HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 55886City Secretary Cc�31h•act No. 55886
This PROF�SSI�NAL SERV[CES AGREEMENT ("ngreement"} is made ar3d entered ii�to by
and between ihe CITY OF F012T WORTH ("City"), a Texas home rule municipa! corporatian, aetiiag by
and tlu�o��gh Jesus Citapa, its duly authorized Deputy City Mai�ager, and Lehman i\ssociates LLC,
{"Coaasultant"), a Texas cc�mpany, acting by and througl� Tan Leh�nan, its du�y au#horized CEO, each
individEEally i•eferred to as a"E�arty" anc! collective[y ��eferrcd to as tiie "paa•ties."
1'he A��eemcnt doci�ments sllall include t�1e follovving:
1. This Consultant Seevices Agreemei�i;
2. Ezhibit A— Scope of Services;
3. Exhibit B— Price Scl�edule; and
4. �x>>ibit C--- Ve��ification of SignatE�re AE�tflarity �'orm.
EXhibits A, B and C, whicl� are attached i�erelo and i�icorpa�-ateci het-ci��, are ii�ade a�aa-t af ti�is Agreement
for all �u�poses. Tn tl�e eveni of a��y co��flici between the te�-�ns anc� conditia��s ofl;xhibits A, B or• C and
the tei-�ns and conditions set forth in the body of this Agreement, the tcrn�s and conditions ofthis Agreement
shall control.
�. Scope of Services.
a.) Cons��ltant w�ll, with good faitli and due diligence, assist the City in the process of conducting
an executive searcl� to select a�7 Assistant Di��ector af Wate�• Plant Operatiai�s. In pai-Licular,
ConsE��tant will peefor�n ali duties outiined and cicscribecE in the Scope of WoE-k in E�hibit "A,"
- Scope of Serviccs, referred to I�erein as the "Services."
t�.) Consultant shall perforrn the Se�'vices in accordance with standa�•ds iii the indust�y for ti�e same
o�• similac' services. ln additio�a, Corisultant s1�a11 perform the Services i�� acco��dai7ce witf� all
appiicable fede�-al, state, and Local laws, rules, and regulations.
2. Term. Th is Ag��eement shall be�in on the date sig��ed by the Assistant City M�nagei• b�low
{"Effective Date") aiad sl�all ex�i��e o�i December 31, 2021 {"Expii•ation Date"), unless f:et�ininated earlier iii
accorda�lce wi�h tliis Agreement ("I��i#ial Term").
3. Campensation.
3.l Genez•al Provisions. '1'1ie maximum amount to he paid to Contractor by City �or all
Se�vices, inciuding tlle Professional Service Fee and Reiinbursable �,x�enses oi' Su}�plemental Services,
shall not exceed Seven�y Five Tliousand DoIlars ($75,000.00}, The City shal] pay Consultant i��
accordance with ti�e p�•ovisions ofthis Ag��eement. Consultant shall not perfo�-na any additional sei•vices for
the Ciry not spcci�ed by tlle applfcable SYafeme�it of Woi•lc unless the City reyues#s and approves in writij�g
the additio��al costs foi• sucl� services, The City shall not be liable for any additioi�al expenses of Consultant
not speci�ied by the applicablc Statement of Wo��k unless the City first a�proves such e�:}�enses in writing.
Professiona] Services Agreeinent QFFICIAL RECORD
iietweei� thc City of Fort Worth �nd
Lehman Associates, LLC for Talent flcq�iisiti.on Services — Assistant Du�ector af Water Plant �ITY SECRETARY
Crty Secreta�y Contract No.
City a�rccs to ��ay all invoiccs of Consu[tant within thi�-ty (30} days of i•ecei�t of s�Ech invoice. Co��sulta��t
«�ay cha�•�e interest on late payine�jts itiat to exceed one percent (1%} pe�� �nanti�, or, if Icss, tl�e highest rate
�ermitted by law.
3.2 Professional Seevice
3.2.1 Initial Search. Tl�e City sha11 pay the Consultant a Professio��a[ Scrvice Fee of Fiffy
Tl�nusand Dollaa•s (�50,004.U0) for Consulia�lt's professional iale�rt acquisition services and certai��
built-in "E�penses" ��Zore fiilly describeci in Exllibit B of this �greenicnt, wl�icli inci��de the associated
cost for eaci� Expense, collectively ihe "Professional Service Fee."
3.2.2 Re-Search. If t��e se]ecCed candidate sl�ou[d be teril�inated or �'esigns wit��i�3 tl�e first twelve
(]2) months of err�E�loyrnent fi•om the date of hirc o�� if tlle City r•casanably determincs not ta hir�e a
candidate prese��ted by Co��sultant, Ca��.s��iiant sl�all coilduct anothe�� search (Re-Search) as coi�templated
lierein for «o additional Prafessional Service, but Co»sultant shall be entitled ta ReiE��bursable Expenses
ii1 acco��dance with section 3.3,
3.3 Reizni��u•sable Candidate �xpcnses: Consuitant may seel< reimbursement fo�' act�ial
expenses for• #ravel of any ca��►didates (such as ai�•fare, ladging, and liinited per diein) {"Rei�iibursable
Ex��e�ises"). Pe��sanal car mileage will be billeci at rates not to exceed standard IRS business inilcage a-ates
in effect at the tiine of trave[. The Consultai7t shal] provide the City with 2listing of Reimbursai�le EYUectses
by category of ex�ense on each respective invoice. Reiinbursable Expe��ses wi[] be invoicec3 at Cost to tl�e
City witii no mari� Lip by Consuftant, Reimb�Ersable �xpenses do not include expenses related to any of
Co»stiitant's staff working �mr�e�� tE�is Agree�ncnt. Cousultant will be res�onsibie for �roviding receipts for
such Reimhu��sable T;x�enses. These recei�ts should be iElcluded with #11e i•espective invoice in whrch
T,eh�r�an �\ssociates, LLC is requesting ta be reimblirsed.
All Rei��huesable Expe��ses must he approved by the City in advance and shall not exceed Five Thousanc�
Dollars (�5,000.00). In case of a Re-Search, the City shall ��ei�nbu►'se Consultant fo�� actual expenses as
agreed in w��iting btit not to exceed Five Tl�ousa�ld Doliar•s {$5,000.00) fot• each R�-Seaa-ch.
3.4 Siippleme�ital Seivices. ELI1 other fees not cavered by sectic�r� 3.2 or 3.3 of ti�is Agreeiiient
will be considered "Supplemental Services". E�hibit I3 ("Price Schedule"} of CE�Es A�•ee���ent specifically
ide�3tiCes differer�t types of Sup�le���ental Serviccs ai�c� the associated cost for those Sup�lemental Serviccs.
ln tlle event the City desires Suppleineiital Services, the City shall notify the Consultant in writi��g which
Si�pplernental ServEces the City is requesting and the associated cast as listed in Exi�ibit B.
3.5 Payments:
3.5.1 Structw�e of Payinents. The Peofessional Se��vice Fec shall be structured as two (2) payments
and each paynleiat will be payable u�c�i� Lhe inilestoa�es IisCed below and as describcd in further deta.il iil
E�iibit A, Scope af Ser�ices. If thcse znilesto��es arc not met by Consultant, tl�e City is not obligated to
pay far that i�istallment of tihe Professiocia[ Service �ee. Atty Rei�nbursable Ex�enses or Stip�lemental
SeE�vices will be billed as sepaeate line ite�ns o�� ti�e respective invoice for each af the installments as
Cons��ltant shall submit invoices fo�' each of #l�e two {2) payments of the Prafessional 5ervice Fee
cor��es�o�iding to project milestones as follows:
Professio�lal 5er�ices Agrecment
Between the City of Fart Worth and
Leizman Assoc�ates, LLC for Ta[ent /1,cyuisition Services — Assistant Director of WaCc3• Plant
OperatioEls Page 2 of 19
City Seci•elaiy Contract No.
a. '�1�I�e initia[ installn-►cnt will [�e paya�le afte�� the posi�io�� profile has �ee» created,
b, T[ie fir�al installmeni is payable a� the conclusion of tl�e recr�iitment.
