HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 44531 (2)� • _ � =� �� _ .-..0 �--�a j.'�'.P -1,1\l��l.i a 1 ).���5„ _ _ _ _ -_ ADOPT-A-MEDTAN AGREEMENT FOR I��IAINTENANCE AND LANDSCAPING SERVICES THIS ADOPT-A-l�1EDIAN AGREEMENT (Agreement) is made and entered into this 1"` da}� of �'�Iarcli, 2011, by and bet�vicen the CITY OF FORT ��/ORTH, a hon�e rule ili�inicipal corporation situated in the State of "I'exas (hereinafter refetred to as "Cih�") acting by aud through the Duector oE the Parlts and Communiry SeL-�-ices Departnient (hereinafrer reFerred to .is "I7irecror") and Ryan Place Iinprovcment Association, a Tesas non-profit CoLporaaon (hereinafter referred to as the "RI'I_1"), acring 6�- nnd tllrough its cluly authotizcd President. SECTION 1 DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY 1.01 "I�hc RPI:\ is hereb�� authorized uncler this ��greement to provide, Eurnish, and perform �rounds maintenance on three tiaffic cucles on Flizlbeth I3h-d. bet�veen S. Adatiis and R� an, and eight chican�s on Cantey behveen S. r\dams and K��an (collective hereafter r�ferred to as the "�1rea") as furt]Zer identified in "r�hibit �1," of tlus ��gieement. SECTION 2 DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES � :i{.,� 2.01 Thc RPIrl shall coinmence and provide such sen�ices in accordance «nth this Ilgreement and its attachments and all applicable la�vs. In E�roeicling such services, tl�e RPI�1 shall take stich steps as are appropri�itc to ensure th�it the �vork im>olved is properly coorclinated �vitl� an}' rclated �vorl: performed by dle City. 2.02 Plans For all work and planting materials, including fiiture or phased itnproeetnents, �tiall be submittcd ro thc Cit�� not less than 60 da}'s prior to constnictii>n or installation. No woric shall cotnmence until .i�pio��al has been gtantcd b�� t�ie CitS�. .�ny �voik by die RPI=� prior ro appro�-a1 by d�e City may be ordered stopped at the cliscretion of the City and s�ibject to remo�ral and rept:�cetncnt by thc RPI,1. Proposed and approved plans for fiiture and phased impravenlents shall be i�lentifiecl as consecutive L-;slubits and made a p�rt oE this :�greement. 2.03 The RPI.1 is appro�>ed under this =��,neement to provide �vater to trecs on the meciians as described in Etllibit � of this il�reemeilt. Futiire impro�rements s11a11 be in compliancc �vith Section ? 02, Scction ��.01 and Section 4.02 of this A�reement. ?.0� "I'he Rl'IrA repcescnts rh;it it has or_ �vil] secure, at irs otivn e�pense, all ularerials, supplics, machinerti•, ec3ui�menr, tools, superintenclence, labor, �ersoriciel, iiisuraiice, and or.her accessories and scn�ices neccssar�� to pre��=ide thc Follo«�ing impro��ements co the .\rea: a. \-lainrsiin all planring matcrial in the :irea. b. :\s requii�ed, t}1e l�Pt�� Shall aclllere ro the I��rks and (:;omm«nitt� Scn�ices llcparrmrnt's "�Vater Consei-�•ation/IZ:ationing Pracedures", L;tihibit 13. c. :ldhrre to th� Parks and Communit}� Services llepaetment's "��:�terinv� �lgreement", T��hibit C. d. C;c�llect and properly elispose c>f 111 tr�ish, garhage, lirrer, an�l debris related to the RPI.\'� sco�c c�f scr�•ices uncicr rhis ,ti�re�ment. Pa�;e 1 � f 8 RECEIVEfJ JUN � 3 Z013 € _� e. l�taintain and replace any colc�r planrings, weed, and mulch the beds as requued. 2.05 T1ie City ��rill perform the folla�ving: a. i�iake inspections to determine �ompliance with dus Agrcement. In tl�e event the Ciry obseives non-compliance, the RPIA will be notified and shall Ue given a period, not to e:�ceed 30 da3�s fron� the date of natification by the City, of time to correct the problem. 