HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 55763� ������A�Y
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This Settlement Agreement is rnade and ente�red into as af the Effective Date (as hereinafter
defned) by ana between the City of Northlake, a Type A General Law municipality situated in
Denton County, Texas ("Northlake"); the Cify of Justi�, a Type A General Law municipality
situated in Denton County, Texas ("Justin"}; and the City of Fort Worth, a home r�Ie municipality
siivated in Taarrant, Den�on, Wise and Paxker Counties, Texas ("Fort Worth"), such three
municipaliti�s being coll�ctiv�7y referred to herein a� the "Parties" and each individuaily as a
1. Northlake, Fort Worth and J�stin are parties in the case of Town of Northlake v.
City of Justin, No. 15-48 � 70-367 pending in the district court of Denton County, Texas (t�e
"Denton Counry Case"); which generally concerns e�tra-t�rritarial jurisdicfion ("ETJ") boundary
disputes betvveen Northlake, Justin and Fart Worth; and
2. The proceduraI hisiory of the Denton County Case involves an appeal to the
Texarkana Court of AppeaIs styled City ofJustin v. Tawn ofNo�thlake, Docket No. 06-17-Q0054-
CV, and a Petition for Review to the Texas Supreme Court in Town of No�thlalce v. City af Justin,
Case No. 18-0651, and a plea in intervention by Fort `TVorth in support of Northlake's c�aims; and
3. The Parties are entering into �his Settlement Agreement as a compromise and
resolution of a11 claims asserted, ox which could have been asserted, by the Parties ira the Denton
County Case.
NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual rights and obligaiions set forth herein,
and other good and valuable consideration the receipt and suffici�ncy af which az�e hereby
acknowl�dg�d, the Parties �gree as follows:
1 A 1. Release of North�ake and Fort Warth. Except for those rights and obligations arising
out of this Settiement Agreement and the attached and referenced exhibits, or a breach thereof,
Justin fully and finatly releases, acquits, and forever disc�arges Narthla%e and Fort Warth, and
their employees and eleeted officials, of and froan any and a�l disputes, ciaims, cross-actions,
claims for attarney's fees, and causes of action of any kind whatsoevex, that Justin has against them
which were or could have b�en asserted in the Denton County Case.
1.02. Release of Justin. Except for those rights and obligatians arising o�t of this
Settlement Agr��ment and the attached and referenced exhibits or a breach ihereo:F, North�ake and
Fort Worth fu�ly and finally release, acquit, and forever discharge Justin and its employees and
elected afficials, of and frnm any and all disputes, claims, caross-actions, claims fox attorney's fees,
and causes of actian of any kind whatsaever, that they have against Justin which were or could
have been asserted in the Denton County Case.
1.03. Release of Narthlake and Fort Worth b�ne Another._ _Except fo�ese.�#���
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obligations ar�sing out of ihis Settlemient Agreement and the attached and referenced exnibiis, or
a breach thereof, Northla�e fully and finally releases, acquits, and forever discharges Fort Worth,
and Fort Worth forever discharges Northlake, and their emp�oyees and elected officials, of and
from any anc� all disputes, claims, cross-actions, claims for attorney's fees, and causes o� action o�
any kind whatsoever, that Northla�e ar Fort Worth ha� against one another which were or could
have been asserted in the Denton County Case.
1.04. VVithin 10 days of Fort Worth approving and executing Exhibits A, B, and C, Justin
shall dismiss w�th prejudice its lawsuit against the Texas Commission Qn Enviranmenfal Quality
("TCEQ"} challenging the TCEQ's decision to approve the creatian of Denton Caunty M.U.D.
Na. 10 in the Travis County District Court case of City ofJustin v. T'oby Baker, Executive Direci�or
of TCEQ, Cause No. D-1-GN-20-4Q208� and Justin shall withdraw ihe protest it fi�ed against the
TCEQ's appro�al of wastewater discharge Perrnit No. WQ001-15803-001 as appliec� for by
Denton County M.U.D. No. 10.
1.05. Attarney's Fees and Cosis. Each Party shall bear its own attorney's fees and costs of
caurt, including the costs of negotiating and preparing settlement documents.
1.06. Dismissal of Action. Within 10 days of Fort Worth approving and executing Exhibits
A, B, and C, the Parties shall jointly file ihe agreed arder attached as Exhibit D in the Denion
County Case, dismissing with prejuc�.ice aIl c�aims that had or may have had against each other.
�.07. No Admissions. By entering into this Settlerr�ent Agr�ement, r�o Party is making any
adrnission as to any liability, wz�ongdoing ar factual allegation concerning claims made in the
Denton County Case. Furthermore, by entering into this Agreement, no Party is making any
admission of liability or acquiescing to any posi�ians taken by the Parties with respect to: (i) the
ETJ baundaries of the Parties or (ii) �he retail water and sewer utility service righ�s for ine areas
�ubject to the Denton County Case. The Parties enter into this Agreement and release solely for
the purpose of compromise and settlexnent, to buy peace, and to avoid and reduce the hazards,
expenses, and uncertainties of litigation. Each Party acknowledges that the other has denied and
continues to deny alI all�gations made by the other.
2.01. North�ake agrees that an or before Apri124, 2021, it shail approve and execute the
Interlocal Agreement attached as Exhibit A and adopt the Joint Resolution attached as Exhibii B.
2.02. Justin agrees that on or before Apri128, 2021, it sha�l approve and execute the
Interlocal Agreement attached as Exhibit A and adopt the Joint Resoluiion attached as Exhibit B.
2.02. Fort Worth agrees that on or before May 11, 2021, it shall approve and execute ihe
the Interlacal Agreement attached as Exhibit A, adopt the Joint Resalution attached as E�ibit B,
and adopt ihe Resolution attached as Exhibit C.
2.03. The Parties agree that as to any tracts that they have released oar iha� will be released
and transferred pursuant to Exhibits A- C, they shali not and sha�l noY attempt to retain,
reacquire or claim as ETJ ar as part of their corporate Iimits any part of such tracts by any means,
including but not limited to extensian of ETJ through annexation, population grawtn ar land
owner petitian, nor shall release by any Party of any territory it acquires through Exhibi#s A- C
constitute authorization for any other Party to claim such terrztary, unless by express written
3.01. Confdentialitv. The Parties shall protect the confidentiality of all settlement
discussions related to this Agreeznent to the extent allowed by law and in accordance with the
Texas Pubiic Infonx�ation Act.
3.02. Non-disparagement. No Party shall take any action or make any public assertion
disparaging any of the other Parties in cannection vcrith this Settlerttent Agreement ar the facts and
circurnstances related to the subject rraatters addressed in this Settlement Agreemenf.
3.03. `. Recitals and Exhibits Incorporated. The above and foregoing recitals are hereby
incorporated herein and made a part of #his Agreement as if restated in full. Exhibits A through
F are incarparated herein by reference as if fu�ly set forth and are attached hereto
3.04. Notices. All notices pravided pursuant to this Agre��nent shall be in writing arid
sent by iacsimile andlor first-class postage prepaid and addressed to the Party and to fhe Party's
designated �eprese�tative identified on �he signature page to this Agreement. Any Party may
change the designated representative for receipt of natice by providing notice in writing in
accordance wifh this paragraph to the other Parties.
3.05. Entire A�reement. This Settlement Agreement, its exhibiis, and ihe agreements
identiiied in Section 2.03 contain the entire and complete und�rstanding and agreement of the
Parties hereta, and supersede any prior written or oral agreements among them concerning the
subject matter contained herein or in the agreements identified in Section 2.03. There are no
representatians, agreements, promises, warranties, conditions, arrangements or understandi�gs,
oral ar written, among the Parties hereto, relating ta the subject �natter contaiz�ed in this Settlement
Agreean�nt or in the agreernents identified in Section 2.03, which are not fully expressed hexe�n or
in such agreernents. The right to rely on any aral or written statement of any Party or any failure
of any Party �o state any fact is expressly waived and released.
3.06. No Waiver. No waiver by any Party hereto of any breach or defauIt hereunder shall
be deemed a r�vaiver of any other or subsequent breach or default.
3.07. Bindin� Nature of Ag_reernent. This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to
the benefi# of the Parties and their respective heirs, legai representative, successors and permitted
assigns. No assignment shal l relieve the assigning Party of its obligations under this Agreement.
3.08. EntifiIement to Claims. Each Party vvarrants and represents that it is the awner of
the claims being released herein. Each Party further warrar�ts and represents that it has not sold,
assigned, pledged, transferr�d, waived, released, abandoned, or otherwise encumbered, or dispased
of any interest, right, clairn andlor entiilezx�ent in or to the ciaims being released.
3.09. Ap�licable Law and Venue. This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with
and shall be gaverned �y the laws of the State of Texas. Venue of any litigation arising under this
Agreement or oiherwise between ihe Parties relating to this Agreeinent shall be in th� district court
af Denton County, Texas.
3.10. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in ane ar more counterparts, each
oi which shall be deemed an original but all of which together shall constitute one and the same
3. I 1. Effective Date. This Settlement Agreement shall become eifective on the date that
the Iast Party executes it.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties here#o enter into this Agreement with an Effective
Date as of t�e latest date of tk�e signatu�-es of their respective authorized representatives be�aw.
[Signature Pages to Fallow]
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Exhibits List
Settlement A�reement
Fort Wor�h, l�Tor�hZake and Justin
Exhibit A: �nterlocal Agreement among Parties with E�ibits
Exhibit B: Joini Reso�ution among Parties with Exhibits
Exhibit C: Fort Worth with E�ibits
E�ibit D: Agr�ed Judgment Form
inierlocai Agreement with Exhibiis
This Interlocal Agreement ("Agreement"} is by and between the City of 3ustin, Texas
("Justin"}, a general law municipali#y, and the Tawn of Northlake, Texas ("NorthZake"}, a general
law municipality, and the City of Fort Wart�, a home rtYle municipality, collectively "the Parties,"
for the release, acceptanc� and allocation of extraterritarial jw7isdiction ("ETJ"} between Justin
and Northiake.
The following recitals are deemed by the Parties as true and correct in all ma#erial
1. On August 3Q, 2019, the Texas Supreme Court denied Northlake's Petition for
Review and on Apri13, 202Q, the Texas Supreme Court denied Northlake's motion
for r�hearing in Town of NoYthlake v. City af Justin, 18-0651 {the "Case");
2. On Apri16, 2020, the Case was remanded ta the District Caurt af Dentan County,
Texas for further proceedings;
4. On November 18, 2020, the City of Fort Worth filed its Plea in Intervent�on in the
5. Thereafter, Northlake and Fart Worth entered into settlement negotiations with
Justin, resulting in a Memarandum of Understanding ("MOU") at�.ched as
Exhibit 1; and
6. This Agreement itnplements the MOU.
Now therefore the Parties, for good and suff-�cient consideration do hereby agree as fallows:
A. Subject Tracts. This Article I i�np�ements the provisions of the MOU regarding
ETJ. The taracts subject to this Agreement are depicted on Exhibit 2 atta.ched hereto
(being the f rst exhibit of the MOU) as tracts A through I, sepa�ately depicted and
described in Exhibits 3(tract A), 4{tract B), 5{tract C}, 6(tract D), 7(tract E), S
(tract �'}, 9{tract G}, 10 (tract H) and I 1(t;ract I), respectively, and attached hereto.
B. Tracts A through D.
L Initial Release of ETJ Claims b Justin. Justin hereby agrees, as of tl�e
effective date of this Agreement, but in any event not later than Apri128, 2021, to
release from its ETJ by resolution, pursuant to section 42.023 of tl�e Texas Local
Government Code, all of t�racts B, C and D and that part of tract A that is within
ane (1) mile of Northlake's Corporafe Limits (hereinafter the "Initial Release"}.
2. Disannexation b,y Justi_n. Justin shall disannex tract C priar to �he Ini�a�
Release and by the effective date of this Agreement, but in no event later than April
28, 2021.
3. Subse uent Releases af ETJ b J�stin. Jusfin agrees to release the portion
of its ETJ in tract A not included in the Irutial ReIease as follows:
a. Without �urkher action by Justin, upon Northlake's annexation of
territory within its ETJ, that portion of Tract A that lies within one
rr�i�e fram the resulting corporate boundaries of Northla.ke by such
annexation shall become the exclusive ETJ of Northlake on the
effec�ive date thereof. NorthIake sha11 notify 3ustin of such
annexation and the extens�on of its ETJ within 1 Q days of the
effective date thereof and Justin and Northlake shall modify their
corpnrate and ETJ boundaries accordingly. ,
b. Upan notification by Narthlake to Justin that Northlake has received
a request by t�e owner(s) of land in tract A that was nat included in
the Tnitial Release to expand Narthlake's ETJ to include such land,
Justin sha11 release such territory ez�clusively #o Northlake, effective
upon Narihlake's adoption of a resol�tion or ordinance including the
property witl�in iis ETJ.
c. Northlake and Justin may use any other available means autharized
by Tex. Loc. Gav't Chapters 42 or 43 in order to trarisfer that portion
of Tract A not included in the Initial Release frorn ]ustin's ETJ to
Northlake's ETJ.
C. Tracts E through I. Fort Worth, Justin and Northlake sha1l adopt a Joint Resolution,
substantially in the form of Exlzibit 12 attached hereto, that contains the fol�owing
Fort Worth shall reduce its ETJ in tracts E, G and H and Justin shal� expand
its ETJ� to include such t�racts.
2. Justin shall reduce its ETJ in tract F and release its claim to ETJ in tract I
and Fart Worth shall expand its ETJ to include such tracts.
3. Northlake sha.11 release its claims to ET7 in tracts E, G and H. Northlake
also shall adopt a separate resolufion r�leasing its claims to ETJ in tracts E,
G and H. on or before Aprii 29, 2021.
D. Ad'ustment of Boundaries. The Parties shall adjust their corporate baundaries ar
ET3 boundaries as their corpoxate boundaries and ETJ boundaries change in a
manner tl�at is consistent with this Agreement.
E. Boundary Agreement. All parties agree that as to any trac�s that they have released
or that will be tratisferred by agreement, they shall not and sha�l not attempt to
retain, reacquire ar ciaim as ETJ or as part of their carporate limits any pa.rk of such
tracts by any mearas, including but not limited to ex#ension of ET� tl�rough
annexation, population growth or land awner petition, nor shall release by any Party
of any ter�itory it acquires through this Agre�ment constitute authorizativn far ariy
other Party to claim such territory, unless by express written amendment of this
F. �ubdivisions. Each Party shail have the ez�clusive jurisdiction to regtt�a�e
subdivision plats and approve subdivision construction. plans consistent with the
ETJ boundaries established under this article of this Agreement, in accardance with
Chapter 212 of the Texas Local Gavert�rr�ent Code (TLGC), as amended, and other
statutes applicable to the ETJ of Texas municipalities.
A. Retail Water Utility Service.
1. Retail Water Utilit Service b Northlake. As betr�veen Northlake and
Justin, Northlake shaIl have the exclusive authority and right to extend and
provide retail water utility service to all areas released or ta be released by
Justin under the terms af Article I, which comprise Tracts A, B, C, D, and I
illustrated on Exhibit 2.
2. Retail Water Utili Service b Justin. As between Northlake and Justin,
Justin sha11 have the exclusive authority and right to extend and provide
retaii water utility service to all areas subject to Northlal�e's and Fart
Warth's release of c�aims under Section I.D, which comprise Tracts E, G,
and H illustrated an Exhibit 2.
3. Retail Water Utilit Service within Tract F. As between Northlake and
Justin, Northlake shall have tihe exclusive authority and right to extend and
provide retail water utility service to portions af Tract F, as illus#rated in
Exhibit 2, east of F.M. Road 156. Jus�in shall have the exclusive authority
and right to extend and provide retaii waier utility service ta portions of
Tract F, as i�lustrated in Exhibit 2, west of F.M. Road 156.
B. Retail Sewer Utility Service.
Retail Sewer Utilitv Service b_y Northlake. As between Narthlake and
Jusrin, Northlake shall have the exclusive authoriiy and right to extend and
provide retail sewer utility service to Tracts A, B, C, D, E, F, and I illustrated
on Exhibii 2.
2. Retail Sewer Utilittv Service b�n. As between Narthlake and Justin,
Justin shall have the exclusive authority arid right to extend and provide
retail sewer utility service to Tracts G and H illustrated on Exhibit 2.
C. Othc�r Provisions for Water and Sewer Utilit Services.
�. Re ula� #ory Ap�rovals. Each Party �nay include a.il areas'ta which it has
exclusive right of se�-vice under this Agreement within its re�pective
Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CCN") in accordance
with applicable legal requirements, including but not limited to Chapter 13
of �he Texas Water Code and the ru�es of the PubIic Utility Cornmission of
Texas {"PUC"} and subject to cansent or decertificatian fram any entity not
party to this Agreement currently certificated by PUC to prov�de retail water
or sewer service within any tracts subject ta this Agreement.
2. Actions ta Implement Ailoca�on af Water and Sewer Service Ri�hts. The
Parties shall cooperate in taking all actions reasonably necessary to
implement and effectuate the allocatian af retail water and sewer service
rights as described in this Agreement, including prosecution of applications
before the PUC to amen� each Party's respect'ive certificated water and
sewer service area boundaries. The mutual covenants an.d re�eases between
the Pariies contained in the Settlement Agreement and this Agreement
cons#atute the considera#aon for such CCN amendments. No other
consideratian shall be owed to Justin or Northlake for such CCN
3, CCN Service Area Transfer A_eements. Any tran�fer between the Parties
af certifieated wa#er and scwer service area that is required far the Parties
ta implement the terms of this Agreement shall be accomplished tbxough a
separate agreement or agreements between the Parties or between a Party
and any certificated water or sew�r service provider under Texas Water
Code Section 13.248 or through any other means that is allowable under
PUC rules. Any Seciion 13.248 Agreement entered into by and between
J�stin and Northlake to effectuate tlie terms of this Agr��ment shall
substantially be in the form as set forth in E�ibit 13.
4. Water Tm act Fees. Northlake and Fort Warth hereby authorize Justin ta
charge impact fees far capital improvements related to watez� supp�y,
treatment, and distributian facilities within the portion a� Tract F allocated
to Justin as described in Section II.A.3. In charging impact fees within Tract
F, Justin shatl comply with all applicable provisions of Chap#er 395 of �he
Texas Local Government Code.
5. Wastewater Tmpact Fees. If and when Narthlake becames an authorized
retail sewer service provider in Tract E, Justin hereby authorizes Northlake
to charge wastewater impact Fees within Tract E and Northlake shall impose
and collect a was#ewater impac# fee far new developrnents within those
areas consistent with the requiremen#s of Chapter 395 of the Texas Local
Government Code. Northlake shall make annual payments to Justin
equivalent to 100% of the wastewater impact fees actually collected during
each calendar year from new developments wiihin the areas identified in
this section. Northlake shall malce such payments to Justin by March 31 of
the year following the calendar year in which such impac# fees are collected.
6. daint Bi11in�A�reement for Tract E. In the event Justin becomes the
exclusive retail water service provider for a11 or a portian of Tract E and �
Northiake becornes the e�clusive reta.il sewer service provider for all or a
portion of Tract E, Jus#in and North�ake will enter into a joint billing
agreement providing for the water and sewer utility billing of joint
customers within such areas under a single m.ontiily bill. To the extent
allowed by the utility service tariffs and rules of Justin and Northlake, such
agreemen# may provide for termination of water or sewer service for failure
of a customer to timeIy pay either a water or sewer billing.
7. Other Actions to Implenzent Alioeation of Water and Sewer Se�rvice Rights.
The Parties shatl not undertake any action to provide retail wa#er service to
property, or to acquire the retail water service �ights for property, that is
inconsistent with this Agreement. To the extent a Party has already
commenced negatiations ar undertaken measures to acquire retail water
service rights to property that will be inconsisten� with this Agreement when
executed, such Party shali abandon such nego�ia�ions and rneasures no later
than ten (10) days after the Effective Date of this Agreement; provided
however a Party may en�er into negotiations with a third pa.rty for an
agreement concerning water utility service that is noi inconsistent with the
terms of this Agreement. The Parties shall nat u�tervene in, oppose, or
otherwise cantest any PUC proceeding initiated by a Party tv modify
certificated water serv'rce area in compliance with this Agreement unless
such intervention is legally nec�ssary to obtain PUC approval.
A. Inco oratian of Reciials and Exhibits. The Recitals to this Agreement and
E�ibits 1 through 13 herein referenced are incarporated inta tlzis Agreement and rnade a part
hereof as if fuily se# forth.
B. Term and Effective Dafe. Th� term of this Agreement shall be 25 years from its
Effective Date, which is the date the last of the Parties executes the Agreement. The term may be
extended by the mutual written agreement of the Parti�s.
C. No Third-Party Beneficiaries. The benefits and burdens of this Agreement are
exclusive to the Parties. None of the cavenants herein contained shall be construed to create any
third-party beneficiary or create any claim for relief in a third party.
D. Soverei�n Immunitv. By entering into and executing this Agreement, the Parties
Parties do not waive, limit or surrender their respective sovereign immunity, except as specif cally
prov�ded for herein.
E. Arnendment. This Agreement may be amended only in a writte� agreement
executed by the Parti�s hereto.
F. Savin�s and Sev�rabiIity_. In the event that any one or more of the sections,
subsections, provisions, clauses or words of this Agreement or the application of such sections,
subsec#ions, provisions, clauses or wards to any situation or circumstance sha11 be, or should be
held to be, for any reason,lnvalia or unconstitutibnal, under the laws or constitutions of the S�ate
of Texas or the United Statss of America, or in contravention of any such Iaws or constitutions,
such invalidity, unconstihztionality or contravention sh�all nat affect any other sections,
subsectians, provisions, clauses or words of this Agreement or the application of such sections,
subsections, provisions, clauses ar wards to any other situation or circumstances, and it is intenc�ed
that this Agreement sha11 be severable and shall be construed and applied as if any such invalid ar
unconstitutional section, subsection, provision, clause or word had not been included herein, and
the rights and obligations of the Parties hereto shall be construed and remain in force accordingly.
G. Joint Dxaftin�. This Agreement shal� be deemed drafted equally by the parties
hereto. The language of all parts of this Agreement shall be construed as a whole according ta i#s
fai� meaning, and the presumptian ar pri�ciple that the language herein is to be construed against
either party shall not apply.
H. Recordation. This Agreement, all amendments and joinders thereto, and
assignments tk�ereof, sha�l be recorded in the proper�y recards af Denton County, Texas.
I. Authoriza#ian. Each Party represents to the other that it is fully authorized to enter
into this Amendment and to perform its obligatians hereunder and that no waiver, cansen#,
approval, or authorization fram any third party is required to be obtained or made in connection
with the execution, delivery, or performance of this Agreement in accordance with its terms.
J. Relationshi vf the Parties. Nothing in this Agreement shall be deemed or
consirued by the Parties, or by any third party, as creating the relationship of principal and agent
or of a partnership or joint venture between any of the Parties, nar any joint ent�rprise.
K. Successors and Assi�. This Agreement shall bind and shall be %r the sale a.rid
exclusive benefit of, the Parties and their legal successors, and create np rights in other parties,
including the public at large. No Party sha�l assign its interes� in this Agreement without the prior
written consent of the otlier Party, unless otherwise provided by iaw.
L. References to Statutor Provisions. Any reference to a statute is to its current
version and as it may be amended froxn time to time.
M. Notices. Notices shall be sent as to the persons and addresses that foilQw. Either
Party may further change its address for no#ices and communications hereunder by providing
notice pursuant ta this section.
If to Northlake:
Shirley Rogers
Tawn Secretary
Town of Northlake
1500 Commons Circ�e Drive
Northlake, Texas 7622f
townsecretarl � .�wr�.n�rthlak�.tx,us
(940) 648-3290 x {202)
Copy to:
Ashley Dierker
Town Attorney
Taylor Olson Adkins Sra.11 & Elam, LLP
6000 Western Place, Suite 200
Fort Worth, Texas 76107
adie�kex, , ;aase.�om
(��7) 332-2580
Tf to Justin:
Charles Ewing
City Manager
City of Justin
415 Narth College Ave.
Justin, Texas 7fi247
ce�-in s a)Lci��� usi�n.corn
If to Fort Worth:
Dana Burghdoff
Assistant City Manag�r
City of Fort Warth
200 Texas Street
Fort Worth, Texas 761 U2
da�a.b�u� dott�,fortv.nrthtexas,go�
Copy �o:
Matthew Boyle
Boyle Lowry, LLP
City Attorney
4201 Wingren, Suite 108
Irving, Texas 75062
mbo�Gcr��no,yle�iowr ,y_cvm
(972) b50-i100
Copy to:
Christopher Mosley
�enior Assistant City Attorney
City Attorney's Office
200 Texas Street
Fort Warth, Texas 76 i 02
c�ris.mosley{a�fort� arth#�xas.�nv
N. Effective Date. This Interlocal Agreerneni sha11 take effect on the date i# is
ex�cuted by the last Party.
executed counterparts to effectuate this Agreement, w�iich will become effective on the date that
the last Party execuies this Agreement.
