HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 55801CSC No. 55801 FURT WORTH CITY OF rORT WORTH SOLE SOURC� PURCHASE AG1tE�MENT This Sole Source Purchase Agreement ("Agrcement") is entered into by and between IDEXX Laboratories ("Seller") and the City of Fort Worth, ("Buyei•"), a Texas home rule municipal cor�oration. The Sole Source Purcli�se Agreemeut includes the following documents which shall be construed iti the order of precedeuce in whiclt they at•e listed: 1. This Sole Source Purchase Agreement; 2. CxhiUit A: Terms and Conditions; 3. Exhibit B: Conflict of Interest Questionnaire. 4. �xhibit C: Seller Contact Information S. �xl�ibit D: Verification of Signature Atrthority G. Exl�ibit �; Seller's Sole Source Justification Letter and 7. Exhibit F: Seller's Proposal - �xliibits A, B, C, D, E and F, which are attaclled hereto anci incorporated herein, are made a part of this Agr•eement for�all pucposes. Tlie Amount of this contract shall not exceed $230,000.00 annually. Tl1e undersig�ied represents and warrants tliat he or she 1�as the power and authoi•ity to execute this Agreement and bind tlie respective Seller. Seller and Buyer have caused this Agreement to be exeeuted by their duly authorized representatives to be effective as of the date signed below. Seller Naine; ID�XX Laboratories, Ii1c. Buyer: City of Fort Worth Authorized Signature: ��_.-��---=-7 Authorized Signature: x. / Printed Name: Chua�-Ming Chen Printed Name: Title: Title: GM/VP Date: Date: 5/17/21 CONTRACT COMPLIANCE MANAGER: By signing I acluiowledge tliat I am the person responsible for tlie monitoriug a�id administration of tliis contract, including ensuting all performauce aud i•eporti�ig requii•ements. Signature: Date: Nanie: Patricia E Stanley Title, Management Analyst CITY SECRETARY: Signature: Date: Na�ne: Mai•y Kayser Title: City Secretary OFFICIAL REC�RD CITY SECRETARY FT. VIIORTH, TX [Executed effective as of the date signed by the Assistant City Manager below.] /[ACCEPTED AND AGREED:] City: ba,ru� 8c��rGcda�� B�� Dana Burghdoff ( in 6, 2021 0:01 1 CDT) Name: Dana Burghdoff Title: Assistant City Manager Date: J u n 6, 2021 CITY OF FORT WORTH 1NTERNAL ROUTING PROCESS: Approval Recommended: _/%e�a L�/r�0�"G�/L Gv�iz- B�� ChrlstopherHard (Jun4,20211533CDT) Name: Chris Harder Title: Water Director Approved as to Form and Legality: CG��ista ,� / ,�e��e��oG�s ChnstaRLopez-Reynold (Jun4,20211 :4CDT) Y' Name: Christa R. Lopez-Reynolds Title: Sr. Assistant City Attorney Contract Authorization: M&C: Contract Compliance Manager: By signing I acknowledge that I am the person responsible for the monitoring and adminish•ation of this contract, including ensuring all performance and reporting requirements. , ,� B , atriclaStanley( un4,202115:32CDT) Y• Name: Patricia Stanley Title: Management Analyst II Attest: gy; `y�U ��� Name: Mary Kayser Title: City Secretary ,dp4U��� a � �po�oFORr��d � �'a °�'Add � �vo °=d o � o � o � � �o � ��� ��000000� .d a���ExAs�.a OFFICIAL REC�RD 1.1 CITY SECRETARY FT. VIIORTH, TX Exhibit A CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS STANDARD PURCHASING TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1.0 D�TINITION OI' BUY�R The City of Foi•t Woi�th, its officei•s, agents, seivants, authorized employees, vendors and subcontractot•s wlio act on behalf of various City departments, bodies or agencies. 2.0 D�FINITION Or S�LLER The Vendor(s), consultant, supplier, its officers, agents, servants, employees, vendors and subcontractors, or other provider of goods and/or seivices who act on behalf of the entity under. a contract witll the City of Foi�t Woi•th. 3.0 TERM This Agreeinent shall begin on the date signed by the Buyer's signatory ("Effective Date") and shall expire on September O1, 2022 ("Expiration Date"), unless terminated earlier in accordance with this Agreement ("Initial Term"). Buyer shall have the option, in its sole discretion, to renew tliis Agreement under the same terms and conditions, for up to four (4) one-year renewal options, at Buyec's sole discretion. 4.0 PUBLIC INFORMATION Buyer is a government entity under the laws of the State of Texas and all documents held or maintained by Buyer are subject to disclosure uuder the Texas Public Information Act. In the event there is a request for information marlced Confidential or Proprietary, Buyer shall promptly notify Seller. It will be the responsibility of Seller to submit reasons objecting to disclosure. A determination on whether such reasons are suf�cient will not be decided by Buyer, but by the Office of the Attorney General of the State of Texas or by a court of competent jurisdiction. The Parties agree tl�at nothing contained within this Agreement is considered proprietary or trade secret inforination and this agreement may be released in the event that it is requested. 5.0 PROHIBITION AGAINST P�RSONAL INTE1t�ST IN CONTRACTS No officer or employee of Buyer shall ha�e a financial interest, direct or indirect, in any contract with Buyei• or be financially interested, directly or indirectly, in the sale to Buyer of any land, materials, supplies or services, except on behalf of Buyer as an officer or employee. Any willful violation of this section shall constitute malfeasance in office, and any officer or employee found guilty thereof shall thereby forfeit his ofiice or position Any violation of this section with the knowledge, expressed or implied, of the person or corpoi•ation contracting with the City Council shall render the contract invalid by the City Manager or lhe City Council. (Chaptei• XXVII, Section 16, City of Fort Worth Chai�ter). Revised 3.11.20tp G.0 ORD�RS 6.1 No employees of the Buyer or its officers, agents, servants, vendors or subvendors who act on behalf of various City departments, bodies or agencies are authorized to place orders for goods and/or services without providing approved contract numbers, purchase order numbeis, or release mimbers issued by the Buyer. The only exceptions are Purchasing Card ocders atid emergencies pursuant to Texas Loca] Government Code Section 252.022(a)(1), (2), or (3). In the case of einergencies, the Bttyer's Pui•chasing Division will place such arders. 6.2 Acceptance of an order and delivecy on the part of the Seller without an appi•oved contcact number, purchase order number, or release nttmber issued by the Buyer may result in rejection of delivery, returii of goods at the Seller's cost and/or non-payment. 