HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 55800CSC No. 55800 FoRT WoRTH C�TY 4F k'ORT WORTH �OLC SOURC� PURC�IASG AGRCCMCNT This Sole Source Purchasc Agreement ("Agrccm�nt") is en#ered it�to by a�1d Uetween Biota�e, LLC ("Seller") arld t11c CiEy of Fort Worth, ("6uyer"), a Texas l�o�ne rtile ��lunicipal corporatior�. '1'he Sole Souc•ce Purcllase E1��•eeme�it i�lcludes tl�e lollowir�g dacu�l�ents wt�ich sl�all be construed in the order c�f�precedence in wliich they are lisied: l. 2. 3. 4. 5. G. 7. `l'11is Solc Source Purcllase A�ree�nei�t; F�xhibit n: '�I'crms and Cot�ditions; I;xhihit �3: Conl7ict of inte�-est Questionnaire. F.,xhibit C: Seller Contact lnform�tion I;Y�I��)ll D: VCl'1flC�iilOIl nI`Sl�I1�E1LlI'�l�UtIlOI'l�y rYh�bi� r: seller,s 5ole Source ,Iustiticatinn Letter and I;xh�bit 1�: Scller's Proposal Cxilibits A, B, C, U, E, ar�d �', wl�icl� az•e aitacl�ed he�•eio and incorporated f�er-ei�1, ��re made a part of this �lgreeiz�ent for all ��u�poses. 7,lic �lmauzit of tl�is cot�tz•acf sllall not exceed $80,000.00. The undeisigned re��reset�ts and w�►t•raiits tliat ]le or she has the powe�• and authorify to exec�ite tl�is �brecn3cni a�1d biE�d the respeciive Seller. Seller �nd I3��yer have caused this �1�;recmcnt to be e;�ecuted Uy th�ir• dt��y atithc�rized representatives to bc eilective as oCthe date si�ned below. Se[ler Nttmc: Biota�e, LLC Aullioci7ec3 Signature: � Fz•inted Name: Ebechacd Rau "I'itle: Cliief fivancial �f�icer Datc: a � � � 1 , `�- �'�-` 13uycr: Cily of� Port Worth Authorized Si�;nature: �'ri�lted Naine: Title: Date: CONTRACT COMPLIANCE MANAGM+a12: [3y si�nin� I acknowled�e tE�at f�m the person t•csponsit�lc t«r the monito�-in� and administcation o(� this confract, 117CIUCI117€T, Ct1tiLl1'lll�' aI� (]C:I'IOl'l11�11CC �I7C� 1'C��OI'tli1� t'eC�U1CeIl1CI1tS. �1�I1�1fLlFC: �71e: Na�l�c: Patricia E Stanlcy "I'itle: Mai�a�ement An�lyst C�TY SGCRGTARY: 5i�nafure: Dat�e: Na�l�e: Mat•y Kayser T�itle: City Sccretaz•y OFFICIAL REC�RD 1 CITY SECRETARY FT. VIIORTH, TX [�xccuted eFPeciive as ofthe date signed by the Assistant City Maz�age�• belnw.] 1[ACCEPTED AN[� nGRTrD:] City: b�nw 8r�A6u7�rFF �3Danal3urghdoff( n6,202 0:02CDT) Y' Na�ne: 17ataa I3ur�IldofE' '],itle: �1.s5istant City Maila�ei• n�,t�: J u n 6, 2021 CITY OP T'ORT WORTI-[ INTEI�NAL ROU'I"CNG PROC�SS: ��p�roval Recommended: _sd%�G�C.CJi,Z1� G2i� f]�� ChristophcrHard (Jun4,202115:41CDT) L] Na�t�c: Cl�ris I-iaeder 'I�itle: Water Dircct.or A��p�•ovcd as to Form .�nd Le�ality CG��ista ,� / ,�e��e��oC�s ChilstaRLopez-Reynold (Jun4,20211 :45CDT) 13y: Name: Christ� R. Lope�-Reynolds 'I�itic: Sr. /lssistant City flitot'ney Contract �►uthorizatior�: M&C: Conta•act CoRipliance Mana�er: Sy siy�nin�� [ ackno�� led��e that f am thc pe��sc�n respoEtsible fbr t13e mnnitoring acid administeation OI 1I115 COtlil'1Ct_ 111C�1Ed111�� ensuring all pea�tbrmance and r�poe-tin�� rcquirements. B�; atr�anlcy( u�,20211S40CDT) N��i�c: Patrici� Sta�71e�� Title: Managenient Analyst lI Attest: ay: ������ Namc: f4�1ar�� Kayser "I�itic: Cit� Secreta�-�� a- u po� FORr��a y�► � o�,�� 0 �o o� v—o a= o 0 o � o � 0 d'�° ° �` �o o � �T ��00000� �Y OFFICIAL REC�RD ��1 CITY SECRETARY FT. VIIORTH, TX rxl�ibit A CITY OF F'ORT WORTL-1, TEXAS STANDA.RD FURC�IASING TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1.0 DEFINITION OF BUYER T11� C'ity of Fort Wort�l, its officers, agents, servants, authorizec� einploye�s, vendors and subcantractors who act on behalf of various City departnlents, hodies or agencies. 2.0 DEFINITION OF SELLER The Vendor(s), cozlsultaz�i, supplier, its officers, age�lts, servants, employees, ve�ldors aa�d subcontractors, or oiher provider af �oods andlor services who act on behalf oi the entity under a contract �i�iih the City of Fort Worth. 3.0 TERM This Agreement shall be�,in on the date signed by the Buyer's signatory {"EfFective Date'"} and shall expire on June O1. 202Z ('`Expiratioil Date"), unless ier�ninated earlier in accordance with t11is A�reement ("Initial Term'"). Buyez sball k�ave the option, in its sole discretia�z, to renew this A�;reenlent tEnder tlie sa�ne tei7l�s and co��ditions, for up to four (4) one-year renewal options, at Buver"s sole discretion. 4.0 PUBLIC Ii�iFOR�1ATION Buyer is a�o��ernment entit�� under the laws afi the State of Texas and all docume��ts held or maintai�led b� Bu�-er a.re subject to disclosurc; under the Texas Public Infarmation �1ct. In the event there is a request for infornlation marked Con�idet�tial or Proprietary, Buyer shall pron3ptly notify Seller. It «ill be the responsibility oF Seller to subi��it reasons objecting to disclosure. l-1 detez•mination on ��hether s�ich reasons are sufficient will not be decided by Buyer, but by tlle Oftice of the Attoine�- General of� the State of Texas or hy a cout•t of coialpetent jurisdiciion. The Parties agree that noihing contained witllin this Agree«�ent is considered proprietary or trade secret information and this a�reement may be released i�i tihe evejit that it is requesiecl. 5.0 YItOH[BiTION AGAINST PERSONAL 1NTEREST IN C4NTRACTS No oitice�- or e�nployee af Buyer s17a11 have a financial i�lterest, direct or indirect, in a�iy contract with Buyer or be fi��ai�cially int�rested, directly or indirec#ly, in tlle sale ta BL�yer af aiiy Iand, n�aterials, supplies or services, except o�1 behalf' af Buyer as an officer or en�playee. Any willful vialatioii of this section shall constitute n�alieasance iz� off ce, and any officer or employee; iounci �;uilty thereof shall thereby forfcit his office or position flny violation oF this section with tlie knawled�e, expressed or inlplied, of the perso�� o�� corporation corstracting with the City Cotmcil sha�l render the contract i�lvalid by the City Manager or the City Council. (C11ap#er XXVII, Section 16, City of For� Worth Charter). z Revised 3.11.20tp 6.0 ORDERS 6.1 No employees of t�le Buyer or its officers, a;ents, servants, �endors or subvendars who act on behalf ot various City departments, bodies or aget�cies ar� authoriz�d to place orders far �oods andlor services without providinb approved contract numbers, purci�ase arder i�limbers, or release numbers issued by i�1e Buyer. The only exceptions are Purchasing Carc� oi•ders at�d e�nergencies pursuant to Texas Local Governnient Code Sectioi� 252.022{a)(1), (2), or {3). In t�e case of ci�ler�encies, t�1e Buyer's Pu�•chasing Division wi]I place such orders. 