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Driver License Division - Customer Support
'This document constitutes an agreement ("User Agreement") between the Texas Deparlment of Public Safety
("TXDPS"), which is the state administrator of the Texas Driver License Image File, and the governmentat
agency, referred to herein as the "User Agency," which is (i) a law enforcement or criminal justice agency or
(ii) an agency of this state investigating an alleged vialation of state or federal law as authorized under
Chapter 734 of the Texas Transportation Code.
USER AGENCY: city °f Fort wortn
ADD�SS: 350 W. Belknap, Fort Worth, Texas 76102
This User Agreement is made pursuant to Texas Transportation Code, Chapter 730. This User Agreement
sets forth the duties and responsibilities of the User Agency in order to gain access to the Driver License
Image Retrieval (DLIR) System.
TXDPS agees ta maintain, operate, and oversee the DLIR System ("System") on a 24-hour basis to provide
driver record information including name, driver license or identification certificate number, address, date of
birth, and the associated photographic digital image, to (i) a law enforcement or criminal justice agency or (ii}
an agency of this state investigating an aIleged violation of state or federal law as authorized under Chapter
730 of the Texas Transportation Code.
Driver record information contains Personal Information protected under the federal Driver's Privacy
Protection Act of 1994, 18 U.S.C. §2721 et seq., and the state Motor Vehicle Records Disclosure Act,
Tex. Transp. Code, Chapter 730. Personal Information includes, but is not limited to, an individual's
name, di7ver ticense or identi�cation certificate number, address, telephone number, date of birth, rnedical
or disability information, an individuai's photograph or computerized image, and any information that
identi�es a person. Access, drsctosure, and use of Personal lnforrraation is restricted by the statutes
referenced in this paragraph, violation of which may result in civil and criminal penalties. The User
Agency hereby certifies that it is eligible to obtain this Personal Information under Tex. Transp. Code
§'730.007. The photographic digital images in the driver record are "highly restricted personal
information" under 18 U.S.C. §2725(4), and the User Agency hereby certifies that it is permitted access to
these highly protected photographic digital images under Tex. Transp. Code §730.007(c).
The User Agency shall restrict access to, use of, and disclosure of Personal Information, including
photographic digital images, o6tained from the System to authorized operators who are either (i) law
enforcement personnel with a law enforcement agency or criminal justice agency for an official law
enforcement purpose or (ii) an agency of this state investigating an alleged violation of state oa• federal
law as authorized by Chapter 730 of the Texas Transportation Code. Any access, use, or disclosure not
required for the purposes of this User Agreement or for any unpfficial purpose is strictly prahibited.
The User Agency shall not permanently store or maintain a database of Personal Information, including
photographic digital images, obtained from the System.
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TXDPS may restrict the type and scope of data provided to the User Agency. TXDPS may limit access to
the Sys#em. The User Agency shall limit System inquiries to only those of significant impartance. If
TXDPS determines that the User Agency is making excessive inquiries to the System, TXAPS may
require the User Agency ta iimit its inquiries to the System to a certain number set by TXDPS in its sole
discretion. The User Agency's failure to reduce its nutnber of inquiries to the System may result in the
termination of this User Agreement.
If the User Agency provides Personal Information from the System to another crizninal justice or law
enforcement agency which is not operating under a User Agreement as provided herein, the User Agency
shalt verify in writing with the third party criminal justice or law enforcement agency that it shall abide by the
same laws, access and security provisions, an.d all rules, policies and procedures applieable to the User
Agency under this User Agreement. The User Agency sha11 maintain records of any criminal justice or law
enforcement ageney that received such information and the perrr�itted law enforcement use for whieh it was
obtained for a period of five (5} years. The User Agency shall cantrol further dissemination of the
information obtained from TXDPS under this User Agreement. The User Agency shall not provide a digital
pl�otographic image to any third party that is not a law enforcement or criminal justice agency.
The User Agency shall provide to TXDPS, in a format required by TXDPS, the information necessary ta
establish System access by the User Ageney's authorized operator(s). TXDPS will establish access for eaeh
authorized operator in a timely fashion. TXDPS may limit the number of authorized operators to which it
establishes access during a given time period to accommadate access from multiple user agencies.
The User Agency shaIl notify TXDPS within ten (10} calendar days of each change in emplayment status for
an authorized operator with access to the Sysiem. Failure to make such natifieatian may result in termination
of this User Agreement.
The User Agency shall inform each authorized operator of the laws, rules, policies, and procedures that
govern the System and this User Agreement. Any violation of a provision of this User Agreement by an
authorized operator may result in the termination of that authorized operator's access or tertnination of this
User Agreement.
The IJser Agency shall abide by all applicable laws of the United States and the State of Texas, a(1 access and
securify provisions of this User Agreement, and all TXDPS rules, policies, and procedures regarding the
processing, retrieval, dissemination, and exchange of Systenn information or Perso�nal Tnformation, ineluding
any photagraphic digital image.
