tlze first term shall be the
amou�t up to $�38,091.00 {"Co�tract Amount"). The Contract Amaunt shall be in the amount up to
$269,045.50 in any subsequent renewal period hovvever Contractor may submit a revised Attachment B to
reflect reasonable increased labor ar materials costs, if any, within 60 days of each renewal date.
Contractor shall nat perfarm any additional services or bill for expenses incurred for City not speci�ed by
Contractor 5ervices Agreement
this Agreement Unless City requests and approves in writing the additional costs for such services. City
shall not be liable for any additionaI expenses of Contractor not speci�ed by tlais Agreement unIess City
�rst approves such expenses in writing.
Provisiox�s for termination are found in Attachment E within Article 15.
5.1 Disclosure of Conflicts. Contractor hereby wax'x'ants to City that Contractor has tnade f�ll
disclos�re in wriiing of any existing or potential conflicts of interest related to Contractof•'s services Under
this Agreement. In the event that any conflicts of interest arise after the Effective Date of fhis Agreeme�t,
Contractor hereby agrees i�t�nz�aediately to make iu11 disclosure to City in writing.
5.2 Confidential Informatian. Contractor, for itself and its officers, agents and enaployees,
agrees tha# it shall treat all infonnation provided to it by City ("City Information") as confidential and
shall not disclase any such information ta a third party without the prior wririen approval of City.
5.3 Unauthorized Access. Contractor shall store and maintain City Information in a secure
:tz�ar�ner and shaIl not allow Unauthorized users to access, nnodi�y, defete or o�herwise coz'rupt City
Information in any way. Contractor shall notify City iz�ztnediately if the security or integrity of any City
Tnfornriaiion has been compromised or is believed to have heen compro�aaised, in which event, Contractor
shalI, in good iaith, use all commercially reasonable efforts to cooperate with City in identifyir�g what
informatioii has been accessed by una►�thorized means and shal� fully cooperate �wvith City to protect such
City Information from further unauthorized discIosure.
It is expressly understood and agreed that Contractor shall operate as an independent Coniractor
as to all rights and privileges and work per%rmed under this Ageement, and not as an agent,
representative or enaployee of City. Subjeci ta and in accordance wifih the conditians and provisions of
this Agreement, Con�ractor shall have ihe exclusive righi to ca�tral the details oi its operatiions and
activities and sha�l be salely responsible for the acts and omissions of ats offtcers, agents, servants,
employees, cansultants and subContractors. Contractor acknowledges that the doctrine of Nespondeat
supexior shall not ap�ly as between City, its oificers, agez�is, servants and ernployees, and Contractor, i#s
officers, agents, eaaplayees, servants, Contractors and subContractors. Contractor fiu-tl�er agrees that
naik�ing herein shall be construed as the creation of a p�-tners�zp or joint enterprise between City and
Contractor. It is furtk�er understood that City shall in no way be considered a Co-employer or a Joint
employer o� Contractor or any officers, agents, servants, employees or subContractor of Contractor.
Neither Contractor, nor az�y o�ficers, agents, servants, exnployees or subContractor of Contractor shall be
en�itled to any employmen# benefits irom City. Cantractor shaIl be responsible and liable for any and all
payment and reporting of taxes o� behalf of itself, and any of its officers, agents, servar�ts, employees or
Contractor Services Agreement
Terms of indemnificatian ar�e as provided in Attc�climent E at sectron 6.21.
9.1 Assi�,nment. Contractor shall nat assign any of its duties, obligations or rights under this
Agreement withoui the prior writte�a consent of City. If City grants consent tio an assignment, the assignee
s�all execute a�vritten agreement with City and Contractar under which the assignee agrees to be bound
by ihe du#ies and obligations of Contractox' under fihis Agreement. Contractor and assignee shall be jointly
liable for all obligaiions of Contractor under this Agreeme�i priox' to the effective date of the assigninent.
9.2 �ubcontraci. If City grants consent to a subcontract, sub Cantractor shall execuie a
writfien agreement witl� Contractor referencing this Ageennent under which sub Contractor shall agree io
be baund by the duties and obligations of Contractor under this Agreement as such duties and obligafions
may apply. Contractoz' shall, upon reques�, provide City with a fully executed copy of any suc�a
Contractor shall provide City with certificate(s) of insurance documenfing policies of the Lypes
and minit�zum caverage liinits that axe to be in effect prior to commencemenfi of any wor� pursuant to this
Agreement as provided for ix� Attachment F.
Contractar agrees that in the perfo:rnaance of its obligations hereunder, it shall comply with all
applicable federal, state and Iocal Iaws, ordinances, rules and regulaizons and that any work it produces zn
conn�ction with this Agreement will also comply with all applicable federal, state and local 1aws,
ordinances, rules and regulations. If City notifies Contractor of any violation of such laws, ordinanc�s,
rules or regulatioz�s, Contractor shall immediately desisti from and correct the violation. Contractor shall
alsa abide by all pro�isions pertinent io tk�is paragraph as are recited in Attachnae�t E.
In addiiio�a to those Non-Discrimination px'ovisions found in Attachment E, Contractor, for itself,
its personal representatives, assigns, subContractors and successors in interest, as part of the consideration
herein, agrees that in the performance of Contractor's duties and obligations hereunder, it ,shall nat
discriminaie in the treatment or employment of any individual or group of individuals on any basis
Contractor Services Agreement
Noticas required pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement shalI be cozzclusively determined to
have been delivered when (1) hand-delivered to the otlaer party, its ageiits, employees, se�vants or
representatives, {2) delivered by electronic zneans with electronic confirmation of the transmission, or {3}
received by the othez' party by United States Mail, registered, return receipt requested, addressed as
City of Fort Worth
Atln: Project Manager's Name and TitIe
200 Texas Street
Fort Worth, TX 76102-6314
Facsi�nile: (817) 392-865�4
With capy to Foxt Worth City Attorney's Office at
sanae address
Contractor business name
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Phone: � ' - � �t" �'
Facsimile: _ � r— �-t - -
Email: _ _ _'���.�� � i�:�; -• -� -�
Neither City nor Contractox' shall, during the term of this 1lgreem�nt ar�d additionally for a period
of one yeair after its tennination, solicit for employmeni or exnploy, whether as employee or independent
CQntractor, any person who is or has bee�a eaapIoyed by the other during the term of thzs Agreement,
without the prior writte�t consent of the person's employer. Notwitbstanding the foregoing, this provision
shall �aot apply to an employee of either party wha independently responds to a general solicitatioz� o�
advertisement oi emplayment by eitiher party.
It is understood and agreed that by executio�a of this Ageement, City does not waive or surt'ender
any of i�s governm�ntal powers or immunities.
The failure of CiEy or Contractor to insist up�n the performance of any term or pravision of this
Agreement or to exercise any right granted herein shaIl not constitute a t�vaiver of City's or Contractor's
respective right to insist upon appropriate perfaz'mance ar to assert any such right on any future occasian.
This Agreement s�aall be construed in accordance with the la�vs af the �tate of Texas. If any
action, whether real or asserted, afi law or i�a equity, is brought pursuant to this Agrearr�ent, venue for such
action shall lie in state courts located in Tarrant County, Texas or the Uniied States District Court for the
Northern District af Texas, Fort Worth Division.
If any provision of this Agreernent is held fo be invalid, ilIegal or unenforceable, the validity,
Iegality a�d enfarceability of the remaining proviszons shall not in any way be affected or impaired.
Contractor Services Agreernent
City ar�d Coz�tractor shall exercise their best e��arts to meet their respective duties and
obligations as set forth in this Agreenn�ent, but shall not be held liable for any delay or omission in
performance due to force majeure or other causes beyond their reaso�aabte control, including, but not
limited ta, acts of the public enemy, fires, strikes, lockouts, nahu-al disasters, wars, riots, material or labor
restricfions by any govemmenial authority and/or any other similar causes.
Headings and titles used in this Agr�ement at'e far reference purposes only, shall not be deemed a
part of this Agreement, and are not tntended to deftne or limit the scope of any pro�ision of this
The parties acknowledge that each party and its counsel have had an oppa�uniiy to review and
revise this Agreem�ent a�d that the normal rules of construction� to the effect that any ambiguities are to be
resolved against the drafting party shall not be employed in the interpretation of this Agreement or its
No ainendment, modif cation, or e�tension of this Agreement shall be binding upon a party hereto
unless set forth in a written i�astirument, which is executed by an authorized representatiWe of each pa�-ty.
This Agreement, including its attachments, contains the er�tire understanding and agreement
between City and C�ntractor, their assigns and successors in znterest, as to the matters contained herein.
Any prior or contemporaneous oral or written agreement is hereby declared null and void ta the extent in
conflict witl� any provision �f this Agreefnent.
This Ageement may be executed in one or more counterparts and each cotanterpart shali, for all
puiposes, be deemed an arigi�al, but al� suc�t counterparts shall ioget�ter constitute one and the same
Contractor warrants t1�at its services will be oi a professional quality and conform to generally
prevailing i�dustry standards. City must give vvritten notice of any breach oi this warraz�ty within thirty
(30) days from the date thai the sex'vices are completed. In such event, at Coz�iractor's option, Contractor
shall eiiher (a} use cammercially reasonable efforts io re-perform the services in a manner that conforms
�c�vi�h the warrar�ty, or (b) refund the fees paid by City to Confiractor for the noncanfonning services.
Contractor warrants that it will perfortn all services under this contract in a safe, efficient and
lawful manner using industry accepted practices, and in full compliance �vith all applicable state and
federal laws gaverning its acrivities and is under no resiraint or order which would prohibit perfarmance
of services under this contract.
Contrackor Services Agreement
City actively supports the Iinmigratzon & Nationality Ac� {INA) which incIude,s pz'avisians
addressing employme�zt eligibility, employment verifiication, and z�ondiscrimination. Contractor shall
verii�y the identity and empIoyment eligibility of all employees who perform work under this Agree:txzent.
Contractor shall complet� the Employznent Eligibility Verification Form {T-9}, maintain phoiocopies of all
supporting eza�ployment eligibility and identity documeniation for all employees, and upon request,
provide City with copies of all T-9 forms and supporting eligibility documentation for each employee who
performs work undex' ihis Agreement. Contractor shall establish appropriate procedures and controls so
that na services will be performed by any employee �vho is not legally eligible to perform such services.
Contractor shall provide City with a cartification letter that it has complied wit� the verification
requirernents required by this Agreement. Contractor shall zndemnify City from any penalties or liabilities
due to violations of this provision. City shall �ave the right to immediately terminate ihis Agreet�aent for
violations of this provision by Contractor.
Contractor acknowledges that in accordance with Chapter 2270 of the Texas Government Code, the City
is prohibited from enterzng inta a contract with a company for goods or services unless the contract
cantains a written verification from the company that it: (1) does not boycott Israel; and (2) will �ot
boycott IsraeI during ihe term of the contract. The terms "boycott Israel" and "cornpatz�" sha11 have the
�neanings asciribed to those terms in Section 80$.Od1 af ihe Te�as Government Code. By signing fhis
cor�tract, Contractor certifies that Coniraetor's signature �rovides written verifcation to the Ciiy
that Contractor: (1) does not boycott Israel; and (�} will not boycott �srael during the tertn of the
City sha�l be ihe sole and exclusive owner oi a11 reparts, c�vork papers, procedures, guides, and
documentation, created, pUblished, displayed, and/or produced in conjunction with the services provided
under this Agreernent (collectively, "Work Product"). Further, City shalI be the sole and exclusive owner
of all copyright, patent, trademark, trade secret and other proprietary righfs in and to th� Work Product.
Ownership of the Work Product shalI inure to the benefit of City from the date of co�aception, creation or
iixation of the Wark Product in a tangible medium of e�pression (whichever occurs �irst). Each
copyrightable aspect of the Work 1'roduct shall be cansidered a"work-made-for-hire" wiihin the meaning
of the Copyright Act of 197b, as amended. If ar�d to fihe extent such Wor� Product, or any part thereof, is
not cot�sidered a"work-made-for-hire" within the meaning of the Copyright Act of 1976, as a�nne�aded,
Contractor hereby expressly assigns to City all exclusive right, title and intex'est in and to the Work
Product, and al� copies thereof, and in and to the copyright, patent, tradeinark, trade secret, and all other
pz'oprietary rights therein, that City may have or obtain, without furtl�er consideration, free from any
claim, lien for balance due, or rights of retention thereto on th� part of City.
Contractor certiiies that on the day wo:rk is to commenee under this contract, and during the duration of
the contraci, it shall �aave and maintain current valid and appropriate federal and state licenses ar�d permits
�ecessary for the provision oiservices under this contract.
Contractor Services Agreement
Contractar aIso certifies that if it uses any subcontractor in tihe performance of this agreement, that such
subcontracior shaIl have and nrzaintaitz current valid and appropriate federal and state licenses and permits
��ecessary for the p:ravisxon of services under this contract.
Contractor shall notify City's Praject Manager, in writing, of a compar�y nanae, ownership, or
adc�ress change fo;r tk�e purpose of maintaining tapdated City recards. The president of Contractor or
authorized official must sign the letter. A lettex' indicating changes in a company name og owners�aip must
be accompanied with supporiing IegaI documentation such as an updated W�9, docuznents filed with the
siate indzcating such change, copy of the board of director's resolution approving the action, or at�
executed merger or acquisitian agreemeni. Failure to provide the specifi�d docuzxze�tation so may
adversely impact futuz'e invoice payments.
The person signing this Ageement �aereby warrants �that he/she has the legai authority to execute
this Agreemeni on behaIf of the respective party, and that such binding authority has been granted by
proper order, resolution, ordinance or athex' authorization of the entity. This Agreement and any
amendment hereto, may bE executed by any authorized representative of Contractor whose name, title and
signature is ai��ed on the Verification of Signature Authoriiy Form, which is attached hereto as
Attachment D. Each party is fully entitled to rely an these warranties and representaiions in entering into
this Agreernent ar any az�endment hereto.
(signature page}�ollows}
Contractor Services Agreement
!-����DRIDIN�L�, the parties l��reio l�ave duly e�:ecufed fltis Ag��ee�nent ancl establisI�ed tl�e
Effecti�e Date as bei��g tke da#e subscribed i�y the City's c�esig»ated Assista��t City Managei•.
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AC��PTE�l AT�iI� A�R�+ �ID:
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Name: Dana B ghdoff�
TitIe: Assisfant Cif ai�M a ei•
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Name: Wiliiam 7ohnson .
Tit1e: TPW Director �
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Name: ' � - - ,f - - ..
Title: . �c�t.� �,-
Date: - �f ;� `� ,� �
Contractor 5ervices Agreement
By sigi-�ing I aclsnawIedge ihat I am the person
responsible %r the tnonito�•ing and
adminisftat�o�� of this cont�•act, incIudiug
ensLt�•ing ali pea•formance and repoi•ting
Name: Clhit Haovet•
T�t1e: Engineering Manager
Name: Douglas VV Black
Title: Sr. Assistant City Attorney
M&C: '
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Contractor Services Agreement
Contractor 5ervices Agreerrsent
T�CHNTCAT, & FUNCTIONAT.I2EQUI�MENT'S: Contractor shall provide all labor, material, supplies and equipment to
perform the required t�sks
T�A^� Nn � i�ntt ��t
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2 EA
5 �A
6 EA
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9 �A
10 EA
Contractor Services Agreement
city, state, zip
Execution af this Signatur�e Verification Form ("Form") hereby certifies that the following individuals
and/or positions ha�e the authority to legally bind Contractor and to execute any agreement, a�endxnent
ar char�ge order on behalf of Co�atractor. Such binding authority has been granted by proper order,
t'esolution, ardinance or other authorization of Contractor. City is fully entifled to rely on fihe warranty and
representatior� set %rth in this Form in eniering inta any agreernent or az�end�ent �with Contractor.
Contractor will subznit an updated Farm within ten {10) business days if there are any changes to the
signatory authority. City is entitIed to rely on any current executed �'orm until it r�ceives a revised Foz'm
t�iat has been properly executed by Contractor.
1. Name:
2. Narzze:
3. Name:
Szgnature af President / CEO
Other Title:
Contractor Services Agreement
Contractor Services Agreement
_r�v w_r.•.�y� r.�� � ��r r_�
Contractor 5ervices Agreement
M&C Review
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DATE: 4161202� REFERENCE NO.: *�M&C 21-0244 LOG NAIViE;
Page 1 of 3
Official site of the Ciry of Fort Worth, Texas
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SU�JECT: (CD 2, CD 4, CD 5, and CD 9) Authorize an Agreerrzent wifh Bean Efectrical, Inc., in an
Amount Up to $1,338,828.00 for an lnitial Two-Year Terrn with Thre� One-Year Renewals
�ach in an Amounf Up to $669,414.00 for Project Management and Assessments for
Sfreet Light Instalfation Serviees and LED Conversions (2018 Bonc� F'rogram}
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It is recommended that the City Counc�l aufhorize the execution of an agreement with Bean Eiectrical,
Inc., in an amo�ant not to exceed $1,338,828.00 for an initial two-year term for project manage�nent
and assessrnents and task order constructian services for street iight installation and LED
con�ersions - areas one and four with three, one-year options �o renew �ach in an amounf up #o
$669,414.00 annually.
As the City lighting system ages, the need for lighting system infrasfructure impro�ement becomes
more urgent. The City cu�rently maintains o�er 67,000 street lights for community con�enience,
safety, and to ass�st emergency responders. Appro�al of this Mayor ar�d Council
Communicatian (M&C) wiEl authorize the award of a contract to #acilitate street lighting upgracles in
selected neighborhoods.
On August 29, 2017, the City autharized M&C P-12092 far the Sfreet �ight �nergy Sauings Pilot
Program ir� southeast Fort Warth bounded by �nterstate Highway 30 {North), East Loop 820 (East},
Interstate Highway 20 (South}, ancf Intersfate Highway 35 (West). Southeas# Fart WortF� was selected
for the pilot praject after staff worked with the State Energy Conser�aiion Office ar�d identifed
locat�ons of the highest energy consuming street fights in the City. The �ilofi project impro�ed the
lighting conditions and con�er�ed over 3,400 street lights to LED f�ures.
In a continuation of the work begun in the pilot project, staff issued a Request For Proposals (RF'P) for
the Proj�ct Manag�m�r�t and Assessments for 5treef Light lnstallatian Services and LED Con�ersions
based on an analysis com�leted i� Fall 2098 af neighbarhood lighting sysiems. The analysis included
an e�aluation of energy consumption, iighfiing condifiior�s, and lighting uni�ormity.
An RFP was ad�erkised in t�e Fort Worth Star-Telegram on Wednesday, February 'E 3, 2019, February
20, 2019, February 27, 2D19, March 6, 2019, anc! March 27, 2Q19 seeking c�uafifed contractors to
perform this wark. The e�aluation fac#ars included company qualifications and exper�ence,
references, quality of proposer's eguipment and materiafs, project schedule, including tearn a�aifabifity
and cost. The proposals receir��d wer� r�vi�wed by an �valuation committ�e consisting of sta�f from
the Trans�artatian and P�blic Works Departrnent and Economic Developmenf Departrnent. The #irst
two contracts co�ering areas 2 and 3, were awarded to Bean �iectrical, Inc. City Secretary No. 5345�
and 5345� CA-� and Citelum US, Inc. City Secretary Na. 53376 {M&C 99-0286) as an outcame of
�roposal eualuations by an evaluaffon commi#tee. Each of these vendors was going to be awarded
th� thi�d and fourth contracts, for areas 1 and 4, as workloads permitted. In April, 2020, Citelum US,
Inc. notified the City #hat it was unable to perform ifs obligatio�s due to fha COVfE7-19 pandernic.
Cifelum US, �nc. assigned its contract to Bean E�ectrical, Inc. with the City's consent. Bean Electrical's
work in areas 2 and 3 is in progress. This M&C wili award areas 1 and 4 to Bean Electrical, Inc.
The purpose of the proj�ct management and ass�ssments for street light insfallatio� ser�ices and LED
con�ersions project is to install new poles, arms, wires, and LED lights in �esidential neighborhoods.
http://apps.cfi�et.oxg/council�acket/�xac_revxew.asp?ID-2$794&couzacilda�e—�/6/2021 �/12/2021
M&C Review
The project wilf also update the City asset management artd geospatial records with assessment and
instalfation documentation for ncw str��t light assets.
TF�e project managernent and assessments for street light installation services and LED con�ersions
�roject divides t�e City ir�to four distinct areas as fol�ows:
Area # of # of �ights
�escription �ights in 751%
Laap 820, RR Tracks/Deen/IH--35W,
� Nor�hside Drive, Jacksbaro 103$ 964
Highway/City Limit
Loop 820, Beach 5#reet/Cify
2 LimitllH-3�, Henderson, Northside 1,018 786
D ri�e
City �imit Line, Randol Mill Road,
3 Trinity Blvd, Precinct Line Raad, 93� 188
Beach Streef
4 IH-30, City L.imit �.ine, E. Rosedale 702 297
Stre�t, Laop 820
�Total # of Lights 3,6$9 2,235
The 2018 Bond Program autl�oriz�s the issuance of bonds for street lighting impro�ements for
$10,OQO,OOO.aO. This project is included ir� the 20�8 Bond Program. A�ailable resources within the
General Fund will be used to pro�icle interim financing until debt is issues. Onc� debt associated with
the project is sold, bonc! proceeds wilf reimburse �the General Fund in accordance with the staternenf
expressing official Intent to Reimburse thaf was adopted as part of the ordinance can�assing the bond
�I�cfiion (Ordinance No. 23209-05-20�8) and subsequent actions taken by the Mayor and Council.
Bean �lectrica! is in compliance with ti�e City's BD� Ordinance by committing to 71% MBE
participation on these �rojects. Ti�e City's MBE goal on these projects is 71%.
The Directar of Finance certifies that funds are a�ailable in the current capita! budget, as previously
appropriated, in the 2D18 Bond Program F�nd for the Street �.T Inst & L.�D Cnv project to support the
approval of the above recomm�ncfation and execution of th� agr�em�nt. Prior to any expenditure
beir�g incurred, the Transportation and Public Works Department has the responsEbility to ualidafe the
avai[ability of funds.
Page 2 of 3
Department Account Project Program Activify Budget Reference # Amount
ID ID Year (Chartfield 21
und �p'Dment Account ProO ct
Program Aciivity Buc�get Reference #
Year (Chartfield 2j
Dana Burghdoff (8018)
William Johnson (7801)
Subrnitted for City �anaqer's Office b1r:
Originating Depart�nent Mead:
�dditional Information Contact;
Tanya Brooks (7561)
http://apps.cfwnet.org/council_packet/mc�review.asp?ID=28794&councildate=4/6/2021 4/12/2021
M&C Review
Page 3 of 3
http://apps.cfi�et.org/council�acket/mc review.asp?ID=28794&councildate=4/6/2021 4/12/2021
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� for
RFP No. Z9-0080
Xssued: Pebruaxy 13, 2019
�*�x*** Thursday. March ZR. 20i9 hv i:3bPM T,ocal Time x**X***
RFSPON�F,� �HA�T. RF,17i�:7�i'Vl+REll Tn: �{ ,SF_ PON�FS ��AT�RF MAii,F� Tn:
FORT WORTH, `�'EXAS '76102-63 T 4 FORT WORTH, TEXAS 761 D2-63 l 4
Pre-Proposal Confer�nce shall be held: ` NAME AND ADDI7ESS OF COMPANY
Tuesday, Maxch 12, 2019, 10:00 A.M. (Local Tz�rx�e) , at �UBMITTING PROPO�r�L:
SOO I 7ames Avenue, �'ort Worth 76 � 15, in the Training
Canference Room
�heila Balcer, Purchasing Supervisor
sheila.bakerCu7FortWorthTexHs.�ar Tit1e:
�:�***�x�**�*��*���x��M��*�x*�*�x*��*�**�*�*�*�**:x*�: Fhone: � )
Sheila Baker, Purchasing Buyer Email:
P�rchasing Division
�00 Tegas Street, Lower Levei Signature:
Fart Warth, Texas 76102-631� Frinted Name:
ShalI contract be available for Cooperaiive Agreement use? (See Section 27, page 7) Yes No
Acknawledgment ofAdaenda: #1 #2 - #3 #� #5
Request for Propasals
City of k'ort Worth (City) is requesting proposals for non�e�clusive contractor services agreeinents
{"Services Agreemezai"} for �5raject manag�menti, ,assessments and street light instaXIatzon services,
incIuding LED conversions, for �the City of Fo�ri Worth Transportation and Public Works (TPW}
Department's Traffic Management Division. The successiul proposer(s) wi�l thase firms that provide
the best vaIue to TPW for these services ..
Each Services Agreement wiIl iae for an initial one-year perzod wit�a up to faur optional renewals.
The success£ul proposers' projeci work areas (as outlin�d beiow) wi�l be assigned to successful
proposers by the Traffic Manageznent Division and task orders will be issued by tkze TrafFc
Manag;emer�t Division for worlc vvithin each vvorl� area.
The City's overaIl first-year projeci budget is $4,200,000.00. Renewals vvill be subject to
subsequently appz'opriated iunds.
�.,. :
1 1lI _�► 1 "i'� ;
1.1 One {1) original, faur (4) copies and one (1) U�B flash drive of all Offer documents shatI
ba submit�ed in sealed packag�s. .Proposer's name and address should be marked on the
ouiszde af the envelope. Racsimile transmittals or offers communicated by telephone wiil
not be accepted or considered. Praposal information that is not submitted in seaIed
packages wi21 not be considered.
1.2 Mai� o�Deli+�er I2es�onse5 to the �ollowing Address:
City of Fart Worth
Purchasing Division
200 Texas Street, Lower Level Fort Worth,
Te�as 76102
1 ! _ -\� ' f ' : 1_' �--� -
ProposaIs must be received in the City of Fort Worth's Purchasing Division no later than 1:30
p.m., March 28, 2019. The submitting Proposer is responsible for the means of deliveringthe
proposals to the location listed in paragraph 1.2 on time. Delays due io any instrumentalityused
fo transmit the Proposals including deIay occasioned by the Proposer or the City of Fort Worth's
interrial mailing system vrill ba the responsibility of t�Z� Propos�r. Proposals must be coxnpieted
and deIivered in sufficieni iime to avoid disqualification fox lateness d�e ta diificulties in
deIivery. The iime and date stamp clock in City o�Fort Worth {Ciiy} �'tarchasing Divzsion ist�ae
official clock for determining whether si.zbmittals are submitted timely. Late Proposal
documenis will not be accepted under anj� circu�nnstances.
1 "�': :: ►I �:►/-=- -!►
3.1 If a Proposer does not dasir� proprieiary informarion in the Propasal �o be disclosed, it is
required to ideniify a�i prop:rzeta�ry in.£orznation i� the �':roposaI. This zdentz�cation wilIbe
done by individually markzng each page wiih the words "Proprietary Information° on
which such proprietary inforzaaatzon is found. If th� �'ropos�r faiIs to identify proprietary
RFP No. 19-0080,
Project Managemant and Assessmer�ts for Street Light Installation Serv�ces and LED Conversions
Page 2 af 12
in�arrnatifln, it agrees that by submission of ifs Propasal thati �ose sec�ions shall be deemed
non-proprietary and made available upon pubIic request.
3.2 , Proposers are advised that the Ciiy, �o the extent permitted by law, wili protect the
canfden�iality a�F iheir Proposals. �'roposer shall consider the �mplications af the Texas
Public �forAaaatzo�a Act, particularIy a�'t�r th� RFP process has ceased and the Contract
ha.s been awarded. While there are provisions in the Texas Public In%rmation Act to protect
pz'aprietary information, urhera the Proposer can meet certaan evideniiary standards, please
be advised tha# a determination on whether those standards have been met will not be
decided by the City of Fort Warth, but by the Office of the Attax�ey Genezal oi �he Siate
of Texas. In ihe event a requesi for public inforination is made, the City vt+zll notify the
Froposer, who may the� request an opinion from the Attorney General pursuant ta 552.305,
Texas Government Code. The City will not make a request of the Attorney Gex�e:ral.
��1/' �► �- -` � �
Information presented �n fhe . PropQsaIs will be used to evaluate the professianal
qualifications of the Proposer(s) and to determine the Proposal(s) vvk�ick� wilI be selec�ed to
provide pro%ssional services to the City.,
Responses shall be completed in accorc�ance with the requirements of this RFP. �tatements
made by a�'raposer shall be wit.�out ambiguiiy, and with adequate elaboration, where
necessaz`y, �o:r clear undersianding.
Propo�als shall be Iimited to a maximum of twenty (20) 8-1/2" X i 1" pages (one side
o�aly and z�citiding cover letter} using a�ont szza x�o smaller than 1 i point and one inch
z� argins.
. : �_►._t ►!� : ► '� 1_ _► 1 :
5.1 Any explanaiion, clari�caiion, Rar interpre�aiion desired by a Proposer regarding any part
of this RFP shall be request�d from. SY�eila Baker, Senior Buyer, at feast 15 days prior fo the
published subxnission. deadline; as referenced zn Section 2.0 of this RFP.
5.2 Zf ihe City, in its sole discretion, deterrnines tl�at a claxification is required, s�zch ciarification
shall be issued in writing. Interpretations, correctiorzs ar chaz�ges to ihe RFP n�ade in any
other �nanner other than writing are not binding upon the City, and �'roposers shall nat rely
upon such interpretations, correc#ions or changes. Ora1 exp�anations or ix�stz-uctions given
before the award of the Contract,are n,ot binding.
Raquests for explanaiions or clai•ifications may be faxed to the City of �'ort Worth at (817)
392-5��0 or emailed ta sheiia,baker�a,fortwarthrexas.�_ Emails and Faxes mtist clearIy
identify the RFP Number and Tit1e. .
Any interpretations, corrections or changes to this RFF will be made by addendum. Sa1e
issuing authority of addenda shall be vesied in the Ciiy of Foi�t Warth Purchasing Division.
Proposers shall acI�owZedge receipt of all add�nda wi�Iun the responses.
ItFP No. I9-0080,
Project Management and Assessments for Street Light Instaflation Ser�ices and L�D Con�ersions
Page 3 of 12
A representative of the company may withdraw a Proposal at any time ,�2riar to the RFP
submissian deadline, upon presentation of acceptable identificatio�. as a reprasentative ofsuch
I . _ : 1 � / ► -�-6-' -
7.1 Zt is �x�derstaod that the City reserves the right to accept or rejeci any and all Proposals
and ta re-solicit for Proposals, as it shall deem to be rn the Uest zntez'ests of the City of
Fort Worth. Receipt and consideration of any Proposals sha1l ut�dez� no circurnsiances
obligaie the City of Fort Worth ta accept any Proposals. If an award af cpntract is made, it
shall be made to the respons�ble Proposer whose Proposal is determined ta b� the best
evaluated offer �aking into consideratinn the reIative importance of the evaluatzon factors
set forth zn the R�'P. `
7.2 The Czty reserves the right fo a�+ard a sitagte contract or muliiple contrac�s by section
listed in the Scope of Worlc.
'7.3 Tentative Schedule of Events
RFP Release Date �`ebruaty 13, 2019
�'ee-Proposal Conference Tuesday, March I2, 2019, i0:00 AM (C�T)
DeadIine for Questions � March IS, 2019; 5:OQ 1'M (LocaI Tztxze) Proposals
D�e Date .- March 28, 2019, 1:30 PM {Loca1 Time)
Evaluation of Proposals March 28, 2019 through ApriI, 2019
Notice �o Proceed (Anticipa�ed} June 2019
� � ' : � i i- � � = �'
Proposer acknowIedges that by st�bmi�izxg the �'z'aposal, Proposer ma.kes an offer that, if accepted
in wk�oIe oz' part by the City, cons�it�.tes a valid and bznding contract as to any and aI� items accepted
in �+riting by the City. The period of acceptance o�propasa�s is one h�ndred and eighty
(180) calendar days from the date of opening, unless the Proposer note,s a differentperiod.
' I : .-- � _II_ _` ! �,
The City of Fort Worth is exempt from Fec�eral Excise and State Sale T�; therefore, fa� must not
be included in any cont�'aci t�at may be awarded from this RFF.
I I �_ _ 1► l�: 1►' .�'l�FI�Cl�
All costs direct�y ar indirec�Iy related to preparation oi a response to the RFP or any oral
presentation z'�quired to supplerztezat aixd/or cla rify a Proposals which may be required by the City
sha�l be the sole responsibility of and sha1� be borne by the participatingProposers.
I � i �►
The City reserves �he right to negotiate all elemenis that corr�prise the successfuf Vendor's
response to ensure that the besi possible cansideration be afforded io allconcerned.
I[ �. 1��1)►Y.11:7[�Jf_11-hCK�J_311Ja7r Y_[IJ►1
RFP No. 19-0080,
Project Management and Assessments for 5tre�t Light (nstaElatian 5er�ices and LED Conversions
Page 4 af I2
The canirac� documents shail include the RFP, the Response to the RFP, the City's Access Network
Agreement (Aitachment B to this RFP) and such other terms and conditions as the pat-�ies
may agree.
\f► _►II��--1/�
If a Praposal is accepted, the successfu� Offerors, �erei�after "Vendor," s�all not is,sue a�ay z�ews
releases or other statements pe:rtaining io the award or se�•�ricing a� tk�e ageeeznent �haf state or
imply the City of Fort Worth's endarsemeni of the s�7ccessful �'ropasez''s sex`vices.
I� I J�� .�_t __1 _f�/1Ulii !►
After rel�ase of this solicitation, Proposers' contact regarding this RFP with �embers of the RFP
evaluat�on, interview or selecfion panels, erripIoyees of the City or ofFcials of tlie City ather than
tla� Purchasing Manager, the Minority and Business Enterprise (MBE} Office, or as otherwise
indicated is prohibited and may result in disqualification from this procuremeni process. No officer,
empioyee, agent or representative of tk�e Proposers sha11 ha�e any contact ar discussion, verbal or
written, with any members af the Gzty Co�ncil, zzaernbers of ihe R�'P evaluat�on, intervi�w, or
seIection panels, City sta�� or Cify's Vendors, ar directly or inci.irectly through of.hers, seek ta
influence any City Council me�ber, City staff, or City's Vendors regarding a.ny matters perYaining
to this soZicitatian, e�cept as herein provided. If a representative of any Proposers violates the
foregoing prohibition by contacting aa�y of the above Iisted parties with whom contact is not
authoriz�d, such contact may result in the Proposers being disqualified from the procurement
process. Any oraI corx�munica�ions are cDnsiderad uzlofficial and non�binding wiih regard to ihis
RF1'. �
1 ':�'f.: �►':.i
15.1 An evaluation committee will evaluate the respanses to this Rec�uest fflr Proposals, may
inierview one or rriore frms, and may recomrnend o��e or more firms to the. Selection of
a�rm may be made without discussion with Proposers after offers are received.
Proposals should, therefore, be submittec� on the mosi iavorable terms.
15.2 Tkze City's eva.Iuation panel wi1l review aIl responsive submittaIs and seiect the best
evaluated offers for further interview.
15.3 The City an�icipates selecting Praposer(s} that will be recaxzzzne�ded �ar award o� a cantract
to provide the requested professiozaal services io ihe City of �'art Worth.
15.4 The City reserves th� rzgl�t to re� ect ar�y or a11 proposals.
f 1 ':�'i. ��- 1 �.
16. i Cost of Service -- 20 poiuts available
16.2 References - 10 points available
1 b.3 Qualifications & Experience - 25 �aoints: availa�ale
16.4 Quality of Proposer's Equipxaaent and Mat�rzals - 25 points available
1b.51'roject Schedule, Including Team Availabiliiy, - 20 points avaiIab�e
RFP No. 19-0080,
Praject Managemeni and Assessments for Street Light Installation Services and LEQ Conversions
Page 5 of �2
The Vendor rnay not asszgn its rights ar duties u�der an award without the priar wriiten conseni
of tI�e City o� �`art �il'orYh. Such consent shall nof relieve ihe assignor o� liability i�. the �vent of
defauIt by its assignee.
; � : _: � : - � : 1 u .Yy [�]`►T.�
The Vendor wiil not be allowed to take aclvantage of any errors or omissions in this RFP. Where
ej•rors or omissions appear in t1�is R�'�'; the Vendor sha11 promptly notify the City of Fort Worth
Purchasing Division in writi�g n� such error ar omission it d'zscovars. Any significant errors,
omissions ox' ix�consistenczes in this RF1' are to be reported na later t}�an. 7(7) days before iime for
tT�e RFP response zs to be submiited.
' I :Il �: _ �►
19.1 If this award results in a con#xaet, it sha11 remain in effect until contract expires, delivery
and acceptance of products andlor performance of services ordered or terminated by the
City with a thirty {3 0) day written notice prior to cancellation. In the event of termination,
ihe Ciiy of Fort Wo�rth rescxves the rzght to award a contraci to next Iowest and best
Vendoz' as zt dee�tns to be in the best interest o�'the City of Foz-t Worih.
19.2 Further, the City of Fort Worth may cancel this contrac# without expense to the City in
ihe event that iunds have not been appz-opriat�d for expenditures under this contract. The
City of Fort Warti� will return any delivered but unpaid goods in normai condition to the
I --�1_/ ►: _ �► : 1I l_ . :_►1 -_► _��
Right to Assurance. Whenever the City has reasan to questian the Vendor's intent ta perforna, the
City znay demand that the Vendor(s) give written assurance of Vendor's inte�t to per�oxzn.. In the
event a demand is made, and no assurance is given within ten (10) calendar days, the City �aay
treat this failure as an anticipatory repudiation of the contract.
I .:► !'_l.��
No oral statement of any person shall modify ar otherwise change or af'fect i�e terms, condi�iqns or
speci�ications stated in the resulting contract. All change orders to the conkract wiIl be znade in
�+ri#ing by the City of Fflrt Woi-�h's Financial Management Services Depart�nent and signed by
both parties. Change orders must be'prior` approved by the Fort Worth City Council when tihe
amount exceeds $50,000.00.
►[ r�I��L�1►U.�1
The agreement(s} w�iIl be gover�zed and construed according to the laws of ihe State of Texas.
The agreerx3�nt(s) is {are} performab�e in Tarrant County, Texas. Ve�ue shaIl lie exclusively in
Tarraaat County, Texas.
1 �/�1 __ l-�I IC�7� 1►fly-�!_:��s'�I �
RFI' No. 19-0084,
Project Management and Assessments for Street �ight Installation 5er�ices and L.�R Conversions
Page 6 of I2
No public official sha11 have intez'est i�. this c�ntract, in accordance with Vernon's Texas Codes
Anuotated, LocaI Government Cod� Titl� 5, Subtztled C., Chapter 171.
► � I ► _ �: : ►
The Vendar shalI carry insurance in the types and amounts for the duration of this agree�ea�t as
lisfed in the ProfessionaI Services Agreement, At#achment E to this ItFP, and furnish ceztificat�s
of insuraaZce along with copies of policy declaration pages and policy endorsements as evidence
I ,► _z: ► ta_► s►1 _�►li__ !a.
25.1 All services shall be provided in accordance with applicable requirements and ardinances of
the City of Fort Worth, laws of the State of Texas, and appIicable federal Ia.vvs.
25.2 The Contract{s) awarded from this RFP shall be executed for a two-year inifial ferz� �vith
three {3) one-year options to renew at the Ciiy's sole discretion.
� � I U � ►_ 1! : _ . ► ►Y_- ` ' : . �_'_a � � ►
�U�1��SS �lV��SIiY_�iVi�RPRiS� {B��j OfZDIAlr41�C� �ROVISIOAl:
The City of Fort Woz�h izx�plemented tkze Business Dzvexsiiy Eniezprise (BDE) Ordinance to
reflecfi th� Ciiy's availability and disparity study finc�ings. Aii proposers shall note that it is
the poiicy of tk�e Cziy to ensure the fiz11 and equitable participaiion of Mizaority Susiness
Enterprises {MBEs) in the procurement af services $50,000 or more. This Reques� for
Proposal consists of a MBE goal.
Tl�e Minority Eusine�� Enferprise (1VIBE) diverse goaI is 7%.
The information sha11 be submitted �viih the proposal and shalI includc:
� Tne carnpany name, address, point of contact, email address, of�ce and fax telephone
numbers af the MBE subcantractars and suppIiers;
p A detai�ed descripiion of ihe wozk to be performed or supplied by each MBE;
� The tier level, i.e., Ist, 2°�, 3r�, eic. {if other ihan 15t tier, the plan must clearly identify tk�e
f rm name and taex frozn whorn the MBE f rm will be receiving payment)
� The sub-contract value or percentage of vvork for each MBE participant;
� State f.he MEE pezcentage Ieve� of connzx3ztnaen.t achieved; and
m�'rovide fihe same idenii�cation information far all non-MBE participants
Xt is impo�ant to note that only MBE subcontractors and suppliers �at perform a
commercially useful functio�z zx�ay count towards the 7% MBE c�iverse goal. If ihe
Pz'oposer is certified as a DSE, MBE, SBE ar WBE �rm, it is not permissible i:o count itseif
or iis s�bsidiary-owned conapan�es towards the established goaI; the goal represents
subconiractfng opportunrties.
A�'P No. 19-0080,
Project Management and Ass�ssmer�ts for 5treei Light Installation Ser�ices and LED Conversians
Paga 7 of 12
Proposers m�rs� obtain MBE listings £roria the City of Fort Wo�h's M/WB� Office at {817)
342-2674 or email mwbeoffice �fbt�worthtexas. Q�'. This wiIi ensure that 1'roposers are
acknowledging MBE firms currently certifed by the North Cenfx�al Te�as Regional
Cer�ification Agency {NCTRCA) and D/FW Minority �upplier De�reIopment CounciI (D/FW
MSDC) or other cerfiifying agencies that the City may deem appropriafe and aceepied by the
City of Fort Worth at ihe iime proposals are submitted, in order for �he participation to be
counted towa�'ds ihe estabiished diverse goal. The frms must be locafied in the City's si� 6
countv geagraphic markeiplace thai includes ihe counties of Tarrant, Da�las, Denton,
J"ohnson, Park�r and Wise. Alsa note if a firm is DBE certified that reflects minority
ovvnership and meets the criteria's stated, it may couni iowards the goa1.
Tf an Offeror {xegaxdless of certificafion status or if a non-D/MIW/MBE}, however, forms a
joint vanture �c�vrth one or more MBE,s, the MBE joint venture percentage participation will be
counted toward.s fhe established gaal. The ap�ropriate Cit,y o�Fort Warth Joint Venture form
must be submitted for reviev✓ and approvaI zn order for it to be counted. The City of ForE
Worth strongly encourages join� veniures. .
Xf O�feror failed to rneet iha siated MIBE goal, in part or in whole, then a detailed explanation
�nust be subzx�itied to explain fhe Good and Honest Efforts your firzxz z�nade to secure MBE
railure to submit the MBE participation informaiion or f11e detailed expIanation of fihe
proposer's Good and Honest Efforts to rn�e� or exceed �he stated MBE gaal, may render tk�e
proposal non-responsive.
The NIBE commit�rrienti vvill be part of �he final vveighted selection criteria.
I � f �_ 3 : :V�►f1�=�11:T�1-� [�.y1►[!�
27.1 Snou�d other governxnental entities decide to participate in this contrac#, Proposers, sha�l
indicate in their proposals whether #hey agree that aIl terms, conditions, specification, and
pricing would appiy. '
272 Xf the successfuI Proposer agrees to extend the resulting contract to other gaver�aaental
entities, the folIowing will apply: Governmental entities within utilizing Contracis wit�
the City of Fort Worth will be eligible, but not obligated, ta purchase matexial/sex`vic�s
under t�is contract(s) awaxded as a result of this solicitation. All purchases by governmenta,l
entities other than the City of Fort Worth will be btlled directly to that governmental
entity ar�d paid by �hat gov�rrz;raaental eniity. The Cit}r ofFort Worih wiIl not be responsible
for another gover�amenta.l entity's debts. Each gavernmentaI entiiy w211 order its own
material/sexvices as needed.
RFP No. 19-0080,
Project Management ancf Assessments forStreet Light Installation Services and LED Co�versions
Page 8 of 12
AlI payment terms sha11 be "Net 30 Days" unless otherwise specified in thepraposal.
28.1 Service provider sha11 invoice no more frequently than manthly for services pxovided.
28.2 Ix�voices shalI he submitted to the City depariment tk�at oz-dered and received #he services
28.3 �uccessful pz�oposez's are encauraged to z�egister for Automated Clearing House (ACH}
direct deposit payments prior to providing goods atzd/or services using the forms posted on
the Ciiy vvebsite at ht�p://fortwortlltexas,gov/putchasin�/
The successfitI Proposer is required to complete online and notarize the Certi�eate of
Interesfed Parties Form 1295 and the form sha1I be submiited to the Purchasing contact
listed in the solicitation hefoz'e the purc�ase/cox�tact shall be presented to the City Council.
Formtobecomplete.cl at https://v►Twrv.ethic�.state.tx.t�s/r�vhatsnew/eli infc form1295.hhn.
II .:► 1►_�11':� ►._II_�:f�►_._�'r
The Cantractar shaT1 no�ify the City's PUrchasing Manager, in writing, of a company name,
ownership, or address cI�zazage fo:r the p�rpqse of :rnaintaining upda�ed City records. The president
of the co tx�pany or a.u�arized official shaIl sign the �etter. A letter in�dica�ing changes in a company
name or owners�ip sha.il be accompanied wi�h supporting leg;a� documentation such as an updated
W-9, dacurnents �led with the state indicating such change, copy of ihe board of c�irector's
resolut�an approving the action, ar an executed merger or acquisitio� agxeement. Failure io do so
z�ay adversely impact future invoice payments.
37..p ��:`nPE_O�-�F,RVICE�
See Attachmen� C
� ' 1 ► _ _ � : 1/ : � 111 � ' � ►
See c�ttachment D
_ � 11 II_ _ ►
RFP No. 19-0080,
Project Management and Assessments for Street Light instal�ation Services and LED Conversians
�age 9 o:F l2
1► - - �- -�- -�- - �- �_ :__ :._! I_� U_►
Fursuant to Chapter 176 of the Laca1 Gavez'nme�t Cade, any person or agent of a persan who
contracts or seeks to contract for the sale or purchase of praperty, goods, or services with a local
governmental entity (z.e. The C�ty o£ �'ort Worth) �rrzust disclose in tiie Quesiionnaire Form CIQ
{"Questionnaire") the pexson's af�Iiatzo� or busi�aess relationship that might cause a conflict of
inierest �c�vith the local goverr�men#al entity. ByIaw, the Questionna�re must be �'iled with the Fort Worth
City Secretary no Iater than seven days after the date the person begins contraci discussions oz'
negotiations with the City, or submits an applicai�on or response to a request for proposals or bids,
correspondence, or another writing related to a�otential agreement with the City. Updated
Ques�iannaires must be filed in conformance with Chapter 17b.
A copy oithe Questiannaire Fo:rm CIQ is enclosed vvi�h tI�e submittal docuzzaents. The form is
also available athttn://wr�vw.ethiec.state.tx.uc/fnrmR/f.'in� df,
Iiyou �a�e any questians about compliance, please consult your own legal coutlsel.
Compliance is the individuaI responsibility of each person or agent of a person who is subject
io the £iling req�irement. An offense under Chapter 176 is a CZa�s C misdemeanor.
IZFP No. 19-a080,
Project Management and Assessments for Street Light Installation Ser�ices and LED Con�ersions
Page 14 of 12
For vendor ox other person doing business with locaI governmen#al entify
This questionnaire is being filed in accordance with chapter T76 oftheLocal Daie Recaived
Government Code by a person doing business with the governmental entity.
By law this questio�naire �x�ust be filed with tl�e reco�•ds administrator afthe
local goveinment not tatez t.han the 7th buszness day after the date the person
becomes aware o�facts tl7at rec�uire the statement to be filed. See Sec�ion
176.006, Local Ga'verntnent Code.
A person commits an offense if the person violaies Section ] 76.006, Local
Government Code.
An offense tlnder this section is a Class C misdemeanor.
1. Name of person doin� basiness with local gvve�rn�nental entity.
❑ Check tl�is box if you are filing an update io a previously �led questionnaire.
(The law requiies that you file an updated completed questio��naire with the appt�opriate fllingauthai•ify
not Iater than September 1 of the year for which an ac�ivity described in 5ection 176.006(a), LocaI
Governtnent Code, is pending and not later than the 7th business day after the dafe the originallyfiled
questiomlaire becames incomplete or inaccurate.}
3. Describe each af�liation or busiqess relationship with an enr�ployee or contractor of thelocal
goverumental entity who m a#es recom�nendations tio a�ocaI government of�cer of the local
governnnen�tai entity r�vith respect to exp�nditur� of money.
4. Describe each af#'ilia#ion ow business relatianship wfth a person ravho xs a localgovernment
of%cer and who appoinfs or employs a Iocal government ofiicer of the Iocal gavernntentalentity
that is the subject af this questionnaire.
RI`P No. 19-0080,
Project Management and Assessments for 5treet l.ighi Installation Ser�ices and L�D Conversions
Page ll of i2
For vendor or other persan doiug business with local governmentaIen�ity Page 2
- -- - . . . . . ... -�-----...---
5. Name af loca! government offccr with whom fler has affiliation ar businessreiationship.
(Cam�plete this section anly if ihe answer to A, B, or C is YES.)
This sectian, item 5 including subparts A, B, C& D, must be coinpleted for each offcez• �with whonnthe
fler has affiliafion or bUsiness relatiansliip. Attach additioiial �ages ta this �`orm CTQ asnecessaxy.
A. Is the �ocal government officer named in #his section receiving or lilcely to receive t�ableincome
from the filer of tlie c�uestionnaire?
� Yes � No
B. Is tI�e filer of fihe questionnaire recei�ing or likely ta receive t�able income from or at the direction
of tI�e local gover.nment officer named in fhis section AND ihe taxable iucoine is not from the Iacal
govez-z�x�ea�tal entity?
� Yes � No
C. Is the filer of this questionnaire affiliated with a corporation or other business entity that �11e local
government officer serves as an officer or directar, or holds an ownership of 10 percent ormore?
� Yes � No
D. Describe each aff'iliation or business relationsIup.
6. Describe any other af�lia�ion or business rela�ianship that might cause a conflict ofinterest.
Signature of person doing business wifh the goveriiinental entity Date
RFP No. I9-0080,
project Management and Assessmer�ts for Street l.ight Installation Services and L�D Co�versions
Page 12 of 12
� � � � � — -
Addendum No. 1
Request for Pro�osal (RF'P}: 49-Q080
Proposal due/Proposal Oper�ing date: March 28, 20'i9
Dafie Issued: March 22, 2019
Addendum Na. 9, dafed March 22, 2019 is hereby amended to incorporafe in fufl text the following
Herewith a#tached clarificatian �equesfi recei�ed from the proposers and City's response, as Exhibit A.
All other terms and conditions remain tf�e same.
. %��� �
�,C� � ,.�--�
b .Cyr�th'ra Garcia, Assistant Director
By ihe signature afifixed belaw, AdclencEum Na. 1 is hereby incorparat�d into and made par� of the aba�e
referer�cecE RFP.
�l07E: Com�any name and signature must f�e the same as on the c�t�ofatiort documen#s,
Failure to refiurn this form witi� your seafed bid may constitu#e grounds for rejectian of your off�r.
19-Q08Q, RFP�l��D
Addendum No. 1, Pa�e � of 5
Exhibif A
C�arification_Requesfi Received from fihe Praposers artd CiiV's Response
Could TPW provide Sp�c Sh�ets a�ailabl� for barrier free ramp type R-'I, U-1, M-'l, M-2, M-3, P-
1, P-2, G1, C-2, G3? ? A1 — The barrier free ramp line ifems will be removed from th� bid
fabul�tion document. However, City S#andards are a�ailable yia the City of Fort Worih website
{httuJlfortwortF�texas.go�/tpw/contractorsn Standards and Detail Drawings section.
2. The scope of work calls for #2 str XHHN to be used on th� project. The Exce! file for �anit pr�ces
calls for #6 Dupfex HO insulated, ##6 TrEplex HO insulated, #10 insulated. Could TPW specify
what wire is to be used? A2 -- iNr� type� to be used are: 3441.1402 Furnish/lnstall NO � Duplex
OH insulated Electrica� Conductor, LF; 3449.14Q3 Furn�sh/lnstall NO 6 Tr�p�ex OH i�suiated
Electrical Cond�ctor, L�; 3441.�414 Fumish/fnstafl NO i0 insulated Efectrical Conducto�, LF.
KNHW stranded copper is to be �s�d {se� App�ndix E, CFW S#andard �etaii Street Luminaire
Riser �onnec#ion Standard De#ai! 34 41 20-D823 rev. 11-20-2Q9 8 E#ectrFca! General Notes #2).
3. Can w� inc[ude a Tai�le nf Confents with our i�id? !f so, will i# count against the 20 page
maximum? l�3 -- A iable of confents can be� included and wil! count against #he 20 page
4. Gan we include ane �� x�7 page far #he project schedufe so it is easier to read? This can be
folded so #hat it fifs within fhe other 8.5 x 11 pages. A�4 —A 14"x97" folded schedule is
per-riissible for sUbmission and will count as one page of t`e 20 uage lim�t.
5. Pleas� confirm fhe Summary Page from Appendix B-- Tabulations should be included in Section
B. Can we include the �4 Area pages as a supplemental appendix? Please confirm these pages
wili not count iarNards our 20 page maximum. A5-Tabufations are to be incfuded in Seetion B and
will c�ur� iowards #he 2fl page maximur��.
6. In Sections C and F', shoulc! we only include the appropriate compfeted tabs from Attachment F,
or can w� incfude su�pleme�tal infarmation on our qualifications and references wEthRn those
sections? —A6 — 5ection C ortne Response Format and Organizaiion --Atiachment D sF�ould
pravicle informatian abaut quali#ications and experie�ce, especialEy as it rela#es to similar projects
of this nat�re. Team rnemb�er resumes shoufd be included in a separate appendix and limit�d to
four pagss. Section F c�f Response Formaf and 4rganizafion — Atfachment D shouid cantain 3
references from s�milar pro�ecis compEeced within the last 3 years. Addikiona! suppler�entai
infiorr�ation can be sufami�#ed if it does not exceed the 20 page rr�aximum proposal requir�ment.
7. Can you confirm we should submit, '1 originaf, 5 copies and 1 iJSB? A-7 - One ('!) original, faur
(4) copiss and one (1) 11SB flash dri�e of a!I O#fer dacuments shall be� submit#ed in sealed
padcages. i'ropos�r's narr� and address should b� marked on the outside c3f the envelope.
�acsimile transmittals c�r offers comrrtunicated by telephone will not be accepted or considered.
Prop�ss,al irrformation that is not submi�d In sealed packages vvif! r�ot he considered.
8. For Subcontractors t�e R�F'-19- 0080 Vendor Quafifications and References-Attachmenf F asks
for "Audited financial stafemenfs (last fhree years}". Many subcon#ractars are privately owned
and haWe a practice to limit �inancial reporting. Are there o#her o�tions to address subconfracfor
financials? Would it be possible just �o use the fina�cial sfatem�nts of the prime contractor as an
appendix to cover all subs and work? A8- "RFP-'! 9-U�18(i V�nctor Quaiifica[ion� anc� Refe�ertces-
Atia�:i,r„�rt r�_ Subcx�ntr�c�v�� cab, �n+i!! b� amendc�d iU ��c�ude #i�e audiied finan�ial sfatements
�ias# tt�ree yearsj.
19-0OSO, RF'P-L�D
Addendum iVa. 1, Page 2 of �
9. It appears t�� contracfors pr�-qualification form (5EC1"ION 00 4a 13) �eeds to be notarized. The
c�rrent deadline for pre-qualificafions was yesterday. Is it passible to extend the pre-quafification
due date to 03/21/2019 or 7 days prior to f�e proposal opening date? A9 — SECTION fl0 4�5 13,
BIDDER P�►EQUALIFICATION APPLiCATION �s a siandard Gity fortt�. 1 tte application shauld be
subrr�i#t�d by contrac#ors who are r�ot currer�tly pre-quafi�ed to insta�l roadway and pedestrian
kighting in the City � Forf VNorth_ �
Sectis�n UU 4512, PR�QIJALI�'ICATIOI� STATEMEfdT, should be submifted by cc�ntractors who
are already prequalifed to instaii roaduvay ancf �edestrian lighting in the City of Fort Worth.
�h�se docur�er�ts rrtust be submitt�d to the City as part of the bid proposal ar�d shou�d be
receivsd in Purchasing by 1: 30 pm on Thc�rsd�y, March 28, 2fl19.
Contractors who ha►�e qu�stions about �re-q�aalifrcation renewals may subrnit qu�stions to�
Ms, aheila �aker
Purchasing Su�ervis�r
FMS Pu rchasinq Responses{c�fortworthtexas.go�
O'�Fice: �8'I7)382-2462 �
'10. Page 2 of the solicEtation states "�ach Services Agreement wil� be for an initia! one-y�ar period
with up to four optional renewals.", however, item 2�.2 (p7) stafc�s "The Cor�tract(s) awarded from
t�is RFP shali be executed for a#wo-year irtitial terr� with three (3} one-year options io renew at
the City's sole cEiscrefion". Can ti�e City please cfarify the intended fierr� of the Agreement? A10 -�
Th� term in the RFP f�or an initial one-year period with up to faur optionaf renewals is correct and
the t�rms in th� c�ntract, item 25.2 wii! be amended.
'! 1. A�.3 states that proposals shalf be iimited to a maximum of twenty (20) 8��12" X 11" pages (one
side only and incfuding cover fetter) using a for�t size no srnaller t�an 11 poinf and one inch
margins, hawever, A##achment D. Response Format and Organizafion states "r�o smaller fhan 0.�
inc�es" for margir�s. Can the City please clarify the �appropriate margin size? A'I1 —Appropriate
rnrr+imum rr►argin srzes are m�n�mum 0.5 inche�, A�io��s.�t sc:heduie may be submitfed or� a single
#oided 1�"x17" page that will count as cine page.
12. 92.p Contract Incorporation in the RF'P refierances an Access Nefwork Agreement, houvever, no
sGc� agreer�er�f can be found. Can the Cify please clarify if f�is will be provided? -� A�2-Th�
Neiwork Access Agreerrient will be pro�ided after ihe con#ract is execufed.
93. Can the Ci#y clarify ittheApp�ndices are excluded from the 20 page fimitation? A'13—
Aitachmeni D supersedes tt�e star�dard l�nguage in the RFP.
'!4. Would the City consider granting a fwo (2) week e�ctension to the due cEafe to alfow firms fo
appropriatefy adcEress the City's responses to �oth questions asked as par� of the pre-�id, as well
as fhose formally submitted by March 9�? ? A'E4 - iVo, the current timerine is still set #or Bic!
C3p�,��n� un March 28, 2019
1�. Are we to utifize ihe formula in #he Bid Value column of the Tabulation spreaclsheets that includes
a 5% markup? No, pls�e use tl�e updafed tabulations Appendi�c �'
16. Are Bid �'abulation forms to be pravided in �xce! spreadsheat format on the USB drive? A16-
Y�s, pieass us� the updated bid tabufation format.
17. Wil! the City pra�icle G1S data for the c�rren# s#ree# Eighf inver�tory that is fh� subject of the RFP ta
ihe se�ected vendor in a GIS file format, such as a Sha�e file? A17 • Yes, the City will provide the
selecked ve�dor a current inverrtory in a GIS file format such as a shape file.
`i 9-�080, RF'P-L�D
Addendurn No. 1, Page 3 af 5
18. �s night work allowed? A98 -"Jo, night work is not allowed. WQrk is allowed on weelcday� from 9
am io 4 prr�,
19. f'lease clarify the color temperature of the preferred luminaires, as it is staied as 300QK in
Attachmenfi C b�t the cut sheefi provided indicates 4000K. A19 - The colar temperature of the
aref��ed lumin�ires �s 30ilOK. The ord�ring �urr+ber for the preferred luminaires lis�ed on the cut
sh��ks �s fur 3(300K.
20. Wil! the awarded Contractor be �equired fo pravicle photome#rics on the project if the specified
fixture is used? � �i � IVO. ti� �.� ��'�' _. ..`��� -t['+71 y3�. ...�} 4.. �m�• ^� in �,�• �..�1�� , ..tn�.�F.� �. �
rn� . ���t :;..�if��... .. �
2'�. Wfll the project be awarded fo one contrac#or for all 4 areas or will they award each area to
indi�idual confracfors?,;= ; —;..� . �._7 i. , tiVYG•�.Ib..[ lV �1L1•f��-� -Q �•-r..Y
22. Will pole rep�acements be like-for-�ike {e.g., existing wood poles will be replaced with vuood pofes
and existing metal poles will be replaced with meta] poles)? ��- �- �Yes �� «� •�.iG��rr:�, �:� :� II �r
s'; . -�,;� .,n� —
23. Wiil the City want poles badged to identify and fink the physical infrasfructure with the database?
°,2": '` .: ���e Ci;y v, II no' .rar �P � � ,ac._, �d.
24. Will there be any requiremen# for cor�muni#y engagement beyond resident notificafions? • No,
�:.� � n� any r.:qui .,�_,i yagem� ;n b�y�r�ry �es�Uent nou�rca�. , �ity
stau ���� h� ,rsible t� ca, r� ` prrt.
25. Wha# is the meaning ar definition of the following quesfions in fhe references and subcontractors
tabs? Business Processes fmplemented and Version of Propas�d Solution ]mplemer�ted. A25-
�xclude reparting Business Pracesses Irn�lemented ar�d Versian of Proposed Solutian
Implemented values on the I�eferences and Subcvntractors tabs ofiAttachment F Vendar
Qual�ficaiinns and Refierence�. •
26. Can a confractor c�se a City of �orE Worih Projecf for a reference? A26 Yes, a G�ty of Fnrt Worth
pro��;t may be used for a refer'ence.
27. Can Subcontractors Audited financial statements (last three years) be an attachment? A27 -
rxclude reporting Audited financia! statemenfs (fa5t ihree years) on fhe subcontractor in
Aftaahme+�t F of R�P 19-0080 Subcontra�tors tab.
28. Are fhere forms and/or instructions required to Pre-Qua�ificatian as a Contractor wit� the City of
Fort Worth7 A�8-Yes, the stree# light pre-qualifcation instructions rnay be found at:
http:/lfor�,worthtexas.yov/tpw/cantrac#orsl. From the St�ndards and Detail section, c�ick or the
link th�rt says uiew/d.owrnload throuc�h Buzzsauv. Once in Buzzsaw, ga #o Resourceslfl2-
Consiructia�n DocurnentslCnntractor Prequalification to see #he S#reet �.ight Pre-qualification
�n�ii uw-tiu� ��,
29. Can the summary sheef in Appendix B be chang�d to directly account for summarizin� all of the
praject ikem descriptions tabulated within the sheets forAreas 1, 2, 3 and 4? Yes, the bid
tabula#ion dacum�n# fta, b�en u�dated.
30. Cify of Fort Wor�h Standard Construction Specification Documer�fs --Article 5�- Bonds and
Msurance — Page 16 of 63 — Section 5.02. PerFormance, Payrrient and Maintenance Bonds are
described in general; howe�er, fhe RF'f' does not specificaily oufiline �onding requiremerots for
this job. Can you pi�as� �xplain bonding reqtairements in mare detail? A30-The City of �ort Worth
requirY.� p�rtormance, payment. ar�d maintenance bonds in the amount af the coniract value.
19-0080, RFP-L�L]
Addendum No. 1, Page 4 of 5
TThe C�#y's forms may be founr� in Buzzsaw ai v_iew/download throuQh Buazsaw. �nce in
Buzzsaw, go to Resources102-Construcf�an DocumenislSpeciflcatianslDiv 0�-General Cancl�io�s
and fook far forms 006913, (lfl6'I 94�, and Ot}611 �.
Banris ►nrs11 b� required at the tirne of cormact execution.
3'I. Appendix B— Maps and Bid Tabulations — Unii Price Bid Forms —"Misceflaneous Struc#ure
Adjustments inc�uding one operafor and equipment" Question: Please define "equipmenf." !n
Atiacfiment D- sectian, ihere is a request for a list of equipment that the con#ractor proposes ic�
use. This unit (per hour} priee shall inciude a piece of equipment and t�e operator(s) required to
�erform �dditionai services suc.h as adjustmenis to existing light sinactures.
32. Appendix D-- General Gonditions —Article 5— Bonds and Insurance Q�estion: Can you please
provide mor� d�tail r�garding bond requiremenfs? Articfe 5.02 speaks to ihe bond rec�uiremer�ts
for �ertorrnance, payment and rnaintenance bonds. See Question # 3Q for instruc#ions t�o access
the bond documents.
33. Appendix B—Area Maps and Bid Tabulations Question: For unit pricing based on square footage
(SF), lin�ar footage (LF) and square yards {SY), can you provicle minimum requirements? -Pag�
2 0€ �he RFP speaks tn the successfuf propaser foiia�nring the lafes# version of ihe Cityr af Fort
Worth Constru�ti�n Specifiieatian�. These dEa d�ailable frc�m our website
i�t�p:l/fortworihiexas.,�pu�/contraciors/ �
Please use •the upda#ed bid ta6ula#ion that has been updated on the RF�.
34. Reqt�est for Proposafs — Section 26 -- Minority B�asiness Enf�rpris� Pro�isions Question: Can you
please clarify fhe suppiier diversity requirements? Specificaily can the 7% di�erse goal or��y be
fuifilled by an MBE or could the requiremeni be fulfiled by a DBE, SBE, ar WBE firm as well?
A34- Section 26 ot the R�P states that or�ly t�e Minority Business �ntePpr�ise (f�i��} diverse
goal is �%. For additiona! c�uestions #�lease confact Tasha L. Kilgore, CCA Con#ra�t Campliance
Sp�cialist �conomfc De�elopm�nt Department, Offiee of 8usiness Diversity, 1150 South
�resway, 5u�e 144, Fort Worit�, TX 76704, Office: 817-392-2&43 �'ax: 8'l7-392-2681,
tasha. �ilqareCc�fiortworkhtexas.c�ou
19-0080, RF'P-LL�D
Addendum No. 1, Pag� 5 0#'5
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Street Lights GIS Da�a & Deliverables
Streetli hts
De�axition: Point representing a Iight maur�ted to a pole Ehat i]luminates tfie roadway.
Featurc Aataset name: TIZAFPIC
Feature Ciass name: 5treet Lights
Feature Type: Point
Featurc Attributes:
Aftributc {Aata type) Domain Definition Sour�e
OBJECTID (Objecf ID) Interna� ESRT field Auto-Geaerated
X(Double, Precision 38) X-Coordinate associated ����ute Assistant
with the attribute
Y(DoubIa, Prectsion 38) Y-Coordinate associated Attribute Assistant
with the attribute
STREET (`I'ext 50) i�ame of street in which 5ource Documenis
the £eature xesides
IMAGE ('T'e�, 50) Name oithe image popuEated by City
Physical condition rating Source
CpNDTTTON (Teact, 10) ConditionStandard ofthefeature 1�ocuments/FieId
I�CJ1�ff�CS 54�!Cl�7Cf Ll7 �
'1VFRIaFr�DWiiIH ('�ext, I�} Y�F�aStrkrtg �V��r«��i sKRr{- F� r�4���� 4�i,s�re CW�c�aurrnls
�li "3}�. 151�[
�i?iF1�l���'Yf'F rl'r��. �if� 'ucetii�li�f•ixi�trcl�}P� f����i���� suhi��li laol+l; Ihc �fjIlICO L3i}CI1111C�5L9
SIJ�{iY}F�3 fY£St.T{1FTl17N {7'eHr. �S3) Slrc��11JLI�k���r��miC7c�c Iniii� �I�k ti�r muLcrial l}9�c ��i��rcr Clnturntnl3
L'f S�Jl' wL l�lU]L {il'SUfIjJ�IL*ll
[o,�k�.:u[c� rit+Erlc r��nt af
�R_fr�F'(}Et'f�'t:Sl.;}R f f'exl� If11 titrr�Ll,��h1{'nRn�� �uuree E1�cu�nr�al�
III+' �II+}�H�n yt��itiiu�e
]ilr.n�lkli:{ wEv.El�cr 7
LFI] ( Crsl, Cf7} YcsNu�l�iii_� =_ucek3lP�C is uu C.Ef) ��'u�cc fru�.urtt�ils
�TEIGHT (Double, Precision 3&) Ground to Cop oipole Source Documents
ARM {Text, 10) YesNoString Identifies whether fhe Spurce Documents
feature has an arm
ARMLENG`1'H {Dot�ble, Pzecision 38) Indicates lengih afthe 5ource I7ocuments
feafure arm (
COZVIME�VTS (Te�, 25Q) Open field £or feafare
]F��-I'A]_��A'f7= (I]y+;�w Ciufe ui yrhirl7 �l�e ifi�turc ��Fuace I�Utm�oe�it�
4Y1f E�InC:I��S�i
OWNER ('I'ext, 50) Gavemance8ntity �oWemment entity that Spurce Documents
owns the feature.
MAiNTAINEJ7BY (Text, 50) Gavemance�ntity Government entity #hat Source Documents
rnaintains fhe feature
Numerical physical Source
CONDITION1Nf]E� (Short) conditean rating ofthe Docwnents/Field
feature {0-100) Survey
INSTALLYEAR (Short) Year the feature was Source ]�cuments
HXPERI.INK (`I'ext, 250) Location o£the feature pop�lated by ihe City
SIIt1PE {Greometry) �nterna! ESRI �eld Auto-Generatcd
I A7rtAf iT, {'I'r�t, �'�}
l�l.�#_ k'YJ'f? (�l-cxl, _���j
R�ATED_USER (Text, 255)
�ST_EDITED_USER {Text, 255)
�SET ID (Text, 10)
�ECYCLE (Text, 2D) �
AYE (Geometry)
identi�es WaEcage of
previous asset
tlb_Type IdenEifies type of bulb for
previous asset
uu�,�q 111CGof�I�IC� �Yn«ai,�c �,f
�riinrc hidi�
I€b_'�y�ac Ir��nii:lr; rY�ir ��I� fc:u�nz�
Clnique identifcafion
assigned by tha
cons�Itant. {Temparary
Name of the person fhat
creaYed the feature
Date that a feature was
]oaded to the datahase
Idama of the persan tiaat
last made updates to the
featvre �
T7ate that the feafure was
last updaTed
A generated, unique ID
assigned to all
£eaLures. "I'his feature ID
begins with an STL
�cycle Indicates the functional
status ofthe feature
Internal ESRI field
'eld CoI[ection
eld Collection
'�I I r�'i' { 1Qfi41d11COFP
z � � � � � � � � � � � � � �� � � � � � � � � �
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� ConsistentarilhLEEO'go�ts ��}�`��� � !� �J'�]��' , �
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P7lGH7IIM£N �or5ghi podluVon ruducliun �
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Off ramps
Resldentia! streets
Parhing lafs
7�� mmr•s
' 38�Im�n11.S'1
355 G m-n
�~"����.��.' � -- _ _--�
.,. �,:
E#fective Prajected Area [�PA1
ihe EPA for tlis ATB2 is 038 sq. ft,
Apprax, wt = 211hs. i8.53 kg]
5a�ne �ight: PerFormance is cor�para6fe3o 250-4flOW NF'S raadway
1Nhits Light: Correlated solor tamperature - stendard 9�O�K, 70 Ct�l minimum
or optianal 50UOK, 7D Ci�f mini�rrum,
Uniqua IP6S rated LE[i light engines pravi�led 0%o upfight and restrict
�ackli�ht#o within sidewaElt dep#f�, providing optimsE applica#inn coveraga
and optimal pole spacing.
Availebie in T}rpe fl, IIf, iV, & V raadway distri�uiions.
Expecied life: LED Iight engines a�e rated >1�O,ODU hours ai 25°C, L7fl,
�tec�r'onic drivEr has an expected fi#e of 100,OQfl hours �t a 25QC ambient.
�ower Energy: 5aves an ar�erage of 4�-8U°/a over comparable HPS piat�arms.
Rolrust Surge Protectian: Three difFerent surge pratectian nptions provide a
minimum of IEEE]A]VS! C62.4t Category G{10kVJ5lcAj prote�tion.
Easyta Maintain: Irrc�udesstandard A�Llineman-friendEyf�atures suaf� as
tool-less er�try, 3 station terminal h[ock arrd quick disconnects. 8ubble level
Iocaied insidetlte electricef compertment�oreasyleveling ati�stallatinn.
Rugged die-cas# aluminum Itousing is pofyester powder-coated for durability
and corrnsion resistanse. Rigoro�s firre-stage pre-treating and painting
proc,ess yields a iinish that achieues a seri6e creepage rating af 8(�er ASTM
oi654j after nvar 1�OD haurs exAosure to saltFng chamher (operated per
ASTM B1171 Qptional ��hanced Carrosion Resistant finish (CRj increases the
salt spray exposure ta 5000 ha€�rs.
Four-bolt mast arm mountis adjustable far arms frflm i-11�" to 2" {i-518" ta
2-3/8" 0.�.} diameter and provides a 3G vi�ration rating per AiVSI Ci36.
Wildlif� shield is castintatiia f�ousing {not a separate pieae).
IVEMA 3 Pir, photocantroi receptacle is star�dard, with Yhe Reuity designed
ANS15 Pin and 7 Pin receptacfes optionally availahle.
Premiom solid stata fncking sale phatocantrol - PC55 {10 year rated IifeJ.
�x#reme long fife s�ld state locking sfyie photacantrol - PGLL t20 y�ar rated
Mulit Javai dimming available to prouide schedufed dimrriing as spacified by
ihe customer.
Optionaf nn6oard Adjustable QutpatmoduEe aAows#he lightoutputand input
v�raifageio be mndified to meet site spacific requiraments, and can also allaw
a single fixture ta he flexibly apAlied in many c�iFFerent applications.
5yearlimitedwarranty. Ful[warrantytermsloca#edatEiitp,/fwuv++v.
acuirybrands.corn/LibrarieslTerrr�s_ar�d Eonds]ABL L.ED_Commerical�
Rated �or -4Q°C io 4�'C ambient.
G5A Eerti#ied to U.S. and Canadian standards
Complies with ANSi: Gj36.2, C136.10, G736,14, C136.3f, C13G.]5, Ci36.37
Nole: SpeciEfcatlans suhjaelln change rNilhou[ nolice. AeWaf perlarmanee may differ as a rcsult ot end-user envi�anmen[ and appliculian.
� Amerlcan
�020142015Acuiry $rends Lighfing, InC. 7 FI��115 LiyhHnq�
AT82-40 B LE�10-MVOLT-R2-31C-M P-Nl.-RFl?
t�������IfC�I. ��I'I�� �0���
R��dway �ighting
Ex�mpie: ArB2aa�����o Mv��T Rz
AT82 Autobahn I.ED
Roadway &
Performance Packages
4DBl�DE7U 40ii Chips,7�UmADriver
4UBl�C1E90 408 Chips, 7U5QmA Driver
4UBLECl�13 408 Chips,1300mA flriver
BpBLED@7U 60B Chips, 70UmA L7river
6UBLE�1f85 606 Chips; 85amA Driver
�UBLE�€7U 60B Ghips,lD5QmA Driver
60Bl�C1�73 606 Chips,13U0mA nriver
B�B�.EDE7U 8�B Chipsr 70QmA !]river
BQBLEUEBa SOB Cf�i�s, 850mA Driver
EOBLEDETO BOB Chips, 4�50mA Driver
Voitage Opiics ���
M1I[iiT Multi-volt 32�-277V R2 Rnadwayiype 1J
347 34➢V �i3 ftoadwayType IlE
480 48�V R4 RaacEwayTypelV
H5 RnadwayType V
F;Cif'�1l�.41-��ri�[ �ir{t�rd
CaiorTemperature (CGTI
(81ank) 90AQK GGT, 70 GRE Min. (5'tandard�
7� GHI Min.
. 3K = 3DODK
{Blaakj Gray {Sta�dardj
�a c �%�.�.`..`__ . "
6Z Brnnze
nE}ti Dark Bronze
GI Graphite
WH White
Surge Profectiori
Blank Asuity 5PD with induative
NiP' M[3U E'ack
IL� SPn with Indicator L�g t�
Termina! 61ac
�BIanK) 7errninal Block S#an ard
�it'e� tn�asi�inns
BL External Bu6ble Level
CR �nhanced Corrosian RasistantFinish
HS House-5ide &hield
XL Not CSA CErtified
�Blank} 3 Pin NEMA Photocontrol
Reo$ptaaie (5t�ndardj
P5 � Pin Pha#ncnntral Receptacle
I br've I cl
P7 7 Pin Photocantrol fleeeptacie �
{Uimmable �river Includedj _ j
NEt N� Phataconitol Fiecept�cfe
AO' �ield Adjusta6le Outpui
�M OV i�U ilimr�ab.le llriver
(Controls by aYhersj
ML3•4 MuEti-Levell)imming
PCSS' Solid State Ligli#ing
Phniocantrol (920-277Uj
PC�! Solid Siate Lang Life Ph�Yacantro!
SH Shnrting Cap
ka i
' [BI�nEc� Srng,e nitjStandar._f___.j
JP Job Pack {24/€'ailet)
Note; Specilicaqianssu6ject ro changewiFiio�t notico. Aclual perlatmance may dilfer as a resull o€end•vsurenvfronment and appllcalion.
i. Nat evailabla in 347 or 480V
2. Not apailabie uvith �M or ML nptions.
3, Not a�ailahle with A0, DM, P5 or P7 aptions.
4. Uimming schedule and liflht feve�
inFnrmatioR req«ired fcom ihe customer
in arderta configure praduct. Cnniact
lnfrastructe�re Technical Sup�Qrtto
AtlieYlC�n UVarranky Five-year limiled vuarranty. CompletQ warrenlyferms localed at:
�lectric � �..ac s([�taa_.autE..c�r�P�
C,.i�ht�ny° Act�a1 perfarmance may diffQras a resulYof end-aser environment and applicatian.
AEL Headquarters, 3825 Colombus Road, Granville, �H 43a23 AIlv�lues are d�sig� or iypical valaes, measured un�ierlabareiaiy canditions at 25 °G.
Specilicatiohs su6jcct to change wiltra�t nnlice.
wvuw.amerieane�ectriclighting.cam -
C�320t4-2015AcuiiyBrandsLigh6ng,lna. AIIHigh€sResorvsd. 3i�23/15 f'le�SecantaetyonrsalesrQprQsentaliveloffhelafes�pradrrcfilrtarmafion.
��l � , ;'S :!; ;.; i � I J � . i ^ �.
t' F R. 'F � � tYi A � N . ��: 'E .P :A �� � A G �
- �ii
�• � - •
• ,, __
� . �. ;, _' . I i li �
lnfr s� t���i� �?,a �,99 i�,���;
I�tF9� 131� l��G f�BB5 la�� l�.nw f�-94
13J4 �7J 3�t77 f�3 U,74 O.bS
7tl� 8.1 rtli6� i23 0.98 0.96
i00p 738 R3 755Z0 172 D.95 U.90
�U� _ 330U 177 i805� i02 Q.84 . 0.88
�l{]9 31 IL7�5 �1� 4-9A 0.3G
1��7p 13a R� ���3et 1i4� a,95 �,°�
13�3 17� 173�� 9d Q94 0.98
700 St 12U97 133 0,98 0.3,�
10�0 i36 fii� 16723 i2] {1,95 0.90
330D 977 99564 111 0:94 �:88
7a� 353 i�966 IPA �_NE[ �_�A
85Ek �79 �� IH9w% 11� �.Si5 0,!fa
��+JG 2GB 23714 11A 0,&'� A,50
13'�'� 2�U Z7349 SU5 Q_BA Q_dr7
70U t33 - - 77328 �+729 0.98 0.38
A5n 173 �3 20105 7i6 0.95 4,9U
3000 2�8 23250 112 0.95 D.90
�Og _ 13tl0 260 27A77 _ iU6 0.94 0.88
74� S33 iu51ti 1:±4 �,3a li,'�6
e� 17� i;sa�� 11� 0,3�� �,9�
��n� �ca �� 'rz��a 2u� r�.s� o.�au
�;�fso zsQ �sa�a ��4z �,sa rr.K�
7QQ 133 i7882 134 0.'38 0.96
850 i73 �5 2i00D 12i 0.95 a.90
1fl00 208 24673 319 0.3� U.90
I300 26U 28838 lil 0.94 0.88
)l�J 1fl�7 7�!�7� 125 i�,`1`� 0,96
#;5�� zz� R2 �c�sa I�� n_s5 �l.r�n
loao z��� ��ss� 11� �,�� o.�
70� 78� 22T27 i23 d.9$ 0.96
850 224 R3 25.9.85 1t6 0.98 �:9p
80B �fl�0 274 _ 3049t 111 0.95 0.90
7u0 I$0 Tf7f?1 IP1 O.�JF� �.3'0
9;tifJ �24 If4 �535� �13 �_95 O,QJ
�Ih70 2'J9 29557 106 0,4a C.90
70� 1$0 23793 132 0.98 0.96
850 224 R5 278�i 924 4.95 6.90
i0p0 274 32391 97II O.S5 0.90
NoEe: loformalioo s6own above is 6as¢d on nnniinal system data, Individuaf fi�it�re periormanea may vary. Spncificelions sobjectto change without natice.
�5°c �o°c z5°c �a°c a5°c �a°c
i.U2 1.U1 7 0,99 0.97 0.96
7o eaEaulate the iL� Foe e femperature o4herihan 25'C, mufliplythe iL0 � 25°C (shown in tha pa�formance package [a�loj hy Ilca EL� mufiipEierforthe sefeetadtempera[are.
Att7ePtCa�i Warraniy Fivs-yeariimiEed warranty. GampleEe warrantyterms focat¢d at:
�[eCtr�C �+-'�acuiE�r,.�ds.�a�j�§�( ierResourceslTarp� and r.onriitions.asQx
i.ighting` AcWal �er(ormaoca may dif(eras a resufEnf end-usnr enviranment and applicatian.
AEL N¢adquarters; 3825 Columbus Road, Gra�ville, Oli 43�23 All vai�es are design or typica3 vafues, measared under labaratory coaditiuns at 25 °C.
arsvvv.arnericanelectriclighting.cpm Speaificatians suhjectta changa without notice.
O�' 2Uf4-2p15 Acuity Brands iigf�ting, Inc. All Hights Rasurved. 11f231i5 Please cuptr�ct yaursalns represenlaNvofnrthe latest produclinfarmatiorr.
� � �
ComsisienEvR3h lEEO' goals
& 6reen Glohes"uiteris
fatlighlpolluGdn reduc[ian
A�°������ Series�T��
��ad�r�y L��i��tin�
P F� O D U C T O V �E 'R �1 1� i_!1! _�
Off ramps
Residential streets
Parking fots
� . ,
�.�-. �
,����� �i
�, �
Effective Projected Area �EPAI; Tha EPAfartheATBOis 0.7Gsq. R.
Approx, Wt,= ]416s.
5arrte Light: Perf9rma�re iscampa�able to 7fl 150W HPS roadwayluminaires.
White Light; Cor►e(a#ed caforiemperature -A40QK, 7Q CR! minimum, 3000K,
7fl CRI minimum or optlona! 5000K, 76CRI minim�m.
lfnique fA66rated LED lighi engines provided OS5 uplightand restdEt 6ackllqht ta within sidewalk
depth, provEding optimal appllcation coverage and aptimal polespacing. Available inType Il, lli,
�V, and Vroadway d{suEi�utians.
Expected liFe: i.�� light engines are rated �100,Qp0 hours at 25�C, L7p, �lectranic dri+rer fias an
esr�ected fife of 1U�,000 hours at a�5°C amhlent.
�awer Energy: 5aves att expetted af9fl-G09S overcamparahle NfD luminaires.
RobasC 5urge Protedion; Three differentsurge protecEion aptions ptavide a minimum of gNSi
Ci3G,� 10kV/5kA p�uYec#ion.20kV/iOkA pratectlon is alioava{1a61e.
Includes stan�a[d AEL lit�eman-friendly feat�ressuch as ioo]-less entry, 3 statian terminal E�lock
and yulc[c dEsconnecis. Bubble levei located inside the electrfcai compartmentfareasify leve(�ng
at insfaliafion,
Rugged die-cast aluminum hausing and door are pelyester powder-coaked fardurabilityand
�orroslon tesistat�ce. Rigorous fve-stage pre-treating and painting pracess yie(ds a finfsh that
achleves a scribe creepage rating of 7[per hSTM D1654) after over 30�0 hours expasure ta salt
fog chamber (operated perASTM 6117).
Mast arm mount ts adjustable forarms from T-1/4"to 2"(1-518"to Z-318"O.D ) diameteK
Pr4vides a 3G v[bration rating per ANSf C73531
Wifdlife 3fiield Is castintfl the housing [not a separata piece}.
NEMA 3 pin photo-rontrui teceptacle is s[andard, with the kcui€y designed ANSI standard 7 pin
receptade optionallyavailable.
Premii�m sa!!d state laciting style pl3otatantml - PCS5 (i0 }�ear rated iffe} �'xireme long (ife so[id
state locicing style photocont�oi -PCLL (20year rated life},
Mu[ti-level dimming avaifa6ie ta provideachedoled dimming asspecified by the custor�er.
Optional anbaard Adjustabfe Oucput mudule allows the Ilght output and fnput waEtage ta he
modified to meet site:spet�Flc requlretnents, and also cati aifaw a sing�e fixtureto be flexibly
appiied 'm many different applitaiions.
DesignLighfs Consoriium° (DLC) q�alified pr.oduct. Not al l versions of this
praduct �ay 6e DLC quaii�ied. Please checkthe �LC Quallfed Products List ATBO 22tTBLE�� ra �"�£3�T �� �K �;ti�'
at_��":'..des�onliah�s,�qL.QCitotat�frmwhithversionsarequalifted. �� �r �������
Coiortemperatures of s 3000f( must be speiifiedfar Infiemational Dark
Sky AssocEatian certification, -
Rated for-40°{ to 4U�C ambient
CSA Certified to U.S. and fanadian standards
Cvmplies wiih RN51: C736.2, Ci36,10, C136,i4, C136.3i, C136.15, C736.37
Nufe:5pecilicaUonssu6jecEtochengewithoulnntPse. AetualpedormancemaydilferasoresultoFend•useienvi�anmenfandappficaiiao,
�201A-Z017�1cuilyBrands�ighting,[nc.ATi34 us/B7/17 �Egl�tln��
�t�to���� ��ries �4Y�O
�o��a��� L�gn��n�
�xample: AT80 3UI.���90 MV�f.T R2
lUB Chips, 7a�mA nriver
t�6 Ctiips,lU5dmR 17river
90B Chips, l5UUmA i3river
20B Chips, 325mA Briver
�aa ci„�ffi�. �nu�ta �rf�,���
2�B Chfps, fa50mA Ariver
20B Chips, 33�OmA �river
�08 Chips,l5UUr�A Driver
30B Chfps, 70�mA Driver
3�B Chips, 85UmA Oriver
3U8 Chi�s, ip50r�A �river
SUB Chips,l3��mA Qriver
30B Chips,1�00mA briver
Seri�s PerFarmance Packages Vnftage �p#ics
Ari#a Auta�F�hr� LCk� 7n�L�DE7v
i�o�dw�y 9flBLEDE7fl
3�/�I'/NLI P7/ RFDZ10413
Color Temperature f CCTI
(61ank} AOUOK CCT, 7U CRI Min.
3K 3�17U� i;i'7, f�l�rf�l N�in
5K 5000K CCT, 7D Cfit! Min.
(81ank) Gray IStandardj
Bfi Blasfc
BZ Bronze
UDB ❑�rf� Bronze
GI Graphite
WH White
5urge Pratection
(Blank) Standard ]�kV/5ftA S�'�
20 20kV/iQICASP!]
�PIP' fi110� Pook
11.' SP[i with Indicatar Light
Termina! Blnck
(BEanlc) 7ermina! 8(acic {Standard)
T2 1Nired #a Li & 12 Positians
8i. External Bubble Leva!
HS FEouse-Side Shiefd
f�L Nema Label
Xi. fUotCSA Certified
l�MH-JiH 6" Hnrizon#al Arm fnr Round Pale,
Pairited to match Fixt�ee
M�U�T {�+lkilti-+�nl�, ]�Q-21JU
3�l7 347V
48U 4$�V
UM5-xH 8" Horizontal Arm for 5quara
Pole, Paintadta rnatch Fixtur�
UMfi-GAL4f 8" Horizantal Arm for Raund Pofe,
U�IS-GALV 8" Nnrixantal Arm for 5quare
Pale, Galvaniz�d
3 Pin NEMA Photacontral
ReceRtacla (Startdardl
7 f rn r'h+��u�;s�rur�sl I��r,�placto
IRirnrn:ililu UrlvU� focfirdfla�J
iVo Photocaniroi Fiece�ta�le
�'ield Adjustabla Output
OV-70V Qimma6�e L3rivsr
jControls by oihers]
Multi-Levef ilimming
Soli�1 Siate E.igh#ing
PhotocontraE {12�-277V]
Sa1id State l.ong �ife Photocontrol
ShortiRg Cap
(BlankJ Si�gte Unit{5tandard}
JP �lab i'ack (421Pa�fetj
��� �42kCIUV4�T�I�$�I
R3 Roadway7ype III
�i4 RdadwayTypa 1V
R5 RoadwayTypeV
] Not available in 347 or 480V.
2 Not availahfe with DM, Ml. ar NR.
3 Not available with [iM ar MLoptions.
4 Not auaiiable with A[l, �Ni, P5 ar P�
5 Rimming 5chedule and fight level
informaiion req�i.red fromthe customer
in order to coniig�re product. Gnntact
Infrastruct�re Technicai Supnortto
RFQ2'i09�3= 30Q01� CCT 70 CRI L�D's
Ame1'�Can WarranEy Five-yesr limitad warran[y. Camplete warraniy terms loeatad a1:
Electl'iC �rn r,er.�u4Yh�end,,_,,oi.JC�ntamerriesay r�slFe�•
Lightfnga Actual pedormanee mey diHer as a result of end user environmenE and appfieallon.
AEL Ftaadquar�ers, 3825 CpEumbus Road, Granville, UH 43023 AI� valuns nre design prtypica� Vafues, measured un�erla6oratary conditions at 26 °C.
www.americaneleetdeligfiling.cam � Spec�calionssub�ecttochangewithuutnotice.
OO2D19-2017AcuiiyB�andsEigh[ing,Inc.RIlRiphFSReserv�d. ATI30 OGlU7/�7 Pleasecau[actyou�salesreprusn�tativefortlielalestpraductinfarmatien,
�,������� S�ries AY�Q
������� L��n�r��
�R���������.�� �����.�.� -
i5°C � 20°C � _ 2�`C � 34°C � 35°C � 4�°C
1.Q2 1.01 1 0.98 0.87 � 0.9a
To calculate ihe Ll0 for a Femperature o�her than 25°C, muitipiy the !L� � 25"C [shown in !he perinrmance packa ge tablej by ihe LLO muftipEier farlhe selactsd tempera Wre,
ATt1EY#Can Wartan#y Five-year limited warranry. Complete warranryterms localed a1:
� � Efec�ric .�.Re,�i;�t,r� _ :. �, a � :;� �:
I.:ighteng' AcFual p2'rformanea may diKer as a resuli af end-usnr nnviranm�nt and applicatiun.
AEL Headquariers, 3825 Calur�Uus Ftaad, Granuifla, �H 43023 All values are design or4ypical vafues, meas�red under lahoratory cnnr�iUnns et 2G�C.
vuvuw.emerieaneteetricfigluing.com Specilicatioos subfeetEo ehangewiifioutnotice.
��2019-2QSJAeuify6ra�dsLighling,lnc. AIIRighFsAeserved. AT90 06/U71t7 PleAsecanfasl�aursnlesrspresenlafive/usll�elafestprortucfinFarr�rnfion.
Note,infarmalionsf3owna6ove1s6asadon4U00Knominalsystamdata. lndividuaiiixturaperformancemayvary.Tocalcuiate3fl00Ktuinenvalues,muliiply1he9000Klamensby.93.
Speciiicafians subjecEto change without nolite.
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iffsl��ps�rtsut�jectt�s Eh� fallc�w�n� r�SfriClictna.
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ssc�o�a.si��tuha� -.
oY� ths xoadyya3 ; • , ' , .
��sc�ici{oq �`�.�ha des' '
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Di���6ute fkhis �Pa�aa��oz�tn ' fa1t�#�nn �arsoiaz�o7, fut�a v�a3n�enazicz person�el, a�a.d awners. �
�'i�s g��er�.[ �x€�'��a.#i� rleats �r�ra�� �v�t�tb,e Iqng tcnn d�x'a�.ty nf slruc�r�s of FSxe �ype �slt���ed by .