62 Acceptane� c�F an order and delivery on the part of thc: Seller wit��out an approved contract r►un�ber, ptirchase order ��u�nber, or release nuinb�r iss�.�ed by t�le Buyer axaay result in rejectian of delivery, return of �oods at the Seller's cost and/o�• non-payment. 7.0 SELLER TO PACKAG� GOODS Seller �� ill packa�e gaods in accordance with good conzzr�ei•cial practice. Eac11 sllipping con#ainer shall be cfearlti� and pernlanently inarked as iollows: (a) Sellcr's name and address: (b) Consi�nee's name. address and pui'claase order or purchase chan�;e order niimber; (c) Cantai�ler nuinber and total number of contain�rs, e.b., box 1 of � boxes; ai�d (d) Number of tl�e cantainer bearing th� packing slip. Seller shall bear the cost of packa�in� unless otherwise provided. Goods shall be s�iitabl�- packed to secure lowest transportation costs and to conforr�l to requirements of comz�lon carc•iers and an}� applicable specitications. Buyer's couili o�• weight shall be tinal and conclusive on shiprnents not accompanied by� packing lists. 8.0 SHIPNIENT LiNDER RES�RVATYON 1'ROHIBIT�ll Seller is not attthorized to ship the goods unde�• reservation, and no te�ider of a bill of ladii�b will operate as a tender of goods. 9.0 TITLE AND R[SK OF LOSS Tl�e title and risk of loss of the goods shall not pass to Buyer until Buyer actually reccives and takes possession of the goods ai the point or poi�lts of deliv�ry after inspection and acceptax�ce of the goods. 10.0 DELIVERY TERMS AND TRANSPORTATION CHARGES Frei�ht terms shall be F.O.B. Destiz�atian, Freight Prepaid and Allawed. 11.0 PLAC� O�' DELIV�RY Tlie place ot delivery sllall be set �'orth in the "Ship to" block of the ptircl�ase order, purchase cilange order, or release ordcr. 12.Q R1GHT OF INSPCCTION RE��S�a 3.�s.zatp C3uyer sllall have the right to inspect the goods �ipo�l d�livery before acceptin� them. Seller shall be respansible l�or all char�es For the returil io 5eller oiazly �oods rcjected as being nonconfarming under tl�e specifications. 13.0 INVOICES 13.1 Seller shal� subi7lit separate invoices in duplicate, an each purchase order or purclaase change or•der alter each deiivery. Invoices sllall indicate tl�e purchase o�•der or purchase cha�l�e order number. Invoices silall be itemized and transportation charges, if any, shall be listed separately. A copy of the bill of lading a�1d the freight waybili, when applicable, siiould be attached to the invc�ice. Sc:1te1• shal� inail or deliver invoices to Buyer's Departme�it and address as set foz•t�3 in the block o� the purchase order, purchase cllange order or release order entitled "Ship to." Payment shall i�ot he made until the abave instruii�ents have been submitted after delivery and acceptai�ce of the goods andlar SeP�'iC�S. 13.2 Seller shali not inelude Federal Excise, State ar City Sales Tax in its in�oices. The Buyer shall furnish a ta�: e�emption certii-icate upon Selier's rec�uest. 12.3 Pa� inent. All pa��m�nt terms sllall be "Net 30 Days" un�ess otherwisc agz�eed to in wz-iting. Beforz the 1 st pa��ment is due to Sei�er•, Seller shall registex• far direct depasit paymez�ts prior to pro� iding goods andlor services usin� tl�e forms posted on the City's website". 14.0 P[ZICE WARRANTY 14.1 Thz price to be paid b� Buyer sl�all be that contai��ed in Seller's proposals which Seller wan•ants ta be no hi;�her tl�a�l Seliez�'s current prices on orders by others for products and services of the �ind and specification covered by this agreement for sirz�i�ar qiiantities u�ldei• likc conditions and �netllods of purcllase. In the e�ent Seller bz'eacizes this warranty, the prices of the items shail be reduced to the prices contained in Selier's proposals, ar in the alternati��e upan Btryer's option, Buyer shall have the ri�ht to cancel th�s contract without any iiability to Seller for breach or ior Sellez�'s actuai expense. Such r�rriedies are in addition to and not in lieu ot any other remedies which B�►yer may have in la��v or equity. 14.2 Seller warrants tliat no persan or sellin� a�e�icy has been ei�1ployed or retai�ied to solicit or secure this cai�tract upon an agree�nent or u�idersiandinc for commission. percentage, bra�Cerage or contingent fie�, execpting em�loyees of ai1 establisl3ed conlrnercial or selling agency ihat is i��aintained by Seller for the purpose of securing business. For b�-each or violation of this warranty, Buyer s11al1 havc fl�e ri�,lrt, in addition to any o�l�er right or �-i�;hts arising pu�•suan� to said purchase(s), ta cancel this cantract without liability and to deduct from the cantract price SLIC�1 con���lission pe�•centage, broi�c;rage or conti���ent fee, or otherwise Lo rcco�er #��e full an�ount thereo{�. 15.0 PRODUCT WARRANTY Seller sha31 not limit or exclude any express ar implied warranties and any attempt to do so shall 4 Re�ised 3.11.20tp render this contract voidable at tile option of Buyer. Seller warrants that the goods furnis�ed wi{1 co�lf'orm to Buyer's specifications, drawings and descriptions listed iz� tl�e proposal invitatio�l, a��d the sa�nple{s) fun}ished by 5elier, if any. in the event of a conflict b�twecn Buyer's specifications, drawings, arad descriptions, Buyer's specificatio�ls shall govern. 