3.5.2 Invoice. Each izavoice shall reference tE1e applicabie installment and milesto3�e that has
been met. Reiinbursable Ea�cnses �nd a�sy Suppleine�lta[ Services will be ite�nized a��d i.ncluded separate
and apart fi•om tlle Professinnal Seivice Pee invoiced. On each invoice, thc Co��sulta�It shall se�a�ately [ist
tile total amount for botl� Professional Se��vice Fees, Reimbt►��sable Expanses, and Supplemci�tal Services
for wl�ich invoices were previously submitted du��ing the Cerm of the Agreement.
When submit�i��� in�oices, Cons��lta�jt shall provide copies ofrecci��ts foe all Reimbursable Expenses tmde►•
subsectios� 3.3 a��d shall rei�e��ence the apprapi•iate 5tatement of Worl:. If the City 1•equests additional
docuinentation of expei�ses, the Consultant sl�aEl �rovide such. ii�farit�ation if avaiiab[e.
Ca��sultant slaa[� submit invoices foc• Prafessional Se�vice Fees, Rei��b�n'sable Expeiises, anci Supplainea�tal
Services to thc Se��ior �ldminish�ative Assistant ta Water �1d�nin, in the Water Departn�e��t by mail or
electrallically at 200 Texas Strect, Fo�-t Warth Texas, 76102 or slcy.wilfiatn rr fartworthte�as.gov and also
submit a copy to tl7e Talent AcqLtisition Manager i�1 the H��man Resources Depaeti�ent at 200 Te�as 5treet,
�'ort WoeEh, TeXas 76102 oa' Chcistine.Hernanclez,�c'forriuort��tex�s.�a�� anci
Neena.]<ov��ri�("c��forhi�ortl�tz�as.�oi� . On f�Ell ar�d final completion of the Sezvices, the Consulta��t shall
submit a final i�avoice; including any tmpaid Rciinbursable Expej�ses �u��s��ant to subsectian 3.3.
3.5.3 Time fo�� Pa�ment; Dispute, lnvoices are ge�ierally due and payable witl�iza thirty (30) days
af receipt. In the event of a disputed o�� coi7tested billing, only the portion beii�g contested will be witl�held
fi�on� ��ay�nei�t, and tl�.e �in�isputed poi-�ion wil! be �aid. City will exercise ��easonableness in contesii�ig any
bill or }�ortion thereof. No ii}terest will accr��e a�� any co��tested poetia� of the billing until the contest has
been mutuaily resolved. Addilionally, City is not liable to Consultant for attorney's fees incurred in
co�lection of any disputed oe co��tested cl�aa-ges.
For coa�tes�ec� billi��gs, the City shall inalce payment iE� fiill to Consultant within 60 c[ays of the date
tlae contested ma�ter is resolved. If City fails to inalce s�Ech pay�ncilt, Const�Itant may, after giving 7 days'
writ�en noticc to C�ty, suspend services under this Agreement until paid in full, nlcliidi��g i�lterest calculated
fi-o�n the cEate the billing co��test was resalved. I�l the event of st�spei►sion af seevices, Consul#ant shall have
no liability to City fo�� delays or damages caused to City hecause of such s«s�ension of services.
4. Tcrmivatio�i.
4.1. Writteii Notice. City or• Consultant m�y tennina�e tl�is Agrecment at any tiine and for any
reason t�y providi��g the othcr party with 30 days' w�-itten noiice ofterminatior►.
4,2 Non-a�rop�•iatio�� of F'unds. In the event na funds oi• ins��fficienk fiii�ds a��e appi•ap►'iated
by City in any fiscal peeiad for any payznents di�e he�•etu�dei•, City will notify Cc�►�sultant of such occun�encc
and this Agi�eement shall terminate on the iast day of the �scal period fo1• which appropriat�ons were
receivcd withaut peilalty c�r expe�ise to City of any lci��d whatsoeve��, except as !o the portians of tl�e
payments l�eE�ein agreed u�an fo�� wlzich funds have bcen appropi•iated.
I'rofessiona[ Services Agreeinent
i3etween che City of rort Worth and
Lehinai� Associates, LLC for `1'a�e��t Acqu�sition Services — Assistant Directo�• of Water F'lant
Operations Page 3 of 19
Ciry Secreta��y Contract No.
4.3 Duties a��d Obli�atios�s o� tl�e ParLies. ln tlic eveirt that this Agrceme��t is terminated �rior
to the Expir�tion Date, Ci�y shal[ pay Consultant for services actually 3�ei�derecl up to tl�e effective cEate of
terminatio�� ancf Consultant slia!] contin«e to provide City with services rec�uested by City and ii� accordance
wit9� this Agreeir►ent up to ihe effective cfate of terminatio��. Uport tennia�ation of this A�•eement for a�iy
rcason, Consultant shall provicie City with copies of all con�E�Ieted or• pai�tially coinpleted docun2e�zts
p�•c�arec! u��der this Ag��ee�nent. I�� tlle event Consultant has eeceivet� access to City I��formation or data as
a rec�«irement to �erfoee� services hereunder, Consultant shall. return al[ City provided data to City n7 a
machine i•eadable for�nat or ot��er For�n�t dee���ed acce}�ta6[e to City.
5. Disclosu��e of C�y►flicts and Con�dential Information.
5.1 Diselas��i•e of Conf7ic#s, Consultant hereby wa�'ra��f:s to City that Cc�»sultant has iiiade fiill
c�isclosure in writiilg of any existing or pote��tia� canflicts of interest related ta Cons��lta�ai's services under
#11is Ageeement. li1 il�e event tihat a�ry conflicts of inte�•est arisc aftea� the Effective Date of fl�is Agreeineiit,
Consulta�at he�'eby agrees immediateEy ta �nal<a fiill disclasure to City in writir�g,
5.2 Con�de��tial information. Consultant, for itselt a��cl it�s office�•s, age��ts ar�d employees,
agrees that ii shall treat all infonnatio�l provided to it hy City ("City Iiiformation") as co��tidential a�-►d shall
nat disclose any st�cll informa€ion to a ti�ij�d paety without the prioa- wrilten approvai of City.
5.3 Pu61ic I�zfori�aat�on AcC. City is a gover��ment entity under the laws of the 5tate of Texas
and all docu���ezats lleld or maintainec! by City a��e su�jcct to disclosLi�•e Luidc�• tile Texas Pub�ic lnfor�natiot�
�et. l�i the event tl}ere is a rec�uest fo�� informaiiorti marlced Coni-identia[ o�� Proprieta�y, Ci�y shall pro�nE�tly
notify Cons«lta��t. it w�ll be the res}�o»sibility of Consultazat to submit reasoils objecting to disclosure. A
detea'mination on whether such reasot�s are sufficie��L will not be decided by City, �ut by the Office of tlle
Atto��ney Ge�ieral of tl�e State of Texas or by a court of catnpetent jurisdiction.
