HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 55784Date Received: 06/O1/2021 Time Re ce ived: 10:26 a m City Secretary Number; 55784 PUBLIC PROPERTY EASEMENT ENCROACHMENT LICEN5E AGREEMENT TIER II THIS AGREEMENT is inade and entei•ed into by and between THE CITY OF FORT VIWORTH, a l�ome rule in��nicipal corporation of Tairant Cotu�ty, Texas ("C�ty"), acting by and through its duly authorized City Manager, Assi.stani City Manager, or Diz•ector of the Development Services De�art��ent, ar�d KATIE'S EXPRESS CAR WASH, a Texas li���ited liability coinpany ("Licensee"), acting �y and ihrough its duly authoriz,eci Pre�ident. RECITALS WHEREAS, Licensee i�5 the owner of the real properfy loeated at 301 E. RENDON CROWLEY ROAD, Ia'ort Wor�h, Texas 76105 ("Proper�y"), bei�ig more paz-ticiilarly described in t11e attached Exhibit "A" wivch �s incor�orated hereirz for ail purposes; and WHEREAS, ti�e Ciry owns a vsrater easement {Ehe "Public Properry, ") adjacent to the Property as shown in the a�tached Exhibit "B," wlvch �s incoiporated herein for all puuposes, and as recorded in the plat �ecords of Tan-ant County as plai n�.�nber �'5-20-129, vzstrun��nt number D220240572; ant� WHL+'R�:AS, Licensee desu•es to construct, place, and rnaintai� certain improvements wl�cl� will encroach in, o�a, above, or below the Publie Property, aild WHEREAS, to accommodate the needs of the Licensee, th� Ci�y wi11 allow the encroact���ei�t ur�der ihe terms and conditions as set fo�-tI� in this Agreen�eijt. NOW, THEREFORE, the City and Licensee agee as follaws: AGREEMENT 1. The City, in consideration ofi'the }�ayment by Lice�.see of the fee set aut below and covenants and agreements h�reiz�after contained to be kept and perfot-tned by Licensee, hercby aeants pern�.issian to Licensee to encroaeh in, on, above, or below ai�d occupy a portion of tl�e City's �ublic Property as describcd in ai�d at the location shown on Exhibit "C," but only to the extezit shown thereon, for the puapose of cor�structuig, insta�ing, and ir►aultainitib an trvo �" electric conduits (the "Encroachment"}. iTpon completian of the Encroachinent, Licensee agrees to be responsib�e �or mainta'�1� the Encroachment within tl�e Public Property. Licen.�ee shaIl n�t expand or othezwise cause the Encroachment to Tier [t Ease��ient Eneroaehn�ent A�reemen t PN21-Od0 &� OFFICIAL RECORD CITY SECRETARY FT. WORTH, TX furtll�r i�ifringe m ar on the Public Properiy beyaud what is specif"iea�y described in Exhibit "C." 2. All construetion, installatic�n, maintenance, and operation of the EncroacI�ent and the �ise ar occupancy of the Piiblic Property shall enmply with and be �crformed in stz-ict compliance with this Agreement az�d with the charter, ardinances, codes, and policies of the City. Priar to the eonstruction or mstallation of the Encroachm���t, Licensee shall subznat all plans and speci�f'zcations to the Duector ofthe Developnlent Services Department ar duly authorized representative. Licensee shall not con�nence cons�ruction �r i�stallation of the EncroacY�ia�ent nor inake any t�se of the Public Propez-ry u�itil afier t�ie execution of this Agreement. 3. Licez�see, at no expense to the City, shall make proper provisions For the z-elocation and u�stallatior� af any existaag or future utilities ai�fected by such �ncroactullent and the Us� and occupancy of the P��blic Property, including the securing the approval and con�ent af t�e ap�ropri�te utility companies and agencies af t1�e State of Texas ai�d its politic al snbdivisions. In tl�e event that any instalIation, reinstallation, reloc�tioi�, or �-epait- of any existn�g or future utiii.ty or i�nproveinents otivned by or coi�h-ucted by or on. bcha�f of the public or atpublic expe�ase is zr�ade inare eostly by virtue of the coi�struction, znaintenance, or existence of the Enc�•aachment ancl use aF Public Pr-operty, Licensee sl�all pay to City an addi#ional amoLult equal to such additional cost as reasanably c�eterz�rzinec� by the Du-ector of Trar�portatic�n and Public Warks, the Director af t�e Water Department, the Director of the Developinent Ser�ices Departrrient, or their duty autharized �•eprese��tative. 