16.0 SAFETY WARRANTV Seller ���arrants that the product sold to B�yer shall confoz�n� to the standa�'ds pramulgated by the t1.S. Department of Labor under the Occupational Safeiy a�id Health Act (OSHA) of 1970, as amended. I�� the event the pradt�ct does not conform to OSHA standards, Buyer may return the product for correction or replac�n�ent at 5ell�r's expense. In the event Seller fails to �nal�e appropriate correction writhin a reasonable timc, a�1y correction made hy Buyer will be at Seller's expense. Where no correciion �s or can be made, Se�ler shall refund all monies received for sucli �oods «ithin thirty {30) days after i•ec�uest is rzzade by Buye�� iz1 writin� and received by S�Iler. Notice is considered to iiave been received upon hand delivery, oz• otherwise in accordane�: wit11 Section `?9.0 of �hese terms and conditions. Failure to make suc� refund shall coi�stitute breacl� and cause tl�is contract to terminate immediateiy 17.a SOFTWARE LICENSE TO SELLER If tllis purchase is for the license of software products and/or secvices, and u��less otk�erwise agreed, Seiler hereb�- �rants to Buyer, a perpetual, irr�vocable, non-exelusive, n.ontransferable, royalty f'r�e license to use the saft��-are. This software is "praprietary" to Sellcr, and is licensed and provided to the Bu��er for its sale use for purposes under tl�is Agreement and any attachcd work orders ar invoic�s. The Bu��er ma}� not use or share this softrware without permission of the Seller; l�owever Bu}-er ma�� make copies of the software expressly far bacicup purposes. 18.0 WARRA'�T�' AGAINST INFRINGEMENT OF INTELLECTUAL PROP�RTY 18.1 The SELLER �i��rr�n�s that �►1[ Deliverables, or any part thereof, furnished hereunder, including but n�t limited tc�: programs, documentation, sofhvare, anah�ses, applications, methads, ways, and processes {in this Section each individually referred to as a"Delivera�rle" and coilectively as the "Delivexables,'") c�o nat infringe upon or ��iolate an�� patent, copyrights, trademarks, sen-ice marks, trade secre�s, or an�� intellectual �ro�erty rights ar ot�er third �arty proprietary rights, in the �erformance of serr•ices under this Agreement. 15.2 SELLER shall be liable and respdnsible for any and all claims made against the Buyer for infringement of any patent, copyright, trademark, service mark, tr�de secret, or other intellectual �roperty ri�hts by the use c�f or sup�lying of any Deliverable(s) in the co�rse of �erformance or completion oi, or in any way connected with providing the se�-vices, or t�e Buyer's continued use of the Deli��erable(s) hereuncler; 18.3 SELLCR agrecs to defend, settle, or pay, at its �wn cost and expense, any claim or action against Buyer for infringernent of �ny patent, co�yright, trac�e rnark, tr�de secret, ar similar pro�erE�� right arising from Buyer's usc of the software and/or documentation in accordance with this Agreernent, it being understood that this 5 Revised 3.31.20tp agreement to defend, settle or pay shall not a�ply if Buyer modi�Es ar �rrRisuses the sofhvare andlor clocurrxentatior�. So long as SELLER bears the cost and expc�ise of payment for claims Qr ac�ions against Buyer pursuant to �his section, SELL�R shall have the right to conduct the defense o� any such c�aim or action and all negoti�►tions for its settlement or compromise and to settle or compromise any s�ch claim; however, Buyer shall have the right to fully participat� in any and all such settlement, ne�otiations, or lawsuit as necessary to pratect Buyer's interest, �nd l3uyer agrees to cooperate with SELLER in daing sa In the event Buycr, for �vhatever reason, assumes the responsibility for ��yment of costs and expenses for any claim or action brought against Suyer for infringernent arising under this Agreement, Buyer shall have the sole right ta conduct the defense of any such claim or actior� and all negotiations f�r its settlement or rompromisc and ta settle or com�rorrtese any such ciainn; however, SELLER shall f�lly participate and coo�erate �vith Buyer in defense of such claim or actian. Buycr agrees to give SELLCR timcEy written notice of any such claim or action, with copies of all papers Buyer may receive relating thereto. Natwithstanding the foregoing, Buyer's assumption of payment of costs or expenses shall nat eliminate SELL�R's duty to indemnify Buyer under this Agreement. if the softrvaare andlor docament��tion or any part the�-eof is held to iniringe and the use thereof is enjoined or restrai�ed or, if as a result of a settlement or compromise, such use is materially adversely restricted, SCLLER shall, at its c�wn expense and �s Suyer's sole rernedy, ei�her: (a} pr�eure for Buyer the right to co�tinue to use the sofrivare and/or docu�nentation; or (b} modify the sofhvarc and/or documentation tn make i� non-infringing, provided that such �r►odification does not materially �dverse�y affect Buyer's authorized use af the software andlor documentation; or (c} replace the sofhvare and/or documentation with eyually suitable, cornpatible, and functionally equivalent no�-infringing software anc�lor documentatian at no additional charge to Buyer; or (d) if none of tt�e foregoing alternatives is reasonably availab[e to SELLCR terrninate this Agreement, and refund all amounts paic� to SELLER by Buyer, subsequent to �rhich termination Buyer may seek any and all rennedies �vailable to Buyer under law; and 18.4 The representations, ��varranties, and covenanis of the parties contained in section 13 through 17 of this Agreement wi11 survive the termination andlor e�piration of this Agrcement. 19.0 4WNERSH[P OF WORK PRODUCT Seller agrees that an} and afl analyses, evaivations, re�aorts. ntemoranda, letters. ideas, processcs, methods, pro�rams, and manuals that were developed, prepared, concei��ed. made or su�;gested by the Sell�r for the Buyer ptirsua�it to a Work Order, i]1C1Ud111� all such developments as are originated or conceived durin�� tl�e term of the Contract and that are co�npleted or reduced to writing thereafter (tl�e "Wark Product"'} and Seller acknowledges tllat such Work Product n�ay be cnnsidered `'work{s) made for hire" and will be and remain ihe excliisive property of the Buyer. To the exte�it that t�e Work Product, uiider applicable law, n�ay not be cansidei•ed work(s) made far hire, Seller liereby agrees that t11is A�reemealt effectively transfers, grants, conveys, and assigns exclusively to Buyer, all rights, title aa�d ownership interests, including copyright, wi�ich Sc�ll�r may have ii� any Work Product or any tailgible ialedia embociying sucl� Work Product, witl�out the Re�ised 3.11.20tp necessity of any f�rther co�lsideration, and Buyer shall be entitled to obtain and hold in its own name, all I�itellectual Properfy r��;hts in and to the Work Product Scller i'ai• itself and on belialf of its �vendors hereby waives ai�y praperty ii�tei•est in sucl� Work Product. 