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This Amendment No. 2("Amendment") to City Secretary Contract No. 45120 Professional
Services Agreement ("Agreement"), is made and entered into by and between the City of Fort
Worth (the "City"), a home rule municipal corporation situated in portions of Tarrant, Denton,
and Wise Counties, Texas acting by and through Susan Alanis, its duly authorized Assistant
City Manager, and Sentari Technologies, Inc., ("Consultant" or "Contractor"), a Texas
corporation and acting by and through Mary Necessary, its duly authorized President, each
individually referred to as a"party" and collectively referred to as the "parties."
The following provisions are true and correct and form the basis of this Amendment:
WHEREAS, on or about November 15, 2013, the parties entered into a Professional Services
Agreement ("Agreement") for professional consulting services for the purpose of staff
augmentation, permanent placements, and specific contractor project duties as defined by the
City for technology related services under the terms and conditions set forth in the Agreement.
The Agreement is a public document on file in the City's Secretary Office and referenced as City
Secretary Contract No. 45120; and
WHEREAS, on or about July 25, 2014, the parties subsequently amended the Agreement via
City Secretary Contract No. 45120-A1, to exercise the first option to renew; and supplemented
the Agreement to add the Federal Bureau of Investigation Criminal Justice Information Services
Security ("CJIS") Addendum as required by Title 28, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 20, such
addendum identified as City Secretary Contract No. 45120-AD-1 which was incorporated into
the Agreement (the "Addendum"). City Secretary Contract Nos. 45120, 45120-A1, and 45120-
AD1 are hereby collectively referred to as the ("AgreemenY'); and
WHEREAS, the Agreement provided an Initial term expiring August 7, 2014, with options to
renew for two (2) additional terms of one year each. The City wishes to exercise its second
option to renew the Agreement, subject to the terms and conditions of this Amendment; and
WHEREAS, due to CJIS regulations, it has become necessary to further amend the Agreement
to terminate the Addendum previously incorporated into the Agreement and replace it with a
separately executed Addendum.
NOW, THEREFORE, for good and valuable consideration, the receipt and adequacy of which
are hereby acknowledged, the City and Consultant agree as follows:
1! �V
, -� �
Section 2 of the agreement shall be modified to extend the term of the Agreement with
the renewal term commencing on August 8, 2015 and expiring on August 7, 2016.
Section 27.2 of the agreement shall be modified to read:
"27.2 Federal Law Enforcement Database Access. If Consultant, or any Consultant
Personnel, requires access to any federal law enforcement database or any federal criminal
history record information system, including but not limited to Fingerprint Identification Records
System ("FIRS"), Interstate Identification Index System ("III System"), National Crime
Information Center ("NCIC") or National Fingerprint File ("NFF"), or Texas Law Enforcement
Telecommunications Systems ("TLETS"), that is governed by and/or defined in Title 28, Code of
Federal Regulations Part 20 ("CFR Part 20"), for the purpose of providing services for the
administration of criminal justice as defined therein on behalf of the City or the Fort Worth Police
Department under this Agreement, Consultant shall comply with the Criminal Justice Information
Services Security Policy and CFR Part 20, as amended, and shall separately execute the
Federal Bureau of Investigation Criminal Justice Information Services Security Addendum in the
form attached hereto as Exhibit "G" and incorporated herein for all purposes." No changes,
modifications, alterations, or amendments shall be made to the Security Addendum. The
document shall be executed as is in the attached Exhibit G, or as subsequently approved by the
Texas Department of Public Safety or the United States Attorney General.
Execution of this Amendment terminates CSC No. 45120-AD-1.
All other provisions of the Agreement that are not expressly amended herein shall
remain in full force and effect.
Executed on this the ID�day of ��`����, 2015.
. �� � �
8,,: v
Stisan Alanis
As 'stant City Manager
Date: , �U � J
Sentari Technologies, Inc.
Amendment No. 2 to CSC No. 45120
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By: �'� �l � % � �fi
Mary Necessary
Date: �'" � '_ /v�'
; � 1 �� 1
i' �'
Maleshi'a B. Farmer
Senior Assistant City Attorney
Contract Authorization:
M&C: G26551
Date Approved: _11/5/2013_
Sentari Technologies, Inc.
Amendment No. 2 to CSC No. 45120
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c�i'TY ��CRE'i'ARY
� s �'
Sentari Technologies, Inc.