Date: , 2021
Date: , 2Q21
Approved As To Form And Legality:
By: ,
Date: , 2021
Approved As To Form And Legality_
Date: , 2021
By: ,
Date: , 2021
Date: , 2021
Approved As To Farm And Legality:
Exhibits List
Interfocal Agreement
Fort wortt,, Justin and Northlake
Exnibit 1:
Exhibit 2:
�xhibit 3:
Exhibit �F:
Exhibit 5:
Exhibit 6:
Exhibit 7:
Exhibit 8:
Exhibit 9:
�xhibit 10:
Exhi�it 11:
Exhibit Z2:
Exhibit 13:
Memorand�m of Understanding
5ubject Property Map
Tract A Map and Legal Description
iract B Map and Legai Description
Tract C Map and Legal Description
Tract D Map and Legal Description
iraet E Map and Legal Description
7ract F Map and Legal Description
Tract G Map and Legal �escription
Tract H Map and Legal Description
Tract I Map and Legal Description
Joint Resolu#ion Form
Sec#ion 13.248 Agreement Form
Ii�Iemorandum of Under�tandin�
I. Par�ies, Purpase and intent
1. Tl�e Parties ta this M�rnorandum of Understanding {"MOU"} at•e ihe Town of
Nort�ilalce, the City of J�stu�: and the City of Fort Worth,
2. T�e purpose of this MOU is to define the terms af settlem�nt af all claixzas asserted
or which could hxve been ass�d by the Parties against one anoiher, past, present
or fi�ture, in To�vn of.Il�arthlake v. City ofJustin, No. 1 S-08X7Q-367, pending iz� the
district court af Denton CauntS+, TX {"the Case"). it is the further pu�pose af this
MOU to define tex�ns by which ETJ baundaries and retail service areas �or water
and wastevva.ter amon� �e Parties shall be determined.
3. It #s the intent of the Pa��ties that all terms contained xr� this iV�DU shalI be included
withix� a format Settlemerat Ag�•eement expediiiotasly ��ecuted by fhe Parties, which
ag7eement shail be incorporated in an Ageeed Judgeme�.t aman.g the Parties. �
4, The Parties in�nd to include additionat terms to thase contained in this MOU i�
the :For.n�xal Settlement Agreement between the Parties as necessary ta complete and
give full aff�ci to tl�e conceptual agreement outlined herein.
5. It is the fix� ther inter�t of #he Pat�ies tv c�opeiate in preparing settlement dac�iments
and to expeditiously undertake the acts herein descxibeci.
6. This M�U pertains to the aa•eas depicted on Exhibit l that is part of this 1V10U.
7. W'laile the Parties intend that the terms outlir�ed in this MOU wilf be refl�cted in the
fo�a.i Settleme�# Agreement, t�is MOU alone cc>nstitutes a non-binding
ap,�•eernent bet�nreen and among the ParEies on teYms to be foxr�ally agireed ta
Ii. AYloc�tion oi ETJ
A. Attached as Exhibit 1 is a map depicting agreed Extra Territorial Jurisdiction ("ET7"}
boundaries betvveen Nor#1�ake, Justiin, and Fort V�7oz�tla.
B.. The Parbies shall cooperate to produce accEa�rate rr�aps af wa#er and w�stew�ter CCNs
allocated under this M�U showing serr�ice areas pie� and post-settlement for each a� the
tracts shown in Exhibit 1, whi.eh rr3aps shatl be ineorpora�d into the Settlement Agreement
as exhibits.
C. A�lacation a£ETJ and Carporate Limits
1. The areas �or which ETJ boundaries have been agreed to are tracts A ihroug� I, as
shawn o�n Exhibit 1.
2. Legal desc37ptions af the sub�ect tracts shall be pxepared as fo�lows:
a. Justin shall prepare the tegal descripiions for traets A#hrough E.
b. Na�-thiake shali prepa�-e the 1ega� descri�ptzans for iracts F tht•augh I.
3. Prior ta �his MOU, Fort i�Vorth and Nott�lake, on the one hand, and Justin on the
ather, disagreed �bout the ETJ status of tracts E, F, G, �I at�d i.
4. The parties now agxee tha.t irac�s E, G a�.d H depicted iu Exhibit �. shaIl b� includec�
in Justin's excl�sive ETJ.
5. ��ae parties •naw agree that tracYs A�, B, C, D, F and T depicted in E�ibit 1 shall �e
included xn Northlake's exclus�ve ETJ.
C. Relinq�ishment of Claisns and Necessary Nleasures.
1. Fox�t Virorth and Northlake shall take ne�essary and appropriate steps io reduee
t1�.eii ET7 in fracts E, G, and H and to utilize appropaxate px�cedures for assuritt�
timely acquisit�on of such ETJ by Justin, inciuding, to the extent their use v�ouId be
lawful, TLGC sections 42.022, 42.023, 43.043{3) snd �3.015. Fort �?�Torih an.d
Nc�rthlal,te shali make such ainendments to their 2020 ETJ� Agreement a� necessary
to conforrn tha# agieein�nt to t�e �TJ �oundaries est.ablished by this M�U.
2. �ustin shatl take aIl necessa�y and appropriafie steps tQ reduce its ETJ in tracts
A,B,C,D, F, a�nd I and tc� utilize appropriate procedu�•es for assraring ti�n.ely
acquisi�iox� of s�ch ETJ by Norihlake, includin�, to the extenf their use wovld �ae
iawful, TLGC sections 42.022, �2.023, 43.QU3(3} an�d 43.O1S. Justin shall disannex
t�•a.ct C and take actzon to reduce its ETJ ta remove this tract.
3. No Party shall chaIlenge the ETJ boundaries to be es#ablished througb. thxs MOU
and ail pat�ties will rnutually waive and release any clainr�s tha.t rx�.y ha.ve against
the ather to chalienge the legality fl� those baunda��ies.
4. Imnr�ediately after final execu�ion of the fo�xna.1 settlem�ni agreerne�t cnnte�nplated
by this MOLJ, each Party shall revise ifis official co�axate limits and ETJ boundary
maps to conforr� to the Exh%bit 1 ar�d in doing sa it �vauld be t�e intent nfthe parties
to describe a aomman boundary line beivveen azxd among them, that rnay only be
altered through agreement among the 1'arties.
5. Jus�in and Fort 'U4�'orth rK►ill expeditiously negotzate asid come to te�nms on an
agreement governing the z�duction by Fv��k Worth af ETJ not descril�ed i.n E�ibit
1 that Jt�stin will claim and the execuiion of that ag�•eement is a conditian precedent
ta the finai execution of #he forma[ settlement agreexxtent con�emplated by tl�s
6. The Parties shall cooperate in G�rrying o�t the pxov�sions of this seci�on II by th�
expedi#ious preparation and execution of a�ettletnent Agreement incorporating #he
texms outlined in this MOU.
III, Aliocafion of Ce�ficate� Are.�s for Wa�er Se�-vice�
A. A1lacation o� Water CCN �ervice A�reas
Attachsd as Exhibit 2 is a map depicting post-settlezx�ent waic:r CCN boundaries for
the ETJ txacts A tlu'nugh I allocated to Northlake nr to Justin under this MOU. The
exist.�ng water CCN boundar.ies for such tracts can be determined by �eeference �o the
aff cial water CCN maps for Denton Cou�iy an file witk� the PUC. As shown on the
i'UC's off cia� CCN inaps, the •wate� CCNs for some of the tracts axe held by n�on-
parties and tract E is zaat cunently cer�ificate� �nder any entity's water CCN.
Northlaka or Jus�in may but is nat obligated to aeq�ire the water CCN �o� a t�'act
from a non-party to this MOU.
2. Fort VLTorth and Nartlilake disciairn any ri�ht a� intention to provide retail water
seivice to T�•act E, #xact F west of the Highway 156 i�ght-of �+ay, iraet G and #ract
H, as �hown on Exhibit 2. Justin shalt have tlae e�elusive right to extend water utility
s�ivi.ee to such t�acts and may, at Just��'s sole discretion, include such trae� wit�in
Justin's certi�ieated ax�ea for water service. Justin will cornply with ail applicab[e
��egulations in acqui��ing certi�cated water service areas.
3, dustin disclaims any righ# or iiitention to prdvide refail water ��rvice �4 Tracts A
through D, tract I and tract F east oithe Highway 156 right of-way, as shown on
Exhibit 2, Northlake shat� k►avc the exclusir+e riglat ta ex�end �uvater u#ility service to
such tracts and may, at No�'thlake's sole discre:tion, include such tracts within
Northlake's certi�cated area fflr water serv�iae. Nort�ilake witl comply vvith all
applicable regu�ations in acquiring cex�tificated water servicc areas.
B, Relinquishment of Claims an�l l�iecessary Meas�res
,�ust�n and Northlake shall take a.11 measures �ecessary tfl effect acquisitian and
�ransfer of water certifica#ed ateas between therra to achieve allocaiio�. of the
certificated areas for water service, as desci7bed in subsection A.
2. No Party s�all enter into negot�ations vr undertake measures to acc�uire water CCN
ri�ts for any of the allocated t��acts unless in ac�vrdance wiih this MOU. If a Party
h�as already entered itato negot�ations or undertaken measures to acquire water CCN
rights that are nvt in accardance with this MOU, the Party shall i�nediately
abando� such n�gotiations and measures upon exec�t�an of a formal Sattlement
3. Justin sha11 ex�ter into any ag�reements with Northia�Ce ptusuant to Tex. Water Code
section 13.24$ that are necessary to iegally transfer any certificated water servicc
area to IVorthlake for t7racts A, B and C and sha11 caopeiate and support the
desig�iation and transfe� of sucl� certificated a�reas to Northlake before the PUC and
ail other state a:�c� local governmen#al bodies required r.u�der relevant and applicable
xegul ations.
4, No Party s1�aI1 intervene in or cantest any peti�.on� to the PUC by another Party or a
non-party to acquixe or de�ertify certificated water service area that is consistent
with the a.ilaoation of water CCN rights under fhis Section IIT unless such
infiervr;ntion is legally necessaty to obtain PUC approval of s�eh pet�tion.
5. The Farfies sha11 cooperate in cart�+ing o�t the provisions of this section III by the
expeditious pxeparation and e�ecu#ian af a Settlement Agreement incorporating the
terms af tl�i.s iVIDU. � � '
6. A Party may enter intn negotiations with any non-pai�ty for an agreeme�.i
concenning water utility serviee that is not inconsistent with the iei�ns of the
Settlement Agree�ent.
IV. AlIoca#ion o#' Cerh�eated Are�s far Wastewater (Sewer) Services
A. A�loaation o#' Wastewater CCN S�iviee Areas
1. Attached as Exhibit 3 is a. map depicti_ng post-s�ttlement wastewater CC�'1
boundaries fvr the ET� tracts A thraugla ��.l�ocated �o Nort�lake ar to Justin under
this MOU. The existing wasiewater CCN �ounda��ies far such tracts can be
detei�nined by i�ef�rence fo the o�'f cial wastewater CCN maps #'or Dentan County
on fi�e with #he PUC. As shown c�i1 ti�:e PUC's official CCN maps traet E is not
eurrent�y certificated undex any entity's wastewater CCN. Northlake or J'ustin may
but is not o�ligated ta a.cquire the wastewaier CCN for a� act from at�y retail public
utilrty that is not party ta t�is MOU.
2. Fort 'Warth �nd Nartl�lake disclaim any t•ight or intenti�n ta provide retail
vvastewater sezvice to Tracts G and H, as sho�wn on Ex�aibrt 3. ��stin sha11 h��e �the
exclusive righ� to extend wastewater collectio� �r sewer service to such t�racts ar�d
may, at Justir�'s sole disc��etion, inelude such txacts within Jusiin's ecrtificated
service arca for wastewate� s�rvice. 7ustin vc+ill comply with� alI applicable
r�gulatioz�s in acc�uiring c�rtificated sewer se�vice areas.
3, Just.�ri disclai�ns ar�y right or intention to prnvide retail vvastewater service to Trac�s
A thirough F�nd tract T, as shovm an Exhibit 3. Nott�lake shall have the exclusive
right to extend vvastewater utility service to such tracts and may, at Northlake's sole
ciiscreiion, include sue}� tracts wi�hin Northlake's certifica�cd ar�a fo� wastewater
service. Nort�€lake wi11 com.ply with all applicable x•egulatxons in acquiring
certificated �avastewater water service a��eas.
B. Relinquishment of Claims an.d rlecessary Measures
1. Justin and Northlake shall take aIl measures necessary to e�fect acquisitior� and
hans�er of wastewatex certificated areas between tl��rn to achieve a�locatian of the
certificated areas for wastewateX service, as c�escrib�d in s€�bsection A.
2, No Pai-ty sh�l underta�Ce nneasures to acc�uue wastewater CCN rights for any of the
a.11ocated hacts uu�less in accordance wi,ih this MOU. if a Pay�iy has already
undertaieen measures #o acquire the vvastewatez• CCN rights that ay.�e nat in
accordanee wi#h this MOU, the Pat�ty shall itnr��diately abandon such efforts upon
�x�cution of a �ormal Settlemer�t Agreement.
3. 7us�i� shall enter inta any agreem.e�ts with Nortl�lake pursuant to Tex, Water Code
, sec�.on 13.2�8 �ecessa�y to legally transfer any and all of its certificated wastewater
service righ#s to Narthlake fox hacts A through C and iract I a�d shall cooperate
and suppo�•t the designatian and transfer of such certificated at•eas to Northlake
before the PUC and any other state and local governrnental bodies �equixed under
relevant and applicable regulations.
q�, Northiake shall enter into any agreemenf with Justin puxsuan� to Tex. Water Code
section 13.248 necessaxy to iransfer any and all a� its certificated wastewaier
ser�ice rights tv Justi� fo�• hacis G az�d H a�d shall caopexate and support the
designa�ion and transfez of such cf:rt'�f'icated areas to NorEl�ake Uefore the PUC and
alI other state and Iacal gavernimental bodies required under relevant and ap�licable
S. 1�Io Pax�ty shall i�itervene in ox contest �ny petition tfl the PUC by anQther Pariy or a
n.an party to acquire or decertify certxficated sewer service area that is eonsistent
witt� the allocatian o� sewer CCN rig[�ts undex this Section III unless sucl�
inierventian is leg�ly necessary ta obtain PUC approval v� such petition.
6. Justin shaIl, immediat�ly after fina]. execution af t�e foi�nal sett�ement agreement
contemp�ated by this MOi3, disaniss with prejudice anq pending actions ox• clair�s
before the TCEQ, the PUC ar in the district eourts which ai� contrary to the
alloca#ic�n of wastewater CCN service righfs �c�.er this MOU, including hut not
li�ited to Cfty of Justin v Toby Baker, Cause No. D-1-GN-20-Q02084 naw pen.dtng
befare the district court of Tz�.v�s Cour�ty, `�'X. �ustin shall, upor� fnal execution of
a fazmai Settlement A�gree�nen� among thr; Parties, unconditianally withdraw its
requesE far a can#ested ease hearing in TCEQ's on�oing praceeding on the
appliea�ion by Dentvn County Munieipal UtiIity Distr€ct No. 10 for'X'e�as Pollutant
Dischaxge Elimination System Permit No. 'V�QOO15S03a01..
7. The �art�es sha�l eoope��ate in canying out the pro�isions of thi� section IV by the
exp�ditious px�epararion and execution of a Settleineni Agreexn�t incorporating the
te�ns ofthis MOU.
S. A Party may enter into negotiations wifih any non-party for an agreement
concerning wastevvate� utility service that is not inconsistent with the terms of tk�e
Seitlement Agreement.
C. Equivalent Payments far Was�ewater Impact Fees for Tract E.
�, �IoF�hlake shall impase and coll�ct wastewater impact fees �xorn new developments
withi� Tract E consistent with� Tex, Lnc. Gov't Cade Chapter 395.
2. Northlake shall m�e annual payments to J'ustin equieaient #0 100°/a of the
wastewater itnpact fees actua�ly collected from new developrr�ents withi�z Ttact E
within the calenda� year,
V. General Terxus of Settlement
The �ettlement Agreement shalt contain the following add�tional ter�ns:
No pariy shall adrniti liahiiity for claims asse��ed by other parties �d aIl pa�•�es
expi�essly deny such liability.
2, Each pa�rty shall be responsible for iis orwn attorney's fees associated with any
litigation between and among the parties and for the negotiation and pxeparation of
this MOU" and related formal setttement agreement between the Parties.
3. The Settlement Agreement shall be incorporated �cn+i�hin an Agreed Judgment.
4. The Sett�exnen� Agre.�ment sk�all es#ablish a tirneline far p�r%rmance of obligatic�ns
by all Partias th�.t is cvnsistent with th� terx�s af this MOU.
5. The S�ttlement Ag�eement shall include mutual �eleases by each Party of claia�x�s
against another Party, asserted or which couid }�a�e been asserted, in the Case.
�. Tha parties shalt protect the conf dentiality of all settlement discussions to the
exteni allawed by law ar�d in accordance w�tl� the Texas Public inforrnatio� Act.
7. No paa.-�y shall talce a�i►y actians or m.ake any publie asseriions disparxgi�ng any of
the other parties in conneefion with this M4U, the Settiement Agreement, flr �he
facts and c�rcumstances rela.ted thereta.
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Exhibit 'f
�TJ Ai[ocation far North{ake and Justin Posi S�tt{ement
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Exhibif 2
�iracts [o Norlhlake's WaEerCChF Pnst-5eftlement VlTater �CN 8oundaries
for Tracts A #hraugh I
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Exhibit 3
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Exhibit 'I
�TJ Alfoeation for Northlake and Ju�fin Post Settiement
[3�sputeclArea t��,' TnwnofNorihlaka _ -� CfEya{Jusli�Er,I
�I".I iu Norihleke ��� iown oFNarlhlak� ETJ City of Forl Warfh
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Tract A Map and Legal Description
�lil' O� �U��EPl, T�X�S a �YJ ALL�C�+T'ION
E. Young Survey, Abstract Na 1452, and the N. S. Hazefton Survey, Abstract No. 54i, and the
W.W. Young Survey, Abs#ract Na 1444, and the W. M. Reed Survey, Abs#ract No. 1071, and
the D. C. Leniz Survey, Abstract No. 1644
Denton County, Texas
���C�I��IOi�, of an approximatefy 229 acre tract of land sit�ateo{ in the �. Young
Survey, Abstract No. 14�2, anci the N. S.. Ha�efton S�a�vey, Abstract No. �4i, and the
W.W. Young Survey, Abstract No. 1444, and the W. M. Reed Survey, Abstract No. 1079,
�nd the D. C. Lentz Sur�ey, Abstract No. 1644 in Der�ton County, iexas; said tract being
par# of a called 39.168 acre trac# descri#�ed to C�CD Holciings, Inc. recorofed in Instrument
No. 2019�'I4084� of the Official Public Records of Den#on County Texas; part of a called
'f 0.100 acre tract described to J&l3 Fi�e Point Consfruction, LI�C recorded in Instrument
No. 2020a2519� in said Official P�blic F�ecords; part of a calfed ��.000 acre tract
described to J&B Fi�e Point Cortstruction, LLC recorded in !ns#rument No. 2017tl9�679 in
said Officia! Public Records; part of a called 20.000 acre tract described to Brad Judge
and Jessic� Judge recorded in� instr�ment No. 2U06�'�'[3979 in said Officiaf Pubiic
Records; part of a called 20.000 acre tract descri�ed to James L. []rescher and wife,
�.inda !�. Drescher recorded in lnstrument No. 1981 �1 �1 �� in said Offci�l Public Records;
part o# a calfed 33.616 acre tract described to Michael Wayne Lobsinger recorded in
Instrumer�t R�o. 2014-110041 in said Ofticial Public Records; part of a called 16�.Q8 acre
tract described to Henry A. Pennington, Jr., Janice K. Coomer, and Gary fV�ichael
P�nningtor� recorded in Voiume 14i4, P�ge 811 in said O�ci�l Public Recards; par� af a
called 18�.9�75 acre tract described to Susan H. Mfchaud, et al recorded in instrument
No. 1999�51399 in said Official Pubfic Records; part of "Tract VII, Fourth Tract" being a
called i0.�50 acre tract described to Clenn ar�d Lauise Shoop Family Pa�nership, L#d.