20.0 CANC�LLAT�4N Buyer shali 1}ave the right to canccl t11is contract immediately for default on all or any part of tl�e iindelivered porlion of this o��der if Seller breaches a�1y of the tet•►r�s hereof, including warranties of 5eller. 5uch right of cancellation is in additio�� ta and not in lieu af any ot�ler remedies, which Buycr may have in law oY• eqiiity. 21.0 TERMINATION 21.1 Written Notice. The purchase of �oods u��der �his order may be terminated in whole or in part by Buyer, witii or without cause, at any tiz��e upon t��e de�ivery to Seller of a written "Notice of Tern�ination" specifyi�lg the extent to which the �oods to be purchased under the oz•de�• is terminated and the date upon which such tern�ination becon7es effective. Such rigl�t of tern�ination is in additioi� to and not in lieu of any other termination �•igl�ts of Buyer as set forth herein. 21.2 Non-appropriation of Ftinds. In ti�e eve�l� i�o funds or insufiicient funds are appropriated br� Bu� �r in anv tiscal pzriod fa�• any payme��ts due 3lereunder, Buyc�• will notify Selle�• of such occurrence and this Agreement shall terminate on the last ciay of the fiscal period for �r�hich appropriations were received wi#hout penalty or expei�se to Buyer of any kind whatsoe�°er, e�cept as to ihe portions of tl�e payinents lierein agz-eed upon far wllich funds have been appropriated. ? 1.3 Duties and Obli��ations of t17c 1'arties. Upon terminatian of this A�reement for any reason, Seller shall only b� compe�lsated for items requested by the Buyer and delivered prior to the effective date at ternlination, and B�yer shall not be Eiable for �ny other costs, i�lcluding any claims for lost protits or incidental damages. Seller shall provide Buyer with copies of all co�npleted or partially completed documents prepared Linder ihis Agreement. In the event Sel�er has received access ta Br�yer Information ar data as a requirement to perfa�-m services l�ereiinder, Sel�er shall ret�irzl all Buyer provid�d data to Buyer in a machi��e �•eadable format or other format deemed acceptable to Buyer. 22.0 ASSIGNM�NT / DELEGATION No interest, a�ligation or t•ight o�'Seller, including the rigl�t to receive paynzent, under this contract s11alI be assigned or dele�ated tc� another e��tity witliout tlle express written coi�sent of Buyer. Any aitempted assigtament or delegation of Seller shall be wholly void and totally ineffective for all purposes uniess made in con�'ormity with this paragrapl�. Prior to Buyer giving its consent, Seller agrees t11at Seller shall providc, at no additional cost tc� Buyer, all documents, as determined by Buyer, that arc: reasonable and necessary ta verify Seller's le�al status and transfer of rights, interes#s. or obligations #o another entity. The documents that may be requested i��clucie, but are not limited to, Articles of incorporation and related arner�d�nents, Cei�ificat� af Mer�er, IRS Form W-9 to verify taY identification number, ctc. Buyer reserves the right to withliold all payments to Revised 3.�1.20t� any e�ltity otl�er tl�a�i Seller, if Seller is not in compliazlce wii11 l�his provision. If Seller fails to provide necessary ir�formaiion in accard�nce with this sectior�, Buyer sllall not be liablE for a�1y penalties, fees or interest r�sulting thereirom. 23.0 WAIVI+,R No claim or ri�l�t arisin� aut ofa breach oi�tllis contract can be discharged in wllole o�� in part by a waiver or renunciatioz� oF tl�e claiin or right unlcss the waiver or renunciation is supported by consideration in writing and is signed by tlle aggrieved p�rty. 24.0 MODIFICAT�ONS Tkais coilti-ac# can be modified or rescinded only by a written agreement signed by boih parties. 25.0 THE AGREEMENT Ii� the �bsence of� an otl�ei•wise ilegotiated con.tract, or uniess stated otherwise, thc Agt•eerr�ent betwee�l Buyer ar�d Se:ller sliall consist of thes�; Stancfard Tez•ms and Co��ditia�ls together witll any attachza�ents a�ld exhibits. This 1l�reernent is intei�ded by the parties as a��a1 expression of thei�• agreement a31C� is iratended also as a con�plete and exclusive statement of t11e tez-a�ls af their agreen�ent. No course of priar dealin�s between the parties and no usage af trade sl�ali he rel�vaflt to suppleinent or explain ai�y te�•m iised in this Agreement. Acceptance of ar acquiescence in a course ofperformance under this Agreer��ent shall ziot be relevant to determine ihe meaning ot this A�;reement even though the acceptin�; or acqt�iesci�a� �ariy lias knowlc;dge of tl�e per`Forn�ance and opportunity for objectioi�. Wheilev�r a term deii��ed by the Ui�ifarm Cominercial Code (UCC) is used in tliis Agreeinent, the defnition contained i�1 the UCC shall control. In the event of a conflict hetween the contract documents, tlle order oi' precedence shall be th�s� Standard Terms and Conditions, and the Seller"s Quote. 26.0 Ai'PLICABLE LAW 1 VENLIE Tliis ag�•eement shall be �overned by the Uniform Connn�ercial Code wherever th� term "Uiiiform Commercial Code" oz• "UGC"' is used. It shall be constru�d as meanin� the Uniforz�l Commercial CodE as adopied and atnended in tlae State af Texas. Both paY�ties agree tllat �enue for ai�y litigation arisin� from this contract sliall be in �'ort Worth, Tarrant Cou�lty, Texas. This co��tract shall be governed, construed aizd enf o��ced tindcr the laws of tl�e State of Texas. 