YalmamC and ��a�. sa�t� iss �s.' x�is z�cr� i�csnd�d�#o f�� � oom�rx'��iensiv'e� ����i�ia�. csf kovr ta� ���e �
atzvc'tuies. Com�rete.n.tinskal�a aflcunt�aotd�rstnust-�e�azisu�tedu �►�.�'or rac#iwes`endec�ixip�t
�h� deanand8 af�ia conc�.i�c�s t exeh yob 1x�aat�o�t. , . _ .
"�axvaant cugnaEba res�a�ib�. �`vr �j� d��ttage #b�t occsnza dt�rs�tg ox ��er iosEa�t�. oa far any sfrc�.ci�a �bxt
-'1� beea moc�f�'ied or � is ��� s� ��ome �ay otbe� fi�n t.1�a� ciesq�'#�ed �n'S?'als�uit�.�'� a��iieaiio�z
�c�r�.enctatiUns. � - s . ..
_.�oz i�o��io�t ��rn3.t�xe shu�fc�ra].�a�paE��t3` d� �as��du�ts ar a�bout inst��l9tior�.pra�fi� ple�se oonstt�t .
. fi�rl�tt. ih� �aatazy o�`neerecP Val�ut z'epxeseu.�+.ve, _ . . ' . , .
. � " . • •
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A�; �i. a2�i�Java�� sc�,g,�art, �'th.ar hnsizon[� ar s1.o�retl, ' orted �4y �� �eas� I
Bri ae S IppoYE: A.�30 �p'+r+T a`���u-�� �asE; � Isa�%za�t�l. arsloped�z�m�er r�r,ts�ss ��P
it+�a vc�iio� suunorfs�
�ev�� A. suppc��t �i�h.sx f�a ' C�l. o�'v�xi�.��. sup�c�ed at ot�e �d an[y, .
��si��e�Th���rsfln.r�s�ansz`e�rdesi�t.�a�'�stnxci�ralsu��o�. • �t���nui�'��.
%Ir.� levaf S�i�Iiti�.�: Atsaie�o ' a��b..?nastF�r.f?�gx%;f�Pzo�i.ded�a��i�.i� g�
(�i m�, t5'�ioal[ytx�is� � to �.2 ' `es. . , •
• �-�.,�asre: ,�°,. com�alete Ii�;�ii�g�u�t ��isti�g a� �ler� ar �am�s toget�.�' �I�.� t�� �� c��.��'� i° dlst�i.6"v.'�a
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M._. � A_�__.,m: A ss�p�axt�g arm- d� sjn:e,d !:o hat�. a. ��u, �3�� �� a�' ���e is�, n� a��oxiv�a�l.y
posiF�itr�. , � . . .
' ondt�Ta�: Aa�.�a�thatisao%�n,posedn��.si��l�tubo. ' . ,
. C) erfi,__,�r ead SiQn; .A. sa�, s�s�ex}.i�ect al�crve �e xosdwa� ,.
(�wner: �he�soA a�: agen�y h&vt�.}u�iu�c�t�a7tfox �r.e desi�-a, cv�s�ction, an�. �eiut�ua�ee ta�fi� �.o�ura€t
sa�pnz�. � �
��ol�: A��ficak sa,gpc�ri: tha� is �.�.n�, xela�i.�iy sx�cl.e�, a�d geaxe�alty' ��un.de�t ar inuf#€szdeil. o���
}�o�e 7' •,A d�s�tY.�iil.�� �e,�. ��atm� tbat an at�achxr�et�t is m�un#�d ��lza top a�a �#ruetu�:81 s❑pp �.
��n,iui�.g ta ane �,�r��r�a4re ar tr . s��aalmu�uai�d at � top'oPappSe, •
Ro�cTsiao " - �. �� �uut�d �eslde -t�.e,raad�a� o�. a s3n�e �g�rxE ar �u��i�Z� �.p�axta.
�: �i,..�n; .A. tlevice con.�eg�n� a�p�c�ic �aassa�e �y zr�eas�s of wc�c�s or s3G���s, oeectad �rn�' t$epLttpo�e a
�g��iu�, vram.ina ax auidi�t� tr�f�nr - � o�far
' S�a____ a. �1'�,ei �, s#c�� na6ia oxsf�c�e�t��ed Iseteveex� t�sTO ����,� cas�tta�ty �ed. as �. 3�z�o�. 6A p.
s�:al� si.g� and��c si;�. ; . �
fi�r, �aa�1s ind€�d �i a�#so�iecisi�s, Ius�aur�es, and"t��
. �c`�irce�i Sun�are: S��a��asi�ed�o earty .
si;s��� ; � - ,t
T affi�5iescal_ .�.electact�l�opeietedfrn�.fi.ccouir4%�e�tzc�bywhia�ixtt�'tcisz�oal���d,�e�r axdirectcd
' in ��� Sp��o di€'�c��t�.9- . ' _ - ad �
•`Z`, rusa: AsEruciurt�3. sYz�aazt, �suali�ve�i.cal or hr�zi�c3�.G�T, eorn�ti$ed of ��.amework �t is af�en. srcklu�
�les. • .
Valmaa+,Tnd�ies �c.. 74p��nrtf�kBS'� St.. �'.Q.79vs 358.'�T�IIet! l�T� G60fr�
+L: _ b. � � .�a�'}'_��,•f :�4.�:linC�__ i.E� . ' :•�s'.t.��:�"ut.y _ � '
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- - •~ ,L. . '•� � i., t��' L•�`�a �•si." 5��� � _.....fivY-�=�.s.� £�:e,y---�-=--v��Y-w �K.
3�a� � _ :� i �u i�},"��s-'il'.x,�� � 3r?,�l�i...'�-��Yn�.`fs+ n33-�:cr � '
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.}i': ' - � � � ..v-'L• g '� y •:j' ��'' - . e•+
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p ';- .d.}.�,y" y� �,J�.,�•,yry}ij' �h5�"i,� zu��+a �i-kS:S.?:� _�i'% � '�vy:= + • n-• ,
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ii�$����aQ��i:++ttnr'—"i'-.sStiY. a`7`wr,�d: � �r'+in'F- G'�-'P�{i�{k�i�..�113�f�k�iQi� _ "
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_ .�_ �w k�.,y�. :.� ' �.« _ ,�;L.�,.- < <� • .2-' .
. - - - 1�-s' �`r,', :���'�r,�$ -s = :� �. 4` ; . . . ti.�'S4' - . . . • ' . , _ _ _ f' .
, . �T�Y ����VF�R#'F"��'`•�1' ' t '�a ._ •.4 r3i' • .. ' • _' _ a
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- _ ���� � ��z� �i�3�,��;, .�`,:�aut�c �s��e.;'pc��[e�zex�i�p e�coat#�'���,mb�ss.�ts�tvhas
- �:a��-'r �i ��r� ,,. �. ?��_ • � �'�- r• • �,�"'''� ca;'s�xtaisfirl.�:&-�e�v£'������
• • �%y��;�i.pvs�LEsg�eci���%TaSrtiie. ��_ �oli�ia"`��f,�c��`=��-���� q�;'�i. ���i�`aae�w:ffi�r • ,
� �.' �
.�ef�°'x������`�:E��iia;, �-cte u.�,� b. �,.-•::. �� _�"' ,�i�res�`�� �`������o--�e.�dusi
� ' f � ° ' o � a �rai.�i�'�i =.., Q� � �
• • r7nTi�sas�e'sicin�,'q�t�.��o�tcpa$,£v�i3 re�.'�,� Lr st#�•�ep��r-a�:'c��ia�.��ri�bsis2�te.
"�y,-�ca � .��.�r;ri,��iaitas''��4f��!€tsti��i. x`rea���s�,�azut�'�.ie�s'aM} �x • ,t.. ;�f ,• �5 and 17�
• • .t�(j�7'C}O$'�iQ1PLYIL{t]�]��OITi]723fL�3�8TV1�E�A�II3.4].iC-�� fi��� ��x%�Y``,19��: �7LBI'11� �.��� �_.�.7�EtIIlB
,`''.. ' e'sriai�.eSs: �a�ec�.��;�tv��i�Pa�vde�gi� ,3..�.�:-.,• �ats��ust
' s�ee"s't�vo-ca�p"v�e��ia�j�;��ig►i � ,�Si at�e� 6�t�Ctop c
� � � �6� serlEs`a� al�s,yd ���a� �or c�qval} overxa�llica,uid �sr.' �3'OT�: o .
' b'Qt��Ic�fas�ed�ax�a�rs�:- � , ' - . - `` • . . " '
�.�. - �ea�e�� �-te��. . ' _ ' • • ' .
"Sri�'eat�ezi�gsfe�.l is z�.ok � coznpia��+1.y mttia�tc�o�-�ea ��f�a�� �. �u��oiag maiAtettaitr'�pxo,�a�z m.ust
in.alude i-�as'r�a�.adia iIIspaeti� far auya�noe+nal �a�a�xc�n. �auu�aa�re�xs �. ��1y �rea-���� �ae�.
- 'itH�nneTndwsbxe9 �nn„ 7QQ2 �o�h288°5' St,Jp.�_�o�C�5&r �laU.ey, �Ifi �i805�4
S' � • �
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• " STR�...�G ���l�:c i
. �xe�t��'�
�����.��a�o� .�.�,d -
��.Jil��Zl.��l� � .
�x���i �.�:���
�1�1.32T1�.' �Q{}�. �EY ��
�ai� ��-����d: ���/07 _
�a�� � o� � � . :
Q,r�.���5: ���y�e-
tO Iral�U.t311t p�19�t��� tIft#a. B.�aU.� �le �d�.aY:[oT U���se m.�#eX].a1G i]i'vaT�at]5 �U.V�b�PaifS, �'k&�x ..
appl[cat�nu �ecam�ten.d��oxys sko�dbe fa�u�t+�d �'or �a i�csk�su��. The mas� �orta�tt a�'�rl�.ich is En
� avoi,d Carit[t2uo�s expasure �n �n#s#nz'e. .i�Tat�,r, da�P cTeb�is, �x sa� o� wea#&�ni�.� steel s��a.ces u�1i
vae�s� gccel�r�e��caz�a�zo�a. 'Ye;eiaitost a�d�tc� ��.e bas� oas� be �a�xn��, A h�.ifc�rnp a£t�au�siQn, d��bris
ean 8duerse�.y �e�eot'fltr� izL9z�.e v�'��,�po�� base. �tc�� �uppY���s xeca��a��7Tc�� �aini�n€g afosaiy �.t�g
[�r-�in�} st�,�a�es. 5� �esttim.� £�z� �a�tt�� �S �D#7i1CCi1'[ltEf.��1O� �O I�lifllG�C� �{) it}71i73ilix� �fl�� �E1
�1B�SXQ'��G#CV6 Ct7R��; � _ ` ,
��, • V7i�:r�Xi.c��i. •� • , � � ,
I .A.TPlto��a�e, 's�ira�ians �e�ere enouQit to vause r�e.ma�e ts� oec�ort�[y.opcur in sExr�aLures nf ai�
i � types. 33ecause th�y ar� i�en�e� i�y tn�n.y �sraal�� v�bl� �ibx�f�aus axe uupr�diot�ble. 'm.�re is
� tto sXug�azae��sdta ir�e f�ta �t�svat�iip� o�'allvapc��s n�w�lrtaf�c�. �lbr�.f�o�•is �e�iaved ta he mr�ra
. �IIfCI� �Fi �[s4►It'YI�.kOil3�Cfl'fCP9 �a1: QOYf1�3pi16TL�$ S1LG�1 AS.ai�79� 81�iUS�AC�E'Wf�7.4IL�!lI�CI71;R� �.0
additianal aoc�ssarcas, wbic�. f� st�uctures ure daszg+asd#a su�po�. '�er�fare, such �.4�a�ed
accessori�.s, �� dav�ic� sc�u%vals:a� isi. dam�t;niu� �r�t��zs�os, ��.t�utc�.i���st�lted at fh� tfi�m� o�
��r��tro�. Tb.a o�e�h�sei `s mni�t�na�ce p�ra��m must inrs�ud� tb$ n�ss�t%an.�crr az�ya�cas�r��
' :;•• -��abx�tnz� �d eu oautit�v�'�sprn��m. �ar-�xo exam�uatia� bfany sfruc�uca� d�ag� or 601� Ioos�niuo.
3,6. .A�.c�.oz �a���o���ti[fl� • . � .
I�' �a#�nr��� har�+�� �s �'iiraislt� by ��.ercs, f�e co�reek siza �nd sireng� �aust �e �zseci. �RJzesz I�v���
nuts s�e vs� �e ba�a�o. ¢f �z �avfest �elin� � �+aits�o� �e xao�s i�v- �" �'a;ca �e concre€e svr��=
i arge s�aaes bBtw��n �zepol� basepl�� u�d #Iz� otraaiate c�n 4guse �ess�.ve sfre�ses iu � a�t��i.v�
bo�#s, ��ssvea'g�clsorbolts3�e�o�po��swi�t.�zeaf�.�vapsu�pordsaa�rain�ust��i�e�f�me�ttt�e
maximn�u 4" proj�ctio� �e�uir�o.�n.�s of Ehe A��'O Spec'�'ia�k%� (S�6tia�. i2,a'.� �c�.tlax�
• �c�airemen�sj anc�(nr �.y ��har gavan�i�; cad�s, .
�.'T. 3'�'�.s�tt�t�+.�' $;�se� ' _
T�. attachis�g apa.la fo n, #rausfox�ner base, pvh�a, tba pale basa �tate has eIotf�d�htales, �Iacv �}t� aaunec�
bn�is s�n �e lar$a� possible'�a1.t airvla (i.e. �h.e outer e�.ds of f�xa slots�, ,
�.8� AS� �3�� golt� .
T,bre�ds shacY[d 6� �b�i�c� iu ar�S�r ta ��;e�n� �a�ug s.�cd ta a�iave'bo�t �e�nsion, ��acordax�ae �vztb.
A�S� re�am�nen�atiaa�. ���'�vare stt���eKs us� heasvv� audvaKi.v�� co�u�r�ia� tiva�es as X�b�cotcnfs.
T��}� is�dicaxe #�a.t�ro�.ct�•3i�a "�S�U-40" �e t'.�ullt�ia[iI�'�sed an. �,C �el�. (.l�� ,' ,�"�5-��, �'•�'�
�.�. Hin.g�� �ale,s � . " • ' _
. i�i�in� xa+i� pass �Iuo�ti #�t� `�r�.�� �mtsc�on. ,�+�a �t t�e �n,� ta assuj:e tha�k fib.a s�asuIat�o�t �u not �s
.�2�ageci. d,uci�g xa�ing; aud.�4'4�a�lg'. TG�� �'ais�u$ �t�d. %�e� �vinolxxnust fae cr��z'atrd. smoa�iy au� .
�tie �rriu�#z �ab1t� I��t ta�.� � a�vid,�aLts, Yr�E�. aav7d a�use co3la�s� s��tf�e s�a�.
�.�0, `�`�caf'�Ze �%��� ��.�� �x`�ts
A� A1s'i�St aCli1S VII�I �tfl,'�I6 '�Ile �70�pi17. O�f�P ilLTlt 1[1C31�f1£� T3� E( �71� ��e�dad ta tho boikom u£ths �a��
� '��.:�.�"a_'•.y +: �"' '`• •',r`'.
, _'• �y . _ _ L,Y:i� F�.:' _ •: 4H __.� _ r • - .r'�yz�_• �•� _,� . +:- • `; •„ i _ ,
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�L.p..._... �[ATvli' ' •
. CS� ..,... • GUS�'Cii+l! ���N �'��iUGTLJt'���
CTP.._.... GAG� T�[vl#�[,/�T� �.��`iT4it��. `E'��11P.
��.---,.. �u�.� a��� �av�� A�s�, {����s�}
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Fi�G.,,.,. �fi�ti�L�A�,, .
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t�P�....,, , ��`Cl�� �iEC�-f ARis �
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HMR__.... H1G1-� 11tA•ST Nf1s��L��A��bE15 - -
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� �E�'P....,. RoUE�� �lt��f�TA����o Pc���A��`Y�.
151�J �'....,. • h[UT� . � , , , • ,
p��.. _:.; • HIC� MAs�' [c�31��. P�,Rl"S .
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Pl�c�...>.. PC3l,� A55�DlIf�I.�Y� t7�/�#�Fl�A� �(��
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��s.>..,. f'Ca1.� �-ti�l�nll��'�'�AS� S��i`r�hl� . .
�'F-f1.,.,.., YC3l.� �tGI[:IMA�T li����.. S��'�ka�f -
• �H�`...,,. Pal��Hl��-fMAS7'Tt�� ���7`i�t� � .
�'U�.w..�, ��3��A�S�M�LI�s� "
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� ' ps1..,..,. , st�aR�'SLi��i`i'i�� �O� � It*l�'��. ��o'�'.
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' ' ' Pl"P .�.__� '�oE,� 7€�� �'L.��"� . .
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SBt,�..._.. �TA�*lpf��t� �i[.��3 �t7G.'FS . � , • .
SCA...... ' SQU�Ak�.� �'GJE,� 7'D}� Pf�AT� ASS�M�L�`
� 5�1�...��, �Poi��;SLl�f��"�i�o,GR�� ��aR A�sY.
SGL..,,... SCft�l..L� . . - . '
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- S�i�,..�„ � sPAR7'S�.io�i"ii�i� iv�ls���-LA��atJs"
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►t�l��er]a� iV�r�i�: ����354i'� #�R�SS[iR� Tl���i�'�G iN�4�
Si3� �D; 4�22#3327 - _- -
, � :� � ��Gt��an � a �t���l�i�"�' �f�� ��I���NI�' ��']�i�T����,A7�C3� � � �
Ma�uf�ef€�rer �n�orr�aii�ri '
ico�r���s �r�G. c�-r�r��t�c: soa�zd�-�afln (o,��s[�� �rsA: •�� 7o3•�2T ssa7�
436 Sevenih Avenue . �`rr�er�encPes: (Madical fn iJSAj: 877 737»9C►47 .
Pittshurg�, �A �152i 9-i8t70 Cmerger,clest (Niodta�al OutsPde c� iJSA): 659-632-9269
. I�fg Gontact: A�'f2 22"1-2UQ'f (Sp5 {teq�esfa: t��C•8s2-b2Ss} �€71a1l: naorgtxts�s@lcoppees.cam
��odu�� �c��h�"t�F�r: �R.�t75Q�'� �'RESSI��i� TREATED �a{�!�
Prar��r�� �i.�� . _
Industrlal v�a��f proc�ac#s: speeEfica�i� rat�ro�d #ie�, ut�E�fy �o�es, anti martne piEings. Greasote i�-sate�t wand is
fnt�ct�d fal` exte�iaNlnutd�a�' �tadt� and anfy thnse applicailons appravod byths Rme�Gat� V11ood Protec#lot�
Assaaia�f�n (AWPA} Usa Cafiec�ary �yster�'i as saf farth in �a �ost ct�rrent eBitloE� of �i��'A�t1ff'A Baak of
Stanc{�rds. ' ' •- -. -.-..-
��c��o�x � K H�ZAPp� �i�,��T�F�C1�'1"#f�N '� k �`
M.•. .~�I�hysi�al ��arm: Press�ifa tCeated poie� �nr! �►�assties - t�'e�ted at a t'�ten#lan EeVc�! �f 7��J tbsl�f3, �vith � woa�f
density of �s•�5 ibsffi3. #�r�ssurs ir�ated pilir�g �#�ea#e� at � r�tentican teuel �f �2�•�� f�slff�, v�ith a waQd de�siiy of
�� Ibstf#�. Acfcrat ►�r�tention ievel r.iependst�t on t�rva� stacic, molsiure le�als, and cus�omer �poalflaeffons.
C�(or: daric, brow�r ta bfack •
t�dar= tar c�dor
Si�nal �vrd; VvARf�1Na! .
�I�Sajnr �-f��lfh Fta�a�'�s: harrr�it�t ff inhaiacl� f��rmf�ii ol� �ont�et v�rifh lhe s�Ci1�� respiratary�raGt irri#atfdt�, �tt1M
[rrttatior�, eye irri��tlo�r, a[isrgfc raaatior�s, �asaEtsfn�s �an�er, lung a�ncer, sld� oanaer
E�tiysi��� Ha�rds: pus#tair mix�ures may fgn�te or exploda.
i�r�caufion�ryi �#�teman#�: �vold breathfnc� du�t. Avatd contaaf �uit�t oyes, stciri �nd cfot��ing, �isa dttlyw�ti�
• adequate �entllatlon. UUash th�ia�rghEy �fter I�andlin�. Ptotoctfve ctoth)n� rnus� i�e changed wh�n fk shows si��s nF
cant�rr�inatlon. o�se�ve g��d f�ygi�na and safsEy �ractlees �v�ten hand��ng this product, Do not use ihis product
�n#if the �i1��1� has be�r1 road and undarsto4d. ��r mnre �nfo�m�.�on, �teas� ses cc��s�mer �n�orrn�t[c�r� she� �or
ti�1s praduct.
PC�T�NTIAL �-(�AL77�! �����T�
Sh41'� 7e�m: �reasn�a �na� oaus� Ir��lfat�on. Woad c�us� rrtay �ause irrltaflan and �it�rglc reactlons.
�,o�t� T��t�: �t'ansnte may cause r��us�$, vorr7itin�, a�d l�e�dacl�e. V�1anc� tlusi m�y oaus� i��ri#aiia�, �i1�r�ia
r��ctions, nasef�leeci, nausea, voml�ln�, toss nf g�peE�te, Ghest �BiEt� dI�FfGUIf� 61'L�fhliT�r headach�, ciraw�inass,
�liatad puplls, visus! disfurbat�aes, irregulaE• heartbeatt lrang dan�age, Ifve�' darn�ge, ftidnoy ctamage, and
n�s�tls�n�s cancer� • .
Si�ort TBt��ra: Cre�sc►te may caus� 1rl'Ita[l�n, afcin cifsc�aiara#Eon, skf� dlsorde�s, s�nsl#�vl#y t� su�rii�€�t c�anges in
bady te!'�pet'�ttu�e, rtau�e�, vamitin�, headaahQ, dtfflcuiiy breafh9ng, Prregu�ar t�ea�beaf, f�lulsh sk�n cotar, anc�
��r�vuls�ans. Wond dust rn�y �gu�e irrit�#ibh, aller�fc reaatlans, slctn d€s�r�lers, dl�ticulty �raathing, irreg�riar
� hearibe�ff hsacEa�he, vis�ta€ disf�tr�ances and t�ldney �famags. . .
�'aga 't of 9#� �_ lssue I�ata Q�IA�f11� Revisian '1.'�800
������ L�a�a �h�e�
'�UI����'ial N��ie: G�2��SCiT� f�R.�sSiJl.�'�`R�.+��'�A �f10�1� . -. - �tiS l�1: �.0�2�3��:; ._
E�ong i'�l`rn: G�'�os❑te may c�usa dertnati#fs, skin c�lscofaratfo�r s%ir� �lsorders, sanslflully #o sunllgh#, c�an�ias ih
bodyt�r�perat�r'n, nttu��a, vam�ting, hettdach�, difflGul#Y �r�afhfn�, irra�uiar �e�aribeat{ biuish sklt� colar, lu�g
car�cer, and skln cat�cer. Waod tlust mayca�se irrlta#iatt, aller�i� r�acilor�s, �nd s%�n disorders. .
�Y� -
ShQrt Term: Creasate m�y cause irrl#a#1or� and sfl�ysi�tvfty ta sr��rlight. Wood dust tnay aau�e ii'�'ifation an�f �ye
dam��e, '
• Lan�'�'ex�rrs: Grea�ofa may ra�tge ierlt�tlon and sensitivtty #o sur��ight. V�faod tiusl r►��ycause Er�fta#lon ane� $�e
d�m�c��- .
In�estion€ . .
' �ho�-t T���nr Greosoie rr�ay causa hrltatiori, n�us�a, vnrr�ltfr��, chan��s En �a��ty terrEp�rature, difiicul� �reaf�inc�,
1rrs�yUlar hea�'tbea#, her�da�f�e, d[xxlness, �Eui�h sltln �olpr, carrilouascular Gollapse, ant� eanvuisic�r�s.'U�c�c�d dusf
m�y cause naus�a, v��nfR�ng, lnsa of a(opeflteF difif{culty b�'eatf�in9� irregvl�r heartbsat, and cl�bwsEt�ess_
L.ong i�rm: Crsosote mayc�usa lrritation, nausoa, �ami#ing� itsadache, gastr4lnie�#inat e�fects, dE�i�ess,
chan�bs 1n �ndy temp�i��aiure, Visual c�isf[��bances� �[3�€icuity brea#hi[�9� irra�ular heartbe��, �Iuish skEn aa[crf, and
Gsrdfovas��far colEapse� No infioim�flo�1 is �v�il�blo fo�� urood dusf.
� � � ������� � � c�a�n�����`��� � r���R��.�rro� ra� tr��r�������� � � �
�, u,�3�if t�dv�rs� eiF�cts ��cur, rat-naue to uncdntarr�i�rator3 ai•aa, �tue ariEfi�ial respirafior� if t�vt bre�thinc�, [��t 1mrr��di�t�
medlcaf aftsntf�n.
V#ras� skin wifh �c�ap and wafer P�r at Inasf �1 S minuEes vsrhiie isemovlrlg cot�faminaYe�( cf�thing ar�d shaes. RO �i(J�
rui� ur�fil sic€n fs frae af sawdust and preservative �nate€'ia(, Gat medicaf a�t�r��ion, if needed, 'f�araughly afe�t� at�d
� tiry contarnfnata�[ clo#�ing and 5hoas f�B�are rause.
Flush eyes w3th plenty af rr�afer fot-a� �eaSt'i a� rr�Enutss. Da N01" rub eyes. ihen gat 1�nrnedl�te rr�ed�cai a#tsr�tion.
�ri�e�#�4n � .
�f a�arge amount Is s�valiawer�, get t�ted�cal aifer�tlon. .
� � �t� "r�y" ���If)ii � y ��i�� '���1�����' ��,r����'�c� �' � �
5�e Seatian 9 far
�1Fk�A f��.fln�s: �-t�al��►� 2 �iYe= �i Rea�tiuity� D
H�zard SaaEe: 0=' Mlnirr��t '1 � Slfghi 2� N[odeCate 3= Se3•�ous �= S�vera
Pxge 2 oi'[q #ssus [7afa 1lS1�1419� R�vlsi�n 'f,98flfl
�qrr�pQn�ri# 1��lat4d l�ec�uEatary I�fort��#ion .
Thls praduot may be roc��rtatsd, have ex�oaura limits c�r at€�sr informatio� ic[et�tifi�i as fhe fnllowin�� Vifa�d dust,
ali so�t and hard +�oods, V11oac� d�sts�ha��i waoc{, Wo�d d�sts (all aEhei' w�od dusts}, WQ4� dus�s f�i�'ch,
ma�taghany, ��ak, waEnut), Won� dust, westei�r� ret� cedar, �reosofes. - _
�' �" � S�c�ion 4 � �'l���` �N� ��ASL���� `�` � �
- � - �a���� ���;a_�����
-�a��r��r �a�i�; c��c��n�'� �������c���.�;���� uuo�� • -- _ -sns tn, ����s��r--- -= --- _---
��a'mm��t� Frapert�e� -
i�us�Iair rr�lxt�ras may fc�nite �r �xpfade Duri�g ffre cattdttlor�s, vapvrs a�d decampos�#!on �raduots may be
• �elaased, ft�rrr�ing f�amrna6felexplosE�a mix#ur�s in �it, cantact wit� f�eat r�ay generate toxlc �dfor flamr�abl�
gas�s. • .
��n��tlrx�ty �� Nlac�ia�fca� Im�a�c�
i�at av�ilable �
Sensifii�ri��{ fia Sta#i� �isc�rar�e •
�lot a�aElable
���r���i�hi�� �il[�d�� , .
carban rl�axlde� regular dr�y ch�micai, re��Iar fo�tm, uvater s�raY .
Arof�c�iv� �q�i��non# �ar�d �rsca�€fit�n� ���' �ieef�g���rs
Ful��fire fighiin� #u�'n-nut g4��� �bunk�r gearj. �
�ire �i�hf�r�t� �ti�a�t�r��
Ava�d inh�[atian of m�teria! ar corrt4uslfan #�y-��aduct�. Stay upv,�tnd ar�d k�ep out of ]�w area�. Uas oXx[n�uPsh(rt�
' agsni� �ppr�prlata for sur�'ounclfr�g #lre, '
� � � �e�#�r�n � � :l�G�II���TI-�L ���.�AS� �1�l�S���� � � � - -�.�
�St��e�' R�E���e
Suh�aa� ko Ca�lfc�nia Safe br�nfcirtg WaEer attd �`oxic �nfarceme�f Aat af �98�i {P�'aposltican FSj.
t�ccupa�i�r�al �pi�� 1 i�ele��� , -
Co[lect debr�s �nd usetf materl�I fn a�prnpt'i�te cankair�er far d4sposal, Dua to �he cancsntra��on of C�'eosnt� �ntf
t�,e ���r�.a {�o c�� �az.�} repqrtabfe c�u�nfffy �f 'I pnutyds the reieas� af � po�r�ds of #his p�•oduc� requlres
Nation�� Res�ronse Ca�ter no�tffa�4lo�. .
� �k � +�B���i�� � '� �i����,.����r ��� ������� � � �
�i�#7Ct��Y1g Fi"�}C�t��r�e5 ' �
llse rna#hot�s ta ��ltn[t+�Eze s��sf� Ava1d frequsnt uY Ptoldn�eci ir�halation of sawdu��t fro� tr�atad wt�od. When
saw{n� and rt�achlt�ing freated sn��act, uvear a�i�st rt�ask. Wher� p�wsrwsawinc� ar�d r�iaci�tning, ure�rgQs�giss t4
prbtea� �y�:s from'�Yl�� i��r#icles, Ulhen���r possiF���, ti�ese oporatian� sho�ld be ��rforrn�d autdoars i� �v�i�
it�cfaor accurnutatlor�s df a{rbor�a sa+�rdctsi fii orn t�e�te� �voad. Auald f�equ�nt nr prafonged sl<fn conhaak v�ri�F►
�reosats fraated woQcl; when h�n���g ihe treated wood, uve�r lon��sieeved shF�s antl fong��ants �tnd use glouos
(rnpervious ta #he c�emicals �fc�r axampie, gtcsvas that are v�nYl-caafed). l�se p�otectiv� skin cream an �xp�se�
sldn }�efota �nd durl��y �v�rr'It shf�• `Prs redu�e s�an ser�s�tEvlEy � sun�bla�k(n� to#lan ��P� '[5+) �an also ba ap�lf�d
pE�o�� tb 2�ppllcation af a pro#aatfve cre��t. Af�or warkin� wtth fh�s wood, and p�fore �atirrg, drinkJng and usa nf
foba�c� prnd�cE�, v�rash �uspaseti araas thorough€y. !� �iiy pr�sanrat�ve or s�wdus! accum ul�ta �n ctoi�es, iaut�der
b�%�a reuse. W2aSY1 G�14iPC C{OtElB3 SBpftif�fPl� �i(Iri1 O��iF3F FiOtl3B�1dI[i Cio'iEIETi�.
S#dYag� Pr`r�ceduP��
�[a spe�i�€ requfrotnents, _
�age� �f �1Q 4ss�rel��teQ9l�9�I�� Reuislon'l.�S[]�
��f��y� ���� �h����
� i�la��riai�t►�arna: �1�OS�7�'� P����Ui�� TR�A�'�Q'f1f1i�E3n - ,- . �1�� �D. AU228��7
�' �` •� �e�t�c�� � � ��'C]a�'CIR� C�'?��`i���,,,� f P�����I,AL F�F'��' i��C`�'1t71�! * " �
��pras�tre Gu��lat�n�s • . "
Grc�asoi� ts r� comptex �r�1xE�r� af varlablp unmposltldr�,�an�! wi�fl� rta odor t�raehofd Par creosoEe has �een
astablls�ed, work �ione at the UnEvorstky of Cafifornfa has rnaasured tt�a acic►rt thr'sshofds for vr�e af t�s m�r�
volai�fe componer�s in �reosote and t�eier�ineri t�at the invai�ed odor �resha�d is fn the part p�st` billl�n r�ngaE
and +N�11 b�tow appllcabEe ex�asuCe limlts. Cire the basls of these dafa ##�e p�reeP�ldn of cr'eosats odor �n anc� a�
€tsel� shauld nof b� �alcen as �� indicafio� of e��►sure 5� exc�s� af a�cepfQd ex�as�irs lim It�,
�xposure'ta waod cfusf �rvauld �t�t b� �xPe��cd ��der nor•�iaE use oor�ditian�. �f Ytandling nP use pa;te��ns
assQ�[a��d vulfh ereasate �raaEec! �,v�od f��volve the use af a po�ver sau+, sander, c(r�!( ar any t�o1 or activity r�suttfng
in the �er�ei�fion of alrbor�e ��riiculafe #he foilawin�l waoc� dusE exposure 1[mifs sh�uld ba c��sarved �nd
�ppro�r€a�e sto�s t�kan to r�inlm[ze ax�osur4, • - �
Gc�mpc����r�� �xpnsura l�imi�s �
wr��� �usrr �ar��waoo� (n�c�e.�v���a�re) .
AC�I� i: � rrr�A'r� 7WA (fnhaEable fraatlan, reiaEad E� G1lood dusis [�if other waad dusts))
�IIo�FE: �f m�Cm3 7WA (ratatad io Wood dugk, a�l saff and hard woacfsJ
lil[exi�co: 1 m�fm3'iWA; LMP� PP'f (i�elatad td WoQd dusEs-h��d woad) -
wooD �ausr, ����rooz�S ��rat �vat�a��e)
AG�1H: O,b rrtglm3 TVVA {fn}Eafah�e ir�cfl�n, r�Ia#ad tn 1niaQ8 dus#, aves#ern rerl cedarj
d�rrr�at sd��itl�er,res�sfraioty sensttizei� [ralated !o U4Food ��tstF v�esisrn rod e�dar}
�iL��H; �1 mg1m�'T1NA (relaiecf to bV�rad dus-�, all sot� and hard vsraods}
��7AL'�"�►F� Pl�'GH VCil.A'F'1L�� {G899&-9� 2]
osHA {USf. fl,2 ��lm3 '�WA (ben�ene aalubla fracttan)
A��IH� Q.2 tnglm3 �1IUA (as b�snz�ne salub�a �sYasol) .
• f�t4SH. €i.9 rnglm3 'C1NA (Cyciohexane-exiraafahle fr�ctfon)
' �Jfexica: Q.�U2 rr�qfrtn� 7UV�1 Li+rl��-PPT; O.Q� 1"E[$IfYi3 N1►i� LM��-P�T ��5 P�C€Icula#a ptll�jGyGII� �fQltik��I4
a,o�15 ppm S7Gl. [���'� Gr�; 0.€13 rngfae� s9'�?L i�-�1i'�-�7�
E�sure adequats v�n#!l�tion, �ns�rr� comp�iance wlih appfica�sia expasure lir�lt�.
�y�� I �ac� - .
A�SE �87.'#-�959 a{�prc�ved sa�eEy gCasses w�th side shislds,
�ro#v��iva ��o�ing
l�lear t�ght�yvroven i�ng-sleav�d ahir#s �nd t�ng pants. �pi�av� and f�utide�`coE�tarr����te�i �l��hing sep��#efy
frorn ofher iaundry before r8use.
��c�ve i�ect�mme��fa�inn� � �
Etttflvlduai� must wear gfoves It�p�rulnus to the;nrood freatment forrn ula#f�r�s in atl sifuatt�ns �rhara dermal cantac�
w�fh or'eosofe is expec�d. '
�������iv� �1111���rlat `iy�ae� . � '
. �xamples af irnpervtou� �rla�erlai� fa�• praiective c�a€h}ng (e.�. nverall�, j�cl�ois, gloves �and bbu#s� requlred durinc�
a�pffaatit�n ai�ci ltandf�n� af creasate at'o polyvinyl ac�tate {PVA}, �nty��nyl chloeid� (PVC), NeoprAn� �nd N�Ft
- (Bur���i+t).
Rt���iratory k�ro������n . .
[f the appiica�le Tl.�s andlQt' P�Ls are exc��doci, u5� ��nisfor nr c�rEridg� respirttFnra, 4vhlal� are M5 HRPNIt)�H-
ap�roved� w�tf� hEg�-sfflctanny parii�r�i�te f�lters.
�ag� � nP �0 fsstta E�ate l�910�€l�� �evts]on �.18UU
� ��f��� �a�� ���e� �
=--- r�������� ����: G����Q�r� �r����u�� r�EAr�o .v+�c�o�. - - -- - - = s�� r,�. ���zs3�:� - �
�- � � � Sec�idn � � Pt-IY�1+��4�., ��i� CH��JIM�CA� F'�C�P�R'l"��� �� ,,; �� .
RhysfCal �iats: �af€d
F'�yst�al Form: �ressure ireaie�! poia� anc�
tsi'oss8es - fl'e�tad at a YafaritidE�
tauel af 7�9 Ihsli#3, wtth a woo�t
densl€y rsf�46��� !#�sl!#�.
Pressure EreaEed p911r�g � tr�ated
at a roFen�on leve! of �(2 20
I�sltt3z wlth a anraad densiiy af
� 4� 1�slft8. Aa€ua! retenti�n levst
d�pendeni on wnad.stack,
mo[stuYg I�vels, and custvt��r
pH� Not��aiERi�te
�oiEln� �alnfi: N�t �valla619 •
ESeaornpnsli�on TernperatuYe: f�fok avail�bte
i�vwer Explosiva l.irr��#' Nat �Va1l9bie
va�or Pressure: f�lataV�l�a6[e
�peci#Ic Grar+�ty (�+rat�rM'�): I�otava�l��1�:
Lo� Knw: Nn� aval�able
'Uisae�tty; �iot �vai3a6ie
Coiot': daric, brown t� b!&�k
I7cfar: #a�' ocfor � �
�rsezing 1 Melting Paint:
Flash I�aEnir
�va�aoraflon Rate:
U�p�r L�xpfasivA I,imit�
Vapa�' l3ensity;
. Ru��tgnt�ivn Tein�.•.
� � = S�"A�3�L�T1P �,��
Nof avaf[abfe
�Int e�hpfiosbfe
Nat avalia6fe
�Iot aval[alale
Not availab]�
Naf &VAi[A61e
Naf svaff�bie
A1ot avalla�sle
���tni�al ��b9�9ty • '
Sf�bl� a� r�orma! �smper�Yures and �t'essuro.
Go�dl�ot�s �o Auald
Avalcf heat. �iat�tes, �paetcs and othet• souraes pf i�n�tian. Avoiti co7lfa�t �Nlkl3 It�aom�afibfe tT1��eYta�s.
�'t�#erials �c� �void �I��cvt�tp�f�b�Ii����j
axid�zfng materi�f�, acids
�}���rm�o���it�r� ���o�Iuats _ .
carban manaxide, aar#�an �iioxld�, oxldds p� nlf�'�a�ert
1'c��sfbFil�y �f H��ardr��s l'�eacfions �
. Wt1! Tto� �aolyt'Yt�E't�e. _ �
�; � :� �ect�on �i'� '� �"����C��.C����A�� �t��Q��l�,�i�N � � � r
�rrl�a���rt 1 �orros�v� ��a�'c�rrrz�t(an � .
RT�C� [t'r�ta�i�n
The cc�tri�orients vf t�is rr�aiatial 1��Ve b�en i•evievi�cf and R�"��s �ubi�s�es no app�icable daf� �s oP th� cEafe on
tht� daaurnant. • ' '
f'ago � t�fi � p '
lssu� E��fe�91a4!'[4 Rk:vision �,�f8C1iJ
�a�e�y_�3��� �'h���
iU�a���'i�� ��me: �F���i�t�T� i'k����E2� T1��AT�D'4f1�t�t��i. - -- - $�]�-t�l� D1��28327.. : _ ._
Lc��s� �fFecf� '
woar� �ovsT, r�A�avvac��s �r��t �va��a�re�
f�ritant: inh�I�tfon, skln, 4Y� -
W�U� dtls'I`, BC��Thi1fOQR� {�1afAvaila€�laj .
lr��1#ani: �nhalaiiaYt, sftln, eyQ • .
�nAL 7`1•l� ��t��SA�'� {i3��'I�58 �)
irrita�t; Inh�[ptlart, sicln, eya �
�1cu�e an� �hranTc Taxic➢�y
com�or���� �n�lysis M �.��a/�..c�o �
�'h� com�r�nen#� of this rnafa�fi�al h�ue �c�e�i revlawatt irt ���ia�rs sources and the foilaWiil� sel�ctad �ndpnfn�r af'�
�ublished: � .
c��a�, ��R cR�o��'�� (�o���5s�) � - .
Or�i �I7�U Rat �52�} rrt�llcg .
!�i'��� Acuia �'ax�ciiy (seJect�rlj
7�e campaner�tg afthls rr�atarla[ ha�e 6e�n reWiewedr �n� RT�CS publlsitss iha faltawi�� endpoi�ta:
ca.��. ra� c��os��r� (so��r��s-s�
t7rg1: �z5 m�rkg orai C2at L.a50 �
.1�CG��e '�'E?)Ci�1�Y [_.�v$1 �
Ga�� �'AE� �C�t�asoi� (8�o���sL9)
IV�adai'ately7'vxia; fngeslfan
�arr�i�agani���y (�'ra�uat)
OSHA� No NT�. Yes IARC: Yes �see b�fat,v for addl#ianal I�formation on compor��hf cArcinagen status)
�r�r�-�ponenfi Garcina��nicity •
�1VDOA �7u87, HAt�b1NOt�1�5 �h1otA:�ait�i���) .
A�G1H: A'i - Con�frmed Hut�ian Carcirtager� (r�laiec� i�a V��od dust�-hard wQod)
NiQSH: }�ot�r�fla# occu�aa€{dnaE carctnagen {�'eEaEed lo i�Uoad ci�ts#: �II sofi and harc! woodsj
�fTP: Knawn Fiaman Garr,inogen (Seleci Carcit�4c�c�n, rslated #o }hfoad dust, all sdfi ancl hard u+oads)
3ARG: ilrlanagt�ph `IOQG [20'i2j; ivfvnasra{�h �2 [�995] ��raup 1�car��rroge�fG ia humansj, related io
� iNaad dusf �tf so#�and ttard wands)
WUaL? L1�57', SCIFT�ltiICJQ�� �Not AvaEfahfe)
/a��(�: �Q - NoE �f�tssiflabla as � H+�man GarGinv�en �relatecf #a Woo� d�st, weskeYr� 1'ed aa�iaP)
N1bsl�: pofehttal oacupatlona! cara9qagen (raf�tad tc� V+laad dust, �!([ so�t end hard v�roads} .
N'i'1': (Cnown Human Carci�ogan {v�'eEeot Carelnogan, rel�ted to 1Noad dusi, ai[ sd(# and hard vvoods}
IAf2Gs Mar�ograp� 144iG (�[l12]; i�rlonograph �2 �� 99a� (.f'aioup 4(neroittogenlc ta hurrt�ins}, eel�iod #a
Waad dust, aif soft and hprd Wcsods}
G(a,��. 'CAFt !Gft���O'�'� (S{?0'f •58w9j .
�fity&H; paEen#ial necapaiEarr�l cc�rctno�en
• �ARC. Nin�tog�tph �2 [2d�0]; Supplerrtsht 7 [9�87J; Matrogf�ph �5 �i9tl5] �C�iPa�p 2A �Prab�bly .
� caYcfRoger�lc fa �1umans)) _
�'�`��,r'7 �1.1!'�'i(tiY�l£Jl£f7iG
'The �om�ion�nts of kl�1s t�at�t�ia1 have been revl�wed, snd RT�G� pubiish�s dat� Far ane or m�t� corr��c3n�rlts.
RT�G� iVl�x�age�ic
�'h� aamponents af fhis rnAtarial have been reVleW�d, attc� �i�C� pyb[is�es data fnr on4 i�f` �t�orie cnrrtponen#�.
I�T�CS F��1f QCI�[C�l1l� �'i�E�`�� ��Qn��.
`�'he cc�rnponents of t1iEs rnaterlal hav� been reviewed, �nd RT���3 pU�llshes data foY one or �rtots cp�P
Pag� 6 of �t3 fsst�e i��fia i��I�4i'E� �ie�lsian 'f.•fB�JD ..
-_ -�����y �3��� ����f _ _ _
�lfa�eria[ i�am�. GR�CfSpTE PR�SSt1R� `���ATEU UY4�0� �#1�� ID; 0[J2�83�7
'��r���t Clr��ans (�'r'a�uc#)
r�spir���rY sy��em, skin, aye�, lmmu�e sysferrt (sensitlzar} .
iar�e� Cirgar�s ��ar�a�on��x�sj
- vkFi3t11� ptJS�', H�€�1�i1f1C3o17S (No#l�va�ia3�te� .
Ir�munB systc�m �sen�lfi�er}
ilflC2p� �3��Tr 5o��'iNt]OA� (�Jut Avallabie}
ijnmune sys#sm (sens�flzer)
IVi�ci��at C�rnd����ns A��xa�re���i by �x�asur� Bas�d n� Pr�dU�t ar�d Cvm�c�ne�� �rtfart�a�ia�
�espirat�ry �1lsord�rs, s�fn disnrdars �r�B aiEergios
Addl�fanal lr���rmat�c�n �[�rc��Ts��#j
ihfs pro�u�f e�ntgins �o�t f�r a��eosata, voi+�rn� �5 nf the lARC mor�a�r�pl� stat�s th�t th�re 1s Iimlted ovidanae.
#ha� coaf i��� �ierfved a��eosates are carcinnqenic 1n hum�tns xt�d sufFcient autd�n�e far t1�� carcinag�enioity nf
oi•e�s�te f� exper�m�n#al anima�s, Lfrnita#�or�s ��r tho human sxposure s#udies �evi$Wed by IARG (in�ludfi�g tha
pra�ence af a#iterch�rrtfcais, �malE stuc�ypop�latfprt� �nc! nat wsf[ dacum�nied exposure �avels) �pttiribu�ed �ta
fAF2G's �on�tus�or�s regak'dinc� human expasure �ti creosat�. UVh�t� �p�iieti fa fhe sicin aF mice �n exp�rlinenfal
siudfes. al�ac�sote praduced sk3n iu�t�ors and ih vno st�r�y produc�tf iun� t��mars. •
IVl�atavallalaie inia�mafion ot� #hg eff$Gts af caal tarayeosnte i� hur3n�ns aamas fram aider aacup�#�on�l siudles i�r
the w❑ad��reaerving ancf consfr�oti�ri irod�strta�. "f'o�i�y, wl#1t the �so af enc�lr�eering cantrc�ts and parsanaf
gt'oE�uf[v� �qu��m�nf, acc��a��onal exposure to creosat� �om�on�nts is sx�ect�d to be beiow �ermissihle
Qx#�asur� Ifr+'��fs (meas�red a� CT�'Vs), �14raad dust is p��kicfes of vaE'ying size pr�du€ra�d �rom prooessir�g or
riand�Errg �rood, C�naeE' �f t�i� nasai caviii4s �nd al�iuse� Is asso��ated t+�1ih e�pc�st�ra f� f�at'dwnod dusi. !A#�C
� oanciuded €h�t th�l'd were taa �a�nt s#udles to a�gluate c�naor rlsks at#r�bufa�i[� to exposur� to sai€waod alone as�d
Eo any parit�uiai-spec�ea of �roc�d_ In vteva r�f fhe ovo�`alt iacic af cor�sfs#��# ftndl�c�s� IAR� also �onaf�Eded �h�t � tic
�s no 7ndlcafEc�n #hat occupatic�naf exposure fo �vnod dust has a ca�sal role In a�ncet's of th� thf aak,lur�g, �Y�F'
anr� blood sys�ems, s�orr�ach, ct�lan or reotcr�- . �
i�i�Ferankurvv�s pradE�ce t�Efferantl�eaEfh effecEs a�d tliero ts evitience th�turaod �'t�om di€Fer�n# ir�os a�##�e sam�
spo��es ��n pr�r�uc� v�ryin� r�earm et��cts, Waod� otlier t�an Vil�s�een Red C�dat� (WRGJ ge�:ttt unllkely fo ��
responsfia[a far ]arr�e n�[�'rbers of cases of respira�4rY all�r�ies. Otf�et� cornmo� wnad dusfs pYodu�e
ast�tnal�uftr�ar�a��y affeats t�at are Iess Wal� dsst�rli�ed than f�re rc�sponses to WR�.'�hese o#he�' �n'and �Peclss
(a.g., oaic a�d pinej ars cnnslde���d sam�wi�ak afler�er�ic. : ���.
. � � � .��c�Cpn �� tl ��t�l.�U�I�A�� Z��4i,'1�l1.+4i�C��l
Cc�mpane�t J�.nalys�s � Aqua��� Tox��i�y
��.�t����z cu���c�T� ��ao�.����g _
�'ash. 98 Nr L.�5Q �raa!'tydania re�'ra: �.B - G.8 m�Jl, �st�tie�i 9� }'ir [.C&(� OncoChyl�ahus
. � myklss: �.57•mglL. [statlC�
In�ar�ehraie; 4�8 iis' �G�D Ciaphnla magn�: 'l,[l4 m�)L.� 9$ Hk' �C�O paphhfa magna: 0.4�5 .. D,082
msli. [Statica '
.._ _.._ . ...- •
P��� � o� .� p . �ssue i�ata c��1o4l�IA� i�evis[vn � .� $p�} � . -
�a���' �}a�� ,�h���
iViai�r�at C�Tat�a: �R�t�sCt7� F'E2�S�ui�� �`1���1'i'�p 11Vo�Ja
�ec�on 1� � �t�SP��A�., �C���I���l��°1� []�� � � k
��� ...
�r�s an, ����$��r
bis�osat 1�€e�Ya�ds �
i3is�ase in aeu�rdanc� wltY� �li applicab(� �•e�uia#tons, Treat�d wnoc� shoc�fd nc�f be #�urned 3� open ffr�s nr ir�
stQv�s, #i�fsla�es ar reslde�tiaf hoff�rs, �e4��sa #axic ahemEr.�fs may h� prnd€�ced as ��arf of the smdke and
�shas. Tt'e�ted uttood f�'om rarnmercf�f ot' ��dustCla� u�s (�.g„ consir�ctlon sitesj may 1�e burr��tl �nly in
oommercial or in��strial #nalnerators �r boflers in accordan�� wiih s�af� and �ed�ra2 regufations, For mare
infar��Efan �fe�ss see Kop�flrs constrrn�i' Infnrrna�ion �heet for Ehls prpduct,
Gor���n�n� 11�as�a Nur�b�r� �
coa� �-.�x c��aso�r� (soa��ra��) .
� �tC1�A: wasts nurr��er Ub�i
* � �' �e��io� �1� � �'�•�E��Pt�RT �N�OR.�11�T�f�N � �'�
i�� Dc�T In%rmatic►n
Nn Glssslflcaffon assl�ned.
TpC� Irtfar��afi���
�o �l�ssiffaat[nn sasignet�.
iC�IC) �1'���7�-iriatio�l • .
IVo al�s5ffica�ian �ssigned.
JA�'� ln��rmatf�n
Na �lassi#ic�tion as�ign�d.
iMpG i�'Yr��'rnafiiQrr
�!o alas�ifica�(on aasign�c�.
� � � � :��c�i�n '�� �
'�"C?i��f �i��`���f�'�`t�� * :� k
U,�. �e�l�t•al �e�t��a���r�� .
`�t�is ���tieri�l cantsirts on� or more of fha #oliauving cherr�Ecals required to b$ id��tiffed und�r �AF2A Sectic�ns
3Q213t�� j�tl ��F� 355A�apendfx A), SAF�A �ecElan 3�3 (4U C��t 372,6s), ��€tC�,A {�o ��R 302.�€j, TSGA '12(�},
�ndlorl�ec�uire art OSNA �rac�ss saf�ty pi�n. •
�OA�. TAR GR�OS�3`I'� (8fl41�-S8�j
�AFtA 3�f3: D.i °1A de t+ilnimis crsnaantratian
C��t��.A: 1 Ib i�nei R�� R.454 kg finnl F�Q
S�4RA �1't1�9� !-l�xardaus Ga#e�nrl�s (4D G�R 37Q �ubparts � anc! �)
1�:Gt�te H�alt€�:1F�s Ght�onic �ie�ifl�. 'Yes Fire: No 1'�'t-�sur�c �ta Reac�ve: NQ .
[1.�. S�a�e F�e�ta�a�ians
The followin� com�on�nts appea�� on on� o�� mc�re �f'th� fa��wfng st�ia hazardot�s ;�u#�st�n�es iis�s;
.,� ,� .�..0 r n tut ❑ iliit+! A!�! I'A
Wt�4p �1uS'�', NARC;WOOi7s (�r�latad ta; w❑�
and h�r�3 woods) (�reiafed ia: W4od d+�sts.hr�Yct
WQ01� [��ST, S[3�='t'WoUI]S (°rel�ted to: Woi
an� i�ard wnodsj _
�r� �ravidad tsndet� #he
t3pq�-�8-9 Yas Ye� YeS Yes
rnEa 5sfe I�rtnklr�g W��er and Tox�a �n#ar�e
�(98� �Proposl�lon SSj: �
WARNI€�!G! Yhis prod�Gt contair�s a chsrnfc�� kna�nrn fa f�� s€ate of GaElfarr�ta to �aase car�c�r.
-. ;__�. . -
I�stre oate ...: -..: _..�
..... __ �
_. _ :. ,
Pag� S n� �0 -- t1�1�41�� Rev�s[on �.�F3C14 �
- - �a���� ���� �hc�e�
��f�r��t M��ri�; GR�C]�C?7� �'���SU�t� T��A'I'E[� WQat] - - - - - - - — -��� li�: Q0�283�7
�a������ l���ui�z#�a�s
�NHM�� �lass�f�r��fii�r,
�lo� a Confrolled Produa# under Canada's Waricp�ace Hazardous M��rial rnforrnatfon System.
1�Hii��� Xn�redi�r�# �isclnsure L,f�t '
�'he�•e ar� na admpanen€s Ifsted on the fng�'edtar�t olsclasura l..ist.
Ga�a+�� [nvent�ry ln�orrn����►n ��"r�c�uc�}
Th1s prnduct is e�s��npt.
U.S. l�v�n�ory (T��A� i��`armat�an �f�roc[�ua�) -
�I`his �t'�ducf ia e�ternpt. � -
I�v'�ni�ry s#atus �Gc����►r�en�s�
Gor��qnsri� Anaf�rsis W ir�v�nt�►`y --. - - - .. , .x
Y�s ! ���
� * � ,�������t ��• �•CI7�1�R ��f�t��#1ttYA'T'i(�� � �' '�
Sr�rx���r�r �� �ha���s
v�da#ecf: 9(�120�1 �F
MS�i� �UMi�ARY ol= �}�R�G�S
5�c�foN �� R�au�.A�rot�xY IN�aFiMAT1o�1
€�evier+v pa#e . .
s�.�fap�� •
K��'t Le�e�d
ACGfFi �Arr��tican Canf�rence of �a�erriment�� fndusirial HyglenlstsY AOR� �urr►pean F2aad TYanspo�; AU r
Austt'aJla; �oI3 ��laehexnioai Q�'�er� Qema�cf; C- Cp��fuN; CA �. Canada; GA� - C�temioal A�sfr�nts se�-vics;
C�f2��� � Compre�ansluc� ���viront'�ental Resports�, �amparis�tinn, at3d �.�a�flityAct; CN M Chir�a; CE'R �
CQn�railed praduc#s Re�uiatEans; i��'G -1]��tsc17� �'orsGhungs�errielnschaff; bQT � i�epartmen# o�
Twar�spat�tatlp�; �Sf.. » Clomsstic Suhstances L€st; ��C ��ur4peart C�ot�ot�nIc Gommunity; C1NCC� -�Efrop���1
lr�ven tary QF �xisiir�� Commeraiat �E�amlcal S�bst�nces; �PA -��vi��onmenta� Prate�fior� ,�qenoy; �U � Euro�esn
Unlv�, ���af�r�ni�e�; IAF2C H lnfern�tionaE Ag�noy fnr Research c�n Ga�cor� IA'FA K tnternational AfrTt'ans�ar�
Assncia#lan; ICAO -]nta��a�lor�a� Civil AvEafft�n Oi•gankza4ion; 1a1, � tngrer�lani Disafasure �.1st; I�L�1 � Irnm�dletely
bangoroc� fc� L�fe �nc{ Healt�; I�la�- Jn#s�•na�onai ��ri#lme Dangeraus C���cls; JP � Japa17; Kow- O�tannllwater
pa�if�on cae�ficlent; K�2 ., E4ore�; LE�. ��.awer �xplosive i,Imif; LO�.t � Llst of �fstsrn, � Ghe�-r�A�VJ�O€�'s
Reg�latory Dat�i�ase; P1lAK-1lrlaximurr� �an�enir�a#I�n V�f�ug fr� th� V�1brEcpta�� M�[, � Ivt��mu�n �xpasur� Lfrr�lts;
N�PA -�fa�lonal �Ir•e Pro�e�tian A�enay; f�iO�H -�latia�el insfit�ks far Occu��tior��f �afety attd �1ealtF�; N.375R �
�lew JerseyTrade �eare# Regls#ry, i�7p -�a��nna� TaxEcol�gy Pragr�rn, i�� � i��w�aalancl; 4S�-IA� c.7ecupatlon�i
�afefyand Hsalfh A�Iminfisir�ffon, �'H - Philippines; t�C�2A - Resource �onserva#E�n ar�� f��covei�Act; R3a y
�urop�t� Rail '�'rar�spork;l�7�CS � Re�is#�y of i'oxic �ffea�s ❑f Citemlc�l Subsianaes�; SAR,4 - Superfand
Amendmsnts and E�d�ufhorizailon A�t� ST�f� � ShorE�f�rrn �xpos�re Ltm(f; iDG -Trah�pariaHor� o€ R�n�srous
Goods; i�C�l -`faxlc S€�bsfance� �c�n#ra1 Act; 'rWA � 7frr�� Vl�eighted Av�rage� l.IEL - UppBr �xplaslv� Ltm;�; t�S »
l�nleed States
• :��: . � - � - -
�'dc�e S �'IQ fssue i�afe (191b�-1�4 Revlslon 1.i8qEi . . - - -
������ f���� �h���
A�la��ria� N�rra�: GI��a�4�'�� P���S�3�� �'��AT�C7 V41C]a�l S�� l�i. �D�.��3�'i
t�#�et° Ir��nrr�a�ion • ,
�'he i�tfprl�af�on set fa�th tn #his Saf�iy C�at� �heef doss �tat �t�rpol�ta be all��ttcl�sEv� and shnuici h€ used unl�l as
a�u�de. V�l�tlie t#�s fnfoFmt�t�on and �'�Gomrr�c�n�E�tion� ss�for�� he�e.irr �tra believed to be sCcur��e, tt�e �oiz;patty
maices no warranEyregarding suc}� fnformatfon anc� rscommond�t�aY�� �nd discla�rrts aE[ iiabl[Eiyfram rellar�ce
'�f�T�GS�° is a United St�tes trad�raarlc owr�ed nnci 3€oensed uncisr autl3orlfy c�f tha f.lS. G❑vernm�n€, by ar�d
thra�tgf� AcaelrYs� I�c. Pn�ilons �Copyrig�t 2Q�4, �1.�. �s�vernme�# Afl rtghts �'es��ved. -
�nd of Si�eet 002�8327 • .
Pagc '�� of �0 ' fssue il�Ee i191t7�f1� Revisl�sn �.'t�q0 ,
������'�� .��a����������d��"�� ���� �o����`��� ��"�������� ��°���
�c�a�,����� �N�Q��i�t9� *
-- -- - - - �_
Th(� wa�� �as be�n �r�aeEv$qi b�i pressr�re treafm��� �--
with a �1. S. .��vlranmental �'r�tec�Fc�� A�er�cy ��#�A}�
Y2'�IStB�'tSC� �il�i�t�lcrab�ai pas#'rci�te prc�c��c� ctrnt�fning
creosa�a. Cr�os�ie �r�ssuCs�f���.t�d Waod provjdes
�r�taciiot r ag�tnst af���1c !�y f��rrgl, €�+sect�, an�3 marin�
�reos�t� r�r�a�ns lt� thr� pressr����treat�r� wopr� for �
ion� fim�. F'rQlong��f or r�����e�l �xpdy�r� #a �r��
o�4t� rr��y pres�:�t a��ain ��a����s, T�t�refb�'�, �i�s fot�
Ic�wing �aYs��utic�r�s s��r�aic[ i�e t��t�� bafh uv�en har��
cEtlr�� creosafe #re��ecl wa�� �nr! d�isrmini�g wf�ere ��
usca It. .
Th€s �ansumer rni`c�rm��lon �1-���t (s no� rr��ar�t t4
���lace il�e �/ia�eri�! �afefy i�ata �h�a�t {�iSDS) �or cre�
a�ai� p��s��rartr��t�d �rtaar�. "The M�l�S musf b� raad
�nd u����s#oaeE 4�af�rr� k�artdli�� oreas�3s �rr��suY�R
�P���e c� l►iitsod
�1�� �it� �r`������cans ��r ���c��ti���'�r'�����t �Il�ud
�Cre�saYe�tr����d w�i�d cnmmc�dlt��s rn�ta� anly be u�ed
f�r ��a�� ����llaat'r���s it�clucfad fn the Am��Ecan Woad
�ro�e�ian �1�s��i�tftrn {A�IPA) ���� cat��ory�tan��r�s
a� s�� �c�r�h in tha ma,�f ct�rren� edf�art i�f �he AWPA
�oc�k of 5��ida���s. �o� �o��e Enfc��m�.tian, a�fat�cY 4h�
t�e�#er andl�r f�e A�I/Pl�.
Cret�sc�t� #�'��t�[! W�t�� i� ft�r ��eri��`lor��dao�' �.t5��
G�•aasa#e-�r����d w'�a�i sfiauid nn� be ta��d wh�ra it uvili
t�� ir� fre��a�n� or.�rrolan��d �Qr�ta�f- v�riih a[tfn.
bo no� use creasflte-tr�a#�c� wood farfa�rol�l��rg oE�
b�oodlt�c� f��Ittt�es�
�o rlc�� �ase ��`eosn����r��od v�oc�ti v�he� �E�� preserva�
�t�v� ma� bB�vr,r�� a�omparienfi of ar�im�t foad, �uci� as
�'�i'4�G#UiC�� U50fi [Ut' 6'�OY�ti� 9�i��� "f00(� "�(3i Cci���L'. * Tk�Is �onsur�rre� [�fiQrm��ion Sheat is �air�� t�fs�ributed vvith
[rreasaio pC�ssur�:-t�psfac# wooc� as p�r[ �f the Woc�t� treaifny
inalus�ry's �of�nit�ry Qan���ner awar�na�� program, w17icl�
�PA a�a�rovec� in ��86. �in�� tha� tlme� ���4 �t�s aam�lsied
a cOm�ar�hsnsive rerec�isf�atfon revi�w �f craosote, �reosa��
r��lstrants �ava vnluntarl�y e1�m�r�a�t�d aft nan-prass�r� treat
ment us�s �P r.��osaie; and ct�ria�r� Arn�:rlo�n Wo�d �
P�'�t�c�i�n 7As�ac�atian s�andard� fiav� �hangec� (�csr ex�m�
,-��.; Pie, ti�� eliminatio� c�# creos�te��tr�aiad vuaod.bto�k �[ooring),
;., `I'hts r��tt��e� �nsu�er fnf+�r�:i�tian shzet r�flenfs th�se
Do nai �se cr�osq�e-trea�ec] �nrc�ad w�er� ihe�e m�.y ba
�ir��t �on�aat wlti� darn��t�o �r�tma(� ��� livestock which
r��y �rib �bita) ar t#�Ic tt�� w��d. �
f�a na# �rs� G�easr�te tr�a�ed �+aod fo� cuitir�g f�oards,
c��tntart4��, and canstru�lEan materlals #al� b��hfv�s.
Do•n�� u�e creasnt�-�re�te�t w�aad wiY�re it i�ay com�
fn c�frp�� a�• ir�dfr�ct �c�n�act wlth �u���c �r��kEng �v�����
�ar l�um�n �r�d damo�tic.at�i�'r�l� or itv��i�ak, vxo�pt
for u�es Ir�voivl�� lr��l�ianta� �o�ika�i such as dpolcs �rrd
�����s�, _
Alfhnuc�h c��t�eraily r�v� tecamrnenc#�d, i� �r�o5a#e fi'aat-
e�1 vvo�,� !s �o �e c�a��� orse�lacE, the �rvo��( r�ru�� k��
cl��r� �€�d dry k�efbr� appiyin� tf,� �o�fir�g r��eri��,
�'i�� t�n[y r$cort�me���d c�ailn�� a�e a w�to>>•ba�ed
��gnrr�nted emu�sinn �r�d �taahaE�b�t��d �t��11�0
- �t`ad�tots.
��ans���r H���l��n� ,Prc�����i�ns �or �r�€�s�a��:-
'T'r$����d �lar�� '
C�ispc�se r�� ar�oso�e �r��i�tf w�oc� by ordin�.ry �r�h
�o1lectio� sarvfaes; ���os�t��treated w��� shnu[d no�
ba burned 1n c��er� �#irns �r �n ��ave�, €lreplac�s, oC r�si-
�I�nti�i br�il�rs. CrBos�t$ tre�i-�c� v�io�d m�� be b�rnad
at�ty !n cammar�iai vt' lnc{t�strial i�1�Ir�eratir�rs ar b�►i1er�
€n accord�nae +��th �o��ral �nc� �Ea3� reguf�ilans,
�4vaiti tr�qcf���k or prolnn�ad ir�h�fa�ion c�f s�wdu5f frarn
cie�'sote�-�reaied waocl. Wh�� s��rtng and m��i�inin�
�6naiud�s, �a�� nat t�mttac� �a d�illlrtg anci a�iz �u�ling} ihe
vkrpc��, vu�ar ��Iu�t rnask. Viihan�v�r possible th�sse
���chtnfng Qper�#i�ns s��u{ci b� p�rFatm��# ou�l��f� to
auolc� tncir�at' acC�irnulation c�f ��r�ar�� sa+�c���st frarri
�� c�e€��o�e-t1'��te� �oc�d. tiJ1��e� �qWt��'�savtrir�� �nt�
r•raacF►lrair�g,, �nrsar �aq�t�s �rr �ar�ai��� ey�s #rom flyii��
�arti�f�s. •
Avaf� frequ�nt ��• �rolonge� skin wi#h crec��r�t� jr��#ed
r�Qo�2. �lhen h�tndllrr� Pt�e trea�ed vu���I, uv�ar t��c��
�lesuact s�tirt� an� 1c�n� p�rt4s and us� �}ov�� r�ted as
�hemica[ r�sl�r�t �y ths manuf��tt�xer,
�1���1' 1N4i�tlrit� 1V(�il CY�4SC3�� tY8��81� W(74�, �Ef �}A�ST�"8
eat�ng, c�rinEc�n� �d us� ofi tc�b�ceo ��-o�i�c�, v�r�sh
nxposet� €�r�as thorv�t�hiy,
If oity prese�atlt�� or sav+�r�us� �ccum�rl�tt�s �� �lo�he�,
!a€�nc�er be�ore rsuse. �1�s�r work cloth�s s�para�c���
�rom atFte� hause��3c� clat}�ing.
K-�f�-Of}j f3i�i 42�'�
��I ����� �
��r��ra�� ��n�i�i�n� �� �h� ��n�tru��i�n ��r��r���
��r�o�red. Se� �1����h���� �
�ity �ecr���rY ��
�O�a�lr��c�i���.l �]
������ ���� �
�������� �
�������"� ����IM�S
@ 3�4 A�120 Q6215treet Luminaire-Pnle and Fixture Details
� 344120 D622 Street Luminaire-F'oundation L7etails
� 34 4120 D623 Street Luminaire-Connection Detail
� 34 41 20 D624 5treet Luminaire Conduit and Ground Box �etails
• 344120 �625 Street Luminaire Pedestal Details
� �4 41 �0 a633 Street Name Details
• 34 4130 D6XX 5ign Post Detail
a 34 72 13 D660 Traffic Conirol Typical Instalfatipn
� 34 71 13 �661 TrafFic Control T'ypica[ Signs and Barricades
• 34 4�. z� D572 School Zone Flasher and Sign Detail
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Roadway illumination Specifications
T{�f1Dl�A.�X ]Li.iJMY[*1'AT701+T ASS�ivi�LTES
page 1 a.f i2
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3 �P.�RT R - C,�I��RA.L
� x.z sumn��
s A. Sectzazz �ncltides;
6 1. Roadway il��i�zatiau assem.bIies
7 2. Road^�va� rlti�iinatian f��ucxdatzo�:s
8 3. RexriovaZ of xoadway iJtwn�atio� ass�mbIies
9 +�. �taXa�ation nf roa�,w�.y illu�it�at�tQz� assat�blies
�o I�. I�evza#�o�s �iam-���s Gity o�'�ox-t W'�rf�a. Siarn.dfu`c� �p�cif'ccatio:�
I1 1. No��.
12 C. li.elated S�pecificafi.fln Soctions i�cl�.tdo, but az� nc�t �.acessa�i�y limite�T to:
79 �. Di.�sio� Q-- ��c�ding Req�irsxr�ents, Co�t�•aot Tornrts at�d Cond#tiiatts af t(r�e Conirac�
X� 2. I3ivxsioz� X� GeneralRec��i.re.ttr.ezais
iS 3. Sectio� Q3 � U 6� — Cast i.� �Iace Co�za��:te
16 �k, �eci�ou 33 D5 IO —7�iiirty Tre�.ch L�ca�ai�o�a, �xr�bec�ment and SaaIe��1
�7 5. Sectiaz� 3� QS �� —r.ncatiost a�'�?�c.�is�ixxg ��:ilz�xes
�s �. ������� 3� 4� z a—�cx�� s�.��
I g �.� ��C� Al'�T� P�.�'I�N� ��OC��ITJR�S
2U A. Meastiu'ez�e�f a.nd Yay�en�
21 1. �aadvsray I�I��rniu�.atzon .�ss�mbl�es
22 a. Measu��ement '
�3 1) Meas�atez�e:ti� �Q�: �s Z�e� �kall �s �ex eac� Roadvvay Illurnx�aatzon
24 Ass�rai�X� �z�st�.�ec�. ' .
25 b. Payrn�n�
�G J,) The x�orl� ��x�orxr�ed an.d z�ater3aIs fu:r�xished in accoxd�.ttce'�+�� �is Tte�n.
27 shaII �e �azd �ox• at th,$ nnit price bid �ex eac�. "R�d.wy lllunx Assmbly"
�8 iza�a�I�d for:
29 a) 'Yario�.rts �y�es
34 c. T�e price �id sl�aI� inalt�t�e:
g� �) r�n�slaix�g R.oadvv�y �it�z�nznatior� Assembl.�, if x�equz�ad �
32 2} Asse�x�hlitn� a�nd it�stailing �ach Roadway ni�nr�it�aizoz�. �s�ami�Iy
33 3) �'ol,es
�4 4) .Arms
35 a� A�c�or balts
36 6) �a�ttu•es
37 7) Zntex�al elect��ica1 conttlzotars
38 S) Cai�zeetiozz a�d m�o�nting ha�•dvs�aze
39 9} Bases
4� 1 f3) S,$r�aps
c��� o�Faz��ura��ex
s�r�m.r�r�za corrsTa�crzo�r s�����cA�rrorr nocrr��s
itavIsed Tlec�mber20, 2Q12
344�. 20 - 2
Yage 2 0�12
� 11} Prepari�g sub�nitia�s
2 �2) Explorafo�y excavatio� {p�s ���dec�)
3 13} �norr�ina.�ioi�. ax�d �at�i�taatiaz�
A� 14� .��.sse�b�y ancl ti�anspo}�tati.o�z o£ ait. iiv�ns
5 15} Exc�.'vaii�, hat�]ing, disposa� of excess �a.atotzal
6 �&) proiection o�fhe eataava�io:�
7 l.'7} CI��-�p
8 X 8} Testz�g
9 2. Oznalnental �il�1�a�.ixta#.io� Asse�rti�lies �
10 a. N%asura,�aa�f
l i 1} M�asureme�fi �o� fhzs �tem sha.I1 �e �er eack� �r.tia�aez��Z ,�sse�xbXy
�.2 �1It5i&��0[�.
Z3 - �l. X'ay:Czlez�t -
�� 1j �he w�c per�or�ne�t and xnateri€tIs fiu�-r��iad. � acco��dance vvi.�, i�i� Item
� 5 s�a.�i be paid fQr at fi.he u�it price �ir� p�z� aac� SLaxra�xzental Assmi�Jy"
�.G ir}sta�ied for:
A7 �) V$z'zai�s iypes
18 c. T�ze pxiae bid �ha11 �ncXude:
�9 1) �ux:n�s��g�rnamen-taI�uxxLi,u�.iio�,Ass�xnbl�, z�xe�ui�ed
20 � 2) Ass�mb%ng �nd insi-aYl�ig eac� O�ayn�ta� .A,sse.rr�bly
21 3) Pales _
2� �i-} A��ns
23 S) A�zc�.a� bolts
2A- 6} Fz�es
25 7) 3ntemai �1e�ical �pn.ductors
26 S} �o�rz�ctio� aud moi�t�gha�c�waro
27' 9j Bases
28 IQ) I,am�s .
29 1�) P�'ep�x�x�g�ubmit�als
30 12) .Exp.to�a.to�y e�ca�atio�. (as needed)
3� 13) Coardinaiion a�udx�.ai�cai�o�
32 ��) Assern6ly and �x�at�spox•tation a�aX�. �t�ims
33 15} �xcavation, haul��g, d�sposai o�e�cess rnate�•ia1
3� 16) �roi.�ciio�t o�f�ie excavltian
35 �7) Clattt��u�i
3b � 8) Testing
37 �. Li�.�ing Fix�iuxes
�S a. r�h�i a pay itattr I'a� llti�r�atzon Ass�bly �zs�si�:
39 1} Measurernent
�� a) �'his Item is cor�sic��t•ed s�xbsidsary to T11t�m'v�atio�z A.sse.tnb��
�€� �sta�Ia�ion.
�2 Z) P�ymanfi
43 a} The vrrork �ex�oz�z�d and ��r��eris�s fi�rnished rn acaflrclaraae wii� fhis
�f4 �tem aze stizbsidiati�► to �1ae ��zt priae bic# pe�• �an�. `�tdwy �lum
�45 As�mbIy" o�. `<D.�x�.atbe�talAss�nbr�r" b�[c�, a��d a�a ofher com�aerisati.ax�
�6 wilt kse aua^s�ed.
A7 �b. �e� a pa� i.tern �ox Xllu�afion �i.ss�nrzb�y daes not e�ist:
48 � 1) ]��astu��mer�t
4� a} 1�easuzean.ent �or i�is Xfexn shali be �er each Ligl�.�r,g �zx�C��:re s��stal�ed.
�'.A�tnA� co�isrRL�e�oz� sn�cT��CA�rrnN'boGvtvrsN�'s
�te�+isec! December 20, 24T2
3941 ZO �3
RO�i�DVg1s.3� ILLTTMlA1'A'FiON A53�i�LBJ IES
Page3 a�X2
2) Payinent
a) The �vnrIc perfozxn.ed �d �ate�.'�a�s �tY��is�.ed i� �aoo�€'daaxne Vvztl� th�s
I�zn. sh.a�1 �e �aid fior ai t�.e u�zit p�i.oe bzd �a�z' �ach "Li��Zti�g �'x�Eure'°
inst�iect fo� :
(�) 17arinus ty}�s �
��} ��i'lOL1S �]DW01'
�} Tlis p�ice bzcl �ha�� iz���ude;
aj ��i����in.g�.zgh�gFixture, �frec�u�red
b) �sssinbl�ng �,zglaii�:g F�iuxe
c} Wir.xn.� conn�atio�
d} Dis�osal of at�►� �i�used o�• rep�ace�. mat��a�s
c�} Cleay�-n�
�3 4, �.oadvcr�ry Xlluminatio�. Fa�ntiai:.iax�s
X�- a. Measurex�aen�
x� 1} 1Vi�asirr�e�� for ihis Itom s�ia�f ba pe�� ea.c��..l�aad�vay I€Xi�znia�ation
lb Fou�dation installed..
[�. �'�.�e�at
�} '�'��.a v�rork per%x•mec� and rriateria�s �'uz.�islied in accoidanc� ���th tl�is Itexn
s�a�1 be pai� fax at -�ha uni# �rica bid per aac� "Rc�wy �flumt Fotzndat:[an'°
ir�staI�ed fa�: .
�.} �Tarious typ�
c. Tl�e �r.ice bic� s1�al� incXude;
1) Instatling �ach Roadv�ay �Il�mi�a�ion �ounda�zon
2} Rei�a��cing steel
3) E�pXaxato�ry excavat�on (as �ieeded)
4) �`ri•o�.ndib,��ar1s
5) Con�•cl�ua�ion and �tot��caiio�
6) Exca-�ra�iof7, l�a��, dispo�aI of �xcess matexial
7} Q�•atec�.on cx�'the axcavaiion
8) Cl�a.z� u�a .
9) T�ag
�. Caz�tac� Enclosr�z•a
a. Ivleasurotr�en�
1} �itl'easur�rne�.t :Co�� tlais �tam s�aI� be pa�r eaa� Ca�ttact F�x��osu�e ins�allad.
b. Payzx�.an-�
1} 'I'��e wvx'� �ez�oxprt.ed anc� m�ateria.[s f�zrnislied in accordance ��z ki�.is �tebrz
s�a� 6e paid �or at f�e uni�p�rica bz� pez' eaah� "Co�rtactBnc�os�a�'o" i�sfalled
a} Vaxious �nou:ttti�zg zuathods
c. Th� �n-iae l�id shall i�c�ude:
�,) I��.unisl�n.g and. it�stal��ng Cazzta�� Enelostu�e
�} Niaultf�zzg,mafc�27als
3) Cie��ir�
&. �r�rx��shi�g an.d �.st�l.Iing W ood Z,igf�� �'ole �
�.. Me�sur�nent �
:�) N.�vasuze�n:en� �ro� �his Ii:em s%a�1. (�� �er aacl� �0' �aad I1zgh� �Pale �r�.ishec� �
aad ins�:alled.
b. �'ay�ent'
ctTY O�� �o�x Wbi2Ti�T
ltevised IJacember 2c7, 2012
,�age � of 12
3 [}
�} T�e woilc �erfoi��d atzd m.atezia�s fi.��is�Zed i.xa acco�'c�anae �vith. i�xs I#e�m.
sha�I �be �aid �Far ai; �he w�if� p�iae t�id pe�.• ea.cXx "�urnisl�/Znstal� �0' �4�5�'oac�
�.ig�z[ �'o�e".
c, '�°fzap�z�e bzd s� i�cluc��;
�) �xcavatian
2) �ui'�ishing �nc� �sta�g eac� �4Q' �ood Li��at Po�e
3} Fur�tvishing, p�acem.eni antd ca��aciian a�l�ack�'i!_I
4) CIea�z-tt�
7. ��nishirig and �talling'44�oad I,�gk�i �'aJe �m _
a, �easr.u�eSi�tai�i
I) 1Vleasureznez�t �'ax t��s �iem sha11 ba �ez- each 8' �4Voc�� Lzgb.t �o�� .A.z:t�
fiuz�zsh;ed ar�d �iz�sta�led.
�. �aym.enf
�)'I'�e waF� perfor�a.ed a�.d �nat�rials fixx�zs�ed ��u �.ccarda�tce uritl�. t�.is T#erm�
shall ba pa�d �ox• at t�e unit �ria� �i�. pe�• aao1� `��r,nis�/rnstail8' Woad
Lzg�t �'o�e Artn°S.
� c. �'he ��.xce bi�i sb.a� �ncIude:
1) �4�s�g and zasta��ng each S' i�'ooc� �.,ight Po1e ��n
�� ct�� �
8. .,�].uir�in�n L-�1ac�tical Coxxduetozs
a. 1'v���tsu:[•e�e�,i
�) �eas��e�ne�f: �a�• �s Ite�n. shall be �e� �inea�.� :Caot o�AXu�a;num Elec� ica�
Conducta� a�as�a��e�,
b. �'a�'_tx��xtt
�.) Tha wnrk �ez�c�rmed anc�. m�terials finmished i�. acaoz�c�anoa v�� �is ��ern�
ttnd �net►s�.u�ec� a� p�rovic�ed t�de�� "Measuxem��t" �+ill �be �raic� #'o�• at t�.e �rt
��ice birl p��� Iz�e�t' foot oi"�iIu€�z E�sa Coz�d�xotnr" itksYa��ed �ox:
a} Va�'iou� S�zes
c. '�'�e ���ic$ bid shalt �;�c�ude:
1.} ��unishi�g aztd i.�a.sE'a1�z�g A%7�inuni F�ec�.ica1 Coz�.duc�ox
�} Tesi�zg
9. Co�tt�uata�r R.e�o�rnection
a, IVIeasurext�e�t a
�l) Me�suza�e�t for t1�s Yte�. shal.i 3�o p�� �;ach cox�duefvr Y•econnecteci.
b. Pay�ne,�t
I.} T�ze r�o�� pe.z�ox�ed an�. materials fi�z��shed xz� accor�ance wi� i�is 7t�
shall i�e p�.id �rn� a.� �h� 7�nz� price bid pc�° eseh "Recoz�eci �onc�uctox".
c. The p�7ce bid s1talT izzolude:
I) Reco�eCtion af coz►c�ctax�s usi��g Czty apprn�et� r�ethod
2) Tssting nfco�nection
I0. �tz•eat �ig�tf �ol� Remnvtt�i ��nd �a�vaga
�. S�S�as�.taiaen�
I.) Measurernen� For tt�s Ils� s�;�,il �e gex e�.ch Street Ly.gbt x•emaved ar�d
6, �'�ym_en�
X} '�ae v�az�� pe�'�`oxrr�ad anc� �natet�ials ��'�.�s�aeci x� accordance vvitti �is �t��za
sha�.� be pai� f€�x� at the uni� �r�ce bzc� pBr each "SaTvagn S�t'eet Lig�et 1'ale"
c. T�Ze price �b�d s1�a1i ��c��de;
crr� o� ro� wo��z�
�tevisedlleeen3l�er2D, 20a2
34 �}I 20 � 5
��gc 5 af 12
z 1) R�a�nn�� and sa.l.va.ge �f Stre�t Lx�t S'��e
2 2} �1�inta��: e�%st�g si�� lig�t ci�cuzi z��cit�di�g new grouazd I�ox An.d
3 zeco���ect��� ofc�c�it� �i�'�ec��ia•ed�by �ily}
� 3) R��tc�'�aI a�exis�ulg sizeet X�igk�# p��e �o��ndat�on 2' belo�v grade, back ���
5 Wi'i�3 ]3��0 Sli�1O�TS3Ec�llxl.,g ���eX�.&�
6 �} De�ivezy a� saX�Rged �n�ter�.als to appro�i�ate 1�aat�vzz
7 Sj Clean,up
8 � 1, ��.-eet Ligiat �'o�� :R.$�oeatxox�
g a. Measizt•emalzt
�6 �) �sas�•�me�Lt��isItemskal�bepea�achSt�•eetLig���'o�ereSnovecl.a�d
� � sal�vagec�.
12 b. Pay.ixi.e�a�
13 T} �hi .a t�vo��Tt �e�i'oi7ued and zz�ater�als fi�-nis�Zed ��: aGcozdr�ce �vilh ihis I#ezn
T4 , s1�a11 t�� paid �oz• a� f�� uz�zt �z'ice ��d per e�h "Reloeate ��eef Ligl�t Pa��"
X 5 ��erfoi�ec�.
16 a, The �tice bid shsll iva�ude:
�7 7) �tez�o�a1 ai�� sa�vags o��•aetLigh�Pole
18 2) Del�very a:�saXvage� ztia�:e��als ta a�pzo�riate larsa.t�o�
19 3) �.ep�ace�e��t af �o1e to ne-�r 7oaa#zaa
20 �#) Fui�t�ing, �l�.cenr�ezzt �.t7td cornpaciion a� bac��ll rr�ate�•i�tl
�I �) C.teamyu�
22 1.3 �E�'E�+ I�C�S
A., �v�o�e�c�: �tandards
1, .�e�eraa�ce sta�dards c�.��d i� ��s Specifzcai.ipn z•efer tn i�a cut���txe�e�er�ee
�a�dsrci �aub�is�ed at-�e #�xa�� o�Ft�.e latestx•evi�zon date ingged �fi �xa c�.d of�is
S�eaificaizozz, u��ess � date �s s�eci�Cca��y crted.
2.. Natzo�tal L-�Iectr�c Code [.[�C)
3. Texas �iate Lr��, Artic�e ��F26C
29 L� ADl1'.i�iJ:�TRfLT�� REQ'T7Arf���'S
A. Cooxdina�io�
l.. Notiiy City at ($17} 332�7738 a n,-i�nitr�um o� 7�ays be�o� �begin�u��g Wo�I� o� #�e
2. No��'y �ns�ec�n� �xxot� ta �aa��g roadway iYlnztainat�an assembiy �auzac�ati.oz�s,
3. Coo��c�in.ate �+x� T�affc Sex'vi.ces �us�eeioi- �at pole types, tem�lata clixn�nsians and
a��chai• l�olt�, and e.ny quasti�ns a�aut insta:ll�g tiie fountia�zazzs a.z�d ca�id�i�.
4. �`or �vcati�n o� C�t�' un.dergtat��td str�e� �urr�i��axY�o �able an� co�dtzit ca�l ($ ��} 392�
'773$ or(817} 332-S1.Q0.
S. Obtaiu �.ud pa,y' fot� a11,�e�nxfs as x��u�ed tn Wor�k iz� p��wa�.
�. �'reinstallatia�. NCe�fings
Z, ,�,-�e�dpr�-nnnst�'�iction �eefiing.
:�.5 ���`TA.�
�.. �.��p Dz�.�ngs will l�e z-�quit�d fo� eacIi ���a�ii�.atio� 1�.sse�nb�� azad s�.all znclude:
1. Mate��ial ,X7ata
CIT'ft� Q� FDR1�`Y�O�.Tii�
5'I'A%!I}1�1tD L`Oi.VS�LAGTIONSP�CTPICA:T,tO,13170CU[+1BN'1'S
�t.evised I�ecanil�er20, 2p12
Pagc 6 0� X2
12 �.6
16 �.'T
2. �'vZe di�na�siozits az�d data . _
�. �,uininaxte arm c�ir�ensions a�d data
4, ,Ai�achme�t det�s
5. �i�:t��r�s
6. �$se detai�s
7. .�chor bo7t dat�
S. �Ta� t�za�sz�e�s � .
9. �ez.r�Yssil�.€e �oadin€g aud �.I�awable sf��e,ss
B. �,eadua� Dafa subnazi�als sha2� �e itx aceor�a�ae �vifb� �ac�a�z Ol. 3� 00.
C. .A.�� su�h�ni�als shal� be ���xo�ved by the L�ginGa� ��� �e Cxty px�ioz'tc� deliveiy �rxcTlo�•
fahr�ioa�zQ� �o� speci�l�. �
.t�G'x'XC]l�T �TJJ�Nl�'�'�A�SII�i�II'�S�:ElTiONAL �UBIY�'�`ALS
1�, Pxoduct�ata �l�.eeis
X. S�xl��a�'tG p�•oc�uat data s1�ee�s fbs• s•aad.vt�ay illuz,uixta%ion asse�nblios -t� City fo��
app�nva.l�r�.orto qzder�gxr�at�ials.
C�.���UTJT STIB�[T�A�.�S
�.�' A., Warrarii�rDacuttze�taf�an .
�.8 �. �'z'ovide �na�uf'aci�,trer �aia-az�y infoz�catao� io -�he Ci�y.
X9 x.8 .i4�'A.Il�TTE�A�N'C� 11�.�,�'�'�R�ATl SiJS�'TA.i�S [NUT �TS�I3�
2a �.9 Q�l'AaC,7� ,�ST7�i.�,NCE r1�OT U��D�
2I %.�0 b��xV�R.'�t', STC7RA��c, A�.V� �1i�A�I�
22 .A.. S�n��ape and �SancTI�z�g �tec�rriremen-ts
23 �. �'aa�s shall �fl �no�ei��y protected. scs �ha��o daa�n.a$e ar c��te��ioxaiion acc�.kts c�t�x`��:� a
2�3 ps�o�anged d.ela� �t'a� �iT�a t��na of s1a%��nent until ins�al�atzpn.
2S • 2. ����sed anch.oz bn�lts sha}1 be pxoteate� �.til �o7e s��c �s xr�s�aIled,
26 3, Yz�evan� �ias�ia and si�iilar %riftle i�:a�s �'o� bex�,g �aosad to di�'e�t sunligix� and
27 ea�t�m.es in ie���xa�ure. ,
zs �}. '�'�e Cn�iractar sha.li seat��r� a�� r�ain.tazn a 7ona.�iion to st4t� r�ie .u��.feri�. in
29 aceord�ce �i�It �ecti.o7z Ol SQ OQ. _
30 B. �7e�zvez�y a�tc� Accep�ce
3I L C017;�C�dT atic� IxtS�eGfa2 s�i€!Il'S�15tI�j�ins�eC�Yo�'LVS� II�LIXi'►��9�i.o11 SSSeTt1�I].�s
32 aftex• �rem.ova� tia r�etez�ne th$ �ondi�ion aiihe harr��x+srn.
33 2, Coni��aata� sh�ll protec� a11 salvai�le rn.atax�ial duri-�g �t�a�sp�rt to �`.iry spec�ied
34 sto�age ��.c:ility.
35 3. Uelir�execl7na�:erial �.us� be �n t�ha same cor�di�ian a�ez ��er�oval, as �greer� u�oxx i�y
36 Con��actox ar�d T�eatox a�er�°em.oYaI.
c�-ir� a� xo�r woz�xz�
S'T'13?d17�2D CUI�TS'i'�tUCTTC71� S��SC�FZC.A.'I'I�NDOCUIv�AiT�
3�evised Deeembsc 2Q 2(3�2
34+€1 20 -- 7
Pagc 7 of 12
�.�x a��.n Cs�T�� ce���roz�s �ro� u����
�. �L� �.r�RR�YTY
3 A. .i.l�anitiaGtu�-ex Wa�'a;n.ty
4 1. Iuittn.u�actu��e�r°s �azzatziy s�ai�. be in xaaoa d�nco wi#h ]�i�ia� �.
S p'.r3�� � - �'RCiD���'�
� �.� ���3DUC�'� T�3 �� YU�C�A�Ep FRO1V! 'l:'i[E C�'��
7 A. Refer tc� bxa�ix�gs �:�d Coz�ix'ao� Uocuzx�e�;ts �a clete.t� "v�e if any Item.s ar� fo be
8 pi�-a�ased feom ihe City �ttd �n.s�aI7ed by t�e Co���'�c#nz.
9 B. Itenls eligib�e �ar piu�c�,ase �t'tlIYI. �i8 CI� itZGIi7�.E�
10 1, �t.oad�ray �I�uminatzon �o�es
11 2. Cantac�ors
12 �.2 A,���1V1B�.��, EQiJ]�"N.�N�, J�'R.i7��7C'.�.".�`Y:P��, � MA.��,�AL�
A.. N.�an�.ciurers
1. dnl.� f1�.e �an�t.faciva:oxs as Iisfed in -�a ��ty's �fan€daircE �xocfi�cts Lis� tu#ll be
cv�s:idexad �.s sb�ow.a iiz �ecfiian QI Gfl �0.
a, T�i� ma�yufacturex ztxust comply �vi�i this S�ecz�xcatzon aR.zxd a�eratec� Sectiox�s.
2. Any �zad�.ct �IZa� is nat �rsie� az� tlae St�c�ard 1'rac�ucts T,ist is considerec� a
sui�s�i�ia�nr� �c� sha11 �6e su�brniti�d i� accarc�anc�wi.tii Sect�oxz Q�. �S Q0.
k3. bascr�p�tia� �
�. Ragulaioxy�Zec��zi�e�neut�
a. .�11.'5�4�'oz� x-alated -�o t�e insittItatinn of c-aad�vay iXluxx�xz�a#za� �ssemblres sl�alX be
in compYf�nce �vath ��.� Naf3o1�a1 EIectxAo Cpc�� (S�BC}.
2. �Zoadvvay �1�axr�xnai�az�.Assem�i�l�es -
R. PoIBs, ax�, �ig�t �F'�fu:t•es a�ad Ia�m�s sf�ali coxu�or.rn to City Si�anc�arc� Detail�,
b. Or�am��ta1 Ass�b�xss
1} Re��,t to ;C�;ra's�+i��s fo� nz��snenfal paIe speaii'ieaixons.
c. Li�zt�[:�g F�xtures
1) Ro�e�t to Dxa�ir�i�gs for Iig�ii�zg £'i�tture s��eificaiions.
d. �`ouxidations
1) Co�.arete shall cti�c�t'mtn Sect�on 03 3€� (3(?.
e. '�(7'ao�.r,ig�tPoles
�.) �ooc� �oX�s �s�r �Yect�ieal sexvice �h�11 i�e A�TSi Class S t��afed ti7nber.
rxj ��z' a�er a�a��lications, �iass 2 t�'eatecl -iimbez' is a1lo�ed. .