r�corded in Instrument No. 200�-1 ��52 in said Official Pubiic Records; said approximate
22'I acre tracf being more particularly described as fo![ows:
��CIi�NINCs, at tF�e southeast corner of said CF�D Holdings tract; said point also being in
the north line o# the City Limits of the `�own of Justin and the west right�of way (ine of
State Highway 156;
TH�NCE, along the south line of said CKD Holdin�s tract and said city Gmi#s the following
'f 5 calls:
�FR�NC�, I�orth 4� degrees, 46 minutes, �8 seconds West, a distance of 10�.��
feei, more or less to � poinf for carner;
�'H�R1��, R�orth 31 degrees, �9 minu#es, 4� seconds East, a distance of 79.40 feet,
more or less to a poini for corner;
TH�NC�, North 35 degrees, 3i' minu#es, 1� seconds West, a distance flf 116.90
fieet, more or less to � point for corner;
ib�R1C�, North 62 degrees, 59 rninutes, 1� seconds West, a distance of 195.20
feet, more or less to a poin# for corner;
PA�E 1 OF �
���c�i�Y�on� �� �r�c� �
E. Young Survey, Abstract No. 1�52, ar�d the N. S. Hazeiton Survey, Abstract No. 547, and the
W.W. Young Survey, Absfract No. 144�, and the W. M. Reed Survey, Abstract No. 1071, and
the D. C. Lentr Survey, Abstract No. 1644
Denton County, Texas
�H��1��, North 11 degrees, 4� minutes, 1� seconds West, a distance of 29.60 feet,
more or less to a poir�t for corner;
Tb�R�C�, No�th 43 degrees, �4 mir�utes, �2 seconds East, a distance of 26.�0 feet,
more or fess #o a point for corner;
�Ii�iVC�, R�orth �3 degrees, 4� minutes, 18 seconds West, a distance of 2i'I.20
feet, mare or less to a paint foc corner;
Tb�F�C�, North !3 degrees, 00 minutes, 1� seconds West, a distance of 1�4.60
feet, mare or less to a point for carner; ' "
�k��lC�, North 66 degrees, 15 minutes, 1� seconds Wesf, a dis#ance of '194.�0
feet, more or Iess to a paint for corner;
�H�IV��, North 68 degrees, 2� minutes, 18 seconds West, a distance of 194.30
feet, more or less io a point for corner;
iH�WC�, North 5� degrees, 1� minutes, 1� seco�ds West, a distance of 147.50
fe�t, more or less to a poin# for corner;
Tb�idCE, North 19 degrees, �5 minutes, 1� seconds Wesf, a distanc� of 4�0.9�
feet, more or less to a point for corner;
iW�t�C�, North U1 degrees, 44 minutes, 42 seconds East, a dis#ance of 36�.��
feet, more ar less #o a point for corner;
�H�RlC�, Nor#h 01 degrees, 33 minutes, 0� seconds West, a c�istance of 54.41 feei,
more or less to a posnt for corn�r;
�H�N��, North 01 degrees, 33 minu#es, 0� seconds East, a dis#ance of �'�.�0 #eet,
more Qr less to tF�e northwest corner af said CKf� Hofdings tract;
Tb�R�G�, Sauth 88 degrees, 3� minutes, 53 secands West, continuing with said city
limi#s a distance of 3�8.60 feet, more or less #o a point for corner;
T'b��CE, South 88 degrees, 91 minut�s, 4'i seconds Wesi, continuing with said city
limits a distance of '[ 39.�0 feet, more or less to � point for corner in Oli�er Creek and said
city limits;
THENCE, along #he approximate center of Oliver ano! said city limits line the following 23
���c�r��i�y o� T�A�r �
CITY OF' JU��'!W, i��� o EiJ ���OCA�I�f�
E. Young Survey, Abstract No. 1�4�2, and the N. S. Hazelton Survey, Abstract No. 547, and the
W.W. Young Sur�ey, Abstract No. '#444, and the W. M. Reed Survey, Abstrac� No. 1071, and
the D. C. Lentz Survey, Abstract No. 164�#
Denton County, Texas
�H�fV��, North 43 degrees, 4� minutes, 32 seconds West, a distar�ce of �Y.60 fee#,
more or less to a point for corner;
Tb�R�C�, North 6� degrees, '!0 minutes, 20 seconds West, a distance of 281.52
feet, more or fess �o a point for corner;
�'H�N��, North 8U degrees, 30 minutes, 56 seconds West, a distance of 1�4A9
feet, more or less to a point for corner;
iH�NC�, North �2 degrees, 47 minutes, 32 secands West, a distance of 100.44
�feet, more or less to'a point for corner; � � �
T'H�P�C�, North 66 degrees, 12 minutes, 45 seconds West, a distance of 104.63
�eet, mare or less to a point for corner;
�H�i���, South 89 degrees, 38 minut€s, '! 1 seconds West, a distance of ��.1 � feet,
more or less to a point far carr�er;
�H�NC�, Sou#h 59 degrees, 4� minutes, 26 seconds West, a distance of 'l96.1�
�eet, more or less to a point for corner;
iH�NC�, South �1 degrees, 40 mir�utes, 15 seconds West, a distance of 1fi4.67
feet, more or less to a point for corner;
ib�RfC�, South 26 degrees, 02 minutes, �A s�conds West, a distance of 138.02
feet, rnore or less to a point for carner;
ii���C�, South 64 degrees, �3 minutes, 44 secortds West, a distance of 4l�.4�
feet, more or less to a point #or corner;
YH�f�C�, South 54 degrees, �i minu#es, �0 seconds West, a distance af 943.10
feei, more or less to a po'rnt for corner;
�'H�iV��, Norfh �8 degrees, �� minu#es, 11 seconds West, a distance of 3�9A9
feet, more or less to a point for carner;
�H�NG�� South 75 degrees, �0 minutes, 44 seconds West, a distance of 30�.16
fee#, more or less to a point for corner;
Tb�N��, North 42 d�grees, 1� minutes, 26 secands West, a distance of 372,52
feet, more or less to a point far corner;
���CRI�YI�PI �� T�Ci A
GIYY O� JIJ��IR.�, i�X�,S o�iJ i4��OCr4i'i0[�
E. Young Sur�ey, Abstract No. 1452, and the N. S. Hazelfon Survey, Abstracf No. 547, ancf the
W.W. Yaung Survey, Abstract No. 1444, and the W. M. Reed Survey, Abstract No. 1071, and
the D. C. Lentz Survey, Abstract No. 16�4�4
Denton County, Texas
ii��Rl��, North �2 degrees, 1� minutes, 26 seconc�s Wes#, a distance ofi �79.�3
feet, more or less to a point for corner;
7H�NC�, South 23 degrees, 33 minutes, 26 seconds West, a distance of 340.91
fe�t, more or less to a point fior corn�r;
iH�R�C�, North 63 degrees, 19 minutes, 18 seconds West, a distance of fi�9.3�
feet, more or less to a point for corner;
ili�R1C�, South 51 degrees, 38 minutes, 1$ seconds West, a c�is#ance of 630.01
f�e#, more or less to a point for corner; � �
ib�R�CFc, South �3 degr�es, 29 min�tes, 26 seconcls West, a distance af 467.51
feet, more or less #o a point for corner;
iH�R���, South 43 degrees, 24 minutes, 37 seconds West, a cfistance of �18.39
feet, more ar less ta a point for corner;
�H�N��, North 69 degrees, �� minu#�s, 52 seconds West, a distance of 3�5.37
feet, more or iess #o a point for corner;
TH�h1C�, North 86 degrees, 1fi minutes, 19 secands West, a distance of 333.�0
f�et, more or less to a point for corner;
iW�NC�, South �'4 degrees, 29 minutes, �9 seconds West, a distance of 620.03
feet, more or less to a point for corner; said poi�t being the beginning of a non-
tangent cun►e to the right;
'TIi�NG�, departing said approximate center of Oliver Creek and said city limits line along
said curve, having a central an�le of 55 degrees, 1fi minutes, 51 seconds, a radius of
�640.00 feet, a chord bearing and distance of North �6 degr�es, 23 minutes, 17
seconds �ast, 2449.50 feet, more or less, an arc distance of 2547.16 feet, more or less
to a point at the end of said curve; said po�nt being #he beginning of a non-tangent curve
to #he rigttt;
�Ii�R���, along said curve, having a central angle of 49 degrees, �� minutes, 40
s�conds, a radius of 2640.00 fee#, a c�ord bearing and distance of North 62 degrees, �3
minutes, 09 seconds �ast, 222�.41 f�et, more or fess, an arc distance of 2300.5D feet,
more or I�ss to a paint at the end of said curve;
�'H�i�C�, South 89 clegrees, 34 minutes, 49 seconds East, a distance of 16�2.42 feet,
more ar less to a poini for corner; said point being the beginning of a non-tangent curve
to the right;
��SC�f��lOi� OF 1'°�tACi �
�IiY O� J�lS�'fFV, ��XAS o ETJ ,���OC/�l�i0i�
E. Young Survey, Abstraci No. 1�452, and the N. S. Hazelton Survey, Abstract No. 547, and the
W.W. Young Survey, Absfract No. 1444, and the W. M. Reed Survey, Abstract No. 1071, and
the D. C. Len#z Survey, Abstract No. 164�4
Denton County, Texas
ib�R�C�, afong said curve, #�aving a central angle of 3� degrees, 13 minutes, 25
seconds, a radius �f 2,640.00 feet, a chord bearing and disfance of South �0 degrees, ��
minutes, 07 seconds �ast, 172�.73 feet, more or less, an arc distance of 2090.13 feei,
more or less to a point at #he end of said curve;
�°li�N��, Sauth �9 degrees, 3� minu#es, �� seconds East, a distance of 949.8� feet,
more or less to a point for corner;
ib�R�C�s South 89 degrees, 59 minutes, �� secands East, a distance o# 27'�.26 feet,
more or less ta a poin# for corner; said�point being the beginning of a non-tangent currre
to the left;
TH�N��, along said curve, having a centr�i angle of 39 degrees, 04 minutes, �3
seconds, a radius of �640.00 feet, a chard bearing and disfanc� af South 00 degre�s, 39
minutes, 1� seconds East, 1766.03 fe�t, more or less, an arc distance of 1800.�'4 feet,
more or less to a point at the end of said curve on the said west iine of Staie Highway
1 �6;
�'H��i��, South 05 degrees, 2� minutes, 3� seconds West, aEong the said west line of
State Highway 156, a distar�ce of �43.82 feet, more or less to the �OIN� O� ��GINNIAIG;
�ONTAIi�lR��: approximatefy 221 acres of land, more or less.
This document was prepared under 22 TAC §663.29, does not reflec� the results of an on
the ground survey, and is not fo be used �o convey or establish interests in real property
except those rights and in�erests implied or established 6y the creatron or reconfigurafion
of #he boundary of the political su6d�vrsron for which this was pr�pared.
Traci B Map and Legal Description
�x����i o� i��►C� � ,� �����c� _����
CI7Y OF' JUSi111E, T�XAS - LYJ A��OCA�'IOiV 4D60 8ryant Irvin Road
Fort wortn, rx �stos
{897) 412-i955
March 29, 2029
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b�SC�I��lOPE O� i�dCT �
�ITY OF JU��IN, �'��,S - �iJ A��O�AYIOF�
Her�ry Tucker Survey, Abstract Na 1254; Edward F. 5pringer Survey, Abstract 1166; Stepher�
Raberts S�nrey, Abstract 11�7; J.J. Young Suroey, Abstract'�445
Denion Courtty, Texas ,
C]�S�RI��I�P�, of an a�proximately ��� acre tract of lanc� situated in the Henry Tucker
Survey, A�s#ract No. 12�4; Edward F. Spring�r Sunrey, Abstract 1166; Stepl�en Roberts
Survey, Abstracf 1127; J.J. Yvung Survey, A�stract 1445, Denion County, Texas; said
tract being part of "iracfi �" being a cailed 10.333 acre #ract, part af "Tract 3" being a calfed
330.758 acre tract, and all of "Tract �" being a called 2A00 acre #ract described to Ota
Mae Tabor, et al recorded in Insfrument iVo. 2003-96349 of the Official Public Records of
Denton Co�nty T�xas; and a part of Bc�rlington Northern Santa Fe railroad right-of way;
and a part of State Highway 1�6 right�of way; and a part of Farm io iVlarl�et Highway No.
407 right�of way said approximate ��� acr� tract being more particularly described as
���II�i�IR��, at the southeast corner of said Tract 3; said point also being in the north
right-of way line of said FfVi Highway 4Q�;
�H�R���, South 40 degrees, 09 minutes, 05 seconds West, crassing the right�of way of
saEd �M Highway �07, a distanc� of i9.0� feet, more or less to a pant for corner in ihe
south right-of way of said �fVi Highway 407 and the north line of existing Cify limits of the
City of Justin, Texas;
iH�W��, the following 7 calfs along said south right-�of way line of �'M Highway 407 and
said north line of ti�e city limits of the City of JustEn, T�xas;
�Ii�N��, Sou#h �� degrees, �0 minutes, 24 seconds West, a distance of �9.9� feet,
more or less to a point for corner;
YH�NC�, South �� degrees, 5� minutes, �� seconds West, a distance o€ 911.�8
f€et, more or less to a point for corner;
ib�t�C�, South 89 degrees, 52 minutes, 18 seconds Wes#, a distance of 170.17
feet, more or less to a poir�t for corner; said point being t#�e beginning of a non�
tangent cur�e to the left;
�H�N��, along said curve, ha�ing a central angle of 38 degrees, �9 min�tes, 06
secvnds, a radius of 360.i1 feet, more or less, a chord bearing and distance of
So�#h 66 degrees, �'I minutes, 20 seconds West, 240.73 feet, more or less, an arc
distance af 2�5.4� feet, more or less to a poin� at the end of said curve; said point
being the beginning of a non�tangent curve to the right;
iH�NC�, along said curve, having a centraf angle of 43 degrees, �� minutes, ��
seconds, a radius of 44�.�1 fee#, more or less, a chord bearing and distance of
South !9 degrees, 4� minutes, 03 seconds Vilest, 333.�� feet, more or I�ss, an arc
distance of 341.8� feet, more or iess to a point at the end of said c�rve;
�€�Cf�t��'I�P! �� i�Ci B
GlTY �F JU�7lPl, �'�XAS @ �TJ A��B�A�'l01l1
Henry Tucker Sur�ey, Abstract Na. 1254; Edward �. Springer Suroey, Abstract 1166; Stephen
Roberts Sur�ey, Af�stract 1� 27; J.J. Young Survey, Abstract 1445
Denfon Counfy, Texas
iH�N��, South �� degrees, 19 minutes, 25 seconds West, a distance of 1�8.03
fieet, more or fess to a point for corner;
�H�R�C�, North 89 degfees, 42 min�#es, 33 secands West, a distance of 53.76 feet,
more or less to a point for corner;
iW�R�C�, North 1� d�gr�es, 3� minutes, 11 secands East, departing said south (ine of
FM Highway 407 and said north line of ti�e city iimits of the City o� Just�n and crossing
said FM Highway 40� right�of way, a ciistance af 61.fi5 feet, more or less to a paint for
corner in the north line of saEd FM Highway 407 and a sauth line of said Tract 2;
�H�R�C�, Nor#h 06 deg�ees, 54 minutes, 04� seconds East, depa"rting said north line of
said FM Highway 407 said south line of said Tract 2, a distance of 3't 9.34 feet, more or
I�ss to an interior corner of Tract 2;
Tb��lC�, North 04 degrees, 57 minu#es, 19 seconds East, alang a west line of said Tract
� and a west line of said Trac# 3, a distanee of 1,�13.�� f��t, more or less to an inner efl
corner o# said Tract 3;
ii��NC�, along the westernmost south lines of said iract 3 the foflowing 3 caifs:
�H'�NC�, North 84 degrees, 59 minutes, 13 seconds West, a distance of 673.7�
feet, more or less to a point for corner;
�H�N��, North 06 degrees, 1 fi minutes, 23 seconds Easi, a distance of 17.44 fee#,
more or fess to a point for corner;
iH�fV��, North �1 degrees, �9 minutes, 4� seconds West, a distance of 699.34
feet, more or fess to the westernmost southwest corner of said 7ract 3;
Tb�RiC�, North 84 degrees, 45 minutes, d1 seconds West, crossing said Burlington
Northern Santa Fe railroad right�of way and said State Highway 956 right-of-way, a
distance of 96.13 feet, more or less io a point for corner an the west line of said S#ate
Highway 956 and �he east line of said city limits of the City of Justin;
ib�R�CE, along said west line of said Sta#e Highway 156 and said east line af said city
limits of the City of Justir� the foliowing � calls:
Tb�fdC�, North 05 d�grees, 34 minutes, 0� seconds €ast, a distance of 281 �,��
feet, more or less to a point for corner;
iF��i�G�, North 0� degrees, 28 minutes, 38 seconds East, a distance of �43.8�
feet, more or less to a point for corner at the intersectian said west line of State
Highway 1�6 and the approximate centerline of Oliver CreeEt;
A��cr�i��ia� o� r��� �
CIT`Y O� .�USTII`E, �'�X�,S � I�iJ ��l�OCA�iONE
Henry Tucicer Survey, Abstract No. 'E254; Edward F. Springer Surrrey, Abstract 1166; Stephen
Roberts Sur�ey, Abstract 1127; .�.J. Young 5urvey, Absiract 1445
Denton Cou►tfy, Texas
TF��i�C�, departing said west line of S�ate Highway 156 anci along said approximate
centerline of Oliver Creek and joining the approximate c�nterline af Denton Creek the
following 1� calls:
Tb�P�C�, Sauth 4Q degrees, 5fl minu#es, �fi seconds �ast, a distance of �37.92
fieet, more or less to a poini for corner;
�'H�NC�, South 4'� degrees, �6 minutes, 00 seconds Eas#, a cfis#ance of 86.49 feet,
more o� less to a point for comer;
ib�PEC�, Sou�h �2 degrees, 01 minutes, 0� seconds East, a distance of 1G3.4�
feet, more or less to a pain# for corner; � � '
iW�i�C�, 5outh �9 degrees, �� minutes, 33 seconds East, a dis#ance of ��9.34
�eet, more or iess to a point for corner;
YFp�IV��, Sou#h 40 degrees, 10 minutes, 23 seconds East, a distance of 1 Q2.12
feet, more or less #o a point for corner;
TH�NC�, South �-7 degrees, 3� minutes, 42 seconds East, a distance of 2�7.5�
#��t, mvre or less to a point for corner;
ib�hEC�, So�th �2 degrees, 44 minut�s, 01 seconds East, a distance of 2�0.8�
feet, more or less to a point for corner;
Tb�NC�, South �2 degrees, 51 minutes, '�2 seconds East, a distance of 1�9.69
feet, more or less #o a point for corner;
�H�R�C�, South 61 degrees, 23 minutes, �� seconds East, a distance of 163.15
feet, more or less to a point for corner;
�Ii�iVC�, So�th 76 degrees, 33 minutes, 0� seconds East, a distance of 205.2�
feet, more ar less to a point for corner;
�H�N��, South �7 degrees, �� minutes, 1i seconds East, a distance of 121.61
feet, more or less to a po�nt for corner;
iH�NCE, North 77 degrees, 09 minutes, 10 seconds �as�, a dis#ance of 117.12
feet, more or less to a point for corner;
iF��[�C�, iVorth �'� degrees, 09 minutes, 11 seconds �ast, a distance o# 93.9� feet,
more or less to a point far corner;
9��Gf�i��'fOR� �� �RACi �
CIiY 0� J�J��IN, �'��4� m �iJ ,�LLOC�i14N
Henry TucEter Survey, Abstract No. 1254; Edward F. Springer Survey, Abstract 1166; Stephen
Roberts Survey, Abstrac# 1127; J.J. Young Survey, Abstract 1445
Denfon County, Texas
ih1�NC�, No�fih 27 degrees, 06 minutes, �6 seconds East, a distance of 116.52
feet, more or fess to a point for corner;
i�l�NG�, Narth 68 degrees, 00 minutes, 33 seconds East, a distance of 313.14
feet, more or iess to a point for comer;
�H�W��, South 72 degrees, 53 minutes, 00 seconds East, a distar�ce of 562.�4
feet, more or less to a point for corner;
TH�NC�, South 28 degr�es, 14 minutes, DO seconds East, a distance of ���.44
feet, more or fess to a point for corner,
iH�FdC�, South 40 degrees, 0� minut�s, 27 seconds East, a distance of 198.43
feet, more or less to a poin# for cvrner;
�H�fJ��, South dD degrees, 13 minutes, 3� seconds West, departing said approximate
centerline vf Denton Creek, a distance of 1,432.64 feet, more or less #o a point for comer;
Tb�i�C�, No�th �� degr�es, �2 minutes, 00 seconds East, a distance af �0�.0� feet,
mor� or less to an inner ell corner of said Trac# 3;
ib�F�G�, South 00 degrees, a� minu#es, OQ seconds East, along an east line of said
iract 3, a ciistance of 1,721.�3 fe�t, more or less to the POIi�T OF ���fRlR�lF�C;
��R�iAINIR��: approximatefy ��� acr�s of land, more or Eess.
This document was prepared under 22 TAC §663. 29, does not reflect the resulfs of an on
the ground survey, and is not io he used to convey or establish interests rn real property
except those rights and interesfs implied or established by fhe creafion or recon�guration
of the boundary vf the political subdivision for which fhis was prepared.
Traci C Map and Lega1 Description
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Stephen Roberts Survey, Abstract Na. 1127
Denton County, Texas
��SC�IF'YION, o# an approximately �� acre tract of fand situated in the S#ephen Roberts
Survey, Abstrac# 1127, Denton County, `fexas; said tract being part o€ "Parcel 1" being a
called 74.�57 acre tract described to Bobby Lee Downe recorded in Instrument R�o. �094�
1�6�6� of #he Official Public Records af Denton County Texas; part of "Parcel 2" being a
cailed 91.626 acre tract described to Gloria Sue Downe recorded in Instrument No. 2014-
126�68 of said O�cial Public Records; part of "Parcel 3" being a caNed 97.141 acre tract
described to Arthur Leonard Downe recorded in Instrument Na 2014-1�fi269 of said
Officia! Public Records; part of "Parcei 4" being a called 92.5�0 acre tract described io
�e�erly June Downe Pisto�e recorded in Instrument No. �014-1�6270 of said Oifieiai
Public R�cords; said approxima#e 44 acre tract beir�g more pa�fiicularly descrii�ed as
��C�IRlNlfVG, at the westemmosi southwest corner'o# said Parcel 4; said poinf also �aei�g
in the east line of Trail Creek Drive a�d th� east [ine o# existing ci�y limits of the City of
7k�NC�, along the said east line of Trail Cree�t Drive and the east lin� af said city limits
of the Cify of Justin #he �al[awing 7 calls:
YFE�NC�, North 01 degrees, 52 minutes, 00 seconds West, a distance of 491.66
feei, more or less to a point for carner; said point being the beginning of a non-
tangent curve to the right;
'�H�R�CE, afong said curve, l�aving a centra� angle of 05 degrees, 32 minutes, 42
seconds, a radius af �407.94 feet, more or less, a chorc� bearing and distance of
North 00 degrees, 4'I minutes, 34 seconds East, 5�3.1! feei, more or tess, an arc
clis#ance of �23.37 �eet, more or less to a point at the end of said curve;
�'HENC�, North 03 degrees, 41 minutes, 24 seconds I�ast, a distance of 219.90
feet, more or less to a point #or carner;
�H��t��, iVorth 11 degrees, 50 minutes, 49 seconc�s East, a distance of 41.06 feet,
more or fess to a point for corner;
�'H�N��, I�or�h 44 degrees, 35 minutes, 40 seconds East, a distance of 41.60 feet,
more ar less to a point for corn�r;
iH�WC�, North �3 degrees, 29 minutes, 78 seconds East, a dis�ance o#�6.89 feet,
more or less to a point for corner;
Tb�RlC�, t�vr�h 5� degrees, �9 minutes, 38 seconcls Lasf, a olistance of 1i9.9�
�eet, more or less to a nor�hernmost northwest corner of said Parcel 2 in #he south
line of Downe Road and the south Ifne of the city limi#s of the City of Justin;
PAGE 1 O� �
r��sc�i��io� o� r��� c
GfiY �F JI���'ii�, �I��S - �TJ �o��OCf��IOi�!
Stephen Roberts Survey, Abstract No. 1127
Dentan County, Texas
Tb��dC�, South �4 degrees, 0� minutes, 31 seconds East, along th� north line of said
Parc�l 2 and joining the north line of said Parcel 1 and said so�th line of Downe Road
and said south line of the city limits of the City of Justin, a distance of 1,p87.54 feet, more
or less to a point for corner;
�H�N��, Sauii� 00 degrees, QO minutes, 00 seconds East, departing said north fine of
Parcel 1 and said soufh line of Dawne Road and s�id south line of the city limits of the
City of Justin a distance of 1,38�.16 #eet, more or less to a point for corner;
�'H�N��, SoutFt 89 degrees, �� mi�utes, 00 seconds West, a distance of 49�.40 f�et,
more or less to a point for carner;
TH�PE��, North �� deg�ees, 38 minutes, 33 seconds W�st, a dis�ance of 19.�2 feet,
more or less to a poinf for corner;
'Cb��C�, Nort� DO degrees, 50 minutes, 1� seconds �ast, a distance o#30.Q0 feet, more
or less to a point for corner;
�H�Rl��, North 89 degrees, 09 minutes, 4� seconds West, a distance of 'f I9.13 feet,
more or less to a point for corner;
�H�F���, South 81 degrees, 42 minutes, �� seconds West, a distance of 9�.�1 feet,
more or less ta a point for corner;
iW��C�, North �� degrees, 1 fi minutes, 43 seconds West, a distance of �51.11 feet,
more or less to the P�If�i O� �EC�INNNi��;
��Fd��ININfs: approximateiy 44 acres a# land, more or less.
This document was prepared under 22 TAC §6fi3.29, does nof reflect the results of an on
the ground survey, and is nvt to be used �o convey or es#ablish interests in real property
except those rights and interesfs rmplied or esiablished by the creafion or reconflguration
of the boundary of fhe political subdivision for which this vfras prepared.
PAGE � OF ?_
Tract D iViap and Legal Description
CI�Y O� JUSiI�V, il�X�� - �iJ �►�,�OCATION
Mary Polk Survey, Abstract No. 993
Derrton County, 7exas
���C�I�`�IOF�, of an approximately 30 acre tract of land situated in the Mary Pofk
Survey, Abstrac# No, 993, qenton County, `�exas; said tract being a!I of a called 1.639
acre tract described to CE Nianufac#uring Solutions, Inc. recorded �n fnstrument No. 2015�
14�9603 of the Official Public Records of �enton Caunty Texas; all of a called 9.4�9 acre
traci described io GE Manufacturing Sofutions, lr�c. recorded in fnstrument No. 20'15�
14960D in said Officiai Public Records; par� af a called 3.9�$ acre t�aci described to GE
Manufacturing Soiu�ians, Inc. recorded in fnstrument No. 2095-14�414 in said Official
Public Recprds; all of a called 3.357 acre tract described to Henderson Brothe�s
Partnership recorded in Instrument No. 2017�119432 in said Off+cfaf Pubfic Records; all
of a caHed 7.000 acre traci described to Henderson Brothers Partnershi� recorded in
Ins#rument No. �01�-149fi0� in said 4fficial Public Records; part of a called 155.77 acre
tract described to Hendersan Brothers Partnership recorded in Instrument No. 20'11-
30634 in said Ufficiaf Public Records; all of a called i'.��0 acre tract described #o �oug
Glen Harris recorded ir� Instrument No. 2Q19L58965 in said Officiat Public Records; said
approximate 30 acre tract being more particufarfy described as fiallaws:
���IR�NIR��, at the northeast corner af said Harris tract; said point also being ir� the
approximate center of Harmonson Road;
TH�P1��, South 00 degrees, 25 minutes, 04 seconds East, along the east line of said
Harris tract and at an approximate distance of 1550 feet passing the southeast corner of
said Fiarris tract and continuing in all a total d�stance o� 1,901.69 feet more or I�ss to a
point for corner;
iH�iV��, North 89 degrees, 37 minutes, 36 seconds West, a distance of 9�6.94 feet
more or less to a point in the w�st line of #hird said GE Manufacturing Sofutions #ract;
TW�NC�, aiong �he west lines of said G� lillanufact�aring 5olutions tracts the following
three calis;
North 17 degrees, 1fi minutes, 22 seconds East, a disfance of 1,129.74 feet more
ar less #o a point for corner;
No�th 15 degrees, 33 mir�ut�s, �� seconds East, a distance of 417.�7 feet more or
iess to a point for corner;
���c�i��ro� o� ��cr d
ciry o� �u���r�, ���s � �T'J �eLLOCdTlO[V
Mary Polk Survey, Abstract No. 993
Denfon County, Texas
North 09 degrees, 2� minutes, 30 seconds East, a distance of 4�0.77 feei more or
less to a point for corner in the approximate ce�ter of Harmonson Road;
�H�i���, South �9 degrees, 5'l minutes, �4 seconds East, along said approximate
ce�ter of Harmonson Road, a distance of 446.34 feet to the �OIN� O�' f��C�IN�fIRlG;
��F�iAIIdIPEG: approximately 30 acres of land, more or less.
This documenf was prepar�d under 22 iAC §663.29, does not reflecf the results of an on
the ground survey, and is nof to be used to convey or establish inferests in real properfy
except fhose righfs and ini�erests implied or esta6lished 6y the creation or reconf►guraflon
of the bouridary of the political subdrvision for which �his was prepared. �
Tract E Map and Legal Description
Be�ng a part of the M. Polk Survey, Abstract No. 993, Denton County, Texas, being a
pa�t of thaf calEed 2049 acre tract of land described as Parcel 3 released �o Northlake in
Joint Resolu#ion and Agreem�nt, Fort Worth Adopted Resolutior� No. 2341, and being
more particularly described as follows:
B�GiNMNG at an eli corner on the nor�herly line of said Fart Worth Adopted Reso�ution
No. 2341;
THENC� North 01 degree 45 minutes 42 seconds West, along said northerly line, a
dis#ance of 933.00 feet, more or less to a point for comer;
THENCE North 88 degrees 41 minutes 58 secor�ds East, continuing along said northeriy
line, a distance af 1,47Q.a0 feet, more or less to a point for corner; �
THENCE Soufh 01 degree 44 min�ies 23 seconds East, contir�uing along said northerly
line, a distance of 49�.00 feet, more or I�ss to a point for comer;
THENCE South 01 degree 35 minutes �1 seconds Last, departin� said northerly line,
over and across said Fort Worth Adopted Reso�ution No. 2341 tract, a dista�ce of
1,829.'�6 feet, more or less to a point for corner;
TH�NCE Nor�h 89 degrees 23 minu#es 44 seconds West, a distance of 1,470.44 feet,
more or less to a point for corn�r;
TH�NC€ North 01 degree 33 minutes 29 seconds West, a distance of 1,337.28 feet to
the POINT OF B�GINNING ANC] CONTAINING 3,371,340 square fee# or 77.40 acres,
more or less.