Amendment No. 2 to CSC No. 45120
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�igEncy Identification
C`ontractoi• Ittentific�rtian
Company Name
Comf�ny Adclress
C:IIy Slale Zip
Confracfor Rcpreseniativc (iit{c and Namc)
Phone. Numt�er Fax Nuisiber
Ln,ail adcUoss
Submit hard copies and any applicant finger print cards to:
Texas Department of Public Safety
CJIS Security Office \ informatio� Technology
Austin, TX 78765-4143
Va ovemight carrier:
Texas Department of Public Safety
CJIS Security O�ce t Information Technology
5805 N. Lamar, Bldg. G
Austin, TX 78752
T;tnail oan b� scnt to: Securitv.Committe��tt�txdcrs.state.tx.us
141xin ollice number is: (�12) 42�-5686
Parties may use the foll����ing Szcurity Addenduin �t=ith tlie TaYas Sigultory Page or, in
their contrnct, choose to uicdtporate tha Security Addendutn US� reterence. If the
addenduui is iiicorporated Uy rzferaiice ititQ tlia contt.lct, a c�py of tl�e canu�zct miast ba
pi•ovided to tl�e T'� I7PS C.iIS Sccurity Office,
Sentari Technologies, Inc.
Amendment No. 2 to CSC No. 45120
Leg:�l Aathority f'or .ind Purpase and Genesis of the
Security E�ddenJwn
Traditinnally, la«- cnforeement and other o�iminal justice agencics have bccn
rc:sponsible for lhc confidentiality oP their informafion. Accordingly, until mid-1999, thc
Code of Federfal Regulations '1'itle 28, Ytui 20, suhpart C, xnd the I��ational Crime
Informalion Center (NCIC) policy gtiper tippraved December 6, 1982, reqnired tht�l the
managcmcnt and cxchangc of criminal justicc information bc perfonned bp a criminal
justice tigency or, in ceriain oiroumstt+nces, by a noncrimin�l justice agency under the
tnanagement control of fl criminal justice agency.
In light oF the increasing desire of gavernaiental agencies to conir�ct with privnte
entities to perfotxn administration of erunutnl justice fnnctions, the rT3I sought and obtained
approval from tl�c iInited States Department of Justice (D07) to permit sucli ��rivatization
ai trt�ditional Ixw enfan;emeni functions uncier ceriain controlled cir4umstxnces. Tn the
I'ederal Register of n-tay lU, 1999, the PI3I published a Notice of Proposed Ru(emaking,
announcin� as folio«s:
1. t�ecess to CFiRI [Criminal tIistory Record Infonnation] and
Rclated Infom�ation, Subjcct to Appropt�iatc Controlfi, by a Privatc Gonti�actor
1'ursuant tv a SpcciCic Agrecmeni �vith an Authvrizcd Ciovcrnmcntal Agcncy
'1'o Perlorm an Adminisir,�tion of Criminal Justice Function (Yrivatizatinn).
Section 53=3 of titte 2f3 of thc IJnited States Code authorizcs the Atiorncy
Cicncral to v�chan�c idcniilication, criminai idcniification, crimc, and other
recorcls for the oCficial use of aulharized officials of ihe federal �overnment,
the states, cities, and penal and other institutions. T1�is stflhde also pruvides,
ho�acvcr, lhat such cschangcs are subjcct to canc;c;llation if diss�mination is
made outside the receiving departments or related s�encies. Agencies
autliorizzd acoess to CIIRT traditionfllly have Ueen hesitant to disclose that
information, even in furihernnce of authorized �riiuinal justice functions, to
anyone oiher ihan actual agency employees lest such disclasure Ue viewed as
unauthorized. In recent yeats, hoc��ever, gocernm��tal agencies seekin�
arcatcr c�eieney and cconotny havc become increasingl}' interestcd in
obt�ining support sen�ices £or the adu�inistration of crimin�l justice Frt�m the
private sector. \7Vith the concurretroe of tite PI3I's Criminal Justice
Information 8c�vicc� (CJIS} :ldvisory Policy Board, t(ic DC�7 has concludcd
thai disclosurc:s to pri�•ate persons ;�nd cniitics prvviding support scr�ricc:s for
eriminal justi�e agencies may, �vfien subject to npp�npriate eontrols, F�roperl_y
hc victvcd as perrnissiblc disclosures for purposc;s of conipliance �vith 28
U.S.C. 534.
