HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 47328-A1FP1FORTWORTHo TRANSPORTATION AND PUBLIC WORKS NOTICE OF PROJECT COMPLETION City Secretary No:_47328-A1 FP1 Date Received: Jun 21, 2021 City Project Ns: 02432 Regarding contract 47328-A1 for MONTGOMERY STREET FROM I-30 TO CAMP BOWIE BOULEVARD as iequued b5� the TRANSPORTATION AND PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT as approved by City Council on 05/16/2017 through M&C G28243 the director of the TRt1NSPORTATION AND PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT upon the recommendation of the Assistant Director of the Transportation & Public Works Department has accepted the project as complete. Original Contract Prices: Amount of Approved Change Orders: Revised Contract Amount: Total Cost Worlc Completed: Less Deductions: Liquidated Damages: Pavement Dei►ciencies: Total Deduction Amount: Total Cost Worlc Completed: Less Previous Payments: Final Payment Due `aurevr P�ieu✓ Lauren Prieur 1Jun 1S 20?1 1L52 CDT; Recommended for Acceptance Asst. Director, TPW - Capital Delivery ��� bVJohnson i liii 18, 7_07_11451 CDTI Accepted Director, TRANSPORTATION AND PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Client Department Dana Burghdoff (Jun 13, 20�1716 � Asst. City Manager Comments: $17,092,000.00 $735,823.41 Ns 1,2,3,4 $17,827,823.41 $17,827,823.41 0 Days @ $210.00/ Day $0.00 $17,827,823.41 $17,090,328.41 $737,495.00 Jun 18, 2021 Date Jun 18, 2021 J Date J u n 18, 2021 � Date OFFICIAL RECORD CITY SECRETARY FT. WORTH, TX c�zo si9�amre aaqe Conh�actor's Applicntimi fm• Payment Invoice No. 28 rinal ��o�„���i City of Fm't Worth i���������gr����acn�,�„-ror i������«nm�. ivi3n9-izniaoi� anrzun r. o PO-17-00100961 eN�, tcom���o�r a��„a �„ � uNo� n��„�����c� u��>u > NumM1er fIAYUON I3l1ILDINU COW' Contncluts CFIV VendurNu.: v��je�c 02432/100278 ��jiZ b c��>� s�«m� com���� �y7328-A1 `"""" 20 MONTGOMERY CMAR CONSTRUCTION Number Numc. Applirnliun For Pa�'mcnl ucd C'hnn@r Onlers Nnmlar AdJitions 7 52,753,287.17 2 7 32�15.}i76.11 q $227,'172.(i 5 6 7 8 TOTAI.S 53,227.138.7I Nlil' Cf IANGP, F3Y (;HANa[ ORDC25 l. ORIGINALCON7'RACTPRICE ............................................................ 5 517,092.000.�0 Dciclions l. Nctd�nngebpChangeONers ................................................................... 5 5735,tl23.�1 52,411.315.3U l. CurrentConlmclPrice(LIne132) .......................................................... S 517,B27,823.J1 J. TOTAL COAIPLETED AND S70RHD TO DATE (Pragress Estimnle und Chnnge Orders) .................................................. 5 517,827,633.41 5. 2ETAINAG E ................................................................... 6. AAfOUNT 6LIGIOLE TO DATE (Gne �- Line Sc) .............................. S 517.827,821A1 7. LESSPRBVIOUSPAYAIEN7S(Llne6frompriorApplicalion)......... 5 517,090,326AI R. AM1fOUNTDUETHISAPPLICATION ................................................... S 5737,J9SU0 9. IIALANCE TO FINISH, PL1IS RETAINAGE 52A91,31i.3U (ColumnGonPrugressEsiimeteFCOs+LinrSnbo�'e) ..............._........5 -SO.UI 5735,823A1 10. CONTRACTTIAfE: y, DaysA��'nNed 73V b. Dxy's AdJnl b�' CO �. To1uIDx�'s 7lU J. DnrsCLarged 827 �. DaysRcmnining _97 c����n�e�r: c�r�m�mm� rn� co�U �m< «n�r�, ��;u, m� �„n,,,��mi �i w�� a�<<��„�„� ��a ,v���m�a r��n,�m a.y���,� Submillnl on the L'itp of For� Wnnh I3uzz=�w }�>tan Ihat to Ihe Ms� of their {:no�rledge�. (I ) ull pre� ��s pmEre>s p.�ymen� recei��vl liom O��ner un nccount ol �Vo�}: Jone under the Cuntmet hnve M�en npplied on nrcowt W diseM�Ee Cantrac�ols legitimatc oM1liy+oliuns incu�red in cunn�v:tiun �vith lVork cm'cred b)' I�nor Applicntions for F'o�mrnt'. (2) titl� ol nll Work, nwtenals and eqnipmenl ici�r7n�Ialed in �id Work or othcneise Iis1 d in or covered b�'this Appliva�inn lor F'a}'mrnt ��'ill ryss to Duner nl time ot �a}�nrnt liee nnd clear ol ull I.iens. s+surity inlerzs� anJ �ncumbrancez (e�cept such as nre cn��er�tf by� n[3unA ncceptn6le In O��ner indemnilying O��ner a€ninst n�p' such l.iens, �� urity inler�>t ur encumbmnces�, nnd (31 �II \\'ork covere�l6y ihis APPlicntiun for Pa�ment is in n�iontanie ���Ih tli� Lonwct Uocuni��n�� nn� is nal ililicli�'�. att Carpenter (Jun 15, 2021 OS:42 PDT) � �� This document has been modifed from its onginal form as an EJCDC documenl and the user did not highlight the modi(cations. Vou are encouraged to read ihe document carelully and consWt Legal Counsel priorto its execution. C-630 SNW uktl Va�e Propreu E¢tma!e Progress �stimate �,rys�,.w��.,.v-� ,.�,.�„ a�szR-ni r����mi+�n D2432I10021F 20 MONTGOMERY Cn1AR CONSTR[1CTION _oppi�c,��v n�iN 12/1 i/I J-12/312D I9 P �iF�t�.,n lYtt:O\�ERI' In'IT 1-L'FNlR\I. � � ertn�eSid..�aLL �v�� �.nre .��aieRnx II.IG/�i H��,�e`Gdn:i�nn . � em��a I.�IiRm� 11.1 _[N R�mmc Pi`.k Pn.t 11 IYO N.m.�'e C.r.: C�FYt).�r �I.I�xi Rem.��eC..�.l'allryu�cu . ., •5uefsse1.611v� �3 U Ilo k��: e S�sl It.,ItuJ •,i Ram.���l'a`✓rn Iine a � 6 Nm.,�e=T "4smiue .' �m��e'_ `�em�ac �I 3'�l tlns«�mht`r.,l.rvn.�afly Y�I H�m�re am �r. �-n � � <mnc5'6uml.ar�oG a . .i�l H�.+.ne i % CwF In.� � ie ��ecoR�R,.�-�� � � �� isTr�«x�,�,�:,i � � i' R�eRm�..�al IIL- �n 1 dF .n[�f1s I � F u 1I i. i�. ..��el�eL.xnv� � 4 _ ea�alN<I��,tt � .. u:,h=`�cFuell�Wue � �I�I Fu�l{��y��ci�mE��rc�on I?i[.111 a.nSeni.<, .�rRn.r.n.rcw+n i�� • \Vn�ce «nice n I[d . ...'e \a �`unon l.t+.t (�v�iury' Fan� �_ � .n�w1e.Ll,�uvrtAln.a(G�utaryF��al �tli1 Vai� �e.4Jiiunmi 1_ li� � t\ ��n u��e 'il•� t'vuLL nJ.wu2�nt ScEe.lulc,lValue 51t L:l�t�u l51t�.1]u1�0 Slt��.li E!361I50 510U9J1 56.[,il L(i S•SPI9FJ 9t15 ti c3f� 5fi S- �f'4 fii SI b�540 v]IB )Jll�eti SJ.�]SG� 51�3�b56 f'_AILeB Sl..�tll 5�(_N�61 renr f�.'rJ6E 51, E S S f _. 511.1�5 e[ 515 Util 1� H 11 �'tl 19JG9(D _ E.l t. 5f1,]u150 Sll:ll �i5 51',Ft�t�Y� MAtiW �e�,t�:ap�nN v. r u e.�,n���rt.,�r,iv �,�,inR�r:�v� .. r.<ac,�,e!<� -+��4s����u.o 'm�:e ,,•am.-,i�c�oo� ,�.isimN�,o.r � ,Nx:.,nlwon� (CrUI m•d (C�ItaEl �i }i�uitnw.0 Tv:�y� HS.]i�4�0 fa9,1V�Yi H4)6W H.v]L<0 yi,L]E50 S12t{.Sm � L11,Cftla) S1?]Jl6 f1.9"1��6 �[n[P; S19]U36 51.iF"_d �-�.?�=�8 1t4t".