"This document was prepared ur�der 22 iAC 663.21, does not ref�ect the resuits of an
on the ground surrrey and is not to be used to convey or establish interests in real
property except those rights and interests implied or established by the creation or
recortfiguration of the boundary of the pofitical subdivision for whicF� it was prepared."
Tract F Niap arid Lega� Description
�ARG�� �
Being a part of the M. Polk Survey, Abstract No. 993, Denton County, Texas, being a
part of ti�e William Gaffi�ld Survey, Abstract No. 448, Denton County, Texas, being a
par� of the Guadalupe Cardinas Survey, Abstract No. 21 �, Denton County, Texas, being
a part of that cafled 2Q49 acre tract of land described as Parcel 3 released to Northlake
in Joint Resolution and Agreemen#, Fort Worth Adopted Resotu#ion No. 2341, and being
more �ar�icularly described as follows:
B�GINNING at the northeast corner of said Fort Worth Adopted Resolution No. 2341
and being on the west line of C�ty of fVo�thlake Ordinance No. 46;
THENC� South 01 degree 00 minutes 0� seconds East, a distance o# 814.7v fee#, along
the easterly lir�e of said Fort Worth Adopted Resolution No. 2341, more or less to the
par�t of curvature of a circular curve to the left, having a radius of 2,fi40.00 feet, whose
chord bears South 26 degrees 50 minutes 12 seconds East, a distance o�# 2,301.06 feet,
more or less;
THLNCF Southeas#erly, continuing along said easterly line and along said circular curve
to the lef�, through a central angle of 51 c�egrees 40 minufes 24 seconds, an arc length
of 2,380.93 feet, more or less, to the point of curvature of a circular curve to the left, r�ot
being compound to the preceding course, having a radius of 2,640.00 feet, whose chord
bears South 11 degrees 09 minutes 21 seeonds W�st, a distance of 4,238.48 feet more
or fess;
THFNCE Sautheasterly, continui�g along said easterly line and along said circular curve
to the left, through a central angle o# 'f06 degrees 47 minutes 08 seconds, an arc length
of 4,920.33 #eet, more or less to a point fo� ti�e intersection of said catled 2049 acre tract
of land and ihe west corner of that called 2.85 acre traet of lar�d described as Parce! 4
in said Joint Resolutian and Agreement, Fort Worth Adopted Resolution No. 2341;
TH�NC€ South 62 degrees 2D minutes 22 seconds West, departing said easteriy iine
and along the southerly Gne of said called 2049 acre tract of land, a distance of 2,748.31
feet, more or fess to a point for corner;
TH�NCE South 89 degrees 17 minutes 45 seconds Wes#, continu€ng along said
southerly fine, a distartce of 3,804.00 fee�, more or less to the most southerly souf�west
comer of saicf called 2049 acre tract of land;
THENCE North 17 degrees 25 minutes 45 seconds €ast, de�arting said southerly line
and along the westerly line of said called 2049 acre tract of land, a distance of 4,052.aQ
feet, more or less tv an ell corner of said calfed 2049 acre tract af �and and being or� a
southerly line of said called 2049 acre tract of land;
THENC� South 89 �egrees 37 minu�es 3a seconds West, along said souiherly line, a
distance of �4,365.4v feet, more or fess to a point for corner;
THFNCE North 00 degrees 24 minutes 00 seconds West, depariing said southerly line,
a distance of 2,995.76 feet to an ell corner on the northeriy line of said called 2049 acre
#ract of land;
TH�NCE North 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds €ast, along said northerly line, a
distance of 2,000.00 feet, more or less to a point for comer;
THENC� South 01 d�gree 33 minutes 29 seconds East, departing said no�therly lie,
over and across said called 2049 acr� tract of land, a distance of 1,337.28 feet, more or
less to a point #or corner;
THEiVC� Souih 89 degrees 23 minutes 44 seconds �ast, a distance of 1,470.44 fe�#,�
more or less to a point for corner;
THENCE North 01 degree 35 minutes 41 seconcls West, a distance of 1,829.16 feet,
rnore or (ess io an ell corner on said nartherly line;
THENC� Nor�h 89 degrees 27 minutes 41 seconds East, afong said northerly line, a
distance of 2,052.65 feei to ihe POlNT OF BEGINNING AND C�NTAINING 30,791,844
square feet or 706.88 acres of lar�d, more or less.
"This document was prepared under 22 TAC 663.21, cloes not reflect the results of an
on the ground survey and is not to be used to convey or es#ablish interests in real
praperty except those rights and interests implied ar establisi�ed by the creation or
reconfiguration of t�e boundary of the political subdivision #or which it was prepared."
Traci G Map �.nd Legal Description
Being a tract of land in the M. Garnett Survey, Abs#rac# No. 439, Denton County, Texas,
the W. Ferris Sur�ey, Abstract No. 419, Denton County, Texas, and �he M. Polk Survey,
Abstract No. 993, Denton County, Texas, being a part of #hat catled 217.008 acre tract
af land described in Warranty Deed #o Olen Range in Vofume 870, Page 29, in the D�ed
Records of Denton County, Texas (D.R.D.C,T.), being all of tha# called 206.497 acre
tract of land described 'm Trust�e's Deed to CNR TallylTrail Creek Acres as recorded in
Document No. 2009-136383 in the Official Records of Denton County, Texas
(O.R.D.C.T.), being al# of ti�a# called 0.4'!36 acre tract of land described as Trac# 1 ir�
Warraniy Deed with Vendar's Lien to Tom Strader and Jan Strader as recorded ir�
Volume 3347, Page 942 D.R.D.C.T., being part of that called 241.210 acre tract of land
described in Special Warranty Deed to Justin Tirnberbrook, L�C as recorded in
Documec�t No. {2017) 5803 O.R.D.C.T., being part of that called 411.26� acre tract of
land described in Speciaf Warranty Deed to Justin Tiinberbrook, LLC as �ecorded in
Document No. 2016-�5837 O.R.D.C.T., being the remains of thaE called 215.041 acre
tract of land described in Warranty Deed ta Mary L. Range Bradley as recorded in
Volume 670, Page 27 D.R.D.C.T., a part of Farm to Mar�et Road 407 (F.M. 407) {an
apparent 90 foot wide righi-of-way), a part of Range Road, being a part of that cafl�d
2049 acre tract of land clescribed as Parcel 3 released to Northlake in Joint Resolution
and Agr�ement, Fort Worth Adopted Resolution No. 2341, and being more particulariy
described as follows:
B�GINNING at th� northeast corner of said calle� 206.497 acre tract of land and being
on the south right-of-way line of said F.M. 40�;
TH�NC� South 00 degrees 08 minutes 21 seconds East, passir�g the sou�heast corner
o# said calEed 206.497 acre trac# of fand and an eil corner of sa�d calle� 2'i 7.008 acre
tract of land at a dis#ance of 3454.42 feet more or less, and continuing a total distance
of v,339.06 feet more or less, to an ell corner of said called 2049 acr� trac� of land ar�d
being on the south side af Range Road;
THENCE North 88 degrees 45 minutes 28 seconds East, a distance of 1,333.97 feet,
more or less to an ell corner of said called 2049 acre tract of land;
THENCE South 01 degree 20 minutes 04 seconds East, a distance o€ 1,840.00 feet,
more or less �o an ell comer af said called 2049 acre tract of land;
THENCE North 90 degcees DO minutes 00 seconds €ast, a distance o# 100.00 feet, more
or less to an ell corner of said called 2049 acre tract of land;
iH�NCE So�th 00 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds €ast, a distance of 1,35i.00 feet,
more or less, to an ell corner of said called 20�9 acre tract of land;
THENC� South 00 degrees 24 min�tes 00 seconds �ast, over and across said called
2049 acre tract of land, a dista�ce of 2,995.76 feet, mare or less to a point for corner on
a south line of said called 2049 acre tract of land;
THENCE Soufh 89 degrees 37 minutes 29 seconds West, a distance of 3,012.55 feet,
more or less to an ell comer of said called 2049 acre tract of land;
TH�NCE North 6T degrees 32 minutes 56 seconds West, a distance af 76.01 feet, more
or less to an ell corner of said calfed 2049 acre tract of lartd;
THENCE North 00 degrees 35 minutes 55 seconds West, a dis#ance o# 7,540.�5 feet,
more or less to a point for corner;
THI�NCF Nort� 9a degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West, a distance of 934.16 feet more
�r less, tv a point #or corner; � ' �
THENC� No�th 00 degrees 33 miroutes 54 seconds West, passing the southwest corner
of said called 206.�97 acre tract of iand a� a distance o# 461.06 feet more or less and
continuing for a total distance o� 3,675.84 feet more or fess, to the northwest corner of
said called 206.497 acre tract of iand, and being in the south right-of�way line af said
F.M. 407;
THENCE North 09 degrees 06 minutes 24 seconds West, a distance of 111.56 feet more
or fess, to sou#hwest corner of said called 0.4136 acre tract of land and being on the
north right-of way line of said F.M. 407;
THENC€ No�th 00 ciegrees 34 minutes 11 seconds West, passing �he cammon
nort�west corner of said calfed 0.4136 acre tract o# land and t�e southwes# corner of
said called 241.21 D acre tract of land at a distanc� o# 183.32 feet, more or less and
continuing for a�otal distance of 3,260.'I4 feet more or less, to an elf corner of said called
241.21 U acre tract of lar�d;
TH�NCE North 00 degrees 24 minutes �47' seconds �ast, a distance of 2,57'E.12 feet
more or less, to a point of ir�tersection in the north line of said called 241.210 acre tract
of land;
THENCE Nonh 89 degrees 54 minutes 00 seconds East, passing the common east line
of said calfed 241.210 acre tract of land and the west line of said cal#ed 411.268 acre
tract of land at a distance of 1,016.21 feet more or less and continuing for a total dis�ance
of 't,�28.7� feet to a point on a circular curve to the left, not being tangent to the
preceding course, having a radius of 2,640.00 feet, whose �hord bears Sout#� 10
degrees 41 minut�s 50 seconc�s West, a disiance o# 1,U�9.89 feet more or fess;
THENCE Southwesterfy, alvng said circular curve to the left, through a central angle of
23 degrees 22 minutes 54 seconds, an arc lengt� of 1,p77.35 feet more or less, to a
point for corr�er;
TH€NC� South 00 degrees 34 minutes 22 seconds East, a distance of 2,669.69 feet to
the point of curvature of a circular curve to the left, not being tangent to the preceding
course, having a radius of 2,fi4aA0 feet, whose chord bears South p4 degr��s 54
minutes 00 seconds East, a distance of 4�1.20 feet more or less;
THENCE Southeasterly, along said circuiar curve to �he left, through a central angfe of
09 degrees 48 minutes 16 seconds, an arc length of 451.75 feet more or less, to a point
for corner; �
THENCE South 82 degrees 59 minutes 00 seconcls West, a distance of 652.25 feet
more or less, to a point for carn�r on #he common east line of said cafled 241.2'I O acre
tracf of land and the west line of said called 411.268 acre tract o# land;
THENC� South 0� degrees 25 minutes 43 � seconds East, passing the common
southeast corner of said called 241.2'� Q acre tract of iand, the southwest corner of said
cailed 411.268 acre tract of fand and the north rig�t-of-way line of said F.M. 407 at a
distance of 1,344.23 feet, more or less and continuing for a total distance of 1,434.29
feet more or less, fo a point far corner on the common north line of said called 2�6.497
acre tract of land and the south right-of-way line of F.M. 407;
THENC€ North 89 degrees 20 mir�utes 40 s�concls East, afong said south right-of-way
line, a distance of 845.35 feet more or less, to a point for corner;
THENCE North 89 cfegrees 2� mir�utes 37 seconds East, continuing along said south
righ#-of-way line, a distance of 749.Q2 feet to the POINT OF BEGiNNING AND
CONTAINING 40,080,022 square feet or 920.9 acres of land, more or less.
"Tl�is document was prepared under 22 TAC 663.21, does not reflect the results of an
on the ground survey and is not to be used to convey or establis� interests in rea!
property except those rights and int�rests implied or established by the creation or
recon�guration of the bourtdary of the political subdivision for which it was prepared."
Tract H Map and Legal Description
PAR��� b
Being a tract of land in th� lVl. Polk Survey, Abstract No. 993, �enton County, Texas,
being a par# of that cafled 217.008 acre tract of lar�d described in Warran#y �eed to Olen
Range in Volume 870, Page 29, in the Deed Records of Denton County, Texas
(D.R.D.C.T.), being a part of t#�at called 2049 acre tract of land clescribed as Parcel 3
released fo Northlake ir� Joint F�esolutivn and Agreement, Fort WortF� Adopted
Resolution No. 2341, being all of Foxbane Estates, an addition to Den#on County, Texas
as recorded in Volume H, Page 24 of the Plat Records of Den�on Caunty, T�xas, and
being more particu�arly described as follows:
BEGINNING at an eli corner of said called 2049 acre tract of land and being on the south
side o# Range Road;
THENCE North 88�degr�es 45 min�ates�28 seconds East, a distance of 1,333.9Tfeet,
more or less to an eil corner of said called 2049 acre tract of Eand;
THENC€ South 01 degree 20 minutes Q4 seconds East, a distance of 1,840.00 feet,
mare or less to an ell corner of said called 2U49 acre tract of land;
THENCE North 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East, a distance of 100.Q0 feet, more
or less to an efl com�r of said callec! 2049 acre fract of land;
THENCE South 00 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds €ast, a distance of 1,357.00 feet,
more or less, to an ell corner o� said cafled 2049 acre tract of land;
TH�NCE South 00 degrees 24 minutes 00 seconds East, over and across saic! cafled
2a49 acre tract of lanc�, a disfance of 2f995.76 feei, more or less to a point for comer on
a south line of said called 2049 acre tract of land;
THENCE So�th 89 degrees 37 minu#es 29 seconds Wes#, a distance of 3,012.55 feet,
more or less to an ell comer of said called 2049 acre tract of land;
THENCE North 67 degrees 32 mir�utes 56 seconds West, a distance of 76.01 feet, more
or less to an ell corner of said calf�d 20�L9 acre tract of lar�d;
THENC� Narth 00 de�rees 35 minutes 55 seconds Vllest, a distance of 6,002.57, more
or less feet to a poir�t for the norkhwest comer of Lot 19 of said Foxbane Estates;
TH�NCE North 89 degrees 44 minutes 44 seconds East, a distance of 749.62 feet, more
or less the r�ortheast corner of Lot 20 of said Foxbane Estates;
TH�NCE North 00 degrees 15 minutes 32 seconds West, a distance of '�28.90 fe�t,
more or less #o a�point for corner on #he sauth line of said Range Road;
THENC� North 88 degrees 45 minutes 28 seconds �ast, a distar�ce of 899.20 feet, more
or �ess to the POINT OF BE�INNING AND CONTAINING 18,808,793 s�uare feet or
431.79 acres of fand, more or less.
"This document was prepared under 22 TAC 663.21, daes not reflect the resuiis ot an
on �he ground survey and is not to Be used to convey or establish interests in rea�
property except tF�ose rights and interests implied or established by the creation or
reconfiguration of the boundary of the political subdivision for which it was prepared."
EXH�B�T 11
Tract I Map and Legal Description
�'�Ci' I
Being a tract of lancf in the Wil�iam Reed Survey, Abstract No. 1071, the John L. H�ggens
Survey, Abstract No. 584, the J. W. Gorbett Survey, Abstract No. 474, the William H.
Gorbeit Survey, Abstract No. 475, the William Reed Survey, Abstract No. 1071, the
James D. Dallas Survey, Abstract No. 363, THE Heirs of John A. Wal�er Survey,
Abstract ND. 1367, the J. J. Young Surrrey, Abstract No. 144�, #he €Ilen Young Survey,
Abstract No. 1452, the D. C. Len#z Sunrey, Abstract No. 1644, the NathaRiel S. Hazleton
5urvey, Abstract No. 547, ar�d the Wiiliam W. Young Survey, Abstract No. 1444, Denton
County, Texas, and be�ng a part of t�at tract of land depicted in Exhibit B of Joint
Resolution and Interlocal Agreement, Resolu#ion No. 4012-07-2011 as recorded in
Document No. 20'I1-91874 in the Ufficial Records of Denton County, Texas, and beir�g
more particular�y described as follows:
BEGINNING at the inter'section of said south' right-of-way line and the prolongation of'
the east right-of-way line of Jim Baker Road;
THENCE Narth pp degrees O8 minutes 20 secor�ds �as#, departir�g said south right-of-
way line, a dfstance of 2,400A5 #eet, more or less to a point for corner on said east righ#-
of-way line;
THENC€ North 86 degrees 58 minutes 53 seconds East, a distance of 2,119.38 feet,
more or less to a point for corner;
THENCE South �4 degrees 0� minutes 31 seconds �ast, a distance of 3,655.82 feet,
more or less #o a point for corner;
THENCE North 74 degrees 22 minutes 20 seconds �ast, a distance of 917.21 feet, more
or less to a point for corner;
TH�NC� So�th 74 degrees 58 minutes 57 seconds East, a c�istance of 161.29 feet,
more or less to a point for corner;
TF��NCE North 78 degrees 49 minufes 26 seconds East, a distanc� af 1,767.90 feet,
more or less to a point on the iine of demarcation between the �TJ of the Town of
Northlak� and the ETJ of the Town of Clark as shown on Fcxhibit A-1 in the Town o€
Northlake Resolution No. 151 on a circular curve ta left, not being tangenf to the
preceding course, ha�ing a radius of 2,640.00 feet, whose cf�ord bears South 54
degrees 26 minutes 32 seconds East, a distance of 2,853.45 feet mor� or less;
iHENC� Southeasterly, along said circular curve to the left, through a central angfe of
65 degrees 25 minutes 3� seconds, an arc length of 3,014.58 feet to the point of
curvature of a circular curve tv the left, not being compound �o the preceding course,
having a radius o� 2,64p.00 feet, whose chord bears Sou#h 17 degrees 41 minutes 28
seconds West, a distance of 1,555.31 feet more or less;
THENCE Southwesterly, a�ong said circular curve tv the left, through a cer�#ral ar�gle of
34 degrees 15 minutes 47 seconds, an arc fength of 1,578.73 f�et, more or less, to the
point of curvature of a circular curve to the �eft, not being compound to #he preceding
course, having a radius of 2,640.00 feet, whose chord bears Sout� 29 degrees 19
minutes 02 seconds West, a distance o# 1,311.49 #eet more or less;
TH�NC� Southwes#erly, along said circular curve to the left, through a central angle of
2$ degrees 45 minutes 52 seconds, an arc length of1,325.37 fee� fo a point for corner;
THENCE South 88 degrees 57 minutes 52 seconds West, a distance of 1,012.55 feet,
more or less to #he point of curvature of a circular curve to the left, not being tangent to
the preceding course, ha�ing a radius of 2,640.00 feet, whose chord bears North 70
degrees 13 minutes �0 seconds West, a distanee of'1,674.58 feet;
�THENCE, along said circular curve to the'left, thro�agh a centraf angle of 36 degrees 58
minutes 55 seconds, an arc length of 1,704.Q1 feet, more or less to a paint for corner;
THENC� North 88 degrees 42 minutes 28 seconds West, a distance of 1,559.59 feet to
the point of curvature of a circular cunre to the left, having a radius of 2,640.00 feet,
whose chord bears South 64 degrees 58 minutes 12 seconds West, a distance of
2,341.27 feet, more or less;
THFNC� So�athwesterly, along said circular curve to the left, through a central angle of
52 degrees 38 minutes 41 seconds, an arc lengfi� of 2,425.7p feet to #he point of
currrature of a circutar curve to the lefit, not being compvund to the preceding course,
having a radi�s of 2,640.00 feet, whose chord bears South �3 degrees.30 minutes 13
seconds West, a distance of 2,728.53 #eet, more or less;
THENCE Southwesterly, along said circ�alar curve #o the left, thraugh a central angle of
62 degrees 13 minutes 52 seconds, an arc length of 2,867.41 feet, more or less to a
point for corner;
THENC� South 89 degrees 54 minutes 00 seconds West, a distance of 304.63 feet,
more or less to a point for corner;
TH€NC� North 01 degrees �5 mir�utes 59 seconds West, a distance of 3,638.95 feet,
more ar less to a poir�t for corner;
THENCE South 89 degrees 43 minutes �2 seconds West, a distance of 849.03 feet,
more or less to the POINT OF BEGlNNING AND CONTAINfNG 38,98�,457 square feet
or �95.03 acres of land, more or less.
"This documen# was prepared ur�der 2� TAC 663.21, does not reflect the results of an
or� the ground survey, and is not to be used to convey or es#ablish in#erests in real
property except those rights and interests implied or established by the creation or
reconfguration of the boundary of t�e political subdivision for which it was prepared."
Joint Resolu��on Form
Exhibit 12
Fo�-m o�JointResolution
Whereas, tlle C�ty of Fort Worth {"Fort Worth"} is a horne rule municipality organized
under the constitution and laws of #he State of Texas; and
Wliereas, the Tor�vn of Jus�in ("Justin") is a general law municipality organized under the
laws of the State of Texas; arid
Whereas, the Town af Northlake ("Nor�hlak�") is a general law municipality organized
under the laws of the State of Texas; and
Whereas, Fort Worth, Jus#in and Northlake are parties in Town of Northiake v. City of
Justin, Na. 15-08170-367' pending in tlae district court of Denton Coun#y, Texas (the Lawsuit) in
which tnere are competing claims as to the extraterritorial jurisdiction status of certain tracts of
�and hereinafter descr�bed as tracts E, F, G, H ar�d I, as dep�cted on Exhibit l, which is attached
hereto and incorporated by reference l�erein, and as individually described and depicted on
Exhibits 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, respectively and which are attach�d hereto and incorporated by reference
herein; and
Whereas, Fort Worth and Northlake entered into a 2020 interlocal agreement that
superseded ar�d rep�aced a11 previous interlocal agreernents between the two involving ETJ that
provided inter alia for the eventual �ransfer of all of parcels E, F, G, and i from Fort Worth to
Whereas, the parties ta the Lawsuit have agreed that parcels E, G and H shall become the
exclusive ETJ of Justin and tracts � and I shall become the exclusive ETJ of Nortl�lake; and
Whereas, For� Worth and Justin have authority under the laws of Texas ta enter in�o
agreements for the iransfer of extraterritoriat jurisdiction between one another and to so adjust
their boundaries; and
Whereas, pursuant to Tex. Loc. Gov't Code section 42.021, Fort Worth has an ETJ
boundary of �ve miles from its corporate limits and Justin has an ETJ boundary af one mile from
its corporate limits; and
Whereas, tracts E, G and H lie within one �nile of 7ustin's corporate limits; and
Whereas, tracts F and T tie wzthin five miles of Fort Worth's corparate linnits; and
Whereas, Northlake agrees to reduce its claim of ETJ to tracts E, G and H; and
Whereas, Justin agrees to reduce it clam oi ETJ to tracts F and I; and
Whereas, Fort Worth agrees to reduce it� claims of ETJ to tracts E, G, and H.
Whereas, the transfer of ETJ be#ween Fort Worth, Northlake, and 3ustin by this Joint
Resolution is in the best interests oi each municipality, its citizens and property owners.
NOW THEREFORE be it be jointly resolved by the City Council oiFort Worth, the City
Cauncil of ]ustin and the Town Council of Northiake that:
SECTION 1. T�ie above recifals are incorporated nerein by reference and made a part of this joint
resolution as if fully set forth.
SECTION 2. Fv�t Worth heteby r�duces its ext�aterritorial jurisdiction over #racts E, G, and H
and Justin hereby expands its extraterritarial jurisdiction to include such tracts.
SECTION 3. Justin hereby reduces its extraterritorial jurisdiction in tracts F and I and Fo�rt Wvrth
hereby expands its extraterritorial jurisdiction to include such iracts.
SECTION 4. Northlake hereby releases its claim ta extraterritorial jurisdiction in tracts E, G, and
SECTION 5. Fort Worth, Justin, and Northlake each si�all adjust their extraterz�itoriat ju�isdiction
boundaries to reflec� the transfer of territory prescribed by Sections 2, 3, and 4 of this Joint
Resolution in the manner provided by lavv.
SECTION 6. The effective date of this Joint Resolution sha�l be the date that the last municipaliiy
adopts it.