5.4 Unal�tl�orized Access. Consiiltafit shall store and inaintain City Inforination i» a secure
man�lea' and shall not allow �m�uthorizcd users to access, �nodify, delete or otherwise corrupi City
Inforinatioil in dny way. Co�7sultant siiall notify City ir���nediately if tlae secu��ity or integi•ity of any City
Info��ination has been compi•omised or is believcd to l�a�e been coinpramised, in whic�� evcn#, Cotasi�ltant
shali, in good faiti�, �ise all coini��ez-cia[ly reaso�iable efforts to caope��atc wit11 City i�� identifying what
information has bee�7 accessed by unautliorized means and shail fuily cooperate with City to protect s��cl�
City lnfoi-�natioii fi•om fiirtl�er unauthoa�ized disclosurc.
b. Ri�ht to Audit. Consultant agrees that City shall, until tlie cxpv-ation of tltirt�ee (3} yeal•s
after fii�al payme��t undci� tllis contract, or ihe final co��clusian of any audit cam��enced dLu�ing the said three
yeaes, have access to and t�ie 1•ight ta eaaininc at reasonabEe times any direitly pertine��t bool<s, doc�iments,
papers and records, ij�clucling, but not li�nited to, all elect��a��ic records, of ConsulCant involving t�•ansactions
relating to this Ag��eement at no additional cost to City. Coa�su�tant agrees that City shal! l�ave access during
no��mal r�vor�king hours to all nccessazy Co»sultant facilities and shall be provided adeq��ate a�3d apa�i•opi•iate
worls s�ace in o��der to canduct ai►dits i�} compEiance wit11 tf�e �ravisians of this section. City sl�all give
Consultant reasoilable advance noticc of i��tended audits.
7. Indcpendent Co��tractoi•. It is exp�•essly uE�derstoad a�id agreed that Consulfant shall
ope��ate as an independei�t co�ltractor as to a19 rigl�ts ai�d privileges and worlc performed under th�s
Ag�•eerne��t, and i�ot as agent, repeesentative o�� e���ployee oF City. Subject to and in accordance with the
concEitions and provisions of this Agreerne��t, Consu[tant shall ha�e tl�e exclusive right to control tf�e details
Professional Services Agrceu�eut
Between the City of Fort Warth and
i.�eh�nan Associates, LLC for Talei�t ltcc�uisition Services - Assistant Director of Water P[a�it
Oper•ations Pa�e 4 of 14
Ci[y Secretary Contracl No.
of its o��crations and activitics a��d be so[ely respo��siUle for tile acts ai�d nmissioiis of its ofCccrs, agents,
se���ants, eillployees, contractoi•s and subcoi►tracto��s. ConsLiltant acicnowledges tl�at the doctl•ine c�f
���sl�o�zdecrl sz�el�ror sha11 not apply as bet�vee�� City, its officers, agents, servanis and ein}�loyees, atld
Const�itani, its officers, agents, e��z}�loyees, servaf�ts, contractors ancl subco»t��actors. Coilsulta»i fiu�ther
agrees tl�iat nothing he�•ci» shaIl be constnicd as the creatioil of a pa�-�nersl�ip or joix�t ei1Ce��p�•ise batween
City aild Consulta��i. lt is fiutlleR� understood tlia# City sh211 in no wdy be considered a Co-e�nployer ar a
Joint employe�� af Consultant or aiiy officers, agents, serva3�ts, c�npioyees ot� su6con#�-actar of Consultant.
Neithe3� Co»sultailt, nor aily officc�-s, age��ts, servants, employees or subcoaatractor•s of Consultant shall be
ei�titied to aizy cinploy�nent bene�ts fi•om City. Constiltai�t slrtal[ be i•cspoilsible and liable for any and al[
payillej�t aa�d reporting of taxes a� behalf of itself, and any of its officet-s, agents, se�vants, c�nUloyees or
Li�bilrty and Lyde�nnific�tio�a.
defe�zc�, seftle, or pa,y, af its ow�a cost a��cl expense, any claim or actian against City for
infringement of any pateyit, co�yright, trade marl�, trade sec�•et, or similar prope�•ty right
arising from City's use of tlic sofhvare ancl/or clocumentation in accardance wit� f[iis
Agrecment, it being understc�od that this agreement to ��efencl, settle or pay shall not ap�ly i�
City modi�es or misuses the sofhvare andloa• documentation. So long as Cons�lta�it bea�•s the
cost and expe�ise of �aymesit for claiins or actioi�s agazzast City pursuant fo this sectioz�,
Consultant s�all have Y�e right to concluct the defer►se of any such ciai�n or action and all
negotiations for its settlement ox• comp�•omise and to setile o�� com�ramise any suc�i claim;
ho�vever, City shall have the �-ight t� fully partici�ate i�� any and all such settle�nent,
negotiations, or la�vsuit as necessa�-y to protect City's inteeest, ancl City agrees to cooperate
�vith Consulta��t in doing so. I�f YE�e event City, for Fvhatever a•eason, assumes tl�e responsibility
for pay�nent of costs and expenses for any claim or action brought agai�fst City for•
infringement ai•ising untler this Agj•eement, City shali have the sole right to conduct the
defense of any sucli clairc� or actia�� and all r�egotiatio��s for ifs settlement oi• comprom'rse ancl
to setile oi� compe-omise any such claim; hovvever, Coi�si�ltant shall fully pai•ticipate and
Professional Services Agi•ee�llent
I3etwect� the C�ty of Fot•t Wos-th and
i,ehman Associates, LLC for Talent Acquisition Services — Assista�lt Director• af W�tea� Plant
O}�erations P�ge S of 14
City Sec3�ctary Contract No. _
cooperatc with City is1 cieFensc of such claim or action. City agrees to give Cansultant iimely
written �iotice of any such claim or action, with copies of all papers City may z•eceive relafing
tliereto. Notwithstanc�iz�g ti�e foregoing, City's assumption of payr��ent uf costs or expe�ises
shall aaot elir�ti�iate Consulta�it's ciufy to inclemnify City t�ride�• this Agreeme�t. If the saftFi�are
and/or documentation or any paa•t tliet•eof is l�ekl to infringe and [hc use thereof is enjoiucd
or t•estrained o�•, if as a�•esult of a settle�nent or conipromise, such use is materially aclversely
restricfed, Consulfant shall, af i#s o`vn expe��se and as City's sole remeci,y, either�: {a} p�•ocr��•e
for City the right to continue fo use the sofhvare and/or ciocume�itation; or (b) modify #i�e
softwa�•e andlor documentation tn �nalze it non-iuf�•inging, provided tl�at suc� mo�li�catio�l
does not mate►•�ally adve�•sely �ffect C'rty's authorize�l use of the safhvare and/or
c�ocumentation; c�r (c} }•e��lace the sofh►�are aucl/oa• c�ocume�itation �vitl� equally suitable,
co�npatible, and functio�ially cyuivalent non-ini'�•inging sofhr��i•e and/or c�ocume��tation at no
additio��al cl�aege to City; ar (d) if nonc of the foregoiug altea�z�atives is reason�bly a�ailable
to Cons�iItant� terminate tl�is Agreemcnt, anc� �•efi�ncl all an�ou�its gaid to Cansulfant by City,
subsequent to rvhich tei•minatia�i City inay secl� any and aII eemcc�ies availabte to City under
Assi�ume��t a��d Subconti•actin�.
4.1 Assi nt� nent. Consultant sljall ��ot assign ar subco��tract any of its dt�ties,
obligatioiis or r�gl�ts under this Ag��ee���ez�t without the prior wf�itten consei�t of City. if City grants
conse�lt tc� an assignmeiat, the assignee shall exec�Ete a written agreement with City and Ca»s«itant
uilde.r which the assignee ag��ees to be bou�ld by t11e dt�fies and obliga#ions of Consultant ��nder this
Agreement. Cons�ltant and Assignee sfiall be joii}t]y iia6le for all obligations of Coilsulta�lt under
this Agree�nent pi•ior to the effective date of �he assignr��ent.