�Vc arc thcrcforc proposina to rcvisc 28 CFR 20.33(a} (7) to providc
express auth�rity for suoh nsnngements. 'I'he prapos�ci t�uthority is similar to
the authority tha[ already eYis(� in 23 CFI2 26.21(tr}(3) for stale and l�cal
CHRI sysicros. Provision of CHRI undcr this auihority �vould only bc
permitied pursuant to n specific ageemeni with an �ulhorized governmentc�l
Sentari Technologies, Inc.
Amendment No. 2 to CSC No. 45120
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agency foc the pu�pose of providing services for tl�e administration of
criminal justice. Thc a�rcement �vould be required to ineorporatc a sccuritp
addendum apj>roved by the Direetor of the PBI (acting far the Attontey
Gencral). Thc security addendum �vould specitically aut6orize acecss to
CHRI, limit thc use of thc infom�atic�n to tlic spccific purposcs for whicli it is
being provided, ensure ihe seaurity and canfidentiality� of the infoimtition
consistcnt with apT�licabic la���s and regulations, �ro��idc for sanctions, and
wntain such othcr provisians as the Dircctor oi' thc FBI (acting for the
Atiorney� Uenen�l) may require. 'Phe securit}� xddendum; buitressed 6y
ongoing audit progrfims of both the F13I and the sp�nsaring govemmentni
agcncy, will providc an appropriatc balancc bctwccn the bcncfits of
privatization, pratection of individual prn�acy interests, and prc�servatiQn of
the secixixty of Hte PBI"s CIII2I systems.
'Phe FI3I �4•ili develop x seeurity addendum to be made avnilable to
interested gocernmental agencies. �Ve antiei�nte thAi tlte security �ddendum
«�ill include physical and pc�sonncl sccurity constraints historicall_y required
by NCIC secttrily practices and other progrvmmatic requirements, iogether
w=ith personai integrity and elecironia seourity provisions con�paraUle to those
in NCIC User Agreements beh�ecn the FF3I and ctiminat juatice agencics,
and in csistin� �ian�gcincnt Control Agrccmcnts bcrivccn crimuial justicc
agencies and noncriminal justice governmental entities. The security
addendum �vill make cicar that ace:css to GHRI �vill be limited to tliosc
ofiiccrs and emplvyccs of the private cvntraclor or its subcantraetor who
require the in£ormation to properly perform services lor the sponsorin�;
govcrnmcntaI agcncy, and tliat tlie sc�vicc providcr may not acccss, modify,
usc, or dissemin�tc such information ror inconsis[cnt or unauthorizcd
Consistcni �+rifh such intc;nt, '1'itle Z� ol thc Codc of Fcds;ral Rcgttla(ions (C..F.K.)
was amendad ic> read:
§ 20,33 Dissemination of criminal hisiory reoord inlormatian.
a) Cruuinal liistoty reoord i��f�nnatiou coiitaiued ui the Iutersiate
Id�nti[icxiion Index (III} Systcm and ih� T`ing�mrint TdenGfication
Records System (FIRS) m�y be inade av�il�bla:
1} To criminal justicc agencics for criminal justicc purposes, which
pucposes inchide the screening of employees or t�pplicHnts for
emplo�-ment hired by criminal justice agencies.
2) 1'o naneriminal justiee gavemmentHl agencies performing criminal
justice dispatching f'unctions nr data processinglinfonnation seivices
foe• crirninal justice agcncies; and
.i) To private eonh�actots punuant to a specific agreement �vith an
agency identified in par�graphs (a)(1) or (a)(6) of ihis section and For
the pui75ose of provid'uig services for the administi�tion of eriminal
justice pmsuant tn tliat agreement. The agreement must incomarate a
sccurity addendum approvcd by thc eittorncy C�cneral of tl�c; Llnitcd
Sentari Technologies, Inc.
Amendment No. 2 to CSC No. 45120
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States, whicli sliall speciticatiy autliorize access to criminal history•
rc:cord information, limit the usc of thc infot7nation to thc purposcs for
���hich it is provided, ensure the security and eonfidenti�tlity of the
infoi�nation consistcnt wiUt thcsc regulations, providc for sanctions,
and contain suoh othcr provisions as dic Attorncy Gcncrai may
require. '1'he po�ver and authority of the rlttomey� Ueneral hereunder
shall be cxe��ciscd Uy tlie FI3I Direcfor (or tlic Direcfor's dcsi;nec).
