HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 55826May0721,03;34p AKNATUN UNINCORPORATED
(682)250-2957 p.2
CSC No. 55826
Your muliifami{y or single family buirding(s), as applicable, is under consideration to �eceive services
fn�m the Wea[�erization Assistance Frogrdm (`VJAP'�. The City- of Forf WoRh ("City"; is �mder co�rtract
�it� the '['cxas Dep�mtrneni of Kousis►g and Coznmunity Affairs (`ci'DHCA'� to ad�inis�er th� �'VAP in
Tamant Count��. The R/AP operates under Federaf and State ru��es which have ceetaia zequirements of
which yov, as a multi-famity buitding landlord, sf�ould be aware. At- the boftojn of tl�is page is a
PER�IISSIQN TO EivJ'ER PREMISE� sectiou granting yoar permission for the Citf of Fort Nortt� to
erder your buigding(s) to perfozm energy audits, collect eligiblFfy doc�nentation 6�acn your tenants, and
camatete ap�iications_
Be€'ore r�rork begns on vour building(s), you will be reyuired to sign a Landlard Agreement; a copy of
whicfi is attde�ed %c your review. Please be aware that only �siderriial vnits may be weatherized.
MeetiIIg rooms, game rooms, lauridry moms, maintenance rooms, daycarc centers, office areas or
comtrcerciaD bnsiness ar�eas, and non-residential facilipes are not eligibie for weatheriration services. 7"hc
C'ity �.y request a#inan;.ia3 �ommitiment from the builc�ng's ]andlord(c) based on tbe estimated cost for
each building conTa.infng mulEi family renla[ unifs_ F.�cceptions to ttzis Tequirement can be made c��hen the
owtter is an i�como-eligibie applicant or a non-�rofit entiiy_ Tfte financiai cos�itment may be in thc
form of monetary contrif�utions (checks or money ocders), materials, or labor provided [o install eli�ible
measures. Afl rrion�tanr contsiburions proirided by laodiords witl be used for �abor and materials. The
estirn�[ed cost of eaeh building will be based on an energy audit thar is perforrned on �ach individual uniE
within ihe buil�ing. VJhca the eaergy andits are completed, the City will contact you to discuss the
pmposed weatheriza2ion cneas�es for cach buildiog and your financia! commitment to the project and the
Landlord Ageement_
Afles v►ratberiration services have b�n provided, the Giry is requiceci Eo condoct a quatity eontroi
onspaction to e�isure that work was completed in accocd�ce with the s[andards set forth by the WAP. It is
your respoQsibiliry to assist the Iocal City sEaff in gaining entraace to your property.
[, ��/.e., ��'�,�/Yl �� . as landlordlautfiorized agent for bai[ding(s) located a[
I�1� �1 Carnino Awl_ Euiess. 17i 7604Li, have read and andecstand Fltc a6avc and �ercby �ant
gerimssion for representatives frorn the Citi1 of Fort Worth Eo en�er thPse prenuses for the purposes of
condncting eaer�y audits and collecting eligibility documentation from t�e residents, incfuding
agplications, and to perfum� �on work.
�n �.�.9.�_.__�_ �� � �
fandlard�Agent's Signat�e Date
�� � ��� `
Ti e T
Print �Tame of Landf vrd/t�gc
li'�tlts.�tian Ass�-tantx �my�aro - iandl�d Puinfsann and Pattfc'ipation Fo�sn md Agn�z�l
May0721,03:35p AKNATUN UNINCORPORATED (682)250-2957 p.3
lt is �greed by ead b�een: The Citv of Fort Worth_("City")
(Laod(ard/t6athoriaed Agent) �.11P � U� M �� -Landlor�")
Landtord or Anthorized Agent of the premises locatcd af:
13� t2 Ei Camino Rea.f, Euless, TX 76U40 ("Premises")
7. '�'he Landlord agrees to cooperate with the City by assisting the City in gathering al! records and
dacumen�s necessary for the City to determine if ihe tenants residing at the Premises are eligible
according tc� the US Depac�nent of Energy guideliaes for weather"valion services. TLe Ciry shalI gather
and keep confidential the names and iocomes of tenarris [iving at the premises, to ihe e�cbent allowed by
2. If � Citg, at iie sole d�scretian, determines that the premises are eligible for jveatberization
seFv�ces, the City agrees w wealheri� the Premises in aceordance with applicable codes, laws and
re�ations. Tb� Cih� agees to forward a summary of the proposed wurk to the ZandlorF3 after the ener�ry
audits are co�pletcd. In e�chaoge for these se�zices, t�e Landlord a��es ta bc bound. by the teims and
conditions of this at�aeraeTlt for a perio�d of 24 manihs, commeneing on the date ihe Zve,at5eri7ation �vork