9.2 S��bcontract. If City g��ants cortsent to a subcn�itrt•act, subcantractae shall execute a
written a�•eement with Consulta�►t z�eferencing this Agreeinent under wi�icll subcontE'actor shall
agree to be bo«nd by the dutics and obligations of Cansultant u��der this Agi•eeinent as sucli dutics
aild obligations may ap}�ly. Consultant shall �rovicle City with a fully executed copy of any such
10. Insurance. Consu�tant shall provide City with cei-tificate(s) oF insLn•ancc doc�.imenting
policies of the follc�wing types and E�iE�iinum coverage la�its tha! are to be i3� effect prior to comine��ceme��t
of any wor]< �L�rsuant to this Agi�eement
10.1 Coveea�e and Liinits
{a) Co�i�mercial Gene��al Liability:
$1,000,000 - �;acl� Occur�•ence
$2,000,000 - Aggregate
{b) Autoinobile Liabi�ity:
$1,000,00Q - Eacl� occurrence on a coinbined single Iimit basis
Professional 5ervices Agrccment
i3etwecn tl�e City af For•t WoY•tl� a�id
Lelz�na�l Associates, LLC for Taletlt Acqt�isition Selvices — Assistant Directar of Water Plant
4peratioits Page 6 of 19
City Secretai-y Coiitract No.
Cavea-age sl�ail be a�� a�iy vel�icle used by Consulia��t, its cmplc�yees, agcnts,
re��•esentatives in the course of praviding se�•vices undec� this Ag��eement. "A��y
vehicle" sl�all be any vehicle owned, hired and non-owiaed.
(c) Worlcer's Compe�asation:
StahEtoiy limiis accordiilg to t1�e Te�as Worlcers' Compensatio�� Aet or any othcr
state worl<ers' co��lpensation laws where the �vorlc is laeing performed
�`mployers' liability
$100,000 - I3odily Injuiy by accident; eacl� accidezltloce�n•re�ice
$100,(}00 - Bodily Injury by discase; each employee
$SOD,OOQ - Bocfily �a�jury hy ciiscase; policy ]imit
(d) Pi•ofessio��al Liab�lity (Errors & Omissions}:
$1,000,000 - Eacl� Claicn Limit
$1,OOO,Q00 - Agg��egate LiEnit
Professional Liabili#y coverage may be peovided tl�ro�igl� an e�ldorse�nci�t to the
Comme�•cial General Liability (CGL} poiicy, or a sepa��ate poli.cy specific to
i'rafessional B&O. Either is acceptable if coverage meets all otlier eequirejilents.
Covei•age sha�l be claims-made, �nd maintai»e� ft�r the duratio�� of the co�ltractual
agreeinent and for tvvo {2) years fa]lowing completic�n of se�•vices pf•ovideci. An
a�inual certificate of insu�-a��ce shall be sub�nitted to City to evidence coverage.
10.2 Ge»eeal Rcquirements
(a) The commercial general liability a��d automobile liability policies shall
naEne City as an additional insu��ed ihereon, as its interests �r��y appear. The terin
City sl�a[1 incli�de its employees, officers, officials, agents, and voiuntee��s in
res��ect to the cont��acted sei•vices.
(b) The workers' co�npei7sation policy shall inc]uc�e a Waiver of St�brogation
{ftight of Recc�very) in favor of City.
(c) A niinimunl of Thirty (30) days' notice af cancellation or redt�ction in
iimits of coverage shali be �rovided to City. Ten (IQ) days' notice shall be
acceptable in the cvent of n�n�pay�nent of }�re��iu�n. No#ice sl�all be sent to tl�e
Kislc Ma��ager, Ciry of Po��t Wo�-th, 200 Texas Sti•eet, Fort Worti�, Texas 76102,
witl� copies to #he Port Worth City Afto�-ney at the same address.
(d) The itlstu�ers for all polici.es must be licensed ancllor approved to da
business in tl�e State oPTeYas. All insurers �nusi 1�ave a minimL��n rating of A- Vll
in the current A.M. Bes� Kcy Rating Guide, or have reasanably ec�uivalant ���ancial
steengtla and solveney ta tl�e satisfaction of Rislc Management. If the rating is
belaw that required, weitten approval of Risk Msnagement is required.
Professiona] Services Agi•eement
�3etween tl�e City of Fort Worth and
�.ehmai� Associates, LLC for Talent Acqaisition Seavices — Assista�lt DiE-ector or Water Plant
Opc3�ations Page 7 of 19
City Sec��etary Co��t��act No.
(e) Any Failure on the �3art of City io �•equcst required i��s�u-ance
document�tion sl�all not conslitute a waivcr of the iilsurance requireincnt.
(� Cartificatcs of Tnsurance evideneing that Cons��ltant l��s obtained all
rec���ired i��s�u•ance shall bc defivered to the City prior to Consultant ��raceeding
witIl any wor]< puesuant to this Agreenzeni.
1 l.. Co�npliance wifh La�vs, Orc�in�2�ces, RuIes anci l�e�ulations. Consultant agrces that in
the }�ei•foi-�nailce of its obligatioj�s hereunde��, it shall com�ly with al[ a���licable federal, state ancl iocal
lal�vs, ordinances, rules �nd a�egulatio»s and that auy worl< it p��nduces in coi7nection with tE�is Ag7-ee�ne��t
will also co�nply witl� all ap�licable fedaral, statc a��d lncal laws, o�'c[inances, i•ules and regulatio��s. If City
notifies Consultant of any violatio�i of such laws, orc�inaiices, 1•ules or regulations, Consultaiat sk�all
i.n�.ineciiately desist from and co�•rect ti�e violafion.
I2. No�a-Discrimination Covenant. Coi�sultant, for itsclf, its pe��sonai repeese��tati�es,
assigns, subConsultaiits a�3d successors in interest, as pai�t of tl�e consideeation hereiil, ag�•ees tl�at i�� the
perfor�»ance af Const�ltant's duties anc[ obligations 17ercunder, it shall not discriminatc in the treat���ent or
eanploy�nent of a��y individLial or g�•oup af individ�ials on any basis ��ral�ibited by law. IF ANY CLAIM
13. Not'rces. Notices eequired pursuant to tl�e provisions of this A��eeinent shall be
conclusively deteemined to have bcen delive�-ed when {�) hand-delivered to ti�e otl}er party, its agents,
empEoyces, se��vants or representatives, (2} delivered by facsimile witla electranic confir3��ation of the
Eransmissioiz, or (3) eeceived Uy thc otller party by Unitec� States Mail, i•egistered, retu��n receipt rec��iasted,
addresseci as foilows:
To CI�tY:
City of rort Woa�h.
Attn: Jes��s Chapa, Dep�ify City Manager
200 Texas Street
Port Worth, TX 76102-6314
Facsimile: (817) 342-8b54
Le]>>nan Associates, LI.,C
Attn: 1an Lehma��, CTO
P.O, Box 161148, Austit�, TX 7871b
Facsiinile: (512) 478-1985
With co��y �o Fort Wortii City Attorney's �fiice ai:
same adclress
14. Solicitation of E�n�sloyees. Neither City ilo�� Consulta��t sl�all, cEu��ing the ter�n af this
Agreeinent and additionally for a pe��iod of one yea�� aftee its te�'��� ination, solicit for em�loyinent o�� employ,
whether as employee oa� i��depe�ident co��tractoE', a��y person who is ar has been emp[oycd by the otl�er
Cllll'[ll� ihe te�'m of this Agyecmeiit, witl�oi�t Ehe prior written ca��sent of ihe person's employe��.
Professio��al Services Agreement
Between the City of Fort Worth and
Lehman Associates, i.LC for Talent Acquisitia�l Set•vices — Assistani Dii•ector of Water P�ant
Operations Page S of I9
City Secretary Contract No.