2.0C Tn the eirent diat any City-o�vned properry, such as utilities, park development irnprovements, equipment, turf, etc., are damaged or destrojred during ,�vatering, or maintenance of the landscape improvements due to negligence ot acts of omissions of the RPIi1, the RPItI shall be solel}7 �esponsible for all repairs or replacements. In the event of damage due ta acts �f the RPIA, the RPIA shall replace or repait the damage at no cost to the City. I"he Ciry shall determine �vhether any damage lias been done, the amount of rhe damage, the reasonable coses of re��auing the damage, anci �vhether the KI'I � is responsible. "I"he Cit�� shall be the sole judge of the damage to dle premises, in �vhich judgtnent shall be exercised reasonabl}�. ��ny dnmage by the RPI<�1 shall l�e repaired or replaced by the RPIA to die reasonaUle satisfaction of the City �vid�in 30 da}'s of receipt of written norification from the City. SECTION 3 TERM OF AGREEMENT 3.01 "I"his agreemcnt is for a term of t�vo ycats beginning the 1" da�� of Nfarch, 2011, and ending on the 28`�' day of February, ?013. "I'he initial two-year term may be rene�ved b5� mutual sigreement behveen the RPIA and the Cit�r foi hvo successi�re nvo-year terms under the same conditions and terms of this Agreement. I"he RPI�1 must advise the Cit�� in �vriting of its intent to rene�v tivs rlgreement at leasr. 30 da��s prior, but no earlier thln 90 days prior, to the terminar.ion date of the initial t�vo-year term, or the t�vo successive t�vo-��ear terms, as applicable. SECTION 4 ALTER.ATTONS AND ADDITIONS =�.01 "1 he KPIA shaIl not make or cause to bc macie any alterations, additions, or improvements to City property �vithout the prior �vritten consent of the Director. The RPI:� shall present eo the D'u�ector, plans and specificntions For sucl� alterations, addirions, and itnpro��ements at the tirne such appro�Tal is sought. 4.02 r1ll alterations, additions, and impro��ements to C;ity pt�perty made �vith rhe �vrieten consent of the Director shall, upon comptetion and acceptance by the City, becoine the properr5� oE the City. The RPIA map be reeluircd to remove, at its expense, anp alteratians, ad�iitions, or improvements not meeting s�ecifications as approved b�� the City. SECTION 5 RIGHT OF ACCE55 S.QI The Cin> ctaes not relinquish tI�e right to cnntrol the mana�ement of the �1rea, or the right to � enf�rce all necessary artd proper rules fot rl�e maiiagetnent a��d operaeion of d1e same. '11�e Ciry =�„=� tllrough its City I�4anagec, Parks and Cotnmunity Services 1�iYector, Pofice and Fi�e persc�nnel, and Pa�e 2 �f $ w � otl7ei desi�nated representatives, l�as the right at any time to enter any portion of the :1rea (without ,�_� causing or constituting a termination of the use or an interference of the use of the �1rea b}' the RPIr1) for the purpose of inspecting and maintaining the same and doing any and all activities necessaiy for the proper conduct and operation of public propertp; pro�-ided d�is shall not authorize or empowcr Cit}� to direct the activities of the RPIr1 or assume liabiliry for RPIA's activities. 5.02 I'he City resen es the right to modiFy or remove any unprovements made by the RPIA at the Park as detertnined necessary by die Director should any oE the follo�ving occur: a. The RI'Ir1 ceases to maintain die Area accorcling to tlus Agreement. b. The rlrea becomes a hazard to the general public. c. The Cit}> determines in its sole discretion that another beneficial use for the area etiscs, to include, but not limited to, st�eet relocation, street rcalignment, and the installaaon of any public utilities or improvements. d. Tl�e City determines in its sole discrekion, to make use of the aYea for the installation of any public utiliries or improvements. SECTION 6 INDEMNIFICATION G.(�1 TFIE RPIA A�R��S TO DE��'ND;- I1V�T�IN��'Y, AND H�LD THE CITY, ITS OFFICERS, AGENTS, AND EMPLOYEES HARMLESS AGAINST ANY AND ALL CLAIMS, LAWSUITS, ACTIONS, COSTS, AND EXPENSES OFI4NYKIND, INCLUDING, -_ BUT NOT L�MITED TO, THOSE FOR PROPER7YDAMAGE OR LOSS (INCL UDING AT T,EGED DAMAGE OR LOSS TO OWNER'S BUSINESS AND ANYRESULTING LOST PR OF�TS) f3ND/OR PERSONAL INJUR Y, INCL UDI�VG DEATH, THAT MAYRELATE TO, ARISE OUT OF OR BE OCGASI'ONED BY (i) RPIA'S BREACI� OF ANY OF THE TERMS OR PROVISIONS OF THIS AGREEMENT OR (u) ANYNEGLIGENT ACT OR OMISSION OR INTENTIONAL MISCONDZ�CT OF THE RPI19, ITS