2) .A.1� ht�eatad wood �oX�,s shall �e f�ee fi�o� �i�Ta ha�es.
a) Tiim.zx�ad sca�:s a��e allowable u�� io a. dep� 0�2 �nchas iw. po�es up �0 1�3
iz�ches in. diam�fi�r.
ia) Soars �.IS af �hs �ole dia�nefier at the sca.r Xoca�ioz� r�zil be aIfou�ab�.e fa��
�ood poJ.es ,��x•ggz' t�an 10-fuo��s.
3j Wood �o1es s�:a�� �ot deviate i'rozn straight mara t�an 1 iz�vh� �r� �0 �eef of
a) C�z��y a s.�gle sr�ree� s�all. ba pe��ittec�.
�i�� or nor�m �voz��rx
17evised �ecember2D, 201Z
344L 24-8
It17ADy4rA'Y �T,If�vISI3,�.xIQ�IA5S�v18�.I�
��ga 8 of i2
�) .1�. sti-ai.gh.t IYn� adjoi�ing t�e �idpoiu-� a�tl�.e �oi� at�k�xe i�utt r�it� �e
rr�id�oxxx� o�th� �oJ.� afii%e to� s�.a�� no� �.t a�.y int�i�.�d'zate �ass
i���oit�h �lze exiaatzal s�face o�t�e pa1e.
�) O�y � s�.g�.� iwist of spi�ral. ��ain will �,a pexm��ted.
B�tt �Iiv�x7n.g due to �'��ki�g s�a�X be p��niited if tl:te das�.c� �rn i�fxe
fl�.iside e�t'c�eze�.c� �s z;at Iess �an %n inch Fuzd the hei�� is r�o� tz�ax�
#Y�an 1 foot.
Tifn�ea: s�a�� be i�rea�ec� �pk' px��e��a-ti.c�n i�x �ccordarcce �tf� Ai�P�i. C4-
p�•ess�ire � e�.tmen� m�oc�s.
a) �'.�a polss sha�l �ave #he xr�iuzznuzn �e�;ref.�n�ian of �xes�z�at#ve
treaiment �ho'�t ir�. �a �allawingtab�e: �
zv.�x�n��n�um �ere�t�o�z
�'xe�.tme�.t our.►ds ex• et��fc fc�o�
Creosoie 9,{3
��ntach�ara henai 0.�5
d) �o�e 1VIarlcing�
7) l�ll rnar�]si�gs s�.a��. �h� xa. �ccorc�az�oe wYtiz the �fo1[ovv�g �ai���:
a} The bafiom bs°and s�a�1 ba �laoed squa�•e1� on ti�e �aca o�eaGh pale �0;
�eet £roIn tha �utt.
PTC ���.���ier's co€�e oz trac��max�c {ie, Pole T.e�at.z��
F,4I � �'I�t �c�cation �nd ys�r of treai�nen� (ie, �o1'sst-v'���e,
��ea�es at�dpz•eservaf.ive code {ie, southa��ap�e,
��C . . ,
5�35 C�ass �eng�h {ie, Class 5, 35��'�dt �nie� ��
8) A�•ea.fi�n�n�� cez�ti�ca�ia� �viL! be r�e�uired wrtl� eaa�. sf�iprnent af �t�eat�cl
timbei� poles ir�cluding:
a} �'anze o�-t�e��en� oo�npa�y
b) �oeat,zan a�-�;reattnen�: �Ian�
a) A��licab�e prc�clucf: s�'andard (��A C4)
d) G�aargc n-r�mb�t•
e) D�te c�f tre�.t�ont
� Cor�tex�ts a� c�iarges (poles}
g� Prese�va�'ve �.reaina.�nt
�} �Ms�suz•ed �resezva�ve �#��io� v��uss
�: '�7t1'o�d�xgT�t�'�le A_rx�s
1) Rc�fer �� Ci�y Standard. Detai� Dravrings �az 7xght �ala a�n spe�if�caiions.
g, A�uanznun:� Blea�icaY Cond�aciors
1) Refex to D�a.vvi�gs �or' co�duetor sizes
�) Use st�andet� iuzsuYa�ed cQxxdnetors that ate zatec� for 60Q vo�ts
3) Ap�roved �at- �v� �oc�tzo� '
4) M�i�ed iri ae�ro�rt�az�ca wirti� UL, N�G, ax►d C�A xec�t��rn�n�
�. Raa�.�sraay �€�.�umi�alioxi:paXo £au�t�a�ions
�, Fotr�.r�aT�o� s�a11 be Class C(3000 �S�J caucrete.
c� ox �ox� wo�.��z
�Lcviscd becemher2(%20I2
34 �F� 20 - 9
�OAbU4�"A'Y II.JsUI+/,f11+Il1TI�ITA9SSIvIBL�.+S
Paga 9 o.f i2
I) Re,ferto �ecf�an 03 3� 40.
b. �oundatian shali �e 2� or 3 a i�ch�s in dittmete� t��iess sl�.o�+zx at�ex�t�se � t�e
� 2.3 .A,.CCE��()�� �.�'U�` USE� 17�
s z.� �o�ca� �uA.�xT� caN�oL
6 �.. Tests aud�ns�ectio�s
7 1. No��fy' �e Tx•ai�a Sez�ces Division T�tspecfox 24 �.aura in advarlce (bett„t.ee�t 8:�1�
8 arn �ne� 5.{JQ j32ri� O��I COS�CI�� �7Dlli5 a� �g�.� �92 ��3�.
g a. Inspectox• �.1u� ba p�esant w,�e�x ca�cz�eto �s ��sced o�; t�te �z���c� �i�e.
,lo ' k'�.R'�' 3 � ��(FO'�'�01�1�
� z �. � �����.�cxo�r
A. Vexi�c�zfirxn oS�o�ciitio�s
7, Cox�i�aai:ox s�a�� vEa•ify by e�p�o�atc�zy e�aa�u�.#.iaz�, ���eeded, that �xistitig
�ndergr.�ounct u�zliizes �'e �ot in eoz��ia� �it[i �ro�osec� f�unda�ia�,s.
a. A!I a�loratc�xy exca�v�tion s�all confc�z� to �ec#.ian 33 05 30.
2. Can�ractc�;e sha.11 oontac� ihe fo�lovs�ing e�i:zi,ies a� least 481ao�s in ad�v�c� of
a, D�Gr'�'L��S
l�. C%�.y of Fo� Waxt� �Taier° D���az-iznent .
c. City a��oz� lxlvx�'�YP'�De�at��e�at
3. Na sddiiior�al payrr�ent w.i� be made £oz z�location a�' a�p �o�ncIat�o�,s or conch�i�
t��e ta �ac�.t[on of exasfang utz�t�as. '
�f-. The Engineez• �nay s�i� azf. �ssemb�y's Xvcaiznn, �f neaessa�y, �o avo�d cv��lzet �-Eh
2S 3.2 1'REP.II��T�Ql*�
3 �.
A_ 1'roteo�iox� n�Tiz ��aoe Condi�ians
I. Con�acto� s]�all be �esponsible for t.Fie folIa�ring at azQ addit�onal e.cc�st to fi�.e City:
�. �zev�n€t �.yprope.r�y da:rt��.ge iapzoperi� n�w�r.sr's pales, :�enc�:s, shzu�s,
znai�bo�es, �tc. Atxy c��zr�aged �ro�ex-ty vviIl �e resiored as d�ected by
�r. A�1,�us� anc� ze�air an.y existi�ng landsc�pz�tg a�c�d �z� spriulc�er sysfe�s as ditected
hy t�e Er��;i�.ee,r to a11.aw �nx �ae �lace��t of ali raa�way i�Iuzni�za��an
equi�men.�. 'Z'his sha11 be do�e in a zx�.annez' equaI �o oz b��er th�n t�te �.reas
adj�.aeax� tb #�e da�aagad ��as.
c. Provxc�e �ccess to aI1 c#�ive�vays du�ing co�ste�e�irn, �nSess authorizec� by fF�e
d. Pro�ee� sIX �n.dez�'ound au.d over�eac� uti�iti�,s and re�a� any c�ama�;es.
38 3.3 �TSTA�,,A.�'�C}1�
34 A. Fa�znda�i.ons
ei�Y a.� ro�.x wor�x
��earm��� caxs��uc�rort sr�c�ic.���orrboc���s
I�evised 17ecember 2R,2012
- 34412Q-10
�aga �d o�i2
�_ �iu�.enszoz�s s�ovs�n o�Dxa�vuixags �o�Ioc�tions o�six'eetfig�itfo��.t�ati�x�s, ca�.d�a1t
aud ot�ee� �#ezms xnay be vaz�ed fo xz�.eet Zanal aondx�iox�s; subj��t � a�pz�nval of
�Sn�inee�'. •
2. l�ozrr�c�atio�. pi�ez�s shall be t�rz�I�d �hir�b.
3. `�'he fop af �ou�d��zon s�a.1� be �3o�ue� 1e�raI.
4. �e top 3 iao�es o£�he e�nsad �ie3� (hezght) �bove �z��sh:ed grada sha.tl �a�ve the
svn.o�be removec�E.
5. A.��.ahax boIts shali �xie�d ab�e the top af�he found�tion co�a�eie as showr� an
.�x�k�ox Bolt De�a��,
1(� 6. A.t���o�-bo�ts, �o�td rod, ��z�oxc�x�, a:�d caz�duit shall be i�z p�ace b�£oxa p�ur�ng
11 conc�.�eia in piaz• �'aundaiaas�s.
X� 7. Pie3• foui�dai�ons sha1X have 1 cantinuous cox�c�•ete poue.
13 8_ �aundatiotas sha�I l��.ve a cham�'e:�•ed edge (%e�e�e�.) ai �e �a�.
] 4 9. To� a� �aundaf�a� sltal� be 3 inches above �e ��islted g�ade ��less s�c�u+�� difier�nfi
i 5 oxt DA•awzz�gs.
10. �+ot�n.n�a�.ans i� medi�ns sha� 3�e ��tc�t� i:� t�.e cent� a�t�Ze z�:edis�r 6e�weez� ik�e 2
II. Fou�cia�io�as s�.a11 �.�� 1�e �illed �itl��n ��ee� of a�+�.ter Iine a� �'it'e I��+d�'ar�i.
12. � resxc�entzal az•eas �ounc�a�ians shall be place� in fi.�.e s#1'e�i x1g��C a��v�y {R.O.'�.)
��ine wit�. t�e pxo�ez'ty yina betwee�z loPs ar�d at �i�e brea�C a�'i�.e �adius �ao�zt o�t�e
si�'eet Gtltb a� si�eet �t0xsactzan�. -
x3. �ounciaiiorxs �k�l� �ot be placed fn s'rdewaTlcs (ax• �ocatzcm. c�f fiztuxe sid��al�s) o�•
1A�. I�to s%'eet Iight polas sT�a� �e �.iaaed on fou�c�at�.ans priox to 7 d�y� follo�vi�.g
ppu��z�g o�cancrete. '
�. Ro�d^�s+a�r �u��a.�ian Assem�lies
�. Itoad��.y Iiy.�ni�atior� .�,sse�nbli�s
a. Use esCab�hed indt�si�y ar�d u�litSr sa�'ety pxao�ic�s �v�ez� %�sf'a�l�gpal�
�.oGEtief� ileai OVFF�16a� 01' undc�:�gra�xc� ut:i���zas. Consuli'�v�ifi� ��.e �ppropxx�i�
uY,�t�z�j coanpany �a�ore begitu�i-€�g; �rorX�.
b. Preventsca�zin� axs��rri�g ofpc��es, �ast �rxz�, a�id �t�es.
c. Sfia�Ce, �.nsia�l, az�.d �.li�n eac�: asse�nb�y as s�.�vrx� on �he �1ans,
c�. Da uo� izse sexew�n� t,�e £auz�da.�iaz�s_
e, �xs�a�X aac,�ot� �ba�ts and caai a�.ahox� balt t�u'eads.
f,L�iect siruc�u;t�� ai��r �'ozrndat�az� �.as attaine� ifs deszgn st�engt�. as z�q�aired xn
�ec�ics�.03 3� QQ. -
�. 'I`�ig%fien anahor bolts �n�� pa��s w�ih sI�oe bases. '
h. Da �.o� p��ce gro�tt bef.w�en base ��a�e a�.d �atz�d�tio:a.
i. `�`ast insta�ed �oad�vay i11��tnxpafiioz� asse7nbly vyitb. C��y i�spe�ior �x•esenci:,
�, '4�ood �ig�.t �ale
a. A.�. �i�tpnle ins{a�latiox�s s�ovld �Se cooi�dina�dwi� aIl ap�sxaprxate utiliiy
cozx�par��es pric��-to Wox�c beginning.
b. DriIl �io�es £ox° �ettiug �nles s�1 b� a mi�af��ua o� I.5 d�iame-ters o� (�ie pole
b�.tt. �
c. PaYes sh�� �e set p��mb, unxess ai�e�.tivise s�ec3�iiet� on the Dr�viu�g;s.
cr� o� a�o�x wc�n��
srnrm�n cortsrx�rca�rorr s��c�tcamror� nocuz�r�s��s
�tevlsed Decantbar24, 20�2
�4 4l 2� � I I
Page 11 o�i2
c�. Unloss q��or�is� s�n�ra ii� D�avvings, �oles sh�u�t� be sa�to �he zniFxzaaauxr�
�.e��s shown � i�e �ollo'�g fi�.ble:
�oIe �,G�gih M�nirnum Se7,�in�Depf�i
�e�t feei)
<25 4.5
26�3Q �.0
3 i�35 5.5
36M40 6.Q
�z-�� �.�
46�5� 7_0
e. Bac1s��1 t�te }�ale axound #hspole t�.o�•o�gb.Tyby'taxxs.ping 6-inof� 1ii�s oibaal���l
mateiiat uniil r�achix�g �aat«rn.1 gtade.
3.) Oirae g�•ade is �et, a��Iy a last 6-inch 1i#� �n a car�a s�a.�ae a�'aund the �rals io
al�o� �'ox� set-�lir�g.
2} �ac���� Xn �ccordance to Seetifln 33 05 1Q.
�: �Zapazt` azxc� cleax�.-u�1 �ulr�ou�d�#�g �d`ea ta �t aa.tzdztzazt i�hat is e�Ual to 01 1�e��:[
�an its condition �rio� to znsta�ation.
� � �.� �r�l�c�aro��r�co�r C�ro�c �r��na
11 3.5 1�L�CA.�O�]' .A tY.D �11l�OV'AL
A., R�I.oca�io�
l. 1�7isoona�ect an� reanov8 co�rdYretars fram ��an.clo�.ed cilcuits,
2. Rem.ava �ebaazdo�zed ci�'ct�zf o�• ciuc� i� a po�z�t � incl�es �ae�.o-� �rnaf gcac�e_
3. Recon�ect cond�.%t, d�cts, conducta�s io be t��ttsed.
q-, 3,2.ep�ace d�agec� caxzc�.u�t, cluets, at�d oo�ndue�ais,
5. Do not use scxevr i� -type �ott�ada�aa�s.
G. �siall exis�ing s�'uc�-�s onne� fvunc�aiivns.
7. Ao not pIa�e gcc�uf �et�ee:� base plate an� �'o�u�dafi�r��_
8. �ttrnish an.d insta.[i u��v �fernal aauductox's, :�sed �d u��firsed coz�nect�x�, and
9. '�'est insfi�alleci raa�vra� illutn�at[on asse�uhly wii:I� Ciiy ixzspector �z�es�ni
10. A.ao�spfi awnership o�ia�osalv�.goa�Xe matea�als az�d dispnse o�in ac�ox•da�xcavvith
%deral, sia�e, �d looai ra�l.utio�s.
I3. fte�.ov�I
1. ltem.ovs x�oar�vtTay ilhimination asserr�bly co�po�ents in� acco�dazace �vz�h
esfab�is�� indus�y €�ud �tiiity sa�'�ty practic�.
2. �emav� t�-ansfarmer bases from �'�t�sfc�z'x�xe� base poies.
3. It.et��.ove I��zx�;izzai�`es a.nd r�as� a�':�s �'tom �e pole sT�a%.
�. Sioek�zlo pole shaf�s, xx�ast ai�ns, axxt� asse.anb�� �a�•��vax� ai a loca�zo� c�es�guate�
hy-�,.e G'�ty.
5� Pol.e sk�a�s, znast at'�t7�s, an.d ass��bZ� 1��tclvvar'e vrilt r�fua.u� Cziy prrc�pea-�y unless
c�i:h�s�ise s�o�+n oz� fi�a.e �lans ox• d�r�cted. .
�. �lsG�171i0G� �37.� ].�omav� onr�ductars �'iom abandax�a� ai��vuz��.
cf�r�r o� �o�T u+a�.Tx
s�.�zan� cor�s�.v'cr�orr sr�ec�ic�.�rc�a �au�mr�����s
�v}sed �ecember 20, 20i2
34 412U � I2
Pa�e 42 of �2
i0 �.'1
II �.S
7_ �n�o've a��do�ied conriuii: anc� �.ucf� to a poirrt G�nches below �� grar�e.
$. pes�xoy �ti�g ��.ns�'o�7ner bases to ��even�;t�use,
9. Rexnave �.b�cioned canc��ete �`au,ndaiiazas t� a p�xnt2 �. belovc+i�;��� �ade.
J f}. �3ac�c�'ill -iha k�aX� �� �a�e��r'a1 that ;�s equa� :�r,. cam�osif�on and da��sity �o f�e
st�irouuding az�ea.
1 Z. Replace ��x�'acing xxitate��al vt�'ifh �z�tnnz�ar mateiial �o at� �er��zvale�.� condi�ion,
�.2, Accapi o�t�ersh�ip c�fu�as�l�'�.ge�ble naater�al�s ano� dispose a�'vz accc�rdanee �r:ifl�.
f.ederal, state, anc� Iaca1 regul��ions.
F�r.n ��� �x�c� t�u.�.�� Go�v�oz� �t��r �rsr�n�
5���� S'I'ARTUI' j1�OT TTS�D] -
AllJ�CT�'�t'G �NUT USEA�
12 3.9 +G'.�,EA.1�TxN� .F'`x
� 3 ,A.. Coz�t�`acto�.• sbal� cl�au u� an�. re�ove �.11 loas� �€aafiel'�aX z'esulixng frn� cfl�struc��ion
14 o�exat�orns.
zs �.xo cx.o��o����T�� �o��r�r��
z� �.�x ��ta�e�c��or� �rrorx� �r��n]
x�_ s.�� �r�t�r��r�c� ��ro�us�n�
�s �.xs .���r�.c��a°��� �a��rs��a�
E�l U�' SECTYOl�I'
Revisioz� �og
�A'I� N'AIY� ��T�,�tY oF C�1"AI�iG}3
�rr�r a� �o�x �vort�z�
s�r�� cor�sT�ucT�or�
��y�s�� �a����r ao, 2oiz
34 417.0.01 � 1
,f4R.�kZIAF. T.gb 1Z�Al7�A.7C �.U1v1.iNe17�tP5
Paga 1 of2�
��CTxO� ��E �1 �0.��
ARTERTA�. LED R.OAD�Ai'�x,T3:�t�S�:€�%AX��
�`��' x - ����tA��
x,z s�r���
A. �ectiar� Xncludes:
f . �ad�va� iliu�zz�.ai�a.� asse7rnbXies
2, Road�ay x�Iumin atiox� £vundatians
3. Rex�a�ra� of �oa�-vsiay y1�u�ninatzo�z asseaz}Ulies
�. Tt�locaf,zax�. o��oadvvay ill�nai'ro�z assenab�xe�
l3. lleviations �'oxn tl�.zs CAiy c���`o�-� �'az-t1� Standard Speoz�c�ia�
7. Nane. �
C. �B��tted S}��ci�oafian �ectiox�s inc(ude, �uf at:e ria� �qecessat'l.�y Ii�ited tn:
1. Divisi.v�. 0-� ��r�c�ing rt�c��:����xts, Con�t'act Forms and Cc��c��f�cr�s o��e Conix�ac�
2. D�vision 1--- �ez�exa�. R.eqztu•ea�.e�tis
�, �ection tl3 30 {}0 — Cast-a�-��ace Cancr��a
4. �ec�[�.x � 3 4S X�— U�#ilt�y Tien.ch E��avat�a�, Em�ed�r��n� and �3aot�'LTl
5. �eation 33 fl5 30 —Zoc�i�o�x o�Exis�g�U'�ilitie�
6. Secizan 3��-1 10 — Tiaf�c �z�n�als
x.� P�IC� ANll �A.�4�Ci ��I� ��.00�I?XJ��
A. .lVZeas�axaz�e�� and Pa�mez�t
1, Road�c�vaylltuminationAssemblies
a. Measut•e�ne��
�j Measu�'e�ent �o�.-��� ��eriz shaIl b� �e3• each Roa�t�a� ��u�i�,ation �,,ss�mb�y
b_ �'ay��i .
�) T�18 VVox� pe1�o�7n�Ci aric� 1Tiai:eA�&�S �il�xS�lEd ii3. aaC�i'E��C� Wxt�l E�is �t8171 Si3�.I� �3e
��xd for at the uni��z.ice b�d pex eacl� ��1tc�vs�, �Eum AssmbIy" �z�sfalTed.�or,
a} Va�`.i€rus ty�as
C. T�2E �]1LG� C71CI. 5�1.�� iXACIi.I[�e:
�� F�.-�zxzzslv�iig Rdadwa� Illu�at;«n .E�sse;m.bly, if requ�ed
2) Assetu�b�ing a.t�.ci �nstallin� eac� �Zaadw�yIl�tu�atio�. Ass�z�bly
:3� �4�E5
�� 1�1"F11&
Jr� .��i1J.G�7.OT' j70�'i:f
� �+`.1XELi1'e5
7) 7ntez�.a] eZ��a'�.G�� GC?73EIliC�OiS
8) Connectiox� az�d zn�oun%��gha��d�va��e
9) $ases
X 0) X.a�nps �
c��x' an �o�� uToz��x�
STAi�7PAIiT� CONSTRi1t;7,'dON SP�G`�i�SC.A �iON bQC�IN�I�}TS
Reylsed Sune IS, 24I S
�� �-� 20.0� � a
.��ra�z,�z, r�o r�oan�v��r���rr�s
Page 2 o;F2z
� 1) �'t�pa�'1�g sub�n7tk�t�s
12} B�loz'a�o:ty excavatios� (as needed)
13)' CanrdXuuai�az� axzd �uoti�cation
I4} Assembly s�d-€ra�s��r�a�zpx� cr�aX� ztems
IS) ��c�.vai�on, hatiling, di�osal of excess �xaterial
16) P�ofec�zaza 4:���e e��.�ation
17} Cle�a-u�
1$} 'Z'es#ing .
2. OrE�am�ntaI l��tr�inatio� Assemblies
�, 1V�easu�reme�f
1) �easu�e.u�.e.�f �ox �,xs Ii:em shal� lae p�r eacl.i.. Ox�az�.az�tal:Assernbly i�sfa�led.
b. Payme�i
1) 'The �va�lc�ex�oxxxzed and �zaa�ez•isis �'urnishcci �n acaordan.ce vvi�t �is rtem. sk�atf be
�aad �'or at �e u�t �zZce bid p�x saa�. "4�x�am�n�t€� Assm�Xy" ins�atled �oa•:
a} Var�ous �.ypes
c, The �riec bici sh�tI incl�t�e;
].) �'urnishing Ot�a�e�.ia� Zi1�t�x�i�zatxofi A�semblya i�requ��ed
.2) .Assombli�g a.�.d. �stt�X1�� each Qx�axn�ntal A.sseinb�,�
�) Ptiies
�-} A.zms
5) .A.r�olaor boi�'s
6} Fi�res
�) �te�t�t eleoh�ca.Y cond�ofors
8) Co:a�xee#oYa and xnoUni[in� �a�-dvvaz'e
9} B a��s
� 0) T��nps
Y 1) Prepari�i� su�bx�r�itta�s
Z2} �p�o��ato�y e�a�.�a.�ioxz (as nee�ed}
�3) Coordixiatian andno�i�cation
14) Ass�l�ly �d tira�s�ox�a�.an o�a1� .ii�ms
� S) ��cava�icm, ha�.��ing, daspasal af ��cess z�atez�zal
�6} �'x�oiec�o� af�e e�za�.�ai�ori
X7) Clean�u� .
18) Tesizng
3 . T,igT��ing Fixl.iu'es
a. W1a.o� a�pay i#em faz �Xvm�.ation Asseza7.b.[y e�ts:
J.) Meast��'e��n.e;�t .
�.j Tlzis I�e�n i� consider�c� stxbsidiazy �ia �1�1�aniu��an Assemb�y �sfiaX�ation.
2� Paymant
a} T�ie urork �ox�'nxxn�� �nd rnatez�als �u��zished iu. accox�a:�ce wit� �zs �tam are
subsid�azy�a �t.e u�i� ���ia� bid �er erzc� "R.r�wy ZJ�um A�s��ly" ox "C)��t�a�.ta1
Ass�nb�y" �ic�, an.d �o oih.ex compensatian wz3l ba aT�owed,
b, i�he� a pay ztem. fo�• Iliumizaa.ati.a� #�.ssembl,� dc�es �.ot r�xist:
�.} �1�S�asurem�r�t
a) 1�(I�aasr.�a'ez�aent fa�• ihis Ttsm ,sba1� bs pex' each Ligi2ting Fixt€�'e izzsta�l.er1.
2) Payna�etzt
�.) '�'he �rorl� �o��ox�x��. a�.d ���e�ials �zs�xed in accoz�a.ua� �i�z #b.zs �t�sn, s�iall
6e �ard £c��.• at #�e ux�z� pr�co 1��d �ar eac� "I�zghizng �'�tuxe" instai�ec� �fl�•:
crr�r o� roxr wrntx�-,r
l�evised7usta 15, 2fl15
kagc 3 of 22
��� �a]'LOL��l�,S
(2) il�aa`zaus pawa�•
3) The pxice �id sb.a(Z i�►clud�:
�.) �`+.unishi�� Li�ti�g �z�,ture, i:�req�ixod
�r) .�sse�tblin� L'zg�ting ��xtute
c} '�1�t'1�g cvn��a�ca�s
c�) DisposaI o:F��r u�used ox� ��epl�o�d �ata�ri�s
e} Clea� �t�
4, :�.oadway �I��zXni�at�o�i Fou-nda�ions
a. Meastu'�znent -
1) Measurena�z�� ���` thrs Ztezn sha11 be �or e�c3� l�.aad�ra�r �I�u�vnataaxz Fnr�nda�on
b. P�yr.�.ent
1) �e vva�rX� �erfo��ned arjd rnaterials �ux�isl�er� i�a. accoarIance ^�vitb. �us Ifern sha�l be
�aid fax a� t�.e zivit pftic� bid �e� eac�a "�t.d�rovy ����rn. Fa�r�dair.an" �ns�ed fo�:
aj �S7arious iy�es
c, TY�� p�ic� b�d sizaiZ �a1uc��:
1) installing eac� Roadvvay 111u�ninati.a� Faun�latiau
2� �teinfo�•cing sieel �
3) E�ploratory e�ca�vatian (as �ee��d)
4� �xau�.d�gxoe�s
S) Cao�dzna�io�x ar�d �o-t�fica�i.nx�
. 6� L-��ca^vatiort, hauling, dis�osa� of e�ccess xn�.�a�'zal
7) Pxoiectian afthe e�cava�ian
$) �Ie��up
9) Tes�i�tg
5. �o�tac� Enclosttre
a. NSeas�nemen.t
1,) 1Vlea�azr�.e�ifo�r-ihis T��ax� sh�1l be �aer �ac.� Cont�.etEnelosuir� insta�led.
b, I'ayment
� �,) Tli.a �[ro�1c ����ox,med and rnat�iials fi�rnisY�ed iza accoa�dance vs�%th il�is �ter� s�.a11 be
paii� for at fli� unit �riee �ad. pa� each "Cantact Fr�eic�su�'e" in.stal�ec� fo�•:
a} Varirn�s �oun.�.ng xuethods -
c. 'i'T�e �z•i.co bid shalf it�cIude:
1) ��ishtt�g and i�nstallir�g Co�tta�t En�clas�.ce
�} 1�'+�ouz�.ta�g mat�ials
3} Clean u� .
6. Fut.�xs��g a€id Insiai�zz►� �oad Lig�i �'oI�
a. �easut'etnent
1) N�easureme�tt �o� this xtem s�a11 be �ex eacl� �0' Wao� �..i.g�.t �QIe futn3sh�d and
b. I'aymazxt
x) Th� vvot'�� ��z�'ar�ad �nd matelials �arr��hec� �n acaox'da�ce with tiz�s Ite�n s�.all b�
�aidfor at �e unit �z�xae b�d pc� oa�1� "F�u�zs��I.�i�stail �k0s Waod �.i�� Pnle".
c. '�he �rice bid. s�ali include:
X} Lxcar��tia�x
2) �ur�is�i��.g aud. ims�l�ing eao�. �0' '4�`oad �.igtrt �'oie
3) �x�us�ing, plaaame�.� and co��action a�f' bacls���
c� oz� �axr wo�xz�
s��a�n� cor�s��uc�r�arr sr�czc�cA-rror� �noc�r��s
Revised runa x5,20i5 .
34 Atzo_o� -�
AR�73.RTAL T.�A �iD,A17WA'YLCTM�t't1�RE3
Page 4 of22
. �-} ��e$.n.��p
7, �ux�sl�n� anci �tsiallirzg'W'aacI Lzg�� Pals A�rn
a. Meas��elne�t .
�) �aas�z'erne��t �o:r �his Xtern sliall �e �e�� �ach �' 'Wood �.i�t �'o�e .Pum �urt�i shed �d
b. Payrs�e�i
�} T�1B WO� �4'1'�O�i�1�C� �L17.C�-#17ci�8�'x�S �ll.l'A7,�SY�$� �1� �GGO%C�Q�C� �4�V�� ��x� ���X1) S�&�� �?S
pa.ic� For attiie ur�it �zic� bid �ez aach "�`r��is�sia.�I $' "�ooc� �igI�tPo1�.Atm".
c. Tl1� �i.ce bid shall �.cl��de:
T.) Fux.r�;ishi�.g ar�d a�zsialZittg eaoh $' �Tooc� �.igl�t Po1a Ar�r�
2) GIoan�u�
$, ,A,�umi�ur.� ��aattical Coz��ucfo�
�,. �easut �men�:
1) Meast�reaa�.ez�� fo� t�is Item s�al� be psx linea:e• �oat ofAlumia��n Blec��ical
Cn�uct�x �failed.
�. �'�3�ment
�) The t�nrk �ex�ax�a.vc� amd xniatea'.i.als �,�zishec� ra� aacoxd�ce �vz� t�xs �ierx� ax�d
rrteastu'ed as �rov3d�d under "Moasur��ent" will �be pa.zd �aa• a� th� unit pzice bfd
�ex ��aar �ao# o,� "Alum Elea Conrluotor" uasfa�ect �ar:
a) var�ou� Siz�s
a. T�e p�-i.ca l�id s1�.a�C ��xclt�de:
1) Fu�aishu7g a�r� ansEa�l��� �1.lux�i�.u�xz �lect-rzaal Ca�tclucfa�•
2} T�s�g
,9. Coxtd�ctnt�'Recann.ectian
a. ZVTeasuz•e�nent
�) �easa��eY�e�t �or ihYs Ite� s�Za.tl be �re� c:ac�a cax�ducta�' �ecox�n.eot�d.
b. P�yr�ent
I) T�e worxc pex,f'o��ed a�d mat���i� furnish.ed in. accoxda�.ce �ith this �taz� sha1l be
paid fo�• at iha uz�z� �.t•ica bid p� each `�eaon�eu�i Co:�d�zcfnx", �
c. The p�r�ae b�� shaEl �zclurla:
1} �eco�ec�inn oi coxxd�atozs usi�g C�ly a��mv�d method
2) '�'esti�.g cs�co�ect�a�;
�4. �ixe�tLig���o�aRe�no�r.aI and �aXvage
a. Measu�e�nent
�} 1V,Ieasurement �or tbis �tem shalI.be �ar eacl� Sfi��eet Liglit� ren�oved and ��I�'aged.
�. Pay�me.rzt �
1} T�e wor�C �ex�'o�m.ad aud�naterials fixt�s�;et1 ii�. accoxc�auce vs�z�Ia i:�xs ��exn sb.all �e
pazd �ax at �a� Y�ni�p�ice bid per each "��lv�ge S�.�eet �,ight.�o�e" pez�ozx�ed.
c. 'The price b�d shail �nclud�:
l}��ma�vai and salvage o� �iree� �,ight Pole
�� S�I�aini�x�. exzs�z�zg st��aet ligfzt ci�cui.t 7.na�udiug ne�r grnund box azzd �eco�ec#.io� o�
c�rcu�fs (i4'xec�uirecl �by City�
3) �enxava� o�' exis�:ing s��se� ligl�t �o�e �o��tcla�zon 2' �belo�v �x�c�e, �aek �11 vvith IiI�e
st1JE�'o�i�tc�;lr�g rna�ti.a1.
�) D�li�ery o�saXvaged �nnaterials to apprap��iata loca�.ioz�
5) Cleari�up -
� l.. St�eet Li�t Pale Reloca�ion
a. .l1Me�,su�omen.t
CI'�`Y oF �(?zzT lriottTii
sT.arm.a�tp corrs�n�re�arr s�acz�rc.�.�rrorr bocun�r�r��s
Rovised Inne 15, 26lS
344I 24.OZ - 5
A�t 1Pl�tli� ��� StC3AL]WAX i�C7h�Nl11RT?S
, P�ge 5 of22
�) Measurex�.e�� :Cor �t�is �tem sha11 �e p�r eac�: S�x'ee� �.,i�I�t 7.'ole �•e�zzovecl and
saJvagec�. .
b. Payment �
�) Tha war1� pe��'o�anpd anc� 7nataria� fi�:e�xzshed z�z aocox'da�ce �it� tk��s Ziem s7�a�� be
�aid fcrr ai t�.� u�zx� px�ice f�ar� �er ea.al� "R.eJ.oGd�t: xS`�i�eet �iglz� Po1e" p�z��'ozarc�d,
c. Tha �prxce bzd s�a�X ino�ude:
1) �.emoua� and salvage o� Stz'�et Light �'o�e
2) T3elivery aisa�vagE�. �naterials to a��a1'opz'xa�e �ocaf;ion
3} �eplaae.m.ezzfi a�'pvIe �Eo �evv 1oca�ion
�} T�,r�.ishin� pfacem.ez�t and ao�paciion af bacl�f'i.ii �a�eiial
5) Clean-up .
�..� ��ER�NC��
'I'Zze pubTicatio,us tis�d �e�.ow foi7n a�ari o�`#lzis speaifcafian -�o t�e e�te�.� x'�fez•�ncec�.
Publzcat.iox�s a�'e x�efex�sncee� vvz�. �� texi i�y �ihei� basxc desxgnat�oz� on�y. V�x•sions Iisic�d s�.a1i
be su�iersatied by up�a�d 'versio�s �s they beoarne ava�Zab�a.
A. ,Aanex°iean �Ia�io�a1 S��.nd�ds Ins-iit�te (,A.N�S�)
�. C136.�-2(10�€ (a�� Iatest), A�ex�caaa N�atiaazal �ta�xo��•d far Itc�adw�.y a.�.d A�ea Lighi�ng
Equi�pxz�ea�t Lu�rair�.air� �foitag� Classifiaaiion
Z. CI �b.10 20� U(o�� �at�st), Arra��:icar� Nationai �a�c�aard fva• �toadway an.�. A��ea Lighiing
�qui.p�ez�t � i.ocking 'i�e Pl�otacoaahol I�evices az�d N.�a��xg Receptaale Playsica� and
�Ie�h ical �ix�ez�c�atxgeabilxiy and Tesla�n.g
3. C�3�.7.5�20�� {ox latest), �nerican Na#ia��.i S`-��a.d� �ox• �oadwa� a�zc� AreaLigl�tiz�g
L�qr�ipinent — �.���i�zaic� F��ld Idex�t'if`taa-i:io�z
�. C136.�2--24D4�2.20a9 ax��at�st),.�n�e��canNa-Eion�i Starxc�a��d�n�Road�ra�azzdAtea
Ligb.t�ng�3c�tx�pme�t—X�taz�n.a� �a�i��ing nfLu�ntina�t�es
5_ C13 G.2S-200� (ax Iatast}, Am�rican N�a�flnal Sirand�d fo;r �Zaac%�ra� a��d At�ctt Z.i��ing
Equipma�t--- �ngress Protecfiiox� (�tesast�n.ce �o Ut�st, Solid O�,jects a�nd. MaistEu�e) �csz
_ LY�mir�aire Enclas�res
�. C3.36.� 1�2U1Q (az� lafesi), Avr�'�aax� l�atia��a� �#a��da�c� �or I2.oac�vsrap Ligk��zz�g �qvi��en�i
—Lumi�_air� Vibra�iun
7. C136.37-20� Z{or �at�tj, A2x�e�€�iean �Na�a�aI �a�r�dazd fa�- �ad�va-y ar�d Ax�a Ligh.ti�g
$qt�ip�a�s�t - So�id �taie T.ig�t SQu�ces -Usor� iu l�aadvi+ay a�ad Aiea Ligh�zx�g
B, ,A�a.ex�zeati �ocieiy �or Testiz�g atzd �1�Xatc�z�ls �ufexs�aiional (ASTM}
1. 1� �. � 7 09 �(Qr Iat�), �rand�xd Pract�c� �'o� O�exatiz�g Salt �pr�Y (�`og) App ara�us
2. b1554-0$ �ax• �atest), Siandard Tast SvSet�zo�. foz• Fv�luation of Pain.ted o� Coated
��eciz�zen.s 5��b�ected to Caxx os�ve ��.�r�x o:r�x��nts �
3. � D523-0� (o�• laiest),.�t�ciaxd Tesf Meh�od fo� �pec�.�Iax Gloss
4. GI54�•�S {ax Ia�est}, Standa�•d ���a.cf,�ce �ax �pe�a�i�g l��t�alescen� Lzg�t Ap�aratus �o�• T7�T
Ex�osu�•e a�`�l`o��taL�c l��t�rials �
C. Cau�c�I o�the Euxopaan U"�xin�. {LC} .
I. Ro�S i}i�eotive 2Q(#2195/EC, c� ihe �cstrictzoz� of i�ae use o� ceri:a�zz �:aza�daus s�f,sianees
zn ��ect-�'�oal ��d eleciror�ic equiprt�ez�i
D. Fed.ez�a1 Tr�c�a Co�a�ssio� {�TC}
l. Crreen C`xuxd8s, 16 C�'R. �a�.fi 2bQ, G�des for f�� Use c���z�v�z'ozxmenta� Mar���tztzg CIaz.ms
F. T11��n��xtingL�n�i�.eez�iiagSocie-�yof�Toxtk�.A.t��x�aa{IB�i�'Aor�ES)
1. 7�G 4�43 (o� laies�), besign �zde �or Road�vay Lighi�ng 1Vlsainte�r�ce
2. HB�I 0-I �(or laiss�), lEa L�ghting Handboolc,l Q�� Bd:itzot�
c�'� on roz�'�' wa�T�
sT�nm,� caNsrx�rcr�or� sp�crn�c�Tio�t�n�r�n�rs
xe�;s�a �u�� xs, zozs
34 a�� zo.a� - 6
,�z�T��unr. � �o.�w��r �.u.�n�r�s
�sge 6 of22
3. 7 M 50�99 (ax Zatest}, XE�.A Guzde �'ar Ph.otame#��c Meastxre�.en'� o�RQadwayLi�h�sng
Ii�tstallations �
4. LM 61-�6 (or ia-iest}, ��N.A Ap�ro�ved G�xide �or ldeu�ifyi��g Ope�ea�iz�g F�a�:azs
In£lue�zcib:g �.VTeas��sr� �s. �'red�cted �.'ex£axx�xa�ce �o�• Xnsfalled 4utdoo� �ig1�.Intensiiy
I?ischatge (HID) L�mYnaues
5. Liv.i '�J-OS (ar la�est}, IE��NA ���•oved IV.��th4d foz t�e L��ectrical anc� �hntomeirlc
Maasttrezneu%s of Sol�d.-Sate L'zg�.ting �xoduGi:s
6. T,i�[ 8��4$ (ox• ltttest), IBSN� Ap�z�a�'ed �ef�ac� �'or Measiuix�g L�en M�t��aa�ee o�
LL��? �x,�tL Saurces � .
'7. lu'-&-00 {or lates��, ,A.T�TSx /�E�NA ,American Nationa� �tatzdard Pt�a�ice fa� 12aad�ay
8. IZP�I �-1 Q(oi• i�test), ANS�/IE� Na�n�nc�ai�.u'e and D�i"i�itians :�or T1lumin�ii�g
9. '� 3�5 (ox �ates[}, .A. DiscY�ssion af Ap�endi� E���Gl�ssiftaa�on of La�inasra Lz�h-�ing
Disirib-ution," from..AN'�"TI��NA12P-�8�-83
��. TM �5-T.l. {a� Iatest), Luminaixa ���ssx�'ication �ysfexnn fo.� Qu€'dooz� �,x�z�Yna�es
f 1. T1VI-� �.--11 (Qz Iafiest), Pro��at�g Long Te�an. Lume� 11�ain�e�a�ce of L�3D �ig�.t �o�t'eas
�nsi�ii�e o�'�le�irica,l �nd Electrnnics �nginee�s (fPEL)
1. ILEE �62.4�.2 2�02 �or Iates-�), � Recommender� �':raetz�e an C1�araotezizafion af
Stt;rges zza Lavv-�4lfage (I.OQt� V and Iess) AC Po�r�r G`��urts
Z. AN�XI�.E� C6�,4S--2{�[�2 (ar lat�), xEL�E Racart��ts�.der� �'rac�ic� ti�t �urge �'esting fo,t �
Ec�uipme�� Cax��eaf�� to ��r "U'ctl.�age (� O{}Q '�I a�c� Less} A.0 �'ovc�er C�re�is
�`atio�.al. �]ee#�'ical3v�a�.u�actuxers Association {�EM�)
l. AN�SIlN33M.�JAN�LG C78.377 200$ {ar �atast), Az.�e��Xcan 1�Tat�axi.a� Sfanc�ard fax �e
Cl�xa�naticity a� Solid S�a.�e �,igl�tin� Products
�T. N�atxaz�al �'i�� Z'rnteo�ionA�soc#atioz� {�k�.'A}
�. 'lq--Nat�o�al.�lec�ra.ca� Ca�� (NLC)
I. Und�i�rxte��s T��ora�Qrzes (LTL� �
�. �9��-9, S�rg� �rotective Devices
2. �598, �..��m�na�es
3 . 875[i, Lig�t �mi�g �io�� (L�b} �q�zz�.e.a�t �ox Us� � I,igh�ix�g �'t�aduc�
7. De�n;itxnns
1. Lighting to��olog,y t�secl.hexelzz As c�e�"rned i�i IE� R�.'-16. �ee referenced c�oe�men�s �'c�r
addi��onal cls�nitions,
i. ��oep#�nn: TFi� te�� "c�ivex" xs �sed %eze�n to }�aadly aovez ho�h dxz�e�� a�d
powez° sup�L�ccis, w�ere a�pliaable.
x�. CIarx�ca�on_ The term `�D �iglzi sQ�z•ce(s)" is �sed. harain per J�� L1Vf-80 ta
b:�'vad�y cover L�b �aa�age(s), moc�ule(s�, an.d a��ay(s}.
�.4 A�lN1IN.�S�'RA'I`� �tEQII�It�.l�'�
,A. Cooxd�natian __
J. , Noti£y C�ty at (81'�) 392�77� S a r�i�a.xun a� 7 days befare be�s�xi�z� �orlc csn -�e P.t�ojeet.
2. Noti£Si Tns�eeto� prinr io �oux•ing �•oac�way il�run�na�ic�n assemb�y �'au�daisons.
3. Caarc�inate �vrit7� Ta'a�ic Sv��zce�s i�nsp�ct�r �or �ole types, #.��a�laie� d�i:t�.e�sio�s a�c� ax�.chor
baI#s, anc� a�y quesfzons about �nsta�xig �ze �Foux�da�zons and cortduit.
�, .�or lacaiion n� Cit� �xs.dazgt'n�nd streei ltun�n�� cab�e ar�d c��tlui� ca�l. (817) 392-'T738 or
�s��} ��z�szao.
1ReVlsed 7une �S, 2015
34 �3. 2U.(i � � 7
�ItTBR1t5l. ��1t�A)31�fA�i' iT3lvi�iAiR�S
Fage 7 o,f 22
5. Obiain and �ay fo�` �IX �a�a�.i#s as tet�uix�eci to 'Work in pazkw�.�,
}3. �'reinsta�Iai�.� N�e�tings
�.. .Atfenc� �re-cons#eucfiion ynee�ixz�.
�..5 lG]CG��T.I�1�� ��Y'�'T�11� F�dR1V1Ai�G`�
A. Er�atgy Co�asezvaiio�
I. Cot�r�ected �,aad
a. L�z�aitxax��s s1�aL[ l�a�e za�a�iraxum noxn�al luminanre inpu� wat�age as s�eci�xncl fo�• eac�
��tazx�.na.i�'e typ� iu A��encli� A.
2. �.zgi�ting Cna��a�s
a. �ee sepa�.a.te oonf��o�s �psaifias.tio� id�ntrfied in sectaaz� �.2 above, if a���it�a�1�.
b_ ��e seatfa�. 2.1 B belo�v for c�rivei� conirrol interfa�e at��i per�'orma�.�e �'equxrez�.er�ts_
c. �ee section 2,1 I£ bc.�o^vv �'or �hotoaa�zi�•o1 �-ece�tac�e �'equiremonts.
B. P�io�tome�rio IZ�quirernents
�.. Luax�iai��es �k�a11 �'neeti�e genoxa.� cxxteria �rov�€de� in the bod.y of ihis specz�caiiori. an.d i�e
pat�icular axitex�. �or eaoh �t�x�.inaire -tj�pc� d�fi�ed r`xx� �.�pe�ditx A.
3.0 �Q�T�[t�b ��1l�['�"�`AL� �+'Q12 EAC� �.��� T�� ���'�1� Il+T AP�'E�YA� A
A.. C'r�eral s�brni�ha� cantent s�aXl include
1. Comple�e�. A�pendi� E s���ttai fot•m
2_ Lu,tz�xna�e c���s�ieots
3. �ui-s,�xse�s fa� LED l��k�t sou�'ces
4. Cutsheet� frn L�D e3river(s)
a. � dirnmable X,ST] drzvat �a spacz�Zed, �zav�de dia�t-aazxs �I��s�a�i�tg �igh� out�u� a�.d
in��it �o�ez as a�tinciion of can�t•a1 sig�zl,
5. ��tt�eeYs :['az s�ge �aro�e�o� devzco, if' a��lxcable
5. Sr�sinxct�Q�s �or �r�stalTatian and za�auxt�nai�.ce
7. Suznri�ary af luxn.inai�'e z�ecycled can�ent az�td x'ecyc7abili.ty per fhe �'�'C C�e� Guides,
ex�zesser� b��erca�.fiags n�'luininaix� rrr�igb.f
73. Z.i� 791�ni�aiz'a p�Zato�neEric re�oz-�(s} s�a.,11 �a gr•aduced by ih.e ��st laboratoxy and :tn�iude
1. 3�ame o�'�e�t labc�xa�o�y
a. The test Iabarafozy r.nust �o1d Na�ional Vo�ii�.ta�y Y,abora.to��+,A.ac�edita-�zom Pz�gz`�zxx
(�IVLA.�') acaredita�iox� �nz �he IE� L11r� 79 �a�t proceduro or must be quali�ed, �erifier�,
at�c� zecogn�zed ttudu.g� �he 1J',S. Ua�at�aneztt o�' Ene��gy's C�.,i.�R�. pz'ogram. For naox�
�n�o�ma�.on, sea hiip:Ilis.nis�.gotr/s�an�ards/scopasleelit.littn ar
. w�r�v.ssi.erzexgy_gov/test Iabs.��.
2. Iteportnumber
3. l�ate
4-. C�m�lete l�inaire e��log �x�tml��r
a, �'z'o�videe�lanat�oni�cata�agnum[�erinte.stzepoX�t(s)dac;snnfraxai:cJ�catalog�u�b�r
o�Iumz�.aue submittec�
1} ��ax�y wh��hex disc�,•epancy does not afEec� peri'or.rx��c�, e.g., z� �za case a�
d�££ex���g �uxx�xnai€e �oxtsirag co1o�.
cz�rx o� �ax�r w'anr��
ST.13.�1]A1?l� COAiSTRLrCTFoN S1��Cii+FCA'�iON I70CtJMT3N'X'S
�Levise[t �nne I5, 2d1�
A1ZTL�R1'AI. LBn 1tOA1�WA3�'i.TiN11I�A IRES
.Pag� 8 of22�
2) �Fno�nal �e���rnnaa�ce a�sub��ited at�c�testedpradi�ets c#i#'#'er, su�xx�it actciiiio�
LM 79 �•spo��t(s) az�d d��ri�a,f�on as i:r�dicated in ��per��� �.
5. X7e�o�ri�txa�t of 3.u�ni��ai-t`e, L�b lighi scn�zca(s), and LED c�'�ivex(�) -
6. Go:�iophatomaiYy
�. C�Ior�ne�ry
�. Ca�cu���.�[ons a.nd s����ortu�g �est data paA� .�1.p�e�c�i�r. B inc�ica�ing a Ir7�n�n mainntenanae �i�e of not
. �ess �� �0,000 a��z'�t��g �Zou� '
�. Cam�r�t�tgeneraied �ro��.�-by�po��t ��o�ome�i'IC �I��37SIS [)�11]�111'�9:IiiBi� ��{}�p�7�C �1.�T7.$ ���5''k.%S �S
per A��enc3ix ,A
I. CaIculai�oz�s s�a1� �e for znainia.�ne�.'valu�es, i.e. �igh� Loss Factar° (L7.�} � T.O, r��Zere �L�`
� L�D � �,�}p � �.,.A.'�, az�d -
a. Lam� Lu�nenDa�reox�tion�{L�D)
X) �€a�� be 4.85 {L�Q) for all.lutui�aires.
2} �hall be �1:he ��ce�.tag�s a���i�a.I out�u� ca�ct�Iatec� i,� seataoaz X.S�C,
b. F.uz���za.i�•�.Dart Dapa-eciatian (LDDj = 0.90, as �rex ]ES DG�4 for a�rA ez�alase� arrd
gasiceied rrrac��va,� lunaiz�a�X� �x�sialled �n an envuomnent �rith f�ss �tbar� 1�0 µglzn3
airbaf�e �artic�la�� matte�.• a�zd o�eazzed'eveay �our �ea�:s,
c;. X.�nina'v-� Asn�.bxez�t'�`�z�.��xa�re Fac%�• �,A.'I'�) � �,DO
2. �Tse o��S �TB��fi mesn�pic multipliers
a, Shal.� be rTxsal�n�ed k�ezei�, by assr�rnvig a� Sl�'ra�Gio o�F i.OQ fa�t a.�X �t�����zres.
3. Ca1c��a�.o�I�ea�suxa:me�z� paz�ts s�aa� �6e pe� 7�35 �-8.
�?. S�n�nnaty a£Joi�ri.t�lec�t��i:� Ae�vices ��gineezing Cou�cil(��C) a� �apan Eiec�z�a�xcs a�.d
Infn��n.atxc�� Te�k�z�ology �nciustries {J�TA) �el�abi�ityt�sti�g pc�fox��t� �'ox L33D pa.c�cages
�`. S-� mz��.r� o�F�e��a�i�ity tes� �a�.rfo�.7ned �br �EI7 � iver(s)
G. ��•�i:te�t pa•odi�ot �a��ranty as �eY• seciion I.7 bal�w
x,�r c�r�s�a� ��rr�r,�z�
s4. '(�a�ranty �octrr�entation
x. :�rovide �tan��fa.c�.ut�ex• t�rarxatity iuia�.�a�axi. to ��e C��.�.
�..8 �.A.��'�N�.A.N�C� M'AT.��_X+ STTBMCTTAL� [N(?T U,�EA]
�.9 QU.A,T�.A.���R.A.i�'GL�
A.. Befcrr��� a�pi�nv�.l ancl puz�chase, �uppliar s�a11 paovi.d:� at-the O^c�mer's rec�uest Iut►a�a�t�e
saxnp�e(s} identi.ca� to �Y�oduc� ccs�f'iguration(s) subx�iit�ed �or i�spectao�tx a�the �ttp�i��r's
e�gense. O��r sl�aii r�c�est ]�S �,IVI 79 iestizzg o��uxnin.ai_re ,samp���s� 'tb �'e11f� �e1'fa1't?)9tLC6
is wi#�in. map.u£actcue� xepar%d tolexa-�ces and �'�.oto�ne�ic re,paz�s a�d .i.�s �les, pea• TF� LM�
63. The P�oto��ei�ic i�e must m�tr� �.e �um�ai�'e being su�m7i�ec�.
�. A�ter insi�Il�t�on, C)vvner zr�ay pe�f, az� 16S T M-50 fiold zx�.aasi�re��nts to 'verify pe;rfo�a�ce
z eq�_tre�e�.is out�zn�d i� .f�,p�aazd�. t�, giv�ing considez'a�ioxt �o :m:eas�t�•eAxtent ur�ceX'�a��ies
nu.tlit�ect ir� �S LM &1.
�.�.Q �lEY1V�R�, �`X'O�T�AG�+,.A,�iA �XANllLING
A.. �o�•age a�.d Handli�g 1�equi��eznnz�ts
c�7rY' o� �o��' won�
5'i'AND.t3��] COATSTR'CiCTYO�f �1PEGIFICA,7'i0t�i DOCiIML�N1'S
1Zevised June T5, 20I5
3¢ az za.ax � s
A�tT�iZTrLC. L�17 }.tE}.AT31�f1'Y LUNk7N,ATCtSS
Pagc 9 0�22
I. X'arts s�aal� be pra�er�yprat�cted s� t�zat �a dam.��e ox �efe�'xQ�'a�ia� oec�.irs diuing a
�ra�.onged t�e�ay �Fraax� t�e ti�ne o� s���menfi ur�-�il a�stail�.tza�.
�. L�posed anehor bolts s�Za�X �e pro�ectec� u�.t�l pc�Ia s�ai� zs zusfialled.
3. �'revent pl.astic and siz�nuilaz� bxiftle ite�ns f�tozn bei�n.,g expasec� to dr ee�k sun�Ii�l�i az�.�i exk��es
i�. te�.peratuee.
�. �'�e Co�z�t�acta�• s��a1� seci�xe a�d �azntain a.Ioca�[ozz �fl sior� tha �zz��ex�gI in �ceozc�ance ��h
Sect�on 0� SQ 00.
B. De�i�eayan.d.�cce�taa�ce
J. Cantac[o�• a�d xns�ector sha1Z vxsuaIly ins�ect �:oac��va�r i1l�tnxir���or� assexnb��es �ta:r
��u�aval fo de�:ei�'nine �e co�ci�tion a�'the ]�ar��v�r'e.
�. Cox�iractn�• sha�l profaci ail sa�vable �rtaterz�i d�a�ng transgarC t� City ��eci�ec]. s�o�'age
3. �Jai�vered ��a�e���aX x�us� ba in tl�e same condi[zo�. �e� re�aval, as agr�eci upon by
Con�xactoi• and Tx�speafoi• afier �•ernotrai.
�.�.� ��`l��Ii (S1T:cj �OIV��TX(3i�� �NOT U�ED]
�.�� �ARRtINT�''
A. Provide a rniz��rn�m. t�n yea�• �vuar.t°�t1ty covEring naaaiz�faz�ed int��ity and �ncf,iana�ity ��
J.. L-�niYnaire �Zousing, �vi�in�, and cax►xzectians
2_ LEJ� �zght source(s}
a. �Tegligzh�e �xgIat outpui �i.�azXr �na�'e tIxat� �i3 �e�'CC;ti� O��TP� LEA �7�C�Cfl��9 CQII.S�l�il�05
iurai�aire fai�uxe.
3. LED dri�ve�•�s)
13. "W'az'ranty �ax.ia� s�all heg�zz 90 d�.ys �:ei date o� a�.sfa�ation.
k',ART 2 �- i'RD�UC�`�
2.�. �,i)IYIIN.A�C2.E �Qi3IIt�GNiEI�TS
.1�. C'reneral R.egttiz'e�nents
1. �.umi�.�es s�t�.� be as specified £or eac�. typ� ��.pp�d� �..
2. Lun��.aiu:eshallhaveatae�.fexr�allabelp�x�iSSG�36.15
3. I����nT�-aite shall hav� �n �terna� �abeX per AN�I C136.�2 �a inn�uc�e date gf�a�ufaciu�e.
4. Lu�xzi�aise �hha11 b� tated fo� a m�1�n� of 1PG5 per AN�S� �136,�5.
5. No�ninal lt���ai�aiza iu�ut y�af�age sh�.il accnrxt�t for nomiuza� ap�liec� vol�age ax�d a�y
re�tuction �tt dz�i�var e�'iciency due to �.�.b-optiznal dxzver �aa.di�ng-
6, Lt�t�n�ues sh.ail start a�d o�►�xate in 2U°� i�o -t�50°C ambient,
�'. ��eok�iica�.ly �est fully ass�nx�b�ed ltuni��ares be�az•e s�xp�na� fiat�. fac�4xy
8. T�i'feciiv� ProJect�d Ai�+a [LPA) and wei�h� o�'tke l���n�nai�e sT�al� r�at exceed th� �ralues
x�,c�iaated in Appez�dix A.
9. Lt�miz�a�:r�s �1 �e �esxgn, ed for ease of cox��o�ent replacem�e�.t azxd end-o.� Zi.£e
disasse��.�l�. '
c�x� n� go�cT wax�
12evised Iunc Y5, 2U15
3�l 4120,i3I -1D
P:�ge 1� ctf22
�.6. Luzxunai�res s�za�� be rated. fax t�ae �T�X C�� 6.31 Vibxat�o�a �eve1 indicatec� iz�. Ap�et�di�c A.
1�. �.�I3 �Zg�.t sa�rce(s) a.�c� drivex{s) sXiail be RvkTS corn�liant.
x2. �'��ansmiss�v$ a�c� cvrnponents s1�a1� be app�ied #n a.ecordance �vi� O�l�+I desi�
gui�eli�.es to ez�sutv sui:Ea.bility foz the-tl�er.aaa�fir�ec�,a�.ic.�fcher�zcal environmez�i.
�3. Lz�air@s s�Ix �Zave 4 bolts far ma�i��ing io 1-1.14" to 2�31$" '�`ena�z attn for �ave�iazg �nc�
seotarin� of I�uni�a:ue to ���on. a�i., 2�oZt connect�.ons s7�a11 not bo pa���ai-t�ed.
1�, Lti�r�ir�a�res sha11 con�.� �Ea�c�a�'d wrtt�. 7�i� ��ot�coxzfzo� dirnmiu� rece�t�.cle �rtest€r�g A�ISI
C �3 6.4 � t�ec�uu'ezx�.e�fs.
B. A��v�.r
Z. Ratad £az an-�t�n of S4},OQ� �o�r.s.
2. �hai� b� s�eai�'iec� �tXth 0-1 ffV dixxa�aabla c�r��ex• �o accept in�uf �iorrz 7 p� p�otoeal�
3. �afiSd e�se te�pea�.t�e s�a�I I�e sux��Xa foi� opez�.�.o� � fhe l��nz�.�e o��rating �n -�he
�tn�ier�t te�nparatttxes inc�icated x:� sec�io� 2,7. A ahov�.
4. ���1� aeeept the vQlta�e or �n�tag� r�nga ind`zeated zz� .AppencE.�c A at 50160 Hz, anc� sl�aJ.�
opai•ate �ox�a��y �aY• �.pui'va�f�ge fl�tcf��tior� of �ius a�' �.�n�s 1Q p�rca�t.
5. Sk�ali h�.�'� a mi�ifnu� Pov�r Facta� {p�') ai 0.9t1 at fuli ��ut pt��ver and acro�s s�aeo'�xed �
vo�.ge x�arx�e. ,
6. Con#i�oi si�txal �.ter�aca
a, Lur�ai.z�ai�� �es Xndicafe� "1Zequia od" zn �1.��ae�c�i� s1 s�a1L aa�ep� �. co�i�al si.gnal as
speaif'tec� �vi�. �epatate �az��t'0�5 SpECI�1G�RtLOli 3'���IeAC�C� 1� SBQ�I.OIl �,2 abo�ve, e.g., :Eoz
i�. �.�xutin.aire iypes izidicatetf `�TotRequued" in A�penc�i� A nee�. not acce�t a aox�t�r�l
C. E�eo�•ica] �uttity
1. �,ur.o.i�zai�� s1�1. n�ee� the "Baszc" �'et�tz��t'emer�ts i� Appe�di� I3. �ar�ufacf,i.uex s��all i�td:ic��e
ot� s�zb�ni�tal �o�rn (Ap�encl� �} vvl�e�ez' �Ft1x`[ure of th� �Iec�rz�a1 fr�.�u��y syst�� ca�
�ossil�ly �resuti � disconneci of pa�ve;r �o Iurrtz�.aire.
X3. �Zec�tomagn�c itzte;r�Fez'e�ce
l. SI�a11 �a've a:tnaxit�.�c�u�. TaYa� ����c�nac �zstortion (TFID} a�2f�% at £u1I ir�put �ovvex an�.
a�xass specz�ed. valtage range.
2. Shall co�n�ly wzth �CC �7 C�2.pa�'I �S �LQA-GDIk�l1t11B1 �ZFZ%EMI5��11��.1C�S.
�. ��e��i�cal sa�eiy �est�g
T. Lurnirx�te shall 6e �xsied. �'nr �ret �ocatzo�zs ��r an OS� NR�'L.
2, �,i�ni��es sk�� ha�� laca�f3'-appzopxi�.te govezzaing �nnr�t�c a�d �ez-ti£'i.ca#zo:�.
F. �ait�ted o�' fzn%�I�ed �ua�a.i��.Xre cam�one�nts a�cpnsed �o ihe eyivixo:t�xi.enf
J,. Sha�l ex�aecl a Y�a�ing oi si� pax• �TM ll�GS� �tfter � OaOla.rs o�testi�gpef� A�TN.[ �3 � 1'�!.
2, T�ie coatiz�g sha�I e�bit na g�•�atex �han 30°!o redu��io�a �fglass ��r�5'� US23, a�e�� 50D
f�aurs of QUV �esiiaig at ASTM Cr� 54 C�xc1 � 6.
ix. '�t.eaTnal�agaY�7.a�1i
�. Mecftanica� dasi�C� o%proi�l�.d$rg e�zteA�.al S�lx�aces �heat si�k �Zns) �or sha11 facz�itata hose�
c�Q� ciean�g aa�.d dzsco�-age debris accuzn�latin�.
c��� o� �a�cr v�oz��
STt1�11}ARiJ C�NSTI2I!'C�`IC]�+T ST�E�IFTCATIC}1+T7lpCF7lvI�sN3'S
lievlsed 7au� I5, 2U15
3�a� zo.o� � z�
�r�xrtu, L�z� �oa�wn� x�rin�r�zss
PBgC X 1 4P22
2. Y.ir�uid� or ot�aez' �.oaiz�� pax�ts shall nai be ��rr�ittec�.
�, �,� T� I� ��.nai� �v�• Baol�ii��f, U�iighY, anc� G�e (SU� ��t��gs) sh�I b� as specif'ted for
�aa�z It�zxai,�.azra iy�s� in A�pendi� A.
�. CaicuIation of BU� Ratings sha11 �e �v�• Xniiia]. (�va�t•st casa) vdl.ue.s, x.e., Lig�t �.oss �aato�
��.�.� m 1.0. �
2. �.uaz�i�.�aires sha�1 not be i�Itad �Qr ca�altXa�aons.
�. �inimux� Co�or l�e�.d�xi.�g �'udex {Cl�ij: 70.
T. Cazrelated Co�nx' T��pe�.�aiur� (CCT}
1. Ifnozxx��a1 CCT spec��ied in A�pendz� A. �s Xzs%d in Tr�b�e ��e�ov�, measuz'ed CGx and �tiv
shnll be as I�sted �n Ta�61e �.. '
Table 1. Adlowable CCT arrd Duv {�c�apted fr�m i��MA �78.3777
Manufactctrel=Kated AI�QW���L' I.M"�� CFliiJi7i�tlCl� V�Iii�S
Narnit��l CCf (K) Me�s�tred CCT �K) I�ieasured �uv
�yaa 258D to 2�7Q -b.�10� ta 0.046
�p0(� 287t# to 322t3 �D.at36 to 0.005
�soo �z�o ta �r�.o -aaa� ta a.aos
�ODO 3i�0 to �426D �OrC705 ta O.C�C17
W. �-5D0 4z6q io �!-7�G -�.[l05 to E�.0�7
�Oa[� 4745 �a 5311 �RA�� t� �3.(i08
57(3� 5��a ta F�2� -0.�04 to �.�OS
6�00 6�20 to 74�(7 -O.�o3 t� (7.C1D9
�. �nozz�i�a.� CCT spec'�'ied a�. Ap�enc� A:[s �ot ��sted a�z Table 1, xn.easu�ed �CT az�.d Duv
shalt be as pex t�� clite�ia �o�• �Iexible C�'�` da�'iined in I�IE� C'7g.377.
��. T`�i� �oJ�o'wiz�.� shai�. b� iu aa�ax•dance ��it� cozA�espor�ciit�g seu~txa�s a� AN�I CZ36.37 '
� _ �i�ing a�d grau�ding .
a, A�Z ant��nax eazr��aanenis shaZ1 bs �ss�mbled and pre-wiu-ed using xz�oc�L�lat� electriaal
2. Mou�.�zng provis�ons
a. Specif a ca�guraf�ions are indicaied ��� .Ap��endax A
3, Te�mir�aX �JocIcs �nr i�coming t�.0 li�es
4. Ph�tr�caz��roJ. re�e�taale
�. �,a.tc�ing az��. �ixng.�g
6, Sngreas p�n-t�ction
2,2 ��fl�lUC�' MAN��I�+'ACT�3�RS
A. .fLi�y ma�au�aCtu�:�t c���ring p�adt�cis �a.af co�z�I�T'�itYt �ie requ'u'ec� ��`oducf perfa:rit�7.a�.ce ax�.d
�pexatia� r.�iteria�aybe aonsid��ec�.
T�, Nat� i�' a field installed �n�se si.de sT�ieYd is avai��.b7a,
CT�X OF RO�2T W Oit'�'%i
SxAi�li�Ai2l7 CONSTRucTio�.1'��'fd�I�TCATT� BOCUIvi�NTS
344I20.01 -12
,AR1F�tTi7S. i�D iiOAAWA,3l i.il?�+�m1Am r?�
Page i� of'�2
2.3 11�I�T[T.C.f�1C'�'�l�.ER ��R�C��
�i„ �auufact�irei o� �.o�al sa�e� xe�z'esent�va s�za7� provx.de ir�sCa7Latia� an.c� -�•au6lsshcro�.g suppaz�
vi� te�e��.ane ancVaz� e�nai�.
END ��`,�EC'�'���
�6V791�OXi_ �.Og
D�:�� I �� � �vm��.�.� or� ��.���
5TI511�O1 S � �'. Griifii n � Revisa ta L�A'iype luzuiz►a�res
C,1T'Y' Oi��b1tS WflR�
STtS�+iCt� CdNS'1'�tiTC�{]IV SY�CIFICA'1`IOi�IbOCT1�fl3N7'S
Itnvixed .�une 15', 2015
SIB�WA€.�{ 17A'1'At
L[CHT pi�l� DATA:
�(]NiI�II�[. CC'f:
FiNlS�-#: �
- �� �� �o.�z - a�
r1TtTnxtrlsZ. �.7¢Si 1Ro}1nw�4.x z�iHA�Hs
Page I3 of22
AP���IfIJ)3C A -
SETE PAR/-1[111��'�FtS
Lane wid�h
Num�er of lan�s, totaf an bati� sid�s crF rnedia�
Shnu[r�er wldth, ciriuelane to edge of pavement
Median +r,rld-ih -� .
IES pa�emen� Glass. CI �t�. �! R2 E� R3 �.7 R4
Aast�d speed limit C] S�5 ►riph ['1 } 2S �r►ph
Sidewa[k width
�cfge a�sldewalk ta edge Q�raad+:vay �aUe�nent
I.u�-�inaire mountingh�9ghf
ArE�t [er�gth, horizanta] -
I.um�n�ires �er pole
Pal� set baek frarn scfge of pauern�t�t
[n-line �ale ��aetng {r��e p❑fe cycie)
l.ayo€ai DOne sfd� f� Op�oslte C� 5
P�R�Ot4MA�1�CE Cftl3'ER�A: RPPt1C1�T`lO1V
t+�faintafned average harizantal a� pau�m�nt
Avg:mi n ur�ifarmlty ratlo
Malntainad average lumi�ance
Avg:rnl� ur�iformi� ratia
11+Tax:�Tlin Unl�orrriity Catio
Maintain�d average hariza�tal at pavement
Avg:min unifarn�fty ratio (harizon�alj
Maintain�d m[rr. vertical i���m. ai 4.9 ft, Rn dir�ctinns oft�ve[
Max. namfnal (�rninai��� "snpu� pnwer �
Rat�c! corr�tat�d colar �eernperature
Max. nominaE packflght upfi8�t-glare ra�f�gs
Nami�iat Iraminaire input vvltage
�u►ninalre housing finish color.
Nfaxlmum lUmina}re+nrePght
Maximt�m cffsci[v� pra]ected area
�.2 ffi
5 ft
a.o �
� ft
4 ft
40 fl:
3 ft
zoa �r ^
red i�7 M�dtan
o.� �C
��a -
0.2 FC
{l.1 FC
1�iiW �
3b ifa
0.9 f�
I�/ltg. rnethad L7 Pvskto� C�Sid�-a�-m C.�'fr�nnianlY��� b�wive���Enan
1-�f4 inC�les
�'enan naminal plpe s[z� �t�PSj p�� � �fg ��c�es
ANSE �s� Ieve1 L?f 4.evel �(normaE} Q[.e�el .2 �bridgef ov�rpass}
l.te��sed 7un� 15, 2DIS
��. a�z zo.o� - xa
AiiTSRI�,T, T.�1? CtOf�l]'�N.A.i� L�1M�IAT[2�S
Page 14 oi22
I�R11l��2: � Wireless contt�a! �'�'�/( 3�4mA L�f 53omA t✓� 74prnA,
Apperrdix B
�stirt���ing i.�f] Lumer� Mafntenan�e
r�5 ��lti 2� allnws for extrapalation o� expected #um�n matntenance fr'om avallable test cEat�. 7he exEeni
ofsuch extrapolat+an is Eimiied py the cfuration o�testirrg comple��d and th� numbar ofsamples used En
��� �esting. �"he `CM��1 rr:e-thadaiogy shail f�e used t�y �hs rnartufaciurer�o determ�ne i�rr�p lutn�n
depre�ia�ic�r� {L�Uj a�end Qf lurrien maintenance �i�e �ers�ction �..6-C.
T�� applicar3� may �s��r�a�te lurnen rr��in�enar�ce in one af ��va ways:
C? �lan �.s �orn a�7�nt f'�Yfbf`�ranG�
LJ�tder��is camplianc� pa�h, �he a}�plican� r�t�st submlt caicuiatians perTM-��. predicting lum�r�
maint�nan�a at the lurninafre levef using in Sit� 7emper��ure iVleasurcrr�en� Test�n� �ESTiVIi) and
(..M�S� daYa. To be efigibl� fort�e Component PerFc�rm2nce aptior�, ALL afthe condi�lons beEavu
rnust be rriet. ff ANY o�the conditio�s is not rrlet, the compar��nt per#ormanG� op�ion may not
f�e used and �h� ap�licant must cise Q}�tian � far carr�pEiance.
�.. The LED fightsa�rce�s} have �eer� t�s�ec1 according�o i.M-8€1.
2. Th� LEa drive curren� specified byfhe lurr�in�ira manui�cturer is less �han ��' equaf ta �he
drive currenfi s�ecified ir� t�e E.M-So test report.
�. The i.�D lighi souree(sj manufactur�r pr�scri�es[indicates a�ernperatur� r€�easurement
pofnt [Tsj on the fight source�sj.
4. �'he Ts is accesslbleto a1�r�inr t�m�orary attachment of a tt�errnc�caupf� far meas�reman� a�
in si't►� ternperatur�. Access via a temparary hole in th� housing, iighfiEy reseal�d during
ies�irrg with p�ttiy or other �[ex�ble se�fa��t is al[owable.
,. Forth� hottest LED li�h� saurce in the luminatre, the temperature rr»asured ai#�� Ts
during ESiMT fs I�ss than or equal to �he ter�p�ratur� specifiect in -��� I�M••8Q tast �epori
for�he corres�onding drive curre�t or higher, sNi�thin th� manu�aGturer'sspecif�ed
aperating current r�nge.
a, The i5TM7labora�ory rnust fae approve� �y �S�A as a[�a�ianally Kecagnized
Testing �ab {NEtTL)� must b� quali�ied, v�rified, anc! recagnized throu�h D0�'s
�Al.iP�� pro�rarrt, or must be recognized �hro€rgh Uf.'s aa�Ca Rcceptai�ee Pragrarn,
b. Th� 15TM� mus� �e cat�duc�iec� with the lumi�aire ins�alled ir� the appra�ri��e
appiicafiion as defner� �y ANS!/�il. �.595 (hardvvlr�c! fumin�iresj, wi�h bird faufin�
S`�`ANDAlt�7 COhiSTit11G"FI01�3 SP�C�ICATiOT�I�(}CTI�NTS
Revised J�.ne I5, 2d1�
34 �F120A� -15
Al2Ti�RIAi, LSD RL1A�}WA.X F.UN1�Aitl,xEtES
�nge IS of22
approprtaieiysirr�u[a�ec� {and do�um�n�ecf by phvtograph) a� datermit�eri byth�
C3p�ir,n �: l.urriinaire ��rfc,rma�ce
Unc�er this campliance pat�, th� applicant m�st submft7'Nl-��. c�lcufatic�r�s based on l.�1�79
pho�arrtetric tast c�ata far no iess thar� thre� samples o�fth� eniir� lurnina�re. �uratian a�
operativr� and inierval f�et+Meen phoi�ornetric t�sts shafl confarrn io the TM�2�. criterla far i.E�
iight sources, For example, testing salety at 0 and �Q00 hvurs ofope�-ativn v�rauld nat be
at[�quate far�h� p�r�oses of extrapafatian.
Beiween LM-79 tests, -Eh� ittminatre -��st sarr�ples must be o�er�ied tong-terrr� �n the appr�opt�iate
appEieation as d�f�n�d by ANSlf U�. �598 {hardtnrired iuminaiessj. `f�e tes� labvrat4ry €nus�t h�ld
iVVLAP accreditatian forthe LM�79 test praced�tre c�r m�si� �e q�talEfl�d, veri��ed, and reco�nixec�
through the Lf.5. Departr�ent �f �nergY (a0�}'s �R�.iP�R pragram. The extent a�al(r�wable
e�ra�o[ation (�ither 5.5 or 6�iimes �h� test duratiar�j cE�per�cfs on tf�e total nt�tnber afi.ED li�h�
sourccs (no less��an �.Q at�d pre�ei�akly mar� than �.9j ins�afled in fJ�� tumi�aire samples, as per
TM-21. '
7his compllanc� �ath �oses a gr�ater testing �urden ta Iumi�aEre rnanufacturers I�ut
i�corporates iong-terrr� tesiing of a�her camponents in t�e systern, such as dri�ers.
Undereithercurr�pliance pa�tt, values used forex�rapc�Eati�n shaff be summarixec� perTfVi-2� Tabies �
and 2. Submittecf values for iurnen main�e�ance lif�time �nd ��t� associ���d percen�age dumen
rnafnt�nance shali be "rep��ec!" ra�herthan "�rojected" as defined by 7"M-21. Sup�xo�ir�g dia�rams are
requested t� faci{itate interpr�tation by Qwr�er. .
c�X c�� �oxr wn��ex
sx�na€e� coxsr�ucrzoN s��cr��c���o�r z�����'s
�i,eVi50H Juna X5, 20I5
349124.#!1- �6
E4Tt`I�ItC�S. L�1] RdA17WA'ii �.TiM17+��sU.2ES
Yage ;tG af22
APP�111p13{ C
pFtD�1llCT �AMrL'Y� 7�STi15lG
I�M-79 �tNU l5TM7'
It is r�cognized that d�re ta the �irnP �nd cc�st required �or product t�sting, it �voulc� r�oY b� reaEis�ic td
expec� rnanufacturers nffering a mul�ltude of unic�ue Iurnin�ire canfi�uratio�sto iest every possi�Ie
conffguratian. 7here�ore, fihe "�roduct famifies" rtiet�ocE may be utilizet� for LM 79 �n�# iS7M7, whereby
ma��ufac�urers �dentify a set af representati�e pr�clucts �ar w�tfch t�st data can be use�I Co demonstra�e
�:�� accuracy of interpolateci ar �xtrapola-�er� p�rforrna�ce of prad�ct conflgi�rations lacking tesY da�a,
Prececfent �ar �#tis a�pt'Qach can tae foun�! in Lt�ti-S0. •
Ef the �art�c�iar luminaire canfguration subrr�itt�d has naf been t�sted, t�te performan�e may b�
conse�vaii�r�ly represenied �y tes� e�ata �or another �uminaire can�guration havtng.
m Tl�e same intertslty distrtbution {�ypically only appties �o �M-79� .
� T�e sam� at- iower �ornit�ai CC7'
o T3�e s�m� nr t�lgher nomir�af drEve c�rrer�t
d The sarne or greater numb$r of ��a light source#s}
d Th� 5at'n� or Eov�ter p�rcenta�� driuer I�adi�g at�d eff€cien�y
� The sarne orsmaife� size luminair� h❑using.
A rncsre accr�rat� es�imate of p�rfo€'m�i�ce can be obtained by linear interpoiatior� I�etwe�n two ar r�gre
t�s�s difFering in t�rms af��e six pararneters Listed af�ove. Far �xample, cansidar a hypotf�eiieaE
(uminaire c��'fsred in a single size hauslr►g, and �avin� the -€ailowing parat��ters;
c Three intensi�y dis�ributians; l�STy�e li, il[, �r !V
� Thre� ccTs: �000, 5�00, a�d GQo�f(
�'ihree drive cuYret�ts: 350, 525, and 7atl mA
� �ou� L�E} quant�tl�5: 20, q-0, 50, t�r` 80 [.Ei3s.
Tabl� C.1 ifl �tstrates a s�t of tEsts wh9ch cauicf aidav� for �eci�ra�e �nter�aola�ion f�etween ies�ed
cDE�flgUratioi�s, given a sii�g[� furninaIre t�ousEng size and essetit[a11y �anstant dri�er e�iciency; t}�ese 1Q
t�sts �nay provide re�ressn�a�:ive data for ihe �.438 possi�le pr�duc� conf�uraiions. t�o�e �ha�
norrnalized intensity �isi:riE�ufiion must not b� afFec��d by th� otherthree parat��i:ers.
�"�krie C.1, l�ep�es�tttai:ive �:esling af a singl� 1€�minaire hous�hg sEze �
�'ests l��ensity cl�strihutian CCi �irive curr�ri� � c�f L�i�s
e�r or��ozxx wa��
s�Art3a� caz�s�t�rc�tQrr s�r�cr�=rc�.�ro� �occ�m�rrrs
xtevised June 15, 2Ri5 -
34412d.0I � 17
ARTJ3RL4I, �A ItdAD�i�'ir i.TIM1NAll�T'sS
Page 17 nf22
. �1�5 7ypej (K} (mA) -
�., 2, 3 li, fll, iV �ppa ��o S�
�, 5 111 S0o0, ���(} 70� Sa
6, '� 1V 4Q�0 325, 5Z5 �0
B, 9, �.� I11 4040 700 20, �0, 50
For exampfe, the rr��nufact�rer coul�[ d�t�all interpolation as sharvn in T�ble C.2, a�tplying the follc�wing
muftipliers to the base test #2 -�o �nnd�f a canfigura�ion w��l� `fy�a ilf in�e�siiy distribution, 5000K GGT,
5�5 rnA drive eurrent, and �0 L�I�s:
• Ratio oftest #4lumens to �esr #� lu�rtens
Ratia of test #7 �urr�ens �o test #�3 lum�ns
Ratiootiest#9lurnenstotes��� lum�r�s.
iable C.�, Muitipliers for �"es� #2 to yielcl: %pe �1� , 50�01
'I"�s�C# fntanstty dis�r`ibut�on CC�' I�ri�e ctarren#
{«S Type) �� ��a)
2 lll �000 7Q0
3 lU �[CiOQ 7E)0
� ir� soao �a�
7 fV �(lQ0 525
9 IV �4E}00 7QQ
��5rnA, 40 L�Ds
#afl,�Qs Mu�tiplier
(1€i�nens ra�i
�0 n/a
8Q n/�
so ��-/#3
sc� #� f ��
�t0 #9 f #�3
lnterpoEa�ion betrnr�er� rr�inimal i.M 79 and fSi"MTdata is m�re di�PcuE� i�F housing siz� increases wi#h
increasing vuattag�; it may nnt �e clear' whe�her� �he bwest-�vatt�ge canfi�ura�ion would be expeef:ed to
"run c.Qa���` than �he hig�es�-wattag� Gonfigura�iQr�, In th�s� circums�anc�s, �he ade�uacy af
su}�mitt�d da�a �s s�bjec� �a E3r,vner approval.
At ihJs time, �he "suGcessor" m�thod c�nna� �e used; Iurninai�es te.st�:d tnusfi utilize the ��D iEght
�ource{s) characterized f�ythe submfit�:c� LM�B!] r�pori:.
c��r�r o� ra��- wo�rr�
�z�Y;s$a.r�� �s,zuzs
Page x� 0�22
A€'A�l�IDI}� D
�L�C�'�C�IE. IMI1/1llIVlTY
�'e5t FNOCEt�UYE
e �lectri�al immunityTests 3�, � ar�d �, as d�fit��d f�yth�ir�'�sts�eciftca�lons, shail be per�ormed nn an
er�tire povtirerec� and conne�ed f�rninaire, ineluding.ar�y canf�'aI modules hause�! within t�e
IUEi1Il3alE'�r but exclt�ding any cnntrol modul�s rnount�d ex�srnally, such as a I�EMA socic�t conn�cCed
photo�controf. A shorti�� cap s#�ould b� place�# across any s�ch e��rEor cnnnect�r,
n The luminaire shaii be conn�cted ta art AG p�rwer source w�th a cflnfigura�ian appr❑pria�e for
notni�al o�era�ic�h. i'hs AG �aov�rer source shall �ave a minimut� �vaifak�te s�a�-�ircui� curren� c�f
7_{l�A. Tt�� [ur�inaire shati be tes�ed at the natriin�f �rfput voliage speci�Fted It� Appsntlix A, ar �t ihs
� ��ghest input voltage In �he inp�at volt�ge rang� speGififed in A}�pendixA.
R ��ectrical �rr�rn�niry test wavefor�ns shall be superimposac! at� �he irt�t��AC pAwer fine at a}�oinfi
withir� 6 inches (�.Scmj o�entry inta fhe lumi��ire �stn� a�propriate high-voltage �a�ab�s and a
serie� caupler/d�caupfer netwarlc (�Ahi} apprapria�e for eac� couplit�g rt�c�d�, �s c[�fned by
�1iVS1j��E[ C62.�#��2Q{�2, �he test ar€�a far all �esis shall be s�t up accorcfing io ANS�f f�'�� C52.4S--
2o�z, as ap�rropriate.
Q Prior tn �lect�cal 9mmun��ytesting a se� a� diagnost�c m�asur�m�nts sha�i �e pe�-Fa�rn�c�, �nd the
results record�d to note the�pre-test ft�nction af�he f�arninaire �fter it has reach�d �h�rmal
�c{ui�tbr#urr►_ �hese measurerr�en� shouid �ncfude a�t a minirnum:
aJ Fa� al) lumina[res, �ieal Pawer, l���ii RNf� Gu�'rent, Pawer Fa�tor ar�rl TN� at fulf �a�rder/iigh�
o �at�a�tt
bj Far turrtit�aires s�ecified as dirnrr�abie, Rea� ParrJer, Input RM5 Curren#, Power Fac�nr and 7ND at
a minim�m of 4 additional dimrr�e�1 Ie�els, inc��din� �he rated minimur� dirnrr�ed levet
• Testsshati be applied In sequentia! or�ier (Test �., fo�lowed by�"est 2, fallaw�d by7'est 3}. Ifa �aElure
occurs d€�rir��'�esi 3, then �'est 3 shal( be re-ap�lfed �a a s��Qndary iuminaire of identical
p Fallasnring ��re cc�mpleti�n of'�esFs 1, �, and �, the same s�t of di�gnost�c measur�tnents perF�rmed
pre �est shou[d b� rep�at�d for all �:ested I�min�ires, and t#te results recardeit t� note the pnst t�st
#u�cflc�n oF�f�e fumir��fre(sj.
m A fumin�ii�e rnust funct�on normally and shaw no evid�nc� ❑f�ai[ure foltowing the compfetian o�
Test �. -t- "%st 2-f- Test 3{for a singla testeaf lurryinaire), ar fhe com�letian a�FTes[ Z+ Test z on a
primary fuminaire an�[%si � nn a secondary l�rninaire. Abnarmal �ehaviarcEuring ��st#ng is
a A luminaire �faiture w�ll b� deemed to h�ve occurred �fanyofi:h�fotfo�vin� cond�itflns �xis�s
fatEawing the compietian of ��s�tEng�
a) A hard power r�s�� is req�irecl �a re�turn ta n�rmal ap�ration
ciT� o� �ox� Wo�'r�
�S'A1�t7.A�ti7 caNs'��C7C�11oN SP�C�cATroI�T T�OCrJMENTS ,
�Zavised Iune 7.5, 20i5
�� �a za,o� - �
AR`I7?RlliI. Z,I3I3 RfJ.ADi�YAY LCJh�T�7.�4IR3-.S
pgge 19 n�22
bj I� nn�icea�[e reduction In fuli ligh� aufptrt ��.g. on� or more L�f3s fail tc� produce light, r��' beca�ne
_ - - -. -.. . - _. _. .
_- - - , --�ris�ai�fe) rs observec� _ -
cj Any ofthe po�t tes� dia�nostic rneasurem�nis exceecEs by �5f �the cnrr'esponding pre�test
r3l�gnosClc ine�s�ftel�etlt.
d� The �urninaire, arany component in �h� Jumina3re �including tau� �a� Itmiter� to ar� �fectrical.
conn�c�or, a�[riuer, a proCecfilon component or m�dute) has ignited Qt` shaws evidence of
. trtelt#rtg or ot�er heat-�nducsc! darnage. ��ridence of cracking, splitting, rupt�ring, orsmake
cfarnage on any cam�on�nt is aceept�ble. '
�'es� Sper.��ica�fans
I�OTE: L� is typica3ly "FiOT", l.z is �ypieal�y "�i�UTJ�A�" a�d P� = Pmtec;�[�� �ar�h.
Tes� �.) i{�ng �laus: ihe fumi��aire shall be su�jected La rep�ii�ive stril<es o�F a"C l.ow �ing Wave" as
��€i���;r� E��� c�z.�-�..z-�naz, sc�na�•,o �, I�c�cat�or� Cat���ary G. �f�� t�s� s�rit�es s�all be appiFed as
specifiect by Tabie �,1, Prior ta t�sting, the ring wave generator shall b� calibrated to sirr�ut�arzeousiy
meet 134'iH th� speci�iea� shori circuit cqrren� pe�!< and t�pen circui� vnitag� peatc MIi�IMUM
reqc�irements. (Vote i��t �his may r�qufre t�tat the ���era�or char•gin� val�ags b� raised alanye �he
s��cifi�d �e�ef to okatain the specified curre�it pEalc_ Callbratec! c�arr�r�t probes/trar�sforrr�ers designed fdr
measuring high�frequen�yeurr�nts sh��t be usett ta measure t�s� wave-Fnrm curr�nts.
Tes# wav�form currentsF�a��s and pealcsf�r alf strik�s s�al! be compa�ed �o ensure unifarm'r�y
thraug�o�i eaeh set {coup�ing r�ode ,�• �otaritylphas� angiej nf test strtkes, and the aberage p�alc
curr�:n� sh�ll be t;aicufatect �r�d reco�'ded, li�ny indi�iduaf peal<curren� in a set �xceeds by+�.C3% the
average, the test se�up �hal1 �e c�ecicecl, and ti�e test s[rikes r�peat�d.
Takrle D.�.: €�.5 uS--�.QQHz RingV�T�U� Spe�ifl�atian
�aram�ter Tes� Levei%Gfln�i�uration
Shor� Circ�i� Curr�nt �eaf� [�.5 fsA
Open Circui�Volta�e ���€ic 6 #cV
Sourc� �mpeciat�ce �.� S�
Caupling 1�lades l.�.i4 �E, L2 to #�L�, L�. �a L2
Po�arity �nd Phase A�gle Pasitive at 90� and Ne�ative at 270p
Test Strilces 5-For each �a�tplin� EViacle and Palarity�Phase Angfe
7ime i��tween 5triices 3 r►linut�
TotaE iV�mb�r of 5trif<es �� strikes x 4�ou�)ing rno�i�s x� palarity/phase angles
= 4D total �rlk�s
c�t� o� xartr wc�z��
[ZeYliscd �uve T5, 20� 5
3a a x aa.ox � xo
A2�l9?R(t1X. �1J KOADWAY�,L7IylWAI[tBS
Page 20 oi22
T�s� 2j G�rri�►ina�ian Wau�: The Iu�ninair� shafl E�e �u�jecied to re�,etl�ive strilt�s af a"C Hign
. Gornbina�i�n �ITave" or "C �.av�+ C�rrik�fna�ian Wav�", as_defifned fr� I��� GS2.�1.2�2�02, Sc�r�aria �, -
�- --�ocatton Category C. 7�e test strifc�s s�ail be appiied as s�ecifi�d by Tabla 8.2. "t'he "Lovv" t�st fe�eE shaf� �
be used �orlurnirrair�s wlth 8as�c Etectrica! frnrnu�iiy res�uiremenfis, snr�ile �ih� "Higt�" test I��aei shalt be
us�c! �ar tumfn�ires wirf� ��e�ra#ed Etec�rical Immu�fty re�uErerr�ents. Prlarto t��tin�, the combina�ion
wave g���rator sha�l be calibrated �o simul#aneously mee� eOTH ti�e speci�ted shor� clrcuit curren� pealc
and oper� clret��t voi�age peak MiN1MUfV1 req�ir�m�nts. Noi;e �hat this may req�lre �l�at th� gen�rator
chargin� voftage �e raised aboVe th� sp�cified ie�rel to ob�a�n the specified currsnt peai<. Calibra�ed
curr-ent probes/transfarme�-s designed for m�asuring high--frequency currents shal[ be used ta r�►e�sur�
test v,ravefrrrm �urrer�ts.
T�st waveforrn current si�apes and peaks for a!i striltes shaii b� campared ta ensura uniforrr�ii�Y
thro�rghQut �ach s�t �co�pfing �node + po�arityll��tase angl�� of tes� str(lces, ar�d �he average peak
current s�tall b� ealculated and reco�ded. Ef any individua� p�at� currer�t fn a sei exceeds by f�0% �he
av�ra�e, th� teslset�p shall b� checiced, and th� tast s�rilces repeated.
�ahl� 0.7: �..2IS[tus � SI�� u5 Cnrniaina'�ior� ElVaue Sp�cifica�inn
Pa�'arneter T�'t �.evslf �anfig�rra�Ion
�,.2/�0 �.�.5 Op�n Gircuit Voi�aga Pea�c �.ow: 6 kV Higi�: �.0�<V
�/2[3 �€S SF�nr� CErcuit Currehi Pea�c i.ow: 3 kA Nigh; �.{1kA
5ource Irnpedance �S�
Coupting iVfodes L1 t� P�, L2 �a P�, L� to i.2
Paiarity and Phase Ar�gle Pasitiv� a'i 90� and I�egative at 2704 .