Notwit��staEidiilg the foregoiizg, this provision shall not a�ply lo an enlployee of eitl�er part•ty who respoi}ds
#o a geneea] soiicitatia�-► af advertisement of e�nployn7ezit by eithee party.
15. Gaver•i�me�ital Powers. It is uilderstood and agreed that by exccution ofthis �lgreeine��t,
City does not waivc or stu�retldei� any of its goveri�jaaental ��awer•s o�� immun ities.
16. No Waiver•. The failure oF City or Coazsi�ltant to i�fsist €i�on the perforitia��ce of a�ry term
oY� �rovisio�� af this �lgreement or to exercise any right granted herein shall not constit��te a waiver of City's
or Cansultan#'s ��es�ective right to insist upon app��opriatc pe��foa�mance or io asseit any such right on aily
fi�ture occasion.
l 7. Governin� Lary / Venue. '1'his Agree�nen� sha[f be cailstruec! in accorda�icc wit[z the lavvs
of tl�e State of Texas. [f any actioil, wl�ether real o�� asserted, at law or in ec�E�ity, is brought puesuant to tE�is
Agrcemei�t, venue for suc17 action shall lie i�� siate coz�rts located in Tarrant Coimty, Texas or the United
States District Court for the Nnrthern Disirict of Texas, Fart Wo��th Di�isio�l.
18, Seve�•ability. If any provision of tl�ls Agreeme��t is held to be invalid, illegal or
Lulcnfoi•ceable, the validity, lebality and enforceability of the remai�ii�ig pj�ovisioaas shall noC in ai�y way be
affcctcd at� iar�paired,
19. �'oa�ce Majeua•e. City and Consultant sl�all e�ercise theiE• best efforts to �neet their
respective duties and obfigations as set forth i�1 this Agt'eement, but sliail ilot be held Iiable for any cielay or
omission in perforrnance due #o foi•ce maje��i•c or o#hee catises beyand tl�eir reasortable contt•ol, 111C�UC�113g,
buk not limited to, complia��ce wiEh aiiy gover���nej�t Eaw, ordinance or reg�ila#ioil, acts of God, acts of the
pl�blic cnemy, fires, striices, locicouts, natuE•a1 disasters; wars, riots, material or labar �•esirietio��s by ac�y
governmental authar'ity, transpo�-tation proble�ns a�idlo;� a��y otl�er similar caEises.
20. Heaclin�s not Controllin�. Headings ajid titles tised i�� il�is Ag��eement are foe eefere�►ce
pur�oses only, shall not be deemed a�art of this Agreement, and are not intcnded to de�ne or limit the
sco��e of a��y pt-ovisioi� of tlais Agree�nent.
21. Review of Courasel. The parties acknowledge that eackz pa��y ai�d iis cotuzsel have
reviewed and revised this Agreement anci that the nor�nai rules of constructia� to the effcct that �ny
ambig�tities are to be resolved against the deaftii�g ��arty shall not bc einployed in the inteipi•ctation of tl�is
Ag��eemant or rxhiE�its A, B, aiid C.
22. Antenclments / Mociiiieations /�xtensians. No amenc[ment, modification, oe extension
of t11is Agi•eemen# sl�all he binc�ing ��pon a party l�ereto ��nless set foefl� in a writtc�� instrEiment, which is
executed by aj3 autl�orized �•epreseniative of each parly.
23. �ntis•e of A ree�nent. This Agreement, includijlg Eal�ibits A, B a��d C, co��tains the
entiee understa��ding and agi•ee�nent hetween City a��d Coi�s��ltant, tl�eiY• assigns a��d s��ccessors in interest,
as to the �natters co3�tained hereiii. A�ry �rior ar co��te3npordneaus oral or ��va-it#ei� agreernerst is liereby
cleclareci ilull and void to the exte��t in conflict with any provision of tl�is AgY•eeinent.
24. Countea• arts. This Agreement may be eaecuted i�� one o�• mo��e counteeparts ai�d eac�
coi���ter�art shall, for• all pu�•poses, he deenled an original, but al� such counte3parts sl�all togethe�� canstitute
one and tlie saj�3e instruinent.
Professianal Services Agreement
Between the City c�f Fort Wort17 and
Lei�man Associates, LLC for "1'alent Acquisition Services — Assislant Director of Water• Plant
Operatio«s Pa�e 9 0� 19
City Secretary Contract Nc�.
25. Warr�anty uf'Services. Consu[tant wari�a��Ls tl�at its se�vices will be of a high c�uality aE�d
conForm to generally prevailing industiy sta��dards. City ���ust gi�ve written notice c�f any breac�� of this
war��anfy within tllirty (30} clays from the date t17at tlfe services are completed. T�2 st�ch eveilt, a� Co��sultant's
o�tion, Consultant sha[1 either (a) use commerciaily reasonable efforts Lo re-peY•fot-�n ti�e services in a
�nanner that confor�ns with tlle wa��rai�ty, o�' (b) refund fhc fees paid by City to Consultant for the
noiiconformii�g services.
26. Ymmi��•ation Nationality Act. Consultant sl�all verify tlle ide��tity and employment
eli�ibility of its emp[oyees wi�o perform worlc tindee tlfis Agreejne�7t, including cornpleting the Cm}3loyment
Tligi�ility Verification Fo�-�n (T-9}. U�aa� rec�uest by City, Consultant s�iall provide City witE� co�ies of all
I-9 forms and sup�aeting eligibility cfocumentatio�� for each ein�loyee ��ho perfar�ns worlc under this
A�r�ee�ne��t. Cons�iltant shall adk�ere to all �'ederal azad State ]aws as well as establish appropr�ate procedt��'es
and controls so that i10 sea-vices will be pe�•fo�•n►ed by a��y Consultant employee who is �Zot legally cligible
�UBCONTRACTORS, AG�NTS, OR LICENSEES. City, upon wi•itten notice to Consultant, sllall laave
ti�e rigl�t ko iinn�ediately terminate ii�►is A��eement for vinlatio�is of this provis�on hy Consulta��t.
27. Owners�i of Woz•li Proc�uc�. City shall be the s�Ie and exclusive awner of al] i•epoi•ts,
wo��lc pape�-s, proced�n�es, g�iides, ai�d ciocu���entation, c�-eated, publis.hed, displayed, and/ar prodt�ced in
conj�mction with the services provided undei� this flgreemeni (collectively, "Wor]< P�-oduct"). Ptu-ther, Gity
shall be the sole and exciusive owncr of all copyright, patent, iradeinaz�k, trade sec�•et and othei• ���oprieta�y
�•ights in and to the Work Product. Ownei-ship of tl�e Wark P�•oduct shall inure to the beaiefit af City fi�om
tlle date of conceptio�z, creatiorl or fixation of tl�e Wor]< Product in a tailgible mediL�m of ex�x•ession
(whichever occin�s fi3•st). Each copyrightable aspect afthe Wor[c Product sliall be conside��ed a"wo�-k-madc-
for-llire" witl�in ti�e mcaning af the Copyr•ight Act of 1976, as amended. lf aild to the extent sncll Worlc
1'roduct, ar a«y part tl�►ereof, is not conside��ed a"wark-z�aade�fo�•�l�ire" within tl�e �neaning of the Copyright
Act of 1976, as amej�ded, ConstEltant Isereby expressly assi�is to City alE exclusive right, title and interest
in a�id to t[�e Wo�'1< Praduct, and all copies the��eof, at�d in a�ad to tl�e copyright, p�tent, trademar�C, irade
secret, and alI o#her proprietary rights thereia�, tllai City �nay l�ave or ob#ain, withaut fi�rt��cr coi7sideration,
free fi�o�n any clai�n, lien for balancc due, or rigl�ts o�rete�stion thereta on ihe part of City.