'1'his Security Addendum, appendeti to and incarporyted by reterence in a
govemment-privtite sector contrt�ct entered intc� for such purpose, is intended to insure tl�at
thc bc;nefits of privrtiz�tion are not attaincd �vith �ny accomganying dcgradafion in thc
security oF the national syslem of crimin:�l records acoessed by the conlraoting private
party. This Security �ddendutn addresses both concei�ns for personal integc-ity and
eleatronic securitV u'hich have Ueen addtressed in previously executed user agreetnetrts and
managemeni control agr�ements.
A go��errunent agency m1y pci��atize fiunctions iraditioually pe�fornied by critninal
justice agencies (ar nos�eriminal justice ageiicies �c.tiiig nndcr a mauagcment cotitrol
agreemeni), suhject to the icnns of t}�is Security Add�nduni. If privatized, access by a
privata contractor's peisotmel to NCIC datl and othzr CJIS nifortna#i�n is restricted tu
ouly tl�at t�cccssary to perf�nn thc grivaiized tasks consistcnt �vith the gvvcmmcnt
agency's fimction and the focus oF thc contract. IP privatired the contractor may not
�ccc;ss, �uodify, usv or dissemivate sueh data in aiiy mamicr n�t eYpressly authurizcd U5r
ihe gav�rnment agency in consiillation with tlie T� I3T.
Sentari Technologies, Inc.
Amendment No. 2 to CSC No. 45120
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'11ie goal ol'this documcnt is to augmcnl thc GJIS Sccurity I'olicy to cnsurc adequatc
security is provided for criminal justice s}=Gtems ���hile (1)under thc oanUnl or manaoement of
a privatc cntity or (2) conncetivity to Fk3I CJIS Systcros has hcen provided to a privatc entity
(contractar). Adequate seeurity is defined in Ulfice of \-San�gemeni and 13udget C:ircular �-
l3� as "security commcnsurate ��itlt the risk and tnagnitude of ha�yn resulting fe•om thc loss,
misusc. or nnautliorizcd acccss to or modification of iniormation."
'1'he intent of ihis Security Addendum is io reclui� that the Contractor mainlain a
sccurity proaram consistcnt tk•ith Iedcral and statc law's, rc;gulativns, and standards (including
the C1IS Seeurity Policy in ef£ect when ihe cantract is executed), as well as �viih polieies and
standards established by the Criminal Justice T�tfonnatiott Sc�vices (CJIS) Acivisory Policy
I3oned (�\PI3).
This Security Addendum idetitifies the duties and responsibilities «�ith respect to tl�e
installatiort and maintenanec of ad�quatc inte�Y�a! conttnls within the contractual rc:lationsliiF�
so that thc sccurity and intc�-ity of the FBI's information r�sourccs arc not contpromiscd. Thc
security program shall inelude considerati�n of pe�tionnel security, site secutity, system
sccwify, and data security, and teclinical sccu�ity.
The provisions �f this Security Addendum apply to all pe�onnel, systems, networks
and suppo�t facilities supF�orting andlor acting on bchalf of thc govc�i�ment ageney.
1.00 llefinitions
1.01 Contracting Ciovcrnment Aacncy (�;CiA) - thc govcrnmcnl agcncy, whcthcr a Criminal
Justice A�;eney or a Nc�ncriminal Justice Agency, �vhich enters into tin xgreement �viih s
�rivate contractor subjeet to this Seeui7ty Addeudum.
1.�2 Canh�xctor - a privste business, organization or individual �i�hich has entered into an
�greeuient for tlte aciuiinistration of criminnl justiee �cith a Ct7snutal Jnstiee Agenc}� or a
Noncriminal Justicc Agency.
2.�0 Responsibilities of the Contraating Govettunent flgency.
2.U1 "I,'he CGA «�ill ensure that eaclt Contr�ctor employee receives a copy �£ tlte Security
Addendum and the CJIS Security Poli�_y and eYecutes an acknowled�ment of suah reeeipt
acad tl�c aontents of tlic Security ilddendutu. THe si�ticd ackno�vled� nc:nts shall remain in tlie
possession of thc CGA and availablc for autiit purposcs.