7.0 SELLL+'R TO PACKAGE GOODS Seller will pacicage goods in accordance with good commercial practice. Each shipping container shall Ue clearly and permanently marlced as follows: (a) Seller's name and address: (b) Consignee's name, address and purchase order or pucchase change order number; (c) Container number and total number of containers, e.g., box 1 of 4 boxes; and (d) Number of the container bearing the paciciug slip. Seller shall bear the cost of packaging unless otherwise provided. Goods shall be suitably padced to secure lowest transportation costs and to conform to requirements of common carriers and any applicable specifications. Buyer's count or weight shall be final and conclusive on shipments not accompanied by pacicing lists. 8.0 SHIPMENT UND�R R�SERVATION YROHIBIT�D Seller is not authorized to ship the goods under reseivation, and no tender of a bill of lading will operate as a tender of goods. 9.0 TITLE AND RISIC OF LOSS The title and rislc of loss of the goods shall not pass to Buyer until Buyer actually receives and talces possession of the goods at the point or points of delivery after inspection and acceptance of the goods. 10.0 D�LIVERY T�RMS AND TRANSPORTATION CHARG�S Freight terms shall be F.O.B. Destination, Freight Prepaid and Allowed. 11.0 PLAC� OI�' D�LIV�RY The place of delivery shall be set forth it� the "Ship to" block of the purchase order, purchase change oi•der, or release order. 12.0 RIGHT OF INSPECTION Revised 3.11.20tp Buyer shall have the right to inspect the goods upon delivery before accepting them. Seller sliall be responsible for all charges for tl�e return to Seller of any goods rejected as being nonconforming under tl�e specifications. 13.0 INVOIC�S 13.1 Seller shall submit separate invoices in cluplicate, on each purchase order or purchase change order after eacl� delivery. Invoices shall indicate the purchase order or ptuchase change order m�mber. Invoices sha(1 be itemized and h•ansportation charges, if any, sliall ba listed sepacately. A copy of the bill of lading and the fi•eight waybill, wl�en applicable, should be attached to the invoice. Seller shall mail or deliver invoices to Buyer's Department and address as set foi�th in the blocic of the purchase order, purchase change order or release order entitled "Ship to." Payment shall not be made until the above instruments have been sub�nitted after delivery and acceptance of the goods and/or services. 13.2 Seller shall not include Federal Excise, State or City Sales Tax in its invoices. The Buyer shall furnish a tax exemption certificate upon Seller's regt�est. 12.3 Payment. All payment terms shall be "Net 30 Days" unless otherwise agreed to in writing. Before the 1 st paytnent is due to Seller, Seller shall register for direct deposit payments prior to providing goods and/or services using the forms posted on the City's website". 14.0 PRIC� WARRANTY 14.1 The price to be paid by Buyer shall be that contained in Seller's proposals which Seller warrauts to be no higher than Seller's current prices on o�•ders by others for products and services of the lcind and specification covered by this agreeinent for similar quantities under lilce conditions and methods of purchase. In the event Seller breaches this warranty, the prices of the items shall be reduced to the prices contained in Seller's proposals, or in the alteinative upon Buyer's option, Buyer shall have the right to cancel this contract without any liability to Seller for breach or for Seller's actual expense. Such remedies are in addition to and not in lieu of any other remedies which Buyer may have in law or equity. 14.2 Seller warrants that no person or selling agency has been employed or retained to solicit or secure this contract upon an agreement or understanding for commission, percentage, brokerage or contingent fee, excepting employees of an established commercial or selling agency that is maintained by Seller for the purpose of securing business. For breach or violation of this warranty, Buyer shall have the right, in addition to any other right or rights arising pursuant to said purchase(s), to cancel this contract without liability and to deduct from the contcact price such commission percentage, brolcerage or contingent fee, or otherwise to recover the full amount thereof, 15.0 PRODUCT WARI�ANTY Seller shall not limit or exclude any express or implied warranties and any attempt to do so shall 4 Revised 3.11.20tp render this contract voidable at the option of Buyer. Seller warrants that the goods furnished will coiiform to Buyer's specifications, drawings and descriptions listed in the proposal invitation, and the saniple(s) fiacnished by Seller, if any. In the event of a conflict between Buyer's specifications, drawings, aud descriptions, Buyer's specifications shall govern. 1C.0 SAI+'ETY WARRANTY Seller warrants tl�at the product sold to Buyer shall conform to the standacds promulgated by the U.S. Deparhiient o� Labor under the Occupational Safety and IIealtl� Act (OSHA) of 1970, as amended. Iii the event the product does not conform to OSHA standards, Buyer may return the product for correctiou or re�laeement at Seller's expense. In the eveut Seller fails to malce appropriate correction within 1 reasonable time, any correction made Uy Buyer will be at Seller's expense. Where tto corcection is or can be tnade, Seller shal( refund all monies received for such goods wiihiii thirty (30) days after request is made by Buyer in writing aud received by Seller. Notice is considered to have been received upon hand delivery, or otherwise in accordance with Sectiou 29.0 of these tet`ms �ud conditions. Failure to rnalce such refuud shall coustitute breach and cause this contract to terininate immediately 17.0 SOTTWAR� LIC�NS� TO S�LL�R If this purchase is for the license of software products and/or services, and unless otherwise agreed, Seller hereby grants to Buyer, a perpetual, irrevocable, non-exclusive, nontransferable, royalty fi�ee license to use the software. This software is "proprietary" to Seller, and is licensed and provided to the Buyer for its sole use foi• purposes under this Agreement and any attached worlc orders or invoices. The Buyec may not use or sl�are this sot�ware without permission of the Sellei; howevec Buyei� may malce copies of the software expressly for bacicup purposes. 