28. Si natare Authorit . The �ersail signing this Agi�ee�nent hereby waeeants that hclshe has
the legal authority to execute fllis Agreement on beltal� of the res�ective }�arty, and ti-►at such bi��dinb
auti�ority has been granterl by propea' ordeE•, E•esolutio�i, ordinance ar other authorization of the entity. This
Agrecine»t and any amendinent hereta, inay be excc�itad by the Managi�ig 1'a��tner of Consultant whosc
n�ine, title ai�d signature is affiYecl o�i the Signat�Ere �'age af tl�is Agreemet�t. �;ach pa��ty is fuliy entilled to
rely on thesc waa�a�anties and representations i�� enter�ng into this Ag��eeE�ent or a�iy arneiidme��t hereto. Any
sig��ature dclivered by a parly by facsi�nile or otller electE•onic ti•ausmissio� (incluc�i�lg einail ta-a�asmissioE�
of a poetable dacument #ile (��df} oe si�nilar image} shall be deeuied to be aa� original signahir�c hereto.
29. Chan c in Compaa�v Name or O�vnership. Consulta�it shall �aotify City's PLirchasing
Manage��, in r�riti�ig, of a coin��any nan�e, ownc��ship, or address cl�ange foi• the p«rpose of inaintai�3ii2g
��pdated City records. The president or Consultailt o�� authorizec� of�cial il�ust sigE� fl�e let�er�. A lettei•
indicating cI�anges ul a compa�fy name or ow��ership �Z�ust be accompanicd witl� suppoeting legal
doci�fnentation st�ch as an �Epdated W-9, dac�iments filcd with the state indicating si�ch cl�ai�ge, copy af ihe
Professional Se��vices ngreei�ient
F3etween the City af �'o�t Worih a�id
Lehman Associ�ttes, LLC for Tale�lt Acquisition Services —Assistant Director of Water Plant
OpeY�ations Page 10 of 19
City Scci•etary Co�ltract No.
board of directoi's resolution a}��roving the action, or an executed merger or acquisition agreement. Pail��re
to �ro�ide the specified doc�ii�ie��tation so may adversely imj3act fiat«re invoice �ayments.
30. No Boycott of Israel. If Co��su[t�nt has fewer tlla�� 10 e�nployees or tliis Agreement is foa�
less than $100,U00, this section does not app[y. Cansultant aclaiowleciges thal i�� accorci�ilce witl� Clzapte��
2270 nf the Te�as Gave���une�lt Code, the City is �rahibited from enteri��g i�ito a contract with a company
for goac�s oe services unless tEle coniract contai�zs a wc'itten crerificatio�� fi•om tlie co«�pa��y tllat it: (1 } does
not [�oycott Israe[; and (2) ti�ill not boycott Israe] dLving the #erm of the contract. Tl�e ierins "f�aycott Israel"
aizd "coinpa�ry" shall I�ave the mea��ings ascribed to tl�ose terins in Section 808.001 of tl�e "1'exas
Government Code. S,y sig�iing this contract, Consulta�ft certi�es that Consultant's signaf��•e provides
��vritten vea•i�cafiuzi to tl�e City fhat Coa�sultant: (1) does nut hoycoft Israel; anc� (2} ivill not boycott
Israel c3uri��g t6e term of tl�e contract.
IN WITNT,SS WH�R�OF, t11e parties �Zere�o Iiave executed this Agreement ii7 Enultiples.
(sigfrrrtuj�e �Jrrg�, f olloivs)
Professianal Serviccs Agreement
Between the City of Fo�•t Warth ai�e3
Lehman flssaciates, LLC for TaEe�lt Acc�uisition Sez�vices — Assistant llirector of Watcr Plant
Operations Page l I of 19
City Scc�•eFary Cantrac� No.
B�l; Jesus J. Chapa (Jun 2, 202114�.00 CDT)
Name: leslis Cliapa
'1'i#le: Depuly City Mai7ager
Date: J u n 23, 2021 Z4 ����,
Nqfihcln G✓e a
Nathan6regory!Jun 3,202110�.39CDI)
Naine: Natha�� Gi•egoiy
�I'i#le: Director of Hu�nan ResoLu•ces
By: ������4�
Name: Mary 1{ayser
Title: City See��eta�y
CONSULTANT: Le�man Associates, LLC.
Dy. r ��4���j
Name: J i Lehn�an
Titie: C�.O
Date: �������, 20 Z�
By siguing I aclrnowledge that 1 am thc person
respo�isiUle far ti�e n�oi�itorin� at�d adi73i��istration of
this contract, including ensurin� all �erformance and
repar�i€lg rec�liirements.
eLc�i�tr'a2e- fleN�c�yuJez � 6e-�iaC,� a�
�V: ChristineHernandezonbehalfof!Jun22,202115:03CDli ^�
NaE�ie: Nee�za ICovuru
Titic: Assistant Director of I Iumail �.esources
� w��i �'J�
Name: lessil:a Williains
Tiile: Assistant City Attorney
M&C: NIA — P��ofessional Ser�vice Exemp�tion
Professional Services Agreen�ent
i3etween the City of Fort Worth and
Leh»ian Assaciaces, LLC for Ta[ent Acquisition Services — Elssistant DErector of Water Plant
City Secrclary Coi7tract No. _
�XH1l3IT A
T.e}a�nan Associates will pr•ovide the fol[awinb sez�vices to City ("Client"). A full-scrvice recruitment e�ltaifs
the followiiig steps and is tailo��ed to meet thc Ciient's needs:
] . O�•ganizatio«a[ Inquiiy and Aii�lysis
• Develo� Rec����itmcnt Pf�n and Timeline
. Indivicival Iuteeviews ��ith Key Stalceholders
. Devclopment of Position P�•otile
2. Aclve�'tising and Mar1<eting, Comnninication with Ap�lica��ts and P�-ospects
3. Initial Screening and Rcview
4. Searcl� Comnli�tee Briefing to Pacilitate Selectio�� of Semifi�ialists
S. L�val�iationof`Seinifi��alistCai�diclates
. Writteil QL�estionnaires
. Media Searches - Siage 1
6. Searcl� Committee Brief�ng to Faciiitate �eiection of Finaiists
7. �vah�atioE� of Finalist Candidates
. Com�rehe��sive Media Seaa�cl�es - Stage 2
. Coulpz�ehensive Background Investigation Repo��s
. Reference Chec�s
8. Interview P��acess
. Face-to-Face Inte�•views
• Delibe��atians
9. Negotiations ai�d Hiring Pi•ocess
. I]etermine the Terms of an Offe�•
. Negotiate Terms and Co��ditions oFEmployinent
• I'ress Re[ease {if requested)
Stc 1: O�•�ani�ational Inqui�y a�id Analvsis
Develop Recruitmenf PIan and Timeline
LeEuna�3 1�ssociates will meet witfi the client at the outset of the project to finalize tl�e recruitinent plan and
tinaeline. At this time, Lehman Associates will also rec�tiest that tlic client provide iis witl� photos and
information o�3 khe coi��znu�� ity, organization, and pasition to assist us in c[i•afting tl�e positian prafile brochure.