OFFICEIZS, �GENTS, ASSOCIATES, EMPLDYEES, CONT`RACTORS(OTHER THANTHE Cl7'� OR SIIBCONTRACTORS, RELAT`ED TO INSTAI.I,ATION AND MAINTENANCE 4F IMPROVEMEiVT'S IN OR TO THE MEDIANS, RIGHTS-OF-W�lYS, P1�RKS, A1VD CIZEEI� LOGATED WITHIN THE AREA IDENTIFIED IN SECTION 1, OR THE PERFDKM�i1VCE OF THIS IiGIZEEMEIVT,• EXCEPT THAT THE INDEMNITY PROVIDED FOR IN 7"HIS PAIZAGRAPH SHALL NOT .APPLY TU ANY LIABILITY IZ�SULTING FR01�i 7".FI� SOLE NEGLIGEIVCE OR L�RO1�iG�'UL, WILLFUL ACTS �F THE CII'YOR IfiS OFFICERS, �iGENTS, EMI'LOYEES, OR SEP�IRATE CONTItACTORS, ANI� IN THE �VENT OFJOINT AND CONCUIZRENT NEG�I�GENCE OR WR ONGFU�, W�ILLF�I� ACTS OF BOTH THE RPIA AND CITY C7.ft ITS C7F�'ICERS, AGFN7"S, EMPLOYEES, OR 5E'P�UtAT'E CONT'RACTOR.S, RESPONSIB�LITY, IF.r1NY, SH�L &E APPOR TIC3NED COMP�1 R1ITIVFL Y IN ACCC3RD.ANCE WITH THE LA [�S 4F THE STATE OF TE1`�1,5. G.U2 "I11c. IZPIr1 coyenatirs and agrecs Chat thc Citt> shzll in no �vay nor unc3cr ant� circ�rmsrailc�s 6e responsible Eor an� �roperh� 13eloa�,nrig to the IZPI<1, its members, employees, agcnts, contractors, i�� subcontractors, in�=itees, licensees, ar erespassers, whicl� ma�` be seolen, destrc>yed, or in anG� tvzy ��aina�ed, and RPIA hereby indemni�es and hotds harmless tl�e City from a»d a�;ainst any Page 3 oF & � �� and all sueh claims. "I'he CitS> does not guaiantee police protection and �vill not be liable for any µ� loss or damage sustained by RPI�1, its members, employees, agents, contractors, subcontractors, � invitees, licensees, ar trespassers on 1ny of the pretnises. C.03 It is further agreed that the acceptance of diis Release shall not consatute a �vai��er by the CityT of Fort Woith of any defense of governmental unmunity, where applicable, or any other defense recognized by the Statutes and Couit decisions of tlus State. SECTION 7 INSURANCE 7.01 The RPI � shall not cammence �vork undcr this Agreemenc until it has obt�uied all the insurance requited undcr the contract and the City has appraved such ulsurance. RPIA shall be responsible for delivcring to the City the KYI �'s certificate of insurance for appro�*al. RPIt1 shall indicate on the certificate of insuiance �vhether or not its insurance covers contractors ai subcontractors. Tl�e insuiance coverage iequued herein shall include the coverage of all subcont�actors, or such subcont�actors shall provide to RPIA documentation of insurance reasonably equivalent to that required of the RPIA, siccording to the liability esposures related to d�e subcontractors services and/oY materials. THE INSURANCE REQUIREMENT SHALL NO'I' APPLY TO 'THE RPIA WHEN NIAINTENANCE IS CONTRACTED THROUGH A THIRD PARTY CONTRACTOR. THE CONTItACTOR PERFOIiMING THE WORK DESCRTBED TN THE SCOPE OF SERVICES, SHALL 5UBM1T TO THE CITY A CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE LISTING THE CITY OF FORT WORTH AS ADDITIONALLY INSUREI7. NO ��UORK SHALL COMI�IENCE UNDER THIS AGREEMENT �K�HEN A CONTRACTOR PERFORMS SERVICES UNTIL THE CON'I'RACTOR PROVIDES A CERTIFICATE OF '���� INSDRANCE TO THE CITY AND SUCH INSURANCE IS APPROVED BY THE CITY. IF RPIA PROVID�S MAINTENANCE THROUGH VOLUNTEERS OR ITS MF,MBERS WHERE POWER TOOLS ARE USED THEN THE INSURANCE REQUTREMENT DESCRIBED IN THIS SECTION SHALL APPLY 1N ITS ENTIRETY TO THE RPIA. a. Commeicial Gencral Liabilit�T Insuranee: The RP1�� shall pr�cure 1nd maintain durin� the initial one-�=ear term of this i�greement and any eatension period, a commerci�il general liabilitjr insurance policy in the amount not less dian �1,00O,OOU.00 covering each dccurrence. b. Worker's Cotn�ensation Insurance: If tlie RPIA will utilize emplayees to perForm �vork �vithin the term anc� scc>pe of this �greement, then it shall n�aintain, during the term of this Agreement, and any extension period, statt�tor�> W�rkers Compensation Insurance on all of its employees engaged in �vork under this 1=lgreement, and for all subcontractors unless such subcontractors maintain their o�vn Woilcers' Compensation Insuiance. c. r�utoinabile Insurance: 'I'he RPIA shall procure ai7d maintain, during the initial onc-��ear term of Yhis :lgreement and any extensive period, a comprehensive boclil}t injury and j�roperty damage automabile liaf�ility policy in the amount nat Iess than �500,OUO.00 for eacl� accident. This palicy shall cnvEr anj� aut�mobile used �;�ithin the scope aF t}vs :�greemenr. 