27.0 INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR(S) Se11er shall operate he�eunder as an independent contractor and not as an otficer, agent, servant or c�rnployee oF Buyer. Seller shal� have exclusive contral of, and the eYcltisive ri��it tc� coiltrol, the details of its operations hereui�der, and all persans perfonnin� sam�, and shall be solely responsible far the acts aild omissio�ls of its oFficers, agents, employees, vei�dors and subcontractors. Tl�e doctrii�e of respondent superior shall not apply as between Bu}rer and Seller, its ofiicers, agents, ea��playees, vendors a�1d subcont�•actors. Nothing l�erein shal] Y�e construed as creating a partnership or joint eilterprise between Buyer aild Seller, its officers, agents, employees, ve�dors and subcontractoi•s. 8 Re�ised 3.11.20tp 28.0 LiABILITY ANll IND�MNIFICATION. ?8.1 LIABILITY - SELLER SHALL BE LIABLE AND RESPDNSTBLE FOR ANY AND ALL PROPERTY LOSS, PROPERTY DAMAGE AND/OR PERSONAL INJURY, INCLUDING DEATH, T4 ANY AND ALL PERSONS, OF ANY KIND OR CHARACTER, WHETHER REAL OR ASSERTED, TD THE EXTENT CAUSED BY THE NEGLIGENT ACT(S) OR OMISSION(S), MALFEASANCE OR INTENTIONAL MISCOND UCT 4F SEL L ER, I TS OFFICERS, A GENTS, SER VANTS OR EMPLOYEES. 28.2 GENERAL IIVDEMNIFICATION - SELLER HEREBY C4VENANTS AND AGREES TO INDEMNIFY, HOLD HARMLESS AND DEFEND BUYER, IT'S OFFICERS, AGENTS, SERVANTSANDEMPLOYEES, FROMANDAGAINSTANYANDALL THIRD PARTY CLAIMS OR LAWSUITS OFANY KIND 4R CHARACTER, TO ANY AND ALL PERSONS, ARISING DUT 4F OR 1`N C4NNECTION WITH THIS AGREEMENT, TO THE EXTENT CAUSED BY THE NEGLIGENT ACTS OR OMISSIONS OR MALFEASANCE OF SELLER, ITS OFFICERS, AGENTS, SERVAN�'S OR EMPLOYEES. 2$.3 INTE'LLECTUAL PROPERTYIND�EMNIFICATI4N—�eller agrees ta defend, setfle, or �ay, at its o���z� cost and expense, ariy claim or action against Suver %r infringement af any p�tent, copyright, trade mark, trade secre�, or similar �roperty right arising from Buyer's use of the software ancilvr documentation in accordance with this Agreement, it being understood that this agreer�ent to defend, settle ar pay shali not apply if Buyer rnodifes or misuses the software andlor documentation. Sa long as Scller bears the cost and expense of payment for cEaims or actions against I3uyer pursuani to this section, Se�ler s�all have the right to conduct the defense of any such claim or action and a11 negatiafions for its settlement or compromise and to settie or compromise any such ci:�im; l�owever, Bu��er shall have the right to fully participate in any a�d all such settlement, negotiations, or la�r��suit as necessary to protect Buyer's interest, and �3uyer agrees to cooperate �{�itt� Seller in doing so. In the e��en� Buyer, far rvhatever reason, assumes the res�onsibiiit�� for pa� ment of costs and expenses For any claim or action brought aga�nst Ba�°er for infringement arising under this Agreement, Buyer shall have the sole right to conduct the defense of any s�ch claim ar actian and all negotiations for its setNement or compramise and to �ettle ox campromise any such claiin; howevcr, Seller shall full�� �articipate and cooperate �vith Buyer in defense of such claim� or action. Bu�°er agrees to gi��e Seller timely written notice of any such clairr� or action, �vith copees of all pa�ers Bu�=er may receive relating thereto. Notwithstaac#ing the foregoing, Buyer's assu�nption of �ayment of costs or expenses shall not eliminate Seller's duty to indemnift� Buyer undcr this Agreement. Ii the saftFvare anci/or documentation or an�� part thereof is held to infringe and the use thereof is en�oined or rrstrained or, if as a res�lt of a settlement or com�romise, such use is materially �civerselti� restricted, Seller shall, at its own expense and as Buyer's sole remedy, either: (a} procure for Bu}�er the right to continue to use the software andlor documentatio�; or (b) modify the sofhvare �ndlor documentation to make it non�infringing, �rovidcd �hat such modi�cati��n does not 9 Revised 3.11.20tp materially adversely affect Buyer's author�zec� use of the software and/or documentation; or (c} re�lace the sofhv�re andlor documentation with equally suitabie, comp�ttible, and functionally equivalent non-infringing software and/or documentation at no additional charge #o Buyer; or (d) if none of the foregoin� alternatives is re�sonal�ly availabie to Seller terminate ti�is Agreement, and refund a11 amounts paic� to Seller by I3uyer, subsequen# to which terminaiion Buyer may seek any and all remec�ics available to Buyer under law. 29 SEVERABILITY In case any one or more oi�the provisians coniained in this agreenient sha11 for any reason, be held to be invalid, illcgal or unei3farceable in a�iy respect, such invalidity, illegality or unenforceability sliall not affect �z�y other provision of this a�reement, which agreement shall be construed as if such invalid, illega� or tinenfoz•ceabie provision had izever been contained 1lerein. 30 FISCAL FUNDING LIMITATION In the event no fiinds or insui'ficient fi�nds are appropri�ted and bucf�`�teci in ��ny liscal period for payments diie under this caiitract, tllen Buyer vvill iir�mediatel}� notif�° Seller of such occurrence and this contract shall be terininated on the last day of tlle fiscal period for «-tiich fiinds have bee�� app�•opriated wit�out penalty or expense to Buyer of any �:i��d «-hatsoe�-er, e�cept to the portions of annual paymcnts herein ag��eed upon for which funds shall ha�•e been apprapriated anc� budgeted ar are otl�erwise available. 31 NOT[CES TO PARTIES Notices reqt�ired pursuant io the provisions of this Agreer�lent shall be conclusi��elv determined to have been deliverec� w�ien (1) hand-delivered to the other part}-. its a�ents. emplo}-ees, servants oa� repz•ese�lt�tives, (2) deliv�:red by i�acsimile witll electronic contlrnlation of the tra�lsn�ission, or {3) received by tile otller party by Unite�i States i�lail. re��istered. return receipt requested, addressed as follows: TO BUYER: City o� Fort Worth Attn: Purchasial� Ma�la�er 200 Texas Street �ort Worth, TX 76102-6314 Facsimile: (817) 392-8654 TO SELLER: Biota�z. LLC Eberhard Rau. Chizf Financial Officer 10430 Harris Oak Bl��d. St�ite C Charlotte. NC ?8?b9-7518 Facsi�iiiie: (-� ��} �;-}-?9b-8217 Witll copy to Port Worth City 11.itorney's Ofiiice at same address 10 Revised 3.11.20tp 32 NON-llISCRIMINATION Seller, for itself, its personal representati�Tes, assigns, subVendors and successors in interest, as part oi'the consides•ation herein, agrees thai in ihe perFormance of Seller's duties and obligations hereu��der, it shall not discriminate ii1 the treatment or employme3it of any individual ar group of individuals on any basis prohibited by law. IF ANY CLAIM ARISES FROM AN ALLEGED ViOLATION OF THIS NON-DISCRIMINATION COVENANT BY SELLER, ITS NERSONAL REPRES�NTATYV�S, ASSIGNS, SUBVENDORS OR SUCCESSORS IN INTEREST, S�LL�R AGREES TO ASSUME SUCH LIABILITY AND TO INDEMNIFY AND DE�'END BUYER AND HQLD BUYER HARMLESS FROM SUCH CLAIM. 