HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 44404 (2)'�. '� - 1 "`{�µ � . rr 1 i'; ; � i'; � , - ORGANYZED CItYME DRUG ENFORCEMENT TASK FORCES A. reex.nent FOR TH.E USE O�THE STATE AND LOCAL � OVERTIME AND AUTHORIZED EXPENSE/STRA.TEGTC INITIATIVE PR�GRAM �'ederal Tax IdentificaYion #: ��uac���� DC#: Amount Requested: /1r~' �. � x�,2az.zs Number of Officers Listed: Frorn: 10/01/12 Beginning 17ate of Agreement To: 09/30/13 Ending Date of Agrcement State or Local Agency Narcotics Supeivisor: S�t. Richard Morris Telephone Numbex: 817�392-3672 Richard.Morris@fortworth E-maii A.ddress; Fax # {if applicable}: �_'' ' 817-392-3680 Sponsoring �'ederaI Agency (ies): D�A Sponsoring Federa[ Agency fionald G. Robinson Group/Squad Sapervisor: Group Superv4sor Telephone Number: 8�7_�39-2023 E-mail Address: �ottalc�.G.RQ�71lSOli�R USt� oj.gov Please pxovzde the name, te�ephone ntzmber, e-mail address, and fa� numbex �or the administrative or frzancial staff perso�n at i1�e State or �,ocal Agency, who is directly responsible for ihe billings under thzs Rezmbursement Ag�-eement: Name: �S�t. Richard Mo�xis Telephoz�e Number: 817-392-3672 E-znail Address: Ricl�axd.Mon7s(cr�,fo1-t�orth�v_.org Fax # (if applicable): S 1'1-392-368fl � � ? - � {: , � .�. � 1 � OCDETF Investigation / Stcategic Initiative Nurnber: �SW-TXN-0316 Federal Agenc� Investigation Number: State or Local Agency Name and Address: �'ort Warth Police Department G�l]� vllli 350 W. Belknap Street Fot•t'Worth, Tx 76102 �� ; � • �D /�PR � 6 Z�i� This A.g:reern.e�t is between the above named State or Local Law Enf'nrcement Agency and the Orgax�ized Crime Drug En.fo�cement Task Forces (OCDETF} Prag7raan. Tkus Agreezxzent shai� be ef£eciive when signed by an authorized State or Lacal Agency officral, the sponsoring Federal A�ency Speczal Agent-In-Charge, the sponsaring Agency Regional OCDETF Coordinaior, the Assisfant United States Atto�ey Regianal OCDETF Coo:rdi.zaafior, and the C}CDETF Executive ��£zce. l. I t is agreed that fihe State ox Lacal Lavv Enforcement o�cexs naxned on this Agreex�rxent Wll� assist in OCDETF Sz�vestigations, Strategic Initiatives and .prosec�xtions as set fox�th in tk�e 4rganizec�. Crime Dru� Enfoxcement Tas� �arces State Fiscal Year 2013. 2. �To individual Agreemeni with a Siate or Local department rnay e�ceed $25,000, and the cumulatzve amount of OCDETF Siate and Local overtime monies that zrzay be expended on a szngle OCDETF Investigation ox Strategic Initiative in a single fiscal year map nat e�ceed $50,000 withput express �oz ap�raval. :froncz ihe 4CDETF Executive U�£'zce. The OCDETF Exeeutive Q�ce rvvill entertain rec�uests to exceed these fixnding levels in partYcular cases. Please submit a vvri�ten request including justification appro�ved by tt�e AUSA Regional Coordinator ta the OCDETF Budgef O£f ce�r/De�uty Budget Off cer when seeking to exceed the above stated funding levels. 3. Each Reimb�.usable Agreeia�.en� wi.l� be allowed no xxzore than szx (6) modiiications �er qear. Tn. additian, if the funds %x a particular Agreement axe completely deob�igated vUith the i�tentian of closing that Agzeement, lt 'VV111 not count as a rx�odi�catzon �'or put�oses of fihzs po�icy. Th�se amendrnents mus� be transmitted by a memorandum ap�xoved and signed by the AUSA Regional OCDETF Coo�dinator or deszg�ee �'o�- the region a�d sexzt to the OCDETF Execuiive 4ff'�ce. " 4. I� ar�. Agreemeni does no�: k�ave any acti�vity during the �ast ninety {90) days, the fiznds shall autorzaatical�y be deobligated. The OC�ETF Execu#ive 4fiice wxl� assist with the monitoring of fi�ae agzng Agreements. Further, if a State or Local A:gency z�dzcates that ii is no longex pe�arming worlc under a partzcular Agreement, tlie Sfaie and Pracec�uxes Manual requires ihat a rx�odificatian memorandurn ident�£ying the am.ount io be c�eob�igated be submit�ed to the OCDE'X'F E�ecutive Off'ice as soon as possib�e aftex deterrnining that no woxk zs being perforrn.ed. S. T'he Staie and Loca1 Law Enforcement Agency musi pxovide billing estimates or activity an a nr�onthly basis. 