�'estStrifces 5�oreach Co�piii}g Mod� and Poiar�ty/Phase Angle
' cdrnbir�a�fnn
Tlme �etw�et� 5�hrii<es 3. mi�ute
Tofal �urnber af Strlkes =� strilces x 4 coupiing m��es x 2 polarEty/phase �ngles
� �0 to-tal strikes
Test 3} Electrica� �ast Transi�nt ���'�}: Tha Iutnlnafre shal[ �e sub�ec�ed t� 1`�1ect�'ic�l Fast Transient
8�rsts", as defiin�d iF� I��� C5�.��,�. -z{3C1�. T�e �es� are� shalf �e set up accarding ta i��� Cb2.�#5-2002.
7h� bursts shall b� a�plled as specEf«d t�y �'�,bie �7.�, �irec� coupling is req�ired; the us� afi� couplin�
clamp is no�alto4ved.
CT�`3.' O� iOlt� Wg�L'�'F�
S'�'�4NA,R.TtD CO�I��]Ce.LTC�oN S��C.XPICA'1`�old➢[3CL7na�1TS
itevisetl Juna 15, 20�5
7�bls Q.�': Ef�Gtrica( �ast Txansie�nt {�FTj Speci#ica�ian
34412Q.D� �2,t
Ai�'£P�k27A,i� �i}iZO,ADUVAY'T,C111�A�FA2[�T'iS
. P�g� 21 ai'22
�oupfing Modes _
. -. _ �_ PQl�rity .
��st nura�ion
To�af T�st pura�tion
!.� ib P�, L2 to PE, 1.�. ta L2
---- - _ _.. -
_ � _ - - - --
. __- posit�ue.anr�_EV�gat�v� - _. . . .. --
1 m1�u�e far eac� Caupt€ng Mad� ancf Polarity camfaination
W 1 tY�lin�t� x 7 coup[ing mades x 2 potar[ii�s
= �.4 mfnutes
Cl'�Y C3F I+O�tT yJOItT�
Itevised 7i�� iS, 2015
34412DAI -�
�4Rx�itTAT, ��U 1tC3.AT3P7,AXI.ii�,+LIi�ATa�?�
Page22 oi22
APP�Nb13t �
PT2tlF3liCi SU�MI'�TA�, FOT�M
G.umtrraire Ty�e�
Model num�er
Nousing f�nish calor
�'ena�i r�otnittal pi�� size (inch�s} .
I�c�minai lurn�nair� weigh� �i#�j .
Nominal turr�inaire �I'A ��Zj
Narni�ta! input vottage (V}
ANSI vibr��ion test lev�l l.�vef �(3Vnrmalj - f.e�e� 2(brtdgejoverpass}
No�ninal SUG Ratir��s
Make%model of LED �i�ht source(sj
�lake%noctel of L�I� dt����r(s) .
Dirnmabili-�y t3imrt�ab�e Nai dlt'r�mabie
Cc�ntro! signaJ intetfac� •
llpr�n elec-Crlcal,im�unity sys��rn failure Passible dlsconi�ect No•{�ossib�� d�scnnneet �
Th�rma! managems�t IVloving parts f�a tnovmg p�rts
l.ume� mairr�er�ance t�sting duratian ��rr}
Reporte�i ��men main��nance fffe (�r� x
UVarranty period (yrj
l��r�rr��ter �Iarninal va[u� �"ofsrance (f)
l�itial phra'tr�pic ou�put (Irrr}
Mai�t�i�ed �}iotidpic out}�ui (im) - •
LaYr�p 1lime�t depr.ecla�ion "
lnitiaf inpui pvwer (�f)
Mair'�taCnec� �npui pciv��r (Vlfj
fnitial 1.�� drive curren� �rnA}
Mairttain�rt i.�[i drive cu"rrent {rriF�)
�rive curr�nt used �
�n sit� �.�D T� {°c) .
Addjtlanal praduct d�scrip�ic�n
� Sse A�pendi�� A, and atfaelt s���c�ztiag doauzn.�n�tio�� �s requu�ed.
2 Valaa s�a�T i�e no less fi�a� as speei�ed. i� se�tian �.6-C, anc� sh�. s�ot exceed six i%mes �e tes�iag di�ra�ian
i�clicateditt the raw a�ove. Val�e s�Qli be co�tsrsteatl� �Vvit�t va�ues su%�i.tted ir� t�Le rovYs helt�vir fo1' ��ix�.f.�.itt�d Iight
outpu�, maintained input �ovva�•, and mainfaina� clz�ive cur�e�t. ,
��r� o�z�vzt�s wo��
S�'A�nAizb c[]Nsz�ucTiahCSPECI'�SCATIOrI DC�CU�NTS
Itevised7une 15,20�5
R�SIi}EI+YX'It�. �.L'I31;�AF33i�i+1►.'YI LTMIN�ES
Nage 1 nf22
SEC�:�4N 34 4� 2Q.03
ktL�IDENT�. L�I3 �LOAD�4�IAY LI]Ml�� A T�zR� . .
�'.�R�' 7[ - G���,
�..�, SU14iI�A1t�Y'
A, �ectic�n �cZude,s:
1. l�oadway r'.�umi��a�ian asseznb�ies
2. �t.oadwa� i�1�Eninatic� �'aundafio�s
3. TtemovAI of rnadway i�€t�n�iu�a-�inn asse�bXxes
9. �t.e�ocai�oxa ���'aadv��y i�i�my�ation �ssem�Izes
13. T7eviat;to�.as £eax�a i:�xs Czty ofFaz-� wor�li standard ��rsc�cation
�. �one.
C. Rslated �eea�ca�i�n �ec�:iox�s �nc�ud�, �i�t ai��E3ti1�GeSS�S'xXy �1IUIte[� io:
Y. I]i�v�iorx �—$:[ciding ��qt��emeni�? Ca�.tra.ct Foxms and Cond.z�:[o�s af the Gor�tz�aof
2. �i.v�isio�� � -- C`re�erat Requize�enfs
3. �ec�ian �3 3Q QD—C�st•iz�-�Place Cozzc��e�e �
�_ Seotio� 33 E351U —�fltil�ty T�•anch �ca.vatio�, l�t�t.b�ent azidBacl�tl[
5. Secti.o� 33 OS 30 ^Locatzax� ra�Fa�isting T7tiiiities _
G. ��ct�au 34 �X �� -- �iafftc S�g�als
�..� P�C� AN-� P.A.Y�� FROC�D�E�
A.. M�asta��em�t and P�yrn�x�t
1, �.vac��ay 711umina�i.az�.Asse��Iies
a. Measu�'ezt�e�,t •
1) �eas�i�7nent �or ib%s Siaztz s�all �be per eac� �.aad�a�+ TfIuunin�a�io3x �sse�nbl3�
�. �'ayment
�} The �vor� �aet�'o�mtec� and �nat��als fu�tnis�ed in accordance wit� �lais �tem $ha�� be
�aid iar at �te litil� �arice bic� pex 0�a�k "Zi.dr�+y �Ltvm Assmbly" it�s�alled �'ox�:
a) Va�io�€2s types
c. ��.e ��ia� hici sh�I it�ciuda:
1) Fw tzi�lai�ug Road�ay Ilfiuninaiion .A.ssarnbly, ifrec��.ri�ed
2} A�sem.bl�ng r��.d �.t�sfal�i�g �ach.�oAdv�+a� T�I�rn�aizanAssembly
3) �'o�es
4) A1.Yns
5) A�ckar bolts
6) F�n.eg
�) .�t�xn� elsc�ical co�.�uatars
8) �onneatian�dtnou�.ting�arc��ra��e
9) �ases
�0) �,atnps
c�x� or� �ox�� �roz��
I2.C'V15Gd Jvne I5a 20T5
�� �r 2�.03 -�.
n�ro�rrrr�.�, z.� �oar�w.��r �.vn�,�
Page 2 of22
11) �'ep��n:gsubmit�a.Ts� .
�2) �xp�oa�afoxy e�ca�ation (as ne�dec�}
�).Goa�d���a.-�anaacl�.c�i�ca�io� _
�.4) Assembly axi� t��zxspaz�ta�o� of alI i�am.s
15) Excava�,o�, hau�, disposa� o���cess ma%rial
16j �'zot�ctic�n of the e��ava�oza
�7) CIean:�up
18) Testin.g
2. 03�xam.enta� IJlumusza�ia�z A,ssazn�lies
a. Me�su��ement
�) �eas�az�meY�� far this �te�x� sh�l� be pez• eae� O�roame�tal. Asseusbl� insta�.ed.
b. Payziae�.0
3.) Thc �ro� ��.��o�ec� anr� znata�•ials furnished ia� accflxdance �rith i�iis �te� sha�� be
pai.d for a# tlxe itx�zt p��ice bid per each "[3��a�.e�.ta.� Ass�xxT�Xy" insfxlled%z';
a} V�t�nr�s typ�,s
c. The pxace bid shall inc;Iude:
�.) T�Sax.�xs�iz� Ozz��me�tat Il�r�minatioz� .Asse�bly, ���q�ued
2) �1SS8iYJ!��l[]�g f!]id �tdl�l.f1� e�.GZ►. OYJ1�Il2�lllt�� .ASse�i3��"
3) PaZes •
4) Arins
S] A�n.ch.ax bol�s
�} Fi�res
7} �terna3. eIec�7oa1 coi�ducto�s
S} Cannsctias� a�,.d snaun�ing hax°�wace
9) $ases
1 U} La.�p�
�.I} �'rapa�.xng sexb�nztt�Xs
��) �xp�a�.'atozy exaayatia� (as neededj
13} �ao�•dxnaiaa� and z-,to�i�a�.tion
�l�) Asseinbly a�d f�ranspor�a�ion of alI �tez�s
t 5) L.-+x�a.�rati4�, hat7l.irA�, ci�s�osa� o;F excess rna>#exial
�6] Pxatecfiio� oftl�e e�.cavat�o�i
�7j C�ean.-�p
18) Test�g
T,igfitiug F��s
a, VVhen a�ay ite� �a�� ��lu�ni�atior� Assemb�y a�ists:
1) �east�remem
a.) Ti�is rt�m i� co�asic�az'ed su�sic�axy to 7IIt��ninatio� �.s�exnbly insta�latiiou.
2) �"ay.tn�n.t
a) 'Mt.� �oilc �el�'ox�xted and �n���ais furt,.f�hed in aacflx•c��zco vvit�-�his �texn a�re
subs�c��a�� tQ �he usxX� �r�ca bid pez �ach `��v� 3��u� �.ss��rl�" or "Oinatue�ial
Assno.h.l�" bzd, and na other conn�e�sa-t�o� �I� be a�Io�+eci.
b, �hen a pa3� rt�zn �o� �ll�nninai�an Assembly does x�ot exisi::
l ) Measu.�em�t
a} �eas�.n•ex�.e�t £qx ihzs Ziezrz shall be par �ac� Lig�t%ng �`�tu�•e ius}allad.
2) pa�+me�t
a.} `�'�xe�o��� �erfo�med and xiaa#��a�s fiatni�edin a�cox•d��.ae �ii:��is x�e� sh�Il
be paic� fQr' at the x�z� ��'�aa bAd per eac�, `�.zgl�fing ���re°' i�a�ed �o�:
c� o.� �oz�� wo�a�x �
i�vised 3una �S, 2915
3�k �€12�.U3 - 3
Page 3 of 22
��.� �a,1fi.0125 ��3LS .
��� VA1.�E4t7� j)Q'P7�1'
. ., ., _..., �� - -��J:6 j7�'10E �31C7 ��J.�� ]12CIilCj�: . . .
a) Ft��•�ishing Lfgh�i�g F��.�a�e, if requaz•ad . . — -
�} 11��sex�nblin�L%gf�ting.�'i�t�zg
c} Wiring con�ectio��
d} D�s�osaX o� a.n.y unused or re�Iacad ma�e�•ials
�} Glean--��p
4. Roac�way T11�,mir�at�on Fa�mda�io�is -
a. Me�surernenfi
1) Measuremenf fo�• t�is �tem s�a11 ba pez• eac� �toa�wa� �l�.tmrrta�zo� �aunc�atxon
ix�.sta�Isd. �
�a. �'ayrn��t
I.) TI�a uroz�I� pez�ox�ned ar7d �.�1:��i�Ts furt,�shecT ixz aecoi�da�ce �rifh �hzs Iien�x sha1l �e
paid for at the u��fi �rice bid per eacI� "Rc�v�+y I�[u�n �au€nda�ioiz" znstalle� fox.
�.� �!�;'.[b1iS ��S
c. Th� p��ae Uxd shail. inclL�de:
�) �nstal�iazg e�ch Roac�vvay illuzx�zna�ian Fflunda�ia�x
2) �,��i�,fv�.riz�g seeel
3} E�Iara-�ory e�ca�atian (as neea�ec�}
9�) Grou�d'zr�g �rods
S) Coaxdivatia� a�� not`tf'-�catito�; '
&) ��cavat%au, �.au�ing, dis�osal a�:'e�cess matezia.l
7) P�o�ection o�i�e e�ca.vatzon •
8) Cleau u�
9) '�'es�g .
5. Ca�fact L�nclosure
a. lvreasu�ex�zeazt
I} 1Vle�sux�m.�x�.tfnr xhis Itezn: shatl be �ex aQ.ch Can.tae�EncIasuu�e i�stallsd.
U. �'ayment
�.) T�a -�voz�c p���o��ned a�td naate���.Is �iit�iished in �caor�a�ce wxt7� f�xs X#ex�a s1� a�1 be
�►aid �or at the �.tni.� �zice �id �e�• each. "Contact Lnciosu�•�" instatlec� �ox;
�.) Vaz'"touS zx�.aunti�lg meFliods
- c. The �rioe bzd s�.�.11 �alude.
1} ��u�s�� a�c� �statli�g Gox�tact E�ciosut-e
z) Mo��ts�g z�t.atelxals
3) C�aau ��
6. �`ur��ishitzg azz�l �nsta�Trng W o�d �,ight PoIo
�.. 11�easuxezrxext�
I j�easuxarne�.t for #�zs ��exn sh�iI be �ex� eaah ��' V�ood x.zght k'o�e fuz�i�hed a�d
install�d. - � -
b. �'ayi�aer�t
Ij The �vrazk ��rform.ed �d xnatef-ials furnislzecl �n aecorc�ce �u.ii� th�.s Yfiem sl�all be
�axd �ox• �t t�i.e �z� p�•�c� t�z� g�- eac� "���x���/�txs�ax� 40' �opd Lxghi �'o�e".
c. �'he p:riee iaid s�all i�clude:
1} E�cavaiian
2) �1715�,1�� �TiC� �SI'�.I�itl� 4'�C� Q��° �4Vood Li�;�� �'a1�
�} Furni,s���g, place�nentand comp�a�io�i ofba��ill
CiTY OF �O.k��' WORTE�
STt�iiI�,4R.� CO�TSTit[1CTIDNS�:�FiCATIbA1'1]OCTIiv173�1'i'S
RevisedJun� I5,24I5
344120,03 -�{
]�SmHn�TIAL T.�i} ROAb'VVA.X7 itn�[N,A�Rt?S
Pa�e4 of2Z
�) CXeaz�.-u�
7. �u�nxshing a��d �s�all�ng �7tTaotl �.zg�f k'o1e A�
a; �easuf�bi��iit= — —_ . � - � . _ .
1) Mea�u�'emer�i fd�' �:�a€s Ziem shall ba �ez each 8' i�4f'nod �,zghf Po�e A.z.tr� �t�is�ed and
b. payment
1) '�xe yvorlt �et�ox�aed and ��a#ezxals fia��i�l�ec� �o. acca�-dauca wx�h this ���ta. sh�1 b�
pair� f�r a-�tb.� un:it �riee b.id pex eaa�x ��zrnis�fl'nstaT� 8' �aod �.xght i'oIe .A.rm".
c. TI�e pzxo� bid shall x�ctude;
1) F�i�t�is�rzn:g ar�d. iusia�g each 8' 4Yo�d �,iglzl: �ole Arm
� 2) Gl.ean u�p
8. A.1urr�i�.uzz� E�ecirical Caz�duc�iau-s
a. Measu�.'e�.e�zt
X) N.Ceasu�re�ao�� �'a�• ��s T�e�ta shall be pez I���ar �aat of A.�uzninum Blec#�icat
Co�ducfa�.` �nsta�Ied. .
b. Pa�xnez�t
1) '�e �vvork pa�.�a��ed and xnate�t�ials �'zu�cisl�.ec1. itz aaco�rdance �vit� tlais Ii�m a�€�
�ueasuxe�. as �aro�vzded tu�.der `2Vleasu�•ezx�ant" �uill t�e pa-id for �i �zc vn�.� pr.�ce bic�
p�• Iinea�' foot o� "�zn El�c Cond�c-�oz�' i�sta.lJ.ed �o�r:
a) V�rious Sizes
c. T�Q pxxce bid sI�a�. izzcl.ixde:
I) �r�.ishiag A�z€1 �nstaIlYztig AIurr�znu�a. Eleci�iaal Conductn�'
2) '� �sting
g. �ondY�eto�.• R.econ�eciian
a, Measuxem.ent
�) Ivleasuxementfor��:zs �t�� s1�a11 be pe�° each con�ticiaz x�conneate�_
b. �ayme�t
X) '�.��rorI� pez�ormetl arlc�rs�ateri�ls fixxnrshed �. �ocozdance wi.� i�xzs Z#am s�a�. he
pa�c� �or ait�Ei.e �it�rice bici.�aex ��c�x "Recan�set Cond��ctar".
c. '�a �atice bid s�all i�cl�.de;
l.) lzeco.n�ection afi cond�afr��� using Giiy approved me�o�.
2) Tesi��� o�oaz�naction
�.4. Sixeet Y.ighi; �'o�� Remo�val �z�. �al'vage
a, Me�suz�,trAent
1} M�asure�n.eut �o�r t�is Item s�ali be pc� ea.� S#•eet Lig%t xez�.oved and sa�vageci.
�. Payzr�ez�f
].) T�tE V�OII� �J0irU1Tl�ECL AIk� '.�1a�e1'taI3 �l]iTJ15�7.85� !I? aCGPA'�a71C� 'Ull#11 �3 �'�OIIS 5�1� f}E
�aidfax' a� �ze u�it �rzco bid �e�• eac� "Sai�rage S`�rea� Lig�t �'oIe" pe��o��d-
c. T�e �ioe bid sba�1 inc�.ude:
1) �.a�a��l ��.� salvage of St�eetLighti Paie
2j Ma�ntain ex�sting si�ree� �ig�t cixatt�i: zncluc�ing ;��t�r grotlnd box a�id Yeco�mectioxz a�'
ai�'ct�.its (i�requir$d b�r City)
3) Re�oval o�f e�s�Zn� steeei: ligl�t��oIa �Fnt�.dai�.an ,2' i�elow � ada, bac�� f'ill. x+�€i�i Iike
s�u�ouric�z�g mate�ial
4) I7eIive�ty o� saivag�c� z�a�:exials fo �.�p�op��iaie �,ocation
S} CXea� �.�p
� � . St�eet LigIat �ale Relaca�:ion.
a. 1VTeasurez�eut
crr� a� gaxzwo�r�z
S'X'.A�V�JAIU? ��I�TS"i'�tUCT�01� SP�C�ICATtOI�i }30CU�vTLNTS
12evls0ddune 15,201.5
�4 �i 20.63 - 5
�t�SIDETETlAT.. �.�1] k24At3WAY' i,i3NIINAI1tES
Y�ge 5 of22
1) Megs��r��nent �Farr �ha9 Tte� s��l. [�e per each �'e�t LxgX�� �'ole t•a�n�ed az�c1
salvaged, '
b. Pay�ntsnt . _ -
1) The vs�a�lc pex`�'ax'z�ed and mateaxals fir�n�shed xxz accaxd�ce vuith this Itern s1i�� 1�e
�aid far atth8 ux�z�: p��i�e bac� pe�C eao� "�.Z.a�ne�te Si�e$#: L`tg�.t �a1e" p���o�ed.
c. The price bid �a�X �n.clude:
:tj TLezx�ovaf auc� salva�e af ��.-eet�z�Y PoXe
2) Ae�zvezy �f salvagEd mate�zais ta appro��`zate �noati.o�
3) R�pla�;erx�en�: a�po1� to new Iocatiatx
9�) T�u�.�isl�ing> �lacex�axxt a���T com�ractza� of ba�1�Ei1I nr�atet�zaX
5) C1eaz�Mu�
�.3 ��`���TC�S
7he��u�I�ca�f,i���s 1�sted ba�a� form a�axt o�"tbis s�peci�oati�� ia-�he ex��utreference�.
Pul�lica-�.oz�s ai�e i�ferexaced wifi.�in the t�xt by �lxeu• basic �eszgx�a�ian only. Versxarns I�sied sha11
be superseded by u�dated versi�a�ls as -they beco�n�; a�vailab�e.
A. Atx�.e�icaza Nai:ional �tandarcls Inst�uta („�,NS�)
1. C13 6.2-20QA� (�r �afies�), America� �atianal �tmic�a�d fc�r 12asdv'ra� and Area.T.,zg�ti�lg
�quz�ziaen:t r.urz�zzaaus V�nl�iage Classifca�az�
2. Ci36.10-20� 0(or Iatest), .Ar�e�.�ca� I�7at.ia�.l5�andar� fax• �oad�r�� aazd A.:��ea Lig��.ting
�c�rai�xxAa�.t � Loc�g-Ty�e Pho�aGn���� De�+ices and N.�afi� �ece�tacle �'hysical a�d
gl�cfriaal �niexc�axageabiiity and Ta�rn�;
3. CI3�. i5-20 �. � �o�' �atest), .A.znoz•i.can Nafional �t�nc��xd �ar �oac�w� �d �.��. �ig��.iiz�g
�qu�p�zxe�� -- L�inai�•e �ielc� Ic�ont��'tcation
4. C13 �5.22�20Q�4 (R2�09 o:r lates�}, Am:�r�cax�N€�o�:� Sf.��:dard �'o�' �.oacl�ray aud �'ea
�,igl�ting Br�uz��nent — �yiex��a1 �abelting af ��t�nivaires
5_ C135.25-20�9 �oi� Iatest), .�z',rza�icaal�at�onal ��.da�'c� �'oz�n.oadway a�d.Axea�:i,ghting
�q�ai.pme�.t � Jn�'es� �ro�ae�aon (�esis�ce io Dusfi, r.r`ib�.E(� O�ijBC�S �Iii[ �075�l11.�ej �'or
�,71213ii1�1'B �71CIOSi�J.'�S •
G. C19G.3�-20iE1(ox�atest},.A�erzca�iNa�anaI�tandazd�arRaadv�ayr,ight�gEt�txi�rne�.t
— Z aau�ina��r Vibz�a#.�on
7. C136.37-2011 �ar Iaiestj, .�e:ri.caxz �atzoua� �a�darr� fo�' Rvad�txray arui Area �ightit�g
�qui�xn.ent w�olid St�.i� Lig�fi Sn�'ces Used xn Ra�.d�vay anc� At'ea Ligf��in�
E, .A.�exics�z SocieEy foz T�s�in.g ar�d �1�atex�ia�s �xte�.x�.atza�.aI (A.S'S�}
1, B� � 7�{19 {ox• �ates�}, �fandard P��acfi�ee �o� C3p�ra��.g Salt Spray (.�og) .A��a7•aius
2. Dl &5�-08 (or la#esi), �and��x1 Test Jil�athad :f� �va�lu�t�czt� o��'ai�.ied ox• Coated
S�ecixxxe�s ���b�eatedto Co��•oss�e En.�itanm�nts
3. rJ523--OS (ar latesi), Sta��c�ard Te.� Me�had fa1• �ecular �rlo�s
4. G�.54�OS (or laiost), �tanr�a��d Px�c�ice fo�� Opaxatit�g 1�1u.arescent L�t A�paz�ai�ts fax UV
Lxpoaure ofNrox�metaliiclV.Latexials
C. Co�aail of-�xe �zu•o��� U'n;tozz (BC}
J.. Rc�� 3��xec�ive 20{�2I9�1�C, an th.e x$s�t'acf�o� a�tha use of c��a�. b.azarc�o�s subsi:auces
in eXe�tr�oal anci sl�c�i•onrc ec�ur��o�nt
7), F�d�:1•aI Trada �o�iss�on (� T'C}
1. C"ir�•een (�xuides, � S GF�.Z.1'a�� 2fi0, Gt�ides fox� the Use o:�Ei�.v.�iraninelital �arl�eEing �lui�ns
E. 1�1u�t.���ail�g Lngi�.�rxng SoeXe#y o�'North.�.r�aAica (��SNA or IES)
�. bG 4�0� {ar ia�esi}, I]asign Guzdo .�or R�adruay Lig�ting TvXain�tena�.ce
2. �--7.0�� � (oi• �atast), Z�S �.xg�#ing �Ta�adbtra��, f 0`�' �dz�an
CII'X O� i70].2?' �IQItTH
Sx�i .n�n corrs�xucr�or� s��cz�cnrrorrpoc��seNzs
Ra�+I5ed dUne IS, z015
34 4l 2U.03 � 6
12II5�]73N'Ti'IAL L$D IiOADWAYiiTNifi*TA"l3tLS
page 6 oi22
3. 3��50-99 (a�• a�tesi), 3�,S.l�.A. Gu�de for Phof:o�e��ic I�easure�t�ezxt a�R�advvay Ligh�ing
7t�.stallations -- - = -- _ -
. �•. 7 M 6�-4_6..(0�• Ial:est}, X�S�A.�p��ove� C"rr.udefoxZdent��fyi�ig C��era�ingl�ac�a�t�s
- 7rzfluez�ciug 11+1easurgd Vs. �'.radzcted Fe�.�£az.cxaar�ce fox �nstalXed Qutdao�• �ligh%atensity
Axsat�a��e (.�ID) Luminai�res
5 _ �-79-OS (oi� Iatest), TE��N.A �3.��z'aved Met�od �'ar ibe �Iect�ricaX �t�d �°.�a�ome�rzc
Measare�ez�#s a£ Sa�zd��a�e Ligh.�g Pro�cts
6. LM 80-08 (ax• Iatest}, �E��T�. ,l��xn�ec� �eil�od fax N.Ceas-uxi��g Lt�a�e�. �Iai�.�en.anc� o£
LEI7 Lzg�.t Sa�ces
7. �-8-QD (or I�test), .AN�Z /�5�`�T.�. A�n��cax�. �ation�I Staudatd Praa�i.a� for Roa�.ur�.y
S. RP�lfi-1D (o�: ia-€est), .A3*TSU�ES T�r�x�.e�cla-tr�ra �d I�e�nitions �ax �1►t�ina.t.�zzg
9. TM,3 95 (v� �at�stj, ��ISGiiS3I0I1 O�,C�.�7�7��YiCT1KT ��ECIA5SI�1CFi.EiOri Q�LU�111811'B I,7�,'��G���
Dzs�c�i.bution," �.vm A1�TSIl����.�1 Rz'-8�83 .
�0. ��X5RI1 (ar latesi}, �.umir�i�� Class'�'ina�io� �ystez� �or Or.�t�ooz' Lruni3a�as
��.. T1VS-2��7.� (ar I�i�es�), �xajdctiv.g Lo�.g Te�-m Lu�xi:en M�n�e,�.�a.nce o�i�D Lig�;ti S��z co�
T. Ziusti�i7te o����c�rical a�.d E�e�tz'��t�cs ���ne�s {�EE)
�. T�EE C�2.��.2 2�02 {o�` T�test:), T1sEE Recomm��edZ'�ac�ice o� G�&X'�.ct���.zatiaz� a�
���.;�es i� Lo�v�'t�n�tage (� (3�0 i� and less� .�l.0 �'aw�x Cit�cuits
2. .A�SI/I��� C62.4S�2Q02 (or Xatest�, IEEE �Z.eco�nmenc�ed Pract�ce �n ��i�g� '�`esiXn� fox'
Equ:ipm�nt Coz�eated fia Lo+�v Voltag� (�.000 V at�d Lesa) AC powez Cueui�s
G �atzdnall ��ect���ca1 M�ui'a�t��rers Associaiio�z CNffi1�l1�)
�. t�.NS7lNEMA/�NSLQ C78.3�7'�2Q08 (�z latest), Atn�xioaata N��i.onal �fa�.d�d fcr� �e
Ch�'am atic�ity o� �olid S�ate �,ighfing I'roduats ,
T-�. �l'atzana� Fire 1'�•oteation .Assvciaiion (NT�A)
1. 7�} —�ati.a�alLi�cixzca[ Code-(NEC)
I. Uz�de�'write�s L��b4�•�ories {UL)
1_ 1�49, Sr�.•ge Prntecta�ve De�.ces .
2. I598, ��m�nai.t`es
3. 87�0, �,ig�t Err�itti�g Diode (LEJ�} �quz��n:e��i �ar Use in �,zgI�fiing P�t'oduots
J. I7e�ni.�iozi�
�. Lxg�ting ie�iuology used hex e�up. zs de�`rned �z� x�S �P�1 �. �e� x•efcre�eed c�act�nent� ��`
ac�di�vz�aX c�e�ini�ax�s,
i., E�cepi�on: Ti�e tezm "drive:t" is nsed �te�ein to �b�'oa.dl�+ eQ�sr �a� driv��`s �ad
po�err supplie�, �vvhe�•e a��lica�le.
�. Clar�fica-E�an, The teaan "LBD ligb.f saurae(sj" as usad hexain p�r xBS �,11V�-8{� to
b�oadl�' cover LEA ��.cf��e(s}, �vdule(s), a�.d array(s).
1.4 AD�'�]IVI��'�.A�'�`�� �(��It�J.`+I�'S
�i.. Coord.uiaiiax�
J, Ir3�ati�y �:ity at (817} ��2-�7738 a miniznum af 7 days bcfa:rc b�g�i�lg �ox1� on tf�e �'zajec�.
2. i�Tntify ius��eoiQs• �riax'to �ouxi�g x�oad�a3� �Tlu�ninai.io�. �s�e��rJy �o�dai�vzxs.
3, Coaxdz�ate �vvit�i �'ra�£ic SeY�vices �spectc�r for �ole t�+��s, t�mrp�ale �i�r�ensions a�d a�.chox
bo�ts, anc� a�2y questio�s a1�c�ut instaii�xg �e �a�tr.claiians and condui�.
4. T�OI �.DC8I3f131 Q�CAL�i77J.�B��'OI.IXJ.C� Sii'��t �1117C1iI1.712'� C��7�� c�tl:C� C011i�.'ll'E� Ofl�I ���.7� �i2-��I�S 4�'
(8T7) 39�-BTO�.
c��sr o� Fo�� wax�x
S�t1N�A�i.C3 C�iST7tiTCTTC3�i S�',�CTHICt1Ti0� I7QCOiv�1�3TS
Revised 7une I5, 2015
3� 412fl.U3 - 7
�►DT3N£L4ri, LED Raf�WA.XLT}xV�1N141REs
Page 7 o€22
5. 4btaitz ar�cI pay �'�a• a11 ��z-�-i:i#s as xeq�z��ed to �o��C i� ��ukway,
B: �'�a�sta.l�aiiau Meeti�.gs
1. , ,l�.�fet�,c� �i�e-ca�s�'ua�ian meefiz�g. -
�.5 i�T�FiTA�IG SYS�:IY.�I."��+'0.1�.ANCE
A, E�ergy Conse�rvafioz�
�. Ccs�nectedLaad
a, �.uzzt.inaix'as sha� azave zxaa�nr�uza�;�azninal lzixrzan�-ua i���rt ur�.t��ge as s,�eai��d. fpz• ��ch -�•
Xtt�i�za�x•e �e in A�a�en�i�.�l..
2. Li�htit►g Ca�.�rols
a. See sepnrate can#���s sp�ci�aai.-iorz identi�ed i7i seci�on 12 �.bove, if ap�r�la�.ble.
h. �ea seatzan �.l.�B bela�+ �ox d�t��'ve� calit[•oI i.n��rface a.z�d �erfai�n�nce ��ee��ixetne�Ys.
c, �ee Sea$zol] 2.I T� �I�IOW �Ox pllOtaOQ�t�oX yece�taole rec�u��e�nne�ts.
B, P�toiozne�azc Requ�arz�e�ts
�. L��.aixes sh�� x�eei: t�ie ��aral c�ri.�i� provtded xn -tl�� bod�+ of t�rg s�eci�.ca-�.on a�� �e
par�iculat� c�itoria for sach Xuz�r����.��e �tYpe r�e�iner� in Ap��c��. �i.
�.G �Qi]Il�]E�1 �iJBMi�'�`.A� T`�R EACH ZU�IN".�R� TYP� .UEFTN.UI� IN.A.�.°�'�,l�A� A
11. �eneral sxibmittai aoz��ezli s�a1l iz�cl�.tcle
1. Co��al.eted �1ppe�ad.i�.:� sul��zt#a.l. fo�n
2, Ltunia�ai�'e cutsheat�
3. Cutshe�t� �o� .�,�T] �ight sources
4. CutsT�.e�ts �ax LET� drivax-(s}
a. �#'dzzz�rnab�a L�D c3�i�+e� is speoi�ed, ��rovzde diagi'an�s iTlitsGxa#ing� Izg11f ouipt�e and
zz�put �o�ver as a fi�c�o� o� oontrfll sxgt�a�.
5. C��[#sheais �'nr surge protection davice, i� app�icable
6. 7nsi�•uc�:ions �a� 7nsta1la�a.n �ud maintez��oe
7. Sum�n�,� a�' ��nrrxaire x�cyclsci con�ent ��td z'ec�cIabzl�ty pe�r fi3ia �TC Gxe�� Guxdes,
e�az'essed b�+ paxcentage a£ Z��.rni�ai�e �rei�i�f
�. LM 7.9 �uzz�:ut�i�e p$ofia�etric xe�oz-�(s) sk�aX� be produced �y �� test Iabo�atozy �d z�zc��de
J.. Na�ne a�-test Iaboz�a�oxy
a. The tesf Ia�ozatory xri.ust hnld Na'�o�al '�7'a�,txntAry 7..aborataxy .l�corsd;i�.�ion P�agfam
(.�t'[7Z�I') acc�ec�i�aati.oi� zoz i�.� IE� 7.M-"l9 test �Sroce�ure a�� tnus� �e qualified, vel�ified,
and recogn7izeci f�arar�g�. tl�e U.,�. �]��a��nent of Ene�'gy's C.�i�'�R �og�am_ Frn• zxEaxe
�a%z�ation, s� �ittp:/�fs,�ist.gavlsfa�td&rc�slsaopeslee�t.��n. o�• .
wvvw.s�l.ener�y.�pv/test Xabs.h�n.l.
2. Repox'i �u��%er
3. Daie
�. Co��Is�'e lumir�aaxa aata�og :�u�n.�ber
a. �'rovzde ex�la�atio�n �� catalog z�umi�e� � test xepot�E(s) does not matoh. catalog a�i�rnbe��
o�lu�aiz'e su�b�x�iif�d
1) Clarify vsd�ot�e�� disc�:epa.no�+ does n.ot af�eat �erfox'm.�t�ce, e.g., in iha casa of
dif�exing l�.�tvina.ii� lnous�g co�or.
C�i'S.'" aF �OItT 1�VOTt"�'S�
SxA1��At�l] CQ1d3Ti�L�G'�OTT SPBC7FTCATIOT�7]OCfIMF�,�i+I1�S
�avised J'uRa 15, 2015
�a �� ao.a� - s
R�SID£i*1TfAL �.SD 1tQ�,17'VJ'A'Y' i+UMi1+�A7�{�
Psge 8 vi22
2) ��ainiz�a.� �a�•for�zaance o��ttb�.il�Le� a�i�. tes��d �roduc�s t��ei�, subax�zt a�iditi.anal
L11� 79 repoz�{s� axzr� dexz�va�io�. as inc�icated in A�pendi� C.
S. T�escrlp�io� of 1u��aues LED l�g�ii so�n��e(s), �nai �,�A dz�iver(s) .
6. Go:�i.o�b;otanietty ._ . . -- -..
z. c�zor����
C, Calcnlr�lYo�s a�d �p�oz'�ang fiest data pez• A��e�di� B��.d�oating a Iu�ne�. �nni�nten�cg li�e o�not
lessthan 56,U40 a�ex�tinghours �
b, Co�npr�Esr-�ez��a�d �oini-i�y pa�t p�.of:ozneiric a�o.aiysis ��ma.i�tfa��t�d �k�oto�ia light 1evels as
�ar Appenci��. A
I. Ca1c�latio�s s�xal� be �or main�tained v�.i�as, i.e. �x�at Lass .�aa�az• (X.T�T�) � 1.0, -s�+here L�F
= LLT� x LDI3 � X..A�T, and
a. �aznp Lumeu Z3e��•ecAaizon {S�.b)
J} ��.a.11 �e Q.85 (I,70} fcn all Iur�ina�res.
2} Sha�� ba ths �ercenfag�; of initia�T out�Ut ca�c���ated in seciti..n� �.6�C,
b. 'Lu�nz�a.�r� l�it� D��reczaf;ion (r.DD) — D.9�, �s per iES DG 4 far an enc�nsec� aci�.
gas���ted roadwa.y �n�inaixe it�sta�let� i�k an e�vironznent �ri�. l�ss 1-hnn 15fl µgl,txx3
ai�bo��� �at�iau�aie nz�tier azid e�eanec� every £aux years.
c. �,�manairo Arnbieni Te�a�;pa�'atura S�actor (LA�) = �.0�
2, �Fse of T,�� �B-J. Q mesapia multi�liers
a. Shal� be dzsa1lowed %erain, by assx�niii�� a�z �1P r�.txa o�' 1,DO �or aIr ��u�znaires.
3. Calculaiia�Izn�aszurez�e�tpaints sha1� beparIL� RP�S.
E. St�mmaY� of Jo� E��ctran bevrces L�nginear�g; Co�zaci� (7ED�C) or ra�a� EI�ci�a��es anc�
xn�'o�mai�o� '�'eo�nfllog� .T�.clu�tcies (�ITA} s•e1i�.�bz�z� iesl:i�ag pe���a�xnorl far LEp packages
F. Su�ary o�xplzalr�litytest�ig �erfor�.ue�# �4�' �.F.l? citiva�:(s)
C�. '�Vxi�ten p�`a�Tuc� v�arranty as �er sec�ifl�x X.7 b�lavv
x.7 C�,O���TJT SUBM� 1:��`A�,�
A. '�'a��nty�cscunr�.antaatinn
1. provi�� �ina�u�'ac��rez w�rravty in�axnaat�nn #o ii�e Gity.
x.$ M'.�iIl�TT�N�TC� �A,'�`��2xA C� SIIBMIT�'�.L� [�iOT 1f1'S�bJ
X,9 ¢U.A�T� �1SSTTRAi�TC�
,�. �3��are a�pr.c3val and �u�ro�.as�, Sr,�pliat �a�. �rar�de at i�.a ��v�e��'s req��si I�iu►inait•e
sarn��e(s) identicai to �,rod�xct cvn��z�af�on(�) s��ed �'ox inspeci�o�. ai the ,Su�ap�iar's
e��e�s�. Qwr�ex� shaIl request IES L1VI�79 t�siing a�lu�nYn�,ire ��p�e(s) �o �rarifypai%r�an.ce
xs �rii�in rr�anu:fact�uer-repn��t�d to�ez•ances a�ci Pho�o�rxett'�c �epvz'ts a�c� .ies �"il.es, �e:r �E� r,M�
G3. The ��oton�.et�i.c fi1� ��st �a�� t�e luini�aire being subm�tted.
x3. .A�CCer inst�ts.c�.�, �vc+�s�' �ay � eifatrn IL� �.M•�S ��.e�d �.easure3nents to ver�fy pe�'n��a�nce
rec�it•emenis oufili�.et� in ,Appe�ciix A., �ivzxig aa;�si.daratYou to measu�-emer�t uz�cet�ainties
outlznec� in. }B� LM 61,
x.�Q I3��V:��t.3Z', STQ�AG�,,A�IA �A:N:D�,�G
A. �torage and �a.�.d�z�g �equi�cments
crr� a� �o�zz woxTx
sr�,r�z�aa corrs���sc�rpn� s�.�c�rxcn.�oxpacrrn��rs
Revisc�J rvn� L5, L015 _
�� 4120_43 -9
� Page � of 22
1. �arts s�ta�1 �e �i��sxly �xotected so �at no danzagc nr c€�teriaratioz� occuts rTuring �.
_ pxa�or�ge�. dc�l�.y �rozx� ti�e �ne a£sh%pzz�ez�� u��il znsta�Iaiiozz.
--- . 2, E�pased ax�c�ox baIts shall be ��•o�ected �nti1 �nle slza[t is installed,
3. �'reveu� pla�t�a a�d similar biiftle rte.n:�s fiom bei�g exposad to ciaxect su�1�g1�.t az�d ���e�es
xn. ta�pera.tura.
4. T�xe Coz�.fractor s��.al.t secst�re a�7d mai�tai� a. �oca�io� -�o stn�e �s �aie�i�1 � acop�'d�n.ce �zth
- �sc#�.on �X 50 E?b.
�. I?eI�€v�z'y atid .E�.acepta���
1. Con�actrnr a�►d �n�speaix�z• s�aU. �c+'�s�aX�y xnspect �•oar�-tx�ay i��.uz�t;itiatio� �sset��hTies a.f'ter
�e�o��i �a detea�ni�ie 1'l10 condiiion. of �e �arc�'t�+are.
2. ContYaator sbalt p��at�c� a�� s�I'vab�a �tatez�laZ c�tu`zng transport �o Ci.ty spee�fiec� siaxa�e
3. Dalivarer� rnaterial i-��.isi ba ��x fl�e s�e condAt�oz� a�gr remcs�va.t, as agcee�. upnn by
�on#�acior a�zd I�spectoz afier xe�no�a�.
�.1�. �`�LD �u�ITE� CONDZ'�'x�J.V'S ��TOT U��Dj
1.�2 �11.1�T.tAN'��
�.. Provzr�e a. rnfnfimuxxi. ren y�a�• �ta�•raniy aovezing m�i�ta.�inec� inf;egz-hy a�d �u�.ctianaiziy of
1. �.u�inairchou�ira�, �v���i�g, ar�.d aaz�actions
2. S�ED Ixgh.� so�rce(�)
a. I�T�giigi�ble lig�t autpttt �,�atn i�o�•� tb.a�x 1� paz•ceilt c�f �e Z��i paalca.ges caz�s#�iutes
lu�mim.a�re iaiIuure.
3. ��A driver{s}
B. TrTaxx�i� perioc� s�af� begztx 90 clays afte�� date ��iazsta��s�r�i�.
PA1�T � � ��A17C'�'�
�..� �UMI��►i11ttE �+ QUA�]Ci17]ENTS
.A. Ge�e,ral �aq�.ureme�-[�
J. Liu�►i�ai�es �all be as s��c�ec� �Fa� eac� ty� in A.�p��acii� .Fl.
2. �uz�inai�•� sk�all h�.ve an ex.ternal Iab�� p�rA��r G�.36.15
3. Ltam�aire s�allhave a�. inte��al iabel pez AI�SI C13G.22 �o �clude dafo o�'�nan�facture.
4. Luz�n inaire sha�� be a�a.teci fnr a tnini�ra��n nf �65 per .AI�S� C13 6.25.
S. No;q���,al 1���ai�e input �+r�ttage slza�X acaount for r�o�azi�al applied vo�fag� ��.d any
z�educ�zoxi in driv�.r e�£'zcie�ay due-�o s�b-optiu�al drive�• Ioading.
6. �um.�.aixes sh�fl siat.� ax�� a�ez�te iu 20�C �o -�-40°C ami�ian.t.
7. E1ea�ica�.y test �'ully assembletT luznivaites �e�ore ��ipm�nt fro�z �actoiy
8. E�fecfave T'ra,��cted At•ea (.�PA) anc� 'vveig}it a�the lu.min,aue s��1 not e�aeed. �13e �aluas
xuc�zaafed in tlp,�e�di� A.
9. Lun:�inaires sT��f.t h� desigt�ec� �or ease o� aoz�r�.pone�t 7•e�1t�r.�xnex�t and �nd af li#`e
C1T'f�C3F 1FdRT W DkT�T
s�a.2�r��n corrs�uc�rorr s�e�cr�icATtar� r�oc�r���s
.Revssed 7��ttc i5, 2�1j
�SSt7E�fTIAI, r7�Dlta�hAWA� LL111'17NA1�3S
Pttge LO oi22
�.0, L�u.t�ni��aires shall ba;e�ed for tl�e A�TSz C� 36:3 �'V��h�a�xo�. X.eve1 inc��catec� izz A.�pe��i� A.
��_ LE1� Iig�it soux'ce(s) and dz�vex(s) s�a1[ be Ro�S aaxza��iant
- �2. �`�aus�►iss�ve o�tzaal ao�npoa�ez�.ts sl�.a�l b� a���.ed i�i acaorcl�ce w�th OEM c�esi�
guide.liz��s to ex�sure suif�a�ilxty �ar tl�e �e�'�I/xnechanicaD/ch�z�xzca� E�,�irot.�z.exr.f.
13. L�mxna:ues s�a21 have A- Iaolfs �a�• x�au�.tisag fa ��•Z!�" to 2-318" T�x�.ox� a��n Fox leve�ita�; axxc�
sec�ng o� tuz,�xlzai�'e t� tenon a��n. 2�iolt co�.eetions ��lZ :�ot be per�nzt�ed.
I.4. �,u�.inaiies sha�l be UL 1is�ed.
15. �u��zi�ai�es sI� co:txA� sEandarr� �srith 7�i� ��.otoaoniroJ, dirz�xnirzg �eceptaala naee�iz�.� ANSI
�136.4� require�xez�ts. .
B. Dz'i�eX
l.. Rai�ed fax' nrzi:�itz��a�n. of 50,0�� �iau�s.
2. S�.aXZ b� D-1(}'S� ciii��aiaXe.
3. �ta#ed case teknperature sb.all. i�g s�ita�ilc; for np�ra�ios� �r �� x�zxx��aix'e opexa�zng i� fi�e
azx�b�entt�mpe�'att�res �r�dicate� in seotio� 2_1�A abo�e.
ll-. �ha.r� accept t1�e �voI�age or voliage �•an�ge �ndzcated i��.lippez�d�.� at 50160 Hz, a�:d shall
o�arat� norm_a��y �'o� zr��ut voi�age fl�€�.civat�a�s ofp�us o� �t�n:us 10 perceut.
S. Sk�a]I X�a�e a. �nitiinzuxs� Povvez' �actor {PF) of 0.90 a� fi� ir�p�t �awar �nc� aal�ss s��ci�'.ted
valtage z ange. �
fi. Coi��ol s�g�a,I in�e�'�ace
a. L��zx�zpai�'e i�+p�s i�tdicaied "Rec��.�ired" isa.l�.�penc�i� .�. shal� accept a coniu'ol signal &s
sp�cified � se�az'at� coz�.l�•o�s s�ec'a�ication �•efer�,nced �:� sectio�. �,.2 x�ova, e.g., for
c] imrn in�,
b. Lum�ztau•e �es znclica#�ed "Not Rec�x�ired" in Ap�e�df� A need naC acc�pt a co�zi.tnl
C. �X�ctzlca� i1�mun�ty
�.. Lult�:��axre s�iaLl �ne� the ".�3asic" x�c�u�z•e�en� in Ap�endix l�, �ant�'actiuzez' shaZt �.x�.cTica#e
o�: subrniital �o�. (A�pe�r� L) �hel�ie� �aa%re o�'�e e�ecix'i�I i�xaan�nity sys#ern can
�oss:ib�� �r�st�Xt i� c�isco�aet of ���ver �o Iut�a�naire.
D. E1Te�t��oznag�.atic ��r�fex'ex�ce
�. ��all ha�e a mAx�mum Tatal Ha�xazo�x�o Disiortia�. (T.�ID) of �{�% at �ull input �a�er a�.d
acrass speci�ed vol�age rang�.
�. ��a1I ao��ly �u�th FCC 47 CFR pa��t 15 �tnn ca�surizer ��'/EM� standarda.
E. LYeci��,ca� sa�ety t�sting
I. �um:inaaz�e sk��i h� lisied fo;r r�rst �oca�ions �y an OSHrl NRTL.
2. Lu�nsu:au•as shall i�ave IocaJzt3'�ap�xop�Ya#e g�ves'n.irag naa�� �.n.t� ae��iicatiian,
�. Pa�nted ar fznished lurninaire cvz�pane�ts e�posed ta �� c:nviforu�aen�
1. �hall��ceedar��i.ngo�s'��erA�TNIU7.G54after14UOb�.'soitesti�agpe�•.Fi.S'�'����7.
2. T#�� co�.E-iug sha11 e�ui.bie r�a gi.eatex tha� 3Q°/6 i�duotays� o�g�oss ��x ASTM D523, a#��r S00
haurs o� Q1LJ�V testi�g at.t3.�TM GxS� Cycle 6.
G. '�'hex'ma� rn.a�agement
crm� a� �o�� �oxxx
?t�vi5ed dune T5, 20I5
�� �.z za.os - � z
12�SIE��NTtAS� �.�b k�OADWAY LUlvili+[A�2P..S
Yage �I of`l,'L
1. Mec�a�icat dosi�n o£pxot�'udXttg extertz�l su�X�`aaes (I�.e�t si��7k fins) foz ,s��all fao�€l�fat� �.ose�
da�w� c1eA�����g a�d etiscoivage de�;ris� accr�Ulati�z�.
_.. ... . . • �. i.i.c��zzds ar oth�r a�to:ua�g �a��s sha�l z�ot b� �rex.�ifited. -- ._.._._. .
�, ��35 �'11� 151imits foz �3t�olzaigizt, U��xg�►t, and GZaxe (�"(.3'GR.atizz�s) shali be as specxfed�ax
each tu�iu�a�'e ty�e �i Appezzdix A.
�.. Calculatioiz of`J3UG lta#:ings s�a�� he fox xr�ii:�a1(wnxst-case) values, i.e., Lig�.t Los� �acta�•
(L�,1�} = � .Q.
2. Z.uminaires sha.� not T�e #ilted �rnr catcY�Iatioz�s.
T. �ini�u�n Coia� Rezxcierir�g 7ndex �GR�: 7(l.
x. Cnri�ei�tec� Co1ox• T�mperatu�a (GC'�'}
�. Z�r�o�zzal �CTspecifed � Appet�c�i�.,4. �s listed in.'�'�bx� I belnw, �aeastared �CT aud Duv
sha7� be as �is�ec! za `�`�bla 1,
Table �.. t�EEowa�le CCT and DE,n+ {ada�t�d from NEMA C78.377}
Manufac�urer=ftated Atiawabl� E,M-i9 Cl�ror�tat)city Valu�s
iVominal CCT �iC} Measured ECT�I<) fv�eas�r�d Duv
2�00 25�p �o �87� �(7.Oi�6 to O.dQ6
3o�D 2S7o to 3�Zo -o.DU6 to t?A(16
35[l0 32z�} �c� �7Z0 �(i.0�5 tc� O.DOS
�{[?DO �i�,� tp 4260 -n.005 fio O.OD7
450Q �-z6a �0 47�5 �0.0�5 ta �.�a7
-�aaa 474-5 tQ 5��.�. -�>�o�. to a.oa8
57�0 �3zo t� so2a �a:oQa- t� o.a�s
G�00 602(3 to �[1�4�3 -0.0�3 ta (3.(109
2. I�'�:o�inal CC'�" s�eai�ed sn A.ppar�cli� A is not Iisi�d in. Tab�e 1, �neas�t:r�d CCT and J]u�r
s�a� 1�e as p�x �e criteria far �Iexib�e C�T defiaec� � NEIVJA C78,� 77.
I�.. Tk�a follow�g s%a� be �n �zccordan.ae v�1�� cot�e�pondir�� sec��ns gfA3`��I Cl.3S.�7
� . �iring a:��. .� ounding .
�E. �,.�� z�.ternat co�po��t�is �I�a�I ba assez�ibled and pz•e�u�u•e� using �.nadi�lar e�ect►'�ca1 •
- eo��necfions.
2. iv�oi�n�ing pz`o�visi.ons
a. �pecific con�ign�•aizox�s a.xe r.ndioated 3n Appenciix .A
3, 1T�rnai�iat �binol�s �'or �icoznix�g AC Iines - ,
4, �:otQ�on-�ol �•ecept�.ala
S. 1�,a#ch�ng a.nd �inging
6, 7ngress �xa�ect�o�i _
�.� P�.UDT�CT �A.�T�7�`A�T�l.2.��t�
.�, .�n� tzaanu�actur�r o�eruag prad�ucts -i�zat cflinply �vvith t.�.e xec�uu•ed �rfld��i �ez�azxnance a�.d
o�exatio�. c�e�t��ia x�ay i�� w�sidered.
B. Note zf �. �e1d ins-�a�f.ec� k�ause �ide s�zelc� zs available.
ctr�' nx ���nx wo��t�
s�.�m�.ttn coz�s���rc�r�o� s�e�c��zcArrc��r �ocr�a�s
IteVlsed .Tune �5, ?.OIS
�a �z zo.o� - za
k�s��rtrtAr. �.EI� l�or�'WA�'�.T�M�r,AII�
z��� 1a o�zz
�,3 MAI� U�YAG�'ii�.�R S���C�S
�1. I�anufacizu�z �ir-�oc�[ saXes re�xesex�#a�zve sI�all �z•o�vic�e i�sta�la�zon a�ad ix•flu�a�e��oo-t�� s���ort
�vzafe�ephone and/o� email. --- . —
��] O�' S�G�`iD2�]'
�e�vi�ian �.og
p.A,TE �7� SUN�.Y OF CrIA�i'GE - .
61�5l20i5 F.C'n�Iffin RevisetaI.�AtypaTumiha3i'es
c��Y a� ���� wo��.�
J.ievFgeci 7une iS,'1U15
3� �i �o.a� - �s
x�smar�rr,4 L. L�n �o�w�.x z.�rn�mr.�T� � S
pt�ge 13 of22
APP�fC�t'�"fON��/�5�� SYS��M SP�Cd�[�A�`It�l1!
I I 11►n�N�SIRF TYP�' repu _ RF.r,f�SFIVilAL T'f�ICAi
�IT� PARf#M�x�it5
€20A�1�t1AY [�AiA. 8oad►�vay Widt� (C�rh to Cur�) 36 ft
l�S pa�emen� class. L� R1 C1 �2 1� R3 ❑ R$
Posted speed f imit Q� 2S rr�ph �> 25 mph
SiDZW�L[C �/�TA: SSdewalk width B ft
�dge Qf sidewaiE� �o edge nf raadway pavemei�t 4 Cf
LIGH'� PCiI.� DATA. Ltrr�inair� mout�ting hel�ht �5 ��
Arm l�ngth, h4�-izonlal � #�
�urnfnairQs �er poie �
Pole sei-back from edge �f paverriant 3�
in-{ine pole s�acing �ane pole cycle) 200 fC
l�yout i�Qlte slde Q C�ppasite I� Staggered ❑ iV�ettian
1���iF(3RMAIVCE CRI'fERl,4: ,4P1'1.€CAT(DiV
I�NaTaPIC Maintai�ecf average F►orizantal a��avement o•� ��
11�i.Ui1li1NANC�. Avg:min unifarr�ity ratto ���
�HA'i[i�IG Maintair�ed aver�age laminai�ce �%a
I.�MIIVAiUC�; Avg:min u�►iformityYatto �/�
MaX:m1n �niFarmity ratia n/�
PFioTaY1C Maintain�d average horixan�a! at �avernent C1.2 FG
Ii.�,UM[iVA�C�: �tvg:�nin uni�Farmity ra�ia ��orizonta�) N/A
Maintafnec# min. vertical illum. at 4,9 ft, iti di�ect(ons of trave] .I�lfA
f IUPUT Pt3�JtT�Ct: Max. �ominal ��cminaire [npuY power 7(�W
EVOMI�J�..�. CC'i': Rated carrelated co[ot- tetnpera�ure 30D� {C
Ct1Tb�� GL.A.55: M�x. nnminai I�ack�ighC�upiight��fare ratings Fl�l.1� GUToF�
Vi7i.1'/kG�: Aiominai lurnlnaire in�utvoitage � 7.20, 'L7711
FINlSH, Luminalre hous[ng fir��sh coler � �__ Gt-ay
WEi�HT: Maximum [uminaire welghti �0 ��
�RA: Nlaxfmur� afif�ctiv� Pro��cted ar�a 0.9 ft2
MDUl�`fiNG= Mtg. m�thod C7 Past-top � SEcEe-arrr� 1� irur�nion�Y�ke Ci Swive!-ten�n
Tenan r�otnlnal pf�e sfxe {NPsj �--714 it�ches
Aiid 2�/8 iCtches
�f�BRA7"{Qkl(: RN5f iest leve! l� Leve! 1(r�orrr�ai) C1 I.�vel 2(#�ridge/over�ass)
I]RiVER: Ci �50mA ❑ 530mA �( 7tlOmA
STA�7T)�R➢ CON,S'CRCiCT#(31�i SNECI['I�,P�TioNbOCC]mrlBl�tTS
T{ev#scd 7u�e I5, 20 ��
s� 4a �o.a3 -1�
Page T4 o,f2z
- -- - Wiretess=Conirat . .. .
pRl11�R: „_�_,�:�:,,. C� Yes �I �ia
Appand�x �
�st�rnating i.L�i] Lumen Main�enance
I�S �M�21 alEaws far extrap��ativ�, of ex�aected lur��ri mainf:enance frarn availabEe test da#a, The e�ct�nt
��suc� extrapolaiion is �imi�'er! b}r the dura�io� of t��ing �amplet�d anpl i:he nut�b��- afrsam�les usec� in
the testing. The TM-2�. me•thodolc�gy sha�� be used by the manufact�rerta de-�ermine iamp fum�n
r�epre�fatio� �1�L.D) a-� enr� of iumen rn�in�'enance fife per��cl;ion 1.6-C.
T`he a�aplicant rnay es�imate lumet� rnairttenar�ce in c�ne c►ftwo ►�vays:
0 �ivn �; Corn unent Perfnr�ance -
ilrtefe�t#�is car�pf[an�e pai:h, tl�e applican�€ m€[s� st�i�mifi ca�cu�aCi�ns perTNE--2�. predicfing furnen
malnler�ance a� �he lurrrinaire i�rrel �sing In Situ Tern�e�atut� Measuret�e�t T�sti�g {iSTMT} �n�
1.�IE��O da�. l"a be �ligihl� f�or�he CQmpott�nfi Perfarmance opfii4n,1�LL oF�the conditions below
must be rr�et. f�FAlVY o��he canditior�s is not met, �h� campaner� �erfarrr�ance apiion may noi:
�e us�c! and the applicant rr�us� use �p�ion 2 far cornplia�c�.
�.. The LED figh� source(s) ��ve been test�cl accnrding to �.M�SO.
,2. The l.�p d��ve cu�t�er�t specifi�d by the Eurrt�nair� �nanufac�urer is [ess �ttan or �qual to t��
c{riv� c�rrent s�teci�ed in t�e 1.M--8f� tes�� report.
3. ihs LED light saurce{s� ma�u�act�.�ree pr�s�ribes%ind icates a iernp�ra#ure m�asurerne�t
pa�nt (T�} an the figt�t source{s).
4. The Ts is accessibl� to ailow ternporary attachtneni of a th�rmoe�uple far meas�rr�ment of
fn si�u t�rnperature. Acc�ss via a ternparary hole in �rhe hnusing, tightly ressale�l during
testingw9�I� putty or otf��r flexi�ie sealant is allowab��.
5. �arthe h�t�es� 1.�� ii�ht sour�� in ti�e luminair�, �ne #empe�ture rne�sur�d at �he Ts
clurEn� i57MT Es less than �r equaf �o t�� te�pera�ure spe�ified in �he �M�SO test r�por�
farth� carresponding driv� current ar �Igher; wiihin t€�e [�anufacturer's speci�ied
o�era�eing curran� range.
The ��TM7laboratary mus� b� approved i�y OSNA as a N��ioh�ily F��cagniz�d
Testing l.ab (fvR�j, must he quafified, veriftetf, and reco�r�iaed through �t)�'s
CALi�'ER �rngram, c�r mus� �e reeogntzed through UL's i�ata Acceptanc� prpgram,
�. 7h� ISTMT must �a� cc�nducted wi�h t�e lumir�aire �ns�alleti irt the apprnpriate
applicat€on as d�fned by AfVSf/ll1. �.5�8 {hardwir�cE lurr►inair�s}, with bird�Fo�rling
c�u o� �a�r �voiz�z�
3T.Ai��3ATt77 C0�3STR.i�CTiOPi Si'T��II�ICA.'f'iO�l' T7ClCLTM13NTS
Ifev3sed J�une I5,2015
3� 4.12Q.03 � 15
7Peg� 15 of22
a�propi-iatefy slrrtula�ed (a�d documertte� by photograph} as de�erminsd �y the
o fiic�n �; �urn�nair� �'er�armance
U�derthis comptianee Pat�, the ap�licanf rr�ust submit 7'M-��. cafcula�icsns �aseci an Lk�1--79
photometric test dat� �ar nQ less than three sa�nples ofthe entire fu€r�inair�. �uratian af
operation and in1:�rvai k�et�nre�n ��otome�ric tests shali conforrn to the TlVI-2� criferia for LEC�
Iigh� sources, For Example, testing solely att? ar�d 6D�a ho�.rr5 o-Faper�tion wouid nn� be
adequat� farthe �urpos�s af ex�rap�latiQn,
Bet�veen LM�79 i�sts, �he Iurninaire tests�rnples must b� op�rated iong terrn in t#�e appro�riate
applicat[on as deffnecE by ANSIJUL 1598 �ha�'�lwirecf fut�it�a�r�s), ihe ��st {aboratar�r must hold
NVLAP aCcred�iatiot� forthe i.M-79 tes� pracedur� ar rnust be qualified, ver€��ed, ar�d recognized
tiarough tl�e �1.5. �feparirr�en� of �t�ergy �I�C3EJ's CALiP�R prc�gram. 7�re ext�n� afallowa�le
�x�rapolatian (�ither a.S or- 6�:imes the test d�ration} depe�cls r�n tE�e tata� nu��t�er o-F E.ED iigh�
sourc�s (no tess �han .�0 ancf pr�ferabfy more than �.�) ins�all�d in the fur�inair� sampies, as p�r
'CM-2 �„
i1,9s camp�iance patl� pc�ses a grea�ertestin� �urden ia lurr�i��aire enanufacturers hut
inearporates long-term tesi:i�tg �-Fother �ompo�ents in the system, such as driuers.
Und�r either �oin}aEian�� patl�, vafu�s �sed far extrapola�tio� sYtal� be summ�r�zed per TM-�7. 7abl�s �.
and 2.. Su�mi-�k�:d values for furnen �nafnter�ar�ce iifetirn� and the assc�ciat�d percentage lum��
m�intenan� shali be "repareed" r�t�er t%ar� "prdjec�ed" as defEn�d i��TM-2�.. Su�po�ting diagrams ae�
r�quested to facilita�e tn�erpreta�ic�n by Ov�ner.
Cff'Y OF k'O�tT l�OitTH
�cv3sed June 13, 2Q15
�q 412D.03 - l6
�SIDF�TiAI, �D IC�A]] Wi4_Y LT?Nft�TAiItES
r�ge Y� o�ax
_ . ---- — - -- - ---�. _ -
APP�Np2X G � - ----_.- - - --
PRi71atJ�T �AllfllLY ��s�`11V�
�M�7'9/�,11�17 f57MT
I� is recc�gnixed that du� to �[�e t�m�: a nd co�t r�quirad f�r praduct testin�, i� v�ro��[d not be Yealisfiic ta
ex�ect rnar�u�acturers af�er�ng a muttitude of t�nfque iuminaire co�figurations ta tese every possible
cc�nfigur��ion. T�eYe�ol'e, th� "prnduct families" rr�ethac! rrE�y be uti[iz�d far i.M�7� �pd t�TMT, whereby
ma�ufacturers fd�ntifjr a se� af representative �roducts fiar which �es� data �an be us�d ta demor�str��e
the a�curacy af 3nterpoi�tetf ar extr�polated p�rforrnance o� product cnnfigur�tiar�s lackln� test da�'a.
Precedent forthis appraa�h ean be found in I.M�-84.
i�thE �aartfcu�ar [umir�air� con�Figuratian su�mit�ed has not been �tested, �i�� performance may he
c�nservat�veEy represenCed by tes� da�a for anofher l�rninaire config�E°a�ion h�ving:
p The sarne intenslty distribu�ion {�ypical�y aNy applie� to LM-79j .
s`i�e sam� or �ower nbrnina! CCT
��'h� same or high�r narninai dri�e curr�n�
� The sarn� ar �reat�r nurr�b�r of L�D fig�t saurce=s}
9 Tf�e sarne or fawer perc�nt�g� driver la�ding and effici��cy
� "1"he same or srnallersize tuminalr� haus�ng.
A rna�'e accu�aie astimat� of p�rFormane� can be obtair�er� by [inear in-�erpol��ian be�we�n �wo or more
tes�s di�erin� Yrt terms of-the six pararneters list�d abave. Far exam�fe, eons�c[er a hy�othe�ical
iumina9r� ofFered in a single size haus�ng, and h�ving tha foliawing p�r�rne�ers:
o Three intens�tydEsl:eEbutions; i�SType il, [!i, r�rN
� Tftre� CGTs; 4QQ(�, �000, and 6{7E�OlC
n T�ree drive currents: 35�, 525, ar€d 700 mA
� �our L�� quantEties: 2o, �0, �D, ar 8C} l.�Ds.
�'able C.� iflustra�es a set oftests �rhicirt coui�i ailowfor accurate interpotaiion 3�etween t�sket�
canflguratians, given a sirtgle lurninaire housing siz� ant€ essenfiial�y co�s�anfi drlv�r eFFictency; these �.[i
�ests may pro�ide represen�ative d�ta far the 108 passible pradu�t canfl�urations, €�o�e tha�
normalfz�d i��tensity cEiscribution mus� not be a�facte�t by th� o�her three paramefers.
iaiale C.�.. Representative testing of a singfe luminaire housing sfze -
T�sts Int�nsity distri�utian CCT 17rive current # of L.�Ds
CPl"Y Q�' �d2ZT GY4R`�`k�
itevlsec� Juue i5, 2a15
3� �F,l 20.�3 � 17
pAge 77 of22
(1�S TypE
., 3 If, f [I, IV
� �v
7 IV
�.0 111
�.000 7�[J
.�o�o; �000 � _ -- �oo
�C10C1 �25, 525
40C}Cl `7Q0
�a -- ---� _. .. ...
4Q b0
fbr exampie, th� manufacturer eauld detafi ir�ierpola�ion �s shown in �"ah�e C.2, apptying the faltowni,g
mul�ipl�er� to the base t�st#2 ta model a cor�figuratior� uvittt iype ilf int�nsity distribr�tio�r, �D��K �CT,
�25 mA driv� current, and �}0 R��s:
e E�atio a�test#k4lumenstp tes�#� fur��ns
o �atio o�tes��7 lumens to tes�#k3 iamer�s
� �atfa of tesfi #9 Eumens to test #3 lurriens.
't'ab�e �.2. Multlptiers far T�st #2 to yf�ld; Typ� Ili , 5QtlQI
Test # tnfensity distri�iu�iion CC�' briv� currenfi
z ���
3 �v
�. f!I
7 1V
9 !li
�oan �'�a
�an� �ao
500[] 7{lQ
4fJL�U � 525
40(l0 70c�
i2�amA, 4� i.�ps
# af L�I�s M�ltiplier
flum�ns rati
sf� n/a
so �/a
SO #�4 / #3
8Q #7 / #�
40 #9 / #�
�Rterpflla�ion h�fween trtlnirnaE E.M-79 and �S�M7' data is Enore �tif�Ficuit lf housing sfze increas�;s wi�h
increas�t7g �nraiiage; It r�tay no� be clear whether the laWeskanraitag� co�figurailan �nrould be eXpe�ed ta
•`run cpalar" �han tl�e highest--wat�age cnnflguration� !n thes� circurr�stancesf the adequacy of
sui�mitked data is subj�c� ta Ow�ar a�pra�ra�.
A� this t�rne, th� "successar" �ne�hod ��r�not be ��sed; l�rn]rta�res testcc[ must t�titix���he L�p light
sourc�(sj characterixed bythe s�hmi�ied LM-80 r�por�•
C1TY" oF �aZt,T W'C31tT�
S"��AazD CONSTkT1C'PI(?AI�P�Cit7TCAfLgNDaciJ�vi�laTS
Reyised June 1S, 2015
�� �i ao.o� - �s
�sr��x�. x�n xa���rnx zt�n�r�s
pa�e �.a o�zz
�l��C�'R[C,�E, IMNlU11€IT1�
4 �fectri�al fmrnunityTests �., 2. and �, as �efin�d �y-��eirT�sts��ci�icat+ons, shail be per�orm�d �n an
entire pawered and connect�cf 1�minaire, Inclucfing any contro� rnacf€ales haused withir� �he
lurr3inalre, ��fi exciuding any co��rai rnodufes mounted ex'ternally, such as a N�f�IA sacl<e-� eo�jnsctee!
pho�o-c�ntroL A s�oriirrg c�p should be placed across any suc� exi:�rior cnnnector.
+ T�e Iuminaire shalf be ca�nee#ed -�a ara AC power sau�ce with a canfig�ration apprQpriate far
rrarninal v�eratibn. 7he AC �row�r saurce sf�a1[ have � minimum auailabte s�tar� circult current �f
2�4A. �he luminaire sha11-�e iested atthe nQminal in��� �n[�age sp�eifi�d ir� AppendixA, or atthe
I�fg�esi fnput voltage in the �nput voita�e r�nge specifled in Appendi�t A.
p �l�ctr[ca! {r�tntani�ytes� wav�for�s shall be s�.iperirn�c�sed an �he input AC power [ir�e at a poir�t
wit�in 6 ir�ch�s {�.�cr�y of ent�'y inta the lurr�i�aire �sing apprc�prlate high--voltage prAb�s �nd a
series cot�p�er/decoupl�r nett�orlc {CC1N} appt'aprta�� far each ccaupling mode, as cEeffned �y
AN51/l��� �Fi2,�a �002. The t�s� �hea ft�r �!t tests sh�i! �e set up accarding ta AN51/IL��� C6�.45-
2Q02, as appropriate.
� Pr":or�� eiectrica! imrnunity testing a set af diagnas�ic measu���m�nts sf��11 !oe perfnrmed, �nd �h�
rest�lts recarded tQ no�e the pre-fesi; functian of��e fumin�ir� aft�r it has rEached therrnai
eq�iifbr��rrt. Thes� rneasuremants sho�zlr� Inc[u�1e at a minimurt�:
aj �ar all ��mir�a�re�s, Real Power, (nput €�M5 Curren�, �'awer �ac�or and'THD atfull power/Itght
b) For �u+'r�inaires specifed �s cEimmafaie, �teal Pawer; input E�MS �ur�'�n�, Power Factor an� TF�D ai
a r�inimu�n a�4 additionaf dir�-�tned fevels, inelu�ing ��e rat�d minimum dits�med ievel
� �I'�&�5 SFt�{I I7e �pj]�[@iE ]l� Se[jU�n�fBl Qi"[IeY [T�5t �., -Faltnwed �y Test 2, �oiEaw�d by Tes� �J. If a faiiure
occurs dur3r�g Test �, �hen Test 3 shall be r�-a�pli��i �n a secor�dary �uminaire af fc�entical
��=allowing the campletton oY Tesis �., 2, a nd �, the sams set af diagnastie me�sar�t��nts p�r�orrr�ecf
pre ��stshou��! be repea�ecE for a�! testerllumtnair�s, and �he res�[ts recardacE to no#e the pc�st �est
fUnct�an ofithe luminaire{s).
� A 1�zminaire mustfunction n�rrnailyand si�ow no ��idence o�faifure foilornring ��e �arrrpletion of
7'�s� 1� 7'est z+Test 3{for a single test�d E�minairej, or t�e colnpi�tiat� of TesC 1+ Test � on a
prirnary lurninaire and T�si:3 an a secondary Iu�inafre. Abnflrm�l behavior durfng testing fs
+ A lu�rlir��ire fallur� will be deemed ta hav� accurred if any afith� �olfawing condE�ibns exists
failot�vfng the campl�ti�� aft�stin�:
a} !� f�ard power res�t is req�ire� ta ret�rn ta norma[ oper�tior�
c� o� rc��r waxx�i
S�AI�r)�11t1J CON3�tI7CTI01� $P�Cl�ICATION TJO{:FJNA?I� I'3
ztevjs�a ru��� zs, zo��
344120.03 � 19
Pagc �J o�22
%} A noticeabfe reductiQn in fufl figh� autpui �e.g. one flr more L�Ds �Fail to prod�€ce llghr, o�� becor�e
unsta�le} is abs�rved
c) Any of ��e post-i�s� d[ag�ctstic rsteasurements exc�ecEs (�y+5°lo the corres�ondtng pre-�e�
diagnostic �neassar�ment,
dj The luminaire, or any componeni in the luminaire (i�ciudi�g �uC nat limi�ed to an �l�ctrical
connector, a drtver, a protec�iQ�-� componertt v�- macfuleJ has igt�i�ed r�r s}�ows ev�d�nce vf
malting or other heat-ind�acecE c�air�age. �videnc� oficrack�ng, split�ing, rupt�rring, or�mal<e
damage on any componant is �cceptak�le.
7`est S eci�icat�ons
NQT�: [-�. €s typtcal�y •,HOT", �-2 is typfcai[y "NEU7RA�." and P� M�'rot�c�#Ve E�rtf�.
Tes� �) Rin� t(�la�e: The ���rninaire sha�i be subjected �n rep�titive strEf�e� of a"C E.ow Ring 1Nave" as
d�fined 'rn 1�EE ��2.�1,2-�t3[3�, Scenario 1, Location Gategory C_ The t�s� strilces s�aEl b� appf iad as
spee�fied by `fabie D.1. Pr�ar to iesti�g, ihe ring wav� g�nerator s�all be cal�braied ta sirnuitan�a�sly
m�e�t �C}�fi�-I th� spe�ified short circUit �urrent pe��< aEzd o�en circui� voltage p�aic MJiVfM�lM
requirements. l�ote tha��itis �r�ay requit'e Chatti�e gene�a�orcha�'gingvdita�e be rais�cf above 1h�
speci�ied Ievel to a�tain �he speci�ied curre�t pealt. C�lffarai��i c�rrent prnf�esft�'ansfarrr►ers desigrt�d far
measuring hi�h-freqt�ency c�rrents shalf be us�d ta measut-e test wavaforna currents.
Tes� �,vave�nrrn curre�t shapes anr� pealt� for alI strt(c�s shall be compare�� to ensure unifarmity
thrnughout e�ch sei (c�c�pl�i�g mnde � po�arfty/phas� angf�j Qftes! sirikes, and the average pealc
c�rrer�'i shail be ca�cufated and reGorded, lFany individual peafc G�rrent �n a set exce�ds by ��o% the
aver�ge, �he tes� setup shai� be checiced, and the �test strilc�s repea-�er1.
7'a�t� R.�.. (i.5 �5 --10(�Hx Rin� Wave Specifica�io�t
Par�rn�ter Tes� Leve)/Cora�i�urati�n
Sho�� Circc�it Curr�nf peak 0.5 kA
���� Circuit 1�aitage 1�ea[c � lclf
Svurce Imf�edance �.�5?�
CoupEing Modes i.�. �a !'�, [2 to P�, �.�. to i.2
polarity ancf �has� Ang[e Positive at 9[7p and �[egaiive at 27�°
Tes� 5trik�s S'�OY c��CI� COU�IEIl� I�►14aE dfit� P�I�i"I�y�Pil�Se /1T[g�e
' COt1'I�]It7��iDri
T�me betv�re�;n S�rikes �. rr�inute
Total Nurnber �f5trif<es - 5 striE��s x�!- cou�iir�g modes x 2 palariiy/phase angles
� �0 tota I stri��s
c��X a� Fa�zr warzriz
S�'A1dDA�ii? C(JNS'�'RUCT�D�T SPBCIFIC,(�'l'�Old T)4CU3v�NTS
Revised 7une IS, 2ai5
a��z zo.a3 - av
�s�o���rt�r, x,r� �to.a,nwA��u�n��r��s
��g� zo of�x
Test �} Camk�ina�ian 1Nau�; 7'�e iuEr��naire sha[f i�e subjec�ed �a rep�ti�iue s�rf!<�s-of a t`G H�g1�
Combinatic�n Wave" �r "c �ow combina�tiar� �tV�ve", as def�l�d in ���� G62.�-�..2--2(3Elz, 5C�i7dTF0 �,
Laea�ion Cat�gary C, Th� iest st�-ilces sh�ll �e appf��d as specified �ry Tai�le C�.2. The "�ow" tesf i�r�et sha(I
�e Used for- lum�natres with 8as4c �iectricaE lrr�munity req�ir�ments, whiie th� "High" test Ievets�ali be
used far' lurninair�s yuiih Elevafi�ed �f�ctrical h�m�ni�y reyuiremet�ts. Prior'to fiestin�, the comlaina�[on
wave generata�shail be calik��'aieaf to sftr�ultaneous[y rr�e�t BOT'H ihe specifi�c� shart cfrcuit curret�t p�a!<
and a�sn circui� vo�rag� p��t< MtNtMUM req€.�irpmen'�. Note t�afi ��is may r�quire i�hat the gen��ator
char�ing voltage �e raised abQue ��e spec��fed leuet ta ohta[n fh� sp�cffEed current p�ak. Caiihrated
current probesjtr�nsforrners designec� fc�r measurin� hig� €rsqu�n�y curr�nts shail iae us�d ta m�asure
tesi virave�arm �urrents,
Test v��ve�arm r.urrent shap�s and peat<s far ait s�rilces shall k�� �amp�red #� ens�tre ��i�orrnity
tf�rou�f�aut each s�i (caupfing made +polarityJ�hase angle} o-ftest stri[ces, and �the a�era�e �eai<
curren� shail be caicufatect ar�d recarcted. !f any Inctiuidual pesf<ct�rr�nt in a se� exce�ds by �-1f�9� -�he
a��rag�, the -�estsetup sl�a(f be checl��cf, ar�t� the test st�-ik�s repea�ed.
Table A.z: �.,2I�Ou5� SI��► u� ���bination Wave Speci�ica�ian
I�aram��er '�est �.ev�l/ C�n#i��ration
.�.�%�0 µS Open Circuit 11a1�age peafc i.aw: 6 kV #-�igh: �[JlcV
S/20 �eS Shr�rt Circuit Ct�rrent Pealc Low; ��cA� Nigh: 1�kA
Souree irr�peda�ce �S�
e�uplin;� n�od�s �.a. ta P�,1..� to P�, �.a. ta �2 -
��rlar�y and Pt�as� �tngle Pnsiti�e at�D° and Negati�e at 27�"
7�st S�rikes � for each Coup�ing Mode arid Polar�ty/Phase Angi�
combinafion .
Time Setween Strikes . �. rninut�
To�al i�um�er of Stt-Ilces � 5 strikes x 4 coupfing mndesx 2 polars`tyJpi�ase angles
w 4(3 �otal stril�es
TesC �} �Ieci#�icai East 7rans�ent (�FTj: The lurninalre 5haf� I�e su�rjec�ed �o "�le�rica� �asCTrar�si��t
Bu[rs�s", as def�ned in iE�E C62,�3-�..2 �2002, 'it�e test area shal! be sei u� accorciing �o I�C� C62.��-2002.
The bursts shaff iae �ppl[ed as specifieel by Table p,�. Direct cottpfing is required; the use of a cgupling
cEam� is not ali�wed,
C1T5� OF T�O1tT WdR.'%[�
ST�3DAlt� COI�STitUC�'10%E S�'EC��.�TLfJl� Dt}C�I�7�'S
Iteuisad Jur�B �5, 2(315
7ab�� D.�: �Iect1'[caI �as� TC��iSle�t'� (���J Sp�GI�tC�tian
�d 4120A3 � 27.
�SxDFN�'tAi, �D LtQA]7�A'SC i,'[7N1INA�S
i'age2�1 a�22
STI�%D.7AitD C�Ti S'X'T�UC3'TON Sl'&C7I+�CATLOI+T �'70Cf.TikfL�N�'S
�t.ev3sed �une 15, 2015
34 4120.03 - 22
RESID�ITTAL LP171tbAbWAi��.il�rlIL�t1IR�S
Page 22 0�22
APP�N[31x �
PA(]I3iJC'I' SU�fif1!'f'�`AL F�RM
. �:umin�ire Typel _
Modef number
H�tasingffnis�i eaiar
`fenon norrtinai �ipe size (inct�es)
IVominai lurrtinaire welg�t {It�}
I�ornin�l iurniria�re �PA {ft�j
ntorr�inai ir�put valtage (1t)
AiVS! vibratic��t test tevei
Nor�inal �3[1G t�atings ,
NlakeJt�t4del of 1.�� Ilght so�rce(sj
Malce/rnc��ei af L��7 d�'iver(s)
Contrd slgnal intet�Fdce
U�n�� electricai immunity sysi:�m faitur'�
T1�erma{ rnanag�l�tent
I.umen rrtaln�enance testin� duratia� (h�
f�epart�d lt�men ma€nten�i�ce iife 4��' z
Warranty peria� (Yrj
Farameter -
�nitial photopic outpu� (Irnj
Mai�l��ltied �hato�ic �ut�ut {Irr��
L�mp Eur�en d�precfatian
lr��tia( fnput po�n+er (V�j
Main�ain�d inpui pntiver �W�
fnitial L�� driv� curren� (mA}
Mai�tainecf ��1� dCive c�rrrei�'� �riiR�
arlv� curren� used �
ln�si�u LEQ "I'� (°C)
CG`i' {K}
AdcEltianat product descri�flon
Lev�i �.
Pnss�bfe cfisca�trfect
Niovin� �arts
i�am€naf vafue
Leve! 2
Not rlimrr�af�le
iVa possible discor�nec�
i�o mo�ln� #�arts
��ee �.p�endi� �,., at►d at�ao�. su�poz�.g rioc�xnen#ai�on as z�ec�ui�ed.
��alixe sha�� be z�a less ti�a�. as specified in sec�on I.6-C, a�d s�all not exeead ssx iimes t�e te�sti�g dura�ion
zndieated i�i 1:he kow abave. VaZue sb.�il be aonsistent �ui##� v�es subanified in tha iavfrs belavu frn 7na'sntained lig�t
o�t'iput, main.ta�ed inputpo�ver, a�d :haaz�taiued c1rlv� cturent.
c� or s�c�.� �vo���
ST�1V17t1I�T) CONS�'l.ti1C'TTc?l� 3i'ECIF1Ctl.TI023 DOC7JMt�sNTS
Itevised 7etne �5, 2015
������i� �
l� h����� � �-��� h n i�a ��]a���
�3alagtlumhe�: � dalc: � Projeci:
Wifii a design �ife oF20-�yearsand saperInrin•rusft curtenfand surge-praiectio�tfea€ures, ihe �LL Ellte
sup�or�tbe �xtended �lteand low mainta�anca �enef�lsassociaterl wit}i t�o f)�t�fes.
p L�o �lghting ff�ures th�t requfre duskto daw� canirof
� High fnrush curreniilxtures
� �esignedtolas�astonBasyour�EDitghtEngsystem,20-�years
d L�Dirtrush�rotectionWlfhtdacassistedrefay
� fxtremesuPgeprotectiannfl�8aJ1A�kRutilityor292UJI40kAf1Lllstad
g Dou6leiErlcl�enclosurea�dienswlf(}addi€tanalWinhi6ilvr
4 High te�p base plasiittesied fo 1�"C
° Lang life capacitors
� �uliwavar�di{ied�owersupply
� dualzenerdipdesfarEnngllfe
� So!!d hrassm��tact6lades
a �ouhlesided,lhruEtafeplaied.462°F►i4arc�itlioarr]
� CAnformal coated Prtnted tircultboard
Q 5eaied packaging fnY exteE�ded Starage
RE'�ll�1�'ORY 1fSTINCS
� AiV5lC136.�0
e ROHS co�npEiant
� tlf.listed ta U S, and Canadian safe�ysfandards
p� Ssr�e ra�ed in axcQss afANS( Ci�6.'t0 ta
oR��rit�� cxaa�acr��isr�cs
� Operafingtemperaiure:-�€t►Ctn7flC
�^ Vo[iagai��fo4�OVAC,60Hz �
� Loadtatfrtg:7Q0Uvratisr'i90aV11ballas�
� lli.tvad Rating:l{3UQVA
n kvetaQepowErconsump�lon:�0.5watts@
Ten-yearflmftedwa�ranEy,CompfelevuarrantytermslotatecEat: �
yfi4�I�I;�'�[� • �[iions��s��
I�o�e_�I�uat perforr��ante rtt�y ��f�er�s a t�esuftof ettd trsere�vlroninenEand applicat{vsf.
5periilatians subject io cl�ange wtthattt not�ce
��$iffi�'X��Q! I�f ��ti7m
,Iti. ' .�.: .�' :y�'7� `:`�%-'!"f'•. :4�'�.�, . - �!f
�a�;�,:�r'j�i`_:��r:,a.:'r'�,is{4:�` �'y�FYh'^.y'�':'r�;'C^�I �'�'r-i�•'��
4=�ra.�� — .:i:'C-''s.d .�:� E'.%'. ifY?��N�`.�� i
;��.:.-• ;,�. _� :
».._I�s�.l. : —:.�..M1.'�,i�}':.Yt�..4_!m .1:�.?+''!.
..t. .rr.���� �.�{` s A srt....
..— >._.. ...�_._,..,.... . _ '.J'—'�.._ � _.�'l�
.�.�.� .�'�.� �`e -
.�`�E'Gt.�Qr��G .i«OG.�.�n�
��e .F�zo�ocori�o.T
� � � : � � � � ; ,. .�+�i
_' •..,ifi(;���;i�, �i'•:�O�l;ill.:iri:( s:'u�:. - 'S
�;:�,�0: ZZI�`�'�=: sraen � slue
:��;3�j7V:y`-i", Grea� �reen
�:�:`:�{84V�=� : Yellacv ' YeElnw
� � . w,..��- ,. w� �.:�;: ,,. , ,w.,.�,s.m�.,�....y . ' 0�2DERiNGli��ORMAT,�O�l, .._L,�..�,,..��. ��:.,<..�;._,,,�.xn�rww�. �,...�. - -
�lH:� �-i� �
1. �3o�zvalla6lewlthA1.1347,�1L48U,orGllicadiflraimn.
2, Ron,ctairdatdcusfomt9fo�s��ennn�tu[kller€u.Rvaifa6leln.lf2and�50only.Cansultc�atamerservlre.
dwflygrands�Onalithanlalh+ayCanyeis,GA3aoi2 P�onn:eaD.535.24d5 vnw�aurlrymnlmis.cor� Ul'L•bll.
�]2014-24�7hcal[y�raodsligltting,IncAilrighfs�eser�ed, ftevfl9/13J17 ���2
Sfandard Law ProfFte
STQGt��� ]�ill3tl�� INUIV�g�[�5
, • �- � a
a�L'I271.S 12Q-277UFail-�n�r�nn-flLj J5�
Pkf.�27 �.5 DL 120277U Fail-4n (nan-U1.� Bfue J�€�
ali.'127'#,SGY �2�277vFai[-Oi�(nan-lJ1}Gray .�sp
ilLf.'i?.i1.5BK 'f202i7UFai1-bn�non•UlJBlack J5�
ql.1.�27�7.5 920277UFafl�O(f{non-EJ1.j J50
DL1.�27��.5BL T2Q-277UFai1-�ff(nvn•l1LjBlue J54
Di.i.127 9.5 f.P 92D•277V�at!-Or� (i�on-UL} �Ow Prnfile .f50 '
IlLL327F 3.5 C!![. 12� 277U �ail- Qff .150
D4L�27'�.�CUL �20•277VTail•Qn J3U
tlll3A7F 1.5 Cilt 34?VFail- Clff J5�
�I.L347 9.5 GUL 347V �aE�• On J50
pt�So��,Scu� a8���aiE-off �sQ
o���eo �.s eu�. �aav �a��. on ��o
AculyBnndsj Qnali�hnniaWay CAnyets,GA 3�U�E2 Phan�:80qS35.24d5 s�nuY�coi[ycaafrafs.tam , AiUDI�
Rt20#4�017Acuity6randsElgfiting inc Afirlgi�ts�osenved. Rer.II4113117 �6�2
��P�f�l��� H
���rt�n� ���� T���ni��M �a��
�������� ���, P ����r��a'�'�� ��r���ti��
The K45(}0 Shorrin� Cap features 3--prc�ng lncf�ing-type piug
conrtectot; lt js usad v�ri�ft iurr�lnaries with a phof❑conFrol �'eospi�cle ta
�ompie#e circui# stvhet� a phot000n#rol fs rtat requfred.
m pesigned to meet enviro��'nenta! profec�ion �quirements in
ANS� C'i36.7Q,
m�or+-ipfet� circuii fio provid� direc� cannection �o �wnir�arie wt�e� �o
p�❑fiocpn�rai is eannectecf,
��$�Yi� s
Ci�cfrrc�i! R�'�;ngl:
�ie�uiatory Lfsfi�ngs:
- V�/af t'ahty:
�" (�.� cm) Hi�h. �" (7.6 crn} piamet�r
Milk�+ Vilhite inriih Rfaak Ir��prints
!1V St�bilized Po(ypropelyne �ap
61ack Palypra�elyne �ase
Nenprene �lenc! Gaslcet
Scalid �r�ss Coniacts
-t� �t, •i�a-�-8s v .
Meets AN5! C136-�p -
�n�ironmanta� R�quifemenfs
1,1LJCSA f.�stad
ANs� cys6-�o cornpi��nt
i�imlteof 2�yeaP Mar�[�f�a#urer's Warranty
ti . f - - _- .. - . ._ _ ._ . _ .- 1
Produ�� Type:
Mod�( #:
i 1
�� ,�
�nargy Confrofs
_ ���' f �����A � -
'�� �� � . I .�i
_ �I
' :��.'.�I� ':f.��/ � � 1
7"h� looltir�� ty�e, shn�ttng plug shall insta�i on a AN51 C�35-`� D N�MA styfe S�pir� rece��aele �a cannect load pins -ka
bypass lacai phatocelf con�ral. ShntEinc� p[ur,� shalf �1ave a rating af �5A at �lU�--488 VAC, The shorting plu� shafl be
constt'ubied wifFt llV s�abilfzed pa�yprape9yr�e cap, i�fack Pp�Yl�ropely�te base ai�d naa�rerre blended gaslcat. The
sh�rEing �Iug shali iae ager�cy certifiied and �tes�ed accardi��gly. The sl�or�ft�g plUg sh�l! meet all s�vironmenfa! and
electrEca! requfref��nts o�AfVSI C13S.�10, Tho shos'ting �lug s�afl k�ave a manufacturas lErnited uvarranty 4f 2 ye�rs
t7't�nim�Em. Th� shortin� ptug sl�a[E bs fr�termatic'r►�ode! K450o.
� i u
Ener�y ContYols tinr�vw �n��rmati�_com
#^1������� �
�#r��t ���h� �o��or��n� T������a! �at�
srR��r �.��r�rcon���n���-r's-s��ct��cAr►on�s
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��usE �tc��.p��ts sa�vnc/Dc (�o�y
�16 ALUM��[llM iFi(P1.�X flVERHEAb
�eonl�ulrs: �
ltIG1D N{1NM�'iALLIC SCHED�JI�� 80 {BEL��#� �ND"7.L+r�
����� �va�nn�ra��cl sc���u�� aa t�ou�Gi�� �. r��a�r���
�r�ou�to sax °
o�M�l�s�a�[: i3"xz�"x�ar�,
TIEf� RATlN�: �.0
MA7ERIAl: POLYM�f� COEVCl��T� 7'A�'�R�b $UX
1-�RRDWARE: �-3/8" SQI.T
� I -- .. . .... . .. .. _ _ _ ' _' i . 3 4
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�F, '� ��,.�ti �ja '_�
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T'h�-Onlc� TRM tlmA�d���Y 17tidget fuses are rated 25ti vofts RC and a�'e offsred 9r�
ampere ratings fi�am �ll4� to 30A. �'hey h��e 9� seconds time-delay at 2�0% rsfing
�o provide supplement�G proi�c#Eo� of s[�taif mafors, s�nall fransfQrmsrs and ot�ter .
high inrusn {oads, pfus �nany �ther 250 valt appfications. (h�vtfor ��anch Circuit
-0 Nurn�raus r�tfngs �ar a wide varlefy of applications
� 25QVqC ratir�g in ail sizes up to 30A
a Time-cte[ay for circuifs wlti� high inrush �rrr�ni
a Ca�s be used wifi� lJtfraSafaT"' fuse hQlders
6 7 1l2" x 1�192p (9an3rr1 X SSmm) dlrnenaions
e Ti�na-�d'siay
�a�a�c�g #�urnbers (arrnpsj
TRi�137S0 •
a SrriaH �TiotcaCs
� Srr�all transfoY�'t�:rs
a ��hting �ireuitr
� Gontrol clrcuits
TRh3G/10 TR�11-61i0 -FRM3 iRi��ul1� 7RM10
T1ihfIIf'16 Tfitofi-�S{1 'FFt�A3-21ffF 117�1{6 ' 'PRM12
7�� T{�7 7��{3•iP1 TRf�lCr719 TRFA15
T€��i1-flii 7Rhf�'!7A iitM9 7R1uF! 7R�r120
'�R�11-114 T#�12-9I2 TRAd9-]i1 7R�S8 7RM25
7}u„�1-9/ia TRN12•8li0 3R�la 7RtJ,9 TWJ30
'• i r. • "s � � � •s�
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� � r5: �';�' .r �ata,Z`�o �Nuti�{3r� � I��E�� � � ��' , �,
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F`I��y���. ` 3. �3��.