�. N.3P!39 51s,5ww 5+5.630<�o H5,5.410 5614.INL�� fbl�.l]uW SnI4.IN({i EI.6'].1� 515}].IJ 1[ay.o 5161].la _ 5??Lllsu n 5361150 SID,SJ91! . + SIOSlvl! SF.n51 U ui 56LSIfN MS�V �nss�a wscs 5:,81?:u F1.61_3u F281214 s��sceo s,syso . r» aFo E).16va] S].I�Ya] fJ.lt9i] f'J9].IS f3,3�)IS n - ft}51.15 5331pFu E253[�e[i o E35JOPG 5�3Y5[i 53?�4/.1 � Ell9661 51�6J5[0 SII.6JSlD r SI�fvSro _ , f2W)IB liuu": . 5�1J5[.e Sl�lS[L f1U5[0 i �JSN] +115E0 � 5]Jl5[O . 355 51�?Ye56 i bIJl9I5E '.A16F3 51.tlIL56 � f;614P6 SI](�.BI -- If+v�'.o SI?Nel SI��J:b1 SfoS�'.Bl S10.51'_PJ f=61]53 - f1.B115: s:aniea s:,r�tr.� iwv�. sxrNcc sie�vi siei3ai s�.eun 511 N�tul 511 �I SI1, J911 5]P 19_lU T] , U SI 19.f9 f:(�JW - U 51 ���ihl µiW)tl 16. . 1 .H]J , __ 51fi.5. StL.tS�W ... _uiL� i - fI5,511529 f1119iEG EII155eU u f11.195Eu EI�UII.I'_ 515�I11' � fI5.U1�.1: 51,(rtl.]6 4-t.tel.�b If4[P.: H.(61 ]E H.11A:4 f-i.JI�lY Hl11lA , _ fSJ(9L0 £4�G9W _ SSS.E(4i. Il/�u.: T.S,fiEb)± Sy lOJ �G SI L�l S�i SJ )0150 5�'l3]l� 55,]J]3'_ SS),),� a b��l]I]i S�l.l]I]5 111.ff+lYJ Sll.fuuiu }I3fCGYl £E,64 v!6U U fE.65JM l},u A��iiAv [Rn m.��tiN ti..s �u.n4�i1 f:m ac vi EICDC d.�nn�t eN �he ue d.d n+hy'JyG �Ee m�.��,�v l�uarc�v�u+�Nto«_f�hed..uk�ucvelWl�.rdc�:�LLil�E+l�`.ur..:l�n..rt�.+�tae�exiu.n � � � � � Cmitractor's Application i i ti � Fn�u.�ar n,w, x.�'��a. �,i�ma� a, a R r�.�,i� m„ rR��.d Fn�, rR ti f�l fF��'1 IFdNIF��'II 5 5 5 5 5 5 � F`�S 8,1?u SIYtl S`19 gv�v9 SYI 51,1tt SSi] k.vl bl[ti 3�1b 51[fi 5�' fISIiU S 5l S,.W9 f E)]5 5f59 E�S� E'G: S'IS HI6 SI"» b F6 L159 feu S4E C-6]0 SrlieEu'cEVzl�s Peag�css Eclmata Io-�t )'Crmbivu.nTut'a1�c,4cmbN<<����'ater . , r�,m:,��.i ,�. ,n wn r�.r�: s,y„i iluv Remo c c�En F'.nel w,l F.�� �IIL R�.r,���u.1A�ui�IlSyyPar:lanJ1'.�st omz uza:, «u� s� tsre us.�oi �� n�i�;,�o,u�,.-s, ��(srwiis.ss, uiw sxd s,vz a.�. �su im�m� Ulpt Rel.�.+��sial^a���:e(sT.l IS,�lui 01(�6 He!a-..�e pw.v-ss Sy-n (sIA IS��aG� ulu] Re..�.ete 'a�fu.ln, �•� )NTGOlAERY IINIT 11- PAVIIlG 11.Di00 k�OralcdlLra(SeeCARI) 11.0501 6lmu T�ea1�rJ (See CO91) 11.U502 8' l6re Tealrten( (See CO tl) Il.Di01 M'ACTranston(SeeC091) 11.0]03 I' Asptatl PrM TYFa O(aeM13-/) (See CO MI) 1J.01D2 T Conc P�M (See CO tl1� iJ.01� 10' Corc W rtE (See fA p1) DOT Stentlartl- iP Conaeta Pavemenl �See CAtl1) ODT SUntlard-<' UrdeM1i�rrcnl (Typa 0 M.�AC) �Sc-e CA p1 DOT StanCarO - B' Lhre Slaht¢cd Subaratle (Sea C0 tlf ) DOT StaMaN -5' CmcrNn Sde�:.h ODT SlaMarA - 6' Cmc�e!e �rNrnay 16.0.]O3 11' Conc Va&r/ GN�cr. MttolYMustrol 1].0]02 5'CorcSiie:. M1 1].UM3 6' Conc Sifer�M1 ss.mao tmEw� ewi coMre�a s:ae,.� �s� 39.0301 CorcrE!e Pad (Bus She�er) (6") ]1A101 CorcrHeR�qap�6j 1].Dt01 fi'Conuela@i:e.•.a� 1J.OSW 0arrbrF�eaRamp.TYPol.*3 1J.0505 9arrkrF�eeFamp,TypaM113 1�.0506 9vecr F�ee Ramp. TYpa F-1 iJ.051D 9.u�erFieeRamp.TypeG] OOT Standard -Cwb ftamp Type 1 oor s��aara -c��n R�p ry� a �Z o10� Conc Re1 V.'aA ��iM1 51fe:.ak, Faw ]3.D102 Conc Rel Wa0 ��3M1 SNe�.ak, Faca (51(ne FetaEe) ( 2A101 ConcRelWa9vM5He:nk,5dr�rzlY 1fi.D10f 6ConcC�iEanAGNler 16.0103 3' Cunc Cuk vM Guher 16.O1M Corc Curb al Bac4 of 5!de:.a�t (Var'etl F1egM11, 6-12 16.0105 6' Tli�Yened Cu�b (Sea CA tlt) I6.Ot0v ]' Rdbve� N�b (Sea CA tli) s3.ozoi si�iedt�,a��.;u,s� �a 99.03DJ Corctele Flwre vi.t� Pk�le Cvier 93A26f E�iateE Crozsn h �FCYJ� 93 0205l.'.c�a6��1c Conoele t.'eL'an Ilva ]lRGOMERY UHIT 111-ORAIlIAGE i1.01U1 12' RLP. Cl3ss III dI.0E01 31' ftLP, C1nss III 41.0303 21' RCP, Class N <I O1D5 I<' RCP. Clau III 4f.W02 :YI' RCP, Ct�ss III EIu��5��6] r �wcv 531539 �`. f-il6.l t: fl.ltl] tl5 51:1'I flS�s:n f2? `_iY <u SI'.v,eJ�6' Sl ls �3b �t� E:p�4� : � gl�:(a�±eu EIii,Y�SW 51.515.]EGIN� 51I F3J'_0 Sl.!9�1.0 f2]'i'_i�0 Sl,9Nto 5135.15(��1� S][.J.Ir��1.(� bl.]5[ SF 51 .>] _� S1954 60 b14Y]6 W S6Wi5o E'_LS)�, 4! E�� ii SI55]u'_ El.��tl il U.J1E ST_�)I ]0 V}:').' 51 Jil 1 i� 51f5.151.1: 51�1.IIY5� 5_<:e9la SIq459E� sa.nn re SI'li 33 U 55 f'' S6l]11 v.asa n, SI.Ic3A5 f)53:1 EI.S[3?� f219.159�u f139.s�5 F! YI�;�S9E1 .. 53.�t�) (.9 .. s�..vo�c .. 45S r.. E:,�ti�l]+I If4U.: bl,]i0 t�0 If0 U`. Sl.ld)tl< Itat+.'. S�l3ll i([�(r.: EI.SI�� :U I[u[..e SIU.��i96) n_un cs Y�210t6 flSl9l3 S�16G15 _ : )i xniu Sl »o u� Sl.ltl] BS x3:3:i SI���l lU RI9.i5v5U fl]9,6J563 twm a�s�o�c SIGtl SI�IYI r_c siv 559 f15 511!K3 Ss iY3 bllY�lfYi � " 5'[!:J�IU . E15)[�t�:lU SI�U)iA Elil WSSo SI?3�ulbtu 5���. &5,][6[L EI16N'U S4U': E]]�1t0 5 _ SIV.: fl <(, �o Si.H)�t�0 + SlSN(�0 5[�r� bi�s f13B9MFJ SI�d.Y(4n_ . 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LGI �I I[a V 4 !f6].11 5 i SJl 51�)310 SI.���.IU If E1�3?I� S��V�= SII 41t�9,1S�t6? f149.1u�,sl I SI[.9,IM583 . . . 55.151.1: 5�.151.1! i f5.151.13 !4U� SbS) 5159.11H�3 . 5159.IIy5l . � S],���5 Sl�.]6Y:o $E?i.�e-al0 Itn S±S,�ef:J Sr SI,.G 'Ih�� L�w.mt h.r tav m.�LtiN ti.m �u..��m�l l:.nv u�.ui [ICCC d..u+'ai1 u�1 �he �.0 �Ld n:.t hi�Ali`tt it m-.Ll:+ucni t'��uue�� � ..rud4eS�.ur.nl�u�1'�+!I�.ndc.�r.v.lit�E�IC.,�ICn.x�.i�re�m.�icn N09 36' RCP, Class III OiOI 9I' RCP, Class III Osos aB'RCP,Ct�sslll OSbt 5!'ftCP,[Iasslll ,1JfH 6�59o�CW�eM .IJ�S 6�60oeCul�e� C001 4' Slorm Jwictan 9or 0002 S 5!nm� Jwcl'un But 0003 6 Slarm Jimclmn 9u� �OS B' Slarm Jwclun Bo� OOOfi SYB'Staimhivl'roiBov 010.1 4' Sla�keE NaMrA 0106 M3r�M1oH Steps JT Slanautl -10 Open Ba�t N�b I'KI (CI(4)(OB}(,E(F44 5001 iVCuibinpl SaOl 15 Cu�b Inkl • 2VCuibin�� .500]A 25 CurE InN SW! JOCu�Llnkl 5005 ]SCu�binkl 5006 dV Cu�b Inb� �� 45Cu�binkl . 55 cu�b Ink� 6W1 1P Rccozu4lN_+t .6002 15 Pcreszc-0I�1 690J 3PRecesSMl�t .wo5 6n Rcresud IrJst .�I 1U TYPa 31nkt E 15TYh31nb1 P40] ]0'TYGe�lnlet owa connNev.yeconnFdpns Oi f 3 ConuNa Colar (RCP end RCB ComMun) .0116 CowNeEnra��nllorU'..tyPyes 0109 Trendi5a�ery .0106 I,UMobPd;v�rrerd,l."3'a�5toimO�a'n) TGON.ERY UI:IT N-PAVElAENT I.UFNPiG pl;� SIGI! .00�1 4' SL➢ W�r! 1.'aM1ng HNS (l'J� .000a a•sinwmr�anmanas�ri .0003 4' BRK Mrtt I.�aiYing HAS (uV� .WOi <' 9RK P�rtl l.'3�ling HAS M .0]01 B'SIDP�MIAzM1ngHFShV� .moz e� s�o wRa r�anme rws p'� .OED] 8'DOTPvrrtll.'.zM1ngMAS�V� .0.301 12' SLD PvrtE 1.'vY'n8 HPE �Y� .osot za•s�ownat•nnm3Mn��Vq oo: ��e��ea�o.