6. The State ar �,ocal Law Er�orcernent Agency agrees to provide e�periez�ced dxug Law En�orcemelit officers who are identif ed in this Agreement to work an the specified OCDETF Invesiigation or S#�ategic Initiaiive. .Aarry change in Law En�orcement officez�s asszgned must be agreed to by a11 appra-ving o�cials. 7. Of�cers who axe not deputized shall possess no La�v Enforcement auihflrity othez than that conferred by virtue of iheir position as a convnissioned ofiicer of the�r paxe�.t Agene�. Agreement (FY13}, Page 2 2 8. Officers vvho are deputized may possess Fedexal Law Enforcement authority as specified by the Agency afforc�ing the deputation. 9. Any State or Local o�f cers asszgned to a�z OCDETF Znvestzgation or Strategic �nitiative in accordance with this Agreemeni are not considered Federal emplayees and do z�ot take on the benefits o£ Federal employmeni by virtue of their �art�ci�atian in the Investigation or Strategic Znitiative, � 0. OCT�ETF and the sponsoxing Federal Law Enfarcemeni Agency{ies} £or the approved OCDETF Investzgation ox Sirategic Z�.itzative wz1� provide to the assigned State/Locai of�icers the clerical, operational and administraiive support iliat is mutually ag�reed ta by the parties i.n this Agreemen�. �. l. 4ffieers assigned io OCDETF Investigations or Strategic Xnitiaiives must work fuli� tzm� on ihe Iz�vestzgation{s) or Strategic 7nitiative(s) in order to be paid overtime. In order to saiisfy th� "full-tirne" requixexr�ent, a Law Enforcemen� o�zcer rnusi work farty (40) hours per week or eight (8} h�uxs per day ox� a sing�e ox muliiple OCDETF Investigation{s) or Stzategic rnitiative(s}. Any established exceptions or waivers to this definition shall be requested by the Regional Coordination Group and attached as Adde�.duxn A to the Agreement. [The �are�at State ox Loeal Agency zxzust pay the base salary af its a�£'icers. Jn the e�venf officers must woxk avertiz�a.e an an OCDETF Inv�stigaiion or Strategxc �za�itzatzve, the OCIIETF Prograrn will reimburse the parent State ox Local Law Enforcerneni A.gency for a lixxiiied amaunt o� thase avertime casts.] The Agency zs xasponsible for paying its Law Enfoxcement off cer{s} for their overiime, txavel and per diem expe�ses. To ensure propez and complete utilization of C)CDETF overtime and e�pense allocations, reimbursement ciairns must be submitYed monthly on the OCDETF Rei�nbursement Requesi Form. The OCDETF E�ecutzve O�ce ma� ref-use payment on axa.y reix�.buxsexnen.t xequest thai is not subnutted to the OCDETF Regianal Coordination Group within thirty (30) days o� the close af the month in whi.ch the overtime was worlced. 12. Ii is the responsibiliiy o� the Siate & Lacal Agency to retai� a�d have available fox inspectian suf�cieni supporting docuz�e�tation £or all regular hours and overtime houxs war�Ced iowards a specific OCDETF case. Off'zce�s' ii.xnesheets �m.usi reflect worlc tovvards a specz�'zc OCD�TF case and must be revievved and signed by a�a authozized State & Local official. 13. Analysis of reixxaburse�ent c�aims by the Regional Coordination Group na.ay xesult in. a modif�cation of the obligatian of funds contained within this AgrEement as weil as the time �eriod cavered. The Agency affecied by any such modification will receive a mexn.a notifying them af ihe changes. 14. Overtime payments, including all other nan-OCDETF Federal sources (such as Safe Streets, H�ATA, ZRS, ICE, FEMA, etc.} may not, on an annual per persan basis, E�ceed 25% of the current ap�xaved Federal salary rate in e.f�ect ai the tzme the overtime is performed. The State or Local Agency is responsible far ensuring thai thzs azanua� pay�xzez�t is not exceec�ed. The Executive Assistaxz�/OCDETF Prograrx�. Specialist will morutor tkzese payxnents via MZS and comrnunieate io the Federal Agency Regzonal OCDETF Coordinaiors vvho pzovide status updates to an.y offzeer ap�roaching the threshold. Agreement (FY13}, Page 3 3 15. The overtime log rnust be attached to the reimbursernent requesi vvhen submitting the monthly invoices. The Sponsoring Federal Agency Supervisar� Special Agent and the Sfiate ox Loca1 o�'fzcial authnzzzed to approve the Reimbuxsement Request rnust certify that only authorized expenses are clairned, the xegular hours requirement is satisfied, and that avert�me has nat exceeded 25% of ihe cu��rent Federal salary raie in ef�ect at the iime the overtizne was worked. 