4. Licensee agree5 that Ciry may enter and utilize the Pt�blic Property at any time for any public pLupose, including instailiz�g, repairing, ��epiacm�, or maintantazng improvements to its public facilities or utilities necessary for the health, safety, and welfare of the public . The Czty sball have no responsibiliry or liahility far any dama�es related to tt�e Encroaclunent resulting from the City's use oftlle Public Property; �awever, tlte City sl�all make reasanable effarts to inrnimize such damage. 5. Upon termulation of this Agreen�ent, Licensce shall, at the aption of� and a� �lo expense to tl�e City, rernove �1�e E��croacl�x�ent and i-estore the Public Property to a ca��.�ition acceptable to t11e Director of Trai�sporlation and Pub�ic Warks, tile Di�ector of the Water De�art�nent, the Director of the De��eIopme��t Ser�vices Department or their dl�iy auEhorized representative. Any such re�x�oval of the Ettcroacf�tilent shall be � accflrdance with then-existing City regulations a�ld poiicies. lt is understood aild a,}eed to by Licei�see that if this Agreement �eiil�tes and Licensee faiLs to reinove the Encroach�nent and Tier il F.asement E�icroachment Agreement Page 2 of 13 PN2�-00080 Revised 11/2�2(} rest�re tl�e Public Praperky, Licensee hereby gi�es City permissto�l to rei��ove tlie Encroachment and any supporti�ig struitures from the Ptiblic Pzoperty, to resiore the I'ublic Property, and to assess a lieu on tlae Property for tlle costs expended by the City in takinb such actians. 6. In order to defiay all costs of inspeciian ancE supervi5ian whicl� the City has mcun-ed or w�71 incur as a result of ihc cons#ructio�i, ��naintenance, inspection or n�anageznent of the Encroa�lunent and use of Public P�operty as providcd for by this Agreer€ient, Licensee a�n-ees to pay to Ciry at the time this Agreeznent is rec�uested an application fee in the surn af Seven Hundred Dollars ($'�QU.04). 7. The tenn of this Agteement shall be for thi�-#y (30) ye ars, cor��tneneing on the clate this Agreetx�ent is executed by City. Howevex, the City may term�ate this Ab eetnent upoza. Licer.�ee's zmaterial noncompliance with any of� the terins of this Agreen�ei�t. City shall notify Licensee in wa-[ting of any s��ch nancompliailce and if Licensee does i�►ot cure the noncompliance withitl thirty (30) days of natice fiom C�y, the Ciiy may terr��inatc this Agreeznent. However, the City may, at its sole opti�i�, allow the Ag�•eeineni ta remain in etfect so long as Licensee �ias taken reasonable ineasures to ci�re tl�e nonc�mpli,�z�ce or �s co��iinuing ta c�il�entiy attempt to remedy the noncompliance. 8. It i:5 fi►rther uraderstood and agceed betweez� the parties hereto that the Public Praperiy to be used and eneroached upon is held by City as trustee for t11e public; that C�ty exercises such powers aver the Pu�lic Pi-operty as have been delegated to it by the Constitution of the State of Texas or by the Texas Lea latiu,e; and that Ciry cannot cot�tzact away its duty az�� its legislative povver to control the Publie Propel-ty for tl�e us�. and beneiit 01� the public. It is accoa•dinaJy a�-eed that if the gaver��ig body of City may at airy tiui�e during the tenx� l�ez-eof determine in its snle discretion to use or cause az� pernut the Pu�iic P�•operty to be used for any other public purpose, nicluding but not bemg litnited to �ndergrow�d, surface, or overhead corrununicatian, cirauiage, sanitary sewerage, t�ansinission of natzu-al gas o�• electriciry, or any other public piupase, whether presently contemplated or not, that the parties agree to ne�aiiate in good faith in order to aceoilunodata both the Encroachment and the pub�ac purpose. 