18.0 WARRANTY AGAINST INFRING�MENT OF INTELLECTUAL PROP�RTY 18.1 Tlie SELLER warr�nts that all Deliverables, or any part thereof, fu►•nislied heretutder, inchiding but not limited to; prog�•ams, documentation, software, analyses, aphlicatioiis, methods, ways, and processes (in this Section eacl� individually refcrred to as a"Delivernble" and collectively as the "Deliverables,") do not infi•iiige upon or violate any patent, copyriglits, h•acieinarlcs, service marlcs, trade secrets, oi• any intellectual property rights or other third party proprietary rights, in the performance of services wider this Agreement. 18.2 SELLER stiall be liable �nd responsible for �ny and all claims made against the Buyer for infringement of any patent, copyright, trademarlc, seitiice marlc, tracle secret, or otlier intellectu�l property rights by the use of or supplying of any Deliverable(s) iu the coiu•se of performance or completion of, or iu any way connected with providing the services, or the Buyer's continued use of tl�e Deliverable(s) hereunder; 18.3 S�LLER agrees to defe�ad, settle, or pay, at its own cost and expense, any cl�im or action against Buyer for infringement of any patent, copyrigl►t, trade marlc, trade secret, or similar property right arising from Buyei's use of the software and/or documeutation in �ccord�uce with this Agrcement, it being understood th�t this Revised 3.11.20tp agreeinent to defend, settle or pay shall not apply if Buyer modifies oi• misuses the softwaa•e and/or documentation. So long as SELLER bears the cost and expense of payment for claims or actions against Buyer pursuant to this section, S�LLER shall have the �•iglit to conduct the defense of any such claim or action and all negotiations for its settlement or compromise and to settle or compromise any such claim; howevei•, Buyer shall have the right to fully participate in any and-all such settleme�it, negotiations, or lawsuit as necessary to protect Buyer's interest, and Ruyer agcecs to cooperate witl� SELLER in doing so. In the event Buyer, for whatever reason, assumes tl�e responsibility for payment of costs ancl expenses for any claim oi• action brought against Buyer for infringement arising mider this Agreement, Buyer shall l�ave the sole right to conduct the defense of any such claim or action and all negotiations for its settlement or compromise and to settle or compromise any sucli claim; l�owevei•, SELLER shall fully pnrticipate and cooperate �vith Buyer in clefense of such claim or action. Buyei• agrees to give SELL�R timely written notice of any such claim or action, witl� copies of all pa�ers Buyer may receive relating thereto. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Buyer's assumption of payment of costs or expenses shall not eliminate SELLER's duty to indemnify Buyer unde►• this Agreement. If the software and/or documentation o►• any part thereof is held to infringe and the use thereof is enjoined or restrained or, if as a result of a settlement or compromise, such use is �naterially adversely restricted, SELLER shall, at its own expense and as Buyer's sole remedy, either: (a) pj•ocu►•e for Buyer the right to continue to use the softwaj•e and/or documentation; oi• (b) modify the software and/or documentation to malce it non-iufringing, provided that such modification does not materially adversely affect Buyci•'s authorized use of the software and/or documentation; or (c) replace tl�e so�tware and/or documentation with equally suitable, compatible, and functionally equivalent non-infringing software and/oi• documentation at no additional charge to Buyer; oi• (d) if none of the foregoing alternatives is reasonably available to SELL�R terminate this Agreement, and refund all amounts paid to SELLER by Buyer, subsequent to whicli termination Buyer may seek any and all remedies available to Buyer under law; and 18.4 Tlie representations, warranties, and covenants of tlie parties contained in section 13 tl�rougli 17 of this Agreement will survive the termination and/or expiration of this Agreement. 19.0 OWNER5HIP OF WORK PRODUCT Seller agrees that any and all analyses, evaluations, reports, memoranda, letters, ideas, processes, methods, programs, and manuals that were developed, prepared, conceived, tnade or suggested by the Seller for the Buyer pursuant to a Worlc Order, iticluding all such developments as are originated or conceived during the term of the Contract and that are completed or reduced to writing thereafter (the "Worlc ProducY') and Seller acknowledges that such Worlc Product may be considered "worlc(s) made for hire" and will be and remain the exclusive property of the Buyer. To the extent that the Worlc Product, under applicable law, may not be considered worlc(s) made for hire, Seller hereby agrees that this Agrecment effectively transfers, grants, conveys, and assigns exclusively to Buyer, all rights, title and ownership interests, including copyright, which Seller may liave in any Worlc Product or any tangiblc media embodying such Work Product, without the Revised 3.11.20tp necessity of any further consideration, and Buyer shall be entitled to obtain and hold in its own name, all Intellectual Property rights in and to the Worlc Product. Seller for itself and on behalf of its vendots hereby waives any propei•ty interest in such Worlc Product. 20.0 CANCELLATION Buyer shall have the right to cancel this contract iininediately for default on all or any pai�t of the undelivered portion of this order if Seller breaches auy of the tea�ms hereof, including warranties of Seller. Such right of cancellation is in addition to and not in lieu of any other remedies, which Buyer may liave in law or equity. 21.0 TERMINATION 21.1 Written Notice. The purchase of goods under this order may be terminated in whole or in part by Buyer, with or without cause, at any time upon the delivery to Seller of a written "Notice of Termination" specifying the extent to which the goods to be purchased under the order is terminated and the date upon which such termination becomes effective. Such rigl�t of termination is in addition to and not in lieu of any other termination rights of Buyer as set forth herein. 21,2 Non-a�propriation of Funds. In the event no funds or insufficient funds are appropriated by Buyer in any fiscal period for any payments due hereunder, Buyer will notify Seller of such occurrence and this Agreement shall terminate on the last day of the fiscal period for which appropriations were received without penalty or expense to Buyer of any kind whatsoever, except as to the portions of the payments herein agreed upon for which funds have been appropriated. 