7.02 I`he insurance spe:cified in 7.01. hereof shall comply ��ith the follo�ving requirements: �� Ya�e � c�F � �� �� a L. c. d. e. f. �• h i. The City of Fort �X/orth, its Officers, Employees, and Volunteers shall be nained as Additional Insureds. E�ception; The adclirional insured requuement does not apply to Workers' Compeusltion pc�licies. Thut�= (30} day notice of cancellation or non-renewal. Wavier of rights of recoveiy (subrogation) in favor of the City of Fort Worth. The insurers Eor all policies inust be licensed/appLoved to do business in the State of Telas. All insurers must have a mu�.imum rating of A: ��II in the current r1. N1. Best Key Rating Guicle or have reason�bl}� equivalent finaticial strength and solvency to the satisfaction of the City of Fort �f/orth Risk Ivtanagement. IE the rating is belo�v that required, written approval of the City of I'ort Worth Risk l��fanagement is ieqtvred. If insurance policies aie not �vritten for specified coverage limits, an Umbrella or Excess I_.iabilit�� insuxancc for an}� differences is ecquired. Etcess I_iabilit�r shall follow thc form af the primary coverage. Unless othei-evise stated, all required insuiance shall be �vritten on an "occuirence basis". If coc�erage is under�vritten on a claims-made blsis, the xetroactive date shall be coincident �vith ot prior to Yhe date of this rlgreetnent and t�ie certificate of insurance sha11 state that the coverage is claims-made and the retroactive date. The insurance co�-erage shall be maintauied for the duration of this Agreement. i�n antlual certificate of instrrance submitted to the Ciev shall pLovide evidence of such uisurance coverage. 'I'he deductible or self-insured retcntion (SIR) affecting requiied insurancc coverage shall be acceptable to and approved in writing b�� the Risk n�Ianager oF the City of f�art Worth _ _.._._..._._........ in regards to asset va]ue and stocicholdeis' equin�. Iu lieu of traditional insuiance, alternative co�rerage m�intauied through insurance pools or risk retention groups, must also approved by= the Risk I�-fanager of the City of Fort Worth. The Cit��, at its sole discretion, resen-es d1e riglit to Le�Tie�v the insurance rec�uuctnents and to make reason:ible acijustments to insurance co�rerages and their limits �vlien deemed necessai-�� and prudent by the Ciry based upon changes in statutory la�v, court decision or the claims history of the industry as �vell as of the contracting party to the City of Fott Worth. Tlie Ci.ty shall be required to provide prior written notice of 90 a�ys. T7ie City sh�ll be entided, upon request and withoat expense, to receive copies �f policies and endorsements rheretc> and tnay malce any reast>nable requests For deletion or re�rision or mociiFications of particular policj� tcrms, conditians, lirnitations, or exclusions eKcept �vhere policy provisions are established by la�v or regulations bindulg upon either party or the undei-�vriter on any such policies. SECTION 8 CHARITABLE ORGANIZATION ��,.� 8.01 "I'he RPI.1 agrees that if it is a charitable organization, corpora[ion, entity or individual enterprise har�ing, claitning or entitled to an�r untnunity, exemption (statutary or other�vise) ar limitation fi�om and against liabilit�� for damage or injury to pro�erry or �ersons under the pro�-isions of che Charitable Immiriiity 3ncl Liabilit�� rlct of 1987, C.T�.K.C., j. 8�.001 �t seq., or other applic�ble la«>, that TtPl11 hereby expressIy �vaives its right to assert c>r plcad c�efensic�cl�� any sucli immunity c�r limitatian of liabilitv as against CitS�. If applicable, the RPIr1 annually sh111 submit �roof of 501(c)(3) eligibilit�� tc� thc Cit�•. I'age 5 of $ � � SECTION 9 INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR 9.01 'I'he RPI�I shall perform all �voik and seivices hereunder as an independent contractor, and not as an officer, agent, sen�ant oi emplo}�ee of the City. I`he RPIl\ shall hatre esclusive control of, and tl�e esclusice right to contrc�l the details oE the worlc performed l�ereunder, and all persons perfarming same, and shall be solely responsible for tlie acts and omissians of its officers, agents, employees and subconsultants (�r ��abcorltr•nctoi:r). Nothing herein shall be construed as creating a partners}iip or joint � enture bettveen die Cit�� and the RPI.�, its officers, agents, employees and subconsultants (o�� ��r�bcorrt��c�ta:�), and doctrine of respondent superior has no application as bet�veen the City and the RPIA. SECTION 10 LICENSES AND PERMITS 10.1 `I'he RPIr1 shall compl�� wirh all fedcral, state, and local la�vs, rules, and Legulations, as �vcll as with all regulations, restrictions, and requirements of the Pr�lice, Fue, and Code Campliance llepartments no�v or hereafter in effect �vhich are applicable to its opeLations. The RPIA shall obtain and keep in effect at its o��vn cost and etpense all licenses and permits, and pay all taxes incurred or required in connection ��rieh this Agreemene and its operations hereunder. SE�TIDN.11 LIENS ���_ 11.01 'I17e RPL-� agrees not to take any action that wt�uld result in the creation of an5� lien on - Citt= propezt�r. In the event that a lien is filed, as a result of any� action of the RPlr1, the RPI � will take all necessar�� steps to bond around oi remove the lien within 10 clays of its filing. SECTION 12 TERMINATION AND DEFAULT 12.01 Eithei pzrt�� may terminate this Agreement �vithout cause by the giving of 30 days notice in wiiting to ehe other party. 9 2.02 In the event the RI'IA fails tc> comply widi an�� of the terms and conciitions of this �lgreement, after noCice and opportzznity to cure as pr��jidecl in dus ��greement, the C�iry shall have the right, and without fiirther notice, to declare tlzis Agreement irnmediately terrrii.nated and to enter into and tal�e full posscssion oE the ��rea save anc3 except stich person,ll properr�� and equipment �is rnay be o��>ned by the K1'IA. In the event of such canccllation of this Agreement by the Citc�, all rights and pri��ileges of the RPTl� hereunder shall cease and terminnte and the RP1.1 shall im�nediatel�r vacate rhe 11rea. 12.()3 '['he RPI:I shall be notified by� phone call arid �uritten correspondence oi the I�PIr1's failure ta cotnplt> witl� any of the terms and conditions c�F this �lgreement. The RPT�1 shall hazre 30 caleiid<<r days fram the d:ite of writtcn cc>rrespondence to correct deficiencies. _ 12.t)�- t`pc�n terrnina�ion, the �arties shall be released fic�i�n aIl ot7ligadons cotitained u� chis ����� :�greement exce�t for the irtdemnificaaon requiiemenes fc�und in Section 6 of this ,��neement. Page 6 oF 8 � 12.05 'I'erinination notice shall be considered rendered when placed in the United States Postal Service for delivery to the other party in accordance �vith Section 14. SECTION 13 NON-DISCRIMINATION/DISABILITIES 13.C11 Rl'IA, in its constnicdon, maintenance, occupancy, or use of said the i�rea shall not discriininate against any pers�n or peisons because oE race, age, gender, religion, colar, national origin, sexual orientation or ciisability. SECTION 14 NOTICES 1=�.01 mail, :lny notice requued shall be sufficient if deposited in tlie U.S. I�1ail, postage prepaid, certified return receipt requested, and addressed to the other part�� as follo�us: CITY: Cit�� of Fort Worth Parks and Cotnmunity Services Director 4200 South Free«=ay, Suite 220U Fort Worth, Te�as 76115 -�- �with cc>�}r ro: ���'� Denis R�1cElroy tlssistant Ciry rlttorney 10d0 'I�rocicmorton Street Fort Worth, Texas 76102 RPIA: Ryaii Place Improvement �lssociati�n. P.O. Box 11122 Fort ��lorth, "I� 7G110 1�F.02 Ivlailing of all notices pursuant to c�iis Section shali be deetned sufEicient if mailed postage prepaid, certified