SECTTON 7. In the ev�nt that any ozae or more oi the sections, s�bsectians, provisions, clauses
or words of this Agreement or th� applicaiion of such sections, subsections, provisions, clauses or
words ta any situation or circumstance shall be, or should be held to be, for any reasan, invalid ar
unconstitutional, under the Iaws or constrtutions of fihe State of Texas or the United States of
America, ar in contravention of any such laws or constitutions, such invalidity, t�nconstitutionalily
or contravention shall not affect any ather sections, su�sections, provisions, clauses or words of
this Agreement or ihe application of such seciions, subsections, provisions, clauses or words ta
any other situation or circumstances, and it is intended that this Agreement shall be severable and
shall be construed and app�ied as if any such invalid or unconstitutionai section, subsection,
provision, clause or word had not been included herein, and the rights and ohiigations of th� Parties
hereto shall be consirued and remain in force accordir�gly. Should any portion of the area
transferred to Justin's ETJ by tl-►is Jaini Resolution be already lawfully within ihe ETJ of Justin,
the transfer of ETJ from Fart Worth to Justin pursuant to this Agreement shall be deemed to
exclude su.ch area at�d to appiy solely to the remaining area so transfenred.
SECTION 8. A copy of t�is :Caint Resalution shall be filed in the property records of Denton and
Tarrant Counties.
PASSED AND A�'PR�VED BY THE City Council of Fort Wort� on thzs the _ day of
, 2�
Mayor, City of Fort Worth
City Secretary, City of Fort Worth
PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE City Council of Justin on t1�is the _ day of
, 20 .
Mayor, City of rustin
City Secretary, City of Justin
PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE Town Council of Northlake on tl�is the _ day af
, 20�.
Mayor, Town of Northlake
Town Secretary, Town of Northlake
Exhibit List
Joint Resofu#ian
Exhibit 1: Subject Property r�ap (same as �xhibit 2 af lL,4)
Exhibit 2: Map and Property Description, Tract �
Ex�ibit 3: Map and Praperty Description, Tract F
Exhibit 4: Map and Prop�rty Description, Tract G
Exhibit S: Ma� and Property �escrip#ion, Tract H
Exhibit 6: Map and Property �escription, Tract I
Subject Properiy Map
Map and Proper�y Descr�ption, Tract E
�,�RC�L �
Being a part of the M. Polk Survey, Abstract No. 993, Denton County, Texas, being a
part of that called 2049 acre tract of lartd described as Parcel 3 reieased to Northlake ir�
Jaint Resalution and Agreement, Fort Wor�h Adopted Resolution No. 2341, and being
more particularly described as follows:
BEGlNNING at an ell corner on the northerly I�rte of said Fort Workh Adapted Resol�ation
No. 234'1;
THENCE North 01 degree 45 minutes 42 seconds Wes#, along said norti�erly lir�e, a
disfance of 933.00 fe�t, more or less to a point for corner;
THENCE Nort� 88 degrees 41 minutes 58 seconds Easf, continuing alor�g said northerly
line, a distance of 1,470.00 fee#, mare or less to a point for corner;
THENCE South 01 degree 44 minutes 23 seconds East, cont�nuing along said northerly
line, a distance of 490.00 fee#, more or less to a point for corner;
THENCE 5outh 01 degree 35 minutes 41 secands Eas#, departing said nor�herly line,
over and across satd Fart WorEh Adopted Resolutior� No. 2341 tract, a distance of
'1,829.�16 feet, more or less to a paint for corner;
THENCE North 89 degrees 23 rr�in�tes 44 seconds West, a distance of 1,470.44 feet,
more or fess to a point for corr�er;
THENCE North 01 degree 33 minutes 29 seca�ds West, a distance o� 1,337.28 �eet to
the POINT �F BEGINNING AND CONTAINlNG 3,371,340 sq�are feet or 77.40 acres,
more or fess.
"This document was prepared under 22 TAC 663.21, does not reflect the results of an
on the gro�nd suroey and is not to be used to convey or estabfish interests in real
property except thase rights and interests impliecf or established by the creation or
reconfiguration of tf�e boundary of the pofiticaE subdi�ision for which it was prepared."
Map and P�operty Description, Tract F
PAR��� �
Being a par� of the M. PoEk Survey, Abstract No. 993, Denton County, Texas, being a
part of the Wiiliam Gaffield Survey, Abstract No. 448, Denton County, Texas, being a
par� ofthe Guadalupe Cardinas Survey, Abstract No. 2'�5, Dentan County, Texas, being
a part of tl�at called 2049 acre tract of land described as Parcei 3 released to Nor�hlake
in Joint Resolution ar�d Agreemertt, For� Warth Adopted Resolution No. 2341, and being
more particulariy described as folfows:
BEGINNING at the nar�heast corner of said For# Worth Adopted Resoiution No. 2341
and being an the west line o�F Cify of Northlake Ordinance Na. 46;
THENCE South 01 degree 00 minutes 00 seconds East, a distanc� of 814.75 feet, aiong
fhe easterly line of said Fort Worth Adopted Resolution No. 2341, more or less to the
point of c�rvature of a circu�ar curve to the left, havir�g a radius of 2,640.00 feet, whose
chord bears South 26 degrees 50 minutes 12 seconds Easf, a distance of 2,301 A6 feet,
more or less;
THENCE SoutheasterEy, confinuing aiong said easterly #ine and alang said c�rc�lar cu�ve
to the left, through a central angle of 51 degrees 40 minutes 24 seconds, an arc length
of 2,380.93 feef, mare or less, to the point o�F curvature of a circular curve to the left, not
being compound to the preceding course, ha�ing a radius of 2,640.Q0 feet, whos� chord
bears South 11 degrees 09 minutes 21 secon�s West, a distance of 4,238.�8 feet more
or less;
THENCE Southeasteriy, contir�uing along said easterly line and along said circular curve
to the left, fhrough a centraf angle of '� 06 degrees 47 mir��ates 08 s�conds, an arc fength
o€ 4,920.33 feet, more or less to a point for the intersectior� of said calle� 2049 acre tract
of land and the west corner of that called 2.85 acre fract of land described as Parcel 4
in said .loint Reso�ufion and Agreement, Fort Worih Adopted Resoiution No. 2341;
THENCE 5outh 62 degrees 20 minutes 22 seconds West, departing said easfer�y line
and along the souther�y line of said called 2049 acre tract of �and, a distance of 2,i4S.31
feet, more or less to a point for cor�er;
THENCE 5o�ath 89 degrees 17 minutes 45 seconds West, contir�uing along said
southeriy �ine, a distance of 3,804.00 feet, cnore or less �o fhe most southerly so�thwesf
corner of said calied 2049 acre tract of land;
THENCE Narth 17 degrees 25 minutes 45 s�conds East, depar�ing said southerly line
and along the westerly line of said called 2049 acre tract of land, a distance of 4,052.OQ
�eet, more or less to an eli corner of said called 2049 acre tract of land and �eing on a
so�theriy line of said called 2�49 acre iract of land;
THENCE South 89 degrees 37 minutes 30 seconds Wesfi, along said southerly iine, a
distance of 4,365.45 feet, more or less to a point for corner;
THENCE North 00 degrees 24 minutes 00 seconds Wesi, departir�g said southerly line,
a distance af 2,995.76 feef #o an ell corner on the r�ortherly line of said called 2049 acre
�ract of iand;
THENCE No�ih 90 de�rees OD minut�s 00 seconds Eas#, along said northeriy line, a
distance af 2,00�.00 fieet, more or iess to a point for corner;
THENCE South 01 degr�e 33 minutes 29 seconds East, depa�ting said �ortherly lie,
over and across said cailed 2049 acre tract of land, a distance of 1,337.28 feet, more or
less #o a point for corner;
THENCE South 89 degrees 23 mi�ruies 44 seconds East, a distance of 1,470.�44 feet,
more or iess ta a point for corner;
THENCE North 01 degree 35 minutes 49 seconds West, a distance of 9,829.16 feet,
more or less to an elf corner on said northerEy line;
THENCE North 89 degrees 27 minut�s Q�1 seconds East, along said northerly line, a
disfance of 2,052.65 �eet to the PO�NT OF BEGINNING AND CONTAIN�NG 30,791,844
sqt�are feet ar 706.88 acres of land, more or less.
"This document was �repared under 22 TAC G63.21, does nat reffect t�e results of an
on the grour�d survey and is nat to be used io convey or establish interests in real
proper�y except those rights and interests implied or estabiished by the creation or
reconfig�ration of the baundary of the political su�division for which it was prepared."
Map and Property De,scription, Tract G
�AR���. �
Being a tract af lanc! in the M. Garnett Survey, Abs�raef No. �39, Denton County, Texas,
the W. Ferris Survey, Abstract No. 419, Denfon County, Texas, and #he M. Polk Survey,
Abstract No. 993, Denton County, Texas, being a part of that called 217.008 acre tract
of land describecf in Warranty Deed to Olen Range in Volume 870, Page 29, in the D�ed
Records of Der�ton County, Texas (D.R.D.C.T.), being a�l of thaf called 206.497 acre
tract of land described in Trustee's Deed to CNR TaIfylTrail Creek Acres as recorded in
Documer�# No. 2009-136383 in tY�e Officiai Records of Denton County, Texas
(O.R.D.C.T.}, being all of that called 0.4'I36 acre fract of �and described as Tract 1 in
Warrar�ty Deed with Vendor's Lier� to Tam Strader ar�d .ian Strader as recorded in
Volume 3347, Page 942 D.R.D.C.T., being par# of that called 241.210 acre tract o� land
described in Special Warrar�ty Deed ta .3ustin Timbert�raok, LLC as recorded in
Document No. (20'I7) 5803 O.R.D.C.T., being part af �hat calfed 4� 1.268 acre t�act of
land described in Special Warranty Deed to J�stin Timbe�broo�C, LLC as recorded in
Document No. 2016-55837 O.R.D.C.T., being the remains of that called 215.041 acre
tract of fand described in Warranty Deed to Mary L. Range Bradley as recorded in
Volume 670, Page 27 D.R.D.C.T., a part of Farm to Market Road 407 {F.M. 407} (an
apparent 90 faot wicle right-ofi-way), a part of Range Road, being a part of that cal[ed
2Q49 acre tract of land described as Parc�! 3 released to Northlake in Joinf Resolutior�
and Agreement, Fort Worth Adop#ed Resolution No. 23�41, and being more particularly
described as fo�lows:
BEGiNNING at the northeast corner af said called 206.497 acre tract of land and being
on the souti� righf-of-way line of said F.M. 407;
THENCE South OD degrees 08 minutes 21 seconds East, passing the southeast corner
of said called 206.497 ac�e tract of land and an ell corner ofi said called 217.008 acre
tract of land at a distance of 3454.42 feet more or less, and continuing a total disfance
of 5,339.06 feef more�or fess, to an ell carner of said called 2049 acre trac# af �and ar�d
being on the south side of Range Road;
THENCE North 88 degrees 45 minutes 28 secands East, a distance ofi 1,333.97 fee#,
more or less to an ell corner of said calied 2049 acre tract af land;
THENCE South 01 degree 20 minutes 04 seconds East, a distance of 1,840.00 feet,
mor� or less to an etl corr�er of said called 2049 acre tract ofi land;
THENCE iVorth 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 secands East, a distance of 100.00 feet, more
or iess to an eli corner of said called 2049 acre tract of land;
THENCE South� 00 degrees 00 minutes DO seconds East, a distance of 1,357.00 feet,
more or less, #o an eil corner of said called 2049 acre iract of land;
THENCE South 00 degrees 24 minufies 00 seconds East, over and across said calied
2049 acr� tract of land, a distance of 2,99�.76 feefi, more or iess to a point for corner on
a south line of said calied 2Q49 acre tract of iand;
THENCE South 89 degrees 3i minutes 29 seconds West, a distance of 3,a�2.55 feet,
more or less to an eil corner of said cafled 2049 acre tract of �and;
THENCE North 67 degrees 32 minutes 56 seconds West, a dis#ance of 76.01 feet, more
or less to an e!I corner of said called 2049 acre tract of lar�d;
THENCE Norfih 00 degrees 35 minufes 55 seconds Wesi, a disfance of 7,54Q.55 feat,
more or less #o a poinf €or corner;
THENCE Nort� 90 degrees 00 minut�s 00 seconds West, a distar�ce of 934.'16 feet more
or iess, to a poinf for corner;
THENCE North OQ d�grees 33 minufies 54 seconds Wesfi, passing the sauthwest corner
of said ca�led 206.497 acre tract of land at a distance of �61.06 feet more or less and
continuing for a tata� distance of 3,675,84 feet more or less, to the nor�hwest corner of
said called 2Q6.497 acre tract ofi land, and being in #he south right-of-way line of said
F. M. 407;
THENCE North 09 degrees 06 minutes 24 seconds W�sf, a distance of 111.56 feet more
or less, to southwest corner ofi sa�d call�d 0.�4136 acre tract of land and being on the
nortf� righf-of-way lir�e of said F.M. 40i;
THENCE North 00 degrees 34 minutes 11 seconds West, passing the common
r�or�hwesf corner of said called 0.4136 acre tract of land and tl�e sout�west corner of
said called 241.210 acre �rac# of land a# a distance of 183.32 feet, mare ar I�ss and
continuing for a total dis#ance of 3,26Q.14 feet mor� or less, to an el1 corner of said cafled
241.2'� 0 acre trac# of land;
THENCE North 00 degrees 24 minutes 47 seconds East, a distance af 2,57'i.12 feet
more or less, to a point of intersection in the north line of said cal[ed �41.210 acre tract
of land;
THENCE North 89 degrees 54 minutes 00 seconds East, passing the common easfi iine
of said called 241.210 acre tract of land and the wes� line of said called 411.268 acre
#ract ot land at a dis#ance of 1,015.21 feet more or iess and continuing for a fotal distar�ce
of 1,828.78 fe�t fo a poir�t on a circular curve to the ieft, not bemg tangent to the
preceding course, having a radius of 2,640.00 feet, whose chord bears South 10
degrees 4'i minutes 50 seconds 1Nest, a distance of 1,069.89 feet mare or iess;
THENCE Southwesterly, along said circular curv� to the lefi, t�rough a centraE angle af
23 degrees 22 min�tes 54 seconds, an arc [ength of 1,077.35 fee� more or less, to a
point far corner;
TH�NCE South 00 degrees 34 minutes 22 seconds East, a distanc� of 2,669.69 feet fo
tYte point of curvature of a circu�ar curve to the left, not being tangent to the preceding
course, having a radius of 2,640.OQ feet, whose chord bears 5outh Q4 degrees �4
minutes 00 secands East, a distance of 451.20 feet more or less;
THENCE Southeas#erly, along said circular curve to the leff, throug� a central angle of
09 degrees 48 minutes '� 6 secor�ds, an arc length of 451.75 feet more or less, to a poir�t
for corner;
THENCE South 82 degrees v9 minutes 00 secor�ds West, a distance of 652.25 feet
more ar less, �o a point for corner on the common east line of sa�d called 241.2'� 0 acre
tract of �and and the west line of said called 411.268 acre tract of land;
THENCE South �� .degrees 25 min�fies 43 seconds East, passing the common
souiheast corner of said called 24�l,210 acre tract of land, the southwest corner af said
called 411.268 acre tract of land and the nor�h right-of-way fine of said F.M. 407 at a
distance of 1,344.23 feet, more or less and continuing for a totai distance of 1,434.29
feet mor� ar less, ia a point for corner an the common nor�h line o� said cailed 206.497
acre tract of land and ti�e south righf-of way line of F.M. 407,
THENCE Nor�h 89 degrees 20 minutes 40 secands East, afong said south right-of-way
fine, a distance of 845.35 feet more or less, to a point for corner;
THENCE North 89 degrees 25 minutes 37 �seconds East, continuing along said south
right-af-way fine, a distance of 749.02 feet ta the P�ENT �F BEGINNING AND
CONTAINING 40,08Q,Q22 square feet or 920.1 acres of land, more or less.
"T�is document was prepared under 22 TAC 6�3.21, daes not reflect the resutts of an
or� fil�e grounc� survey and is not fo be used to convey or estab�ish interesfis in real
proper�y except thos� rights and interests imp�ied or established by the creafion or
reconfiguration of the boundary of the polittcal subdivision fior wh�ch it was prepared."
Map and Proper�y De�crxpiion, Traci H
PAR�;�� �
Being a tract of land in the M. Poik Survey, Abstract No. 993, Denton Cour�ty, Texas,
being a part of fhat called 217.008 acre tract of land described in Warranty �eed to Olen
Range in Volume 870, Page 29, in the Deed Recorc�s af Denton County, Texas
(D.R.D.C.T.), being a part of that calied 2049 acre tract of �and described as Parcel 3
released to Northlake in Joinf Resolution ancf Agre�ment, Fort Wa�kF� Adapfed
Resolution No. 23�41, being all of Foxbane Estates, an addition to Denton County, Texas
as recorded in Volume H, Page 24 of the Plat Records of D�nfon Caunty, Texas, and
being more particuEarly described as foliows:
BEGINNING at ar� ell corner of said calfed 2049 acre tract of land and being on the south
side of Range Road;
THENCE North 88 degrees 45 min�ates 28 seconds Easi, a distance of �,333.97 feet,
more or less to an el! corner of said eall�d 2049 acre tract ot land;
THENCE South 01 degree 20 mir�utes 0�4 seconds East, a distance o� 1,840.00 feet,
more or fess fo an e!I corner of said called 2049 acre tract of land;
THENCE Norfh 90 degrees 00 minutes QO seconds East, a distance of 100.00 feet, more
or Iess to an e!I corner of said called 2049 acre tracf of land;
THENCE South 00 degrees 00 mir�ufes 00 seconds East, a distance of 1,357.00 feet,
more or less, to an ell eorner of said called 2049 acre traet of lar�d;
THENCE South 00 degrees 24 minutes 00 seconds East, ov�r and across said called
2049 acre fract of land, a distance of 2,995.76 feet, more or less to a poin# for corner on
a south line of said called 2049 acre tract of land;
THENC� South 89 degrees 37 minutes 29 seconds West, a distance af 3,012.55 �eet,
more or less to an el� corner of said called 2049 acre tract of land;
THENCE North 67 degrees 32 minutes 56 seconds West, a dis�ance of 76.01 fe�t, more
or less to an el# corner of said cal(ed 2049 acre tract of Iand;
THENCE North 00 degrees 3� minut�s 55 seconds West, a distance of 6,002.57, more
or less feet to a point for the northwest corner o# Lot '� 9 of said Foxbane Estates;
THENCE North 89 degrees 44 min�ates 44 seconds East, a distance of 749.62 feet, more
or less the northeast corner of Lot 20 of said Foxbane Esfates;
THENC� North DO degrees 15 minutes 32 seconds West, a distance of 128.90 feet,
more or less to a point for corner on fhe so�th line of sa�d Range Road;
THENCE Nor�h 88 degrees 45 minutes 28 seconcfs East, a distance of 899.20 feet, more
or less to the POINT OF BEGINNING AND CONTAfN1NG 18,808,793 square feet ar
431.79 acres of land, more or less.
"This �ac�ment was prepared under 22 TAC 663.21, does not reflect the results of an
on the ground su�vey a�d is not to b� used to convey or establish in#erests in real
property except those rig�tts and interests imp�ied or estabGshed by the creation or
recon�guration of the boundary of fhe �olitica! subdivision for which it was prepared."
Map and Property Description, Tract I
Being a tract of land in the William Reed Survey, Abstrac# No. 1071, the John L. Higgens
S�arvey, Abstracf No. 584, the J, W. Gorbeft Survey, Abstract No. 4i4, the Wiliiam H.
Gorbett SUrvey, Abstract No. 475, the William Reed Survey, Abstract No. 1 Q71, the
James D. Dallas Survey, Abstract No. 363, THE Heirs of Jahn A. Waiker Survey,
Abstract NO. 1367, fhe J. J. Young Survey, Absfract No. 1445, t�e Ellen Young Survey,
Abstract No. 1452, the D. C. Lentz Survey, Abstract No. 1644, #he Nathaniel S. Hazleton
5unrey, Abstract No. 547, and the Wifliam W. Young Survey, Abs#ract No. 'I444, Denton
County, Texas, and being a part of t�at tract of iand depicted in Ex��bit B of Joint
Resolution ancf fnterlocal Agreement, Resolution No. 4012�07-2011 as recorded in
Document No. 2D11-9'�874 in the Offic�al Records of Denton Caunty, Texas, and being
more particularly desc�ibed as follows:
BEGINNING a# t�e intersection of said south right-of-way line and t�e prolongat�on of
the �as� right-of-way Gne of Jim Baker Road;
THENCE North DO degrees Q8 minutes 20 seconc�s East, departing said sout#� right-ofi
way line, a distance of 2,400.05 feet, more or less to a point for corner on said easf right-
of-way line;
THENCE Norih 86 degrees �8 minutes 53 seconds East, a distance of 2,179.38 feet,
more or less to a point for corn�r;
THENCE South 84 degre�s 04 minutes 31 secor�ds East, a c4istance o�F 3,655.82 �eet,
more or less fo a point for corner;
THENCE North 74 degrees 22 minutes 20 seconds Easf, a distance of 917.21 feet, more
or less to a point for corner;
THENCE So�th 74 degrees 58 rr�i�uf�s 57 seconds East, d distar�ce of 161.�9 f�et,
more or less to a point for corr�er;
THENCE North 78 degrees 49 minutes 26 seconds East, a distance of 1,767.9Q feet,
more or less to a point on th� line af demarcation between the ETJ of the Town of
Northlake and the ETJ of the Town of Clark as s�own on Exhibit A-1 in �he Towr� af
Na�thlake Resolution No. �51 on a circular curve ta left, not being tangent to fhe
preceding course, ha�ing a radius of 2,640A0 feet, w�ose c�ord bears South 54
d�grees 26 minutes 32 seconds East, a distanc� of 2,853.45 feet more ar less;
THENCE So�fheasterly, along said circ�lar cunre to the left, through a cen#ral ang�e of
65 d�grees 25 minutes 31 seconcis, an arc length af 3,D14.58 feet to the point of
curvature of a circ�lar c�rve to fihe leff, not being compound to the preceding course,
having a radius ofi 2,640.00 feef, w�ose chord bears South '#7 degrees 41 minutes 28
seco�ds West, a distance of 1,555.31 feet more or less;
THENCE So�athwesterly, along said circular curve to t#�e ieft, through a c�n#ral angle of
34 degrees 15 minutes 47 seconds, an arc iength of 1,578.73 feet, more or less, to the
point of curvat�re of a circular curve to the left, r�at being compound to the precedir�g
course, having a radius of 2,640.00 feet, whose chord bears Sauth 29 degrees 19
min�tes 02 seconds West, a distance of 'l,311.49 �eet more ar less;
THENCE Southwesterly, along said circular curve to the left, ti�rough a central a�gle of
28 �egrees 45 minutes 52 seconds, an arc length of'I,32�.37 feet to a point for corner;
THENCE 5oufh 88 degr�es 57 minutes 52 seconds West, a dis#ance of 1,012.5� feet,
more or less to the point of curvature of a circular curve to the 1eft, not being tang�nt to
the preceding course, having a radius of 2,640.00 feet, whose cf�ard bears North 70
degrees 13 minutes 00 seconds West, a distance of 9,674.a8 feet;
THENCE, along said circuiar curve to the leffi, through a central angle of 36 d�grees 58
minutes 55 seconds, an arc length of 1,704.fl1 feet, more or less to a point for corr�er;
THENCE Nor�h 88 degrees 42 minutes 28 seconds West, a distar�ce of'i,559.59 feet to
the point of curvature ofi a circuiar cur�e to the Eeff, �a�ing a radius of 2,64D.00 feef,
whose chord b�ars Sauth 64 degrees 58 minufes 12 seconds West, a distance of
2,341.27 feet, more or less;
THENCE Southwesterly, a�ong said circular curve to fihe fef#, through a centrai ang�e of
52 degrees 38 minutes 41 seconds, an arc length of 2,425.70 feef ta ti�e poir�t of
curvature of a circular curve to t�e lef#, not being compaund to the preceding course,
havi�g a radius of 2,640.00 feet, whose chord bears Soufih 53 degrees 3� minufes �[3
seconcls West, a distance of 2,728.53 feet, more or less;
THENCE Southwesterly, along said circular curve #o the leff, through a central angle of
62 degrees 'i3 minutes 52 seconds, an arc Iength ofi 2,867.4'f feet, more or less to a
point for corner;
THENCE South 89 degrees 54 minutes 00 secands West, a distance of 304.63 feet,
more or less to a point for corner;
THENCE No�th a1 degrees 55 minutes 59 seeonds West, a distance of 3,638.95 feet,
more or less to a point for corner;
THENCE South 89 d�grees 43 minutes 02 seconds West, a distance of 849.03 feet,
more or less to the POINT OF BEG(NNING AND CONTAINING 38,987,457 square feet
or 895.03 acres of land, more or �ess.
"T�is document was pr�pared under 22 TAC 663.21, does not ref�ect the results of an
on the ground survey, and is not to be used to convey or estab[ish interests in reat
property excepf thas� rights and interests impli�d or established by the creation or
recontiguration of the boundary ofi tne poli#icaf su�division for w�ich it was prepared."