9. LICENSEE COVENANTS AND AGREES TO INDEMNIFY, AND DQES HEREBY INllEMNIFY, HOLD HARMLESS, AND DEFEND CITY, ITS �FFICERS, AGENTS, SERVANTS, EMPLOYE�S, AND ELECTED OFFICIALS FROM AND AGAINST ANY AND ALL CLAIMS OR SUITS F4R PROPERTY DAMAGE �R Tier ]1 h'asemeni Encroachme�it Agreernent Fage,3 of 13 pN21_flppgfl Revised 11/2Q2D L4SS AND/�R PERSONAL CNJURY, INCLUDING DEATH, TQ ANY AND ALL PERSUNS, OF WHATSOEVER K�ND OR CHARACTER, WHETHER REAL OR ASSERTED, AR�SiNG OUT OF OR IN CQNNECTION WITH, DIRF.CTLY OR IN1l1It�CTLY, THE CDVSTRUCT[ON, MAJNTENANCE, OCCUPANCY, US�, EXISTENCE, OR LOCATION OF "1'H� ENCROACHNIENT AND USES GRANTED HERELTNDER, WHETHER QR N�T CAUSED, IN WHQLE OR IN PART, BY THE ALLEG�D N�GLIGENCE 4F OFFICERS, AGENTS, SERVANT5, EMPLOYEES, C�NTRACTORS, SUECONTRACTORS, L1eENSEE�, ELEC'l�:ll OFTICIALS, OR INVITEES OT THE C�TY; AND LICENSEE HEREBYA�SUM�S ALL L�ASILITYAND RESPONSI�3ILITYFOR SUCH CLAiMS QR SUITS. LICENSEE SHALL LIKEWISE ASSUME ALL LIABILiTYAND RESPQNSIBIL�TYAND SHA�.aL INDEMNIFY CITYFOR ANY AND AT.L INJURV OR DAMAGE TO CITY PROPERTY ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WTTH THE ENCROACHMENTS AND ANY AND ALL ACTS OR OMISSIONS OF LICEI�SEE, IT5 OE'FTCERS, AGENTS, SERV�NTS, EiVIPLOYEE�, CONTRACTORS, SUBCONTRACTORS, LICENSEES, 4R INVITEES. 10. Wlule tl�i4 Agree�nent is in e�fect, Licensee agrees to fi�rnish City wiih a Certificate of Inst�rance naming Cify as certificate holder as proaf tl�at is 11as secured and paid for a palicy of pubJic l�ability irasuz-ance cove��ing all public z-isks relatzd to the propascd use and occupancy of public property as located a�ic� described iri Exhibit "C." Tl�� amoui�ts of such IIisurance shall be nat less tk�an ��,000,00a with the understanding and agreement by Licensee that such insiu-ance amounts may be revi�5ed upward at City's option and lhat Licensee shall so revi��e sucl� a�nounts unmediate ly fall.owing notice to Licensee of such requixe�ent_ Such ivasurance policy shall not be canceled or i�educed without at least thirry (30} days p��inr written noticc �a the Building Official of the City. A copy of such Certificate oi Insurance is attached as Exhibit "D" and "mcarporated hereu3 for alt p�uposes. Licensee aa ees, l�inds, and obligates itself� anc� rts successors and assi�s to maintain and keep in force such publ�c liability insu�a�lce at all tizxies diuing the term of tiv� 11�eement and u�aii3 t1�e re���c�val of the Enczoaclunent and restoration of tbe Public Property. Al! i��suranc� coverabe required herein sliall include coverage of all Licensee's contractors and subeontractors. 11. Licens�e agrees �o deposit with trie City whezl this A�•een�ent � executed a suf�cient Su� of �nouey to be used ta pa_y necessary fees ta record this Agreement in the real prope�-ty records af the county in u;hich. the Encroachnient is located. After being recorded, the ariginal shaIl be retu�ned to the City Secretaiy of the City of Fort Wortla. '1'ier 11 F�.asement Encroachmeril Agreemerst Page 4 of 13 PN21-00080 Revised 1112Q2(} 12. Licensee agrees to comply fully with all applicable federal, state, and ]ocal laws, statutes, ordinances, codes, and regulatians in connectioia with tl�e constiuctian, operation, and znaintei�ance af the E�croachmet�t and use of the Public Property. 