33 IMMIGRATION NATIONALITY ACT Seller shall verify the id�ntity and emplayn�ent eli�ibility af its emplayees who perform wark under this Agreement, including campleting the Enaplayment E�igibility Verification Form (I- 9). Upoi� request by Buy�r, Seller shall provide Buyer «ith copies oFall i-9 forms and supporting eli�ibilily cfacu�l�entation for each en�ployee who perfonns wa��l� under this Agreeme�it. Seljer s�la�l adhere to all Federal and State laws as ��efl as zstablish appropriate �rocedures and controls sa that no services «�ill he perfarmed by an�� Sell�r emplo� ee «�ho is nat legally eli�,ible to perform suc�� services. SELL�R SHALL 1NDE1�iNIFY BLiYER AND HOLD BUYER HARML�SS EROM ANY PENALTIES, LIABILiTIES, OR LOSSES DUE TO VIOLATI4N� OF THIS PARAGRAPH BY SELLER, SELLER'S E:�ZPLOYEES, SC'BCO?�TRACTORS, AGEI�+iTS, OR LICENSEES. Buyer, upon ��ritten natice to Seller. shall ha��e t91e ri�ht to imr�lediately terminate this A�reement for violations of tllis pro�-ision �i�- Se�ler. y 34 HCALTH, SAFETY, AND ENVIRONiVIENTAL REQt�IRE�IE\TS Services, p�-oducts, materials. a�ld supplies prot ided b�� the Se[ler must me�t or e�ceed all applicable health, safety, and tlle e�i��ironmecital la«-s. requirements. and standards. ln addition, Se�ler agrees ta obtain and pay, at its o«°n z�pznse. #or ail ]icenses. permits. certiticates, and inspectio�ls necessary to provide the products ar to perforrr� the ser� ices �ereunder. Seller shall indeninify Buyer from any penalii�s or liabilities duz to �•iolations of this pro��ision. Btiycr shall have the right to itnmediately tei��linate tllis Agreement for � iolation� af this pra�-ision 6y Seller. 35 RIGHT TO AUDCT Seller abrees that Buyc:r shall, until tl�e expiration ot�tha�ee (3) ��ears after final payment under this contract, or tl�e fi�ial canclusion of any audit comi3lenced d�irin� the said three � ears, have access to and tlie ri�lit to exarr�ine at reaso�lable times any directl�� pzrtinznt books. docu�ne�its, papers and records, inclt�ding, but �lot liz��ited to, all electro�lic records. of Seilzr in�•ol��in`� transactioras relating to this Agrecnieni at 310 additional cost to Buyer. Seller a��rees that Bu` e�- shall have access durin�; normal working hours to all necessary Seller facilities and shall be provided adequate and appropriate work space in order to conduct audits in compliance ��ith the provisions of tl�is section. Buyer shall give Sell�r reasonable advai�ce ilotice of intended a�idits. The Buyer's �•igl�t to �t�dit, as described }aereizi, sl�all survi�e the termination and/or expiration of this Agreement. 11 Revised 3.11.20tp 36 DISABILITY In accordance with tlle provisions of the A�nericans With Disabilities Act oi� 1990 (ADA), Seiler war�•ants that it and any and all of iis subcontractors will not unlawful�y discriminate on tlze basis oi� disability iz� the provision of services to genc;ral public, z�or in the availability, tern�s at�d/or conditions of e��playment for applicants for enzployment with, ar employees of Seller ar airy af its subcontractars. Seller warrants it will fully co�nply with ADA's provisio��s and any oth�r applicabl� federal, state aud lacal laws concerning disability and will deiend, indemnify and hold Buyer har�7zless against any claims or allegations asserted by third parties or subcontractors a�;ainst B��yer arisi�lg aut of Seller's anc�/or its subcoz�tractor's alleged failure to comply with the above- refe�•encecf laws conc�rning disability ciiscrimination i�� ihe performance of tllis agreenient. 37 DISPUTE RCSOLUTION If c�itller B�iyer or Sell�r has a claim, dispute, or otl�er matter i�l questio�� fo�• breach of duty, obligations, services rendered or any waz•ra�lty that arises under this Agreeinent, the parties sllall �i�•st attemp� ta r�sol�re tiie matter thraugl� this d'aspute resolution process. The disputing pa�•ty shall noiify the otl�er party in writin� as soon as �racticable afier discov�:ring the claim. dis�ute, or breacli. Tl�e notice shali stat� the nature of the dispute and list tlle part��'s specitic reasons for such dispute. Within t�n (10) husiness da}�s of receipt of thz notice. botl� parties sl�all inake a�ood faith effort, either tl�•ou�h email. mail, phone cajlference, in person meetin��s. or other reasonable means to r•es�lve any clai�z, dispute. breach or other matter in question that ma�- arise out of, or in coruleciion with this Agree�lent. If tlie parties fail to reso[�-e the dispute �iithin si.r•ty (60) days of the date of receipt af the notice of the dispute. t��en the partits ma�• sub►ilit the matter to non- binding mediation upon �� ritteei co�lsznt of authorized rep�-ese�ltati�•es o#�both pa3-ties in acco�-dance with the Industry Arbitz-atio�l Rules of the American :�rbitration Association or otfier applicable rules gove�•ning cnediation then ixi effect. If the parties submit the dispute to non-bindin� n�ediation ai�d ca��t�ot resolv� the disputc; throu�h mediation. then either partt� shal[ ]la��� the ri��ht to e�ercise any and a11 remedi�s availab�e under law recardin�� the dis�ute. 38 PROHIBITION ON CONTRACTING WLTH CO��IQAtiIES THAT BO��COTT ISRAEL If Seller has ferver than 10 employees or this Agreement is for less than S 100,OU0, this section c�oes not apply. Seller acl:i}o��vledges that in accordance «-ith Chapter �?70 af the Texas Governnaezit Code, the Buyer is prohil�iied fro�x� enterin�� into a contract t�-ith a company for goods oz• sez•vices unless the contract contains a written ��erificat�on fram the company tk�at it: ( i) does ��ot boycait Israel; and (2j will not boycott Israel durin4� the tertn of the co��tract. The terms "boyco�t Israel" and "company'" shall have the meanin��s ascribed to thos� ter���s in Scction 808.U01 of tl�e Texas Governnlent Code. By signing this con�ract, 5eller certifies that Seiler's signature provides �cvr'rt�en veri�catio� to the Bu��er that Seller: {1) does noi boycott Israel; and (2) will not boycott lsrael during the term of the contracf. 