21.3 Duties and Obli�ations of the Parties. Upon termination of this Agreement for any i•eason, Seller shall only be coinpensated for items requested by the Buyer and delivered prior to the effective date of termination, and Buyer shall not be liable for any other costs, including any claims for lost proiits or incidental damages. Seller shall provide Buyer with copies of all completed or pat�tially completed documents prepared under this Agreement. In the event Seller has received access to Buyer Information or data as a requirement to perform services hereunder, Seller shall return all Buyer provided data to Buyer in a machine readable format or other format deemed acceptable to Buyer. 22.0 ASSIGNMENT / DEL�GATION No interest, obligation or riglit of Seller, including the right to receive payment, under this contract sliall be assigned or delegated to another entity withoui the express written consent of Buyer. Any attempted assigiunent or delegation of Seller shall be wholly void and totally ineffective for all purposes unless made in conformity with this paragraph. Prior to Buyer giving its consent, Seller agi•ees that Seller shall provide, at no additional cost to Buyer, all documenls, as determined by Buyer, that are reasonable and necessary to verify Seller's legal status and transfer of rights, interests, or obligations lo at�otl�ec entity. The documents that may be requested it�clude, but are not limited to, Articles of Incorporation and related amendments, Certifieate of Merger, IRS Form W-9 to verify tax identiiication number, etc, Buyer reserves tlie right to withhold all payments to Revised 3.11.20tp any entily otlier than Seller, if Seller is not in compliance with this provision. If Seller fails to pi•ovide necessary information in acco�•dance with this section, Buyer shall not be liable for any penalties, fees or interest resulting therefi•om. 23.0 WAIVER No claim or right arisiug out of a breach of this contract can be discharged in whole or in part by a waiver or renunciation of the claim or right unless the waiver or renunciation is supported by consideration in writing and is signed by the aggrieved party. 24.0 MODIFICATIONS This contract can be modif ed or rescinded only by a written agreement signed by both parties. 2S.0 THE AGIZE�MENT In the absence of an otherwise negotiated contract, or unless stated otherwise, the Agreement between Buyer and Sellei• sl�all consist of these Standard Terms and Conditions together with any attachments and exhibits. Tliis Agreement is intended by the parties as a final expression of their agreement and is intended also as a complete and exclusive statement of the terms of their agreement. No course of prior dealings between tlie pai�ties atid no usage of trade sliall be relevant to suppleinent or explain any term used in this Agreement. Acceptance of or acquiescence in a course of performance under this Agreement shall not be relevant fo determine the meaning of this Agreement even though the accepting or acquiescing party has laiowledge of the performance and opportunity for objection. Whenever a term defined by tlie Uniform Conunercial Code (UCC) is used in this Agreement, the defitution contained in the UCC shall controL In the event of a conflict between the contract documents, the order of precedence shall be these Standard Terms and Conditions, and the Seller's Quote. 2G.0 APPLICABLE LAW / V�NUE This agreement shall be governed by the Uniform Commercial Code wherever the term "Uniform Commercial Code" or "UCC" is used. It shall be construed as meaning the Uniform Commercial Code as adoptedand atnended in the State of Texas. Both pai�ties agree that venue for any litigation arising from this contract shall be in Fort Wordi, Tarrant County, Texas. This contract shall be governed, constiued and enforced under the laws of the State of Texas. 27.0 IND�PEND�NT CONTRACTOR(S) Seller shall operate hereunder as an independent contractor and not as an officer, agent, servant or employee of Buyer. Seller shall have exclusive control of, and the exclusive right to control, the details of its operations hereunder, and all persons performing same, and shall be solely responsible for the acts and omissions of its officers, agents, employees, vendors and subconh�actors. The doctrine of respondent superior shall not apply as between Buyer and Seller, its officers, agents, employees, vendors and subconfractors. Nothing herein shall be construed as creating a parttiershi� or joint enteiprise between Buyer and Seller, its officers, agents, employees, vendors and subcontractors. 8 Revised 3,11.20tp 28.0 LIABILITY AND INDEMNII'ICATION. 28.1 LIABILITY - SELLER SHALL BE LIABLE AND RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY AND ALL PROPERTY LOSS, PROPERTY DAMAGE AND/OR PERSONAL INJURY, INCL UDING DEATH, TO ANY AND ALL PERSONS, OF ANY KIND OR CHARACTER, WHETHER REAL OR ASSERTLD, TO THE EXTENT CAIISED 13Y THF_ NEGLIGENTACT(S) OR OMISSION(S), MALFL'ASANCE OR INTENTIONAL MISCOND UCT OF SELLER, ITS OFFICERS, AGENTS, SER UANTS OR EMPLOYEES. 28.2 GENERAL INDEMNIFICATION - SELLER HEREBY COVENANTS AND AGR�ES TO INDEMNIFY, HOLD HARMLESS' AND DEFEND B UYER, ITS OFFICERS, AGENTS, SERVANTS AND ENIPLOYEES, FROM AND AGAINST ANY AND ALL CLAIMS OR LAWSUITS OF ANY KIND OR CHARACTER, WHETHER REAL OR ASSERTED, FOR EITHER PROPERTY DAMAGE OR LOSS (INCLUDING ALLEGED DAMAGE OR LOSS TO SELLER'S BiISINESS AND ANYRESULTING LOST PROFITS) AND/OR PERSONAL INJURY, INCLUDING DEATH, TO ANY AND ALL PERSONS, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THIS AGRL+EMENT, TO THE EXTL'NT CAUSED BY THE NLGLIGENT ACTS OR OMISSIONS Oli MALFEASANCE OF SELLER, ITS OFFICERS, AGENTS, SER VANTS OR EMPLOYEES. 