16. Under no circumstances will the State or Local Agency charge any ind�eet costs for #.lae administxatian or zzx�plexxaentatxon of ihis Agreement. 17. The State ar Local Agency shall maintain complet� and accurate records and accounts of all oblzgatzons and expendi�xres of fixnds under this Agreenr�ent for a period. of six (6) �ears and in accardance witk� genera.11y accepted accounting pri�ciples ta �acilitate inspeeiion and auditing of such records and accounts. . 18. The Staie or Locai Agency shall perzz�.ii examination anci. auditzng by re�resentatives a� the QCDETF Prograrn, the sponsoring Fedexal Age�cy(ies}, the U.S. Aepartmerzt oi ,iusiice, the Coxn�trol�er Creneral ai the United Sta�es, and/o� anp Qf � their duly� authorized agents and representaizves, a�' any and all recoxds, documents, accounts, invoices, receipts, or expenditures reiating to ik�Zs Agreem�.ent. Failuxe to provide pxoper docuzx�entaiio� will limit State or Local Lavc� Enforcernent Agencies from receiv�ing OCDETF func3.ing in the fiaiure. 19. The State or Local Ageney wi�l comply with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 19b4 and all requirernants applicable to OCZ?ETF A�reernents pt�rsuant to the regulations o� �he De�az-tment a�' Justice {see, e.g,,, 28 C:F.R. Part 42, Subparts C and G; 28 C.F.R. 50.3 (1991)} relating to discnmmatian on ihe grounds of race, color, sex, age, natianal arigin or handicap. - 20. This Agreer�lent rxzay be te�ainaied by an� af t�e parties by wriiten notice to th� oihex parties �en (10) business days priox to termination. Billing for oufstanding obligatiozas shall be received b� OCDETF within thirty (30) days of �he �otzGe of termination. 21. The Debt Co�lecti.on Zmprovement Act of 1996 requires that xza.ost payrn.ezxts made by the Federal govez-n�x�.ent, inciud'zng vendor pa�ments, must be rnade by electronic funds transfer (EFT). In accordance wzth the aet, all OCI�ETF reimbursement �ayrxzents wi71 be issued via EFT. All part�czpatx�g State and Laca� ,Agencies must corn.plete ar�d subxnit tk�e aitached EFT form. The OCDETF �xecutive Office znust receive one EFT form from each participating Agene� or police c�epariment prior to pracessing their reitnbursement payments. In certain czrcuxnstances t�e OCDETF Executive O�ce may make exceptians far Agencies that are unable io accept this form of paymenf, however, such Agencies xx�.ust zn.clude w.ritien. justzfication zn the addendun7. af each ne�xr Agreement. 22. All changes made ta ihe arigznal A.gxeezn.ent must be approved by the �C]7ETF E�ecutive ��ce and initialed by the Executzve Assistant/OCDETF Pragram S�aecialist o�' ihe )2.egzonal Coazdina�ion Group nialcing the revision. The AUSA . Regional OCDETF Coordinator o� desig�ee must initia� al� fiu�.ding changes. Agreement (FYl3), �'age 4 � 23. The Regional Coordination Group is responsible fox identifying and implementing any additionai �aolzcy zequirements, as needed, for its specifc region. Those regional policzes will be documented in the Addendum B and attached to the appraved Agreement. The Agencies axe agxeeing to adhere ta these addrtio�al requixemenfis and must have wxitten approval by the Regio�al Coordination Group for any exceptions to fhe xegzo�aal policies. This_Agreernent is not a coz�bract or obligation to comrnit Federal fi.inds in the maximurn amounts projected. Funding allocaiions for the time pexiod set forth and agreed to herein represent grojections only and are based upon consultatzon beiween the spansaxing Federal Agency and the State or Local Law E�oxcement Agency. They are, therefore, subject to modifZcaiiorz by OCDETF