� .t00J LanaLepentlDOLFrra:i .fOR1 lane lepend O�J/ .100'/ lenalspandShar�m� 210] FEFiRautl!'arkerTVFC 210J REFLRauJlLvkerTVO�A-N saot c�mt�nt�esP.nr a .LOOl Fuin=hM�aJPtumSgnGroundl.bunlT%DOT54 .�AO]Fuin�n�L'AIumS�nG unEflaunlCt/5�a. JT SlanEard -PNV 51JRF PREP FOR 1.'AK (91A5T GLN) JT SlaMara- PFV SVftF PftEP FOR 1.'RN (BL45i CLI!) JT SlanEvd- REFL PAV! lRl( tt I M1'lN�lBRKJ(0�'IL7 JT Slardartl- REFL PAV M1IPK TY I(YI<'(SID�(0%�.'1L) JT SlarWard- REFL PAV! IRK TY I �VAB'(SLO)I�J1L7 S`L �T»� ui?vrno f1'rlrlSN 3l.Eii 12 . �'_61 51�1.(]93[. 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T__<fiL> 515(tiy]025 IwG': SI.:G� �U:S S�S,WI01 Ytitila0 f)A."R3'r� . S�'.�EI) LY.:t)Y W i� HUJ]YYI � - S].131LL n St.il)lb . S51[�E?s azrnr�.v .� n.+�n�e r„en.zo , s;�e�vos � . Sl�,tiu_u � H).T.OV t_396L3 T_I�))��'_ T_I3]]V] . SI[S.a:Y� ....WI.]i £l�Yil_i . � .4Y)tN S��Sb't� i S�LAi±S� . � P_SJf.11 . , S It�«.: 531,1YI63 � 51.t1]3i 8`�19•4V9 1+ �39E619 �� SI,:��J31 Ss,si.t�u ii E53>'_�y 3'->a�u f-�,iKtti IW[ • H.K✓�LU StNe 5'JIU� Slt:]e9Y� � S'/.��n 1U fl?Ix39 E)651550 usvu� usvvo iwv.: Sl JiE 56 T].v1YlU /i _IBIa r i ft ]1UfiG SIiA��3o +� 531 ]IP U 45v.o �lu fI�15RO fitl!Ee.Oit�� �� Sl.w9F� � I[+vtP: Slilil6] �UVU. 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Faca otol ConcRelYJa9��.ilis4ia.:ak,SNe:nh 0o iorya 0100 B6zk SOJ Pkxem.nl 5001 Curo Pbiress Pa'ntng 400J FuriWlnsta9PNm5gnGrouMl.bunlCf�51A. woi i�n�o� aei�-u�rem nbnarce u�ar io - sev.Ea ai15 B'Se.�,erP:ye 209 tI'Se.:e�P�pa qiD9 fYSe.�.erPipe,DmpTrench9ac4!➢ <2 ] f2'qPSe�:ar.C559acIf.1 ottx co�Hecoc,r moi e�et�ono� 1003 4'Uopl'aMoH .I W J 1' E.Ira �eplh 1.'aMo'e aaai aco•y�•a�nos u�ar ]101 'Sn�erServlw J�i 1 1' Sev.er Senlfe, Rttnnnec�bn ]iR5 C'Pir:ataSn�.er5ervlce 3001 SanteryL'saGrouWg 2105 13' Se:.e� AbzndoNrtnl Plug 3E01 Pemrve<'Se:.er!'an}�cH 0001 PreCCNlnzpeclun OOOE PozicCNlnspxtun nf 01 1.•arJwle Vewum Tezt�ng naoi er'w::a��wne 01 V3 F�pbratory E�ca�eton ol Ez'd'eq Ui!ies OtP] Trenc�5alety A110 tn_tV�'�ers 0113 Te�M1 Vla�e� 5(ops 0303 liryo�ed Emtedm�r�VBahl], C55 A30] Impo�MEmt�tlrrcN/93cLf9,CL5"A D2051rryortetlEmt< rrerN0a4f9,FinaQual�HRork AE06 Impohzd EmteE�N/63cYl�➢. 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CLS!A I�rpoited Em4dm3N/0ac4f�A. Fina C�uzhcd Fut ImpoM1ed EmE�dircW9ackl�➢. AaeplaLh Baclfil Impohed EmKtlmeN�fiac4f9, Sekcl F�,i TrenN Selety LY1V1.'.v4ers LabitY��'olnzwanw.etc...(.BB X NL) CrVarfNc Bond (9=A ol Cj o!s Fce(8 % o1C) 510,6.9 :9 SI�,i9 !9 ��v � S9Jo5[+i F10,1]'uJ £IO,IJ�[U Sl�J9�.a S�.]AN .. �. 5]iliw EI'41)v 51.]91 N SIWIU SlW[�� fl(�J,tv.rGJ f5J6R�1�5 S]L.911aS Sl] l�l u3 Sl),'Idlo) S'-11.F�.9.1� f?11ft9.li Stlwr'v 51���� ��a�» � sin.o,s,s SfSJi�y��u f3J(�Y(U Slu.lJ_�O EIL.ILp) 5„��s[�[i Sl,'/19fA f1.,_ 5],�19i(�0 �11J SI-YI.]9 i�w u FJw�o 51(+�n.x��ti It f1�9,(K�IW . . Sl69Jl �5 el��l I�i S3I,'1311�1 l5�[0 SHI.!tH.l� I 541eV�.li Sll.ri.3 Ivo.. fl>>:3:�� 551.1'_�J9 �LU'i 5�I5 1 EILS 5111 !. E1:1 Xa S�tW 51,ei] SI.Fs9 51][x� St4� fv�6 h� d.�wm� h.v tem m-.LtiN G..s iu u���.J f..nv.s ai tJC[%h+wnr. i eN Ne u..a 1d ni h�elJi�) m.Lt�..ucn. 1'�u ue nv.��m•��d i.� i._.f N_ 1 ewn.2 �u�fWl�' x.W n.nuJi I�b31 h.�r.:el fn..� �. e• <ani�, n c�,m cn�s ae« ProQress Gs[imatc Conslrucfion Nlo�rnnce Usnge Contrnctor's Applicntion ADDITIONS �`• �•,� 2412/10U21�onin�rr.n��e.uvc�fracaysrrtiicno� ��.i:ea� a,n,nr. 36FI�.i k;+'�=���P�'�� ILIJ/19-12/d12019 .".n°`. LUiaEI [vn�te Pu*[n .. ...� ULLi:yuw v., �i.��... �iJ�� v,� ��i..f�. rmJ wNl u� Iql tir.,.f NI-'+'wl�.rf-+-5c.�isn�.a � It a._utw H�� Hsfn].lo Itl�swo it+p].IY � H6, t o I ue�rcl 4V ••a•e . f n. FA It titW -.li. .. litu. Iti W`tJ(w w a ... ,r„ s�azsu u,fz,.0 i+}�u f+T-nu uiau �� ts f,1a,9� 3�. Su4) - ._JLam..+ i . ... � • llfx�u Y V�4Hs+ � . i ll�]i�b v�� . ��r f'1NIa �� .se rn . � ry �.��!+krn�. �s «....iu s u, �uw �/.� ..c s.�1 ax�F,mta a v� � -_ �t ts...�� . _ r s��.L � .. ��i'n � . � .+ )SJt[G �S)tW 5lylotG USl�to 3_ . ��Ix�uL_o..l 11i tf uww 5'u�x V' Y.�)] ..� n Sos2�G Slo_ fl_� u u:�fNFnm itNCn{ ..d.r._,.,,i�..aer..-yu„�fo_....z.a,� Ir ...:� . r u�unnv.o. PrOKress Estintate Cnnstructinn Allnwnnce Usagc Cm�trnctor's Application CONSTRUCTION ALLO�VANCC ITC�iS TO [3C REDUCED �c"`� 24�2/10027i0�i(�YTCO\illtYC'\fAItCO\SlHUClIO\ '�•:"eve:�':�a 38F'Inel aa���e.,..d. IL13/I9-IL3U2019 :"•,o". LvioEl F�'4 n'. �� r.,.>�✓. r..c.�,... vR a, r.. �.r. �.sn�.r...v.�,.z..nz���r�e_e...-r.�r.,n i �.,_ t.Ji,.. v �.,�..�...,..�� � P�o�re,sEs��nm�� �h.�R�������w„�e� O Can�����o��s.,,,p������on ADDITIOYS �-"�'� 2J]LIOU3.to �u��[.o�i[.v1C.+uxcn�sre�rnov cn ` �+ ���iL�� ..��..�, islt+L y��.�ym.� �LI)119-ILlIiE019 ""u•` ..�..v i.a.. u...Nu a.iu.f.�.....ir.aw�. i.W i:wlru u�r..zc.. � PraeressF:slimnte ChangeOrderNnmber � Contractor'sAppliu�lian Uk:LE f10\S _._z� t��mao:,�..�o.,co���a�c��.a�o.,�a�o.�u.� .,..�. :.r��,� ..�..... ivunv-itniao�s .•.."`�. s,�..�,�,..���.+ ,.�u..,�.,�_�s.,�.. `mw.4....��,...�,�....._., Prn�ressEsfimnte C6nngeOrderNumher � Contrnctnr'SApplicnllon .1DDITIOVS Io �IOYiCI�]IEH\' OL�R CO\SIRL� TO\' ""-„" 2432I10021 <�,_,�,_x +».sai ••'"—.` 28Fin.l r..+rt...f ILIJ/I9-ILII/t�i9 .•,�••• c�f. " " „m . . . -:�fv .:. � a��!-����w L.rn. ..tx�.,. '�.-ury �'.: 'e._y �....,ti no �. ..y, ..�� If� �e.f� v.�.�.. .,, r..z.,o..,ssrn�.� � n�.�, ss �. �. r�.� .� e� .z� — ..,r�:�� e�...�...i,.,�-�-a �o.s..�e._� ..R,��«iv.e..,�.�,.,.a Pro�ress Est(mnte Chmige Order nwnber � Conlractor's Appl(caQon DN:LF;1'IO\S �••"•,' tJi2110021ta�1��.�'Ic�Ht:n\'(�I.�xco\-mtu['no� ���..t«. 26h'In�l ..,r.,,e ILIJ/19.ILJ1/t0i9 r••,••� � " a� - ,ir,� .�n�i� nn d ,u .,� .� nat r�.u� .�v r,vu.. .� �-w � e.i k'-`G �.�....�i.�..�,..�.r���.:.�ca,v-.a�.�r r a._ � ...air.a u..�.......e Pro�ress Est(mote Change Order Nmnher � CoNractnr's Applicatfnn anmTio�s uovr�.m� cxr cmea cossrnucnov ��,,.,� :��v�oozi�a . �r._.._,.. ,n...,.� ��....�..,� zevm.i ..,, r...,� iv�ans.i�nma�9 . �_... �.�. i n9,� �v,.xi �w.o�i.iwi q�so� s s �,�� o��i..i.,�.�_..�:��.,»�...�.,,.,.:..��.._�isc-�r �,.,�..,,..o Prn�ress Esifnmte Chnnge Order Number 0 Contrac[or's Application DN:I.t� C10NS �,.._.,� taizrmoz�:o��o.vr�.o.Nex,���N..xcosnKo�,�o. -v�.