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Vai�s :25(3VAC
Anips :1l1 D to 3�A
I.�a, : �akA �_�.
Q UL [Psfed ta�standard 24$-'14
�ila E3392�
a C�A Ge�ti�ied io Standard
ri`z2,z n+0. z�}a.�=i
�e,��sw�� +�� �
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6Q� 1fal� in-��.'rrt� �'use �lalde�'s
�u�� ��ocus � �o�.R�t�s
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R A T• I f�l G S:�
Q ��«: s�ov�c � oc
a ,+�����: �oA Maxi��i��n�
� �C�I�: 2D�1cA C�i�ss CC
FW�esj; �(30kA (Mid�ef
F��ses� �
� ti'er;���r�ti��� l�a���+�:15�°G
� k-�;�;V,��
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Me"rsen's cornpfete Elr�e a� single ai�d du�� paf� Ir��(I�t� f�ase haiders
accornrnodate �ither1-1/2" x i3/32" C10 x 38 rnm7 rnidget or Cias.� CG
�uses. Th� f��s� holdsrs ���g desfr�nec[ for c��.iicl� Ir�stalia�iot�, SeGtk1'ItiJ
nuts or screws are captlue th��s s��ed�ng instafiatian by reducing il�e
I�eed to iocdte and ass�m�le toos� corr�pan�nts ii� the �iefcf, "fl�ree
�ii���-n�� C�-rii�gs p�r �aole seai th� f�.�sc� holder prouiding � wate�'-
resis�artt eatt��artment for �he Fuse. The ca�a��ve ��rings are colas•ed
(k�lu� Fr�i'sir�gie ��of� anrl f'ed for dtl�i �rn[�) �ot' clufck ciekeGtion.
O�tior�ai co�ie sha�ed insL�l�tor k�oots ean be slipped on to p��ovide a
+NaieYti�E�t seai (dt'eakaway veYsions come witl� boots �tandard). �fl�i�
si�g�e and duaf �afe �ersians have an o�tionc�l E�r�ai<away �eature
wl�Ich safeEy cfPscannects the laad ir� ease nf a�Q[e kilc�cl<daw��, �Uses
ramain safQiy onc�nslrl�Yed withh� tltia wak�rEicJ}�E fusa E�older oh the
��I �, .���f.',�'_�'�!�'�``'''�_.. ; ���`��`i��r�a�ku�i��i #�i �ih��
%�G ai'ff9 F�Y� ht}�[1BYS lls� 7�Vi$i3:
Ciass GC; A'1"[7R, ATN�F2, ATC1�2
. APP�l.GAT�C)f�S:
� 5treet {ic�htin�
A f�ar€cinc� foC (tghtinc�
� �"r�fflc signafin�
� S�aoYts (fgFit(n�
4 Boats �nd Ira�'it��s
� i �iit71ICI%CDYE'Gt51Ve
< UL �Is�e�l C[ass CC Guide
�ZLT File �52�8�
A Ui. f�aCog�rtizec[ Com�a�7ene
1+7idc�e� Gt�ide fZ�:�'2,
Flle �E�228�
. ��i I_ . F A f`C�.. L91lRi
� �
3• �43a hlcrsen� A1� +1.9hts icsaNad. hfa�suq YQSorVes the C[911t io change, Up�a[o, I;�C� „G11�1� ��
a� ��' � F3� jVf �' �'j$ �[y, � O� vy cnCrecl. vilfhaut notice, any Inlarmat[on eap[afned in tlds dai�sf�eei. E't LY F�
�xprF�Jfe, otrrsaulx'� of enar�y
���3� ���, ��7C, �EY
&Qo tlol� In��ir�� Fuse a,lald��s
�us� sl_.ocKs
� i-i{3E.i7�RS
r��_ .�--���:.s�-��n-s�ss� m ..�--Y-�-...«r- , _ . .. .��a��. - .. _ .._._.._ �_ .-n.�J-~�..�,-.::, ,.. �., --
M�RSEi� 1N�LIN� FL.TS� �1��.�7�R Fl�MaL.Y — �
•� ;-.:.
t!: _
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C�fi�1PI�fG TOD�.5 (OR CQUfVI�LEt�lT} AR� R�CDMi"IENi��D:
_ �.
?�_._..__ rsr�R��. v�rauM .
� �._.�__.--_—•'-�Y2ivfRM��_` TBM2ll9M5BLUE�EE,4YT115A�1E� _
3 Y2MR _ T�M2ICRM�GR�YAI[4Yi���-Ao��� �
A__..__.�. .�. _... Y2hER �_._._....�..._.. TAhizn8ivf5�t3o4VN nlE,.l�4f-.t3s•AT)f��_�
i � ._�. _. - --.__......_ . . i.. . .. - ._. . _ �. .�. _:_ �
fJote: Const�lt factory For afl�er configuraifons
�us� Q�.acx�
� Ho�.r��t�s
f���U, I�EC, ��)C, FkY
6�0 VafG lri��..ine �Lise �loldes�s
17"� V'l-'+.���':�_���_ ���..._.�cc-�— _.�— -'" �'�p_sv.- . .�....ti-r� �a.�°s.3�Y . � -. . +qS ."�� _ ._ � �... _ , . . :. �— _ �.
f�l I G N� i G I--I i 5:
a �reaicaway v�rsian q�.�lc�tly cEfsconr�ects lir�e stcl�
e{irrfng po�e �<nockdowl� In corripifance wiih state
aF�d �derai hi�i-�waY commissfor� sta�-�dards
� 3 O-rings per pols for wat�r �ic�hC �pplieattans
� GoloYed O�rinc�s for c#�rf�[� dste�tion
� Sing�e and duaf pd[es
� /acc��ts rnidg�t or Class CC f�ses
a Wide assartm��tt of ��rrrtinal variatians
° High heat, i►npact [-esistant instrfa�ot•
a CapYive-�t�� ot� sct�ew �nr c{iilcic fnstaliat3ons
4 �alai•Izec€ dual pole provid�s s}m�tll•aneous
^ PsYman�hkEy installed ne�rtraf versians quickiy
iG��li�ffl�C� �7y W("11tB i'[LIfS
a T�ali�a �Zase clfp for imprr,ved cantact and iov� losses
A �nvlrahm�ty��fiY friencEiy..no laad so[deC t�sec�
� Hic�hly vtsibie catalog ��umb�er even wlth insufatian
baots ins�ailec#
� Wlre c�auge sfze iclentifi�d an insEdatfan boo�s foY
c�u�cic, accurate tri►r�min�
� T(rr�� d�l�y for rnot�or s�artir►g �nc� transfarmer i�rush
► � . � T
.� �3"5 �� tyn: a 6a,cr-� r: 5 r .r"�x, c�::,�-i
Fam1iJ€�'�, =Cda 4%�sna����fi�'¢ @�;1�1.� Ar��?��'��:�-.�-'� �Q��[9€i;s�
fwfC7M�'I�iCLATUR� I..�G�ND
FE8 Siop,lepolemidget
FEG Sinp,[epofeClass�C
f�'X aua� Fulamidgat
FEY Atf�f poTe Ctuss CC
F'�ghl Single pole neulra(
1. Non--breaka�vay units o"a no,f
}ncfude Insulator-haots, Thes�
optlanal cone shaped �oats ara
available to provide a �Ya�srtfght
ihstallatron_ Tl�e �rrsulaiar
boats are designed �a forna a'
Wafei'tighkS�I oVer cpncluctQrs,
but due to VarYfri� u✓Ire
insulaffan slzes Ft ls suggested
ihai tane aVr�p ke ut1llzed far �
best tesWiCs
�'SB1= Sln�le canduetaxbaot
,�r.;. �e ,r.
i.`t_�l �n ' , r - . �
4. FE�N vorslans hsve a
permanentfy maunted clt�mrr�y
fuss foYneutl�f �ppllcaclohs.
�P.M�RS�Ed.CC�NE h� �i;
��us� ��,a�Fcs
& i-IOLD�i2S
��C3, r'�G, �C)f, �'�'�'
5C��7 1ia[� �17�L..iF't@ �i��Q �C.��C���'5
_ _ - ..rr-' � - - %.-.x.;z,yF��a�c — ' _ _ _ __ - _' __ _ - _ _ _ , �77:5i"S]
F��3 AND �EC, NO(�--BR�/-��CAilUAY �1ND B�2�AKAWI�Y
�'�� FERRh2 5Hls1d[�€L!7
• � 4.3" (71omrn7 �
8.�" C2D��'rtt�1 ASSEMBLEI� �.�I�l�TI-f titV1iH OPTI�NAL �SI�'! C3C?OiS
��rrnz s�nc�xur
� �.7" C119rntr�3
�-�---, 5.8" {147mrn) A55EM�L�D �.�l�IG'T'�-t -----� -
� 9.fl" (229rn1Yt) ASS�MCiL�D I.ENGTH .
F�RR�z SHAldhlfll'
g o- F�R3,tAZ SHA6li�1U7
�- 4.�" Cio9rr�m7 -----� �
$,tJ" (20��Cn) ASS�MBL�D L�hIGTH WfTH OPTfOl�AL �S�1 �OO7S
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.��_��_� c v�3:-?c_�..�..a_.,� _._,.—.�e�1:!-
�F'.1+4�RS�N�COf"1 �� �
�i-� �r� L'�''1�� � r 'p C;� i� 'si �'��i�� "f� �r�'
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-'' : r yn i � `r �Y �J �{ rts� �.� f ri �. ' � �2 s�€�P��t �
i l`G 5 � n,��� '�J �rT � `13 1�`' Ea� 1;� � i'} �:���
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. F�is} ;''� � ���,4 � F.��z�� ''� �;'+�i.s �Y1��=? �X'
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Phas� Cond�ectars gara Neatral Messenger �eigilt {IFis.j per �aOU
Cnde Insuiailon
�P�� SizeAWG Steand 7hicEcness SizeAWCr �trand Breahing x��, Qo�� HLP
;mitsj [Ibs,J $tre»gih
SetE�r g Solid 45 G 6/i 1,1�n 73.2 73.2 85
� Shephetd � 7/w �," 6 6/1 1,t9U 78.� 74..G 85
�skimo 4 solld h5 A sJl i,a8a i�,3.7 ���.� A7.�i
T�rrl�r � 7jw h5 4 6J1 1,860 �.�.8-7 113_6 ��0
ChaW � 7Jw A5 Z 61� Z,850 �83,.7 x7,q`7 150
��[I 1�U �9/W 60 �IO 6/1 4,380 29&.7 280.3 2D0
Ftll VHIIl�3 �1'b itOfTl�Ilal �R[� SLib�BC€ fd COTC80�Itli1
Ar�tpaafty 90°C enr�duetdr #�rr�}�sratures, 20°C �mE�ieni temperat�ars Rl-!� 94 i 00°lo Ivad f�tetar fiar three conductar tripfex wEfh ne�tr�l
oarry#��g arrly uni�alanced load. Atl ye3[ow extrncted strlpe cab]e is Xl.l� 3nsulafion. if� St�ndard 8�4 avai�able upan request,
Ampaaily t'atings are not applf�aE�fe for hE�C a�plicatfons. .
,A�ppiicatipt�p plumfnum l3upleK Oveihoad cable Is das[gned far use to supp(y i 20 �oli aeria[ servtce foriemporary s�rvfae at
CC)1'fSEf{7CtiOfE Si��9�•OIJfCi00Cflf 5tP8�� �f�.Jlil�ilg� �CFIf$ ���7j$ IS Sf1EI�1]I8 (OCS�31'v{CO flt 600 VOI�S Or iOYIlBC9 �1 3 C6flCIE[G'�Qt"
teEnperatuYe vP7s°C �naXimulT�. .
Gn�dea�EorsR R concenirfG sirand �roompressed i3�0-Ft19 sorios sluminum series afumfnuh� aunductar.
�I[es��ng�r: A bare A�SR messenc��r. Opt7ona� consfructEans inelude a messenger of AAG ar a2ot alloy,
IF19UI�'�iOtlli R hiaotc orass linlced polyeihylene (XI.�T} insulatlor� Po]yetf�ylene (I��j ins�Eation is avafla6lra u�an requesf.
��.,�tr.rFS`�i�rcl ` - i � �313� • •
Q I'uorzty W�z� & Cabie, �..zt#Te Rack, AR �'WC-2017
iY f` � M� �
3J .�1� - r ' � f4
�'� ��it� � =� ,' r� � � �\ti�Z
�',��� I1��_S �1 �. ;I yI} ', ; �3��j
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- - 4I-;jy ' - _-
=t' �� • �
.y � `�.r
�.�����a�� '�"������ �����h��c�
PhaseConductoYs RarnNButralt�essanger lAretgB��lbz}geYi.pooFe. lkmpsckyqkmp$
cnde InsulaEian Breaking �
Waxd SExeAWG Strafid 7hiri�pess SixeAW4 'S[rantl Strength iiLf� pnly ill.R PaEy
�} [I6s)
pafudtna 8 Saild 45 fi 6/L ]�i9U 3.A4,P j]3,0 g5 70
� Valqta S 7Jw d5 6 S/x 1,19� 175.0 ig2.p g5 7�
Whelk a salEd 4s a sJs z,s�a is9.o X�a„u tia 90
�erievinkle g 7/ur 45 4 6/1 i,BSR 3.7Z.a �ss.0 AAO gA
conch Z 7}w as 2 s/2 z.SSo z62,a 2s7.o �"Q �.AS
Ne�fEna 1/p 7JW SO lJ0 fi%E A,380 420.0 4I4,0 �p� 455
Cenla �fp ,19Jvr 6U AJA 6/11 A,3&6 A#9.4 JO8.0 z0Q � Z��
xun�ina zN 71w cv z1'o s/� s,aio 5�s_o s�.o a3u iaa
Trltan xjq 19/ca 60 2/0 6/A 5i310 511.0 yp5:0 230 j,�p
C13errYstone �la 7J�v �0 31Q s11 s,sza Ss�.o 8q�.e asa zos
Mursia 3/� 19/W GO 3fU 6/i 6,526 6J�.0 6i6.0 26U Z05
�aao� ,�/a r/w so a/a ��i s.sso exa.a �9s.n a�a xas
7��ra a)o 79/w fi6 �/a s/i a,ssn �s�.o �7�.b �o0 2s�
Ei►npek 33fi a�hv 8� 33S 1$f!. 8.G80 3.1U1.D �j47.� 9$� 734
-- � '!
ScsHop 4 5a€fd 45 6 G11 J..i9d ].42.0 �gg,b R�.4 90
SIYOFIibus ¢ 7%W 45 6 5%3. 1,190 A51.0 1A8.0 1,1t3 9U
Gvckle � T/w 45 h GJ�. 1,860 228.0 yy�.a 15� g;�
janthina �./o 7fw eo z �I�- z,asa ss�o aso,a za� �as
itane�Ea 1/(3 i9/w 66 2 6/1 2,S5Q �'6x.tl 856.Q 20� 1.55
CUVOUryla 2f0 ifW Sp 3. 6f} 8�550 452.0 499�0 230 1&0
Cilo 2J6 ].4]w 60 1 6j31 3,55D 999.0 A37.o x�4 �g�
Sanddal[�r 3�p 7�w 60 i/0 6/A 4,aaa 57fl.0 557.a 2�a za5
qega gfU i�/w 6� 1./4 6J1 A,��a 565.4 552.0 26d �SO
ruulensh .t1� 71w so xlo �lf 5,��n �a�.a s�s.n �oo xaa
G4Ydp�s 4/6 I9/W GO 2)0 G/x 5�390 fi7H.i3 570A '�fl� �`��
CovJty S9G 19/w 9� 4/4 $/A 8,85� 7135.� 9093A HBO ZRO
Alf va[ues are nominal and suhJoct Eo carrecllon
� ' � . . . , . - . . �lV�li�P�r�aaLaais�v►rta:aH.
�'a� �4F'°��� °' ����
C�3 P�`iariiy'Wire & Cab�e, Ziet�e 12ock, !-�T< �G�O� 8
(� ` +J�� ,. �f�t� �T� � F �-..,: �� �
\ �5 ti '
,:,Ii �`�, � ' =i �� � � "�
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�r�,�. �rskN�e
"��i���� ��������a ��t���u�t�� ���'�` ���
Phase Canductar NeutYnl 5intsfa Ampatily
phase ���fsicie Waight Am�s)
InsuiaE(atF lhsulatinn Coizductor ������r �ILs.) paY
Sfx� Siranding Thlckqess 5iz� Stralld#r�g 'ihicimess �inehns� �anpft, �irect tn
. [inohes} 6ur�af Auct
AW� {mlis) AWG [mi1sJ
. fi 7 SO 6 7%w SO U.299 0.&46 i43 95 7(1
4 7 GO _._... �.. .�4 7/w 60 cl.�95 �,754 2A3 12S 90
2 7 �4 4 7/w 6p 0.40� f1.847. 264 I65 1zQ
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qmpacFly 904C conducdar temp�t0.Lures, 2a°C amh[enf iemperaSure. RH� �.10� l fo�diaoEOC [ot ihraa conduclartnples vviih rtoulra! car�ying nnly
unbalanced load, +4rnpacliy rt6ifor NCC aAP��o�@ons. .
Ap�n�iCr�fFol7s Aluminum SDDV 11�iU oAbfe 1s deslgnc+d for us� �rt aaaonda[y dlsil7�utlon c�rcutfs, where [nstal�edln ducf br direct
huriai xpplioatiar�s. �vlaxirnum operatlrtg temparature Is notto exceed Sfl� in wet and clrylocalions. Vatt�t s rat�ng �s
60U valis. As an apkian, this aable �en be pravided pre-puiled inta d�af. .
�a�rtiu�fars: Conoentrio scrand or aompressed 93�o•H9F1 spries �fumfntem sonductor. Conduclors are cahled tugolher, v�1th surface
. prfn►ing 4or idenitltcatloi�. Tlie neuErat cnntft�cfnr hart s� ys!]ow st�ipe.
#n+RwIC'o!1'�oh■ pf.n' ak aYony Ifnktld palyoti4yleneb (XLP� jrtnulnifnrt.
�iS�iiiP,i'`ti'I�lil��y , '�"`� , .. I[311�itiyWiaNf3�iikt - i.. a --
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O��tiority�'QTira & Cab�e, �itile Ra�k, AR 1'WG20�8
����� ����������� �������� �� �������
Meets �pc�clffaation� ai' UL 65'f and IV:CMA ��2
�?aied fal' 90"G �able
�tanllght �#eslstant
�A' �.engt�s
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Addendum Na. 9
Rec�uest for I'ropn�al tRFP): 79-OOSO
Fropasal cEuelProposal f3pening date: �arrc� �8, ��79
f�aie Issued: i111arch 22, 2D�9
Adclendurn No. '[, d�tec! March 22, �01 � is hereby arr�ended to incorparate En ftall �ext the following
Herewith attached clarifiGakion request recsi�ed �i-om the �ra�os�rs and C�ty'� response, �s Exhibit A.
All ather �erms and condi#ions remain th� same.
�� � .�--.
Cynft�i� Garcia, Assistant Director
no�tbmgti�t�+e�onu�y�rvooQ000�etn�e�����sard�on�i �rr�ra�ar�tl�tsa�ana��e���$.��o?e.noaar�gaad�n,a�nns
By th� signafure afFixecf f�elow, Adde�dum No. 9 is heref�y inCorporat�d into and rnade part o�' fhe above
re#erencec! RFP_
[VC?T�. Com�aany nam� and signatur� rxius# be fhe same as on th� quofatic�n docum�nt�.
Failur� ta return this forrr� with yaur seaE�d bicl may cor�stitu� grauncfs for rejectian of your offer.
9 9-Q080, RFP-LED
Add�ndum No. 1, Page '€ of 5
Exhi�aft A
Clarificatian Re uest Receivecf from i�e F'ro osers and Cif s R�s onse
1. Gouid TPV1f pravide S�ec Sheets available fior barrier free rarrtp typ� R-'�, U�1, M-'[, M-2, M-3, i'-
�{, P-�, C��, C-2, G3`� ? A'I - The barrier free r�rnp iine items will be removed fram #he bid
tabt�latior� c�ocume�tt. Hawever, Gity Skandards are a�ailabl� vi� th� Ciky of Fort tNarth website
�htt :Ilforhn+arthfex�s. ovlt wlcontractorsf) �ta�rfards and Detail Dra�ings section.
2. The scope of work calls for #2 sfr XHHN #v be usec! on ihe pr�ject_ The �xcel �[e for uni# pric�
calls for � Dupl�x HO insulated, #6 Tripl�x HO insulated, #� 0 insulated_ Could 71'W spec�fy
what ►n�fe is to k�e used? A2 -- Wir� types to be used are: 344'f .'f 402 Furnis�fEns#a{I NO 6 �u�lex
ON insulated Eleetrica� Cor�duciar, L�; 3441.�4a3 Furnishllr�stall �dQ 6 TripEex OH insufafed
Electrical Gonductar, LF; 3441.'14'f0 Furnishllnstall NO '14 Ins�tlatad Electr�cal C�[�ductar, LF.
XHHtIU strancE�d capper is to f�e �as�d (�ee Appandi�c E, CFW Standard Detail Stree� Luminaire
RiSer Connection Sfan�ard aetaiE 34 A 1 2D-C}623 rev. � 1-20 2Q18 Elect�icaE General N4tes �`2).
3, Can we inelude a Tak�l� of Content� wi�h our �id7 If so, wil! it count agai�st the 20 page
maxirr�um? A3 - A tab�� of content� can be i�cluded and wiEl counf against the 20 page
4. Gar� v�re ir�clude one 11 x 17 page for #h� project sc[�eclule so if is easier to rea�? '�his can be
foldecf so that it fifs within fhe ather 8.� x 11 pages. A4 -� A 1 i"x7 7" folded schedule is
permissible fo� submissian ar�d will count as one page of the 20 pag� limit,
5_ Please canfirm the 5ummary Page from Appendix �- Ta�aulatians should b� inc�uded in Section
B. Can we �nclude ti�e 4 Area pages �s a suppfemenfal appendix? Please confirm ��ese page�
will nof count tawards our 2(? page maximum. A5-Tabufatirans are to be incf�ded €n Section B a�c�
v�+iil caunt �flw�rds the 20 page maxirnum_
�. In Se�ticsr�s G and F, should w� anly include the appropriat� com�leted ta�s from Attachrr�e�t �',
or can we inc{ud� supplemen�l infarrrratian oe� our qualificatians and references wifhin fhose
sections? - A6 -� Secfion C of t�e Respor�se Format �naf Organiratiorr - Attachmen� a shauld
provide informatian �bout qualificatior�s and expe;rienc�, especialiy as it r�*la#es ta sim�Ear projects
af this nat�r�. Te�rr� member r�aurnes shauld be included in a separate ap�aendix and li�nif�d ta
faur pages_ Sectir�n F of f�espor+se Forrrrat ar�d �rgar7rzation - Attachrrterr� D sF�auid contair� 3
referer�c�s frdrn sirnilar projects compl�ted within khe last 3 year�. Ad�itidnal s�pp€ementai
infarmation ca� �e su�mitted if it daes not exceed the 2Q page rr�axir�um proposal requirement_
7. Gan you r,or�firrn we shnuld submit, � original, � copies and 1 U5B? A�7 -�ne (� } original, faur
(�4] capies and one ('f) iJ�� �lash �rive af �Il Offer documents shall be submitt�d in s�aled
pacl�ages. Proposer'� na�ne and address should be rrtarked on khe nutside of the e�velope.
Facsir�ile frans�titta{s or offers cDt�ntnu�icated by telephDne �vill nof be accepted or cons�dered_
Proposak infarm�fiion that is not submitted in sealed �a�cka�es will €�at �e considered.
8. �or SUbcontrac�ors the R�P-'i 9- �0�0 Vendnr Qualificati€�ns and R�:�erences-A��achmen� F asKs
for "Audit�d financial stat�ments {lasf thre� years)n_ Many suiacar�tra�tors are priva�ely ovsrt�ed
ancf ha�� a practice to limit �i�ancial rep�r�ing. Are there nther aptians to acfdress subconfractor
fina�ci�ls� Wauld it be possible just ta �se the financial statemenfs of the prirne u�ntr�ctar �s an
appendix fa cover alf subs and work? A8- "RFF'-'f �J-t108Q Il�ndor Qualific��ions a�c� �ef�rences-
A�tachrtieni F", Subcontractors tab, wlll be amend�d to exclude the audited finar�c�af stat�meni�s
(lasf three y�arsj.
19-008a, RFP�I.�[�
Addendum No. �, Page 2 of 5
9. l� appears fhe coniractors pre-�ua[ification form {SECTION 00 �€5 93) �eeds fa be notarized. T�e
curr�nt �ieadline f�rr pre••qua{ifc�tions was yesterday. Is it possibl� to extend fihe pre�qualification
due cEat� ta 03/2'iJ��19 ar 7 days �rior ta the proposal o��ning dat�? A9 — SECTIOEJ 00 �5 'i 3,
BIDDER PREQUA��FICATlC�N AF'I'LICATION is a standard Gity form. The applicat�on should be
submitf�d by contracfors who are not currentiy pr�-qualifi�d #o install road�vay and pedestria�
lighting in #he City af ��r� V1�orth.
�ection DO �4512, PR�QIJAl,�1=��ATION STAT�IUf�NT, shduld �e subrr�itted by contractars wha
are alr�ady prequafified to i�stall roadway and pedestriarl �ightfng in the C�ty af Fort 1North.
These documen�s must be submi#ted to tF�� City as p�rt af �he bid propasal �nd shc�uld be
rec�ived in Purchasing by �: 30 �m on Thursday, March 28, 2Q�9.
CantraCtdrs who have c�uestions a�out pre-qualification ren�wals may sub�r�it c�uestivn� to:
Ms. Sheifa Baker
Purchasing S�pervisor
F�SP��rchasinqResponses fc�rfwor�}�texas. ov
at��c�: ts���s����a��
90. �age 2 ofi�e so]icifa�ion stafes Each Services Agreem�nt will be �or an initial o�e�year period
with u� tc� #�ur o�tional renewa�s.", hQwever, iiem 2�.2 (p7} st�tes "The Contract(s) award�d f�orn
th[s RFP shal[ be ex�cuted for a fwo-year ir�itial term wii�t three (3j on��year opfians �o renew at
th� Gify's safe discretio�". Can the Gity please clarify t�e int�nded term nf the Agreernent? A1� —
Th� ferrn i� the R�P for an Enitial o�e-year periad wi#h up to fnur o�kional renewals is correct and
the terms in the cantract, i#ei� 252 wil[ be arner�ded.
1�1. �4.3 states that prap�sals shall be [imited to a max[rrrum of twentY ��Cf) 8-�l2" X�'[v �aages (one
side oniy and includ'in� cover �etter} using a f�nt size no smaller than 1�}a�int and ane inch
mar�ins, how�ver, AttaGhment D. l�es�anse Forrnat and �rgani�at[on sta#es "na smaller than Q.5
incries" ior rr���gins. Can �e Cifiy please �arify fi.�� appropriate margin size? A� 1— A�prapriate
rninii�um rnar�in sizes �+re m�nn�um Q5 inches_ A praject sch�dufe may be submiiied on a single
�olded 91"x'�7" page that �nrill coun� �s orre page,
'12. 92.0 �ontr�ct Incorpnra�ian in khe RFP r�ferences an Access Network Agreemen�, hawev�r, no
suct� ag�eem�nt can be found_ Can th�: City please clarify if this will �ae p�vided? -- A� 2-Th�
Nefw�rk Access Agreement vtirill b� provi�ed after the contract is executed.
13. Gan the City clarify if #he Appendices ar� exciuded fror►'r #he �0 page fim�ta#ion? A� 3—
Attachmenf i� sGaper�des t�e s�andard fanguage in the RFP.
'[�4. Woul�! the Giiy consider granfing a twa (2} week extension to th� ��e date �a allo�nr firms to
�p�ro�r��tely address #he City's res�Qnse.s iQ �nth questians ask�d as par� of the pre�bid, as wel!
as i�ose farmalty s�bmifted by �111arch 15'� ? A1�4 v No, fF�� current timeline is still s�t for �ic�
Opening nn March 28, 2�19
16. Are we to utilize the formufa �n tE�e �id Valu� colurr�n o� the 7abulation spr�ads�eets tha# inc[udes
� 5% markup? �Vo, p�ease use the u�iated tabulatians Appendix B
� 6. Are B[d Tabulatiar� farms ko �� pr�avided in Excel sprea�sheet forrr�af on th� USB cErive? A16�
Yes, pleas� use the updateci bid tabulafion forrn�t,
� 7, �1ViEl the City ��o�ide GIS data for� the currer�k street Ifght 9nventory that is fhe �u�je�ct ofi the R�P to
t�� selected vendor in a GfS file fnrmak, s[ach as a Shap� fi1e7 A'17 - Yes, �tte City vvil] provide the
s�lected vendor a current inventory in a GIS fife format �uch �s a shape file.
1 g.�Op$p, R�P-LED
Addendurn No. '{, Page 3 of 5
�f 8. ls nigh� wor[c affowed? A18 � Na, night wark is not �Ilowed_ Vlfork is a1lov+red on v�eefcdays frnrri 9
�� to 4 �rn.
'i 3. F'lease clarify �he colar temperafure af the preferred luminaires, as i� is st��d as 3�fl��C in
Attachment C but the cut sheet praaided incficat�s �FDDDK. A19 T T�e ca�or ter�-rp�rature �f the
preferred luminaires is 3000K. The ordering nur���r for the preferred [uminaires iisted on th� cut
sheets is for 30�OK_
2p. Wil( th� award�d Contractor be required to prov�de pi�otarrietrics an �f�e project if ��e sp�cifisd
fixture is used? A20 - Nc�, the award�cf car�trac�c�r wiil n�f �e req�ired tc� provide �hoiom��rics an
khe projec# �f th� �pecified fixture 9s ��ed.
�1 _ 1l,lilf the project be awarcteci to on� con�ractar for a!1 A� areas �r will they a�+rard eac� �rea to
i�dirridual contractors? �1-l'he c�ntrac# r�ay �ie �rnr�rded to m���tiple vendors_
�2_ Will pole repl�cemerrts be like for-Ijke (e.g., existing wnod �Sol�s vs►ill be re�iaced with �+roacf pales
and existing metal poles r�rill b� replaced with m�tal }�o1es}? A2�-Yes, pofe replaCem�nts will be
23. Wil� the Gity want poles badgec� to identify and link tha physical infrastruc�u�e w�fih the database7
A2;�- �la, the City will �at want the pol�s bad�ed.
24. Wii1 there be a�Y r�quirerr�er�t for camrnunity �ngagemer�f beyond resid�nt notifications? A2�- No,
t�-�er� wi�l not be any r�quireme�t for communi4y �nga�err'3er�t beYond resicler�t notificatians. Gity
staf� v,�ill be responsible for �amrnunity engag�mer�t_
25. What is #he meaning ar definik�on of the follovrring questions in the refere��es and su�conkr'aGtors
tabs? Busin�ss Processes Impi�mented and V�rsian of Proposed �vfutinn Impl�m�nted. P.25-
�xclude rep�rtin� Busin�ss �'rocesses �rt�plement�e� and Version n� f'roposed Soluti�n
Implemented valu�s an #he References and Subcontractors tabs af Attac�ment F-V�ndor
Qualificafions and Referei�ces.
26_ �an a cantractar [�se a Ci#y af Forf Vllorth Project fnr a ref�renc�? A26-Yes, � City of Fork Wnrth
projec# m�y be ��ed far a reference.
27. Can Su�contraetors A�dited financial stat�rrrents (last tl�ree year�j be an �i�chment7 A27 -
�xclude reporting Auditeaf financial stat�nnents (last three years) on the subcontractor in
Attachm�nt F of RFP 19-Q�80 SUbcontractors ta€�.
28. Are ih�:re forrrts andlor instructinns required to Pre�QualificatiQn as a Contractor with the Cify of
Fart Wor�h? A�8-Yes, the s�r��t light pre-q�alificatian instruGtians rnay b� found at:
}�f�p;/If��-tvyrorthfexas. av/t v�r/contra�tarsf. From the Standards and C7efai[ sectian, Click on the
link kha# says viewldawnload tt�rou h Buzzsaw. Once in F3uz�saw, go tio Resourcesl0�-
cqns#ruction pocumentslContr��for Prequal�fication to see fhe Street Ligi�t F're�qualification
29. Can the s[ammary �hee� in Appendix B be changed ta directly accoun� far sumrr►arizing alf af the
praject item clescriptions fabula#ed �++ithin the sheets f�r Ar�as 'I , 2, 3 artd 47 Yes, the bid
tabulatian dacument has been upe�ated.
30. City nfi Fort Wort}� S�andard Construction Specifica#iQn Dacuments � Arficie 5—�onds and
lnsurance — Page 16 af �3 — Section 5.�2. �er�Ormance, Paymenf and Maintenance Ban€is are
described in general; hawever, �h� RFP does not speci�calfy nutli�e bondin9 r�ciuirem�nts far
this job. Gan yau p�ea�e exPl��r� b�nding requ�rements in more detail? A3��TIie City of Fort UVarti�
r�quir�s perforrnance, �ayment, and mainter�ance bonds in the amount o� the con#ract Walue.
� 9-t1080, RFP-LE.D
Addendum No. 1, F�age ��f 5
Tf�e City's forrr�s may b� fau�rd in F3uzzsaw af viewidawn�c�ad t�rouqh Bu�zsauu. �nce in
Bu2zsaw, go t� Resourc�s102�Construction C}ocum€�ntslSpecificationslDiv 0�-Gener�� Canditions
and loolc far forms 4D61 � 3, 006� �4, and 006� 9 a.
Bonds will be rec{�aired at fh� t�me of co�tract �xecufion.
31 _/�ppendi�r B— Maps ant! Bid Ta#�ulations — Unit PriC� Bid �orms —"Miscelianeous �fructure
Adjustrn�nts inclucfing on� op�rator and equipment" G2�est[an: F'lease define "equipment." ln
Attachment �- secfion, thcre is a request for a lis� of �c�uipment that th� cantractvr proposes tc�
us�. This unit (per ho�r) price shall �nclude a piece of �quipm��t and the operat�r�s) required tn
�e�orm addit�onal services such as adjustrnents #o existing fighfi strucku�es.
32. Ap�er�dix ��- General Gonditians — Arkicle �— Bonds and fnsu�ance Ques�ion: C�n you pleas�
�rovide mor� detaii regarding bond requiremen�s? Article 5.02 s�aaks ta the bond requiremenfs
for perfarmance, paymeni at�d tr�a�nten�r�ce bonds. Se� Question # 30 for insfructions to acc�s�
th� bond documents.
33. �lppendix B-- Area M�ps a�d Bid Tabulations Questian: For unit pricing based on squ�re fo�tage
{S�}, linear footage (L�) anci square yards (SYj, can you provide minimurn requirements? -Page
2 ofi �e RF� speaics to tt�� suceessful praposer foll�wing the lakest v�rsion �f the City of Fort
1lVarth Construction Specifications. These are a�aifable f�om our website
�ttp�//farkworth_texas._a.avft wlcantractarsl
Pleas� use the �pdatec[ bid tab�alation that has be�n upd�ted an th� RF�.
3�4. Request for Proposals -� ��ction �6 -- Minority �usiness Enfierpri��: Provisions Question: �an you
p�ease cC�rify the suppli�r diversi�y rec�uirements? Specifically can the 7% diaerse goal only ��
f'ulti[[ed lay an MB� or couid fhe requll'ement be ful�illec� lay a QB�, SB�, or WB� firm as we11?
A34- Section 26 of the RFP states �hat only the Minority Busir�ess �n€�erprise (N1SE} di�erse
goal is '�`�o. Far addi#ional questians please cr�ntact Taslla L. Kilgore, C�A Gontract Gompfiance
�pecialist CconorrElC Developrnenf Departmer��, OfFice of Business Diversify �'� 50 South
Freeway, 5uite 1�}4, Fort Worth, TX 76104, Offiice= 817�392--2643 Fax: 817-392-2881,
tasha. kiiclore(��nrtwor��texas ,c�ov
19-D€180, RFP-LED
llddendum No. �, Page 5 af 5
�T'I'�LC�11'l]��IV'I' �
��(_}1VTft.��Cs'1'���{`� l��i�l'�I�iSFs�'O
�t�-�:��'�ST 3'i��� �'}�C�P�)��iLS
� .. "���``jj'
, ' j�l � lS LLJ ����,� --�ti '������� ���f � � .
� 821 E, Ezxon Avez��le P SX7-561 7�A0 .,>�`' :� ;..�
�oc-iY�ortl�, Texas iGX�O I' 317-�61-7�03 k���. � -.
vv�v�-,13eat�eleclzzcaLcoixi �
March 28, 2{}�9
R�fer�nce: R�f'-19-0080
f'rimary Cantac€s; Roy E Bean II (Chipj
cbean beane�eetrical.cnm
81i �617A00 Offiee
682 429 673� Cell
Andrew Hawkins :
ahawkins beanelectrical,com
$17 5617�440 Q#fice
817 92.9 523� Cell
�ean Electrical, inc. Wau{d Itke to be consider�d #�r 1. ar a114 �eograp�lica! Areas.
Area 3. $80Q,736.50
Area 2 $810,182.82
Ar�a 3 $727,3�4�.p0
Area �4 $538,�9�.UQ
Bean ��ectricaf, Inc. Comrnits to provfdin� 7%of the project to Minority �usiness Enierprise (MBE)
Participatian. We wlA purchase mater�afs from Duran t�d�strfes wha is a Electrical Supptier, approved
bv the City of Fort worth
�r�ci �����
Regulated �y The Texas pepartment of �lcensEng and Regulations, P.O. Box 12�.57, Austln, Yexas 7$717., 7.(8�0)803-9202,
(512J463�599 website www.licen e.sta#e.bc,us com lalnts
�� �� �� �� ��
PROJ�C� M�i1VAGi�1V7` ANYI AS5ESS11'��N'�`S k'O�t S'i'RT�,E'1' %,IGAT INSTALI.A'Y'TON SLRViC�+ S AI� L�D CdNVE12S�0iYS
RFY No.19-p08�
Issuet�: February 13, �419
*�**�** Thurfidav March �S 2019 bv 1:30PM Lo�al'I'_xme �+*�*�'�*
�OR'I' WORTH, TEXAS 76102�G314 FORT WORTH, TEXAS 7b102�G3�4
Pre-Proposal Confe�rence s3�a� be �eld: 1�TA11� AN]] A�DRESS OF �OMPANY
'I�esday, Mai�ch 12, 201.9,1�:00 A.M. (Lacal Time) , at ���-'�'nTTING PRDi'Q�AL:
5001 Taznes Avenue, Fort Worth 7�115, in the Train.ing
Conferenee Roonn Bean Elecir�c�l Inc,
�m�x��mmmx�:�*��x�*���xx��:���*���*�*�*�*�x:�������:�m� 8z1. E �!'101i
Errerman Texas 75�.4�
�a� �nuiT�aNAL nvFv�a�r�arr
�t�GA,�2DYNGTHIS RFP FT,EAS�CONTA,C�': Caz�tact Person: ROj! E. ��aii �� ,
Shei#a Baker, Purchxs�g Stapervisor
slxeil�.l�R7cerr.�'oz•tWo�-tl�Te�as. ov Title: Pra�ir��nt
Phone: ( ) 8�.7-551-7
Sheila Baker, Purci�asing Buyer �rnail: cb be cai.eo
P�trchas�ng Division � J��!
2�0 Te�cas Street, Lnwer Le�el ������ �
F'art Worth, Texas 76102-G31�# Prinfe ame:,�oy E. B�an il �
ShalI contract be availalnIe for Coop�raiive Agreen�xent use3 (5ee Seetion 2i, pag� 7} Yes K Na�,
Acknov�rled�nen#afAddenda: #13/221201�2��3 #4 #S ---
,� � , L �' �� - -
� i
-�.-. ,
�ITY OF' �t'��T WORiH
Adder�durn f�lo. 1
Request for Propr�sal (RFP}: �9-OOB4
Proposal dueiPrc�posal Opening dafe: March �8, 2099
Date Iss�ed: N�arch 22, 2015
- Addend�m Na, 1, dafed Marcf� 22, 20�9 is f�ereby amended to Incorporate En fuli tex# the fol[owing
Herev�+i#h a#tached c�ariflc�tion req�est rocelved from t}�e praposers and Ci#y's r�sponse, as �xhibif A.
�1i1 o#her #erms and cor�ctitlor�s remain ihe same.
��r�� �
�� �.�
Gy�ihta GapC[a, Assistant Director
���� nnnqproQo 0 oi��'�LIIRa� �btl tlFlilil� f� �i1Q� 0 btl��il �7110t11i1¢�p� iditiS��7�11�10Y1� ��IfiIIA1 tl310��11�1i P
By fhe si�na�ure affixed �elow, AcEdend�m No. 1 is here�y incorpar�ted inta �nd rnade pari of t�e abava
refere�ced R�p.
��. .
�[OT�: Company name and signatur� �ust be t�a sarr�e as on the quotatian documents.
�ai�ure to retum t#�Is forrr► wlth your seaied bid m�y eonsfitute grouncfs far rejection of your offe�.
18-�084, RFF'�L.ED
Adclendu� iVo. 1� Page 1 of 5
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Iv�a�'c�� 12, 2019
�IV.�z. Ch�p l3ea�i
Be�n Blsctrical, Tna.
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Re, C1ty of �'c�i-� Wa1`�ii Sh�eei L'ightitxg P1�e-QUalificatzon
l�ear Mr. I3eax�:
ple��e accent �zs leit��• a� Bean Elec#�icai, Inc. a�pror�al of pze-�uaIi���.tio�, �o� �he ins�allation
o����dway aiid peclest�•ian lighiixag �zz t�e Cii:y afFort Vdortli h�ginn.xng today, Iv�azc�i 12, 2019
1:1u•ough Ma�'ch 12, 2021.
Zf you ��ec� adciit�on�I in�o�n-iati�n oz• ha�v� ax�y questi.ans, p�e�se contact �aa� al: S 17-392-6D X'i ox
b� ezisail at Gfint,Ilc�over �%riwc�a'tl3te��s,�,
Iint�� ���
oove�, P.E.; 5.�.
Enpinee�ting Managef�
'�'x�ans�ort�tionMa�a�em�t Iaivisia�
City of Fqx� VVoi-�h Trans�ai•�ation anr�. Pub�ic ViToxlcs Depart�;net��
rare v+ro��
m��ini��a�rA�r�o�v A�ri�. �uBr��� wo�ris n��A����vfi
'��12Al+FiC MANAOEMGNT D�V19E014
� �� � �? 'llie �rr�su� F�o�T Wnani * 5001 .Ti�nies Aire��s * I'onr Woirr�l, "�FxAs 7Gi15
1 B17 �92-7T98 * fiVC 8f 73�32�533
i9W � 3993 •R01� L� Prl�dwl n�3 �� ycl�l j�nper
AT'�`.�l.C�MEN�' B
For vend�►r or afher pexson dvii►g busi�►ess wif� local gavern�nentai en�t�y
Tlais questionnaire is being �led in aceordanee vsFith chapter 176 of theLacal Date Receiveci
Gaver�aznent Gode by a person dazng busin.ess wi� the goverrunantal cntity.
By �aw this questzonnaaz-e mnst be f�led with the recoxds ad�inistz'ator vf t�e
local govemment not later than the 7th bi�siness day aftex t�i� date the person
beco�es awaxe of faots tha# reyuire the statem�ent to be �led. See �eciion
176.005, Lc�eal Govex�eni Code.
A person co�znits an offense if ti�e pe�svn aiolates Section 176.04b, Z,aca�
Govezx►ment Coda.
An ofFense un.deX this seetion is a Class C�nisdemeanor.
X. Na N/A pex•son doir►g busi�ess wiEEi laca] governmental entity.
� �h�c� th�s box iT yoa are fi�ing an update to a p�•evi�usly %le� qt�estiann�aire.
(Tha law requir�s that you file an updated completed questionnaixe with the approprimte �li�g aufhority
nvt later than September 1 of the ye�r foz` vrhick� at� activity described in �ection 176.D06(a), Loaal
Governm�ent Code, is pending and not �ater than the 7tb. b�szness day aftax �e d�te the originallyfiied
questio�naz�� becvmes incomp�ete ox inaacurake.}
3. Dese�zbe each af�liation or business relations�ip wi� an empIoyee ox co�t�aC#[�x of thelocat
govarnmental e�tity ��a zna�es recoznznend�tions to a loc�l goWernrnenf of�ce�r of t�elocaX
gavernmental ent�Yy vvs#E� �-espect ta expc�tc�z�re of �oney.
A. bescribe caeh af�iataon ar business rela�ons�ip �vith �t person whu is a Iocalgovernme�t
of�ieer a�td vvho appoin�s vr employs x�oeal governxnent offlcer of t�e iocal �overn�tten#al entity
that ;is tlie subjeet of this questzonn�aira.
R�P �io. 14�0080,
PrajecC Managemertt and tksses5menfs for Stree� Light Installation Serv�ces and LED Co�versions
�'age 11 of ].Z
For ve�ndor or nt�er ersan dain business Fvith Iacal overumental ent�t �'a e 2
S. Name of local governmenf of�cer wiih whom �ler has af�liatio�t nr b�siness �•elafi�onship.
(Ca�naplete t�is sectioz� oniy if the ans�ver to A, B, or C is Y�S.) �T/A
T�is sec�ian, item 5 including subparts A, B, C& D, must be corz�pleted for each oificer rnritl� whom the
filer #�as af�iliatian or business relationsi�ip. Aitach additzonal pages to this �'or�n CIQ as necessary.
A. Is the local governmeni of�cer ��amed i� this section xecei�ing or likel�r to receive iaxable ineome
from the fi(er of tha questionnaire?
� Yes � No
B. Is the filar of the quesfionnaire reeeiving or Jikely to receive taxa�le i�cazne �'am oz ai thedireetion
of ihe locaI governzx►�ni officef named in this section AND the ta�cable inco�e is not fram thelocal
p;overn�rrzenta� entity?
� Yes � N�
C, Is the filer of this questionnai�e af�iliatied with a carpot•afion ar other business entiry that thelocat
gover�ent officer seirves as an o�f cer or di�.'ector, or holds an ov�rn.e�•sl�ip of � 0 percent ormox�e7
� 3�'�s � �a
D. Describe each affiliation or b�siness relationsf�ip.
6, bescrib� any other affiIiatian or busi�ness reaationship that might ca�se a co�fiici ofinterest.
�. �--�����.
�i ana�,�•�f n rson. doiz�� business wxth the governmental antiky Date
32TP Na. 19-(�OSO,
Project Manag�ment and Assessm�nts for 5treet Light Installati4n Sertices and LEF] Conversions
Page 12 of 12
�, �-� . �`' `f - `i �� ��'�/�'.' ��JJ �� �_��?��, �
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821 E. Ennr3. Avenue P$1��6X-7�00 .<��� _-
::-�: ti,� .� . :_'`
Foz-tW4rrh, Texas 76140 I' 817-.ri6I-74.03 `-.-I- :� ,�,
w9vw.beataelectricai.com : . �
March 28, 2�19
Ciiy of Fort Wor�h
20D'iexas Street
R�ference; RFP-3.9-0080
5ubject; Team Member Resume's
In reference ta the above project, we have carr�ptled a shart resume for each af the tearrt members that
wilf have a rjnajor rofl in the project if s�lected.
Rny E. Bean fl- President
Years at the campany-33 years
Years experience— 3fi years
Training- IBEW Joint apprenticeship program for 4 years, Graduated in 198$.
Electrical Experience: Worked as an apprentice for Burton Brot�ers �lectricai for 3 years, then was
transferred to B�i, W�en employed v�rith B�f ciuties were ta manage crews, insfiall commercial electrical
wiring. Ir� 2Q02 Became the President, when 1 tooE€ over as pre5ic[ent, we Feaci an annual revenue of �
million per year. I began ta grow the business in di�Ferent 2+reas of electrical constructian. In 2006 vve
began stre�t fighting and traffic signals where the compar�y has 6een r�ery successful.
Andrew Hawkins-Est€mator
Years at the cornpany-24 years
Years experience — 33 years
7'raining-lBEW Jaint a�prenticeship program far 4 y�ars, Graduated in 7.989.
Electrical Experience: IAinrked as an a�prentice for Lone Star �I�ctric through out ius apprenticesftip.
1lllorked at the U5 mint with �igh se�curity cfearante installing security system. In 1995 Game #o wark fnr
BEI where he managed erev+rs, installed electrical wiring on large commercial projects. Andrev�r is �aw
the �raffic signal ar�d s#r�et lighting esiimator alo�g with prouiding technieal infarmation to
crews/Project rrfanagers.
�abby Webb
Years at the company-1Q Years
Years experience-19 Years
Trainir�g-Or� the jab training through out Cal3farnia and iexas, in 2009 started v+rorking for BEI, Bobby
began ieadin� crews fn t�e Residential, and light comm�rcial projects. In his growth witl� S�I he has
become an asset, from helping crews thraugh troubl�d projects, mar�aging schedu[es, projec�
rr�anagement and fleet rnanagement.
TECL 1J979
Regufated hy Tt�e Texas f]epartmettt af Licensing and Regulatians, P.O. Box Z2157, Austin, �'exas 78711, 1{8�0�803-9202,
{512}�}63-6599 websltewww.l�cense,state.tx.us com iaints
�j� � �.� � � � - ���'�� ��'��, - � ►� ��', � _
� � ��
$2� E, Enan Avezaue P 817-.�iG�.-7�00 =- _-'`�� -
F�`art�orth, Texas fi6140 F $Y7-.ri6�-79�(i3 ° �, - _ .--���� ' .
ww�,b�eanelectrzcal.coxn {' . ..��
� - — --- --
Jason Hess
Years at the campany-22 years
Years experience- 22 years
Training-Indepettdent �leetrica! Contractors apprenticeship �rograrn, graduated ir� 20i12
Electrical experien�e: Warked on I�rge cpmmerci3l project, Service technician, Crew [eader for large
commercial electrical canstruction projects, in Z014 became Street lighting supervisor running �rew5,
schecl�iing, Material/equipment staging and project managernent. Has extettsi�e experience in troubfe
shoot�ng, prob[em soE�ing ar�d customer suppart.
Roy Bear� Il] {Treyj
Years at the company —13 years
Years exp�rien�e --13 years
Training� Independent �ie�tri�al Contractors apprenticeship prograrn, graduated in 2013
�lectricai experience: Worked an lar�e commerciaf projects, �ssisted i� the impfementation of
Horizontal bireeti�nal C}rlflit�g in �014, Trey start�d operating ourfrs# FIDD machine in 2014, has help
grow the Nn[3 divisifln of our company. Trey project manages installatian of se�eraf �undred thousanc�
o# cartduii insia�led in City ROW
Drevv Neurton
Years at the company--8 years
Years experience-$ years
Traini�rg- lndependent �lectrical Contractors apprenticeship pr�gram, CDL operator
Electrica[ exper►ence: Woriced on large commercial pro�ects, 3nstaflation of str�et fEghts, spnrt IigF�Cing,
equipment operator. �?rew now is a fisfd supervisar for the street lighting trews. I�is duties are ta
coordinate the installat�ort, remo�al of ali aspect$ ofthe street lighting projects
�ean Electricai employee's �.25 fulf time pos�tions. The a�aove group of peapia will be responsible %r the
propo$ed pr�ject. They h�ve a suppart team in the office of 8 c�erical, 2 full time estimators, 3
wareFtnuse personnel, �. materia! coordinatoranc! 3 full time fleef rnechanics.
Reg�lated f�yThe7exas Deparfinent of Lieensing and Regulaiions, P.O. Box �.2�.57, AusYin, Texas 78711, 1[800}8[?3-5202,
(512}46�-6539 website www.ficense_._„state,tx.usfcompfaiE�ts
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�ean �lectrical �n�
6ucket/ Derrick/ Pressure Digger �ruGks 5e�ppart Equipment Materials
40'BucketTruckJHSL-[1009 Vermeerseries216x�ODirectionaldrifi ATSOz46[.EDE70MtlO[.TR23KMPi�I.F'71.�1]
40' bu�ket Truck JH5L-OfN11D Varmeer series � 23x30 �irectional drill 7 PIN PHfl7D EYE DLL 12712o-27N
AO' 8uck�E TrucklRS-QQ023 Vermeer LP53� HydraVac SHORTING CAP K450U1z0-480V
40` BucketTruckJRS-OQ024 John Deere 35G Mini �xcavator FUS� HOLOFRS 6001/ACjDC (30A}
40' 6ucket Truc[c 1�iS-00025 TRNi FUSES 25D VAC {1/i0 TQ30A)
44' Bucfcet TruckJRS-OOQ25 �6Al.Ui1JIINi]�Vl PUPG�X OV�RH�AO
40' �ucket Truck J RS-QOD].9 #b ALUN111� fJM TRIP LEX CO N DR 606V (UG)
Derrick Digger Line Truck JRS-�0030 � A-1J4° SCHEDllLE 8D PVC CLINi]UIT
Perrick []igger Line TruckJHSL U0011 1-1/4"SCH�DUL�80 PVC ELB(JWS
40' 8uckei iruck w/ iVlatertal handlerTlVr-OU059 1-1/4"SCHE�ULE 80 PVC COUPL�NGfADAFTER
Aa` Bueket Truck w/ Material hand�er TM-OOE160 GRQUND Bdx 13"X24"7C18"
Watson Pressure piggerJRS-q�017 �fl' 1NOOD POLE CiA55 2
TYPE 7.9. SHO� BAS� l.IG1iT Pal.�
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i{'{i'SS•. b�aiieleclrical.cc�n�
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�lla�erial oa�a sheets
A1'BO 2�BLEbE70 MVOLT Et2 3K MP N!. F'7 L�D
7 PiN PHOTQ �YE p!�l.127120-277V
�U�E HOE�ERS 6fl(iVAC/DC (36R)
�-1/4" SCf-fE�ULE 80 PVC COfUDUIT
7.-�/4"5C�{EpiJI.� $� PVC COiJPLING/ADR�TER
GROUND BOX 13"X24"X].8»
'i1'P� 33B 8' !.tlMlhlAIR� ARM
���� EI���ric�1, i�ac,
ftegulated by 7he TPxas Department o( Licensing and Regulations, P.O. Box 12157, Austin, Texas 78711, 3 800 8p3 9202, 51Z 463 G549, website
www.license.staEe.tx. us/camnlaints
� Cansi;len! ci�lh LEED"gaals
S Green Gfo6es"ulleba
NIGIiFFIMEry farlghlpollalionred�cAan
Off ramps
Residential streets
Parking lots
�i �,. �<� �..,�•�
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ElfecNve projected Area (EPA]: The EI'A forthe A7B0 is U.76 sq. t�.
Approx. Wt. -141hs.
Uesigniights Consartium' (L3L[) qualified product. Not all versions of this
ptodatt may 6e UtC quafifred. Pfease che�k the DlC Qualified Praducts List
ac www desianliQh�s.omlQCl to con�rm which versio-ns are qualified.
[alor temperaEures of < 3600K must 6e speci�ed for internatio�al.Uark-
5ky Associatian cerEificatian.
Rated for-44'C to 9a°{ arobient
tSA Certified to I]S. and Canadian standards
Complies wi#h ANSl, C136;2, C136.10, C]3b.14, C13631, C135.15, C13fi.37
� � �: �� r, ,, '�� � ,"i :- . . . � : 1
�i���'IIV��' �1��1'�ICIg
5arne Li.ght; Performance is ramparable to 74-254W NPS roadway �umina�res.
White iigf�t: Eorrelated caiortemperature - 4000K, 70 CRf minimum, 3000K,
70 CRI minimum or np#ianaf 50pqK, 70 C81 minimum.
ilnique IP65 rated LED lig]itengines pravided US'a upiight and res�rict backlight to within sidewaik
depth, providing nptimal ap��ication mverage and optimal pole spacing. Availahle in Type !I, III,
IU, and V roadway dlstributlnns,
ELE �ifR!� �1i
Expected L(fe: L€U light engines are rated >100,O�D haurs at �5°C, L70. Elec#ronic driver has an
expected iffe of 10U,000 haurs at a 25 ( ambient,
Lower Energy: Saves an expected of 40-604� aver comparable Hla lamfrtaires.
�obust S�rge Protectian: Three different sarge piotect�on opcions provide a Minimum ofAN51
Ci36,2 3UkV15lcA protection. 2QkV110kA pratectiorr is afso available.
NI��#,�Lkn1lC fk L
lndudes sta�dard ACL lineman-fdendlyfeatures sucf� as tonf-less enEry, 3 station terminai 61ock
and q�ick discanne�ts. Subble level Inrated Inslde the electri�al campartment foreasiiy Ieveling
at insta Ifaclon.
Rugged die-castaluminum Bousing and door are pofyester powder-coated for durahility and
carrosio� resistance, Rigorous frve-stage �re-treating and painting pracess yields a fi�ish that
achieves a scrlhe creepage r�ting of 7(per ASiM D1654} after over 50D0 hours exposare to salt
fog cham6er {operated per ASTM 8117j,
Mastarm mount is adjustable for arms from 1-1/4"ta z"(i-518"ta 2 3/8"D.�J diameter.
Provides a 3G vibration ratfng perANS! C13fi.31
WIId[ifes�ield is cast inta the hausing (nota separate picce).
h�EMA 3 pin photocantrof receptacEe Is stanclard, with tf�e Aruitydesig�ed A�ISI standard 7 pin
recepFacle optianaily available,
Premium sulid state Eatking style phatocontro! - PC55 {TO year ratedlife) Extreme long life solid
state lacking style photaco�tro! - PCLL (iU year rated life).
MuEti-leyel dimming available to provide scBed�led dimmin� as spetified by the customQr.
Optional onboard Adjustable Dutput madule aflnws the light output and input wattage ta he
modifie� to meetsite specitfc requirements, and also can allow a single fixture to he fleKi6ly
applied in mar�ydlfferenk applftatlons.
iVuto: Specificalions sabjeettn change withautnoEice, Actual pe�fuFfnnnce may differ ea e resulF of e�•usar enviranment end applicaGort.
L92U14-2017Rcuity8randsiighting,lr�c, A7Bp n6107117
��plicatdOrrs: ,
��uto��h� Seri�s A�'�0
�o�d��y ���nt��,�
Example: A'�8030L�0�1D MVOLT R2
Series Perf.ormance Aackages Voftage Optics
Al'Bfl Autoba��� L�I� ?UBi.�D�70
Fioadway 'iOBLED�10
106 Chips, 700mA �rivsr
10B Ghips,1050mA flriver
iUB Chips,150UmA Dri�er
206 Ghips, 525mA Qriver
20S Chips, 7flQmA priver
20B Chips, i050mA �river
208 Chips, 73��mA.briver
206 Chips, i5DOr�A Driver
3u6 Chips, 7�OmA Ariver
308 Chips, 85UmA Driver
3UB Chips,1050mA Driver
3d6 Chips,l3QDmA �river
3DB Ghips, ibpOmA Driver
ColnrTem erature CCT
{�lank) 40DOK CGT, 70 CFiI �Ulin.
3K 3��OK CCT, 70 CRI Min,
5if 5000iC CC�f, 70 CRf Min.
(61ank) Gray{Standardl
BK Black
BZ Brnnze
��B dark Bronze
GI �raphite
WH White
5uroe Prntection
(Bfank) 5tandardlUkV/SkASP❑
20 20kV�10KA 5P�
ik�P' M�V Pack
il.� SP[] with fndicafor L�ght
Terminal Rlnck
(Blank) Terminai Block �5tandardl
T2 Wired to Ll & L2 Posi#ians
BL. External Buhble Leve!
H5 Hause-Side 5f�ield
NL €Ueme Label
]{L Nof C5A Eertified
UMH-]{?( 8" Hariznnial Arm far Round Pole,
Painted to match Fixture
�9UOLT Muiti-valE, i20-277V
347 347V
as� asov
UMS-xX 8" Hnrizonial Arm for 5q�are
Pole, Painted to match Fixture
UMR-GALV 8" Horizontal,4rm far Round Pole,
I�Nl5-GALU $" HorizontaE Arm fpr Square
Pole, Gafvanized
3 Ain N�MA Phntonontrol
Receptacle (Standardl
7 Pin Pf�otacontrol Recaptacle
(R�mmahle �river lncluded}
No Photocontra! Receptacle
Fie�d Adjustab[a Output
E}V-1DU Dimma6fe �river
(Cantrols by othersy
Mu�ti-Level Dimming
Solid State Lighting
Photacnntra! {12p-277Vj
5olid 5tate l.ang Life Phatocontrof
Shorting Cap
(BEank) 5ingl� Unit(Standardj
JP Joh Pack j42/Palletj
!R2 RoadwayType I!
�i3 RnadwayType ilf
R4 Roadway Type !V
R5 Roadway Type V
1 Nat available ir[ 347 or 48QV.
2 Not availahle with dM, ML or NR.
3 Not avaifab.le with pM or Ml.options.
4 Not available with A0, �M, P5 or ?7
5 Qimming ScheduE� and �ight level
information required from the cus#ome€
in orderto configure product. Cantacf
Infrasfructure Technical Supportta
��Ah7QrlC8r1 Warranty Fiva-yearfimiFed.warranty, Eomplete warcanty terms iacated ai:
��CCCI'IC wN�w.acuilyl�ands.cnrnlCuslomr.rRasaurcrslierms a�id cnndiiioFls.asnx
Llghi�llg, Actaal perfurmance may differ asa resu{! n( and-user enviranroent and app]icatian.
AEI. HEad uarters, 3826 CoE�mhus €iead, Granville, bH 43023 AI! values are deslgn or iypical values, mensurad under lahnratory condiiioas ai 25 "C.
� Specifieations suhjectta change wAhoui nofice.
wu�nv:a mericanelectricFighting,com
0?AfA-2017AcvitySrandsLighting,lnc, AllRightsHeserved. ATBQ 06/07�37 Pleasecoi�tscfyaursalasrepresentafiveforlhelatesfpraducfln�onnntFon,
�1a����a��� S�ri�� AT�O
�aad�ay Lighting
'�' � R iF O �R ��M ,�1 #�I..C.�: - „�# _�.. �� ,�i
i5°C 20°C 25"C 3D°C 35°C 4�'C
LD2 1,01 1 p.98 0.97 0.95
To caladato thn LLD for a temperature other than �5°C, multiply t�e �LO � 25°C {shvwn in 3he psrfarma�co package ta�faj hy Ihe CLU mulEipiier fnr thesalected tempereture.
An'1eCiCatt Warranty Fiva-yaar limltad warranty. Cainpleie warranty terms lacaled at:
�����p�G urvvvvacu�Iv6ronds.comlCuBtUmofliesourc�slTerms artd condi[ions.as�
E.lghting� Acival pedormance may dif(er as a result uPend-user en�iranment and applicalion.
AEL Headqunrters, 3825 Galumhus iioad, Granville, pH 43p23 Spec F�cst or s suGjeci [o ciiangeawitha tBnatice� un�Er fabdrstary conddions aF25 °C.
v�ww. a m�ri c ane I e c 1 ri c I i g I u i n g.c o m
002014-2017AcuityBrandsLighting,Ir3c.AllflighisReserved. A790 O6Po7l17 YfenseeantactyoursalesrepreseMa7ivalarfhclafeslpra�uefinlnr�tallon.
�11oie: 9nformation shaavn above is based on 40�OK no�ninal system data. Individuni fixtureperformance may vary. To ealculate 3006K fumen ve[ues, muftipEy iha 44UaK l�mens hy.t13.
Specificatians su6ject ia ehange without noYice.
��:}f ,�:; � , �LL 127 120-277V
���� V ���
With a design life of 20+years and superior in•rush cvrrent and surge-protection fealures, the Dll E[ite
supporttlte ex#ended life and low mainienance bene(iis assotiated witi� LEd fixlures_
� LEn Eighting fixtures that require dusk to dawn �on#ral
� �igh inrush c�rrrenf fixtures
n Des�gned Eo last as long as yaur 1ED lighting system, 2Q+years
p LED inrush pratection with TRlAC assis€ed reiay
� Extreme surge protection of 1280J14UkA.utility or 2i 20JlqOkA Ui.listed
� Dau�le lhick enclasure aad lens uvith addilianaf t�V inliibltor
� High temp base pfas#ic #ested to 9�0°C
� long life capacitars
� Fuil wave rec#ified powersuppfy
@ �ual xener diodes for lang life
e Salid brass contact blades
m Dnuble sided, ihru hale plated .062° fR4 circuithoard
� Con[ormaf coatad �rinted circuit board
a Sealed packaging #ar extended storage
@ RNSI C�36.'IO
� ROHS rompliant
� U�.lis#ed tv U.S.and Canadian saferystandards
� 5urgeraiedinexcessofAN51C'i3b,10ta
Q 4peraEing Levels; Turn•on al 1.5 EC and turn-oH
at 2.25 FC (On:OH ratio af 1:1.5}
m Operatingtemperature:-40C#o7DC
� Volfage 120 to 48Q VAC, 6Qlfz
w Load rating: tflQOwatts,1800VA6allasl
� Ul Load Rating:140QVA
� Rveragepowe►consumptian:
�0.5 watts C� 120V
Ten-yearlimited warraniy. Complete warrar�tyterms.located at:
www atii�tyhrands.comlCuscomerResourceslTerms ancl�nditiai3s.as�
Hate; Actual performance may differas a resultof end•userenvironmentand app[ication.
5peciticationssu6jectfa diangewithout notice
T ��xmK�—
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Na�-I1I �ll.
1��-2�YW TGreen elue
3qTV Green Green
4r1^V Yeliaw YeI[ow
.#�� l:,�f�ii`.'�k�1�i!�?a
Setlas ffi Vvltsgs fa�iinrc hi�d� 3ar�-Cw Lv�rel ��eM � Na�ts�ny �i;�ar Ca:tEr:ta:.M;� Cowaj €a�:.r � P�g� �;p.
�CC127 120�277V [biank] Fai10n � 1.5 AM51 (blank] Standatd [blaiEkj 5iliion (blank] 5tandard �blank� See standard wlors JU 1 Unit
OL 347 347U ai �t���— Te��� �01`-'— � us J12 92Units
�L�4BU 48DV' LP LowProfils� IR IRfitteretl listed' 8K Bla�k' ,l5a 5a!lnits
siliron gR Brown°
sensor GR Greena
GY Gray�
BL 61ue°
Y[. Yellow�
t. Dnlyavaila6ie��+11hCU.LcerElfiratipnoplion.
2. NotavailablewithOlC34l,O1E480,n�CUlcer�ifiration.
3. Colarsu6s[ilutionsnvia!lOwedfortUEusmodels.
9. Non3Wndardtuslomcalursarenan�stockitems.Auaifable1nJ12and154anIy.Consoltcustom�rservi�e.
AcuiiyBrands�OneLithonlaWayCanyecs,GA30D12 Phone:80Q.5352465 www.aaliyrnntrols.com UTL-Dll
b2019�201.9AcuiiyBrandsLight"ing,Ine.Allrighlstesenred. Rev_63IaBli9 �of2
Standard tqw Prefle
sr�c��� �on�� �u�a��s
il�d4e(i�i��t:� �!r�?'?�fi'��?'ilji-�- -�— I�i����k��9����,
DLEt27'!.5 12a-277V Fail• On (non-ULj J5�
DLL127 1.5 BL 140-2i7U FaiG On (not�•UL) Biue J50
0l.1,1271.5 GY 120-277V Fai1- pn (non-UL} Gray J50
DLC1271.5 BK 120•277U Faif- On {non-UL) 81ack J5fl
�L1127F 9.5 920-277V Fail• Off (non-i!L) J50
�lE1271.5 LP 120-217V Fail- On (nnn-UI.} l.aw Profife J5�
DL11271.51R 120•277Vfail•On (non-ULj ia Fiker 350
Dl.i i 27 i.51R BK i20•277V EaE1�Qn (non•Ui.} IR Fil#er BEack J50
RlL1271.5 IR 81 120-277UFai!-On [non-UL) IR Fiiter 81ue J50
dLL127F1.5CUL 120•277UFail•OEF J50
DLi'127 7.5 CUL 120-277V Fai]• On J50
pL1.347F1.5CiJL 347Vfail-Qff J50
DLL3a71.5 CUL 347U Fail- On J50
Qi.i480F 1.5 CUL 480VFail• Of# .I5D
�Cl4801.5CUL 480VFai!-fln J5fl
AcailyBrands j One ilEhon€a Way Conyers, GA 30012 Phone: 800.535.2465 sv��tva[aiiytonirols.tonl �iL�DIL
p209420t4Acuiiy8rartdsLighclog,En�.Allrightsreserved. Rec!b31087i9 �ofZ
�hort�ng �a�, Lackin��iype llli�un�ing
The K450fl Shorting Cap features 3-prong lockEng-type pfug
cnnnector. It is used with luminaries with a photaconfrol receptacfe ta
comp�ete cireuit when a photo�ontrol is not required.
m I��sign�d ta meet environmentaf protection req�airerr�ents in
ANSI C136.10.
o Complete circ€ait to provide dir�ct cannec#ion to luminarie when na
photocontral is cannected.
�lectricaf Ra�ing
Regulatory L.istings:
3" (7.6 cm) High, 3" (7,S cm) �iamefer
Millcy White with Black IrnpYlnts
UV �tabilized Po(y�ropelyne Cap
B�ack Polypropelyne �ase
Neaprene E3Eend Gasket
Solid Brass Con�acts
75 A, 120-A�BS V
Meets ANSI C136-1 Ct
Enviranmentai Re�uirert��nfs
UUCSA Listed
,0.NSi C136�'i 0 Corr�pliant
Limited 2-year Mar�utacturer`s Warranty
Product Type:
Model #:
7. �
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�ilfT�Rl1/�EiTl�' Energy Cantrols
71�e iocking type, shorking plug sha11 Inst�lf or� a/�NSI G136-10 NEMA styis 3-pin recepiacle to conneet Eoad pins to
bypass locai photocell car�trol. Shorting plug shall have a rating of i5fi a# 105-488 VAG The sharting plug shall be
consirucfed with UV stabilized polypropelyne cap, black polypropelyne base and neoprene biended gasket. The
shor#ing pfug shall f�e agency certified and tested aacordingly. The shorting plcag shaE� me�t all en�ironmentaf and
�Eectrieal rec�uirements of AfVSI C136.1 a. The sharting plug sha�l have a manu#aetures limitec! warranty af 2 years
minimum. �'he shorting p�ug shail be intermatic madel K4504.
�nergy Controls W W W, interm a��c. CO ITl
I���k���l�rt;=•IFiP!:i�'' �!¢��:'�i�'��i�-. ��:'rr'
''fR�'��'i��`If.'�rFr' .-,1�[�.��''.�F-�i: :C:��-�C.i�.Hi:.i �?i
Single��oie H�B-E3-B
,3r�2" x 1 ;�" ��ses
F'or any '%2" x i%z' fusa.
�use hoi.der rated 30A,
600V tCSA Listed 15A
max.}, Typical Fuse types:
and MCL. {%o -3DA}
H � , 4
A HEB- fuse holder witf� a
permanently insiafled solid
neutraL Easily idQntified E�y
white plastic caupiir�g nut.
Sin�l�- anci DoubJe-F�ole withoui Breakaway
Packag�ng & C]rdering i�iormaHon:
xxx —
H�B Load Slde Line
H�T TerminAl i'erminal
H�Y A theu W A thru W
Sin�fe-Pof� wi�h �reakaway Opti�n
Rackaging & Ordering Informaiton:
xxx — w —
HEB or Load Line
HET Terminal Ferminal
A thru K
9ouhle-I�ole wfth �reakaway Opt€on
Paekaging & Orderin� Informaiion:
xxx — w —
H�X or Laad Line
H�Y Terminal Terminal
A tliru K
ereak-W Way
Rl.� -
A ihru J
or RYC
Break W-Way
ot��.c -
p thre� J
� •
. l+ ' ��
��$���� (;ICC�IIt ��t�G�lbll
�lass C� "��' x i;�" Midgef Fuses
�; .
�� , y
QouE�fe-pnfe fuse hofder has
water-resistank, polarized
design, and acc�pts Class
CC bYanch cirauit #uses
(Edison f�se iypes EDGC,
less) Particularly applioabfe
Rn street lighting circuffs with
opfionai breakaway
Availabla Par� IiEumhers
��� � �
...' �Y i-1 ��
I ��
� �J6�
For any `3/2` x i'/2' fuse.
Fuse holdar rated 3pA,
6005! �CSA Listed i 5A
[nax.). Typical fuse fypes:
L�dison MOL M�I�l, MEQ
�Ild MCL. (%a -30A)
I�an�Breaka�nray Units:
HEB-AA(�)(zl{31, HEB-ABtzl, HE8-AC��7.
HF8-AY. HEe-B�1(z1, HE8-BB{z1, HEB-BC�z1, Fl�B-BD{21,
HEB-CG4z), HEB-��l�f, yEB-JJ. NE�-JK. HEB-JL. HE�-JY,
H�B-LL, NEB-NN. H�B-PPI21, �{�B-QCi�2), HEB-RRI�3,
H�B-SS, HE8-TT���, NEB-ZA.
Agency In€ormation:
{�IUL Recogniz�d, Guide EZLT2, �ile E14853
�z7CSA Cer€i�ed, Gass �225-qi, File 47235
6reakaway Units:
{fncludcs Fuse holdcr, breakaway pa� and insulating i�ootsj
NE8-AV41-R�R. HEB-AW-RL.C-Aiil(z}{sl. FE�B-AW-R�G-B.
Rge�cy Informatian:
(�1L1L Recognized, G�ide IZLT2, Fife E'14853
(zMC5A CertE�ed, Gfass 6225-�1., F�iEa 47235
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For addifi�nal informafion, visii www.edisanfusa.eorn .i4�
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Caialog and Specification Data
Note: The consiructian efements fisted below iilusfrate the fuff
constructipn of fhe avaiiable part numbers. IVOT all
cnnstru�tion elements are avai�a6le fn alt comhinafians.
---.. _. ._. .... .. . . . .
COnduCtnY 7erininal�
CandueEor oaEa
;, � � Sym6ols
a � '—' �v Lvad iine
Typa Termina3 Slxe �� � ✓+ Side Siife
Co�per CrfnFp #1'L to �'8 1 n p
,�12 2 • •
��� a�o z . .
� f�6 1 H B
- � . .
;�$ z G C
#4 1 — •
�6 2 ' ❑ p
#2 1 -- .
�a z • • F �
�E�I�I�� �� � , #12to�92 1 • � J I
��Ilil! �I f � � . .
� f �t2co;vz z K K
SalidGreakaway (Requiredwith W 1A1
� Breakaway
�� Receplacie)
Availabie Part l�um�ers
i��X Series:
HEx-AA��1��1, H�X.-AB, N�X-AC, HEX-A�,HEX-A�, H�X-RY,
Agency lnforrnatian:
{�}UL Recognlzed, Guide fZLT2, Fife C14853
{z�CSA Cer[ifiec�, Class 6225-0�, File 47235
FqEY Series:
HET Series:
�---�--_ � - .� �,
'�;�::���: _; -
�-. >i: ���`;;�,F:�
Cartductor �ata
� � Termirral
°�- �� � � Single- 'Qouble-
Type Terminal Size z� ,$ � Pole Pa�e
Oopper Crimp /f12 fo N8 1 • • -RLC-A -DRlGA
���� � 7/6 7 • • -ALC-8 -C]HLC-B
kA f • • -RLC-G •QALGC
Copper Set-Screw
�la������ � l�32l0!{2 ] • • -RLC-J -DALC-J
�����j � 1112to#2 2 - • -AYC -DAYC
` TerminaE�flluslratioru show tBe end view of single-pola recepiacles and ona�pole oniy o!
the double-�ole recepEacies. "Fhus, torexample, in IBe case of a doubie-pols, set-scre�v
type receplacle �vilhYerminala thaf a�cept itivo conduclars, a totai af [aur conduc[ors coufd
be connecledlo Ihe recept¢cle per iite [ol]owing drawing.
Catalag Data — insuiating �nots
�� Catalag
Nu�nbers 7ype
2AU&60 Single Gonductor
2A0681 Two Conduclor
Insulating baais are �ptionaf and not inciucled with
non-E3reakaway holders anci musi be ardered separately.
They are ineluded as a standard iiem wit� the breakaway
When baots are uiilizerl, sxfra heat ret�ntian requiCe�
that tuses are sizerE at a min�mum of 20fl% of th� RM$
load current.
1�� � For additional inforEnation, visit www.edi onfu e.co mm
I� �i:,[;; ��it"t�fX��l�
Watertight F'use �Yotection
:� ��
hi�B in-line fuse holders are water resisiant and easy #o
ir�stali. F'rofeet fuses in lncafions exposed to wafer�
weather, corrosive fumes, saft-spray, eta Holders are #wo-
seclior�ed, rnolcEed plastia The captEv� nuf cau{�les the
loadside secti�n ko [he lineside sectfon; compression of ihe
o-ring when the nuf is tightened forms a vapor and water
resistanl unit.
l7ouble-Pale �use Wolcfers �ar 5imuftaneous
Nan- L�ad-Br�ak piscpnr��ct af Two Conduc.tors
�_ � �� —
.� �..
�_ :�._—�,-:'
HEX and HEY units perrr�(t the fusing of iwo conductars.
Loadside conductors can be disconnected from the Iin�side
concEuctors by disengaging a captive stainless steel scr�w.
Positive non-load-break disconnect (for non-energized
cirsuits) provides maintenance safefy. Helps prevent shock,
Makes loads electricaJly de�d.
Fuse holders are paiarizecf. They ear� be usecE for line-to-
line or line-to-neutral ioads. Polariaation prevenfs
inadvertent reversal of loadside conduciars (�rovides
campliance wifh N�C� Section 240-22).
8oth foadside tarminals are always identiaal; bvth IineslcEe
terminals are always icfenficaE.
Serve As A Non-Load-Break Discnnnect
�i4��ii� �r�
The bocEy of the fuse recesses within the IoacEsicEe section
so tF�af it cloes not make electrical contact with ihe iineside
seetion untll fhe coupling nul er�gages the threads on the
Ifnesicle section. 7'Ize hnlder section thus provides a positive
rneans of breaking or op.ening a nan-er�ergizad elecErical
circuit for maint�nance and repair.
Breakaway Recepiacles For Impaci Seperation
- z �� ..I
j��l���l�. ��rcui� Prcafection
sleeve afso insu�ates the body of fhe fineside section of the
fuse holder. Sho�fd fhe �older be subjected ta an undue
pull, it wilf separate from fhs lin�side, Breakaway
recep#acle and become eleetrically dead. Separating the
holder and receptacle on a non-engergized circuit facilitates
S�lid "7�ySS �'er�inals Mate W�th Breakgway
- ��c,
�� ��ti�
A solid avpper "roci" terininal rnust be used an �he line-side
of a fuse hoEder when holder is equipped with a breakaway
receptacle. This sofid rod terminal males with the internal
female terminal(s) of the breakaway receptaole. The letEer
"W" in the ca#alog number of the fuse holder
designafes #his type termi�ral.
�- . � �
n41,..�i L�
Crimp l�ntl �et-5crew 7'erminals
Crimp and setscrew rype terminals are avaifable for copper
]nsula4i�g Baa#s Sav� Ins#allatinn Time
Boots come En two oantigurations - for singEe eonductor and
!he "Y" fype fnr twa conductnrs. Fi# all Edisan in-fine fuse
holders. Designed lo snugly #it o�er conductor insufation.
Ffis ta wfre by cutting otf taAered tip. Diarneter a# concEuctvr
insulatiqn car�noi exceed 0.450". Inside of bao3s are dreated
with silicone to facilitate drawing of vvire.
Boats come as a standard item with breakaway
receptacies. i'h�y are optionat a�d m�st be ordered
separately for fuse holders withoui breakaway
recepiaeEes. When boots are utillzed, extra heat
retentEon requires that fus�s are siz�d at a minimum of
200% ot the RMS load current.
�-�� � �� --
"Tap-Ot�" Connections
Fuse holde�s wiih ierrrtinal accepting two canductors can
be used as a tap-off connector. 8aves cosi and manhours.
Are available as �n nptfan with fuse hoiders. fdeally suifac!
far br�akaway ligi�ting standarcfs as rec�uired by stafe and
federal highway commissions). Recep#ac�e consisfs of a
#emale term3naE jacicetec! In an integral rubE�ar insulating
sleeve, and an external wire/cable terminal. The �emale
terminal tightly mates .with a lineside, sa[id, co�per rod
Eerminal (syrnbol "`W") af ihe fuse holdar. The insulating
For additional infarmafian, visit www.edisanfuse.com 149
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`�� ��i����� �� `� �/����' N��DG�� �F�S�S
Tri-onic TFiM ti�e-delay midget fuses
are rat�d 250 volts AC and are offered in
ampere ratin�s from 1/i 0A #0 3�A,
They have fZ secflntls time delay af 20��
ratEng to pravitle supplementaf protectior�
af smafl motors, sma�l transformers and
other hig� inrush faads, pl�s mar�y other
250 volt ap�licafians. (iVot �or Branch
Circuit Pratection).
HI�H�IGHTS ����MC�i1�1�S.
�« .- �.. � �.n .� �. �r a ����, ;����.� .� ,�,� �,y�: � � ..: ,., �
��> Time De(ay F��- Smail �Ifators
�== 250 VAC Rated �e� Small Transformers
�� [.ighting Circuits
� �-� Controf Circui�s
Yi�SEi�1$��7J� I�¢d��,� �l�1���Y1t"t ����4�]$nfif.� �}5:����L}=�I 3��}.�}�tlF.Y�Y.l�
;�°� Num�rous ratings ior a wide varie�y of
::;. ��0'�AC rating in ali sizes up to 30A
�= TEme delay for circuifs with �igh ir�rush
�° Can be €�sed wiih U�i#ikSll��'"' ir�se hofders
.-= AC. �1�0 to 30A
25UVAG,10kA f.R.
��,�. u� ��
�`- �1� il5l2d t0
Standard 248�14
File E33925
�� GSA Certi(ied to Standard
G22.2 No. 248.1 �
1f10 TRhi11/10 6lifl TRM6/i0 i-6/ia 7RM1-6/10 3 THM3 5-S/t0 7RM5-6/i� i0 7RM10
15/10U TRM1b/f00 8/1U TRMB/10 1-8/1� TRM1-8/30 3-2/ib TRlVI3-2/1Q 6 TI�f416 12 TF3M12
2110 TRM2/1Q �l THM1 2 TftM2 3-1/2 TRM3-iJ2 5-1/4 T�3Mfi-1/4 15 TRNf15
1/4 7RM1/4 1-1f8 TRMi-�1/8 2-1/A TRM2-1/9 h TRM4 7 TRM7 20 TRiN20
3/i� TRb/13/10 1-i/4 7RMi-i/d 2-1/2 TRI1+12-1/2 9-1/2 TRMA-112 8 TRMB 25 TRM25
9/10 TRM4/9fl 1-�/1Q TRM1-4/ia 2-B/io TRM2-S/to � iRM5 8 rsM9 3� 7RM30
1/2 TRM1I2
� ��1
' ■,I
�ross �nutemaiian S877j 288-370Q • www.ferra7shawmutsales.com • sales a�grassautomatian.com
, � ;� f .
€���r•�t:s;i ;;� ¢i,rE�,�r�;{�
NV o 2"8 voR R R $$�
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A������� �r���e� d���rl���d
Wefght (ihs_) peC 100d
Phase Concfuckars Ber� t�eutral IVlessen�er � Ratin {Amps)
Cade Insulat(on
Word 5eze AWG Strand Thlckhess SEae AWG Strand Breaking XEP Poiy XLP Poly
{�nils} (Ihs.) Strength
Setier S $olid 45 6 6/1 3,140 73.2 73,2 8S �Q
Shepherd 6 7/w 95 6 6/� 1,�90 7$.3 74.6 �� 70
Es imo q Salid 45 4 6/1 1,869 3i3.7 11�,� 11U 90
Terrier q 7Jw 45 4 6/i 1,860 118.7 ��3 6 i10 ga
Chow 2 7/W 45 2 6/1 2,850 181.7 �7,�.7 150 1�5
Bull 1f0 14/w 60 i/0 6/i A,380 288.7 Z80.3 200 155
All values arn nnrninal and su6jeat ta correctlon
Ampacily 90 �G conductor temperatures, 209C arnbienl ternperature RFIO 90 10D% load factor €or three conductar triplsx wiih nautral
carrying only unba[anced load. Ail yelfaw extruded siripe cable is XLP insulation. UL Standard 854 availabfe �pon request,
Ampacity ralings are nal appliea6le for iVEG applicatlons.
Applicatian. AluminurrE �uplex Overhead csble is deslgne�l for use to supply 12D voR aerial service for Eem�orary service at
cansiructlon siles, ouEdoar or sireel Eigf�ting, ihis aa6le (s sultable ior service a# 60o volts or lowers at a eonductor
temperatc�re of 75°�C maxlrnum. .
Cnnductars: �1 oanaentric slrand or cnmpressed 135�-H13 series afuminum series aluminum conductor.
fiAessenger: A bare ACSR messenger. Optianal conslruniians include a messenger nt AF1C nr 6201 alloy.
�nst�[�tion: A blacic cross linked pofyet�ylane (XLPj Ensulalfon, polye�hylene (P�j fnsu�alion Es auailable upon requesf,
►tandaeds: ASTiN B-23o
ASTM �-23�
RSTtv� B-232
ASTM B-399
� Priority Wire & Cable, Little Rock, AR PWC-2DI7
( I�� � � � � �i,� � � �; � ---:�,� �
�=,yz I � L
�`� � I � �i' �' G� �
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i i WIR� �c C�6LE, INC.
�40������ '������x ������a�
P�ase Conductars 8are Neutraf ihAessenger 4Velght 4i6s} per lnno fr. Ampacity jRmps)
to de Insulatlon Breaki nE
1Nord SizeAWG Sirand 7filckness SizeAWG "Strand Strengkh H�.P Poly SLP Poly
(mifs� Ib
Paludina 6 Solld 45 b 6/1 1,190 134.0 13.0 SS 70
Voluta 5 7/w 45 G 6J1 i,196 f15A 112,b &5 7Q
he 4 Solid 45 4 6/I 1,860 7.63,0 15i.0 �10 9D
Periwinkie 4 i/W 45 4 G/1 1,8G0 172.0 169.0 �10 90
Conch z 7Jw 45 2 6/1 2,$Sp 262.0 157,p J,50 215
NeritEna 1/p 7/w 6A i/0 6/i 4,38fl 429.0 q�q,p 200 �,�5
Cenla ]/0 I9/w 60 1/0 6/fl A,380 41A.0 4U8.0 �dfl 155
Rvncina Z�p 7/y�r 6a Z/0 G/1 5,31Q 519.0 SgZ,p 23d �gp
7riEon 2J0 19/w 60 2/0 6/1 5,310 511.4 505,0 230 1&0
Cherrystnne 3/0 7/w 60 3/f1 6/1 6,620 656.0 643�.0 26� 205
Mursia 3/0 19/w 6D 3/0 6/1 6,62D 633.0 626.0 266 2U5
Razor q/0 7Jw 6� 4/0 6J1 8,350 8i4.0 799,p 300 p35
Zuzara 4/0 19/w 60 4/0 6/1 8,359 785.9 y77,0 �Q� 235
Eimpet 336 1g/w SO 335 18/1 8;680 1I61.0 ff�}7,p 3&U ��0
Scallop q Solid 45 6 6/1 1,190 142.q 139.0 110 yp
5trombus 4 7/w AS 6 G/7. 1,k90 151.4 14g,p IJ.p gp
Cnckle p 7�yy q$ q 6/1 1,Sfi6 228.0 ygq,p 150 fiS
Jantfiine g�p 7/w 60 2 6/1 2,85� 3fi7.q 36tl.0 2Q� 155
ft�nella i/0 A)/w 60 2 6/1 2,850 3Sf.0 356.� 200 x5�
[avoEin3a 2/a 7/w 60 1 S/1 3,550 452.0 4q4.0 z�fl 180
qio 2/U 19Jw 60 S G/31 3,SSfl 444.(] 437.0 230 �gp
Sartddoliar 3J0 7/w 50 1/� 6/f q,3$0 57tl.p 557_0 26� 205
�ga 3/0 19/w fi� 1/0 6/1 9,380 565.0 552.D 260 250
Cuttleflsh 4/D 7]w 60 2/0 S/1 5,320 706.6 fi91.0 3fl� 235
CeYapus a/p 19/w 66 2/p 6/1 5,330 67$.0 67G.p 300 235
Cowry 336 19/w BO A/D 6J1 8,35D 1135.0 1�93.0 �$p z90
All vallies are nornina) and suhfent lo correctian
Applicateon: Aluminum iriplex Overhead cabie is designed tor use to suppEy powar irom ulility lines to ihe cvnsur►ter wteatiter hoad.
F'or service at B00 volts or Iower (phase to phase) at a cond�ctor temperature of 90 � maximum.
Conduclors: Goncentr�c sfrand or compressed i350-H79 series afuminum concEuator.
ftAessenge►: R bara AC5R messenger. Op[ianal canstructinns include a messenger of AAC nr 6201 alloy.
InsulaRion: Black cross linked polyeihylene (XLP) insulation. Polyi�thyiene (P�} Insulalian is available upon req�est.
Standards: ASTlIA 8-230, B•23i, 8-292, 8-399
ICEA S-76 - 474
RUS Aocepied
OO Priority Wire & Cable, LitEle Rock, AR PWC-2018
r ' ' � � �"`° ,, � £� a � '�
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t �! jF{� & CA�I��. [N�.
��= --- _�
`�'������ t�������� ������t�� ����J aJi��i
Phase Conducfor
$1z� insulation
A�� Strand'mg Thickness
6 7 60
Neukral Singie
Phase Outside
Insulatlun Dfameter
�1zQ CanrfucYar
Stranding �rhickness (�nchesj {3nches}
6 7/W 60 0.299 0,6q6
4 7/w Go 0.345 D.754
We1ghE {Amps)
(Ihs.) per
a.4U0 ft. pireet In
Burisl Ouct
1q3 95 7�
Stephens 2 7 fi0 4 7/w 60 �_403 U.842 26q i65
Rartapo 2 7 GO 2 7/w SO 0.403 0.874 z94 165
Brenau 1/0 19 SQ 2 7/w 6D 0.522 1.069 408 215
6ergen !/p l9 80 7./a 19/w 84 0,522 ]..133 a65 215
Converse �/p �9 8D f 19/w 80 0.566 1.7.74 502 245
Hunter 2/o i9 8U 2/U 18/w Sa a,566 1.228 560 245
�{allins 3/0 19 80 1/0 19/w 84 a.6SG 1.27& G48 280
Sweetbriar 4J� 19 80 2/0 19Jw 80 O.G72 2.3$9 739 315
Monrriouth 4/0 Z9 80 4J0 19/w 80 0.672 1.457 828 315
Pratt 250 37 95 3/U 19Jw 8(1 0.748 1.538 893 345
VJesleyan 350 37 95 4/0 19/w 80 0.851 1.736 1166 415
ftider 500 37 95 350 �7/w 95 0:979 2,035 1663 945
Fai�eld 7S0 Gi 114 590 37jw 35 1.19P 2.400 2289 b15
The above data is nvroinal and subjeci to manuEacluring tolerances.
Ampacity 90`C conduclor iem�eratures, 20°C amhfent temperalure. RHO 5�. 1 U6% load faclor Ipr i�ree canduclor iciples wiEh neulral carrying only
unhaiarsced foad. Ampacity nollor NEC applicatinns. .
Appl�ca#io�t: Aluminum 6qOV URa ea6fe is designed tor use in secondary dislribution circuiEs, where installed in duct or direot
6utial a�aplica4ivns. iUaximum operating tem�erature is na! fo exceed 9D°C �n wet and dry locations. Voltage rating Is
6�0 volts. As an option, this cable can be provided pre-pulled inta ducl.