3.00 Rosponsihilitics ofthe Contractor.
3.U1 '[7ie Contractor will mainf�in a seeurity program �onsistent 4vith federfil Hnd st.�te laws,
rcaulations, and standarcis (includina the C7IS Sccurity Policy in effcct wlicn thc contract is
esecuted), as well as with p�linies end stnndvrds establisl�ed by ihe CriminHl Justice
Infonnatian Services (CJIS) tldvisary Yolicy I3aard (tiI'I3}.
4.0� Security Violations.
4.01 The CGA must repoit seuuri�z violations ta the CJIS Systems Officer �C,SO) and the
I7irector, FI3I, along with indications ot actions txken by the CG.1 ynd Contractvr.
Sentari Technologies, Inc.
Ainendment No. 2 to CSC No. 45120
4.02 Security violations can justify te�-�nination of tlie aPpended agreement.
4.03 tTpon nvt�cation, the I`BI reseives tlie riglit to:
a. Invcsti�atc �r dcclinc to invcsiigatc any rcport ofunauthoriz�d usc;
h. Suspcnd or tenninatc access and sc�vices, including tefecommuciications links.
The FBI �vill prvvide thc CSO with timely �trittcn notice of thc suspension.
Access and sen�ices ti�ill be reinslated only alier satisfsctory assurances have
been provided to ihe FI31 by the CJ.�1 and C�ntn�etor. tlpon (ermin�tion, the
Contractor's rc;cords containing CHI2I must bc dcicicd or rcturncd lv thc CCiA.
S.OU Audit
5.01 'I'he I'I3I is vuthorized to perl'arm a final audii aP tfie Caniractor's sys[ems alier
termination of the Security Addettdum.
b.QO Scope and Auihorit-y�
G.O1 This Secunty Addendum docs not confer, geant, or authorize any ri�hts, privileges, or
obli�ations �n an}= pctsons othcr than thc Conh�lctor, CGr1, CJ.n (whcrc applic�blc), CS�i,
and I13I.
6.02'fhc f�llo�vina dvcumcnts arc incorporated by rc;fcn;ncc and madc gad of ihis
sgreemenl: {i) ihe Security Addendum; (2) the �1CIC 20U0 Operating ��fanual; {3) ihe CJIS
Sccurity Polic}; and (d} TiUc 23, Cadc of Fedcral Rcgulations, Pa�t 20. Thc partics are alsa
subject to applicablc fedcral anci st�te laws and re:gulativns.
6.p3 Tlte teims sat forth in tl�is docutnent do not eonstitute the sole tuiderstunding by flnd
behvice;n thc padics huretv; rathcr thcy attemcnt the provisions ol th4 CJIS Sccurity F'olicy to
provide t� minimum basis for the seaurity ol the system and contained infnnnation Hnd it is
understood that tliei� may Ue tettus and conditions of tlxe appeaded Agi�ement «={ucli irnpose
more siringent requiremenls upon the Cantractor.
6.04 This Security Addendum tnay only be modified by thz IT3I, and may not be moditled bp
the partics to the appended Agrecinent without thc consent of the F'i3I.
6.05 :�ll t�otices and cotrespondence shall be fotzvarded by Pi�st Class tnail to:
Assistant Direotor
Criminal Justicc Infortnation Scrvices Divisic�n, Fi3I
]000 Custer H�11ow I2oad
Clarksburg, Wzst Virgiui� 2G30G
Sentari Technologies, Inc.
Amendment No. 2 to CSC No. 45120
Page 10 of 12
r �;v�,xaL sviti;�v o� irr��Ls�rica•riorr
I hereby ceiiify ihat I t�m f�miliar with the conlnnts of (1) the Securily Addendum,
including itg legal aufliority and purpose; (2) the NL�IC 200Q Ope��ating Vfanual, {?) thc C7IS
Sccurity Policy; and (4} Titic 2&, Codc of Fcdcral Re�ulativns, Part 20, and agrcc lo bv
bound by their provisions.