��•E :eFi�.i „r...., �m.ms-im�ao�v ."." °` c.>a.,, ���,, r��u n.��.ti i..��a r��«� .<<� u.�.N � �..�.N ,aw�„ - .���+m. ou.�,xi,,,,.�, a �..�Wa..�.,..,.- � �«i•-��`•'-- r�„�,�.�..�e Pro�ress Estlmate Change Order Numher 0 Cmilrncfnr's Application AD�ITIONS o.uu��coaeai' cn�.a co�s�xurnn� �`�.,>" 2�17L10021' � F„ " i».�-ai "`•"."�` 2tl Final _..�,n...f ILIJ/19-IE/�I2019 �•"�'�`. �' " - o.�+ti+�Im cus�.�af.+�.c��S+6rtafmsay.u�>zt�.�1,�.slcG in'��r��u.-un Pro�ress Estimnte Chnnge OrJer Numher 0 Contrnctor's Application DNLE"fIONS ���.,•'� i4i2/10021�Oafo.�-rr.U�leul'ca.�RCu\srnurnu\' ....n_.:,.. 28Fln.1 .�r.r.e ILIJ/19.ILJ1R0�9 .••".'�` � _ S�..r�.n til'.c t" hil hiV.J ti� rl nr N u.ilN �_a �.�ti--wt.� .,i'4'_N� a+.�iu�.nm�c. ? �na�a�uu�nt_yula 4-�.1. Im�.���v..�.c City of Fort Worth Summary of Charqes ciry Secrcinry Cnmract Nunc 4732R-A1 2D MONTGOb1ERY Cn9AR CONSTRUCTION P.O.: P�-1 %— l'roject Num6cr. 02432/100218 ApplicntionPcrial: I 12/13/19-12/31/20]9 InP�i��m���N���„n��:l 28P'in�l I n��i��;nro�u,i�: I 4/t/zoz� Funding Identificalion (FID) Total Invoiced Amt Remaining Gross Retalnage Net Cit of Fort Worth Summar of Char es CitySccretnryContrncWum 4732A-A1 20MONTGOMERI'CMARCONSTRUCTIOY r.a: PO-1%- �'�o�«in��,e��: 02432/]00218 nppti�ntion���ri«�: 12/13/19-12/31/2019 �rr��������n'���nh��: 28 �inal �rr�+�:,��o�u�i�: 4/llzo21 Funding Identitication (FID) Total Invoiced Amt Remaining Gross Retafnage Net GrandTotal � $17,827,823.50 $345.09��. -$D.Ot -$737,495.OD� � 50.00��. CFW Change Order Approval St-COApp02 ORT �VORTHo City of Fo� UVor`fih Change Order Request Approval (Change Order Breakdown Available in Links) For Change Order Submittal No.: i 1 ' ----�--._--____--_ --. ----.__-------, —�---------�--�..----______-� Change Order No.: St-COApp02 _ i Date Starred: 2017-12-11 ___ _, L__—" �.__.-.��-._----_— r--"----"—' -- -- _ _ � City Sec. No.: 47328-A1 �� Date Due:12017-12-26 Pro ect Name: rMont omer Street from Camp_Bowie to _TH-30 __ ____� � g— y -----.___ ----------- �02432 ����_^'^---�--f�'��� _�_.__.__-^^_--�DOE Numbers: Project Numbers: r7389�---=-------� PI'o'ect 'Reconstruction o�.�___�---._---_..._._.__.�_J...._..._..___.W__._____._---..W__..._.___.__._-----_._._.� ] �� �� f 5-lane undivided arterial street with Description: concrete paving, storm drain, sidewalk, shared use path, ' ,traffic signal, streetlight, landscaping and irrigation �,improvements from Camp Bowie to IH-30_ _ _ v ____I Project Manager: rMichael Weiss �.^^T �� City Inspector: �ohn Crowley__Ay _�i ...._.__..----__...._--_—... �___.__r__.__.__...._�._-----.--.._.__._..._.�._._.__.�_.�_..�.__ Contractor: Haydon Building Corp ` �!______,_,_.____,�__,�...__,_' .r__ ^ !^___.___._.._ _;_�..___ ___ COUNCIL ACTION (If Required): � ,_—. �___.— ---; Page 2 of 3 M&C Log Name: �20MONTGOMERY CMAR CHANGE ORDER 1 i - - - - - M&C Number: ;C-28489 ^ ^� M&C Date: 2017-12-05 _�^_! COST AND DAYS SUMMARY: Requested Department: Cost($) Fund Account Center: � Days: -------- .--__---, ----- —�----� _____. _ __� �Tp�/ ! �$ 261,972.67j �34014-0200431-5740010-0O2432-2 0 I - -- -- - _ _ _ - _ ..__ - - _ _ — . _ ----� -----------' . �: ...__�._..� ._, ______.._._ _. ___, i �_� � f ��- _ . � � �- -- ->> - - ----- -- - -- �-- - _ - - - - - - __.__. ___..__....._ � V-�_..__W.�.� __Y�._�_.�:__-� ' ' . ���._~.�.. � � � __ �._...._. � �._.:_..�.� ._.. __ �..�.�.__�.� �_� �.:__: �._. ^-.�_ =w �-_..-.� � . .�_:_.�__._.��.�._.�_.___�_��_..�_ � �--.._____y_.. .___ �'� - _ _ - - _ i � w._____.-.-___� __ -_..____.__�___________.�..__T.��_...� �...___-----..._..___._I; _ � I _ . ---- --------, --------___�.__. . _ __.._..__---_._._.�__-- -.�----__._____� �______._.___.__. �__ i I�...__-----_.. r. _ I � _, - � - __.__ Total Cost: L?61,972.67 Total Requested Days: I�_ �___�.__� Approval Status: � c� '�'� %, �,, � , r � �' �G : � �Q , c�� _ � ..._ � . ,. ,.. . . � . .. . � ,. ,. .. .-. ,. , � .. ., . ., . , r� i i � n in n y n -� CFW Change Order Approval St-COApp02 �Approved: Yes jComments: !User: Aaron Hazlett iDate: Z017-12-12 4:40 PM I , 'Approved: Yes Comments: User: Michael Weiss �Date: 2017-12-12 4:57 PM i i �Approved: Yes iComments: jUser: Aaron Hazlett IDate: 2017-12-13 11:23 AM Approved: Yes Comments: User: Michael Weiss Date: 2017-12-13 11:26 AM 'Approved: Yes �Comments: �User: ]oAnne Kamman �Date: 2017-12-13 4:51 PM � i ; �Approved: Yes 'Comments: User: Kim Arnold !Date: 2017-12-14 8:30 AM � Approved: Yes Comments: User: Doug 1Niersig Date: 2017=12-18 5:56 PM IApproved: Yes �Comments: I User: Doug Black �Date: 20�.8-01-17 12:44 PM jApproved: Yes A Comments: User: Jay Chapa Date: 2018-01-19 1:59 PM �� J, Action Required: .__ _.____,�__.___.__ Page 3 of 3 M&�o���� 1295: 2� 7- 2 7v7 5-" I _ �.,��.�: ,��,11 w ' '1� �r � • ', _ �' j ��� ' % _ ..A _ . . �� �� t�'" ' . _._._._ ___, i �- - - - - , . .. .. .. . .. � . . .� , i � n /n n � n ORT WORTHe CITY SECRC7ARY p �►n City of Fort Worth Ct�f�1TF�ACT N0. �320 ' l�c/ ( Change Order Request Brea{<down Pro)ect Name Montgomery Sireet from Camp Bowie to IH-30 City Sec # 47328-A1 Cllent ProJect �l(s) 02432 Contractor Haydon Building Corp PM Mike Weiss Inspeclor John Crowley Change Order Submlttal #� Date 12/6/2017 Dept. � TPW Montgomery I Sidewalk EAH I Stormwater EAH I WatedSewer Original ConUact Amounl Extras to Date Cretlils lo Date Pending Change Orders (in M&C Process) Contract Cost to Dale Contract Time Totals CD ,a98,116.00 730 0 .a98,116,00 730 Original Funds Avallable for Change Orders fr $582,079,a2 �u.uu �/Z,b ItS.tl/ �La�LL�. 10 w�� �,��, .�� Remaining Funds Available for lhis CO ' $320,107,15 $0,00 $72,610.07 $25,229.15 �417,955.17 Addilional Funding (If necessary) CHANGE ORDERS (o DATE (INCLUDING THIS ONEJ AS % OFORICtiINAI CONTRACT 1.55% , MAX ALLOWABLE CONTRAC7AMOUNT (ORIGINAL CONTRACT COST + 25%) $21,122,645.00 JUST:IFICATION.