Conduc�ors: Concentrlc strar�d or campressed i 354-H19 series alum€num cantluctar. Conductors are eabfed togelher, with surface
prtnfing for idenUfication. The neutral co�ductor has a yefiow siripe.
Insula�ian: Blac[c cross lir�ked polyethytene (XLP) insulatlon.
Sfandarsls: ASiM 8-230
ASiM B-23i
ASTM 8-609
A5TM B-9d1
fCEA 5-1 D5-692
FecEerAi Specificaiion A-A595544A
u� 85a
� "' ��)���������'�
� Prioriry Wire & Cable, LitTle Rock, A1Z PWG20i8
l�i��� �l��m������� ������a�� �i� ���c��N�
Mee#s UL 651 specifiaatians and N�MA TC2
Ra#ed far 90�C Cable
Sunlight Resi�fan#
� 0' Ler�gths
��� �S
A53RG 12 f�
A53BAi 2 �
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A53C�9 2 �
A53f�A 12_6 tl
A53EA'12 W
A53GA�E 2
SiZe ��et pBr 7
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�ote: 2Q' length a�ailabie on request
Schedule 80 cor�duit complies with federal and milifary specifications by cor�form�ng to UL F5�
9� ���T���, CANTEX 1NC. 30i CAN�M�RC� STE. 27a0 FQAT WOqTH,TEXAS 76102 817-215-7000 FAx: 817-215-7Q0 E wtvw.cantexinc.com
1�n�aa� ��rr���t����� ��he �� ������ � ����a�la�rr� I��din��
Part Trade Carton "�"
Nurnher Size Qiy. �i� � kr h��;� "�- �
5�2io53 t/2 so •s_oao �.�aa }_aoo i,sw �_2�a
5i21454 3/4 35 d_5�'3 �J_bL'� �,540 r.5U6 J_kt5
5i2i055 f 20 �.75i� �.,�Srl S.�I�tii� I,Es'r� ,y,{iL�;y �
6127056 1-1/4 3b 7��Sfj 7_'l�'i±l 7���i0 ;2.Q^;1 I a.3Yn I
5'121057 1-9/2 8D 8,2�a �+�2�a �.25b 2,�flb �3,o[So
5121058 2 15 S.�'4 8_5'�N.J B.sflO z,OG:] 15.{ICQ
512ta5s 2-112 ia Sas«a 1n.rr,n in,:��a a{ron ia.�u��
51210&0 3 14 13.I1[]il 1.1,l,,��0 19,f�^I,7 .#,l�� {t1.3JCr
S'12'1Qfi6 3-i/2 12 SE,L�� �4.s�U{} i5,G00 3.e.�.�a �3,5fl0
5121051 a i0 1�i.�JD lfi_fl�]'J 1t3_�0�? �.375 25_i25
5121062 5 30` �4,4ri0 ?/S.Of�t� 2�.Ls'JO 3,62� 37.fi�6
5121063 8 26` 30.�Ob 34�U�4 :�{],AOp ;#.7;aV d7-325
* Pailet Quaniity nrmens�ons e.e nomrnal
--- ---__ _ ____
Part Trade Carlon "S" ,�„
Number Size C}ry• � � �'�y, ��H� M�",
51214p3 �!2 so �_o�a y_yar� �_a�� y.�oo a.��:,
5i21004 3/4 25 �,8U7 �.;�I:{ 3,",@N �_5011 ',a.504
5121U05 1 2D 5,75(� ],Fi$S �_app 1,8� � a.�c0
5121D06 i-1/4 25 7.QvU 2.725 5�S2a 2_90� r.frBB
5121U07 1-1/2 20 k}_?50 �.3'15 5_$'f6 2.000 G,60[}
5121008 2 'l0 9,tiO4 ?.&t3 6.76� 2-L'U6 7,b90
512i009 2-1l2 20 j4_'�9� 2.'�9�3 7,�7� 3.�Q�1 a,25a
512i01D 3 $ i3,11p1} �„�t;; y,j�5 `�,1�5 Y;l,l�afj
512i�1i 4 26 fs,000 ��,698 11,•�3B 3,�7�, :��62b
5�21a12 s 30' �I,ao f,aoo i�.acu� a�z� ya.��s
5121013 $ 25�` ;�1�,SSiI❑ F4.l31;� �I,�iQ �l,1?j{J �'413'%ti
' i�8��E3f Qllfl�lfll}I Plmenslonc oro nr.;•;lne�
Conforms #o ULfi5i and
Materlal is Ftigid PVC
Bencf Tnlerarrce is ±2� ,�' �
; I
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Conforms to UL651 and
Material is Rigid PVC
eend Toierance is �2�
N �H
� ��us
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�. .
�* I ,,
� � ��u5
CAN7EXINC. �41 COAIEMEEiCE 8TE.27'00FORTWORTk,7EXA5 7fi1U2 SiT-2i5-7060 FA7C: I817-2157001 www.oantexfnc.com ������. a�
����du��� �� 1 ����d�u�� �� ���t�r�g� � ����s��r��o��
�#and�rd U� Coupling
Part irade Car#on �,,�,: •�' "fu'� "f]"
Number S�ze c�ty.
6141623 1/2 2�0 i,{I„� 1.8r,� _l;7;� .675
614fS24 3!4 125 1.;31:1 �.56:{ I,G�}s .C�2�
st41s2s t 7a r,c2� �.nuu �.;i�:� i,cr�s;�
614i626 1-1l4 40 2,fffJ0 2.1`e;r 1���3 1,�},�R
6��1627 1-i/2 30 �,�SU ?_376 I_.�3E� 1.6[33 '
&141628 � 40 : ,6Uf� ?,4.'�6 �.�#7.^ 1,78U
6141&29 2-112 20 S.?,b;l 9,e�0 ?,{3��`i 1.7;i4
Bi4i63D 3 44 �I,flOd 3.87� 3.�00 4.tlC�
6i4163� 3-i12 3D 4,p15f1 �4.#JD •�_OC� 1_'�3�
6i47632 4 24 h,air)p 4,15's# 4,!�[�tl ;?,4��
6i41633 S 10 fii.125 S,37fi 5,6'?� `�,Sqp
ei41694 5 a �.z� a_s�� a.�z� a�[?ao I
'614i635D 8 1 -� -- — �
` NOt UL L'isted Oimensians are nominel
� ��4-
A cannector used io join lengths of
conduit pipe, TF►e fi#ling consists of
tw� solvent weid femaEe ends uvith
a center stap. Bot� pieces of pipe
� should seat at fhe siop for proper
i�em�le Adapter J
Part Trade Carton ,�, „�, .�„
EVumher Size Qty,
st40U43 y/2 200 �,ilUrr 1,4�iH .fiKB
si4aa44 �/4 125 y_��o �.c��, ,sea
5140045 1 70 �,�bS 1_a75 .670
514��46 1-il4 4D 2.O�i] F,A,�R ,I+;��t
b14ff047 1-il2 36 2,2E6 2t2;� �39
5140G48 2 4o •r..,��� :�,�a.� ,�a
b14QD49 2-1/2 20 3,3�3 �,pi};1 1.313
51q005D 3 4fl �S.UOU 3_fl63 1_2ED
5144051 3-112 30 �,6Q[r ;i,4'U?� 7,1�£� '
S14QQ52 4 20 5,��p 31tt! }„y/�;
5140D53 5 10 r3.�25 3_6B8 �_313
5f40054 5 8 7,?50 d„il�x [,��5
`5f40065D 8 2 �i,S:3 7,41:� 2.�Sb '
' �03 U�. �.f510C� Dinwnsmf�x arr ersurtal
�..:..�;..,...� .
�' � .
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�: �-.• r,
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A connector often �ased to fransition
t�reacted metal cnnd�ii #o PVC
conduit. It can also be used to jain
PVG toPVC, Thefittingsconsfstof
two femaEe ends. Or�e end is thread-
ed and the ather is sol�enl weltE.
Soti� ends will fiithe same diameter
CANT�X INC. 801 Cd�4+lMERCE STE.27fl0 F{iRFWQATM,TEXAS 7fi102 B17•215-70U0 FAX: 817-215-7Q07 wuvw.�anfexlnc,com ������p
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CREQ��TE I�XD��` I PL.AIlTT �C Ins�ected / Iioom Truck
4-�40FT C-�
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Regionai Sales Manager
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E�acution of this S�gnature 'Veri%ca#io�a Fo�r�tt {"Foz�z�") here�ay cer�iftes t�at the foilnwing individuals
andlo;r posil�ons have the authorify ta legaIly bi�d Contractar and to execute any agreexnent, atne�dz�ezzt
or change arder nn behalf af Con�-actar. Such taiz�d�tt.g au�hor�ty ha� been granted by propex order,
resolution, ordinance or otbex authoriz�tion of Contractor. Ciiy is fu11y entitled fo rely on the warranty and
representation set forth in this Fvrtn in emering inta any a�eement or az�net�d�e�t with Contractor_
Cantractor wi11 submit an npdated Farna w�f���: te� (X4) business da.ys if there are any chaziges ta the
s���atocy anthority. Ciiy is entrtled #a rely on any current axecuted Form Until it r�ives a xevised �oz'cz�
fha� has been praperl�+ e�ecuted by Contractor.
1. Name: � �� .✓ _ � � �
Pa��on: , �� �: -�-.-
�. Natz�e:
3. Name:
Name: - �r• -
S�re of Preside�t / CE�
O�aer T��le:
, , --, �.�,
Date: r� � - '
3'fR�ET LIGH7S R�PAFR-REPLAC� Pege 4Z af 14
Contt2octar Senric�s i�greement
�l`�'��'A[_'J3�TTNT F;
S�'.ANP:�I� C�E��]FRAT. C'QI�D1'!��{_���
crrY o� �o��e wox�zz
Revision: �'ebivary�2016
At-�rcle 1—Definiiions and Terminolagy .......................................................................................
i.Ol. Defined Terms ...........................................�--�--------.....................................................
1.02 Terminalogy ...........................•-----�--.....--•---.........................................---�---.......---......
Article 2 --- Preliminazy Matters ..-• ..........................................................
2.01 CopiesofDocuments ..............................................�-�--•--...
2.02 Commencement of Contract Tzxne; Notice to Proceed .....
2.03 Stariingthe Work ...............................................................
2.Q4 Be�ore Stattrng Construction .............................................
2.05 Preconstruction Conference ...............................................
2.06 Pubi�c Meetizzg ...................................................................
2.07 Iz�itial Acceptance of Schedules ..........................................
.A.rticle 3— Coniract Documents: Intent, Amending, Reuse .............,
3.01. Intent ..............................�-�-----..........................................
3.02 Reference Standards ........................................................
3.03 Reporting and Resolving Discrepancies .........................
3.04 Amending and �upplementing Contract Documents.....
3.05 Reuse o�Documents .....................................................:.
3.06 Electranic Data ..................................•---..........................
............. T
............. 6
.................................................. 7
,. .................................��-�----------. 7
....................�.....--•--.................. 7
.--• ............................................. 8
.............................................•--- g
................................................. 8
................................................. S
........................................�-----... S
.. ........................................ ........ 8
........................................................... $
........................................................... 9
........................................................... 9
.........................................................1. 0
----------------------� �----�---.........................11
Article 4— Availability o� Lands; Subsurface and Physical Condzfiaans; Hazardous Envi�onmental
Conditxons; Refer�nce Points ...........................................................................................................1 I
4.O1. Availability of Lands ....................----�--�------..................................................--------......................11
4.02 Subsurfaee and Physical Conditians .......................................................................................... 12
4.03 Differing �ubsurface or 1'hysical Conditions ............................................................................:12
4.04 U�derground Facili�ies ..............................................................................................�--..............13
4.05 Reference Points .........................................................................................................................14
4.06 Hazardous Environmental Condition ai Site ..............•--...---------.....................---.........................14
Article 5-- Sonds and ins�rance .....................................................................,
5.01 Licensed Sureties and Ins�rrexs ....................................................
5.02 1'erformance, Pay.txae�t, and Ma.intenance Bonds ........................
5.03 Certiftcates of �surance ..............................................................
5.04� Co�tractor's T�surance .................................................................
5.05 Acce�iance of Bonds an.d Insurance; Option to Replace............
Article 6 -- Confxactor's Responsibili�Fies .........,
6.OT Supervzsion and Superintendence.
.s ..................................18
-� .................................19
.....---------------- I9
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6.02 Labar; �VorZ�ing Hours ...............................................................................
6_03 Services, Matez-ials, and Equipmeni ..........................................................
6.04 Project Schedule .........................................................................................
6.05 Substitutes and "Or�Equals" ...............................................................�-�---�
6.06 Con.cer�ning Subconiractors, SuppIiers, and Others ...................................
6.07 Wage Rates ............................................-----................................................
b.08 Patent Fees and Royalti�s ..................................................................�----��-
6.09 Permits and Uti�zties .....................................................•--•----......................
b.10 Laws and Regulations ................................................................................
6. J 1 Taxes ..........................................................................................................
6.12 Use of Site and Other Areas ......................................................................,
6.13 Recard Docnments ......................................................................................
6.�4 Safetya�dProiection..........-� .................................................•--�-----------......
b.IS Safety Representative ................................................---..............................,
6.16 Hazard Comrnunica�.on Prograzx�s .............................................................
6.17 Emerg�ncies ancUox Rectification ................:..............................................
6.�.8 �ubmittals-------------�--..........................................,........--------................------...
6.19 Continuing tt�e Work ...................................................................................
6.20 Contractor's General Warranty and Guarantee ...........................•------.--.._..
b.21 Indemnification .......-• ................................................................................
6.22 Delegation of �'rofessional Design Se�c�s ..............................................
6.23 Right ta Audit.........-• .....................---.....---............................................-------
6.24 Nondiscriminatzon .......................................................................................
Arii.cle 7- Otk�er Wark at th� Site .............
7.01 Reiated Work at �ite .............
. 7.d2 Coordinatxon .:........................
.............................. zo
.............................. 20
.............................. 2I
.............................. 2 �
.......... .................... 24
...---� .......................25
.............................. 26
�--� ..........................27
.............................. 2$
.......................�--�--. 28
.............................. 29
.............................. 29
.............................. 30
..--•---� .................... 30
............................. 3 p
............................. 31
............................. 32
............................. 32
............................. 33
.................... ......... 34
............................. 34
............................. 35
• ..................................................................�-----................. 35
... ............................................ � ............._......................... 35
................... ...... . - ----...............................................36
Article S -- City's Responsibi�i�ies .............
...................................................................................................... 3
8.01 Communications io Contracto�r ...................................................................................................36
$.02 Furnish Data ................................................................................................................................ 3b
8.03 Pay Wf�en. Due .....-• .....................................................................................................................36
8.Q4 Lands and Easemenf�; Reports and. Tesfs ...................................................................................36
S.OS Change Orders ...........:........................................................................•-._.....................................3b
8.06 �i-ispections, Tests, and Appro�rals .............................................................................................. 36
8.07 Limitations on Ci�y's Responsibiliiies .......................................................................................37
8.08 U�disclosed Hazardous Envzronmental Condition ....................................................................37
$.�9 Corn�liance w�ith Safety Program ............................................................................................... 3'7
Article 9- Ciiy's Obsezvation Status DLu-ing Construc�.on ..................................................................
9.01 City's Pro�ect Manager .. ... ..............................................................................................
9.02 Visits to Site .......................................................................................................................
9.03 Authorized Variatxons in Work .........................................................................................
9.04 Rejecting Defective Work ...................................•---�--......................................--�--�---........
9.05 Dete�nina�ions for Work Per�armed .................................................................................
9.06 Decisions o� Requi�emenfis o� Coni�'act Documents and Acceptability of V41ark............
..... 37
..... 37
..... 37
..... 3 8
..... 3 8
..... 38
Rcvision: Febivary2, 2016
Article 10 -- Changes in the Wo�rlc; Claims; E�tra Work
10.01 Authoz�ized Changes in the Wor� ...............
�0.02 Unauthorized Changes in the Work ...........
10.03 Execuiion of Change Orders ......................,
10.04 Extra Wark_........................ .........................
1.0.05 Noiification to Surety ..................................
10.06 Contract Claa�as �rocess .............................
----...----��----. ......................................
.............. 3 8
.............. 3 S
.............. 39
.............. 39
Ariicle 11- Cost a�t1�e Work; AiIowances; LTnit Price Work; l'la�s Quantity Measuxement ......................41
11..0� Cost oithe Work ......................�-------...........................................--------........................................�41
� � .02 Allowances .................................................................................................................................. 43
II.03 Unit �rice Work ..................................................�---...........................................---......................44
1 �..04 Plans Quaniity Measurement ...................................................................................................... �45
Article 12 - Change of Coniaract Price; Change of Contract Tzzx�e .................................................................46
I2.01 Change of Contract 1'rice ............................................................................................................46
12.02 Change of Contract Ti�e...........---� ........................................................�--.................................. �47
12.03 Delays ..........................................................................................................................................9��
Articl� 13 - Tests az�d Tnspec�ions; Correc�ion, Removal or Accep�ance of Defective Woxk ...................... 48
13.01 Notice of De%cts ........................................................................................................................ 48
13.02 Access to Work ...........................................................................................................................48
13.03 Tests az�.d Tnspeciions ..................................................................................................................48
13.04 Uncovering Work ..........................•--•-�---��------._...................................------�----.............................9�9
13.05 City May Stop the Work .................................................................................:...........................49
13.Ob Correction or Removal ofDefective Worlc ................................................................................50
I3.07 Coz�rection Period ....................................................................................-----................................50
- - --
.:1.3.0$ Acc��tance o�Defective Work ..................................�................................................................51
13.09 Czty May Correct De%ctive Wark ...................�----........,..............................-�-�---------.................51
Article 14 --Payments to Contractar and Completion ...........................
14.01 �chedule of Values ............................................................,
14.02 Progress Payments ............................................................,
14.03 Contiractor's Warranty of Tii1e ..........................................
14.04 PattialUtilization ...............................................................
14.05 Final Inspection ..................................................................
I4.06 Final Acceptance ................................................................
14.07 Final �'ayment....................... ..............................................
19-.OS Fina1 Completron. Delayed and Par�ial Retainage Release
14.09 Waiver of Claims .......................................................--�----•
.......-----� � ................................... 52
................................................. 52
................................................. 52
...................� �----........................ 54
................................................. 55
................................................. SS
................................................. 55
................................................. 56
................................................ 56
................................................ 57
Article 15 - Suspens�on of Work and Ternaznation ........................................................................................ 57
15.01 City May Suspend V�ork ......................•-----------..................................----.....-----........................... 57
15.42 City May Te�•mz�aate for Cause ................................................................................................... 58
15.03 Ciiy May Terrz�ai�ate For Convenience ....................................................................................... 60
Article 1 b- Dispute Resolutior� ...................
16.01 Methods and Procedures..........
-• ............................................................................. 61
................................... ............................................ 61
Revision: Teb�uary2, 2016
Artzcle 17 -- Miscellaz�eous ......................................
17.01 Giv7ingNoiice .......................:..............
17.02 Computation of Times ........................
� 7.�3 Cumulative Remedies .........................
I7.04 Siuvival oi ObIigatzons .......................
17.05 Heac�ngs ..............................................
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................................. 62
................................. 62
................................. 62
................................. 62
................................. 63
................................. 63
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1.OI Defzned Terrns
A. Wherever used zn these General Conditions ox in ather Contract Docuzxienfis, �e terms listed
b�low have the zxaeanings indicated which are applicabl.e to both t�.e sing�Iar a.nd plt�ral �hereaf,
azzd words denoiing gender shaTl include the rnasculine, £eminine and neuter. �aid terms are
generally capitalized ox wx`i.tten in itali.cs, bui not always. When used in a coniext consistent vSritll
the def�tion of a listed-defined tez-m, the term shall have a meaning as define�. below whether
capital.ized or italicized or othez�se. 7n addition io terms specifically defined, tert�r�s with initial
capital iet�ers in ihe Coxa.t.ract Documents include z'e�erences to ideniified articles and parag�aphs,
and the titles o:Fot�ex documenis or �oria�.s.
1. Adderada Writt�n or g�aphie xnstrc�ments issued prior to the open�g of Bids which clariiy,
coz�ect, or change the Bidding Requrr�rnEnts or the propased Contract Doc�unents.
2. Agreement The writien insii-�.ment wh�ch is evidence of the ag�reenaez�t between City azzd
Cont�actoz covering the Work.
3. Application for Paymen� The �orm acceptable io City which is to be used by Contracfior
dut-ing the co�r�e of #�ae Work in requesting progxess or fnal payments a�d which is to be
accampanied by such supparting docuzxa.entafiian as is rec�uired by the Coniract Documents.
4. Asbestos—Any material that contains more than one perceni asbestos anc� is £riable or is
releasing asbestos fibexs into �he air above c�ent actian levels established by the Uniied
States Occupatzo�nal SaFety and Health Adz�znistration. .
5. Award — Authorizaiion by the City Council for the City to enter into an Agreelx�.e�t.
6. Bic� The oi�'�r ar p�oposal o:f a Bidd�r submitted on. the prescribed form set�ir�g forth the
prices for the Wor� ta be performed.
7. Bidder—The individual or entity vvho subzx�its a Bid directly to Cziy.
8. Bidding Documents The Biddi�g Requirements and the proposed Coniract Documents
{includi�g a11 Addenda).
9. Bidding Requiremenis—T�e advertisement or Invitat�on to Bid, Instructions to Bidders, Bid
security of acceptable �orm, if any, and fhe Sid Farm with any supplerrx�:ents.
1a. Business Day — A busin�ss day is de£'x�ed as a day that the City conducts normal business,
generaliy Monday through I`riday, except �or federal or state holidays observed by the Ciiy.
1 I. Buzzsaw --- City's on-line, electronic dacurnent ma�age�ent and collaboration system_
12. Calendar Day — A day consxsting of 24 hours measu_red from midnight to the next midnight.
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I3. Change O�der—A documen�, which is prepared and approved by the City, whxch is signed
by Coniractor and City and auihorizes an addition, dele�ion, or rev�sion in the Wor1� or an.
adjustYrient zn the Cont�act Pizce or the Contract Tizxze, xssued on or af�er the Effeciive Dafe
of �he Agreexz� e�t.
14. City— The City oi Fort Wo�-t1�, Texas, a home-ruie municipal corpoxation, authorized and
ck�artered und�r the Texas Staie Staiufes, acting �y its goverx�tiz�g body through its City
Mar�ager, hzs deszgnee, or agents auf.�ior7zed �u�.der hzs behalf, each of which zs zequired by
Charter to pe�rform specific duties wit1� xespoz�sxbility for final enforcemen.t of the contracts
involving the City of Fort Warth is by Charter vested in t�e City Manager and is �e entzty
with w�aom Coniractor has entered into th.e Ag,ree�rz�ent and for whorn �he Wor�C is to be
l 5. City A�torney — The officially appointed City Atiorney of the City of Fort Worih, Texas, or
his duly authorized represen.taiive.
16. City Council - The dul.y elected and qualified gove��ng body oi the City' of �'oxt Worth,
17. Ciiy Manage� -� The officialXy appointed and au�hor�ed City Manager of th� City of Fort
Worih, Texas, ox �iis duly authorized re�resentative.
Z$. Contraci Claim—A demand or assertion by City or Contractor seeking an adjustmeni of
Contza.ct Price or Con�ract Tirrxe, ox both, or other relief �ovith respect to ihe terms of the
Contract. A demand for zxzoney or services by a third pat�ty is not a Contract Claim.
19. Cont�act The entire and integrated written docu�aent beiween the Ciiy and Contractor
concezx�ing the '�Vorl�. The Contract contaxns the Agreement and a11 Contract Documents and
�npersedes prior negotiations, representations, or agreements, whether written or ora1.
20. Coniract Documents—Those items so designated in the Agreeineni. Al% iterns lzsted in the
Agreement a.re Contract Documents. Approved ,Submittals, other Con:�ractox submit�als, and
the xeports and drawings of subs�£ace and physical condi�ions are not Contract Documents.
21. Contract P�ice The rnoneys payab�e by City to Contracior fox comple�ion of the Work zz�
accordance ruith ihe Contract Documents as stated in the Agreement (subject to ihe
provisions of Parag,7raph 11.03 in the case of Unit Price Work).
22. Contrac� Time The nuxnber of days or t1�e dates stated in the A�eement to: {i) achieve
MzJestones, if anq and {ii) conaplete the Work so that it is reac�.y for Final Accepiance.
23. Contracto� The indivzdual or entifiy with whom City has entered into the Agreeznent.
24. Cosi of the Wark—See �'aragraph I 1.OI of these General Condi�ions for de�znition.
crrY o� �onr wo��rx
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��N��A1. coNdirlaivs
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25. Damage Claims — A demand for rnoney or se7rvices arising fro�n the Praject or Site from a
third pariy, City or Con�ractor excl�,isive of a Conirac� CIaim.
2b. Day ox day — A day, unless otherwise defined, s�a11 naean a CaZendar Day.
27. DiYector of Aviation — The officiall� appointed D�ectox o� the Aviation Depart�nent of i�ae
Ciiy of Fort WorEh, Texas, or his duly appointed representative, assistant, or agents.
28. Director of Parks and Comma�niiy Se�-vices — The officially appoin.ted Di�ecior of fihe Parks
and Coz�azx�unity Seirvices DeparLment of the City of Foz-t Worth, Texas, or his duly appoi�ted
repxesentative, assistant, or agents.
29. Director of Planning and Development — The officially appointed Directoz' of the Planning
and Developrnent Departnae.nt of thhe City af Fori Worth, Texas, ox his duly appointed
representative, assistant, ar agents.
30. Di�ector af TYan,sportation Public Works — T�.e officially ap�oinied Director of the
Transportai�on Public Works Department of the City of Fort Wo�rt�, Texas, ar his duly
appointed repxesentative, assistant, or agents.
31. Di�ector of T�Yater Department -- The officially appointed. Director of f,he Water I�eparix�aent
of the Ciiy of Fort Worth, Texas, ox his duly appointed representa�:ive, assi siant, or agents.
32. Drawings That part of ib.e Coni�act Docurnents prepared or appraved by Engineer which
graphically shows the scope, extent, and characier of the Work to b� per�ormed by
Contractor. �ubmittals are not Dra�vc�itzgs as so de�ned.
33. Effeciive Daie of the Agreement—The date indicated in the Agreement on which ifi becames
e�'ective, hut i� no such date is indicated, ii naeans t.he date on which the Agreement is sig�aed
and deJivered by the last of �e tt�o parties to sign and deliver.
34. Enginee� The licensed pxofes�ional engineer or engineerin.g �rm registered in the State of
Texas perf'ornzing professio.nal services %r the City.
35. Exl�a YYa�k — Addztional worlc made necessary by chaz�ges or alfierations of the Cont7ract
Docunaezats or of quantities or �or of�her reasons for which no prices are provided in the
Caz�tract Docum�nts. E�tra �voxk shall be part of the Work.
3&. Field Orde� A�itten order issued by City which requires c�anges in the Work but �rhich
does no� irsvolve a chazage in the Contract Price, Con.i�act Ti�e, or the intent of the Engineer.
Fieid Orders are paid irom Field Order Allawances incorporate� into the Conlract by fiinded
work type at t1�e time of award.
37. Final Acceptccnce — The �w�ritten not�ce given by the City to the Contxactor that the Work
specified irs ihe Contract Documents has been completed io the saiisfact�on of ihe Ciiy.
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38. Final Inspecfion — Inspection carried out by ihe City io verify that the Con.l�actor has
completed the Work, and each and evezy part or appurtenance Lhereof, fia�ly, entirely, and in
con%rmance �rit11 iI�e Contraci Documents.
33. GeneNal Requi�ement.s�--,�eciions of Divzsion 1 o��ae Contract Documents.
40. Hazardous Enviroramental Condi�ion The presezxce at the Site of Asbestos, PCBs,
Pei�oleum, Hazardaus Waste, Rad'zaactive Material, or other materials in such quantities or
circiunstances that zn.ay present a substantial danger to persons 4r prop�rty exposeci thexeto.
41. I�aza�dous Waste—Hazardous waste is de�ned as ai�y solid waste listed as hazax'dous or
possesses one or more hazardou,s chax'acteristics as defined in the :federal waste regulations,
as amenc�ed from time to tit�n.e.
42. Laws and Regulations—Any and all applicable Iavvs, zules, regulations, ordinances, cades,
and orders of any ar�d all governrnental bodies, agenczes, authorities, ar�d courts having
A�3. Lien.�—Charges, securii.y interests, or encurnbrances �pon Pxaject funds, real property, or
personal property.
44. Majo� .£tem —�Ln Item af work included in the Contract Dacuments ihai has a total cast equal
to or greater tharl. 5% of the ori.ginal Contract Priee or $25,000 wkuchever is less.
45. Milestone A pxzn.cipal event specified in the Conix'act Documents relaiing to an zz�.tezmediate
Contract Tz�e prior to Final Acceptance o�the Work. -
46. Nofice of Awa�d—The written no�ce by Cii:y to the Successful Bidder stating that upon
ti�nely campliance by tkze Successful Bidder oviil� the conditions precedent listed iherein, City
will sign and delivex the Agreement.
4'7. Notice to Proceed A written noiice gzven by City io Contractorr �'ixing the date on which fhe
Cont�aci Time will commence to z-� and on which Conf.raciox ��all start to �erform ihe
Wor1� specified in Coniract Document�.
48. PCBs—Polychio�-inafed biphenyls.
49. Petroleuna Peixoleum, including crude oil or any fraction thereof �vhich is liquid a� standard
cond�i�ions of temperature and pressure (60 degrees Fahrenheit az�d 1�.7 paunds �er square
:inch absolute), such as oil, petroleum, fuel oil, oi1 sludge, ozl refuse, gasoline, kexosene, and
oil m�ed with other non-Hazardous Waste and cr�de oil�.
50. Pians-- See definition oiDrawings. '
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5I. Project Schedule—A schedule, prepaxed and maintained by Contx'actar, in accordar�c� vazth
ihe General Require�ents, descxibing the sequence and duration of the aciivif.ies cor�x�pzising
the Cont�ractor's plan to accomplish f,he Work witl�in the Coniract Ta�e.
52. P�ojecf—The Worlc to be perfornxed �aader the Contraci Documents.
53. P�oject Manager The authorized representative oi the City who wiIl be assigne� to the
54. Public Meeting — An announced rneeting conducted by the City to facilitate �ublic
pat-�icipatio� and to assist the public in. gaining an in�ormed view af fi.�e Project.
SS. Radioactive Material—Source, special nuclear, ox byproduct material as defned by the
Atornic Energy Act of 1954 (42 iTSC Section 20J l. et seq.) as amended from iime to titn�.
56. Regular Working Hou�-s — Ho�rs begi�niz�:g ai 7:00 a.m, and encling at 6:00 p.m., Monday
t,Y�u I'riday (exc�uding legal holidays).
57.5amples—Physical e�amples of materials, equipment, ar warkrnanship that are
representa�sve of some partion of ihe Wor1� ar�d w�ich establish the sian.dards by which such
portion of t�ae Work will b� judged.
58. Schedule of Submittals—A schedule, pre�ared and mainiained by Coniractor, of xequi�-ed
submittals and the tirne xequirem�nts ta � support scheduled performance of related
construction actzviti.es.
59. Schedule of I�alue,s A,schedule, prepared and maintained by Contractor, allocating portions
o� ihe Coni�act Price to various por�ions of tl�e V�ork and used as the basis far reviewing
Contractor's Appiications for Payrnent.
60. Siie---Lands or areas indicated in the Confract Docurnents as beizzg �i.�nished by Cit� upon
which the �Vork is to l�e pez£ormed, including rigl�ts�of way, pexmif.�, and easezxients far
access thereio, and s�ch oik�ez lands fizrnished by City wk�ich are d�signated fox �lae use oi
61. S�ecificatians—That part ai the Cont�ract Dacuments consisting of wzitten requirernents for
materi.als, equipment, s�sterrzs, standards and workmanshzp as appli�d io the Woxk, and
cerfain adminisirative requiremen� and procedux�al matiers appIicable tlaexeio. Speci�cations
may be speciftcally made a part of �e Contract Documents by attachment or, if not attached,
rnay be incorporated by reference as indicated in the Tab1e of Contents {Division 00 00 QO)
of eac� Project.
62. Subcontractor An individual or entity having a dirrect cantract with Con�ractor ar wi#.� any
o�her Subcontracior fox the per%rmance of a part o� the Work at the Site.
crr� ox �ot��• woz��x
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63. Subrrtittals—�1� dravaings, cl�agirar�x�s, illustrations, schedules, and other data or informa�on
which are speczfically prepared or as�embled by or %r Conf.ractor �d submitked by
Contractor to illusirate some parixon of the VIlor-l�.
64. Successful Bidde� The Bidder sub�.tting the lowest and zx�ost xesponsive Bid io �ovho�n City
zxaakes an Award.
65. Superintendent --- T�:e xepresentative of the Contx�actor who is available at all �zzx�es and able
to receive znstrcictions from the Ciiy and to acf for thE Contractor.
b6. Supplementary Conditions--That part ofi the Contract Docurnents whic� amends or
supplemenfs these General Conditions.
b7. Supplie� A zx�anL�facturer, fabricatar, suppZier, clis�-ibutor, material_txaan, or vendar hat�ing a
direct contt�aci with Conteactor or wit�. any Subcontractor to fi�nzsh materials or �quipment
to be incorpora�ed in ihe Wor1� by Coniractar or Subcontzactor.
68. Under�ground Facilities—Al � underground pipelines, conduits, ducis, cables, wires,
manholes, vaults, tanks, tunnels, or other such facili�ies or attachnnents, and any encaserne�ts
con:taaning s�ch facilities, includizag but not limited to, those t�at convey eleciricity, �a,ses,
steam, lic�uid. petroleuna products, t�lephone or ot.�er communications, cable television,
water, wastewater, storm water, other liquids or chemicals, or traffic or other control systerns.
69. Unit Price Work See Paragraph 11..03 of tllese General Condit�ons for de�tnition.
70. Weekend Working hFours -- Hours beginning at 9:40 a.m. a.nd ending at 5:00 p.rn., Saturday,
Sunday or legal boliday, as approved in advance by the City. � � �
71. Work The entire construction or tJ�e various separately identifiable parts thereof requvred to
be provided under the Contract Dacuments. Work includes a�xd is the result o�perforxning or
providing alI labor, sezvzces, and doctunentatzon necessary to produce ,such construciion
including any Change Order or Field Oxder, and it��nishing, installzng, and incorporating all
materials and equipment into such construction, aIl as required by t�e Contract Documents.
72. Wo�king Day — A working day is defined as a dap, not inclucEa�ag Saturdays, Sundays, ox Iegal
�aolidays authorized by the Cziy for cant�act piuposes, i� which weather ox oihex conditions
no� under the cont�rol of the Contractor wiil per�nit the performance o� ihe principal unii of
wark underway for a continuous period o�nof less than 7 hours betweex� '1 a.rn. and 6 p.m.
1.02 Terminalogy
A. The woxds and terms disc�issed in �'aragraph 1.02.B thraugh E are not defined bui, when used in
the Bidding Requirements or Cantiact Dacuments, have tne indicated meanizag.
B. Intent of Ce�-tain .7'e�ms or Adjectives:
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1. The Contract Documents znclude the terms "as all.owed," "as approved," "as oz'dered," "as
direcied" or te�s o� like eifect ar irr�porrt io authorize an e�ercise of judgmen� by City. �
aC�Clltr0l7, t�le 8.(j]eCt1VES "reason.able," "SUl�bl��" "acceptable," i�proper," "Sa�IS�aG�OS�," OY
ad�ectzves of like effect or izx�port are used to describe an action or determination o� City as to
tlie Work. It is intended thaf such e�ercise of pxofessional judgmeni, aciion, or determi�aiion
will be solely to evaluate, in general, �Iie Wor� for cornpliance wzth the inforrr�ation in the
Contrraci Documents and vvith the design concept of' tlae Pxoject as a fitnci�ioning whole as
shown or indicated iz� the Contract Docuxnents (unl.ess there is a specifc siaternent indicat7ng
otherwise}. .
C. Defective:
].. The word "defective," when modifyir�g tk�e word "Work," refexs ta Work th.at is
unsatisfactory, faulty, or deficient in �hat ii:
a. does �ot con%rm to t�e Conf�raci Doc�ments; ar
b. does not xneet the r�quirements o� any ap�plicable inspectzon, refer�nce standaz�d, test, ar
approval referred io in the Con1�-act Document,s; or
c. has been darr�.aged prior to City's �srritten accep#ance.
D. Fu�nish, Insiall Perfo�m, Provide:
]. The word "Furx�tish" or the word "Install" ar the word "Perfor.t�" or the word "Provide" or
the word "Supply3" or any coxnbination or similar diz-ective or usage il�ereo£, shall mean
fiirnishing and'i�co:rporating in tkie Work rncluding alI necessary labor, zxa�terials, equipment,
and everything necessary to perforr�n. the Work indicated, unless specifically lirnited in the
coniexi used.
E. Unless stated other�rise iz�. �ae Coniract Docrr.ments, words or phrases that have a w��l-kno�vvn
technical or const�ruction indusiry or teade meaning ar� used in t�e Contract Docu�n.ents in
accordance �rifh such xecognized meaning. �
2Al Copies afDocuments
City shall fiunish to Contracior 4ne (1) original executed copy and one (1) eZeciranic copy of the
Contract Docur�enfs, �d four {4) addit�onal copies of the Drawings. Addifional copies wzll be
fiarnished upon request at the cast of reproduction.
2.02 Commencement of Contract Time; Notice to Proceed
The Contxact Time urill cozx�aence to ruti on f:he day indicated in the Notice to �'roceed. A Notice io
Proceed may be given at any time within 14 days after the Effective Date of ihe Agreernent.
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2.03 Sta�ting the Worl�
Contxactor shall starE io perform tlae Woxk on �he da�e when the Contract Tizne caznmences to n�n.
No Work shalI be done at the Site prior ta the date on which ihe Coniract Time commences to r�Yn.
2_04 Before S�arting Cotast�'uction
Baseline Schedules: Submit in accordance with the Confiract Documents, and pz7iox to starting the
2.a5 Preconstruction Conference
Before any Work at the Site is starteci, f11e Contractor shall attend a Precons�ction Conference as
specified in the Contract Documents.
2.06 Public 11�leeting
Contractor may noi mobiIize any equipment, materials or resources ta the �ite prior to Con.tractor
attending �.ae P�.blic Meeting as scheduled by the Czty.
2.07 1`nitial Acceptance of Schedules
No pragress payme�t shall be made to Contracior u�ntil acceptable schedules are submitted io City in
accordance witb� the Schedule Specification as provided in t11e Contract Documenis.
3.01 .Intent "
A. The Contract Documents are complernentary; wk�ai is required by on� is as bindzng as i�required
by all.
B. It is the intent o� the Contract Documents to descri.be a funcizonal�y complete project (o�r pa7:�t
tllereof} io be consiructed in accordance ,c�viih tl�.e Contract Documents. Av;y labor,
docurnentation, sez�vi.ces, materia.ls, or eq�ipment t1�at reasonably may be infe�ed from the
Contract Documents or frorn pre�vailing custom or �rade usage as being required to produce fhe
indzcated. result will be provided w�►eiher or not specifically called �or, at no additianal cosi to
C. Clarificatio�s and interpretations of Yi�e Contiract Documents shall be issued by City.
D. The Specificatio�s �ay vary in forrn, format and sryle. Some ��ecification sectzons may be
wri�ten zn varying degrees of sireazxalxz�ed or declaraii�re style a�.d some sectio�s may be
xelatively narrative by comparrison. Omission of such vvords and phrases as "the Con.tractor
Sr1a11?" "1Y1 COI7�01'SS]1�T Wl�]," "cLS shavvn," OP "aS specified" c`1I� 111�e71tit011a� Jl1 S1reaTtl�_lilEd
sections. Orx�itted words and phrases shall be suppIied by in%rence. ,Simila�r types of provisions
may appear in variaus parts o�' a sectzon oz ar[icles wi�hin a pari depending on fih� fortnat of the
crrY oF �onr woxx,�z
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section. The Contractor sha11 not ia�Ce advantage of any variation of �or�n, %rmat or style in
zxaaking Contract Clai�ns.
E. The cross referencing o� specrfica�ion sections under t.�ie subparagraph heading "Related
Sec�ions include but are no� necessarily izzx�iied to:" and elsewhere within each Specification
section is provided as an aid and. con�enience to tIie Contracior. The Contractor shail not rely on
t�ze cross xe�erencing provided and shall be responsi.ble to coordinate the eniire Work undex the
Contract Documents and provide a cozrzplete �raject whether or not the cross re%rencing is
provided in each seciion or whet�ex or not t�e cross referencing is complete.
3.02 Reference Siandards
A. Standar�s, Specif ca�ions, Codes, Laws, az�ci Regu�ations
1. Re%rence to stanclards, specificaiions, xx�anuals, or cod.es of any fechnical society,
organization, or associaiion, oz to Laws ar Regulations, wheiher such reference be specific ox
by implication, shali mean the standard, specif cation, manual, code, or Laws or Regulations
in effect at t�e txme af opening of Bids (or on the Effective Date of the Agreement if there
vvexe no Bids), e�cept as may be otherwise specifcally staied in Yhe Cantract Doc�ments.
2. No pxovision o� any such standard, specification, manuai, or code, or any ixzstructio� o� a
�uppZier, shall be effective io chauge ilae dutzes ox xesponsibilit�es of City, Coniractor, or any
of their sut�cont�raciors, consuliants, agents, ar employees, from those set forih rn �he Contx-act
� Docunae�ts. No such provision or instruction shaIl be effec�.ve to assign to Czty, or an.y o�its
officers, directars; member�, partners, employees, agents, cansuitants, or subcont�-actors, an�
° duty or authori�y io supervise ax clirect tXae per�oz�ance o�'the Work or any duty or authorii:y
� to undertake responsibility inconsistent with the provisio�s`of the �Conix�act Documents.
3.03 Reporting and Resolving Discrepancies
A. Reporiing Discrepancies:
Con�acto�-'s Review of Contract Documents Before Starting Wor7z: Before underta.�ng each
part of the Work, Confiractor shaiZ carefu�ly study and compare ihe Contract Documents and
check and verify pertinent figLrres tl�erein agaivasi a.Il applicable field measurerraei�ts and
conditions. Coniractor shall pxoznptly report in writing ta City any conflict, error, ambiguity,
or discrepancy wh�ch Contractor discovers, or has actual knowledge of, azzd shall obtain a
written interpretation or clarification from City before proceeding with any Work af�ected
2. Conirac%�-'s Review of Contract Documents During PerfoNmunce of Wo�-k. If, duning the
performance of tkze Work, Contractor cliscovers any conflici, error, ambigui�y, or discrepancy
wiihin the Contract Documents, or betvveen fhe Confract Documenis and (a) any applicable
Law or Regulaiion ,(b) any standard, specifcat�an, �aanual., or code, or (c} any instruction of
any Supplier, then Contractor shall promptly report it to City in wriiing. Cont�actor shall not
proceed with t�e Work affected thereby {except in an e�nergency as requzred by Paragraph
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6.I7.A) un.tzl an a�xzendxrae�t ar supplement to the Contraci DocuXxaents has been issued by
one of the me�thods indicat�d in Paragraph 3.04.
3. Contractor shall not be liable io Cziy �ar faiIL�re to report any conflict, error, az�bigurty, or
discrepancy in ihe Cont�act Docu�nents unless Contractor had acival l�nowledge �laezeo£
B. Resolving Discrepancies:
I. Except as inay be otherwise specifically stated i.n tile Coniract Documents, the provisions of
the Contract Documents sha11 take precedence in resolving a�y conflict, error, a�biguity, or
discxepancy between fhe provisions of the Contract Docuzxaents and the provisions of an�r
sfandard, specifrcatian, man�tal, or the insi�uctzan of any Supplier (urheiher or not specifically
incorporated by reference in the Contxact Documeni:s).
2. In case o:f dzscrrepaxzcies, fzgu�red dimensions shall gov�rn over scaled dizxaenszons, Plans �ha11
gove� over Specifications, �upplernentary Cor�ditions shall govez-� over General Conclitions
and Specifications, and c�uantities showz� on the �Xans shall govern over those shown in the
3.04 Amending and Supplemerating Contraci Documents
A. The Confiract Documeni5 may be amended to provide �or addiiions, de2eiions, arid re,visions ixa
the Work or to rnodify t�ae tez7rxzs and conditions thereof hy a Cha.nge Orcler.
B. The requiremenis of ihe Contraci Documents may be supplemented, an.d zxzzno� variations and
= deviations in the Worl�. noi involv�ng a change in Contract Price. or Contract. Time, may be
.-auihorized, by one or more of f.he followz�g ways:
1. A Field Oxd.er;
2. Ciiy's zeview oi a Submittal (subject to the proviszons o�Paragraph 6.1 S.C); ar
3. City's written interpretation or ciarificat�on.
3.05 Reuse af Documents
A. Contractor and any Subcont�ractor or Supplier shaIl not:
1. have or acqui_re any tzt�e to or ownership rights in any of the Drawings, Specifications, or
ather doc�ments (ar copies oi any thereo fl prepared by ox bearing the seal of Engineer,
including elecfranic media ecli�ions; or
2, reuse any s�ch Dravvings, Specificati.o�s, otlaer documents, or copies thereof on extensions af
the Project or any otberr pzoject without wriiten consent of City azzd specific writien
veriizcation ox adaptation by Engineer.
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13. The pz-o�Zzbitions of �iis Paragraph 3.05 wilI s�rvive final paymenf, or termination of ihe
Coniract. Nothing he�ein shall preclude Contractoz from retaining copies of the Cozat�ract
Documents for x ecord puzposes.
3.06 Electronic Data
A. Unless ot�erwise stated in fihe Supplemen�ary Conditions, ihe data i'��.rnished by Ciiy or Engineer
to Contractor, or by Contractor to Czty or Engineer, that may be relied upon are 1i�zz�ted ta the
printed copzes zncluded in ihe Contract Documenis (alsa kn.ow�a as hard copies) and other
Specifzcations referenced and located on �he City's Buzzsaw site. Files in �lectronic media
%rmat of text, data, graphics, ox ot,her iypes are fuxnished only fbr the convez�zez�ce of the
receiving parry. A.ny conclusio� ox infor�nation obtained or derived frozn suc� elecironic files
w�ill be at the user's soie risk. If there is a discrepancy between the electranic files and tise �ard
copies, the hard copies govern.
B_ When transferring doc�ments az�. elec�tro�i.c media fozYn.at, the transfert7ing pa�riy makes no
represEnta�ians as to long te� campatibility, usability, or readabzlity of docu.rz�ents resniting
frozxz tkae use of soitware application packages, operating systems, or computer hardware
dif%ring from those used by ihe daia's creatar.
4.OI Availability ofLcznds
A. City.shall fumish ihe Site. City siaall noii�y Contractar of any encumbrances -ox rest�c�.ons not af
� general application but specifically related to use of ihe �ite�vcnit.� whxch Contractor musi comply
in pe�oz-xning the Worl{. Ciiy will obtain in a timely manner and pay for �asements for
permanent strizctures or permanent changes in e�zsting facilities.
The City has obtained ar at�ticipafes acquisition o� and/or acce,ss io z7ighi-of way, and/or
easements. Any outstanding right-of-way and/or easexrzenis are anticipated to be acqui2ed in
accordance with the schedta3e set forih zn. the Supplementary Condiiions. T}�e Pxoject
Schedule submitted b� the Coniractor iun. accordance with the Cont�act Docu�nnent� �ust
consider at�y outsta�dxng right-of-way, and/or easements.
2. The City has or anticipates rernoving andlor relocating utiIitaes, and obsfi�-uctions to the Site.
A.n�y outstanding removal or relocaiion of utilities or obstractions is anticipated in accoxdazace
with the scb�dule set forth ir� the SuppXe�ae�tary Conditions. The Project Sc�edule subiniited
by �the Con�ractor iz�. accoxdance wifh the Contract Doc�ments xxzust cansidex any outstanding
utilities or obsiz�ctzo�s to b� removed, adjusted, and/or relocaied by others.
B. Upon reasozzabXe written request, City sha11 furnish Coniractox with a current statement of recoxd
legal title and Iegal desc�ip�ion of'the lands upon which the Work i� to be per�ormed.
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C. Contxactox shall provide for alI additional lax�ds and access thereto tbat z�aay be required for
consfruc�ion facili�ies or storage o�xnaierials and equipment.
4.02 Subsu�face and Physical Conditions
A. Reparts and Drawings: The Supplernentary Coz�ditions ideniify:
1. ihose reports knawn to City of e�plorations and tests of subsurface conditions at or
caniiguous i:o the Site; az�d
2. tho�e drawings knawn to Ciiy o� physical conditions relating io exzstzng s�rface or
sui�surface struciures at �he Site {excepi Und.erground Facilities}.
B. Lzn�zted Reliance by Conlractor on Technical Data Auihorized: Contractor may rely upon the
accuracy of �e "technica.� data" contained in such reports a�ad drawings, but such reports and
c3rawings are not Coniract Documents. Such "techt�ical data" is ideniified in t�.e SuppJementary
Conclitii.ons. Contractor may not make aray Contract Claim against Czty, or any af their officers,
c%irectors, members, part7t�:ers, eznployees, agents, consultants, or subcantractors t�ith respect to:
1. the completeness o� such reports and dravcrings fox Coniractor's putposes, includzng, but not
lizxazied to, any asp�cts of the meazxs, methods, techniques, seq�e�ces, and procedures of
canstruction io be employed by Cantractor, and safeiy pxecautions and �programs incident
thereto, or
2. other data, iniezpretations, opinions, and inforcx�ation containec� in such reports oz shown or
indi.cated in such drawings; or � ..
3. any Contractor inte:rpretatzon oF ar conclusion drawn from any "technical data" or az�y such
other data, zzatezpreta�ions, apinions, or infarxnatzon.
4.03 Dzffe�ing Subsu�^face or Physical Condiiions
A. Notice: If Contractar believes that any subs�riace or physical condition that is uncovered or
revealed either:
1. is of such a natuxe as fo establish that any "techtai.cal d.ata" on wYuch Con�ractor is entitied to
rely as prav�ded in Paragraph 4.02 is z�n.atexialiy inaccurate; or
2. i,s a�such a nafure as to requzre a change in the C�ntract Docu�:�enis; or
3. differs rr;aterially froz� i�ai shown or indica�ed in the Coniz'act Docum�nts; or
4. is of an unusual natu�re, and differs materiaIly fro�n condi�ons ordinarily enco�antered and
generally recognized as inherent in work of the charracter provided fbr iva. the Contract
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�hen Contractor shall, prornptly after becozxzing aware thereof and before fiarther dastt�'bing ihe
subsurface or physical car�di�zons ox perforniing any Work in cozanectzon therewith (�xcept in an
emergency as required I�y Paragraph 6.17.A), noiafy City in wrifing about such condition.
B. Possible Price and Tirrae Adjustmenls
Contractor shall not be enti�ied to any adjustment in the Cont�ract ��:ice or Contract Time if:
1. Coniractar 1{new of the e�istence oi such conditians ai t�e time Coniractor made a�a1
com�nitrxzent to City with respect io Confract Px-zce and Coniract Time by fhe subzx�ssxo� of a
B�d or becoming btiund under a negotzated contract; or
2, the existence of such condition could reasonably have been discovered or revealed as a re�ult
of the exaininat�ion a�the Contract Documents or tl�e �ite; or
3. Cont:ractox fatled to give the wriiten notice as requzred by Paragraph 4.03.A.
4.04 £Inde�grourxd Facilities
A. Shown or Indicated: The infortnation and data shown or zndicated in fhe Coniract Documents
with respect to existing Underground Facili�ies ai ox contig�aous to the Site is based on
rnfortxxation and data fumi.shed to City oz Engineer by the ovsmexs of such Underground
. Facilities, including City, or by others. Unless it is otbe�wise expressly �rovided in the
Supplementiary Con.ciztiazas:
1. City and Engineer sha�l no� lae responsible �ax the accuracy or, completeness o� any s�xch
ivaformat�on ar data provided by oihers; and
2, the cost of alI of the �ol.lowing will b� included in t�e Contract Pric�, and Co�tractox sk�alJ
have fuJl xesponsibility for:
a. reviewing and checking all suc� information and data;
b, locating aIl Underg�ound Facilities shown or indicated in the Contract Documenfs;
c. coorclination a�nd adjustment oi ihe Work vvzth ihe owners of such Underground
Faciliiies, inc�uding City, during conshuction; and
d. f.he safety an�. protection of aIl such Underg,7round Facilities and repairin.g a�y damage
t�ereto resulting from ihe Work.
B. 11Ta�Shown o�Indicated.•
1. If an Underground Facility which conflicts with �he Woxk is uncovered or revealed at or
contigaous to the Site which was not showzz ox indicated, or not shown or ind'zcated with
reasonable acc�acy in the Confract Docuz�enis, Contracior sha11, pxonaptly after becoming
awaz'e thereof and l�e�'ore fiarther c�zsturbing conditions a�fected thereby or performing any
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Wark in connection therewith (except in an emergency as required by Parag�raph 6. ] 7.A},
iden�ify ihe o�vner of suck� Underground Facility and give notzce to �aat owner and to City.
City will review the discovered Undergro�d Facility and detemzine the �xtent, if any, to
which a change may be required in t1�e Contract Documents to reflect and docurx�.e�t the
consequences of the existence ar location oi the Ur�derground Facility. Contractor shall be
responsible fox the safety and protection oi such discovered Undexgiraund Facility.
2. If City conc�udes that a cha�ge in �he Contract Documents is required, a Change Orde:r zxaay
be issued to reflect and document such consequences.
3. Verification of exist.ing utilzt�es, structu.res, and service 1i�es shall include not�ficafion of a11
utility companies a mi�imum of 48 hours in advance of construction incl�xding exploraioxy
excavaiion if necessary.
4.OS Reference Points
A. City shall provide en.gi�zaeering surveys to establish referezzce pai�ts �or consir�ction, which in
City's judgxnent aze necessary to enable Contractor to pxoceed wifh the Work. City w'i11 provide
consti-uction stakes or o�lier customazy methad of marking to esiablish line and. grades for
roadway and utility consix-u.ctio�, cenfierlines and benchma:rks :for bridgework. Cantractor shall
proteci and pireserve the established reference points an.d pxaperty monuments, and sha11 make no
changes or re�oca�ions. Contractor shall report ta City whenever any �•efexence point or property
monument �s Zost or destroyed ox requires relocation because of necessary, changes in grades or
locations. The City shail be responsible for f.he replacer�x�ent or relocation oi ref�rence poilats or
property naonumeni:s nat carelessly or �rillfi�ly des�t�royed by filie Contractar. The Cont�actox shall
notify Ciiy in advance and wzth sufficienf time to a�+oid delays.
B. Whenevex, ir� the opinian of ihe City, any reference point oz- zr�onwnent has been carelessly or
vvillfi�lly destroyed, disturbed, or removed by the Contractor or any of his employees, the full
cost for replacing such points plus 25°/o will be charged against t�ae Cantractor, and �he full
amoun.i �ri11 be deduct�d firo� payment due the Contractor. �
�.06 Hazardou,s Envi�on�nen�al Condition at Site
A. Reports c�nd Drrxwings.• The Supplerrzentaay Conditions identify those reports and cir'awings
kn.own to City r�Iating to Hazardous Envi�onmenta.� Condiiions �hai have been identified at the
B. Limited Relictnce by Contractor on Technicctl D�ta 14utho�zzed.• Contractor may rely upon the
accuracy of the "technical data" conf,�ined it� s�c�a z'eports and drawings, but such xeports and
drawings are noi Contract Docu.tnents. Such "technical data" is identified in the Supplementary
Conditions. Cantractor inay noi r�x�ake any Contract Claim against Ciiy, ox any of their officers,
directors, members, part�aers, employees, agents, cons�altants, ox subcontractors wi�h respect to:
1. the completeness oi such re�orts and dxawi�ta.gs �or Contractor's �urposes, including, but noi
limited to, any asp�ets of f�e Yn.eans, methods, techniques, �equences and procedures af
12evision: Febivary2, 2016
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consiruciion io be ernployed by Contr'actor and safeiy precautions and progratns incident
thhereto; or
2. other data, interpretations, opir�ions and infoz:tx�ation contained in such reports or sho�vn ar
indicat�d in such drav�rir�gs; or
3. any Coniractor interpretation o� ox conclusian drawn irom any "technical data" or any such
other data, iniezpreiati.ons, opinions or informaiion.
C. Contractor shall not be responsible for any Hazardous Environmental Condition unco�vered or
revealed at th� Site which �ras noi shown or indicated in Drawings or Specifcations or identifzed
in the Confx�aci Docuz�nents ta be within the scope af the Woxl�. Coniracio� shall be responsible
for a Hazardous Environrnental Condition cxeated wzth any materials brought to ihe �iie by
Contractor, Subconixactors, Suppliers, or anyone else for whom Contractor is respansible.
D. If Contractor encounters a Hazardous Environmenta.l Condiiion or ii Coni:ractor o�r anyone for
whom Co:�tractor zs xesponsible creates a Hazardous En.vironmental Condiiion, Contractor shall
immediately: (i) secure or ot�.erwise isolate such condztio�; {ii) stop a11 Worlc in connection wiih
such condition and in any area affected ihez-eby {except in an ernergency as xequi�ed by
Paragraph 6.17:A}; and (xii) �otzfy City (and pram�ily thereafter cor�frxn. such natice in writing).
Cxty may consider the necessity to retain a quali�ed expert to eva:luat� such condition ox take
cai�-ec�iv� aciion, if any.
E. Cantractor sha11 not be xequired to resume Work in connection wiih such caric�.ition or in any
affected az'ea until a$er City has obtained any required pezxxaits xelated thereto and delivered
v�ritten notic� io Cantractar: (i) ,sp�ci:fyi�g that such conclition and any affected area is ox has
been rendered suitable fox the zesumption of Worl�; or {ii) specifying aa�y special conditions
under whick� such Wark may be r�surr��d.
F. �� after receipt of such �itten notice Coniractor daes nof agree to res�xne such Woz� based on a
reasonable belief it is unsafe, or does not agree to r�szun� such Work undex such special
condit:ions, then City may order the portion of the Work that is in the area affected by such
condition to be deleted. from the Work. City may have such deleted portion of the Wark
performed by City's o� forces or oihexs.
G. To the fullest exten� pe�mitied by Law,s and Regulations, Contractor sh�ll indemnify and hold
haYmle,ss Ciiy, f�'am and against aZl claims, costs, lasses, and damages (including bui nat lirnited
to all fees and charges of engiraeers, architects, atto�^neys, and othe� professionals and all court
or a�bitt-ation or atlxe� clispute resolution costs� arising out of or relating �o rx Hazardaus
Environmenial Condz�zon creaied by Contf-actor or by anyane for whom ContYacta�` is
responsible. Nothing in this Paragraph 4.Ob.G shall obliga�e Contracto� to indemnify any
individual or entiiy from and against the consequences of that individual's or entity's own
H. The provisions of Paragraphs 4.02, 4.03, anc1. �.04 do no� ap�Iy to a Hazardous Ez�viro�mental
Condition uncovered ox revealed at the �ite.
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5.01 Licensed Sureiies and .Insu�ers
All bonds az�d insurance required by the Contract Docuzxzents ta be purchased and maintained b�
Con.tracior shall be abtained from sia.rety or insuz�ance cozxzpanzes that are duly Iicensed or authorized
in the �tat� Qi Texa� to issue bonds ox insurance policies for the Iirnits an.d covez'ages so reqiaired.
Suc� surety atid insu7raz�ce coxnpanies shall also rrieet such additiona,I requirements and quaiifications
as zx�ay be provided in the Sup�lemen�ary Conditions.
5.02 Perfo�mance, Prxymen�, cxnd Maintenance Bands
A. Contractor shall fizrnish performance and pa�rment bonds, in accordance with Texas Government
Code Chapter 2253 or successor statute, each in aan. aznannt equal to the Coniract Price as
security %r the faithful perfonnance and payment of all oi Contractor's abligations under the
Contract Documenis.
B. Coniractor s�a�l furnish maintenance bonds in an a�r�o�zt equal ia the Contract Pric� as secYrrity
to protect the City against any defects in an:y poz-izon of the Worl� described in the Co�.tract
Documents. Maintenance bonds shalI remain in ei%ct for tvcro (2) years aftez' the dafe of �'inal
Acceptance by the City_ �
C. All bonds shall be in the form prescribed by the Contract Docurnents except as pxovided
otherwise by Laws ar Regulai:ions, and shall be executed by such suret�es as a�re nam.ed in the list
of "Companies Holdzng Cet-tificates of Authority as Acceptabie Suireties on Federal Bonds and
•;, as Acceptable Reinsuring C�m��nies" as published in Circular 570 (amended) by the. Fi�anciai
: Management Service, Surety Bond Branch, U.S. Department of ihe Treasury. All bonds signed
by an agent oz atioz-t�ey-in-facf must be accompanied by a sea�ed and dated power of ai�orney
w�ich sha11 show that it is effective on the date the ag;ent ar attorney-in-fact signed each bond.
D. If the surety on any ]�ond furta�shed by Contracior is declared ba�il�up� or becozx�es insolvent ar
i�s right to do business zs tertninafed in the State of Texas or iti cease,s ta meet fhe requir�ments of
Paragraph 5.02.C, Contractar shall prom�t�� no�ify City and s�iall, within 30 days after f.he event
givin:g xise to such natif cation, provide anoiher bond azxd surety, both of �crhich sha11 comply
wi.th the requirements of Paragraphs 5.0J. aa�d S.a2.C.
5.03 Certifica�es of fnsu�ance
Contractor shall delivex io City, with copies ia each additional i�asuz�ed and loss payee iden�ified in
the Supplexx�entary Conditions, ceriificates of insu7rance (az�d afl�er evidence of insurance requested
by Czty or any other addiiional it�sured) which Contracfor is required to purchase and rnai�tain.
1. The cert�fic�te of insurance shall document the City, and a11 identzfied entiiies named in Yhe
Supplezx�.entary Canditions as "Addi�ional Insuf ed" on all liability policies.
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2. The Contractoz''s general Iiability znsiarance shall include a, "per project" or "per loca�ion",
endorsenaent, which sha11 be identified in the certzfzcate of insura.nce provided io f:he Czty.
3. The cerlificate shall �e signed by an agent authorized to bind coverage o� behalF of fhe
i�sured, be conaplete i� its enf.irety, and show complete zns�rance carrierr naxnes as listed �
the cttrrent A.M. Best 1'roperty & Casualty Guide
4. The ixasurers for aiI pnlicies zxaust be licensed aa�d/oz approved to do busines� in the State oi
Texas, Except far workers' compensat�an, aIl insurers rnust have a minimuzn raiing o� A-:
VII in the cuzireni A. M. Best Key Rating Guide ox have reasonably equ.ivalent financzal
s�rez�gtb and solvency to the satisiaction of Risk Management. Xf the ratang is be�ow that
required, written appxaval of City is required.
S. A�l applicable policies shall include a Waiver of Subrogation (Ri.ghts of Recovery) in fa�ox
oi the City. Jt� addition, ihe Contractor agrees to waive alI rights of subrogation against ihe
Engzneer (if applicable), and each additio�:al i�sured identified in th� Supplexnentazy
6. �'ailure of the Cziy to demand such certi�cates or otherr evidenc� of fu11 c�mpliance �+iih the
insurance xequirernants or failure of �he City to identify a deficiency from evidence that is
pxovided sha11 not be consirued as a waiver of Contractox's obligation to main.tain such lines
af insurance co�erage.
7_ If insuraz�ce policies are noi wrrtten for specified coverage litnii's, an U�brella or Excess
Liability insurance for a�y differences is required. Excess Liability shall follow �onn oi the
prirnary coverage. - � � �
8. Unles� othezwise sfiated, al� requixed insurance shall be vnitten on tb.e "occiurence baszs". Tf
coverage is undercraritten on a claims-made �basis, the r�iroacii�ve date shall be coi�cident wi.th
or prior io �he date of fhe effeciive date of the agr�ernent and the certificate of insurance shall
sta�� that the coverage is claims-zx�ade and the retroactive da�e. The iusurance coverage sk�all
be nnaintai�ed %r the du�ration oi ihe Contract and far Yh:ree {3) years lollowing Final
Accepta.nce provi.ded ur�der the Contract Docw�x�en�,s or for �e warranty period, whichever is
Ioz�ger. An anu�ual certifcate of z�.surance submitted to the City shall evidence such
insurance coverage.
9. Policies s�.all have no exclusions by endorse�cnts, which, neither nulIify or amend, �ie
requixed lin�s of coverag;e, nor d�crease ihe Iimi�s of said covexage unless suc� endorsements
are approved in w.�iing by ihe Crty. In the event a Co�tract has been bid or executed and the
exclusi.ons are detern7ined i:o be unacce�table or the Ci�y desires additional insux'ance
coverage, and the City des�res the contractorlengineez to abtain such coverage, the co�tract
price shall be adjusted by the cost of �he prezxxiu�n far such additxonal coverage plus 10°/o.
10. Ar�.y self-ins�.Yred retention (SIR), in excess of $25,000.00, ai%cti�g xequired insurance
coverage sha�1 be approv�d by the Cziy in regards to asset value and ,stockholders' equity. In
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lieu of tx'aditional insixra�ace, alternative caverage maintained throug� insurance pools or risk
retention groups, rx�ust also be approved by City.
l 1. Any deductible in excess of $5,000.00, for any policy that does not provide covexage on a
firsi-do�Iair basis, must be accepfable to and approved by �he City.
12. City, at its sole discre�.on, reserves the right to review ihe insurance requixements a�d io
zxzake reasnnable adjustments to i_n.snrance coverage's and their izzxzi.#s when dee�ed
necessary anc�. pnzdent by the City based upon c�az�ges in s�ahito�ry law, court deciszon or the
clainas hisfflry of the indusiry as weli as of the c.ontracting pazty to the City. T�e City �ha11
be required to pxovide prior notice of 90 days, a�n.d the insurance adlustrn�nfs shal! be
� iricorporated 'uato the Work by Change Order.
13. City shall be entitled, upon written rec�uest a�tzd wifihout expense, to receive copzes of poli.cies
and ezzdarsements thereto and may mal�e any reasonable requests %r deletion or revision or
�adi�cations of particular policy tenxas, conditions, liz�:itations, or exclusions necessa�ty to
conform t1�e policy and endorsements to the xequirements of the Contract. Delet�ons,
revi�ions, or modi.fica�ions s�all noi be required where policy provisions are established by
Iaw or reg�lations binding upon eithez party or th� underwr'iter on any such palicies.
14. Ciiy shall not be responsible for the direct payment of iz�surance premiuzn costs for
Contzactor's insurance.
5.0�4 Contracto�-'s l�nsu�ance
A. Worlcers Compen,sation and Ernployers' Liabi.Tity. Contz'actor shall puxek�ase and rriaintain such
insurance eoverage with limits consistent with stat�tory benefits ou�ined in ihe Texas Workers'
Compensation Act (Texas Labor Code, Ch. 406, as aax�.ended), and �xaiz�imum limits for
En�aployers' Liability as is appropniate for ihe Work being �erfonx�.ed and as wi11 provide
proteciiori frozn claims set fortb be�ow which zxzay arise out of or result frozxz Coniractor's
perFarman.ce oi �he Wark and Contractor's oiher obligations u.nder tile Contrac� Doctunezats,
whetbex it is ta be perr�fonned by Con�actox, any Subcontractor or Supplierr, or by anyone dixectiy
or indirec�ly employed by any of t�aenrz to perform any of the Work, or by anyone %r whose acts
any oi them m.ay be liable:
]. clau:ns under warkers' compensation, disabilzty benefits, and other similar ezxa.ployee beneiit
2, claims for da�ri.ages because of badily injury, occupational sicicness ar disease, or death of
Cant�t'aetor's employees.
B. Commercial Gene�al Liability. Covexage sha11 include b�.�t not be limifed to covering liability
(bodily injury or property damage) arising from. premi.ses/opexations, independent contracioxs,
products/compl.eted opexatzons, persanal injuxy, and liability u�tder arS. insuz'ed cont�'act. Insu�rance
shall be provided on an occurrence basis, and as comprehensive as the ct�rent Insurance Servic�s
Of�ice {ISO) policy. .This insurance shall apply as prima�y insurarn.ce with respect to any other
Ttev�sion: Fe6ivazy2, 2016
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znsurance ar seli �nsurance progratxzs afForded to the City. The Coz�nercial General Liability
policy, sha11 have no exc�u.sxons by endorsements ihai would a�tex of nulliiy premises/operatzons,
products/completed operations, contractual, personal injury, or advertising inju�'y, which are
z�oz7mally confiain.ed with the policy, unJ.ess the City a�proves such excluszons in wri�ing.
For construction projecis t�at present a substantial cornpleted opera�€on exposure, th� City may
require the contractor to z�aintain cornpleted operation.s cavexage for a minimurn of no Iess than
ihree �3) years fo�lowing �e conc�pleii.an of the project (if identified in tlae Supplementary
C. Autonaabile Lrabality. A comrnercial bnsiness auio policy shall provide coverage on "any auto",
defined as autos o�rned, hired at�d non-owned and pro�ide indezxunity for claims for damages
because bodily inju�ry or cl.eath of any person and o� propez�y darnage arising out of the work,
mainten.azr.ce or use ai any mator vehicle by the Contractor, any Subcont�'actor ar Supplier, ar by
a�yane clirectly or indirectly employed by any of them to perfortn any of the Work, or by anyone
for whose acts any of them may be Iiable.
D. �aiZroad P�otective Liability. Tf any of f.he work ox any watranty work is within t�e Zi�its of
railroad right-of-way, fiile Contractor shall coznply with the requirements identif ed in the
Supplementary� Conditions.
E. Notifacaiion of Policy Cancellatian: Coniractor shall irx�zxaecli.ately notiiy CiLy upon cancellatzo�
or othex loss o� ins�ranc� caverage. Coniractor shall sfiop work unf�1 replacem.ent insurance has
hee� procured. There shal� be no tirr�e credit far days not worked piu�suant to this section.
5.05 Acceptance ofBands and Insurance; Option ta Replace
Ii City has any objection to the coverage afForded by ox other provisions of the bonds ar insurance
required to be purchased and main.tai�ed by ihe Contractor in accordance with Articl� 5 on the basi�
of non-co�ormance wiih the Cont�act Dacuments, the City sha11 so notify the Contractor in writ�ng
within 10 Busi�n.ess Days a.fter receipt af the ce�riificates {or otlier evidence requested}. Con�-actor
sha11 provide to the City �uch additional infoxxxaatzon in respect of i�surance provided. as tYie City may
reasonably requesi. If Coniractor does not purchas� or mainta�n a11 of the bonds and it�s�arance
z'equired by the Co�.tx'aci Documents, the C�.ty shall notzfy the Contractor in �riting of suc� failUre
prior to �he start o� ihe Work, ar of such failure to xx�aintain prior to any chaz�ge in the required
6.07. Supervision and S�pe�zntendence
A. Contractor sha11 supezvise, inspect, and direct the Woxk competently and e�'tciently, devoting
such attentiozz thereto and applying such sl�ills a�d e�pertise as may be necessary to perform the
Work in accordance �rif.h the Cont7ract Documen�. Coniractor shall be solely responsible for the
zneans, method�, technique,s, sequences, and procedures of constx-aciion.
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I3. At aIl times duz'ing the progres� of t1�e Work, Cantr-actor shall assign a cozx�peient, Engiish-
speaki.�g, Superiniendent r�l�o shail nofi be re�laced vvithout w�tten notice to City. The
Superintendent wi11 be Coniractor's representative at t�e Site and sha�l have auiho�ty to act on
behalf of Contx�acior. All communica�ion given ta ar received from f.�ie Superintende�t shall be
binding an Caniracior.
C. Cont�actor shall notify ihe City 2� hours prior to movzng areas during the sec�uence o�
b.02 Labor; Working Hours
A. Contractor sl�ali pravide cozxzpetent, suifiably qx.talified persoz�xzel to per%rm consix-uction as
required by the Contract Doclunents. Contractor sha11 at all times maintain good disci.pline and
arder ai the Sife.
B. Except as othez�wise required far the safety o�r protect�on of persons or the Woxk ar pro�erty at
tkze Site or adjacent f.hereto, and except as otherwise stated izz the Contract Documenfs, all Woz'Zc
at the �ite shall be per.foz•xx�ed during Regular War1�g Haur�. Contractor �rai11 n.oi permzt the
perfonnance of Work beyond Regular Work�a.g Hours ar %r Weekend Woxking Hours wi�aut
City's written consent (which wiill not be unr�asonably vvithhe�d). Written reque�t (by lette� or
elecironic communicat�on) ta perform Wark: �
for beyond Regular Workulg Hou�rs request must be made by noon at Zeast two (2) Business
Day� prior �
2. for Weekend Worlcing Hau.rs request must be xnade by noan of Lhe precedi�g Thursday
3. for legal holidays request must be made by noo� two Business Da�s pz:ior to the iegal
b.03 Services, MateNials, and Equipr�aeni
A. Unless o�herwise speci�ed in ib.e Co�tract Documents, Contractox shall pravide and assuzne fizll
ze�ponsibili.ty for all se�rvices, materials, eqtripment, �.aboz', iransportation, consixuction equipment
and rnachinery, tools, applFances, fiiel, power, lighi:, hea�, telephone, water, sarutary �acilities,
te�poraxy facilities, and a11 othex facilit�es and incidentals necessary %r the pez�ozxxaance,
Coniractor rec�uired testzng, siart-up, and completion of the Work.
B. All rnaterials and equipzxae�t incorporaied into the Woxk shall be as s�ecified ox, i�not specified,
shalI be af good quality and nevv, except a,s otl�erwise provided in ihe Cantract Documents. All
speciaf waxxani-ies and guarantees required by the Specifications shall expressly run to the benefit
of City. If required �y City, Cantractor sha11 furnish �atisFactozy evidence (includi�g reporfs of
�equired iesfs) as to ik�e source, kind, and quality of xx�atexials and equi�meni.
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C. All materials and equipxxxent ta be incor�porated into �e Wor,� shall be stored, applied, installed,
connected, execied, protected, used, cleat�.ed, az�d conditioned in accorda.nce wzth inslructions of
the applicable Sup�l.ier, except as otherwise may be �provided in the Contract Docurnents.
i]. All items of standard equipzxzeni to be incorporated into the Waxk shall be ihe latest zx�.odel. at the
time oibid, untess othez�wise specified.
6_04 P�oject Schedule
A. Cont�actor shall adhere to the Pro�ect Sched�xle esiablished in accoxd.ance with Paragraph 2.a7
and ihe General Requzxe�nents as it may be adjusted frozn time to tim� as provided beXow.
1. Con�raciar sha1l subrnit to City forr acceptance (to the extent indicated in Paragraph 2.�7 a�zd
t�.e General Requirements) proposed adjustments in the Project Schedule fihat wi11 noi resuii
in changing the Contract Tzme, Such adjusiments wzll comp�y with any provisions of the
General Requirements applicable thereto.
2. Contractor shall submit io Ci�y a ia�.onthly �'roject Schedule �t11 a rnontI�ly progress �ayment
fox the duration o� the Contract zz� accardance with il�e schedule specification OI 32 1 b.
3. Proposed adjust�x�.enis zn the projec� Sched�ie tbai will c�ange the Coniract Time shall be
subn��itted in accordanc� with ihe xequz�'e�rz�ents of ArEicle 12. Adjustzxa.e�nts in Contxact Time
may only be made by a Chazkge Ozder_
6.05 Subsiitutes and "D�^-Equals"
A. Whenever �z� iterr� of material or equipment is specified or describecl�in the Contract Docurnents
by using t�e name af a�raprietary itena or the name of a par�icular Supplier, the s�ecification ox
description is intended io establish the type, function, appearance, and c�uality requixed. Unless
the speci�cat�on or descript�on contains or is followed by words reacling that no Iil{e, equivalent,
or "or equal" item or na s�bstitution is permitted, other iterns of matez�al or equiprsient of o�er
Suppliers rnay be submitted to City �or review �xnder the ci�rcumstances described below.
"O� Equal" fiems: If i�. City's sole discret�on an item of material or equipment pzoposed hy
Con�ractor zs functional�y equai to t11at named and suf�ciently sina�ilar so that no change in
related Work will be requirec�, it may be considered by City as an. "ox-eq�a1" item, in which
case review and approval o� ihe proposed item zz�ay, in City's sole ddiscxet�on, be
accomplished wiihout compliance wi�h some ox all af the requirements �or approval of
praposed substitute items. Fo�' the p�u�r'poses a� this Paragraph 6.OS.A..I, a proposed item of
m�ate�zal or equi�ment wi11 be cozzsidezed functionall� ec�ual to an item so named if
a. the City d�termines t�at:
3} it is at least equal in materials of consiruct�on, qualiiy, durabiliiy, appearance,
sf.rength, and design characteristics;
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2) it wzll rel�ably pei-�om� at least equa�iy v�e11 the fi7nction a�.c�. achieve the res�is
i�nposed by ihe desigt� coz�cept of the completed Project as a fiinctioning whole; az�zd
3} it has a proven z-ecord oiperformance and availability of responsive sezvice; and
b. Coniractar certifies tb ai, if approved and incozporated into ih� Work:
1) there vviIl be no increase in cost io the City oz� i�ncrease in Conf�'act Tirtze; and
2) it wi11 conform substantially to the detailed rec�uirernents of the ztem named in tlae
Contract Documents.
2. Subslitute Items:
a. �� in Ciiy's sole discretion an item of material or eq�apment pro�osed by Contiractor does
not q�alify as az� "or-equal" item uz�der Paragraph 6.OS.A.1, it may be submitted as a
proposed substii�ute item.
�b. Confractor shall subzxuit sufficient informa�ion as pxovided belavSr to allow City io
determine if the item of maierial ox equipment proposed is essent�alXy equiva�ent ta tlaat
narned a,nd an acce�table subsfi�iute therefor. Requesfs for review of pro�osed substitute
items oi material or equipment will not be accepted by City from anyone other than
c. Cantractox shall make written applicaixon to City %r revievv o£ a pxoposed substituie item
-of rxzaterial or �o�uipment �hai Contractar seeks to fultush ox use. The application shall
.:compl� wiih Sectzon 0125 00 and: �,� Ea
1) shaIl cerl:ify thai the proposed s�bst�tute item will:
a) perform adequately the fiztictions and achieve the zesulfs called. far by t�� general
b) be simYlax xn substance to ihat specifzed;
c) be suited to the sarne use as that speci£'�ed; and
2) �vill state:
a} the extent, if any, to whzch the use of the proposed substitute item rwill pxejud.ice
Coniracior's achievement of final compie�ion on time;
b) whether u�e o� ihe proposed substit�ite item itz tlae Work will requzre a change in
any of the Contract Documents (or in the pravisions of any oiher direct contract
vvith City for other �rorlc on the Project) to adapt the design to the �roposed
substitute item;
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c} whether incorpoxation ax use of the proposed substiiute item in connection. w�i�
the Work zs subject to payment af any license �ee or royalty; and
3) wx11 identify:
a} aIl va.ria�ions of�e proposed substiiute item from ihat specified;
b) available engineez-i�ng, sales, ir�aintenance, repaax, and replacement services; and
4) shall contain az�. itemized es�imate of a11 costs ox credits ihat wi11 result dzrectly or
indirectly fiom use ofi' such substiiute ite�a, including costs of redesign and Damage
CXaims oi other coniractoxs affected by any resulting change.
B. Substitute Const�ction 1lfethods or Procedures: If a speczfic means, m�f.l�od, tec�nique,
sequence, or proceduxe of constn3ction i.s expressly xequired by the Confract Dacuments,
Cont�'actor rnay fi�n.ish or ut�lize a subs�iiute �xzeans, xnethod, technique, sequence, or proce��'e
of const�ct�on approved by City. Cont�ractor shall submit sufficient infarmation to a1lo�vv City, in
City's sole drscre�ion, to dete�znine that the �ubstitute proposed is equivaleni ta tk�at expressly
caIled for by the Contract Docutn�nts. Cant.ractor shall ma1�e writ�en applicatzon to City for
re�ew in the same manner as tl�ose provided in Paragraph 6.OS.A.2.
C. City's Evaluation: Ciry wi11 be aJlowed a reasonab�e tizxze within'which to evaluate each
propasal or suf�zx�ittal made pursuant to Paxagz�aphs 6.O5.A and 6.OS.B. City may rec�uire
Cant�actor to f�ish additional data about ihe pxoposed substitute. City will be the sala judge of
acceptability_ No "or.-equal" or substztute will be ordered, installed or utilized until City's review
is -�omplete,:vvhich will be ev�denced b� a Change Order�in the case of a substitute and an
accepted ��ub�x�ittal for an "or-�qual." City will advise Contraciar in �xii:iz�.g af its deterrrLuia�ion.
D. Special Crua�antee: CiLy may xequire Cant�-actar to fiis'nish at Contractor's expense a special
performance guarantee, warra.nty, or other surety wzth respect to any substituie. Contracto�- shall
indemn� and hold harrjxless City and a�yone di�ectly or indirectly ernployed by them from and
against any and all claims, damages, losses arad eacpenses (including� atto�neys fees) arising out
of the use of substituted mate�ials ar equipment. •
E. City's Cost Reimbursement: City wzl� record City's costs in evaluating a subs�it�uie proposed or
submitted �q Cont�actox pursuanf to Paxagraphs 6.OS.A.2 and 6.OS.B. Wb.ether ar not City
approves a substiiute so proposed or submitted by Contractor, Coni�actor zxaay be rec�uired to
reimburse Czty for evaluaiing each suc� propased subsfitute. Contracior rnay also be requized to
rezxx�.buar�e City for �he c�.arges �ox making changes in the Contract Doc�nenis (or in 1:he
pravisions of any other direct contract with City) resulti�g from the accept�ce o:f each proposed
F. ContYdcio�'s Expense: Contractor s�a11 pxovide all data in suppoz-t of any proposed substitute or
"or-equal" at Contractor's expense,
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G. Ciiy Substitute Reimbursemen�: Costs (savings ar charges) attributable to acceptance of a
substit�txte s�.al.l be incorporaied to the Contract by Cha�ge Orc�er.
H. Tirne Extensions: No additiona� �ime �vi11 be granted for substiiut�ons.
6.06 Concerning Subconiracto�'s, Suppliers, and Others
A. Coniractor shall perfarm with his own arganization, wor�C of a value not less than 35% of ihe
value enr�bxaced on the Con�tract, �nless othercxrise approved by the City.
B. Contractor shall not ezx�ploy any �ubcont�racior, Supplier, or oiher inclividual or ez�t�ty, whether
initially or as a xeplacem�n�, againsi whom City may ha�ve xeasonable object�on. Coniractor shall
not be requixed to em�l.oy any Subcantractor, Suppizex, or otlzer indi�ridual or entity �o fuzx�ish or
�erfoz� any oi the Woxk against whom Con�ractor has reasonable obj�ction {excluding those
acceptable ta City as zr�.dicated in Paragraph b.06.C).
C. The City may frona tim� io time require the use nf certain Subcontraciors, Suppliers, or otber
individuals or enfii�ies on the pxaject, and will provide such requirernents in th� Supplementary
D. Minority Business Ente�prise Campliance.• It is City policy to ensu�e the fizli and equitable
participation by Minority Business Enferprises (MBE) in the procurement of goads and se�rv�ces
on a coz�tractual basis. I�the Confrac� Docu�zzenfs provide for a MBE goal, Coniractor is rec�uired
to cozx�ply with the intent of the City's MBE Oxdinance {as amended) by the following:
•. 1. Cantractox shall, upon request by City, provide conr�plete and accu�rate informa�.o� regaxding
r! a�tual work p�rformed by a MBE an the Canixact and �paymei�t therefor. .
2. Co�ntractor vcrill not rnake addit7ans, dele�ions, or substiiu�ons of accepted MBE without
writ��n conse�t of the City. An.y unjusiified change or dele�ion shall be a mafierial breach o�
Contract and may resuli in debannent in accordance with the procedures outlined ir� the
3. Coniractar shal�, upon req��st by City, allaw an audit anc�lor examination o� any baoks,
records, ar fzles in the possessio� of the Contractox tk�at will substantiate the actual work
perf�ormed by an MBE. Maierial rnisrepresentatian oi any naiure wil� be grounds for
ierminatian of the Cantract in accordance wiih Paragraph 15.02.A. Any such
rz�.iszepresenta�ion may be grounds �ox ciisqualif cation of Conirac�or ta bid on firtu_re
coniracts �viih the City far a peixad of not less than tl�uree years.
E. Contractor sha11 be fully responszble to City for aIl acts and omissions of the Subcontractors,
,Suppliers, and ather individuals or en�ities perfoz�nning ar fiirnishing; any oi the Woxk jusf as
Contractor is responsible For Contractor's own acts and orn�sszons. Nai3�ing in the Coniract
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1. shail create for �he benefit of any such Subcontt'actor, �upplier, ar ather individnal or entity
any coniracival relaiaonship between Cify and any suc� Subcontr-actor, Snpplier or o�her
individuaI or entity; nor
2. sha.11 create any abligaiio� on the part of Czty to pay or to see to ihe payment of a�y mianeys
due any such Subcontractor, Su�plier, orr other individual ox entiiy exce�t as za�ay ofiherwise
be required by Laws anc� Regulations.
F. Cantractox shall be solely responsible for scheduling and cooxdinating the Worr� af
�ubcontractors, Suppliers, and other individuals or entities perfoz�xzing or iurnishing any of the
V�ork ur�der a direct or indirect contract with Contractor.
G. AIl Subconi�ractors, Suppliers, azxd such oth�r indi�viduals or entiiies perfozxxiing or furnishing a.zay
of th:e Work shall co�unica#e with Cily throug�a Canfractor.
H. �.Il. Work performed for Contractor by a�ubcontractor or Supplier will be pu�rsnant to an
appr-opriate agreenaent between-Contractor and the Subconi�ractor or Snpplier whzch specifically
binds the Subcontractor or Suppliex to the applicable ierms and cor�d�itions oi the Con�'act
Docuz�aents for ihe beneft o� Cify.
6.07 Wage Rates
A. Duty �o pay P�evailing YYage Raies. The Contractox� sha�l camply with all requi�ements of
Chapiex 2258, T�xas Goverr�nrnent Code (as amended), inc�uding the payment of not less than the
rates d.etermi�ed by tk�e City Council of the City of Fort Wortlz ta be the prEvailzng wage raies i�
accordance with- Ghapter 2258. Such prevailing u�age rates are includ�d: in these Contract
� D'ocuments. , •` '�•
B. Penalty for TTiolafion. A Cont�'actor or any Su.bcontracior vcrho daes nat �ay f.he pxevailing wage
sl�all, upon demand made by the Caiy, pay ta f.he City $60 far each �vvoxkex employed for eac�
calenc�az day or pa� oF tlae day that the vvor�er is paid Iess �haz� the prevailing wage rates
st.ipulated in these contract documents. Thzs penall;y shall be rretained by the City to oifset its
ac�.iinistraii�e costs, pursuant to Texas Government Code 2258.423.
C. Complain�s of Violaiions and City Dete�^minatian of Good Cause. On recezpt oi information,
incIuding a camplaint by a woxl�er, cancerning an aileged �riolatio� of 2258.023, Texas
Govezx�x�ent Code, by a Conh.�-actor or Subcon�ractor, f.�e City shall make an. initial
determi.na�on, befoze the 31st day after the date the City receives the inforn�a�on, as to whether
good cause exists to believe that the viala�ion occurred. The City sha11 no�fy in writing the
Contractox or Subcontractor and any affected woxker of its iniiial det�rrr�ination. Upon the City's
determi�atian that there is goad cause to believe tk�e Contractor or Subcontractor has vzolated
Chapter 2258, tlae Ci.ty shall retain the fii�l amounts claimed by ihe claitriai�i ox claimants as the
differ�nce between wag�s pa.id and wages due under t�ae preva.fiing wage rates, suc�. amounts
heing subtract�d from successive progress payxxzents pending a£'�nal dete�-tz�ation or ihe
vioIatian. �
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D. Arbiiration Required if Violation Noi Resolved. �1.�a zssue �elaiing to an al�eged violaiion of
Section 2258.023, Texas Gavern�ent Code, including a penaltiy owed to the City or an affected
worker, shall be submifited to bznding arbitration in accordance t�rith the Texas General
Arb'rtration Act {Article 224 et seq., Revised Statuies) i�the Contsactor ox Subcontracior atid any
a�fected worker does not re�olve ihe issue by agreement before ihe 15th day after ihe date tl�e
Cxty makes it� ini�ial deter,nnination pursuant to Paragra�ph C above. rf the persons required to
arbitraie und.ex ihis sectzon do not agree on an arbitraiar befare th� 11th day after the date that
az-biiration is required, a distrzct caurt shall appoint ar� arbitraior on the peiition of any o�' the
persons. The Czty i.s not a party in the arb�.frafion. The decision and award of tihe axbitrator is
f�nal an.d bznding on aIl �arties and may be enforced it� azay court of competeni jurzsdiction.
E. Reco�ds to be Maintained. The Cantracior and each Subcontracior shall, for a period of three (3)
years following the date af accepiance of the wark, maintain recoxds that shovcr (i) the z�ame and
accupaiion of each warker employed by ihe Con1sactor in the construction of �he Work provided
for in this Coz�iract; and (ii) the acival per die�n �irages paid to each �vorker. The xecords shaIl be
open at a1J reasonable hours for znspeciion by the City. The provisians o£ Paragraph 6.23, Rig;ht
to Audit, shaIl pertaan to this inspec�ian.
F. P�ogress Payrnents. Wiih each progress payment or payrol� period, vvhichever is less, f11e
Coniraciox shall sub�it aaa aff davit statrng that the Contractox has complied �nriil� the
xequirements of Chapter 2258, Texas Gove�ent Code. _
G. Posting of Wage Rates. '�'he Coni�'actar shall post prevai.ling wage rates in a conspicuous place at
all ii_mes.
H. Subcontracior � Compliance. The Contractox shall include in its subcontracts and/or shall
f otherwise reqitire all of its Subcontractors to comply with Para�raphs A through G above.
6.08 Patent Fees and Royalties
A. Contractor shall pay a11 license fees and royalties and ass�ur�.e a11 costs zncideni �o the use in the
� performance o�' the Work or the incorporat�on in the Work of any invention, design, process,
pxoduct, or device which is the subject of patent ri�its or copyrights held by others. if a
particular invention, design, proc�ss, product, ar device zs specified in.the Contract Dacu�nents
for use in. tl�e perfoYrnance of the Wark and if, to the act�a.I knowledge of City, its use is subject
to patent ��ghts ox copyrights calling for tka.e payment of any license fee or royalty io others, ihe
existence of such z�iglits shall be disclosed by City ix� �he Contx'act Docu�nents. Failure o�the City
to clisclose such in%rmation does not r�lieve the Conixactor from its obl.igations io pay for tk�e
use of said fees or royaliies to others.
B. To the fuliest e�ctent per�niited by Laws a�ad Regulaiions, Contractor shall tndemnify and holcl
ha�mless City, f�om and against all claiins, costs, dosses, and da�nages (including but not limi%d
10 all fees and charges of enginee�s, architects, attorneys, and o�her professionals and alZ cour�t
or dNbitratzon ar other dispu�e resolution costs) a�tsing out of o� relating to any infringement of
paten� rights ar copyrights incident to the use in ihe performance of �he Work or resulting from
crrY o� �o�� wa��
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the incorparation in the Wark of any invention, design, p�'oces,s, product, or device not specified
in ihe Conty'act Docurnents.
6.09 Pe�mits and Utilities
A. Contrczctor ob�ained pe�-rnits and licenses. Contractor shall obtain and pay for all co�stnzction
permits and licenses except those provided for in �the Supplezxaentary Canditions or Contract
Docunrzents. City shall assist Contractor, when necessary, it�. abtaining such permits and licenses.
Contractor shalI pay a11 goverYurzental charges and inspection %es necessary �or fhe prosecution
of th� iTiTork which are applicabJe at �� ti�ne of opening of Bids, or, ii ihere are na Bids, on the
Effective Date of tlle Ag7reernent, except for pe�'mits provided by the City as specified in 6.09.8.