Sectxon 13.248 Agreement Form
This WATER CCN TRANSFER AGREEMENT ("Agreetnent") is made and entered
into by and between the City of Justin, a Type A GeneraI Law municipality in Dentor�
Co�nty, Texas ("Justin") and the City of Northlake, a Type A General Law nr�unzczpadi#y in
Denton County, Texas ("Northlake"j as of the date this Agreement is fully executed (the
"Effective Date"). Justin and Northlake are each, a"Party," and are collective�y, the
WHEREAS, Justin is the holder of water Ce�-tificaie of Convenience and Necessity
("CCN") No. 10167, the boundaries o�w�ich are within Denton County, Texas; and
�NHEREAS, Northlake is the holder of water CCi�T No. 12915, the boundaries af
which are within Denton County, Texas; and
WHEREAS, Texas Water Code ("TWC'} Section 13.248 authorizes contracts
betw�en retail public utiIities designating areas and customers to be served by those retail
public utiIities, when approved by the Public Utility Comznission of Texas (the "PUC')
after puhlic notice ar�d hearing; and
WHEREAS, the Parties' water CCN bou�tdaries are adjacent to each other in certain
�ocations; and
WI�REAS, the Parties desire that �Justin o� Nor�thlakeJ trans%r to �IVorthlake or
Justin] a portion of its water CCN eonsisting af� acres mare specifiically shown in
Exhibit "A" and more partzcularly described in Exhibit "B" (the "Transfer Tract") both of
which EXhibits are attached hereto and incorporated herein for all puxpases; azad
WHEREAS, there are no custom�rs or facilities laca�ed in the Transfer Tract.
Now Therefore, in consideration af the mutual rights and obligations set forth herein, and
other good and valuable consideration the rec�ipt and sufficzency of which are hereby
acknowledged, the Parties agree as foIlows:
1. Pur�ose. This Agreement shall be a contract designating areas and c�stomers to be served by
the Parties in accordance with TWC Section 13.248.
2. Transfer of the Transfer Tract. Subject to the approval of the PUC, (Justin or� No�thlakeJ
transfers and conveys to (IVorthlake or Justin], and �Northlake or JustinJ accepts fram
�Justfn or NarthlakeJ the Transfer Tract, and the Pariies agree ta the rnodi�cation of their
respective water CCN boundaries accordingly. There are no customers or facilities located
on the Transfer Tract and therefore none are being transferred.
3. Pavment oF Costs. As the transferee Party, �Northlake or JustiraJ agrees to assume
responsibility for filing an application at the PUC, submitting alt necessary supporting
docu�ents, and paying all associated costs to effectuate the transfer of the Transfer Tract as
contempiated here�n. �Justin or NorthlakeJ agrees to cooperate with �1Vv�thlake or Justin] in
advancing such application{s} toward final approval by the PUC.
4. No Continuin�Obii�ation of Service. Upon PUC approva� of the application(s) to transf�r
the Transfer Tract from �Justin or NorthlakeJ ta �Northlake or JustinJ, �Justin or NorthlakeJ
shall have no further obligation to provide retaii water service to the Transfer Tract.
Non-Substantive Mapnin� Chan�. Non-substantive corrections or changes may be made to
the boundaries of the Transfer Tract on the officia� CCN maps of the PUC in order to
effectuate the purposes of this Agreement.
6. Enforceabilitv. This Agreerneni constitutes the legal, valid and binding obligation of each
Party hereto and is en%rceabie in accardance with its terms, and that each Party is entering
into this Agreement in reliance upon the enforceability of this Agreement.
7. Ap�licab�e Law. This Agreement shall be goverried by, at�d construed in accordance with,
the laws of �he State of Texas. The venue for any action to enforce the terrns and conditions
of this Agreernent shall be in Denton Coun�y. Any administrative law actior� brought to
enforce ar construe the terms and conditions hereof, or to enjoi� or require the perforrnance
of any act in cannection herewit�, shall be brought at the PUC or its successor agency.
Amendment. This Agreement may nat be amended or terminated except by an instrument
signed by all Parti�s to this Agreement.
9. Assi ment and Successors. This Agreement shall bind the Parties aind their iegal
successors, but shall not atherwise be assignable by any Party, except with the priar written
consent of the ather Party.
10. No�ices. All notices provided purs�ant ta this Agreement shall be in writing and sent by
facsimile and/or first-class postage prepaid and addressed ta the Par�y and to the Party's
designated represen#ative as follaws:
City of Justin
Attn: City Manager
P.O. Box 129
Justin, TX 76247
Town of Northlake
Attn: City Manager
1500 Corrx�nons Circle, Ste. 340
Northlake, TX 76226
Any Party may change the designated representative or address for receipt of natice by
providing notice in writing in accordance vvith this paragraph to the other Parties.
11. Severabilitv. In the event one or more of the prnvisions in this Agreement shalI for any
reason be heId to he invalid, illegal or otherwise urtenforceable, such invalidity, illegality or
unenforceability shall noi affect any other provision hereaf and this Agreemeni shall be
construed as if such invalid, i�legal or unenfarceable provision had never been contained
12. Recitals. The recitaIs contained herein are true and correct and are incorporated inta this
Agreement for al� pUrposes.
l 3. Authoritv. The Par�ies represent and warrant ihat the individua�s named below are duly
authorized to execute fihis Agreement on behalf of their respective Party.
14. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in one or more counter�arts, each of which
shall be deerried an original, but aIl of which tagether shall canstztute one and the same
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto entex into this Agreement with an Effective
Date as of the latest date of the signatures of their respective authorized representati�es belovv.
CiLy of Justin
Tvwn of Northlake
Joint Resolution with E�ibits
xEsoLUT�oN �vo.
Whereas, the City of Fort Worth {"Fort Worth") is a horne rule municipality organfzed
under the constitution and laws of the Siate of Texas; and
Whereas, the Town af Justin ("Justin") is a generai law rriunicipality organized under ihe
laws of the Stafie of Texas; and
Whereas, the Town of Northlake {"Northlake") is a genera� law municipality organized
under �e laws of the State of Texas; and
Whereas, Fort Worth, Justin and Narthlake are parties in Tawn of 1Vorthlake v. City of
lustin, No. 15-0817Q-367 pending in the district court of Denton County, Texas (the Lawsuit) in
which there are competing clairns as fo the extraterritorial jurisdiction stat�s of certain tracts of
Iand hereinaft�r describec� as tracts E, F, G, H and �, as depicted on E�hibit 1, which is attached
hereto and incorparat�d by reference herein, and as individually descxibed and depicted on
Exhibits 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, respectively and wh.ich are attached hereto and incorporated by reference
herein; and
Whereas, Fori Worth and Northlake entered into a 2020 interlocal agreement that
superseded and replaced all previous interlacal agreements between the two invalving ETJ that
provided inte� alia for the eventual transfer of all of parcels E, F, G, and� I fro�n Fort Worth to
Whereas, the parties fio the Lawsuit have agreed that parcels E, G and H shall become ihe
excl�sive ETJ of Justin and tracts F and I shall become the exclusive ETJ of Northlake; and
Whereas, Fort Worth and Jusiin have autharity under �he laws of Texas to enter into
agreements for the transfer of extraterritorial jurisdiction between one another and to so ac�just
their boundaries; and
Whereas, pursuant to Tex. Lac. Gov't Code section 42.021, Fort Worth has an ETJ
boundary of five miles from its corporate limit� and J�ustin has an ETJ baundary af ane mi�e from
its corporate ]imits; and
Whereas, tracfis E, G and H lie wi�hin one r�aile of Justin's corporate limiis; and
Whereas, tracts F and I lie within five miles of Fort Worth's corporate lirnits; and
Whereas, Northiake agrees tv reduce its ciairr� af ETJ to tracts E, G and H; and
Whereas, 3ustin agrees to reduce it claim of ETJ to tracts F and I, and
Whereas, Fart Worth agrees to reduce its claims of ETJ to tracts E, G, and H.
Whereas, �he transfer of ET3 between Fort Worth, Northlake, and Justin by this Joint
Resolution is in the best interests of each naunicipality, its citizens and property owners.
NOW THEREFORE be it be jointly resolved by the City Council of Fort Worth, the City
Council of J'ustin and the Towr� Co�ncil of Narthlake that:
SECTION 1. The above recitals are incorporated herein by reference and made a part of this joint
resolution as if fully set forth.
SECTION 2. Fort Wvrth her�by reduces i�s extraterritorial jurisdiction over tracts E, G, and H
and Justin k�ereby expands its extraterritorial jurisdictian to include such tracts.
SECTION 3. Justin hereby reduces its extraterritorial jurisdictian in tracts F and I and F'ort Worth
hereby expands its extraterritorial jurisdiction ta include such tracts.
SECTION 4. North�ake hereby releases its claim to extraferritorial jurisdiction in �racts E, G, and
SECTION 5. Fort Worth, Justin, and NorthIake each shall adjust their extraterritorial jurisdict�on
baundaries to reflect t�e trans�er of territory prescrib�d by Sections 2, 3, and 4 of this Joint
Resolution in the manner provided by law.
SECTION b. The effective date of this Joint Resolution shall be the date that the iast municipality
adopts it.
SECTION 7. In the event that any one or more of the sections, subsections, provisions, clauses
or words of this Agreement ar the applieation of such sections, subsections, provisions, clauses or
words to any situation or circumsiance shall be, or should be held to be, for any reason, invalid ar
unconstitut.ional, under the laws or constitutions of the State af Texas or the United States of
America, or in contravention of a�ny such laws ar constifiutions, such invalidity, unconstitutionality
or contravention shall not a#�ect any other sectians, subsections, provisions, clauses or words of
this Agreennent or the application of such sections, subsections, provisians, clauses or words to
any ather situatio� or circumstances, and it is inte�ded that this Agree�ment shall he severable and
shall be construed and applied as if any such invalid ar unconstitutiozaal sectian, subsection,
provision, ciause or word hacf not been included herein, and the rights and obligations of the Parties
hereto shall be construed and remain in force accordingly. Should any portion of the area
transferred to Jus#in's ETJ by this Joint Resolution be already lawfully within the ETJ of Justin,
the �ransfer af ETJ from Fort Worth io Jusiin pursuant to this Agreement shall be deenned to
exclude such area and to apply solely to the rernaining area so transferred.
SECT�ON 8. A copy of this 3oint Resolu�ion shall be f led in the property recards of Denton and
Tarrant Counties. �
PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE City Council of Fort Worth on this fhe _ day of
, 20^.
Mayor, City of Fort Worth
City Secretary, City of Fort Worth
PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE City Council of Justin on this the ____ day of
, 20 .
Mayor, City of Justin
City Sec�etary, City of Justin
PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE Town Council ofNorthlake on this the _ day of
, 20
Mayor, Towr� af Northlake
Town Secretary, Town of Northlake
Exhibit L#st
Joint Resolution
Exhibit 1: Subject Property map (same as Exhibit 2 of IiAj
Exhibit 2: Map and Property Description, Tract E
Exhibit 3: Map and Property Description, Tract F.
Exhibit 4: Map and Property Description, Tract G
Exhibit 5: Map and Property Descrip#ion, Tract H
Exhibit 6: Map and Praperty Description, Tract f
Subj ect Properiy Map
Trne! H ..1
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�xhibit 1
ETJ Allocafion for Narfhl�ke and ,fustin Past Settlement
,}� Town at NarUilake � Cily nt Juslin E7J
7own oENarthlake ETd Gily o1 Fo�i Worlh
.- Cily oF Juslln Ci[y o[ FarE Worlh �T.{
oese: sl+a2o21
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Map and Property Description, Tract E
Pr4RG�� E
Being a part of the M. Polk Survey, Abstrac# No. 993, Denton County, Texas, being a
par� of that called 2049 acre tract of land described as Parcel 3 released to Northlake in
Joint Resofution and Agreement, Fort Worth Adopted Resolution No. 2341, and t�eing
more particularly described as follows:
B�GINNING at an ell corner on the nortF�erly lin� of said Fort Worth Ado�ted Resolution
No. 2341;
THENCE North 01 degree 45 minutes 42 seconds West, along said northerly line, a
distance of 933.00 feet, more or less to a point for corner;
THENCE North 88 degrees 41 minutes 58 seconds East, continuing along said northerfy
line, a distance of 1,470.00 feet, more or less to a point for corner;
TH�NCE South 01 degree 44 minutes 23 secor�ds East, continuing alor�g said r�ortherly
line, a distance of 490,00 feet, more or less to a poir�t for corner;
THENCE South 01 degree 35 minutes 41 seconds East, departing said northerly line,
over and across said Fort Warth Adopted Resolution No. 2341 tract, a distance of
1,829.16 fe�t, more or less to a point for corr�er;
THENCE North 89 degrees 23 minu#es 44 seconds West, a distance of 1,470.44 feet,
more or less to a point for corner;
TH�NCE North 01 degree 33 minutes 29 seconds West, a distance of 1,337.28 feet to
the POINT OF BEGINNlNG AND CONTAINING 3,3i1,340 square feet or 77.40 acres,
more or less.
"This document was prepared under 22 TAC 663.21, does not reflect the r�sul#s of an
on the ground survey and is not to be used to convey or estabiish interests in real
property except those rights and interests implied or establis#�ed by the creation or
reconfiguration of the boundary of the politicaf subdivision for which it was prepared."
Map and Property Description, Tract F
Being a part of the M. Polk Survey, Abstract No. 993, Denton County, Texas, being a
part of tl�e William Gaffield Survey, Abstract No. 448, Denton County, Texas, being a
part of the Guadalupe Cardinas Survey, Abstrac� No. 2'�5, Denton County, Texas, being
a part of that called 2�49 acre tract of lanc� described as Parcel 3 reieased to Northlake
in Joint Resolution and Agreement, Fort Worth Adopted Resolution No. 2341, and being
more particularly described as �iollows:
BEGINNING at the nort�east corner of said Fort Worth Adopted Resolution No. 2341
and being on the west line of City ofi Northla�e 4rdinance No. 46;
THENCE 5outh 01 degr�e 00 minutes 00 seconds East, a distance of 814.75 feet, along
the easteriy line o# said Fort Worth Adopted Resolution No. 2341, more ar less to the
point of curvature of a circ�afar curve to the left, having a radius of 2,640.00 feet, whose
chord bears South 26 degrees 5Q minutes 12 seconds �ast, a distance of 2,30'� .06 feet,
more or less;
iH€NCE Southeasterly, cor�#inuing along said eas#erly line and along said circuiar curve
to the left, through a central ar�gle of 51 degrees 40 minutes 24 seconds, an arc Eengt�
of 2,380.93 #eet, more or less, to the point of c�arvature of a circular curve to �he leff, not
being compound to the preceding course, having a radtus of 2,640.00 feet, whose chord
bears South 'i'# degrees 09 minutes 2'� seconds West, a distance of 4,238.48 fee# more
or less;
THENCE Southeasterly, contin�aing along said eas#erly fine and afong said circular curve
io the le#t, through a central angle of 106 degrees 47 mir�utes U8 seconds, ar� arc length
o# 4,920.33 feet, more or less to a point for the intersection of said called 2049 acre tract
of land and the west corner of that called 2.85 acre trac# of land described as Parcel 4
in said Jaint Resolution and Agreement, Fort Worth Adopted Resolution No. 2341;
TH�NCE South 62 degrees 2Q minutes 22 seconds 1Nest, departing saic! easter�y line
ar�d afong the southeriy line of said called 20�9 acre trac# of land, a disiance of 2,748.31
fee#, more or less to a po�nt for comer;
THENCE South 89 degrees 17 minu#�s 45 secor�ds West, continuing alang saic!
southerly line, a dis#ance of 3,804.00 feet, more or less to the most so�therfy southwest
corner of said called 2049 acre tract of land;
THFNCE Nor�h 17 degrees 25 minutes 45 seconds East, departing said southerly line
and along the westerly line of said cailed 20�49 acre tract of land, a distance of 4,052.00
feet, more or less to an ell corner of saicf called 20�9 acre tract of land and being on a
southerly line of said called 2049 acre tract of lar�d;
THENCE South 89 degrees 37 minutes 3Q seconds West, along saicf sou#herly line, a
distance of 4,365.45 feet, more or less to a point for comer;
THENCE No�th 00 degrees 24 minutes 00 seconds West, departing said southerly line,
a distance of 2,995.76 fe�t to an eli corner on the norther�y line of said called 2049 acre
tract of land;
THENCE North 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 secor�ds East, along said rtortherly line, a
distance of 2,Q00.00 feet, more or less to a paint for corner;
THENCE Souih 01 d�gree 33 minutes 29 seconds East, d�parting said northerly lie,
over and across said cafled 2049 acre tract of land, a distance of 1,337.28 feet, more or
less to a point for corner;
THENCE South 89 degrees 23 minutes �4 seconds East, a distance of 1,470.44 feet,
more or less to a point for corner;
THENCE North 01 degr�e 35 minutes 41 seconds West, a distance of 1,829.16 feet,
more or less to an ell carner on said northerly line;
THFNCE North 89 degrees 27 minutes 41 seconds East, along said northerly line, a
distance of 2,052.65 feet to fhe POINT OF BEGINNING AND CONiAfNING 3a,791,844
square feet or 706.88 acres of land, mare or less.
"TF��s document was prepared under 22 TAC 663.21, does not reflect #he resuEts of an
on the ground survey and is not to be used to convey or establish interests in real
property except those rights and interests implied or established by #he creation or
reconfiguration of the boundary of the political subdivision for which it was prepared."
Map and Property Descrxption, Tract G
Being a tract of land in the M. Garnetf Survey, Abstract No. 439, Denton County, Texas,
the W. Ferris Survey, Abstraci No. 419, Denton Courtty, Texas, and the M. Pol€� Survey,
Abstract No. 993, Denton County, Texas, being a part of that called 217.�08 acre tract
of land d�scribed in Warranty Deed to �len Range in Volume 870, Page 29, in t#�e Deed
Records of Dento� County, Texas (D.R.D.C.T.), being a�l of that called 206.49i acre
tract ofi land described in Trustee's Deed �o CNR TaIlylTrail Creek Acres as recorded in
Dacument No. 2009-136383 �n the Official Records of Den�on County, Texas
{O.R.D.C.T.), being all of that called 0.4736 acre tract of land described as Tract 1 in
Warranty Deed with Vendor's Lien to Tom Strader and Jan Strad�r as recorded in
Volume 3347, Page 942 D.R.D.C.T., being part of that called 241.2'!Q acre tract of land
described in Special Warranty �eed #o Jus�in Timberbroo�, LLC as recorded in
Document No. (2017� 5803 O.R.D.C.T., being part of that ca[led 411.268 acre trac# af
#and described in Special Wacranty Deed to Justin Timberbrook, LLC as recorded in
Document No. 2016-55837 O.R.D.C.T., being the remains of that cailed 215.04'# acre
tract of land describeci in Warrar�ty Deed to Mary L. Range Bradley as recorded ir�
Valume 670, Page 27 �.R.D.C.T., a part o� Farm to Mar�cet Road 407 {F.M. 407) (an
apparent 90 foot wide right-of-way), a part of Range Road, being a part of that called
2049 acre tract of land described as Parce! 3 released to Norkh�ake in Joint Resofution
ar�d Agreement, Fort Worth Adopted Resolu#ion No. 2341, and being more particufarly
described as follows:
BEGINNING at th� northeast corner of sa�d catled 206.497 acre #rac# of land and being
on the south right-of-way line of said F.M. 4Di;
THENCE South 00 degrees 08 minutes 21 seconds East, passing the southeast corner
of said called 206.497 acre traci of iand and an ell corner of said called 217.008 acre
#ract of land at a distance of 3454.42 #eet more or less, and continuing a total distance
of 5,339.06 feet more or less, to an efl corner of said called 2049 acre tract of land and
beir�g on the south side of Range Road;
TH€NCE North 88 degrees 45 mi�utes 28 seconds €ast, a distance of 1,333.97 feet,
more or less to an ell corner of said calied 2049 acre tract of land;
TH€NCE So�th 01 degree 20 mir�u#es 04 seconds Fast, a distar�ce of 1,840.00 feet,
more or tess to an ell corner of said called 2049 acre tract of land;
THENCI� North 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds �ast, a distance of 100.00 #eet, more
or fess to an elt camer of said ca[led 2049 acre #rac# o# land;
THENC� South 00 degrees 00 minutes 00 s�conds €ast, a distance of 1,357.00 feet,
more or less, to an elt corner of said called 2049 acr� tract of land;
THFcNC� Sauth 00 degrees 24 minutes 00 seconds East, aver and across said catled
2049 acre tract of iand, a distance of 2,995.76 feet, more or less to a point for corr�er on
a south line of said called 2049 aere tract of land;
TH�NCE Sau#h 89 degrees 37 minutes 29 seeonds West, a distanc� of 3,0'�2.55 feet,
more or less to an el� corner of said calfed 2049 acre tract o� land;
THENCE North 67 degrees 32 minu#es 56 seconds West, a distance of 76.01 feet, more
or less to an el! corner of said cal�ed 2049 acre tract of iand;
THFNCE North 00 degrees 35 minutes 55 seconds West, a d�stance of 7,540.�5 feet,
more or less to a poinf for corner;
THENC� North 90 degrees 00 mir�utes. OQ seconds West, a distance of 934.16 feet more
or less, to a point for corner;
THENCE North 00 degrees 33 min�ates �4 seconds West, passing the souihwest corner
of said called 206.497 acre tract of land at a distance o€ 461.p6 feet more or iess and
continuing for a total distance of 3,675.84 feet more or less, to the northwest corner of
said called 206.497 acre tract of land, and being in the south right-of-way line of said
F.IVI. 407;
7H�NCE Nor�h 09 degrees 06 minutes 24 seco�ds West, a distance of 111.�6 feet more
or less, to southwest comer of said call�d 0.�4136 acre tract of land and being on the
north right-of-way �ine of said F.M. 407;
THENC� North 00 degrees 34 minutes 11 seconds West, passing the common
nortF�west corner of said call�d 0.4136 acre tract of land and the southwest come�- of
said cafled 241.210 acre trac# of land at a distance o# 183,32 f�et, more or less ancf
continuing for a#otal dista�ce oi 3,260.14 #eet more or less, to an ell corner of said called
241.210 acre #ract of land;
iHENCE North 00 degrees 24 minutes 47 seeonds East, a distance of 2,�71.12 fee#
more or iess, to a point o# intarsect+on in the nor#h line of said called 2�41.210 acre iraci
of land;
THENC€ North 89 degrees 54 minutes 00 seconds �ast, passing the common �as# line
of said called 241.2'�0 acre tract of land and the west �ine of said called 411.268 acre
tract of land at a distance of 1,016.21 feet more or less and continuing for a total distance
of 1,828.78 feet to a point on a circular curve to the left, not being tanger�# to the
preceding course, having a radius of 2,640.00 feet, whose chord bears South 10
degrees 41 minutes 50 seconds West, a distance of 1,U69.89 feet mare or less;
THENCE Southwes#erly, along said circular curoe to the left, ti�rough a eentral angle of
23 cfegrees 22 minutes 54 seconds, an arc lengt�r of 1,07i.35 feet rrzare or less, to a
point for corner;
TH�NCE Sou#h 0� degrees 34 minutes 22 seconds �ast, a distance of 2,669.69 feet to
the poinf of curvature of a circular curve to the left, not beir�g tangent to the preceding
course, having a radic�s of 2,fi40.00 �eet, whose chord bears So�ath 04 degrees 54
minutes 00 seconds East, a distance o� 451.20 feet more or less;
TH€NCE Southeasterly, along said eircular curve to the left, through a centrai angle of
09 degrees 48 minutes 16 secor�ds, an arc ler�gth of 451.75 feet more or less, to a point
for corner;
THENCE South 82 degrees 59 minutes 00 secands West, a distance of 652.25 feet
more or less, to a poir�t for corner on the common east line of said calfed 241.210 acre
tract of land and the west line of said called 411.268 acre tract o# land,
THENCE South 00 degrees 25 minutes 43 seconds �as�, passing #he common
southeasi corner of said called 241.210 acre tract of land, #he southwest corner of said
called 411.2fi8 ac�-e tract of �and and the north right-of-way line of said F.M. 407 at a
disiance a€ 1,344.23 feet, more or less and cor�finuing for a totat distance of 1,434.29
feet more or less, to a point for corner on #he common no�th iine of said called 206.497
acre tract of land and the sou#h right-of-way line of F.M. 407;
THENCE North 89 degrees 20 minutes 40 seconds Fcast, along said south right-of-way
line, a distance of 845.35 feet more or less, to a point for corner;
THENCE North 89 degrees 25 minutes 37 seconds East, cor�tinuing along said south
righ#-of-way line, a distar�c� of 749.02 feet to the POINi OF BEGfNNING AND
CONTAtNING 40,080,022 square feet ar 920.1 acres of land, more or less.
"This document was prepared �nder 22 TAC 663.21, do�s nof reflect the results of an
on the ground survey and is not to be used to convey or establish interests in real
property except those rights and interests implied or es#ablished by the creation or
reconfigura�ion ofi the boundary o# the political subdivision for which it was prepared."
