HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 53407-A4CSC No. 53407-A4 AMENL]MENT ND. � T❑ CITY SECRETARY CUNTRACT Na. 53447 "I"his Amendment is executed by and between the City af Fort Worth (hereafter "City"), a hnme-ru�e municipalit_y, with its pr�ncipal place of business at 2UU Texas Street, Fort Worth, Texas, and TRAF-SYS, INC. [hereafter "Vendor"). a corporation. City and Vendor shall �e referreci tn indi��idually as a``I'arty' and callecti�ely as the '`�'arties." WH EREAS, ❑n January ] 4. 2�2fl, the I'arties previausly entered into City Secretary C:ontract 53407 (the "Agreement"}; and WHEREAS, the Agreement was executed for Vendor to provide people caunting equipmen# and reporling for all City library loca�ians; and WHERFAS, the Agreenlent was most re�ently renewed t far cantinued ser�ices pursuant to the original Agreeme��t for an additional year, specifically from Jai�uary 1, 2021 ta Decem6er _i 1. 2�21; and WHEREAS, the Parties now� ��ish to amend the Agreement for the purpose at� updati�ig Gity lihrary lacations and entry points, specifically by add'sn� nne cntry pc�int far both the new Reby Cary Yt�uth Librar�• and tl�e La Gran Biblioteca locations. NDVN, THEREFQRE, Ci[y and Vendor acting herein by and through their duly autliorired representatives, enter into t��e fnllc�wii�g a�reerne�lt zo renew the coritra�t: 1. AMENDMEhTS TU AGREEMENT 1. Exiiibit A, Scope of Services, is hereby amended and replaced in its entir�ty with the attached �.x�ibit A. 2. ALL UTHER TER11�iS SHALL REMAIN THE SAME R11 other pro�isio��s oiihe Cont�-ac€ which are i�ot ex�aressly arne��dcd herein shall remain in full force and effect. 3. ELECTRUNIC SIGNATURE This Amendment may he executed in multiple counter�sarts, each of which shall be an original and all of wl�ich shall constitute one as�d the sa�7�e instrument. A facsimife copy° or c��mputer irna��, suc1� as a PDF ar tiff image, Ur a si�nature, shall be treated as and sliall liave the same ef'fect as an nrigina�. [Si�natus-e page F�llows} OFFICIAL RECORD CITY SECRETARY CSC 534�7, An�en�ment 4 FT. W�RTH, TX � At'CEI'TED AIVD ACREED: CiTY ClF F(}k'�' VL'C)RTH: 1S� 8r.r�A�ir%� ���; DanaBurghdoff(NYay21,2 12�� Dana Burghdoff ,'lssistaiit City !�1ana��er oate: 05/21/2021 APPRUVAL RECO!VIMEIYDED: $� ���_�a� $v: Marilyii Mar�in � As�istarit LihF�ar� [�iz�ectoi� ' �,o.-o.������ ATTEST: �� FoFORr�ya�� a � a s : ������ � ~� o ���� � ��a o=� 0 00 � 0 VIary J. Ka� ser �a'f °oo o�`,y °000000� � L"ity Se�z�etaz�; a��� �EXASb�'.e CDi�iTRACT C[]MPLIANCE MANAGF:FL; By sigIll�]g t acknc�wledge that 1 am the p�rsan respansible f��r tl�e m��nitnring and administration of this �ontract, inclitdin�� ensuring all perf'or�nan�e and reporting requireitients. �s�� P gy: � Timothy 5hidal Adn�inistrative 5er�ices Manager APPRUVEll AS TQ FUR;VI AIYD LEi;ALITY: ���. gy: ,/ ]essika Wiiliams Assiscaiit City Atiorney Urdinance Na. ?4I61-04-?[]?0 C[]NTRACT AUTHGRI7,ATIQN: M&C:NIA 1295: iVIA C5C S3�[]7. Amendmetit 4 VENDUR: .�. . . �, ��': Nan�e: C.hristopher Wadsworth 'I-itle� President �aie: 512QI2��1 '.Va�ne: Mict3eie arcic �'ille: C'c�i�trnllcr .�TTEST: OFFICIAL RECORD CITY SECRETARY FT. W�RTH, TX Fage 2 of 3 EXHIBIT A 5Cf]PE DF SEI2VICES �I1ie �endar sl�all pra�ide a solutian ta couni Library patrc��s en[ering and �eaving each 1.i�rary location. Current Library l«cations aizd estimated details abn�it each publi� entry points are listed below. Door ciimens�ons rovided are a ro�imated and �hotild be verified b the vendor. Entry Entry aoor #1 Er�try Door #2 Entry paor #3 Locations Points (Width�Heightj {Wicfth�Heighty �Width�Heighta C E N 1 5' 10" x 11'4" --- --- ❑HJ � 5'8"x9'11" --- --- E6Y 1 6'1" x 7'�" --- --- EM5 � 5'1" x g'�" 6�Q�� x 7'1i" --- E5K 2 3'�" x 6'�,1" 3'fl„ x 6'11" --- ESTR 1 S'5" x 7'i" --- --- GDT 3 5'S" k 7�Z�� 5,5•� x �,2„ 3�D„ x 7`1D„ LG8 1 T6p --- ___ NRS 1 6'�" x 5'1Q" --- --_ NRW � 12'a" x 6'17," --- --- RCY 1 5'S" x 7'2" --- --- RdG z 6'Q" x 7'9" 5'11" x 7'9" --_ RV5 2 5'1" x 7'1" 6�5�� x 11'7" --- 5EM I 5'�" x 5'J.1" --- --- SGN 1 5'6" x 7'4" --- --- SWTR 3 5'7" x g�2�� 3,0�� x 9�Z�� 3�D�� x gf�,� WWf] 2 2'10" x 6'11" Z'1Q" x 6'11" --- The vendor shalI pra��ide its tun�-key solution, tl�e Gazelle Peaple �Counter, which includes all hardware. saftware, iicenses, instaliation, support, and traini�i� for the term of this Agreement. The Gazelle Peapie Counter is more specifically desca�i�ed at the e��d af this �xhibit. City shaii own any hard�r•are instaiied underthis A�reement. The �endor shall cattfi���re arrd instail all physical equipment and conne�tions ��°ithin 12 weeks following execufion af this Agreement �y both Parties. The �endor shall utiiize the City's Ii�f'arniatic�n Tecfiix�lc�gy Soiutions (IT5} department a�pro�ed data wirin� contractors if required durii�g the instailation phase. The �endor shall setup and configure data hostin� and �allection of data. The �endar shall setu� and contigure an demand reparts tl�ai can be exporEed, and scheduled f"or automati� deli�err�, "f'he �endor will alsa pro�ide trai�iing fnr report customizatic�ns. All data coliected slaall be owned Uy the City, Vendor shail not a��ess the City's sectired data network unless the C'ity agrees for it to do sa in a separate written iilstrument or l�y amend��ient to this Agreement. Vendor �� iii ha�e acc�ss to the unsecured puhlic data net��ark. C'SC 534{]7, An�endment 4 Page 3 uf 3