I tz;c;o?nizc thnl criminal hislory rccord infvrmation and relatcd data, by its vcry
na�tur�, is sensitive t�nd has potential for �-est hami iPmisused. I scknowledge thst access to
crimin�l histoiy record 'ntfotYnation and related ciatn is therefore limited to the pui�ose(s) for
�vl�ich a government ngeney has entered int� the contract inco��orating this Seaurity
:�ddencium. I undetst:md that misuse of the system by, among other tlungs: tiucessing ii
without autl1orization; acaeasirig it by exeeeding suthariz�tion; flccessiug it for aii iuiprqper
purpose; usin�, disseminating or rc-disseminating infonnatron rceeived as a�sult of tliis
contrvci For a purpose other ihan that envisioned hy� lhe contract, maV subject me to
adrainistrative and critninat penalties. I undeistand that aceessittg the system for an
appro��iatc putpose mid tlten using, disseminatin� or rc-disscminating thc inforYnation
i�cccivcd for anotltcr purposc othcr than c�ccution of thc coniract also constitutcs iuisuse. I
further unde�-�tand that the occurr�nce of misuse daes iiot depend ui�n �vliether or not I
rcceive additional compcnsation for such authorized activity. 5uch e;�posure for misuse
includcs, but is nvt limitcd to, suspcnsion or loss of cmpl�}�mcnt and prosccution lor siatc
and federal crimes.
Siguature of Coiitrl��tor �ml�lo5�ee
Printed c�r Typed Contractor �mplo,yee Name
SeZ: Race:
St1te/ID or DL:
Signah�ra of G�ntractor Re�resentative
Printed or Typed Natne of Cantractor
Organization Nsme and Kepres�nt�livc's'1`itle
Sentari Technologies, Inc.
Amendment No. 2 to CSC No. 45120
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'1'c�as Signatory Pa�e
'l�hc undcrsi�mcd padics a�cc that lhc Sec:rril��.=1 ddendum is now a parl oCthc contract Uchvcx;n
thc cntilic;s. 'Ihc partics a�cc lo .�bidc by all ruluircmcnls of thc Jecaril7� Adclendtv�t .{nJ lhc
CJIJ Secztrih' Polit.7�; and il sh�ll remain in force lor lhe ternt o£the conlracL Anti �'iolation of
Lhis addendum conslitutes a breach of tlie conlract.
'1'o the exient there is a conflict behveen � coniidenliality claiue in the undedyin� contract and the
SecrtrilY.9cldertchm� aneL`or tlte CJIS Sec7�rrt1'1'olic.lS �1te Sec7irrtv.icldenchn�a and Ute �JISSt:c7sri�y
Polrc� sliail �ovcm anv intormation covcrcd b}' L1ic Securih'��Idendum and'or thc CJIS S-rcriri(v
('1'o be simed and dalecl6y lhe tendor and law cnlorcement agency representative(s) �vho sibmed
llie ariginal conlract, oi� at leasl tvho have authority to bind eaclf entily.)
I'rinlcd Namc of Agcncy Rcprescnlati�-c
Si�aturc of Agcncy RcprescnGzlivc
Fort Worth Police Deparfinent
Ageney Vame and O1�I
Yrinted Name of Vendor (Contraclor) Kepresentative
Sl�nature of V'endor (Contractor) Rcpresentativc
�'cndor Orbani�ation Namc
Sentari Technologies, Inc.
Amendment No. 2 to CSC No. 45120
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Chief of Police
` ' M&C Review
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Page 1 af 3
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SU�J��T: Ratify Expenditures in the Amount of $i,di3.00 and Authonze Execution t�f Professional
Ser`vices Agreements for Techncslogy Staffing and Placement S�tvices with Apex
Systems, Inc., Kft�rce Inc., Sentari T�;�hnologies, In�., and TEKsystems, Inc., Using
Multiple Texas Repartment of Inforrnation Resources �on#racts for the lnformation
Technology Solutians Department in the Combined Aggregate Amaunf a( $3,142,fi30.QQ
on an Annual Basis (ALL CQUNC(L DISI'RICT�}
R �CC)I�A �Fl �M D�►il� �!.
It is recommended that the Ciry Council autharize the City Manag�r to ratify expenditures in the
amount of $7,473.00 and authorize the execution of Professianal Setvi�es Agreements f�r
Technalc�gy Staffing and Placement Services, using multipie Texas Department of (nformation
Reso�rces contracts with Apex Systems, inc., using QlR-St�Ct-�274 with Kforce Inc., using DIR-SDl?-
2337 with Sentari Tachnolpgies, Inc., using DIR-SDC?-2385 and with TEKsystems, Inc., using �IR-
SDf3-�3�� for #he {nformation Technolagy Solutions Departmant in the er,mbined aggregate amount
of $3,142,830.00 on an annual ba�is.