28.3 INTELLLCTUAL PROPERTYINDEMIVIFICATION— Seller agrees to defend, settle, or p�y, at its own cost and expense, any claim or action against Buyer for infi•ingement of any patent, copyright, trade mark, trade secret, or similar property riglit arising from Buyer's use of the software and/or documentation in accordance with this Agreernent, it being understood tliat this agreement to defend, settle or pay shall not apply if Buyer modifies or misuses the software and/or clocumentation. So long as Seller bears the cost and expense of payment for claims or actions against Buyer pursuant to this section, Seller sl�all have the right to conduct the defense oi any such claim or action and all negotiations for its settlement or compromise and to settle or compromise any sucl� claim; however, Buyer shall have the right to fally participate in any and all such settlement, negotiations, or lawsuit as necessary to protect Buyer's interest, and Buyer agrees to cooperate with Seller in doing so. In the event Buyer, for wltatever reason, assumes the responsibility for payment of costs and expenses for any claim or action brought against Buye�• for infringement arising under this Agreement, Buyer shall have the sole right to conduct the defense of any si�ch claim or action and all negotiations for its settleinent or compromise and to settle or compromise any such claim; however, Seller shall fully participate and cooperate with Buyer in defense of such claim or action. Buyer agrees to give Seller timely �vritte�i notice of any such claim or action, witl► copies of all papers Buyer may receive �•elating thereto. Nohvithstanding the foregoing, Buyer's assumption of payment of costs or expenses shall not eliminate Seller's duty to indemnify Buyer under this Agreement. If the sofhvare and/or documentation or any part thereof is held to iufringe and the use thereof is enjoined ar restrained or, if as a i•esult of a settlement o►• compromise, such use is materially adversely restricted, Seller shall, at its own Revised 3,11.20tp expense and as Buyer's sole remedy, eitlier: (a) procure for Buyer the right to continue to use the software and/or documentation; or (b) modify the software and/or documentation to malce it non-infringing, provided that such modification does not materially adversely �ffect Buyer's authorized use of the software and/or documeutation; or (c) replace the software and/or documentation witli equally suitable, compatible, and functionally equivalent non-infringing software and/or documentation at no additional charge to I3uyer; or (d) if none of the foregoing alternatives is reasonably available to Seller terminate this Agreement, and refwid all amounts paid tn 5eller by Buyer, subsequent to which tei•mination Buyer may seelc any and all remedies available to Buyer under law. 29 SEVERA.BILITY In case any one oz� more of the provisions contained in this agreement shall for any reason, be held to be invalid, i(legal or unenforceable in any respect, such invalidity, illegality or unenforceability shall not affect any other provision of this agreement, which agreement sl�all Ue construed as if such invalid, illegal or unenforceable provision had never been contained herein. 30 FISCAL FUNDING LIMITATION In the event no fimds or insufiicient fimds are appropriated and budgeted in any fiscal period for payments due under this contract, then Buyer will immediately notify Seller of such occurrence and this contract shall be terminated on the last day of the fiscal period for which funds have been appropriated without penalty or expense to Buyer of any lcind whatsoever, except to the portions of annual payxnents herein agreed upon for wl�ich funds shall have been appropriated and budgeted or are otherwise available. 31 NOTICES TO PARTIES Notices required pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement shall be conclusively determined to have Ueen delivered when (1) hand-delivered to the other party, its agents, employees, setvants ox representatives, (2) delivered by facsimile with electronic confirmation of the transmission, or (3) received by the other party by Ui�ited States Mail, registered, return receipt requested, addressed as follows: TO BUYER: City of Fort Worth Attn: Purchasing Manager 200 Texas Street Fort Worth, TX 76102-6314 Facsimile: (8 ] 7) 392-8654 TO SELLER: IDEXX Laboratories, Inc. Attn: Chuu-Ming Chen One IDEXX Drive Westbroolc, ME 04092-2041 Facsimile: With copy to rort Worth City Attorney's Uftice at same address 10 Revised 3.11.20tp 32 NON-llISCRIMINATION Seller, for itself, its personal representatives, assigns, subVendors and successors in interest, as part of tl�e consideration herein, agrees that in the perfoi•mance of Seller's duties and obligations hereunder, it shall not discriminate in the treattnent or employment of any individual or group of individuals on any basis prohibited by law. IF ANY CLAIM ARISES FROM AN ALLEG�D VIOLATION OF THIS NON-DISCRIMINATION COV�NANT BY SELLER, ITS PERSONAL R�PR�S�NTATIVES, ASSIGNS, SUBVENDORS OR SUCCESSORS IN INTL+'REST, S�LL�R AGREES TO ASSUM� SUCH LIABILITY AND TO INDEMNIFY AND DET�ND BUY�R AND HOLD BUYER IIARMLESS FROM SUCH CLA1M. 33 IMMIGRATION NATIONALITY ACT Seller shall verify the identity and employment eligibility of its employees who perform worlc uuder this Agreement, including completing the Employment Eligibility Verification Form (I- 9). Upon request by Buyer, Seller shall provide Buyer with copies of all I-9 forms and supporting eligibility documentation for each einployee who performs worlc under this Agreement. Seller shall adhere to all Federal aud State laws as well as establish appropriate procedures and contcols so tliat no services will be pei�formed by any Seller employee who is not legally eligible to perform such services. S�LLER SHALL IND�MNIFY BUY�R AND HOLD BUYER HARML�SS I'ROM ANY PENALTIES, LIABILITI�S, OR LOSSES DUE TO VIOLATIONS OF THIS PARAGRAPH BY S�LL�R, S�LLER'S �MPLOYE�S, SUBCONTRACTORS, AG�NTS, OR LICENSEES. Buyer, upon written notice to Seller, shall have the right to immediately terminate this Agreement for violations of this provision by Seller. 34 HEALTH, SAI+�TY, AND �NVIRONMENTAL REOUIR�MENTS Services, products, materials, and supplies provided by the Seller must meet or exceed all applicable health, safety, and the envirorunental laws, requirements, and standards. In addition, Seller agrees to obtain and pay, at its own expense, for all licenses, permits, cei�tificates, and inspectious necessary to provide the products or to perform the services hereunder. Seller shall indemnify Buyer from any penalties or liabilities due to violations of this provision. Buyer shall l�ave tlie riglit to immediately termivate this Agceement for violations of this provision by Seller. 35 RIGHT TO AUDIT Sellei• agrees that Buyer shall, until the expiration of tluee (3) years after final payment under this contract, or the final conclusion of any audit conunenced during the said three years, hav,e access to and the right to examine at reasonable times any directly pertinent boolcs, documents, papers and records, including, but not limited to, all electronic records, of Seller iiivolving transactions relating to this Agreement at no additional cost to Buyer. Seller agrees that Buyer shall have access during norn�al worlcing hours to all necessaiy Seller facilities and shall be provided adequate and appropriate worlc space in order to conduct audits in compliance with the provisions of this section. Buyer shall give Seller reasonaUle advance noticc of intended audits. The Buyer's right to audit, as described herein, shall survive the termination and/or expiration of this Agreement. 