City shall pay alI cb.az'ges of u�ility owz�ers for connections for �roviding; permanent servzce to the
B. City obtained pennits and lieenses. City wi11 obtain and pay far all per�nits and licenses as
provzded for in the Supplementary Conditions or Contract Doc�ments. It will be the Contracior's
responsibility io carxy oufi the provisions of the pernzit. If the Co�iractor initiates changes to the
Contract ari:d the City approves tl�e changes, the Contractor is res�onsible for obta�ning
clearances and coordinating� with the approp�iate regulatory age�cy. The City will nat reimbu�'se
tlae Con�ractar Por az�y cost associated wrth these requi�rements of any Cxty acquired pez-xnit. The
_ following az�e pern�its the City will obtain if required:
1. Texas Departtnent of Transportation Permits
2. U.�. Army Corps o�Engine�rs Pexxnits
3. Texas Com�nission on Env�ozimenfial Q�aliiy P�rmits
A-. Railroac� Company Perr�its
C_ Outstc�nding permits and licenses. The City anticipa�es acquisition of and/ox acces� to pex�nits
and licenses. Any outstaaading pernuts a.t�d licenses a�e anti.cipated to he acquired in accoz'dance
�vith the schedule set �orth in the Supplementary Con.ditions. The Project Schedule submi�:ed by
i�ie Contractor zn accordance with the Contract Docurr�ents rnust consider any outstaxiding
pernlifs and licenses.
6.10 Laws and Regulu�ions
A. Coniractor sha11 gi.ve all no�ces required by and shall comply vvith all Laws and Reg�alations
applicabl� to the per%nnance o#� the Work. Except wh�re otherwise expressly required by
applicahle Laws and Reguia�ions, the City shall not be responsible far mozaxtoring Contractor's
corripliaa�ce with any Laws or Regulat�ons.
B. If Coniractor perfort�s any Work kzaowing or having reason ta know that it is contrazy to Laws or
Regulations, Contractor shaIl beax aIl claims, COStS, iosses, an.d damages (including but not
li�r�ited to all �ees and charges of engineers, architects, atiorneys, and ot�er pro�essionals a�d all
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court ar arbiiration or other dispute �resalution costs) arising out of oz relating to such Work.
However, ii sha11 noi be Con%ractor's res�onsibility i:o make certain that the Sp�cificatians atzd
Drawings az'e in accordance wi�h LavcTs azzd Regulations, but this shall not relieve Contt'actor oi
Contractor'� obligations under Paragraph 3A2.
�. Changes in Laws or Regula�ions not known at the tirna of openin.g of Bids having an efFec� on
the cnst or time of perfozx�ance af the Work may be fhe subject of an adjustment in Contract
Price oz Contract Time.
b.11 Taxes
A. On a contract awarded by fi1�e City, an organization which qualifies %r exempiion pursuant to
Texas Tax Code, Subchapter H, Sections 1.51..30J.�335 (as arnended), the Contractor may
purchase, rent or ]ease ail zx�.aterials, supplies and equipment used or consumed in the
performance of this coniract by issuzng to l�is su��li�r an e�emption cez`tificate in lieu of the f.ax,
said e�empiion: certificate to comply wiih State Cozxzptxoller's Ruling .007. Any such exezxxption
ce�rficaie zssued to the Coniractar in lieu of ihe ta� shall be subject to and sha1Z comply wi#1i the
pzovision of S#ate Co�npt�roller',s RuIing _011, and any of.her applicable rulings pertaining to tlae
T�xas Ta� Code, Subchapfer H.
B. Texas Tax permi� and infarmation m.ay be obtained �rom:
].. Comptroller of Pub�ic Accoutxts
Sales Tax Division
Capitol Station
Austin, TX 7871I; or
2. http://www.window.state.t�.u,s/taxinfo/t�forms/93-fo_rms.h�tnl
6.12 Use of Site rcnd Other Areas
A. �imitation on Use ofSiie and OiheYAreas:
Coniractox shall confine consf.ruction equi.pment, the storage af materzals a�.d equipment, and
the aperations of workers to the �ite and other areas permitted by Laws and Regulations, and
shail nat unreasonably encumber th� Site and other areas witli consfin�ction equipment or
other maierials or equipment. Contractor shaii assuxxae full responsibility for aa�.y daxr�age to
any such land or area, or io the ownex ox occupan� thereof, or of' any adjacent land or areas
zesulfiing frorn. the perforcx�az�.ce of the Work.
2. At a,ny time when, in the judgnaent o� the City, �he Contractor has obsiructed or closed or is
carryuig on operaiions in a portion of a st7reet, z�ight-of-way, or easement gireatex than is
necessary �ox proper execution of the Woxk, the City may r�quire the Cont�actar to finish the
sectian on which operations are in progress before work zs coznmenced on any addi�ional
area oithe Site.
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3. Should any Damag� Claim be made hy ariy suck� owner ox• occupartt because of t,he
pe�-£ormance of the Woxk, Con6ractor shall pxonnptly attempt to zesolv� the Darnag;e C�aim.
�-. Pu�suani to Paragrczph 6.2I, Cantractor shalZ indemnify and hold hc��mless City, from and
against all claims, costs, losses, and damages arising out of or relating ta aray claim o�
action, legal or equitable, brought by 'any such owner^ or occupant against City.
B. Removal of DebNis During Pe�formance of tTae Wo�-k: During ihe progress of the Work
Contractor snall I�eep the Site and other areas free from accumulations of vvaste materials,
z�ubbish, and otlaex debris. Rerr�oval and d.isposal of such waste materials, z-ubbish, and othex
debtYs s�all canfom� to appIicable Laws and Regulatzans.
C. Site Maintenance Cleaning: 29� ho�rs after �itien n4fiic� is give� to the Contracior ihat the
cIean-up on fhe jol� site is proceeding izz a manner unsatisfaciory to the Ciiy, z� ihe Contx'actor
�ails to correci the tiulsatisfactory p:rocedure, the City m.ay iake such dtrect action as the Czty
deerns appropriate to correct the clean up deficiencies cited to the Contractor in the w.�tten
notice {by letier or elec�ronic communication), and fhe cosfs of such duect actron, plus 25 % of
such costs, �hall be deducted fro�n. t1�e rnonies due or io becozx�e due to the Coni7ractor.
D. Fina� Si1e C'leaning.• Prior to Fit�al Acceptance of the Work ConYxactox shall clean the �ite and
the Wor� and make it ready for u�ilization by City or adjac�n� property owner. A� the co�pletion
of the Work Conixactox sha11 remove fron:a. the �ite all taols, appiiances, constz�ctian ec�uipment
and maclai�ery, and s�.uplus mate�zals and shall restoxe to original condition ar better al1 properly
dist�urbed by the Work.
E. L•oading St�uctures: Contractor shall noi Ioad nor �errnit any.par[ of any siruciure to be loadecl
in any manner that will endariger fhe--stru.ctlire, nor sha11 Contractor subject any part oithe Woxl�
or adjacent property to st�esses or pressures that wi.11 endang�r it.
6. l 3 Record Documents
A. Con1ractor shall z�ai�tain in a safe place at the Site or in a place designated by the Contractor and
approved by the City, one (1) record copy of all Dxawings, Specifications, Add�nda, Change
Orders, Field Ordars, and wnitten infierpretaiions and claiifications in good order and a�otated to
show changes made duning construction. These record docum.ents together w�itb all approved
Samples and a counterpart af all accepted Subrriittals wiIl �e available to City for reference.
Upon cornpl.etion oF the Wor1�, these record documents, any opera�ion a�n.d �naintenance xx�.anuals,
and Subzxkittals will be delivered to City prior to Final Inspeciion. Contrac�ar shall include
accurate locations for buried and irnbedded items.
6.14 Safety and Protectzon
A. Confracior sha11 be solely responsible for initiatzng, maintaining and supervising all safety
precautions and prograrns in cox�nection vvith ihe Work. Such r�spoa�sibility does nat relicve
Subcontractors of their xcsponsibilit� for the safety of persons or property in �Sae performance of
their work, nor for compliance vcrith applicable safetiy Laws and Regulations. Coniractor shall
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1'age 3D of 63
fake alI necessary precautions for the safety of, and shalZ prov.ide the necessary pratecfion to
�revent darnage, injury ox loss io:
1. all persons on the Si�e ar who may be affected by ihe Work;
2. alI the Work and rnaterials and equipzx�.ent ta be incorporated ihereiz�, whether in storage on
or off the �ite; and
other proper�y at ihe Szte ar adjacent thereto, i.z�cluding �raes, shrubs, lawns, v�alks,
paven�aenis, raadways, siructures, uiilities, and Underground Facilziie� not designated for
renn.aval, relocation, or repiacernent i� the cours� of consiructzon.
B. Coniractor shall comply with aIl applicable .La�rs arn.d Regulations relating to the safety of
persons or propexty, ox to the protection of persons or pxoperty from damage, injury, or Ioss; and
shall erect azad naaintain all necessary safeguards far such safety and proteciion. Contractor shall
notify owners oF adjacent praperty and of Underground Facilities a�rd ofilier utility owners �vhen
prosecution of fhe Worrk �ay affect them, and sha11 cooperate witl� tizem in the protection,
r�moval, relocatioz�, and repiacement of iheir pzoperty.
C. Coniractor sha11 comply vvith �he applzcable requiremenfs of City's safety programs, if any.
D. Confractor shall inform City of the specifc requirements of Con1�actor's safety progtram, i� a.ny,
with which City's ezxa.ployees and representatives z�a.usi comply while ai the Site. ,
E. All damage, injwry, or Ioss to any property refexred to in Paragraph 6.Z9�.A.2 or 6.14.A.3 caused,
.. directly ox xndirectly, in whole �or in parl, by Contracior, aa�y Subcontractor, Supplier, or any
.� other individual ar entiiy directl�+ or i�directly e:rzxploy�d by any of them. to p�xform any of the
Wor1�, or anyone �or whose act� any of them� xxzay be liable, shali be remedied by Confiracior.
F. Cont�actor's duties and responsibilitzes �or safety and for protection of the Work shall continue
until such time as al1 t�e Work is compl�ted a�d City has accepted ihe Work.
b.15 Safety 12epresentative
Conteactor shall i��orm City in writing of Conix'actor's designaied safety xepresentative at the Site.
6.1 � Hczzard Communieation Prog�ams
Contraciox sk�all be respansible for cooxdinating any exchange o£ material safety data sheets or other
hazard communication information required to be made availa.bXe to or exchanged between or among
ez�nployers in accordaz�ce wi�li Laws or Regulations.
6.17 Emergencies and/or Rectification
A. In em.ergencies aifecting the safety ox protection of persons or the Work or �property at ihe ,Site or
adjacent thereto, Con�ractor is obligated to act io preveni ihreatened damage, anjuxy, or loss.
Contractor shail g�ive City prompt �+ritten zaat�ce if Contractor believ�s that any si.gnificant
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changes ir� the Work or variations froln. tlae Cantract Docutxzents have been caused thez'eby or are
req�rired as a�esult thereof: If City determines tl�at a chang� in the Contract Documents is
required because of the action tal�en by Conteactar in res�panse io such an em�rgency, a Ck�ange
Order inay be issued.
B. ShouId the Contractor �ail to respond to a reques� frozxz the Cify to recti�y any discrepancies,
orrussions, or carrec�ion necessary to cont'orm with if�.e xequirements of the Contract Docuxnenis,
tt�:e Ciiy shall give the Contractor written notice that such tx�oxl� oz changes are to be pez�£orrned.
The written n.otzce shall dir�ci atter�tion to ttle d.iscrepant condxtzon and request the Contractor to
take re�:aedial action to carxect ihe condi.tion. � the event the Contracto�r daes not take posiiive
sieps to fulfilI fhzs �v�t'itten request, or does not show just cause for not ta1{ing the propez' acfion,
witl►in 24 hourrs, the City may take �uc� xemedial action �vith City %rc�s or by contract. The Ci.ty
shall deduct an amount equal io the ent�re costs :fox such remedial action, plus 25%, from any
f-unds due or become due the Cor�trac�or on the Pxaject.
6.I8 Submit�als
A. Contractor shaJ� submit required Subxnittals to Ciiy for review a�d acceptance in accordance
with the accepted �chedule o� Submittals (as requixed by Paragraph 2.07). Each subrnittal vvill be
identified as City may require.
1. �ubxxait number of copies specified in the Gene:ral Requirements.
2. Data shown on the Submittals will b� complete wit1� respect �o quantziies, dimensions,
specifed performatace and design cnitez�a, materials, and si�ailar data to show Ciiy the
.. services, rnaterials, and��equi�ment Coz�ztxactor propflses to provide and to enab�'e City to
� review the infarmatian ��r the lzinited pu�pose� �:requi�ed by Paragraph 6. l 8.C. ' �
Subr�xzittals submit�ed as herein �ravided by Contractor and revaewed b�r City �or
canformance wi.tb the ciesign concept shal� be executed in conforYnity �razila i1�e Con[ract
Documents uniess ofiherwise required by City.
4. When Sub�nittals are submifted �ar the purpose of showing t�e installaiion in gr�ater detail,
ihezr xeview shall not e�cuse Con�ractor £roxra req�ir�ments shown on the Drawi�ngs and
5. For-Informat�an-4nly submit�als upon which the City is not expected to conduct revi�w or
take responsive action may be so identified in the Contraci Docuinents.
6. Subnazt required ntunbez o� Samples specified in the Specifications.
'7. Cleaxly identify each Sanaple as to material, Supplier, per�inent data such as catalog nuna�ers,
t�ie use %r vsrhich zntended and oY.hez daia as City rnay require to enable City to review th.�
submit�al �'or t�Ze limited purposes required by Parag.raph 6. �$.C.
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B. Where a Submitta! is required by fhe Contt-act Docaxnents or ihe Sched��ie of Su�miiials, any
related Woxk per%rmed prior to City's review ar�d acceptance of fhe pez-tinent submittal wi�J. be
at the sale expense azr.c� respansibility of Contractor.
C. City s Review.'
1. City will pxovide timely review o:f required Submittals in accordance wii� tiie Schedule of
Subn�azttals acceptable io City. City's review and acceptance wzll. be only to c�ete�ine if ih�
items covered by the submittals vc�'ill, aftez' installation or incorporation in the Work, conform
to the inforx�nation given in the Can�ract Doc�ments and b� compatible with t�ie desigz�
cozzcept of the completed Project as a fivactzoning whole as indicated by the Caniraci
2. City's review and acceptance vvill nat exten�. to me�s, methods, iec�zz�xques, sequences, or
procedures of construction (except where a partict�lar means, method, technique, sequence,
ar procedure of constt�uc�an is specifically and expressly called for by t1�.e Contract
DocumenFs) or to safety precautions or progxams incident thexeto. The revievv and acceptance
of a separrate item as such vviil noi indicate approval of the assembly in which the itern
3. Czty's revie�+' a�d acceptance sha11 not relieve Contractox from responsihility for any
variat�on from the requirernents of the Contract Documents unless Conf�'actar has complzed
w�.th tl�e xequirements of Seciion Ol 33 00 an.d C�ty has glven wzitten acceptance o:f each
such variation by speczfzc wt�tten notatzon fhereof incorporated in or accozxapanyir�g the
Submittal. Ci�y's review and acceptazxce shall not relieve Contra.ctar froir�. responsibility for
_. com�lying with �e requiremenfs of the Con�raci Documents. • - �
6.l 9 Canlinuing the Work
Except as otherwise provided, Coniractor shall carry on the Woz�� and adhere to the Froject Schedule
duriug alZ disputes ox disagre�ments with City. No Work shall be delayed or postponed pending
resolutian of any dispuie� or disagreements, except as City and Con:ix�actor map o�hez-wise agree in
6.20 Contr'actor's General Wa�'ranty and Gua�'antee
A. Contractor warran.ts and guarantees to City that alI Work wil� be in accordance with the Contract
Documenis and will not be de�ec�ive. City a�n.d its o�'ficers, directors, members, partners,
employees, agents, consultaa�ts, and subco�tractors shall be entiiled to rely on repxesen#ation of
Con:tx�acior's wa�•az�.ty and guarantee.
B. Contt'actor's wanrax�iy and guarantee hereunder excludes defecfs or damage caused by:
abuse, modzfzcation, ar imp:t•opez' �aintenance or operation b� pe�t•sons other than ContY'actor,
Subcon�ractors, Suppliers, ox any other individual or eniiiy for whom Cont�actar is
responsible; or
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2. normal wear and tear �der noz-�al zt,sage.
C. Contractox's obligatian to perform and complete the Wazk in accordance with the Contract
Docuz�rzents sha�l be absolute. Non� of the following wi�l constitute an acceptance of �Vork that is
� not �u accord.ance �rith the Contract Documents or a release oF Contx�aciox's abIigation to perform
the Work in accordance witla ihe Cont�act Docum�n�:
1. obsezvat�ails by City;
2. recammendation or payment by Ciiy of any progress or final payt3r�ezzt;
the issuance of a certi�cate o� Final Acce�tance by Ciiy ox any payment relaied thereto by
4. use ox occupancy aithe Work or any part ihexeof by City;
5. any xevzew and acceptanc� of a Submittal by City;
6, any inspection, test, or approval by others; or
7. any correction of defec�ve Work by City.
D. The Confractox shall zemedy any de%cts or damages in �he Work and pay for any damage io
oiherr wax� "or property resulting therefronr� w�aich shall appear �rrthin a per�od of two {2) years
frozx� the date of Fina.i Accep�ance o:f the Worl� unless a longer perio�i is specified and shal�
fi�nish a good ancl su�ficient rnaintenance bond, complying with the rec�uir�ments of Art�icle
5.02.B. The City`urill:give notice af observe'cI de�ects with reasanable prompt�e'ss. � ��
6.21 �ndexnnification
A. Contz'acfor covenan�s and ag�rees to indemnify, hoId har�ess and de�end, at ifis or�vr�
e�pense, the Ci�y', fts offiicers, sex�vants and employees, from and agaxnst any and all claims
ax.ising out of, or alleged to arise out of, the work and service� to be performed by the
Conirac�or, its of�cers, age�ts, employees, subcontx-actox-s, licenses or invitees under this
pxovision is intended to iuucIude, without lirnrtation, 'vndernndty �ox costs, expenses and Ieg�
fees inc�rred i�y the City iz� defending against such clai�s and causes of actians.
B. Contxactor cavenants and agrees to indez�nni�y and �old harmles�, at i�s own expense, the
CiLy, its officexs, servants and employees, from and again�t an� and aIl loss, damage or
destxuction of praperty of the City, arising out of, or alleged to axise ouf of, the work and
services to be �erFormed by the Contractor, its ofiicers, agents, employees, subcontractors,
licensees or in�itees undcr ihxs Cont-�act. THIS INDEMN�F�CATrON PROVISI�N IS
crrY oF �oxT wonrx
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6.22 Delegation of Profession�l Desigra Services
A. Contractor wzlZ not be required to prova.de professional de�ign services unless suckz services are
specifica,�ly required by fhe Coniract Documenis fox a portion of tl�.e Woxk or uniess such
services are required to carcy ou� Contractoz's responsibilities for co�siruction means, zxzethods,
techniques, sequences and procedures.
B. If professi.onal design services or certifications by a design �rofe�sional reJated to systems,
matez-zals or equi�pment are specifically requi�-ed of Confiractor by the Contrac� Docurnent�, City
wil� speciiy all perfoxxzaance and c�esign criieria that such services xx�.ust sa�isfy. Con�ractox shall
cause such services or certifica�ions to be provided by a pxoperly licensed pro�essional, whose
signature and seal shall appear ozx all drawings, calcu.latzons, specifications, certiiicaiions, az�.d
Submittals �repared by such pro%ssianal. Sub�i.ttals related to t�e Warl{ designed or certi£'xed by
�uch professzonal, if prepared by others, shall bea�' such profes�ional's written approvat when
sul�mitied to CiCy.
C. City sha11 be entitled to xely upon ihe adequacy, accuracy and cozxapleteness of f.he sezvices,
certifications or approvals performed by such design professionals, provided Czty �as specified
to Contractor perfarrr�ance and design criteria �hat snch services must satisfy. �
D. Pursuazat to this Paragraph 6.22, City's revie�x+� and acceptance of desig� calculations and design�
- drawings �rill b� only for the Iimited pu�pose of checking for ca�nformance with pez�£ormance and
design criter�ia given and the design concept ex�ressed in the Contract Docun�ents. City's revie�w
and acceptance af Submiitals (except design calculations and design d�ravaings) wil� be only for
the puipose s�ated in Paragxaph 6. T 8.C.
6.23 Right to Audit
A. Th� Contractox agrees ihat the City sha11, until f.he e�piYation of �hree (3) years after fin.al
�ayixzent �nder this Contract, have access to arn.d the right to examine and photocopy any directly
pertinent boak�, docurnents, papers, and records of i:he Contractor i�volving transactioz�s relating
to fihis Co�tract. Contractor agrees that the City shall have access during Regizlaz Worl�in.g Hours
to al� necessa�y Coniracior facilities and shalI be provzded adequate and appropriate worl� space
in order to conduct audiis in compliance �rith ihe provisians af thzs �aragrap�. The City shall
give Contractor reasoz�able advance notice o���tended audiis.
B. Contracior f�.r.rihe:r agrees 1:o include in aIl its subcontracts �aereunder a provision: to the effect that
the subcontt'acfor agrees that the City shall, until t�e expiration o:f thzee (3) years after final
paynr�.ent under this Contract, k�ave access to and t�e right to examine a�d photocopy any dixectly
pextinent bao�Zs, docu�en�s, pap�rs, and records oi such Subcontractor, invol�ing transactions to
the subcontract, azad further, that City ��all hav� access du�ring Reg-ular Worlcing Hours to a11
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Subcontractor faczliiies, and shall be pro�ided adequate and appropriate woz-�C space in order to
conduct audits in com�Iiance �ri�:h the provisians af this Paragraph. The City shall give
Subcont�actor reasonable advance natice of intended audits.
C. Coniractor and Subcontractor agree to photocopy such documents as m.ay be requested bp f11e
Ciiy. The City agrees to rei�nburse Contractox £or t.he cost of the copies as follo�s at the :rate
published zn the Texas Administrative Code in effect as of the tzrx�e copying is performed.
6.24 Nondiscrimination
A_ Th� City is responsible for operaiin.g Public Transportatian Progranas and implementing transzt-
related projects, which are funded in part wit1� Federal fitzancial assistance awarded by ihe U.S.
Department of Transportataoz� and the Federal Tra��sit Admini��ration (FTA), without
discriminating agaznst any person in Y1�e United States on f,he baszs o� race, color, or �ational.
B. Ti1le VI, Civil Rights �1ci of 1964 as amended.• Con�ractor shaIl comply with the requi�xeznents of
tb.e Act and the Regula�ions as fiirther defined in the �upplementary Conditions for any project
receiving Federal assastance.
7.01 Relctted T�Tfork ai Si�e
A. Cxty rr�ay perform other work related to the Project at the Site wi� City's ezxaployees, or other
City contraetors, oz ihrough other direct contracts therefar, or have other work perFormed b,y
utiility owxzers. l�f such other vcrork is. not noted in �he Coniract Docurnents, f1�en vvz�tten notice
t�aereof will be given ia Contractor prior to starLing a�t�.y such othe� work; and
B. Contractor sha11 affo�d each otber contraciar who is a party to such a dixect contract, each utility
avvner, a�d City, if City is pex�oxming ather woric with City's employees ox other City
contractoxs, proper and safe access to ihe �ite, pxovide a reasonable oppo�iiy %r the
iuxf�oduciion and storage o� �nafierials and equiprz�e�t and the �xecution of such other work, and
properly coardinate ihe Worlc with theirs. Cozatx'actor shall do a11 cutting, fitting, ar�� patching a�
the Work ihat may b� required to properly connect or otherwise make its several parts come
together and properly integrate wit11 such other vvork. Contiractar shai� no� endaa�ger any work of
others by cutting, excavating, or athercxTise alte�zng such work; provzded, however, thai
Contractor rnay cui or alter o�fiers' work with the writ�er� consent of City and the others whose
work vvill be affected.
C. If the proper executron oz• results of any part of Cont�ractor's �+Vork depends upon work performed
by others under this Artzcle 7, Contracior shall iuspect such o�er work and pxomptiy report io
City �n writing any delays, defecis, or deficiencies in such other work that render it unavai�able
or unsuitable fox the proper execution aza.d results of Coniractar's Wark. Coniractor's failuxe to so
repo�rt will constitute an acceptance oi such o�her work as fit and proper foz' infegration �,rii:h
Contractor's Work except far lateni defects in the work pravid�d by otner�.
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7.02 Coordination
A. Tf City intends to contract with others for the perfarrrza�.ce of other �tx�orrk on the ProjecL at tk�e
�ite, �e following wiIl b� �et foxth in Supplemen�ary Canditions:
1. ihe individual or eniiiy who wil� have autllority and responsibzlity far coordination. of ihe
activit�es arnong the var�ious contractors wil� be ideniified;
2. th� specific z�atters to b� covered by such authority a�d responsibility will be itemized; az�d
3. ihe exient of snch authority and responsibili�ies wi11 be provided.
B_ Un�ess othezwise provided in the Supplernentary Conditions, City shall �ave au�hori.ty for such
8.01 Communicalian.s to Contr^actor
Except as otherwise provided in the Suppteme�.tary Condations, City shaIl issue all comrxzunications
to Co�tractor.
8.02 Fu�nish Data
Cxty shall time�y �urnish the data requixed under the Contract Dacuments.
8.D3 Pay When Due
Ciiy shall make pay�n.ents to Contractor it� accardance ��h Article 14.
8.04 Larads and Easements; Reports and Tes�s
Ciiy's duties wzth respect to provzdang lands and easements and provzding engineeri�ag surveys ta
establish refexence points aze set fo� in Parag7raphs 4.01 and 4.OS. Paragra�h 4.02 refers to Cii.y's
identi�yin.g; and fnaking available to Coni�actoz copies of reports of e�ploxat�ans and tests of
subsurface condi�io�s and drawings of physical conditions relating tio existing surface ox subsurface
structures at or contiguous to tf�e Siie that have been ufilized by City in pr��axing the Contrac�
$.05 Change �rders
Czty shall e�ecute Change Orders in accordanc� with Paragraph 10.03.
8.06 Inspeetions, Tests, and Approvals
City's respo�sibility with respect to certain i�spectzons, tests, and approva�s i� seL foz-�h in Para�aph
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8.0'7 Limitations on City's Responsibilaiies
A. The City shall not supervise, direct, or have control or authority over, nor be respanszble for,
Contractor's zx�eans, methods, technic�ues, sequences, or proceduY'es o� consiruction, or the safety
precautions and programs xncid�nt th�xeio, or far any �ailure of Cantractor to comply wi� Laws
and Regulat�ons applicable to ihe pez-£ormance of the Work. City will not be responsible for
Coniractor's failure to perForm tl�.e Work in accozdance v;�ith the Confract Dacuments.
B. City will zaot�fy the Contractor oi applicable sa%ty plans pursuant ta Paragraph 6.1 �.
$.OS Undisdased Hazardous Eravi�onrnental Condiiion
City's z-esponsibility with respect to an undisclosed Hazardous Envirorimen.tai Condition. is set %rth
in Paxagraph 4.06.
8.09 Corrcpliance with SafeZy Prog7�am
While at the Site, City's ernployees and representativcs shall co�.ply wiih the specific applicab�e
require�ments of Contractor's safety pro�gra�ns af which Cxty ha� been inforrned pursuant to
Parag,�raph 6.14.
9.01 City's Project 1YlanageY
City wz11 provide one or more Prroject Managez(s} during the construction period. The duties aiad
resp�Snsibilities arid the limitat�o�is of authority of CiCy's ��oject IVlanager,during consinaction aze set
forth in the Cantract Documents. The City's Project Manager for tlais Con�ract is < inse�t name here
�, ar his/her successor �urstian.t to written not�ficatian frozxz the Directar oi < insert managi�.g
depaz-tment he�•e >.
9.�2 Visils to Siie
A. City's Project Manager wi11 naake visits to t1�e Site at intervals appropziate to tlae various sfages
of construction as Ciiy deezx�s necessary i� order ia obsezve the prog,7ress ihat has been rriade and
the qualzty of the various aspects of Contractor's executed Work. Based on infoxmation
ob�ained during such visits and observation�, City's ProjecL Manager will determine, zn general,
if the Work is proceeding in accordance with the Contxact Doc�ments. Cit�'s Project Manager
will noi be required ta make exha�stive or continuous inspections on �he Site to checl� the
quality or q�antiiy o� the Worl�. Cify's Project Manager's efforts vvill be directed toward
provzding City a greater �egree o� confiden.ce ihat the completed Worlc will canf'orxn generally to
the Contract Documents.
B. City's Project Manager's visits and obsezvations are subject fio all the limitations on authoriiy and
responsibili.ty in the Contraci Docttxx�;ents incluclit�g fl�ose set foz-th in Paraglraph
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9.03 Au�horized Ya�'iations in Work
City's Project Manager may authorize rninor variations zn the Work frozxa the requirements of the
Coniract Docun�.ents which do not involve an adjustment in the Cozztxaci Frice or the Contract Time
and are cozxzpatible wiih �he design concept o£ the com�Ieted �roject as a f�un.c�oning whole as
zndicated by the Contracf Documents. These zx�ay be accomplished by a Field O�'der and will be
bi��diu�g on Ciiy and also or� Contractor, w�o shall perfornn ihe Work involved promptly.
9.04 RejectingDefective Worlc
City will have auihority io reject Work wkick� City's Project Manager believes to be defectzve, or
t�ill not proditce a coxaap�eted Project t�at conforms to the Contract Docu�ents or that vvzll prejudice
the integrity of the �.esign concept o£the completed �'xaject as a func�ioning whnle as indicated by
the Contract Doc�unents. City will have authozity to conduct specia.I inspectio�. or tesi7ng of the
Worlc as pzovided in Ar�icle 13, whether or n.ot the Work is fabrzcated, installed, ar completed.
9.05 Dele�tninations for Work Perforrrced
Coniractor will deterniine the actuaI quantities and c�assifications of Work perrornr�.ed. Ciiy's Projeci
Manager will review with Cant�actor fhe pxeIiminary deiez'minations ozz such matters befare
rendexing a written recommendation. Czty's written deciszon will be £'inal (except as zaaodified to
reflect changed factual candifions or more accurate data).
9.06 Decisions on Requi�ernenis of Contract Docume�ats and Acceptabilily of Wo�Ic
A. � Czty will be the initiaX interpreier of thc requit-ements of ihe Contract Documents and jL�dge of the
' '��cceptability o�ilie Work��hereuza..der. �j �
B. City will render a written decfsion on any zssue re%rred.
C. City's written decision on ihe issue refez�ed will be final and binding on ihe Contractox, subjeci
to �he provisions of Paragraph � 0.06.
10_01 Autho�ized Changes in the Work
A. Without in.validating the Contract and withoui notice to any surety, City may, at any time or from
time io time, order Ext�ra Work. Upon not�ce oi such Exir'a Warl�, Co�tractor sha11 p�'amptly
praceed with the Woxk involved which will be perfo�ed under the applicable con.ditions of f.he
Contract Documents {except as atherwise specifically pxovided). Ext�ra Work sha11 be
znemorialized by a Change Oxdex which may or rnay not precede an arder of Extra work.
B. For zninor changes o� Worlc no� requiring changes to Caniraci Ti�e or Con�raci Pz'ice, a Fie�d
Order may be issued by the City.
CTl'Y OF FnitT W012TH
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10.02 Unauthorized Changes in the Work
Coniracior shali not be enfitled to an increase in ihe Cont�ract Price or an extension of i1�e Contract
Time with respect to a�tzy work perfonned that is not required by the Contract Documents as
amended, mod'zfied, or supplemenied as provzded in Paragraph 3.0�, except in the case o� an
emergency as provtded in Paragraph b.17.
10.03 Execu�ion of Change Orde�s
A. Ci�r and Contractar shall execute approp�ate Change Orders cove�ing:
1. changes in t�e Work which are: {z) oxdered by Ciiy pursuaaxt to Paragraph 10.O1.A, (ii)
z'equ.ired because o� acceptaaace of de%ctive Worl� u�zdex Paragraph I3.08 0�• City's correc�ion
of defective Worl� uaader Paragraph 13.09, or (zii.) agreed io by �he pazt�es;
2, changes in fhe Contract �'rice or Contract Tizxae whicb are agreed to by �tlie parizes, includzng
a�y urn.disp�ted sum or amou.nt of tizne far Vi7ork actually perfonned.
10.04 Ext�a Wo�k
A. Should a difference arrzse as to what does or does not constitute ���ra Work, or as to th� pa�tnent
tl�ereof, and the City insis�s upon its performance, the Contz�actox shall proceed wzth ihe wark
aftex mal�ing w�itten request for written orders and shall keep accurate account of th� act�Ya1
xeasonable cost thereo:f Contract Clairris regarding Extra Wark sha11 be made pursuant to
Paragraph 10.06.
:� B. T�e Contx�actor shall furnish �e Ciiy such instalIaiiaiz records of all deviaiions froxxz the original
Contract Documenis as ;txaay be necessary to enable i�.e City to prepare for permanent racord a
corr�cted se� of pla�as shawing the actual installat�on.
C. The compensat�on agreed upon fox E�ira Warlc whather or not initiated by a Change O�der shall
be a fu11, compleie and fi�aal payment iar a11 co�ts Co�tractor incurs as a resuli or relating io fhe
change or Extra Work, whether said cost� are knowz�, iznktiown, foreseen orr un%res�en at that
titne, includin.g w�thout lim�tatian, any costs far delay, extended ovexhea.d, ripple or irx�pact cost,
or any olher effect on changed ar unchanged work as a result o£ihe change or Extra Work.
10.05 No�i�cation to Su�-eiy
If the provisions o� any bond require notice to be given to a surety o1' an:y change affecting the
general scope of ihe Work ar ihe provisions af the Contract Documents (including, but not lixnified
to, Cont�act Pz'i.ce or Contraci Tinrze), �,he giving af any such notice will be Contractor's
res�onszbil.ity. The amoun� of each applicable bond will be adjLtsted by the Coni7ractor to refleci the
effect of any such change.
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10.06 Contract Clairns Process
A. City's Decision Requi�ed: All Contraci Claims, excepi those waived �ursua�t to Paragraph
14.09, sha11 be referred to the Ciiy �or decision. A decision by City shall be required as a
condYt�on pxecedent �o any exercise l�y Coniractor af any �-ights or rem;edies k�e may otherwise
have under the Con�act Doc�u�nents ox by Lavas and Regula�ions in respect of such Contract
B. IJotice:
J.. Wriifien no�iee stat�ng the genexal nature of each Con�ract Claznn sha11 be d�livered by the
Con�ractor to Ciiy no later than 15 days after the start o� the event giving rise thexeto. The
responsibilxty to substantiate a Contract Clazxx� shall rest with the party �aking the Contract
2. Natice oi the arnount or exteni o� tlae Contract Claim, wif13 suppoz�t�ng dafia shall be delivered
ta �he City on ox be�ore 45 days frorn the start of �he event giving ris� �hereto {unless the City
allows additzonal time for Contractor to subzx�t additiona.� or more accurate data in support of
such Contract Claim}.
3. A Contract C1a�n for az� adjuslment in Contract Price shall be prepar�d in accardan.ce with
� t�e provisions of Paragra�h 12.OI. �
4. A Contract Cla�m for an adjustno.ent i� Cantrac� Time shall be prepa.x'ed in accordance rr,rith
t�eprovisionsofParagraph �2.02.
�' S. Each Corzttract Claim shall be accoinpa.�aied by �oritractor's written statezx�ent 1:Iiat the
adjustrrzent claimed is the entire adjustment to which the Cont�actor believes it is entiiled as a
result of sai.d event.
6. The City sha11 su�bmi.t any response to tlse Can.tractax within 30 days a�ier recexpt of tl�e
clairr�ant'� last submittal (unless Contract allows addii�onal time).
C. City's Action: Ciiy will review each Coniract Claim and, witlzin 3Q days after receipt of Yhe Iast
sub�nittal oitl�e Coniractor, zf a�y, ta%e one of the fallowing actions in writing:
1. deny the Contzact Claim in wholc or in part;
2. approve t�e Contract Clairr�; or
3. notify the Cont�ractor that the Ciiy is unable to resolve the Contract Claim i�, in the City's
sole discxetion, it would be i�appropriate for the Ciiy to do so. For purposes of further
resaiution oi the Cnntract Clainn, suc� notice shall be deemed a denial.
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D. City's written action under Parag,rrapl� 10.06.0 wi11 be fi�nal and binding, unless City or
Contractor in.vake the dispute resolution procedure set forth iu Article 16 �t1�in 30 days af suc�i
ac�ion oz' denial.
E. No Co�tract Claim foz� ari adjusfar�eni in Con�ract Pz�ce or Contract Time will be valid if not
su�znitted in accozdance wiih ti�is Parag�-aph I0.06.
11.01 Cost of the Wor1�
A. Costs 1`ncluded.• The terYn Cost of ihe Work means the sum of all casts, except those excluded ixa
Paragrapl� 11..01.B, necessarily incu�red and pazd by Contractor in tl�e proper performa�ce o� tl�e
Work. W�:en the value of atxy Work covered by a Change Order, th� costs to be reimbursed to
Contractor will be only those additional or incrernental costs req�ired because of the change in
the Work. Such costs shall not inclizde any of i.�e costs ite�r�ized �ua. �'aragraph 11.OI .B, and sha�1
include but not be limited ta the following itenn�:
Paylroll costs for employees in tk�e direct emplay of Confractorr in th� perfo�r�aance of �he
Work under schedules of job classif ca�ions agzeed upon by City and Co�ntractor. Such
employees shall include, wifihout iimita�an, superintendents, foremen, and otl�er personnel
ezxzployed firll time on the Work. Pay�'oIl costs for exnploye�s not employed fi�ll iime on ihe
Worlc shall be apportioned an tlae basis af their time spent on ibe Work. Pay�roll cosis sha11
a. salaries with a SS% markup, or
b. salaries and wages plus the cost of fringe l�enefifs, which sha11 include social sec�xrity
contribut7ions, unemploy�aent, excise, and payroll ta�es, warkers' cozxapensaiion, health
and.xetirement benefits, bonuses, siclt leave, vaeat�ion and holiday pay applicable ihereta.
The expenses o� perfor�ning War�� ouiside o� Regiilar Working Hou�rs, Weekend
Working Hours, or legal laolidays, skail be in.cltitded in the above to the extent authorized
by Crty.
2. Cost of a.11 rr�at�rials an.d equiprnent furxzisk�ed and incorpo�rated in fhe Worl{, including casts
af transpartation and storag� thereof, and Suppliers' field services xequired in connection
Rentals of all construc�ion equipment and m:ack�inery, and t�e parts thereof whether ren.ted
from Contractor or o�hers in accordance with rental agreements approved by City, and the
costs of t�ransporiation, loadir�g, u�oadang, assembly, disznantiing, arad removal �ereoi All
such costs shall be in accordance with t1�e terms of said rental agreements. Thc rental of any
such equipm.e�t, machinery, ox parts shall cease when the use thereof is no longer necessary
for the Work.
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�. Payments znade by Cont�actox to Subcontractor� for Work perfo�-rx�ed by Subcontractors. If
requiz�ed by Ciiy, Contractor shall obtain cozxrpetiiive bic1� frona subconiractors acceptable to
Cifiy and Contracior and shall deliver such bids to City, who will then. deterxnii�e, 'cxrhic� bids,
ii ar��, �i�l be acceptable. If a�rzy subcontract provzdes that the S�bco�tracfior is to be paad on
�he basis of Cost of tlae Wor1{ plus a fee, the ,Subcontractor's Cost oi the �Vork and fee shall
be determined in �he sarxxe manner as Contractor's Cost of t�ae Work and fee as provided in
this Paragraph 1 � .O 1.
5. Cosfs of special consultants {including but not limii:ed to engz�eers, architects, tes�:ing
labarafiories, surveyoxs, attomeys, and accountants) employed �or services specifically related
#o the Work.
6. �upplezxa.ental costs including the following:
a. The propor�ion of necessary iransportat�on, trav�l, and subsastence expe�ses of
Contractor's employees incurred in discharge of dutaes coxa.nected with ihe Vilork.
b. Cost, includi_t�g transportation and maintenance, of a11 materials, supplies, equipme�nt,
mach�ezy, appliances, office, and tem�orary facilities at the Site, and hand tools not
ow�ed by the vcrorl�exs, which are consu�naed in the performance af the War�, and cost,
less market value, of such iterns used but noi consu�ed which rer�aaa�n ihe property o£
c.. Sales, cansumer, use, a�tac�. other similar ta�.es related to the Wark, and �or w�iich
Contractor is liable not covefed under Paragraph 6.1 X, as i�nposed by Lav�rs azid
d. Deposzts lost %r causes other than neglzgence oi Contractor, any Subconiracior, or
anyone directly or indirec�ly e�nployed by any of fhem. ox #�or whose acts any of thern may
be Iiable, and royalty payrnents a�.d fees for �ermits and Iicense�.
e_ Losses aand damages {and xetated ex�enses) caused by dazx�age to fhe Wark, not
cornpensated by insurance o� otherwi�e, sustained by Cont�actor in conneciion with the
per�armance o� the �Nork, provided such losses and danoages have resulted from causes
other than the negligence of Contractor, any Subcontractor, ox anyone directly or
indirectly eznployed by any of them or for whose acts any of tbem may be liable. Such
lasses shall ir�clude settlements rnade wzth the written coz�sent and approval oi City. No
such losses, damages, and ex�enses sha�l he included zn the Cast of the Work �or the
putpose of detezmi��ing Coni�actoz''s I'ee.
f The eost of utzlities, f�.el, and sanitary facili�ies at the Siie.
g. Minor expenses such as ie�egrams, long distance telephone calls, telephone and
comnaunication services at the Site, e�press and courier sezvzces, and sirz�i�ar petty cash
iteYns in cannection with the Wark.
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h. The cosis o£premiums �or a11 bonds and insurance Contractox is required by 1:�.e Coni�act
Documents to purchase and maintain.
B. Costs Excluded: The tez7m Cast oith� Worl� sha11 not include any ofi:b:e :Following items:
1. Payroil costs and othez- compensa�ion of Contractor's of�icers, executives, �rincipals (of
partnerships az�d soie proprietorships), general managexs, safety managers, engineers,
azchitects, esiimators, attoz•xzeys, auditars, accountants, p�urchasing and contracting ag�nts,
expediters, iirr�ekeepers, clerks, and ot.kzer personne� em�loyed by Coniractor, whefhez• at ihe
Site or in Conir�.ctor's principal or branch office for general administratian of the Woxk and
not specifically inc�uded in� ihe agreed upon schedu�e of job classificat�oz�s referr�d to in
�'aragraph 11.41.A.I ox specifically covered by Paragraph 1 T.41.A.4, all of which are to be
considered aci�xxainistrative c�sfs covered by the Contractor's fee.
2. Expenses o� Coniractor's principal and branch offices oiher than Contractor's office at the
Any �art of Contractor's ca�ital e�penses, including �terest a� Contractor's capiial
employed fox �e Wor1� and charges agai�st Contractar for c�eli�.quent payments.
4. Costs due to �e negligence of Cantractor, any Subcontractor, or anyone directiy or indirectly
employed by any of tbem or for whose acts any of them may be liable, inc�uding but not
limited to, the carrection of defectzve Wark, disposal of znaterials or equipzn.ez�t wrongly
s�pplied, and making good any danaage to praperty.-
5. Other overhead or general expense cost� of any kind.
C. Con�-acto�-'s Fee: Wh�n all the Work is perfonrx�.ed on tY�e basis of cost-plus, Coniractor's fee
shall be deiertx�ined as set #'o�h in the Ag�'eement. When tlie value of any Wor1� covexed by a
Change Oxder for an adj�tstment zn Contract Price is deteztr�ined on �he basis of Cost of the
Work, Contractor's fee shall be determined as set �orth in Paragraph 12.0 l.C.
D. Docurneniation: Whenever the Cost of ihe Wor� for any purpose is to be det�rmined purs�at�.t to
Pa�agra�hs 11.01.A and 11.�1.8, Contractor will establish atad maintain recards t�ereof in
accordance with generally accepted accounting praciices a�d submit iri a fortn acceptable to City
an iteznized cos� breakdow� together with suppoxting data.
� �.a2 �r�o,����es
A. Specified tlllowance.• Ii is undexstood ihat Contr-actor has included in ihe Contract Price all
allawances so narned in ihe Cantract Docurrients and s�all cause the Wor�C so cove�ed to be
�erfoz�aed for such sums aaad by such persons or entities as may be acceptable ta City.
B. PYe-bid AIZo�vances:
1. Con�racior agrees that:
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a. the pre-bid allowances inc�ude the cost fio Coniractoz- of materials and equipment required
by ihe allowances to be deli.vered at the Site, at�d all a�plicable taxes; and
b. Contractor's costs foz' unloading an.d hanc�.Iing on f1�e Site, Iabor, installation, overhead,
pro�it, and other expenses contemplaied for ihe pre-bid allowances bave been included in
the alIovvaz�.ces, and no de�xaand for additional payment on account of any of fhe
fioregoiu�.g wi11 be valid.
C. Contingency Allowance.• Contractor agrees that a cont�ngen.cy allawance, ifr any, is for the so�e
�se of Czty.
D. Prior to ftnal paymenfi, an approp�ate Change Order will be issued to xeflect actual arnounts due
Contractar on account of Worlc covered by allowances, and the Contract Price sha11 be
correspondinglp adjusted.
11.03 Unit Price War7z
A. Where the Contx'act Documents provide that all oz' part oi the Wox� is to be Unzt Price Work,
initiaily ihe Contract Price will be de�med to i�a.clude %r aIl Unii Price Work an amount equal to
the sum oi the unzt price for each ,separately ideniified item of U�i �'xice Work ti�xaes the
estimated quazztiiy of each item as indicated in fhe Agreement. �
B. Th.e estizxzated quantities o� items oi Urut P:t�ice Work are not guaranteed and are sa�ely �or the
purpose of conpa.rison o� Bids ar�d deterxxaining an initial Contract Price. Deterrninations o� t11e
actual quant�ties an.d classif ca�ions of Unit Price Work performed by Contrac�or vc7i11 b� xnade by
City subject to the pro�risions of P.aragraph 9.05. �
C. Each unit price u�ll be deez�aed to include an amount cansidered by Contractox to be adec�uate to
cover Coniractor's ovexhead and profit �o� each separately identified itena. Work desc�bed in th�
Contract Docuznents, or reasozzably inferred as required for a fi�ctionally complete insiallation,
but not idenfiified in the listir�g of uni� pz�ice items sha11 be considered incidental to unit price
�rvork Xisted and ihe cost of incidental wark incl�ded as part of the unit price.
D. Czty may make an adjustment in ihe Contract Price zn accordance �vith Paragraph 12.01 if:
1, the quantity o� any iiem of Ur�zt Price Work pe7tformed by Contxactor differs �aterially and
significantly from tha esiizxiated quantity of such item indicated in the A�-reement; and
2. there is no corresponding adjustmeni wiih respect to ax�y oiher iiern of Work.
E. Increased oY Dec�eased Quantities: The City reserves tkze right to oxder Extra Woxk in
accorrdar�ce with Paragraph I0.01.
1. �f the changes in quantities or t�e alterations c�o noi significantly change the character of
wark under t:he Cantraci Documenis, the altexed work will be paid for ai ihe Contract u�it
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2. I� the changes in quantifiies or alterations significantly chan.ge the charactex of work, the
CQntract will be am�nded by a Change Dxder.
3. Tino unii pzices exist, t�is will be considered Extra Work and the Contract will be amended
by a Chang� Order i�a accordance with Article 12.
4. A significant change i� the character o�woz� occurs whezx:
a. the character oiwork lor aziy Item as altezed differs :tx�aier�ally in kir�d or nature from thai
in the Con�ct o:r
b. a Major Ite�xz o�work varies by more tha� 25% from �e oz�ginal Contract quanii�y.
5. When the qua�atity oi work to be done �der any Major Item o� �he Conlract is moxe than
12S% of the originai qua�tity stafed in the Contract, the�: erther party to the Conirraci may
request an adjustinent io the �nii price on �e portion o�the work tbat is above 125%.
6. When the quantity of work to be do�e under any Major Item of the Co�tract i.s Iess than 75%
of the original quantity stated in the Contract, t11en eithex party to the Coniraci may request
an adjust�xa.ent to the �unit pz�ce.
1 I.04 Plans Quantity Measu�ement
A. Pla�s quan�it�es may ar �ay noi xepres�nt the e�act quantity o� work per.formed. or material
moved, handled, ar placed duz�ng the e�cec�tion af the Contract. Th� estiz�nated bid quan�ities axe
designated as final payment quan�ities, unless revised by t.�ie governiug Sec�ran or this Article.
B. If the quantiiy measured as outlined under "Przce and 1'ayment Procedures" varies by nr�ore than
25% {or as stipu.lated under "Pz�ce and Payxxaent 1'rocedures" I'or speci.�c Items} from the total
estimated quant�ty for an individ�al Item originally shown in ihe Coniract Documents, aaa
adjustment may be zx�ade to the quantity af autlaorzzed work done for payxn.ent purposes. The
party to t1�e Coni�ract requesting the adjusixnen.t will provide £'xeld measureznen� and calculations
showang ihe �na� quantity for w�iich payinent will be made. Payment fox revised qua�atzty will be
mad� at t1�.e unit price bzd �or that Item, excep� as �rovided for in A�cle 10.
C. '6Vh�n quan.ti�es are revised by a chaa�ge in design app.roved by the Ci�y, by Change Order, ox to
correct an error, or to correci a� error on the plans, �e plans quantity will be incxeased or
decxeased by t�e amount invoXved in the cha�nge, and the 25% variaz�ce vv�ll apply ia the ne�;r
p�ans quantity.
D. Tf the total Contract quantity m�ltiplied by the unit price bid fox an individuai Item is Iess �tllan
$250 a�:d the �tem is not originally a plans quantaty Item, then the Iiem rn.ay be paid as a plaris
quazztity Itern i� the City and Contt'actor agree in w�'iting to f� �he �nal quantzty as a plans
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E. For callaut work or non�site speci�c Coniracis, the plans quaz�taty measurem.ent req�irements are
�oi applicable.
12.01 Change of Conlract Price
A. T,he Cantract Price may only be changed by a Change Oxder.
B. The value of any Work covered by a Change Order wi�X be de�ermined as follows:
where t�e Wor� invol�red is covered by unit pz�ces confiained in the Con�ract Docuznents, by
applicafion of such �it prices �o l�ae quantities of t�ie items invol�ved (subject to the
pxovisions of Paragraph 11.03); or
2. wher� the Woxk involved is not covered by unit priices contairied in ihe Contract Docu�ents,
by a rnutually agreed Iutnp sum or unit price (which may inciude an allowance �ox overhead
and pxofit not necessarr.ily in accordance with Paragraph 12.O1..C.2}, and shall include the cost
of any secondary impacts that are foreseeabl� at the time oi pricing ihe cost of E�tra Work;
3. where the Work involved is not covered by unit prices contained in the Co�tract Doc�unents
and agreernent to a lump surn or urn.it price is not reached und�r Parag�raph 12.fl 1.B.2, o�. tl�e
� basis of the Cost� of tlze Woxk (deten��iried as provided iu Paragraph 11.0.1) plus a
Coniractor's %e for ovexhead and profit (detexmined as provided in Paragraph X2.01.C).
C. Conlrac�o�'s Fee: T�.e C�ntractor's additaonal f�e �or overhead and profit shall be detern�ined as
1. a mutual�y acceptable fixed fee; or
2. if a fixed fee is not agreed upon, ther� a£ee based on the following percerxtages af the vanious
po�rtzons oithe Cost o�the Work:
a. for costs inc�xrred uindex Paragraphs ].1 A 1.A.1, I 1.O1.A.2. and 11.01.A3, the
Con.tractor's acictitional fee shall be IS percent except for:
1) xental fees for Con�ractor's ovvn equzpment using stan.dard rental rates;
2) bonds and insuxance;
b. fo� costs incurred uzxder Paragraph � 1.Q 1.A.4 and 1 l.O 1.A.5, the Contractor's fee shall be
five percent {5%);
1) �crvhexe one or more iiexs of subcontracts are on ihe i�asis of Cosi of �he Worl� plus a
fee and no fixed fee is agreed upon, i:he intent ofi Paragraphs 1.2.O1.C.2.a a�d
�2.01.C.2.b is that the Subcontractor who actually performs the Work, at whatever
crrY o� �oxx wo��
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tzez', will be paid a�ee oi 1 S percent of the costs iaacurred by such Subcantractor under
1'aragraphs 1.1.01.A.1 and J.1 A 1.A.2 and �.at a�y higher tier Subcontractor and
Cozztxactor will each be paid a fee of five perc�nt (5%) of t1�e arnoun.t paid to ihe next
�ower tier �ubcontractor, however iza no case sha11 the cumuIative total of �ees paid be
in excess of 25%;
c. no %e shall be payable on th.e basis of costs ziemized under Paragraphs 11.OI.A.6, and
d. �he axxa.ount of credit to be allowed by Contractor to City for a�y chan.ge which results in
a net decrease in cost �rill be the amouni of ihe actual �et decrease in cost plus a
deductron irz Contractor',s fee by an atiaount equal to five percent (5%) af such net
12.02 Chunge of Contract Time
A. The Cantract Tincze �ay only be chaa�ged by a Chaa�ge Order.
B. No extension o� the Contract Ti�x�.e will be allowed £or Extra Work or for clairx�ed delay u.nless
the Extra Work contemplated ar claimed delay is sho�n to be on the cri�ica� path of �he Pxaject
Sched�ale or Cantractor can show by Crit�cal Path Metk�od analysis how the E�t�a Work or
cl.aimed deiay advexsely affects �e crifiical �ath.
12.03 Delays
A. Where Contractor is-reasonably delayed in the �erfozxxaance or comp.letion af any parl oi the
Work wzthin the Contz'act Tzrrie due to delay beyond the conirol of Contracior, tlie Contt�act Time
may be e�tended in an amoutai equal io the time losi due to such delay if a Coniract Claim is
made therefor. Delays beyond the control o� Coniractor shaX1 include, but not be limiied to, ac�s
or n.eglect by City, acts or neglect a�utilifiy owners o� other coniractozs performi�n.g afher worl{ as
contemplated by .Article 7, fires, floods, e�iden.azcs, abnormal weather conditio�ns, or acts of God.
Such at� adjustment shall be Contractor's sole and exclusive remedy forr fhe dela�s desczibed in
this Pa�ragraph.
B_ If Contractor is delayed, City shall not be liable to Contractor far ar�y claims, casts, losses, or
damages (including but not 1izx�ited to aIl �ees and charges of engineers, architects, atiorrieys, and
other professio�als and a11 court or arbitration or other dispute resolu�ion costs} sustazned by
Contractor on or in cazanection with a�.y otller project ox anticipa#ed project_
C. Cant�acior shall nat be en�tled to an adjustment in Contract Price ox Coniract T�rae for delays
within the contrrol of Contractox. DeIays att�'ibutable fo and vvithin the control o£ a Subcontractar
ox Sup�lier shaIl be deemed to be delays vcriihir� fihe control of Contractor.
D. The Contractor s3�aI1 receive no cornpensation for delays or hindrances to ihe Worl�, except when
direct and unavoidahle extra cost to the Contractor is caused by f.he faiXure of tihe City to provide
info�ation or maie�rial, ii any, whick� is to be furta�ished by tl�e C�ty.
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13.OI Noifce ofDefects
Notice of a11 defective Work af which City has actual knowledge wi11 be given to Con�ractor.
Defec�ive Work may be rejected, corrected, ar accepted as pzovided in this Ariicle 13.
13.02 Access to Wo�k
Ciiy, independent te�ting laboraioxies, and governmental agencies wit11 jurisdictional interests wiIl
have access to f.he Site aa�d tk�e Worlc at reasonabie times for thear ob�ervation, inspection, and
testing. Contracior shall provide ihern proper and safe conditions for suc� access and advise ihe� o�
Contractox's safety procedures a�d progz�axxas so that t�ey may comply therewi� as applicable.
13.03 Tests and Inspections
A. Contractar sha11 give City iimely notice of readine�s of the Work for a11 xequired inspections,
te�ts, or appxovals and shaIl cooperate wzth inspection and tesiiz�.g pexsonnel to facilitate requized
inspec�ons or tests.
B, rf Confiract Docu;�x�ezats, Laws or Regulations of any public body ha�ving jux-iisdic�ion rec�uire any
of ihe Warlc (or part thereo� to be inspected, tested, or approved, Conixactor shall a�stune full
responszbiIity �'or arranging and abtaining such indepe�zdent inspections, tests, retests or
approvals, pay al1 costs in connectioi� thererxrii:�, and �iirnish City the requi�red cert��icates of
anspect�on or approval; excepting, ho�vever, ihose %es specifica.Ily identified in the
Supplezx�entary C'onditions. or any Texas Departrnent of Licens�re and.- �Regulation (TDLR)
znspections, which sha�l be paid as desc�ibed in the Suppl.eznentary Conditions.
C. Cantracior sha11 be respansible %r arranging and obtainir�g and shail pay alX cosis in conneciion
with any in.spectians, tests, re-iests, or appxovals required for Ciiy's acceptance af materials ar
equipment to be incorporated zta ih.e Work; or accepfance of �xzaterials, mix designs, ox equipment
s�bmitted far approval pz�.or to Con�ractor's purcha�e ihereo� for incorporat�on in the Wark.
Such ins�pections, tests, re-tests, or a�provals shaIl be per%rmed by organizations acceptable io
D. City m.ay arrange for the services o� an independent testing la�oratory ("Test7ing Lab"} to
pez-£ozm any inspectiions ox tests {"Testing") for any pax-t of the Work, as detez�ined solely by
City vc�ill. coordinate such Testit�g to the extent possible, �viih Contractor;
2. Should any Testing under f.his Sectio� 13.p3 D result in a"fail", "did noi pass" ox other
szz�ailax' negative result, the Contractor shalI be responsible for paying for any and all retests.
Contractor's cancellation withaut cause o� City iunit�ated Testing shall be deemed a negati�rE
result and requi�re a retest.
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3. Any amounts o�red fax any retest under ihis Sect7io� 13.03 D shali 1�e paYd directly to the
Tesiing Lab t�y Contractor. City vvill fozward aIi invoices far retesis ta Coniractor.
4. If Contractor iaiZs to pay the Tes�ing Lab, City will not issue Final Pa�rnent uniil the Testing
Lab is paid.
E. �f any Work {or the wor� of others) that is to be inspected, tested, ox approved is covered 1�y
Coniractar without wiritten concurrence of City, Co�tractor shall, ifi requested by City, uncover
such Wor�C for observation.
F. Uz�covering Work as p�rovided in Paragraph 13.03.E s�all be at Contractor's expense.
G. Contr'actor shall have ihe right to mal�e a Contract Claim regardi�zg any retest or invoice issued
under Section 13.03 D.
13.04 Uncavering Work
A. If any Work is cove�ed conixazy to the Contract Docu�rzents or specific insix-uctions by the City, it
rr�ust, if requested by City, be uncovered for City's obs�rvaiion and replaced at Contractor's
S. If Czty considers i� necessaxy or advisable thai covezed Worlc be observed by City nr inspected or
tested by others, Cantractor, at City's request, shall uncover, e�pose, or otherwis� make avazlable
• for observation, xnspection, or testing as City may require, that portion ofi the Work i� question,
fixrnishing aIX necessary Iabor, matezial, and ec�uipment.
If it is ia�nd i1�at the uncovered Wnr1c is de�ective, Contractor shall pay�� all claims, cosis,
Iosses, and da�ages {including bui not limited to all fees and charges af engi�teers, a.rchitects,
attorrx�.eys, and other pro�esszona.ls ar�d a11 court or othcx dispute resolution costs} arising out
of or relating to such uncovering, e�posure, observation, ins�ection, and testing, and of
satisfaciory replacement or recanstructio� (including but not li.mited to all costs of repair or
replace�xzent of work of otlaexs); or Ci�y shall be entitXed to accept de:Fecii�e Work in
accordarace with Paragrapb� 13.08 in which case Contxactor shall still be responsible for aIl
cosfis associated wzth exposing, observing, and testing the defective Worlc.
2. Ii the uncavered Work is noi %und to be defectiv�, Coniractox sha11 be alla�cred an increase
in tl�e Coniz'act Pi�ce or an extenszon of the Contract Tzzx�e, or both, directly atiribufahle to
such ut�covering, e�pos�a_re, observation, inspection, tesiing, replacemen.t, azad reconsiructio�.
13.05 City May Stop the YYoYk
If the Wark is defec�ive, or Contracior fails ta supply sufficient skilled workers ar suitable materials
ox equipm�nt, or fails to pert'orm the Work in such a way that the completed Work will. canform to
th� Contract Dacum�nts, City rxzay order Confxac�or to stop the Work, or any portion thereof, un�:il
thE cause �or such order has been eliminaied; however, this righ� of Ciiy ta stop the Wark sha11 n.ot
give rise to any duty on the part of City to exercise this right for tk�e benefi� af Coniractox, any
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Suhcontractor, any Suppliez', any other individual ox eniity, or any surety forr, oz' eznployee or agent of
any of t�em.
13.0G Correctron orRernov�l ofDefective Wa�k
�. �xomptly after receipt of wrztten notice, Contracto:r shall correct a11 de#'ectzve Work pursuant to
an acceptal�le schedule, whether or not �'abz�zcated, installed, or cozx�.pleted, or, ii ihe Work has
been rejected by City, remove it from the Project and replace it with Work that i� not defective.
Contractor shall �ay all clainns, costs, additional iesti��, �osses, and da�ages (including but not
� Iimited to a11 fees and charges of engineers, architects, attorneys, ar�.d other pro%ssionals and ail
co�urt ox arbiirafiion or ather dispuie resolufiion costs) ariszng out of or relaiing to such carrection
or xezxaoval {incIudi�g but not Iixnited to alI costs of xepair or re�Iacement of work oi others).
Failure to require the removal af any defective Vilork shalI not const�tute acceptance of such
B. When coz�recting defec�ive Wo;rk uz�der the terms of this Paragraph 13.Ob or Paz�agraph 13.07,
Contractor shall take no actian that would void or oiherwise impair City's special warranty and
guarar�tee, if any, on sa.zd Work.
J.3.07 Correction .Period
A. �f with�n two (2} year� after the date of Final Acceptance {or such Iongex pe�iad of time as may
be prescribed by the terms of any applicable special guarantee req�ed by the Con�'act
Docun�ients}, any Work is found. to be defective, or if �he repaii� o� any damages to �a.e land or
areas znade available for Gon.t�-ac�ar's use by City orr pez-tnitted by Laws anci Regulations as
contemplated in Paragraph 6.10:A is found to be defective, Conf�actor s�all� promptly, wiihout
cost to Ciiy and'in accordance tx�iih Czty's written insi�cfions: -
1. xepair s�ch defective Iand ox areas; or
2. correct such defeciive Work; or
3. if the defecti.r:ve Work has been rejected by City, remove it from tl�e �roject and replace it
wi�h Worlc that is z�oi defective, and
4. satisfactoz�ly correct or repair or xenaave and replace any da�x�age to other Worl�, to ihe worlc
of others or ath�r Iand o� areas resulting therefronn.
B. If Co�tractor �oes not proz�apily comply w�f.h the tezxns of City's wriLten. zns�ruct�ons, or in an
emergency �r,rhere delay would cause serious risk of loss or damage, City may have the defective
Work correciec�. or repaired or may have the reject�d Wark reYx�.oved and replacec�. AlI cla.ims,
costs, losses, and damag�s {in.cluding but not li�nited to all fees and charges of engineers,
architects, attorn�ys, a�1d oi�er professionals and a11 coLut or other dispute resolutian costs)
arising oui of or r�lat�ng to such correction ox repa.ir or such removal and replacement (znchiding
bui not Iimzted to all costs of repair or replacement of vtrork of othexs) will be paid by Contractor.
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C. In special circumstances where a parizcuIa.r item oi equipr�nen� is placed in continuous serv�ice
before Final Acceptance of alX the Work, tl�e correct�on period �or that item rnay sta�ri to z� from
an earlier date z� so providec� in the Contraci Documents.
D. Where defective Worlc (and da�nage to other 'L�iJork r�suIi7ng therefrom) has be�n corrected or
rertxzov�d and replaced under this Paragraph 13.07, the correct�on period hereunder wi.th z'espect
io such Work may be requz�'ed to be extended for an additio�al period of ane yea�r after the end of
ihe initial co�ection period. City shall pz-ovid.e 30 days written notice to Cantractor should such
additi.onal warranty coverage be xequired. Contracior inay dispute f.his requirament by fzling a
Contract Claim, pursuant to Paragraph 10Ab.
E. Co�tractor's obizgations under ihis Paragrap� 1.3.07 are in addi�ion: to any other obliga�ion or
warran.ty. The provisions of �his Paragraph 13.07 shalZ not be constnzed as a s�bstitute forr, ox a
waiver o% the provisions o:f any applicabl� statute of Iinaztatian or repase.
13.08 Accepiance ofDefective YYor�1�
�f, ins�ead of reqia_iring correction or removal and xeplaceinent af defective Work, City �refers to
accept it, City may do so. Coni�aciox shall pay al1 claims, costs, losses, and damages (includin.g but
ra.ot limited ta all �ees and charges oi engineers, architects, attorneys, and other pro�essionals an� all
court or other daspute resolution co�ts} atinibutable ta Ciiy's evalual:ion o� and determination to
accept such defective Work an.d for the diminished vaIue of t}�e Work to the e�tent nat otlle�wise
pai.d by Contractor. If a.ny suc1� acceptarice occur� prior io Final Acceptar�ce, a Change Order will be
issued incorporatzng tlae necessary revisions in the Cantract Documents with respect to the Worl�,
and Crty shall be en�tled to an appropriate decrease i� ihe Contract Pxice, xeflecting the clit�ni�shed
value.of �Vork so accepted. � �
. . ..� ��
13.09 City lYfay Co��eet Defective Wo�k
A. If Coniractar fails wrthin a reasorzai�le time after written notice from City to conrect defective
Work, or to remove and replace rejected Work as requireci by City in accordance witli Paragraph
13.06.A, or if Conira.ctor fails ta perfor3tn �e Work in accordance witla ihe Con[ract Documents,
or if Coniractor �aals to corriply �rith any othez provisian of the Contract Doczun�nts, City may,
after seven (7} days writien notice ta Cont:ractor, correct, or re�nn.edy any such deficiency.
B. In exercising ihe rights antd xemedies under this Paragraph 13.09, City sk�ali proceed
expeditiously. Itz co�nection with such correct�ve or remedial actzon, City may exclude
Contractor fro�na all or part of the Site, ta.�e possession of all or part a� the Work and suspend
Con.bractar's services related t�aereto, and incorporate in the Work all materials an;d equipment
incatpoxated in the Wor1�, sioxed at the Site or for �avhich City has paid Contractox but which are
stored e�sewhere. Contxactor shall a11o�v City, City's representatives, agents, consu.ltants,
em�loyees, and Czty's otlier contractors, access to t�ie Sii� to enable City fo exercise the rights
and xenaedies under this Paragraph.
C. All claims, cosfs, losses, a�d damages (including �ut noi: limited to all fees and charges of
engineers, architects, atiarneys, and oiher prafessi.onals and aIl court or oihe� c�ispute resalution
crr� or ro�� woR�
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costs) incurred or sustai�ed by Ciiy in e�ercising the rights and remedies undex this Paragrapl�
T 3.09 will be charged against Contractor, arid a Change Order wi.11 be issued incarporating the
necessary revi�ions itz �ae Con#'act Docurnents �rzth z-espect to the Wo�lc; axzd City shall be
entitled to an approprzate decrease in the Contract Pz-ice.
D. Cont�actor shall n.ai be aiIowed an e�tension o� the Contract Tirne because of any delay in tlae
perf'ormance of filie Work aiii-ibutab�e to the exercise of City's rzghts and remedies under tliis
Parag,�raph 13.09.
14.01 Schedule of Yrxlues
The Schedute of Values for Iump su�txa coniracts estal�lished as provided in Paragraph 2.07 will serve
as the basis for progress paynaents and will be rncorporated into a form of Applicat�on �or Payment
acceptalale to City. Progress payments on account o�Unit Price Work �ovill �be based on the nwnber of
unrts cornpleted.
14.02 Progress Payments
A. �Ipplications fo�' Paymenis:
1. Coz�ztracior is responsible fox pxoviding all informatian as xequired io become a vendor of the
2. Ai: least 20 days be#oxe the date Established in the General Requiremenis �or each �rogress
�� payment, Cantractor sha11 subz�it to City for revie�r an App�icaiion for Payment filled out
and sig�ed by Cont�actor covering the Work completed as of ih� date of the Applicaiion and
accom�panied by suck� supporting doc�nentation a� is required by �he Conitact Docurr�ents.
3. �f pay�zez�zi is requested on ihe basis of materials and equipment not inco�parated in the Work
f�ut delivered and suitably stoxed at the Siie or at az�other l.oca�ion agreed to in wxiting, the
Applica�ion for Paymeni sha11 also be accompanied by a bill of sale, invo�ce, or other
docu�nenfa�on waz-xa,t�iing fhat City has received the materials and equi.pzxient free and clear
of aIl Liens and evidenc� �at the materials an� equiprnent are covered by approp�zate
u�suz'ance or other arrangenae�nts to pro�ect City's interest therein, a11 of which must be
satisfactory io City.
4. Beginning with tk�e second Application �ar Payment, each Applicat�on shall ir�clude an
af�davit of Contractor stating thai pxeviaus progress paytnents received on account of the
Work k�ave been applied on account to discharge Coz�tracfior's Iegitino.ate obligations
associated with �prior Applzcaiions for Payment.
5. The amount of xetainage wi.th respeci to progress payments �vill be as stipulated in the
Con�ract Documents.
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B. Review of Applications.•
1. City will, after xeceipt o� each Application for Payzneni, either ind.icate in �vriti�ug a
recornmendation o� payrnent ox xeiurn th� App�ication to Contractar indicating reasons for
refusing payment. In the latier case, Contractar may mal�e the necessary corrections and
resubm�i� tkze AppIication.
2. City's processing o:f any payment requested in an Applzcation for Paytxaent will be based on
City's obsexvat�ons oi the execuied Work, and on City's revzew of tI�e Application for
Payment and the accompan.ying data and schedules, tha� to t�.e best of Ciiy's knowledge:
a. the Work has pragressed to the paint indicated;
b, fhe quality of the Wark is generally in accordance with the Con�ract Documents (su�ject
#o an evaluation of the Work as a funciianing whole prior to or upon Final Accepiance,
tlze results of any subsequent tests called for iri ilae Contract Dacutxaents, a final
detern7ina�ion of quantines and classifications for Work performed u�der Paragrap�a 9.05,
and any other quali�cations stated in the recomzx�.e�dation).
3. Processing any such paynaeni will not thexeby be deemed to have represented that:
a. inspections rnade to checl� the quality or the qua.�.tity of the Woxk as it has been
performed have been exhaustive, extendec� io every aspect of ihe Work in pragress, or
in�olved detaxl.ed inspections of the Worl� beyond the responsibili�ies specifically
assigz�ed to City in tl�e Contract Docuza.a.ents; or
•� wb. thez'e may not be other matt�rs or issues between the �arties that �ight entiile Contracfor
to be �aid addiiionally by City or enti�le City to withhold payxx� enf to Con#�actor, or
c. Contractor has camplied wiih Laws and Regulations applicable to Contractor's
performance o�the Wo�-k_
4. Crty may refu�e �o process the ovhole or any part o:f any paymenf because of subsequently
discovered evidence or the results of subsequent anspectians or tests; and revise or revoke
any such payment previously made, to s�ch exient as may be necessary to protect City fronr�
lo�s because:
a. the Work is defective, or the cornpleted Wnrk has been da�n.aged by ihe Contractox or kis
subcontractoxs, requiring cozxection or replaceznent;
b. discrep�cies in quantil;zes contained in pxevious applications for �ayrnent;
c. the Con.tract Pzice has bcen reduced by Chat�ge Orders;
d. City ha� been required to correct de�ective Wor1� ox caznplete V�or�C in accordance wi�h
Paragraph 13.09; oz
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e. City has actuat knowledge o� the occtzzx'ence af any o�' the events enumerated in
Paragraph J.5.02.A.
C_ Retc�inage:
1. For contracts less t:han $400,000 at t�ie 1,ime of execuiian, retai�age shall be ten percent
2. Far contracis gz'eatez tk�an $400,OOfl at t�e �izne of execu�ion, retainage sha11 be five percent
D. Liquidated Damages_ For each calendar day �at any woxk shall remain uncoxnpleted after the
time specified in the Contract Dacuments, the suzxx per day speci�ed in the Agreement, wiIl be
deducted from f1�e monies d.ue the Confractox, not as a penalty, but as liquidated darnages
suffered by ihe City.
E. Pay�raent: Conix'actor will be paid pursuant to the requzxemenfis af fhis Az-ii.cle 14 and payinent
�rili become due in accordance with the Cont7-act Documents.
F. Reduction in Payrnent:
1. City zx�ay refuse to maI�e payr�aent oith� amoun.t requested because:
a. Liens have been� filed in. connection with ibe Work, except where Cont�actor has
delivered a specific bond saiisfactory to City to sectu'e the sa�isfaction and discharge o�
such Liens; v
>, . ��f
b. there are other iiems entitling Ciiy to a set-o:Ff against th� amouxat recori�mended; or
c. Cziy has actual I�n.owledge of the occurrence of any of tlae events en�no.ezated in
Paragraphs 14.02.B.4.a through 14.02.B.4.e or Paragraph 15.02.A.
2. Zf City refuses to make payinent of t�e amount requested, City will give Cont�ractor writ�en
noiice stating tk�e reasons for such actian and pay Coniractor any arnount remaining after
deduction oF the amount so withheld. Cii:y s�all. pay Cont�'actor the amount so withl�.e�d, or
any adjus�ent thexeto a�eed to l�y Caty and Coniractor, when Contractor remedies the
reasons for such action.
I4.03 Cor�tractor's Wa�ranty af Title
Contractor warrat�ts and guarantees t.�at �itle to a11 Work, materials, artd equzpxnent covered by any
Application for Payment, whetk�ex incorporated in the Project or not, wzll pass to City no later than
the ii�e of payment free and clear af a11 Liens.
CPI'Y OF FOlt'� W012"I'H
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14.04 PaYtial U�ilizaiion
A. Przox to Final Acceptance of all the Work, City may use ox occupy any substantially co�pleted
part of fhe Work vvhich has specifically been identi�Zed in ihe Contract Docu�xzents, or which
Ci�y, determ�ines constitutes a separately fiinctioning and usable part of the Work that can be
used by City fox its intended �urpose wiihout significant interference with Coniractor's
perfoz�ance ar the remainder of the Work. City ai any tim.e znay notify Contractor in wniting to
perinit City �o use ox occupy any such part of the Wox� which City deierriaines to be reac�y for its
intended use, subject to the %llowing condiiions:
1. Contractor at any time may notzfy City in writing t13at Caniractor considers any such pa�: oi
tJie Work ready far iis intended use.
2. Within a reasonable time a$er nofificat�o�. as en�nerated in Parragraph 14.05.A.1, Crty an.d
Contractox s�.all make an inspection of i�at pa� of the Work to determine its status of
co�pletion. 7f City does not cozzsider that part of the Woz�� to be subs�an�ially cona.plete, City
wilZ notify Contractor in wxiti�g giving the reasons iherefor.
3. Partaal Utiliza.tion wi11 not consiitute Final Acceptance by City.
1�4.05 Finallnspectiar�
A. Upon writ�eix notice �'om Contractar that the e�tire Wo�-k is complete i�. accardance vvi�Yi the
Contract Docuriaents: ' �
wzthin 10 days, City �wil1 schedule a Final Ins�ec�on with Contra.ctor.
2. CiLy will notiiy Contractor in wrzting of all particulaa�s in which this inspection reveals that
the Work is incozx�p�ete or defeciive. Contractor sha1� inunediately �al�e such measure� as axe
necessary i:o coznplete such Work or rerrx�edy such deficiencies.
B. Na tz�e charge will be made agaixast the Contractor between said date of notification of the City
and ihe date of Final Inspec�ion. Should the City c�eterniine that the Work is not ready for Final
Znspeciion, Ciiy will noti�y the Contr'actor in. wniiing of the rcasons and Contract Time �ri11
J.9�.06 Final Acceptance
LTpon cozx�ple�ion by Cont.ractor to Cxty's satisfac�on, of any additional Work identified. in the Final
Inspeciion, City will issue to CQntractor a letCer of Fitaal Acceptanc�.
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1Q�.07 Final Pay�nent
A. Application faY Prxyment.•
�. Upon Fina1 Acceptance, and in the a�inion af Ciiy, Contractox may zxzaice �.n application �or
final payrnent following the procedure for progress pay�:enis in accardazace wzth the
Cantract Docu�xzents.
2. The final AppIication for Payment shall be accornpariied (e�cept as pxe�v.iously delivexed} by:
a. all documentation called �or in ih� Coni�act I7ocuxz�.ents, including but �ot limited to the
evidence af insuxance required by Paragrap� 5.03;
b. consent of the surety, i� any, to f�na� payment;
c. a list of all pendzng ox released Damage Claims against City that Cantractor believes a�•e
unsettled; and
d. ai#idavits of paymen� and camplete and �egally e££ectzve release� or waivers
(satzsfaciory to Ciiy) of all Lien r[ghts arising out of or Liens fil�d in connection �rith �he
B. Pay�nent 13ecomes Due:
1. After City'� acceptance of the Applicatzon �oz- �'ayment and a.ccompanying documer�tation,
:reqizested by Cantractor, less previous payments made and any ��u�n City zs ent�tled, „
i�clu.ding Uut not limited to lic�uidated damages, �c�+`iIl beeome due and payable.
2. Ai�er alI Damage Claims have been resolved:
a. di_rectly by the Contractox or;
b. Contracior provides e�id.ence that the Damage Claim has been reported io Cont�racior's
i�ns�rance provider for resolution.
3. The making oi the final payrnent by the City shal� not relieve the Contractor of any
guarantees or other requirer�ents of the Cozztraci Docu�aents which specifically continue
14.08 Final Completion Delayed and Partial Retainage Release
A. If £'u�.al coxzapletzon oi the Work is signifcan�ly delayed, and if City so con�rzx�s, City may, upon
receipt of Contractor's final A��Iication for Payment, and without terminating the Contract,
make payrr�.ent of the bal�nce due :for �h.at portion of the Work fully compleied and accepted. Zf
the rerriaining balaa�ce to be held by City %r Work not fulIy completed ar conrected is less than
the retainage stipulated in Paragraph I4.02.C, and if bonds have been furnished as required in
1'ara�-aph 5.02, the written consent of the surety to the payment of the balance due for ihat
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po�tion of the Work fiYlly completed and acc�pted shall be submitted by Contractox to City with
the A�plica�ion fox such payment. Such pay.rx�.ent shall be made under th.e terms and conditions
govex-rzing final payment, ��cept thai it shall not constitute a wazver of Conf.ract Claizxzs.
B. Partial Retainage ReZease. Far � Contraci tliat provides fox a separate vegetative esiablishanent
and maintenance, and tesi and pe�ormance pe�zods £allowing the cozaapleiior� of all other
construction in ihe Contracf Docurnents far a11 Wark Iocations, Y.he City zx�ay release a portion o�
the axxzaunt retained �rovided that all ather work is compleied as deterrnined by the Cxiy. Befare
tlae xelease, aIi submittals and fznal quantities must be completed and accepted fox al� other work.
An amounl: suffi.czeni to ensure Contract complzance will be retained.
14.09 Waiver of Claims
The acceptance of final payzr�ent will cons�t�zte a release of fihe City from a11 c�aims or liabili�ies
uzxder the Contract for anyt�iz�g done or furnished ax xelating to ihe wark L�.t�.der the Cantraci
Documents ax any act or neglect of City related to or canr�ec�ed �vzth �kze Contract.
15.01 City May Suspend Work
A. At any iime az�d without cause, City rr�ay su�pend the Wor1c or atay portion th�reof by written
no�ce to Contractor and �rhich xxzay fix the date on which Work wi11 be resumed. Coniractor
shal� resutne th� Work on the date so fixed. D�rxing tenrzparary suspension of the Work covered
by ihese Con�ract Documents, far any reason, the City will maice no extra payir�ent for stand-by
time of construction equi�rnent ancUox construction crews.
B. �hould ibe Contracior not be ab�e ta complete a porlion of the Proj�ct due to causes beyond the
conirol oi and vvit�out the �ault or negiigence of the Contractor, and should zt be determined by
m�tual conseni of the Coniractor and City that a solui�on to allow const�uciion to proceed is nat
available within a reasonable pe�od of time, Coniractox may request an extension in Contract
Time, directly attributable ta any such suspension.
C. If it should becorne necessaxy to suspcnd the Wox�C far an indefinite pez�od, the Coniractor shall
store aIl �naterials in such a manner that they will not obsi��ct o� i�apede the public uiulecessarily
nar becorne damaged in any way, and he shall talce eve7ty precaufion to prevent damage or
deterioxation of the worl{ per�fozx�aed; he shall provide suitable drainage about tl�e worlc, ar�d ereet
temporaxy strtxctures where necessa�r.
D. Con�ractor may be z'eimbursed for the cost o�moving his eq�rip�nent off ihe job and retu�rxzxng the
necessaxy equipmeni to t1�e job w�en it is �etermined by the City that construction may b�
r�surr�ed. �uch reimbursement shall be based on actual cost to ti�� Conf.ractor o� moving the
equipment and no pxofit will be allowed. ReimbL�sement may not �e allowed if the equipnrzezzt is
moved to anotherr consfr��ction projeci for the City.
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l. 5.42 City ll�lay Te�minate fo� Cause
A. The occu�'ence of any one or more of ihe fnllo�ring events by way a£ exarnple, bui: not of
limitation, may justif.y iermination for cause:
1. Coniracior's persi.stent failt�e to perfoz-xx� ihe Worlc in accordance wiih the Coniract
Documents (includi�g, bui not iz�iied to, faiIure to �u�ply sufficien� si�iiled wor�ers or
su.itabJ.e materials or equipment, failure ta adhere to th:e Pxoject Sched.ule established under
Paragraph 2.07 as adjusted frorn time to ti�ze pursuant io Paragraph b_04, or failure to adhere
to the Ci�.y's Busi�aess D'zve�sity Ente�prise Ordinance #2QQ20�12-2011established uzider
Paragraph 6.06.D);
2. Contractor's disregard of Laws ar Regulat7ions o£ a,ny public body ha.ving jurisdiction;
3. Coniracfior's re�eated disregard of ihe authority o� City; ar
4. Cantractor's violation in at�y subsiani�al way of any provisians of �he Can.i7ract Documents;
5. Coniractor's failure to �romptly make gooc� any defect in materials or worZ�anship, or
defects of any nat�tre, the correction of wk�ich has been directed in wri�ing by the City; orr
6. Sub�taniial iz�.dicaiion thai the Contractor has �nade a� unauthorized assignment of the
Cont�act or any fiznds due therefrom for the benefit af az�y creditar or for any other purpose;
. ..7. Substantial evidence that �the �.:Contractor has becori�.e insolvent or baz�I�pt, ax otherwise
fina�cially uzxable to cazry on the Work satisfactorily; or
$. Contractor cornmences legal action in a court of campetent jurfsdic�ion. against the City.
B. �� one or more of the events identifted ira Paragz'aph 15.02A. occur, CiLy will provide wx-�tien
natice to Confirac�or and Su7rety to arrange a conference wiil� Cont�actor anc� Sureiy ta address
Cantractor's fa�lure to pez�'orzn fhe ViTork. Conference shalt be held not latex tban. 15 days, after
receipt o£naiice.
1. rf ti�e City, th� Contractor, and the �urety do not agree to allow tha Contractor to pxaceed to
perform t17e constructzon Contract, the City may, to the extent perrriztted by Laws and
Regulati.o�s, declare a Contractor defa�tlt and fornr�.ally teixzainate the Contractor's righ� to
coxx�.pJete the Con1ract. Contractor default s�a11 noi be declared earlier than 20 days after the
Contractor and Surety have received notice o� conference to address Co�tractoz''s �ailure to
per%rm the Wark.
2. If Contractox's se:rvices are teru�inated, Sureiy sha.Il be obIigated io ta1�e over and perform the
Wox�. rf Surety does not commence perfo�rxnance �exeof witl�in 15 consecu�ve calen:dar
days after date o� an additional w�itien no�.ce demanding �urety's per�o�ance o� its
crrY o� roxT worcrx
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abligat�o�s, then City, v�rithout process or action at law, rnay ta�e over any partzon oi the
W�r1� and complete ii as described belorxi.
a. If City cornp�e�es the 'V�I�ork, City may exclude ContY'actor and �urety from the site and
take possesszon oi th� Work, az�d aIl materials and equiprne�:i zncorporated into the Work
stored at ihe Site or fox which Ci�y ha� paid Contractor ar �urety but which are s�ored
elsewhere, and finish the Work as Ciiy zx�ay de�m e�pedient.
3. Whether City or Surety com�Ietes t�e �Vork, Cont�ractor shali not be entitled to receive any
fiu-�her paytx�.ent until tlle Work is finished. I� �e unpaid balance of the Contract Price
e�ceeds aiI claims, costs, Iasses and dariaages s�stained by City arising out of or resuliing
frozx� completing the Work, such excess will be paid to Contractor. �� such claims, costs,
Iasses arid dazx�ages exceed such unpaid balance, Contractor shall pay the difference to City.
Such claims, costs, losses and damages ivacurred by C;ity wi11 be incorpozated in a Change
Order, provided that when exercising any �rights or remedies under this Paxagraph, Ciiy shall
not be required io obiain the lowest price for the Worlc per%rmed.
4. Neither City, nor any of its respective cor�sultazats, agenf.�, officers, directors or employees
shall he in any way liable ox accountable to Contractor orr Surety for �he na�ihod by vvhick� the
compJ.etion of f�e said Wor��, or any portion ihereof, may be accozxzplzshed or for tkae price
paid therefox.
5. Ci.ty, n.otwithstanding the �e�thod used in compleiing i%.e Contraci, sha11 nat %rfeit ihe �ight
to recover damages froz�n Coniractor ox Surety for Con:iractor's �ai�ure to timely c�mpleie the
entire Contract. Confiracior shall not be entitled io any clai�n on accaLmt af f11e znethod used
by City in completing the Contract. � ,
6. Maintenance of ihe Woxk shall continue to be Contractor's and S�ety's responsibilities as
provided for in the bond requirerx�.ents of the Contract Docurnents ar any special gua.rantees
pxovided for under �he Coniract Documents ox any othher obligatzons othervcJise prescribed by
lavv. .
C. Notwi�stab.ding Paragraphs 15.02.B, Contracior's s�rvices wi�l not be ierx��inated if Co�.tractor
begius within seven days of receipt o� notice of ixa.ient to ierminaie to carrect zts failure to
perfo�tn and proceeds diligently io cure such failuxe within no zx�oxe �than 30 days of rec�ipt of
said notice.
D. Where Con.tractar's serviees have been sa tez�rninated by City, the termination will nat affect any
righfs or �remedies of Ciiy against Contlractor ihen existzng or which �ay thereai�er accr�e. Ar�.y
retent�an or payment of rnoneys due Con1ractor by Crty wi11 not release Contractox from liabrliiy.
E. If and to the extent that Cont�actor has provided a performa�ce bond under the provisions of
�aragraph 5.02, the termination proced�ares o£ that bond sha�I not super�ede the provisions o� this
Revision: Febmary2, 2016
Page 60 of 63
15.03 City May Terminate Fo� Convenience
A. City may, without cause and without pre�udice io any other �ght or remedy of City, terrninaie �he
Contract. Any termina�ion sha11 be e�fected by naailing a notice o� the tertnination to the
Contractor specifying the exteni to which pezfarmance of Work under fhe contract zs ierininated,
and the date u�on �rhich such te�ination becomes effective. Receipt of the n�otice shall be
dee�ned conclusi.vely presumed and established vc+hen the letter is placed in the United States
Postal Service Mail by the City. Ftrr�her, ii sha]1 be deemed conclusively presuz�ed and
establish�d thai such terrnination is made with just cause as therein stated; and no proof in any
c1a3m, dezxzaz�d oz' suit sha11 be required of the Ciiy regarding such d.iscretionary action.
B. After receipt of a no�ice of ter�riination, and e�cept as o�therwise directed by the Czty, the
Coniractor sha1l:
1. �top work under �e Contract o�z ihe date and to ihe ex�ent specifed i�a. the noiice of
2. place no firrtller orders or subcon�acis for materials, sezvices or faciliti�s except as may be
necessary for comple�on of such portaio� of ihe Work under t1�e Cont�act a,s is noi terminated;
3. terminate all oxders and subcontracts io the exient that t�h.ey relate to �Iie perfo�nance of tne
�Vor� terminated by na�ice of terrnination.;
4-. trans£ex title to the City and deliver in the maxa�a.ex, at the times; and to the �xtent, if any,
directed by the City:
a. the fabricated 'ox .un�abri�cated parts, Work in progress, cornpleted Work, supplies and
othez znaterial produc�d as a part o�, or acquired in connection vvith ihe perform.ance of,
the Work ierrninated by the notzce of the termination; and
b. the completed, or pa�-ii.alJ.y completed plans, drat�vings, infoz�ation and okher �roperty
w'hich, if the Contract had be�n completed, would k�ave been required to be fiarnished to
the City.
5. ca�aplete perforrnance of such Work as shall not have been iermvaated by the notice oi
tenninaiion; and
6. take such ac�ion as zxaay be necessa.ry, or as the Ciiy may direct, for the �ro�ection and
preservaiion of the prop�rty related to its contract which is in the possession o� the
Contracior and in which the ovSrner ha,s or zxaay acquire the rest.
C. At a ti�zae not later than 30 days after the tezxnination date specif ed in Lhe not�c� of tern�ination,
the Contractor rnay subnaii to the City a list, cer�ified as to quant�ty and quality, of any or all
iiems of ter�a�on inventary not previausly disposed of, e�clusive of items the dispo,sition o�
which has been directed or authorized by Ci�y.
Revision: Febauary2,2016
Page 61 of 63
D. Not Iaier than IS days thereafter, the City shall accept �t1e to such items provided, tha� the Iisi
submitted shalX be s�bject to ve�ification by the City upan re�nova� of the items or, if tk�e items
are sfored, within 45 days frozn the date o�submission of the list, anci aa�y necessary adjusimenis
to correci the list as subzx�.itted, shall be made prior to finai settlezx�.ent.
E. Not Iater tI�an. 60 days a:fter the notice of terminatian, �he Contractor shall submit his terminai�on
claim to the City in the %rm and with the ceztz�catxon prescribed by the City. U�less an
extension is made in vvriting witlazn such 60 day period. by the Confx�actox, and grantec� by the
City, any and all such clainas shall be conclusively deemed wazved.
F. Iit�. such case, Conlracfor shall be paid for (without duplicaiaon of a.�y ite�ns):
l. conapleted and acc�ptable Wark executed in accordance wi� the Contract Docuzne�ts prior
to the effEc�ive date of iez�ination, including iair and reasonable sums �or overhead and pra�"it on
snch Work;
2. expenses sustained prior to the effect�ve date o� termination in performing se�rvzces and
fiurn�shing Iabor, �aterials, or equipment as required b� the Contract Docuzx�ents in connection
with uncompleted Woxk, pius �ai�r and reasonable siuns %r overhead and profit on such expenses;
3. reasonable ax�er�ses directly attriibutable to fermination.
G. Tn the� even� aithe �aihrre of the Cont�ractar and City to agree upon i�e whole amount to be paid
to the Contractor by xeason. of tiie termination o� ihe VVorl�, t�e City shall deterniine, or� the baszs
of inforx�natian available to it, i�e arnount, if any, due to the Cont�actox by reason af the
terrxz�ination and shall pay to'�fhe Cont7ractor �he amounts d�tern�ined. Contracto� `shall not be paid
on account of loss of a�iicipated profits or revenue or other economic lass arising out a:f or
resultin�g from such termiriation.
16.01 Methods and P�oceduNe,s
�. Eitller Ciiy or Contracior zxzay request merliation of any Contract C1aim submitted for a decision
under Parag:raph 1.0.�6 beI'ore such decision becozxzes �na1 and binding. The xequest �ar
rnediation shall be submitted to the other party to tk�e Contract. Timely subrnission o�the request
s�Zall stay the effec� of Pa�agraph 10.06.E.
B. Ciiy a.nd Coni�'actor sha11 paz-�zcipate in the �nediation �racess in good �aith. The process shall be
commenced �vithi�. 60 days of filing of the request.
C. If the Cozzlxaci Claim is not resol�red by znedzatzon, City's action under Parag7raph 10.06.0 or a
denzal p�trsuant to Paragra�hs 10.06.C.3 or l 0.06.D shall became final and bindz�.g 30 days after
iermination of the med'zataon unless, within �at fime �eriod, City ox Contractor:
Revisian: Fehmary2, 2016
00 72 00 - 1
Page 62 af 63
1. elects in writin.g to invol�e any other dispute z-esolution pxocess pz-ovided fox in the
Supplementary Conclitions; or
2. agt-ees with the other party to sulamit �Y►e Con�ract Claim to another dis�ute resoIution
process; or
3. gives w�tten not�ce to tbe otlaer pat-�y o f the intent to submit f1�e Contract Ciaim to a court af
competent ju.risdictian.