13. Licensee agrees to pay proinptly when due all fees, taxes, nr renia�s provided for by thiS Agreement or by any federal, stafe, or iocal statute, law, or regulation. 14. Licensee covenaz�ts and agr-ees tliat it shall operate hereunder as an u�de�endei�t contractor as ta all ri�ts and pi-�ilege5 � anted hereunder and nat as an officer, a�ent, servant, or employee of City, and Licensee shall �iave exelusive control of ar�d the exc�usive riglit to coiit�ol the details of its operations, and all pe�sons perfonr��g sa��e, ai�c� sljall be salely respansible for the acts and o�ni�sio��s of its ofticers, agex�ts, servailts, emptoyee s, contractors, subcontractors, licensees, and invitees. The dactrine of respondeat superior shall not apply as between Cify and Licensee, its officers, agents, servar�ts, e�plovees, contractors, and subcont�-actors, a�d nothmg herei�n shall bc cor�strucd as creating a pax�tnershi� or joint enterprise bet��eera City and Licensee. 15. Licensee a�rees aYld ackno�rledges that this A� �ement is salely for tlie purpose af pe�-rnitti��g Licensee to constn►ct; maintain, and ]oeate the �nct-aachment over or witllis� the Public Properiy and is not a conveyance of any right, title. ax interest in or to tl�e Public PrQperty, nor is it meant to cnnvcy any right to �ase ar occ�py property in vvl�[ch a third- party may have a�� intexest. Licei�see agrees that it wiJ1 abtair� al� neces�ary pern�vssio�is before accupying s�ach property. 1fi. In any actian brau�t by the Ciry for the enfarcem�nt of the obligations of the Liceitisee, City shall be entitled to recover interesi and reasonable attorneys' fees. 17. The parties a��ee that the duties and obligations contained in Seetian 5 shall su�-vive the �ertx�i��ation o� this A�reement. "1'i�r !1 Easement E��croachme�it Pa e5of13 Agreeme�7t g PN21-�408fl Revised 11/2020 18. Licensee covet�ants and agrees that it will not assign ail o�� any of its rights, �riviie�es, ot� duties under this A�reement without the written a�proval of the City, ivhich consent will not be unreasonably, withl�eld, conditioned or del�yed. Any attezx�pted assignment without such �;vritten approval shall be void. In tbe event Lice�see con�eys t�te �'roperty, Licensee may assign all of its rights and abligations under this Agecment to t%e i1e�v owner of the Property, and Licensee sIaall be deeined released frorn its du�ies and obligations hereunder upon City's appza�al in writing of suc�i assigiment, which ap�roval sha�i not be unreasonably conditioned or witl�held. Foreclasure by a secured lender of Licensee or assignux�ent to a secuz'ed lender by Licensee it� the event �f defai�lt c��- otllerwise shail not requae City approval provided that said lealder notif'ies City � wr-iting within six�y (60) days of such foreclasure or assig€��aent and asstu�aes alI nf Licensee's r�hts anci obligations hereunder. Hawever, na chailge af awnershi� du� to fareclosi.ue or assig��nei�t to any secured lender �f Licez�see sl�all be effective as to City unless a�d uE�til written notice of such fnreclasure or assig�nez�►t �s provided to City. 19. Any cause of action faz� breac� of this Ab eement shall be brought m Tarrant Caunty, Texas. This Ag�ree�neilt shall be gove�-ned by tl�c laws of tiie Stdte of Texas. 20. This Agzeeinent shall be binding upan the parties hereto and their successars and assigns. 