11 Revised 3.11.20tp 3G DISABILITY In accordance with the provisions of the Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), Seller warrants that it and any and all of its subcoutractors will not unlawfully discriminate on the basis of disability in the provision of seivices to general public, nor in the availability, terms and/or conditions of einployment for applicants for employinent with, or employees of Seller or any of its subcontractors. Seller warrants it will fully comply with ADA's provisions and any other applicable federal, state and local laws concerning disability and will defend, indemnify and hold Buyer harmless against any claims or allegations asserted by third parties or subcontractors against Buyer arising out of Seller's and/or its subcontractor's alleged failure to comply with the above- referenced laws concerning disability discrimination in the performance of this agreement, 37 llISPUT� RESOLUTION If either Buyer or Seller has a claim, dispute, or other matter in question for breach of duty, obligations, services rendered or any warranty that arises under this Agreement, the parties shall first attempt to resolve the matter tlu•ough this dispute resolution process. The disputing party shall notify the other party in writing as soon as practicable after discovering the claim, dispute, or breach. The notice shall state the nature of the dispute and list the party's specific reasons for such dispute. Within ten (10) business days of receipt of the notice, botl� pai�ties shall make a good faith efFort, either through email, mail, phone conference, in person meetings, or other reasonable means to resolve any claim, dispute, breach or other matter in question that may arise out of, or in coiulection with this Agreement. If the parties fail to �•esolve the dispute within sixty (60) days of tlie date of receipt of the notice of the dispute, then the pat�ties may submit the matter to non- binding mediation upon written consent of authorized repcesentatives of both parties in accordance with the Industry Arbitration Rules of the Atnerican Arbitration Association or other applicable rules governing mediation then in effect. If the pai�ties submit the dispute to non-binding mediation and cannot resolve the dispute through mediation, then either party shall have the right to exercise any and all remedies available undez• law regarding the dispute. 38 PROHIBITION ON CONTRACTING WITH COMPANIES THAT BOYCOTT ISRA�L If Seller }►as fewer than 10 employees oi• this Agreement is for less than $100,000, this section does uot apply. Seller aclaiowledges that in accordance with Chapter 2270 of the Texas Government Code, the Buyer is prohibited from entering into a contract with a company for goods or services unless the contract contains a written verification fi•om the company that it: (l) does not boycott Israel; and (2) will not boycott Israel during the term of the contract. The terms "boycott Israel" and "company" shall have tlie meanings ascribed to those terms in Section 808.001 of the Texas Governtnent Code. By signing this contract, Seller certifies that Seller's signature provides written verific�tion to the Buyer that Seller: (1) does not boycott Israel; and (2) will not boycott Israel during the term of the contract. 39 INSURANCE R�QUIR�MENTS 39.1 Covera�e and Limits (a) Comnaercial General Liability: 12 Revised 3.11.20tp $1,000,000 - Each Occui•rence $2,000,000 - Aggregate (b) Automobile Liability: $1,000,000 - Each occurrence on a co�nbined single limit basis Coverage shall be on any vehicle used by Seller, its employees, agents, representatives i�� the course of providing services under this Agceement. "Any veliicle" shall be any vehicle owned, hired and non-owned. (c) Worlcer's Compensation; Statutory litnits according to the Texas Worlcers' Compensation Act or any other state workers' compensation laws where the worlc is being performed Employers' liability $100,000 - Bodily Injury by accident; each accident/occurrence $100,000 - Bodily Injury by disease; eacli employee $500,000 - Bodily Injury by disease; policy limit (d) Professional Liability (Errors & Omissions): $1,000,000 - Each Claim Limit $1,000,000 - Aggregate Limit Professional Liability coverage may be provided thi•ough an endorsement to the Commercial General Liability (CGL) policy, or a separate policy specific to Professional E&O. Either is acceptable if coverage meets all othei• requirements. Coverage shall be claims-made, and maintained for the duration of the contractual agreement and for two (2) years following completion of services provided. An annual certificate of insurance shall be submitted to Buyer to evidence coverage. 39.2 General Requirements (a) The commercial general liability and automobile liability policies shall name Buyer as an additional insured thereon, as its interests may appear. The term Buyer shall include its employees, officers, ofiicials, agents, and volunteers in respect to the contracted services. (b) The worlcers' compensation policy shall include a Waiver of Subrogation (Right of Recovery) in favor of Buyer. (c) A minimum of Thirly (30) days' nutice of cancellation or reduction in limits of coverage shall be provided to Buyer. Ten (10) days' notice shall be acceptable in the event of non-paynient of premium. Notice shall be sent to the Rislc Manager, 13 Revised 3.11.20tp Buyer of Foi�t Worth, 200 Texas Street, Fort Worth, Texas 76102, with copies to the Fort Woi�th City Attorney at the same address. (d) The insurers for all policies must be licensed and/or approved to do business in the State of Texas. All insurers must have a minimum ��ating of A- VII in the CllPfent A.M. Best Key Rating Guide, or have reasonably equivalent financial strength and solvency to the satisfaction of Rislc Management. If the rating is below that required, written approval of Rislc Matiagement is required. (e) Any failure on the part of Buyer to request required insurauce documentation shall not constitute a waiver of the insurance requirement. (� Certificates of Insurance evidencing that Vendor has obtained all required insurance shall be delivered to the Buyer prior to Vendor proceeding with any work pursuant to this Agreement. 