39 1NSURANCE RCQUIREMENTS 39.1 Covera�e and Limits (a) CoFnrnercial General Liability: �z Revised 3.31.20tp $1,000,000 - Each Occiirrence $2,000,000 - A�gre�atc (b) Autornobiie Liability: $1,000,000 - Each occurrence on a combined single limit basis Cove��age sl�all be on any vehicle used by Seller, its employees, agents, rcpresentatives in the course of providing seivices under this Agreernent. "Any vehicle" shall be any vehicle owned, llired and non-owned. (c) Worker's Compensation: Statutoiy limits accordin�� to #kie Te:�as Workers' Campensation Act or any otl�er state workers' coinpensation la«�s wliere tl�e work is being performed Emplo�-ers' liability $100,000 - Bodil�� Injur�� b�� accident; each accident/accurrence $100,OQ0 - �3odilti� I�ljur�� b�� disease; each employee $500,000 - Bodi��- Ii�jur�� b�� disease: policy limit Professio��al Liahility co� era4e ma�� be pro��ided throu�h an endorsen�ent to tl�e Commercial Ge�leral Liab�lit� (CGL) pc�iic��, or a szparate policy specific to Professional E&O. Either is acceptable if co��era�e meets all other reqt�ireinents. Coverage shall be clai�7�s-made, a��d maintained far th� duration of the contractua� agreeinent a►�d for two (2) �ears fo11o«�in� cornplztion of ser��ices provided. An amuial certificate oF insurance shali be submitted to Bu� er to e��idence coverage. 39.Z General Requiremer�ts (a) "fhe comniercial ge�leral liabi�it�� and atitomobil� liabilit} policies shall nar�le Buyer as an additianaf insured thereon. as its interzsts ma�� appear. Tk�e term Buyer shall include its en�ployees, ofticers, ofticials_ a��ents. a�ld �alunteers in respect to tlle coz�tracted services. (b) The wo��kers' comp�nsation palic�� shall ir�clude a`�'aiver of Subrogation (Ri�ht of Recovery) in favor of Buyer. (c) A�ninimum of'T`hirty (30} days' noticz of canczllation or reciuction in liniits af caverage sha11 be provided to Bu}-er. Ten (10) da�-s' notice shail be acceptable iii the event of noi�-paynie�it of pren}it�m. Notice shall he sent to the Risk Manager, Buyer of I'ort Woi�h, 200 Texas Stre�:t, Fort Wortll, Texas 76102, with cop�es to the Foct Worth City Attorney at ti�e san�e address. {d) The izisurers for al! polici�s must be licensed andloz- approved to do business in the State af Texas. All insurers must k�ave a minimum ratin� of A- VII in the 13 Revised 3.?1.ZOtp cuz•rent A.M. Besi Key Rating Guide, or have ��easonably equivalent financial strci�gth ai�d sol�ency to t��e satisfactioil of Risk Manabeinent. If tl�e ratin� is below t11at required, written a�proval of Risk Mana�;ement is required. (e} Any failure ai1 the part of Buye�� to reqt►est required insurance dacumentation shall �iot coilstit�te a waiver of tlie insttrance requiren�ent. (i� Certif icates of Insurance evide�lc�n�. that Vendor has obtained all ��equired insurance shail be delivered to tlie Buyer prior to Vendor proceedin`� with any work pursuant to this Agz�eement. �4 Revised 3.31.ZOtp �xliibit B— CONFLICT OF INTEREST QUESTIQNNAII2C Pursuant to C'1lapter 17E� oF the Local Governmeni Code, at�y person or a�ent of a person w�10 contracts or secics to contraci Por the sale o�• purcl�ase of pi•operty, goods, or serviccs witl� a lacal govc:inment�l entity {i.e. The City af Fort Worth} must disclose in the Qucstioni�aire I'orm CIQ ("Questiorniaire") ihe person's affiliat�oi� or btisiYless relatior�ship that might cause a conflict of i�lterest with the local governmental entity. By law, ihe Questioni�aire must be tiled with the Fort Worth City Secrctary no later thaz� seven days af�e�• tlie date tlle person begiils contract discussions ar negotiatio�is witfl tk�e Buyer, or sub�nits an application or response to a request for proposals or bids, corresponde:nce, or another writinb related to 1 potential agreemeilt with the Buyer. Updated Questionnaires n�ust be filed in confornza�lce with Chapter 176. A copy of the Questiannaire Form CIQ is �ncloscd with tl�e subinittal documents. Tlie form is also available at t�tt��:ll�����+�ti.cfhi�s.rt�itc.t�.�r�/fu�•n�a1C1�).��df'. �f yau have any questions about compliance, please consult your own le�al counsel. Compliance is t11e individual respo�isibility of eacll pec•soai or ag�.nt ot a person who is subject to tlle tiling z•equit•enient. A�i offense �mder C1lapter 17b is a Class C misdemeanot•. NOTE: �f you are not a�vare of a Conf�ict af Interest in an�� business relationship that you might have with the Buyer, state Setler name in the # 1, use NIA in each of the areas on the form. Horvever, a signature is required in the #4 box in all cases. 15 Revised 3.11.20tp GONFLICT OF lNTEREST QUESTIONNAIRE Foi vendor CI41f1C} �LJSIfI�'S5 Wll�l I6G�{ uOV[:fI1RlE't1I1i ei�tity FORM CIQ � liii•; qur•�li��nnnirr rrll�•� S�; � li�vi��n�; uz�rdc� in II�• V;iw b4' II R:.i. R81Y} 1 rel . Iln�ulni C� ���,e,n � �E�I`:�tr���.ki��nrbNr�����.I�F.�it���lllr�rlr�i:;� �,i���ni���ti'Jill�i-hi's{�i�>it.f f;�.l�i���,.,�i�u�,��F��ili�...:���, ��y.i,. i�l,it^dii�.l�.i"..�Inr�����..� i.i3��ii�li� i-,�.b��ln�,ll�•�� �� h�� } �.�qll�i,i..J!�,i ..I' �� .��r,�ir,i�Lilr �I I� .t '1l: � t�n�.l.,r�'�1.;,��,i� :�t�E' 'u,�i11 ,.'u!�?I'_ J�� ri 1 F �1';r..,i1 I f,, i.r.41i� :�� ..hr�nii�l I -r�.,,� .�,1,6�..�.'I�'I�� � i� . ���i� ..�I'I�:��,N a� �i � •li �I �..� , c,�rl m.�n'.i j�,i�'I�, � ...ii� I•�,nii�� ,'ll��iir.rn ..,l.ty.ill�� I'-<< 1�, �V'ii'•, ,���4�,'i. , -��� .����Y.�� .�1�-,,. � Il�,�t � ���iiu�� ilu� �.I.ifi�nir�ni Ir� �-�r-� �ilntl ..