Map and Property Description, Tract H
PA���L H
Being a tract of land in #he M. Poli� Survey, Abstract No. 993, Denton County, Texas,
being a�art of that called 217.D08 acre tract of land described in Warranty Deed to Olen
Range in Volume 870, Page 29, in the Deed Recards of Denton County, Texas
(D.R.D.C.T.), being a part of that called 2049 acre tract of land described as Parcel 3
released to Northlake in Joint Resolufiion ancf Agreement, Fort Worth Adopted
Resolution No. 2341, being all of Foxbane Esiates, an addition to Denton County, Texas
as recorded in Volume H, Page 24 of the Plat Records of Denton County, Texas, and
being more particularly described as follows:
BE(�INNING at an ell corner of said called 2Q49 acre tract of land and being on the sout�
side of Range Road;
TH�NCE North �8 degrees 45 minutes 28 seconds East, a distar�ce of 1,333.97 feet,
more or less to an efl comer of said ca�led 20�9 acre tract of land;
TH�NC€ South �1 degree 20 minutes 04 seconcfs East, a distance of 1,840.00 feet,
more or less to an ell corner of said called 2049 acre tract of land;
THENC€ North 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 secor�ds East, a distance of 100.00 feet, more
or less to an el! corner of said call�d 2049 acre tract of land;
THENCE South 00 degrees �0 minutes 00 seconds East, a distance of 1,357.00 fee#,
more or less, to an efl corne�- ofi said cailed 2049 acre tract of land;
THENCE South 00 degrees 24 minutes 00 seconds €ast, over and acrass said called
2049 acre tract af land, a distance af 2,995.76 feet, more or fess to a point for corner or�
a south lirte of said called 2049 acre tract of land;
TH�NCE South 89 degrees 37 minutes 29 seconds West, a distance of 3,012.55 feet,
more or less to an elf carner of said called 2049 acre tract of land;
TH�NC� North 67 c�egrees 32 minutes 56 seconds Wesi, a distance of 76A1 feet, more
or less to an ell corner of said called 2049 acre tract of land;
THENC� North 00 degrees 35 minutes 55 seconds West, a distance of 6,002.57, more
or tess feet to a point for the northwest corner of Lot 19 of said Foxban� Estates;
THENCFc North 89 degre�s 44 minutes 44 seconds East, a disfance of 749.62 feet, more
or less the northeast corr�er of l,ot 20 of said Foxbane �states,
THENCE North 00 degrees 15 minutes 32 seconds West, a dis#ance of 128.90 �eet,
more or less to a point for corner on the south line of said Range Road;
THENCE North 88 degrees 4v minutes 28 seconds �ast, a distance af 899.20 feet, more
or less to the POINT OF B�GINNlNG AND CONTAWfNG 1�,808,793 square feet or
431.79 acres of land, more or less.
"This document was prepared under 22 TAC 663.21, does not reflect the res�lts of an
on the ground survey ar�d is not fo be used to convey or establis� interests in real
property except those righ�s and interests implied or established by the creation or
reconfguration of the boundary of the politicaf subdivision for whicl� it was prepar�d."
Map and Property Description, Tract I
TFt�►C� I
Being a iract of iand in the William Reed Survey, Abstract No. 107'�, #he John L. Higgens
Sunrey, Abstract No. 584, the J. W. Gorbett Survey, Abstract No. 474, the Wiltiam H.
Gorbett Survey, Abstract No. 475, the William Reed Survey, Abstract No. 1071, the
James D. Dalias Survey, Abstract No. 363, TH� Heirs of John A. Wal�er Survey,
Abstract N4. 1367, the J. .!. Young Se�rvey, Abstract No. 1445, the Ellen Young Survey,
Abstract No. 'l4-52, the D. C. Lentz Survey, Absirac# No. 1644, the Nathaniel S. Hazleton
Survey, Abstract No. 547, and the Wi�liam W. Young Survey, Abstract No. 1444, Denton
County, Texas, and being a part of that tract of land depicted in �xhibif B of Joint
Resolufior� and Interlocaf Agreement, Resolution No. 4012-07-2011 as recorded in
Document No. 2011-918�4 in the Official Records of Denton County, Texas, and being
more particularly described as foliows:
BFGINNING at the intersection of said south right-of-way line and the prolongation of
the east right-of-way line of Jim Baker Road;
THENC� North 00 degrees 08 minutes 20 seconds �ast, departing said sout� right-of-
way line, a distance of 2,400.05 feet, more or less to a point for corner on said east right-
of-way lin�;
THENCE North 86 degrees 58 minutes 53 seconds East, a disfance of 2,'�'#9.38 feet,
more or less to a point for corner;
THFNCE South �4 degrees �4 minutes 31 seconds East, a distance af 3,655.82 feet,
more or less to a point for corner;
TH�NCE Nor�h 74 degrees 22 minutes 20 seconds East, a distance of 917.21 feet, more
or less to a point for corner;
THI�NCE South i4 degrees 58 minutes 57 seconds East, a dis#ance of 161.29 feet,
more or less to a point for corner;
TN�NCE North 78 degrees 49 minutes 26 seconds East, a distance of 1,767.90 feet,
more or less to a point on the line of demarcatio� between the ETJ of the Town of
Nor�hfake a�d the €TJ of the Town of Clark as shown on Exhibit A-1 � in �he Town of
Northlake Resolu#ion No. 151 on a circular cur�e to le#t, not �eing tange�t to the
preceding course, ha�i�g a rad�us of 2,640.00 feet, whose chard bears South 54
degrees 26 minutes 32 seconds East, a cfistance of 2,8�3.45 feet more or less;
THENCE Southeasterly, along said circ�alar curve to the left, ihrough a cen#ral angl� of
65 degrees 25 minutes 31 seconds, an arc length of 3,014.58 feet to the poir�t of
curvature of a circular curve to the left, nat being compound to the preceding course,
having a radias of 2,640.00 feet, w�ose chord bears South 17 degrees 41 minutes 28
seconc�s West, a distance o� 1,555.31 #eet more or less;
THENCE Southwesterly, along said circular curve to the left, through a central angle of
34 degrees 15 minutes 47 seconds, an arc length of 1,578.73 feet, more or less, to ihe
point of curvature of a circular cunre to the left, not being compound to the �receding
coucse, ha�ing a radius of 2,640.00 feet, whose chard bears South 29 degrees 19
minufes 02 seconds West, a distance of 1,311.49 feet more or Eess;
THENCE Southwesterly, along sand circular curve to the left, through a central angle of
28 degrees 45 minutes 52 seconds, an arc length ofi ,325.37 feet to a point for corner;
THENCE South 88 degrees 57 minutes �2 seconds West, a distance of 1,012.55 feet,
more or less to the point of cunrature of a circufar curve to the left, nof being tangent #o
the preceding course, having a radius of 2,640.00 feet, whose chord bears North 70
degrees 't3 minutes OQ seconds West, a distance of 1,674.58 feet;
iHENC€, along said circular eurve to the feft, throug� a central ang�e of 36 degrees 58
minu��s 55 seconds, an arc lengfh of 1,704.01 feet, more or �ess to a point for corner;
THENCE North 88 degrees 42 minutes 28 seconds West, a distance of 'i,559.59 feet to
the point of curvature o# a circu�ar curve to the lef#, having a radius of 2,640.00 feet,
whose chord bears Sout� 64 degrees 58 minutes 12 seconds Wes#, a distance of
2,341.27 #eet, more or less;
TH�NCE Southwesterly, a�ong said circular curve to #he left, thro�gh a centraf angle of
52 degrees 38 minutes 41 seconds, an arc length of 2,425.70 feet to the point of
curvature of a circular curve to the left, not being compound to the preceding course,
having a radius of 2,640.00 feet, whose chord bears South 53 degrees 30 minutes 13
seconds West, a cfistance of 2,728.53 feet, more or less;
THENCE Southwesterly, along said circular curve to the le#t, through a central angle of
62 degrees 13 minutes 52 seconds, an arc length of 2,867.41 #eet, more or Eess to a
paint for corner;
TH�NCE South 89 degrees 54 minutes 00 seconds West, a distance of 304.63 feet,
more or less to a paint far corner;
THENCE North �1 degrees 55 minut�s 59 seconds West, a distar�ce of 3,63�.95 feet,
more or less to a point for corner;
THENCE South 89 degrees 43 minutes 02 seconds West, a distanee of 849.03 feet,
more or less to the POINT OF BEGINNING AND CONTAlNING 38,987,457 square feet
or 895A3 acres of land, more or less.
"This documen# was prepared unc�ef 22 TAC 663.21, does no# reflect the results of an
on the ground survey, and is not to be used to convey or establish interests in real
prop�r#y except those rights and interests implied ar established by the creation or
reconfiguratiort of the 6oundary of the political subdivision for which it was prepared."
Fort Worth Resolution with Exhibits
�4 R�����t�o�
WHEREAS the City of Justin, Texas, ("7ustin") a general law ciiy, has requested the
City of Fort Worth, Texas ("Fort Worth"} to have cerfain parcels consisting of a tatal of
approximately 5,106 acres released from the extraterritorial jurisdic�ion ("ETJ") of Fort Worth
ta permi# the inclusion of such property into the ET7 of Justin; and,
WHEREAS, the tezxitory sought to be included inio the extraterritorial boundaries of
Justin lies wiihin the extraterritorial jurisd�ction af Fort Worth and may not be included by
Jus#in until such time as released from Fort Worth's ETJ ; and,
WHEREAS, Section 42.023 of the Texas Local Government Code requires the written
consent by ordinance or resolutian af th� governing body of the municipality prior to reducing
the municipality's ETJ; and
WHEREAS, the City Manager recommends the reduction of Fort Worth's ETJ for the
property depicted in Exhibit "A" and allocating such area to Justin to include in its ETJ; and,
Pursuant to the provisions of �the Texas local Govez�ment Code, C�apter �2, ihe City of
Fort Worth, Texas hereby cons�nts to a reduction in ihe Ciiy o� Fort Woxth's extraterritoriai
jurisdiction oithe property as depicted in Exhibit "A," and which is more fully described in ihe
attached metes and bounds descriptions identified as Exhibit "B," and made a part hereof by
Adapt�d on May 11, 2021 and Effective on May 12, 2021 at 6:00 p.m,
By � -----------------------
Mary Kayser, City Secretary
�J��-Il��`� �� ��J �����4�� Ao6�.�A � P��i1�C� ����
CIiY 0� FOR� Idi�ORT'H, iC�XAS - I��J R�L.��S� -�Xf-II�IT A 40608ryant lrvin Raad
Fort Worth, TX 76109
(817j 472-7155
' May 8, 2021
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D�SCRf�iION OF �TJ ����A�� AR�A
CIiY O� FORi WORTH, T'�Xr4� ��YJ ����AS�
Stephen P. Beebe Survey, Abstract No. 77; Thomas H.W. Farsyth Survey, Abstracf No. 33; T&
P Railroad Company Survey, Abstract Na. 1306; Wiffiam Reed Survey, Abstract No. 1071;
M.E.P.&P. Railroad Company Survey, Abstract No. 908; William C. Harrison S�rvey, Abstract
No. 523; Joseph Sui�on Survey, Absiract No. 1151; S. F. Reynolds Sur�ey, Abstract No. 1627;
William C. Brookfield Survey, Abstract No. 34; Wiiliam D. Redd Survey, Abstract No. 1�25;
Warren A. Ferris Survey, Abstract No. 419; Mary Polic Sur�ey, Abs�ract No. 993;
James C. Jack Survey, Absiract No. 679,
Denton Caunty, Texas
��SCRl�'YION, o# an approximately 5,106 acre tract of fand situated in Stephen P. Beebe
Survey, Abstract No. 77, the Thomas H.W. Forsyth Survey, Abstract No. �433, the 7& P Railraad
Corr�pany Survey, Abstract No. 1306, the William Resd Survey, Abstraet No. 9071, th� M.E.P.&P.
Raifroad Company Survey, Abstract No. 908, the William C. Flarrison Sur�ey, Abstract No. 523,
ihe Jaseph Sutton Survey, Abstract No. 9151, ihe S. F. Reynolds Survey, Abstracf No. 1627, the
William C. Brookfield Survey, Abstrac# No. 34, the William D. Redd Survey, Abstract No. 1125,
the Warren A. F�rris Survey, Abstract No. �19, the Mary Polk Survey, Abstracf No. 993, and fhe
James C. Jack Survey, Abstract No. 679, in �enton Caunty, Texas; said tract being all of a 25.0
acrs tract described to Bobby Gene Cross recarded in Instrument No. 2006-6693 in said Official
P�blic Records; alf of a 25 acre tract described fo Elsie Lou Haddocfc recorded in lnstrument No.
2006-66911 in said 4fFicial Pu�lic Records; all of a 50.4 acre tract described #a Elsie Lou Haddock
Li�ing Trust recorded in Instrument No. 2018-63919 in said Official Public Records; all of a 62.974
acre tract described to Frazi�r Asset Managament, Inc. recarded in Volume 2989, Page 636 in
said Officia! P�biic Records; all of "Tract 2" described to A�andale Ranch, Ltd. recordecf in
Instrument No. 2003-37638 in said O�cial Public Records; all af a 96.92 acre tract described to
HVP Investmer�ts, Ltd. recorded in Insirument No. 2004-34900 in said OfificiaE Public Records; all
of a 50 tract described to W. E. Wifkerson recorded in Volume 960, Page 35 in said Official Public
Records; aEl of a 13.4 tract described to Edward R. & Janet Zelnik recorded in instrument Na.
1998-0025263 in said Official Public Records; ail of a 12.000 tract descri#�ed to J. LloycE Barksdale
and wife, Dorothy Barksdale recorded in Voiume 829, Page 275 in said DfFiciai Public Records;
all of a 1.000 tract described to J. Lloyd Barl�sdaEe and wife, Dorothy Ba�ksdale recorded in
Volume 829, Page 271 in said Official Public Records; all of a 14.6336 trac# described to Babby
J. & Debbie Henry recorded in instrument No. 2Q02-22794 in said Official Public R�corels; all of
a 4.7064 tract described to Bobby J. & Debbie Henry recorded ir� Instrumenf No. 1999-0107848
in said Officiai Public Records; ail of a 5.138 tract described to Mar�y & De�ra Ezell recorded in
Instrum�nt No. 1994-0037463 in said Officiai Pubiic Records; al! of a 5.13 tracf described ta
William �. �zell recorded in Instrument No. 2Q03-82931 in said Official Pubfic Records; all of a
9.469 trac# and all of a 9.25 acre tract described to HVP Inuestments, Ltd. recorded in fnstrument
No. 2005-53869 in said Official Public Records; all of a 1.051 iracf described to Michael D.
Strickland, Sr. recorded in Instrument Nv. 20�2�2515� in said Official Puf�lic Records; all of a
14.531 tract described to HVP Investmer�ts, Lfd. recorded in Instrurr3ent No. 20Q4-34899 in said
Official Pubiic Records; all o� a 1.2'i6 tract described io Anabelle B. Boyd recorded in Instrument
No. 2012-145950 in said Offic�aE Public Records; al! of a 2.82 tract, ali of a 2.0 acre tract, and alf
of a 1.15 acre tract described to NVP Investments, Ltd. recorded in Instrument Na 2004�34899
in saitf Qfficia! Public Records; all of a 189.71 acre tract described to Margaret E. Turner & Sally
Box Revocable Trust recorded in Instrumer�t No. 2019-16�34 in said Official Public Records; a!I
of a 14.4402 tract described to Randall B. & Brenda �. Hardy recorded in Instrumer�t No. 2018-
11549 in said Official Pubfic Records; a!I of a 99.404 tract described ta Randy & Brenda Hardy
recorded in lnstrumer�t No. 2018-3528 in said O�cial PubGc Records; ail o�F a �0 acre tract
described to Christopher Jay & Cassie Amanda Allison recorded in ins#ru�-nent No. 201479697
in said Official Public Records; all of a 4 acre tract and all of a 1 acre tract described to William
Ke�t Goeken and �.aurie Ann Goeken Family Trust recorded in Instrument No. 2019-94�890 in
said Official Pubiic Records; all of a �2.0381 acre tract described to Bobby E�enry recorded in
PAGE 1 �F 8
Gi�Y O� �ORT' F,fi�ORib, T�XAS - �iJ ��L�AS�
Stephen P. Beebe Survey, Abstract No. 77; 1"hamas H.W. Forsyth Survey, Abstract No. 33; T&
P Railroad Company Survey, Abs#ract No. 1306; William Reed Sunrey, Abstract Na. 107'!;
M.E.P.&P. RaiEroad Company Survey, Abstract No. 908; William C. Harrison Sur�ey, Af�stract
No. 523; Joseph Sutton Survey, Abstract Na. 9151; S. F. Reynolds Sur�ey, Abstract No. 1627;
Wiiliam C. Brookfieid Survey, Abstract No. 34; Wilfiam D. Redd Survey, Abstract No. 1125;
Warren A. Ferris Survey, Abstrac# No. �#19; Mary Poik Survey, Abstract No. 993;
James C. Jack Survey, Abstract No. 679,
Denton County, 7exas
Volume 1215, Page 962 in said Official Pubfic R�cords; all of a 6.Q acre tract clescribed to Debbie
Henry, Brittney Henry, a�d Shelly Henry recorded in Instrum�nt No. 2003-176344 in said Official
PuE�lic Records; al! of a 2.0 acre tract described to Deborah Henry recorded in ]nstrument No.
2420-147305 in said Official Public Records; all of a 1.651 acre trac# described ta Karl Mandak
recorded in Ins#rurnent No. 2008-45240 in said Officia! Public Recards; all of a 3.Q acre tract
described to Leigh Da�ies Allison recorded in instrument Na. 2D20-52149 in said Official Public
Records; afl of a 10.0 acre tract described to Linda Kay Johnston recorded in Instrumen# No.
1998-84798 in said Officia! Puf�lic Records; all of a 413 acre tract described to JNJDF, Ltd.
recarded ir� Instrument No. 2008-85�490 in said Official Public Records; all of a 60 acre tract
described to Lakeland Capital, Ltd. recorded in Instrument No. 2008-�36D40 ir� said Official Public
Records; aif of a 432.465 acre tract described to Justin Timberbraok, L.LC. recorded in instrument
No. 2017-A�977 in said Officiai Public Records; alf of a�4.7 acre tract described to Glenn and
Louise Family Partnership, Lfd. recorded in Instrument No. 2005-77852 in said Official Public
Records; a portion of a 393.3 acre tract described ta Trustee of the Mark Wallace Exempt Famly
Trust and Trusfee of the Nancy Holiingsworth Exempt Family Trust recarded in fnstrument No.
2019-157304 in said 4fficial Public Records; a por�ion of a 986.0 acre tract described to Janice
May, Trustee of the A. L. Peterson Trust recorded in Instrurr�ent No. 9999-012a293 in said OfFicial
Pubfic Records; a portion of a 30.0 acre tract and a 86.24 acre tract described to Thamas J. Keefe,
Charles Baker Keefe, and Jennifer Keefie r'ecarded in Enstrument No. 1998-0096487 in said
Official Public Records; a portion of a 259.427 acre tract described to Cactus Thorn, L.P. recorded
in Instrument No. 2009-140504 in said Official Public Records; all of a 43.� acr� tract described
ta Lynda Faye Greer� recorded in Instrument No. 2021-12753 in said O�cial Public R�cords; ali
of a 12.03� acre tract and ail of a 59.700 acre tract described to Peggy Deanne Hatfield recorded
in lnstrument No. 242�-12752 in said Official Public Records; all af'a 6.0 acre tract described to
Krystal Melynn Miller recorded in Instrumer�t No. 2021-13777 in said �fficiai Public Records; af!
of a B.0 acre tract described to Keliy Micheile Miller recorded in Instrument No. 202'f-13776 in
said Officiaf Public Records; all af a 7.232 acre tract described to Judy Melinda Copp recorded in
Instrumant No. 2021-13fi91 in said O�ficial Public Records; all of the remainder of a 185.4 acre
tract described to Peggy Deanne Hatfiefd, Biilie Louise Brasher, and Lynda Faye Green recorded
in Instrument No. 2020-198973 in said Official Public Records; alf of a"Tract VI�, Second"
described to Glenn and Louise Shoop Family Partnership, Ltd. record�d in instrument No. 2005-
17852 ir� said OfFcial Public Records; all of "Tract VII, First" described to Glenn and Louise Shoop
Family Partnership, Ltd. recorded in Instrument No. 2005-17852 in saic! Official Public Records;
all of•a 38.139 acre tract descrfbed to Billie .Louise Brasher recarded in lnstrurnent No. 2Q21-
12751 ir� said Official Public Records; aif of "Tract Ifl", "Tracf IV", "Tract V", described to Glenn
ar�d Louise Shoap Family Partnership, Ltd. recorded in Instrument No. 2005-1i852 in said Officiai
Put�lic Records; all of a 3Q.89 acre tract described to Justin Timberbrook, LLC recorded in
Instrument No. 20'l7-5803 in said Official Public Records; a!I of a 80 acre tract describ�d to
Pennington Family Trust recorded in Insirument No. 2001-44060 in said 4fficial Public Records;
afl of a 122.145 acre tract described ta Justin Timberbrook, LLC recorded in Instrument No. 2017-
4977 in said Official Public Records; a por�ion of "Tract 3" described to Petrus Investment, L,P.
recorded in f nstrument No. 2009-23�47i in said Official Public Records; ali of a 24.09� acre tract
describ�d to Pennington fam�ly Trust recorded in Instrument No. 20�1-44058 in said Officiaf
D��C�IF'iION OF �TJ �����45� AR��A
CliY O� F��i MIO�iFi, T�XXA►S ��TJ R���4S�
Stephen P. Beebe Survey, Absiract No. 77; Thomas I�.W. Forsyth Survey, Abstract No. 33; T&
P Railroad Company Survey, Abstract No. 9306; William Reecf Survey, Abstract No. �D71;
M.E.P.&P. Railroad Company Survey, Abstracf No. 908; William C. Harrison Survey, Abstract
No. 523; Joseph Sutton Survey, Abstract No. 1151; S. F. Reynolds Survey, Abstract No. '[627;
William C. Brookfield Survey, Abstract No. 34; William D. Redd Survey, Abstract No. 112�;
Warren A. Ferris Sur►�ey, Abstract No. 419; Mary Polk Su►vey, Abstract Na. 993;
James C. Jack Survey, Abstract Na. 679,
Derrton County, Texas
Public Records; all of a 2.837 acre tract described to HT HWY 114 LP recorded in lnstrument No.
2020-37550 in said Official Public Records; al! o# a 63.007 acre tracti descriE�ed fa Debfock, Ltd.
recorded in Instrument No. 20�4-1152'i9 in said Officiai Public Recards; all of a 10.007 acre tract
descr�bed to Candice Rene Ci�astain recarded in fnstrument No. 2015-91283 in said Official
Public Records; alE of a 1 acre tract described to Jocfy Lynn Harper recorded in Instrument No.
2002-61918 in said Official Public Records; all of a 17.66 acre tract described ta Caleen Theis &
Jody Hat'per recarded in lnstrument No. 2p15-61157 in said Official Public Records; a11 af a 12.66
acre tract described to BKV Barnei�, �LC recorded in instrt�ment No. 2020-165983 in said Official
Public Records; afl of a 16.754 acre tract described to Mark Anthony Eddleman recvrded in
Instrument No. 2�11-584�48 in said Official Pu#�lic Reco�ds; all af a 17.0 acre tract described to
Wayne A. Harris, Jr. recorded ir� lnstrument No. 2408-26221 in said Officfai Pubiic Records; all of
a'fQ.O acre tract described #a Kacy Maryoti recorded in Enstrument No. 2Q17-118920 in said
�fFicial Pubiic Records; all ofi a 10.0 acre tract describ�d to Samuel V. Hay�es recorded in Volume
962, Page 43 in said Officiaf Pubffc Records; aif of a 5.0 acre tract described to Apollo Support &
Rescue, Ir�c. recorded in instrurnent No. 2015-1300'i3 in said Official Pubiic Records; all of a 10.0
acre trac# descrfbed to Johr� �. Foust recorded in Volume 1623, Page 80 in said Official Public
Records; a�! of a'f 0.0 acre tract described ta �onna and Da�id Rose Enterprises, LL.0 recorded
in Instrument No. 2020-999972 in said Official Pubiic Records; all of a 40.0 acre tract described
to SF�ryack Living Trust recorded in Instrument No. 2009-74889 in said Officiai Public Records; all
af a 3A acre tract described to Marcos Valenzuela recvrded in Instrument No. 200i-661�2 in said
Official Public Records; all of a 5.0 acre tract described ta Enbridge Gathering (North Texas}, L.P.
recarcled in Instrurnent No. 2fl10-21470 in said Official Pubiic Recards; a portion of a 317.616
acre tract described to Patr�cia Ann Range Molloy recorded in Voiume 769, Page 965 in said
Official Public Recards; (all previaus owner acreage ref�rences are per the Denton County
Central Appraisai Disirict Records and documents puiled from th� Denton County Clerk's Officia!