21. This A�eeinent may be executed in multi��e counterparts, eacll of which shall be coi�sic�ered an original, blit aIl of which shall const�tute one inst�ru�nent [SIGI�'ATURES APPEAR ON FOLLOWING PAGE] '3'ier II EasementEncroachment A�reeinent Page C of 13 I'N21-00080 Revisec� 1112d2(7 City: Licensee: CITY OF FORT WORTH KATIE'S EXPRESS CAR WASH, LLC =F?!lt DJ Harrell (May 27, 202110:23 CDT) By: --------------By: 1:J&fi_-, � � D.J. Harrell, Director of the Development Services Department Name: Robert Petrie Title: President Date: May 27, 2021 ATTEST: City Secretary Tier 11 Easement Encroachment Agreement PN21-00080 Date: S - / 9 -J / Approved As To Form and Legality Matthew tv1um1,x Matthew Murray (May 20, 202115:19 CDT) Matthew A. Mun-ay Assistant City Attorney Ordinance No. 24161-04-2020 Contract Compliance Manager: By signing I acknowledge that I am the person responsible for the monitoring and administration of this contract, including ensuring all performance and repmting requirements. Jtllf/4::Se&:UJ#:Mrtrw Janie Scarlett Morales (May 20, 202114:59 CDT) Janie S. Morales Development Services Page7 of13 Revised 11/2020 j��*THIS PAGE FUR CITY OF FURT �VORTH OFFfCE USE ONLY�`�t* STATE OF TE�AS � CUUNTY OF TARRANT � BEFORE ME, the �andersia ed authoz•ity, a Notary Pub�ic in and for the State of Texas, o�� tl�is day pe�•sonally appeared D.J. Harrell, know�i to z7ie to be tl�e person wl�ose name is subscribed to �he for•egoing instnunent, and ackz�owledged to me that l�e executed the saine for the piuposes and co��ideration thereu� expressed, as the act and deed of t]1e City of Fort Warth, and ir� the ca�acity therein stated. GIVEN UNDER MY �IAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this 27th dav o� May , ZO 21 . Jennifer L DigitallysignedbyJenniferLEzernack Date: 2021.05.27 13:45:01 -OS'00' Ezernaek AdobeAcrobatversion: 2021.00110155 Nc�tary Public ua at�d for the Siate of Tcxas o,�p,RY/'(ie, JENNIFER L. EZERNACK _ n � Notary Public * �7 + STATE OF TEXAS NT G� Q Notary I.D. 130561630 9�F�F�+ My Comm. Exp. Mar. 1, 2024 After recording rehu� to: Development Services Depat-tment Development Coordinatia�� Offiee 200 Texas Sireet Fort Worth, Texas 76102 Tier 11 Easement Fa�croachmc;nt Agreemen t PN21-00080 OFFICIAL RECORD CITY SECRETARY FT. W�RTH, TX STATE OF TEXAS § COUI�TY OF TARRANT § B�FORE ME, the undersi��ed authority, a Notary Public in and ia�• the State of / �.�,�.�5 , an tl�is day personally appeared Robert Petrie, �resident, know�� to ine to be tl�e person wl►ose name is subscrbed to the foregoing i�lstrument, and acknowledged io me that hc or she executed the sa�ne for the purposes and consideration therein expt�essed, as tlie act and deed o� Katie's Express Car �Vas�, LLC, a Tegas limited liability company, and in the capacity therein stated. � GIVEN UIVDER MY I-IAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this i�� — day af �l� � t� , 2021. , / . ,�`i J1�- \ �; � - ' , �_, N�' ry Pi�blic ��ai�d fo�- the . State of �}:,,`{��,5 "fier II Easement S»croachilie�it Agreenient P1�T21-00080 ,�,Y a, �uz r� �iRa ( E� z � Natary ID #11845444 r, �i My Comrnissian Exp}res "reo,�wP January 22, 20�4 OFFICIAL RECORD CITY SECRETARY FT. W�RTH, TX EXHIBIT A Description oftlne Licensee's Praperty Lot 1, Block 1, Katies Carwash 5, an addition to the City of Fort Worth, accord�g to the plat recarded in Document No. D220240572, Plat Record.s of Taz-irant County, Texas. '�ier I] Easement Enc��oachment Agreement Page 10 of 13 P1�21-04080 Revised 1 i/2020 EXHIBIT B Depiction of the Public Property Tier II Easement Encroachment Agreement Page 11 of 13 PN21-00080 Revised 11/2020 �� 3g c� gP �s 9&� �g 3� � a � ; �� � �� � 3s 55 �� e� �� � x .c � e� � ^� � e� B g �� � �� � �� 8 My "� at - i' F;€ � 3 �� o � 5. Sr g a � ` z � �� Q� � ;� 5 � �� .a � � x � = � � � ' E � o "s � ��y^ ge s��e�es FE �9�,'��� E_�f3y�$.. ��i � �Se -S� 'R� �g ��e^$ �e �.SP' _ 3 s� ; e9 � s � °m°' $, §e � sm s� 3�s�e �a �,� sa � �Sgw �a ESEsv S .�ieSE� e� 5� �`;�a5 g S $`e *� ae s^� r ai� . 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