Inc�ividual Interviervs tivith Key Sta��eh[�lclez•s
Lehma�� Associates devotcs tremendous energy to understandiilg yoE�r orga��izatioil's unique cultuY�e,
enviro��me�it, and goals to ensure yo�i geE the rigi�t �3�atch Fo3� your particula�' needs. F��lly tmdeestanding you��
oi�gaczizational ��eeds is the inost critica[ pa�f of cond«c#ing a successfii� execu#ive rec��uitme�tt. In co��sultdtion
with the Search Co���mittee, Lehman Associates will develop a list of individuals io �neet with abaut fhe
position, Individua] inle►•views may inclucte inembers of the Search Coinmittee, 1<ey staff inembers, specEal
considerations, and the political e�iviroizi3�eilt, These inter�iews ide��tify issues tlzat may affect the dynamics
of tlle eecruitmei�t, as well as cfevclop a composite ��ildersta�lding of tl�e organizatio��'s prcferei�ces. This
process hel�s wiih orga��izational buy-in ailci will assist us iii developing the positioiz �rofile,
Professional Services Agreeincnl
BeTwee�l thc City of Po�� Worth and
Lellmaii Associates foa• Tal��it Acquisition Services—Assista��t Dii•ector of Water Plant Operatiotls- �;xhibit �1Page 13
of 19
City Secretary C«ntract No. _
Developtneut o#'Position P�•afile
Following the individual intervietivs, Leh���an Associates wi�l develop a draft pasition ��•ofile l�E�ocllure that �s
i�eviewed a�7d ��e�ised in pal'tnership with your org�ilization ��niil ��e are in agree3nent tl�at it accurately i•eflects
ihe sought-after ieade�•ship a��d managc�nent characte�•istics.
Ste 2: Aciveetisin and Maa�icetin Cominwrication `vif� A�licants and Pros ects
Advci•tising a�id Mariceting
The Exec�ftivc Recruiter and cliei�t worl< to�etller Eo determiue the best ways to acl�ertise and recruit for tl�e
Co�n�ttunication �vifh Pros��ecfs
Leh��zan Associates co�nmu�7icatcs with interested pros�ects on angoing basis dw�ing i�ie recruitnaei�t �rocess.
Outsta��ding p�•osUects often will ��ot submit a resume tu�til they have da2ze coz�si.derable l�o�newark on the
availa6le position. A significant number of inquiries will be made, and i# is essential that the executive search
�rn� be ��repa�'ec[ to answel• those c�«estions witl� fast, acciEr•atc, aud complete i�ifoi-�natio��, and in a. wa��m aild
pei•sona] maiiner.
Comznunicat�on rveth Active Applicants
IIandling the flow of res�Emes is an ongoing and signi�cant process.
��es��tnes and pi•oin�tly ackclowledgiu� t17ei�- receipt. It also iilvalves
questions or inquirics. Lel�man flssociates coinmunicates fi-eqtie��tl
enthusiastic a«d ii�foi•med about tlie oppo��hinity.
Ste 3: I�iitial Screenin� and Review
On the frant e�3d, it involves traclting
timely and ��e��sanal responses to any
y with applica��ts to ensi�rc tliey stay
Lehman Associates uses a t��iage pi•ocess to identify 11ig1�-�robabi[ity, medium-probabijity, and low-probability
ca�idadates. The t�•iage rai�lcing is focused on nvei•all assessment based o3� interaction with ti�e a�plicant,
qualitications, any �1ow�1 issues r•ega�•ding previous worlc expe��ieilce, and evalua#io» af cultural fit with tl�e
In coiltrast wi�l� the triage }�rocess described above, vvhich foc��ses on sEEbjectivc assessn�ent oi the resumes
and how the candidates present tl�emselves, we also eval�iate each ca�►ciiddte to make sure that the minim«m
eequire�nents of the position ai•e �net, anc� whicll of the prefer•red t�equire3nents are met. This sifting pi•occss
assesses how well candidates' applicatia��s ��.iEfill tE�e �•ecr��itir�ent critet�ia out�ined i�� �he Position �'eofile.
Ste 4: Seaa•ch Committce Srie�n / Selectian of Semifirialisf Candidates
f1t this b��iefing, Lehman Associa�es will provide a cornpref�ei�sive progress re�ort a�zd facilitate ttie selection
of semifinalists. The presentation will incl��dc stunn�ary in�oc�mation o�� the �rocess so fa��, the candidate pool
overal[, a�1d azly trends oi• issues, as well as a briefing on each cailr�idate a�zd thei�- crede��tials.
�te 5: Evaluation of Semi�nalist Candidates
Meclia Seai•ches - Stage 1
Thc recruite�• wilf commu��icate any "red #lags" to ihe Search CommitEee i2nmediately upon ciiscoveey.
Professional Services Agreement
Between the City of Fo�-t Worth a��d
LehmatZ Associates for Talent Acquisition Services — Assistant Director• of Water Pla[it Opea�ations- Exhibit 11Page 1�l
of 19
City Sec��eta�y Can[ract No.
W�•itlen Questionuai�•es
The ��ecruiter will provide ia�tei�view q�Eestian options tc� consider t�siizg for the interview.
Ste� 6: Searcli Commiitee ]3rieii;i� / Selection of �'ir�aiist Catididates
Prioe i.o ti�is briefing, Lel�man w�ll prov�de eacl� u7ember of the Search Committee with a w�-ite up oi� tl�e
seinifinalist caudidates. l�he p�n•pose of this briefi��g is to faci[itate na����owi��g the lisl to ��p to 5 fif�alists wi�n
wiil be iiivited fo�' personal intel•views.
5te 7: Evaluation of Finalist Candidates
Co�n�rcl�cnsive Media Searchcs - Stage 2
'I he Stage 2 meciia sear•ch consists of a mnre complc� sea��cl�, �vhich also hlcludes social media platfor«as, as�d
l�as ��rove�� helpfiil i�� analyzi��g �ossible adverse news about the candidatc by uncovering isslies that may nof
[lavc bcen previausly disclosed by ti�e candidate.
Corn��rehensive Background Ynvestigation Repo��ts
"Through LeElman ilssociates, we are ai�le to provide our c[ients with cojnprel�ensive background sc��eening
reports that inciudes the dctailed i.zaforEnatia�i listed bela��.
- Social Sectu�ity numbcr trace
- Address I�isto�•y
- Driving histoiy/motor vehicic recarcls
- Federal crii�li��a1 search
- National crimina[ search
- Co�mty wants and wa�-a'ants fo�• previous 10 yeaes
- Globai ho�neland secueity sea��ch
- Sex offender registiy search
- State criininal search (for cuerent a��d previous states af residencc)
- County civi[ and criininal search (foY• eveiy county En wl�ich ca��did�te l�as lived o�' worlccd} for
previous 10 years
� Educa#ioii verification
- Employ�ne�lt vei�i�cation {if desired}
- Miliiary vei•ification (if desired)
Ref'erence Checlz.s
Lehman provides a written slimma�•y i•cport to #l�e o�-ga�iizatioi� o��ce ali �•efere�ice cE�ecl<s aee com�leted. The
ti�ning of refe�•ence checics may va�y de�}ei7di.��g on the specific seaech process at�d siivation. If tlie names of
the finalists are made p�3bl�c prior to interviews. If #he n�i��es of the �nalists art'e E-�ot made pi�blic �rior to
interviews, Lehman Associates will typically wait u�ttil the oY�ganization has selected its top candidate t�efoi•e
cal[ing rcfet•ences in order to protect candidate confidentiality.
Ste� S: Z�nterviecv Process
I'ace-to-Face Intervie�vs
Lehma�� flssociates wil[ schedule iilte���iews at a date/time convenient to youE� organization. Lellinan
Associates will help you determii�e Ehe specifics in cle�velaping the inter�iew sclieciiile ai�d ti�a�elir�e. Lehinan
Professional Services Agreement
Betwee�i the City of r art Wo�-th and
Lehm�n 1lssoci�tes for Talent Acquisition Services — Assistant Director nf Water Plant Opeeatiaus- Exhibi� APage 15
of 19
City Secretary Cont�•act No.
Assoeiates will prepare sample inte�'view q«estia�s and wiil pai�ticipate throughout the process to make it
smoolh and efficient.