is campleted_
3. A tenant's lease may be renewed for successive periods duri�g the periad of the Agreement. If an
eligible tenant's lease ends during the term of lhe Ageemcnt, tf�c owner is not obligatsd to renew t�e
;easer as ]ong as E�e dweIling unit is subsequently rented tn an income eligable hoasehold for the
remaining time period oF the Agreement. The Landlord shall not increase the rents diumg tbe term of lhis
Agr�-rrt unless the iner�se is dcmonstrabJy relatcd to rrJalE�rs other dian weatherizalio� war�
perfor�ned Landlord shali not evict tenants for t�e time penod of this A�eernen� �cepi for jusE catis�e
and fo� matteis utmetated to the weatheri�tion wodc perfotmed_ A Iist of units and ar�reement arnovnts,
aod a copy of tbe le�ase agreement musE be pznvided to the City, as wel� as the B+eed of Trust to t6e
Prernises, prior to the execution af tbEs Agreemcnt. A failure to protiide such docmrrentation prior to the
execurion of th�s Ag�eement will be considered a material breach of the Ageement
�. VI�'zSftlfil7.� units that beeome vacant duuing the teim o� this Agreement must be rented lo
inca�e eligible hauseholds_
5. 'Ihe Ian�Iord her�by swears or af�rms that the Premises is not preser�Ely beir�g of�ered for sale
and further agrees to pve the City t�idy (30) calendar days wr+tt� notification of the sale or conversion
of Fhe PreIItises_ At �easf ten (10) caleadar days prior to the sale or conversion, the Landlord agrees to
obtain, in �vri[ing, i��e purchase�s consent to assiunc the Landlord's obli�ations under t�is Agrcement, or
sf ihis cotsser�t is not obtainec� to pay ihe City the fic[I cost of weatherization pro-rated by the nurriber of
months [cft tmder this Agreement. ihe Landtord a�ees tfiat �is doarmeat may t� IIled as evidence of a
lie� (§j3 of the 'C"exas Propert� Code) against ti�e property in the mvnicipal lan� records.
R'ealbcsT�tiw� �ss7siana Yrog�o - L•wdbrd Prn�csian �d P�Eieipalion Funn and Ageeme+S 3 af b
May 07 21,03:35p AKNATUN UNINCORPORATED (682)250-2957 p.4
enlity. Each party is fully entitled to rely on these warranties md representations in entering into this Agreement or any a:mcndmem hereto_
15.Tiris Agreement cannot be modified or amended without the written consen� of all the parties
hereto and attached and made a part of this Agreement.
] 6. This written instrument constitutes the entire Agreement by the parties hereto and obligations of
the parties and any prior or contemporaneous oral or written agreement that purports to vary from the
terms hereof shall be void.
Landlord / Agent:
,@LCl[y( ;T(kuu,9-Landlord I Agent Signature
LQvLJ._ \�v-d /ok,\n-e_r . ,
fn rt (A 4 . 'd-<0 �l Date L ' CV£ ; ffi,tJ±Z?JY') e_j_ Print Name of Landlord / Agent
City of Fort V\,'ortb:
Name: Victor Tmner
Til]e: Director, Neighborhood Services
·Approved as lo Form and Legality:
Name: TaYlor Paris
Title: Assistant City Attorney
Name: Mary J. Kayser
T-itle: City Secretary
Comract Compliance Manager:
By signing l acknowledge that 1 mn the pen;on
responsible f01 the monitoring c1Dd administration
of this contract,. including ensuring aJl performance
and reporting requirements. '°&ftf! Ullf! By: lobo Cain ( 1110 4, 2021 09·41 CDI) Name: John Cain
Title: Neighborhood Devel opment Manager,
Neighborhood Services Department
WGl.lhmztlioo Acisl:m.-.:: Prog;.an - l.andklrd J>eimission and Participation fonu and .�enl 5 of6
May0721,03:35p AKNATUN UNINCORPORATED (682)250-2957 p.5
Date of Transactiou or lnitial Contact: I City of Fort `i'Vort6 �leig6borhood
Responsible Landlond or Agenl fo� Osvners ofproperEy curreotly vnder coosideration for
weatfce�ioQ services:
PhysicaE address or iocation of property under consider�tion:
1312 �l C;amino Real, Euless, TX 76040
?Vumber of multi�amily building(s): 0 Nwnber af eli�ible dweiling �ts: i
Ti�e WAP requines the City to obtaio finaocial commitment inforrnation from the iandlord fnr the
weatherization services that the Cat,� intends to perForm on the buiiding(s). The laudlord or agent for tEeis
building(s) has iadinted that he/she fulty uaderstands tWs policy and 6as decided to talce the foilowing
coursc of action:
Landlor�'O�vner w�fl invese $ for the cost of the �eatherizarion tvork.