mail, return receipt re<�uested, and addressed as specified above, unless eieher party h�s bcen notified in writing of riny changes to stich address(es} or addressee(s). <-1ll ame periods related to any notice requirements specified in dlis rlgreement shall comm�:nce on the date notice is m�iled. SECTION 15 VENUE AND JURISDICTION 15.01 'I'his Agreement shall be go��erned b�r the la�vs af the Statc aE Tesas. Venue far any action br�ught ta interpret ar enforce, or arising out of ar incident to, the terms �f this License .lgreement shall be in "F'arrant Counh;, "1'exas or the llnited 5taees District Court far the Narthern District of 'I'e�as, Fort �X'orrh Dirision. SECTION 16 SUBLETTING, ASSIGNING, MORTGAGiNG 16.U1 1`lie KPlr1 a�,rrees diat it �vill ric>t subcontract ac assign all or ariy part of its rigl�ts, pri�>ile�;es ���� or c�uties hecetinder Gvith�ut rhe j�rior written cc�tisent �f the Directoe, and an�� attempred C'age 7 ot' 8 �� subcontrlct or assignment of same �vithout such prior consent oF the Director, shall be void. Consent shall not be unreasonably �z-ithheld. 16.02 Subject ta the limitations contained herein, the covenants, conditions, and agreements made and entered into by the parties hereunder are declared to be Ear the beneht of and binding on their respective successors, representatives, and permitted assigns, if any. SECTTON 17 WAIVER, SECTION HEADINGS, AND SEVERABILITY � . � -=- 17.01 It is agreed that in the event any covenant, condition, or provision herein contained is held to be in� alid by an3T court of competent jurisdicrion, ehe invalidity of such covenant, conclition or provision shall in no �vay affect any other co�renant, condition, or provision herein contained, piovided however, that the invalidit�- of any such covenant, condition, or provision does not materially prejudice either the RPIA or the City in connection �vith the rights and obligations contained in the valid covenants, conditions, or provisions of this Agreement. 17.02. The �vaiver by the City of any default or breach of a term, covenant, or condirion of this Agreement shall not be deemed to be a �vaiver of any other breach of that term, covenant or condition or any odler term, co�renant, or condition of this Agreement, regardless of when the bteach occurred. 17.03 The headings in tlus Agreement are inserted Eor reference onlp, and shall not define or limie the provisions hereof. SECTION 18 ENTIRE UNDERSTANDING 18.01 This Agreement including all Attachments, Schedules, and Exhibits attached hereto constitutes the final, entire, and compler.e agreement between the RPIA and the Cit� and supersedes anp prior and contempoianeous negotiations, understandings, representauons, and/or agrecmeuts bet�veen the parties. Any �i7or or contemporaneous aral or �vritten agreement that purparts to vary From the terms hereoE shall be void. This Agreement cannot be Lnodified or amended �vithout the �vritten consent of all the parties hereto and attached and made a part of this Agreement. 1$.02 Neither this Agreement nor any provision hereof r�iay be rnodified except b}r an instrument in writing, signed by the parties. T'his Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective successors and assigns. l � �/�J �XECUTED an this the �1 S day of �''l�r� , 2011. 'r��� CTTY OF FORT �Y�ORTH -d Zavala, Direct and Conlmunit�� Page 8 vf S ItYAN PLACE IMPROVEMENT AS50CIATION ��-�' �--s� � ohn I�line, President ��� EXili�lt � , a�i � .. I�yan Place Improvemerit ASsociation Mills, Stephanie From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Youngblood, Sandra Thursday, June 13, 2013 8:02 AM Mills, Stephanie Ryan Place Improvement Association RIPA 2011 Signed AAM Agreement.PDF Stephanie — our Adopt-a-Median program does not require a City Secretary contract number. But since there was an amendment added to the renewal that dealt with City funds, it needs one this year. Attached is the original agreement that is being renewed. Please let me know if you need anything else. �