based upon the progress az�d needs o� the QCDETF In�vestigation or Strategic Initiaiive. Additionally, resources are contingent upo�z the availabilzty of fiulds pex the appzoval and signature oi the OCAETF Executive C}ffice obligating authority. The OCDETF Executive O�ce �vvill approve and c�rtify that all the tez-ms and conditians of the Agreement have been mei. MONTI3LY ESTIMATES ARE �l'tJW REQYJIRED. ESTIMATE I+'OR THE C'CTrtRENT MONTH 1VYUST BE SENT Ti3 AGENCY COO]L�I}7NAT4R NO LATER T�.l�I FIFTH (St�`} BUSINJESS DA�OF T�HE CURREl�IT MONT]EI, Approved A��roved By; Approved By: Title . :�.Fi�f�'T�.1a .4gent in Charge ot• Designee � ��� ��" lf i lo�- Coordinatot• .A.p�rovec� By: Assistant Unrted States ,4ttof�ney R�i�nal OCDETF Coordinator� r } �. Date Funds a�e encurnbered for the State/Local Agency ov�rtime costs a�d autharized expens�/Sirategic Initiaiive Programs specifed abave. Subjeci �� a�vailabilit� of fu�ds. Funds Certified: Approving Official: OCDE7'F Exec:rtive Offtee OCD.�T.F' .�xecutive Offrce Agreement (FY13), P�ge 5 l7ate r; . - �� ORGANZZED CRIIVIE DRT�G EN�'OR.C�MENT TASK Ft�RCES ST'A.TE OR LOCAL LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFXCERS ASS�GI�IEE� '�'O PARTICxPATE IN THE STATE AND LOCAL OVE�.2TIME AND A�UTHO�ZED EXPENSE/S�'RATEGIC �NITIATIVE PROG�RAMS State or Local Agency: F'o�r# Wo�rth Po��ce Depariment (Gang Unit) OCDETF Invest�gatzon / St�aiegic Initiative Numbex: MW-11-000$ SW-T�N-031.6 The Law Enforcement afiicers listed be�ow will assist with the above zdentified OCDETF Investigation or Strateg�c Xniiiative. Any modification o�'�he list of Law Enfarcement oifzcers znust be agreed io in writing by all of the parties io this Agreen�ent, made a part of the Agreeme�.t, ar�d forwarded to the OCDETF Executive O�`fice. NAME TITLE/RANK r•: 1. Fluif�, Richard �. Detective 02/26/1964 2. 3. 4. 5. b. 7. 8. 9. Z0. Agreement (�Y13), Page 6 7 Addendum .� befinitian of "Fuli-Time Paa-ticipation" Exem��tzon: The Sauthwest Regian Coaxdination Group includes in the defini�ion of "fu11-time partzcipation" as tk�e StatetLocal T..aw Enforcernent Officex working ihe same hours or� the assigned investigaiions as that of the case agent. Some reguiar hours must be worked befare overtirn.e will be rein�abursed. Additionally, thexe r�vitl be exceptions for special cizcu�nstar�ces for one-time events such as canxne searches and aerial swrveillax�ce etc. All special ex�rcumstances mus� be approved in �vriting via E�IVZaii by t�e Regional Coordznat�on Group prior to use: Zf sp�cial circumstances are noi ap�ro�ed in advance, ihe exception rnay not be granted. Agreement (FY 13), Page 7 ' !i'11. i Identification of Additianal Policy Requirements Agreement (FY13), Page 8 : ACH VENDOR/M�SCELLANEOUS PA'Y�MENT ENROLLMENT FORNZ P1��E�/C(}�pA�y INF��,E�Z'r�N (Include State and iocal Ageney name aswritten on Name: Fort Worth Police Address: 350 W. Belknap Street, Fort Wo� Ta�cpayer ID Number: 75-6000528 Contact Person Name: Gerald Chandler Tx 76102 Please returm with ttre Reimbursable Agreement cover sh Telephone Number: 817-392-4219 The Debt CaIlection Zmprovement Act of i996 requires that most pa�rz�ents made by the �'ederal government, incIuding vendor payznents, must be made by electronic funds transfer (EFT). A benefit o£receiving paym:ents by EFT is that your funds are directiy deposited to yaur account at a�nancial institution and are available to you on the date of payment. If yoa have az�y question regarding the delivery of remittance information, please contace the f'mancial institution (ban%) where your account is hald. If you have any question ot� the coinpletion of this form, piease contact the OCDETF State and �.ocal BFT Coordinator at 202-S14-1.$60 To inquire about a biIl please cantact: https:!