(REASONS):FOR CHANGE ORDER Change Order #1 replaces JLB Contracling, LLC antl their use of a Concrete Batch Plant wifh McMahon Con(racting, LP and the use of Ready Mix Concrete for ihe paving of Montgomery Street from Camp Bowie Blvd. to IH-30. During contracl negotitaions, the City had agreed to locate a suitable site for a temporary concrete batch plant near the proJect but was unable to do so. City owned property is not available for the CMAR's use because Event Facilities' construction of a new parking garage and arena is using all of the City's property at ihe Will Rogers Memorial Center, and the construction o( the extension o( Trail Drive is using tha Cil�s property at Park and Recreation's Mainlenance Yard at Crestline Road south of Universjty Drive. The CMAR evaluated this change in conditions and o6tainetl a more compelit(ve bid (rom McMahon. JLB's proposed price for ready-mix concrete was $425,690.00, antl McMahon's proposed price is $261,972.67; this results fn a cost avoidance of $163,717.33. Change Order #1 was approved by City Council on 1215/17 (M&C C-284a9), and it is funded from ihe Owner's Allowance of �582,079.82 approved by City Council on 5/16/17 (M&C C- 28243), Conti•act Compliance Manager; By signing I acknowledge that I am the person responsible for the monitoring and administration of this contcact� 1I1C1Ualllg ensuring all performance and i•eporting requii•ements. �r' � Michael Weiss, P.E. Senior Professional Engineer . r,�oarW-o�Rrj City of Fort Worth �!'� Change OrderAdditions ProJect Name Monlgomery Streel from Camp Bo�vie lo IH-30 City Sec 1! 4732it-A1 CllenlProJecltF 02432 ConUaclor Haydon Building Corp PM Mike Wefss Inspecla John CrovAey Change0rderSubmfltalll 01 Dale 12/612017 A�DITIONS ty n t n t osl ola y tale me onlgomery 7 5. 5,7 . 62 . 5 me realment ntgomery 2, 90.00000 0 S O.OU 5, 3 . 5 me realment onlgomery 35,230.00000000 SY 5.26 5, 6 ransiuon nlgomery G20.00000000 SY 50.50 , 7. 65 sp a 1 vm . ype er ay P onlgomery 2, 0.00000000 SY 3.95 .5 66 7 oncrele avement on gomery 2,150.OD000000 SY 73.02 5,7 . 67 . 5 oncrete avement on gomery 32,300.00000000 S 6.16 60 x lan ar - oncrele avement onlgomery 90.00000000 S 2.62 9 x an ar - n er aymenl ype ontgomery 5 0.00000000 SY 0.75 , 75. 70 x an ar - ime la i ize u gra e onfgomery 500.00000000 SY 3. 0 7, . 92 . 5 ene ur nlgomery 610.00000000 LF 3.69 93 0 over ur ontgomery 90.00000000 F O.OD 9999.0 McMa on Mo il zalion nlgomery .OQ000(100 EA 26,10 . 0 9999.05 HBC Genera a i ity, u(o nsurance, etc. (0.88%) TP Monlgomery .0 OD0000 S 2,097.26 , 7. 9999.06 HBC Genera L'ontractots Bon (0.90°0) TP Monlgomery . OOIXI00 S 2,1 .93 9999.07 BC CMAR Fee (8% TP Manlgomery .0 OOODO S 19, 05.38 , 5. TPW Mon�qomery 32,753,287.97 SidewalkEAH 30.00 SlormwalerEAH 50.00 WalerlSevrer $0.00 Su TolalA diUons 2,753,207.�J7 Chanse Order Additions PaRe 1 of 1 Foier Wonrry City of Fort Worth 1j!''— Change Order Deletions ProJecl Name Monlgome Slreet from Cam Bovrie lo IH-30 City Sec tl A732II�A1 Cllenl Pmjecl It 02432 Conlraclor Haydon Building Corp PM Mike Weiss Inspeclor John CrovAey Changa0rderSubmiUa111 �1 Dale 1 2/612 0 1 7 � �� �1�'u� � - - � � �'.�' ������� �� ''"' •'' :nri �, � ���P�����1�� ��t �' i'� � i � . -.n r� �: �'i ���i��i������� Lk�UI � �� �. rt� I 11 I 11111 ���'�� F'kl�I�yld�l � ��� .��, . :n �� �� : � 111111111�� � 11 � � i �• i•: `.rr r� �� • i ������i������'YL�:xSNI�I � � 1 �' -.nfW�if' '�' i��ll�lll�� ' 1 � � 1 I I • • n t� �� 71 I I 1111 I 1������.� ��=I��� � 1�� .�. �1 1. j -.n 1� �i • 1111�11111�� �. 11 � 1• . �. � 1 � :1 .��. �.n /� �� il llllllll��. 1 �����ilit ��'��� � 1• . � '� �� . %n I� �� : 11 I1111111�� ' 1'1 �� � i i - �., .n r� ., : . � ���i�ii�Q����fIXbUAUI � : •� 7T;�7 �r�i11 � � 1 1� •� � : � .n r� �� : '� IIIII�II���fiYli�i➢�'Y - ----- - ----- - ----- - ----- - ----- - ----- - ----- - ----- - ----- - ----- - ----- - ----- - ----- - ----- - ----- - ----- - ----- - ----- - ----- _ ----- - ----- - ----- - ----- - -- -- - --�-- � ----- - ----- � -�--- - ----- � ----- - ----- - ----- - ----- - ----- - ----- - ----- _ ----� - ----- - ----- - ----- - ----- - ----- - ----- - ----- - ----- - ----- - ----- - ----- - ----- - -----� � �iCi6iCG�1 1 11 �,j . I 11 �y����� 1 1i1� . Iii s iiaYY'f`Y'Y C.F1�fIPP nfflPf nPIPYI(1f15 PaeP � 11f 1 Fo'',`�!`" e � CITY 5ECRETAR�r' c;ty of Fort wortr, CONTRACT N0. 4 � 3a S-�a- Change Order Request Breakdown ' �� Ci 5ec # 47326-Ai Project Name Montgomary Street trom Camp Bowie to IH-30 h' � Clien( Project �l(s) 02�132 Contractor Haydon Building Corp PM Mike Weiss Inspector John Crowfey Change Order Submittal �� Date 6/21/2019 Dept. Orlginal ConUact Amount Extras to Date Cretlits io Date Pending Change Orders ((n M&C Process) Gonhact Cost to Date Go to ADD 8 DEl 7abs lo Enter CO Backup TPW Montgomery I Sidewalk EAH I Stormwater EAH I WatedSewer I Tatais Time Original Funds Available br Change Orders Remaining Funds Available tor this CO AdtllUonal Funding (if necessary) .84 730 CHANGE ORDERS to DA7E (INCLUDING THIS �NE) AS % OF ORIGINAL CONTR.4CT �� 3.01% MAXALLOWABLECONTRAC7AMOUNT(ORIGINALCONTRACiCOST+25%J 521,122,645.00 Change Order #2 replaces 3 fire lines from the credit union and anGque mall and ihe repair of an exfsting sanitary sewer mahole in the amount not to exceed $245,878.11, Thfs was approved by Cify Councif on 6/25/19 (M&C C-�), and it is funded from the Water and Sewer funds (CPN 100218). � 2�j I 83 C1FFiC1AL I�E��RD CITY SEC6iETAR� FT. 91�I�RTH, 'TX FORTWORT)I City of Fort Worth -��T� Change OrderAdditions Project Name Montgamery Streef from Camp Bo��e b IH-30 City Sec �I 47328-At Client Project S 02432 Conlractor Haydnn Building Corp PM Mike Weiss Inspeclor John Crowley Change Order Submitial # C� Dale 612112019 ADDITIUNS Change Order Additions Page 1 of 1 FORT WORl'H City of Fort Worth —1"��� Change Order beletions Project Name Montgomery Slreet from Camp Bovde to IH30 -� City Sec # 47328-At ClientPwject# � 02432 Contractor Hayn�on Building Corp PM Mike Weiss Inspeclor John Crovdey Change Order Su6mittal #� Dafe 6121Y1019 DE1E710N5 ty ml mt osl ota TPW Mantgamary E�.� Sidewalk EAH $0.00 StormwalerEAH $0.00 WaterlSewer $0.60 Sub Tola ele6ons Change Order Deletions Page 1 of 1 APPROVED: CImY OF FORT WORTH : \�_..__ � \ �L 1 1 .