Tftis arnoiu�t represents % of die total esiirnatod cost of the �ork
� Landiord/OK�ner is un+ahle to make any financial inv�stment.
G I.andtordfOw�ner refiLses to make an invesh�enC
❑ �vs•ner.is a 501(C�(3 j non profit oraani�a�on.
Land;ard/Ageat's Signafure I?atP
Print IVarae ofl�ndlo�'d,�Agent
Wcalherirelia� Ass�.� i'i�am- larullurd Yrnninion and Par,� Fam and Ag�r�cru ?�ti
May 07 21,03:35p AKNATUN UN{NCORPORATED (682)250-2957 p.6
It is agreed bp and bet[veen: The CiiY o� Fort Worth ("City"j
(I..andEordlAatborFr,ed Agent) ��\J�_��1d M `� Laaalord")
Landlord or Anthorized Agent of the premises Iueated aE:
I312 El Camino Rsai, Eviess, TX 76040 ("Premises")
I. The L.�dlord a�ees �o cooperate with. the City by assisl�ng the Csry in �athering alI records and
docorr�et�is necessacy for tlte City to determine if the tenants residing ai the Pi�mises are eligible
according to the US Department of Energy guidefines for weatherizaiion sen�iees_ Tbe City shaEl gather
and t;eep conftdential the names and incomes of tenants living at t�e premiscs, to t6e extent allo�ved by
L_ If tbe Citv, at iLs sofe discr�tion, detennines fhat !fie premises are eligible for a�eatherizatioQ
SeFVTces. t�e City agrees to weatherize flie Premises in acconi�ce wit� applicable codes, ]aws and
regttlations_ 7�e City agrees to foru�ard a summary of fhe proposec! work to rhe Iandford after the ene�-gy
a�ctits are completed In exchange for ih�se services, the Lartdlacd agrecs to be bound by the te�ns and
condition, of this A�eemers[ for a period of 24 manc6s, commencing on the date the �veathenzation work
�.s com�leted.
3. A tenaot's Iease �nay be renewed for successive periods during the period of tfie ,�geement. If an.
eligibie tenant's Icase ends duriag the term of the Agreement, the ov4�ner is not obligated to rencw the
�ease. as long as the d��elling unit is subsequently rented to an income eligibie household for the
rernaining time petiod oftbe Agreement The Lan�ord shall not iacrease the renis d[uing the term o�this
Agreement unless Ehe increase is demonstrably rclated to mattcis other than weatherization waric
performed. Landlord shalt not evict tenanis for the time pefiod of this Agreement� except for just cattse
�d for matLers unreIated to the weathecizaUon work perfoimed_ A list of vnits aud agreernent amounts,
and a copy of ihe lease ageement ru�st be pro�Rded to the City, as weli as if�e I?eed of Trust to the
Premises, prior to t3�c exec�tion of Ehes Ageeinent. A failure to pra�7de such docuruentation prior to the
ehccoiion ofthis Agreernent will bc considered a maEerial breach ofthe Agreernent
4_ «'catBeri�:d uoits that 6ecome �acant during [he term of this Ageement must be renled to
income e(ie�ile hovseholds.
5. 7I�e Landlord hereby swears or affirnts Ehat ihe Premises is not presently bein� offered for sale
aad further agecs to �ve the City zhirty (30) ca�endar days written notification of the sale or conversion
of the PYeiuises. A1 least ten (10) calendar days prior lo the sale or conversion, tl�e Lan�ord agecs to
obtain, in �vriting, Chc purchase�s consent to assume the Landlord's ob6gativns under this Agreemenf, or
i!� fhis conserit es not obtain�, to pay the Ciry the fuil cost of. weathtrir�tion pro-rated by the number of
uwntt�s Iefi under this Agreemen� Thc Landlord agrees Ihat this docuruent may� be filed as e�+idence of a
i[eci (�53 trf the Tex�s PropeTty Code} against ttae property in the rrumicipal land records.
�i�ihc�riaa[iwt A4sistanc. P�ogrBn - L�md[o►d Pt�uisiett �ad P�tiapatian Fortn and {���1 3 oC5
statc oiTe,�as
County of Ta�rant
yersonaliy ap�eared
lrnown to me or gro��ed to me to be tfie pccson descn-bed in and �vi�o c�ecuf�d ti�e within and for aoing
instrvment, and acknotivledged t�at helshe signed the same as his�ber volantary act and deed, for ibe uses
and purposes therein mcnkioned.
(Notary blic�
My Commission E.�ir�s= _ S�� �Z (
(?Votary Seal)
fwta:y ID 11129413GG)
h5y Commission Cxpires
`•,. .�t,'� Ma b. 2(}Z 1
'tn�� Y
iycathcrimtion Assislancc Pto�m - Landlorri Pacnisiion �d Partiapation Fow and A�c��l
(682)250-2957 p.7