The purpas� �f th�se Professional S�rvices Agr�ements (Agreementsj is ta allaw the information
Techno[ogy Solutions (ITS) pepartment �nd other City departments, tv have Agreem�nts in place far
staff augm�ntakian to assist in the developrrient and implementation af t�chnology project� and tc� use
as tamporary backfills for staffing vacancies. 7hese projects would include, but are nat limited fa:
Public Safety Radlo Communications Syst�m Upgrade;
Radto iower Replacemenk Project;
Software packag� InstaMlation and Implementation - i.e., e-mail archiving system, W(ndows 7, etc.;
Migratians of unsupported database verslons to the most r€cent and supparted vers(on of MS SQL
Server database.
Funds are included in the approved operating and capital budget� of the specifc projects.
Texas Department ofi Information Resaur�es (D1F2j is authorized to �iffer fhe Cooperative Purchasing
Prc�grarn fo state agencies, pubiiC instifutions of higher learning, public school districts and Itrc�l
govemments. Pursuant to state law, a(ocai gov�rnment that pur�hases goods or services under the
Interlocal Caoperation Act satis#ies otherwise applicabl� competitive bidding requirem�nts.
M/WBE UFFIGE - A waiver of the goai for MBE/SBE subcontracting requirements wa� requested by
the IT Solutions department and approved by the M/WBE t7ffice, in accardance w'tth the MNVBE ar
B[?� Ordinanc�, because the purchas� of goods ar services i� from sources where subcantracting ar
supplier oppartunities are negligible.
AGREEMENi iERM� � Upon �ity Gauncil approval, these Agreements shail be authorizsd for a
combined aggregate amaunt of $3,142,830.OQ annually, Each �greement shall begin on Novernber
6, 2Q13 and expire on the dates indicated beiow to coincide with the expiration dates of the
http;//��ps.cfwnet.aeg/caunci[_packet/mc_review.asp? fD-19039&caun�ildate=lllSl21� 13 1 1/7/20� 3
� Ivf�iC R�vi�w
Page 2 0�'3
respeative coaperative D1R contracts, AlM afi th� Agreements will be non-exclusiva, and s�rvices w(fl
be pravided by th� vendors based on khe �ity's staffing needs and the availability of qualified vendor
resaurces. No apeciflc amaunt is guarantaed ior eithe� Agr�ement.
the City's option, in accor�3ance with the kerms established in the contracts between a1R and the
individual vendor, This actian does not require specific City Council approval provided tha# the Clty
Council has appropriafed sufficient funds to satisfy th� City"s cbfigatiQn during the renewal term.
ADMINI�TRAiIVE AM�NI]MEAIT - An administrative amendment or increase may be made by 4he
City Manager in the ar�naunt up ta $60,000.00 for each Agreement and doe� not require City Council
appmval as long as sufficient funds have been appropriated.
�ISCAI. INF�RIY1l4i1qh1/C�Fi�1�1CATION:
ihe I�Inancial Nt�nagement Services Director certifles that ft�nds will be available in the Fiscal Year
2014 oper�ting budgels and capital budgets, �s appropriated, of the tnformation Systems Fund,
Infarrnation Systems Capita[ Projects �und, Gen�ral Fur�d, and Stormwater Utiliry Fund.
� . < . : : '* • ; , . .
Pise sss�2o oo�sa�o
R168 539120 0045021
P168 539i2Q �043�20
PIfiB 539120 OD4500�
P188 539120 0045090
P168 539120 0045030
P168 53912d 0048001
pisa 5�s�2n ooasoaz
I'251 5�9�20 04103d77358t1
PF_69 539120 02n9�Qd
GGd1 53912t? Oi35�1Q
C296 53912Q 0131034136180
GG01 �3�120 0141000
fie8 539120 dQd6020
3 �. . ..: * .
�r . . � ��.. , �..
Additianal InformatiQn �or�t�_c_t_
Susan Alanis {81$0}
Peter Andersan (87�1 }
Mai Tran (8858)
•: :�� ��
.•. •: ��
s a��a.00
$33d.239 .00
$452 145.00
21d 979.OQ
$'I Ot7.942.Ot��
�83. � 73.Ot3
http./lapps.cfwr�et.orglcouncil_packet/me_review.asp?IQ=19Q39&c.ouncildate=11/5/2013 11/7/2013
" M�c.0 Review Page 3 af 3
• �11: � a,� �
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11 /7120 I 3