Lelin�an Associates will facilitate a discussio�-� about the fi��aEist interviews and assist the 5earch Committee
in �»alcing a hiri��g c�ecision oj• in deciding whetlier to bt'ing back ane o�� moi•e candidates for a secoi�ci interview.
Ste[� 9: Ne�aiiatiotis ancf Hiri��� Process
Deter�ni�Ee the Tea•�ns of an Offer
Upo�� ►•equest, Lel�inan Assaciates will provide appx'apriate employment agreement ianguage and othei• heipful
information to assist you in deterinining an appropeiate offer to extend to yaur cai�didate of cl�oice.
Ne�otiate Terms and Conditions of �mploy�nent
Leliinail Associates will assist to whatever degree you deem appropriate in conducting negotiatio��s with t�ie
cl�ose�� candidate. Lehman Associates will determine at�d define any special needs or concerns of the chosen
cand�date, i►�cluding anything that could be a complicati�ig factor. Lel�man Associates is experienced and
prepared to help ci•af't win-win solutions to ��egotiation "log jams."
Press Release (if r•equested)
U11ti1 y011 I12VC "sea]ecE the deaf," you need to be cautious in orde�' to avoid the emba�'�'assinent of a premature
a�i�iouncement that daes no� worlc out. You also want to tiy to notiiy al I settiot' staff and unsuccessfuf candidates
before they read about it in the «ewspaper. Lehma�i Associ�tes will assist with this coordination a�zd witl�
d�'aftit�g any announceme��ts oz• press i-eleases.
Pr•ofessional Se��vices Agreement
Betwee�i tlle City of Fort Woc�th and
Lehman Associates for Talent Acquisition ServEces — Assistant Director of Water Piant Operations- Exhibit APage 16
of 19
Consultant will, with good faitl� a��d due diligence, assist t��e City in the process of conduct�ng a�� exect�tive
search to select an nssistant Directar of Watier Plant Operations. Tl�e maximuin ai�a«z�t to be paic� to
Contractor by City for all Services, including the Professio��al Se�-vice Fee and Reimbursable Expenses or
Si�pplemcntal Services, sl�all not cxceed Seventy F'rve Thoasand Dollars ($75,UOO.OD).
Professional Sea-vice Fee
• A l3ase Fee of: $5U,Q00
• Tl�is base %a inclucies tl�e following Expcnses:
o Compee[�ensive Refere��ce Cl�ecl<s with iiidividual reports
o Promotions on Lchman Associates social inedia page — LinkedIn
Reimbursable Candidate Expenses
On-site visits by candidates to the Orga��i?ation wi[I be coo��dii�ated a�id scheduled by Lel�man Associates.
Reimbursable ex��enses shall incl�ide airfaee, iodging, and limited pei• diem amounts for meals and ather
various expense as ag��eed by City. Mileage �vill be rei�nbursed at t��e cw•rent IRS eatc. ALl other tra�el-
related eapenses are bille� back at �ctiial cos#, with no markE�p for overlaead, Lehman Associates will be
respo��sible for pi•ovidii�� �•eceipts for suc{z Aciinbu��sable Expenses that shoulc� be included wiih tl�e
r•espective invoice in which Lel�man �lssociates is i•equesting to be ��eimbursed. All Reimbursable
Expenses must 'be appravecl by the City in adva��ce aud shall �ot exeeed Five Thousanc3 Dollars
($5,000.00). Ii� case of a Re-Scarch, tl�e City shall reiin�urse Consulta��t for actual expenses as agi•eed in
writing f�ut not ta exceed Fivc 'I'housa��d Doilars {$5,00�.00) for each Re-Search.
Supplernentai Services
T13e su���lemental scrvices listec� below are not incl�idec� in the not-to-exceed Professional Sej-�ice Fee price.
Supplernental Services �nust be ag�•eed to ia� `v�•iting:
- Bac[cgro��iid investigation reports
- �i�-persan visits - Mileage wil] be reimbursed at the c��r•rent 1RS ra#e. Al] other travcl-related
ex�enses are billed back at actual cos�, with no inaekup for overl�eac{.
- The Recruiter will travel to t13e comm�►nities of tlie �f�alist ca��d�dates to conduct onsite visits.
Mileage will be rei�nbLu•sed at tl�e cu��re��t IRS ratc. AII other travel-reEated expenses ai�e bi]led back
at act�ial cost, with no ma��kup for overllead.
- In the unexpected event ihe or�a�lization requests that iulusual out of pocicet expenses be ineLrrred,
said expenses will be a'eimt�ursed at tlie actual cost witl� na ma��lc u� for ove�•head.
P�-ofessional Services Agreement
Bctween t}te City of Fort Worth and
Lehrnail Associates %r Talent Acqt�isition Services — Assista�lt Director of Water Plant OpeE•ations -�xhibif F3 Page
17 of 19
City Secreta�y Coi�t���ct No.
"I'he �rofessiona] service fce for the recruitmez�t is billed ii1 two instal[ments daEri��g the co�u�se nf the
r•ecruitinent. Tl�e initial i��stallineiat ta begin scai�ch will be l/3 of tlae base fee. '1'l�e final install�nent is bil[ed
at the conc[usion of tlae �•ecruitment. L;�penses and su��plemental sef�vices wil[ be billed with eac1� af the
i»stallments, as appi•o�riate.
Service Guaea23tec
Le�una�� Associates gtEarantees that you will he satisfied with the restilts of ti�e fi�ll ser�ice recr��itment
process, or we will i•eE�edt the e�ltire process ane addit�ona] time. Additiaa�a[ly, if yoli select a caitidic3ate (tl��t
Lehma�i nssocia�es l�as fully vetted) who resigns or is released witl�in 12 n�t�ntl�s oft��eir i�ire date, Lchillan
Associates wili repeat the ��i•ocess. If the orga�aization circumvents Lehmai7 Associates recr«itinent process
and sclects a canc3idate who did not �articipate in ti�e fiill recruitme��t proccss, tl�e service guara�xtee is �flill
and void. We aEso guarantee that we will not directly salicit a candidate we bring to you Fo�' another joh,
Prafessional Seivices Agreei�ient
Between the City of Fart Woi�th a�ld
Le]una�1 Associates for Talent Ilcquisition Ser�ices — Assistant Director of Water Piant Opeeations- Exhibit A Page
Lellinan Associates, LLC
P.O. Box 1642
Ke[]er, TX 76244
�xeci�tion of this Siguature Vcri%catior� Fox•m ("�'orm"} hereby certifics that the following
individuals ai�cilo�- �ositions have the autho�•ity to legaliy biild Consultant and to e�ecute any agreement,
a��iendfne�it oi• change order on behalf of ConstilEatit. Such binding a��tl�oa�ity I�as bee�� granted by proper
ot-cEer, resolution, ordina��cc or othe�� autht�rizatio» oFConsulta�it. City is fiilly eEititled ta eely on thc wan�anty
and re��r•esenEatio�z set forth in this Por��� in eniering into any agrccinc�zt or aza�e��c{ment with Coi�sultant.
Consultant will sub�nit an t��dated Forin �vithin te�a (]0) business days if therc are any cha��ges to the
siguato�y autl�az�ity. City is e37titled to rt•eiy on any current exec��ted Fo��m u3stil it ��cccives a re�iseci Foen�
that has beeii properly executed by Consuliant.
2. Name:
S ignaturt'e
Signa i•e of Pi�csiden#/ C�'O
Otl�er Title; � � �i��3'/G��t�Y/
Date: �, z� �i
Professional Seivices llgreemeitt
Beiweeu the City of Fort Worth and
Lehman Associates for Tale3lt Acquisition Services - Assistant Director of Waier Plant Operations- Exhibit C P�be
19 of 19