Public Recards durir�g the first week of May 2021} a!I of Indian Traifs - Phase I, an acEdition to
Denton Couniy, Texas r�corded in Cabinet G, Slide 311 in said Official Public Records; afl of Lots
2 through 8, BlocEc 1 Lots 1 through 22, Block 2, Lots 1 through 9, Block 3, Lots 3� through 42,
Block 4, Guy James Ranch, an addition ta Der�ton County, Texas recorded in Cabinet V, Slide
722 in said Officiai Pubiic Records; all of Guy Jam�s Ranch, Phase 2, an addition #o Der�ton
County, Texas recorded in Cabinet X, Slide 337 in said Official Public Records; a portian of Lats
1#hrough 29, Block 4, Lots 3 through 72, and Lots 21 thrae�gh 24, Block 6, ar�d Lot 1, Block 5
A�ery Ranch, an addition to Denton County, Texas recarded in Cabinet X, Slide 428 in said
Official Public Records; all of Lots 12R antf 14R, Block 4 Avery Rar�ch, an additian to �enton
County, Texas recorcled in Insirument Number 2011-189 in said Offic�al Public Records; a portion
of Lots 1-24, Lots A, B and HOA Lots 25-26, Block 1, Lots 1-12 Black 2, Lois 1-33 and H.O.A.
Lots 34-36 Block 3, Lots 30-49 & HOA Lot 50 Biock 4, and Lots 1A, 1 B, 1, 2A, 2B & 2, Lots 13-
2Q, and HOA Lots 25-27 Black 6, A�ery Ranc�t, an additian to Denton County, Texas recorded in
Instrument Nurr�ber 2Q15-4 in said O�cial Pubiic Records; all of Propwash Additian, an addition
to Denton County, Texas recorded in Cabin�t E, Slide 2Q4 and Cabinet H, Page 77 in said Official
Public Records; a!I of Lots 1 and 2, Block A, Tatum Building Addition, an addition to D�nton
Courtiy, Texas recorded in Instrument Number 201�-929 in said Official Public Records; all of
Lots 1 and 2, Block A, Mustang Ranch Addition, an addition to �enton County, Texas recorded
n�sc�i��io�c o� ��.� ����,�s� �,��a
C1T'Y O� FORT �iiIOR�W, ��XAS - �iJ R����45�
5tephen P. Beebe Survey, Abstract No. 77; Thamas H.W. Forsyth Survey, Abs#ract No. 33; T&
P Railraad Company Survey, Abstract No. 1306; Wiliiatr� Reed Survey, Abstract No. 1071;
M.E.P.&P. Railroad Company 5urvey, Abstract No. 908; William C. Harrison Sunrey, Abstract
No. 523; Joseph Sutton Surrrey, Absfract No. 1151; S. F. Reynolds Survey, Abstract No. 1fi27;
Wiliiam C. Brookfreld Survey, Abstract No. 34; WifEiam D. Redd Survey, Abstract No. 'f 12�;
Warren A. Ferris Survey, Abstract No. ��9; Mary Polk Sur�ey, Abstract No. 993;
James C. Jack Sur�ey, Abstracf No. 679,
Denfon County, 7exas
in fnstrument No. 2010-195 in said Officiaf Pubfic Records; a portion of Willow Crossing, an
additian to Denton Counfy, Texas recorded in f�str�ment Nurnber 2010-'E32 ir� said Official Pubfic
Records anc� all of Willow Crossing, Lots 8R1, 8R2, 13R1, 13R2, 16R1, �6R2, 27R1, 27R2, 32R,
33R, 35R, 35 AND 36, an addition to Denton County, Texas recorded in Instrument N�arnber201'f-
127 in said Official Public Records; ail of Coflingwood Estates, an addition fo Denton County,
7exas recorded in Cab"rnei H, Slid� 254 in said Official Public Records; all of Revisian of Lpt 5 ofi
Collingwood Estates, an addition to Denfon County, Texas recorded in Cabinat N, Page 20 in
said Officia! Public Records; all of Replaf of Lot 3, Collingwood Estates, an addi#ion to Denton
County, Texas reeorded in Cabinet O, Page 361 ir� said Official Public R�cords; all of Replat of
Lot 7, Callingwaod Estates, an addition to Denton County, Texas recorded in Cabinet P, Page
303 in said Officiaf Public Records; and a part vf Farm-to-Market Highway No. 407 right-of-way
and a par� of Farm-to-Market Highway No. 1384 right-of-way; said approxirrtate 5,106 acre tract
being rrtore particularly descri�ed as foifows:
��GIIVf�INC�, at the southwest corner of said call�d 25.0 acre tract described to Elsie �ou
Hadcfock and the southeast corner o# a 107.87 acre tract of land described to Ronald & Brenda
Dalrymple recorded in Volur�e 514Q, Page 3339 in said Official Pubfic Records; said point being
the sauth line of the said James C. Jack Sur�ey, Abstract No. 679 and t�e north line of #he Edwarc�
Wilfiarrts Survey, Abstract Number 1�422;
ib�I�C�, North 00 degrees, 25 minutes, 31 seconds West, along the west fines of said 25.0 acre
Elsie Lou Haddock tract, the west line of said 50.0 acre Elsie Lou Haddocic Li�ing Trust tract, and
the west line of said 62.974 acre Frazier Asset Management tract, a distance of 2,742.64 feet,
more or I�ss to the northwest corner of said 62.974 Frazier Asset Management tract;
TH�NC�, South 89 degr�es, 33 mir�utes, 30 seconds East, alang the north line of said 62.97�4
acre Frazier Asset Management tract, a distance o# 370.66 feet, more or less to the southwest
corner of said "Tract 2" described to A�ondale Ranch, Ltd.;
�b�F�CE, North 00 degrees, 07 minutes, 48 seconds West, departing the north line af sa�d 62.974
acre Frazier Asset Management tract, and along the west line ofi said "Tract 2" described to
A�ondale Ranch, Ltd., a distance of 1,228.00 feet, more or less to a point for corner in the east
line of Dalrymple Lan�;
�'H�i�C�, Nor�� 18 degrees, 26 rninutes, 41 seconds �ast, continuing along the east line of
Dalrymple �ane, a distance of 80.74 feet, more or less to an angle point in said east line of
Dairymple Lane;
�'i���lC�, North 00 degrees, 08 minutes, 48 secands East, coniinuir�g along the east line of
Dalrympfe L.ane, a distance of 619.71 feet, more or less to a�aoint for corner in the north line of
said "Tract 2" described io Avondale Ranch, Ltd. and the south line of said 96.92 acre tract
described to HVP Investmenfs, Ltd.; said point being the beginning of a non-tangent cur++e to the
rig ht;
��sc�r�r�o� o� �-r� R���,�s� A��a
CI�Y OI� �ORT 1�4,�O�iN, i�3tRS � ��J ��L�dS�
Stephen P. Beebe Survey, Abstract Na 77; Thamas H.W. Forsyth Survey, Abstract No. 33; T&
P Railroad Campany Survey, Abstract No. 1306; William Reed Sur�ey, Abstract No. 1071;
M.E.P.&P. Railroad Company Survey, Abstract No. 908; William C. Harrison S�rrvey, Abstract
No. 523; Joseph Suf�on Survey, Abstract No. 1 �51; S. F. Reynoids Survey, Abstract No. 1627;
Wifliam C. Braokfield Survey, Abstract No. 34; Wilfiam D. Recld Survey, Abstraet Na. 1125;
Warren A. Ferris Survey, Abstract No. 419; Mary Polk Survey, Abstract No. 993;
James C. Jack Sur+rey, Abstract No. 679,
Denton County, Texas
TH�IVC�, contir�t�ing wfth the said east line of Dafrymple Lane along said cur�e to the right, ha�ing
a cenfral angle of 101 degrees, 48 minutes, 34 seco�ds, a radius of 21.20 feet, more or less, a
chord bearing and distance of North 52 degrees, 43 minutes, 33 secor�ds West, 32.91 feet, more
ar fess, an arc distance of 37.68 feef, more or less to a point at fhe end of said c�rve, said point
being in the west line o# said 96.92 acre tract described to HVP (n�estments, L.td.;
7'H��lC�, Nor�h 00 degrees, 90 rnir�utes, 53 seconds West, contfnuing alvng the said east fine of
Dalrymple Lane and said west line of said 9�.92 acre tract described io HVP Investments, �td.
and crossing Sam Reynolds Road, a distance of 2,227.43 feet, more or less to a poir�t for corner
in the north right-of-way line of said Sam Reynolds Road and tf�e south line of Block 1 0# said
Avery RancFt;
YH�WC�, North 89 degrees, 50 minutes, 58 seconds West, along said north line of Sam
Reynalds Road and said south tine of Block 1, A�ery Ranch, a distance of 320.8� feet, more or
Iess to a point for corner in the future 80-#oot right-of-way afi Dalrymple Lane as shown on the piat
of said A�ery Ranch;
TFi�IVC�, Nortf� 24 degrees, 38 rr�inutes, 00 seconds West, departing said north line of Sam
Reynolds Road and aEong said future east line of Da�ryrr�ple Lane and the west line of said Block
1, a distanc� of 426.67 #eet, more or less to a po�nt for carner; said point being the beginning ofi
a non-#angent cur�e to t1�e right;
iH�NC�, continuing along said future sasf line of Dalryrr�pie Lane and said west line of said Block
9 and along said curve, having a central angle of 26 degrees, 45 minutes, 54 secands, a radius
of 1,213,64 feet, more or less, a c�ord bearing and distar�ce of North 14 degrees, 23 minutes, �4
seconds West, 561.80 feet, more or less, ar� arc distance of 566.9� feet, rnore or less to a point
at th� end of said curve;
iFi�NC�, North 00 degrees, 21 rninutes, �0 seconds West, continui�tg along said future east fine
of �alrymple Lane, said west line of said Bfock 1 and joining the west line of Block 6 in said A�ery
Ranch, a distance of 2,720.72 feet, mor� ar iess to a point for corner in the south line of saicE 10
acre tract described to Christopher Jay & Cassie Amanda Allison;
iH�NC�, North 88 degrees, 35 minutes, 12 seconds West, alang the south line of said 10 acre
tract described to Christopher Jay & Cassie Amanda AIlison, a distance of 23.99 feet, more or
less to a poini for the southwest corner of said 'f 0 acre tract described to Christopher Jay & Cassie
Amanda AIlisar�;
TH�IVC�, North 40 degrees, 26 minufes, 24 seconds West, aiong the west line of said 10 acre
tract described to Christopher Jay & Cassie Amanda Allisan, fhe west line of said 12.0381 acre
tract c�escribed to Bobby Henry and the west line of said '[Q.0 acre trac# describec� to �inda Kay
' : r1�F�i7�
��SC�1P�lOi� OFr' �TJ R���AS� ,RR�A
CITY �� �OR� �l4IOR'Tb, iEXpoS - ��J R���AS�
Stephen P. Beebe Survey, Abstract No. 77; Thamas H.W. Forsyth Survey, Ahstract No. 33; T&
P Railroad Company Survey, Abstracf No. 1306; Wilfiam Reed Survey, Abstract No. 107�;
M.E.P.&P. Railroad Company Survey, Abstract No. 908; William C. Harrison Survey, Abstract
No. 523; Joseph Sutton Survey, Af�stract No. 11�1; S. F. Reynolds Survey, Abstract No. 1627;
Wiiliam C. Brookfieid Survey, Abstract No. 34; Wi�fiam D. Redd Sur�ey, Abstract No. 9125;
Warren A. Ferris Survey, Abstract No. 419; Mary Polk Survey, Abstract No. 993;
James C. Jack Survey, Abstract No. 679,
Denfon County, Texas
Johnston, a distance of 1,989.79 fset, more or less to a point far corn�r in #he centerline af Farm-
to-Market Highway No. 407;
7H�CR1C�, South 89 degrees, 46 minutes, 27 seconds �ast, along the said centerline of FM407,
a distance of 340.53 feet, more or iess to a point far corner;
ibI�WC�, Narth 00 degrees, 12 rrEin�ates, 48 seconds West, departing the centerline of FM 407
ar�d alor�g the west iine o# said 60 acre tract described to Lakeland Capital, Ltd., the west lir�e of
said Willow Crossing and also bein� in the approximate center of B. Judge Lane, a distance of
6,152.23 feet, rnor� or less #o a paint for corner; said point being the beginning of a non-fangent
curve ta th� right;
�b�WC�, departing the west line of said Willow Crossing a�d along said curve to the righi, �aving
a central angle ofi 28 degrees, 04 minutes, 2Q seconds, a radius af 26,400.00 teet, a chord bearing
and distance of North 75 d�grees, 13 minutes, 40 seconds East, 12,505.72 fe�t, more ar fess, an
arc distance of 12,934.71 feet, more ar less to a point at the end of said curve; said point being
in the east fir�e of said 259.427 acre tract described to Cactus Thorn, L.P.; said point being in the
east line of said Thomas H.W. Forsyth Sur�ey and the center of Jim Baker Road;
T'H�i�C�, South 01 degrees, 53 minutes, 27 seconcis Wesf, with the �ast line of said Cactus
Thorn, L.F'. tracf, the east line of said Forsyth Survey and said center of Jim Baker Road, a
distance of 1,559.78 feet, more or fess to a point for fhe southeast corner of said Cactus Thorn,
L.P. tract and the northeast corner of said 12.030 acre tract d�scribed to Peggy Deanne Hatfield;
TH€NC�, South 04 degrees, 14 minutes, 34 seconcEs East, wifh �he east iine of said Peggy
�eanne Hatfield, the east line of said �orsyth Survey and said center of Jim Baker Road, a
distance of 769.32 feet, more or less fo a point for corner; said point being the southeast corner
of the said Forsyth Survey; said paint also being tl�e intersection of the approximate center af
Farm-to-Market Highway Na. 1384 and the approximate centerline of Jim Baker Raaci; said point
also being irt the north line of said William Reed Survey, Abstract 107�;
�'b�R�C�, South 88 degre�s, 42 minutes, 24 seconds Easf, alang the approximate center o# said
FM Highway No. 'f384 and the north Eine of said William Reed Survey, a distance o� 929.66 feet,
more or less to a paint for corner;
�W�f�C�, South 00 degrees, 40 minutes, 45 seconds East, departing said approximate center of
FM Highway 1384, and aiong the east line of "Tract VII, First" and "Tract VII, Second", a distance
of 3,729.44 feet, more or {ess ta the southeast corner of said "Tracf VEI, First';
�b�P�C�, North 89 degrees, 10 minutes, 36 s�conds West, along the south line of said "Tract
VII, First" and the south line of said "Tract V° described to Glenn and Louise Shoop Family
Partne�'ship, Ltd., a distance of 3,202.60 feet, more ar Eess to a point for corner,
Stephen P. Beebe Survey, Abstract No. 77; Thomas H.W. �orsyth Surv�y, Abstract No. 33; T&
P Raifroad Company Sunrey, Abstraci No. 1306; Wilfiarn Reed Survey, Abstract No. 1071;
M.�.P.&P. Railroad Company Survey, A�stract No. 908; W�Iliam C. Harrison Survey, Abstract
No. 523; Joseph Sutton Survey, Abstract No. 1151; S. F. Reynolds Sur�ey, Abstract No. 1627;
William C. Brookfield Survey, Abstract No. 3�; William D. Redd Survey, Abstract No. 1'f25;
Warren A. Ferris Survey, Abstract No. 419; Mary Polk Survey, Abstract No. 993;
James C. Jack Survey, Abstract No. 679,
Denton County, Texas
T'bl��lC�, South 00 degrees, 20 minutes, 25 seconds East, departing the south line of said "Tract
V", and alor�g the east line of said 432.465 acre tract and said 30.89 acre traet described to Justin
Timb�rbrook, LLC, a distance of 2,436.44 feet, more or less to the southeast corr�er ot said 30.89
acre tract described to J,ustin Timberbrook, LLC;
iFf�iVC�, North 84 degrees, 33 minutes, 48 seconds West, along the south line of said 30.89
acre tract described to Justin Timberf�rook, LLC, a distance of 99.07 feet, more or less to the
northeast corner of said Coliir�gwood Estates;
�F��I�C�, South 00 degrees, �5 rninutes, 02 seconds East, departing the soufh line of said 30.89
acre tract described to Justin Timberbrook, LLC and along the east line of said Collingwoad
Estates, a distance ofi 3,764.62 fee#, more or less to a poir�t for corner in the south line of sait� FM
YH�I�C�, 5outh 89 degrees, 54 minutes, 49 seconds East, along said south line of FM 407, a
distance of 122.10 feet, more or less to a point for corner in the east line of said Brookfiefd Survey;
�b�NC�, South 00 degrees, 00 minutes, 28 seconds East, departing said south line of FM 4�7
and along the east fine of said Brookfield Survey and the wesf line of saic# Warren A. Ferris Survey,
a distance of 3,016.66 feet, more or less to the sautheast corner of said Brookfield Survey and
the nartheast corner af saic! William D. Redd Survey; said point being in the north lir�e of said
317.616 acre tract described to Patricia Ann Range Molloy;
Tb�idC�, North 88 degrees, 52 min�tes, 56 secor�ds East, departing the west line of said Ferris
Survey and along the north line of said �Molloy tract, a distance o# 2,609.50 feet, more or iess to a
point far carner;
�H�P�CF, South 00 degrees, 32 minutes, 09 seconds East, departing the said rtorth line of Molloy
tract, crossing said Molloy tract and joining the westernrnost east line of said Mallay trac#, a
distance of 3,798.37 feet, more or iess to the southernmast sautheast corner of said Molioy tract;
TH�NC�, Svuth 89 degrees, 52 minutes, 57 seconds West, along the south line of saici Molioy
tracf, a distance of 3,3�7.36 feet, more or less to the southwesf corner of said Molloy tract; said
point being in the east line of said "Tract 3" described to Petrus fnvestment, L..P.; said point also
being the no�thwest corner of Riggs PEace, an addition to Denton County, Texas as recorded in
Cabinet E, Page 359 of said Official Public Records;
�"b�i�C�, South 00 degrees, 17 minutes, 11 seconds East, afong an east line of said "Tract 3"
and the west line of said Riggs Place, a distance of 345.7� feet, mare ar less ta a paint for corner;
iH�iVC�, Nar�h 89 r�egre�s, 50 minutes, 00 seconds West, departing said east fine of "Tract 3"
and the west fine of said Riggs Place a distance of 4,61 �4.69 feet, more or less fo a�oint for corner
��sc�r�Yio�v o� �Y� ���,��s� ���A
CIiY OF' FOR7' Idi110�tYH, ��XA� -�J R�L�AS�
St�phen P. Beebe Survey, Abstraci No. 77; Thomas H.W. Forsyth Sur�ey, Abstract No. 33; T&
P Railroad Company Survey, Abstract No. 1306; William Reed Su�vey, Abstract No. �071;
M.E.P.&P. Railroac! Company Survey, Absiract No. 9p8; Wiiliam C. Harrison Survey, Abstract
No. 523; Jaseph Sutton Survey, Abstract No. '! 151; S. F. Reynolds Survey, Abstract No. 1527;
William C. Broakfield Survey, Af�stract No. 34; William D. Redd Survey, AE�stract No. 1125;
Warren A. Ferris Survey, Abstract No. 419; Mary Polk Survey, Abstract No. 993;
James C. ,lack Survey, Abstract No. 679,
Denfon County, Texas
in the approximafe center of Sam Reynolds Road; said point heing in the east line of said Indian
Trails, P#�ase 1; said paint alsa being in the easi line of said James C. Jack Survey;
�f��NG�, South 00 degrees, 58 minutes, 16 seconds West, with said ap�roximate center of Sam
ReynoEds Road part o�Fthe way and with said east line of Indiart Trails, Phase I and said east line
of ,�ames C. Jack Surv�y, a distance of 2,660.12 feet, more or less to the southeast corner of said
Indian Trails, Phase I and the southeast corner af said James C. Jack Survey;
iH�1�C�, North 89 degrees, 50 minutes, 53 seconds West, along the south line of said Indian
Trails, Phase I, the south line of said 25.a acre tract describ�d to Bobby Gene Cross, the south
line af said 25 acre fract describec! to Elsie Lou Haddocic and the south iine of said James C. Jack
Survey, a distance af 4,854.72 feet, more or less to the PO�IVT OF' ��GIIVIVIN�;
COP�T'AlhlING: approximately 5,106 acres of land, more or less.
This document was prepared under 22 TAC §663.29, does not r�eflect the results of an on the
ground survey, and is not fo be used to convey orestablish inte►�ests in real properiy except those
rights and in#erests implied or established by the creation or r�ecor�frguratiorr of the boundary of
fhe political subdrvrsion for which this was prepared
Pa�E s oF s
Form of Agreed Judgment
CAUSE NO. 15�08�70-3b7
Plaintiff and Counter-defendant
Defendant and Counter-plaintiff,
Counter-defendant and Third-party
Plaintif� az�d Counter-defendant, Town af Northlake, De�endant and Counier�plaintiff,
City of Justin, and Counier-defen.dant and Third-party pIaintiff, City of Fort Worth, have entered
into a cozxapramise and settlement agreement z�z Fhe above-captioned cause and have agreed to the
�ntry of an agreed judgment in the form attached hereto. Accordingiy, � the parties request that
the Court execute the original Judg�ment being subrnitted contemporaneously with this motion.
WHEREFORE, PREMISES CONSIDERED, the parties to this lawsuit pray that the
7udgrnent bezng s�abmitted con�emporaneously with this mo�ion be signed axzd thai the Court
enter such oiher and fi�rther oxders as rnay be proper.
519328 OU0002 14989774.1
Respectfully submitted,
/s/.Iames B. Ha��is
James B. Ha�r�s
State Bar No. 090b59�00
1722 Routh Street, �u'tte I500
Dallas, Texas 75201
(2 i 4) 969-1704
Fa�: (214) 880�3132
jaxrxes.hanri s@tklaw. com
Wxxz. Andxew Messer
State Bar No. 13�72230
6371 Preston Road, Suite 2Q0
Fxisco, TX 75034
972.668.6�-00 — Telephone
972.668.6414 — Facsi�aile
andy@txrnunicipallaw. carz�.
Christopher B. Mosley
Senior Asst. City Attarney, Ci[y a�Fort Worth
200 Texas Stxeet
Fort Worth, Texas 76102
S I 9328 OOOOD2 149897791
T hereby certify that a true aa�d co�ect copy of the foregoing was served on alI counsel of
record �via on this � day of May 2421.
/s/Jrxmes B. Harris
James B. Harris
519328 OD0002 149897791
CAUSE NO. 15-08170-367
P1a.intiff and Counter-defendant,
Defendaz�t axad Caunter-p�ainfiff,
Counter-defendant and T�ixd-party
Came on for cQnsideration an Agreed Motio� for Agreed Judgment in ihe above
captianed case. Upon consideration of said morion, the Court finds -�hat Plaintiff and Counter-
defendant, Town of Northlake, Defendant and Counter-plaintiff, Ci�y of Justin, and Counter-
defendant and Thixd-party plaintiff, City of Fort Worth, have entered into a compromise and
settlement agreement a copy of whic� xs attached hereto and made a part hereof. Accordingly,
ihe Court is of the opinion that the Agreed Motion �o� entry af an Agreed Judgment should be in
all things granted and sustaine�, and fhat Judgment should now be en�exed in this case. 7t is
ORDERED, AD�JDGED and DECREED that Plaintiff and Counter-defendant, the
Tawn of NorthIake TAKE NOTHING in this case from� De�endant and Cau�ter-p�aintiff, City of
Justin and that all of P�aintif�s a�d Counter-defendant's claims a�d causes of action asserted in
this cause or that could have been as�erted in fhis cause are hereby dismissed with prejudic�.
519328 000002 14989779. f
IT IS FUATHER ORDERED, ADJUDGED and DECREED thaf Defendant and Counter-
plaintiff, City of Justin TAI�E NOTHING in this case frorn Plain#iff and Count�r-defendant,
Towza af Northlake and from Counter-Defendant and Third-party plaintiff, the City of Fort
Worth and that all of Defendant's aa�d Counter-plaintiff's claims and cause� of action asserted in
this ca�ase or thati could have been asserted in this cause axe hereby dxsmissed with prejudiee.
7T IS FURTHER �RDERED, ADJUDGED and DECREED #hat Countcr�defendant and
Third-party plaintiff, City of Fort Worth TAKE NOTHING in this case fxam Defendant and
Counter-plain�i��, City a� �ustin, and that all of Counier-defendant's and Third-party plaintif�'s
claims and causes of action asserted in ihis cau.se or t1�at could have becn asserted in �hzs cause
are hexeby ci.ismissed with prejudice
Each party shall bear its own attorneys' fees and court costs.
This is a f nal order that disposes of all clazms and aIl parties, and this case is disxxzissed
with pxejud'zce in i#s entirety.
STGNED this day of , 2021.
/s/.Tames B. Harris
James B. Haxris
�tate Bar No. 09065400
1722 Rouih Street, Suite 1540
Da.�las, Texas 75201
(2 ]. �4) 969-1700
Fax: {2 X 4) 880-3132
j arnes.hazx�s@tklaw. com
519328 060002 14989779.1
Wm. An;drew Messer
State Bar No. �3472230
6371 Pre�ton Road, Suite 200
Frisco, TX 75034
972.665.6400 — Telephone
972.668.6414 — Facsinr�ile
Christopher B. Mosley
�enior Asst. Crty Atto�ney, City of Fort Worth
200 Texas �treet
Fort Worth, Texas 76102
8 I7-392-7603
519328 000002 I4989779.1