� . -. � Ir;ri� 1 ��I� �i��R���i I � I � ..+� � ii�v��ini'��uq�l � � � �.� � P� ', i��l,�: � i��.�.r.:.. ��t •Fl,�r�•.i � Ili., .rird���i ��.i3,,�..'�e���r� �.'���.I.o1i�. ... f..,i, � , � , � � . � � ir � � :n�� �iiE! .�.e� r\i� �II„i�.� .�..il. ;f� . . .t:��� � �����.r�����11. �'..,i ,� i NI�nF� nf v���tdnl vJUn t1ati;1 trusHs�!s!, ���ialln�lsllr�r lvlsh Inc,nl gnva�rnlzlnnlll ��flnty. � � 1<l� O. u� �' l_- L� ��� f 1 Ch:�cicihlsi>nxlfynu,�r��lllln<�;ui{ipx1;11Nip;�pfnvtviltfylilr�rSqiu�stlnnn:�lrN. 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Revised 3.11.20tp i:XIIIBI'T C— SELL�R CONTACT INC'OItMATI�N Scllce's Namc: Rint<�gc, f ,I.C, Scllcr's I,ocal Ac3ciress: 1043Q 1-�ar��is Oaks 131�d, 5uiie C, Cl�arlatte, NC' 2�2G9 I'17<�ne; (704) C.,54-49C�0 l�.i�: (43�4) 29�-82E 7 —�m 1?mail: ardcrmnilbox(c�,liiotagc.com Nzune c�f �icrscm5 �c� �:antact wk�en pl�cin� an order rn� inv<�ice qtEcstiatis: Name/T'itle: Customer Service PI1CIl1E',: {%U'�� 6S�-'��OO l�ax: �anail: o�•dermailbox�>,biotage.corn NamelTitle Pho��L: �:�ilail: NZtt�e/'I'itle: 1'l�c�nc: N;t»aiJ: Namcl�I'itic: PE�ot�e: r i„3it: �, i:� "� � 5ig��atuzr Accni�nts Receiv<i�le (70�) 65�-4900 Fax: a�s�ccounts.eeceivahle[a?hintage.cam l�ax; F�tx; Eherl�ard Rau �'rinlec� Nitme �434} 29�-82_17 (434} 296-8217 ,_) v n c 1 �'1 c� � i Dafe 17 Revised 3.11.20tp T:XHIBIT D VFRI��'ICA'fION OF SIGNATURI+. AI.1T�-IORiTV 13I(�'CA(:1��, L1,C i0�13t1 i�AItRIS (?AK �31,VI), tilll"['I? {., CHARI.OTTI:, NC 28269-7518 �;xecuti�ti c�fthis 5i�n:itur�c Verific�tian rorm ("F'orn�") heruby ect'tifies tlzat the ii�llowiiz� i�idivicjsials ancl/or �ositions havc the autl�nrity te� le�a[ly binci 5ell�r and to exectite any agreement, ac»endmeni nr ch�inge order uit belialt� of Sc[ic1�. Ss�ch bi�ic[ip� authority has Ueen �,3•anted by prcaper ordcz', resoltiti�c�, ordin��nr,c o►• c�ther authrn•i-r.��tinn �f Scller. Ruyer is fi�lly entitled to rely o�7 th� wai7•a��ty and representation set forth i�l this Po����� 'ttt �.nieeing into any agceerne��l or �ttier��lme�it with Seller. Se11ce �vill suhmit an up�iated 1�0!'3]] VVitI1311 tEll �lO} �11Si1]C55 Clays if there �re any changcs to the si�natnry aufhority. Buycr is eiititicd tc� rcly nn a�iy cuty'etlt exectited Form utitil it reccives a rerised Pa�'�ri that has heen propei•ly executed by Selle�'. Name: ��erl�(rr� hC{v� Positioii: C F ° - -- � ��t�/--�`�--- - 5ig��afiire Natite: Position: S i�natsn�� Sigttature of P�'csidentlCEOl�lanagi�l� Pariner Title: ��, _ llatc / /�Q�� _ �� 18 Reviseti 3.11.26tp EXH i BIT E �iot�ge ������Fy��y��=� ������������: �ecember 18, 2020 Patricia StaRley Ciry of �ort Worth Water and Wastewater Centra# Laboratory 2fi00 SE Loop 82� Fort Worth, TX 7�140 Dear Patty. This letter is to provide notification that Biotage� is the original equipment Manufscturer and the sole provider of the products fisted below. Biotage9 is anly manufacturer of the DryVap� automated concentration unit and the only one that can service these units. Biotage� is the soie provfder o� various consumabies, accessories. service components, and repairs for these products. Biotage0 Horizon 1000 Extractor 5ystem Biotage�? Horizon 30fl0 Extractor System Biotage�� Horizon 3100 Extractor System Biokage� Florizon 4790 Extractor System Biotage�� Horizon 5000 Extractor System EnvisionTM Platform Controller XcelVap�� ConcentrationlEvaporation System SmartPrep� Extractor DryVap�'� Gancentrator System Speed-VapTM' III Evaporator System Speed-Va}�'� IV E�aporator System Solvent Trap'"" Reco�ery System Paciffc�` O&G Disks Pacific�"` Fast Flow Pre-Fiiters Pacific PremiumTM 0&G bisks Pacific Premium"' Fast Flaw Pre-Filters Atfantic�"' SPE Disks AtlanticTM Fast Flaw Pre-Filters Cari�on Max-DTMCartridges OnS9te and Depot Service Agreements The inteliectua! properties of Biotage�:; ir��ude various cflpyright; Trademarks, and patents for these prcducts SincErely, ' .- � . � � ��, f 1ti t�„-�-�-.� � Biatage Justine Belmont 5ales Adminisfrator Biotage Salem, NH Main: + �-643-893-3663 Direct: + 1-8�3-386-3626 e-mail: Ju�tinr: helmnritr�k>>��t�nra coi�i website: wUn^� I�ioiaqer_oi7i Biotage 16 Northwestern Drive Salem, NH 03079 Tel: �-1.603.893.3663 Fax: +I.b03.893.h994 Email: orders@bioCage.com Website; www.biotage,com EXHIBIT F B�ota�e Custoiner Informaiian Account Name City of Forl Warlh W�ter �nd W�slew�ter Central L�E�oralory Accaunt Number 2E�955 Ship To 26O0 SE Loo;� B2U f=or1 Woi1h, Texas 76'140 Unitetl States C�uote Informaiian Quote Name Ci1y of f=ori W�rth �Vs �<�trin� fJ - 2778 I C,2uoie N�unber 277(�1 Cr�alec� Date 41771'J[}'l. t Expfration Da1e Ei125I2U7 i Quote Description: Qescriptipn f'le�se ieferenre Ihis ��771i1 with the �'O 2x Co�ti�lete DryVap SVOC syslems Quote Line iterns 03-1588-D4 26-03Q0 40-1000-H7 5U-�914 50-2�1i34-01 5ER-�VC-IN VNT-054U Goniact �ame Katrina Nwinye Phone 317.39�.5J15 Emai! I:atrina.ntivinye c�fnrlwoilhtexas.c�ov Prepar�d By h:lich�el L�nzel Emafl michael.linzel�'v,biofaye.com Payment Terms Pdet 3G days Shipping Prepaid & Add �OB ierms i� �qnz � 12.U0 ?_(}0 mL Evaporation Tube a.9 mL Tip 2.00 U5 Power Cord 110 V 2.U0 dryDisk�)-R 65 mm i 12.�0 Assemhly 65 mm CompEele 2.DU � Vacuum Pump, 11p VAC li 2.00 � Enstallatian a�d Famifiarizaiion - DryVap �� I 2.00 � QryVapC� With Biolagen Solvenf Recovery SVOC, 110 V Subtotal �otal Discount Total AddiSional Notes Pl�ase i�olr_ thfs quoie does noi reflr_cl �i3y applicahle Sales T�x or Shippinc� Gharqes USD 93.00 U5D 14.00 USD 400.Oa US� 185.00 USD 1.412.fl0 U5❑ 1,680.00 USD 34,383.Q0 5.00°/a U5D 1,116.00 U5D 28.00 U5D 800.00 USD 2,220,00 USD 2,824.00 USi� 3,360.flD L1SD 65.327.70 USD 7J,1 14.00 11SD 3,�138.3Q USD 75.Fi75.70 Terms and Condiiions lJnless Bioiage has ei�tered into a saparate written ayreement with you for the supply of goods and services, acceptance of this c�uote iinplies Rioteiye 10430 I-larris Oaks Bl�d., 5uite; C Charlotte, f�C 7_f3?69 USA Tel: f300-446-475'l_ Fax', 434-29fi-Fi217 Subrnii �rdr�,rs To: ordermailbox�i3biat�iyc�-corri Ple�ise refer to quntakion nunil�cr on r�ll orclers, ii�quiries and corres��ondt;nce.