� ; Su �n Alanis �A-s�istant City Manager Date: (���� � � HAYDON BUILDING CORP /��72� ,�% Mark Eklund ' Vice President Daie:�2z z0��'/ APPROV L RECOMMENDED: Stev Cooke Interim Director, Transpertation/Public T�lorks Department ATTEST: i City Secretary M&c c— 29 � g 3. Douglas W. Black Date: 6/25/19 Senior Assistant City A�torney .�B ia9S: oZ0�9-5o37ao Contract Compliance Manager: By signing I acrrio+rslefl�e that I am the person responsible for the monitoring and admini.stration of this contract, including ensuring all performance and repoxting reaua.rements. ��'�'/ �� Michael Weiss, P.E. Senior Professional Engineer City of Fort WorCh Montgomery Street Constzucti.on Change Ordez No. 2 City Project No. 02A32 ,�, �.� ��.�.�o� .�� ! ��ti.L:����� �a.r.i� .- . _ _ . .. _ ------ --- ---- �aCD�3t� 7tl6�1��(� APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: FORTWORTH Routing and Transmittal Slip Transportation & Public Works Department DOCUMENT TITLE: Change Order # 3- Montgomery Street Project M&C 21-0077 CPN CO2432 CSO # 47328-A1 DOC# DATE: TO: INITIALS DATE OUT 1. Tom Monsen tmonsen(c�haydonbc.com - signature �- Feb5,zo2� 2. John Crowley, Inspector - signature 9� Feb8,2o2� 3. Mike Weiss, PM - signature �— Feb8,2o2i 4. Alexiz Ramirez, Buss. Supp. - approve q� Febll,zoz� 5. Raul Lopez, Prog. Mngr. - signature � Feb 11, Zo2i 5. Lissette Acevedo, Int. Sr. CPO - signature �— Febll,zoz� 6. Lauren Prieur - signature �� Feb11,2o2� 7. William Johnson - signature ,.,� Feb 12, 2o2i 8. Doug Black - signature � Feb 12, 2o2i 9. Dana Burghdoff - signature 10. Mary Kayser - signature 11. TPW contracts DOCUMENTS FOR CITY MANAGER'S 51GNATUKt: Hii aocuments receivea trom any ana aii �icy Departments requesting City Manager's signature for approval MUST BE ROUTED TO THE APPROPRIATE ACM for approval first. Once the ACM has signed the routing slip, David will review and take the next steps. NEEDS TO BE NOTARIZED: ❑ Yes � No RUSH: ❑ Yes ❑ No SAME DAY: � Yes ❑ No NEXT DAY: ❑ Yes ❑ No ROUTING TO CSO: � Yes ❑ No Action Required: ❑ As Requested ❑ For Your Information � Signature/Routing and or Recording ❑ Comment ❑ File ❑ Attach Signature, Initial and Notary Tabs Return To: Mike Weiss Mike.weiss(a�fortworthtexas.qov CSC No. 47328-0O3 FORT WORTH;; City of Fort Worth �� Change Order Request Projecl Name Montgomery Street from Camp Bowie to IH-30 City Sec # 47328-A1 Client Project #(s) CO2432 Project Description Reconstruct Montgomery Street as an undivided arterial street with new waterlines, sewer lines, storm drain, concrete pavement, streetlights, traffic signals, sharetl use paths, landscaping and irrigation. Contractor Haydon Building Corp. Change Order # 3 Date 2/1/2021 City Project Mgr. Mike Weiss City Inspeclor John Crowley Dept. � TPW Montgomery Sidewalk EAH Stormwater EAH $116,720.00 $4,568,760.00 $0.00 $0.00 WaterlSewer Contract Time Totals (CD) $1,565,140.00 �17,092,000.00 730 $245.878.11 $507,850.78 90 Original Contract Amount Exlras io Date Credits to Date Pending Change Orders (in M&C Process) Contract Cost to Date Amount of Proposed Change Order Revised Contract Amount Original Funds Available for Change Orders Remaining Funds Available for this CO Additional Funding (if necessary) 00 � $0.00 � $0. .00 $4,568,760.00 $1,811,018. CHANGE ORDERS to DATE (INCLUDING THIS ONEJ AS % OF ORIGINAL CONTRACT 4.31 % MAXALLOWABLE CONTRACTAMOUNT (ORIGINAL CONTRACT COST+ 25%J �21,365,000.00 JUSTIFICATION (REASONS) FOR CHANGE ORDER Change Order No. 3 provides for construction services for additional asphalt and concrete pavement, sidewalks, pavers, driveways, storm drain pipe and inlets, streetlights, traffic signals, landscpaping and irrigation, and water and sanitary sewer services, with an additional 81 calendar days of contract time negotiated with the CMAR for the additional scope of work not contemplated in the original schetlule. The additional work items were caused by various reasons, some of which are associated with the Dickies Arena project: 1-Water and sewer seroices, antl franchise utilities not shown in record tlrawings found in the field during construction; 2- Schedule changes during construction required the boring of streetlight conduit; 3-Traffic signal at Trail Drive was upgraded and revised to avoid conflicts with franchise utilities; 4-Paving, sidewalk and paver changes were prompted by the Dickies Arena project at the Harley Street antl Montgomery Street entrances to meet the project requirements; 5-Landscaping and irrigation were revisetl to match the Arena Team's construction as well as restore businesses' which were impacted by construction; 6-Inlet types were revised to avoid utilities or provide additional room for franchise utilities. This change order represents the negotiatetl setllement wilh Haydon Building Corp for the completion of Montgomery Street from Camp Bowie Blvd. to IH-30, was authorized by City Council on 1/26/21 (M&C 21-0077), and it is funded from the 2014 Bond Fund. Construction work started on 6/26/17 and the final inspection was held on 12/13/19. It is understood and agreed that the acceptance of this Change Order by the contractor co�stitutes an accord and satisfaction and represents payment in full (both time and money) for all costs arising out of, or incidental to, the above Change Order. The Project/Program Manager signing below acknowledges that Mary J. Kayser, City Secretary M&C Number 21-0077 M&C Date Approvetl 1-26-2021 ATTEST:�'��� City of Fort Worth Change Order Additions Project Name Montgome Street (rom Cam Bowie to IH-30 City Sec # 47328-A1 ClientProject# CO2432 Conlractor Haydon Building Corp. PM Mike Weiss Inspector John Crowley Change 0rder Submiflal # �3 Date 112712021 ADDITIONS ITEM DESCRIPTION DEPT oty Unit UnitCosl Total X-1 Montgomery SUeet Nego6ated SetUement TPW Montgomery 00000000 LS 227,972.63 227,972.63 TPW Monlgomery 5227,972.63 Sidewalk EAH $0.00 Slormwater EAH $0.00 WatedSewer $0.00 Sub Total AddiGons $227,972.63 Change Order Additions Page 2 ot 4 Foitr\ti'oxrn City of Fort Worth �`7`�- Change Order Deletions Project