The User Agency shall pay all costs associatecf with the operation of its interface with the System and to
acquire, establish, and maintain the hardware and software necessary to support the System.
TXDPS may immediately suspend access to the System by the User Agency if the User Agency ar its
authorized operatar violates any law, rule, policy, or procedure applicable to this User Agreement. TXDPS
tnay reinstate access to the System by the User Agency or its authorized opez�ator upon satisfactory assurance
of adequate corrective action, to be determined in TXDPS' sole discretion. The User Agency shall pay all
casts to reconnect aeeess to the System.
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At any time during the term af this User Agreement and for a period af five (S) years after the termination of
this User Agreement, TXDPS reserves the right to auciit the User Agency's records and documents regarding
compliance with this User Agreement. The User Agency shall maintain recards regarding the use and
dissemination of System informatian and shall provide such records to TXDPS irnmediately upon its request.
The User Agency shall permit TXDPS to inspect and audit the equipment, records, and operations of the
User Agency and each authorized operator necessary to determine compliance with this User Agreement.
The User Agency sha(t provide TXDPS a current listing of alI authorized operators immediately upon
TXDPS' request.
TXDFS retains ownership of each System record, including a photographic digital image. TXDPS may,
without noEice to the User Agency, change the content or format of a System record, information, or data.
TXDPS makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy of the records, information, or data within
the System.
TXDPS expressly disclaims responsibility for faiture to timely deIiver a System record, information, or
data, and such failure or delay may occur due to staff shortages, failures of appropriations, breakdowns of
equipment, compliance with statutory changes, acts of authority exercised by a public offcial, acts of
God, or other circumstances. TXDPS has no responsibility or liability to the User Agency for undelivered
records or delayed System records, information, and data.
The User Agency shall mail al) correspondence to TXDPS regarding this User Agreement to the
fallowing address:
Texas Department of Pubiic Safety
Driver License Division-Customer Support
P.O. Box 4087
Austin, Texas 78773-0360
TXDPS shall mail all correspondence to the User Agency regarding this User Agreement to the %llowing
address and contact person, to be referred to as the "A,gency Foint of Contaci," designated by the User
Agency below. The User Agency agrees to notify TXDPS within ten (10) calendar days of any change in
Ehis informatian:
Name: Gilbert Banda
Address: 35o W. Belknap
City, State, Zip Code: Fort worth, TeXas �6ioz
Telenhone: 8'7-3�a-�s9a
�".,aX: 817-392-4246
Off Clal BUSIriBSS Ei17271 f�ddTeSS: Gilbert . sandaC�fortworthtexas . gov
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Notices to the addresses shown above shall be deemed received: (i) when delivered in hand and a receipt
granted; {ii) three (3) calendar days after it is deposited in the United States mail; or (iii) when received if
sent by confrmed facsimile or confirmed email.
Any waiver of any breach or default of this User Agreement shall not constitute a waiver of any
subsequent breach or default or a waiver of the provision itself.
This User Agreement shall become effective on the date executed by the User Agency. This User
Agreernent shall automatically renew on a yearly basis unless otherwise terminated under this User
Either party may terminate this User Agreement upon written notice to the ather party. Further, TXDPS
may terminate this User Agreement if the User Agency fails to comply with any provision of this User
Agreement or is otherwise in default by providing written notice to terminate, which termination shall
become effective immediately upon the User Agency's receipt of the notice.
The User Agency shall irnmediately inform TXDPS of any unauthorized release of Personal Information
providea to the User Agency or any breach or compromise of the System by the User Agency. This
obligation applies whether the unauthorized release was by the User Agency or its authorized operator(s} or
by a person or entity that acquired Personal Information from the User Agency, directiy or indirectly. The
User Agency shall notify TXDPS of any breach of system security as required under Section 521.053(c) of
the Texas Business and Commerce Code, and shall cooperate fu11y with TXDPS in any investigation thereof.
The User Agency is soiely responsible for the actions or omissions of its emplayees and officers.
Any provision of this User Agreement that imposes a continuirtg obligation on the User Agency, including
but not limited to the follawing, shall survive the expiration or termination af this User Agreement for any
reason: con�dentiality and security obligations; notice regarding any unauthorized disclosure or breach; and
any other provision that irnposes a continuing obligation an the User Agency.
tn WITNESS WHEREOF, the signatory for the User Agency hereby represents and warrants that he/she has
full and complete authority to sign this User Agreement on behalf of the User Agency.
Frinted Name:�rles W. Daniels
T1tIe: Assistant City Manager
Date: ��}'.
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Jeffrey W�Halstead
Chief of Police
Date: ����'/,�
BY: .� ���-� �; =� /���1--,
Jessica Sangsvang ���
Assistant City Attorney
Contract Authorization:
Date Approved: N/A
Mary J. �ayse
City Secretary
User Agreement
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