/www.ipp.qov/ Agreement (�Y13),1'age 9 � FINANCTAr, YNSTITUT�ON INF4RMATION ORG.ANIZED CRIME DRUG ENFORCEMENT TASK FORCES NOTIFICATION OF CHANGE IN I�AW ENFOI2CEMENT OFFICERS State or Local Agency: Fort Worth Paliee Dpeartment SW-TXN-- OCDETF Investigation / Strategic Initiative #: 0316 DC#: M- 32 Current Total Number of Ofiicers Revised Total Number of Officers � �� Effective Date of Change: 11-0 l-2012 Sponsoring Federal Agency Coordinator Approval: AUSA Regional OCDETF Coordinator or Designee Approval: The Law Enforcement officers listed below are added to the above identified OCDETF Investigation or Strategic Initiative. Any modificataons must be approved by the sponsoring Federal Agency Coordinator and AUSA Regional OCDETF Coordinator or designee and fo;rwa.rded to the OCDETF Executive Office. NAME 1. Steve�a Grop� 2. Lar�ry Carrell 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. TITLEIRANK Detective Detective ��: • � � l � 03-07-1966 01-22-1964 ���� f, liru.�e /i�� R�� C���:1 ACCEPTED AND AGREED: CITY OF FORT WORTH: BY: _�Gr .� Char s . Daniels Assistant City Manager Date: d�-, Q�13 APPROVAL RECO By: Jefi APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEG,ALITY: r ED: By: _ • � ��'� � Jessica San'gsvang ��� . Assistant City Attorney Contract Authorization: M&C: :>_ _ � (�.� 1 t� �I Date Approved: �/ - 'Z - � �;1 ATTEST: - > � � .. `� � By� ' \ l Mary J. I�ays City Secretary � 'r ` ��i � ��4 f �� � 2013 Organized Crime Di1ig Enforcement Task Force Ag�•eement '�^ _� 1 / � �� - . �" Chief of Police ����-�� Date: M&C Review CITY COUNCIL AGENDA Page 1 of 2 Official site of the City of Fort Worth, Texas FORT �r'�URTII �v COUNCIL ACTION: Approved on 4/2/2013 - Ordinance No. 20687-04-2013 DATE: 4/2/2013 REFERENCE NO.: **C-26184 LOG NAME: 35FB1 OCDETF FY13 CODE: C TYPE: CONSENT PUBLIC HEARING: NO SUBJECT: Authorize Execution of a Cost Reimbursement Agreement with the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation for Participation in an Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force, Accept Grant Funds in the Amount of $17,202.25 for Overtime and Adopt Appropriation Ordinance (ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS) RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council: 1. Authorize the execution of a Cost Reimbursement Agreement with the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation for participation in an Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force by temporarily assigning a Fort Worth police officer to the Task Force; 2. Authorize the Agreement to begin on October 1, 2012 and continue until September 30, 2013; and 3. Adopt the attached appropriation ordinance increasing estimated receipts and appropriations in the Grants Fund in the amount of $17,202.25 upon execution of the Agreement. DISCUSSION: The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) formed the Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force (OCDETF). Since 2006, federal funds have been appropriated to fund overtime to police officers for detection, investigation and prosecution of drug crimes against the United States. The Fort Worth Police Department currently dedicates one police officer on a part-time basis to this effort. The police officer assigned to OCDETF assists in investigations, strategic initiatives, and prosecutions as required by the FBI. The Police Department is reimbursed all overtime costs for participating on OCDETF. FISCAL INFORMATION/CERTIFICATION: The Financial Management Services Director certifies that upon approval of the above recommendations, execution of the Agreement and adoption of the attached appropriation ordinance, funds will be available in the current operating budget, as appropriated, of the Grants Fund. TO Fund/Account/Centers GR76 5 (VARIOUS) 035423630010 GR76 451891 035423630000 �7,202.25 �17,202.25 �ubmitted for City Manager's Office b� Originatin�D _e_partment Head: Additional Information Contact: FROM Fund/Account/Centers Charles W. Daniels (6199) Jeffrey W. Halstead (4212) Aya Ealy (4239) http://apps.cfwnet.org/council�acicet/mc_review.asp?ID=181188ccouncildate=4/2/2013 4/11/2013 M&C Review ATTACHMENTS ': • � � � � http://apps.cfwnet.org/council�acicet/mc review.asp?ID=18118&councildate=4/2/2013 Page 2 of 2 4/11/2013