HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 53902-R1( RECE1VED -JUN l 4 2021 tli'l OrfORtWOmlt CliY SEtBEfA\\'l Corporate Cost Contro l, lnc . Attn: Cindee Keaton 50 Nashua Road Londondery, NH 03053 CITY OF FORT WORTH CONTRACT RENEWAL NOTICE April 16, 2021 CSCNo. 5'390~ -f<_\ Re: Contract Renewal Notice Contract No . CSC No. 53902 (the "Contract") Renewal Tern1 No. l : May 11 , 202 1 to May l 0, 2022 The above referenced Contract with the City of F011 Worth expires on May l 0, 2021 (the "Expiration Date"). Pursuant to the Contract, contract renewals are at the sole option of the 'ity. This letter is to inform you that the C ity is exercising its right to renew the Contract fo:r an additional one (1) year period , which will begin immediately after the Expiration Date. Plf ase return this signed acknowledgement letter, along with a copy of your quote for charges for the new renewal term (current insurance certificate, to the address set forth bJ~ow, acknowledging receipt of the Contract Renewal Notice. Failure to provide a signed acknowledgment does not affect the renewal. Please lo g onto PeopleSoft Purchasing at http://fortworthtcxas .gov /purchasing to insure that your company infonnation is correct and up-to-date. If you have any questions concerning this Contract Renewal Notice, please contact 1 1 e at the telephone â–¡umber listed below . Contract R enewal Sincerely, /VI~ Iv~ Monique Irwinsky Sr. Administrative Assistant Human Resources Department 8 17-392-7846 OFFICIAL RECOl 'D CITY SECRETA~ y FT. WORTH, T~ Pagejl ofZ C SC No. ------ Execute d e ffective as of t h e da te sign e d by the Assis ta nt Ci ty Manager bel ow. City: Vendor : By : ~~b;)U By: ~ad Name: Jesu s J. Chapa Nam e : B rad G off Title: A ssis ta nt C ity Manage r Ti t le: D irec tor, Contrac ts Date: /o_r-/'/r-~( Da te: s/11 /z-1 C lTY Of FORT W ORT H IN T ERNAL R OUTING PROCESS : Approval Recommended: By : N ame : Ti tle : H um a n R esour Approved as to Form and Legality : By : N a me : T i tle : :s I tlorney Contract A uthoriz ation : M&C: __ _ Co ntract Renewa l Contract Compliance Manager: By s ig nin g I ackn owledge th a t I a m th e pers on res pons ib le for th e mo nitori n g and a dmini s tra t on oftb is co nt rac t, incl udi ng ensuring a ll per forma nce a nd re p o rt ing re quire me nts. City Secretary : By: Nam e : Titl e : ' ::..t! i: . .ti .-..~--,, ·~'; A, . ,( .,: ~'. ,· . .. . .l;,:;;·~~ OFFICIAL RECORD! CllY SECR TARY I FT. WOR , TX I Page 2 of 2