Name Montgomery SUeet from Camp Bov�ie lo IH-30 City Sec # 47328-Ai ClienlProject# CO2432 Con�actor Haydon Building Corp. PM Mike Weiss Inspector John Crowley Change Order Submittal # �3 Dale 1127/2021 DELETIONS ITEM DESCRIPTION DEPT Qty Unit UnitCosl Toial TPW Monlgomery 50.00 Sidewalk EAH $0.00 Stormwaler EAH $0.00 WatedSewer $0.00 Sub Tolal Delefions 0.00 Change Order Deletions Page 3 of 4 FORTWORTH TRANSPORTATION AND PUBLIC WORKS PIPE REPORT FOR: PROJECT NAM�: PROJECT NUMBER: DOE NUMB�R: PIPE LAID DIP DIP DIP PVC PVC PVC FIRE HYDRANTS: ll PIP� ABANDONED Montogomery Street fi•om I-30 to Camp Bowie Project CPN# 02432 SIZE 16" 16" 12" g�� 6" 4" VALVES (16" OR LARG�R) TYPE OF PIPE LF 505 2075 55 1095 205 10 4 LF DENSITIES: NEW SERVICES: PIPE LAID PVC PVC PVC DIP PVC DIP PVC DIP PIPE ABANDONED SIZE WATER TYPE OF PIPE Ductile Ductile (resri�ained joints) Ductile (resh�ained Joints) C-900 C-900 C-900 SIZE g�� 24" 18" 16" g�� 8�� 6" 6" SIZE SEWER TYPE OF PIPE C-900 C-900 C-900 Ductile C-900 Ductile C-900 Ductile TYP� OF PIPE DENSITIES: NEW SERVICES: LF 85 90 435 70 215 410 60 45 LF TRANSPORTATION AND PUBLIC WORKS �i"�F�° The City of Fort Worth • 1000 Thioclimorton Street • Fort ��orth, T�i 76012-6311 (817) 392 - 7941 • Fax: (817) 392 - 7845 FORTWORTH� TRANSPORTATION AND PUBLIC WORKS June 14, 2021 Haydon Building Corp 4640 E. Cotton Gin Loop Phoenix, Arizona 85040 Contractor's address RE: Acceptance Letter Project Name: Montogomery Street from I-30 to Camp Bowie Project Type: 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06 City Project No.: 02432 To Whom It May Concern: On December 13, 2019 a final inspection was made on the subject project. There were punch list items identified at that time. The punch list items were completed on June 8, 2020. The final inspection and the corrected punch list items indicate that the work meets the City of Fort Worth specifications and is therefore accepted by the City. The warranty period will start on June 8, 2020, which is the date of the punch list completion and will extend of two (2) years in accordance with the Contract Documents. If you have any questions concerning this letter of acceptance, please feel free to contact me at 817- 392-8485. Sincerely, Mu;lut,e-G We� Michael Weiss (Jun 18, 202ll216CDT) Michael Weiss, Project Manager Cc: John Crowley, Inspector Ron Cordova, Inspection Supervisor Gary Deyon, Senior Inspector Jennifer Roberts, Program Manager Freese and Nichols, Inc, Consultant Hoydon Building Corp, Contractor N/A, Developer File E-Mail: TPW_Acceptance@fortworthtexas.gov Rev. 8/20/19 ��► j=�� �s,�� �-9�� � HAYD�N CONTRACTOR'S AFFIDAVIT OF PAYMENT OF DEBTS AND CLAIMS PROJECT: MONTGOMERY STREET FROM CAMP BOWIE BLVD TO IH -30 AND EASTERN ARLINGTON HEIGHTS (EAH) PROJECT OWNER: CITY OF FORT WORTH, TX PROJECT NUMBER'S: 02432 & 100218 CONTRACT FOR: TRANSPORTATION AND PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT The undersigned herby certifies that payment has been made in full and all obligations have otherwise been satisfied for a all materials and equipment furnished, for all work, labor, and services performed, and for all known indebtedness and claims against the Contractor for damages arising in any manner in connection with the performance of the Contract referenced above for which the Owner or STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS Owner's property might in any way be held responsible or encumbered. Contractor: Haydon Building Corp 4640 E Cotton Gin Loop Phoenix AZ 85040 By: � Matt Carpenter, VP/Chief Operating Officer i�% � 7 �� � Subscribed and sworn to before me on this date: �`"�J i Notary Public My Commission Expires: �����eC,� ��-�- r���Bl� A. t�'COMNER x..�,;� . P:c�lary PvblVc - St� of Ar�zv�a - 5 RAARICOPA C4liNTY '+� MyComrttssJonEzpin'a ��� ' �ra, i, aarz HAYDON BUILDING CORP 4640 E. Cotton Gin Loop Phoenix, Arizona 85040 Tel 602.296.1496 Fax 602.296.1495 LICk A ROC108937, B-Ol ROC708085 CONSENT OF SURETY C�NIPANY TO FINAL PAYMENT AIA DOCUMENT G707 OWNER [ ] ARCHITECT [ ] CONTRACTOR [] SURETY [ ] OTHER [ ] AIA DOCUMENT G707 � BOND NO. 106746958 PROJECT: Montgomery Street from Camp Bowie Boulevard to IH-30 West Freeway & Eastern Arlington Heights Drainage Component - CMAR Contract No. 47328 (name, address) TO (OWNER) City of Fort Worth, TX 200 Texas Street Fort Worth, TX 76102 ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NO.: CONTRACT FOR: 517,827,823.47 - Final Contract Price CONTRACT DATE: 5N 6/2017 CONTRACTOR: Haydon Building Corp 4640 E. Cotton Gin Loop Phoenix, AZ 85040 In accordance with the provisions of the Contract between the Owner and the Contractor as indicted above, the (here Insert name and address of Surety Company) Travelers Casualty and Surety Company of America One Tower Square HartFord, CT 06183 , SURETY COMPANY, 011 bOfld Of (here insert name and address of Contractor) Haydon Building Corp 4640 E. Cotton Gin Loop Phoenix, AZ 85040 , CONTRACTOR, hereby approves of the final payment to the Contractor, and agrees that final payment to the Contractor shall not �elieve the SUI'ety Company of ally of its obllgat1o11S to (here Insert name and address of Owner) City of Fort Worth, TX 200 Texas Street , OWNER, Fort Worth, TX 76102 as set forth in the said Surety Company's bond. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Surety Company has hereunto set its hand this 14th day of Mav, 2021. ..:- � -:.,N Travelers Casualty and Surety Company of Amerlca ,;::�,: -�; `�"���r �� Surety ,�',f � Witness/ � i ��{ �'�� r -..a, � Attest: --- �' U�1 �. �' Del�ra K. Wi;li�ms Y"�`- ,� Seal � 5'sgn�tare of�uthorizetf Rapr�sentat� ' • "1 ° Stephanfe L. �ucholz, Attorney='in-Fac A�ency Name: CBI Sandin�, Inc. Agency Address: 535 E McKellipa Rd #129 Mesa, AZ 85203 NOTE: This fortn is to be used as a companlon document to AIA DOCUMENT G706, CONTRACTOR'S AFFIDAVIT OF PAYMENT OF DEBTS AND CLAIMS, Current Edition AIA DOCUMENT G707 CONSENT OF SURETY COMPANY TO FINAL PAYMENT APRIL 1970 EDITION AIA� One Page 8 THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 1735 NEW YORK AVE., NW �F��� _ TRAVELERS �E Travelers Casualty and Surety Company of America Travelers Casualty and Surety Company St. Paul Fire and Marine insurance Company POWER OF ATTORNEY KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESEN7S: That Travelers Casualty and Surety Company of Amerfce, Travelers Casually and Surety Company, and St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company are corporations duly organized under the laws of the State of Connecticut (herein colleclively called the "Companies"), and that the Companies do hereby make, constitute and appolnt Stephanle L. Bucholz of Mesa Arizona , their true and lawtul Attomey-in-Fact to sign, execute, seal and acknowledge any and all bonds, recognizances, conditional undertakings and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof on behalf of the Companies in their business of guaranteefng the fidelity of persons, guaranteefng the performance of contracts and executing or guaranteeing bonds and urtdertakings required or permitted in any acdons or prooeedings allowed by law. IN WITNE33 WHEREOF, the Companies have caused this instrument to be signed, and their �rporate seals to be hereto affixed, this 3rd day of February, 2017. ��r F�`v "'�. ��� � � � � � �� � • �=��s � Ualo►++l � . � �1 � • � b � Stete of Connedicut City af Hartford ss. BY: _-__ _- - - - - Robert L_ Raney, SehTor Vi�e Pres[dent On this the 3rd day of February, 2017, before me personally appeared Robert L. Raney, who edcnowledged himself to be the Senior Vice President of Travelers Casualty and 5urety Company of America, Travelers Casualty and Surety Company, and St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company, and that he, as such, being authorized so to do, executed the foregoing instrument for the purposes thereln contafned by signing on behalf of the corporations by himself as a duly authorized oflfcer. In Witness Whereof, I hereunto set my hand and official seal. My Commission e�ires the 30fh day of June, 2021 �4� �� o�v�.�. � �ua�,�#' w t�p • Marie C. Tetreault, Notary Public This Power of Attomey is granted under and by the authority of the following resolutlons adopted by the 6oards of Directors of Travelers CasuaRy and Surety Company of America, Travelers Casualty and Surety Company, and St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company, which resolutions are now in tull force and effed, reading as follows: RESOLVED, that the Chairman, the President, any Vice Chairrnan, any Executive Vice Presiderit, any Senlor �ce President, any Vce President, any Second Vice President, the Treasurer, any Assistarrt Treasurer, the Corporate Secretary or any Asslstant Secretary may appoint Attomeys-in-Fact and Agents to ad for and on behalf of the Company and may give such appointee such authortty as his or her certificate of authority may prescribe to sign with the Company's name and seal with the Company's seal bonds, recognizances, contracts of indemnity, and other wri6ngs obligalory in the nature of a bond, recognizance, or condiNonal undertaking, and any of safd offlcers or the Board of Directors at any time may remove any such appointee and revoke the power given him or her; and ft is FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Chairman, the Presldent, any Vice Chairman, any Executive Vice President, any 5enfor Vice Presldent or any Uce President may delegate all or any part of the foregoing authority to one or more officers or employees of this Company, provided that each such delegation Is in writing and a copy thereof is filed In the office of the 5ecretary; and it is FURTHER RESOLVED, that any bond, recognizance, contract af Indemnfty, or writing abligatory in the nature of a bond, recognizance, or conditional undertaking shall be valid and binding upon the Company when (a) signed by the Presldent, any Vce Chairman, any Executive �ce President, any 5enior Vice President or any Vice President, any Second Uce President, the Treasurer, any Assistant Treasurer, lhe Corporate Secretary or any Assistant Secretary and duly attested and sealed with the Company's seal by a Secretary or Asslstant 5earetary; or (b) duly executed (under seal, if required) by one or more Attomeys-in-Fad and Agents pursuant to the power prescAbed In his or her cartificate or their certfficates of authority or by one or more Company officers pursuant to a written delegation of authority; and it fs FURTHER RESOLVED, thatlhe signature ofeach ofthe following officers: Presldent, any Executive �ce President, any SeniorVice President, any Vce President, any Assistant �ce President, any Secretary, any Asslstar�t 5ecretary, and the seal of the Company may be affixed by fassimile to any Power of Attomey or to any certificate relating thereto appointing Resident Vice Presidents, Resident Assistarit Secretaries orAttomeys-in-Fact for purposes only of executing and attestlng honds and undertakings and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof, and any such Power of Attomey or ceRficate bearing such facsimlle signature or facsimile seal shall be valid and binding upon the Company and any such power so executed and certfied by such facsimile signalure and facsimile seal shall be valid and binding on the Company in the future with respect to any bond or understanding to which R is attached. I, Kevin E. Hughes, the undersigned, Assistant Secrefary of Travelers Casualty and Surety Company of America, Travelers Casuelty and Surety Company, and St. Paul Fre and Marine Insurance Company, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing Is a true and correct copy af the Power of Attomey executed by said Companies, which remafns In full force and eifect. Dated this 14th day of MaY , 2027 r�� �t�1Y 4P J �: � *� � �� �y ��' �� � . � �y'+ . �+'�o �� � � � ,{L G•' f. %�'c'yut Kewn E. Hughes, Assr tant Secretary To veriry the aud�entic� of this Power ofA[i�vrney, p/ea�e ca// us at 1-800-421388A P/ease relier hv Ghe abov�-nemed Altomey-In-Pactarld dre detai/s oflha bvnd lo which the power is attacried.