17.01 Giving Notice
A. Whenever any provision of ihe Caniract Documents requires the giving of written notice, it u�i11
be deez�ed to �ave been valzdly given if:
1. delivered in person to iI�e individual or to a member of the f�rr� or to an officer of f.he
corporation fox whom ii: is intendec�; or
2. delivexed at or sent by registered or certified mail, �postage pre�aid, to the Iast business
address known to the giv�r oiihe notic�. .
B. Business add�ress changes must be prozx�ptly zx�ade in w�ztzng to the ather party.
C. Whenever the Contract Docurx�ents speczfies gzving not�ce by e�ectronic rneans such electronic
notice sh aI� be deemed s�.fficient upon canfirmation of receipt by the receiving party.
1'7.02 Computation of Tirtxes
When ar�y period of time is referred io in the Conl�act Documents by days, it wiI1 be camputed to
exclude ihe first and include the Iast day of such period. �f the Iast day of any such period fal�s on a
Saiurday or Sunday or on a day made a legal holiday the next Working Day �hall i�econne the �ast
day of the period.
17.03 Cumulative Remedies
The duties and obligations zzx�posed by tk�ese Genexal Conditions and fihe rights and rerr�edies
availabl.e hereunder to the paYlies hereto are in addi�ion to, and are not to be con�tr��ed in any vvay as
a liinitaiion of, a�y rights and remedie� available to any or a1I oP them which axe othez-wzse inrxposed
or avaiIable by Laws or Regulations, by special waxranty ox guaraniee, ox by other provisions of the
Contraci Docurn�ez�ts. The provisions of this Paragraph wi11 be as eit'ectiv� as iircp�aied specificaIly
rn the Contz'act Documents in connectian with eacl� particular �uty, obligaiion, right, and re�edy to
which they apply.
Revision: Febivary2,201G
Page G3 of 63
17.44 Survival of Oblzgations
All represen�ations, indemnifications, warraniies, and guarantees made in, required by, or given in
accordance wi�h tI�e Contract Docurnenfs, as �ovetl as alI contznuzng obligat�o�s indicated in the
Contract Docunr�enis, wi11 suzvive final pay�ae�t, caznpXetion, and accaptance oi the Work or
terxnazzation or coz�apleiion o�t�e Conttract or ierminatian ofthe services of Conlractor.
17.05 Headings
Axticle aa�:d paragraph headizzgs are ixzsertecl. �ox convenience only and do not constitu�e parts of these
Genexal Conditians.
Revision: k'ebivary2, 2016
71'+i��iJ12�i1w+TCE �(�UIltEN�EN'x`S
S7R��i LIGHi5 REP�iIR-F2�Pf�4CE
Caniractor Serv[ces A�reement
Page 14 of 44
}17"T,r�[�Ff1b.�Ft�'"1' �+'
�fi��r��t�n r�.s�r��c�: f�;c�u������r�v�l-s
�����e� I�������e �or�pa��
-rbi� ���� �i��� ����,�i�s r��o�-r�an�� cov���� in��o�n���io�
�'��CE Ill��eJ�URE �IC���
The obligations of the Surety and Principal under the Bond or Bonds to which this Rider is
annexed are subject to the following limita�cions and conditions, to wi�: that, it is a condition
preced�nt to their liabil�ty hereunder that the contractual obligation (the contract or
subcontract, as the case may be, beir�g referred to in this Rider as the "Contract") between
the Principal and �he �bligee underlying this Bond includes (or shall be considered amended
to include) a Force Majeure exclusion holding that the Principal and its Sureties shall not be
held iiable ur�der this Bond or unde� the Contract for any impacts, delays, defaults, or
damages related to Principal's work arising from, or related to epidemics, pa�demics,
medical emergencies, supply line in�erruptions, or natural disasters impacting the work
required by the Contract, regardless of where such events occur, acts of God, terror�sm,
war, acts of government or administratiWe suspension, limitation, or shut-down, or the
direct or indirect consequences or aftermath of any of the foregoing, and the Contract
further pro�ides that the Principal shall be enti�led to an extension of the Contract Time and
an equitable adjustment of the Contract Price, as a result of any of the exclusfons
heretofore cited. In the event the provisions for force majeure, time extensions, or
equitable adjustment for time and money are more favorable to Principal in the Cantrac�,
than in this Rider, the more favorabl� shalf apply.
Revised 3-2009
���e��c �r���ara�ce Co��a�y
i�P������ ������
Sta���ory C�rnpl�in� No�ricel�ilin� o� Ctaims
To obtain informat{on or make a complaint: You may call the Surety's toll free fe]ephone numb�r for information or fo make
a complaint or file a claim at: 1-86fi-732-0099. You may also write to the Surety at:
SureTec Insuranc� Company
9737 Great Hills Trail, Suite 320
Austin, TX 78759
You may contact the Texas �epartment of Insurance to obtain information on co�npanies, coverage, �-ights ar complaints
at 1-8Q0-252- 3439. You may wrife the Texas Department of Insurance at:
PO Box 14910�
Austin, TX 78714-9104
�ax#�: 512-490-1007
Web: hitp;llwww.tdi.texas.�ov
�mail: ConsumerProtection@�di.texas.gov
PREMIUM OR CLAIMS DISPUTES: 5hould you have a dispute concerning your premium or about a claim, you should
coniact the Surety first. If ihe dispute is not resol�ed, you may contact the T�xas Department of Insurance.
Texas Rider 8/2019
Ea�� i of 2
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F'�i�I��1t1v1��JCE E3C��1D �a�;�aos
TH� ST�I.'F� t�F `I'E�1S
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.I�1�{]V4� .���. B�'I`HLS� �:�..1�5��1�]T�:
]�aa�n as
�' --� --'� T�oan A.lecirira7; In[.
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`sr�r191C1F}c�f�} I7C'�I'C'.II] $llC� R��reTEi 3n_s��rancl 4���mp�Y __ �, i! i:Of}}l�f'�t�
511CR���5��1'��1�5. 1� ff�{1Tt, t�18li O?'!�� CIl1 ��' 3�1tklQ!'l7_4'C� t0 4�0 �}i3511i�-`�S 111 tll� ���5�� {ICT�}C95, i4JlC�1�'11 AS
•`Surety„ ioerei�� {wheth4� on� �rr ���o�e}. �re lae�d an� �irmj� i���nc� ,into 117e �ity �i' �'�i t Wo*-�h, �
r�r�ni�i�xal c�rrpc���Ei;��� crea�ed p�arskG�lrc to �he laws a�'�'exas, �Cr�owr� r�s `°Ci�' hei����, in tlae �xe�sl
5!lffi 0�� _FA`f[1'i�iial�c3'T'hi �i hl'!'Itn��'ncll�lli�4;:•�]nean�i.�!]/100s L�����'S
�€�. � ---.-�
�� ;1�s,�y.s.oa ,]��vf�9 mon�}� ot't�ia Us�ited 5tate�, to b� pa��i tr� Ftrr� VJ�P�h�
'I-�rr�r�t �o�in�y, i�x,�,s for fhe p�i�tticnt �f v��hir�h surr� well ����i tz�uly in �� ix�a�e, w� f�ir�d
�xurselves, o�ar he:,rs, e�cec�tors, a�Iminis�,�tors, sis�cesso��s �tf� ���sR�r�s, jc�rrt�ly ar�€i seve►'sll�+,
€�rrr�l� �}� tiiese pr�stnls,
I8 �74���El�r��', the Pri��c�ipal hr�s en���:red into ��er[air� w3•it�en ��r�tr�ct wit�� t?�� �ity
1� flw�Mrd� ����..3 'T rt��y �7 �i��n+ ► 1 � _ �, ��1 - lr �vhich �oett��ac� E� 3���eby re�'effe� to �r:�
�0 m�de ����a� hereof Fcre ��la p��r�s�scs as 3��P�31� �et fa��t ��erein, to feirl]15a al� nt�t�ri�l�, �C�11C�}�7i2lik
�1 l��or ard u���r �c{:�ssories d��r�cd G}� ]aw, ir� t}�e ��r�seciifiou nftl�r; �Vo�1c, i€�clr�ding.�n�+ Ck�az��
?� ��rd�rs, as ����ovid�d ti�r ii� sat� �antr�ct clesi��lec] :►s
`�L� Nulgh6ur4rvod C:unversion 1'mjec.t A:�ea -i -Clty Ptuject No. lU19l7
1�C1i�V, TL-ir��LF�R.�, �he e€rnd�tic}�f ��f this �bl�g�+tio�7 is s�icli rh�! i�'tF�e ssit� pr.i�zai�at
2� shall f�ithfi�l1y peffori�� it �i�3i}�+�tio�ts u:xder tl�e �on:rsat �nci sh�ia in a�l r�specs:� i€ul� �nd
�� fait�hfi�lly �����x�� thU �JUua-k, i�t�;luding Ch.�Etge Or��r�, tar�rier th� ��c�ntsact, �ec•ordt,i� �o rs;e �lan�,
27 spec[�ication�, arrcl c�nt����t dact�irrants [i�er�in referred t�., anrl as w�:l I��,r�ng a���+ ��r�ad cri
2'8 ex��nsiari o�tltic Gor�F��i��.:� i,h�[ Mr��.y b� gr�on#eu os� t�ie p�;� �t' tl�e �ity, �L�ciy t�ti� 0�1 igatit��� 9ha11 bc
2� a.�ci b�coxne �u l] �r�d vv�d, o��e��wis� to s�ernr�i�y 9i� fu�� �a�c� ar�c� e#�'ect.
�'RO'V�J3C� FU�7'�i1�1�; �l,al i��»y Ic�al �ct��n b� ffe�l ��� lriis ���rl, v�n�e s�:�l� l�e in
'T�rrant Caun�y, Tex�s nr 11��: I.,I ri tt�� Si;�te.� Dis�r��l �o�ar� �or tk�e �r�r�i�errr 3��sY�iGE 4�1� Texas, rort
32. V�lor�i D��isio�Y.
CI�'Y� QF P�R'S' �'JC3R71�E
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[f1rl�tr: �r��fdC'1 Nrrrlrbwfi�
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Page 2 af 2
Tl�i� �ta�c� is �`��el:e and e�e�cuted in �.€�tn.pliance vs�itl� t�e pravisso�s �i i han:�r 2�'S3 oI'the
� �'e�� C�ov�rn�rf:�•rrt C��:, �s a,nanr��d, ai�L atI lia�ilzties on thi� bo�t� slial] be dRterinii�c[I i�
3 �:�e���ci�c� w�LC� tl�� prrrvic�o�s �f said sfatue.
�: i�T'V��f'I���� V4'M�I��k', tl�e �'�inc�p�k� an� �h� �u��ty have �IU��D au�l �f�A�.�L�
� thi� �n�i_r.um�11t by d�ly �t�ll�ori��ed ��enrs ar��# o�cers o�t this Il�e _ � _�d�y of�—
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�ro1n ��e �}�-Eaws �ltowir,�, that thi� �e��snn 1�«,s �utC�t�r��+ to si�n ����1� �bli��tio��, lf
����e�y's p�ivs�+:�l n����e.�s� �s different �`ro�n i*� a:���lin� ud�a-ess, h�[]� �7�t��t !�ti p�-ovi�ed.
"�"�ae �E�sc af ti�� ��nd s�tal I�iot !xe �1-io� �o tl�e cEate t��Y �ontrpct is av��ar�ed_
C«Y �F F03i-I� Wi7}i��-F{ tfiask°��1'ro,/e�tNarnej
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r,FD 1�7eig��or��ud Conversion Project
�PYI�CSf �4�i}+ I, �ff] E Arca�4 -CityProje+:iNo. 1fl1917
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T�iS$ ��p �exn Fl.ectrical, Inc. . _ � � �4�� �
"�ill101�k3�" �ZeCCl�i, �il3{j SureTec Ensurance Com an ,_ __.._--_...---� �
carpo�`stc �u��cty {s�tr�l�ies}, ds�ly �4kCI1�3�'E7_�+� E� tlo b�siiress in �he �Eatc �f Texas, ki�����n As
11 "Suraty„ i��-e�n (w}�el3�cr �r�t�. �r inare}. �re ]�cld arid �i�rnly ��oFt�ld un�o ifte Cii�' o�' Fo�# V�l��rr13, a
12 ffk4EIlkCi�le"i� �i{�3`�}4r�.t10Ti C9�tikCC� �J41T'$U�?lt �[} �j18 �:ws c�f E��e ��a�� of T��x�s, knowe� ss "�.�iy,°• l��rein,
1.3 i�3 ihe v n�� ��� r�� o�' 1 ive iit�ridrad 'J'hirt5r �i�ht ThuGsand Ivinety Une and UUi 100� _ ���a a� ��
l� � �5�8�i916D �r ��W�li� fI�47C�' i1� �11� �RI��C� �ta11:9, �O �JE ��IL� ili Tart Wori�r,
i.S iari-�nt �'�a�ar�ty, �'ex�s, fo� the ��eyrn���t ot w�e�h s���r� +�rc�J riiid �� u3,y !�e inade, v,�e ��i���� ot�: selves,
i �4
�ur i�e�i•s, ex�r�,[ars. �4Friy.iiltstrators, �tic�d�sc�rs snd ass��ns, ��iin�ly and ��vcr��l�'� €'ir€r� �4� by Yi�e9e
1� �� V�i�l�A�, l�rin����] t�xs anter�c� iy�tu a c,ertain wrii�en Cni,i��a�� tiviil�� Cil�, atYsrde� the
]9 S ��y �� i�• �;_L�_1, , �� -`....i' , wl�ich C:ontrac# �s ]fe�e��}' f��GCE�1� iU 3ilL�
20 ��sde � par� Et�reaf fot a!I �u�pases �s i�'f�il1� set t���� E�er�;ir�, to fi�rnzsh �I� �rf.aLeriaEs, �qs�ipnY�n[,
21 lab�ir �iitil o�h�r acces�ori�s �s c�efi��r�rI L�y ia�v, i�� Eiye 1krc�ecufia� �f t1�o WnrEc ns �en�rided tnr i�i
22 said �`o3itrtici r�r��l d��ig,tiated as •- •
�:.,r.,.r� �y� ��hborhuod i'uirversion Yi�oiect Area 4-City Project No, 101917
2� IVOW, 'L'HEItY��"�?RT, T�?�' C'Oh�I}�T��?1�1 C��' THiS �:5�_[C�A�i��l0� i� s�c€t tl�at ii'
� 4�
Yrir���p�l s�all pa}� aE! �no�ies �wir�g #n �t��r �an� k�l1} �o�mer�� b�nd F��r�eticiary {as deF.ned i�i
CI3r�}>�er 2253 of �l�c Te�t�s Governinenl �roc�e, as am�ncl�d� in Ei�e prvse�,i�:o�� �rf t1Xe ti?J�rlt und�:a-
l��e �on�ract, i�cn t���s obligt�lr�,a 5�1s1� be snc� i��;;prr�e �k��jl a�d �tOid; othenvise ic� �e�ns�n in Cul!
Forc� anti �#te�T.
'�'liis bon� �s r�adc: arxd �xec��tecE in cr��r�pl�ar.�� wi31i Ihe �irr���vio�ts of C�����ier �253 0#� th�
`]'e�sas �ove��i�ettt l:�d�, as �:��t�:f�c!ecf, aE�d all li�€�ilitaes on tl��s bo�3ci s��a11 b� de[ctt�:'::ed in
�cc���d�n� w��� tl�� �!'UVk�?�7n� n�sa�cE StBtLftw.
['�TY r}� r��lt�s' WC�!�T�I
s�r,�rr��� �o��T�tac�r�or� s����s��n�«r� �acur,�t��r�
E�4Yt5e{I ����' i, �4� i
�fi,s•e� r P��uja�rf iVanse]
�i���Si'-Y� �1Y1 CG'f �l^f7/l�JZ`f 1
t,i;i7 Ncighborhuod Conversion ru)ect 1�rea �-City T'roject
ons� i�-z
P�Y� ���Trr�nr.rn
F'o�s 2 C+f ?
T� W�TI��i� �EREOF, th� �Pi:inci�al a�id Sur�iy I�ave each SIGNED and S�F�LEn
ihis in�ir�nnent ta� ��l� �,?th�+r���� �gBn�s aY�� a�ee�s c�r� this the � da;,� �T
_ ,�U =� .
t .�
:' 4 X i � �j .
+ � � � �. "�- � - _ ._..._
4�r�i�c�it�alj .�c�cr�t��'y
� i � � .
V[� ess �t� 1����ncipa]
--NIA .
���ret}+) Sec:�'e�}i1�y
i `�
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�+ Gt���S as CO �'ulliC[y
tJf��ni _kai7�t�'j � 1??^Si AGiUl1II1 �VidRS�CI
i'I�fN�IFAi:_ .
�r�, �i�����, ��. ;.;
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r�Y; � � _ .:.
Si�ii�t�fie � ---�
_ . �:
� . rF{ � ' ' ' fJ -�-
�vt�,�� �<<� ��r���� �
Add3�ess: Bal GE^on _
�ort W orh, T:C 76I40
S�.:re'T:c Snsuran�e_C9mpaity �
r kr�J�•r ' � .
�Y; ���' <� �
-=� -
�kgrfaE��� `
ohnn� Moss,,�,¢torne -1n-Nacf
��n�e a��l Ti4��
}�lii{a-4ss� --�Z�ita�R�i_.�te:3�} ..._
!?o:�cwa31, TR 75�g?
Tel�pi�one �urTil�c�' _ sr:.��.�3_�??��
Note; �!f si�ioc�] l�}� at� office�� of il�e Sure#y, ���uf�: rt�ust �� on filc �� c�;-titie� e�.�i�sct #com �l,p
�xyl:��vs �l:�r��ing �1�a4 th�s l��rsc�n has aiafl'i�rity t❑ s�gn s�ickX a�?]��a�ia��. �:�' �urety's physic�i
iiC��i�SS IS �3�{��rFC:fiI FfC1CR �tS I'ri�l�lff[� 71t�C�Y�*43_ L10i17 ff7liS� �3C �]f�1V1CIF:�.
T3��� date of lhe bcxmE slyail r�a� I�e p�io�` t� tlrte da�e t�u �s���tr�ct �s $w�rde�l.
�:N7] Cl�' S��'TIC�1�1
CE-f Y �T' 1=C�ft�' �VOTtT�-[
��r�arr��ut=� �ras-rauc�-tc�� ��rc:1-fCl1T[O;U :]c]�:l1�AFiJ�S
ltcYlsed 3uly f. 7,� I�
���i,ycri !"�ciect Nanre)
f�rr�serr n�'a}:+r.� N�rnsLci]
].F.D Neighburhaad Conversion Project
f�.rea 4-Ciry AruJsc� Alo. 101917
Page 1 oP 3
����`��� Q� �� �'��
M�+INTEI�TANC� B�NI� #4�445848
�� �TA.T� ��" �r�x��.
{;(�U�1T�' �F Tl�i�ItAI'�T
� �„`��� AT.�. RY �'��E PRE�ENxT'S:
7�:3t �v� Bean Electrical Inc. r�p°�� ��
"�3'IfiC3�i1�" hte��in ��wcl _ �u�'e'f e�.L�surance �:�om an�� _�, a c[�i���i��u �urety
{s�ir�ts�s, �fr�iore tban o��j �u1}�autl�ori�e�� to dn ����si��oss i�t �tfre ���rry c�t'I�:x�s, knov4`�, as
`°�urety'° ltie�eia� (w���Ll�e�` one �r x��o�'e), a3-e EtcC� an�� firr.:iy botmd u�t❑ ti�e City crf�'c�rt ��rtl�, �
filUil]C.��7�1� C�f}}4]"L�tt�1i1 C,k"G3tiCI �3L41'Sll$97L t� ��]� E��ws c�!'th� �t�te ���'1'rwc�s� ���a�v� �s "����' ��e�'eiM,
111 fi�l� SLIfTi Of l�iv: �anci�ed'I'huty Fi�ht'1'huusand_#vtinetyC�nefirdL}I711G'�s �C�1�Sf5
(�^5s�.asi.oa . }, lawti�l ���nrre}� oFthe i�nitu+.� �tat�s, Es� bc p�twc� i���ort V4fo�#h,
`�'ar�tin� {'.o�n#y, "I'ex$s, foe ��ptne��t af wl�ic � su�r+ vrell and truly E,e rn�+�� unt�a 11ie �.�;�•:�rud �cs
�t��cessors, ��e ?�i�d ourselves, nur i�e±�-s, ex�ci�fors. �dminisk�$t�r�, s�cce��v�rs a��� ass3�nw; joi�itE��
a�y� sever�i3y, f��'irsly b,y tl�ev� pF�ss�n#s_
I9 WF�FR!EA�, t}�� Prin�i�a�l l�$� :ntee�� in#� a c�r�ain wfil�EeGt c�r�tr��::.'s wii�i 4i�e �;ty r���aYr�e,�
''�' ti �{h,� ti, wll��h �oEStrA[;� �s l�.c:1'eby
2'o iltie_�� �t�y o� �' �� �' - -' - - -- �
2� e���r� �o end � o-��t�+Ie p�ri he�rrso�'for �fl �L,�oses �s z# Fully s�t #'arth lt�!'ein, l« i`urnish all
�2 m�e3'ials, �r�u R�ar�e�t ]a�ua' ai�d oEl�e� �CCe5501"]�5 85 [.I�l l liC� b�� I:�tu, i» f]ie ���'[�se,cu�Eon n� the
23 1�ork. in�lx�ding �Tiy V4'ori� res��lti��g �ro�t� a du [y aa:CE��rrizetl �'lia��e 0�:•cler �col�ect�v��y h�rein,
3�i �he "Work"} as ,uravic��d f'�1 3R s�id c�n#ra�l ���� �esi�natecl �s
'�$n� L1.A Td� Ighb4rf�oud ConVersion °rujccl Area 9•C�ty f�rojcct:Vo, JO1917
�VI�F��S, Pri�ici�3�1 E��r��s itseif ta EGs� suc�� ii�::�L'f Ia�S 0�i� �il SO C:Ofk�iClCC� ��� 1i�or:�c i��
a���edan�e wittz tC�e �til:�r�s, specitic��i�;�s ��ci �on�act D�a��r�e;�ts tl�at dze• Ws�: [� is �:::;� wGl�
�wmn�n free fec�m defects in rr���er�a�s ur wurk�n�nsh��� for and �iuriiig [�c perioc� �'i�� f�vn {�} }�e�i's
::��.er tl�e c�a4�� o#' 1�inal Ac�ce�#ance o� �he 1�kforl; k�y r>>e �ity ��`NAaii�l�:���nce Periad"}; [��.id
�'4�Hk���A�, �riRt�i[��l �i�itlS I�fiCI F to i�p�ir ar re�:013�t1uCt Zh� 1��ri� ]i.� 1��ltole ��i- i�� ���-t
u���� r�cei�in�nc�ticy fC011l t�1@ �..�t]' 4���7'4 C��?d t�3�r��ar�t�wG�� tiine v�itltin �lt��lain�ett�u�ce
�3����` �3' ��{� �{��*+��E�
�� r���n�� cc�r���-�{��cr�o� �rec�r�c,�'r:a� aacur��F:�`��
ECCUF�i� �UI}' i � Z� I �
{� : �':;! Fr o,/�ed h'arr:e,l
f1rx�: r� J'�u��ee� �'u�vi±��rJ
LLD �eigkbot#�ood C:auvCrsion Yruje�t Area 4-Gity
T'roject No, 1p1917
b�GI II-2
MAINT.�1Vf1iAGE T303�ifJ
T'age 2 uf 3
�T�7� T�'��E�+'C�RE, the �o�di[�cr�� oFt��is �i�i���r��n �s _e���h �'1Tat �t� Pr�y�rina.l s�all
r�:sn�cly a�iy d�fe��ive Wnrfc, f'or �C��c[� t�me3}� �toitt� kvas ��i�ov��ed bv C:€�,y, �o � com1�l�#�owr
satisfactic�ry tv d�e �ity, t�t�sr� this olx� i�;�ii�}aa sl}�� I 1��:.ai��e nul] anil �aicl; otherwi;e to remein ir�
i�tal� foEcc �enc� efTrct
P�{]V�T+'fl�, H��V4'I;Vf�_It, if ���inciJ�s�l sli�ll f�Rl s�3 ��s r��5�ir c�r rec:ansiruc;! ���t}� ��M�taly
���#iap�i cEe�e;,iive 1�Vo37c, it �s z�g«ed I�lA� �E14 L•iE� Ilf$�+ C�SiS� $17�+ $]7U ilY� ,i.t�+.:13 CEC`+�P.C�TIY� V4f'►::'k �o
I}� rC�Ai]`�iT 2t�{i�i�� i'�C4[�5tri�cEed w��h i�l] ;�ssocia��d ccs�� tttie��eof b�ing bo��� b�� lP�c PG::��i���[ �nd
tiie ��ee�y �nder i��i� �i�lainlenanc� I����ti: �,��i
�1iOV�f�� FUi�TH:LR. tf��t ifi";�nv legal aciEcr, txe F1cd on 1E�is �a�i.ci, ven�� sE�al] iic i��
'I'�rrant t'.�!�ntyr �E'@.3C35 4T ��38 I� I71t�:d Si,�ies F>i;trict Ct�urt tor the 3dorE���t�n DistricE ��' �'e���, t�'urt
�Vorrk� i1�vi�ior,; ��tid
PR{]V'i�� d� 1�+1G"R`L'h���, f�1RE �IlT3 ubli�,a��.ir��k s�7a�l 1�e co��ytint��us in hatial'C i�r1C�
s��cr:essive recnv�rEes ma}� i�� l�a� hcE�e�n for s���c�ssi�e b���cl:�Ys,
l f�
C:'fY OF FC]11F W��f?'!'�I
S']-.4N�A!{�7 ('C?I�4-[�E;lJtl"li)�l .w,l'E.CCf�iGri7'lO�;1 f]OCU'�]F..1�1T5
1{[V �SC� �:1�� � � �{I � 5
�Inser� ��K�e�'t Ncrmef
�Msert Prce+ec� �hin. �L�}�'r
L�D *]eigh�orhuod Canversiun Project
,�*ca A -City Project No. 101917
Dp�G"l lq-3
N1tl1t�!`f'�NAT�ICL� �iC�Nb
Page3 ni3
71�F'UV1T1�' +�� VV�I��+O�`, t�� �rinci;paI and tl�e �uz��ty� iiuve ��ul ��Tc�l��� �nd 5�,��:.�'.�? this
instrum�nt by c�ul� au�l�ari�d age�ts and of�icer� o� this tf�e ,..,_ . day of
- +ry� �,
....-�., ____L� , LQ
f�`TTES'T; ,;
�i � . . �' ; � . ' ��
{P�.�n�����j �cretgry
I �� � �,
. � � �,
�� ��.
'rVEt�tics� a� tcr Pri�ci�al
�SClC�C}'� S�GF�l�:'}"
, I� � - - -
� i
�4fIRi�B� 8� t0 ��re.K�+
:Runi Rabafs , �v±,�3 Atr�n,+nt P;Aan�n��f
PRl�vC:f}'Alv- , .
�k.""s}m �F,.tiAr„trM{:��.r �'!r. ^
��: � .
;, 8a};R;Th:11�9
' .� ,
.. �= +'_� . � � � �
1�r�me a�ad 'fitic
l�Rddress: �� � r-. Enou
~Nori worch. �rx 7s14u
_�_ v�re7'ecln:urusgCeC:ampai�y
,��r- . _ - ��-�-_�-=��
� s; �r���
Jehnny Mluss, Aitorncy-in-�act
NR;:�e �ne� Titte
I�C�LIE�SS: rZSS 3Ltd e lt�i, S�e. 33:s _
1?�c'kwa!1,1`X 75087
Te��pl�or�.a �lu❑:ha,�; g7�-772-7Z�1�
*Note; [t� s��ned �y kii of��c�s� ��'tfte Sur�+iy Cr�mp�n�+, ll]�i'� ixtll�l �� an �le a cet�il¢�rt vxlE-�ct
ff�xr� tfte b�F-�s�s sht���+ing t.hat t?:is �������MM lt�s �ut��or�iy tc7 �igu s�ch obli�;�tion_ Ef
�K�rei�'� gj�ys�caf �.ddt�e5� is d�.f���'c��[ frc�R� i€s inai�in� $�3�;t,tis, both �n��lst h� pr���:ded,
�'i�� date �3F lf��v �+�^� s���ll i��t b� ��t'is�r ic� � h� d,�kc tiye �:�n�rt�ci :5 awarcfed_
l=fl'1' �}�� F{}R'� WO€��I�[
s'�',�t���,���� �.or�s��«�: rro�r snFc�r�c�fiic�r� tx�cur��ra7s
RaVl�rd 1��Cy l, J.�11 :
?��ru� rf P: vj�.cr h+um�f
��rr,�+'! �'rCs(arr f�a�rxbe�]
LLt� �1ei�i:Uorhoo �anver ion rojoct Area 4-
ti ityProjeetNv. EU1917
PQA# 4221049
KNOW AGl MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That SureT�c Insurence Company, a Corporat9on duly organized and existing under the laws of the State of Texas and having its
principal affice fn Fhe County of F{arris, Texas and Markei Insurance Company (the "Company"j, a corporation duly organized artd existing under the Iaws o� the state
of lilinois, and havfng its prFncfpaf administrative office in Glen Aqen, Virgioia, does by #hese presents make, constituEe and appoint:
Tony Fierro, Jay Jordan, Johnny Moss, Steven W. Searcey, Robert J. Shuya, Mistie Beck,
Jeremy Barnett, Ftobert G. Kanuth, Jade Porter, ,�ennifer Cisneros, Jarrett Willson, Jack Nottingham
7heir true and lawful agent{s} end attarney[s)-in-fact, each in their separate capacity if more tF�an one is named ahove, to make, executa, seal and deliver for and on
their own behalf, inrllviduaEly as a surety orjointly, as co-sureties, and as their act and deed any and all bonds and other undertaking in suretyship provlded; however,
that the penaf sum oF any ane such instrument executed hereundershali not exteed the sum of:
Twenky Million and OQ1100 Dollars ($2QOOa,000.00)
this Power of Attorney is granted and is signed and sealed under and by the authority of the fo[lowing Resviutions adopted by the Board af Directors of SureTet
Insurance Cornpany and Markel Insurance CQmpany:
"RESOI.VED,1'hat the Pres.ident, Senior Vice President, Vice Presldent, Assistant Vice President, Seeretary, Treasurer and each of tliem hereby is autt�orized to execute
powers of a#tarney, and such authority can 6e executed by use of facs€mife signatare, whfch may be attesred or acknowledged by any ofFicer or attorney, of the
company, qualifying tf�e attorney ar attorneys named !n the given power af attorney, La execute in behalf of, and acknowledge as the act artd deed of the SureTec
Insurance Company and Markel lnsurance Company, as the tase may be, a!i bond undertakings and cantracYs ot suretyship, and to affx the corporate seal thereto."
IN WITNE55 WHEREOF, Markef insurance CvmpanY and 5ureTec insurance Gompany have taused their oific�a[ seal to 6e hereunto affixed and these presents ko be
signed by thely dufy authorized oi�cers on the i7m day of +�avemner � zo2o .
SureTec lnsurance Company $v� ���
G��y,� „� .. �4�Q
,�� � �
a �� '� � �."
Y� -- �� '�� �
Michael C. Keimig, President `�`�*. 1 .✓
w . ��.
Commonwealth of Virginfa '°°"
County of Nenricv sS:
�\��� o�.���'! Merke! InSura ce Campany
-�•`! SEAL o� `` w
:�: �ti:_
�'����'`�:Tl�:�' �� R in Russo, Senior Vice President
rY���1rr nr�t��`�
OYI �FIlS ���h (Isy pf Novemher, 2U20 A. D., before me, a iUotary Public af Yhe Comrttonwealth of Virginia, in and for the Counry of Henrico, duly commissipned and
qualified, came THE ABOVE OFFECERS O� THE COMpAlVEES, to me personaliy known to be the individuals and off9cers described in, who executed the preceding
instrument, and they acknawledged ti�e executior+ af same, and being by me duly sworn, disposed and said that they are the offkers af the said companies ator2said,
and that ihe seals affixecf to the proceeding instrument are Lhe Corporate 5eals af sald Companies; and t#�e said Corporate Seals and tfieir sEgnatures as officers were
duJv affixed and subscribed ta the said instrument by the authority and direction of the said cornpanies, and that Resolutions adopted by the Bvard af Directors ot
said Companies referred Yo In the precediog instrument is naw in force. ��b e+`e � i R�:As�
IN TESTIMONY VJHEREOF, I ha�e hereunto set myl�and, and afEixed r�b� ,� Rah� �� [��ypf Nenrica, the day and year �rst above written.
� Q Y
� . '� e �'. � a
:'2 �i'.
MY n :
� GoA4�P€SSION sy: �,������"�`
� C � : NUM111BEF� : � '
� p; :,� 4 Danna Oonavant, Notary Puhiic
: �y '. ?��5��68 (��' � My commission exp€r2s 1/31/2023
•i�Q•,•'•. •�Q' :
We, the undersig�ed OfFicers uf SureTet lnsurence Company and MarkeC��y��C���iy d+�irierby certify that the�original POWER QF Al"fORN�Y of which the
foregoing is a full, tre�e and correct capy is stifl in fulE #orca and ef{ect and haS�tiE��e�r� ��ypk�'d. �-
IN WITNE551NHEREPF, we have hereUnta sei our hands, and af�xed tfie Seafs of said Companies, on the day of + c.�...�_ __ ,
Sur eclnsur ce C pan
M. Br t BeaCy, Assistant Secreta
Markel Insurance Compa�y
� �� �
8Y: � � � � .. ._
.� -
Richard R. Grinnan, Vice President an eu ary
Any Instrument Issued in excess of the penalty stated above is total9y void and without any validity. 422Tp49
Far verification ofthe aathority oithis Power you may call (713f812-0800 on any husiness day hetween 8:30 AM and 5:90 PM CST.
�� Q4I2912029
IMPORTANT: If fhe cert+ficate holder is an ADDIiIONAL INSUR�D, the policy{iesj must have ADDITIONAL INSIJRED provisions or be endorsed.
Ef SUBROGATION 15 WAIVEQ, subject to khe terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on
this certificate does nof confer righks to the certificate holder In fieu of such endorsement{sj.
aRoouc�R CONTACT Natasha Felts
K&S fnsurance,�qency Af�NNo E�e :(972} 772-7256 Fnic, nro : i97z1 771-4695
2255 Ridge Road, Ste. 333 E-MAIL nfelts@kandsins.com
Rockwall TX 75087 i�suRFRp,: Liherly Mutual Fire Ins. Co. 23035
INSUREO �Nsua�R e• Travelers f'rop Cas Co ofAmer 2567A
Bean Electricaf, fnc
P.O. Box 4R016
Fort Worth
TX 761A0
� �OdLfCtlhlB $1,000 P� ME� EXP (Any one person) g 10,OD0
A TB2-Z99-4749d5-d20 O6l1512020 06/15/2027 pERSONALBADV�NJURY g 1.DOO,DOD
�a acadent
x ANYAUTO BO�1LYlNJURY(Perpersanp $
q 04NNED SCHEDULED A52-Z91-471905-030 D6I1512020 06115I2021 BODILV INJURY (Per accident� $
B EXCESSLIA8 CLAIMS-MAGE ZUP-51N31433-20-NF 08115l2020 OB115I2021 q�R�GATE g 8,000,000 .
A OFFlCERIMEMBERF�cG�UDEo? � NIA WC2-z91-471905-010 D6I1512020 06/15/2021
(MandaforylnNFf) E,L,DISEASE-EAEMPLOYEE $ 1,OOU,0�0
If yes, describe under 1,D00,000
Contractor's Equipment
C QT6602F259406 06/75/2020 U6l1512021 LeasedlRented $20D,000
UESCRIPTIOM1! OF OPERATIOiVS 1 LOCRTIONS! VEHICLES (ACORU 101, Additional Remarks Schedule, may be attached It more space is required}
Project: LED Neighborhood Canversion ProjectArea 4. CPI� No. 141917
Please see a[tached for additional informalion.
City af Fort 1Norfh
20o Texas 5treet
Fort Worth
ACORD 25 (2Qi6103)
TX 76102
WSURER C: Tf1V21B1'S Li0yd5 II75.
fNSUIt�R E :
O 7988-2d15 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved.
The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD
!OC #:
�� � ��D�ilON�4L F�E1�r4R14S S�HI�DUL� Page of
K&S InsurancePtiqency Bean Electrical, Inc
The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD
POLICY NUMBER;TB2-Z91-471905-020
CG �0 37 Q4 43
���ITIONA� INSU��D � O�lIVf���, L��S��S �€�
�O�iRACTOFtS e ��NI P�l�Yf�� �I��:A�IOi��
This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following:
A. Section II -- Who is An Insured is amended to
include as an additional insured the persor�(s) or
organization(s) shown in the Schedule, 6ut only
with respect to liability for "6odily injury" or
"property damage" caused, in whole or in part, by
"your work" ai the location designated and
described in #he Scheduie of this endorsement
performed for that additianal insured and included
in the "produc#s-completed operations i�azard".
t. The i�surance afforded to such additional
ins�red only applies to the extent permitked by
law; and
2. If coverage provided to the addikianal insured is
required by a contrack or agreement, the
insurance afforded to such addi#ional insured
wifl not be broader than that which you are
required by the contract or agreement to
provide for such additional insured,
Name Of Additional Insared Person(s)
Or Organization(s]:
Location And Description O� Compfeted Operations
All persons or arganizatior�s with whom you have All locations as required by a written contract or
entered into a written contract nr agreerrieRt, prior to an agreement entered into priar to an "occurrence" or
"occurrence" or offense, to provide additional insured oftense,
Information required to compl�te this Schedule, if not shown a6ove, will be shown in the Declarations.
B. With respect to the insurance afforded to these
additional insureds, the following is added to
Section Ifl — Limiis Of insurance:
If coverage provided to the additional insurecf is
required by a contract or agreement, the most we
will pay on behalf of the additivnal insured is the
amount of insurance:
1. Required by khe conkract or agreement; or
Z. Available under the applicable Limits of
Insurance showr� in the Declarations;
whichever is less.
This endorsementshali not increasethe appiicable
Limits of Insurance shown in the Declarations.
CG 20 37 0�'13 m Insurance 5ervices OfFce, Inc., 2012 Paga 1 of 1
POLICY I�lUMBER:TB�-Z91-4719p5-pzp
CG 2010 04 73
/����T����� ������� -� ������� ������� ��
CO�°TFZACi�l�S � SCH��U��� P����R� ��
This endnrsement modifies insurance provided under the following:
A. Section �I — Who Is An Insured is amended to 1. All work, including materials, parts or
include as an additior�al insured the person(s} or equipment furnished in connection with such
organization(s) shown in the Schedule, but onfy with work, on the project (other than ser+ri�e,
respeck to liability for "bodify injury', °property maintenance or repairs) to be performed by or
damage" or "persona! and advertising injury" on behalf of the additional insured(s} at tF�e
caused, inwhole or in part, by: location of the covered operations has been
7. Your acts or omissions; or compfeted; or
2. The acts or omissions of those acting on your
in the performance of your ongoing operations for
the additional insured(s) at the location(s)
desigr�ated above.
#. The insurance afiorded to such additional
insured only applies to the extent permitted by
1aw: and
2, if coverage provided to the additional insured is
required by a contract or agreemenk, the
insurance afForded to such additional insured will
not be broader khan that which you are required
by the contract or agreement to provide for such
additional insured.
F3. With respect to the insurance afforded to these
additior�al insureds, the following additional
exc��sions apply:
This insurance does not appiy to "bodily injury" or
"property damage" occurring after:
Name Of Additional Insured Person(s)
Or Organizatiort(s):
�acation(s) Of Covered Operations
All persons or organizakians with whom you have Aff iocations as required by a writEe� contract or
entered into a written contract or agreement, prior to an agreement e�tered into privr to a� "occurrence" or
"occurrence" or offense, to provide additional insured offense.
Information required to compiete this Schedule, if not shown above, will be shown in khe Qeclarations,
CG 201U D413 C� Rnsurance Services Office. Inc„ 20� 2 Page 1 of 1
Z. That portion of "your work" out of which the
injury or damage arises has bee� put to its
intended use by any person or organization
other than another contractor or subcontractor
engaged in performing operat�ons for a
principal as a part ofihe same project,
C. With respect to the insurance afforded to these
additio�al insureds, the following is added to
Section ill �- Limits Oi Insurance:
!f coverage provided to the additionai ins�red is
required by a contract or agreement, the mostwe
wi41 pay on behalf of the additional insured is the
amountof insurance:
1. Required by the contract or agreement; or
2. Available uredar the applicable Limits of
lnsurance shown in the Declarations;
whichever is less.
This endorsement sF�all not i+�crease the
appficable Limits of Insurance shown in the
Policy Number; T82—Z91-4 7 1 905-020
This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following:
�ndex of modified items:
ftem 7. Blanket Additiona) Insured Where Required By Written Agreement
Lessors of Leased Equipment -.
Managers or Lessors of Premises
Mortgagees, Assignees or Receivers
Owners, Lessees or ContracEors
Archikects, Engineers or Surveyors
Any Person or Orga�ization
item 2. Bianket Additional lnsured — Granior Of Permits
Item 3. Other Insurance Amendment
Item 1. Blanket Additional Insured Where Requireci 8y Written Agreement
Paragraph 2. of Section Ei — Who Is An Insured is amended to add the fallowing:
Additional tnsured By Written Agreemeni
The following are insureds under the Policy when you have agreed in a written agreement to pro�ide them coverage
as addifional insureds under your policy;
1, Lessors of Leased Equipment: The person(s) or organization(s) from whom you lease equipment, but only
with respect to liability for "bodily injury", "property damage" or "persona! and advertising injury" caused, in
whole or in part, by your maintenance, operation or use of equipment leased to you by such person(s) or
This insurance does not apply to any "occurrence" which takes place after the equipment lease expires,
2, Managers or Lessors af Premis�s: Any manager(s) or lessor(s) of premises leased to you in which tne written
lease agreement obligates you to procure additional insured coverage.
The coverage afforded to the addikiona! insured is limited to liability in connection with the �ownership,
maintenance or use of the premises leased to you and caused, ir� whole or in part, by some negligent act(s) or
omissio�(s) of you, your "employees", your age�ts qr your subcontractors. There is no coverage for the
additional insured for liability arising out of the sole negligence of the additional insured or those acting an behalf
of the addEtional insured, except as provided below.
If the written agreement obligates you to procure additional insured coverage for the additional insured's sole
negligence, then the coverage For the additional insured shall conform to the agreement, but only if the
applicable Iaw would aliow you ta indemnify ti�e additional insured for fiability arising ouf of the additionaE
insured's sole negligence,
l.0 20 58 11 9 B �O 2016 Liherty Mutual Insurance Page 1 of 4
Includes copyrighted materlal af Ins�rance Services Offce, Inc., with its permission.
This insurance do�s no# appiy tv:
a. Any "occurrence" which takes pface afier you cease to be a fenant in that premises or to lease that fand;
b. Struclura! alt�:ra#ions, new cons#ruction vr demolitipn operations pe�Formed 6y or on behalf of thai manager
or �essor; ar
c. Any premises for whioh coverage is exeiuded by endorsernent.
3. Martgagees, Assignees or Recelvers: Any persan(s) or organization(s} with respect tQ their liabifty as
mortgagee, assignee or receiver and arising out of your ownership, mairstenance ar use o� the premises.
i�is insurance daes nat appfy to structura! al#erations, new construckion and demolition operations performed
by or on bel�aff of such person(s} or organization(s).
4. Owners, Lessee5 or Cantractars: Ar�y person(s) or organizalion{s) #a whom you are obligated to procure
additianal insured coverage, buE only with respect to liabil'tfy for "b4dily injury", "property damage" 4r "personal
and advErtising injury" caused, in whale or in parf, I�y your act(s} or omission(s) or #he act(s) or oinission(s) af
yo�r "employees", your agents, or your subcon#ractors, in the per€ormance af your angoing operatians.
1`his ins�urance daes naf apply fo "bodily injury", "praperty damage'°, or "personal and advertising injury" arisi�g
aut of "your work" included in t�e "products-compfeted operations hazard" uniess you are requlred #o provide
such coverage far the additiqnaf insured by the written agreemenf, and tY�en vnly fart�e period of time required
hy fhe written agreemenf and only for liability caused, in whole or in part, by yaur act(s} ar omission(5) or the
act(s) or omission(s) of your "smployees", yaur agents, or your s�rbcantractors,
There is no coverage for the additional insured for tiability arising out of the sote r�egligence of the additianal
insueed or thnse acting on behaff af the additianai insured, except as pravicfed below.
If tha wriften agreement obligates yoU to procure additionaE in5ured co��rage for the additional insured's soEe
negligence, then the coverage for #he additianal insured shall conform tn the agreement, but anly if the
applicabte law wo�ld allow you to indemnify the addi#ionai insured for iiability arising oui the additianal insurecE's
sale r�egiigence.
7hls 9nsurance does nat appty to "�odily inJury", "property damage" or "persona( and advertising injury" ar+sing
out of the rendering of, or failure to render, any professiarraE architecturat, engineerir�g or suroeying services,
a. �h� preparing, appro�ing, or failfng to prepare or approve, maps, shop drawings, opin9ons, reports, surveys,
fieEd orders, change orders or drawings and specifications; or
b. Supervlsory, inspection, architectural or engineering activities.
This exclusia� applies even if the claims against any insured allege negliger�ce or other wrongcEoing in the
supervision, hiring, employment, fraining or moniforing of others by that insured, if the "occurr�nce" r�vhich
caused the "bodily injury" or "proPerty damage", or the vffer�se which caused the "personal and advertising
injury", in�o��ed the rendering o# or failure to re�der any professiona! 5ervices.
5, ArchitecEs, Engineers or 5urveyars: Any architect, engineer, or surveyor en�aged by you but only with
respect to liability for "badily in}ury", "�roperty damage" ar "persanal and adveriising injury" caused, in whole or
in par#, by your act(s) gr omission(s) or the act(s) or omissian{s) of thoss acting on yo�r behalf:
a. In co�nection wifh your premis�s; or
b. [n the performance of ynur or�going operations.
7his i�surar�ce does not a�ply to "bodily ln�ury", "prnperty damage" or "personal and advertising injury" arising
ouE of the reRdering of ffr failure to rencfer any professional services �y or for you, lncfuding:
i,C 20 5611 '�8 � 2018 Liberfy Mutual lnsurance Page 2 of 4
Incfudes capyrighted materia[ af Insurance Seroices Office, Inc., wi#h Its permissian.
a. The preparing, approuing, orfaiiing to prepare or appro�a, rnaps, shop drawings, opinions, repotts, surveys,
field qrders, change orders nr drawings and spscifications; or
h, 5upervisory, inspection, archiEectura! or engineering activifies.
7't�is exclusion applies even if the claims against any insured allege negligenee or other wrongdaing in the
supervision, hiring, erriployment, training or manitaring �f athers by that insured, if the "aceurrence" whiah
causeci the "bodify injury" or "property damage", ar #he afFense which caused the "persanal ancE advertising
injury", invoived the render�ng af ar fai{ure to render any professional services by or fqr you.
6. Any Person or Organization atf�er Than a Joint Venture: Any person(s} or organizationts) (otF�er than a joint
veniure of which you are a member) for wi�am you are obligated to procure additional insured coverage, but
onlywitf� respect fo liability fot °bodily injury", "properEy damage" or "personal and advertising injury" causeti, in
whole or in part, by your ac#(s) or amission(s) or the act(s) or orr�ission{s) of ihose acting on your �ehalf:
a. En the performance of yaur ongoing operations; or
b. In eonnection with premises o+nmed by or rented fo you.
This insurance does not appfy to: -
a. Any person(s) or organization(s} more specifcafly covered in I'aragraphs 1. ihraugh 5. above;
b. Any canstrucfion, renpvation, demolition or insfal latiot� o�serations perf.ormed by or an behalf of you, ar ihqse
operating an your behalf; or
c. Any person(sj or organization(s) whose prafessian, business or occ�pafRon is tha# of an architeet, survayar
Qr �ngineer v�i#h respect to li�biEity arising aui nf the rendering of, or failure Ea render, any professior�af
archilectural, engineering or surveying servic�s, including:
(1) i"he preparing, approving or failing to prepare or approve, maps, drawings, opinions, reports, sunteys,
field orders, change orders, d�signs and spec(fiaations; or .
(2) Supenrisory, inspecEion, archftectural or engine�ring aciivities.
This exclusion aPplies e�en if the claims againsf any insured sfleg€; negiigenc� or ot�er wrongdving in the
supervision, hiring, em�loymen#, trainir�g dr monitoring �f others by that insured, if the "acc�rrer�ce" which
caused the "6odily injury" or "property damage", or the affense �nrhich caused fhe "personaf and advertising
injury", involved the rendering of o� failure to render any professionaE services by ar on behalf of yo�, or those
aperating on yaur hehelf.
The insurance affarded tn any persvn(s) or organizaiiQn(s) as an insufEd under this IYem 9.:
9. Applies io the ex#ent permitted by Iaw;
2, Rpplies artly to the scop� of coverage and the minimum limits of ir�surance required by the written agreemenf,
but in nc� event exceerfs eith�r tl�e scope ai coverage or the limifs of insurance provid�d by this Policy;
3. �oes not app�y to any person(s) or organization(s) fvr any "bodily injury", "property damage" or "personal and
advertlsing injury" if any oiher additional insured endorsemenf at#ached to this f'oiicy applies to stsch persan(s)
ar organizatian{sj with regaEd to the "bodily injury", "properiy damage" w"persanaf end advertising injury' ;
4. Applies o�rly if the "bodily injury" nr "property damaga" occurs, or the affense giving rise to #he "p�rsona! and
advertisirtg injury" is committed, subsequenf to the execu#ior� of the written agreement; and
5. Applies onfy if the written agreerr�ent is in effect at the time the "6adily inJury" or "proper#y tiarriage" occ�►rs, or
a# the tirne the offense gir�ing rise f� tf�e "persanai and advertising injury" is com�nitted.
LC 20 56 7'1 98 � 2018 Liberty Mutual Insuranae Page 3 ni 4
In�lud�s copyrighted materiai of tns�rance 5ervices Office, Inc., with its permisslon.
ftem 2. B[anket Additional Inssared — Grantar Of F'ermiis
Paragraph 2. of Secfion I� -- Who Is An ir�sured is amended to add the fof(owing:
Any state, municipality ar pofitica! subdivision that has iss►�ed you a permit in cannection with any operafions
performed by yoU or on your be�alf, or in ca�nectian uvith premises yo� own, rent ar control, and #o which this
insurance appfies, but a�ly io fhe extent th�f you are re�uired to provide additionai insured status #a fhe state,
rnunicipaEity vr pofitica! subc�ivision as a conditian of receiving and mair�tainir�g iha permit. 5uch sfale, munieipality
pr politicai subciivisian that has issued you a permit is an insured only with respeci #o their IiabiEity as gvantor of such
permit to ynu.
However, wlth respect ta fhe state, munici�ality or politica] subdi�ision:
1. Coverage will be na broad�r than req�ir�d; ar�d
2. Limits of insurance wil! not exceed the minimurr� lim[ts of insurance required as a cvndiEion for receiving or
maintaining the permif;
but neitMer th� scope of cowerags nar the limits of ir+surance will exceed lhnse pravid�d by this PoGcy.
This insurance does not appfy to:
�i, 'Bodily injury", "pro�zerty damage" of "personai and advertising injury" arising out of operafions performed �or
fhe staie, municipalify ar palitical subdiuision;
2. Any "bodify injury" ar "praperly damage" included within the "proclucEs-earnpl�i�d operations hazard", exc�pt
when req�ired by written agreement initiated prior tn lass; or
3. "Badily injury", "proper#y riamage" or "personaf and adveriisir�g injury", unless negligently causecf, in whole or
in part, by yau or thase acting on your behaif,
Item 3. 04her insurance Amendment
If you ara abiigated under a written agreerr�ent ta provEde liability insurance on a prirrary, excess, continger�t, nr any
other 6asis for any person(s) qr arganization�s) tF�at qualifies as an additional insured on this Policy, this Palicy wifl
apply solely on tl�e basis required by such written agreerrsent and Paragraph 4. �ther lnsurance of Section IV —
Commercial G�:neraE Liability Conditions wifl nol apply. UVhere the applicable writ#en agreemsnt does not specify
on what basis the Eiabilify insurance will appfy, ihe provisions of F'aragraph 4. Oiher lnsurance Qf 5ection IV —
Commerc9aE General Liabifity Ca�diticsns will apP[y. Howev�r, this insurance is exoess over an}� other 'tnsurance
availabfe #n the additianal insured for which ii is aiso covereri as an additionaf insured for the sam�: "occurrence",
claim ar "suit".
LC 20 58 'f 1 � 8 O 2018 Liberty MuEt�al insurance Page 4 af 4
includes copyrlghted maierial of Insurance 5enrlces Office, fne., with its parmissfon.
Aolicy Number: TB2-Z91-47i905-020
Issued by �iberty Mutual Fi►e Insurance Co.
TF�is endorsement r�'rodifies insurance provided under the following:
Index of modified items:
Item 'i.
liem 2.
Item 3.
Item �.
Item 5.
Item 6.
Item 7.
Item S.
Item 9.
1#em 70.
Item 11,
Item 12.
Item i3.
Item 'i4.
Reasonabfe Force
Non-Owned Watercraff Extension
�amage �'o Premises Rented To You —�xpanded Coverage
Bodily Injury io Co-Empfoyees
Healti� Care Professionals As Insureds
Knowledge Of Occurrence Or Offanse
Notice Of Occurrence Or Offense
�rtinte�tional Faifure io bisclose
Sodiiy Injury Redefinecf
Supplementary Payments — increased Limits
Property In Your Care, Cusiody Or Con#rof
Mo6ile Equipment Redefined
Newly Formed Or Acquired �ntities
Waiver Of Right Of Recovery By Written Contrac# Or Agreement
Item 1. Reasonabfe Force
Exclusion a. of Section I— Coverage A— Bodify Injury And Property barttage Liabifity is replaced by the
a. Expected Or Intended Injury
"Bodily injury" or "pro�erry damage" expected or intended from the standpointof the insured. This exclusion
does not apply to "bodily injury" or "property damage" resulting from the use of reasoneble force to protect
persons or property.
Item 2. Non-Owned Watercraft Extension
Paragraph (2) of Exclusion g. of Section E— Coverage A— Bodily Injury And Property Damage Liabifity is
replaced by thefollowing:
(2) A watercraft you do not own that is:
(a) Less than 55 feet long; and
(b) Not being used to carry persons or property for a charge;
Item 3. Damage Ta Premises Rented '�o You —�xpancied Coverage
A. The final paragraph of 2. �xclusions of Sectian I— Coverage A— Bodily Injury And Property Damage
�iability is replaced by the following:
LC 32 199 11 18 0 2018 Liberty Mutual tnsurance Page 1 of 5
Includes copyrighted rnaterial of Insurance Services Of(ice, knc., with its permission.
Exciusiar�sc. through n. do t�atappfytodamagabyfire, fightningor expiosionor subsequentdamagesresulting
from such fire, lightn9ng or explosion inciuding w�ter damage to premises while rent�d ko you or terrtporarily
occupied by yau wikh permissian of ti�e ow�er. A separate limit of insurance applies ko this coverage as
described �n5ection IlI-Lirnits Oflr�surance.
B. Paragraph fi. vf Seciion fli - L.imiEs Of Insurance is repiaced by the f�lEowing:
6. Suhject to Paragraph 5. above, the Damage i`o Prerrtises Re�ted To You Limit is tha most we wiil pay
under Coverage A for cfarnages because of "property damage" to any one premises, while rented to you, or
in thE case of damage byfre, fightning, explosion or subsequer�tdamages resultingfram such fire, lightning
or explasion ineluding water damage ta pr�mises v+rhile rented to you or ternporarilyaccupied by you with
perrrEission nf the owner.
The Damage To Premises Rented To You Limit is Ehe greater af:
a. $300,000: or
b. The Damage i'o Pr�mises Rented To Yo� Limit shown an the D�claratipns.
C. Paragraph 9.a. of the definition af "insured con#ract" ir8eciia� V- Definitians is repfacect by the follawing:
a. A contract for a lease of premises. However, tha# portinn of the contract for a iease of premises that
Indemni�ies any persort ar organiza#ion for damage by fre, iigh#ning, expiasion or subsequent damages
resufting frorn such fire, (ightning or explosion including water darnage to premises while rented to you or
temporarily occu�ied �y you wit� pertnission dhe owner is not an "insured contract";
D. The paragraph immediatelyfollvwing Paragraph {e) of Exckusion j. of Section !- Coverage A�- Badi[y injury
And Property Damage Liability is repiaced by the following;
Paragraphs (1), (3j and {4) of this exclusion do not apply to "property damage° (nther fhan damage by fire.
tightning or explosion or subsequent damages resu[ting fram such fire, ligi�tning nr explosion incfuding water
damage) to premises, including the eontents of such pr�mises, rented ta you ior a�eriod a# seven or fawer
co�secuti�edays. A separaie limitaf insurance sppliesto Damage i'v Premises Rented io Yvu as deseribed in
Section I[i -� Limits af Insuranc�
Iterr� 4. �odily Injury To Co-Ernplayees
A. f'aragraph 2. of Section II - Wf�o Is An Insvred is amendecf to include:
Each nf the fol�owing is aiso an insured:
Yaur "empiayees" (oth�r tf�an either your "executive a�cers" (if you are an organizatian oEher than �
partnership, jaintventure or limitedliabifirycampany) or your managers {if you are s�Imitedliabi�itycompany})
or "volunteer workers"are insuredswhilein the course of Eheir employrrEentor whileperForming dutiesrelated ko
the conduct of your business with respect to "bodify injury":
(1j Toyou;
(2) Ta your partners ar memhers (if you are a par�nership or jnint venture);
(3) Tv your members (if you are a limited iiabi{ity corr�pany); or
(4�j % a co-"emplayee" or "vaiunEeer worker�' while that co-"emplayee" or "vofunteer warker" is either €n the
course of his or her empiaymenkby you or whileperforming duties related to the conductof yaur business
(including paRicipation in any recreational activities spansor�d by you}.
Paragraph Z.a.(1)(a) of SactioR II - Wl�o Is An Insured does not apply to "bodilyinjury" for which insurance is
protided bythis paragraph.
LC 3� 199 77 38 ��018 Liberty Mutua! Insurance Page 2 of S
tnciudes copyrighted material af fnsurance Services O�ce, fnc., with its permission,
B. The insurance provided by this Item 4. for "bodilyinjury" #a a co-"employee" or "valunteer worker"wilf nnt appfy
if the injured co-"employee's" ar "volunteer worker's" sole reinedy fnr such in�ury is provided t�nder a workers'
cvmpensation law or anysimilar law.
C, Other Insr�rance
ihe irtsurance provided by this Item 4. is excess over ar�y other valid and collectible insurance avaiEabfe to the
insured,whather primary, excess, contingent ar on any nkher basis.
Item 5. Heafth Care Profassionals As insurecfs
A. Paragraph 2.a.(1}tcf) of Sect[on [I — Who Is An lnsured is replaced 6y the fo�lowing:
(d} Arising out of his or F�er providing or failure to provide professianal F�ealih care services. However, any
"employee" or "�oiunteer worker" of the IVamed Insured who is acting as a Good Samaritan in response io
a pubfic or medica! emergency or who is a"designated health care prnvider" is an insured with respect fo
"6ocEily injury" and "p�rsonal andadv�rtising injury" khat:
(i) Arises out of the providing of or failure #o provide professiona! health care services; and
(ii} Occurs in the caurse of and withinthe scape of such "employee's"or "vofunteer worker's" emplaymPnt
iay thelVamed lnsured.
B. W itit respeci to "empEoyeas" and "volunteer warkers" providing professEonal h�alth care senri�es, the foElawing
excfusions are added to Paragraph Z. Exclusions of Section i— Coverage A— Bodily �njury And Property
Damage Liahitity and Paragraph �. Exclusians of 5ection I-- Coverage B-- Persanal And Ad�ertising
tnjury l.ia6ility:
Th9s insurance daes nvt appiy to:
(t) Liabiliry assumed under ar� "insured contract" or ar�y ather contract ar agreement;
(2) Liability arising out of the providing af professionaE h�alEh care services in vioiativn of law;
(3) �iabilityarising out of the providing of any professional heaith care services while in any degree under the
inflvence ofintoxicants or narcnkics;
(4) €.iabi[ity arising out of any dishonast, fraudulent, malicious or knawingly wrongful act orfail�re to ack; or
(5� Punftive ar exemplary damages, �nes vr penaEties.
C. The following defrnition is added tcSectian V— De�nitians:
"�esignated hea[th care pravider° means any "employee" or "volunteer worker" �f the tVamed Ins�red whose
duties include providing professional health care S�fViC25, including but not lirnited to dactors, nurses,
emergency medica! technicians o�fesignated first aid personnel.
D, qif�er Insurance
The insurance pra�ded by this Itern 5. is excess over any other �alid and collectible insurance availabfe ta the
ins�red, whether primary, excess, contingenC or on any nt�er basis.
ftem 6. Knawledge C3f Occurrence 4r Offense
Knowledge afi an "accurrenee" or offense by your agent, servant ar "ernployee" wifl nok in itself constitutekrtowledge
by you unless your "executive ofFcer" or "ernployee" desig�ated 6y you #o notify us of an "occurrence" or offense
has �Cnnwledge of the"aceurrence" ar offense.
LC 32 199 7i 'f8 � 2018 Liberiy Mutuaf lnsurance Page 3 of 5
Incfudes copyrighted materia! o# Insurance Services Oifce, Inc„ with its permission.
ltem 7'. Noti�e Ofi Occurrence Or Offense
For purposes of Paragraph Z.a. of Section iV — Cammsrciaf Ger�eral Liability Canditians, yo� refers ta yaur
"executive officer"or "emplayee" that you have designated to give us natice.
Eter� 6. LlnintentianaE Failure To Disclose
Unintentio�alfailure o� t�e Named Insured ta dfsclosealE hazards existingat the inceptian of this I'olicy shall not be
a basisfior denial of any coverage afforded by this f�olicy. However, you must report such an error or omissionto us
as saon as practEcableafiter its discovery.
This provision does not affect our right to colleei additi�naE �remium or exercise our right of canceHation or
item 9. Bocfify In}ury Redefined
The definition of "bodily injury" ir£ec�ion V-- I?efinitions is repiaced by the fallowir�g:
"Bodily in}ury" means:
a. Bodily injury, sicknessor disease sustained by a persan, including death resultingfrom any ofi these at any time;
b. Mental anguish, shock or humiliaiion arisin� oui of injury as defned in ParagraPh a. aaove. Mentai anguish
rr�eans any kype ofinental or emotional illness or distress.
Etem 70. Supplementary F'ayments — fncreased Limits
Paragraphs 1.kr. and 't.d. of Seetian i— 5upp(er'r�entary Paymenis -- Cnverages A Rnd B are replaced by the
b. Up ta $3,000 for thE cost of bail bands required because af accidentsor t�affic !aw violatior�s arising out of the ,
�se of any�ehicle tQ which Bodily Injury Liability Cnverage appfies. We do not have to furnish these bonds.
d. Ati reasonable expenses inctrrred by the insured at our request to assis# in the in�estigationor defense of the
clairrr or "suit",including actual [nss af earnings up to $S00 a day bacause of kime afF from work.
Item 1'!. Property En Yaur Care, Custody Or Control
A. Paragraphs (3) and (4) of Exclusion j. af 5ection I— Coverage A— Sodily fnjury And Properiy Damage
Liabifiiy are deletecl.
�. Additianal Exclusion
Coverage provided by this endorsement cfoes not apply to "property darr�age" to properky while fn transit.
G. Limits of Insurar€ce
Subject to Paragraphs 2., 3., and 9. oi Section 111— l.irr�its Of Insarance, the most we wil! pay fior insurance
provided by ParagraphA. above i5:
$1p,000 Each Occurrence l.imit
$75,000 Aggregate L.imit
The Each �ccurre.nce Limitfor this coverage app{ies to all dar►�ages as a result of any one 'bccurrence"
regardless of then�mber of persons or organizations who sustain darnage because of that "occurrence",
The Aggregate Lirn i# is the mast we will pay far the sum af al� derrtages under this Item 11.
lC 32 199 11 7$ @ 2018 Liberty Mutuai Ir�surance Page 4 of S
[ncfud2s copyrighted material of lnsurance 5enrices Office, Inc., with its permisslon.
�. Oiherinsurance
This insurance does not apply to any portion of a loss far which the insured has available any other valid and
callectibEe insura�ca, whether prirrEary, exeess, wniingent, or or� any other basis, uni�ss such other insurance
was specifica[!y purchased by #he insured ta apply in excess of this Policy.
itein 12. Mabile Equipment Redefined
�he definitionaf "mobile equipmenf' in Sectian V— Definitions fs arr►ended to incfude sel# propelled vehicfeswith
permanendy attached equipment fess than 1000 pounds gross vehicle weight that are primarily designer! for:
('!) Snow removal;
(2) Roaci maintenance, but not constr�ction or resurFacing: or
(3) Street cleaning.
However, "mobile equipment" does nat include Eand vehides that are subject to a compulsory or frnancial
respensibiiityfaw or other mn#or +rehicle insur,ance law where su�h vehicles are litensed or prinCipafly garaged.
Land vehides su6ject to a compulsary or fir�ancial respo�sibifitylaw ar other motar vehicle insurar�ce faw are
cansidered "autos".
Item '#3. Newly Formeci Or Acquired �ntities
A. Paragraph 3. Qf Sectinn II — Who Is An Insured is replaced by tF�e fallowing:
3. Ar�y arganiz�tinn you newlyacc��ire or form, other than a partnership or joint venture, and o�er whichyou
rnaintainmajariryownershipor majorityinterest, wiilqualifyas a f�amed Insured ff there is no 4ti�er similar
insurance avaifabie to khat organization However;
a. Coverage under this prQvision is affordet[ only untii:
(1) The 180th cfay after you acquire ar forrn the organizatian;
(2j 5eparate caverage is purcE�ased for the organizakion; ar
(3} The end of the poiicy period
whichever is earlier;
b. Sectian f— Coverage A— BodiEy injury And Properky Damage �iability does not apply to "bodiiy
injury" vr "�rapertydamaga" that occurred before you acquired ar formed tMe organiaatio�; and
c. Sectior� i— Caverage B— Personal ARd Adver�ising EnJury l.iability does not appiy to "personal and
advertising injury"arising nut nf an offense corrEmitt�d �efore you acquired or formed the arganizatian.
B. The insurance afforded tn any organiza#ion as a fVam�d lnsured under this Item 73. does not apply if a Braad
Form Named insuredendorsement attached to this Policy applies to that organization.
ttem 14. Waiver Of Right af Recavery By V4lritten Conirac# ar Agr�ement
The fol[owing is added to Paragraph 8. 7r�nsfer Of Rigi�ts 4f Reco�ery Against Others i'v Us of Section Il/ --
Garrtrrserciat Gen�ral �iabiliiy Condi##ons:
W e waive any right of recavery because of paymen#s we rnake under this Palicy far injury or damage arRsing out of
yaur ongoing operations or "your work" includad in the "products-compieEed aperations f�azard" that we may have
agaiRsYany person or organi�ation with whom you hav�e agreed in a wrikten contract or agreerr�ent to waive your
rights of recovary but only if the "bodi�yinjury" or "praperty damage" accurs, or offense giving rise ta "personal and
advertising injury" is committed subsequent to the exe�ution of the written contract ar agreement.
LC 3Z 199 i'i 'E8 � 2018 Liberty f+/lutua! fnsUrance Page 5 of 5
fn�ludes copyrighted materiai of Ensurance Services Offrce. Enc., with its permission.
Policy Number: AS2-Z91-4719a5-030
�b15 �f�DORS�Ni�NT' CHAP1Cy�S �i-�� �OLICY. �L�,�SE RI�A� li CAR�FU�LY.
This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following:
With respect to coverage pro�ided by this endorsemeni, the provisions of the Coverage Form apply unless
modified by this endorsement.
�his �ndorsement identifies person(s) or o�-ganization(s) who are "insureds" und�r the Who Is An Insured
Provision of the Coverage Form. This endorsement does not alter coverage provided in the Coverage form.
Plame of Person($} or Organizations(s):
idegarding Designated Contract or �'roject:
Each person or organization shown ir� the Schedule of this endorsement is an "insured" far Liability Co�erage, but
only to the extent that person or organizatian qualifies as an "insured" under the Who Is An lnsured Pro�ision
contained in Seciion II of the Coverage Form.
The following is added to the Other Insurance Conditian:
If you have agreed in a written agreement that this palicy will be primary and without right of contribution
from any insurance in force for an Additional Insured for liability arising out of your operations, and the
agreement was executed prior ta the "bodily injury" or "property c�amage", then this insurance will be
primary and we will not seek contribution from such insurance.
AC 84 �3 0� 11 O 201�, Liberty Mutual Group of Companies. All rights reserved. Page 1 of '[
fncludes copyrighted material of Insurance Services OfFice, Inc. with its
Policy Number : AS2-Z91-471905-030
AUYO �NbkAfVCG�fi�i�i EWDORS�fW�N�
This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following:
NewlyAcquired or Formed Organizations
Empfoyees as fnsureds
Lessvr - Additional Insured and Loss Payee
Supplementary Payments - increased Limits
F'eilow Employee Ca�erage
Personal Property af Others
Additionaf Transportation Expense and Cost to Recover Stolen Auta
Airbag Coverage
Tapes, Records and Discs Coverage
Physical Damage DeductibEe - Single Deductible
Physical Damage Deductible - Glass
Physical Damage �eductible - Vehicle Tracking System
Duties in Event of Accident, Claim, Suit or Loss
Unintentional Failure to Disclose Hazards
Worldwide Liability Co�erage - Nired and Nonowned A�tos
Hired Auto Physical Damage
Auto Medical Payments Coverage Increased Limits
Drive Other Car Coverage - Broadened Coverage for Designated Indi�icEuals
Rental Reimbursement Coverage
Notice of Cancellation or Nanrenewal
LoanlLease Payoff Co�erage
Lirr�ited Mexico Co�erage
Waiver of Subrogation
I. Pl�WLY ACQUIR�D 04� �O�fwE� O�GAf�IZr4ilONS
Throughout ihis policy, the words "you" and °your" also refer to any organization you newly acquire or form,
ot�rer than a partnership or joint �enture, and o�er which you maintain ownership of more than 50 percent
interest, provided:
A. There is no similar insurance availab�e to that organization;
�. Ur�less you notify us to add co�erage to your policy, the co�erage �nder this provision is afforded only untiL
1. The 90th day after you acquire or form the organization; or
2. The end of #he policy period,
whEchever is earlier; and
C. The coverage does nat apply to an "accident" which occurred before you acquired or formed the
AC �4 07 �E1 'E7 O 2017 Lil�eriy Mutual Insurance Page 1 of 10
Includes copyrighted material of Insurance 5ervices Offic�, Inc., with its permission.
�i. ����oYE�s as iwsua��s
Paragraph ,4.1. Who Is An Insured of SECTIOAi �I - COV�R�I� AUiOS LIABILIYY COVC�RAGE is amertded
to add the following:
Your "employee" is an "insured" while using with your permission a covered "auto" you do not own, hire or
borrow in your business ar your personal affairs.
Ifl. L.�SSO� - A�3DIilOPlAL IfVSUFt�� Ai+f� LOSS PAYEE
A. Any "leased auto" wiil be eonsidered an "auto" you own and not an "auto" you hire or borrow. The co�erages
provided uncler this section apply to any "leased auto" until the expiratEon date of this policy or until the
fessor or his or her agent takes possession of the "leasecf auto" whichever occurs first.
�. For any "leased auto" that is a covered "auto" under SECTION II - COV��ED i4UiOS LIA�ILI�Y
COVERAGFc, Paragraph A.1. �ho Is An fnsur�ed provision is changed to include as an "insured" the lessor
of the "leased auto". Howe�er, the lessor is an "insured" only for "bodily injury" ar "property damage"
resulting from th� ac#s or omissions by:
1. You.
2. Any of your "employees" or agents; or
3. Any person, except the lessar or any "employ�e" or agent of the lessor, operating a"leased a�to" with
the permission of any of the above.
C. Loss Payee Claase
7. We will pay, as interests may appear, you and the lessor of the "leased auto" for "lass" tv the covered
"leased auto".
2. TF�e ins�arance covers the interest of the lessor of the "leased auto" unless the "loss" results from
fraudulent acts or omissions on your part.
3. if we make any payment to the lessor of a"leased auto", we will obtain his or her rights against any
other party.
d. Cancellation
1. If we cancel the policy, we will mail notice to the lessor in accordance with the Cancellation Camman
Policy Condition.
�. If you cancei the policy, we will mail notice to the lessor.
3. Cancellatior� ends this agreement.
�. The lessor is not fiable for �ayment of your premiums.
F. For purposes of this endorserr�ent, tf�e following definitions appiy:
"�eased auto" means an "auto" which you lease for a period af six months or longer for use in your business,
including any "temporary substiiute" of such "�eased auto".
"Temporary substitute" means an "auto" that is furnished as a su�stitute for a covered "auto" when the
covered "auto" is out of service because of its breakdown, repair, servicing, "loss" or destruction.
AC �4 0719 1� O 2017 Liberty Mutual Insurance Page 2 of 10
InclucEes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office, Inc., with its permission.
Subparagraphs rA.2.a.(2j and A.2.a.(4j of S�C710PE If - COV�R�D AUiOS �IABILITY COVC�R,4CE are
deleted and replaced by the following:
(2) Up to $3,000 for cost of bail bonds (inciuding bonds for related traffic !aw violations) required because of
an "accident" we cover. We do not have to furnish these bonds.
(4) All reasonable expenses incurred by the "insured" at aur request, including actual loss of earnings up to
$560 a day because of time off from work.
V. ��L�O{!1! E14APLOY�E COVI�FiAG�
A. Exclusion 8.5. tif S�C f ION fl - COV�R�D AUTOS LIA�I�I�Y COV��AG� does not apply.
�. For the purpase of Feffow Em�loyee Coverage only, Paragraph �.�. of SECiION IV -�USIN�SS AUTO
CQPlDIiIONS is changed as folfows:
This Fellow Employee Coverage is excess o�er any other collec�ible insurance.
Exclusion 6. in SECiIOW 11 - COV�Ft�� AU�OS �IA�ILIiY COV�RAG� for a co�ered "auto" is amended ta
add the following:
This excfusion does na# appfy to "property damage" or "covered pollution cost or expense" involving "personal
property" of your "employees" or others whife such property is carried by the covered "auto". The L.imit of
Insurance for this co�erage is $5,000 per "accider�t". Payment under this coWerage does nat increase ihe Limit
of Insurance.
For the purpose of this section of this endorsement, "personal property" �s defined as any property that is not
used in the individual's trade or business or held for the production or coflection of income.
A. Paragraph A.�.a, ofi S�CTIO� I[I -�HYSICAL DA�VfIAC� COVER�4GE is arr►ended as follows:
The amoun� we will pay is increased to $50 per day and to a maximum limit of $1,00�.
�. Paragraph A.4.a. of S�C�ION fll -�NYSICAL DANiAG� COV��AG� is amended to add the following:
If your business is shown in the Declarations as something other than an auto dealership, we will also pay
up to $1,000 for reasonable and necessary costs incurred by you to return a stolen covered "a�to" from the
place where it is reco�ered to its usual garaging locakion.
Excfusion �.3.a. in S�CT'ION ill -�HY5ICAL DAMAG� C01I��AG� 3s amended to add the follvwing:
Fhis exclusion does not apply tv the accidental discharge of an airbag.
Exciusion �.4.a. of SECiIOM III -�bYSiCA� �A�AACE COV�RAG� is deleted and replaced by the follawing:
a. Tapes, records, discs or other similar audio, Wisual or data efectronic devices designed for use with audio,
visual or data electronic equipment except when the tapes, records, discs or other similar audio, visual or
data electronic d�vices:
AC 84 0� 11 1� O 2fl17 Liberty Mutual Insurance Page 3 af '�D
Includes copyrighted materiaf of (nsurance Seniices Office, Inc., with its permission.
(1) Are your prope�ty or that of a family member; and
(2) Are in a covered "auko" at the time of "loss".
The most we will pay for "loss" is $200. No Physical Damage Coverage deductible applies tv this
Paragraph �. in SECTIOP! 111 -�HY51CA� �Af�VAG� COV�RI�G� is deleted and replaced by the following:
D. Deductible
Far each co�ered "auto", our obligation to pay for, repair, return or replace damaged or stofen property will
be reduced by the applicable deductible shown in the Declarations. Any Comprehensive Coverage
deducfible shown in the Declaratians does not appEy to "foss" caused by fire or ligh#ning.
When two or more co�ered "autos" sustain "loss" in the same collEsion, the kotal of all the "loss for all the
in�olved covered "autos" will be reduced by a single deductible, which will be the largest of all the
deducfibles applying to all such covered "autos".
Paragraph U. in S�CiIOP! III -�HYSIC,4L pA19flAG� COV��3AGG is amended to add the following:
No deductible applies to "foss" to glass if you elect to patch or repair it rather than replace it.
Paragraph D. in S�CiIOW III -�bY51C,4L DAIUTAGG COV�CRAG� is amended to add:
Any Comprehensive Coverage Deductible shown in the Declaratians wilf f�a reduced by 50% for any "loss"
caused 6y theft if the vehicle is equipped with a vehicle tracking de�ice such as a radio �racking de�ice or a
global positioning device and that device was the method of reco�ery of the vehicle.
XIII. �U�IES ff�' �V�11l� OF ACCII]�A1�, CLpeli�ll, SUI� OR L05S
Subparagraphs A.2.a. and A.�.b. of SECT'IOPE IV- �USIN�SS AUTO COPlDI�'IOR�S are changed to:
a. ln the e�ent of "accident", ciaim, "suit" or "loss", your insurance manager or any other person you designate
must nofify us as soon as reasonably possible of such "accident", claim, "suit" ar "loss". Such notice must
{1} Mow, when and where the "accident" or "lass" occurred;
(�j The "insured's" narne and address; and
{3j To the extent possible, the names and addresses af any injured persons and witnesses.
Knowledge of an "accident", claim, "suit" or ' ioss by your agent, servant or employee" shall not be
�� ��
considered knowledge by you unless you, your insurance manag�r or any other person you designate has
reeeived notice af the "accident", claim, "suif' or "loss" from yaur agent, servant or "empioyee".
h. Addikionaliy, you and any o#her in�olved "insured" must:
(1) Assume no obligation, make no payment or incur no expense without our consent, except at the
"insured's" own cost.
AC 84 07 11 1� O 2017 Liberty Mutual ]nsurance Page 4 of 10
Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office, inc., with i#s permission.
(2} Immediately send us copies of any request, demand, order, notice, summons or legal paper received
concerning the claim or "suit".
(3) Cooperate with us in the investigation or settlement of the claim or defense against ihe "suit".
(4) Authorize us to obtain medical records or other pertinent information.
(�) Submit to examinatEon, at our expense, by physicians of our choice, as often as we reasonably require.
Paragra�ah �.2. in S�CYfOR� IV - SUSIPl�SS AUiO COFE�31T'IONS is amended to add the follawing:
Any taninte�tional failure to disciose ali exposures or hazards existing as of the effective date of #he Susiness
Auto Coverage Forrr� or at any time during ihe policy period will not invalidate or ad�ersely affect the co�erage
for such expasure or hazard. However, you must repor� the undisclosed exposure or hazard to us as soon as
reasonably possible after its discovery.
Condition �.�. in S�CiION IV -�USIN�.SS AU'�O CON�IYIOPlS is amended to add the fvflowing:
For "accidents" resulting from the use or operation o� covered "autos" you do not own, fhe coverage territory
means all parts of the world subject tQ the foflowing pra�isions:
a. If claim is made or "suit" is brought against an "insured" outside of the Unit�d States ofAmerica, its territories
and possessions, Puer�o Rico and Canada, we shall ha�e the right, but not the duty to investigate,
negotiafe, and settle or defend such claim or "suit".
If we do not exercise that right, the "insured" sha[E have the duty to investigate, negotiate, and settle or
defend the claim or "suit" and we will reimburse the "insured" for the expenses reasonably incurred in
connection with the investigation, settlement or defense. Reimbursement will be paid in the currency of fhe
United Sta#es of America at the rate of exchange pre�ailing on the date of reimbursement.
The "�nsurecE" shall provide us with such information we shall reasonaE�ly request regarding such claim or
"suit" and its investigation, negotiation, and settlement or defense.
The "insured" shall not agree to any settlement of the claim or "suit" without our consent. We shall not
unreasonabiy withhold consent.
b. We are not ficensed to write insurance outside of the United States of America, its territories or possessions,
Puerto Rico and Canada.
We will not furnish cert�ficates of insurance or other e�idence of insurance you may need for the purpose
of complying with the laws of other countries relating to auto insurance.
Failure to comply with the auto insurance laws of other countries may result in fines or penaliies. This
insurance does nof apply to such fines or penalties.
If no deductibles are shvwn in the Declarations for Physical Damage Coverage for Hired or Borrowed Autos,
the follawing will apply:
A. We will pay for "loss" under Comprehensive and Collision coverages to a covered "auto" of the pri►rate
passenger type hired without an operator far use in your business:
AC S4 OY 11 1i O 2017 Liberty Mutual insurance Page 5 of 10
Includes copyrighted material of Ins�rance Services Office, inc., with its permission.
1. The mosi we will pay for coverage afforded by this endorsement is fhe lesser of:
a. The actual cost to repair or replace such covered "auto" with other property of like kind and quality;
b. The actual cash �aEue of such co�ered "auto" at the time of the "loss".
�. An adjustment far depreciation and physica! condition will be made in determining actual cash value in
the event of a total "loss".
3. If a repair or replacemer�t results in better ihan like kind vr quality, we will not pay for the amount of the
�. For each covered "auto", our obligation to pay �or, repair, return or replace the covered "auto" will be
reduced by any deduciible shown in the Declarations that applies #o private passer�ger "autos" that you
own. If no applicable decfuctible is shown in the Declarations, khe deductible will be $250.
!f the DeclaratPons show other decEuctibles for Physical Damage Coverages for Hired or Barrowed Aufos,
this Section XVI of this endorsement does not ap�ly.
C. Paragraph A.4.b. of S�C�ION III -�HYSICA� �3AMAG� COVERAG� is replaced by the foflowing:
b. Loss of Use �xpenses
For Mirecf Auto Physical �amage provided by this endorsement, we will pay expenses for which an
"insured" becomes legally responsible ta pay for loss of use of a private passenger vehicle rented or
hired without a driver, under a written rental con�ract or agreement. We will pay for loss of use expenses
caused by:
(i) Other than callision only if the Declarations �ndicate that Camprehensi►re Coverage is provided for
any covered "auto";
(�j Specified Causes of Loss only if the Declarations indicate thai Specified Causes of Loss Coverage
is provided for any covered "auto"; or
(3j Collision only if the Declarati�ns indica�e that Col[ision Coverage is pro�ided for any covered "auto".
However, the most we will pay under this co�erage is $30 per day, subject to a maximum of $900.
For any covered "loss", the Limit of Insurance forAuto Medical Payments will be double the lirr�it shown in the
Declarations if the "insured" was wearing a seat be[t at the time of the "accident . This is the maximum amount
we will pay for all co�ered medical expenses, regardless of the number of co�ered "autos", "insureds",
premiums paid, claims made, or vehicles involved in the "accidenY'.
If no limEt of insurance for Auto Medical Payments is shown on the Deciaraiians, this paragraph Section XVII of
this endorsement does not apply.
A. This endorsement amends only those coverages indicated with an "X" in the Drive Other Car section of the
5checfule to this endarsement.
�. S�C f10�! II - COV�F��� /dUTOS LfARlLI'�Y COVLFtAGE is amended as follows:
1. Any "auto" you don't own, hire or borrow is a co�ered "auto" for Liability Coverage while being used by
any individual named in the Drive Other Car section of the Schedu[e #o this endorsement or by his or
her spouse while a resident of the same household except:
AC 84 0�' 11 17 O 2417 Liberty Mutuaf Ir�surance Page 6 of 10
fncludes copyrightecf material of Insurance Services Office, Inc., with its permission.
a. Any "auto" owned by t�at individuaf or by any rnernber of his or her household; or
b. Any "auto" used by that individual or his or her spouse while working in a business of seEling,
servicir�g, repairing or par�Cing "autas".
a. The foflowing is added to 16ilho Is r4n Insured:
Any indi�idual named in the Drive Other Car section af the Schedule to this endorsernent and his ar
her spouse, while a resident of the same household, are "insureds" while using any covered "auto"
described in Paragraph B.1. of this endorsement.
C. Auto Medical Payments, Uninsured Motorist, and Underinsured Motorist Coverages are amended as
The following is added to INha Is An Insured:
Any indir►idual named in the Drive Other Car section of the Schedule to this endorsernen# and his or her
"famiiy members" are "insured" while "occupying" or while a pedes#rian when struck by any "auto" you don't
own except:
Any "auto" owned by that individual or by any "family member".
p. S�CiIOfV Ill -�HYSICAL �Aii�AG� COV�RA�� is changed as follows:
Any private passenger type "auto" you don't own, �ire or borrow is a covered "auto" while in fhe care,
custody or control of any individual named in the Drive Other Car section of the Schedule #o this
endorsement or his or her spouse while a resid�nt of the same household except:
1. Any "auto" owned by that individuai or by any member of his or her household; or
2. Any "auto" used by that indi�idual or his or her spouse while worki�g in a business of selling, servicing,
repairing or parking "autos".
E. For purposes of this endorsement, SECiIOfV V- d��IPll�14F�S is amended to add the following:
"Family member" means a person related to t�e individual narned in the Drive Other Car section of the
Schedule to this endorsement by blood, marriage or adoption who is a resident of the indi�idual`s
household, including a ward or foster child.
A. For any owned covered "auto" for which Collision and Cornprehensi�e Co�erages are provided, we will pay
far rental reimbursement expenses incurred by you for the rental of an "aufo" because of a covered physical
darnage "lass" ta an owned co�ered "auto". Such payment applies in addition to the okherwise applicable
amount of physical damage coverage you have on a covered "auto". No deductibles apply to this coverage.
�. We will pay only for those expenses inc�trred during the poficy period beginning 24 hvurs after the "loss"
and ending with the earlier of the return or repair of the co�ered "auto", or th� exhaustion of the coverage
C. Our payment is limited to the lesser of the following amounts:
1. IVecessary and actual expenses incurred; or
2. $30 per day with a maximum of $900 in any one period.
AC �4 0711 17 O 2017 Liberty Muival Insurance Page 7 of �0
Includes coPyrighted material of Insurance Services Office, Inc., with its permission.
�. This coverage does not apply:
9. While there are spare or reserve "autos" available to you for your operations; or
�. If coverage is provided by another endorsement aktached to this policy.
i�, [f a covered "loss" results frorr� the total iheft of a co�ered "auto" of the private passenger type, we will pay
under this coverage only that amount of your rental reimbursement expenses which is not already provided
for under Paragraph A.4. Coverage Extensions of S�CiIOP� III —�bYSICAL DARflAG� COV�RAGE of
the Business Auto Co�erage Form ar Section Vll of this endorsement.
A. Paragraph A.�. of the COMiiAOW �O�ICY COf�DIiIONS is char�ged to:
a. We may cancel or non-renew t�is palicy by maili�g written notice of cancellation or nan-renewal to the
Named Insured, and to any name(s) and address(es) shown in the Cancellation and Non-renewal
a. For reasons of non-payment, #he greater of:
(1) 10 days; or
(2j 7he number of days specified in any other Cancellation Condi#ion attached to this policy; or
b. For reasons other than non-payment, the greater of:
{1) 60 days;
(aj The number of days shawn in the Cancellation and Non-renewa! 5chedule; or
(3} The number of days specified in any other Canceflation Condition attached to this policy,
prior to the effecti�e date of the cancellation or non-renewal.
�. Ali other terms of Paragraph A. of the COM[�AOP! POI�ICY COP��IiIOWS, and any amend�nents thereto,
remain in full force and effect.
The folfowing is added to Paragraph C. Limits Of Ins[�rance of S�CT'ION III -�HYSICAL DAIU�AG�
In the event of a total "loss" to a covered "auto" of the pri�ate passenger type shown in the schedule or
dec�arations for which Collision and Comprehensive Coverage apply, we will pay any unpaid amou�t due an
the lease or loan for that co�ered "auto", less:
1. The amount paid �ander the �'HYSICA� �A14AAG� COV�RAG� S�C�IOfV of the policy; and
a. Any:
a. Overdue ieaselloan payrr�ents at the time of the "loss";
b. FEnanciaE penalties imposed under a lease for excessive use, abnormal wear and tear or high rr�ileage;
c. Security deposits not returned by the lessor;
d. Costs for extended warranties, Credit Life Insurance, Heal#h, Accident or Disability Insurance
purchased with the loan or fease; and
AC 84 0'� 71 17 O 2017 Liberty Mutual Insurance Page $ of 14
Includes oopyrighted materia! of Insurance Services Office, Inc., wikh its permission.
e. Carry-over balances from previaus loans or leases.
This coverage is lirnited to a maximum af $1,500 far each covered "auto".
A. Coverage
1. Paragraph �.�. of SECiIOA� N-�USIN�SS AU�O COI�bIiIOWS is amended by the additior� of the
The coverage territory is extended to include Mexico but only if all of the following criteria are met:
a. The "accicEents" or "loss" occurs within 25 miles of the United Sta#es border; and
b. While on a trip into Mexico for '10 days or less.
2. For co�erage providec! by this section of the endorsement, Paragraph 6.5. Other Insurance in
S�CT70N 1V -�U51N�SS AUYO CON�]ITIQF�S is replaced by the following:
The insurance pro�ided by this endorsement will be excess over any other collectible insurance.
Q. Physical �amage Coverage is amended by the addition of the following:
If a"loss" to a covered "auto" occurs in Mexico, we will pay for such "loss" �n the United States. If the
co�ered "auto" must be repaired in Mexico in arder to be dri�en, we will not pay mvre than the actual cash
�alue of such "loss" at the nearest United States point where the repairs can be made.
C. Additional �xclusions
The folfowing additional exclusions are added:
This insurance does not apply:
1. ff fhe covered "auto" is not principally garaged and principaHy used in the United States.
a. To any "insured" who is no# a resident of the United States.
Paragraph A.�. in S�CTIOPE IV -�USIh1C�SS AUTO CORlpITfOPES does not apply to any person vr organization
where the Named Insured has agreed, by written contract executed prior to the date of "accident", to waive
r�ghts of recovery against such person or organization.
AC 84 0711 7�' O 2017 Libe[ty Mutual Insurance Page 9 of 10
Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office, Inc., with its permission.
Physicai Damage
Total Premium
XVIII. drive Otherr Car �IA� IYroP
Name of Individual
UR+O UI11�
C014AP CO�,�
XX. �latice of Canceliation or iVonrrenewal
[�ame and Atldress
Wumber of �ays
AC �4 0711 77 O 2017 Liberty Mutual fnsurance Page 10 of 10
fncludes copyrighied material of Insurance 5ervices Office, Inc., wiih its permission.
This endorsement applies only to the insurante provided by the policy because Texas is shown in item 3.A. of the
Infarmation Page.
We ha�e the right to recover our payments fram anyone liable for an injury co�ered by this poli�y. We will �ot
enforce our right against the person or organization named in the Schedule, but thi5 waiver applies only with respect
to bodily injury arising out of the operatians described in the Sthedule where you are required by a writter� cantract
to obtain this wai�er from us.
This endorsement shall nat operate directly or iRdirectly to bene#it anyone not named in the 5ehedule.
The premium for this endorsement is shawn in the 5chedule.
1. ( } 5pecific Waiver
Name af persan or organization
(K) Blanket Waiver
Any �ersor� or organization for whom the Named Insured has agreed by written contract to fur�ish this waiver.
2. O�erations:
All Texas operations
3. Premium:
The premium charge fvr this endorsement shal
connection with work performed for the above
I be 2.0 percent of the premium developed on payroll in
persor�(sy or arganization(s) arising out of the aperations
4. Advance Premium:
Issued t�y Liberty Mulual Fire Insurance Company16586
For attachrnent to Poficy No.WC2-Z91-A7'l905-010 Eftec6ve �ale
Esst�ed to BeanElectrical.lnc.
Premium "h
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