14 Revised 3.11.20tp Exl�ibit B— CONFLICT OF INT�R�5T QU�STIONNAIR� PUfSUc�lit t0 Chapter 176 of the Local Government Code, any person or agent of � person who coiitcacts or seelcs to contract for the sale or purchase of property, goods, or services with a local governmental entity (i,e. The City of Fort Worth) must disclose in the Questionnaire Form CIQ ("Questionnaire") the person's affiliation or business relationship that iniglit cause a conflict of intei•est witli tlie local governmental entity. By law, the Questionnaii•e inust be filed with tlte Fort Worth City Secretary no later than seven days after the date the person begins contract discussions or negotiations with the Buyei•, or submits an application or response to a request foc proposals or bids, correspondence, or another writing related to a potential agreement with the Buyer. Updated Questionnaires must be filed in coufoi•mance with Chapter 176. A copy of the Questionnaire Forin CIQ is enclosed with the subinittal documents. The form is a(so available at l�ttt�:/hvww.ethics.statc.tx.us/foruas/C1Q.ndf. Ii' you have any questions about compliance, please consult youc own legal counseL Compliance is the iudividual responsibility of each person oi• ageiit of a person who is subject to the filing requiretneut. An offense uilder Ghapter 176 is a Class C misdemeanor. NOT�: If you :�re not aware of a Cont1ict of Interest in any busitiess relationship tliat you might have witli tl�e l3uyej•, state Seller name in tl�e # 1, use N/A in eacli of the areas on the form. Howeve��, a sign�ture is requirecl in the #4 box in all cases. 15 Revised 3.11.20tp CQNFLICT OF INTEREST QUESTIONNAIRE For vondor doinc� business with local qovetnmenlal entity Thls queellonnniro rolbcls changoa mnde to the Inw by H.Fi. 23, 04Ih Lnc�,. Ro�uler Seesion, This quesifonnaire is beinp tiled in accordAncewilh Chnpler 176, Local Gavemmenl Code, by n vendorwho has a business rel�lionship as delined by SecOon 176.Q01(1-n) wilh a local �overnment�l enllty and the vendor meets requiremenis under Section 176.006(0). By Imv ihis quesUonnflire musl be tiledwilh Ihe records �dminislr�lorof Ihe loc�) flovernmental entity nol Iater Ih�n 117e 7ih business day �iler ihe date Ihe vendor becomes aWare of tacls Ihat reyuire Ihe sl�tement to be filed. See Section 176.006(n-1), Local Govemment Code. A vendor commlis an offense if the vendor knowinflly violntes Section 176,006, Local Government Code.An a(lensa und�r Ihis section Is � misdsmeanor. Nnmo o( vondor who h�s n Uuslness reletlonship wlu� locel �ovarnman�nl onlNy. IDEXX Distribution, Inc. Check thls box If you nre Illln�l nn upclnte tn a ��revlously Illed quesllonnelre. FORM CIQ OFFlCE USE ONLY �alo Fiocallod (The law requireF thal you lile nn updnled complated questfonneire with Ihe appropriate filing �uthorlly nol Inter Ihnn the 7th husiness day afler the dute on which you became aware Ihal Ihe oripinaly (iled queslionneire wes incompleta or ineccurale.) Nnmo o( locnl �overnment ol(icer nUou1 wl►om the Ihformnllon In Ihls soction Is beln� dlscloseci. Name of 011icer This socl(on plem 3 includlnp subparls A, B, C, & D) musl be complated for uach. o(Hcer wilh whom lhe vendor hne on employmenl or olher business relnlionahip es dellned by Seclfon 176.001(1-a), Local Government Code. Altach addit(on�l papes to ihis Farm CIQ as necessary. A. Is the local qovemment officer nomeJ in Ihie seclton receivind or likely to receive ta�ceble income, olher ihen invesiment incoma, from Ihe vendor7 � Yes � No B. Is the vendor receivinp or likely to receive tfucable income, olher Ih�n inveslment income, Irom or at Ihe direclion of Ihe local govemmenl ollicer nnmed in Ihls seallon AND the lexnble income is not received from Ihe locel flovemmenl�) entiry'7 � Yes � No C. Is Ihe filer ol Ihla queslionnaire employod hy a corporallon or olher buslness entily with reapect lo which the locel povernmenl olllcer serves as an o(licer or dlrealor, or holds en ownerehip inlerest o( one percenl or more7 � Yes � No D. Doecribe ench employment or businass and (amfly relalionehip with Iho locnl govermnenl ai(icer namecl in Ihia seclion. ��.� � �f� � x. Siflnalure ol vendor doing businoss wilh Ihe govemmenlol enlity 5/17/21 Date Adopled 9/7l2015 16 Revised 3.11.20tp EXHIBIT C— SELL�R CONTACT INFORMATION Seller's Name; IDEXX Distribution, Inc. Seller's Local Address; One IDEXX Dr. Westbrook, ME 04092 Phone: 800-321-0207 Fax: 207-556-4630 Email: water@idexx.com _ Name of persons to contact when pla�ing an order or invoice questions: Name/Title Customer Service - Phone: 800-321-0207 Fax: 207-556-4630 Email: water@idexx.com Naine/Title Phone: Fax; Email: Name/Title Pl�one: Fax: Email: •L���j�� Jamie Brunelle 5/17/21 ignature Printed Name Date 17 Revised 3.11.20tp �XHIBIT D VERIFICATION OF SIGNATURE AUTHORITY IDEXX Laboratories, Inc. Attn: Cl�un-Ming Chen One IDEXX D►•ive Westbroolc, ME 04092-2041 Execution of this Siga�ature Verification Form ("P'orm") hereby certifies that the following individuals aud/or positions have the authority to legally bind Seller and to execute any agreement, amendinent or change order on behal�' of Seller. Such binding authority has been granted by proper order, resolution, ordinance or other authorization of Seller. Buyer is fully entitled to rely on the warranty and representation set forth in this Form in entering into any agreement or amendment with Seller. Seller will submit an updated Form within ten (10) business days if there are any changes to the signatory authority. Buyer is entitled to rely on any current executed Form until it receives a revised Form that has been properly executed by Seller. Name: Chun-Ming Chen Position: GM/VP x. Sig�iature 2. Name: Position: Sig�iature �.,.�._< �� _�--� x. Signature of President/CEO/Managing Pat�tner Title: GM/VP Date 5/17/21 18 Revised 3.11.20tp UNANIMOUS WRIiTEN C4NSENT OF TNE BOARD OF pIRECTORS O� IDEXX DISTRI9UTIQN, INC, The undersigned, being all of the members of the Board of Directors of IOEXX Distribution, Inc., a Massachusetts corporation {the "Corporation"), and acting in accordance with Section 8.21 of Chapter 156D of the General Laws of Massachusetts and the Bylaws of the Corporation, hereby consent to the adoption of the following resolutions and direct that these actions be filed with the records of the Corporation: RESOLVED, that effective April 1, 2018, the persons listed in Attachment A hereto, be and hereby are, appointec! as an officer of the Corporation to serve in the capacity indicated, until his or her respective successor is elected and qualified. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have duly executed this consent as of March 29, �: ����� �.' ^�� � _. �� �--� cqueline L. Studer � J than Jay Ma Isky _._ _ _ _.. _ _-- - _—, ATTACHMENT A Name Brian P. McKeon Jonathan Jay Mazelsky Geoffrey S. Baur Dana E. Belise Willard R. Blanche, Jr. Jeffe D Chadbourne � r�� : a� Michael Erickson George Fennell John Hart Michael Lane Thomas L. Mikulka James F. Polewaczyk Jacqueline L. Studer Olivier te Boekhorst Kathy Turner IDEXX DISTRIBUTION, INC. Title President, Treasurer and Assistant Secretary Executive Vice President Vice President and Assistant Treasurer Vice President Vice President and Assistant Treasurer Vice President and Assistant Treasurer ' �; Vice President Vice President Vice President Vice President Vice President Vice President Vice President and Secretary Vice President Vice President EXH I BIT E '��w V `M ISO 9001:2000 CERTIFIEp 3/25/21 City of Foi�t Worth 200 Texas St Fort Worth, TX 76101 www.idexx.com Please accept this letter as confrmation that IDEXX Distribution, Inc. (FEIN # 35- 2186625) is a wholly owned subsidiary of IDEXX Laboratories, Inc. and is the sole supplier of the following products to the Water Market: Product Colilert* reagent Colilert* Comparator Colilert*-18 reagent Colisure* reagent Enterolei�t* reagent IDEXX Vessel Quanti-Tray* Sealer Quanti-Tray* All Colilei�t* Starter Kits All 20-pacic, 100-pack, and 200- pack Combo Packs IDEXX-QC Colilert* Quanti-Cu1tT"' QC kit SimPlate* for HPC test kit Sole Manufacturer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Sole Supplier in US Water Testing Market Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Please note that IDEXX Distribution, Inc. was formed as a wholly owned subsidiary of IDEXX Laboratories, Inc. because our shipping location moved fi•om Westbrook, Maine to Memphis, Tennessee. I hope this information is of assistance. If you have any questions, please call Amanda Nowinslci at 1-800-321-0207. Sincerely, Amanda Nowinski IDEXX Water Division *Colilert, Colilert-18, Colisure, Enterolert, Quanti-Tray, SimPlate, IDEXX-QC and Filta-Max are trademarks or registered trademarks of IDEXX Laboratories, Iuc. or its affiliates in the United States and/or other countries. EXH I BIT F �� � ��a����r��i�� Ship to Address CITY OF FORT WORTH WATER DEPT. ROLLING HILLS WTP/ATTN:LAB-MIC 2600 SOUTHEAST LOOP 820 FORT WORTH TX 76140 UNITED STATES UNITED STATES CONTRACT QUOTE Number / Date 20226180 ! 03/25/2021 Sold to Address CITY OF FORT WORTH WATER DEPT. WATER LAB SERVICES 200 TEXAS ST FORT WORTH TX 76101 UNITED STATES, UNITED STATES Bill-to Customer 99960 Net weight : 42.576 Pricing is valid from 9/1 /21-8/30/22 MateriallD Description Quantity Commodity/COO Batch Exp.Date Backorder item 98-09221-00 VN/120SBST-200,VESSELS W/STAND SB, 200PK 1 3926909910/CN 98-11682-00 WP104 COLI P/A COMPARATOR 1 3822005095/US 98-09227-00 WQT2KC, PRE-DISP.QT 2000 COMPARATOR 1 3822005095lUS 98-21675-00 WQT2K QUANTI-TRAY 2000 DISPOSABLE 100lBX 1 3926909910/US 98-09588-00 WV290SBST-100, 290 ML VESSEL W/NA 100-PK 1 3926909910/CN 98-12973-00 WP2001 GAMMA IRRAD COLILERT 100ML 200PK 1 3822005095/US 98-9011770-00 SEALER PLUS RUBBER INSERT, QT-2000 1 8422909195/US 98-20745-00 WVR20 VESSEL RACK 1 73269085301US 98-09226-00 WQTC, PRE-DISP.QT COMPARATOR 1 3822005095/US 98-13174-00 WCLS2001 COLISURE 200T IRRADIATED 1 3822005095/US All local taxes at customer charge UnitPrice Total Value 96.30 10.70 21.40 117.70 169.06 642.60 90.95 37.45 21.40 747.60 96.30 10.70 21.40 117.70 169.06 642.60 90.95 37.45 21.40 747.60 ��� � -�---- - L�4��a,�T��1E� MateriallD Description Quanfity Commodity/COO Batch Exp.Dafe Backorder item 98-08877-00 WP2001-18 GAMMA IRAD COLILERT-18 200PACK 1 3822005095/US 98-20748-01 UN3373-WKIT 1001, QUANTI-CULT 1 3822005095/US 98-0002570-00 SEALER PLUS, WQTSPLUS 1 8422309187lUS 98-18076-00 WPSE0201 GAMMA IR PSEUDALERT 100ML 20PK 1 3822005095/US 98-18078-00 WPSE2001 GAMMA IR PSEUDALERT 100ML 200PK 1 3822005095/US 98-13159-00 WCLS201 COLISURE 20T IRRADIATED 1 3822005095/US 98-05760-01 WHPC-25 HPC, SIMPLATE UNIT DOSE 1.5 1 3822001090/US 98-05761-01 WHPC-100 HPC,SIMPLATE MULTI DOSE 1.5 1 3822001090/US 98-29000-00 UN3373-WQC COLIFORM / E. COLI 1 3822005095/US 98-29001-00 UN3373-WQC FECAL COLIFORM 1 3822005095/US 98-29006-00 UN3373-WQC HPC 1 3822005095lUS 98-29007-00 WQC E.COLI 1 3822005095/US 98-0002710-00 WLGT-20 TEST LEGIOLERT 100ML 20T 1 3822005095/US 98-0005738-00 WLGT-100 TEST LEGIOLERT 100ML 100T 1 3822005095/US 98-0005796-00 WQTLGT-20 QUANTI-TRAY LEGIOLERT 20PACK 1 39269099101US 98-0005754-00 WQTLGT-100 QUANTI-TRAY LEGIOLERT 100PACK 1 3926909910/US 98-0007740-00 WLGT-PRE LEGIOLERT PRETREATMENT 1 3822005095/US 98-9012534-00 QTL Sealer Plus Insert 1 4901990091/US 98-0009287-00 UN3373-WQC-LP Legionella pneumophila 1 3002905150/US 98-09222-00 WV120SB-200,VESSELS W/O ST, 200PK 1 3926909910/CN 95-21376-00 IDEXX SEALER CARE 1 Date 03/25/2021 Number 20226180 UnitPrice Total Value 642.60 154.35 4,500.00 186.30 1,234.80 128.40 90.95 240.75 163.71 117.70 51.36 163.71 386.15 1,678.90 75.81 329.60 12.36 89.76 175.15 96.30 750.00 642.60 154.35 4, 500.00 186.30 1,234.80 128.40 90.95 240.75 163.71 117.70 51.36 163.71 386.15 1,678.90 75.81 329.60 12.36 89.76 175.15 96.30 750.00 All local taxes at customer charge r� �� ��� - � - L�l�1�i�AY'�Ftl�� Date 03/25/2021 Number 20226180 Items Total 13,223.82 Total Amount USD 13,223.82 All local taxes at customer charge Sign In Home Legislation Calendar City Council Departments Details File #: Type: File created: On agenda: Title: Reports f�l f.�.l l� ShareJ (�ip:��5;1(ia%Alert,s I M&C 21-0355 Version: 1 Name: General Consent Status: Passed 5/13/2021 In control: CITY COUNCIL 5/18/2021 Final action: 5/18/2021 (ALL) Authorize An Agreement with IDEXX Distribution, Inc., a Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of IDEXX Laboratories, Inc. to Provide Microbiological Supplies for the Water Department in the Annual Amount of $180,000.00 Attachments: 1. M&C 21-0355, 2. IDEXX Sole Source Letter.pdf History (1) Text -___ . -- _ -__ _-- .. ---- 1 record Group Export - Date Ver, ' Action By ' Action Result Action Details ', Meeting Details ', Video __ _ _ ___. ___ _ . _._. . _ 5/18/2021 1 CITY COUNCIL Approved Action details Meeting details Not available